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Homosexuality Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of homosexuality can be both challenging and nuanced. The
complexity arises from the need to navigate through societal perceptions, cultural diversity,
historical contexts, and the ever-evolving landscape of LGBTQ+ rights. The subject demands a
delicate balance between presenting factual information and acknowledging the diversity of
perspectives surrounding homosexuality.
Researching the topic involves delving into various disciplines such as sociology, psychology,
history, and anthropology to gain a comprehensive understanding. It requires sifting through a
plethora of academic articles, books, and reputable sources to ensure that the information
presented is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date. Navigating the ethical considerations of
discussing personal experiences and societal attitudes adds an additional layer of difficulty.
Addressing the emotional and human aspect of the topic necessitates a high level of empathy
and sensitivity. Homosexuality is not just a theoretical concept; it involves real people with real
experiences. Balancing academic rigor with empathy for the individuals and communities
affected requires careful consideration of language and tone.
Furthermore, the essay must be structured logically, presenting arguments coherently and
supporting them with credible evidence. Striking a balance between objectivity and advocacy,
especially in a potentially polarizing topic like homosexuality, is challenging but crucial for a
well-rounded essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of homosexuality demands a thorough understanding
of the subject matter, the ability to navigate diverse perspectives, and the skill to present
information in a balanced and sensitive manner. It's a task that requires both academic rigor and
emotional intelligence.
If you find yourself struggling with such essays or any other academic writing tasks, you may
consider seeking assistance. Services like provide a platform where you can
order essays, research papers, and more. These platforms often offer support from experienced
writers who can help you navigate the complexities of various topics.
Homosexuality Essays Homosexuality Essays
The Influence Of Identity In Song Of Solomon
Names hold a significance and they tell a story. Even though one story may be
different from the next, that name still holds a legacy and can form an identity.
Morrison is able to show readers that her characters must find their ways through
the morass of that which defines them (Lubiano 589). Morrison also shows how
many characters become effected negatively when they cannot make sense of their
own identity, just as many African Americans may have faced when becoming free
and may still face today as some struggle to know where their ancestors came from.
Morrison is able to paint a picture of some of the effects that may have occurred
early on in America s history and she does so, vividly. She also pushes readers to
question why the... Show more content on ...
Critics also tend to discuss the identity of female characters such as Pilate, First
Corinthians, or Hagar, even when the novel focuses immensely on male characters.
Even though many critics may not see this, Toni Morrisonintentionally reveals that
naming is a significant aspect of her novel as she specifically names her characters.
Toni Morrison creates her characters lives around their given names to show the
importance of African American identity. Furthermore, Morrison focuses
predominantly on her African American male characters to emphasize how and why
males must know their identity. Knowing their identity will enable African American
males to live their lives fully.
During the mid 20th century in America, it was difficult to know who one actually
was as they could only base their information on what their relatives knew which
could have been blurred and altered as evidence was passed down from generation
to generation. Some African Americans were able to discover bits and pieces about
themselves yet unfortunately many were left without answers and without ties to
their past. Many characters throughout the novel question their name or identity.
Nevertheless, Macon Dead Senior does neither. As he was a slave most of his life,
Macon Dead Senior only looks ahead toward freedom. In 1869, Macon Dead Senior
finally registered for freedom yet the man behind the desk was drunk (53). As a
result, his name became Dead .
Essay On Bata India
Targeting the unorganized market
Bata India is one of the market leaders in organized Indian Footwear Market and
should move towards grabbing a potential market share by on tapping the tier III
and tier IV markets (smaller towns) through distributors and franchises. The
company has to develop a completely new line of merchandise to tap the
unorganized footwear market, which accounts for almost 60% of the total market.
The company is planning to open new outlets in these areas and has tied up with
wholesalers to sell shoes in rural shops. Bata India has already piloted such Bata
stores in smaller markets which turned out a success. Right investment and the
attempt to target the unorganized market will be a step in the right direction as the
market accounts for nearly two third of the USD 35 billion Indian footwear market.
Grabbing a significant market share in this area would have a huge impact on the ...
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The company is making continuous investments in various marketing plans to re
position the brands in the minds of consumer as international premium lifestyle casual
footwear brand in India. Following the success of these stores in India, the
consumers perception for Bata as a mass market brand has changed, which has
enhanced the brand image of Bata India among the young generation. Taking it
forward the company should come up with new innovations in the sports segment
in which Bata is still lagging behind. Sports shoe market in India is estimated to
worth USD 5 billion and is expected to reach USD 13 billion by 2018, growing at
18% CAGR from 2012 through 2016. People are getting more aware about their well
being thereby increasing the market for sports segment in India. So there is a large
market share for the company to tap into by introducing its new models with cutting
edge technologies in the sports
Who Do You Consider a Hero in In the Time of Butterflies...
Who do you consider a hero?, a doctor, firemen, policemen, parents, guardians, or
maybe someone that dies for what they believes in, for example Martin Luther
King jr. , soldiers , and even the Mirabal sisters. In the book In the Time of
Butterflies Julia Alvarez not only tells the story of the girls, but how they fought
for what they believed in and became the heroes we know today. She paints a vivid
picture of their lives, and the struggles they all had to face brought on by Trujillo.
Out of all these girls I believe Minerva was the most heroic, because she was
passionate,a wanderlust , and she always looked at things from a wide range
perspective. I consider Minerva to be passionate because she always seemed to
overthink... Show more content on ...
pg12. In this quote Minerva compares herself to a rabbit, just wanting to be free,
wanting to know what s really out there in the world, dreaming about want
freedom actually looks like. Another amazing quality about Minerva is that she
always looked at the whole picture, a wide range perspective of things. As I read In
the Time of the Butterflies I noticed that Minerva seemed to have a wide range
perspective of things, stepping back to see the whole picture. Sinita s story spilled
out like blood from a cut. , Minerva stated pg 16. As you can see Minerva describes
Sinita s story as a. It because it seemed very deep and never ending,very painful to
her like a cut or wound. I turned into the dirt path and crashed into the ford, making
the bumper curl up and shattering the window in the back. Then I came down on
that horn until he appeared, shirtless and furious in the doorway. , Minerva stated
pg 59. In this quote you can tell that Minvera is quite upset, as she describes in
detail how she crashed into the ford. Minerva s qualities make her who she truly is,
a hero. she was passionate, a wanderlust, and she had a wide range perspective. She
fought for what she believed in, never giving up, dying for her beliefs, making her a
hero to me and other young ladies like her or in her position. She also seemed to be
the only sister who challenged Trujillo, she wasn t afraid of him. Now the question is
, do you consider Minerva a hero or just a girl who believed
Egalitarian Slave Families Analysis
Mariela Velasco
Jill Fields
History 101
05 October 2017
Egalitarian Slave Families
Neither patriarchal nor matriarchal marriages existed in slave families since all
slaves, male and female, held almost no power over themselves let alone the other
gender. It was the plantation owner who virtually had all the power to control every
aspect of his or her slave, regardless of gender. Since childhood, both female and male
, slaves encountered injustices and misfortunes that showed no favoritism for one
particular gender over the other both males and females were brought up together
essentially the same way; preparing and waiting for the life of hardship and
strenuous work that awaited for them (White 91 118). In her book Ar n t I a
Women Deborah Gray White illustrates extensive amount of slave narratives
demonstrating the huge amount of control white owners had over their slaves as
well as the slave norms by which slaves were brought up and married; and therefore
proving that she is indeed right when she states that slave families were unusually
egalitarian. Slave families can be considered egalitarian because one partner
virtually had no dominance over the other one as it was the white owner who
controlled and dominated almost every aspect of the slave s lives. For example, slave
marriages were not like the traditional white marriages since these did not offer the
benefits traditional white marriages brought such as economic assistance and male
The Breakfast Club Essays
The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club is a movie about five totally different
students in high school who are forced to spend a Saturday in detention in their
school library. The students come from completely different social classes which
make it very difficult for any of them to get along. They learn more about each
other and their problems that each of them have at home and at school. This movie
plays their different personality types against each other. In this essay I will go into
detail about each of the students and the principal individually. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;The first student I will talk about is the first one to be seen in the movie.
This is Claire Standish. Claire is one of the popular girls in the school.... Show more
content on ...
He admits that the reason that he was in detention was because he was going to
commit suicide and he brought the gun to school. He said that he attempted to kill
himself but he couldn t pull the trigger. His (flair) gun went off in his locker. He
has suicidal ideation. He thought that suicide was the logical thing to do and he
went one step beyond thinking about it and attempted. He just couldn t pull the
trigger. He has the ultimate when it comes to parental monitoring. His parents are
probably really intelligent and this is why the push him so hard academically. The
reason I think this is because his mother s license plate was EMC2 and she made
sure that he knew that this (detention) was a one time thing and he should use his
time wisely to study. Much like Claire, I feel that Brian is not much of a risk taker.
He is a very jumpy kid and is easily told what to do by just about everybody in the
movie. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The third student in the movie is Andrew
Clark. He is a jock. His father drives p in a blazer to drop him off for detention and
he gets out with a letterman jacket on (with several letters on it). You can see from
the very beginning that his father only cares about one thing and that is, how
successful his son is in wrestling and other sports. His father says Hey, I screwed
around...guys screw around, there is nothing wrong with that, except you got caught,
Sport. Brian s father seems to live through him and even
How To Play Golf Essay
6 things you should know about golf.
Practice is a necessity to play golf. It doesn t come naturally for everyone, but for a
few, it may come naturally just like many other sports. Golf requires a positive
attitude at all times. While playing and practicing you always need to tell yourself
that you can do better than you already are. When you are doing awful, or carry on
a few bad holes in a row, you need to shake it off and try again. Until you learn to
obtain an excellent attitude and practice, golf will always be hard.
Any hazards around? Think about a better option next time you try to hit over the
water. Golf can be hard and you will make plenty mistakes. While some people are
decent at hitting out of the sand trap, others are not as great. Hazards go all the way
around the course in various spots along the way, but you have to try your best to
stay out of trouble and not hit into the water numerous times. Getting into the sand is
one story, but trying to get out of the sand is a whole other story. For most golfers,
hitting out of the sand trap is one of the most difficult shots they will ever learn.
Learning all the different strokes and how to grip each club is never easy. Even
professionals sometimes have bad rounds and they ... Show more content on ...
Buying a new set of golf clubs every year you grow out of them can also get quite
expensive. Golfers often want special golf shoes to wear while they are playing,
but those can frequently cost $100 or more. Golf clothes are also very expensive to
buy. Sometimes a single golf polo can cost $60 if it is name brand. Even if you
decide to buy off brand clothes, they can still cost you an arm and a leg. Professional
golfers usually make a decent amount of money for winning tournaments, so when
they buy equipment or clothing they don t think twice about the expensive
12 Angry Men Appeals
12 Angry Men is a captivating courtroom drama in which the life of an eighteen
year old boy, on trial for murder, is put into the hands of 12 jurors, each with their
own personal views. However, despite this difference in views, all of these men are
persuaded by the use of appeals, such as logos and ethos showed through witnesses
and evidence. However, the accuracy of these will soon be brought into question as
well, in an attempt to sway the juror s votes. And, although both sides of the
argument used these appeals, the manner in which there were used ultimately
determined this case, in a variety of ways. Appeals play a large role in the
persuasion of the men throughout this film, in a variety of ways, this is especially
shown at the... Show more content on ...
Here s another guess: maybe she honestly thought she saw the boy kill his father I
say she only saw a blur! This is exceedingly crucial due to the fact that it combats the
evidence that these men are basing their decision off of. He is showing these men that
there is a possibility of the witness that testified being wrong for a very realistic
reason. This allows the men to reevaluate their decision after the realization of this
changing fact. This use of appeals is immensely important due to the fact that it is the
sole reason that these men s minds are changed. Through the entirety of this film, it is
extremely evident that appeals were the driving force in the persuasion of these men.
Through witness testimonies and evidence at the beginning that showed an
undoubtedly innocent boy, to the logic and reasoning that was later brought about
that showed the possibility of this boy s innocence. Both sides of this argument used
these appeals in making a decision, however, the manner in which there were used
ultimately determined this
Immortals-Personal Narrative
Night is still in the breakfast nook, but she looks up from her paperback novel as I
approach. Without taking her eyes off me, she places a bookmark in between the
pages and sets the book on the table.
Need something? she asks.
Her voice is soft and pleasant. She doesn t sound at all disturbed by my interruption.
I have a nagging feeling the argument she had with Ice earlier involved me, but it s
still a relief.
Something to eat, maybe, I say.
She studies me for a moment before nodding. I follow her into the kitchen and stand
around awkwardly nearby.
She has never been anything other than kind to me since we were introduced
properly and said herself that she thinks we ll get along, but I can t tell whether she
actually likes me. It bothers ... Show more content on ...
I m a psychic. I sometimes see things coming before they happen in reality. Usually
in dreams, but I can have visions while I m awake too.
That s so cool! I eat a bit more before continuing on. I already know that Ice can
change clothes when he transforms, but does he have any other abilities?
Her face falls slightly upon hearing my question. She glances out the window.
I m not certain, she admits. I know he has something besides that little parlor trick,
but he never told me what it is.
But you re siblings? I ask.
Ice has his secrets, she says coolly. Though, I am surprised he never told you that he
s adopted.
No. That s news to me! But it does explain a lot.
Like how he looks nothing like the rest of his family, for one.
I m sure it does, she says dryly.
She collects my empty plate and loads it into the dishwasher. While I sit and watch, I
wonder if the issue of the Secrecy Agreement is the reason why Ice never explained
any of this stuff to me before. Immortals aren t close to just being shape shifters. They
re magical, superhuman beings too, but he neglected to mention any of that
How Does Kip s Job In The British Army Affect His Persona
1.Why do you think the nurse chose to stay with the English patient in the bombed
out villa instead of leaving to safety with the others? We are aware that Hana had
lost her father during the war while working as nurse in the hospital. Her father,
who had been in an explosion, had burned to death at the scene. Hana may be so
attached to the English patient as he reminds her of her deceased father. The
English patient, who is also a burn victim lies lifeless in the villa and as Hana
claims, was unable to be moved to safety, which might have not been entirely true.
She may possibly blame herself for not being able to save her father and intends to
make up for it by caring and focusing all of her attention upon the English patient. It
is her way of making up for the guilt and grief she feels. 2. How has Kip s job in the
British army affected his persona? We know Kip comes from India and becomes
part of the British army. From the moment Kip was introduced it is an obvious
possibility that Hana and him may develop feelings for each other. His job in the
army however, is to defuse bombs. The mentality he learns... Show more content on ...
He realizes the fragility of life and learns to appreciate everything after his near
death incident with the Germans. When Hana tells him they will need a chicken
for the extra person, Caravaggio cannot even bring himself to kill the chicken as
he claims to have lost his nerves, or the courage to do so as it is reminiscent of his
traumatic experience. It is clear Caravaggio is still affected and shocked, though he
had physically healed from losing his thumbs. Additionally, the loss of his thumbs
would serve as a reminder to him everyday that he continues to live, which can
have a toll on him mental health in the long run. Also, as stealing was his life before
war, it can also be seen as an identity loss for Caravaggio since he looses his
The Director Of Calvary By John Michael Mcdonagh
I. Introduction The director of Calvary, John Michael McDonagh describes the
film as an exploration of human themes, such as despair and death, for which the
contemporary Irish social context and the reality of the churches in Ireland
provide its stage. As a black comedy, this film seems to caricature the context in an
exaggerated manner, yet it certainly features a secularized town of Ireland.
