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i | j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C r i m e C l a n
© January, 2020: J Jericho & The Free School Price: USD 0
Copyright is waived if the author is acknowledged.
Author Jay
Holds a Doctor of Social Sciences from the University of Sydney
This educational book is not for sale. It aims to support scholars who conduct research into inbred
royal crime clans and the Deep State cartel that controls parliaments behind-the-curtain. You
may download a free copy of this book at
This introductory exposure draft aims to receive feedback as a basis to publish a revised first
edition. You may e-mail the author at
Royalty free use of images are claimed under fair use in education provisions.
Cover page image ‘Regina & Boy Child’ © Unknown (c/- Bing Images)
CGI Computer Generated Imagery
HAARP High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program
ICLCJ International Common Law Court of Justice
IELTS International English Language Testing System Human Trafficking Racket
Annex 1 Committee 300 at September 30, 2016 (Unconfirmed) pp. 88-95
Annex 2 Letters authored by POTUSA Candidate R. Barr, 2012 pp. 96-101
Vignette Commontheft nations p. 102
Index p. 103
ii | j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C r i m e C l a n
Westfälischer Friede p. 3 CØmmönwealth p. 5
Novus Ordo Seclorum p. 7 E Pluribus Unum p. 10
Kings, Kingdoms & Klans p. 11 King Charles p. 19
Warlords p. 24 Cold blooded p. 28
England & Wales p. 32 Olympics p. 34
Scotland p. 35 Braveheart p. 36
The Republic p. 37 Ulster p. 38
Pedophilia p. 39 Residential Schools p. 43
Harry p. 44 Gnostics p. 51
America et al. p. 52 Christopher p. 53
London City p. 54 Layoffs p. 55
IELTS p. 56 Australiar p. 57
Abdication p. 59 Nuremberg II p. 60
Versöhnung p. 61
Crimes against Humanity p. 62 Kleptocracy p. 64
Committee 300 p. 67 Kremlin p. 69
Count Dracula p. 70 Kindergarten p. 71
Now p. 73 NESARA p. 77
iii | j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C r i m e C l a n
Pedophilia Palace Psychological Operations
(Psy-Ops) Playbook 101
Drug trafficking – Opium wars in Afghanistan and Opium trade to China in the 19th Century.
Eugenics – Genocide; Fake: science, vaccines, human made earthquakes, food poisons, war etc.
Curricula – Schools may not explain that a German crime family occupies Buckingham Palace.
Oil Wars – The Coburg crime family own British Petroleum; enough said.
Money – King Charles is the arch patron of the corrupt Bank of England.
Military – Every Coburg bloodline inherits Executive military rank regardless of competence.
Unions – 53 slave Commonwealth nations states also known as ‘Crown Land’.
News – Censorship, fake news and lawsuits prevent the publication of truths about the Coburgs.
Information – Propaganda such as commemorative souvenirs deify the Coburg crime clan.
Sycophants – Commoners who serve this crime family are Knighted for their loyalty. Yes, sir.
The Executive – Buckingham Palace Sovereign may dismiss the UK Government at any time.
Nepotism – All Coburgs inherit numerous meaningless titles as they age, until age circa 40.
America – The Coburgs ran and raped America via the CIA prior to the Trump Rebellion in 2017.
Zionists – Satanic Zionism is their religion – Nuclear Holocaust of Judeo-Christians is their goal.
Invincible – No constitutional mechanism allows the abolition of Britain’s Germanic monarchy.
Slavery – Cambridge University’s IELTS scam exam as a classic example of Asian slave trading.
Germanic Mafia Maltese Cross Clan
1 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
One Arch Drome
This book is about the public demise of the Saxe-Coburg &
Gotha mafia crime clan. It contains four main sections. The
opening parts overviews the Westphalian Treaties of the
17th Century. It establishes the role and place of the Coburg
Clan’s brutal Commonwealth slave empire in this context.
The next section explores key aspects of the British Isles. It
examines six dominant forces that drive the humiliating
public decline of this incestuous, bloodthirsty bloodline.
The fourth segment briefly explores three main aspects of
Buckingham Palace’s alleged noxious nuisances. These are
domestic major felonies and Crimes against Humanity.
Concluding discussions look at contemporary issues that
guide so-called world leaders who are acting to remove the
genocidal, toxic global influences on inbred, sadistic
trillionaire European crime clans. The so-called ‘NESARA’
Global Financial Reset folklore features in this chapter.
In 2020, our
world is
witnessing the
demise of the
inbred Anglo-
Chrome Crime
Clan that
freeloads in
2 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
These shocking images show that the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha child sex trafficking, warmongering,
genocidal trillionaire mafia crime boss has been symbolically dethroned since after President
Donald Trump assumed office on January 20, 2017. As a part of the covert, gradual devolution of
the Coburg Crime Clan, the Elizabeth II (deceased) body double is not permitted by Britain’s
military to wear the nation’s full crown on its throne. She remains under supervised house arrest.
The Mirror (2017)
This image below shows how Donald Trump purposefully cuts of the Elizabeth II (deceased)
This audacious act
has never been
done by any Head
of State since the
late Elizabeth II
was coronated in
1953. This symbolic act shows that the Trump-Dunford Administration declared independence.
The cowardly Anglo-Germanic Coburg crime clan monarchy surrendered without firing a bullet.
3 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Westfälischer Friede
Because this dethroned mafia matriarch remains under covert house arrest.
To defrock this Nazi crime boss in full public view would shock and destabilize Britain.
Monarchy is always about symbolism and saving face from disgrace.
4 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Westphalia Treaties
The Peace of Westphalia collection are supposedly a set of peace treaties that were signed
between 109 parties in 1648. I say ‘supposedly’ as I take nothing for granted, especially historical
narratives that are from earlier centuries and millennia. The claim that history is written by the
winners is fact not fiction. Most so-called historical facts are grossly distorted or invented.
This author has visited the immaculate New York Metro museum mammoth at Central Park four
times, years apart. He estimates that about 90% of this collection showcases the lives and relics
of royals, aristocrats and junior nobility. This champion collection does not capture the ways that
the masses lived in prior centuries and millennia. It doesn’t even come close to doing so.
Westphalia is a vast region of modern-day Northwest Germany. The Treaties of Westphalia aimed
to bring cooperative peace among warring European Empires who had engaged in incessant
bloody wars in the decades prior to 1648. War continued between France and Spain until the
Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659.
The Treaty of Westphalia comprises three separate treaties. The Peace of Münster was signed by
the Dutch Republic and the Kingdom of Spain on 30 January 1648. The Treaty of Münster was an
agreement between Rome’s Emperor and France and each sides’ allies. The Treaty of Osnabrück
was an agreement between Rome’s Emperor and Sweden and each sides’ allies. These treaties
are the foundation of International Diplomacy. They recognize the notion of sovereign nation-
state boundaries and the rights of individuals to peacefully practice their own religion.
5 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary political association of 53 sovereign states. This is
the official narrative. At different times in history, all member nations have been subject to overt
or covert supranational rule by the Royal British Empire. India is the most populous nation in this
club. Australia is the wealthiest per capita; USD57,374 (World Bank, 2020). This image
summarizes the geolocations of these 53 Commonwealth states (Commonwealth, 2020).
India was occupied by British Royal Military Forces from 1858 to 1947. Its economy was looted
by the British Royal Family’s brutal East India Dynasty trillionaire company. Millions of unarmed
Indians were viciously murdered by British Forces during this period. A school of thought surmises
that Britain never relinquished sovereignty to India. India’s notoriously corrupt politicians are
treasonous servants of the British Crown who purchase their services behind-the-curtain.
6 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Europe’s inbred royal crime families care not for national borders, nation-state sovereignty or
the dignity of peoples. In recent centuries, these mass murdering arch thieves have mastered the
dark art of their fake demise. Germany has a royal family. The royal cousin families of tax havens
Luxembourg and Liechtenstein are about as German as savory sauerkraut and mettwurst.
Monaco’s Royal Family is France’s de facto Royal Family. The French Royal family faked its exile
from France. Virtually all textbooks managed by state funded school curricula are fraudulent psy-
ops. The House of Grimaldi is a major powerbroker that part controls the global financial system.
A visit by Chinese Premier Xi Jiping and his apex-level delegation to Monaco during March 2019
was barely covered by the mainstream fake news media such as CNN. The head of the world’s
second largest economy and the world’s most populous nation found time to conduct serious
business negotiation meetings with a square-mile micro nation that has around 30,000 citizens.
The Albert Dynasty is obviously France’s deceitful royal clan. This hides in plain sight in this image.
7 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Novus Ordo Seclorum
This Latin phrase, above, did not randomly end up featuring prominently on the backside of the
Dollar note of the most famous and powerful currency in world history. A modern-day translation
of this idiom into English reads as ‘New World Order’. Prior to the installation of America-first
patriotic President Donald Trump, this New World Order was almost in place. The diagram
overleaf summarizes this order. In its most simple terms, the Western pole of this order was
headed by the Venetian Black Sun Dark Nobility and its Black Pope CEO. Thespian Pope Francis is
acting puppet Emperor of Catholic nations. The King Charles Crime Clan deputizes over 53
Commonwealth slave states. Führer Merkel (nee Hitler) aims to head the Nazi EU from Berlin.
The House of Rothschild banking crime dynasty controls the Bank for International Settlements.
The Republic of America is the Grand Prix. It has mass natural resources and elite infrastructure.
8 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The Western global order of power is in flux. The Military Industrial Complex backed, Martial Law
President Donald Trump is draining America’s swamp of domestic and foreign enemies of
America’s Constitution. The diagram below summarizes the complexity of this audacious mission.
The exposure of untouchable child trafficking crime bosses is an example of hundreds of shocking
events which have been witnessed in mainstream media since Donald Trump assumed office on
January 20, 2017. These include apex Mossad blackmail-extortionist Jeffrey Epstein and mafia
mobster Prince Andrew Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. The recent assassination of Iranian de facto
Defense Secretary Qasem Soleimani shows that Donald Trump is serious about his war on terror.
9 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
So-called Climate Change and Global Warming theories are most likely scams, whose origins and
incessant promotions are traceable to the Anglo-Germanic Buckingham Palace crime clan. This
hoax pursues three major functions. It keeps the masses in a perpetual state of doom-and-gloom
fear. This lowers human morale and suppresses us to the establishment. Second, it promotes
policies that stunt economic development and the proliferation of free access to abundant
energy sources. Economic development and the empowerment of the masses threatens the
survival of feudal overlords who prefer to rule over serfs who live in darkness – literally. Finally,
this fabrication enables gluttonous trillionaire royal crime families to collect more trillions of
bucks in carbon taxes. It makes sense for scammers to set a price on a commodity that it freely
available, without any limit in quantity, to every person that lives on our planet.
Celebrity climate change phony front men like Bono trot the globe in private jets that emit about
30 times more carbon per passenger than a commercial airliner. The Global Warming fiasco
epitomizes the attitude of royal birthright privilege. They believe it is their divine right to live
trillionaire lifestyles while the living standards of the masses who graze on their land plunges.
10 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
E Pluribus Unum
The Latin phrase at the top of this page likewise did not end up on the US Dollar Bill by random
chance. It was first imprinted on the 1935 version of this Treasury Note after America was
bankrupted by The Federal Reserve and its European owners during the no so Great Depression.
Socially engineered wars and man-made disasters earn the Black Sun cartel trillions of dollars in
cold hard cash every decade. High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
manufactured hurricanes such as Katrina and those seen in Haiti serve multiple purposes. Fake
charities (‘Foundations’) collect billions of dollars in donations that never reach a crisis victim.
Corrupt governments, such as some seen in DC pre 2017, hand out massively inflated
reconstruction projects to shell front companies. The arch controllers of these companies return
some of this money as election donations. Thirty three, did you say? Loud and clear, Daily Mail.
Certain fake charity workers visit war torn impoverished nations and collect hundreds of kids for
billionaire pedovores, pedophiles and adrenochrome addicts such as some big-ticket movie stars.
11 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Kings, Kingdoms & Klansmen
European sovereigns rarely abdicate. They rule until death. So why did Dutch Queen Beatrix
abdicate in 2013? She was removed by the infamous Council of 13 Black Sun Dark Nobility who
fancy themselves as depopulation custodians of this planet. Beatrix masterminded the hijacked
Malaysia Flight MH370. This aircraft was later used to orchestrate a shootdown of a fake Flight
MH17 that was loaded with corpses. Her goal was to use this as a pretext to start war with Russia.
Number 17 in fake news is code for a ‘deep state’ operation. If you search the string ‘Hurricane
Katrina’ and ‘17000’ you may be overwhelmed by the number of fake news responses.
MH17 Departure: Amsterdam Years in service: 17 Maiden flight on 17 July 1997
An incident occurred at 17,000 feet on 17 July 2014
Location: Ukrainian airspace 48°8′17″N 38°38′20″E
What is the main point of this page? Royal crimes bosses who control this planet are above all
legal systems. It is no coincidence that the International Criminal Court at the Hague in the
Netherlands is based in this country. The horror House of Orange Amsberg Royal Palace oversees
the global criminal injustice system that prosecutes innocent Heads of State of impoverished
Latin and African nations who defy the Council of 13. Beatrix was extracted from her throne as
she acted without the consent of the Council of 13. Not because of her atrocities per se. This clog
clan charmer is the inbred cousin of Elizabeth II (deceased) and Buckingham Palace. Nice family.
12 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The following seven pages offer a few symbolic images that are supported with a recognizable
reference and brief speculative analysis. These inclusions may offer an avenue of inquiry for those
who have the will to conduct research into the ways that an Anglo-Germanic Nazi crime clan has
covertly ruled over the English people via MK Ultra mind-control deception.
Queen Elizabeth II (deceased circa 2012) Saxe-Coburg & Gotha
was a German bloodline Nazi fake ‘English’ Queen
The House of Windsor, Windsor surname is phony baloney. It was adopted last century to divert
attention away from the fact that Buckingham Palace is under foreign Nazi bloodline rule.
Is this phony Queen a Rockefeller plant? Were history books burned and fake ones rewritten?
13 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The Coburg crime clan claim to be Anglicans in their unique, convenient way. They publicly attend
Church as cynical public relations brownie points exercises. It is an arch sin of the most heinous
kind to hoard trillions of dollars in wealth within one clan when more than half of the planet lives
on less than USD$5 a day without access to healthcare. This is far below the poverty line.
The Coburgs are Masters of the Black order of Cyclops in the dark art of propaganda. No public
picture poses that are disseminated by this clan are random or casual. On the balance of
probabilities, younger William was set up by his handlers, such as Elizabeth II, when she was alive,
to display blatantly anti-Christian symbols such as Nazi insignia and horned Baphomet worship.
William Saxe-Coburg & Gotha
proudly flaunts Nazi military
paraphernalia in plain sight.
Coburg photo (above) source: The Express (UK)(2019)
14 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Most people probably accept that these globally famous proper nouns are pure Germanic:
Hamburg, Heidelberg, Nuremberg – Famous major cities in Germany.
Liechtenstein – a Germanic sovereign principality. Its official language is German.
Luxembourg – A regal tax haven nation-state. German is an official language.
Why do many associate classic Germanic proper suffixes such as Stein and Berg with Judaica?
This simplified pedigree overleaf shows the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha Germanic Buckingham Palace
bloodline. This clan have inbred with their royal bloodline cousins dozens of times. It is therefore
impossible to show a clear diagram on one page that summarizes this supra-European incestuous
clan. A theory among free-willed independent researchers is that wannabe (yes, it is a real word)
super-celebrities and aspiring super-CEOs absolutely must convert to the Berg or Stein club prior
to admission. This author theorizes that this scheme scapegoats these people as bloodline
members of a Judaic clan. Their fake new names advertise that their handlers are Germanic
bloodlines. Don’t expect to find truthful narratives on fake trash sites like Deep State Wikipedia
that invents the historical roots and youthful achievements of manufactured celebrities.
The fake ‘Whoopi Goldberg’ stage name is a classic. Mark Zuckerberg
shares the same surname prefix with TV personality Arianne Zucker. No
doubt thespian Mark Zucker is paid handsomely to act as CEO. The
Coburgs own our Facebook data. They masterminded the Facebook-
Cambridge Analytica anti Donald Trump coup d'etat in 2016. The Coburgs
believe they own America’s 50 states. The Coburgs also masterminded
the failed Christopher Steele dossier coup d'etat in 2016/17.
15 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
This pedigree (Hoffman, 2020) is an extract of the supra-European royal inbreeds. It does not
show the inbred House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg that flesh farmed Philip.
Queen Elizabeth II (deceased) married and bred with her second cousin. Like these royals do.
16 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Heavy, perpetual inbreeding between European Royal crime clans allows these aristocratic
families to consolidate wealth and power so that they can enslave billions. ‘Habsburg Jaw’ is a
facial deformity that was common among European Royals and aristocrats during prior centuries.
Source: 4Chan (2019)
‘Habsburg’ highlights the Austro-Hungarian Germanic origins of Berg and Burg ending surnames.
17 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Anti Judeo-Christian royal demonic cults are notoriously misogynistic. Their roots run deep. Was
Victoria’s Secret the same as Megs? These occultists don’t like natural born women with power
or fame. It is well documented that female roles were played by young boys in Shakespearean
theatres during Shakespearean times. This may explain endemic
royal pedophilia. Female hating occult worship thrives in modern
day Hollywood. Perhaps as many as one third of all female
Hollywood superstars have XY chromosomes. There is no need to
blow any person’s cover. There is far too much transphobia hatred
in this world. To this author, the mass orchestrated deception of
female transgenderism by Black Sun occultist elites such as the Coburg crime clan is an entirely
different issue to a free-willed individual privately changing their body. It is their body after all.
Numerous famous actresses, socialites, primetime news readers and
top tennis players (the world’s richest sport, by far) were obviously
born male. Readers may see the world in a different light if/when their
eyes open to this cult. Some members flaunt this secret in plain sight
by retaining their original boyish name. Robin is an example of a
gender-neutral name. Glen is a name that does not come close to sounding gender-neutral.
