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Health Care Reform Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of health care reform is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor.
The complexity of this topic lies in its multifaceted nature, encompassing political, economic,
ethical, and social dimensions. The intricate web of healthcare policies, the diverse range of
stakeholders involved, and the ever-evolving landscape of the healthcare system contribute to
the difficulty of articulating a comprehensive and coherent essay.
The process demands a thorough understanding of the historical context and evolution of health
care policies, as well as a keen awareness of current debates and reform initiatives. Analyzing the
impact of different healthcare models, assessing the efficacy of policy interventions, and
navigating through the intricacies of public opinion require a nuanced and well-informed
Moreover, the essay requires a delicate balance between presenting statistical data, interpreting
complex healthcare jargon, and making the information accessible to a broad audience. The need
to engage with ethical considerations, such as the equitable distribution of healthcare resources
and the moral obligations of society, adds another layer of difficulty.
In essence, writing an essay on health care reform demands not only a mastery of the subject
matter but also the ability to synthesize information from diverse sources and present a well-
structured argument. It necessitates critical thinking, research skills, and a capacity to
communicate effectively.
For those facing the daunting task of tackling such an essay, it's important to recognize the value
of careful planning, extensive research, and thoughtful analysis. Seeking guidance from
reputable sources, staying updated on current events, and approaching the topic with an open
mind are essential strategies.
In conclusion, the challenge of composing an essay on health care reform is a reflection of the
intricacies inherent in the subject. However, with dedication, a systematic approach, and a
commitment to understanding the nuances of the topic, one can navigate through the
complexities and contribute meaningfully to the discourse on healthcare reform.
If you find yourself needing assistance or guidance in writing similar essays, you may explore
resources like, where a wealth of information and support is available to aid
you in your academic endeavors.
Health Care Reform Essay Health Care Reform Essay
Jack Kevorkian and Euthanasia
Euthanasia The thin line between life and death has become an ethical issue many
health care providers and the government have long tried to ignore. The
understanding that life begins at birth, and ends when the heartbeat and breathing
have ceased has long been deemed factual. Medical technologies have changed this
with respirators, artificial defibrillators, and transplants (Macionis, 2009). Thus
medical and legal experts in the United States define death as an irreversible state
involving no response to stimulation, no movement or breathing, no reflexes, and no
indication of brain activity (Macionis, 2009, p. 436). The process of deciding when a
terminally ill patient should die lies within the patient, family members, and the...
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This was hardly doing it right as Dr. Kevorkian likes to believe. (The New York
Times, 2007, para.6) By contrast, Oregon being the only law allowing terminally
ill adults to request a lethal dose of drugs from a physician requires two physicians
to agree the patient is of sound mind and has less than six months to live. California
is in the works of voting on a similarly careful measure. One of its sponsors cites Dr.
Kevorkian as the perfect reason we need this law in California. We don t want there to
be more Dr. Kevorkians (The New York Times, 2007). Dr. Kevorkian s assisted
suicides and euthanasia is an example of structural functionalism Structural
functionalism is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex
system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. A social
function is the consequences of a social pattern for the operation of society as a
whole. Types of social functions are manifest function, latent function and
dysfunctions. Manifest function is the recognized and intended consequences of any
social pattern. Latent function is the unrecognized and unintended consequences of
any social pattern. Dysfunctions are any social pattern that may disrupt the operation
of society (Macionis, 2009). Kevorkian s situation
Harbor Seal Research Paper
Harbor seal
Harbor seal is pretty small when compared to other seal species. Harbor seals
usually come in dark brown, tan and different shades of grey. They mainly eat fish
and shellfish.
The harbor seal fits in as a secondary consumer, meaning it is a carnivore and eats
primary consumers such as fish. Harbor seals play a huge role in the Coastal Arctic
ecosystem. They are predators of fish and invertebrates (controlling population) also
it provides for the top predators. It also plays a huge role in maintaining a balanced
ecosystem. Also a lot of parasitic species use this seal as a host. (home)
If this organism disappears from the ecosystem Polar bears (Ursus Maritimus), Killer
whales (orcinus Orca), Artic cod (Arctogadus glacialis) ... Show more content on ...
Harbor seals are active during the day and are usually found alone. The harbor seal
groups don t have social organizations or hierarchies. Harbor seals spread out to
find food instead of traveling in a group. They usually stay close to land as that
helps them from being eaten and they always seem to be aware of their
surroundings. They are playful animals and often play by themselves or with
seaweed or other objects. Harbor seals are considered loners most of the time.
The survival of an animal depends of the environment and animals around it. Harbor
seals depend on fish and shellfish/crustaceans, they depend on each other because
each provides something the other needs. Fish supply food for harbor seals and in
turn harbor seals help control their population and provide food for top predators,
If an organism is extinct, it will affect the whole food web. Even if the organism
was just endangered or populations declined, it will still affect the food web. For
example: The grey wolf is a predator that had been missing from the Yellowstone
ecosystem for decades. Although they weren t extinct, there was no control on elk s
population. The increasing population started eating and consumed most of the
willow. Without willow braches, beavers could not make dams and the the beaver
populations slowly decreased. (UNTIL THE RESTORATION OF WOLVES IN
Personal Narrative-Tiffany And The Computer Virus
Tiffany and the Computer Virus I have been raised as an only child by my mom,
with no father in the picture. I know nothing about my father except he moved on
to bigger and better things when I was born. I do not care I have my own life. I
know my mom did not want him to go, I think she still loves him too. I have
always been really close to my mom. I was born sixteen years ago and we have
moved eleven times, with seven different schools. This never bothers me, because I
get to do it with my mom.
I have always been very outspoken, because most of the time my mom knows what
I am thinking before I say anything. I in return know how she is feeling, if I need to
keep my distance or if I joke around with her or not. Today my mom has been acting
... Show more content on ...
The top of the scroll reads INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Read instructions. 2) Collect an
orange balloon. 3) Make three pink baskets. 4) Draw a purple sun on the whiteboard.
5) Pop the orange balloon with the blue scissors. 6) Paint a the exit door yellow. 7)
Find the book green eggs and ham. I look around the ware house to find an orange
balloon. It looks pretty dull except for a rainbow of objects to pick from for at
every station. I spot an orange balloon near the top of a rock climbing wall. I dash
over the rock wall, it has a lot of hand and foot holds. It is pretty easy to climb, the
obgects on teh ground are getting smaller and smaller. Finally I reach the top and
grab the orange balloon. As I climb down I glance at the clock above the door that
reads exit, it reads nineteen minutes and counting down. As I begin to move, faster
now, to a sign that says baskets, I realize there are no basketball hoops that I will
throw pink basketballs into it to make a basket. Instead I have to weave three pink
baskets. I find a circular loom machine, with a note attached to it, select basket
color and push start. What was I worried for? A machine will do the work for me.
After I select the color pink and press start, I find the catch, the loom weaves the
baskets at a slower than snails speed. I glance at the time fifteen minutes and still
counting down. I have to move on to the next challenge
Mafalda Charlie Brown
Mafalda: The Argentine Charlie Brown? In 1963, Argentine cartoon strip artist
JoaquГn Salvador Lavado, better known as Quino, was commissioned to create a
Peanuts esk advertisement for a brand of domestic appliances (Kuntz). To familiarize
himself with Peanuts, American cartoon by Charles M. Schulz, Quino purchased all
of the Peanutsbooks that he could find in Buenos Aires (Kuntz). After studying
Schulz s work Quino adapted the general concept for an Argentine audience and
Mafalda was born (Kuntz). Unfortunately the world did not meet Mafalda in 1963
through the ad campaign because the magazine that was going to publish the
cartoons realized it was closet advertising (qtd in Kuntz). It would take another year
before Mafalda made her debut in the Argentine magazine Primera Plana (Cosse).
Mafalda went on to run parallel to Peanuts from 1964 to 1973 (Patten; Charles M.
Schulz Museum). For the decade that they were both in print how do they compare
to each other? Given that Quino originally based Mafalda of Peanuts in what ways
are they similar and different? An... Show more content on ...
In Charlie Brown the parents and teachers of the children are never shown (Charles
M. Schulz Museum). The only interactions that the children have with adults in the
comic strip show the adults saying mwa mwa mwa mwa (qtd in Molinari). In
Mafalda it is the exact opposite with Mafaldas parents and teachers not only
shown, but also play an integral part in the comic strip (see fig. 1). Quino shows
Mafalda living in a normal world populated by both adults and children (Foster).
The comparison makes Schulzs world seem strange that there are no adults, but only
children. With Mafalda we see her parents and her little brother Guille, but the only
family we see of Charlie Brown is his little sister Sally (Foster; Charles M. Schulz
The Use of Literary Devices, Imagery, and Tone in
The Imagery Tone of a Play:
The Use of Literary Devices Imagery Tone in Krapp s Last Tape
In the play Krapp s Last Tape, there is one protagonist who is described as sitting at
a small table, listening to tapes. Krapp is an impaired and broken down elderly
man who spends his time listening to his younger voice on tapes. He is egotistical
and subjective towards his younger self and critiques the way he acted in a certain
place or time. He is lonely, but okay with it as he would rather focus on things that
he has already experienced, rather then engage in new ones. He is essentially stuck
in the past. The essay written below disputes the literary devices of imagery and tone
in order to provide background and symbolism in ... Show more content on ...
Imagery plays a big part in describing the character s appearance and actions in
order to show what a character is like and how they respond to differing situations.
It can also shape the story and reveal to the reader the background of a person, place,
or thing. In Krapp s Last Tape, the only character is given much detail and description
in order to start the play at a point where the reader already knows some information
about this elderly man. The literary convention of imagery provides insight into the
character that will lead the play.
Krapp, the main protagonist in Krapp s Last Tape is given a good amount of
description, leading into the beginning of dialogue. His raggedy grey hair,
disheveled clothes, and death ridden face give the reader an image of a character
that has lived through many years. It is as if he has given up on life and is
preparing for what is to come. The fact that he is also hard of hearing and has a
cracked voice, seems to have intensified the distaste towards his character. Krapp s
descriptive appearance helps to foreshadow his cynical and confined personality.
Krapp also remains motionless for most of the play. The only actions that do take
place are of him eating a banana in the very beginning and the loading of the three
tapes that Krapp focuses on in the dialogue. This imagery of him loading the tapes
and sitting at his table depicts
Women In Ancient Greece By Sue Blundell Summary
Many treasures and secrets have been buried and vanished away from the Greece
Era. In the scholarly novel, Women in Ancient Greece written by Sue Blundell.
Throughout the novel, Blundell explains the positives and the negatives of being a
female in Greece. Many historians struggle mostly with knowledge on women in
Greece. Blundell explains crisply on how the women in Greece were lived. Women
in Ancient Greece would be a strong resource to consider for a college essay. Sue
Blundell was born on August 4th, 1947. Blundell has written and published novels
along with directing plays on Ancient Greece. Blundell also is a lecturer for
Classical Civilization for Birkbek College and Open University. Sue ideas and
inspiration originated from Ancient... Show more content on ...
Part I: Women in Myth: 1). Myth Introduction, 2). Creation Myth, 3). The
Olympian Goddesses: Virgins and Mothers, 4). Women in the poems of Homer, 5).
Amazons. Part II: The Classical Age 500 336 BC: 6). Women in the age of
Transition, 7). Women and the poets, 8). Women as Poets: Sappho, 9). Women in
Stone. Part III: The Archaic Age: 10). Women s bodies. 11). Women in Athenian
law and society. 12). The lives of women in Classical Athens. 13). Sparta and
Gortyn. 14). Women and religion Part. IV. Ideas about Women in the Classical
Age. 15). Women in drama. 16). Women and the philosophers. 17). Women in
Classical sculpture. Postscript. 18). The Hellenistic Age. Majority of the main
evidence from the source Sappho Of Lebos. Sappho s work became so popular in
Greece Era and beyond that stretch. She became honored by Solon and Plato. Little
of Sappho s nine volumes were widely read in fragments that survived. Sappho s
work were never destroyed by close minded Christians, but through time and
circumstances. Several historians found preserved copies from others, but historians
realized that the person did not understand her dialect. Blundell uses Sappho as the
strongest evidence to demonstrate that at certain times women did have a free voice
to express
Rugby Football Union Essay
Rugby What is it all About?
In 1823, William Webb Ellis first picked up the ball in his arms and ran with it. And
for the next 156 years forwards have been trying to work out why. Sir Tasker Watkins
The History of Rugby, many believe that Rugby was born in 1823 when William
Webb Ellis whilst spending his time at Rugby school, took the ball in his arms
during a game of football and ran with it. This then became the distinctive future of
the Rugby game. Although this is not fact as there is little in the way of evidence to
substantiate this view, it is more by popular belief. The true year Rugby Football
Union was founded was in the year 1871, in the month of December 1870 two men
published a letter in The Times ... Show more content on ...
If the player with the ball is tackled to the ground the team will then form a ruck to
protect the ball and organize to set up play, throwing or passing the ball is always
made to the player behind the ball, forward passing is not allowed. The ball can
only move forward in three ways, by kicking, a player running with it and the ball
moving within a scrum or ruck. Blocking is not allowed and only the player with
the ball may be tackled if the ball is knocked forward by a player with his arms a
knock on is committed and play is restarted with a scrum. Protective equipment is
optional and strictly regulated. The most common items are mouth guards, which are
worn by most players. Other protective items permitted include thin head gear no
thicker than 10mm, non rigid shoulder pads and also shin pads. Some players will
wear bandage or tape to protect injuries.
Over the years more and more countries have got involved in the game of rugby.
1910 was the start of the Five Nations Championship between England, France
Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 1987 saw the start of the Rugby World Cup this
championship was won by New Zealand who defeated France 29 9 at Eden Park,
Auckland. 1996 the Tri Nations Series began between Australia, New Zealand and
South Africa. 2000 the Five Nations became the Six Nations Championships with
Italy joining in the competition. Even the points
Hate Speech And Freedom Of Speech
Slanderous Tongues or Freedom Sung Within today s society there is a strong
disagreement between the fundamental rights given to us at birth, and the necessary
restraints of such rights when it interferes with individual dignity. I agree that
freedom of speech is foundation for the beliefs we hold true in democracy, that
every citizen has their own mind and voice that should be represented. Be that as it
may, when language is presented in a derogatory or hateful manner towards another
individual, or group of individuals, I believe it should be prevented. It falls upon the
government to uphold and protect the welfare of every citizen, and to guard them
from offensive and threatening speech regardless of their race, sex, gender, religion,
or disabilities. The result of this conflict calls into question whether or not hate speech
is free speech, and if the government is legitimate in its restriction and prevention of
such. According to Simpson, the first step is being able to distinguish between
direct and indirect harms that may be attributed to hate speech (706). In doing so,
it can be proven if the hate was intentional and therefore justify the actions of
limiting hate speech. If the harm implied was direct, it may result in a loss of
dignity and be physically and mentally degrading. One critic draws upon this idea
of individual dignity being infringed upon when he states that it diminishes their
status in some disconcernable sense, beyond merely being a manifestation of the
speaker s view of them as inferior or second class people (Simpson 710). This
creates even more discord between social groups if, by means of hateful speech and
actions, a group is diminished in value and viewed in lesser worth. Instances of hate
speech similar to this have dated back for centuries, but are surprisingly more
prominent today on college campuses. It comes to attention, not just the act of hate
speech itself, but the negative connotation it has on the individual or group affected
by the negativity. Those responsible for the degrading are not trying to convey an
insightful message, rather than just loudly express their ideas in an offensive way,
should have their speech limited. In this manner, the purpose
Research Paper On The Great San Francisco Earthquake
The great San Francisco Earthquake was a very deadly earthquake that occurred on
April 18, 1906 at 5:12 a.m. The quake was so big that it could be felt from South
Oregon to LA, as well as central Nevada. It broke the San Andreas fault, both north
and south, 296 miles total. Fires occurred right after the quake, and because the
earthquakehad broken most of the water pipes, the fires burned for three days,
causing around 28,000 buildings to burn down and more than 3,000 deaths. This
caused $500,000,000 ($500 million) in damages in 1906 currency. In our currency
as of last year, this would have costed them a little over $12.6 billion dollars,
$12,640,444,679.72 to be exact, in damages.
The city had had building codes that kept the homes
Malcolm Fraser Research Paper
Malcolm Fraser Born on the 21st of May, 1930, Malcolm Fraser was born in
Toorak, Victoria. He was taught in the Melbourne Grammar School, from 1943 to
1948, then was taught in Oxford University, located in London, from 1949.
Graduating from Oxford University in 1952, Malcolm Fraser took his career path
to becoming a cultivator. He married Tamara Beggs on the 9th of December 1956
and Tamara s named was changed to Tamie Fraser. They had four children whose
names were Mark, born in 1958, Angela, born in 1959, Hugh, born in 1963 and
Phoebe, born in 1966. Around the same year as Phoebe was born, Malcolm Fraser
was declared the Australian Army Minister, from the 26th of January 1966 to the 28th
of February 1983. Being the Australian Army Minister, Malcolm Fraser had argued
about the controversial Vietnam War debate. It was about the needs of sending young
Australian men, who were under 20 years old were sent to Vietnam.... Show more
content on ...
