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Goal Setting Theory Essay
Essay question: It is often claimed that goal–setting is a theory of motivation which works. Critically
evaluate the evidence and discuss the extent to which it supports this claim.
As element that drives the person to strive for the best within his or her own capacity, Guay et al. (2010)
defined motivation as reasons that underlie behaviour. It is also interpreted by Huitt, W. (2011) cited
Kleinginna and Kleinginna (1981) as an internal state or condition (sometimes described as a need, desire,
or want) that serves to activate or energize behaviour and give it direction. With that resonance, it is
construed that Theory of Motivation is the conceptual representation that is applicable across many
domains of behaviour and provides insights into why behaviour is initiated, maintained, directed and so
forth, as per suggested by Graham and Weiner (1996).
Under the umbrella of motivation theories, goal–setting is one of theory which lives up to its expectation.
Locke and Latham (2006) suggested that goal–setting theory is a concept comprising the effectiveness of
specific, difficult goals as well as generality of goal effects across people, tasks, countries, time spans and
many more. It is interesting to fathom the validity of claim that goal–setting is effective and mostly
engender positive results regardless of the different sources that are involved (Locke and Latham, 2006).
Although goals are helmed as "key element in self–regulation" (p. 265), will the
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Bafa Bafa
Concrete Experience
During this experiment I was part of the Beta Group, which consisted of learning how to speak Betan and
learning the rules to trade other Betans to get seven cards of the same color in numerical order from 1 to
7. The other group, the Alphans, are a very "touchy group" and they only had one leader whom had to
give permission to other guy Alphas to talk to a girl. Alphas were more about having fun while Betans
were all about themselves trying to accomplish their own goal.
When it was my time to go observe the other group, it was so confusing. I had no idea what was going on
or why people kept touching my arm when I got close to them. This was very strange and unexpected
because I am not used to people ... Show more content on ...
Everyone had the same purpose in life.
Active Experimentation During the experiment I learned a lot of valuable things that will help me when I
do decide to travel out of the country. I have experienced a few culture shocks but nowhere near as much
as I did during this experiment. I really do not understand how people could travel all the time to a new
country with a different culture all the time. Even though it may be exhausting to visit other cultures, it
still would be an interesting experience, just not all the time. I have been told it is awesome to go through
it but before I go, I am going to a few things. First, I am going to research some of the different aspects of
the culture and why they do the things they do. This will help me learn about them so when I get there
more the experience would make since. Also, I would ask other people what they thought about the
culture, but I would not completely rely on them because everyone views new things differently. Even
though everything will never make since, I would make sure I have an open mind when I get there. I need
to be open to learning new experiences when I travel so I enjoy it to the fullest. This concept I do not
think would be too hard because I love to learn new things. The other problem I could see myself having
is that I am such a quiet and shy person, I do not know how much I would be engaged when I
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Motivational Theories And Job Design Essay
Motivational Theories and Job Design
How are the principles of goal setting applied in this case?
Goal setting and SMART goal setting theory was employed in this case through the proposed
implementation of work reorganization tied to a reward scheme.
In the case of restructuring the HIS in order for it to be more aligned in structure–to–behaviour the study
pinpointed low morale, accountability, and boredom as problems and proposed increased responsibility
and feedback through work process reorganization. The work process reorganization proposed was to
introduce a reward system whereby employees reap rewards for good work or bear consequence for bad
work, and job enrichment to decrease monotony and boredom.
The practice of setting goals is common and often beneficial. People that can see a goal and feel they can
benefit from it will often be motivated to work harder to obtain that goal. However goals need to be
within reach if they are to be taken seriously by employees. Hence the idea of SMART goals that are
specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, and timely give employees a clear sense of something that is
attainable. If goals are perceived to be unattainable they will often act as a de–motivator. (Carpenter,
Taylor & Erdogan, 2009)
How are the principles of job enrichment applied in this case?
Job enrichment is a method of redesigning a job to give employees more lateral control and responsibility
over how they perform their duties. In the case of HIS,
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Organisational Behaviour Goal Setting Theory
A goal is a target, and a target is set to be achieved. Everyone has their own goals in life; the goal of a
student is to do well in their exams and to gain knowledge. A footballer's goal is to score by putting a ball
into the net within 90 minutes of play. Even animals has goals too, a tiger's goal is to hunt for food. Goal
setting has been a part of everybody's life since ages ago. Setting of goals and targets by companies to
strive for achievement is a fundamental to business survival and success (Shi et al. 2010, 86). Be it,
achieving a profit of 30% in the fiscal year or improving skills and behaviors of their employees, goal
setting has been an essential item in every firm. Other than identifying the target and ... Show more
content on ...
Feedback is required to enhance the performance through goals. It is quite difficult for employees to
determine the amount of performance or the extent where they need to give out to achieve this certain
goal. These days, feedback has played an important part in being an essential management tools as they
are perceived to serve both motivational and informational functions that are enable to enhance an
employee's work performance (Kopelman 1986). This is due to the fact that through feedback,
information and regarding the correctness, accuracy and the suitability of works behavior (Earley et al.
1990, 87). Feedback is ready to provide and disseminate information on work behaviors; it is beneficial as
it provides precise and correct information to the readers. The use of feedbacks is not only limited to
precise data collections; it is also used to instill a sense of competence, achievement and control among
the employees, this is more towards to the motivational context (Bandura 1977). It is obvious that these
authors concept on feedback is to enhance the performance. I quite agree with the latter researchers as I
personally think that feedback is needed to enhance performance through goals.
Teamwork is a very effective technique to get a job done quickly and efficiently. A team is a cooperative
unit or a group of people working together for a common cause. There are many benefits that can be
sowed in forming a team. Adams (2009, 317) stated
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Persuasive Essay On The Benefits Of Goals : Good, And Success
It natural for man to always yearn for something higher than him, philosophically speaking. This higher
thing man could be yearning for, in one aspect, could be goals. Goals are something we want to achieve,
either in the long run or the short run. Goals can either be big or small. Everyone has a goal in mind.
Goals are also helpful for a person to feel and attain success. What good does goal setting bring, exactly?
Goals can come in from every corner. When we are young, we are instilled goals by our parents. Go to
school, make friends, come home with a star or two. Then we have our teachers who give us goals such as
to finish an assignment on time, work on the assigned readings. And in a workspace, our boss can give us
goals to run these papers, make a few calls, and so on.
Within yourself, however, you should also have goals. You should not set goals because of outside factors.
Sometimes, it's good to set goals on your own accord.
Simply setting goals is already a benefit within itself. Dr. Michelle Cleere, a mind expert with a PhD in
Clinical Psychology, a Masters in Sports Psychology, and researcher, writes on her website several
benefits that come with setting goals.
First, Dr. Cleere says that setting goals already shows that we are creating this sort of road map that we
wish to follow. It is when a person decides and thinks how to get from one point to another. For instance,
when you are a fresh graduate from college, a goal can be to get a job. Figuring out how
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Goals Setting Theory And Expectancy Theory
Have you ever been so energized to do your work? If so, it probably was because of your massive
motivation towards that work. Motivation is 'psychological processes that arouse and direct voluntary
actions towards goal–directed behavior' (Kreitner, Kinicki, & Buelens, 2002). Goal–setting theory and
expectancy theory are two process theories, 'theories that focus on how we make choices with respected
goals', and this essay will investigate its effectiveness of enhancing employee performance (Buchanan &
Huczunski, 2010).
Goal setting theory by Locke states that work motivation is influenced by goal difficulty, goal specificity,
participation in goal setting and knowledge of results (Buchanan & Huczunski, 2010). By having a well–
presented goal, it motivates employees and enhances their productivity. Some advantages are that
employees will have clear goals for their work. Although it seemed impossible, recruiting manager at
Microsoft increased their target to double as it was before, but in the end they accomplished third more
than the target, showing the power of having a goal (Shaw, 2004). Also, since this theory consists constant
feedback, it fulfills relatedness needs of Alderfer's ERG theory, which is a content theory that pursues on
what motivates employees. Strong relationships and trusts will surely improve the teamwork, which will
help enhance the performance. However, it also leads to a few problems, such as employees being too
preoccupied with
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Goal-Setting Theory of Motivation
VOLUME 15, NUMBER 1, 2011
Goal–Setting Theory of Motivation
Fred C. Lunenburg
Sam Houston State University
ABSTRACT Locke and Latham provide a well–developed goal–setting theory of motivation. The theory
emphasizes the important relationship between goals and performance. Research supports predictions that
the most effective performance seems to result when goals are specific and challenging, when they are
used to evaluate performance and linked to feedback on results, and create commitment and acceptance.
The motivational impact of goals may be affected by moderators such as ability and self–efficacy.
Deadlines improve the effectiveness of goals. A learning goal ... Show more content on ...
Asking organization members to improve, to work harder, or to do your best is not helpful, because that
kind of goal does not give them a focused target.
Specific goals (often quantified) let organization members know what to reach for and allow them to
measure their own progress. Research indicates that specific goals help bring about other desirable
organizational goals, such as reducing absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover (Locke & Latham, 2002).
Goals Must Be Difficult but Attainable A goal that is too easily attained will not bring about the desired
increments in performance. The key point is that a goal must be difficult as well as specific for it to raise
performance. However, there is a limit to this effect. Although organization members will work hard to
reach challenging goals, they will only do so when the goals are within their capability. As goals become
too difficult, performance suffers because organization members reject the goals as unreasonable and
unattainable. A major factor in attainability of a goal is self–efficacy (Bandura, 1997). This is an internal
belief regarding one's job–related capabilities and competencies. If employees have high selfefficacies,
they will tend to set higher personal goals under the belief that they are attainable. The first key to
successful goal setting is to build and reinforce
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Continuing Education
Gen 201
September 22, 2014
Continuing Education
In order to be successful in my education one of the most helpful things to understand is what learning
style I possess. I believe it is also important for me to set goals, be aware of my learning style and utilize
all of my educational resources and support systems. Learning the material in a way that I can apply it in
real life is also key to considering myself educated.
My writing style is doing or active experimentation. Active Experimentation is defined as; indicates your
preference for applying ideas, using trial and error, and practicing what you learn, you probably enjoy
hands–on activities that allow you to test out ideas to see what works. This helps me learn because when I
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The online library provided by the university is very useful when I need different kinds of information on
a topic. My family member help me reach my goals by encouraging me and helping me understand things
as well. If I am having trouble with my homework or do not understand something, they can usually help
me understand it.
Applying the material to real life is also vital to my success not only during, but after school. Without the
ability to use my critical thinking to apply theories to real life, I will not be able to effectively teach
While using information other people have already gathered is very useful when researching and learning
about new things, I believe it is important to do so in an honest way. Whenever I use somebody else's
work, I am always careful to give them the credit they deserve. My ethical lens is the relationship and
reputation lens. This is defined as follows; you balance your reasoning skills (rationality) and your
intuition (sensibility) to determine what processes, systems, character traits and virtues will best serve the
community by assuring fairness and justice for all (equality). This ethical lens can greatly affect my
decision making because I feel the need to put others feelings above my own. A double edged sword
really because it is very hard to make every person involved in a situation happy all at the same time. I
usually always end up not considering how the
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An Experiential Approach For Organization Development
As I reflected on the course studies and what I have learned in taking this course. I came to a conclusion
that a lot of the information from the chapters will come very useful to my personal and professional life.
I decided to summarize on some of the concepts that I learned in the chapters in the book "An experiential
approach to organization development''. The concepts or theories that caught my attention that I felt that I
can relate to are the model of organizational development, changing the culture, overcoming the
resistance to change, goal setting theory and employee empowerment. All of the chapters in the book can
be incorporated into my professional life, and I feel that any organization will benefit from reading this
book. Model for organizational development is a continuing process of long–term organizational
improvement that consists of several stages this model emphasizes on a combination of individual, team
and organizational relationships. The first phase is anticipated need for change which states that before a
change can be done there has to be a need. The manager of the organization must feel that there is a need
to change and he must adopt new ways for a change to be productive. The second stage is developing the
practitioner–client relationship which means that after the group has identified a need for change the
organizational development practitioner enters the system and a relationship begins to grow between the
practitioner and the client system.
