SlideShare una empresa de Scribd logo
1985 - 2 0 1 7
GRAPHIC DESIGN - Print • Photo • Digital • 3D
I want to take his opportunity to acknowledge and to thank the many,
many wonderful people who have inspired me, counseled me and
worked so very hard beside me to create great work.
3006 1400 5292
M o b i u s is born
for Phil Knight 1985


The Mobius Box
offered material
samples, graphic
illustrations and
a timeline on the
life of our mythic
progenitor, the
astronomical and
mathematical genius
August Mobius
Century of
mobius • folsom st. san francisco
Benetton Sportsystem Image
• The essence of Benetton Sportsystem is a merchandise package that every
sporting goods store in the world yearns for. Superb products merchandise
displays, and vendor service programs. Merchants that buy into the
program will have a competitive edge.
• Phase I - Development of a Sportsystem-wide image program for the
utilization of the "How to Survive theme and globe logo
1. Produce a list of all likely applications
2. Develop policies for theme use
3. Secure rights to all copy lines and imagery
4. Develop design guidelines and reproduction archives for:
A. Graphics
B. Display and P.O.P
C. Audio and Video
5. Work with member companies to ensure a coordinated
system-wide application of the program in all advcrtising
and company communications
• Phase I1 - The”This is Why People Need is developed to both identify
Benetton Sportsystem and to distinguish its independent parts
1. Develop an advertising and P.R. campaign utilizing the theme.
This campaign would target both the merchants and customers.
The campaign would first focus on establishing name
recognition for Benetton Sportsystem in general
2. Develop policies and guidelines for the system-wide utilization
of the theme for all media
3. Work with member companies develop a way to use the
"This is why..." line with their indivial program
• Phase III - The Sportsystem store develops and assumes a dominant
position in sports retail worldwide
Benetton Sportsystem Image
Video: A "Global village" of 16 screens. Each one playing a different program.
All captured live, to create a constantly changing readout of the total
communication activity on earth.
A 16 screen monitor of the planet's brainwaves.
We see: Wheel of Fortune + Donahue + All My Children
+ Saddam Hussein + Sumo Wrestlers + MTV + Flipper + Gunsmoke
+ Home + Shopping Network +Re- venge of the Nerds Terminator +
How to lmigate + Soybeans + Tractor Pull + Paris Fashions + Casablanca
+ Jet Fighters + Math Problem + Berlin Weather Map + King Tut +
Buddhist Monks + World Wrestling + Sushi Eaters + Sea Turtle Laying Eggs
+ Home Movies Rappers + Refugees + Steel Mill + Real Estate Channel +
Winnie the Pooh + Windshield Repair+ Aphrodisiac Peddlers + Congress in
Session + Open Heart Surgery + Billy Graham + Egyptian Snake Charmer Etc.
Etc. Etc.
Audio: Gregorian Chant
Action As we watch, the wall seethes with images, changing
channels in time to the music.
Like a giant composite eye, the wall is scanning everything there is to see
from one moment to the next.
Sometimes the wall chooses one image and displaysit full, as a single
mosaic, on all 16 screens
This is the chaotic collage we broadcast to ourselves and the cosmos every day.
It is live. But not living.
Benetton Sportsystem Image
• The essence of Benetton Sportsystem is a merchandise package that every
sporting goods store in the world yearns for. Superb products merchandise
displays, and vendor service programs. Merchants that buy into the
program will have a competitive edge.
• Phase I - Development of a Sportsystem-wide image program for the
utilization of the "How to Survive theme and globe logo
1. Produce a list of all likely applications
2. Develop policies for theme use
3. Secure rights to all copy lines and imagery
4. Develop design guidelines and reproduction archives for:
A. Graphics
B. Display and P.O.P
C. Audio and Video
5. Work with member companies to ensure a coordinated
system-wide application of the program in all advcrtising
and company communications
• Phase I1 - The”This is Why People Need is developed to both identify
Benetton Sportsystem and to distinguish its independent parts
1. Develop an advertising and P.R. campaign utilizing the theme.
This campaign would target both the merchants and customers.
The campaign would first focus on establishing name
recognition for Benetton Sportsystem in general
2. Develop policies and guidelines for the system-wide utilization
of the theme for all media
3. Work with member companies develop a way to use the
"This is why..." line with their indivial program
• Phase III - The Sportsystem store develops and assumes a dominant
position in sports retail worldwide
A vision for the future.
Benetton Sportsystem Image
• The essence of Benetton Sportsystem is a merchandise package that every
sporting goods store in the world yearns for. Superb products merchandise
displays, and vendor service programs. Merchants that buy into the
program will have a competitive edge.
• Phase I - Development of a Sportsystem-wide image program for the
utilization of the "How to Survive theme and globe logo
1. Produce a list of all likely applications
2. Develop policies for theme use
3. Secure rights to all copy lines and imagery
4. Develop design guidelines and reproduction archives for:
A. Graphics
B. Display and P.O.P
C. Audio and Video
5. Work with member companies to ensure a coordinated
system-wide application of the program in all advcrtising
and company communications
• Phase I1 - The”This is Why People Need is developed to both identify
Benetton Sportsystem and to distinguish its independent parts
1. Develop an advertising and P.R. campaign utilizing the theme.
This campaign would target both the merchants and customers.
The campaign would first focus on establishing name
recognition for Benetton Sportsystem in general
2. Develop policies and guidelines for the system-wide utilization
of the theme for all media
3. Work with member companies develop a way to use the
"This is why..." line with their indivial program
• Phase III - The Sportsystem store develops and assumes a dominant
position in sports retail worldwide
Benetton Sportsystem Image
Video: A "Global village" of 16 screens. Each one playing a different program.
All captured live, to create a constantly changing readout of the total
communication activity on earth.
A 16 screen monitor of the planet's brainwaves.
We see: Wheel of Fortune + Donahue + All My Children
+ Saddam Hussein + Sumo Wrestlers + MTV + Flipper + Gunsmoke
+ Home + Shopping Network +Re- venge of the Nerds Terminator +
How to lmigate + Soybeans + Tractor Pull + Paris Fashions + Casablanca
+ Jet Fighters + Math Problem + Berlin Weather Map + King Tut +
Buddhist Monks + World Wrestling + Sushi Eaters + Sea Turtle Laying Eggs
+ Home Movies Rappers + Refugees + Steel Mill + Real Estate Channel +
Winnie the Pooh + Windshield Repair+ Aphrodisiac Peddlers + Congress in
Session + Open Heart Surgery + Billy Graham + Egyptian Snake Charmer Etc.
Etc. Etc.
Audio: Gregorian Chant
Action As we watch, the wall seethes with images, changing
channels in time to the music.
Like a giant composite eye, the wall is scanning everything there is to see
from one moment to the next.
Sometimes the wall chooses one image and displaysit full, as a single
mosaic, on all 16 screens
This is the chaotic collage we broadcast to ourselves and the cosmos every day.
It is live. But not living.
Benetton Sportsystem Image
Every hour on the hour, the wall dissolves to a single mosaic image
of the universal television color bars, and we super:
Audio Note: When the screens are monitoring the planet, we can also
Indian Ragas
Italian Opera
Senior Citizen Ukulele Band
American Bebop
Plus: A low white noise background, mixing audio from all 16 screens.
When the screens dissolve to the titles, we hear:
Scope: This program plays continuously, throughout the entire time the
showroom is open.
It is always new.
Always live.
A video billboard of what is happening in the world, at any given second.
A constant reminder of why, from time to time, people need to channel
their thoughts in other directions.
Moda Solaris
African Chanting
Moroccan Music
Japanese Koto
Muzak Chinese
Court Music
Bartok North American Indian Drumming
Children Laughing
Baby Cooing
It is the confusion of life which we can only put in perspective through
the purity of sport.