Being the minster for education and science, he had accomplished a great amount
of things, he was the education minster from the 28th of November 1968 to the
12tho of November 1969. Once he stopped his job as the Education Minster,
Malcolm became the Australian Defence Minister from the 12th of November
1969 to the 8th of March 1971. After quitting the job as the Defence Minster,
Malcolm Fraser, had turned his head back to the Education Minster. Malcolm
Fraser was in charge of the electorate of Wannon, located in Victoria. While doing
that he was juggling the task of a backbencher for Robert Gordon Menzie s party.
Moved to the job of Prime Minster on the 11th of November 1975, he was voted
into parliament after Gogh Whitlam was forced out of the seat of prime Minster,
because of the Governor General, Sir John Kerr. As the 22nd Prime Minster, many
things had awaited him for the
Physics Of Oscillations In Physics
This report investigates resonance phenomena of driven damped simple harmonic
oscillations by measuring accelerations and frequencies of an oscillator. Since it
turned out that oscillations with low damping have smaller errors than those with
high damping, small damping cases are employed to examine the resonance
phenomena. Based on the Newton s 2nd Law cite{book}, the motion of oscillations
can be modeled by the following differential equation and its solution.
begin{equation} label{eq1}
ddot x+2gamma dot x+omega_{0}^{2} x=left(frac{F_{0}}{m}right)e^{iomega
begin{equation} label{eq2} x(omega)=frac{F_{0}/m}{omega_{0}^{2}
omega^{2}+2igammaomega}=A(omega)cos(omega t phi)
Acceleration ... Show more content on ...
In total, 16 experimental data points have been taken after settling to each steady
state for various driven frequencies. The voltage data obtained in Lab View is then
converted to the acceleration data by multiplying its amplitudes by the slope of the
two calibration points. Here, the voltage data is calibrated with gravity only and
with no acceleration. The slope is called calibration factor. Errors for accelerations
are the calibration factor times the error of the cursor measurements of Lab View,
and that is the minimum difference Lab View can measure. Errors for the phase
shifts are obtained by equation ref{eq5} where (Delta fВҐ) is an error for the
driven frequency derived from the variation in frequency displayed on the
oscilloscope cite{oscilloscope}, (t) is a time shift between the peak of the
acceleration of the oscillator and the driven force, (Delta t) is an error for the time
derived from the grid square size in the Lab View waveform graph.
begin{equation} label{eq5}
Delta phi = phi sqrt{(frac{Delta f}{f})^{2}+(frac{Delta t}{t})^{2}}
At the beginning of the experiment, the natural frequency of the oscillator with
neither the eddy currents nor driving force is observed as (omega_{0} = 75.7 pm
0.1 ) rad/s or equivalently (f_{0} = 12.05 pm 0.01 ) Hz.
The result of the experiment is summarized in Figure ~ref{fg:A} and
~ref{fg:AandPhi}. The overall
Essay about Metamorphosis of Celie in Alice Walker s...
The Metamorphosis of Celie in The Color Purple
For people to be equal they need a chance to become equal by self discovering
themselves. As we are growing older during our childhood we depend on our
environment, parents, and peers to create our self image. Within our environment we
are always trying to develop new insights in order to identify, clarify, connect and
account for our beliefs. Even the underlying cause of dysfunctional relationships lies
in crucial events in our life experience. The environment in which one is raised and
developed will have a large affect on the individual. Most of the people that succeed
in life come from stable families, in well positioned environments. While those that
are not fortunate enough ... Show more content on ...
. .a man s world (Klosowski 4). As a result of Celie s environment she never get s a
fair opportunity to self discover until she gets away from her surroundings.
The society in which she lived forced her to act the way she did. Walker shows Celie
as part of a community which shares struggles, and women are oppressed by men.
In this society, The white man destroyed the black man, the black man destroyed
the woman( Klosowski 5). Celie is dominated and abused by the majority of the
male figure in the novel including her stepfather. Her stepfather was a major
influence in her life. Her stepfather raped her, causing the birth of two children
whom he gave away to an old friend. The second man in her life, her husband,
abused her not only physically by beating her but he also abused her verbally by
calling her names. These two men left her subdued and passive. She became
emotionally dead with this
suppression of her personality of who she was. she was just a person who cooked
and cleaned and took care of the children without any consideration given to her.
She is uneducated because her father took her out off school as a result of her
pregnancies. Celie is raised in an environment where she wasn t allow to have a
mind of her own because her father dominated and controlled all her actions. For
example, Celie writes letters to God because she has been warned by her
Bradycardia Lab
Lab Objective
The purpose of this lab is to see how different temperatures influence the diving reflex
which involves three factors: bradycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction, and blood
shift. Effect on heart rate will be determined in this experiment.
Hypothesis It is expected that immediate submersion in cold water will result in
bradycardia because of the decrease in cardiac output that occurs. In order to maintain
normal blood pressure, heart rate must decrease. Reducing the heart rate and cardiac
output allows for greater conservation of oxygen.
Background and Introduction The diving reflex is a method found in animals and all
mammals to manage oxygen levels allowing them to spend time underwater longer.
Conservation of oxygen is important ... Show more content on ...
This is an effect of the diving reflex resulting in bradycardia. The data also showed
that the colder the water, the greater the reduction in heart rate. For both subjects,
the average heart rate for the first three conditions (resting, apnea, and 25CВ° or
room temperature water) were fairly the same for each subject. This is because their
bodies had not triggered the diving reflex yet. Activation of the diving reflex must be
done quickly and in very cold water. Both subjects showed similar results in that the
heart rate continued decreasing as their faces were submerged in colder water.
Although the heart rates differ between the two subjects, this is not a significant
difference and is due to the subject s own physiological system. Both data from each
subjects were consistent with each other. This experiment demonstrate that
temperature does have an influence on the diving reflex since the heart rate was
lower in the 5CВ° temperature than the 15CВ° or
A Brief Note On The New Fiber Camera Test
SAB1 Staff Engineer 2015 first class rate of 91.4%. The five year average is 92.6%.
Significant Events Red Circle The SAB1 system was one of the first systems that
red circle was implemented on. I served as a process engineering resource for the
implementation team and monitored the controls as they were implemented to
ensure that the process continued to run well. Several times, when a new control
was turned on, it would not behave as expected or would uncover a problem that
was not anticipated, as the system engineer, I worked to prevent them before they
could cause a process upset or recognize and mitigate these problems as they were
encountered. SAB1 Filter Problems The new fiber camera test is significantly more
sensitive than ... Show more content on ...
White Spec Contamination A hole in the floor allowed RA material to get into a
SAB1 Wash Tank. Using Kepner Tregoe problem solving techniques, I was able to
quickly determine the root cause and extent of the problem minimizing the amount
of off class. Improve Mixer and Turbo Operation Alarms were developed and added
to the mixers that will alert operations when a mixer did not get all of its chemicals.
This alarm has helped us detect failing valves. Additionally, the OH model was
modified so that turbo temperatures are reduced when a turbo reaches OH set point.
This has prevented small production upsets from getting worse due to over
hydrolyzed dope.
Solus Free Acid Root Cause Determination Worked on a team to determine why
Solus had elevated levels of free acid after only a short time in storage. It was
determined that the root cause is inherent to low viscosity esters and is not something
that can be changed with different stabilization or new bags.
Online Flashed Acid Supply Determined it is not a cost effective project Many
yard tanks in building 120 are in need of major repair or replacement. Each yard
tank costs approximately $3 million to replace. I investigated the potential of going
to an online supply of flashed acid. This would allow yard tank 16 to be used in an
alternate service and would reduce the number of yard tanks that need to be rebuilt. It
was determined through dynamic modeling with the Advanced Controls Group that
The Ulysses Mission Essay
The Ulysses spacecraft was first and only spacecraft designed and lunched to study
the Sun from outside the lower solar latitudes. All other space craft that studied the
Sun stayed along the same elliptical plane that the Earth is on. The spacecraft was
part of a joint venture between NASA and the ESA. Originally planed as a two
spacecraft mission called the International Solar Polar Mission, it was scaled down
to one probe due to NASAcutbacks in funding. This resulted in the ESA designing
the spacecraft and NASA lunching it from Space ShuttleDiscovery in 1990.
The Spacecraft then flew to Jupiter in two years. It used Jupiter s gravity to increase
its speed and alter its orbit downward and away from ecliptic plane. By the end ...
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Its mission was extended to allow for a third and final approved to the Polar
Regions. The last orbit happened in 2008 and by 2009 all communication ended with
the probe.
The spacecraft was launched from Discovery and it proceeded to Jupiter under
power from Boeing and McDonnell Douglas rockets. The main body of the space
craft was almost a cubic meter in size and was powered by a radioisotope
thermoelectric generator. The radioisotope thermoelectric generator converts energy
from the heat generated from radioactive decay to electrical energy for the
spacecraft to use. It used hydrazine for its source of fuel used in course corrections.
Two beryllium copper antennas perpendicular to the radioisotope thermoelectric
generator reached out seventy two meters. A third antenna was along the spin axis
opposite of the dish. The last side of the spacecraft contained a experiment boom that
had instruments to collect X ray data from solar flares. The boom also contained two
magnetometers. On the main body of the spacecraft it also contained detectors for
various particles and subatomic particles.
The Ulysses was one of NASA s and ESA s longest lasting missions, lasting over
nineteen years. It was able to record data from the polar regains of the Sun and thanks
to extending the original mission three times the original amount it was able to do
that three times and is still the only spacecraft that has done that.
Given To Fly Eddie Vedder Meaning
In 1991 when Eddie Vedder wrote and performed his album Ten, he knew he was
competing with the big time grunge band; Nirvana. Once it hit the stage it was clear
there was no competition. Eddie s deep, emotional messages throughout this album,
his shaky, raspy voice that transfers from screaming lyrics to soft, poetic like
speaking. All tied together with his hard to hate persona that can be heard throughout
this album and every album made by Eddie Vedder.
In the song Given To Fly Eddie says He got up out of there, ran for hundreds of
miles / He made it to the ocean, had a smoke in a tree / The wind rose up, set him
down on his knee. In this verse Eddie is describing his life and how he needs to get
away from it all and just have a peaceful break, alone. Vedder likes to use his life in
third person in most of his songs to make his message more distant, and almost
more easily relatable. The song Given To Fly is actually a second or a reference to
the song Going to California By Led Zeppelin and how just leaving might help out
more than anything. Throughout the album there are several different songs with
an abundance of different meanings. The song, Alive, has one of the deepest
messages that is tied to his life personally. The song is about a boy that finds out
that who he thought was his father, is actually his stepfather and his real father is
dead. Eddie said the song is a work of fiction based on reality (SK) . When Vedder
was born his mom had left his father and
Violent Video Games Do NOT Contribute to Youth
Although violent video games are thought to encourage real world violence, they
actually help to prevent it. I am focusing on violent video games and how they affect
juveniles because I feel that this issue needs to be looked at in the criminal justice
community. It is an unnecessary distraction to blame the actions of a disturbed youth
on a form of entertainment that has been used by millions of people without incident.
A review article published in The Psychiatric Quarterly found that many studies
which claim to indicate an increase in aggression due to video games are, in fact,
biased! Once the bias is taken into account, the studies no longer find any correlation
between youths who play violent video games and youths who... Show more content
on ...
In their research of violent videogames and the effect on children, they have found
that the simplistic belief that exposure to media violence will lead directly to
individual violence is clearly wrong. (Kutner, Olsen, 2008) I am going to ask you to
look deeper than this. I assert that although violent video games are thought to
encourage real world violence, they actually help to prevent it.
Level 1: What Games Can Do For You
Video game violence does not cause youth violence and in fact may help to curb
this violence. Violent video games have never been proven to cause youth
violence. One of the most looked at franchises in video game history is Grand
Theft Auto (GTA). However, since GTA hit the scene in a big way in 2001, youth
violent crime has actually decreased! (Snyder, Sickmund, 2006) By 2003 the GTA
franchise had already sold 22 million copies worldwide since the release of GTA
III in 2001. (Take Two Interactive, 2004) GTA games have violence, prostitution,
and offensive language. I believe that allowing adolescents to play these games
works as a method of relaxation and release of stress. Teens and violence have gone
hand in hand for years. In the 1990s youth violence hit an all time high. (Snyder,
Sickmund, 2006) Since the release of GTA III we have seen a decrease in youth
violence. I believe that the reason for this centers around
Through Growing Up On A Family Farm In A Rural
Through growing up on a family farm in a rural community I have been fortunate
enough to fall in love with the agriculture sector. In discovering my passion for
agriculture I have pursued a career as a Corn Specialist for AgriGold, of which we
will be discussing throughout this essay. AgriGold is a company within the
Agricultural Sector that in the past had solely focused on selling seed corn, but as
we will discuss later they now offer soybeans and a technology platform. They are
the 3rd largest seed corn company in the United Statesand their parent company is
AgReliant Genetics located in Westfield, IN.
Our main focus will not be on AgriGold as a brand, but on one of their most recent
advertisements. The advertisement we will be ... Show more content on ...
For the simple fact that you aren t sending post cards out to everyone, you are also
able to create the overall effectiveness of the advertisement. The overall effectiveness
will be benefited due to the fact that you will be advertising only to the potential
customers of your market.
When you look at the product that is being advertised by AgriGold, you have to
consider a few different things when determining where it lies exactly within its life
cycle. When you consider the product to be seed corn itself, the product has reached
maturity and is beginning to enter the declining stage. What is meant by this is the
fact that seed corn solely as a product has been sold for centuries and has reached its
maximum penetration point within the market (given that people continue with their
traditional crop rotation strategies). Yet, I said that it is beginning to enter into the
declining stage. When I say that seed corn is beginning to enter the declining stage I
am referring to the fact that there is only a limited amount of land available to plant.
As the populations grow, there is less land that is used for agricultural purposes,
which ultimately correlates into declining demand for seed corn. While seed corn
will always remain a very important and high value product, there
How Can Confessional Poetry Help Us Express Ideas And...
Previously acquired knowledge and skills applied in this lesson
Literary Elements: tone, theme, mood, author s purpose, repetition
Poetry Analysis Elements: speaker, impression, context
Students must actively participate in classroom discussion and respond to teacher
and peers in a respectful and educational manner.
Open ended exit ticket response
Goals, Objectives, and Standards
1.Academic goal(s): How can confessional poetry help us express ideas and beliefs
we wish our teachers knew? Specific objectives (stated in observable and/or
measurable terms):
a.Students will use analyze and discuss a poem in an appropriate group discussion.
b.Students will use literary elements to dissect and discuss a confessional poem.
c.Students will use poetry to express their own beliefs on what they wish their
teachers knew about them.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including
figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word
choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and
place; how it sets a formal or informal tone).
By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and
poems, in the grades 9 10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as
needed at the high end of the range.
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to
How Did Adam Goodes Influence Australia
Adam Goodes
Sports have been a part of the Australian culture for as long as we can remember.
Adam Goodes is one major example of our success in Sports. A member of
Indigenous Team of the Century and Sydney Swans, he professionally plays in The
Australian Football League. Holding a dual Brownlow Medal, dual premiership
player and four time All Australian, he represents Australiain the International Rules
Adam Goodes, born 8th of January of year 1980, age 35, is one of the most
revered AFL players in our history. Born to Lisa May and Graham Goodes, with
siblings Jake and Brett in South Australia, he began to play Australian rules Football
at Merbein West Primary School at the tender age of 6. Some friends and family
chose to drag ... Show more content on ...
Standing at 191 cm and weighing 100 kg, Goodes, though part aboriginal, has
impacted the Australia s sporting and cultural activity. Goodes was once
controversial for his style of playing, he retaliated with a no. He will not change
his way of playing though there are critics. Goodes did a pretty good job in his
field, earning encouragement and followers. Outside his football career, he is an
active advocate of Anti Racism and Charity. He founded the Go Foundation.
Goodes is affiliated with charity. He raised $27,000 for his aid organization.
Goodes often spoke out for improved race relations and says that he is a proud
Adnyamathanha man, He became involved in an incident on May 24, 2013,
during Sydney s Indigenous Round match against Collingwood, when a 13 year
old girl sitting in the stands called him an ape. Goodes stopped play to point out the
girl to security and demand that she be ejected. Though he clarifies that he has not
pointed her out to have everyone against her, but rather he even asked that people
support the girl much as they support him. He stated that he did what he did because
the girl and the people who heard may be educated and a situation like it never
happens again. That opportunity to not only educate a 13 year old girl but help
educate other members who sit in the football crowds, people in the communities,
people in the society, that those sort of things
Mindfulness Reflection Paper
I have a somewhat regular, yet sincere contemplative mindfulness practice that helps
me understand why I experience life the way I do both internally and externally. I get
to see my own urges, those I m not really aware of such as the urge to multi task.
Practicing mindfulness meditation and other mindfulness practices I learned to
become in touch with my own urges and to control them through awareness and self
discipline. So, here are a few reflections for your coffee time. As you sip on your
deliciously made aromatic coffee, tea or hot cocoa accept these thoughts for your
Finally, at the 3rd mindfulness class I took with Daniel, I decided to do the
homework he had suggested to everyone, which was to do one thing we do routinely
during the day, mindfully. That is to be with the experience of it and fully giving it
our undivided attention. For example, if we chose brushing our teeth, he said, to
brush slowly, feel every stroke as the brush moved around the mouth, what it felt like,
the taste of the tooth paste, what the mind was doing; observe everything about that
experience, while also focusing on our breath. This was our mindfulness exercise,
which to me didn t sound too exciting. It took a lot of self discipline to be able to
stay with an activity and not wonder off in the mind. So,I never did the tooth brush
Until that final day of having burnt my 967th pita bread and screamed to myself, this
is so annoying. It s not acceptable anymore!
