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Healthcare Essay Topics
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Healthcare Essay Topics" can be a challenging endeavor that
demands a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The
intricacies of healthcare are vast and multifaceted, requiring a comprehensive understanding of
medical, ethical, economic, and social aspects.
To begin with, delving into the extensive array of healthcare topics requires sifting through a
myriad of information sources, from academic journals and medical databases to government
reports and statistical analyses. This process alone can be time-consuming, as it involves not only
finding relevant and credible information but also discerning the most pertinent details to
support the essay's arguments.
Once the research phase is complete, the challenge lies in synthesizing the acquired knowledge
into a coherent and well-structured essay. This necessitates a keen ability to organize thoughts
logically, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas from introduction to conclusion. Addressing various
healthcare issues may also demand an interdisciplinary approach, requiring the incorporation of
insights from medical professionals, economists, policymakers, and ethicists.
Moreover, articulating complex healthcare concepts in a manner accessible to a diverse audience
is no small feat. Balancing the depth of analysis with clarity and conciseness is crucial, as the
essay should engage readers without sacrificing the depth of the subject matter. Crafting a
compelling thesis statement and supporting it with evidence and examples adds an additional
layer of complexity.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Healthcare Essay Topics" is indeed a challenging task that
demands diligence, analytical prowess, and effective communication skills. It involves navigating
a vast sea of information, synthesizing interdisciplinary insights, and presenting complex ideas in
a clear and engaging manner. Nevertheless, the rewards of contributing to the discourse on
crucial healthcare issues make the effort worthwhile.
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Healthcare Essay TopicsHealthcare Essay Topics
Swot Analysis Of Coca Cola Company
Triple Bottom Line within The Coca Cola Company
Laquisha Highsmith
Columbia Southern University Triple Bottom Line within The Coca Cola Company
What is the definition of triple bottom line and does Coca Cola have this triple
bottom line? This is a question many would think relates to financial statistics and
tremendously high revenue earnings. Not even close to the true meaning. Triple
bottom line (TBL) has three distinctive frameworks or bottom lines consisting of
the (1) profit bottom line, (2) people bottom line, and (3) and the planet bottom line
or simply put it means; the three P s profit, people, and planet (Unknown, 2009).
This concept is at the core of Coca Cola in their ability to accurate measure
monetary, community, and environmental performances or unmask weaknesses to
correct with a strategic plan. In completing a SWOT analysis for The Coca Cola
Company, the three P s are relevant in daily operations and globally during joint
ventures with other partners. Now, this essay will uncover each bottom line in detail
within The Coca Cola Company and state how the company specifically addresses as
a strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat. The first area of discuss advances a
helping hand to stimulate the additional two distinctive bottom lines the profits.
First, the profit bottom line takes into account the typical balance sheet of assets
minus liabilities to track equity and income statements. Coca Cola s 2016 Annual
Report on Form 10 K displays every detail down from Income and Comprehensive
Income Statements and Balance Sheets to Cash Flows and Shareowner s Equity
Statements. These reports account for the company s revenues, gross profits,
operating income, taxes, and consolidated net income. This report breaks down
into operating segments by product and service for finer details of concentrate
beverages sold and the historical data from previous years to show a positive trend
analysis by geographically location in the United States and International. With
profits, there are always a few losses and Coca Cola is no exception to this reporting
numerous losses over the years listed by year, loss amount, location, and a
comprehensive explanation for shareholders to read (pp.
Wgu Lae1
Ryan J Kincade
Mentor Lisa A. Wellinghoff
7 June 2012
Why you should highly consider motorcycle riding for a hobby
I m sure by now at some point in your life you have seen a motorcycle go by and
have thought to yourself what would that be like to drive. Instead of wasting time
thinking about it you can do something about it and even get your license without
owning a motorcycle. You will not get the same experience out of buying a video
game console and games which can cost over 1000usd depending on how many
games you buy. 1000usd can easily buy yourself a second hand motorcycle, and just
think after all those video games are played what have you experienced other the
same 4 walls in your room.
Maybe video ... Show more content on ...
but don t only base your decision to try this hobby on the gas savings alone think of
the many other great reasons to give it a try.
Many times people never get past the safety or fear aspect of trying motorcycle
riding. A great way to get past the fear is to take a training course You will learn to
ride using our motorcycles on a safe closed circuit course. Our motorcycles and
scooters are small and lightweight, so you can concentrate on learning the skills of
safe riding (motorcycle training academy, N.D. sec. 1.6). After you complete a
training coarse maybe you are still worried about a crash or the other drivers out
there, even if you are no longer afraid yourself of driving a motorcycle. I believe
any responsible person who has been trained to drive a motorcycle safely need not
worry. The statistics although not perfect might make you reconsider In 2005, the
motorcycle fatality rate was 73 per 100,000 registered motorcycles which is a
.00073% risk of fatality from driving a motorcycle (motorcycle accident website,
N.D. sec. 10.1). If that s not enough reason just think you can reduce that .00073%
chance of death by 42% 48% percent by not drinking or speeding Of the1,791
motorcycle deaths that involved only the motorcyclist
48 percent were speeding. 42 percent had blood alcohol concentrations of 0.08
Cultural Norms In Deep Space Nine s Rules
Cultural norms have evolved drastically within the century, especially in America.
Although women have always had the same capacity to think and the same
potential, they were widely considered 2nd class citizens at first. Why? I guess
because, typically, a man is larger and stronger than a woman and that somehow
makes them superior. Currently, women are mostly considered a man s equal, with a
few exceptions of course. There are plenty of examples of injustices towards the
modern woman like the hostile work environments that exist, lower wages on average
than men, domestic abuse, sex slavery, etc. There are two episodes within the Gender
Identity section that perfectly targets the theme of gender and the associated
weakness. Deep Space Nine s Rules... Show more content on ...
This show evolves with the times, and is not afraid to point a finger at the
ridiculous facets of the chauvinist culture. In Rules of Acquisition , the Ferengi has
a severely misogynistic society that has its culture deeply embedded in the values
of business. This could be a comment on how women are treated in the business
environment, but I digress. Anyway, Quark takes a liking to Pel, a new waiter who
gives him brilliant ideas alongside his loyalty. As it turns out, Pel is not a man after
all. She is a female with smaller ears, a higher voice, and breasts. Despite her
physical differences, she shows that she is good at doing business, better than the
males that she encounters. She is the one that convinced Quark to let her be his
partner, she convinces Zek that she and Quark could seal the deal, she stands up to
the two Dosi when Quark could not do so himself. Pel proves herself time and time
again and, yet, Quark rebukes her when she reveals that she is a female and Zek
threatens to throw her in prison. This is an echo of the women on Earth who had to
do twice as good as a man in order to be considered somewhat
Rhetorical Analysis Of Albert Einstein s Letter
I believe that Einstein s letter was rhetorically effective because he employed all
the devices of Aristotelian triangle ethos, logos, and pathos. His purpose was to
address the question of a 6th grade girl, who wrote to him asking Do scientists pray,
and if so, for what? And his letter was sensitive to the age, maturity, and likely
religious viewpoint of his audience.Phyllis wrote to Einstein because he had a
reputation as a great scientist, arguably one of the finest minds of the 20th century,
who won the Nobel Prize in Physics. So Einstein did not have to establish his
credentials. He shows his knowledge of science. He speaks for scientists in general
based on the nature of science, and does not claim to speak for all scientists.
Ms. Choi Geriatric Assessment Essay
Thank you very much for referring Ms. Choi for geriatric assessment. The main
concern is that of decreased cognition.
She is an 85 year old lady who was born in China and came to Canada for over 30
years. She is married and lives with her husband in a co=op apartment. They have 5
children, 3 sons and 2 daughters. One of the sons is in Toronto and one of the
daughters is in Toronto as well. she speaks Cantonese. She is a retired part time
cleaner. She had no formal education.
Her son, Mr. Choi is present with her for the interview today. She complained about
having a decline in her cognition for over 5 years. She is forgetful with conversations
and has decreasing comprehension. It is getting worse over time. There are no
hallucinations ... Show more content on ...
There is no dizziness or weakness. There is occasional pain over the hips for which
she takes Tylenol. There are no falls in the last 6 months.
The ADLs is that she is independent in all aspects of basic and instrumental ADLs.
She carries a cane with her now. She does the shopping, cooking, cleaning and
laundry and also finances.
3.Arthritis. She used to take Celebrex in the past for arthritis.
4.Bilateral cataract surgery.
Her medications include Lipitor but that has been stopped over the last 2 months or
so, Norvasc 5 mg p.o. daily, Tylenol Extra Strength 500 mg 1 tableton a p.r.n. basis,
Celebrex 200 mg daily p.r.n. She takes over the counter medications including
Caltrate 1 tablet daily, lutein 20 mg 1 tablet daily and some Chinese tablets 3 tablets
There is no known history of drug allergy. She takes the medications herself from the
pill bottles.
She is a nonsmoker and occasional drinker. She would like to drink beer when she is
anxious but the son has not bought it for her in 6 months.
On physical examination she weighs 126.7 pounds. Her visual acuity is 20/70 on
the right and 20/50 on the left. Blood pressure is 170/66 sitting and 160/70 standing,
pulse 72 per minute. JVP is not elevated. Heart sounds are normal. There are on
murmurs heard. the chest is clear with on wheezing or crackles. The abdomen is soft
and nontender with no abnormal mass
The Importance of an Individual s Medical and Social
There are various factors that may contribute to one s quality of life. However,
many older adults struggle with their well being and this is just as important as the
quality of their life. When evaluating an older adult, one must take into consideration
the following factors: the individual s acute and/or chronic illnesses; medications
currently taking; functional status; mental health and cognitive abilities; and their
living situation. Gathering this information is based on the individual s medical
history as well as their social history. However, the goal is to make
recommendations to improve the quality of life for the individual as one sees
applies. First, evaluate the history of the selected individual by gathering basic
information such as name, age, where the person is from and any history of the
person s illnesses. This information can also help determine making
recommendations and coming up with conclusions to better the individual. Ms. J.M.
is a 85 year widowed woman from Puerto Rico. Ms. J.M currently lives in Northwest
Washington, DC. She suffers from both chronic and acute illnesses. Ms. J.M. stated
that she was a healthy individual until her health took the turn for the worst age she
aged into her 50s. She also informed me that she had two procedures completed,
which were heart catherization at the age of 53 years old and knee surgery at the age
of 60. Ms. J.M enjoys attending Church every Sunday at Saint Augustine in
Washington, DC. Although
Maximus as the Hero in Ridley Scott s Gladiator Essay
Maximus as the Hero in Ridley Scott s Gladiator
Ridley Scott s gladiator recreates the entire world of ancient Rome in living glory on
the screen. The shots of coliseum, intact and swarming with crowds of spectators are
breath taking. The story has a classic three act structure, moving Maximus, Decimus
and Meridius from warrior to slave to gladiator and each step is incredibly exciting.
In addition, Scott stages half a dozen elaborate action sequences like there s no
tomorrow, pulling out all the stops, and filling the screen with swords, tigers and
chariots. The brilliant imagery of director really jumps of the screen, making this an
Oscar winning motion picture. The ample Digital effects makes ... Show more content
on ...
The second camera shot I have chosen is when there is a close up on Maximum s
face which is looking at the robin. The robin demonstrates us Maximus s love for
nature which proves that he freedom fighter. The third scene I have selected is
when Maximus is walking down his army and every one is greeting him. This
demonstrates us that maximus has a high reputation and is someone who is looked
up to. This also illustrates the love and affection for maximus from his soldiers and
even by animals as the dog was following him when the war was about to begin. The
last scene I have chosen is when there is a slow motion when the Romans had won
the war. This connotes the supremacy and authority they had during these times.
The main character of this motion picture is Maximus. Throughout the film, the
audience sees his loving character, his love for Rome and his fellow Gladiators, and
love for his wife and kid. Secondly, Maximus is physically strong and this enables
him to win every battle he fights in. The actor Russell Crowe developed a muscle
physique and especially in the violent combat scenes director Ridley Scott uses
close ups of his muscular body. By doing this he ensures we link Maximus with
strength and agility. Because of this, he is seen as the hero. Maximus always played
the game
Framework Of Monetary Policy
The Fed retains a number of monetary policy tools that can be placed against crisis.
The first set of tools was Provision of short term liquidity to sound financial
institutions and these activities incorporate making new offices for selling credit and
making essential securities dealers, and additionally banks, qualified to obtain at the
Fed s markdown window (Federal Reserve, 2009).
The second set of tools which involve the provision of liquidity directly to borrowers
and investors in key credit markets. In this the government has introduced advantages
to buy profoundly evaluated business paper at a term of three months and to give
reinforcement liquidity for money market mutual funds (Federal Reserve,
2009).Also, the Federal Reserve and ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the usage of Federal Reserve credit is resolved in substantial part by
borrower needs and will tend to increment when economic situations intensify and
decrease when economic situations progress. Setting an objective for the size of the
Federal Reserve s balance report, as in a QE administration, could in this manner
have the unreasonable impact of compelling the Fed to fix the terms and accessibility
of its loaning now and again when economic situations were intensifying, and vice
verse (Financial times, 2011).
The European Central Board(ECB) has acted very quickly and in sufficient manner
since the start of Financial market disturbance. The ECB minimized the key policy
rate by 325 basic points, interest rate on fundamental renegotiating operations now
remains at 1.0%, its most reduced level since the launch of euro. ECB substantive
monetary policy facilitating is as of now being felt in the genuine economy.
Furthermore, bringing down the policy interest rate quickly and sharply, ECB have
turned to exceptionally non standard
The Pros And Cons Of LUSH
Do you ever pass by someone and think wow they have nice soft skin? Well you
can have that same skin, how you ask! Well one easy way to get soft great smelling
skin is to use LUSH bath bombs at least once a week. LUSH is a company that
makes hand made products in Canada. The company uses ingredients for the
products that are never tested on animals; nor are any ingredients they buy from
other companies. The bath bombs are made from the freshest ingredients; they
strive on making quality products. LUSH bath bombs are not only pretty but smell
like paradise for your bath water, they have a number of different kinds of bath
bombs to choose from. Your skin will love you for the care since we do live in dry
LUSH has so many wonderful ... Show more content on ...
Why would you want to support the abuse of animals for a product that is gone
within a couple hours. If you would not harm an animal why support products that do
it. LUSH uses vegetarian alternatives, which is great to see that this company is
instead using things that are produced and grown. LUSH has been fighting against
animal testing for over 30 years. As we all know animals are used in such cruel ways
for testing purposes; we also know that today science has come so far that we are
able to replace animal testing with non animal test methods that are as equally
evident, and way cheaper.
Lastly, LUSH only uses the freshest ingredients to make their products. Fresh
vegetables, flowers, fruits, and herbs are all straight from local suppliers who also
are against animal cruelty. LUSHs products are all freshly made weekly so that
customers receive the freshest products, which is probably why they have such
great reviews and such high demand for products. I have been using LUSH products
for over a year and a half and highly recommend indulging your self care routine in
LUSH Cosmetics you wont be disappointed.
Finally, as a satisfied customer of LUSH Cosmetics I guarantee you will never go
back to regular plain old bath times, the Bath bombs will silken your skin;
furthermore, will indulge every relaxing sense in your body. They have everything
for everyone s pleasure and age is never a concern, because there is no age
requirement; let the child
The Chemical Element Of Uranium
Uranium (U) is a chemical element; it is a silvery white metal. It is one of the
heaviest of all the naturally occurring elements. It was discovered in 1789 by Martin
Klaproth, it was named after the planet Uranus, which was discovered eight years
earlier. Uranium can be found naturally in small amounts in rocks, air, soil and water.
Atomic number 92
Atomic mass 238.03 g.mol 1
Density 18.95 3 at 20В°C
Boiling point 3818 В°C
Melting point 1132 В°C
Isotopes 11
Electro Negativity according to Pauling 1.7
Uranium is hard, malleable and ductile. Uranium metal has a very high density. It is
very reactive so cannot be found in the environment in its elemental form. When
finely divided, it can react with cold water. In air it is coated by uranium oxide,
tarnishing rapidly. It is attacked by steam and acids. It has the ability to form solid
solutions and inter metallic compounds with many metals. While Uranium is not
hazardous by itself, some of its by products and decay products pose a huge threat
upon build up.
Uranium is weakly radioactive due to its unstable isotopes; again it has gained
importance in the generation of Nuclear energy. It is of great demand in the
production of bullets, missiles and bombs. It is also used to fuel power plants by
enriching it with the uranium 235 isotope. The isotope uranium 238 is used to
estimate the age of rocks and also used for radiometric dating. Other
The Pros And Cons Of Mind Wandering
Mind wandering is the situation in which a person s attention and thoughts wander
from a current task to some other inappropriate line of thought (Radvansky, Ashcraft
2014). This is a very common experience, and for most it is also an issue at times.
Everyone wants to be able to concentrate and not have other thoughts in their mind
when needed such as in school, work etc... Daydreaming, thinking about what you
will eat, about your family, or when you read something and have no idea what you
just read, are all examples of mind wandering (Radvansky, Ashcraft 2014). There have
been claims stating that mind wandering is lower for low working memory capacity
(WMC) subjects (Radvansky, Ashcraft 2014). Researchers have examined this and
many other factors contributing to the mind wandering phenomenon. Many
conclusions have been made upon different components of mind wandering, thus we
will explore various research studies that provide recent discoveries in mind
Our minds do not wander randomly to what doesn t worry us, it wanders due to
having numerous concerns, which in turn forces our minds to think about them in
any instant (Radvansky, Ashcraft 2014). When we mind wander, we take all the
attention from the atmosphere we are in and emphasis entirely in our own inner
thoughts. Often, we are not aware that we are day dreaming until we catch ourselves
(Radvansky, Ashcraft 2014). Mind wandering is a very interesting and vast topic that
we have discussed in
Plant Life Chapter 38
Chapter 38 Plant reproduction and Development
Sexual Reproduction
1.In general terms, explain how the basic plant life cycle with alternation of
generations is modified in angiosperms.
The basic plant life cycle with alternation of generations is modified in angiosperms
by the change of haploid (n) and diploid (2n) generations, which take turns making
each other. 2.List four floral parts in order from outside to inside a flower.
пѓ Sepals
пѓ Petals
пѓ Stamen
пѓ Carpels
3.From a diagram of an idealized flower, correctly label the following structures and
describe the function of each structure: пѓ a. sepals Sepals are in charge of
protecting the flower s bud before it blooms. It has the qualities of a leave and is
usually in ... Show more content on ...
This has many advantages, such as the fact that double fertilization guarantees that
the endosperm will develop only in ovules where the egg has been fertilized. It also
avoids angiosperms from wasting nutrients. 13.Explain how fertilization in animals is
similar to that in plants.
пѓ Fertilization in animals is similar to that in plants because its first cellcell
change occurs after gamete fusion rises in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels as it does
in animal gamete fusion. Also, the plants make a block to polyspermy, which is the
fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm cell, as do the animal s cell s eggs.