Every three minutes, this constant ebb and flow of flotsam and jetsam from the
electronic ocean is interrupted by a dissolve to black, followed by titles which say:
This is why people need skates. This is why people need tote bags.
This is why people need snow. This is why people need clubs.
This is why people need mountains. This is why people need ice axes.
This is why people need sunshine. This is why people need crampons. .
This is why people need wind. This is why people need rackets.
This is why people need to run. This is why people need clay.
This is why people need grass. This is why people need to walk.
This is why people need water. This is why people need to dance.
This is why people need freedom This is why people need to bounce. .
This is why people need sand traps. This is why people need to kick.
This is why people need flags. This is why people noed to yell. .
This is why people need soles. This is why people need to climb.
This is why people need balls. This is why people need to dream. .
This is why people need eye protection. This is why people need to play .
This is why people need wristguards. This is why people need to breathe.
This is why people need to run. This is why people need clay
This is why people need grass. This is why people need to walk.
This is why people need water. This is why people need to dance.
Benetton Sportsystem Image
• The essence of Benetton Sportsystem is a merchandise package that every
sporting goods store in the world yearns for. Superb products merchandise
displays, and vendor service programs. Merchants that buy into the
program will have a competitive edge.
• Phase I - Development of a Sportsystem-wide image program for the
utilization of the "How to Survive theme and globe logo
1. Produce a list of all likely applications
2. Develop policies for theme use
3. Secure rights to all copy lines and imagery
4. Develop design guidelines and reproduction archives for:
A. Graphics
B. Display and P.O.P
C. Audio and Video
5. Work with member companies to ensure a coordinated
system-wide application of the program in all advcrtising
and company communications
• Phase I1 - The”This is Why People Need is developed to both identify
Benetton Sportsystem and to distinguish its independent parts
1. Develop an advertising and P.R. campaign utilizing the theme.
This campaign would target both the merchants and customers.
The campaign would first focus on establishing name
recognition for Benetton Sportsystem in general
2. Develop policies and guidelines for the system-wide utilization
of the theme for all media
3. Work with member companies develop a way to use the
"This is why..." line with their indivial program
• Phase III - The Sportsystem store develops and assumes a dominant
position in sports retail worldwide
Benetton Sportsystem Image
Video: A "Global village" of 16 screens. Each one playing a different program.
All captured live, to create a constantly changing readout of the total
communication activity on earth.
A 16 screen monitor of the planet's brainwaves.
We see: Wheel of Fortune + Donahue + All My Children
+ Saddam Hussein + Sumo Wrestlers + MTV + Flipper + Gunsmoke
+ Home + Shopping Network +Re- venge of the Nerds Terminator +
How to lmigate + Soybeans + Tractor Pull + Paris Fashions + Casablanca
+ Jet Fighters + Math Problem + Berlin Weather Map + King Tut +
Buddhist Monks + World Wrestling + Sushi Eaters + Sea Turtle Laying Eggs
+ Home Movies Rappers + Refugees + Steel Mill + Real Estate Channel +
Winnie the Pooh + Windshield Repair+ Aphrodisiac Peddlers + Congress in
Session + Open Heart Surgery + Billy Graham + Egyptian Snake Charmer Etc.
Etc. Etc.
Audio: Gregorian Chant
Action As we watch, the wall seethes with images, changing
channels in time to the music.
Like a giant composite eye, the wall is scanning everything there is to see
from one moment to the next.
Sometimes the wall chooses one image and displaysit full, as a single
mosaic, on all 16 screens
This is the chaotic collage we broadcast to ourselves and the cosmos every day.
It is live. But not living.
Benetton Sportsystem Image
It is the confusion of life which we can only put in perspective through
the purity of sport.
Every three minutes. this constant ebb and flow of flotsarn and jetsam
from the electronic ocean is interrupted by a dissolve to black, followed
by titles which say:
This is why people need tote bags. This is why people need skates.
This is why people need clubs. This is why people need snow.
This is why people need mountains. This is why people need ice axes.
This is why people need sunshine. This is why people need crampons.
This is why people need rackets. This is why people need wind.
This is why people need to run. This is why people need clay.
This is why people need to walk. This is why people need grass.
This is why people need to dance. This is why people need water.
This is why people need to bounce. This is why people need freedom
This is why people need sand traps. This is why people need to kick
This is why people need to yell. This is why people need flags.
This is why people need soles. This is why people need to climb
This is why people need to dream. This is why people need balls
This is why people need eye protection. This is why people need to play
This is why people need wristguards. This is why people need to breathe. .
Every hour on the hour, the wall dissolves to a single mosaic image
of the universal television color bars, and we super:
Audio Note: When the screens are monitoring the planet, we can also
Indian Ragas
Italian Opera
Senior Citizen Ukulele Band
American Bebop
Plus: A low white noise background, mixing audio from all 16 screens.
When the screens dissolve to the titles, we hear:
Scope: This program plays continuously, throughout the entire time the
showroom is open.
It is always new.
Always live.
A video billboard of what is happening in the world, at any given second.
A constant reminder of why, from time to time, people need to channel
their thoughts in other directions.
Moda Solaris
African Chanting
Moroccan Music
Japanese Koto
Muzak Chinese
Court Music
Bartok North American Indian Drumming
Children Laughing
Baby Cooing
Lights Down.
Music Up: Gregorian Chant
Video: 16 screen wall. Black.
slowly, one by one, the screens fade on, creating a single mosaic image of color bars.
Abruptly, the bars dissolve.
Cut to a blindingly fast series of full mosaics of television images from
all around the world.
We feel that the wall is scanning the broad cast output of the entire planet
at warp speed.
We see: Saddam Hussein/Home Shopping Network/open Heart surgery/Dancing
Indians Russian Missiles/Cherry Blossoms Cops and British Parliament/ Demolition
DerbylBaby being bom
Cut to Black.
SFX: Rollerblading.
Cut back to a continuation of the frenzied chaos of images we broadcast to the
comos every day.
SFX: Ski Boots Crunching in Snow.
Cut to Chaos.
SFX: Tennis Cut to Chaos.
SFX: Golf. Cut to Chaos. A long final sequence.
SFX: Children laughing. Cut to Final Burst of Chaos.
Dissolve to Black. Dissolve up full mosaic of color bars.
Cut to dramatic flurry of Benetton Sportsystem images.
Benetton sponsored Formula One car/Rugby Team/Basketball Team/Nordica Skier/
Asolo Climbers/Nitro Golfers/Nitro and Langert Golfers/Prince Tennis Players/
Ektelon Racquetballers/Etc.
Cut to Super:
Dissolve to color bars:
Fade to black.
Music out to end.
Lights up.
Benetton Sportsystem Image
Table of Contents
Benetton Sportsystem Image
Concept Development ............................................................................2
United Channels of Benetton
Video Script "The Global Village...”.........................................................6
Night Program .............................................................................................9
Rationale for the "This is why People Need Themc ......................11
Benetton Sportsystem Image
• The concepts all build on the strong traditions
of innovative Benetton communications
• They provide a robust and diverse palette for the
creation of powerful, provocative, and memorable
• The programs lend themselves to all media
They promote individual companies and
Benetton Sportsystem simultaneously
• The concept is both fresh and universally understood
• The use of the "How to Survive theme for the New
York showroom opening was successful. Also,
photographic images for the "This is why..." program
were introduced there and they merged well with
the theme

