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How To Write A Play Script Fro How To Write A Play Script Fro
Cressey s Theory
Differential association is a theory that was created by Edwin Sutherland. His theory was developed
between the years 1934 1947. It is actually considered, according to Donald R. Cressey in the
Criminal Law Commons Journal, as the best formulation to date of a general theory of criminality by
most sociologists. This theory states that criminals who are not exposed to non criminal behaviors
further develop criminal mindsets and motives. Cressey sums up the theory by stating it as ...
criminality is learned from observations of definitions favorable to law violation, the learning
including both the techniques of committing crime and the specific direction of motives, drives,
rationalizations and attitudes. The ratio between such definitions ... Show more content on ...
His theory has a nine proposition outline. 1) Criminal behavior is learned. 2) Criminal behavior is
learned through communication and social interactions, not necessarily because they have only or at
all, witnessed it. 3) Newspapers, film, television, or other forms of impersonal types of
communicating are less influencing to deviance than being involved in personal groups such as
inmates or rough friends. 4) Not only are techniques used to commit crimes learned behaviors, but so
are the motivations, rationalization, and individual s attitude. 5) The way a culture views concepts as
deviant or not deviant is how individuals learn pro criminal and anti criminal understandings of the
law. 6) Just being around criminal behavior does not necessarily mean one will become a criminal. It
depends upon the ration of criminal and non criminal influences in one s life. 7) Duration and priority
of being influenced by the criminal acts largely plays a role in learning the behaviors. 8) Learning not
only teaches people to imitate behavior, criminal or not, but on a deeper level grows to understand and
develop these behaviors, whatever they may be. 9) What motivates a crime, or non criminal, law
abiding behavior cannot and will not be the same for
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Racial Tension, Racial Tensions, And Dramatic Social Change
Turbulent times have engulfed the United States. Violent extremism, a stagnating economy, racial
tension, and dramatic social change have left Americans worried about the country s future.
Candidates from both major political parties pander to those concerns in hopes of ascending to the
presidency. None have capitalized on those anxieties more than Donald Trump. His promise to restore
the countries greatness is based on his ability to rid the country of its Alien problems. Hearkening to a
darker time, Trump has staked his presidential campaign on placing blame for America s troubles at
the feet of non Americans, specifically non white Americans. Reminiscent of debate surrounding
passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Trump s subtle use of racism to galvanize support has
threatened to set America back one hundred twenty five years and tear the country apart.
Trump proposes radical change to standing immigration practice to relieve American anxieties. During
his announcement speech, he pointed the finger at Hispanic immigrants for much of America s angst.
Referring to them as criminals, Trump held non whites, from south of the U.S, liable for what he
claimed was America s decline. A few months later, in the name of national security, he added
Muslims to his list of those responsible for America s troubles.
Asserting the measure was necessary to keep Americans safe, Trump proposed a moratorium on all
Muslim immigration into the United States. In a written statement he
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Advantages Of Mobile Application Increment
The quick increment in portable applications and applications for Android has quickened the force of
using HTML5 structures. Also, the interest for client driven versatile applications has prompted the
improvement and the use of various open source HTML5 structures to fulfill proficient portable
application development
In the event that you are one of the beginners entering in the portable application planning, it is the
best to run with HTML5 structures. It is imperative for you to be acquainted with pre composed codes
and designs that assistance in shaping structures, the gadgets, and then some. With HTML5, designers
have the upside of not beginning the things from the scratch as they can exploit libraries, contents, and
in addition ... Show more content on ...
As the source code of Twitter Bootstrap 3 consolidates Sass and LESS CSS preprocessors, it is
assembled fundamentally to make front end improvement a simple errand for designers.
4. Framework7:
Framework7 comes free and it is an open source versatile HTML system. It helps engineers in the
making of web and in addition half and half portable applications having iOS and Android look and
feel. It is a vital prototyping application that is fundamental to demonstrate working application model
on the off chance that there is any such necessity with the designers. Framework7 is one of the finest
and highlight rich structures for creating iOS half breed applications.
5. Junior:
Junior preferably bargains with regards to creating versatile applications that work like a local
application and show up stylishly for the clients. In fact, Junior is a jQuery based HTML5 system. The
system depends on Zepto.js, which is coordinated with Backbone. More to it, Junior uses Ratchet CSS
for giving extraordinary UI segments. The system is outstanding, lightweight, yet effective in the
meantime. More to it, it is utilized for prototyping iPhone applications with exceptional JavaScript
6. ChocolateChip UI:
This open source structure is utilized for making electronic portable applications that have local look
of iOS 7, Windows, and Android. ChocolateChip UI offers effective and simple to redo see for
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Influence Of Slavery On American History
Influence of Slavery on American History
From the first 20 slaves brought to Jamestown in 1619, the abolishment of slavery through the 13th
amendment to the United States Constitution, slaves and slavery have played an important role in the
establishment and economic growth of the United States of America.
From its beginning, slavery has divided America on its pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.
Separating from its own oppressor on the words That all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable rights... while still holding these same beliefs and rights from
men and women that were not white. Close to 40 percent of the population in the Southern slave states
were the slaves themselves, ... Show more content on ...
The North profited from the sale of slaves as well as from the mass production of cotton and tobacco
that was grown in the south from the enslaved labor. Both of these crops had an unquenchable demand
with roaring profits both locally and when exported. When Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, the
demand for cotton skyrocketed. Many southerners believed that the cotton enterprise depended on
more slave labor with bigger crops and more fertile land which pushed farmers to acquire more land.
Thus expanding the railroad to have more railroad mileage in place by 1860 than any region outside of
the northern United States.(Drescher)
With this lust for more land, opened the issue of whether new states would allow or disallow slavery.
This argument was tested each time new land was acquired, but it originated in 1820 with the
Missouri Compromise. Under the Missouri Compromise, Maine was to enter the union as a free state
while Missouri entered as a slave state. The reasoning behind this was that the balance would remain
equal between free and slave states, however, slavery was prohibited in all land lying above the 36, 30
latitude line. We must also look to the compromise of 1850 when California wanted to join the Union.
This compromise allowed California to enter as a free state, prohibited slave trade in Washington DC,
and also introduced a stricter fugitive slave law. Under this stricter law, citizens, whether
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Essay Alternative Fuel
The feasibility of adding AFVs (alternative fuel vehicles) to the Lotus Rental Car fleet is examined in
the attached research. The advantages and disadvantages of AFVs were analyzed. In addition, the
environmental effect of AFV use on future generations is also discussed. By comparing the overall
information and data of AFVs vs. petroleum fueled vehicles, and researching how other fleets have
successfully incorporated AFVs, the result is conclusive evidence that the addition of AFVs to the
Lotus fleet is a viable course of action for the future of Lotus.
The Feasibility of Adding Alternative Fuel Vehicles
To the Lotus Rental Car Fleet
In the competitive business environment most ... Show more content on ...
Using alternative fuels helps reduce our nation s dependence on imported oil and improves air quality.
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) defines alternative fuels as electricity, ethanol, natural gas,
propane, methanol, hydrogen, and biodiesel (U.S. Department of Energy, What is the Energy Policy
Act of 1992, para. 2).
One of the main issues that requires examination is to find out more details regarding the many
different types of alternative fuels. With that thought in mind, the next step in our research process
was to weigh the pros and cons of the various alternative fuel types that would be feasible for the
Lotus Company to consider.
Since we are dealing with a rental fleet, both the cost of implementing a certain type of alternative fuel
vehicle as well as the availability of refueling stations must be considered when comparing the
viability of the different fuel types. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the availability of
refueling stations is an issue for vehicles that run on propane and natural gas (U.S. Department of
Energy, Alternative Fuels, para.8). With the number of refueling stations being inadequate for propane
and natural gas, these two alternative fuels can be ruled out as an option for the Lotus fleet because the
Lotus customers are not going to rent vehicles if refueling stations are not readily available. In
addition, the problems with using natural gas vehicles are going to
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Pancreatic Cancer Research Paper
There are two kinds of pancreatic cancer. There is the endocrine tumors and the exocrine tumors.
Endocrine tumors are less common and they affect the islet cells of the pancreas. They tend to be
benign and not often become malignant. However the exocrine tumors are much more common and
this is what Gene is diagnosed with. Exocrine tumors are often called adenocarcinomas and that
means cancer affect the gland cells such as the ducts of the glands (American Cancer Society).
Pancreatic adenocarcinomas keep the glands from secreting normal The signs and symptoms of
pancreatic adenocarcinoma is darkening of the urine, irritated skin, jaundice, pain in the upper
abdomen and back, unexplained weight loss, stomach bloating, weakness, and nausea.
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Large Events Of Philadelphia
Liabilities of Large Events
Philadelphia consistently ranks among one of the most popular cities in the United States, both in
terms of visitation and in terms of global recognition. This ranking is driven by prominent events in
the past, and 2016 will be no different. Events such as the papal visit and the democratic nomination
convention will inevitably influence Philadelphia s economy, and it has long been an accepted notion
that these events cause a positive impact. However, recent studies have begun to erode this
misconception. The disastrous papal visit proved the economic harm of large scale events, and in
events such as the upcoming Democratic national convention, Philadelphia shouldn t expect any
significant economic windfall. The large influx of tourists coming to city for large events repels local
citizens who consume from local businesses, resulting in local businesses being forced to fall behind
The Papal visit was projected to generate 400 million dollars for the city, but instead exemplifies the
way in which super events can go awry (Debree 2). Pope Francis visited the city of Philadelphia from
September 26th through the 27th, and predictably paranoia ensued. Hundreds of thousands of people
flooded the city for the opportunity to watch the pope speak. The damage was assessed weeks later.
City controller Alan Butkovitz published an analysis in October of 2015 detailing the Papal visit s
economic impact and his conclusions were undeniably grim.
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Bradley Rappa Philosophy
While teaching several courses as a graduate student at Syracuse University, Bradley Rappa figured
his life would eventually come back to teaching. What he did not predict was his 15 year career in the
film industry working on network television, independent films, and ultimately his own
documentaries. Looking back on his journey, he said, Without all of the experiences I ve had, I wouldn
t have ended up where I am now at Ithaca. Every single thing I ve done has led me to this place and I
can t say I would change any of it. Bradley Rappa teaches quite a few courses at Ithaca, including
Cinema Production Two, Advanced Cinema Production Non Fiction, and the course I m currently
taking; Activists and Environmental Media. Activism and environmental sustainability is a subject of
extreme importance to Rappa. When asked about how documentary work has changed his life, he
responded, My philosophy has changed dramatically from every single project that I ve worked on.
Even though I m open minded, and I know my philosophy will change, I do know that every project I
work on from now until I die will have something to do with sustainability. It is the most important
issue of our time as a species and I want to make ... Show more content on ...
The best part about documentary filmmaking is that I can get paid to travel all around the world and
meet incredible people. I also get to learn about things I never knew I was interested in. After fifteen
years working out of New York City, his wife told him that they had to leave because he was starting
to become a grumpy person. She said that they could go anywhere in the world, and he could pick
where, but they just couldn t stay in New York. Bradley chose to move to Colorado because at the
time, he was making a documentary there. In Colorado, he got back into education; a path, which
eventually led him to Ithaca in
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Teaching And Coach For Elif Canan Was Born Of Modern...