Surrogate mothers carry many XY super-celebrities’ babies. Photoshop baby-bumps perpetuate
royal lies. Hello! The male skull expands in old age – especially the jaw-chin area. Muscled manly
necks, husky voices and receding hairlines may turner faded stars back to their birthright gender.
18 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
This author almost never talks about race. There is one race – humans. A and Z are of the same
race if they can produce a baby. Period. Those who play the race card stink. And they are boring.
On the other side of the coin, some people and elite clans are so racially puritan that their
inhumane toxicity deserves public airing. Most members of the Commonwealth are not white
majority states. The Queen’s Guards does not come close to representing the magnificently
diverse demographics of England, Britain or the inbred Coburg’s 53 Commentheft slave states.
This Google Images search is interesting. Please check it yourself. Background 4% tokenism?
Only white people can inherit Britain’s Monarchy. The Coburgs only inbreed with white cousins.
19 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
King Charles
Elizabeth II Saxe-Coburg & Gotha, who is now 93 years old, died some time before 2016. When
she died, her 60+ years brand went six foot under with her. To the paranoid House of Windsor,
which is a phony fabricated name, there is no stable replacement. Charles and Camilla are both
divorcées. A King and Queen divorcée couple is not permitted by this stuffy unelected institution.
The shocking abdication of King Edward VIII in 1936 set a precedent for the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha
crime family. Even though they are obviously not Christians, this Anglo-Germanic Monarch is
required to uphold pretenses and follow the doctrines of the Church of England. Edward
abdicated the Coburg throne to marry divorcée Wallis Simpson in 1936. This antecedent likely
disqualifies covert King Charles from publicly declaring that he is the acting de facto Monarch.
To many, the stunning Camilla and Charles are doubly ineligible to be symbolic heads of the
Church of England. Both engaged in an extramarital affair while Charles was married to Diana.
For millions, Camilla is a metaphor for the scarlet woman. She is ineligible to be crowned Queen.
20 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
There is another complication. In the eyes of many, rightfully or wrongfully, Charles ordered the
hit on Diana in 1997. This mere mass suspicion toxifies the King Charles brand beyond salvation.
A fake, younger Elizabeth II body double keeps this charade alive in public. Computer Generated
Imagery and digital voice over techniques are likely used for those repetitive Christmas Day
messages. Those who are old hands at royal research know that body doubles are routinely used
to substitute senior political leaders who are too tired, clumsy, brain dead or deceased to
maintain their duties in the public domain. If you spend an hour or two comparing hundreds of
file photos of Elizabeth II on Google Images, you may concur with this reasonable conclusion. It
is possible that the Coburg woman is in a permanent vegetative state. Think Disney. Fake news
media constantly reassure those with an eagle sharp eye that they are not seeing things.
Mainstream news stories that report that Elizabeth is still alive appear every year since 2016.
21 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
This portrait by Levine was commissioned by the Jersey Heritage Trust. It was reimaged in 2012
and displayed at the National Portrait Gallery in London. It is likely predictive programming to
gradually awaken her disloyal subjects that their unelected matriarch dropped dead.
Original portrait © Chris Levine
This article dated 2019 is an example of many mainstream news stories that covertly inform the
public that Charles Saxe-Coburg & Gotha is de facto King of England.
22 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
According to The Telegraph, the 93 years old Queen Elizabeth attended 295 events in 2019. This
was more events than the number of working days, which is around 261 days.
These numbers are not automatically true just because a mainstream newspaper published
them. Do you have the time and capacity to confirm these statistics? Public Relations is a
notoriously slippery branch of the marketing profession. This news story is dated 2012 – the same
year as Levine’s ‘Lizzies eyes closed’ portrait. Is the Daily Mail trying to tell us something?
This article by The Times states that body doubles, and quote “tricks” and “stage craft” are used
to prepare the Queen’s Christmas message. Sounds like computer and digital voice over fakery.
23 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
British Isles
24 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The Royal British Military Forces have been the most adventurous warriors of the past two
centuries. I extend this definition to include the Coburg’s covert control over America’s Armed
Forces prior to the installation of patriot President Trump. There is no need for this book to
chronicle the numerous bloody massacre invasions that this Old Navy has led over the past two
centuries. The Boer War, Australasian invasions, Suez Canal meddling – this sick list goes on.
Britain is ever-present in the carving up strategic and oil rich lands in her favor. The partition of
Palestine and the creation of a fake state, Kuwait, are classics. Singapore and Brunei are British
constructions. Britain offers these micro nations and their military minions defense protection so
long as their corrupt ruling families forward them a generous slice of their money laundering
money magic profits. Money laundering, human trafficking, drug trafficking – you name it, the
Coburgs do it. Few historians challenge the narrative that Britain’s Royal forces masterminded
the opium trade that enslaved, maimed and killed millions of Chinese in the 19th Century.
Britain has a constitutional crisis. All people in these images are figureheads with no power.
25 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Citizens of Commonwealth nations have been brainwashed by their education system, news
media and cultural media to automatically believe
that the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family are
merely figureheads with no power. It is extremely
common to hear people in these nations recite that
line, verbatim. They do so like a knee-jerk response
caused by a doctor’s reflex testing hammer.
The list below shows that Elizabeth II (deceased
circa 2012) outlasted 12 Prime Ministers prior to her unpublicized death.
These Prime Ministers in order of date of office were: Winston Churchill; Anthony Eden; Harold
Macmillan; Alec Douglas-Home; Harold Wilson; Edward Heath; James Callaghan; Margaret
Thatcher; John Major; Blair; Gordon Brown; David Cameron.
The Coburg Matriarch outlived hundreds of Prime Ministers in the 53 slave nations that were
subordinate to the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha crime family during Elizabeth’s reign from 1953-2012.
The number of recessions, millions of unemployed and impoverished varies each decade in
Britain. As these figures alter – one staple remains. The Saxe-Coburg & Gotha’s wealth grows by
more than a trillion pounds Sterling every decade as they freeload in Buckingham Palace, London.
26 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The information below is for financial year 2018/19. It was published by the British Government
on the website shown below.
Britain’s Royal crime family, who lives on the British taxpayers’ dimes, are trillionaires. The bulk
of the Coburg’s clan is invisible, controlled wealth. This includes their covert holdings in America’s
circa 22 trillion dollars debt. The US Federal Reserve refuses to name its owners, which includes
the Bank of England. The British (Germanic) monarchy owns billions of acres of Commonwealth
crown land. They also own all raw resources underneath Commonwealth nations, including gold,
coal and oil. This Commonwealth taxpayer subsidized crime clan is the wealthiest on this planet.
27 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Every Buckingham Palace resident holds executive
military rank. This showcases this crime clan’s obsession
with warfare. No royal evades mandatory military
service. Ninety years olds must don fake trench combat
garb to remind the lads who their crime boss is. Sweet,
kind gents who prefer thespian theatre over warfare
theatre must also play dress ups. Every executive needs a last resorts backup. My, what a pretty
red hat. And ladies of the manor also frock up in ridiculous rags. Second last resorts, perhaps.
Exempt from mandatory age retirement and fitness testing. Utterly garish.
28 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Cold blooded
Numerous key symbols that showcase the magnificence of England & Wales are cold blooded
reptiles. Are the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime clan part lizard DNA as in ‘Elizabeth’? Is this why
they only marry cousins? To those awake, bizarre truths hide in plain sight. Right: Welsh flag
Elizabeth as in Lizard? This theory may explain this late Arch Warlord’s absence of empathy.
Hundreds of millions of citizens of Commonwealth nations live in acute poverty. The Saxe-Coburg
& Gotha trillionaire crime family claim to care for the welfare of Commonwealth citizens. Liars.
29 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Her private carriage is made of bullion. It is worth about USD150, 000, 000, 000 (USD150 billion).
The Coburg crime clan care deeply about the welfare of this community in India. Apparently.
30 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The world witnessed the immediate aftermath of Diana’s assassination in 1997. It was probably
a top ten event of the last century. The reaction of the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha matriarch to Diana’s
death was shocking. Her coldness was widely reported by mainstream news media and others.
To be fair, not all people respond to death the same. Especially in the public arena. And monarchs
are required to show stability. Millions would likely parody Elizabeth II if she wailed wildly on
television. On the other side of the coin, detractors argue that it was obvious from her speech
that Queen Coburg hated Diana. May you watch the footage in full and freely decide for yourself.
31 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
These photographic images are unaltered downloads from Microsoft clipart dated January 2020.
See also
Do you believe in human cloning technology?
Is animal cloning an existing publicly acknowledged technology?
Why does Microsoft include unflattering images of the Coburg woman in its inventory?
Do you know how to compare outer ear canal shapes to identify body doubles?
32 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
England & Wales
England & Wales are officially one nation. They are not a sovereign nation-state. The United
Kingdom is a union of England, & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England has a population
of circa 56 million. Wales has a population of circa 3.2 million. England is the dominant member
of this union. Britain’s National Assembly and its royal family are housed in Central London.
Relations between Wales
and England are unique,
compared to England’s
relationship with other
union members. Wales has
its own legislative assembly
that is subordinate to
London. Welsh is spoken by
about 20% of all residents in
Wales. This is the highest
concentration of Anglo-
Celtic languages spoken
anywhere in the UK. In
contrast to Scotland and
Northern Ireland, Wales has
never engaged in warfare or militia subversion to gain independence from England or the UK.
33 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
In a similar vein to 9/11, the official fairy tale facts surrounding the Princess of Wales’s
assassination defy commonsense logic. As the Coburg’s lose high power, and inevitably the
palace, the truth behind this premediated murder will eventually become public. Until then.
RIP Diana
MI6 laser strobe?
The demise of the Coburgs will be accelerated by this unexplained phenomenon. This in turn will
open the floodgate for a legitimate public inquiry that is not just another fabricated farce. To
bump off a stratospheric celebrity requires sign-off from the very top. Just like 9/11. Right, mam?
34 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The Olympics are the most famous, prestigious supranational multi-sports carnival. The images,
tone and subtext of the opening and closing ceremonies are controlled by those perched at the
top of the host nation. Warped Babylonian Black Sun occult images dominated London’s closing
ceremony in 2012. Pagan priests, pyramids, pirates and a phoenix. A poisonous palace parade.
Thorn in Christ’s side
Hollywood turned adorable Annie Lennox into a superstar. Hollyweird always collects its debts.
35 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
How could anyone not fall in everlasting love with all things Scottish? Shortbread, kilts, tartan,
bagpipes, awesome accents, haggis and Shetland wool knits. More is not enough. There is no
denying that a massive separatist movement has long existed in Britain’s most northerly nation.
Whether or not this number is a majority among those of voting age is debatable.
Scotland supposedly had an independence referendum in 2014. The official results report 55.3%
voted to remain in the Britain. This author no longer believes in the outcomes of super-high
stakes polls. We must merely trust that the Electoral Commissioner is not just another political
appointment palace puppet. Far too many thespian Presidents and Prime Ministers are chosen
behind the curtain in London. Think rigged computerized election voting machines and AI
software that tally the votes in London. Little is known about the foreign (non-American)
corporations who manage the software that counts America’s electoral votes (Cohn, 2019).
In the dying days of the Scottish Independence Referendum, the City of London bankers resorted
to their usual Deep State Playbook 101 tactics to get their way. Blackmail, bribery and extortion.
For many Scots, the heart may have said leave, and the purse said stay. Merely a suspicion.
36 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Braveheart was a Hollywood blockbuster released in 1995 starring Mel Gibson. A famous scene
in this movie shows the British Royal battle commanders sending the Irish conscripts to the
frontlines as first-charge cannon fodder in a battle against Scottish clan fighters. In this famous
scene, the Irish charge the Scottish and stop at the last moment, shake hands and join to the
Scots to fight the English. For many, probably many millions, this earthy scene captures the
resentment that many Celts hold towards cowardly, genocidal aristocrats who orchestrate
bloodthirsty empire wars deep behind safe harbor and pin fake combat medals on their chest.
Duke of Edinburgh. The enchanting city Edinburgh contains a German string (Burg) found in
Coward Heart’s title. House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Hiding in plain sight.
37 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The Republic of Ireland
Guinness, shamrocks, leprechauns, Irish stew and Baileys. Yum, tasty, delicious. It’s all grand.
On one side of the coin, Ireland achieved the near-impossible. It successfully declared
independence from the brutal Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family in 1917. A mighty military force
that’s a hop, skip and an Irish folk dance jump away. The Potato Famine of the mid-19th Century
epitomizes the insatiable gluttony and sadistic, cold-blooded cruelty of the Coburg Clan. They
won’t be satisfied once they rule planet Earth. Because Mars and the galaxy aren’t on that list.
America’s awesome southern musicians owe a debt to their grassroots homeland.
On the other side of the coin, I question whether this almighty, culture rich nation truly achieved
emotional independence that enables it to connect with its pure ancient Celtic roots. Its tripartite
colors and 353 are a giveaway about who rules the roost by guilt and shame rituals. This one’s
for the Irish to sort out for themselves. I wish them the luck of the …. ah, errr, the Irish.
38 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The history of Northern Ireland is profoundly complex.
Loyalist Catholics and Separatist Protestants are not
oxymorons. Such Northern Irelanders exist.
The history of The Troubles of this proud, pristine
province may offer a lens for political theorists and
others to understand contemporary and historical
geopolitical power structures and dynamics of this most interesting, fascinating province.
I don’t profess to have insight or accurate leads. If I were to offer one tip about such an
investigation project it would be this: Whatever competing accounts you have heard in
mainstream outlets such as fake news corporate media, universities and high schools are
probably lies. The teachers spewing out such falsities probably don’t realize. We the People are
brainwashed by governments to engage, trust and believe status quo mind-control curricula.
This author merely suspects that Northern Ireland is/was a proxy war between the ‘Protestant’
Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family and the Vatican. Both shamelessly complete for absolute
earthly dominance, whatever the human price. On the other side of the coin, this Protestant
versus Catholics war may have been puppet managed by both side behind-the-curtain in the
name of depopulation, chaos and maximizing profits from bullet sales. Why not? Virtually all
long-term wars fit into this category: Israel versus Palestine; Iran versus Iraq – this list goes on.
39 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
40 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Ethical professionals, such as and journalists, should avoid implying guilt by mere association.
Period. On the other side of the coin, rare exceptions exist. The MI5 and MI6 report to the British
Royal sovereign. It is near-impossible for outsiders to get close to senior royals without their
entire background being vetted. Why do British Royals Knight and befriend serial child rapists?
Queen Elizabeth II Saxe-Coburg & Gotha (deceased) hand-selected a serial child rapist to paint
her official Portrait. Rolf Harris is in jail. Her son, Randy Andy, was good buddies with child sex
trafficking Mossad crime boss Jeffrey Epstein. Queen Gotha and the Vatican knighted child sex
trafficker Jimmy Saville. He/it was buddies with the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha pedovore porn palace.
The Saxe-Coburg & Gotha woman strikes the pose with a convicted, imprisoned serial child rapist.
The Coburg woman also Knighted convicted serial child rapist Rolf
Harris. Why didn’t the Coburg’s protect their shill? Did
Harris threaten to expose them? The Coburgs are
Grand Lodge Masters at projecting their felonies onto
innocents who may expose their numerous Crimes against Humanity to the media.
41 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
RIP Diana, the People’s Princess.
42 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The alleged persecution of English citizen Tommy Robinson since circa 2017 shines a light on the
alleged culture of aristocratic pedophilia in the United Kingdom – England in particular. Tommy
Robinson, an anti-pedophilia activist, claims that the British establishment deploys Britain’s
corrupt judicial system to silence and incarcerate him for fictitious crimes such as Contempt of
Court. Tommy claims that their true agenda aims to silence his independent journalism that
exposes endemic, systemic child sex abuse and a rape culture that targets white women.
This article above places the Tommy
Robinson saga into a broader context.
Tommy and his many supporters claim
that an anti-Christian establishment are
engineering religious conflict
throughout Britain to cleanse this
nation of its cultural and spiritual roots.
43 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Residential Schools
This page merely mentions a phenomenon that has been witnessed by this researcher hundreds
of times in recent years. The details in this unsubstantiated report may offer leads for those who
aim to inquire further. The name “William Arnold Coombes” is a suggested research string.
44 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Over the past two decades, Harry has possibly attracted more scrutiny and criticism from the
mainstream fake news media than all other members of the Coburg Clan combined. Most of this
gossip is unfair. It is often out-of-context and is Harry’s business. Period. Those who are shocked
by Harry’s alleged skinny-dipping groupies and drunken orgies among consenting adults need to
get a life. Half of London was bombed flat to the ground during the Second War by German Nazi
forces. Curiously, Buckingham Palace remains standing. Harry Spencer should show more respect
for this sad chapter in English history. Unless of course, this insignia is not meant as a joke.
Whether Harry is or isn’t a bona fide Coburg bloodline is of no interest to this author, per se.
45 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Harry is the Black sheep of a black occult family. In late 2017, Buckingham Palace spokespersons
hinted that the Elizabeth II (deceased) doppelganger may not attend Harry’s wedding. Something
about old age and fatigue. Yet this body double supposedly attended 295 public events in 2019.
For Prince Philip Glücksburg, the grandson bad star birth gossip was all just a bit too much.
Source: The Telegraph (2019a)
As shown above, Glücksburg boycotted the official family portrait of Harry’s christening in 1984.
This was a symbolic gesture of Orwellian magnitude. This Count was a fighting-fit 63 years old.
46 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Imagine this tabloid headline: King Charles sends Harry Spencer and the wife to Canada to live.
Such an announcement would attract fierce scrutiny even though Canada is obviously a fake non-
sovereign nation that is subordinate to the Coburg crime clan. The evidence is overwhelming.
Such a gesture staged-managed by King Charles would imply that the Coburg’s are taking a more
overt, hands-on approach to their management of the world’s most resource rich nation.
2020 news headline: Harry Spencer quits as a senior royal and flees to Canada to live a quiet life.
This type of media headline, seen in recent weeks, imagines this development as a subtle falling
out between Harry and the remaining Buckingham Palace mobsters. This author is yet to see a
newspaper that questions whether Harry Spencer is pursuing a covert sinister, imperial agenda.
Harry has publicly implied that he is fleeing to avoid a Diana style assassination (BBC, 2019a).