One of the best jobs a designer can
have is creating an exhibit to pro-
mote his own company, according to de-
sign director Peter Craycroft of exhibit
house Mobius. It's a chance to step out
and say, "This is Mobius. This is what we
do. This is who we are."
Craycroft's merit-award design exceeds
the company's own goal for the 1997
Store Fixturing Show in Chicago, which
was to create a three-dimensional
representation of the company's products
and services. The exhibit takes a name,
Mobius, and gives it both identity and
personality. The entire exhibit takes the
pieces and parts that comprise Mobius
and reveals them asindividual blocks of
a larger building
incorporated into the exhibit in an infor-
mal fashion without titles that might
denote hierarchy. The photos show there
is a cast of characters working on each
client's project.
The booth features the first interactive
display in the retail design build industry,
which offer visitors a simple way to access
visual information about the companies
projects. A cone speaker system overhead
and subwoofers down below turn this
into an immersive presentation experience.
Like the contrast between the center wall
and the wing walls, the demo offers two
Icons on either side of the monitor ac-
tivatea presentation on, say,“Creative.”
The“creative”icon on the left activates a
George Plimpton - writer/collaborator
produc zt
InDesign, comb bound 11”X17”
produc zt
InDesign, comb bound 11”X17”
Open, relaxed
interactive, who
we are… no products
for sale
Google has positioned themselves squarely in
the, "look what we can do camp". They tend to
make stuff, then ask everyone else what it's
good for. That's the exact opposite of say,
Apple. Their in store experience should reflect
that.Imagine if people could walk into a Google
Store, and the expectation was that they could
possibly purchase/be given a product if they
could give a compelling reason why they
should have it... People would come in droves
with good ideas. As for look and feel - less like
their logo, more like a mad inventor...Tom
Sachs or something. BOOOOOOM.
Epic !!!!
More than half of the world's population is still without
Internet access. Project Loon is a network of balloons
traveling on the edge of space, designed to extend
Internet connectivity to people in rural and remote areas


