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How To Write An Analytical
Essay On A Play
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How To Write An Analytical Essay On A PlayHow To Write An Analytical Essay On A Play
Reading Response #4
How It Feels to Be Colored Me, written by Zora Neale Hurston. Occasionally, once in a great
while, a unique person comes along. Zora Neale Hurston was one of those bigger than life
people. She would have told you so herself. She was just as she should have been. She was, Zora.
When she was young, Zora was already full of who she was, with strong hints of the amazing
person she would become. She did not notice the differences between the racial societies. Her
hometown, of Eatonville, FL., was an all black community. She felt the only difference between
the whites and the blacks were the whites did not live in Eatonville. They would only pass through
on their way to Orlando. She appointed herself as the person to greet... Show more content on ...
I do think, in this instance her words would have been just as cutting if a prude of a black person
had been the companion, and had the same lackluster and boring response. She would have
probably flogged the black companion, as she accused him of being, dead bones, or something
more colorful. I agree and need not say more about Zora s following observation. Sometimes, I
feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any
deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It s beyond me. She was, The one and only Zora,
bigger than life, and truly unique. Zora Neale Hurston was and will always be, the absolutely
divine, Cosmic
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Nuclear Power Has Been Highly Controversial
Nuclear power has been highly controversial in the world, specifically uranium mining. Uranium
mining is an option that was presented to the world for a source of nuclear weapons, nuclear
medicine, as well as nuclear power. Uranium is a natural element, it has an average concentration of
2.8 per million in the Earth s crust. Uraniumis very abundant and is more plentiful than gold,
silver, and mercury. The half life of uranium 238 is 4.46 billion years, the half life of uranium 234
is 245,000 years, and uranium 235 has a half life of 704 million years (Uranium: Its Uses and
Hazards, n.d.). There are four common kinds of extracting uranium from the ground; open pit and
underground mining, in situ leach mining (ISL), heap leaching, and milling. While there are
several forms of mining that have proven to be affective at extracting uranium from the ground,
none of the mining types have been guaranteed to stop nuclear radiation in the area that the mining
took place. Nuclear power has gotten a bad name ever since the atomic bomb, so many people have
become skeptical on how safe the rising expansion of uranium mining is. The environmental
implications that uranium mining has caused in the past has brought up the question on if the
expansion of nuclear technology is worth the risk. Uranium is a highly radioactive element that
must be handled with care when mining. In almost all forms of mining, the ore is leached with
sulfuric acid whether it is underground still or crushed and
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Early Interactions between Muslims, Jews, and Christians...
When it comes to the modern relationship that Islam shares with both Christianity and Judaism, it
is not difficult to recognize mutual hostility. Islamic extremism has been gradually dominating the
Western perception of Muslims in the midst of this, the World Trade Center attacks could only
exacerbate the situation. On that account, it was no surprise when these hostile attitudes were
unmistakably revealed during the Cordoba House mosque controversy at which point in 2010, it
was proposed that a mosque dubbed the Cordoba House be established near ground zero. Sure
enough, the proposition was met with overwhelming opposition and rebuke (Barbaro). Most of the
country objected to the mosque while many of those with more personal experiences... Show more
content on ...
The Umayyads started out as one of the elite clans of Mecca who at first rejected Muhammad s
divine revelations (Kishlansky, Geary and O Brien). However, Muhammad utilized his resources
and quickly grew a strong following, organizing them into the Umma, an Islamic family that
transcended the old bonds of tribe and clan (Kishlansky, Geary and O Brien). As his support
proliferated, his opposition dwindled and increasingly converted to Islam. In 629, with 10,000
warriors at his command, Muhammad marched onto Mecca and quickly conquered it with few
casualties. The elite Meccan clans the Umayya among them were swiftly rehabilitated into the
Umma, much to the chagrin of Muhammad s earliest followers.
The Umayya remained a powerful clan as Islam spread under Muhammad and, after his death in
632, his two successors, or caliphs successors of the Prophet. Still, the clan s power had far from
peaked. After the death of Umar, the second caliph, a member of the Umayya became his
successor: Uthman ibn Affan (Kishlansky, Geary and O Brien). Uthman, however, was quickly
murdered because he privileged the Meccan elite over the early converts. Shaken by his death, the
Umma charged the fourth caliph, Ali ibn Abi Talib, as being complacent with Uthman s murder.
Eventually Ali himself was murdered by the Umayyad s supporters, giving rise to an Islamic state
ruled by the Umayya, the Umayyad Caliphate, where the Islamic
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The World Bank Water Global Practice s Water And...
The World Bank Water Global Practice s Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) recently released a
working paper identifying findings that support new tactics for habit change in open defecation
behavior. These advances draw from the fields of psychology, cognitive science, and behavioral
science and were first outlined in the 2015 World Development Report (WDR) on Mind, Society,
and Behavior. WDR presents new insight into how people make decisions: thinking automatically,
thinking socially, and thinking with mental models, and highlights the potential of future policy
approaches that influence behavior while forgoing the assumption of individuals as rational
decision makers.
Open Defecation in India
Of the nearly one billion people across the globe who openly defecate, over half live in India.
Despite meeting the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) for water access, India achieved
only moderate progress in improvements to sanitation and reduction of open defecation. As of
2011, 49.8 percent of Indians still defecated in the open, and, although the number is decreasing,
progress remains slow in rural areas of the country and significant gaps remain between the rich and
In 2014, Prime Minister Modi prioritized an initiative to place a toilet in every household in the
country by 2019 and provided 8 million toilets in the first year alone. Yet, simply providing toilets
does not ensure their use. Although infrastructure and access to proper latrines and other
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Brooke Davis Case
Case Study of Character: The character I have chosen for the focus of my case study is Brooke
Davis, from the television show, One Tree Hill. Over the nine seasons of this show, we see Brooke
go from a wild teen not caring about her future regarding careers to an admirable, hardworking, and
focus individual. Throughout her high schoolteen years, Brooke lacked parental guidance in her
household. In her childhood years, she witnessed a lot of fighting and arguments of her parents. In
her high school teen years, she mostly lived by herself and was given money by her parents to
compensate for their absence. Without any rules or restrictions, Brooke resorted to a partying type
life style for a while. She never gave much thought to what her plan... Show more content on ...
The identity status she best fits in at this stage is identity diffusion. I feel like she fits better in
this stage because as a result of Brooke not having experiencing any sort of rules around her
household during her teenage years, her world revolved around shopping, partying, and boys.
She never really gave much thought to what she wanted to become in the future because she
lacked that motivation from her parents. Later on, Brooke develops a strong interest in
designing her own clothes and begins her own clothing line, Clothes Over Bros, while still
being a senior in high school. After she graduates from high school, four years pass and we see
Brooke become a major and well known fashion designer in New York and her clothing company
had already made millions. This is where Brooke Davis experienced the status of identity
achievement. Her clothing line started as a small idea in high school and through exploration of
the fashion designer world, her dream became a reality. I would not say that she ever
experienced the status of identity moratorium because she never really was torn between to
career areas. Once she knew that she had that desire to design clothes, she went for it without
second guessing herself. The status that Brooke proved wrong is identity foreclosure. She proved
this wrong because just because fashion designing was her passion, she did not let the industry
change who she was. She managed to be highly successful while still remaining humble and not
changing her beliefs or morals to conform to everyone else. A lot of time, the money changes
people but because money was always a constant in her life she was able to remain that presidential
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Analysis Of Helicopter Parenting By Cline And Fay
Major Policy Brief
Jessica McNay, 214 236 246
Executive Summary:
Helicopter parenting, first introduced by Cline and Fay in their 1990 parenting book series, refers
to overly protective and involved parents, who overly involve themselves in their children s lives
with behaviours including constant communication, intervention into children s affairs, taking
control of decision making, personally investing themselves in their children s goals and the
removal of any obstacles that their children may encounter. Studies have shown that this parenting
style is most prevalent amongst the millennial generation, with approximately 60 70% of college
students reporting that their parents exhibit at least some of the hovering tendencies (Odenweller,
Booth Butterfield Weber, 2014).
This Policy Brief presents current and relevant research findings surrounding Helicopter parenting
or over parenting and the implications that this parenting style may have on both the child and the
parents. The main focus of this brief is the effect that over parenting can have on the experiences
and development of children throughout the lifespan.
Importance of Issue:
Over parenting, also known as helicopter parenting, involves the implementation of inappropriate
levels of parental control. This may include problem solving, monitoring, directiveness, tangible
assistance and overall involvement in their children s lives (Segrin, Woszildo, Givertz Montgomery,
2013). According to a number of
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Essay on Environmental Economics and Government Policy
Economists often talk about letting the economy work through the mechanism of the free market
versus government control and regulation. Some believe that if the market is allowed to do its
thing unprohibited and without government interference, then resources will be allocated
efficiently, equilibrium will be found, and so on... However, this is not always possible. Of course,
government controlis not perfect either. Thus, it would seem that at times the market may be more
appropriate than the government; other times the government may be needed because the market is
not able to function properly; and other times a combination of the two working in unison may
provide the best and most effective and efficient answers.
The ... Show more content on ...
Property rights that would lead to efficient allocations have four main characteristics: universality,
exclusivity, transferability, and enforceability. Universality is when all resources are privately
owned and the entitlements are specified. Exclusivity refers to the fact that all benefits and costs
due to owning and using the resource should be directed solely at the owner. Transferability refers
to the fact that all property rights should be transferable from one owner to another in voluntary
exchange. And finally, enforceability simply means that all property rights should be secure from
involuntary seizure by others. With all of these in place, one would certainly use a resource
efficiently because a decline in the value of the resource would represent a personal loss.
Furthermore, individuals will only buy as much of something so that the marginal cost is equal to
the marginal benefit that they receive from purchasing it. And thus, with these defined property
rights in place the market indeed would prevail.
Environmental problems are one important class of circumstances in which the market economic
system is not always efficient. This occurs most especially because of the presence of externalities,
and the fact that the agents making the decisions do not bear
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Anger In A Tale Of Two Cities
Anger is a normal emotion with a wide range of intensity, from mild irritation and frustration to
rage. It is a reaction to a perceived threat to us, or some part of our identity. Anger motivates
powerful and aggressive feelings and behaviors, which allow us to fight and defend ourselves
when we are attacked. Anger is a warning bell that tells us that something is wrong. Anger is a
vitally important evolutionary gift and without it we are perpetual victims. Anger can be a good
thing, it allows expressing negative feelings. Anger protects humans from sitting and boiling inside
body and mind. It stops the rise of many physical illnesses and mental distress. Expressing the
feeling of Anger indicates human s surviving and existence. This feeling... Show more content on ...
It can be also the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles and anxiety.
Oppression is considered the main mover of the French Revolution that led to the extreme anger of
revolutionaries. In A Tale of Two Cities
, Dickens portrays the bad conditions that led French
people to anger and rise for their rights. Prior to the French Revolution, high aristocrats had no
sympathy towards the poor; all they cared about was their ability to do as they pleased.
According to Christopher Dentel, The aristocrats have no concern and no sympathy for the
poor; they know they are suffering and they do not care. The marquis represents the evil and
cruelty of the aristocracy. He shows completely no regard for human life. Oppression in a Tale
of Two Cities expresses between two cities England and France that shows that the ruling class
of Aristocrats has oppressed the people. In France, the ruling class of aristocrats has oppressed
the people for so long that many are starving. The peasants were treated cruelly by the corrupt
ruling class, which lives in lavish opulence. In a Tale of Two Cities, The marquis represents the
evil of the aristocracy put into one ominous character. He has a perfect mask. He represents the
brutality of the French aristocracy. He shows violence in all aspects like raping, killing,
imprisoned without any reasons and that created a lot of anger toward him and toward the
aristocracy. Firstly, he is one of the two involved in the crimes against the peasants .He resulted in
Doctor manette`s imprisonment. He also raped Mrs. Defarge s sister, being the reason for killing
of her father and brother. Finally, According to his inhuman events in the whole novel, He even
runs over small children in the street. The Marquis shows no remorse for the child s death, and
when child s father shows his grief, the Marquis throws him a
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Cormac Mccarthy The Road Analysis
Home is defined as a dwelling place together with the family; an environment offering security
and happiness. Cormac McCarthy in The Road develops this love and passion using the man
and the boy s relationship. Throughout the novel the boy and the man don t have a real home,
moving constantly. Ultimately their version of home is not just a typical building they merely
live in. However, they do find their home within each other and it takes a toll on who they are
and who they become in the end of the novel. Incidentally, McCarthy uses the man to help the
boy feel safe and secure which overall is what the boy sees as home. The boy never wanted to
leave the man s side and was terrified to be alone without him. In the end of the novel the man dies
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Examples Of Can People Innovate Themselves As Jay Gatsby
B.) Can people innovate (recreate) themselves, as Jay Gatsby attempted to do? Recreating
yourself to become someone else or a new you can be a difficult thing, but one that is possible.
Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby was once a poor man who became wealthy by bootlegging. He
didn t have any money to his name until a man named Dan Cody helped Gatsby act and get rich.
Gatsby, overtime turns from this poor man who had nothing into a wealthy, mysterious man who
coordinated extravagant parties on his lawn. He had left his past behind and become a new man.
Today, people can still reinvent themselves just like Jay did to become better or newer versions of
themselves. The only thing that holds people from transforming themselves, is usually themselves.
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Essay about The Inner-City Problems and Solving Them
The Inner City Problems and Solving Them
There are many problems that can be clearly seen in the inner city. Problems such as crime, poor
housing (perhaps slums), and
unemployment are all apparent. However unemployment levels are gradually dropping. Lack of
money gives rise to the
problems so are often seen in the lower class areas of cities.
On the whole the perception of the inner city areas has the image of poverty and overcrowding
which faces many cities across
Britain today in whatever proportion. The first as such it the Economic which inner city areas have
long suffered due to lack of
investment especially after the 1940 s when a lot of money was put into New Towns. Many of...
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Issues in British inner city estates
There is increasing evidence that poverty, unemployment and social stress are all now seen in
British Inner Cities. There are
many problems which the areas face, both physically and even in some cases mentally:
1.the physical fabric of the buildings, many originally built using cheap materials and methods, is
deteriorating rapidly.
However the councils are trying to upgrade these poor housing conditions gradually.
2.Many inner city areas include high rise buildings which have created feelings or isolation and
stress related illnesses.
3.The low level or car ownership and high bus fares have increased the feeling of isolation from
jobs, shops and
4.Levels of unemployment often exceed 30%. There are also low income families; many elderly
living on small pensions.
5.The environment quality of the areas are poor, often with the lack of open space.
6.The inner city tend to have high levels of marital problems, drug taking, petty crime and
vandalism and low levels of
academic attainment and aspiration.
We can see quite clearly from above the poor conditions that face Britain s poorer people, these
factors having to be dealt with.
However the young are partly to blame for the poor conditions (mainly sites) which surround the
people. They play the part in
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Alcohol and its effects Essay
Alcohol is a large part of American culture. All over the United States drinking is not only
acceptable but a social norm from teenagers to adults. This is not only the case in the U.S., but
all over the world, where some drinking ages are 18 and 19 years of age. In America specifically,
alcohol has been around for centuries and is a large part of many social gatherings. Although this
is the case now, in the early 1900 s during the prohibition period, all alcoholwas banned and deemed
illegal to possess. Even though illegal, the task was just too heavyand alcohol was too much a
common practice for most Americans. As time went on the prohibition period ended and the laws
were revoked, making it legal again to possess alcohol. The drinking... Show more content on ...
With all these diseases related to alcohol, there are many mental health problems associated with
drinking as well. These problems include unipolar depression, epilepsy and other
neuropsychological disorders (Rehm 1216 1217). Though drinking itself seems harmless and fun,
many of the diseases and problems linked to alcohol are very detrimental and long term.
Along with the negative health effects, teenagers are beginning to drink earlier and it is affecting
them in big ways. The perception of alcohol is greatly blurred when it comes to teenagers.
Commercials and the media glorify alcohol, almost putting it on a pedestal. Teenagers are exposed
to it on an almost daily basis and they in turn are starting to drink during their early teen years. With
many developmental changes occurring in adolescence, the thought of alcohol abuse can be
alarming. Despite the possible negative affects, there is very little study done on the subject
(Arna 1). Adolescent health and alcohol use is not thoroughly researched, despite being a large
problem. The reason for lack of evidence on the subject is that the problem is so widespread and
there are not many adolescents that will admit to drinking, or even ask their doctor what affects
alcohol has on them. With that being said, the little experimental evidence of the effects of
adolescent alcohol use gives an idea of the problem at hand. Kids who drink in
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Nursing Swot Analysis
Assignment 2: Course Project Task 2
SWOT As we learned swot stands for strengths, weaknesses, organization, and tasks. This is used
in all firms to make necessary changes. This is especially useful in healthcare organizations. The
Hartford (2017, n.d.), states that A SWOT analysis examines four aspects of performance that
typically determine the success or failure of a company, employees or even an individual. It s one
task/variable to make a list of your company s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It s
another task/variable to take that information and develop a plan of action, (The Hartford). In the
healthcare setting where I volunteer once a week the area of improvement desperately needed is
communication. This ... Show more content on ...
In the department where I volunteer at the hospital the root problem is too many people come in
and out of the department unexpectedly with questions about assignments for the day, as well as
other issues from the case managers, and disputes about timesheets. These problems create tension
and chaos. By using the RCA tool, the department can get at the root of the problem at hand as
well as the cause of the problem. Hopefully then the issues can be resolved and problems will be
The workflow process begins with the manager. The manager communicates to the staff. When
there are problems with the workflow process with the staff then the problem is pointed out to the
manager. The manager meets with the staff person who has a problem to rectify the situation.
Afterwards, the manager meets with all staff about the problem and she discusses the problem. A
memo is typed and copied and posted for all personnel to read, sign that they read it, and follow the
instructions as stated in the memo. Any further questions they are referred to the manager.
Workflow Process
Using the workflow process you begin at the top of the department. You look for what the problem
is and what needs to be changed/fixed. Managerпѓ Staffпѓ Problems пѓ Manager meets with staff,
discusses issuesпѓ the issues hopefully are resolved. By using the workflow process everyone is
aware of where the priorities lie. When problems arise, the workflow process aids all
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Operation Guadalcanal And Adjacent Islands, Operation...