Kemal Cem Tırak
First Draft
Her name is Elif Canan Onat. She is the Chairman of Modern Languages Department in Bahçeşehir
University (BAU) Foreign Languages School. She is an asset for BAU because she has an admirable
career in terms of education, skills and ability. She uses success factors such as motivation and
illustration with examples, and educational methodologies to teach and coach. Her main goal is to
improve her students understanding of life nationally and internationally. Although many
academicians are only interested in their studies and thinks that they are just responsible to know their
own task, she sees being an academician as a way of life with her students and studies and believes
that an academician needs to be a multi tasking person.
She has an admirable career in terms of education, skills and ability. Elif Canan was born in
September 16, 1967 in Ankara. She graduated from Hacettepe University in 1991. She has had a
double degree from literature and education. She was employed as a translator and redactor in TRT
Ankara Television. Then, she was employed as an Administrative Coordinator in Bilgi University
Preparation School in 1997. She was one of the founders of Bilgi University Academic English
Department in 2002. Then, she was promoted as Level Coordinator in Bilgi University between 2005
to 2007. She transferred to Bahçeşehir University as a founder of Modern Language Department in
2008. She had her Master s
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Essay on Beauty of Giselle and the Beast of Lebron
The Beast of Lebron and the Beauty of Giselle
It has always been quoted from time to time that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, what
we see is not always necessarily beauty but sometimes just an individual perspective of the viewer s
sense of the images they see. You see all of these different types of mainstream media that heavily
influence and criticize our culture so negatively by the creators and executives who sometimes put
there spin on the way we see and view things. Advertisements, movies, internet, radio and TV are
sometimes with their images convey hate, racism, and inequality. For example, take Gisele a world s
top model, and a NBA star athlete Lebron James and you put them on the front cover of Vogue s April
2008 ... Show more content on ...
A good deal of racist propaganda has rested on those images, and they re a deeply ingrained part of
our cultural history. That s why this Vogue cover, which plays on racist facial expression and imagery,
is troubling and that just because you don t see racism of this stereotype of black males; it doesn t
mean that it isn t there. Lebron James is one of the most famous sports stars alive, and his image and
endorsement are worth tens of millions of dollars a year. He s got a carefully maintained public
persona as a squeaky clean, family friendly, playful person, and his substantial personal interests as
well as the interest of his top tier agents and PR team, as well as the interest of several large
multinational corporations with whom he has long term endorsement deals that are all centered on
maintaining that image. When looking at this cover, it is LeBron who grabs your attention. On the
Contrary, Gisele is a mere after thought; a beautiful after thought, but an after thought nonetheless.
Similarly, Giselle a world s top model has a facial expression that is calm, refreshing, and pleasant.
Gisele looks elated with her partner, not terrified despite Lebron s exaggerated snarl. Some feel it
plays to the stereotypes about the dangerous criminal minded black man and his desire
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Customer Service Satisfaction At Wilkinson Hardware Store
I dedicate my dissertation to my family and friends. Special appreciation to my loving mother Mani
lad for the encouragement and support she has given me over the last three years. As well as support
from my sister s too and would like to thank my late father too. I would not be where I am without you
all helping and supporting me.
I would also like to thank a very special friend for all her help and support Manisa Patel. She has been
very supportive throughout my dissertation as well as knowing her within the three years. I am very
grateful to know her thank you so much.
The researcher would like to sincerely thank the efforts of her supervisor Carol Hughes for the help,
support and guidance given ... Show more content on ...
All this will relate to the aims of the research and overall customer service satisfaction. I will be
having Questionnaires which will be the main source of the investigation to show more of a clear
understanding. Also I will be interviewing the Manager s within Wilkinson to get more of an
understanding of what they think is a good customer service satisfaction.
1.1 AIM
To investigate customer service satisfaction within Wilkinson Hardware Store
1) Identify customer satisfaction 2) To analyse issues relating to customer satisfaction and sales
assistances 3) Identify how Wilkinson s can improve customer satisfaction
The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between Wilkinson s and their customers. The
aim is based on researching how many different methods are used relating to customer strategy, and to
see how staff communication works with the customer s.
There are three objectives and each one of these concentrates on a specific element within customer
satisfaction. The first objective will be to research customer satisfaction what they would like to see in
Wilkinson s for them to come back to spend their money in the store. By this will show what strategies
and motivation will need to be used.
The second objective is to
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Leotard Research Paper
Leotards are a fundamental clothing item used many sports, mainly dance and gymnastics, which
allow the athlete to perform at their peak ability without restrictions. A leotard allows for fluidity of
movement and should also be light weight, stretchy, durable, and conform to the athlete s body (1).
Upon their first appearances in the sporting community, leotards were manufactured from stretchy
wool (1). However their increasing popularity later led to modifications in the choice of material;
leotards being made from cotton and spandex (1). Spandex, also known as lyrcra or elastane, is a
synthetic fibre which is produced from a long chain polymer called polyurethane (8). Alternatively,
cotton is a natural fibre made from glucose molecules which ... Show more content on
This remarkable characteristic is due to the chemical composition of the polymer, as the fibres are
made of many polymer strands (8). These strands are comprised of two segments of a long,
amorphous segment and a short, rigid segment (8). The amorphous segments allows for the elastic
properties of spandex where the material can be continuously stretched and then return to their
original shape and size (8). This polymer also has useful features of being light weight, easily dyed,
abrasion resistant, and is unaffected by the harsh effects of perspiration, body oil, and detergents (8).
These attributes of spandex makes it a popular choice of material for sports
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Smell versus Taste with Food
Taste and smell are something we use every day. From the moment we wake up,we are smelling
things all around us. We taste food every single time it enters our mouth. But, do we really know how
each of them work?
Every time we put something in our mouths we are able to taste it. Taste is one of the five senses:
touch, smell, hear, vision, and taste. Small structures, papillae, found on the surface of the tongue,
upper esophagus, and epiglottis are responsible for taste. We have over 10,000 taste buds or papillae.
They were first discovered by Georg Meissner(1829 1905) and Rudolf Wagner(1805 1864).The
process of tasting is called gustation. Chemical substances in solutions stimulate the cells and they
send nerve impulses to the brain, we detect this as taste. The word taste is derived from a Latin word,
taxare, meaning to feel , to touch of to judge.
When an individual puts a substance in their mouth, five distinct tastes can be detected. These five
distinct sensations or qualities are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. When any of these tastes touch
the tongue, the receptors send signals to the brain on what to interpret. Each taste has a different
chemical reaction. For example, when saliva breaks down sodium ions (Na+) or acids, your tongue
detects it as salty or sour(Light,2009). The chemical break down for a sweet taste is hard to specify
because many chemical elements are involved.
Taste buds are located all around the tongue, the cheeks, and the
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Lars Eighner s On Dumpster Diving
Many people think that dumpster diving is a survival to search and find something in a dumpster that
they needed some discarded food/drink in order to survive if they are homeless and are really
hungry/thirsty. The purpose of Lars Eighner s memoir, On Dumpster Diving , is to understand the
style of his writing of why capitalizes the letter D in Dumpster . The importance of this memoir is
symbolized to define his survival needs including his dog, Lizbeth which is both his living and eating
at a dumpster. There are many reasons why I chose Lars Eighner s essay, On Dumpster Diving . I
believe the style of Lars s memoir was effective because Lars was impressed living in dumpsters, Lars
was searching and scavenging for food in a dumpster and ... Show more content on ...
In other words, he was trying to find something valuable in the dumpster that he might/will find it
useful for him to keep. In Lars s memoir, he wrote, As for collecting objects, I usually restrict myself
to collecting one kind of small object at a time, such as pocket calculators, sunglasses, or campaign
buttons. [...] But even if had a home with extensive storage space I could not save everything that
might be valuable in some contingency. (Eighner 146). This quote means that, finding something
valuable in the dumpster has meant a lot to him that if he and his dog, Lizbeth had a home, it
would/will be useful for him to collect all of the junk for him to keep it as a souvenir and or even a
dumpster collection. In the other hand, I found it interesting when I keep on reading further, he had
found a lot more discarded items of what we throw out that we don t need no more that he also states,
Dumpsters contain bank statements, bills, correspondence, and other documents, just as anyone might
expect. But there are also less obvious sources of information. [...] (Eighner 147) to show how we
could find some personal information/documentation in a dumpster.
Therefore, there are many reasons why I chose Lars Eighner s essay, On Dumpster Diving . Dumpster
diving can really help a homeless person search for food and or drink in order to survive. Dumpster
diving is effectual. It can also help a homeless
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The Relationship Between ICT Systems And Information Systems
(Beynon Davies, Business information systems, Second Edition, 2013) Says that ICT systems mainly
designed to assist and help different aspects of an information system. Therefore, there is a
relationship between ICT systems and information systems which are all part of organizations. ICT is
used to enhance business processes in so many ways and can do a lot of work.
Not only business processes within an organization but also the way people work, obtain and share
information. ICT is very important in businesses.
According to (Laudon Laudon, 2015), ICT changes the way organizations work and assist in the new
trends in the business field.
It is crucial that processes are studied, analyzed and understood in order to have a better understanding
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By using TPS, information is easily available and helps managers to monitor operations within
organization. Information systems must be computerized in order to improve efficiency and
effectiveness in an organization. So, TPS are also computerized. (Valacich Schneider, 2014).
For example, At DHL Company, a world leader in logistics, they have a computerized information
system that helps clients worldwide to track their shipment and also helps the managers at DHL to
control all activities and processes with the organization. If a client asks information or an inquiry
such as where does my package reach? The staff in charge at DHL will be able to easily find
information and respond to the client due to a computerized system. This supports the operational
level of management.
Second, we have management Information Systems. This type of information systems supports
management level of an organization and it gives them a customized reports and ability to analyze the
performance of an organization. With MIS, an organization can predict the outcome of processes and
they can easily manage the information that is made by the TPS. (Valacich Schneider,
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Analysis Of The Movie The Tv Series Californication
American Culture can be displayed in many forms in a variety of shows, but the TV series
Californication is one that expresses both the good and the bad parts about living in a modern society.
Californication is about a self loathing writer named Hank Moody trying to repair his relationship with
his daughter Becca and her mother Karen while simultaneously trying to fight his sex addiction, his
budding addiction to drugs and the inability to stop making bad decisions (Kapinos, IMDb). This
show depicts American Culture through the main characters lives through tragedy, family, romantic
relationships, and friendships.
Starting with Hank Moody, he is the main character in this show he is a successful novelist who up
and moves from New York to Las Angeles, California to turn his novel into a screenplay. Which he
ultimately ends up hating and is unhappy about it on many accounts throughout the show (Kapinos,
netflix). From the lack of motivation to write and the alcohol and drug binges California has
ultimately changed Hank for the worse. This really shows that there are bad parts about American
culture it tells us how drugs have become a normal part of some people s lives. Hank can be described
as intelligent, sarcastic, a smooth talker and a womanizer. Despite his love for women and drugs Hank
s ultimate goal is to be a good father to his teenaged daughter Becca and the loving and supportive
partner he should be with Karen.