Just poke around a little
on the internet or explore
the offerings on Google +,
Google is perfectly
positioned to claim
the territory of THE
the source of innovation
produc zt RETAIL
Introduction of tensioned cable systems into
Branded Environments for hanging graphics
on the new Nike campus buildings
Extensive use of digital printing. Bayer
dithering patterns were just beginning to
be used for full color digital printing. The
width limitation was 30”. We used multiple
bands to fill the employee staircases with




“You can’t connect the dots

looking forward; you can 

only connect them looking

What Apple lacked, under Steve’s leadership is best
revealed by connecting the dots, tracing back in time.
Since Cook took over as CEO following Jobs' death in
2011, he has differentiated himself from his famous
predecessor by staking out moral ground on issues
ranging from diversity to renewable energy to
philanthropy. Jobs focused on the power of
technology and innovation. He was not particularly
outspoken on social issues, nor was he an active
philanthropist in public. Cook, in contrast, appears to be
pushing Apple towards an image of charity and
compassion. Tim Cook has quickly established himself
as a moral leader in Silicon Valley, speaking up on
numerous issues like LGBT rights and philanthropy that
his predecessor would never have touched. See: http://



The most critical behavior in EYELEVEL’s
mix is it’s sentient team trainings. The constant
trainings, combining written exercises, team
competitions (both physical and mental) bring teams
together globally in dynamic ways unparalleled in
retail. These trainings and the strategic rotation of
team members between offices (something I have
advocated and coached clients to do for many
years) leads to very efficient, high performance
teamwork. My commitment to team process as a
teaching method to maximize learning and
innovation has been strengthened and deepened by
experiencing Boudwijn Castelijn masterfully
direction of team and leadership trainings.
Boudwijn Castelijn
High Performance 

Team and Leadership 

EYELEVEL Team members live by these values globally. Team members
will tell you, in private, that, they all know that their Directors do not.
Leaders must also share and live the team values and have serious
additional obligations to team members that are often overlooked.
Beyond pushing hard for results. Great leaders must instill a sense of
confidence and exceptionalism in their people. They must engage with
employees on their terms. They need to listen and earn their trust. They
need to learn to let people fail in order to learn. The bottom line is simple:
recognize your strengths and use them to help people better themselves.
In the long run, helping them will also help you.
Quality - keep promises - be professional - check and control
Open Communication - be open minded - be honest, be truthful,
be direct - express your feelings
Development - ask and give feedback - learn from mistakes - get
out of your comfort zone
Team Spirit - encourage each other - shared responsibility - accept
and use differences to your benefit
Result Driven - “failure is not an option” - see the whole picture-end goal
- define the goal as a team - Be committed to the outcome goal
Initiative - be proactive - plan before acting - take responsibility
Key to creating great teams is the establishment of company values.
This is a creative, team process. Total buy in is essential. EYELEVEL
shares those values openly. You can find them on their website.


High Performance Team Life is very powerful, it 

opens you up and you form strong, 

interdependent, yet sustaining, empowering
relationships. If these relationships are not nurtured and
longterm commitment is not an honored core value,
individuals will be seriously damaged and teams, groups
and organizations run the risk of collapsing from the
inside out.

“We all want a Company that our people are proud of and
committed to, where all employees have an opportunity to
contribute, learn, grow and advance based on merit, not politics
or background. We want our people to feel respected, treated
fairly, listened to and involved. Above all, we want satisfaction
from accomplishments and friendships, balanced personal and
professional lives, and to have fun in our endeavors.”
Robert D. Haas,
Chairman Emeritus
of Levi Strauss & Co.
t h a n k y o ut

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History graphic design - print, web and 3d