Analysis Of Francesco Petrach s The Ascent Of Mont
The beginning of the Renaissance brought many changes to the world. It became
known as the Age of Exploration and it brought in a new perspective on art. This
perspective on art is shown through anything from visual arts to literary art. This time
period also introduced the rise of humanism. It brought into the picture a very
optimistic view of humanity. This was shown especially in the work The Ascent of
Mont Ventouxby Francesco Petrarch. This work refers back to Book X of
Confessions by Saint Augustine when Petrarch reaches the top of the mountain.
Although they are both dealing with the same passage, Petrarch and Augustine seem
to interpret it in very different ways. Petrarch wrote the Ascent of Mont Ventoux as a
young man. It is a letter to his former confessor, Dionigi di Borgo San Sepolcro,
because he was in seminary school. The letter is essentially a travel journal about his
journey up Mont Ventoux. Petrarch initially wanted to take this journey with his
friends, but they either refused or were not up to his standards. He decide to just
climb the mountain with his brother. At the beginning of the journey, Petrarch writes
about his encounter with an old, cranky man in the foothills of the mountain. The
man pretty much tells them that it is a dumb idea which just encourages them to
finish the journey even more. They eventually reach the top of the mountain a few
days later. At the top, Petrarch pulls out his copy of Confessions and reads a small
portion. He
Australian Stereotypes
How do you compare to the average Australian?
Australia is a large and diverse country, and every five years, the Census aims to
gather information from every citizen across the country. The census looks at the
characteristics of the typical Australian. However, the fact that no one meets all the
criteria of the average Australian shows the considerable, growing diversity of the
Is the average Australian a man or a woman?
Despite many people s perception of the typical Australian being male, the average
Australian actually a woman: according to the 2011 census, 50.6% of Australia s
population are female.
How old is the average Australian?
From the analysis of the 2011 census, the average Australian was 37 years old. In
different parts of Australia the median age is quite different to the Australian... Show
more content on ...
The second most common language spoken at home at 1.6% is Mandarin.
What is their religion?
The average Australian belongs to a Christian religion. The most common religion is
Catholic at 25.3% of Australia s population. The next most common religious
affiliation is actually no religion at 25.3% of Australia s population.
What do they do for a living?
For both men and women the most common occupation in Australia, according to the
2011 census was a sales assistant. For men, other common occupations were a truck
driver, electrician, and retail manager, for women other common occupations were a
general clerk, primary school teacher, and office manager.
How many hours do they work?
The average employed man worked 41 hours during the week before Census Night
in 2011 and the average employed woman worked 32 hours. However, the situation
became reversed when comparing to the unpaid domestic work. The average man
did less than five hours in the last week while the average woman did five hours or
How do they get to
Methods and Myths of Traditional African Medicines and
Methods and Myths of Traditional African Medicines and its Place in Modern
Society Traditional African medicines, and the spiritual healers that administer
these medicines are an important part of African society. For many centuries and
even millenniums these healers with there spiritual and naturalistic remedies have
been responsible for taking care of the African world as we know it. Traditional
African medicines have been a greater help to all of society and modern science,
but still lie at the root of much controversy over its ability to be a valid healing
tool. Some doctor s and scientist believe that a possible placebo effect may be the
root of what makes these remedies and rituals work; but there is also evidence that...
Show more content on ...
Becoming a traditional healer requires an intense amount of SBA, an ancient
Kemetic word meaning teaching, learning, wisdom, and study, or overall deep
thought(1). In fact, the process of learning to become a healer consist of a very
high level of learning; it is necessary that every healer be taught properly, in order
for him or her to be able to share his knowledge properly with the forthcoming
generation. For the aspiring healer, one must first become a good learner and
listener before one can become a good teacher; the two concepts of teaching and
learning are intertwined, one hand washes the other. Once this level of SBA is
reached as a healer, the whole world is seen in a different light so says Asa G.
Hilliard. III. Sounds are heard that no one can hear, visions that no one else can see
are seen by the healer. After his training the healer walks through the same world
every person walks through. But he sees signs others just don t see. He hears
sounds others don t hear. The same tree that just stands there dumbly to everyone,
to the healer its leaves have something to say. The healer learns the meaning of the
river s sound, of the sounds of the forest animals. And when he needs the curing spirit
from a plant , if his eyes are well prepared , he may see from a great distance some
small sign of a leaf that is ready
Kaplan University Case Study
Kaplan University (KU) is that the doing managing as (DBA) name of the Iowa
staff Acquisition Firm, a supplement that possesses and works revenue driven
schools. it s claimed by Kaplan, Inc., a supporter of Graham Holdings cordial
relationship. Kaplan Lincoln is dominantly an aloofness learning medicinal building
of upper guiding that is locally approved by the upper Learning Certification and
could be an individual from the Direction midmost Association of schools and
universities (NCA). Kaplan Universitywas named in perceive of Journalist H.
Kaplan, World Health Organization upheld Kaplan Tryout school task. In 2014 U.S.
interest amp; Reality Estimation stratified Kaplan Lincoln as fifty six of 205 inside
of the on line knight s PC code... Show more content on ...
per the New Royalty Times, twenty third of Kaplan s projects lose the arranged
paid work tenets, partner degreed an a considerable measure of 100% territory unit
ungenerous to unsuccessful. This execution that a generous notification of Kaplan
graduates region unit not able to pay viewpoint their graduate advances. In 2015,
Kaplan finished with yank officers identifying with claims that it utilized teachers
World Health Organization weren t enlisted. Nearly three hundred distinct
understudies of Kaplan offer get teaching method discounts as origination of the
choosing. The Land fabricate of Commerce was perceived in 1937 preceding
regularly changing its speak to look workforce. In November 2000, Search staff s
choice was changed to Kaplan College when Kaplan, Inc. noninheritable it with the
obtaining of Hunt Pedagogy House. In September 2004, Kaplan personnel formally
changed its examine to Kaplan University when it had been recognized consent to
proffer graduate level evaluation programs. The college s train of nursing was
honored a mortal grown up liberation for its Man of Ability in Nursing level in April
2006 from the Command on Body Nursing Instruction
The Life of Henry Knox
The life of Henry Knox
Early Life
Henry Knox was born on July 25, 1750 in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the
seventh of ten children to William Knox and Mary Knox. In 1759 William Knox a
migrant captain died at the age of fifty after suffering financial difficulties. Three
years after the death of his father and at the age of twelve, Henry Knox was forced to
leave the Boston Latin Grammar school and went to work to support his family.
He was hired as a apprentice to a bookseller were he mastered the trade and opened
his own shop, The London Book Store at the age of 21. Henry was an enthusiastic
reader and spend his time reading about military topics focusing on artillery.
In 1770 Knox was involved in the Sons of ... Show more content on
The guns and mortars were then transferred by ox drawn sleds across Massachusetts.
This process took them fifty six days to complete this journey in the bitter winter
weather. When they arrived in Boston, Washington place the guns on top of
Dorchester Heights which commanded the city and harbor. Rather than face
bombardment, the British evacuated the city on March 17, 1776 .After the victory at
Boston, Knox was sent to Rhode Island and Connecticut to supervise the construction
of fortifications.
After the return of the Continental army, Knox became Washington s chief of artillery.
That fall
Knox was present during the American defeat around New York , Knox retreated
across New
Jersey in December with what was left of the army. Knox was made overseer of the
army s crossing of the Delaware river during the attack on Trenton. With the
assistance of Colonel John
Glover, Knox successfully completed the crossing on time. After his success Knox
was promoted to Brigadier General. During the winter break, Knox returned to
Massachusetts with a plan to improve weapons production. He traveled to
Springfield armory and became a key producer of American weapons for almost
two centuries. In the winter at Valley Forge, Knox helped in securing supplies and
assisted Baron von Steuben in drilling the troops. For the next two years, Knox was
sent north to secure supplies for army and in 1780 served on the court martial of
British spy Major John Andre.
Charles Dickens Contributions
Charles Dickens was a famous writer from the Victorian Era. His works were so
detailed and descriptive, one his most famous the A Christmas Carol is one of the
most iconic books today. Most of Dickens characters were real people who made an
impact on his life. His writing helped stop child labor and abusement; even Queen
Victoria valued his books and stories. Charles Dickenswas an amazing novelist who
used his early life experiences to turn them into breathtaking novels. Charles will
forever be renown for his inspirational, famous, and eye opening novels.
Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, England. He was
the second youngest of eight children of a mid lower class family. His siblings
were Alfred Lambert, Augustus, Frederick, Harriet, Frances, Alfred Allen, and
Letitia Dickens. Charles s father, John Dickens, was a clerk in a payroll office for
the navy. His mother was Elizabeth Barrow she was very sociable and loved to
have friends over for dinner, but the family was financially unstable. In his
household, he also had a nanny, Mary Weller, who helped his mother take care of
the children. Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever
spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration. (Dickens). At a very
young age, Charles aspired to become a gentleman and wanted to be educated and
At the age of twelve years old, the worst thing happened to Charles s family; for the
failure of paying the
The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton
And being a criminal shouldn t? I think Crooked Hillary has more than enough
reasons that are far more damaging to prevent her from even running for president.
Call trump all the names you want Hillary Clinton is a liberal war hawk that has
lied and broken the law far too many timesAnd being a criminal shouldn t? I think
Crooked Hillary has more than enough reasons that are far more damaging to
prevent her from even running for president. Call trump all the names you want
Hillary Clinton is a liberal war hawk that has lied and broken the law far too many
timesAnd being a criminal shouldn t? I think Crooked Hillary has more than enough
reasons that are far more damaging to prevent her from even running for president.
Call trump all the names
Roman Pantheon Research Paper
Ancient Architectural Prodigies of the Greeks and Romans Initial observations of the
Roman Pantheon from the front appear to be similar to the ruins of the Greek
Parthenon, but really both structures are somewhat unique in their composition,
purpose, design, and fate. Constructed over half of a millennium after the Parthenon
was built, the Pantheon, built in 27 B.C., exhibits some of the architectural styles and
characteristics of its predecessor. However, the Romans refined Greek building
techniques, thereby developing a unique and more advanced architectural style.
Although their names resemble each other, the Pantheon and the Parthenon possess
contrasting translations of their names. The Parthenon was built as a temple for
worshipping a single deity, Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. Parthenos is a
Greek word that means virgin and the Greeks considered Athena to be a virgin
goddess (Beard 44). On the contrary, the Pantheon was initially used as a temple for
worshipping multiple Roman deities. Pantheon is translated from the Greek word
pan, meaning all, and theon, which means building of the gods (Tuck 219).... Show
more content on ...
Forty six columns encompassed the outer edge of the building, with fifteen on each
side and eight on each end, counting the corners with the ends. Internally, thirty four
additional columns were utilized for ornamentation and support. In contrast, the
Pantheon s most distinguishing feature is its colossal rotunda, 141 feet in diameter,
resting on a gigantic concrete drum, which together could contain a sphere of the
same diameter (Tuck 219,221). Adjoined to the rotunda, at the entrance, an
intermediate block and a porch with a high pediment serves to hide prospective
glimpses of it from the front (Tuck
Sunrise Medical s Wheelchair Products Essay
1. The average return on sales (ROS) in the US wheelchair industry is between 1 2%
in 1993. What are the most important structural conditions that make the industry
Evaluating the industry based on Porter s Five Forces framework, the following stand
out as the most import conditions making the industry unattractive:
В•Bargaining Power of Customers: About seventy five percent of wheelchair sales in
the US were covered by insurance. Medicare was the primary insurance program,
and other insurers often followed Medicare s lead. Medicare limited reimbursements,
which kept a lid on the price of standard and lightweight standard chairs. More
expensive chairs were not fully covered, which could dampen demand for those
products. ... Show more content on ...
The process was labor intensive, but fully integrated manufacturing only required a
$1 million investment in machine tools. Prefabricated parts were available for
assemblers, who could enter the market with an investment of just $300,000.
Furthermore, no competitor held any significant patents.
How are the conditions changing?
В•Medicare: Medicare, the primary insurer, increased its reimbursement levels,
extending full coverage for lightweight standard models to $850, up from the old
$650 coverage for standard models. This made the space more attractive.
В•Technology: Despite an FDA delay, Quickie was poised to launch a new special
feature power wheelchair that eliminated the need for a manual backup. While this
could cannibalize some of Sunrise s sales, it was more of a threat to Invacare, and
such a model had no substitutes.
2. Does Sunrise s Quickie division have a competitive advantage in wheelchairs?
Quickie does have an advantage in ultralight wheelchairs based on the following:
В•Dominant market share В– 49%
В•High price В– Retail prices range from $1100 to $3150
В•Differentiation В– Bright colors and used for wheel chair sports, which appeals to
a specific niche user. Presumably, this user has a higher willingness to pay.
What accounts for the difference in ROS between Quickie, Guardian, Invacare, and
Everest Jennings (E J)?
E J is hampered by its cost structure. The income analysis
Setting In Ray Bradbury s All Summer In A Day
2,555 days. 2,554 of those you re under a dark constant cloud of rain, and the world
seems to follow along with the grayness of the sky. But once, out of those 2,555
days, a bright light shines upon the horizon. For that day, the world seems to be alive
again. But for Margot, the main character in Ray Bradbury s All Summer In a Day,
that opportunity was stripped away from her. In this story, the setting is on the planet
Venus, when humans from Earth decided to set up civilization and move to the
planet. The problem on Venus, though, is that it rains straight for seven years, Out of
those seven years, the Suncomes out for only one day. Margot came to Venus only
five years ago, so she remembers the Sun in all its glory. The other children on
Case Study Of Honey Glaze Cakes
In its eight years of operation, there has been no change in its management style.
The owners of Honey Glaze Cakes are still its managers as well. According to Mrs.
Aileen Conde, they also don t have any partners or stockholders with them in the
business even up to this date. Basically, they account a major part of their success to
themselves and to their employees. Quoting her statement, she mentioned that ... this
(shop) will never be as prosperous as it is today if it weren t for everyone s hard work
and dedication.
So far, the whole Honey Glaze Cakes team is composed of its owners, three (3)
people in the Sales Marketing Department and three (3) departments under the Baking
and Production Division which is then composed of on call employees ... Show more
content on ...
And as I have learned from our Marketing class discussion, managing and
establishing a good branding of your products are of great importance when entering
into the realm of business. But, despite its known importance, many people may still
have linked the meaning of brand to just the name or label of a business. Here, we
must know that it is definitely more than just that.
As defined by Kotler and Armstrong (2013), a brand is a name, term, sign, symbol,
design, or a combination of these that identifies the seller or the product or service
from its competitors. With that being said, it really does encompass a broader
definition as to what the name only suggests. Thus, anything associated with its
composition name, term, sign, symbol or design can critically affect the brand of a
business and hence, could make or break your business per
Essay about Descartes View on the Senses
Descartes first meditation included a few arguments that Descartes studied and
analyze. The one I choose to analyze was his argument of sense deception. The
actually argument is the following: (1) My senses sometimes deceive me. (2) If my
senses sometimes deceive me, then they might always deceive me. (3) If my senses
might always deceive me, then I cannot be certain about any beliefs acquired through
my senses. (4) If I cannot be certain about any beliefs acquired through my senses,
then I must suspend judgment on those beliefs. (5) Therefore I must suspend my
judgment of those beliefs. To put this is premise conclusion argument form, it would
look like this:
If A then B
If B then C
If C then D
Therefore D
This form is ... Show more content on ...
1993. Meditations on First Philosophy. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing
Company, page 14 pencil in a glass of water, the pencil will look like it is broken in
half, but it is just the property of water that makes it seem like it s broken. The
next premise is that if my senses sometimes deceive me, then they might always
deceive me. He stated that, In a mark of prudence never to place our complete trust
in those who have deceived us even once2. So what Descartes means is that if
someone or something deceives you once, there is a possibility that it will deceive
you again. So you cannot fully trust that someone or something. His third premise
was, If my senses might always deceive me, then I cannot be certain about any
beliefs acquired through my senses. Descartes demands certainty. Therefore if
something deceives him once, he cannot be certain it will not deceive him again.
He cannot base any of his beliefs on his sense since he is not certain about his sense
misleading him. His last premise was, If I cannot be certain about any beliefs
acquired through my senses, then I must suspend judgment on those beliefs. Since he
feels he cannot be certain about any beliefs that he gets from senses, he has to stop
making conclusion based on those beliefs he got from his senses, because of his lack
of certainty. Then he concludes by saying he must suspend judgment on those beliefs.
This argument is a form of multiple modus ponens.
Essay On Student Debt
MaKenzie Eddins
Mr. Mitchell
English 1301.02
13 November, 2017
College Tuition: Is It Worth It?
In 2016, college grads graduated with an average of $37,172 in student loan debt.