The campaign to seize Guadalcanal and adjacent islands, Operation Watchtower, is a valuable
case study illustrating aspects of design and operational art. Features of operational design and art
are unmistakable in the shaping of the Pacific campaign plan and subsequent subordinate
operations. This case study illustrates the actions taken link the series of tactical actions across the
Pacific toward the national strategic objective of defeating Japan along a defined line of operation.
This paper briefly explores the use of design and operational art by the Allies in the Solomon Islands
campaign of World War II.
At the strategic level, the Allies prioritized the European Theater of Operations (ETO) ahead of
the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) after the Arcadia conference (22 Dec 1941 14 Jan
1942). This initially relegated Pacific strategy to a defensive one primarily due to lack of
resources. However, due to rapid Japanese advances in early 1942 Australia requested the return
of her divisions that were currently serving in the ETO under the British. This set a chain of
events in motion allowing a more aggressive Pacific strategy to emerge. Australia was a crucial
ally and a decisive point in the defense of the Pacific. As a conciliatory measure the United States
dispatched additional divisions and equipment to the South Pacific in order to retain Australian
divisions in Europe. It should also be noted that most Americans were still seething over Pearl
Harbor adding to
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The State Should Stay Out of the Employment Relationship
| 1001EHR Employment Relations| Assignment Two: The state should stay out of the employment
relationship. Critically discuss| | Peiyao NIU (s2838788)| Tutor s Name: Gabby DanielsTutorial
Time: 20:00 20:50 Monday|
The employment relationship may be defined as the relationship between employer and employee
over the terms and conditions of employment (Loudoun, Mcphail amp; Wilkinson 2009). In
Australia, the industrial relations had become a big issue, so following the 24 November 2007
Federal election, the Rudd Labor Government began work on its promises to re shape Australia s
industrial relations system. (Riley amp; Sheldon 2008) However, some people think that the state
should stay out the employment relationship. This ... Show more content on ...
By now, it has been operated for eight years and prohibits the discrimination on the basis of age.
Recent research vindicates this prediction, demonstrating that women at all levels of management
still report gender discrimination as a barrier to their advancement in Australia (Metz amp; Moss
2008). The gender pay gap is also reflected in the low numbers of women in leadership positions
(Goward 2004). Therefore, the state enacted Sex Discrimination Act 1984 to assist the government
for this issue. Under the Sex Discrimination Act it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of
gender, marital status, pregnancy and family responsibility (Loudoun, Mcphail amp; Wilkinson
Racial discrimination includes race, colour, belief and national or ethnic origin. Australia is a
multicultural country; a large number of people are from different countries. They have different
cultural background like language, race, colour, belief and so on. Therefore, the racial
discrimination has become one of the most serious discriminations in Australia. For prohibiting it,
Australia government legislate the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.
Disability has many forms. According to Brazenor (2002), a disability is defined as any limitation,
restriction, impairment ... has lasted or is likely to last six months. Loudoun, McPhail amp;
Wilkinson (2009) also indicated that the unemployment rate
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A Good Teacher Needs Multiple Things
A good teacher needs multiple things to be successful. Among some of the most important traits
are patience, perseverance and the ability to adapt in any situation. Without these things, a
teacher could find themselves up a creek without a paddle. Patience is essential to the modern
teacher. With all of the potential distractions that children face in an age where an escape from
reality is at their fingertips, teachers must be patient in order to get their desired results from a
class. With all of the pressure that is placed on teachers these days by parents, peers, and
administration, it may be hard for a teacher to get everything that they need to do done. Handing
papers out, putting grades in, and constantly revising lesson plans to fit the needs and ability of the
class, along with sticking to the curriculum. These tasks can prove to be very challenging and
tedious, and without a very colossal amount of patience, a teacher might not make it. It does not
only take patience to be a great teacher, let alone survive in the world of education. Perseverance is
another essential trait that the modern teacher must possess. All of the patience in the world would
not help the teacher who has given up. When children refuse to work, show up, or even put in any
more than minimal effort, the instructor must keep trying. There may not be a way to reach every
student in the classroom, but if the teacher simply gives up, then they will not reach any child.
When the curriculum changes
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Wrongful Murder Cases
Yes. While an individual being prosecuted for the death of a Plaintiff s loved one is helpful in a
wrongful death and/or survival case, it is not a requirement.
Norridgewock Man Dies After Being Struck by Vehicle, Widow Files a Wrongful Death and
Survival Lawsuit
On Dec. 31, 2013, a 70 year old Norridgewock man died from the wounds he sustained when he
was struck by a motor vehicle as he crossed Mercer Road. Even though the district attorney is not
prosecuting the driver, a wrongful death and survival suit is being filed by the man s widow.
At approximately 5 p.m., 70 year old Stanley Worthley was struck by a 2003 Toyota Highlander
being driven by 65 year old William Young of Fayette. Worthley s widow, Marylee Worthley, has
filed a wrongful
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Examples Of Betrayal In The Kite Runner
There are many different views about the concept of betrayal. Betrayal is described by World
Book Online as a . . . violation of trust or confidence. Furthermore, there are different ways to be
betrayed or to betray someone. Common examples of betrayal include adultery, mutiny, and
stealing from a trusting friend. Betrayal also has an emotional effect on individuals. Being
betrayed by an individual will induce the feelings of being . . . taken advantage of, deceived,
humiliated, despised, cheated, or stabbed in the back (Krystal Kuehn). The novel The Kite Runner
is a story about an Afghan named Amir who experiences and causes betrayals between friends and
family. Throughout the novel The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseiniaddresses the different concepts of
betrayal through the characters of Amir, Hassan, and Sohrab. Sohrab is the son of Hassan and
is moved to an orphanage after his parents death. While in the orphanage, Sohrab is betrayed by
the orphanage director because the director gives Sohrab to the Taliban for money. Amir and
Farid enter the orphanage asking where Sohrab is. The orphanage director tells them that a
[Taliban official] visits once every month or two. He brings cash with him . . . .Usually he ll
take a girl. But not always (Hosseini 256) implying that he gave Sohrab away. This event scars
Sohrab and he becomes fearful of all orphanages because of the abusive experiences he had as a
result of his previous orphanage. In the novel, Sohrab tells Amir that he is glad that his parents
are not with him because he feels dirty and sinful about what the . . . bad man and the other two
. . . did to him (Hosseini 320). After Sohrab s experience with both the orphanage and the
Taliban, he begins to open up and become friends with Amir. As Sohrab starts to trust Amir,
Amir makes a promise with Sohrab saying that he will never send him to an orphanage. During
the process of adopting Sohrab, Amir realizes that the only way to adopt Sohrab is to send him
to an orphanage. Amir tells Sohrab the news, and Sohrab reminds Amir of his promise by saying
[y]ou promised you d never put me in one of those places, Amir agha (Hosseini 341). Betrayal by
Amir causes Sohrab to become stressed, scared, and
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Stereotypes Of The 21st Century
Mostly every generation have something distinctive about it. Each generation could different one
could be more politically active, another more self centered, another more pessimistic. Generation
is when people are born and living at the same time, regarded collectively.
The 21st century is very much more diverse and digital when looking at it we could also be self
centered. This generation mostly update there lives on social media which some will would say that
it that makes the generation more self conscious. Mobile technology, social media, and internet has
advanced and increase throughout modern time also teens can spend most of their time on social
media by communicating with other people on social media. A lot of people who are older think
that the 21st generation overuse the internet some parents complain how they don t like when there
kids always using the internet which makes the kid annoyed where there parents always
complaining. Technology had ... Show more content on ...
They use different types of word that mean something it pretty much a way to express
themselves as a person. You would see a lot of slang words being used in text messages and
social media like for example facebook, instagram, and twitter or even through music like hip
hop and rap. A slang word people use is bae this what use when you call your boyfriend or
girlfriend it is a shortened version of babe. Another way the 21st century use to communicate
when also using slang is emojis this help you express how you feel when texting someone or
posting something on social media. You would see a lot of emoji from people who have iphones
or anything that is a apple product that have emojis there are others devices that have emoji but
you would see more with apple product. Another thing is that we are always updated with the new
technology that comes out like the new phone or a new game
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Pros And Cons Of Gun Control In The United States
Controlling Our Guns is not the Way to go Being a daughter of a game warden and also growing
up in the rural southern parts of Tennessee, I have always been exposed to firearms my entire
life. There is a famous quote that is relevant to gun control, there are no bad guns, only bad men
(Squires, 2002). Placing restrictions on firearms has been one of the biggest political affairs in not
only America but other countries as well. Firearms in America make up $24 billion of our
economy, therefore, we can say that guns play a major role in the U.S. Many people believe
implementing gunlaws and regulations seems to be more of a disadvantage than an advantage to
our country, because gun control has failed in places like Ireland and the United Kingdom.... Show
more content on ...
The definition of gun control involves politics, legislation, and how the use of firearms is being
restricted (Charles, 2015). The main arguments over gun control is mainly a relationship between
the state s powers to regulate public order over citizens (Spitzer, 1998). Controlling our guns does
not reduce crime and violence which has been demonstrated by other countries such as Ireland and
the United Kingdom and the United States government should look to those countries as examples.
When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they wrote it based on justice and what was
fair to the American people. The purpose of the Constitution is to be the law of the land, therefore,
it establishes and maintains order for that provides a guiding hand for citizens (Spitzer, 1998).
Laws banning firearms would only be followed by the law abiding. Citizens living in the United
States have had access to guns since the beginning when they were used to hunt and gather food
and as a mean of protection. Nowadays, hunting is still a sport enjoyed by millions, who already
have many regulations that they must follow. When the Second Amendment was written, it was
meant for everyone is the United States. Its intentions were for Americans to be able to protect
themselves in times of
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Descriptive Essay On Sinister Night
Sinister Night The moon was covered by voluminous clouds, casting a gloomy setting of the
dusk sky night. Gusts of wind swayed the greenery as the paved road separating the dense forest
and an old neighborhood was decorated with wet spots from the light rain. Cold droplets of
water penetrated through Giselle s sweater, making her shiver. She rubbed her arms in an
attempt to make herself feel warmer while hurrying her step to get home. Of all the houses in
the neighborhood, hers was the most unkempt. The small garden in front of her house was
crippled, with every delicate flower in a dying stage. Pesky weeds sprouting from the dirt were
the only source of green in her yard, while most of the windows had small cobwebs invading the
corners. However, the most noticeable defect was the yellow house paint, chipping from harsh
weather and unforgivable decades. In all, her house looked forsaken. Mom, I m home! she
called, after walking through her front door. Giselle dropped her backpack on the couch,
flicking the lights on beside her. Her living room came to life, as the light bounced off the beige
walls. Unlike the outside of the house, the inside was pristine. A chimney sat in the center of the
wall to the right side of her, giving a welcoming vibe. A couch was placed on the right side of the
fireplace, covering a small section of the front window of the house, while another one sat parallel
to the chimney, close to the door. She called her mother again, walking
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The Plan For Get Climate Change Denial Into Schools
Climate Change Denial
Clare Foran author of The Plan to Get Climate Change Denial Into Schools writes about activist that
want the education system of Texas to teach their children that climate change is an opinion rather
that a fact. Emily McBurney, member of the Truth in Texas Textbooks coalition, is rating textbooks
that do not meet her standards of education. She and other members are hoping that they influence
the state not to purchase the material. That will serve about five million Texas public schools for at
least a decade. Most parent want the best for their children and that includes an education, but how
can they deny climate change and call it an opinion if there is sufficient evidence to say otherwise?
Children should be ... Show more content on ...
The entire world is experiencing these changes and it will not vanish just because some individuals
are ignoring the causes. We have to face reality and admit that it is happening before we can change
Some might argue that the Green House Effect is needed because it allows the earth to trap
greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which are needed in order for the earth to stay warm and
avoid extremes; however, it has never resulted in year that has been labeled to be the hottest
year on record (Rampell). Some argue that it s just a part of the natural process the has been
occurring since the beginning of time, the earth warms up and cools off it happens. However, not
at such an alarming rates NASA has been looking at records that indicate that the warming trend
over the last 50 years is nearly twice that for the last 100 years . Meaning the earth is warmer
today than it was 100 years ago. The larger the amount of carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse
gasses, that is in the atmosphere the warmer the earth becomes (Talking to Children about Climate
Another member of the Truth in Texas Textbooks coalition, Karin Gililland, expressed that young
children are vulnerable and what they hear they believe is the truth , which I agree when children
are young they are like sponges and absorb all that is presented to them (Foran). However, they will
be in a
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Peter Belisle Essay
The sport of ice hockey is a family affair. This is something that Peter Belisle learned at an early
age. Belisle s father, a coaching legend, turned the Belisle name into a hockey empire in New
England through hockey camps and programs for players and top draft recruitment for the National
Hockey League. Belisle himself spent his high schoolcareer playing for his father s team at Mount
Saint Charles Academy in Rhode Island where he helped to lead the Mounties to two state
championships as well as a national championship. Belisle was lucky enough to play under the
coaching of his father, Bill, and older brother, Dave.
Following high school, Belisle took his talent to the University of Connecticut, where he played on
the men s ice hockey team throughout all four years of college. He ... Show more content on ...
This past 2015 2016 season has been their best year yet as they made it to Lake Placid to play in
the Frozen Four tournament. The secret to success? I pride myself on being a good communicator,
Belisle explained, Motivation in communication is so big. You gotta be a bit more positive and
you gotta motivate them to see why. Keeping a team motivated is no easy task and when asked
what keeps Belisle himself motivated, he replied, It s the motivation from your family first, no
There is no doubt that Peter Belisle has had a successful career. His experience as a student
athlete and coach has helped him lead his team to success. However, it isn t the success that
keeps him going, in the end it all comes down to his passion for the game. Belisle stated, I m so
blessed, I love my job so much and I think that s the thing I m luckiest for. They say if you do
what you love, you ll never work a day in your life. Belisle went on to emphasize that point, Do
something you love and find your passion and that s what s driven me to be the best that I could
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Training At The Recruiting Station Essay
Many people tend to think that our military branches are only comprised of limited occupations
and jobs that support combat operations, but in reality, there is far more than that. For my project,
I decided to observe and work with US Army Recruiting Station in Vestal, NY because recruiting
stations are the first step any civilian has to take in order to serve their country. Working with the
recruiting station was a great place for me to learn more about how the Army branch of the military
is organized and how they complete their goals and objectives day to day.
During my introduction with working at the recruiting station, I met Sergeant First Class Barriger
who is Platoon sergeant and in charge of the army recruiting station. SFC Barriger told me they are
part of the 1st Brigade of USAREC (United States Army Recruiting Command) which is in Fort
Meade, Maryland. SFC Barriger is in charge of reporting to headquarters how many civilians the
station recruited on a monthly basis. He is also responsible for getting orders from headquarters to
ship out the recruits to Basic Combat Training and Advanced individual training. When I asked
SFC Barriger how the station operated itself in an organizational manner, he explained how the
duties in the recruiting station are set up and how everyone in his platoon shares different, essential
responsibilities. By completing these various duties, a proper workflow is maintained so that
civilians are more efficiently recruited and officers
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Consumer Behavior on Black Friday
Running Head: Black Friday Consumer Behavior on Black Friday Abstract The purpose of this
research is to examine consumer behavior on Black Friday. Black Friday is typically the busiest
shopping day of the year, and it is all driven by the chance for consumers to save the most amount
of money possible while getting their holiday shopping done. Research was done online, and also
through personal experiences. By understanding what retailers and consumers hope to accomplish
on this day can have a positive impact on everyone. Consumers are able to get what they want with
the least amount of turmoil, and retailers are able to turn a profit. This research can be most helpful
to merchants, as it will help them to understand what a consumer... Show more content on ...
Attitudes People may get caught up in the excitement of the day, and that can help them to
spend even more money. While waiting in line, customers at the front of the line seem to be
excited and happy. However, at the end of the line, customers appear to be more frustrated and
anxious. Some consumers plan their Black Friday shopping trips weeks in advance. There are
many websites available for people to view Black Friday advertisements online, before they are
supposed to be released to the public. Walmart has tried year after year for the advertisements
not to be leaked, but they usually end up on these websites before they are supposed to (4 Years
Strong: Walmart Sends Another Cease amp; Desist, 2011). Stores may not want to have their
advertisements released early for a couple of reasons. First, consumers having the ability to
research products and having too much time to explore all of their options may mean that
consumers will not make as many spontaneous purchases on Black Friday. They also do not want
to have their competition see their deals, and then have them beat their prices. Having the
advertisements earlier though means consumers are able to plan what stores they want to go to,
which may lead to less chaos on the actual day. People are motivated by saving money on Black
Friday. Some consumers may even see it as a competition. For some, because there is only a
limited selection available for many of the items that are
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Seattle Pitting Research Paper
On March 23, 1954, Seattle newspapers reported citizens finding pits and glass bubbles within
their car windshields at a town 80 miles from Seattle. Police investigated and initially brushed it
off as vandalism, albeit without much proof. It did not seem like a serious case, after all...until
more reports of similar damages popped up on April 14th from another town 65 miles away, and on
that same evening, in Seattle itself. Hundreds of people phoned Seattle police between the 14th and
15th, reporting the same pittings and dings in their windshields. Seattle citizens entered a state of
confusion and paranoia, to the point where the mayor had begun to look to President Eisenhower
for help when not even the police could find the cause for this.... Show more content on ...
Such dire sounding headlines only fueled the people s fear of nuclear war more. Upon hearing
news of the affected fishermen and the sheer power of such H bombs, people began to fear not
only of other countries, like Soviet Russia, planning to develop similar, if not more destructive
hydrogen bombs, but American bomb testings affecting them. Following atmospheric testing of
hydrogen bombs in 1954, people in and around Seattle, Washington began to report mysterious
pitting damage to auto windshields. [...] The incident was shortly followed by a nationwide rush
to buy fallout shelter plans (Miller 136) The H bomb testings seemingly spelling doom, according
to 1950s media, did not help survival plans make people feel any safer, either. The film, Duck and
Cover, was shown to schoolchildren beginning in 1950. The cartoon turtle, the cheerful theme song,
and the practical advice were supposed to reassure children who might worry about an atomic
attack. Instead, the images of little Johnny diving off his bicycle convinced children that the bombs
could fall at any moment and gave them nightmares (Walbert). The 1950s was a time where many
were scared of being under nuclear attack, children and adults alike. Thus, the unexplainable
windshield pittings in Seattle had people easily jumping to a conclusion of nuclear fallout being
behind the pittings. Those in Seattle who were in support of this view ... claimed that they found
tiny, metallic looking particles about the
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My Passion For Beauty
Since a young age, my life has been centered on artistic expression and a fascination for beauty. At
the age of 9, I told my scientist mother and mathematician father that I wanted to be a ballerina. My
parents were always big supporters of the arts, and encouraged me to try many creative outlets.
