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For The Death Penalty Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of the death penalty can be a challenging task, given the
complexity and controversy surrounding the subject. The issue involves ethical, moral, legal, and
societal considerations, making it essential to approach the topic with a well-researched and
balanced perspective.
One of the difficulties lies in navigating the vast array of arguments and counterarguments that
surround the death penalty. Supporters emphasize its potential deterrent effect and the
retribution it provides for heinous crimes, while opponents argue against its moral implications,
the risk of executing innocent individuals, and the potential for systemic biases within the justice
Crafting a compelling essay on this topic requires a thorough understanding of the historical
context, legal precedents, and evolving public opinions. It's important to delve into statistics,
case studies, and scholarly research to present a well-informed analysis. Addressing both sides of
the debate is crucial to providing a comprehensive overview, and it demands the ability to
critically evaluate conflicting evidence and viewpoints.
Furthermore, expressing your stance on the death penalty necessitates careful consideration and
articulation of your beliefs. Developing a clear and concise thesis statement is challenging, as it
should encapsulate your position while acknowledging the complexity of the issue. It's crucial to
anticipate potential counterarguments and address them effectively, demonstrating a nuanced
understanding of the subject matter.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the death penalty requires meticulous research, critical
thinking, and the ability to navigate through multifaceted arguments. The challenge lies in
presenting a well-rounded perspective while effectively communicating your stance on a
contentious and emotionally charged topic. As with any complex subject, thorough preparation,
thoughtful analysis, and skillful articulation are essential for creating a compelling and persuasive
If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, you may explore additional resources or
seek assistance. Websites like provide services where similar essays and more
can be ordered, offering support for those who may need guidance or additional help in tackling
challenging topics.
For The Death Penalty Essay For The Death Penalty Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Z Waves
Terahertz (THz) waves, or T rays, refer to electromagnetic radiation in the frequency
range of 0.1 10 THz. THz waves occupy the region between microwaves and the
infrared, as shown in Figure 1.1. Until about two decades ago, when THz time
domain spectroscopy technique was invented, the THz spectrum had remained more
or less unexplored and unutilized. However, the development of ultrafast lasers and
derivative techniques such as photocon¬ductive switching and sampling and electro
optic generation and detection in the 1980s made it feasible to study the THz waves.
Fig. 1.1: Position of terahertz spectrum (1 10 THz). This range is also known as the
far infrared, or sub millimeter range, and the lower limit is often extended down to
300 GHz (О» ... Show more content on ...
Investigating biological characteristics and dynamics using THz techniques has
both advantages and disadvantages. One of the most important advantages is the
low energy of THz waves, corresponding to a few meV, which is well below the
ionization energies of atoms and molecules. This means that we can study materials
with THz waves without disturbing the system under study, unless enough power is
applied to cause a significant increase in temperature. The other major advantage is
that the characteristic energy of the hydrogen bond, which is the most dominant
bond in biological molecules, lies in the THz frequency range and, therefore, THz
waves can directly detect spectral features such as resonances and motions of
molecules. However, a serious disadvantage is the high absorption of THz waves
by the water in which biological molecules reside. This water absorption can mask
the characteristic features of samples, even though biological dynamics naturally
occur in water. All of the above is some applications in THz region, for more details
and applications see
A Comforting View of Death in William Cullen
Chuck Palahniuk once said, The first step to eternal life, is you have to die. In
William Cullen Bryant s poem Thanatopsis , he does not mention eternal life or
anything religious, but speaks about death. He tells his readers that death is a natural
thing and they should not worry about it. William Cullen Bryant, in his poem
Thanatopsis, portrays a comforting view of death. Throughout the poem, Bryant
encourages his readers by explaining that in death they are not alone, that death, like
life, is a natural process, and that they will be among some of the finest people who
walked the earth. Bryant uses the fact that we are not alone in death to comfort his
readers. Through this, he explains that when people die, they will be... Show more
content on ...
In addition to Bryant s portrayal of death as comforting, he also depicts it as a part
of nature. Bryant explains that death, like life, is a part of nature, which was a
loved and cherished aspect of the nineteenth century. In the period of Romanticism,
nature was an important ideal; it was viewed as the source for everything. In
Thanatopsis , Bryant uses nature as a comfort zone, saying that when one dies,
they will become a part of nature. He says that the bodies will be used to nurture
the earth. Bryant also mentions that we once were made as a part of nature and
that people will die as a part of it as well. He states: ...and lost each human trace,
surrending up thine individual being shalt thou go to mix forever with the
elements. Bryant is saying that bodies will decay and eventually become one with
the earth and nature. Along with becoming a part of nature, Bryant explains that
the deceased people will be with some of the finest people who walked the earth. In
order to make his readers feel ultimately comfortable, Bryant also says that when
everyone dies, they will be with some of the finest people who walked the earth. By
the expression finest people , Bryant means all the important figures and
contributors in history. He says that people will be resting in the same place as these
figures are: in the earth. He uses this to comfort his readers by saying that by dying,
Book Of Revelation Chapter 8 Study
We are now moving on to a Bible study of Revelation Chapter 8: I did the 13 verses
study with Jesus, and the Ha s and the e s were also hearing this Bible study over
the weekend. It is over a 16 page discourse on little paper anyhow. The only way to
understand the Book of Revelation is to get a grasp on the numbers meanings. It is
absolutely imperative to understand each verse. It could be involved, but I am mainly
scratching the surface in order to reveal the basic minimum at least in God s will.
Now that we have gotten through the entire Chapter, the angels and I understand it
much better. I will occasionally point out some of the numbers meanings. That could
get extremely out of hand and could be a very in depth (8) study within itself.... Show
more content on ...
God opened the 7th seal: this seven represents God letting everyone see that
Chapter 8 has to do with torture, pain, and the e s getting cast out of heaven: pains
and problems for them in general. He opened, or reveals, His mind to John in the
following wording: silence in heaven for about a half an hour: here represents the
time when all the angels were contemplating on the sinful pretending style of
worship to lou that had been previously committed in heaven with the golden eyes
evil unauthorized version, which was booted them from heaven style sinful and
earned them eternal glory, is a joke. (It earned them pain in hell flames along with
several other problems). The Ha s and e s had the sky talking war: (Rev 12 verse 7)
12 + 7 = 19 = heavy judgment 1 + 9 = 10 = a new start for the e s and Ha s. Ten often
means a good new start. However, in the second calculated position, you get the
horrible new start due to their evil actions, which they had performed, with the satanic
version of the great, powerful song. Quick side note: there are many different
formulas with which you
What Is Miss Havisham
In the novel, Great Expectations, written by Charles Dickens in a realistic gothic
fiction genre, a young boy named Pip grows up and falls in love with a girl named
Estella. As time progresses, Pip moves to London and back while being involved in
an intricate plot with an escape convict, a heartbroken evil women, and many friends
and enemies. Miss Havisham influenced Pip in a harmful way throughout the novel
due to her ignorance of pain and how she only wanted to exact her revenge on all
men for her sadness. In this story, lovesymbolizes the ignorance that people have
such as Pip and Estella and Havisham with all other individuals. She took no notice
of me until she had the candle in her hand, when she looked over her shoulder, (pg 83)
American Horror Story Evaluation
American Horror Story Evaluation
When it comes to a show I always look for something lighthearted. In my opinion
the best shows are the ones that are funny, a bit relatable, have great character
development, and overall just uplift your spirits. Shows like this are hard to come
by; there are some old ones that I ve come to enjoy such as Friends and The Office,
but lately I have yet to find a show that fits my normal preferences. I have spent
months watching Friends over and over again, but that gets boring after a while, so I
decided to step out of my comfort zone and find a show I wouldn t usually watch. I
decided to try American Horror Story completely aware that it doesn t fit into what
I normally look for. To my surprise, I really enjoyed the show. It s has some scary
moments, but nothing too horrifying. The setting, mood, music, characters, and
general atmosphere of the show is meant to give a spooky vibe and does just that,
but it also goes much deeper and appeases all kinds of audiances. The American
Horror Story wasn t created to be funny, and while it has its moments, for the most
part it s not. However, it is very engaging. It draws you in with the characters and
their development. It s oddly relatable. Rape, miscarriage, suicide, homicide, drugs,
and all kinds of other issues are talked about ... Show more content on
It is made for mature audiences, there are scenes with masturbation, rape, and drug
use so, keep that in mind when watching it. It has some scenes that could make
people uncomfortable such as rape or homicide; it is not for the faint of heart. Just
know what you are sensitive to before going into it. But if you can get past those
things, it is a really great show. It is very intriguing and has a complex plot. The
characters become like a family to you. As someone who is very picky about what
she watches, I am completely in love with this show. I will continue to watch it as
long as it
Analysis Of Gene Weingarten s Pearls Before Breakfast
Gene Weingarten s Pearls before Breakfast, published in 2007. It was originally
published in the Washington Post. The targeted audience includes general
newspaper readers. The purpose of the text is to enlighten the value of free God
gifted talents that are hidden somewhere in the ignorance of people who remain
busy in their personal lives. Nowadays, people usually favor and follow popular
artists by their titles, and bands names. On the other hand, artists who perform on
streets, bus stations, and subways their talent become viral through modern media.
When unknown talent captured in cameras by unknown spectators and the unusual
performances become highlighted than people show empathy towards them.
Although adaptability of poverty and ignorance of the world makes unknown
artists so much ignorable in the eyes of the world that donations make their day
and they come to know at the end of the day that how many spectators did observe
them. However, I argue that people shouldn t build an invisible wall between stage
and street artists by ignoring artistic languages, disliking of physical appearances,
and focusing on price tags rather than originality of artistic work. I believe that
besides world s different languages there are also some other languages that don t
require words. These languages come from humans senses. For instance, if an infant
gets hungry the feeling of pain becomes him or her to cry and provides him or her
food. Similarly, people who understand art by
Summary Of The Night Ended
Ginny waited not so patiently for midnight to roll around. Oh how her heart ached
to see Ben. It had been quite some time since she was able to see him. She wanted
to explain what had happened last night, and apolozies for not being there. She
hoped Ben didn t think she ditched him. She would never do somethig like that and
she hoped Ben realized that. The night ended uneventfully. Thankfully, Mother
asked no questions about Ginny s trip to visit Father. Ginny assumed that Mother
thought that since Edward went with her, she got into no trouble. She was wrong.
She should have known better. Edward and Nelly were such trouble makers. The
soliders caused no trouble that night. Abner went out again, no one knowing when
he would return. The other soliders just kept to themselves. They played cards for
hours, but thankfully, stopped before midnight. When the clocks struck twelve,
Abner had not returned and the other soliders were fast asleep. Ginny pulled her
cloak and shoes on, still in her room. She had brought her cloak and shoes up to her
room to lessen the chance of an unwanted encoutar. She glanced out her window,
and there, standing at her door, waiting for her, was Ben. A smile crossed her face.
He had gotten her note, and without questioning, responded to it. He probably had
no idea why he was standing on her porch right now, but he did it because she asked
him to. That thought made her smile. Oh how she loved that boy. Ginny flew down
the stairs, eager
The Avant В¬в‰ Garde Cinema Community Essay
During the 1960s, the AvantВGarde cinema community began to see the emergence
of an Underground camp cinema that was intrigued with the concept of
homosexuality, the normative constructs of society and how the two coВexisted. J.
Hoberman and Jonathan Rosenbuam believed this new transformative cinema arose
from a need to defragment the official cinematic senses (Hoberman, p. 39). In turn,
creating new ideas and concepts to be explored. During this time period, queer
/homosexual directors like Jack Smith, Kenneth Anger, and Andy Warhol created
pictures like Flaming Creatures, Scorp io Rising, and Blowjob. These films addressed
the relationship of heteronormative constructs to homosexualityin new ways via the
use of unconventional methods, including over the top acting, the incorporation of
pop icons, androgyny, minimalist framing and intense focus. Sus an Sontag who
wrote, Notes on Camp which said these films arose from a need to express and
address the feelings of the marginalized (Sontag, p. 278). During this time the
homosexual community was marginalized making them the perfect subjects for these
films. By casting them as subjects in these films, viewers are allowed to see what it
meant to be homosexual during this time period. These films produced the creation of
queerness and gave those who associated themselves with being a queer theorywe see
in the 1990s emerges.
Much like the queer theory, underground cinema rose out of a need to address the
normative form and
Away With Bulimia
Wasting Away with Bulimia Eating disorders can affect any and every person in
today s society. Men, Women, young and old. Bulimia has not one preferred
victim, Bulimia can affect us all. In today s society being fit is in. The thinner the
better , The skinnier the prettier Nothing taste as good as skinny feels those are
just some of the clichГ©s we hear on the day to day basis. We live in a world that
idolizes beauty, and not the kind that is within but the kind that we can see.
Everywhere we turn there is some slender beauty or some buff guy striking a pose
for the cameras. Seems like fitness is everywhere. But when is enough, enough?
When do you stop? How thin do you have to be? What are you really doing to your
body and health? Is this sacrifice true worth it?... Show more content on ...
The problem is that they are not taking into consideration the harsh and serious
health consequences that their actions will have on them later. That Enjoy it now,
worry about it later attitude is exactly what is causing the Bulimia health crisis this
generation is facing. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental
disorder, the mortality rates reported on those who suffer from eating disorders can
vary considerably between studies and sources. Part of the reason why there is a
large variance in the reported number of deaths caused by eating disorders is because
those who suffer from an eating disorder may ultimately die of heart failure, organ
failure, malnutrition or suicide.
Abraham Lincoln Leadership
Most people wonder what a leader is. Shockingly enough the people s follow up
questions are equally surprising; one woman from Tennessee took a survey about
what she thought a leader was, this was her response A leader is one who always
fails at the project he/she is working on. (Harris Poll 3) Another similar survey was
given to a man in New York he continued by saying Leaders are just heroes with
different names. (Harris Poll 5) Not only these two people have answered this way
in fact, 91% of people say communication issues can drag community s down,
according to results from our new Interact/Harris Poll, which was conducted online
with roughly 1,000 U.S. people. (Harris Poll 1) Although people do not disagree with
these statements... Show more content on ...
The reasoning behind this is when a leader communicates with his or her council or
even simple citizens it shows that the response the leader gets is so much more
positive and powerful compared to leaders who do not communicate or speak out
with others. Abraham Lincoln once said A house divided against itself cannot stand.
I believe this government cannot endure permanently, half slave, half free. I do not
expect the house to fall I do not expect the union to be dissolved But I do expect it
will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. (Biography 1)
Lincoln is talking about the major issue of 1832 the slave trade. He is referring to
the idea he had that meant; when a house is divided into two sections one believing
in slave trade one believing otherwise this house can expect to fall, in the sense that
there will be no medium ground or agreement. As a great leader Abraham Lincoln
shows the amazing quality of communication and speaking out by telling over 350
people what his opinions were on the slave trade and how he thought it would work
out. When Lincoln spoke out to these people he slowly changed the world one
slave at a time, for this was when slave trade began to slow down or cease to
ICD-10-CM Transition Analysis
I think transitioning over to ICD 10 CM will make coding easier by being more
specific with the descriptions. I think that the biggest challenge is going to be just
learning the different sections of the ICD 10 CM. Some other challenges may
include training in ICD 10 CM, the cost of the transition, and maintaining two
coding systems because some private insurance like workman compensation
insurance are not required to switch over to ICD 10 CM. I believe that we have
had ICD 9 since 1979 with updates yearly, which makes the ICD 9 over twenty
years and almost thirty years old. A lot has changed in the medical world since then
and we are due for a change. Anything new will take some time to learn and I believe
that the transition would be
Sullivan Flooring Concepts
BUSM35436 Business Cases
Sullivan Flooring Concept
NAME: Aisosa Okitikpi
DAY TIME of CLASS: (Wed 12pm)
Key Facts of the Case (no analysis)
Who is the decision maker? (Remember: in analyzing a case you have to put
yourself in the position of the decision maker and try to figure out what YOU would
do in his/her position).
Norm Sullivan
maximum 5 key facts that summarize the case.