This is a 6% increase from the previous year, and the rates increase as colleges
become more expensive. Going to a University or College is looked upon as a luxury
or a privilege nowadays. Good paying jobs that supply good living standards are
requiring at least a bachelor s degree to be considered for hiring. Any persons,
including college students, should not be forced to live with, be pressured by, or be
under the control of student loan debt. Student loan debt has been proven to have an
impact on a person s mental health. It keeps the less fortunate from having a chance
to prosper in a competitive workforce, and the system that provides financial aid
(FAFSA) doesn t always meet a person s needs completely. College should be an
earned right for those who have stuck through the education process as an adolescent.
An article in The Atlantic, an online news source, talks about a person s mental health
while living with student debt. The author, Gillian B. White, pulls evidence from a
2013 study published in Anxiety, Coping and Stress, from the University of Southern
California, in which states, those with greater financial strain perceived more stress,
had more symptoms of depression, anxiety, and ill health. This quote states that a
person with more financial strain was shown to undergo more stress, and increase
signs of depression, anxiety, and bad health. This statistic proves that giving a young
adult a financial burden to live with for years, takes a major toll on their mental
health status. Mental health is a serious issue, and shouldn t be taken so lightly.
In addition to suffering mental health issues, student loan debt keeps many low
income students from being interested in furthering their education. In an archived
information page from the U.S. Department of Education, it states that, Students who
do not attend college or who drop out quickly are predominantly persons from low
income families, living in underdeveloped areas within major cities or in sparsely
populated rural areas, and who have attended ineffective
The Pros And Cons Of Co-Branding
Co Branding
True Alliance Financial offers a co branding strategy to help your business to create a
marketing synergy. This helps your customer to know your core competencies and
have more knowledge to your brand.
True Alliance Financial offers co branding which is also called brand partnership, it
is when two companies form an alliance to work together and create a marketing
synergy. Co branding is an arrangement that associates a single product or service
with more than one brand name, or otherwise associates a product with someone
other than the principal producer. The objective for this is to combine the strength of
two brands, in order to increase the premium consumers are willing to pay, make the
product or service more resistant to copying ... Show more content on
By combining multiple products under a single brand, a company is able to take
advantage of its previous investment. When businesses put together separate brands,
they hope to also combine the value and investments that those brands represent.
When successful, both strategies are a way of maximizing value and saving money.
We can help your business through co branding and help you get the brand that will
best compliment or enhance your products and/or services you offer. We True
Alliance Financial you can be the next Hershey combining with General Mills which
established a sweet relationship with the Chocolate Giant and Betty Crocker, Best
Western and Harley Davidson teamed up and created Best Western Ride Rewards, an
exclusive Harley Davidson frequent guest program; and Apple and Nike brought
sports and music together with the Nike+Ipod
The Man Sat On The Bus
And that was it. Looking into the mirror the question was there. Was I a man? How
could I be? I never had a dad to teach me those categorically masculine things. I
never went hunting. I never worked on a car. I never really enjoyed sports. By no
definition of the standard of manhood did I measure, and I didn t have a father there
to explain to me why I wasn t.
Flashes of punching the mirror, shattering the image there, were common. What
better way to lash out at something than to lash out at yourself. But what good would
it do? It d upset your mom, bother your dad, and hurt your hand to boot. And it
would break a promise.
The young man sat on the bus, reading a book in order to block out those around
him. Some were friends, as ... Show more content on ...
All the work at school was menial and dull, worksheets after worksheets of mindless
rinse and repeat lessons. Read the chapter, answer the questions, see you tomorrow.
Maybe in English they d have something a little more challenging, but not by much.
Even learning a foreign language could be distilled to worksheets and textbooks.
The idea appealed to him and his mother knew it. She knew it from her own
childhood. She had skipped school often and she could see the signs. Slipping
grades, a daily battle with every step from waking up to doing any work. He was
lashing out at her, his sister, and anyone who seemed to take a wrong step in front of
So they made a deal. A promise to go to school, to do the work, and to try to have
better days to make life easier and a new video game system would be the reward.
Better days though? When kids shoved you into lockers, picked on you for your
hair or clothes, no matter how many times you wore something different, picked on
you because you liked video games and cartoons. How could a young man fathom
that in two decades it would be the opposite, that kids would get picked on for not
playing video games and that his favorite cartoons would become Hollywood summer
blockbusters that everyone talked about like they knew about them back in those halls.
Worse than the students were the teachers...
A freshman in sophomore level classes should be praised, but somehow was now a
point of
What Is Jared Diamond s The Ends Of The World As We
The Ends of the World as We Know Them by Jared Diamond describes the factors that
made powerful societies through history collapse. What makes this text interesting, is
the way the author relates these problems to the current situation in the United States.
Diamond develops a very effective technique during the description of these factors
by creating a parallelism between ancient societies and the modern age. This
parallelism allows the author to analyze the problems that threaten modern day
society and more specifically the United States. One very important feature of
Diamonds analysis and description in the text is the level at which the reader is
involved. The author engages the reader in thinking critically about the problems and
their... Show more content on ...
The most straightforward: take environmental problems seriously. They destroyed
societies in the past , and they are even more likely to do so now. In 6,000
Polynesians with stone tools were able to destroy Mangareva Islands, consider what
six billion people with metal tools and bulldozers are doing today. Moreover, while
the Maya collapse affected just a few neighboring societies in Central America,
globalization now means that any society s problems have the potential to affect
anyone else. Just think how crises in Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq have shaped the
United States today. (646) In this paragraph the author engages the reader in thinking
about the magnitude of environmental problems in modern day society by creating a
parallelism with the Mayan and Polynesian cultures. This is one of the many
examples the author uses throughout the text. In this text Diamond introduces a series
of factors that have proven to gradually destroy strong kingdoms and cultures
throughout history. He thinks of these factors as a useful checklist that should be
examined in order to disrupt their progression in today s world. When it comes to
historical collapses, five groups of interacting factors have been especially important:
the damage that people have inflicted on their environment; climate change; enemies;
changes in friendly trading partners; and the society s political, economic and social
responses to these shifts.
Essay Act V in A Midsummer Night s Dream by William...
Act V in A Midsummer Night s Dream by William Shakespeare A: The final act at
first seems completely unnecessary to the overall plot of the play. After all, in Act
Four we not only have the lovers intent on getting married, but there has been a
happy resolution to the overall conflict. Thus, the immediate question which arises
is why Shakespeare felt it necessary to include this act. The answer lies in part with
the entrance of all the characters in the final scene (with the exception of Egeus);
this acts as a sort of encore to resolve any unanswered questions the audience may
have about any of the characters. In Act Five the play is resolved with a typical
happy ending with Lysander and... Show more content on ...
This too has to be done if the happy ending is to be maintained. Philostrate is
another example of disgruntled party in Act Five as well as Egeus as he didn t
want to see the mechanical s play again, but in the end was simply overruled by
Theseus. Perhaps Shakespeare is trying to make the point that this, like many
plays conclusions, might be a manufactured happy ending. When you had read
halfway through the play the last thing that you would have seen coming was a
happy ending, in this way the happy ending isn t cheap and wasn t predictable. It
was also most clearly the result of crucial help from the fairies . Perhaps the most
telling line of the last act is when Theseus asks, How shall we find the concord of
this discord? but that is exactly what has happened in the play itself, namely there
has been a resolution to the discord of the lovers in the initial scenes, which by the
end has turned into concord. This makes the play perfect for an epithalamium (a play
put on at a wedding). Perhaps Shakespeare may even have been contracted to write
this play as an epithalamium. The sub plot, revolving around the mechanicals, also
ends happily. Bottom is not transported as they had feared, but arrives in time to save
the interlude, which,
The Three-Ring Prison Essay
When adults take their children to the circus, they expect their child to be
mesmerized. What is there for a child not to be captivated by? Between the dazzling
display of lights, the vast amount of animals, and the entertaining clowns all over the
place, the circus is a great experience for any child. While the tigers are jumping
through hoops of fire, the elephants are being prepared to go out into the center ring.
The audience is going wild and the children are screaming in excitement. Before the
elephants begin their march into the ring, the trainers, behind the scenes, take one last
hit at them with their bull hooks. One elephanttrumpets in pain as the hook gashes
its skin. While all this is going on, a lion is imprisoned in a cage... Show more content
on ...
Reality). Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey make sure to keep all
mistreatment of the animals out of public view. This is because no agencies have
any guidelines that are set to monitor training sessions, which is where most of the
abuse is being given (Ringling vs. Reality). This company is supposed to be
looked up to by many young children but in reality, they force great pain on the
objects that make them the most money the animals. Life on the road can be very
harsh for these animals, most of which are supposed to be living in the vast plains
and forests of the world. These animals are being transported in boxcars all across
America for up to 50 weeks a year (3 Reasons). Knowing the size of boxcars, I am
left wondering how they shove elephants into those for long hours. Not only is the
life on the road tough for these animals but also life at the circus is extreme. Elephants
are being chained by their ankles and are only given a few feet to move around
(Animal Circuses). In the wild, elephants are known to be extremely social and live
in large groups that travel miles every day (Newkirk). For these elephants, being
chained by the ankles in circuses is equivalent for humans serving a life long prison
Blockchain Essay
Russia is leading blockchain innovation in the world. The blockchain is an open,
distributed platform that allows two or more people to enter into a smart contract in a
verifiable and permanent way. It does not require any intermediary to enter, nor can it
be altered retroactively once recorded. This cutting edge technology may be used in
areas such as payment remittance, intellectual property, proof of right, and
authentication in the sharing economy. On July 2016, Russia s first collaboration
platform across blockchain technologies has been formed through a Consortium,
which brings together many large Russian banks and private financial service
companies. The members include payment companies such as QIWI, B N ... Show
more content on ...
It is estimated that $25 to $50 billion investments are needed to fix worsening
housing conditions and to reduce energy consumption in the residential housing
As the market for green finance has experienced rapid growth in recent years, many
revolutionary technologies have been adopted to advance the process of green
projects. Blockchain is one of these technologies that has the potential to disrupt
existing solutions to achieve green economy goals. For example, Green Bonds, one
of the debt instruments designed for financing green projects, are the most advanced
financial instrument for investors to engage in climate change finance3. Speaking of
climate change initiatives, in March 2017, Russian Carbon Fund and Aera Group
pioneered the first worldwide carbon credit transaction using blockchain, to
guarantee transparency and ensure that transactions are valid.
Though the benefit of green economy is evident to the public, in Russia the concept
is still in its growing phase and continues to face challenges. Below we highlight key
challenges to achieve green economy in Russia, and provide potential blockchain
technologies that could possibly solve the issue.
Leverage Private Finance in Green Development
Green projects are raising capital for sustainable and resilient infrastructure and
Blackberry Picking
Weaving Maturity and Innocence Together; an Analysis of Blackberry Picking As
people grow into adulthood, they experience a loss of innocence, a series of events
that leads them to see the world in a different, darker lens. Seamus Heaney s 1999
poem Blackberry Picking explores this idea. This poem uses mature diction
combined with a childish rhyme scheme of AABB to explain how the sweetness of
one s youth becomes soured when they experience reality and how this process is
inevitable in tainting their past. As the reader analyzes this poem they immediately
recognize the seemingly out of place mature language used in a poem about berry
picking. The text uses words such as thickened wine and lust for. These are very adult
phrases and topics used to describe a childhood memory, which helps show that when
one loses their innocence, their recollections are permanently changed. Another way
the mature diction is used is a contrast to the childlike story that is being told in the
poem. This extreme contrast is important because it... Show more content on ...
The poem uses the simplistic rhyme scheme of AABB, which is typically found in
nursery rhymes and children stories. By using this rhyme scheme for the whole
poem, the speaker is able to make known that the poem is about a memory of
blackberry picking, not a current event. The lines also end very simply, ending with
rhymes such as clot/knot and sun/ripen. Yet, as the poem continues the rhyme
schemes become muddled and lost, which is shown through rhymes like pots/boots
and sour/fair. The rhymes don t fit with the beginning of the poem, similarly how the
mature language doesn t fit into the poem. The poem ultimately ends with
disappointment, with the line Each year I hoped they d keep, knew that they would
not. This helps tie the overall theme that nothing truly stays the same, that everything
ends, including
Aries Of Taurus
Aries: The main challenge that Aries people face is the relentless impatience that
they feel within themselves. They can have fierce tempers and can easily explode
into a temper tantrum when they re feeling frustrated. They typically want what they
want, when they want it! Due to this, physical exercise and meditation are both
excellent ways for them to work off their frustrations and regain balance within
They also tend to have very strong personalities and are usually very direct and
sometimes blunt. This can cause them to rub other people the wrong way without
actually meaning to. Therefore, they have a great need to develop their diplomacy
Taurus: The greatest challenge for Taurus people is that they can be very stubborn...
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They have the unfortunate tendency to see the glass is half empty. Thus, they can be
very negative and pessimistic about life.
In addition, they can be incredibly and unrealistically hard on themselves.
Disciplining themselves to realize that there are 2 sides to every coin will help them
to see their blessings in life instead of what falls short of their expectations.
Learning to value their home life, love life, family, and friendships will give them a
greater sense of balance in their life and will help them to recharge their batteries.
Ironically, this will ultimately help them to succeed faster in their careers because
they re able to approach work from a more positive mindset.
Aquarius: The sun in Aquarius individual tends to deeply mistrust authority figures.
This usually begins with their parents and then moves on to teachers and employers.
In all the stages of their life, this can get them into hot water because they tend to
openly and sometimes aggressively challenge authority figures.
They have a deep belief that respect must be earned and not simply given because of
an impressive title.
This, of course, isn t a bad thing at all, but sometimes they can definitely misjudge
people and later regret their words and/or
Past Conjointly Essay
The key to know to grasp what s occurring currently is to understand what occurred
the past can occur once more. Basically, it implies that so as to work out and
perceive what s occurring
currently, like theories and alternative discoveries. One should be able to recall and
conjointly perceive
the past and history of that these discoveries and findings are associated with. that s
as a result of once
you perceive and acknowledge the history behind events and findings, you get to
raised comprehend
however and why the issue works or wherever it even came from. during which the
additional you
recognize concerning one thing the higher you re able to additional know it and be
able to connect
things that antecedently left you ... Show more content on ...
at school we
learned concerning crusts and plate movement, which we have a tendency to learned
focused, divergent, and reworking. The focus was the plates or crust moving against
one another,
divergent was the crusts moving apart and reworking was the plates moving
horizontally past one.
Learning about the past conjointly helps United States perceive additional concerning
these forms of
development as reading and understanding however these concepts have come back
up leads United
States to however these days and the past during which it absolutely was created from
are totally
different or still a similar.
In conclusion, the reason why the past helps United States perceive things that are
happening these
days is because the past can forever or principally provide out origins or meanings
behind things that
doubtless may happen today. which that sort of information facilitates United States
higher understand
these occurrences compare between this and therefore the past. resulting in additional
graspable and
fewer confusions amongst future events or transformations concerning
Five Forces Analysis of Retail Car Industry
Assignment 1 Module Code:PICS01C Student Number:7305 272 8 Due Date:15
March 2011 [pic] a) Five forces diagram for analysis of the retail car industry in the
greater Johannesburg area 1. Competitive Rivalry Competitive rivalry exists between
companies with the same or similar products/services and similar markets. Factors to
be considered include: The number and size of competitors The rate of industry
growth Differentiation and switching costs Fixed costs or perishable products
Expansion High exit barriers Diverse strategies Companies have to strife for a
competitive advantage over its rivals. Industry concentration is measured through
concentration ratios. A higher concentration... Show more content on
The risk of generic substitution is also increasing with especially China
dominating the production market. Customers will substitute for a generic
product if the disposable incomes of the customers reduce resulting in customers
willing to trade down for a inferior but cheaper product. 5. The bargaining power of
buyers The market greatly depends on how powerful buyers are in terms of their
willingness to pay certain prices. The following determines the bargaining power
of buyers Buyers concentration Switching costs Backward vertical integration
Ratio of purchase price to total cost Information The bargaining power of buyers
stands in a direct relationship with the bargaining power of suppliers. If the
bargaining power of buyers is substantial it increases the opportunity cost of
suppliers. The greater the buyers concentration the greater their bargaining power.
This bargaining power is also increased in markets where the suppliers
concentration is high. The bargaining power is also increased when the cost of
switching from one supplier to another is low. In instances where backward vertical
integration is possible i.e. buyers setting up their own chains of suppliers the
bargaining power of the buyer increases in that their prices may become more
competitive. In a market where the buyers are more concerned over quality than
price their bargaining power decreases as they are less inclined to shop
Dollar Bill Meaning
How much does a dollar cost? In the image, the artist has drawn a frail man hanging
from a one dollar bill. The man in the artwork appears to be drawn in a similar
position to that of Jesus Christ as he hung from the cross. The colors in the image
are average colors for man and money, the man is Caucasian with brown hair and
the money is green. The thing that stands out is how dim the colors are in the
image they are not vibrant and full of life. The artist also made sure to depict the
man in the image as frail and malnourished; he is very noticeably thin as you can
see his ribs and has a very small frame. Based on the man in the image, you could
infer that the artist is trying to make an argument for world hunger and how money is
not used... Show more content on ...
