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Character Brief
Adam Maximus Parker: A young genius that leads a double life.
He pretends he is a model student with a happy character. In
reality, his personality and attitude takes a 180 degree turn.
Detective Alicia Byers: A rookie detective that works under
with her dad in Hawkins Police Station. Her objective is to
capture the Hawkins Serial Killer in order to protect her
childhood friend, Adam. Little did she know, there is much
more to the identity of the killer.
Chief Byers: The man in charge of Hawkins Police Station and
is Detective Alicia’s father. Tries to keep a professional
relationship with her daughter at work.
Mitch Connor: A long time friend of Adam. They were put
together in the same class for three years.
Dr. Albus Kirke: Adam’s physics teacher. He was fired as a
professor at Harvard University.
Elliot McKenzie: A model student in Hawkins International
School. She was killed by the notorious Hawkins Serial Killer.
The road is dark, only being illuminated by dull lights from
the street lamps. The trees blows back and forth from the
wind’s whistling blow. The sound of a woman panting can be
heard in the dark streets. Her name was ELLIOT MCKENZIE, 17.
She’s bleeding from her left shoulder. A deep cut can be seen.
Her brunette hair has been cut unevenly short. Tears were
dripping from her big swollen eyes. She was running. Running
out of fear.
Somebody help me! Anyone! Save me from this mad man!
She’s screaming loudly but to no avail, her cry for help was
not answered. He tripped and fell to the ground. Falling under
the lights of the street lamp. He looked behind him and saw a
shadow emerging into the light. A HOODED MAN stepped into the
light. The Hooded Man was wearing a black jacket and black
jeans. The hood was hiding the identity of the unknown man.
Only darkness can be soon from his face.
(deep voice)
No one is coming to save you Elliot.
His sinister voice stoke the fear within ELLIOT. She froze.
W-w-why...are you d-doing...this.
She stutters, trying to understand why the HOODED MAN was
trying to kill her.
W-what did...I e-ever do
(deep voice)
It’s not what you did to me Elliot. I just chose you as my
next victim.
Wh-who are you? How do y-you know my n-name?
(deep voice)
Are these words really going to be your last? Shame. You were
a brilliant speaker Elliot.
H-how would you kn-know that?
(deep voice)
You’re a smart girl Elliot. You’ll figure it out. In hell.
The HOODED MAN brought out a pair of bloody scissors and
lifted it up high over his head.
Wait it’s you...
He pressed the scissors down hard onto ELLIOT’S neck. Her eyes
open wide as she realizes who the HOODED MAN was. She let out
her last breathe and the lights fade out from her eyes.
The classroom is quiet. The air is cold from the sheer power
of the air conditioner. All around, faces of students distort
as they try to answer the final paper of their semester. It is
a tough season for the students of Hawkins International
School. A well-built teenager, ADAM MAXIMUS PARKER, 17, sits
by the window. The popular boy has blondish hair and brown
eyes. His grades reflects his intelligence amongst his peers.
He is sitting silently while resting his eyes until a man
approached him. The physics teacher, DR. ALBUS KIRKE, 42.
Mr. Parker. Done, are you?
DR. KIRKE looks young for someone who was well over 40 years
old. The coat he wears complements his slimish figure. His
pale white skin and sharp nose made him look like a vampire.
He is well-known in school for his strict nature and pompous
attitude. The arrogant man got fired from his job as a
professor in Harvard University for allegedly having sexual
relations with a female student. That event put a drift
between his wife and it definitely shows that in his strict
As always, Mr Kirke.
That’s Dr. Kirke to you Mr. Parker.
My apologies, Dr. Kirke.
It has only been 30 minutes since the exam has started and you
are done?
I wouldn’t have been called the school genius if I haven’t
done so. Right, Dr. Kirke?
DR. KIRKE gave ADAM an unappreciated stare as if to challenge
That would indeed be true Mr. Parker. Then I guess you would
have to wait for another hour and a half. Just like all the
other times.
ADAM gave him a bright smile to show that he was unfazed by
his words
DR. KIRKE made a swift turn and the sound of his footsteps can
be heard breaking the silence again. He speaks loud to inform
the students of the time remaining.
You have one hour and 30 minutes left!
DR. KIRKE turned around swiftly before making his
announcement. ADAM let out a heavy sigh and continued to rest
his eyes.
The hallway is filled with students. Students are seen jumping
with joy from finishing their mid-term papers. Although, not
everyone in Hawkins International School are happy. ADAM
walked past a locker that was surrounded with flowers. There
was a crowd encircling the locker. From the crowd, a FEMALE
STUDENT, 17, and a MALE STUDENT, 17, can be seen crying in
front of ELLIOT’S locker.
Oh Elliot, I’m so sorry.
You were a good person Elliot. It wasn’t suppose to end like
I swear to god Elliot! I’ll find that serial killer and I’ll
kill whoever did this to you.
A few hours ago, the news of a student passing away named
ELLIOT MCKENZIE broke out. ADAM frowned as he walked up her
locker. The hallway is getting packed as more students were
gathering around ELLIOT’S locker. Adam started to look tense.
His knees are getting weak. His arms looks heavy. Palms are
Excuse me. Could you let me pass through?
ADAM tried to get the crowd’s attention. No one could hear his
soft voice. His breathing gets heavier and faster.
(heavy breathes)
Shit. I have to get out of here quickly.
He forced his way to the crowd. But to no avail, he couldn’t
stand any longer. Just like a feather, he fell to the ground
The police station is hectic. Everyone is busy figuring out
who is the serial killer that has been murdering rampantly for
the past month. A woman wearing a suit was walking towards the
Chief of Police’s office. The woman is DETECTIVE AlICIA BYERS,
22. She brisked up her pace with her long legs. A holster can
be seen attached to her slim waist. Her short auburn hair and
sharp eyes was fitting for a rookie detective like her. She
burst open the door.
Dad! We need to talk.
The man she is talking is CHIEF JIM BYERS, 51, the Chief of
Police at Hawkins Police Station and ALICIA’S father. He spat
out coffee as the sound of the door shocked him and his
chevron moustache got stained. He was wearing a white shirt
fitted with overalls. His hair was turning gray. The wrinkles
of his forehead can be seen from afar. The middle-ages man
stood up slowly as his back was aching.
How many times do I have to tell you Detective Alicia? You
call me Chief (emphasise) at work. This is a professional
Well then Chief, When are you going to assign me on
apprehending the Hawkins Serial Killer?
Detective, it’s only been a few months since you’ve joined the
police force. You’re not ready to handle a task like this.
How do you expect me to believe that if you don’t give me the
chance to prove myself. I can do it.
Look here Detective, it’s not easy getting leads. This serial
killer is like a ghost. This person erases every single piece
of evidence that we could think of.
CHIEF BYERS explains to her daughter with a profound tone.
No fingerprints. No DNA samples. Nothing. The only thing we
find are dead bodies and the murder weapons. Even our best men
cannot find this serial killer. I can’t risk you getting out
in the field not knowing what could happen.
But we have a lead. All of the victims are from Hawkins
International School. There has to be a co-relation towards
that and the serial killer.
Okay, I know why you’re so keen on finding this murder. It’s
about Adam isn’t it.
He studies there dad! He could be next!
You don’t have to worry about anything. We will find the
serial killer.
It’ll be quicker if I was part of the investi-
DETECTIVE ALICIA’S phone started ringing from her pockets
before she could finish her sentence. She answered it out of
Hello? Yes this is Alicia Byers. He fainted again? (panic)
DETECTIVE ALICIA is showing a worrisome look.
Okay, I’m coming now. Thank you
DETECTIVE ALICIA hangs up the call and packs her stuff in a
What’s wrong? What happened?
Its Adam. He fainted again. I have to go Chief.
DETECTIVE ALICIA gave a long serious look at CHIEF BYERS
before she went out the door.
I’m not taking no for an answer Chief. You will assignment me
to investigate the killer.
CHIEF BYERS could no longer handle her feisty personality
anymore. He reluctantly gave up.
Fine. I will assign you to be part of the investigation.
ADAM was lying on the infirmary bed. DETECTIVE ALICIA was
sitting by his side. She was calling out his name.
Adam was half-awake. He heard parts of what she said.
What? Where am I?
ADAM sat up slowly. He made eye contact with his childhood
friend, DETECTIVE ALICIA. The two are five years apart but
people could see that they were inseparable. DETECTIVE ALICIA
would often act as the role of ADAM’S caretaker whenever his
parents are away from home.
You’re in the infirmary. I got a call from the principal
saying that you fainted. Did you have another panic attack?
ADAM smiled when he heard the question that often came out of
her mouth.
Yes, I did. You do not need to worry Alicia. I assure you that
I’m fine.
That’s what you said the last time but you still had to be
The last time doesn’t mean anything. I’m still alive aren’t I?
ADAM got out of the bed and proceeded to walk towards the
Adam, stop.
ADAM abruptly halted his movement. He turned around to face
Where do you think you’re going?
Uhhhh...I’m going to go collect my Nobel Prize in Geneva for
discovering the cure to cancer.
DETECTIVE ALICIA had no change in her expression. She gave him
a serious look.
I’m walking home.
Absolutely not. I will not allow you to walk home alone when
there is a serial killer out in the streets.
Alicia please-
You’re going to come with me to the morgue. I need to check up
on the autopsy examination of the latest murder victim. That
way I can keep an eye on you.
Come on Alicia. What kind of teenage boy wants to see a dead
body on their year-end break?
One who has a friend who is worried about his safety.
DETECTIVE ALICIA raised her voice. Adam got slightly shocked
by her sudden change in volume.
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell like that. I’m just worried
about you Adam. The past three victims have all been students
from your school. I can’t lose yo-
The conversation got cut off from the sound of the door
slamming open. A tall, muscular boy with curly puffy hair
entered the room. The boy is MITCH CONNOR, a long time
classmate of ADAM. The two have been in the same class for
three years.
Yo genius! I heard that you fainted.
Yes I did Mitch. As you can see I am awake now.
Dude, that’s like the third time this month. We should
probably get you checked up. Oh, who's this? We don’t seem to
have ever met.
No we have not. Hi, I’m Alicia.
DETECTIVE ALICIA reached out her hand to greet MITCH.
I’m Mitch. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
MITCH wrapped his arm around ADAM’S shoulder and gave ADAM a
big smile to show his friendliness. DETECTIVE ALICIA smirked
seeing the two interact like so and ADAM caught a glimpse of
Mitch. I appreciate you being worried about me but, (pause)
the doctors can’t help me with my claustrophobia. I’ve had it
since I was a kid. They can’t fix me.
ADAM took MITCH’S arm off his shoulder.
So if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be heading home now.
I can’t let you go alone Adam.
DETECTIVE ALICIA’S willpower is unwavering. She wouldn’t let
ADAM off the hook. ADAM looked towards MITCH and he thought of
an idea.
Okay how about this? You don’t want me walk home alone so,
Mitch can escort me home. This way, you’ll know I’ll be safe
and you can still go for the autopsy examination.
(mildly surprised)
Yeah, I can take him home. It’s better this way too
considering his stubbornness.
Once you’re done, we can finally catch up on Game of Thrones.
DETECTIVE ALICIA thought long and hard. She didn’t know MITCH
well so she couldn’t rule out the possibility of him being the
serial killer. But seeing his personality persuaded her enough
to entrust ADAM’S life to him.
Okay, I’ll accept that. Please take care of Adam will you.
You have nothing to worry about.
The two boys are walking down Abbey Street. The setting sun
gave the sky a warm orange colour. Children were rushing home
on their bikes. Birds chirping could be heard from a distance.