However, at the same time, the director says that he wanted to make a movie about
a good priest. It seems to me that what Father James pleads with his colleague
Father Leary tells the viewer what being a good priest means: integrity. In my
configuration of the plot, over the two weeks of time, Father James learns to be a
good priest, who can genuinely empathize with the life stories of his parishioners,
and, in so doing, leads them to authentic forgiveness (or reconciliation with the self
and others). The movie certainly features the themes of empathy, forgiveness, and
reconciliation. According to a film critic Cara Buckley, Calvary is rived with dark
humor, though its deeper themes of forgiveness and morality have prompted viewers
to present Mr. McDonagh with philosophical struggles of their own. In the film, we
see forgiveness in action as father and daughter are reconciled with each other and
reaffirm their love. Father James interactions with Fitzgerald are not rough. Yet
finally, Fitzgerald sincerely confesses his sense of emptiness, and Father
Critical Discourse Analysis
2.1. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA): 2.1.1. What is CDA? Critical,
discourse and analysis Before beginning to address what CDA is, it is important to
be clear about what is meant by the concepts of critical, discourse, and analysis: The
notion of critical is primarily associated with the critical theory of the Frankfurt
School where social theory should be oriented towards critiquing and changing
society. In CDA, the concept of critical is applied to the engagement with power
relations. In this sense the role of CDA is to uncloak the hidden power relations,
largely constructed through language, and to demonstrate and challenge social
inequities reinforced and reproduced.... Show more content on ...
2.1.3. The functions and aims of CDA: Van Dijk (1993) argued that CDA deal
primarily with the discourse dimensions of power abuse and the injustice and
inequality that result from it . He (1993) added that CDA criticize the power elites
that enact, sustain, legitimate, condone or ignore social inequality and injustice and
that CDA focuses on real problems, that is the serious problems that
Achieving Personal Goals
If you think you can do a thing or think you can t do a thing, you re right . Henry
Ford. There are three traits to have that in my opinion are the most important in
achieving your own personal goals. The first is perseverance, if you persevere
through the bad, good will come. The second is determination, if you are determined
to do something, it will get done eventually, even if it takes longer than planned. The
third is stubbornness, being stubborn will get you far in life if you re stubborn about
the right things. Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and Babe Ruthall achieved their
version of the American Dream by persevering through the bad things, staying
determined on their own personal goals, and at times being stubborn about things...
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Carnegie visited the Bessemer steel plants in England for the first time,
introducing him to steel and how it was processed and made. In 1875, he opened
his first steal plant, Edgar Thomson Works, in Braddock, PA. In 1883, he bought
the Homestead Works steel mill to start his steel 1889; he published
his first book called The Gospel of Wealth . In 1899, he formed Carnegie Steel
from several smaller steel companies which would later form a steel empire and
monopoly. In 1901, Carnegie sold his company to J.P. Morgan, becoming the
richest man in the world ( Andrew ). He realized wooden bridges then used on
railways would not do for the future. Iron bridges must soon replace them, so he
organized a company in Pittsburgh to make them (Gillam 53).Andrew Carnegie
gained a lot of success in his lifetime. He was successful because he was
determined to make his company one of, if not the best steel companies in the
world. Not only was he determined to make his business run, but he was also
determined to make the world a better place by doing a lot of charity work. Even
though determination is very important, stubbornness is also a great quality to have
as well, even if not many people would agree.
Babe Ruth showed much stubbornness in Achieving his American Dream by also
persevering through the bad in his life, and staying determined throughout his
journey. By most guesses, Ruth was the greatest baseball player in the history of the
game, and easily the
Argumentative Essay On Fine Antiques
The Real Antiques or Fake
When putting your fine antiques up for auction, you ve got to ask yourself if your
fine antiques are real antiques or fake. If yes, then continue the auction process. If
not, then you can find other alternatives for your fine antique sales.
As a collector, any time you can sell your fine antique collection. The best place to
sell your fine antique collection is to sell it through an auction house.
In facts, there are many benefits for choosing to sell at Georgia auction house
compared to selling it elsewhere.
How to spot a real antique from a fake
7 simple reasons to sell at Georgia Fine Antiques:
1.Speed. There is no faster way to sell your fine antiques than you sell at the Georgia
fine antiques. You can sell your... Show more content on ...
Our market knowledge and scholarship can be invaluable to you. And we can give
education and tips that will make you even more passionate about this world of art.
Sell at Georgia fine antiques can be a great alternative for you to sell your fine
Benefits of Selling at Georgia Fine Antiques. You can learn from us about fine
antiques before the auction day. You can get a professional appraisal from us. We
can give education and tips that will make you even more passionate about this world
of art.
When you decide to sell antiques at Georgia fine antiques, you will need to research
as much as possible. And you will need to choose an expert and reliable Auctioneer.
The high and low price of your fine antiques is determined by his/her experience and
If you want to sell your fine antiques, then Lauren Gallery is a good fit for you.
Lauren Gallery is not the first auction house in America. Lauren Gallery is also not
the best auction house in America. But believe me! Lauren Gallery will give you the
best that can be given, so you can sell your fine antiques with fun.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Never Let Me Go is about a thirty one year old woman named Kathy H. Kathy is a
carer for donors and she travels from care center to care center. She talks about her
childhood at Hailsham and her childhood friends, mostly Ruth and Tommy, and the
adventures she experienced. At the end of the book, we learn that Kathy lives in a
world where her schoolmates and her are clones that are made for donating organs
until they die or complete. They accept this fate without questioning it. Never Let
Me Go takes place in England during the later 1990s. The clones spend the first 16
years of their life in Hailsham. They learn everything they need to know like
English, science, music, history and math. However, they never mention
Hailsham s address or what city the school is located in. The school is a hidden
gem and Kathy says Driving around the country now, I still see things that will
remind me of Hailsham. I might pass the corner of a misty field, or see part of a
large house in the distance as I come down the side of a valley, even a particular
arrangement of poplar trees up on a hillside. Then I see it s impossible and I go on
driving, my thoughts drifting on elsewhere. Kathy could never find Hailsham.
There were many majors events in Never Let Me Go. One major event in Never
Let Me Go is when Madam came to visit Hailsham. The children would create
something like a poem, story, or painting and Madame would collect the item and put
into the gallery if it was good enough.
The City Of Vancouver Is World Renowned For Being A
The City of Vancouver is world renowned for being a beautiful yet expensive city
for people to work and live in. Despite ranking as the third least affordable housing
market in the world, Vancouver is home to Canada s poorest neighbourhood, the
Downtown Eastside (DTES). Due to the high costs of living, the city of Vancouverhas
a large amount of povertyand homelessness. The DTES has high rates of drug use,
poverty, crime, infectious disease, and mental illness (Linden, Mar, Werker, Jang,
Krausz, 2013, p. 559). There is a large amount of socially neglected and undesirable
people living in the marginalized area. The following paper explores and focuses on
the social impacts (internal and external) of the inhabitants of the DTES within...
Show more content on ...
560). Consequently, the renovations resulted in a loss of thousands of low income
housing units, which amounted to the homelessness in the area. Among those who
were displaced include elderly, impoverished tenants that were in frail health (Smith,
2003, p. 499). Additionally, the introduction of injectable cocaine into the
neighbourhood created an increase in HIV rates. Undoubtedly, the DTES continues
to host a growing amount of homeless people; according to the 2016 Homeless
Count, there are thirty eight percent Aboriginals within the streets of Vancouver,
thirteen percent of people who identify as LGBTQ2+, veterans make up eleven
perfect and women who make up twenty three percent of the homeless population
(Vancouver Metro, 2016). Moreover, one main aspect that is occurring in the DTES
is the usage of drugs and the spread of HIV. Although there have been attempts to
control and fix this issue, there is the challenge of reluctance amongst the drug users
and the people with HIV. The older DTES groups have trouble accepting programs
(aimed to help them) due to the fact that some are resistant to outsider interference
(Roe, 2009). According to Roe, the drug users and sex workers within the area have
the belief that if they accept services provided to help them, that would mean that
they are accepting, thus legitimatizing the skid road stereotypes. This
Story and Truth in Edwin Blashfield s The Evolution of...
In 1894, construction neared completion on The Thomas Jefferson Building, the
oldest of the three buildings which comprise the Library of Congress in Washington
D.C.. With the exterior well in hand, the architects turned their attention to the
interior, commissioning extensive murals by well known artists. The commissioners
of these murals deliberately set out to personify the ideals of the [American] people
through the medium of government sponsored art, and provide a relatively young
nation with a story about themselves a visual literature which would connect them to
the distant past.1 Among the most famous of these murals is Edwin Blashfield s The
Evolution of Civilization which occupies the massive dome of the Main Reading
Room;... Show more content on ...
In spite of what painters, archeologists, or researchers of the nineteenth century
believed about the ancient world, cuneiform has since proven its historical mettle. As
displayed by Darius and his memorial at Bisitun, the early, crude cuneiform of 5000
B.C.E. adapted itself to culture after culture, and morphed into the dusty forerunner
of our modern alphabet. The Phoenicians, the original ancient mariners, are
responsible for transforming cuneiform into a more efficient writing system by paring
down the somewhat ungainly number of 5,000 cuneiform characters into 29
characters. Adopted around 1000 B.C.E., the Phoenician alphabet was not a
collection of pictographs like many early forms of writing, but instead a close
relative of many modern writing systems.11 The sophisticated navy and extensive
trade network of Phoenicia ensured that this new version of cuneiform would
quickly spread to its ancient neighbors. Phoenicia s alphabet would soon be adopted
by the Greeks, who also refined and perfected this writing system to meet their own
needs; likewise the Romans, eager inheritors of all things Greek, adopted the
alphabet for their own use. It could be said that the highly adaptive descendants of
cuneiform formed the basis for the literature of the Classical world. The Phoenician
cuneiform alphabet was also adopted by Jewish culture, providing a medium for
Hebrew narrative and progressive sense of history, another innovation
The Game of Football and Life in General
My coaching philosophy will be pertaining to the game of football and life in
general. I would be using a cooperative philosophy where I would ask for input
from my coaching staff and players, to make sure certain decisions is in the best
interest of the team, and how much it can help my team. My coaching style will
be about making sure my players have fun playing the game they love, work hard
to be the best, fight until the final whistle, and develop structure and discipline
above all else. To make sure of this I will use my strengths to my advantage, by
taking the time to reflect on what my strengths and weaknesses are and to also
recognizing my morals, values and beliefs. Being able to adapt my style to my
athletes will be challenging but with approach and system that have created the bond,
trust and beliefs of my philosophy will have this melting pot of characteristic into
well bonded family. In addition, as the coachI will answer the important questions on
why am I the coach, how do I actually deliver as a coach and what objectives are we
trying to accomplish.
Academics are the most important and valued aspect of my athletes life. They may
love the game of football. They may have dreams of playing professionally. But they
must prepare themselves for life s hardships. Academic success will assist them by
having them learn good study habits, prioritizing, problem solve and time manage
skills. As their coaches, advisors, co parents, and friends my coaching staff and I
Essay about Relational Dialectics
Relational Dialectics Theory
Danielle Parker
Missouri State University
Dr. Isabelle Baumann
April 30th, 2012
Literature Review Imagine a world without communication. There would be a lack
of spoken word, gestures; anything that the world uses to interconnect would be
eliminated. All in all, our civilization as a whole would fall apart. Communication is
one of the major roles in a functioning society. It can be broken up into several
different subcategories, from verbal, non verbal or emotion driven. Communication
sends signals to those around us and shows how language is such a prevalent part of
one s society. One thing that all forms of communication have in common is that it
strikes a response or reaction. Different ... Show more content on ...
There is a major difference between being what one shares when being open with a
friend and being open with a loved one. For every relational situation change, the
contradictions that are focused on tend to change as well. Totality focuses in a
different direction, although the definition is somewhat stated in the name. Totality is
the sense of feeling total or fulfilled. In the relational dialectics theory this is very
important because of the fact that in a relationship you want to be able to feel like you
are whole and satisfied within the relationship. With process, the theory discusses the
social aspect of dialectics. Movement and change are two prime examples of process,
because it is the act of moving through different properties of a relationship
(Sahlstein, 2009). Finally when discussing Praxis, it is understood that praxis is when
a theory or a lesson is put into action. Baxter explains that these patterns of realization
are most identifiable during pivotal moments within a relationship (Baxter, 2009).
Although all four of these concepts are used within relational dialectics,
contradictions tend to be the most important and often used within a relationship. A
great example is the different contradictions that come into play is the relationship
patterns within a military relationship. Sahlstein, the author of Contradictions and
Praxis Contextualized by Wartime
Decision Making Reflection Essay
In this reflection journal, we were asked to take a decision making quiz on biases
that we may have. I was surprised with a few that I possess. The rush to solve and
the anchoring and adjustment heuristic are the two that I tested positive for on the
quiz. While I read the reasoning for the decision making quiz, I recalled my logic
and critical reasoning class that I had before that discussed bias in argument.
However, it was surprising to see that I committed these biases on the quiz, even if
I was extremely cautious in my positioning and reasoning based on what I learned
from my logic class. Although it may seem that these biases are only caused by an
erroneous mistake, a lot of people have the same bias. The percentiles for each bias...
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An example would be when I was learning C++. When I had to debug my code, I
chose to ignore lines that seemed correct because I had used similar functions in
previous programs. It turns out that one of the lines that I was missing didn t
include a semi colon so the program wasn t running. I was over confident in my
answer based on previous success. One of most concerning biases in accounting
would be from the availability bias, which is relying on information that is readily
available instead of diving deeper into statistics and data. This seems like it would
affect auditors that must make decisions with rushed deadlines. An example of this
case is when Phar Mor, a grocery store, got caught overstating their inventory. When
Phar Mor was overstating their inventory, it looked as if they were a strong
competitor against Wal Mart; however, the overstated inventory was a sign of fraud
and investors were losing from their investments because Phar Mor could not produce
the money that was promised to produce, and they weren t able to meet the projected
profits that their income statements were stating because they were fudging some of
the numbers. Coopers Lybrand was accused of not looking close enough to uncover
the millions of dollars in fraud from bogus inventory statements. If Coopers Lybrand
questioned the fraud and didn t tell Phar Mor when the audit was going to happen,
then they might have caught the fraudulent activity. Therefore, this is an example of
Eisman Assisted Suicide Chapter Summary
In the beginning of the book it begins with an introspective look at the analyst
equity in Wall Street. Shortly after Eisman had working as a broker, a sublime
mortgage crisis had happened with Aames Financial and it went public. The
lenders of this company s purpose was to give home equity loans to customers
with low credit. As Eisman soon discovered that these companies weren t even
making any money, basically just shuffling around paper, so it appears as if they
do. He hired a guy named Vincent Daniel and had him do some digging in the paper
work. Six months later Daniel comes to a find that the Sublime loans are prepaying
prematurely, Eisman took it public in 1997. Around 2004 Michael Burry a stock
market investor was determined to sell... Show more content on ...
He also had help from a colleague and on secondary source, a undergraduate
students thesis paper. These sources supported the Lewis s thesis because they are
factual. The whole book is evident on the sources he used. The sources are also
evident on pages 312 325, in the acknowledgments. One these pages Lewis shows
his gratification to their cooperation and shows evidence he used throughout his
book. Lewis diving so deep into these men s lives and using his own exposure to
write such a captivating book conveys an outstanding impression on how his thesis is
Character Analysis Of Bertha Mason In Jane Eyre
Jane Erye Essay Brief Character in Novel Bertha Mason, although a minor
character in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre , played a crucial role in the love story
between Jane and Rochester and gives a deeper understanding of how mentally
impaired people were treated at the time. She is necessary to Jane and Rochester s
imminent marriage and her actions lead the two to reconcile. Her motives and the
causes for behavior are unclear, besides her obvious jealousy towards Jane and
betrayal she felt from Rochester. Not only that, but Bertha also symbolizes
everything Jane is not, mirroring her in a way as a polar opposite. At the start of
the novel the reader knows nothing about Bertha mason. She does not make an
appearance till Jane becomes aware of a strong smell of burning coming from
Rochester s room. Although she suspects Grace to have caused it, we find that
Bertha set fire to his room. Rochester simply tries to hide her existence because he
wants nobody to know of her, but cannot get rid of her. But that appears at this time
it seems because Jane is troubled, a sort of doubling image. Bertha is constantly
seen as an obstacle standing in Jane and Rochester s way of happiness and
marriage. Her instability is illustrated in an extremely animalistic manner. Bertha
threatens to drain [Mason s] heart , similar to an evil being or vampire (ch.20).