The artist could be trying to relay several messages throughout the image. To
Christians, the artist could be saying that today s society is making them lose their
faith. The man hanging from the dollar bill could be a representation of a Christian
and the money could be a symbol for currency of today corrupting their souls. The
man in the image looks tired and worn out it could be from the effects of the
destruction of his soul. On another front, the author could be trying to tell everyone
that money is becoming too important in today s modern world. The artist draws
the one dollar bill as this larger than man thing. The artist could be saying the
larger our value for money gets, the less we will value our fellow man. The dollar
in the image could have started off small and grown as the value man has of
money increased, and the man could have started off plump and weakened as the
value of fellow man went down. There could also be a mix between the two. The
artist could be trying to say is the money worth your soul going to hell. The man in
the image could be man being punished by God for letting his ideals of money get to
big and corrupt his soul. There are several ways that one could go about analyzing
what the message is because it is unclear what exactly the artist is trying to say. The
overall message of the image is very

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Health Care Reform Essay. Argumentative essay on health care reform essay

  • 1. Health Care Reform Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of health care reform is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. The complexity of this topic lies in its multifaceted nature, encompassing political, economic, ethical, and social dimensions. The intricate web of healthcare policies, the diverse range of stakeholders involved, and the ever-evolving landscape of the healthcare system contribute to the difficulty of articulating a comprehensive and coherent essay. The process demands a thorough understanding of the historical context and evolution of health care policies, as well as a keen awareness of current debates and reform initiatives. Analyzing the impact of different healthcare models, assessing the efficacy of policy interventions, and navigating through the intricacies of public opinion require a nuanced and well-informed approach. Moreover, the essay requires a delicate balance between presenting statistical data, interpreting complex healthcare jargon, and making the information accessible to a broad audience. The need to engage with ethical considerations, such as the equitable distribution of healthcare resources and the moral obligations of society, adds another layer of difficulty. In essence, writing an essay on health care reform demands not only a mastery of the subject matter but also the ability to synthesize information from diverse sources and present a well- structured argument. It necessitates critical thinking, research skills, and a capacity to communicate effectively. For those facing the daunting task of tackling such an essay, it's important to recognize the value of careful planning, extensive research, and thoughtful analysis. Seeking guidance from reputable sources, staying updated on current events, and approaching the topic with an open mind are essential strategies. In conclusion, the challenge of composing an essay on health care reform is a reflection of the intricacies inherent in the subject. However, with dedication, a systematic approach, and a commitment to understanding the nuances of the topic, one can navigate through the complexities and contribute meaningfully to the discourse on healthcare reform. If you find yourself needing assistance or guidance in writing similar essays, you may explore resources like, where a wealth of information and support is available to aid you in your academic endeavors. Health Care Reform Essay Health Care Reform Essay
  • 2. Jack Kevorkian and Euthanasia Euthanasia The thin line between life and death has become an ethical issue many health care providers and the government have long tried to ignore. The understanding that life begins at birth, and ends when the heartbeat and breathing have ceased has long been deemed factual. Medical technologies have changed this with respirators, artificial defibrillators, and transplants (Macionis, 2009). Thus medical and legal experts in the United States define death as an irreversible state involving no response to stimulation, no movement or breathing, no reflexes, and no indication of brain activity (Macionis, 2009, p. 436). The process of deciding when a terminally ill patient should die lies within the patient, family members, and the... Show more content on ... This was hardly doing it right as Dr. Kevorkian likes to believe. (The New York Times, 2007, para.6) By contrast, Oregon being the only law allowing terminally ill adults to request a lethal dose of drugs from a physician requires two physicians to agree the patient is of sound mind and has less than six months to live. California is in the works of voting on a similarly careful measure. One of its sponsors cites Dr. Kevorkian as the perfect reason we need this law in California. We don t want there to be more Dr. Kevorkians (The New York Times, 2007). Dr. Kevorkian s assisted suicides and euthanasia is an example of structural functionalism Structural functionalism is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. A social function is the consequences of a social pattern for the operation of society as a whole. Types of social functions are manifest function, latent function and dysfunctions. Manifest function is the recognized and intended consequences of any social pattern. Latent function is the unrecognized and unintended consequences of any social pattern. Dysfunctions are any social pattern that may disrupt the operation of society (Macionis, 2009). Kevorkian s situation
  • 3. Harbor Seal Research Paper Harbor seal Harbor seal is pretty small when compared to other seal species. Harbor seals usually come in dark brown, tan and different shades of grey. They mainly eat fish and shellfish. The harbor seal fits in as a secondary consumer, meaning it is a carnivore and eats primary consumers such as fish. Harbor seals play a huge role in the Coastal Arctic ecosystem. They are predators of fish and invertebrates (controlling population) also it provides for the top predators. It also plays a huge role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem. Also a lot of parasitic species use this seal as a host. (home) If this organism disappears from the ecosystem Polar bears (Ursus Maritimus), Killer whales (orcinus Orca), Artic cod (Arctogadus glacialis) ... Show more content on ... Harbor seals are active during the day and are usually found alone. The harbor seal groups don t have social organizations or hierarchies. Harbor seals spread out to find food instead of traveling in a group. They usually stay close to land as that helps them from being eaten and they always seem to be aware of their surroundings. They are playful animals and often play by themselves or with seaweed or other objects. Harbor seals are considered loners most of the time. The survival of an animal depends of the environment and animals around it. Harbor seals depend on fish and shellfish/crustaceans, they depend on each other because each provides something the other needs. Fish supply food for harbor seals and in turn harbor seals help control their population and provide food for top predators, If an organism is extinct, it will affect the whole food web. Even if the organism was just endangered or populations declined, it will still affect the food web. For example: The grey wolf is a predator that had been missing from the Yellowstone ecosystem for decades. Although they weren t extinct, there was no control on elk s population. The increasing population started eating and consumed most of the willow. Without willow braches, beavers could not make dams and the the beaver populations slowly decreased. (UNTIL THE RESTORATION OF WOLVES IN
  • 4. Personal Narrative-Tiffany And The Computer Virus Tiffany and the Computer Virus I have been raised as an only child by my mom, with no father in the picture. I know nothing about my father except he moved on to bigger and better things when I was born. I do not care I have my own life. I know my mom did not want him to go, I think she still loves him too. I have always been really close to my mom. I was born sixteen years ago and we have moved eleven times, with seven different schools. This never bothers me, because I get to do it with my mom. I have always been very outspoken, because most of the time my mom knows what I am thinking before I say anything. I in return know how she is feeling, if I need to keep my distance or if I joke around with her or not. Today my mom has been acting ... Show more content on ... The top of the scroll reads INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Read instructions. 2) Collect an orange balloon. 3) Make three pink baskets. 4) Draw a purple sun on the whiteboard. 5) Pop the orange balloon with the blue scissors. 6) Paint a the exit door yellow. 7) Find the book green eggs and ham. I look around the ware house to find an orange balloon. It looks pretty dull except for a rainbow of objects to pick from for at every station. I spot an orange balloon near the top of a rock climbing wall. I dash over the rock wall, it has a lot of hand and foot holds. It is pretty easy to climb, the obgects on teh ground are getting smaller and smaller. Finally I reach the top and grab the orange balloon. As I climb down I glance at the clock above the door that reads exit, it reads nineteen minutes and counting down. As I begin to move, faster now, to a sign that says baskets, I realize there are no basketball hoops that I will throw pink basketballs into it to make a basket. Instead I have to weave three pink baskets. I find a circular loom machine, with a note attached to it, select basket color and push start. What was I worried for? A machine will do the work for me. After I select the color pink and press start, I find the catch, the loom weaves the baskets at a slower than snails speed. I glance at the time fifteen minutes and still counting down. I have to move on to the next challenge
  • 5. Mafalda Charlie Brown Mafalda: The Argentine Charlie Brown? In 1963, Argentine cartoon strip artist JoaquГn Salvador Lavado, better known as Quino, was commissioned to create a Peanuts esk advertisement for a brand of domestic appliances (Kuntz). To familiarize himself with Peanuts, American cartoon by Charles M. Schulz, Quino purchased all of the Peanutsbooks that he could find in Buenos Aires (Kuntz). After studying Schulz s work Quino adapted the general concept for an Argentine audience and Mafalda was born (Kuntz). Unfortunately the world did not meet Mafalda in 1963 through the ad campaign because the magazine that was going to publish the cartoons realized it was closet advertising (qtd in Kuntz). It would take another year before Mafalda made her debut in the Argentine magazine Primera Plana (Cosse). Mafalda went on to run parallel to Peanuts from 1964 to 1973 (Patten; Charles M. Schulz Museum). For the decade that they were both in print how do they compare to each other? Given that Quino originally based Mafalda of Peanuts in what ways are they similar and different? An... Show more content on ... In Charlie Brown the parents and teachers of the children are never shown (Charles M. Schulz Museum). The only interactions that the children have with adults in the comic strip show the adults saying mwa mwa mwa mwa (qtd in Molinari). In Mafalda it is the exact opposite with Mafaldas parents and teachers not only shown, but also play an integral part in the comic strip (see fig. 1). Quino shows Mafalda living in a normal world populated by both adults and children (Foster). The comparison makes Schulzs world seem strange that there are no adults, but only children. With Mafalda we see her parents and her little brother Guille, but the only family we see of Charlie Brown is his little sister Sally (Foster; Charles M. Schulz
  • 6. The Use of Literary Devices, Imagery, and Tone in Krapp’s... The Imagery Tone of a Play: The Use of Literary Devices Imagery Tone in Krapp s Last Tape In the play Krapp s Last Tape, there is one protagonist who is described as sitting at a small table, listening to tapes. Krapp is an impaired and broken down elderly man who spends his time listening to his younger voice on tapes. He is egotistical and subjective towards his younger self and critiques the way he acted in a certain place or time. He is lonely, but okay with it as he would rather focus on things that he has already experienced, rather then engage in new ones. He is essentially stuck in the past. The essay written below disputes the literary devices of imagery and tone in order to provide background and symbolism in ... Show more content on ... Imagery plays a big part in describing the character s appearance and actions in order to show what a character is like and how they respond to differing situations. It can also shape the story and reveal to the reader the background of a person, place, or thing. In Krapp s Last Tape, the only character is given much detail and description in order to start the play at a point where the reader already knows some information about this elderly man. The literary convention of imagery provides insight into the character that will lead the play. Krapp, the main protagonist in Krapp s Last Tape is given a good amount of description, leading into the beginning of dialogue. His raggedy grey hair, disheveled clothes, and death ridden face give the reader an image of a character that has lived through many years. It is as if he has given up on life and is preparing for what is to come. The fact that he is also hard of hearing and has a cracked voice, seems to have intensified the distaste towards his character. Krapp s descriptive appearance helps to foreshadow his cynical and confined personality. Krapp also remains motionless for most of the play. The only actions that do take place are of him eating a banana in the very beginning and the loading of the three tapes that Krapp focuses on in the dialogue. This imagery of him loading the tapes and sitting at his table depicts
  • 7. Women In Ancient Greece By Sue Blundell Summary Many treasures and secrets have been buried and vanished away from the Greece Era. In the scholarly novel, Women in Ancient Greece written by Sue Blundell. Throughout the novel, Blundell explains the positives and the negatives of being a female in Greece. Many historians struggle mostly with knowledge on women in Greece. Blundell explains crisply on how the women in Greece were lived. Women in Ancient Greece would be a strong resource to consider for a college essay. Sue Blundell was born on August 4th, 1947. Blundell has written and published novels along with directing plays on Ancient Greece. Blundell also is a lecturer for Classical Civilization for Birkbek College and Open University. Sue ideas and inspiration originated from Ancient... Show more content on ... Part I: Women in Myth: 1). Myth Introduction, 2). Creation Myth, 3). The Olympian Goddesses: Virgins and Mothers, 4). Women in the poems of Homer, 5). Amazons. Part II: The Classical Age 500 336 BC: 6). Women in the age of Transition, 7). Women and the poets, 8). Women as Poets: Sappho, 9). Women in Stone. Part III: The Archaic Age: 10). Women s bodies. 11). Women in Athenian law and society. 12). The lives of women in Classical Athens. 13). Sparta and Gortyn. 14). Women and religion Part. IV. Ideas about Women in the Classical Age. 15). Women in drama. 16). Women and the philosophers. 17). Women in Classical sculpture. Postscript. 18). The Hellenistic Age. Majority of the main evidence from the source Sappho Of Lebos. Sappho s work became so popular in Greece Era and beyond that stretch. She became honored by Solon and Plato. Little of Sappho s nine volumes were widely read in fragments that survived. Sappho s work were never destroyed by close minded Christians, but through time and circumstances. Several historians found preserved copies from others, but historians realized that the person did not understand her dialect. Blundell uses Sappho as the strongest evidence to demonstrate that at certain times women did have a free voice to express
  • 8. Rugby Football Union Essay Rugby What is it all About? In 1823, William Webb Ellis first picked up the ball in his arms and ran with it. And for the next 156 years forwards have been trying to work out why. Sir Tasker Watkins (1979) The History of Rugby, many believe that Rugby was born in 1823 when William Webb Ellis whilst spending his time at Rugby school, took the ball in his arms during a game of football and ran with it. This then became the distinctive future of the Rugby game. Although this is not fact as there is little in the way of evidence to substantiate this view, it is more by popular belief. The true year Rugby Football Union was founded was in the year 1871, in the month of December 1870 two men published a letter in The Times ... Show more content on ... If the player with the ball is tackled to the ground the team will then form a ruck to protect the ball and organize to set up play, throwing or passing the ball is always made to the player behind the ball, forward passing is not allowed. The ball can only move forward in three ways, by kicking, a player running with it and the ball moving within a scrum or ruck. Blocking is not allowed and only the player with the ball may be tackled if the ball is knocked forward by a player with his arms a knock on is committed and play is restarted with a scrum. Protective equipment is optional and strictly regulated. The most common items are mouth guards, which are worn by most players. Other protective items permitted include thin head gear no thicker than 10mm, non rigid shoulder pads and also shin pads. Some players will wear bandage or tape to protect injuries. Over the years more and more countries have got involved in the game of rugby. 1910 was the start of the Five Nations Championship between England, France Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 1987 saw the start of the Rugby World Cup this championship was won by New Zealand who defeated France 29 9 at Eden Park, Auckland. 1996 the Tri Nations Series began between Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. 2000 the Five Nations became the Six Nations Championships with Italy joining in the competition. Even the points
  • 9. Hate Speech And Freedom Of Speech Slanderous Tongues or Freedom Sung Within today s society there is a strong disagreement between the fundamental rights given to us at birth, and the necessary restraints of such rights when it interferes with individual dignity. I agree that freedom of speech is foundation for the beliefs we hold true in democracy, that every citizen has their own mind and voice that should be represented. Be that as it may, when language is presented in a derogatory or hateful manner towards another individual, or group of individuals, I believe it should be prevented. It falls upon the government to uphold and protect the welfare of every citizen, and to guard them from offensive and threatening speech regardless of their race, sex, gender, religion, or disabilities. The result of this conflict calls into question whether or not hate speech is free speech, and if the government is legitimate in its restriction and prevention of such. According to Simpson, the first step is being able to distinguish between direct and indirect harms that may be attributed to hate speech (706). In doing so, it can be proven if the hate was intentional and therefore justify the actions of limiting hate speech. If the harm implied was direct, it may result in a loss of dignity and be physically and mentally degrading. One critic draws upon this idea of individual dignity being infringed upon when he states that it diminishes their status in some disconcernable sense, beyond merely being a manifestation of the speaker s view of them as inferior or second class people (Simpson 710). This creates even more discord between social groups if, by means of hateful speech and actions, a group is diminished in value and viewed in lesser worth. Instances of hate speech similar to this have dated back for centuries, but are surprisingly more prominent today on college campuses. It comes to attention, not just the act of hate speech itself, but the negative connotation it has on the individual or group affected by the negativity. Those responsible for the degrading are not trying to convey an insightful message, rather than just loudly express their ideas in an offensive way, should have their speech limited. In this manner, the purpose
  • 10. Research Paper On The Great San Francisco Earthquake The great San Francisco Earthquake was a very deadly earthquake that occurred on April 18, 1906 at 5:12 a.m. The quake was so big that it could be felt from South Oregon to LA, as well as central Nevada. It broke the San Andreas fault, both north and south, 296 miles total. Fires occurred right after the quake, and because the earthquakehad broken most of the water pipes, the fires burned for three days, causing around 28,000 buildings to burn down and more than 3,000 deaths. This caused $500,000,000 ($500 million) in damages in 1906 currency. In our currency as of last year, this would have costed them a little over $12.6 billion dollars, $12,640,444,679.72 to be exact, in damages. The city had had building codes that kept the homes