14.Describe the fate of the ovule and ovary after double fertilization. Note where
major nutrients are stored as the embryo develops.
пѓ After double fertilization, the ovule matures into a seed, and the ovary matures
into a fruit encircling the seed. As the embryo grows the seed stores proteins, oils, and
starch. 15.Describe the development and function of the endosperm. Distinguish
between liquid endosperm and solid endosperm.
пѓ After embryo development, endosperm is growth to store nutrients. This happens
after double fertilization, when the triploid nucleus of the ovule s central cell divides.
This causes the formation of a milky multinucleate supercell . This becomes
multicellular after cytokinesis. Finally, when the cell walls are completed, the
endosperm becomes solid. 16.Describe the development of
The Wild By Jon Krakauer
Psychology serves a Role Kids who have been a victim of maltreatment are often
times hindered in development as the rest of their life plays out. No matter the
starting age, a family neglect can create in kids an odd and unpleasant feeling. The
constant exposure to depressors and bring me downs that effected kids see really
puts them into a terrible cycle. Some cases of maltreatment lead to extraordinary
stories and even more impressive characters. In Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer, we
can observe that Chris McCandless fell into this vicious cycle, and was effected by it
throughout his adventurous life. Some of McCandless experiences later in life can
be directly correlated with his childhood difficulties. But, in order of make sense...
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The way kids are raised by their parents effects their decision making and their
values, beliefs and self image until the day they die. If a kid grows up figuring
things out herself or is neglected etc., that kid is forced to do what is necessary to
develop as fully as possible. Hamama and Arazi describe family relationships as
being crucial in the development of the child. The article specifies that two direct
ways that kids are hurt is through family cohesion and subjective well being. Family
cohesion, in this article, is defined as the connections between family members that
each family has, while subjective well being talks about people s understanding of
the life they live and how they react to everyday situations and how all that effects
their emotional and cognitive mind. These two factors have shown to be directly
correlated to children acting aggressively or unpleasant, according to Hamama and
Arazi. Children s aggression behavior includes three parts, according to Hamama and
Arazi. 1. A cognitive dimension hostility; emotional dimension anger; and 3. A
behavioral dimension physical and verbal violence is how they defined aggressive
behavior. Those two factors are largely what influences children and their
development, in Hamama and Arazi s eyes(Hamama and Arazi). This article lays a
great foundation for the explanation of Into the Wild. Into the Wild is the non fiction
story of how Chris McCandless, a normal guy in his later
Gypsy Rose Lee s Era
The striptease is still very much relevant and alive today as it was when it was first
introduced to the world nearly 80 years ago. This timeless and provocative dance
was the product of Gypsy Rose Lee, but by no means should one refer to her as a
stripper . Doing so would be a great injustice to this iconic figure; it would be
sacrilegious. Gypsy, born Rose Louise Hovick, brought more than sensual allure to
the stage; Gypsy was intelligent, funny, and witty. An example of her immense wit
and improve skills can be seen in how the stripteasecame into being. When the strap
to Gypsy s costume came undone during a performance, rather than run off stage in
embarrassment, Gypsy noticed the positive audience reaction, causing her to
implement the act into the focus of her performance. Although many dancers
(sometimes referred to as strippers ) of Gypsy Rose Lees era attempted various
gimmicks to stand out and make a name for themselves, no one could quite
compare to the charisma and character that illuminated the stage of Gypsy Rose
Lee. American writer H.L. Mencken even coined the term ecdysiast just for Gypsy,
which he felt was a more dignified way of referring to Gypsy in her profession.
Gypsy may be an icon to many, even inspiring a musical based on her memoirs titled
Gypsy: A Musical Fable., but she is also a woman who is much greater than the
performer known on stage. Before Gypsy, there was just Rose Louise, born January
9, 1911 in Seattle,
The Control Environment Of Bernard L. Madoff
What were the weaknesses in the control environment of Bernard L. Madoff
Investment Securities LLC? The control environment sets the tone of an
organization, influencing the control consciousness of its people. It is the foundation
for all other components of internal control, providing discipline and structure. The
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)
published the Internal Control Integrated Framework in 1992. As summarized above
one can see the importance of the implementation of an effective control environment,
as it sets the foundation for the other 4 components of internal control. The control
environment is made up fundamental smaller components. The ones that were
particularly relevant to BMIS are the use of board of directors and audit committee,
management philosophy and operating style, and human resource policies and
practices. If management doesn t prioritize control, then the rest of the organization
will not put precedence on following policies and procedures either. This was clearly
evident at Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (BMIS), and ultimately led
to their downfall. BMIS did not maintain an effective control environment and as a
result it was exposed to many material weaknesses. Specifically it can be determined
that management did not have adequate controls in place to establish and
communicate the importance of control needs from top down. This is largely due to
the fact that the management s
Greek Afterlife Myths
Have you ever contemplated what happens after death? Do you soul escape from all
reality into nothingness? Do you merely just cease to exist in one world and progress
into the next? These uncertainties have conflicted the minds of many philosophers
and scholars since the creation of civilization. Religious factions were born and they
fabricated the core beliefs that modern society affirms to be true. However, one
unconditionally original interpretation of the afterlife is that of the Ancient Greeks.
This polytheistic culture believed in the Underworld; a tasteless, vulgar world where
your final destination was determined by your actions and good will in the living
world. Many Ancient Greek myths spoke of intriguing accounts of the Underworld....
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He was one of few to granted permission to return back to the living world (Carlos
Parada, Underworld and Afterlife , 3). Many beasts and famous monsters from
Greek myths resided here. The atmosphere is dark pale and disheartening. Every
breath taken is melancholy and every thought is meaningless (Parada, 3). The
description of the entrance is not meant for the torture of the entities, but simply the
passage to your final destination. Upon arrival, the ferryman, Charon, takes payment
for passage into the Underworld. He accepts coins possessed by the souls given to
them by living who disposed of their body (Mark Cartwright, Hades , 2). Those not
given a coin remain is the purgatory state before the entrance for eternity. Charon
then guides the dead along the river Styx (Parada, 4). It is believed to be one of
five rivers that occupy the Underworld. The Acheron, Lethe, Phlegethon, Cocytus,
and Styx compose of the major rivers (Linda Alchin, River Styx , 2). There are an
abundant supply of guards who insure no entities escape from the gates go the
Underworld. Cerberus, for example, is described as a enormous three headed
hound; infamous for his irascible nature (Parada, 5). Further along, now traversing
on the river, a more vivid picture of the landscape can be drawn. The Underworld is
situated is a ill lit chasm where anything sustaining refrains from growing (Parada,
Molly Cyrus Analysis
The song Molly Cyrus by Stitches is a popular rap song among college students. I
am a big fan of rap music and Stitches is one of my favorite rappers along with
Kanye West and Gucci Mane. Normally I would not listen to a song that is so
explicit, but I literally cannot escape this song. Molly Cyrus is played at every frat
party and always comes on when I am riding with my friends in the car. After
reading the prompt for this assignment I thought I would take a closer look at the
lyrics in this vulgar song.
In the song, Stitches talks about how if he was given the opportunity to have sex
with any pop star he would choose Miley Cyrus. This song also advocates for the
use of drugs like MDMA and Cocaine. Stitches literally says I love cocaine cause it
got me feelin like I m Superman . The way that Stitches administers his drug is ...
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You would think that girls would condemn this song, but most of the girls I know
have this song on their spotify playlist. This song degrades women and explicitly
promotes rape culture. This song does not say anything about Miley s looks or
personality, it reduced Miley to a piece of ass that Stitches is welcome to penetrate
whenever he pleases. Stitches literally says Ima put my d*** up in your ass and it
ain t coming out . So how could so many people like a song that is literally about
raping a celebrity? Normalizing this disgusting behavior contributes to violence
against women.
College age women are the most likely demographic to be sexually assaulted so it
is really upsetting to me that women sing and dance along to a song that promotes
rape. The song Molly Cyrus does not show women in a positive light and promotes
sexual violence. After listening closely to the lyrics I will ask people to turn off this
vulgar song next time I hear someone play it because this song will only negatively
impact my
Economic Inequality And The Consequences Of Poverty
Furthermore, the consequences of inequality are pretty broad and common sense.
There will always be a gap between the rich and the poor. Also known as economic
inequality setting boundaries within a society. Some consequences of this inequality
are stifling growth, increases in political inequality and increases in crime. Stifles
growth meaning if the high level of inequality is high it will increase poverty, which
will lead to escalation of crime. This will set burdens on the economy and will
perhaps cause an increase in food expenses and a decrease in society s incomes. Then
the growth of the government starts to drop, which doe not affect the rich because
they maintain their position. However, it greatly affects the poor. This ties to
increasing economic political instability.
Political instability is crucial to our government s well being. As mentioned in the
book, The Golden Rule : He who makes the gold makes the rules (Mooney 192).
When wealth is brought together by individuals who are well off they tend to
influence political decisions so it plays out in their favor. This is also known as
plutocracy. An example would be oil companies funding a politician s campaign to
favor them in the long run. It s a shame that this is how our politicians are given
into legal and corrupt decisions. Leaving the middle class and poor without a say
about their political views. The blue collar workers are less likely to participate in
politics because they lack education while
moving away Essay
Moving Away
Moving away from all of your best friends can be a real tragedy in a sixteen year
old teenagers life. It s hard to get up and go eight hundred miles away from
everyone you know and everything you grew up around. I had this happen to me
about three years ago and it is the largest change I have ever had to adjust to in my
life. It wasn t the changes around me that I was bothered by; it was that I did not
know one living soul for hundreds of miles and all I wanted was a friend.
Two days into the summer after sophomore year at Governor Mifflin High School in
the little town of Shillington Pennsylvania I would find out the worse news that a ...
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The hardest part for me was having to say goodbye to all my friends I knew since I
was little, they would stop by the
House, start talking to me and all I could do is cry. I knew what I was leaving behind
was something irreplaceable and almost impossible to come by again.
Once my family and I arrived at our new house I was still very saddened because of
the move and had trouble not getting mad at my parents. Summer went bye like it
wasn t even there and by the time school started I was very depressed. The new
school I was going to was Naperville North High School which was about ten times
the size of my old school in Pennsylvania in size and in the number of students. In
my school in Pennsylvania there were about twelve students in each class, here the
number runs around thirty two. The school building was so big I had a lot of
trouble getting to class on time let alone finding them in the building. The school
wasn t what I was bothered by the most because it was the fact that I didn t have
any social life and I was a social person. There were a lot of different groups of people
at my new high school, it was tough for me to fit in and meet new people. Everyone
just knew me as the new kid and didn t even bother to find out what my real name
was. The first
Introduction. Human Emotion Has The Ability To
Introduction Human emotion has the ability to drastically impact an individual s
psychophysiology. It can have a profound effect on brain functioning, mental and the
physical capabilities of individuals. Emotions can also affect things such as heart
rate, blood pressure, and brain chemicals. It can be highly influenced by environment
as well as genetics. It is vital to look at how emotionspecifically affects the human
body and emotional regulation, and there needs to be an understanding of how
emotions effect mental health disorders as well as the limitations that current exist.
Another important aspect to consider is the long term affects of emotion on
psychophysiology. By understanding each of these components, it is easier to grasp...
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121). This may increase rates of cardiac arrest and death. This will lead to long
term effects on emotional health and well being. Jones and Mize (2016) state,
Emotions involve subjective experiences, physiological patterns, and behavioral
responses (p. 239). Emotions can be broken down into three categories. These
categories include basic emotions such as disgust or surprise, and blended or
complex emotions, such as guilt and pride (Jones Mize, 2016, p. 239). The third
category involves emotions such as guilt. With emotion, childhood can play a
crucial role in emotional development. Emotion and psychophysiology can also
affect each gender differently. Kreibig et al. (2012) state, Women show stronger,
experiential, expressive, and physiological reactivity to emotion (p. 800).
Therefore, in children and women, a higher rate of emotional response and
physiological change would be present. Heart rate is highly affected by emotion.
Casey, Rogers, Burns, and Yiend (2012) mention that negative emotions can cause
a drastic increase in heart rate, while positive emotions can level heart rate.
Obradović and Boyce (2012) point out that the increase in heart rate is caused by
blood flow being diverted from the stomach to the brain (p. 121). Another aspect that
can cause an increase in heart rate is sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation.
High SNS rates can be linked to higher levels of emotional issues as well as social
involvement (Obradović
The Health Of The Australian Population Is Relatively
In general, the Australian population is relatively healthy. Although, the inequalities
in some specific socio economic and cultural regions which has resulted in poor
health these particular groups.
The good news is most young people are achieving national minimum standards for
reading, writing and numeracy, a fully engaged in study or work, and have strong
support networks. This allows for a healthy lifestyle as education enables people to
use their knowledge to make smart and informed decisions in regard to their lifestyle.
Education also encourages people to get jobs, which generate income, which they can
in turn spend on health services to better certain dimensions of their health.
Educations has equipped students with the ability ... Show more content on ...
This is due to their low socio economic status, acting as a barrier to health and
education services.
People in remote areas also experience inequalities due to their distance from
populated areas with high quality health services. This has resulted in higher death
rates, and a lower likeliness to seek advice from health care professionals.
Each year, approximately one in every five Australians will experience a mental
illness. Mental illnesses are the third leading cause of disability burden in Australia,
accounting for an estimated 27% of the total years lost due to disability. Mental health
can be due to disability, poor socioeconomic status and many other reasons. Australian
government and many other non profit organisations assist individuals with keeping
and maintaining good mental health.
Generally, health among young Australians is considered relatively good, but there
are a few key areas that need improvement. This includes reducing the percentage of
obese youth as well as implementing rules and/or regulations, which will hopefully
diminish the percentage of youth involved in weekly drug or alcohol usage.
Youth is a stage of life characterised by rapid psychological and physical transition,
where young people progress from being dependent children to independent adults.
Young people may be inclined to experiment and take risks that
Contrasting Creech s Vocal Music Study
Contrasting Creech et al. s (2013) vocal music study, Justras (2011) community band
study consisted of 1,823 individuals age 17 to 93 years (M = 66.5, Mdn = 67) from
28 U.S. states and Canada (see Table 2.2). Jutras worked closely with NHIMA
administrators and music conductors by emailing (n = 99) band groups resulting in
a response rate of 80% (n = 79); 17 groups were excluded for various reasons. Justras
worked closely with three musiceducation professors to develop a community music
questionnaire that ranked 42 benefits from 1 to 10 (1=lowest, 10=highest) in
categories of (1) health, (2) personal, (3) music competencies, and (4) social/cultural
benefits. Survey packets were mailed to 62 NHIMA bands of which 57 groups (92%)
responded. Although... Show more content on ...
states, 2 Canadian provinces, and Dublin, Ireland to determine older adult music
experiences and self reported health. The demographics reported 97.6% Caucasian,
0.8% Asian, and 0.6% African American; 54.2% females and 45.8% males; age
ranges from 23 to 93 years (95% over age 50) (M = 67.31, Mdn = 68, , SD =
10.96); average health and income; higher education; and musical training in
childhood. Unlike Jutras study of NHIMA band musicians who practiced 3.75
hours per week, Coffman s (2008) NHIMA band members practiced 7 hours per
week. The SF 36v2 Health Survey revealed that participants reported NHIMA
benefited them by 74% overall well being, 24% physical well being, 21% cognitive
stimulation, and 20% socialization (see Table 2.2). The differences between Jutras
(2011) NHIMA study and Coffman s (2008) NHIMA study are motivation to learn
music, and practicing instruments daily in preparation of rehearsals, which is
standard practice for preparation of community concerts. Perhaps Coffman s (2008)
musicians were more serious in developing their music competency skills and thereby
achieved higher levels of brain activity. Whereas, Jutras (2011) musicians would fit
the definition of health care patients or as Gates (1991) described them as
recreationalists or as Stebbins (1992) described individuals as amateurs, volunteers,
hobbyists, and dabblers. As the authors identified, participants lacked the motivation
to play their instruments at home in preparation for band rehearsals, which are
preparatory for music concerts. The results in these studies suggest the activity and
continuity theories to explain older adults
Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release
Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release
Insert Name
July 28th, 2013
Colette Franklin
Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release
When you are trying to portray a message, it is important to remember who your
audience is. The way you deliver a message will depend on your audience and if
you are delivering the message informally, formally, personally, or on behalf of a
company. The way you deliver a message after an accident or disaster is important,
as you are people with a fragile situation and fragile people involved. If a company
portrays, through their messages, that the situation is not under control or that they
do not care there will be consequences for that company and anybody affiliated ...
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These include, inadequate accident prevention systems, information unadapted to
existing risks and emergency plans, limited credibility, and fragile legitimacy
(Lagadec, 1987).
The representative of the company who will be communicating with the family
members needs to make sure that every family needs would have been met. Financial
assistance would be the number one need, spiritual, and counseling to help them cope
with the accident. The company must keep the families updated with the progression
of the rescue mission. The representative must make sure the information that will be
communicated to the families is current and correct. However, the President,
SebastiГ n PiГ±era took the initiative to use his communication skills to inform and to
keep the miners families, and the community at peace.
In this unfortunate event, the San Esteban Mining Company needed to tread
carefully in how they would communicate to the world about the incident. If the
company does not properly communicate what has happened, it would be viewed as
careless, and heartless to the world, employees, and the families. The San Esteban
Mining Company needed to release information in three ways. First, the families
would have priority concerning communicating to different parties involved in this
incident. The person(s) that will be updating the family s needs to be competent and
show empathy, honesty, and be trustworthy and compassionate.
The public needed to be
Use Of Setting And Symbolism In The Graduate By Mike
The Graduate by Mike Nichols has many film techniques that the director has place in
to the film that we can see. Mike Nichols has chosen many of techniques that can be
picked out throughout the whole sequence in the beginning of the film. Mike Nichols
most noticeable choice to use in his film is the setting and symbolism during the
To begin analyzing the setting and symbolism it begins with Ben on an airplane
going back to Los Angeles which shows us that this film will take place at that
location but there are many symbolism in all in this short sequence. First of all as
Ben is coming off the airport and onto the moving conveyor belt with a blank
expressionless face. This shows that Ben is lost and confused like a robot coming off
Water Is An Important Factor That Affects Sorption
Water is an important factor that affects sorption because when there is excess
water or when water drains through soil from sources at the surface, adsorbed
pesticide molecules can become unattached, or desorbed, and wash away to a new
location (Rao, 1999). Just as degradation has a measure in the half life of a
compound, sorption also has a measure in the partition coefficient (Koc), which is a
ratio of pesticide concentration in a soilbound state versus dissolved in soil water
(Rao, 1999). In fact, the solubility of a pesticide and its sorption on soil are
inversely related; [in other words], increased solubility results in less sorption (Rao,
1999). Both sorption and degradation are effected by soil type and pH, both of which
... Show more content on ...