Again, Bertha is described as the polar opposite of Jane, as someone who acts out
against typical norms and does how she pleases. So
Accounting Information System Essay
Introduction The application of Accounting Information Systems has become
widespread among enterprises in Australia due to improved affordability and
efficiency resulting from their technical power. The vendors have moved from
desktop systems to cloud accounting, and it has led to a challenge of selection and
implementation to customers and users. This paper offers a synthesis of literature on
AIS in Australia, its history, development, and adoption, analysis of the current
market size and how the leaders in the market have managed to carve out their
competitive advantage. There are also gaps in the sector, in particular for customers.
Hence the paper also provides recommendations.
At the beginning of computerization, accounting software was automated and mainly
included modules such as accounts receivable, payroll, accounts payable and the
general ledger. McMickle (1989) provides that accountants were the only
professionals who first used IT related systems. Late in the 1970s, increase technical
accounting issues led to the use of technical assistants who developed and maintained
AIS for organizations resulting in the emergence of the system information sector
within accounting. In the 1990s, resources events agents (REA) were initiated and
with database technology advancement, new accounting models emerged (Walker
and Denna, 1997). AIS could capture data which sometimes was not financial related
accounting hence REA led to applications for detailed business
John Grogan s Marley And Me And My Life, Patience,...
A person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours...he taught me about
friendship and selflessness and, above all else, unwavering loyalty, says John
Grogan, author of Marley Me. Although dogs are just animals, they can bring out the
best characteristics in people. Recently, an exploration of one of the most well
known pieces of canine non fiction and an exploration of my own life has taught me
just how true this is. In John Grogans Marley Meand in my life, patience, flexibility,
and loveare frequently illustrated. Facing challenges with patience is a trait that
numerous caring people have, and the Grogans and my mother have this in common.
Described by John as the the world s worst dog, Marley had caused... Show more
content on ...
Marley and I have people in our lives who are patient and care for us, which
enabled both of us to be loved despite the frustrations we have caused. Throughout
Marley Me, the Grogans are faced with a multitude of changes that expose their
ability to be flexible, and, similarly, I have also experienced situations in my life
that have done the same thing. Before her first child was born, Jenny found herself
in a situation where she had to be flexible. John and Jenny booked an expensive
birthing suite for Jenny weeks prior to having their son. On the day that she was
due, all the suites were booked which left them with the rooms that the poor
migrant workers chose. The luxury birthing suite was described as upper end hotel
rooms, spacious, bright, and well appointed wood grained furniture, but she gave
birth in a room where it sounded like a house of horrors and a woman s anguished
screams would pierce the air (Gorgan 103, 105). To avoid complications, Jenny
adapted to contrasting situations in short notice, and she gave birth to her son,
Patrick Grogan. Jenny was flexible at the hospital, and, coincidentally, I was also
flexible when facing an unfamiliar place. I had to move from India to the United
States, and I had to leave all the things that were familiar to me behind. After three
months of living in Seattle, Washington, we packed up and
Comparing Greek Philosophies, Anaximander And Whales
From the beginning of early civilizations, humans have been trying to discover
many things. Discover which animals can be preyed upon, which plants can be
eaten without deadly consequence. As time went on, these discoveries became a
little more advanced. Humans would discover new ways to build architecture that
was both aesthetically and structurally sound. They would discover new
technologies that would allow communication across different continents. In this
essay I will be comparing what two greek philosophers, Anaximander and Thales,
believed the arkhe to be and who had the superior argument. In the late seventh
century B.C., two philosophers, known as the Milesians which referred to three
philosophers in the Greek town of Miletus, were trying to discover what the arkhe
could be. The arkhe refers to a Greek word that can be translated into origin , first
principle , and beginnings . To discover the arkhe would be to discover the beginning
of everything. Despite their teach pupil relationship, with Thales being the teacher,
Anaximander and Thales had vastly differing ideas of what the arkhe was.... Show
more content on ...
He believed this because water is everywhere. It is the center of life. Without water,
life would not exist as we currently know it to be. It was believed during this time
that the land rested upon a great body of water that filled the entire planet. Thales
viewpoint makes sense when considering how important water is to life. At one point
during his argument, Thales explains that the seeds of all things have a moist nature .
I will explain this quote by quoting another well known philosopher, Jeremy Carey,
reproduction is moist . Seeing that the existence of life could not exist without water,
The Right Of Free Speech
Throughout American history, the foundation on which American democratic
principles are based, has been repeatedly tested. In the 1700s, the right of free
speech was challenged when President John Adams proposed the Alien and Sedition
Acts. Adams attempted to stop the Democratic Republicans such as Thomas
Jefferson, from criticizing government decisions. Similarly, during the Civil War
President Abraham Lincoln challenged freedom of the press when he took action to
restrict the printing of military news. Lincoln ordered his generals in the field to
control the press and crack down on speech critical of his administration to limit
dissent against the war effort. However, one historical era stands out as a decidedly
pivotal test of... Show more content on ...
Twentieth century U.S. history saw two major episodes of repression and violence
against communists and leftist radicals, that occurred approximately three decades
apart. During the early part of the 1920s, America entered its first period of extreme
anti communist sentiment, the First Red Scare. After the successful Bolshevik
Revolution in Russia in 1917, American citizens began to fear the threat of
communist influence at home. At the end of WWI, American workers unhappy with
wages and spiralling inflation, launched widespread sometimes violent strikes with
the support of growing labor unions. Some of these unions called for government
takeover of private industries. For instance, railroad workers called for the national
government to take permanent control of the railroad system. The growing waves
strikes signalled a period of extreme civil unrest; American citizens became
frightened that they would face a revolution similar to the one that had just taken
place in Russia. In response, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, in an effort to
gain the attention of American voters to support his presidential aspirations, launched
a nationwide crusade against anyone he identified as having leftist views. Under
Palmer s leadership, thousands of Americans were arrested for taking part in alleged
subversion, and thousands of others were stripped of their civil liberties. In violation
Intel Centrino s Model Of Strategy For Growth
Introduction and what is Intel
Porter s Model of Strategy
Timeline of Intel Centrino mobile platform
Some issues
My discussion
Intel Corporation (Intel) is an American technology company which its
headquarter is located in Santa Clara, California where is colloquially referred as
Silicon Valley . Intel Corporation is found by Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce in
1968. Intel is the inventor of microprocessors for computer system manufactures.
During the period before 2007, Intel faced lots of both external and internal
problems such as a decision making to move on or to start a new action. Nowadays,
Intel is one of the top company which ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Intel also designed other four businesses which used microprocessor
such as servers, workstations, desktops, and mobile. However, these four
businesses were not primary opportunity. Until the processor production reached
the limitation of hardware as power hungry, increasing of competitors and shifting
of consumers occurred. The barrier of entry is low. Advanced Micro Device
(AMD) is the main competitor of Intel because this company created the first 1GHz
processor called Athlon chip before Intel in 2000. Intel s next step was reducing a
price which impacted on the profitability. Because of the decreasing of revenue in
2001, the CEO, Craig Barrett, conducted two ways which were looking for new ways
and finding a reason with solutions of the problem. Both ways took long time to find
the solutions. At this period of time, Intel faced inflection point.
Apart from the headquarter in California, there was another small team in Israel
Design Center (IDC) who worked on Chopaka and Timna, codenames, which brought
the changing strategic direction of Intel as Centrino Mobile Technology. The
objective of Timna is to reduce the production cost by reducing the size of a die and
adding more components in a chip. This processor is cheap and consumes low
power. Then, Banias came after Timna. It was the combination of four factors such as
higher performance, saving more battery
Logan Airport Research Paper
Keyword: Ride to Logan Airport Company: Blue Nile Livery Searching for the
finest ride to Logan airport? You re in the right place. We are providing the fast,
safe and luxury ride to drop you at Logan airport on time. When you are about to
attend a business meeting or friend s wedding or party to some other city and you
want to travel to Boston Logan airport. Many options will be there in front of you.
You can hire a cab or you can drive yourself to the airport, and you find what option
is available for you. If you re not in the mood for driving yourself because you are
going on a long flight and all you need is little bit rest. We are providing you the
luxurious fast and safe journey to drop you at Logan Airport. Why Choose Us? We
Manage... Show more content on ...
Our vehicles have high protection structures like airbags, automatic brake gadget,
protection belt, pedestrian detection, LDW are installed which guarantees you that
you are safe from awful traveling factors. Each time ever subspecies activity occurs
in your adventure these systems automatically activated while you are touring to
home or from home to the airport. Riding to or from the airport would be secure
while you pick Blue Neil Livery service in preference to taxi or cab. Our rides with
the tilted windows guarantee you that you are journeying securely and not being
stared or accompanied. There are continually high protection structures hooked up in
our vehicles that can detect any suspicious activity happens during your
What Is Strategy
Sarah Carpentier 2016_PG41_07 Strategic Management
27 janvier 2016
Executive summary В« What is strategy ? В» Porter
Operational effectiveness is not strategy
First of all, we have to distinguish two concepts: operational effectiveness from
Operational effectiveness is of course necessary for a company, but it is not sufficient:
each company needs its own strategy.
A strategy is a plan for the company, which has to establish a differencewith its
competitors, and has to preserve it in order to create a greater value. Strategy
positioning is choosing different ways to achieve similar activities from the
Operational effectiveness means performing similar activities better than the
competitors can do.
We now have to ... Show more content on ...
Choosing a strategy is choosing a different set of activities from its competitors, it is
trying to be different from them. Strategic positions can be based on 3 sources :
variety based positioning in which the company produce a subset of an industry s
products or services
needs based positioning in which the company satisfy all needs of a segment of
access based positioning in which the company satisfy different segment of customers
according to their customer geography or customer scale.
Strategy positioning can be define as a difference on the supply side, that is to say a
difference in activities. By choosing a strategy, the company chooses a unique and
valuable position, with different activities from its competitors.
A sustainable strategic position requires trade offs
Nonetheless, defining a unique position can t be sufficient, because the competitors
can copy this position (they can reposition themselves or they can straddle).
Each company has to take into consideration an important point: the risk of trade off.
They occur when a company tries to perform incompatible activities. Due to trade off,
the companies have to make some
Comparison Of St. Louis And Bangkok, Thailand
St. Louis, Missouri and Bangkok, Thailand are both affected by latitude but in very
differing ways from one another. St. Louis is farther away from the equator than
Bangkok, meaning there is more distance between St. Louis and the sun s rays and
less between Bangkok and the sun s rays. Conclusively, this means the climatein St.
Louis is cooler and the warmer in Bangkok. Although both location degrees vary, they
re still slight and higher latitude equals, cooler weather.
Similarly, higher altitudes also result in cooler weather because altitude also affects
temperature and climate changes but not for St. Louis and Bangkok. Since St. Louis
and Bangkok aren t very high, altitude doesn t truly affect either area because when
the sun s rays transform
Death Of The Great Things She Has Done
It has been only 4 months since Rose went into another dimension; it was also the
last time The Doctor saw her. Doctor remembers the day quite clearly, he
remembers her getting sucked into the portal, he remembers her screams for help;
he remembered everything. He saw her for the last time in that other dimension of
which she could not escape. He remembers the wind and the sand underneath his
feet as he stood waiting for Rose and her family of the dimension to appear. He
remembers her crying and he remembers the last hug. That hug was warm, almost
like being engulfed in the sun, and it was comforting. As much as he didn t want to
go without Rose his Rose, he knew he had to in order to keep the world safe. He will
always remember her and... Show more content on ...
The drawing showed him in his 9th regeneration; the form he was before this one.
Looking at this drawing reminded him of when he regenerated into 10 and Rose
helped him to heal. Rose was on his mind once again, and he started to feel sadder
than before. He truly did miss her and there was no doubt that he didn t. Doctor just
wanted to forget about this day and move on so, he tried to fall asleep. It was now 4
in the morning and the Tardis was silent. Doctor was still awake focusing on the
ceiling; he was beginning to feel drowsy now. 5 AM read the alarm clock in bright
red text, still, The Doctor is awake. It took him half an hour more to finally fall
asleep. He started dreaming about the day that Rose was sucked into the portal
and the last day he saw her. This dream was rather happy for him because he gets to
see Rose as the way he remembers her. He dreamt of all the good times they had
together. Even though he he can no longer visit Rose, Doctor feels like she s
actually there with him in the dream. The strange part is, that Rose seems to be
mentioning things that The Doctor does not even know about. Some of these
messages are things only Mickey or Jack would know about. Even weirder, these
messages seem to be of things that are presently happen in this dimension. Doctor
was beginning to roll around in his bed so much that it woke Jack up. Jack came
running into his room assuming that something must be attacking Doctor. When jack
stopped and surveyed the room, he saw
Difference Between Semiotic Analysis And Ethnography
This literature review examines the dynamics of two qualitative methods of research:
semiotic analysis and ethnography. The interdependence of these two methods, or as
David Silverman (2011, p. 4) calls them models , of research will be further spoken
about in this essay which shall also go in depth on how the two methods have an
important role in shaping media and culture research and how they contribute to the
existing cultural production. Qualitative researchis one of the kinds of research
conducted to analyse content such as media texts and industries. The other is
quantitative research, which is more concerned with statistical and numerical data.
The former type of research mentioned above is the kind of research which provides
the... Show more content on ...
Semiotics, plays an important part even in the conduction of ethnographic methods.
Its significance in the mainstream media is proof that even though the relationship
between the signifier and signified is arbitrary, in the whole process of socialisation,
the meaning of the text has ample weightage for it to be a whole subject to talk about
as well as use the meaning to conduct other researchers (Branston and Stafford, 2010,
Dallas Cowboys Research Paper
So who will win the 2016 Super Bowl............hmmmmm and the answer is the
Jacksonville Jaguars,...just f####ng with you The Dallas Cowboys will win the
Super Bowl in 2016. This is coming from a New Englander who has always
loathed America s team. From Roger Staubach to Tony Romo all the phoney
bologna fans, (Mike Ware are you reading this, LOL) I used to sleep over this kids
house growing up and he had the Cowboys, sheets, lamps etc. It was horrific. How
can you you grow up in Patriots country and like the Cowboys! Not cool. BTW
Mikey, hope you and the family are well! Who declared these guys were America s
team, certainly not me. So growing up I wanted them to lose every game, and
loved it when they did. I detest the Cowboys, Duke hoops, ND football, Montreal
Canadiens, Los Angeles Lakers and the New York Yankees. At some point I will blog
each one of them and rip them to shreds, but back to Dallas. Tony Romo is
underrated, there I said it. If he plays in a good organization, (Jerry Jones is a clown),
and he has good coaching (Wade Phillips, yikes, OK he had Parcells for a short time
but not long enough) he has a ring or two. The boys were one play... Show more
content on ...
