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In Bloom Personalised Letter Writing Stationery Set Only In Bloom Personalised Letter Writing Stationery Set
Intubated Patients Develop Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
Critically ill patients who are intubated on mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours of are at an
increased risk of 6 to 21 times of developing ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP). Patients
intubated for lesser than 24 hours are at 3 times the risk of acquiring VAP.15 VAP is the parenchymal
lung infection and alveolitis, the accumulation of inflammatory exudates and infiltration of airway
mucosa can lead to unfavourable respiratory mechanics occurring at least 48 hours after initiation of
mechanical ventilation. VAP is one reason for high costs and prolonged length of hospital stay in the
intensive care units (ICU).9
The morbidity and mortality of VAP is increasingly high, mortality rates ranges from 20% to 41%.
The risk of development of VAP increases days of ventilation by 4 days, critical care by 4 days and
lengths of hospital stay by 9 days, respectively and these factors adds to additional costs per VAP
VAP prolongs the need for mechanical ventilation that may keep patients with a poor prognosis from
their underlying commodities in the ICU. Both these factors would increase the probability of death
rates in the ICU among patients who have developed VAP. 17
A prospective, matched cohort study was conducted to evaluate the attributable morbidity and
mortality of VAP in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. One hundred and seventy seven patients
developed VAP and stayed in the ICU for 4.3 days longer and had a trend toward an increase in risk of
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Diction In A Curious Incident
A Curious Incident by Haddon, is a novel about a boy named Christopher. This boy has autism, and
because of this, he thinks very differently than other people. This story gives Christopher a goal to
solve the mystery of how Wellington the dog died. His father soon revealed that he killed the dog,
which surprised him Haddon uses diction and details to craft Christopher s reactions by showing his
immediate distrust of his father and becoming scared of him. This was first shown from how
Christopher reacted when he knew his dad wasn t joking. His dad started to explain that he killed
Wellington and that everyone makes mistakes. Then he held up his right hand and spread his finger
out in a fan. But I screamed and pushed him back so that he fell
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Developing Number Of Child Welfare Offices
Our Children In The State of FL Matter Willuance Mesalien
Nova Southeastern University
A developing number of Child welfare offices are utilizing differential Response (DR) in a push to
react all the more adaptably to child abuse and neglect reports and to better meet singular family
needs. In these frameworks, families with screened in child maltreatment reports might get either a
customary examination or an alternative investigation response, contingent upon the kind of claim
furthermore, different contemplations. In the state of Florida, they have set up a multitude of
alternative response strategies in order to insure ... Show more content on ...
The two are Investigation Response and Alternative Response. Investigation response (IR) (also called
the traditional response or high risk assessment): These responses involve gathering forensic evidence
and making a formal determination of whether child maltreatment has occurred or the child is at risk
of abuse or neglect. In CPS systems with DR, IR is generally used for reports of the most severe types
of maltreatment and those that may involve the legal and judicial systems.
Alternative response (AR) (also called an assessment response or family assessment response) in this
publication, the terms alternative response (or pathway) and assessment response (or pathway) are
used interchangeably. These responses usually applied in low and moderate risk cases typically do not
require a formal determination or substantiation of child abuse or neglect, and names are not entered
into a central registry. Both pathways for the most part envelop evaluations of child wellbeing and/or
hazard. An exhaustive family evaluation concentrated on family s qualities and necessities is integral
to AR and might likewise be incorporated with IR. Both pathways offer numerous basic standards and
objectives, including an emphasis on child security, permanency, and prosperity. ((n.d.). Retrieved
December 20, 2015, from
Many States, counties, and localities have implemented a type of alternative
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Oskar Schindler And The Nazi Party
The novel begins with some backstory on Schindler and describes how he arrived in Germany and
occupied Poland for business pursuits. He grew up the son of a businessman and a Catholic mother in
the German speaking area of Czechoslovakia. He married young at age 20, but ignored his wife due to
the amount of time he invested in his work and his social lifestyle. Oskar was not much of a political
man, but initially supported the Nazi party and their endeavor to seize Poland, providing him with new
business opportunities. His sociable nature helps him establish beneficial relationships with all kinds
of people, including Nazi officials as well as Jewish businessmen. As the War had begun and the
treatment of Jewish people had already turned ... Show more content on ...
But worst of all, if there was no shame, it meant there was official sanction (Keneally 1993). After a
chemist named Bachner escaped from a death camp and exposed the Nazis usage of gas chambers, the
sympathy for the Jews increased, including Schindler who now believed that he must work against the
Nazis. He continued to hire Jews at his factory until Nazi SS Commandant Amon Goeth was put in
charge of closing the Krakow ghetto by sending 2,000 Jewish inhabitants to Auschwitz and
transporting 10,000 to a camp in Plaszow. Schindler began having thoughts to himself about the
treatment of the Jews, such as if God made man in His image, which race is most like Him? Is a Pole
more like Him than a Czech? (Keneally 1993). The ghetto was closed and all the Jews were moved
but Schindler managed to have his Jewish workers cleared to travel to his factory. Plaszow was worse
than the ghetto, as many died from sickness, exhaustion, or just killed for sport by Goeth, who
oversaw the camp. Schindler sought out permission to build his own sub camp near his factory, and
although it looked the same as the Plaszow camp, the Jews are treated more humanely. Schindler
encouraged his friends Itzhak Stern and German photographer, Raimund Titsch to expose the truth of
the horrible
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The Pros And Cons Of Froth Surf Board Spaces
At the center of each surfboard is some kind of froth, that is referred to in the business as a clear. Froth
surf board spaces will decide numerous things around a surf board, including its last shape, last size,
how well it buoys, and how well it will perform. There are a wide range of sorts of spaces, about the
same number of as there are surfboard outline potential outcomes. Froth spaces begin at around 5 8
long and go up from that point, while widths can extend from about 18 to 25 . Why the enormous
reach? All things considered, it is truly imperative that the shaper select a surf board clear that is quite
close long and width to the last surfboard. Generally if a lot of the first froth clear is evacuated the
froth center won t be sufficiently solid for its proposed reason. Surfboard spaces can be produced
using several unique sorts of froth. There are polyurethane froth spaces, otherwise called PU, and
there are EPS froth spaces. *PU Blanks have been being used subsequent to the 1960 s and are the
customary decision. In any case, when the ... Show more content on ...
EPS spaces are one of 2 sorts of froth surfboard spaces that are utilized as a part of the making of
epoxy surfboards. The polyester pitches that are utilized as a part of the making of a fiberglass board
can t be utilized with polystyrene spaces, as the chemicals are not perfect and the polystyrene will
break down. EPS froth is likewise called beaded froth or open cell froth. This kind of froth is not
water repellent, but rather since the epoxy coatings are for all intents and purposes indestructible, it is
considered by numerous to be somewhat of a disputable issue. EPS spaces are utilized with epoxy
saps to make, you got it, epoxy surfboards. Coincidentally, EPS remains for extended
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The Theft Of The Stolen Car Parts
1. (a) The presence of the stolen car parts can be used as a basis to get a search warrant for Dan s
property because the officers had probable cause to believe the there was evidence of a crime to be
found at Dan s property. A search warrant may be issued for any of the following, the evidence was of
a crime, the car parts are instruments of designed for use, intended for use, and used in committing the
crime, they are also contraband, fruits of crime, and items illegally possessed. On the other hand,
based on the exclusionary rule, a law that prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal
trial, applies to evidence gained from an unreasonable search or seizure in violation of the 4th
amendment also seen in Mapp v. Ohio 1961 case.
(b)The information provided by Cindy can be used as the basis for obtaining a search warrant because
there was probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime will be found at Dan s property where the
search should take place in. The affidavit for the search warrant will consist of the following
information; the observation of the crime was done by the detective. The detective got a visual of the
stolen car parts illegally, however, under the independent source if you obtain a fact illegally originally
then obtain the fact through legal means it may be used. The detective searched the land behind Dan s
property illegally but the next day an informant, Cindy, legally inform the detective that Dan has
stolen car parts on his
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Pandora Research Paper
The horses hooves galloped and came to a slow stop as the Everus family arrived in their grand
carriage to the front gates of the manor of Lord Pandora. A butler from beside the gates allowed Lord
Alexander Everus, Lady Elizabeth Everus, and young Aya Everus to file out. The Pandora Manor was
just as great as the Everus manor. The small noble family of three walked through the gates hand in
hand. This would be young Aya s first time visiting the Pandora Manor. Someone special was waiting
here for her. Young Lord Samael Pandora was around Aya s age and the only son of late Lady
Pandora. Lord Pandora was raised by the maids and few butlers of the household as his mother had
died during his birth. One of these butlers who helped raise Samael ... Show more content on ...
Lady Pandora was an aspiring teacher overridden by health issues and albinism. The albinism was
passed from her to her son, and as soon as Samael was born, Lord Pandora was filled with so much
grief, that he was unable to care for his son and became a drunk. Compared to the Pandora family, the
Everus family was quite lucky. They entered the great doors and were greeted with a flock of people
socializing and enjoying refreshments. The chandeliers let a light glow into the ballroom floor and a
small live orchestra was playing a pleasant melody as people greeting the luck Alexander Everus.
Brother! A deeper voice exclaimed from a small crowd, emerging a heavier man wearing a white suit,
light brown hair atop his head and a pair of worn out glasses upon his nose. His face bear a striking
resemblance to Alexander s. The man approached Alexander with a hug.
Charles! It has been a while brother. Aya s father made the remark to the man, returning the hug. This
man was Charles Everus. Unlucker of the two Everus , Charles owned businesses throughout
London...but was very secretive of what those businesses actually were. He seemed to be wealthy and
had a fair relationship with his brother. The two however were rivals and Charles was constantly
jealous of his elder, more handsome
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Conspiracy Pros And Cons Essay
Enraged by the bombings, the United States government responded by raiding the headquarters of
radical organizations and arresting thousands of suspected radicals. Several thousand who were aliens
were deported. The largest raids occurred on January 2, 1920 when over 4000 suspected radicals were
seized nationwide. Over 800 were arrested in New England from locations that included Boston,
Brockton, Chelsea, Fitchburg, Lawrence, and Lynn.
On April 29, 1920, several days before the arrests of Sacco and Vanzetti, Attorney General Palmer
warned the nation that the Department of Justice had uncovered plots against the lives of over twenty
federal and state officials as part of planned May Day (May 1st) celebrations. May Day, also known as
International ... Show more content on ...
During the red scare the government was also worried about the threat of communism,so the United
states started to act. A man named Palmer an attorney general of the united states government started a
antiradical division of the government to be lead by J. Edgar Hoover and is now known as the FBI.
