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5 Modes of Transportation Essay
5 Modes of Transportation
In order to have easy mobility of persons and goods, it is necessary to have a sophisticated and
widespread transportation system. This system is made up of five primary areas of transportation,
which are: – Motor vehicles – Railroad transportation – Air transportation – Water transportation –
Each of these five modes consists of different subsystems which make up the system. Each mode is
used to transport persons or goods, but in many instances, one mode may be favored over the others.
All five modes require some primary source of funds for building and maintaining the infrastructure.
These funds may come from a number more content...
They range from small single passenger aircraft to large jumbo jet aircraft.
Transportation of freight is another area of air transport. Most common is the express and freight
and mail carriers. Most of this material is carried by local passenger/cargo carriers. Some military
aircraft is used in the transportation of much larger freight. The materials transported by air may
include anything from raw materials to finished products. Another mode of transporting
passengers and freight is by water. The transportation of passengers is slow and inconvenient,
therefore it is not used very often except for pleasure. The size of water craft may vary from small
single seater jet skis to large cruise ships. The most common use of water transportation is for
freight. The type of freight moved is usually limited to those classes that are bulky and of low cost
per unit volume. Pipelines are mainly used to transport oil and oil products or natural gas. Oil
pipelines are divided between gathering lines and trunk lines, while gas pipelines are divided
between field lines and trunk lines. Each mode must have sufficient funds for building and
maintaining the infrastructure. For the highway system, funds come from several different areas. The
United States highway system is publicly owned, therefore much of the funds are received from the
federal government, however, most of the funds are received from highway user taxes. Federal
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Essay On Why I Want To Transfer
It may seem irrational to some that after less than a semester at Delaware County Community
College, I have decided to leave. Many would ask, "why not stay for one more semester?" For me,
that is not an option. I have made up my mind and believe my reasoning to be more than enough for
me to seek to continue my education somewhere else.
The first reason I am seeking to transfer is the lack of challenging classes at Delaware County
Community College. I have spent a large part of my educational career going above and beyond to
learn new things; whether it be algebra, writing a research paper or memorizing the components of a
cell. In the end, even if I got a less than satisfactory grade on the assignment, I always took away
from it something I could use next time around. This is what helped me grow as a student and
encouraged me to continue learning. At Delaware County Community College, however, I have yet
to find such classes. A majority of my courses have proven to be nothing but slightly in–depth
versions of classes I took in high school. I do not feel in the least bit challenged as I am more than more content...
In the past, my classes consisted of smart and motivated students who loved to learn. They were
eager to participate in discussions, answer questions and bring up new ideas. The students I have
encountered at Delaware County Community College are nothing like this. They seem only to be
interested in a passing grade or are not interested at all. People prefer playing on their cell phones
to participating in discussions, and teachers spend valuable class time coddling unwilling students.
It is frustrating as I find it impossible to achieve the educational experience I have come to know
and love. I want to attend a school where my fellow students share my enthusiasm for learning and
are not in school merely for the sake of being
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Transferring Knowledge
Throughout life, people in many positions attain knowledge that can be of use in a variety of
different ways, such as a job, a social setting, or an educational setting. Throughout the first semester
of freshman year at the University of Oklahoma I was a participant in a Principles of English
Composition class that was intellectually challenging whilst still maintaining the expectations of a
first year English class. In the semester of English 1113, the class discussed discursive practices,
metacognition, critical reflection, and strategies to transfer knowledge that has been gained to other
events in our lives. Learning about the structures of discourses and how writing is constructed
specifically to the context by which the writing more content...
Using the CARS model I established a niche, which was to explain the workings of the political
science discipline, and I occupied the niche by using information I had researched. Having the ability
to analyze a discourse community helps a research paper because it helps one to understand what is
important within a group of people. The paper was very useful, because having knowledge of
discourse communities will help me in the future. In English 1113, a considerable amount of time
was spent on understanding how discourse communities function and what a discourse
community really is. This knowledge is extremely useful for future classes, and even in future
jobs. In John Swales's, "The Concept of Discourse Community", he writes about how discourse
communities use specific terms, have specific genres, and have an amount of members that is
necessary for the Community to function (Swales). Having this knowledge of how a discourse
community functions will be key in my sustaining a career. I now know how to learn about a
discourse community and figure out how to be in one. In the career path I choose to follow I will
need to use my knowledge of a discourse community. I will need to analyze the discourse
community to figure out what terms are used, what genres are held in high regards, and what
amount of members are necessary for the discourse community to function to be an adequate and
helpful member of the discipline I become a part of
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Transfer Student Personal Statement
I am currently a junior enrolled in my first semester at San Diego State University as a Liberal
Studies major with an emphasis in literacy. I am currently on track to graduating in Spring 2018
and will be applying for the credential program at San Diego State University once I graduate. I
am very excited to continue my educational journey as a transfer student. Liberal Studies is the
perfect major for me because it will be the best way to get to my goal of being an elementary school
When I was growing up I would play teacher with my cousins after school, I pretended I was the
teacher, I had my own classroom. So from the beginning I always knew that I wanted to be a
teacher, but I didn't think I had the skill of being a great teacher. When I got tohigh school a friend
suggested that I take an AP class. I asked my history teacher at the time if he thought I would be
successful in that class and he explained to me if I worked hard and gave it everything I got I
could do whatever I wanted including doing well in the class and passing the AP test. That day I
decided to believe in myself and take a chance. After completing the course and passing the AP
test I believed in myself again and realized what my teacher said was true. If I work hard the
possibilities of what I could accomplish are endless. I became confident in my skills as a student more content...
I volunteered as a Sunday school teacher where I interact and did activities with students that help
them understand Catholicism. I taught kindergarten for three years and I recently finished my first
year teaching fourth grade. The experience taught me so much things that I can carry with me when
I teach my own classroom. The interactions with the students helped choose a career in education
because I looked forward to going there every week and loved the students that I got to teach. I am
very grateful for my experience
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When I Want To Transfer School
I originally started my education at a small high school with a toxic learning environment. I
fooled around too much and was too socially involved, because of this, my grades suffered and I
wasn't going anywhere. In grade ten I applied to transfer schools, and when grade 11 came around
I was in a new environment. I fully recognize that this was the BEST decision I have ever made
(short of applying to UBC!). My new teachers and faculty not only gave me a clean slate, but they
supported me in all of my endeavors, and they never seemed to waiver in there certainty that I
would succeed. Because of their encouragement I gained confidence in myself. When it was time
for me to enter grade twelve, I thought about my career path and resolved that I wanted to become
a doctor. I knew that if I applied myself to the fullest, I would get there. Thanks to the support of the
entire faculty, I was more content...
