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Extended Essay Group 1
Category 2
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Extended Essay Group 1 Category 2 Extended Essay Group 1 Category 2
Kony 2012 Film Analysis
When a social issue arises, many activists turn to different media outlets to voice their views and
demand social change. For decades, actualities known today as documentaries, have been used
to give viewers an inside look on real life without being there to experience it firsthand. Often,
directors use these films to persuade the audience into taking their side regarding various societal
issues. Filmmakers help sway their targeted audience by using different codes and conventions to
appeal their opinion effortlessly to the viewers. It can be seen in the films Kony 2012 by director
James Russel, 2002 s Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore and 1922 s Nanook of the North
by Robert J. Flaherty, that directors often use subjectivity rather than... Show more content on ...
Moore manipulates many facts throughout the documentary. For example, he edits Charlton
Heston s speech regarding his support of the second amendment, in order to make it seem as if it
was shortly after the Columbine High School shooting when in reality, it was further down the
road (Bradsaw, 2002). Furthermore, the director strategically set up an interview with Heston
while he was suffering from Parkinson s disease so he could ultimately take advantage of him
for the sake of the film (Bradsaw, 2002). While he explores many different methods, Moore often
takes on social issues in a comedic fashion to help persuade the viewers. For instance, in one clip
he uses a cartoon as a representation of the civil rights movement in the United States, amplifying
the ignorance of the counter view. Moore also uses Noddies and Reverse Questions in his
interviews to belittle the interviewee and create a more obvious argument for the audience to side
with. Lastly, Michael Moore uses video montages combined with irony to create a negative image
surrounding America s gun control laws. In this clip, Moore shows violence and terror that the
United States has been involved in, all the while playing Louis Armstrong s What a Wonderful
World , to create a thought within the viewer that with stricter gun control laws, none of this would
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Reviewing the Necessity of Punishment Essay
Reviewing the Necessity of Punishment
From On Crimes and Punishment by Cesare Beccaria is an excerpt from On Crimes and
Punishment. In his address to the public, particularly those in political positions, Beccaria discusses
the way we as a society choose to carry out the law. What he calls useless severity of punishment
encompasses his thoughts on extremes such as capital punishment and the cruelties that we allow
our government to inflict upon its own people in a failing attempt to bring order to our society. The
death penalty has plagued our society for centuries, perhaps beginning with the idea of human
sacrifice that has been turned around as a cycle of never ending death and cruelty. The writing
techniques employed by ... Show more content on ...
Cesare Beccaria is quick to point out the opposing view to his statement, then use it as
reinforcement for his own argument. Discussing capital punishment, he clearly states that many
countries, if not most, practice this and have done so for centuries. He doesn t give his audience
much time to think about that as he quickly calls the history of mankind a vast sea of errors,
among which there float a few confused truths, each one far from the next (68). Instead of just
referring to the mistakes made in our history, Beccaria calls them a vast sea of errors implying that
these mistakes are so tremendous in number and carry such weight with them that they have not
been given enough credit for the tragedies they have caused. It is also unclear if Beccaria is
insulting his opponent, adding their opinion to this vast sea of errors. In turn, the reader doesn t
want their thoughts bunched with these erroneous opinions. The author claims these mistakes are
the effect of confused truths. To the reader, confused truths equates fallacy. The diction is presented
in an oxy moron fashion that reinforces his statement with delicate language, leaving the audience
to question his opponent s view. Adding these complicated, descriptive words, Beccaria reinstates
an argument more likely used by his opponent, then slams the statement with vague evidence to
make his audience give more thought to his argument than
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The Problem Of Medical Errors
Medical error is a major problem that take place in the healthcare system in today s society.
Medical errors in hospitals are the third main cause of death in United States killing 44,000 people
per year due to medical errors. Studies show that poor communication in medical fields has cost up
to 1.7 billion dollars. Miscommunication is the core for this error, failure to clear communication
can guide to serious complication, such as serious problems for patients and deaths. This Mistakes
usually happen when there is a miscommunication between the nurses and the doctors or between
patients and experts. The three common errors, which take place in the medical system are,
miscommunication about patient condition between the doctors and nurses, Shift change between
workers or transferring of patients to a different hospitaland the third one is lack of enough
practice and somehow negligence. It is important to understand the condition of a patient and
specifically point out the problems of the patient. Usually this kind of problem occur due to
workload pressure and stress. It also emerges due to failure of understanding patients problems.
According to Nirpuma Shankur on his blog which can be found on which he
states as follows Nowadays, one doctor manages a very high caseload and volume; they also have
to spend a lot of time on documentation. As a result, they hardly spend 5 10 minutes one on one
time with a patient. Needless to say, the stage is set for
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Andrew Carnegie s Wealth During The Gilded Age
Andrew Carnegie s wealth came from Vertical Integration as well as John Pierpont Morgan s
wealth. On the other side John D. Rockefeller used Horizontal Integration to build his oil refining
industry. However, while many tried to use Vertical and Horizontal Integration, not all had
complete success in doing so. Therefore making all three of these men extremely successful. After
the Civil War came Reconstruction and the Progressive Era, which resulted in the rising of new
businesses. In order to pay for the costs after the war, the government had to come up with new
ideas to boost the economy. When the Gilded Age arrived there were thousands of industries and
new jobs and business occupations. At this time many entrepreneurs arose and created... Show more
content on ...
Another wealthy man was John Pierpont Morgan. Like Carnegie, John Pierpont Morgan used
the Vertical Integration method. John Pierpont started United States Steel from Carnegie s
businesses, this is an example of Vertical Integration. He used many businesses such as Andrew
Carnegie s Steel Company to combine with his own and create the immense amount of money
he had. J.P. Morgan was known for his consolidation techniques, he was also a well known
banker, One of the most powerful bankers of his era, J.P. (John Pierpont) Morgan (1837 1913)
financed railroads and helped organize U.S. Steel, General Electric and other major corporations.
In many occasions John Pierpont Morgan s wealth helped the United States economy out of
financial situations. In one instance the United States went through an economic depression in
1893. The Panic of 1893 was the effect of excessive railroad building and railroad funding, which
then caused the banks to go through failures. John Pierpont Morgan helped get rid of the two
year economic depression that the United States had by giving out bonds, Twelve days later, J.P.
Morgan Co. led a syndicate of bankers to sell U.S. bonds to buy back gold from foreign investors.
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Censorship And The Media Of Censorship
Privacy is viewed differently by different people, the same can be said about censorship.
Censorship and privacy do not solely revolve around leaks and personal intrusions from foreign
entities. The advent of social media and cell phones have created new avenues for people to
communicate and share information; The internetprovides people a new and global way to spread
information that can be considered worthy of censorship. Many people I know argue that
censorship should not be commonplace in the media, in social media, or even in the entire Internet.
Public s right to privacyand censorship awareness is a very real thing we should come to realize
and analyze. Censorship affects the public in very real ways, it can both aid and deter the spread
of propaganda. People need to consider what type of information is being spread through these
outlets. Focused on how people perceived as such actions with fear and uneasiness, it s fair to note
that contrast between censoring and right to freely spread information. It can lead to an increase in
violation claims from those attitudes. If people feel uncertain about the benefits of censorship, then
they are more willing to point out the flaws in it. The public s view towards the subject matter
greatly influences on how well the issue is addressed in society. It s not only federal and state
institutions that may participate in censoring what goes on the internet, nor is it just the media
putting a spin to spread entertaining
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The Death Of A Man
He Who Goes Unknown
It was a dark, cold morning, around two or three, when a piercing scream was heard from within
a woods. It was the scream of a man, and it would be the last sound he ever made before his very
unfortunate death. The man would never be seen again by anyone who tried to search, unless they
were smart enough to search for every tiny clue left behind. It was now six in the morning when
the sun shined through Arthur s window. His phone rang, which caused him to wake. He blindly
reached over to the table beside his bed, picking up the phone before he answered it, sitting up in
his bed.
A shaky voice replied to his answer.
Yes, hello. I need your help, and I need it now. Someone broke into our house and... Show more
content on ...
I just want you to help me find my brother, please!
Arthur sighed.
Could you tell me where you live? I am sure I could investigate and try to see who broke in.
Of course. I live down Maple Street. House number is 880.
I see. That should be nearby. I will arrive as soon as I can.
Thank you so much.
And with that, Arthur hung up the phone, placing it on the table once again. He made his way out
of bed, and began to get dressed as quickly as he could, and ran a brush through his hair to tame it
somewhat. His own brother, Allistair, woke due to the noise Arthur made.
Another case?...
Yes. Someone s brother went missing when a stranger broke into their house. I am going to
investigate, as usual. I am sorry, but I have no time to chit chat. I must go.
Arthur then grabbed up a briefcase, threw on a coat, and took off outside, giving his older brother
no time to ask any more questions.
I suppose I could walk there... His house should not be far if the given address was correct.
Arthur began to walk down the street, looking at the signs with street names until he found Oak
Street. He then began to look at all the different houses, looking for one with the number 880. Not
much later, he found the house, and walked up to the door, knocking on the door with his fist. No
answer, He knocked a little harder and someone finally answered.
You must be Arthur... Please, do come inside. My son is waiting for you in the living room.
A man stood before
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History Is Filled With Wars
History is filled with wars. Wars are one among the foremost attention grabbing, nevertheless the
scariest, aspects of history. If there have been no wars, the globe would be terribly totally
different. One will agree that we have a tendency to learn our mistakes from wars. However,
history is understood for continuation itself. There for, there are continuously new problems and
conflicts that result in wars. It s a part of attribute to disagree most things for numerous reasons.
After all, everyone seems to be totally different and have distinctive points of read some wars run
off over land, whereas others occur to safeguard a nation s respect and honor. Twentieth century is
replete of the many major wars. However, one among the war that... Show more content on ...
The dispute results in a series of minor military exchanges on the border that were increasing in
While the causes of the conflict were various and varied, one in all the principals was access to,
and management of, the Shatt al Arab waterway. The Shatt al Arab itself was necessary for variety
of reasons. The primary is that it permits for agricultural production in a section with a dry, wet
climate. The waterway served as a way of transportation for moving agricultural and different
merchandise each with within the country and to ports for export.
End tabs container.
The empire claimed each facet throughout their rule, though the Ottomans did usually not dominate
the Persian facet. Supported the strength of this, Al Iraq claimed the east bank (Iranian side) of the
stream, a crucial piece of property, since the Shatt al Arab is its solely outlet to the gulf. Al Iraq
united to the division of the waterway with Asian nation (Iran) in a very 1975 written agreement.
This gave Al Iraq management of most of the waterway and needed Asian nation to pay toll
whenever its ships used the water method. This agreement settled the border dispute over the Shatt
al Arab waterway in Iran s favor. At a similar time, Iraq renounced a long standing claim to the
southwestern portion of Asian
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1950s Music Influence
Between the two World Wars, jazz and swing were all the rage. Starting in the late 1910 s, jazz,
an amalgamation of gospel, blues, ragtime and march, became the popular music of choice for
African American citizens the descendants of slaves whose music influenced jazz. Jazz quickly
caught on, and exploded during the 20 s, spreading to white citizens as well as black. In the 30 s,
jazzmusicwas supplemented by swing, a form of jazz which had larger bands, and which tended to
focus more on a singer rather than a performer. In 1942, amidst a dispute between the musicians
union and popular licensing agencies, a nationwide ban was placed on recording, which brought the
creative expansion of popular music came to a screeching halt. The ban... Show more content on ...
The 1950s began a trend of parenting which resulted in what were called latchkey children. As
many fathers had been killed in World War II and many mothers needed to work, the oldest child
of a family was often drafted to take care of the household. (Hostutler) In the absence of their
parents, latchkey children often had responsibility forced upon them at a very young age. This
early maturity in adolescence resulted in the desire for independence and rejection of authority
which is commonly associated with teenagers. Along with not having a parent to take care of
them, latchkey children did not have a parent to teach them how to interact with the world.
Because of this, teenagers largely learned important moral lessons from their peers or from mass
media, rather than from their parents. As radio, the main form of media at the time, was slowly
becoming more populated by smaller rock bands, often with members not much older than
latchkey children themselves, the morals of those children become the morals of rock and roll,
which focused and intensified the popularity of rock and roll itself, as well as the backlash of
older generations against rock and
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Human Trafficking And Child Prostitution
Every person in this world has to make a living somehow. The most unprotected and risky
profession, in my opinion has to be prostitution. These men and women go to work without
knowing who they will have to deal with and what could possibly happen to them. These
individuals participate in this line of work not only to provide for themselves, but also for family
members. In essence, the government should legalize prostitutionbecause it would protect their
rights, ensure safety, and benefit their health.
I believe pushing lawmakers towards the legalization of this profession would be beneficial to sex
workers. However, many may argue about the downsides such as human trafficking and child
prostitution. This does not affect my view because if this profession is to be legal one could find,
address, and reduce or hopefully eradicate these problematic issues.
After conducting this extensive research, I believe I learned a lot about this profession. I
gathered a copious amount of information from Sources such as Vice, Whores Glory , and online
websites. These sources helped me understand the workers and what they have to face every single
day. Also letting the people who are willing to listen to know what changes should be implemented.
With these results I aim to prove why passing this law would help these individuals health and well
being. These men and women should not be looked upon differently because of the job they chose
to pursue. Anyone in this world no matter the
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Different Abilities And Needs Of An Individual With...
staff to understand the individual and their life experiences. When working in a person centred
manner both individuals and care staff benefit from a positive relationship and can work together
towards their goals and ensuring individuals are receiving care which fully reflects their needs.
3.2 There are a range of different methods which can be used to gauge the differing abilities and
needs of an individual with dementia. When an individual is admitted to a care setting it is vital
that a full health profile is completed to enable care staff to be aware of any possible effects that
health issues the individual has may effect their dementia. When carrying out a health profile it can
be advantageous to also carry out a cognitive ability ... Show more content on ...
Dementia is often used as a label with those who have a diagnosis being assumed to have the same
symptoms and experiences and are often stripped of their identity as an individual and as a result
may be discriminated against with their choices removed as people assume they no longer have
capacity. Many carers of individuals with dementia can feel that they are being isolated from
social situations as a result of the diagnosis of those who they are caring for. They also may feel
that they have been discriminated against as a result of that diagnosis. Myths regarding the
dementia diagnosis and its effects can result in individuals feeling they are no longer valued by
society and those they care for.
