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Find X Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "Find X" presents a unique set of challenges that require a
thoughtful and creative approach. At first glance, the prompt might seem straightforward, but
delving into it reveals a complexity that demands careful consideration. The challenge lies in
striking a balance between logical reasoning and imaginative exploration.
One difficulty arises from the ambiguity of the topic itself. "X" is a variable, a symbol that can
represent a multitude of ideas across various disciplines. Deciding on the specific interpretation
and scope of "X" becomes a critical task, as it sets the tone for the entire essay. This ambiguity,
while allowing for creativity, can also be a stumbling block if one struggles to define and
articulate a clear perspective.
Furthermore, the essay requires a blend of analytical skills and creative thinking. Crafting a
compelling argument or exploration around the concept of "X" involves not only logical
reasoning but also the ability to think outside the conventional boundaries. It demands a depth of
understanding to connect seemingly disparate concepts and draw meaningful conclusions.
The challenge intensifies when attempting to avoid clichГ©s and overused interpretations. With
a topic as broad as "Find X," there is a risk of falling into common tropes and predictable
conclusions. Writers must strive to bring a fresh perspective, offering insights that go beyond the
obvious and challenge the reader's assumptions.
Additionally, maintaining coherence and flow can be challenging, given the vastness of potential
interpretations. The essay should not read like a disconnected series of ideas but rather as a
cohesive exploration that guides the reader through the thought process. Striking this balance
between depth and clarity requires careful planning and revision.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "Find X" is a challenging endeavor that demands a
combination of analytical prowess and creative flair. Navigating the ambiguity of the topic,
avoiding clichГ©s, and maintaining coherence are all hurdles that require careful consideration.
However, with perseverance and a thoughtful approach, one can unravel the layers of meaning
behind "X" and deliver a compelling and engaging essay.
For those seeking assistance with essays or facing difficulties in tackling such complex topics,
it's worth exploring resources like, where similar essays and much more can be
ordered to ease the writing process and enhance the overall quality of academic work.
Find X Essay Find X Essay
Dance Monologue
The soundtrack of my life is for all the people, whether it was friends, family, or
complete strangers, who helped me learn the important things in life. In this
narrative, I tried to display moments when I learned a vital lesson of life.
The TV is blaring a song while displaying such graceful dancers spin and sway to
the beat. At the age of five, I stare at the screen, mesmerized by the vibrant colors
and fast paced actions. My friends, Honey and Astha, and I try to sing with the music.
We sound like dying cats.
We also try to mimic the dancers agile movements after realizing our singing attempt
is a fail. The awkward motions of our hands and feet do not flow. They seem almost
robotic. After a moment of this clumsy attempt of a dance, Honey ... Show more
content on ...
The girls stand on the left and the boys on the right. Is that too hard to grasp? Aunt
Vio marches up onto the stage and places us in our positions. Just as she walks away,
the music begins and we hear our cue to start dancing.
Unlike Ami and Trisha, I don t have butterflies in my stomach; I feel fine. I move to
the rhythm replaying the choreography in my mind. We punch, shake, and do a slide,
enjoying the thrill of the moment. From the slides to the kicks, the audience of IASA
members loves us showing that even strangers can make you feel special.
On a late Sunday morning, I am standing next to the stove watching the ever still pot
of tea. The amazing fragrance of cardamom, ginger, and tea travels throughout the
kitchen and the hot steam warms my freezing fingers. I wait patiently for the tea to
boil, but as they say, A watched pot never boils.
To occupy my time, I begin to sing Clarity, my favorite song at the moment. Lost in
my singing, I do not notice the pot starting to boil and is about to overflow. At the
sizzling sound of the overflowed tea, I open my eyes to stare at my mistake. I
rapidly grab the pot and set it on the cool countertop. Grabbing a napkin, I try to
wipe the burnt remains of the tea. With this experience in mind, I know I will never
repeat this mistake
Protest In Gerbaudo s Tweets And The Streets
What is protest?/Examples?
Protests and social movements usually take place within state systems. State
authorities and decision makers concerning the change and reforms responding to the
demands of protestors are usually the intended targets. Whilst the majority of social
movements and protests within the 21st century are aimed at the state, it is still
known for protestors to occasionally challenge non state establishments like religious
organizations and university administrations (Johnston, 2011:1). Social movements
includes a range of political activities including but not limited to demonstrations,
marches, protests, press conferences, strikes, presentations and even sometimes
violent confrontations (Johnston, 2009:8).
Previous Protest ... Show more content on ...
There are structures that have formed as a result of protest, that are really powerful.
It is just that you did not need those structures to begin protest. You are enough to
start a movement. Individual people can come together around things that they
know are unjust. And they can spark change. Your body can be part of the protest;
you don t need a VIP pass to protest. And Twitter allowed that to happen. Ferguson
exists in a tradition of protest. But what is different about Ferguson, or what is
important about Ferguson, is that the movement began with regular people. There
was no Martin, there was no Malcolm, there was no NAACP, it wasn t the Urban
League. People came together who didn t necessarily know each other, but knew
what they were experiencing was wrong. And that is what started this. What makes
that really important, unlike previous struggle, is that who is the spokesperson? The
people. The people, in a very democratic way, became the voice of the struggle
Which Metal Out Of Galvanized Iron
The problem of the experiment is: which metal out of galvanized iron, copper,
stainless steel, and steel will rust the least in acetic acid? The hypothesis is: If
Copper is placed in the acetic acid then it will be the material that loses the least
mass when mass lost is related to material submerged. The independent variable is
what type of metal is being used. The dependent variable is the percent of mass
lost while submerged in the vinegar. The controls include the amount of vinegar
per sample, the same person pouring the vinegar, the same scale taking
measurements, and the same amount of time submerged in the vinegar. The
standard of comparison is how much the mild steel corrodes because that is the
metal currently used to make the gas tanks at gas stations. The experiment
designed to test this starts with cleaning of five different samples of copper, iron,
mild steel, and stainless steel. After that, the mass of each sample is measured
using an electronic balance. Then, each sample is put in a cup, and submerged in
200 mL of vinegar. They are then left in the vinegar for about 24 hours. Next, after
the 24 hour period, each sample is then taken out, cleaned, and measured again. This
process is repeated one more time. After the experiment is done, you calculate the
percent of each sample lost by day, and find the average of those. Then, the metals
are compared by percent of mass lost to find the most corrosion resistant. Materials...
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There is also five samples of copper, iron, mild steel, and stainless steel. Another
item used is an electronic balance. Even more things used for this experiment are
vinegar, steel wool, water, paper towel, and a
Case Study on Economic and Environmental Impact of
Submitted By: M. Zohaib Alam B.Sc Economics May 21, 2009 School of Social
Sciences Beaconhouse National University
2007 2011
The following case study has further led me to begin construction of the first biogas
plant, with the consultation of PDDC, at Ijaz Rahim‟s farm which is near Head
Baloki. I wish to further add on to this case study at a later time and experiment
with the technology to produce electricity and provide a fully organic residence for
the crops and cattle at the BT Dairy Farm (see Image 8). To begin with, I have been
designated about 5 acres of farm land, to house about 50 cattle, which in turn will
provide all the ... Show more content on ...
This is highly due to the fact that 70% of Pakistan population is involved in the
agricultural sector which counts for 35% of our export earnings, and thus for the sake
of building a solid foundation for development a nation must start from the bottom
up. Crux of the Environmental and Economic Problem and Providing a Solution
Adapting to Biogas is an initiative that can help keep the environment substantially
cleaner by avoiding the uncontrollable release of the green house gas methane, which
is released form decomposing cow or buffalo dung. Also, since Pakistan is covered
with only 5% forestation, whereas the average country should have at least 25%
forest cover, Biogas is an alternative of wood use and will correlate with increasing
forest cover since people will turn to this renewable energy resource instead of the
chopping and burning of unnecessary wood. Biogas is also a renewable energy
resource because as the dung releases the gas during the fermentation process, after
its release from the outlet of the plant it can also be reused to assist in producing
gas again, if not fully dried out. And when fully dried out, it becomes excellent and
perfectly organic fertilizer or even works as a bacteria resistant bedding for the cows
/bulls, which in turn has multiple benefits for the farmer. Biogas can also decrease
the expenses incurred by poor
An Herbal Supplement Essay
Hawthorn is an herbal supplement that has been effectively used to treat various
chronic and acute diseases in individuals, but the most commonly used treatment has
been for those who suffer from heart conditions. Hawthorn belongs to the rosaceae
family and can be found in various regions all over the world, such as Europe, Asia,
and North America (Wang, Xiong, Feng, 2013). In both eastern and western
medicine, the berries, leaves, and flowers of Hawthorn have been used in treating
diseases that have been associated with the cardiovascular system. Various parts of
the plant have been utilized to treat these heartconditions in humans by using the
extracts of the plant to make capsules that are ingested or even using the leaves of
Hawthorn to make tea. Several in vivo and in vitro studies have been conducted to
determine the effectiveness that Hawthorn has in improving cardiovascular function
by vasodilating bloodvessels, decreasing arterial blood pressure, and lipid lowering
effects (Wang, Xiong, Feng, 2013). Hawthorn is also known to contain chemical
constituents that have disease fighting properties that may help in the treatment of
heart disease and fight free radical oxidation (Tassell, Kingston, Gilroy, Lehane,
Furey, 2010). The importance of Hawthorn in the treatment of cardiovascular disease,
may provide individuals with this condition a safe and natural alternative to the
current medications they are taking. The effectiveness of Hawthorn in the treatment of
Essay For Colored Girls
For Colored Girls directed by Tyler Perry in 2010, is an adaption of Ntozake
Shange s 1975 choreopoem, For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide
/When the Rainbow is Enuf. A choreopoem is a combination of poetry, dance, and
music intended to perform on a stage, that was originally written as a poem. Shange
s choreopoem was considered a Broadway sensation that won an Obie and Tony
Award. The purpose of her choreopoem was to show how women of color of the
twentieth century were oppressed and maintained courage throughout their trials.
Tyler Perry integrated Shange s vivid language from her poem into a contemporary
narrative that also explored what it means to be a womanof color. There are seven
characters in the poem and nine in the... Show more content on ...
Kelly is a social worker who went to visit Crystal about the safety of her children
because of her daughter s consecutive visits to the hospital. While Kelly is there to
visit Crystal, her alcoholic boyfriend, Beau Willie, kicks her out. Once Kelly is put
out of Crystal s apartment, she has a small encounter with the building tenant and
the neighbor, Gilda, where she informs Kelly of Beau Willie s wrong doing. While
this is going on Juanita arrive to break off her affair with her lover, Frank, and
Alice arrives to visit her daughter, Tangie, to ask for some money. After Alice is
turned down by Tangie, she then takes on the streets to try and raise money, where
she encounters Yasmine and her man friend, who gives her money, but is also Alice
s younger daughter, Nyla s, dance instructor. Nyla, is a young woman who just
graduated high school and is seen at first giving a story about her graduation night
and losing her virginity. Then, later we see Miss Juanita, waiting at Joanna s office at
Robe Rouge, a magazine company, where Crystal is her assistant to try and fundraise
money for her non profit organization involving women s health care.
As the movie goes on, we can then see each individual women s story. Beginning
with Kelly, who is trying to have a baby with her husband, but is finds out she is
unable to. We are then shown, Juanita who is giving advice at the hospital giving a
Integrated Marketing Communication ( Imc )
As defined by the American Association of Advertising Agencies, integrated
marketing communications ... recognizes the value of a comprehensive plan that
evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines advertising,
public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion and combines them to provide
clarity, consistency, and maximum communication impact. Integrated marketing
communication (IMC) is a combination of five elements, such as, direct marketing,
public relations, advertising, personal selling s, and sales promotion, by which the
company can communicate a positive and influencing image/message about a product
/service that is present in the market place plus provides how it brings value to the...
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Advertisements also help produce a variance in how the brand/company connects
contrarily amid customers and other businesses when doing business to business ads.
Advertising sends the message and data about products and services and the existence
of the products and services in the current marketplace. Advertising gives companies
and brands the advantage of appealing and displaying the organization s products
/services in a positive image with important information regarding the product/service.
Contrarily advertising has its disadvantages, regardless of the legal ramifications,
logos, images, and trademarks can be duplicated, slandered, or mocked. Another
drawback of advertisements is usage of the wrong type of media or content, or bad
timing, which could result in a negative impression on products/services in the
market. Direct Marketing is one more element of the IMC that helps support in
creating effective communication between the brand/company and the consumer
base. The direct marketing are selective and a designated delivery of communication
because it makes the face to face interaction between marketers with the consumer
base. Interacting directly with the targeted consumer base to generate a response and
/or a transaction is direct marketing. This communication will encourage the
consumer base to
Cincinnati Police Activity
An article published in the International Journal of Police Science and Management
authors Bain, Robinson, and Conser (2014) describe the police as reactive, meaning
they respond to a call for help. This limits police interaction with the community to
either being the victim, offender or witness of a crime. This relationship is then
connected to a negative memory no matter which role the individual plays. The
ability of the policeto function as an effective service is often predicated on the
positive image they maintain with the general public (Bain, Robinson, and Conser,
2014). This type of relationship along with the one experienced in Cincinnati, Ohio
in the late 1990 s to mid 2000 s where there were an alarming number of fatalities
due to police... Show more content on ...
The department complied, and six years after the changes began, the Cincinnati
Police had successfully complied with the new regulations (Baptiste). Changes made
by the Cincinnati Police Department programs to connect the community and police
in positive ways with the (Baptiste, 2015). These actions led to decrease fatal police
shootings and excessive force used, but what made the most difference was
programs, such as Quality of Life Enhancement Team introduced by Police Chief
Jeffery Blackwell, a black male and Law Enforcement Officer who at the time had
served 26 years in Ohio. Blackwell stated in a 2014 interview quoted in the journal
article, I always talk about community engagement being the most important thing in
police work (Baptiste). The article goes on to describe several programs used by the
Cincinnati Police Department to improve positive community involvement. New
officers are required to provide community service by serving in soup kitchens,
volunteering at schools, nursing homes and in the homeless communities. There are
other programs that connect officers to youth to share meals,
The Importance Of Archetype In Today s Culture
Throughout the season of winter, a yellow zesty fruit blossoms from a tree with
thorny branches and white flowers with purple edges. This yellow citrus fruit is
known as a lemon. In today s culture, lemons are used for food, skin, hair, cleanings,
and are even featured in an iconic American singer s album. You do not necessarily
eat a lemonas a whole. It is usually ingested by cutting it either in half or in pieces,
and squeezed for its juice. The acidic juice from a lemon has a very sour and bitter
taste but it is enjoyed by many. Adding lemon to a plate changes its whole flavor.
Whether the dish is sweet or spicy, it will change the way the entire taste of the dish.
Here s a recipe that involves lemon as one of the main ingredients by... Show more
content on ...
Wrong. The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word lemon is of
course, BeyoncГ©. She recently came out with a new visual album named
Lemonade. (2016) mentions that BeyoncГ© s sixth studio
album debuted overwhelmingly positive reviews and was described as defiant,
brave and powerful, and many felt the visual album was one of her strongest to
date. My favorite song on the album is Sandcastles. I believe that Sandcastles is
one of the most personal songs on the album; the most intimate. The video is
simple and beautiful, as well. (2016) announced that it was the first
video to feature Jay Z [her husband]. They also quoted that it s one of the most
intimate windows into their marriage they ve ever allowed. Here, she reaches
Forgiveness. When I hear the word lemon, I automatically think of BeyoncГ© s
Lemonade because I went to see her in concert in Miami at the Marlins Stadium. It
was, in fact, one of the best days of my life. I got the tickets for my 18th birthday
and took my significant other. It just had happened that my best friend had also
gotten a ticket so we all carpooled together and listened to the album the whole way
to the concert. When the album came out [which was in April, I believe], it was the
only thing I listened to up until the concert about two weeks later. I had learned
every single song on the album; even the order they were in. I practically lived
Lemonade . It was one of the best experiences of my
Hbs About Cc Company Essay
Strategic Capital Management, LLC is a hedge fund planning to make financial
investments in Creative Computers and Ubid. Creative Computers sold
approximately 20% of its Internet auction subsidiary, Ubid, to the public at $15 per
share. Ubid s stock price closed the first day of trading at $48, giving Ubid a $439
million market capitalization. On dec 9, Creative Computers had a market
capitalization of $ 232 million (22.75 * 10,238,703 outstanding shares) whereas Ubid
s market capitalization amounts to $439 million. This indicates that Ubid currently
has a greater market value than the parent company. Moreover, the mispricing can be
taken advantage of through an arbitrage opportunity. Paradoxically, the parent s stock
price ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the rate of return since Dec 9 1998, after CC distributed 7.32 million
UBID shares to its shareholder, is 5.72% calculated as following:
Transaction | At 9th December 1998| At 7th June 1999| Long Creactive computers|
$22.75| $32.63| Short Ubid 0.71469 shares at $35.6875| $25.51| $34| Cash proceed
from Ubid| $25.51| $25.51| Initial margin 50% on long position| $11.38| $11.38|
Initial margin 50% on short position| $12.75| $12.75| Net equity| $24.13| $25.51| Rate
of return| | 5.72%|
Before CC distributed 7.32 million UBID shares to its shareholder, the arbitrage
opportunity exists. The rate of return is 11.42% which is discussed before.
The difference between the two rates of return is caused by the arbitrage
opportunity with which one can purchase shares in CC and hold them until CC
Shares get converted into Ubid Shares. In the case of an arbitrage transaction
(Discussed under section 3.1), the investors are able to convert the asset purchased
on margin (i.e. CC shares) into Ubid shares and those converted shares would be
used to pay the borrowed Ubid share under the short selling contract. The
consequence of such transaction is that the balance of asset purchased on margin
and balance of short sale assets (i.e Ubid shares) are both closed off after the
repayment of short sale asset, giving rise to a net amount of zero. By contrast, there
would be $32.625 worth of asset purchased on
4. Discuss the physical and psychological changes associated with normal ageing.
How can one minimise pathological ageing?
The process of aging has been around as long as life itself. All living organisms pass
through three broad stages from conception to death, which are maturation, maturity
and aging. Aging affects everyone because nearly everyone has the potential to grow
old and all the societies in which we live have older members (Macdonald, 1997).
Gerontology is the use of reason to understand aging. The term was used to refer to
the scientific study of aging, but nowadays it includes the study of aging using views
from other disciplines such as humanities, social policy and human services. To
correctly understand aging, ... Show more content on ...
In order to counter act this one must maintain regular and also suitable exercise. One
must take into consideration the exercise tolerance in relation to his/her current age.
Change to healthier lifestyle by quitting smoking as this can have a direct relationship
and can worsen the breathlessness. It is important to not mix mild shortness of breath
that does not affect normal daily activities with shortness of breath at low exercise
level and wheezing as these may be symptoms of chronic bronchitis, asthma or heart
Digestive System
A common change related to normal aging is changes that affect the digestive system.
The most common one observed in old age is constipation (Macdonald, 1997). In
order to minimise constipation it is essential or eat a fibre rich diet with more
vegetables and fruit. Also maintaining regular exercise can also reduce the chance of
developing constipation. Stools with blood or mucus are not part of normal ageing.