At this new school, NOBODY spoke to me, and I felt isolated. Being a confident person, as well as
a social butterfly, I tried to insert myself into multiple groups of people, and I was continually
shutdown; nobody would have me. This realization was genuinely shocking, I mean, I thought
there would be at least 1 person! Not to be boastful, but I was relatively popular at my old school,
so I had thought I'd be accepted. This ended up being humbling and for the best, in lack of a
social aspect I resolved to focus more on my studies, and starting into grade twelve, I realized that I
can do whatever I set my mind to (within realistic boundaries). This path required going back and
redoing three years of coursework at the university level, because I had taken everything at the
college level. Although this path may seem daunting and/or troublesome to many, it has never
appeared that way to me, because I like to learn, and this was the only tunnel that had university at
the end of
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Pursuing A College Transfer Degree Essay
Pursuing a college transfer degree has many obstacles that many students, especially transfer
students ' has to embark just to succeed because of self–doubt, not having financial and the change
of scenery. Just as (Edison) said "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to
succeed is always to try one more time." In these images, you would look through my eyes as a
transfer student and see the struggles that I had to embark on coming to Governor State University
(GSU) from Kennedy–King College (KKC). The challenges that I have had and am still going
through as a transfer student that this is a difficult, long, and stressful process. There might be many
questions a student who is thinking about transferring from one college or university to another may
need to answer. As you look at the images you might be asking yourself some of these questions.
Would the studentss get their question answered or would the students take matters in their own
hands? I chose to examine this issue from the perspective of the class of low–income students
because being a low–income student myself, I wanted to show the light that we as transfer student
had/will go through as a student. I think everyone at one point in their life asks themselves these
questions as a student: How am I going to afford school and books? What is my professor like?
How will my first day go? How will I get there? What am I going to wear? Those are just some
question that students have. While being some
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I have learned many things throughout the course of the term, including such things as: how to write
an essay and how to improve on essays that I have already written, how to locate and composite
better research through the use of numerous resources found at the campus library, the internet, and
the "Common Sense" textbook, how to cite research, examples, and quotations properly within the
contents of my research paper as well as document it accurately according to MLA standards.
Through the exploration of the "Subjects and Strategies" textbook, I have learned nine different
methods used when writing an effective essay and how the different writing styles affect the overall
theme and tone of the essay when used properly. This more content...
This allowed me to write more extensively on the topic I had chosen which in turn helped expand
the size of my research paper. I received a B on my final draft; the first passing grade I have ever
received on a research paper. I am very satisfied with my grade. When it came to the essays
writing became a little trickier because I had to understand what it was I needed to write about
and the style in which I need to write it in. There are nine essay writing methods which I learned
while attending this course: exemplification, compare/contrast, cause and effect, proposal,
narration, process, division/classification, definition, and argument. The only problems I
encountered when trying to write the essays that were assigned to me by the instructor was
finding suitable subject matter to write about. Once I found my topics for my essay, everything
else became easier. I would first produce a rough draft and then the students, the instructor, and
myself would go over them in class and decided if what I was writing was in its best form. Most
of my rough drafts needed improvement, but if it didn't it wouldn't be a rough draft, so it was
understood. My final drafts were very satisfying for me as well as the grades I received on them.
For my exemplification essay I chose to write about the reasons why condoms
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Persuasive Speech On Transfer In College
Erin Lee
The Next Step
Purpose: To inform my audience about transferring from Mesa Community College (MCC) to
another university.
Central Idea: There are several ways to transfer to a university from MCC, but the top two ways
are by transferring credits and using a program, both of which ways can be explained in more detail
using MCC's resources.
Attention Grabber: According to New York Times, 4 out of 5 of students at a communitycollege want
to transfer to a four–year university to get a bachelor's degree.
Credibility Statement: When I was thinking about what I wanted to do in the future, I decided I
wanted a bachelor's degree. I had a lot of questions about the transfer process and making sure the
classes I took here could transfer to a four–year university, so I did a lot of research before I decided
to sign up for the MAPP.
Connection to audience: As students at a community college, it's important to know what options
there are if you want to continue your education, so you can make an informed decision.
Preview of Main Ideas: Today, I'm going to talk to you about transferring to another college by
applying or by using a program, and about where to find more information.
I.One method of transferring to any college is to simply apply to the university of your choice.
A.There are several steps to this method.
1.The first step is to decide where you want to go and find out what the admission requirements are.
This is important because
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Personal Narrative: I Am A Transfer Student
I am a transfer student, for the past years I questioned myself did I really knew what I want or
where I want to be? I got confused most the time, I thought that I had to make some change. So I
decided to come to UIC, a very big campus and cultural diversity. Starting a new semester at new
environments is a challenge for me, because I have never studied at such big university. The first
thing bothering me is half of my classes are containing about a hundred students. I have not taken
such big class before, so it make me a little bit nervous. Just watch the professor teaching and then
leave, this makes me feel less connected with my professor and classmates. The other thing is the
campus is too big, especially for out new coming students I
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Transfer of Learning
Transfer of learning is the study of the dependency of human conduct, learning, or performance on
prior experience. The notion was originally introduced as transfer of practice by Edward Thorndike
and Robert S. Woodworth. They explored how individuals would transfer learning in one context to
another context that shared similar characteristics – or more formally how "improvement in one
mental function" could influence another related one. Their theory implied that transfer of learning
depends on the proportion to which the learning task and the transfer task are similar, or where
"identical elements are concerned in the influencing and influenced function", now known as
identical element theory. Transfer research has since attracted more content...