  • 1. HISTORY 1985 - 2 0 1 7 GRAPHIC DESIGN - Print • Photo • Digital • 3D SAN FRANCISCO EUGENE
  • 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I want to take his opportunity to acknowledge and to thank the many, many wonderful people who have inspired me, counseled me and worked so very hard beside me to create great work. 3006 1400 5292
  • 3. M o b i u s is born
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  • 17. The Mobius Box The Mobius Box offered material samples, graphic illustrations and a timeline on the life of our mythic progenitor, the astronomical and mathematical genius August Mobius .
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  • 23. mobius • folsom st. san francisco
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  • 27. Benetton Sportsystem Image Implimentation • The essence of Benetton Sportsystem is a merchandise package that every sporting goods store in the world yearns for. Superb products merchandise displays, and vendor service programs. Merchants that buy into the program will have a competitive edge. • Phase I - Development of a Sportsystem-wide image program for the utilization of the "How to Survive theme and globe logo 1. Produce a list of all likely applications 2. Develop policies for theme use 3. Secure rights to all copy lines and imagery 4. Develop design guidelines and reproduction archives for: A. Graphics B. Display and P.O.P C. Audio and Video 5. Work with member companies to ensure a coordinated system-wide application of the program in all advcrtising and company communications • Phase I1 - The”This is Why People Need is developed to both identify Benetton Sportsystem and to distinguish its independent parts 1. Develop an advertising and P.R. campaign utilizing the theme. This campaign would target both the merchants and customers. The campaign would first focus on establishing name recognition for Benetton Sportsystem in general 2. Develop policies and guidelines for the system-wide utilization of the theme for all media 3. Work with member companies develop a way to use the "This is why..." line with their indivial program • Phase III - The Sportsystem store develops and assumes a dominant position in sports retail worldwide Benetton Sportsystem Image UNITED CHANNELS OF BENETTON Video: A "Global village" of 16 screens. Each one playing a different program. All captured live, to create a constantly changing readout of the total communication activity on earth. A 16 screen monitor of the planet's brainwaves. We see: Wheel of Fortune + Donahue + All My Children + Saddam Hussein + Sumo Wrestlers + MTV + Flipper + Gunsmoke + Home + Shopping Network +Re- venge of the Nerds Terminator + How to lmigate + Soybeans + Tractor Pull + Paris Fashions + Casablanca + Jet Fighters + Math Problem + Berlin Weather Map + King Tut + Buddhist Monks + World Wrestling + Sushi Eaters + Sea Turtle Laying Eggs + Home Movies Rappers + Refugees + Steel Mill + Real Estate Channel + Winnie the Pooh + Windshield Repair+ Aphrodisiac Peddlers + Congress in Session + Open Heart Surgery + Billy Graham + Egyptian Snake Charmer Etc. Etc. Etc. Audio: Gregorian Chant Action As we watch, the wall seethes with images, changing channels in time to the music. Like a giant composite eye, the wall is scanning everything there is to see from one moment to the next. Sometimes the wall chooses one image and displaysit full, as a single mosaic, on all 16 screens This is the chaotic collage we broadcast to ourselves and the cosmos every day. It is live. But not living. Benetton Sportsystem Image • The essence of Benetton Sportsystem is a merchandise package that every sporting goods store in the world yearns for. Superb products merchandise displays, and vendor service programs. Merchants that buy into the program will have a competitive edge. • Phase I - Development of a Sportsystem-wide image program for the utilization of the "How to Survive theme and globe logo 1. Produce a list of all likely applications 2. Develop policies for theme use 3. Secure rights to all copy lines and imagery 4. Develop design guidelines and reproduction archives for: A. Graphics B. Display and P.O.P C. Audio and Video 5. Work with member companies to ensure a coordinated system-wide application of the program in all advcrtising and company communications • Phase I1 - The”This is Why People Need is developed to both identify Benetton Sportsystem and to distinguish its independent parts 1. Develop an advertising and P.R. campaign utilizing the theme. This campaign would target both the merchants and customers. The campaign would first focus on establishing name recognition for Benetton Sportsystem in general 2. Develop policies and guidelines for the system-wide utilization of the theme for all media 3. Work with member companies develop a way to use the "This is why..." line with their indivial program • Phase III - The Sportsystem store develops and assumes a dominant position in sports retail worldwide A vision for the future.
  • 28. Benetton Sportsystem Image Implimentation • The essence of Benetton Sportsystem is a merchandise package that every sporting goods store in the world yearns for. Superb products merchandise displays, and vendor service programs. Merchants that buy into the program will have a competitive edge. • Phase I - Development of a Sportsystem-wide image program for the utilization of the "How to Survive theme and globe logo 1. Produce a list of all likely applications 2. Develop policies for theme use 3. Secure rights to all copy lines and imagery 4. Develop design guidelines and reproduction archives for: A. Graphics B. Display and P.O.P C. Audio and Video 5. Work with member companies to ensure a coordinated system-wide application of the program in all advcrtising and company communications • Phase I1 - The”This is Why People Need is developed to both identify Benetton Sportsystem and to distinguish its independent parts 1. Develop an advertising and P.R. campaign utilizing the theme. This campaign would target both the merchants and customers. The campaign would first focus on establishing name recognition for Benetton Sportsystem in general 2. Develop policies and guidelines for the system-wide utilization of the theme for all media 3. Work with member companies develop a way to use the "This is why..." line with their indivial program • Phase III - The Sportsystem store develops and assumes a dominant