Then I made a big slam dunk! That was the best moment of my
life. I could see the tears in the coach’s eyes when he saw
the team lifted the trophy. Next month, we’re going for
nationals and we’ll be the best team in the country.
That’s really great Mitch. I’m happy for you.
ADAM gave MITCH a big smile.
I really hope you win in the upcoming tournament.
Thanks Adam. But, I couldn’t have done it without the team.
Well enough about me, how was your debate competition a last
We won. Was there ever any doubt? The opposition should have
just not showed up. It makes no difference.
When is it ever not easy for you Adam?
Never have. Never will. You know me Mitch. I crush my
ADAM held his fist tightly. The sound of his cracking was
It’s too bad Elliot isn’t around to live the same glory as the
debate team eh?
ADAM briskly walked forward in reaction to MITCH’S remark.
Do you not want to talk about it Adam?
Okay, whatever makes you happy Adam.
ADAM was walking in front of MITCH to avoid any more pep talk.
Eventually, the pair arrived at the front gates of ADAM’S
Well Mitch, I thank you for your service. Now if you’ll excuse
me, I would like to get some rest.
Hang on a minute.
AdDAM halted and turned around to face his friend.
I know today has been a rough day for you. A fellow member of
your debate team passed away. I could only imagine how you’re
feeling right now.
MITCH was trying to comfort his friend from grieving.
Just know this. If you need any help, I’m always there for you
Thank you Mitch. I’ll come find you when I need you.
ADAM entered the bathroom half naked and proceeded to turn on
the lights. The bathroom is considerably large. The walls are
white and are accompanied by tiled floors. ADAM turned the tap
and washed his face.
Mannnnn. Today was a long day.
He took a long look at himself in the mirror. He was
remembering what MITCH just told him.
The expression of his face began to change. His face looks
twisted and evil. He laughed hysterically.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ohhhh man. What a load of fucking bullshit.
The room was quiet. A FORENSIC SCIENTIST, 31, could be seen
sitting in front of his desk, working. Lonely nights like this
are not uncommon in the lab. Footsteps could be heard coming
towards the lab. The doorknob turned and DETECTIVE ALICIA
entered the lab.
Hi, I’m Detective Alicia. I was told by the Chief that I could
find information about the victim that died last night.
The FORENSIC SCIENTIST turned startled. He was not expecting
any visitors at this time of night.
Who are you? I was not told anything.
My name is Alicia Byers. I’ve been assigned to investigate the
Hawkins Serial Killer.
Byers? As in Chief Byers?
I’m his daughter. You can call me Detective Alicia.
Well who knew that the Chief had a beautiful looking daughter.
attempting to flirt with her. DETECTIVE ALICIA rolled her eyes
and twisted his arm.
Back off lover boy. You don’t want to be prosecuted for sexual
harassment now do you?
The FORENSIC SCIENTIST screamed in agony.
Jesus! You really are the Chief’s daughter alright.
Enough! Tell me about the victim.
Well there’s nothing much to say. The killing really live up
to the Hawkins Serial Killer’s reputation. The murder weapon
was a pair of scissors. Straight to the neck.
The FORENSIC SCIENTIST showed gruesome pictures of the victim.
It showed ELLIOT MCKENZIE’S eyes wide open. The scissors was
stabbed right in the middle of her throat.
Whoever the killer is, it might as well be a phantom. There
are signs of the victim’s neck being strangled but there are
no fingerprints of both the neck or scissors. The murderer was
probably wearing gloves to hide that.
explanation carefully.
There are no blood samples. This could mean that the victim
didn’t put up a fight. There are no traces of semen anywhere
of the body. So, it could mean that the victim was not raped
What about hair?
The police have searched the murder site high and low. There
are no DNA evidence there. The victim died in an empty street
in the middle of night. So no witnesses, no fingerprints and
no blood samples. The murder was was calculatedly planned.
Anything else Detective?
The FORENSIC SCIENTIST asked her sarcastically. He was
received by a deathly glare from her. He turned away as he
regretted mocking DETECTIVE ALICIA.
Well there is one thing though? What we do know is the when
the victim died.
The FORENSIC SCIENTIST went to walk to his desk to check for
data about the blood sample.
Based on the the victim’s blood sample, I’d say she died half
an hour after midnight.
What was a 17 year-old high school girl doing at an abandoned
street in the middle night.
DETECTIVE ALICIA kept silent. Thinking of more possible clues.
Where did the murder happen?
Look Detective. I only do the analyzing in this station.
You must know something!
DETECTIVE ALICIA slammed a nearby table.
Okay, calm down. I may have overheard something from the other
policemen. I think they said something about the murder
happening in Old Wilkin Street.
Old Wilkin Street? That’s-
Is there something wrong Detective.
Yeah, I’m alright. I’m fine. Thank you for all your help.
confused about her reaction. DETECTIVE ALICIA whispers to
(soft but powerful)
I’m going to find this guy and I’m going to put him behind
ADAM finished showering and entered his room by kicking his
door open. He is laughing maniacally with a twisted face.
Oh man, everyone around me are such idiots. Thinking I need
their help.
ADAM wore a shirt and and picked up darts by his side table.
He threw the darts to a dartboard with MITCH’S picture of it.
If you need any help, I’m always there for you buddy. Hah. All
you will ever be is a muscled idiot.
ADAM was speaking and laughing in a tone no one but him has
heard before.
Oh I can’t wait for the day where suck out the life out of
your body Mitch but, until then.
ADAM walked towards a mirror with a deranged expression.
Mirror , mirror on the wall. Who is next on the list to die.
Knowing no one was around to answer his question, he asked his
reflection a rhetoric question.
Oh, what was that? Dr. Kirke? Excellent choice Adam. That man
has always been a pain in my ass.
ADAM opened his wardrobe to see a black hoodie jacket. The
same jacket he’s used in every killing he’s done so far. He
grabbed it and started smelling it.
No pungent smell of blood anywhere. Clean as a whistle.
ADAM wore his hoodie together with his black jeans.
But man did Elliot gave me a tough time. That slut really put
up a fight. That’s what you get for trying to compete for my
spot in the debate team.
ADAM took out nitrile rubber gloves from his drawer and
started wearing them.
Well, let’s do some purging shall we.
DETECTIVE ALICIA was driving by Old Wilkin Road. The radio was
playing an annoying hit song but DETECTIVE ALICIA paid it no
attention. Her eyes were glued to the road but her mind was
Old Wilkin Road huh?
She drove and stopped next to an abandoned house. An old and
burned house. She stared at the house and memories of an event
came into her mind.
The night was dark but it was filled with burning lights.
Explosions and burning flames turned the surrounding flaming
hot. Onlookers watched in horror as the house was burning to
the ground. The sound of sirens came into the scene and
firemen rushed out to put the fires out. Two children are
still trapped in the house. CHIEF BYERS and the CHIEF’S WIFE,
38, were begging the firemen to save them.
Please! My daughter and her friend are still in there. Please
save them!
A VETERAN FIREMAN, 36, came out of the house after a few
minutes. In his arms was a YOUNG DETECTIVE ALICIA. She was
barely moving. All of her energy was drained from the fire.
However, she still told the VETERAN FIREMAN that ADAM was
still trapped. He carried her over to the CHIEF’S WIFE. She
Oh Alicia. I’m so glad you’re safe baby.
Mom...A..ADAM is still there.
Don’t worry. We’ll find him. Men! Let’s go.
The VETERAN FIREMAN and his crew went into the burning house
to search for YOUNG ADAM.
Hey kid! Can you hear me? Go search the bedroom!
The VETERAN FIREMAN gave out orders to his men. After a while.
They could hear a soft but desperate voice.
I’m in here.
He’s over here! Hang on kid! We’ll get you out.
Please help me quick. The walls are closing in.
YOUNG ADAM was trapped in a closet from playing hide and seek
with YOUNG ALICIA. His breathing gets faster.
Get me out of here please!
Get me the axe!
The VETERAN FIREMAN started chopping the closet open with
force. From outside, YOUNG DETECTIVE ALICIA could only watch
the fiery scene of the arms of her mother.
The loud electronic music from the radio brought DETECTIVE
ALICIA back to reality. Realizing how late it is, she starts
her journey home. Still shaken from the old memories, her mind
was still wavering until she sees two figures coming up the
Old Wilkin Road. One of the figure was wearing a hooded jacket
and held a knife.
Wait, is that?
Realizing that it was the Hawkins Serial Killer, DETECTIVE
ALICIA pulled the handbrake and rushed out her car.
ADAM was walking up close to DR. KIRKE under the street
lights. He was laughing cynically and that made DR. KIRKE feel
more fear. DR. KIRKE is bleeding badly from his abdomen. He is
barely alive. His eyes looks dead.
(deep voice)
Well, well, well. Is this how it’s going to end for you?
What do you want? You told me to come here but now you’re
trying to kill me.
(deep voice)
It’s so easy to manipulate you. Once someone tries to bring up
your past, you get so weak
DR. KIRKE looks up to ADAM. Not knowing his identity, he looks
like a defenceless animals in ADAM’S eyes.
(deep voice)
Maybe your wife, would appreciate your death.
You shut up about my wife bastard!
(deep voice)
We both know that the relationship with your wife is going
stale. It’s only a matter of time before you get a divorce. Do
you wife a favour and let her be a widow.
Who are you? How do you know about my life?
(deep voice)
Oh you know who I am, DR. (emphasise) KIRKE.
DR. KIRKE’S eyes grew through the realization of the hooded
man is.
In the flesh.
ADAM raises his hand and stabs DR. KIRKE in the chest. ADAM
smiles creepily. His eyes go blind from bright lights in front
of him. He hears a familiar voice calling out to him.
Hey! Stop right there.
DETECTIVE ALICIA runs towards his direction. She holds up a
gun and take a shooting position.
Put your hands up in the air or I will shoot.
Not wanting to get shot, ADAM raises his arms. DETECTIVE
ALICIA takes out her smartphone and attempts to contact CHIEF
Yes Detective Alicia? We’re busy here in the station.
I found the murderer
I said I found the murderer!
Where are you? I’ll send some people over for reinforcements.
I’m at Old Wilkins Road.
Old Wilkins Road? Why would-
There’s no time. A man’s dying right now. Quickly.
During the conversation between DETECTIVE ALICIA and CHIEF
BYERS, ADAM moves backwards slowly.
Hey! Don’t you move a muscle.
(deep voice)
Tell me detective. What’s your name?
What does it matter? You’ll be in prison for a long time
ADAM is talking with DETECTIVE ALICIA in order to distract her
and create a chance to escape. He slowly slides his foots
(deep voice)
Can’t I at least know the name of the woman that manages to
capture me?
Hmph. The name’s DETECTIVE ALICIA BYERS. Remember that name
when you’re locked forever.
(deep voice)
Oh I will detective. Just not in prison.
ADAM takes a swift step to the back and out of the light.
DETECTIVE ALICIA shoots at ADAM’S direction but nothing
happen. Like a ghost, he disappears into the darkness.
DETECTIVE ALICIA? Do you copy? What happened.
Yes, I’m here. The murderer got away. Just get an ambulance
here ASAP.
Will do.
DETECTIVE ALICIA ends the call runs to DR. KIRKE.
Hey, stay with me. The ambulance is on the way. I need you to
hold out for me, okay?
DR. KIRKE could not hold out any longer. The bleeding from his
chest and abdomen is too much. The ambulance will take too
long. From then and there, DR KIRKE passed tragically.