Public statements by apex elites always push disinformation. What are the Coburgs plotting?
47 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Source above and overleaf: Harry Spencer, Twitter (2020)
These things are never what they seem in the Machiavellian world of eternal empire expansion.
48 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Did the late Elizabeth II send this press statement in her name via a Ouija board?
49 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Outcomes below are based on serious media research. This palace plot theory is not a joke.
HAARP The Coburg 666 days plan?
United Nations Precinct: United States of North America
Capital: Ottawa Operator: FEMA Puppet President: Justin Trudeau-Castro
Domestic Overlord: Crown Prince Harry Spencer
Sovereign : King Charles, House of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha
The fake fallout between Harry and his palace is Shakespearian theatre. Harry plans to reinvent
himself as a rebel People’s Prince. A lovable lad fit to lead the United States of North America.
On the tax-payers’ dime, of course. Serfs’ taxes will fund the Ottawa Palace outpost. Treacherous.
50 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Setting Harry up as any type of regional commandant highlights the depletion of the Coburg crime
clan’s apex ranks. Andrew’s career is over. Over before it began. Elizabeth II died years ago.
Philip’s life hangs by his next Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Oxide fix thread. Sweety pie Edward is
more interested in memorizing Shakespearean lines than lining up a Guard of Dishonor. This may
explain why 69 years old Princess Anne represented the fading Buckingham Palace on December
4, 2019 at a NATO summit in London. For millions, divorcées such as Charles and Camilla are
ineligible heirs. That leaves William. Does he know who assassinated his mother? Probably. Was
it a close Coburg? Buckingham Palace is heavily divided and in open disarray. Its only likely
successor probably knows daddy despised mommy. A Shakespearean tragedy. Poetic justice.
It is an objective statement to say that it is widely reported that Harry is no better than a C minus
intellect. So called ‘intellect’ is notoriously difficult to measure. Some people who may be a D
minus, may be savvy streetwise sailors. They can thrive to the max in any complex context.
Harry is easy to manipulate and humiliate. He does whatever public hand signs his masters say.
51 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Perhaps it is true that Harry Spencer is loyal to a Black Sun entity beyond Buckingham Palace.
Those who watch this mass discussed public event via motion picture video, will likely conclude
that this hand gesture is not random, accidental or spontaneous (e.g. see AP, 2017). This juvenile
hand signal is a message of who Harry Spencer serves or pretends to support. Bear in mind that
Machiavellian mobsters routinely feign loyalties to mole themselves deep into enemy burrows.
Some of them like to daze and confuse We the Peoples just for the sake of it. Because they can.
Some weaklings are not able to carve out their own identity and thrive as an individual.
52 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
America et al.
In the second half of 2016, the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family crossed the wrong enemy. The
patriotic arm of America’s mighty armed forces – which is the majority, were the main backer of
the Trump MAGA, America-first revolution. King Charles and his cronies knew exactly what the
Trump movement stood for – the long overdue restoration of America’s sovereignty. America
has been run and raped by European banking royal crime families since the installation of the
unconstitutional, parasitic, usurious, criminal Federal Reserve in 1913. They have been aided and
abetted by the subversive faction of the Central Intelligence Agency since its inception in 1947.
In a nutshell, the Drain the Swamp mantra is a military takedown of elite: murderers, child sex
traffickers, pedophiles and corporate thieves who have raped and pillaged America and the globe
from DC for decades. Have you noticed how many DC swamp are dropping off nowadays?
The military always know who the traitors are. Always.
Is the global swamp being drained at ultra-high levels? Absolutely yes. One clue to look out for
are the national ‘heroes’ buried with a crinkled American flag. No disrespects intended for this
glorious color rich institution that is intended to serve as a beacon for a freer, better world.
53 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
In 2016 and 2017, the anti-Trump Machiavellian Coburg Clan showed its true colors when it
deployed stooge agents to sabotage Donald Trump’s Presidential candidacy. The Christopher
Steele fake dossier scandal is public knowledge. The facts are easy to confirm via simple searches.
Australia’s Ambassador to London, nobility bloodline Alexander Downer, conspired with former
British intelligence agent Christopher Steele to fake the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Dunce
Downer was Australia’s Ambassador to Britain. He ultimately reports to the British Monarch.
The FISA-Gate wiretap scandal is common knowledge among mainstream and alternative
journalists who follow American political developments. The absence of FISA-Gate in the fake
mainstream news media accounts for nothing. When FISA-Gate is declassified, its political
repercussions will be thermo-nuclear in the metaphorical sense. Apex DC operatives in several
agencies attempted a coup d'etat against the democratically elected King from Queens.
High treason. Literally.
54 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
London City
London is one of England’s 33 counties. Like all counties, it has its own Police Constabulary, the
famous London Metro. London Metro has no jurisdiction in the City of London. This city is a law
unto itself, as the famed idiom goes. The City of London has its own Police Service.
Among some well-informed inquiring researchers, it is debatable whether the City of London,
which is a corporation, is part of the sovereign nation, the United Kingdom.
The quasi sovereign status of the City of London is consistent with its unofficial status as the
global Capital of Finance. Global banks that have been charged with felonies such as money
laundering and fraud in other jurisdictions, escape Scot free in the mysterious City of London.
HSBC Bank is an example. It was prosecuted in America in recent years for felony finance crimes.
55 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
This author does not wish economic failure on London, England or the British. He has worked as
a financial officer in this city alongside many champion Brits and others. On the other side of the
coin, it is inevitable that Britain will lose hundreds of thousands of finance jobs, and roles that
feed off this mammoth parasitic sector in the short- to medium term. Over the past century or
so, London has been the financial capital of a global criminal banking empire. The global fiat
money system is on the brink of collapse. The true value of every stock is less than 10 cents in
the dollar, compared to their listed value. Several high street banks, such as Deutsche, are
borderline insolvent. They rely on multi billion dollars digital reserve loans that are deposited into
their accounts overnight. Around half of all Western pension funds are technically insolvent.
Under the status quo, two outcomes are likely to transpire in Britain prior to 2025. At least a
million people will lose their homes. Parasite banks will foreclose default home loans for pennies.
As always, the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family will profit handsomely from this long-planned
engineered collapse. Their holdings of foreclosed homes will increase by trillions of pounds.
Like America and other former manufacturing powerhouses, the Coburgs outsourced the bulk of
Britain’s manufacturing base to slave labor communist authoritarian states such as China. An
economic collapse won’t affect the trillionaire lifestyles of the Coburg crime clan. They own
British Petroleum, the Bank of England, much of Boeing to merely list a few jewels in their crown.
A paupers’ pitchfork brigade or domestic military intervention may be the only antidotes.
56 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The University of Cambridge is the Chief Architect and principal enforcer of the International
English Language Testing System human trafficking crime racket that has scammed several
billions of dollars from international students from India and China since circa 2000. The rigged
IELTS covert aptitude test purposefully sets most test-takers up to fail. Most international
students who graduate in Canada and Australia are sent back to their home country after they
receive their degree conducted exclusively in English. IELTS claim that these students cannot
speak English sufficiently to engage as professionals in the domestic work sector. The fake IELTS
scam exam is authored by and underwritten by the slimy Cambridge University cash-harlot brand.
Readers may learn more about the global
lawsuit against the IELTS human trafficking
crime syndicate at website.
The IELTS cartel have inflicted damages of
circa USD 100 billion against deeply indebted
international students from India, China and other countries.
The IELTS fake test shamelessly prostitutes the shaky Duke of
Cambridge brand. The future King of England – William Coburg, is ultimately the chief sponsor of
IELTS’s rotting global ‘reputation’. The ball is in his royal court. Diana is watching.
57 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
No diploma mill harlot in the British Commonwealth has done more to besmirch the reputation
of Australia’s university exports than the cash glutton University of Sydney crime campus.
As shown in the image below, the University of Sydney is the global public relations face of the
IELTS human trafficking crime syndicate that targets Asian and Arab international students who
invest their families’ life savings in an Australian education and promised migration opportunity.
The University of Sydney blatantly prostitutes its established global brand to promote trust in
IELTS’s secretive, fraudulent academic assessment regime. The image above shows that the
University of Sydney astutely identifies youthful Asians as its most profitable scam demographic.
This false image above is devious. Innocent actors are paid to sit and smile. The vast majority of
IELTS’s clients are scam victims who experience poverty, debt and depression for repeatedly
failing their writing test by 0.5 due to examiner fraud. The reference to “3 million” above is an
exaggeration. IELTS does not test 3 million smiling clients each year. It uses its monopoly power
to scam fail circa 500,000 Asian students approximately 5 times each per year. Vile. Evil.
58 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The University of Sydney crime catacomb was modeled in the Cambridge University demonic
imperialist tradition. This bizarre, shocking fact hides in plain sight for anyone with a working eye.
This money-grubbing, fake, easy university must decide if it wants to morph into an institution
of epistemological inquiry or retain its filthy
status as a replicator of imperial white male
privilege that slave trades Asian international
students like cattle. Demolishing the Harry
Potteresque Main Quadrangle haunted hell
house would be a positive first gesture.
59 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Many commentators speculate that the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha Regina (deceased ) body double
will officially retire from duties and live out the rest of her ‘life’ quietly in a Scottish castle away
from the public eye. This Machiavellian sleight-of-hand is right up the alley of the Coburg crime
clan. These mobsters, who are barely clinging to power, are deeply paranoid that their 53 slave
states might declare independence once it becomes official that Elizabeth II dropped dead.
Retiring the Coburg doppelganger may also quell senior British military leaders who are pushing
for the Coburg crime clan to be prosecuted for numerous Crimes against Humanity such as child
sex trafficking, ritualistic child sacrifice, genocide, drug trafficking, money laundering, etcetera.
Given that virtually all mainstream history books are fake, it is difficult to ascertain the exact
longevity of the Anglo-Germanic-Nordic mafia crime family that occupies Buckingham Palace.
The Coburg crime clan and others like them have long used the public education system as
indoctrination mind-control centers. It is possible that this clan is nowhere near as old as they
claim. Please note the subtle message of this article dated 2018: The Royal family started history.
Faking the longevity of this brutally murderous crime clan imparts an air of invincibility and
inevitability over their past, present and future rein. That is most likely why they have done so.
60 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Nuremberg 2.0
The Nuremberg Trials after the Second World War were a show pony farce. Nobody ranked
higher than the puppet German Parliament was prosecuted. European Royal crime families, the
fake Vatican executive, the Venetian Dark Nobility and Rothschild banking crime family who
engineered this war, and profited handsomely from its reconstruction, were never prosecuted.
Epstein bosom buddy Andrew clearly has a case to answer. No minor in the British Royal crime
family is culpable. This author has genuine pity for sad sweety pies like Edward. No doubt there
are others in his clan who ostensibly never thrived by wearing tacky, fake military uniforms. Ed
was obviously coerced by Lizzie into a phony, face-saving marriage that the press simply ignores.
Most people have at least one toxic, criminal relative. These innocents do not support their
relative’s high crimes. Some royals may opt to publicly confess and explain the crimes of their
family with remorse and in good faith. They may be surprised how many people will partially
forgive them. Other royal hardliners will likely forever
plot their return from a banished land such as Gough
Island. Assuming they survive the public trial. Some
genocidal warmongers are beyond reconciliation. Soul
scraping pirate patch Philip Glücksburg and his ChRome
addiction, child trading, opium trafficking, money
laundering empire is beyond saving. Literally. He obviously hangs by a thread. Please, Count
Dracula do the world a favor and move on. Your satin caped horned master awaits you, boy slave.
61 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
62 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Crimes against Humanity
Crimes against Humanity are the most serious atrocities known to mankind. Examples include
systemic child sex trafficking, mass child sacrifice, genocide, warmongering, mass modern day
slavery and cruel and inhumane punishment. The opinions of this author remain merely that –
the thoughts of one person. This author suggests that the Coburg Clan have most obviously
engaged in warmongering for at least the last two centuries. Fifty-three nations did not
voluntarily surrender their sovereignty to some monarch on the other side of their world. They
were invaded by brute murderous force. This crime clan engage in the classic imperial empire
playbook practices to preserve their slave states: blackmail, bribery, extortion and mass murder.
Researchers may locate thousands of sources that discuss the Coburg’s global criminal empire.
Certain critics will likely pose this sort of question: If the Coburgs are arch global criminals, why
haven’t they been prosecuted? My response: The House of Orange are their inbred Nazi cousins.
This Ambsberg crime clan stage-manages the International Court of Injustice at The Hague.
63 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The Coburg crime clan should be tried for Crimes against Humanity away from their inbred
cousin’s fake International Court of Injustice (Den Haag) and outside of Britain. This Matriarchal
crime boss’s body double is immune from prosecution in Britain for any crime. Britain’s courts
and prison must serve this royal crime clan. They cannot imprison them. HM = Her Majesty’s.
Back in the days when she was alive, Elizabeth II proved that she can terminate any investigation
into a Royal Palace merely by picking up the phone and calling the relevant Police Commissioner.
Naturally, the Coburg crime clan are immune from offences such as tampering with evidence,
perverting the course of justice, contempt of court and making false statements to police.
64 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The year is 2020. How do you think the citizens of Australia would react if they knew that the
Coburg crime clan owned Australia’s mineral resource mines? Yes, exactly. And the Coburgs have
always known this. Royal crime families have a long history of inserting a thespian public relations
dynastic CEO front man/woman into the limelight. Fake news promotes them as genius
entrepreneurs. Royal controlled history books paint the picture of the all-conquering, innovative
pioneer. Solo Cecil Rhodes and South Africa’s diamond mines as a classic. Lizzie’s loot all the way.
Virtually no one in Australia ever enquires about how mining magnate Gina Rinehart became the
world’s wealthiest woman. According to Wikipedia and its fake friends, she inherited those West
Australian mines from single man owner, mining magnate Lang Hancock. Daddy. End of story.
Not quite. One man cannot build a fortune of about USD$20 billion from mines as a solo agent.
One the balance of probabilities, Lang Hancock, and his daughter are merely thespian phony
fronts for the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha mafia crime family. No doubt this foxy babe is paid well for
her acting. Why do you think that governments collect royalties from the proceeds of mines?
King Charles Saxe-Coburg & Gotha owns Australia’s minerals. The sick truth hides in plain sight.
65 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
A common myth among the uninformed is that Australia voted in 1999 by referendum to remain
subjugated to the British
Monarchy. This nation
supposedly voted “NO” when
asked if it wanted to become a
Republic. Anyone who has ten
seconds to read the referendum
question will see that this simple
question was never put before
the Australian people: ‘Do you
wish for Australia to become a
Republic – YES or NO?’.
The devious Coburg crime clan
devised a question that said this
to the Australian people – do you
want to switch from being a Constitutional Monarchy to a Republic where you cannot choose
your President? Australians voted NO as they wanted to choose their President – like America.
The Coburgs and their supporters claim that Australia was asked if they would ‘Like to become a
Republic nation’ and they answered ‘No’. This toxic falsity is consistent with the misinformation
and damned lies that are communicated by Buckingham Palace decade after century.
66 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Few epitomize the insatiable greed and arch corruption of the Coburg crime clan more than the
disgraced Sarah Ferguson. This money-grubbing madam was caught selling ‘access’ to Jeffrey
Epstein buddy Prince Andrew for 500,000 pounds Sterling. Andrew Coburg sat on boards of global
corporations merely because of his name and connections. Never because of talent or work ethic.
Numerous companies have dumped child sex trafficking associate Prince Andrew Coburg from
their boards and sponsorships. This author was surprised to discover that dozens of organizations
paid Coburg wads of cash to merely attend plastic photo opportunities, cut ribbons and other
light duties. No wonder she is known as Freeloader Fergie. Turds of a feather defrocked together.
67 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Committee 300
In the world of professional research, some unproven phenomena are important purely because
of the overwhelming quantity of references to this topic. The notorious Committee 300 fits in
this category. The Committee 300 does not officially exist in so-called authority spaces such as
.gov websites and the vast bulk of mainstream corporate fake news media such as CNN.
What is this infamous Committee 300 that exists in thousands of spaces, such as blogs and
independent investigative journalism websites? It depends who you ask. The dominant theme is
that the so-called 300 members of this Committee are highly influential people in the overlapping
worlds of royalty, business family dynasties, government, corporate governance, the military
industrial complex, Hollywood and media. Some claim that this Committee reports to the
Venetian Dark Nobility, the Council of 13 or King Charles. The mysterious article in Annex 1 claims
to list the 300 members of this Committee. These 11 names, cited verbatim, are interesting:
Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha; Edward (Prince) – Duke of Kent; Edward (The Prince)
– Earl of Wessex; William (Prince) of Wales; Andrew (Prince) – Duke of York; Anne –
Princess Royal; Michael (Prince) of Kent; Philip (Prince) – Duke of Edinburgh; Charles –
Prince of Wales; Richard (Prince) – Duke of Gloucester; Camilla – Duchess of Cornwall.
The absence of adult aged Prince Harry Spencer is an interesting observation. The dead Saxe-
Coburg & Gotha Matriarch is the symbolic Head of this Committee in this article dated 2016. The
list in Annex 1 is partially out-of-date. “Beatrix (Queen)” was extracted from this role by the
Council of 13. A small number on this list are now deceased. David Rockefeller Sr dropped dead
shortly after POTUSA 45 assumed office. America’s 41st President, H.W. Bush is no longer alive.
68 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
So-called English ‘scientists’ dominate English language narratives about fundamental aspects of
bioanthropological history. This is no coincidence. The Coburg crime clan have long held exclusive
privilege to decide which thespian pseudoscientists puppets they will knight. Charles Darwin is
code word for the royals’ anti-creationism agenda. Sir David Attenborough is a BBC ass actor.
According to history books – most of which are fake, Thomas Robert Malthus was an eminent
English theologian, economist and demographer. To many, Malthusian is code word for the
royals’ genocidal human depopulation agenda. Engineered warfare, human made earthquakes,
toxic vaccines and caustic synthetic foods are royal agents of mass murder known as ‘eugenics’.