Being book smart and a Princeton grad is cool and all and his diploma looks good
hanging on his office wall ,but it does not make you a good football coach. He is
there achilles heel. To me he looks lost at times during the game. Maybe he is
looking for jerry to come down and ask him what play to run. Dallas D will be
improved with MLB Sean Lee coming back and they played better than we all
thought last year. Their offensive line is dominant and can control games and keep
the Dallas D off the field, again just ask Seattle. They will not miss DeMarco
Murray and his fumbles, (still can not believe he was ranked as one of top ten
players in NFL by NFL network),my daughter Meredith could get 1200 yards running
behind that
Essay on Memory Project
Memory Project: Application to Learning Study Habits Memory is the capability to
learn, retain, store and remember information from previous experiences. Memories
are accumulated from prior experiences and recollected, which can influence change
of behavior or thought. This ability can assist with learning and adapting to new
experiences. Memoryis essential to our lives. Without a memory of the past we
cannot operate in the present or think about the future. We would not be able to
remember what we did yesterday, what we have done today or what we plan to do
tomorrow. Without memory we could not learn anything. Short termmemory is
information a person is thinking of at that specific time, it is also known as working
memory... Show more content on ...
Improving study habits may be accomplished by using both short and long term
memory. In reference to (Morris Maisto, 2014), two types of short term memory
skills that can be useful are rote rehearsal and chunking. These methods can help
hold more information in the short term memory, until they can be relocated to the
long term memory. Rote rehearsal is repetition of information, such as using
flashcards and saying them aloud. Another skill called chunking is the process of
breaking down a large piece of data into smaller chunks to make them easier to
comprehend and remember Long term memory skills are also useful and include
elaborative rehearsal, mnemonics and schema. Elaborative rehearsal is much like
rote rehearsal except it is linking new information in short term memory to familiar
material stored in long term memory (Craik Lockhart, 1972, p. 193). In simpler
words this means trying to relate the given information to something you already
know. For example, using the acronym PEMDAS which each of the letters stand for
a step in mathematics that you are supposed to follow in order which are
Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Adding, and Subtracting; Please
Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. A Mnemonic is something which we can use to
remember things much easier, according to (Morris Maisto, 2014, pg. 193). As is
often the case, it could be a phrase, a short song, or
Five Points Dbq
During the mid 1800 s, the living and working conditions in New York City s Five
Points slum left much to be desired. During this time period, Five Points was
inhabited by the Lansdowne immigrants who had come from Irish poorhouses. They
had arrived in New York suffering from starvation and lacked the skills to be
successful in the workforce. The opportunity placed before them was small, most
could not read and write, and very little was expected of them. These Lansdowne
immigrants tended to marry young and have large families; they also congregated in
the worst neighborhoods and chose to wear poor clothing. It sometimes seemed as if
they made these choices to draw attention to themselves so that they could receive
handouts. Also during... Show more content on ...
The convention was organized by two women, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, who were barred from a World Anti Slavery Convention in London because
of their sex. This motivated them to establish a women s rights movement in the
United States. At the Seneca Falls Convention, which was held in upstate New York,
women were advocating for women s rights and raising awareness about women s
suffrage for the very first time. Stanton drafted a document called The Seneca Falls
Declaration of Sentiments which was read at the convention and offered a greater
understanding of the freedom and liberties they were fighting for. One of the most
important things they were fighting for was a women s right to vote. The women at
the Convention believed this could be the most impactful change made, stating that
freedom and liberties were not possible without the opportunity to vote. However,
this was not the only issue addressed at the convention. The Declaration on
Sentiments criticized the entire system of inequality in the United States which
denied women access to education and employment, gave husbands power over
their wife s earnings and property and guardianship of their children after divorce,
and robbed women of their legal status after marriage. The Seneca Falls Convention
marked the beginning of a long fight for women s suffrage in America; it also
promoted awareness for women s rights and
The Sagrada Familia Is A Catholic Temple
1.Introduction The Sagrada Familia is a Catholic temple that expresses Christian
faith through its structure and form. It is a building whose importance lies in its
nature and divine revelation. It is built in the Glory of God and every aspect of it
reflects the divine world. In a way, it can be considered a meeting point between
heaven and earth. As Saint Maximus, the Confessor wrote, it is worthy of
admiration that, being so small [the temple], it is similar to the grandness of the
world... Symbols are present throughout the whole temple, whether it is in the form
of the plan to the stories the facades narrate. 2.a.Nature as a model Albert Fargas
expressed in his book Symbology of the Temple of the Sagrada Familia , that
temples must imitate nature because according to tradition, they are cosmic . The
Sagrada Familia is a temple created in the image by imitating the world, nature, and
God s work. It is a sacred space built by humans in devotion to God. GaudГ used
nature s constructive laws of nature to solve architectural problems. The reason for
GaudГ using nature in this way and not creating a realistic image of the world, but
instead a structural one is because he aimed to produce the intimate and mathematical
structures, and to imitate its harmony. GaudГ represented the essence of nature by
incorporating plant structures, animal movement and the geometry of mineral
crystallization into his architecture. b.Symbolism of the Sagrada Familia Natures
Symbolism In The Lottery
Hidden Symbolism in The Lottery
Shirley Jackson writes an intriguing tale titled The Lottery in which she conveys the
meaning of a lottery through symbolism and emphasis of the physical elements of
the black box, stones, and references to the Bible. Analysis of these symbols will
reveal ideas of tradition, darkness, generational change, and illogical loyalty. First,
the appearance of the black box symbolizes the occurring of the lottery precisely on
July Twenty seventh in the village square. Not the day before, and not the day
after. The remaining 364 days in the year the black box is stored away and not
mentioned: the rest of the year, the box was put away, sometimes in one place.
Sometimes another; it had spent one year in Mr. Graves s barn and another year
underfoot in the post office. (138). When Mr. Summers arrives in the town square
carrying the black box the other villagers know that the ritual of the lottery has
begun. The black box is to the lottery as a Christmas tree is to Christmas. Every year
we know that Christmastime has arrived when we first see the traditional
Christmas tree. Similarly, the black box represents the lottery s tradition which is
carried out within the society. Second, when the black box appears in the village
square, the villagers receive a symbolical image that death is on the horizon. The
emphasis put on the black coloring of the box symbolizes the negative connotation
of the event. The event of the lottery is a joyful or enlightening occurrence, rather
symbolism portrays the ritual as being serious, uncertain, and dark. Jackson
describes that a murmur of conversation arose among the villagers at the sight of
the black wooden box. (138). The black box was placed on a stool in the center of
town where villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and
the stool. (138). Third, Jackson s descriptions of the conditions of the wooden black
box symbolize the changes and forgetfulness of the ritual. The black box has become
shabbier each year, losing its color and splintering. (138). Like the box, that faded
and warped over time, the society s tradition gradually lost its meaning. It became an
annual event they
Merchant Of Venice Character Analysis
Portia in The Merchant Of Venice, has been considered as one of the most perfectly
developed female protagonist. The heiress of Belmont represents the nexus of the
play, as the quest for her hand creates a motive for Bassanio to borrow money which
initiated the bond plot and the ring plot. Furthermore she manipulates the trial and
resolves the bond episode and the ring episode. Portiais introduced in the play as
being a wealthy heiress whom many suitors try to court. Her significance and
characteristic in the play can be seen in her genuine love, her graciousness and her
witty yet playful traits. She further represents the comparison between Belmont and
Venice, herself and shylockand most importantly, love and self interest, one of the
key themes in the play. Critics liked to compare Portia with Shylock and the
comparison brings out the salient traits of her character. One of them stated that while
Portia stand for everything bright, generous, and noble while Shylock represents
wickedness and evil .
The language used in the play suggests that money is a source of power and desire.
The penniless Bassanio feels inferior to Portia who is intelligent, noble and
refined. Portia s speech, unlike a woman in the Elizabethan era, seems to be
heavily loaded with financial expressions. Her language reveals how comfortable
she is in the masculine, world and her unwillingness to leave it. Her speech also
demonstrates her intelligence and eloquence and seems to mock the existing social
norms. Indeed Portia has shown to be far from obedient to patriarchy. Portia s
father had left a clause in his will that the suitor will pick the correct casket to in
order to marry her. Although she couldn t break the clause, her intelligence serves
her well in her pursuits of Bassanio as she manipulates the test for her own purpose.
It reveals the casket choosing event itself was a gimmick and rather Portia was
controlling the entire situation according to her will and treating her suitors as mere
puppets. On the other hand, while men around the world are vying for her attention,
she is apparently considers herself as superior and better position to judge men s
masculinity. However her intolerance and hypocrisy is suggestive
Lake Tahoe History
The athlete locks in his bindings on his Burton snowboard, adjusts his goggles, and
peers down the mountain. He stares at the snow covered trees, powdered slopes,
and sapphire blue alpine lake in the distance. The young man remembers his skiing
adventures through the trees as a small boy, rises to his feet, takes a deep breath and
smiles. The crisp mountain air and the smell of pine trees fill his lungs as he glides
down the blanket of snowon the groomed slopes of the mountain resort. The
enjoyment of the sport of skiing and snowboarding, and the many other wonders of
the Tahoe basin have been passed on to him from his family, and is like no other
feeling in the world. Lake Tahoe is such a culturally and historically significant part
of North... Show more content on ...
The Lake Tahoe basin is divided by the scenic and beautiful border of California and
Nevada. The gorgeous lake is, ...admired for its great depth and clarity and beautiful
alpine surroundings ( The mountain ranges around the perimeter of
the basin were formed 24 million years ago by the rise and fall of the earth s crust due
to the movement of faults. The Carson Range to the east was created by tilt block
faulting and resulted in a very steep mountain range (
Another fault created the Sierra Nevada range to the west, but is more of a gentle
change in elevation. As the fault blocks were thrown up, the high peaks of the
mountain ranges were created and as other fault blocks were thrown down, a
valley was created. Some of the peaks of the ranges can reach over 10,000 feet
above sea level, making an exaggerated difference between the lake and the ranges.
Movement of other faults in the area caused the valley to sink thousands of feet
below the mountains on the east and west. Volcanic activity from Mt. Pluto on the
north shore resulted in lava flowing and blocking the outlet of the newly
developing valley. About 3 million years ago the ice age created glaciers in the
Sierra Nevada. As they moved and scoured the land, lakes were created behind
them as piles of granite rock were left to block the outflow of water from melted
snow and rainfall. Lake Tahoe, Fallen Leaf Lake, Cascade Lakes, and Donner Lake
were formed by this process. Lake Tahoe as we know it today is the third deepest
lake in North America and tenth deepest lake in the world, with the deepest part
measuring 1645 feet. Not only are Tahoe s geologic origins intriguing, but so is the
history of the people inhabiting the
Similarities Between Equality And Inequality
The social issue of equality and inequality, has dated back to the beginning of time.
Although there is no way to find out, would one really think that cavemen would not
fight about who got the most food? Even children would argue if someone else has
more crayons, or more toys. Everyone has demanded equalityat least once in their
lifetime. Unfortunately inequalityoccurs more often than equality, and this will never
change. Race, sex, and religion are the three main points that occur most often in
today s society. If someone were to turn on the news, they would more than likely
see global issues on race, sex, religion, and their fight for equality. I will be
discussing the similarities and differences of equality and inequality through race,
sex, and religion.
When someone thinks about the similarities of equality and inequality in a social
setting, they might think that there are none. In fact, there are many similarities, and
the main one is humans. Humans either have equality, or they do not have it, and
want it. Usually people have more courage in a group, rather than alone. This is also
a similarity with equality and inequality. It is often groups that rightfully raise the
issue of an inequality between themselves and the rest of society (Gosepath). The
rest of society that Gosepath is referring to, is people who have equality, which
connects equality and inequality. The first similarity of equality and inequality is
race. Both sides deal with all kinds of people
The Dominance of Gothic Architecture in The High Middle
When one sees the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral in person or in pictures they are
likely to be awestruck. The twin towers of the western façade rise high into the
sky, seemingly in an attempt to scrape heaven. Spiky arches seem to grow out of the
sides and claw at the ground. Inside it is cavernous with colored light filtering in
through the large, intricate stained glass windows. All of these physical qualities
make Notre Dame a prime example of Gothic architecture. It does not stand alone in
that distinction. One is also likely to see several hundred examples of this style on
varying scales throughout Europe. Because, despite its humble origins, Gothic
architecture became the standard for religious buildings in the early 11th... Show
more content on ...
As town lords and bishops (the same man often held both positions) stamped out the
lawlessness that marked Europe in earlier centuries, members of the upper class felt
safe enough to embark on pilgrimages (59). Suger, with his unknown architect, had a
daring plan to build upward and outward and incorporate existing architectural
principles with new building theories. It is the combination of all these qualities that
is important in the stylistic evaluation of the interior of Saint Denis as the first work
of the Early Gothic style (Frankl 67).
Suger s most pressing need was space. To create that space his goal was to
eliminate walls in his monastery where possible. Starting in 1140, Suger opened
up a vast amount of room by using pointed arches and ribbed vaults. These
techniques in themselves were not new or unique. St. Denis didn t mark the debut
of either feature; the ribbed vault shows up in a few earlier European churches, and
the pointed arch is widespread in Islamic architecture (Columbia 1). However,
Suger was the first to combine all of those qualities with a new and daring element:
light. This was a direct result of his implementation of the ribbed vaults and pointed
arches which eliminated walls and opened up wide sweeps of interior space and
allowed for thinner walls that could frame massive stained glass windows (Gilgoff
59). Suger often spoke reverently of the
Political Regulatory Environment And Related
The article describes the background that the Tasmania whisky production
constantly increases and demand of the barrels increases sharply as well. Chet, the
CEO of New Heaven Import Export Co., plans to form a joint venture, New Heaven
Liquor Co., with Hong Kong liquor distributor. The new firm will locate in Hong
Kong and employ local people. This report addressed opportunities and threats of the
joint ventures through analysing the political regulatory, social cultural and
technological environment, and provide recommendations to help Chet make
decision on whether the venture should be undertaken.
1. Political regulatory environment
Hong Kong became the special administration region of China since 1997. The
principle of ... Show more content on ...
Secondly, Hong Kong offered an open and friendly investment policy. It played a role
of market regulator with less government intervention rather than market participant
with more intervention. For example, Hong Kong did not impose regulation on
working hours and terms of contracts, and it only regulated the statutory minimum
wages per hours for labours (Hong Kong business forecast report 2015).Thus, the
labour costs in Hong Kong are flexible and company has more rights on contract
when hire employees. Moreover, government allowed foreign investors to legally
acquire the ownership of property in most industrial sectors except for broadcasting
industry (Country profile 2015) and to freely select investment area without
restriction. Furthermore, government optimized the procedures of business
registration, and it helped investors save time from application process. Besides, there
is no different treatment between local investors and foreign investors. Government
set the same business regulation to the same industry. Thus, foreign investors have
equal chance to compete with local investors.
In addition, Hong Kong had simple and low tax regime . Company only need to pay
the tax amount based on their revenue earned in Hong Kong, and they did not need
to pay sales tax, capital gain tax and withholding tax on dividends (InvestHK 2016).
These tax exemptions would obviously reduce tax expense of the company.
Antonio Tarver Research Paper
Antonio Tarver vs Johnathon Banks in the RGV South Texas welcomes Monday
night boxing with an epic heavyweight showdown between two veterans at the
State Farm Arena on Monday, September 29th, 2014. Former Light Heavyweight
World Champion Antonio Magic Man Tarver is going up against top contender
Johnathon Banks. Presented by Golden Boy Promotions and Leija*Battah
Promotions, Tarver vs. Banks is featuring a 10 round heavyweight fight. FOX Sports
1 and FOX Deportes are scheduled to broadcast the showdown live at 10:00 PM ET
/9:00 PM CT/7:00 PM PT. This is a great matchup between two veteran heavyweights
who can show a lot of the younger kids how it s done, said Oscar De La Hoya,
president and founder of Golden Boy Promotions. I m really looking forward to this
one and as far as picking a winner, it s a toss up. ... Show more content on ...