DETECTIVE ALICIA let out a deep regret. She looks down and
sees something interesting.
What is this?
It seems that DR. KIRKE left a dying message before his death.
The message is written in blood that was left from his finger.
The letter ‘A’ can be seen by DR. KIRKE’S corpse.
‘A’? Did he try to telling me the identity of the murderer?
I’ve got to get to the bottom of this.
ADAM is attending class. A SUBSTITUTE TEACHER, 29, is
replacing the late DR, KIRKE. Most of the students are on edge
due to the news of DR. KIRKE’S death a week ago.
So according to Archimedes’ law of buoyancy, it is an upward
force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight-
ADAM is not paying the new SUBSTITUTE TEACHER, 33, any
attention. He treats the lesson as background noise. In his
mind, he is only thinking about his next killing plan. MITCH
whispers out to him from the next table over.
What do you want MITCH?
Are you free later after school? I thought maybe we could hang
out you know.
I can’t. I have a meeting with my debate team after school.
ADAM could not handle the thought of spending time with MITCH
after school. He lies about his meeting to avoid a social
event with MITCH
C’mon man. You’ve been out of it ever since DR, KIRKE’S
MITCH is right about that. But, it is not because of DR.
KIRKE’S passing. It’s because DETECTIVE ALICIA almost captured
ADAM from his last killing.
The basketball team is taking a break from practice today. So
I was thinking we could go grab something to eat.
No Mitch, I don’t want to.
ADAM raised his voice and everyone looks to him.
Yes, Mr. Parker. Is there something you would like to add to
the lesson?
No miss. I’m sorry for the sudden interruption. Please proceed
with the class.
The SUBSTITUTE TEACHER nodded and proceeded with the lesson.
The class calmed down and ADAM glares towards MITCH.
Not today MITCH. I am not in the mood.
Why are you acting like this?
That’s none of your business.
What is wrong with you ADAM? I’m just worried about your well-
ADAM gets off his chair with force.
(irritated and angered)
Shut the fuck up MITCH!
Mr. Parker! I will not tolerate this behaviour! Go to the
principal's office right this instant!
The sudden outburst by ADAM stuns MITCH. ADAM realizes his
mistakes and leaves the classroom.
ADAM slams his door open. He flings his bag roughly of the
bed. He unbuttons his T-shirt and slams it to the ground.
MITCH you little shit. How dare you embarrass me like that in
front of the class. For three years, I had to deal with you.
I’ve had enough.
This is the time. ADAM has kept this within him for far too
long. He is finally going to hurt MITCH. ADAM takes out a
knife below his bed.
You’re dead meat MITCH.
ADAM’S frustration was getting him. He’s slowly losing his
mind. He calms down after assessing his current situation.
I’m in hot water though. I can’t kill him now. Think ADAM,
think! You’re the smarter than this.
ADAM is in the middle of devising a plan. A plan to get rid of
MITCH out of his life. He closes his eyes. Thinking. Forming.
Hmph. I’ve got it.
ADAM picks up his smartphone to contact MITCH.
Hey man. I want to talk to you. Could you meet me at the
basketball court near my house. Yeah, that would be much
appreciative. See you then.
ADAM hangs up. He opens a drawer and picks up a knife out of
all his collections. He makes a sinister looking face.
You won’t be able to see the light after this MITCH.
The night feels strange than most days. Trees stand still from
the absence of the wind. The temperature is colder than most
nights. Clouds are blocking the view of the moon and the stars
that illuminate the darkness. Court lights shines onto the
basketball court. Sounds of a ball bouncing onto the concrete
floor breaks the silence. MITCH is alone on the court, waiting
for ADAM.
What’s taking Adam so long? He’s usually never this late.
Speak of the devil.
ADAM,carrying a bag, runs towards MITCH at the end of the
Hey man. I just want to apologize for my sudden outburst
earlier today.
No harm done. Can’t say I wasn’t surprise though. It’s my
first time seeing you react like that.
I’ve just been really afraid about the murders recently. I’m
sorry about what I said. I didn’t mean that.
Don’t sweat it. Come on. Let’s play a games. 1 v 1 me scrub.
MITCH turns around and shows his back to ADAM. It is the
perfect opportunity for ADAM. With swift movements, he
strangles MITCH with his arm.
Ad-Adam. Wh-what are you doing?
Shhhhh. Quiet Mitch. I need you to sleep.
MITCH coughs. Moments later, he passes out from the lack of
airflow. ADAM picks up a flip phone from his bag. He contacts
the police station while impersonating in a feminine tone.
Hello, how may I help you.
Hello, I saw a hooded man walking towards a young man in my
area. I think it’s the serial killer.
Can I know where is your location?
Yes, I’m at a basketball court in Abbey Street. Please hurry.
Oh no, I think he sees me. I have to go.
Hang on ma’am, we’ll be there as soon-
ADAM hangs up the call. He drops the phone and breaks it with
his foot. He grabs a roll of tape from the bag he brought.
Now to deal with you.
CHIEF BYERS is giving a briefing on the Hawkins Serial Killer
in a discussion room. No one is near solving the latest clue
about the murder. Inside the room, pictures of the previous
murders and DR. KIRKE’S murder are being shown. POLICEMAN ,
27, gives out his opinion in the matter.
Maybe the ‘A’ is suppose to represent a month in the calender.
Like April. It could be the year the culprit was born.
Illogical. Why would anyone say the birth month of the culprit
as a dying wish?
A POLICEWOMAN, 28, refutes the claim.
What do you suggest?
It has to be a name. The victim just didn’t have enough time
to write it down.
We’ve investigated most of the people that are familiar with
the victim. The names that do start with ‘A’ all have alibis.
An INVESTIGATOR, 39, explains whilst leaning against the wall.
Family, friends and even co-workers. They are not the
murderer. Chief, your daughter was at the scene. There must be
something else.
Detective Alicia says that the killer had a deep voice. So, it
is safe to say that the killer is a male. Other than the
gender and the dying message, there is nothing else.
The room falls silent. No one could say anything.
It’s clear that we have no more leads. Let’s stop this meeting
here. You’re all dismissed.
Everyone walks out of the room to either go home or continue
working. CHIEF BYERS heads towards his office. He enters and
sees DETECTIVE ALICIA sitting by his desk.
Feels good doesn’t it?
It does. Maybe once you retire, this will be mine.
Oh it will be a long time till this old man dies. What do you
want to talk about Alicia.
What ever happened to professional environment?
CHIEF BYERS pours a cup of coffee for DETECTIVE ALICIA and
I guess I can be a bit more lenient. After all, we are in a
sensitive time. It seems like that there is nothing we can do
about the serial killer.
CHIEF BYERS sips his cup of coffee to relieve his stressful
Actually that’s why I’m here. Maybe we’ve been looking at case
What do you mean by that?
Maybe the man we’re looking for is not a man. What if the
Hawkins Serial Killer is a student.
Are you saying that a minor has the capabilities to commit
such crimes? That is a tough accusation to back up Alicia.
Think about it dad. There are no connections towards the
victims and all known suspects. A student must have a deeper
connection with Elliot McKenzie and Albus Kirke.
CHIEF BYERS listens to attentively to DETECTIVE ALICIA’S
The Hawkins Serial Killer must have had a bad relationship
with these people and he killed them. These are not random
That makes sense. It would explain how we could never find his
identity. I’ll get someone to check with Hawkins International
School if there was anyone that knows anything.
Check if they know anyone that has bad blood with the vic-
POLICEWOMAN barges into the room, interrupting DETECTIVE
ALICIA mid-sentence.
Chief, you’re gonna want to hear this.
What is it?
We received an anonymous tip about the whereabouts of a hooded
man and he’s not alone. The caller says the hooded man is seen
beating up a young man.
What? Where?
At a basketball court near Abbey Street.
Abbey Street? That’s-
DETECTIVE ALICIA rushes out of the room.
MITCH opens his eyes. He finds himself being tied with tape
against the basketball post.
Oh. Looks like Sleeping Beauty is awake. How was the nap? Did
you enjoy it?
Adam! What are you doing? Why are my hands tied?
What am I doing? Isn’t that obvious? I’m catching the killer,
Mitch. You.
What are you talking about Adam. I’m not the killer.
ADAM gives a sinister smile. MITCH builds up fear from his
If you’re not the killer, then why did you stab me?
What stabbing? I’m tied up. How would I stab you?
That’s enough Mitch. You’ve been caught.
ADAM is sees this as a game. He’s toying with MITCH.
Humiliating him. He spits on MITCH’S face.
Do you know what I do to killer douchebags like you? I hurt
ADAM punches MITCH in the eye.
I break them.
ADAM knees MITCH in the face.
I dismantle them.
ADAM jabs MITCH’S body and breaks a few ribs.
But above all else, I kill them. Just like how I killed Elliot
and Dr. Kirke.
You! You killed them!
No Mitch. You killed them. You’ve told me once that if I ever
needed any help, you would be there for me. So here we are. I
need your help to take the fall for me-
MITCH shows a face of disbelief. He never knew that the friend
he thought he had could so manipulative and evil.
-but most importantly, I need you to die for me.
ADAM kick full frontally into MITCH’S face. ADAM chokes MITCH
again. MITCH breathes his last breath and dies. ADAM grabs a
knife from his bag and releases MTCH from his bindings.
Well now it’s time for phase two.
ADAM switches MITCH’S clothes with his usual serial killer
costume. He dresses MITCH with the black hooded jacket and
black jeans. He hides MITCH’S clothes in his bag to hid the
Okay, now to make myself more believable.
ADAM hits his head against the floor.
ADAM starts bleeding from his forehead. He hits himself more
and gets a black eye.
Now it’s the last step.
ADAM grabs the knife and makes MITCH’S lifeless body to hold
it. ADAM directs his hand to stab ADAM in the stomach.
Urghhhh. Son of a bitch!
Sounds of sirens fill the air. Bright red and blue lights
appear from the horizon.
Heh. Just in time. Ahhhh.
DETECTIVE ALICIA emerges into the scene. She sees ADAM wounded
and on the concrete floor. She runs to ADAM.
Adam! Come one. Stay with me. I can’t lose you.
Alicia. Please, I don’t want to die.
You’re not going to die Adam. I promise you that.
A police squad rushed to the basketball court. They see
MITCH’S dead body and covers it up. DETECTIVE ALICIA holds
ADAM in her arms to let him rest. ADAM gives a slight smirk
knowing that his plan works perfectly.
A week has passed since the incident of MITCH’S frame. MITCH
was trialed for murder and he could not prove his innocence.
In the end, MITCH was hanged. The police station has calmed
down, think that the Hawkins Serial Killer was caught. CHIEF
BYERS is happily strolling towards his office. As he enters,
he sees DETECTIVE ALICIA sitting at his desk again.
You know, you have to stop doing this Detective. It’s not your
to sit at yet.
Chief, don’t you think it’s weird.
Weird? As in you continuously sitting at my desk?
Not that. How does the dying message connect with Mitch
Connor? Why would Albus Kirke write out the letter ‘A’?
Maybe he is an ‘A’ star student? Albus Kirke was a teacher. He
could be talking about his grades.
Mitch didn’t have excellent grades. He barely passed. The men
who interrogated the school staff said so. Chief, I think we
got the wrong guy.
If it is not Mitch, who are you implying it could be? You look
as if you know who the real killer is.
Dad, remember that anonymous person that called to report the
presence of the killer. When we got to the crime scene, there
was no such witness.
CHIEF BYERS looks dumbfound from her sudden statement.
