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Extended Definition Essay On Love
Writing an extended definition essay on love is a challenging endeavor that demands a nuanced
understanding of the multifaceted nature of this complex emotion. Love, being a subject that
has captivated the human imagination for centuries, poses difficulties in encapsulating its
essence within the confines of an essay. The challenge lies not only in defining love but also in
exploring its various dimensions, including romantic love, platonic love, familial love, and self-
Crafting an essay on love requires careful consideration of the diverse perspectives on this
emotion. One must navigate through the cultural, philosophical, and psychological aspects
associated with love, delving into the intricacies that make it both universal and profoundly
personal. The writer must tread the fine line between idealized notions of love often portrayed in
literature and media and the more pragmatic, sometimes messy, realities of human relationships.
Additionally, the emotional depth associated with love makes it a tricky subject to dissect
objectively. Striking a balance between analytical analysis and emotional resonance is crucial to
presenting a comprehensive and compelling exploration of love. The writer must grapple with the
challenge of expressing profound sentiments without descending into clichГ©s or overly
sentimental language.
Moreover, the extended nature of the essay demands sustained focus and coherence throughout.
Managing the flow of ideas and maintaining a cohesive narrative structure while exploring the
vast landscape of love can be daunting. Each subtopic and aspect of love must be carefully
woven together to form a cohesive tapestry that captures the richness and diversity of the
In conclusion, the difficulty of writing an extended definition essay on love lies not just in
defining the concept but in navigating the intricate web of emotions, perspectives, and cultural
influences that surround it. Successfully capturing the essence of love requires a delicate balance
of intellect and emotion, making it a challenging yet rewarding writing endeavor.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, resources like can provide valuable support and expert guidance.
Extended Definition Essay On Love Extended Definition Essay On Love
Nobel Prize Research Paper
Nobel Prize
In this paper I am going to discuss the Nobel Prize. Firstly I will inform you of the
history of the prize, secondly its origin, and how it is awarded today. After that I will
discuss the 2010 Nobel Prize for Medicine, 1901 Nobel Prize for Physics, and the
1930 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Alfred Nobel
The Nobel Prize was named after a Swedish inventor and industrialist, Alfred
Bernhard Nobel. Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden on October 21,
1833. He was born into a wealthy family, although due to the misfortune of losing
building materials on sunken barges, Immanuel Nobel, Alfred s father, was forced
into bankruptcy the same year Alfred was born. In 1842 the family moved to St.
Petersburg, Russia. Alfred ... Show more content on ...
Although he started working on IVF in the 1950s it took him about 30 years to
make it successful, and about 60 years until he won the Nobel Prize. Edwards is a
professor at the University of Cambridge England, he also founded Bourn Hall, the
first IVF center. Today, vitro fertilization is responsible for over 4 million births
worldwide. Edwards discovered that an embryo can be fertilized in a Petri dish in
a laboratory ((4)
/adv.html). The steps of IVF are started by prescribing a fertility medication to
control the timing of the eggs release. They monitor the ovaries using ultrasound to
make sure the multiple eggs can be collected and that they are developing the eggs
properly and that his is called ovulation induction. To retrieve the eggs a minor
operation is required, sedation and anesthesia is used to prevent discomfort. A
hollow needle is inserted through the pelvic cavity into the ovary to collect the
eggs. Now the sperm is needed for completion of the procedure, this is collected by
ejaculation. The process of insemination now begins; a single sperm is injected
into the egg for fertilization. The egg is monitored to make sure cell division is
achieved. It is now considered an embryo after it is fertilized. Three days after the
egg is retrieved from the ovary, and fertilization is achieved then it is inserted into
the women s uterus. The two to four cell embryos is placed
The Ice Storm Chapter 1 Summary
Homework #11
1. Compared to Flashes of War, The Ice Storm by Rick Moody is completely
different from Katey Schultz s book. Not only be genre, but also by writing styles.
Reading through the first chapter I was a bit shocked with Moody s explicitness.
The book is very sexual and carries an uncomfortable vibe. The first character
introduced, Benjamin Hood, is an odd character to me. I ve never read a book with a
character like Benjamin. While the beginning has turned out to be a bit confusing for
me, after reading the first three chapters, I am curious as to how this book will
2. I believe Moody does this to give readers a look into current events and what it
was like living in the year 1972. It allows readers who were not living during the
seventies or too young to understand what was happening, trending, and important
during the time. I was confused when Moody wrote, No Nobel Peace Prize for 1972
(page 4). After doing some research I found out that the Nobel Prize was not awarded
nineteen times. ... Show more content on ...
Since each chapter is in the perspective of a different character, Moody gives the
readers insight to the characters specific feelings on same events. Elena s
perspective caught my attention the most. While reading in Elena s point of view
many questions arose for me about her. Elena is very closed off, she knows her
husband is cheating on her; her children are growing up and getting into dangerous
positions. Elena s backstory was incredibly interesting. None of her family ever
showed affection towards her. Her father was only there to pay bills and give her a
roof over her head, her mother was an alcoholic whom she only saw for a few
hours in the evening, and her brother raised her in an unethical way. Since Elena is
so closed off it makes me curious as to what her children think about her or why she
felt the responsibility of going to check on her mother every time she threatened to
commit suicide, even though her mother never showed her any
Anorexia Vs Bulimia
Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia cause dramatic weight fluctuation,
interfere with normal daily life, and can permanently affect their health.Generally,
eating disorders involve self critical, negative thoughts and feelings about body
weight and food, and eating habits that disrupt normal body function and daily
activities. People with anorexia have an extreme fear of weight gain and a
distorted view of their body size and shape. As a result, they strive to maintain a
very low body weight. Some restrict their food intake by dieting, fasting, or
excessive exercise. People with anorexia try to eat as little as possible, and take in
as few calories as they can, frequently obsessing over food intake. Bulimia is
characterized by habitual binge eating and purging.
Some research suggests that media images contribute to the rise in the incidence of
eating disorders. Most celebrities in advertising, movies, TV, and sports programs are
very thin, and this may lead girls to think that the ideal of beauty is extreme thinness.
... Show more content on ...
Both disorders can involve compulsive exercise or other forms of purging food eaten,
such as by self induced vomiting or laxative use. Although anorexia and bulimia are
very similar, people with anorexia are usually very thin and underweight but those
with bulimia may be a normal weight or even overweight. With anorexia, the body
goes into starvation mode and the lack of nutrition can cause a drop in blood pressure,
pulse, and breathing rate,hair loss and fingernail breakage, loss of periods, lanugo
hair, lightheadedness and inability to concentrate, anemia, swollen joints, brittle
bones. With bulimia, frequent vomiting and lack of nutrients can cause constant
stomach pain, damage to the stomach and kidneys, tooth decay, loss of periods, loss
of the mineral potassium which can contribute to heart problems and even
Persuasive Essay On Healthy Food
There seems to be far too much confusion around what healthy eating really is and
how to do it. Everywhere you look there are food products being portrayed as
nutritious when clearly they aren t, we have health organisations in Australia
promoting the wrong message and our sports role models and health experts
promoting foods which are still unhealthy it s any wonder society is sicker than
ever before. Did you know that 60%+ of Australians are overweight or obese and
that the main cause of death is cardiovascular disease? There appears to be a
correlation between the increase in refined, fried and fatty foods and the rise in
weight gain. WHAT IS HEALTHY EATING? Healthy eating is eating foods which
infuse the digestive system with nutrients which are used to rebuild and repair
tissue as well as give the body an abundance of energy. For the digestive system to
work at optimal levels it needs to be able to secrete, digest, absorb and defecate
regularly. Foods which are ideal for the digestive system are foods which haven t
been tampered with and are still alive! Our body is alive, therefore we need to eat
alive foods such as leafy greens, vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts, seeds,
legumes and whole grains. These foods are cleansing, nutrient rich and give us the
most energy. WHAT ISN T HEALTHY EATING? Eating foods which are highly
processed, refined (wheat and sugar), fatty and fried, tampered with etc... are not
good for us in large doses. The body is pretty powerful
Moral Theory Of Lawrence Kohlberg
Lawrence Kohlberg was a theorist and a scholar of child growth. He focused on the
ethical development of kids and how they mature the wisdom of right, justice, and
wrong. Kohlberg noted that teenagers underwent certain phases during moral growth.
Through his observations, he developed a theory that human beings develop from
one phase to another through an invariant pattern, not missing any stage. His
conclusions have been proven by critical cultural studies conducted throughout the
world. These phases were at levels known as pre conventional, conventional and post
conventional morality.
Level One: Pre Conventional Morality
Stage One: Obedience and Punishment Orientation
Stage One is alike to the first phase of the ethical thinking. The ... Show more content
on ...
They trust that individuals should obey the beliefs of the family and the society and
act well at all times. Having good behavior typically means that a person should have
respectable reasons and good personal feelings such as trust (Kohlberg, 1971).
Stage Four: Maintaining the Social Order
At this phase, a person should reason when interacting with the family members and
close friends. One should make an effort of understanding the needs and wants of
others and attempt to help. Respondents at this phase are more anxious with the
whole society. They put more importance in observing laws and carrying out duties
that ensure social order is upheld (Kohlberg Kramer, 1969). For example,
individuals should reason on the possible effects of breaking the law before doing
so. For instance, it could probably lead to chaos rejecting the functioning of society.
Level Four: Post conventional Morality
Stage Five: Social Contract and Individual Rights
At stage five, individuals aim at ensuring that the community keeps performing.
Nevertheless, a society functioning smoothly is not essentially the best because a
society needs to be well structured. Stage five focuses on the components of a healthy
society and those at this stage think of the community in a theoretical way by
considering the values and rights that the society ought to maintain (Kohlberg, 1971).
Moreover, they trust that a healthy community is a social pact in which all individuals
Birthday Mark by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The discovery of electricity opened the door to many mysteries that challenged
scientists of the nineteenth century. Nathaniel Hawthorne writes of some challenges
that man could run into during the exploration and application of new technology in
The Birthmark. These challenges are not entirely physical but they are more so about
an internal struggle within Victorian mindsets. In The Birthmark there are only three
characters: Aylmer, a scientist, Georgiana, Aylmer s wife, and Aminadab, Aylmer s
lab assistant. Hawthorne isolates the characters in their caste to present individual
viewpoints of a tragic flaw. Each character promotes innocence but they are caught up
in traditional values. Hawthorne writes of an honest but fatal mistake... Show more
content on ...
His assistant, Aminadab is a sub human in his eyes (Fairbanks, 103). Aminadab is
a complete contrast to Aylmer but none of Aylmer s experiments would be possible
without the help of this human machine (Hawthorne, 298). He is of great
importance to Aylmer, but Hawthorne makes it clear that Aylmer thinks of himself
much higher than the common man. Aminadab s importance to the story lies
within the fact that he is an invisible character everywhere except the lab. His
profound contrast to Aylmer s character away from Georgiana provides the reader
with a clearer picture of the mad scientist as he attempts to overthrow nature. When
Aylmer fails to do so, Aminadab laughs triumphantly at the tragic hero s attempt to
control nature. These two characters show opposing thoughts and reactions to the
murder of Aylmer s now perfect, dead bride. Hawthorne s heavy use of symbolism
carries a lot of undertones that reveals irony on many levels as he wraps up the
story. The most obvious is that Aylmer murders his lovely bride when he perfects
Nature. Georgiana is enamored by Aylmer s experiments even though he often fails.
She gains confidence and submits herself willingly but only to vicariously pursue
happiness through her husband s experiment. Knowing that her birthmark makes
her an object of horror to the one she loves, she finds life to be a burden and is
willing to risk her own life for both of their happiness (Hawthorne 292).
Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT)
The research proposal suggests that animal assisted therapy (AAT) can be beneficial
to those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Altschuler, 2018).
expresses the information from the media is often much more detailed and less
filtered than those of medical reports as they use these media stories as their
resources for compiling the research proposal. The author expresses their concern for
the cost and timeliness of a full out research study and so they decided to conduct a
research proposal to support their ideologies of the importance of AAT with PTSD
treatment. Altschuler (2018) suggests that animals can be used to dramatically
improve PTSD symptoms, potential benefit from AAT with multiple different
animals, and that AAT... Show more content on ...
Altschuler (2018) did not include the procedure, but I would measure the variables
by using a medical protocol of PTSD patients symptoms or a self report from the
There were no results, as this was a strong research proposal. But, there were three
case studies that Altschuler (2018) analyzed and they all had strong support for use
of AAT in PTSD patient treatment. However, this could be bias due to the nature of
the proposal. The author is trying to gain interest and fundraise for the study to be
conducted. According to Altschuler (2018) the results displayed in the media support
his ideas of the need for AAT in medical practice when treating PTSD patients.
Again, Altschuler s (2018) hypothesis cannot be supported do to the nature of this
research proposal as it is not supported with scientific evidence. But, media supports
Violence In Collegiate Sports
One issue that has impacted the landscape of collegiate sports is the current
situation at Baylor University. Athletes, specifically football players have been
accused of acts of sexual violence. This is a big problem but not where the
controversy ends. Art Briles, head football coach, Ian McCaw, athletic director, and
Ken Starr, president of the university, have all resigned for their roles in failing to
investigate allegations of misconduct. The biggest issue as a sports manager is that
the people in positions of power at the Baylor all failed to fully investigate
allegations of sexual violence against football players for the university. In multiple
instances, Baylor failed to comply with federal laws and regulations. Baylor took
more... Show more content on ...
The school needs to show that it has learned from past mistakes and takes serious
allegations of sexual violence, by instituting a zero tolerance policy the school makes
that clear. With more Title IX staff, Baylor implements policies for equal treatment
of men and women on campus. The school was behind in handling the media
attention and scrutiny, a outside company would help curtail any backlash in the
future. The community needs to see that the football players are not all bad guys,
community service is a great way to give back and allow the public to interact with
the people behind the helmet. Admitting the university s failure allows Baylor to try
and move on to begin a chapter in the school s
Les Miserables Movie Analysis
Les MisГ©rables is a movie that takes place in 1815 to 1832 during June Rebellion.
During this time period, King Louis XVIII holds the throne for the beginning and it
changes to King Charles X who is exiled during the July revolution. Louis Philippe d
OrlГ©ans then assumes the power and starts the July monarchy. Les MisГ©rables
details the story about a man, Jean Valjean, who was once a prisoner for 19 years
freed by Javert. Jean Valjean reinvents himself into a mayor and factory owner
through unlawful behaviors. Javert however, vows to make sure that he captures
Jean and puts him back into prison. Eight years later, Valjean takes in a child,
Cosette, after her mother s death. However, Jean s life is not peaceful due to
Javert s pursuit. A memorable quote shown in the movie was Don t you fret,
Monsieur Marius. I don t feel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now.
You re here. That s all I need to know. And you will keep me safe, and you will keep
me close, and rain will make the flowers grow. This quote is significant as it allows
readers to directly The movie Les MisГ©rables is a historically accurate movie
because it displays the horrendous living conditions, the will for change as well as
the funeral of General Lamarque accurately. France s living condition was shown as
very poor during the 1832 rebellion as child labor, starvation and food shortages
were present. However, these conditions did not really change since 1789. Children
are seen in the movie
Agile Approach For Agile Development
Introduction The purpose of this report is to define and discuss the use of agile
methodologies. Agile is becoming a more popular term within the information
technology industry and this report will help those unfamiliar with its techniques
understand how agile works. The goal is also to inform the readers why agile can
be preferred over traditional methods. While reading this report, it is recommended
to keep in mind that agile is an alternative to using the traditional systems
development lifecycle method. Reasons for Agile Adoption To keep up with the
demands of today s world, technology departments must be able to meet the needs of
their customers as fast as possible while still delivering valuable solutions. In order
to do this, a... Show more content on ...
With proper agile adoption, all of these problems can be solved. Therefore, agile can
transform an underperforming team into a team that provides value to their customer
in a timely fashion. Understanding How Agile Works Because many organizations
are switching to agile methods over traditional methods such as the systems
development lifecycle, one must understand the various facets of the agile
methodology. It is necessary to know why agile makes teams more productive, what
form of agile is most commonly used, and the different roles of team members in an
agile system. In order to fully comprehend agile systems, it is vital to understand why
traditional methods have been replaced. When adopting agile, it is important and
highly recommended that all members on the team know how agile works. By
educating the team s members, it will better ensure that your team will yield its
highest potential for productivity. Incorrect adoption of agile may iii пїј leave team
members confused, hindering their productivity. Studies have shown that most
members of an organization are unfamiliar with agile terms and how it works.