They believed that civil liberties were not as important as protecting america.
The American populace also was very anti communism they formed groups like the american legion.
They thought that any person who didn t have and extreme right wing view was a communist . In
some rare cases there would be hate crimes against protesting workers for being
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Bounce Back 2 Life Program Analysis
The Community Development Block Grant Program proposed by Lights of Zion Ministries will
operate out of Harvey, Illinois, located in PPP Township of Cook County. After an encounter with
violence to one of our youth, Lights of Zion and a few community members formed the Bounce Back
2 Life Training Program to offer alternative solutions to those who had limited resources and unstable
environments. The aim of the Bounce Back 2 Life Program is to address the south suburbs of Harvey,
Markham, Robbins, and surrounding communities who are plagued with limited social services
economic decline, high criminal activity, and high numbers of the unemployed, low skilled, low
income, undereducated workforce and opportunity youth that are primed for negative behavior. For
most, criminal behavior and violence have become a natural course of matriculation from youth to
adulthood. ... Show more content on ...
This is done with a welcome video presentation that shows past events, success stories from former
participants, staff, and other community leaders to motivate the client s participation. The orientation
process also includes introductions of new participants, question answer period, additional details
about the program, and education test to assess proper program needs as it relates to reading, writing,
and math skills. When the testing is completed, the intake personnel identifies an appointment time,
for potential participants with a case manager, to develop a service plan to ensure that the individual is
serious about enrolling in our program and starting a new career. Once a potential participant qualifies
for our program, they are given an enrollment package, course catalog, and a scheduled start date.
Each program has its own outline and schedule. Graduation Ceremonies are held to celebrate all
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The Relationship Between Warm Colors and Positive Mood
This research is important because every day we have to make choices that include choosing a color
when for example we decide what shade of makeup to use, what color of clothes to buy or decide
what color to paint a wall. Even it has been proved that people often associate their mood with a
specific color. Some frequently responses when a person is feeling sad is to describe it as feeling blue
or when a person fall in love is common to hear that now this person view the world through rose
colored glasses. Other frequently expressions are to describe a person s jealousy as to be green with
envy, or describe a child s innocence as to be pure as the snow . The purpose of this study is to
examine the effect of color with mood using a ... Show more content on ...
Author David Simmons studied color effects more generally in his book, Color and emotion: New
directions in color studies. Simmons conducted a lot of experiments trying to prove that color can
enhance positive moods. In one of his experiments he asked 56 undergraduate psychology students to
paint a white wall with a color that made them to feel positive. The results indicated that yellow,
orange and red were picked as the most positive color of the 9 color samples in total.
Jacob and Suess (1975) disagree with the general theory that warm colors are more appealing and tend
to enhance positive mood. They found that participants shown a more positive mood towards cool
colors rather than warm colors. In his article, Effects of four psychological primary colors on anxiety
state; Perceptual and motor skills, states that previous studies may have overlooked the effects of
colors on standard pencil and paper measures of anxiety. He investigated the effects of primary colors
such as: red, yellow, blue and green and the level of anxiety of the participants. The researcher
administered the state scale of the State Trait Anxiety Inventory to 40 participants. After reviewing the
results he found that colors red and yellow were associated with high levels of anxiety by the
participants. On the other hand, color green was described as calming and associated with low levels
of anxiety by the participants.
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Essay on Arctic and Alpine Soils
Arctic and Alpine Soils
(Ant)arctic (high latitude) and alpine (mountain) areas are affected by relatively similar climates, as
latitude and altitude produce similar meteorologic effects. In these geographic regions where
temperature is at such a pronounced extreme, climate would seem to be the leading factor of soil
development. It is my goal in this research paper to answer the following question: How do the soils
of arctic and alpine areas differ? This idea, taken largely from an abstract by Birkeland (1975), will be
explored through the comparison of the soils of these two geographic regions, and an analysis of the
soil development factors in those environments.
Both high latitude and high altitude ... Show more content on ...
However inaccurate as Dokuchaev s generalization may be, a critique of his proposal provides an
excellent tool to examine and compare the soils of similar Arctic and Alpine regions.
Similarity in Arctic and Alpine Geographic Regions
There are pedologic cases in which one of the five soil forming factors established by Jenny (192?) is
so prominent and effectual that it outweighs the sum of all of the other factors, resulting in the
definition of different soil series almost wholly upon differences in that dominant soil forming factor.
For example, in the Carleton Arboretum, our Soils class found that the differences in soil series were
defined mostly on the basis of parent material. Most groups had a direct correlation between the
distribution of soil types and the distribution of parent materials.
In the case of Arctic and Alpine* soils, it is climate which largely outweighs all of the other soil
forming factors. As previously stated, the intense cold associated with high latitudes and high altitudes
separates Arctic and Alpine areas from other geographic regions of Earth. I believe that upon this basis
Dokuchaev made his analog between horizontal and vertical zonality of soils. Through an examination
of a number of Arctic and Alpine soils and the pedogeneses of such soils, I aim to expand and adjust
his hypothesis, as I feel he did not understand fully the complexity of Alpine
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Pro Forma Balance Sheet Analysis
Pro Forma Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet table below shows the Pro Forma Balance Sheet projections. As is illustrated, the
asset base will grow through accumulated cash balance and retained earnings will grow through
accumulated net profits. Based on these financial projections, the management of DELIGHT TYME
expects to build a business with a solid balance sheet for years to come.
The balance sheet shows the firm s financial position with respect to assets and liabilities at a specific
point in time. An example of a balance sheet is presented in Table..... The balance sheet provides three
types of information: assets, liabilities, and owners equity. Assets are what the company owns, and
they include current assets those that can be converted ... Show more content on ...
The projection for cash indicates that each year within the three year projection will end with a
positive accumulated cash flow total.
With continued sales growth, cost controls, and gross margin maintenance, the financial projections
contained in this Business Plan should allow DELIGHT TYME Enterprise to maintain a positive cash
flow and cash balance for years to come. This indicates the DELIGHT TYME will have the ability to
sustain its operational cash requirements and provide DELIGHT TYME s ownership with dividend
For clarification, dividend distribution in addition to their salaries can be taken by owners whenever
desired. However, even though loan repayment (if applicable) has been accounted for in the Projected
Cash Flow, dividend distribution had not been accounted for in the Projected Cash Flow. Therefore,
the ending cash balance for
Year 3 represents the total cash that would be available for divided distribution if all financial
projection is accurate.
Breakeven Point (BEP)
A company has achieved breakeven when its total sales or revenues equal its total expenses. No profit
has been made at the breakeven point, nor have any losses been incurred. This calculation is critical
for any business owner because the breakeven point is the lower limit of profit when determining
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If Beale Street Could Talk Analysis
Throughout If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin the main characters have to overcome the
challenges of racism, and the traits that go hand and hand with it, justice and prejudice, to realize what
they actually needed was the family love they already had. Even though there are many romantic and
even some graphic passages in the book, Baldwin mainly focuses on how they had to come together as
a family when Alonzo (Fonny) was in jail and awaiting trial. If Beale Street Could Talk is essentially a
story about the human capacity to love.
After Clementine s (Tish s) meeting with her immediate family, they call over Fonny s family to share
in the news that Tish is pregnant. During a normal situation this would be a happy occasion and the
couple would tell both families at once, together. However Fonny has been in jail for roughly three
months at this point, and Fonny s family, except for his dad Frank, are not excited about Tish being
pregnant. The Holy Ghost will cause that child to shrivel in your womb. But ... Show more content on ...
After Mrs.Rogers had been found Officer Bell swears that he saw Fonny running away from the scene
of the crime (Baldwin pg. 93). Later it is revealed that Officer Bell was a racist (Baldwin pgs. 138,
182). Earlier Tish and Fonny had been shopping and this man tried to attack Tish and Fonny attacked
the man and Officer Bell was ready to arrest Fonny, mostly on the the bases that he is black (Baldwin
pgs. 135 138). She says she was raped by a black man, and so they put one black man in a lineup with
a whole lot of pale dudes (Baldwin pg. 182). During the time of racism the colored families had to
stick together. Through love and kindness Tish is able to keep him in his right mind while he is in jail.
The heart that cries let it but hear/ Its sweet love answering,/ Or out of ether one faint note/ Of living
comfort wring (Source D). Love is what kept Fonny going after all that
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Emerson History Analysis
Ashleigh Ramsey Ramsey 1
AP U.S. History Third Hour
10 December 2014
Emerson s opinion on history in his essay History is thought provoking. Emerson often views history
as a prevalent or universal mind . This universal mind is common and accessible to all men. History is
often viewed as the record of the universal mind and is also contained in that universal mind.
Therefore, Emerson is able to say, Man is explicable by nothing less than all his history . Emerson
tends to believe in a certain relation between the hours of a lifetime and the centuries of the time itself.
If one thinks history is something that happened in the past, one is mistaken. History is very similar to
nature in a way. It is the universal nature which gives worth to particular men and things. In nature
there is an endless variety of things, but ... Show more content on ...
Bringing historical to a personal level is a great way to make it relevant, and turn it from studying the
dates to the actual ideas of the people and what they valued. A mans experiences in life are facts that
he stores. Knowledge and one s life experiences are better than looking it up in a book. An example of
Emerson s universal mind is when he says, Of the Universal mind each individual man is one more
incarnation. This means that every man can contain their divine idiosyncrasy. All of their
idiosyncrasies are divined by nature, not by their personal beliefs or choices. This interpretation is
possible because there is within us the same motive that has came from other men s thought. We are
able to understand their motives through our own understanding of the reactions to our
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Improve Inventory Management To Support Maintenance...
Material management is one of the main components in the management of all types of companies.
Material management plays an important role in supporting the company s performance, which relates
to customer satisfaction, cost of production and financial performance. Ruauw (2011) stated that the
raw materials required should be sufficient available so as to ensure smooth production. However,
should the quantity of inventory it should not be too large so that capital tied up in inventory and
costs. Meanwhile the inventory is not too big and not too small anyway because can slow down the
production process. Failure materials inventory control default will cause a failure in obtaining profit.
It is important for every company held ... Show more content on ...
In the company s operational, PJB managing several resources, one of them is management of
materials. To obtain the company s goal, in the material management operations, currently PJB uses
the ABC Analysis method to control the inventory that has been conducted since 2007.
Abuhilal (2006) stated that the ultimate goal of inventory management is giving satisfaction to the
customers need at the lowest price. There are two types of customer, internal customer and external
customer. In company s operation, PJB only has internal customers of inventory management, there is
maintenance division. The key performance indicator of customer satisfaction is determined as a
number Work Order which delayed which caused by unavailable spare part.