Fierce Competition
Unique wood flooring concept
Growing interests
Culture change
Problem(s) Statement
What is the main problem(s) or opportunity(s) that you (as decision maker) must deal
Sullivan must deal with how to improve the manufacturing process of his wood
flooring concept
How urgent and how important is this issue and ... Show more content on ...
Time available to finish planks for Norm Sullivan: 4.5 hours per week x 52 weeks =
234 hours (14040 minutes)
In that time he can create (with the table saw): 14040 minutes available /15 minutes
required per board = 936 planks
In that time he can create (with the router): 14040 minutes available / 14 minutes
required per board = 1002 planks.
Neither of these options is going to be sufficient to meet his production need of 1200
planks for the upcoming year.
What if he were to hire more workers? This would reduce the production time per
plank and make it likely that he would be able to reduce the production time per
board. For each worker he would be looking at $5200 per year.
His projected sales for the year:
1200 planks
10 feet each @ $6.00 per foot = $60 per plank Therefore, 1200 x 60 = $72000 His
projected profit margin = 50%
Therefore 50/100* 72000=
$36000 in profit for the year.
Decision Criteria for Solutions
What goals or objectives must be achieved by any potential solution to the problem?
(eg. Must maximize market share)
Must improve productivity
Must increase overall delivery time
Must have a good return on investment
Must maximize competitive advantage
Must be able to increase quantity and quality
What constraints limit the range of solutions (eg. Can t cost more than $1 Million)
Can t take too long to implement
Can t cost more than 80,000 per year
Identification of Realistic Practical Alternatives available
Tribulations In John Steinbeck s The Chrysalids
In the book the Chrysalids, it tells us about a boy named David, and the mutation
in Waknuk where he lives. The people in David s district had a very sharp eye for
the odd, or the unusual. Waknuk s people are very religious, they use religion to
control the people. If any uncured events happen, they would say it was an Act of God
. The Old People had a wonderful world they lived in until Godsent Tribulation which
means God destroyed their wonderful world. Tribulations are the Waknuk people
believed that old people brought from mutations and the badlands. The badlands are
believed that they were cursed and punished by God. The Ethnic people believe
that he Old People didn t pray enough, and they didn t become religious enough so
this is why the mutations came into their world. If the people of Waknuk found
someone with an extra body part they would call them deviations and they would
punish and torture them. When David and Sophie were sliding down the sandy hill
Sophie s foot got wedged in between two rocks, she couldn t get her foot out so
David suggested by cutting the laces, but Sophie refused to let David see her... Show
more content on ...
There is now a telepathic group of telepaths, they are, David, Rosalind( David s
cousin), Michael, Anne and Rachael(sisters), Mark, Sally and Katherine(neighbors),
and Walter Brent (dead) and now Petra. The telepaths come together and try to
communicate with Petra to educate her and warn her about the normal people that
are trying to kill and torture them. Sally and Katherine got taken away from the
group by the inspector. The telepaths make a plan to escape fast, they escape to the
fringes with the horses. The group informs each other that Katherine is being
tortured. They realize that David and Petra are missing from the group. Katherine and
Sally where forced to confess who the telepaths
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis
The parietal lobe is located near the center of the brain. It is behind the frontal lobe, in
front of the occipital lobe, and above the temporal lobe.(Parietal lobe. (n.d.). Retrieved
January 05, 2017, from body maps/parietal lobe)
It contains an area known as primary sensory. It assists in processing visual images
and impulses from the skin. Over the human s lifetime the brain shrinks so therefore
the parietal lobe shrinks.(Peters, R. (2006, February). Ageing and the brain. Retrieved
January 05, 2017,from
There are many different methods used to capture information on brain structures and
functions. The three most commonly used measures are functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (fMRI) which detects changes in blood flow associated with
neural activity. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) captures magnetic fields generated
by neural activity. Electroencephalography (EEG) which is used to measure
electricity in the brain generated by neuron firing. Out of these three methods EEG is
the most versatile and cost efficient solution.(Top 3 Devices for Monitoring and
Measuring Brain Activity. (2016, December 07). Retrieved January 05, 2017, from...
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It can cause right left confusion and difficulty with writing and math. It may also
cause disorders of speech and the inability to see object normally. Damage to the
right parietal lobe can damage self care skills such as dressing and washing. It can
also cause difficulty in the construction of things. Damage to both sides can cause
Balint s Syndrome which is a visual attention and motor syndrome. This is being the
inability to voluntarily control gazing, it may also cause the inability reach for an
object. (Parietal Lobes. (n.d.). Retrieved January 05, 2017, from
Emergency Action Plan For Emergency Personnel
Jeff Podeszwa
JMU Wild West Rodeo
Emergency Action Plan
A.To establish a written document, outlining and explaining procedures during
general and specific emergencies.
B.Emergencies to be covered:
General Injuries
General Evacuation
Inclement Weather
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Cervical Spine Injury
C.Event Maps and this document will be placed throughout the event area at various
II.Emergency Communication:
A.Handheld radios will be used as the primary communication device. Each radio
will be fully charged prior to the event, and set to channel 1.
B.Radios will be used as the primary communication device for all on site
C.If you need to contact any Rodeo personnel from an ... Show more content on ...
Events and Protocols:
A.Events to Take Place (In Order)
Calf Roping
Team Roping
Steer Wrestling
Barrel Racing
Saddle Riding
Bareback Riding
Bull Riding
All events will take place in the main ring. Warm up for events will take place in ring
number 2. The medical staff will have a main tent with treatment tables in between
the two rings. EMS will have an ambulance for emergency transportation, waiting by
ring 1 in the medical tent area.
B.Injury Protocol
If an Athlete goes down during this event, medical staff will initially hold until the
Head Bullfighter gives the signal that it is safe to enter the ring. The Athletic
Trainers, will be the first on the scene to assess the situation. If further medical
attention is required, the paramedics will be notified via radio, and drive the gator
into the ring for assistance. Security will make sure no spectators interfere with any
medical treatments.
If an athlete goes down in ring number 2, medical staff will initially hold until the
Head Bullfighter gives the signal that it is safe to enter the ring.
Performance Through Pushdown Processing in Informatica
How to Obtain Flexible, Cost effective Scalability and Performance through
Pushdown Processing
Under the Hood of the Pushdown Optimization Option Now Available Through
Informatica PowerCenter 8
This document contains Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Information (
Confidential Information ) of Informatica Corporation and may not be copied,
distributed, duplicated, or otherwise reproduced in any manner without the prior
written consent of Informatica. While every attempt has been made to ensure that the
information in this document is accurate and complete, some typographical errors or
technical inaccuracies may exist. Informatica does not accept responsibility for any
kind of loss resulting from the use of ... Show more content on ...
Driven by accelerated productivity gains and ever increasing performance, state of
the art data integration platforms, such as InformaticaВ® PowerCenterВ®, handle
the vast majority of today s scenarios quite effectively. PowerCenter has enjoyed
wide acceptance and use by high volume customers representing companies and
government organizations of all sizes. Based on this use, Informatica has identified
performance scenarios where processing data in a source or target database instead of
within the data integration server can lead to significant performance gains. These
scenarios are primarily where data is co located within a common database instance,
such as when staging and production reside in a single Oracle relational database
management system (RDBMS) or where a large investment has been made in database
hardware and software that can provide additional processing power. With these
scenarios in mind, Informatica Corporation set out to deliver a solution that delivers
the best of both worlds without incurring undo configuration and management
burden; a solution that best leverages the performance capabilities of its data
integration server and/or the processing power of a relational database
interchangeably to
Antigone And Prometheus Bound
Is the belief in destiny a way to encourage people to try and change it or to curse
people to their dooms? Destiny was more seriously considered in during ancient
Greek society and the Greeks centered their lives around oracles who could tell
people their destiny and what the gods had in store for them. Whether that
information was heeded or not, it greatly affected everyone s life because it basically
prophesied the future. There is a quote by Jean de La Fontaine that states, One often
meets his destinyon the road he takes to avoid it. If one knows what one is destined
for, should one try to change it? If so, what would be the impact? The plays Antigone
by Sophocles and Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus explore these questions in further
... Show more content on ...
He made the decision to help humankind regardless of the outcome he was going to
face because he figured that helping humankind was worth more than the torture
that Zeus would put him through. Humankind was freed of its misery through
Prometheus s help and their misery became Prometheus s misery almost like
karma or like the existence of energy in thermodynamics. Energy can neither be
created nor destroyed so since misery existed to begin with, it was just transferred
from humankind to Prometheus. He knew of the suffering to come but he didn t
know how it would be when he reached that point in his destiny and the amount of
suffering he actually experienced took him by surprise. It didn t take him as much
by surprise as if he didn t know what suffering he would receive at all so he
probably would have thought twice about helping humankind if he didn t know his
destiny. If people know the extent of the consequences that would follow their
actions, they would be able to make more concrete decisions and accept their fate
easier when it comes along. Not long after, Io, the girl who was cursed by Zeus,
happens to come along and find Prometheus s prison. She finds out that Prometheus
is the one tied to the rock and questions him about why he got there. When he refuses
to tell her, she asks him to tell her the extent of which she
Clothes” by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni Essay
The short store Clothes by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is about a young Indian
woman, Sumita, and her cultural transition to America that is symbolized by her
clothes and the color of her clothes. The traditional Indian attire for a woman is a
sari and each one has its own purpose. Her clothes also indicate her progression from
daughter, to wife, to woman.
The story starts off with the bride to be in a yellow sari preparing to meet her
future husband by bathing in a lake. She describes the yellow sari as a sunflower
after rain. Yellow here could possible signify new times to come or peace. The bath
she was taking is relaxing her to the idea that she is about to marry a man she has not
even met, as well as the thought of losing her ... Show more content on ...
[talk about Indian tradition and beliefs about Indian women becoming Americanized]
In some countries white signifies purity and cleanliness. In others it is the color of
royalty or deities. Sumita s husband owns a 7 11 store in California. He is constantly
having to work the night shift to try to earn extra money so that they can move out on
their own. One night he is held at gun point and shot to death. To mourn his death
Sumita wears a white sari.
During the mourning of his death they perform a bangle breaking ceremony. [talk
about the ceremony and what It means] They break the bangles that are on Sumita s
arm and send multi colored shards flying all over the room and on the sheet that her
husband lies under. The multi colored shards might represent the fact that right now
her life has shattered like the bracelets and she is scattered in a place that she is not
familier with.
You can now tell that Sumita has become pretty Americanized compared to when she
first arrived in the United States. For instance, she is talking about getting an
education and working in a school teaching in front of a classroom of blond kids
in her cream and brown American dress. She is beginning to make more decisions
on her own and step away from her beliefs. Here the color cream and the color brown
are making her feel more americanized. If you are to go back a few paragraphs when
her husband first bought the skirt and
Amazon Is An American E Commerce Company Essay
The company I selected is Amazon, and it s considered the everything
store . It supply s consumers with low prices from supplying vendors at a cheaper
shipping rate included because of the companies contracts with United States
Postal Services and UPS. Amazon is an American e commerce Company that
offers a wide range of products and services via its online website or apps on any
electronic device. The company manufactures and sells various electronic devise
to its consumers, including Fire tablets, Kindle e readers, Fire TV s, Echo and Fire
phones. On top using robots in its warehouses around the country Amazon streams
videos or movies, offers customers a prime membership at an annual rate, free two
day shipping, prime pantry, and an Amazon rewards credit card. Amazon is a
publicly listed company and has a ticker symbol, AMZN on NASDAQ Stock
Exchange. The online retail store is considered under a Catalog Mail Order House
industry. Amazon has a SEC 10K, or Securities and Exchange Commission, which an
entity that has major responsibilities for looking after the economy by keeping
corporations and businesses true internal integrity. Each company must file their
financial reports to the SEC and have a chance of being audited by the PCAOB, or
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board; Amazon Inc. com is one of those
businesses. The bases for an audit is the conditions of quarterly projections that
change in regards to Amazon s earnings, cash flow,
Application And Information Stockpiling On The...
Prior, In the creating stage, we used to make applications and information stockpiling
on the neighborhood servers. In the event that neighborhood server or neighborhood
framework crashes, the whole framework, applications and related information
crashes consequently. It was turning into an enormous issue everywhere throughout
the world. To defeat this issue, the idea of distributed computing was brought out
vigorously. Be that as it may because of expanding size of clients numerous security
related issue emerges and after that security issues turned out to be most regular in the
enthusiasm of analysts. Security models, for example, Mandatory Access Controland
Discretionary Access Control have been the methods by which data were secured
and get to was controlled. However, because of the unbend ability of these models,
the fairly new security idea of Role Based Access Control (RBAC) was proposed
by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) which guarantees to
end up a more unmistakable security model. Be that as it may, because of
expanding size of clients giving noteworthy security has ended up bottleneck. This
paper portrays access control, idea of RBAC (Role based Access Control) display, its
downside and finally we finish up to depict proposed research work to lessen security
Access Control:
Protection, trust and Access Control are some of security idea required to meet in
Cloud stage. Access Control s part is to control and breaking point the
Recognizing The Benefits Of Not Only A Diverse Workforce,
Recognizing the benefits of not only a diverse workforce, but a diverse culture has
been an issue for us since the founding of this nation. We ve seen from the beginning
how intolerance and bigotry was present in a society which proclaimed that all men
are created equal by decree. Our society has struggled with the inclusion of anyone
into our culturewho did not fit the mold of we saw was the norm simply because it
was different. This brief discussion focuses on how those differences can be
harnessed to produce a more productive workforce making the proclamation that all
men are really equal come true. I ll begin by talking about the importance of having
people with different lifestyles included in our workforce. Then I ll discuss... Show
more content on ...
People will be more apt to spend their money more comfortably with them
(Mayhew, 2017). There are intangible benefits to maintaining a robust diversity
policy starting with the way people are able to engage in interpersonal
relationships in the workplace. Individuals will always have some kind of conflict
in the workplace. How people deal with that conflict will determine the
effectiveness of their overall performance. The more diverse an organization is has
a direct correlation to how well people are able to deal with conflict and adversity.
The degree in which we re able to resolve interpersonal conflict directly affects
employee productivity. This high level interaction also builds the mutual respect we
have for each other. When people are able to see and recognize each other s
differences while working through conflict as it arises, builds respect also allowing
an increase in overall productivity (Mayhew, 2017).
Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Workforce A diverse workforce is required to be
successful in today s business market. People want to be a part of an organization
which embraces diversity at all levels and tiers of a company not just at the entry or
middle management. One of the ways to retain a diverse workforce is to ensure
people can see that diversity at every level not just in the new location where they
were just hired. Seeing this will allow a future vision of upward mobility unhindered
by barriers commonly
Fundamental Attribution Error
In the ways of the world it is easier to make assessments about people or objects
based on a quick observation. For instance, almost everyone has heard the clique
saying Don t judge a book by its cover. This is a perfect scenario where looking at
just what is holding the book together a decision is made on whether the book will
be picked to read. In the same ways individuals tend to judge each other.
Unfortunately, when quick judgments are snapped about a person or object the
observer is missing out a bigger picture. This is defined as the fundamental attribution
error. For example, a person kicking a vending machine over and over may not have
an anger management problem. Although, the observer may make this assumption as
they walk by not... Show more content on ...
As referenced by Nurit Papirman (2007), the earliest research on the fundamental
attribution error was conducted by Jones and Harris in 1967. The researchers
designed three experiments to determine whether or not an individual would take
the situation into account over there disposition. A sample of individuals were
told there were going to read over a pro Fidel Castro essay or an anti Fidel Castro
essay. Next, the participants were told there were two groups. One group was able
to write freely and the other group was being assigned their position. Given these
points, the readers of the essay were than told to rate the attitudes of the writer and
determine their position. The results showed that no matter if the writer was
truthfully pro or anti Castro, the reader still recorded that the writer had strong
emotion in their position. In other words, this proved that the readers overlooked the
prior knowledge they had and just simply assessed the rating on what they had in
front of them. Committing this error is not a mistake it s simply an outcome of natural
Josiah Wedgewood s Life And Work
Josiah Wedgewood (1730 1795) Potter, Craftsman, Entrepreneur His early
contribution was a process of making creamware which was more refined and
cheaper and local than the preferred luxury alternatives. He was a friend and later
business partner with Thomas Bently who connected him into the luxury ceramics
market. After securing work for the Queen of England at the time Wedgewood was
able to create the popular Queensware products of ceramics. This caused him to
look at expanding and reimagining his manufacturing process. He created a new
process that saved time and ensured uniformity and high quality in his products.