negative transfer
Starting by looking at the effect side of transfer – in terms of the common performance criteria,
speed and accuracy – transfer theories distinguish between two broad classes that underlie all other
classifications: negative andpositive transfer. Negative transfer refers to the impairment of current
learning and performance due to the application of non–adaptive or inappropriate information or
behavior. Therefore, negative transfer is a type of interference effect of prior experience causing a
slow–down in learning, completion or solving of a new task when compared to the performance of a
hypothetical control group with no respective prior experience. Positive transfer, in contrast,
emphasizes the beneficial effects of prior experience on current thinking and action. It is important
to understand that the positive and negative effects of transfer are not mutually exclusive, and
therefore real–life transfer effects are probably mostly a mixture of both. Positive transfer: transfer
of learning or training is said to be positive when the learning or training carried out in one situation
proves helpful to learning in another situation. Examples of such transfer are:
the knowledge and skills related to school mathematics help in the learning of statistical computation;
the knowledge and skills acquired in terms of addition and subtraction in mathematics in school may
help a child in the acquisition of knowledge and
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To the Transfer Student I have spent a year at SUU as a transfer student, and it was only just in
this last couple weeks I learned that the third floor of the library is the place where you can talk
and have study groups. My knowledge of the library was limited to the second floor–which means
no talking and it's about as silent as a funeral service. Sometimes the sniffles are from crying, but
most the time it's just the common cold floating around. Sometimes transfer students are the last
people thought about when schools are preparing for a new semester. We aren't automatically signed
up for the freshman tour, or have a school–set–up appointment with an academic adviser. In some
ways, we are kind of left to our own. I mean we have gone to at least a semester or two of school, so
we should have college figured out right?
Well if you're anything like me, my personal experience has taught me that although the idea of
college is similar, each campus and school has its own set of things that are helpful to have some
knowledge of. So, this is me, helping you learn from my mistakes and a few pointers on how to
make your experience as a transfer student at SUU an even better than my experience–and my
experience has really been pretty great.
Before we jump into all the fun facts and logistics, I want to reassure you that you've made the best
choice by choosing to transfer to Southern Utah University. I'm not sure what your reason is for
transferring to SUU, but for me,
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Being a transfer student, I want to contribute more than just academic strength at Baylor; I desire
to share a unique journey filled with struggles and failures as a teenager. In the beginning of my
college career, I struggled with a lot of aspects of my life from personal issues to family illnesses.
Consequently, all of those factors took a toll on my academic abilities and by the age of 18, I had
failed two semesters at my community college. I felt like a failure towards my family, but more
importantly, myself. From my perspective now, I know that the mistakes I have made have put
worthy people within my path. For example, I was put on Academic Probation by an academic
counselor, little did I know that Mrs. Thompson would become one of the
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Essay On Learning Transfer
Framework for Transfer of Learning: People, Timing, and Strategies Program
PlannerFacilitatorsLearnersOther Stakeholders Before The transfer of retention ideas through
specific programs, such a writing program, mentorship program or outreach program Ask learners to
participate in two to three chosen retention programs.Select the two or three retention programs
specifically designed to fit their needs that will relate to their expectations for learning
transfer.Ensure that the funds for the retention programs are allocated for each trade program,
specifically for learning transfer. During Monitors the participates' involvement in the specific
retention programs Incorporate the learning context of retention as part of more content...
Program Evaluation Model The Decision–based Approach The decision–based approach is
appropriate for a program established to increase retention because it allows questions to be utilized
in the guidance of the program rather than objectives serving as the criteria for the program
(Spaulding, 2014). Questions are asked by those directly involved in the program, such as directors
that seek clarity to an issue like retention among adult learners. The decision–based approach allows
questions to be presented to the evaluator; thus, the evaluator must go out and collect data to answer
the questions (Spaulding, 2014). The decision–based approach for the retention program evaluation
plan will includes both quantitative and qualitative methods. The surveys, questionnaires, and
interviews conducted will be the source of the quantitative and qualitative results provided to support
the implementation of the retention program for adult learners; subsequently, they will be utilized as
the data collection tools. Evaluation Matrix Evaluation ObjectiveStakeholdersTools Used to Collect
DataWhenPurpose Evaluation objective 1: To document correlation between real–life experiences
and new conceptsFacultyQuestionnairesFirst thirty daysSummative Evaluation objective 2: To
document the involvement of adult learners in various academic and social activities Faculty and
project directorsInterviewsFirst sixty days
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Technology Transfer Essay
Technology transfer could be so complicated at times to exploredue to all the tasks require to be
able to give a full analysis of what is involve and the process that one has to go through. Although
many people have tried tracing the source of precise technology and how it affected the originating
culture and the role it has on history. However, there are some common fundamentals that could be
helpful in analyzing all the activities that are involved. Some of the clue that has been of help so far
identifying technology transfer is what is being transferred, where technology is transferred from,
those receiving transferred, and lastly how the technology is delivered to the receiver. To better
understand how technology transfer work more content...
Another form of formal channel of technology transfer is turnkey plant. In this type of technology
transfer, the donor basically takes the responsibility production in their foreign subsidiary by using
several technical knowledges and skills transferred from the donor. Furthermore, licensing is another
form formal channel of technology transfer. It is one of the inevitable when transferring technology
from one country to the other. Still another area of formal technology transfer is entrepreneurial
science that employs the agreements all over the world in which knowledge is transferred into
intellectual property. Nevertheless, exportation of manufactured goods is also another formal
channel of transferring technology from one country to the other such as cars, electronics etc.
Another form of transfer of technology is informal channel. Informal channel of technology transfer
is usually Noncommercial Avenue. It involves government agreement among the countries that are
involves in technology transfers. There are also scientific and technical publications that will also be
carried out. Furthermore, seminars, conferences, and trades shown are also needed for informal
channel of technology transfer. One thing we should not ignore in this chapter is the rate in which
many recipient countries are adapting to the new technology. For example,
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Lessons Learned As A Transfer Student Essay
Lessons Learned
As a transfer student, I only had to take three core courses to finish my Bachelor degree in
Information technology because my other courses from my previous school supplemented the other
core courses. But I did learn a lot from the three core courses that did I take at Campbell University
were (ITS–345) Database Management , (ITS–410) System Analysis Design & Dev, and (ITS–410)
Networking & Telecommunication. In taking these courses, I felt these courses taught me relevant
concepts and examples that I used and applied in my project. These courses also helped me learn
about concepts such as time management in project and how management is an important aspect in
any project development. These courses were also helpful in that the concepts provided great
insights in possible obstacles that an individual may deal with in a working environment such as
security, network communication, and framework and business infrastructures.