Volatilization is a means of major pesticide loss and its rate of loss can often
exceeds that of degradation, runoff, or leaching (van der Werf, 1996). For example,
in an Oregon study, soil samples 64km from any agriculture were found to have DDT
residues, and in Saskatchewan, Canada, 20% of 2, 4 D iso octyl ester volatilized in
24 hours (Pimentel, 1995). Once in the atmosphere, pesticide residues can spread
anywhere, even Antarctica (Pimentel, 1995). Large amounts of pesticides and
organic compounds can be transported around the globe in the atmosphere, for
example, in the atmosphere of the Netherlands, the amounts of
BHC, DDT, and heptachlor were reported to be 4600, 1064, and 190 pg/m 3,
respectively (Pimentel, 1995).
Topography and Geology Topography and geology affect pesticide movement in
as much as directing or transporting pesticides. Topography is very obvious, for
example, if a field is right next to a river, it is much more likely for runoff to get into
the river system, or if a field is in a low area not very far above the water table,
pesticides are very likely to leach into the groundwater. On the other hand, a field
could be high and dry and very far from any river or groundwater, but if it is hilly
that can pose its own problems. As T. Y. Tong and Chen point out, surface runoffis an
important source of non point pollution (Tong and Chen, 2002). Though it was
pointed out by van der Werf that volatilization is the biggest source of
Community Of Practice
As our world becomes increasingly complex, it is important for today s leaders to
develop a network of committed individuals who are willing to share knowledge and
wisdom, challenge beliefs, and invest in each other s success. These networks or
communities of practice take many different forms, such as professional learning
communities (PLC), professional learning networks (PLN), mentoring, coaching,
social media groups, or social media chats. Even though each community may take
many different shapes and forms, they share common characteristics, such as a
mutual interest, meaningful interaction, and the investment of time. Although
communities of practice require a significant investment of time, interaction, and
commitment, I ... Show more content on ...
Without time spent interacting and developing relationships with a group of
individuals, we fail to establish the trust that is necessary for growth to occur. Time
helps develop the trust which is required to challenge our thinking, motivate us to
learn from others, and cultivate growth. A good example of this occurred during the
time of Jesus three year ministry on earth. He invested a substantial amount of time
mentoring, coaching, and challenging his disciples to adequately prepare them to
share the gospel throughout Europe and Asia.
In our fast paced society, finding time is a difficult task; however, throughout my
interviews with leaders from various professions, I have been reminded me of the
correlation between time and growth. Not only is time essential for developing trust,
but it is also critical to growth. Many of the leaders I interviewed have learned to
spent significant amounts of time disciplining themselves practice their skills, learn
from others, and challenge their beliefs. Although I have always enjoyed learning, I
have found that I have isolated myself in my learning experiences. At times, I have
ignored and failed to appreciate the contributions of others. My ignorance has blinded
me from trying new ideas, challenging old beliefs, and trusting others enough to
Marketing Management Strategy of L’oreal Groups
Marketing Management Strategy of L Oreal Groups
Many cosmetic brands are popping up recently, perhaps, due to the increasing
consumers of products that beautify and enhance the physical appearance of a
person. Even though the market is already full of the said cosmetic brands, the
company L Oreal Groups could still be considered as the leading supplier of cosmetics
and hair color. This study is a brief overview of the marketing concepts and strategy
of the said company. The company profile will be presented to be able to give a clear
view of the market to which the company belongs to. An internal and external
(SWOT) analysis of the company will also be provided in this paper. Another area
will be specifically devoted to ... Show more content on ...
The pharmaceutical activities of L Oreal are also handled by Sanofi Aventis. These
divisions and subdivisions ensure the quality that the L Oreal Group offers to its
customers. To further add to the enumerated strengths of the company, L Oreal s
advertising strategy also plays a major part to its growth. Through adapting to the
culture of their target market as the main tool of their advertisement, the Company
brought L Oreal products within reach of other women from different parts of the
2. Weaknesses
Perhaps one of the weaknesses that a big company faces is the decentralized
organizational structure. This is also part of the difficulties that L Oreal is facing.
Due to the many subdivisions of the Company, there is also the difficulty in the
control of L Oreal. This slows down the production of the Company because of the
need of giving reference to the other Board members and directors of the Company.
L Oreal will also have a difficulty in finding out what division is accountable for the
possible pitfalls of the Company. Another weakness that L Oreal faces is their
profit. The profit margin of L Oreal is comparably low than that of the other smaller
rivals. While L Oreal projects certain rise in digits as their profit, the result does not
usually meet the expectations (Sang, 2003). Perhaps, this is also due to the high end
advertising and marketing as well as the width of the Company. Finally, the
coordination and the control of the activities
Causes Of Sexual Harassment In Egypt
Documentaries concerning sexual harassment in Egypt are getting more serious each
day. The problem is age old, however not till lately the government and the media
started taking actions against this striking crime. Sexual harassment is present in
every society around the world, in every place in Egypt and it cost women an
immeasurable damage emotionally and physically. It terrorizes women holding them
back from their lives, work and duties, forcing them to measure the value of
opportunities against the risk to their safety. The way sexual harassmenthas created
fear in every basic life demand, women always trying to find a more secure path in
their lives by avoiding sexual harassment, which sometimes manipulate their actions
and decisions.
The largest majorities face sexual harassment in Egypt, it is a vital problem and
studies showed that almost every woman in Egypt had been subjected to it. This
problem is notable and can occur in many ways or forms. Not only sexual
harassment is constricted to offense inappropriate act against victims will , but it is
any violence that can occur to a woman in any platform or by anyway. Types of
violence on women are various, however they can all be placed under two headings:
physical sexual harassment and verbal sexual harassment. Nevertheless, The Egyptian
Criminal Code has divided crimes of sexual violence against women into two
categories a category which contains sexual harassment, and the other category which
contains FGM,
A Brief Note On Independent Artist And The National...
Independent project BA POPUALR MUSIC MUS Can unsigned artist make the
national average salary from their recorded work using direct to fan module? The
objectives of this research are to determine whether independent artist can earn the
equivalent to the National average salary through the independent distribution of
their works. This paper will analyze some of the changes in the ways in which
independent artist can now distribute music in an attempt to answer the above
question. It is necessary here to clarify exactly what is meant by national average
salary. When speaking of the national average salary this essay trying to determine
whether an artist can make the national average salary, which is according to office
of national statistics, was ВЈ27,600 For the year ending 5 April 2015 for full time
employees. . Using my 2014 EPs consumption and sales data, BPI 2014 monthly
reports, results from a online survey conducted by myself and a number of journals
and other academic literature this paper will then compare the benefits of
independent artist taking advantage of the a direct to fan business model. The
second section of this essay will look at the data gathered through my 2014 release.
The third section of this essay shall move on to look at the results of a survey of
music consumers to find out how they are accessing the music they listening to these
result will help us understand how unsigned artist can reach their audience. The
fourth section of this essay will be
Asylum Seeker Rights
The process, effectiveness and limitations of the human rights system in protecting
asylum seeker rights.
It is widely accepted that Governments are primarily responsible for guaranteeing
the basic human rights of their citizens, however when a person becomes an asylum
seeker they lose this State based support and protection often it may not have been
there in the first place. Without the assistance of other States this vulnerable group
of individuals can be open to persecution and violations of their rights at home and
abroad (UNHCR, 2015, np). Whilst providing a solutions based focus for the rights
of asylum seekers, it is argued that the current scope of the Convention Relating to the
Status of Refugees and its Protocol define the issue ... Show more content on ...
These include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR); the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR); the
Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment (CAT); and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Provided
a State has ratified them, these obligations to protect refugees include implementing
domestic provisions which acknowledge:
Everyone is entitled to respect for their human rights without discrimination (ICCPR,
Articles 2 and 26), (CRC, Article 2), (ICESCR, Article 2);
No one should be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or
punishment (ICCPR, Article 7) (CAT, Articles 2 and 16) (CRC, Article 37);
All detainees should be treated with humanity and respect for their inherent dignity
(ICCPR, Article 10) (CRC, Article 37);
People should not be held in arbitrary detention (ICCPR, Article 9) (CRC, Article
A Study of Climate Change Adaptation Practices and Their...
A study of Climate change adaptation practices and their implementations.
1) Introduction
A series of reports issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
in the Nineties conclusively linked increasing climate variability as a consequence of
human actions resulting in increasing quantities of Green House Gases in the
These reports led to a call for international action and thus the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was established in 1994. The
Framework envisaged two main strategies to tackle climate change
Mitigation processes involving reducing the output of green house gases
Adaptation methods used to cope with climate change
1.1) The need for Adaptation
Mitigation ... Show more content on ...
The Sunderbans, located in West Bengal, have been particularly susceptible to
typhoons arising from the Bay of Bengal. Farmers have relied on embankments to
segregate saline sea water from engulfing their soil but the devastation caused by
Typhoon Aila in 2009 destroyed approximately 900 kms of embankment thus
salinating many miles of agricultural land. This prompted Kolkata NGO, Society for
Environment and Development (ENDEV) to look into introducing strains of paddy
rice which were resistant to saline water and soil thus providing farmers a lifeline to
their crop yield.
ENDEV activists took a year to identify five indigenous salt resistant seeds :
Nona bokra
Lal getu
Sada getu
The NGO then collaborated with five other organisations in the Sunderbans to
propagate the new seeds. The harvest observed after subsequent planting of these
seeds was satisfactory despite the late monsoons in 2012.
Citation (Ghosh, 2013)
4) Case Study B : Radio as a means of climate change education in Bundelkhand
through the Shubh Kal project.
Azadpura village in the Indian district
Odysseus- Everett Comparison
The poem The Odyssey details the story of a man named Odysseus who went
through many trials and tribulations while trying to get home to his family. In the
past, many stories, movies, and other works of literature have based its plot around
the story: The Odyssey . However, there is one movie that stands out as unique and
its title is O Brother Where Art Thou . The producers, Joel and Ethan Coen, did a
wonderful job in making actor Ulysses Everett McGill represent Odysseus. Everett
from O Brother Where Art Thou and Odysseus from Homer s The Odysseyare very
similar in many ways, but contrast in multiple qualities and characteristics as well. In
O Brother Where Art Thou , the main character, Everett is on a voyage trying to...
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Analyzing the two examples, one can see that Odysseus and Everett were willing to
perform courageous acts to protect the people whom they love.
Even though there are many similarities between Everett and Odysseus, there is a
major difference between the two; their view on faith. In O Brother Where Art Thou
Tommy informs the Chain Gang that he sold his soul to the devil to learn how to
play guitar
The Main Aspects Of Intrinsic Motivation For An Athlete
Motivation is crucial for an athlete in order to want to win. It is hard to want to win
if you have no motivation. The main aspect of motivation in terms of the self
determination theory is intrinsic motivation. The self determination theory can be
defined as a highly appropriate conceptual framework from which to study sport
persistence and dropout (Calvo, CervellГі, JimГ©nez, Iglesias, Moreno Murcia,
2010). Intrinsic Motivationcan be defined as an athlete taking up playing a sport just
for the enjoyment of playing a sport (Pelletier, Tuson, Fortier, Vallerand, BriГ©re,
1995). It is important to realize that the self determination theory affects an athlete s
motivation intrinsically (internally) because the self determination theory uses
factors like autonomy and competence to motivate an athlete to play better in their
sport. Most athletes, now and in the past, find it easier to motivate themselves
intrinsically if they enjoy the sport or have fun while playing the sport (Ryan Deci,
Intrinsic Motivation has been experimented on for years and in order to prove its
validity. Regarding athletics, intrinsic motivation is defined as an athlete taking up
playing a sport just for the enjoyment of playing a sport (Pelletier et al., 1995). In an
article published by Ryan Deci, the two argue that through their research, it was
proven that having intrinsic motivation will help engage an athlete because of the
feeling of competence that arises
Essay on Vietnamese Americans
The following paper will discuss Vietnamese Americans and their journey to
America. I will talk about how these incredible and resilient people fought to
succeed it a world that seemed to hold the odds against them. The culture, beliefs,
and challenges of Vietnamese people are a precise paradigm of their strength and
Unfortunately, Vietnamese Americans make up only a small percent of the total
American Population today. There are many stereotypes associated with the
Vietnamese, but the truth is, we really know very little about their culture. After the
Viet Nam War, many Vietnamese citizens immigrated to the United Statesto escape
political Prosecution and poverty. Faced with a variety of obstacles and ... Show more
content on ...
The act was implemented in 1989 and called The Vietnamese Amerasian
Homecoming Act. Amerasian is a term used to describe children of Vietnamese
mothers and American fathers (or vice versa). Enabling approximately 25,000
Amerasian children into the country with their immediate families, the act allowed
over 77,000 Vietnamese immigrants into the United States. Overall, between 1981
and 2000, over 531,000 Vietnamese citizens, voluntarily immigrated to the United
States and were accepted. Although the United States progressively allowed more
Vietnamese immigrants into the country, if there were never limits to the number of
legal refuges, tens of thousands of lives may have been spared.
Currently, the United States continues to limit the number of immigrants permitted to
enter the country. Politicians are even trying to upgrade the charge to a felony
offense if immigrants are caught entering the United Sates illegally. The interesting
part of this phenomenon is that the only people who are native to America are the
Native American Indians. Other than that, everyone s family had immigrated to
America at some point. Having said that, maybe we should be more forthcoming
when trying to pass a law by stating that now, since our family is already here, we
should start to limit the number of new immigrants that enter. I find the hypocrisy of
our government to somewhat overwhelming.
At this point, the American people
Senator Sexton Debate Essay
Which very important event is Senator Sexton preparing himself for? He prepares his
CNN presidential debate.
What is Senator Sexton s behavior towards this debate?
He is very confident that he will make a good impression and he doesn t stress about
Senator Sexton gave his opinion on a very controversial subject. What is it?
He gave his opinion on the same sex marriage.
What is the White House s strategy for the debate?
The white house wants to keep secret who will go against Senator Sexton during the
What are the rumours concerning the White House?
The main rumour is that the President might have quitted his job. It is also mentioned
that the White House s staff is very confused and angry not knowing what is going
on .
Which ... Show more content on ...
What is Senator Sexton s plan for winning the debate?
He will make NASA a political issue by exposing its exorbitant budget.
When does the President plan to reveal NASA s big discovery?
He wants to call a press conference at the White House tonight at 8 P.M.
Which strange question does the President ask to Rachel?
He asks her if she has a cellphone.
What does the President do when Rachel answers to this question?
He takes her phone and slips it into his pocket.
Where does the President go after his short talk with Rachel?
He leaves the island aboard his plane.
What does the President say to Rachel before leaving?
He says I assure you, Rachel, you will not regret assisting me in this matter .
Where does Rachel go after meeting the President?
She leaves the island on another plane with a strange pilot.
At what speed is Rachel s plane flying?
It flies at almost 1500 miles per hour.
How does Rachel feel in this high speed plane ?
She is feeling dizzy and she vomits.
In which direction is the plane going?
The plane is going north.
What are the White House s dimensions?
The White House measures 170 feet in length by 85 feet wide on 18 acres of
landscaped ground.
Who is
Non Commissioned Officer Essay
Non Commissioned Officers must exhibit expertise in both management and
leadership to be truly successful. Management is the ability to attain quantifiably
measurable success, while Leadership is the art of capitalizing on a person s
individual motivators to inspire. While a mission may be complete utilizing only
managementtactics, we must motivate our Soldiers and groom them to one day take
our place. It is necessary to make the distinction between the two and to find a
As a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO), it is my foremost job to train and lead
Soldiers. The ways that an NCO may approach this task are as varied as the
personality types within the Army, and are specific to the element for which an
NCO is responsible. We are charged to groom the future NCOs who will take our
place by creating subject matter experts and role models. We aim to create, promote,
and guide Soldiers by our Values, the Creed of the Non Commissioned Officer,
adherence to the Constitution, and the various regulations and publications guiding
daily life. The Army requires that we do what is necessary to accomplish a mission,
fulfilling the orders of the Officers appointed over us. Often times, it is not the
tangible effects of our actions that are the most difficult to accomplish, it is the
psychological ... Show more content on ...
Management is a numbers game, success in which results in metrics, procedures
followed, and general measurable successes. Tangible gains from quantifiable tasks
are a result of a logical approach to work. Leadership, having to do with the specifics
of people, is incredibly psychological. Leadership is gaining the investment of time,
energy, and motivation of those who are going to put in the work necessitating
management. Neither is more important that the other, as pertains to short term
mission accomplishment, but the balance of both is required for long term
Example Of An Object Speech On African Elephants
Mary George
February 16, 2018
Object Speech
African Elephants What s animal is really big, gray, and is pregnant for 22 months?
That s right elephants, but how much do you really know about these animals. By the
end of the of my speech I hope that you will know more about the African elephant s
physical appearance, diet, and the main reasons they are now a threatened species.
These extremely intelligent animals are every interesting mammals. The average
weights of a full grown African elephant is about 15,000lbs (male), and 7,700lbs
(female). Their heights range from about 10 5 for males to 8 5 for females. They are
considered the largest land animals, which is no surprise when you see pictures of
these animals. Elephants have very unique physical features ... Show more content on ...
These trunks have about 100,000 muscles in them, which is what allows them to
complete extraordinary tasks, such as lifting tree trunks. This unique feature is also
used for breathing, trumping, and grabbing the next meal. Now that I have talked
about the physical features of elephants, I am going to talk about their diets.
Elephants are herbivores. This mean that they are not meat eaters. Their diet
typically consist of plants, roots, fruits, and tree bark. According to the National
Geographic, an adult elephant can consume up to 300 pounds of food in a single
day. This is about 55 times the amount the average human can eat in a day. In
addition to the 300 pounds of food they eat, an elephant can drink about 50 gallons
of water in a single day. Because elephants eat and drink so much throughout the day,
they tend to not sleep as much as other animals. Since I have now explained some of
the unique physical features of African elephants and their diets, I am going to talk
about the main reason African elephants are becoming a threatened species. A
threatened species is one that could become extinct in the near future. The main
reason for
Acute Operative Surgery And Surgical Stress Responses
Answer 1.
Understanding contraindications with post operative surgery and surgical stress
responses in patients with pre existing diseases or conditions, is the key pathogenic
factor to understand. Post Surgical stress responses include: Pain, Nausea,
Hypoxemia, Muscle loss, Immobilisation and Sleep disturbance etc. Increase on the
demand of organ functions and activation of other biological responses in the body,
is the result of post operative surgical stress. These changes due to stress on body
functions are believed to be induced by endocrine metabolism and activation of
several other biological systems in our body. Although these changes are important
for survival, if left prolonged, they may give rise to loss of body cell mass and ...
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This likely explains why his BSL was 17 on admission which is clearly above the
normal range. This is contributed to, by activation of the sympathetic nervous system
(flight or fight response to stimulate glycogen release from liver) and also cortisol
release from the adrenal gland which has effects primarily at the glucocorticoid
Hyperglycaemia results physiologically in glycosuria (exceeds the tubular
maximum for reabsorption at the proximal tubule) which leads to polyuria and
subsequent polydipsia. Hyperglycaemia is not optimal peri operatively because of
the risk of infection and poor wound healing (Nickolas, Leonard, Shane, 2008).