According to the CEO decree, now PJB using three classification stock keeping unit to maintain more
than 30.000 item of materials. The first classification is the impact of material to power plant
operation, then the lead time of delivery and the last classification is about usage value every year
(price multiplied by demand value). The stock keeping unit is classified and managed into three
criteria. Then, by applying those classification the inventory manager develop policy to keep
inventory in optimum level.
Based on company statistic on 2008 2012, the cost of material to support a maintenance program show
an increasing. Only on 2011, show a decreasing because the
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Innovation of Mobile Phone Payments
Innovation is a more effective and efficient way of performing tasks. It is not an invention but rather,
using a current model and simplifying it to enhance the overall experience of its users. Furthermore, it
can eliminate existing problems issues that the users are facing. As there are more than 6 billion
mobile subscriptions worldwide, countries all around the world are embracing mobile phone
payments. While developed countries are embracing this new technology, as mobile coverage and
connectivity rate is high, developed countries are also adopting the practice, as it does not only rely on
Internet access.
This essay will look at various methods of mobile phone payments and it s impact on both individuals
and the society.
Mobile phone payments allow consumers to pay for a wide range of goods and services using phones
instead of cash, credit/debit cards and cheques. One of the models for payment is by using Short
Message Service (SMS) or Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD). Consumers can send
payment requests via text messages that will be charged to their phone bill or online wallet. This mode
of payment does not require Internet access, which allows developing nations with poorer population
and inferior facilities to participate. An example would be the Nigerian mobile pay service, Paga.
Users are simply required to enter their identification number as well as the amount necessary.
Another mode of payment is the Mobile Web Payment where users access to a
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Nuclear Power Plant Advantages And Disadvantages
Every dollar spent on nuclear is one less dollar spent on clean renewable energy and one more dollar
spent on making the world a comparatively dirtier and a more dangerous place, because nuclear power
and nuclear weapons go hand in hand (Mark Z. Jacobson).
Nuclear power plants are widely considered to be one of the most effective methods of producing
electricity, however, they come with disastrous potentials. They are more preferred than the toxic
burning of fossil fuel, which produces high amounts of greenhouse gases (Health Research Funding).
However, I believe that the disadvantages and potential hazards of using nuclear power plants demean
the advantages, and thus they should not be considered as a solution to energy problems. The
disadvantages include the usage of non renewable fuel and the potential of long lasting destructive
effects on the environment and health. Health effects
A nuclear power plant acts like a thermal power station in which nuclear reactors act as the heat
source (European Nuclear Society). All typical conventional thermal power stations work similarly,
where heat is used to generate steam which drives a turbine connected to a generator that produces
electricity (European Nuclear Society). There are four hundred nuclear power plants functioning in the
world, with many in the United States and Japan (Nuclear Energy Institute, World Statistics ). One of
the main drawbacks of using nuclear power plants is
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Mad Cous Disease or Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Essay
Although mad cow disease is always fatal, it is not really much of a worry in the United States. There
have only been four cases of mad cow disease ever recorded in the United States. In every case, the
United States Department of Agriculture has intervened and recalled tons of beef, 10,400 lbs. in the
first case to be exact, in order to insure that the meat did not reach the plates of United States citizens.
In Canada, however, there have been 19 cases of mad cow disease. This differs considerably from that
of the United States. The interesting thing about all of the disease is that the first case of mad cow
disease was imported. The first case of mad cow disease in Canada was from a cow imported from the
United Kingdom. Then, the first ... Show more content on ...
With this being said, mad cow disease is also always fatal. Any cow that has ever been diagnosed with
mad cow disease has died from the disease. I, personally, am surprised that doctors have not been able
to at least slow down the effects of this disease. So, without needing to be said, mad cow disease is a
cow s biggest nightmare. The effects of mad cow disease on cattle are very obvious. This disease is
not one in which you see a cow grazing and it looks perfectly fine, but a disease in which the cow
looks as if it has no control over its own body and mindlessly wanders around. That is because having
no control over its own body is exactly what happens. As you may or may not know, cows tend to stay
pretty closely together in a field. Well, a cow with mad cow disease will not necessarily stay with the
herd. It may wander off completely from the herd for no apparent reason at all. You may also see a
mad cow disease ridden cow stagger and miss steps. This is just another sign of mad cow disease in
cattle. When a cow gets certain types of sicknesses or illnesses, it may lose weight. Well, the same can
be said for a cow with mad cow disease. As a result of the cow losing a lot of weight, it will also
become very weak and it may also become hard for it to hold itself up for very long. Now, I m not
saying that any cow that loses weight because of an illness has mad cow disease, but it is one of the
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Explain Why Students Should Not Be Allowed To Have Cell...
Failure to pay attention. Lack of honesty. Poor grades. These are some outcomes of allowing
cellphones in class. Eight ball or word cookies may end up causing you to fail or miss an assignment.
Students should not be allowed to have and use their cellphones because of inequality, distractions,
and dishonesty. To begin with, students should not be allowed to have cell phones in class due to
inequality. Even though most students have cell phones, some do not. Students may be embarrassed if
they don t have a cell phone like all the other students. Another reason why inequality is an issue
because of the lack of power sources. Not all classrooms provide outlets or have enough outlets for
everyone to use. Everyone charging their phones at the same time or looking for an outlet at the same
time would be chaos. Secondly, distractions are a big ordeal in class. Cell phones are a problem due to
sounds and ringtones because they can cause a distraction during a lesson. Maybe in the middle of a
test and all of a sudden a ding or a ring goes off. You get all sidetracked and then lose track of what
you were thinking of or what the answer was. You may be tempted to want to play 8 ball or word
cookies. In the middle of the game the teacher ... Show more content on ...
Allowing students to have their cell phones out can allow them to be able to go on the internet and
look up answers to a test or class work. They could text another student and ask them for answers.
Also,allowing students to have cell phones in class, can make a chance for cyber bullying to happen. A
student that may not be friends with another classmate could capture an embarrassing moment for the
student and post it to allow all of his friends to see it. Students could video or take pictures of a
teacher during class which could get the teacher in trouble. Allowing cellphones in class will more
than likely just cause lying and
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Hawaii s Musical Culture And History
While researching the country of Hawaii s musical culture and history I was able to find some very
interesting things that are present in modern Hawaii. From the causes of musical oppression, fight for
independence and revival of Hawaiian culture I will talk about how all of these contributed to the
current culture of Hawaiian drum dance. First I will talk about the history and culture of the Hawaiian
natives and how this has had its effect on Hawaiian music. In 1778, the first European to come to
Hawaii was Captain James Cook. He was a British explorer and discovered Hawaii while he was
exploring the East coast of Australia. When he came to Hawaii he became a symbol of outsider
influence because he opened up trade with North America and ... Show more content on ...
In later years there would be even more epidemics due to increase in trade which will eventually cut
the population size in half in Hawaii. In the 19th century Hawaii used the form of government called a
monarchy. King Kamehameha I or the Great was the first king to unify all of the islands that made up
Hawaii. King Kamehameha was a very inspiring king for the Hawaiian people. His beliefs and morals
set the tone for what they expected out of future kings in Hawaii. He strongly believed in maintaining
independence from colonial control. He did this by creating alliances with those powers. He supported
a lot of freedoms that the natives had. Such as, religion and religious expression and cultural customs.
With the increase in trade he also tried to preserve the native Hawaiian culture. One way he did this
was by allowing only natives to own land. But decades later this law was taken away. The reason why
I discuss King Kamehameha is because he becomes a symbol in Hawaiian music and they praise him
in their songs because of how favorable he was as a king. After his death, his son took to the throne
and was named King Kamehameha II. Unlike his father, he took a very different path during his reign.
He destroyed almost all of his father s efforts to lead a country of freedom. He took way Kapu which
restricted people to practice their religion and customs as well as destroying their idols and ritual
practices. The Kapu was a system of rules that separated the
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Abraham Maslow And The American Psychological Association
Abraham Maslow (1908 1970), some time President of the American Psychological Association, is
best known for his work on human motivation and in particular for his Hierarchy of Needs, which was
first defined in a paper of 1943. Five basic needs are defined, all of which he considered to be hard
wired in the human species. They are arranged hierarchically, with self actualization referring to
people s desire for self fulfillment, namely, the tendency for them to become actualized in what they
are potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one
idiosyncratically is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming (Maslow, 1943, p.22).
Maslow s 1943 paper mentions cognitive needs such as the desire to know and to understand, and also
aesthetics, but does not place them within the hierarchy of five. In other words Maslow recognized,
even at this early stage, that his list was incomplete. In spite of this reservation it has been widely
reproduced as a complete theory, on the way acquiring its own pictorial representation in the form of a
triangle or pyramid, which is reproduced in countless publications. Because the five needs are latently
or actively present in all members of the human species, they are described as being biologically
rooted . This is a key theme throughout Maslow s work. He is dealing with the characteristics of a
particular species, some of which may be shared with other species, but nevertheless he avoids
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Ups vs Fedex
Prepared to
Professor wahidur Rahaman
Prepared By
Ashraful alam: ID 2013010004018 Konika: ID 2013010004022
Southeast University
Date of Submission 08/09/2013
Table of contents Page no:
Memo of transmittal 1
Memo of transmittal ii
List of tables iv
Executive summary v
1 Introduction ... Show more content on ...
When it comes to rates, both of these companies vary in prices by just a dollar or a few. Some of the
services they offer have the same rates as well. But just recently, both these companies have adjusted
their pricing scheme due to increasing fuel prices. FedEx has slowly gained in competition with UPS
in terms of revenue. In a year, FedEx averages about $22 billion in sales while UPS averages $30
billion a year. Sometimes you just have to face the fact that a company s success is best measured by
its results of operations. When it comes to the selling rates of their shares in the stock market, UPS is
still number one with their stocks valued at $82 billion, while FedEx trails by a large margin selling
only $22 billion dollars in stocks.
Introduction of
1.1 UPS VS FedEx once a glance:
|[pic] |[pic] |
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Galileo Galilei Get Thrown In Jail
I am Heaven, and I am talking to you about Galileo Galilei .For reasons not getting thrown in jail for
his impressive theory or method.One reason why he should nt be thrown in jail is because he
improved a handmade telescope.Also two is that it made astronimacal discoveries. He shouldn t be
thrown in jail for improving a significant thing in life.Also made astronomical sight seeing.The
website showed that Without seeing an example, he had made his own so without a thought he just
heard that someone made a telescope.He improved a poor thing into a rich thing.Like a not so good
thing into a good thing. His creation of the telescope does not go against the law of god.He saw with
his telescope and sunspots,mountain valleys,and the planets.The
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Distribution Mapping and Dealer Satisfaction Survey for...