According to OneDesk s, Agile Adoption Statistics 2012, most executives and
product owners are unfamiliar with how agile works. The figure below shows agile
familiarity with scrum masters, product
A Family Supper
Family Supper Analysis A Family Supper by Kazuo Ishiguro follows a story about
a man returning to his home in Japan after World War II to reconcile with his
family after his mother s death. The story demonstrates that losing loved ones bring
out different sides of people. This is shown by the narrator s father, a cold, stern
man who is very proud of his noble samurai blood that begins softening up in old age
in effort to reconnect with his familyafter losing them all to different causes. One
example of this is the narrator and the father reflecting on their past, with the
fathering admitting that [he] should have been a more attentive father (342). With
the death of his wife, the father has had to face many new challenges, and by doing
Organizational and Management Theory
Organization and Management Analysis
HCS/514 Managing in Today s Health Care Organizations
Organizational Theories
Organizational theory as it applies to health care introduces a complex and
challenging situation. The health care environment introduces challenges to a
structured organization which may not be present in traditional business. For
example, measuring output may be difficult in an environment of daily uncertainty, it
would be nearly impossible to predict or plan for all of the specific tasks, activities
and business interactions in any one unit in the hospital setting. Additional challenges
include complex, variable work that cannot often be deferred, work performed under
emergency circumstances, high degree of ... Show more content on ...
A lazze faire manager will sit back and trust the decisions of his staff, not intervening
on the daily operations and professional decision making of the staff. And a
democratic manager, is similar to the participative, however, it is by vote or mutual
input not always out of collaboration.
Organizational Theory for my Organization
At my nursing job, I would describe our organization as a not for profit, IDN. Our
health care system included over 25 acute care hospitals and has a network of
clinics, outpatient services, and home care. As a not for profit we engage in
community outreach activities and services to serve the local community. In addition
we operate under a corporate structure with standardization of quality services at the
core of the mission or our system. We have a corporate top level administration.
Corporate services also include the Risk Management, Occupational Health, Safety
and Security, and System Best Practices teams. Each individual facility has a
leadership structure including the C Suite CEO, CCO, CFO and CNO. The next
layer of management is directors, usually overseeing a service line. Unit based
senior managers oversee each unit and charge nurses oversee the day to day
management of the employees. We manage under a pool of self insurance captives
and have incentives to cut costs and meet corporate bench marks.
Each facility operates under the common mission, vision, and values. The corporate
The End Permian Mass Extinction Essay
b Introduction /b br Think of a world which existed 290 million years ago. As you
look out over the terane in front of you, you think that you are on an alien planet.
You see volcanoes spewing ash and lava. Beside them is the ocean which is
swarming with many different species of echinoderms, bryozoans and
brachiopods. As you look down onto the sea floor you are amazed at the countless
number of starfish and urchins. Some animals leave you can t even describe and
you have no idea even what phylum they belong to. This is a world at its height in
diversity of oceanic species. Millions of wonderous species existed at this time in
the ocean and most of them will never appear again in earth s history. In the geologic
time scale, a million... Show more content on ...
The concentration of Ir was at least an order of magnitude higher than the background
values and this is characteristic of most Upper Permian and Lower Triassic
boundaries. The scientists go on to say that the existence of a rich Ir anomaly on a
global scale within the K/T boundary layers of both marine and continental facies
has been interpreted as highly impressive evidence for an impact origin. Another
discovery that may serve as a marker of an event is microspherules. A variety of
microsherules have been discovered in the PTB layers of the Meishan section (Xu
et al., 1989). The origin of the microspherules could be multiple. They are small
circular indentations in the rocks and the most abondent elements are Si or Si Al.
Mircospherules are similar to cosmic dust. Since a large amount of microspherules
occurs in a thin layer of PTB layer it can serve as another event marker. br br
Maxwell (1989) who got his information from Clark et al. (1986) said that br br The
elemental in boundary clays across China suggest that there is a remote possibility
that the predominantly illite boundary clay is a remote possibility that the
predomonantly illite boundary clay resulted from the alteration of ejecta dust from a
comet impact, but the most likely source was ash from a massive volcanic eruption.
br br The trace elements suggested that the dust was highly acidic and the ratios of
TiO2 and AL2O3 are low enough to support the volcanic dust scenario
Learning Theories Of Learning And Teaching Essay
Learning Model and Theories in Practice Sheila Morgan Richard R. Wiley School of
Education At Walden University Abstract Education has long been the center of
reform with new ideas about learning and teaching. Educators are regularly
introduced to new teaching strategies, curricula and rigorous standards in an effort to
provide effective instruction to students. However, the pursuit of proficiency in
mathematics and reading through the use of research based methods requires an
understanding of the learning models and theories that both drive instruction and
learning in the classroom. In this paper I will address the evolution of ideas about
learning and teaching in education as well as address the shifts in learning in the 21st
century. The Evolution of Learning Theories In the last fifty (50) years there has
been significant contributions in the field of education in regards to how children
learn, and the models in which learning theories have been developed and utilized
within the classroom setting. Additionally, in as recent as the last twenty years the
most notable of shifts has been that of students as sponges where teachers lectured
and students listened, and took notes; to that of learning as a process of active
engagement (Cuban 1993). The former paradigm being rooted in and is the basis of
behaviorist learning theories. Essentially, training the individual or student to respond
to conditioned stimuli. This method proved to be an antiquated
Examples Of Gender Typing In Early Childhood
A. The concept of gender typing in early childhood is an affiliation to activities,
objects, or personal traits that would define a person s sex. This mental connection
may be suggested by the parents or the environment the child grows up in that allows
the child to conform to the social norms or cultural stereotypes of that environment.
Although, gender typing might be considered an external factor, gender schema
theory suggests that children are pre programmed to construct or establish beliefs
about the sexes. The child will formulate gender stereotyped preferences and
demeanors from others. One example could be picture day at school and the child
formulates that girls wear dresses and boys wear slacks by observing those around
them. Another example can be when children are on the playground where girls are
more likely to be seen playing house and boys playing war. Since gender schema
theory is an information processing approach, it further explains that environmental
strains and a child s cognitions work together to pattern gender role evolution. B.
Children s social environment to include the child s cognitive limitation contributes
to rigid gender stereotyping in early childhood by allowing the child to see or imitate
what is socially acceptable. This is further propagated by gender segregation, gender
stereotyped activities/professions, and gender typing by society in the media.
Gender segregation, which could be construed to be an early creation of a sub culture,
Rhetorical Analysis Of Everlast Commercial
this article the author(John Whitaker) discusses an Everlast commercial that is only
a minute and 30 seconds long but carries a powerful message. The commercial
starts off with a small child running through what appears to be a bad neighborhood.
As the commercial goes on we realize that he is not in a bad neighborhood but just
lives in abject poverty. However, it seems that he has a really strong passion for
boxing. This is shown when by the child s constant training in a worn down gym.
Everything the boy has trained for has led him to the moment of his big match in
which he faces a bigger opponent. He emerges from the fight victorious. As the
boxer and his little brother are walking home from the match they are approached by
some kid trying to rob them. The boxer slowly gives him the money and the robber
runs off with it. The boxer s little brother then turns to ask, Why didn t you just beat
him up and boxer relies, He is hungry. Right after that the statement Boxing makes
you bigger appears on the screen. This statement is the main... Show more content on ...
Everlast is an American brand that designs and manufactures boxing, MMA, and
fitness related sporting goods. They are the leading company in manufacturing
boxing products. Everlast has been around for over 100 years and has served legends
such as Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Robinson,and Mike Tyson. All the
aforementioned information makes the brand trustworthy. The fact they are still
manufacturing after 100 years shows that they are an enduring and a high demand
company, which adds to its credibility. The fact that Everlast has served the legends
such Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Mike Tyson shows that they are a
trustworthy brand because they can get the greatest fighters of all time to buy their
product. The ad doesn t really have kairoctic element to it except for the fact that the
ad was launched in the year of the company s 100 year
Juvenile Rehabilitation
The United States has been sentences more juveniles to unsafe and violent prisons
over the years. Juveniles are being sentenced as young as ten year old. Juveniles are
being tried as adults in courts and something must change, and it needs to change
fast. The younger generation is supposed to be our future leaders. A juvenile being
tried as an adult is a harsh sentence. Over 5,000 juveniles are being tried and
sentence to prison every year. The United Statesneed to step in and change the way
how the youth is being treated in the criminal justicesystem. There is no question that
someone who committed a crimethey are going to get some sort of sentence. When an
adult commits a crime, they are tried as adult but when a juvenile commits a... Show
more content on ...
Society plays a big role in a child s development and the way they are going to be
raised. One of the biggest solutions that can help is rehabilitation. This can help can
help them and give them a positive transformation. Many see education is the key to
youth rehabilitation. The youth involved in the juvenile justice system has a history
of poor academic education. In rehabilitation, the youth has a right to receive
education, such as getting caught up with their school work. Juveniles need a strong
education programs, so they are inspired to finish their studies and pursue careers in
the future. Another solution for juvenile justice is detention centers. A judge can
send a juvenile to a detention facility. Detention facility are temporary housing for the
youth who committed crimes. Detention sentences are usually short term instead of
long term. It is a wakeup call for juveniles and won t commit that crime again. Home
confinement is another solution than sending them to prison. The juvenile can only
leave their house for school, community service, or counseling. Meaning contacts can
have an impact on the juvenile. Family treatment, such as interventions, with the
youth can strengthen the family bond of the child and decrease any criminal activity
in the
An Adventure in New York City
As the stars lit up in the big apple and the sun set down towards the west creating a
small fog of air around us, me and my sister decided to take a last look at the world
famous time square, before we left for home. It was the middle of winter and
snowing in the city of hopes of dreams. My sister and I were bundled up with a
bright white polar jacket, scarves and Eskimo hats. I could feel the goose bumps
racing up to my arms, making my teeth clatter against each other and giving me the
chills. As we continued to walk through the streets, the smell of crunchy peanuts,
salted pretzels and greasy hotdogs filled up the air and made my mouth water. The
smell was so appealing that it tempted me to stop and try some. My sister and I
waited in the long crowded line for the world famous hotdogs. I looked around the
city while then and tried to observe everything around me. I saw people scurrying
to grab a taxi, talking on the phone, or even listening to their stereos around their
shoulders and it seemed as if they were all lost in their own worlds. Most of the
men were all dressed up in their bright black, Louis vitton suits with briefcases in
their right arms and iphone 5 s on the other, while the women were walking in high
black stiletto heels, and you could even hear their shoes striking the ground one
after the other from miles away. The enormous sky scrapers around me covered the
blanket of grey clouds above us. The flat iron, empire state building and so many
more world
Descriptive Essay On Cape May s Beach
Listen closely, to the gentle crashing of the waves, the occasional seagulls the chatter of playing, eating, and joking people. Listen again to
the concerned parents, to the shrill voiced children (climbing on rocks and poking
dead jellyfish), or the loudly oblivious teens; and that one guy with THAT sense of
humor who can t stop laughing about the stone fleet . This is just the tip of the
iceberg of experiences available at Cape May s Beach. Though there are, as I
mentioned, numerous loud and social options to pursue, ignore, or be annoyed by
at this beach, for the average person walking up and down its shores and enjoy.
There is one or two rather small, but nice diners at the untampered area they call a
parking lot. There s plenty of live flora and fauna to look at and admire, give or
take jellyfish season and the horseshoe crabs migration, and scenery and landmarks
aplenty to laugh at or again appreciate. There are sandy dunes and a forest, of sorts,
which are quiet and calming, with birds and mammals of varying sizes and
descriptions, and the waves quietly crashing to and fro in the backround. In fact, in
addition to the birds and other such things like turtles, frogs, and toads, or the rather
excellent photo shoot locations at tall dunes of sand separating forest from the... Show
more content on ...
Despite that, it s an attractive spot, and there are several unique and interesting
spots and landmarks up and down whatever direction you go, as previously
mentioned. There is, for an example, a large trail of rocks .However, me describing
it as a trail makes it sound rather unimpressive and small despite it leading far out
into ocean, far enough to be swept away into the maelstrom of torrents that exists
where the waves constantly crash into it, and the small holes filled with saltwater
and sea life grow
Explore the Ups Website
1.What kind of information and services does the Web site provide for individuals,
small businesses, and large businesses? List these services.
The UPS website provides information and services regarding billing, shipping,
tracking, and business solution for large and small businesses, and individuals.
Services for Individuals are:
My UPS and UPS account This service has features such as billing information,
account summary, address book, etc; and can be maintained online by the customer.
Shipping The customer can create and start a shipment online, calculate the time and
cost for the shipment, schedule pick ups, and create returns and imports.
Tracking This feature allows the customer to track packages and ... Show more
content on ...
Services provided for shipping are UPS CampusShip, WorldShip, and UPS Internet
Tracking This feature allows customers to track packages and freights with services
like Quantum view, UPS my choice, UPS Supply chain solution, Flex global view
(Total tracking, supplier tracking, Inventory tracking), and Void a shipment. UPS
Tracking system lets the businesses handle their staffing requirements based on the
anticipated high volume shipping and receiving.
Freight Services for freight are Critical Freight, Air Freight, Ocean Freight, LTL
(Less then truckload) and Trucking (Full truckload), UPS Cross border connect, and
UPS Freight LTL.
Financial services Businesses can use services like COD secure and capital merchant
services, Insurance, Financing and lending for their financial needs.
Technology solution UPS Customer technology program, UPS developer kit, UPS
ready program are services that small businesses can use for solving their technology
related needs.
UPS Communication via E mail The website has features like New product
announcements/enhancements, promotions and offers, newsletters, service updates
/ regulatory changes.
Compass UPS publication that features the latest product information and business
insights with Blogs and articles for businesses; and real
Essay on History of Chemistry through the Ages
The history of chemistry dates back to the time of ancient history to now. Ancient
civilizations used technologies that would eventually form the basis of the various
branches of chemistry by 1000 BC. For example, they were extracting chemicals from
plants to make medicines. The history of chemistry is intertwined with the history of
thermodynamics. Chemistryis very important to our world today. Without it, we
wouldn t be near as advanced as we are. Let s take scientists for example. The
scientists at St. Jude children s research hospital; everyday they are working to find
the cure to various types of cancer by mixing different chemicals and making various
compounds to somehow help all the children with the big C word today. Chemistry...
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Like I said, without oxygen, no one would be here right now. The sun is a natural
resource as well. The sun is the Earth s main source of energy. Chemistry has a big
affect on society today. We do have cell phones. Internet and the space race did
happen, so therefor I am typing this chemistry paper right now. We have medicines
and vaccines out there that allow people to live longer lives if a sickness occurs.
Cell phones are one of the biggest advances from chemistry in my mind. They allow
us with much easier and faster communication with the people around us or even on
the other side of the
world. Satellite TV is another big advancement of chemistry. TV provides us with
entertainment and alerts. Technologies today are so advanced it is crazy to think
about what life would have been like without these things. Selfish of me to say, I am
glad I did not have to live back in the times without advanced technologies like there
is today. Technology is affecting society today. Teen s without their cell phone is like
chemistry without the periodic table of the elements. Little kids and their video
games have become the main focus point. What new big thing is coming out? That is
all people seem to care about anymore. Technology has ruined our society, not saying
that it isn t just wonderful, but it has destroyed our generation. We get to greedy to
get the latest hottest technology that has come out and forget what life is like if you
didn t have
Biography of Isaac Newton Essay
Isaac Newton was a key figure in the development of the age of reason. His
achievements revolutionized physics and mathematics and he has been
recognized as an undisputed genius (Gardner 13). Newton was a intriguing
individual who played an important role in the advancement of the scientific
community of his time and of today. Newton was born on Christmas day in 1642 to
a widowed farming mother. When he was three his mother left him in the care of
his grandmother, so she could remarry (Westfall 1). After being widowed for a
second time she came back to help care for her son. At the age of twelve he was
sent to The King s School in Grantham to continue his education. Here he began to
develop a growing love for books and an interest in... Show more content on ...
He also invented the methods of calculus and began his research of optics and the
color spectrum (da C. Andrade 50). The unfortunate thing about Newton s
astounding discoveries was that he never published any of them until later in his
life, which caused much conflict. This period was the prime of Newton s interest
in math and science, as time progressed his interest faded towards alchemistry
(chemical experimentation) and interpreting Biblical prophecy of which his written
works far outnumber those on natural philosophy and mathematics (Gardner 13).