Subsequent polyuria results in dehydration which is also not ideal in someone who
is already likely dehydrated from fluid losses and blood loss from the lower limb
fracture. Hence the need for IV fluid replacement is important.
In regards to the effect of the tibial fibula fracture on his co morbid hypertension, the
fracture would obviously cause intense pain due to its open nature and breach of
periosteal bone. Subsequent pain results in sympathetic drive with tachycardia
through adrenaline and nor adrenaline s effects on alpha and beta receptors on the
myocardium as well as arterioles resulting in vasoconstriction. Activation of alpha and
beta receptors acts as a stimulant (Oroko, Wadia, Farrell,
Sociaalism In The 19th Century
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries the American society had an tremedous
impact on their way of life as the United States grew at a rapid rate. Cities such as
New York, for example, had a huge population increae due to numerious immigrants
flocking to the United States. The city is the nerve center of our civiliation. It is also
the stor center. The fact, therefore, tht it is growing much more rapidly than the
whole population is full of significance. (Our Country). With the increase of
immigrants flocking to the United Statesalso brought the rise of criminals. These said
criminals included gamblers thieves, and robbers. With large numbers of immigrats
migrating to the United States in search for a better way of life it made many
vulernable to the luxuries and wealth that the large cities promised.... Show more
content on ...
Here is heaped the social dynamite her roughs, gamblers, thiees, robbers, lawless
and desperate men of all sorts, congregate, men who are ready on any pretext to
raise riots for the purpose of destruction and plunder, here gather foreigners and
wage workers, ere skepticism and irreligion abound; here ineuality is the gretest and
most obvious, and the contrast between opuleence and penury the most striking,
here is suffering the sorest. (Our Country). Living in the bigger cities made it easier
for the criminals to hide and to get away with their crimes because the government
couldn t control the bigger cities. As a rule, our largest cities are the worst governed.
It is natural, therefore, to infer that as our cities grow larger and more dangerous, the
government will become more corrupt, and control will pass moree completely into
the hands of those who themselves most need to b controlled. (Our
A amp;P Essay
It is very common for teenagers to wish to gain some freedom by earning a small
income. This is often achieved through employment at fast food chains, markets,
restaurants, and shops. As a result of the amount of time consumed by these
occupations, much of a teenager s life tends to focus on the people and events that
are central to these places of employment. Sammy, the main character in John Updike
s story A amp;P, is a superb representation of the teen employee. p
Updike places his character in a typical setting and allows the readers to view the
events of the story from the perspective of a teen. By doing this, he makes it simple
for readers to relate with Sammy and his experiences. In reflection ... Show more
content on ...
After working for approximately three years in a bicycle shop where this
characteristic can be easily observed, I have found that customers will continue on
their decided path of examining merchandise and comparing prices, without regard
for any added stimuli. During the busier seasons, it seems especially true that one
could, as stated by Sammy, set off dynamite . . . and the people would by and large
keep reaching and checking (Updike 371). This characteristic alienates the employee
from customers: in most cases, they are held to the belief that finding the lowest
priced, lowest quality item is necessary; they expect the employee to understandingly
ring up six pairs of checkered spandex cycling shorts that have been laying
harmlessly dormant in the bargain bin since the 1980 s. Sammy identifies this idea
also by stating, what do these bums do with all that pineapple juice? (Updike 371). p
The effort some customers place into catching an employee s mistake could easily
establish customers as the most abhorrent aspect of a teen s job experience in its self.
The number of customers that possess this fine quality seems to be related to a
function that increases with respect to age; it appears that
Short Essay On The Pigman
The Pigman by Paul Zindel is a novel written in two people s perspectives. Mr.
Zindel obviously had a high level of proficiency to construct such an interesting
story. This book centers around two high schooler outcasts named John and
Lorraine. They are both good friends, and they cross paths with the smiley but
lonely Mr. Pignati. He treats them very kindly and shows him around his house; and
Lorraine can t help but have anxiety towards with friendly old man. The old man
shows them a room covered from head to toe with porcelain pigs. They discover that
Mr. Pignati has an avocation for collecting porcelain pigs. Lorraine and John find a
nickname for him: the Pigman. The Pigman practically begs them to go with him to
the zoo, and John and Lorraine feel they are in a... Show more content on ...
Pignati bought, she was acting like an ingrate. Mrs. Jensen then tells Lorraine to
be careful of men; because she is very antagonistic towards them because of her ex
husband. Lorraine only nods and barely listens to her because she has a relationship
with John; and she knows she can trust men. One day, John, Lorraine, and the
Pigman are hanging out, and John wears the roller skates he got because of the
Pigman. He is running up the stairs in them;; and Mr. Pignati decides to follow him
with his roller skates on too. Consequently, the Pigman has a heart attack; and has to
be rushed to the hospital. Furthermore, for Lorraine and John to see him, they have
to pretend to be his children. It turns out that Mr. Pignati was fine, but he needs to
stay in the hospital for a few more days. Afterwords, John has an idea to through a
high school party at Mr. Pignati s house because he is not there. Lorraine strongly
disagrees, but then reluctantly agrees to help out with the hors d oeuvres. The party
ends up having more than forty people there, one of them being Norton. Norton and
John dislike each other; and when alcohol gets involved, so do the
Why Did He Send His Son
Why did He send His Son?
Why did God send His one and ONLY Son to die for us? Was there another way we
could have been saved? What would be happening right now if He did not die to save
us? If Jesus was the Son of God why did he have to go to Hell? How do we know he
was the real Messiah?
If He was the Son of God why did He go to the Land of the Dead?
Philippians 2:5 11 says
He went because of punishment for our sins. And what we did, and how many times
we disobeyed the Lord. Jesus went to the Land of the Dead to save us from Death. 1
Peter 2:24 says He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might
die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed He died
saving us from Death and sin.
He went to the Land of the Dead so He could could prove the Prophecies, so they
KNEW He was the real Messiah. Some of the Prophecies were, Jesus would be
born of a virgin. He did that, he was born of the virgin Mary. Another one is He
would be born in Bethlehem. He also did that. And another Prophecy said that to be
the Messiah he would be nailed to a cross and die for us. He did that, and whilst
doing that he saved us from our sins and washed us white as snow ... Show more
content on ...
He went to beat death once and for all. He went so we could be with him and not go
to the Land of the Dead. He went so we could have a chance to be with
It s Time To Put An End To Gender Stereotypes
From the moment we are born we are put into one of two categories, boy or girl.
We are never asked or considered to be anything but. No in between, no blurred
lines. And because of the society we created, we attach extensive stereotypes to
each of those genders. This is simply known as gender roles, or more specifically; a
set of societal norms dictating what types of behaviors are generally considered
acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for a person based on their actual or perceived
sex . This includes all kinds of stereotypes, like, that women should stay home,
cook, and be girly , and that men need to be strong, the sole provider of the house,
and manly . Not to say you can t be those things, but those roles can be very
constricting for most of the population. Genderroles can be so restricting that they
affect our lifestyle, workplace, and mentality and self image.
Pereira observed both boys and girls regulating their behavior in potentially
harmful ways in order to adhere to gender norms. (Culp Ressler) Gender roles can
make anyone who strives for that ideal lifestyle have a very demanding and
oppressive life. What I mean by this is that, the perfect life we envision, even if it
isn t what we want, it makes us feel like we have to fulfill those roles. Now,
everyone feels and deals with things differently. With the gender roles that girls need
to be skinny and pretty and guys need to be strong and tough, it gets to kids and can
affect them for the rest of
Lupus Essay
Definition of the Disease
Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause that can affect virtually
any part of the body. The medical term for Lupus is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
or better known as SLE. With Lupus there is a malfunction in some of the cells of the
immune system. quot;In Lupus, the body overreacts to an unknown stimulus and
makes to many antibodies, or proteins directed against body tissue. Thus, Lupus is
called an autoimmune disease. #
Myth/Reality Statements
Myth: Lupus is contagious.
Reality: It is not contagious, it is not spread from person to person.
Myth: It is uncommon in women to contact Lupus.
Reality: quot;Between the ages of 15 and 45, close to 90% of diagnosed patients are
women ... Show more content on ...
Facial redness or a rash on the face appears in the shape of a butterfly. This rash is
flat, patchy lesions can also occur on the face; these lesions are raised and rough to
the touch. Some Lupus patients may lose their hair, and scarring on the scalp may be
related to this. Lupus patients also experience photosensitivity, a harmful reaction to
sunlight. Rashes can occur due to exposure to sunlight. People that have Lupus bruise
easily. Ulcers may occur in the mouth, nose and throat . quot; #
There are also symptoms that involve the chest. These involve chest pain due to
pleurisy, and irritation of the membranes lining the inside of the chest around the
lungs, and pain due to pericarditis, and inflammation of the sack surrounding the
heart. With both of these conditions there is difficulty in breathing, pain, shortness of
breath, or a rapid heartbeat.
Joint pain is common in Lupus. Patients suffer from arthritis like pain, swelling in the
joints, redness and stiffness. These symptoms involve one or more joints.
Lupus may also affect the blood. Anemia is common in individuals with Lupus, with
this condition there is a low read blood cell count, the red blood cells are coated with
antibodies that cause them to break down and break apart. Leupkopenia is also
common, with this condition there is a low white blood cell count. This can lead to
an increased susceptibility to infections. Thrombocytopenia is also common; with
this condition people have trouble
Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Essay
Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Assignment Mishawna Washington Grand
Canyon University: PCN 505 July 31, 2013 Counselor Values On the issue of
abortion with the 19 year old rape victim, I feel that she has a right to choose
whether or not to go through with the abortion. As her counselor I have to put my
personal feelings aside and help her to make the best decision for herself. My
client is firm in her plans to have the abortion and since she is an adult her parents
have no legal right to make her change her mind. I am unable to convince the
parents to change their minds as they are not my clients and I have no input in how
they feel. According to the ACA (2005) I must be sensitive to the family s cultural
beliefs and in the... Show more content on ...
It is my job as a professional to put all those differences aside and view my client as
just that. A client of mine that has enlisted my help with an issue they are facing
and my focus should remain on helping my client and not judging them for their
lifestyle. Lastly, clients have the right to quality care. The NAADAC (2011)
states, The addiction professional espouses objectivity and integrity and maintains
the highest standards in the services provided. As a professional counselor I will
be an advocate for my clients. I will stay up to date with the latest research and
counseling techniques. In an article by Eberstein (1977) he states Don t use new
styles or fads for treatment when they have not yet been accepted or approved by
your professional body. Although we may use these new techniques we should be
properly trained on how to use them properly first. Clients deserve to be provided
with the best we have to offer which means updated assessments and quick results. I
will keep my personal opinions to myself and will not attempt to force them onto my
clients. I will remain professional at all times. Responsibility to Warn and Protect
The duty to warn and protect is the result of the Supreme Court case Tarasoff v
Regents of the University of California. (Gehring 1982) In this case the courts
decided that a psychotherapist having knowledge of the
Respect Essay
I have been told that I need to write a 1000 word essay on disrespecting a Non
Commissioned Officer. But it is really hard to write about this because I am
having a hard time wondering how I disrespected them. So, where do I start on this
and what do I say about it. As far as this essay goes I am just going to write how I
feel about respect and how respect works both ways. It is wrong to disrespect a
Non Commissioned Officer because they are appointed above me to guide me to
the right place and things to do. But it is really hard to respect someone when they
do not respect you. Respect works both ways and if that person or leadership does
not respect you trying to respect them is difficult. No matter what is said it is
disrespect.... Show more content on ...
I have seen way worse disrespect then what I have ever done to anyone. In my eyes
disrespect is if you just plainly say hell no or fuck off. I have never done that and
yet they automatically think that if you are asking them why you are told to do
something it is disrespect but in fact is not disrespect it is that the soldier is trying
to learn from them. If I remember correctly the Non Commissioned Officer Creed
states Competence is my watchword. My two basic responsibilities will always be
uppermost in my mind accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my
soldiers. I will strive to remain tactically and technically proficient. I am aware of
my role as a Noncommissioned Officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in
that role. All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that
leadership. I know my soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. I
will communicate consistently with my soldiers and never leave them
uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and
punishment. But it seems that only a few of the Non Commissioned Officers
respect the lower enlisted. Why should soldiers words get twisted and why is that
NCO s are not respecting the soldiers and their needs. We need to be respected that
is one of the many needs of the soldiers of today. That is why a lot of soldiers act
out against Non Commissioned Officers. Ok so disrespect is all on what that person
Formatting Makes People Fat
They re so many interesting ways to screw up an academic paper. I don t even
know where to begin! Oh well, I guess I could start with formatting. What is
formatting? , you might ask. Formatting is how to set up your paper. Format was
actually one of your 6th grade vocab words, allow yourself to reminisce for a
moment. Take a look at the heading of this essay, where your name is listed. If it
looks like this, it s wrong. The first problem is not enough spacing. It should be
double spaced. The main text of your essay should always be double spaced. Got
it! Good, now take mother look at the heading. There are 4 major errors; do you
think you can find them all? Wow, Definitely a lot of errors. But as you should have
guessed by now, this essay... Show more content on ...
Now that you have cleaverly discovered all the errors in the heading, let s take a
look to the title. Anything look mangled to you? Maybe not mangled like a lot of
crashed cars must look after crazy wreaks but wrong nonetheless. What s wrong
with the title of this essay? Very Good! YOU DID IT! I knew it was in you. If any
of you turn in an essay with these basic formatting issues, I will not be happy. In
fact, I will be quite unscrupulous. I will tell you to go somewhere and reread the
poop essay until you re writing is completely poop free. A.K.A,clear and concise.
Here is a list of words that may help you in your quest to find all the errors in this
essay; Formatting, spelling, sentence structure, word choice, punctuation, thesis
statement (does this essay even have one?), Introduction, supportive paragraphs,
transition words, appropriate words, unnecessary words. Oh, also now would be a
really good time to tell you to indent every new paragraph! How many tim s did I
indent this craptastic essay? Now take some time to find errors. Welcome to my
world. You need to learn to proofread for yourself! I can t follow you to High
School or College. Your ability to communicate effectively, and do well in school,
hinges on your understanding of these very basic proofreading
Samuel R. Watkins Research Paper
Samuel R. Watkins was an American writer and confederate soldier and fought
throughout the entire Civil War and being included in several major battles. He is
best known for his memoirs Co. Aytch which are accounts of his time in the army
and as soldier in First Tennessee. Watkins was born in Maury County, Tennessee,
on June 26, 1839. After his 21st birthday, in May of 1861, Watkins join the army
when his state left the Union. He was apart of Company H and he was one of
seven men who remained when the company surrendered to Major General W. T.
Sherman in North Carolina, April 1865. Watkins died at the age of 62 with military
honors. Pardon me should I use the personal pronoun I too frequently, as I do not
wish to be called egotistical, for
Comparison Of Northanger Abbey And The Oval Portrait
Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey and Edgar Allan Poe s The Oval Portrait portray
confusion between imagination and reality. In the excerpt of Northanger Abbey,
Catherine comes to learn about the late Mrs Tilney while on a walk with Eleanor. In
contrast, the excerpt of The Oval Portrait details the narrator s delirious encounter
with a life like portrait of a young woman. Both excerpts explore how the relationship
between art and reality. However, whereas the narrator in The Oval Portrait is able to
soundly distinguish illusion from reality, Catherine s boundless imagination clouds
her reason and adversely affects her judgment.
I) Art as an interplay of fantasy and reality
Fantasy and reality are mixed in The Oval Portrait through a series ... Show more
content on ...
Borrowing the plot details of various gothic novels, Catherine attempts to interpret the
General s character to conform to the outlines of the evil and mysterious villain, a
stock character in the Gothic novel. The general s worry over her well being is
misread as a threat to Catherine. His avoidance of a path favoured by his late wife
is misconstrued as guilt. Even the absence of the late Mrs Tilney s portrait in his
room is attributed to cruelty. Imagination clouds her reason and deduction, as she
assumes the worst despite lack of evidence. For instance, Catherine claims that there
was a something in the turn of his features which spoke his not having behaved well
to her, such something being an unspecified product of her fantasy. As she gradually
comes to think the worst of the General, it is because she has often read of such
characters. Unlike the book in The Oval Portrait , which represented a retreat from
the extreme to reality, books in Northanger Abbeyrepresents Catherine s alternate
reality, that of a gothic mystery. She considers herself a heroine living through her
books and pursuing some other truth. The reader follows Catherine s stream of
consciousness as she searches for clues and pieces of evidence: Here was another
proof. A portrait very like of a departed wife, not valued by the husband! He must
have been dreadfully cruel to
Tim O brien s On the Rainy River Essays
Tim O brien s On the Rainy River
Tim O brien s On the Rainy River is a true story told by a 41 year old of his life at
the age of 21. The fact that O brien is writing this 20 years later adds a new aspect to
the story. He describes himself as a young man with the world in his back pocket. O
brien has just graduated from Macalester College and has a free ride to Harvard.
Unfortunately, his storybook world collapses when he receives a draft notice for the
Vietnam war, a war that he has taken a modest stand against (44) in 1968. Upon
receiving his draft notice, O brien was thrown into a world of what he calls moral
confusion (44). As a 21 year old, he follows every rule put forth in front of him, even
though he says ... Show more content on ...
He stopped here to try and organize his thoughts and make his decision, or at least
that is what he thought he was doing. He was actually trying to stall the inevitable. At
the Tip Top Lodgehe met Elroy Berdhal, the man who saved me (50). Berdhal
seemed to know exactly what O Brien needed. He gave him small tasks like
chopping wood and didn t talk to him about sensitive topics like why he was there.
One of the most captivating moments of the story is when Berdhal takes O Brien
fishing on the Rainy River, which is actually the divider between his two lives.
Berdhal takes the boat within meters of the Canadian shore, brining O Brien to
attempt to answer the question, swim to freedom or return home and fight. He
thinks that he actually has a choice in this matter, but there really is now way that
he could have jumped even with all the motivation in the world. His mind isn t
mentally prepared to make such a decision. He then knew, so close to freedom that
Canada had become a pitiful fantasy. Silly and hopeless. It was no longer a
possibility (59). So he went home the next day, eventually heading off to Vietnam,
not even getting to say good bye to the man who in the next 20 years would grow to
become the most influential man in his past.
Embarrassment is O Brien s downfall. He would imagine all of the citizens in his
hometown gossiping about his lack of
Summary Of Willa Cather s My Antonia
Willa Cather wrote many novels. One of them is My Antonia. She is an American
Author from the regionalism period. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 1923 writing
about World War 1.
Willa Cather is an American Author who wrote My Antonia in 1918. This novel is
a short fictional introduction about Jim meeting this little girl named
Antonia.When Jim was 10 he was orphaned and he moved from Virginia to
Nebraska to live on his grandparents farm. The Shimerda family suffers through
tough winters, as they don t have a lot of money. Jim s grandparents try to do
whatever they can but Mr. Shimada ends up making suicide. By the time Jim was
ready for high school his grandparents moved out to Black Hawk, Nebraska, but
Antonia s family remained on the farm. Antonia ends up moving out with a family
in town named Harling. When Jim finishes college he returns back to Black Hawk
for the summer before law school. When he gets back he wants to visit Antonia. But
Jim is afraid of what he may find.