  • 11. Malcolm Fraser Research Paper Malcolm Fraser Born on the 21st of May, 1930, Malcolm Fraser was born in Toorak, Victoria. He was taught in the Melbourne Grammar School, from 1943 to 1948, then was taught in Oxford University, located in London, from 1949. Graduating from Oxford University in 1952, Malcolm Fraser took his career path to becoming a cultivator. He married Tamara Beggs on the 9th of December 1956 and Tamara s named was changed to Tamie Fraser. They had four children whose names were Mark, born in 1958, Angela, born in 1959, Hugh, born in 1963 and Phoebe, born in 1966. Around the same year as Phoebe was born, Malcolm Fraser was declared the Australian Army Minister, from the 26th of January 1966 to the 28th of February 1983. Being the Australian Army Minister, Malcolm Fraser had argued about the controversial Vietnam War debate. It was about the needs of sending young Australian men, who were under 20 years old were sent to Vietnam.... Show more content on ... Being the minster for education and science, he had accomplished a great amount of things, he was the education minster from the 28th of November 1968 to the 12tho of November 1969. Once he stopped his job as the Education Minster, Malcolm became the Australian Defence Minister from the 12th of November 1969 to the 8th of March 1971. After quitting the job as the Defence Minster, Malcolm Fraser, had turned his head back to the Education Minster. Malcolm Fraser was in charge of the electorate of Wannon, located in Victoria. While doing that he was juggling the task of a backbencher for Robert Gordon Menzie s party. Moved to the job of Prime Minster on the 11th of November 1975, he was voted into parliament after Gogh Whitlam was forced out of the seat of prime Minster, because of the Governor General, Sir John Kerr. As the 22nd Prime Minster, many things had awaited him for the
  • 12. Physics Of Oscillations In Physics This report investigates resonance phenomena of driven damped simple harmonic oscillations by measuring accelerations and frequencies of an oscillator. Since it turned out that oscillations with low damping have smaller errors than those with high damping, small damping cases are employed to examine the resonance phenomena. Based on the Newton s 2nd Law cite{book}, the motion of oscillations can be modeled by the following differential equation and its solution. begin{equation} label{eq1} ddot x+2gamma dot x+omega_{0}^{2} x=left(frac{F_{0}}{m}right)e^{iomega t} end{equation} begin{equation} label{eq2} x(omega)=frac{F_{0}/m}{omega_{0}^{2} omega^{2}+2igammaomega}=A(omega)cos(omega t phi) end{equation} Acceleration ... Show more content on ... In total, 16 experimental data points have been taken after settling to each steady state for various driven frequencies. The voltage data obtained in Lab View is then converted to the acceleration data by multiplying its amplitudes by the slope of the two calibration points. Here, the voltage data is calibrated with gravity only and with no acceleration. The slope is called calibration factor. Errors for accelerations are the calibration factor times the error of the cursor measurements of Lab View, and that is the minimum difference Lab View can measure. Errors for the phase shifts are obtained by equation ref{eq5} where (Delta fВҐ) is an error for the driven frequency derived from the variation in frequency displayed on the oscilloscope cite{oscilloscope}, (t) is a time shift between the peak of the acceleration of the oscillator and the driven force, (Delta t) is an error for the time derived from the grid square size in the Lab View waveform graph. begin{equation} label{eq5} Delta phi = phi sqrt{(frac{Delta f}{f})^{2}+(frac{Delta t}{t})^{2}} end{equation} At the beginning of the experiment, the natural frequency of the oscillator with neither the eddy currents nor driving force is observed as (omega_{0} = 75.7 pm 0.1 ) rad/s or equivalently (f_{0} = 12.05 pm 0.01 ) Hz. The result of the experiment is summarized in Figure ~ref{fg:A} and ~ref{fg:AandPhi}. The overall
  • 13. Essay about Metamorphosis of Celie in Alice Walker s... The Metamorphosis of Celie in The Color Purple For people to be equal they need a chance to become equal by self discovering themselves. As we are growing older during our childhood we depend on our environment, parents, and peers to create our self image. Within our environment we are always trying to develop new insights in order to identify, clarify, connect and account for our beliefs. Even the underlying cause of dysfunctional relationships lies in crucial events in our life experience. The environment in which one is raised and developed will have a large affect on the individual. Most of the people that succeed in life come from stable families, in well positioned environments. While those that are not fortunate enough ... Show more content on ... . .a man s world (Klosowski 4). As a result of Celie s environment she never get s a fair opportunity to self discover until she gets away from her surroundings. The society in which she lived forced her to act the way she did. Walker shows Celie as part of a community which shares struggles, and women are oppressed by men. In this society, The white man destroyed the black man, the black man destroyed the woman( Klosowski 5). Celie is dominated and abused by the majority of the male figure in the novel including her stepfather. Her stepfather was a major influence in her life. Her stepfather raped her, causing the birth of two children whom he gave away to an old friend. The second man in her life, her husband, abused her not only physically by beating her but he also abused her verbally by calling her names. These two men left her subdued and passive. She became emotionally dead with this suppression of her personality of who she was. she was just a person who cooked and cleaned and took care of the children without any consideration given to her. She is uneducated because her father took her out off school as a result of her pregnancies. Celie is raised in an environment where she wasn t allow to have a mind of her own because her father dominated and controlled all her actions. For example, Celie writes letters to God because she has been warned by her
  • 14. Bradycardia Lab Lab Objective The purpose of this lab is to see how different temperatures influence the diving reflex which involves three factors: bradycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction, and blood shift. Effect on heart rate will be determined in this experiment. Hypothesis It is expected that immediate submersion in cold water will result in bradycardia because of the decrease in cardiac output that occurs. In order to maintain normal blood pressure, heart rate must decrease. Reducing the heart rate and cardiac output allows for greater conservation of oxygen. Background and Introduction The diving reflex is a method found in animals and all mammals to manage oxygen levels allowing them to spend time underwater longer. Conservation of oxygen is important ... Show more content on ... This is an effect of the diving reflex resulting in bradycardia. The data also showed that the colder the water, the greater the reduction in heart rate. For both subjects, the average heart rate for the first three conditions (resting, apnea, and 25CВ° or room temperature water) were fairly the same for each subject. This is because their bodies had not triggered the diving reflex yet. Activation of the diving reflex must be done quickly and in very cold water. Both subjects showed similar results in that the heart rate continued decreasing as their faces were submerged in colder water. Although the heart rates differ between the two subjects, this is not a significant difference and is due to the subject s own physiological system. Both data from each subjects were consistent with each other. This experiment demonstrate that temperature does have an influence on the diving reflex since the heart rate was lower in the 5CВ° temperature than the 15CВ° or
  • 15. A Brief Note On The New Fiber Camera Test SAB1 Staff Engineer 2015 first class rate of 91.4%. The five year average is 92.6%. Significant Events Red Circle The SAB1 system was one of the first systems that red circle was implemented on. I served as a process engineering resource for the implementation team and monitored the controls as they were implemented to ensure that the process continued to run well. Several times, when a new control was turned on, it would not behave as expected or would uncover a problem that was not anticipated, as the system engineer, I worked to prevent them before they could cause a process upset or recognize and mitigate these problems as they were encountered. SAB1 Filter Problems The new fiber camera test is significantly more sensitive than ... Show more content on ... White Spec Contamination A hole in the floor allowed RA material to get into a SAB1 Wash Tank. Using Kepner Tregoe problem solving techniques, I was able to quickly determine the root cause and extent of the problem minimizing the amount of off class. Improve Mixer and Turbo Operation Alarms were developed and added to the mixers that will alert operations when a mixer did not get all of its chemicals. This alarm has helped us detect failing valves. Additionally, the OH model was modified so that turbo temperatures are reduced when a turbo reaches OH set point. This has prevented small production upsets from getting worse due to over hydrolyzed dope. Solus Free Acid Root Cause Determination Worked on a team to determine why Solus had elevated levels of free acid after only a short time in storage. It was determined that the root cause is inherent to low viscosity esters and is not something that can be changed with different stabilization or new bags. Online Flashed Acid Supply Determined it is not a cost effective project Many yard tanks in building 120 are in need of major repair or replacement. Each yard tank costs approximately $3 million to replace. I investigated the potential of going to an online supply of flashed acid. This would allow yard tank 16 to be used in an alternate service and would reduce the number of yard tanks that need to be rebuilt. It was determined through dynamic modeling with the Advanced Controls Group that
  • 16. The Ulysses Mission Essay The Ulysses spacecraft was first and only spacecraft designed and lunched to study the Sun from outside the lower solar latitudes. All other space craft that studied the Sun stayed along the same elliptical plane that the Earth is on. The spacecraft was part of a joint venture between NASA and the ESA. Originally planed as a two spacecraft mission called the International Solar Polar Mission, it was scaled down to one probe due to NASAcutbacks in funding. This resulted in the ESA designing the spacecraft and NASA lunching it from Space ShuttleDiscovery in 1990. The Spacecraft then flew to Jupiter in two years. It used Jupiter s gravity to increase its speed and alter its orbit downward and away from ecliptic plane. By the end ... Show more content on ... Its mission was extended to allow for a third and final approved to the Polar Regions. The last orbit happened in 2008 and by 2009 all communication ended with the probe. The spacecraft was launched from Discovery and it proceeded to Jupiter under power from Boeing and McDonnell Douglas rockets. The main body of the space craft was almost a cubic meter in size and was powered by a radioisotope thermoelectric generator. The radioisotope thermoelectric generator converts energy from the heat generated from radioactive decay to electrical energy for the spacecraft to use. It used hydrazine for its source of fuel used in course corrections. Two beryllium copper antennas perpendicular to the radioisotope thermoelectric generator reached out seventy two meters. A third antenna was along the spin axis opposite of the dish. The last side of the spacecraft contained a experiment boom that had instruments to collect X ray data from solar flares. The boom also contained two magnetometers. On the main body of the spacecraft it also contained detectors for various particles and subatomic particles. The Ulysses was one of NASA s and ESA s longest lasting missions, lasting over nineteen years. It was able to record data from the polar regains of the Sun and thanks to extending the original mission three times the original amount it was able to do that three times and is still the only spacecraft that has done that.
  • 17. Given To Fly Eddie Vedder Meaning In 1991 when Eddie Vedder wrote and performed his album Ten, he knew he was competing with the big time grunge band; Nirvana. Once it hit the stage it was clear there was no competition. Eddie s deep, emotional messages throughout this album, his shaky, raspy voice that transfers from screaming lyrics to soft, poetic like speaking. All tied together with his hard to hate persona that can be heard throughout this album and every album made by Eddie Vedder. In the song Given To Fly Eddie says He got up out of there, ran for hundreds of miles / He made it to the ocean, had a smoke in a tree / The wind rose up, set him down on his knee. In this verse Eddie is describing his life and how he needs to get away from it all and just have a peaceful break, alone. Vedder likes to use his life in third person in most of his songs to make his message more distant, and almost more easily relatable. The song Given To Fly is actually a second or a reference to the song Going to California By Led Zeppelin and how just leaving might help out more than anything. Throughout the album there are several different songs with an abundance of different meanings. The song, Alive, has one of the deepest messages that is tied to his life personally. The song is about a boy that finds out that who he thought was his father, is actually his stepfather and his real father is dead. Eddie said the song is a work of fiction based on reality (SK) . When Vedder was born his mom had left his father and
  • 18. Violent Video Games Do NOT Contribute to Youth Violence... Although violent video games are thought to encourage real world violence, they actually help to prevent it. I am focusing on violent video games and how they affect juveniles because I feel that this issue needs to be looked at in the criminal justice community. It is an unnecessary distraction to blame the actions of a disturbed youth on a form of entertainment that has been used by millions of people without incident. A review article published in The Psychiatric Quarterly found that many studies which claim to indicate an increase in aggression due to video games are, in fact, biased! Once the bias is taken into account, the studies no longer find any correlation between youths who play violent video games and youths who... Show more content on ... In their research of violent videogames and the effect on children, they have found that the simplistic belief that exposure to media violence will lead directly to individual violence is clearly wrong. (Kutner, Olsen, 2008) I am going to ask you to look deeper than this. I assert that although violent video games are thought to encourage real world violence, they actually help to prevent it. Level 1: What Games Can Do For You Video game violence does not cause youth violence and in fact may help to curb this violence. Violent video games have never been proven to cause youth violence. One of the most looked at franchises in video game history is Grand Theft Auto (GTA). However, since GTA hit the scene in a big way in 2001, youth violent crime has actually decreased! (Snyder, Sickmund, 2006) By 2003 the GTA franchise had already sold 22 million copies worldwide since the release of GTA III in 2001. (Take Two Interactive, 2004) GTA games have violence, prostitution, and offensive language. I believe that allowing adolescents to play these games works as a method of relaxation and release of stress. Teens and violence have gone hand in hand for years. In the 1990s youth violence hit an all time high. (Snyder, Sickmund, 2006) Since the release of GTA III we have seen a decrease in youth violence. I believe that the reason for this centers around
  • 19. Through Growing Up On A Family Farm In A Rural Community Through growing up on a family farm in a rural community I have been fortunate enough to fall in love with the agriculture sector. In discovering my passion for agriculture I have pursued a career as a Corn Specialist for AgriGold, of which we will be discussing throughout this essay. AgriGold is a company within the Agricultural Sector that in the past had solely focused on selling seed corn, but as we will discuss later they now offer soybeans and a technology platform. They are the 3rd largest seed corn company in the United Statesand their parent company is AgReliant Genetics located in Westfield, IN. Our main focus will not be on AgriGold as a brand, but on one of their most recent advertisements. The advertisement we will be ... Show more content on ... For the simple fact that you aren t sending post cards out to everyone, you are also able to create the overall effectiveness of the advertisement. The overall effectiveness will be benefited due to the fact that you will be advertising only to the potential customers of your market. When you look at the product that is being advertised by AgriGold, you have to consider a few different things when determining where it lies exactly within its life cycle. When you consider the product to be seed corn itself, the product has reached maturity and is beginning to enter the declining stage. What is meant by this is the fact that seed corn solely as a product has been sold for centuries and has reached its maximum penetration point within the market (given that people continue with their traditional crop rotation strategies). Yet, I said that it is beginning to enter into the declining stage. When I say that seed corn is beginning to enter the declining stage I am referring to the fact that there is only a limited amount of land available to plant. As the populations grow, there is less land that is used for agricultural purposes, which ultimately correlates into declining demand for seed corn. While seed corn will always remain a very important and high value product, there
  • 20. How Can Confessional Poetry Help Us Express Ideas And... Previously acquired knowledge and skills applied in this lesson Literary Elements: tone, theme, mood, author s purpose, repetition Poetry Analysis Elements: speaker, impression, context Students must actively participate in classroom discussion and respond to teacher and peers in a respectful and educational manner. Open ended exit ticket response Goals, Objectives, and Standards 1.Academic goal(s): How can confessional poetry help us express ideas and beliefs we wish our teachers knew? Specific objectives (stated in observable and/or measurable terms): a.Students will use analyze and discuss a poem in an appropriate group discussion. b.Students will use literary elements to dissect and discuss a confessional poem. c.Students will use poetry to express their own beliefs on what they wish their teachers knew about them. Standards: CCSS.ELA LITERACY.RL.9 10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone). CCSS.ELA LITERACY.RL.9 10.10 By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 9 10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. CCSS.ELA LITERACY.RL.9 10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to
  • 21. How Did Adam Goodes Influence Australia Adam Goodes Sports have been a part of the Australian culture for as long as we can remember. Adam Goodes is one major example of our success in Sports. A member of Indigenous Team of the Century and Sydney Swans, he professionally plays in The Australian Football League. Holding a dual Brownlow Medal, dual premiership player and four time All Australian, he represents Australiain the International Rules Series. Adam Goodes, born 8th of January of year 1980, age 35, is one of the most revered AFL players in our history. Born to Lisa May and Graham Goodes, with siblings Jake and Brett in South Australia, he began to play Australian rules Football at Merbein West Primary School at the tender age of 6. Some friends and family chose to drag ... Show more content on ... Standing at 191 cm and weighing 100 kg, Goodes, though part aboriginal, has impacted the Australia s sporting and cultural activity. Goodes was once controversial for his style of playing, he retaliated with a no. He will not change his way of playing though there are critics. Goodes did a pretty good job in his field, earning encouragement and followers. Outside his football career, he is an active advocate of Anti Racism and Charity. He founded the Go Foundation. Goodes is affiliated with charity. He raised $27,000 for his aid organization. Goodes often spoke out for improved race relations and says that he is a proud Adnyamathanha man, He became involved in an incident on May 24, 2013, during Sydney s Indigenous Round match against Collingwood, when a 13 year old girl sitting in the stands called him an ape. Goodes stopped play to point out the girl to security and demand that she be ejected. Though he clarifies that he has not pointed her out to have everyone against her, but rather he even asked that people support the girl much as they support him. He stated that he did what he did because the girl and the people who heard may be educated and a situation like it never happens again. That opportunity to not only educate a 13 year old girl but help educate other members who sit in the football crowds, people in the communities, people in the society, that those sort of things