Hank s life seems more like a downward spiral of
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The Pros And Cons Of Mothers Against Drunk Driving
On February 3, 2017, Tim Piazza, a sophomore here at Penn State, tragically lost his life at the Beta
Theta Pi fraternity house. This horrific event was a result of irresponsible consumption of alcohol and
binge drinking. Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. Around the nation, countless young adults have
lost their life due to the thoughtless consumption of alcohol. Unfortunately, the common census
between the majority of the average day Americans is that the most effective way to make drinking
safer for young adults is enforcing a minimum drinking age of twenty one. This law, as well as the
common census, are a direct result from the efforts of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) more
than thirty years ago ( Drinking Culture ). MADD s objective and goal is quite understandable; they
want the young adults of today s world to be safe and not put themselves into dangerous situations
with alcohol, but they doing more harm than good. ( The Problem ). Safety is the single objective from
each side in this argument, but MADD s flawed logic and ignorance to reality has formed a belief that
results in an unsafe drinking culture, resulting in more deaths, such as the tragic passing of Tim
Piazza, unless the drinking age is lowered to eighteen, as well as establishing an open dialogue about
drinking itself. Mothers Against Drunk Driving aims to create the safest possible environment for a
young adults to develop, but their argument contains a sense of ignorance to the reality
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Whole Foods Marketing Strategy
Whole Foods Market
In today s world of technology people are doing things through the web such as errands, business, and
socialization more and more. This has changed the face of business for many. And completely
restructure the customer experience and interaction. We now live in an age where ice cream can be
delivered to your front porch within an hour from the same company you order things like socks,
appliances, electronics, and car parts among other things. So how do ordinary grocery stores compete?
What if a company s very core is to bring you the highest quality of food and a passion for freshness?
How do they stay relevant while the staying true to their values? Whole foods Market maintains they
are a mission driven company ... Show more content on ...
Whole Foods strives to provide extraordinary customer service. Whole foods recognize the need for
customer as their lifeline. They try to exceed customer expectations every shopping trip. They go to
great lengths to make them happy. By investing in the customer experience and attempting to make it
pleasant and memorable Whole foods ensures that the customer will return.
Whole foods also reaches out to customers through education. By making more people aware of the
value within the products they offer and the quality at which they offer it they not only secure loyal
customers but also draw in new ones. They reach out through events making people more aware of
health, nutrition, and the environment.
Whole Foods has thought out the importance of staying competitive in the grocery market. This can be
tricky when major grocery stores offer things at very low prices. Whole Foods responds by providing
high quality at competitive prices they are also innovative and raise our retail standards They also
attempt to keep the store environment inviting and fun that reflect the community in hopes of being a
place where customers meet up with friends or form new friendships. By creating a welcome and
inviting atmosphere they draw in customers who want social
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Examples Of Characterization In Edgar Allan Poe
What is characterization: Characterization is the method by which the author shows the personality of
a character. Characterization is presented in two ways, both directly and indirectly. This presentation
will go over How direct and indirect characterization is presented in Poe s Stories
Edgar Allan Poe:
After having read some of his short stories, The first idea that comes to others and myself when
hearing the name Poe is images of madmen, murders with blood all over, the idea of characters
coming back to life and very bad endings. He was known to have written short stories, novels, a book
of scientific theory, many essays, and many more. He is globally recognised as the inventor of the
present day detective story and a creator in the science ... Show more content on ...
The denotation of this passage is the fact that the main character had come home drunk and literally
just used a knife to take one eyeball off the cat. In this passage, we see visual imagery because the
author describes in detail the state in which the author enters the house, the way he picks up the cat,
and the way he kills the cat, which makes the character seem even more insane. For the direct
characterization of the main character, we can see that he is a drunk and likes when people avoid him.
He also has a problem with his identity and states that he forgot his true self the moment before taking
the cat s eyeballs out. As for the indirect characterization, the main character becomes a very
aggressive person after alcohol consumption since he seizes the cat from the throat and tries to abuse
him. The main character can also be characterised as an insane person with weird and mad ways in
abusing a creature since he pops the cat s eyes out. The cat might also be characterised as a strong cat
that defends itself since it scratches his hand with its
... Get more on ...
Benefit Of Medical Marijuana
The Benefits of Medical Marijuana Medical marijuana is extremely useful, unlike recreational
marijuana which causes issues within today s society. Medical marijuana has many beneficial uses in
the medical field and is often times misunderstood by people today. Medical cannabis, although
misinterpreted sometimes, has many benefits to offer several people who are suffering from illnesses.
Medically, marijuana is truly valuable because of the wide range of diseases it can be used to treat.
Therefore, medical marijuana is beneficial because it can treat a multitude of medical conditions, the
symptoms of the conditions, and the cannabis can give a person a better quality of life. Medical
marijuana can and should be used to treat multiple medical conditions. Medical marijuana has been
used to treat medically diagnosed conditions for quite some time. One source says, A physician in
ancient Greece, Dioscorides, noted that cannabis could treat pain, rheumatism, and gout (Guterman,
2000, p.1). Therefore, this quote provides example that medical marijuana was used in the past to treat
many medical conditions and was seen as a valid medical treatment throughout history as it should be
today. Also, medical cannabis has been used to treat conditions such as, Alzheimer s, Cancer, seizures,
muscle spasms, and quite a few more serious medical conditions (Piotrowski, 2016). It seems that
these medical conditions can be treated and managed with the help of medical marijuana. Hence,
... Get more on ...
Mental Health Counseling Analysis
One of the most interesting aspects of developing a mind for the mental health field is being able to
evaluate, understand, and cope with the obstacles of daily living in a healthier way. Growing up, I was
told that I was a happy child that did well in school and got along with others. As I got older, I was
told that I was a moody teen that slacked in school and became distant from others. Starting college I
was told that I was a miserable adult with no motivation for school and kept away from others. By the
end of college, I was told that I was a bright young lady that would go far in life and was able to
approach others. When I took a look back and broke down my life into smaller sections, I acquired the
need to figure out what made my life the way it was then, and also how it changed to be what it is
today. I learned that without evaluating the core of what was happening to me as a person, the people
in my environment based my value on what they could only see on the surface. When that happened, I
also began to base my value on the words that were told to me. I knew the life that I wanted for
myself, but at the same time I did not know how to get there. ... Show more content on ...
I fell in love with the notion of living a life full of wellness and began to understand how setting goals
for yourself was a necessity. Although counseling and mental health is still beyond my full
understanding, I believe I could start by helping others begin to see their value in life and guide them
to understanding wellness. To me over all wellness is the foundation to counseling and the foundation
to life. One example of wellness is the process of losing weight and becoming a healthier version of
yourself. You cannot exercise, lose weight, and change your overall physical health if you do not take
the time to change your mental state
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How Does Steinbeck Present Curley s Wife In Of Mice And Men
In Of Mice And Men Curley s wife is the most hopeless and misserable character in the story. She has
no future as she is stuck with her former husband (Curley) who hates her leaving his sight, she has no
friends as she is the only woman on the ranch and Curley will not allow her socializ with the men
because he feels that they would steel her, and she has no respect from anyone on the ranch because
why should they; She gets the men in trouble just by looking at them because well lets face it shes
made out to be a whore who is stunningly beautiful, why wouldnt you look; she doesn t even withhold
a name (which isnt even mentioned within the story) She is just known as Curleys wife because she is
his possesion, his property. I truly feel frustrated ... Show more content on ...
Lennie for this circumstance is classed as a bear, giving us a feeling of manliness and brutness. Such
portrayal of bear like activities would be the crusing and smashing of Curley s hand.Curley s small
masculine hands are no match for Lennie s solid, strong, bear like paws thus giving us the result of
Curleys puvled hand. Lennie is an extremely sensitive boy who watches over his best friend and lover,
to add he has an etremely terrible temper. He gets uncannily hyped up just thinking about having a pet
rabbit or puppy, not to mention being aloud to have a one. Yet Lennie is incredibly strong and cannot
comprehend this. He doesnt perceive to be scary or frightening to anyone except for Curley. Curley
despises Lennie, in light of the fact that he couldn t care less for tremendous huge men and really
makes a joke of him because of his mental capacity and simple needs. Such bear like expressions are:
Dragging his feet a little as a bear would drag his paws . Yet this isn t the only creature Lennie is
implied to be, other cases include, being solid as a bull. This reliable constant use of symbolism shows
us Lennie s affection and commitment for creatures he could call his own for example: rabbits, mice,
and puppies. This makes us aware of how animal and to some degree child like Lennie really
... Get more on ...
Migraine Headaches Essay
Migraine headaches can wreak havoc on your physical and emotional health, so undergoing Botox
injections Frisco TX may be a beneficial treatment option for you if prescription medications are not
working. If you are part of the 36 million Americans suffering with migraines, proper understanding
of this condition is key. Once you have more knowledge for these debilitating headaches, you will be
able to find the best treatment option for relief.
Signs of Migraines
Most people know when they are suffering with a headache. However, migraine headaches are not
only more involved, but more painful and life altering.
In most cases, these severe headaches start at one area, but quickly radiate through the entire head.
The pain can become severe enough to visit ... Show more content on ...
Of course, each person s experience with migraine headaches is different, so you may require a
different treatment option for relief. Thankfully, many patients see an enormous reduction in the
number of migraines they have and a decrease in the overall pain of these headaches with Botox
injections Frisco TX.
Botox for Relief
Most people who suffer with chronic migraines take prescription medications for relief. However,
these medications may reduce the pain of your migraines, but they will not prevent them from
occurring in the first place. In addition, they can cause other side effects.
Botox is a prescription that is injected into the face and head to prevent chronic migraine headaches. It
is the first proven method of preventing migraines in patients who have 15 or more headaches days a
month that last 4 hours.
Since you will not know when a migraine will occur, preventing these painful headaches with Botox is
a smart option. If you suffer with chronic migraines, you should have the injections every 12 weeks.
Most people will see a large reduction in the amount of migraines after only 2
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The Brief Etymology of the Word Humor
Imagine for a moment the vast history of the languages of the world. The base sounds that over time
formed into words, words that eventually evolved into language, language that branched and
developed into different languages. Modern languages adopted words from ancient languages, and
adapted the definitions to meet the requisites of the civilizations for which they served. This
development in language is due to the fundamental need for the human race to communicate
effectively with one another. Therefore, it is not surprising that many words have dual meanings. For
instance the word, humor, has expanded from its original definition to encompass the interpretation
available in modern English. The following is a brief view of the complex etymology of the word
humor. Presently, people use the word, humor, to describe an event or person that one finds comical.
According to The American Heritage Dictionary, one definition is, The quality that makes something
laughable or amusing. (The American Heritage Dictionary). However, in ancient times the word
humor had a completely different meaning. Amazingly, the word, humor, traces its origins back to the
ancient Romans, whose spoken and written language was Latin in approximately 900 AD. According
to, the word humor developed from the Latin word umor, which means moisture. It
was during the 13th century in old Northern French language that the word humor was developed. The
Online Etymology Dictionary defines humor
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John Watson s Little Albert Experiment
In February of 1920 at The Johns Hopkins University, John Watson and his graduate student Rosalie
Rayner performed a controlled experiment that would show the effects of classical conditioning in
humans. Drawing from the influence of earlier psychologists such as Ivan Pavlov, and inspiring many
psychologists to come, Watsons experiment truly changed the field of psychology. Born on January 9,
1878 in Greenville, North Carolina, John Broadus Watson was son to a poor family. His mother was
very religions, and his father broke many rules of marriage by drinking and having affairs. John went
to the University of Chicago to receive a masters degree, where he met his first wife, Mary Ikes, with
whom he would have two children. However, John has the same habits as his father, and later was
divorced by Mary. He would next meet and later marry Rosalie Rayner, one of his graduate students.