3.4 Dementia is an illness which most people are afraid of being diagnosed with or for their
loved ones t obe diagnosed with. It is important that there is support available for individuals and
their carers as soon as possible following diagnosis and throughout their journey. There are
support groups such as dementia cafes who offer support and a safe space for both those who
have been diagnosed and their carers. There groups provide carers and individuals with a group
who understand how they may be feeling and are able to offer practical advice. These groups can
also allay fears regarding the future for those who have been diagnosed and their carers. During
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Flight 800 Research Papers
We all get a little scared when we step on to a plane. All we want is to get from destination to the
other without any complications. Four hundred and and sixty nine people probably wanted the
same thing. In 1996 twohundred and thirty people died on a flight that exploded a few minutes
after taking off. In 2014 twohundred and thirtynine are presumed dead on a flight that is still
missing to this day. So the question is what really happened to these flights? In 1996 Trans World
Airlines flight 800 was in route Rome with a stopover in Paris, when it exploded only twelve
minutes after take off. The accident report states that the cause of the explosion was from the center
wing fuel tank which resulted from a ignition of a flammable fuel/air mixture... Show more content
on ...
An air traffic controler shares what he saw on that day in 1996 I thought it was a landing light,
but then it headed straight for the plan, and then the plane blew. (Nita Hiltner). James Sanders,
the author of the The Downing Of TWA flight 800, has spent the last 18 years investigating this
event, he recently announced that the flight was brought down accidentally by two missiles
fired from a Navy Vessel and/or submarine that were in the area to intercept a smaller plane
involved in a plot to bring down the commercial flight . A cover up by the FBI and the NTSB
(National Transportation Safety Board) was extensive, involving intimidation of witnesses and
investigators, tampering with evidence, false testimony before Congress, censoring reports, and
numerous violations of protocols. Some of the government s own official investigators said that
the explosions occurred outside the airplane. They were permitted to testify with that evidence. A
piece of metal from a destroyed or missing plane can tell a big story. Early last year detectives
were brought to the attention of a piece of scrap washed up on the Reunion Island in early July.
Could this be a link to finding missing flight MH 370? In the picture above authorities
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Samsung s Accounting Probe And Its Impact On The...
In July of 2015, Toshiba Corporation announced that an independent party had discovered that there
were accounting irregularities. Accounting irregularities sounds like a nice way to say, they have
uncovered fraud. In addition, Chief Executive Hisao Tanaka s accounting irregularities forced him
to resign. At the time of the initial announcement, the overstatement was thought to be around $3.2
billion in charges ( Toshibas Accounting Probe, 2015, para. 1). How can this happen? The why
and how can usually be summed up to greed and poor ethics in the leadership and culture inside of
these large organizations. However, to help us understand the scale of this scandal, it is important
to look at the time line and disclosures as the company... Show more content on ...
By doing so, the seller can recognize some gain or loss related to a project in every accounting
period in which the project continues to be active. The method works best when it is reasonably
possible to estimate the stages of project completion on an ongoing basis or at least to estimate
the remaining costs to complete a project. (para.1) Already we start to see that this method in itself
is not at fault, but rather it creates an environment where people who have poor ethics can
manipulate the system to provide a more favorable outcome. On May 8, Toshiba announced it was
expanding its investigation and setting up a third party committee, canceled dividend payments
and withdrew its earnings forecast. ( Toshiba s Accounting Probe, 2015, para. 4). Again, to the
outside observer who is paying attention this does not sound good. Clearly the problem was well
known and widespread throughout the organization. On May 13th, Toshiba announces it is likely
to take mark downs in operating profit for three years through March of 2014 ( Toshiba s
Accounting Probe , 2015, para. 5). On May 22nd, Toshiba extends the investigation to three more
business units (para. 7). This is the first indication that it might be far more widespread for
instances of improper accounting. The company reports that it found 12 instances of irregularities,
including not
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Acid-Base Lab
Acid/Base lab s purpose was to introduce extractions of one of the four neutral organic compounds
(4 chlorobenzophene, biphenyl, trans stilbene, and trans chalcone). We then were asked to test the
solubility of our selected neutral compound with hexane, water, methanol, and ethyl acetate to find
the solvent that only dissolved the neutral compound while introduced to heat. Once the solvent
was chosen, we purified the compound by recrystallization, and then concluded that my neutral
organic compound was trans stilbene.
в‚Є Introduction в‚Є It s essential for any chemist to grasp acid/base chemistry. It s a method of
purification, once the experiment is completed. However, it s the groundwork of pKa values, which
helps identify the acid, conjugate ... Show more content on ...
Also another factor is finding a solvent at which ones compound dissolves in when heat is
introduced and insoluble at room temperature, but it should also crystalize when introduced to cold
temperatures. My compound had the melting point of trans stilbene at 121 123В°C which, was just
lower than the PubChem recorded melting temperature of 122 125В°C. Concluded that my neutral
organic compound was trans stilbene because of the mixed melting points similarity. If the
experiment were repeated it would be important to possibly have students use pipets or some
measured method to rinse their product during recrystallization so that mistakes such as over
rinsing occur less and are more precise. Also another improvement that could be made is to
perform more tests to the acid that had been a nucleophile to better identify its transformation.
Other wise the lab that was performed was parallel to that of work in the extraction of medicines
and other compounds that are marketed as pure at a less grand scale, but demonstrated the
importance of acid/base chemistry.
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Monogamy Vs Polygamy
Relationships are complicated, especially romantic ones; they involve a wide range of emotions
and expectations that need to be met or the relationship will fail. When it comes to polygamy there
are even more variables added to the equation since there are additional partners involved in the
relationship. Unlike the common belief that polygamyis where a man has multiple wives, it is
actually much more in depth where both sexes can have other romantic partners. As long as one lets
their partner know who they are seeing the relationship is considered healthy, although there is still
the obvious possibility of jealousy occurring. Honesty is everything in polygamy, even though
individuals are allowed to be romantically involved with others,... Show more content on ...
In the United States it is illegal to be in an any of the three forms of polygamy if one is married.
In the early days Mormons were even persecuted if they were found practicing polygamy. If
individuals want to be polyamorous they must do so without being lawfully wedded to their
partners. In a society that is constantly progressing towards giving people their rights, polygamist
still struggle in being viewed as a legitimate way of life. With the gay rights movement having so
much momentum and finally becoming legal in the United States, polygamist thought the outcome
could soon be the same for them. The one major argument against polygamy is that it is a choice
unlike the predetermination of one s sexual orientation. Critics suggest that individuals should just
be single instead of engaging in a relationship where they are not faithful to one person. Although it
is not certain where the future of polygamy is headed, the controversial lifestyle is growing in
popularity as more people explore their sexual and emotional identities.
There is no doubt that as time goes on new generations develop different attitudes than their
parents which in turn shapes the modern world we live in. As far as marriages go, people are no
longer in such rush to get married, have children, and start the typical family associated with
adulthood. This in part could be because of high divorce rates that many individuals have
experienced either with their parents or someone they know. Cathy Meyer
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Flaws Of Communism
Communism is an economic system in which the government owns and regulates all property, and
often censors and controls the media. Countries such as China, Russia, Cuba, and Vietnam have
adopted this system in the past. However, its appeal to the citizens of these countries stems from
their ignorance of the flaws of communismand how its real life manifestation differs from how it
functions in theory. Those who criticize communism know how it leads to oppression and that it
could never operate correctly.
The most famous advocate for communism, Karl Marx, published ideas that led to the overthrow of
the Russian government by the Bolsheviks and the subsequent installment of a new regime that
favored communism. In a way, they were pioneers as
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Chickpeas Vs Spinach Research
Those attending university are often searching for budget bites. Everyone has to eat and no
matter whether the budget available is large or small, students want to eat well. Good food
makes you feel better, brightens the day and provides the body with fuel. One dish that really
delivers is chickpeas and spinach with a fried egg. The key to getting this dish cooked just right
is building a lot of flavor in the chickpea and spinach sautГ© as well as getting the egg right so it
runs when you break the yolk. Once these two things are taken care of you will have a spectacular
What s in it?
Serves 2
ВЅ cup spinach, fresh or frozen
1 15 oz. can tomato sauce
1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 small onion, diced
1 garlic clove, minced or grated ... Show more content on ...
If you used fresh spinach add some water to help it wilt.
SautГ© and season with salt and black pepper.
Pour the tomato sauce into the skillet along with the canned chickpeas.
Stir and cook until the chickpeas are warmed through.
Transfer the chickpeas and spinach to a large bowl and wipe the skillet clean.
Pour in 2 tablespoons of oil and heat over medium. You can also use butter.
Gently crack the egg into the skillet and season with salt and pepper.
Fry the egg for a few minutes. Cover to set the top. No one likes runny egg whites.
Put the chickpeas and spinach in a serving bowl.
Top with the fried egg.
This is one great breakfast dish. The chickpeas are packed with protein and the spinach is
flavorful and full of fiber that will leave you with that satiated feeling for hours. Aside from
filling you up this dish has so many vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, potassium,
calcium, folate and vitamin A. It s really a breakfast you can feel good about. Chickpeas and
spinach with a fried egg is good for the body and the budget. Don t forget to break the yolk and let
it ooze into the sautГ©. The combination is just
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Fate Of William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet
Fate in Romeo and Juliet In modern times, and in the Elizabethan era, fate plays an important
role in people s lives. Many people believe it to be written in stone, and unchangeable. Many
others believe it to be controlled by a person s own actions. In Romeo and Juliet, fate is one of
the main themes, described as having power over many of the events in the play. Fate is often
called upon, wondered about, and blamed for mishaps. However, where fate is blamed in the
play as the ultimate cause for a mishap, there is always an underlying action, or combination of
them, on the part of human beings that decides the consequences. Human weakness, the loss of
self control, is always the direct cause of a bad choice or mishap, and not fate itself. One of the
most noted instances where fate is blamed for a mishap is when Romeo cries out the he
supposedly is fortune s fool. He claims that fate has brought on Mercutio s death, and has lead
him to kill Tybalt in revenge. In Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is seen to be upset
at Mercutio s death and predicts that the days black fate on more days doth depend. (III, I, 118)
Tybalt then re enters and Romeo becomes more upset that Tybalt is triumphant with Mercutio
being dead (III, I, 121). As Romeo becomes overwhelmed with Mercutio s death and Tybalt s joy
over it, he suddenly declares that either he or Tybalt must die with Mercutio (III, I, 128).
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Framers of the Constitution
The Framers of the Constitution and the Republicanism The constitution is the supreme law of the
land. Even though it is the supreme law of the land, it is not well defined; it isn t specific on
multiple areas. Because of that, the constitution has been misjudged and miss interpreted in the
past. However, there are certain parts were the Constitution is specific. It is partially specific on
elements of the Constitution that embodies the republican principle of limited government, the
three institutions in the government that embodies the commitment of representation: the House of
Representatives, the senate, and the presidency, amendments of the constitution that expand the
democratic representation, and passages that expresses the... Show more content on
This amendment expanded democratic representation widely because it gave recently free slaves
the right to vote for the people that were going to represent them. There is a catch on it though,
only males were allowed to vote according to this amendment, it didn t give woman the right to
vote.[15] This wouldn t change until later on in August 18, 1920 with the woman suffrage
amendment being passed, the nineteenth amendment gave woman the right to vote[16] . This
amendment finally gave woman the right to vote in elections. It was very important because it
gave a sense of equality between males and females; however, there is still a great imbalanced
scale between males and females. It didn t really balance things out, but it expanded democratic
representation greatly. Through the whole Constitution there are multiple passages that express
the republican principal of popular sovereignty, but not any other like the preamble. The
preamble starts by saying We the people [17] which clearly states that we the people create the
government. We the people give power to the government by letting the government govern us.
That is the meaning of popular sovereignty.[18] In the end, the Constitution is and always will be
the supreme law of the land. It is not perfect, in fact it is far from perfect, but it at least gives
order to our lives and give us a government we can live in. a government in which the republican
principle of limited government is
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Social Conflict Theory Research Paper
The Structural Functional theory is a macro oriented theory that regards society as a complex
system. In this system, each part is interdependent and works together so that society functions as
a whole. Every part has a role that is necessary for the good of the overall functioning of that
society. Society is connected by a social consensus which is an agreed upon set of guidelines for
the society. This theory strives for equilibrium and promotes stability and solidarity. It believes that
social stability is necessary to have a strong society.
The Social Conflict theory is a macro oriented theory that views social life as a competition for
limited resources. This theory sees society as a competition among individuals for social,
political, and material resources. Examples of these resources include political power, housing,
leisure time, and money. The social conflict theory sees the inequality in society and is constantly
undergoing change. This theory believes that the wealthy or elite controls the poor and weak,
which benefits the wealthy at the expense of the poor. It believes that far reaching change is
necessary to eliminate social inequality. The social conflict theory emphasizes that the powerful
groups use their power to take advantage of the groups or individuals with less power. Social
conflict theory shows how factors such as age, race, class, and sex are linked to ... Show more
content on ...
This theory analyzes how individuals impose meanings on objects, events, and behaviors and then
tend to behave based on what they believe and not necessarily what is true. Therefore, society is
believed to be socially constructed through how humans interpret things around them. This theory
studies how people construct social reality and how people construct their roles as they interact
through meanings they place on words and
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Effects Of The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a military and political confrontation between the United States and
the Soviet Union lasting thirteen days. It began on October 16 and ended on October 28, 1962.
Throughout the entirety of the Cold War, no event brought these two super powered nations closer
to nuclear war than the events that transpired during these thirteen days. During this time, William
Roof was stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina as a soldier in the United States Army. The
constant pressure by both nations on each other caused high tension for everyone involved, which
affected even the soldiers going about their everyday lives.
The first nation to make a move in this particular war was the United States. In order to place
pressure ... Show more content on ...
The high tension, life threatening, and nearly war starting negotiations between the two leaders
showed the clear flaws between the two nation s communications with each other. This was shortly
amended by the creation of the Moscow Washington hotline, allowing for quick and frequent
communication between the two nations. This hotline allowed the relations between the two
superpowers to vastly improve over the course of the rest of the Cold War and prevented such an
event as the Cuban Missile Crisis from ever occurring again. Bill summed up the Cuban Missile
Crisis in an excellent way by stating, It was almost the dumbest way to blow up all of humanity.