No one came by to the scene or the station about such a
So what does this mean, it cannot be a false report if it were
(tearing up)
The culprit could be student, the dying message shows the
letter ‘A’ and there was a report made by a person that
doesn’t exist. Adam was in the scene of the crime.
Are you trying to say what I think you’re saying?
Dad, I think the Hawkins Serial Killer is Adam.
ADAM lies down on a hospital bed. A television shows a news
report of how the Hawkins Serial Killer is dead. ADAM watches
with glee knowing his plan worked perfectly.
Heh. It’s too easy. I just need to lay low for a while. Then,
I create a new persona.
DETECTIVE ALICIA walks into the room and slightly surprises
ADAM. He goes back to his pretending personality.
Hey Alicia. What brings you here? You don’t have to come visit
so often. The doctor said I will be discharged soon.
Actually, the doctor said you can be discharged now. I’m here
to pick you up.
Oh. I didn’t expect it to be so soon.
Come on. Let’s go.
DETECTIVE ALICIA is on the wheel. ADAM is sitting in the front
passenger seat. There is an awkward silence between two. ADAM
could tell something is wrong. Usually, DETECTIVE ALICIA would
already be talking non-stop with him. ADAM tried to read
DETECTIVE ALICIA’S face but he could not understand what is
wrong. He tries to start off a conversation.
So, how’s your day? Did anything interesting happen?
It’s good. There’s nothing much to tell.
Again, silence appears between the two. DETECTIVE ALICIA
continues driving forward. After a while, ADAM realizes that
the road they are taking is unfamiliar.
Uhhh Alicia. This is not the way to my house.
I know. Something came up in the station. I just have to be
there real quick.
Okay sure.
ADAM finds this to be strange. He could feel that something is
not right.
ADAM and DETECTIVE ALICIA enters the front door and CHIEF
BYERS is there to greet them.
Good afternoon detective. Good afternoon Adam. I hope the
wound you have is not too serious.
Afternoon Mr. Byers. I’m feeling fine. It’s going to take much
more than a knife to kill me.
I’d assume so.
Even CHIEF BYERS is acting weird. ADAM knows that something is
not right but, he can’t do anything now.
Detective, please come this way. The thief you need to
interrogate is waiting.
hallway. ADAM studies every word they say and their body
language. He couldn’t figure out what it is that is making him
jittery. ADAM feels helpless. He feels as if all the people
they pass by are looking at him. Watching him. He can’t seem
to stand still. With all these thoughts inside ADAM’S head,
they’ve reach the interrogation room.
Here we are detective. That man is waiting for you inside.
Don’t worry chief. I’ll get that confession out of him.
DETECTIVE ALICIA enters the room.
So Adam, do you want to watch her interrogate the thief. It’ll
be your first time watching Detective Alicia in action.
ADAM could only agree to CHIEF BYERS’ question. There is
nothing he could. After all, he is in the heart of the police
CHIEF BYERS opens the door and to ADAM’S surprise, it is the
real interrogation room. CHIEF BYERS pushes ADAM into the
room. ADAM is shock from the sudden thrust and falls down hard
onto the floor. The room is small and enclosing. There is a
mirror in the room to which ADAM assumes is a one-way mirror.
ADAM is getting tense and anxious. His stance gets unbalanced.
His forehead sweats heavily. He starts hyperventilating.
What is the meaning of this? Why am I here?
The voice of DETECTIVE ALICIA and CHIEF BYERS reverberates
through speakers in the room.
You know why you’re here Adam. You’ve killed those people.
Wh-what are you talking ab-about? Mitch ki-killed those pe-
ADAM doesn’t know how long since when they suspects him. He
has to play the innocent card.
That’s enough Adam. We know the truth. We know that you framed
MItch Connor.
I want to know why Adam. Why did you kill them.
I don’t know w-what you’re talking ab-about Alicia.
Of the night you killed Albus Kirke-
I said I didn’t kill him.
ADAM cuts off DETECTIVE ALICIA to persistently insist that he
didn’t kill DR. KIRKE.
ON the night Albus Kirke died, he left a dying message.
ADAM’S body shook. He is not aware of such information.
What do y-you mean? What does that h-have got to do w-with me?
The message Albus Kirke left was the letter ‘A’. Obviously we
could not know what that means then. But now, we have more
info to understand the meaning of the message.
Someone called to report about the whereabouts of a hooded man
that night. When we arrived, all we saw was you and a dead
ADAM knows where this going. They know the truth.
The dying message doesn’t relate to the late Mitch Connor.
You made the call.
I s-said s-top!
And then you stabbed yourself to prove your innocence.
I said stop you fucking bitch!
ADAM rushes up and bangs the one-way mirror. He sees his
threatening reflection. At this point, ADAM doesn’t care what
happens. ON the other side of the mirror, DETECTIVE ALICIA and
CHIEF BYERS are stunned to see ADAM acting like this.
So what if I killed them! What are you going to do about it?
Now let me out of here Alicia!
ADAM bangs the mirror continuously.
I said let me- ugh.
ADAM starts kneeling down.
Ah shit.
He places his hand over his forehead. His vision starts to get
blurry. He’s losing energy. He did not realize that his body
was giving up of him. He hyperventilates more and more until
I’m sorry Alicia. We have to put him in prison.
DETECTIVE ALICIA breaks down, kneeling against the wall.
Why Adam? Why did you do it?
DETECTIVE ALICIA is disheartened to the fact that her
childhood friends is the Hawkins Serial Killer. The man she
tried to protect is the man that was doing the killings. CHIEF
BYERS could only comfort her.
ADAM wakes up in a white room. He realizes that he has been
sent to a juvenile centre. The space is rather wide to fit
ADAM’S claustrophobia condition and it is occupied with a
single bed. Only a pillow and a blanket to keep him warm and
comfy in the night. What he hates most of however, are the
four walls that confines his freedom. The door opens and
You’re going to love it here Adam.
ADAM walks up to her to confront her.
Get me out of here.
I can’t do that. You’re dangerous.
I will kill everyone here.
DETECTIVE ALICIA keeps a calm face to ADAM’S threat.
You can try and unlike what you are familiar with, you will
fail. This centre is here to keep you in check with your
behaviour. You are going to spend some time here until you
learn what you did wrong.
You think they can keep me in here?
I think they can change you for the better. I was wrong about
you Adam. I thought you were still that sweet innocent kid
that needs protection.
Now you’re being delusional. I never felt the same about you.
All those people I killed, I relished every second of it.
Elliot, Dr. Kirke and Mitch. I loathe them.
DETECTIVE ALICIA listens to ADAM’S speech.
They were just the beginning. Had I more time, you and your
dad would’ve been next on my list.
ADAM raises his index finger and points to DETECTIVE ALICIA.
Everyone is such an annoyance. They try to challenge me.
ELLIOT’S face comes into ADAM’S mind as he remembers all the
times ELLIOT fought for his spot in his debate team.
They try to put me down.
ADAM remembers all the time DR. KIRKE tries to humiliate him.
They try to be my friend.
Scenes of MITCH befriending ADAM crosses his mind.
And then there’s you, Alicia. I don’t need your protection. I
don’t need your attention. I definitely don’t need your
presence in my current situation.
Well you look like you know how to handle your life. They are
not going to release you. Once you reach 18 years old, they
are sending you straight to prison.
DETECTIVE ALICIA opens the door.
Enjoy spending the rest of your life behind bars.
Shut up Alicia! I’ll get out and when I do, I’ll be coming for
I’ll be waiting then. Always waiting. Goodbye Adam.
DETECTIVE ALICIA shuts the door. ADAM, frustrated and filled
with anger thrashes around his room.

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Fiction Script

  • 1. Character Brief Adam Maximus Parker: A young genius that leads a double life. He pretends he is a model student with a happy character. In reality, his personality and attitude takes a 180 degree turn. Detective Alicia Byers: A rookie detective that works under with her dad in Hawkins Police Station. Her objective is to capture the Hawkins Serial Killer in order to protect her childhood friend, Adam. Little did she know, there is much more to the identity of the killer. Chief Byers: The man in charge of Hawkins Police Station and is Detective Alicia’s father. Tries to keep a professional relationship with her daughter at work. Mitch Connor: A long time friend of Adam. They were put together in the same class for three years. Dr. Albus Kirke: Adam’s physics teacher. He was fired as a professor at Harvard University. Elliot McKenzie: A model student in Hawkins International School. She was killed by the notorious Hawkins Serial Killer. 1. EXT. ROADSIDE- NIGHT
  • 2. The road is dark, only being illuminated by dull lights from the street lamps. The trees blows back and forth from the wind’s whistling blow. The sound of a woman panting can be heard in the dark streets. Her name was ELLIOT MCKENZIE, 17. She’s bleeding from her left shoulder. A deep cut can be seen. Her brunette hair has been cut unevenly short. Tears were dripping from her big swollen eyes. She was running. Running out of fear. ELLIOT (shouting) Somebody help me! Anyone! Save me from this mad man! She’s screaming loudly but to no avail, her cry for help was not answered. He tripped and fell to the ground. Falling under the lights of the street lamp. He looked behind him and saw a shadow emerging into the light. A HOODED MAN stepped into the light. The Hooded Man was wearing a black jacket and black jeans. The hood was hiding the identity of the unknown man. Only darkness can be soon from his face. HOODED MAN (deep voice) No one is coming to save you Elliot. His sinister voice stoke the fear within ELLIOT. She froze. ELLIOT W-w-why...are you d-doing...this. She stutters, trying to understand why the HOODED MAN was trying to kill her. ELLIOT W-what did...I e-ever do HOODED MAN (deep voice) It’s not what you did to me Elliot. I just chose you as my next victim. ELLIOT (frightened) Wh-who are you? How do y-you know my n-name?
  • 3. HOODED MAN (deep voice) Are these words really going to be your last? Shame. You were a brilliant speaker Elliot. ELLIOT (frightened) H-how would you kn-know that? HOODED MAN (deep voice) You’re a smart girl Elliot. You’ll figure it out. In hell. The HOODED MAN brought out a pair of bloody scissors and lifted it up high over his head. ELLIOT Wait it’s you... He pressed the scissors down hard onto ELLIOT’S neck. Her eyes open wide as she realizes who the HOODED MAN was. She let out her last breathe and the lights fade out from her eyes. 2. INT. CLASSROOM- DAY The classroom is quiet. The air is cold from the sheer power of the air conditioner. All around, faces of students distort as they try to answer the final paper of their semester. It is a tough season for the students of Hawkins International School. A well-built teenager, ADAM MAXIMUS PARKER, 17, sits by the window. The popular boy has blondish hair and brown eyes. His grades reflects his intelligence amongst his peers. He is sitting silently while resting his eyes until a man approached him. The physics teacher, DR. ALBUS KIRKE, 42. DR KIRKE Mr. Parker. Done, are you? DR. KIRKE looks young for someone who was well over 40 years old. The coat he wears complements his slimish figure. His pale white skin and sharp nose made him look like a vampire. He is well-known in school for his strict nature and pompous
  • 4. attitude. The arrogant man got fired from his job as a professor in Harvard University for allegedly having sexual relations with a female student. That event put a drift between his wife and it definitely shows that in his strict nature. ADAM As always, Mr Kirke. DR. KIRKE That’s Dr. Kirke to you Mr. Parker. ADAM My apologies, Dr. Kirke. DR. KIRKE It has only been 30 minutes since the exam has started and you are done? ADAM I wouldn’t have been called the school genius if I haven’t done so. Right, Dr. Kirke? DR. KIRKE gave ADAM an unappreciated stare as if to challenge him. DR. KIRKE That would indeed be true Mr. Parker. Then I guess you would have to wait for another hour and a half. Just like all the other times. ADAM gave him a bright smile to show that he was unfazed by his words ADAM Gladly. DR. KIRKE made a swift turn and the sound of his footsteps can be heard breaking the silence again. He speaks loud to inform the students of the time remaining. DR. KIRKE (authoritively) You have one hour and 30 minutes left!