They had no notion that my weekly balletand tap classes would turn into a career to prosper. From
that moment on, my life revolved around ballet. I loved every minute of the self expression and
precession that ballet gave me that all of the sacrifices felt worthwhile. From 12 years old and on,
I spent my days training for 8 to 10 hours, filling any free time with schoolwork through my online
school, The Keystone School. I was constantly surrounded by musicians, costume designers, set
designers, and other performing artists that were also forgoing a normal life to honor their craft. I
spent almost every summer of my high schoolyears in New York City attending classed during the
day at Lincoln Center with The School of American Ballet and The BolshoiBallet Summer
Intensive, while spending my evenings in awe of the professional dancers performing at The Met.
For four years, I competed as a finalist at Youth America Grand Prix, having opportunity to
compete with the other top ballet dancers from all over the world. Although I m forever grateful
for the opportunities ballet brought me, like many dancers, I eventually became burned out by
being overworked in a career I had little
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Kennewick Man Study
Did you know that the Natives took hold of ancient bones that probably weren t even Native?
Some people found a full skeleton a that s about 10,000 years old at the bottom of the Columbia
River. The Natives claimed that the old bones were their ancestor and took the bones to the buried.
When the bones were found they were turned to scientists to study them. It was found out that
were not of Native ancestors. In a 19 year battle the Native Americans won the battle and the bones
were buried. We could ve studied the bones to learn more about the place we live in. This issue is
important because in the constitution it reads ...And without unnecessary delay. but obviously it
was delayed 19 years. Kennewick Man should not be repatriated because we don t even know if the
bones are Native and in section 10 of the Washington constitution it says ...Without unnecessary
delay. Also, we could learn more about washington through the bones. Kennewick man should be
studied because the evidence shows the bones are not Native. According to the article Kennewick
Man it reads Many of the characteristics... Show more content on ...
They are wrong because the bones could ve moved and the skeleton didn t match the Native s
features. In the article Kennewick Man it reads We cannot know if this individual is anyone s
ancestor. (Chatters 2) Why should the Natives get bones that don t even belong to them?
Kennewick man should not be repatriated because we don t even know if he is Native and the
case was delayed, and we could learn much more about washington through Kennewick Man.
There are many different pieces of evidence that supports that Kennewick Man is not Native. The
constitution delayed the case a whole lot. Finally, the DNA was all intact so we could learn a lot
about Washington. We should sign a petition to have Kennewick Man back in scientists hands! The
possibilities are endless with our new ways of studying and
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Revenge and Hatred in Sylvia Plath s Daddy Essay
Revenge and Hatred in Plath s Daddy
The power of Plath s Daddy to threaten, shock and move the reader remains undiminished, years
after it was written. To the unsuspecting reader, the experience of first reading Daddy is a
confusion of discomfort, excitement and guilty pleasure, for the pleasures of revenge are said to
be sweet, and this is a revenge poem of the first rank. Revenge upon whom? Father? Perhaps, more
likely, upon her husband. And her aim was true, for if anything Plathwrote damaged Ted Hughes
for posterity, Daddy is it. From this poem, we gather our indelible impressions of Hughes as a
brute, a wife beater, a vampire, even an implied racist and murderer (if we extend the Hitler
metaphor to its fullest implications) ... Show more content on ...
it literally rocked the moral fiber of the world, and we?re still reeling (if more jaded). It was a
subject on fire in the public imagination at the time. Plath?s appropriation of Holocaust imagery
for her own ends, which strikes so many as grossly inappropriate, can perhaps be interpreted as
stemming from that initial horrified zeitgeist. Perhaps she felt she was raising consciousness and
expressing solidarity of a sort. Her remarks in her interview with Peter Orr about making her
poetry relevant can be looked at from such an angle.
Of course, the other point of view is that she was stealing other people s real tragedy and tacking it
on to her own little psychic turbulence for shock value and good visceral punch to the reader s
gut. I think we must always keep in mind that Plath, to A. Alvarez, referred to this poem (and
Lady Lazarus , a piece even more riddled with Holocaust imagery) as a bit of light verse. Was
she being sarcastic? Reading Alvarez s memoir, I think he felt she was quite serious. So what on
earth does that tell us about this poet? I do think it implies a profound self absorption and
narcissism. Chuffing me off like a Jew the callousness of this poem, if one stops to think about it
(and it s very hard to do so while in the poem s grip), is appalling. Its ramifications are endless
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Most Retarded Book Report
First of all, I want to tell you that this the most retarded book I ve ever read in my entire eighteen
years of being alive. Not only did I spend hours after working and going to school trying to read this
book so I could do this report. It was really hard to stay intact to a book that doesn t make much
sense anyways much less at 11:30 PM at night.
There are lots of things that contribute into a good reading experience. A few of them being, you
have to want to read the book. You also have to pick a good time where you can focus on the book.
Also, you need to be able to evaluate every couple of pages to make sure that your understanding
what s happening in the story. In the book I read there s this part where he falls in love with the
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Duality Of The Mind In Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
Mr. Schmid
English 10
October 21th
One Body, Two Minds
Is someone s appearance an accurate definition of who they are? Do people s circumstances affect
the way they interact with themselves and others? Are we products of our environments? Arguably,
it is human nature to be shaped and formed by our surroundings, to be changed by our
environments in ways that we may not expect. The same can be seen in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
novella written by Robert Louis Stevenson, and Psycho, a film directed by the renowned Alfred
Hitchcock. The basis of both stories is the duality of the mind, and how society molds the alter
personality. Thus, in both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Psycho, Robert Louis Stevenson and Alfred
Hitchcock use diction and symbolism to illustrate how society shapes an individual s mind, leading
to the creation of two personalities.
Robert Louis Stevenson uses diction in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to show how Dr. Jekyll s mind
was molded by the strict moral standards of the 18th century Victorian society. Dr. Jekyll is
described as a respectable and important man in society; he is viewed by the people around him
as reputable and holds high regard for his fellowmen. On the surface, Dr. Jekyll seems like a
morally upstanding ... Show more content on ...
In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson uses symbolism to convey the theme through
out the story, but specifically on page 65:
It was the first time that the lawyer had been received in that part of his friend s quarters and he
eyed the dingy, windowless structure with curiosity, and gazed round with a tasteful sense of
strangeness as he crossed the theatre, once crowded with eager students and now lying gaunt and
silent, the table laden with chemical apparatus, the floor strewn with crates and littered with
packing straw, and the light falling dimly through the foggy cupola. (Stevenson
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Essay About The Musician
About the Musician On October 20th, an interview was held with Mark Stransky at UnityPoint
Meriter Hospital in the chapel. Stransky has worked in health care for over fourteen years doing
fitness and physical therapy work. Stransky has been holding events at UnityPoint Meriter
Hospital called the Music and Healing Events. According to Stransky, he started these events,
three years ago, it was August of 2014 and the reason I did that is because I ve always been
playing piano and I would take our patients down here on lunch break or after work and just play
for them and they really seem to enjoy it and benefit from it and then I would notice that when I
would work with them in PT settings afterwards they were more responsive so I thought... Show
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Stransky played the song, Walk this Way, by Aerosmith to motivate the patient. This song went
on to being her theme song as she continued her rehabilitation. About the Music It is in these
events that Stransky performs all original pieces on the piano by memory. These pieces that are
written by Stransky, have to do with past experiences, nature, or people he holds dear to him.
The pieces he writes, he wants to be relatable for all and any who decide to come listen at one of
these events. At the event, Stransky will then give a brief overview of each piece discussing the
meaning behind the song. With having a set list for each concert, Stransky has to pick which
song he will perform for prior to the event. When asked in regards how does he decide what
songs to put on his set list, Stransky responded by saying, I want music that people can relate to
on a number of levels so I know that they re going through some medical issues that are really
difficult so I want to allow them to feel that sort of sadness and difficulty of that but I don t want to
bring them so down the hill they can t get up again so then I ll put in some pieces that are kind of
bouncy and uplifting and encouraging and then they seem to respond to that mix. This makes
Stransky s performances personalized to each event held. The difference of temp in songs, allow the
audience to experience many emotions throughout the concert. These emotions have even
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Essay about Object Permanence in Childern
Object Permanence in Childern
Often, research articles are composed of results of new findings and past research. Experimental
psychology relies heavily on the researcher s ability to further expand previous research conducted.
Child psychology, in particular, is constantly building unto old research in hopes of uncovering
more knowledge about children. More specifically, Baillargeon s article Object Permanence in 3
ВЅ and 4 ВЅ Month Old Infants is an example of one researcher utilizing proven research from
another. In this case, Baillargeon uses DeLoache s article Rate of Habituation and Visual Memory
in Infants to unveil more ground about the understanding of object permanence in infants.
DeLoache s found that infants ... Show more content on ...
The possible event was a box in plain view, which slowly disappeared by the rotating screen until
the screen leaned right up against the box at 112*. The infants spent more time looking at the
impossible event, which suggests that they understood that the object couldn t have disappeared.
Conversely, the infants spent less time looking at the possible event, which suggests that this event
was not interesting to them because they knew that the object had permanence. Therefore, some 3
ВЅ months old and 4 ВЅ months old do have object permanence.
In order to set up a valid experiment, one must make sure all the aspects of the experiment are
solid. Baillargeon set up an experiment that concentrated on object permanence, because she used
proven facts from other researchers. The reason Baillargeon used DeLoache s article in her
research was to validate one of her experiments that didn t perform the way she expected.
DeLoache s article states that infants habituate at different times, some fast and some slow, but all
infants are able to habituate to the same level. Thus, once habituated properly, no matter how many
tries, both fast and slow habituates are able to perform the same way. This interested Baillargeon
because in one of her experiments, the infants who habituated slower weren t able to tell the
impossible and possible events apart. As she explained, Their patterns were not unexpected, because
rate of habituation is known to relate to
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How Technology Has Changed Real Time Digital Operations
Abstract VLSI technology has been the cornerstone of every technological achievement in the past
century, but as Gordon
Moore predicted it is nearing its saturation. A lot of other technologies have been researched upon
to fulfill the needs of the fast paced world; one of the potential replacements is Quantum
Dots Cellular Automata technology which uses Nano sized particles to realize real time digital
operations. The advantage of
QCA technology over its VLSI counterpart is a set of characteristics like drastic decrease in area
consumed, less power consumption, reduced time taken for execution and higher overall efficiency.
In this paper we discuss one of the many fundamental blocks of the digital technology that is a
Serial register (SISO, SIPO). It finds its applications in every field be it medical where timer
based equipment s are used to monitor health or any day to day activity in which a memory unit is
Index Terms Serial register, QCA technology, Quantum dot
VLSI Technology.
NE of the most promising nanotechnologies in the present day scenario in a pool of various
technologies in the research phase is Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) which is able to
replace the CMOS technology. As we see in the current scenario there is rapid scaling of CMOS
technology to accommodate millions, now probably billions of transistors in a specified area as
efficiently as possible. As predicted by Gordon Moore, in the next few years CMOS is set to hit a
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Cvs Caremark Case Study
The Financial destinations of CVS Caremark are to realize ICD 10 coding and electronic wellbeing
records (HER), control inward spending and impact outcast payers inside the accompanying 3 5
years. These destinations are fundamental in ensuring that CVS Caremark works in perspective of
the present movement in advancement consequently organizing current standards and workplaces
set up in most medicinal services affiliations.
Registering cost of centered budgetary destinations. Choosing the cost of different budgetary
objectives is a fundamental framework that can incite achievement of needed cash related target.
Cost check should be adequately versatile to alter future money related fluctuations and Companies
helper changes. Finding out ... Show more content on ...
Following manages the two assets and salary which outline the most fundamental parts inside the
Company. Fitting after recognizes frail areas that require change and likewise inspecting capability
of various operations that expect criticalness part in the achievement of CVS Caremark cash related
Getting effective peril examination and organization is basic in seeing up and coming potential
outcomes and give an examination of the possible adversities if the hazard happens. Honest to
goodness peril assessment will engage CVS Caremark to create with a business influence
examination and along these lines beginning budgetary risk mitigation measures, for instance,
chance avoidance and transference.
Resources are critical gadgets used in the midst of achievement of Companies cash related goals
and targets. CVS Caremark can utilize Human, budgetary and physical resources for enable the
Company to achieve its normal cash related goals. HR, for instance, specialists and specialists used
to set and work EHR system. CVS Caremark should have sufficient cash related advantages for
enable them complete their approachs capably. The Company requires resources, for instance,
working environments and equipment to energize smooth execution of electronic wellbeing
systems as a noteworthy part of its
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Ain T I A Woman Analysis
Both poems, Ain t I a Woman and at the cemetery, walnut grove plantation, south carolina, 1989,
were written by African American women that have left a large impression on how we read and
interpret African American literature today. Ain t I a Woman was spoken by Sojourner Truth, and
was advocating for women s rights. The poem, at the cemetery, walnut grove plantation, south
carolina, 1989, was written by Lucille Clifton, and was intended to bring honor to the dead slaves.
Both pieces of work have their own unique style of writingand purpose. Both the poem, by Lucille
Clifton, and oration, by Sojourner Truth, are effective as a means of exposing social injustice and as
a means of diminishing social injustice. Both Ain t I a Woman, by Lucille... Show more content on ...
In at the cemetery, walnut grove plantation, south carolina, 1989, by Lucille Clifton, the purpose is
to expose the injustice that has happened to the dead slaves. The slaves were buried without any
gravestone and the women were not even counted when the owner of the plantation wrote down his
inventory. This injustice is what pushed Lucille Clifton to write this poem. In the poem, Clifton
attempts to draw attention to the fact that the honor was taken from the slaves, after their deaths,
and Clifton tries to restore the honor that was stolen from the slaves. However, in Ain t I a Woman
the purpose was to expose the inequalities of an African Americanwoman during Truth s life. In
Truth s speech she mentions how other women should be lifted over ditches, helped into carriages,
and have the best place but she gets none of this. Truth is comparing how other women are treated
to how she is treated. This best shows Truth s purpose of exposing the inequality between African
American women and other groups of people. In both, the poem by Lucille Clifton and the speech
by Sojourner Truth the purpose is to expose a certain
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United States Health Care System Essay
17 Nov 2006
US Health Care System: Does the Public Get the Best Return vs. Investment
The United States spends more of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on healthcare then any other
industrialized country in the world and because of this one would think that the U.S. provides one
of the top universal healthcare plans for all citizens without health insurance. Furthermore, the U.S.
s overall health system performance is 37 out of 191 (qtd in U.S. Census Bureau), obviously 37 out
of 191 is horrible especially because of the investment made by tax paying citizens. This problem
affects a massive amount of Americans. Approximately 40 million Americans are without health
insurance and because of the increasing expenditures the numbers of ... Show more content on ...
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas rapidly sparked interest into other states in the U.S., for
instance, in 1934 the Washington Hospital formed Group Hospitalization Inc.,other states quickly
followed and by 1942 Group Hospitalization Inc. was sanctioned to use the Blue Cross service
mark (qtd in A division of...). The Second World War may have been a motivation force in the
connection between employment and health insurance. Although the U.S. government did not
become involved in WWII until approximately 1941, mobilization for our involvement began
much earlier. In preparation for our war involvement American employers started offering their
employees health insurance as a benefit, in hopes to increase the companies employment. This
idea decreased the likelihood that only the sick would enroll in health plans and it also decreased
the administrative costs of individually sold plans. Due to the employer offered health care, the
country seen a tremendous jump in hospital enrollment. The number of citizens enrolled in
hospitals increased from 7 million to 26 million, which was mainly held by Blue Cross. At the end
of WWII many labor unions began to bargain for health benefits. The National Labor Relations Act
required that management bargain with unions for health care benefits. The Supreme Court in 1940
ruled that benefit plans including health benefits fell under conditions of employment. By the mid
1950 s over 60% of the U.S. s
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Ethics In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
During this presentation we will explore some of the key morals and ethics of medical science
presented in Mary Shelley s Frankenstein.
On January 1st 2018 the tale of Frankenstein will have been around for 200 years. However, his
legacy, as we know, will continue almost indefinitely. Ironically, achieving what Victor Frankenstein
was unable, physically, to do: preserve life.
Mary Shelley s novel has fascinated millions for its many controversial topics, the most intriguing
and debate inducing, being the moral questions that it presents.
By many, Mary Shelley s Frankenstein can be seen as a warning towards any new type of
scientific research being developed. For myself, and many others, it is not only this but a book of
morals to learn from. ... Show more content on ...
Doctor David B. Resnik generally describes these basic rules in his online article: What is Ethics in
Research Why is it Important? . Out of the 16 rules stated Frankenstein breaks 7: honesty,
carefulness, openness, social responsibility, legality, animal care and most noticeably human
subjects protection.
Dr. Resnik describes Human Subjects Protection as: minimize harms and risks and maximize
benefits; respect human dignity, privacy, and autonomy; take special precautions with vulnerable
populations .
As we know this is not what happens. Due to, what I believe to be, Victor s God Complex he
takes it upon himself to create an entirely new species (Shelley, 44) and in doing so maximises
the harms and risks to his human and animal communities, as he is unaware of the nature of his
creation or what dangerous power it could possess. Not only this but by creating his monster he
makes it vulnerable to the world it is born into as it was made as a solitary creature, with no
special precautions taken to protect it. As well as this, the process of Victor s scientific experiment
completely disregards any ideas of respecting human dignity, privacy, and autonomy as he, in his
own words, collected bones from charnel houses, and disturbed, with profane fingers, the
tremendous secrets of the human frame (Shelley,
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What Is The Impact Of Tolkien s Middle Earth On Popular...