Batch Production was a division of labor that used small standardized shapes of all
his products and used mold over potters wheels to make his ceramics. Adam Smith
(1725 1790) Economist... Show more content on ...
His views became popular because of his pin factory analogy which described the
process. In it, he mentions the division of labor which he praised for its efficiency.
The Americans used Adam Smith s principles to allow for specialization in their
machine operations. This benefit of dividing the labor allowed the fabrication of
more complicated products and items with interchangeable parts Frederick Taylor
(18 1915) Engineer Frederick Taylor was an engineer who ran experiments in the
1880 s on the common manufacturing process of his time. His goal was to
increase the productivity of the workers. The experiments measured the time to
perform different tasks. He created recommendations for the workplace that
became business standards and were enforced in the workplace. Businesses used
these as a measure of productivity and rewarded wages and other rewards on a
basis of performance. These changes created a shift in the workplace and a demand
for higher compliance became the norm. Taylor helped create the need for standards
in the workplace. Henry Ford (1863 1947)
Metals and Halogens Reactions
Metals and Halogens reactions
Elements such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine belong to Group
7, Halogens. At room temperature, fluorine is a yellow gas, chlorine is a pale
green gas, bromine is a red liquid, and iodine is a purple solid. Astatine is a
radioactive element, therefore it exists only in small amounts. All the halogens exist
in diatomic molecules. They have high ionization energies and are the most
electronegative elements. Their electron configuration ns2 np5 make them perfect
elements in order to react with Group 1 and 2 metals since they want an electron
which Group 1 and 2 are willing to give. Therefore, out of all the main group
elements, Halogens react vigorously with Group 1 and Group 2 metals. All ... Show
more content on ...
It was the triiodide ion that is mostly responsible for the orange red brown color
since iodide was colourless and since iodine is not very soluble in water. As the
reaction was progressing, the coloured solution began to fade to orange, yellow
and finally became colourless. As these colour changes occur, the temperature of
the solution was decreasing gradually until it has finally reached room temperature.
This change in colour was due to two factors. First, all of the solid and dissolved
iodine had reacted with the zinc to produce iodide and zinc ions, both of which are
colourless substances. Secondly, the red brown solution of triiodide ions also reacted
with zinc metal to produce the colourless iodide ions.
In the other experiment three pieces of universal pH indicator were placed on a
white spotting tile and drop of chlorine water, bromine water and iodine water were
transferred on each one of them. The colour of the pH indicators were observed and
recorded as shown in the table 1.The halogen solution were filled into the dimples of
the spotting tile. They were put in columns and rows which had numbers (1, 2,3 and
4) and letters (A,B and C) in order to differentiate each solutions. After
Coming Of Age Memoir Angela s Ashes
Angela s Ashes is referred to as a coming of age memoir simply because the
formation of Frank McCourt through each and every page. As he gets older, he
begins to become wiser and understand the things around him as would most humans.
Understanding the environment that surrounds one, discovering new things, and
coming to terms with old things are all part of the process of the evolution of a
person. The evolution of a person is how morals are developed, individual thoughts,
and the one s singular connection to the world around them. This transformation is
kickstarted by all of things that are surrounding and is completed by who that person
becomes. For McCourt, his evolution is solely based on the teachers that surround
him society,... Show more content on ...
The use of this teacher throughout the book is hardly ever good. It is a defining
fact of Limerick, though their culture. The issue with it is that many men get
obsessed with consuming alcohol that they are unable to face the real world. An
issue like this becomes the very root of many of the difficulties in Frank s life. For
instance, In New York, with Prohibition in full swing,he thought he had died and
gone to hell for his sins. The he discovered speakeasies and he rejoiced. (12) This
quote is the key to the life Frank is going to live through. It expresses how his
father was already a heavy drinker before he came to America and ended up with a
family. This one quotation set the stage of Frank s life and primarily affected him in
numerous aspects. This line shaped Frank into the man he became in the end one
who achieved his goal and brought himself up from the bottom. As stated before,
alcoholism was a defining factor of the Limerick culture which means many people,
men, participated in drinking. This meaning, Frank s family was not the only family
plagued by the troubles that came with drinking all the money away. For example,
Mikey s father, Peter is a great champion. He wins bets in the pubs...the lunatic
asylum demented with worry over her hungry famishing family. (115) This is
important in the way that it shows it was not only Frank s family withering away due
to their father s alcoholic tendencies, but other families
Reflection Of The Movie Remember The Titans
The movie I selected was Remember The Titans (2000). The movie was about
leadership, teamwork, and overcoming obstacles. Remember The Titans took place
in Alexandria, Virginia Where one high school became integrated with blacks and
whites forming T.C. Williams High school. The football team at the school for the
first time had blacks and whites doing the same sport together. The school board
fired Coach Yoast from being head coach and hired a new head coach named
Coach Boone who was African American. This led to problems with white families
since they did not want a black coaching their kids and it caused problems for
Coach Boone. However, after an incident with the white football players Coach
Boone compromised with Coach Yoast allowing him to be the defensive
coordinator in hopes of creating some peace in the tense time. As the summer
came to an end football camp began. At football camp the audiences experiences
the problems the black football players had with chemistry because of racism and
hatred from their white teammates. However in the end of camp the team became
brothers and does not see a person by their skin but what s on the inside. The boys
were ready for football yet when they started school the Titans had to face the
hardships of school and realize not everyone at school was as optimistic as they
were which lead to more turmoil inside the team due to racism. Thankfully as time
went on their bond grew and the team went on to become undefeated as well as win
the state championship. The main characters in Remember The Titans were Coach
Boone, Coach Yoast, Gerry Bertier, and Julius Campbell. Coach Boone was the head
coach for the Titans, Coach Yoast was the ex head coach and was the defensive
coordinator for the Titans, Gerry Bertier was the All American on the team and was
the main white football player throughout the movie, and Julius Campbell was the
main black football player on the Titans. All of these characters showed leadership
throughout the movie. Coach Boone showed his leadership by forcing others to do
what he wants no matter the cost. Multiple times throughout the movie the audience
watches Coach Boone ordering players to run, redo a play, burpees and other
commands. Coach
The Government Inspector Essay
Larry Begam
Russian 210
Essay #2
The Government Inspector
The Government Inspector, written by Nikolai Gogol is a satirical play, which is
considered one of the masterpieces of Russian literature. Gogol writes brilliantly
about a small town in 19th century Russia and aims to satirize human greed as well
as stupidity and government corruption. His ability to use comedy when dealing with
serious political issues throughout the play is a large focal point of the work and
continues to be praised today. Nikolai Gogol was best known for his short stories
and was given the idea for The Government Inspector by Alexander Pushkin. Shortly
after its release, Gogol faced heavy criticism by the government officials that his play
lampooned and ... Show more content on ...
The town s local government officials desperately try to mislead Khlestakov while
he tries to continue the charade and attempts to deceive them as well. Khlestakov
even takes his deception so far that it almost seems as though he is starting to
believe his own lies. On the table, for instance, is a water melon that costs seven
hundred roubles. The soup comes straight from Paris by steamer in the tureen:
there s nothing in the world to be compared with its flavour! (38). We can also see
that not only did the townspeople attempt to deceive Khlestakov, but also they
essentially deceived themselves by the end of the play. Gogol is able to show how
the chaos of the government inspector s visit sent everyone into frenzy and did not
actually accomplish anything. Gogol s primary focus is that the human condition
is imperfect and that we will always try to save our selves when we are in danger
as well as take advantage of any situation that allows us to. Gogol did a great job of
presenting this through Khlestakov s and the Mayor s actions. Gogol s mission to
explain his view of our perpetual chain of chaos is applied to the 19th century
Russian bureaucracy in a way that is not clearly evident at first but fits perfectly with
Hamlet Insanity In Hamlet
Insanity is an interesting topic to explore, tricky to determine and potentially deadly
to those around the affected person. Although most people in society are sane
beings, many argue that Hamlet in Shakespeare s play Hamlet is not sane. His
actions are not that of a sane person, but rather of a grieving man who is driven to
his death by his insane lust for revenge. In order to fully understand Hamlets insanity,
one must first understand insanity itself. Insanity is a legal definition, primarily
defined as [one s] ability to determine right from wrong (Howes). In this sense,
someone is insane when they can not determine when their actions are wrong to do.
Expanding upon this definition, insanity is a mental illness of such a severe nature
that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality... or is subject to
uncontrollable impulsive behavior (Howes). Being unable to separate fantasy from
reality as well as uncontrollable impulsive behavior are both things that Hamlet
experiences throughout various parts of the play. The play first introduces Hamlet
in the second scene while he is grieving his father s death. He expresses his grief
through his discontent with his mother s lack of mourning: Two months dead nay,
not so much, not two... She married. O, most wicked speed (Shakespeare, I, ii). He
is still grieving his father s death while his mother has moved on and married Hamlet
s uncle. Everyone has a different way to deal with the death of a parent, but what is
Importance of Filing a Mileage Pass
There are many importance s to filing a mileage pass through the company and
making sure that your chain of command are certain of where you are going to be
when you say you are going to be there. One very good reason is that it can
ultimately get the entire chain of command in trouble. In not filling out this form
you can have a serious negative impact upon yourself, your family, your chain of
command, your unit, life and your overall well being. By performing this action I
directly disregarded my chain of command, gave myself undeserved authority and
took it upon myself to go home to Las Vegas, Nevada completely ignoring the fact
that there were possible consequences of the ignorant and foolish decision that could
have easily been... Show more content on ...
The actions that i made also affect s my family in many ways also. Not only if i
were to die and leave them with nothing but the bills for my funeral and death but
also the pride that I have in my family and in my name. My family has been in the
military as far back as anyone can remember. My Father is in the Navy along with
his two brothers my Uncle Pat and my Uncle Todd, My Uncles Mitch is retired
now from the Army along with my Moms father, my Grandfather and my Dad s
Father was in the Marines. I also have a Great Uncle who served in World War II in
the Army as a bottom hatch gunner in a B 17 bomber, so the standards that my
family holds me to and the expectations they have are held high and I plan to uphold
the honor and high expectations that my family deserves and entrust me with by
being and setting the standards that a soldier in the United States Army should be held
accountable to. In turn not to only lose the trust and responsibility that not only my
Non Commissioned Officers and chain of command have with me but also to lose my
families trust and expectations would be the most costly, demeaning and catastrophic
punishment of them all. Along with losing the trust and expectations of my Non
Commissioned Officers, chain of command and my family I would also put my First
Sergeant in a bad spot that he does not deserve. My First Sergeant is responsible of
all of the soldiers under his command and if anything
Causes Of Tyranny
Henry VIII, Joseph Stalin, Ivan IV, Adolf Hitler, Kim Jong II, and more are all tyrants
who inflicted tyranny on their people. Throughout history many tyrants have
oppressed their citizens with unfair and harsh treatment and have gotten away with it.
Tyranny is known as a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control
inflicted by an oppressive government or ruler. Even though this sadistic behavior
continues today, it doesn t in the United Statesof America. In 1775 to 1783, the
American Revolutionary War, also known as the U.S. War of Independence, took
place. This was a conflict that arose form growing tensions between residents of
Great Britain s 13 North American colonies and the tyrannical British Crown. In
response to the callous treatment, a group of colonial delegates (including George
Washington of Virginia, John and Samuel Adams or Massachusetts, Patrick Henry
of Virginia, and john jay of New York) met in Philadelphia in September 1774 to
give voice to their grievances against the British Crown, which is formally known as
the First Continental Congress. By June 1776, with the Revolutionary War in full
swing, a growing majority of the colonists had come to favor independence from
Britain resulting in the continental Congress drafting the Declaration of
Independence on July 4. The thirteen colonies officially declared their independence
from the tyrant ruler known as King George III of Britain. Eleven years later, in the
summer of 1787, fifty five
Women s Rights Convention
On July 19 and 20, 1848, a women s rights convention was held at the Wesleyan
Chapel in Seneca Falls, New York. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who
had met previously at the World Anti Slavery Convention in 1840 and were barred
from the convention floor ( This lead to the two women planning the
women s rights convention in Seneca Falls. ( In 1848, both Mott and
Stanton, along with other women s rights activists, such as Martha Wright, Mary Ann
McClintock, and Jane Hunt, sent out a notice for a women s right conference that
was to be held at Seneca Falls. On July 14, this notice was published in the Seneca
County Courier, which read, A Convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious
Analysis Of The Book Omnivore s Dilemma
In the book Omnivore s Dilemma and the article Eat Food: Food Defined by
Michael Pollan, Pollan informs us of the dangers of eating processed foods. He
goes on to explain that in the modern age of today, our diets are majorly composed
of processed food, leading to health complications such as obesity, diabetes, and heart
disease. Pollan advises us that we must stop eating processed foodand instead eat real
food, in which he lists ways of obtaining real food, such as going to farmer s
markets. However I challenge Pollan s approach to obtaining real food as it is too
costly and complicated, and instead I will propose a different approach to obtaining
real food by traditional means of huntingand gathering. In the following I will... Show
more content on ...
Rules such as staying away from foods that our ancestors wouldn t recognize or
contain high fructose corn syrup. Pollan claims that buying food from farmers
solves the complicated issue of our diets. I don t believe this solves the omnivore s
dilemma, it further complicates it. Pollan fails to define what real food is, if he
could have just specifically defined it as an organically grown or living specimen
that contains biological cells, and isn t processed, it would prevent us from second
guessing while shopping for real food. Also, even though we should eat more real
foods, there have been cases of produce being infected with bacteria or chemicals,
meat being injected with chemically made steroids and hormones. Obtaining real
food isn t as easy as reading the food labels or staying away from the center of the
grocery store as Pollan describes it. After observing the potential flaws of Pollan s
approach to obtaining real food, I have found ways of obtaining real all natural food,
without over spending or worrying about processed ingredients and bacteria/steroids.
I strongly believe we can achieve this by using traditional ways of obtaining food,
such as hunting, fishing, and house gardening/farming. I myself and like many others
have taken action to obtain real food, food that is 100% natural, food that we know
exactly where it comes from.
Stock Track Report
I.Portfolio Objective: A. Allocation
For our portfolio mix, we invested roughly 81% on stocks, 15% on Bonds and 4%
on Cash. Our target for the portfolio allocation is that we invested 90% on stocks
and 10% on Cash for short term investments. Our goal was investing 80% of our
cash for stock market because we know that will get higher return form stock market
instead of bonds which is safer to own but bring lower return, and we are young, so
we love to take more risk. We also wanted to keep 20% of our money in cash which
available for short term investment. According to the requirements, we ended up
spent around 60% on domestic market stock, 10% on international stock market, 10%
for short term stock, 15% on bonds and the rest is in ... Show more content on ...
As a reason for that, my portfolio returns were poorly comparing to the stock market
On the other hand, I was mainly investing on Apple stocks (AAPL) throughout this
7 week period and after the announcement of the new i phone 5 on September 12,
2012 along with the quantitative easing 3 announcement, apple was outer
performing the stock market indexes. At that time, I had number of Apple shares
and the price was increasing due to the positive announcements. Moreover, Apple
stock hit all time high which was $702.10 per share during September. Nonetheless,
after few weeks later, I have sold all my Apple stocks because there were some
minor defects on the i phone 5 and the announcement of the new mini i pad did not
show any positive effect on the share price of Apple.