Eugenics promoters talk about the lack of farmland and energy
to sustain the forecast human population. This author modestly
states that
he has
viewed the terrain of about 60 nations
states via low flying aircraft. Like many
others, he notes that more than 90% of all fertile lands that he views from the ground and in the
air is vacant. Eugenics is about maintaining an optimum population size that royal families can
control as their slaves. This is probably around 500 million people. Scientists who talk about
unlimited free energy are censored, locked in a mental asylum or assassinated by Committee 300
agents such as the toxic Travistock Institute and Chatham House. Above: Georgia Guidestone
69 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The following Russian names appear on this list shown in Annex 1. These names, verbatim are:
Abramovich, Roman Arkadyevich; Friedrich, Georg – Prince of Prussia; Prokhorov, Mikhail;
Vladimirovna, Maria – Grand Duchess of Russia; Ibragimov, Alijan; Gorbachev, Mikhail.
Britain has a long history of meddling in Russia’s internal affairs. And vice versa, of course. This
LA Times article dated 1987 is about Mikhail Gorbachev. Coincidence, code, both or neither?
Russia’s Committee 300 is a remarkable coincidence. Author’s surname: Bolton (1988).
Oct 1988
Perhaps the Kremlin report/ed to the Committee 300. Fake news stories about the Russia-
America nuclear war tensions justified trillions of dollars in arms sales and kept the world in fear.
70 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Count Dracula is a mythical figure from Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic horror novel Dracula. Gothic
sounds like Gotha. Many of the best fairy tales were crafted in gorgeous Germany. Cinderella and
Goldilocks. Hansel and Gretel – wasn’t that one about kiddies, candy and a wicked old witch? This
author advises people that any video evidence can be faked. Some raw amateur video footage
looks real. Our instincts guide us to believe that it is probably true. To this author, this naked
teenage child escaping via a window at Buckingham Palace in 2015 looks authentic in video.
He fell from these sheets. RIP. Fake news went into damage control. Their presstitutes dismissed
this viral Twitter video as a fake. For example, see Daily Mail (2015). Take context into account.
Randy Andy, Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville were once staple fixtures of this Pedo Porn Palace.
71 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Why were these three royal cousins of the Coburgs, plus one, extracted from their high office?
Was there a secret ICLCJ hearing? Below: Benedict, King Albert II, Queen Beatrix, King Carlos.
Extracted 2013 Extracted 2013
Extracted 2013 Extracted 2014
Royal flush of coincidental timing? I doubt it. This article below may offer an avenue of inquiry.
72 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Schock (2019)
Accusations in commercial books such as
these, are merely the author’s opinion.
Claims of satanic child sacrifice and baby
blood drinking among apex elites is
common in alternative media publications.
Writers argue that some elites believe that
consuming fetal/baby blood and tissue is
the Fountain of Youth Holy Grail.
It is curious is that globally famous
mainstream newspapers such as The
Independent dare to publish headlines,
such as the one shown below. This title
apparently poses a mocking stance as
opposed to a tone that is factual, informative or something like this category of adjectives.
Please visit the online version of this article, c/- the web link provided in this book’s references
section. This will allow you to comprehend the full context of this bizarre news article.
73 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
74 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
According to orthodox history books, of the variety not taught in schools, the incestuous House
of Habsburg survived from circa the 11th Century CE to circa 1780 CE. Centuries of inbreeding
created an inept, doomed family of warped mutants of below average intellect. Sound familiar?
Perhaps just as little as a hundred or so people truly understand the personas, intellects and true
capabilities of the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha inbred warlords. Don’t be fooled by their Eton gifted
credentials or their inspiring broadcast speeches. This copy is authored by the best word weasel
wizards that trillions in wealth can woo. The Queen’s (and her body double’s) Christmas messages
are always recorded prior to the event. They are rehearsed, edited and sequenced as many times
as required to deify the genius of the computer generated imagery of Regina’s doppelganger.
Andrew’s disastrous public relations interview with BBC journalist Emily Maitlis on 17 November
about a 17-years old sex slave finally awoke the masses. This privileged psychopath showed no
empathy for his sex slave or his public friendship with a global child sex trafficking mafia mobster.
The financial fall of the Londinium money magic madhouse is inevitable and imminent. This
author, who loves all nations, wishes no harm on England’s champion chumps. Publicly airing the
truth about this inbred pedophilia House of Horrors will liberate beautiful Britain from Nazi rule.
Britannic blue bloodlíne
Sinister stûnt
Didlittle dåstard
Cries cyborg Cøunt
75 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
This diagram summarizes the public status of the most senior members of the Saxe-Coburg &
Gotha crime family as at January 2020 with reference to their eligibility to inherit the vacant
monarchy. It aims to illustrate that there is no obvious heir apparent for the deceased Matriarch.
William is the only person who is fit to publicly inherit the stuffy sovereign. This succession may
further publicly humiliate de facto King Charles who has waited decades to sit aloft this lavatory.
William Coburg is scandal free. The arch question Britain must decide is this – do you want to be
ruled by any foreign inbred sovereign? The year 2020 may be the time to seize the BREXIT magic
moment. Benign monarchs die. After that, inbred crime cousins may rule the roost for millennia.
History proves this beyond doubt. This author, who was raised in the Commonwealth, knew from
childhood that this clan was sinister. I don’t need to be ruled by trillionaire warlords living on the
other side of the world who visit a few days every decade for a cheap photo opportunity.
76 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The unholy trinity is going to collapse sometime in the next few years. I talk about the Maritime
Law Roman Empire that rules the West from the Vatican. Why do you think that it is called the
Holy See? The Law of Sea ran the West prior to the Trump rebellion of 2017 (Jericho, 2019a).
Vatican: Mind control London: Finance Washington DC: Military
The Coburg Clan reports to this Caesar. Kings and Queen’s abound. There is but one Caesar. This
author’s open-access book series addresses this unholy Roman Trinity. Millions of cushy jobs in
blissful Britain rely on the City of London’s money laundering rackets and IELTS human trafficking.
This easy mafia money is about to run dry. Britain is in trouble. She has no major manufacturing
base. Her strong Pound Sterling enabled (past tense) her to import food and energy on the cheap.
This unfolding backdrop may cause many millions of Brits to take note, for the first time ever.
Buckingham Palace’s foreign freeloaders live trillionaire lifestyles as masses fight foreclosure.
77 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
These free books in this author’s series explain this unholy, hidden Trinity.
Rome & Washington DC IELTS: Human trafficking
City of London: Global Financial Reset
78 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
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80 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
4Chan (2019), Habsburg Jaw image,
Adventists Online (French, J.) (2018), Attack on freedom of speech, press and hiding pedophile
Al Jazeera (Tharoor, S.)(2017), The Partition: The British game of 'divide and rule',
AP Archive (2017), Melania Trump Meets Prince Harry Ahead of Games,
BBC (2019a), Prince William 'worried' about Harry after ITV interview,
––––––– (2019b), Queen’s speech: Why didn’t the Queen wear her crown?,
Colton, Timothy (1988), ‘No holds barred at Soviet conference’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
October 1988, pp. 7-9.
Business Insider (2011), The World's 15 Biggest Landowners,
81 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Chris Levine (2019), The Queen Art & Image,
Christian Observer (2014), Horrifying Child Sacrifices | ICLCJ Court Litigating The Ninth Circle
Satanic Cult: Some Members Prominent Global Elites,
Cohn, J. (2019), America’s Electronic Voting System is Corrupted to the Core,
Daily Mail (2002), Royal butler trial thrown out after intervention by Queen,
Daily Mail (Gardner, D.0 (2010), One third of Haiti orphans 'kidnapped' by American church group
still have parents,
Daily Mail (English, R.) (2012), Elizabeth's second! The woman who's stood in for the Queen for
24 years,
Daily Mail (Kay, R.)(2015), How Savile seduced the royals: As it's claimed he nearly became
godfather to Harry, how the predatory DJ wormed his way into the very heart of Palace life,
Daily Mail (Boyle, D.) (2015), One is not amused! Internet hoaxer posts video of naked man
'escaping Buckingham Palace bedroom window during the Changing of the Guard',
82 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Daily Mail (Sadler & Stickings)(2019), Backlash at barefoot Prince Harry and 'hypocrite
Greenerati': Eco-warrior elite who turned up at secret change Google camp in 114 private
jets, helicopters and mega yachts are mocked for leaving their own carbon footprint,
Daily Star (2019), 'Camilla should NEVER be Queen' Princess Diana fans knife Duchess on
Directory of US (2020), Illuminati Leak: Current Membership Of ‘Committee Of 300’,
Eonline (2015), Viral Video of Naked Man Escaping From Buckingham Palace Revealed to Be
Launch of D-Throned Tabloid for E!'s The Royals!,
Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (2019), Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Prince Albert
II of Monaco,
Glaser, G. (2019), Prince William the Little Horn described in Daniel & Revelation,
Harry & Megan Spencer (2020), Press release: 8 January 2020,
Palace response:
Hoffman, L. (2020), Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor,
James Linton (2015), Buckingham Palace naked man February 2015,
83 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Jericho, J. (2018), University of Cambridge: Modern day slavery mastermind,
––––––– (2019a), Declare Independence: America,
––––––– (2019b), How banks spin trends and infiltrate sheeple,
––––––– (2019c), NESARA: The facts,
LATimes (Eaton, William) (1987), Gorbachev Ally Admits Errors, Asks to Resign,
Microsoft Clip Art (2020), Queen Elizabeth II (deceased) Saxe-Coburg & Gotha: Bloody eye,
See also
National Review (Hanson, V.) (2018), FISA-Gate Is Scarier Than Watergate,
Readers Digest (Cahn, L.) (2017), How Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Are Secretly Related,
Roseanne Barr (2020), Videos (January 2020),
–––––– (2012a), Dear Mr. President,
–––––– (2012b), Greetings President Putin,
84 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Royal Family (2020), Financial Reports 2018-19,
Scarsi, A. (2019), How Prince Harry and William’s army careers highlight a STAGGERING difference
between them,
Schock, R. (2019), Shock stubble 14: The Ninth Circle,
The Commonwealth (2020), Member countries,
The Evening Standard (Weatherby, B.)(2019), Prince Andrew latest: Full list of organisations who
have cut and reviewed ties to duke after interview on Jeffrey Epstein,
The Evening Standard (Edsor, B.) (2017), Here's why the Queen might not attend Prince Harry and
Meghan Markle's wedding,
The Express (Miller, F.) (2019), Queen heartbreak: Queen’s shocking response on hearing of
Princess Diana’s death,
The Express (Hodgkin, E.) (2018), How did the Royal Family start? Strange history of the royals
The Express (Austin, J.)(2016), David Icke explains his infamous theory why 'Queen IS a shape-
shifting reptile',
The Guardian (Morris, S.) (2005), Prince Harry, a weak student who was helped to cheat in exam,
says ex-teacher,
85 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The Guardian (Tatchell, P.) (2009), Our system of Monarch is racist,
The Guardian (Bates, S.)(2010), Sarah Ferguson offered access to Prince Andrew for cash, says
The Guardian (Monbiot, G.) (2011), The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe
for protest,
The Guardian (Collinson & Jones) (2014), Banks say: we'll leave Scotland if the independence vote
is a yes,
The Independent (Eleftheriou-Smith, L.)(2017), Princess Diana letter claims Prince Charles was
‘planning an accident’ in her car just 10 months before fatal crash,
The Independent (Dearden, L.) (2015), 'Queen Elizabeth is a punisher granny who drinks blood of
rebels' babies' - Ukrainian MP,
The Independent (Macdonald, M.) (1994), Prince of Wales admits adultery,
The Metro (Jones, H.) (2019), The Queen is not dead, after rumours spread from WhatsApp group,
The Mirror (2017), Queen's Speech: Post-Brexit powers pledge by ministers,
86 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
The Sun (2019), Their royal heilnesses,
The Telegraph (Dennison, M.) (2019a), From the godparents to the gowns: A history of Royal
The Telegraph (2019b), Prince Charles eclipses Princess Anne to become hardest-working royal of
The Telegraph (Rayner, G.) (2007), Witness tells Diana inquest of flash in tunnel,
The Times (2019), One is really two: Queen’s body double spills the beans,
Time (2011), Prince Harry goes Nazi,,28804,2076816_2076800_2076811,00.html
Witzsche, R. (2013), Crimes against humanity,
World Bank (2020), GDP per capita (current US$),
87 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
I wonder who controlled the CIA prior to
January 20, 2017.
New + York + Times = Fake + News
88 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
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95 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Other listings of the Committee 300 exist. You may find these via online searches. Most of these
seem to be around 85% to 95% similar as the list shown in this annex. For many, the Committee
300 mostly overlaps with the notoriously secretive Bilderberg Group which meets annually in the
Netherlands. This group was established in 1954 – the year after Elizabeth II (deceased) Saxe-
Coburg & Gotha assumed the Queen of England title.
96 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Annex 2
The following five pages are verbatim full copies of two letters
authored by Roseanne Barr in 2012 in her capacity as the registered
candidate running for the Office of President of the United States of
America. She represented the Peace and Freedom Party with honor.
Documents overleaf are from her account at the
domain. Roseanne’s video dated January 2020 confirms her authorship (Barr, 2012; 2020).
Roseanne’s stellar career has placed her on the Deep State frontline since the 1980s. This includes
10 seasons acting and co-producing on her global smash hit TV series Roseanne. She hosted her
syndicated TV program The Roseanne Show for 281 episodes. She is Hollywood’s Arch Sentinel.
Roseanne is the solo super-celebrity who fearlessly shines a light on the grave issues outlined in
this book. She is the lone voice of mainstream exposés about the MK Ultra mind control regime
that has enslaved humanity for seven decades. Barr’s last Hollywood movie in a lead role was She
Devil in 1989. Long blacklisted by Tinsel Town, Roseanne paid a hellish price for her testimonies.
Few trailblazers are worthy of comparison. Such soldiers may salvage the sullied standing of the
Nobel ‘Peace’ Prize. Oslo, are you listening? Please repay humanity’s debt. There’s time!
97 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
98 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Readers may view this transcript authored by Roseanne Barr direct at:
99 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
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102 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
It may surprise readers that this book is about this author’s love for Britain’s champion people,
culture and homeland. I lived there for three years in the 90s. I do not possess an ideological
dislike of royals. They simply don’t work. Literally. Eliza Doolittle. The truth always hides in plain
sight. When was the last time you saw any Buckingham Palace barbarian booked before a bobby?
For most of my life, I thought that homeschoolers who were fiercely anti public schools were a
bit extreme. Something about corrupt curricula they claimed. I vividly recall attending elementary
schools in Australia during the 70s and 80s. Tidy, leafy campuses, enthusiastic teachers and plenty
of resources. Educators constantly reinforced the notion of excellence from endeavor, using
celebrity role models such as Carl Lewis as shining examplars. A hard-working, gracious, self-
made athlete who tirelessly worked his butt off to become the best athelte of his generation.
Great example, teachers. As I approach 50, I finally understand the wisdom of homeschooling.
Students at Challa were also programmed to worship the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family. No
royal achievements were cited. Something about them as leaders of the Commonwealth, of
which Australia was a member. I recall our school lining up for an hour on the street in 1981 to
fetch a flash of Diana & Charles passing by in their Bentley. A glimpse of delectable Diana is a
fond memory. We were brainwashed to blindly deify the Coburgs. No teacher explained that
these inbred vampires enjoy trillionaire lifestyles while half their Commonwealth sleeps in slums.