In normal ageing changes in urination also occurs. It is seen that there is more
frequent urination at night (Matteson et al., 1998). In order to minimise this
pathological aspect of normal ageing, it is suggested to avoid fluid intake one hour
before sleeping. It is important to distinguish between difficulty or pain while
passing urine as this may be due to urinary tract infections and for men as well as
Common Ms Office Errors
Common MS Office Errors
Bryan Scholting
IT 206
Christopher Barret
Microsoft Word:
Microsoft Word is a powerful word processing program that allows you to create
professional looking documents with speed and a small effort. Word allows you to
create documents for personal and business use and comes loaded with a variety of
tools. You can change font size, type, and color. You can format how the lines are
spaced, where your paragraphs start, and how your indention works. You can insert
objects such as pictures, clip art, tables, charts, headers and footers. You can also
change your page layout and even add references, which is useful for students.
Common Problems: 1. Incompatibility Microsoft is up to version 2010 ... Show more
content on ...
This can be frustrating when your trying to work in different areas. More than
likely it is your wheel mouse. Just click on the wheel to reset it. If that doesn t
work you should clean out the mouse. The button may be stuck and is clicking on
the cell. 3. Printing blank pages Sometimes you want to print your spreadsheet out.
The sheet comes out but has extra blank pages. This occurs because Excel thinks
that all your rows or columns are filled. If you use the file over and over and use
the delete key a lot, you will get this error. You delete the content but the cells still
contain formatting information. You should be careful how much you use the
delete key. Make sure all formatting is erased in the cells. Right click on cells and
clear them. 4. Bad macros This error can occur if your macros are not set up
properly. You should double check to make sure everything is right. Some macros
you find online may not be correct so make sure the source is reliable. If you
cannot get a macro to work, delete it and start over from scratch. Make sure the
info is all correct before you start. 5. Formatting is incorrect If your formatting is
incorrect, you may see errors that you do want. Always make sure you back up your
files before making any major changes. Double check that they are working before
making any other adjustments. You may have hit a hot key on accident that added
some type of format
Analysis Of An Inspector Calls By Mendoza Okara...
It is fair to say that, Mendoza utilises Onofre Bouvila as a character to be portrayed
as a direct parallel to the development and aspirations of Barcelona. This is
expressed in the novel, since; it is irrelevant how rich and powerful Onofre
becomes, he will never be accepted by the social elite. This is due to the fact that, he
can never be on the top rung of the social ladder literally and figuratively, due to his
impoverished upbringing and working class background. corriГі hacia la mesa
presidencial... Al llegar a la mesa advirtiГі que no quedaba una sola silla libre, ni un
cubierto reservado para Г©l. ВїQuГ© haces aquГ parado como un pasmarote? Tu
puesto estГЎ allГЎ, en la mesa tres... ВЎPero yo quiero sentarme aquГ al lado de la
zarina!... Вїquieres ofender a su alteza imperial? 6. (Eduardo Mendoza, La ciudad
de los prodigios page 328). These same men who asked for his money do not allow
Onofre to sit at the same table with the Russian aristocrat because he does not have
a noble lineage 4 (Karen Oswald pg. 54). This shows us that in this scene, Onofre
aspires to sit on the top table with the Czarina. Nevertheless, even though he is
incredibly powerful and considered to be the richest man in Spain, due to his deprived
childhood and lower class background, he will never be able to sit on that top table.
Consequently, Onofre will never reach the upper echelons of Barcelonas social elite.
Therefore, it could be argued that Onofre is a metaphor for Barcelona given the fact
Feminist Literary Criticism By Joanne Rowling
When Joanne Rowling was planning her book publishing, it was suggested to her
that she take on the pen name J.K. Rowling, in order to make sure boys weren t
turned off from reading her books (J.K. Rowling). Later on in her career, she chose
the name Robert Galbraith for a different series of books. When letting her publisher
know it wasn t Robert who wrote the book, but that it was she, he was astonished that
a women wrote the book he just finished (About Roger Galbraith). These are recent
events in our history, and incidents like this are the reason feminist theoryin literary
criticism exists. Feminist literary criticism is defined as, literary analysis that arises
from the viewpoint of feminism, feminist theory and/or feminist politics
(Napikoski). There are a number of aims that feminist literary theory fights for.
One is teaching readers to see things from a woman character s point of view in a
written work, as many readers are not taught inherently how to do so. Another is to
help find lost works that were either not published due to being written by women,
or works that were hidden for years under a male s name, despite having been
authored by women. Still another aim is to expand libraries and school book lists to
include more work written by women (Gillespie). Though feminist literary theory
has been challenged for being political, it is important to follow through with this
work so an accurate version of history is portrayed, and so generations to come will
Comparison Between Plaster Study Model And 3D Digital...
The objective of this study was to compare the accuracy and reliability of
measurements made between Plaster Study Models as compared to 3D Digital
Study Models. Methods: Thirty study models with different levels of crowding
were selected from a private orthodontic clinic. Plaster models were measured
using hand held digital calipers in a random sequence. A single operator in one
sitting without magnification with anatomical dental landmarks being pre marked,
measured the plaster models and repeated the process a week later. 3D Study
Models were analyzed using the Smilefile viewer program and were assessed in a
random sequence generated on screen in one sitting and repeated a week apart by
the same operator who earlier assessed the... Show more content on ...
Disadvantages of plaster models are that they are subject to physical damage and
degradation over time and require space for storage, which is not cost efficient 5 7.
Recent advances in digital models have allowed orthodontists to perform
measurements on digital models. Digital models are not subject to physical damage
or degradation and do not require physical storage space. Furthermore, they can be
easily transferred to other clinicians or retrieved at multiple locations, requiring only
digital storage space 8. Similar studies on evaluation of digital study models in
orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning were performed and indicated that in
the vast majority of situations digital models can be successfully used for orthodontic
records 9. A comparison of the accuracy of linear measurements obtained from cone
beam computerized tomography images and digital models. These authors concluded
that the linear measurements obtained from CBCT image casts indicated a good
level of accuracy when compared with OrthoCAD models, and stated that the
accuracy was considered adequate for initial diagnosis and treatment planning in
orthodontics 10. As a result of these findings, many
Rave Culture Research Paper
Our Perspective on Rave Culture Imagine being a part of a world with no judgment,
no body standards, no prejudice, and no hatred. Continue to imagine being in a lively
environment around people who are loving, and only care for unity and respect
between themselves and others. Being a member of rave culture has made this
fantasy a reality for many people throughout the years. In this paper I will be focusing
on this unique phenomenon called raveculture and its integral elements in the form of
history, drugs, personal identity, acceptance, and the constant attempt to improve the
negative image of the culture the public eye.
Rave culture is based around Electronic Dance Music, which is best known as EDM.
The term EDM is a term for many different ... Show more content on
This overall acceptance all falls back to PLUR, where the spiritual aspect of this
dance culture is acknowledged by few, and is appreciated by all that are involved.
These individuals do not have to imagine being a part of a world with no
judgment, body standards, prejudice, or hatred. They live this life every day, they
don t have to attempt to imagine being in a entertaining environment around people
who are loving and caring because they have experienced these things first hand.
The overall discussion of the history of rave culture and where it began will
continue to lead to the never ending worry about drug use in the community. When
examining rave culture one has to look towards the positive aspects. These ravers
find their personal identity and live under an ethos of peace, love, unity, and respect.
These individuals will battle acceptance due to the common misconceptions of
society, but there are many things any individual can do to clean the image of rave
culture for the public eye. Rave culture is a phenomenon that needs to be positively
executed due to all of the exceptional discoveries one can make about the person they
are and the person they wish to
King Ferdinand Research Paper
King Ferdinand of SpainBy: TJ GrayKing Ferdinand of Spain is one of the most
well known kings of the fifteen century. At a very young age King Ferdinand made
decisions which shaped the Spain and world we know today.Ferdinand was born
March 10, 1452, in Sos, Aragon. He was the son of John II of Aragon and Juana
Enriquez of Castile. Ferdinand was not considered an intellectual, but was eager to
learn. Ferdinand was tutored by humanist Francisco Vidal, he learned to read and
write which was uncommon for the time period. Ferdinand was named governor of
one of his father s kingdom by age nine. Ferdinand also mastered the art of war
fighting rebels from 1462 to 1472. Ferdinand led forces against his father s enemies
and won when people tried... Show more content on ...
King Ferdinand reunited Naples with Sicily for the first time since 1458. In 1512,
after conquering Navarre he became their King. Throughout his life King Ferdinand
was know by many names. He was known as Ferdinand III of Naples, Ferdinand the
Catholic, Ferdinand II of Sicily, Ferdinand V, and Ferdinando el Catolice.King
Ferdinand and Queen Isabella continued to reign over Spain for many years. On
November 26, 1504, Queen Isabella passed away leaving her daughter Joan, also
known as Joan the Mad, and her husband, as successor to the throne. Joan s
husband died in 1506. King Ferdinand married Germaine of Foix in 1505. King
Ferdinand and Germaine had one son, but hepassed away in 1509. King Ferdinand
remained ruler of Castile until his death on January 23, 1516. Upon his death, the
crowns of all the Spanish kingdoms were passed to his grandson, Charles I, ruler
of the Netherlands and heir to the Roman Empire as Charles V. King Ferdinand
was buried at the Royal Chapel of Granada.During the reign of the Catholic King
the power of the throne continued to grow. The nobles and parliament lost power,
while the church was used as an instrument of political power. Many of King
Ferdinand s policies had long lasting effects, especially the removal of the Jews and
Muslims from Spain. King Ferdinand s policies also allowed conversions of large
areas into grazing land for the benefit of the wool industry. By supporting Christopher
Columbus exploration of the New World he laid the foundation for Spain s colonies
in the New World. During the reign of King Ferdinand, Spain became an Atlantic
power and revolution commerce for Europe.Bibliographyп‚· Ferdinand and Isabella.
Compton s by Britannica. Britannica Online for Kids.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,
2017. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.п‚· Ferdinand II.Sandbox Networks, Inc. publishing as
Infoplease. 2017
Personal Statement On The Field
When I was on a softball team a few years ago, me and my teammates would
communicate through the essentials of communication which are process, meaning,
and symbolic communication both on and off the baseball field. In example, when
we are on the field, we communicate in procedural ways in order to reach a goal. We
were engaging in action when we were practicing and using our knowledge when
implementing a strategic plan on how we would play the different opponents we
faced especially in crucial games. My teammates were all different races so we all
had different cultural backgrounds. There were people on my team who were of
American, African American, Asian, Lebanese, Puerto Rican, and Dominican
descent. Therefore, my language was constantly changing when communicating
between my Hispanic and American teammates. Our interpersonal competence and
determination to win depicted the outcome of our games. However, most of us
shared the same desire and effort in helping each other learn and grow with the team.
Before our games would begin, some teammates practiced different ways based on
their cultural roots. For instance, some Dominican teammates would practice their
hitting skills by playing a game that is popular in their country. The game consisted of
a long thin stick longer than a bat and thinner than a ruler. The balls that was used to
pitch to the hitter was the shape of a hockey puck only smaller and thinner. This
technique is mainly used to improve hitting skills and
How Did Marco Polo American Travel
Marco polo a well known European traveler along the Silk Road, he was the
greatest Kublai Khan s ambassador who was authorized to travel all over his
empire. He was born to a prominent family in the long distance trade. On this
essay, I will tell you a summary of his long journey to the city of Hangzhou, which
was known as Kinsay. This was discussed in the book, The Travels of Marco Polo.
Marco polo marks his account of Kinsay and how his accomplishment alternates
China s engagement with a wider world, and he also expresses his opinion of the city.
In his description of the Mongolian empire, he shows feelings of respect for Kublai
Khan, who was his current leader, whose skill in diplomacy and in war expanded the
vast empire, his admiration and possibly jealousy for the more advanced culture ...
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Yet, I do not believe that Marco Polo s love for the Mongolian empire, particularly
during the empire of Kublai Khan really captured the truth of the foreign land at the
time. Marco Polo was sent to Kinsay to explore and have something to talk about
when he was back about the culture, findings, people, climate, habitation, etc.
Throughout his residency, he provides a perfect picture of an excellent society in
Kinsay, he was overwhelmed with the size, complexity and the assets, how the city
possessed many powerful features, containing 12 guilds, 12,000 bridges of stone all
with big numbers of wealthy merchants, many elegant mansions and palaces and
Beyond Disciplinary Confinement And Imaginative...
Osazuwa Osayomwanbor
Sociology/Social Studies
Reading Summary (SOST 801)
Topic: Beyond Disciplinary Confinement to Imaginative Transdisciplinarity.
The society today is faced with various problems. Some have always been there,
others are new to us, yet others have evolved from their older modes and taken new
dimensions. For example we are not strangers to issues of democratization, but
certainly are faced with the changing mode of war and terrorism. And then, new
issues may include climate change. Whatever the category, man s eternal struggle is
to be able to resolve the issues that confront or threaten its existence. To do this man
depends on knowledge gained from studying the problems. However, as problems
evolve, they seem to become resistant to existing approaches, or at least, we seem
not to be able to resolve them using existing approaches. Thus those problems
become wicked problems. In this chapter, we discuss how such problems can be
resolved using transdisciplinary approach.
The relevance of the transdisciplinarity approach is seen in the nature of the problem.
Since problems are now multidimensional, then we agree that a single approach will
not sufficiently resolve it (Brown 2010:16). Hence we need a transdiciplinary
In chapter two of Brown (2010:16), there are some other reasons why we need a
transdiciplinary approach to wicked problems. They are:
1.Existing scientific approaches are to specialized or
The Sagrada Familia Essay
At first sight the Sagrada FamГlia is awe inspiring and breath taking and with this
has become recognized as the universal symbol for Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain s
capital city, and is unmistakably one of the most magnificent structures ever erected
in this region. Spain is embedded with cultural tradition and it is believed its rich
history is traced back somewhere within four hundred years of when Rome was
established. Thus, setting forth the foundation and importance of history and the
conviction of this culture to wrap their hearts around the place that has become what
Barcelonais recognized for. The Sagrada FamГlias design was perfected by Antoni
Gaudi, an architect, who was innovative and forward thinking in his creations and
who... Show more content on ...
Gaudi studied the natural form as a basis for his architectural detail and further
considered this as the spiritual basis of and for his designs. Gaudi wrote: Nature does
not present us with uniformly monotonous objects. Everything keeps its contrast,
more or less, stemming from the vitality of the colors (Alvarez 10).
The work of Antoni Gaudi falls under the movement of Modernism and therefore is
wrapped in the traits of exuberant forms, ornamentation, great attention to detail, vast
use of plant motifs, and the preference to curvilinear and asymmetrical line. Along
with his attention to great detail Gaudi integrated the use of ceramic tile, stained
glass, wrought iron works and master crafted carpentry which ultimately enhanced
the unique innovative design concepts in which he became noted for. Gaudi
introduced new techniques to the architectural world such as trencadis, which is a
type of mosaic made of waste ceramic pieces and which is one of the design details
incorporated throughout his work, one example being the spires of the Sagrada
FamГlia. Gaudi s work always involved a distinctive use of materials in particular the
use of texture and color arrangement which was almost always included along with
his imaginative style using ornamental ironwork. His wrought iron designs were
arrived at independently and frequently in advance of the comparable experiments of
mainstream Art Nouveau (Arnason and Mansfield 101). Gaudi
What s
annual report 2014
t s ha t.
W ex
Maxis Berhad
Annual Report 2014
We Are Maxis
We are the leading communications service provider in Malaysia, enabling both
individuals and businesses to connect and communicate anytime and anywhere. We
are passionate about what we do, and obsessed with providing an unmatched
experience to our customers.
Our customers enjoy a superior Internet experience, make voice calls and text, and
immerse themselves in an ever expanding universe of connected applications on the
most advancedcellular network, encompassing 3G and 4G LTE technologies.
Our passion drives us to innovate and market services that are worry free and
Always On for our ... Show more content on ...
Everything we do is tried and tested.
Maxis Berhad
Annual Report 2014
How We ve Performed
Mobile Subscriptions
Service Revenue
Challenging transformation year; operational indicators trending up
Growing revenue generating subscriptions again in second half 2014
Mobile Internet Users
Impacted by lower service revenue and higher marketing spend to support business
Modernised network supporting faster data speed
Impacted by lower EBITDA and accelerated depreciation on network modernisation
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation
Profit After Tax
Capital Expenditure
Commitment towards superior network and service experience
view the full results on
Financial Highlights
2013 2014
Service revenue
Financial Indicators (RM m)
Normalised EBITDA (1)
Profit from operations
Analysis Of The Film Super Size Me
The documentary is a personal view of the fast food industry. The director Morgan
Spurlock wanted to prove that the fast food industry has an impact on the growing
epidemic in America and its called obesity. Morgan Spurlock had to show the
effects of eating fast food for a month and how it would affect any human being.
Morgan Spurlock stated I m a willing to participant in that flawed way of life, eating
fast foodas often as I can and exercising as little as possible. The experiment idea
comes from two girls who were suing McDonald s for their obesity; however, the
judge ruled that there is no proof that their obesity and poor health is a result of
eating from fast foodplace such as McDonalds. Spurlock uses several techniques to
grab... Show more content on ...
The film doesn t put all the blame of obesity on fast food companies. People do
have free choice, but the point he makes is that these companies go out of their
way to make the food pretty much addictive through the use of sugar, fat, and
caffeine and that they go out of their way to hide how unhealthy this stuff really is.
On the other hand, there are some things in Spurlock s documentary which were a
little outrageous. The blame should not only be placed on fast food. I do strongly
believe that we all have the will power to walk in McDonalds and order a salad or
simply not go in and make McDonalds to make it a much wealthier company. The
director used great methods on how to get the message across and great graphics
to keep the audience entertained. I do believe is Spurlock would have eaten other
food that contained over 2500 calories a day, he would have still faced health
problems. Finally, he shows us pictures of him after he went back to his good
eating habits which imply how happy he is to be back in shape. I think he is trying
to send out the message that it s not too late for the viewer to change their eating
style and live a healthy
Women s Basketball History
The History of Women s Basketball You can t always be the strongest or most
talented person in the room, but you can be the most comparative. This was a
famous saying from basketball player, Pat Summitt. The early 1990 s was both a
great and not so great time for women s athletics. There were some very athletic
women who didn t get enough credit because they were judged by playing sports; it
made them not attractive. The NBA approved the proposal to begin the WNBA in
June 1997 (Valois). Many important things happened in the 90 s that made the
WNBA what it is today. Women have been playing basketball
for years, but it wasn t
official until April 24, 1996. Women s basketball announced We Got Next as the
NBA Board of Governors approved... Show more content on ...