Distribution Mapping amp; Dealer Satisfaction survey for Nokia Mobile Phones |
Under the guidance Of
Mr. Neeraj Arora
Roll no: 521159708
in partial fulfilment o f the requirement for the award of the degree
JUNE 2013
First, I thank my Supervisor Mr. Neeraj Arora for his continuous support to making this project Mr.
Neeraj Arora was always there to listen and to give advice. He is responsible for involving me in this
project in the first place. He taught me how to ask questions amp; which technique used for analysis.
He showed me different ways to approach for the analysis.
Special thanks goes to my ... Show more content on ...
Satisfied with price 24
4. Satisfied with Advertisements 25
5. Satisfied with Features of Nokia 25
6. Satisfied with Audio output 26
7. Satisfied with Software compatibility 26
8. Satisfied with Built in memory 27
9. Satisfied with Camera/video quality 27
10. Satisfied with Accessories 28
11. Satisfied with Appearances 28
12. Satisfied with services 29
13. Satisfied with Battery backup 29
14. Satisfied with Brand image 30
15. Satisfied with its life 30
16. Fully aware all the Features 31
Chapter 1
Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola, made the first US analogue mobile phone call on a larger prototype
model in 1973.
On April 3, 1973, Motorola employee Dr. Martin Cooper placed a call to Dr. Joel S. Engel, head of
research at AT amp;T s Bell Labs, while walking the streets of New York City talking on the first
Motorola DynaTAC prototype in front of reporters. Motorola has a long history of making automotive
radios, especially two way radios for taxicabs and police cruisers.
Nokia has played a pioneering role in the growth of cellular technology in India, starting with the first
ever cellular call a decade ago, made on a Nokia mobile phone over a Nokia deployed network.
Nokia started its India operations in 1995, and presently operates out of offices in New Delhi,
Mumbai, Kolkata, Jaipur,
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Character Analysis Of A Rose For Emily
A Rose for Emily begins with and ends with the death of Miss Emily Grierson, who was certainly a
strong, strange character, and described as a monument to the people of her town and a character
analysis on her can go in any number of directions. She had to overcome many difficulties in every
step of her life. Therefore, every step of her life presents her characteristics in different parts of the
story, but yet leaves the readers pondering...Who is Miss Emily Grierson? In the beginning of the
story, it is said that Miss Emily is a traditional person, a duty, a care and a sort of hereditary obligation
around her town dating back from the day in 1894 . Her character of being traditional goes back to the
teaching of china painting lessons which ... Show more content on ...
Throughout her life, her father had always been controlling and dominating her life up until his death.
After her father s death, it left her deeply distressed and more isolated than ever refusing to give up
her father s dead body possibly because she was use to her father s presence and being in control of
everything in her life which made it almost impossible for her to cope and leaving her in denial of her
father s death. Some years after, Emily meets a man by the name of Homer Barron, whom she grew to
love, but sadly the irony of this fate is that he wasn t attracted to her and also rejected her proposal of
wanting to marry him. Another saying of the townspeople is After her father s death she went out very
little, after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her, and this shows how unfortunate she was.
It s hard to imagine losing the ones you love most especially because they made such an impact in
your life which is probably how Miss Emily felt. After all, her father and Homer Barron played a
significant role in her life and for that reason she couldn t bear the absence of both her father and lover
which made her stay unhappy living in her house. Although, Mr. Grierson appearance in the story was
little, his dominating and controlling way was clear from the beginning of the story. For instance, he
didn t allow Emily to get into a relationship
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Pro Death Penalty Research Paper
The death penalty may seem perfectly fine and isn t something you think about often, but first read the
arguments for and against, you may just change your mind. Three disadvantages of the death penalty
are as follows: it costs taxpayers several times more than to keep a prisoner for life, it violates the
cruel and unusual punishments in the bill of rights, and sometimes innocent people are put to death.To
hold a death row inmate costs $90,000 more per year than to keep a prisoner for life. 130 people have
been released from death row because they were innocent. A quote from Tim Kaine (2016 vice
presidential candidate) against the death penalty: My faith teaches that life is sacred. That s why I
personally oppose the death penalty. But
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Ipl Business Model
The Indian Premier League is a T20 cricket competition promoted by the BCCI and is modelled on the
same lines as football s EPL or basketball s NBA. It works on franchise system wherein the teams
(presently 8; going up to 10 from the next season) representing different cities are auctioned and the
highest bidder is awarded the rights to own and run the team for ten years.
Over a span of just three years, it has become a business phenomenon, even overshadowing what it
stands for, that is cricket, involving leading business groups, bollywood stars and the entire nation
IPL as a business model has following major stakeholders:
Unlike its counterparts such as EPL or NBA, the major ... Show more content on ...
Apart from the monetary benefit, the franchises may also utilize this platform for brand building and
promoting their other business interests.
Franchises outflow: The major expense for any franchise is the bid amount paid upfront for securing
the rights of owning and running a team, which is for a period of 10 years. Apart from that another
expense the franchises entail is on account of running and maintaining the teams.
Apart from the above mentioned, a franchise may earn or lose some money during the buying or
selling of players among franchises.
Sponsors inflow: No direct revenue generated through IPL.
Sponsors outflow: Sponsors have a lot as stake as top of the line slots can go for up to $17k per spot.
Players inflow: The players major source of revenue is the participation fee. Apart from that players
can also earn prize money and bonuses.
Players outflow: No direct expense on account of IPL. However, participating in IPL does tax the
players in the way of making their already packed calendars all the more hectic.
Spectators inflow: No revenue through IPL. A handful of them may take away prizes through various
competitions such as Karbon Kamaal catch etc.
Spectators outflow: The major expense incurred by spectators on account of IPL is on entry tickets.
IPL is currently valued at over
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The Importance Of Identification As A High School Athlete
How I identify as a high school athlete
I identify myself though the actions I have made in my life. The social identity theory states that
people who keep motivated and active tend to behave in ways that maintain and keep their social
cliques. No matter the wins and losses I have had over the past four years in my high school career as
an athlete, group identification helps boost my awareness of the role leadership within my social
clique. Through sports, I have learned to hone in on the important cognitive skills like observations
and description, and the ability to interpret data such as stats. I also have the ability to tolerate
frustration and work in concert with others toward a common goal such as winning the event or game.
The role
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Hack An Iphone Analysis
The articles of the constitution have withstood the change of time because our country founders
worded them in such a way so that principle ideas will never be questioned. The FBI in the case of one
of the California shooters, Syed Farook, pressured Apple to hack the phone without the search
warrant. The FBI shouldn t have pressured Apple to hack an iPhone because it breaches privacy, it
violates free speech, and it hurts apple s business.
From the business point of view of Apple, I have seen Arguments that Apple refused to unlock the
phone for business reasons, to protect the Brand. (2) This because Apple phone sales would decrease
because people of the world do not want to be tracked on their phones. Also, the company has a
responsibility ... Show more content on ...
Government has no right to force anybody to provide Services against their will. (2) If the U.S. did
force companies to provide services to violate personal privacy, freedom or speech, or fundamental
human rights, they would behave no differently than the governments of Russia or China. Unlike the
U.S., these governments have no respect for individual rights or free speech.
On the other hand, many people may argue that by hacking into the shooter s iPhone it would increase
national security. But, The Fourth Amendment was meant to protect Americans from illegal searches.
This means that police or other law enforcement can t search your home, car, or clothing without
permission from a court. It also guarantees Americans right to privacy... It doesn t say that a person s
home or belongings can t be searched at all. It does say that the government must have a good reason
for the search, or probable cause. And the government must get permission, in the form of a warrant
from a judge by showing probable cause. (1) That is because the fourth amendment gives us the right
to privacy.
All in all, Apple did choose the right thing of refusing to hack into the iPhone. If Apple would breach
the Phone, then they would break the constitution by going against the first and fourth amendment.
Also, if Apple did violate the device, then it would have hurt the brand name. To avoid any other
issues such as this one in the future we should amend the constitution or add laws that adjust to
changing technology in the
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In Lies We Trust Analysis
In Lies We Trust
The 2009 romantic fantasy movie The Invention of Lying portrays a world completely devoid of
untruths, where everyone tells the truth all the time and everything said is taken at face value. Mark
Bellison, the protagonist, begins by explaining that in his world, everyone tells the entire truth, not
matter how hurtful or cruel. The audience notices a Pepsi ad with the tagline, Pepsi: when they don t
have coke, among other peculiar things. This premise is not only humorous because it is so contrary to
reality, but also unsettling, because it brings to light how frequently humans lie and are dependent on
lying, as well as how the world cannot exist without it. Indeed, although lying is often negatively
perceived, the ubiquity of it is observed all around the world, particularly in commonplace and social
exchanges. ... Show more content on ...
Similarly, in the Bible, Adam and Eve committed the Original Sin due to the serpent s lie. The
infamous witch trials, moreover, exploded on the basis of eradicating diabolical lies. In 1963, the
United States Supreme Court ruled that confessions induced by truth serums (Barbiturates including
scopolamine, sodium amytal and sodium pentothal) were a of torture and unconstitutional ( A Brief
History of Lying ). Comparably, in his article pertaining the topic of lying in the west, author Adam
Pasion further explicates
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Unpaid Internships
Internships are four six week jobs that give students the chance to see what it is like in the career
world sometimes going towards the credit hours. Internships are a great way to gain work experience
in the business world and to see if the career path is the one. Colleges offer internships to their
students to see if the career source is the right choice for them. There are two types of internships paid
and unpaid. Paid internships are learning opportunities that get paid for the work that has been done.
Unpaid internships are more for an educational purpose. Internships are a great way for students to get
a hands on experience outside of the classroom environment while gaining college credits, refences to
put down on their resume. First, ... Show more content on ...