position in sports retail worldwide Benetton Sportsystem Image UNITED CHANNELS OF BENETTON Video: A "Global village" of 16 screens. Each one playing a different program. All captured live, to create a constantly changing readout of the total communication activity on earth. A 16 screen monitor of the planet's brainwaves. We see: Wheel of Fortune + Donahue + All My Children + Saddam Hussein + Sumo Wrestlers + MTV + Flipper + Gunsmoke + Home + Shopping Network +Re- venge of the Nerds Terminator + How to lmigate + Soybeans + Tractor Pull + Paris Fashions + Casablanca + Jet Fighters + Math Problem + Berlin Weather Map + King Tut + Buddhist Monks + World Wrestling + Sushi Eaters + Sea Turtle Laying Eggs + Home Movies Rappers + Refugees + Steel Mill + Real Estate Channel + Winnie the Pooh + Windshield Repair+ Aphrodisiac Peddlers + Congress in Session + Open Heart Surgery + Billy Graham + Egyptian Snake Charmer Etc. Etc. Etc. Audio: Gregorian Chant Action As we watch, the wall seethes with images, changing channels in time to the music. Like a giant composite eye, the wall is scanning everything there is to see from one moment to the next. Sometimes the wall chooses one image and displaysit full, as a single mosaic, on all 16 screens This is the chaotic collage we broadcast to ourselves and the cosmos every day. It is live. But not living. Benetton Sportsystem Image Every hour on the hour, the wall dissolves to a single mosaic image of the universal television color bars, and we super: BENETTON SPORTSYSTEM Nordica Grafalloy Rollerblade Langert Nitro Audio Note: When the screens are monitoring the planet, we can also hear: Indian Ragas Italian Opera Senior Citizen Ukulele Band American Bebop Traffic Dogs Plus: A low white noise background, mixing audio from all 16 screens. When the screens dissolve to the titles, we hear: Birds Hiking Sailing Wind Swimming Water Breathing Scope: This program plays continuously, throughout the entire time the showroom is open. It is always new. Always live. A video billboard of what is happening in the world, at any given second. A constant reminder of why, from time to time, people need to channel their thoughts in other directions. Moda Solaris Asolo Prince Kastle Ektelon African Chanting Moroccan Music Japanese Koto Muzak Chinese Court Music Bartok North American Indian Drumming Tennis Children Laughing Golf Baby Cooing Skiing Snoring Skating It is the confusion of life which we can only put in perspective through the purity of sport. Every three minutes, this constant ebb and flow of flotsam and jetsam from the electronic ocean is interrupted by a dissolve to black, followed by titles which say: This is why people need skates. This is why people need tote bags. This is why people need snow. This is why people need clubs. This is why people need mountains. This is why people need ice axes. This is why people need sunshine. This is why people need crampons. . This is why people need wind. This is why people need rackets. This is why people need to run. This is why people need clay. This is why people need grass. This is why people need to walk. This is why people need water. This is why people need to dance. This is why people need freedom This is why people need to bounce. . This is why people need sand traps. This is why people need to kick. This is why people need flags. This is why people noed to yell. . This is why people need soles. This is why people need to climb. . This is why people need balls. This is why people need to dream. . This is why people need eye protection. This is why people need to play . This is why people need wristguards. This is why people need to breathe. This is why people need to run. This is why people need clay This is why people need grass. This is why people need to walk. This is why people need water. This is why people need to dance.
  • 29. Benetton Sportsystem Image Implimentation • The essence of Benetton Sportsystem is a merchandise package that every sporting goods store in the world yearns for. Superb products merchandise displays, and vendor service programs. Merchants that buy into the program will have a competitive edge. • Phase I - Development of a Sportsystem-wide image program for the utilization of the "How to Survive theme and globe logo 1. Produce a list of all likely applications 2. Develop policies for theme use 3. Secure rights to all copy lines and imagery 4. Develop design guidelines and reproduction archives for: A. Graphics B. Display and P.O.P C. Audio and Video 5. Work with member companies to ensure a coordinated system-wide application of the program in all advcrtising and company communications • Phase I1 - The”This is Why People Need is developed to both identify Benetton Sportsystem and to distinguish its independent parts 1. Develop an advertising and P.R. campaign utilizing the theme. This campaign would target both the merchants and customers. The campaign would first focus on establishing name recognition for Benetton Sportsystem in general 2. Develop policies and guidelines for the system-wide utilization of the theme for all media 3. Work with member companies develop a way to use the "This is why..." line with their indivial program • Phase III - The Sportsystem store develops and assumes a dominant position in sports retail worldwide Benetton Sportsystem Image UNITED CHANNELS OF BENETTON Video: A "Global village" of 16 screens. Each one playing a different program. All captured live, to create a constantly changing readout of the total communication activity on earth. A 16 screen monitor of the planet's brainwaves. We see: Wheel of Fortune + Donahue + All My Children + Saddam Hussein + Sumo Wrestlers + MTV + Flipper + Gunsmoke + Home + Shopping Network +Re- venge of the Nerds Terminator + How to lmigate + Soybeans + Tractor Pull + Paris Fashions + Casablanca + Jet Fighters + Math Problem + Berlin Weather Map + King Tut + Buddhist Monks + World Wrestling + Sushi Eaters + Sea Turtle Laying Eggs + Home Movies Rappers + Refugees + Steel Mill + Real Estate Channel + Winnie the Pooh + Windshield Repair+ Aphrodisiac Peddlers + Congress in Session + Open Heart Surgery + Billy Graham + Egyptian Snake Charmer Etc. Etc. Etc. Audio: Gregorian Chant Action As we watch, the wall seethes with images, changing channels in time to the music. Like a giant composite eye, the wall is scanning everything there is to see from one moment to the next. Sometimes