Together, John and Rosalie would go on the perform the Little Albert experiment. This test, named the
Little Albert experiment, was ... Show more content on ...
In detail, his goal was to find out if a response of fear can be conditioned into a young baby, how long
it would last, and if it could be passed on. The structure of the experiment was simple. Albert was to
be placed in a room in which a metal bar stood behind him. First, objects such as a white rat, rabbit,
and cotton wool (neutral stimuli) was to be placed in front of him, to see if he reacted fearfully to
them. Next, the two researchers would hit the metal bar (unconditioned stimulus) behind Albert,
causing him to cry (unconditioned response). Then, to link the object the the response, when the object
was introduced to Albert, the bar was hit, causing him to cry with the object present. This sound, after
several trials, was later removed, causing Albert to cry (now a conditioned response) when the object
(now a conditioned stimulus) alone was shown to
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Analysis Of Las Meninas
Las Meninas RLR
Jonathon Brown uses more of a historical approach to Las Meninas and reflects on the artist intentions
instead of the painting itself. He of course describes the Characters and tells the reader that Antonio
Palomino could identify pretty much all the characters since 1724. He says the foreground the child
Margarita Maria, Next to her are two maids of honor, or the meninas. One meninan is Maria Agustina
Sarmiento, who is giving a glass of water to the princess. The other maid is Isabel de Velasco. In the
middle ground, we see Marcela de Ulloa he has an unidentified bodyguard next to him. To the right
corner of the painting are Mari Barbola and Nicolas Pertusato they are the dwarfs. There is a large
canvas to the left and the painter is behind it. In the mirror in the back of the painting shows the King
and Queen, it is King Philip IV and Mariana of Austria. There is an open door in the painting were
Jose de Nieto is standing, that is the aposenrador of the queen (Brown, 88).
Now Jonathon Brown thinks the setting and characters do not have much importance on what the
painting really means. Of course, he says that the painting is to show respect to the Court and the King
and Queen and show just how important they but this cannot tell us much about the painting itself.
The painting is to show the artist himself as noble as the people of the court as well. It s trying to
depict a picture that shows the value of the artist himself royal epiphany (Brown, 92) all
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The Parallels of Jesus and Hercules Essay
Myths and religious doctrine are generally recognized as two entirely different things. Myths are
usually referred to as a fictitious story or a half truth; often they are stories shared between groups of
people that are part of a cultural society. Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, and purpose
of the universe, and often containing an ethical code dictating appropriate human conduct. Although
they differ in certain aspects, they still hold similarities. Comparable to parables within the Bible,
myths have different versions which are both motivating, as well as entertaining. There are not only
parallels to the idea of the stories but specific tales hold similar morals and equivalent characters.
And the Word became flesh, ... Show more content on ...
Hercules demonstrated his strength right from birth. He choked the serpents that had been sent to him
by the jealous Hera. (
Jesus was also marked for death as an infant, due to a prophecy proclaiming a new king would be born
in Bethlehem. King Herod the Great, sought to remain firmly ensconced on his throne and believing
the prophecy meant his reign would end, declared new born infants to death in the hopes of killing the
one the prophecy referred to.
As men, both Jesus and Hercules performed miraculous or super human feats of strength, will power
and self discipline. Jesus was burdened with having to prove himself as the messiah and messenger of
god. He traveled throughout Judea and performing miracles and casting out demons. Hercules also
traveled the earth as a man helping mankind and performing feats, such as slaughtering monsters and
demonstrating humility in mundane tasks such as cleaning stalls.
Another common element in both tales is the resurrecting of the dead. Jesus has the ability to
resuscitate the dead and demonstrates this ability multiple times in the Bible. These things said he: and
after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.
(New Revised Standard Version, John 11:11) In this demonstration, Jesus addresses those grieving the
death of Lazarus but expresses to them he is only sleeping and will awake again
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Essay About Character Flaws
We re all in our private traps, trapped in our own minds. Subsequently, we see ourselves as the
protagonist, all of our actions easily justifiable. We know ourselves best our strengths, our weaknesses
for the most part. We may joke we are never on time or we take too long to text back, all bad habits of
which we are aware, but these are much easier to recognize than our major character flaws. We
examine ourselves from one perspective: our own. We are familiar with the shock of seeing our faces
from a new angle in the mirror or hearing our voice on a recording, but few of us have examined our
character from the perspective of others. We should consider the opinions of those we value. Failure to
do so can result in a variety of repercussions ... Show more content on ...
In middle school, my friend and I were not particularly cool but we didn t care. Well, I didn t care; he
did. Once in high school, I was not hurt when he ditched me for the cool kids because I knew that he
didn t actually like them; he just wanted to be like them. I advised him not to bother with these peers,
who did not treat him as an equal, because he had friends who actually cared about him. He
disregarded my concerns (Indignation) and we lost contact. Letting go of his ego over the years, he
considered my comments. Though he was stagnant for a while out of comfort and maybe necessity he
began to realize the people of which he surrounded himself did not make him happy (Contemplation).
My predictions were coming true: he was not valued by those he considered friends. Unlike those who
came before, this person was willing to take the next step. Rather than simply acknowledging an issue,
he also proactively sought a solution. He chose to brave the loneliness that comes with lacking a group
of friends (no matter how fake). He learned that quantity does not equate to quality. But unlike the rest
of us, he actually did something about his situation, choosing to spend time with real friends that value
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Initial FEAF Missions
Initial FEAF missions were the transportation of Army and Marine units and equipment from Japan to
South Korea, the evacuation of American civilian nationals, and obtaining significant intelligence
through aerial reconnaissance of North Korean troop movements south. Fighter bomber ground attack
missions by Japan based F 80Cs significantly slowed the North Korean Army s advance during July
1950. On 13 July, the FEAF Bomber Command took over command of the 19th Bombardment Group
and of the 22nd and 92nd Bombardment Groups which had been transferred from Strategic Air
Command (SAC) bases in the United States to Japan. These B 29 Superfortress units were used in
tactical attacks which were not very successful.[10]
Despite repeated air attacks ... Show more content on ...
The 31st Strategic Reconnaissance Group completed the team. The 92nd and 98th BGs and the 31st
SRG operated from bases in Japan, whereas the 19th, 22nd, and 307th BGs were based in Okinawa.
Five major industrial centers in North Korea were earmarked for attack. This sort of mission is what
the B 29 had been designed for, and by early September, all known industrial facilities in North Korea
had been destroyed except for some oil storage facilities at Rashin, which was considered too close to
the Soviet border to risk an attack. By late September, all 18 strategic targets in North Korea had been
destroyed, and the B 29 Force now turned to secondary targets.[10]
Along with the SAC B 29 units, Tactical Air Command (TAC) deployed numerous fighter, fighter
bomber, tactical bomber, transport and support units to FEAF. TAC Lockheed F 80C Shooting Star
and Republic F 84E Thunderjets units deployed to FEAF to rapidly gain control of the air from the
Korean People s Armed Forces Air Corps (KPAFAC). For a time in August and September 1950, all
FEAF flying units had to fly from bases in Japan. The only continuously usable tactical base in Korea
was Taegu (K 2), which the FEAF used as a staging field to refuel and arm tactical
... Get more on ...
Characteristics Of Naloxone Hydrochloride
Naloxone Hydrochloride (Narcan, Evzio, Nalone, Narcanti, Narcotan, Prenoxad Injection,)
Classification and Pharmacodynamics. Naloxone is a competitive narcotic receptor antagonist that is
used to prevent or promptly reverse the adverse effects of narcotics in overdose including sedation,
hypotension, euphoria, peripheral vasodilation, but most importantly, respiratory depression. It is also
used to correct some of the dysphoric and psychotomimetic effects of mixed opioid agonist antagonist
analgesics (i.e. Pentazocine, Nalbuphine or Buprenorphine). It´s an opioid antagonist called pure
because does not possess the agonistic effects characteristic of other narcotic antagonists, in other
words, it won t produce respiratory depression, psychotomimetic effects, pupillary constriction or
dependence. This is essentially why it´s considered a safe drug. Naloxone works by competing for
opioid receptors in the central nervous system (CNS), displaces opioid molecules from them and
finally binds to them. Primarily, naloxone targets the mu receptors (which are primarily responsible
for analgesic effects, as well as respiratory depression and opioid dependence) but it also blocks kappa
and gamma receptors, even though it has a lower affinity for them. Naloxone exhibits no functional
pharmacological effects when administered to patients who did not use opioids. On the other hand, it
could precipitate acute withdrawal symptoms in chronic opioid users, provoking, in many cases, a
violent reaction. The dose of Naloxone is influenced by the dose of opioids taken; thus, the higher the
dose of opioids is, the higher dose of naloxone required to reverse the narcotic effects. Nevertheless,
higher doses of naloxone produce more severe withdrawal symptoms in dependent patients.
Pharmacokinetics. When Naloxone is orally administrated, seems to be rapidly absorbed and
inactivated due to a first pass metabolism. Although the drug is orally effective to achieve complete
opiate antagonism, much higher doses are required in comparison with parenteral administration.
Therefore, Naloxone is administered parenterally by the intramuscular (IM), intranasal (IN),
intravenous (IV), endotracheal (ET), subcutaneous (SC) or sublingual (SL)
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Critical Infrastructure And Key Resources (CIKR)
Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources, better known as CIKR, is an umbrella term. It refers to the
assets of the United States essential to the nation s security, public health and safety, economic vitality,
and way of life. There are sixteen sectors that break down CIKR, chemical, communication,
commercial facilities, dams, critical manufacturing, defense industrial base, emergency services,
energy, financial, food and agriculture, government, health and public health, information technology,
nuclear reactors materials and waste, transportation, and finally water and wastewater system. Each of
these sectors are vital to the United States for security, national economic security, health safety, and a
combination of them all. Three of ... Show more content on ...
In the Food and Agriculture sector there is a CARVER and Shock vulnerability assessment tool. This
is target critical when there are new threat agents introduced into locations that would have a
significant health or economic impact. The C in CARVER is intended to address the critical criteria
runs on a ten point scale starting with one to two equating to a no loss of life or less than $100 million
dollars, and nine to ten equaling loss of over 10,000 lives or the loss of $100 billion. The A is for
accessibility to address when the attacker can reach the target to conduct attack and egress for the
target. R is recuperability which is used to measure the time to recover productivity ranging from one
month through more than one year. Vulnerability is the measure of the ease in which the threat agents
can be introduced in quantities significant to achieve the purpose once the target is reached. Effect is
the percentage of productivity damaged by an attack at a single facility inversely related to the number
of facilities that produce to product. Recognizability is the degree the target can be identified by an
attacker without confusion with other targets or components. The Shock tool is broken in to a
combined measure of health, psychological, and collateral national economic impact. It is also run on
a ten point scale beginning with no historical, symbolic, or religious importance to
... Get more on ...
Similarities Between Western Europe And Byzantium
Western Europe had many differences and similarities with the Byzantium and Islamic Empires.
Western Europe, Byzantium, and Islamic Empire all have had their ups and their downs. The
differences between Western Europe and the Byzantium Empire started with their government and
their way of ruling. The first main difference between the two were their rulers. The Byzantine Empire
s ruler was an emperor, and they used a civil service system to rule their government. On the other
hand Western Europe did not have any centralized government until the middle ages. Western Europe
was divided into countries based on what language they spoke, while the Byzantium Empire did not
use this structure in their empire. Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire ... Show more content on ...