(2017, Apr 18). Are unpaid internships worth the hassle? University Wire Retrieved from
Gillespie, P. (2016, July 7). Unpaid interns face lousy job prospects. In CNNMoney. Retrieved from interns job prospects/index.html
Korn, M. (2017, Apr 11). U.S. news: Colleges seek more from deals. Wall Street
Journal Retrieved from
MarksJarvis, G. (2017, Apr 09). Students selecting a college increasingly consider long term job
prospects, debt. St.Louis Post Dispatch Retrieved from
Perkins, A. (2016, May 13). The 2016 list of best cities for finding summer internships. In
GoodCall. Retrieved from center/2016 list best cities finding summer
Rothman, M., Sisman, R. (2016). Internship impact on career consideration among
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Socratic Wisdom
Socratic Wisdom In the Apology, the oracle at Delphi stated that Socrates was the wisest man of his
time (Plato 21a). Socrates, however, [was] very conscious that [he was] not wise at all , which would
not make him the wisest man of his time (21b). Certainly, not both the oracle and Socrates could be
simultaneously correct in their individual beliefs; thus, the oracle and Socrates must have had differing
definitions of wisdom. What, then, is wisdom? Many people believe wisdom denotes having extensive
knowledge about various things. A person often gains this knowledge through time and experience,
hence why elderly people are viewed as wise. We shall refer to this form of wisdom as wisdom
through knowledge alone. So too, many ... Show more content on ...
When one says that this elderly person has wisdom from various life experiences, he/she is not saying
that the elderly person knows much about books and their profession. Instead, one would be speaking
about the elderly person s vast knowledge about what is important in life due to their multitude of
experiences. While the elderly person may not be completely wise in the most encompassing form of
wisdom, the elderly person does appear to have a more expansive understanding of what is important
in life. Simply knowing what matters in life, however, does not satisfy the ultimate form of wisdom,
for the wise must know why these things matter in life. That is, a truly wise person must have insight
beyond the theoretical, into the practical. Beyond this, a wise person, in this view, must also know
how to achieve what matters most, and, in knowing so, do what matters most. I say this because a
truly wise person would be able to act upon what they know to be the most important thing in life. It is
wiser for a person to act than to merely conceptualize what is most essential in life. This, I believe, is
what Socrates viewed wisdom as in Plato s Apology. While it can be inferred that Socrates viewed
wisdom as humility, knowledge, and self knowledge through his examinations of the politicians,
poets, and craftsmen, this is not Socrates complete view of wisdom. The more comprehensive view
Socrates held of wisdom lies in his belief
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Essay About Seaworld Train The Killer Whale And Dolphins
Future Me Rough Draft
Don t lie, you wonder how the people at SeaWorld train the killer whale and dolphins. Well, I can tell
you how, since I m one of those people. Well, kind of. I am a trainer, not at SeaWorld, but that s not
what I started as, what I d hoped I would be, or even what I wanted to be going through college. It just
so happened that I got offered a job so much better, I gave up on my original dream so I could be a
trainer. I wanted to be a biological oceanographer, big name, I know. I had this dream growing up that
I could be best friends with a killer whale, which basically, I had. Not the one in my dream, though.
Her name was Lorelei, and she could talk to me like a human could, only better. I told her all my
secrets, my goals in life that I would work so hard to achieve, but obviously having a whale as a best
friend didn t turn out. I was in love with the Free Willy movies, and I thought Jesse was cute, so I kept
watching, and before I knew it I wanted some sort of job that had to do with orcas. I didn t just
randomly become a dolphin trainer at birth, though. One fabulous October 9th, 2002 I decided I was
sick of my mom and wanted to see the world. Chaz and Gene, my parents, raised me among my, fairly
annoying, siblings. Zack and Vincent as my brothers, and my sister Alyssa. Despite all of them always
messing with me or being mad at me because I was a child and liked to be loud and play, they were
actually pretty cool. Soon after I was born, we moved to
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Show Boat Scene Analysis
To be sure, sound summons our attention to the spatial and temporal dimensions of a scene by putting
us in the point of view to it. The audio in films completes what our eyes expect to see. In fact, sound
brings the scene together because, without the audio, our minds could not reasonably finish the scene.
This particular art form began in 1927, when a Universal employee, Jack Foley helped turn the film
studios silent film Show Boat into a musical. Because the microphones only picked up the dialogue,
Foley added the sounds later. First, he projected the film onto a screen and recorded the movement,
footsteps, the props all on one track and basically acted out the movie again, adding sound. As it
turned out, Foley created a new industry of
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High Frequency Trading On Chinese Market
Introduction of high frequency trading in Chinese market
Ruosi Fan
The main purpose of this paper is to study the high frequency trading and its application in the
Chinese market. This study includes the status, characteristics and development trend of foreign high
frequency trading, on the basis of high frequency trading system structure analysis and the
development of Chinese high frequency corresponding regulatory Suggestions. High frequency
trading has high speed and complex instructions operation procedures, low latency, open time is short,
trade frequently, the characteristics of its bulk deity, and has some of the participants in the securities
trading of lower transaction costs and other advantages, at the same time, brought negative effects
such as market turmoil.
Key words: high frequency trading Stock index and futures High frequency trading regulation
1. The definition of high frequency trading
High frequency trading is a special kind of algorithm, it is based on a trading strategy, and focus on
using high speed computer with extremely high frequency information to purchase, and issue orders
automatically. Authority international academia and industry have not unified definition on high
frequency trading. The file of SEC in 2010 say that high frequency trading is used specifically to those
trading transactions within the duration of 1 day.
2. Characteristics of high frequency trading
Combined with the
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Essay On Globalization And Trade Opportunities
Topic: Globalization and Trade opportunities
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the opportunities brought by globalization when trade
is concerned.
Thesis: Globalization trade opportunities as the world has become closer and tied in client demand and
supply structures.
Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen: As salamu alaykum. It is an honor and a
privilege to join you at this meeting, and to reflect with you on trade opportunities between our two
companies. With trade flows between our countries growing at an unprecedented rate, the timing of
your visit could not be better. Indeed, for many years, people have been buying and selling to one
another from all corners of the world. It is impossible for any country rich or poor as its economy
grows, to stay away from a global market where free trade and free movement of capital are pivotal to
a strong economy. As a matter of fact, trade and investment increase job opportunities all around the
world, and foreign money that comes into our companies may result in access to wider markets. From
trade opportunities to investment, the world has become closer, and tied in client supply and demand
structures. Therefore, it s important to acknowledge how important this meeting is for our two
companies. Today, I will address the three main arguments for trade opportunities, client supply and
demand structures in this globalization era, and how instrumental they are in a company s growth.
Key points:
First, I will discuss globalization and investment in the context of our venture
Second, I will discuss trade opportunities
Finally, I will discuss client supply and demand structures
I stand before you today as a representative of our company. As you know, globalization has enabled
increased levels of investment. It has made it easier for businesses to attract short term and long term
investment. And as a company specialized in construction materials, our goal is to expand our
distribution network to new countries such as Saudi Arabia the largest economy in the Middle East.
We are looking for a Saudi partner to embark in a joint venture. There are several agreements ratified
by the United States to
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Analysis Of Between The World And Me,
In Ta Nehisi Coates s Between the World and Me, Coates seeks to educate his young son and in turn
the reader of his experience as an African American man in the United States. In this, racism becomes
a very prominent and complex theme. In some way racism impacted every facet of his life. The novel
highlights the drastic difference in the ability for curiosity and personal development and questioning
in his public education in a poor area versus his continued education at Howard University a
historically black private college. What was the main cause of these extremely different experiences,
socioeconomics, institutional culture, educational style?
Coates spent his childhood years in a poor Baltimore public school, a system that mostly meant
always packing an extra number 2 pencil and working quietly (Coates 25). He grew up believing that
The world had no time for the childhoods of black boys and girls (Coates 25). School was not to him a
place of education but rather an institution whose purpose was to train the students to obey and
conform. Algebra, Biology, and english were not subjects so much as opportunities to better discipline
the body (Coates 25). In many low income public schools education seems to fall through the cracks.
The curriculum meets the basic requirements but lacks the space for the kids to find personal passions,
to be curious about what they want to know and believe. Coastes s childhood education was not one of
discovery, rather it was
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Communication Problems In English Communication
How to correct these problems? In order to improve these situations, the teacher needs to take care of
different variables. Learner variables: When working with young adults, it is important to know what
is their aptitude towards learning the language. People at this age tend to be overly conscious of how
they are perceived. Although, it is important for them to improve, it is also challenging getting them to
try. Nobody wants to be labeled as a weak learner. And pronunciation is one of those language skills
that makes evident students English shortcomings. Therefore, when working on this kind of exercises,
make sure they are embedded in the curriculum from the beginning of the course; so that students do
not feel the activity has a ... Show more content on ...
Methodological variables: Improving the pronunciation of plosives, and the rhythm of the produced
language , is a process that requires an intentional effort from the learner. Pronunciation practice
involves some drilling because certain challenges are overcome through mastering the mechanics. Just
as dancers rehearse moves to the point that they become automatic, speakers need to practice using
their articulators in specific ways so that the mechanics become secondary and the attention can shift
back where it needs to go to the meaning. (Recio, 2011) Therefore exercises that involve repetition
will be necessary. However, it is not about repeating for the sake of it. There should be a process that
makes the student aware of what it expected from his pronunciation. The activities proposed should
have exposure procedure. In this stage not explicit attention is paid to specific features of
pronunciation (Ball, n.d.) Then activities where the learner listens to speech containing the target
feature used correctly should be part of this stage. (e.g. songs, fragments of movies, speeches, etc)
Exercise: As Ball said, in this stage there must be the identification of specific sound features and the
appropriate practice for their perception and production. In this stage, drills and repetition exercises
can take place. For instance for working with plosives, the following exercise
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Fto Program
Field training officer (FTO) programs were created so that agencies could better manage the post
academy training for officers that traditionally were not hired into this field of work (Doerner, 2012).
The good old boy program was out, and the implementation of a structured, standardized FTO
program became the replacement (Doerner, 2012). In order to implement a FTO program, it must be
defined so that the overall objectives are met. The San Jose Police Department was the first to initiate
an FTO program. With some slight changes, this system is typically the one in use today (Doerner,
The FTO program is a set period of time broken down into phases where each phase allows the rookie
officer more and more responsibilities (Doerner, ... Show more content on ...