I was very up to date on the Apple news because, I have invested substantial amount
of money on Apple stock. Furthermore, based on the negative news after i phone 5,
I have sold all of my Apple securities because I predicted the Apple stock is going to
go down after these rough news s. Hence, it worked as I have planned and the
current Apple stock is roughly $580 which went down by $120 from the all time high
Furthermore, as you can see it from the graph of the portfolio, I have a boost in my
return on October 22, 2012 and major drop in my return on October
Brush Fire Analysis
Writer , Linda Thomas, in her essay, Brush Fire, discusses the Santa Ana winds
experienced in Southern California and how it affects the people and the weather.
Well known essayist , Joan Didion, in her essay, The Santa Ana, describes the winds
and the effects it has on the way the people behave. Both Thomas and Didion s essays
have a similar subject and circumstance, the Santa Ana winds but, both essays vary
in numerous ways. The details, tone, and how the message is being told are ways in
which both essays differ. These essays are an example of one topic being portray
through different lights.
In Brush Fire, Thomas begins to convey recollected memories of a day on which she
experienced the Santa Ana winds. She tells the details in chronological order starting
from the moment she woke up and ended in the present tense. Thomas stated, I know
this because this morning I awoke to air so dry that the graze of my nightgown
against the down comforter created tiny orange sparks (Thomas). Thomas ended with
a different tense from which she began her essay. She said, We are here to watch the
orange flames color the sunset. (Thomas). She also included details that incite
imagery while talking about the environment of southern California by saying,
Chaparral is gorgeously beautiful from the crooked red brown wood... the sturdy
shaft of yucca... with spikes of creamy blossom, to brilliant orange threads of
dodder vine. (Thomas). Didion also uses imagery but unlike Thomas, Didion
conveys the imagery using the future tense. Didion states, ... we will see smoke
back in the canyons, and hear sirens in the night (Didion). The difference in the
way that both essays begin to unfold resonate in the tense that is used. Tone plays
an important role in how the message of each essay is being conveyed. This tone of
both essays is one way in which they differ. Thomas uses a calm, poetic tone
whereas Didion uses a more scientific and intellectual tone. Phrases in which the
tone of Thomas text is revealed includes, ... I smell the odours of burning sagebrush,
I can also... watch the flames lick up a hillside... a teenage couple... lost in embrace,
passionate kisses no one seems to notice. We are hear to watch the orange flames
color the
Sample Academic Dismissal Letter
Dear Dr. Claire Peel, I am writing to appeal the decision for my academic dismissal
from the PA program at UNTHSC. I was not surprised but was very disappointed
when I received the letter last Friday informing me of my dismissal. I would ask
that you consider my reenrollment with the class of 2018. I admit I had a very
tough time last semester and my grades suffered as a result. I don t want to make
excuses for my poor academic performance, but I would like to further explain the
circumstances regarding my failure of Neurology and Hematology. I did not initially
want to share these details because they are very personal but I feel like it is vital for
you to understand the depth of my situation. During the summer term I began a
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Video Game Therapy
Video Game Therapy
People choose many ways to learn how to deal with life. Life can be either difficult
at times or easy. The same idea can be applied to video games. Playing online games
taught me patience, how to interact with other people around the world and how to
manage my stress.
Two factors in online games that can determine my interest are drop rates and game
difficulty. A drop rate is the probability or ratio that determines how much more or
how much less an item will become available from an enemy in a game. The drop
rate for some items can be miniscule. When I played Final Fantasy IX ten years ago, I
had to kill a monster called a leech for an item that had a low drop rate. Because of
the low drop rate, it took me six hours to obtain ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes I just want to sit down and tune out everything around me, turn down
the sound effects, and listen to the music in the game. It calms me, and I forget
about my problems for a while. It is a stress reliever, and I also get an adrenaline
rush from challenging fights. When an enemy is tough and causes widespread
area damage, every minute step or evasive direction I choose to make could be
fatal. Some people quit, I choose to persevere until I win. The feeling when I
accomplish something so difficult makes the task worth it. Because I am stationed
overseas, I do not get to spend time with my family back in the states, and it causes
stress. Online games are a great way to still keep in touch with them. Recently I
started playing with my brother, although our time differences make it difficult. I
also bond with my wife by playing video games. Socializing with others is enjoyable,
but finding something that I can share with my significant other helps us manage
relationship stress. I try to update her equipment in order for her to fully enjoy all
that the game has to offer, and that in itself makes me happy.
In conclusion, playing online games over the years has taught me how to persevere
through tough times. Even though I live in another country, I will not let language
barriers keep me from enjoying my time here. Life is annoying, and I am glad I found
something that I can share with my significant
The Plea Bargain Is A Vital Part Of The Criminal Justice...
The plea bargain is a vital part of the criminal justice system today. Before the
1800s when an offender was caught there would be a trial and verdict. The plea
bargain are for defendant s to plead guilty to a lesser offense or to at least one
charge especially if there are multiple indictments. Defendants will plead guilty in
hopes of leniency, and at least 90 percent of criminal cases end in a pleabargains. A
majority of criminal cases in many jurisdictions will end in a plea bargaining. In the
case North Carolina v. Alford, Mr. Alford is accused of Capital murder. The penalty
for a guilty plea is imprisonment for life, however, if the defendant pleads innocent
and the juryrules him guilty the death penalty attaches. Prior to the trial, Mr. Alford
accepted a plea bargain. The bargaining requires him to plead guilty to murder in the
second degree, the penalty of which is 30 years.
Later on Alford does appeals his case, stating that his agreement to the bargain was
involuntary as it was driven by fear of the death penalty. Mr. Alford s conviction
was overturned however, the Supreme Court states that a guilty plea is a voluntary
decision and is not compelled within his Fifth Amendment rights of Self
Incrimination. In a 6 to 3 decision, the Court then reverses the appeal and reinstates
his conviction. This is a great example of how the option of plea bargaining
continues to be controversial. This case shows how plea bargaining can work both in
favor and negatively
Joint Commission Accreditation
There are many roles of the Joint Commission in accrediting medical facilities. The
Joint Commission was founded in 1951 and is the nation s largest accrediting body in
health care. They evaluate nearly 21,000 health care organizations in the Unites
States. (The Joint Comm, 2016) Once an organization earns the accreditationthey are
re surveyed every three years unannounced. They are responsible for making sure that
healthcare facilities are up to date on all standards, policies, and procedures. Joint
Commissionaccreditation can be earned by many types of health care organizations,
including hospitals, doctor s offices, nursing homes, office based surgery centers,
behavioral health treatment facilities, and providers of home care services... Show
more content on ...
One in particular states, The hospital is professionally and ethically responsible for
providing care, treatment, and services within its capability and law and regulations
(Showalter,2013). Patients may not always have the funds to be treated when their
insurance coverage is not available. It would be up to the facility to decide how they
are going to continue care in these situations. They have policies on the destruction of
medical records. Another policy includes they must comply with the standards of
emergency care. Also, that patients have access to interpreter services to include the
most common languages used in the healthcare facility. These standards of care are
updated all of the time by healthcare experts, nurses, staff, to ensure the most updated
The Eclipse By Selma Lagerlof Analysis
There is no darkness of annihilation around, no fear of absolute, preternatural
loneliness, no dissolution of human languageing. This is the space of the everyday,
as analysed by Heidegger, Lefebvre and Tagore (Guha 93 94). As Ranajit Guha
argues, everydayness, though different from the grand narratives of historicity, is
always imbued with a sense of the past, and as such, it is grounded in social time .
Guha writes: [...] as Heidegger observes, Everydayness is a way to be to which, of
course, that which is publicly manifest belongs. Such a way to be implies being with
others in a social time based on a mutually subscribed notion of the past. (93) Thus,
we can notice, everydayness is not just dull monotony, it is essentially a mode of
being which acknowledges the neighbourhood of (necessary) others. It is monotonous
... Show more content on ...
The basic difference between these two texts is generic: while Koula is a novella,
Lagerlof s text is a short story. However, there are thematic and even structural
parallels between the two. Koula, despite its slightly larger scope, retains a short
story like structure. And that is mainly because it is as much a novella of
everydayness as that of loneliness. Everydayness can never be as fruitfully captured
in longer fiction as in short fiction. Lagerlof s characters too, just like Koula,
belong to the domain of everydayness, and they are only too well acquainted with
its monotony. The central figure is Beda, an old woman who is completely lonely,
as all her dear ones were resting in the churchyard (Lagerlof 793). However, though
Beda s loneliness as an old woman is foregrounded here, Lagerlof does not create
any essential correlation between age and loneliness. Rather, the loneliness she
figures forth is more oriented to gender than to age. All the female neighbours of
Beda are
Free College Essays-The First Battle Of Bull Run
The First Battle of Bull Run The first battle of Bull Run, also known as the first
battle of Manassas in the south, was the first major land battle of the Civil War.
The battle started on July 21, 1861 and took place near Manassas Junction,
Virginia( First Battle ). The Union had an army of 28,450 led by Brigadier General
Irvin McDowell( The ).The Confederates had an army of 30,800. 21,900 soldiers
were led by Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard and 8,900 soldiers were led by
General Joseph E. Johnston( Battle Of ). At the beginning of the war, people
throughout the country thought that the war would end quickly( First Blood ). This
battle will make them realize that the war would last longer than expected. What
happened at the first battle... Show more content on ...
Late in the afternoon troops started to approach Beauregard. He prepared to retreat,
unsure whose army the soldiers belonged to( Battle Of ). Early in the civil war, the
Union and Confederate flags were very similar in design and color and it was very
hard to tell the difference between the two. Both flags had stripes and a blue square
in the corner. The additional natural chaos of the battlefield didn t help with the
confusion( Not ). As the troops got closer to Beauregard he could see that the troops
belonged to the Confederacy and that it was Johnston with reinforcements. The new
addition to the Confederate s force gave them the upper hand and they attacked the
unsuspecting Union army( Battle Of ). Colonel James Brown charged into the Union
line into a section of confused New Yorkers( The ). The union army was forced into
a chaotic retreat. The also disorganized Confederates did not pursue the fleeing army(
Battle Of ). The disorganized Union army ran into panicking citizens who had started
to flee upon seeing the Union s defeat. Along with the narrow bridges, overturned
wagons, and cannons the citizens of Washington DC made the retreat nearly
What Are The Similarities Between Aztec And Inca Religions
What are some similarities between the Aztec and Inca religions? What are some
differences? That is a very broad topic where you could have many different
responses. Honestly, the number of similarities outweighs the number of differences
between their respective religions. The main similarities between the Incan and Aztec
religions were that they were both polytheistic and they both held sacrifices. The
main differenceis their sacrifices. The sacrifices are listed under both comparisons
and contrasts because the Aztec and Inca both have certain aspects that they are
similar in and they also differ in certain aspects of sacrifice. This is very significant
if speaking on the topic of their respective sacrifices.
The belief system of the Incas ... Show more content on ...
The Aztecs sacrificed very frequently. This is because of the multitude of people
that the Aztec empire contained. The sacrifices were done somewhat over 20
times a year. The Inca sacrificed less frequently. They saw sacrifice as an honor so
it was not just done randomly. Also, the difference of the frequency of the
sacrifices correlates to the peaceful nature of the Inca compared to the aggressive
nature of the Aztec. The Inca did child sacrifice which was called Capacocha.
Meanwhile, the Aztec did not partake in child sacrifice rituals at all. The
aggressive nature of the Aztec or the peaceful nature of the Inca affected the the
way that they processed the sacrifices. The Inca took a perfect child and made him
/her eat nothing but corn for 2 years prior to the sacrifice occurring. Then, they
forced the child to dink of a potion that would make him unaware of the occurrences
around him. In other words, they intoxicated the child. Subsequently, they took him
up to a mountain and killed him by either a blow to the head, strangulation or being
buried alive. The Aztecs took the human that would be sacrificed to a sacred temple
and brutally ripped out their heart. They would then, hold the heart up to the sun.
After that they chop of their head and throw the body down the temple s stairs.
They disposed of the body by feeding it to the zoo or putting it on display. Other
ways of sacrifice
Bally Total Fitness was created in 1996 with Lee Hillman as its first CEO. Bally
traces its existence to the Health and Tennis Corporation, run by Dave Wildman.
Wildman had begun to purchase ailing gyms and aggressively expanded and
acquired several other brands as well. In the 1990s, as part of a diversification move,
Bally Manufacturing, a gambling equipment company, decided to purchase Wildman
s collection of gyms and other brands. This diversification of brands created what
was known as Bally Entertainment. Bally Total Fitness was then created in 1996 as
the health club portion of Bally Entertainment. Lee Hillman started the company off
in an unusual path, Mr. Hillman used a retrenchment strategy by selling off ... Show
more content on ...
Citizenship In 2003, Bally launched a comprehensive nutritional and exercise
program customized to an individual s unique metabolism. The programs objective
was to offer consultation to member who has weight loss goals and to construct for
each member a tailored combination of an exercise regime, personal training, and an
approach to diet and nutrient. Bally s had launched a line of nutritional supplements
and meal replacement items. This demonstrates how Bally is trying to relate on a
personable level with their clients.
Survival Bally Total Fitness survival method was changing the 36 month
commitment to Pay as you go for memberships. A number of member complained
about cancellation requests that were not honored, the use of harassment or
deceptive means to collect fees, and the unauthorized charging of credit card or
debiting from bank accounts. In response, Bally began to experiment with pay as
you go memberships. This newly acquired method constituted for 8% of
memberships in 2004 up from 3% in 2003. Which ultimately lead to an increase in
overall gross profit margin from the previous year.
Diversify their portfolio of service and product offerings to meet the strategic needs
of their target market.
Please note that this is not an inclusive list of every strategy Bally Total Fitness has
used, but it does show examples of each type of objective Bally has used in the past
or may still be pursuing to
Summary Of The Sorrow Of War By Bao Ninh
In the novel, The Sorrow of War we find that Kien is telling the story from his point
of view as a North Vietnamese soldier during the Vietnam war. The Author, Bao Ninh,
tells his experiences and memories of the war through the Character known as Kien.
Through these memories, we can find some ideal differences between North and
South Vietnam.
South Vietnam has some different ideals from North Vietnam. This can be shown
when one of the captured South Vietnamese soldiers says The girls? We sacrificed
them to the Water Spirit, sir. We used their bodies as an offering (Ninh 36). This
shows that the South Vietnamese believed in human sacrifice. The North can be
cruel in punishment to those who do not follow their ideals and break their morals.
An example of this is when Kien order them to dig their own graves (Ninh 37). This
shows the cruelty of a North Vietnamese soldier when someone gets on their bad
side. Even so, in populated areas such as the city of Hanoi, people began digging
shelters. Hanoi was considered a noncombat area, yet the authorities ordered the
population to practice ... Show more content on ...
In the novel, a battalion commander had yelled Better to die than surrender, my
brothers! Better to die (Ninh 5) exclaiming that he would rather die than surrender
to the enemy as he had proceeded to commit suicide by shooting himself in the
head. the Americans attacked with submachine guns, sending bullets buzzing like
deadly bees around him (Ninh 5). It can be seen that war can make people do crazy
things and that the enemy forces will not hesitate to fire. Then Kien lowered his
machine gun, grasped his side, and fell, rolling down the bank of a shallow stream,
hot blood trailing down the slope after him (Ninh 5). The soldiers need to be aware
of their surroundings during a battle or they could end up getting injured or receive
an even worse fate,
Financial Performance Of The Companies Within Your
For the companies within your industry, conduct the following analysis of the
financial performance of each person s firm within the industry. Then, the group
compares the firms to each other. This should cover the most recent (FY 2005 2014)
period. 1. Provide inventory for each firm over the period. What is the percent change
in both ending inventoryand COGS each year relative to the overall percent change in
a. Calculate/show the Inventory Turnover and the Days Inventory Held ratios for
each quarter. How do these change during the 10 year period? What does this mean?
Cabela s
Cabela s inventory relative to the overall percentage change in sales saw steady
increases of 22% and 25% in 2006 and 2007. They ... Show more content on ...