Western Europeans were Roman Catholics and the Islamic Empires were Muslims, followers of Islam.
In Islam they believe in only one god and are monotheistic, while Roman Catholics believe in more
than one god, so they are polytheistic. The Muslims followed a book called the Qur an, and the Roman
Catholics followed the Bible. Western Europe and the Islamic Empires may have had many
differences, but they also had many similarities. The Western Europeans got a revival of learning from
the Islamic Empires. The Muslims had libraries filled with works of Greek writers and philosophers.
They shared these works in libraries in Spain. This allowed scholars to translate the work into Latin,
so Western Europeans could understand it. These works allowed Europeans to acquire a huge body of
knowledge. They had more information on science and mathematics, thanks to the
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  • 1. How To Write A Play Script Fro 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write A Play Script Fro How To Write A Play Script Fro
  • 2. Cressey s Theory Differential association is a theory that was created by Edwin Sutherland. His theory was developed between the years 1934 1947. It is actually considered, according to Donald R. Cressey in the Criminal Law Commons Journal, as the best formulation to date of a general theory of criminality by most sociologists. This theory states that criminals who are not exposed to non criminal behaviors further develop criminal mindsets and motives. Cressey sums up the theory by stating it as ... criminality is learned from observations of definitions favorable to law violation, the learning including both the techniques of committing crime and the specific direction of motives, drives, rationalizations and attitudes. The ratio between such definitions ... Show more content on ... His theory has a nine proposition outline. 1) Criminal behavior is learned. 2) Criminal behavior is learned through communication and social interactions, not necessarily because they have only or at all, witnessed it. 3) Newspapers, film, television, or other forms of impersonal types of communicating are less influencing to deviance than being involved in personal groups such as inmates or rough friends. 4) Not only are techniques used to commit crimes learned behaviors, but so are the motivations, rationalization, and individual s attitude. 5) The way a culture views concepts as deviant or not deviant is how individuals learn pro criminal and anti criminal understandings of the law. 6) Just being around criminal behavior does not necessarily mean one will become a criminal. It depends upon the ration of criminal and non criminal influences in one s life. 7) Duration and priority of being influenced by the criminal acts largely plays a role in learning the behaviors. 8) Learning not only teaches people to imitate behavior, criminal or not, but on a deeper level grows to understand and develop these behaviors, whatever they may be. 9) What motivates a crime, or non criminal, law abiding behavior cannot and will not be the same for ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Racial Tension, Racial Tensions, And Dramatic Social Change Turbulent times have engulfed the United States. Violent extremism, a stagnating economy, racial tension, and dramatic social change have left Americans worried about the country s future. Candidates from both major political parties pander to those concerns in hopes of ascending to the presidency. None have capitalized on those anxieties more than Donald Trump. His promise to restore the countries greatness is based on his ability to rid the country of its Alien problems. Hearkening to a darker time, Trump has staked his presidential campaign on placing blame for America s troubles at the feet of non Americans, specifically non white Americans. Reminiscent of debate surrounding passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Trump s subtle use of racism to galvanize support has threatened to set America back one hundred twenty five years and tear the country apart. Trump proposes radical change to standing immigration practice to relieve American anxieties. During his announcement speech, he pointed the finger at Hispanic immigrants for much of America s angst. Referring to them as criminals, Trump held non whites, from south of the U.S, liable for what he claimed was America s decline. A few months later, in the name of national security, he added Muslims to his list of those responsible for America s troubles. Asserting the measure was necessary to keep Americans safe, Trump proposed a moratorium on all Muslim immigration into the United States. In a written statement he ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Advantages Of Mobile Application Increment The quick increment in portable applications and applications for Android has quickened the force of using HTML5 structures. Also, the interest for client driven versatile applications has prompted the improvement and the use of various open source HTML5 structures to fulfill proficient portable application development In the event that you are one of the beginners entering in the portable application planning, it is the best to run with HTML5 structures. It is imperative for you to be acquainted with pre composed codes and designs that assistance in shaping structures, the gadgets, and then some. With HTML5, designers have the upside of not beginning the things from the scratch as they can exploit libraries, contents, and in addition ... Show more content on ... As the source code of Twitter Bootstrap 3 consolidates Sass and LESS CSS preprocessors, it is assembled fundamentally to make front end improvement a simple errand for designers. 4. Framework7: Framework7 comes free and it is an open source versatile HTML system. It helps engineers in the making of web and in addition half and half portable applications having iOS and Android look and feel. It is a vital prototyping application that is fundamental to demonstrate working application model on the off chance that there is any such necessity with the designers. Framework7 is one of the finest and highlight rich structures for creating iOS half breed applications. 5. Junior: Junior preferably bargains with regards to creating versatile applications that work like a local application and show up stylishly for the clients. In fact, Junior is a jQuery based HTML5 system. The system depends on Zepto.js, which is coordinated with Backbone. More to it, Junior uses Ratchet CSS for giving extraordinary UI segments. The system is outstanding, lightweight, yet effective in the meantime. More to it, it is utilized for prototyping iPhone applications with exceptional JavaScript segments. 6. ChocolateChip UI: This open source structure is utilized for making electronic portable applications that have local look of iOS 7, Windows, and Android. ChocolateChip UI offers effective and simple to redo see for ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Influence Of Slavery On American History Influence of Slavery on American History From the first 20 slaves brought to Jamestown in 1619, the abolishment of slavery through the 13th amendment to the United States Constitution, slaves and slavery have played an important role in the establishment and economic growth of the United States of America. From its beginning, slavery has divided America on its pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Separating from its own oppressor on the words That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights... while still holding these same beliefs and rights from men and women that were not white. Close to 40 percent of the population in the Southern slave states were the slaves themselves, ... Show more content on ... The North profited from the sale of slaves as well as from the mass production of cotton and tobacco that was grown in the south from the enslaved labor. Both of these crops had an unquenchable demand with roaring profits both locally and when exported. When Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, the demand for cotton skyrocketed. Many southerners believed that the cotton enterprise depended on more slave labor with bigger crops and more fertile land which pushed farmers to acquire more land. Thus expanding the railroad to have more railroad mileage in place by 1860 than any region outside of the northern United States.(Drescher) With this lust for more land, opened the issue of whether new states would allow or disallow slavery. This argument was tested each time new land was acquired, but it originated in 1820 with the Missouri Compromise. Under the Missouri Compromise, Maine was to enter the union as a free state while Missouri entered as a slave state. The reasoning behind this was that the balance would remain equal between free and slave states, however, slavery was prohibited in all land lying above the 36, 30 latitude line. We must also look to the compromise of 1850 when California wanted to join the Union. This compromise allowed California to enter as a free state, prohibited slave trade in Washington DC, and also introduced a stricter fugitive slave law. Under this stricter law, citizens, whether ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay Alternative Fuel Abstract The feasibility of adding AFVs (alternative fuel vehicles) to the Lotus Rental Car fleet is examined in the attached research. The advantages and disadvantages of AFVs were analyzed. In addition, the environmental effect of AFV use on future generations is also discussed. By comparing the overall information and data of AFVs vs. petroleum fueled vehicles, and researching how other fleets have successfully incorporated AFVs, the result is conclusive evidence that the addition of AFVs to the Lotus fleet is a viable course of action for the future of Lotus. The Feasibility of Adding Alternative Fuel Vehicles To the Lotus Rental Car Fleet In the competitive business environment most ... Show more content on ... Using alternative fuels helps reduce our nation s dependence on imported oil and improves air quality. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) defines alternative fuels as electricity, ethanol, natural gas, propane, methanol, hydrogen, and biodiesel (U.S. Department of Energy, What is the Energy Policy Act of 1992, para. 2). One of the main issues that requires examination is to find out more details regarding the many different types of alternative fuels. With that thought in mind, the next step in our research process was to weigh the pros and cons of the various alternative fuel types that would be feasible for the Lotus Company to consider. Since we are dealing with a rental fleet, both the cost of implementing a certain type of alternative fuel vehicle as well as the availability of refueling stations must be considered when comparing the viability of the different fuel types. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the availability of refueling stations is an issue for vehicles that run on propane and natural gas (U.S. Department of Energy, Alternative Fuels, para.8). With the number of refueling stations being inadequate for propane and natural gas, these two alternative fuels can be ruled out as an option for the Lotus fleet because the Lotus customers are not going to rent vehicles if refueling stations are not readily available. In addition, the problems with using natural gas vehicles are going to ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Pancreatic Cancer Research Paper There are two kinds of pancreatic cancer. There is the endocrine tumors and the exocrine tumors. Endocrine tumors are less common and they affect the islet cells of the pancreas. They tend to be benign and not often become malignant. However the exocrine tumors are much more common and this is what Gene is diagnosed with. Exocrine tumors are often called adenocarcinomas and that means cancer affect the gland cells such as the ducts of the glands (American Cancer Society). Pancreatic adenocarcinomas keep the glands from secreting normal The signs and symptoms of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is darkening of the urine, irritated skin, jaundice, pain in the upper abdomen and back, unexplained weight loss, stomach bloating, weakness, and nausea. Some ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Large Events Of Philadelphia Liabilities of Large Events Philadelphia consistently ranks among one of the most popular cities in the United States, both in terms of visitation and in terms of global recognition. This ranking is driven by prominent events in the past, and 2016 will be no different. Events such as the papal visit and the democratic nomination convention will inevitably influence Philadelphia s economy, and it has long been an accepted notion that these events cause a positive impact. However, recent studies have begun to erode this misconception. The disastrous papal visit proved the economic harm of large scale events, and in events such as the upcoming Democratic national convention, Philadelphia shouldn t expect any significant economic windfall. The large influx of tourists coming to city for large events repels local citizens who consume from local businesses, resulting in local businesses being forced to fall behind schedule. The Papal visit was projected to generate 400 million dollars for the city, but instead exemplifies the way in which super events can go awry (Debree 2). Pope Francis visited the city of Philadelphia from September 26th through the 27th, and predictably paranoia ensued. Hundreds of thousands of people flooded the city for the opportunity to watch the pope speak. The damage was assessed weeks later. City controller Alan Butkovitz published an analysis in October of 2015 detailing the Papal visit s economic impact and his conclusions were undeniably grim. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Bradley Rappa Philosophy While teaching several courses as a graduate student at Syracuse University, Bradley Rappa figured his life would eventually come back to teaching. What he did not predict was his 15 year career in the film industry working on network television, independent films, and ultimately his own documentaries. Looking back on his journey, he said, Without all of the experiences I ve had, I wouldn t have ended up where I am now at Ithaca. Every single thing I ve done has led me to this place and I can t say I would change any of it. Bradley Rappa teaches quite a few courses at Ithaca, including Cinema Production Two, Advanced Cinema Production Non Fiction, and the course I m currently taking; Activists and Environmental Media. Activism and environmental sustainability is a subject of extreme importance to Rappa. When asked about how documentary work has changed his life, he responded, My philosophy has changed dramatically from every single project that I ve worked on. Even though I m open minded, and I know my philosophy will change, I do know that every project I work on from now until I die will have something to do with sustainability. It is the most important issue of our time as a species and I want to make ... Show more content on ... The best part about documentary filmmaking is that I can get paid to travel all around the world and meet incredible people. I also get to learn about things I never knew I was interested in. After fifteen years working out of New York City, his wife told him that they had to leave because he was starting to become a grumpy person. She said that they could go anywhere in the world, and he could pick where, but they just couldn t stay in New York. Bradley chose to move to Colorado because at the time, he was making a documentary there. In Colorado, he got back into education; a path, which eventually led him to Ithaca in ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Teaching And Coach For Elif Canan Was Born Of Modern... Kemal Cem Tırak First Draft 101A 5/8/15 ELIF CANAN ONAT Her name is Elif Canan Onat. She is the Chairman of Modern Languages Department in Bahçeşehir University (BAU) Foreign Languages School. She is an asset for BAU because she has an admirable career in terms of education, skills and ability. She uses success factors such as motivation and illustration with examples, and educational methodologies to teach and coach. Her main goal is to improve her students understanding of life nationally and internationally. Although many academicians are only interested in their studies and thinks that they are just responsible to know their own task, she sees being an academician as a way of life with her students and studies and believes that an academician needs to be a multi tasking person. She has an admirable career in terms of education, skills and ability. Elif Canan was born in September 16, 1967 in Ankara. She graduated from Hacettepe University in 1991. She has had a double degree from literature and education. She was employed as a translator and redactor in TRT Ankara Television. Then, she was employed as an Administrative Coordinator in Bilgi University Preparation School in 1997. She was one of the founders of Bilgi University Academic English Department in 2002. Then, she was promoted as Level Coordinator in Bilgi University between 2005 to 2007. She transferred to Bahçeşehir University as a founder of Modern Language Department in 2008. She had her Master s ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay on Beauty of Giselle and the Beast of Lebron The Beast of Lebron and the Beauty of Giselle It has always been quoted from time to time that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, what we see is not always necessarily beauty but sometimes just an individual perspective of the viewer s sense of the images they see. You see all of these different types of mainstream media that heavily influence and criticize our culture so negatively by the creators and executives who sometimes put there spin on the way we see and view things. Advertisements, movies, internet, radio and TV are sometimes with their images convey hate, racism, and inequality. For example, take Gisele a world s top model, and a NBA star athlete Lebron James and you put them on the front cover of Vogue s April 2008 ... Show more content on ... A good deal of racist propaganda has rested on those images, and they re a deeply ingrained part of our cultural history. That s why this Vogue cover, which plays on racist facial expression and imagery, is troubling and that just because you don t see racism of this stereotype of black males; it doesn t mean that it isn t there. Lebron James is one of the most famous sports stars alive, and his image and endorsement are worth tens of millions of dollars a year. He s got a carefully maintained public persona as a squeaky clean, family friendly, playful person, and his substantial personal interests as well as the interest of his top tier agents and PR team, as well as the interest of several large multinational corporations with whom he has long term endorsement deals that are all centered on maintaining that image. When looking at this cover, it is LeBron who grabs your attention. On the Contrary, Gisele is a mere after thought; a beautiful after thought, but an after thought nonetheless. Similarly, Giselle a world s top model has a facial expression that is calm, refreshing, and pleasant. Gisele looks elated with her partner, not terrified despite Lebron s exaggerated snarl. Some feel it plays to the stereotypes about the dangerous criminal minded black man and his desire ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Customer Service Satisfaction At Wilkinson Hardware Store DEDICATION I dedicate my dissertation to my family and friends. Special appreciation to my loving mother Mani lad for the encouragement and support she has given me over the last three years. As well as support from my sister s too and would like to thank my late father too. I would not be where I am without you all helping and supporting me. I would also like to thank a very special friend for all her help and support Manisa Patel. She has been very supportive throughout my dissertation as well as knowing her within the three years. I am very grateful to know her thank you so much. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher would like to sincerely thank the efforts of her supervisor Carol Hughes for the help, support and guidance given ... Show more content on ... All this will relate to the aims of the research and overall customer service satisfaction. I will be having Questionnaires which will be the main source of the investigation to show more of a clear understanding. Also I will be interviewing the Manager s within Wilkinson to get more of an understanding of what they think is a good customer service satisfaction. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 AIM To investigate customer service satisfaction within Wilkinson Hardware Store 1.2 OBJECTIVES 1) Identify customer satisfaction 2) To analyse issues relating to customer satisfaction and sales assistances 3) Identify how Wilkinson s can improve customer satisfaction 1.3 INTRODUCTION The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between Wilkinson s and their customers. The aim is based on researching how many different methods are used relating to customer strategy, and to see how staff communication works with the customer s. There are three objectives and each one of these concentrates on a specific element within customer satisfaction. The first objective will be to research customer satisfaction what they would like to see in
  • 13. Wilkinson s for them to come back to spend their money in the store. By this will show what strategies and motivation will need to be used. The second objective is to ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Leotard Research Paper Leotards are a fundamental clothing item used many sports, mainly dance and gymnastics, which allow the athlete to perform at their peak ability without restrictions. A leotard allows for fluidity of movement and should also be light weight, stretchy, durable, and conform to the athlete s body (1). Upon their first appearances in the sporting community, leotards were manufactured from stretchy wool (1). However their increasing popularity later led to modifications in the choice of material; leotards being made from cotton and spandex (1). Spandex, also known as lyrcra or elastane, is a synthetic fibre which is produced from a long chain polymer called polyurethane (8). Alternatively, cotton is a natural fibre made from glucose molecules which ... Show more content on ... This remarkable characteristic is due to the chemical composition of the polymer, as the fibres are made of many polymer strands (8). These strands are comprised of two segments of a long, amorphous segment and a short, rigid segment (8). The amorphous segments allows for the elastic properties of spandex where the material can be continuously stretched and then return to their original shape and size (8). This polymer also has useful features of being light weight, easily dyed, abrasion resistant, and is unaffected by the harsh effects of perspiration, body oil, and detergents (8). These attributes of spandex makes it a popular choice of material for sports ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Smell versus Taste with Food Taste and smell are something we use every day. From the moment we wake up,we are smelling things all around us. We taste food every single time it enters our mouth. But, do we really know how each of them work? Every time we put something in our mouths we are able to taste it. Taste is one of the five senses: touch, smell, hear, vision, and taste. Small structures, papillae, found on the surface of the tongue, upper esophagus, and epiglottis are responsible for taste. We have over 10,000 taste buds or papillae. They were first discovered by Georg Meissner(1829 1905) and Rudolf Wagner(1805 1864).The process of tasting is called gustation. Chemical substances in solutions stimulate the cells and they send nerve impulses to the brain, we detect this as taste. The word taste is derived from a Latin word, taxare, meaning to feel , to touch of to judge. When an individual puts a substance in their mouth, five distinct tastes can be detected. These five distinct sensations or qualities are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. When any of these tastes touch the tongue, the receptors send signals to the brain on what to interpret. Each taste has a different chemical reaction. For example, when saliva breaks down sodium ions (Na+) or acids, your tongue detects it as salty or sour(Light,2009). The chemical break down for a sweet taste is hard to specify because many chemical elements are involved. Taste buds are located all around the tongue, the cheeks, and the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Lars Eighner s On Dumpster Diving Many people think that dumpster diving is a survival to search and find something in a dumpster that they needed some discarded food/drink in order to survive if they are homeless and are really hungry/thirsty. The purpose of Lars Eighner s memoir, On Dumpster Diving , is to understand the style of his writing of why capitalizes the letter D in Dumpster . The importance of this memoir is symbolized to define his survival needs including his dog, Lizbeth which is both his living and eating at a dumpster. There are many reasons why I chose Lars Eighner s essay, On Dumpster Diving . I believe the style of Lars s memoir was effective because Lars was impressed living in dumpsters, Lars was searching and scavenging for food in a dumpster and ... Show more content on ... In other words, he was trying to find something valuable in the dumpster that he might/will find it useful for him to keep. In Lars s memoir, he wrote, As for collecting objects, I usually restrict myself to collecting one kind of small object at a time, such as pocket calculators, sunglasses, or campaign buttons. [...] But even if had a home with extensive storage space I could not save everything that might be valuable in some contingency. (Eighner 146). This quote means that, finding something valuable in the dumpster has meant a lot to him that if he and his dog, Lizbeth had a home, it would/will be useful for him to collect all of the junk for him to keep it as a souvenir and or even a dumpster collection. In the other hand, I found it interesting when I keep on reading further, he had found a lot more discarded items of what we throw out that we don t need no more that he also states, Dumpsters contain bank statements, bills, correspondence, and other documents, just as anyone might expect. But there are also less obvious sources of information. [...] (Eighner 147) to show how we could find some personal information/documentation in a dumpster. Therefore, there are many reasons why I chose Lars Eighner s essay, On Dumpster Diving . Dumpster diving can really help a homeless person search for food and or drink in order to survive. Dumpster diving is effectual. It can also help a homeless ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Relationship Between ICT Systems And Information Systems (Beynon Davies, Business information systems, Second Edition, 2013) Says that ICT systems mainly designed to assist and help different aspects of an information system. Therefore, there is a relationship between ICT systems and information systems which are all part of organizations. ICT is used to enhance business processes in so many ways and can do a lot of work. Not only business processes within an organization but also the way people work, obtain and share information. ICT is very important in businesses. According to (Laudon Laudon, 2015), ICT changes the way organizations work and assist in the new trends in the business field. It is crucial that processes are studied, analyzed and understood in order to have a better understanding ... Show more content on ... By using TPS, information is easily available and helps managers to monitor operations within organization. Information systems must be computerized in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness in an organization. So, TPS are also computerized. (Valacich Schneider, 2014). For example, At DHL Company, a world leader in logistics, they have a computerized information system that helps clients worldwide to track their shipment and also helps the managers at DHL to control all activities and processes with the organization. If a client asks information or an inquiry such as where does my package reach? The staff in charge at DHL will be able to easily find information and respond to the client due to a computerized system. This supports the operational level of management. Second, we have management Information Systems. This type of information systems supports management level of an organization and it gives them a customized reports and ability to analyze the performance of an organization. With MIS, an organization can predict the outcome of processes and they can easily manage the information that is made by the TPS. (Valacich Schneider, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Analysis Of The Movie The Tv Series Californication American Culture can be displayed in many forms in a variety of shows, but the TV series Californication is one that expresses both the good and the bad parts about living in a modern society. Californication is about a self loathing writer named Hank Moody trying to repair his relationship with his daughter Becca and her mother Karen while simultaneously trying to fight his sex addiction, his budding addiction to drugs and the inability to stop making bad decisions (Kapinos, IMDb). This show depicts American Culture through the main characters lives through tragedy, family, romantic relationships, and friendships. Starting with Hank Moody, he is the main character in this show he is a successful novelist who up and moves from New York to Las Angeles, California to turn his novel into a screenplay. Which he ultimately ends up hating and is unhappy about it on many accounts throughout the show (Kapinos, netflix). From the lack of motivation to write and the alcohol and drug binges California has ultimately changed Hank for the worse. This really shows that there are bad parts about American culture it tells us how drugs have become a normal part of some people s lives. Hank can be described as intelligent, sarcastic, a smooth talker and a womanizer. Despite his love for women and drugs Hank s ultimate goal is to be a good father to his teenaged daughter Becca and the loving and supportive partner he should be with Karen. Hank s life seems more like a downward spiral of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Pros And Cons Of Mothers Against Drunk Driving On February 3, 2017, Tim Piazza, a sophomore here at Penn State, tragically lost his life at the Beta Theta Pi fraternity house. This horrific event was a result of irresponsible consumption of alcohol and binge drinking. Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. Around the nation, countless young adults have lost their life due to the thoughtless consumption of alcohol. Unfortunately, the common census between the majority of the average day Americans is that the most effective way to make drinking safer for young adults is enforcing a minimum drinking age of twenty one. This law, as well as the common census, are a direct result from the efforts of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) more than thirty years ago ( Drinking Culture ). MADD s objective and goal is quite understandable; they want the young adults of today s world to be safe and not put themselves into dangerous situations with alcohol, but they doing more harm than good. ( The Problem ). Safety is the single objective from each side in this argument, but MADD s flawed logic and ignorance to reality has formed a belief that results in an unsafe drinking culture, resulting in more deaths, such as the tragic passing of Tim Piazza, unless the drinking age is lowered to eighteen, as well as establishing an open dialogue about drinking itself. Mothers Against Drunk Driving aims to create the safest possible environment for a young adults to develop, but their argument contains a sense of ignorance to the reality ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Whole Foods Marketing Strategy Whole Foods Market Introduction In today s world of technology people are doing things through the web such as errands, business, and socialization more and more. This has changed the face of business for many. And completely restructure the customer experience and interaction. We now live in an age where ice cream can be delivered to your front porch within an hour from the same company you order things like socks, appliances, electronics, and car parts among other things. So how do ordinary grocery stores compete? What if a company s very core is to bring you the highest quality of food and a passion for freshness? How do they stay relevant while the staying true to their values? Whole foods Market maintains they are a mission driven company ... Show more content on ... Whole Foods strives to provide extraordinary customer service. Whole foods recognize the need for customer as their lifeline. They try to exceed customer expectations every shopping trip. They go to great lengths to make them happy. By investing in the customer experience and attempting to make it pleasant and memorable Whole foods ensures that the customer will return. Whole foods also reaches out to customers through education. By making more people aware of the value within the products they offer and the quality at which they offer it they not only secure loyal customers but also draw in new ones. They reach out through events making people more aware of health, nutrition, and the environment. Whole Foods has thought out the importance of staying competitive in the grocery market. This can be tricky when major grocery stores offer things at very low prices. Whole Foods responds by providing high quality at competitive prices they are also innovative and raise our retail standards They also attempt to keep the store environment inviting and fun that reflect the community in hopes of being a place where customers meet up with friends or form new friendships. By creating a welcome and inviting atmosphere they draw in customers who want social ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Examples Of Characterization In Edgar Allan Poe What is characterization: Characterization is the method by which the author shows the personality of a character. Characterization is presented in two ways, both directly and indirectly. This presentation will go over How direct and indirect characterization is presented in Poe s Stories Edgar Allan Poe: After having read some of his short stories, The first idea that comes to others and myself when hearing the name Poe is images of madmen, murders with blood all over, the idea of characters coming back to life and very bad endings. He was known to have written short stories, novels, a book of scientific theory, many essays, and many more. He is globally recognised as the inventor of the present day detective story and a creator in the science ... Show more content on ... The denotation of this passage is the fact that the main character had come home drunk and literally just used a knife to take one eyeball off the cat. In this passage, we see visual imagery because the author describes in detail the state in which the author enters the house, the way he picks up the cat, and the way he kills the cat, which makes the character seem even more insane. For the direct characterization of the main character, we can see that he is a drunk and likes when people avoid him. He also has a problem with his identity and states that he forgot his true self the moment before taking the cat s eyeballs out. As for the indirect characterization, the main character becomes a very aggressive person after alcohol consumption since he seizes the cat from the throat and tries to abuse him. The main character can also be characterised as an insane person with weird and mad ways in abusing a creature since he pops the cat s eyes out. The cat might also be characterised as a strong cat that defends itself since it scratches his hand with its ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Benefit Of Medical Marijuana The Benefits of Medical Marijuana Medical marijuana is extremely useful, unlike recreational marijuana which causes issues within today s society. Medical marijuana has many beneficial uses in the medical field and is often times misunderstood by people today. Medical cannabis, although misinterpreted sometimes, has many benefits to offer several people who are suffering from illnesses. Medically, marijuana is truly valuable because of the wide range of diseases it can be used to treat. Therefore, medical marijuana is beneficial because it can treat a multitude of medical conditions, the symptoms of the conditions, and the cannabis can give a person a better quality of life. Medical marijuana can and should be used to treat multiple medical conditions. Medical marijuana has been used to treat medically diagnosed conditions for quite some time. One source says, A physician in ancient Greece, Dioscorides, noted that cannabis could treat pain, rheumatism, and gout (Guterman, 2000, p.1). Therefore, this quote provides example that medical marijuana was used in the past to treat many medical conditions and was seen as a valid medical treatment throughout history as it should be today. Also, medical cannabis has been used to treat conditions such as, Alzheimer s, Cancer, seizures, muscle spasms, and quite a few more serious medical conditions (Piotrowski, 2016). It seems that these medical conditions can be treated and managed with the help of medical marijuana. Hence, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Mental Health Counseling Analysis One of the most interesting aspects of developing a mind for the mental health field is being able to evaluate, understand, and cope with the obstacles of daily living in a healthier way. Growing up, I was told that I was a happy child that did well in school and got along with others. As I got older, I was told that I was a moody teen that slacked in school and became distant from others. Starting college I was told that I was a miserable adult with no motivation for school and kept away from others. By the end of college, I was told that I was a bright young lady that would go far in life and was able to approach others. When I took a look back and broke down my life into smaller sections, I acquired the need to figure out what made my life the way it was then, and also how it changed to be what it is today. I learned that without evaluating the core of what was happening to me as a person, the people in my environment based my value on what they could only see on the surface. When that happened, I also began to base my value on the words that were told to me. I knew the life that I wanted for myself, but at the same time I did not know how to get there. ... Show more content on ... I fell in love with the notion of living a life full of wellness and began to understand how setting goals for yourself was a necessity. Although counseling and mental health is still beyond my full understanding, I believe I could start by helping others begin to see their value in life and guide them to understanding wellness. To me over all wellness is the foundation to counseling and the foundation to life. One example of wellness is the process of losing weight and becoming a healthier version of yourself. You cannot exercise, lose weight, and change your overall physical health if you do not take the time to change your mental state ... Get more on ...
  • 24. How Does Steinbeck Present Curley s Wife In Of Mice And Men In Of Mice And Men Curley s wife is the most hopeless and misserable character in the story. She has no future as she is stuck with her former husband (Curley) who hates her leaving his sight, she has no friends as she is the only woman on the ranch and Curley will not allow her socializ with the men because he feels that they would steel her, and she has no respect from anyone on the ranch because why should they; She gets the men in trouble just by looking at them because well lets face it shes made out to be a whore who is stunningly beautiful, why wouldnt you look; she doesn t even withhold a name (which isnt even mentioned within the story) She is just known as Curleys wife because she is his possesion, his property. I truly feel frustrated ... Show more content on ... Lennie for this circumstance is classed as a bear, giving us a feeling of manliness and brutness. Such portrayal of bear like activities would be the crusing and smashing of Curley s hand.Curley s small masculine hands are no match for Lennie s solid, strong, bear like paws thus giving us the result of Curleys puvled hand. Lennie is an extremely sensitive boy who watches over his best friend and lover, to add he has an etremely terrible temper. He gets uncannily hyped up just thinking about having a pet rabbit or puppy, not to mention being aloud to have a one. Yet Lennie is incredibly strong and cannot comprehend this. He doesnt perceive to be scary or frightening to anyone except for Curley. Curley despises Lennie, in light of the fact that he couldn t care less for tremendous huge men and really makes a joke of him because of his mental capacity and simple needs. Such bear like expressions are: Dragging his feet a little as a bear would drag his paws . Yet this isn t the only creature Lennie is implied to be, other cases include, being solid as a bull. This reliable constant use of symbolism shows us Lennie s affection and commitment for creatures he could call his own for example: rabbits, mice, and puppies. This makes us aware of how animal and to some degree child like Lennie really ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Migraine Headaches Essay Migraine headaches can wreak havoc on your physical and emotional health, so undergoing Botox injections Frisco TX may be a beneficial treatment option for you if prescription medications are not working. If you are part of the 36 million Americans suffering with migraines, proper understanding of this condition is key. Once you have more knowledge for these debilitating headaches, you will be able to find the best treatment option for relief. Signs of Migraines Most people know when they are suffering with a headache. However, migraine headaches are not only more involved, but more painful and life altering. In most cases, these severe headaches start at one area, but quickly radiate through the entire head. The pain can become severe enough to visit ... Show more content on ... Of course, each person s experience with migraine headaches is different, so you may require a different treatment option for relief. Thankfully, many patients see an enormous reduction in the number of migraines they have and a decrease in the overall pain of these headaches with Botox injections Frisco TX. Botox for Relief Most people who suffer with chronic migraines take prescription medications for relief. However, these medications may reduce the pain of your migraines, but they will not prevent them from occurring in the first place. In addition, they can cause other side effects. Botox is a prescription that is injected into the face and head to prevent chronic migraine headaches. It is the first proven method of preventing migraines in patients who have 15 or more headaches days a month that last 4 hours. Since you will not know when a migraine will occur, preventing these painful headaches with Botox is a smart option. If you suffer with chronic migraines, you should have the injections every 12 weeks. Most people will see a large reduction in the amount of migraines after only 2 ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Brief Etymology of the Word Humor Imagine for a moment the vast history of the languages of the world. The base sounds that over time formed into words, words that eventually evolved into language, language that branched and developed into different languages. Modern languages adopted words from ancient languages, and adapted the definitions to meet the requisites of the civilizations for which they served. This development in language is due to the fundamental need for the human race to communicate effectively with one another. Therefore, it is not surprising that many words have dual meanings. For instance the word, humor, has expanded from its original definition to encompass the interpretation available in modern English. The following is a brief view of the complex etymology of the word humor. Presently, people use the word, humor, to describe an event or person that one finds comical. According to The American Heritage Dictionary, one definition is, The quality that makes something laughable or amusing. (The American Heritage Dictionary). However, in ancient times the word humor had a completely different meaning. Amazingly, the word, humor, traces its origins back to the ancient Romans, whose spoken and written language was Latin in approximately 900 AD. According to, the word humor developed from the Latin word umor, which means moisture. It was during the 13th century in old Northern French language that the word humor was developed. The Online Etymology Dictionary defines humor ... Get more on ...