After just two years, WNBA games were available in 125 different countries
(Ackerman). When looking back on women s history of playing basketball, one
team really stands out: UConn. The Huskies had an unbelievable seasons
throughout 1990 91. They won in 19 regular season Big East titles, 16 conference
tournament championships and 7 national titles, and most of all won the Final
Four tournament. This team enjoyed one winning season in the first 12 years of
existence. However, from 1989 91 the Huskies made it to the NCAA tournament
game 2 times, but was never able to win. In 1991 their record was 25/2, and they
were at the NCAA championship game, playing Philadelphia. Wendy Basom with
the Huskies had a team NCAA tournament record of 39 points, including a game
winning 3 point play on a driving layup where she was fouled with 19 seconds on
the board. Bascom was able to shoot a foul shot worth one point, to win the game
81 80. The Huskies had their first ever NCAA tournament championship win. Three
weeks later UCONN was ranked No. 24 in the first Associated Press national poll.
They defeated No. 2 team, Auburn with a final score of 67 63 in the Connecticut
Classic at Gampel Pavilion. They were within the national rankings the rest of the
season. The Huskies were motivated by many things but one thing really stood out to
them: their poster. In their lounge they had a poster hanging up of the 1991 Final
Four in New Orleans that
Compare And Contrast Sancho Panza And Don Quixote
The dynamic of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza is one of the ways Cervantes entices
his readers. He creates a stark contrast between these two characters right off the bat
and creates a rapport that leaves readers laughing. He establishes the contrast in
stature and mental state and creates two characters that, in time, learn to love and
complement each other greatly.
Don Quixote is a character who read so many books on chivalry, he was so absorbed
in these books that his nights were spent reading from dusk till dawn...until the lack
of sleep and the excess of reading withered his brain, and he went mad (Cervantes
p.26). considering it desirable and necessary, both for the increase of his honour and
for the common good [he becomes] a knight errant ... Show more content on ...
Sancho only plays the part of squire in hopes of becoming wealthy and owning his
own island. Quixote yearns to recreate this world he has long read of: chivalry,
battles with giants and evil beings and the rescue of maidens. However, in a more
realistic sense, Don Quixote deals with windmills, bedclothes, and injustices. While
Don Quixote represents illusion and imagination, Sancho Panza represents reality.
They complement each other in a dualistic way. They foil each other in such a way
that they might be seen as two halves of a whole. They represent a person who needs
to have imagination whilst living in reality, because too much reality is destructive
for any one man to deal with. However, their relationship, which is a combination of
idealism and realism, affects each other in a negative way, in terms of the things they
Khudiram Bose
Khudiram Bose
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | This article needs additional citations for
verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.
Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.(January 2010)|
| Khudiram Bose| Born| December 3, 1889
Habibpur, Midnapur| Died| 11 August 1908 (aged 18)| Nationality| Indian| Known for|
Indian freedom fighter|
Khudiram Bose (Bengali: ক্ষুদিরাম বসু Khudiram Boshu) (3
December 1889 11 August 1908) was a Bengali revolutionary, one of the youngest
revolutionaries early in the Indian independence movement. At the time of his
hanging, he was 18 years, 7 months 11 days old barely a legal ... Show more content
on ...
Immediately after settling down, they started planning and preparing for the attack.
They gave themselves a few days time to closely observe the daily routine, activities
and movements of their target, Kingsford taking note of his timings at the court, the
club and his house. They did not want to risk the lives of innocent people by making
an attack at the court during working hours. That led to the passing of a few more
days, and finally they decided that Kingsford had to be attacked either during his ride
from his house to the club, or vice versa, when he would be alone. During this time,
the two of them wrote to one of their mentors, Barindra Kumar Ghosh, the eminent
revolutionary and the younger brother of Sri Aurobindo, whenever they needed
money, addressing the Barindra with the code name Sukumar for safety. to
assassinate Kingsford, the Calcutta Presidency Magistrate, and later, magistrate of
Muzaffarpur, Bihar.
On the evening of 30 April 1908, the duo waited in front of the gate of the
European Club for the carriage of Kingsford to come. The time was around 8.30 pm.
When the carriage came out, they responded quickly, holding their pistols in one
hand as back up and throwing their bombs. The hit was a success and the carriage
blew up and started burning. The duo immediately left the place, covered themselves
in the darkness, and reached the railways station, where they parted to escape any
suspicion, boarding trains towards opposite directions. But
Negativity as A Cause of Decline
Negativity in the workplace and the demand of jobs are causing a decline in
American work ethic. Work ethic is a set of values that is based on hard work,
attitude, and character. The three main causes of negativity in the workplace are
people are negative, people are discriminated against, and single parents are trying to
raise their child(ren) while working. As negativity in the workplace increases, morale,
productivity, and work ethic decrease. When there is negativity in the workplace,
customers can be chased away. Negativity not only causes work ethic to decline, but
it causes the number of customers to decline. People that come into to work negative
can affect everyone else around them. Negative employees affect everyone that they...
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Single parents trying to make a living and be in their children s lives can also
cause negativity in the workplace. This can cause negativity because people are
asked to work overtime at work or switch hours with someone for a certain reason.
It s hard for a single parent to work overtime when they want to be in their children
s lives and they are the only parent in the household. It s also hard for them to
switch hours because when they find a job they usually try to find a job that gives
them hours while their children are in school so that they can be with them before
and after school and on the weekends. There are some jobs that fire people because
they can t work overtime or switch hours or ask for off time on a holiday. Some
single parents are even working minimum wage jobs just so that they have some kind
of income coming in to support them and their family. Dujon made a very good
point, If businesses had a work ethic they would gladly establish a family friendly
culture that allows parents to meet their children s physical, psychological and
financial needs. (Dujon par. 2) This is true because if a business had a work ethic
then they would understand the importance of family values. There are after school
programs, but most of them are too expensive for someone working a minimum or
low wage job and raising a family. It s also hard to find a baby sitter when most
people have a job and many people don t know their neighbors well enough to allow
Questions On Intelligence And Intelligence
Everyone has their own unique ability to understand complex ideas and use
reasoning to solve a problem. These capabilities are what we typically associate
with intelligence. However, intelligence cannot easily be defined by a single IQ
number on a scale or even by saying someone is smart or dumb in a certain area of
knowledge such as math or science. Each and every person is unique in their own
respect and there are a multitude of facets that contribute to the way we measure and
assess an individual s abilities to understand or adapt to a given situation.
Intelligence is a combination of an individual s ability to learn, pose problems, and
solve problems. Learning is the ability to combine education, experiences, and
training and transform that into background knowledge to be used later. Posing
problems is the ability to recognize that there is a problem in a given situation.
Problem solving includes not only finding a solution to a given problem, but by also
forming products and doing complex tasks. However, the way one may solve a
problem or overcome an obstacle can be completely different from another s solution.
These differences between individuals make it difficult to make a single measurement
of how smart or intelligent someone may be, but intelligence tests can be useful to
identifying strengths and weaknesses.
Since very early in history, many have strived to devise a way to measure the
intelligence of an individual. During the late 1800 s, English
The Immigration Act Of 1924
America is no foreigner to immigrants. From the pilgrims who came searching for
religious liberation to African slaves that had lost their liberty, America s history has
been shaped by the influx of immigrants from different parts of the world. As America
grew, it became, and still is, a promised land for many. As a result, immigration has
become a pivotal topic in the American culture and with time, the dynamics of
immigration has changed due to a shifting of focus between different immigrant
groups. From the Chinese exclusion act in 1882 to the Immigration Act of 1924,
which restricted Eastern European immigrants access to the USA, different groups of
people have been the principal focus of immigration reform (HISTORY Corporation,
2009). Since the early 20th century to present, the main group of focus with
immigration reform has been Hispanics, mainly Mexicans. From deportation to
discrimination, many Mexicans have struggled in the hands of immigration laws.
This pain is evident in the cultural marks Mexicans have left in American Culture. A
prime example of such mark is within the Chicano movement. Beginning in the
1960s, the Chicano movement aimed to address the social injustices that the Mexican
population faced in America. (Mendoza, 2001). From reinstatement of land rights to
voter and political rights, these social injustices propelled the Chicano movement to
fight for civil rights. This passion fueled multiple artistic expressions and many
Chicano artists mirrored
Annotated Bibliography On Plasmid Purification
Plasmid Purification Authors:
Kashaf Baig
Adam Jolly
Plasmids are circular chromosomes that are found in bacteria (and other cells), can
replicate independently (autonomous) and are separate from chromosomal DNA
(Wikipedia, 2017). The plasmids have various conformation but the most important
one is the negatively supercoiled conformation. (Wikipedia, 2017) also states that
plasmids are suitable for an organism s survival within the environment, as
chromosomes generally contain all the necessary genetic information of an organism
for normal conditions the plasmids on the other hand contain additional information
which becomes useful in certain living ... Show more content on ...
Then 30 Вµl of GelRed was added to the agarose TBE solution and then mixed
thoroughly. The gel was then poured onto a tray with a comb inserted to create the
wells and was left to set for about 30 minutes.
The 2nd method consisted of purification of the plasmid DNA provided (bacterial
culture). 1.5 ml of 3 bacterial culture was added to 3 different centrifuge tubes and
then centrifuged for 1 minute at about 8000 xg. The supernatant material from all
3 tubes was then discarded into 3% Virkon solution and the tubes were placed back
in the rack. Then 250 Вµl of P1 Lysis Buffer was added to the tubes and vortexed
followed by an addition of the same amount of Lysis Buffer P2 and mixed gently
by inverting the tubes 6 7 times, the tubes were then left to incubate for 5 minutes
at room temperature. 300 Вµl of Neutralisation Buffer P3 was added and then
mixed thoroughly by inverting the tubes. All the tubes were now centrifuged at
11,000 xg for 5 minutes taking into consideration that the centrifuge machine was
balanced when used to avoid any incomplete mixture. The tubes were then removed
and 750 Вµl was carefully added to 1.5 ml spin columns as to not disturb the white
residue (Na), the tubes were then again subject to centrifuge for 1 minute at 11,000
xg and the flow through discarded after the run. 500 Вµl of Wash Buffer PW1 was
added and centrifuged for a minute (at the same xg), after
The International Accounting Standards Boards
A (a)On 1 January 2005,all the stock exchange listed companies in Europe adopted
the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) written by the international
Accounting Standards Boards. According to IASB, the setting body of IFRS, their
primary objective is to develop a set of high quality, transparent ,understandable,
global accepted financial standards in the public interest (IFRS 2015) . Furthermore,
the statement made by European Commission also explained the benefits including
the elimination of barriers to international trades, the increasing of transparency and
comparability of company accounts, the improvement of comprehensive strength and
the rapid promotion of economic growth (Commission 2002). Based on the public...
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(b) The prior objective of mandatory adoption of IFRS is to facilitate cross border
comparability, increase reporting transparency and reduce information asymmetry
and thereby enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of capital market (Horton,
Serafeim Serafeim 2013). However, applying IFRS in different countries with
different enforcement mechanism can hardly achieve the accounting harmonization,
because companies are still willing to adopt their former national regulations that
reflect their requirements ,and therefore misled the users of financial report who do
not pay attention to these systematic differences by an uniformity on the surface
(Deegan 2014). In the given material, there has been various problems when EU
endorse the international accounting standards. Not only did the international
accounting significantly reflect the Anglo Saxon accounting practice rather than
continental European practice (Dewing Russell 2008) but also, political, business
differences might continue to impose substantial obstacles in the process of
accounting convergence and standardisation. Until then, whether the financial
information become more reliable and comparable after the adoption of IFRS is still
Driving Fast Essay
What is Driving Faster US Economic Growth? According to the latest live Q4 real
GDP growth forecast courtesy of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the US
economy is expected to expand +3.3% during the current quarter. Should this
expectation prevail, then the economy will have enjoyed three successive quarters
of GDP growth in excess of 3%, the first occurrence since 2004 H2 and 2005 Q1.
The biggest difference between the aforementioned period and the current
environment is the underlying strength of real final sales. Currently, real final sales
are averaging +2.8% over the past three quarters, while this metric was a more
robust +3.6% during the 2004 H2 and 2005 Q1 period. What are the driving sources
behind the recent faster... Show more content on ...
Meanwhile, the Conference Board s measure of consumer confidence recently
reached its highest level since December 2000, which, incidentally, coincided with the
peak of the 1991 2000 economic expansion. Furthermore, much of the improvement is
attributable to current conditions versus the anticipated backdrop six months hence.
Currently, perceptions about abundant job availability have reached their highest
levels since the summer of 2001. Historically, there has been a close correlation
between wage inflation and perceptions of job availability. There is, however, a
disconnection between the two during the current cycle, because wage inflation still
appears reluctant to breach +3%. Despite the apparent lack of upward pressure on
nominal wages, consumer confidence has been rising. This dichotomy is probably
explained by the low level of the so called misery index (the summation of consumer
price inflation and the unemployment rate). Moreover, real wage gains have been
positive due to the persistence of low inflation and this probably explains why,
despite modest nominal wage gains, consumers feel more upbeat. This situation
could, however, change if inflation rises, thereby pushing inflation adjusted changes
in labour compensation into negative territory. Upbeat US Consumers Appear to
Ignore Political Backdrop The 2016 Presidential Election spectacularly highlighted
long and simmering divisions within the US electorate. Crucially, the election also
Ethical Marketing Techniques And Its Effects On The...
To what extent unethical marketing techniques could damage the sustainable
business environment. Discuss.
Marketing is like a double edged sword, if it is adopted properly, it will give profits to
a company; however, if it is used inadequately, it will give harm. It is undeniable that
today s business operations have more intense competition level against each other
due to the advancement of technology that allows people to receive more
information. Marketing plays the key role in making products being recognized by
consumers. To get people s attention, some massages about the product need to be
sent to the target market. With the high level of competition, the unethical marketing
issues arise in order to make their own firms gain more ... Show more content on ...
To illustrate, the famous fast food restaurant, Burger King, used the famous clown
character, Ronald McDonald, from its competitor s company, McDonald s, in Burger
King s TV advertisement. It is obvious that the advertisement tries to communicate
that even Ronald McDonald chooses Burger King s hamburger (MARQUES, 2005).
And, this is misleading as it effects McDonald s reputation. In addition, this TV
advertisement was banned in Germany and was a big discussion issue in Netherlands
(van Leeuwen, 2005; MARQUES, 2005).
Figure 2: Ronald McDonald visits Burger King advertising campaign
The sustainable business environment can be greatly impacted by these unethical
marketing practices. More and more companies use unethical techniques to market
their target group, and sometimes, to beat their competitors. Those companies may
select the unethical way to do marketing and may claim that it is technically legal as
the action is not against the law, but it fails in term of the ethical view. Nevertheless,
it is not worth for those companies to apply unethical marketing strategies as there are
negative consequences from using these unethical tactics. Before discussing about the
negative impacts of immoral marketing techniques, let s take a look at the sustainable
business environment first. Lee Cockerell, the former executive vice president of
Edward In The Film Edward Scissorhands
In the film Edward scissorhands, directed by Tim Burton an admirable character is
Edward. Edward is an admirable character because of his loyalty to the people he
loves, his selflessness and how he tries really hard to fit in but realises he is better
off at his castle than in suburbia.
Edward is an admirable character and displays acts of loyalty throughout the film. We
see this quality in Edward when he knowingly breaks into Jim s house. This shows
his loyalty towards Kim because kim was the one to ask Edward to help them break
in. Kim asks Edward, Why d you do it? to which Edward replys, Because you asked
me to This shows how Edward is trying to express his love and loyalty towards Kim.
he In this exchange between Edward and Kim, Burton ... Show more content on ...
Edward has this burning desire to fit in and to be like the people of suburbia and to
be normal. But as the film progresses he begins to realise that he doesn t fit in and
that he is actually better off on his own in his castle. At the very beginning of the
film when Edward first meets Peg his first words are, I m not finished this shows
how Edward wants to be normal . To Edward he is normal but to the people of
suburbia he is a, perversion of nature this is in Esmeralda s words. Through out the
film edward tries to fit in but struggles. An example of Edward trying to fit in is
when he is at the BBQ and the men are cooking the meat,Edward tries to be like the
other men and makes kababs on his scissorhands. This shows how he is trying to
fit in because he is trying to be like the men in suburbia and do the bbq while the
woman are left to do the gossiping and socialising. As the film progressed Edward
see that he fits in less and less and so do the people of suburbia. Towards the end the
neighbours shun Edward and he becomes wanted by the police for an something he
did after he has an epiphany to the fact that he doesn t belong and isn t wanted in
suburbia by the suburbians with the exception of Kim. JIm says to him, who the hell
do you think you are hanging out around here huh?... get the hell outta here, Freak!
This is then
David Brewster The Color Of Water Quotes With Page
Part A: Characterization
I want MY life, not HIS death... (p.205) This quote is thought be Brewster. His
uncle is having a stroke in front of him, and he is taking it away from him. He is
thinking to himself that he wants to live, and be free from Uncle Hoyt s pain. He
doesn t want to die Uncle Hoyt s death. Brewster wants to live free and not have to
suffer under Uncle Hoyt.
Part B: Quote Analysis
B. One of these days you re gonna test me, and there ll be no one getting hurt but you.
Brewster tells this to Uncle Hoyt. I think Brewster means that one day he won t
care about Uncle Hoyt and Uncle Hoyt will feel his own pain with no one to take it
away. He is saying he will stop caring for him, and make him suffer in his own pain.
Brewster is now some what fighting back ... Show more content on ...
Clumsy person: She was a klutz.
2. Divine (p.162) they contain divine wisdom. D. Holy, powerful: He was a
divine dancer.
3. Reluctant (p.185) I will reluctantly admit that I am also a victim of species
numbness. D. Hesitant: The dog was reluctant to the human food.
4. Primal (p.191) ... I ll admit I had a primal kind of desire to see those muscles in
motion. D. Wild: The dog had primal instincts.
5. Emancipate (p.193) ..and I can become an emancipated minor. D. Set free, release:
Abraham Lincoln emancipated freedom to slaves.
6. Console (p.195) My friends came out to console and support me, calling Tennyson
every name in the book... D. Comfort and encourage: He tried to console her, but she
pushed away.
7. Ferment (p.197) But the fear fermenting to dread... D. Aging, changing: The drink
began to ferment over time.
8. Idle (p.213) ...because you know what they say about idle hands and all... D. Lazy,
unmoving: The car was idle during the show.
9. Dynamic (p.215) ...and how good both Dad and I felt with Brew in the mix,
changing the whole family dynamic. D. Process, change: The economy was
Kingdom Of Heaven Research Paper
The Unrevealed Truth
In this essay I will be summarizing the myths to the truths, of the movie Kingdom of
Heaven to the real life history facts. Therefore Hollywood changed the facts to
myths. I will be focusing on the longbow creation, relationships, and killing Arabs.
In the movie Kingdom of Heaven, the longbow was used in the time of the movie.
Unfortunately the longbow was really invented around 1180 C.E.. Created by the
Celts in Wales. Which the longbow was not really used by the English military
until the 1300s. A longbow is a an incredibly strong piece of wood roughly 6 feet
tall and 5/8 inch wide. The longbow started becoming a great, well known weapon.
The Hundred Years War was where the longbow really showed its strength. In some
of the war s most decisive battles the longbow was the weapon that turned the tides.
One memorable example: The Battle of Crecy War.
Relationships in the movie Kingdom of Heaven was not one hundred percent
accurate. There is actually no given proof or records of any romance between
Sibylla, (Balian alleged wife in the movie) and Balian. But really, Sibylla and
Baldwin, Balian brother, had love interest between each other. Sibylla was the...