In the course (ITS–345) Database Management, I felt this course to be great refresher course that
helped me refresh my ideas and concepts regarding database design and management. It helped
understand previous concepts that I understood and also help provided me with detailed
understanding of concepts that I needed more insight on such as relational models, SQL, entity
relationship modeling, and database design. In this course it allowed to me understand how these
concepts are all connected and how businesses use database in a
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Personal Statement: Why Transfer Essay
As I mentioned in my Why Transfer essay, I decided to major in art for my undergraduate study; the
contrast between the life in Nashville and New York and the experience of my internships gave me
the courage to finally make this determination. During my freshmen year, the satisfaction artwork
brought me the fountain of my happiness. I still could recall those dreamlike experience: Holiday
Windows during Christmas, the New York Fashion Week, the works in tons of galleries and
museums, etc. When facing those oil painting artworks, I couldn't stop imaging how printers made
those brushstrokes. The just right thick pigment allowed me to communicate with them across the
time limit. Regardless how many academic assignments and exams I faced or how
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Student Transfer College Essay
he motive behind student transfer is to continue to pursue their goals in higher education. This
population of students more often than none attend multiple institutions, with some moving one
direction, such as transferring from a two–year to a four–year institution, and others moving between
institutions of the same type: two year to two year or four year to a four year. The academic and
social motivations underlying transfer student experiences have been articulated in a variety of
studies. A 2005 U.S. Department of Education study reported that two–to–four transfer students took
about 5.4 years on average to earn a bachelor's degree, four–to–four transfers took an average of 5.1
years, while students who did not transfer took an average of 4.4 years to finish (Enzi, Boehner, & more content...
For many students who are undecided in a major or have financial constraints, community college
seems to be the perfect opportunity to explore different majors at a much lower cost than a four–year
university. However, transfer students face unique challenges that have major implications with their
academic and social integration to institutions. Therefore, it is important for community college
professionals and university professionals understand the key roles they play in the process. So they
can implement strategies to alleviate the challenges, for example, faculty from both institutions can
begin by holding meetings to discuss curriculum. Additionally, ensuring that community colleges are
up to date with the most accurate and relevant information about unit transfers to avoid any
misleading information that can result in prolonging the student's graduation. It is also vital for
faculty at four–year institutions to create a faster process for community college units to become
evaluated to ease the anxiety of
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A & M Transfer Process
As a transfer student at Texas A&M, I demonstrate what determination and hard work stands for
through staying self–motivated to attend my dream school. Prior to the start of my education, my
family and I moved to this country in hopes of escaping crime and violence, seeking opportunities
and freedom. I was able to undertake my own opportunities and enrolled at a community college
while also working a full time job in an effort to pursue my dream of attending Mays Business
School. Every year, thousands of students apply to Mays; however, Texas A&M only accepts 100
candidates to attend their business school. Because of this transfer process, I have become a
motivated, persistent and dynamic individual who strives for success. Growing up in
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Statement Of Purpose: Texas Woman's University
If you provide financial support for another family (whether child, parent, sibling or other), please
tell us about this family:
I provide financial support to both my mother and my sister. Much of the income that I receive
goes directly to my mother to help pay for bills, buy food, provide gas money, or anything else with
which I can help. My mother has a full–time job; however, she doesn't receive sufficient income to
take care of all our financial obligations each month. My sister is enrolled full–time at Texas State
Technical College with an anticipated graduation date of May 2017 and is not currently employed.
Please describe any special circumstances or additional factors that affect your or your family's
ability to fund your more content...
I was awed by the services and many opportunities available to students, such as the chance to study
abroad or to do an internship. The option of declaring a pre–occupational therapy major through
Texas Woman'sUniversity was an extremely attractive quality for me. This option would allow
me to take the prerequisites for an occupational therapy degree while simultaneously earning my
bachelor's degree, cutting down on the expenses and time it would take to complete these classes
separately. However, my choice to transfer here was solidified after I attended a Transfer
Connection at Texas Woman's University. Learning more about Texas Woman's University and
experiencing the culture of care and thoughtfulness by everyone I met let me know that Texas
Woman's University was right for me. It was at the Transfer Connection that I learned more about
my future major, the honors program that is offered, and the different clubs and organizations
around campus. I was surrounded by people that wanted to help me succeed and see me eventually
become a Texas Woman's University Pioneer. I walked away from the Transfer Connection with a
bag full of information and my decision of where I would transfer to
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Over the course of this semester I learned a lot about myself as a writer. This English 101 class
has really allowed me to expand my essay structure and ways of thinking. This was my first college
writing course and it has given me much more freedom when writing because in high school I felt
limited and like what we were writing was not very important. In high school I would write essays
to just to fulfill the required word or page count and to a degree I still feel like this but maybe that is
why I am an engineering major but in this course I actually was able to express my ideas and for the
first time really test the limits of my writing capabilities. I really enjoyed being able to incorporate
my voice more in my essays and I more content...