The Soviets and us just pointed big guns at each other till everyone got scared, and if either
country would have shot those big guns the world wouldn t have ever been the same again. You
can t get two super powered countries firing nukes at each other and expect the world not to change,
and I think both Khrushchev and Kennedy realized that and did everything they could to stop it,
and thank God they
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The Importance Of Birth Order And Its Effect On Leadership
Some people have always assumed that the oldest child is a natural leader. In that same fashion,
some people feel the youngest child most often grows up a follower and remains a follower in
adulthood. There s some research to support these assumptions that birth order can determine how
one leads. This paper will examine the importance of birth order and its effect on leadership.
So, what is birth order? The term birth order refers to the rank of siblings by age. Birth order is
believed to have significant and lasting psychological effects on an individual. The effects of birth
order on the overall development of a person have continued to have an existence in both personal
and professional life. What is personality? ... Show more content on ...
With the second child, the parents tend to be less attentive thus leading the child be more of a
people pleaser and diplomatic (Connor, 2007) thus creating a follower style type. The last born
child is thought as rebellious and displays a spoiled attitude not typically a leadership trait. As the
family size increases, the parental resources are divided more sparsely among all children. Many
factors such as birth order, siblings, genes and circumstances all unquestionably play a greater role
in the development of a child s personality (Healey, 2007) thus impacting the type of leader
According to Healey (2007), parents get excited about their first born child and tend to be
overprotective, pay more attention, investments and high expectations on the child. It is
understandable that parents may be able to expend more resources on the first born, especially in
smaller families if there is a gap between the other siblings. Gordman s research (2008) supports the
previously mentioned statements by showing the effect birth order has on educational attainment.
Gordman (2008) confirms Grinberg s (2015) statements regarding the possibility that more
resources are reserved for the first born. This research further proves that the first born has better
resources and informal support to help increase the chances of being successful. For this paper,
success is
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Blood Doping Essay
Blood doping and EPO use by elite athletes is an unprofessional way of making their way to the
top . Athlete s bodies are affected by the use of these additional cells and can have a major
outcome on how they perform in the long run future. This is an illegal act by athletes and can
majorly effect the body and its homeostasis. says Savannah Rhind. The tiny gap between winning
and losing has led athletes to look for what they call marginal gains, whether that comes from extra
sleep, better equipment, or even cheating (David Epstein, 2015). Blood doping is described as an
injection containing oxygenated blood that is injected into an athlete for the sake of sports
competitions and enhancing athlete s performances. So how does it affect... Show more content on ...
Homeostasis also improves how the body adapts to training for competitions. Athletes may lift
weights with the desire to get stronger, but that s not what motivates the athlete s body. Lifting
weights damages muscles, which causes homeostatic stress. Enough damage to that muscle will
cause the body to react by imaginatively saying I don t like this damage so I m going to form the
muscle back bigger and stronger. That way, the next time this stressor is thrown at me, I can
homeostatically handle it. (Trevor Connor, 2014).
But, how does the body accomplish the perfect equilibrium? Well hormones play the part of this
role. Sensors in the body can detect any imbalanced pathway in the body and tells the brain to
release the appropriate hormones that is needed to restore a balanced pathway again. Once the
stressor is gone, the hormones break down. The basic feedback loop diagram below represents
how our bodies are able to reach homeostasis after a stressor occurs and what happens if they occur
again, this cycle is important for our bodies to function
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Abstract. Using A Variety Of Peer-Reviewed Sources, This
Using a variety of peer reviewed sources, this paper will focus on the problems in the United States
healthcare system and its relation to children s access to healthcare. Despite efforts, there are
several aspects in the current healthcare system that cause children to not have access to healthcare.
In other cases the children may be eligible for health insurance but do not have insurance. This
paper will analyze the disparities surrounding children s healthcare, the socioeconomic aspects of it,
and other factors that cause a lack of access to healthcare.
Over the years healthcare has remained an issue in everyday society, especially in getting it so that
everyone has access to it. Different people of varying ... Show more content on ...
CHIP emerged from a budget negotiation between a Democratic president and Republican
Congress. As such, the program represents a fine balance, designed to maintain equilibrium
between states and the federal government, as well as between political conservatives and liberals.
It contains elements of both an entitlement program and a block grant. States have the option of
providing child health assistance in SCHIP through Medicaid, a separate program, or a combination
of the two. There is also flexibility in benefit design, though benefits must meet certain set
standards. As in Medicaid, state payments for child health assistance under SCHIP qualify for
federal matching payments. On average, the federal government pays 70 percent and state
governments pay 30 percent of program costs. Unlike Medicaid, however, these enhanced federal
matching payments are limited by national and state specific allotments, or annual limits on federal
funding. SCHIP has a system to redistribute federal allotments from states that did not spend the
full amount to others that may need higher amounts. States may use up to 10 percent of their
annual allotments on outreach, administration, and other activities.
A federally funded evaluation found SCHIP to be successful in nearly all of the areas examined.
Since inception in 1997, enrollment has increased steadily to 6.1 million children in FY 2005. This
was complemented by a 6.8
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The Horrors of Society Illustrated in †Telephone...
In Telephone Conversation we have a telephone conversation between a black man who wants to
rent a room, from a white woman. We see that society is ignorant and racist. Prayer Before Birth
is a poem addressed to God from the point of view of an unborn baby who is scared to go into
society. They both have negative views of society.
In Prayer Before Birth society is presented as scary. The narrator is pleading and says I fear . She
(no gender is specified as it is meant to symbolize all of humanity) is scared of blood baths . This
uses alliteration and it is a metaphor. This could stand for all the violence that exists in the world
wars, murder, pain etc. She is scared of all the blood shed that exists in the world. In some ways ...
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However, the white lady can only see in terms of DARK or VERY LIGHT . She seems to be in a
very black and white world. In Prayer Before Birth we also have the idea that difference is not
celebrated, as everyone has to become an automaton and a cog in a machine . However, Telephone
Conversation is more positive as there is a man dealing with racism, and despite feeling anger ,
(symbolised by the red booth and the Red pillar box the red symbolizing anger), he does not act
with violence, he acts with humour Friction, caused ... My bottom [to turn] raven black . This
reaction would go against some of the fears of the unborn baby as the African man has kept his
humanity, despite his bad experiences in society.
Society is ... made to seem ridiculous
Soyinka s main aim with this poem was to try to change people s racist views. She does this by
showing a racist incident, but showing it as ridiculous, thus highlighting just how stupid and
nonsensical the racist views of 1950s British society actually were. The white lady is made to
seem uneducated, as I have already said. Through the comparison of his education and her
ignorance, she is mocked. She actually symbolises society at the time, and so by mocking her, the
whole of society is mocked. Whereas he is, on the whole, very polite he calls her Madam , and he
deals politely with her rude questions (except perhaps at the end).
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Adler How To Mark A Book
To be an active reader is to be able to express yourself in the book one reads. Mortimer J. Adler
argues in his article, How to Mark a Book , that to be an active reader, the reader needs to actually
write in their book; but also to fully claim ownership of their book. According to Adler, there are
plenty of ways one can mark in a book; underlining, vertical lines at the margin, asterisk, numbers
in the margin, circling or highlighting, writingin the margin at the bottom or top, etc. One does not
initially understand what they are reading, until they feel like they are having a conversation with
the author. Adler emphasizes marking in a book keeps the reader mentally awake, helps their
thoughts become more alive, and also remember later what
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A Comparative Critique Of Maria Tatar s An Introduction...
A comparative Critique of Maria Tatar s An Introduction to Fairy Tales and Bruno Bettelheim s
Fairy Tales and Modern Stories . Fairy tales always have a way of making the reader feel really
connected to the protagonist through the use of hardship. Readers get attached to the
protagonist by using their own life s problem to replace with the protagonist s problem and the
journey of the protagonist overcoming their problems gives the reader sense of hope to look
forward to in their own lives and maybe they can solve their own problems. Fairy tales give
people hope in tough times because when they can not solve a problem, they often to refer back to
struggles characters in fairy tales that did not give up, but kept going as... Show more content on ...
Little girl recalled how fairy tales showed her that if her attitude changes and stays positive that
her chances of succeeding is higher. This teaches the little girl that she does not need anything
else, but the conviction belief that she can accomplish this task. According to the Bettelheim,
children use modern stories to escape reality and go into a fantasy world that gives them
temporary relief. Since the story was not a fairytale, it left the girl off with no hope for getting
better in the future. Not only do fairy tales help children develop, but it also gives them hope.
Bettelheim demonstrates through another scenario how fairytale gave a little girl hope in sense
of her difficult situation. The little girl used Rapunzel as a way to relate her situation with the
main character. While reading she figures out that her prince in real life will eventually save her
like it happened in the story, giving her hope to keep going according to Bettelheim. That story
of hope was sustained until that little girl grew up and got married eventually not needing it
anymore, but she was using it more as a safety blanket. She would only use the fairytale in time of
need. Maria Tatar points out how these stories help shape individuals at a young age. She explores
how children reading these stories and using imagination can uncover fears and desires they have.
But these fairy tales do not only have a good influence on children, but also
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Compassion In Thank You, MaAm By Langston Hughes
Compassionate people are geniuses in the art of living, more necessary to the dignity, security, and
joy of humanity than the discoveries of knowledge. Albert Einstein
Everyone has difficulties and tragedies in life, some more than others. Though when people show
compassion, it makes your spirits rise and make your challenges more bearable. In the short story,
Thank you, Ma am by Langston Hughes, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, a woman whose
purse has been an attempted target by a boy, shows the theme of compassion with an
overflowing amount of it. The boy, Roger, learns throughout the story that compassion is very
important, and his true personality is revealed by some woman he doesn t even know. At the
beginning of Thank you, Ma am, we see how just how compassionate Mrs. Jones really is. The
moment she meets Roger, she tells the boy to wash his face. Least I can do is wash your face.
Are you hungry? This might not seem like a very compassionate thing to do at first, however,
she doesn t even know the boy, yet she has enough compassion to make sure he is clean. Then,
she takes the boy inside of her house! In addition, the boy, Roger asks, You going to take me to
jail? But Mrs. Jones doesn t. Maybe she sees that Roger is really a good boy inside, so she shows
compassion to bring out his true kindness. This makes me think that he was probably trying to
steal because he had to. And when Mrs. Jones asked him if he had anyone at home, he said, No m.
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Human Rights In Australia
The United Nation s Declaration of Human Rights was commissioned in December 1948 by the
UN General Assembly in an attempt to create a standard which is common to all people regardless
of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or any other status . It is the United Nations
responsibility to ensure that the participating countries follow these articles set forth by the
assembly and to ensure that these rightsare not being desecrated. The term Human Rightsis best
described by the United Nationsas Human rights are the rights to be born free, the right to life, the
right to equality, the right to freedom, the right to assembly and the right to own property which is
inherent to all human beings . However, this statute by the... Show more content on
The Maurice Blackburn Lawyers represent refugees who have been inhumanely treated and that are
attempting to seek justice from the suffering that the Australian Government s actions. The firm
also believes in protecting the women and children in offshore detention centres that face physical
abuse and unlawful detention. Without the firm supporting the refugees, the truths on the island
may have never came out. Alongside this NGO, the United Nation s High Commission for
Refugees is an active contender in the defence and support of refugees seeking asylum. The
UNHCR conducts extensive operations in refugee support which may include but is not limited to
providing emergency relief, providing education, shelter, access services and advocacy with
national governments to better refugee protection and health ministration. The UNHCR doesn t just
create awareness for the refugee crisis in Australia, but provides a non governmental body leading
by example which the entire world follows and implements active and effective measures to ensure
the best possible solution to the issue at
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Flattened Fauna by Roger M. Knutson
Book Review of Flattened Fauna
Flattened Fauna, the book all about road kill. How could one not be interested in learning more
about the flattened animals that litter our roads? I was certainly intrigued by the idea that the
study of these very dead animals actually exists. This book contains all sorts of information about
flattened fauna such as how to study it, where to study it, why flattened fauna exists, details about
the most popular and or dangerous fauna, and of course why it is studied in the first place. The
following paragraphs will give a summary of the book Flattened Fauna, what to expect of the
book, and how the book relates to furthering ones knowledge of Biology.
The author states that this book is supposed to encourage the appreciation and study of road fauna.
The author even mentions that a trip of one thousand miles presents the opportunity to see, identify,
and possibly enjoy four hundred to four thousand animals. The author encourages the reader to
think of the road as a habitat. Most animal habitats such as forests, lakes, marshes, and such have
been apart of the world for millions of years, and the new roads conveniently run through these
habitats. These new roads and highways are a relatively new part of these animals natural habitat,
but the animals still include these roads as a part of their traditional habitat. Animals have not had a
significant amount of time to adapt to this relatively new habitat. The road fauna is quite new
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Literary Romanticism In Wordsworth s Lyrical Ballads
Literary ballads is considered the seminal inspirational work of literary romanticism in Britain.
The publication of Lyrical Ballads represented a turning point for English poetry. Though the
book was not originally received as a radical experiment, it was rather controversial for its time.
Being released straight during the French revolution which was seen as a social experiment in
itself. Coleridge encouraged Wordsworth to write a preface to Lyrical Balladswhich would explain
the work contained within the collection.
The phrase experimental originated from Wordsworth himself and the preface gave him the
opportunity to explain and defend the rather radical work to the readers. Wordsworth expressed
concern on how lyrical ballads would be received by his readership. That it would not only not
meet their expectations but would make them question his ability as a poet also. He knew that the
poems he was writing were so intentionally experimental that his reader s reactions would be
mixed I flattered myself that they who should be pleased with them would read them with more
than common pleasure: and on the other hand, I was well aware that by those who should dislike
them they would be read with more than common dislike.
He sought to ... Show more content on ...
Anecdote for Fathers showcases a touching relationship between father and son. This poem is a true
representation of the type of poems to be found in the Lyrical Ballads both in subject theme and in
the simplistic nature of its construction. Anecdote for Fathers explores the ways adults can actually
manipulate their children into lying. It has an interesting subtitle ( showing how the art of lying
may be taught ) The poem begins with a father and his five year old son strolling through an English
countryside: It immediately opens in a touching and sentimental
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Essay on Busniess
Homework Assignment: Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 NOTE: Follow the instructions for sending
your homework to me that you ll find in the Learning Module 1 Lecture Notes. START COPY
HERE (Chapter 3)************************************************************ Your
Name: Xin Song Chapter 3 Homework (type your answer below each question; keep your
responses concise) 1. Why is outsourcing such an attractive way for firms to tap into foreign
markets? What are the risks of foreign outsourcing? 2. What are the key elements of
sociocultural barriers to trade? How can companies overcome these barriers? 3. How has NAFTA
impacted the U.S.? Overall, do you believe that it was a positive move for the U.S.? Why or why
not? 4. Take a... Show more content on ...