Studies in the 80 s have shown that a greater percentage of blacks and females could not successfully
complete the FTO program compared to white male officers (Doerner, 2012). If this was based on
unfairly treating blacks and females during the training, then the concern is that racism exists and
much time and money has been wasted getting the rookie officers to this point (Doerner, 2012). This
would also have a negative impact on any affirmative action efforts. However, Doerner conducted an
extensive study in 1989 of over 300,000 ratings and concluded that white FTO s did not unfairly treat
black rookies and male FTO s did not unfairly use different standards for female rookie officers
(Doerner, 2012). Further investigation discovered that blacks struggled in passing radio use, legal
knowledge, and report writing, which was surprising as they were required to have a 2 year college
degree (Doerner, 2012). Changes to the demographic unbalancing of FTO instructors, lengths of
phases being increased, and lessening the expectations of the program all were implemented to
overcome the concerns of affirmative actions and barriers (Doerner,
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Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven Analysis
Lone Ranger and Tonto FistFight in Heaven On a sunny, warm spring day in May, how does a high
school teacher grab students attention? Dreams, sex,and humor will intrigue some but add in the idea
of analyzing a person or character s psyche and even more eyes perk up. Student begin questioning,
how do dreams reveal a person s unconscious thoughts? They ponder: when friends are joking around,
it is to be funny or is there more too it? Students consider what type of argument can be formed is
support or defense of why young children make humorous and sexual comments. Some answers can
be discovered by examining literature through psychoanalysis. In fact, Freudian psychoanalysis,
especially of literature, reveals as much about characters as it does about real people and society in
general. When analyzing literature, Sherman Alexie, a critically acclaimed, novelist and poet provides
a humorous and honest insight into Native American culture and the challenges of assimilating into
mainstream society. His novels, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian and The Lone
Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, lead readers through the trials of growing up on a Native
American reservation. His adolescent protagonists, Junior and Victor, fight through their
disillusionment of Native American life in a humorous and relatable way. Combining Alexie s work
with that of Freud much can be gained about the mindset of Native American youths and the enigma
of society. Looking through
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. Intubated Patients Develop Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Critically ill patients who are intubated on mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours of are at an increased risk of 6 to 21 times of developing ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP). Patients intubated for lesser than 24 hours are at 3 times the risk of acquiring VAP.15 VAP is the parenchymal lung infection and alveolitis, the accumulation of inflammatory exudates and infiltration of airway mucosa can lead to unfavourable respiratory mechanics occurring at least 48 hours after initiation of mechanical ventilation. VAP is one reason for high costs and prolonged length of hospital stay in the intensive care units (ICU).9 The morbidity and mortality of VAP is increasingly high, mortality rates ranges from 20% to 41%. The risk of development of VAP increases days of ventilation by 4 days, critical care by 4 days and lengths of hospital stay by 9 days, respectively and these factors adds to additional costs per VAP case.16 VAP prolongs the need for mechanical ventilation that may keep patients with a poor prognosis from their underlying commodities in the ICU. Both these factors would increase the probability of death rates in the ICU among patients who have developed VAP. 17 A prospective, matched cohort study was conducted to evaluate the attributable morbidity and mortality of VAP in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. One hundred and seventy seven patients developed VAP and stayed in the ICU for 4.3 days longer and had a trend toward an increase in risk of death ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Diction In A Curious Incident A Curious Incident by Haddon, is a novel about a boy named Christopher. This boy has autism, and because of this, he thinks very differently than other people. This story gives Christopher a goal to solve the mystery of how Wellington the dog died. His father soon revealed that he killed the dog, which surprised him Haddon uses diction and details to craft Christopher s reactions by showing his immediate distrust of his father and becoming scared of him. This was first shown from how Christopher reacted when he knew his dad wasn t joking. His dad started to explain that he killed Wellington and that everyone makes mistakes. Then he held up his right hand and spread his finger out in a fan. But I screamed and pushed him back so that he fell ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Developing Number Of Child Welfare Offices Our Children In The State of FL Matter Willuance Mesalien Nova Southeastern University Abstract A developing number of Child welfare offices are utilizing differential Response (DR) in a push to react all the more adaptably to child abuse and neglect reports and to better meet singular family needs. In these frameworks, families with screened in child maltreatment reports might get either a customary examination or an alternative investigation response, contingent upon the kind of claim furthermore, different contemplations. In the state of Florida, they have set up a multitude of alternative response strategies in order to insure ... Show more content on ... The two are Investigation Response and Alternative Response. Investigation response (IR) (also called the traditional response or high risk assessment): These responses involve gathering forensic evidence and making a formal determination of whether child maltreatment has occurred or the child is at risk of abuse or neglect. In CPS systems with DR, IR is generally used for reports of the most severe types of maltreatment and those that may involve the legal and judicial systems. Alternative response (AR) (also called an assessment response or family assessment response) in this publication, the terms alternative response (or pathway) and assessment response (or pathway) are used interchangeably. These responses usually applied in low and moderate risk cases typically do not require a formal determination or substantiation of child abuse or neglect, and names are not entered into a central registry. Both pathways for the most part envelop evaluations of child wellbeing and/or hazard. An exhaustive family evaluation concentrated on family s qualities and necessities is integral to AR and might likewise be incorporated with IR. Both pathways offer numerous basic standards and objectives, including an emphasis on child security, permanency, and prosperity. ((n.d.). Retrieved December 20, 2015, from Many States, counties, and localities have implemented a type of alternative ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Oskar Schindler And The Nazi Party The novel begins with some backstory on Schindler and describes how he arrived in Germany and occupied Poland for business pursuits. He grew up the son of a businessman and a Catholic mother in the German speaking area of Czechoslovakia. He married young at age 20, but ignored his wife due to the amount of time he invested in his work and his social lifestyle. Oskar was not much of a political man, but initially supported the Nazi party and their endeavor to seize Poland, providing him with new business opportunities. His sociable nature helps him establish beneficial relationships with all kinds of people, including Nazi officials as well as Jewish businessmen. As the War had begun and the treatment of Jewish people had already turned ... Show more content on ... But worst of all, if there was no shame, it meant there was official sanction (Keneally 1993). After a chemist named Bachner escaped from a death camp and exposed the Nazis usage of gas chambers, the sympathy for the Jews increased, including Schindler who now believed that he must work against the Nazis. He continued to hire Jews at his factory until Nazi SS Commandant Amon Goeth was put in charge of closing the Krakow ghetto by sending 2,000 Jewish inhabitants to Auschwitz and transporting 10,000 to a camp in Plaszow. Schindler began having thoughts to himself about the treatment of the Jews, such as if God made man in His image, which race is most like Him? Is a Pole more like Him than a Czech? (Keneally 1993). The ghetto was closed and all the Jews were moved but Schindler managed to have his Jewish workers cleared to travel to his factory. Plaszow was worse than the ghetto, as many died from sickness, exhaustion, or just killed for sport by Goeth, who oversaw the camp. Schindler sought out permission to build his own sub camp near his factory, and although it looked the same as the Plaszow camp, the Jews are treated more humanely. Schindler encouraged his friends Itzhak Stern and German photographer, Raimund Titsch to expose the truth of the horrible ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Pros And Cons Of Froth Surf Board Spaces At the center of each surfboard is some kind of froth, that is referred to in the business as a clear. Froth surf board spaces will decide numerous things around a surf board, including its last shape, last size, how well it buoys, and how well it will perform. There are a wide range of sorts of spaces, about the same number of as there are surfboard outline potential outcomes. Froth spaces begin at around 5 8 long and go up from that point, while widths can extend from about 18 to 25 . Why the enormous reach? All things considered, it is truly imperative that the shaper select a surf board clear that is quite close long and width to the last surfboard. Generally if a lot of the first froth clear is evacuated the froth center won t be sufficiently solid for its proposed reason. Surfboard spaces can be produced using several unique sorts of froth. There are polyurethane froth spaces, otherwise called PU, and there are EPS froth spaces. *PU Blanks have been being used subsequent to the 1960 s and are the customary decision. In any case, when the ... Show more content on ... EPS spaces are one of 2 sorts of froth surfboard spaces that are utilized as a part of the making of epoxy surfboards. The polyester pitches that are utilized as a part of the making of a fiberglass board can t be utilized with polystyrene spaces, as the chemicals are not perfect and the polystyrene will break down. EPS froth is likewise called beaded froth or open cell froth. This kind of froth is not water repellent, but rather since the epoxy coatings are for all intents and purposes indestructible, it is considered by numerous to be somewhat of a disputable issue. EPS spaces are utilized with epoxy saps to make, you got it, epoxy surfboards. Coincidentally, EPS remains for extended ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Theft Of The Stolen Car Parts 1. (a) The presence of the stolen car parts can be used as a basis to get a search warrant for Dan s property because the officers had probable cause to believe the there was evidence of a crime to be found at Dan s property. A search warrant may be issued for any of the following, the evidence was of a crime, the car parts are instruments of designed for use, intended for use, and used in committing the crime, they are also contraband, fruits of crime, and items illegally possessed. On the other hand, based on the exclusionary rule, a law that prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial, applies to evidence gained from an unreasonable search or seizure in violation of the 4th amendment also seen in Mapp v. Ohio 1961 case. (b)The information provided by Cindy can be used as the basis for obtaining a search warrant because there was probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime will be found at Dan s property where the search should take place in. The affidavit for the search warrant will consist of the following information; the observation of the crime was done by the detective. The detective got a visual of the stolen car parts illegally, however, under the independent source if you obtain a fact illegally originally then obtain the fact through legal means it may be used. The detective searched the land behind Dan s property illegally but the next day an informant, Cindy, legally inform the detective that Dan has stolen car parts on his ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Pandora Research Paper The horses hooves galloped and came to a slow stop as the Everus family arrived in their grand carriage to the front gates of the manor of Lord Pandora. A butler from beside the gates allowed Lord Alexander Everus, Lady Elizabeth Everus, and young Aya Everus to file out. The Pandora Manor was just as great as the Everus manor. The small noble family of three walked through the gates hand in hand. This would be young Aya s first time visiting the Pandora Manor. Someone special was waiting here for her. Young Lord Samael Pandora was around Aya s age and the only son of late Lady Pandora. Lord Pandora was raised by the maids and few butlers of the household as his mother had died during his birth. One of these butlers who helped raise Samael ... Show more content on ... Lady Pandora was an aspiring teacher overridden by health issues and albinism. The albinism was passed from her to her son, and as soon as Samael was born, Lord Pandora was filled with so much grief, that he was unable to care for his son and became a drunk. Compared to the Pandora family, the Everus family was quite lucky. They entered the great doors and were greeted with a flock of people socializing and enjoying refreshments. The chandeliers let a light glow into the ballroom floor and a small live orchestra was playing a pleasant melody as people greeting the luck Alexander Everus. Brother! A deeper voice exclaimed from a small crowd, emerging a heavier man wearing a white suit, light brown hair atop his head and a pair of worn out glasses upon his nose. His face bear a striking resemblance to Alexander s. The man approached Alexander with a hug. Charles! It has been a while