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Also, Reynald was a Templar himself. In reality, the Knights Templar was a religious
order that swore their fealty to the Pope and only the Pope. No secular order,
including the King of Jerusalem, had any authority over them. The history of the
Knights Templar incorporates about two centuries during the Middle Ages. From the
Order s founding in the early 12th century, until it was disbanded in the early 14th
century. Back then the Knights wouldn t have been publicly hanged in Jerusalem,
with the power Templars had. Military and economically, no King of Jerusalem
would have considered such
How Team Dynamics Affect Individual Behavior
Team work is common in almost all workplaces educational settings and can often
have many benefits but also can have some complications that are lesser known. A
team can be defined as a body of people united by a common purpose or joined by a
common goal. All groups/teams travel through The 5 Stages of Group Development
developed by Bruce Tuckman in 1963. There are many benefits to team work but
individuals working alone can be more effective. Team Dynamics can be greatly
affected by how members interact with one another which is based heavily on the
individual personality of team members. Personality refers to one s individual
differences . Variations in personality include individual s thoughts, emotions,
behavior, characteristics ... Show more content on ...
Some personalities can be a challenge to manage when in a team environment.
Dominant personalities can make it difficult for other members to contribute. To
manage the team dynamic it is important the facilitator ensure everyone
participates equally. Dominant personalities tend to be confident, direct, decisive,
assertive and impatient. These characteristics can have a place these individuals
can make great leaders but to tend to intimidate create conflict amongst the team
which obviously impacts the dynamic therefor performance (McClain, 2015).
Deceptive, aggressive and also passive personalities along with others are also
difficult for varying reasons but can equally affect the dynamics of a team. Some
personality types are more open to others and more incline to regard differing
perspectives. Certain types are averse to taking risks and then there are others
others who are excited by risk taking. Some are provoked by the challenge of an
unsolved dilemma, while others are quickly impaired overwrought and fall into
idleness. Certain types make intuitive leaders while others are more complacent
prefer to follower. Other personality types are strong communicators while others find
it very difficult to articulate their thoughts feelings (Hollister 2006). Every personality
has the capability to make a positive addition and to contribute overall success of the
team but getting the proportion of
Essay On Loss Of Social Security
During the early 1900s, people had to walk and travel extended distances just to
communicate and interact with other people. Now in the present, we can easily
contact someone and see what they are doing with a few movements of our thumbs.
This is all thanks to the revolutionary invention of the phone and the evolution of
our phones throughout time. Yes, the phone provides us with countless benefits but
there are also some slight disadvantages to the phone such as the lack of privacy
that comes from using the phone. Fortunate for us, there are ways that we can
prevent this loss of privacy and keep our privacy tight and secured. Ways such as
keeping your passwords at a high level of difficulty, keep track of everything on your
phone, and protecting your social security number. Increasing the level of difficulty
on all of your passwords is an essential function to keeping all your privacy safe and
secure. We protect our private accounts with passwords so that we can be the only
ones to access the account. We don t want anyone intruding our privacy and logging
into our accounts... Show more content on ...
Your social security number is 9 digit identification that represents you. Everyone
in the United States has a social security number which also means that everyone in
the United States can be threatened by people trying to steal this very important set
of numbers. In the article, it states that If SSNs are publicly displayed, as is the
case in some educational establishments when posting grades, for instance, privacy
of personal data suffers. The SSN is also at risk of being copied and used illegally
elsewhere. This proves that your social security number can be stolen and be used in
ways that really hurt you and your family. Just like the governments protects their
nuclear launch codes, you should be protecting your social security number with the
A Day In Navy Basic Training Case Study
A Day in Navy Basic Training E book or Traditional book should be people s choice?
There is ongoing debate on whether the e book format or traditional book format is
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own pros and cons. There is no surprise in this age people are advancing in
According to Wikipedia, with the help of Internet growing there is increase in digital
printed material. Although more and more books are printed digitally there is no
shortage of printed books. What medium people choose to read, Reading e books and
traditional books have similarities and differences in the cost, health, and convenience.
In the cost department, traditional book is expensive but can get it free ... Show more
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Sometimes downloading e books can be a time consuming and lengthy process if
the Internet is slow. Technology is always changing with time, many older adults
are unfamiliar with the e readers, and they still prefer a traditional book to e books.
Traditional books are simple to access. This makes it convenient for the people of all
Buying traditional books can be expensive when bought at standard retail price,
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Examples Of Archetypes In The Birthmark
In The Birthmark the relationships and behaviors of the character reveal much more
than the story itself does. The characters of Aylmer, Georgian, Amenidab and Nature
itself, through their words, actions, and behaviors give insight into a much more
meaningful story. A deeper analysis of the characters reveals that they are archetypes,
and as archetypes they provide a deeper hidden meaning to the story. By looking at
Aylmer, Georgiana, Amenidab and Natures relationships and actions throughout the
story we can see how they are used to give deeper significance. The character of
Aylmer can be seen as a sinister, mad scientist who constantly fights with naturein
order to attain human perfection. From the beginning of the story Aylmer s... Show
more content on ...
Once again this shows Aylmer is not concerned about his wife but rather his victory
of nature itself. Aylmer s true motives can be seen at the end of the story after he has
given Georgiana the liquid that supposedly will take the mark away. Matter and spirit
earth and heaven have both done their part in this! Laugh, thing of the senses! You
have earned the right to laugh (Hawthorne 231). This shows Aylmer s moment of
ecstasy as he seems to have defied nature and begins to laugh in the face of nature
itself. This undirected, almost insane laughter shows Aylmer s true motive of defying
nature and creating perfection through science. The archetype of Georgiana can be
seen as the perfect women, however, her birthmark acts as a symbol of imperfection
and mortality that keeps her from fully pleasing her husband. Georgiana is described
as beautiful and perfect except for one flaw, the birthmark. It was the fatal flaw of
humanity which Nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffaceably on all her
productions, either to imply that they are temporary and finite, or that their perfection
must be wrought by toil and pain (Hawthorne 220). The hand shaped birthmark can
be seen as her being touched by nature and acts as a symbol of imperfection and
mortality in humans. The symbol of the birth mark standing for mortality can be seen
again towards the end
Scott Walker Controversial 2011 Budget Proposal
Abstract Scott Walker controversial 2011 budget proposal eliminate most collective
rights for Wisconsin state employees. He is the first governor to win a recall
election. Scott walker was reelected the seat of Wisconsin State Assembly.
Scott Walker: The Withdraw
Tell about his life while he was young. Describe Scott Walker 2011 budget proposal.
Information about the college he went to then tell how he became a governor and
became a presidential candidate. Tell you about the why he withdrawn, from being a
presidential candidate.
Scott Kevin Walker was born in November 2, 1967 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Scott Walker mother Patricia Ann Walker was a bookkeeper. Llewellyn Scott Walker,
the father of presidential candidate Scott Walker, was a Baptist minister. Scott
Walkers family moved to Delavan, Wisconsinwhen he was 10 years old.
When Scott Walker was in high school he was selected to represent Wisconsin, in
Washington D.C., for boy nation. While Scott Walker was in Washington D.C. he
met Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan inspired Scott Walker and became his role
model. From then on Walker was really into politics.
Scott Walker attended Marquette University from 1986 to 1990. He was active in
student government but never finished school at Marquette University. Scott walker
was elected student senator with a couple of weeks of college. Later on Scott ran for
student president but, was founded guilty of starting his campaign to early. Scott
Walker told reporters
Vapor Pressure Lab
Volatile liquids are prevalently used in the perfume industry. Because of their
evaporative nature, feasibility is a top concern from both a shipping and
manufacturing standpoint. Therefore, it is necessary to ship the most viable
chemicals under specific conditions . This experiment tested the relationship between
vapor pressure and molar mass and the relationship between vapor pressure and
temperatureusing four alcohols (amyl alcohol, ethanol, methanol, and 2 propanol) to
assess whether n hexanol or an alternative alcohol should be used and how the
alcohol should be transported. From the graph trend lines, a negative slope showed
that molar mass was inversely proportional to vapor pressure, and a positive slope
showed that temperature was directly proportional to vapor pressure. It was
concluded that n hexanol transported at colder temperatures would most effectively
minimize the alcohol s volatility.
INTRODUCTION ... Show more content on ...
Boiling point is the temperature at which the vapor pressure equals the ambient
atmospheric pressure.2 Therefore, a substance with a lower boiling point is also
one with a higher vapor pressure because it requires less energy to increase for
vapor pressure to equal ambient atmospheric pressure. Another example is that
vapor pressure can serve as an effective indicator of a substance s degree of
volatility, a substance s tendency to vaporize.3 Because a substance with higher
vapor pressure has greater tendencies of both evaporation and condensation in
equilibrium, it will also vaporize more readily.4 This, in particular, will be a central
Federal Reserve Bank Of New York Essay
According to Federal Reserve Bank of New York, The Balance of Payment (BOP)
is a statement used by a country to summarize an economy s transactions with the
rest of the world by both private and public sectors for a specified time period,
usually every quarter or year. It is known as Balance of International Payment , it
involves all transactions between a country s residents and its non residents
involving goods, services and income, financial claims on and liabilities to the rest of
the word. If a country has received money, this is known as a credit , and if a
country has paid or given money, the transaction is counted as a debit . Theoretically,
the BOP should be zero, meaning that assets (credits) and liabilities (debits) should
balance; however, in the reality, this is rarely the case.
The BOP is divided into 3 main categories: the current account, the capital account,
and the financial account (Reem Heakle, 2015).
1. The Current Account The current account refers to the export and import of goods
and services into a country. Within the current account are credits and debits on the
trade of merchandise, including goods such as raw materials and manufactured goods
that are bought, sold or given away in the form of aid. Services refer to receipts from
tourism, transportation, engineering, business service fees such as lawyers or
management consulting, and royalties from patents and copyrights, and income
generating assets such as stocks. Last but
An Analysis Of The Muscular System
To begin with, the muscular system basically makes movement. Every step you take,
every time you blink your eyes and eve when you swallow food, that is the muscular
system doing its job. The muscular system also helps maintain homeostasis by
maintaining body temperature which happens when you contract, which is the
shortening of a musclewhile pulling against the bones, you are releasing heat which
is helping regulate your body temperature. Another job that the muscular system has
is maintaining our body s posture. These are some examples of involuntary things
that your bones do, meaning that they do it without you personally consciously
controlling them. Some examples of voluntary movement, which is when you re
consciously controlling it,
Because I Could Not Stop for Death
Because I could not stop for Death
In Emily Dickinson s poem Because I could not stop for Death the main theme
seems to be the acceptance of Death. Emily gives reference to the theme by using
death in the first line. The poem is unique and interesting because she presents Death
in a different way by referring to it as an escort taking her on a journey towards
eternity rather than making it seem like something frightening. Each stanza of the
poem breaks down the journey through the stages of her life that leads to the end
where the speaker reaches eternity and she finally realizes that she is no longer
living. In the fifth stanza when she refers to the coffin as her house gives the
impression that she s comfortable with death ... Show more content on ...
At the end of the poem, Immortality is changed into Eternity, which is an
uncomfortable change. The poems written by Emily are personal and inviting.
Frost believes that Because I could not stop for Death, is one of the finest poem
written by Dickinson on the theme of what lies beyond death, both in cosmic
terms and in the feeling of those bound to die, she presents the reader with the
strangeness of such a condition. Frost goes on to imply that the poem allows us to
feel our own discomfort at not fully knowing, despite what we might surmise, and
to experience fears and wonders about time s evanescence and the mystery of death
. She says we yearn for immortality, so he accompanies one of us, the one invited
into death s carriage. We feel the yearning and the fear as Dickinson must once have,
their expression being so palpable, and while we do the poem belongs to us,
common readers (Modern Lit).
The critic Sharon Cameron points out two outlooks to take on the first line of
Because I could not stop for Death . In one respect, the assertions of the speaker
that she could not stop for Death must be taken as the romantic protest of a self not
yet disabused of the fantasy that her whim will withstand the larger temporal
demands of the external world. In another respect, we must see the first line not only
as willful but also as the admission of a disabling fact. Cameron states the poem
presumes to rid death of its otherness, to familiarize it,
My New York City
During my second day for my New York City trip, me and my friends decided to go
ahead and check out a bit early from the hotel Gallivant . Our plan was to go ahead
and walk around the city before heading to our corporate site visits planned for the
rest of the day. At that morning, I hurriedly took a shower, packed my luggage and
waited for my other friends in the hotel lobby. My friends were Arya, who is a fun
loving guywho always has room for a joke or two; Andrew who is the quiet one in
the group, Dhillon perhaps the most culturally centric person in the group who is
always enthusiastic and lastly John who is a tall, lanky kid who at times can be
clumsy and awkward.
At around 12pm is for when we were all ready and decided to go and walk around the
city, specifically in the Time Square region. The five of us were walkingon this
gloomy and windy day dressed in our business professional outfits. Crowds of
people were passing by as this central hub was illuminate with billboards from
Nike, Polo, McDonalds and Coca Cola. I remember seeing outdoor cafГ© sitting
areas and people constantly wandering left and right to the shopping stores. I
remember the selfies people took and the hustling of crowds moving to the next
attraction like ants swarming in colonies. There was a case of red bleachers toward
the center of time square.
We had a thirst for adventure despite the blanket of darkness covering the city. Our
first stop was at the shopping hub at a place called Swatch a
The Identity of a Professional Counselor
There are numerous factors that contribute to the development of a counselor s
professional identity. The identity of a professional counselor may present numerous
differences based on the specialization of counseling, as well as, overall identity
factors that remain the same across the entire counseling spectrum. The paper
examines key philosophies of the counseling professionwhich include: wellness,
resilience, and prevention and how these philosophies impact the counseling
profession. Next it will discuss the characteristics of an effective professional
counselor in two different professional roles and two professional counseling
associations. Further, it will look at state licensure and certification requirements and
professional development. Lastly, focus will be put on the rise of technology in the
modern society and how it plays a role in the counseling profession.
Multiple philosophies that have been developed in the counseling profession are
based on wellness, resilience, and prevention. The root of wellness dates back
2,000 years, where Aristotle, was perhaps, the first person to write about wellness
(Myers and Sweeney, 2008). Two wellness models, with enough empirical evidence
to be reviewed, are The Wheel of Wellness: A Theoretical Model and The
Indivisible Self: An Evidence Based Model of Wellness. The original wellness
models were based in the realm of physical health science and eventually was
developed into a model based in counseling (Myers and Sweeney,
Comparison of Genesis 1 2
Brady Pair
Dr. Stewart
REL 1330 Introduction to Christianity HONORS Section
September 18, 2013
Comparison between Genesis 1 Genesis 2 The story of creation begins with
Genesis 1 and 2, it explains how the world and it s living inhabitants were created
from God s touch. From Genesis 1 we see how the sky, seas, land, animals, and
mankind were created. However Genesis 2 focuses more on the first of mankind,
known as Adam and Eve and how they are made to be. In this paper I will compare
Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 and what the main idea for creation is in each one,
however in my opinion there is no contradiction between the two. Genesis 2 merely
fills in the details that are headlined in Genesis 1. In Genesis 1 we learn how God
created the ... Show more content on ...
Another possibility is that there were two stories being told and the writer could
not decide which one to put in the bible, so he put both. Though there are two
clashing stories, the basic idea for this story of creation can still be seen. This
might explain why Genesis 1 has a broader spectrum of creation and why Genesis
2 focuses mainly on the creation of man. In Genesis 1 the names of man are not
even mentioned. In Genesis 2 however we come to learn that their names are
Adam (male) and Eve (female). Also in Genesis 2 we learn exactly how Eve is
created; Goad takes a rib from Adam and makes Eve from that rib. Then she is
called woman, because she is made from man (Gen 2:23). This appears nowhere in
Genesis 1.
Another possibility is that Genesis was also put in the Bible to show us how
important the creation of man was. After all we are the only things that God
created in his image (Gen 1:26). God makes a garden in Eden and puts Adam in
the eastern part of Eden to care over and keep it in order. He then instructs him
about what trees to eat from and which to not eat from. Before God makes him a
helper (on the 6th day) he brings all the creatures to Adam to name all the animals
and birds (Gen 2:15). Then God reflects back at what he previously made before
man. (Gen 1:24 25 explains the creatures made from the earth according to its kind )
and has Adam name them before he puts him asleep to operate on him to give him
his wife
Peripheral Neuropathy Research Paper
A Peripheral Neuropathy A peripheral neuropathy is an injury to the peripheral
nerves which can result in pains and weakness of the hands and feet. A peripheral
neuropathy can be caused by a traumatic injury or an infection. Symptoms and sings
for a peripheral neuropathy depend on the types of nerves that are affected
including: sensory, motor and autonomic nerves. The signs and symptoms of these
three types of nerves are: pains as burning in the hands, arms, feet or legs, weak
muscles, falling down, dizziness and digestion problems etc... There are a lot of
reasons why a person will have a peripheral neuropathyincluding alcohol, infection,
diabetes, medications, inherited and taking poisons. Moreover, it s safer to see a
specialist in
Descartes And Nietzsche s View On The Mind And Body...
I am thinking, therefore I exist (Discourse on Method 15)
In his Discourse on Method, Rene Descartes offers the above proposition, in response
to the radical doubt (Discourse on Method 15)This implies that, even the human
ability to doubt one s existence is proof that humans are thinking beings, and
therefore must exist in the universe, despite all else. Nietzsche has written in contrast
to this statement, discussing the contradictions and assumptions surrounding the
proposition. Stemming from this initial premise, both Descartes and Nietzsche go on
to discuss the mind/body problem. Descartes argues for the separation of mind and
body, while Nietzsche offers a premise based on a deep connection between the
two. I seek to compare the writings of both philosophers, and explore holes in
judgment and scope on the part of Descartes, and prove as to why Nietzsche s
discussions are superior of the two.