Despite his in depth involvement in logic and natural philosophy, Newton still
passionately believed in the necessity of God. He felt that only a divine being
could create a universe of such harmonic balance, and that God periodically
intervened to keep everything intact and working properly (White 329). Newton s
character astounded some and outraged others. Newton was very withdrawn from
the world, all his works he studied and performed in isolation and seldom shared his
ideas with others. The delay of the publication of his works in natural philosophy
was due to his extreme fear of criticism. Newton s greatest work Philosophiea
Naturalis Principia Mathmatica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy),
often just called the Principia, wasn t published until 1686, after Edmond Halley had
convinced him to publish it despite Newton s fear of his devout critic, Robert Hooke
(Weisstein 1). Newton
Analysis Of Miss Brill
Analysis of the Point of View in Miss Brill
Katherine Mansfield s short story, Miss Brill, is a well written story of an elderly,
unmarried woman in Europe. In Miss Brill, Katherine Mansfield uses stream of
consciousness point of view to show alienation and loneliness, appearances and
reality, and Miss Brill s perceptions as she attempts to make herself fit in with the
park goers. Miss Brill is an older lady who makes a living teaching English to school
children and reading newspapers to an old invalid gentleman (Wilson 2: 139). Her
joy in life comes in her visits to the park on Sunday where she is notorious for
sitting in on other people s lives (Wilson 2: 140). It is there that her ritualistic,
monotonous journey that Miss Brill refers to as a play takes place.
From the beginning of the story, it becomes apparent that Miss Brill is the epitome
of the definition of lonely. She starves to have just a little warmth and
companionship. In the story, she has a fur necklet that she tenderly caresses as if it
were a pet that she rubs the life into the little dim eyes (Mansfield 175). Loneliness
in Miss Brill is also shown through the music in the park. The loneliness is shown
through her perception of how the music is like someone playing with only the
family to listen (Mansfield 175). The whole time, Miss Brill thinks of herself as
part of this family playing the music, but in reality she is just an on site observer.
On this particular Sunday, it was the first day of the Season so the band seemed
louder and gayer (Mansfield 175). However, Miss Brill is somewhat disappointed that
there are only two people near where she is seated (Wilson 2: 136) Because they do
not talk, her little world that she is rebuffed by that world and her fantasy falls apart
(Wilson 2: 140).
When the characters in the play are silent, Miss Brill imagines what they must be
saying. However, their silence makes eavesdropping on their lives quite difficult
(Wilson 2: 145). She also has a tendency to judge the characters, seeing them in
ways that others in the garden likely view her. For instance, she finds many of the
older people in the garden odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they stared
they looked as though
Disadvantages Of Lay Magistrates
Lay magistrate, are normal people, who have no law skills and are under qualified
people that give necessary verdicts in magistrates courts. They have been named as
lay magistrates so that they can be distinguished from a qualified magistrate. The
magistrate s courts have been introduced centuries ago. Today there are significant
numbers of persons who sit and run magistrates court in UK, as a part time job.
They normally take their seat and attend legal proceedings as a Bench of two or
three, because if only one magistratewill sit he will have constrained functionality in
carrying out his work. Each magistrates sitting in the court carry out a specific
function as assigned to them, they deal with criminal and civil proceedings, and they
also sit in primary the opening of criminal cases. Moreover the magistrates also
consider requisitions of applications which have been rejected by local authority and
give them legal permits .However the training, background and appointment of lay
magistrates differ from that of magistrates.
In England and Wales lay magistrates are delegated by the Lord Chancellor on the
part of the monarch and effectively upon the counsel of local advisory committees.
They are crossed examined by local government, labor unions, chambers ... Show
more content on ...
The first training consists of foremost fundamental principles and they sit with a
couple of magistrates in court to assist them and they get some special mentoring
classes for proper guidance. As a part of their training they also visit lockups and also
receive a workbook for more personal study. Moreover their Training is strengthened
by an evaluation of 12 18 months after appointment, when a distinctively qualified
Magistrate audit will sit as member of the bench examine their potential and
proficiency. Their training is a continuous one is intended keep magistrates advanced
and supervise their development
War Communism And The Russian Civil War
After the Tsar regime was overthrown in 1917, Russia experienced further discontent
as its people carried out revolution and civil war (Modern World History: Russia
1905 41). From these occurrences, Russia then became the first communist state in
the world. The Bolsheviks had become the ruling party after taking over the
Provisional Government in the revolution of November 1917. Vladimir Leninhad
been the leader of this party. There was a bitter civil war between the Communists
who were the Reds and the opposition being the Whites. As a final point the
Bolsheviks defeated their enemies in the Russian Civil War that lasted for 3 years
and ended in 1920.
When the Bolsheviks took over after winning the Civil War they had complete control
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The Russians had given them peace terms that they found them difficult to comply to
and too severe.
War Communism had been implemented by Lenin in 1918 because of the needs of
the Civil War. The Russian economy was now aimed at providing the supplies it
needed for the army (Modern World History: War Communism and Red Terror). The
Bolsheviks party decided to move away from state capitalism because they felt the
need to intensify authority, through communism (Reaction and Revolution: Russia
1894 1924 Third Edition: War Communism). Lenin introduced harsh restrictive
policies to create the new communist rule. All aspects of life in Russia were
controlled by the Bolsheviks as they implemented severe terms upon its people.
Social, political and economic areas of life had to become subordinate to the aim of
winning the Civil War (Reaction and Revolution: Russia 1894 1924 Third Edition:
War Communism).
The aim of War Communism was to bring industry and agriculture under central
control. Thus the policy of centralization was put into play. This concentrated mainly
on the political and economic center of Russia. In addition this created a great
increase of Bolshevik influence. There was development within the factories through
Bolsheviks influence. Lenin then put a Decree on Nationalism. In less than two years
Russia s enterprises were all under the central government control
The Legendary Lebron James
The chosen one, the hometown hero, the traitor, the king, the greatest of all time, or
also known as Lebron James has been through what most kids can t even imagine.
Lebron grew up without a father and moved from house to house, but now he is one
of the most successful men in the world. On April 4, 2014 Lebron is the youngest
player ever to reach 23,000 career points in the National Basketball Association
(NBA), beating Michael, Kareem, and Kobe to this amazing achievement Lebron
still thanks his mother for what she fought through to get him to where he is at
now. Gloria James was only 16 at the time she had Lebron, and Lebrons biological
father, Anthony McClelland was an ex convict uninterested in being a parent, and
he left Gloria to raise Lebron by herself. This is why Lebron uses his mothers
maiden name and not his father s last name. Gloria had many personal problems
and had trouble keeping a steady job. Gloria tried to give Lebron a good life she
just had struggles doing it. Gloria tried to give Lebron everything she could, at a
young age Lebron loved sports so she bought him a miniature basketball hoop.
Lebron James struggled at school, and at making friends because he was
embarrassed about his home life; Lebron found a way to get away from his home
life with basketball and football. Lebron showed magnificent skills in basketball
and football at an early age. Lebron was a freak athlete in middle school. His football
coach saw he had been missing
Evaluation Of 30 Day Hospital Readmission Using A
II. Literature Review
Silverstein et al. in [24] were to develop and validate predictors of 30 day hospital
readmission using a dataset of more than 29,000 patient s record over the age of 65
and to compare prediction models that used alternate comorbidity classifications. In
these paper they were capable to identify the risk factors of hospital readmission and
calculated the risk of all the attributes by using prediction model. An important
limitation of their study was that it did not directly include information on patients
abilities to perform activities of daily living or other measures of physical function.
Strack et al. in [25] studied the impact of HbA1c on readmissions. They used
Multivariable logistic regression to fit the relationship between the measurement of
HbA1c and early readmission while controlling for covariates such as demographics,
severity and type of the disease, and type of admission. The results showed that the
measurement of HbA1c was performed infrequently (18.4%) in the inpatient setting.
Their analyzed that the profile of readmission differed significantly in patients where
Hba1c checked in the setting of a primary diabetes diagnosis when compared to those
with a primary circulatory disorder. But cannot addressed cause and effect although
the data provide strong support for development of protocols to examine this
hypothesis directly.
Hosseinzadeh et al. in [17] conducted analysis on predictability of hospital
readmissions in general
Social Interaction Sociology
Social Interaction is the process in which two or more people act and react to
those around them. A field of study called Microsociology or Social Interaction
was created by a sociologist by the name of Erving Goffman. Goffman argued that
these significant figures are important in the field of sociology and should be
consider carefully. Social interaction includes several different types of behavior.
This field called Social interaction is divided into five concepts such as Exchange,
competition, Cooperation, Conflict, Coercion. In our everyday lives we use each of
these concepts, whether it s in our schools, homes, work, etc.
Exchange is one of the most basic concept of social interaction. Whenever an
individual interacts to receive something from another individual that, he/she has
given to; That is how exchange has been taken place. Exchange is being taken place
in my school the University of Belize where by, I, the student is being offered an
education from my school and in return I should give them money. Another
example of how exchange is being made in our everyday lives where in a work
site, the employee accomplishes a role of task for their work and in return they
receive a salary. Also for instance in a competition the runner up should show case
his/her talent and in return they received an award by the person who s hosting the
competition. All these scenarios are how exchange happens in our lives. All
exchanges must be equal or fair between each
The Policy Design For Recreational Cannabis Model
The picture is quite complex and at odds with federal legislation, posing a major
challenge in terms of public policy design, implementation and evaluation. In the
next sections, for analytical purposes, the policy cycle will be divided in two major
models: the legalization for recreational purposes (4 states) and legalization for
medical purposes (in all of its forms) (33 cases).
3.Design stage
3.1Policy design for recreational cannabis model
The main goal pursued by the legalization policies is to convert marijuana in a
tradable commodity, under similar conditions and treatment given to alcohol and
tobacco. In this sense, the policy approach is mainly directed to market development.
The full legalization of cannabis in Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska (as
well as the district of Columbia), is a recent phenomenon that started in 2012. In
all cases the process was triggered by ballot system, following the path inaugurated
by California in 1996 where the medical use of cannabis was approved (Anderson
and Rees, 2014). However, in some states like Oregon and Alaska, the process have
started earlier with two previous failed attempts, where the same proposition was
defeated by ballot system.
The political and civic platform for the full legalization was largely supported by
national activists groups such as NORML, the Marijuana Policy Project, Drug Policy
Alliance and wide networks of scientific and medical communities, human rights
activists, civil rights
Waiting Love Movie Analysis
If you re interested in a muscular Chinese guy roller skating around in a bikini,
then I ve got just the movie for you. Cafe. Waiting. Love. is a Chinese love story
filled with humor and grilled sausage. While watching this movie, I noticed many
trends common among similar stories, such as the girl who can see ghosts, the
ghost who can t pass on to heaven because he has a regret, and the boy who likes
the girl. Although these clichГ©s were not mentioned in Foster s book, there were
still many things I could deduce about the movie only after reading about Foster s
methods. Of Thomas C. Foster s twenty seven chapters, in his book, How To Read
Literature Like A Professor, the chapters I found most applicable to my movie
were chapters nine, eleven, and fifteen. Firstly, chapter nine of Foster s book made
one thing very clear: It s never just the rain. (Foster, 70) Since rain can be more
mysterious, murkier, more isolating than most other weather conditions (Foster,
71), the director uses the rain to add a bit of mystery to the mood of the joyful
scene with this unnamed, mysterious boy whom the female protagonist (Xiying) is
interested in (romantically). The rain also serves as a plot device and force pushing
Xiying and the boy together, even though it s clear that Xiying is going to end up
with A Tuo (the boy who likes her). The purpose of pushing Xiying and the mystery
boy together is to create enough of a connection between them for Xiying to choose
the boy over A Tuo
The Ethics Of The Bridge
The bridge we have created is ethical in the sense that it has a dependable purpose
relative to its location, and its uses. By implementing a floating bridge, in a non
linear terrain in the city of Champong Chnnang it allows for effective, and efficient
commute between two villages. This idea allows for the saving of time and money,
by not implementing a less efficient method of transportation and trade between the
Sustainable Design:
The bridge has a very well designed sustainability concept, relying on upcycled
materials to complete the bridge. These upcycled materials consist of the wood, the
fishing net, the oil barrels and the plastic shielding for the barrels. These materials
can be used for functional roles in the design, such as platforms, floatation, safety
lines across hand rails, and so on. The bridge s sustainability concept can be further
supported by the ease of replacing materials, and not throwing them in the bin. The
materials such as wood, plastic and pieces of metallic bolts and nuts can be recycled
and reused for other purposed such as furniture, storage or completely recycled back
into a molten form for the metallic objects.
Lifecycle Analysis:
Wood: The wood used in the project will be locally sourced, to reserve costs of
importation. The wood will start in the surrounding rainforests of the lakes. After
chopping down sufficient trees the wood will be cut into
Be Careful Not to Plagairize Essay
According to the Harvard Guide to Use Sources, it is considered plagiarism if you
use a language or report and turn it in as your own without appropriately crediting the
sources used. On the sources that you used to gather information, if you can not
locate the author, make sure to scroll down and look everywhere for an author. If you
cannot locate an author, make sure that you appropriately cite the website in your
bibliography. Although it may seem obvious, while you use the Internet to gather
information, you need to be extra wary about where you gathered your information
because you can mistakenly plagiarize. Although it may have been a mistake, you
still take the consequences because you DID commit plagiarismand there is nothing...
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An extremely helpful way to avoid mosaic plagiarism is by keeping track of your
ideas and the ideas that you have gathered from your source(s). It is advisable to
write down the ideas that belong to you and the ideas that you have gathered
through your research on separate papers labeled differently. Inadequate
paraphrasing is also an easy way to commit plagiarism. In order to paraphrase, you
need to change more than just a couple of words. When you re write it, if it is too
close to the original, then you are plagiarizing. According to the Harvard Guide of
Using Sources, while you write your paraphrased statement, it may help if you put
away the source that you used. If you can not express the meaning you are intending
to convey, you can write the authors statement in verbatim and put the statement in
quotation marks and apply the appropriate citation. Next, you will learn about an
Uncited Paraphrase. When you paraphrase another persons sentence or article, that
information still belongs to them even though you paraphrased it. It is not adequate
to just source your material, but you also have to cite the source even if you have
paraphrased extremely well because the idea(s) still belong to the author(s). A rule
of thumb is that if you did not come up with the idea(s) yourself, you need to cite the
source because you were not the person who introduced that piece of article which
means you need to use the appropriate citations. Very similar to an Uncited
Cultural Challenges Facing Military Operations in Pan
For this assignment the cultural manifestations I selected to discuss as being
important to our Unit s success are Wasta, Deference to authority, and Tendency to
seek compromise. Of course understanding all of the cultural manifestations are
important to our unit s success, but each region within the Middle EastNorth African
(MENA) region will have their own variations based upon which branch of Islam is
dominant in the region, what that region s experience has been with the U.S. or a
Western presence in general and numerous other factors such as the prevailing socio
economic factors of the region.
By way of back ground, I thought it would be helpful to point out that the MENA
region is a pretty diverse area comprised of have s and ... Show more content on ...
The bottom line for our team however, is to understand that the widespread
practice of wasta in the Middle East is assumed, it is a given. So we must learn the
nuances of the practice and use it to our advantage to be successful in our mission.
That means finding the right Wasta to curry influence with the particular elders
you are working with. Originally based upon family loyalty, the family is still the
primary wasta channel, but that familial relationship has expanded to include
friends and acquaintances, as well as private agreements whereby services are
provided in exchange for gifts or specific fees. In the words of one observer, Today
s wasta is too often a middle man, seeking fame and fortune by doing favors. Our
job is to find that Middle Man and enter into that relationship with our eyes wide
open, knowing it isn t going to be a cheap date, but that it will be worth the lives it
will save down the road. Incidentally, the IMF, World Bank and regional economic
leaders consider the taming or conversion of wasta as necessary to the MENA
Region ultimately becoming an emerging market leader and engine of world
growth, its effect in the regional economy is that debilitating. So let s do our part to
keep it that way! Where s my Wasta!?! Here wasta wasta!
Deference to Authority: As LTC Wunderle describes, Arab culture favors
Secret papers The basic problem is to ignore what was found and report the breach
of security. With that said, there are some issues that should be addressed such as
1) Will I report the discovery or accept SGT Day s approach to the matter? 2) If I
report on this, who should I report the issue to, and how and when should I report
the issue? 3) Should I just discuss the discovery with SFC Sharp, before I go ahead
with any other decisions? The ethical questions I have identified now challenge me
to identify what ought to be done, what is right or wrong or the possible good vs.
bad when determining guilt or innocence. The main issue now is what are the
consequences to each person involved if I do or do not report the matter?... Show
more content on ...