  • 27. John Watson s Little Albert Experiment In February of 1920 at The Johns Hopkins University, John Watson and his graduate student Rosalie Rayner performed a controlled experiment that would show the effects of classical conditioning in humans. Drawing from the influence of earlier psychologists such as Ivan Pavlov, and inspiring many psychologists to come, Watsons experiment truly changed the field of psychology. Born on January 9, 1878 in Greenville, North Carolina, John Broadus Watson was son to a poor family. His mother was very religions, and his father broke many rules of marriage by drinking and having affairs. John went to the University of Chicago to receive a masters degree, where he met his first wife, Mary Ikes, with whom he would have two children. However, John has the same habits as his father, and later was divorced by Mary. He would next meet and later marry Rosalie Rayner, one of his graduate students. Together, John and Rosalie would go on the perform the Little Albert experiment. This test, named the Little Albert experiment, was ... Show more content on ... In detail, his goal was to find out if a response of fear can be conditioned into a young baby, how long it would last, and if it could be passed on. The structure of the experiment was simple. Albert was to be placed in a room in which a metal bar stood behind him. First, objects such as a white rat, rabbit, and cotton wool (neutral stimuli) was to be placed in front of him, to see if he reacted fearfully to them. Next, the two researchers would hit the metal bar (unconditioned stimulus) behind Albert, causing him to cry (unconditioned response). Then, to link the object the the response, when the object was introduced to Albert, the bar was hit, causing him to cry with the object present. This sound, after several trials, was later removed, causing Albert to cry (now a conditioned response) when the object (now a conditioned stimulus) alone was shown to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Analysis Of Las Meninas Las Meninas RLR Jonathon Brown uses more of a historical approach to Las Meninas and reflects on the artist intentions instead of the painting itself. He of course describes the Characters and tells the reader that Antonio Palomino could identify pretty much all the characters since 1724. He says the foreground the child Margarita Maria, Next to her are two maids of honor, or the meninas. One meninan is Maria Agustina Sarmiento, who is giving a glass of water to the princess. The other maid is Isabel de Velasco. In the middle ground, we see Marcela de Ulloa he has an unidentified bodyguard next to him. To the right corner of the painting are Mari Barbola and Nicolas Pertusato they are the dwarfs. There is a large canvas to the left and the painter is behind it. In the mirror in the back of the painting shows the King and Queen, it is King Philip IV and Mariana of Austria. There is an open door in the painting were Jose de Nieto is standing, that is the aposenrador of the queen (Brown, 88). Now Jonathon Brown thinks the setting and characters do not have much importance on what the painting really means. Of course, he says that the painting is to show respect to the Court and the King and Queen and show just how important they but this cannot tell us much about the painting itself. The painting is to show the artist himself as noble as the people of the court as well. It s trying to depict a picture that shows the value of the artist himself royal epiphany (Brown, 92) all ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Parallels of Jesus and Hercules Essay Myths and religious doctrine are generally recognized as two entirely different things. Myths are usually referred to as a fictitious story or a half truth; often they are stories shared between groups of people that are part of a cultural society. Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, and purpose of the universe, and often containing an ethical code dictating appropriate human conduct. Although they differ in certain aspects, they still hold similarities. Comparable to parables within the Bible, myths have different versions which are both motivating, as well as entertaining. There are not only parallels to the idea of the stories but specific tales hold similar morals and equivalent characters. And the Word became flesh, ... Show more content on ... Hercules demonstrated his strength right from birth. He choked the serpents that had been sent to him by the jealous Hera. ( Jesus was also marked for death as an infant, due to a prophecy proclaiming a new king would be born in Bethlehem. King Herod the Great, sought to remain firmly ensconced on his throne and believing the prophecy meant his reign would end, declared new born infants to death in the hopes of killing the one the prophecy referred to. As men, both Jesus and Hercules performed miraculous or super human feats of strength, will power and self discipline. Jesus was burdened with having to prove himself as the messiah and messenger of god. He traveled throughout Judea and performing miracles and casting out demons. Hercules also traveled the earth as a man helping mankind and performing feats, such as slaughtering monsters and demonstrating humility in mundane tasks such as cleaning stalls. Another common element in both tales is the resurrecting of the dead. Jesus has the ability to resuscitate the dead and demonstrates this ability multiple times in the Bible. These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. (New Revised Standard Version, John 11:11) In this demonstration, Jesus addresses those grieving the death of Lazarus but expresses to them he is only sleeping and will awake again ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay About Character Flaws We re all in our private traps, trapped in our own minds. Subsequently, we see ourselves as the protagonist, all of our actions easily justifiable. We know ourselves best our strengths, our weaknesses for the most part. We may joke we are never on time or we take too long to text back, all bad habits of which we are aware, but these are much easier to recognize than our major character flaws. We examine ourselves from one perspective: our own. We are familiar with the shock of seeing our faces from a new angle in the mirror or hearing our voice on a recording, but few of us have examined our character from the perspective of others. We should consider the opinions of those we value. Failure to do so can result in a variety of repercussions ... Show more content on ... In middle school, my friend and I were not particularly cool but we didn t care. Well, I didn t care; he did. Once in high school, I was not hurt when he ditched me for the cool kids because I knew that he didn t actually like them; he just wanted to be like them. I advised him not to bother with these peers, who did not treat him as an equal, because he had friends who actually cared about him. He disregarded my concerns (Indignation) and we lost contact. Letting go of his ego over the years, he considered my comments. Though he was stagnant for a while out of comfort and maybe necessity he began to realize the people of which he surrounded himself did not make him happy (Contemplation). My predictions were coming true: he was not valued by those he considered friends. Unlike those who came before, this person was willing to take the next step. Rather than simply acknowledging an issue, he also proactively sought a solution. He chose to brave the loneliness that comes with lacking a group of friends (no matter how fake). He learned that quantity does not equate to quality. But unlike the rest of us, he actually did something about his situation, choosing to spend time with real friends that value ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Initial FEAF Missions Initial FEAF missions were the transportation of Army and Marine units and equipment from Japan to South Korea, the evacuation of American civilian nationals, and obtaining significant intelligence through aerial reconnaissance of North Korean troop movements south. Fighter bomber ground attack missions by Japan based F 80Cs significantly slowed the North Korean Army s advance during July 1950. On 13 July, the FEAF Bomber Command took over command of the 19th Bombardment Group and of the 22nd and 92nd Bombardment Groups which had been transferred from Strategic Air Command (SAC) bases in the United States to Japan. These B 29 Superfortress units were used in tactical attacks which were not very successful.[10] Despite repeated air attacks ... Show more content on ... The 31st Strategic Reconnaissance Group completed the team. The 92nd and 98th BGs and the 31st SRG operated from bases in Japan, whereas the 19th, 22nd, and 307th BGs were based in Okinawa. Five major industrial centers in North Korea were earmarked for attack. This sort of mission is what the B 29 had been designed for, and by early September, all known industrial facilities in North Korea had been destroyed except for some oil storage facilities at Rashin, which was considered too close to the Soviet border to risk an attack. By late September, all 18 strategic targets in North Korea had been destroyed, and the B 29 Force now turned to secondary targets.[10] Along with the SAC B 29 units, Tactical Air Command (TAC) deployed numerous fighter, fighter bomber, tactical bomber, transport and support units to FEAF. TAC Lockheed F 80C Shooting Star and Republic F 84E Thunderjets units deployed to FEAF to rapidly gain control of the air from the Korean People s Armed Forces Air Corps (KPAFAC). For a time in August and September 1950, all FEAF flying units had to fly from bases in Japan. The only continuously usable tactical base in Korea was Taegu (K 2), which the FEAF used as a staging field to refuel and arm tactical ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Characteristics Of Naloxone Hydrochloride Naloxone Hydrochloride (Narcan, Evzio, Nalone, Narcanti, Narcotan, Prenoxad Injection,) Classification and Pharmacodynamics. Naloxone is a competitive narcotic receptor antagonist that is used to prevent or promptly reverse the adverse effects of narcotics in overdose including sedation, hypotension, euphoria, peripheral vasodilation, but most importantly, respiratory depression. It is also used to correct some of the dysphoric and psychotomimetic effects of mixed opioid agonist antagonist analgesics (i.e. Pentazocine, Nalbuphine or Buprenorphine). It´s an opioid antagonist called pure because does not possess the agonistic effects characteristic of other narcotic antagonists, in other words, it won t produce respiratory depression, psychotomimetic effects, pupillary constriction or dependence. This is essentially why it´s considered a safe drug. Naloxone works by competing for opioid receptors in the central nervous system (CNS), displaces opioid molecules from them and finally binds to them. Primarily, naloxone targets the mu receptors (which are primarily responsible for analgesic effects, as well as respiratory depression and opioid dependence) but it also blocks kappa and gamma receptors, even though it has a lower affinity for them. Naloxone exhibits no functional pharmacological effects when administered to patients who did not use opioids. On the other hand, it could precipitate acute withdrawal symptoms in chronic opioid users, provoking, in many cases, a violent reaction. The dose of Naloxone is influenced by the dose of opioids taken; thus, the higher the dose of opioids is, the higher dose of naloxone required to reverse the narcotic effects. Nevertheless, higher doses of naloxone produce more severe withdrawal symptoms in dependent patients. Pharmacokinetics. When Naloxone is orally administrated, seems to be rapidly absorbed and inactivated due to a first pass metabolism. Although the drug is orally effective to achieve complete opiate antagonism, much higher doses are required in comparison with parenteral administration. Therefore, Naloxone is administered parenterally by the intramuscular (IM), intranasal (IN), intravenous (IV), endotracheal (ET), subcutaneous (SC) or sublingual (SL) ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Critical Infrastructure And Key Resources (CIKR) Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources, better known as CIKR, is an umbrella term. It refers to the assets of the United States essential to the nation s security, public health and safety, economic vitality, and way of life. There are sixteen sectors that break down CIKR, chemical, communication, commercial facilities, dams, critical manufacturing, defense industrial base, emergency services, energy, financial, food and agriculture, government, health and public health, information technology, nuclear reactors materials and waste, transportation, and finally water and wastewater system. Each of these sectors are vital to the United States for security, national economic security, health safety, and a combination of them all. Three of ... Show more content on ... In the Food and Agriculture sector there is a CARVER and Shock vulnerability assessment tool. This is target critical when there are new threat agents introduced into locations that would have a significant health or economic impact. The C in CARVER is intended to address the critical criteria runs on a ten point scale starting with one to two equating to a no loss of life or less than $100 million dollars, and nine to ten equaling loss of over 10,000 lives or the loss of $100 billion. The A is for accessibility to address when the attacker can reach the target to conduct attack and egress for the target. R is recuperability which is used to measure the time to recover productivity ranging from one month through more than one year. Vulnerability is the measure of the ease in which the threat agents can be introduced in quantities significant to achieve the purpose once the target is reached. Effect is the percentage of productivity damaged by an attack at a single facility inversely related to the number of facilities that produce to product. Recognizability is the degree the target can be identified by an attacker without confusion with other targets or components. The Shock tool is broken in to a combined measure of health, psychological, and collateral national economic impact. It is also run on a ten point scale beginning with no historical, symbolic, or religious importance to ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Similarities Between Western Europe And Byzantium Western Europe had many differences and similarities with the Byzantium and Islamic Empires. Western Europe, Byzantium, and Islamic Empire all have had their ups and their downs. The differences between Western Europe and the Byzantium Empire started with their government and their way of ruling. The first main difference between the two were their rulers. The Byzantine Empire s ruler was an emperor, and they used a civil service system to rule their government. On the other hand Western Europe did not have any centralized government until the middle ages. Western Europe was divided into countries based on what language they spoke, while the Byzantium Empire did not use this structure in their empire. Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire ... Show more content on ... Western Europeans were Roman Catholics and the Islamic Empires were Muslims, followers of Islam. In Islam they believe in only one god and are monotheistic, while Roman Catholics believe in more than one god, so they are polytheistic. The Muslims followed a book called the Qur an, and the Roman Catholics followed the Bible. Western Europe and the Islamic Empires may have had many differences, but they also had many similarities. The Western Europeans got a revival of learning from the Islamic Empires. The Muslims had libraries filled with works of Greek writers and philosophers. They shared these works in libraries in Spain. This allowed scholars to translate the work into Latin, so Western Europeans could understand it. These works allowed Europeans to acquire a huge body of knowledge. They had more information on science and mathematics, thanks to the ... Get more on ...