My Antonia is a novel of American frontier life. This novel is narrated by Jim
Burden. David Daiches complaint of twenty years ago prevails: that work is flawed
by irrelevant episodes and material of uncertain meaning. As soon as Jim gets ... Show
more content on ...
From time to time I ve been writing down what I remember...about Antonia....I didn t
take time to arrange it; I simply wrote down pretty much all what her name recalls to
me. I suppose it hasn t any form,...any title, either. His memory cannot be as complete
or uninterested as he suggests. In Jim s dream of Lena, desire and fear clearly battle
each other. My Antonia is, on the surface, a simple and clear novel, with themes of
ultimate importance. Yet, the novel becomes brilliantly tortuous in the end. The
novel s statements work against its
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Healthcare Essay Topics

  • 1. Healthcare Essay Topics Crafting an essay on the subject of "Healthcare Essay Topics" can be a challenging endeavor that demands a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The intricacies of healthcare are vast and multifaceted, requiring a comprehensive understanding of medical, ethical, economic, and social aspects. To begin with, delving into the extensive array of healthcare topics requires sifting through a myriad of information sources, from academic journals and medical databases to government reports and statistical analyses. This process alone can be time-consuming, as it involves not only finding relevant and credible information but also discerning the most pertinent details to support the essay's arguments. Once the research phase is complete, the challenge lies in synthesizing the acquired knowledge into a coherent and well-structured essay. This necessitates a keen ability to organize thoughts logically, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas from introduction to conclusion. Addressing various healthcare issues may also demand an interdisciplinary approach, requiring the incorporation of insights from medical professionals, economists, policymakers, and ethicists. Moreover, articulating complex healthcare concepts in a manner accessible to a diverse audience is no small feat. Balancing the depth of analysis with clarity and conciseness is crucial, as the essay should engage readers without sacrificing the depth of the subject matter. Crafting a compelling thesis statement and supporting it with evidence and examples adds an additional layer of complexity. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Healthcare Essay Topics" is indeed a challenging task that demands diligence, analytical prowess, and effective communication skills. It involves navigating a vast sea of information, synthesizing interdisciplinary insights, and presenting complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. Nevertheless, the rewards of contributing to the discourse on crucial healthcare issues make the effort worthwhile. For those seeking assistance with such essays or exploring a diverse range of topics, professional writing services like offer a platform where similar essays and much more can be ordered, providing support for students and individuals facing the complexities of academic writing. Healthcare Essay TopicsHealthcare Essay Topics
  • 2. Swot Analysis Of Coca Cola Company Triple Bottom Line within The Coca Cola Company Laquisha Highsmith Columbia Southern University Triple Bottom Line within The Coca Cola Company What is the definition of triple bottom line and does Coca Cola have this triple bottom line? This is a question many would think relates to financial statistics and tremendously high revenue earnings. Not even close to the true meaning. Triple bottom line (TBL) has three distinctive frameworks or bottom lines consisting of the (1) profit bottom line, (2) people bottom line, and (3) and the planet bottom line or simply put it means; the three P s profit, people, and planet (Unknown, 2009). This concept is at the core of Coca Cola in their ability to accurate measure monetary, community, and environmental performances or unmask weaknesses to correct with a strategic plan. In completing a SWOT analysis for The Coca Cola Company, the three P s are relevant in daily operations and globally during joint ventures with other partners. Now, this essay will uncover each bottom line in detail within The Coca Cola Company and state how the company specifically addresses as a strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat. The first area of discuss advances a helping hand to stimulate the additional two distinctive bottom lines the profits. First, the profit bottom line takes into account the typical balance sheet of assets minus liabilities to track equity and income statements. Coca Cola s 2016 Annual Report on Form 10 K displays every detail down from Income and Comprehensive Income Statements and Balance Sheets to Cash Flows and Shareowner s Equity Statements. These reports account for the company s revenues, gross profits, operating income, taxes, and consolidated net income. This report breaks down into operating segments by product and service for finer details of concentrate beverages sold and the historical data from previous years to show a positive trend analysis by geographically location in the United States and International. With profits, there are always a few losses and Coca Cola is no exception to this reporting numerous losses over the years listed by year, loss amount, location, and a comprehensive explanation for shareholders to read (pp.
  • 3. Wgu Lae1 Ryan J Kincade Mentor Lisa A. Wellinghoff LAE1 7 June 2012 Why you should highly consider motorcycle riding for a hobby I m sure by now at some point in your life you have seen a motorcycle go by and have thought to yourself what would that be like to drive. Instead of wasting time thinking about it you can do something about it and even get your license without owning a motorcycle. You will not get the same experience out of buying a video game console and games which can cost over 1000usd depending on how many games you buy. 1000usd can easily buy yourself a second hand motorcycle, and just think after all those video games are played what have you experienced other the same 4 walls in your room. Maybe video ... Show more content on ... but don t only base your decision to try this hobby on the gas savings alone think of the many other great reasons to give it a try. Many times people never get past the safety or fear aspect of trying motorcycle riding. A great way to get past the fear is to take a training course You will learn to ride using our motorcycles on a safe closed circuit course. Our motorcycles and scooters are small and lightweight, so you can concentrate on learning the skills of safe riding (motorcycle training academy, N.D. sec. 1.6). After you complete a training coarse maybe you are still worried about a crash or the other drivers out there, even if you are no longer afraid yourself of driving a motorcycle. I believe any responsible person who has been trained to drive a motorcycle safely need not worry. The statistics although not perfect might make you reconsider In 2005, the motorcycle fatality rate was 73 per 100,000 registered motorcycles which is a .00073% risk of fatality from driving a motorcycle (motorcycle accident website, N.D. sec. 10.1). If that s not enough reason just think you can reduce that .00073% chance of death by 42% 48% percent by not drinking or speeding Of the1,791 motorcycle deaths that involved only the motorcyclist 48 percent were speeding. 42 percent had blood alcohol concentrations of 0.08
  • 4. Cultural Norms In Deep Space Nine s Rules Cultural norms have evolved drastically within the century, especially in America. Although women have always had the same capacity to think and the same potential, they were widely considered 2nd class citizens at first. Why? I guess because, typically, a man is larger and stronger than a woman and that somehow makes them superior. Currently, women are mostly considered a man s equal, with a few exceptions of course. There are plenty of examples of injustices towards the modern woman like the hostile work environments that exist, lower wages on average than men, domestic abuse, sex slavery, etc. There are two episodes within the Gender Identity section that perfectly targets the theme of gender and the associated weakness. Deep Space Nine s Rules... Show more content on ... This show evolves with the times, and is not afraid to point a finger at the ridiculous facets of the chauvinist culture. In Rules of Acquisition , the Ferengi has a severely misogynistic society that has its culture deeply embedded in the values of business. This could be a comment on how women are treated in the business environment, but I digress. Anyway, Quark takes a liking to Pel, a new waiter who gives him brilliant ideas alongside his loyalty. As it turns out, Pel is not a man after all. She is a female with smaller ears, a higher voice, and breasts. Despite her physical differences, she shows that she is good at doing business, better than the males that she encounters. She is the one that convinced Quark to let her be his partner, she convinces Zek that she and Quark could seal the deal, she stands up to the two Dosi when Quark could not do so himself. Pel proves herself time and time again and, yet, Quark rebukes her when she reveals that she is a female and Zek threatens to throw her in prison. This is an echo of the women on Earth who had to do twice as good as a man in order to be considered somewhat
  • 5. Rhetorical Analysis Of Albert Einstein s Letter I believe that Einstein s letter was rhetorically effective because he employed all the devices of Aristotelian triangle ethos, logos, and pathos. His purpose was to address the question of a 6th grade girl, who wrote to him asking Do scientists pray, and if so, for what? And his letter was sensitive to the age, maturity, and likely religious viewpoint of his audience.Phyllis wrote to Einstein because he had a reputation as a great scientist, arguably one of the finest minds of the 20th century, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics. So Einstein did not have to establish his credentials. He shows his knowledge of science. He speaks for scientists in general based on the nature of science, and does not claim to speak for all scientists. Since
  • 6. Ms. Choi Geriatric Assessment Essay Thank you very much for referring Ms. Choi for geriatric assessment. The main concern is that of decreased cognition. She is an 85 year old lady who was born in China and came to Canada for over 30 years. She is married and lives with her husband in a co=op apartment. They have 5 children, 3 sons and 2 daughters. One of the sons is in Toronto and one of the daughters is in Toronto as well. she speaks Cantonese. She is a retired part time cleaner. She had no formal education. Her son, Mr. Choi is present with her for the interview today. She complained about having a decline in her cognition for over 5 years. She is forgetful with conversations and has decreasing comprehension. It is getting worse over time. There are no hallucinations ... Show more content on ... There is no dizziness or weakness. There is occasional pain over the hips for which she takes Tylenol. There are no falls in the last 6 months. The ADLs is that she is independent in all aspects of basic and instrumental ADLs. She carries a cane with her now. She does the shopping, cooking, cleaning and laundry and also finances. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: 1.Hypertension. 2.Hypercholesterolemia. 3.Arthritis. She used to take Celebrex in the past for arthritis. 4.Bilateral cataract surgery. MEDICATIONS: Her medications include Lipitor but that has been stopped over the last 2 months or so, Norvasc 5 mg p.o. daily, Tylenol Extra Strength 500 mg 1 tableton a p.r.n. basis, Celebrex 200 mg daily p.r.n. She takes over the counter medications including Caltrate 1 tablet daily, lutein 20 mg 1 tablet daily and some Chinese tablets 3 tablets daily. There is no known history of drug allergy. She takes the medications herself from the pill bottles. She is a nonsmoker and occasional drinker. She would like to drink beer when she is anxious but the son has not bought it for her in 6 months. On physical examination she weighs 126.7 pounds. Her visual acuity is 20/70 on the right and 20/50 on the left. Blood pressure is 170/66 sitting and 160/70 standing, pulse 72 per minute. JVP is not elevated. Heart sounds are normal. There are on murmurs heard. the chest is clear with on wheezing or crackles. The abdomen is soft and nontender with no abnormal mass
  • 7. The Importance of an Individual s Medical and Social History There are various factors that may contribute to one s quality of life. However, many older adults struggle with their well being and this is just as important as the quality of their life. When evaluating an older adult, one must take into consideration the following factors: the individual s acute and/or chronic illnesses; medications currently taking; functional status; mental health and cognitive abilities; and their living situation. Gathering this information is based on the individual s medical history as well as their social history. However, the goal is to make recommendations to improve the quality of life for the individual as one sees applies. First, evaluate the history of the selected individual by gathering basic information such as name, age, where the person is from and any history of the person s illnesses. This information can also help determine making recommendations and coming up with conclusions to better the individual. Ms. J.M. is a 85 year widowed woman from Puerto Rico. Ms. J.M currently lives in Northwest Washington, DC. She suffers from both chronic and acute illnesses. Ms. J.M. stated that she was a healthy individual until her health took the turn for the worst age she aged into her 50s. She also informed me that she had two procedures completed, which were heart catherization at the age of 53 years old and knee surgery at the age of 60. Ms. J.M enjoys attending Church every Sunday at Saint Augustine in Washington, DC. Although
  • 8. Maximus as the Hero in Ridley Scott s Gladiator Essay Maximus as the Hero in Ridley Scott s Gladiator Ridley Scott s gladiator recreates the entire world of ancient Rome in living glory on the screen. The shots of coliseum, intact and swarming with crowds of spectators are breath taking. The story has a classic three act structure, moving Maximus, Decimus and Meridius from warrior to slave to gladiator and each step is incredibly exciting. In addition, Scott stages half a dozen elaborate action sequences like there s no tomorrow, pulling out all the stops, and filling the screen with swords, tigers and chariots. The brilliant imagery of director really jumps of the screen, making this an Oscar winning motion picture. The ample Digital effects makes ... Show more content on ... The second camera shot I have chosen is when there is a close up on Maximum s face which is looking at the robin. The robin demonstrates us Maximus s love for nature which proves that he freedom fighter. The third scene I have selected is when Maximus is walking down his army and every one is greeting him. This demonstrates us that maximus has a high reputation and is someone who is looked up to. This also illustrates the love and affection for maximus from his soldiers and even by animals as the dog was following him when the war was about to begin. The last scene I have chosen is when there is a slow motion when the Romans had won the war. This connotes the supremacy and authority they had during these times. The main character of this motion picture is Maximus. Throughout the film, the audience sees his loving character, his love for Rome and his fellow Gladiators, and love for his wife and kid. Secondly, Maximus is physically strong and this enables him to win every battle he fights in. The actor Russell Crowe developed a muscle physique and especially in the violent combat scenes director Ridley Scott uses close ups of his muscular body. By doing this he ensures we link Maximus with strength and agility. Because of this, he is seen as the hero. Maximus always played the game
  • 9. Framework Of Monetary Policy The Fed retains a number of monetary policy tools that can be placed against crisis. The first set of tools was Provision of short term liquidity to sound financial institutions and these activities incorporate making new offices for selling credit and making essential securities dealers, and additionally banks, qualified to obtain at the Fed s markdown window (Federal Reserve, 2009). The second set of tools which involve the provision of liquidity directly to borrowers and investors in key credit markets. In this the government has introduced advantages to buy profoundly evaluated business paper at a term of three months and to give reinforcement liquidity for money market mutual funds (Federal Reserve, 2009).Also, the Federal Reserve and ... Show more content on ... In addition, the usage of Federal Reserve credit is resolved in substantial part by borrower needs and will tend to increment when economic situations intensify and decrease when economic situations progress. Setting an objective for the size of the Federal Reserve s balance report, as in a QE administration, could in this manner have the unreasonable impact of compelling the Fed to fix the terms and accessibility of its loaning now and again when economic situations were intensifying, and vice verse (Financial times, 2011). The European Central Board(ECB) has acted very quickly and in sufficient manner since the start of Financial market disturbance. The ECB minimized the key policy rate by 325 basic points, interest rate on fundamental renegotiating operations now remains at 1.0%, its most reduced level since the launch of euro. ECB substantive monetary policy facilitating is as of now being felt in the genuine economy. Furthermore, bringing down the policy interest rate quickly and sharply, ECB have turned to exceptionally non standard
  • 10. The Pros And Cons Of LUSH Do you ever pass by someone and think wow they have nice soft skin? Well you can have that same skin, how you ask! Well one easy way to get soft great smelling skin is to use LUSH bath bombs at least once a week. LUSH is a company that makes hand made products in Canada. The company uses ingredients for the products that are never tested on animals; nor are any ingredients they buy from other companies. The bath bombs are made from the freshest ingredients; they strive on making quality products. LUSH bath bombs are not only pretty but smell like paradise for your bath water, they have a number of different kinds of bath bombs to choose from. Your skin will love you for the care since we do live in dry Alberta. LUSH has so many wonderful ... Show more content on ... Why would you want to support the abuse of animals for a product that is gone within a couple hours. If you would not harm an animal why support products that do it. LUSH uses vegetarian alternatives, which is great to see that this company is instead using things that are produced and grown. LUSH has been fighting against animal testing for over 30 years. As we all know animals are used in such cruel ways for testing purposes; we also know that today science has come so far that we are able to replace animal testing with non animal test methods that are as equally evident, and way cheaper. Lastly, LUSH only uses the freshest ingredients to make their products. Fresh vegetables, flowers, fruits, and herbs are all straight from local suppliers who also are against animal cruelty. LUSHs products are all freshly made weekly so that customers receive the freshest products, which is probably why they have such great reviews and such high demand for products. I have been using LUSH products for over a year and a half and highly recommend indulging your self care routine in LUSH Cosmetics you wont be disappointed. Finally, as a satisfied customer of LUSH Cosmetics I guarantee you will never go back to regular plain old bath times, the Bath bombs will silken your skin; furthermore, will indulge every relaxing sense in your body. They have everything for everyone s pleasure and age is never a concern, because there is no age requirement; let the child
  • 11. The Chemical Element Of Uranium Background Uranium (U) is a chemical element; it is a silvery white metal. It is one of the heaviest of all the naturally occurring elements. It was discovered in 1789 by Martin Klaproth, it was named after the planet Uranus, which was discovered eight years earlier. Uranium can be found naturally in small amounts in rocks, air, soil and water. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Atomic number 92 Atomic mass 238.03 g.mol 1 Density 18.95 3 at 20В°C Boiling point 3818 В°C Melting point 1132 В°C Isotopes 11 Electro Negativity according to Pauling 1.7 Uranium is hard, malleable and ductile. Uranium metal has a very high density. It is very reactive so cannot be found in the environment in its elemental form. When finely divided, it can react with cold water. In air it is coated by uranium oxide, tarnishing rapidly. It is attacked by steam and acids. It has the ability to form solid solutions and inter metallic compounds with many metals. While Uranium is not hazardous by itself, some of its by products and decay products pose a huge threat upon build up. Uranium is weakly radioactive due to its unstable isotopes; again it has gained importance in the generation of Nuclear energy. It is of great demand in the production of bullets, missiles and bombs. It is also used to fuel power plants by enriching it with the uranium 235 isotope. The isotope uranium 238 is used to estimate the age of rocks and also used for radiometric dating. Other
  • 12. The Pros And Cons Of Mind Wandering Mind wandering is the situation in which a person s attention and thoughts wander from a current task to some other inappropriate line of thought (Radvansky, Ashcraft 2014). This is a very common experience, and for most it is also an issue at times. Everyone wants to be able to concentrate and not have other thoughts in their mind when needed such as in school, work etc... Daydreaming, thinking about what you will eat, about your family, or when you read something and have no idea what you just read, are all examples of mind wandering (Radvansky, Ashcraft 2014). There have been claims stating that mind wandering is lower for low working memory capacity (WMC) subjects (Radvansky, Ashcraft 2014). Researchers have examined this and many other factors contributing to the mind wandering phenomenon. Many conclusions have been made upon different components of mind wandering, thus we will explore various research studies that provide recent discoveries in mind wandering. Introduction Our minds do not wander randomly to what doesn t worry us, it wanders due to having numerous concerns, which in turn forces our minds to think about them in any instant (Radvansky, Ashcraft 2014). When we mind wander, we take all the attention from the atmosphere we are in and emphasis entirely in our own inner thoughts. Often, we are not aware that we are day dreaming until we catch ourselves (Radvansky, Ashcraft 2014). Mind wandering is a very interesting and vast topic that we have discussed in
  • 13. Plant Life Chapter 38 Chapter 38 Plant reproduction and Development Sexual Reproduction 1.In general terms, explain how the basic plant life cycle with alternation of generations is modified in angiosperms. The basic plant life cycle with alternation of generations is modified in angiosperms by the change of haploid (n) and diploid (2n) generations, which take turns making each other. 2.List four floral parts in order from outside to inside a flower. пѓ Sepals пѓ Petals пѓ Stamen пѓ Carpels 3.From a diagram of an idealized flower, correctly label the following structures and describe the function of each structure: пѓ a. sepals Sepals are in charge of protecting the flower s bud before it blooms. It has the qualities of a leave and is usually in ... Show more content on ... This has many advantages, such as the fact that double fertilization guarantees that the endosperm will develop only in ovules where the egg has been fertilized. It also avoids angiosperms from wasting nutrients. 13.Explain how fertilization in animals is similar to that in plants. пѓ Fertilization in animals is similar to that in plants because its first cellcell change occurs after gamete fusion rises in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels as it does in animal gamete fusion. Also, the plants make a block to polyspermy, which is the fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm cell, as do the animal s cell s eggs. 14.Describe the fate of the ovule and ovary after double fertilization. Note where major nutrients are stored as the embryo develops. пѓ After double fertilization, the ovule matures into a seed, and the ovary matures into a fruit encircling the seed. As the embryo grows the seed stores proteins, oils, and starch. 15.Describe the development and function of the endosperm. Distinguish between liquid endosperm and solid endosperm. пѓ After embryo development, endosperm is growth to store nutrients. This happens after double fertilization, when the triploid nucleus of the ovule s central cell divides. This causes the formation of a milky multinucleate supercell . This becomes multicellular after cytokinesis. Finally, when the cell walls are completed, the endosperm becomes solid. 16.Describe the development of