  • 5. DR. KIRKE turned around swiftly before making his announcement. ADAM let out a heavy sigh and continued to rest his eyes. 3. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY- DAY The hallway is filled with students. Students are seen jumping with joy from finishing their mid-term papers. Although, not everyone in Hawkins International School are happy. ADAM walked past a locker that was surrounded with flowers. There was a crowd encircling the locker. From the crowd, a FEMALE STUDENT, 17, and a MALE STUDENT, 17, can be seen crying in front of ELLIOT’S locker. FEMALE STUDENT (sobbing) Oh Elliot, I’m so sorry. MALE STUDENT (depressed) You were a good person Elliot. It wasn’t suppose to end like this. FEMALE STUDENT (crying) I swear to god Elliot! I’ll find that serial killer and I’ll kill whoever did this to you. A few hours ago, the news of a student passing away named ELLIOT MCKENZIE broke out. ADAM frowned as he walked up her locker. The hallway is getting packed as more students were gathering around ELLIOT’S locker. Adam started to look tense. His knees are getting weak. His arms looks heavy. Palms are sweaty. ADAM (softly) Excuse me. Could you let me pass through? ADAM tried to get the crowd’s attention. No one could hear his soft voice. His breathing gets heavier and faster. ADAM
  • 6. (heavy breathes) Shit. I have to get out of here quickly. He forced his way to the crowd. But to no avail, he couldn’t stand any longer. Just like a feather, he fell to the ground slowly. 4. INT. POLICE STATION- DAY The police station is hectic. Everyone is busy figuring out who is the serial killer that has been murdering rampantly for the past month. A woman wearing a suit was walking towards the Chief of Police’s office. The woman is DETECTIVE AlICIA BYERS, 22. She brisked up her pace with her long legs. A holster can be seen attached to her slim waist. Her short auburn hair and sharp eyes was fitting for a rookie detective like her. She burst open the door. DETECTIVE ALICIA Dad! We need to talk. The man she is talking is CHIEF JIM BYERS, 51, the Chief of Police at Hawkins Police Station and ALICIA’S father. He spat out coffee as the sound of the door shocked him and his chevron moustache got stained. He was wearing a white shirt fitted with overalls. His hair was turning gray. The wrinkles of his forehead can be seen from afar. The middle-ages man stood up slowly as his back was aching. CHIEF BYERS How many times do I have to tell you Detective Alicia? You call me Chief (emphasise) at work. This is a professional environment. DETECTIVE ALICIA Well then Chief, When are you going to assign me on apprehending the Hawkins Serial Killer? CHIEF BYERS Detective, it’s only been a few months since you’ve joined the police force. You’re not ready to handle a task like this. DETECTIVE ALICIA
  • 7. (eagerly) How do you expect me to believe that if you don’t give me the chance to prove myself. I can do it. CHIEF BYERS Look here Detective, it’s not easy getting leads. This serial killer is like a ghost. This person erases every single piece of evidence that we could think of. CHIEF BYERS explains to her daughter with a profound tone. CHIEF BYERS No fingerprints. No DNA samples. Nothing. The only thing we find are dead bodies and the murder weapons. Even our best men cannot find this serial killer. I can’t risk you getting out in the field not knowing what could happen. DETECTIVE ALICIA But we have a lead. All of the victims are from Hawkins International School. There has to be a co-relation towards that and the serial killer. CHIEF BYERS Okay, I know why you’re so keen on finding this murder. It’s about Adam isn’t it. DETECTIVE ALICIA (worried) He studies there dad! He could be next! CHIEF BYERS You don’t have to worry about anything. We will find the serial killer. DETECTIVE ALICIA It’ll be quicker if I was part of the investi- DETECTIVE ALICIA’S phone started ringing from her pockets before she could finish her sentence. She answered it out of frustration. DETECTIVE ALICIA Hello? Yes this is Alicia Byers. He fainted again? (panic)
  • 8. DETECTIVE ALICIA is showing a worrisome look. DETECTIVE ALICIA (worried) Okay, I’m coming now. Thank you DETECTIVE ALICIA hangs up the call and packs her stuff in a hurry. CHIEF BYERS What’s wrong? What happened? DETECTIVE ALICIA Its Adam. He fainted again. I have to go Chief. DETECTIVE ALICIA gave a long serious look at CHIEF BYERS before she went out the door. DETECTIVE ALICIA I’m not taking no for an answer Chief. You will assignment me to investigate the killer. CHIEF BYERS could no longer handle her feisty personality anymore. He reluctantly gave up. CHIEF BYERS Fine. I will assign you to be part of the investigation. DETECTIVE ALICIA (satisfied) Good. 5. EXT. SCHOOL INFIRMARY- DAY ADAM was lying on the infirmary bed. DETECTIVE ALICIA was sitting by his side. She was calling out his name. DETECTIVE ALICIA (softly) dam...Adam....Adam! Adam was half-awake. He heard parts of what she said. ADAM
  • 9. (half-awake) What? Where am I? ADAM sat up slowly. He made eye contact with his childhood friend, DETECTIVE ALICIA. The two are five years apart but people could see that they were inseparable. DETECTIVE ALICIA would often act as the role of ADAM’S caretaker whenever his parents are away from home. DETECTIVE ALICIA You’re in the infirmary. I got a call from the principal saying that you fainted. Did you have another panic attack? ADAM smiled when he heard the question that often came out of her mouth. ADAM Yes, I did. You do not need to worry Alicia. I assure you that I’m fine. DETECTIVE ALICIA That’s what you said the last time but you still had to be hospitalized. ADAM The last time doesn’t mean anything. I’m still alive aren’t I? ADAM got out of the bed and proceeded to walk towards the door. DETECTIVE ALICIA Adam, stop. ADAM abruptly halted his movement. He turned around to face DETECTIVE ALICIA DETECTIVE ALICIA Where do you think you’re going? ADAM (sarcasm) Uhhhh...I’m going to go collect my Nobel Prize in Geneva for discovering the cure to cancer.
  • 10. DETECTIVE ALICIA had no change in her expression. She gave him a serious look. ADAM I’m walking home. DETECTIVE ALICIA Absolutely not. I will not allow you to walk home alone when there is a serial killer out in the streets. ADAM Alicia please- DETECTIVE ALICIA You’re going to come with me to the morgue. I need to check up on the autopsy examination of the latest murder victim. That way I can keep an eye on you. ADAM Come on Alicia. What kind of teenage boy wants to see a dead body on their year-end break? DETECTIVE ALICIA (yelling) One who has a friend who is worried about his safety. DETECTIVE ALICIA raised her voice. Adam got slightly shocked by her sudden change in volume. DETECTIVE ALICIA I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell like that. I’m just worried about you Adam. The past three victims have all been students from your school. I can’t lose yo- The conversation got cut off from the sound of the door slamming open. A tall, muscular boy with curly puffy hair entered the room. The boy is MITCH CONNOR, a long time classmate of ADAM. The two have been in the same class for three years. MITCH Yo genius! I heard that you fainted. ADAM
  • 11. Yes I did Mitch. As you can see I am awake now. MITCH Dude, that’s like the third time this month. We should probably get you checked up. Oh, who's this? We don’t seem to have ever met. DETECTIVE ALICIA No we have not. Hi, I’m Alicia. DETECTIVE ALICIA reached out her hand to greet MITCH. MITCH I’m Mitch. It’s a pleasure to meet you. DETECTIVE ALICIA Likewise. MITCH wrapped his arm around ADAM’S shoulder and gave ADAM a big smile to show his friendliness. DETECTIVE ALICIA smirked seeing the two interact like so and ADAM caught a glimpse of that. ADAM Mitch. I appreciate you being worried about me but, (pause) the doctors can’t help me with my claustrophobia. I’ve had it since I was a kid. They can’t fix me. ADAM took MITCH’S arm off his shoulder. ADAM So if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be heading home now. DETECTIVE ALICIA (frowning) I can’t let you go alone Adam. DETECTIVE ALICIA’S willpower is unwavering. She wouldn’t let ADAM off the hook. ADAM looked towards MITCH and he thought of an idea. ADAM
  • 12. Okay how about this? You don’t want me walk home alone so, Mitch can escort me home. This way, you’ll know I’ll be safe and you can still go for the autopsy examination. MITCH (mildly surprised) Yeah, I can take him home. It’s better this way too considering his stubbornness. ADAM (excited) Once you’re done, we can finally catch up on Game of Thrones. DETECTIVE ALICIA thought long and hard. She didn’t know MITCH well so she couldn’t rule out the possibility of him being the serial killer. But seeing his personality persuaded her enough to entrust ADAM’S life to him. DETECTIVE ALICIA Okay, I’ll accept that. Please take care of Adam will you. MITCH You have nothing to worry about. 6. EXT. ABBEY STREET- DAY The two boys are walking down Abbey Street. The setting sun gave the sky a warm orange colour. Children were rushing home on their bikes. Birds chirping could be heard from a distance. MITCH (proudly) Then I made a big slam dunk! That was the best moment of my life. I could see the tears in the coach’s eyes when he saw the team lifted the trophy. Next month, we’re going for nationals and we’ll be the best team in the country. ADAM (happy) That’s really great Mitch. I’m happy for you.
  • 13. ADAM gave MITCH a big smile. ADAM I really hope you win in the upcoming tournament. MITCH Thanks Adam. But, I couldn’t have done it without the team. Well enough about me, how was your debate competition a last week? ADAM (conceited) We won. Was there ever any doubt? The opposition should have just not showed up. It makes no difference. MITCH (sarcastic) When is it ever not easy for you Adam? ADAM Never have. Never will. You know me Mitch. I crush my opponents. ADAM held his fist tightly. The sound of his cracking was loud. MITCH It’s too bad Elliot isn’t around to live the same glory as the debate team eh? ADAM briskly walked forward in reaction to MITCH’S remark. MITCH Do you not want to talk about it Adam? ADAM No. MITCH Okay, whatever makes you happy Adam.
  • 14. ADAM was walking in front of MITCH to avoid any more pep talk. Eventually, the pair arrived at the front gates of ADAM’S house. ADAM Well Mitch, I thank you for your service. Now if you’ll excuse me, I would like to get some rest. MITCH Hang on a minute. AdDAM halted and turned around to face his friend. MITCH I know today has been a rough day for you. A fellow member of your debate team passed away. I could only imagine how you’re feeling right now. MITCH was trying to comfort his friend from grieving. MITCH Just know this. If you need any help, I’m always there for you buddy. ADAM Thank you Mitch. I’ll come find you when I need you. 7. INT. ADAM’S BATHROOM- NIGHT ADAM entered the bathroom half naked and proceeded to turn on the lights. The bathroom is considerably large. The walls are white and are accompanied by tiled floors. ADAM turned the tap and washed his face. ADAM Mannnnn. Today was a long day. He took a long look at himself in the mirror. He was remembering what MITCH just told him. ADAM Hehe.