This means that in the second quarter of each year Cabela s sell its inventory at a
slower rate than the rest of the quarters. The Day s Held ratio calculates how long it
takes a company turn inventory into sales. Cabela s sells mostly goods that are non
perishable, meaning that their goods can last in their shelves much longer. For
Cabela s there is a continuous pattern showing their days held in inventory ratio
being much lower in the 4th quarter of each year. This may be due to consumers
purchasing gifts for the holiday season.
Dick s Sporting Goods
Dick s Sportings goods saw relative increases in both their inventory and COGS
over the period. Their inventory percentage change/overall sales change for the
period, and their COGS percentage change/overall sales change for the period
experienced very similar fluctuations across the period. Both ratios saw a sharp
decline from 2006 2007, indicating the time of the recession. The inventory %
change ratio even dropped to 2.3%. Since 2008, both ratios have seen minor
increases and decreases. Dick s sporting goods inventory turnover ratio increased by
an overall percent of 8.82%. This means that the company is 8.82% better (quicker) at
selling its inventory after they have purchased it. They seem to have their highest
turnover ratios in the fourth quarter of every year. Their most recent inventory
turnover ratio is 3.7x, with a DIO (Days in Inventory Ratio) of 97.8 days. This
means that it takes 98 days for

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For The Death Penalty Essay

  • 1. For The Death Penalty Essay Writing an essay on the topic of the death penalty can be a challenging task, given the complexity and controversy surrounding the subject. The issue involves ethical, moral, legal, and societal considerations, making it essential to approach the topic with a well-researched and balanced perspective. One of the difficulties lies in navigating the vast array of arguments and counterarguments that surround the death penalty. Supporters emphasize its potential deterrent effect and the retribution it provides for heinous crimes, while opponents argue against its moral implications, the risk of executing innocent individuals, and the potential for systemic biases within the justice system. Crafting a compelling essay on this topic requires a thorough understanding of the historical context, legal precedents, and evolving public opinions. It's important to delve into statistics, case studies, and scholarly research to present a well-informed analysis. Addressing both sides of the debate is crucial to providing a comprehensive overview, and it demands the ability to critically evaluate conflicting evidence and viewpoints. Furthermore, expressing your stance on the death penalty necessitates careful consideration and articulation of your beliefs. Developing a clear and concise thesis statement is challenging, as it should encapsulate your position while acknowledging the complexity of the issue. It's crucial to anticipate potential counterarguments and address them effectively, demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. In conclusion, writing an essay on the death penalty requires meticulous research, critical thinking, and the ability to navigate through multifaceted arguments. The challenge lies in presenting a well-rounded perspective while effectively communicating your stance on a contentious and emotionally charged topic. As with any complex subject, thorough preparation, thoughtful analysis, and skillful articulation are essential for creating a compelling and persuasive essay. If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, you may explore additional resources or seek assistance. Websites like provide services where similar essays and more can be ordered, offering support for those who may need guidance or additional help in tackling challenging topics. For The Death Penalty Essay For The Death Penalty Essay
  • 2. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Z Waves Terahertz (THz) waves, or T rays, refer to electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range of 0.1 10 THz. THz waves occupy the region between microwaves and the infrared, as shown in Figure 1.1. Until about two decades ago, when THz time domain spectroscopy technique was invented, the THz spectrum had remained more or less unexplored and unutilized. However, the development of ultrafast lasers and derivative techniques such as photoconВ¬ductive switching and sampling and electro optic generation and detection in the 1980s made it feasible to study the THz waves. Fig. 1.1: Position of terahertz spectrum (1 10 THz). This range is also known as the far infrared, or sub millimeter range, and the lower limit is often extended down to 300 GHz (О» ... Show more content on ... Investigating biological characteristics and dynamics using THz techniques has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the most important advantages is the low energy of THz waves, corresponding to a few meV, which is well below the ionization energies of atoms and molecules. This means that we can study materials with THz waves without disturbing the system under study, unless enough power is applied to cause a significant increase in temperature. The other major advantage is that the characteristic energy of the hydrogen bond, which is the most dominant bond in biological molecules, lies in the THz frequency range and, therefore, THz waves can directly detect spectral features such as resonances and motions of molecules. However, a serious disadvantage is the high absorption of THz waves by the water in which biological molecules reside. This water absorption can mask the characteristic features of samples, even though biological dynamics naturally occur in water. All of the above is some applications in THz region, for more details and applications see
  • 3. A Comforting View of Death in William Cullen Bryant’s... Chuck Palahniuk once said, The first step to eternal life, is you have to die. In William Cullen Bryant s poem Thanatopsis , he does not mention eternal life or anything religious, but speaks about death. He tells his readers that death is a natural thing and they should not worry about it. William Cullen Bryant, in his poem Thanatopsis, portrays a comforting view of death. Throughout the poem, Bryant encourages his readers by explaining that in death they are not alone, that death, like life, is a natural process, and that they will be among some of the finest people who walked the earth. Bryant uses the fact that we are not alone in death to comfort his readers. Through this, he explains that when people die, they will be... Show more content on ... In addition to Bryant s portrayal of death as comforting, he also depicts it as a part of nature. Bryant explains that death, like life, is a part of nature, which was a loved and cherished aspect of the nineteenth century. In the period of Romanticism, nature was an important ideal; it was viewed as the source for everything. In Thanatopsis , Bryant uses nature as a comfort zone, saying that when one dies, they will become a part of nature. He says that the bodies will be used to nurture the earth. Bryant also mentions that we once were made as a part of nature and that people will die as a part of it as well. He states: ...and lost each human trace, surrending up thine individual being shalt thou go to mix forever with the elements. Bryant is saying that bodies will decay and eventually become one with the earth and nature. Along with becoming a part of nature, Bryant explains that the deceased people will be with some of the finest people who walked the earth. In order to make his readers feel ultimately comfortable, Bryant also says that when everyone dies, they will be with some of the finest people who walked the earth. By the expression finest people , Bryant means all the important figures and contributors in history. He says that people will be resting in the same place as these figures are: in the earth. He uses this to comfort his readers by saying that by dying, they
  • 4. Book Of Revelation Chapter 8 Study We are now moving on to a Bible study of Revelation Chapter 8: I did the 13 verses study with Jesus, and the Ha s and the e s were also hearing this Bible study over the weekend. It is over a 16 page discourse on little paper anyhow. The only way to understand the Book of Revelation is to get a grasp on the numbers meanings. It is absolutely imperative to understand each verse. It could be involved, but I am mainly scratching the surface in order to reveal the basic minimum at least in God s will. Now that we have gotten through the entire Chapter, the angels and I understand it much better. I will occasionally point out some of the numbers meanings. That could get extremely out of hand and could be a very in depth (8) study within itself.... Show more content on ... God opened the 7th seal: this seven represents God letting everyone see that Chapter 8 has to do with torture, pain, and the e s getting cast out of heaven: pains and problems for them in general. He opened, or reveals, His mind to John in the following wording: silence in heaven for about a half an hour: here represents the time when all the angels were contemplating on the sinful pretending style of worship to lou that had been previously committed in heaven with the golden eyes evil unauthorized version, which was booted them from heaven style sinful and earned them eternal glory, is a joke. (It earned them pain in hell flames along with several other problems). The Ha s and e s had the sky talking war: (Rev 12 verse 7) 12 + 7 = 19 = heavy judgment 1 + 9 = 10 = a new start for the e s and Ha s. Ten often means a good new start. However, in the second calculated position, you get the horrible new start due to their evil actions, which they had performed, with the satanic version of the great, powerful song. Quick side note: there are many different formulas with which you
  • 5. What Is Miss Havisham In the novel, Great Expectations, written by Charles Dickens in a realistic gothic fiction genre, a young boy named Pip grows up and falls in love with a girl named Estella. As time progresses, Pip moves to London and back while being involved in an intricate plot with an escape convict, a heartbroken evil women, and many friends and enemies. Miss Havisham influenced Pip in a harmful way throughout the novel due to her ignorance of pain and how she only wanted to exact her revenge on all men for her sadness. In this story, lovesymbolizes the ignorance that people have such as Pip and Estella and Havisham with all other individuals. She took no notice of me until she had the candle in her hand, when she looked over her shoulder, (pg 83)
  • 6. American Horror Story Evaluation American Horror Story Evaluation When it comes to a show I always look for something lighthearted. In my opinion the best shows are the ones that are funny, a bit relatable, have great character development, and overall just uplift your spirits. Shows like this are hard to come by; there are some old ones that I ve come to enjoy such as Friends and The Office, but lately I have yet to find a show that fits my normal preferences. I have spent months watching Friends over and over again, but that gets boring after a while, so I decided to step out of my comfort zone and find a show I wouldn t usually watch. I decided to try American Horror Story completely aware that it doesn t fit into what I normally look for. To my surprise, I really enjoyed the show. It s has some scary moments, but nothing too horrifying. The setting, mood, music, characters, and general atmosphere of the show is meant to give a spooky vibe and does just that, but it also goes much deeper and appeases all kinds of audiances. The American Horror Story wasn t created to be funny, and while it has its moments, for the most part it s not. However, it is very engaging. It draws you in with the characters and their development. It s oddly relatable. Rape, miscarriage, suicide, homicide, drugs, and all kinds of other issues are talked about ... Show more content on ... It is made for mature audiences, there are scenes with masturbation, rape, and drug use so, keep that in mind when watching it. It has some scenes that could make people uncomfortable such as rape or homicide; it is not for the faint of heart. Just know what you are sensitive to before going into it. But if you can get past those things, it is a really great show. It is very intriguing and has a complex plot. The characters become like a family to you. As someone who is very picky about what she watches, I am completely in love with this show. I will continue to watch it as long as it
  • 7. Analysis Of Gene Weingarten s Pearls Before Breakfast Gene Weingarten s Pearls before Breakfast, published in 2007. It was originally published in the Washington Post. The targeted audience includes general newspaper readers. The purpose of the text is to enlighten the value of free God gifted talents that are hidden somewhere in the ignorance of people who remain busy in their personal lives. Nowadays, people usually favor and follow popular artists by their titles, and bands names. On the other hand, artists who perform on streets, bus stations, and subways their talent become viral through modern media. When unknown talent captured in cameras by unknown spectators and the unusual performances become highlighted than people show empathy towards them. Although adaptability of poverty and ignorance of the world makes unknown artists so much ignorable in the eyes of the world that donations make their day and they come to know at the end of the day that how many spectators did observe them. However, I argue that people shouldn t build an invisible wall between stage and street artists by ignoring artistic languages, disliking of physical appearances, and focusing on price tags rather than originality of artistic work. I believe that besides world s different languages there are also some other languages that don t require words. These languages come from humans senses. For instance, if an infant gets hungry the feeling of pain becomes him or her to cry and provides him or her food. Similarly, people who understand art by
  • 8. Summary Of The Night Ended Ginny waited not so patiently for midnight to roll around. Oh how her heart ached to see Ben. It had been quite some time since she was able to see him. She wanted to explain what had happened last night, and apolozies for not being there. She hoped Ben didn t think she ditched him. She would never do somethig like that and she hoped Ben realized that. The night ended uneventfully. Thankfully, Mother asked no questions about Ginny s trip to visit Father. Ginny assumed that Mother thought that since Edward went with her, she got into no trouble. She was wrong. She should have known better. Edward and Nelly were such trouble makers. The soliders caused no trouble that night. Abner went out again, no one knowing when he would return. The other soliders just kept to themselves. They played cards for hours, but thankfully, stopped before midnight. When the clocks struck twelve, Abner had not returned and the other soliders were fast asleep. Ginny pulled her cloak and shoes on, still in her room. She had brought her cloak and shoes up to her room to lessen the chance of an unwanted encoutar. She glanced out her window, and there, standing at her door, waiting for her, was Ben. A smile crossed her face. He had gotten her note, and without questioning, responded to it. He probably had no idea why he was standing on her porch right now, but he did it because she asked him to. That thought made her smile. Oh how she loved that boy. Ginny flew down the stairs, eager
  • 9. The Avant В¬в‰ Garde Cinema Community Essay During the 1960s, the AvantВGarde cinema community began to see the emergence of an Underground camp cinema that was intrigued with the concept of homosexuality, the normative constructs of society and how the two coВexisted. J. Hoberman and Jonathan Rosenbuam believed this new transformative cinema arose from a need to defragment the official cinematic senses (Hoberman, p. 39). In turn, creating new ideas and concepts to be explored. During this time period, queer /homosexual directors like Jack Smith, Kenneth Anger, and Andy Warhol created pictures like Flaming Creatures, Scorp io Rising, and Blowjob. These films addressed the relationship of heteronormative constructs to homosexualityin new ways via the use of unconventional methods, including over the top acting, the incorporation of pop icons, androgyny, minimalist framing and intense focus. Sus an Sontag who wrote, Notes on Camp which said these films arose from a need to express and address the feelings of the marginalized (Sontag, p. 278). During this time the homosexual community was marginalized making them the perfect subjects for these films. By casting them as subjects in these films, viewers are allowed to see what it meant to be homosexual during this time period. These films produced the creation of queerness and gave those who associated themselves with being a queer theorywe see in the 1990s emerges. Much like the queer theory, underground cinema rose out of a need to address the normative form and
  • 10. Away With Bulimia Wasting Away with Bulimia Eating disorders can affect any and every person in today s society. Men, Women, young and old. Bulimia has not one preferred victim, Bulimia can affect us all. In today s society being fit is in. The thinner the better , The skinnier the prettier Nothing taste as good as skinny feels those are just some of the clichГ©s we hear on the day to day basis. We live in a world that idolizes beauty, and not the kind that is within but the kind that we can see. Everywhere we turn there is some slender beauty or some buff guy striking a pose for the cameras. Seems like fitness is everywhere. But when is enough, enough? When do you stop? How thin do you have to be? What are you really doing to your body and health? Is this sacrifice true worth it?... Show more content on ... The problem is that they are not taking into consideration the harsh and serious health consequences that their actions will have on them later. That Enjoy it now, worry about it later attitude is exactly what is causing the Bulimia health crisis this generation is facing. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental disorder, the mortality rates reported on those who suffer from eating disorders can vary considerably between studies and sources. Part of the reason why there is a large variance in the reported number of deaths caused by eating disorders is because those who suffer from an eating disorder may ultimately die of heart failure, organ failure, malnutrition or suicide.