Descartes discusses the existence of the human mind as a separate entity from the
human body, including the a passage confirming his own existence as nothing but
a thinking entity, in his writing Principles of Philosophy (I. 63 65). Following his
rejection of all knowledge, in order to divide what was false from what could be
proven, Descartes strives to prove the existence of his own mind, as a basis from
which to prove the existence of the rest of the universe. I think his premise is flawed,
Through the concept of doubt, he finds a contradiction (I am thinking about not
Fantastic Manufacturing Case Analysis
Fantastic Manufacturing Inc Financial Analysis based upon projections
Executive brief
Forecasting activity being carried on by the principals of Fantastic for their
business of ceiling fans marketing and assembling that was rapidly growing. Basic
purpose behind making the forecasts was the decision on assembling and
importing ceiling fans. The idea was to find a low priced, assemble it yourself fan
from Taiwan and Hong Kong. These ceiling fans were cost effective as they
reduced cooling cost during summer and heating cost during winter. The product
has cost advantage. The customers were pleased with the product due to various
reasons including timely delivery, high level of service, warranty of seven year on
fans, etc. The rise in revenue was rapid starting from the year of operations. The
key period of business was from April to September were revenues were equal to
65% of total revenue as the product was seasonal. The basis of forecasting for the year
1981 1982 is the expectations of sales by Mr. Turner Mr. Rose. It is given that total
sales were $ 15.80 million in first half of year 1981 and the total sales in 1981 to
reach $ 30 million. Profit after tax was expected to be $ 1 million for 1st half and we
assumed for the next half, profit will be in proportion to first half expected to be
amounting to $ 0.90 million. For year 1982, the sales expectation by Mr. Rose was
around more than $ 71 million
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Find X Essay. X paragraph writing_part 2_120_alpha

  • 1. Find X Essay Writing an essay on the topic "Find X" presents a unique set of challenges that require a thoughtful and creative approach. At first glance, the prompt might seem straightforward, but delving into it reveals a complexity that demands careful consideration. The challenge lies in striking a balance between logical reasoning and imaginative exploration. One difficulty arises from the ambiguity of the topic itself. "X" is a variable, a symbol that can represent a multitude of ideas across various disciplines. Deciding on the specific interpretation and scope of "X" becomes a critical task, as it sets the tone for the entire essay. This ambiguity, while allowing for creativity, can also be a stumbling block if one struggles to define and articulate a clear perspective. Furthermore, the essay requires a blend of analytical skills and creative thinking. Crafting a compelling argument or exploration around the concept of "X" involves not only logical reasoning but also the ability to think outside the conventional boundaries. It demands a depth of understanding to connect seemingly disparate concepts and draw meaningful conclusions. The challenge intensifies when attempting to avoid clichГ©s and overused interpretations. With a topic as broad as "Find X," there is a risk of falling into common tropes and predictable conclusions. Writers must strive to bring a fresh perspective, offering insights that go beyond the obvious and challenge the reader's assumptions. Additionally, maintaining coherence and flow can be challenging, given the vastness of potential interpretations. The essay should not read like a disconnected series of ideas but rather as a cohesive exploration that guides the reader through the thought process. Striking this balance between depth and clarity requires careful planning and revision. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "Find X" is a challenging endeavor that demands a combination of analytical prowess and creative flair. Navigating the ambiguity of the topic, avoiding clichГ©s, and maintaining coherence are all hurdles that require careful consideration. However, with perseverance and a thoughtful approach, one can unravel the layers of meaning behind "X" and deliver a compelling and engaging essay. For those seeking assistance with essays or facing difficulties in tackling such complex topics, it's worth exploring resources like, where similar essays and much more can be ordered to ease the writing process and enhance the overall quality of academic work. Find X Essay Find X Essay
  • 2. Dance Monologue The soundtrack of my life is for all the people, whether it was friends, family, or complete strangers, who helped me learn the important things in life. In this narrative, I tried to display moments when I learned a vital lesson of life. The TV is blaring a song while displaying such graceful dancers spin and sway to the beat. At the age of five, I stare at the screen, mesmerized by the vibrant colors and fast paced actions. My friends, Honey and Astha, and I try to sing with the music. We sound like dying cats. We also try to mimic the dancers agile movements after realizing our singing attempt is a fail. The awkward motions of our hands and feet do not flow. They seem almost robotic. After a moment of this clumsy attempt of a dance, Honey ... Show more content on ... The girls stand on the left and the boys on the right. Is that too hard to grasp? Aunt Vio marches up onto the stage and places us in our positions. Just as she walks away, the music begins and we hear our cue to start dancing. Unlike Ami and Trisha, I don t have butterflies in my stomach; I feel fine. I move to the rhythm replaying the choreography in my mind. We punch, shake, and do a slide, enjoying the thrill of the moment. From the slides to the kicks, the audience of IASA members loves us showing that even strangers can make you feel special. On a late Sunday morning, I am standing next to the stove watching the ever still pot of tea. The amazing fragrance of cardamom, ginger, and tea travels throughout the kitchen and the hot steam warms my freezing fingers. I wait patiently for the tea to boil, but as they say, A watched pot never boils. To occupy my time, I begin to sing Clarity, my favorite song at the moment. Lost in my singing, I do not notice the pot starting to boil and is about to overflow. At the sizzling sound of the overflowed tea, I open my eyes to stare at my mistake. I rapidly grab the pot and set it on the cool countertop. Grabbing a napkin, I try to wipe the burnt remains of the tea. With this experience in mind, I know I will never repeat this mistake
  • 3. Protest In Gerbaudo s Tweets And The Streets What is protest?/Examples? Protests and social movements usually take place within state systems. State authorities and decision makers concerning the change and reforms responding to the demands of protestors are usually the intended targets. Whilst the majority of social movements and protests within the 21st century are aimed at the state, it is still known for protestors to occasionally challenge non state establishments like religious organizations and university administrations (Johnston, 2011:1). Social movements includes a range of political activities including but not limited to demonstrations, marches, protests, press conferences, strikes, presentations and even sometimes violent confrontations (Johnston, 2009:8). Previous Protest ... Show more content on ... There are structures that have formed as a result of protest, that are really powerful. It is just that you did not need those structures to begin protest. You are enough to start a movement. Individual people can come together around things that they know are unjust. And they can spark change. Your body can be part of the protest; you don t need a VIP pass to protest. And Twitter allowed that to happen. Ferguson exists in a tradition of protest. But what is different about Ferguson, or what is important about Ferguson, is that the movement began with regular people. There was no Martin, there was no Malcolm, there was no NAACP, it wasn t the Urban League. People came together who didn t necessarily know each other, but knew what they were experiencing was wrong. And that is what started this. What makes that really important, unlike previous struggle, is that who is the spokesperson? The people. The people, in a very democratic way, became the voice of the struggle (Belartsky,
  • 4. Which Metal Out Of Galvanized Iron The problem of the experiment is: which metal out of galvanized iron, copper, stainless steel, and steel will rust the least in acetic acid? The hypothesis is: If Copper is placed in the acetic acid then it will be the material that loses the least mass when mass lost is related to material submerged. The independent variable is what type of metal is being used. The dependent variable is the percent of mass lost while submerged in the vinegar. The controls include the amount of vinegar per sample, the same person pouring the vinegar, the same scale taking measurements, and the same amount of time submerged in the vinegar. The standard of comparison is how much the mild steel corrodes because that is the metal currently used to make the gas tanks at gas stations. The experiment designed to test this starts with cleaning of five different samples of copper, iron, mild steel, and stainless steel. After that, the mass of each sample is measured using an electronic balance. Then, each sample is put in a cup, and submerged in 200 mL of vinegar. They are then left in the vinegar for about 24 hours. Next, after the 24 hour period, each sample is then taken out, cleaned, and measured again. This process is repeated one more time. After the experiment is done, you calculate the percent of each sample lost by day, and find the average of those. Then, the metals are compared by percent of mass lost to find the most corrosion resistant. Materials... Show more content on ... There is also five samples of copper, iron, mild steel, and stainless steel. Another item used is an electronic balance. Even more things used for this experiment are vinegar, steel wool, water, paper towel, and a
  • 5. Case Study on Economic and Environmental Impact of Biogas... CASE STUDY ON ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF BIOGAS PLANTS ON FARMERS IN PAKISTAN Submitted By: M. Zohaib Alam B.Sc Economics May 21, 2009 School of Social Sciences Beaconhouse National University 2007 2011 PREFACE The following case study has further led me to begin construction of the first biogas plant, with the consultation of PDDC, at Ijaz Rahim‟s farm which is near Head Baloki. I wish to further add on to this case study at a later time and experiment with the technology to produce electricity and provide a fully organic residence for the crops and cattle at the BT Dairy Farm (see Image 8). To begin with, I have been designated about 5 acres of farm land, to house about 50 cattle, which in turn will provide all the ... Show more content on ... This is highly due to the fact that 70% of Pakistan population is involved in the agricultural sector which counts for 35% of our export earnings, and thus for the sake of building a solid foundation for development a nation must start from the bottom up. Crux of the Environmental and Economic Problem and Providing a Solution Adapting to Biogas is an initiative that can help keep the environment substantially cleaner by avoiding the uncontrollable release of the green house gas methane, which is released form decomposing cow or buffalo dung. Also, since Pakistan is covered with only 5% forestation, whereas the average country should have at least 25% forest cover, Biogas is an alternative of wood use and will correlate with increasing forest cover since people will turn to this renewable energy resource instead of the chopping and burning of unnecessary wood. Biogas is also a renewable energy resource because as the dung releases the gas during the fermentation process, after its release from the outlet of the plant it can also be reused to assist in producing gas again, if not fully dried out. And when fully dried out, it becomes excellent and perfectly organic fertilizer or even works as a bacteria resistant bedding for the cows /bulls, which in turn has multiple benefits for the farmer. Biogas can also decrease the expenses incurred by poor
  • 6. An Herbal Supplement Essay Hawthorn is an herbal supplement that has been effectively used to treat various chronic and acute diseases in individuals, but the most commonly used treatment has been for those who suffer from heart conditions. Hawthorn belongs to the rosaceae family and can be found in various regions all over the world, such as Europe, Asia, and North America (Wang, Xiong, Feng, 2013). In both eastern and western medicine, the berries, leaves, and flowers of Hawthorn have been used in treating diseases that have been associated with the cardiovascular system. Various parts of the plant have been utilized to treat these heartconditions in humans by using the extracts of the plant to make capsules that are ingested or even using the leaves of Hawthorn to make tea. Several in vivo and in vitro studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness that Hawthorn has in improving cardiovascular function by vasodilating bloodvessels, decreasing arterial blood pressure, and lipid lowering effects (Wang, Xiong, Feng, 2013). Hawthorn is also known to contain chemical constituents that have disease fighting properties that may help in the treatment of heart disease and fight free radical oxidation (Tassell, Kingston, Gilroy, Lehane, Furey, 2010). The importance of Hawthorn in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, may provide individuals with this condition a safe and natural alternative to the current medications they are taking. The effectiveness of Hawthorn in the treatment of
  • 7. Essay For Colored Girls For Colored Girls directed by Tyler Perry in 2010, is an adaption of Ntozake Shange s 1975 choreopoem, For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide /When the Rainbow is Enuf. A choreopoem is a combination of poetry, dance, and music intended to perform on a stage, that was originally written as a poem. Shange s choreopoem was considered a Broadway sensation that won an Obie and Tony Award. The purpose of her choreopoem was to show how women of color of the twentieth century were oppressed and maintained courage throughout their trials. Tyler Perry integrated Shange s vivid language from her poem into a contemporary narrative that also explored what it means to be a womanof color. There are seven characters in the poem and nine in the... Show more content on ... Kelly is a social worker who went to visit Crystal about the safety of her children because of her daughter s consecutive visits to the hospital. While Kelly is there to visit Crystal, her alcoholic boyfriend, Beau Willie, kicks her out. Once Kelly is put out of Crystal s apartment, she has a small encounter with the building tenant and the neighbor, Gilda, where she informs Kelly of Beau Willie s wrong doing. While this is going on Juanita arrive to break off her affair with her lover, Frank, and Alice arrives to visit her daughter, Tangie, to ask for some money. After Alice is turned down by Tangie, she then takes on the streets to try and raise money, where she encounters Yasmine and her man friend, who gives her money, but is also Alice s younger daughter, Nyla s, dance instructor. Nyla, is a young woman who just graduated high school and is seen at first giving a story about her graduation night and losing her virginity. Then, later we see Miss Juanita, waiting at Joanna s office at Robe Rouge, a magazine company, where Crystal is her assistant to try and fundraise money for her non profit organization involving women s health care. As the movie goes on, we can then see each individual women s story. Beginning with Kelly, who is trying to have a baby with her husband, but is finds out she is unable to. We are then shown, Juanita who is giving advice at the hospital giving a
  • 8. Integrated Marketing Communication ( Imc ) As defined by the American Association of Advertising Agencies, integrated marketing communications ... recognizes the value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion and combines them to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communication impact. Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is a combination of five elements, such as, direct marketing, public relations, advertising, personal selling s, and sales promotion, by which the company can communicate a positive and influencing image/message about a product /service that is present in the market place plus provides how it brings value to the... Show more content on ... Advertisements also help produce a variance in how the brand/company connects contrarily amid customers and other businesses when doing business to business ads. Advertising sends the message and data about products and services and the existence of the products and services in the current marketplace. Advertising gives companies and brands the advantage of appealing and displaying the organization s products /services in a positive image with important information regarding the product/service. Contrarily advertising has its disadvantages, regardless of the legal ramifications, logos, images, and trademarks can be duplicated, slandered, or mocked. Another drawback of advertisements is usage of the wrong type of media or content, or bad timing, which could result in a negative impression on products/services in the market. Direct Marketing is one more element of the IMC that helps support in creating effective communication between the brand/company and the consumer base. The direct marketing are selective and a designated delivery of communication because it makes the face to face interaction between marketers with the consumer base. Interacting directly with the targeted consumer base to generate a response and /or a transaction is direct marketing. This communication will encourage the consumer base to
  • 9. Cincinnati Police Activity An article published in the International Journal of Police Science and Management authors Bain, Robinson, and Conser (2014) describe the police as reactive, meaning they respond to a call for help. This limits police interaction with the community to either being the victim, offender or witness of a crime. This relationship is then connected to a negative memory no matter which role the individual plays. The ability of the policeto function as an effective service is often predicated on the positive image they maintain with the general public (Bain, Robinson, and Conser, 2014). This type of relationship along with the one experienced in Cincinnati, Ohio in the late 1990 s to mid 2000 s where there were an alarming number of fatalities due to police... Show more content on ... The department complied, and six years after the changes began, the Cincinnati Police had successfully complied with the new regulations (Baptiste). Changes made by the Cincinnati Police Department programs to connect the community and police in positive ways with the (Baptiste, 2015). These actions led to decrease fatal police shootings and excessive force used, but what made the most difference was programs, such as Quality of Life Enhancement Team introduced by Police Chief Jeffery Blackwell, a black male and Law Enforcement Officer who at the time had served 26 years in Ohio. Blackwell stated in a 2014 interview quoted in the journal article, I always talk about community engagement being the most important thing in police work (Baptiste). The article goes on to describe several programs used by the Cincinnati Police Department to improve positive community involvement. New officers are required to provide community service by serving in soup kitchens, volunteering at schools, nursing homes and in the homeless communities. There are other programs that connect officers to youth to share meals,
  • 10. The Importance Of Archetype In Today s Culture Throughout the season of winter, a yellow zesty fruit blossoms from a tree with thorny branches and white flowers with purple edges. This yellow citrus fruit is known as a lemon. In today s culture, lemons are used for food, skin, hair, cleanings, and are even featured in an iconic American singer s album. You do not necessarily eat a lemonas a whole. It is usually ingested by cutting it either in half or in pieces, and squeezed for its juice. The acidic juice from a lemon has a very sour and bitter taste but it is enjoyed by many. Adding lemon to a plate changes its whole flavor. Whether the dish is sweet or spicy, it will change the way the entire taste of the dish. Here s a recipe that involves lemon as one of the main ingredients by... Show more content on ... Wrong. The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word lemon is of course, BeyoncГ©. She recently came out with a new visual album named Lemonade. (2016) mentions that BeyoncГ© s sixth studio album debuted overwhelmingly positive reviews and was described as defiant, brave and powerful, and many felt the visual album was one of her strongest to date. My favorite song on the album is Sandcastles. I believe that Sandcastles is one of the most personal songs on the album; the most intimate. The video is simple and beautiful, as well. (2016) announced that it was the first video to feature Jay Z [her husband]. They also quoted that it s one of the most intimate windows into their marriage they ve ever allowed. Here, she reaches Forgiveness. When I hear the word lemon, I automatically think of BeyoncГ© s Lemonade because I went to see her in concert in Miami at the Marlins Stadium. It was, in fact, one of the best days of my life. I got the tickets for my 18th birthday and took my significant other. It just had happened that my best friend had also gotten a ticket so we all carpooled together and listened to the album the whole way to the concert. When the album came out [which was in April, I believe], it was the only thing I listened to up until the concert about two weeks later. I had learned every single song on the album; even the order they were in. I practically lived Lemonade . It was one of the best experiences of my
  • 11. Hbs About Cc Company Essay Introduction Strategic Capital Management, LLC is a hedge fund planning to make financial investments in Creative Computers and Ubid. Creative Computers sold approximately 20% of its Internet auction subsidiary, Ubid, to the public at $15 per share. Ubid s stock price closed the first day of trading at $48, giving Ubid a $439 million market capitalization. On dec 9, Creative Computers had a market capitalization of $ 232 million (22.75 * 10,238,703 outstanding shares) whereas Ubid s market capitalization amounts to $439 million. This indicates that Ubid currently has a greater market value than the parent company. Moreover, the mispricing can be taken advantage of through an arbitrage opportunity. Paradoxically, the parent s stock price ... Show more content on ... In addition, the rate of return since Dec 9 1998, after CC distributed 7.32 million UBID shares to its shareholder, is 5.72% calculated as following: Transaction | At 9th December 1998| At 7th June 1999| Long Creactive computers| $22.75| $32.63| Short Ubid 0.71469 shares at $35.6875| $25.51| $34| Cash proceed from Ubid| $25.51| $25.51| Initial margin 50% on long position| $11.38| $11.38| Initial margin 50% on short position| $12.75| $12.75| Net equity| $24.13| $25.51| Rate of return| | 5.72%| Before CC distributed 7.32 million UBID shares to its shareholder, the arbitrage opportunity exists. The rate of return is 11.42% which is discussed before. The difference between the two rates of return is caused by the arbitrage opportunity with which one can purchase shares in CC and hold them until CC Shares get converted into Ubid Shares. In the case of an arbitrage transaction (Discussed under section 3.1), the investors are able to convert the asset purchased on margin (i.e. CC shares) into Ubid shares and those converted shares would be used to pay the borrowed Ubid share under the short selling contract. The consequence of such transaction is that the balance of asset purchased on margin and balance of short sale assets (i.e Ubid shares) are both closed off after the repayment of short sale asset, giving rise to a net amount of zero. By contrast, there would be $32.625 worth of asset purchased on