A new heavyweight contender, Tarver hopes to move closer to a world title shot in
his next match. As one of the premier light heavyweights of his time, he has
outmatched Roy Jones, Jr., Glen Johnson, Montell Griffin and Eric Harding, all on
his way to a world title and a spot on the pound for pound list. Originally from
Tampa, Florida, Tarver remained unbeaten in his last four fights, the last of which
he won in just four rounds against Mike Sheppard. I m happy to be back in the ring
and fighting in Texas for the first time, Tarver said. A win over Johnathon Banks is
just what I need to get my shot at the heavyweight title. To come back to boxing on
the same day that my son, Antonio Jr., makes his pro debut, that s even more

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Homosexuality Essays. Homosexuality Research Paper Example Topics and Well Written Essays ...

  • 1. Homosexuality Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of homosexuality can be both challenging and nuanced. The complexity arises from the need to navigate through societal perceptions, cultural diversity, historical contexts, and the ever-evolving landscape of LGBTQ+ rights. The subject demands a delicate balance between presenting factual information and acknowledging the diversity of perspectives surrounding homosexuality. Researching the topic involves delving into various disciplines such as sociology, psychology, history, and anthropology to gain a comprehensive understanding. It requires sifting through a plethora of academic articles, books, and reputable sources to ensure that the information presented is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date. Navigating the ethical considerations of discussing personal experiences and societal attitudes adds an additional layer of difficulty. Addressing the emotional and human aspect of the topic necessitates a high level of empathy and sensitivity. Homosexuality is not just a theoretical concept; it involves real people with real experiences. Balancing academic rigor with empathy for the individuals and communities affected requires careful consideration of language and tone. Furthermore, the essay must be structured logically, presenting arguments coherently and supporting them with credible evidence. Striking a balance between objectivity and advocacy, especially in a potentially polarizing topic like homosexuality, is challenging but crucial for a well-rounded essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of homosexuality demands a thorough understanding of the subject matter, the ability to navigate diverse perspectives, and the skill to present information in a balanced and sensitive manner. It's a task that requires both academic rigor and emotional intelligence. If you find yourself struggling with such essays or any other academic writing tasks, you may consider seeking assistance. Services like provide a platform where you can order essays, research papers, and more. These platforms often offer support from experienced writers who can help you navigate the complexities of various topics. Homosexuality Essays Homosexuality Essays
  • 2. The Influence Of Identity In Song Of Solomon Names hold a significance and they tell a story. Even though one story may be different from the next, that name still holds a legacy and can form an identity. Morrison is able to show readers that her characters must find their ways through the morass of that which defines them (Lubiano 589). Morrison also shows how many characters become effected negatively when they cannot make sense of their own identity, just as many African Americans may have faced when becoming free and may still face today as some struggle to know where their ancestors came from. Morrison is able to paint a picture of some of the effects that may have occurred early on in America s history and she does so, vividly. She also pushes readers to question why the... Show more content on ... Critics also tend to discuss the identity of female characters such as Pilate, First Corinthians, or Hagar, even when the novel focuses immensely on male characters. Even though many critics may not see this, Toni Morrisonintentionally reveals that naming is a significant aspect of her novel as she specifically names her characters. Toni Morrison creates her characters lives around their given names to show the importance of African American identity. Furthermore, Morrison focuses predominantly on her African American male characters to emphasize how and why males must know their identity. Knowing their identity will enable African American males to live their lives fully. During the mid 20th century in America, it was difficult to know who one actually was as they could only base their information on what their relatives knew which could have been blurred and altered as evidence was passed down from generation to generation. Some African Americans were able to discover bits and pieces about themselves yet unfortunately many were left without answers and without ties to their past. Many characters throughout the novel question their name or identity. Nevertheless, Macon Dead Senior does neither. As he was a slave most of his life, Macon Dead Senior only looks ahead toward freedom. In 1869, Macon Dead Senior finally registered for freedom yet the man behind the desk was drunk (53). As a result, his name became Dead . Any
  • 3. Essay On Bata India Targeting the unorganized market Bata India is one of the market leaders in organized Indian Footwear Market and should move towards grabbing a potential market share by on tapping the tier III and tier IV markets (smaller towns) through distributors and franchises. The company has to develop a completely new line of merchandise to tap the unorganized footwear market, which accounts for almost 60% of the total market. The company is planning to open new outlets in these areas and has tied up with wholesalers to sell shoes in rural shops. Bata India has already piloted such Bata stores in smaller markets which turned out a success. Right investment and the attempt to target the unorganized market will be a step in the right direction as the market accounts for nearly two third of the USD 35 billion Indian footwear market. Grabbing a significant market share in this area would have a huge impact on the ... Show more content on ... The company is making continuous investments in various marketing plans to re position the brands in the minds of consumer as international premium lifestyle casual footwear brand in India. Following the success of these stores in India, the consumers perception for Bata as a mass market brand has changed, which has enhanced the brand image of Bata India among the young generation. Taking it forward the company should come up with new innovations in the sports segment in which Bata is still lagging behind. Sports shoe market in India is estimated to worth USD 5 billion and is expected to reach USD 13 billion by 2018, growing at 18% CAGR from 2012 through 2016. People are getting more aware about their well being thereby increasing the market for sports segment in India. So there is a large market share for the company to tap into by introducing its new models with cutting edge technologies in the sports
  • 4. Who Do You Consider a Hero in In the Time of Butterflies... Who do you consider a hero?, a doctor, firemen, policemen, parents, guardians, or maybe someone that dies for what they believes in, for example Martin Luther King jr. , soldiers , and even the Mirabal sisters. In the book In the Time of Butterflies Julia Alvarez not only tells the story of the girls, but how they fought for what they believed in and became the heroes we know today. She paints a vivid picture of their lives, and the struggles they all had to face brought on by Trujillo. Out of all these girls I believe Minerva was the most heroic, because she was passionate,a wanderlust , and she always looked at things from a wide range perspective. I consider Minerva to be passionate because she always seemed to overthink... Show more content on ... pg12. In this quote Minerva compares herself to a rabbit, just wanting to be free, wanting to know what s really out there in the world, dreaming about want freedom actually looks like. Another amazing quality about Minerva is that she always looked at the whole picture, a wide range perspective of things. As I read In the Time of the Butterflies I noticed that Minerva seemed to have a wide range perspective of things, stepping back to see the whole picture. Sinita s story spilled out like blood from a cut. , Minerva stated pg 16. As you can see Minerva describes Sinita s story as a. It because it seemed very deep and never ending,very painful to her like a cut or wound. I turned into the dirt path and crashed into the ford, making the bumper curl up and shattering the window in the back. Then I came down on that horn until he appeared, shirtless and furious in the doorway. , Minerva stated pg 59. In this quote you can tell that Minvera is quite upset, as she describes in detail how she crashed into the ford. Minerva s qualities make her who she truly is, a hero. she was passionate, a wanderlust, and she had a wide range perspective. She fought for what she believed in, never giving up, dying for her beliefs, making her a hero to me and other young ladies like her or in her position. She also seemed to be the only sister who challenged Trujillo, she wasn t afraid of him. Now the question is , do you consider Minerva a hero or just a girl who believed
  • 5. Egalitarian Slave Families Analysis Mariela Velasco Jill Fields History 101 05 October 2017 Egalitarian Slave Families Neither patriarchal nor matriarchal marriages existed in slave families since all slaves, male and female, held almost no power over themselves let alone the other gender. It was the plantation owner who virtually had all the power to control every aspect of his or her slave, regardless of gender. Since childhood, both female and male , slaves encountered injustices and misfortunes that showed no favoritism for one particular gender over the other both males and females were brought up together essentially the same way; preparing and waiting for the life of hardship and strenuous work that awaited for them (White 91 118). In her book Ar n t I a Women Deborah Gray White illustrates extensive amount of slave narratives demonstrating the huge amount of control white owners had over their slaves as well as the slave norms by which slaves were brought up and married; and therefore proving that she is indeed right when she states that slave families were unusually egalitarian. Slave families can be considered egalitarian because one partner virtually had no dominance over the other one as it was the white owner who controlled and dominated almost every aspect of the slave s lives. For example, slave marriages were not like the traditional white marriages since these did not offer the benefits traditional white marriages brought such as economic assistance and male protection
  • 6. The Breakfast Club Essays The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club is a movie about five totally different students in high school who are forced to spend a Saturday in detention in their school library. The students come from completely different social classes which make it very difficult for any of them to get along. They learn more about each other and their problems that each of them have at home and at school. This movie plays their different personality types against each other. In this essay I will go into detail about each of the students and the principal individually. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The first student I will talk about is the first one to be seen in the movie. This is Claire Standish. Claire is one of the popular girls in the school.... Show more content on ... He admits that the reason that he was in detention was because he was going to commit suicide and he brought the gun to school. He said that he attempted to kill himself but he couldn t pull the trigger. His (flair) gun went off in his locker. He has suicidal ideation. He thought that suicide was the logical thing to do and he went one step beyond thinking about it and attempted. He just couldn t pull the trigger. He has the ultimate when it comes to parental monitoring. His parents are probably really intelligent and this is why the push him so hard academically. The reason I think this is because his mother s license plate was EMC2 and she made sure that he knew that this (detention) was a one time thing and he should use his time wisely to study. Much like Claire, I feel that Brian is not much of a risk taker. He is a very jumpy kid and is easily told what to do by just about everybody in the movie. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The third student in the movie is Andrew Clark. He is a jock. His father drives p in a blazer to drop him off for detention and he gets out with a letterman jacket on (with several letters on it). You can see from the very beginning that his father only cares about one thing and that is, how successful his son is in wrestling and other sports. His father says Hey, I screwed around...guys screw around, there is nothing wrong with that, except you got caught, Sport. Brian s father seems to live through him and even
  • 7. How To Play Golf Essay 6 things you should know about golf. IT S A MIND GAME. Practice is a necessity to play golf. It doesn t come naturally for everyone, but for a few, it may come naturally just like many other sports. Golf requires a positive attitude at all times. While playing and practicing you always need to tell yourself that you can do better than you already are. When you are doing awful, or carry on a few bad holes in a row, you need to shake it off and try again. Until you learn to obtain an excellent attitude and practice, golf will always be hard. 2. YOU WILL GET INTO TROUBLE. Any hazards around? Think about a better option next time you try to hit over the water. Golf can be hard and you will make plenty mistakes. While some people are decent at hitting out of the sand trap, others are not as great. Hazards go all the way around the course in various spots along the way, but you have to try your best to stay out of trouble and not hit into the water numerous times. Getting into the sand is one story, but trying to get out of the sand is a whole other story. For most golfers, hitting out of the sand trap is one of the most difficult shots they will ever learn. 3. IT S NOT EASY. Learning all the different strokes and how to grip each club is never easy. Even professionals sometimes have bad rounds and they ... Show more content on ... Buying a new set of golf clubs every year you grow out of them can also get quite expensive. Golfers often want special golf shoes to wear while they are playing, but those can frequently cost $100 or more. Golf clothes are also very expensive to buy. Sometimes a single golf polo can cost $60 if it is name brand. Even if you decide to buy off brand clothes, they can still cost you an arm and a leg. Professional golfers usually make a decent amount of money for winning tournaments, so when they buy equipment or clothing they don t think twice about the expensive
  • 8. 12 Angry Men Appeals 12 Angry Men is a captivating courtroom drama in which the life of an eighteen year old boy, on trial for murder, is put into the hands of 12 jurors, each with their own personal views. However, despite this difference in views, all of these men are persuaded by the use of appeals, such as logos and ethos showed through witnesses and evidence. However, the accuracy of these will soon be brought into question as well, in an attempt to sway the juror s votes. And, although both sides of the argument used these appeals, the manner in which there were used ultimately determined this case, in a variety of ways. Appeals play a large role in the persuasion of the men throughout this film, in a variety of ways, this is especially shown at the... Show more content on ... Here s another guess: maybe she honestly thought she saw the boy kill his father I say she only saw a blur! This is exceedingly crucial due to the fact that it combats the evidence that these men are basing their decision off of. He is showing these men that there is a possibility of the witness that testified being wrong for a very realistic reason. This allows the men to reevaluate their decision after the realization of this changing fact. This use of appeals is immensely important due to the fact that it is the sole reason that these men s minds are changed. Through the entirety of this film, it is extremely evident that appeals were the driving force in the persuasion of these men. Through witness testimonies and evidence at the beginning that showed an undoubtedly innocent boy, to the logic and reasoning that was later brought about that showed the possibility of this boy s innocence. Both sides of this argument used these appeals in making a decision, however, the manner in which there were used ultimately determined this
  • 9. Immortals-Personal Narrative Night is still in the breakfast nook, but she looks up from her paperback novel as I approach. Without taking her eyes off me, she places a bookmark in between the pages and sets the book on the table. Need something? she asks. Her voice is soft and pleasant. She doesn t sound at all disturbed by my interruption. I have a nagging feeling the argument she had with Ice earlier involved me, but it s still a relief. Something to eat, maybe, I say. She studies me for a moment before nodding. I follow her into the kitchen and stand around awkwardly nearby. She has never been anything other than kind to me since we were introduced properly and said herself that she thinks we ll get along, but I can t tell whether she actually likes me. It bothers ... Show more content on ... I m a psychic. I sometimes see things coming before they happen in reality. Usually in dreams, but I can have visions while I m awake too. That s so cool! I eat a bit more before continuing on. I already know that Ice can change clothes when he transforms, but does he have any other abilities? Her face falls slightly upon hearing my question. She glances out the window. I m not certain, she admits. I know he has something besides that little parlor trick, but he never told me what it is. But you re siblings? I ask. Ice has his secrets, she says coolly. Though, I am surprised he never told you that he s adopted. No. That s news to me! But it does explain a lot. Like how he looks nothing like the rest of his family, for one. I m sure it does, she says dryly. She collects my empty plate and loads it into the dishwasher. While I sit and watch, I wonder if the issue of the Secrecy Agreement is the reason why Ice never explained any of this stuff to me before. Immortals aren t close to just being shape shifters. They re magical, superhuman beings too, but he neglected to mention any of that
  • 10. How Does Kip s Job In The British Army Affect His Persona 1.Why do you think the nurse chose to stay with the English patient in the bombed out villa instead of leaving to safety with the others? We are aware that Hana had lost her father during the war while working as nurse in the hospital. Her father, who had been in an explosion, had burned to death at the scene. Hana may be so attached to the English patient as he reminds her of her deceased father. The English patient, who is also a burn victim lies lifeless in the villa and as Hana claims, was unable to be moved to safety, which might have not been entirely true. She may possibly blame herself for not being able to save her father and intends to make up for it by caring and focusing all of her attention upon the English patient. It is her way of making up for the guilt and grief she feels. 2. How has Kip s job in the British army affected his persona? We know Kip comes from India and becomes part of the British army. From the moment Kip was introduced it is an obvious possibility that Hana and him may develop feelings for each other. His job in the army however, is to defuse bombs. The mentality he learns... Show more content on ... He realizes the fragility of life and learns to appreciate everything after his near death incident with the Germans. When Hana tells him they will need a chicken for the extra person, Caravaggio cannot even bring himself to kill the chicken as he claims to have lost his nerves, or the courage to do so as it is reminiscent of his traumatic experience. It is clear Caravaggio is still affected and shocked, though he had physically healed from losing his thumbs. Additionally, the loss of his thumbs would serve as a reminder to him everyday that he continues to live, which can have a toll on him mental health in the long run. Also, as stealing was his life before war, it can also be seen as an identity loss for Caravaggio since he looses his