  • 14. The Wild By Jon Krakauer Psychology serves a Role Kids who have been a victim of maltreatment are often times hindered in development as the rest of their life plays out. No matter the starting age, a family neglect can create in kids an odd and unpleasant feeling. The constant exposure to depressors and bring me downs that effected kids see really puts them into a terrible cycle. Some cases of maltreatment lead to extraordinary stories and even more impressive characters. In Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer, we can observe that Chris McCandless fell into this vicious cycle, and was effected by it throughout his adventurous life. Some of McCandless experiences later in life can be directly correlated with his childhood difficulties. But, in order of make sense... Show more content on ... The way kids are raised by their parents effects their decision making and their values, beliefs and self image until the day they die. If a kid grows up figuring things out herself or is neglected etc., that kid is forced to do what is necessary to develop as fully as possible. Hamama and Arazi describe family relationships as being crucial in the development of the child. The article specifies that two direct ways that kids are hurt is through family cohesion and subjective well being. Family cohesion, in this article, is defined as the connections between family members that each family has, while subjective well being talks about people s understanding of the life they live and how they react to everyday situations and how all that effects their emotional and cognitive mind. These two factors have shown to be directly correlated to children acting aggressively or unpleasant, according to Hamama and Arazi. Children s aggression behavior includes three parts, according to Hamama and Arazi. 1. A cognitive dimension hostility; emotional dimension anger; and 3. A behavioral dimension physical and verbal violence is how they defined aggressive behavior. Those two factors are largely what influences children and their development, in Hamama and Arazi s eyes(Hamama and Arazi). This article lays a great foundation for the explanation of Into the Wild. Into the Wild is the non fiction story of how Chris McCandless, a normal guy in his later
  • 15. Gypsy Rose Lee s Era The striptease is still very much relevant and alive today as it was when it was first introduced to the world nearly 80 years ago. This timeless and provocative dance was the product of Gypsy Rose Lee, but by no means should one refer to her as a stripper . Doing so would be a great injustice to this iconic figure; it would be sacrilegious. Gypsy, born Rose Louise Hovick, brought more than sensual allure to the stage; Gypsy was intelligent, funny, and witty. An example of her immense wit and improve skills can be seen in how the stripteasecame into being. When the strap to Gypsy s costume came undone during a performance, rather than run off stage in embarrassment, Gypsy noticed the positive audience reaction, causing her to implement the act into the focus of her performance. Although many dancers (sometimes referred to as strippers ) of Gypsy Rose Lees era attempted various gimmicks to stand out and make a name for themselves, no one could quite compare to the charisma and character that illuminated the stage of Gypsy Rose Lee. American writer H.L. Mencken even coined the term ecdysiast just for Gypsy, which he felt was a more dignified way of referring to Gypsy in her profession. Gypsy may be an icon to many, even inspiring a musical based on her memoirs titled Gypsy: A Musical Fable., but she is also a woman who is much greater than the performer known on stage. Before Gypsy, there was just Rose Louise, born January 9, 1911 in Seattle,
  • 16. The Control Environment Of Bernard L. Madoff Investment... What were the weaknesses in the control environment of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC? The control environment sets the tone of an organization, influencing the control consciousness of its people. It is the foundation for all other components of internal control, providing discipline and structure. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) published the Internal Control Integrated Framework in 1992. As summarized above one can see the importance of the implementation of an effective control environment, as it sets the foundation for the other 4 components of internal control. The control environment is made up fundamental smaller components. The ones that were particularly relevant to BMIS are the use of board of directors and audit committee, management philosophy and operating style, and human resource policies and practices. If management doesn t prioritize control, then the rest of the organization will not put precedence on following policies and procedures either. This was clearly evident at Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (BMIS), and ultimately led to their downfall. BMIS did not maintain an effective control environment and as a result it was exposed to many material weaknesses. Specifically it can be determined that management did not have adequate controls in place to establish and communicate the importance of control needs from top down. This is largely due to the fact that the management s
  • 17. Greek Afterlife Myths Have you ever contemplated what happens after death? Do you soul escape from all reality into nothingness? Do you merely just cease to exist in one world and progress into the next? These uncertainties have conflicted the minds of many philosophers and scholars since the creation of civilization. Religious factions were born and they fabricated the core beliefs that modern society affirms to be true. However, one unconditionally original interpretation of the afterlife is that of the Ancient Greeks. This polytheistic culture believed in the Underworld; a tasteless, vulgar world where your final destination was determined by your actions and good will in the living world. Many Ancient Greek myths spoke of intriguing accounts of the Underworld.... Show more content on ... He was one of few to granted permission to return back to the living world (Carlos Parada, Underworld and Afterlife , 3). Many beasts and famous monsters from Greek myths resided here. The atmosphere is dark pale and disheartening. Every breath taken is melancholy and every thought is meaningless (Parada, 3). The description of the entrance is not meant for the torture of the entities, but simply the passage to your final destination. Upon arrival, the ferryman, Charon, takes payment for passage into the Underworld. He accepts coins possessed by the souls given to them by living who disposed of their body (Mark Cartwright, Hades , 2). Those not given a coin remain is the purgatory state before the entrance for eternity. Charon then guides the dead along the river Styx (Parada, 4). It is believed to be one of five rivers that occupy the Underworld. The Acheron, Lethe, Phlegethon, Cocytus, and Styx compose of the major rivers (Linda Alchin, River Styx , 2). There are an abundant supply of guards who insure no entities escape from the gates go the Underworld. Cerberus, for example, is described as a enormous three headed hound; infamous for his irascible nature (Parada, 5). Further along, now traversing on the river, a more vivid picture of the landscape can be drawn. The Underworld is situated is a ill lit chasm where anything sustaining refrains from growing (Parada,
  • 18. Molly Cyrus Analysis The song Molly Cyrus by Stitches is a popular rap song among college students. I am a big fan of rap music and Stitches is one of my favorite rappers along with Kanye West and Gucci Mane. Normally I would not listen to a song that is so explicit, but I literally cannot escape this song. Molly Cyrus is played at every frat party and always comes on when I am riding with my friends in the car. After reading the prompt for this assignment I thought I would take a closer look at the lyrics in this vulgar song. In the song, Stitches talks about how if he was given the opportunity to have sex with any pop star he would choose Miley Cyrus. This song also advocates for the use of drugs like MDMA and Cocaine. Stitches literally says I love cocaine cause it got me feelin like I m Superman . The way that Stitches administers his drug is ... Show more content on ... You would think that girls would condemn this song, but most of the girls I know have this song on their spotify playlist. This song degrades women and explicitly promotes rape culture. This song does not say anything about Miley s looks or personality, it reduced Miley to a piece of ass that Stitches is welcome to penetrate whenever he pleases. Stitches literally says Ima put my d*** up in your ass and it ain t coming out . So how could so many people like a song that is literally about raping a celebrity? Normalizing this disgusting behavior contributes to violence against women. College age women are the most likely demographic to be sexually assaulted so it is really upsetting to me that women sing and dance along to a song that promotes rape. The song Molly Cyrus does not show women in a positive light and promotes sexual violence. After listening closely to the lyrics I will ask people to turn off this vulgar song next time I hear someone play it because this song will only negatively impact my
  • 19. Economic Inequality And The Consequences Of Poverty Furthermore, the consequences of inequality are pretty broad and common sense. There will always be a gap between the rich and the poor. Also known as economic inequality setting boundaries within a society. Some consequences of this inequality are stifling growth, increases in political inequality and increases in crime. Stifles growth meaning if the high level of inequality is high it will increase poverty, which will lead to escalation of crime. This will set burdens on the economy and will perhaps cause an increase in food expenses and a decrease in society s incomes. Then the growth of the government starts to drop, which doe not affect the rich because they maintain their position. However, it greatly affects the poor. This ties to increasing economic political instability. Political instability is crucial to our government s well being. As mentioned in the book, The Golden Rule : He who makes the gold makes the rules (Mooney 192). When wealth is brought together by individuals who are well off they tend to influence political decisions so it plays out in their favor. This is also known as plutocracy. An example would be oil companies funding a politician s campaign to favor them in the long run. It s a shame that this is how our politicians are given into legal and corrupt decisions. Leaving the middle class and poor without a say about their political views. The blue collar workers are less likely to participate in politics because they lack education while
  • 20. moving away Essay Moving Away Moving away from all of your best friends can be a real tragedy in a sixteen year old teenagers life. It s hard to get up and go eight hundred miles away from everyone you know and everything you grew up around. I had this happen to me about three years ago and it is the largest change I have ever had to adjust to in my life. It wasn t the changes around me that I was bothered by; it was that I did not know one living soul for hundreds of miles and all I wanted was a friend. Two days into the summer after sophomore year at Governor Mifflin High School in the little town of Shillington Pennsylvania I would find out the worse news that a ... Show more content on ... The hardest part for me was having to say goodbye to all my friends I knew since I was little, they would stop by the House, start talking to me and all I could do is cry. I knew what I was leaving behind was something irreplaceable and almost impossible to come by again. Once my family and I arrived at our new house I was still very saddened because of the move and had trouble not getting mad at my parents. Summer went bye like it wasn t even there and by the time school started I was very depressed. The new school I was going to was Naperville North High School which was about ten times the size of my old school in Pennsylvania in size and in the number of students. In my school in Pennsylvania there were about twelve students in each class, here the number runs around thirty two. The school building was so big I had a lot of trouble getting to class on time let alone finding them in the building. The school wasn t what I was bothered by the most because it was the fact that I didn t have any social life and I was a social person. There were a lot of different groups of people at my new high school, it was tough for me to fit in and meet new people. Everyone just knew me as the new kid and didn t even bother to find out what my real name was. The first
  • 21. Introduction. Human Emotion Has The Ability To Drastically Introduction Human emotion has the ability to drastically impact an individual s psychophysiology. It can have a profound effect on brain functioning, mental and the physical capabilities of individuals. Emotions can also affect things such as heart rate, blood pressure, and brain chemicals. It can be highly influenced by environment as well as genetics. It is vital to look at how emotionspecifically affects the human body and emotional regulation, and there needs to be an understanding of how emotions effect mental health disorders as well as the limitations that current exist. Another important aspect to consider is the long term affects of emotion on psychophysiology. By understanding each of these components, it is easier to grasp... Show more content on ... 121). This may increase rates of cardiac arrest and death. This will lead to long term effects on emotional health and well being. Jones and Mize (2016) state, Emotions involve subjective experiences, physiological patterns, and behavioral responses (p. 239). Emotions can be broken down into three categories. These categories include basic emotions such as disgust or surprise, and blended or complex emotions, such as guilt and pride (Jones Mize, 2016, p. 239). The third category involves emotions such as guilt. With emotion, childhood can play a crucial role in emotional development. Emotion and psychophysiology can also affect each gender differently. Kreibig et al. (2012) state, Women show stronger, experiential, expressive, and physiological reactivity to emotion (p. 800). Therefore, in children and women, a higher rate of emotional response and physiological change would be present. Heart rate is highly affected by emotion. Casey, Rogers, Burns, and Yiend (2012) mention that negative emotions can cause a drastic increase in heart rate, while positive emotions can level heart rate. ObradoviД‡ and Boyce (2012) point out that the increase in heart rate is caused by blood flow being diverted from the stomach to the brain (p. 121). Another aspect that can cause an increase in heart rate is sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation. High SNS rates can be linked to higher levels of emotional issues as well as social involvement (ObradoviД‡
  • 22. The Health Of The Australian Population Is Relatively Healthy A In general, the Australian population is relatively healthy. Although, the inequalities in some specific socio economic and cultural regions which has resulted in poor health these particular groups. The good news is most young people are achieving national minimum standards for reading, writing and numeracy, a fully engaged in study or work, and have strong support networks. This allows for a healthy lifestyle as education enables people to use their knowledge to make smart and informed decisions in regard to their lifestyle. Education also encourages people to get jobs, which generate income, which they can in turn spend on health services to better certain dimensions of their health. Educations has equipped students with the ability ... Show more content on ... This is due to their low socio economic status, acting as a barrier to health and education services. People in remote areas also experience inequalities due to their distance from populated areas with high quality health services. This has resulted in higher death rates, and a lower likeliness to seek advice from health care professionals. Each year, approximately one in every five Australians will experience a mental illness. Mental illnesses are the third leading cause of disability burden in Australia, accounting for an estimated 27% of the total years lost due to disability. Mental health can be due to disability, poor socioeconomic status and many other reasons. Australian government and many other non profit organisations assist individuals with keeping and maintaining good mental health. Generally, health among young Australians is considered relatively good, but there are a few key areas that need improvement. This includes reducing the percentage of obese youth as well as implementing rules and/or regulations, which will hopefully diminish the percentage of youth involved in weekly drug or alcohol usage. B. Youth is a stage of life characterised by rapid psychological and physical transition, where young people progress from being dependent children to independent adults. Young people may be inclined to experiment and take risks that
  • 23. Contrasting Creech s Vocal Music Study Contrasting Creech et al. s (2013) vocal music study, Justras (2011) community band study consisted of 1,823 individuals age 17 to 93 years (M = 66.5, Mdn = 67) from 28 U.S. states and Canada (see Table 2.2). Jutras worked closely with NHIMA administrators and music conductors by emailing (n = 99) band groups resulting in a response rate of 80% (n = 79); 17 groups were excluded for various reasons. Justras worked closely with three musiceducation professors to develop a community music questionnaire that ranked 42 benefits from 1 to 10 (1=lowest, 10=highest) in categories of (1) health, (2) personal, (3) music competencies, and (4) social/cultural benefits. Survey packets were mailed to 62 NHIMA bands of which 57 groups (92%) responded. Although... Show more content on ... states, 2 Canadian provinces, and Dublin, Ireland to determine older adult music experiences and self reported health. The demographics reported 97.6% Caucasian, 0.8% Asian, and 0.6% African American; 54.2% females and 45.8% males; age ranges from 23 to 93 years (95% over age 50) (M = 67.31, Mdn = 68, , SD = 10.96); average health and income; higher education; and musical training in childhood. Unlike Jutras study of NHIMA band musicians who practiced 3.75 hours per week, Coffman s (2008) NHIMA band members practiced 7 hours per week. The SF 36v2 Health Survey revealed that participants reported NHIMA benefited them by 74% overall well being, 24% physical well being, 21% cognitive stimulation, and 20% socialization (see Table 2.2). The differences between Jutras (2011) NHIMA study and Coffman s (2008) NHIMA study are motivation to learn music, and practicing instruments daily in preparation of rehearsals, which is standard practice for preparation of community concerts. Perhaps Coffman s (2008) musicians were more serious in developing their music competency skills and thereby achieved higher levels of brain activity. Whereas, Jutras (2011) musicians would fit the definition of health care patients or as Gates (1991) described them as recreationalists or as Stebbins (1992) described individuals as amateurs, volunteers, hobbyists, and dabblers. As the authors identified, participants lacked the motivation to play their instruments at home in preparation for band rehearsals, which are preparatory for music concerts. The results in these studies suggest the activity and continuity theories to explain older adults
  • 24. Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release Insert Name XBCOM/275 July 28th, 2013 Colette Franklin Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release When you are trying to portray a message, it is important to remember who your audience is. The way you deliver a message will depend on your audience and if you are delivering the message informally, formally, personally, or on behalf of a company. The way you deliver a message after an accident or disaster is important, as you are people with a fragile situation and fragile people involved. If a company portrays, through their messages, that the situation is not under control or that they do not care there will be consequences for that company and anybody affiliated ... Show more content on ... These include, inadequate accident prevention systems, information unadapted to existing risks and emergency plans, limited credibility, and fragile legitimacy (Lagadec, 1987). The representative of the company who will be communicating with the family members needs to make sure that every family needs would have been met. Financial assistance would be the number one need, spiritual, and counseling to help them cope with the accident. The company must keep the families updated with the progression of the rescue mission. The representative must make sure the information that will be communicated to the families is current and correct. However, the President, SebastiГ n PiГ±era took the initiative to use his communication skills to inform and to keep the miners families, and the community at peace. In this unfortunate event, the San Esteban Mining Company needed to tread carefully in how they would communicate to the world about the incident. If the company does not properly communicate what has happened, it would be viewed as careless, and heartless to the world, employees, and the families. The San Esteban Mining Company needed to release information in three ways. First, the families would have priority concerning communicating to different parties involved in this incident. The person(s) that will be updating the family s needs to be competent and show empathy, honesty, and be trustworthy and compassionate. The public needed to be
  • 25. Use Of Setting And Symbolism In The Graduate By Mike Nichols The Graduate by Mike Nichols has many film techniques that the director has place in to the film that we can see. Mike Nichols has chosen many of techniques that can be picked out throughout the whole sequence in the beginning of the film. Mike Nichols most noticeable choice to use in his film is the setting and symbolism during the sequence. To begin analyzing the setting and symbolism it begins with Ben on an airplane going back to Los Angeles which shows us that this film will take place at that location but there are many symbolism in all in this short sequence. First of all as Ben is coming off the airport and onto the moving conveyor belt with a blank expressionless face. This shows that Ben is lost and confused like a robot coming off