  • 15. The expression of his face began to change. His face looks twisted and evil. He laughed hysterically. ADAM HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ohhhh man. What a load of fucking bullshit. 8. INT. FORENSIC LAB- NIGHT The room was quiet. A FORENSIC SCIENTIST, 31, could be seen sitting in front of his desk, working. Lonely nights like this are not uncommon in the lab. Footsteps could be heard coming towards the lab. The doorknob turned and DETECTIVE ALICIA entered the lab. DETECTIVE ALICIA Hi, I’m Detective Alicia. I was told by the Chief that I could find information about the victim that died last night. The FORENSIC SCIENTIST turned startled. He was not expecting any visitors at this time of night. FORENSIC SCIENTIST Who are you? I was not told anything. DETECTIVE ALICIA My name is Alicia Byers. I’ve been assigned to investigate the Hawkins Serial Killer. FORENSIC SCIENTIST Byers? As in Chief Byers? DETECTIVE ALICIA I’m his daughter. You can call me Detective Alicia. FORENSIC SCIENTIST Well who knew that the Chief had a beautiful looking daughter. The FORENSIC SCIENTIST got close to DETECTIVE ALICIA attempting to flirt with her. DETECTIVE ALICIA rolled her eyes and twisted his arm. DETECTIVE ALICIA Back off lover boy. You don’t want to be prosecuted for sexual harassment now do you?
  • 16. The FORENSIC SCIENTIST screamed in agony. FORENSIC SCIENTIST Jesus! You really are the Chief’s daughter alright. DETECTIVE ALICIA Enough! Tell me about the victim. FORENSIC SCIENTIST Well there’s nothing much to say. The killing really live up to the Hawkins Serial Killer’s reputation. The murder weapon was a pair of scissors. Straight to the neck. The FORENSIC SCIENTIST showed gruesome pictures of the victim. It showed ELLIOT MCKENZIE’S eyes wide open. The scissors was stabbed right in the middle of her throat. FORENSIC SCIENTIST Whoever the killer is, it might as well be a phantom. There are signs of the victim’s neck being strangled but there are no fingerprints of both the neck or scissors. The murderer was probably wearing gloves to hide that. DETECTIVE ALICIA listened to the FORENSIC SCIENTIST’S explanation carefully. FORENSIC SCIENTIST There are no blood samples. This could mean that the victim didn’t put up a fight. There are no traces of semen anywhere of the body. So, it could mean that the victim was not raped beforehand. DETECTIVE ALICIA What about hair? FORENSIC SCIENTIST The police have searched the murder site high and low. There are no DNA evidence there. The victim died in an empty street in the middle of night. So no witnesses, no fingerprints and no blood samples. The murder was was calculatedly planned. Anything else Detective?
  • 17. The FORENSIC SCIENTIST asked her sarcastically. He was received by a deathly glare from her. He turned away as he regretted mocking DETECTIVE ALICIA. FORENSIC SCIENTIST Well there is one thing though? What we do know is the when the victim died. The FORENSIC SCIENTIST went to walk to his desk to check for data about the blood sample. FORENSIC SCIENTIST Based on the the victim’s blood sample, I’d say she died half an hour after midnight. DETECTIVE ALICIA (confused) What was a 17 year-old high school girl doing at an abandoned street in the middle night. DETECTIVE ALICIA kept silent. Thinking of more possible clues. DETECTIVE ALICIA Where did the murder happen? FORENSIC SCIENTIST Look Detective. I only do the analyzing in this station. DETECTIVE ALICIA (aggressive) You must know something! DETECTIVE ALICIA slammed a nearby table. FORENSIC SCIENTIST (scared) Okay, calm down. I may have overheard something from the other policemen. I think they said something about the murder happening in Old Wilkin Street. DETECTIVE ALICIA Old Wilkin Street? That’s- FORENSIC SCIENTIST (confused)
  • 18. Is there something wrong Detective. DETECTIVE ALICIA Yeah, I’m alright. I’m fine. Thank you for all your help. DETECTIVE ALICIA left the lab leaving the FORENSIC SCIENTIST confused about her reaction. DETECTIVE ALICIA whispers to herself. DETECTIVE ALICIA (soft but powerful) I’m going to find this guy and I’m going to put him behind bars. 9. INT. ADAM’S BEDROOM- NIGHT ADAM finished showering and entered his room by kicking his door open. He is laughing maniacally with a twisted face. ADAM Oh man, everyone around me are such idiots. Thinking I need their help. ADAM wore a shirt and and picked up darts by his side table. He threw the darts to a dartboard with MITCH’S picture of it. ADAM (mocking) If you need any help, I’m always there for you buddy. Hah. All you will ever be is a muscled idiot. ADAM was speaking and laughing in a tone no one but him has heard before. ADAM Oh I can’t wait for the day where suck out the life out of your body Mitch but, until then. ADAM walked towards a mirror with a deranged expression. ADAM (wicked) Mirror , mirror on the wall. Who is next on the list to die.
  • 19. Knowing no one was around to answer his question, he asked his reflection a rhetoric question. ADAM Oh, what was that? Dr. Kirke? Excellent choice Adam. That man has always been a pain in my ass. ADAM opened his wardrobe to see a black hoodie jacket. The same jacket he’s used in every killing he’s done so far. He grabbed it and started smelling it. ADAM No pungent smell of blood anywhere. Clean as a whistle. ADAM wore his hoodie together with his black jeans. ADAM But man did Elliot gave me a tough time. That slut really put up a fight. That’s what you get for trying to compete for my spot in the debate team. ADAM took out nitrile rubber gloves from his drawer and started wearing them. ADAM Well, let’s do some purging shall we. 10. INT. INTERIOR OF A CAR- NIGHT DETECTIVE ALICIA was driving by Old Wilkin Road. The radio was playing an annoying hit song but DETECTIVE ALICIA paid it no attention. Her eyes were glued to the road but her mind was drifting. DETECTIVE ALICIA (sighing) Old Wilkin Road huh? She drove and stopped next to an abandoned house. An old and burned house. She stared at the house and memories of an event came into her mind.
  • 20. FLASHBACK: 10 YEARS AGO 11. EXT. BURNING HOUSE- NIGHT The night was dark but it was filled with burning lights. Explosions and burning flames turned the surrounding flaming hot. Onlookers watched in horror as the house was burning to the ground. The sound of sirens came into the scene and firemen rushed out to put the fires out. Two children are still trapped in the house. CHIEF BYERS and the CHIEF’S WIFE, 38, were begging the firemen to save them. CHIEF BYERS Please! My daughter and her friend are still in there. Please save them! A VETERAN FIREMAN, 36, came out of the house after a few minutes. In his arms was a YOUNG DETECTIVE ALICIA. She was barely moving. All of her energy was drained from the fire. However, she still told the VETERAN FIREMAN that ADAM was still trapped. He carried her over to the CHIEF’S WIFE. She carried the YOUNG DETECTIVE ALICIA. CHIEF’S WIFE Oh Alicia. I’m so glad you’re safe baby. YOUNG DETECTIVE ALICIA Mom...A..ADAM is still there. VETERAN FIREMAN Don’t worry. We’ll find him. Men! Let’s go. 12. INT. BURNING HOUSE- NIGHT The VETERAN FIREMAN and his crew went into the burning house to search for YOUNG ADAM. VETERAN FIREMAN (shouting) Hey kid! Can you hear me? Go search the bedroom! The VETERAN FIREMAN gave out orders to his men. After a while. They could hear a soft but desperate voice. YOUNG ADAM
  • 21. (soft) I’m in here. VETERAN FIREMAN He’s over here! Hang on kid! We’ll get you out. YOUNG ADAM (crying) Please help me quick. The walls are closing in. YOUNG ADAM was trapped in a closet from playing hide and seek with YOUNG ALICIA. His breathing gets faster. YOUNG ADAM (crying) Get me out of here please! VETERAN FIREMAN Get me the axe! The VETERAN FIREMAN started chopping the closet open with force. From outside, YOUNG DETECTIVE ALICIA could only watch the fiery scene of the arms of her mother. YOUNG DETECTIVE ALICIA (worried) Adam... FLASHBACK ENDS 13. INT. INTERIOR OF A CAR The loud electronic music from the radio brought DETECTIVE ALICIA back to reality. Realizing how late it is, she starts her journey home. Still shaken from the old memories, her mind was still wavering until she sees two figures coming up the Old Wilkin Road. One of the figure was wearing a hooded jacket and held a knife. DETECTIVE ALICIA Wait, is that? Realizing that it was the Hawkins Serial Killer, DETECTIVE ALICIA pulled the handbrake and rushed out her car.
  • 22. 14. EXT. OLD WILKIN ROAD- NIGHT ADAM was walking up close to DR. KIRKE under the street lights. He was laughing cynically and that made DR. KIRKE feel more fear. DR. KIRKE is bleeding badly from his abdomen. He is barely alive. His eyes looks dead. ADAM (deep voice) Well, well, well. Is this how it’s going to end for you? DR. KIRKE What do you want? You told me to come here but now you’re trying to kill me. ADAM (deep voice) It’s so easy to manipulate you. Once someone tries to bring up your past, you get so weak DR. KIRKE looks up to ADAM. Not knowing his identity, he looks like a defenceless animals in ADAM’S eyes. ADAM (deep voice) Maybe your wife, would appreciate your death. DR. KIRKE You shut up about my wife bastard! ADAM (deep voice) We both know that the relationship with your wife is going stale. It’s only a matter of time before you get a divorce. Do you wife a favour and let her be a widow. DR. KIRKE Who are you? How do you know about my life? ADAM (deep voice) Oh you know who I am, DR. (emphasise) KIRKE.
  • 23. DR. KIRKE’S eyes grew through the realization of the hooded man is. DR. KIRKE Adam? ADAM (smug) In the flesh. ADAM raises his hand and stabs DR. KIRKE in the chest. ADAM smiles creepily. His eyes go blind from bright lights in front of him. He hears a familiar voice calling out to him. DETECTIVE ALICIA Hey! Stop right there. ADAM (softly) Alicia? DETECTIVE ALICIA runs towards his direction. She holds up a gun and take a shooting position. DETECTIVE ALICIA Put your hands up in the air or I will shoot. Not wanting to get shot, ADAM raises his arms. DETECTIVE ALICIA takes out her smartphone and attempts to contact CHIEF BYERS. CHIEF BYERS Yes Detective Alicia? We’re busy here in the station. DETECTIVE ALICIA I found the murderer CHIEF BYERS What? DETECTIVE ALICIA (shouting) I said I found the murderer!
  • 24. CHIEF BYERS Where are you? I’ll send some people over for reinforcements. DETECTIVE ALICIA I’m at Old Wilkins Road. CHIEF BYERS Old Wilkins Road? Why would- DETECTIVE ALICIA There’s no time. A man’s dying right now. Quickly. During the conversation between DETECTIVE ALICIA and CHIEF BYERS, ADAM moves backwards slowly. DETECTIVE ALICIA Hey! Don’t you move a muscle. ADAM (deep voice) Tell me detective. What’s your name? DETECTIVE ALICIA What does it matter? You’ll be in prison for a long time anyway. ADAM is talking with DETECTIVE ALICIA in order to distract her and create a chance to escape. He slowly slides his foots backwards. ADAM (deep voice) Can’t I at least know the name of the woman that manages to capture me? DETECTIVE ALICIA Hmph. The name’s DETECTIVE ALICIA BYERS. Remember that name when you’re locked forever. ADAM (deep voice) Oh I will detective. Just not in prison.