Throughout the epic tales described in J.R.R. Tolkien s Lord of the Rings, as well as in The
Hobbit and The Silmarillion, philology and language prove to be important aspects of creating a
fictional universe of which has become irrevocably interlaced with mainstream culture. This is
significant as Tolkien s works are one of very few literary ventures that has been successful at
applying a realness to the fictional imaginative eloquently enough to appeal and resonate so
deeply within popular culture, similar only to that of J.K. Rowling s Harry Potter and George
Lucas Star Wars. In fact, Tolkien set a precedence for modern fiction through his creation of a vast
world of imaginary, but detailed locations created solely as a home for his artificial... Show more
content on ...
Tolkien s literary works have been shaped by a genuine interest in creating a realistic fictional
phenomena. According to Tolkien s biography, by a young age he had mastered the Latin and
Greek which was the staple fare of an arts education at that time, and was becoming more than
competent in a number of other languages, both modern and ancient, notably Gothic, and later
Finnish, and began creating languages purely for fun (David Doughan MBE). It seems that
Tolkien s early interest stemmed from watching coal trucks going to and from South Wales
bearing destinations like Nantyglo , Penrhiwceiber and Senghenydd from his home in King s
Heath (David Doughan MBE). In fact, it was Tolkien s early interest in linguistics which caused
him to embark on the challenge of creating a world for his artificial languages, making them the
most prevalent aspects of his works. Tolkien, whom studied linguistics before eventually
becoming an author, wrote in one of his letters, now known as letter 205, that The invention of
languages is the foundation. The stories were made rather to provide a world for the languages
than the reverse. [. . .] It is to me, anyway, largely an essay in linguistic aesthetic , as I sometimes
say to people who ask me what is it all about (Carpenter 219 220). During his later life, Tolkien
continued his work with linguistics by becoming a professor of Anglo Saxon and English literature
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Essay On Latter Day Saints
Member of the church prefer to be recognized as Latter Day Saints though there are many
different ways to call them both politely and discriminatory. The above way is however the most
common and acceptable. The church of Jesus Christ for latter day saints was made official in
1830 by Joseph Smith he and another man by the name of James J Strang would go on to
change the name in different ways over the years until there deaths. The church was formed in
New York April,6 1830 It is said that James S strang claimed he was ordained by angels and
asked to take over the matriarch for the church and he felt Joseph Smiths presence this claim just
so happened to take place the same hour Joseph Smith was murdered even though he and James
were over 200 miles away from each other . Members of the church have... Show more content on ...
Latter day saints are just your typical Mormons there group is scarce and not very many exist at
least not big in numbers but they are slowly growing and are welcome to take in more members
.they don t ask for a lot when you join besides faith, repentance and baptism. When you marry you
marry for life it is believed in this religion that trust in god is also trust in your marriage and should
not be broken in any way if you marry you stay married and it is for life they also don t want to see
children get hurt in the case of a broken marriage . This religion also practices polygamy in some
forms but members were not reported to have more than four or five wives and it was a choice you
did not have to be a polygamist . Latter Day Saints believe the bible to be the word of god so long
as it is translated correctly in proper context they also believe the Book of Mormon to be the
word of God . They believe in Baptism for the dead but only for members who have died in close
relative to another member and has also taken seriously both there faith and studies for the religion
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The New Rules Prevent Investors From The Stock Market
Despite HFT obviously has many positive impact on market, like increased liquidity, improved
market efficiency even increased fee for exchanges. Regulators more concern about risk come
from HFT in China s equity market. Though, some risks or negative impacts not really come from
high frequency traders. As show in the above example, investors were restricted open a position
less than 10 lots result in transaction volume shrank. The new rules prevent investors from
participating in the market. Fewer investors will lead to the price distortion. HFT is not the enemy
of stock market. If Chinese authorities want the market more healthy, they should hold a positive
attitude toward HFT considering HFT has been gaining global popularity.
HFT in other Asia security market
According to statistics from Bank of Japan, HFT account for more than 50 percent in Tokyo Stock
Exchange (TSE) in September 2012, which is the second largest sock exchange in Asia. Rather
than attempting to restrict HFT in the market, Japan has made upgrades to its trading system
Arrowhead to embrace HFT. Arrowhead brings millisecond level speeds to both transactions and
market information distribution, achieves an order execution time of 5 milliseconds and
distributes information in 3 milliseconds5. It also distributes all order information on all issues in
real time. High frequency traders could get benefit from this real time access to all order and quote
data. In addition, Japan stock market is the
... Get more on ...
Child Trauma
A number of children around the world are commonly exposed to some form of trauma which
can include physical, sexual and emotional abuse (Wethington et al., 2008). This paper will be
focusing on children between the ages of four to twelve years old who had experienced trauma.
For that reason, the paper will be focusing on art and play therapy as being effective in working
with traumatized children. This paper will begin with the discussion of the importance of knowing
and having an understanding of how trauma affects children along with being aware of approaches
that can be used including art and play therapy. From there, the paper will get in detail about
trauma including what it is and what kind of impact it can have on children who have... Show more
content on ...
Release play therapy involves the therapist picking out toys that relate to a child s traumatic
experience as a way to help the child to play out a particular situation (Ogawa, 2004). With this
process, a child can communicate their feelings and struggles in a safe environment (Ogawa,
2004). In child centered play therapy, communication takes place through the therapeutic
relationship between the therapist and child (Ogawa, 2004). As a result, this kind of therapy
requires a therapist to be genuine, show unconditional positive acceptance and express empathy
(Ogawa, 2004). The belief in this approach is that children have an inborn ability to adjust and
grow (Ogawa, 2004). During therapy, children are the ones who decide how to deal with their
own experiences and gain control (Ogawa, 2004). The children decide what kind of play they are
willing to use for personal expression (Ogawa, 2004). Overall, both these approaches that consist
of either a directed or non directed approach are great with working with children who have
... Get more on ...
School Council Meeting Report
I am grateful for the opportunity to attend the council s meeting. I was a little nervous about this
assignment because I never been to a meeting and I never ask to interview a council member, so I
went down to my local city hall and inquired some information about what day and time the council
meetings are held. So I chose to go to the meetingto get some insight on what really goes on at a
council meeting. I did want to interview a committee member because I was afraid that they would
decline the offer, but my plan is to talk to a council person if time permitted.
All council meetings are held at the Tupelo City Hall 71 East Troy St., Tupelo Mississippi 38804.
The council meetings are held twice a month every first and third Tuesday at ... Show more content
on ...
If the rules are not followed, then that individual(s) can be escorted from the building. The
president read the names of those who seek to voice their opinions but no one showed up, so the
meeting continued with the next agenda task. The Citizens Hearing: One citizen spoke about the
scrutiny that the Tupelo Police Department is facing regarding multiple acts racial discrimination
done by their department. The meeting closed with remarks from each member for last minute
remarks, if there were no remarks then the meeting was adjourned until the next the business
session. The meeting lasted about an hour and I got a chance to speak with Councilwoman Nettie
Davis over Ward four. She explained her purpose for being on the board, which includes bringing
much needed resources to her historically black community, cleaned up the parks in the area and
she wants to make sure their community is fairly treated as the rest of the Tupelo
... Get more on ...
Nutty Potty Research Paper
The Squatty Potty will Revolutionize the way people go number two. The way in which the west
use the restroom is the wrong way. There are many health issues that are directly related to the
posture toilets put you in. The sitting position toilets puts you in is bad for your health. This sitting
posture often attributes to colitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, colon cancer, and appendicitis. The
cause of this directly, is the Puborectalis muscle which has the purpose of clinching the vaginal
and anal orifices in the body. When sitting on the toilet the Puborectalis muscle is only partially
relaxed which causes a bend When we re sitting this bend, called the anorectal angle, is kinked
which puts upward pressure on the rectum and keeps the feces inside. This... Show more content on ...
This is something that the inventor of the Squatty Potty said Physiologically, we are designed to
squat. I think a great example can be seen in children that are still in diapers who squat to poop.
Many of them then struggle to poop when sitting on training toilets because it is unnatural they
instinctively squat. The Squatty Potty has shown that using it gets the job done normally two times
as fast, which everyone would want it to go by faster. Research has shown using the Squatty Potty
can also be a noninvasive treatment for hemorrhoids, if it is continually used instead of sitting
normally on the toilet. It can also help pregnant women by relieving pressure on the uterus that
would otherwise be caused from sitting on the toilet. The Squatty Potty uses the thighs to help
support the colon to prevent pelvic organ prolapse, hernias and diverticulitis. The Squatty Potty
comes in 7 to 9 for people with different heights, it is made for everyone of all sizes. The Squatty
Potty fits perfectly under most modern toilets for little space consumption, and easy
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Descriptive Essay On Velvet
Antonio Noyola Velvet I sit upright, gasping, trying to remember where I am and how I got
here. Wherever I am is pitch black As I search my mind, I hear a groan from nearby. I look in the
direction it came from, and make out through the darkness the shape of a teenage human lying
on the ground, bleeding. Josh. All of a sudden his name comes to me. I realize I don t remember
my own name. Josh s eyes are shut. Soon my eyes began to adjust to the darkness. I see that we
appear to be in a large room with nice, wood and velvet furniture. There is no entrance or exit. Josh
make a noise, so I turn and see that he s awake. He looks at me and asks me where we are, but
because I don t know myself, I don t answer. I look at a paint on the wall of a... Show more content
on ...
As soon as I leave the room, a black blade slices through the darkness a cuts my head off. I wake
up in a dark room full of broken pieces of wooden furniture and velvet cushions. I realize I have
forgotten most of my memory. I think to myself what truths I know. My name is Rose. I am
nine years old. My mother died In a car crash. I live with my dad and my brother. I try to recall
my brother s name. Johnathan? Jim? James? But I can t seem to remember. I try to see if there
is an exit to this dark room, but I cannot locate a door. I here a groan in the distance, I consider
shouting for help but I decide against it. I look at the destroyed furniture and notice that there is
a single, unbroken chair in the heap of debris. As soon as I glance at it, I feel the sudden, crazy
urge to sit in it, so I slowly walk over to the chair. As I get closer to the chair, I notice that a
message is carved into it, and the letters glow red. Et occious est. At first it confuses me, but the
the meaning hits me. I was murders. A scream builds up in my lungs and I let it loose, shrieking
as loud as I can. A voice rings inside of my head. Hello young one. I slammed into the walls by an
unknown force. I try to scream, but black smoke enters my lungs, filling them, trying to make the
burst. I feel my body start to shut down as I begin to slip into unconsciousness. I try to scream
again, but instead the noise that came out of my mouth was crazed, insane laughter, and with each
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Curious Travels Of A Language Geek
I attended Culture Thursday where Michael Bach was presenting Curious Travels of a Language
Geek (Bach, 2014) via video lecture from Kodiak Island, Alaska. Michael discussed the Alutiiq
language and culture that the Kodiak Island and the southern part of Alaska once flourished
with. Michael is a fluent speaker of Alutiiq and is on a crusade to revitalize the Alutiiq language
and culture in Alaska. He is a Staples native and through his study abroad, travels, and time in
the Air force he developed a love of language learning. Alaska is a diverse culture including 11
different Alaskan native cultures. Of these 11 cultures, there are 22 languages or dialects spoken.
In Kodiak Alaska, water gives life to the people and land. The Alutiiq people are Native Alaskan
in decent and are closely related to the Navaho. Through the colonization, the Alutiiq s culture
changed first by the Russians and then the Americans. Even though Alaska is an American state
Russian culture and heritage is influenced in the buildings, food, and even language still today.
Alutiiq were and still are fisherman and hunted not only fish like halibut and cod but also seals
and sea lions. Alutiiq hungers would wear wooden visors made of sea lion whiskers. The more
whiskers on the visor, the more pride in the number of kills they acquired. Typical dress for the
Alutiiq people was skins with natural dyes. They were adorned with feathers, puffin beaks, ivory,
bone, and wooden figures. Ceremonies and
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
SARS, also known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, caused a major epidemic in 2002
2003. The virus had originated in the middle east area from a mammal group handled and bred
in the first effect area. The virus had developed and was transmitted to the people handling the
animals. The handlers would contract the virus and then would spread it to others around them.
The disease was able to be transferred or passed on to others by means of close contact and or the
air. The virus itself was not noticeable unless tested or until it had further developed. Anyone who
had contracted the disease only showed flu like symptoms when first diagnosed with the virus.
However, these would soon worsen and even take the lives of people. Though it only affected...
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Though it had traveled to a multitude of areas, only about six of the thirty or so locations saw
severe cases of SARS at their medical centers. The disease itself did not contaminate only the
middle east, but had traveled to places such was North America, South America ,and Europe Out
of the affected areas, about twenty percent of the people who contracted the virus were healthcare
workers, such as doctors, nurses, family doctors and specialist. The spreading of the virus seemed
to follow its own pattern. The first stage would start with infected people coming to the hospital
with more severe cases. These hospitalized cases would than in turn enter the second stage of
transmission. The health care workers themselves would than get affected due to have close
contact with the patients and breathing contaminated air. Seeing as the virus was transmitted via
close contact and the air. Being around the ill patients allowed the virus to enter the workers
bodies. Seeing as health workers worked not only with just those patients any other patients who
interacted with that health care taker could also contract the virus. This was the third stage of the
outbreak. Not only did the patients already have to deal with their own problems, nurses and staff
could also infect them with this horrible disease that know one had known the effects of or if it was
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Heroin Intervention Paper
Introduction The research discussed in this paper explores the impact of heroin on the population
as well as its impact on the methods healthcare workers use to treat the individuals who are
struggling with this addiction. Three articles were analyzed to determine the influence of this
issue on society as well as how nurse led rehabilitation can be utilized to improve client outcomes
and reduce relapse. This epidemic is quickly becoming one of the leading causes of death in the
United States as well as the rest of the world, and as a result new interventions and ideas must be
taken into consideration to help improve the outcomes of treatment. Heroinuse in the general
population has increased from 373,000 in 2007 to 914,000 in 2014 and drug... Show more content
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An issue in the healthcare field when discussing drug dependence in the patient population is the
stigma that follows these individuals. These patients are struggling with an addiction process that
most nurses and other healthcare workers do not completely understand. As a result of this
disconnect between patient and nurse there is often a lack of truthful communication from the
patient for fear of having this stigma affect the treatment they receive. In this article a real situation
was discussed in which a patient was not properly medicated for pain after a cholecystectomy
based on the knowledge of the healthcare staff pertaining to her utilization of the Community
Alcohol and Drug Services program. This individual was stigmatized and put through intense pain
based on the decisions made by staff that who took it upon themselves to make choices for her
because of her past opiate use (Hughes and McKay, 2012). This example notes the poor ethical
treatment of a patient pain based on discriminatory judgment by the health care
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Tully s Marketing Plan
Tully s Marketing Plan
Brand Vision
The vision of Tully s is to have the best tasting coffee at the best value. Tully s is truly a company
that gives back to its customers and communities within the regions they have stores. They have
handcrafted their coffee from day one of the brand and will continue to do until the doors close.
They make no apologies for longer wait times because perfect coffee is on the end of each wait.
Brand Definition
The Tully s Brand definition is to provide the world s ultimate coffee experience with the highest
quality products and service. They are all about quality not quantity. They want this vision each
time you hear or see the name Tully s. Each step of roasting harvesting, creating drinks to ... Show
more content on ...
They are taking this brand outside of the US and are keeping current Tully s from closing. They
love their employees and their customers and want to do the right thing by them not just what
puts money in their pockets. This brand will always be a part of Seattle history and I think the
owners will be able to tell its story to their grandchildren about how they saved a bad cup of Joe .
Tully s is truly on its way up and out of the dark cloud of it s past.
Tully s company overall has a great relationship within its four walls. Each department has a
relationship with the next because often there are many people that wear many different hats,
meaning they work in multiple offices. This is done on purpose so that each department talks to
each other. So for the marketing department and sale department this is no different. Within these
two departments they work closely together on creating relationships with customers here in the
U.S. and overseas. Part of the Tully s brand is that they help aid communities that they operate in
and this is part of their missions and vision so this turns into a sale pitch to the public. They use
community aid to sales their product just as much as they love doing the work that shows their care
of the world around them. Working together in this visions helps each department individually and
together build a strong brand name. The sales team in turn supports marketing in that the vision of
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The Giver Dystopian
In our English class we read The Giver . Usually novels that are obligatory at school tend to be
boring or too technical, but honestly this novel was different. I loved it. From the first chapter I
wanted to continue till the end. I was mesmerized by the core topic and once we analyzed it, that s
when I decided I would choose this as my written task topic.
What is a utopia actually? A utopia by definition means a perfect world with no flaws where
everyone lives a perfect life. In the book The Giver people discuss whether it s a utopian setting or
a dystopian setting. A dystopiais the exact opposite of utopia. A world that is imperfect with flaws.
Basically, the world we live in. We live with war and pain and with a political system full of flaws.
Whereas a utopian world is an imaginary world, best described as paradise.
I chose to write my own utopia, a small short story ... Show more content on ...
Well because my people have to experience everything; the heat of the sun, the freezing cold of
the snow, and sunny days in the fall. There are certain rules in my world. Families here can only
have two children to avoid mass population and anything that contributes to global warming does
not exist. We have a good education system where pupils are divided in groups to learn only
what they want. They start school at the age of ten and have two years to learn all subjects.
They then decide what they want to study to perfect it. I have tried to simplify life for my
people and don t want them to suffer. Everyone gets a job and no one is homeless. People get paid
the same and live like one. I don t differ between men and women. I don t have rich or poor. They
are all equal. As for the political system we follow democracy as you would call it but our motto
here is live life to the fullest. We have acres of lands and everyone is taught the art of farming so
as to avoid hunger. Our food is all freshly grown, so people avoid eating unhealthy
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White People In Sports Essay
White people did not allow black people at first in the sport activity. White people did not want to
have any contact with black community. Black people were only allowed to have their own
leagues. They were not allowed to be in the leagues that they had white athletes. The black people
could only compete with themselves. It was very hard for black peopleto even have any competition
with other races in that period of time. After a while when white peoplestarted noticing that black
people were actually very good at sports, at first they tried to not let them compete with white
people. After some time that black people compete with white people, then they were sure that
black people were actually better than white people at specific sports.