My course of action would be to approach SFC Sharp on the matter. By going to
him first I would be giving him the benefit of the doubt. I feel I would be seeking
to correct the problem as if I was going to be the recipient of consequences for these
actions and would be resolving the problem at the lowest level possible. All three of
the approaches to ethical thought (obligation, consequences, and character) are
involved in this
A Sunrise On The Veld Poem Analysis
How Two Completely Different Stories Can Have So Many Similarities
The short stories, A Sunrise on the Veld and At the Pitt Rivers , have nothing in
common if you analyze them on a shallow literature level. A Sunrise on the Veld by
Doris Lessing, highlights some of the reasons why life is so valuable. Lessing hints
her readers that this short story is set somewhere in the desert by, ... the flesh of his
soles contracted on the chilled earth, and his legs began to ache with cold... He
slung the shoes over his shoulder... they would be necessary when the ground
became too hot to bear, (Lessing, pg. 1212). Most deserts get heated by the sun by
day, but loses the heat at night. The boy starts hunting, at first, but then is distracted
by a wounded buck. Seeing this buck suffer, depicts him especially sad. A boy is also
the protagonist in At the Pitt Rivers by Penelope Lively. This boy spends his time in
a museum, observing people and writing poems as the time passes. He keeps track of
a couple he sees at the museum. The couple catches his attention because they are not
his ideal of what a couple should look like. If a kindergartener read these two short
stories, he/she would find nothing in common with the stories. But, if the reader has
the ability to analyze the text in more depth, he/she would find that they are more
similar than the kindergartener would think.
As an advanced reader, a comparison that is prevalent in both stories is, society s
thinking of the ideal
Finding False Memories Of The Mall
Some people might argue that getting lost in the mall is too common of an
experience to demonstrate false memories. For this argument, Hyman et al.
constructed an experiment to show the occurrence of false memories in less that
common childhood events including spilling punch at a wedding and a sprinkler
system going off a at grocery store. For one variation of this study, Hyman et al.
implanted the memory of an overnight hospitalization with a high fever, and possible
ear infection. The participants were told they were going to be asked about events
from their childhood based on information provided by their parents. They were then
given the titles of the events (including the false visit to the hospital) and asked to ...
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Some ideas in the field include looking at the response speed of the recollection of
memories, and the emotion felt when recalling the memory (Reisberg). A common
assumption is that the confidence with which memory is recalled could indicate its
accuracy. However, there is very little association with how sure someone is about
the occurrence of an event and how accurate their recollection is. We are often sure
of our false memories.
Smith, Ellsworth, and Kassin explain this in their study on Eyewitness Accuracy and
Confidence. They note that most officials in court cases overwhelmingly believe
confidence in eyewitness testimony to be positively correlated with accuracy. To
disprove this, they studied about 100 undergraduate students from Stanford
University. They had the students watch a car accident, participate in a filler task,
and then answer questions about the car accident. They were asked to rate the
confidence on their answers on a scale of 1 (no clue) to 10 (absolutely sure). The
researchers then computed the correlation of accuracy and confidence and found the
same conclusion as Reisberg explained: confidence can not be solid an indicator of
accuracy (Smith 358).
In fact, the more we are asked to recall a memory, the more confident we become,
which is unfortunate because it s easy to create a false memory. Let us take an
Rome During Medieval Times
Medieval Society Medieval Society helped to give a better perspective on what
Rome was like during Medieval Times. The article explained the collapse of The
Western Roman Empire, and makes things easier to comprehend by breaking it
down by countries/ parts of the empire. By using this method, it makes it easier to
understand the fall of the Roman Empire by going in depth and explaining all the
different causes for each empire s downfall. It also showed how medieval Europe
inherited many of it s traditions and institutions, for example, Christianity. I thought
this article was well written and gave enough details and information to fully
understand the main concept of this article.
The Medieval Cathedral in its Cultural Setting The Medieval Cathedral in its Cultural
Setting made it easier to understand the the significance of the Cathedral. Jean
Gimpel, the author of the article said, In order to understand the cultural significance
of the cathedral, the student must know the political, economic, social, aesthetic, and
religious environment in which it grew ; which the article did perfectly. The article
even discussed the beginning of the cathedral itself by explaining how it was built, ...
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The parts of the article that I could understand did help to better understand
feudalism as McKAy did not give that much information about it. I also used this
article as a reference for a previous question in The Middle Ages Part 1. I personally
thought this article was more difficult to read than the first two because the first
paragraph discussed many things and was unclear as to what the article was going
to discuss. The transitions for topic to topic were also formatted strange and made it
even more difficult to understand and I did not like this style of writing as much as
the previous two
Theme Of The Carousel In Something Wicked This Way
Sometimes the man who looks happiest in town, with the biggest smile, is the one
carrying the biggest load of sin. There are smiles and smiles; learn to tell the dark
variety from the light. (Bradbury 135) Written in 1962, Ray Bradbury s Something
Wicked This Way Comes is a fantasy fiction novel which depicts the mysterious
experience two teenage boys encounter one October night in Green Town, Illinois.
Within Something Wicked This Way Comes, Ray Bradbury utilizes symbolism of the
carousel in order to reveal the primary theme:beware of even the most innocent
things, for they can be so nefarious.
To begin with, the author incorporates the carousel as a symbol of evil disguised as
innocence. In reality, the carousel is a distortion which represents the fears and
desires wicked people feed off of in order to acquire ultimate power. In the novel, the
author often refers to the carousel since it is almost portrayed as a vault which is
constantly revolving and depending on the innocent who succumb to the dark side
when their greatest fears are put to the test. According to Bud Martin, we are drawn
in and root for children because their security is being encroached upon, and it is
their love and innocence that both can make them victims and save them, in the end.
The carousel is by far the most powerful and important symbol within and throughout
the novel because it is considered the powerhouse or main source of energy which
thrives solely on the souls of the weak and naive who
Statement Of Purpose In Chemical Engineering
The foundation of life and purpose is to find the Why in you.
The Why in you is purpose, knowing Who you are and
Why you are here is the meaning of life.
Sadness and tragedies come to pass, the eternal question of life is Why.
What am I doing here? What does all this mean?
To find yourself is the very reason you re born.
The wonder and glory of life is the birth of purpose.
There is no one separate from yourself.
These lines of Jeremy Limn epitomizes my principles of life and has thereby
influenced me in exploring the insights of the world around me right from my
childhood. The curiosity to reason every little thing that surrounds me and to seek in
the best answers for each of their existence has helped me in ... Show more content on ...
Though painstaking at times, the joyous satisfaction that is attained when each of
these challenges are met with innovative solutions has no words to explain and has
thus been the prime reason for me to take up my undergraduation in Chemical
Engineering. Throughout my four years of undergraduate study at this institute, I was
amazed at the real flamboyance and the sheer versatility of this discipline and this
resulted in motivating me to work hard with dedication to secure a place in the top
10% of the Chemical Engineering Department with a CGPA of 8.53/10. The
demanding undergraduate program at A.C.Tech, Anna University has helped me to
achieve a strong background in core Chemical Engineering areas like Fluid
Mechanics, Mass Transfer, Thermodynamics, Chemical ReactionEngineering and
Process Calculations and has also made me to understand the utmost significance
of simulating various chemical reactions and systems in the field of Chemical
Engineering. As days passed by, love for the field has only increased within me, as
this Chemical Engineering discipline is one which is ever evolving with new ideas
and challenges. Being a person with full of self belief, research in this field looks
like a right path that has motivated me to apply for graduate studies in Chemical
Engineering at Texas Tech
Hermione Monologue
I was still sleeping comfortably in my sliver and burgundy bed when my door opens
and walks in my older sister Hermione. Honestly Aspen! You re still sleeping, we
have to be at the Weasley s by noon! I groaned and sat up. Bloody Hell Mione! Will
you calm down all I have to do is take a shower and get dressed. I get out of bed grab
my clothes and head to my bathroom and before I shut my door I hear my sister
groan and leave the room. After my shower, I got dressed and headed downstairs
with my trunk. Mrs. Weasley was already there waiting for me and Hermione. Hello
Mrs. Weasley. How are you? I ask her while we wait for Hermione to come
downstairs. Call me Molly dear, I am doing wonderfully. Ah and how are you
Hermione? I... Show more content on ...
Weasley appeared in the fireplace and he did not look happy, before he even got to
finish the sentence he was saying Molly came in. Tell me what Arthur? I looked at
Ginny and we both agreed that we should head outside. After a couple rounds we
saw Harry come out and yell Aspen! Ginny! Dinner s ready! Once we were back
on the ground Ginny dropped her broom and ran inside leaving me. I started to
laugh while I yelled Really Gin! she just waved and shut the door. I grabbed her
broom and started to walk over to the shed to put them away because I know how
Molly could get. I was having a bit of trouble opening the door until a voice behind
me asked. Aspen do you need any help? I jumped a bit dropping the brooms, I
totally forgot he was still out here I thought he went inside. Oi! Harry you scared
me, I thought you went back inside. He grinned at me, honestly nobody expect
Ginny knows that I like Harry and I am the only one who knows that she likes
Neville Longbottom. Sorry Aspen. Do you need some help there? I nodded and he
laughed a bit. Once we got the brooms in the shed we headed in the house so we
could eat, dinner there was amazing everybody laughed and had a goodtime. After
dinner me, Gin, and my sister walked to Ginny s room to go to bed because we had
to get up early to head to the World Cup and I couldn t keep the smile from my face
when I slipped into unconsciousness. I woke up before anyone else
Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama
On January 21st, 2009, Barack Obama stepped up to the podium after millions upon
millions of people chanted his name. It was the first time that an African American
took office as the President of the United States. He presented a historic message of
hope and change for the future of the United States of America, given that it was a
change of presidency in those excruciatingly unideal times. During his inaugural
address, he had to state the most important issues that America was currently facing at
the time and his plans on fixing those issues to the American public. He reassures the
public about the changes that he was planning to employ within his presidency by
contrasting different ideas, emphasizes America s issues and his solutions through
anaphoras and varying sentence structure, and convinces the American public that he
is capable of addressing America s issues through his use of strong diction. During
this time, there were many dire issues that plagued America such as costly health
care, a badly weakened economy, and a failing education system. Obama
accomplished his goal of reassuring the American public that the changes that he was
planning to employ would be beneficial by using antithesis. Even though he was the
new President of the United Statesof America, he showed that he was still a regular
human being, just like the people that he was talking to: To those who cling to
power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you
are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing
to unclench your fist. Obama shows that he will still help people who don t have
the same beliefs and opinions as him. Additionally, he believes that everybody has
to work together, even if they are part of a different political party or if they have a
different skin color. Ultimately, Obama prefers America to be the shining beacon of
the world, meaning that they will be the country that other countries look up to: And
so, to all the other peoples and governments who are watching today, from the
grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born, know that America
is a friend of each nation, and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of
Tennessee Walking Horse Abuse Essay
Tennessee Walking Horse Abuse Should be Banned Chains, stacks, and diesel fuel...
No, this is not a farm shopping list, these are just a few of the many items commonly
used for soring Tennessee Walking horses. Soring is the unethical and illegal practice
of deliberately inflicting pain to exaggerate the leg motion of gaited horses to gain an
unfair advantage in the show ring ( ). Despite numerous attempts, many Tennessee
Walking horseshows allow soring ,and other forms of abuse, in their show rings and
in their facilities. In order to eliminate soring from the horse industry, the current
regulations need to be strengthened and strictly enforced. The use of soring
techniques and general abuse in order to achieve an unnatural gait should be
outlawed because it is unnecessary, inhumane, and causes a bad reputation for the
horse industry
The abuse that the Tennessee Walking horses are forced to endure is completely
unnecessary. Soring techniques are used to achieve an extremely unnatural gait. This
desired gait is the ... Show more content on ...
Many times, people think of trail rides and the black stallion when they think of the
horse industry. Soring taints the reputation of horse shows and trainers around the
globe. Once a person has seen the horrific abuse and has been to a show, it is a
sight that can never be unseen. It sticks in the mind and makes one wonder if all
trainers use these techniques. When people begin to know the truth about what really
goes into these shows, ticket sales and show attendance rates begin to decline.
Animal abuse is something that many people feel strongly about and many are not
willing to support it in any way. If they believe that some, or all, gaited horse trainers
use these cruel methods, they may never attend shows or own a gaited horse. This
means decreased revenue and a misunderstanding of the gaited
Analysis Of Harry Potter, Hermione, And Ron Hunt Down
American author Deepak Chopra said, If you want to do really important things in
life and big things in life, you can t do anything by yourself. And your best teams are
your friends and your siblings, . For example, Mulan fought with her men to protect
China, and Katniss fought for the destruction of the Capitol with District Thirteen.
Also, Bilbo and Thorin and Co. fought to get their gold back from Smaug, yet the
most important of all, the Arkenstone. In Harry Potter, Hermione, and Ron hunt
down the Deathly Hallows. The similarity is high only because all hero stories
follow the same monomyth developed by Joseph Campbell. Both the Arkenstone and
the Deathly Hallows serve a purpose and are the cause of a quest; however, the
Deathly... Show more content on ...
Similarly enough, Harry also faces an opponent rivaling for the Deathly Hallows, and
it is none other than Lord Voldemort. The reader knows this clearly when he states
that, You Know Who s after the Elder Wand. (Rowling 431). The opposition, no
matter what it is, if overcome will bring the same amount of value into whatever the
hero and villain are fighting for. Furthermore, the Arkenstone and the Deathly
Hallows die out. At the end of Harry s fight with Voldemort and the school year, he
states that, I m putting the Elder Wand, he told Dumbledore, who was watching him
with enormous affection and admiration, Back where it came from. It can stay
there..., (Rowling 749). Considering that the Elder wand came from a tree and trees
all start in the ground, one might infer that Harry has buried it or gotten rid of it in
some way. Even though the Arkenstone wasn t destroyed, it was still made gone
when, They buried Thorin deep beneath the Mountain, and Bard laid the Arkenstone
upon his breast. (Tolkien 117). If the Arkenstone was simply buried in the mountain
with no intention of being hidden, one might assume that a prequel would come
where the Arkenstone would be made important again. In order for this to be
avoided, the adjectives deep and beneath are added to show the foot down effect. The
reader then knows for sure that the tales of the Arkenstone done, and their quest
Questions On Financial Reporting Disclosures
ICAEW made nine recommendations about financial reporting disclosures in 2013 to
solve current disclosure overload problem. This report will mainly argue against
recommendation four. Choosing this prospect because one of the objectives of the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is to protect consumers from being taken
advantage of by other informed participants in the capital market. Among all the
suggestions, disclosing different reports for different users has the most significant
influence on investors and capital market.
Section 2 of this report will firstly discuss the probability of fraudulent financial
reporting and the fairness problem. Then the information asymmetry problem and the
instability of the security market ... Show more content on ...
Assuming public companies are allowed to distinguish classes of users, the decision
relevant information could be split on the basis of different interests and somebody
may take advantage of this loophole to provide fraudulent information for a
favourable outcome in stock price.
2.2Example of FFR
According to the most resent report from Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
(ACFE, 2008), from January 2006 to February 2008, among all types of frauds,
FFR associated with largest average cost which was $258 million, while the
second largest was $34 million. Furthermore, the study from KPMG (2003) and
ACFE (2008) all agreed FFR is the least common but most costly fraud (Carcello
and Hermanson, 2008). The estimated annual cost of FFR in USA is $1 trillion
(ACFE, 2008), and this is just under the relaxed disclosure regulation, which is the
Securities Offering Reform, issued in 2005 in America (Clinton et al., 2014). And
FFR is certainly not limited to the United States (Zack, 2009). Hence, FCA
considered FFR facts in US as a lesson and involved in a special project in 2010 in
UK to examine fraud in public companies (Fisher et al., 2010). To conclude,
recommendation four could increase the probability of FFR which could stimulate
the stock price, and that will harm consumers and encourage the unhealthy
competition in security market.
What Does Light Symbolize In Macbeth
The contrast of darkness and light symbolizes evil and goodness which is the
foundation that Macbeth is built on. Darkness in our society tends to indicate many
symbols of evil or deceitfulness. The usage of this particular motif, foreshadows what
happens to the characters. The audience can tell something bad is going to happen
before it even happens. Light, in Macbeth, seems to indicate truth or innocence.