  • 11. The Director Of Calvary By John Michael Mcdonagh I. Introduction The director of Calvary, John Michael McDonagh describes the film as an exploration of human themes, such as despair and death, for which the contemporary Irish social context and the reality of the churches in Ireland provide its stage. As a black comedy, this film seems to caricature the context in an exaggerated manner, yet it certainly features a secularized town of Ireland. However, at the same time, the director says that he wanted to make a movie about a good priest. It seems to me that what Father James pleads with his colleague Father Leary tells the viewer what being a good priest means: integrity. In my configuration of the plot, over the two weeks of time, Father James learns to be a good priest, who can genuinely empathize with the life stories of his parishioners, and, in so doing, leads them to authentic forgiveness (or reconciliation with the self and others). The movie certainly features the themes of empathy, forgiveness, and reconciliation. According to a film critic Cara Buckley, Calvary is rived with dark humor, though its deeper themes of forgiveness and morality have prompted viewers to present Mr. McDonagh with philosophical struggles of their own. In the film, we see forgiveness in action as father and daughter are reconciled with each other and reaffirm their love. Father James interactions with Fitzgerald are not rough. Yet finally, Fitzgerald sincerely confesses his sense of emptiness, and Father
  • 12. Critical Discourse Analysis 2.1. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA): 2.1.1. What is CDA? Critical, discourse and analysis Before beginning to address what CDA is, it is important to be clear about what is meant by the concepts of critical, discourse, and analysis: The notion of critical is primarily associated with the critical theory of the Frankfurt School where social theory should be oriented towards critiquing and changing society. In CDA, the concept of critical is applied to the engagement with power relations. In this sense the role of CDA is to uncloak the hidden power relations, largely constructed through language, and to demonstrate and challenge social inequities reinforced and reproduced.... Show more content on ... 2.1.3. The functions and aims of CDA: Van Dijk (1993) argued that CDA deal primarily with the discourse dimensions of power abuse and the injustice and inequality that result from it . He (1993) added that CDA criticize the power elites that enact, sustain, legitimate, condone or ignore social inequality and injustice and that CDA focuses on real problems, that is the serious problems that
  • 13. Achieving Personal Goals If you think you can do a thing or think you can t do a thing, you re right . Henry Ford. There are three traits to have that in my opinion are the most important in achieving your own personal goals. The first is perseverance, if you persevere through the bad, good will come. The second is determination, if you are determined to do something, it will get done eventually, even if it takes longer than planned. The third is stubbornness, being stubborn will get you far in life if you re stubborn about the right things. Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and Babe Ruthall achieved their version of the American Dream by persevering through the bad things, staying determined on their own personal goals, and at times being stubborn about things... Show more content on ... Carnegie visited the Bessemer steel plants in England for the first time, introducing him to steel and how it was processed and made. In 1875, he opened his first steal plant, Edgar Thomson Works, in Braddock, PA. In 1883, he bought the Homestead Works steel mill to start his steel 1889; he published his first book called The Gospel of Wealth . In 1899, he formed Carnegie Steel from several smaller steel companies which would later form a steel empire and monopoly. In 1901, Carnegie sold his company to J.P. Morgan, becoming the richest man in the world ( Andrew ). He realized wooden bridges then used on railways would not do for the future. Iron bridges must soon replace them, so he organized a company in Pittsburgh to make them (Gillam 53).Andrew Carnegie gained a lot of success in his lifetime. He was successful because he was determined to make his company one of, if not the best steel companies in the world. Not only was he determined to make his business run, but he was also determined to make the world a better place by doing a lot of charity work. Even though determination is very important, stubbornness is also a great quality to have as well, even if not many people would agree. Babe Ruth showed much stubbornness in Achieving his American Dream by also persevering through the bad in his life, and staying determined throughout his journey. By most guesses, Ruth was the greatest baseball player in the history of the game, and easily the
  • 14. Argumentative Essay On Fine Antiques The Real Antiques or Fake When putting your fine antiques up for auction, you ve got to ask yourself if your fine antiques are real antiques or fake. If yes, then continue the auction process. If not, then you can find other alternatives for your fine antique sales. As a collector, any time you can sell your fine antique collection. The best place to sell your fine antique collection is to sell it through an auction house. In facts, there are many benefits for choosing to sell at Georgia auction house compared to selling it elsewhere. How to spot a real antique from a fake 7 simple reasons to sell at Georgia Fine Antiques: 1.Speed. There is no faster way to sell your fine antiques than you sell at the Georgia fine antiques. You can sell your... Show more content on ... Our market knowledge and scholarship can be invaluable to you. And we can give education and tips that will make you even more passionate about this world of art. Conclusion Sell at Georgia fine antiques can be a great alternative for you to sell your fine antiques. Benefits of Selling at Georgia Fine Antiques. You can learn from us about fine antiques before the auction day. You can get a professional appraisal from us. We can give education and tips that will make you even more passionate about this world of art. When you decide to sell antiques at Georgia fine antiques, you will need to research as much as possible. And you will need to choose an expert and reliable Auctioneer. The high and low price of your fine antiques is determined by his/her experience and ability. If you want to sell your fine antiques, then Lauren Gallery is a good fit for you. Lauren Gallery is not the first auction house in America. Lauren Gallery is also not the best auction house in America. But believe me! Lauren Gallery will give you the best that can be given, so you can sell your fine antiques with fun.
  • 15. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro Never Let Me Go is about a thirty one year old woman named Kathy H. Kathy is a carer for donors and she travels from care center to care center. She talks about her childhood at Hailsham and her childhood friends, mostly Ruth and Tommy, and the adventures she experienced. At the end of the book, we learn that Kathy lives in a world where her schoolmates and her are clones that are made for donating organs until they die or complete. They accept this fate without questioning it. Never Let Me Go takes place in England during the later 1990s. The clones spend the first 16 years of their life in Hailsham. They learn everything they need to know like English, science, music, history and math. However, they never mention Hailsham s address or what city the school is located in. The school is a hidden gem and Kathy says Driving around the country now, I still see things that will remind me of Hailsham. I might pass the corner of a misty field, or see part of a large house in the distance as I come down the side of a valley, even a particular arrangement of poplar trees up on a hillside. Then I see it s impossible and I go on driving, my thoughts drifting on elsewhere. Kathy could never find Hailsham. There were many majors events in Never Let Me Go. One major event in Never Let Me Go is when Madam came to visit Hailsham. The children would create something like a poem, story, or painting and Madame would collect the item and put into the gallery if it was good enough.
  • 16. The City Of Vancouver Is World Renowned For Being A Beautiful The City of Vancouver is world renowned for being a beautiful yet expensive city for people to work and live in. Despite ranking as the third least affordable housing market in the world, Vancouver is home to Canada s poorest neighbourhood, the Downtown Eastside (DTES). Due to the high costs of living, the city of Vancouverhas a large amount of povertyand homelessness. The DTES has high rates of drug use, poverty, crime, infectious disease, and mental illness (Linden, Mar, Werker, Jang, Krausz, 2013, p. 559). There is a large amount of socially neglected and undesirable people living in the marginalized area. The following paper explores and focuses on the social impacts (internal and external) of the inhabitants of the DTES within... Show more content on ... 560). Consequently, the renovations resulted in a loss of thousands of low income housing units, which amounted to the homelessness in the area. Among those who were displaced include elderly, impoverished tenants that were in frail health (Smith, 2003, p. 499). Additionally, the introduction of injectable cocaine into the neighbourhood created an increase in HIV rates. Undoubtedly, the DTES continues to host a growing amount of homeless people; according to the 2016 Homeless Count, there are thirty eight percent Aboriginals within the streets of Vancouver, thirteen percent of people who identify as LGBTQ2+, veterans make up eleven perfect and women who make up twenty three percent of the homeless population (Vancouver Metro, 2016). Moreover, one main aspect that is occurring in the DTES is the usage of drugs and the spread of HIV. Although there have been attempts to control and fix this issue, there is the challenge of reluctance amongst the drug users and the people with HIV. The older DTES groups have trouble accepting programs (aimed to help them) due to the fact that some are resistant to outsider interference (Roe, 2009). According to Roe, the drug users and sex workers within the area have the belief that if they accept services provided to help them, that would mean that they are accepting, thus legitimatizing the skid road stereotypes. This
  • 17. Story and Truth in Edwin Blashfield s The Evolution of... In 1894, construction neared completion on The Thomas Jefferson Building, the oldest of the three buildings which comprise the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.. With the exterior well in hand, the architects turned their attention to the interior, commissioning extensive murals by well known artists. The commissioners of these murals deliberately set out to personify the ideals of the [American] people through the medium of government sponsored art, and provide a relatively young nation with a story about themselves a visual literature which would connect them to the distant past.1 Among the most famous of these murals is Edwin Blashfield s The Evolution of Civilization which occupies the massive dome of the Main Reading Room;... Show more content on ... In spite of what painters, archeologists, or researchers of the nineteenth century believed about the ancient world, cuneiform has since proven its historical mettle. As displayed by Darius and his memorial at Bisitun, the early, crude cuneiform of 5000 B.C.E. adapted itself to culture after culture, and morphed into the dusty forerunner of our modern alphabet. The Phoenicians, the original ancient mariners, are responsible for transforming cuneiform into a more efficient writing system by paring down the somewhat ungainly number of 5,000 cuneiform characters into 29 characters. Adopted around 1000 B.C.E., the Phoenician alphabet was not a collection of pictographs like many early forms of writing, but instead a close relative of many modern writing systems.11 The sophisticated navy and extensive trade network of Phoenicia ensured that this new version of cuneiform would quickly spread to its ancient neighbors. Phoenicia s alphabet would soon be adopted by the Greeks, who also refined and perfected this writing system to meet their own needs; likewise the Romans, eager inheritors of all things Greek, adopted the alphabet for their own use. It could be said that the highly adaptive descendants of cuneiform formed the basis for the literature of the Classical world. The Phoenician cuneiform alphabet was also adopted by Jewish culture, providing a medium for Hebrew narrative and progressive sense of history, another innovation
  • 18. The Game of Football and Life in General My coaching philosophy will be pertaining to the game of football and life in general. I would be using a cooperative philosophy where I would ask for input from my coaching staff and players, to make sure certain decisions is in the best interest of the team, and how much it can help my team. My coaching style will be about making sure my players have fun playing the game they love, work hard to be the best, fight until the final whistle, and develop structure and discipline above all else. To make sure of this I will use my strengths to my advantage, by taking the time to reflect on what my strengths and weaknesses are and to also recognizing my morals, values and beliefs. Being able to adapt my style to my athletes will be challenging but with approach and system that have created the bond, trust and beliefs of my philosophy will have this melting pot of characteristic into well bonded family. In addition, as the coachI will answer the important questions on why am I the coach, how do I actually deliver as a coach and what objectives are we trying to accomplish. Academics are the most important and valued aspect of my athletes life. They may love the game of football. They may have dreams of playing professionally. But they must prepare themselves for life s hardships. Academic success will assist them by having them learn good study habits, prioritizing, problem solve and time manage skills. As their coaches, advisors, co parents, and friends my coaching staff and I
  • 19. Essay about Relational Dialectics Relational Dialectics Theory Danielle Parker Missouri State University Dr. Isabelle Baumann April 30th, 2012 Literature Review Imagine a world without communication. There would be a lack of spoken word, gestures; anything that the world uses to interconnect would be eliminated. All in all, our civilization as a whole would fall apart. Communication is one of the major roles in a functioning society. It can be broken up into several different subcategories, from verbal, non verbal or emotion driven. Communication sends signals to those around us and shows how language is such a prevalent part of one s society. One thing that all forms of communication have in common is that it strikes a response or reaction. Different ... Show more content on ... There is a major difference between being what one shares when being open with a friend and being open with a loved one. For every relational situation change, the contradictions that are focused on tend to change as well. Totality focuses in a different direction, although the definition is somewhat stated in the name. Totality is the sense of feeling total or fulfilled. In the relational dialectics theory this is very important because of the fact that in a relationship you want to be able to feel like you are whole and satisfied within the relationship. With process, the theory discusses the social aspect of dialectics. Movement and change are two prime examples of process, because it is the act of moving through different properties of a relationship (Sahlstein, 2009). Finally when discussing Praxis, it is understood that praxis is when a theory or a lesson is put into action. Baxter explains that these patterns of realization are most identifiable during pivotal moments within a relationship (Baxter, 2009). Although all four of these concepts are used within relational dialectics, contradictions tend to be the most important and often used within a relationship. A great example is the different contradictions that come into play is the relationship patterns within a military relationship. Sahlstein, the author of Contradictions and Praxis Contextualized by Wartime
  • 20. Decision Making Reflection Essay In this reflection journal, we were asked to take a decision making quiz on biases that we may have. I was surprised with a few that I possess. The rush to solve and the anchoring and adjustment heuristic are the two that I tested positive for on the quiz. While I read the reasoning for the decision making quiz, I recalled my logic and critical reasoning class that I had before that discussed bias in argument. However, it was surprising to see that I committed these biases on the quiz, even if I was extremely cautious in my positioning and reasoning based on what I learned from my logic class. Although it may seem that these biases are only caused by an erroneous mistake, a lot of people have the same bias. The percentiles for each bias... Show more content on ... An example would be when I was learning C++. When I had to debug my code, I chose to ignore lines that seemed correct because I had used similar functions in previous programs. It turns out that one of the lines that I was missing didn t include a semi colon so the program wasn t running. I was over confident in my answer based on previous success. One of most concerning biases in accounting would be from the availability bias, which is relying on information that is readily available instead of diving deeper into statistics and data. This seems like it would affect auditors that must make decisions with rushed deadlines. An example of this case is when Phar Mor, a grocery store, got caught overstating their inventory. When Phar Mor was overstating their inventory, it looked as if they were a strong competitor against Wal Mart; however, the overstated inventory was a sign of fraud and investors were losing from their investments because Phar Mor could not produce the money that was promised to produce, and they weren t able to meet the projected profits that their income statements were stating because they were fudging some of the numbers. Coopers Lybrand was accused of not looking close enough to uncover the millions of dollars in fraud from bogus inventory statements. If Coopers Lybrand questioned the fraud and didn t tell Phar Mor when the audit was going to happen, then they might have caught the fraudulent activity. Therefore, this is an example of