brother. Aya s father made the remark to the man, returning the hug. This man was Charles Everus. Unlucker of the two Everus , Charles owned businesses throughout London...but was very secretive of what those businesses actually were. He seemed to be wealthy and had a fair relationship with his brother. The two however were rivals and Charles was constantly jealous of his elder, more handsome ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Conspiracy Pros And Cons Essay Enraged by the bombings, the United States government responded by raiding the headquarters of radical organizations and arresting thousands of suspected radicals. Several thousand who were aliens were deported. The largest raids occurred on January 2, 1920 when over 4000 suspected radicals were seized nationwide. Over 800 were arrested in New England from locations that included Boston, Brockton, Chelsea, Fitchburg, Lawrence, and Lynn. On April 29, 1920, several days before the arrests of Sacco and Vanzetti, Attorney General Palmer warned the nation that the Department of Justice had uncovered plots against the lives of over twenty federal and state officials as part of planned May Day (May 1st) celebrations. May Day, also known as International ... Show more content on ... During the red scare the government was also worried about the threat of communism,so the United states started to act. A man named Palmer an attorney general of the united states government started a antiradical division of the government to be lead by J. Edgar Hoover and is now known as the FBI. They believed that civil liberties were not as important as protecting america. The American populace also was very anti communism they formed groups like the american legion. They thought that any person who didn t have and extreme right wing view was a communist . In some rare cases there would be hate crimes against protesting workers for being ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Bounce Back 2 Life Program Analysis The Community Development Block Grant Program proposed by Lights of Zion Ministries will operate out of Harvey, Illinois, located in PPP Township of Cook County. After an encounter with violence to one of our youth, Lights of Zion and a few community members formed the Bounce Back 2 Life Training Program to offer alternative solutions to those who had limited resources and unstable environments. The aim of the Bounce Back 2 Life Program is to address the south suburbs of Harvey, Markham, Robbins, and surrounding communities who are plagued with limited social services economic decline, high criminal activity, and high numbers of the unemployed, low skilled, low income, undereducated workforce and opportunity youth that are primed for negative behavior. For most, criminal behavior and violence have become a natural course of matriculation from youth to adulthood. ... Show more content on ... This is done with a welcome video presentation that shows past events, success stories from former participants, staff, and other community leaders to motivate the client s participation. The orientation process also includes introductions of new participants, question answer period, additional details about the program, and education test to assess proper program needs as it relates to reading, writing, and math skills. When the testing is completed, the intake personnel identifies an appointment time, for potential participants with a case manager, to develop a service plan to ensure that the individual is serious about enrolling in our program and starting a new career. Once a potential participant qualifies for our program, they are given an enrollment package, course catalog, and a scheduled start date. Each program has its own outline and schedule. Graduation Ceremonies are held to celebrate all graduation ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Relationship Between Warm Colors and Positive Mood This research is important because every day we have to make choices that include choosing a color when for example we decide what shade of makeup to use, what color of clothes to buy or decide what color to paint a wall. Even it has been proved that people often associate their mood with a specific color. Some frequently responses when a person is feeling sad is to describe it as feeling blue or when a person fall in love is common to hear that now this person view the world through rose colored glasses. Other frequently expressions are to describe a person s jealousy as to be green with envy, or describe a child s innocence as to be pure as the snow . The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of color with mood using a ... Show more content on ... Author David Simmons studied color effects more generally in his book, Color and emotion: New directions in color studies. Simmons conducted a lot of experiments trying to prove that color can enhance positive moods. In one of his experiments he asked 56 undergraduate psychology students to paint a white wall with a color that made them to feel positive. The results indicated that yellow, orange and red were picked as the most positive color of the 9 color samples in total. Jacob and Suess (1975) disagree with the general theory that warm colors are more appealing and tend to enhance positive mood. They found that participants shown a more positive mood towards cool colors rather than warm colors. In his article, Effects of four psychological primary colors on anxiety state; Perceptual and motor skills, states that previous studies may have overlooked the effects of colors on standard pencil and paper measures of anxiety. He investigated the effects of primary colors such as: red, yellow, blue and green and the level of anxiety of the participants. The researcher administered the state scale of the State Trait Anxiety Inventory to 40 participants. After reviewing the results he found that colors red and yellow were associated with high levels of anxiety by the participants. On the other hand, color green was described as calming and associated with low levels of anxiety by the participants. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay on Arctic and Alpine Soils Arctic and Alpine Soils Proposal (Ant)arctic (high latitude) and alpine (mountain) areas are affected by relatively similar climates, as latitude and altitude produce similar meteorologic effects. In these geographic regions where temperature is at such a pronounced extreme, climate would seem to be the leading factor of soil development. It is my goal in this research paper to answer the following question: How do the soils of arctic and alpine areas differ? This idea, taken largely from an abstract by Birkeland (1975), will be explored through the comparison of the soils of these two geographic regions, and an analysis of the soil development factors in those environments. Introduction Both high latitude and high altitude ... Show more content on ... However inaccurate as Dokuchaev s generalization may be, a critique of his proposal provides an excellent tool to examine and compare the soils of similar Arctic and Alpine regions. Similarity in Arctic and Alpine Geographic Regions There are pedologic cases in which one of the five soil forming factors established by Jenny (192?) is so prominent and effectual that it outweighs the sum of all of the other factors, resulting in the definition of different soil series almost wholly upon differences in that dominant soil forming factor. For example, in the Carleton Arboretum, our Soils class found that the differences in soil series were defined mostly on the basis of parent material. Most groups had a direct correlation between the distribution of soil types and the distribution of parent materials. In the case of Arctic and Alpine* soils, it is climate which largely outweighs all of the other soil forming factors. As previously stated, the intense cold associated with high latitudes and high altitudes separates Arctic and Alpine areas from other geographic regions of Earth. I believe that upon this basis Dokuchaev made his analog between horizontal and vertical zonality of soils. Through an examination of a number of Arctic and Alpine soils and the pedogeneses of such soils, I aim to expand and adjust his hypothesis, as I feel he did not understand fully the complexity of Alpine ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Pro Forma Balance Sheet Analysis Pro Forma Balance Sheet The Balance Sheet table below shows the Pro Forma Balance Sheet projections. As is illustrated, the asset base will grow through accumulated cash balance and retained earnings will grow through accumulated net profits. Based on these financial projections, the management of DELIGHT TYME expects to build a business with a solid balance sheet for years to come. The balance sheet shows the firm s financial position with respect to assets and liabilities at a specific point in time. An example of a balance sheet is presented in Table..... The balance sheet provides three types of information: assets, liabilities, and owners equity. Assets are what the company owns, and they include current assets those that can be converted ... Show more content on ... The projection for cash indicates that each year within the three year projection will end with a positive accumulated cash flow total. With continued sales growth, cost controls, and gross margin maintenance, the financial projections contained in this Business Plan should allow DELIGHT TYME Enterprise to maintain a positive cash flow and cash balance for years to come. This indicates the DELIGHT TYME will have the ability to sustain its operational cash requirements and provide DELIGHT TYME s ownership with dividend distribution. For clarification, dividend distribution in addition to their salaries can be taken by owners whenever desired. However, even though loan repayment (if applicable) has been accounted for in the Projected Cash Flow, dividend distribution had not been accounted for in the Projected Cash Flow. Therefore, the ending cash balance for Year 3 represents the total cash that would be available for divided distribution if all financial projection is accurate. Breakeven Point (BEP) A company has achieved breakeven when its total sales or revenues equal its total expenses. No profit has been made at the breakeven point, nor have any losses been incurred. This calculation is critical for any business owner because the breakeven point is the lower limit of profit when determining ... Get more on ...
  • 14. If Beale Street Could Talk Analysis Throughout If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin the main characters have to overcome the challenges of racism, and the traits that go hand and hand with it, justice and prejudice, to realize what they actually needed was the family love they already had. Even though there are many romantic and even some graphic passages in the book, Baldwin mainly focuses on how they had to come together as a family when Alonzo (Fonny) was in jail and awaiting trial. If Beale Street Could Talk is essentially a story about the human capacity to love. After Clementine s (Tish s) meeting with her immediate family, they call over Fonny s family to share in the news that Tish is pregnant. During a normal situation this would be a happy occasion and the couple would tell both families at once, together. However Fonny has been in jail for roughly three months at this point, and Fonny s family, except for his dad Frank, are not excited about Tish being pregnant. The Holy Ghost will cause that child to shrivel in your womb. But ... Show more content on ... After Mrs.Rogers had been found Officer Bell swears that he saw Fonny running away from the scene of the crime (Baldwin pg. 93). Later it is revealed that Officer Bell was a racist (Baldwin pgs. 138, 182). Earlier Tish and Fonny had been shopping and this man tried to attack Tish and Fonny attacked the man and Officer Bell was ready to arrest Fonny, mostly on the the bases that he is black (Baldwin pgs. 135 138). She says she was raped by a black man, and so they put one black man in a lineup with a whole lot of pale dudes (Baldwin pg. 182). During the time of racism the colored families had to stick together. Through love and kindness Tish is able to keep him in his right mind while he is in jail. The heart that cries let it but hear/ Its sweet love answering,/ Or out of ether one faint note/ Of living comfort wring (Source D). Love is what kept Fonny going after all that ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Emerson History Analysis Ashleigh Ramsey Ramsey 1 Mr.Kirkindoll AP U.S. History Third Hour 10 December 2014 Universal Emerson s opinion on history in his essay History is thought provoking. Emerson often views history as a prevalent or universal mind . This universal mind is common and accessible to all men. History is often viewed as the record of the universal mind and is also contained in that universal mind. Therefore, Emerson is able to say, Man is explicable by nothing less than all his history . Emerson tends to believe in a certain relation between the hours of a lifetime and the centuries of the time itself. If one thinks history is something that happened in the past, one is mistaken. History is very similar to nature in a way. It is the universal nature which gives worth to particular men and things. In nature there is an endless variety of things, but ... Show more content on ... Bringing historical to a personal level is a great way to make it relevant, and turn it from studying the dates to the actual ideas of the people and what they valued. A mans experiences in life are facts that he stores. Knowledge and one s life experiences are better than looking it up in a book. An example of Emerson s universal mind is when he says, Of the Universal mind each individual man is one more incarnation. This means that every man can contain their divine idiosyncrasy. All of their idiosyncrasies are divined by nature, not by their personal beliefs or choices. This interpretation is possible because there is within us the same motive that has came from other men s thought. We are able to understand their motives through our own understanding of the reactions to our ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Improve Inventory Management To Support Maintenance... BACKGROUND Material management is one of the main components in the management of all types of companies. Material management plays an important role in supporting the company s performance, which relates to customer satisfaction, cost of production and financial performance. Ruauw (2011) stated that the raw materials required should be sufficient available