  • 26. Water Is An Important Factor That Affects Sorption Water is an important factor that affects sorption because when there is excess water or when water drains through soil from sources at the surface, adsorbed pesticide molecules can become unattached, or desorbed, and wash away to a new location (Rao, 1999). Just as degradation has a measure in the half life of a compound, sorption also has a measure in the partition coefficient (Koc), which is a ratio of pesticide concentration in a soilbound state versus dissolved in soil water (Rao, 1999). In fact, the solubility of a pesticide and its sorption on soil are inversely related; [in other words], increased solubility results in less sorption (Rao, 1999). Both sorption and degradation are effected by soil type and pH, both of which ... Show more content on ... Volatilization is a means of major pesticide loss and its rate of loss can often exceeds that of degradation, runoff, or leaching (van der Werf, 1996). For example, in an Oregon study, soil samples 64km from any agriculture were found to have DDT residues, and in Saskatchewan, Canada, 20% of 2, 4 D iso octyl ester volatilized in 24 hours (Pimentel, 1995). Once in the atmosphere, pesticide residues can spread anywhere, even Antarctica (Pimentel, 1995). Large amounts of pesticides and organic compounds can be transported around the globe in the atmosphere, for example, in the atmosphere of the Netherlands, the amounts of BHC, DDT, and heptachlor were reported to be 4600, 1064, and 190 pg/m 3, respectively (Pimentel, 1995). Topography and Geology Topography and geology affect pesticide movement in as much as directing or transporting pesticides. Topography is very obvious, for example, if a field is right next to a river, it is much more likely for runoff to get into the river system, or if a field is in a low area not very far above the water table, pesticides are very likely to leach into the groundwater. On the other hand, a field could be high and dry and very far from any river or groundwater, but if it is hilly that can pose its own problems. As T. Y. Tong and Chen point out, surface runoffis an important source of non point pollution (Tong and Chen, 2002). Though it was pointed out by van der Werf that volatilization is the biggest source of
  • 27. Community Of Practice Introduction As our world becomes increasingly complex, it is important for today s leaders to develop a network of committed individuals who are willing to share knowledge and wisdom, challenge beliefs, and invest in each other s success. These networks or communities of practice take many different forms, such as professional learning communities (PLC), professional learning networks (PLN), mentoring, coaching, social media groups, or social media chats. Even though each community may take many different shapes and forms, they share common characteristics, such as a mutual interest, meaningful interaction, and the investment of time. Although communities of practice require a significant investment of time, interaction, and commitment, I ... Show more content on ... Without time spent interacting and developing relationships with a group of individuals, we fail to establish the trust that is necessary for growth to occur. Time helps develop the trust which is required to challenge our thinking, motivate us to learn from others, and cultivate growth. A good example of this occurred during the time of Jesus three year ministry on earth. He invested a substantial amount of time mentoring, coaching, and challenging his disciples to adequately prepare them to share the gospel throughout Europe and Asia. In our fast paced society, finding time is a difficult task; however, throughout my interviews with leaders from various professions, I have been reminded me of the correlation between time and growth. Not only is time essential for developing trust, but it is also critical to growth. Many of the leaders I interviewed have learned to spent significant amounts of time disciplining themselves practice their skills, learn from others, and challenge their beliefs. Although I have always enjoyed learning, I have found that I have isolated myself in my learning experiences. At times, I have ignored and failed to appreciate the contributions of others. My ignorance has blinded me from trying new ideas, challenging old beliefs, and trusting others enough to cultivate
  • 28. Marketing Management Strategy of L’oreal Groups Marketing Management Strategy of L Oreal Groups Introduction Many cosmetic brands are popping up recently, perhaps, due to the increasing consumers of products that beautify and enhance the physical appearance of a person. Even though the market is already full of the said cosmetic brands, the company L Oreal Groups could still be considered as the leading supplier of cosmetics and hair color. This study is a brief overview of the marketing concepts and strategy of the said company. The company profile will be presented to be able to give a clear view of the market to which the company belongs to. An internal and external (SWOT) analysis of the company will also be provided in this paper. Another area will be specifically devoted to ... Show more content on ... The pharmaceutical activities of L Oreal are also handled by Sanofi Aventis. These divisions and subdivisions ensure the quality that the L Oreal Group offers to its customers. To further add to the enumerated strengths of the company, L Oreal s advertising strategy also plays a major part to its growth. Through adapting to the culture of their target market as the main tool of their advertisement, the Company brought L Oreal products within reach of other women from different parts of the world. 2. Weaknesses Perhaps one of the weaknesses that a big company faces is the decentralized organizational structure. This is also part of the difficulties that L Oreal is facing. Due to the many subdivisions of the Company, there is also the difficulty in the control of L Oreal. This slows down the production of the Company because of the need of giving reference to the other Board members and directors of the Company. L Oreal will also have a difficulty in finding out what division is accountable for the possible pitfalls of the Company. Another weakness that L Oreal faces is their profit. The profit margin of L Oreal is comparably low than that of the other smaller rivals. While L Oreal projects certain rise in digits as their profit, the result does not usually meet the expectations (Sang, 2003). Perhaps, this is also due to the high end advertising and marketing as well as the width of the Company. Finally, the coordination and the control of the activities
  • 29. Causes Of Sexual Harassment In Egypt Documentaries concerning sexual harassment in Egypt are getting more serious each day. The problem is age old, however not till lately the government and the media started taking actions against this striking crime. Sexual harassment is present in every society around the world, in every place in Egypt and it cost women an immeasurable damage emotionally and physically. It terrorizes women holding them back from their lives, work and duties, forcing them to measure the value of opportunities against the risk to their safety. The way sexual harassmenthas created fear in every basic life demand, women always trying to find a more secure path in their lives by avoiding sexual harassment, which sometimes manipulate their actions and decisions. The largest majorities face sexual harassment in Egypt, it is a vital problem and studies showed that almost every woman in Egypt had been subjected to it. This problem is notable and can occur in many ways or forms. Not only sexual harassment is constricted to offense inappropriate act against victims will , but it is any violence that can occur to a woman in any platform or by anyway. Types of violence on women are various, however they can all be placed under two headings: physical sexual harassment and verbal sexual harassment. Nevertheless, The Egyptian Criminal Code has divided crimes of sexual violence against women into two categories a category which contains sexual harassment, and the other category which contains FGM,
  • 30. A Brief Note On Independent Artist And The National... Independent project BA POPUALR MUSIC MUS Can unsigned artist make the national average salary from their recorded work using direct to fan module? The objectives of this research are to determine whether independent artist can earn the equivalent to the National average salary through the independent distribution of their works. This paper will analyze some of the changes in the ways in which independent artist can now distribute music in an attempt to answer the above question. It is necessary here to clarify exactly what is meant by national average salary. When speaking of the national average salary this essay trying to determine whether an artist can make the national average salary, which is according to office of national statistics, was ВЈ27,600 For the year ending 5 April 2015 for full time employees. . Using my 2014 EPs consumption and sales data, BPI 2014 monthly reports, results from a online survey conducted by myself and a number of journals and other academic literature this paper will then compare the benefits of independent artist taking advantage of the a direct to fan business model. The second section of this essay will look at the data gathered through my 2014 release. The third section of this essay shall move on to look at the results of a survey of music consumers to find out how they are accessing the music they listening to these result will help us understand how unsigned artist can reach their audience. The fourth section of this essay will be
  • 31. Asylum Seeker Rights The process, effectiveness and limitations of the human rights system in protecting asylum seeker rights. It is widely accepted that Governments are primarily responsible for guaranteeing the basic human rights of their citizens, however when a person becomes an asylum seeker they lose this State based support and protection often it may not have been there in the first place. Without the assistance of other States this vulnerable group of individuals can be open to persecution and violations of their rights at home and abroad (UNHCR, 2015, np). Whilst providing a solutions based focus for the rights of asylum seekers, it is argued that the current scope of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its Protocol define the issue ... Show more content on ... These include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR); the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR); the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT); and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Provided a State has ratified them, these obligations to protect refugees include implementing domestic provisions which acknowledge: Everyone is entitled to respect for their human rights without discrimination (ICCPR, Articles 2 and 26), (CRC, Article 2), (ICESCR, Article 2); No one should be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment (ICCPR, Article 7) (CAT, Articles 2 and 16) (CRC, Article 37); All detainees should be treated with humanity and respect for their inherent dignity (ICCPR, Article 10) (CRC, Article 37); People should not be held in arbitrary detention (ICCPR, Article 9) (CRC, Article
  • 32. A Study of Climate Change Adaptation Practices and Their... A study of Climate change adaptation practices and their implementations. 1) Introduction A series of reports issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the Nineties conclusively linked increasing climate variability as a consequence of human actions resulting in increasing quantities of Green House Gases in the environment. These reports led to a call for international action and thus the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was established in 1994. The Framework envisaged two main strategies to tackle climate change Mitigation processes involving reducing the output of green house gases Adaptation methods used to cope with climate change 1.1) The need for Adaptation Mitigation ... Show more content on ... The Sunderbans, located in West Bengal, have been particularly susceptible to typhoons arising from the Bay of Bengal. Farmers have relied on embankments to segregate saline sea water from engulfing their soil but the devastation caused by Typhoon Aila in 2009 destroyed approximately 900 kms of embankment thus salinating many miles of agricultural land. This prompted Kolkata NGO, Society for Environment and Development (ENDEV) to look into introducing strains of paddy rice which were resistant to saline water and soil thus providing farmers a lifeline to their crop yield. ENDEV activists took a year to identify five indigenous salt resistant seeds : Hamilton Talmugur Nona bokra Lal getu Sada getu The NGO then collaborated with five other organisations in the Sunderbans to propagate the new seeds. The harvest observed after subsequent planting of these seeds was satisfactory despite the late monsoons in 2012. Citation (Ghosh, 2013) 4) Case Study B : Radio as a means of climate change education in Bundelkhand through the Shubh Kal project. Azadpura village in the Indian district
  • 33. Odysseus- Everett Comparison The poem The Odyssey details the story of a man named Odysseus who went through many trials and tribulations while trying to get home to his family. In the past, many stories, movies, and other works of literature have based its plot around the story: The Odyssey . However, there is one movie that stands out as unique and its title is O Brother Where Art Thou . The producers, Joel and Ethan Coen, did a wonderful job in making actor Ulysses Everett McGill represent Odysseus. Everett from O Brother Where Art Thou and Odysseus from Homer s The Odysseyare very similar in many ways, but contrast in multiple qualities and characteristics as well. In O Brother Where Art Thou , the main character, Everett is on a voyage trying to... Show more content on ... Analyzing the two examples, one can see that Odysseus and Everett were willing to perform courageous acts to protect the people whom they love. Even though there are many similarities between Everett and Odysseus, there is a major difference between the two; their view on faith. In O Brother Where Art Thou Tommy informs the Chain Gang that he sold his soul to the devil to learn how to play guitar
  • 34. The Main Aspects Of Intrinsic Motivation For An Athlete Motivation is crucial for an athlete in order to want to win. It is hard to want to win if you have no motivation. The main aspect of motivation in terms of the self determination theory is intrinsic motivation. The self determination theory can be defined as a highly appropriate conceptual framework from which to study sport persistence and dropout (Calvo, CervellГі, JimГ©nez, Iglesias, Moreno Murcia, 2010). Intrinsic Motivationcan be defined as an athlete taking up playing a sport just for the enjoyment of playing a sport (Pelletier, Tuson, Fortier, Vallerand, BriГ©re, 1995). It is important to realize that the self determination theory affects an athlete s motivation intrinsically (internally) because the self determination theory uses factors like autonomy and competence to motivate an athlete to play better in their sport. Most athletes, now and in the past, find it easier to motivate themselves intrinsically if they enjoy the sport or have fun while playing the sport (Ryan Deci, 1985). Definitions Intrinsic Motivation has been experimented on for years and in order to prove its validity. Regarding athletics, intrinsic motivation is defined as an athlete taking up playing a sport just for the enjoyment of playing a sport (Pelletier et al., 1995). In an article published by Ryan Deci, the two argue that through their research, it was proven that having intrinsic motivation will help engage an athlete because of the feeling of competence that arises
  • 35. Essay on Vietnamese Americans Abstract The following paper will discuss Vietnamese Americans and their journey to America. I will talk about how these incredible and resilient people fought to succeed it a world that seemed to hold the odds against them. The culture, beliefs, and challenges of Vietnamese people are a precise paradigm of their strength and perseverance. Unfortunately, Vietnamese Americans make up only a small percent of the total American Population today. There are many stereotypes associated with the Vietnamese, but the truth is, we really know very little about their culture. After the Viet Nam War, many Vietnamese citizens immigrated to the United Statesto escape political Prosecution and poverty. Faced with a variety of obstacles and ... Show more content on ... The act was implemented in 1989 and called The Vietnamese Amerasian Homecoming Act. Amerasian is a term used to describe children of Vietnamese mothers and American fathers (or vice versa). Enabling approximately 25,000 Amerasian children into the country with their immediate families, the act allowed over 77,000 Vietnamese immigrants into the United States. Overall, between 1981 and 2000, over 531,000 Vietnamese citizens, voluntarily immigrated to the United States and were accepted. Although the United States progressively allowed more Vietnamese immigrants into the country, if there were never limits to the number of legal refuges, tens of thousands of lives may have been spared. Currently, the United States continues to limit the number of immigrants permitted to enter the country. Politicians are even trying to upgrade the charge to a felony offense if immigrants are caught entering the United Sates illegally. The interesting part of this phenomenon is that the only people who are native to America are the Native American Indians. Other than that, everyone s family had immigrated to America at some point. Having said that, maybe we should be more forthcoming when trying to pass a law by stating that now, since our family is already here, we should start to limit the number of new immigrants that enter. I find the hypocrisy of our government to somewhat overwhelming. At this point, the American people
  • 36. Senator Sexton Debate Essay Which very important event is Senator Sexton preparing himself for? He prepares his CNN presidential debate. What is Senator Sexton s behavior towards this debate? He is very confident that he will make a good impression and he doesn t stress about it. Senator Sexton gave his opinion on a very controversial subject. What is it? He gave his opinion on the same sex marriage. What is the White House s strategy for the debate? The white house wants to keep secret who will go against Senator Sexton during the debate. What are the rumours concerning the White House? The main rumour is that the President might have quitted his job. It is also mentioned that the White House s staff is very confused and angry not knowing what is going on . Which ... Show more content on ... What is Senator Sexton s plan for winning the debate? He will make NASA a political issue by exposing its exorbitant budget. When does the President plan to reveal NASA s big discovery? He wants to call a press conference at the White House tonight at 8 P.M. Which strange question does the President ask to Rachel? He asks her if she has a cellphone. What does the President do when Rachel answers to this question? He takes her phone and slips it into his pocket. Where does the President go after his short talk with Rachel? He leaves the island aboard his plane. What does the President say to Rachel before leaving? He says I assure you, Rachel, you will not regret assisting me in this matter . Where does Rachel go after meeting the President? She leaves the island on another plane with a strange pilot. At what speed is Rachel s plane flying? It flies at almost 1500 miles per hour. How does Rachel feel in this high speed plane ? She is feeling dizzy and she vomits. In which direction is the plane going? The plane is going north. What are the White House s dimensions? The White House measures 170 feet in length by 85 feet wide on 18 acres of landscaped ground. Who is
  • 37. Non Commissioned Officer Essay Non Commissioned Officers must exhibit expertise in both management and leadership to be truly successful. Management is the ability to attain quantifiably measurable success, while Leadership is the art of capitalizing on a person s individual motivators to inspire. While a mission may be complete utilizing only managementtactics, we must motivate our Soldiers and groom them to one day take our place. It is necessary to make the distinction between the two and to find a balance. As a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO), it is my foremost job to train and lead Soldiers. The ways that an NCO may approach this task are as varied as the personality types within the Army, and are specific to the element for which an NCO is responsible. We are charged to groom the future NCOs who will take our place by creating subject matter experts and role models. We aim to create, promote, and guide Soldiers by our Values, the Creed of the Non Commissioned Officer, adherence to the Constitution, and the various regulations and publications guiding daily life. The Army requires that we do what is necessary to accomplish a mission, fulfilling the orders of the Officers appointed over us. Often times, it is not the tangible effects of our actions that are the most difficult to accomplish, it is the psychological ... Show more content on ... Management is a numbers game, success in which results in metrics, procedures followed, and general measurable successes. Tangible gains from quantifiable tasks are a result of a logical approach to work. Leadership, having to do with the specifics of people, is incredibly psychological. Leadership is gaining the investment of time, energy, and motivation of those who are going to put in the work necessitating management. Neither is more important that the other, as pertains to short term mission accomplishment, but the balance of both is required for long term
  • 38. Example Of An Object Speech On African Elephants Mary George February 16, 2018 Object Speech African Elephants What s animal is really big, gray, and is pregnant for 22 months? That s right elephants, but how much do you really know about these animals. By the end of the of my speech I hope that you will know more about the African elephant s physical appearance, diet, and the main reasons they are now a threatened species. These extremely intelligent animals are every interesting mammals. The average weights of a full grown African elephant is about 15,000lbs (male), and 7,700lbs (female). Their heights range from about 10 5 for males to 8 5 for females. They are considered the largest land animals, which is no surprise when you see pictures of these animals. Elephants have very unique physical features ... Show more content on ... These trunks have about 100,000 muscles in them, which is what allows them to complete extraordinary tasks, such as lifting tree trunks. This unique feature is also used for breathing, trumping, and grabbing the next meal. Now that I have talked about the physical features of elephants, I am going to talk about their diets. Elephants are herbivores. This mean that they are not meat eaters. Their diet typically consist of plants, roots, fruits, and tree bark. According to the National Geographic, an adult elephant can consume up to 300 pounds of food in a single day. This is about 55 times the amount the average human can eat in a day. In addition to the 300 pounds of food they eat, an elephant can drink about 50 gallons of water in a single day. Because elephants eat and drink so much throughout the day, they tend to not sleep as much as other animals. Since I have now explained some of the unique physical features of African elephants and their diets, I am going to talk about the main reason African elephants are becoming a threatened species. A threatened species is one that could become extinct in the near future. The main reason for
  • 39. Acute Operative Surgery And Surgical Stress Responses Answer 1. Understanding contraindications with post operative surgery and surgical stress responses in patients with pre existing diseases or conditions, is the key pathogenic factor to understand. Post Surgical stress responses include: Pain, Nausea, Hypoxemia, Muscle loss, Immobilisation and Sleep disturbance etc. Increase on the demand of organ functions and activation of other biological responses in the body, is the result of post operative surgical stress. These changes due to stress on body functions are believed to be induced by endocrine metabolism and activation of several other biological systems in our body. Although these changes are important for survival, if left prolonged, they may give rise to loss of body cell mass and ... Show more content on ... This likely explains why his BSL was 17 on admission which is clearly above the normal range. This is contributed to, by activation of the sympathetic nervous system (flight or fight response to stimulate glycogen release from liver) and also cortisol release from the adrenal gland which has effects primarily at the glucocorticoid receptors. Hyperglycaemia results physiologically in glycosuria (exceeds the tubular maximum for reabsorption at the proximal tubule) which leads to polyuria and subsequent polydipsia. Hyperglycaemia is not optimal peri operatively because of the risk of infection and poor wound healing (Nickolas, Leonard, Shane, 2008). Subsequent polyuria results in dehydration which is also not ideal in someone who is already likely dehydrated from fluid losses and blood loss from the lower limb fracture. Hence the need for IV fluid replacement is important. In regards to the effect of the tibial fibula fracture on his co morbid hypertension, the fracture would obviously cause intense pain due to its open nature and breach of periosteal bone. Subsequent pain results in sympathetic drive with tachycardia through adrenaline and nor adrenaline s effects on alpha and beta receptors on the myocardium as well as arterioles resulting in vasoconstriction. Activation of alpha and beta receptors acts as a stimulant (Oroko, Wadia, Farrell,