the wall chooses one image and displaysit full, as a single mosaic, on all 16 screens This is the chaotic collage we broadcast to ourselves and the cosmos every day. It is live. But not living. Benetton Sportsystem Image It is the confusion of life which we can only put in perspective through the purity of sport. Every three minutes. this constant ebb and flow of flotsarn and jetsam from the electronic ocean is interrupted by a dissolve to black, followed by titles which say: This is why people need tote bags. This is why people need skates. This is why people need clubs. This is why people need snow. This is why people need mountains. This is why people need ice axes. This is why people need sunshine. This is why people need crampons. This is why people need rackets. This is why people need wind. This is why people need to run. This is why people need clay. This is why people need to walk. This is why people need grass. This is why people need to dance. This is why people need water. This is why people need to bounce. This is why people need freedom . This is why people need sand traps. This is why people need to kick . This is why people need to yell. This is why people need flags. This is why people need soles. This is why people need to climb . This is why people need to dream. This is why people need balls . This is why people need eye protection. This is why people need to play . This is why people need wristguards. This is why people need to breathe. . Every hour on the hour, the wall dissolves to a single mosaic image of the universal television color bars, and we super: BENETTON SPORTSYSTEM Nordica Grafalloy Rollerblade Langert Nitro Audio Note: When the screens are monitoring the planet, we can also hear: Indian Ragas Italian Opera Senior Citizen Ukulele Band American Bebop Traffic Dogs Plus: A low white noise background, mixing audio from all 16 screens. When the screens dissolve to the titles, we hear: Birds Hiking Sailing Wind Swimming Water Breathing Scope: This program plays continuously, throughout the entire time the showroom is open. It is always new. Always live. A video billboard of what is happening in the world, at any given second. A constant reminder of why, from time to time, people need to channel their thoughts in other directions. Moda Solaris Asolo Prince Kastle Ektelon African Chanting Moroccan Music Japanese Koto Muzak Chinese Court Music Bartok North American Indian Drumming Tennis Children Laughing Golf Baby Cooing Skiing Snoring Skating Lights Down. Music Up: Gregorian Chant Video: 16 screen wall. Black. slowly, one by one, the screens fade on, creating a single mosaic image of color bars. Abruptly, the bars dissolve. Cut to a blindingly fast series of full mosaics of television images from all around the world. We feel that the wall is scanning the broad cast output of the entire planet at warp speed. We see: Saddam Hussein/Home Shopping Network/open Heart surgery/Dancing Indians Russian Missiles/Cherry Blossoms Cops and British Parliament/ Demolition DerbylBaby being bom Cut to Black. Super THIS IS WHY PEOPLE NEED SUNSHINE SFX: Rollerblading. Cut back to a continuation of the frenzied chaos of images we broadcast to the comos every day. Cut to Super: THIS IS WHY PEOPLE NEED Snow SFX: Ski Boots Crunching in Snow. Cut to Chaos. BENETTON SPORTSYSTEM OPENING NIGHT PROGRAM Cut to Super: THIS IS WHY PEOPLE NEED CLAY. SFX: Tennis Cut to Chaos. Cut to Super: THIS IS WHY PEOPLE NEED GRASS. SFX: Golf. Cut to Chaos. A long final sequence. Cut to super: THIS IS WHY PEOPLE NEED PLAY. SFX: Children laughing. Cut to Final Burst of Chaos. Dissolve to Black. Dissolve up full mosaic of color bars. Super: BENETTON SPORTSYSTEM. Cut to dramatic flurry of Benetton Sportsystem images. Benetton sponsored Formula One car/Rugby Team/Basketball Team/Nordica Skier/ Asolo Climbers/Nitro Golfers/Nitro and Langert Golfers/Prince Tennis Players/ Ektelon Racquetballers/Etc. Cut to Super: NORDICA KASTLE ROLLER BLADE NITRO EKTELON Dissolve to color bars: Fade to black. Music out to end. Lights up.
  • 30. Benetton Sportsystem Image Table of Contents Benetton Sportsystem Image Concept Development ............................................................................2 Rationale........................................................................................................4 Implementation United Channels of Benetton Video Script "The Global Village...”.........................................................6 Night Program .............................................................................................9 Rationale for the "This is why People Need Themc ......................11 Benetton Sportsystem Image Rationale • The concepts all build on the strong traditions of innovative Benetton communications • They provide a robust and diverse palette for the creation of powerful, provocative, and memorable communications • The programs lend themselves to all media They promote individual companies and Benetton Sportsystem simultaneously • The concept is both fresh and universally understood • The use of the "How to Survive theme for the New York showroom opening was successful. Also, photographic images for the "This is why..." program were introduced there and they merged well with the theme BRAND DEVELOPMENT M B I US O M B I US O
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  • 46. One of the best jobs a designer can have is creating an exhibit to pro- mote his own company, according to de- sign director Peter Craycroft of exhibit house Mobius. It's a chance to step out and say, "This is Mobius. This is what we do. This is who we are." Craycroft's merit-award design exceeds the company's own goal for the 1997 Store Fixturing Show in Chicago, which was to create a three-dimensional representation of the company's products and services. The exhibit takes a name, Mobius, and gives it both identity and personality. The entire exhibit takes the pieces and parts that comprise Mobius and reveals them asindividual blocks of a larger building incorporated into the exhibit in an infor- mal fashion without titles that might denote hierarchy. The photos show there is a cast of characters working on each client's project. The booth features the first interactive display in the retail design build industry, which offer visitors a simple way to access visual information about the companies projects. A cone speaker system overhead and subwoofers down below turn this into an immersive presentation experience. Like the contrast between the center wall and the wing walls, the demo offers two faces. Icons on either side of the monitor ac- tivatea presentation on, say,“Creative.” The“creative”icon on the left activates a Mobius’