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The Political Culture Of Politics
The term politics itself has changed over many years. To ask if the evolution of political culture
changes how people participate in politics is simple. The answer is yes. To begin with, let s
define political culture; Authors define the term political culture as the particular distribution of
patterns of orientation towards political objects among the members of a nation (Almond and
Verba 1963: 13 cited in Welzel and Inglehart, 2014 p.285). Now let s define culture; the term
culture covers a broad set of phenomena. It includes traditions, habits, and patterns of behaviour
shaped by a society s prevailing beliefs, norms and values (Nolan and Lenski, 1999 cited in
Welzel and Inglehart, 2014 p.285). Taking this into account, examples of culture could be how to
play hopscotch in a playground or following the rules to a game of tennis or badminton. To
address the question, this essay will firstly assess how any capable individual is able to participate
in politics and secondly if the growth of political culture has increased or decreased participation.
A question that is frequently asked is how can one be involved in politics? There are many
options. One option can be by joining a political party which interests them and that has a good
manifesto with policies that they would like to see take place and therefore taking part in elections
and voting. A second option can be by being part of a pressure group for example, one that
represents those against smoking called
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How To Write An Analytical Essay On A Play

  • 1. How To Write An Analytical Essay On A Play 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write An Analytical Essay On A PlayHow To Write An Analytical Essay On A Play
  • 2. Reading Response #4 How It Feels to Be Colored Me, written by Zora Neale Hurston. Occasionally, once in a great while, a unique person comes along. Zora Neale Hurston was one of those bigger than life people. She would have told you so herself. She was just as she should have been. She was, Zora. When she was young, Zora was already full of who she was, with strong hints of the amazing person she would become. She did not notice the differences between the racial societies. Her hometown, of Eatonville, FL., was an all black community. She felt the only difference between the whites and the blacks were the whites did not live in Eatonville. They would only pass through on their way to Orlando. She appointed herself as the person to greet... Show more content on ... I do think, in this instance her words would have been just as cutting if a prude of a black person had been the companion, and had the same lackluster and boring response. She would have probably flogged the black companion, as she accused him of being, dead bones, or something more colorful. I agree and need not say more about Zora s following observation. Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It s beyond me. She was, The one and only Zora, bigger than life, and truly unique. Zora Neale Hurston was and will always be, the absolutely divine, Cosmic ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Nuclear Power Has Been Highly Controversial Nuclear power has been highly controversial in the world, specifically uranium mining. Uranium mining is an option that was presented to the world for a source of nuclear weapons, nuclear medicine, as well as nuclear power. Uranium is a natural element, it has an average concentration of 2.8 per million in the Earth s crust. Uraniumis very abundant and is more plentiful than gold, silver, and mercury. The half life of uranium 238 is 4.46 billion years, the half life of uranium 234 is 245,000 years, and uranium 235 has a half life of 704 million years (Uranium: Its Uses and Hazards, n.d.). There are four common kinds of extracting uranium from the ground; open pit and underground mining, in situ leach mining (ISL), heap leaching, and milling. While there are several forms of mining that have proven to be affective at extracting uranium from the ground, none of the mining types have been guaranteed to stop nuclear radiation in the area that the mining took place. Nuclear power has gotten a bad name ever since the atomic bomb, so many people have become skeptical on how safe the rising expansion of uranium mining is. The environmental implications that uranium mining has caused in the past has brought up the question on if the expansion of nuclear technology is worth the risk. Uranium is a highly radioactive element that must be handled with care when mining. In almost all forms of mining, the ore is leached with sulfuric acid whether it is underground still or crushed and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Early Interactions between Muslims, Jews, and Christians... When it comes to the modern relationship that Islam shares with both Christianity and Judaism, it is not difficult to recognize mutual hostility. Islamic extremism has been gradually dominating the Western perception of Muslims in the midst of this, the World Trade Center attacks could only exacerbate the situation. On that account, it was no surprise when these hostile attitudes were unmistakably revealed during the Cordoba House mosque controversy at which point in 2010, it was proposed that a mosque dubbed the Cordoba House be established near ground zero. Sure enough, the proposition was met with overwhelming opposition and rebuke (Barbaro). Most of the country objected to the mosque while many of those with more personal experiences... Show more content on ... The Umayyads started out as one of the elite clans of Mecca who at first rejected Muhammad s divine revelations (Kishlansky, Geary and O Brien). However, Muhammad utilized his resources and quickly grew a strong following, organizing them into the Umma, an Islamic family that transcended the old bonds of tribe and clan (Kishlansky, Geary and O Brien). As his support proliferated, his opposition dwindled and increasingly converted to Islam. In 629, with 10,000 warriors at his command, Muhammad marched onto Mecca and quickly conquered it with few casualties. The elite Meccan clans the Umayya among them were swiftly rehabilitated into the Umma, much to the chagrin of Muhammad s earliest followers. The Umayya remained a powerful clan as Islam spread under Muhammad and, after his death in 632, his two successors, or caliphs successors of the Prophet. Still, the clan s power had far from peaked. After the death of Umar, the second caliph, a member of the Umayya became his successor: Uthman ibn Affan (Kishlansky, Geary and O Brien). Uthman, however, was quickly murdered because he privileged the Meccan elite over the early converts. Shaken by his death, the Umma charged the fourth caliph, Ali ibn Abi Talib, as being complacent with Uthman s murder. Eventually Ali himself was murdered by the Umayyad s supporters, giving rise to an Islamic state ruled by the Umayya, the Umayyad Caliphate, where the Islamic ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The World Bank Water Global Practice s Water And... The World Bank Water Global Practice s Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) recently released a working paper identifying findings that support new tactics for habit change in open defecation behavior. These advances draw from the fields of psychology, cognitive science, and behavioral science and were first outlined in the 2015 World Development Report (WDR) on Mind, Society, and Behavior. WDR presents new insight into how people make decisions: thinking automatically, thinking socially, and thinking with mental models, and highlights the potential of future policy approaches that influence behavior while forgoing the assumption of individuals as rational decision makers. Open Defecation in India Of the nearly one billion people across the globe who openly defecate, over half live in India. Despite meeting the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) for water access, India achieved only moderate progress in improvements to sanitation and reduction of open defecation. As of 2011, 49.8 percent of Indians still defecated in the open, and, although the number is decreasing, progress remains slow in rural areas of the country and significant gaps remain between the rich and poor. In 2014, Prime Minister Modi prioritized an initiative to place a toilet in every household in the country by 2019 and provided 8 million toilets in the first year alone. Yet, simply providing toilets does not ensure their use. Although infrastructure and access to proper latrines and other ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Brooke Davis Case Case Study of Character: The character I have chosen for the focus of my case study is Brooke Davis, from the television show, One Tree Hill. Over the nine seasons of this show, we see Brooke go from a wild teen not caring about her future regarding careers to an admirable, hardworking, and focus individual. Throughout her high schoolteen years, Brooke lacked parental guidance in her household. In her childhood years, she witnessed a lot of fighting and arguments of her parents. In her high school teen years, she mostly lived by herself and was given money by her parents to compensate for their absence. Without any rules or restrictions, Brooke resorted to a partying type life style for a while. She never gave much thought to what her plan... Show more content on ... The identity status she best fits in at this stage is identity diffusion. I feel like she fits better in this stage because as a result of Brooke not having experiencing any sort of rules around her household during her teenage years, her world revolved around shopping, partying, and boys. She never really gave much thought to what she wanted to become in the future because she lacked that motivation from her parents. Later on, Brooke develops a strong interest in designing her own clothes and begins her own clothing line, Clothes Over Bros, while still being a senior in high school. After she graduates from high school, four years pass and we see Brooke become a major and well known fashion designer in New York and her clothing company had already made millions. This is where Brooke Davis experienced the status of identity achievement. Her clothing line started as a small idea in high school and through exploration of the fashion designer world, her dream became a reality. I would not say that she ever experienced the status of identity moratorium because she never really was torn between to career areas. Once she knew that she had that desire to design clothes, she went for it without second guessing herself. The status that Brooke proved wrong is identity foreclosure. She proved this wrong because just because fashion designing was her passion, she did not let the industry change who she was. She managed to be highly successful while still remaining humble and not changing her beliefs or morals to conform to everyone else. A lot of time, the money changes people but because money was always a constant in her life she was able to remain that presidential worthy ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Analysis Of Helicopter Parenting By Cline And Fay Major Policy Brief Jessica McNay, 214 236 246 Executive Summary: Helicopter parenting, first introduced by Cline and Fay in their 1990 parenting book series, refers to overly protective and involved parents, who overly involve themselves in their children s lives with behaviours including constant communication, intervention into children s affairs, taking control of decision making, personally investing themselves in their children s goals and the removal of any obstacles that their children may encounter. Studies have shown that this parenting style is most prevalent amongst the millennial generation, with approximately 60 70% of college students reporting that their parents exhibit at least some of the hovering tendencies (Odenweller, Booth Butterfield Weber, 2014). This Policy Brief presents current and relevant research findings surrounding Helicopter parenting or over parenting and the implications that this parenting style may have on both the child and the parents. The main focus of this brief is the effect that over parenting can have on the experiences and development of children throughout the lifespan. Importance of Issue: Over parenting, also known as helicopter parenting, involves the implementation of inappropriate levels of parental control. This may include problem solving, monitoring, directiveness, tangible assistance and overall involvement in their children s lives (Segrin, Woszildo, Givertz Montgomery, 2013). According to a number of ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay on Environmental Economics and Government Policy Economists often talk about letting the economy work through the mechanism of the free market versus government control and regulation. Some believe that if the market is allowed to do its thing unprohibited and without government interference, then resources will be allocated efficiently, equilibrium will be found, and so on... However, this is not always possible. Of course, government controlis not perfect either. Thus, it would seem that at times the market may be more appropriate than the government; other times the government may be needed because the market is not able to function properly; and other times a combination of the two working in unison may provide the best and most effective and efficient answers. The ... Show more content on ... Property rights that would lead to efficient allocations have four main characteristics: universality, exclusivity, transferability, and enforceability. Universality is when all resources are privately owned and the entitlements are specified. Exclusivity refers to the fact that all benefits and costs due to owning and using the resource should be directed solely at the owner. Transferability refers to the fact that all property rights should be transferable from one owner to another in voluntary exchange. And finally, enforceability simply means that all property rights should be secure from involuntary seizure by others. With all of these in place, one would certainly use a resource efficiently because a decline in the value of the resource would represent a personal loss. Furthermore, individuals will only buy as much of something so that the marginal cost is equal to the marginal benefit that they receive from purchasing it. And thus, with these defined property rights in place the market indeed would prevail. Environmental problems are one important class of circumstances in which the market economic system is not always efficient. This occurs most especially because of the presence of externalities, and the fact that the agents making the decisions do not bear ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Anger In A Tale Of Two Cities Anger is a normal emotion with a wide range of intensity, from mild irritation and frustration to rage. It is a reaction to a perceived threat to us, or some part of our identity. Anger motivates powerful and aggressive feelings and behaviors, which allow us to fight and defend ourselves when we are attacked. Anger is a warning bell that tells us that something is wrong. Anger is a vitally important evolutionary gift and without it we are perpetual victims. Anger can be a good thing, it allows expressing negative feelings. Anger protects humans from sitting and boiling inside body and mind. It stops the rise of many physical illnesses and mental distress. Expressing the feeling of Anger indicates human s surviving and existence. This feeling... Show more content on ... It can be also the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles and anxiety. Oppression is considered the main mover of the French Revolution that led to the extreme anger of revolutionaries. In A Tale of Two Cities , Dickens portrays the bad conditions that led French people to anger and rise for their rights. Prior to the French Revolution, high aristocrats had no sympathy towards the poor; all they cared about was their ability to do as they pleased. According to Christopher Dentel, The aristocrats have no concern and no sympathy for the poor; they know they are suffering and they do not care. The marquis represents the evil and cruelty of the aristocracy. He shows completely no regard for human life. Oppression in a Tale of Two Cities expresses between two cities England and France that shows that the ruling class of Aristocrats has oppressed the people. In France, the ruling class of aristocrats has oppressed the people for so long that many are starving. The peasants were treated cruelly by the corrupt ruling class, which lives in lavish opulence. In a Tale of Two Cities, The marquis represents the evil of the aristocracy put into one ominous character. He has a perfect mask. He represents the brutality of the French aristocracy. He shows violence in all aspects like raping, killing, imprisoned without any reasons and that created a lot of anger toward him and toward the aristocracy. Firstly, he is one of the two involved in the crimes against the peasants .He resulted in Doctor manette`s imprisonment. He also raped Mrs. Defarge s sister, being the reason for killing of her father and brother. Finally, According to his inhuman events in the whole novel, He even runs over small children in the street. The Marquis shows no remorse for the child s death, and when child s father shows his grief, the Marquis throws him a ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Cormac Mccarthy The Road Analysis Home is defined as a dwelling place together with the family; an environment offering security and happiness. Cormac McCarthy in The Road develops this love and passion using the man and the boy s relationship. Throughout the novel the boy and the man don t have a real home, moving constantly. Ultimately their version of home is not just a typical building they merely live in. However, they do find their home within each other and it takes a toll on who they are and who they become in the end of the novel. Incidentally, McCarthy uses the man to help the boy feel safe and secure which overall is what the boy sees as home. The boy never wanted to leave the man s side and was terrified to be alone without him. In the end of the novel the man dies ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Examples Of Can People Innovate Themselves As Jay Gatsby B.) Can people innovate (recreate) themselves, as Jay Gatsby attempted to do? Recreating yourself to become someone else or a new you can be a difficult thing, but one that is possible. Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby was once a poor man who became wealthy by bootlegging. He didn t have any money to his name until a man named Dan Cody helped Gatsby act and get rich. Gatsby, overtime turns from this poor man who had nothing into a wealthy, mysterious man who coordinated extravagant parties on his lawn. He had left his past behind and become a new man. Today, people can still reinvent themselves just like Jay did to become better or newer versions of themselves. The only thing that holds people from transforming themselves, is usually themselves. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay about The Inner-City Problems and Solving Them The Inner City Problems and Solving Them There are many problems that can be clearly seen in the inner city. Problems such as crime, poor housing (perhaps slums), and unemployment are all apparent. However unemployment levels are gradually dropping. Lack of money gives rise to the problems so are often seen in the lower class areas of cities. On the whole the perception of the inner city areas has the image of poverty and overcrowding which faces many cities across Britain today in whatever proportion. The first as such it the Economic which inner city areas have long suffered due to lack of investment especially after the 1940 s when a lot of money was put into New Towns. Many of... Show more content on ... Issues in British inner city estates There is increasing evidence that poverty, unemployment and social stress are all now seen in British Inner Cities. There are many problems which the areas face, both physically and even in some cases mentally: 1.the physical fabric of the buildings, many originally built using cheap materials and methods, is deteriorating rapidly. However the councils are trying to upgrade these poor housing conditions gradually. 2.Many inner city areas include high rise buildings which have created feelings or isolation and stress related illnesses. 3.The low level or car ownership and high bus fares have increased the feeling of isolation from jobs, shops and entertainment. 4.Levels of unemployment often exceed 30%. There are also low income families; many elderly living on small pensions.