Another key risk of foreign outsourcing involves social responsibility. Q2. What are the key
elements of sociocultural barriers to trade? How can companies overcome these barriers?
Sociocultural differences include difference among countries in language, attitudes and value.
Also some specific, and perhaps surprising, elements that affect business include nonverbal
communication, forms of address, attitudes toward punctuality, religious celebrations and
customs, business practices, and expectations regarding meals and gifts. The best way to jump
over sociocultural barrios is to conduct thorough consumer research, cultivate firsthand
knowledge, and practice extreme sensitivity. Q3. How has NAFTA impacted the U.S.? Overall,
do you believe that it was a positive move for the U.S.? Why or why not? NAFTA is the treaty
that created the free trading zone among the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Despite dire
predictions of American jobs flowing to Mexico, the U.S. economy has grown significantly since
the implementation of NAFTA. The Canadian and Mexican economies have thrived as well.
Other criticisms of NAFTA include increased pollution and worker abuse. But the full impact of
NAFTA for better or for worse is tough to evaluate because so many other variables affect all three
economies. NAFTA makes North America formed a more open trade in services market, in many
complex and highly
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Difference Between Total Quality Management
Table I shows a summary of the various approaches and some of their key characteristics. Despite
some differences between Total Quality Management (TQM), the Theory Of Constraints (TOC),
Six Sigma and Lean the desired outcome of each methodology is ultimately customer focused.
TQM, and Lean trace their origins to the quality evolution in Japan shortly after the Second World
War though the concepts within each have developed differently. Many TQM concepts and tools
have become integral parts Lean methodology, but they differ in their primary focus. While six
sigma is often viewed as a direct descendant of TQM it brings a more disciplined approach to
process improvement, organizational structure and focus. TOC was introduced to overcome the
perceived shortcomings of both Lean and TQM. Both were thought to lack focus on the throughput
of a product that was considered to provide a greater benefit in terms of improving an organization
s financial performance.
Total Quality Management (TQM)Theory of Constraints (TOC)Six SigmaLEAN
GoalImprove Quality defined as meeting or exceeding customer expectationsMaximize throughput
by managing constraintsReduce or remove the primary source of VariationDeliver value to the
customer through waste elimination
FocusQuality focusedSystem constraintsProblem focusedFlow focused
Core ConceptsUnderstand and fulfill customer expectations
Concentrate on process management to reduce sources of variation
Focus on
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Case Analysis Of Group1 Automotive
1.Internal performance
Houston based Group1 Automotive Inc. is an international fortune 500 automotive retailer, it is the
leader in the automotive retailing industry. It is the third largest dealership group in the United
States and also extended to the UK and Brazil.
Company s strategy: Group 1 Automotive strategies are totally based on the regional structure.
Strategy are formed and executed according to local or regional situation. This type of strategy in
practice used to achieve the operating efficiency, industry leading customerservice, disciplined
acquisition growth and diversity. Their strategies are focused on the customer, leveraging its scale,
successful acquisition. So that decision can be effectively to remain close to market and deliver best.
Mission: Mission of the Group 1 Automotive is to provide the customer satisfaction by the world
class facility and trained staff. Providing all the information about the company offering on the go,
any one can check the all the deals available in it s all the show rooms. Its mission is to provide
the transparent and integral solution of any problem related to their services and offering.
Vision: Vision of the Group 1... Show more content on ...
Stakeholders can construct visions of, and pathways to, sustainable futures that reflect their
experiences, views and concerns (Whitmarsh, Swartling, Jäger, 2009). So Group one strategy,
mission and vision are based on the performance and factor of all the stakeholders. Let s say one
of its supplier Toyota is claiming that it is the best in industry car in its price segment then all the
marketing and sales strategy for this particular car will be depend on the statement give by the
Toyota, it this Toyota statement falsify the then its strategy can be hampered. So for the business all
stakeholders are the equal
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The Price Of Apple Stock Prices
The negative change in stock prices comes up as a result of decrease in organization s earnings.
Investors lose confidence in a product once its share prices begin to fall as a result of competitors
(Michelle, 2015). However, in view of the Apple stock analysis, the income is expected to grow at
any time and the future company s stock might be higher. The closing price for Apple in the stock
market was $123.38. The purchase price was $130.28 with its percentage change in stock price as
Exxon Mobil
The primary reason behind the decrease in Exxon s stock price is the change in oil prices.
Profits of Exxon s has decreased in the second quarter of 2015 which may cause the investors to
lose trust in Exxon Mobil Corporation. However, Exxon has a competitive advantage against its
major competitive (Chevron) which is the free cash flow. Exxon could return the money to
investors even if the prices are low by using the free cash flow advantage.The closing price for
Exxon Mobil Corporation was $82.48 with purchase price of $85.14.
Exxon s percentage change in stock price was 3.12%.
Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste
Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste closing price was 147.77 with a purchase price of $143.40.
The percentage change in stock prices was 3.05%. The positive change in stock prices of the firm
is due to the increase in passenger traffic. The Canadian dollar currency is also picking up as
compared to the US dollar.
Stock price for Daimler Ag
Daimler Ag closing
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The Importance Of Lancelot In Malory s Morte D Arthur
Malory explicitly links Tristram and Lancelot in their desire for the unattainable and their
correspondence as contemporaries confined to new ideas presented as high treason. Elizabeth Kay
Harris describes the changes the textual alterations signify in her 1995, Evidence Against Lancelot
and Guinevere in Malory s Morte D Arthur: Treason by Imagination . By using a background of
law, she argues that the process in Tristram demonstrates the inverse of Lancelot and represents a
uniquely English reading of the two. However, Lancelot admires Tristram until he weds a woman
other than Iseult the Fair. Capellanus argument should allow these relationships to work, as long as,
singular attachment does not form the goal. Both men overstep Capellanus ramifications, finding
themselves falling from their lord s graces and ostracized from society. With these warnings in
mind, book VII, Lancelot and Guinevere, sees the public behavior of Guinevere shame Arthur after
the knights return from the quest for the Holy Grail. Lancelot tries to break off... Show more content
on ...
The structure of Guinevere s adultery showed direct alteration in the English translation to avoid
direct description of an English queen s sexuality and political agency. Though sexual liberty ebbed
over the previous time, the literature of the courtly love movement ensured the sanctity of
noblewomen s bodies as they held the ultimate choice in partner selection. Without this decisive
power, male courtiers regained power in relationships and regulated women s involvement in their
affairs. As a result, Guinevere loses her autonomy in her courtship with Lancelot and only survives
through inaction and silence allows her to escape. Guinevere s narrative shows the secularization of
the female body and opens the opportunity for equality in punishment for crimes of high
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What Is Rear Window Review
Rear Window Review Rear Window is a great thriller, and a great movie. It is thrilling and
exciting without having the overly serious tone of most other thrillers. Unlike other films of the
genre there is campy feel, yet that doesn t deter the edge of your seat feeling the this film creates.
Rear Window is an oddity, it s a light hearted murder mystery that takes place from one setting, yet
very effectively pulls the audience into the experience. There is a constant did he or didn t he
feeling that keeps the viewer guessing up until the final dramatic conclusions. This is a good thriller
because it is effectively suspenseful and exciting. It is a great filmbecause it is fun, it s enjoyable.
Rear Window is fun to watch because it combines
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Gross Domestic Product (Gdp) Is an Inadequate Measure of...
Title Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an inadequate measure of societal well being and should
be replaced by the Human Development Index (HDI) Abstract This paper will discuss the
anomally of Human Development Index (HDI) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In this
discussion I will argue for HDI as a fairer comparison of a country s overall economic wealth
health and social well being rather than the generally accepted method used by most countries of
GDP. HDI allows for a more comprehensive understanding of well being than purely economic
measurements like GDP, and better identifies areas of need within countries. GDP is basicially a
measure of a country s overall economic output. It does not consider GDP per capita. If a country...
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It would causes prices rise which in turn means people have to pay more for the same goods and
services. If individual income increases at a slower rate than inflation, people s standard of
living declines even if they are making more. Taking China as an example, China s obsession
with high GDP growth is part of the economics problem (
inflation hits new high 2011 5, May, 2011). In 2010, over half of GDP growth was due to
investment in fixed assets, much of it fueled by cheap money and easy credit. Because of the rates
of GDP growth due to personal assets such as a reasonable investment, integration, inflation may
bring assets to face a serious risk of shrinking in the future. As Chovanec stated that the real
challenge for China isn t racking up ever higher GDP figures, but putting its economy on a more
sustainable footing going forward, even if that means lower rates of growth (http:/
/ inflation hits new high 2011 5, May, 2011). Comparing with
other indicators, Human Development Index (HDI) presents an innovative approach to measuring
well being within affluent nations, and shows a more detailed picture of societal well being than
by just economic growth alone. A composite measure called HDI was introduced to measure
human development.This index focuses on three basic dimensions: (1) GDP per capita at
purchasing power parity (PPP) as measure of a decent
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Apprenticeship In America
Apprenticeship is a work based learning program administered by the Employment and Training
Administration s Office of Apprenticeship (OA) to advance and increase employment opportunities
for people with and without disabilities. Building on existing research and Executive Order
No.13801, Expanding Apprenticeships in America is to increase and improve capacity building of
Registered ApprenticeshipPrograms (RAP) and Industry led Apprenticeship Programs (ILAP).
ODEP will focus on the development of funding opportunities through the Apprenticeship PWS and
collaboration and outreach with the OA, focused on promotion of inclusive RAP, and ILAP for
transitioning youth and young adults with disabilities (YWD), including significant disabilities.
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Business Data Comm Network Chap 10 to 13
1._________ is being pioneered by Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.Next
Generation InternetB.Active fibrous networkingC.CA*Net3D.Ethernet to the homeDifficulty:
Moderate Page: 346 E.The Abilene networkGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Moderate Page: 346
Score:6/6 2.The multipoint version of fixed wireless is sometimes known as: Student
ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.DSLAMB.point to multipointDifficulty: Moderate Page: 343
C.point to pointD.CA*Net3E.DOCSISGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Moderate Page: 343 Score:6/6
3.DSL modem is also known as a: Student ResponseCorrect Answer... Show more content on ...
Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.Fault managementDifficulty: Easy Page: 454
B.Performance managementC.TroubleshootingD.Fault toleranceE.FirefightingGeneral
Feedback:Difficulty: Easy Page: 454 Score:6/6 17.___________ allows the network manager to
determine who is responsible for correcting any outstanding problems. Student ResponseCorrect
AnswerFeedback A.MTBFB.ReliabilityC.AvailabilityD.Load balancingE.Problem
trackingDifficulty: Easy Page: 459 General Feedback:Difficulty: Easy Page: 459 Score:6/6 18.If
managers do not pay enough attention to planning and organizing the network, they are going to
end up being proactive vs. reactive in solving network problems. Student ResponseCorrect
AnswerFeedback A.TrueB.FalseDifficulty: Moderate Page: 447 General Feedback:Difficulty:
Moderate Page: 447 Score:6/6 19.To help in negotiating site licenses for software, it is important to
document which software packages are installed on each client. Student ResponseCorrect
AnswerFeedback A.TrueDifficulty: Easy Page: 453 B.FalseGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Easy
Page: 453 Score:6/6 20.Quality control charts are a simple tool that can be
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Governesses Represented An Unusual Social Class Essay
Governesses represented an unusual social class in Victorian culture. They were often women
belonging to the middle class, however, they had a central role in the upbringing of upper class
children and the construction of Victorian education and ideals. Despite their significance within
the homes of wealthy families, many governesses were treated with suspicion and fear. This
paper, however, seeks to analyze several notable governess representations as well as to
understand how these various depictions (from homewrecker governess to asexual, unsexed
governess) were employed to construct, conceal, and obscure the classed sexuality of the
governesses. The governess in the painting Looking for the Mail Packet , Miss Prism in The
Importance of Being Earnest, Mrs. Vesey in The Woman in White, portray governesses as
superfluous to the home and neglectful of their charges, lacking in sexual desirability, and utterly
unsophisticated. Some governesses, including Miss Prism, are described as women who seek to
destabilize the Victorian home Г la prostitutes and other undesirable women. No matter the case,
the governess as a Victorian figure was often not painted in a positive light in these texts. It is
important to consider the implications such portrayals because they can illuminate for modern
readers the ways in which the Victorian erapoliced and proscribed sexuality. The governess and her
role matters because she represents the social policing of womanhood as well as the
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An Analysis Of Mirror, Courage, The Explorer, And...