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Counseling, Reflection, And Setting Goals
In my first six sessions, it seemed to me the mindset of the counselor in the session is one of the
tantamount elements in dictating the outcome of the client's experience. The first session I experienced
brought on nervousness and uncertainty which led to insecurity. However, the more time I spent listening
to my client the more comfortable I became with the role of counselor. Such feelings of comfort brought
with it the ability to be more self–aware and client focused in the session. When I was uncomfortable I
asked confusing questions, focused too much on how I looked, and lost the ability to attend to my client. I
believe I came into these sessions strong in my nonverbal skills and encouragers. Nevertheless, I
struggled with focused counseling, reflection of emotions, and setting goals. Intentionality seems to be
significant in the growth process; therefore, one of my first actions in response to these reflections will be
to create a plan to address my opportunities for growth. The discomfort I experienced in my first couple
of sessions stemmed from several different issues. Primarily, these feelings came from nerves. I have
wanted to be an LPC for years, and being put in the role of actually counseling made me nervous I would
not measure up. Moreover, I feared making the situation for my client worse because of something I
would say or ask. Because of these feelings, I lacked professionalism at times during my first session. I
laughed too often, and in inappropriate
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My Peer Is A Year Old Canadian
My peer is a 29–year–old Canadian, who has been studying in college for 11 years, and will be graduating
next year with a Bachelors of Arts in applied linguistics, and a Bachelors of Science in psychology
simultaneously. My peer believes that everything can be accomplished since they hasn't been proven
wrong yet. They said they wants to graduate in 2016 with a honor cord, because they has been studying in
college for 11 years, and they doesn't want to extend their graduation date. They is willing to go to a
medical school or other graduate programs after graduating from Portland State University. After that,
they is tempted to be an acupuncturist or works in any other Chinese medicine related occupations. They
has set up numerous academic goals for themselves recently.
My peer feels extremely confident about their future, and believes that they is on the right track now. It
seems like everything is going well. However, they has changed their majors many times within the last
11 years, such as chemistry, English, mathematics, pre–pharmacy, and so on. I have realized that
persistence is one of the most influential factors of achieving goals. Therefore, I have chosen Goal–
Setting Theory to help my peer for finding more feasible ways, which can help them to actualize all of
their goals.
Problem diagnosis
During the last two weeks, I had conducted two interviews with my peer for gaining more in–depth
understanding about how and why they set up those goals. From the interview, I
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Edwin Locke And Gary Latham
Edwin Locke and Gary Latham will be the first ones to openly admit there are active limitations with the
goal setting theory. It is not uncommon for individual goals to conflict with organizational goals.
Moreover, research has proven complex goals have sparked motivation in teams to implement strategies
with substantially high amounts of risk (Knight, Durham, & Locke, 2001). Sometimes people will believe
higher risk strategies produce the greatest returns, yet high–risk goals consistently result in failure as well
(Knight et. al, 2001). Additionally, when individuals simultaneously create two goals there is a greater
chance they exert too much energy and focus on achieving just one of those goals. This can lead to one of
the goals not receiving enough attention, which can potentially result in the person failing to reach the end
result in either goal. In short, these are three common limitations of goal setting that typically draw
concerns from other researchers and theorists. However, it is important people are aware of the limitations
that do not receive as much attention, such as team goal setting, unethical behavior in high performance
goals, and subconscious goals.
Team Goal Setting According to Arraya, Pellissier, and Preto (2015), team goal setting involves much
more than merely goal setting. The three authors conducted a study on team goal setting in the sports
industry. The study revolved around three major factors: goal–orientation, collectivism, and
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Performance Management For Small Firms Accessible Version...
"Performance management in words involves establishing cause and effect relationships between
behaviors and effectiveness. In simple terms, a job involves a series of behaviors and activities which are
usually prescribed and described in some form of job description." (Schneier, Beatty, 2002)
Performance management basically provides the comparison of individual's activities as according to
company criteria's. It is all about managing people as your need of business and taking your employees
toward that direction in which a firm want like–How they do their work, how they can contribute to
success of business and what support, training they need to overcome from problem.–performance–for–small–firms–accessible–version.pdf
HOW PERFORMANCE MANGMENT WORKS? Three steps of individual performance planning–
 Set objectives which an employee should need to achieve for the company. These objectives are should
be operational and with business vision.
 Concur capabilities or practices – this is the way your staff members work towards their destinations.
Normally utilized abilities incorporate 'collaboration: adds to group viability ', and 'client consideration:
knows about and reacts to clients ' needs.
 Plan performance management for individual employee–any training or coaching they need to achieve
their objectives and realize their capabilities.
Agreeing, monitoring and
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Communication Is A Key Element For The Success Of The...
In a group, communication is a key element that contributes to the success of the group. Without
communication between group members, the tasks will not be fulfilled. This is why communication was
an important aspect in our team.
There were several forms of communication used throughout our project. Some included communicating
in person as well as communicating after class. However, when we began to work on the interview
portion of the assignment, we were all very busy and could no longer meet face–to–face. This is when we
decided to keep in touch through technology for future references. We did so by communicating through
an app called Groupme. By utilizing this app, we were able to control, organize, and plan for all of the
tasks required.
Another form of communication that we used during this time was Google Docs. Google Docs allowed us
to examine, edit, and comment on each other's assigned portion of the assignment. It was extremely
convenient and effortless to use. This is how we conclusively agreed on the final submission of
assignment.Overall, the communication within our team was efficient and successful.
II. Group Decision Making:
In our group, we wanted to make sure everyone's ideas and opinions were acknowledged. Since there
were five group members, we were able to avoid dilemmas because all of the decisions were based on
majority rule. In the case of a group member not being present during discussion hours, the group leader
would then make the final
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A Short Note On Mary Poppins's Artemis House
Ms. Mary Poppins entered Artemis House on November 12th, 2014. The client Ms. Poppins was fleeing
from a domestic violence situation with her husband, her husband and his friend tried to cause harm to her
by attempting to run her with an automobile. Ms. Poppins is a 33 year old female who emigrated from
Egypt in 2008. The client does not speak proficient English, her primary language is Arabic with an
Egyptian dialect. The client was born and raised in Egypt and married her abuser in Egypt as a result of an
arranged marriage. The client has two daughters who are currently under the custody of their father, her
husband. The client had just recently got the knowledge of her daughters' whereabouts, previously her
daughters were taken away from her from social services and were temporarily placed in foster care.
Because of the language barrier, the client assaulted a social services worker which led to her arrest and
the separation of her children. The social services worker took away her daughters and they were placed
in foster care till the father found them and took custody of them. The client has been married to her
abuser for over six years and the abuse started as soon as she came to America. The client, Ms. Poppins,
found out that her husband is married to another woman and has two older sons with her. The arguments
and abuse started after she had found out that he was married, he would hit her and take away her
daughters for hours a day without stating his
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Goal Setting Principles
How are the principles of goal setting applied in this case?
– The principles of goal setting applied in this case is to understand and help workers, leaders, and
managers to work harder and work smarter. In this case, they found some ways to help the workers and
leaders integrates the concepts from the organizational theory, behavior and the context theory in a
concise way format that includes the job redesign, indicators signal for work needed, some tools to
generate solution problem and factors that weighs the redesign. The overall goal setting is to maximize
the time consuming health information to managers and directors to a step by step process to achieve the
overall effort to work and produce a good results to the goal of the organization with the four levels ...
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Working in redesign to help the health managers and directors to rearrange the work task structure, the
process of work and procedures and the physical layout.
By doing job redesign this will help managers and directors to set job to change the modification and
What were the outcomes of the job enrichment in the HIS department? – The outcomes of the job
enrichments in the HIS department are the
Sector changes, Organizational changes and employees perceptions. In sector it changes the nature of
work but also it affects the regulations, economy and accreditation to assure organization readiness and
the daily workloads of their employees. Organizational changes, the goal of the organization can change
in any moment and as the changes occurs the managers or directors could assign tasks to employees this
could results significant damage. Employees are showing declines in motivation and demonstrate changes
in work habits, tardiness, stress, dissatisfaction and lacking professionalism.
What was the impact of job enrichment on motivation and communication in HIS department?
– The impact of job the enrichment on motivation and communication
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Fourth Session Interview Essay
Introduction Throughout the semester I have been working towards accomplishing some goals that I set
out for interviewing. This essay will critically analyze the fourth session interview between myself and
my client, Jessie. The session was about a 35–year–old woman who was feeling unhappy and lonely, after
going through a separation with her husband of ten years. In this session, Jessie was feeling especially
unhappy and confessed some suicidal thoughts. Throughout this interview, I used my learning goals,
including focusing on the current situation, using appropriate body language, and focusing on client goals,
which are all discussed in the Appendix. This essay will discuss how I was able to work on those learning
goals, and whether or ... Show more content on ...
Focusing on the "Here and Now" My first learning goal was to work on discovering how the client was
feeling in the current moment. I feel that throughout this interview I did well at finding out how the client
was feeling at that point in time. I asked how she was feeling when the interview started, in the middle of
the interview, and as we were ending. One of the most central skills in social work is active listening as it
is mandatory to developing a relationship with the client (Ivey, Ivey, & Zalaquett, 2014, p. 64). When
asking a client how they are doing, a social worker is using this necessary skill. By asking Jessie how she
was feeling at different points in the interview, I was also able to see if her mood had progressed or
changed as we were talking, which it had. At the beginning of the session, Jessie said she was feeling
"okay" (0:10), in the middle when I asked again, Jessie said she was feeling "a little bit better" and
relieved to have gotten things "off her chest" (20:31–21:00). Finally, at the end of the session, when I
asked again, Jessie said she was feeling better, but still a little worried about talking with her mom
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Employability Skills
Student Assignment Covering Form |Course/Unit Information | |Course |Pearson (Edexcel) BTEC Level 5
Higher National Diploma | |Unit No. |Unit 47 | |Unit Name |Employability Skills | |Unit code |A/601/0992
| |Batch ... Show more content on ...
|objectives | | | | | | | | | | | |1.2 evaluate own effectiveness against defined objectives | |
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The Importance Of A Successful Organization Is Dependent...
One of the most important aspects of a successful organization is dependent on an effective management
system. There are so many different kinds of methods for management that apply to different
organizations in order for them to advance and expand. As a manager, they must be responsible for
controlling or administering all or part of a company, meaning they have to have a flexible time schedule
and maintain high credibility. One sees their own manager as the role model of the work place, so in all
reality a manager has a lot to live up to. When this interview project was first presented, the person I
thought about was my current assistant manager at the time. I wanted to interview someone who was
around my age and was going through the same things I was, yet dealing with a lot more responsibility of
being a manager. I'm considered to be a full–time college student and at the time I not only had to deal
with school, but with work, my family, and friends. Since, I left my job I reconnected with my ex–
manager and close friend Selene Fierro. She is 21 years old, goes to school full–time and works 40 hours
a week. She holds the position for 2nd assistant manager for 2 years and has been working with Cato
Fashion in Edinburg for approximately 3 years. The store has one general manager, two assistant
managers, and four part–timers. The job of an assistant manager operates similar to the general manager
in terms of being able to direct their employees, delegating tasks, handling
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Reflection Paper On Leadership
The three peers that I sent my PAM assessment to had very different opinions me, and I just wanted to
destroy them, but the best reaction that I can give to this matter is I categorically do not think I'm that bad,
I feel uncomfortable, and I do not believe that I should feel guilty of over aggressive enthusiasm, I
characterized and illuminated what I thought of myself regarding my strengths and weaknesses, and to
collaboratively be conscious of the prognosis that my peers do not share my vision is devastating to me.
Nonetheless, disagreeing about diverse facts is one thing, but when the disagreement is about an
assessment it personal, and I realize it's their opinion, and as I re–evaluate my assessment I feel I have to
re–evaluate my ... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless, a sound leader never stops absorbing knowledge and increasing his skill set such as, making
a list of areas they would comparably tweak, and learning a specialized skill set or cultivating existing
abilities, and turning into an indispensable leader. After characterizing places for progress, seek ways to
obtain this education. Attending significant conferences, lunch–and–learn meetings, asking for extra
assignments at work, getting an advisor, taking online classes, and contributing to professional blogs are
all ways to magnify your knowledge and further your operations on the job. Potentially, developing into a
healthier leader by emboldening and reassuring team members to accomplish their own respective goal.
Moreover, planning goals for the future projects and getting members excited about new endeavors makes
them feel like a regarded member of the group. Additionally, stepping out of their comfort zone and
setting high guidelines for individual accomplishments test their initiative, and rewarding those shows
that they are appreciated which makes them feel connected to the team (How to Create a Personal
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Online Classroom Vs. Traditional Brick And Mortar Classroom
The first distinction between learning in an online classroom versus that of a traditional brick and mortar
classroom is that of time. Students log into their virtual classroom at times of their choosing to learn and
complete assignments. The virtual campus that we use has click functions that are set up like a regular
classroom. These functions mimic interactions between course facilitators and students in traditional
settings. V camp has an announcements section like a bulletin board on a campus. We receive short
notices from the facilitator such as reminders, updates to schedules or other need to know information that
doesn't require an email campaign from the faculty. The attend section allows you watch your professor or
facilitator deliver the lesson in lecture format. This, in particular, will remind traditional learning students
of sitting in a classroom. One thing that is good about a recorded lecture is you can immediately replay a
section that you failed to understand and gain the knowledge that you require which may have been
missed in a regular classroom setting. The profiles section allows you meet your classmates and see if any
live near you to see if you can study together. The discuss section of the program lets you carry on open
dialogue with your classmates. Each student is required to answer the same question regarding a section
of the course in a certain format and reply to two other classmate's posts. This requirement allows for a
dialogue between
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Know What You Want And Dream Big "Alamin ang iyong mga hangarin at mangarap ka nang mataas"
What is the first thing you do when you want to watch a movie? If you're a normal person the first thing
you do is decide what movie to watch and choose where to watch it and at what time. It's the same thing
with wealth building; you have to know first what you really want before you move on to the next steps.