  • 11. Abraham Lincoln Leadership Most people wonder what a leader is. Shockingly enough the people s follow up questions are equally surprising; one woman from Tennessee took a survey about what she thought a leader was, this was her response A leader is one who always fails at the project he/she is working on. (Harris Poll 3) Another similar survey was given to a man in New York he continued by saying Leaders are just heroes with different names. (Harris Poll 5) Not only these two people have answered this way in fact, 91% of people say communication issues can drag community s down, according to results from our new Interact/Harris Poll, which was conducted online with roughly 1,000 U.S. people. (Harris Poll 1) Although people do not disagree with these statements... Show more content on ... The reasoning behind this is when a leader communicates with his or her council or even simple citizens it shows that the response the leader gets is so much more positive and powerful compared to leaders who do not communicate or speak out with others. Abraham Lincoln once said A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently, half slave, half free. I do not expect the house to fall I do not expect the union to be dissolved But I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. (Biography 1) Lincoln is talking about the major issue of 1832 the slave trade. He is referring to the idea he had that meant; when a house is divided into two sections one believing in slave trade one believing otherwise this house can expect to fall, in the sense that there will be no medium ground or agreement. As a great leader Abraham Lincoln shows the amazing quality of communication and speaking out by telling over 350 people what his opinions were on the slave trade and how he thought it would work out. When Lincoln spoke out to these people he slowly changed the world one slave at a time, for this was when slave trade began to slow down or cease to
  • 12. ICD-10-CM Transition Analysis I think transitioning over to ICD 10 CM will make coding easier by being more specific with the descriptions. I think that the biggest challenge is going to be just learning the different sections of the ICD 10 CM. Some other challenges may include training in ICD 10 CM, the cost of the transition, and maintaining two coding systems because some private insurance like workman compensation insurance are not required to switch over to ICD 10 CM. I believe that we have had ICD 9 since 1979 with updates yearly, which makes the ICD 9 over twenty years and almost thirty years old. A lot has changed in the medical world since then and we are due for a change. Anything new will take some time to learn and I believe that the transition would be
  • 13. Sullivan Flooring Concepts BUSM35436 Business Cases Sullivan Flooring Concept NAME: Aisosa Okitikpi DAY TIME of CLASS: (Wed 12pm) Key Facts of the Case (no analysis) Who is the decision maker? (Remember: in analyzing a case you have to put yourself in the position of the decision maker and try to figure out what YOU would do in his/her position). Norm Sullivan maximum 5 key facts that summarize the case. Fierce Competition Price Unique wood flooring concept Growing interests Culture change Problem(s) Statement What is the main problem(s) or opportunity(s) that you (as decision maker) must deal with? Sullivan must deal with how to improve the manufacturing process of his wood flooring concept How urgent and how important is this issue and ... Show more content on ... Time available to finish planks for Norm Sullivan: 4.5 hours per week x 52 weeks = 234 hours (14040 minutes) In that time he can create (with the table saw): 14040 minutes available /15 minutes required per board = 936 planks In that time he can create (with the router): 14040 minutes available / 14 minutes required per board = 1002 planks. Neither of these options is going to be sufficient to meet his production need of 1200 planks for the upcoming year. What if he were to hire more workers? This would reduce the production time per plank and make it likely that he would be able to reduce the production time per board. For each worker he would be looking at $5200 per year. His projected sales for the year:
  • 14. 1200 planks 10 feet each @ $6.00 per foot = $60 per plank Therefore, 1200 x 60 = $72000 His projected profit margin = 50% Therefore 50/100* 72000= $36000 in profit for the year. Decision Criteria for Solutions What goals or objectives must be achieved by any potential solution to the problem? (eg. Must maximize market share) Must improve productivity Must increase overall delivery time Must have a good return on investment Must maximize competitive advantage Must be able to increase quantity and quality What constraints limit the range of solutions (eg. Can t cost more than $1 Million) Can t take too long to implement Can t cost more than 80,000 per year Identification of Realistic Practical Alternatives available
  • 15. Tribulations In John Steinbeck s The Chrysalids In the book the Chrysalids, it tells us about a boy named David, and the mutation in Waknuk where he lives. The people in David s district had a very sharp eye for the odd, or the unusual. Waknuk s people are very religious, they use religion to control the people. If any uncured events happen, they would say it was an Act of God . The Old People had a wonderful world they lived in until Godsent Tribulation which means God destroyed their wonderful world. Tribulations are the Waknuk people believed that old people brought from mutations and the badlands. The badlands are believed that they were cursed and punished by God. The Ethnic people believe that he Old People didn t pray enough, and they didn t become religious enough so this is why the mutations came into their world. If the people of Waknuk found someone with an extra body part they would call them deviations and they would punish and torture them. When David and Sophie were sliding down the sandy hill Sophie s foot got wedged in between two rocks, she couldn t get her foot out so David suggested by cutting the laces, but Sophie refused to let David see her... Show more content on ... There is now a telepathic group of telepaths, they are, David, Rosalind( David s cousin), Michael, Anne and Rachael(sisters), Mark, Sally and Katherine(neighbors), and Walter Brent (dead) and now Petra. The telepaths come together and try to communicate with Petra to educate her and warn her about the normal people that are trying to kill and torture them. Sally and Katherine got taken away from the group by the inspector. The telepaths make a plan to escape fast, they escape to the fringes with the horses. The group informs each other that Katherine is being tortured. They realize that David and Petra are missing from the group. Katherine and Sally where forced to confess who the telepaths
  • 16. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis The parietal lobe is located near the center of the brain. It is behind the frontal lobe, in front of the occipital lobe, and above the temporal lobe.(Parietal lobe. (n.d.). Retrieved January 05, 2017, from body maps/parietal lobe) It contains an area known as primary sensory. It assists in processing visual images and impulses from the skin. Over the human s lifetime the brain shrinks so therefore the parietal lobe shrinks.(Peters, R. (2006, February). Ageing and the brain. Retrieved January 05, 2017,from There are many different methods used to capture information on brain structures and functions. The three most commonly used measures are functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) which detects changes in blood flow associated with neural activity. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) captures magnetic fields generated by neural activity. Electroencephalography (EEG) which is used to measure electricity in the brain generated by neuron firing. Out of these three methods EEG is the most versatile and cost efficient solution.(Top 3 Devices for Monitoring and Measuring Brain Activity. (2016, December 07). Retrieved January 05, 2017, from... Show more content on ... It can cause right left confusion and difficulty with writing and math. It may also cause disorders of speech and the inability to see object normally. Damage to the right parietal lobe can damage self care skills such as dressing and washing. It can also cause difficulty in the construction of things. Damage to both sides can cause Balint s Syndrome which is a visual attention and motor syndrome. This is being the inability to voluntarily control gazing, it may also cause the inability reach for an object. (Parietal Lobes. (n.d.). Retrieved January 05, 2017, from
  • 17. Emergency Action Plan For Emergency Personnel Jeff Podeszwa JMU Wild West Rodeo Emergency Action Plan I.Purpose: A.To establish a written document, outlining and explaining procedures during general and specific emergencies. B.Emergencies to be covered: General Injuries General Evacuation Inclement Weather Sudden Cardiac Arrest Cervical Spine Injury Fractures Shock C.Event Maps and this document will be placed throughout the event area at various locations. II.Emergency Communication: A.Handheld radios will be used as the primary communication device. Each radio will be fully charged prior to the event, and set to channel 1. B.Radios will be used as the primary communication device for all on site emergencies. C.If you need to contact any Rodeo personnel from an ... Show more content on ... Events and Protocols: A.Events to Take Place (In Order) Calf Roping Team Roping Steer Wrestling Barrel Racing Saddle Riding Bareback Riding Bull Riding All events will take place in the main ring. Warm up for events will take place in ring number 2. The medical staff will have a main tent with treatment tables in between the two rings. EMS will have an ambulance for emergency transportation, waiting by ring 1 in the medical tent area.
  • 18. B.Injury Protocol If an Athlete goes down during this event, medical staff will initially hold until the Head Bullfighter gives the signal that it is safe to enter the ring. The Athletic Trainers, will be the first on the scene to assess the situation. If further medical attention is required, the paramedics will be notified via radio, and drive the gator into the ring for assistance. Security will make sure no spectators interfere with any medical treatments. If an athlete goes down in ring number 2, medical staff will initially hold until the Head Bullfighter gives the signal that it is safe to enter the ring.
  • 19. Performance Through Pushdown Processing in Informatica 8.6 WHITE PAPER How to Obtain Flexible, Cost effective Scalability and Performance through Pushdown Processing Under the Hood of the Pushdown Optimization Option Now Available Through Informatica PowerCenter 8 This document contains Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Information ( Confidential Information ) of Informatica Corporation and may not be copied, distributed, duplicated, or otherwise reproduced in any manner without the prior written consent of Informatica. While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete, some typographical errors or technical inaccuracies may exist. Informatica does not accept responsibility for any kind of loss resulting from the use of ... Show more content on ... Driven by accelerated productivity gains and ever increasing performance, state of the art data integration platforms, such as InformaticaВ® PowerCenterВ®, handle the vast majority of today s scenarios quite effectively. PowerCenter has enjoyed wide acceptance and use by high volume customers representing companies and government organizations of all sizes. Based on this use, Informatica has identified performance scenarios where processing data in a source or target database instead of within the data integration server can lead to significant performance gains. These scenarios are primarily where data is co located within a common database instance, such as when staging and production reside in a single Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS) or where a large investment has been made in database hardware and software that can provide additional processing power. With these scenarios in mind, Informatica Corporation set out to deliver a solution that delivers the best of both worlds without incurring undo configuration and management burden; a solution that best leverages the performance capabilities of its data integration server and/or the processing power of a relational database interchangeably to
  • 20. Antigone And Prometheus Bound Is the belief in destiny a way to encourage people to try and change it or to curse people to their dooms? Destiny was more seriously considered in during ancient Greek society and the Greeks centered their lives around oracles who could tell people their destiny and what the gods had in store for them. Whether that information was heeded or not, it greatly affected everyone s life because it basically prophesied the future. There is a quote by Jean de La Fontaine that states, One often meets his destinyon the road he takes to avoid it. If one knows what one is destined for, should one try to change it? If so, what would be the impact? The plays Antigone by Sophocles and Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus explore these questions in further ... Show more content on ... He made the decision to help humankind regardless of the outcome he was going to face because he figured that helping humankind was worth more than the torture that Zeus would put him through. Humankind was freed of its misery through Prometheus s help and their misery became Prometheus s misery almost like karma or like the existence of energy in thermodynamics. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed so since misery existed to begin with, it was just transferred from humankind to Prometheus. He knew of the suffering to come but he didn t know how it would be when he reached that point in his destiny and the amount of suffering he actually experienced took him by surprise. It didn t take him as much by surprise as if he didn t know what suffering he would receive at all so he probably would have thought twice about helping humankind if he didn t know his destiny. If people know the extent of the consequences that would follow their actions, they would be able to make more concrete decisions and accept their fate easier when it comes along. Not long after, Io, the girl who was cursed by Zeus, happens to come along and find Prometheus s prison. She finds out that Prometheus is the one tied to the rock and questions him about why he got there. When he refuses to tell her, she asks him to tell her the extent of which she
  • 21. Clothes” by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni Essay The short store Clothes by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is about a young Indian woman, Sumita, and her cultural transition to America that is symbolized by her clothes and the color of her clothes. The traditional Indian attire for a woman is a sari and each one has its own purpose. Her clothes also indicate her progression from daughter, to wife, to woman. The story starts off with the bride to be in a yellow sari preparing to meet her future husband by bathing in a lake. She describes the yellow sari as a sunflower after rain. Yellow here could possible signify new times to come or peace. The bath she was taking is relaxing her to the idea that she is about to marry a man she has not even met, as well as the thought of losing her ... Show more content on ... [talk about Indian tradition and beliefs about Indian women becoming Americanized] In some countries white signifies purity and cleanliness. In others it is the color of royalty or deities. Sumita s husband owns a 7 11 store in California. He is constantly having to work the night shift to try to earn extra money so that they can move out on their own. One night he is held at gun point and shot to death. To mourn his death Sumita wears a white sari. During the mourning of his death they perform a bangle breaking ceremony. [talk about the ceremony and what It means] They break the bangles that are on Sumita s arm and send multi colored shards flying all over the room and on the sheet that her husband lies under. The multi colored shards might represent the fact that right now her life has shattered like the bracelets and she is scattered in a place that she is not familier with. You can now tell that Sumita has become pretty Americanized compared to when she first arrived in the United States. For instance, she is talking about getting an education and working in a school teaching in front of a classroom of blond kids in her cream and brown American dress. She is beginning to make more decisions on her own and step away from her beliefs. Here the color cream and the color brown are making her feel more americanized. If you are to go back a few paragraphs when her husband first bought the skirt and
  • 22. Amazon Is An American E Commerce Company Essay 1.Introduction The company I selected is Amazon, and it s considered the everything store . It supply s consumers with low prices from supplying vendors at a cheaper shipping rate included because of the companies contracts with United States Postal Services and UPS. Amazon is an American e commerce Company that offers a wide range of products and services via its online website or apps on any electronic device. The company manufactures and sells various electronic devise to its consumers, including Fire tablets, Kindle e readers, Fire TV s, Echo and Fire phones. On top using robots in its warehouses around the country Amazon streams videos or movies, offers customers a prime membership at an annual rate, free two day shipping, prime pantry, and an Amazon rewards credit card. Amazon is a publicly listed company and has a ticker symbol, AMZN on NASDAQ Stock Exchange. The online retail store is considered under a Catalog Mail Order House industry. Amazon has a SEC 10K, or Securities and Exchange Commission, which an entity that has major responsibilities for looking after the economy by keeping corporations and businesses true internal integrity. Each company must file their financial reports to the SEC and have a chance of being audited by the PCAOB, or Public Company Accounting Oversight Board; Amazon Inc. com is one of those businesses. The bases for an audit is the conditions of quarterly projections that change in regards to Amazon s earnings, cash flow,
  • 23. Application And Information Stockpiling On The... Prior, In the creating stage, we used to make applications and information stockpiling on the neighborhood servers. In the event that neighborhood server or neighborhood framework crashes, the whole framework, applications and related information crashes consequently. It was turning into an enormous issue everywhere throughout the world. To defeat this issue, the idea of distributed computing was brought out vigorously. Be that as it may because of expanding size of clients numerous security related issue emerges and after that security issues turned out to be most regular in the enthusiasm of analysts. Security models, for example, Mandatory Access Controland Discretionary Access Control have been the methods by which data were secured and get to was controlled. However, because of the unbend ability of these models, the fairly new security idea of Role Based Access Control (RBAC) was proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) which guarantees to end up a more unmistakable security model. Be that as it may, because of expanding size of clients giving noteworthy security has ended up bottleneck. This paper portrays access control, idea of RBAC (Role based Access Control) display, its downside and finally we finish up to depict proposed research work to lessen security hazard. Access Control: Protection, trust and Access Control are some of security idea required to meet in Cloud stage. Access Control s part is to control and breaking point the
  • 24. Recognizing The Benefits Of Not Only A Diverse Workforce, Recognizing the benefits of not only a diverse workforce, but a diverse culture has been an issue for us since the founding of this nation. We ve seen from the beginning how intolerance and bigotry was present in a society which proclaimed that all men are created equal by decree. Our society has struggled with the inclusion of anyone into our culturewho did not fit the mold of we saw was the norm simply because it was different. This brief discussion focuses on how those differences can be harnessed to produce a more productive workforce making the proclamation that all men are really equal come true. I ll begin by talking about the importance of having people with different lifestyles included in our workforce. Then I ll discuss... Show more content on ... People will be more apt to spend their money more comfortably with them (Mayhew, 2017). There are intangible benefits to maintaining a robust diversity policy starting with the way people are able to engage in interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Individuals will always have some kind of conflict in the workplace. How people deal with that conflict will determine the effectiveness of their overall performance. The more diverse an organization is has a direct correlation to how well people are able to deal with conflict and adversity. The degree in which we re able to resolve interpersonal conflict directly affects employee productivity. This high level interaction also builds the mutual respect we have for each other. When people are able to see and recognize each other s differences while working through conflict as it arises, builds respect also allowing an increase in overall productivity (Mayhew, 2017). Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Workforce A diverse workforce is required to be successful in today s business market. People want to be a part of an organization which embraces diversity at all levels and tiers of a company not just at the entry or middle management. One of the ways to retain a diverse workforce is to ensure people can see that diversity at every level not just in the new location where they were just hired. Seeing this will allow a future vision of upward mobility unhindered by barriers commonly