To Die With Courage
(The Essence of Courage)
Having courage is a big factor in life. To have courage and go and try everything life, you will
have no regrets. Courage is the, mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand
danger, fear, or difficulty (Webster). Have fun in life and be brave and spontaneous. This is not,
however, because someone who thinks bravely is simply a courageous person, thinking. (Ryan). If
you put your mind to something and not be afraid, you will live a wonderful life. In the four
poems, Mirror, Courage, The Explorer, and Frederick Douglass, the big overall message has to
deal with courage. In Sylvia Plath s poem, Mirror, the big overall message is the notice that
growing old is inevitable. You can t go back and relive your youth, all you do is age. In this
poem, a mirror is speaking about itself, this is ironic because mirrors don t talk. I am silver and
exact, I have no preconceptions. (Plath 1052). Then, there is a lady, looking at herself through
the years as she ages. Appearance is such a high topic in this society now days because it is how
people look at you. Appearance counts. (Reisner). How many times do you look in a mirror a
day? Or a window or anything that even shows your reflection? Many people focus on their
appearance because that is normally the first thing people notice. Have courage to be yourself and
not worry about what others think about you. In the poem, Courage, by Anne Sexton, the big
message is
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Final Exam Questions On Osmosis
Michelle Leeman Final Exam: 1)Fill in the blanks using the appropriate directional term: (in the
anatomical position) (5 pts) a) The heart is posterior to the sternum b) The manubrium is medial
to the gleno humeral joint c) The dura mater is anterior to the spinal cord d) The cranium is
superior to the sacrum e) The calcaneus is posterior to the toes 2)What is osmosis? Is osmosis a
passive or an active process? Describe how osmosis occurs across the cell membrane. How can
the solute concentration of the interstitial fluid affect cell shape? Be specific. (5 points) Osmosis
is the movement of water molecules through a semi permeable membrane into a region of higher
solute concentration to equalize the solute concentrations on both sides. Osmosis is a passive
process and does not require energy like an active process would. A semi permeable membrane is
a membrane that allows certain molecules or ions to pass through, water being one of those
molecules, thus allowing water to freely flow in and out of a cell. The cell must have equal
concentrations on either side of the membrane to allow it to function, therefore water will pass in
and out of the cell to equalize the concentration of ions of both sides. Solutions of different
concentrations will pass water from the side with lower concentration to the side with higher
concentration, thus changing the cell s shape. A cell that is placed in a hypertonic solution
(solution concentration that is lower than cell s
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Extended Essay Group 1 Category 2 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Extended Essay Group 1 Category 2 Extended Essay Group 1 Category 2
  • 2. Kony 2012 Film Analysis When a social issue arises, many activists turn to different media outlets to voice their views and demand social change. For decades, actualities known today as documentaries, have been used to give viewers an inside look on real life without being there to experience it firsthand. Often, directors use these films to persuade the audience into taking their side regarding various societal issues. Filmmakers help sway their targeted audience by using different codes and conventions to appeal their opinion effortlessly to the viewers. It can be seen in the films Kony 2012 by director James Russel, 2002 s Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore and 1922 s Nanook of the North by Robert J. Flaherty, that directors often use subjectivity rather than... Show more content on ... Moore manipulates many facts throughout the documentary. For example, he edits Charlton Heston s speech regarding his support of the second amendment, in order to make it seem as if it was shortly after the Columbine High School shooting when in reality, it was further down the road (Bradsaw, 2002). Furthermore, the director strategically set up an interview with Heston while he was suffering from Parkinson s disease so he could ultimately take advantage of him for the sake of the film (Bradsaw, 2002). While he explores many different methods, Moore often takes on social issues in a comedic fashion to help persuade the viewers. For instance, in one clip he uses a cartoon as a representation of the civil rights movement in the United States, amplifying the ignorance of the counter view. Moore also uses Noddies and Reverse Questions in his interviews to belittle the interviewee and create a more obvious argument for the audience to side with. Lastly, Michael Moore uses video montages combined with irony to create a negative image surrounding America s gun control laws. In this clip, Moore shows violence and terror that the United States has been involved in, all the while playing Louis Armstrong s What a Wonderful World , to create a thought within the viewer that with stricter gun control laws, none of this would have ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Reviewing the Necessity of Punishment Essay Reviewing the Necessity of Punishment From On Crimes and Punishment by Cesare Beccaria is an excerpt from On Crimes and Punishment. In his address to the public, particularly those in political positions, Beccaria discusses the way we as a society choose to carry out the law. What he calls useless severity of punishment encompasses his thoughts on extremes such as capital punishment and the cruelties that we allow our government to inflict upon its own people in a failing attempt to bring order to our society. The death penalty has plagued our society for centuries, perhaps beginning with the idea of human sacrifice that has been turned around as a cycle of never ending death and cruelty. The writing techniques employed by ... Show more content on ... Cesare Beccaria is quick to point out the opposing view to his statement, then use it as reinforcement for his own argument. Discussing capital punishment, he clearly states that many countries, if not most, practice this and have done so for centuries. He doesn t give his audience much time to think about that as he quickly calls the history of mankind a vast sea of errors, among which there float a few confused truths, each one far from the next (68). Instead of just referring to the mistakes made in our history, Beccaria calls them a vast sea of errors implying that these mistakes are so tremendous in number and carry such weight with them that they have not been given enough credit for the tragedies they have caused. It is also unclear if Beccaria is insulting his opponent, adding their opinion to this vast sea of errors. In turn, the reader doesn t want their thoughts bunched with these erroneous opinions. The author claims these mistakes are the effect of confused truths. To the reader, confused truths equates fallacy. The diction is presented in an oxy moron fashion that reinforces his statement with delicate language, leaving the audience to question his opponent s view. Adding these complicated, descriptive words, Beccaria reinstates an argument more likely used by his opponent, then slams the statement with vague evidence to make his audience give more thought to his argument than ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Problem Of Medical Errors Medical error is a major problem that take place in the healthcare system in today s society. Medical errors in hospitals are the third main cause of death in United States killing 44,000 people per year due to medical errors. Studies show that poor communication in medical fields has cost up to 1.7 billion dollars. Miscommunication is the core for this error, failure to clear communication can guide to serious complication, such as serious problems for patients and deaths. This Mistakes usually happen when there is a miscommunication between the nurses and the doctors or between patients and experts. The three common errors, which take place in the medical system are, miscommunication about patient condition between the doctors and nurses, Shift change between workers or transferring of patients to a different hospitaland the third one is lack of enough practice and somehow negligence. It is important to understand the condition of a patient and specifically point out the problems of the patient. Usually this kind of problem occur due to workload pressure and stress. It also emerges due to failure of understanding patients problems. According to Nirpuma Shankur on his blog which can be found on which he states as follows Nowadays, one doctor manages a very high caseload and volume; they also have to spend a lot of time on documentation. As a result, they hardly spend 5 10 minutes one on one time with a patient. Needless to say, the stage is set for ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Andrew Carnegie s Wealth During The Gilded Age Andrew Carnegie s wealth came from Vertical Integration as well as John Pierpont Morgan s wealth. On the other side John D. Rockefeller used Horizontal Integration to build his oil refining industry. However, while many tried to use Vertical and Horizontal Integration, not all had complete success in doing so. Therefore making all three of these men extremely successful. After the Civil War came Reconstruction and the Progressive Era, which resulted in the rising of new businesses. In order to pay for the costs after the war, the government had to come up with new ideas to boost the economy. When the Gilded Age arrived there were thousands of industries and new jobs and business occupations. At this time many entrepreneurs arose and created... Show more content on ... Another wealthy man was John Pierpont Morgan. Like Carnegie, John Pierpont Morgan used the Vertical Integration method. John Pierpont started United States Steel from Carnegie s businesses, this is an example of Vertical Integration. He used many businesses such as Andrew Carnegie s Steel Company to combine with his own and create the immense amount of money he had. J.P. Morgan was known for his consolidation techniques, he was also a well known banker, One of the most powerful bankers of his era, J.P. (John Pierpont) Morgan (1837 1913) financed railroads and helped organize U.S. Steel, General Electric and other major corporations. In many occasions John Pierpont Morgan s wealth helped the United States economy out of financial situations. In one instance the United States went through an economic depression in 1893. The Panic of 1893 was the effect of excessive railroad building and railroad funding, which then caused the banks to go through failures. John Pierpont Morgan helped get rid of the two year economic depression that the United States had by giving out bonds, Twelve days later, J.P. Morgan Co. led a syndicate of bankers to sell U.S. bonds to buy back gold from foreign investors. The ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Censorship And The Media Of Censorship Privacy is viewed differently by different people, the same can be said about censorship. Censorship and privacy do not solely revolve around leaks and personal intrusions from foreign entities. The advent of social media and cell phones have created new avenues for people to communicate and share information; The internetprovides people a new and global way to spread information that can be considered worthy of censorship. Many people I know argue that censorship should not be commonplace in the media, in social media, or even in the entire Internet. Public s right to privacyand censorship awareness is a very real thing we should come to realize and analyze. Censorship affects the public in very real ways, it can both aid and deter the spread of propaganda. People need to consider what type of information is being spread through these outlets. Focused on how people perceived as such actions with fear and uneasiness, it s fair to note that contrast between censoring and right to freely spread information. It can lead to an increase in violation claims from those attitudes. If people feel uncertain about the benefits of censorship, then they are more willing to point out the flaws in it. The public s view towards the subject matter greatly influences on how well the issue is addressed in society. It s not only federal and state institutions that may participate in censoring what goes on the internet, nor is it just the media putting a spin to spread entertaining ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Death Of A Man He Who Goes Unknown It was a dark, cold morning, around two or three, when a piercing scream was heard from within a woods. It was the scream of a man, and it would be the last sound he ever made before his very unfortunate death. The man would never be seen again by anyone who tried to search, unless they were smart enough to search for every tiny clue left behind. It was now six in the morning when the sun shined through Arthur s window. His phone rang, which caused him to wake. He blindly reached over to the table beside his bed, picking up the phone before he answered it, sitting up in his bed. Hello?... A shaky voice replied to his answer. Yes, hello. I need your help, and I need it now. Someone broke into our house and... Show more content on ... I just want you to help me find my brother, please! Arthur sighed. Could you tell me where you live? I am sure I could investigate and try to see who broke in. Of course. I live down Maple Street. House number is 880. I see. That should be nearby. I will arrive as soon as I can. Thank you so much. And with that, Arthur hung up the phone, placing it on the table once again. He made his way out of bed, and began to get dressed as quickly as he could, and ran a brush through his hair to tame it somewhat. His own brother, Allistair, woke due to the noise Arthur made. Another case?... Yes. Someone s brother went missing when a stranger broke into their house. I am going to investigate, as usual. I am sorry, but I have no time to chit chat. I must go. Arthur then grabbed up a briefcase, threw on a coat, and took off outside, giving his older brother no time to ask any more questions. I suppose I could walk there... His house should not be far if the given address was correct. Arthur began to walk down the street, looking at the signs with street names until he found Oak Street. He then began to look at all the different houses, looking for one with the number 880. Not much later, he found the house, and walked up to the door, knocking on the door with his fist. No answer, He knocked a little harder and someone finally answered. You must be Arthur... Please, do come inside. My son is waiting for you in the living room. A man stood before ... Get more on ...
  • 8. History Is Filled With Wars History is filled with wars. Wars are one among the foremost attention grabbing, nevertheless the scariest, aspects of history. If there have been no wars, the globe would be terribly totally different. One will agree that we have a tendency to learn our mistakes from wars. However, history is understood for continuation itself. There for, there are continuously new problems and conflicts that result in wars. It s a part of attribute to disagree most things for numerous reasons. After all, everyone seems to be totally different and have distinctive points of read some wars run off over land, whereas others occur to safeguard a nation s respect and honor. Twentieth century is replete of the many major wars. However, one among the war that... Show more content on ... The dispute results in a series of minor military exchanges on the border that were increasing in intensity. While the causes of the conflict were various and varied, one in all the principals was access to, and management of, the Shatt al Arab waterway. The Shatt al Arab itself was necessary for variety of reasons. The primary is that it permits for agricultural production in a section with a dry, wet climate. The waterway served as a way of transportation for moving agricultural and different merchandise each with within the country and to ports for export. End tabs container. The empire claimed each facet throughout their rule, though the Ottomans did usually not dominate the Persian facet. Supported the strength of this, Al Iraq claimed the east bank (Iranian side) of the stream, a crucial piece of property, since the Shatt al Arab is its solely outlet to the gulf. Al Iraq united to the division of the waterway with Asian nation (Iran) in a very 1975 written agreement. This gave Al Iraq management of most of the waterway and needed Asian nation to pay toll whenever its ships used the water method. This agreement settled the border dispute over the Shatt al Arab waterway in Iran s favor. At a similar time, Iraq renounced a long standing claim to the southwestern portion of Asian ... Get more on ...