Most financial planners will tell you to examine your present financial situation first before you think
about what you want to accomplish. I would agree with this if building wealth is as simple as watxhing
After all, how can you watch a movie if you do not have money? However, wealth building is more
complex ... Show more content on ...
You are more likely to pursue goals that you can easily imagine or picture in your mind compared to those
that are vague or fuzzy. So create goals that are specific, clear and detailed beacuase it will allow you to
imagine it easily. If you have a clear idea of what you really want, you will be more inspired to do
everything necessary to accomplish it. Instead of simply saying "I want to have a big house" describe in
detail what kind of house you want. You could say for instance, "I will build on a 500 square meter lot, a
2–storey house with 5 bedrooms, bathrooms, a spacious living room with high–ceiling and a dining area
with a nice view of the garden." Pwede mo pang idagdag kung ano ang kulay ng bahay, bubong at bakod,
anong klaseng tiles ang gagamitin sa sahig at anong puno at mga halaman ang ilalagay sa garden.
Don't just say "I want to have a vacation abroad." Declare instead that "I will travel to the United States
with my family and spend two weeks enjoying the rides and attractions in Disneyland, Universal Studios
and Sea World, walk the streets of San Francisco and meet the stars in Hollywood." The more specific
and detailed your goal, the easier it will be for you to imagine and you will be more excited and
passionate to turn it to reality.
Goals should be measurable so that it will be easier for you to
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Muhammad Ali Goals
"What keeps me going is goals"– Muhammad Ali
Every elite athlete has psychological training and uses the process of goal setting in order to enhance their
performance. Goal setting is used to enhance concentration, build self confidence and to manage time and
other resources. (Tony M 1995, page 259)
Muhammad Ali is self determined; he wanted to show the world that he is the greatest. To achieve that
training hard and using strategic punches during matches was a vital key to be the greatest boxer and a
role model for the world. Ali's ambition and willingness to work hard drew him closer towards his goal.
Psychological self–motivation, Ali drew motivation from criticism of other people's comments. Negative
comments built his self–confidence ... Show more content on ...
Muhammad Ali instilled a program in his everyday life. His sub goals to achieve what he had planned for
the day and if it was not done he would not give up and continue. Training in a gym was not enough he
trained on the streets, he was said to be a fast runner. Before he took upon his career in boxing he used to
play football and basketball. He was awarded with a scholarship although he was an excellent athlete he
had a lot of anger and was violent (Robert & Peter 1995, page266). This was when he found interest in
boxing and made a name for himself. "Champions aren't made in gyms; champions are made from
something deep inside them– a desire, a vision, a dream. They have to have the skill and the will. But the
will must be stronger than the skill." –Muhammad Ali
With all the fame and importance given to a man who is truly a legend although he was one of the most
under promoted athletes. As all athletes have their own brand Ali was the same his team composed a
brand for him and they obtained that by small steps (success staff, march 2 2009). In every goal setting
process it takes small steps to gain that ultimate goal. Ali was a remarkable athlete with a remember–able
history, presence and energy around people proved it. His brand ambassadors knew that they were able to
achieve that
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The Goal Setting Theory By Edwin Locke
The Goal–Setting Theory
Name of Student
Institution affiliation
The goal–setting theory was developed in 19sos by Edwin Locke. According to it, task performance is
essentially linked to goal setting. That means that higher and better task performance may be achieved
when goal setting is rationally applied, as clear goals inspire workers on optimal performance.
Few words should be said about specifity of the goals which are expexted to be applied. They should be
clear to make it possible for any person to analyze one 's own task process. That is particularly important,
as far as in the absence of explicit and challenging goals the crewmembers may not even consider their
personal goals. Furthermore, goals may significantly enhance the performance of an employee through
the learning plans and problem solving approach. As the employee strives to achieve the goal, his
motivation and drive inspires him to learn and maximize his efforts to overcome challenging tasks.
That is why when CEOs apply the goal–setting program in their company it is necessary to clearly specify
the standard of the average number of potholes that can be filled in a day. In addition, one should raise the
bar by setting a more challenging task by establishing a standard 20% higher than the average.
The implementation of the goal–setting theory constitutes of moderators that would enhance or
deteriorate an employee's performance."Feedback, which is the two–way communication between the
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Goal Setting for Academic Success
29 November 2010 Goal Setting for Academic Success Goals are like road maps; they get a person from
one point to another. Goals provide the direction one needs to reach a destination. The best way to get
results is to plan for the future, but live one day at a time. Think about the future; how does one define
success? What makes one happy? What drives a person? What makes a person get out of bed in the
morning? Does success mean family, money, security, helping others, improving the environment, solving
problems, a career, or a degree? Whatever a student decides, the key to academic success is to strengthen
one's will to succeed and to do this one must set academic goals. The ... Show more content on ...
By conditioning, the student will be able to follow this map created as if life depends on it because in a
way it does. This is the student's future and they should take it very seriously (Carter et al. 100). Putting
academic strategies into action is to achieve a desired goal. Prepare daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly;
action plans are your set of directions to achieve academic goals. Things to remember to include in a plan
of action is time management, which would include how much time is spent studying everyday; where the
student will study, who the student will study with, and how the student will avoid distractions. Keeping
assignments and important dates organized in a planner is very important. The student will then be able to
refer to it on a daily. A student must also take into consideration negativity and how to avoid it, assuring
that the short term goals are being met successfully. The student should be encouraged even if they don't
succeed at first to try again. The student may struggle at first deciding and committing to academic goals,
but that doesn't mean they can't go back and revise academic plans. It's important to note that in the
beginning of the post secondary experience; academically the student should start out simple but be
concise. If the student is undecided on a major but still has to find classes to take, conquering the general
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The Admnistrator of the Highway Department Essay
The administrator of the highway department was given a task to find a way to fill more potholes. This
program to fill more potholes would decrease the number of complaints in the city and the number of
damages to the residents' cars. To do this, the Highway Administrator implemented a goal–setting
program, in hopes this would encourage the workers to fill more potholes. This program sets a standard
for each crew to fill a certain amount of potholes per day, no matter the location of where the crew was
working. The results will then be posted for all of the crews to observe and compare. As an incentive to
fill as many potholes as possible, the crew who filled the largest amount of potholes each week was given
a reward. I personally believe ... Show more content on ...
The standard set by the highway administrator were that each crew was to fill 20% more potholes than
they usually fill on a daily basis. This aspect of the goal is extremely efficient and specific which gives
the workers a clear idea of what they need to do at work. If the goal were to simply "fill more potholes
than you normally fill" than each crew could fill one more pothole than they normally do and still meet
the goal but this would probably not get the work done as fast and it needs to be. This goal is also a clear
standard because of the different working conditions each crew operates in. Asking each crew to fill 5
more potholes than normal might prove to be easy for one crew and extremely hard for another,
depending on the conditions. Each crew was also given a step–by–step sheet on how to properly fill each
pothole. This will make each fill last longer, therefore, making less work for the future.
The feedback that accompanies each goal comes at the end of each week. Feedback is objective
information about performance. Motivational feedback serves as a reward and the highway administrator
clearly understands that since he is using rewards to drive his employees' productivity. (Hogue, 2004)
Each week, the highway administrator will post performance data on a board for all of the other crews to
view. Since there are only rewards and no harsh consequences, this creates friendly competition for each
crew. The crew who has the most potholes
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Motivation Theory And The Goal Setting Theory
Essay 1
Content theories of motivation focus on the importance of work itself, challenges, growth opportunities
and responsibilities that the work provides employees. Process theories of motivation focus on the
cognitive processes that are part of employee's decision making. It also deals with our thoughts and
perceptions about our jobs. The decisions are made based on calculations of gains versus loses. Also,
when it comes to process theories of motivation, how the work situation is perceived will determine the
level of motivation to perform at high levels. Although these two theories of motivation are different, they
do have similarities as well. The achievement motivation theory, which is a content theory, is similar to
the goal setting theory, which is a process theory. These two are similar because they both deal with goals
and both are practical theories of motivation. These two theories also deal with taking calculated risks.
The achievement motivation theory has been a widespread application in the workplace. Mastery and
performance goals satisfy the need for achievement. Mastery goals involve developing competency and
self–satisfaction through acquiring knowledge and skill, while performing goals involve performing better
than other people. The positive aspects of this theory are that it has a high positive correlation for
executives and provides plausible explanation for motivation of employees. The negative aspects are that
people with the high
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Motivation Theories Essay
Motivation is defined as "the desire to achieve a goal or a certain performance level" (Bauer & Erdogen,
2009, p.97). Motivation theories are useful tools that organizations can use to energize employees and
foster a stimulating work environment. These theories are categorized as either content or process
theories. Today, Bauer and Erdogen (2009) state that many organizations have applied motivation theories
,such as the goal setting theory and reinforcement theory, in order to modify their employees' behavior in
the workplace through goals and reward systems. According to the reinforcement theory, behavior that is
rewarded is often repeated. As a result, many organizations have utilized this theory by tying rewards to
performance (Bauer & ... Show more content on ...
Fallon and McConnell (2007) define a performance appraisal as a "structured event" in which employee
performance is examined. Such reviews are normally based on documents such as the job description and
a performance appraisal form. Bauer and Erdogen (2009) strongly believe that the organizational use of
performance appraisals is beneficial for many reasons.
"When employees have goals, they tend to be more motivated if they also receive feedback about their
progress" (Bauer & Erdogen, 2009, p.132).Both Nickols (2007) and Fallon and McConnell (2007) agree
that performance appraisals are excellent tools that can be use to provide employees with feedback on
their performance. "The goal of providing performance feedback is to help the rater solve performance
problems to motivate the employee to change behavior" (Bauer & Erdogen, 2009, p.134). Nickols (2007)
also believes that such appraisals also provide the opportunity to identify training and performance
options and for employees to establish their personal goals. Further, "performance appraisals afford the
corporation legal protection against employee lawsuits for discrimination and wrongful termination"
(Nickols, 2007, p.14) Bauer and Erdogen (2009) state that when a supervisor uses the performance
appraisal interview to give employees constructive criticism, encourage employee participation, and focus
on the employee's behavior , the employees tend to react positively. However,
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Training & Development
Method of development
The method of development is divided in to 3 target areas:
1. Individual
2. Group
3. Organizational
Individual methods/techniques:
To develop individual's skill to set and accomplish goals, goal setting technique is used. Behavioral
amendment is the use of person erudition in the course of strengthening. All methods can be used to
develop a person's skill to accomplish his or company's desired goals.
Goal setting:
Goal is a set of deed which a person attempts to achieve. For example, attempt is to increase selling with
high customer's contentment with service and to reduce non–attendance by 5% are aim of individuals.
While 1968, Locke open that to consider a classic paper, so that there has been increasing ... Show more
content on ...
Dedication/ Commitment are the degree of effort utilized to accomplish the desired goals.
The main steps of developing goals are (1) analysis (2) to develop the worker and employees for
achievement of goals by creating actions plan, communication, instruction and dealings between them (3)
giving great importance to organizational goals that are recognized by managers and subordinates (4) and
make a review of established goals (5) and gave conclusion about the goal and evaluate the setting,
revision and achieving of goals. If to make goal setting an effective method, these steps should be
examined and put into practice carefully. Training and development unnoticed in many practices of goal
setting, thinking they are not necessary.
Research on goal setting:
Locke's original paper about goal setting adds a lot towards research field. Another factor which emphasis
on research is the demand of manager for unique and practical method so they can use in their business.
The best technique used by authors is of meta–analytic study which measures the effect of goal setting on
work performance. In research specific goal lead to higher result than "Do your Best" goals. Employees
expert in their field give better performance if they having specific goals rather than vague goals. A wide
range of expert study hold up that specific goal assigned to a person give
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Using the model for goal setting, evaluate Allstate 'goal 's setting to determine whether or not Allstate has
effective goal–setting programs
Allstate's goal setting process is based on its diversity strategy. Allstate's director of diversity remarks, the
crucial question is, "how do you take this workforce of differences and bring them together in a more
powerful way so that it can impact business result? " (Hellriegel& Slocum, 2011, p. 215) With this in
mind, Allstate has devised goal setting process which focuses
On four specific steps: (1) succession programming, (2) development, (3) measurement and (4)
accountability and reward. These four steps definitely meet the model of goal setting as defined by
Hellriegel and Slocum, ... Show more content on ...
It is one of the measuring used to foster tools diversity beyond the recruitment phase; binding Allstate's
initiative to increase customer retention and sales, enhance management accountability and produces a
richly diverse family of employees, whose talents and potential are fully utilized (Caywood, C ., 1997).