The most important improvement for me in this course was on my grammar. I was not aware of
the comma rules before. It was shocking to see where commas are to be put and the places that I
usually miss. The Hacker lessons we did in and out of class on commas have improved my
grammar significantly. Looking back through all of my graded essays it is unbelievable how
many commas I have actually missed. Also, writing the essays in MLA format and including
work cited entries and quotations, has helped me become more comfortable with it. When I write
essays now, I do not hesitate or get anxious if I have to add a work cited entry. However, even
though I have know a little bit more of when to use commas and have a little bit more knowledge
about grammar there is still a lot of room for improvement. Some areas where I need to improve
include transitions between paragraphs, being to repetitive, and my conclusions. This class has
definitely helped me make my transitions better; however they still could use some improvement. I
have to make sure that the reader can comprehend my thought process and that my transitions do
not get in the way of the flow of the paper. In some of the rough drafts for my essays I could not
find links between paragraphs at all but after work shopping in class I believe that they have
significantly improved. I also need to make sure that I do not repeat the same ideas or words too
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How To Write A Transfer Essay

  • 1. 5 Modes of Transportation Essay 5 Modes of Transportation In order to have easy mobility of persons and goods, it is necessary to have a sophisticated and widespread transportation system. This system is made up of five primary areas of transportation, which are: – Motor vehicles – Railroad transportation – Air transportation – Water transportation – Pipelines Each of these five modes consists of different subsystems which make up the system. Each mode is used to transport persons or goods, but in many instances, one mode may be favored over the others. All five modes require some primary source of funds for building and maintaining the infrastructure. These funds may come from a number more content... They range from small single passenger aircraft to large jumbo jet aircraft. Transportation of freight is another area of air transport. Most common is the express and freight and mail carriers. Most of this material is carried by local passenger/cargo carriers. Some military aircraft is used in the transportation of much larger freight. The materials transported by air may include anything from raw materials to finished products. Another mode of transporting passengers and freight is by water. The transportation of passengers is slow and inconvenient, therefore it is not used very often except for pleasure. The size of water craft may vary from small single seater jet skis to large cruise ships. The most common use of water transportation is for freight. The type of freight moved is usually limited to those classes that are bulky and of low cost per unit volume. Pipelines are mainly used to transport oil and oil products or natural gas. Oil pipelines are divided between gathering lines and trunk lines, while gas pipelines are divided between field lines and trunk lines. Each mode must have sufficient funds for building and maintaining the infrastructure. For the highway system, funds come from several different areas. The United States highway system is publicly owned, therefore much of the funds are received from the federal government, however, most of the funds are received from highway user taxes. Federal Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On Why I Want To Transfer It may seem irrational to some that after less than a semester at Delaware County Community College, I have decided to leave. Many would ask, "why not stay for one more semester?" For me, that is not an option. I have made up my mind and believe my reasoning to be more than enough for me to seek to continue my education somewhere else. The first reason I am seeking to transfer is the lack of challenging classes at Delaware County Community College. I have spent a large part of my educational career going above and beyond to learn new things; whether it be algebra, writing a research paper or memorizing the components of a cell. In the end, even if I got a less than satisfactory grade on the assignment, I always took away from it something I could use next time around. This is what helped me grow as a student and encouraged me to continue learning. At Delaware County Community College, however, I have yet to find such classes. A majority of my courses have proven to be nothing but slightly in–depth versions of classes I took in high school. I do not feel in the least bit challenged as I am more than more content... In the past, my classes consisted of smart and motivated students who loved to learn. They were eager to participate in discussions, answer questions and bring up new ideas. The students I have encountered at Delaware County Community College are nothing like this. They seem only to be interested in a passing grade or are not interested at all. People prefer playing on their cell phones to participating in discussions, and teachers spend valuable class time coddling unwilling students. It is frustrating as I find it impossible to achieve the educational experience I have come to know and love. I want to attend a school where my fellow students share my enthusiasm for learning and are not in school merely for the sake of being Get more content on
  • 3. Transferring Knowledge Throughout life, people in many positions attain knowledge that can be of use in a variety of different ways, such as a job, a social setting, or an educational setting. Throughout the first semester of freshman year at the University of Oklahoma I was a participant in a Principles of English Composition class that was intellectually challenging whilst still maintaining the expectations of a first year English class. In the semester of English 1113, the class discussed discursive practices, metacognition, critical reflection, and strategies to transfer knowledge that has been gained to other events in our lives. Learning about the structures of discourses and how writing is constructed specifically to the context by which the writing more content... Using the CARS model I established a niche, which was to explain the workings of the political science discipline, and I occupied the niche by using information I had researched. Having the ability to analyze a discourse community helps a research paper because it helps one to understand what is important within a group of people. The paper was very useful, because having knowledge of discourse communities will help me in the future. In English 1113, a considerable amount of time was spent on understanding how discourse communities function and what a discourse community really is. This knowledge is extremely useful for future classes, and even in future jobs. In John Swales's, "The Concept of Discourse Community", he writes about how discourse communities use specific terms, have specific genres, and have an amount of members that is necessary for the Community to function (Swales). Having this knowledge of how a discourse community functions will be key in my sustaining a career. I now know how to learn about a discourse community and figure out how to be in one. In the career path I choose to follow I will need to use my knowledge of a discourse community. I will need to analyze the discourse community to figure out what terms are used, what genres are held in high regards, and what amount of members are necessary for the discourse community to function to be an adequate and helpful member of the discipline I become a part of Get more content on
  • 4. Transfer Student Personal Statement I am currently a junior enrolled in my first semester at San Diego State University as a Liberal Studies major with an emphasis in literacy. I am currently on track to graduating in Spring 2018 and will be applying for the credential program at San Diego State University once I graduate. I am very excited to continue my educational journey as a transfer student. Liberal Studies is the perfect major for me because it will be the best way to get to my goal of being an elementary school teacher. When I was growing up I would play teacher with my cousins after school, I pretended I was the teacher, I had my own classroom. So from the beginning I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher, but I didn't think I had the skill of being a great teacher. When I got tohigh school a friend suggested that I take an AP class. I asked my history teacher at the time if he thought I would be successful in that class and he explained to me if I worked hard and gave it everything I got I could do whatever I wanted including doing well in the class and passing the AP test. That day I decided to believe in myself and take a chance. After completing the course and passing the AP test I believed in myself again and realized what my teacher said was true. If I work hard the possibilities of what I could accomplish are endless. I became confident in my skills as a student more content... I volunteered as a Sunday school teacher where I interact and did activities with students that help them understand Catholicism. I taught kindergarten for three years and I recently finished my first year teaching fourth grade. The experience taught me so much things that I can carry with me when I teach my own classroom. The interactions with the students helped choose a career in education because I looked forward to going there every week and loved the students that I got to teach. I am very grateful for my experience Get more content on