  • 9. 1950s Music Influence Between the two World Wars, jazz and swing were all the rage. Starting in the late 1910 s, jazz, an amalgamation of gospel, blues, ragtime and march, became the popular music of choice for African American citizens the descendants of slaves whose music influenced jazz. Jazz quickly caught on, and exploded during the 20 s, spreading to white citizens as well as black. In the 30 s, jazzmusicwas supplemented by swing, a form of jazz which had larger bands, and which tended to focus more on a singer rather than a performer. In 1942, amidst a dispute between the musicians union and popular licensing agencies, a nationwide ban was placed on recording, which brought the creative expansion of popular music came to a screeching halt. The ban... Show more content on ... The 1950s began a trend of parenting which resulted in what were called latchkey children. As many fathers had been killed in World War II and many mothers needed to work, the oldest child of a family was often drafted to take care of the household. (Hostutler) In the absence of their parents, latchkey children often had responsibility forced upon them at a very young age. This early maturity in adolescence resulted in the desire for independence and rejection of authority which is commonly associated with teenagers. Along with not having a parent to take care of them, latchkey children did not have a parent to teach them how to interact with the world. Because of this, teenagers largely learned important moral lessons from their peers or from mass media, rather than from their parents. As radio, the main form of media at the time, was slowly becoming more populated by smaller rock bands, often with members not much older than latchkey children themselves, the morals of those children become the morals of rock and roll, which focused and intensified the popularity of rock and roll itself, as well as the backlash of older generations against rock and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Human Trafficking And Child Prostitution Every person in this world has to make a living somehow. The most unprotected and risky profession, in my opinion has to be prostitution. These men and women go to work without knowing who they will have to deal with and what could possibly happen to them. These individuals participate in this line of work not only to provide for themselves, but also for family members. In essence, the government should legalize prostitutionbecause it would protect their rights, ensure safety, and benefit their health. I believe pushing lawmakers towards the legalization of this profession would be beneficial to sex workers. However, many may argue about the downsides such as human trafficking and child prostitution. This does not affect my view because if this profession is to be legal one could find, address, and reduce or hopefully eradicate these problematic issues. After conducting this extensive research, I believe I learned a lot about this profession. I gathered a copious amount of information from Sources such as Vice, Whores Glory , and online websites. These sources helped me understand the workers and what they have to face every single day. Also letting the people who are willing to listen to know what changes should be implemented. With these results I aim to prove why passing this law would help these individuals health and well being. These men and women should not be looked upon differently because of the job they chose to pursue. Anyone in this world no matter the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Different Abilities And Needs Of An Individual With... staff to understand the individual and their life experiences. When working in a person centred manner both individuals and care staff benefit from a positive relationship and can work together towards their goals and ensuring individuals are receiving care which fully reflects their needs. 3.2 There are a range of different methods which can be used to gauge the differing abilities and needs of an individual with dementia. When an individual is admitted to a care setting it is vital that a full health profile is completed to enable care staff to be aware of any possible effects that health issues the individual has may effect their dementia. When carrying out a health profile it can be advantageous to also carry out a cognitive ability ... Show more content on ... Dementia is often used as a label with those who have a diagnosis being assumed to have the same symptoms and experiences and are often stripped of their identity as an individual and as a result may be discriminated against with their choices removed as people assume they no longer have capacity. Many carers of individuals with dementia can feel that they are being isolated from social situations as a result of the diagnosis of those who they are caring for. They also may feel that they have been discriminated against as a result of that diagnosis. Myths regarding the dementia diagnosis and its effects can result in individuals feeling they are no longer valued by society and those they care for. 3.4 Dementia is an illness which most people are afraid of being diagnosed with or for their loved ones t obe diagnosed with. It is important that there is support available for individuals and their carers as soon as possible following diagnosis and throughout their journey. There are support groups such as dementia cafes who offer support and a safe space for both those who have been diagnosed and their carers. There groups provide carers and individuals with a group who understand how they may be feeling and are able to offer practical advice. These groups can also allay fears regarding the future for those who have been diagnosed and their carers. During ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Flight 800 Research Papers We all get a little scared when we step on to a plane. All we want is to get from destination to the other without any complications. Four hundred and and sixty nine people probably wanted the same thing. In 1996 twohundred and thirty people died on a flight that exploded a few minutes after taking off. In 2014 twohundred and thirtynine are presumed dead on a flight that is still missing to this day. So the question is what really happened to these flights? In 1996 Trans World Airlines flight 800 was in route Rome with a stopover in Paris, when it exploded only twelve minutes after take off. The accident report states that the cause of the explosion was from the center wing fuel tank which resulted from a ignition of a flammable fuel/air mixture... Show more content on ... An air traffic controler shares what he saw on that day in 1996 I thought it was a landing light, but then it headed straight for the plan, and then the plane blew. (Nita Hiltner). James Sanders, the author of the The Downing Of TWA flight 800, has spent the last 18 years investigating this event, he recently announced that the flight was brought down accidentally by two missiles fired from a Navy Vessel and/or submarine that were in the area to intercept a smaller plane involved in a plot to bring down the commercial flight . A cover up by the FBI and the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) was extensive, involving intimidation of witnesses and investigators, tampering with evidence, false testimony before Congress, censoring reports, and numerous violations of protocols. Some of the government s own official investigators said that the explosions occurred outside the airplane. They were permitted to testify with that evidence. A piece of metal from a destroyed or missing plane can tell a big story. Early last year detectives were brought to the attention of a piece of scrap washed up on the Reunion Island in early July. Could this be a link to finding missing flight MH 370? In the picture above authorities ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Samsung s Accounting Probe And Its Impact On The... In July of 2015, Toshiba Corporation announced that an independent party had discovered that there were accounting irregularities. Accounting irregularities sounds like a nice way to say, they have uncovered fraud. In addition, Chief Executive Hisao Tanaka s accounting irregularities forced him to resign. At the time of the initial announcement, the overstatement was thought to be around $3.2 billion in charges ( Toshibas Accounting Probe, 2015, para. 1). How can this happen? The why and how can usually be summed up to greed and poor ethics in the leadership and culture inside of these large organizations. However, to help us understand the scale of this scandal, it is important to look at the time line and disclosures as the company... Show more content on ... By doing so, the seller can recognize some gain or loss related to a project in every accounting period in which the project continues to be active. The method works best when it is reasonably possible to estimate the stages of project completion on an ongoing basis or at least to estimate the remaining costs to complete a project. (para.1) Already we start to see that this method in itself is not at fault, but rather it creates an environment where people who have poor ethics can manipulate the system to provide a more favorable outcome. On May 8, Toshiba announced it was expanding its investigation and setting up a third party committee, canceled dividend payments and withdrew its earnings forecast. ( Toshiba s Accounting Probe, 2015, para. 4). Again, to the outside observer who is paying attention this does not sound good. Clearly the problem was well known and widespread throughout the organization. On May 13th, Toshiba announces it is likely to take mark downs in operating profit for three years through March of 2014 ( Toshiba s Accounting Probe , 2015, para. 5). On May 22nd, Toshiba extends the investigation to three more business units (para. 7). This is the first indication that it might be far more widespread for instances of improper accounting. The company reports that it found 12 instances of irregularities, including not ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Acid-Base Lab Acid/Base lab s purpose was to introduce extractions of one of the four neutral organic compounds (4 chlorobenzophene, biphenyl, trans stilbene, and trans chalcone). We then were asked to test the solubility of our selected neutral compound with hexane, water, methanol, and ethyl acetate to find the solvent that only dissolved the neutral compound while introduced to heat. Once the solvent was chosen, we purified the compound by recrystallization, and then concluded that my neutral organic compound was trans stilbene. в‚Є Introduction в‚Є It s essential for any chemist to grasp acid/base chemistry. It s a method of purification, once the experiment is completed. However, it s the groundwork of pKa values, which helps identify the acid, conjugate ... Show more content on ... Also another factor is finding a solvent at which ones compound dissolves in when heat is introduced and insoluble at room temperature, but it should also crystalize when introduced to cold temperatures. My compound had the melting point of trans stilbene at 121 123В°C which, was just lower than the PubChem recorded melting temperature of 122 125В°C. Concluded that my neutral organic compound was trans stilbene because of the mixed melting points similarity. If the experiment were repeated it would be important to possibly have students use pipets or some measured method to rinse their product during recrystallization so that mistakes such as over rinsing occur less and are more precise. Also another improvement that could be made is to perform more tests to the acid that had been a nucleophile to better identify its transformation. Other wise the lab that was performed was parallel to that of work in the extraction of medicines and other compounds that are marketed as pure at a less grand scale, but demonstrated the importance of acid/base chemistry. Supplemental ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Monogamy Vs Polygamy Relationships are complicated, especially romantic ones; they involve a wide range of emotions and expectations that need to be met or the relationship will fail. When it comes to polygamy there are even more variables added to the equation since there are additional partners involved in the relationship. Unlike the common belief that polygamyis where a man has multiple wives, it is actually much more in depth where both sexes can have other romantic partners. As long as one lets their partner know who they are seeing the relationship is considered healthy, although there is still the obvious possibility of jealousy occurring. Honesty is everything in polygamy, even though individuals are allowed to be romantically involved with others,... Show more content on ... In the United States it is illegal to be in an any of the three forms of polygamy if one is married. In the early days Mormons were even persecuted if they were found practicing polygamy. If individuals want to be polyamorous they must do so without being lawfully wedded to their partners. In a society that is constantly progressing towards giving people their rights, polygamist still struggle in being viewed as a legitimate way of life. With the gay rights movement having so much momentum and finally becoming legal in the United States, polygamist thought the outcome could soon be the same for them. The one major argument against polygamy is that it is a choice unlike the predetermination of one s sexual orientation. Critics suggest that individuals should just be single instead of engaging in a relationship where they are not faithful to one person. Although it is not certain where the future of polygamy is headed, the controversial lifestyle is growing in popularity as more people explore their sexual and emotional identities. There is no doubt that as time goes on new generations develop different attitudes than their parents which in turn shapes the modern world we live in. As far as marriages go, people are no longer in such rush to get married, have children, and start the typical family associated with adulthood. This in part could be because of high divorce rates that many individuals have experienced either with their parents or someone they know. Cathy Meyer ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Flaws Of Communism Communism is an economic system in which the government owns and regulates all property, and often censors and controls the media. Countries such as China, Russia, Cuba, and Vietnam have adopted this system in the past. However, its appeal to the citizens of these countries stems from their ignorance of the flaws of communismand how its real life manifestation differs from how it functions in theory. Those who criticize communism know how it leads to oppression and that it could never operate correctly. The most famous advocate for communism, Karl Marx, published ideas that led to the overthrow of the Russian government by the Bolsheviks and the subsequent installment of a new regime that favored communism. In a way, they were pioneers as ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Chickpeas Vs Spinach Research Those attending university are often searching for budget bites. Everyone has to eat and no matter whether the budget available is large or small, students want to eat well. Good food makes you feel better, brightens the day and provides the body with fuel. One dish that really delivers is chickpeas and spinach with a fried egg. The key to getting this dish cooked just right is building a lot of flavor in the chickpea and spinach sautГ© as well as getting the egg right so it runs when you break the yolk. Once these two things are taken care of you will have a spectacular breakfast. What s in it? Serves 2 ВЅ cup spinach, fresh or frozen 1 15 oz. can tomato sauce 1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained 1 small onion, diced 1 garlic clove, minced or grated ... Show more content on ... If you used fresh spinach add some water to help it wilt. SautГ© and season with salt and black pepper. Pour the tomato sauce into the skillet along with the canned chickpeas. Stir and cook until the chickpeas are warmed through. Transfer the chickpeas and spinach to a large bowl and wipe the skillet clean. Pour in 2 tablespoons of oil and heat over medium. You can also use butter. Gently crack the egg into the skillet and season with salt and pepper. Fry the egg for a few minutes. Cover to set the top. No one likes runny egg whites. Put the chickpeas and spinach in a serving bowl. Top with the fried egg. Serve. This is one great breakfast dish. The chickpeas are packed with protein and the spinach is flavorful and full of fiber that will leave you with that satiated feeling for hours. Aside from filling you up this dish has so many vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, potassium,
  • 18. calcium, folate and vitamin A. It s really a breakfast you can feel good about. Chickpeas and spinach with a fried egg is good for the body and the budget. Don t forget to break the yolk and let it ooze into the sautГ©. The combination is just ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Fate Of William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet Fate in Romeo and Juliet In modern times, and in the Elizabethan era, fate plays an important role in people s lives. Many people believe it to be written in stone, and unchangeable. Many others believe it to be controlled by a person s own actions. In Romeo and Juliet, fate is one of the main themes, described as having power over many of the events in the play. Fate is often called upon, wondered about, and blamed for mishaps. However, where fate is blamed in the play as the ultimate cause for a mishap, there is always an underlying action, or combination of them, on the part of human beings that decides the consequences. Human weakness, the loss of self control, is always the direct cause of a bad choice or mishap, and not fate itself. One of the most noted instances where fate is blamed for a mishap is when Romeo cries out the he supposedly is fortune s fool. He claims that fate has brought on Mercutio s death, and has lead him to kill Tybalt in revenge. In Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is seen to be upset at Mercutio s death and predicts that the days black fate on more days doth depend. (III, I, 118) Tybalt then re enters and Romeo becomes more upset that Tybalt is triumphant with Mercutio being dead (III, I, 121). As Romeo becomes overwhelmed with Mercutio s death and Tybalt s joy over it, he suddenly declares that either he or Tybalt must die with Mercutio (III, I, 128). ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Framers of the Constitution The Framers of the Constitution and the Republicanism The constitution is the supreme law of the land. Even though it is the supreme law of the land, it is not well defined; it isn t specific on multiple areas. Because of that, the constitution has been misjudged and miss interpreted in the past. However, there are certain parts were the Constitution is specific. It is partially specific on elements of the Constitution that embodies the republican principle of limited government, the three institutions in the government that embodies the commitment of representation: the House of Representatives, the senate, and the presidency, amendments of the constitution that expand the democratic representation, and passages that expresses the... Show more content on ... This amendment expanded democratic representation widely because it gave recently free slaves the right to vote for the people that were going to represent them. There is a catch on it though, only males were allowed to vote according to this amendment, it didn t give woman the right to vote.[15] This wouldn t change until later on in August 18, 1920 with the woman suffrage amendment being passed, the nineteenth amendment gave woman the right to vote[16] . This amendment finally gave woman the right to vote in elections. It was very important because it gave a sense of equality between males and females; however, there is still a great imbalanced scale between males and females. It didn t really balance things out, but it expanded democratic representation greatly. Through the whole Constitution there are multiple passages that express the republican principal of popular sovereignty, but not any other like the preamble. The preamble starts by saying We the people [17] which clearly states that we the people create the government. We the people give power to the government by letting the government govern us. That is the meaning of popular sovereignty.