  • 13. 5.The environment quality of the areas are poor, often with the lack of open space. 6.The inner city tend to have high levels of marital problems, drug taking, petty crime and vandalism and low levels of academic attainment and aspiration. We can see quite clearly from above the poor conditions that face Britain s poorer people, these factors having to be dealt with. However the young are partly to blame for the poor conditions (mainly sites) which surround the people. They play the part in theft, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Alcohol and its effects Essay Alcohol is a large part of American culture. All over the United States drinking is not only acceptable but a social norm from teenagers to adults. This is not only the case in the U.S., but all over the world, where some drinking ages are 18 and 19 years of age. In America specifically, alcohol has been around for centuries and is a large part of many social gatherings. Although this is the case now, in the early 1900 s during the prohibition period, all alcoholwas banned and deemed illegal to possess. Even though illegal, the task was just too heavyand alcohol was too much a common practice for most Americans. As time went on the prohibition period ended and the laws were revoked, making it legal again to possess alcohol. The drinking... Show more content on ... With all these diseases related to alcohol, there are many mental health problems associated with drinking as well. These problems include unipolar depression, epilepsy and other neuropsychological disorders (Rehm 1216 1217). Though drinking itself seems harmless and fun, many of the diseases and problems linked to alcohol are very detrimental and long term. Along with the negative health effects, teenagers are beginning to drink earlier and it is affecting them in big ways. The perception of alcohol is greatly blurred when it comes to teenagers. Commercials and the media glorify alcohol, almost putting it on a pedestal. Teenagers are exposed to it on an almost daily basis and they in turn are starting to drink during their early teen years. With many developmental changes occurring in adolescence, the thought of alcohol abuse can be alarming. Despite the possible negative affects, there is very little study done on the subject (Arna 1). Adolescent health and alcohol use is not thoroughly researched, despite being a large problem. The reason for lack of evidence on the subject is that the problem is so widespread and there are not many adolescents that will admit to drinking, or even ask their doctor what affects alcohol has on them. With that being said, the little experimental evidence of the effects of adolescent alcohol use gives an idea of the problem at hand. Kids who drink in ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Nursing Swot Analysis Assignment 2: Course Project Task 2 SWOT As we learned swot stands for strengths, weaknesses, organization, and tasks. This is used in all firms to make necessary changes. This is especially useful in healthcare organizations. The Hartford (2017, n.d.), states that A SWOT analysis examines four aspects of performance that typically determine the success or failure of a company, employees or even an individual. It s one task/variable to make a list of your company s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It s another task/variable to take that information and develop a plan of action, (The Hartford). In the healthcare setting where I volunteer once a week the area of improvement desperately needed is communication. This ... Show more content on ... In the department where I volunteer at the hospital the root problem is too many people come in and out of the department unexpectedly with questions about assignments for the day, as well as other issues from the case managers, and disputes about timesheets. These problems create tension and chaos. By using the RCA tool, the department can get at the root of the problem at hand as well as the cause of the problem. Hopefully then the issues can be resolved and problems will be rectified. The workflow process begins with the manager. The manager communicates to the staff. When there are problems with the workflow process with the staff then the problem is pointed out to the manager. The manager meets with the staff person who has a problem to rectify the situation. Afterwards, the manager meets with all staff about the problem and she discusses the problem. A memo is typed and copied and posted for all personnel to read, sign that they read it, and follow the instructions as stated in the memo. Any further questions they are referred to the manager. Workflow Process Using the workflow process you begin at the top of the department. You look for what the problem is and what needs to be changed/fixed. Managerпѓ Staffпѓ Problems пѓ Manager meets with staff, discusses issuesпѓ the issues hopefully are resolved. By using the workflow process everyone is aware of where the priorities lie. When problems arise, the workflow process aids all ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Operation Guadalcanal And Adjacent Islands, Operation... The campaign to seize Guadalcanal and adjacent islands, Operation Watchtower, is a valuable case study illustrating aspects of design and operational art. Features of operational design and art are unmistakable in the shaping of the Pacific campaign plan and subsequent subordinate operations. This case study illustrates the actions taken link the series of tactical actions across the Pacific toward the national strategic objective of defeating Japan along a defined line of operation. This paper briefly explores the use of design and operational art by the Allies in the Solomon Islands campaign of World War II. At the strategic level, the Allies prioritized the European Theater of Operations (ETO) ahead of the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) after the Arcadia conference (22 Dec 1941 14 Jan 1942). This initially relegated Pacific strategy to a defensive one primarily due to lack of resources. However, due to rapid Japanese advances in early 1942 Australia requested the return of her divisions that were currently serving in the ETO under the British. This set a chain of events in motion allowing a more aggressive Pacific strategy to emerge. Australia was a crucial ally and a decisive point in the defense of the Pacific. As a conciliatory measure the United States dispatched additional divisions and equipment to the South Pacific in order to retain Australian divisions in Europe. It should also be noted that most Americans were still seething over Pearl Harbor adding to ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The State Should Stay Out of the Employment Relationship | 1001EHR Employment Relations| Assignment Two: The state should stay out of the employment relationship. Critically discuss| | Peiyao NIU (s2838788)| Tutor s Name: Gabby DanielsTutorial Time: 20:00 20:50 Monday| | The employment relationship may be defined as the relationship between employer and employee over the terms and conditions of employment (Loudoun, Mcphail amp; Wilkinson 2009). In Australia, the industrial relations had become a big issue, so following the 24 November 2007 Federal election, the Rudd Labor Government began work on its promises to re shape Australia s industrial relations system. (Riley amp; Sheldon 2008) However, some people think that the state should stay out the employment relationship. This ... Show more content on ... By now, it has been operated for eight years and prohibits the discrimination on the basis of age. Recent research vindicates this prediction, demonstrating that women at all levels of management still report gender discrimination as a barrier to their advancement in Australia (Metz amp; Moss 2008). The gender pay gap is also reflected in the low numbers of women in leadership positions (Goward 2004). Therefore, the state enacted Sex Discrimination Act 1984 to assist the government for this issue. Under the Sex Discrimination Act it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of gender, marital status, pregnancy and family responsibility (Loudoun, Mcphail amp; Wilkinson 2009). Racial discrimination includes race, colour, belief and national or ethnic origin. Australia is a multicultural country; a large number of people are from different countries. They have different cultural background like language, race, colour, belief and so on. Therefore, the racial discrimination has become one of the most serious discriminations in Australia. For prohibiting it, Australia government legislate the Racial Discrimination Act 1975. Disability has many forms. According to Brazenor (2002), a disability is defined as any limitation, restriction, impairment ... has lasted or is likely to last six months. Loudoun, McPhail amp; Wilkinson (2009) also indicated that the unemployment rate ... Get more on ...
  • 18. A Good Teacher Needs Multiple Things A good teacher needs multiple things to be successful. Among some of the most important traits are patience, perseverance and the ability to adapt in any situation. Without these things, a teacher could find themselves up a creek without a paddle. Patience is essential to the modern teacher. With all of the potential distractions that children face in an age where an escape from reality is at their fingertips, teachers must be patient in order to get their desired results from a class. With all of the pressure that is placed on teachers these days by parents, peers, and administration, it may be hard for a teacher to get everything that they need to do done. Handing papers out, putting grades in, and constantly revising lesson plans to fit the needs and ability of the class, along with sticking to the curriculum. These tasks can prove to be very challenging and tedious, and without a very colossal amount of patience, a teacher might not make it. It does not only take patience to be a great teacher, let alone survive in the world of education. Perseverance is another essential trait that the modern teacher must possess. All of the patience in the world would not help the teacher who has given up. When children refuse to work, show up, or even put in any more than minimal effort, the instructor must keep trying. There may not be a way to reach every student in the classroom, but if the teacher simply gives up, then they will not reach any child. When the curriculum changes ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Wrongful Murder Cases Yes. While an individual being prosecuted for the death of a Plaintiff s loved one is helpful in a wrongful death and/or survival case, it is not a requirement. Norridgewock Man Dies After Being Struck by Vehicle, Widow Files a Wrongful Death and Survival Lawsuit On Dec. 31, 2013, a 70 year old Norridgewock man died from the wounds he sustained when he was struck by a motor vehicle as he crossed Mercer Road. Even though the district attorney is not prosecuting the driver, a wrongful death and survival suit is being filed by the man s widow. At approximately 5 p.m., 70 year old Stanley Worthley was struck by a 2003 Toyota Highlander being driven by 65 year old William Young of Fayette. Worthley s widow, Marylee Worthley, has filed a wrongful ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Examples Of Betrayal In The Kite Runner There are many different views about the concept of betrayal. Betrayal is described by World Book Online as a . . . violation of trust or confidence. Furthermore, there are different ways to be betrayed or to betray someone. Common examples of betrayal include adultery, mutiny, and stealing from a trusting friend. Betrayal also has an emotional effect on individuals. Being betrayed by an individual will induce the feelings of being . . . taken advantage of, deceived, humiliated, despised, cheated, or stabbed in the back (Krystal Kuehn). The novel The Kite Runner is a story about an Afghan named Amir who experiences and causes betrayals between friends and family. Throughout the novel The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseiniaddresses the different concepts of betrayal through the characters of Amir, Hassan, and Sohrab. Sohrab is the son of Hassan and is moved to an orphanage after his parents death. While in the orphanage, Sohrab is betrayed by the orphanage director because the director gives Sohrab to the Taliban for money. Amir and Farid enter the orphanage asking where Sohrab is. The orphanage director tells them that a [Taliban official] visits once every month or two. He brings cash with him . . . .Usually he ll take a girl. But not always (Hosseini 256) implying that he gave Sohrab away. This event scars Sohrab and he becomes fearful of all orphanages because of the abusive experiences he had as a result of his previous orphanage. In the novel, Sohrab tells Amir that he is glad that his parents are not with him because he feels dirty and sinful about what the . . . bad man and the other two . . . did to him (Hosseini 320). After Sohrab s experience with both the orphanage and the Taliban, he begins to open up and become friends with Amir. As Sohrab starts to trust Amir, Amir makes a promise with Sohrab saying that he will never send him to an orphanage. During the process of adopting Sohrab, Amir realizes that the only way to adopt Sohrab is to send him to an orphanage. Amir tells Sohrab the news, and Sohrab reminds Amir of his promise by saying [y]ou promised you d never put me in one of those places, Amir agha (Hosseini 341). Betrayal by Amir causes Sohrab to become stressed, scared, and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Stereotypes Of The 21st Century Mostly every generation have something distinctive about it. Each generation could different one could be more politically active, another more self centered, another more pessimistic. Generation is when people are born and living at the same time, regarded collectively. The 21st century is very much more diverse and digital when looking at it we could also be self centered. This generation mostly update there lives on social media which some will would say that it that makes the generation more self conscious. Mobile technology, social media, and internet has advanced and increase throughout modern time also teens can spend most of their time on social media by communicating with other people on social media. A lot of people who are older think that the 21st generation overuse the internet some parents complain how they don t like when there kids always using the internet which makes the kid annoyed where there parents always complaining. Technology had ... Show more content on ... They use different types of word that mean something it pretty much a way to express themselves as a person. You would see a lot of slang words being used in text messages and social media like for example facebook, instagram, and twitter or even through music like hip hop and rap. A slang word people use is bae this what use when you call your boyfriend or girlfriend it is a shortened version of babe. Another way the 21st century use to communicate when also using slang is emojis this help you express how you feel when texting someone or posting something on social media. You would see a lot of emoji from people who have iphones or anything that is a apple product that have emojis there are others devices that have emoji but you would see more with apple product. Another thing is that we are always updated with the new technology that comes out like the new phone or a new game ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Pros And Cons Of Gun Control In The United States Controlling Our Guns is not the Way to go Being a daughter of a game warden and also growing up in the rural southern parts of Tennessee, I have always been exposed to firearms my entire life. There is a famous quote that is relevant to gun control, there are no bad guns, only bad men (Squires, 2002). Placing restrictions on firearms has been one of the biggest political affairs in not only America but other countries as well. Firearms in America make up $24 billion of our economy, therefore, we can say that guns play a major role in the U.S. Many people believe implementing gunlaws and regulations seems to be more of a disadvantage than an advantage to our country, because gun control has failed in places like Ireland and the United Kingdom.... Show more content on ... The definition of gun control involves politics, legislation, and how the use of firearms is being restricted (Charles, 2015). The main arguments over gun control is mainly a relationship between the state s powers to regulate public order over citizens (Spitzer, 1998). Controlling our guns does not reduce crime and violence which has been demonstrated by other countries such as Ireland and the United Kingdom and the United States government should look to those countries as examples. When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they wrote it based on justice and what was fair to the American people. The purpose of the Constitution is to be the law of the land, therefore, it establishes and maintains order for that provides a guiding hand for citizens (Spitzer, 1998). Laws banning firearms would only be followed by the law abiding. Citizens living in the United States have had access to guns since the beginning when they were used to hunt and gather food and as a mean of protection. Nowadays, hunting is still a sport enjoyed by millions, who already have many regulations that they must follow. When the Second Amendment was written, it was meant for everyone is the United States. Its intentions were for Americans to be able to protect themselves in times of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Descriptive Essay On Sinister Night Sinister Night The moon was covered by voluminous clouds, casting a gloomy setting of the dusk sky night. Gusts of wind swayed the greenery as the paved road separating the dense forest and an old neighborhood was decorated with wet spots from the light rain. Cold droplets of water penetrated through Giselle s sweater, making her shiver. She rubbed her arms in an attempt to make herself feel warmer while hurrying her step to get home. Of all the houses in the neighborhood, hers was the most unkempt. The small garden in front of her house was crippled, with every delicate flower in a dying stage. Pesky weeds sprouting from the dirt were the only source of green in her yard, while most of the windows had small cobwebs invading the corners. However, the most noticeable defect was the yellow house paint, chipping from harsh weather and unforgivable decades. In all, her house looked forsaken. Mom, I m home! she called, after walking through her front door. Giselle dropped her backpack on the couch, flicking the lights on beside her. Her living room came to life, as the light bounced off the beige walls. Unlike the outside of the house, the inside was pristine. A chimney sat in the center of the wall to the right side of her, giving a welcoming vibe. A couch was placed on the right side of the fireplace, covering a small section of the front window of the house, while another one sat parallel to the chimney, close to the door. She called her mother again, walking ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Plan For Get Climate Change Denial Into Schools Climate Change Denial Clare Foran author of The Plan to Get Climate Change Denial Into Schools writes about activist that want the education system of Texas to teach their children that climate change is an opinion rather that a fact. Emily McBurney, member of the Truth in Texas Textbooks coalition, is rating textbooks that do not meet her standards of education. She and other members are hoping that they influence the state not to purchase the material. That will serve about five million Texas public schools for at least a decade. Most parent want the best for their children and that includes an education, but how can they deny climate change and call it an opinion if there is sufficient evidence to say otherwise? Children should be ... Show more content on ... The entire world is experiencing these changes and it will not vanish just because some individuals are ignoring the causes. We have to face reality and admit that it is happening before we can change it. Some might argue that the Green House Effect is needed because it allows the earth to trap greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which are needed in order for the earth to stay warm and avoid extremes; however, it has never resulted in year that has been labeled to be the hottest year on record (Rampell). Some argue that it s just a part of the natural process the has been occurring since the beginning of time, the earth warms up and cools off it happens. However, not at such an alarming rates NASA has been looking at records that indicate that the warming trend over the last 50 years is nearly twice that for the last 100 years . Meaning the earth is warmer today than it was 100 years ago. The larger the amount of carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gasses, that is in the atmosphere the warmer the earth becomes (Talking to Children about Climate Change). Another member of the Truth in Texas Textbooks coalition, Karin Gililland, expressed that young children are vulnerable and what they hear they believe is the truth , which I agree when children are young they are like sponges and absorb all that is presented to them (Foran). However, they will be in a ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Peter Belisle Essay The sport of ice hockey is a family affair. This is something that Peter Belisle learned at an early age. Belisle s father, a coaching legend, turned the Belisle name into a hockey empire in New England through hockey camps and programs for players and top draft recruitment for the National Hockey League. Belisle himself spent his high schoolcareer playing for his father s team at Mount Saint Charles Academy in Rhode Island where he helped to lead the Mounties to two state championships as well as a national championship. Belisle was lucky enough to play under the coaching of his father, Bill, and older brother, Dave. Following high school, Belisle took his talent to the University of Connecticut, where he played on the men s ice hockey team throughout all four years of college. He ... Show more content on ... This past 2015 2016 season has been their best year yet as they made it to Lake Placid to play in the Frozen Four tournament. The secret to success? I pride myself on being a good communicator, Belisle explained, Motivation in communication is so big. You gotta be a bit more positive and you gotta motivate them to see why. Keeping a team motivated is no easy task and when asked what keeps Belisle himself motivated, he replied, It s the motivation from your family first, no question. There is no doubt that Peter Belisle has had a successful career. His experience as a student athlete and coach has helped him lead his team to success. However, it isn t the success that keeps him going, in the end it all comes down to his passion for the game. Belisle stated, I m so blessed, I love my job so much and I think that s the thing I m luckiest for. They say if you do what you love, you ll never work a day in your life. Belisle went on to emphasize that point, Do something you love and find your passion and that s what s driven me to be the best that I could ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Training At The Recruiting Station Essay Many people tend to think that our military branches are only comprised of limited occupations and jobs that support combat operations, but in reality, there is far more than that. For my project, I decided to observe and work with US Army Recruiting Station in Vestal, NY because recruiting stations are the first step any civilian has to take in order to serve their country. Working with the recruiting station was a great place for me to learn more about how the Army branch of the military is organized and how they complete their goals and objectives day to day. During my introduction with working at the recruiting station, I met Sergeant First Class Barriger who is Platoon sergeant and in charge of the army recruiting station. SFC Barriger told me they are part of the 1st Brigade of USAREC (United States Army Recruiting Command) which is in Fort Meade, Maryland. SFC Barriger is in charge of reporting to headquarters how many civilians the station recruited on a monthly basis. He is also responsible for getting orders from headquarters to ship out the recruits to Basic Combat Training and Advanced individual training. When I asked SFC Barriger how the station operated itself in an organizational manner, he explained how the duties in the recruiting station are set up and how everyone in his platoon shares different, essential responsibilities. By completing these various duties, a proper workflow is maintained so that civilians are more efficiently recruited and officers ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Consumer Behavior on Black Friday Running Head: Black Friday Consumer Behavior on Black Friday Abstract The purpose of this research is to examine consumer behavior on Black Friday. Black Friday is typically the busiest shopping day of the year, and it is all driven by the chance for consumers to save the most amount of money possible while getting their holiday shopping done. Research was done online, and also through personal experiences. By understanding what retailers and consumers hope to accomplish on this day can have a positive impact on everyone. Consumers are able to get what they want with the least amount of turmoil, and retailers are able to turn a profit. This research can be most helpful to merchants, as it will help them to understand what a consumer... Show more content on ... Attitudes People may get caught up in the excitement of the day, and that can help them to spend even more money. While waiting in line, customers at the front of the line seem to be excited and happy. However, at the end of the line, customers appear to be more frustrated and anxious. Some consumers plan their Black Friday shopping trips weeks in advance. There are many websites available for people to view Black Friday advertisements online, before they are supposed to be released to the public. Walmart has tried year after year for the advertisements not to be leaked, but they usually end up on these websites before they are supposed to (4 