  • 25. Fundamental Attribution Error In the ways of the world it is easier to make assessments about people or objects based on a quick observation. For instance, almost everyone has heard the clique saying Don t judge a book by its cover. This is a perfect scenario where looking at just what is holding the book together a decision is made on whether the book will be picked to read. In the same ways individuals tend to judge each other. Unfortunately, when quick judgments are snapped about a person or object the observer is missing out a bigger picture. This is defined as the fundamental attribution error. For example, a person kicking a vending machine over and over may not have an anger management problem. Although, the observer may make this assumption as they walk by not... Show more content on ... As referenced by Nurit Papirman (2007), the earliest research on the fundamental attribution error was conducted by Jones and Harris in 1967. The researchers designed three experiments to determine whether or not an individual would take the situation into account over there disposition. A sample of individuals were told there were going to read over a pro Fidel Castro essay or an anti Fidel Castro essay. Next, the participants were told there were two groups. One group was able to write freely and the other group was being assigned their position. Given these points, the readers of the essay were than told to rate the attitudes of the writer and determine their position. The results showed that no matter if the writer was truthfully pro or anti Castro, the reader still recorded that the writer had strong emotion in their position. In other words, this proved that the readers overlooked the prior knowledge they had and just simply assessed the rating on what they had in front of them. Committing this error is not a mistake it s simply an outcome of natural
  • 26. Josiah Wedgewood s Life And Work Josiah Wedgewood (1730 1795) Potter, Craftsman, Entrepreneur His early contribution was a process of making creamware which was more refined and cheaper and local than the preferred luxury alternatives. He was a friend and later business partner with Thomas Bently who connected him into the luxury ceramics market. After securing work for the Queen of England at the time Wedgewood was able to create the popular Queensware products of ceramics. This caused him to look at expanding and reimagining his manufacturing process. He created a new process that saved time and ensured uniformity and high quality in his products. Batch Production was a division of labor that used small standardized shapes of all his products and used mold over potters wheels to make his ceramics. Adam Smith (1725 1790) Economist... Show more content on ... His views became popular because of his pin factory analogy which described the process. In it, he mentions the division of labor which he praised for its efficiency. The Americans used Adam Smith s principles to allow for specialization in their machine operations. This benefit of dividing the labor allowed the fabrication of more complicated products and items with interchangeable parts Frederick Taylor (18 1915) Engineer Frederick Taylor was an engineer who ran experiments in the 1880 s on the common manufacturing process of his time. His goal was to increase the productivity of the workers. The experiments measured the time to perform different tasks. He created recommendations for the workplace that became business standards and were enforced in the workplace. Businesses used these as a measure of productivity and rewarded wages and other rewards on a basis of performance. These changes created a shift in the workplace and a demand for higher compliance became the norm. Taylor helped create the need for standards in the workplace. Henry Ford (1863 1947)
  • 27. Metals and Halogens Reactions Metals and Halogens reactions Elements such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine belong to Group 7, Halogens. At room temperature, fluorine is a yellow gas, chlorine is a pale green gas, bromine is a red liquid, and iodine is a purple solid. Astatine is a radioactive element, therefore it exists only in small amounts. All the halogens exist in diatomic molecules. They have high ionization energies and are the most electronegative elements. Their electron configuration ns2 np5 make them perfect elements in order to react with Group 1 and 2 metals since they want an electron which Group 1 and 2 are willing to give. Therefore, out of all the main group elements, Halogens react vigorously with Group 1 and Group 2 metals. All ... Show more content on ... It was the triiodide ion that is mostly responsible for the orange red brown color since iodide was colourless and since iodine is not very soluble in water. As the reaction was progressing, the coloured solution began to fade to orange, yellow and finally became colourless. As these colour changes occur, the temperature of the solution was decreasing gradually until it has finally reached room temperature. This change in colour was due to two factors. First, all of the solid and dissolved iodine had reacted with the zinc to produce iodide and zinc ions, both of which are colourless substances. Secondly, the red brown solution of triiodide ions also reacted with zinc metal to produce the colourless iodide ions. In the other experiment three pieces of universal pH indicator were placed on a white spotting tile and drop of chlorine water, bromine water and iodine water were transferred on each one of them. The colour of the pH indicators were observed and recorded as shown in the table 1.The halogen solution were filled into the dimples of the spotting tile. They were put in columns and rows which had numbers (1, 2,3 and 4) and letters (A,B and C) in order to differentiate each solutions. After
  • 28. Coming Of Age Memoir Angela s Ashes Angela s Ashes is referred to as a coming of age memoir simply because the formation of Frank McCourt through each and every page. As he gets older, he begins to become wiser and understand the things around him as would most humans. Understanding the environment that surrounds one, discovering new things, and coming to terms with old things are all part of the process of the evolution of a person. The evolution of a person is how morals are developed, individual thoughts, and the one s singular connection to the world around them. This transformation is kickstarted by all of things that are surrounding and is completed by who that person becomes. For McCourt, his evolution is solely based on the teachers that surround him society,... Show more content on ... The use of this teacher throughout the book is hardly ever good. It is a defining fact of Limerick, though their culture. The issue with it is that many men get obsessed with consuming alcohol that they are unable to face the real world. An issue like this becomes the very root of many of the difficulties in Frank s life. For instance, In New York, with Prohibition in full swing,he thought he had died and gone to hell for his sins. The he discovered speakeasies and he rejoiced. (12) This quote is the key to the life Frank is going to live through. It expresses how his father was already a heavy drinker before he came to America and ended up with a family. This one quotation set the stage of Frank s life and primarily affected him in numerous aspects. This line shaped Frank into the man he became in the end one who achieved his goal and brought himself up from the bottom. As stated before, alcoholism was a defining factor of the Limerick culture which means many people, men, participated in drinking. This meaning, Frank s family was not the only family plagued by the troubles that came with drinking all the money away. For example, Mikey s father, Peter is a great champion. He wins bets in the pubs...the lunatic asylum demented with worry over her hungry famishing family. (115) This is important in the way that it shows it was not only Frank s family withering away due to their father s alcoholic tendencies, but other families
  • 29. Reflection Of The Movie Remember The Titans The movie I selected was Remember The Titans (2000). The movie was about leadership, teamwork, and overcoming obstacles. Remember The Titans took place in Alexandria, Virginia Where one high school became integrated with blacks and whites forming T.C. Williams High school. The football team at the school for the first time had blacks and whites doing the same sport together. The school board fired Coach Yoast from being head coach and hired a new head coach named Coach Boone who was African American. This led to problems with white families since they did not want a black coaching their kids and it caused problems for Coach Boone. However, after an incident with the white football players Coach Boone compromised with Coach Yoast allowing him to be the defensive coordinator in hopes of creating some peace in the tense time. As the summer came to an end football camp began. At football camp the audiences experiences the problems the black football players had with chemistry because of racism and hatred from their white teammates. However in the end of camp the team became brothers and does not see a person by their skin but what s on the inside. The boys were ready for football yet when they started school the Titans had to face the hardships of school and realize not everyone at school was as optimistic as they were which lead to more turmoil inside the team due to racism. Thankfully as time went on their bond grew and the team went on to become undefeated as well as win the state championship. The main characters in Remember The Titans were Coach Boone, Coach Yoast, Gerry Bertier, and Julius Campbell. Coach Boone was the head coach for the Titans, Coach Yoast was the ex head coach and was the defensive coordinator for the Titans, Gerry Bertier was the All American on the team and was the main white football player throughout the movie, and Julius Campbell was the main black football player on the Titans. All of these characters showed leadership throughout the movie. Coach Boone showed his leadership by forcing others to do what he wants no matter the cost. Multiple times throughout the movie the audience watches Coach Boone ordering players to run, redo a play, burpees and other commands. Coach
  • 30. The Government Inspector Essay Larry Begam Russian 210 Essay #2 3/10/15 The Government Inspector The Government Inspector, written by Nikolai Gogol is a satirical play, which is considered one of the masterpieces of Russian literature. Gogol writes brilliantly about a small town in 19th century Russia and aims to satirize human greed as well as stupidity and government corruption. His ability to use comedy when dealing with serious political issues throughout the play is a large focal point of the work and continues to be praised today. Nikolai Gogol was best known for his short stories and was given the idea for The Government Inspector by Alexander Pushkin. Shortly after its release, Gogol faced heavy criticism by the government officials that his play lampooned and ... Show more content on ... The town s local government officials desperately try to mislead Khlestakov while he tries to continue the charade and attempts to deceive them as well. Khlestakov even takes his deception so far that it almost seems as though he is starting to believe his own lies. On the table, for instance, is a water melon that costs seven hundred roubles. The soup comes straight from Paris by steamer in the tureen: there s nothing in the world to be compared with its flavour! (38). We can also see that not only did the townspeople attempt to deceive Khlestakov, but also they essentially deceived themselves by the end of the play. Gogol is able to show how the chaos of the government inspector s visit sent everyone into frenzy and did not actually accomplish anything. Gogol s primary focus is that the human condition is imperfect and that we will always try to save our selves when we are in danger as well as take advantage of any situation that allows us to. Gogol did a great job of presenting this through Khlestakov s and the Mayor s actions. Gogol s mission to explain his view of our perpetual chain of chaos is applied to the 19th century Russian bureaucracy in a way that is not clearly evident at first but fits perfectly with the
  • 31. Hamlet Insanity In Hamlet Insanity is an interesting topic to explore, tricky to determine and potentially deadly to those around the affected person. Although most people in society are sane beings, many argue that Hamlet in Shakespeare s play Hamlet is not sane. His actions are not that of a sane person, but rather of a grieving man who is driven to his death by his insane lust for revenge. In order to fully understand Hamlets insanity, one must first understand insanity itself. Insanity is a legal definition, primarily defined as [one s] ability to determine right from wrong (Howes). In this sense, someone is insane when they can not determine when their actions are wrong to do. Expanding upon this definition, insanity is a mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality... or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior (Howes). Being unable to separate fantasy from reality as well as uncontrollable impulsive behavior are both things that Hamlet experiences throughout various parts of the play. The play first introduces Hamlet in the second scene while he is grieving his father s death. He expresses his grief through his discontent with his mother s lack of mourning: Two months dead nay, not so much, not two... She married. O, most wicked speed (Shakespeare, I, ii). He is still grieving his father s death while his mother has moved on and married Hamlet s uncle. Everyone has a different way to deal with the death of a parent, but what is
  • 32. Importance of Filing a Mileage Pass There are many importance s to filing a mileage pass through the company and making sure that your chain of command are certain of where you are going to be when you say you are going to be there. One very good reason is that it can ultimately get the entire chain of command in trouble. In not filling out this form you can have a serious negative impact upon yourself, your family, your chain of command, your unit, life and your overall well being. By performing this action I directly disregarded my chain of command, gave myself undeserved authority and took it upon myself to go home to Las Vegas, Nevada completely ignoring the fact that there were possible consequences of the ignorant and foolish decision that could have easily been... Show more content on ... The actions that i made also affect s my family in many ways also. Not only if i were to die and leave them with nothing but the bills for my funeral and death but also the pride that I have in my family and in my name. My family has been in the military as far back as anyone can remember. My Father is in the Navy along with his two brothers my Uncle Pat and my Uncle Todd, My Uncles Mitch is retired now from the Army along with my Moms father, my Grandfather and my Dad s Father was in the Marines. I also have a Great Uncle who served in World War II in the Army as a bottom hatch gunner in a B 17 bomber, so the standards that my family holds me to and the expectations they have are held high and I plan to uphold the honor and high expectations that my family deserves and entrust me with by being and setting the standards that a soldier in the United States Army should be held accountable to. In turn not to only lose the trust and responsibility that not only my Non Commissioned Officers and chain of command have with me but also to lose my families trust and expectations would be the most costly, demeaning and catastrophic punishment of them all. Along with losing the trust and expectations of my Non Commissioned Officers, chain of command and my family I would also put my First Sergeant in a bad spot that he does not deserve. My First Sergeant is responsible of all of the soldiers under his command and if anything
  • 33. Causes Of Tyranny Henry VIII, Joseph Stalin, Ivan IV, Adolf Hitler, Kim Jong II, and more are all tyrants who inflicted tyranny on their people. Throughout history many tyrants have oppressed their citizens with unfair and harsh treatment and have gotten away with it. Tyranny is known as a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control inflicted by an oppressive government or ruler. Even though this sadistic behavior continues today, it doesn t in the United Statesof America. In 1775 to 1783, the American Revolutionary War, also known as the U.S. War of Independence, took place. This was a conflict that arose form growing tensions between residents of Great Britain s 13 North American colonies and the tyrannical British Crown. In response to the callous treatment, a group of colonial delegates (including George Washington of Virginia, John and Samuel Adams or Massachusetts, Patrick Henry of Virginia, and john jay of New York) met in Philadelphia in September 1774 to give voice to their grievances against the British Crown, which is formally known as the First Continental Congress. By June 1776, with the Revolutionary War in full swing, a growing majority of the colonists had come to favor independence from Britain resulting in the continental Congress drafting the Declaration of Independence on July 4. The thirteen colonies officially declared their independence from the tyrant ruler known as King George III of Britain. Eleven years later, in the summer of 1787, fifty five
  • 34. Women s Rights Convention On July 19 and 20, 1848, a women s rights convention was held at the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls, New York. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who had met previously at the World Anti Slavery Convention in 1840 and were barred from the convention floor ( This lead to the two women planning the women s rights convention in Seneca Falls. ( In 1848, both Mott and Stanton, along with other women s rights activists, such as Martha Wright, Mary Ann McClintock, and Jane Hunt, sent out a notice for a women s right conference that was to be held at Seneca Falls. On July 14, this notice was published in the Seneca County Courier, which read, A Convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition
  • 35. Analysis Of The Book Omnivore s Dilemma In the book Omnivore s Dilemma and the article Eat Food: Food Defined by Michael Pollan, Pollan informs us of the dangers of eating processed foods. He goes on to explain that in the modern age of today, our diets are majorly composed of processed food, leading to health complications such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Pollan advises us that we must stop eating processed foodand instead eat real food, in which he lists ways of obtaining real food, such as going to farmer s markets. However I challenge Pollan s approach to obtaining real food as it is too costly and complicated, and instead I will propose a different approach to obtaining real food by traditional means of huntingand gathering. In the following I will... Show more content on ... Rules such as staying away from foods that our ancestors wouldn t recognize or contain high fructose corn syrup. Pollan claims that buying food from farmers solves the complicated issue of our diets. I don t believe this solves the omnivore s dilemma, it further complicates it. Pollan fails to define what real food is, if he could have just specifically defined it as an organically grown or living specimen that contains biological cells, and isn t processed, it would prevent us from second guessing while shopping for real food. Also, even though we should eat more real foods, there have been cases of produce being infected with bacteria or chemicals, meat being injected with chemically made steroids and hormones. Obtaining real food isn t as easy as reading the food labels or staying away from the center of the grocery store as Pollan describes it. After observing the potential flaws of Pollan s approach to obtaining real food, I have found ways of obtaining real all natural food, without over spending or worrying about processed ingredients and bacteria/steroids. I strongly believe we can achieve this by using traditional ways of obtaining food, such as hunting, fishing, and house gardening/farming. I myself and like many others have taken action to obtain real food, food that is 100% natural, food that we know exactly where it comes from.