The Diversity Index is a proven tool for competitive advantage because it measures the effectiveness of
their new diversity strategy concept of leveraging differences. In years past Allstate has viewed diversity
as a legal obligation placing their focus more on affirmative action and diversity awareness. Today,
however, they have a more successful and positive viewpoint; incorporating diversity into all aspects of
their business processes to include decision making and product innovation. It is an integrated approach
which incorporates diversity in the mainstream workforce by linking recruitment, development and
retention strategies to business processes. The effectiveness of this strategy is measured twice a year using
the Diversity Index Survey. The survey probes employees for answers to questions that measure the
effectiveness of the organization's diversity strategy. The employees'. The employees' answers are
analyzed and used to create action programs to resolve problems and
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Debunking the Goal Setting Theory
Debunking the Goal Setting Theory
Presented to
Trudy Dunson, Instructor
MGMT 2125, Performance Management
Andrea Smith
Often times in the business world, organizations become so fixated on the goals they set, that when they
begin to go wrong, an organization will invest more into that goal instead of looking for a different path.
Oliver Burkeman's book, "The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking"
devotes a whole chapter to the importance or lack thereof of setting goals. In his book, he tells a story of
Chris Kayes who was on the foothills of Mt. Everest at the same time the tragedy that took the lives of
eight climbers depicted in the book, "In Thin Air." Kayes observed even through this ... Show more
content on ...
However on the flip side these same traits used to create a positive environment can also be used to
against the organization. We start with the letter "S" for specific as this commands that the goal to be
focused and attentive. Unfortunately though, this can actually cause a too narrowed focus where
employees will overlook important details of the task. With a narrowed focus, employees become blind to
everything else but their task and the often times miss a critical detail that could potentially steer them
into a new direction and a more profitable gain or prevent a fatal error from occurring. An example in this
can be seen in the automotive industry of late and the entire vehicle recalls that have been made due to
faulty engine or ignition parts that have caused human fatalities. The automotive industry giants have a
specific goal to create a top of the line vehicle fast and get it out to the market that they continuously pass
over safety issues and inspections in order to accomplish this single goal. In keeping with the classic
notion that you get what you reward (Kerr, 1975, 1995), goal setting may cause the employee to miss
important aspects of their task or performance that are not specifically outlined by the goal setting system.
Next we move on to the "M" for measurable and the hazards that can arise from putting a measurable
capacity on goals. Being able to measure progress is said to keep the employees on track and provide
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Career Plan For A Career
1.0 Introduction
This career portfolio aims to plan and organize my career after completing the current postgraduate
degree. First, my ideal job has provided the general direction for my broader career. Through acquiring
the relevant information concerning my career, the S.M.A.R.T short term and long term goals can be
formulated to facilitate me to carry out the career planning. Besides, the specific industry, which I intend
to be working on, will be analyzed so that the potential career opportunities and challenges can be
identified. Therefore, some related strategies will emerge to help me realize the goal and my wonderful
career gradually.
2.0 My career
To imagine my desired career in the future, it's essential to understand why I work. It's not only for
survival, but also for recognizing by others to realize mine self–worth (Brown & Lent 2012, pp.2–3).
These values are meaningful for me to elicit the mindful commitment to develop the perfect career. Thus,
career refers to a series of working activities which are implemented in order to achieve the purpose of
work. Establishing my own hotel is my ideal career purpose, certainly there will be lots of little
milestones as transition, such as becoming a hotel manager within a period of time. Hence, my perception
is similar to the academic definition, but more focus on the overall working aim. In order to achieve the
target, the proper career management is required to make progress during the career. Apart from the
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Smart Objectives
SMART Objectives
The establishment of all objectives should be created using the S.M.A.R.T. philosophy. What do we mean
by S.M.A.R.T. objective? S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that is used to guide the development of measurable
goals. Once a project is planned, consider on developing several goals that will enable it to be successful.
A goal might be to hold a weekly project meeting with the key members of a team and a continuous
programme throughout the project. The acronym SMART has several slightly different variations, which
can be used to provide a more comprehensive definition of goal setting.
S stands for Specific/ Significant/ Stretching.
M stands for Measurable/ Meaningful/ Motivational.
A stands for Agreed upon/ Attainable/ ... Show more content on ...
It stresses the importance of choosing goals that matter. Goals that are relevant to your boss, your team,
your organization will receive that needed support. To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective
toward which you are both willing and able to work. A goal can be both high and realistic; you are the
only one who can decide just how high your goal should be. But be sure that every goal represents
substantial progress. Relevant goals drive the team, department and organization forward. A goal that
supports other goals would be considered a relevant goal. A relevant goal can answer yes to these
questions: * Does this seem worthwhile? * Is this the right time? * Does this match our other
efforts/needs? * Are you the right person? * Is it applicable in the current socio–economic environment?
Time–oriented answers the question, "When will it be done?" It refers to the fact that an objective has end
points and check points built into it. Sometimes a task may only have an end point or due date.
Sometimes that end point or due date is the actual end of the task, or sometimes the end point of one task
is the start point of another. Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accomplished.
Additional ways to know if your goal is realistic is to determine if you have accomplished anything
similar in the past or ask
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Continuing Academic Success Essay
Continuing Academic Success Students can ensure their academic success by knowing the benefits of
setting goals, knowing available resources, and by knowing the writing process, and maintaining
academic integrity. Benefits of setting goals Setting goals help increase your motivation by creating a
positive climate. They help you plan and gain control over your future and they also add challenge and
purpose to your life. Goals also provide a sense of accomplishment. By setting goals you put more focus
on the results which make you work smarter not harder, and they reduce stress and add meaning to your
life (Milne, 2001, para.). Educational goals are very important to have when thinking of school or even
while you are in school. "By ... Show more content on ...
It even provides a search for employment and finding the additional training necessary for pursuing a
career. The website also provides career counseling for career–seekers ("National Career Development
Association", 2014). For me, I would look at the job service ND website for different career options open
in ND. The writing process "Writing is an extremely versatile tool that can be used to accomplish a
variety of goals (Graham, 2006). It provides a medium for maintaining personal links with family, friends,
and colleagues, even when we are unable to be with them. People use writing to create imagined worlds,
tell stories, share information, explore who they are, combat loneliness, and chronicle their experiences.
In fact, writing about one's feelings and experiences can be beneficial psychologically and
physiologically" (Graham, Gillespie, & Mckeown, 2013). Writing skills are a very valuable asset to
have. How you write can say a lot about a person when looking for a career. Misspelling and incorrect
grammar can make or break a resume and very much cost you the job of your dreams. Writing is also very
important in your educational success. Graham and Herbert review two advantages of writing. The first is
that teaching writing has a positive impact on how
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The Bible And The Word Of God
The first way to living a happy and meaningful life is to follow the bible and the word of God. God is the
ultimate creator and he is the number one thing that should be in our life. Jesus said, "Again Jesus spoke
to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have
the light of life"'(English Standard Version, John 8:12). what he means by this is that if we follow him we
will never get lost and he will be our provider and leader while if we do not we will not be with jesus and
we will be all alone. Also Jesus said, "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In
the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world"(English Standard Version,
John 16:33). What Jesus means by this is that he has gone and died on the cross for our sins so that we
may be forgiven and be allowed into heaven. This is so crucial and such a huge part of history and it is
stated in the Bible in the book of John, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"(English Standard Version, John 3:16).
So following God is important because when you gain the faith and you believe in God he says, "I can do
all things through him who strengthens me"(Philippians 4:13). He says this because he will give us the
strength that we need to accomplish any task that we are trying to accomplish. So when we are trying to
live a happy and
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Activity Analysis : Occupational Therapy Practitioners
Activity analysis
As occupational therapy practitioners we are trained to help clients look critically at everyday routines
and examine how their affected state of health impacts their ability to carry out what is important to them.
However, occupational therapist goes beyond simply helping the patient recognize the problem. They
prepare the client with skills necessary through various resources to fill the void in their abilities so that
they can live their life with the highest level of satisfaction. This mindset allows occupational therapist to
help individuals like Mrs. Ingliss to engage in the necessary and sought after life activities important for
her life satisfaction.
Intervention plan
Long term goal – Mrs. Ingliss will be able to independently follow a 5 step dinner recipe beginning to end
for her family, using built up utensils, compensatory movements, and upper extremities joint protection
strategies within 4 weeks to increase functional independence in her family role as a caretaker. o Short–
term goal – client will independently follow a 3–step dinner recipe beginning to by the end of the first
therapy session. o Short–term goal – client will independently demonstrate proper use of stove,
appropriate knife use, and use of cooking utensils with adaptive equipment by the second therapy session.
o Short–term goal – client for 10 minutes will participate in wrist and hand exercises to increase strength,
ROM, and endurance, which will improve
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Organizational Behavior & Management Concepts
Kotter's Leading Change Concepts/
Organizational Behavior & Management Concepts
Webster University
MNGT 5590
Dr. Victoria Bohrer
May 11, 2011
This paper compares and contrasts the concepts found on John P. Kotter's, Leading Change (1996), book
and the concepts presented by John M. Ivancevich, Robert Konopske and Michael T. Mattenson's
Organizational Behavior and Management text book. Kotter emphasizes in each step the importance of
dealing with human emotions and how to better manage them when dealing with organizational change.
The biggest asset to an organization is their human resources. To an organization this simply means that
many emotions need to be addressed before a door can be opened towards ... Show more content on ...
The people that are leading the efforts are in charge of making changes that should result in a more
effective organization in terms of organizational strength. This step can be compared to Ivancevich et al.'s
concepts of teams and changing attitudes.
The guiding coalition should act as a synergetic team as described by Ivancevich et al. This team should
be formed by individuals who are one hundred percent committed and dedicated towards the goal of
organizational change. They should be skilled in leadership, problem–solving and emotional roles (P.
259). The emotional role will be discussed more in depth when presenting the changing attitudes concept.
Forming a guiding coalition is an essential component for undertaking a restructure, reengineer or to
retool strategies (Kotter, 1996, P. 52).
Kotter mentioned the integrity or trust factor as a main component to altering employees' negative
attitudes and motivating them towards change. The concept presented by Ivancevich et al. on changing
attitudes includes the communicator, the message and the situation factors (this analysis will only refer to
the first two factors). The communicator factor relates to employee's willingness to change attitudes
because they like and trust their manager (guiding coalition), they can even tend to adopt attitudes and
behaviors of that individual (Ivancevich et al, 2007, P.69). Within the message factor, the guiding
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Similarities Between The Great Gatsby And Othello
Setting goals gives individuals long–term visions and short–term motivations. Without goals there is no
set mark of accomplishment need to be achieved. Not all goals that are set end up being achievable, which
is not a bad thing because then the next goal that is set will be set with a different standard. Motives for
having certain goals can come from virtually anything. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and
Othello, by Shakespeare, the tragic heroes, Jay Gatsby and Othello, have the goal of obtaining women
that are out of their league which leads them to their nemesis because changing oneself due to a set goal
of love will result in complete helplessness. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby has
the hamartia ... Show more content on ...
By not having confidence Othello is constantly looking for approval and what the right or wrong action is.
In the following quote Brabantio eludes to the fact that Desdemona and Othello's elopement is a sign that
Desdemona will deceive her husband, just as she has does so to her father,"Look to her, Moor, if thou hast
eyes to see. / She has deceived her father, and may thee" (Shakespeare 1.3.333–334). The fear that
Brabantio has brought to Othello is the fear that brings Othello to the goal of making sure that Desdemona
is forever faithful. The high status that Othello's position comes with gives him false hope on the help
others will give. Others are motivated by greed to ruin him. Iago is a character that is out for Othello and
his existence, and Othello's trust for Iago is what leads Othello into his nemesis. Iago knows how to
perfectly manipulate Othello by saying the following quote, "Do it not with poison. Strangle her in her
bed, / Even the bed she hath contaminated" (Shakespeare 4.1.226–227). By Othello setting the goal that
Desdemona will forever be faithful to him, his insecurities are taken advantage of by Iago by making a
false scenario. All of the manipulation and unjust trust that is exposed through the play the reader
becomes unsure on what will happen next. Othello reaches his anagnorisis when he realizes
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Personal Leadership Style
Personal Leadership Style
Rita Tyeptanar
Rasmussen College
Author Note
This paper is being submitted on July 26, 2015, for Professor De La Cruz H300/HSA3110 Section 01
Introduction to Healthcare Administration course.
Have you ever been to a job interview and been asked "What is your leadership style" and "What is your
strength or weaknesses with your leadership style, and how would you improve your weaknesses"? Well
in this paper I am going to go over what I feel is my leadership style, what my strength and weaknesses
are and how I would improve my weaknesses. This is all very good information to know very well as you
enter into a new career because when you are asked this you will be able to answer the interviewer
strongly ... Show more content on ...