  • 5. When I Want To Transfer School I originally started my education at a small high school with a toxic learning environment. I fooled around too much and was too socially involved, because of this, my grades suffered and I wasn't going anywhere. In grade ten I applied to transfer schools, and when grade 11 came around I was in a new environment. I fully recognize that this was the BEST decision I have ever made (short of applying to UBC!). My new teachers and faculty not only gave me a clean slate, but they supported me in all of my endeavors, and they never seemed to waiver in there certainty that I would succeed. Because of their encouragement I gained confidence in myself. When it was time for me to enter grade twelve, I thought about my career path and resolved that I wanted to become a doctor. I knew that if I applied myself to the fullest, I would get there. Thanks to the support of the entire faculty, I was more content... At this new school, NOBODY spoke to me, and I felt isolated. Being a confident person, as well as a social butterfly, I tried to insert myself into multiple groups of people, and I was continually shutdown; nobody would have me. This realization was genuinely shocking, I mean, I thought there would be at least 1 person! Not to be boastful, but I was relatively popular at my old school, so I had thought I'd be accepted. This ended up being humbling and for the best, in lack of a social aspect I resolved to focus more on my studies, and starting into grade twelve, I realized that I can do whatever I set my mind to (within realistic boundaries). This path required going back and redoing three years of coursework at the university level, because I had taken everything at the college level. Although this path may seem daunting and/or troublesome to many, it has never appeared that way to me, because I like to learn, and this was the only tunnel that had university at the end of Get more content on
  • 6. Pursuing A College Transfer Degree Essay Pursuing a college transfer degree has many obstacles that many students, especially transfer students ' has to embark just to succeed because of self–doubt, not having financial and the change of scenery. Just as (Edison) said "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try one more time." In these images, you would look through my eyes as a transfer student and see the struggles that I had to embark on coming to Governor State University (GSU) from Kennedy–King College (KKC). The challenges that I have had and am still going through as a transfer student that this is a difficult, long, and stressful process. There might be many questions a student who is thinking about transferring from one college or university to another may need to answer. As you look at the images you might be asking yourself some of these questions. Would the studentss get their question answered or would the students take matters in their own hands? I chose to examine this issue from the perspective of the class of low–income students because being a low–income student myself, I wanted to show the light that we as transfer student had/will go through as a student. I think everyone at one point in their life asks themselves these questions as a student: How am I going to afford school and books? What is my professor like? How will my first day go? How will I get there? What am I going to wear? Those are just some question that students have. While being some Get more content on
  • 7. I have learned many things throughout the course of the term, including such things as: how to write an essay and how to improve on essays that I have already written, how to locate and composite better research through the use of numerous resources found at the campus library, the internet, and the "Common Sense" textbook, how to cite research, examples, and quotations properly within the contents of my research paper as well as document it accurately according to MLA standards. Through the exploration of the "Subjects and Strategies" textbook, I have learned nine different methods used when writing an effective essay and how the different writing styles affect the overall theme and tone of the essay when used properly. This more content... This allowed me to write more extensively on the topic I had chosen which in turn helped expand the size of my research paper. I received a B on my final draft; the first passing grade I have ever received on a research paper. I am very satisfied with my grade. When it came to the essays writing became a little trickier because I had to understand what it was I needed to write about and the style in which I need to write it in. There are nine essay writing methods which I learned while attending this course: exemplification, compare/contrast, cause and effect, proposal, narration, process, division/classification, definition, and argument. The only problems I encountered when trying to write the essays that were assigned to me by the instructor was finding suitable subject matter to write about. Once I found my topics for my essay, everything else became easier. I would first produce a rough draft and then the students, the instructor, and myself would go over them in class and decided if what I was writing was in its best form. Most of my rough drafts needed improvement, but if it didn't it wouldn't be a rough draft, so it was understood. My final drafts were very satisfying for me as well as the grades I received on them. For my exemplification essay I chose to write about the reasons why condoms Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Speech On Transfer In College Erin Lee The Next Step Purpose: To inform my audience about transferring from Mesa Community College (MCC) to another university. Central Idea: There are several ways to transfer to a university from MCC, but the top two ways are by transferring credits and using a program, both of which ways can be explained in more detail using MCC's resources. Introduction Attention Grabber: According to New York Times, 4 out of 5 of students at a communitycollege want to transfer to a four–year university to get a bachelor's degree. Credibility Statement: When I was thinking about what I wanted to do in the future, I decided I wanted a bachelor's degree. I had a lot of questions about the transfer process and making sure the classes I took here could transfer to a four–year university, so I did a lot of research before I decided to sign up for the MAPP. Connection to audience: As students at a community college, it's important to know what options there are if you want to continue your education, so you can make an informed decision. Preview of Main Ideas: Today, I'm going to talk to you about transferring to another college by applying or by using a program, and about where to find more information. Body I.One method of transferring to any college is to simply apply to the university of your choice. A.There are several steps to this method. 1.The first step is to decide where you want to go and find out what the admission requirements are. This is important because Get more content on
  • 9. Personal Narrative: I Am A Transfer Student I am a transfer student, for the past years I questioned myself did I really knew what I want or where I want to be? I got confused most the time, I thought that I had to make some change. So I decided to come to UIC, a very big campus and cultural diversity. Starting a new semester at new environments is a challenge for me, because I have never studied at such big university. The first thing bothering me is half of my classes are containing about a hundred students. I have not taken such big class before, so it make me a little bit nervous. Just watch the professor teaching and then leave, this makes me feel less connected with my professor and classmates. The other thing is the campus is too big, especially for out new coming students I Get more content on