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  • 62. George Plimpton - writer/collaborator
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  • 66. produc zt JORDAN STORE InDesign, comb bound 11”X17” t
  • 67. produc zt NIKE FINISHLINE InDesign, comb bound 11”X17” t
  • 68. friendly inventive generous inspiring Open, relaxed interactive, who we are… no products for sale Campfire Google has positioned themselves squarely in the, "look what we can do camp". They tend to make stuff, then ask everyone else what it's good for. That's the exact opposite of say, Apple. Their in store experience should reflect that.Imagine if people could walk into a Google Store, and the expectation was that they could possibly purchase/be given a product if they could give a compelling reason why they should have it... People would come in droves with good ideas. As for look and feel - less like their logo, more like a mad inventor...Tom Sachs or something. BOOOOOOM. Epic !!!!
  • 69. More than half of the world's population is still without Internet access. Project Loon is a network of balloons traveling on the edge of space, designed to extend Internet connectivity to people in rural and remote areas worldwide. PROJECT LOON GOOGLE AND NASA HAVE TEAMED
 BASIL FROM THE MOON Just poke around a little on the internet or explore the offerings on Google +, Google is perfectly positioned to claim the territory of THE IDEA COMPANY- the source of innovation
  • 72. FIRSTS: Introduction of tensioned cable systems into Branded Environments for hanging graphics on the new Nike campus buildings Extensive use of digital printing. Bayer dithering patterns were just beginning to be used for full color digital printing. The width limitation was 30”. We used multiple bands to fill the employee staircases with images. Open Experimental Approach MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY BRANDING 34
  • 73. VALUES COMMITMENT COMPASSION COMPASSION VALUES COMMITMENT ACTIVISM vs FBI “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.” What Apple lacked, under Steve’s leadership is best revealed by connecting the dots, tracing back in time. Since Cook took over as CEO following Jobs' death in 2011, he has differentiated himself from his famous predecessor by staking out moral ground on issues ranging from diversity to renewable energy to philanthropy. Jobs focused on the power of technology and innovation. He was not particularly outspoken on social issues, nor was he an active philanthropist in public. Cook, in contrast, appears to be pushing Apple towards an image of charity and compassion. Tim Cook has quickly established himself as a moral leader in Silicon Valley, speaking up on numerous issues like LGBT rights and philanthropy that his predecessor would never have touched. See: http:// #xAhrcoW6zuqJ 42
  • 74. Partnership Collaboration Experimentation The most critical behavior in EYELEVEL’s mix is it’s sentient team trainings. The constant trainings, combining written exercises, team competitions (both physical and mental) bring teams together globally in dynamic ways unparalleled in retail. These trainings and the strategic rotation of team members between offices (something I have advocated and coached clients to do for many years) leads to very efficient, high performance teamwork. My commitment to team process as a teaching method to maximize learning and innovation has been strengthened and deepened by experiencing Boudwijn Castelijn masterfully direction of team and leadership trainings. Boudwijn Castelijn VALUES COMMITMENT PARTNERSHIP TRUTH 68
  • 75. High Performance Team and Leadership Training COOPERATION TRUTH COMMITMENT PASSION EYELEVEL Team members live by these values globally. Team members will tell you, in private, that, they all know that their Directors do not. Leaders must also share and live the team values and have serious additional obligations to team members that are often overlooked. Beyond pushing hard for results. Great leaders must instill a sense of confidence and exceptionalism in their people. They must engage with employees on their terms. They need to listen and earn their trust. They need to learn to let people fail in order to learn. The bottom line is simple: recognize your strengths and use them to help people better themselves. In the long run, helping them will also help you. Quality - keep promises - be professional - check and control Open Communication - be open minded - be honest, be truthful, be direct - express your feelings Development - ask and give feedback - learn from mistakes - get out of your comfort zone Team Spirit - encourage each other - shared responsibility - accept and use differences to your benefit Result Driven - “failure is not an option” - see the whole picture-end goal - define the goal as a team - Be committed to the outcome goal Initiative - be proactive - plan before acting - take responsibility EYELEVEL COMPANY VALUES Key to creating great teams is the establishment of company values. This is a creative, team process. Total buy in is essential. EYELEVEL shares those values openly. You can find them on their website. 69
  • 76. Teamwork Collaboration Experimentation High Performance Team Life is very powerful, it opens you up and you form strong, interdependent, yet sustaining, empowering relationships. If these relationships are not nurtured and longterm commitment is not an honored core value, individuals will be seriously damaged and teams, groups and organizations run the risk of collapsing from the inside out. “We all want a Company that our people are proud of and committed to, where all employees have an opportunity to contribute, learn, grow and advance based on merit, not politics or background. We want our people to feel respected, treated fairly, listened to and involved. Above all, we want satisfaction from accomplishments and friendships, balanced personal and professional lives, and to have fun in our endeavors.” Robert D. Haas, Chairman Emeritus of Levi Strauss & Co. VALUES COMMITMENT PARTNERSHIP TRUTH 70 For more CUTTING THROUGH BRAND BABBLE see:
  • 77. t h a n k y o ut