Most of my life I personally have set lots of specific, attainable goals and have had no problems in
achieving them, whether it was in a big or small way. I am a very hard worker and when I work in a group
I am able to use my interest and motivation on a subject to get people interested and motivated to achieve
the end result. Another weakness of mine though is that when I am first meeting people I come off as kind
of quiet and soft spoken, but within a few hours as I warm up to the people I am around I am very
outgoing and social able person. Over my years I have gotten better with this, but I could still use some
improvement. I think my biggest struggle with being quiet is that I will sometimes doubt what I know
around people that I am not familiar with, so to change this and overcome this weakness I need to just be
confident in what I know and let that show right away as I start off with the group I am with, whether it is
big or small. So in conclusion if I were asked in an interview what leadership style I am I would have to
say that I am the type that leads people with compassion, but I can be firm and authoritative if I need to
be. I do care about people and their feelings but if it is not in the best interest of the group or company I
will not just give in to them. I have the social outgoing skills to be able to talk to people and lead a big
group of people through a project and achieve success. With
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Goal Setting Theory Essay

  • 1. Goal Setting Theory Essay Essay question: It is often claimed that goal–setting is a theory of motivation which works. Critically evaluate the evidence and discuss the extent to which it supports this claim. Introduction As element that drives the person to strive for the best within his or her own capacity, Guay et al. (2010) defined motivation as reasons that underlie behaviour. It is also interpreted by Huitt, W. (2011) cited Kleinginna and Kleinginna (1981) as an internal state or condition (sometimes described as a need, desire, or want) that serves to activate or energize behaviour and give it direction. With that resonance, it is construed that Theory of Motivation is the conceptual representation that is applicable across many domains of behaviour and provides insights into why behaviour is initiated, maintained, directed and so forth, as per suggested by Graham and Weiner (1996). Under the umbrella of motivation theories, goal–setting is one of theory which lives up to its expectation. Locke and Latham (2006) suggested that goal–setting theory is a concept comprising the effectiveness of specific, difficult goals as well as generality of goal effects across people, tasks, countries, time spans and many more. It is interesting to fathom the validity of claim that goal–setting is effective and mostly engender positive results regardless of the different sources that are involved (Locke and Latham, 2006). Although goals are helmed as "key element in self–regulation" (p. 265), will the ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Bafa Bafa Bafa Concrete Experience During this experiment I was part of the Beta Group, which consisted of learning how to speak Betan and learning the rules to trade other Betans to get seven cards of the same color in numerical order from 1 to 7. The other group, the Alphans, are a very "touchy group" and they only had one leader whom had to give permission to other guy Alphas to talk to a girl. Alphas were more about having fun while Betans were all about themselves trying to accomplish their own goal. When it was my time to go observe the other group, it was so confusing. I had no idea what was going on or why people kept touching my arm when I got close to them. This was very strange and unexpected because I am not used to people ... Show more content on ... Everyone had the same purpose in life. Active Experimentation During the experiment I learned a lot of valuable things that will help me when I do decide to travel out of the country. I have experienced a few culture shocks but nowhere near as much as I did during this experiment. I really do not understand how people could travel all the time to a new country with a different culture all the time. Even though it may be exhausting to visit other cultures, it still would be an interesting experience, just not all the time. I have been told it is awesome to go through it but before I go, I am going to a few things. First, I am going to research some of the different aspects of the culture and why they do the things they do. This will help me learn about them so when I get there more the experience would make since. Also, I would ask other people what they thought about the culture, but I would not completely rely on them because everyone views new things differently. Even though everything will never make since, I would make sure I have an open mind when I get there. I need to be open to learning new experiences when I travel so I enjoy it to the fullest. This concept I do not think would be too hard because I love to learn new things. The other problem I could see myself having is that I am such a quiet and shy person, I do not know how much I would be engaged when I ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Motivational Theories And Job Design Essay Motivational Theories and Job Design How are the principles of goal setting applied in this case? Goal setting and SMART goal setting theory was employed in this case through the proposed implementation of work reorganization tied to a reward scheme. In the case of restructuring the HIS in order for it to be more aligned in structure–to–behaviour the study pinpointed low morale, accountability, and boredom as problems and proposed increased responsibility and feedback through work process reorganization. The work process reorganization proposed was to introduce a reward system whereby employees reap rewards for good work or bear consequence for bad work, and job enrichment to decrease monotony and boredom. The practice of setting goals is common and often beneficial. People that can see a goal and feel they can benefit from it will often be motivated to work harder to obtain that goal. However goals need to be within reach if they are to be taken seriously by employees. Hence the idea of SMART goals that are specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, and timely give employees a clear sense of something that is attainable. If goals are perceived to be unattainable they will often act as a de–motivator. (Carpenter, Taylor & Erdogan, 2009) How are the principles of job enrichment applied in this case? Job enrichment is a method of redesigning a job to give employees more lateral control and responsibility over how they perform their duties. In the case of HIS, ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Organisational Behaviour Goal Setting Theory Introduction A goal is a target, and a target is set to be achieved. Everyone has their own goals in life; the goal of a student is to do well in their exams and to gain knowledge. A footballer's goal is to score by putting a ball into the net within 90 minutes of play. Even animals has goals too, a tiger's goal is to hunt for food. Goal setting has been a part of everybody's life since ages ago. Setting of goals and targets by companies to strive for achievement is a fundamental to business survival and success (Shi et al. 2010, 86). Be it, achieving a profit of 30% in the fiscal year or improving skills and behaviors of their employees, goal setting has been an essential item in every firm. Other than identifying the target and ... Show more content on ... Feedback is required to enhance the performance through goals. It is quite difficult for employees to determine the amount of performance or the extent where they need to give out to achieve this certain goal. These days, feedback has played an important part in being an essential management tools as they are perceived to serve both motivational and informational functions that are enable to enhance an employee's work performance (Kopelman 1986). This is due to the fact that through feedback, information and regarding the correctness, accuracy and the suitability of works behavior (Earley et al. 1990, 87). Feedback is ready to provide and disseminate information on work behaviors; it is beneficial as it provides precise and correct information to the readers. The use of feedbacks is not only limited to precise data collections; it is also used to instill a sense of competence, achievement and control among the employees, this is more towards to the motivational context (Bandura 1977). It is obvious that these authors concept on feedback is to enhance the performance. I quite agree with the latter researchers as I personally think that feedback is needed to enhance performance through goals. Teamwork Teamwork is a very effective technique to get a job done quickly and efficiently. A team is a cooperative unit or a group of people working together for a common cause. There are many benefits that can be sowed in forming a team. Adams (2009, 317) stated ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Persuasive Essay On The Benefits Of Goals : Good, And Success It natural for man to always yearn for something higher than him, philosophically speaking. This higher thing man could be yearning for, in one aspect, could be goals. Goals are something we want to achieve, either in the long run or the short run. Goals can either be big or small. Everyone has a goal in mind. Goals are also helpful for a person to feel and attain success. What good does goal setting bring, exactly? Goals can come in from every corner. When we are young, we are instilled goals by our parents. Go to school, make friends, come home with a star or two. Then we have our teachers who give us goals such as to finish an assignment on time, work on the assigned readings. And in a workspace, our boss can give us goals to run these papers, make a few calls, and so on. Within yourself, however, you should also have goals. You should not set goals because of outside factors. Sometimes, it's good to set goals on your own accord. Simply setting goals is already a benefit within itself. Dr. Michelle Cleere, a mind expert with a PhD in Clinical Psychology, a Masters in Sports Psychology, and researcher, writes on her website several benefits that come with setting goals. First, Dr. Cleere says that setting goals already shows that we are creating this sort of road map that we wish to follow. It is when a person decides and thinks how to get from one point to another. For instance, when you are a fresh graduate from college, a goal can be to get a job. Figuring out how ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Goals Setting Theory And Expectancy Theory 996 Have you ever been so energized to do your work? If so, it probably was because of your massive motivation towards that work. Motivation is 'psychological processes that arouse and direct voluntary actions towards goal–directed behavior' (Kreitner, Kinicki, & Buelens, 2002). Goal–setting theory and expectancy theory are two process theories, 'theories that focus on how we make choices with respected goals', and this essay will investigate its effectiveness of enhancing employee performance (Buchanan & Huczunski, 2010). Goal setting theory by Locke states that work motivation is influenced by goal difficulty, goal specificity, participation in goal setting and knowledge of results (Buchanan & Huczunski, 2010). By having a well– presented goal, it motivates employees and enhances their productivity. Some advantages are that employees will have clear goals for their work. Although it seemed impossible, recruiting manager at Microsoft increased their target to double as it was before, but in the end they accomplished third more than the target, showing the power of having a goal (Shaw, 2004). Also, since this theory consists constant feedback, it fulfills relatedness needs of Alderfer's ERG theory, which is a content theory that pursues on what motivates employees. Strong relationships and trusts will surely improve the teamwork, which will help enhance the performance. However, it also leads to a few problems, such as employees being too preoccupied with ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Goal-Setting Theory of Motivation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, BUSINESS, AND ADMINISTRATION VOLUME 15, NUMBER 1, 2011 Goal–Setting Theory of Motivation Fred C. Lunenburg Sam Houston State University ABSTRACT Locke and Latham provide a well–developed goal–setting theory of motivation. The theory emphasizes the important relationship between goals and performance. Research supports predictions that the most effective performance seems to result when goals are specific and challenging, when they are used to evaluate performance and linked to feedback on results, and create commitment and acceptance. The motivational impact of goals may be affected by moderators such as ability and self–efficacy. Deadlines improve the effectiveness of goals. A learning goal ... Show more content on ... Asking organization members to improve, to work harder, or to do your best is not helpful, because that kind of goal does not give them a focused target. FRED C. LUNENBURG _____________________________________________________________________________________3 Specific goals (often quantified) let organization members know what to reach for and allow them to measure their own progress. Research indicates that specific goals help bring about other desirable organizational goals, such as reducing absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover (Locke & Latham, 2002). Goals Must Be Difficult but Attainable A goal that is too easily attained will not bring about the desired increments in performance. The key point is that a goal must be difficult as well as specific for it to raise performance. However, there is a limit to this effect. Although organization members will work hard to reach challenging goals, they will only do so when the goals are within their capability. As goals become too difficult, performance suffers because organization members reject the goals as unreasonable and unattainable. A major factor in attainability of a goal is self–efficacy (Bandura, 1997). This is an internal belief regarding one's job–related capabilities and competencies. If employees have high selfefficacies, they will tend to set higher personal goals under the belief that they are attainable. The first key to successful goal setting is to build and reinforce ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Continuing Education Gen 201 September 22, 2014 Continuing Education In order to be successful in my education one of the most helpful things to understand is what learning style I possess. I believe it is also important for me to set goals, be aware of my learning style and utilize all of my educational resources and support systems. Learning the material in a way that I can apply it in real life is also key to considering myself educated. My writing style is doing or active experimentation. Active Experimentation is defined as; indicates your preference for applying ideas, using trial and error, and practicing what you learn, you probably enjoy hands–on activities that allow you to test out ideas to see what works. This helps me learn because when I ... Show more content on ... The online library provided by the university is very useful when I need different kinds of information on a topic. My family member help me reach my goals by encouraging me and helping me understand things as well. If I am having trouble with my homework or do not understand something, they can usually help me understand it. Applying the material to real life is also vital to my success not only during, but after school. Without the ability to use my critical thinking to apply theories to real life, I will not be able to effectively teach children. While using information other people have already gathered is very useful when researching and learning about new things, I believe it is important to do so in an honest way. Whenever I use somebody else's work, I am always careful to give them the credit they deserve. My ethical lens is the relationship and reputation lens. This is defined as follows; you balance your reasoning skills (rationality) and your intuition (sensibility) to determine what processes, systems, character traits and virtues will best serve the community by assuring fairness and justice for all (equality). This ethical lens can greatly affect my decision making because I feel the need to put others feelings above my own. A double edged sword really because it is very hard to make every person involved in a situation happy all at the same time. I usually always end up not considering how the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. An Experiential Approach For Organization Development As I reflected on the course studies and what I have learned in taking this course. I came to a conclusion that a lot of the information from the chapters will come very useful to my personal and professional life. I decided to summarize on some of the concepts that I learned in the chapters in the book "An experiential approach to organization development''. The concepts or theories that caught my attention that I felt that I can relate to are the model of organizational development, changing the culture, overcoming the resistance to change, goal setting theory and employee empowerment. All of the chapters in the book can be incorporated into my professional life, and I feel that any organization will benefit from reading this book. Model for organizational development is a continuing process of long–term organizational improvement that consists of several stages this model emphasizes on a combination of individual, team and organizational relationships. The first phase is anticipated need for change which states that before a change can be done there has to be a need. The manager of the organization must feel that there is a need to change and he must adopt new ways for a change to be productive. The second stage is developing the practitioner–client relationship which means that after the group has identified a need for change the organizational development practitioner enters the system and a relationship begins to grow between the practitioner and the client system. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Counseling, Reflection, And Setting Goals In my first six sessions, it seemed to me the mindset of the counselor in the session is one of the tantamount elements in dictating the outcome of the client's experience. The first session I experienced brought on nervousness and uncertainty which led to insecurity. However, the more time I spent listening to my client the more comfortable I became with the role of counselor. Such feelings of comfort brought with it the ability to be more self–aware and client focused in the session. When I was uncomfortable I asked confusing questions, focused too much on how I looked, and lost the ability to attend to my client. I believe I came into these sessions strong in my nonverbal skills and encouragers. Nevertheless, I struggled with focused counseling, reflection of emotions, and setting goals. Intentionality seems to be significant in the growth process; therefore, one of my first actions in response to these reflections will be to create a plan to address my opportunities for growth. The discomfort I experienced in my first couple of sessions stemmed from several different issues. Primarily, these feelings came from nerves. I have wanted to be an LPC for years, and being put in the role of actually counseling made me nervous I would not measure up. Moreover, I feared making the situation for my client worse because of something I would say or ask. Because of these feelings, I lacked professionalism at times during my first session. I laughed too often, and in inappropriate ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. My Peer Is A Year Old Canadian My peer is a 29–year–old Canadian, who has been studying in college for 11 years, and will be graduating next year with a Bachelors of Arts in applied linguistics, and a Bachelors of Science in psychology simultaneously. My peer believes that everything can be accomplished since they hasn't been proven wrong yet. They said they wants to graduate in 2016 with a honor cord, because they has been studying in college for 11 years, and they doesn't want to extend their graduation date. They is willing to go to a medical school or other graduate programs after graduating from Portland State University. After that, they is tempted to be an acupuncturist or works in any other Chinese medicine related occupations. They has set up numerous academic goals for themselves recently. My peer feels extremely confident about their future, and believes that they is on the right track now. It seems like everything is going well. However, they has changed their majors many times within the last 11 years, such as chemistry, English, mathematics, pre–pharmacy, and so on. I have realized that persistence is one of the most influential factors of achieving goals. Therefore, I have chosen Goal– Setting Theory to help my peer for finding more feasible ways, which can help them to actualize all of their goals. Problem diagnosis During the last two weeks, I had conducted two interviews with my peer for gaining more in–depth understanding about how and why they set up those goals. From the interview, I ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Edwin Locke And Gary Latham Edwin Locke and Gary Latham will be the first ones to openly admit there are active limitations with the goal setting theory. It is not uncommon for individual goals to conflict with organizational goals. Moreover, research has proven complex goals have sparked motivation in teams to implement strategies with substantially high amounts of risk (Knight, Durham, & Locke, 2001). Sometimes people will believe higher risk strategies produce the greatest returns, yet high–risk goals consistently result in failure as well (Knight et. al, 2001). Additionally, when individuals simultaneously create two goals there is a greater chance they exert too much energy and focus on achieving just one of those goals. This can lead to one of the goals not receiving enough attention, which can potentially result in the person failing to reach the end result in either goal. In short, these are three common limitations of goal setting that typically draw concerns from other researchers and theorists. However, it is important people are aware of the limitations that do not receive as much attention, such as team goal setting, unethical behavior in high performance goals, and subconscious goals. Team Goal Setting According to Arraya, Pellissier, and Preto (2015), team goal setting involves much more than merely goal setting. The three authors conducted a study on team goal setting in the sports industry. The study revolved around three major factors: goal–orientation, collectivism, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Performance Management For Small Firms Accessible Version... PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT WHAT IS PERFORMANCE MANGMENT? "Performance management in words involves establishing cause and effect relationships between behaviors and effectiveness. In simple terms, a job involves a series of behaviors and activities which are usually prescribed and described in some form of job description." (Schneier, Beatty, 2002) Performance management basically provides the comparison of individual's activities as according to company criteria's. It is all about managing people as your need of business and taking your employees toward that direction in which a firm want like–How they do their work, how they can contribute to success of business and what support, training they need to overcome from problem.–performance–for–small–firms–accessible–version.pdf HOW PERFORMANCE MANGMENT WORKS? Three steps of individual performance planning–  Set objectives which an employee should need to achieve for the company. These objectives are should be operational and with business vision.  Concur capabilities or practices – this is the way your staff members work towards their destinations. Normally utilized abilities incorporate 'collaboration: adds to group viability ', and 'client consideration: knows about and reacts to clients ' needs.  Plan performance management for individual employee–any training or coaching they need to achieve their objectives and realize their capabilities. Agreeing, monitoring and ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Communication Is A Key Element For The Success Of The... In a group, communication is a key element that contributes to the success of the group. Without communication between group members, the tasks will not be fulfilled. This is why communication was an important aspect in our team. There were several forms of communication used throughout our project. Some included communicating in person as well as communicating after class. However, when we began to work on the interview portion of the assignment, we were all very busy and could no longer meet face–to–face. This is when we decided to keep in touch through technology for future references. We did so by communicating through an app called Groupme. By utilizing this app, we were able to control, organize, and plan for all of the tasks required. Another form of communication that we used during this time was Google Docs. Google Docs allowed us to examine, edit, and comment on each other's assigned portion of the assignment. It was extremely convenient and effortless to use. This is how we conclusively agreed on the final submission of assignment.Overall, the communication within our team was efficient and successful. II. Group Decision Making: In our group, we wanted to make sure everyone's ideas and opinions were acknowledged. Since there were five group members, we were able to avoid dilemmas because all of the decisions were based on majority rule. In the case of a group member not being present during discussion hours, the group leader would then make the final ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. A Short Note On Mary Poppins's Artemis House Ms. Mary Poppins entered Artemis House on November 12th, 2014. The client Ms. Poppins was fleeing from a domestic violence situation with her husband, her husband and his friend tried to cause harm to her by attempting to run her with an automobile. Ms. Poppins is a 33 year old female who emigrated from Egypt in 2008. The client does not speak proficient English, her primary language is Arabic with an Egyptian dialect. The client was born and raised in Egypt and married her abuser in Egypt as a result of an arranged marriage. The client has two daughters who are currently under the custody of their father, her husband. The client had just recently got the knowledge of her daughters' whereabouts, previously her daughters were taken away from her from social services and were temporarily placed in foster care. Because of the language barrier, the client assaulted a social services worker which led to her arrest and the separation of her children. The social services worker took away her daughters and they were placed in foster care till the father found them and took custody of them. The client has been married to her abuser for over six years and the abuse started as soon as she came to America. The client, Ms. Poppins, found out that her husband is married to another woman and has two older sons with her. The arguments and abuse started after she had found out that he was married, he would hit her and take away her daughters for hours a day without stating his ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Goal Setting Principles How are the principles of goal setting applied in this case? – The principles of goal setting applied in this case is to understand and help workers, leaders, and managers to work harder and work smarter. In this case, they found some ways to help the workers and leaders integrates the concepts from the organizational theory, behavior and the context theory in a concise way format that includes the job redesign, indicators signal for work needed, some tools to generate solution problem and factors that weighs the redesign. The overall goal setting is to maximize the time consuming health information to managers and directors to a step by step process to achieve the overall effort to work and produce a good results to the goal of the organization with the four levels ... Show more content on ... Working in redesign to help the health managers and directors to rearrange the work task structure, the process of work and procedures and the physical layout. By doing job redesign this will help managers and directors to set job to change the modification and addition. What were the outcomes of the job enrichment in the HIS department? – The outcomes of the job enrichments in the HIS department are the Sector changes, Organizational changes and employees perceptions. In sector it changes the nature of work but also it affects the regulations, economy and accreditation to assure organization readiness and the daily workloads of their employees. Organizational changes, the goal of the organization can change in any moment and as the changes occurs the managers or directors could assign tasks to employees this could results significant damage. Employees are showing declines in motivation and demonstrate changes in work habits, tardiness, stress, dissatisfaction and lacking professionalism. What was the impact of job enrichment on motivation and communication in HIS department? – The impact of job the enrichment on motivation and communication ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Fourth Session Interview Essay Introduction Throughout the semester I have been working towards accomplishing some goals that I set out for interviewing. This essay will critically analyze the fourth session interview between myself and my client, Jessie. The session was about a 35–year–old woman who was feeling unhappy and lonely, after going through a separation with her husband of ten years. In this session, Jessie was feeling especially unhappy and confessed some suicidal thoughts. Throughout this interview, I used my learning goals, including focusing on the current situation, using appropriate body language, and focusing on client goals, which are all discussed in the Appendix. This essay will discuss how I was able to work on those learning goals, and whether or ... Show more content on ... Focusing on the "Here and Now" My first learning goal was to work on discovering how the client was feeling in the current moment. I feel that throughout this interview I did well at finding out how the client was feeling at that point in time. I asked how she was feeling when the interview started, in the middle of the interview, and as we were ending. One of the most central skills in social work is active listening as it is mandatory to developing a relationship with the client (Ivey, Ivey, & Zalaquett, 2014, p. 64). When asking a client how they are doing, a social worker is using this necessary skill. By asking Jessie how she was feeling at different points in the interview, I was also able to see if her mood had progressed or changed as we were talking, which it had. At the beginning of the session, Jessie said she was feeling "okay" (0:10), in the middle when I asked again, Jessie said she was feeling "a little bit better" and relieved to have gotten things "off her chest" (20:31–21:00). Finally, at the end of the session, when I asked again, Jessie said she was feeling better, but still a little worried about talking with her mom ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Employability Skills Student Assignment Covering Form |Course/Unit Information | |Course |Pearson (Edexcel) BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma | |Unit No. |Unit 47 | |Unit Name |Employability Skills | |Unit code |A/601/0992 | |Batch ... Show more content on ... |objectives | | | | | | | | | | | |1.2 evaluate own effectiveness against defined objectives | | ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Importance Of A Successful Organization Is Dependent... One of the most important aspects of a successful organization is dependent on an effective management system. There are so many different kinds of methods for management that apply to different organizations in order for them to advance and expand. As a manager, they must be responsible for controlling or administering all or part of a company, meaning they have to have a flexible time schedule and maintain high credibility. One sees their own manager as the role model of the work place, so in all reality a manager has a lot to live up to. When this interview project was first presented, the person I thought about was my current assistant manager at the time. I wanted to interview someone who was around my age and was going through the same things I was, yet dealing with a lot more responsibility of being a manager. I'm considered to be a full–time college student and at the time I not only had to deal with school, but with work, my family, and friends. Since, I left my job I reconnected with my ex– manager and close friend Selene Fierro. She is 21 years old, goes to school full–time and works 40 hours a week. She holds the position for 2nd assistant manager for 2 years and has been working with Cato Fashion in Edinburg for approximately 3 years. The store has one general manager, two assistant managers, and four part–timers. The job of an assistant manager operates similar to the general manager in terms of being able to direct their employees, delegating tasks, handling ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Reflection Paper On Leadership The three peers that I sent my PAM assessment to had very different opinions me, and I just wanted to destroy them, but the best reaction that I can give to this matter is I categorically do not think I'm that bad, I feel uncomfortable, and I do not believe that I should feel guilty of over aggressive enthusiasm, I characterized and illuminated what I thought of myself regarding my strengths and weaknesses, and to collaboratively be conscious of the prognosis that my peers do not share my vision is devastating to me. Nonetheless, disagreeing about diverse facts is one thing, but when the disagreement is about an assessment it personal, and I realize it's their opinion, and as I re–evaluate my assessment I feel I have to re–evaluate my ... Show more content on ... Nonetheless, a sound leader never stops absorbing knowledge and increasing his skill set such as, making a list of areas they would comparably tweak, and learning a specialized skill set or cultivating existing abilities, and turning into an indispensable leader. After characterizing places for progress, seek ways to obtain this education. Attending significant conferences, lunch–and–learn meetings, asking for extra assignments at work, getting an advisor, taking online classes, and contributing to professional blogs are all ways to magnify your knowledge and further your operations on the job. Potentially, developing into a healthier leader by emboldening and reassuring team members to accomplish their own respective goal. Moreover, planning goals for the future projects and getting members excited about new endeavors makes them feel like a regarded member of the group. Additionally, stepping out of their comfort zone and setting high guidelines for individual accomplishments test their initiative, and rewarding those shows that they are appreciated which makes them feel connected to the team (How to Create a Personal Leadership ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Online Classroom Vs. Traditional Brick And Mortar Classroom The first distinction between learning in an online classroom versus that of a traditional brick and mortar classroom is that of time. Students log into their virtual classroom at times of their choosing to learn and complete assignments. The virtual campus that we use has click functions that are set up like a regular classroom. These functions mimic interactions between course facilitators and students in traditional settings. V camp has an announcements section like a bulletin board on a campus. We receive short notices from the facilitator such as reminders, updates to schedules or other need to know information that doesn't require an email campaign from the faculty. The attend section allows you watch your professor or facilitator deliver the lesson in lecture format. This, in particular, will remind traditional learning students of sitting in a