  • 10. Transfer of Learning Transfer of learning is the study of the dependency of human conduct, learning, or performance on prior experience. The notion was originally introduced as transfer of practice by Edward Thorndike and Robert S. Woodworth. They explored how individuals would transfer learning in one context to another context that shared similar characteristics – or more formally how "improvement in one mental function" could influence another related one. Their theory implied that transfer of learning depends on the proportion to which the learning task and the transfer task are similar, or where "identical elements are concerned in the influencing and influenced function", now known as identical element theory. Transfer research has since attracted more content... negative transfer Starting by looking at the effect side of transfer – in terms of the common performance criteria, speed and accuracy – transfer theories distinguish between two broad classes that underlie all other classifications: negative andpositive transfer. Negative transfer refers to the impairment of current learning and performance due to the application of non–adaptive or inappropriate information or behavior. Therefore, negative transfer is a type of interference effect of prior experience causing a slow–down in learning, completion or solving of a new task when compared to the performance of a hypothetical control group with no respective prior experience. Positive transfer, in contrast, emphasizes the beneficial effects of prior experience on current thinking and action. It is important to understand that the positive and negative effects of transfer are not mutually exclusive, and therefore real–life transfer effects are probably mostly a mixture of both. Positive transfer: transfer of learning or training is said to be positive when the learning or training carried out in one situation proves helpful to learning in another situation. Examples of such transfer are: the knowledge and skills related to school mathematics help in the learning of statistical computation; the knowledge and skills acquired in terms of addition and subtraction in mathematics in school may help a child in the acquisition of knowledge and Get more content on
  • 11. To the Transfer Student I have spent a year at SUU as a transfer student, and it was only just in this last couple weeks I learned that the third floor of the library is the place where you can talk and have study groups. My knowledge of the library was limited to the second floor–which means no talking and it's about as silent as a funeral service. Sometimes the sniffles are from crying, but most the time it's just the common cold floating around. Sometimes transfer students are the last people thought about when schools are preparing for a new semester. We aren't automatically signed up for the freshman tour, or have a school–set–up appointment with an academic adviser. In some ways, we are kind of left to our own. I mean we have gone to at least a semester or two of school, so we should have college figured out right? Well if you're anything like me, my personal experience has taught me that although the idea of college is similar, each campus and school has its own set of things that are helpful to have some knowledge of. So, this is me, helping you learn from my mistakes and a few pointers on how to make your experience as a transfer student at SUU an even better than my experience–and my experience has really been pretty great. Before we jump into all the fun facts and logistics, I want to reassure you that you've made the best choice by choosing to transfer to Southern Utah University. I'm not sure what your reason is for transferring to SUU, but for me, Get more content on
  • 12. Being a transfer student, I want to contribute more than just academic strength at Baylor; I desire to share a unique journey filled with struggles and failures as a teenager. In the beginning of my college career, I struggled with a lot of aspects of my life from personal issues to family illnesses. Consequently, all of those factors took a toll on my academic abilities and by the age of 18, I had failed two semesters at my community college. I felt like a failure towards my family, but more importantly, myself. From my perspective now, I know that the mistakes I have made have put worthy people within my path. For example, I was put on Academic Probation by an academic counselor, little did I know that Mrs. Thompson would become one of the Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Learning Transfer Framework for Transfer of Learning: People, Timing, and Strategies Program PlannerFacilitatorsLearnersOther Stakeholders Before The transfer of retention ideas through specific programs, such a writing program, mentorship program or outreach program Ask learners to participate in two to three chosen retention programs.Select the two or three retention programs specifically designed to fit their needs that will relate to their expectations for learning transfer.Ensure that the funds for the retention programs are allocated for each trade program, specifically for learning transfer. During Monitors the participates' involvement in the specific retention programs Incorporate the learning context of retention as part of more content... Program Evaluation Model The Decision–based Approach The decision–based approach is appropriate for a program established to increase retention because it allows questions to be utilized in the guidance of the program rather than objectives serving as the criteria for the program (Spaulding, 2014). Questions are asked by those directly involved in the program, such as directors that seek clarity to an issue like retention among adult learners. The decision–based approach allows questions to be presented to the evaluator; thus, the evaluator must go out and collect data to answer the questions (Spaulding, 2014). The decision–based approach for the retention program evaluation plan will includes both quantitative and qualitative methods. The surveys, questionnaires, and interviews conducted will be the source of the quantitative and qualitative results provided to support the implementation of the retention program for adult learners; subsequently, they will be utilized as the data collection tools. Evaluation Matrix Evaluation ObjectiveStakeholdersTools Used to Collect DataWhenPurpose Evaluation objective 1: To document correlation between real–life experiences and new conceptsFacultyQuestionnairesFirst thirty daysSummative Evaluation objective 2: To document the involvement of adult learners in various academic and social activities Faculty and project directorsInterviewsFirst sixty days Get more content on
  • 14. Technology Transfer Essay Technology transfer could be so complicated at times to exploredue to all the tasks require to be able to give a full analysis of what is involve and the process that one has to go through. Although many people have tried tracing the source of precise technology and how it affected the originating culture and the role it has on history. However, there are some common fundamentals that could be helpful in analyzing all the activities that are involved. Some of the clue that has been of help so far identifying technology transfer is what is being transferred, where technology is transferred from, those receiving transferred, and lastly how the technology is delivered to the receiver. To better understand how technology transfer work more content... Another form of formal channel of technology transfer is turnkey plant. In this type of technology transfer, the donor basically takes the responsibility production in their foreign subsidiary by using several technical knowledges and skills transferred from the donor. Furthermore, licensing is another form formal channel of technology transfer. It is one of the inevitable when transferring technology from one country to the other. Still another area of formal technology transfer is entrepreneurial science that employs the agreements all over the world in which knowledge is transferred into intellectual property. Nevertheless, exportation of manufactured goods is also another formal channel of transferring technology from one country to the other such as cars, electronics etc. Another form of transfer of technology is informal channel. Informal channel of technology transfer is usually Noncommercial Avenue. It involves government agreement among the countries that are involves in technology transfers. There are also scientific and technical publications that will also be carried out. Furthermore, seminars, conferences, and trades shown are also needed for informal channel of technology transfer. One thing we should not ignore in this chapter is the rate in which many recipient countries are adapting to the new technology. For example, Get more content on