  • 21. Eisman Assisted Suicide Chapter Summary In the beginning of the book it begins with an introspective look at the analyst equity in Wall Street. Shortly after Eisman had working as a broker, a sublime mortgage crisis had happened with Aames Financial and it went public. The lenders of this company s purpose was to give home equity loans to customers with low credit. As Eisman soon discovered that these companies weren t even making any money, basically just shuffling around paper, so it appears as if they do. He hired a guy named Vincent Daniel and had him do some digging in the paper work. Six months later Daniel comes to a find that the Sublime loans are prepaying prematurely, Eisman took it public in 1997. Around 2004 Michael Burry a stock market investor was determined to sell... Show more content on ... He also had help from a colleague and on secondary source, a undergraduate students thesis paper. These sources supported the Lewis s thesis because they are factual. The whole book is evident on the sources he used. The sources are also evident on pages 312 325, in the acknowledgments. One these pages Lewis shows his gratification to their cooperation and shows evidence he used throughout his book. Lewis diving so deep into these men s lives and using his own exposure to write such a captivating book conveys an outstanding impression on how his thesis is successfully
  • 22. Character Analysis Of Bertha Mason In Jane Eyre Jane Erye Essay Brief Character in Novel Bertha Mason, although a minor character in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre , played a crucial role in the love story between Jane and Rochester and gives a deeper understanding of how mentally impaired people were treated at the time. She is necessary to Jane and Rochester s imminent marriage and her actions lead the two to reconcile. Her motives and the causes for behavior are unclear, besides her obvious jealousy towards Jane and betrayal she felt from Rochester. Not only that, but Bertha also symbolizes everything Jane is not, mirroring her in a way as a polar opposite. At the start of the novel the reader knows nothing about Bertha mason. She does not make an appearance till Jane becomes aware of a strong smell of burning coming from Rochester s room. Although she suspects Grace to have caused it, we find that Bertha set fire to his room. Rochester simply tries to hide her existence because he wants nobody to know of her, but cannot get rid of her. But that appears at this time it seems because Jane is troubled, a sort of doubling image. Bertha is constantly seen as an obstacle standing in Jane and Rochester s way of happiness and marriage. Her instability is illustrated in an extremely animalistic manner. Bertha threatens to drain [Mason s] heart , similar to an evil being or vampire (ch.20). Again, Bertha is described as the polar opposite of Jane, as someone who acts out against typical norms and does how she pleases. So
  • 23. Accounting Information System Essay Introduction The application of Accounting Information Systems has become widespread among enterprises in Australia due to improved affordability and efficiency resulting from their technical power. The vendors have moved from desktop systems to cloud accounting, and it has led to a challenge of selection and implementation to customers and users. This paper offers a synthesis of literature on AIS in Australia, its history, development, and adoption, analysis of the current market size and how the leaders in the market have managed to carve out their competitive advantage. There are also gaps in the sector, in particular for customers. Hence the paper also provides recommendations. History At the beginning of computerization, accounting software was automated and mainly included modules such as accounts receivable, payroll, accounts payable and the general ledger. McMickle (1989) provides that accountants were the only professionals who first used IT related systems. Late in the 1970s, increase technical accounting issues led to the use of technical assistants who developed and maintained AIS for organizations resulting in the emergence of the system information sector within accounting. In the 1990s, resources events agents (REA) were initiated and with database technology advancement, new accounting models emerged (Walker and Denna, 1997). AIS could capture data which sometimes was not financial related accounting hence REA led to applications for detailed business
  • 24. John Grogan s Marley And Me And My Life, Patience,... A person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours...he taught me about friendship and selflessness and, above all else, unwavering loyalty, says John Grogan, author of Marley Me. Although dogs are just animals, they can bring out the best characteristics in people. Recently, an exploration of one of the most well known pieces of canine non fiction and an exploration of my own life has taught me just how true this is. In John Grogans Marley Meand in my life, patience, flexibility, and loveare frequently illustrated. Facing challenges with patience is a trait that numerous caring people have, and the Grogans and my mother have this in common. Described by John as the the world s worst dog, Marley had caused... Show more content on ... Marley and I have people in our lives who are patient and care for us, which enabled both of us to be loved despite the frustrations we have caused. Throughout Marley Me, the Grogans are faced with a multitude of changes that expose their ability to be flexible, and, similarly, I have also experienced situations in my life that have done the same thing. Before her first child was born, Jenny found herself in a situation where she had to be flexible. John and Jenny booked an expensive birthing suite for Jenny weeks prior to having their son. On the day that she was due, all the suites were booked which left them with the rooms that the poor migrant workers chose. The luxury birthing suite was described as upper end hotel rooms, spacious, bright, and well appointed wood grained furniture, but she gave birth in a room where it sounded like a house of horrors and a woman s anguished screams would pierce the air (Gorgan 103, 105). To avoid complications, Jenny adapted to contrasting situations in short notice, and she gave birth to her son, Patrick Grogan. Jenny was flexible at the hospital, and, coincidentally, I was also flexible when facing an unfamiliar place. I had to move from India to the United States, and I had to leave all the things that were familiar to me behind. After three months of living in Seattle, Washington, we packed up and
  • 25. Comparing Greek Philosophies, Anaximander And Whales From the beginning of early civilizations, humans have been trying to discover many things. Discover which animals can be preyed upon, which plants can be eaten without deadly consequence. As time went on, these discoveries became a little more advanced. Humans would discover new ways to build architecture that was both aesthetically and structurally sound. They would discover new technologies that would allow communication across different continents. In this essay I will be comparing what two greek philosophers, Anaximander and Thales, believed the arkhe to be and who had the superior argument. In the late seventh century B.C., two philosophers, known as the Milesians which referred to three philosophers in the Greek town of Miletus, were trying to discover what the arkhe could be. The arkhe refers to a Greek word that can be translated into origin , first principle , and beginnings . To discover the arkhe would be to discover the beginning of everything. Despite their teach pupil relationship, with Thales being the teacher, Anaximander and Thales had vastly differing ideas of what the arkhe was.... Show more content on ... He believed this because water is everywhere. It is the center of life. Without water, life would not exist as we currently know it to be. It was believed during this time that the land rested upon a great body of water that filled the entire planet. Thales viewpoint makes sense when considering how important water is to life. At one point during his argument, Thales explains that the seeds of all things have a moist nature . I will explain this quote by quoting another well known philosopher, Jeremy Carey, reproduction is moist . Seeing that the existence of life could not exist without water,
  • 26. The Right Of Free Speech Throughout American history, the foundation on which American democratic principles are based, has been repeatedly tested. In the 1700s, the right of free speech was challenged when President John Adams proposed the Alien and Sedition Acts. Adams attempted to stop the Democratic Republicans such as Thomas Jefferson, from criticizing government decisions. Similarly, during the Civil War President Abraham Lincoln challenged freedom of the press when he took action to restrict the printing of military news. Lincoln ordered his generals in the field to control the press and crack down on speech critical of his administration to limit dissent against the war effort. However, one historical era stands out as a decidedly pivotal test of... Show more content on ... Twentieth century U.S. history saw two major episodes of repression and violence against communists and leftist radicals, that occurred approximately three decades apart. During the early part of the 1920s, America entered its first period of extreme anti communist sentiment, the First Red Scare. After the successful Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, American citizens began to fear the threat of communist influence at home. At the end of WWI, American workers unhappy with wages and spiralling inflation, launched widespread sometimes violent strikes with the support of growing labor unions. Some of these unions called for government takeover of private industries. For instance, railroad workers called for the national government to take permanent control of the railroad system. The growing waves strikes signalled a period of extreme civil unrest; American citizens became frightened that they would face a revolution similar to the one that had just taken place in Russia. In response, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, in an effort to gain the attention of American voters to support his presidential aspirations, launched a nationwide crusade against anyone he identified as having leftist views. Under Palmer s leadership, thousands of Americans were arrested for taking part in alleged subversion, and thousands of others were stripped of their civil liberties. In violation of
  • 27. Intel Centrino s Model Of Strategy For Growth INTEL CENTRINO IN 2007 A NEW PLATFORM STRATEGY FOR GROWTH Outline Introduction and what is Intel Porter s Model of Strategy Timeline of Intel Centrino mobile platform Some issues Centrino Conclusion My discussion Intel Corporation (Intel) is an American technology company which its headquarter is located in Santa Clara, California where is colloquially referred as Silicon Valley . Intel Corporation is found by Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce in 1968. Intel is the inventor of microprocessors for computer system manufactures. During the period before 2007, Intel faced lots of both external and internal problems such as a decision making to move on or to start a new action. Nowadays, Intel is one of the top company which ... Show more content on ... Moreover, Intel also designed other four businesses which used microprocessor such as servers, workstations, desktops, and mobile. However, these four businesses were not primary opportunity. Until the processor production reached the limitation of hardware as power hungry, increasing of competitors and shifting of consumers occurred. The barrier of entry is low. Advanced Micro Device (AMD) is the main competitor of Intel because this company created the first 1GHz processor called Athlon chip before Intel in 2000. Intel s next step was reducing a price which impacted on the profitability. Because of the decreasing of revenue in 2001, the CEO, Craig Barrett, conducted two ways which were looking for new ways and finding a reason with solutions of the problem. Both ways took long time to find the solutions. At this period of time, Intel faced inflection point. Apart from the headquarter in California, there was another small team in Israel Design Center (IDC) who worked on Chopaka and Timna, codenames, which brought the changing strategic direction of Intel as Centrino Mobile Technology. The objective of Timna is to reduce the production cost by reducing the size of a die and adding more components in a chip. This processor is cheap and consumes low power. Then, Banias came after Timna. It was the combination of four factors such as higher performance, saving more battery
  • 28. Logan Airport Research Paper Keyword: Ride to Logan Airport Company: Blue Nile Livery Searching for the finest ride to Logan airport? You re in the right place. We are providing the fast, safe and luxury ride to drop you at Logan airport on time. When you are about to attend a business meeting or friend s wedding or party to some other city and you want to travel to Boston Logan airport. Many options will be there in front of you. You can hire a cab or you can drive yourself to the airport, and you find what option is available for you. If you re not in the mood for driving yourself because you are going on a long flight and all you need is little bit rest. We are providing you the luxurious fast and safe journey to drop you at Logan Airport. Why Choose Us? We Manage... Show more content on ... Our vehicles have high protection structures like airbags, automatic brake gadget, protection belt, pedestrian detection, LDW are installed which guarantees you that you are safe from awful traveling factors. Each time ever subspecies activity occurs in your adventure these systems automatically activated while you are touring to home or from home to the airport. Riding to or from the airport would be secure while you pick Blue Neil Livery service in preference to taxi or cab. Our rides with the tilted windows guarantee you that you are journeying securely and not being stared or accompanied. There are continually high protection structures hooked up in our vehicles that can detect any suspicious activity happens during your
  • 29. What Is Strategy Sarah Carpentier 2016_PG41_07 Strategic Management 27 janvier 2016 Executive summary В« What is strategy ? В» Porter Operational effectiveness is not strategy First of all, we have to distinguish two concepts: operational effectiveness from strategy. Operational effectiveness is of course necessary for a company, but it is not sufficient: each company needs its own strategy. A strategy is a plan for the company, which has to establish a differencewith its competitors, and has to preserve it in order to create a greater value. Strategy positioning is choosing different ways to achieve similar activities from the competitors. Operational effectiveness means performing similar activities better than the competitors can do. We now have to ... Show more content on ... Choosing a strategy is choosing a different set of activities from its competitors, it is trying to be different from them. Strategic positions can be based on 3 sources : variety based positioning in which the company produce a subset of an industry s products or services needs based positioning in which the company satisfy all needs of a segment of customers access based positioning in which the company satisfy different segment of customers according to their customer geography or customer scale. Strategy positioning can be define as a difference on the supply side, that is to say a difference in activities. By choosing a strategy, the company chooses a unique and valuable position, with different activities from its competitors. A sustainable strategic position requires trade offs Nonetheless, defining a unique position can t be sufficient, because the competitors can copy this position (they can reposition themselves or they can straddle).
  • 30. Each company has to take into consideration an important point: the risk of trade off. They occur when a company tries to perform incompatible activities. Due to trade off, the companies have to make some
  • 31. Comparison Of St. Louis And Bangkok, Thailand St. Louis, Missouri and Bangkok, Thailand are both affected by latitude but in very differing ways from one another. St. Louis is farther away from the equator than Bangkok, meaning there is more distance between St. Louis and the sun s rays and less between Bangkok and the sun s rays. Conclusively, this means the climatein St. Louis is cooler and the warmer in Bangkok. Although both location degrees vary, they re still slight and higher latitude equals, cooler weather. Similarly, higher altitudes also result in cooler weather because altitude also affects temperature and climate changes but not for St. Louis and Bangkok. Since St. Louis and Bangkok aren t very high, altitude doesn t truly affect either area because when the sun s rays transform
  • 32. Death Of The Great Things She Has Done It has been only 4 months since Rose went into another dimension; it was also the last time The Doctor saw her. Doctor remembers the day quite clearly, he remembers her getting sucked into the portal, he remembers her screams for help; he remembered everything. He saw her for the last time in that other dimension of which she could not escape. He remembers the wind and the sand underneath his feet as he stood waiting for Rose and her family of the dimension to appear. He remembers her crying and he remembers the last hug. That hug was warm, almost like being engulfed in the sun, and it was comforting. As much as he didn t want to go without Rose his Rose, he knew he had to in order to keep the world safe. He will always remember her and... Show more content on ... The drawing showed him in his 9th regeneration; the form he was before this one. Looking at this drawing reminded him of when he regenerated into 10 and Rose helped him to heal. Rose was on his mind once again, and he started to feel sadder than before. He truly did miss her and there was no doubt that he didn t. Doctor just wanted to forget about this day and move on so, he tried to fall asleep. It was now 4 in the morning and the Tardis was silent. Doctor was still awake focusing on the ceiling; he was beginning to feel drowsy now. 5 AM read the alarm clock in bright red text, still, The Doctor is awake. It took him half an hour more to finally fall asleep. He started dreaming about the day that Rose was sucked into the portal and the last day he saw her. This dream was rather happy for him because he gets to see Rose as the way he remembers her. He dreamt of all the good times they had together. Even though he he can no longer visit Rose, Doctor feels like she s actually there with him in the dream. The strange part is, that Rose seems to be mentioning things that The Doctor does not even know about. Some of these messages are things only Mickey or Jack would know about. Even weirder, these messages seem to be of things that are presently happen in this dimension. Doctor was beginning to roll around in his bed so much that it woke Jack up. Jack came running into his room assuming that something must be attacking Doctor. When jack stopped and surveyed the room, he saw
  • 33. Difference Between Semiotic Analysis And Ethnography This literature review examines the dynamics of two qualitative methods of research: semiotic analysis and ethnography. The interdependence of these two methods, or as David Silverman (2011, p. 4) calls them models , of research will be further spoken about in this essay which shall also go in depth on how the two methods have an important role in shaping media and culture research and how they contribute to the existing cultural production. Qualitative researchis one of the kinds of research conducted to analyse content such as media texts and industries. The other is quantitative research, which is more concerned with statistical and numerical data. The former type of research mentioned above is the kind of research which provides the... Show more content on ... Semiotics, plays an important part even in the conduction of ethnographic methods. Its significance in the mainstream media is proof that even though the relationship between the signifier and signified is arbitrary, in the whole process of socialisation, the meaning of the text has ample weightage for it to be a whole subject to talk about as well as use the meaning to conduct other researchers (Branston and Stafford, 2010, p.