[18] In the end, the Constitution is and always will be the supreme law of the land. It is not perfect, in fact it is far from perfect, but it at least gives order to our lives and give us a government we can live in. a government in which the republican principle of limited government is ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Social Conflict Theory Research Paper The Structural Functional theory is a macro oriented theory that regards society as a complex system. In this system, each part is interdependent and works together so that society functions as a whole. Every part has a role that is necessary for the good of the overall functioning of that society. Society is connected by a social consensus which is an agreed upon set of guidelines for the society. This theory strives for equilibrium and promotes stability and solidarity. It believes that social stability is necessary to have a strong society. The Social Conflict theory is a macro oriented theory that views social life as a competition for limited resources. This theory sees society as a competition among individuals for social, political, and material resources. Examples of these resources include political power, housing, leisure time, and money. The social conflict theory sees the inequality in society and is constantly undergoing change. This theory believes that the wealthy or elite controls the poor and weak, which benefits the wealthy at the expense of the poor. It believes that far reaching change is necessary to eliminate social inequality. The social conflict theory emphasizes that the powerful groups use their power to take advantage of the groups or individuals with less power. Social conflict theory shows how factors such as age, race, class, and sex are linked to ... Show more content on ... This theory analyzes how individuals impose meanings on objects, events, and behaviors and then tend to behave based on what they believe and not necessarily what is true. Therefore, society is believed to be socially constructed through how humans interpret things around them. This theory studies how people construct social reality and how people construct their roles as they interact through meanings they place on words and ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Effects Of The Cuban Missile Crisis The Cuban Missile Crisis was a military and political confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union lasting thirteen days. It began on October 16 and ended on October 28, 1962. Throughout the entirety of the Cold War, no event brought these two super powered nations closer to nuclear war than the events that transpired during these thirteen days. During this time, William Roof was stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina as a soldier in the United States Army. The constant pressure by both nations on each other caused high tension for everyone involved, which affected even the soldiers going about their everyday lives. The first nation to make a move in this particular war was the United States. In order to place pressure ... Show more content on ... The high tension, life threatening, and nearly war starting negotiations between the two leaders showed the clear flaws between the two nation s communications with each other. This was shortly amended by the creation of the Moscow Washington hotline, allowing for quick and frequent communication between the two nations. This hotline allowed the relations between the two superpowers to vastly improve over the course of the rest of the Cold War and prevented such an event as the Cuban Missile Crisis from ever occurring again. Bill summed up the Cuban Missile Crisis in an excellent way by stating, It was almost the dumbest way to blow up all of humanity. The Soviets and us just pointed big guns at each other till everyone got scared, and if either country would have shot those big guns the world wouldn t have ever been the same again. You can t get two super powered countries firing nukes at each other and expect the world not to change, and I think both Khrushchev and Kennedy realized that and did everything they could to stop it, and thank God they ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Importance Of Birth Order And Its Effect On Leadership Introduction Some people have always assumed that the oldest child is a natural leader. In that same fashion, some people feel the youngest child most often grows up a follower and remains a follower in adulthood. There s some research to support these assumptions that birth order can determine how one leads. This paper will examine the importance of birth order and its effect on leadership. So, what is birth order? The term birth order refers to the rank of siblings by age. Birth order is believed to have significant and lasting psychological effects on an individual. The effects of birth order on the overall development of a person have continued to have an existence in both personal and professional life. What is personality? ... Show more content on ... With the second child, the parents tend to be less attentive thus leading the child be more of a people pleaser and diplomatic (Connor, 2007) thus creating a follower style type. The last born child is thought as rebellious and displays a spoiled attitude not typically a leadership trait. As the family size increases, the parental resources are divided more sparsely among all children. Many factors such as birth order, siblings, genes and circumstances all unquestionably play a greater role in the development of a child s personality (Healey, 2007) thus impacting the type of leader displayed. According to Healey (2007), parents get excited about their first born child and tend to be overprotective, pay more attention, investments and high expectations on the child. It is understandable that parents may be able to expend more resources on the first born, especially in smaller families if there is a gap between the other siblings. Gordman s research (2008) supports the previously mentioned statements by showing the effect birth order has on educational attainment. Gordman (2008) confirms Grinberg s (2015) statements regarding the possibility that more resources are reserved for the first born. This research further proves that the first born has better resources and informal support to help increase the chances of being successful. For this paper, success is ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Blood Doping Essay Blood doping and EPO use by elite athletes is an unprofessional way of making their way to the top . Athlete s bodies are affected by the use of these additional cells and can have a major outcome on how they perform in the long run future. This is an illegal act by athletes and can majorly effect the body and its homeostasis. says Savannah Rhind. The tiny gap between winning and losing has led athletes to look for what they call marginal gains, whether that comes from extra sleep, better equipment, or even cheating (David Epstein, 2015). Blood doping is described as an injection containing oxygenated blood that is injected into an athlete for the sake of sports competitions and enhancing athlete s performances. So how does it affect... Show more content on ... Homeostasis also improves how the body adapts to training for competitions. Athletes may lift weights with the desire to get stronger, but that s not what motivates the athlete s body. Lifting weights damages muscles, which causes homeostatic stress. Enough damage to that muscle will cause the body to react by imaginatively saying I don t like this damage so I m going to form the muscle back bigger and stronger. That way, the next time this stressor is thrown at me, I can homeostatically handle it. (Trevor Connor, 2014). But, how does the body accomplish the perfect equilibrium? Well hormones play the part of this role. Sensors in the body can detect any imbalanced pathway in the body and tells the brain to release the appropriate hormones that is needed to restore a balanced pathway again. Once the stressor is gone, the hormones break down. The basic feedback loop diagram below represents how our bodies are able to reach homeostasis after a stressor occurs and what happens if they occur again, this cycle is important for our bodies to function ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Abstract. Using A Variety Of Peer-Reviewed Sources, This Abstract Using a variety of peer reviewed sources, this paper will focus on the problems in the United States healthcare system and its relation to children s access to healthcare. Despite efforts, there are several aspects in the current healthcare system that cause children to not have access to healthcare. In other cases the children may be eligible for health insurance but do not have insurance. This paper will analyze the disparities surrounding children s healthcare, the socioeconomic aspects of it, and other factors that cause a lack of access to healthcare. Over the years healthcare has remained an issue in everyday society, especially in getting it so that everyone has access to it. Different people of varying ... Show more content on ... CHIP emerged from a budget negotiation between a Democratic president and Republican Congress. As such, the program represents a fine balance, designed to maintain equilibrium between states and the federal government, as well as between political conservatives and liberals. It contains elements of both an entitlement program and a block grant. States have the option of providing child health assistance in SCHIP through Medicaid, a separate program, or a combination of the two. There is also flexibility in benefit design, though benefits must meet certain set standards. As in Medicaid, state payments for child health assistance under SCHIP qualify for federal matching payments. On average, the federal government pays 70 percent and state governments pay 30 percent of program costs. Unlike Medicaid, however, these enhanced federal matching payments are limited by national and state specific allotments, or annual limits on federal funding. SCHIP has a system to redistribute federal allotments from states that did not spend the full amount to others that may need higher amounts. States may use up to 10 percent of their annual allotments on outreach, administration, and other activities. A federally funded evaluation found SCHIP to be successful in nearly all of the areas examined. Since inception in 1997, enrollment has increased steadily to 6.1 million children in FY 2005. This was complemented by a 6.8 ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Horrors of Society Illustrated in †Telephone... In Telephone Conversation we have a telephone conversation between a black man who wants to rent a room, from a white woman. We see that society is ignorant and racist. Prayer Before Birth is a poem addressed to God from the point of view of an unborn baby who is scared to go into society. They both have negative views of society. In Prayer Before Birth society is presented as scary. The narrator is pleading and says I fear . She (no gender is specified as it is meant to symbolize all of humanity) is scared of blood baths . This uses alliteration and it is a metaphor. This could stand for all the violence that exists in the world wars, murder, pain etc. She is scared of all the blood shed that exists in the world. In some ways ... Show more content on ... However, the white lady can only see in terms of DARK or VERY LIGHT . She seems to be in a very black and white world. In Prayer Before Birth we also have the idea that difference is not celebrated, as everyone has to become an automaton and a cog in a machine . However, Telephone Conversation is more positive as there is a man dealing with racism, and despite feeling anger , (symbolised by the red booth and the Red pillar box the red symbolizing anger), he does not act with violence, he acts with humour Friction, caused ... My bottom [to turn] raven black . This reaction would go against some of the fears of the unborn baby as the African man has kept his humanity, despite his bad experiences in society. Society is ... made to seem ridiculous Soyinka s main aim with this poem was to try to change people s racist views. She does this by showing a racist incident, but showing it as ridiculous, thus highlighting just how stupid and nonsensical the racist views of 1950s British society actually were. The white lady is made to seem uneducated, as I have already said. Through the comparison of his education and her ignorance, she is mocked. She actually symbolises society at the time, and so by mocking her, the whole of society is mocked. Whereas he is, on the whole, very polite he calls her Madam , and he deals politely with her rude questions (except perhaps at the end). ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Adler How To Mark A Book To be an active reader is to be able to express yourself in the book one reads. Mortimer J. Adler argues in his article, How to Mark a Book , that to be an active reader, the reader needs to actually write in their book; but also to fully claim ownership of their book. According to Adler, there are plenty of ways one can mark in a book; underlining, vertical lines at the margin, asterisk, numbers in the margin, circling or highlighting, writingin the margin at the bottom or top, etc. One does not initially understand what they are reading, until they feel like they are having a conversation with the author. Adler emphasizes marking in a book keeps the reader mentally awake, helps their thoughts become more alive, and also remember later what ... Get more on ...
  • 28. A Comparative Critique Of Maria Tatar s An Introduction... A comparative Critique of Maria Tatar s An Introduction to Fairy Tales and Bruno Bettelheim s Fairy Tales and Modern Stories . Fairy tales always have a way of making the reader feel really connected to the protagonist through the use of hardship. Readers get attached to the protagonist by using their own life s problem to replace with the protagonist s problem and the journey of the protagonist overcoming their problems gives the reader sense of hope to look forward to in their own lives and maybe they can solve their own problems. Fairy tales give people hope in tough times because when they can not solve a problem, they often to refer back to struggles characters in fairy tales that did not give up, but kept going as... Show more content on ... Little girl recalled how fairy tales showed her that if her attitude changes and stays positive that her chances of succeeding is higher. This teaches the little girl that she does not need anything else, but the conviction belief that she can accomplish this task. According to the Bettelheim, children use modern stories to escape reality and go into a fantasy world that gives them temporary relief. Since the story was not a fairytale, it left the girl off with no hope for getting better in the future. Not only do fairy tales help children develop, but it also gives them hope. Bettelheim demonstrates through another scenario how fairytale gave a little girl hope in sense of her difficult situation. The little girl used Rapunzel as a way to relate her situation with the main character. While reading she figures out that her prince in real life will eventually save her like it happened in the story, giving her hope to keep going according to Bettelheim. That story of hope was sustained until that little girl grew up and got married eventually not needing it anymore, but she was using it more as a safety blanket. She would only use the fairytale in time of need. Maria Tatar points out how these stories help shape individuals at a young age. She explores how children reading these stories and using imagination can uncover fears and desires they have. But these fairy tales do not only have a good influence on children, but also ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Compassion In Thank You, MaAm By Langston Hughes Compassionate people are geniuses in the art of living, more necessary to the dignity, security, and joy of humanity than the discoveries of knowledge. Albert Einstein Everyone has difficulties and tragedies in life, some more than others. Though when people show compassion, it makes your spirits rise and make your challenges more bearable. In the short story, Thank you, Ma am by Langston Hughes, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, a woman whose purse has been an attempted target by a boy, shows the theme of compassion with an overflowing amount of it. The boy, Roger, learns throughout the story that compassion is very important, and his true personality is revealed by some woman he doesn t even know. At the beginning of Thank you, Ma am, we see how just how compassionate Mrs. Jones really is. The moment she meets Roger, she tells the boy to wash his face. Least I can do is wash your face. Are you hungry? This might not seem like a very compassionate thing to do at first, however, she doesn t even know the boy, yet she has enough compassion to make sure he is clean. Then, she takes the boy inside of her house! In addition, the boy, Roger asks, You going to take me to jail? But Mrs. Jones doesn t. Maybe she sees that Roger is really a good boy inside, so she shows compassion to bring out his true kindness. This makes me think that he was probably trying to steal because he had to. And when Mrs. Jones asked him if he had anyone at home, he said, No m. Mrs. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Human Rights In Australia The United Nation s Declaration of Human Rights was commissioned in December 1948 by the UN General Assembly in an attempt to create a standard which is common to all people regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or any other status . It is the United Nations responsibility to ensure that the participating countries follow these articles set forth by the assembly and to ensure that these rightsare not being desecrated. The term Human Rightsis best described by the United Nationsas Human rights are the rights to be born free, the right to life, the right to equality, the right to freedom, the right to assembly and the right to own property which is inherent to all human beings . However, this statute by the... Show more content on ... The Maurice Blackburn Lawyers represent refugees who have been inhumanely treated and that are attempting to seek justice from the suffering that the Australian Government s actions. The firm also believes in protecting the women and children in offshore detention centres that face physical abuse and unlawful detention. Without the firm supporting the refugees, the truths on the island may have never came out. Alongside this NGO, the United Nation s High Commission for Refugees is an active contender in the defence and support of refugees seeking asylum. The UNHCR conducts extensive operations in refugee support which may include but is not limited to providing emergency relief, providing education, shelter, access services and advocacy with national governments to better refugee protection and health ministration. The UNHCR doesn t just create awareness for the refugee crisis in Australia, but provides a non governmental body leading by example which the entire world follows and implements active and effective measures to ensure the best possible solution to the issue at ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Flattened Fauna by Roger M. Knutson Book Review of Flattened Fauna Flattened Fauna, the book all about road kill. How could one not be interested in learning more about the flattened animals that litter our roads? I was certainly intrigued by the idea that the study of these very dead animals actually exists. This book contains all sorts of information about flattened fauna such as how to study it, where to study it, why flattened fauna exists, details about the most popular and or dangerous fauna, and of course why it is studied in the first place. The following paragraphs will give a summary of the book Flattened Fauna, what to expect of the book, and how the book relates to furthering ones knowledge of Biology. The author states that this book is supposed to encourage the appreciation and study of road fauna. The author even mentions that a trip of one thousand miles presents the opportunity to see, identify, and possibly enjoy four hundred to four thousand animals. The author encourages the reader to think of the road as a habitat. Most animal habitats such as forests, lakes, marshes, and such have been apart of the world for millions of years, and the new roads conveniently run through these habitats. These new roads and highways are a relatively new part of these animals natural habitat, but the animals still include these roads as a part of their traditional habitat. Animals have not had a significant amount of time to adapt to this relatively new habitat. The road fauna is quite new ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Literary Romanticism In Wordsworth s Lyrical Ballads Literary ballads is considered the seminal inspirational work of literary romanticism in Britain. The publication of Lyrical Ballads represented a turning point for English poetry. Though the book was not originally received as a radical experiment, it was rather controversial for its time. Being released straight during the French revolution which was seen as a social experiment in itself. Coleridge encouraged Wordsworth to write a preface to Lyrical Balladswhich would explain the work contained within the collection. The phrase experimental originated from Wordsworth himself and the preface gave him the opportunity to explain and defend the rather radical work to the readers. Wordsworth expressed concern on how lyrical ballads would be received by his readership. That it would not only not meet their expectations but would make them question his ability as a poet also. He knew that the poems he was writing were so intentionally experimental that his reader s reactions would be mixed I flattered myself that they who should be pleased with them would read them with more than common pleasure: and on the other hand, I was well aware that by those who should dislike them they would be read with more than common dislike. He sought to ... Show more content on ... Anecdote for Fathers showcases a touching relationship between father and son. This poem is a true representation of the type of poems to be found in the Lyrical Ballads both in subject theme and in the simplistic nature of its construction. Anecdote for Fathers explores the ways adults can actually manipulate their children into lying. It has an interesting subtitle ( showing how the art of lying may be taught ) The poem begins with a father and his five year old son strolling through an English countryside: It immediately opens in a touching and sentimental ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Essay on Busniess Homework Assignment: Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 NOTE: Follow the instructions for sending your homework to me that you ll find in the Learning Module 1 Lecture Notes. START COPY HERE (Chapter 3)************************************************************ Your Name: Xin Song Chapter 3 Homework (type your answer below each question; keep your responses concise) 1. Why is outsourcing such an attractive way for firms to tap into foreign markets? What are the risks of foreign outsourcing? 