In Act I, Macbeth is debating with himself about whether or not he should make his
own path to make himself King or let Fate make him King. Macbeth, talking to
himself, says, Stars, hide your fires/ let not see my black and deep desires... (1.4)
Darkness is used figuratively in this dialogue, indicating that black and deep
symbolizes his evil and bad intentions. Macbeth does not want the light (other
people), or his goodness, to see that he wants to murder King Duncan in order to
become the new king because he doesn t want to face the fact that he is thinking of
committing murder. Shakespeare contrasts light, the stars, with darkness, black and
deep, to emphasize that Macbeth s thoughts are so evil ... Show more content on ...
Shakespeare is personifying night, implying that it is so dark (evil) and thick, that it
overpowers out the light from their lamp. Darkness is used literally and figuratively
in this dialogue, implying that it is so dark outside that even a lamp can t be seen
through the darkness. It also means that it feels very thick and evil because it is the
day after Duncan s death, implying that not everything is as it seems. Shakespeare
contrasts light, the lamps light, with darkness, dark night, to emphasize that even the
darkness of the night overpowers what little innocence and truth is

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Extended Definition Essay On Love. 011 Extended Definition Essay On Success Example Thatsnotus

  • 1. Extended Definition Essay On Love Writing an extended definition essay on love is a challenging endeavor that demands a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted nature of this complex emotion. Love, being a subject that has captivated the human imagination for centuries, poses difficulties in encapsulating its essence within the confines of an essay. The challenge lies not only in defining love but also in exploring its various dimensions, including romantic love, platonic love, familial love, and self- love. Crafting an essay on love requires careful consideration of the diverse perspectives on this emotion. One must navigate through the cultural, philosophical, and psychological aspects associated with love, delving into the intricacies that make it both universal and profoundly personal. The writer must tread the fine line between idealized notions of love often portrayed in literature and media and the more pragmatic, sometimes messy, realities of human relationships. Additionally, the emotional depth associated with love makes it a tricky subject to dissect objectively. Striking a balance between analytical analysis and emotional resonance is crucial to presenting a comprehensive and compelling exploration of love. The writer must grapple with the challenge of expressing profound sentiments without descending into clichГ©s or overly sentimental language. Moreover, the extended nature of the essay demands sustained focus and coherence throughout. Managing the flow of ideas and maintaining a cohesive narrative structure while exploring the vast landscape of love can be daunting. Each subtopic and aspect of love must be carefully woven together to form a cohesive tapestry that captures the richness and diversity of the emotion. In conclusion, the difficulty of writing an extended definition essay on love lies not just in defining the concept but in navigating the intricate web of emotions, perspectives, and cultural influences that surround it. Successfully capturing the essence of love requires a delicate balance of intellect and emotion, making it a challenging yet rewarding writing endeavor. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, resources like can provide valuable support and expert guidance. Extended Definition Essay On Love Extended Definition Essay On Love
  • 2. Nobel Prize Research Paper Nobel Prize In this paper I am going to discuss the Nobel Prize. Firstly I will inform you of the history of the prize, secondly its origin, and how it is awarded today. After that I will discuss the 2010 Nobel Prize for Medicine, 1901 Nobel Prize for Physics, and the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Alfred Nobel The Nobel Prize was named after a Swedish inventor and industrialist, Alfred Bernhard Nobel. Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden on October 21, 1833. He was born into a wealthy family, although due to the misfortune of losing building materials on sunken barges, Immanuel Nobel, Alfred s father, was forced into bankruptcy the same year Alfred was born. In 1842 the family moved to St. Petersburg, Russia. Alfred ... Show more content on ... Although he started working on IVF in the 1950s it took him about 30 years to make it successful, and about 60 years until he won the Nobel Prize. Edwards is a professor at the University of Cambridge England, he also founded Bourn Hall, the first IVF center. Today, vitro fertilization is responsible for over 4 million births worldwide. Edwards discovered that an embryo can be fertilized in a Petri dish in a laboratory ((4) /adv.html). The steps of IVF are started by prescribing a fertility medication to control the timing of the eggs release. They monitor the ovaries using ultrasound to make sure the multiple eggs can be collected and that they are developing the eggs properly and that his is called ovulation induction. To retrieve the eggs a minor operation is required, sedation and anesthesia is used to prevent discomfort. A hollow needle is inserted through the pelvic cavity into the ovary to collect the eggs. Now the sperm is needed for completion of the procedure, this is collected by ejaculation. The process of insemination now begins; a single sperm is injected into the egg for fertilization. The egg is monitored to make sure cell division is achieved. It is now considered an embryo after it is fertilized. Three days after the egg is retrieved from the ovary, and fertilization is achieved then it is inserted into the women s uterus. The two to four cell embryos is placed
  • 3. The Ice Storm Chapter 1 Summary Homework #11 1. Compared to Flashes of War, The Ice Storm by Rick Moody is completely different from Katey Schultz s book. Not only be genre, but also by writing styles. Reading through the first chapter I was a bit shocked with Moody s explicitness. The book is very sexual and carries an uncomfortable vibe. The first character introduced, Benjamin Hood, is an odd character to me. I ve never read a book with a character like Benjamin. While the beginning has turned out to be a bit confusing for me, after reading the first three chapters, I am curious as to how this book will continue. 2. I believe Moody does this to give readers a look into current events and what it was like living in the year 1972. It allows readers who were not living during the seventies or too young to understand what was happening, trending, and important during the time. I was confused when Moody wrote, No Nobel Peace Prize for 1972 (page 4). After doing some research I found out that the Nobel Prize was not awarded nineteen times. ... Show more content on ... Since each chapter is in the perspective of a different character, Moody gives the readers insight to the characters specific feelings on same events. Elena s perspective caught my attention the most. While reading in Elena s point of view many questions arose for me about her. Elena is very closed off, she knows her husband is cheating on her; her children are growing up and getting into dangerous positions. Elena s backstory was incredibly interesting. None of her family ever showed affection towards her. Her father was only there to pay bills and give her a roof over her head, her mother was an alcoholic whom she only saw for a few hours in the evening, and her brother raised her in an unethical way. Since Elena is so closed off it makes me curious as to what her children think about her or why she felt the responsibility of going to check on her mother every time she threatened to commit suicide, even though her mother never showed her any
  • 4. Anorexia Vs Bulimia Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia cause dramatic weight fluctuation, interfere with normal daily life, and can permanently affect their health.Generally, eating disorders involve self critical, negative thoughts and feelings about body weight and food, and eating habits that disrupt normal body function and daily activities. People with anorexia have an extreme fear of weight gain and a distorted view of their body size and shape. As a result, they strive to maintain a very low body weight. Some restrict their food intake by dieting, fasting, or excessive exercise. People with anorexia try to eat as little as possible, and take in as few calories as they can, frequently obsessing over food intake. Bulimia is characterized by habitual binge eating and purging. Some research suggests that media images contribute to the rise in the incidence of eating disorders. Most celebrities in advertising, movies, TV, and sports programs are very thin, and this may lead girls to think that the ideal of beauty is extreme thinness. ... Show more content on ... Both disorders can involve compulsive exercise or other forms of purging food eaten, such as by self induced vomiting or laxative use. Although anorexia and bulimia are very similar, people with anorexia are usually very thin and underweight but those with bulimia may be a normal weight or even overweight. With anorexia, the body goes into starvation mode and the lack of nutrition can cause a drop in blood pressure, pulse, and breathing rate,hair loss and fingernail breakage, loss of periods, lanugo hair, lightheadedness and inability to concentrate, anemia, swollen joints, brittle bones. With bulimia, frequent vomiting and lack of nutrients can cause constant stomach pain, damage to the stomach and kidneys, tooth decay, loss of periods, loss of the mineral potassium which can contribute to heart problems and even
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Healthy Food There seems to be far too much confusion around what healthy eating really is and how to do it. Everywhere you look there are food products being portrayed as nutritious when clearly they aren t, we have health organisations in Australia promoting the wrong message and our sports role models and health experts promoting foods which are still unhealthy it s any wonder society is sicker than ever before. Did you know that 60%+ of Australians are overweight or obese and that the main cause of death is cardiovascular disease? There appears to be a correlation between the increase in refined, fried and fatty foods and the rise in weight gain. WHAT IS HEALTHY EATING? Healthy eating is eating foods which infuse the digestive system with nutrients which are used to rebuild and repair tissue as well as give the body an abundance of energy. For the digestive system to work at optimal levels it needs to be able to secrete, digest, absorb and defecate regularly. Foods which are ideal for the digestive system are foods which haven t been tampered with and are still alive! Our body is alive, therefore we need to eat alive foods such as leafy greens, vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains. These foods are cleansing, nutrient rich and give us the most energy. WHAT ISN T HEALTHY EATING? Eating foods which are highly processed, refined (wheat and sugar), fatty and fried, tampered with etc... are not good for us in large doses. The body is pretty powerful
  • 6. Moral Theory Of Lawrence Kohlberg Lawrence Kohlberg was a theorist and a scholar of child growth. He focused on the ethical development of kids and how they mature the wisdom of right, justice, and wrong. Kohlberg noted that teenagers underwent certain phases during moral growth. Through his observations, he developed a theory that human beings develop from one phase to another through an invariant pattern, not missing any stage. His conclusions have been proven by critical cultural studies conducted throughout the world. These phases were at levels known as pre conventional, conventional and post conventional morality. Level One: Pre Conventional Morality Stage One: Obedience and Punishment Orientation Stage One is alike to the first phase of the ethical thinking. The ... Show more content on ... They trust that individuals should obey the beliefs of the family and the society and act well at all times. Having good behavior typically means that a person should have respectable reasons and good personal feelings such as trust (Kohlberg, 1971). Stage Four: Maintaining the Social Order At this phase, a person should reason when interacting with the family members and close friends. One should make an effort of understanding the needs and wants of others and attempt to help. Respondents at this phase are more anxious with the whole society. They put more importance in observing laws and carrying out duties that ensure social order is upheld (Kohlberg Kramer, 1969). For example, individuals should reason on the possible effects of breaking the law before doing so. For instance, it could probably lead to chaos rejecting the functioning of society. Level Four: Post conventional Morality Stage Five: Social Contract and Individual Rights At stage five, individuals aim at ensuring that the community keeps performing. Nevertheless, a society functioning smoothly is not essentially the best because a society needs to be well structured. Stage five focuses on the components of a healthy society and those at this stage think of the community in a theoretical way by considering the values and rights that the society ought to maintain (Kohlberg, 1971). Moreover, they trust that a healthy community is a social pact in which all individuals
  • 7. Birthday Mark by Nathaniel Hawthorne The discovery of electricity opened the door to many mysteries that challenged scientists of the nineteenth century. Nathaniel Hawthorne writes of some challenges that man could run into during the exploration and application of new technology in The Birthmark. These challenges are not entirely physical but they are more so about an internal struggle within Victorian mindsets. In The Birthmark there are only three characters: Aylmer, a scientist, Georgiana, Aylmer s wife, and Aminadab, Aylmer s lab assistant. Hawthorne isolates the characters in their caste to present individual viewpoints of a tragic flaw. Each character promotes innocence but they are caught up in traditional values. Hawthorne writes of an honest but fatal mistake... Show more content on ... His assistant, Aminadab is a sub human in his eyes (Fairbanks, 103). Aminadab is a complete contrast to Aylmer but none of Aylmer s experiments would be possible without the help of this human machine (Hawthorne, 298). He is of great importance to Aylmer, but Hawthorne makes it clear that Aylmer thinks of himself much higher than the common man. Aminadab s importance to the story lies within the fact that he is an invisible character everywhere except the lab. His profound contrast to Aylmer s character away from Georgiana provides the reader with a clearer picture of the mad scientist as he attempts to overthrow nature. When Aylmer fails to do so, Aminadab laughs triumphantly at the tragic hero s attempt to control nature. These two characters show opposing thoughts and reactions to the murder of Aylmer s now perfect, dead bride. Hawthorne s heavy use of symbolism carries a lot of undertones that reveals irony on many levels as he wraps up the story. The most obvious is that Aylmer murders his lovely bride when he perfects Nature. Georgiana is enamored by Aylmer s experiments even though he often fails. She gains confidence and submits herself willingly but only to vicariously pursue happiness through her husband s experiment. Knowing that her birthmark makes her an object of horror to the one she loves, she finds life to be a burden and is willing to risk her own life for both of their happiness (Hawthorne 292).