  • 36. Stock Track Report I.Portfolio Objective: A. Allocation For our portfolio mix, we invested roughly 81% on stocks, 15% on Bonds and 4% on Cash. Our target for the portfolio allocation is that we invested 90% on stocks and 10% on Cash for short term investments. Our goal was investing 80% of our cash for stock market because we know that will get higher return form stock market instead of bonds which is safer to own but bring lower return, and we are young, so we love to take more risk. We also wanted to keep 20% of our money in cash which available for short term investment. According to the requirements, we ended up spent around 60% on domestic market stock, 10% on international stock market, 10% for short term stock, 15% on bonds and the rest is in ... Show more content on ... As a reason for that, my portfolio returns were poorly comparing to the stock market indexes. On the other hand, I was mainly investing on Apple stocks (AAPL) throughout this 7 week period and after the announcement of the new i phone 5 on September 12, 2012 along with the quantitative easing 3 announcement, apple was outer performing the stock market indexes. At that time, I had number of Apple shares and the price was increasing due to the positive announcements. Moreover, Apple stock hit all time high which was $702.10 per share during September. Nonetheless, after few weeks later, I have sold all my Apple stocks because there were some minor defects on the i phone 5 and the announcement of the new mini i pad did not show any positive effect on the share price of Apple. I was very up to date on the Apple news because, I have invested substantial amount of money on Apple stock. Furthermore, based on the negative news after i phone 5, I have sold all of my Apple securities because I predicted the Apple stock is going to go down after these rough news s. Hence, it worked as I have planned and the current Apple stock is roughly $580 which went down by $120 from the all time high price. Furthermore, as you can see it from the graph of the portfolio, I have a boost in my return on October 22, 2012 and major drop in my return on October
  • 37. Brush Fire Analysis Writer , Linda Thomas, in her essay, Brush Fire, discusses the Santa Ana winds experienced in Southern California and how it affects the people and the weather. Well known essayist , Joan Didion, in her essay, The Santa Ana, describes the winds and the effects it has on the way the people behave. Both Thomas and Didion s essays have a similar subject and circumstance, the Santa Ana winds but, both essays vary in numerous ways. The details, tone, and how the message is being told are ways in which both essays differ. These essays are an example of one topic being portray through different lights. In Brush Fire, Thomas begins to convey recollected memories of a day on which she experienced the Santa Ana winds. She tells the details in chronological order starting from the moment she woke up and ended in the present tense. Thomas stated, I know this because this morning I awoke to air so dry that the graze of my nightgown against the down comforter created tiny orange sparks (Thomas). Thomas ended with a different tense from which she began her essay. She said, We are here to watch the orange flames color the sunset. (Thomas). She also included details that incite imagery while talking about the environment of southern California by saying, Chaparral is gorgeously beautiful from the crooked red brown wood... the sturdy shaft of yucca... with spikes of creamy blossom, to brilliant orange threads of dodder vine. (Thomas). Didion also uses imagery but unlike Thomas, Didion conveys the imagery using the future tense. Didion states, ... we will see smoke back in the canyons, and hear sirens in the night (Didion). The difference in the way that both essays begin to unfold resonate in the tense that is used. Tone plays an important role in how the message of each essay is being conveyed. This tone of both essays is one way in which they differ. Thomas uses a calm, poetic tone whereas Didion uses a more scientific and intellectual tone. Phrases in which the tone of Thomas text is revealed includes, ... I smell the odours of burning sagebrush, I can also... watch the flames lick up a hillside... a teenage couple... lost in embrace, passionate kisses no one seems to notice. We are hear to watch the orange flames color the
  • 38. Sample Academic Dismissal Letter Dear Dr. Claire Peel, I am writing to appeal the decision for my academic dismissal from the PA program at UNTHSC. I was not surprised but was very disappointed when I received the letter last Friday informing me of my dismissal. I would ask that you consider my reenrollment with the class of 2018. I admit I had a very tough time last semester and my grades suffered as a result. I don t want to make excuses for my poor academic performance, but I would like to further explain the circumstances regarding my failure of Neurology and Hematology. I did not initially want to share these details because they are very personal but I feel like it is vital for you to understand the depth of my situation. During the summer term I began a relationship
  • 39. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Video Game Therapy Video Game Therapy People choose many ways to learn how to deal with life. Life can be either difficult at times or easy. The same idea can be applied to video games. Playing online games taught me patience, how to interact with other people around the world and how to manage my stress. Two factors in online games that can determine my interest are drop rates and game difficulty. A drop rate is the probability or ratio that determines how much more or how much less an item will become available from an enemy in a game. The drop rate for some items can be miniscule. When I played Final Fantasy IX ten years ago, I had to kill a monster called a leech for an item that had a low drop rate. Because of the low drop rate, it took me six hours to obtain ... Show more content on ... Sometimes I just want to sit down and tune out everything around me, turn down the sound effects, and listen to the music in the game. It calms me, and I forget about my problems for a while. It is a stress reliever, and I also get an adrenaline rush from challenging fights. When an enemy is tough and causes widespread area damage, every minute step or evasive direction I choose to make could be fatal. Some people quit, I choose to persevere until I win. The feeling when I accomplish something so difficult makes the task worth it. Because I am stationed overseas, I do not get to spend time with my family back in the states, and it causes stress. Online games are a great way to still keep in touch with them. Recently I started playing with my brother, although our time differences make it difficult. I also bond with my wife by playing video games. Socializing with others is enjoyable, but finding something that I can share with my significant other helps us manage relationship stress. I try to update her equipment in order for her to fully enjoy all that the game has to offer, and that in itself makes me happy. In conclusion, playing online games over the years has taught me how to persevere through tough times. Even though I live in another country, I will not let language barriers keep me from enjoying my time here. Life is annoying, and I am glad I found something that I can share with my significant
  • 40. The Plea Bargain Is A Vital Part Of The Criminal Justice... The plea bargain is a vital part of the criminal justice system today. Before the 1800s when an offender was caught there would be a trial and verdict. The plea bargain are for defendant s to plead guilty to a lesser offense or to at least one charge especially if there are multiple indictments. Defendants will plead guilty in hopes of leniency, and at least 90 percent of criminal cases end in a pleabargains. A majority of criminal cases in many jurisdictions will end in a plea bargaining. In the case North Carolina v. Alford, Mr. Alford is accused of Capital murder. The penalty for a guilty plea is imprisonment for life, however, if the defendant pleads innocent and the juryrules him guilty the death penalty attaches. Prior to the trial, Mr. Alford accepted a plea bargain. The bargaining requires him to plead guilty to murder in the second degree, the penalty of which is 30 years. Later on Alford does appeals his case, stating that his agreement to the bargain was involuntary as it was driven by fear of the death penalty. Mr. Alford s conviction was overturned however, the Supreme Court states that a guilty plea is a voluntary decision and is not compelled within his Fifth Amendment rights of Self Incrimination. In a 6 to 3 decision, the Court then reverses the appeal and reinstates his conviction. This is a great example of how the option of plea bargaining continues to be controversial. This case shows how plea bargaining can work both in favor and negatively
  • 41. Joint Commission Accreditation There are many roles of the Joint Commission in accrediting medical facilities. The Joint Commission was founded in 1951 and is the nation s largest accrediting body in health care. They evaluate nearly 21,000 health care organizations in the Unites States. (The Joint Comm, 2016) Once an organization earns the accreditationthey are re surveyed every three years unannounced. They are responsible for making sure that healthcare facilities are up to date on all standards, policies, and procedures. Joint Commissionaccreditation can be earned by many types of health care organizations, including hospitals, doctor s offices, nursing homes, office based surgery centers, behavioral health treatment facilities, and providers of home care services... Show more content on ... One in particular states, The hospital is professionally and ethically responsible for providing care, treatment, and services within its capability and law and regulations (Showalter,2013). Patients may not always have the funds to be treated when their insurance coverage is not available. It would be up to the facility to decide how they are going to continue care in these situations. They have policies on the destruction of medical records. Another policy includes they must comply with the standards of emergency care. Also, that patients have access to interpreter services to include the most common languages used in the healthcare facility. These standards of care are updated all of the time by healthcare experts, nurses, staff, to ensure the most updated
  • 42. The Eclipse By Selma Lagerlof Analysis There is no darkness of annihilation around, no fear of absolute, preternatural loneliness, no dissolution of human languageing. This is the space of the everyday, as analysed by Heidegger, Lefebvre and Tagore (Guha 93 94). As Ranajit Guha argues, everydayness, though different from the grand narratives of historicity, is always imbued with a sense of the past, and as such, it is grounded in social time . Guha writes: [...] as Heidegger observes, Everydayness is a way to be to which, of course, that which is publicly manifest belongs. Such a way to be implies being with others in a social time based on a mutually subscribed notion of the past. (93) Thus, we can notice, everydayness is not just dull monotony, it is essentially a mode of being which acknowledges the neighbourhood of (necessary) others. It is monotonous ... Show more content on ... The basic difference between these two texts is generic: while Koula is a novella, Lagerlof s text is a short story. However, there are thematic and even structural parallels between the two. Koula, despite its slightly larger scope, retains a short story like structure. And that is mainly because it is as much a novella of everydayness as that of loneliness. Everydayness can never be as fruitfully captured in longer fiction as in short fiction. Lagerlof s characters too, just like Koula, belong to the domain of everydayness, and they are only too well acquainted with its monotony. The central figure is Beda, an old woman who is completely lonely, as all her dear ones were resting in the churchyard (Lagerlof 793). However, though Beda s loneliness as an old woman is foregrounded here, Lagerlof does not create any essential correlation between age and loneliness. Rather, the loneliness she figures forth is more oriented to gender than to age. All the female neighbours of Beda are
  • 43. Free College Essays-The First Battle Of Bull Run The First Battle of Bull Run The first battle of Bull Run, also known as the first battle of Manassas in the south, was the first major land battle of the Civil War. The battle started on July 21, 1861 and took place near Manassas Junction, Virginia( First Battle ). The Union had an army of 28,450 led by Brigadier General Irvin McDowell( The ).The Confederates had an army of 30,800. 21,900 soldiers were led by Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard and 8,900 soldiers were led by General Joseph E. Johnston( Battle Of ). At the beginning of the war, people throughout the country thought that the war would end quickly( First Blood ). This battle will make them realize that the war would last longer than expected. What happened at the first battle... Show more content on ... Late in the afternoon troops started to approach Beauregard. He prepared to retreat, unsure whose army the soldiers belonged to( Battle Of ). Early in the civil war, the Union and Confederate flags were very similar in design and color and it was very hard to tell the difference between the two. Both flags had stripes and a blue square in the corner. The additional natural chaos of the battlefield didn t help with the confusion( Not ). As the troops got closer to Beauregard he could see that the troops belonged to the Confederacy and that it was Johnston with reinforcements. The new addition to the Confederate s force gave them the upper hand and they attacked the unsuspecting Union army( Battle Of ). Colonel James Brown charged into the Union line into a section of confused New Yorkers( The ). The union army was forced into a chaotic retreat. The also disorganized Confederates did not pursue the fleeing army( Battle Of ). The disorganized Union army ran into panicking citizens who had started to flee upon seeing the Union s defeat. Along with the narrow bridges, overturned wagons, and cannons the citizens of Washington DC made the retreat nearly
  • 44. What Are The Similarities Between Aztec And Inca Religions What are some similarities between the Aztec and Inca religions? What are some differences? That is a very broad topic where you could have many different responses. Honestly, the number of similarities outweighs the number of differences between their respective religions. The main similarities between the Incan and Aztec religions were that they were both polytheistic and they both held sacrifices. The main differenceis their sacrifices. The sacrifices are listed under both comparisons and contrasts because the Aztec and Inca both have certain aspects that they are similar in and they also differ in certain aspects of sacrifice. This is very significant if speaking on the topic of their respective sacrifices. The belief system of the Incas ... Show more content on ... The Aztecs sacrificed very frequently. This is because of the multitude of people that the Aztec empire contained. The sacrifices were done somewhat over 20 times a year. The Inca sacrificed less frequently. They saw sacrifice as an honor so it was not just done randomly. Also, the difference of the frequency of the sacrifices correlates to the peaceful nature of the Inca compared to the aggressive nature of the Aztec. The Inca did child sacrifice which was called Capacocha. Meanwhile, the Aztec did not partake in child sacrifice rituals at all. The aggressive nature of the Aztec or the peaceful nature of the Inca affected the the way that they processed the sacrifices. The Inca took a perfect child and made him /her eat nothing but corn for 2 years prior to the sacrifice occurring. Then, they forced the child to dink of a potion that would make him unaware of the occurrences around him. In other words, they intoxicated the child. Subsequently, they took him up to a mountain and killed him by either a blow to the head, strangulation or being buried alive. The Aztecs took the human that would be sacrificed to a sacred temple and brutally ripped out their heart. They would then, hold the heart up to the sun. After that they chop of their head and throw the body down the temple s stairs. They disposed of the body by feeding it to the zoo or putting it on display. Other ways of sacrifice
  • 45. Paper BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW Bally Total Fitness was created in 1996 with Lee Hillman as its first CEO. Bally traces its existence to the Health and Tennis Corporation, run by Dave Wildman. Wildman had begun to purchase ailing gyms and aggressively expanded and acquired several other brands as well. In the 1990s, as part of a diversification move, Bally Manufacturing, a gambling equipment company, decided to purchase Wildman s collection of gyms and other brands. This diversification of brands created what was known as Bally Entertainment. Bally Total Fitness was then created in 1996 as the health club portion of Bally Entertainment. Lee Hillman started the company off in an unusual path, Mr. Hillman used a retrenchment strategy by selling off ... Show more content on ... Citizenship In 2003, Bally launched a comprehensive nutritional and exercise program customized to an individual s unique metabolism. The programs objective was to offer consultation to member who has weight loss goals and to construct for each member a tailored combination of an exercise regime, personal training, and an approach to diet and nutrient. Bally s had launched a line of nutritional supplements and meal replacement items. This demonstrates how Bally is trying to relate on a personable level with their clients. Survival Bally Total Fitness survival method was changing the 36 month commitment to Pay as you go for memberships. A number of member complained about cancellation requests that were not honored, the use of harassment or deceptive means to collect fees, and the unauthorized charging of credit card or debiting from bank accounts. In response, Bally began to experiment with pay as you go memberships. This newly acquired method constituted for 8% of memberships in 2004 up from 3% in 2003. Which ultimately lead to an increase in overall gross profit margin from the previous year. Diversify their portfolio of service and product offerings to meet the strategic needs of their target market. Please note that this is not an inclusive list of every strategy Bally Total Fitness has used, but it does show examples of each type of objective Bally has used in the past or may still be pursuing to
  • 46. Summary Of The Sorrow Of War By Bao Ninh In the novel, The Sorrow of War we find that Kien is telling the story from his point of view as a North Vietnamese soldier during the Vietnam war. The Author, Bao Ninh, tells his experiences and memories of the war through the Character known as Kien. Through these memories, we can find some ideal differences between North and South Vietnam. South Vietnam has some different ideals from North Vietnam. This can be shown when one of the captured South Vietnamese soldiers says The girls? We sacrificed them to the Water Spirit, sir. We used their bodies as an offering (Ninh 36). This shows that the South Vietnamese believed in human sacrifice. The North can be cruel in punishment to those who do not follow their ideals and break their morals. An example of this is when Kien order them to dig their own graves (Ninh 37). This shows the cruelty of a North Vietnamese soldier when someone gets on their bad side. Even so, in populated areas such as the city of Hanoi, people began digging shelters. Hanoi was considered a noncombat area, yet the authorities ordered the population to practice ... Show more content on ... In the novel, a battalion commander had yelled Better to die than surrender, my brothers! Better to die (Ninh 5) exclaiming that he would rather die than surrender to the enemy as he had proceeded to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head. the Americans attacked with submachine guns, sending bullets buzzing like deadly bees around him (Ninh 5). It can be seen that war can make people do crazy things and that the enemy forces will not hesitate to fire. Then Kien lowered his machine gun, grasped his side, and fell, rolling down the bank of a shallow stream, hot blood trailing down the slope after him (Ninh 5). The soldiers need to be aware of their surroundings during a battle or they could end up getting injured or receive an even worse fate,
  • 47. Financial Performance Of The Companies Within Your Industry For the companies within your industry, conduct the following analysis of the financial performance of each person s firm within the industry. Then, the group compares the firms to each other. This should cover the most recent (FY 2005 2014) period. 1. Provide inventory for each firm over the period. What is the percent change in both ending inventoryand COGS each year relative to the overall percent change in sales? a. Calculate/show the Inventory Turnover and the Days Inventory Held ratios for each quarter. How do these change during the 10 year period? What does this mean? Cabela s Cabela s inventory relative to the overall percentage change in sales saw steady increases of 22% and 25% in 2006 and 2007. They ... Show more content on ... This means that in the second quarter of each year Cabela s sell its inventory at a slower rate than the rest of the quarters. The Day s Held ratio calculates how long it takes a company turn inventory into sales. Cabela s sells mostly goods that are non perishable, meaning that their goods can last in their shelves much longer. For Cabela s there is a continuous pattern showing their days held in inventory ratio being much lower in the 4th quarter of each year. This may be due to consumers purchasing gifts for the holiday season. Dick s Sporting Goods Dick s Sportings goods saw relative increases in both their inventory and COGS over the period. Their inventory percentage change/overall sales change for the period, and their COGS percentage change/overall sales change for the period experienced very similar fluctuations across the period. Both ratios saw a sharp decline from 2006 2007, indicating the time of the recession. The inventory % change ratio even dropped to 2.3%. Since 2008, both ratios have seen minor increases and decreases. Dick s sporting goods inventory turnover ratio increased by an overall percent of 8.82%. This means that the company is 8.82% better (quicker) at selling its inventory after they have purchased it. They seem to have their highest turnover ratios in the fourth quarter of every year. Their most recent inventory turnover ratio is 3.7x, with a DIO (Days in Inventory Ratio) of 97.8 days. This means that it takes 98 days for