103 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
Andrew Gotha pp. iii, 1, 7-8, 27, 50, 60, 66-67, 71, 74-75
Australia pp. 5, 8, 53, 56-57, 64-65
Barr, Roseanne pp. 95-100; Annex 2
British Empire, Royal Military pp. iii, 1-3, 4-5, 7-8, 18, 24, 27, 36, 38, 47, 55, 59-60, 68, 76
British politicians pp. 24-25, 35
Computer Generated Imagery pp. 20, 22, 73
Commonwealth pp. iii, 1, 5, 7, 18, 25-26, 28-29, 46, 57, 59, 75-76
Committee 300 pp. Annex 1, 67, 69, 88-95
Crimes against Humanity pp. iii, 1, 24, 40, 59, 60, 62-63, 68
Deep State pp. 7-8, 11, 14, 35, 98
Diana Spencer pp. 19-20, 30, 33, 41, 44-46, 89
Edward pp. 19, 25, 27, 50, 60, 67, 75
Elizabeth Coburg II pp. 12, 15, 30-31, 44-45, 63, 75
Body double pp. 2-3, 20-22, 31, 45, 48, 59, 63, 74-75
Fake news, MK Ultra pp. iii, 3, 6, 11, 20, 38, 44, 53, 64, 67, 70, 87, 97
Germany pp. 4, 6-8, 14, 16, 70
Harry Spencer pp. iii, 3, 9, 44-51, 75
IELTS Human Trafficking pp. iii, 3, 56-57, 76-77
Inbred royals pp. iii, 1, 6, 11, 14-16, 18, 62-63, 74-75; the whole book
King Charles pp. 2, 7, 19-21, 40, 50, 52, 60, 64, 67, 75
London City pp. 21, 32, 34-35, 53-55, 76-77, 89
Nazis pp. 3, 7-8, 12-13, 44, 62
NESARA, Global Financial Reset pp. 1, 76-77
Pedophilia, Pedovores pp. 8, 10, 17, 40-43, 52, 59, 70-72, 74
Philip Glücksburg pp. 7, 15, 27, 36, 45, 50, 60, 67, 75
Rome pp. 7-8, 37-38, 40, 60, 71, 76
Seventeen pp. 11, 74, 89
Succession (Monarch) pp. 19, 75
Trump, Donald pp. 2, 7-8, 14, 51-53, 76, 89
Westphalian Treaties pp. 1, 3-4, Annex 2
William pp. 13, 25, 43, 45, 67, 75

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House of Windsor Mafia Crime Family - 2020 Demise: Free Book

  • 2. i | j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C r i m e C l a n © January, 2020: J Jericho & The Free School Price: USD 0 Copyright is waived if the author is acknowledged. Author Jay Holds a Doctor of Social Sciences from the University of Sydney This educational book is not for sale. It aims to support scholars who conduct research into inbred royal crime clans and the Deep State cartel that controls parliaments behind-the-curtain. You may download a free copy of this book at This introductory exposure draft aims to receive feedback as a basis to publish a revised first edition. You may e-mail the author at Royalty free use of images are claimed under fair use in education provisions. Cover page image ‘Regina & Boy Child’ © Unknown (c/- Bing Images) Abbreviations CGI Computer Generated Imagery HAARP High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program ICLCJ International Common Law Court of Justice IELTS International English Language Testing System Human Trafficking Racket Annex 1 Committee 300 at September 30, 2016 (Unconfirmed) pp. 88-95 Annex 2 Letters authored by POTUSA Candidate R. Barr, 2012 pp. 96-101 Vignette Commontheft nations p. 102 Index p. 103
  • 3. ii | j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C r i m e C l a n Westfälischer Friede p. 3 CØmmönwealth p. 5 Novus Ordo Seclorum p. 7 E Pluribus Unum p. 10 Kings, Kingdoms & Klans p. 11 King Charles p. 19 Warlords p. 24 Cold blooded p. 28 England & Wales p. 32 Olympics p. 34 Scotland p. 35 Braveheart p. 36 The Republic p. 37 Ulster p. 38 Pedophilia p. 39 Residential Schools p. 43 Harry p. 44 Gnostics p. 51 America et al. p. 52 Christopher p. 53 London City p. 54 Layoffs p. 55 IELTS p. 56 Australiar p. 57 Abdication p. 59 Nuremberg II p. 60 Versöhnung p. 61 Crimes against Humanity p. 62 Kleptocracy p. 64 Committee 300 p. 67 Kremlin p. 69 Count Dracula p. 70 Kindergarten p. 71 Now p. 73 NESARA p. 77
  • 4. iii | j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C r i m e C l a n Pedophilia Palace Psychological Operations (Psy-Ops) Playbook 101 Drug trafficking – Opium wars in Afghanistan and Opium trade to China in the 19th Century. Eugenics – Genocide; Fake: science, vaccines, human made earthquakes, food poisons, war etc. Curricula – Schools may not explain that a German crime family occupies Buckingham Palace. Oil Wars – The Coburg crime family own British Petroleum; enough said. Money – King Charles is the arch patron of the corrupt Bank of England. Military – Every Coburg bloodline inherits Executive military rank regardless of competence. Unions – 53 slave Commonwealth nations states also known as ‘Crown Land’. News – Censorship, fake news and lawsuits prevent the publication of truths about the Coburgs. Information – Propaganda such as commemorative souvenirs deify the Coburg crime clan. Sycophants – Commoners who serve this crime family are Knighted for their loyalty. Yes, sir. The Executive – Buckingham Palace Sovereign may dismiss the UK Government at any time. Nepotism – All Coburgs inherit numerous meaningless titles as they age, until age circa 40. America – The Coburgs ran and raped America via the CIA prior to the Trump Rebellion in 2017. Zionists – Satanic Zionism is their religion – Nuclear Holocaust of Judeo-Christians is their goal. Invincible – No constitutional mechanism allows the abolition of Britain’s Germanic monarchy. Slavery – Cambridge University’s IELTS scam exam as a classic example of Asian slave trading. Germanic Mafia Maltese Cross Clan
  • 5. 1 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n One Arch Drome This book is about the public demise of the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha mafia crime clan. It contains four main sections. The opening parts overviews the Westphalian Treaties of the 17th Century. It establishes the role and place of the Coburg Clan’s brutal Commonwealth slave empire in this context. The next section explores key aspects of the British Isles. It examines six dominant forces that drive the humiliating public decline of this incestuous, bloodthirsty bloodline. The fourth segment briefly explores three main aspects of Buckingham Palace’s alleged noxious nuisances. These are domestic major felonies and Crimes against Humanity. Concluding discussions look at contemporary issues that guide so-called world leaders who are acting to remove the genocidal, toxic global influences on inbred, sadistic trillionaire European crime clans. The so-called ‘NESARA’ Global Financial Reset folklore features in this chapter. In 2020, our world is witnessing the demise of the inbred Anglo- Germanic Coburg Chrome Crime Clan that freeloads in Buckingham Palace.
  • 6. 2 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n These shocking images show that the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha child sex trafficking, warmongering, genocidal trillionaire mafia crime boss has been symbolically dethroned since after President Donald Trump assumed office on January 20, 2017. As a part of the covert, gradual devolution of the Coburg Crime Clan, the Elizabeth II (deceased) body double is not permitted by Britain’s military to wear the nation’s full crown on its throne. She remains under supervised house arrest. The Mirror (2017) This image below shows how Donald Trump purposefully cuts of the Elizabeth II (deceased) doppelganger. This audacious act has never been done by any Head of State since the late Elizabeth II was coronated in 1953. This symbolic act shows that the Trump-Dunford Administration declared independence. The cowardly Anglo-Germanic Coburg crime clan monarchy surrendered without firing a bullet.
  • 7. 3 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Westfälischer Friede Because this dethroned mafia matriarch remains under covert house arrest. To defrock this Nazi crime boss in full public view would shock and destabilize Britain. Monarchy is always about symbolism and saving face from disgrace.
  • 8. 4 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Westphalia Treaties - The Peace of Westphalia collection are supposedly a set of peace treaties that were signed between 109 parties in 1648. I say ‘supposedly’ as I take nothing for granted, especially historical narratives that are from earlier centuries and millennia. The claim that history is written by the winners is fact not fiction. Most so-called historical facts are grossly distorted or invented. This author has visited the immaculate New York Metro museum mammoth at Central Park four times, years apart. He estimates that about 90% of this collection showcases the lives and relics of royals, aristocrats and junior nobility. This champion collection does not capture the ways that the masses lived in prior centuries and millennia. It doesn’t even come close to doing so. Westphalia is a vast region of modern-day Northwest Germany. The Treaties of Westphalia aimed to bring cooperative peace among warring European Empires who had engaged in incessant bloody wars in the decades prior to 1648. War continued between France and Spain until the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659. The Treaty of Westphalia comprises three separate treaties. The Peace of Münster was signed by the Dutch Republic and the Kingdom of Spain on 30 January 1648. The Treaty of Münster was an agreement between Rome’s Emperor and France and each sides’ allies. The Treaty of Osnabrück was an agreement between Rome’s Emperor and Sweden and each sides’ allies. These treaties are the foundation of International Diplomacy. They recognize the notion of sovereign nation- state boundaries and the rights of individuals to peacefully practice their own religion.
  • 9. 5 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Commonwealth The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary political association of 53 sovereign states. This is the official narrative. At different times in history, all member nations have been subject to overt or covert supranational rule by the Royal British Empire. India is the most populous nation in this club. Australia is the wealthiest per capita; USD57,374 (World Bank, 2020). This image summarizes the geolocations of these 53 Commonwealth states (Commonwealth, 2020). India was occupied by British Royal Military Forces from 1858 to 1947. Its economy was looted by the British Royal Family’s brutal East India Dynasty trillionaire company. Millions of unarmed Indians were viciously murdered by British Forces during this period. A school of thought surmises that Britain never relinquished sovereignty to India. India’s notoriously corrupt politicians are treasonous servants of the British Crown who purchase their services behind-the-curtain.
  • 10. 6 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Deceit Europe’s inbred royal crime families care not for national borders, nation-state sovereignty or the dignity of peoples. In recent centuries, these mass murdering arch thieves have mastered the dark art of their fake demise. Germany has a royal family. The royal cousin families of tax havens Luxembourg and Liechtenstein are about as German as savory sauerkraut and mettwurst. Monaco’s Royal Family is France’s de facto Royal Family. The French Royal family faked its exile from France. Virtually all textbooks managed by state funded school curricula are fraudulent psy- ops. The House of Grimaldi is a major powerbroker that part controls the global financial system. A visit by Chinese Premier Xi Jiping and his apex-level delegation to Monaco during March 2019 was barely covered by the mainstream fake news media such as CNN. The head of the world’s second largest economy and the world’s most populous nation found time to conduct serious business negotiation meetings with a square-mile micro nation that has around 30,000 citizens. The Albert Dynasty is obviously France’s deceitful royal clan. This hides in plain sight in this image.
  • 11. 7 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Novus Ordo Seclorum This Latin phrase, above, did not randomly end up featuring prominently on the backside of the Dollar note of the most famous and powerful currency in world history. A modern-day translation of this idiom into English reads as ‘New World Order’. Prior to the installation of America-first patriotic President Donald Trump, this New World Order was almost in place. The diagram overleaf summarizes this order. In its most simple terms, the Western pole of this order was headed by the Venetian Black Sun Dark Nobility and its Black Pope CEO. Thespian Pope Francis is acting puppet Emperor of Catholic nations. The King Charles Crime Clan deputizes over 53 Commonwealth slave states. Führer Merkel (nee Hitler) aims to head the Nazi EU from Berlin. The House of Rothschild banking crime dynasty controls the Bank for International Settlements. The Republic of America is the Grand Prix. It has mass natural resources and elite infrastructure.
  • 12. 8 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The Western global order of power is in flux. The Military Industrial Complex backed, Martial Law President Donald Trump is draining America’s swamp of domestic and foreign enemies of America’s Constitution. The diagram below summarizes the complexity of this audacious mission. The exposure of untouchable child trafficking crime bosses is an example of hundreds of shocking events which have been witnessed in mainstream media since Donald Trump assumed office on January 20, 2017. These include apex Mossad blackmail-extortionist Jeffrey Epstein and mafia mobster Prince Andrew Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. The recent assassination of Iranian de facto Defense Secretary Qasem Soleimani shows that Donald Trump is serious about his war on terror.
  • 13. 9 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n C02 So-called Climate Change and Global Warming theories are most likely scams, whose origins and incessant promotions are traceable to the Anglo-Germanic Buckingham Palace crime clan. This hoax pursues three major functions. It keeps the masses in a perpetual state of doom-and-gloom fear. This lowers human morale and suppresses us to the establishment. Second, it promotes policies that stunt economic development and the proliferation of free access to abundant energy sources. Economic development and the empowerment of the masses threatens the survival of feudal overlords who prefer to rule over serfs who live in darkness – literally. Finally, this fabrication enables gluttonous trillionaire royal crime families to collect more trillions of bucks in carbon taxes. It makes sense for scammers to set a price on a commodity that it freely available, without any limit in quantity, to every person that lives on our planet. Celebrity climate change phony front men like Bono trot the globe in private jets that emit about 30 times more carbon per passenger than a commercial airliner. The Global Warming fiasco epitomizes the attitude of royal birthright privilege. They believe it is their divine right to live trillionaire lifestyles while the living standards of the masses who graze on their land plunges.
  • 14. 10 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n E Pluribus Unum The Latin phrase at the top of this page likewise did not end up on the US Dollar Bill by random chance. It was first imprinted on the 1935 version of this Treasury Note after America was bankrupted by The Federal Reserve and its European owners during the no so Great Depression. Socially engineered wars and man-made disasters earn the Black Sun cartel trillions of dollars in cold hard cash every decade. High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) manufactured hurricanes such as Katrina and those seen in Haiti serve multiple purposes. Fake charities (‘Foundations’) collect billions of dollars in donations that never reach a crisis victim. Corrupt governments, such as some seen in DC pre 2017, hand out massively inflated reconstruction projects to shell front companies. The arch controllers of these companies return some of this money as election donations. Thirty three, did you say? Loud and clear, Daily Mail. Certain fake charity workers visit war torn impoverished nations and collect hundreds of kids for billionaire pedovores, pedophiles and adrenochrome addicts such as some big-ticket movie stars.
  • 15. 11 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Kings, Kingdoms & Klansmen European sovereigns rarely abdicate. They rule until death. So why did Dutch Queen Beatrix abdicate in 2013? She was removed by the infamous Council of 13 Black Sun Dark Nobility who fancy themselves as depopulation custodians of this planet. Beatrix masterminded the hijacked Malaysia Flight MH370. This aircraft was later used to orchestrate a shootdown of a fake Flight MH17 that was loaded with corpses. Her goal was to use this as a pretext to start war with Russia. Number 17 in fake news is code for a ‘deep state’ operation. If you search the string ‘Hurricane Katrina’ and ‘17000’ you may be overwhelmed by the number of fake news responses. MH17 Departure: Amsterdam Years in service: 17 Maiden flight on 17 July 1997 An incident occurred at 17,000 feet on 17 July 2014 Location: Ukrainian airspace 48°8′17″N 38°38′20″E What is the main point of this page? Royal crimes bosses who control this planet are above all legal systems. It is no coincidence that the International Criminal Court at the Hague in the Netherlands is based in this country. The horror House of Orange Amsberg Royal Palace oversees the global criminal injustice system that prosecutes innocent Heads of State of impoverished Latin and African nations who defy the Council of 13. Beatrix was extracted from her throne as she acted without the consent of the Council of 13. Not because of her atrocities per se. This clog clan charmer is the inbred cousin of Elizabeth II (deceased) and Buckingham Palace. Nice family.
  • 16. 12 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The following seven pages offer a few symbolic images that are supported with a recognizable reference and brief speculative analysis. These inclusions may offer an avenue of inquiry for those who have the will to conduct research into the ways that an Anglo-Germanic Nazi crime clan has covertly ruled over the English people via MK Ultra mind-control deception. Queen Elizabeth II (deceased circa 2012) Saxe-Coburg & Gotha was a German bloodline Nazi fake ‘English’ Queen The House of Windsor, Windsor surname is phony baloney. It was adopted last century to divert attention away from the fact that Buckingham Palace is under foreign Nazi bloodline rule. Is this phony Queen a Rockefeller plant? Were history books burned and fake ones rewritten?
  • 17. 13 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The Coburg crime clan claim to be Anglicans in their unique, convenient way. They publicly attend Church as cynical public relations brownie points exercises. It is an arch sin of the most heinous kind to hoard trillions of dollars in wealth within one clan when more than half of the planet lives on less than USD$5 a day without access to healthcare. This is far below the poverty line. The Coburgs are Masters of the Black order of Cyclops in the dark art of propaganda. No public picture poses that are disseminated by this clan are random or casual. On the balance of probabilities, younger William was set up by his handlers, such as Elizabeth II, when she was alive, to display blatantly anti-Christian symbols such as Nazi insignia and horned Baphomet worship. William Saxe-Coburg & Gotha proudly flaunts Nazi military paraphernalia in plain sight. Coburg photo (above) source: The Express (UK)(2019)
  • 18. 14 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Most people probably accept that these globally famous proper nouns are pure Germanic: Hamburg, Heidelberg, Nuremberg – Famous major cities in Germany. Liechtenstein – a Germanic sovereign principality. Its official language is German. Luxembourg – A regal tax haven nation-state. German is an official language. Why do many associate classic Germanic proper suffixes such as Stein and Berg with Judaica? This simplified pedigree overleaf shows the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha Germanic Buckingham Palace bloodline. This clan have inbred with their royal bloodline cousins dozens of times. It is therefore impossible to show a clear diagram on one page that summarizes this supra-European incestuous clan. A theory among free-willed independent researchers is that wannabe (yes, it is a real word) super-celebrities and aspiring super-CEOs absolutely must convert to the Berg or Stein club prior to admission. This author theorizes that this scheme scapegoats these people as bloodline members of a Judaic clan. Their fake new names advertise that their handlers are Germanic bloodlines. Don’t expect to find truthful narratives on fake trash sites like Deep State Wikipedia that invents the historical roots and youthful achievements of manufactured celebrities. The fake ‘Whoopi Goldberg’ stage name is a classic. Mark Zuckerberg shares the same surname prefix with TV personality Arianne Zucker. No doubt thespian Mark Zucker is paid handsomely to act as CEO. The Coburgs own our Facebook data. They masterminded the Facebook- Cambridge Analytica anti Donald Trump coup d'etat in 2016. The Coburgs believe they own America’s 50 states. The Coburgs also masterminded the failed Christopher Steele dossier coup d'etat in 2016/17.
  • 19. 15 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n This pedigree (Hoffman, 2020) is an extract of the supra-European royal inbreeds. It does not show the inbred House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg that flesh farmed Philip. Queen Elizabeth II (deceased) married and bred with her second cousin. Like these royals do.
  • 20. 16 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Heavy, perpetual inbreeding between European Royal crime clans allows these aristocratic families to consolidate wealth and power so that they can enslave billions. ‘Habsburg Jaw’ is a facial deformity that was common among European Royals and aristocrats during prior centuries. Source: 4Chan (2019) ‘Habsburg’ highlights the Austro-Hungarian Germanic origins of Berg and Burg ending surnames.
  • 21. 17 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Anti Judeo-Christian royal demonic cults are notoriously misogynistic. Their roots run deep. Was Victoria’s Secret the same as Megs? These occultists don’t like natural born women with power or fame. It is well documented that female roles were played by young boys in Shakespearean theatres during Shakespearean times. This may explain endemic royal pedophilia. Female hating occult worship thrives in modern day Hollywood. Perhaps as many as one third of all female Hollywood superstars have XY chromosomes. There is no need to blow any person’s cover. There is far too much transphobia hatred in this world. To this author, the mass orchestrated deception of female transgenderism by Black Sun occultist elites such as the Coburg crime clan is an entirely different issue to a free-willed individual privately changing their body. It is their body after all. Numerous famous actresses, socialites, primetime news readers and top tennis players (the world’s richest sport, by far) were obviously born male. Readers may see the world in a different light if/when their eyes open to this cult. Some members flaunt this secret in plain sight by retaining their original boyish name. Robin is an example of a gender-neutral name. Glen is a name that does not come close to sounding gender-neutral. Surrogate mothers carry many XY super-celebrities’ babies. Photoshop baby-bumps perpetuate royal lies. Hello! The male skull expands in old age – especially the jaw-chin area. Muscled manly necks, husky voices and receding hairlines may turner faded stars back to their birthright gender.
  • 22. 18 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n This author almost never talks about race. There is one race – humans. A and Z are of the same race if they can produce a baby. Period. Those who play the race card stink. And they are boring. On the other side of the coin, some people and elite clans are so racially puritan that their inhumane toxicity deserves public airing. Most members of the Commonwealth are not white majority states. The Queen’s Guards does not come close to representing the magnificently diverse demographics of England, Britain or the inbred Coburg’s 53 Commentheft slave states. This Google Images search is interesting. Please check it yourself. Background 4% tokenism? Only white people can inherit Britain’s Monarchy. The Coburgs only inbreed with white cousins.