  • 8. Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) The research proposal suggests that animal assisted therapy (AAT) can be beneficial to those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Altschuler, 2018). expresses the information from the media is often much more detailed and less filtered than those of medical reports as they use these media stories as their resources for compiling the research proposal. The author expresses their concern for the cost and timeliness of a full out research study and so they decided to conduct a research proposal to support their ideologies of the importance of AAT with PTSD treatment. Altschuler (2018) suggests that animals can be used to dramatically improve PTSD symptoms, potential benefit from AAT with multiple different animals, and that AAT... Show more content on ... Altschuler (2018) did not include the procedure, but I would measure the variables by using a medical protocol of PTSD patients symptoms or a self report from the participants There were no results, as this was a strong research proposal. But, there were three case studies that Altschuler (2018) analyzed and they all had strong support for use of AAT in PTSD patient treatment. However, this could be bias due to the nature of the proposal. The author is trying to gain interest and fundraise for the study to be conducted. According to Altschuler (2018) the results displayed in the media support his ideas of the need for AAT in medical practice when treating PTSD patients. Again, Altschuler s (2018) hypothesis cannot be supported do to the nature of this research proposal as it is not supported with scientific evidence. But, media supports his
  • 9. Violence In Collegiate Sports One issue that has impacted the landscape of collegiate sports is the current situation at Baylor University. Athletes, specifically football players have been accused of acts of sexual violence. This is a big problem but not where the controversy ends. Art Briles, head football coach, Ian McCaw, athletic director, and Ken Starr, president of the university, have all resigned for their roles in failing to investigate allegations of misconduct. The biggest issue as a sports manager is that the people in positions of power at the Baylor all failed to fully investigate allegations of sexual violence against football players for the university. In multiple instances, Baylor failed to comply with federal laws and regulations. Baylor took more... Show more content on ... The school needs to show that it has learned from past mistakes and takes serious allegations of sexual violence, by instituting a zero tolerance policy the school makes that clear. With more Title IX staff, Baylor implements policies for equal treatment of men and women on campus. The school was behind in handling the media attention and scrutiny, a outside company would help curtail any backlash in the future. The community needs to see that the football players are not all bad guys, community service is a great way to give back and allow the public to interact with the people behind the helmet. Admitting the university s failure allows Baylor to try and move on to begin a chapter in the school s
  • 10. Les Miserables Movie Analysis Les MisГ©rables is a movie that takes place in 1815 to 1832 during June Rebellion. During this time period, King Louis XVIII holds the throne for the beginning and it changes to King Charles X who is exiled during the July revolution. Louis Philippe d OrlГ©ans then assumes the power and starts the July monarchy. Les MisГ©rables details the story about a man, Jean Valjean, who was once a prisoner for 19 years freed by Javert. Jean Valjean reinvents himself into a mayor and factory owner through unlawful behaviors. Javert however, vows to make sure that he captures Jean and puts him back into prison. Eight years later, Valjean takes in a child, Cosette, after her mother s death. However, Jean s life is not peaceful due to Javert s pursuit. A memorable quote shown in the movie was Don t you fret, Monsieur Marius. I don t feel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now. You re here. That s all I need to know. And you will keep me safe, and you will keep me close, and rain will make the flowers grow. This quote is significant as it allows readers to directly The movie Les MisГ©rables is a historically accurate movie because it displays the horrendous living conditions, the will for change as well as the funeral of General Lamarque accurately. France s living condition was shown as very poor during the 1832 rebellion as child labor, starvation and food shortages were present. However, these conditions did not really change since 1789. Children are seen in the movie
  • 11. Agile Approach For Agile Development Introduction The purpose of this report is to define and discuss the use of agile methodologies. Agile is becoming a more popular term within the information technology industry and this report will help those unfamiliar with its techniques understand how agile works. The goal is also to inform the readers why agile can be preferred over traditional methods. While reading this report, it is recommended to keep in mind that agile is an alternative to using the traditional systems development lifecycle method. Reasons for Agile Adoption To keep up with the demands of today s world, technology departments must be able to meet the needs of their customers as fast as possible while still delivering valuable solutions. In order to do this, a... Show more content on ... With proper agile adoption, all of these problems can be solved. Therefore, agile can transform an underperforming team into a team that provides value to their customer in a timely fashion. Understanding How Agile Works Because many organizations are switching to agile methods over traditional methods such as the systems development lifecycle, one must understand the various facets of the agile methodology. It is necessary to know why agile makes teams more productive, what form of agile is most commonly used, and the different roles of team members in an agile system. In order to fully comprehend agile systems, it is vital to understand why traditional methods have been replaced. When adopting agile, it is important and highly recommended that all members on the team know how agile works. By educating the team s members, it will better ensure that your team will yield its highest potential for productivity. Incorrect adoption of agile may iii пїј leave team members confused, hindering their productivity. Studies have shown that most members of an organization are unfamiliar with agile terms and how it works. According to OneDesk s, Agile Adoption Statistics 2012, most executives and product owners are unfamiliar with how agile works. The figure below shows agile familiarity with scrum masters, product
  • 12. A Family Supper Family Supper Analysis A Family Supper by Kazuo Ishiguro follows a story about a man returning to his home in Japan after World War II to reconcile with his family after his mother s death. The story demonstrates that losing loved ones bring out different sides of people. This is shown by the narrator s father, a cold, stern man who is very proud of his noble samurai blood that begins softening up in old age in effort to reconnect with his familyafter losing them all to different causes. One example of this is the narrator and the father reflecting on their past, with the fathering admitting that [he] should have been a more attentive father (342). With the death of his wife, the father has had to face many new challenges, and by doing
  • 13. Organizational and Management Theory Organization and Management Analysis HCS/514 Managing in Today s Health Care Organizations Organizational Theories Organizational theory as it applies to health care introduces a complex and challenging situation. The health care environment introduces challenges to a structured organization which may not be present in traditional business. For example, measuring output may be difficult in an environment of daily uncertainty, it would be nearly impossible to predict or plan for all of the specific tasks, activities and business interactions in any one unit in the hospital setting. Additional challenges include complex, variable work that cannot often be deferred, work performed under emergency circumstances, high degree of ... Show more content on ... A lazze faire manager will sit back and trust the decisions of his staff, not intervening on the daily operations and professional decision making of the staff. And a democratic manager, is similar to the participative, however, it is by vote or mutual input not always out of collaboration. Organizational Theory for my Organization At my nursing job, I would describe our organization as a not for profit, IDN. Our health care system included over 25 acute care hospitals and has a network of clinics, outpatient services, and home care. As a not for profit we engage in community outreach activities and services to serve the local community. In addition we operate under a corporate structure with standardization of quality services at the core of the mission or our system. We have a corporate top level administration. Corporate services also include the Risk Management, Occupational Health, Safety and Security, and System Best Practices teams. Each individual facility has a leadership structure including the C Suite CEO, CCO, CFO and CNO. The next layer of management is directors, usually overseeing a service line. Unit based senior managers oversee each unit and charge nurses oversee the day to day management of the employees. We manage under a pool of self insurance captives and have incentives to cut costs and meet corporate bench marks. Each facility operates under the common mission, vision, and values. The corporate system
  • 14. The End Permian Mass Extinction Essay b Introduction /b br Think of a world which existed 290 million years ago. As you look out over the terane in front of you, you think that you are on an alien planet. You see volcanoes spewing ash and lava. Beside them is the ocean which is swarming with many different species of echinoderms, bryozoans and brachiopods. As you look down onto the sea floor you are amazed at the countless number of starfish and urchins. Some animals leave you can t even describe and you have no idea even what phylum they belong to. This is a world at its height in diversity of oceanic species. Millions of wonderous species existed at this time in the ocean and most of them will never appear again in earth s history. In the geologic time scale, a million... Show more content on ... The concentration of Ir was at least an order of magnitude higher than the background values and this is characteristic of most Upper Permian and Lower Triassic boundaries. The scientists go on to say that the existence of a rich Ir anomaly on a global scale within the K/T boundary layers of both marine and continental facies has been interpreted as highly impressive evidence for an impact origin. Another discovery that may serve as a marker of an event is microspherules. A variety of microsherules have been discovered in the PTB layers of the Meishan section (Xu et al., 1989). The origin of the microspherules could be multiple. They are small circular indentations in the rocks and the most abondent elements are Si or Si Al. Mircospherules are similar to cosmic dust. Since a large amount of microspherules occurs in a thin layer of PTB layer it can serve as another event marker. br br Maxwell (1989) who got his information from Clark et al. (1986) said that br br The elemental in boundary clays across China suggest that there is a remote possibility that the predominantly illite boundary clay is a remote possibility that the predomonantly illite boundary clay resulted from the alteration of ejecta dust from a comet impact, but the most likely source was ash from a massive volcanic eruption. br br The trace elements suggested that the dust was highly acidic and the ratios of TiO2 and AL2O3 are low enough to support the volcanic dust scenario
  • 15. Learning Theories Of Learning And Teaching Essay Learning Model and Theories in Practice Sheila Morgan Richard R. Wiley School of Education At Walden University Abstract Education has long been the center of reform with new ideas about learning and teaching. Educators are regularly introduced to new teaching strategies, curricula and rigorous standards in an effort to provide effective instruction to students. However, the pursuit of proficiency in mathematics and reading through the use of research based methods requires an understanding of the learning models and theories that both drive instruction and learning in the classroom. In this paper I will address the evolution of ideas about learning and teaching in education as well as address the shifts in learning in the 21st century. The Evolution of Learning Theories In the last fifty (50) years there has been significant contributions in the field of education in regards to how children learn, and the models in which learning theories have been developed and utilized within the classroom setting. Additionally, in as recent as the last twenty years the most notable of shifts has been that of students as sponges where teachers lectured and students listened, and took notes; to that of learning as a process of active engagement (Cuban 1993). The former paradigm being rooted in and is the basis of behaviorist learning theories. Essentially, training the individual or student to respond to conditioned stimuli. This method proved to be an antiquated
  • 16. Examples Of Gender Typing In Early Childhood A. The concept of gender typing in early childhood is an affiliation to activities, objects, or personal traits that would define a person s sex. This mental connection may be suggested by the parents or the environment the child grows up in that allows the child to conform to the social norms or cultural stereotypes of that environment. Although, gender typing might be considered an external factor, gender schema theory suggests that children are pre programmed to construct or establish beliefs about the sexes. The child will formulate gender stereotyped preferences and demeanors from others. One example could be picture day at school and the child formulates that girls wear dresses and boys wear slacks by observing those around them. Another example can be when children are on the playground where girls are more likely to be seen playing house and boys playing war. Since gender schema theory is an information processing approach, it further explains that environmental strains and a child s cognitions work together to pattern gender role evolution. B. Children s social environment to include the child s cognitive limitation contributes to rigid gender stereotyping in early childhood by allowing the child to see or imitate what is socially acceptable. This is further propagated by gender segregation, gender stereotyped activities/professions, and gender typing by society in the media. Gender segregation, which could be construed to be an early creation of a sub culture,
  • 17. Rhetorical Analysis Of Everlast Commercial this article the author(John Whitaker) discusses an Everlast commercial that is only a minute and 30 seconds long but carries a powerful message. The commercial starts off with a small child running through what appears to be a bad neighborhood. As the commercial goes on we realize that he is not in a bad neighborhood but just lives in abject poverty. However, it seems that he has a really strong passion for boxing. This is shown when by the child s constant training in a worn down gym. Everything the boy has trained for has led him to the moment of his big match in which he faces a bigger opponent. He emerges from the fight victorious. As the boxer and his little brother are walking home from the match they are approached by some kid trying to rob them. The boxer slowly gives him the money and the robber runs off with it. The boxer s little brother then turns to ask, Why didn t you just beat him up and boxer relies, He is hungry. Right after that the statement Boxing makes you bigger appears on the screen. This statement is the main... Show more content on ... Everlast is an American brand that designs and manufactures boxing, MMA, and fitness related sporting goods. They are the leading company in manufacturing boxing products. Everlast has been around for over 100 years and has served legends such as Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Robinson,and Mike Tyson. All the aforementioned information makes the brand trustworthy. The fact they are still manufacturing after 100 years shows that they are an enduring and a high demand company, which adds to its credibility. The fact that Everlast has served the legends such Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Mike Tyson shows that they are a trustworthy brand because they can get the greatest fighters of all time to buy their product. The ad doesn t really have kairoctic element to it except for the fact that the ad was launched in the year of the company s 100 year
  • 18. Juvenile Rehabilitation The United States has been sentences more juveniles to unsafe and violent prisons over the years. Juveniles are being sentenced as young as ten year old. Juveniles are being tried as adults in courts and something must change, and it needs to change fast. The younger generation is supposed to be our future leaders. A juvenile being tried as an adult is a harsh sentence. Over 5,000 juveniles are being tried and sentence to prison every year. The United Statesneed to step in and change the way how the youth is being treated in the criminal justicesystem. There is no question that someone who committed a crimethey are going to get some sort of sentence. When an adult commits a crime, they are tried as adult but when a juvenile commits a... Show more content on ... Society plays a big role in a child s development and the way they are going to be raised. One of the biggest solutions that can help is rehabilitation. This can help can help them and give them a positive transformation. Many see education is the key to youth rehabilitation. The youth involved in the juvenile justice system has a history of poor academic education. In rehabilitation, the youth has a right to receive education, such as getting caught up with their school work. Juveniles need a strong education programs, so they are inspired to finish their studies and pursue careers in the future. Another solution for juvenile justice is detention centers. A judge can send a juvenile to a detention facility. Detention facility are temporary housing for the youth who committed crimes. Detention sentences are usually short term instead of long term. It is a wakeup call for juveniles and won t commit that crime again. Home confinement is another solution than sending them to prison. The juvenile can only leave their house for school, community service, or counseling. Meaning contacts can have an impact on the juvenile. Family treatment, such as interventions, with the youth can strengthen the family bond of the child and decrease any criminal activity in the
  • 19. An Adventure in New York City As the stars lit up in the big apple and the sun set down towards the west creating a small fog of air around us, me and my sister decided to take a last look at the world famous time square, before we left for home. It was the middle of winter and snowing in the city of hopes of dreams. My sister and I were bundled up with a bright white polar jacket, scarves and Eskimo hats. I could feel the goose bumps racing up to my arms, making my teeth clatter against each other and giving me the chills. As we continued to walk through the streets, the smell of crunchy peanuts, salted pretzels and greasy hotdogs filled up the air and made my mouth water. The smell was so appealing that it tempted me to stop and try some. My sister and I waited in the long crowded line for the world famous hotdogs. I looked around the city while then and tried to observe everything around me. I saw people scurrying to grab a taxi, talking on the phone, or even listening to their stereos around their shoulders and it seemed as if they were all lost in their own worlds. Most of the men were all dressed up in their bright black, Louis vitton suits with briefcases in their right arms and iphone 5 s on the other, while the women were walking in high black stiletto heels, and you could even hear their shoes striking the ground one after the other from miles away. The enormous sky scrapers around me covered the blanket of grey clouds above us. The flat iron, empire state building and so many more world
  • 20. Descriptive Essay On Cape May s Beach Listen closely, to the gentle crashing of the waves, the occasional seagulls the chatter of playing, eating, and joking people. Listen again to the concerned parents, to the shrill voiced children (climbing on rocks and poking dead jellyfish), or the loudly oblivious teens; and that one guy with THAT sense of humor who can t stop laughing about the stone fleet . This is just the tip of the iceberg of experiences available at Cape May s Beach. Though there are, as I mentioned, numerous loud and social options to pursue, ignore, or be annoyed by at this beach, for the average person walking up and down its shores and enjoy. There is one or two rather small, but nice diners at the untampered area they call a parking lot. There s plenty of live flora and fauna to look at and admire, give or take jellyfish season and the horseshoe crabs migration, and scenery and landmarks aplenty to laugh at or again appreciate. There are sandy dunes and a forest, of sorts, which are quiet and calming, with birds and mammals of varying sizes and descriptions, and the waves quietly crashing to and fro in the backround. In fact, in addition to the birds and other such things like turtles, frogs, and toads, or the rather excellent photo shoot locations at tall dunes of sand separating forest from the... Show more content on ... Despite that, it s an attractive spot, and there are several unique and interesting spots and landmarks up and down whatever direction you go, as previously mentioned. There is, for an example, a large trail of rocks .However, me describing it as a trail makes it sound rather unimpressive and small despite it leading far out into ocean, far enough to be swept away into the maelstrom of torrents that exists where the waves constantly crash into it, and the small holes filled with saltwater and sea life grow
  • 21. Explore the Ups Website 1.What kind of information and services does the Web site provide for individuals, small businesses, and large businesses? List these services. The UPS website provides information and services regarding billing, shipping, tracking, and business solution for large and small businesses, and individuals. Services for Individuals are: My UPS and UPS account This service has features such as billing information, account summary, address book, etc; and can be maintained online by the customer. Shipping The customer can create and start a shipment online, calculate the time and cost for the shipment, schedule pick ups, and create returns and imports. Tracking This feature allows the customer to track packages and ... Show more content on ... Services provided for shipping are UPS CampusShip, WorldShip, and UPS Internet shipping. Tracking This feature allows customers to track packages and freights with services like Quantum view, UPS my choice, UPS Supply chain solution, Flex global view (Total tracking, supplier tracking, Inventory tracking), and Void a shipment. UPS Tracking system lets the businesses handle their staffing requirements based on the anticipated high volume shipping and receiving. Freight Services for freight are Critical Freight, Air Freight, Ocean Freight, LTL (Less then truckload) and Trucking (Full truckload), UPS Cross border connect, and UPS Freight LTL. Financial services Businesses can use services like COD secure and capital merchant services, Insurance, Financing and lending for their financial needs. Technology solution UPS Customer technology program, UPS developer kit, UPS ready program are services that small businesses can use for solving their technology related needs. UPS Communication via E mail The website has features like New product announcements/enhancements, promotions and offers, newsletters, service updates / regulatory changes. Compass UPS publication that features the latest product information and business insights with Blogs and articles for businesses; and real