2. What are the key elements of sociocultural barriers to trade? How can companies overcome these barriers? 3. How has NAFTA impacted the U.S.? Overall, do you believe that it was a positive move for the U.S.? Why or why not? 4. Take a... Show more content on ... Another key risk of foreign outsourcing involves social responsibility. Q2. What are the key elements of sociocultural barriers to trade? How can companies overcome these barriers? Sociocultural differences include difference among countries in language, attitudes and value. Also some specific, and perhaps surprising, elements that affect business include nonverbal communication, forms of address, attitudes toward punctuality, religious celebrations and customs, business practices, and expectations regarding meals and gifts. The best way to jump over sociocultural barrios is to conduct thorough consumer research, cultivate firsthand knowledge, and practice extreme sensitivity. Q3. How has NAFTA impacted the U.S.? Overall, do you believe that it was a positive move for the U.S.? Why or why not? NAFTA is the treaty that created the free trading zone among the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Despite dire predictions of American jobs flowing to Mexico, the U.S. economy has grown significantly since the implementation of NAFTA. The Canadian and Mexican economies have thrived as well. Other criticisms of NAFTA include increased pollution and worker abuse. But the full impact of NAFTA for better or for worse is tough to evaluate because so many other variables affect all three economies. NAFTA makes North America formed a more open trade in services market, in many complex and highly ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Difference Between Total Quality Management Table I shows a summary of the various approaches and some of their key characteristics. Despite some differences between Total Quality Management (TQM), the Theory Of Constraints (TOC), Six Sigma and Lean the desired outcome of each methodology is ultimately customer focused. TQM, and Lean trace their origins to the quality evolution in Japan shortly after the Second World War though the concepts within each have developed differently. Many TQM concepts and tools have become integral parts Lean methodology, but they differ in their primary focus. While six sigma is often viewed as a direct descendant of TQM it brings a more disciplined approach to process improvement, organizational structure and focus. TOC was introduced to overcome the perceived shortcomings of both Lean and TQM. Both were thought to lack focus on the throughput of a product that was considered to provide a greater benefit in terms of improving an organization s financial performance. Total Quality Management (TQM)Theory of Constraints (TOC)Six SigmaLEAN GoalImprove Quality defined as meeting or exceeding customer expectationsMaximize throughput by managing constraintsReduce or remove the primary source of VariationDeliver value to the customer through waste elimination FocusQuality focusedSystem constraintsProblem focusedFlow focused Core ConceptsUnderstand and fulfill customer expectations Concentrate on process management to reduce sources of variation Focus on ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Case Analysis Of Group1 Automotive 1.Internal performance Houston based Group1 Automotive Inc. is an international fortune 500 automotive retailer, it is the leader in the automotive retailing industry. It is the third largest dealership group in the United States and also extended to the UK and Brazil. Company s strategy: Group 1 Automotive strategies are totally based on the regional structure. Strategy are formed and executed according to local or regional situation. This type of strategy in practice used to achieve the operating efficiency, industry leading customerservice, disciplined acquisition growth and diversity. Their strategies are focused on the customer, leveraging its scale, successful acquisition. So that decision can be effectively to remain close to market and deliver best. Mission: Mission of the Group 1 Automotive is to provide the customer satisfaction by the world class facility and trained staff. Providing all the information about the company offering on the go, any one can check the all the deals available in it s all the show rooms. Its mission is to provide the transparent and integral solution of any problem related to their services and offering. Vision: Vision of the Group 1... Show more content on ... Stakeholders can construct visions of, and pathways to, sustainable futures that reflect their experiences, views and concerns (Whitmarsh, Swartling, JГ¤ger, 2009). So Group one strategy, mission and vision are based on the performance and factor of all the stakeholders. Let s say one of its supplier Toyota is claiming that it is the best in industry car in its price segment then all the marketing and sales strategy for this particular car will be depend on the statement give by the Toyota, it this Toyota statement falsify the then its strategy can be hampered. So for the business all stakeholders are the equal ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Price Of Apple Stock Prices Apple The negative change in stock prices comes up as a result of decrease in organization s earnings. Investors lose confidence in a product once its share prices begin to fall as a result of competitors (Michelle, 2015). However, in view of the Apple stock analysis, the income is expected to grow at any time and the future company s stock might be higher. The closing price for Apple in the stock market was $123.38. The purchase price was $130.28 with its percentage change in stock price as 5.30%. Exxon Mobil The primary reason behind the decrease in Exxon s stock price is the change in oil prices. Profits of Exxon s has decreased in the second quarter of 2015 which may cause the investors to lose trust in Exxon Mobil Corporation. However, Exxon has a competitive advantage against its major competitive (Chevron) which is the free cash flow. Exxon could return the money to investors even if the prices are low by using the free cash flow advantage.The closing price for Exxon Mobil Corporation was $82.48 with purchase price of $85.14. Exxon s percentage change in stock price was 3.12%. Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste closing price was 147.77 with a purchase price of $143.40. The percentage change in stock prices was 3.05%. The positive change in stock prices of the firm is due to the increase in passenger traffic. The Canadian dollar currency is also picking up as compared to the US dollar. Stock price for Daimler Ag Daimler Ag closing ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Importance Of Lancelot In Malory s Morte D Arthur Malory explicitly links Tristram and Lancelot in their desire for the unattainable and their correspondence as contemporaries confined to new ideas presented as high treason. Elizabeth Kay Harris describes the changes the textual alterations signify in her 1995, Evidence Against Lancelot and Guinevere in Malory s Morte D Arthur: Treason by Imagination . By using a background of law, she argues that the process in Tristram demonstrates the inverse of Lancelot and represents a uniquely English reading of the two. However, Lancelot admires Tristram until he weds a woman other than Iseult the Fair. Capellanus argument should allow these relationships to work, as long as, singular attachment does not form the goal. Both men overstep Capellanus ramifications, finding themselves falling from their lord s graces and ostracized from society. With these warnings in mind, book VII, Lancelot and Guinevere, sees the public behavior of Guinevere shame Arthur after the knights return from the quest for the Holy Grail. Lancelot tries to break off... Show more content on ... The structure of Guinevere s adultery showed direct alteration in the English translation to avoid direct description of an English queen s sexuality and political agency. Though sexual liberty ebbed over the previous time, the literature of the courtly love movement ensured the sanctity of noblewomen s bodies as they held the ultimate choice in partner selection. Without this decisive power, male courtiers regained power in relationships and regulated women s involvement in their affairs. As a result, Guinevere loses her autonomy in her courtship with Lancelot and only survives through inaction and silence allows her to escape. Guinevere s narrative shows the secularization of the female body and opens the opportunity for equality in punishment for crimes of high ... Get more on ...
  • 38. What Is Rear Window Review Rear Window Review Rear Window is a great thriller, and a great movie. It is thrilling and exciting without having the overly serious tone of most other thrillers. Unlike other films of the genre there is campy feel, yet that doesn t deter the edge of your seat feeling the this film creates. Rear Window is an oddity, it s a light hearted murder mystery that takes place from one setting, yet very effectively pulls the audience into the experience. There is a constant did he or didn t he feeling that keeps the viewer guessing up until the final dramatic conclusions. This is a good thriller because it is effectively suspenseful and exciting. It is a great filmbecause it is fun, it s enjoyable. Rear Window is fun to watch because it combines ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Gross Domestic Product (Gdp) Is an Inadequate Measure of... Title Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an inadequate measure of societal well being and should be replaced by the Human Development Index (HDI) Abstract This paper will discuss the anomally of Human Development Index (HDI) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In this discussion I will argue for HDI as a fairer comparison of a country s overall economic wealth health and social well being rather than the generally accepted method used by most countries of GDP. HDI allows for a more comprehensive understanding of well being than purely economic measurements like GDP, and better identifies areas of need within countries. GDP is basicially a measure of a country s overall economic output. It does not consider GDP per capita. If a country... Show more content on ... It would causes prices rise which in turn means people have to pay more for the same goods and services. If individual income increases at a slower rate than inflation, people s standard of living declines even if they are making more. Taking China as an example, China s obsession with high GDP growth is part of the economics problem ( inflation hits new high 2011 5, May, 2011). In 2010, over half of GDP growth was due to investment in fixed assets, much of it fueled by cheap money and easy credit. Because of the rates of GDP growth due to personal assets such as a reasonable investment, integration, inflation may bring assets to face a serious risk of shrinking in the future. As Chovanec stated that the real challenge for China isn t racking up ever higher GDP figures, but putting its economy on a more sustainable footing going forward, even if that means lower rates of growth (http:/ / inflation hits new high 2011 5, May, 2011). Comparing with other indicators, Human Development Index (HDI) presents an innovative approach to measuring well being within affluent nations, and shows a more detailed picture of societal well being than by just economic growth alone. A composite measure called HDI was introduced to measure human development.This index focuses on three basic dimensions: (1) GDP per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) as measure of a decent ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Apprenticeship In America Apprenticeship is a work based learning program administered by the Employment and Training Administration s Office of Apprenticeship (OA) to advance and increase employment opportunities for people with and without disabilities. Building on existing research and Executive Order No.13801, Expanding Apprenticeships in America is to increase and improve capacity building of Registered ApprenticeshipPrograms (RAP) and Industry led Apprenticeship Programs (ILAP). ODEP will focus on the development of funding opportunities through the Apprenticeship PWS and collaboration and outreach with the OA, focused on promotion of inclusive RAP, and ILAP for transitioning youth and young adults with disabilities (YWD), including significant disabilities. ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Business Data Comm Network Chap 10 to 13 1._________ is being pioneered by Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.Next Generation InternetB.Active fibrous networkingC.CA*Net3D.Ethernet to the homeDifficulty: Moderate Page: 346 E.The Abilene networkGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Moderate Page: 346 Score:6/6 2.The multipoint version of fixed wireless is sometimes known as: Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.DSLAMB.point to multipointDifficulty: Moderate Page: 343 C.point to pointD.CA*Net3E.DOCSISGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Moderate Page: 343 Score:6/6 3.DSL modem is also known as a: Student ResponseCorrect Answer... Show more content on ... Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.Fault managementDifficulty: Easy Page: 454 B.Performance managementC.TroubleshootingD.Fault toleranceE.FirefightingGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Easy Page: 454 Score:6/6 17.___________ allows the network manager to determine who is responsible for correcting any outstanding problems. Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.MTBFB.ReliabilityC.AvailabilityD.Load balancingE.Problem trackingDifficulty: Easy Page: 459 General Feedback:Difficulty: Easy Page: 459 Score:6/6 18.If managers do not pay enough attention to planning and organizing the network, they are going to end up being proactive vs. reactive in solving network problems. Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.TrueB.FalseDifficulty: Moderate Page: 447 General Feedback:Difficulty: Moderate Page: 447 Score:6/6 19.To help in negotiating site licenses for software, it is important to document which software packages are installed on each client. Student ResponseCorrect AnswerFeedback A.TrueDifficulty: Easy Page: 453 B.FalseGeneral Feedback:Difficulty: Easy Page: 453 Score:6/6 20.Quality control charts are a simple tool that can be ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Governesses Represented An Unusual Social Class Essay Governesses represented an unusual social class in Victorian culture. They were often women belonging to the middle class, however, they had a central role in the upbringing of upper class children and the construction of Victorian education and ideals. Despite their significance within the homes of wealthy families, many governesses were treated with suspicion and fear. This paper, however, seeks to analyze several notable governess representations as well as to understand how these various depictions (from homewrecker governess to asexual, unsexed governess) were employed to construct, conceal, and obscure the classed sexuality of the governesses. The governess in the painting Looking for the Mail Packet , Miss Prism in The Importance of Being Earnest, Mrs. Vesey in The Woman in White, portray governesses as superfluous to the home and neglectful of their charges, lacking in sexual desirability, and utterly unsophisticated. Some governesses, including Miss Prism, are described as women who seek to destabilize the Victorian home Г la prostitutes and other undesirable women. No matter the case, the governess as a Victorian figure was often not painted in a positive light in these texts. It is important to consider the implications such portrayals because they can illuminate for modern readers the ways in which the Victorian erapoliced and proscribed sexuality. The governess and her role matters because she represents the social policing of womanhood as well as the ... Get more on ...
  • 43. An Analysis Of Mirror, Courage, The Explorer, And... To Die With Courage (The Essence of Courage) Having courage is a big factor in life. To have courage and go and try everything life, you will have no regrets. Courage is the, mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty (Webster). Have fun in life and be brave and spontaneous. This is not, however, because someone who thinks bravely is simply a courageous person, thinking. (Ryan). If you put your mind to something and not be afraid, you will live a wonderful life. In the four poems, Mirror, Courage, The Explorer, and Frederick Douglass, the big overall message has to deal with courage. In Sylvia Plath s poem, Mirror, the big overall message is the notice that growing old is inevitable. You can t go back and relive your youth, all you do is age. In this poem, a mirror is speaking about itself, this is ironic because mirrors don t talk. I am silver and exact, I have no preconceptions. (Plath 1052). Then, there is a lady, looking at herself through the years as she ages. Appearance is such a high topic in this society now days because it is how people look at you. Appearance counts. (Reisner). How many times do you look in a mirror a day? Or a window or anything that even shows your reflection? Many people focus on their appearance because that is normally the first thing people notice. Have courage to be yourself and not worry about what others think about you. In the poem, Courage, by Anne Sexton, the big message is ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Final Exam Questions On Osmosis Michelle Leeman Final Exam: 1)Fill in the blanks using the appropriate directional term: (in the anatomical position) (5 pts) a) The heart is posterior to the sternum b) The manubrium is medial to the gleno humeral joint c) The dura mater is anterior to the spinal cord d) The cranium is superior to the sacrum e) The calcaneus is posterior to the toes 2)What is osmosis? Is osmosis a passive or an active process? Describe how osmosis occurs across the cell membrane. How can the solute concentration of the interstitial fluid affect cell shape? Be specific. (5 points) Osmosis is the movement of water molecules through a semi permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration to equalize the solute concentrations on both sides. Osmosis is a passive process and does not require energy like an active process would. A semi permeable membrane is a membrane that allows certain molecules or ions to pass through, water being one of those molecules, thus allowing water to freely flow in and out of a cell. The cell must have equal concentrations on either side of the membrane to allow it to function, therefore water will pass in and out of the cell to equalize the concentration of ions of both sides. Solutions of different concentrations will pass water from the side with lower concentration to the side with higher concentration, thus changing the cell s shape. A cell that is placed in a hypertonic solution (solution concentration that is lower than cell s ... Get more on ...