classroom. One thing that is good about a recorded lecture is you can immediately replay a section that you failed to understand and gain the knowledge that you require which may have been missed in a regular classroom setting. The profiles section allows you meet your classmates and see if any live near you to see if you can study together. The discuss section of the program lets you carry on open dialogue with your classmates. Each student is required to answer the same question regarding a section of the course in a certain format and reply to two other classmate's posts. This requirement allows for a dialogue between ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Business STEP Know What You Want And Dream Big "Alamin ang iyong mga hangarin at mangarap ka nang mataas" What is the first thing you do when you want to watch a movie? If you're a normal person the first thing you do is decide what movie to watch and choose where to watch it and at what time. It's the same thing with wealth building; you have to know first what you really want before you move on to the next steps. Most financial planners will tell you to examine your present financial situation first before you think about what you want to accomplish. I would agree with this if building wealth is as simple as watxhing movie. After all, how can you watch a movie if you do not have money? However, wealth building is more complex ... Show more content on ... You are more likely to pursue goals that you can easily imagine or picture in your mind compared to those that are vague or fuzzy. So create goals that are specific, clear and detailed beacuase it will allow you to imagine it easily. If you have a clear idea of what you really want, you will be more inspired to do everything necessary to accomplish it. Instead of simply saying "I want to have a big house" describe in detail what kind of house you want. You could say for instance, "I will build on a 500 square meter lot, a 2–storey house with 5 bedrooms, bathrooms, a spacious living room with high–ceiling and a dining area with a nice view of the garden." Pwede mo pang idagdag kung ano ang kulay ng bahay, bubong at bakod, anong klaseng tiles ang gagamitin sa sahig at anong puno at mga halaman ang ilalagay sa garden. Don't just say "I want to have a vacation abroad." Declare instead that "I will travel to the United States with my family and spend two weeks enjoying the rides and attractions in Disneyland, Universal Studios and Sea World, walk the streets of San Francisco and meet the stars in Hollywood." The more specific and detailed your goal, the easier it will be for you to imagine and you will be more excited and passionate to turn it to reality. MEASURABLE GOALS Goals should be measurable so that it will be easier for you to ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Muhammad Ali Goals "What keeps me going is goals"– Muhammad Ali Every elite athlete has psychological training and uses the process of goal setting in order to enhance their performance. Goal setting is used to enhance concentration, build self confidence and to manage time and other resources. (Tony M 1995, page 259) Muhammad Ali is self determined; he wanted to show the world that he is the greatest. To achieve that training hard and using strategic punches during matches was a vital key to be the greatest boxer and a role model for the world. Ali's ambition and willingness to work hard drew him closer towards his goal. Psychological self–motivation, Ali drew motivation from criticism of other people's comments. Negative comments built his self–confidence ... Show more content on ... Muhammad Ali instilled a program in his everyday life. His sub goals to achieve what he had planned for the day and if it was not done he would not give up and continue. Training in a gym was not enough he trained on the streets, he was said to be a fast runner. Before he took upon his career in boxing he used to play football and basketball. He was awarded with a scholarship although he was an excellent athlete he had a lot of anger and was violent (Robert & Peter 1995, page266). This was when he found interest in boxing and made a name for himself. "Champions aren't made in gyms; champions are made from something deep inside them– a desire, a vision, a dream. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill." –Muhammad Ali With all the fame and importance given to a man who is truly a legend although he was one of the most under promoted athletes. As all athletes have their own brand Ali was the same his team composed a brand for him and they obtained that by small steps (success staff, march 2 2009). In every goal setting process it takes small steps to gain that ultimate goal. Ali was a remarkable athlete with a remember–able history, presence and energy around people proved it. His brand ambassadors knew that they were able to achieve that ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Goal Setting Theory By Edwin Locke The Goal–Setting Theory Name of Student Institution affiliation The goal–setting theory was developed in 19sos by Edwin Locke. According to it, task performance is essentially linked to goal setting. That means that higher and better task performance may be achieved when goal setting is rationally applied, as clear goals inspire workers on optimal performance. Few words should be said about specifity of the goals which are expexted to be applied. They should be clear to make it possible for any person to analyze one 's own task process. That is particularly important, as far as in the absence of explicit and challenging goals the crewmembers may not even consider their personal goals. Furthermore, goals may significantly enhance the performance of an employee through the learning plans and problem solving approach. As the employee strives to achieve the goal, his motivation and drive inspires him to learn and maximize his efforts to overcome challenging tasks. That is why when CEOs apply the goal–setting program in their company it is necessary to clearly specify the standard of the average number of potholes that can be filled in a day. In addition, one should raise the bar by setting a more challenging task by establishing a standard 20% higher than the average. The implementation of the goal–setting theory constitutes of moderators that would enhance or deteriorate an employee's performance."Feedback, which is the two–way communication between the ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Goal Setting for Academic Success 29 November 2010 Goal Setting for Academic Success Goals are like road maps; they get a person from one point to another. Goals provide the direction one needs to reach a destination. The best way to get results is to plan for the future, but live one day at a time. Think about the future; how does one define success? What makes one happy? What drives a person? What makes a person get out of bed in the morning? Does success mean family, money, security, helping others, improving the environment, solving problems, a career, or a degree? Whatever a student decides, the key to academic success is to strengthen one's will to succeed and to do this one must set academic goals. The ... Show more content on ... By conditioning, the student will be able to follow this map created as if life depends on it because in a way it does. This is the student's future and they should take it very seriously (Carter et al. 100). Putting academic strategies into action is to achieve a desired goal. Prepare daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly; action plans are your set of directions to achieve academic goals. Things to remember to include in a plan of action is time management, which would include how much time is spent studying everyday; where the student will study, who the student will study with, and how the student will avoid distractions. Keeping assignments and important dates organized in a planner is very important. The student will then be able to refer to it on a daily. A student must also take into consideration negativity and how to avoid it, assuring that the short term goals are being met successfully. The student should be encouraged even if they don't succeed at first to try again. The student may struggle at first deciding and committing to academic goals, but that doesn't mean they can't go back and revise academic plans. It's important to note that in the beginning of the post secondary experience; academically the student should start out simple but be concise. If the student is undecided on a major but still has to find classes to take, conquering the general ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Admnistrator of the Highway Department Essay The administrator of the highway department was given a task to find a way to fill more potholes. This program to fill more potholes would decrease the number of complaints in the city and the number of damages to the residents' cars. To do this, the Highway Administrator implemented a goal–setting program, in hopes this would encourage the workers to fill more potholes. This program sets a standard for each crew to fill a certain amount of potholes per day, no matter the location of where the crew was working. The results will then be posted for all of the crews to observe and compare. As an incentive to fill as many potholes as possible, the crew who filled the largest amount of potholes each week was given a reward. I personally believe ... Show more content on ... The standard set by the highway administrator were that each crew was to fill 20% more potholes than they usually fill on a daily basis. This aspect of the goal is extremely efficient and specific which gives the workers a clear idea of what they need to do at work. If the goal were to simply "fill more potholes than you normally fill" than each crew could fill one more pothole than they normally do and still meet the goal but this would probably not get the work done as fast and it needs to be. This goal is also a clear standard because of the different working conditions each crew operates in. Asking each crew to fill 5 more potholes than normal might prove to be easy for one crew and extremely hard for another, depending on the conditions. Each crew was also given a step–by–step sheet on how to properly fill each pothole. This will make each fill last longer, therefore, making less work for the future. The feedback that accompanies each goal comes at the end of each week. Feedback is objective information about performance. Motivational feedback serves as a reward and the highway administrator clearly understands that since he is using rewards to drive his employees' productivity. (Hogue, 2004) Each week, the highway administrator will post performance data on a board for all of the other crews to view. Since there are only rewards and no harsh consequences, this creates friendly competition for each crew. The crew who has the most potholes ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Motivation Theory And The Goal Setting Theory Essay 1 Content theories of motivation focus on the importance of work itself, challenges, growth opportunities and responsibilities that the work provides employees. Process theories of motivation focus on the cognitive processes that are part of employee's decision making. It also deals with our thoughts and perceptions about our jobs. The decisions are made based on calculations of gains versus loses. Also, when it comes to process theories of motivation, how the work situation is perceived will determine the level of motivation to perform at high levels. Although these two theories of motivation are different, they do have similarities as well. The achievement motivation theory, which is a content theory, is similar to the goal setting theory, which is a process theory. These two are similar because they both deal with goals and both are practical theories of motivation. These two theories also deal with taking calculated risks. The achievement motivation theory has been a widespread application in the workplace. Mastery and performance goals satisfy the need for achievement. Mastery goals involve developing competency and self–satisfaction through acquiring knowledge and skill, while performing goals involve performing better than other people. The positive aspects of this theory are that it has a high positive correlation for executives and provides plausible explanation for motivation of employees. The negative aspects are that people with the high ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Motivation Theories Essay Motivation is defined as "the desire to achieve a goal or a certain performance level" (Bauer & Erdogen, 2009, p.97). Motivation theories are useful tools that organizations can use to energize employees and foster a stimulating work environment. These theories are categorized as either content or process theories. Today, Bauer and Erdogen (2009) state that many organizations have applied motivation theories ,such as the goal setting theory and reinforcement theory, in order to modify their employees' behavior in the workplace through goals and reward systems. According to the reinforcement theory, behavior that is rewarded is often repeated. As a result, many organizations have utilized this theory by tying rewards to performance (Bauer & ... Show more content on ... Fallon and McConnell (2007) define a performance appraisal as a "structured event" in which employee performance is examined. Such reviews are normally based on documents such as the job description and a performance appraisal form. Bauer and Erdogen (2009) strongly believe that the organizational use of performance appraisals is beneficial for many reasons. "When employees have goals, they tend to be more motivated if they also receive feedback about their progress" (Bauer & Erdogen, 2009, p.132).Both Nickols (2007) and Fallon and McConnell (2007) agree that performance appraisals are excellent tools that can be use to provide employees with feedback on their performance. "The goal of providing performance feedback is to help the rater solve performance problems to motivate the employee to change behavior" (Bauer & Erdogen, 2009, p.134). Nickols (2007) also believes that such appraisals also provide the opportunity to identify training and performance options and for employees to establish their personal goals. Further, "performance appraisals afford the corporation legal protection against employee lawsuits for discrimination and wrongful termination" (Nickols, 2007, p.14) Bauer and Erdogen (2009) state that when a supervisor uses the performance appraisal interview to give employees constructive criticism, encourage employee participation, and focus on the employee's behavior , the employees tend to react positively. However, ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Training & Development Method of development The method of development is divided in to 3 target areas: 1. Individual 2. Group 3. Organizational Individual methods/techniques: To develop individual's skill to set and accomplish goals, goal setting technique is used. Behavioral amendment is the use of person erudition in the course of strengthening. All methods can be used to develop a person's skill to accomplish his or company's desired goals. Goal setting: Goal is a set of deed which a person attempts to achieve. For example, attempt is to increase selling with high customer's contentment with service and to reduce non–attendance by 5% are aim of individuals. While 1968, Locke open that to consider a classic paper, so that there has been increasing ... Show more content on ... Dedication/ Commitment are the degree of effort utilized to accomplish the desired goals. The main steps of developing goals are (1) analysis (2) to develop the worker and employees for achievement of goals by creating actions plan, communication, instruction and dealings between them (3) giving great importance to organizational goals that are recognized by managers and subordinates (4) and make a review of established goals (5) and gave conclusion about the goal and evaluate the setting, revision and achieving of goals. If to make goal setting an effective method, these steps should be examined and put into practice carefully. Training and development unnoticed in many practices of goal setting, thinking they are not necessary. Research on goal setting: Locke's original paper about goal setting adds a lot towards research field. Another factor which emphasis on research is the demand of manager for unique and practical method so they can use in their business. The best technique used by authors is of meta–analytic study which measures the effect of goal setting on work performance. In research specific goal lead to higher result than "Do your Best" goals. Employees expert in their field give better performance if they having specific goals rather than vague goals. A wide range of expert study hold up that specific goal assigned to a person give ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Allstate Using the model for goal setting, evaluate Allstate 'goal 's setting to determine whether or not Allstate has effective goal–setting programs Allstate's goal setting process is based on its diversity strategy. Allstate's director of diversity remarks, the crucial question is, "how do you take this workforce of differences and bring them together in a more powerful way so that it can impact business result? " (Hellriegel& Slocum, 2011, p. 215) With this in mind, Allstate has devised goal setting process which focuses On four specific steps: (1) succession programming, (2) development, (3) measurement and (4) accountability and reward. These four steps definitely meet the model of goal setting as defined by Hellriegel and Slocum, ... Show more content on ... It is one of the measuring used to foster tools diversity beyond the recruitment phase; binding Allstate's initiative to increase customer retention and sales, enhance management accountability and produces a richly diverse family of employees, whose talents and potential are fully utilized (Caywood, C ., 1997). The Diversity Index is a proven tool for competitive advantage because it measures the effectiveness of their new diversity strategy concept of leveraging differences. In years past Allstate has viewed diversity as a legal obligation placing their focus more on affirmative action and diversity awareness. Today, however, they