Years Strong: Walmart Sends Another Cease amp; Desist, 2011). Stores may not want to have their advertisements released early for a couple of reasons. First, consumers having the ability to research products and having too much time to explore all of their options may mean that consumers will not make as many spontaneous purchases on Black Friday. They also do not want to have their competition see their deals, and then have them beat their prices. Having the advertisements earlier though means consumers are able to plan what stores they want to go to, which may lead to less chaos on the actual day. People are motivated by saving money on Black Friday. Some consumers may even see it as a competition. For some, because there is only a limited selection available for many of the items that are ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Seattle Pitting Research Paper On March 23, 1954, Seattle newspapers reported citizens finding pits and glass bubbles within their car windshields at a town 80 miles from Seattle. Police investigated and initially brushed it off as vandalism, albeit without much proof. It did not seem like a serious case, after all...until more reports of similar damages popped up on April 14th from another town 65 miles away, and on that same evening, in Seattle itself. Hundreds of people phoned Seattle police between the 14th and 15th, reporting the same pittings and dings in their windshields. Seattle citizens entered a state of confusion and paranoia, to the point where the mayor had begun to look to President Eisenhower for help when not even the police could find the cause for this.... Show more content on ... Such dire sounding headlines only fueled the people s fear of nuclear war more. Upon hearing news of the affected fishermen and the sheer power of such H bombs, people began to fear not only of other countries, like Soviet Russia, planning to develop similar, if not more destructive hydrogen bombs, but American bomb testings affecting them. Following atmospheric testing of hydrogen bombs in 1954, people in and around Seattle, Washington began to report mysterious pitting damage to auto windshields. [...] The incident was shortly followed by a nationwide rush to buy fallout shelter plans (Miller 136) The H bomb testings seemingly spelling doom, according to 1950s media, did not help survival plans make people feel any safer, either. The film, Duck and Cover, was shown to schoolchildren beginning in 1950. The cartoon turtle, the cheerful theme song, and the practical advice were supposed to reassure children who might worry about an atomic attack. Instead, the images of little Johnny diving off his bicycle convinced children that the bombs could fall at any moment and gave them nightmares (Walbert). The 1950s was a time where many were scared of being under nuclear attack, children and adults alike. Thus, the unexplainable windshield pittings in Seattle had people easily jumping to a conclusion of nuclear fallout being behind the pittings. Those in Seattle who were in support of this view ... claimed that they found tiny, metallic looking particles about the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. My Passion For Beauty Since a young age, my life has been centered on artistic expression and a fascination for beauty. At the age of 9, I told my scientist mother and mathematician father that I wanted to be a ballerina. My parents were always big supporters of the arts, and encouraged me to try many creative outlets. They had no notion that my weekly balletand tap classes would turn into a career to prosper. From that moment on, my life revolved around ballet. I loved every minute of the self expression and precession that ballet gave me that all of the sacrifices felt worthwhile. From 12 years old and on, I spent my days training for 8 to 10 hours, filling any free time with schoolwork through my online school, The Keystone School. I was constantly surrounded by musicians, costume designers, set designers, and other performing artists that were also forgoing a normal life to honor their craft. I spent almost every summer of my high schoolyears in New York City attending classed during the day at Lincoln Center with The School of American Ballet and The BolshoiBallet Summer Intensive, while spending my evenings in awe of the professional dancers performing at The Met. For four years, I competed as a finalist at Youth America Grand Prix, having opportunity to compete with the other top ballet dancers from all over the world. Although I m forever grateful for the opportunities ballet brought me, like many dancers, I eventually became burned out by being overworked in a career I had little ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Kennewick Man Study Did you know that the Natives took hold of ancient bones that probably weren t even Native? Some people found a full skeleton a that s about 10,000 years old at the bottom of the Columbia River. The Natives claimed that the old bones were their ancestor and took the bones to the buried. When the bones were found they were turned to scientists to study them. It was found out that were not of Native ancestors. In a 19 year battle the Native Americans won the battle and the bones were buried. We could ve studied the bones to learn more about the place we live in. This issue is important because in the constitution it reads ...And without unnecessary delay. but obviously it was delayed 19 years. Kennewick Man should not be repatriated because we don t even know if the bones are Native and in section 10 of the Washington constitution it says ...Without unnecessary delay. Also, we could learn more about washington through the bones. Kennewick man should be studied because the evidence shows the bones are not Native. According to the article Kennewick Man it reads Many of the characteristics... Show more content on ... They are wrong because the bones could ve moved and the skeleton didn t match the Native s features. In the article Kennewick Man it reads We cannot know if this individual is anyone s ancestor. (Chatters 2) Why should the Natives get bones that don t even belong to them? Kennewick man should not be repatriated because we don t even know if he is Native and the case was delayed, and we could learn much more about washington through Kennewick Man. There are many different pieces of evidence that supports that Kennewick Man is not Native. The constitution delayed the case a whole lot. Finally, the DNA was all intact so we could learn a lot about Washington. We should sign a petition to have Kennewick Man back in scientists hands! The possibilities are endless with our new ways of studying and ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Revenge and Hatred in Sylvia Plath s Daddy Essay Revenge and Hatred in Plath s Daddy The power of Plath s Daddy to threaten, shock and move the reader remains undiminished, years after it was written. To the unsuspecting reader, the experience of first reading Daddy is a confusion of discomfort, excitement and guilty pleasure, for the pleasures of revenge are said to be sweet, and this is a revenge poem of the first rank. Revenge upon whom? Father? Perhaps, more likely, upon her husband. And her aim was true, for if anything Plathwrote damaged Ted Hughes for posterity, Daddy is it. From this poem, we gather our indelible impressions of Hughes as a brute, a wife beater, a vampire, even an implied racist and murderer (if we extend the Hitler metaphor to its fullest implications) ... Show more content on ... it literally rocked the moral fiber of the world, and we?re still reeling (if more jaded). It was a subject on fire in the public imagination at the time. Plath?s appropriation of Holocaust imagery for her own ends, which strikes so many as grossly inappropriate, can perhaps be interpreted as stemming from that initial horrified zeitgeist. Perhaps she felt she was raising consciousness and expressing solidarity of a sort. Her remarks in her interview with Peter Orr about making her poetry relevant can be looked at from such an angle. Of course, the other point of view is that she was stealing other people s real tragedy and tacking it on to her own little psychic turbulence for shock value and good visceral punch to the reader s gut. I think we must always keep in mind that Plath, to A. Alvarez, referred to this poem (and Lady Lazarus , a piece even more riddled with Holocaust imagery) as a bit of light verse. Was she being sarcastic? Reading Alvarez s memoir, I think he felt she was quite serious. So what on earth does that tell us about this poet? I do think it implies a profound self absorption and narcissism. Chuffing me off like a Jew the callousness of this poem, if one stops to think about it (and it s very hard to do so while in the poem s grip), is appalling. Its ramifications are endless where ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Most Retarded Book Report First of all, I want to tell you that this the most retarded book I ve ever read in my entire eighteen years of being alive. Not only did I spend hours after working and going to school trying to read this book so I could do this report. It was really hard to stay intact to a book that doesn t make much sense anyways much less at 11:30 PM at night. There are lots of things that contribute into a good reading experience. A few of them being, you have to want to read the book. You also have to pick a good time where you can focus on the book. Also, you need to be able to evaluate every couple of pages to make sure that your understanding what s happening in the story. In the book I read there s this part where he falls in love with the common ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Duality Of The Mind In Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde 11 Mr. Schmid English 10 October 21th One Body, Two Minds Is someone s appearance an accurate definition of who they are? Do people s circumstances affect the way they interact with themselves and others? Are we products of our environments? Arguably, it is human nature to be shaped and formed by our surroundings, to be changed by our environments in ways that we may not expect. The same can be seen in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, novella written by Robert Louis Stevenson, and Psycho, a film directed by the renowned Alfred Hitchcock. The basis of both stories is the duality of the mind, and how society molds the alter personality. Thus, in both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Psycho, Robert Louis Stevenson and Alfred Hitchcock use diction and symbolism to illustrate how society shapes an individual s mind, leading to the creation of two personalities. Robert Louis Stevenson uses diction in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to show how Dr. Jekyll s mind was molded by the strict moral standards of the 18th century Victorian society. Dr. Jekyll is described as a respectable and important man in society; he is viewed by the people around him as reputable and holds high regard for his fellowmen. On the surface, Dr. Jekyll seems like a morally upstanding ... Show more content on ... In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson uses symbolism to convey the theme through out the story, but specifically on page 65: It was the first time that the lawyer had been received in that part of his friend s quarters and he eyed the dingy, windowless structure with curiosity, and gazed round with a tasteful sense of strangeness as he crossed the theatre, once crowded with eager students and now lying gaunt and silent, the table laden with chemical apparatus, the floor strewn with crates and littered with packing straw, and the light falling dimly through the foggy cupola. (Stevenson ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay About The Musician About the Musician On October 20th, an interview was held with Mark Stransky at UnityPoint Meriter Hospital in the chapel. Stransky has worked in health care for over fourteen years doing fitness and physical therapy work. Stransky has been holding events at UnityPoint Meriter Hospital called the Music and Healing Events. According to Stransky, he started these events, three years ago, it was August of 2014 and the reason I did that is because I ve always been playing piano and I would take our patients down here on lunch break or after work and just play for them and they really seem to enjoy it and benefit from it and then I would notice that when I would work with them in PT settings afterwards they were more responsive so I thought... Show more content on ... Stransky played the song, Walk this Way, by Aerosmith to motivate the patient. This song went on to being her theme song as she continued her rehabilitation. About the Music It is in these events that Stransky performs all original pieces on the piano by memory. These pieces that are written by Stransky, have to do with past experiences, nature, or people he holds dear to him. The pieces he writes, he wants to be relatable for all and any who decide to come listen at one of these events. At the event, Stransky will then give a brief overview of each piece discussing the meaning behind the song. With having a set list for each concert, Stransky has to pick which song he will perform for prior to the event. When asked in regards how does he decide what songs to put on his set list, Stransky responded by saying, I want music that people can relate to on a number of levels so I know that they re going through some medical issues that are really difficult so I want to allow them to feel that sort of sadness and difficulty of that but I don t want to bring them so down the hill they can t get up again so then I ll put in some pieces that are kind of bouncy and uplifting and encouraging and then they seem to respond to that mix. This makes Stransky s performances personalized to each event held. The difference of temp in songs, allow the audience to experience many emotions throughout the concert. These emotions have even ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay about Object Permanence in Childern Object Permanence in Childern Often, research articles are composed of results of new findings and past research. Experimental psychology relies heavily on the researcher s ability to further expand previous research conducted. Child psychology, in particular, is constantly building unto old research in hopes of uncovering more knowledge about children. More specifically, Baillargeon s article Object Permanence in 3 ВЅ and 4 ВЅ Month Old Infants is an example of one researcher utilizing proven research from another. In this case, Baillargeon uses DeLoache s article Rate of Habituation and Visual Memory in Infants to unveil more ground about the understanding of object permanence in infants. DeLoache s found that infants ... Show more content on ... The possible event was a box in plain view, which slowly disappeared by the rotating screen until the screen leaned right up against the box at 112*. The infants spent more time looking at the impossible event, which suggests that they understood that the object couldn t have disappeared. Conversely, the infants spent less time looking at the possible event, which suggests that this event was not interesting to them because they knew that the object had permanence. Therefore, some 3 ВЅ months old and 4 ВЅ months old do have object permanence. In order to set up a valid experiment, one must make sure all the aspects of the experiment are solid. Baillargeon set up an experiment that concentrated on object permanence, because she used proven facts from other researchers. The reason Baillargeon used DeLoache s article in her research was to validate one of her experiments that didn t perform the way she expected. DeLoache s article states that infants habituate at different times, some fast and some slow, but all infants are able to habituate to the same level. Thus, once habituated properly, no matter how many tries, both fast and slow habituates are able to perform the same way. This interested Baillargeon because in one of her experiments, the infants who habituated slower weren t able to tell the impossible and possible events apart. As she explained, Their patterns were not unexpected, because rate of habituation is known to relate to ... Get more on ...
  • 36. How Technology Has Changed Real Time Digital Operations пЂ Abstract VLSI technology has been the cornerstone of every technological achievement in the past century, but as Gordon Moore predicted it is nearing its saturation. A lot of other technologies have been researched upon to fulfill the needs of the fast paced world; one of the potential replacements is Quantum Dots Cellular Automata technology which uses Nano sized particles to realize real time digital operations. The advantage of QCA technology over its VLSI counterpart is a set of characteristics like drastic decrease in area consumed, less power consumption, reduced time taken for execution and higher overall efficiency. In this paper we discuss one of the many fundamental blocks of the digital technology that is a simple Serial register (SISO, SIPO). It finds its applications in every field be it medical where timer based equipment s are used to monitor health or any day to day activity in which a memory unit is used. Index Terms Serial register, QCA technology, Quantum dot , VLSI Technology. I. INTRODUCTION NE of the most promising nanotechnologies in the present day scenario in a pool of various technologies in the research phase is Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) which is able to replace the CMOS technology. As we see in the current scenario there is rapid scaling of CMOS technology to accommodate millions, now probably billions of transistors in a specified area as efficiently as possible. As predicted by Gordon Moore, in the next few years CMOS is set to hit a ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Cvs Caremark Case Study The Financial destinations of CVS Caremark are to realize ICD 10 coding and electronic wellbeing records (HER), control inward spending and impact outcast payers inside the accompanying 3 5 years. These destinations are fundamental in ensuring that CVS Caremark works in perspective of the present movement in advancement consequently organizing current standards and workplaces set up in most medicinal services affiliations. Registering cost of centered budgetary destinations. Choosing the cost of different budgetary objectives is a fundamental framework that can incite achievement of needed cash related target. Cost check should be adequately versatile to alter future money related fluctuations and Companies helper changes. Finding out ... Show more content on ... Following manages the two assets and salary which outline the most fundamental parts inside the Company. Fitting after recognizes frail areas that require change and likewise inspecting capability of various operations that expect criticalness part in the achievement of CVS Caremark cash related goals. Getting effective peril examination and organization is basic in seeing up and coming potential outcomes and give an examination of the possible adversities if the hazard happens. Honest to goodness peril assessment will engage CVS Caremark to create with a business influence examination and along these lines beginning budgetary risk mitigation measures, for instance, chance avoidance and transference. Resources are critical gadgets used in the midst of achievement of Companies cash related goals and targets. CVS Caremark can utilize Human, budgetary and physical resources for enable the Company to achieve its normal cash related goals. HR, for instance, specialists and specialists used to set and work EHR system. CVS Caremark should have sufficient cash related advantages for enable them complete their approachs capably. The Company requires resources, for instance, working environments and equipment to energize smooth execution of electronic wellbeing systems as a noteworthy part of its ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Ain T I A Woman Analysis Both poems, Ain t I a Woman and at the cemetery, walnut grove plantation, south carolina, 1989, were written by African American women that have left a large impression on how we read and interpret African American literature today. Ain t I a Woman was spoken by Sojourner Truth, and was advocating for women s rights. The poem, at the cemetery, walnut grove plantation, south carolina, 1989, was written by Lucille Clifton, and was intended to bring honor to the dead slaves. Both pieces of work have their own unique style of writingand purpose. Both the poem, by Lucille Clifton, and oration, by Sojourner Truth, are effective as a means of exposing social injustice and as a means of diminishing social injustice. Both Ain t I a Woman, by Lucille... Show more content on ... In at the cemetery, walnut grove plantation, south carolina, 1989, by Lucille Clifton, the purpose is to expose the injustice that has happened to the dead slaves. The slaves were buried without any gravestone and the women were not even counted when the owner of the plantation wrote down his inventory. This injustice is what pushed Lucille Clifton to write this poem. In the poem, Clifton attempts to draw attention to the fact that the honor was taken from the slaves, after their deaths, and Clifton tries to restore the honor that was stolen from the slaves. However, in Ain t I a Woman the purpose was to expose the inequalities of an African Americanwoman during Truth s life. In Truth s speech she mentions how other women should be lifted over ditches, helped into carriages, and have the best place but she gets none of this. Truth is comparing how other women are treated to how she is treated. This best shows Truth s purpose of exposing the inequality between African American women and other groups of people. In both, the poem by Lucille Clifton and the speech by Sojourner Truth the purpose is to expose a certain ... Get more on ...
  • 39. United States Health Care System Essay 17 Nov 2006 US Health Care System: Does the Public Get the Best Return vs. Investment The United States spends more of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on healthcare then any other industrialized country in the world and because of this one would think that the U.S. provides one of the top universal healthcare plans for all citizens without health insurance. Furthermore, the U.S. s overall health system performance is 37 out of 191 (qtd in U.S. Census Bureau), obviously 37 out of 191 is horrible especially because of the investment made by tax paying citizens. This problem affects a massive amount of Americans. Approximately 40 million Americans are without health insurance and because of the increasing expenditures the numbers of ... Show more content on ... Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas rapidly sparked interest into other states in the U.S., for instance, in 1934 the Washington Hospital formed Group Hospitalization Inc.,other states quickly followed and by 1942 Group Hospitalization Inc. was sanctioned to use the Blue Cross service mark (qtd in A division of...). The Second World War may have been a motivation force in the connection between employment and health insurance. Although the U.S. government did not become involved in WWII until approximately 1941, mobilization for our involvement began much earlier. In preparation for our war involvement American employers started offering their employees health insurance as a benefit, in hopes to increase the companies employment. This idea decreased the likelihood that only the sick would enroll in health plans and it also decreased the administrative costs of individually sold plans. Due to the employer offered health care, the country seen a tremendous jump in hospital enrollment. The number of citizens enrolled in hospitals increased from 7 million to 26 million, which was mainly held by Blue Cross. At the end of WWII many labor unions began to bargain for health benefits. The National Labor Relations Act required that management bargain with unions for health care benefits. The Supreme Court in 1940 ruled that benefit plans including health benefits fell under conditions of employment. By the mid 1950 s over 60% of the U.S. s ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Ethics In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein During this presentation we will explore some of the key morals and ethics of medical science presented in Mary Shelley s Frankenstein. On January 1st 2018 the tale of Frankenstein will have been around for 200 years. However, his legacy, as we know, will continue almost indefinitely. Ironically, achieving what Victor Frankenstein was unable, physically, to do: preserve life. Mary Shelley s novel has fascinated millions for its many controversial topics, the most intriguing and debate inducing, being the moral questions that it presents. By many, Mary Shelley s Frankenstein can be seen as a warning towards any new type of scientific research being developed. For myself, and many others, it is not only this but a book of morals to learn from. ... Show more content on ... Doctor David B. Resnik generally describes these basic rules in his online article: What is Ethics in Research Why is it Important? . Out of the 16 rules stated Frankenstein breaks 7: honesty, carefulness, openness, social responsibility, legality, animal care and most noticeably human subjects protection. Dr. Resnik describes Human Subjects Protection as: minimize harms and risks and maximize benefits; respect human dignity, privacy, and autonomy; take special precautions with vulnerable populations . As we know this is not what happens. Due to, what I believe to be, Victor s God Complex he takes it upon himself to create an entirely new species (Shelley, 44) and in doing so maximises the harms and risks to his human and animal communities, as he is unaware of the nature of his creation or what dangerous power it could possess. Not only this but by creating his monster he makes it vulnerable to the world it is born into as it was made as a solitary creature, with no special precautions taken to protect it. As well as this, the process of Victor s scientific experiment completely disregards any ideas of respecting human dignity, privacy, and autonomy as he, in his own words, collected bones from charnel houses, and disturbed, with profane fingers, the tremendous secrets of the human frame (Shelley, ... Get more on ...