  • 25. ADAM takes a swift step to the back and out of the light. DETECTIVE ALICIA shoots at ADAM’S direction but nothing happen. Like a ghost, he disappears into the darkness. DETECTIVE ALICIA (frustrated) Dammit! CHIEF BYERS DETECTIVE ALICIA? Do you copy? What happened. DETECTIVE ALICIA Yes, I’m here. The murderer got away. Just get an ambulance here ASAP. CHIEF BYERS Will do. DETECTIVE ALICIA ends the call runs to DR. KIRKE. DETECTIVE ALICIA (comforting) Hey, stay with me. The ambulance is on the way. I need you to hold out for me, okay? DR. KIRKE could not hold out any longer. The bleeding from his chest and abdomen is too much. The ambulance will take too long. From then and there, DR KIRKE passed tragically. DETECTIVE ALICIA let out a deep regret. She looks down and sees something interesting. DETECTIVE ALICIA What is this? It seems that DR. KIRKE left a dying message before his death. The message is written in blood that was left from his finger. The letter ‘A’ can be seen by DR. KIRKE’S corpse. DETECTIVE ALICIA ‘A’? Did he try to telling me the identity of the murderer? I’ve got to get to the bottom of this. 1 WEEK LATER
  • 26. 15. INT. CLASSROOM- DAY ADAM is attending class. A SUBSTITUTE TEACHER, 29, is replacing the late DR, KIRKE. Most of the students are on edge due to the news of DR. KIRKE’S death a week ago. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER So according to Archimedes’ law of buoyancy, it is an upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight- ADAM is not paying the new SUBSTITUTE TEACHER, 33, any attention. He treats the lesson as background noise. In his mind, he is only thinking about his next killing plan. MITCH whispers out to him from the next table over. MITCH Hey ADAM. ADAM What do you want MITCH? MITCH Are you free later after school? I thought maybe we could hang out you know. ADAM I can’t. I have a meeting with my debate team after school. ADAM could not handle the thought of spending time with MITCH after school. He lies about his meeting to avoid a social event with MITCH MITCH C’mon man. You’ve been out of it ever since DR, KIRKE’S passing. MITCH is right about that. But, it is not because of DR. KIRKE’S passing. It’s because DETECTIVE ALICIA almost captured ADAM from his last killing. MITCH The basketball team is taking a break from practice today. So I was thinking we could go grab something to eat.
  • 27. ADAM (annoyed) No Mitch, I don’t want to. ADAM raised his voice and everyone looks to him. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER Yes, Mr. Parker. Is there something you would like to add to the lesson? ADAM No miss. I’m sorry for the sudden interruption. Please proceed with the class. The SUBSTITUTE TEACHER nodded and proceeded with the lesson. The class calmed down and ADAM glares towards MITCH. ADAM Not today MITCH. I am not in the mood. MITCH Why are you acting like this? ADAM (irritated) That’s none of your business. MITCH What is wrong with you ADAM? I’m just worried about your well- being. ADAM gets off his chair with force. ADAM (irritated and angered) Shut the fuck up MITCH! SUBSTITUTE TEACHER (furious) Mr. Parker! I will not tolerate this behaviour! Go to the principal's office right this instant! The sudden outburst by ADAM stuns MITCH. ADAM realizes his mistakes and leaves the classroom.
  • 28. 16. INT. ADAM’S BEDROOM- DAY ADAM slams his door open. He flings his bag roughly of the bed. He unbuttons his T-shirt and slams it to the ground. ADAM MITCH you little shit. How dare you embarrass me like that in front of the class. For three years, I had to deal with you. I’ve had enough. This is the time. ADAM has kept this within him for far too long. He is finally going to hurt MITCH. ADAM takes out a knife below his bed. ADAM You’re dead meat MITCH. ADAM’S frustration was getting him. He’s slowly losing his mind. He calms down after assessing his current situation. ADAM I’m in hot water though. I can’t kill him now. Think ADAM, think! You’re the smarter than this. ADAM is in the middle of devising a plan. A plan to get rid of MITCH out of his life. He closes his eyes. Thinking. Forming. Preparing. ADAM Hmph. I’ve got it. ADAM picks up his smartphone to contact MITCH. MITCH Hey man. I want to talk to you. Could you meet me at the basketball court near my house. Yeah, that would be much appreciative. See you then. ADAM hangs up. He opens a drawer and picks up a knife out of all his collections. He makes a sinister looking face. ADAM
  • 29. You won’t be able to see the light after this MITCH. 17. EXT. BASKETBALL COURT- NIGHT The night feels strange than most days. Trees stand still from the absence of the wind. The temperature is colder than most nights. Clouds are blocking the view of the moon and the stars that illuminate the darkness. Court lights shines onto the basketball court. Sounds of a ball bouncing onto the concrete floor breaks the silence. MITCH is alone on the court, waiting for ADAM. MITCH What’s taking Adam so long? He’s usually never this late. ADAM Mitch! MITCH Speak of the devil. ADAM,carrying a bag, runs towards MITCH at the end of the court. ADAM Hey man. I just want to apologize for my sudden outburst earlier today. MITCH No harm done. Can’t say I wasn’t surprise though. It’s my first time seeing you react like that. ADAM I’ve just been really afraid about the murders recently. I’m sorry about what I said. I didn’t mean that. MITCH Don’t sweat it. Come on. Let’s play a games. 1 v 1 me scrub. MITCH turns around and shows his back to ADAM. It is the perfect opportunity for ADAM. With swift movements, he strangles MITCH with his arm. MITCH
  • 30. (choking) Ad-Adam. Wh-what are you doing? ADAM (whispering) Shhhhh. Quiet Mitch. I need you to sleep. MITCH coughs. Moments later, he passes out from the lack of airflow. ADAM picks up a flip phone from his bag. He contacts the police station while impersonating in a feminine tone. POLICEWOMAN Hello, how may I help you. ADAM (frantic) Hello, I saw a hooded man walking towards a young man in my area. I think it’s the serial killer. POLICEWOMAN (hurried) Can I know where is your location? ADAM (frantic) Yes, I’m at a basketball court in Abbey Street. Please hurry. Oh no, I think he sees me. I have to go. POLICEWOMAN Hang on ma’am, we’ll be there as soon- ADAM hangs up the call. He drops the phone and breaks it with his foot. He grabs a roll of tape from the bag he brought. ADAM Now to deal with you. 18. INT. POLICE STATION- NIGHT CHIEF BYERS is giving a briefing on the Hawkins Serial Killer in a discussion room. No one is near solving the latest clue about the murder. Inside the room, pictures of the previous
  • 31. murders and DR. KIRKE’S murder are being shown. POLICEMAN , 27, gives out his opinion in the matter. POLICEMAN Maybe the ‘A’ is suppose to represent a month in the calender. Like April. It could be the year the culprit was born. POLICEWOMAN Illogical. Why would anyone say the birth month of the culprit as a dying wish? A POLICEWOMAN, 28, refutes the claim. POLICEMAN What do you suggest? POLICEWOMAN It has to be a name. The victim just didn’t have enough time to write it down. INVESTIGATOR We’ve investigated most of the people that are familiar with the victim. The names that do start with ‘A’ all have alibis. An INVESTIGATOR, 39, explains whilst leaning against the wall. INVESTIGATOR Family, friends and even co-workers. They are not the murderer. Chief, your daughter was at the scene. There must be something else. CHIEF BYERS Detective Alicia says that the killer had a deep voice. So, it is safe to say that the killer is a male. Other than the gender and the dying message, there is nothing else. The room falls silent. No one could say anything. CHIEF BYERS It’s clear that we have no more leads. Let’s stop this meeting here. You’re all dismissed.
  • 32. Everyone walks out of the room to either go home or continue working. CHIEF BYERS heads towards his office. He enters and sees DETECTIVE ALICIA sitting by his desk. CHIEF BYERS (chuckles) Feels good doesn’t it? DETECTIVE ALICIA It does. Maybe once you retire, this will be mine. CHIEF BYERS Oh it will be a long time till this old man dies. What do you want to talk about Alicia. DETECTIVE ALICIA (curious) What ever happened to professional environment? CHIEF BYERS pours a cup of coffee for DETECTIVE ALICIA and himself. CHIEF BYERS I guess I can be a bit more lenient. After all, we are in a sensitive time. It seems like that there is nothing we can do about the serial killer. CHIEF BYERS sips his cup of coffee to relieve his stressful day. DETECTIVE ALICIA Actually that’s why I’m here. Maybe we’ve been looking at case wrongly. CHIEF BYERS What do you mean by that? DETECTIVE ALICIA Maybe the man we’re looking for is not a man. What if the Hawkins Serial Killer is a student. CHIEF BYERS Are you saying that a minor has the capabilities to commit such crimes? That is a tough accusation to back up Alicia.
  • 33. DETECTIVE ALICIA Think about it dad. There are no connections towards the victims and all known suspects. A student must have a deeper connection with Elliot McKenzie and Albus Kirke. CHIEF BYERS listens to attentively to DETECTIVE ALICIA’S claims. DETECTIVE ALICIA The Hawkins Serial Killer must have had a bad relationship with these people and he killed them. These are not random killings. CHIEF BYERS That makes sense. It would explain how we could never find his identity. I’ll get someone to check with Hawkins International School if there was anyone that knows anything. DETECTIVE ALICIA Check if they know anyone that has bad blood with the vic- POLICEWOMAN barges into the room, interrupting DETECTIVE ALICIA mid-sentence. POLICEMAN Chief, you’re gonna want to hear this. CHIEF BYERS What is it? POLICEMAN We received an anonymous tip about the whereabouts of a hooded man and he’s not alone. The caller says the hooded man is seen beating up a young man. DETECTIVE ALICIA What? Where? POLICEWOMAN At a basketball court near Abbey Street. CHIEF BYERS Abbey Street? That’s-
  • 34. DETECTIVE ALICIA (devastated) Adam! DETECTIVE ALICIA rushes out of the room. 19. EXT. BASKETBALL COURT- NIGHT MITCH opens his eyes. He finds himself being tied with tape against the basketball post. ADAM Oh. Looks like Sleeping Beauty is awake. How was the nap? Did you enjoy it? MITCH Adam! What are you doing? Why are my hands tied? ADAM What am I doing? Isn’t that obvious? I’m catching the killer, Mitch. You. MITCH What are you talking about Adam. I’m not the killer. ADAM gives a sinister smile. MITCH builds up fear from his expression. ADAM If you’re not the killer, then why did you stab me? MITCH What stabbing? I’m tied up. How would I stab you? ADAM That’s enough Mitch. You’ve been caught. ADAM is sees this as a game. He’s toying with MITCH. Humiliating him. He spits on MITCH’S face. ADAM Do you know what I do to killer douchebags like you? I hurt them.
  • 35. ADAM punches MITCH in the eye. ADAM I break them. ADAM knees MITCH in the face. ADAM I dismantle them. ADAM jabs MITCH’S body and breaks a few ribs. ADAM But above all else, I kill them. Just like how I killed Elliot and Dr. Kirke. MITCH You! You killed them! ADAM (calm) No Mitch. You killed them. You’ve told me once that if I ever needed any help, you would be there for me. So here we are. I need your help to take the fall for me- MITCH shows a face of disbelief. He never knew that the friend he thought he had could so manipulative and evil. ADAM -but most importantly, I need you to die for me. ADAM kick full frontally into MITCH’S face. ADAM chokes MITCH again. MITCH breathes his last breath and dies. ADAM grabs a knife from his bag and releases MTCH from his bindings. ADAM Well now it’s time for phase two. ADAM switches MITCH’S clothes with his usual serial killer costume. He dresses MITCH with the black hooded jacket and black jeans. He hides MITCH’S clothes in his bag to hid the evidence. ADAM
  • 36. Okay, now to make myself more believable. ADAM hits his head against the floor. ADAM Ouch! ADAM starts bleeding from his forehead. He hits himself more and gets a black eye. ADAM Now it’s the last step. ADAM grabs the knife and makes MITCH’S lifeless body to hold it. ADAM directs his hand to stab ADAM in the stomach. ADAM Urghhhh. Son of a bitch! Sounds of sirens fill the air. Bright red and blue lights appear from the horizon. ADAM (painful) Heh. Just in time. Ahhhh. DETECTIVE ALICIA emerges into the scene. She sees ADAM wounded and on the concrete floor. She runs to ADAM. DETECTIVE ALICIA (crying) Adam! Come one. Stay with me. I can’t lose you. ADAM Alicia. Please, I don’t want to die. DETECTIVE ALICIA You’re not going to die Adam. I promise you that. A police squad rushed to the basketball court. They see MITCH’S dead body and covers it up. DETECTIVE ALICIA holds ADAM in her arms to let him rest. ADAM gives a slight smirk knowing that his plan works perfectly.