  • 22. Essay on History of Chemistry through the Ages The history of chemistry dates back to the time of ancient history to now. Ancient civilizations used technologies that would eventually form the basis of the various branches of chemistry by 1000 BC. For example, they were extracting chemicals from plants to make medicines. The history of chemistry is intertwined with the history of thermodynamics. Chemistryis very important to our world today. Without it, we wouldn t be near as advanced as we are. Let s take scientists for example. The scientists at St. Jude children s research hospital; everyday they are working to find the cure to various types of cancer by mixing different chemicals and making various compounds to somehow help all the children with the big C word today. Chemistry... Show more content on ... Like I said, without oxygen, no one would be here right now. The sun is a natural resource as well. The sun is the Earth s main source of energy. Chemistry has a big affect on society today. We do have cell phones. Internet and the space race did happen, so therefor I am typing this chemistry paper right now. We have medicines and vaccines out there that allow people to live longer lives if a sickness occurs. Cell phones are one of the biggest advances from chemistry in my mind. They allow us with much easier and faster communication with the people around us or even on the other side of the world. Satellite TV is another big advancement of chemistry. TV provides us with entertainment and alerts. Technologies today are so advanced it is crazy to think about what life would have been like without these things. Selfish of me to say, I am glad I did not have to live back in the times without advanced technologies like there is today. Technology is affecting society today. Teen s without their cell phone is like chemistry without the periodic table of the elements. Little kids and their video games have become the main focus point. What new big thing is coming out? That is all people seem to care about anymore. Technology has ruined our society, not saying that it isn t just wonderful, but it has destroyed our generation. We get to greedy to get the latest hottest technology that has come out and forget what life is like if you didn t have
  • 23. Biography of Isaac Newton Essay Isaac Newton was a key figure in the development of the age of reason. His achievements revolutionized physics and mathematics and he has been recognized as an undisputed genius (Gardner 13). Newton was a intriguing individual who played an important role in the advancement of the scientific community of his time and of today. Newton was born on Christmas day in 1642 to a widowed farming mother. When he was three his mother left him in the care of his grandmother, so she could remarry (Westfall 1). After being widowed for a second time she came back to help care for her son. At the age of twelve he was sent to The King s School in Grantham to continue his education. Here he began to develop a growing love for books and an interest in... Show more content on ... He also invented the methods of calculus and began his research of optics and the color spectrum (da C. Andrade 50). The unfortunate thing about Newton s astounding discoveries was that he never published any of them until later in his life, which caused much conflict. This period was the prime of Newton s interest in math and science, as time progressed his interest faded towards alchemistry (chemical experimentation) and interpreting Biblical prophecy of which his written works far outnumber those on natural philosophy and mathematics (Gardner 13). Despite his in depth involvement in logic and natural philosophy, Newton still passionately believed in the necessity of God. He felt that only a divine being could create a universe of such harmonic balance, and that God periodically intervened to keep everything intact and working properly (White 329). Newton s character astounded some and outraged others. Newton was very withdrawn from the world, all his works he studied and performed in isolation and seldom shared his ideas with others. The delay of the publication of his works in natural philosophy was due to his extreme fear of criticism. Newton s greatest work Philosophiea Naturalis Principia Mathmatica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), often just called the Principia, wasn t published until 1686, after Edmond Halley had convinced him to publish it despite Newton s fear of his devout critic, Robert Hooke (Weisstein 1). Newton
  • 24. Analysis Of Miss Brill Analysis of the Point of View in Miss Brill Katherine Mansfield s short story, Miss Brill, is a well written story of an elderly, unmarried woman in Europe. In Miss Brill, Katherine Mansfield uses stream of consciousness point of view to show alienation and loneliness, appearances and reality, and Miss Brill s perceptions as she attempts to make herself fit in with the park goers. Miss Brill is an older lady who makes a living teaching English to school children and reading newspapers to an old invalid gentleman (Wilson 2: 139). Her joy in life comes in her visits to the park on Sunday where she is notorious for sitting in on other people s lives (Wilson 2: 140). It is there that her ritualistic, monotonous journey that Miss Brill refers to as a play takes place. From the beginning of the story, it becomes apparent that Miss Brill is the epitome of the definition of lonely. She starves to have just a little warmth and companionship. In the story, she has a fur necklet that she tenderly caresses as if it were a pet that she rubs the life into the little dim eyes (Mansfield 175). Loneliness in Miss Brill is also shown through the music in the park. The loneliness is shown through her perception of how the music is like someone playing with only the family to listen (Mansfield 175). The whole time, Miss Brill thinks of herself as part of this family playing the music, but in reality she is just an on site observer. On this particular Sunday, it was the first day of the Season so the band seemed louder and gayer (Mansfield 175). However, Miss Brill is somewhat disappointed that there are only two people near where she is seated (Wilson 2: 136) Because they do not talk, her little world that she is rebuffed by that world and her fantasy falls apart (Wilson 2: 140). When the characters in the play are silent, Miss Brill imagines what they must be saying. However, their silence makes eavesdropping on their lives quite difficult (Wilson 2: 145). She also has a tendency to judge the characters, seeing them in ways that others in the garden likely view her. For instance, she finds many of the older people in the garden odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they stared they looked as though
  • 25. Disadvantages Of Lay Magistrates Lay magistrate, are normal people, who have no law skills and are under qualified people that give necessary verdicts in magistrates courts. They have been named as lay magistrates so that they can be distinguished from a qualified magistrate. The magistrate s courts have been introduced centuries ago. Today there are significant numbers of persons who sit and run magistrates court in UK, as a part time job. They normally take their seat and attend legal proceedings as a Bench of two or three, because if only one magistratewill sit he will have constrained functionality in carrying out his work. Each magistrates sitting in the court carry out a specific function as assigned to them, they deal with criminal and civil proceedings, and they also sit in primary the opening of criminal cases. Moreover the magistrates also consider requisitions of applications which have been rejected by local authority and give them legal permits .However the training, background and appointment of lay magistrates differ from that of magistrates. In England and Wales lay magistrates are delegated by the Lord Chancellor on the part of the monarch and effectively upon the counsel of local advisory committees. They are crossed examined by local government, labor unions, chambers ... Show more content on ... The first training consists of foremost fundamental principles and they sit with a couple of magistrates in court to assist them and they get some special mentoring classes for proper guidance. As a part of their training they also visit lockups and also receive a workbook for more personal study. Moreover their Training is strengthened by an evaluation of 12 18 months after appointment, when a distinctively qualified Magistrate audit will sit as member of the bench examine their potential and proficiency. Their training is a continuous one is intended keep magistrates advanced and supervise their development
  • 26. War Communism And The Russian Civil War After the Tsar regime was overthrown in 1917, Russia experienced further discontent as its people carried out revolution and civil war (Modern World History: Russia 1905 41). From these occurrences, Russia then became the first communist state in the world. The Bolsheviks had become the ruling party after taking over the Provisional Government in the revolution of November 1917. Vladimir Leninhad been the leader of this party. There was a bitter civil war between the Communists who were the Reds and the opposition being the Whites. As a final point the Bolsheviks defeated their enemies in the Russian Civil War that lasted for 3 years and ended in 1920. When the Bolsheviks took over after winning the Civil War they had complete control ... Show more content on ... The Russians had given them peace terms that they found them difficult to comply to and too severe. War Communism had been implemented by Lenin in 1918 because of the needs of the Civil War. The Russian economy was now aimed at providing the supplies it needed for the army (Modern World History: War Communism and Red Terror). The Bolsheviks party decided to move away from state capitalism because they felt the need to intensify authority, through communism (Reaction and Revolution: Russia 1894 1924 Third Edition: War Communism). Lenin introduced harsh restrictive policies to create the new communist rule. All aspects of life in Russia were controlled by the Bolsheviks as they implemented severe terms upon its people. Social, political and economic areas of life had to become subordinate to the aim of winning the Civil War (Reaction and Revolution: Russia 1894 1924 Third Edition: War Communism). The aim of War Communism was to bring industry and agriculture under central control. Thus the policy of centralization was put into play. This concentrated mainly on the political and economic center of Russia. In addition this created a great increase of Bolshevik influence. There was development within the factories through Bolsheviks influence. Lenin then put a Decree on Nationalism. In less than two years Russia s enterprises were all under the central government control
  • 27. The Legendary Lebron James The chosen one, the hometown hero, the traitor, the king, the greatest of all time, or also known as Lebron James has been through what most kids can t even imagine. Lebron grew up without a father and moved from house to house, but now he is one of the most successful men in the world. On April 4, 2014 Lebron is the youngest player ever to reach 23,000 career points in the National Basketball Association (NBA), beating Michael, Kareem, and Kobe to this amazing achievement Lebron still thanks his mother for what she fought through to get him to where he is at now. Gloria James was only 16 at the time she had Lebron, and Lebrons biological father, Anthony McClelland was an ex convict uninterested in being a parent, and he left Gloria to raise Lebron by herself. This is why Lebron uses his mothers maiden name and not his father s last name. Gloria had many personal problems and had trouble keeping a steady job. Gloria tried to give Lebron a good life she just had struggles doing it. Gloria tried to give Lebron everything she could, at a young age Lebron loved sports so she bought him a miniature basketball hoop. Lebron James struggled at school, and at making friends because he was embarrassed about his home life; Lebron found a way to get away from his home life with basketball and football. Lebron showed magnificent skills in basketball and football at an early age. Lebron was a freak athlete in middle school. His football coach saw he had been missing
  • 28. Evaluation Of 30 Day Hospital Readmission Using A Dataset... II. Literature Review Silverstein et al. in [24] were to develop and validate predictors of 30 day hospital readmission using a dataset of more than 29,000 patient s record over the age of 65 and to compare prediction models that used alternate comorbidity classifications. In these paper they were capable to identify the risk factors of hospital readmission and calculated the risk of all the attributes by using prediction model. An important limitation of their study was that it did not directly include information on patients abilities to perform activities of daily living or other measures of physical function. Strack et al. in [25] studied the impact of HbA1c on readmissions. They used Multivariable logistic regression to fit the relationship between the measurement of HbA1c and early readmission while controlling for covariates such as demographics, severity and type of the disease, and type of admission. The results showed that the measurement of HbA1c was performed infrequently (18.4%) in the inpatient setting. Their analyzed that the profile of readmission differed significantly in patients where Hba1c checked in the setting of a primary diabetes diagnosis when compared to those with a primary circulatory disorder. But cannot addressed cause and effect although the data provide strong support for development of protocols to examine this hypothesis directly. Hosseinzadeh et al. in [17] conducted analysis on predictability of hospital readmissions in general
  • 29. Social Interaction Sociology Social Interaction is the process in which two or more people act and react to those around them. A field of study called Microsociology or Social Interaction was created by a sociologist by the name of Erving Goffman. Goffman argued that these significant figures are important in the field of sociology and should be consider carefully. Social interaction includes several different types of behavior. This field called Social interaction is divided into five concepts such as Exchange, competition, Cooperation, Conflict, Coercion. In our everyday lives we use each of these concepts, whether it s in our schools, homes, work, etc. Exchange Exchange is one of the most basic concept of social interaction. Whenever an individual interacts to receive something from another individual that, he/she has given to; That is how exchange has been taken place. Exchange is being taken place in my school the University of Belize where by, I, the student is being offered an education from my school and in return I should give them money. Another example of how exchange is being made in our everyday lives where in a work site, the employee accomplishes a role of task for their work and in return they receive a salary. Also for instance in a competition the runner up should show case his/her talent and in return they received an award by the person who s hosting the competition. All these scenarios are how exchange happens in our lives. All exchanges must be equal or fair between each
  • 30. The Policy Design For Recreational Cannabis Model The picture is quite complex and at odds with federal legislation, posing a major challenge in terms of public policy design, implementation and evaluation. In the next sections, for analytical purposes, the policy cycle will be divided in two major models: the legalization for recreational purposes (4 states) and legalization for medical purposes (in all of its forms) (33 cases). 3.Design stage 3.1Policy design for recreational cannabis model The main goal pursued by the legalization policies is to convert marijuana in a tradable commodity, under similar conditions and treatment given to alcohol and tobacco. In this sense, the policy approach is mainly directed to market development. The full legalization of cannabis in Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska (as well as the district of Columbia), is a recent phenomenon that started in 2012. In all cases the process was triggered by ballot system, following the path inaugurated by California in 1996 where the medical use of cannabis was approved (Anderson and Rees, 2014). However, in some states like Oregon and Alaska, the process have started earlier with two previous failed attempts, where the same proposition was defeated by ballot system. The political and civic platform for the full legalization was largely supported by national activists groups such as NORML, the Marijuana Policy Project, Drug Policy Alliance and wide networks of scientific and medical communities, human rights activists, civil rights
  • 31. Waiting Love Movie Analysis If you re interested in a muscular Chinese guy roller skating around in a bikini, then I ve got just the movie for you. Cafe. Waiting. Love. is a Chinese love story filled with humor and grilled sausage. While watching this movie, I noticed many trends common among similar stories, such as the girl who can see ghosts, the ghost who can t pass on to heaven because he has a regret, and the boy who likes the girl. Although these clichГ©s were not mentioned in Foster s book, there were still many things I could deduce about the movie only after reading about Foster s methods. Of Thomas C. Foster s twenty seven chapters, in his book, How To Read Literature Like A Professor, the chapters I found most applicable to my movie were chapters nine, eleven, and fifteen. Firstly, chapter nine of Foster s book made one thing very clear: It s never just the rain. (Foster, 70) Since rain can be more mysterious, murkier, more isolating than most other weather conditions (Foster, 71), the director uses the rain to add a bit of mystery to the mood of the joyful scene with this unnamed, mysterious boy whom the female protagonist (Xiying) is interested in (romantically). The rain also serves as a plot device and force pushing Xiying and the boy together, even though it s clear that Xiying is going to end up with A Tuo (the boy who likes her). The purpose of pushing Xiying and the mystery boy together is to create enough of a connection between them for Xiying to choose the boy over A Tuo
  • 32. The Ethics Of The Bridge Ethics: The bridge we have created is ethical in the sense that it has a dependable purpose relative to its location, and its uses. By implementing a floating bridge, in a non linear terrain in the city of Champong Chnnang it allows for effective, and efficient commute between two villages. This idea allows for the saving of time and money, by not implementing a less efficient method of transportation and trade between the two villages. THIS ISN T GOOD ENOUGH, LET EDWARD ADD SHIT TO THIS TOO. Sustainable Design: The bridge has a very well designed sustainability concept, relying on upcycled materials to complete the bridge. These upcycled materials consist of the wood, the fishing net, the oil barrels and the plastic shielding for the barrels. These materials can be used for functional roles in the design, such as platforms, floatation, safety lines across hand rails, and so on. The bridge s sustainability concept can be further supported by the ease of replacing materials, and not throwing them in the bin. The materials such as wood, plastic and pieces of metallic bolts and nuts can be recycled and reused for other purposed such as furniture, storage or completely recycled back into a molten form for the metallic objects. Lifecycle Analysis: Before Wood: The wood used in the project will be locally sourced, to reserve costs of importation. The wood will start in the surrounding rainforests of the lakes. After chopping down sufficient trees the wood will be cut into
  • 33. Be Careful Not to Plagairize Essay According to the Harvard Guide to Use Sources, it is considered plagiarism if you use a language or report and turn it in as your own without appropriately crediting the sources used. On the sources that you used to gather information, if you can not locate the author, make sure to scroll down and look everywhere for an author. If you cannot locate an author, make sure that you appropriately cite the website in your bibliography. Although it may seem obvious, while you use the Internet to gather information, you need to be extra wary about where you gathered your information because you can mistakenly plagiarize. Although it may have been a mistake, you still take the consequences because you DID commit plagiarismand there is nothing... Show more content on ... An extremely helpful way to avoid mosaic plagiarism is by keeping track of your ideas and the ideas that you have gathered from your source(s). It is advisable to write down the ideas that belong to you and the ideas that you have gathered through your research on separate papers labeled differently. Inadequate paraphrasing is also an easy way to commit plagiarism. In order to paraphrase, you need to change more than just a couple of words. When you re write it, if it is too close to the original, then you are plagiarizing. According to the Harvard Guide of Using Sources, while you write your paraphrased statement, it may help if you put away the source that you used. If you can not express the meaning you are intending to convey, you can write the authors statement in verbatim and put the statement in quotation marks and apply the appropriate citation. Next, you will learn about an Uncited Paraphrase. When you paraphrase another persons sentence or article, that information still belongs to them even though you paraphrased it. It is not adequate to just source your material, but you also have to cite the source even if you have paraphrased extremely well because the idea(s) still belong to the author(s). A rule of thumb is that if you did not come up with the idea(s) yourself, you need to cite the source because you were not the person who introduced that piece of article which means you need to use the appropriate citations. Very similar to an Uncited