  • 22. Mindfulness Reflection Paper I have a somewhat regular, yet sincere contemplative mindfulness practice that helps me understand why I experience life the way I do both internally and externally. I get to see my own urges, those I m not really aware of such as the urge to multi task. Practicing mindfulness meditation and other mindfulness practices I learned to become in touch with my own urges and to control them through awareness and self discipline. So, here are a few reflections for your coffee time. As you sip on your deliciously made aromatic coffee, tea or hot cocoa accept these thoughts for your reflection. Finally, at the 3rd mindfulness class I took with Daniel, I decided to do the homework he had suggested to everyone, which was to do one thing we do routinely during the day, mindfully. That is to be with the experience of it and fully giving it our undivided attention. For example, if we chose brushing our teeth, he said, to brush slowly, feel every stroke as the brush moved around the mouth, what it felt like, the taste of the tooth paste, what the mind was doing; observe everything about that experience, while also focusing on our breath. This was our mindfulness exercise, which to me didn t sound too exciting. It took a lot of self discipline to be able to stay with an activity and not wonder off in the mind. So,I never did the tooth brush exercise. Until that final day of having burnt my 967th pita bread and screamed to myself, this is so annoying. It s not acceptable anymore! The
  • 23. Analysis Of Francesco Petrach s The Ascent Of Mont Ventoux The beginning of the Renaissance brought many changes to the world. It became known as the Age of Exploration and it brought in a new perspective on art. This perspective on art is shown through anything from visual arts to literary art. This time period also introduced the rise of humanism. It brought into the picture a very optimistic view of humanity. This was shown especially in the work The Ascent of Mont Ventouxby Francesco Petrarch. This work refers back to Book X of Confessions by Saint Augustine when Petrarch reaches the top of the mountain. Although they are both dealing with the same passage, Petrarch and Augustine seem to interpret it in very different ways. Petrarch wrote the Ascent of Mont Ventoux as a young man. It is a letter to his former confessor, Dionigi di Borgo San Sepolcro, because he was in seminary school. The letter is essentially a travel journal about his journey up Mont Ventoux. Petrarch initially wanted to take this journey with his friends, but they either refused or were not up to his standards. He decide to just climb the mountain with his brother. At the beginning of the journey, Petrarch writes about his encounter with an old, cranky man in the foothills of the mountain. The man pretty much tells them that it is a dumb idea which just encourages them to finish the journey even more. They eventually reach the top of the mountain a few days later. At the top, Petrarch pulls out his copy of Confessions and reads a small portion. He
  • 24. Australian Stereotypes How do you compare to the average Australian? Australia is a large and diverse country, and every five years, the Census aims to gather information from every citizen across the country. The census looks at the characteristics of the typical Australian. However, the fact that no one meets all the criteria of the average Australian shows the considerable, growing diversity of the country. Is the average Australian a man or a woman? Despite many people s perception of the typical Australian being male, the average Australian actually a woman: according to the 2011 census, 50.6% of Australia s population are female. How old is the average Australian? From the analysis of the 2011 census, the average Australian was 37 years old. In different parts of Australia the median age is quite different to the Australian... Show more content on ... The second most common language spoken at home at 1.6% is Mandarin. What is their religion? The average Australian belongs to a Christian religion. The most common religion is Catholic at 25.3% of Australia s population. The next most common religious affiliation is actually no religion at 25.3% of Australia s population. What do they do for a living? For both men and women the most common occupation in Australia, according to the 2011 census was a sales assistant. For men, other common occupations were a truck driver, electrician, and retail manager, for women other common occupations were a general clerk, primary school teacher, and office manager. How many hours do they work? The average employed man worked 41 hours during the week before Census Night in 2011 and the average employed woman worked 32 hours. However, the situation became reversed when comparing to the unpaid domestic work. The average man did less than five hours in the last week while the average woman did five hours or more. How do they get to
  • 25. Methods and Myths of Traditional African Medicines and its... Methods and Myths of Traditional African Medicines and its Place in Modern Society Traditional African medicines, and the spiritual healers that administer these medicines are an important part of African society. For many centuries and even millenniums these healers with there spiritual and naturalistic remedies have been responsible for taking care of the African world as we know it. Traditional African medicines have been a greater help to all of society and modern science, but still lie at the root of much controversy over its ability to be a valid healing tool. Some doctor s and scientist believe that a possible placebo effect may be the root of what makes these remedies and rituals work; but there is also evidence that... Show more content on ... Becoming a traditional healer requires an intense amount of SBA, an ancient Kemetic word meaning teaching, learning, wisdom, and study, or overall deep thought(1). In fact, the process of learning to become a healer consist of a very high level of learning; it is necessary that every healer be taught properly, in order for him or her to be able to share his knowledge properly with the forthcoming generation. For the aspiring healer, one must first become a good learner and listener before one can become a good teacher; the two concepts of teaching and learning are intertwined, one hand washes the other. Once this level of SBA is reached as a healer, the whole world is seen in a different light so says Asa G. Hilliard. III. Sounds are heard that no one can hear, visions that no one else can see are seen by the healer. After his training the healer walks through the same world every person walks through. But he sees signs others just don t see. He hears sounds others don t hear. The same tree that just stands there dumbly to everyone, to the healer its leaves have something to say. The healer learns the meaning of the river s sound, of the sounds of the forest animals. And when he needs the curing spirit from a plant , if his eyes are well prepared , he may see from a great distance some small sign of a leaf that is ready
  • 26. Kaplan University Case Study Kaplan University (KU) is that the doing managing as (DBA) name of the Iowa staff Acquisition Firm, a supplement that possesses and works revenue driven schools. it s claimed by Kaplan, Inc., a supporter of Graham Holdings cordial relationship. Kaplan Lincoln is dominantly an aloofness learning medicinal building of upper guiding that is locally approved by the upper Learning Certification and could be an individual from the Direction midmost Association of schools and universities (NCA). Kaplan Universitywas named in perceive of Journalist H. Kaplan, World Health Organization upheld Kaplan Tryout school task. In 2014 U.S. interest amp; Reality Estimation stratified Kaplan Lincoln as fifty six of 205 inside of the on line knight s PC code... Show more content on ... per the New Royalty Times, twenty third of Kaplan s projects lose the arranged paid work tenets, partner degreed an a considerable measure of 100% territory unit ungenerous to unsuccessful. This execution that a generous notification of Kaplan graduates region unit not able to pay viewpoint their graduate advances. In 2015, Kaplan finished with yank officers identifying with claims that it utilized teachers World Health Organization weren t enlisted. Nearly three hundred distinct understudies of Kaplan offer get teaching method discounts as origination of the choosing. The Land fabricate of Commerce was perceived in 1937 preceding regularly changing its speak to look workforce. In November 2000, Search staff s choice was changed to Kaplan College when Kaplan, Inc. noninheritable it with the obtaining of Hunt Pedagogy House. In September 2004, Kaplan personnel formally changed its examine to Kaplan University when it had been recognized consent to proffer graduate level evaluation programs. The college s train of nursing was honored a mortal grown up liberation for its Man of Ability in Nursing level in April 2006 from the Command on Body Nursing Instruction
  • 27. The Life of Henry Knox The life of Henry Knox Early Life Henry Knox was born on July 25, 1750 in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the seventh of ten children to William Knox and Mary Knox. In 1759 William Knox a migrant captain died at the age of fifty after suffering financial difficulties. Three years after the death of his father and at the age of twelve, Henry Knox was forced to leave the Boston Latin Grammar school and went to work to support his family. He was hired as a apprentice to a bookseller were he mastered the trade and opened his own shop, The London Book Store at the age of 21. Henry was an enthusiastic reader and spend his time reading about military topics focusing on artillery. In 1770 Knox was involved in the Sons of ... Show more content on ... The guns and mortars were then transferred by ox drawn sleds across Massachusetts. This process took them fifty six days to complete this journey in the bitter winter weather. When they arrived in Boston, Washington place the guns on top of Dorchester Heights which commanded the city and harbor. Rather than face bombardment, the British evacuated the city on March 17, 1776 .After the victory at Boston, Knox was sent to Rhode Island and Connecticut to supervise the construction of fortifications. After the return of the Continental army, Knox became Washington s chief of artillery. That fall Knox was present during the American defeat around New York , Knox retreated across New Jersey in December with what was left of the army. Knox was made overseer of the army s crossing of the Delaware river during the attack on Trenton. With the assistance of Colonel John Glover, Knox successfully completed the crossing on time. After his success Knox was promoted to Brigadier General. During the winter break, Knox returned to Massachusetts with a plan to improve weapons production. He traveled to Springfield armory and became a key producer of American weapons for almost two centuries. In the winter at Valley Forge, Knox helped in securing supplies and assisted Baron von Steuben in drilling the troops. For the next two years, Knox was sent north to secure supplies for army and in 1780 served on the court martial of British spy Major John Andre.
  • 28. Charles Dickens Contributions Charles Dickens was a famous writer from the Victorian Era. His works were so detailed and descriptive, one his most famous the A Christmas Carol is one of the most iconic books today. Most of Dickens characters were real people who made an impact on his life. His writing helped stop child labor and abusement; even Queen Victoria valued his books and stories. Charles Dickenswas an amazing novelist who used his early life experiences to turn them into breathtaking novels. Charles will forever be renown for his inspirational, famous, and eye opening novels. Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, England. He was the second youngest of eight children of a mid lower class family. His siblings were Alfred Lambert, Augustus, Frederick, Harriet, Frances, Alfred Allen, and Letitia Dickens. Charles s father, John Dickens, was a clerk in a payroll office for the navy. His mother was Elizabeth Barrow she was very sociable and loved to have friends over for dinner, but the family was financially unstable. In his household, he also had a nanny, Mary Weller, who helped his mother take care of the children. Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration. (Dickens). At a very young age, Charles aspired to become a gentleman and wanted to be educated and sophisticated. At the age of twelve years old, the worst thing happened to Charles s family; for the failure of paying the
  • 29. The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton And being a criminal shouldn t? I think Crooked Hillary has more than enough reasons that are far more damaging to prevent her from even running for president. Call trump all the names you want Hillary Clinton is a liberal war hawk that has lied and broken the law far too many timesAnd being a criminal shouldn t? I think Crooked Hillary has more than enough reasons that are far more damaging to prevent her from even running for president. Call trump all the names you want Hillary Clinton is a liberal war hawk that has lied and broken the law far too many timesAnd being a criminal shouldn t? I think Crooked Hillary has more than enough reasons that are far more damaging to prevent her from even running for president. Call trump all the names
  • 30. Roman Pantheon Research Paper Ancient Architectural Prodigies of the Greeks and Romans Initial observations of the Roman Pantheon from the front appear to be similar to the ruins of the Greek Parthenon, but really both structures are somewhat unique in their composition, purpose, design, and fate. Constructed over half of a millennium after the Parthenon was built, the Pantheon, built in 27 B.C., exhibits some of the architectural styles and characteristics of its predecessor. However, the Romans refined Greek building techniques, thereby developing a unique and more advanced architectural style. Although their names resemble each other, the Pantheon and the Parthenon possess contrasting translations of their names. The Parthenon was built as a temple for worshipping a single deity, Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. Parthenos is a Greek word that means virgin and the Greeks considered Athena to be a virgin goddess (Beard 44). On the contrary, the Pantheon was initially used as a temple for worshipping multiple Roman deities. Pantheon is translated from the Greek word pan, meaning all, and theon, which means building of the gods (Tuck 219).... Show more content on ... Forty six columns encompassed the outer edge of the building, with fifteen on each side and eight on each end, counting the corners with the ends. Internally, thirty four additional columns were utilized for ornamentation and support. In contrast, the Pantheon s most distinguishing feature is its colossal rotunda, 141 feet in diameter, resting on a gigantic concrete drum, which together could contain a sphere of the same diameter (Tuck 219,221). Adjoined to the rotunda, at the entrance, an intermediate block and a porch with a high pediment serves to hide prospective glimpses of it from the front (Tuck
  • 31. Sunrise Medical s Wheelchair Products Essay 1. The average return on sales (ROS) in the US wheelchair industry is between 1 2% in 1993. What are the most important structural conditions that make the industry unattractive? Evaluating the industry based on Porter s Five Forces framework, the following stand out as the most import conditions making the industry unattractive: В•Bargaining Power of Customers: About seventy five percent of wheelchair sales in the US were covered by insurance. Medicare was the primary insurance program, and other insurers often followed Medicare s lead. Medicare limited reimbursements, which kept a lid on the price of standard and lightweight standard chairs. More expensive chairs were not fully covered, which could dampen demand for those products. ... Show more content on ... The process was labor intensive, but fully integrated manufacturing only required a $1 million investment in machine tools. Prefabricated parts were available for assemblers, who could enter the market with an investment of just $300,000. Furthermore, no competitor held any significant patents. How are the conditions changing? В•Medicare: Medicare, the primary insurer, increased its reimbursement levels, extending full coverage for lightweight standard models to $850, up from the old $650 coverage for standard models. This made the space more attractive. В•Technology: Despite an FDA delay, Quickie was poised to launch a new special feature power wheelchair that eliminated the need for a manual backup. While this could cannibalize some of Sunrise s sales, it was more of a threat to Invacare, and such a model had no substitutes. 2. Does Sunrise s Quickie division have a competitive advantage in wheelchairs? Quickie does have an advantage in ultralight wheelchairs based on the following: В•Dominant market share В– 49% В•High price В– Retail prices range from $1100 to $3150 В•Differentiation В– Bright colors and used for wheel chair sports, which appeals to a specific niche user. Presumably, this user has a higher willingness to pay. What accounts for the difference in ROS between Quickie, Guardian, Invacare, and Everest Jennings (E J)? E J is hampered by its cost structure. The income analysis
  • 32. Setting In Ray Bradbury s All Summer In A Day 2,555 days. 2,554 of those you re under a dark constant cloud of rain, and the world seems to follow along with the grayness of the sky. But once, out of those 2,555 days, a bright light shines upon the horizon. For that day, the world seems to be alive again. But for Margot, the main character in Ray Bradbury s All Summer In a Day, that opportunity was stripped away from her. In this story, the setting is on the planet Venus, when humans from Earth decided to set up civilization and move to the planet. The problem on Venus, though, is that it rains straight for seven years, Out of those seven years, the Suncomes out for only one day. Margot came to Venus only five years ago, so she remembers the Sun in all its glory. The other children on
  • 33. Case Study Of Honey Glaze Cakes In its eight years of operation, there has been no change in its management style. The owners of Honey Glaze Cakes are still its managers as well. According to Mrs. Aileen Conde, they also don t have any partners or stockholders with them in the business even up to this date. Basically, they account a major part of their success to themselves and to their employees. Quoting her statement, she mentioned that ... this (shop) will never be as prosperous as it is today if it weren t for everyone s hard work and dedication. So far, the whole Honey Glaze Cakes team is composed of its owners, three (3) people in the Sales Marketing Department and three (3) departments under the Baking and Production Division which is then composed of on call employees ... Show more content on ... And as I have learned from our Marketing class discussion, managing and establishing a good branding of your products are of great importance when entering into the realm of business. But, despite its known importance, many people may still have linked the meaning of brand to just the name or label of a business. Here, we must know that it is definitely more than just that. As defined by Kotler and Armstrong (2013), a brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these that identifies the seller or the product or service from its competitors. With that being said, it really does encompass a broader definition as to what the name only suggests. Thus, anything associated with its composition name, term, sign, symbol or design can critically affect the brand of a business and hence, could make or break your business per
  • 34. Essay about Descartes View on the Senses Descartes first meditation included a few arguments that Descartes studied and analyze. The one I choose to analyze was his argument of sense deception. The actually argument is the following: (1) My senses sometimes deceive me. (2) If my senses sometimes deceive me, then they might always deceive me. (3) If my senses might always deceive me, then I cannot be certain about any beliefs acquired through my senses. (4) If I cannot be certain about any beliefs acquired through my senses, then I must suspend judgment on those beliefs. (5) Therefore I must suspend my judgment of those beliefs. To put this is premise conclusion argument form, it would look like this: A If A then B If B then C If C then D Therefore D This form is ... Show more content on ... 1993. Meditations on First Philosophy. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company, page 14 pencil in a glass of water, the pencil will look like it is broken in half, but it is just the property of water that makes it seem like it s broken. The next premise is that if my senses sometimes deceive me, then they might always deceive me. He stated that, In a mark of prudence never to place our complete trust in those who have deceived us even once2. So what Descartes means is that if someone or something deceives you once, there is a possibility that it will deceive you again. So you cannot fully trust that someone or something. His third premise was, If my senses might always deceive me, then I cannot be certain about any beliefs acquired through my senses. Descartes demands certainty. Therefore if something deceives him once, he cannot be certain it will not deceive him again. He cannot base any of his beliefs on his sense since he is not certain about his sense misleading him. His last premise was, If I cannot be certain about any beliefs acquired through my senses, then I must suspend judgment on those beliefs. Since he feels he cannot be certain about any beliefs that he gets from senses, he has to stop making conclusion based on those beliefs he got from his senses, because of his lack of certainty. Then he concludes by saying he must suspend judgment on those beliefs. This argument is a form of multiple modus ponens.