  • 37. 20. INT. POLICE STATION- DAY A week has passed since the incident of MITCH’S frame. MITCH was trialed for murder and he could not prove his innocence. In the end, MITCH was hanged. The police station has calmed down, think that the Hawkins Serial Killer was caught. CHIEF BYERS is happily strolling towards his office. As he enters, he sees DETECTIVE ALICIA sitting at his desk again. CHIEF BYERS You know, you have to stop doing this Detective. It’s not your to sit at yet. DETECTIVE ALICIA Chief, don’t you think it’s weird. CHIEF BYERS (sarcastic) Weird? As in you continuously sitting at my desk? DETECTIVE ALICIA Not that. How does the dying message connect with Mitch Connor? Why would Albus Kirke write out the letter ‘A’? CHIEF BYERS Maybe he is an ‘A’ star student? Albus Kirke was a teacher. He could be talking about his grades. DETECTIVE ALICIA Mitch didn’t have excellent grades. He barely passed. The men who interrogated the school staff said so. Chief, I think we got the wrong guy. CHIEF BYERS If it is not Mitch, who are you implying it could be? You look as if you know who the real killer is. DETECTIVE ALICIA Dad, remember that anonymous person that called to report the presence of the killer. When we got to the crime scene, there was no such witness. CHIEF BYERS looks dumbfound from her sudden statement.
  • 38. DETECTIVE ALICIA No one came by to the scene or the station about such a report. CHIEF BYERS So what does this mean, it cannot be a false report if it were true. DETECTIVE ALICIA (tearing up) The culprit could be student, the dying message shows the letter ‘A’ and there was a report made by a person that doesn’t exist. Adam was in the scene of the crime. CHIEF BYERS Are you trying to say what I think you’re saying? DETECTIVE ALICIA (sobbing) Dad, I think the Hawkins Serial Killer is Adam. 21. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM- DAY ADAM lies down on a hospital bed. A television shows a news report of how the Hawkins Serial Killer is dead. ADAM watches with glee knowing his plan worked perfectly. ADAM Heh. It’s too easy. I just need to lay low for a while. Then, I create a new persona. DETECTIVE ALICIA walks into the room and slightly surprises ADAM. He goes back to his pretending personality. ADAM Hey Alicia. What brings you here? You don’t have to come visit so often. The doctor said I will be discharged soon. DETECTIVE ALICIA Actually, the doctor said you can be discharged now. I’m here to pick you up. ADAM (surprised)
  • 39. Oh. I didn’t expect it to be so soon. DETECTIVE Come on. Let’s go. 22. INT. CAR INTERIOR- DAY DETECTIVE ALICIA is on the wheel. ADAM is sitting in the front passenger seat. There is an awkward silence between two. ADAM could tell something is wrong. Usually, DETECTIVE ALICIA would already be talking non-stop with him. ADAM tried to read DETECTIVE ALICIA’S face but he could not understand what is wrong. He tries to start off a conversation. ADAM So, how’s your day? Did anything interesting happen? DETECTIVE ALICIA It’s good. There’s nothing much to tell. ADAM Uh-huh. Again, silence appears between the two. DETECTIVE ALICIA continues driving forward. After a while, ADAM realizes that the road they are taking is unfamiliar. ADAM Uhhh Alicia. This is not the way to my house. DETECTIVE ALICIA I know. Something came up in the station. I just have to be there real quick. ADAM Okay sure. ADAM finds this to be strange. He could feel that something is not right. 23. INT. POLICE STATION- DAY ADAM and DETECTIVE ALICIA enters the front door and CHIEF BYERS is there to greet them.
  • 40. CHIEF BYERS Good afternoon detective. Good afternoon Adam. I hope the wound you have is not too serious. ADAM Afternoon Mr. Byers. I’m feeling fine. It’s going to take much more than a knife to kill me. CHIEF BYERS I’d assume so. Even CHIEF BYERS is acting weird. ADAM knows that something is not right but, he can’t do anything now. CHIEF BYERS Detective, please come this way. The thief you need to interrogate is waiting. CHIEF BYERS escorts DETECTIVE ALICIA and ADAM down the hallway. ADAM studies every word they say and their body language. He couldn’t figure out what it is that is making him jittery. ADAM feels helpless. He feels as if all the people they pass by are looking at him. Watching him. He can’t seem to stand still. With all these thoughts inside ADAM’S head, they’ve reach the interrogation room. CHIEF BYERS Here we are detective. That man is waiting for you inside. DETECTIVE ALICIA Don’t worry chief. I’ll get that confession out of him. DETECTIVE ALICIA enters the room. CHIEF BYERS So Adam, do you want to watch her interrogate the thief. It’ll be your first time watching Detective Alicia in action. ADAM could only agree to CHIEF BYERS’ question. There is nothing he could. After all, he is in the heart of the police force. ADAM
  • 41. Sure. CHIEF BYERS opens the door and to ADAM’S surprise, it is the real interrogation room. CHIEF BYERS pushes ADAM into the room. ADAM is shock from the sudden thrust and falls down hard onto the floor. The room is small and enclosing. There is a mirror in the room to which ADAM assumes is a one-way mirror. ADAM is getting tense and anxious. His stance gets unbalanced. His forehead sweats heavily. He starts hyperventilating. ADAM (shouting) What is the meaning of this? Why am I here? The voice of DETECTIVE ALICIA and CHIEF BYERS reverberates through speakers in the room. DETECTIVE ALICIA You know why you’re here Adam. You’ve killed those people. ADAM (hyperventilating) Wh-what are you talking ab-about? Mitch ki-killed those pe- people. ADAM doesn’t know how long since when they suspects him. He has to play the innocent card. CHIEF BYERS That’s enough Adam. We know the truth. We know that you framed MItch Connor. DETECTIVE ALICIA I want to know why Adam. Why did you kill them. ADAM (hyperventilating) I don’t know w-what you’re talking ab-about Alicia. DETECTIVE ALICIA Of the night you killed Albus Kirke- ADAM (shouting)
  • 42. I said I didn’t kill him. ADAM cuts off DETECTIVE ALICIA to persistently insist that he didn’t kill DR. KIRKE. DETECTIVE ALICIA ON the night Albus Kirke died, he left a dying message. ADAM’S body shook. He is not aware of such information. ADAM (hyperventilating) What do y-you mean? What does that h-have got to do w-with me? CHIEF BYERS The message Albus Kirke left was the letter ‘A’. Obviously we could not know what that means then. But now, we have more info to understand the meaning of the message. DETECTIVE ALICIA Someone called to report about the whereabouts of a hooded man that night. When we arrived, all we saw was you and a dead body. ADAM knows where this going. They know the truth. ADAM (hyperventilating) Stop. CHIEF BYERS The dying message doesn’t relate to the late Mitch Connor. ADAM (hyperventilating) S-stop. DETECTIVE ALICIA You made the call. ADAM (hyperventilating) I s-said s-top!
  • 43. DETECTIVE ALICIA And then you stabbed yourself to prove your innocence. ADAM (shouting) I said stop you fucking bitch! ADAM rushes up and bangs the one-way mirror. He sees his threatening reflection. At this point, ADAM doesn’t care what happens. ON the other side of the mirror, DETECTIVE ALICIA and CHIEF BYERS are stunned to see ADAM acting like this. ADAM (shouting) So what if I killed them! What are you going to do about it? Now let me out of here Alicia! ADAM bangs the mirror continuously. ADAM I said let me- ugh. ADAM starts kneeling down. ADAM Ah shit. He places his hand over his forehead. His vision starts to get blurry. He’s losing energy. He did not realize that his body was giving up of him. He hyperventilates more and more until he faints. DETECTIVE ALICIA and CHIEF BYERS watches ADAM faint. CHIEF BYERS I’m sorry Alicia. We have to put him in prison. DETECTIVE ALICIA breaks down, kneeling against the wall. DETECTIVE ALICIA (crying) Why Adam? Why did you do it? DETECTIVE ALICIA is disheartened to the fact that her childhood friends is the Hawkins Serial Killer. The man she
  • 44. tried to protect is the man that was doing the killings. CHIEF BYERS could only comfort her. 24. INT. JUVENILE DETENTION CENTRE- DAY ADAM wakes up in a white room. He realizes that he has been sent to a juvenile centre. The space is rather wide to fit ADAM’S claustrophobia condition and it is occupied with a single bed. Only a pillow and a blanket to keep him warm and comfy in the night. What he hates most of however, are the four walls that confines his freedom. The door opens and DETECTIVE ALICIA enters. DETECTIVE ALICIA You’re going to love it here Adam. ADAM walks up to her to confront her. ADAM Get me out of here. DETECTIVE ALICIA I can’t do that. You’re dangerous. ADAM I will kill everyone here. DETECTIVE ALICIA keeps a calm face to ADAM’S threat. DETECTIVE ALICIA You can try and unlike what you are familiar with, you will fail. This centre is here to keep you in check with your behaviour. You are going to spend some time here until you learn what you did wrong. ADAM You think they can keep me in here? DETECTIVE ALICIA I think they can change you for the better. I was wrong about you Adam. I thought you were still that sweet innocent kid that needs protection. ADAM
  • 45. Now you’re being delusional. I never felt the same about you. All those people I killed, I relished every second of it. Elliot, Dr. Kirke and Mitch. I loathe them. DETECTIVE ALICIA listens to ADAM’S speech. ADAM They were just the beginning. Had I more time, you and your dad would’ve been next on my list. ADAM raises his index finger and points to DETECTIVE ALICIA. ADAM Everyone is such an annoyance. They try to challenge me. ELLIOT’S face comes into ADAM’S mind as he remembers all the times ELLIOT fought for his spot in his debate team. ADAM They try to put me down. ADAM remembers all the time DR. KIRKE tries to humiliate him. ADAM They try to be my friend. Scenes of MITCH befriending ADAM crosses his mind. ADAM And then there’s you, Alicia. I don’t need your protection. I don’t need your attention. I definitely don’t need your presence in my current situation. DETECTIVE ALICIA Well you look like you know how to handle your life. They are not going to release you. Once you reach 18 years old, they are sending you straight to prison. DETECTIVE ALICIA opens the door. DETECTIVE ALICIA Enjoy spending the rest of your life behind bars.
  • 46. ADAM (furious) Shut up Alicia! I’ll get out and when I do, I’ll be coming for you. DETECTIVE ALICIA I’ll be waiting then. Always waiting. Goodbye Adam. DETECTIVE ALICIA shuts the door. ADAM, frustrated and filled with anger thrashes around his room. ******************************END*****************************