  • 34. Dallas Cowboys Research Paper So who will win the 2016 Super Bowl............hmmmmm and the answer is the Jacksonville Jaguars,...just f####ng with you The Dallas Cowboys will win the Super Bowl in 2016. This is coming from a New Englander who has always loathed America s team. From Roger Staubach to Tony Romo all the phoney bologna fans, (Mike Ware are you reading this, LOL) I used to sleep over this kids house growing up and he had the Cowboys, sheets, lamps etc. It was horrific. How can you you grow up in Patriots country and like the Cowboys! Not cool. BTW Mikey, hope you and the family are well! Who declared these guys were America s team, certainly not me. So growing up I wanted them to lose every game, and loved it when they did. I detest the Cowboys, Duke hoops, ND football, Montreal Canadiens, Los Angeles Lakers and the New York Yankees. At some point I will blog each one of them and rip them to shreds, but back to Dallas. Tony Romo is underrated, there I said it. If he plays in a good organization, (Jerry Jones is a clown), and he has good coaching (Wade Phillips, yikes, OK he had Parcells for a short time but not long enough) he has a ring or two. The boys were one play... Show more content on ... Being book smart and a Princeton grad is cool and all and his diploma looks good hanging on his office wall ,but it does not make you a good football coach. He is there achilles heel. To me he looks lost at times during the game. Maybe he is looking for jerry to come down and ask him what play to run. Dallas D will be improved with MLB Sean Lee coming back and they played better than we all thought last year. Their offensive line is dominant and can control games and keep the Dallas D off the field, again just ask Seattle. They will not miss DeMarco Murray and his fumbles, (still can not believe he was ranked as one of top ten players in NFL by NFL network),my daughter Meredith could get 1200 yards running behind that
  • 35. Essay on Memory Project Memory Project: Application to Learning Study Habits Memory is the capability to learn, retain, store and remember information from previous experiences. Memories are accumulated from prior experiences and recollected, which can influence change of behavior or thought. This ability can assist with learning and adapting to new experiences. Memoryis essential to our lives. Without a memory of the past we cannot operate in the present or think about the future. We would not be able to remember what we did yesterday, what we have done today or what we plan to do tomorrow. Without memory we could not learn anything. Short termmemory is information a person is thinking of at that specific time, it is also known as working memory... Show more content on ... Improving study habits may be accomplished by using both short and long term memory. In reference to (Morris Maisto, 2014), two types of short term memory skills that can be useful are rote rehearsal and chunking. These methods can help hold more information in the short term memory, until they can be relocated to the long term memory. Rote rehearsal is repetition of information, such as using flashcards and saying them aloud. Another skill called chunking is the process of breaking down a large piece of data into smaller chunks to make them easier to comprehend and remember Long term memory skills are also useful and include elaborative rehearsal, mnemonics and schema. Elaborative rehearsal is much like rote rehearsal except it is linking new information in short term memory to familiar material stored in long term memory (Craik Lockhart, 1972, p. 193). In simpler words this means trying to relate the given information to something you already know. For example, using the acronym PEMDAS which each of the letters stand for a step in mathematics that you are supposed to follow in order which are Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Adding, and Subtracting; Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. A Mnemonic is something which we can use to remember things much easier, according to (Morris Maisto, 2014, pg. 193). As is often the case, it could be a phrase, a short song, or
  • 36. Five Points Dbq During the mid 1800 s, the living and working conditions in New York City s Five Points slum left much to be desired. During this time period, Five Points was inhabited by the Lansdowne immigrants who had come from Irish poorhouses. They had arrived in New York suffering from starvation and lacked the skills to be successful in the workforce. The opportunity placed before them was small, most could not read and write, and very little was expected of them. These Lansdowne immigrants tended to marry young and have large families; they also congregated in the worst neighborhoods and chose to wear poor clothing. It sometimes seemed as if they made these choices to draw attention to themselves so that they could receive handouts. Also during... Show more content on ... The convention was organized by two women, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who were barred from a World Anti Slavery Convention in London because of their sex. This motivated them to establish a women s rights movement in the United States. At the Seneca Falls Convention, which was held in upstate New York, women were advocating for women s rights and raising awareness about women s suffrage for the very first time. Stanton drafted a document called The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments which was read at the convention and offered a greater understanding of the freedom and liberties they were fighting for. One of the most important things they were fighting for was a women s right to vote. The women at the Convention believed this could be the most impactful change made, stating that freedom and liberties were not possible without the opportunity to vote. However, this was not the only issue addressed at the convention. The Declaration on Sentiments criticized the entire system of inequality in the United States which denied women access to education and employment, gave husbands power over their wife s earnings and property and guardianship of their children after divorce, and robbed women of their legal status after marriage. The Seneca Falls Convention marked the beginning of a long fight for women s suffrage in America; it also promoted awareness for women s rights and
  • 37. The Sagrada Familia Is A Catholic Temple 1.Introduction The Sagrada Familia is a Catholic temple that expresses Christian faith through its structure and form. It is a building whose importance lies in its nature and divine revelation. It is built in the Glory of God and every aspect of it reflects the divine world. In a way, it can be considered a meeting point between heaven and earth. As Saint Maximus, the Confessor wrote, it is worthy of admiration that, being so small [the temple], it is similar to the grandness of the world... Symbols are present throughout the whole temple, whether it is in the form of the plan to the stories the facades narrate. 2.a.Nature as a model Albert Fargas expressed in his book Symbology of the Temple of the Sagrada Familia , that temples must imitate nature because according to tradition, they are cosmic . The Sagrada Familia is a temple created in the image by imitating the world, nature, and God s work. It is a sacred space built by humans in devotion to God. GaudГ used nature s constructive laws of nature to solve architectural problems. The reason for GaudГ using nature in this way and not creating a realistic image of the world, but instead a structural one is because he aimed to produce the intimate and mathematical structures, and to imitate its harmony. GaudГ represented the essence of nature by incorporating plant structures, animal movement and the geometry of mineral crystallization into his architecture. b.Symbolism of the Sagrada Familia Natures
  • 38. Symbolism In The Lottery Hidden Symbolism in The Lottery Shirley Jackson writes an intriguing tale titled The Lottery in which she conveys the meaning of a lottery through symbolism and emphasis of the physical elements of the black box, stones, and references to the Bible. Analysis of these symbols will reveal ideas of tradition, darkness, generational change, and illogical loyalty. First, the appearance of the black box symbolizes the occurring of the lottery precisely on July Twenty seventh in the village square. Not the day before, and not the day after. The remaining 364 days in the year the black box is stored away and not mentioned: the rest of the year, the box was put away, sometimes in one place. Sometimes another; it had spent one year in Mr. Graves s barn and another year underfoot in the post office. (138). When Mr. Summers arrives in the town square carrying the black box the other villagers know that the ritual of the lottery has begun. The black box is to the lottery as a Christmas tree is to Christmas. Every year we know that Christmastime has arrived when we first see the traditional Christmas tree. Similarly, the black box represents the lottery s tradition which is carried out within the society. Second, when the black box appears in the village square, the villagers receive a symbolical image that death is on the horizon. The emphasis put on the black coloring of the box symbolizes the negative connotation of the event. The event of the lottery is a joyful or enlightening occurrence, rather symbolism portrays the ritual as being serious, uncertain, and dark. Jackson describes that a murmur of conversation arose among the villagers at the sight of the black wooden box. (138). The black box was placed on a stool in the center of town where villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool. (138). Third, Jackson s descriptions of the conditions of the wooden black box symbolize the changes and forgetfulness of the ritual. The black box has become shabbier each year, losing its color and splintering. (138). Like the box, that faded and warped over time, the society s tradition gradually lost its meaning. It became an annual event they
  • 39. Merchant Of Venice Character Analysis Portia in The Merchant Of Venice, has been considered as one of the most perfectly developed female protagonist. The heiress of Belmont represents the nexus of the play, as the quest for her hand creates a motive for Bassanio to borrow money which initiated the bond plot and the ring plot. Furthermore she manipulates the trial and resolves the bond episode and the ring episode. Portiais introduced in the play as being a wealthy heiress whom many suitors try to court. Her significance and characteristic in the play can be seen in her genuine love, her graciousness and her witty yet playful traits. She further represents the comparison between Belmont and Venice, herself and shylockand most importantly, love and self interest, one of the key themes in the play. Critics liked to compare Portia with Shylock and the comparison brings out the salient traits of her character. One of them stated that while Portia stand for everything bright, generous, and noble while Shylock represents wickedness and evil . The language used in the play suggests that money is a source of power and desire. The penniless Bassanio feels inferior to Portia who is intelligent, noble and refined. Portia s speech, unlike a woman in the Elizabethan era, seems to be heavily loaded with financial expressions. Her language reveals how comfortable she is in the masculine, world and her unwillingness to leave it. Her speech also demonstrates her intelligence and eloquence and seems to mock the existing social norms. Indeed Portia has shown to be far from obedient to patriarchy. Portia s father had left a clause in his will that the suitor will pick the correct casket to in order to marry her. Although she couldn t break the clause, her intelligence serves her well in her pursuits of Bassanio as she manipulates the test for her own purpose. It reveals the casket choosing event itself was a gimmick and rather Portia was controlling the entire situation according to her will and treating her suitors as mere puppets. On the other hand, while men around the world are vying for her attention, she is apparently considers herself as superior and better position to judge men s masculinity. However her intolerance and hypocrisy is suggestive
  • 40. Lake Tahoe History The athlete locks in his bindings on his Burton snowboard, adjusts his goggles, and peers down the mountain. He stares at the snow covered trees, powdered slopes, and sapphire blue alpine lake in the distance. The young man remembers his skiing adventures through the trees as a small boy, rises to his feet, takes a deep breath and smiles. The crisp mountain air and the smell of pine trees fill his lungs as he glides down the blanket of snowon the groomed slopes of the mountain resort. The enjoyment of the sport of skiing and snowboarding, and the many other wonders of the Tahoe basin have been passed on to him from his family, and is like no other feeling in the world. Lake Tahoe is such a culturally and historically significant part of North... Show more content on ... The Lake Tahoe basin is divided by the scenic and beautiful border of California and Nevada. The gorgeous lake is, ...admired for its great depth and clarity and beautiful alpine surroundings ( The mountain ranges around the perimeter of the basin were formed 24 million years ago by the rise and fall of the earth s crust due to the movement of faults. The Carson Range to the east was created by tilt block faulting and resulted in a very steep mountain range ( Another fault created the Sierra Nevada range to the west, but is more of a gentle change in elevation. As the fault blocks were thrown up, the high peaks of the mountain ranges were created and as other fault blocks were thrown down, a valley was created. Some of the peaks of the ranges can reach over 10,000 feet above sea level, making an exaggerated difference between the lake and the ranges. Movement of other faults in the area caused the valley to sink thousands of feet below the mountains on the east and west. Volcanic activity from Mt. Pluto on the north shore resulted in lava flowing and blocking the outlet of the newly developing valley. About 3 million years ago the ice age created glaciers in the Sierra Nevada. As they moved and scoured the land, lakes were created behind them as piles of granite rock were left to block the outflow of water from melted snow and rainfall. Lake Tahoe, Fallen Leaf Lake, Cascade Lakes, and Donner Lake were formed by this process. Lake Tahoe as we know it today is the third deepest lake in North America and tenth deepest lake in the world, with the deepest part measuring 1645 feet. Not only are Tahoe s geologic origins intriguing, but so is the history of the people inhabiting the
  • 41. Similarities Between Equality And Inequality The social issue of equality and inequality, has dated back to the beginning of time. Although there is no way to find out, would one really think that cavemen would not fight about who got the most food? Even children would argue if someone else has more crayons, or more toys. Everyone has demanded equalityat least once in their lifetime. Unfortunately inequalityoccurs more often than equality, and this will never change. Race, sex, and religion are the three main points that occur most often in today s society. If someone were to turn on the news, they would more than likely see global issues on race, sex, religion, and their fight for equality. I will be discussing the similarities and differences of equality and inequality through race, sex, and religion. When someone thinks about the similarities of equality and inequality in a social setting, they might think that there are none. In fact, there are many similarities, and the main one is humans. Humans either have equality, or they do not have it, and want it. Usually people have more courage in a group, rather than alone. This is also a similarity with equality and inequality. It is often groups that rightfully raise the issue of an inequality between themselves and the rest of society (Gosepath). The rest of society that Gosepath is referring to, is people who have equality, which connects equality and inequality. The first similarity of equality and inequality is race. Both sides deal with all kinds of people
  • 42. The Dominance of Gothic Architecture in The High Middle Ages When one sees the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral in person or in pictures they are likely to be awestruck. The twin towers of the western faГ§ade rise high into the sky, seemingly in an attempt to scrape heaven. Spiky arches seem to grow out of the sides and claw at the ground. Inside it is cavernous with colored light filtering in through the large, intricate stained glass windows. All of these physical qualities make Notre Dame a prime example of Gothic architecture. It does not stand alone in that distinction. One is also likely to see several hundred examples of this style on varying scales throughout Europe. Because, despite its humble origins, Gothic architecture became the standard for religious buildings in the early 11th... Show more content on ... As town lords and bishops (the same man often held both positions) stamped out the lawlessness that marked Europe in earlier centuries, members of the upper class felt safe enough to embark on pilgrimages (59). Suger, with his unknown architect, had a daring plan to build upward and outward and incorporate existing architectural principles with new building theories. It is the combination of all these qualities that is important in the stylistic evaluation of the interior of Saint Denis as the first work of the Early Gothic style (Frankl 67). Suger s most pressing need was space. To create that space his goal was to eliminate walls in his monastery where possible. Starting in 1140, Suger opened up a vast amount of room by using pointed arches and ribbed vaults. These techniques in themselves were not new or unique. St. Denis didn t mark the debut of either feature; the ribbed vault shows up in a few earlier European churches, and the pointed arch is widespread in Islamic architecture (Columbia 1). However, Suger was the first to combine all of those qualities with a new and daring element: light. This was a direct result of his implementation of the ribbed vaults and pointed arches which eliminated walls and opened up wide sweeps of interior space and allowed for thinner walls that could frame massive stained glass windows (Gilgoff 59). Suger often spoke reverently of the
  • 43. Political Regulatory Environment And Related Government... Introduction The article describes the background that the Tasmania whisky production constantly increases and demand of the barrels increases sharply as well. Chet, the CEO of New Heaven Import Export Co., plans to form a joint venture, New Heaven Liquor Co., with Hong Kong liquor distributor. The new firm will locate in Hong Kong and employ local people. This report addressed opportunities and threats of the joint ventures through analysing the political regulatory, social cultural and technological environment, and provide recommendations to help Chet make decision on whether the venture should be undertaken. 1. Political regulatory environment Hong Kong became the special administration region of China since 1997. The principle of ... Show more content on ... Secondly, Hong Kong offered an open and friendly investment policy. It played a role of market regulator with less government intervention rather than market participant with more intervention. For example, Hong Kong did not impose regulation on working hours and terms of contracts, and it only regulated the statutory minimum wages per hours for labours (Hong Kong business forecast report 2015).Thus, the labour costs in Hong Kong are flexible and company has more rights on contract when hire employees. Moreover, government allowed foreign investors to legally acquire the ownership of property in most industrial sectors except for broadcasting industry (Country profile 2015) and to freely select investment area without restriction. Furthermore, government optimized the procedures of business registration, and it helped investors save time from application process. Besides, there is no different treatment between local investors and foreign investors. Government set the same business regulation to the same industry. Thus, foreign investors have equal chance to compete with local investors. In addition, Hong Kong had simple and low tax regime . Company only need to pay the tax amount based on their revenue earned in Hong Kong, and they did not need to pay sales tax, capital gain tax and withholding tax on dividends (InvestHK 2016). These tax exemptions would obviously reduce tax expense of the company. Meanwhile,
  • 44. Antonio Tarver Research Paper Antonio Tarver vs Johnathon Banks in the RGV South Texas welcomes Monday night boxing with an epic heavyweight showdown between two veterans at the State Farm Arena on Monday, September 29th, 2014. Former Light Heavyweight World Champion Antonio Magic Man Tarver is going up against top contender Johnathon Banks. Presented by Golden Boy Promotions and Leija*Battah Promotions, Tarver vs. Banks is featuring a 10 round heavyweight fight. FOX Sports 1 and FOX Deportes are scheduled to broadcast the showdown live at 10:00 PM ET /9:00 PM CT/7:00 PM PT. This is a great matchup between two veteran heavyweights who can show a lot of the younger kids how it s done, said Oscar De La Hoya, president and founder of Golden Boy Promotions. I m really looking forward to this one and as far as picking a winner, it s a toss up. ... Show more content on ... A new heavyweight contender, Tarver hopes to move closer to a world title shot in his next match. As one of the premier light heavyweights of his time, he has outmatched Roy Jones, Jr., Glen Johnson, Montell Griffin and Eric Harding, all on his way to a world title and a spot on the pound for pound list. Originally from Tampa, Florida, Tarver remained unbeaten in his last four fights, the last of which he won in just four rounds against Mike Sheppard. I m happy to be back in the ring and fighting in Texas for the first time, Tarver said. A win over Johnathon Banks is just what I need to get my shot at the heavyweight title. To come back to boxing on the same day that my son, Antonio Jr., makes his pro debut, that s even more