have a more successful and positive viewpoint; incorporating diversity into all aspects of their business processes to include decision making and product innovation. It is an integrated approach which incorporates diversity in the mainstream workforce by linking recruitment, development and retention strategies to business processes. The effectiveness of this strategy is measured twice a year using the Diversity Index Survey. The survey probes employees for answers to questions that measure the effectiveness of the organization's diversity strategy. The employees'. The employees' answers are analyzed and used to create action programs to resolve problems and ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Debunking the Goal Setting Theory Debunking the Goal Setting Theory Presented to Trudy Dunson, Instructor MGMT 2125, Performance Management By Andrea Smith 10/13/2014 Often times in the business world, organizations become so fixated on the goals they set, that when they begin to go wrong, an organization will invest more into that goal instead of looking for a different path. Oliver Burkeman's book, "The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking" devotes a whole chapter to the importance or lack thereof of setting goals. In his book, he tells a story of Chris Kayes who was on the foothills of Mt. Everest at the same time the tragedy that took the lives of eight climbers depicted in the book, "In Thin Air." Kayes observed even through this ... Show more content on ... However on the flip side these same traits used to create a positive environment can also be used to against the organization. We start with the letter "S" for specific as this commands that the goal to be focused and attentive. Unfortunately though, this can actually cause a too narrowed focus where employees will overlook important details of the task. With a narrowed focus, employees become blind to everything else but their task and the often times miss a critical detail that could potentially steer them into a new direction and a more profitable gain or prevent a fatal error from occurring. An example in this can be seen in the automotive industry of late and the entire vehicle recalls that have been made due to faulty engine or ignition parts that have caused human fatalities. The automotive industry giants have a specific goal to create a top of the line vehicle fast and get it out to the market that they continuously pass over safety issues and inspections in order to accomplish this single goal. In keeping with the classic notion that you get what you reward (Kerr, 1975, 1995), goal setting may cause the employee to miss important aspects of their task or performance that are not specifically outlined by the goal setting system. Next we move on to the "M" for measurable and the hazards that can arise from putting a measurable capacity on goals. Being able to measure progress is said to keep the employees on track and provide ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Career Plan For A Career 1.0 Introduction This career portfolio aims to plan and organize my career after completing the current postgraduate degree. First, my ideal job has provided the general direction for my broader career. Through acquiring the relevant information concerning my career, the S.M.A.R.T short term and long term goals can be formulated to facilitate me to carry out the career planning. Besides, the specific industry, which I intend to be working on, will be analyzed so that the potential career opportunities and challenges can be identified. Therefore, some related strategies will emerge to help me realize the goal and my wonderful career gradually. 2.0 My career To imagine my desired career in the future, it's essential to understand why I work. It's not only for survival, but also for recognizing by others to realize mine self–worth (Brown & Lent 2012, pp.2–3). These values are meaningful for me to elicit the mindful commitment to develop the perfect career. Thus, career refers to a series of working activities which are implemented in order to achieve the purpose of work. Establishing my own hotel is my ideal career purpose, certainly there will be lots of little milestones as transition, such as becoming a hotel manager within a period of time. Hence, my perception is similar to the academic definition, but more focus on the overall working aim. In order to achieve the target, the proper career management is required to make progress during the career. Apart from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Smart Objectives SMART Objectives The establishment of all objectives should be created using the S.M.A.R.T. philosophy. What do we mean by S.M.A.R.T. objective? S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that is used to guide the development of measurable goals. Once a project is planned, consider on developing several goals that will enable it to be successful. A goal might be to hold a weekly project meeting with the key members of a team and a continuous programme throughout the project. The acronym SMART has several slightly different variations, which can be used to provide a more comprehensive definition of goal setting. S stands for Specific/ Significant/ Stretching. M stands for Measurable/ Meaningful/ Motivational. A stands for Agreed upon/ Attainable/ ... Show more content on ... It stresses the importance of choosing goals that matter. Goals that are relevant to your boss, your team, your organization will receive that needed support. To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work. A goal can be both high and realistic; you are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be. But be sure that every goal represents substantial progress. Relevant goals drive the team, department and organization forward. A goal that supports other goals would be considered a relevant goal. A relevant goal can answer yes to these questions: * Does this seem worthwhile? * Is this the right time? * Does this match our other efforts/needs? * Are you the right person? * Is it applicable in the current socio–economic environment? Time–oriented answers the question, "When will it be done?" It refers to the fact that an objective has end points and check points built into it. Sometimes a task may only have an end point or due date. Sometimes that end point or due date is the actual end of the task, or sometimes the end point of one task is the start point of another. Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accomplished. Additional ways to know if your goal is realistic is to determine if you have accomplished anything similar in the past or ask ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Continuing Academic Success Essay Continuing Academic Success Students can ensure their academic success by knowing the benefits of setting goals, knowing available resources, and by knowing the writing process, and maintaining academic integrity. Benefits of setting goals Setting goals help increase your motivation by creating a positive climate. They help you plan and gain control over your future and they also add challenge and purpose to your life. Goals also provide a sense of accomplishment. By setting goals you put more focus on the results which make you work smarter not harder, and they reduce stress and add meaning to your life (Milne, 2001, para.). Educational goals are very important to have when thinking of school or even while you are in school. "By ... Show more content on ... It even provides a search for employment and finding the additional training necessary for pursuing a career. The website also provides career counseling for career–seekers ("National Career Development Association", 2014). For me, I would look at the job service ND website for different career options open in ND. The writing process "Writing is an extremely versatile tool that can be used to accomplish a variety of goals (Graham, 2006). It provides a medium for maintaining personal links with family, friends, and colleagues, even when we are unable to be with them. People use writing to create imagined worlds, tell stories, share information, explore who they are, combat loneliness, and chronicle their experiences. In fact, writing about one's feelings and experiences can be beneficial psychologically and physiologically" (Graham, Gillespie, & Mckeown, 2013). Writing skills are a very valuable asset to have. How you write can say a lot about a person when looking for a career. Misspelling and incorrect grammar can make or break a resume and very much cost you the job of your dreams. Writing is also very important in your educational success. Graham and Herbert review two advantages of writing. The first is that teaching writing has a positive impact on how ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The Bible And The Word Of God The first way to living a happy and meaningful life is to follow the bible and the word of God. God is the ultimate creator and he is the number one thing that should be in our life. Jesus said, "Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life"'(English Standard Version, John 8:12). what he means by this is that if we follow him we will never get lost and he will be our provider and leader while if we do not we will not be with jesus and we will be all alone. Also Jesus said, "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world"(English Standard Version, John 16:33). What Jesus means by this is that he has gone and died on the cross for our sins so that we may be forgiven and be allowed into heaven. This is so crucial and such a huge part of history and it is stated in the Bible in the book of John, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"(English Standard Version, John 3:16). So following God is important because when you gain the faith and you believe in God he says, "I can do all things through him who strengthens me"(Philippians 4:13). He says this because he will give us the strength that we need to accomplish any task that we are trying to accomplish. So when we are trying to live a happy and ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Activity Analysis : Occupational Therapy Practitioners Activity analysis Introduction As occupational therapy practitioners we are trained to help clients look critically at everyday routines and examine how their affected state of health impacts their ability to carry out what is important to them. However, occupational therapist goes beyond simply helping the patient recognize the problem. They prepare the client with skills necessary through various resources to fill the void in their abilities so that they can live their life with the highest level of satisfaction. This mindset allows occupational therapist to help individuals like Mrs. Ingliss to engage in the necessary and sought after life activities important for her life satisfaction. Intervention plan Long term goal – Mrs. Ingliss will be able to independently follow a 5 step dinner recipe beginning to end for her family, using built up utensils, compensatory movements, and upper extremities joint protection strategies within 4 weeks to increase functional independence in her family role as a caretaker. o Short– term goal – client will independently follow a 3–step dinner recipe beginning to by the end of the first therapy session. o Short–term goal – client will independently demonstrate proper use of stove, appropriate knife use, and use of cooking utensils with adaptive equipment by the second therapy session. o Short–term goal – client for 10 minutes will participate in wrist and hand exercises to increase strength, ROM, and endurance, which will improve ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Organizational Behavior & Management Concepts Kotter's Leading Change Concepts/ Organizational Behavior & Management Concepts XXXXXXXX Webster University MNGT 5590 Dr. Victoria Bohrer May 11, 2011 Abstract This paper compares and contrasts the concepts found on John P. Kotter's, Leading Change (1996), book and the concepts presented by John M. Ivancevich, Robert Konopske and Michael T. Mattenson's Organizational Behavior and Management text book. Kotter emphasizes in each step the importance of dealing with human emotions and how to better manage them when dealing with organizational change. The biggest asset to an organization is their human resources. To an organization this simply means that many emotions need to be addressed before a door can be opened towards ... Show more content on ... The people that are leading the efforts are in charge of making changes that should result in a more effective organization in terms of organizational strength. This step can be compared to Ivancevich et al.'s concepts of teams and changing attitudes. The guiding coalition should act as a synergetic team as described by Ivancevich et al. This team should be formed by individuals who are one hundred percent committed and dedicated towards the goal of organizational change. They should be skilled in leadership, problem–solving and emotional roles (P. 259). The emotional role will be discussed more in depth when presenting the changing attitudes concept. Forming a guiding coalition is an essential component for undertaking a restructure, reengineer or to retool strategies (Kotter, 1996, P. 52). Kotter mentioned the integrity or trust factor as a main component to altering employees' negative attitudes and motivating them towards change. The concept presented by Ivancevich et al. on changing attitudes includes the communicator, the message and the situation factors (this analysis will only refer to the first two factors). The communicator factor relates to employee's willingness to change attitudes because they like and trust their manager (guiding coalition), they can even tend to adopt attitudes and behaviors of that individual (Ivancevich et al, 2007, P.69). Within the message factor, the guiding coalition ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Similarities Between The Great Gatsby And Othello Setting goals gives individuals long–term visions and short–term motivations. Without goals there is no set mark of accomplishment need to be achieved. Not all goals that are set end up being achievable, which is not a bad thing because then the next goal that is set will be set with a different standard. Motives for having certain goals can come from virtually anything. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Othello, by Shakespeare, the tragic heroes, Jay Gatsby and Othello, have the goal of obtaining women that are out of their league which leads them to their nemesis because changing oneself due to a set goal of love will result in complete helplessness. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby has the hamartia ... Show more content on ... By not having confidence Othello is constantly looking for approval and what the right or wrong action is. In the following quote Brabantio eludes to the fact that Desdemona and Othello's elopement is a sign that Desdemona will deceive her husband, just as she has does so to her father,"Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see. / She has deceived her father, and may thee" (Shakespeare 1.3.333–334). The fear that Brabantio has brought to Othello is the fear that brings Othello to the goal of making sure that Desdemona is forever faithful. The high status that Othello's position comes with gives him false hope on the help others will give. Others are motivated by greed to ruin him. Iago is a character that is out for Othello and his existence, and Othello's trust for Iago is what leads Othello into his nemesis. Iago knows how to perfectly manipulate Othello by saying the following quote, "Do it not with poison. Strangle her in her bed, / Even the bed she hath contaminated" (Shakespeare 4.1.226–227). By Othello setting the goal that Desdemona will forever be faithful to him, his insecurities are taken advantage of by Iago by making a false scenario. All of the manipulation and unjust trust that is exposed through the play the reader becomes unsure on what will happen next. Othello reaches his anagnorisis when he realizes ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Personal Leadership Style Personal Leadership Style Rita Tyeptanar Rasmussen College Author Note This paper is being submitted on July 26, 2015, for Professor De La Cruz H300/HSA3110 Section 01 Introduction to Healthcare Administration course. Have you ever been to a job interview and been asked "What is your leadership style" and "What is your strength or weaknesses with your leadership style, and how would you improve your weaknesses"? Well in this paper I am going to go over what I feel is my leadership style, what my strength and weaknesses are and how I would improve my weaknesses. This is all very good information to know very well as you enter into a new career because when you are asked this you will be able to answer the interviewer strongly ... Show more content on ... Most of my life I personally have set lots of specific, attainable goals and have had no problems in achieving them, whether it was in a big or small way. I am a very hard worker and when I work in a group I am able to use my interest and motivation on a subject to get people interested and motivated to achieve the end result. Another weakness of mine though is that when I am first meeting people I come off as kind of quiet and soft spoken, but within a few hours as I warm up to the people I am around I am very outgoing and social able person. Over my years I have gotten better with this, but I could still use some improvement. I think my biggest struggle with being quiet is that I will sometimes doubt what I know around people that I am not familiar with, so to change this and overcome this weakness I need to just be confident in what I know and let that show right away as I start off with the group I am with, whether it is big or small. So in conclusion if I were asked in an interview what leadership style I am I would have to say that I am the type that leads people with compassion, but I can be firm and authoritative if I need to be. I do care about people and their feelings but if it is not in the best interest of the group or company I will not just give in to them. I have the social outgoing skills to be able to talk to people and lead a big group of people through a project and achieve success. With ... Get more on ...