  • 15. Lessons Learned As A Transfer Student Essay Lessons Learned As a transfer student, I only had to take three core courses to finish my Bachelor degree in Information technology because my other courses from my previous school supplemented the other core courses. But I did learn a lot from the three core courses that did I take at Campbell University were (ITS–345) Database Management , (ITS–410) System Analysis Design & Dev, and (ITS–410) Networking & Telecommunication. In taking these courses, I felt these courses taught me relevant concepts and examples that I used and applied in my project. These courses also helped me learn about concepts such as time management in project and how management is an important aspect in any project development. These courses were also helpful in that the concepts provided great insights in possible obstacles that an individual may deal with in a working environment such as security, network communication, and framework and business infrastructures. In the course (ITS–345) Database Management, I felt this course to be great refresher course that helped me refresh my ideas and concepts regarding database design and management. It helped understand previous concepts that I understood and also help provided me with detailed understanding of concepts that I needed more insight on such as relational models, SQL, entity relationship modeling, and database design. In this course it allowed to me understand how these concepts are all connected and how businesses use database in a Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Statement: Why Transfer Essay As I mentioned in my Why Transfer essay, I decided to major in art for my undergraduate study; the contrast between the life in Nashville and New York and the experience of my internships gave me the courage to finally make this determination. During my freshmen year, the satisfaction artwork brought me the fountain of my happiness. I still could recall those dreamlike experience: Holiday Windows during Christmas, the New York Fashion Week, the works in tons of galleries and museums, etc. When facing those oil painting artworks, I couldn't stop imaging how printers made those brushstrokes. The just right thick pigment allowed me to communicate with them across the time limit. Regardless how many academic assignments and exams I faced or how Get more content on
  • 17. Student Transfer College Essay he motive behind student transfer is to continue to pursue their goals in higher education. This population of students more often than none attend multiple institutions, with some moving one direction, such as transferring from a two–year to a four–year institution, and others moving between institutions of the same type: two year to two year or four year to a four year. The academic and social motivations underlying transfer student experiences have been articulated in a variety of studies. A 2005 U.S. Department of Education study reported that two–to–four transfer students took about 5.4 years on average to earn a bachelor's degree, four–to–four transfers took an average of 5.1 years, while students who did not transfer took an average of 4.4 years to finish (Enzi, Boehner, & more content... For many students who are undecided in a major or have financial constraints, community college seems to be the perfect opportunity to explore different majors at a much lower cost than a four–year university. However, transfer students face unique challenges that have major implications with their academic and social integration to institutions. Therefore, it is important for community college professionals and university professionals understand the key roles they play in the process. So they can implement strategies to alleviate the challenges, for example, faculty from both institutions can begin by holding meetings to discuss curriculum. Additionally, ensuring that community colleges are up to date with the most accurate and relevant information about unit transfers to avoid any misleading information that can result in prolonging the student's graduation. It is also vital for faculty at four–year institutions to create a faster process for community college units to become evaluated to ease the anxiety of Get more content on
  • 18. A & M Transfer Process As a transfer student at Texas A&M, I demonstrate what determination and hard work stands for through staying self–motivated to attend my dream school. Prior to the start of my education, my family and I moved to this country in hopes of escaping crime and violence, seeking opportunities and freedom. I was able to undertake my own opportunities and enrolled at a community college while also working a full time job in an effort to pursue my dream of attending Mays Business School. Every year, thousands of students apply to Mays; however, Texas A&M only accepts 100 candidates to attend their business school. Because of this transfer process, I have become a motivated, persistent and dynamic individual who strives for success. Growing up in Get more content on
  • 19. Statement Of Purpose: Texas Woman's University If you provide financial support for another family (whether child, parent, sibling or other), please tell us about this family: I provide financial support to both my mother and my sister. Much of the income that I receive goes directly to my mother to help pay for bills, buy food, provide gas money, or anything else with which I can help. My mother has a full–time job; however, she doesn't receive sufficient income to take care of all our financial obligations each month. My sister is enrolled full–time at Texas State Technical College with an anticipated graduation date of May 2017 and is not currently employed. Please describe any special circumstances or additional factors that affect your or your family's ability to fund your more content... I was awed by the services and many opportunities available to students, such as the chance to study abroad or to do an internship. The option of declaring a pre–occupational therapy major through Texas Woman'sUniversity was an extremely attractive quality for me. This option would allow me to take the prerequisites for an occupational therapy degree while simultaneously earning my bachelor's degree, cutting down on the expenses and time it would take to complete these classes separately. However, my choice to transfer here was solidified after I attended a Transfer Connection at Texas Woman's University. Learning more about Texas Woman's University and experiencing the culture of care and thoughtfulness by everyone I met let me know that Texas Woman's University was right for me. It was at the Transfer Connection that I learned more about my future major, the honors program that is offered, and the different clubs and organizations around campus. I was surrounded by people that wanted to help me succeed and see me eventually become a Texas Woman's University Pioneer. I walked away from the Transfer Connection with a bag full of information and my decision of where I would transfer to Get more content on
  • 20. Over the course of this semester I learned a lot about myself as a writer. This English 101 class has really allowed me to expand my essay structure and ways of thinking. This was my first college writing course and it has given me much more freedom when writing because in high school I felt limited and like what we were writing was not very important. In high school I would write essays to just to fulfill the required word or page count and to a degree I still feel like this but maybe that is why I am an engineering major but in this course I actually was able to express my ideas and for the first time really test the limits of my writing capabilities. I really enjoyed being able to incorporate my voice more in my essays and I more content... The most important improvement for me in this course was on my grammar. I was not aware of the comma rules before. It was shocking to see where commas are to be put and the places that I usually miss. The Hacker lessons we did in and out of class on commas have improved my grammar significantly. Looking back through all of my graded essays it is unbelievable how many commas I have actually missed. Also, writing the essays in MLA format and including work cited entries and quotations, has helped me become more comfortable with it. When I write essays now, I do not hesitate or get anxious if I have to add a work cited entry. However, even though I have know a little bit more of when to use commas and have a little bit more knowledge about grammar there is still a lot of room for improvement. Some areas where I need to improve include transitions between paragraphs, being to repetitive, and my conclusions. This class has definitely helped me make my transitions better; however they still could use some improvement. I have to make sure that the reader can comprehend my thought process and that my transitions do not get in the way of the flow of the paper. In some of the rough drafts for my essays I could not find links between paragraphs at all but after work shopping in class I believe that they have significantly improved. I also need to make sure that I do not repeat the same ideas or words too many Get more content on