  • 12. Ageing 4. Discuss the physical and psychological changes associated with normal ageing. How can one minimise pathological ageing? The process of aging has been around as long as life itself. All living organisms pass through three broad stages from conception to death, which are maturation, maturity and aging. Aging affects everyone because nearly everyone has the potential to grow old and all the societies in which we live have older members (Macdonald, 1997). Gerontology is the use of reason to understand aging. The term was used to refer to the scientific study of aging, but nowadays it includes the study of aging using views from other disciplines such as humanities, social policy and human services. To correctly understand aging, ... Show more content on ... In order to counter act this one must maintain regular and also suitable exercise. One must take into consideration the exercise tolerance in relation to his/her current age. Change to healthier lifestyle by quitting smoking as this can have a direct relationship and can worsen the breathlessness. It is important to not mix mild shortness of breath that does not affect normal daily activities with shortness of breath at low exercise level and wheezing as these may be symptoms of chronic bronchitis, asthma or heart failure. Digestive System A common change related to normal aging is changes that affect the digestive system. The most common one observed in old age is constipation (Macdonald, 1997). In order to minimise constipation it is essential or eat a fibre rich diet with more vegetables and fruit. Also maintaining regular exercise can also reduce the chance of developing constipation. Stools with blood or mucus are not part of normal ageing. Urination In normal ageing changes in urination also occurs. It is seen that there is more frequent urination at night (Matteson et al., 1998). In order to minimise this pathological aspect of normal ageing, it is suggested to avoid fluid intake one hour before sleeping. It is important to distinguish between difficulty or pain while passing urine as this may be due to urinary tract infections and for men as well as
  • 13. Common Ms Office Errors Common MS Office Errors Bryan Scholting IT 206 10/03/10 Christopher Barret Microsoft Word: Microsoft Word is a powerful word processing program that allows you to create professional looking documents with speed and a small effort. Word allows you to create documents for personal and business use and comes loaded with a variety of tools. You can change font size, type, and color. You can format how the lines are spaced, where your paragraphs start, and how your indention works. You can insert objects such as pictures, clip art, tables, charts, headers and footers. You can also change your page layout and even add references, which is useful for students. Common Problems: 1. Incompatibility Microsoft is up to version 2010 ... Show more content on ... This can be frustrating when your trying to work in different areas. More than likely it is your wheel mouse. Just click on the wheel to reset it. If that doesn t work you should clean out the mouse. The button may be stuck and is clicking on the cell. 3. Printing blank pages Sometimes you want to print your spreadsheet out. The sheet comes out but has extra blank pages. This occurs because Excel thinks that all your rows or columns are filled. If you use the file over and over and use the delete key a lot, you will get this error. You delete the content but the cells still contain formatting information. You should be careful how much you use the delete key. Make sure all formatting is erased in the cells. Right click on cells and clear them. 4. Bad macros This error can occur if your macros are not set up properly. You should double check to make sure everything is right. Some macros you find online may not be correct so make sure the source is reliable. If you cannot get a macro to work, delete it and start over from scratch. Make sure the info is all correct before you start. 5. Formatting is incorrect If your formatting is incorrect, you may see errors that you do want. Always make sure you back up your files before making any major changes. Double check that they are working before making any other adjustments. You may have hit a hot key on accident that added some type of format
  • 14. Analysis Of An Inspector Calls By Mendoza Okara... It is fair to say that, Mendoza utilises Onofre Bouvila as a character to be portrayed as a direct parallel to the development and aspirations of Barcelona. This is expressed in the novel, since; it is irrelevant how rich and powerful Onofre becomes, he will never be accepted by the social elite. This is due to the fact that, he can never be on the top rung of the social ladder literally and figuratively, due to his impoverished upbringing and working class background. corriГі hacia la mesa presidencial... Al llegar a la mesa advirtiГі que no quedaba una sola silla libre, ni un cubierto reservado para Г©l. ВїQuГ© haces aquГ parado como un pasmarote? Tu puesto estГЎ allГЎ, en la mesa tres... ВЎPero yo quiero sentarme aquГ al lado de la zarina!... Вїquieres ofender a su alteza imperial? 6. (Eduardo Mendoza, La ciudad de los prodigios page 328). These same men who asked for his money do not allow Onofre to sit at the same table with the Russian aristocrat because he does not have a noble lineage 4 (Karen Oswald pg. 54). This shows us that in this scene, Onofre aspires to sit on the top table with the Czarina. Nevertheless, even though he is incredibly powerful and considered to be the richest man in Spain, due to his deprived childhood and lower class background, he will never be able to sit on that top table. Consequently, Onofre will never reach the upper echelons of Barcelonas social elite. Therefore, it could be argued that Onofre is a metaphor for Barcelona given the fact that,
  • 15. Feminist Literary Criticism By Joanne Rowling When Joanne Rowling was planning her book publishing, it was suggested to her that she take on the pen name J.K. Rowling, in order to make sure boys weren t turned off from reading her books (J.K. Rowling). Later on in her career, she chose the name Robert Galbraith for a different series of books. When letting her publisher know it wasn t Robert who wrote the book, but that it was she, he was astonished that a women wrote the book he just finished (About Roger Galbraith). These are recent events in our history, and incidents like this are the reason feminist theoryin literary criticism exists. Feminist literary criticism is defined as, literary analysis that arises from the viewpoint of feminism, feminist theory and/or feminist politics (Napikoski). There are a number of aims that feminist literary theory fights for. One is teaching readers to see things from a woman character s point of view in a written work, as many readers are not taught inherently how to do so. Another is to help find lost works that were either not published due to being written by women, or works that were hidden for years under a male s name, despite having been authored by women. Still another aim is to expand libraries and school book lists to include more work written by women (Gillespie). Though feminist literary theory has been challenged for being political, it is important to follow through with this work so an accurate version of history is portrayed, and so generations to come will
  • 16. Comparison Between Plaster Study Model And 3D Digital... The objective of this study was to compare the accuracy and reliability of measurements made between Plaster Study Models as compared to 3D Digital Study Models. Methods: Thirty study models with different levels of crowding were selected from a private orthodontic clinic. Plaster models were measured using hand held digital calipers in a random sequence. A single operator in one sitting without magnification with anatomical dental landmarks being pre marked, measured the plaster models and repeated the process a week later. 3D Study Models were analyzed using the Smilefile viewer program and were assessed in a random sequence generated on screen in one sitting and repeated a week apart by the same operator who earlier assessed the... Show more content on ... Disadvantages of plaster models are that they are subject to physical damage and degradation over time and require space for storage, which is not cost efficient 5 7. Recent advances in digital models have allowed orthodontists to perform measurements on digital models. Digital models are not subject to physical damage or degradation and do not require physical storage space. Furthermore, they can be easily transferred to other clinicians or retrieved at multiple locations, requiring only digital storage space 8. Similar studies on evaluation of digital study models in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning were performed and indicated that in the vast majority of situations digital models can be successfully used for orthodontic records 9. A comparison of the accuracy of linear measurements obtained from cone beam computerized tomography images and digital models. These authors concluded that the linear measurements obtained from CBCT image casts indicated a good level of accuracy when compared with OrthoCAD models, and stated that the accuracy was considered adequate for initial diagnosis and treatment planning in orthodontics 10. As a result of these findings, many
  • 17. Rave Culture Research Paper Our Perspective on Rave Culture Imagine being a part of a world with no judgment, no body standards, no prejudice, and no hatred. Continue to imagine being in a lively environment around people who are loving, and only care for unity and respect between themselves and others. Being a member of rave culture has made this fantasy a reality for many people throughout the years. In this paper I will be focusing on this unique phenomenon called raveculture and its integral elements in the form of history, drugs, personal identity, acceptance, and the constant attempt to improve the negative image of the culture the public eye. Rave culture is based around Electronic Dance Music, which is best known as EDM. The term EDM is a term for many different ... Show more content on ... This overall acceptance all falls back to PLUR, where the spiritual aspect of this dance culture is acknowledged by few, and is appreciated by all that are involved. These individuals do not have to imagine being a part of a world with no judgment, body standards, prejudice, or hatred. They live this life every day, they don t have to attempt to imagine being in a entertaining environment around people who are loving and caring because they have experienced these things first hand. The overall discussion of the history of rave culture and where it began will continue to lead to the never ending worry about drug use in the community. When examining rave culture one has to look towards the positive aspects. These ravers find their personal identity and live under an ethos of peace, love, unity, and respect. These individuals will battle acceptance due to the common misconceptions of society, but there are many things any individual can do to clean the image of rave culture for the public eye. Rave culture is a phenomenon that needs to be positively executed due to all of the exceptional discoveries one can make about the person they are and the person they wish to
  • 18. King Ferdinand Research Paper King Ferdinand of SpainBy: TJ GrayKing Ferdinand of Spain is one of the most well known kings of the fifteen century. At a very young age King Ferdinand made decisions which shaped the Spain and world we know today.Ferdinand was born March 10, 1452, in Sos, Aragon. He was the son of John II of Aragon and Juana Enriquez of Castile. Ferdinand was not considered an intellectual, but was eager to learn. Ferdinand was tutored by humanist Francisco Vidal, he learned to read and write which was uncommon for the time period. Ferdinand was named governor of one of his father s kingdom by age nine. Ferdinand also mastered the art of war fighting rebels from 1462 to 1472. Ferdinand led forces against his father s enemies and won when people tried... Show more content on ... King Ferdinand reunited Naples with Sicily for the first time since 1458. In 1512, after conquering Navarre he became their King. Throughout his life King Ferdinand was know by many names. He was known as Ferdinand III of Naples, Ferdinand the Catholic, Ferdinand II of Sicily, Ferdinand V, and Ferdinando el Catolice.King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella continued to reign over Spain for many years. On November 26, 1504, Queen Isabella passed away leaving her daughter Joan, also known as Joan the Mad, and her husband, as successor to the throne. Joan s husband died in 1506. King Ferdinand married Germaine of Foix in 1505. King Ferdinand and Germaine had one son, but hepassed away in 1509. King Ferdinand remained ruler of Castile until his death on January 23, 1516. Upon his death, the crowns of all the Spanish kingdoms were passed to his grandson, Charles I, ruler of the Netherlands and heir to the Roman Empire as Charles V. King Ferdinand was buried at the Royal Chapel of Granada.During the reign of the Catholic King the power of the throne continued to grow. The nobles and parliament lost power, while the church was used as an instrument of political power. Many of King Ferdinand s policies had long lasting effects, especially the removal of the Jews and Muslims from Spain. King Ferdinand s policies also allowed conversions of large areas into grazing land for the benefit of the wool industry. By supporting Christopher Columbus exploration of the New World he laid the foundation for Spain s colonies in the New World. During the reign of King Ferdinand, Spain became an Atlantic power and revolution commerce for Europe.Bibliographyп‚· Ferdinand and Isabella. Compton s by Britannica. Britannica Online for Kids.EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 2017. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.п‚· Ferdinand II.Sandbox Networks, Inc. publishing as Infoplease. 2017
  • 19. Personal Statement On The Field When I was on a softball team a few years ago, me and my teammates would communicate through the essentials of communication which are process, meaning, and symbolic communication both on and off the baseball field. In example, when we are on the field, we communicate in procedural ways in order to reach a goal. We were engaging in action when we were practicing and using our knowledge when implementing a strategic plan on how we would play the different opponents we faced especially in crucial games. My teammates were all different races so we all had different cultural backgrounds. There were people on my team who were of American, African American, Asian, Lebanese, Puerto Rican, and Dominican descent. Therefore, my language was constantly changing when communicating between my Hispanic and American teammates. Our interpersonal competence and determination to win depicted the outcome of our games. However, most of us shared the same desire and effort in helping each other learn and grow with the team. Before our games would begin, some teammates practiced different ways based on their cultural roots. For instance, some Dominican teammates would practice their hitting skills by playing a game that is popular in their country. The game consisted of a long thin stick longer than a bat and thinner than a ruler. The balls that was used to pitch to the hitter was the shape of a hockey puck only smaller and thinner. This technique is mainly used to improve hitting skills and
  • 20. How Did Marco Polo American Travel Marco polo a well known European traveler along the Silk Road, he was the greatest Kublai Khan s ambassador who was authorized to travel all over his empire. He was born to a prominent family in the long distance trade. On this essay, I will tell you a summary of his long journey to the city of Hangzhou, which was known as Kinsay. This was discussed in the book, The Travels of Marco Polo. Marco polo marks his account of Kinsay and how his accomplishment alternates China s engagement with a wider world, and he also expresses his opinion of the city. In his description of the Mongolian empire, he shows feelings of respect for Kublai Khan, who was his current leader, whose skill in diplomacy and in war expanded the vast empire, his admiration and possibly jealousy for the more advanced culture ... Show more content on ... Yet, I do not believe that Marco Polo s love for the Mongolian empire, particularly during the empire of Kublai Khan really captured the truth of the foreign land at the time. Marco Polo was sent to Kinsay to explore and have something to talk about when he was back about the culture, findings, people, climate, habitation, etc. Throughout his residency, he provides a perfect picture of an excellent society in Kinsay, he was overwhelmed with the size, complexity and the assets, how the city possessed many powerful features, containing 12 guilds, 12,000 bridges of stone all with big numbers of wealthy merchants, many elegant mansions and palaces and many
  • 21. Beyond Disciplinary Confinement And Imaginative... Osazuwa Osayomwanbor 200345160 Sociology/Social Studies Reading Summary (SOST 801) Topic: Beyond Disciplinary Confinement to Imaginative Transdisciplinarity. INTRODUCTION The society today is faced with various problems. Some have always been there, others are new to us, yet others have evolved from their older modes and taken new dimensions. For example we are not strangers to issues of democratization, but certainly are faced with the changing mode of war and terrorism. And then, new issues may include climate change. Whatever the category, man s eternal struggle is to be able to resolve the issues that confront or threaten its existence. To do this man depends on knowledge gained from studying the problems. However, as problems evolve, they seem to become resistant to existing approaches, or at least, we seem not to be able to resolve them using existing approaches. Thus those problems become wicked problems. In this chapter, we discuss how such problems can be resolved using transdisciplinary approach. WHY TRANSDICIPLINARITY? The relevance of the transdisciplinarity approach is seen in the nature of the problem. Since problems are now multidimensional, then we agree that a single approach will not sufficiently resolve it (Brown 2010:16). Hence we need a transdiciplinary approach. In chapter two of Brown (2010:16), there are some other reasons why we need a transdiciplinary approach to wicked problems. They are: 1.Existing scientific approaches are to specialized or
  • 22. The Sagrada Familia Essay At first sight the Sagrada FamГlia is awe inspiring and breath taking and with this has become recognized as the universal symbol for Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain s capital city, and is unmistakably one of the most magnificent structures ever erected in this region. Spain is embedded with cultural tradition and it is believed its rich history is traced back somewhere within four hundred years of when Rome was established. Thus, setting forth the foundation and importance of history and the conviction of this culture to wrap their hearts around the place that has become what Barcelonais recognized for. The Sagrada FamГlias design was perfected by Antoni Gaudi, an architect, who was innovative and forward thinking in his creations and who... Show more content on ... Gaudi studied the natural form as a basis for his architectural detail and further considered this as the spiritual basis of and for his designs. Gaudi wrote: Nature does not present us with uniformly monotonous objects. Everything keeps its contrast, more or less, stemming from the vitality of the colors (Alvarez 10). The work of Antoni Gaudi falls under the movement of Modernism and therefore is wrapped in the traits of exuberant forms, ornamentation, great attention to detail, vast use of plant motifs, and the preference to curvilinear and asymmetrical line. Along with his attention to great detail Gaudi integrated the use of ceramic tile, stained glass, wrought iron works and master crafted carpentry which ultimately enhanced the unique innovative design concepts in which he became noted for. Gaudi introduced new techniques to the architectural world such as trencadis, which is a type of mosaic made of waste ceramic pieces and which is one of the design details incorporated throughout his work, one example being the spires of the Sagrada FamГlia. Gaudi s work always involved a distinctive use of materials in particular the use of texture and color arrangement which was almost always included along with his imaginative style using ornamental ironwork. His wrought iron designs were arrived at independently and frequently in advance of the comparable experiments of mainstream Art Nouveau (Arnason and Mansfield 101). Gaudi
  • 23. Random Inspiring What s Next. annual report 2014 t s ha t. W ex N Maxis Berhad Annual Report 2014 We Are Maxis We are the leading communications service provider in Malaysia, enabling both individuals and businesses to connect and communicate anytime and anywhere. We are passionate about what we do, and obsessed with providing an unmatched experience to our customers. Our customers enjoy a superior Internet experience, make voice calls and text, and immerse themselves in an ever expanding universe of connected applications on the most advancedcellular network, encompassing 3G and 4G LTE technologies. Our passion drives us to innovate and market services that are worry free and Always On for our ... Show more content on ... Everything we do is tried and tested. Maxis Berhad Annual Report 2014 How We ve Performed Mobile Subscriptions Service Revenue 8.2 RM billion 12.9
  • 24. million Challenging transformation year; operational indicators trending up Growing revenue generating subscriptions again in second half 2014 EBITDA 1 Mobile Internet Users 4.2 RM billion 8.8 million Impacted by lower service revenue and higher marketing spend to support business Modernised network supporting faster data speed PAT 2 CAPEX 3 1.7 RM billion Impacted by lower EBITDA and accelerated depreciation on network modernisation Notes: 1 Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation 2 Profit After Tax 3 Capital Expenditure
  • 25. 6 1.1 RM billion Commitment towards superior network and service experience view the full results on Overview Our Business Strategic Review Corporate Governance Financial Statements Other Information Financial Highlights 2013 2014 YOY 2014 2013 2012 Change Revenue 8,389 9,084
  • 26. 8,967 (7.7%) Service revenue 8,229 8,514 8,539 (3.3%) FINANCIAL RESULTS Financial Indicators (RM m) EBITDA 4,229 4,310 4,359 (1.9%) Normalised EBITDA (1) 4,207 4,522 4,359 (7.0%) Profit from operations 2,816 2,825
  • 27. Analysis Of The Film Super Size Me The documentary is a personal view of the fast food industry. The director Morgan Spurlock wanted to prove that the fast food industry has an impact on the growing epidemic in America and its called obesity. Morgan Spurlock had to show the effects of eating fast food for a month and how it would affect any human being. Morgan Spurlock stated I m a willing to participant in that flawed way of life, eating fast foodas often as I can and exercising as little as possible. The experiment idea comes from two girls who were suing McDonald s for their obesity; however, the judge ruled that there is no proof that their obesity and poor health is a result of eating from fast foodplace such as McDonalds. Spurlock uses several techniques to grab... Show more content on ... The film doesn t put all the blame of obesity on fast food companies. People do have free choice, but the point he makes is that these companies go out of their way to make the food pretty much addictive through the use of sugar, fat, and caffeine and that they go out of their way to hide how unhealthy this stuff really is. On the other hand, there are some things in Spurlock s documentary which were a little outrageous. The blame should not only be placed on fast food. I do strongly believe that we all have the will power to walk in McDonalds and order a salad or simply not go in and make McDonalds to make it a much wealthier company. The director used great methods on how to get the message across and great graphics to keep the audience entertained. I do believe is Spurlock would have eaten other food that contained over 2500 calories a day, he would have still faced health problems. Finally, he shows us pictures of him after he went back to his good eating habits which imply how happy he is to be back in shape. I think he is trying to send out the message that it s not too late for the viewer to change their eating style and live a healthy