  • 35. Essay On Student Debt MaKenzie Eddins Mr. Mitchell English 1301.02 13 November, 2017 College Tuition: Is It Worth It? In 2016, college grads graduated with an average of $37,172 in student loan debt. This is a 6% increase from the previous year, and the rates increase as colleges become more expensive. Going to a University or College is looked upon as a luxury or a privilege nowadays. Good paying jobs that supply good living standards are requiring at least a bachelor s degree to be considered for hiring. Any persons, including college students, should not be forced to live with, be pressured by, or be under the control of student loan debt. Student loan debt has been proven to have an impact on a person s mental health. It keeps the less fortunate from having a chance to prosper in a competitive workforce, and the system that provides financial aid (FAFSA) doesn t always meet a person s needs completely. College should be an earned right for those who have stuck through the education process as an adolescent. An article in The Atlantic, an online news source, talks about a person s mental health while living with student debt. The author, Gillian B. White, pulls evidence from a 2013 study published in Anxiety, Coping and Stress, from the University of Southern California, in which states, those with greater financial strain perceived more stress, had more symptoms of depression, anxiety, and ill health. This quote states that a person with more financial strain was shown to undergo more stress, and increase signs of depression, anxiety, and bad health. This statistic proves that giving a young adult a financial burden to live with for years, takes a major toll on their mental health status. Mental health is a serious issue, and shouldn t be taken so lightly. In addition to suffering mental health issues, student loan debt keeps many low income students from being interested in furthering their education. In an archived information page from the U.S. Department of Education, it states that, Students who do not attend college or who drop out quickly are predominantly persons from low income families, living in underdeveloped areas within major cities or in sparsely populated rural areas, and who have attended ineffective
  • 36. The Pros And Cons Of Co-Branding Co Branding True Alliance Financial offers a co branding strategy to help your business to create a marketing synergy. This helps your customer to know your core competencies and have more knowledge to your brand. True Alliance Financial offers co branding which is also called brand partnership, it is when two companies form an alliance to work together and create a marketing synergy. Co branding is an arrangement that associates a single product or service with more than one brand name, or otherwise associates a product with someone other than the principal producer. The objective for this is to combine the strength of two brands, in order to increase the premium consumers are willing to pay, make the product or service more resistant to copying ... Show more content on ... By combining multiple products under a single brand, a company is able to take advantage of its previous investment. When businesses put together separate brands, they hope to also combine the value and investments that those brands represent. When successful, both strategies are a way of maximizing value and saving money. We can help your business through co branding and help you get the brand that will best compliment or enhance your products and/or services you offer. We True Alliance Financial you can be the next Hershey combining with General Mills which established a sweet relationship with the Chocolate Giant and Betty Crocker, Best Western and Harley Davidson teamed up and created Best Western Ride Rewards, an exclusive Harley Davidson frequent guest program; and Apple and Nike brought sports and music together with the Nike+Ipod
  • 37. The Man Sat On The Bus And that was it. Looking into the mirror the question was there. Was I a man? How could I be? I never had a dad to teach me those categorically masculine things. I never went hunting. I never worked on a car. I never really enjoyed sports. By no definition of the standard of manhood did I measure, and I didn t have a father there to explain to me why I wasn t. Flashes of punching the mirror, shattering the image there, were common. What better way to lash out at something than to lash out at yourself. But what good would it do? It d upset your mom, bother your dad, and hurt your hand to boot. And it would break a promise. The young man sat on the bus, reading a book in order to block out those around him. Some were friends, as ... Show more content on ... All the work at school was menial and dull, worksheets after worksheets of mindless rinse and repeat lessons. Read the chapter, answer the questions, see you tomorrow. Maybe in English they d have something a little more challenging, but not by much. Even learning a foreign language could be distilled to worksheets and textbooks. The idea appealed to him and his mother knew it. She knew it from her own childhood. She had skipped school often and she could see the signs. Slipping grades, a daily battle with every step from waking up to doing any work. He was lashing out at her, his sister, and anyone who seemed to take a wrong step in front of him. So they made a deal. A promise to go to school, to do the work, and to try to have better days to make life easier and a new video game system would be the reward. Better days though? When kids shoved you into lockers, picked on you for your hair or clothes, no matter how many times you wore something different, picked on you because you liked video games and cartoons. How could a young man fathom that in two decades it would be the opposite, that kids would get picked on for not playing video games and that his favorite cartoons would become Hollywood summer blockbusters that everyone talked about like they knew about them back in those halls. Worse than the students were the teachers... A freshman in sophomore level classes should be praised, but somehow was now a point of
  • 38. What Is Jared Diamond s The Ends Of The World As We Know... The Ends of the World as We Know Them by Jared Diamond describes the factors that made powerful societies through history collapse. What makes this text interesting, is the way the author relates these problems to the current situation in the United States. Diamond develops a very effective technique during the description of these factors by creating a parallelism between ancient societies and the modern age. This parallelism allows the author to analyze the problems that threaten modern day society and more specifically the United States. One very important feature of Diamonds analysis and description in the text is the level at which the reader is involved. The author engages the reader in thinking critically about the problems and their... Show more content on ... The most straightforward: take environmental problems seriously. They destroyed societies in the past , and they are even more likely to do so now. In 6,000 Polynesians with stone tools were able to destroy Mangareva Islands, consider what six billion people with metal tools and bulldozers are doing today. Moreover, while the Maya collapse affected just a few neighboring societies in Central America, globalization now means that any society s problems have the potential to affect anyone else. Just think how crises in Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq have shaped the United States today. (646) In this paragraph the author engages the reader in thinking about the magnitude of environmental problems in modern day society by creating a parallelism with the Mayan and Polynesian cultures. This is one of the many examples the author uses throughout the text. In this text Diamond introduces a series of factors that have proven to gradually destroy strong kingdoms and cultures throughout history. He thinks of these factors as a useful checklist that should be examined in order to disrupt their progression in today s world. When it comes to historical collapses, five groups of interacting factors have been especially important: the damage that people have inflicted on their environment; climate change; enemies; changes in friendly trading partners; and the society s political, economic and social responses to these shifts.
  • 39. Essay Act V in A Midsummer Night s Dream by William... Act V in A Midsummer Night s Dream by William Shakespeare A: The final act at first seems completely unnecessary to the overall plot of the play. After all, in Act Four we not only have the lovers intent on getting married, but there has been a happy resolution to the overall conflict. Thus, the immediate question which arises is why Shakespeare felt it necessary to include this act. The answer lies in part with the entrance of all the characters in the final scene (with the exception of Egeus); this acts as a sort of encore to resolve any unanswered questions the audience may have about any of the characters. In Act Five the play is resolved with a typical happy ending with Lysander and... Show more content on ... This too has to be done if the happy ending is to be maintained. Philostrate is another example of disgruntled party in Act Five as well as Egeus as he didn t want to see the mechanical s play again, but in the end was simply overruled by Theseus. Perhaps Shakespeare is trying to make the point that this, like many plays conclusions, might be a manufactured happy ending. When you had read halfway through the play the last thing that you would have seen coming was a happy ending, in this way the happy ending isn t cheap and wasn t predictable. It was also most clearly the result of crucial help from the fairies . Perhaps the most telling line of the last act is when Theseus asks, How shall we find the concord of this discord? but that is exactly what has happened in the play itself, namely there has been a resolution to the discord of the lovers in the initial scenes, which by the end has turned into concord. This makes the play perfect for an epithalamium (a play put on at a wedding). Perhaps Shakespeare may even have been contracted to write this play as an epithalamium. The sub plot, revolving around the mechanicals, also ends happily. Bottom is not transported as they had feared, but arrives in time to save the interlude, which,
  • 40. The Three-Ring Prison Essay When adults take their children to the circus, they expect their child to be mesmerized. What is there for a child not to be captivated by? Between the dazzling display of lights, the vast amount of animals, and the entertaining clowns all over the place, the circus is a great experience for any child. While the tigers are jumping through hoops of fire, the elephants are being prepared to go out into the center ring. The audience is going wild and the children are screaming in excitement. Before the elephants begin their march into the ring, the trainers, behind the scenes, take one last hit at them with their bull hooks. One elephanttrumpets in pain as the hook gashes its skin. While all this is going on, a lion is imprisoned in a cage... Show more content on ... Reality). Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey make sure to keep all mistreatment of the animals out of public view. This is because no agencies have any guidelines that are set to monitor training sessions, which is where most of the abuse is being given (Ringling vs. Reality). This company is supposed to be looked up to by many young children but in reality, they force great pain on the objects that make them the most money the animals. Life on the road can be very harsh for these animals, most of which are supposed to be living in the vast plains and forests of the world. These animals are being transported in boxcars all across America for up to 50 weeks a year (3 Reasons). Knowing the size of boxcars, I am left wondering how they shove elephants into those for long hours. Not only is the life on the road tough for these animals but also life at the circus is extreme. Elephants are being chained by their ankles and are only given a few feet to move around (Animal Circuses). In the wild, elephants are known to be extremely social and live in large groups that travel miles every day (Newkirk). For these elephants, being chained by the ankles in circuses is equivalent for humans serving a life long prison
  • 41. Blockchain Essay BLOCKCHAIN IN RUSSIA Russia is leading blockchain innovation in the world. The blockchain is an open, distributed platform that allows two or more people to enter into a smart contract in a verifiable and permanent way. It does not require any intermediary to enter, nor can it be altered retroactively once recorded. This cutting edge technology may be used in areas such as payment remittance, intellectual property, proof of right, and authentication in the sharing economy. On July 2016, Russia s first collaboration platform across blockchain technologies has been formed through a Consortium, which brings together many large Russian banks and private financial service companies. The members include payment companies such as QIWI, B N ... Show more content on ... It is estimated that $25 to $50 billion investments are needed to fix worsening housing conditions and to reduce energy consumption in the residential housing sector. As the market for green finance has experienced rapid growth in recent years, many revolutionary technologies have been adopted to advance the process of green projects. Blockchain is one of these technologies that has the potential to disrupt existing solutions to achieve green economy goals. For example, Green Bonds, one of the debt instruments designed for financing green projects, are the most advanced financial instrument for investors to engage in climate change finance3. Speaking of climate change initiatives, in March 2017, Russian Carbon Fund and Aera Group pioneered the first worldwide carbon credit transaction using blockchain, to guarantee transparency and ensure that transactions are valid. CHALLENGES TO ACHIEVE GREEN ECONOMY IN RUSSIA Though the benefit of green economy is evident to the public, in Russia the concept is still in its growing phase and continues to face challenges. Below we highlight key challenges to achieve green economy in Russia, and provide potential blockchain technologies that could possibly solve the issue. Leverage Private Finance in Green Development Green projects are raising capital for sustainable and resilient infrastructure and critical
  • 42. Blackberry Picking Weaving Maturity and Innocence Together; an Analysis of Blackberry Picking As people grow into adulthood, they experience a loss of innocence, a series of events that leads them to see the world in a different, darker lens. Seamus Heaney s 1999 poem Blackberry Picking explores this idea. This poem uses mature diction combined with a childish rhyme scheme of AABB to explain how the sweetness of one s youth becomes soured when they experience reality and how this process is inevitable in tainting their past. As the reader analyzes this poem they immediately recognize the seemingly out of place mature language used in a poem about berry picking. The text uses words such as thickened wine and lust for. These are very adult phrases and topics used to describe a childhood memory, which helps show that when one loses their innocence, their recollections are permanently changed. Another way the mature diction is used is a contrast to the childlike story that is being told in the poem. This extreme contrast is important because it... Show more content on ... The poem uses the simplistic rhyme scheme of AABB, which is typically found in nursery rhymes and children stories. By using this rhyme scheme for the whole poem, the speaker is able to make known that the poem is about a memory of blackberry picking, not a current event. The lines also end very simply, ending with rhymes such as clot/knot and sun/ripen. Yet, as the poem continues the rhyme schemes become muddled and lost, which is shown through rhymes like pots/boots and sour/fair. The rhymes don t fit with the beginning of the poem, similarly how the mature language doesn t fit into the poem. The poem ultimately ends with disappointment, with the line Each year I hoped they d keep, knew that they would not. This helps tie the overall theme that nothing truly stays the same, that everything ends, including
  • 43. Aries Of Taurus Aries: The main challenge that Aries people face is the relentless impatience that they feel within themselves. They can have fierce tempers and can easily explode into a temper tantrum when they re feeling frustrated. They typically want what they want, when they want it! Due to this, physical exercise and meditation are both excellent ways for them to work off their frustrations and regain balance within themselves. They also tend to have very strong personalities and are usually very direct and sometimes blunt. This can cause them to rub other people the wrong way without actually meaning to. Therefore, they have a great need to develop their diplomacy skills. Taurus: The greatest challenge for Taurus people is that they can be very stubborn... Show more content on ... They have the unfortunate tendency to see the glass is half empty. Thus, they can be very negative and pessimistic about life. In addition, they can be incredibly and unrealistically hard on themselves. Disciplining themselves to realize that there are 2 sides to every coin will help them to see their blessings in life instead of what falls short of their expectations. Learning to value their home life, love life, family, and friendships will give them a greater sense of balance in their life and will help them to recharge their batteries. Ironically, this will ultimately help them to succeed faster in their careers because they re able to approach work from a more positive mindset. Aquarius: The sun in Aquarius individual tends to deeply mistrust authority figures. This usually begins with their parents and then moves on to teachers and employers. In all the stages of their life, this can get them into hot water because they tend to openly and sometimes aggressively challenge authority figures. They have a deep belief that respect must be earned and not simply given because of an impressive title. This, of course, isn t a bad thing at all, but sometimes they can definitely misjudge people and later regret their words and/or
  • 44. Past Conjointly Essay The key to know to grasp what s occurring currently is to understand what occurred within the past can occur once more. Basically, it implies that so as to work out and perceive what s occurring currently, like theories and alternative discoveries. One should be able to recall and conjointly perceive the past and history of that these discoveries and findings are associated with. that s as a result of once you perceive and acknowledge the history behind events and findings, you get to raised comprehend however and why the issue works or wherever it even came from. during which the additional you recognize concerning one thing the higher you re able to additional know it and be able to connect things that antecedently left you ... Show more content on ... at school we learned concerning crusts and plate movement, which we have a tendency to learned concerning focused, divergent, and reworking. The focus was the plates or crust moving against one another, divergent was the crusts moving apart and reworking was the plates moving horizontally past one. Learning about the past conjointly helps United States perceive additional concerning these forms of development as reading and understanding however these concepts have come back up leads United States to however these days and the past during which it absolutely was created from are totally different or still a similar.
  • 45. In conclusion, the reason why the past helps United States perceive things that are happening these days is because the past can forever or principally provide out origins or meanings behind things that doubtless may happen today. which that sort of information facilitates United States higher understand these occurrences compare between this and therefore the past. resulting in additional graspable and fewer confusions amongst future events or transformations concerning
  • 46. Five Forces Analysis of Retail Car Industry Assignment 1 Module Code:PICS01C Student Number:7305 272 8 Due Date:15 March 2011 [pic] a) Five forces diagram for analysis of the retail car industry in the greater Johannesburg area 1. Competitive Rivalry Competitive rivalry exists between companies with the same or similar products/services and similar markets. Factors to be considered include: The number and size of competitors The rate of industry growth Differentiation and switching costs Fixed costs or perishable products Expansion High exit barriers Diverse strategies Companies have to strife for a competitive advantage over its rivals. Industry concentration is measured through concentration ratios. A higher concentration... Show more content on ... The risk of generic substitution is also increasing with especially China dominating the production market. Customers will substitute for a generic product if the disposable incomes of the customers reduce resulting in customers willing to trade down for a inferior but cheaper product. 5. The bargaining power of buyers The market greatly depends on how powerful buyers are in terms of their willingness to pay certain prices. The following determines the bargaining power of buyers Buyers concentration Switching costs Backward vertical integration Ratio of purchase price to total cost Information The bargaining power of buyers stands in a direct relationship with the bargaining power of suppliers. If the bargaining power of buyers is substantial it increases the opportunity cost of suppliers. The greater the buyers concentration the greater their bargaining power. This bargaining power is also increased in markets where the suppliers concentration is high. The bargaining power is also increased when the cost of switching from one supplier to another is low. In instances where backward vertical integration is possible i.e. buyers setting up their own chains of suppliers the bargaining power of the buyer increases in that their prices may become more competitive. In a market where the buyers are more concerned over quality than price their bargaining power decreases as they are less inclined to shop
  • 47. Dollar Bill Meaning How much does a dollar cost? In the image, the artist has drawn a frail man hanging from a one dollar bill. The man in the artwork appears to be drawn in a similar position to that of Jesus Christ as he hung from the cross. The colors in the image are average colors for man and money, the man is Caucasian with brown hair and the money is green. The thing that stands out is how dim the colors are in the image they are not vibrant and full of life. The artist also made sure to depict the man in the image as frail and malnourished; he is very noticeably thin as you can see his ribs and has a very small frame. Based on the man in the image, you could infer that the artist is trying to make an argument for world hunger and how money is not used... Show more content on ... The artist could be trying to relay several messages throughout the image. To Christians, the artist could be saying that today s society is making them lose their faith. The man hanging from the dollar bill could be a representation of a Christian and the money could be a symbol for currency of today corrupting their souls. The man in the image looks tired and worn out it could be from the effects of the destruction of his soul. On another front, the author could be trying to tell everyone that money is becoming too important in today s modern world. The artist draws the one dollar bill as this larger than man thing. The artist could be saying the larger our value for money gets, the less we will value our fellow man. The dollar in the image could have started off small and grown as the value man has of money increased, and the man could have started off plump and weakened as the value of fellow man went down. There could also be a mix between the two. The artist could be trying to say is the money worth your soul going to hell. The man in the image could be man being punished by God for letting his ideals of money get to big and corrupt his soul. There are several ways that one could go about analyzing what the message is because it is unclear what exactly the artist is trying to say. The overall message of the image is very