  • 40. Sociaalism In The 19th Century During the late 19th and early 20th centuries the American society had an tremedous impact on their way of life as the United States grew at a rapid rate. Cities such as New York, for example, had a huge population increae due to numerious immigrants flocking to the United States. The city is the nerve center of our civiliation. It is also the stor center. The fact, therefore, tht it is growing much more rapidly than the whole population is full of significance. (Our Country). With the increase of immigrants flocking to the United Statesalso brought the rise of criminals. These said criminals included gamblers thieves, and robbers. With large numbers of immigrats migrating to the United States in search for a better way of life it made many vulernable to the luxuries and wealth that the large cities promised.... Show more content on ... Here is heaped the social dynamite her roughs, gamblers, thiees, robbers, lawless and desperate men of all sorts, congregate, men who are ready on any pretext to raise riots for the purpose of destruction and plunder, here gather foreigners and wage workers, ere skepticism and irreligion abound; here ineuality is the gretest and most obvious, and the contrast between opuleence and penury the most striking, here is suffering the sorest. (Our Country). Living in the bigger cities made it easier for the criminals to hide and to get away with their crimes because the government couldn t control the bigger cities. As a rule, our largest cities are the worst governed. It is natural, therefore, to infer that as our cities grow larger and more dangerous, the government will become more corrupt, and control will pass moree completely into the hands of those who themselves most need to b controlled. (Our
  • 41. A amp;P Essay It is very common for teenagers to wish to gain some freedom by earning a small income. This is often achieved through employment at fast food chains, markets, restaurants, and shops. As a result of the amount of time consumed by these occupations, much of a teenager s life tends to focus on the people and events that are central to these places of employment. Sammy, the main character in John Updike s story A amp;P, is a superb representation of the teen employee. p Updike places his character in a typical setting and allows the readers to view the events of the story from the perspective of a teen. By doing this, he makes it simple for readers to relate with Sammy and his experiences. In reflection ... Show more content on ... After working for approximately three years in a bicycle shop where this characteristic can be easily observed, I have found that customers will continue on their decided path of examining merchandise and comparing prices, without regard for any added stimuli. During the busier seasons, it seems especially true that one could, as stated by Sammy, set off dynamite . . . and the people would by and large keep reaching and checking (Updike 371). This characteristic alienates the employee from customers: in most cases, they are held to the belief that finding the lowest priced, lowest quality item is necessary; they expect the employee to understandingly ring up six pairs of checkered spandex cycling shorts that have been laying harmlessly dormant in the bargain bin since the 1980 s. Sammy identifies this idea also by stating, what do these bums do with all that pineapple juice? (Updike 371). p The effort some customers place into catching an employee s mistake could easily establish customers as the most abhorrent aspect of a teen s job experience in its self. The number of customers that possess this fine quality seems to be related to a function that increases with respect to age; it appears that
  • 42. Short Essay On The Pigman The Pigman by Paul Zindel is a novel written in two people s perspectives. Mr. Zindel obviously had a high level of proficiency to construct such an interesting story. This book centers around two high schooler outcasts named John and Lorraine. They are both good friends, and they cross paths with the smiley but lonely Mr. Pignati. He treats them very kindly and shows him around his house; and Lorraine can t help but have anxiety towards with friendly old man. The old man shows them a room covered from head to toe with porcelain pigs. They discover that Mr. Pignati has an avocation for collecting porcelain pigs. Lorraine and John find a nickname for him: the Pigman. The Pigman practically begs them to go with him to the zoo, and John and Lorraine feel they are in a... Show more content on ... Pignati bought, she was acting like an ingrate. Mrs. Jensen then tells Lorraine to be careful of men; because she is very antagonistic towards them because of her ex husband. Lorraine only nods and barely listens to her because she has a relationship with John; and she knows she can trust men. One day, John, Lorraine, and the Pigman are hanging out, and John wears the roller skates he got because of the Pigman. He is running up the stairs in them;; and Mr. Pignati decides to follow him with his roller skates on too. Consequently, the Pigman has a heart attack; and has to be rushed to the hospital. Furthermore, for Lorraine and John to see him, they have to pretend to be his children. It turns out that Mr. Pignati was fine, but he needs to stay in the hospital for a few more days. Afterwords, John has an idea to through a high school party at Mr. Pignati s house because he is not there. Lorraine strongly disagrees, but then reluctantly agrees to help out with the hors d oeuvres. The party ends up having more than forty people there, one of them being Norton. Norton and John dislike each other; and when alcohol gets involved, so do the
  • 43. Why Did He Send His Son Why did He send His Son? Why did God send His one and ONLY Son to die for us? Was there another way we could have been saved? What would be happening right now if He did not die to save us? If Jesus was the Son of God why did he have to go to Hell? How do we know he was the real Messiah? If He was the Son of God why did He go to the Land of the Dead? Philippians 2:5 11 says He went because of punishment for our sins. And what we did, and how many times we disobeyed the Lord. Jesus went to the Land of the Dead to save us from Death. 1 Peter 2:24 says He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed He died saving us from Death and sin. He went to the Land of the Dead so He could could prove the Prophecies, so they KNEW He was the real Messiah. Some of the Prophecies were, Jesus would be born of a virgin. He did that, he was born of the virgin Mary. Another one is He would be born in Bethlehem. He also did that. And another Prophecy said that to be the Messiah he would be nailed to a cross and die for us. He did that, and whilst doing that he saved us from our sins and washed us white as snow ... Show more content on ... He went to beat death once and for all. He went so we could be with him and not go to the Land of the Dead. He went so we could have a chance to be with
  • 44. It s Time To Put An End To Gender Stereotypes From the moment we are born we are put into one of two categories, boy or girl. We are never asked or considered to be anything but. No in between, no blurred lines. And because of the society we created, we attach extensive stereotypes to each of those genders. This is simply known as gender roles, or more specifically; a set of societal norms dictating what types of behaviors are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for a person based on their actual or perceived sex . This includes all kinds of stereotypes, like, that women should stay home, cook, and be girly , and that men need to be strong, the sole provider of the house, and manly . Not to say you can t be those things, but those roles can be very constricting for most of the population. Genderroles can be so restricting that they affect our lifestyle, workplace, and mentality and self image. Pereira observed both boys and girls regulating their behavior in potentially harmful ways in order to adhere to gender norms. (Culp Ressler) Gender roles can make anyone who strives for that ideal lifestyle have a very demanding and oppressive life. What I mean by this is that, the perfect life we envision, even if it isn t what we want, it makes us feel like we have to fulfill those roles. Now, everyone feels and deals with things differently. With the gender roles that girls need to be skinny and pretty and guys need to be strong and tough, it gets to kids and can affect them for the rest of
  • 45. Lupus Essay Lupus Definition of the Disease Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause that can affect virtually any part of the body. The medical term for Lupus is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or better known as SLE. With Lupus there is a malfunction in some of the cells of the immune system. quot;In Lupus, the body overreacts to an unknown stimulus and makes to many antibodies, or proteins directed against body tissue. Thus, Lupus is called an autoimmune disease. # Myth/Reality Statements Myth: Lupus is contagious. Reality: It is not contagious, it is not spread from person to person. Myth: It is uncommon in women to contact Lupus. Reality: quot;Between the ages of 15 and 45, close to 90% of diagnosed patients are women ... Show more content on ... Facial redness or a rash on the face appears in the shape of a butterfly. This rash is flat, patchy lesions can also occur on the face; these lesions are raised and rough to the touch. Some Lupus patients may lose their hair, and scarring on the scalp may be related to this. Lupus patients also experience photosensitivity, a harmful reaction to sunlight. Rashes can occur due to exposure to sunlight. People that have Lupus bruise easily. Ulcers may occur in the mouth, nose and throat . quot; # There are also symptoms that involve the chest. These involve chest pain due to pleurisy, and irritation of the membranes lining the inside of the chest around the lungs, and pain due to pericarditis, and inflammation of the sack surrounding the heart. With both of these conditions there is difficulty in breathing, pain, shortness of breath, or a rapid heartbeat. Joint pain is common in Lupus. Patients suffer from arthritis like pain, swelling in the joints, redness and stiffness. These symptoms involve one or more joints. Lupus may also affect the blood. Anemia is common in individuals with Lupus, with this condition there is a low read blood cell count, the red blood cells are coated with antibodies that cause them to break down and break apart. Leupkopenia is also common, with this condition there is a low white blood cell count. This can lead to an increased susceptibility to infections. Thrombocytopenia is also common; with this condition people have trouble
  • 46. Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Essay Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Assignment Mishawna Washington Grand Canyon University: PCN 505 July 31, 2013 Counselor Values On the issue of abortion with the 19 year old rape victim, I feel that she has a right to choose whether or not to go through with the abortion. As her counselor I have to put my personal feelings aside and help her to make the best decision for herself. My client is firm in her plans to have the abortion and since she is an adult her parents have no legal right to make her change her mind. I am unable to convince the parents to change their minds as they are not my clients and I have no input in how they feel. According to the ACA (2005) I must be sensitive to the family s cultural beliefs and in the... Show more content on ... It is my job as a professional to put all those differences aside and view my client as just that. A client of mine that has enlisted my help with an issue they are facing and my focus should remain on helping my client and not judging them for their lifestyle. Lastly, clients have the right to quality care. The NAADAC (2011) states, The addiction professional espouses objectivity and integrity and maintains the highest standards in the services provided. As a professional counselor I will be an advocate for my clients. I will stay up to date with the latest research and counseling techniques. In an article by Eberstein (1977) he states Don t use new styles or fads for treatment when they have not yet been accepted or approved by your professional body. Although we may use these new techniques we should be properly trained on how to use them properly first. Clients deserve to be provided with the best we have to offer which means updated assessments and quick results. I will keep my personal opinions to myself and will not attempt to force them onto my clients. I will remain professional at all times. Responsibility to Warn and Protect The duty to warn and protect is the result of the Supreme Court case Tarasoff v Regents of the University of California. (Gehring 1982) In this case the courts decided that a psychotherapist having knowledge of the
  • 47. Respect Essay I have been told that I need to write a 1000 word essay on disrespecting a Non Commissioned Officer. But it is really hard to write about this because I am having a hard time wondering how I disrespected them. So, where do I start on this and what do I say about it. As far as this essay goes I am just going to write how I feel about respect and how respect works both ways. It is wrong to disrespect a Non Commissioned Officer because they are appointed above me to guide me to the right place and things to do. But it is really hard to respect someone when they do not respect you. Respect works both ways and if that person or leadership does not respect you trying to respect them is difficult. No matter what is said it is disrespect.... Show more content on ... I have seen way worse disrespect then what I have ever done to anyone. In my eyes disrespect is if you just plainly say hell no or fuck off. I have never done that and yet they automatically think that if you are asking them why you are told to do something it is disrespect but in fact is not disrespect it is that the soldier is trying to learn from them. If I remember correctly the Non Commissioned Officer Creed states Competence is my watchword. My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my soldiers. I will strive to remain tactically and technically proficient. I am aware of my role as a Noncommissioned Officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in that role. All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishment. But it seems that only a few of the Non Commissioned Officers respect the lower enlisted. Why should soldiers words get twisted and why is that NCO s are not respecting the soldiers and their needs. We need to be respected that is one of the many needs of the soldiers of today. That is why a lot of soldiers act out against Non Commissioned Officers. Ok so disrespect is all on what that person
  • 48. Formatting Makes People Fat They re so many interesting ways to screw up an academic paper. I don t even know where to begin! Oh well, I guess I could start with formatting. What is formatting? , you might ask. Formatting is how to set up your paper. Format was actually one of your 6th grade vocab words, allow yourself to reminisce for a moment. Take a look at the heading of this essay, where your name is listed. If it looks like this, it s wrong. The first problem is not enough spacing. It should be double spaced. The main text of your essay should always be double spaced. Got it! Good, now take mother look at the heading. There are 4 major errors; do you think you can find them all? Wow, Definitely a lot of errors. But as you should have guessed by now, this essay... Show more content on ... Now that you have cleaverly discovered all the errors in the heading, let s take a look to the title. Anything look mangled to you? Maybe not mangled like a lot of crashed cars must look after crazy wreaks but wrong nonetheless. What s wrong with the title of this essay? Very Good! YOU DID IT! I knew it was in you. If any of you turn in an essay with these basic formatting issues, I will not be happy. In fact, I will be quite unscrupulous. I will tell you to go somewhere and reread the poop essay until you re writing is completely poop free. A.K.A,clear and concise. Here is a list of words that may help you in your quest to find all the errors in this essay; Formatting, spelling, sentence structure, word choice, punctuation, thesis statement (does this essay even have one?), Introduction, supportive paragraphs, transition words, appropriate words, unnecessary words. Oh, also now would be a really good time to tell you to indent every new paragraph! How many tim s did I indent this craptastic essay? Now take some time to find errors. Welcome to my world. You need to learn to proofread for yourself! I can t follow you to High School or College. Your ability to communicate effectively, and do well in school, hinges on your understanding of these very basic proofreading
  • 49. Samuel R. Watkins Research Paper Samuel R. Watkins was an American writer and confederate soldier and fought throughout the entire Civil War and being included in several major battles. He is best known for his memoirs Co. Aytch which are accounts of his time in the army and as soldier in First Tennessee. Watkins was born in Maury County, Tennessee, on June 26, 1839. After his 21st birthday, in May of 1861, Watkins join the army when his state left the Union. He was apart of Company H and he was one of seven men who remained when the company surrendered to Major General W. T. Sherman in North Carolina, April 1865. Watkins died at the age of 62 with military honors. Pardon me should I use the personal pronoun I too frequently, as I do not wish to be called egotistical, for
  • 50. Comparison Of Northanger Abbey And The Oval Portrait Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey and Edgar Allan Poe s The Oval Portrait portray confusion between imagination and reality. In the excerpt of Northanger Abbey, Catherine comes to learn about the late Mrs Tilney while on a walk with Eleanor. In contrast, the excerpt of The Oval Portrait details the narrator s delirious encounter with a life like portrait of a young woman. Both excerpts explore how the relationship between art and reality. However, whereas the narrator in The Oval Portrait is able to soundly distinguish illusion from reality, Catherine s boundless imagination clouds her reason and adversely affects her judgment. I) Art as an interplay of fantasy and reality Fantasy and reality are mixed in The Oval Portrait through a series ... Show more content on ... Borrowing the plot details of various gothic novels, Catherine attempts to interpret the General s character to conform to the outlines of the evil and mysterious villain, a stock character in the Gothic novel. The general s worry over her well being is misread as a threat to Catherine. His avoidance of a path favoured by his late wife is misconstrued as guilt. Even the absence of the late Mrs Tilney s portrait in his room is attributed to cruelty. Imagination clouds her reason and deduction, as she assumes the worst despite lack of evidence. For instance, Catherine claims that there was a something in the turn of his features which spoke his not having behaved well to her, such something being an unspecified product of her fantasy. As she gradually comes to think the worst of the General, it is because she has often read of such characters. Unlike the book in The Oval Portrait , which represented a retreat from the extreme to reality, books in Northanger Abbeyrepresents Catherine s alternate reality, that of a gothic mystery. She considers herself a heroine living through her books and pursuing some other truth. The reader follows Catherine s stream of consciousness as she searches for clues and pieces of evidence: Here was another proof. A portrait very like of a departed wife, not valued by the husband! He must have been dreadfully cruel to
  • 51. Tim O brien s On the Rainy River Essays Tim O brien s On the Rainy River Tim O brien s On the Rainy River is a true story told by a 41 year old of his life at the age of 21. The fact that O brien is writing this 20 years later adds a new aspect to the story. He describes himself as a young man with the world in his back pocket. O brien has just graduated from Macalester College and has a free ride to Harvard. Unfortunately, his storybook world collapses when he receives a draft notice for the Vietnam war, a war that he has taken a modest stand against (44) in 1968. Upon receiving his draft notice, O brien was thrown into a world of what he calls moral confusion (44). As a 21 year old, he follows every rule put forth in front of him, even though he says ... Show more content on ... He stopped here to try and organize his thoughts and make his decision, or at least that is what he thought he was doing. He was actually trying to stall the inevitable. At the Tip Top Lodgehe met Elroy Berdhal, the man who saved me (50). Berdhal seemed to know exactly what O Brien needed. He gave him small tasks like chopping wood and didn t talk to him about sensitive topics like why he was there. One of the most captivating moments of the story is when Berdhal takes O Brien fishing on the Rainy River, which is actually the divider between his two lives. Berdhal takes the boat within meters of the Canadian shore, brining O Brien to attempt to answer the question, swim to freedom or return home and fight. He thinks that he actually has a choice in this matter, but there really is now way that he could have jumped even with all the motivation in the world. His mind isn t mentally prepared to make such a decision. He then knew, so close to freedom that Canada had become a pitiful fantasy. Silly and hopeless. It was no longer a possibility (59). So he went home the next day, eventually heading off to Vietnam, not even getting to say good bye to the man who in the next 20 years would grow to become the most influential man in his past. Embarrassment is O Brien s downfall. He would imagine all of the citizens in his hometown gossiping about his lack of
  • 52. Summary Of Willa Cather s My Antonia Willa Cather wrote many novels. One of them is My Antonia. She is an American Author from the regionalism period. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 1923 writing about World War 1. Willa Cather is an American Author who wrote My Antonia in 1918. This novel is a short fictional introduction about Jim meeting this little girl named Antonia.When Jim was 10 he was orphaned and he moved from Virginia to Nebraska to live on his grandparents farm. The Shimerda family suffers through tough winters, as they don t have a lot of money. Jim s grandparents try to do whatever they can but Mr. Shimada ends up making suicide. By the time Jim was ready for high school his grandparents moved out to Black Hawk, Nebraska, but Antonia s family remained on the farm. Antonia ends up moving out with a family in town named Harling. When Jim finishes college he returns back to Black Hawk for the summer before law school. When he gets back he wants to visit Antonia. But Jim is afraid of what he may find. My Antonia is a novel of American frontier life. This novel is narrated by Jim Burden. David Daiches complaint of twenty years ago prevails: that work is flawed by irrelevant episodes and material of uncertain meaning. As soon as Jim gets ... Show more content on ... From time to time I ve been writing down what I remember...about Antonia....I didn t take time to arrange it; I simply wrote down pretty much all what her name recalls to me. I suppose it hasn t any form,...any title, either. His memory cannot be as complete or uninterested as he suggests. In Jim s dream of Lena, desire and fear clearly battle each other. My Antonia is, on the surface, a simple and clear novel, with themes of ultimate importance. Yet, the novel becomes brilliantly tortuous in the end. The novel s statements work against its