  • 34. Cultural Challenges Facing Military Operations in Pan Arab... For this assignment the cultural manifestations I selected to discuss as being important to our Unit s success are Wasta, Deference to authority, and Tendency to seek compromise. Of course understanding all of the cultural manifestations are important to our unit s success, but each region within the Middle EastNorth African (MENA) region will have their own variations based upon which branch of Islam is dominant in the region, what that region s experience has been with the U.S. or a Western presence in general and numerous other factors such as the prevailing socio economic factors of the region. By way of back ground, I thought it would be helpful to point out that the MENA region is a pretty diverse area comprised of have s and ... Show more content on ... The bottom line for our team however, is to understand that the widespread practice of wasta in the Middle East is assumed, it is a given. So we must learn the nuances of the practice and use it to our advantage to be successful in our mission. That means finding the right Wasta to curry influence with the particular elders you are working with. Originally based upon family loyalty, the family is still the primary wasta channel, but that familial relationship has expanded to include friends and acquaintances, as well as private agreements whereby services are provided in exchange for gifts or specific fees. In the words of one observer, Today s wasta is too often a middle man, seeking fame and fortune by doing favors. Our job is to find that Middle Man and enter into that relationship with our eyes wide open, knowing it isn t going to be a cheap date, but that it will be worth the lives it will save down the road. Incidentally, the IMF, World Bank and regional economic leaders consider the taming or conversion of wasta as necessary to the MENA Region ultimately becoming an emerging market leader and engine of world growth, its effect in the regional economy is that debilitating. So let s do our part to keep it that way! Where s my Wasta!?! Here wasta wasta! Deference to Authority: As LTC Wunderle describes, Arab culture favors
  • 35. Sharp Secret papers The basic problem is to ignore what was found and report the breach of security. With that said, there are some issues that should be addressed such as 1) Will I report the discovery or accept SGT Day s approach to the matter? 2) If I report on this, who should I report the issue to, and how and when should I report the issue? 3) Should I just discuss the discovery with SFC Sharp, before I go ahead with any other decisions? The ethical questions I have identified now challenge me to identify what ought to be done, what is right or wrong or the possible good vs. bad when determining guilt or innocence. The main issue now is what are the consequences to each person involved if I do or do not report the matter?... Show more content on ... My course of action would be to approach SFC Sharp on the matter. By going to him first I would be giving him the benefit of the doubt. I feel I would be seeking to correct the problem as if I was going to be the recipient of consequences for these actions and would be resolving the problem at the lowest level possible. All three of the approaches to ethical thought (obligation, consequences, and character) are involved in this
  • 36. A Sunrise On The Veld Poem Analysis How Two Completely Different Stories Can Have So Many Similarities The short stories, A Sunrise on the Veld and At the Pitt Rivers , have nothing in common if you analyze them on a shallow literature level. A Sunrise on the Veld by Doris Lessing, highlights some of the reasons why life is so valuable. Lessing hints her readers that this short story is set somewhere in the desert by, ... the flesh of his soles contracted on the chilled earth, and his legs began to ache with cold... He slung the shoes over his shoulder... they would be necessary when the ground became too hot to bear, (Lessing, pg. 1212). Most deserts get heated by the sun by day, but loses the heat at night. The boy starts hunting, at first, but then is distracted by a wounded buck. Seeing this buck suffer, depicts him especially sad. A boy is also the protagonist in At the Pitt Rivers by Penelope Lively. This boy spends his time in a museum, observing people and writing poems as the time passes. He keeps track of a couple he sees at the museum. The couple catches his attention because they are not his ideal of what a couple should look like. If a kindergartener read these two short stories, he/she would find nothing in common with the stories. But, if the reader has the ability to analyze the text in more depth, he/she would find that they are more similar than the kindergartener would think. As an advanced reader, a comparison that is prevalent in both stories is, society s thinking of the ideal
  • 37. Finding False Memories Of The Mall Texperiences. Some people might argue that getting lost in the mall is too common of an experience to demonstrate false memories. For this argument, Hyman et al. constructed an experiment to show the occurrence of false memories in less that common childhood events including spilling punch at a wedding and a sprinkler system going off a at grocery store. For one variation of this study, Hyman et al. implanted the memory of an overnight hospitalization with a high fever, and possible ear infection. The participants were told they were going to be asked about events from their childhood based on information provided by their parents. They were then given the titles of the events (including the false visit to the hospital) and asked to ... Show more content on ... Some ideas in the field include looking at the response speed of the recollection of memories, and the emotion felt when recalling the memory (Reisberg). A common assumption is that the confidence with which memory is recalled could indicate its accuracy. However, there is very little association with how sure someone is about the occurrence of an event and how accurate their recollection is. We are often sure of our false memories. Smith, Ellsworth, and Kassin explain this in their study on Eyewitness Accuracy and Confidence. They note that most officials in court cases overwhelmingly believe confidence in eyewitness testimony to be positively correlated with accuracy. To disprove this, they studied about 100 undergraduate students from Stanford University. They had the students watch a car accident, participate in a filler task, and then answer questions about the car accident. They were asked to rate the confidence on their answers on a scale of 1 (no clue) to 10 (absolutely sure). The researchers then computed the correlation of accuracy and confidence and found the same conclusion as Reisberg explained: confidence can not be solid an indicator of accuracy (Smith 358). In fact, the more we are asked to recall a memory, the more confident we become, which is unfortunate because it s easy to create a false memory. Let us take an
  • 38. Rome During Medieval Times Medieval Society Medieval Society helped to give a better perspective on what Rome was like during Medieval Times. The article explained the collapse of The Western Roman Empire, and makes things easier to comprehend by breaking it down by countries/ parts of the empire. By using this method, it makes it easier to understand the fall of the Roman Empire by going in depth and explaining all the different causes for each empire s downfall. It also showed how medieval Europe inherited many of it s traditions and institutions, for example, Christianity. I thought this article was well written and gave enough details and information to fully understand the main concept of this article. The Medieval Cathedral in its Cultural Setting The Medieval Cathedral in its Cultural Setting made it easier to understand the the significance of the Cathedral. Jean Gimpel, the author of the article said, In order to understand the cultural significance of the cathedral, the student must know the political, economic, social, aesthetic, and religious environment in which it grew ; which the article did perfectly. The article even discussed the beginning of the cathedral itself by explaining how it was built, ... Show more content on ... The parts of the article that I could understand did help to better understand feudalism as McKAy did not give that much information about it. I also used this article as a reference for a previous question in The Middle Ages Part 1. I personally thought this article was more difficult to read than the first two because the first paragraph discussed many things and was unclear as to what the article was going to discuss. The transitions for topic to topic were also formatted strange and made it even more difficult to understand and I did not like this style of writing as much as the previous two
  • 39. Theme Of The Carousel In Something Wicked This Way Comes Sometimes the man who looks happiest in town, with the biggest smile, is the one carrying the biggest load of sin. There are smiles and smiles; learn to tell the dark variety from the light. (Bradbury 135) Written in 1962, Ray Bradbury s Something Wicked This Way Comes is a fantasy fiction novel which depicts the mysterious experience two teenage boys encounter one October night in Green Town, Illinois. Within Something Wicked This Way Comes, Ray Bradbury utilizes symbolism of the carousel in order to reveal the primary theme:beware of even the most innocent things, for they can be so nefarious. To begin with, the author incorporates the carousel as a symbol of evil disguised as innocence. In reality, the carousel is a distortion which represents the fears and desires wicked people feed off of in order to acquire ultimate power. In the novel, the author often refers to the carousel since it is almost portrayed as a vault which is constantly revolving and depending on the innocent who succumb to the dark side when their greatest fears are put to the test. According to Bud Martin, we are drawn in and root for children because their security is being encroached upon, and it is their love and innocence that both can make them victims and save them, in the end. The carousel is by far the most powerful and important symbol within and throughout the novel because it is considered the powerhouse or main source of energy which thrives solely on the souls of the weak and naive who
  • 40. Statement Of Purpose In Chemical Engineering STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The foundation of life and purpose is to find the Why in you. The Why in you is purpose, knowing Who you are and Why you are here is the meaning of life. Sadness and tragedies come to pass, the eternal question of life is Why. What am I doing here? What does all this mean? To find yourself is the very reason you re born. The wonder and glory of life is the birth of purpose. There is no one separate from yourself. These lines of Jeremy Limn epitomizes my principles of life and has thereby influenced me in exploring the insights of the world around me right from my childhood. The curiosity to reason every little thing that surrounds me and to seek in the best answers for each of their existence has helped me in ... Show more content on ... Though painstaking at times, the joyous satisfaction that is attained when each of these challenges are met with innovative solutions has no words to explain and has thus been the prime reason for me to take up my undergraduation in Chemical Engineering. Throughout my four years of undergraduate study at this institute, I was amazed at the real flamboyance and the sheer versatility of this discipline and this resulted in motivating me to work hard with dedication to secure a place in the top 10% of the Chemical Engineering Department with a CGPA of 8.53/10. The demanding undergraduate program at A.C.Tech, Anna University has helped me to achieve a strong background in core Chemical Engineering areas like Fluid Mechanics, Mass Transfer, Thermodynamics, Chemical ReactionEngineering and Process Calculations and has also made me to understand the utmost significance of simulating various chemical reactions and systems in the field of Chemical Engineering. As days passed by, love for the field has only increased within me, as this Chemical Engineering discipline is one which is ever evolving with new ideas and challenges. Being a person with full of self belief, research in this field looks like a right path that has motivated me to apply for graduate studies in Chemical Engineering at Texas Tech
  • 41. Hermione Monologue I was still sleeping comfortably in my sliver and burgundy bed when my door opens and walks in my older sister Hermione. Honestly Aspen! You re still sleeping, we have to be at the Weasley s by noon! I groaned and sat up. Bloody Hell Mione! Will you calm down all I have to do is take a shower and get dressed. I get out of bed grab my clothes and head to my bathroom and before I shut my door I hear my sister groan and leave the room. After my shower, I got dressed and headed downstairs with my trunk. Mrs. Weasley was already there waiting for me and Hermione. Hello Mrs. Weasley. How are you? I ask her while we wait for Hermione to come downstairs. Call me Molly dear, I am doing wonderfully. Ah and how are you Hermione? I... Show more content on ... Weasley appeared in the fireplace and he did not look happy, before he even got to finish the sentence he was saying Molly came in. Tell me what Arthur? I looked at Ginny and we both agreed that we should head outside. After a couple rounds we saw Harry come out and yell Aspen! Ginny! Dinner s ready! Once we were back on the ground Ginny dropped her broom and ran inside leaving me. I started to laugh while I yelled Really Gin! she just waved and shut the door. I grabbed her broom and started to walk over to the shed to put them away because I know how Molly could get. I was having a bit of trouble opening the door until a voice behind me asked. Aspen do you need any help? I jumped a bit dropping the brooms, I totally forgot he was still out here I thought he went inside. Oi! Harry you scared me, I thought you went back inside. He grinned at me, honestly nobody expect Ginny knows that I like Harry and I am the only one who knows that she likes Neville Longbottom. Sorry Aspen. Do you need some help there? I nodded and he laughed a bit. Once we got the brooms in the shed we headed in the house so we could eat, dinner there was amazing everybody laughed and had a goodtime. After dinner me, Gin, and my sister walked to Ginny s room to go to bed because we had to get up early to head to the World Cup and I couldn t keep the smile from my face when I slipped into unconsciousness. I woke up before anyone else
  • 42. Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama On January 21st, 2009, Barack Obama stepped up to the podium after millions upon millions of people chanted his name. It was the first time that an African American took office as the President of the United States. He presented a historic message of hope and change for the future of the United States of America, given that it was a change of presidency in those excruciatingly unideal times. During his inaugural address, he had to state the most important issues that America was currently facing at the time and his plans on fixing those issues to the American public. He reassures the public about the changes that he was planning to employ within his presidency by contrasting different ideas, emphasizes America s issues and his solutions through anaphoras and varying sentence structure, and convinces the American public that he is capable of addressing America s issues through his use of strong diction. During this time, there were many dire issues that plagued America such as costly health care, a badly weakened economy, and a failing education system. Obama accomplished his goal of reassuring the American public that the changes that he was planning to employ would be beneficial by using antithesis. Even though he was the new President of the United Statesof America, he showed that he was still a regular human being, just like the people that he was talking to: To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist. Obama shows that he will still help people who don t have the same beliefs and opinions as him. Additionally, he believes that everybody has to work together, even if they are part of a different political party or if they have a different skin color. Ultimately, Obama prefers America to be the shining beacon of the world, meaning that they will be the country that other countries look up to: And so, to all the other peoples and governments who are watching today, from the grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born, know that America is a friend of each nation, and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace
  • 43. Tennessee Walking Horse Abuse Essay Tennessee Walking Horse Abuse Should be Banned Chains, stacks, and diesel fuel... No, this is not a farm shopping list, these are just a few of the many items commonly used for soring Tennessee Walking horses. Soring is the unethical and illegal practice of deliberately inflicting pain to exaggerate the leg motion of gaited horses to gain an unfair advantage in the show ring ( ). Despite numerous attempts, many Tennessee Walking horseshows allow soring ,and other forms of abuse, in their show rings and in their facilities. In order to eliminate soring from the horse industry, the current regulations need to be strengthened and strictly enforced. The use of soring techniques and general abuse in order to achieve an unnatural gait should be outlawed because it is unnecessary, inhumane, and causes a bad reputation for the horse industry The abuse that the Tennessee Walking horses are forced to endure is completely unnecessary. Soring techniques are used to achieve an extremely unnatural gait. This desired gait is the ... Show more content on ... Many times, people think of trail rides and the black stallion when they think of the horse industry. Soring taints the reputation of horse shows and trainers around the globe. Once a person has seen the horrific abuse and has been to a show, it is a sight that can never be unseen. It sticks in the mind and makes one wonder if all trainers use these techniques. When people begin to know the truth about what really goes into these shows, ticket sales and show attendance rates begin to decline. Animal abuse is something that many people feel strongly about and many are not willing to support it in any way. If they believe that some, or all, gaited horse trainers use these cruel methods, they may never attend shows or own a gaited horse. This means decreased revenue and a misunderstanding of the gaited
  • 44. Analysis Of Harry Potter, Hermione, And Ron Hunt Down The... American author Deepak Chopra said, If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can t do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings, . For example, Mulan fought with her men to protect China, and Katniss fought for the destruction of the Capitol with District Thirteen. Also, Bilbo and Thorin and Co. fought to get their gold back from Smaug, yet the most important of all, the Arkenstone. In Harry Potter, Hermione, and Ron hunt down the Deathly Hallows. The similarity is high only because all hero stories follow the same monomyth developed by Joseph Campbell. Both the Arkenstone and the Deathly Hallows serve a purpose and are the cause of a quest; however, the Deathly... Show more content on ... Similarly enough, Harry also faces an opponent rivaling for the Deathly Hallows, and it is none other than Lord Voldemort. The reader knows this clearly when he states that, You Know Who s after the Elder Wand. (Rowling 431). The opposition, no matter what it is, if overcome will bring the same amount of value into whatever the hero and villain are fighting for. Furthermore, the Arkenstone and the Deathly Hallows die out. At the end of Harry s fight with Voldemort and the school year, he states that, I m putting the Elder Wand, he told Dumbledore, who was watching him with enormous affection and admiration, Back where it came from. It can stay there..., (Rowling 749). Considering that the Elder wand came from a tree and trees all start in the ground, one might infer that Harry has buried it or gotten rid of it in some way. Even though the Arkenstone wasn t destroyed, it was still made gone when, They buried Thorin deep beneath the Mountain, and Bard laid the Arkenstone upon his breast. (Tolkien 117). If the Arkenstone was simply buried in the mountain with no intention of being hidden, one might assume that a prequel would come where the Arkenstone would be made important again. In order for this to be avoided, the adjectives deep and beneath are added to show the foot down effect. The reader then knows for sure that the tales of the Arkenstone done, and their quest
  • 45. Questions On Financial Reporting Disclosures 1.Introduction ICAEW made nine recommendations about financial reporting disclosures in 2013 to solve current disclosure overload problem. This report will mainly argue against recommendation four. Choosing this prospect because one of the objectives of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is to protect consumers from being taken advantage of by other informed participants in the capital market. Among all the suggestions, disclosing different reports for different users has the most significant influence on investors and capital market. Section 2 of this report will firstly discuss the probability of fraudulent financial reporting and the fairness problem. Then the information asymmetry problem and the instability of the security market ... Show more content on ... Assuming public companies are allowed to distinguish classes of users, the decision relevant information could be split on the basis of different interests and somebody may take advantage of this loophole to provide fraudulent information for a favourable outcome in stock price. 2.2Example of FFR According to the most resent report from Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE, 2008), from January 2006 to February 2008, among all types of frauds, FFR associated with largest average cost which was $258 million, while the second largest was $34 million. Furthermore, the study from KPMG (2003) and ACFE (2008) all agreed FFR is the least common but most costly fraud (Carcello and Hermanson, 2008). The estimated annual cost of FFR in USA is $1 trillion (ACFE, 2008), and this is just under the relaxed disclosure regulation, which is the Securities Offering Reform, issued in 2005 in America (Clinton et al., 2014). And FFR is certainly not limited to the United States (Zack, 2009). Hence, FCA considered FFR facts in US as a lesson and involved in a special project in 2010 in UK to examine fraud in public companies (Fisher et al., 2010). To conclude, recommendation four could increase the probability of FFR which could stimulate the stock price, and that will harm consumers and encourage the unhealthy competition in security market.
  • 46. What Does Light Symbolize In Macbeth The contrast of darkness and light symbolizes evil and goodness which is the foundation that Macbeth is built on. Darkness in our society tends to indicate many symbols of evil or deceitfulness. The usage of this particular motif, foreshadows what happens to the characters. The audience can tell something bad is going to happen before it even happens. Light, in Macbeth, seems to indicate truth or innocence. In Act I, Macbeth is debating with himself about whether or not he should make his own path to make himself King or let Fate make him King. Macbeth, talking to himself, says, Stars, hide your fires/ let not see my black and deep desires... (1.4) Darkness is used figuratively in this dialogue, indicating that black and deep symbolizes his evil and bad intentions. Macbeth does not want the light (other people), or his goodness, to see that he wants to murder King Duncan in order to become the new king because he doesn t want to face the fact that he is thinking of committing murder. Shakespeare contrasts light, the stars, with darkness, black and deep, to emphasize that Macbeth s thoughts are so evil ... Show more content on ... Shakespeare is personifying night, implying that it is so dark (evil) and thick, that it overpowers out the light from their lamp. Darkness is used literally and figuratively in this dialogue, implying that it is so dark outside that even a lamp can t be seen through the darkness. It also means that it feels very thick and evil because it is the day after Duncan s death, implying that not everything is as it seems. Shakespeare contrasts light, the lamps light, with darkness, dark night, to emphasize that even the darkness of the night overpowers what little innocence and truth is