  • 23. 19 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n King Charles Elizabeth II Saxe-Coburg & Gotha, who is now 93 years old, died some time before 2016. When she died, her 60+ years brand went six foot under with her. To the paranoid House of Windsor, which is a phony fabricated name, there is no stable replacement. Charles and Camilla are both divorcées. A King and Queen divorcée couple is not permitted by this stuffy unelected institution. The shocking abdication of King Edward VIII in 1936 set a precedent for the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family. Even though they are obviously not Christians, this Anglo-Germanic Monarch is required to uphold pretenses and follow the doctrines of the Church of England. Edward abdicated the Coburg throne to marry divorcée Wallis Simpson in 1936. This antecedent likely disqualifies covert King Charles from publicly declaring that he is the acting de facto Monarch. To many, the stunning Camilla and Charles are doubly ineligible to be symbolic heads of the Church of England. Both engaged in an extramarital affair while Charles was married to Diana. For millions, Camilla is a metaphor for the scarlet woman. She is ineligible to be crowned Queen.
  • 24. 20 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n There is another complication. In the eyes of many, rightfully or wrongfully, Charles ordered the hit on Diana in 1997. This mere mass suspicion toxifies the King Charles brand beyond salvation. A fake, younger Elizabeth II body double keeps this charade alive in public. Computer Generated Imagery and digital voice over techniques are likely used for those repetitive Christmas Day messages. Those who are old hands at royal research know that body doubles are routinely used to substitute senior political leaders who are too tired, clumsy, brain dead or deceased to maintain their duties in the public domain. If you spend an hour or two comparing hundreds of file photos of Elizabeth II on Google Images, you may concur with this reasonable conclusion. It is possible that the Coburg woman is in a permanent vegetative state. Think Disney. Fake news media constantly reassure those with an eagle sharp eye that they are not seeing things. Mainstream news stories that report that Elizabeth is still alive appear every year since 2016.
  • 25. 21 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n This portrait by Levine was commissioned by the Jersey Heritage Trust. It was reimaged in 2012 and displayed at the National Portrait Gallery in London. It is likely predictive programming to gradually awaken her disloyal subjects that their unelected matriarch dropped dead. Original portrait © Chris Levine This article dated 2019 is an example of many mainstream news stories that covertly inform the public that Charles Saxe-Coburg & Gotha is de facto King of England.
  • 26. 22 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n According to The Telegraph, the 93 years old Queen Elizabeth attended 295 events in 2019. This was more events than the number of working days, which is around 261 days. These numbers are not automatically true just because a mainstream newspaper published them. Do you have the time and capacity to confirm these statistics? Public Relations is a notoriously slippery branch of the marketing profession. This news story is dated 2012 – the same year as Levine’s ‘Lizzies eyes closed’ portrait. Is the Daily Mail trying to tell us something? This article by The Times states that body doubles, and quote “tricks” and “stage craft” are used to prepare the Queen’s Christmas message. Sounds like computer and digital voice over fakery.
  • 27. 23 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n British Isles
  • 28. 24 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Warlords The Royal British Military Forces have been the most adventurous warriors of the past two centuries. I extend this definition to include the Coburg’s covert control over America’s Armed Forces prior to the installation of patriot President Trump. There is no need for this book to chronicle the numerous bloody massacre invasions that this Old Navy has led over the past two centuries. The Boer War, Australasian invasions, Suez Canal meddling – this sick list goes on. Britain is ever-present in the carving up strategic and oil rich lands in her favor. The partition of Palestine and the creation of a fake state, Kuwait, are classics. Singapore and Brunei are British constructions. Britain offers these micro nations and their military minions defense protection so long as their corrupt ruling families forward them a generous slice of their money laundering money magic profits. Money laundering, human trafficking, drug trafficking – you name it, the Coburgs do it. Few historians challenge the narrative that Britain’s Royal forces masterminded the opium trade that enslaved, maimed and killed millions of Chinese in the 19th Century. Britain has a constitutional crisis. All people in these images are figureheads with no power.
  • 29. 25 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Citizens of Commonwealth nations have been brainwashed by their education system, news media and cultural media to automatically believe that the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family are merely figureheads with no power. It is extremely common to hear people in these nations recite that line, verbatim. They do so like a knee-jerk response caused by a doctor’s reflex testing hammer. The list below shows that Elizabeth II (deceased circa 2012) outlasted 12 Prime Ministers prior to her unpublicized death. These Prime Ministers in order of date of office were: Winston Churchill; Anthony Eden; Harold Macmillan; Alec Douglas-Home; Harold Wilson; Edward Heath; James Callaghan; Margaret Thatcher; John Major; Blair; Gordon Brown; David Cameron. The Coburg Matriarch outlived hundreds of Prime Ministers in the 53 slave nations that were subordinate to the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha crime family during Elizabeth’s reign from 1953-2012. The number of recessions, millions of unemployed and impoverished varies each decade in Britain. As these figures alter – one staple remains. The Saxe-Coburg & Gotha’s wealth grows by more than a trillion pounds Sterling every decade as they freeload in Buckingham Palace, London.
  • 30. 26 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The information below is for financial year 2018/19. It was published by the British Government on the website shown below. Britain’s Royal crime family, who lives on the British taxpayers’ dimes, are trillionaires. The bulk of the Coburg’s clan is invisible, controlled wealth. This includes their covert holdings in America’s circa 22 trillion dollars debt. The US Federal Reserve refuses to name its owners, which includes the Bank of England. The British (Germanic) monarchy owns billions of acres of Commonwealth crown land. They also own all raw resources underneath Commonwealth nations, including gold, coal and oil. This Commonwealth taxpayer subsidized crime clan is the wealthiest on this planet.
  • 31. 27 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Every Buckingham Palace resident holds executive military rank. This showcases this crime clan’s obsession with warfare. No royal evades mandatory military service. Ninety years olds must don fake trench combat garb to remind the lads who their crime boss is. Sweet, kind gents who prefer thespian theatre over warfare theatre must also play dress ups. Every executive needs a last resorts backup. My, what a pretty red hat. And ladies of the manor also frock up in ridiculous rags. Second last resorts, perhaps. Exempt from mandatory age retirement and fitness testing. Utterly garish.
  • 32. 28 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Cold blooded Numerous key symbols that showcase the magnificence of England & Wales are cold blooded reptiles. Are the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime clan part lizard DNA as in ‘Elizabeth’? Is this why they only marry cousins? To those awake, bizarre truths hide in plain sight. Right: Welsh flag Elizabeth as in Lizard? This theory may explain this late Arch Warlord’s absence of empathy. Hundreds of millions of citizens of Commonwealth nations live in acute poverty. The Saxe-Coburg & Gotha trillionaire crime family claim to care for the welfare of Commonwealth citizens. Liars.
  • 33. 29 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Her private carriage is made of bullion. It is worth about USD150, 000, 000, 000 (USD150 billion). The Coburg crime clan care deeply about the welfare of this community in India. Apparently.
  • 34. 30 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The world witnessed the immediate aftermath of Diana’s assassination in 1997. It was probably a top ten event of the last century. The reaction of the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha matriarch to Diana’s death was shocking. Her coldness was widely reported by mainstream news media and others. To be fair, not all people respond to death the same. Especially in the public arena. And monarchs are required to show stability. Millions would likely parody Elizabeth II if she wailed wildly on television. On the other side of the coin, detractors argue that it was obvious from her speech that Queen Coburg hated Diana. May you watch the footage in full and freely decide for yourself.
  • 35. 31 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n These photographic images are unaltered downloads from Microsoft clipart dated January 2020. See also Do you believe in human cloning technology? Is animal cloning an existing publicly acknowledged technology? Why does Microsoft include unflattering images of the Coburg woman in its inventory? Do you know how to compare outer ear canal shapes to identify body doubles?
  • 36. 32 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n England & Wales England & Wales are officially one nation. They are not a sovereign nation-state. The United Kingdom is a union of England, & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England has a population of circa 56 million. Wales has a population of circa 3.2 million. England is the dominant member of this union. Britain’s National Assembly and its royal family are housed in Central London. Relations between Wales and England are unique, compared to England’s relationship with other union members. Wales has its own legislative assembly that is subordinate to London. Welsh is spoken by about 20% of all residents in Wales. This is the highest concentration of Anglo- Celtic languages spoken anywhere in the UK. In contrast to Scotland and Northern Ireland, Wales has never engaged in warfare or militia subversion to gain independence from England or the UK.
  • 37. 33 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n In a similar vein to 9/11, the official fairy tale facts surrounding the Princess of Wales’s assassination defy commonsense logic. As the Coburg’s lose high power, and inevitably the palace, the truth behind this premediated murder will eventually become public. Until then. RIP Diana MI6 laser strobe? The demise of the Coburgs will be accelerated by this unexplained phenomenon. This in turn will open the floodgate for a legitimate public inquiry that is not just another fabricated farce. To bump off a stratospheric celebrity requires sign-off from the very top. Just like 9/11. Right, mam?
  • 38. 34 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Olympics The Olympics are the most famous, prestigious supranational multi-sports carnival. The images, tone and subtext of the opening and closing ceremonies are controlled by those perched at the top of the host nation. Warped Babylonian Black Sun occult images dominated London’s closing ceremony in 2012. Pagan priests, pyramids, pirates and a phoenix. A poisonous palace parade. Thorn in Christ’s side Hollywood turned adorable Annie Lennox into a superstar. Hollyweird always collects its debts.
  • 39. 35 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Scotland How could anyone not fall in everlasting love with all things Scottish? Shortbread, kilts, tartan, bagpipes, awesome accents, haggis and Shetland wool knits. More is not enough. There is no denying that a massive separatist movement has long existed in Britain’s most northerly nation. Whether or not this number is a majority among those of voting age is debatable. Scotland supposedly had an independence referendum in 2014. The official results report 55.3% voted to remain in the Britain. This author no longer believes in the outcomes of super-high stakes polls. We must merely trust that the Electoral Commissioner is not just another political appointment palace puppet. Far too many thespian Presidents and Prime Ministers are chosen behind the curtain in London. Think rigged computerized election voting machines and AI software that tally the votes in London. Little is known about the foreign (non-American) corporations who manage the software that counts America’s electoral votes (Cohn, 2019). In the dying days of the Scottish Independence Referendum, the City of London bankers resorted to their usual Deep State Playbook 101 tactics to get their way. Blackmail, bribery and extortion. For many Scots, the heart may have said leave, and the purse said stay. Merely a suspicion.
  • 40. 36 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Braveheart Braveheart was a Hollywood blockbuster released in 1995 starring Mel Gibson. A famous scene in this movie shows the British Royal battle commanders sending the Irish conscripts to the frontlines as first-charge cannon fodder in a battle against Scottish clan fighters. In this famous scene, the Irish charge the Scottish and stop at the last moment, shake hands and join to the Scots to fight the English. For many, probably many millions, this earthy scene captures the resentment that many Celts hold towards cowardly, genocidal aristocrats who orchestrate bloodthirsty empire wars deep behind safe harbor and pin fake combat medals on their chest. Duke of Edinburgh. The enchanting city Edinburgh contains a German string (Burg) found in Coward Heart’s title. House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Hiding in plain sight.
  • 41. 37 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The Republic of Ireland Guinness, shamrocks, leprechauns, Irish stew and Baileys. Yum, tasty, delicious. It’s all grand. On one side of the coin, Ireland achieved the near-impossible. It successfully declared independence from the brutal Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family in 1917. A mighty military force that’s a hop, skip and an Irish folk dance jump away. The Potato Famine of the mid-19th Century epitomizes the insatiable gluttony and sadistic, cold-blooded cruelty of the Coburg Clan. They won’t be satisfied once they rule planet Earth. Because Mars and the galaxy aren’t on that list. America’s awesome southern musicians owe a debt to their grassroots homeland. On the other side of the coin, I question whether this almighty, culture rich nation truly achieved emotional independence that enables it to connect with its pure ancient Celtic roots. Its tripartite colors and 353 are a giveaway about who rules the roost by guilt and shame rituals. This one’s for the Irish to sort out for themselves. I wish them the luck of the …. ah, errr, the Irish.
  • 42. 38 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Ulster The history of Northern Ireland is profoundly complex. Loyalist Catholics and Separatist Protestants are not oxymorons. Such Northern Irelanders exist. The history of The Troubles of this proud, pristine province may offer a lens for political theorists and others to understand contemporary and historical geopolitical power structures and dynamics of this most interesting, fascinating province. I don’t profess to have insight or accurate leads. If I were to offer one tip about such an investigation project it would be this: Whatever competing accounts you have heard in mainstream outlets such as fake news corporate media, universities and high schools are probably lies. The teachers spewing out such falsities probably don’t realize. We the People are brainwashed by governments to engage, trust and believe status quo mind-control curricula. This author merely suspects that Northern Ireland is/was a proxy war between the ‘Protestant’ Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family and the Vatican. Both shamelessly complete for absolute earthly dominance, whatever the human price. On the other side of the coin, this Protestant versus Catholics war may have been puppet managed by both side behind-the-curtain in the name of depopulation, chaos and maximizing profits from bullet sales. Why not? Virtually all long-term wars fit into this category: Israel versus Palestine; Iran versus Iraq – this list goes on.
  • 43. 39 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Demise
  • 44. 40 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Pedophilia Ethical professionals, such as and journalists, should avoid implying guilt by mere association. Period. On the other side of the coin, rare exceptions exist. The MI5 and MI6 report to the British Royal sovereign. It is near-impossible for outsiders to get close to senior royals without their entire background being vetted. Why do British Royals Knight and befriend serial child rapists? Queen Elizabeth II Saxe-Coburg & Gotha (deceased) hand-selected a serial child rapist to paint her official Portrait. Rolf Harris is in jail. Her son, Randy Andy, was good buddies with child sex trafficking Mossad crime boss Jeffrey Epstein. Queen Gotha and the Vatican knighted child sex trafficker Jimmy Saville. He/it was buddies with the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha pedovore porn palace. The Saxe-Coburg & Gotha woman strikes the pose with a convicted, imprisoned serial child rapist. The Coburg woman also Knighted convicted serial child rapist Rolf Harris. Why didn’t the Coburg’s protect their shill? Did Harris threaten to expose them? The Coburgs are Grand Lodge Masters at projecting their felonies onto innocents who may expose their numerous Crimes against Humanity to the media.
  • 45. 41 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n RIP Diana, the People’s Princess.
  • 46. 42 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The alleged persecution of English citizen Tommy Robinson since circa 2017 shines a light on the alleged culture of aristocratic pedophilia in the United Kingdom – England in particular. Tommy Robinson, an anti-pedophilia activist, claims that the British establishment deploys Britain’s corrupt judicial system to silence and incarcerate him for fictitious crimes such as Contempt of Court. Tommy claims that their true agenda aims to silence his independent journalism that exposes endemic, systemic child sex abuse and a rape culture that targets white women. This article above places the Tommy Robinson saga into a broader context. Tommy and his many supporters claim that an anti-Christian establishment are engineering religious conflict throughout Britain to cleanse this nation of its cultural and spiritual roots.
  • 47. 43 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Residential Schools This page merely mentions a phenomenon that has been witnessed by this researcher hundreds of times in recent years. The details in this unsubstantiated report may offer leads for those who aim to inquire further. The name “William Arnold Coombes” is a suggested research string. Source: case-whistle-blowers-incarcerated/
  • 48. 44 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Harry Over the past two decades, Harry has possibly attracted more scrutiny and criticism from the mainstream fake news media than all other members of the Coburg Clan combined. Most of this gossip is unfair. It is often out-of-context and is Harry’s business. Period. Those who are shocked by Harry’s alleged skinny-dipping groupies and drunken orgies among consenting adults need to get a life. Half of London was bombed flat to the ground during the Second War by German Nazi forces. Curiously, Buckingham Palace remains standing. Harry Spencer should show more respect for this sad chapter in English history. Unless of course, this insignia is not meant as a joke. Whether Harry is or isn’t a bona fide Coburg bloodline is of no interest to this author, per se.
  • 49. 45 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Harry is the Black sheep of a black occult family. In late 2017, Buckingham Palace spokespersons hinted that the Elizabeth II (deceased) doppelganger may not attend Harry’s wedding. Something about old age and fatigue. Yet this body double supposedly attended 295 public events in 2019. For Prince Philip Glücksburg, the grandson bad star birth gossip was all just a bit too much. Source: The Telegraph (2019a) As shown above, Glücksburg boycotted the official family portrait of Harry’s christening in 1984. This was a symbolic gesture of Orwellian magnitude. This Count was a fighting-fit 63 years old.
  • 50. 46 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Imagine this tabloid headline: King Charles sends Harry Spencer and the wife to Canada to live. Such an announcement would attract fierce scrutiny even though Canada is obviously a fake non- sovereign nation that is subordinate to the Coburg crime clan. The evidence is overwhelming. Such a gesture staged-managed by King Charles would imply that the Coburg’s are taking a more overt, hands-on approach to their management of the world’s most resource rich nation. 2020 news headline: Harry Spencer quits as a senior royal and flees to Canada to live a quiet life. This type of media headline, seen in recent weeks, imagines this development as a subtle falling out between Harry and the remaining Buckingham Palace mobsters. This author is yet to see a newspaper that questions whether Harry Spencer is pursuing a covert sinister, imperial agenda. Harry has publicly implied that he is fleeing to avoid a Diana style assassination (BBC, 2019a). Public statements by apex elites always push disinformation. What are the Coburgs plotting?
  • 51. 47 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Source above and overleaf: Harry Spencer, Twitter (2020) These things are never what they seem in the Machiavellian world of eternal empire expansion.
  • 52. 48 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Did the late Elizabeth II send this press statement in her name via a Ouija board?