  • 28. Women s Basketball History The History of Women s Basketball You can t always be the strongest or most talented person in the room, but you can be the most comparative. This was a famous saying from basketball player, Pat Summitt. The early 1990 s was both a great and not so great time for women s athletics. There were some very athletic women who didn t get enough credit because they were judged by playing sports; it made them not attractive. The NBA approved the proposal to begin the WNBA in June 1997 (Valois). Many important things happened in the 90 s that made the WNBA what it is today. Women have been playing basketball for years, but it wasn t official until April 24, 1996. Women s basketball announced We Got Next as the NBA Board of Governors approved... Show more content on ... After just two years, WNBA games were available in 125 different countries (Ackerman). When looking back on women s history of playing basketball, one team really stands out: UConn. The Huskies had an unbelievable seasons throughout 1990 91. They won in 19 regular season Big East titles, 16 conference tournament championships and 7 national titles, and most of all won the Final Four tournament. This team enjoyed one winning season in the first 12 years of existence. However, from 1989 91 the Huskies made it to the NCAA tournament game 2 times, but was never able to win. In 1991 their record was 25/2, and they were at the NCAA championship game, playing Philadelphia. Wendy Basom with the Huskies had a team NCAA tournament record of 39 points, including a game winning 3 point play on a driving layup where she was fouled with 19 seconds on the board. Bascom was able to shoot a foul shot worth one point, to win the game 81 80. The Huskies had their first ever NCAA tournament championship win. Three weeks later UCONN was ranked No. 24 in the first Associated Press national poll. They defeated No. 2 team, Auburn with a final score of 67 63 in the Connecticut Classic at Gampel Pavilion. They were within the national rankings the rest of the season. The Huskies were motivated by many things but one thing really stood out to them: their poster. In their lounge they had a poster hanging up of the 1991 Final Four in New Orleans that
  • 29. Compare And Contrast Sancho Panza And Don Quixote The dynamic of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza is one of the ways Cervantes entices his readers. He creates a stark contrast between these two characters right off the bat and creates a rapport that leaves readers laughing. He establishes the contrast in stature and mental state and creates two characters that, in time, learn to love and complement each other greatly. Don Quixote is a character who read so many books on chivalry, he was so absorbed in these books that his nights were spent reading from dusk till dawn...until the lack of sleep and the excess of reading withered his brain, and he went mad (Cervantes p.26). considering it desirable and necessary, both for the increase of his honour and for the common good [he becomes] a knight errant ... Show more content on ... Sancho only plays the part of squire in hopes of becoming wealthy and owning his own island. Quixote yearns to recreate this world he has long read of: chivalry, battles with giants and evil beings and the rescue of maidens. However, in a more realistic sense, Don Quixote deals with windmills, bedclothes, and injustices. While Don Quixote represents illusion and imagination, Sancho Panza represents reality. They complement each other in a dualistic way. They foil each other in such a way that they might be seen as two halves of a whole. They represent a person who needs to have imagination whilst living in reality, because too much reality is destructive for any one man to deal with. However, their relationship, which is a combination of idealism and realism, affects each other in a negative way, in terms of the things they stand
  • 30. Khudiram Bose Khudiram Bose From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.(January 2010)| | Khudiram Bose| Born| December 3, 1889 Habibpur, Midnapur| Died| 11 August 1908 (aged 18)| Nationality| Indian| Known for| Indian freedom fighter| Khudiram Bose (Bengali: ক্ষুদিরাম বসু Khudiram Boshu) (3 December 1889 11 August 1908) was a Bengali revolutionary, one of the youngest revolutionaries early in the Indian independence movement. At the time of his hanging, he was 18 years, 7 months 11 days old barely a legal ... Show more content on ... Immediately after settling down, they started planning and preparing for the attack. They gave themselves a few days time to closely observe the daily routine, activities and movements of their target, Kingsford taking note of his timings at the court, the club and his house. They did not want to risk the lives of innocent people by making an attack at the court during working hours. That led to the passing of a few more days, and finally they decided that Kingsford had to be attacked either during his ride from his house to the club, or vice versa, when he would be alone. During this time, the two of them wrote to one of their mentors, Barindra Kumar Ghosh, the eminent revolutionary and the younger brother of Sri Aurobindo, whenever they needed money, addressing the Barindra with the code name Sukumar for safety. to assassinate Kingsford, the Calcutta Presidency Magistrate, and later, magistrate of Muzaffarpur, Bihar. On the evening of 30 April 1908, the duo waited in front of the gate of the European Club for the carriage of Kingsford to come. The time was around 8.30 pm. When the carriage came out, they responded quickly, holding their pistols in one hand as back up and throwing their bombs. The hit was a success and the carriage blew up and started burning. The duo immediately left the place, covered themselves in the darkness, and reached the railways station, where they parted to escape any suspicion, boarding trains towards opposite directions. But
  • 31. Negativity as A Cause of Decline Negativity in the workplace and the demand of jobs are causing a decline in American work ethic. Work ethic is a set of values that is based on hard work, attitude, and character. The three main causes of negativity in the workplace are people are negative, people are discriminated against, and single parents are trying to raise their child(ren) while working. As negativity in the workplace increases, morale, productivity, and work ethic decrease. When there is negativity in the workplace, customers can be chased away. Negativity not only causes work ethic to decline, but it causes the number of customers to decline. People that come into to work negative can affect everyone else around them. Negative employees affect everyone that they... Show more content on ... Single parents trying to make a living and be in their children s lives can also cause negativity in the workplace. This can cause negativity because people are asked to work overtime at work or switch hours with someone for a certain reason. It s hard for a single parent to work overtime when they want to be in their children s lives and they are the only parent in the household. It s also hard for them to switch hours because when they find a job they usually try to find a job that gives them hours while their children are in school so that they can be with them before and after school and on the weekends. There are some jobs that fire people because they can t work overtime or switch hours or ask for off time on a holiday. Some single parents are even working minimum wage jobs just so that they have some kind of income coming in to support them and their family. Dujon made a very good point, If businesses had a work ethic they would gladly establish a family friendly culture that allows parents to meet their children s physical, psychological and financial needs. (Dujon par. 2) This is true because if a business had a work ethic then they would understand the importance of family values. There are after school programs, but most of them are too expensive for someone working a minimum or low wage job and raising a family. It s also hard to find a baby sitter when most people have a job and many people don t know their neighbors well enough to allow them
  • 32. Questions On Intelligence And Intelligence Everyone has their own unique ability to understand complex ideas and use reasoning to solve a problem. These capabilities are what we typically associate with intelligence. However, intelligence cannot easily be defined by a single IQ number on a scale or even by saying someone is smart or dumb in a certain area of knowledge such as math or science. Each and every person is unique in their own respect and there are a multitude of facets that contribute to the way we measure and assess an individual s abilities to understand or adapt to a given situation. Intelligence is a combination of an individual s ability to learn, pose problems, and solve problems. Learning is the ability to combine education, experiences, and training and transform that into background knowledge to be used later. Posing problems is the ability to recognize that there is a problem in a given situation. Problem solving includes not only finding a solution to a given problem, but by also forming products and doing complex tasks. However, the way one may solve a problem or overcome an obstacle can be completely different from another s solution. These differences between individuals make it difficult to make a single measurement of how smart or intelligent someone may be, but intelligence tests can be useful to identifying strengths and weaknesses. Since very early in history, many have strived to devise a way to measure the intelligence of an individual. During the late 1800 s, English
  • 33. The Immigration Act Of 1924 America is no foreigner to immigrants. From the pilgrims who came searching for religious liberation to African slaves that had lost their liberty, America s history has been shaped by the influx of immigrants from different parts of the world. As America grew, it became, and still is, a promised land for many. As a result, immigration has become a pivotal topic in the American culture and with time, the dynamics of immigration has changed due to a shifting of focus between different immigrant groups. From the Chinese exclusion act in 1882 to the Immigration Act of 1924, which restricted Eastern European immigrants access to the USA, different groups of people have been the principal focus of immigration reform (HISTORY Corporation, 2009). Since the early 20th century to present, the main group of focus with immigration reform has been Hispanics, mainly Mexicans. From deportation to discrimination, many Mexicans have struggled in the hands of immigration laws. This pain is evident in the cultural marks Mexicans have left in American Culture. A prime example of such mark is within the Chicano movement. Beginning in the 1960s, the Chicano movement aimed to address the social injustices that the Mexican population faced in America. (Mendoza, 2001). From reinstatement of land rights to voter and political rights, these social injustices propelled the Chicano movement to fight for civil rights. This passion fueled multiple artistic expressions and many Chicano artists mirrored
  • 34. Annotated Bibliography On Plasmid Purification Plasmid Purification Authors: Kashaf Baig Adam Jolly Abstract: Introduction: Plasmids are circular chromosomes that are found in bacteria (and other cells), can replicate independently (autonomous) and are separate from chromosomal DNA (Wikipedia, 2017). The plasmids have various conformation but the most important one is the negatively supercoiled conformation. (Wikipedia, 2017) also states that plasmids are suitable for an organism s survival within the environment, as chromosomes generally contain all the necessary genetic information of an organism for normal conditions the plasmids on the other hand contain additional information which becomes useful in certain living ... Show more content on ... Then 30 Вµl of GelRed was added to the agarose TBE solution and then mixed thoroughly. The gel was then poured onto a tray with a comb inserted to create the wells and was left to set for about 30 minutes. The 2nd method consisted of purification of the plasmid DNA provided (bacterial culture). 1.5 ml of 3 bacterial culture was added to 3 different centrifuge tubes and then centrifuged for 1 minute at about 8000 xg. The supernatant material from all 3 tubes was then discarded into 3% Virkon solution and the tubes were placed back in the rack. Then 250 Вµl of P1 Lysis Buffer was added to the tubes and vortexed followed by an addition of the same amount of Lysis Buffer P2 and mixed gently by inverting the tubes 6 7 times, the tubes were then left to incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature. 300 Вµl of Neutralisation Buffer P3 was added and then mixed thoroughly by inverting the tubes. All the tubes were now centrifuged at 11,000 xg for 5 minutes taking into consideration that the centrifuge machine was balanced when used to avoid any incomplete mixture. The tubes were then removed and 750 Вµl was carefully added to 1.5 ml spin columns as to not disturb the white residue (Na), the tubes were then again subject to centrifuge for 1 minute at 11,000 xg and the flow through discarded after the run. 500 Вµl of Wash Buffer PW1 was added and centrifuged for a minute (at the same xg), after
  • 35. The International Accounting Standards Boards A (a)On 1 January 2005,all the stock exchange listed companies in Europe adopted the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) written by the international Accounting Standards Boards. According to IASB, the setting body of IFRS, their primary objective is to develop a set of high quality, transparent ,understandable, global accepted financial standards in the public interest (IFRS 2015) . Furthermore, the statement made by European Commission also explained the benefits including the elimination of barriers to international trades, the increasing of transparency and comparability of company accounts, the improvement of comprehensive strength and the rapid promotion of economic growth (Commission 2002). Based on the public... Show more content on ... (b) The prior objective of mandatory adoption of IFRS is to facilitate cross border comparability, increase reporting transparency and reduce information asymmetry and thereby enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of capital market (Horton, Serafeim Serafeim 2013). However, applying IFRS in different countries with different enforcement mechanism can hardly achieve the accounting harmonization, because companies are still willing to adopt their former national regulations that reflect their requirements ,and therefore misled the users of financial report who do not pay attention to these systematic differences by an uniformity on the surface (Deegan 2014). In the given material, there has been various problems when EU endorse the international accounting standards. Not only did the international accounting significantly reflect the Anglo Saxon accounting practice rather than continental European practice (Dewing Russell 2008) but also, political, business differences might continue to impose substantial obstacles in the process of accounting convergence and standardisation. Until then, whether the financial information become more reliable and comparable after the adoption of IFRS is still
  • 36. Driving Fast Essay What is Driving Faster US Economic Growth? According to the latest live Q4 real GDP growth forecast courtesy of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the US economy is expected to expand +3.3% during the current quarter. Should this expectation prevail, then the economy will have enjoyed three successive quarters of GDP growth in excess of 3%, the first occurrence since 2004 H2 and 2005 Q1. The biggest difference between the aforementioned period and the current environment is the underlying strength of real final sales. Currently, real final sales are averaging +2.8% over the past three quarters, while this metric was a more robust +3.6% during the 2004 H2 and 2005 Q1 period. What are the driving sources behind the recent faster... Show more content on ... Meanwhile, the Conference Board s measure of consumer confidence recently reached its highest level since December 2000, which, incidentally, coincided with the peak of the 1991 2000 economic expansion. Furthermore, much of the improvement is attributable to current conditions versus the anticipated backdrop six months hence. Currently, perceptions about abundant job availability have reached their highest levels since the summer of 2001. Historically, there has been a close correlation between wage inflation and perceptions of job availability. There is, however, a disconnection between the two during the current cycle, because wage inflation still appears reluctant to breach +3%. Despite the apparent lack of upward pressure on nominal wages, consumer confidence has been rising. This dichotomy is probably explained by the low level of the so called misery index (the summation of consumer price inflation and the unemployment rate). Moreover, real wage gains have been positive due to the persistence of low inflation and this probably explains why, despite modest nominal wage gains, consumers feel more upbeat. This situation could, however, change if inflation rises, thereby pushing inflation adjusted changes in labour compensation into negative territory. Upbeat US Consumers Appear to Ignore Political Backdrop The 2016 Presidential Election spectacularly highlighted long and simmering divisions within the US electorate. Crucially, the election also
  • 37. Ethical Marketing Techniques And Its Effects On The... To what extent unethical marketing techniques could damage the sustainable business environment. Discuss. Marketing is like a double edged sword, if it is adopted properly, it will give profits to a company; however, if it is used inadequately, it will give harm. It is undeniable that today s business operations have more intense competition level against each other due to the advancement of technology that allows people to receive more information. Marketing plays the key role in making products being recognized by consumers. To get people s attention, some massages about the product need to be sent to the target market. With the high level of competition, the unethical marketing issues arise in order to make their own firms gain more ... Show more content on ... To illustrate, the famous fast food restaurant, Burger King, used the famous clown character, Ronald McDonald, from its competitor s company, McDonald s, in Burger King s TV advertisement. It is obvious that the advertisement tries to communicate that even Ronald McDonald chooses Burger King s hamburger (MARQUES, 2005). And, this is misleading as it effects McDonald s reputation. In addition, this TV advertisement was banned in Germany and was a big discussion issue in Netherlands (van Leeuwen, 2005; MARQUES, 2005). Figure 2: Ronald McDonald visits Burger King advertising campaign From: The sustainable business environment can be greatly impacted by these unethical marketing practices. More and more companies use unethical techniques to market their target group, and sometimes, to beat their competitors. Those companies may select the unethical way to do marketing and may claim that it is technically legal as the action is not against the law, but it fails in term of the ethical view. Nevertheless, it is not worth for those companies to apply unethical marketing strategies as there are negative consequences from using these unethical tactics. Before discussing about the negative impacts of immoral marketing techniques, let s take a look at the sustainable business environment first. Lee Cockerell, the former executive vice president of
  • 38. Edward In The Film Edward Scissorhands In the film Edward scissorhands, directed by Tim Burton an admirable character is Edward. Edward is an admirable character because of his loyalty to the people he loves, his selflessness and how he tries really hard to fit in but realises he is better off at his castle than in suburbia. Edward is an admirable character and displays acts of loyalty throughout the film. We see this quality in Edward when he knowingly breaks into Jim s house. This shows his loyalty towards Kim because kim was the one to ask Edward to help them break in. Kim asks Edward, Why d you do it? to which Edward replys, Because you asked me to This shows how Edward is trying to express his love and loyalty towards Kim. he In this exchange between Edward and Kim, Burton ... Show more content on ... Edward has this burning desire to fit in and to be like the people of suburbia and to be normal. But as the film progresses he begins to realise that he doesn t fit in and that he is actually better off on his own in his castle. At the very beginning of the film when Edward first meets Peg his first words are, I m not finished this shows how Edward wants to be normal . To Edward he is normal but to the people of suburbia he is a, perversion of nature this is in Esmeralda s words. Through out the film edward tries to fit in but struggles. An example of Edward trying to fit in is when he is at the BBQ and the men are cooking the meat,Edward tries to be like the other men and makes kababs on his scissorhands. This shows how he is trying to fit in because he is trying to be like the men in suburbia and do the bbq while the woman are left to do the gossiping and socialising. As the film progressed Edward see that he fits in less and less and so do the people of suburbia. Towards the end the neighbours shun Edward and he becomes wanted by the police for an something he did after he has an epiphany to the fact that he doesn t belong and isn t wanted in suburbia by the suburbians with the exception of Kim. JIm says to him, who the hell do you think you are hanging out around here huh?... get the hell outta here, Freak! This is then
  • 39. David Brewster The Color Of Water Quotes With Page Numbers Part A: Characterization I want MY life, not HIS death... (p.205) This quote is thought be Brewster. His uncle is having a stroke in front of him, and he is taking it away from him. He is thinking to himself that he wants to live, and be free from Uncle Hoyt s pain. He doesn t want to die Uncle Hoyt s death. Brewster wants to live free and not have to suffer under Uncle Hoyt. Part B: Quote Analysis B. One of these days you re gonna test me, and there ll be no one getting hurt but you. (p.167) Brewster tells this to Uncle Hoyt. I think Brewster means that one day he won t care about Uncle Hoyt and Uncle Hoyt will feel his own pain with no one to take it away. He is saying he will stop caring for him, and make him suffer in his own pain. Brewster is now some what fighting back ... Show more content on ... Clumsy person: She was a klutz. 2. Divine (p.162) they contain divine wisdom. D. Holy, powerful: He was a divine dancer. 3. Reluctant (p.185) I will reluctantly admit that I am also a victim of species numbness. D. Hesitant: The dog was reluctant to the human food. 4. Primal (p.191) ... I ll admit I had a primal kind of desire to see those muscles in motion. D. Wild: The dog had primal instincts. 5. Emancipate (p.193) ..and I can become an emancipated minor. D. Set free, release: Abraham Lincoln emancipated freedom to slaves. 6. Console (p.195) My friends came out to console and support me, calling Tennyson every name in the book... D. Comfort and encourage: He tried to console her, but she pushed away. 7. Ferment (p.197) But the fear fermenting to dread... D. Aging, changing: The drink began to ferment over time. 8. Idle (p.213) ...because you know what they say about idle hands and all... D. Lazy, unmoving: The car was idle during the show. 9. Dynamic (p.215) ...and how good both Dad and I felt with Brew in the mix, changing the whole family dynamic. D. Process, change: The economy was
  • 40. Kingdom Of Heaven Research Paper The Unrevealed Truth In this essay I will be summarizing the myths to the truths, of the movie Kingdom of Heaven to the real life history facts. Therefore Hollywood changed the facts to myths. I will be focusing on the longbow creation, relationships, and killing Arabs. In the movie Kingdom of Heaven, the longbow was used in the time of the movie. Unfortunately the longbow was really invented around 1180 C.E.. Created by the Celts in Wales. Which the longbow was not really used by the English military until the 1300s. A longbow is a an incredibly strong piece of wood roughly 6 feet tall and 5/8 inch wide. The longbow started becoming a great, well known weapon. The Hundred Years War was where the longbow really showed its strength. In some of the war s most decisive battles the longbow was the weapon that turned the tides. One memorable example: The Battle of Crecy War. Relationships in the movie Kingdom of Heaven was not one hundred percent accurate. There is actually no given proof or records of any romance between Sibylla, (Balian alleged wife in the movie) and Balian. But really, Sibylla and Baldwin, Balian brother, had love interest between each other. Sibylla was the... Show more content on ... Also, Reynald was a Templar himself. In reality, the Knights Templar was a religious order that swore their fealty to the Pope and only the Pope. No secular order, including the King of Jerusalem, had any authority over them. The history of the Knights Templar incorporates about two centuries during the Middle Ages. From the Order s founding in the early 12th century, until it was disbanded in the early 14th century. Back then the Knights wouldn t have been publicly hanged in Jerusalem, with the power Templars had. Military and economically, no King of Jerusalem would have considered such