  • 41. What Is The Impact Of Tolkien s Middle Earth On Popular... Throughout the epic tales described in J.R.R. Tolkien s Lord of the Rings, as well as in The Hobbit and The Silmarillion, philology and language prove to be important aspects of creating a fictional universe of which has become irrevocably interlaced with mainstream culture. This is significant as Tolkien s works are one of very few literary ventures that has been successful at applying a realness to the fictional imaginative eloquently enough to appeal and resonate so deeply within popular culture, similar only to that of J.K. Rowling s Harry Potter and George Lucas Star Wars. In fact, Tolkien set a precedence for modern fiction through his creation of a vast world of imaginary, but detailed locations created solely as a home for his artificial... Show more content on ... Tolkien s literary works have been shaped by a genuine interest in creating a realistic fictional phenomena. According to Tolkien s biography, by a young age he had mastered the Latin and Greek which was the staple fare of an arts education at that time, and was becoming more than competent in a number of other languages, both modern and ancient, notably Gothic, and later Finnish, and began creating languages purely for fun (David Doughan MBE). It seems that Tolkien s early interest stemmed from watching coal trucks going to and from South Wales bearing destinations like Nantyglo , Penrhiwceiber and Senghenydd from his home in King s Heath (David Doughan MBE). In fact, it was Tolkien s early interest in linguistics which caused him to embark on the challenge of creating a world for his artificial languages, making them the most prevalent aspects of his works. Tolkien, whom studied linguistics before eventually becoming an author, wrote in one of his letters, now known as letter 205, that The invention of languages is the foundation. The stories were made rather to provide a world for the languages than the reverse. [. . .] It is to me, anyway, largely an essay in linguistic aesthetic , as I sometimes say to people who ask me what is it all about (Carpenter 219 220). During his later life, Tolkien continued his work with linguistics by becoming a professor of Anglo Saxon and English literature ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay On Latter Day Saints Member of the church prefer to be recognized as Latter Day Saints though there are many different ways to call them both politely and discriminatory. The above way is however the most common and acceptable. The church of Jesus Christ for latter day saints was made official in 1830 by Joseph Smith he and another man by the name of James J Strang would go on to change the name in different ways over the years until there deaths. The church was formed in New York April,6 1830 It is said that James S strang claimed he was ordained by angels and asked to take over the matriarch for the church and he felt Joseph Smiths presence this claim just so happened to take place the same hour Joseph Smith was murdered even though he and James were over 200 miles away from each other . Members of the church have... Show more content on ... Latter day saints are just your typical Mormons there group is scarce and not very many exist at least not big in numbers but they are slowly growing and are welcome to take in more members .they don t ask for a lot when you join besides faith, repentance and baptism. When you marry you marry for life it is believed in this religion that trust in god is also trust in your marriage and should not be broken in any way if you marry you stay married and it is for life they also don t want to see children get hurt in the case of a broken marriage . This religion also practices polygamy in some forms but members were not reported to have more than four or five wives and it was a choice you did not have to be a polygamist . Latter Day Saints believe the bible to be the word of god so long as it is translated correctly in proper context they also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God . They believe in Baptism for the dead but only for members who have died in close relative to another member and has also taken seriously both there faith and studies for the religion ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The New Rules Prevent Investors From The Stock Market Despite HFT obviously has many positive impact on market, like increased liquidity, improved market efficiency even increased fee for exchanges. Regulators more concern about risk come from HFT in China s equity market. Though, some risks or negative impacts not really come from high frequency traders. As show in the above example, investors were restricted open a position less than 10 lots result in transaction volume shrank. The new rules prevent investors from participating in the market. Fewer investors will lead to the price distortion. HFT is not the enemy of stock market. If Chinese authorities want the market more healthy, they should hold a positive attitude toward HFT considering HFT has been gaining global popularity. HFT in other Asia security market Japan According to statistics from Bank of Japan, HFT account for more than 50 percent in Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) in September 2012, which is the second largest sock exchange in Asia. Rather than attempting to restrict HFT in the market, Japan has made upgrades to its trading system Arrowhead to embrace HFT. Arrowhead brings millisecond level speeds to both transactions and market information distribution, achieves an order execution time of 5 milliseconds and distributes information in 3 milliseconds5. It also distributes all order information on all issues in real time. High frequency traders could get benefit from this real time access to all order and quote data. In addition, Japan stock market is the ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Child Trauma A number of children around the world are commonly exposed to some form of trauma which can include physical, sexual and emotional abuse (Wethington et al., 2008). This paper will be focusing on children between the ages of four to twelve years old who had experienced trauma. For that reason, the paper will be focusing on art and play therapy as being effective in working with traumatized children. This paper will begin with the discussion of the importance of knowing and having an understanding of how trauma affects children along with being aware of approaches that can be used including art and play therapy. From there, the paper will get in detail about trauma including what it is and what kind of impact it can have on children who have... Show more content on ... Release play therapy involves the therapist picking out toys that relate to a child s traumatic experience as a way to help the child to play out a particular situation (Ogawa, 2004). With this process, a child can communicate their feelings and struggles in a safe environment (Ogawa, 2004). In child centered play therapy, communication takes place through the therapeutic relationship between the therapist and child (Ogawa, 2004). As a result, this kind of therapy requires a therapist to be genuine, show unconditional positive acceptance and express empathy (Ogawa, 2004). The belief in this approach is that children have an inborn ability to adjust and grow (Ogawa, 2004). During therapy, children are the ones who decide how to deal with their own experiences and gain control (Ogawa, 2004). The children decide what kind of play they are willing to use for personal expression (Ogawa, 2004). Overall, both these approaches that consist of either a directed or non directed approach are great with working with children who have experienced ... Get more on ...
  • 45. School Council Meeting Report I am grateful for the opportunity to attend the council s meeting. I was a little nervous about this assignment because I never been to a meeting and I never ask to interview a council member, so I went down to my local city hall and inquired some information about what day and time the council meetings are held. So I chose to go to the meetingto get some insight on what really goes on at a council meeting. I did want to interview a committee member because I was afraid that they would decline the offer, but my plan is to talk to a council person if time permitted. All council meetings are held at the Tupelo City Hall 71 East Troy St., Tupelo Mississippi 38804. The council meetings are held twice a month every first and third Tuesday at ... Show more content on ... If the rules are not followed, then that individual(s) can be escorted from the building. The president read the names of those who seek to voice their opinions but no one showed up, so the meeting continued with the next agenda task. The Citizens Hearing: One citizen spoke about the scrutiny that the Tupelo Police Department is facing regarding multiple acts racial discrimination done by their department. The meeting closed with remarks from each member for last minute remarks, if there were no remarks then the meeting was adjourned until the next the business session. The meeting lasted about an hour and I got a chance to speak with Councilwoman Nettie Davis over Ward four. She explained her purpose for being on the board, which includes bringing much needed resources to her historically black community, cleaned up the parks in the area and she wants to make sure their community is fairly treated as the rest of the Tupelo ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Nutty Potty Research Paper The Squatty Potty will Revolutionize the way people go number two. The way in which the west use the restroom is the wrong way. There are many health issues that are directly related to the posture toilets put you in. The sitting position toilets puts you in is bad for your health. This sitting posture often attributes to colitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, colon cancer, and appendicitis. The cause of this directly, is the Puborectalis muscle which has the purpose of clinching the vaginal and anal orifices in the body. When sitting on the toilet the Puborectalis muscle is only partially relaxed which causes a bend When we re sitting this bend, called the anorectal angle, is kinked which puts upward pressure on the rectum and keeps the feces inside. This... Show more content on ... This is something that the inventor of the Squatty Potty said Physiologically, we are designed to squat. I think a great example can be seen in children that are still in diapers who squat to poop. Many of them then struggle to poop when sitting on training toilets because it is unnatural they instinctively squat. The Squatty Potty has shown that using it gets the job done normally two times as fast, which everyone would want it to go by faster. Research has shown using the Squatty Potty can also be a noninvasive treatment for hemorrhoids, if it is continually used instead of sitting normally on the toilet. It can also help pregnant women by relieving pressure on the uterus that would otherwise be caused from sitting on the toilet. The Squatty Potty uses the thighs to help support the colon to prevent pelvic organ prolapse, hernias and diverticulitis. The Squatty Potty comes in 7 to 9 for people with different heights, it is made for everyone of all sizes. The Squatty Potty fits perfectly under most modern toilets for little space consumption, and easy ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Descriptive Essay On Velvet Antonio Noyola Velvet I sit upright, gasping, trying to remember where I am and how I got here. Wherever I am is pitch black As I search my mind, I hear a groan from nearby. I look in the direction it came from, and make out through the darkness the shape of a teenage human lying on the ground, bleeding. Josh. All of a sudden his name comes to me. I realize I don t remember my own name. Josh s eyes are shut. Soon my eyes began to adjust to the darkness. I see that we appear to be in a large room with nice, wood and velvet furniture. There is no entrance or exit. Josh make a noise, so I turn and see that he s awake. He looks at me and asks me where we are, but because I don t know myself, I don t answer. I look at a paint on the wall of a... Show more content on ... As soon as I leave the room, a black blade slices through the darkness a cuts my head off. I wake up in a dark room full of broken pieces of wooden furniture and velvet cushions. I realize I have forgotten most of my memory. I think to myself what truths I know. My name is Rose. I am nine years old. My mother died In a car crash. I live with my dad and my brother. I try to recall my brother s name. Johnathan? Jim? James? But I can t seem to remember. I try to see if there is an exit to this dark room, but I cannot locate a door. I here a groan in the distance, I consider shouting for help but I decide against it. I look at the destroyed furniture and notice that there is a single, unbroken chair in the heap of debris. As soon as I glance at it, I feel the sudden, crazy urge to sit in it, so I slowly walk over to the chair. As I get closer to the chair, I notice that a message is carved into it, and the letters glow red. Et occious est. At first it confuses me, but the the meaning hits me. I was murders. A scream builds up in my lungs and I let it loose, shrieking as loud as I can. A voice rings inside of my head. Hello young one. I slammed into the walls by an unknown force. I try to scream, but black smoke enters my lungs, filling them, trying to make the burst. I feel my body start to shut down as I begin to slip into unconsciousness. I try to scream again, but instead the noise that came out of my mouth was crazed, insane laughter, and with each ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Curious Travels Of A Language Geek I attended Culture Thursday where Michael Bach was presenting Curious Travels of a Language Geek (Bach, 2014) via video lecture from Kodiak Island, Alaska. Michael discussed the Alutiiq language and culture that the Kodiak Island and the southern part of Alaska once flourished with. Michael is a fluent speaker of Alutiiq and is on a crusade to revitalize the Alutiiq language and culture in Alaska. He is a Staples native and through his study abroad, travels, and time in the Air force he developed a love of language learning. Alaska is a diverse culture including 11 different Alaskan native cultures. Of these 11 cultures, there are 22 languages or dialects spoken. In Kodiak Alaska, water gives life to the people and land. The Alutiiq people are Native Alaskan in decent and are closely related to the Navaho. Through the colonization, the Alutiiq s culture changed first by the Russians and then the Americans. Even though Alaska is an American state Russian culture and heritage is influenced in the buildings, food, and even language still today. Alutiiq were and still are fisherman and hunted not only fish like halibut and cod but also seals and sea lions. Alutiiq hungers would wear wooden visors made of sea lion whiskers. The more whiskers on the visor, the more pride in the number of kills they acquired. Typical dress for the Alutiiq people was skins with natural dyes. They were adorned with feathers, puffin beaks, ivory, bone, and wooden figures. Ceremonies and ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) SARS, also known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, caused a major epidemic in 2002 2003. The virus had originated in the middle east area from a mammal group handled and bred in the first effect area. The virus had developed and was transmitted to the people handling the animals. The handlers would contract the virus and then would spread it to others around them. The disease was able to be transferred or passed on to others by means of close contact and or the air. The virus itself was not noticeable unless tested or until it had further developed. Anyone who had contracted the disease only showed flu like symptoms when first diagnosed with the virus. However, these would soon worsen and even take the lives of people. Though it only affected... Show more content on ... Though it had traveled to a multitude of areas, only about six of the thirty or so locations saw severe cases of SARS at their medical centers. The disease itself did not contaminate only the middle east, but had traveled to places such was North America, South America ,and Europe Out of the affected areas, about twenty percent of the people who contracted the virus were healthcare workers, such as doctors, nurses, family doctors and specialist. The spreading of the virus seemed to follow its own pattern. The first stage would start with infected people coming to the hospital with more severe cases. These hospitalized cases would than in turn enter the second stage of transmission. The health care workers themselves would than get affected due to have close contact with the patients and breathing contaminated air. Seeing as the virus was transmitted via close contact and the air. Being around the ill patients allowed the virus to enter the workers bodies. Seeing as health workers worked not only with just those patients any other patients who interacted with that health care taker could also contract the virus. This was the third stage of the outbreak. Not only did the patients already have to deal with their own problems, nurses and staff could also infect them with this horrible disease that know one had known the effects of or if it was ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Heroin Intervention Paper Introduction The research discussed in this paper explores the impact of heroin on the population as well as its impact on the methods healthcare workers use to treat the individuals who are struggling with this addiction. Three articles were analyzed to determine the influence of this issue on society as well as how nurse led rehabilitation can be utilized to improve client outcomes and reduce relapse. This epidemic is quickly becoming one of the leading causes of death in the United States as well as the rest of the world, and as a result new interventions and ideas must be taken into consideration to help improve the outcomes of treatment. Heroinuse in the general population has increased from 373,000 in 2007 to 914,000 in 2014 and drug... Show more content on ... An issue in the healthcare field when discussing drug dependence in the patient population is the stigma that follows these individuals. These patients are struggling with an addiction process that most nurses and other healthcare workers do not completely understand. As a result of this disconnect between patient and nurse there is often a lack of truthful communication from the patient for fear of having this stigma affect the treatment they receive. In this article a real situation was discussed in which a patient was not properly medicated for pain after a cholecystectomy based on the knowledge of the healthcare staff pertaining to her utilization of the Community Alcohol and Drug Services program. This individual was stigmatized and put through intense pain based on the decisions made by staff that who took it upon themselves to make choices for her because of her past opiate use (Hughes and McKay, 2012). This example notes the poor ethical treatment of a patient pain based on discriminatory judgment by the health care ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Tully s Marketing Plan Tully s Marketing Plan Brand Vision The vision of Tully s is to have the best tasting coffee at the best value. Tully s is truly a company that gives back to its customers and communities within the regions they have stores. They have handcrafted their coffee from day one of the brand and will continue to do until the doors close. They make no apologies for longer wait times because perfect coffee is on the end of each wait. Brand Definition The Tully s Brand definition is to provide the world s ultimate coffee experience with the highest quality products and service. They are all about quality not quantity. They want this vision each time you hear or see the name Tully s. Each step of roasting harvesting, creating drinks to ... Show more content on ... They are taking this brand outside of the US and are keeping current Tully s from closing. They love their employees and their customers and want to do the right thing by them not just what puts money in their pockets. This brand will always be a part of Seattle history and I think the owners will be able to tell its story to their grandchildren about how they saved a bad cup of Joe . Tully s is truly on its way up and out of the dark cloud of it s past. Tully s company overall has a great relationship within its four walls. Each department has a relationship with the next because often there are many people that wear many different hats, meaning they work in multiple offices. This is done on purpose so that each department talks to each other. So for the marketing department and sale department this is no different. Within these two departments they work closely together on creating relationships with customers here in the U.S. and overseas. Part of the Tully s brand is that they help aid communities that they operate in and this is part of their missions and vision so this turns into a sale pitch to the public. They use community aid to sales their product just as much as they love doing the work that shows their care of the world around them. Working together in this visions helps each department individually and together build a strong brand name. The sales team in turn supports marketing in that the vision of ... Get more on ...
  • 52. The Giver Dystopian In our English class we read The Giver . Usually novels that are obligatory at school tend to be boring or too technical, but honestly this novel was different. I loved it. From the first chapter I wanted to continue till the end. I was mesmerized by the core topic and once we analyzed it, that s when I decided I would choose this as my written task topic. What is a utopia actually? A utopia by definition means a perfect world with no flaws where everyone lives a perfect life. In the book The Giver people discuss whether it s a utopian setting or a dystopian setting. A dystopiais the exact opposite of utopia. A world that is imperfect with flaws. Basically, the world we live in. We live with war and pain and with a political system full of flaws. Whereas a utopian world is an imaginary world, best described as paradise. I chose to write my own utopia, a small short story ... Show more content on ... Well because my people have to experience everything; the heat of the sun, the freezing cold of the snow, and sunny days in the fall. There are certain rules in my world. Families here can only have two children to avoid mass population and anything that contributes to global warming does not exist. We have a good education system where pupils are divided in groups to learn only what they want. They start school at the age of ten and have two years to learn all subjects. They then decide what they want to study to perfect it. I have tried to simplify life for my people and don t want them to suffer. Everyone gets a job and no one is homeless. People get paid the same and live like one. I don t differ between men and women. I don t have rich or poor. They are all equal. As for the political system we follow democracy as you would call it but our motto here is live life to the fullest. We have acres of lands and everyone is taught the art of farming so as to avoid hunger. Our food is all freshly grown, so people avoid eating unhealthy ... Get more on ...
  • 53. White People In Sports Essay White people did not allow black people at first in the sport activity. White people did not want to have any contact with black community. Black people were only allowed to have their own leagues. They were not allowed to be in the leagues that they had white athletes. The black people could only compete with themselves. It was very hard for black peopleto even have any competition with other races in that period of time. After a while when white peoplestarted noticing that black people were actually very good at sports, at first they tried to not let them compete with white people. After some time that black people compete with white people, then they were sure that black people were actually better than white people at specific sports. ... Get more on ...
  • 54. The Political Culture Of Politics The term politics itself has changed over many years. To ask if the evolution of political culture changes how people participate in politics is simple. The answer is yes. To begin with, let s define political culture; Authors define the term political culture as the particular distribution of patterns of orientation towards political objects among the members of a nation (Almond and Verba 1963: 13 cited in Welzel and Inglehart, 2014 p.285). Now let s define culture; the term culture covers a broad set of phenomena. It includes traditions, habits, and patterns of behaviour shaped by a society s prevailing beliefs, norms and values (Nolan and Lenski, 1999 cited in Welzel and Inglehart, 2014 p.285). Taking this into account, examples of culture could be how to play hopscotch in a playground or following the rules to a game of tennis or badminton. To address the question, this essay will firstly assess how any capable individual is able to participate in politics and secondly if the growth of political culture has increased or decreased participation. A question that is frequently asked is how can one be involved in politics? There are many options. One option can be by joining a political party which interests them and that has a good manifesto with policies that they would like to see take place and therefore taking part in elections and voting. A second option can be by being part of a pressure group for example, one that represents those against smoking called ... Get more on ...