  • 53. 49 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Outcomes below are based on serious media research. This palace plot theory is not a joke. HAARP The Coburg 666 days plan? United Nations Precinct: United States of North America Capital: Ottawa Operator: FEMA Puppet President: Justin Trudeau-Castro Domestic Overlord: Crown Prince Harry Spencer Sovereign : King Charles, House of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha The fake fallout between Harry and his palace is Shakespearian theatre. Harry plans to reinvent himself as a rebel People’s Prince. A lovable lad fit to lead the United States of North America. On the tax-payers’ dime, of course. Serfs’ taxes will fund the Ottawa Palace outpost. Treacherous.
  • 54. 50 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Setting Harry up as any type of regional commandant highlights the depletion of the Coburg crime clan’s apex ranks. Andrew’s career is over. Over before it began. Elizabeth II died years ago. Philip’s life hangs by his next Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Oxide fix thread. Sweety pie Edward is more interested in memorizing Shakespearean lines than lining up a Guard of Dishonor. This may explain why 69 years old Princess Anne represented the fading Buckingham Palace on December 4, 2019 at a NATO summit in London. For millions, divorcées such as Charles and Camilla are ineligible heirs. That leaves William. Does he know who assassinated his mother? Probably. Was it a close Coburg? Buckingham Palace is heavily divided and in open disarray. Its only likely successor probably knows daddy despised mommy. A Shakespearean tragedy. Poetic justice. It is an objective statement to say that it is widely reported that Harry is no better than a C minus intellect. So called ‘intellect’ is notoriously difficult to measure. Some people who may be a D minus, may be savvy streetwise sailors. They can thrive to the max in any complex context. Harry is easy to manipulate and humiliate. He does whatever public hand signs his masters say.
  • 55. 51 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Gnostics Perhaps it is true that Harry Spencer is loyal to a Black Sun entity beyond Buckingham Palace. Those who watch this mass discussed public event via motion picture video, will likely conclude that this hand gesture is not random, accidental or spontaneous (e.g. see AP, 2017). This juvenile hand signal is a message of who Harry Spencer serves or pretends to support. Bear in mind that Machiavellian mobsters routinely feign loyalties to mole themselves deep into enemy burrows. Some of them like to daze and confuse We the Peoples just for the sake of it. Because they can. Some weaklings are not able to carve out their own identity and thrive as an individual. Sad.
  • 56. 52 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n America et al. In the second half of 2016, the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family crossed the wrong enemy. The patriotic arm of America’s mighty armed forces – which is the majority, were the main backer of the Trump MAGA, America-first revolution. King Charles and his cronies knew exactly what the Trump movement stood for – the long overdue restoration of America’s sovereignty. America has been run and raped by European banking royal crime families since the installation of the unconstitutional, parasitic, usurious, criminal Federal Reserve in 1913. They have been aided and abetted by the subversive faction of the Central Intelligence Agency since its inception in 1947. In a nutshell, the Drain the Swamp mantra is a military takedown of elite: murderers, child sex traffickers, pedophiles and corporate thieves who have raped and pillaged America and the globe from DC for decades. Have you noticed how many DC swamp are dropping off nowadays? The military always know who the traitors are. Always. Is the global swamp being drained at ultra-high levels? Absolutely yes. One clue to look out for are the national ‘heroes’ buried with a crinkled American flag. No disrespects intended for this glorious color rich institution that is intended to serve as a beacon for a freer, better world.
  • 57. 53 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Christopher In 2016 and 2017, the anti-Trump Machiavellian Coburg Clan showed its true colors when it deployed stooge agents to sabotage Donald Trump’s Presidential candidacy. The Christopher Steele fake dossier scandal is public knowledge. The facts are easy to confirm via simple searches. Australia’s Ambassador to London, nobility bloodline Alexander Downer, conspired with former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele to fake the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Dunce Downer was Australia’s Ambassador to Britain. He ultimately reports to the British Monarch. The FISA-Gate wiretap scandal is common knowledge among mainstream and alternative journalists who follow American political developments. The absence of FISA-Gate in the fake mainstream news media accounts for nothing. When FISA-Gate is declassified, its political repercussions will be thermo-nuclear in the metaphorical sense. Apex DC operatives in several agencies attempted a coup d'etat against the democratically elected King from Queens. High treason. Literally.
  • 58. 54 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n London City London is one of England’s 33 counties. Like all counties, it has its own Police Constabulary, the famous London Metro. London Metro has no jurisdiction in the City of London. This city is a law unto itself, as the famed idiom goes. The City of London has its own Police Service. Among some well-informed inquiring researchers, it is debatable whether the City of London, which is a corporation, is part of the sovereign nation, the United Kingdom. The quasi sovereign status of the City of London is consistent with its unofficial status as the global Capital of Finance. Global banks that have been charged with felonies such as money laundering and fraud in other jurisdictions, escape Scot free in the mysterious City of London. HSBC Bank is an example. It was prosecuted in America in recent years for felony finance crimes.
  • 59. 55 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Layoffs This author does not wish economic failure on London, England or the British. He has worked as a financial officer in this city alongside many champion Brits and others. On the other side of the coin, it is inevitable that Britain will lose hundreds of thousands of finance jobs, and roles that feed off this mammoth parasitic sector in the short- to medium term. Over the past century or so, London has been the financial capital of a global criminal banking empire. The global fiat money system is on the brink of collapse. The true value of every stock is less than 10 cents in the dollar, compared to their listed value. Several high street banks, such as Deutsche, are borderline insolvent. They rely on multi billion dollars digital reserve loans that are deposited into their accounts overnight. Around half of all Western pension funds are technically insolvent. Under the status quo, two outcomes are likely to transpire in Britain prior to 2025. At least a million people will lose their homes. Parasite banks will foreclose default home loans for pennies. As always, the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family will profit handsomely from this long-planned engineered collapse. Their holdings of foreclosed homes will increase by trillions of pounds. Like America and other former manufacturing powerhouses, the Coburgs outsourced the bulk of Britain’s manufacturing base to slave labor communist authoritarian states such as China. An economic collapse won’t affect the trillionaire lifestyles of the Coburg crime clan. They own British Petroleum, the Bank of England, much of Boeing to merely list a few jewels in their crown. A paupers’ pitchfork brigade or domestic military intervention may be the only antidotes.
  • 60. 56 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n IELTS The University of Cambridge is the Chief Architect and principal enforcer of the International English Language Testing System human trafficking crime racket that has scammed several billions of dollars from international students from India and China since circa 2000. The rigged IELTS covert aptitude test purposefully sets most test-takers up to fail. Most international students who graduate in Canada and Australia are sent back to their home country after they receive their degree conducted exclusively in English. IELTS claim that these students cannot speak English sufficiently to engage as professionals in the domestic work sector. The fake IELTS scam exam is authored by and underwritten by the slimy Cambridge University cash-harlot brand. Readers may learn more about the global lawsuit against the IELTS human trafficking crime syndicate at website. The IELTS cartel have inflicted damages of circa USD 100 billion against deeply indebted international students from India, China and other countries. The IELTS fake test shamelessly prostitutes the shaky Duke of Cambridge brand. The future King of England – William Coburg, is ultimately the chief sponsor of IELTS’s rotting global ‘reputation’. The ball is in his royal court. Diana is watching.
  • 61. 57 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Australiar No diploma mill harlot in the British Commonwealth has done more to besmirch the reputation of Australia’s university exports than the cash glutton University of Sydney crime campus. As shown in the image below, the University of Sydney is the global public relations face of the IELTS human trafficking crime syndicate that targets Asian and Arab international students who invest their families’ life savings in an Australian education and promised migration opportunity. The University of Sydney blatantly prostitutes its established global brand to promote trust in IELTS’s secretive, fraudulent academic assessment regime. The image above shows that the University of Sydney astutely identifies youthful Asians as its most profitable scam demographic. This false image above is devious. Innocent actors are paid to sit and smile. The vast majority of IELTS’s clients are scam victims who experience poverty, debt and depression for repeatedly failing their writing test by 0.5 due to examiner fraud. The reference to “3 million” above is an exaggeration. IELTS does not test 3 million smiling clients each year. It uses its monopoly power to scam fail circa 500,000 Asian students approximately 5 times each per year. Vile. Evil.
  • 62. 58 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The University of Sydney crime catacomb was modeled in the Cambridge University demonic imperialist tradition. This bizarre, shocking fact hides in plain sight for anyone with a working eye. This money-grubbing, fake, easy university must decide if it wants to morph into an institution of epistemological inquiry or retain its filthy status as a replicator of imperial white male privilege that slave trades Asian international students like cattle. Demolishing the Harry Potteresque Main Quadrangle haunted hell house would be a positive first gesture.
  • 63. 59 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Abdication Many commentators speculate that the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha Regina (deceased ) body double will officially retire from duties and live out the rest of her ‘life’ quietly in a Scottish castle away from the public eye. This Machiavellian sleight-of-hand is right up the alley of the Coburg crime clan. These mobsters, who are barely clinging to power, are deeply paranoid that their 53 slave states might declare independence once it becomes official that Elizabeth II dropped dead. Retiring the Coburg doppelganger may also quell senior British military leaders who are pushing for the Coburg crime clan to be prosecuted for numerous Crimes against Humanity such as child sex trafficking, ritualistic child sacrifice, genocide, drug trafficking, money laundering, etcetera. Given that virtually all mainstream history books are fake, it is difficult to ascertain the exact longevity of the Anglo-Germanic-Nordic mafia crime family that occupies Buckingham Palace. The Coburg crime clan and others like them have long used the public education system as indoctrination mind-control centers. It is possible that this clan is nowhere near as old as they claim. Please note the subtle message of this article dated 2018: The Royal family started history. Faking the longevity of this brutally murderous crime clan imparts an air of invincibility and inevitability over their past, present and future rein. That is most likely why they have done so.
  • 64. 60 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Nuremberg 2.0 The Nuremberg Trials after the Second World War were a show pony farce. Nobody ranked higher than the puppet German Parliament was prosecuted. European Royal crime families, the fake Vatican executive, the Venetian Dark Nobility and Rothschild banking crime family who engineered this war, and profited handsomely from its reconstruction, were never prosecuted. Epstein bosom buddy Andrew clearly has a case to answer. No minor in the British Royal crime family is culpable. This author has genuine pity for sad sweety pies like Edward. No doubt there are others in his clan who ostensibly never thrived by wearing tacky, fake military uniforms. Ed was obviously coerced by Lizzie into a phony, face-saving marriage that the press simply ignores. Most people have at least one toxic, criminal relative. These innocents do not support their relative’s high crimes. Some royals may opt to publicly confess and explain the crimes of their family with remorse and in good faith. They may be surprised how many people will partially forgive them. Other royal hardliners will likely forever plot their return from a banished land such as Gough Island. Assuming they survive the public trial. Some genocidal warmongers are beyond reconciliation. Soul scraping pirate patch Philip Glücksburg and his ChRome addiction, child trading, opium trafficking, money laundering empire is beyond saving. Literally. He obviously hangs by a thread. Please, Count Dracula do the world a favor and move on. Your satin caped horned master awaits you, boy slave.
  • 65. 61 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Versöhnung
  • 66. 62 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Crimes against Humanity Crimes against Humanity are the most serious atrocities known to mankind. Examples include systemic child sex trafficking, mass child sacrifice, genocide, warmongering, mass modern day slavery and cruel and inhumane punishment. The opinions of this author remain merely that – the thoughts of one person. This author suggests that the Coburg Clan have most obviously engaged in warmongering for at least the last two centuries. Fifty-three nations did not voluntarily surrender their sovereignty to some monarch on the other side of their world. They were invaded by brute murderous force. This crime clan engage in the classic imperial empire playbook practices to preserve their slave states: blackmail, bribery, extortion and mass murder. Researchers may locate thousands of sources that discuss the Coburg’s global criminal empire. Certain critics will likely pose this sort of question: If the Coburgs are arch global criminals, why haven’t they been prosecuted? My response: The House of Orange are their inbred Nazi cousins. This Ambsberg crime clan stage-manages the International Court of Injustice at The Hague.
  • 67. 63 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The Coburg crime clan should be tried for Crimes against Humanity away from their inbred cousin’s fake International Court of Injustice (Den Haag) and outside of Britain. This Matriarchal crime boss’s body double is immune from prosecution in Britain for any crime. Britain’s courts and prison must serve this royal crime clan. They cannot imprison them. HM = Her Majesty’s. Back in the days when she was alive, Elizabeth II proved that she can terminate any investigation into a Royal Palace merely by picking up the phone and calling the relevant Police Commissioner. Naturally, the Coburg crime clan are immune from offences such as tampering with evidence, perverting the course of justice, contempt of court and making false statements to police.
  • 68. 64 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Kleptocracy The year is 2020. How do you think the citizens of Australia would react if they knew that the Coburg crime clan owned Australia’s mineral resource mines? Yes, exactly. And the Coburgs have always known this. Royal crime families have a long history of inserting a thespian public relations dynastic CEO front man/woman into the limelight. Fake news promotes them as genius entrepreneurs. Royal controlled history books paint the picture of the all-conquering, innovative pioneer. Solo Cecil Rhodes and South Africa’s diamond mines as a classic. Lizzie’s loot all the way. Virtually no one in Australia ever enquires about how mining magnate Gina Rinehart became the world’s wealthiest woman. According to Wikipedia and its fake friends, she inherited those West Australian mines from single man owner, mining magnate Lang Hancock. Daddy. End of story. Not quite. One man cannot build a fortune of about USD$20 billion from mines as a solo agent. One the balance of probabilities, Lang Hancock, and his daughter are merely thespian phony fronts for the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha mafia crime family. No doubt this foxy babe is paid well for her acting. Why do you think that governments collect royalties from the proceeds of mines? King Charles Saxe-Coburg & Gotha owns Australia’s minerals. The sick truth hides in plain sight.
  • 69. 65 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n A common myth among the uninformed is that Australia voted in 1999 by referendum to remain subjugated to the British Monarchy. This nation supposedly voted “NO” when asked if it wanted to become a Republic. Anyone who has ten seconds to read the referendum question will see that this simple question was never put before the Australian people: ‘Do you wish for Australia to become a Republic – YES or NO?’. The devious Coburg crime clan devised a question that said this to the Australian people – do you want to switch from being a Constitutional Monarchy to a Republic where you cannot choose your President? Australians voted NO as they wanted to choose their President – like America. The Coburgs and their supporters claim that Australia was asked if they would ‘Like to become a Republic nation’ and they answered ‘No’. This toxic falsity is consistent with the misinformation and damned lies that are communicated by Buckingham Palace decade after century.
  • 70. 66 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Few epitomize the insatiable greed and arch corruption of the Coburg crime clan more than the disgraced Sarah Ferguson. This money-grubbing madam was caught selling ‘access’ to Jeffrey Epstein buddy Prince Andrew for 500,000 pounds Sterling. Andrew Coburg sat on boards of global corporations merely because of his name and connections. Never because of talent or work ethic. Numerous companies have dumped child sex trafficking associate Prince Andrew Coburg from their boards and sponsorships. This author was surprised to discover that dozens of organizations paid Coburg wads of cash to merely attend plastic photo opportunities, cut ribbons and other light duties. No wonder she is known as Freeloader Fergie. Turds of a feather defrocked together.
  • 71. 67 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Committee 300 In the world of professional research, some unproven phenomena are important purely because of the overwhelming quantity of references to this topic. The notorious Committee 300 fits in this category. The Committee 300 does not officially exist in so-called authority spaces such as .gov websites and the vast bulk of mainstream corporate fake news media such as CNN. What is this infamous Committee 300 that exists in thousands of spaces, such as blogs and independent investigative journalism websites? It depends who you ask. The dominant theme is that the so-called 300 members of this Committee are highly influential people in the overlapping worlds of royalty, business family dynasties, government, corporate governance, the military industrial complex, Hollywood and media. Some claim that this Committee reports to the Venetian Dark Nobility, the Council of 13 or King Charles. The mysterious article in Annex 1 claims to list the 300 members of this Committee. These 11 names, cited verbatim, are interesting: Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha; Edward (Prince) – Duke of Kent; Edward (The Prince) – Earl of Wessex; William (Prince) of Wales; Andrew (Prince) – Duke of York; Anne – Princess Royal; Michael (Prince) of Kent; Philip (Prince) – Duke of Edinburgh; Charles – Prince of Wales; Richard (Prince) – Duke of Gloucester; Camilla – Duchess of Cornwall. The absence of adult aged Prince Harry Spencer is an interesting observation. The dead Saxe- Coburg & Gotha Matriarch is the symbolic Head of this Committee in this article dated 2016. The list in Annex 1 is partially out-of-date. “Beatrix (Queen)” was extracted from this role by the Council of 13. A small number on this list are now deceased. David Rockefeller Sr dropped dead shortly after POTUSA 45 assumed office. America’s 41st President, H.W. Bush is no longer alive.
  • 72. 68 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Malthus So-called English ‘scientists’ dominate English language narratives about fundamental aspects of bioanthropological history. This is no coincidence. The Coburg crime clan have long held exclusive privilege to decide which thespian pseudoscientists puppets they will knight. Charles Darwin is code word for the royals’ anti-creationism agenda. Sir David Attenborough is a BBC ass actor. According to history books – most of which are fake, Thomas Robert Malthus was an eminent English theologian, economist and demographer. To many, Malthusian is code word for the royals’ genocidal human depopulation agenda. Engineered warfare, human made earthquakes, toxic vaccines and caustic synthetic foods are royal agents of mass murder known as ‘eugenics’. Eugenics promoters talk about the lack of farmland and energy to sustain the forecast human population. This author modestly states that he has viewed the terrain of about 60 nations states via low flying aircraft. Like many others, he notes that more than 90% of all fertile lands that he views from the ground and in the air is vacant. Eugenics is about maintaining an optimum population size that royal families can control as their slaves. This is probably around 500 million people. Scientists who talk about unlimited free energy are censored, locked in a mental asylum or assassinated by Committee 300 agents such as the toxic Travistock Institute and Chatham House. Above: Georgia Guidestone
  • 73. 69 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Kremlin The following Russian names appear on this list shown in Annex 1. These names, verbatim are: Abramovich, Roman Arkadyevich; Friedrich, Georg – Prince of Prussia; Prokhorov, Mikhail; Vladimirovna, Maria – Grand Duchess of Russia; Ibragimov, Alijan; Gorbachev, Mikhail. Britain has a long history of meddling in Russia’s internal affairs. And vice versa, of course. This LA Times article dated 1987 is about Mikhail Gorbachev. Coincidence, code, both or neither? Russia’s Committee 300 is a remarkable coincidence. Author’s surname: Bolton (1988). Oct 1988 Perhaps the Kremlin report/ed to the Committee 300. Fake news stories about the Russia- America nuclear war tensions justified trillions of dollars in arms sales and kept the world in fear.