  • 41. How Team Dynamics Affect Individual Behavior Team work is common in almost all workplaces educational settings and can often have many benefits but also can have some complications that are lesser known. A team can be defined as a body of people united by a common purpose or joined by a common goal. All groups/teams travel through The 5 Stages of Group Development developed by Bruce Tuckman in 1963. There are many benefits to team work but individuals working alone can be more effective. Team Dynamics can be greatly affected by how members interact with one another which is based heavily on the individual personality of team members. Personality refers to one s individual differences . Variations in personality include individual s thoughts, emotions, behavior, characteristics ... Show more content on ... Some personalities can be a challenge to manage when in a team environment. Dominant personalities can make it difficult for other members to contribute. To manage the team dynamic it is important the facilitator ensure everyone participates equally. Dominant personalities tend to be confident, direct, decisive, assertive and impatient. These characteristics can have a place these individuals can make great leaders but to tend to intimidate create conflict amongst the team which obviously impacts the dynamic therefor performance (McClain, 2015). Deceptive, aggressive and also passive personalities along with others are also difficult for varying reasons but can equally affect the dynamics of a team. Some personality types are more open to others and more incline to regard differing perspectives. Certain types are averse to taking risks and then there are others others who are excited by risk taking. Some are provoked by the challenge of an unsolved dilemma, while others are quickly impaired overwrought and fall into idleness. Certain types make intuitive leaders while others are more complacent prefer to follower. Other personality types are strong communicators while others find it very difficult to articulate their thoughts feelings (Hollister 2006). Every personality has the capability to make a positive addition and to contribute overall success of the team but getting the proportion of
  • 42. Essay On Loss Of Social Security During the early 1900s, people had to walk and travel extended distances just to communicate and interact with other people. Now in the present, we can easily contact someone and see what they are doing with a few movements of our thumbs. This is all thanks to the revolutionary invention of the phone and the evolution of our phones throughout time. Yes, the phone provides us with countless benefits but there are also some slight disadvantages to the phone such as the lack of privacy that comes from using the phone. Fortunate for us, there are ways that we can prevent this loss of privacy and keep our privacy tight and secured. Ways such as keeping your passwords at a high level of difficulty, keep track of everything on your phone, and protecting your social security number. Increasing the level of difficulty on all of your passwords is an essential function to keeping all your privacy safe and secure. We protect our private accounts with passwords so that we can be the only ones to access the account. We don t want anyone intruding our privacy and logging into our accounts... Show more content on ... Your social security number is 9 digit identification that represents you. Everyone in the United States has a social security number which also means that everyone in the United States can be threatened by people trying to steal this very important set of numbers. In the article, it states that If SSNs are publicly displayed, as is the case in some educational establishments when posting grades, for instance, privacy of personal data suffers. The SSN is also at risk of being copied and used illegally elsewhere. This proves that your social security number can be stolen and be used in ways that really hurt you and your family. Just like the governments protects their nuclear launch codes, you should be protecting your social security number with the same
  • 43. A Day In Navy Basic Training Case Study A Day in Navy Basic Training E book or Traditional book should be people s choice? There is ongoing debate on whether the e book format or traditional book format is a better choice for readers. Reading traditional books and reading e books has their own pros and cons. There is no surprise in this age people are advancing in technology. According to Wikipedia, with the help of Internet growing there is increase in digital printed material. Although more and more books are printed digitally there is no shortage of printed books. What medium people choose to read, Reading e books and traditional books have similarities and differences in the cost, health, and convenience. In the cost department, traditional book is expensive but can get it free ... Show more content on ... Sometimes downloading e books can be a time consuming and lengthy process if the Internet is slow. Technology is always changing with time, many older adults are unfamiliar with the e readers, and they still prefer a traditional book to e books. Traditional books are simple to access. This makes it convenient for the people of all ages. Buying traditional books can be expensive when bought at standard retail price, while eBooks are often less expensive. However, traditional books are free to read in the library. In addition, you have a choice of buying second hand books. Used books can go for a very low price. A traditional book can have a good resale value while there is a frequently an option to buy or rent the digital copy. However, buying e books is not like owning a physical copy.Traditional books are costly to publish, especially when in several different languages and this is a very time consuming process. With the help of modern technology, it is now possible to have EBooks in different languages with much less cost to the publisher. E book also reduces the cost of paper, ink, printing, and delivery, and it is more eco friendly. Loosing traditional book can be costly to replace
  • 44. Examples Of Archetypes In The Birthmark In The Birthmark the relationships and behaviors of the character reveal much more than the story itself does. The characters of Aylmer, Georgian, Amenidab and Nature itself, through their words, actions, and behaviors give insight into a much more meaningful story. A deeper analysis of the characters reveals that they are archetypes, and as archetypes they provide a deeper hidden meaning to the story. By looking at Aylmer, Georgiana, Amenidab and Natures relationships and actions throughout the story we can see how they are used to give deeper significance. The character of Aylmer can be seen as a sinister, mad scientist who constantly fights with naturein order to attain human perfection. From the beginning of the story Aylmer s... Show more content on ... Once again this shows Aylmer is not concerned about his wife but rather his victory of nature itself. Aylmer s true motives can be seen at the end of the story after he has given Georgiana the liquid that supposedly will take the mark away. Matter and spirit earth and heaven have both done their part in this! Laugh, thing of the senses! You have earned the right to laugh (Hawthorne 231). This shows Aylmer s moment of ecstasy as he seems to have defied nature and begins to laugh in the face of nature itself. This undirected, almost insane laughter shows Aylmer s true motive of defying nature and creating perfection through science. The archetype of Georgiana can be seen as the perfect women, however, her birthmark acts as a symbol of imperfection and mortality that keeps her from fully pleasing her husband. Georgiana is described as beautiful and perfect except for one flaw, the birthmark. It was the fatal flaw of humanity which Nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffaceably on all her productions, either to imply that they are temporary and finite, or that their perfection must be wrought by toil and pain (Hawthorne 220). The hand shaped birthmark can be seen as her being touched by nature and acts as a symbol of imperfection and mortality in humans. The symbol of the birth mark standing for mortality can be seen again towards the end
  • 45. Scott Walker Controversial 2011 Budget Proposal Eliminate... Abstract Scott Walker controversial 2011 budget proposal eliminate most collective rights for Wisconsin state employees. He is the first governor to win a recall election. Scott walker was reelected the seat of Wisconsin State Assembly. Scott Walker: The Withdraw Tell about his life while he was young. Describe Scott Walker 2011 budget proposal. Information about the college he went to then tell how he became a governor and became a presidential candidate. Tell you about the why he withdrawn, from being a presidential candidate. Scott Kevin Walker was born in November 2, 1967 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Scott Walker mother Patricia Ann Walker was a bookkeeper. Llewellyn Scott Walker, the father of presidential candidate Scott Walker, was a Baptist minister. Scott Walkers family moved to Delavan, Wisconsinwhen he was 10 years old. When Scott Walker was in high school he was selected to represent Wisconsin, in Washington D.C., for boy nation. While Scott Walker was in Washington D.C. he met Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan inspired Scott Walker and became his role model. From then on Walker was really into politics. Scott Walker attended Marquette University from 1986 to 1990. He was active in student government but never finished school at Marquette University. Scott walker was elected student senator with a couple of weeks of college. Later on Scott ran for student president but, was founded guilty of starting his campaign to early. Scott Walker told reporters
  • 46. Vapor Pressure Lab Volatile liquids are prevalently used in the perfume industry. Because of their evaporative nature, feasibility is a top concern from both a shipping and manufacturing standpoint. Therefore, it is necessary to ship the most viable chemicals under specific conditions . This experiment tested the relationship between vapor pressure and molar mass and the relationship between vapor pressure and temperatureusing four alcohols (amyl alcohol, ethanol, methanol, and 2 propanol) to assess whether n hexanol or an alternative alcohol should be used and how the alcohol should be transported. From the graph trend lines, a negative slope showed that molar mass was inversely proportional to vapor pressure, and a positive slope showed that temperature was directly proportional to vapor pressure. It was concluded that n hexanol transported at colder temperatures would most effectively minimize the alcohol s volatility. INTRODUCTION ... Show more content on ... Boiling point is the temperature at which the vapor pressure equals the ambient atmospheric pressure.2 Therefore, a substance with a lower boiling point is also one with a higher vapor pressure because it requires less energy to increase for vapor pressure to equal ambient atmospheric pressure. Another example is that vapor pressure can serve as an effective indicator of a substance s degree of volatility, a substance s tendency to vaporize.3 Because a substance with higher vapor pressure has greater tendencies of both evaporation and condensation in equilibrium, it will also vaporize more readily.4 This, in particular, will be a central
  • 47. Federal Reserve Bank Of New York Essay I.Introduction According to Federal Reserve Bank of New York, The Balance of Payment (BOP) is a statement used by a country to summarize an economy s transactions with the rest of the world by both private and public sectors for a specified time period, usually every quarter or year. It is known as Balance of International Payment , it involves all transactions between a country s residents and its non residents involving goods, services and income, financial claims on and liabilities to the rest of the word. If a country has received money, this is known as a credit , and if a country has paid or given money, the transaction is counted as a debit . Theoretically, the BOP should be zero, meaning that assets (credits) and liabilities (debits) should balance; however, in the reality, this is rarely the case. The BOP is divided into 3 main categories: the current account, the capital account, and the financial account (Reem Heakle, 2015). 1. The Current Account The current account refers to the export and import of goods and services into a country. Within the current account are credits and debits on the trade of merchandise, including goods such as raw materials and manufactured goods that are bought, sold or given away in the form of aid. Services refer to receipts from tourism, transportation, engineering, business service fees such as lawyers or management consulting, and royalties from patents and copyrights, and income generating assets such as stocks. Last but
  • 48. An Analysis Of The Muscular System To begin with, the muscular system basically makes movement. Every step you take, every time you blink your eyes and eve when you swallow food, that is the muscular system doing its job. The muscular system also helps maintain homeostasis by maintaining body temperature which happens when you contract, which is the shortening of a musclewhile pulling against the bones, you are releasing heat which is helping regulate your body temperature. Another job that the muscular system has is maintaining our body s posture. These are some examples of involuntary things that your bones do, meaning that they do it without you personally consciously controlling them. Some examples of voluntary movement, which is when you re consciously controlling it,
  • 49. Because I Could Not Stop for Death Because I could not stop for Death In Emily Dickinson s poem Because I could not stop for Death the main theme seems to be the acceptance of Death. Emily gives reference to the theme by using death in the first line. The poem is unique and interesting because she presents Death in a different way by referring to it as an escort taking her on a journey towards eternity rather than making it seem like something frightening. Each stanza of the poem breaks down the journey through the stages of her life that leads to the end where the speaker reaches eternity and she finally realizes that she is no longer living. In the fifth stanza when she refers to the coffin as her house gives the impression that she s comfortable with death ... Show more content on ... At the end of the poem, Immortality is changed into Eternity, which is an uncomfortable change. The poems written by Emily are personal and inviting. Frost believes that Because I could not stop for Death, is one of the finest poem written by Dickinson on the theme of what lies beyond death, both in cosmic terms and in the feeling of those bound to die, she presents the reader with the strangeness of such a condition. Frost goes on to imply that the poem allows us to feel our own discomfort at not fully knowing, despite what we might surmise, and to experience fears and wonders about time s evanescence and the mystery of death . She says we yearn for immortality, so he accompanies one of us, the one invited into death s carriage. We feel the yearning and the fear as Dickinson must once have, their expression being so palpable, and while we do the poem belongs to us, common readers (Modern Lit). The critic Sharon Cameron points out two outlooks to take on the first line of Because I could not stop for Death . In one respect, the assertions of the speaker that she could not stop for Death must be taken as the romantic protest of a self not yet disabused of the fantasy that her whim will withstand the larger temporal demands of the external world. In another respect, we must see the first line not only as willful but also as the admission of a disabling fact. Cameron states the poem presumes to rid death of its otherness, to familiarize it,
  • 50. My New York City During my second day for my New York City trip, me and my friends decided to go ahead and check out a bit early from the hotel Gallivant . Our plan was to go ahead and walk around the city before heading to our corporate site visits planned for the rest of the day. At that morning, I hurriedly took a shower, packed my luggage and waited for my other friends in the hotel lobby. My friends were Arya, who is a fun loving guywho always has room for a joke or two; Andrew who is the quiet one in the group, Dhillon perhaps the most culturally centric person in the group who is always enthusiastic and lastly John who is a tall, lanky kid who at times can be clumsy and awkward. At around 12pm is for when we were all ready and decided to go and walk around the city, specifically in the Time Square region. The five of us were walkingon this gloomy and windy day dressed in our business professional outfits. Crowds of people were passing by as this central hub was illuminate with billboards from Nike, Polo, McDonalds and Coca Cola. I remember seeing outdoor cafГ© sitting areas and people constantly wandering left and right to the shopping stores. I remember the selfies people took and the hustling of crowds moving to the next attraction like ants swarming in colonies. There was a case of red bleachers toward the center of time square. We had a thirst for adventure despite the blanket of darkness covering the city. Our first stop was at the shopping hub at a place called Swatch a
  • 51. The Identity of a Professional Counselor There are numerous factors that contribute to the development of a counselor s professional identity. The identity of a professional counselor may present numerous differences based on the specialization of counseling, as well as, overall identity factors that remain the same across the entire counseling spectrum. The paper examines key philosophies of the counseling professionwhich include: wellness, resilience, and prevention and how these philosophies impact the counseling profession. Next it will discuss the characteristics of an effective professional counselor in two different professional roles and two professional counseling associations. Further, it will look at state licensure and certification requirements and professional development. Lastly, focus will be put on the rise of technology in the modern society and how it plays a role in the counseling profession. Multiple philosophies that have been developed in the counseling profession are based on wellness, resilience, and prevention. The root of wellness dates back 2,000 years, where Aristotle, was perhaps, the first person to write about wellness (Myers and Sweeney, 2008). Two wellness models, with enough empirical evidence to be reviewed, are The Wheel of Wellness: A Theoretical Model and The Indivisible Self: An Evidence Based Model of Wellness. The original wellness models were based in the realm of physical health science and eventually was developed into a model based in counseling (Myers and Sweeney,
  • 52. Comparison of Genesis 1 2 Brady Pair Dr. Stewart REL 1330 Introduction to Christianity HONORS Section September 18, 2013 Comparison between Genesis 1 Genesis 2 The story of creation begins with Genesis 1 and 2, it explains how the world and it s living inhabitants were created from God s touch. From Genesis 1 we see how the sky, seas, land, animals, and mankind were created. However Genesis 2 focuses more on the first of mankind, known as Adam and Eve and how they are made to be. In this paper I will compare Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 and what the main idea for creation is in each one, however in my opinion there is no contradiction between the two. Genesis 2 merely fills in the details that are headlined in Genesis 1. In Genesis 1 we learn how God created the ... Show more content on ... Another possibility is that there were two stories being told and the writer could not decide which one to put in the bible, so he put both. Though there are two clashing stories, the basic idea for this story of creation can still be seen. This might explain why Genesis 1 has a broader spectrum of creation and why Genesis 2 focuses mainly on the creation of man. In Genesis 1 the names of man are not even mentioned. In Genesis 2 however we come to learn that their names are Adam (male) and Eve (female). Also in Genesis 2 we learn exactly how Eve is created; Goad takes a rib from Adam and makes Eve from that rib. Then she is called woman, because she is made from man (Gen 2:23). This appears nowhere in Genesis 1. Another possibility is that Genesis was also put in the Bible to show us how important the creation of man was. After all we are the only things that God created in his image (Gen 1:26). God makes a garden in Eden and puts Adam in the eastern part of Eden to care over and keep it in order. He then instructs him about what trees to eat from and which to not eat from. Before God makes him a helper (on the 6th day) he brings all the creatures to Adam to name all the animals and birds (Gen 2:15). Then God reflects back at what he previously made before man. (Gen 1:24 25 explains the creatures made from the earth according to its kind ) and has Adam name them before he puts him asleep to operate on him to give him his wife
  • 53. Peripheral Neuropathy Research Paper A Peripheral Neuropathy A peripheral neuropathy is an injury to the peripheral nerves which can result in pains and weakness of the hands and feet. A peripheral neuropathy can be caused by a traumatic injury or an infection. Symptoms and sings for a peripheral neuropathy depend on the types of nerves that are affected including: sensory, motor and autonomic nerves. The signs and symptoms of these three types of nerves are: pains as burning in the hands, arms, feet or legs, weak muscles, falling down, dizziness and digestion problems etc... There are a lot of reasons why a person will have a peripheral neuropathyincluding alcohol, infection, diabetes, medications, inherited and taking poisons. Moreover, it s safer to see a specialist in
  • 54. Descartes And Nietzsche s View On The Mind And Body... I am thinking, therefore I exist (Discourse on Method 15) In his Discourse on Method, Rene Descartes offers the above proposition, in response to the radical doubt (Discourse on Method 15)This implies that, even the human ability to doubt one s existence is proof that humans are thinking beings, and therefore must exist in the universe, despite all else. Nietzsche has written in contrast to this statement, discussing the contradictions and assumptions surrounding the proposition. Stemming from this initial premise, both Descartes and Nietzsche go on to discuss the mind/body problem. Descartes argues for the separation of mind and body, while Nietzsche offers a premise based on a deep connection between the two. I seek to compare the writings of both philosophers, and explore holes in judgment and scope on the part of Descartes, and prove as to why Nietzsche s discussions are superior of the two. Descartes discusses the existence of the human mind as a separate entity from the human body, including the a passage confirming his own existence as nothing but a thinking entity, in his writing Principles of Philosophy (I. 63 65). Following his rejection of all knowledge, in order to divide what was false from what could be proven, Descartes strives to prove the existence of his own mind, as a basis from which to prove the existence of the rest of the universe. I think his premise is flawed, Through the concept of doubt, he finds a contradiction (I am thinking about not
  • 55. Fantastic Manufacturing Case Analysis Fantastic Manufacturing Inc Financial Analysis based upon projections Executive brief Forecasting activity being carried on by the principals of Fantastic for their business of ceiling fans marketing and assembling that was rapidly growing. Basic purpose behind making the forecasts was the decision on assembling and importing ceiling fans. The idea was to find a low priced, assemble it yourself fan from Taiwan and Hong Kong. These ceiling fans were cost effective as they reduced cooling cost during summer and heating cost during winter. The product has cost advantage. The customers were pleased with the product due to various reasons including timely delivery, high level of service, warranty of seven year on fans, etc. The rise in revenue was rapid starting from the year of operations. The key period of business was from April to September were revenues were equal to 65% of total revenue as the product was seasonal. The basis of forecasting for the year 1981 1982 is the expectations of sales by Mr. Turner Mr. Rose. It is given that total sales were $ 15.80 million in first half of year 1981 and the total sales in 1981 to reach $ 30 million. Profit after tax was expected to be $ 1 million for 1st half and we assumed for the next half, profit will be in proportion to first half expected to be amounting to $ 0.90 million. For year 1982, the sales expectation by Mr. Rose was around more than $ 71 million