  • 74. 70 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Counts Count Dracula is a mythical figure from Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic horror novel Dracula. Gothic sounds like Gotha. Many of the best fairy tales were crafted in gorgeous Germany. Cinderella and Goldilocks. Hansel and Gretel – wasn’t that one about kiddies, candy and a wicked old witch? This author advises people that any video evidence can be faked. Some raw amateur video footage looks real. Our instincts guide us to believe that it is probably true. To this author, this naked teenage child escaping via a window at Buckingham Palace in 2015 looks authentic in video. He fell from these sheets. RIP. Fake news went into damage control. Their presstitutes dismissed this viral Twitter video as a fake. For example, see Daily Mail (2015). Take context into account. Randy Andy, Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville were once staple fixtures of this Pedo Porn Palace.
  • 75. 71 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Kindergarten Why were these three royal cousins of the Coburgs, plus one, extracted from their high office? Was there a secret ICLCJ hearing? Below: Benedict, King Albert II, Queen Beatrix, King Carlos. Extracted 2013 Extracted 2013 Extracted 2013 Extracted 2014 Royal flush of coincidental timing? I doubt it. This article below may offer an avenue of inquiry.
  • 76. 72 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Schock (2019) Accusations in commercial books such as these, are merely the author’s opinion. Claims of satanic child sacrifice and baby blood drinking among apex elites is common in alternative media publications. Writers argue that some elites believe that consuming fetal/baby blood and tissue is the Fountain of Youth Holy Grail. It is curious is that globally famous mainstream newspapers such as The Independent dare to publish headlines, such as the one shown below. This title apparently poses a mocking stance as opposed to a tone that is factual, informative or something like this category of adjectives. Please visit the online version of this article, c/- the web link provided in this book’s references section. This will allow you to comprehend the full context of this bizarre news article.
  • 77. 73 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Now
  • 78. 74 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n According to orthodox history books, of the variety not taught in schools, the incestuous House of Habsburg survived from circa the 11th Century CE to circa 1780 CE. Centuries of inbreeding created an inept, doomed family of warped mutants of below average intellect. Sound familiar? Perhaps just as little as a hundred or so people truly understand the personas, intellects and true capabilities of the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha inbred warlords. Don’t be fooled by their Eton gifted credentials or their inspiring broadcast speeches. This copy is authored by the best word weasel wizards that trillions in wealth can woo. The Queen’s (and her body double’s) Christmas messages are always recorded prior to the event. They are rehearsed, edited and sequenced as many times as required to deify the genius of the computer generated imagery of Regina’s doppelganger. Andrew’s disastrous public relations interview with BBC journalist Emily Maitlis on 17 November about a 17-years old sex slave finally awoke the masses. This privileged psychopath showed no empathy for his sex slave or his public friendship with a global child sex trafficking mafia mobster. The financial fall of the Londinium money magic madhouse is inevitable and imminent. This author, who loves all nations, wishes no harm on England’s champion chumps. Publicly airing the truth about this inbred pedophilia House of Horrors will liberate beautiful Britain from Nazi rule. ICEBÈRG Britannic blue bloodlíne Sinister stûnt Didlittle dåstard Cries cyborg Cøunt
  • 79. 75 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n This diagram summarizes the public status of the most senior members of the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family as at January 2020 with reference to their eligibility to inherit the vacant monarchy. It aims to illustrate that there is no obvious heir apparent for the deceased Matriarch. William is the only person who is fit to publicly inherit the stuffy sovereign. This succession may further publicly humiliate de facto King Charles who has waited decades to sit aloft this lavatory. William Coburg is scandal free. The arch question Britain must decide is this – do you want to be ruled by any foreign inbred sovereign? The year 2020 may be the time to seize the BREXIT magic moment. Benign monarchs die. After that, inbred crime cousins may rule the roost for millennia. History proves this beyond doubt. This author, who was raised in the Commonwealth, knew from childhood that this clan was sinister. I don’t need to be ruled by trillionaire warlords living on the other side of the world who visit a few days every decade for a cheap photo opportunity.
  • 80. 76 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Currencies The unholy trinity is going to collapse sometime in the next few years. I talk about the Maritime Law Roman Empire that rules the West from the Vatican. Why do you think that it is called the Holy See? The Law of Sea ran the West prior to the Trump rebellion of 2017 (Jericho, 2019a). Vatican: Mind control London: Finance Washington DC: Military The Coburg Clan reports to this Caesar. Kings and Queen’s abound. There is but one Caesar. This author’s open-access book series addresses this unholy Roman Trinity. Millions of cushy jobs in blissful Britain rely on the City of London’s money laundering rackets and IELTS human trafficking. This easy mafia money is about to run dry. Britain is in trouble. She has no major manufacturing base. Her strong Pound Sterling enabled (past tense) her to import food and energy on the cheap. This unfolding backdrop may cause many millions of Brits to take note, for the first time ever. Buckingham Palace’s foreign freeloaders live trillionaire lifestyles as masses fight foreclosure.
  • 81. 77 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n These free books in this author’s series explain this unholy, hidden Trinity. Rome & Washington DC IELTS: Human trafficking City of London: Global Financial Reset
  • 82. 78 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 83. 79 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 84. 80 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n References 4Chan (2019), Habsburg Jaw image, inbreeding Adventists Online (French, J.) (2018), Attack on freedom of speech, press and hiding pedophile rings, hiding-pedophile-rings Al Jazeera (Tharoor, S.)(2017), The Partition: The British game of 'divide and rule', 170808101655163.html AP (2015), UK: LONDON: QUEEN ADDRESSES NATION ON DEATH OF PRINCESS DIANA, AP Archive (2017), Melania Trump Meets Prince Harry Ahead of Games, BBC (2019a), Prince William 'worried' about Harry after ITV interview, ––––––– (2019b), Queen’s speech: Why didn’t the Queen wear her crown?, Colton, Timothy (1988), ‘No holds barred at Soviet conference’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, October 1988, pp. 7-9. Business Insider (2011), The World's 15 Biggest Landowners,
  • 85. 81 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Chris Levine (2019), The Queen Art & Image, Christian Observer (2014), Horrifying Child Sacrifices | ICLCJ Court Litigating The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult: Some Members Prominent Global Elites, satanic-cult-some-members-prominent-global-elites/ Cohn, J. (2019), America’s Electronic Voting System is Corrupted to the Core, core-1f55f34f346e Daily Mail (2002), Royal butler trial thrown out after intervention by Queen, Daily Mail (Gardner, D.0 (2010), One third of Haiti orphans 'kidnapped' by American church group still have parents, orphans-kidnapped-American-church-group-parents.html Daily Mail (English, R.) (2012), Elizabeth's second! The woman who's stood in for the Queen for 24 years, stood-Queen-24-years.html Daily Mail (Kay, R.)(2015), How Savile seduced the royals: As it's claimed he nearly became godfather to Harry, how the predatory DJ wormed his way into the very heart of Palace life, godfather-Harry-predatory-DJ-wormed-way-heart-Palace-life.html Daily Mail (Boyle, D.) (2015), One is not amused! Internet hoaxer posts video of naked man 'escaping Buckingham Palace bedroom window during the Changing of the Guard', naked-man-escaping-Buckingham-Palace-bedroom-window-Changing-Guard.html
  • 86. 82 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Daily Mail (Sadler & Stickings)(2019), Backlash at barefoot Prince Harry and 'hypocrite Greenerati': Eco-warrior elite who turned up at secret change Google camp in 114 private jets, helicopters and mega yachts are mocked for leaving their own carbon footprint, celebrities.html Daily Star (2019), 'Camilla should NEVER be Queen' Princess Diana fans knife Duchess on anniversary, Directory of US (2020), Illuminati Leak: Current Membership Of ‘Committee Of 300’, Eonline (2015), Viral Video of Naked Man Escaping From Buckingham Palace Revealed to Be Launch of D-Throned Tabloid for E!'s The Royals!, buckingham-palace-revealed-to-be-launch-of-d-throned-tabloid-for-e-s-the-royals Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (2019), Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Prince Albert II of Monaco, Glaser, G. (2019), Prince William the Little Horn described in Daniel & Revelation, Harry & Megan Spencer (2020), Press release: 8 January 2020, Palace response: Hoffman, L. (2020), Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor, James Linton (2015), Buckingham Palace naked man February 2015,
  • 87. 83 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Jericho, J. (2018), University of Cambridge: Modern day slavery mastermind, Mastermind ––––––– (2019a), Declare Independence: America, ––––––– (2019b), How banks spin trends and infiltrate sheeple, ––––––– (2019c), NESARA: The facts, LATimes (Eaton, William) (1987), Gorbachev Ally Admits Errors, Asks to Resign, Microsoft Clip Art (2020), Queen Elizabeth II (deceased) Saxe-Coburg & Gotha: Bloody eye, See also bloodshot-left-889201 National Review (Hanson, V.) (2018), FISA-Gate Is Scarier Than Watergate, Readers Digest (Cahn, L.) (2017), How Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Are Secretly Related, Roseanne Barr (2020), Videos (January 2020), –––––– (2012a), Dear Mr. President, –––––– (2012b), Greetings President Putin,
  • 88. 84 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Royal Family (2020), Financial Reports 2018-19, Scarsi, A. (2019), How Prince Harry and William’s army careers highlight a STAGGERING difference between them, royal-family-latest-military Schock, R. (2019), Shock stubble 14: The Ninth Circle, The Commonwealth (2020), Member countries, The Evening Standard (Weatherby, B.)(2019), Prince Andrew latest: Full list of organisations who have cut and reviewed ties to duke after interview on Jeffrey Epstein, and-reviewed-ties-to-duke-after-a4291581.html The Evening Standard (Edsor, B.) (2017), Here's why the Queen might not attend Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding, prince-harry-and-meghan-markles-wedding-a3703786.html The Express (Miller, F.) (2019), Queen heartbreak: Queen’s shocking response on hearing of Princess Diana’s death, princess-diana-death-reaction The Express (Hodgkin, E.) (2018), How did the Royal Family start? Strange history of the royals revealed, The Express (Austin, J.)(2016), David Icke explains his infamous theory why 'Queen IS a shape- shifting reptile', The Guardian (Morris, S.) (2005), Prince Harry, a weak student who was helped to cheat in exam, says ex-teacher,
  • 89. 85 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The Guardian (Tatchell, P.) (2009), Our system of Monarch is racist, The Guardian (Bates, S.)(2010), Sarah Ferguson offered access to Prince Andrew for cash, says tabloid, The Guardian (Monbiot, G.) (2011), The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest, The Guardian (Collinson & Jones) (2014), Banks say: we'll leave Scotland if the independence vote is a yes, The Independent (Eleftheriou-Smith, L.)(2017), Princess Diana letter claims Prince Charles was ‘planning an accident’ in her car just 10 months before fatal crash, accident-plan-car-paris-tunnel-crash-10-months-a7918671.html The Independent (Dearden, L.) (2015), 'Queen Elizabeth is a punisher granny who drinks blood of rebels' babies' - Ukrainian MP, is-a-punisher-granny-who-drinks-blood-of-rebels-babies-ukrainian-mp-10206689.html The Independent (Macdonald, M.) (1994), Prince of Wales admits adultery, The Metro (Jones, H.) (2019), The Queen is not dead, after rumours spread from WhatsApp group, 11253219/?ito=cbshare The Mirror (2017), Queen's Speech: Post-Brexit powers pledge by ministers,
  • 90. 86 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n The Sun (2019), Their royal heilnesses, The Telegraph (Dennison, M.) (2019a), From the godparents to the gowns: A history of Royal christenings, The Telegraph (2019b), Prince Charles eclipses Princess Anne to become hardest-working royal of 2019, The Telegraph (Rayner, G.) (2007), Witness tells Diana inquest of flash in tunnel, tunnel.html The Times (2019), One is really two: Queen’s body double spills the beans, Time (2011), Prince Harry goes Nazi,,28804,2076816_2076800_2076811,00.html Witzsche, R. (2013), Crimes against humanity, World Bank (2020), GDP per capita (current US$),
  • 91. 87 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n I wonder who controlled the CIA prior to January 20, 2017. New + York + Times = Fake + News
  • 92. 88 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 93. 89 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 94. 90 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 95. 91 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 96. 92 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 97. 93 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 98. 94 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 99. 95 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Other listings of the Committee 300 exist. You may find these via online searches. Most of these seem to be around 85% to 95% similar as the list shown in this annex. For many, the Committee 300 mostly overlaps with the notoriously secretive Bilderberg Group which meets annually in the Netherlands. This group was established in 1954 – the year after Elizabeth II (deceased) Saxe- Coburg & Gotha assumed the Queen of England title.
  • 100. 96 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Annex 2 The following five pages are verbatim full copies of two letters authored by Roseanne Barr in 2012 in her capacity as the registered candidate running for the Office of President of the United States of America. She represented the Peace and Freedom Party with honor. Documents overleaf are from her account at the domain. Roseanne’s video dated January 2020 confirms her authorship (Barr, 2012; 2020). Roseanne’s stellar career has placed her on the Deep State frontline since the 1980s. This includes 10 seasons acting and co-producing on her global smash hit TV series Roseanne. She hosted her syndicated TV program The Roseanne Show for 281 episodes. She is Hollywood’s Arch Sentinel. Roseanne is the solo super-celebrity who fearlessly shines a light on the grave issues outlined in this book. She is the lone voice of mainstream exposés about the MK Ultra mind control regime that has enslaved humanity for seven decades. Barr’s last Hollywood movie in a lead role was She Devil in 1989. Long blacklisted by Tinsel Town, Roseanne paid a hellish price for her testimonies. Few trailblazers are worthy of comparison. Such soldiers may salvage the sullied standing of the Nobel ‘Peace’ Prize. Oslo, are you listening? Please repay humanity’s debt. There’s time!
  • 101. 97 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 102. 98 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Readers may view this transcript authored by Roseanne Barr direct at:
  • 103. 99 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 104. 100 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 105. 101 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n
  • 106. 102 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Vignette It may surprise readers that this book is about this author’s love for Britain’s champion people, culture and homeland. I lived there for three years in the 90s. I do not possess an ideological dislike of royals. They simply don’t work. Literally. Eliza Doolittle. The truth always hides in plain sight. When was the last time you saw any Buckingham Palace barbarian booked before a bobby? For most of my life, I thought that homeschoolers who were fiercely anti public schools were a bit extreme. Something about corrupt curricula they claimed. I vividly recall attending elementary schools in Australia during the 70s and 80s. Tidy, leafy campuses, enthusiastic teachers and plenty of resources. Educators constantly reinforced the notion of excellence from endeavor, using celebrity role models such as Carl Lewis as shining examplars. A hard-working, gracious, self- made athlete who tirelessly worked his butt off to become the best athelte of his generation. Great example, teachers. As I approach 50, I finally understand the wisdom of homeschooling. Students at Challa were also programmed to worship the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha crime family. No royal achievements were cited. Something about them as leaders of the Commonwealth, of which Australia was a member. I recall our school lining up for an hour on the street in 1981 to fetch a flash of Diana & Charles passing by in their Bentley. A glimpse of delectable Diana is a fond memory. We were brainwashed to blindly deify the Coburgs. No teacher explained that these inbred vampires enjoy trillionaire lifestyles while half their Commonwealth sleeps in slums.
  • 107. 103 j o u r n a l i s t e t h i c s . c o m C ø b u r g C h r o m e C l a n Index Andrew Gotha pp. iii, 1, 7-8, 27, 50, 60, 66-67, 71, 74-75 Australia pp. 5, 8, 53, 56-57, 64-65 Barr, Roseanne pp. 95-100; Annex 2 British Empire, Royal Military pp. iii, 1-3, 4-5, 7-8, 18, 24, 27, 36, 38, 47, 55, 59-60, 68, 76 British politicians pp. 24-25, 35 Computer Generated Imagery pp. 20, 22, 73 Commonwealth pp. iii, 1, 5, 7, 18, 25-26, 28-29, 46, 57, 59, 75-76 Committee 300 pp. Annex 1, 67, 69, 88-95 Crimes against Humanity pp. iii, 1, 24, 40, 59, 60, 62-63, 68 Deep State pp. 7-8, 11, 14, 35, 98 Diana Spencer pp. 19-20, 30, 33, 41, 44-46, 89 Edward pp. 19, 25, 27, 50, 60, 67, 75 Elizabeth Coburg II pp. 12, 15, 30-31, 44-45, 63, 75 Body double pp. 2-3, 20-22, 31, 45, 48, 59, 63, 74-75 Fake news, MK Ultra pp. iii, 3, 6, 11, 20, 38, 44, 53, 64, 67, 70, 87, 97 Germany pp. 4, 6-8, 14, 16, 70 Harry Spencer pp. iii, 3, 9, 44-51, 75 IELTS Human Trafficking pp. iii, 3, 56-57, 76-77 Inbred royals pp. iii, 1, 6, 11, 14-16, 18, 62-63, 74-75; the whole book King Charles pp. 2, 7, 19-21, 40, 50, 52, 60, 64, 67, 75 London City pp. 21, 32, 34-35, 53-55, 76-77, 89 Nazis pp. 3, 7-8, 12-13, 44, 62 NESARA, Global Financial Reset pp. 1, 76-77 Pedophilia, Pedovores pp. 8, 10, 17, 40-43, 52, 59, 70-72, 74 Philip Glücksburg pp. 7, 15, 27, 36, 45, 50, 60, 67, 75 Rome pp. 7-8, 37-38, 40, 60, 71, 76 Seventeen pp. 11, 74, 89 Succession (Monarch) pp. 19, 75 Trump, Donald pp. 2, 7-8, 14, 51-53, 76, 89 Westphalian Treaties pp. 1, 3-4, Annex 2 William pp. 13, 25, 43, 45, 67, 75