so as to ensure smooth production. However, should the quantity of inventory it should not be too large so that capital tied up in inventory and costs. Meanwhile the inventory is not too big and not too small anyway because can slow down the production process. Failure materials inventory control default will cause a failure in obtaining profit. It is important for every company held ... Show more content on ... In the company s operational, PJB managing several resources, one of them is management of materials. To obtain the company s goal, in the material management operations, currently PJB uses the ABC Analysis method to control the inventory that has been conducted since 2007. PROBLEM FORMULATION Abuhilal (2006) stated that the ultimate goal of inventory management is giving satisfaction to the customers need at the lowest price. There are two types of customer, internal customer and external customer. In company s operation, PJB only has internal customers of inventory management, there is maintenance division. The key performance indicator of customer satisfaction is determined as a number Work Order which delayed which caused by unavailable spare part. According to the CEO decree, now PJB using three classification stock keeping unit to maintain more than 30.000 item of materials. The first classification is the impact of material to power plant operation, then the lead time of delivery and the last classification is about usage value every year (price multiplied by demand value). The stock keeping unit is classified and managed into three criteria. Then, by applying those classification the inventory manager develop policy to keep inventory in optimum level. Based on company statistic on 2008 2012, the cost of material to support a maintenance program show an increasing. Only on 2011, show a decreasing because the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Innovation of Mobile Phone Payments Innovation is a more effective and efficient way of performing tasks. It is not an invention but rather, using a current model and simplifying it to enhance the overall experience of its users. Furthermore, it can eliminate existing problems issues that the users are facing. As there are more than 6 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide, countries all around the world are embracing mobile phone payments. While developed countries are embracing this new technology, as mobile coverage and connectivity rate is high, developed countries are also adopting the practice, as it does not only rely on Internet access. This essay will look at various methods of mobile phone payments and it s impact on both individuals and the society. Mobile phone payments allow consumers to pay for a wide range of goods and services using phones instead of cash, credit/debit cards and cheques. One of the models for payment is by using Short Message Service (SMS) or Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD). Consumers can send payment requests via text messages that will be charged to their phone bill or online wallet. This mode of payment does not require Internet access, which allows developing nations with poorer population and inferior facilities to participate. An example would be the Nigerian mobile pay service, Paga. Users are simply required to enter their identification number as well as the amount necessary. Another mode of payment is the Mobile Web Payment where users access to a ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Nuclear Power Plant Advantages And Disadvantages Every dollar spent on nuclear is one less dollar spent on clean renewable energy and one more dollar spent on making the world a comparatively dirtier and a more dangerous place, because nuclear power and nuclear weapons go hand in hand (Mark Z. Jacobson). Nuclear power plants are widely considered to be one of the most effective methods of producing electricity, however, they come with disastrous potentials. They are more preferred than the toxic burning of fossil fuel, which produces high amounts of greenhouse gases (Health Research Funding). However, I believe that the disadvantages and potential hazards of using nuclear power plants demean the advantages, and thus they should not be considered as a solution to energy problems. The disadvantages include the usage of non renewable fuel and the potential of long lasting destructive effects on the environment and health. Health effects Accidents A nuclear power plant acts like a thermal power station in which nuclear reactors act as the heat source (European Nuclear Society). All typical conventional thermal power stations work similarly, where heat is used to generate steam which drives a turbine connected to a generator that produces electricity (European Nuclear Society). There are four hundred nuclear power plants functioning in the world, with many in the United States and Japan (Nuclear Energy Institute, World Statistics ). One of the main drawbacks of using nuclear power plants is ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Mad Cous Disease or Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Essay Although mad cow disease is always fatal, it is not really much of a worry in the United States. There have only been four cases of mad cow disease ever recorded in the United States. In every case, the United States Department of Agriculture has intervened and recalled tons of beef, 10,400 lbs. in the first case to be exact, in order to insure that the meat did not reach the plates of United States citizens. In Canada, however, there have been 19 cases of mad cow disease. This differs considerably from that of the United States. The interesting thing about all of the disease is that the first case of mad cow disease was imported. The first case of mad cow disease in Canada was from a cow imported from the United Kingdom. Then, the first ... Show more content on ... With this being said, mad cow disease is also always fatal. Any cow that has ever been diagnosed with mad cow disease has died from the disease. I, personally, am surprised that doctors have not been able to at least slow down the effects of this disease. So, without needing to be said, mad cow disease is a cow s biggest nightmare. The effects of mad cow disease on cattle are very obvious. This disease is not one in which you see a cow grazing and it looks perfectly fine, but a disease in which the cow looks as if it has no control over its own body and mindlessly wanders around. That is because having no control over its own body is exactly what happens. As you may or may not know, cows tend to stay pretty closely together in a field. Well, a cow with mad cow disease will not necessarily stay with the herd. It may wander off completely from the herd for no apparent reason at all. You may also see a mad cow disease ridden cow stagger and miss steps. This is just another sign of mad cow disease in cattle. When a cow gets certain types of sicknesses or illnesses, it may lose weight. Well, the same can be said for a cow with mad cow disease. As a result of the cow losing a lot of weight, it will also become very weak and it may also become hard for it to hold itself up for very long. Now, I m not saying that any cow that loses weight because of an illness has mad cow disease, but it is one of the effects ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Explain Why Students Should Not Be Allowed To Have Cell... Failure to pay attention. Lack of honesty. Poor grades. These are some outcomes of allowing cellphones in class. Eight ball or word cookies may end up causing you to fail or miss an assignment. Students should not be allowed to have and use their cellphones because of inequality, distractions, and dishonesty. To begin with, students should not be allowed to have cell phones in class due to inequality. Even though most students have cell phones, some do not. Students may be embarrassed if they don t have a cell phone like all the other students. Another reason why inequality is an issue because of the lack of power sources. Not all classrooms provide outlets or have enough outlets for everyone to use. Everyone charging their phones at the same time or looking for an outlet at the same time would be chaos. Secondly, distractions are a big ordeal in class. Cell phones are a problem due to sounds and ringtones because they can cause a distraction during a lesson. Maybe in the middle of a test and all of a sudden a ding or a ring goes off. You get all sidetracked and then lose track of what you were thinking of or what the answer was. You may be tempted to want to play 8 ball or word cookies. In the middle of the game the teacher ... Show more content on ... Allowing students to have their cell phones out can allow them to be able to go on the internet and look up answers to a test or class work. They could text another student and ask them for answers. Also,allowing students to have cell phones in class, can make a chance for cyber bullying to happen. A student that may not be friends with another classmate could capture an embarrassing moment for the student and post it to allow all of his friends to see it. Students could video or take pictures of a teacher during class which could get the teacher in trouble. Allowing cellphones in class will more than likely just cause lying and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Hawaii s Musical Culture And History While researching the country of Hawaii s musical culture and history I was able to find some very interesting things that are present in modern Hawaii. From the causes of musical oppression, fight for independence and revival of Hawaiian culture I will talk about how all of these contributed to the current culture of Hawaiian drum dance. First I will talk about the history and culture of the Hawaiian natives and how this has had its effect on Hawaiian music. In 1778, the first European to come to Hawaii was Captain James Cook. He was a British explorer and discovered Hawaii while he was exploring the East coast of Australia. When he came to Hawaii he became a symbol of outsider influence because he opened up trade with North America and ... Show more content on ... In later years there would be even more epidemics due to increase in trade which will eventually cut the population size in half in Hawaii. In the 19th century Hawaii used the form of government called a monarchy. King Kamehameha I or the Great was the first king to unify all of the islands that made up Hawaii. King Kamehameha was a very inspiring king for the Hawaiian people. His beliefs and morals set the tone for what they expected out of future kings in Hawaii. He strongly believed in maintaining independence from colonial control. He did this by creating alliances with those powers. He supported a lot of freedoms that the natives had. Such as, religion and religious expression and cultural customs. With the increase in trade he also tried to preserve the native Hawaiian culture. One way he did this was by allowing only natives to own land. But decades later this law was taken away. The reason why I discuss King Kamehameha is because he becomes a symbol in Hawaiian music and they praise him in their songs because of how favorable he was as a king. After his death, his son took to the throne and was named King Kamehameha II. Unlike his father, he took a very different path during his reign. He destroyed almost all of his father s efforts to lead a country of freedom. He took way Kapu which restricted people to practice their religion and customs as well as destroying their idols and ritual practices. The Kapu was a system of rules that separated the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Abraham Maslow And The American Psychological Association Abraham Maslow (1908 1970), some time President of the American Psychological Association, is best known for his work on human motivation and in particular for his Hierarchy of Needs, which was first defined in a paper of 1943. Five basic needs are defined, all of which he considered to be hard wired in the human species. They are arranged hierarchically, with self actualization referring to people s desire for self fulfillment, namely, the tendency for them to become actualized in what they are potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one idiosyncratically is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming (Maslow, 1943, p.22). Maslow s 1943 paper mentions cognitive needs such as the desire to know and to understand, and also aesthetics, but does not place them within the hierarchy of five. In other words Maslow recognized, even at this early stage, that his list was incomplete. In spite of this reservation it has been widely reproduced as a complete theory, on the way acquiring its own pictorial representation in the form of a triangle or pyramid, which is reproduced in countless publications. Because the five needs are latently or actively present in all members of the human species, they are described as being biologically rooted . This is a key theme throughout Maslow s work. He is dealing with the characteristics of a particular species, some of which may be shared with other species, but nevertheless he avoids ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Ups vs Fedex Report On UPS VS FedEx [pic] Prepared to Professor wahidur Rahaman Prepared By Ashraful alam: ID 2013010004018 Konika: ID 2013010004022 [pic] Southeast University Date of Submission 08/09/2013 [pic] Table of contents Page no: Memo of transmittal 1 Memo of transmittal ii List of tables iv Executive summary v 1 Introduction ... Show more content on ... When it comes to rates, both of these companies vary in prices by just a dollar or a few. Some of the services they offer have the same rates as well. But just recently, both these companies have adjusted their pricing scheme due to increasing fuel prices. FedEx has slowly gained in competition with UPS in terms of revenue. In a year, FedEx averages about $22 billion in sales while UPS averages $30
  • 24. billion a year. Sometimes you just have to face the fact that a company s success is best measured by its results of operations. When it comes to the selling rates of their shares in the stock market, UPS is still number one with their stocks valued at $82 billion, while FedEx trails by a large margin selling only $22 billion dollars in stocks. Introduction of UPS VS FedEx [pic] 1.1 UPS VS FedEx once a glance: |[pic] |[pic] | ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Galileo Galilei Get Thrown In Jail I am Heaven, and I am talking to you about Galileo Galilei .For reasons not getting thrown in jail for his impressive theory or method.One reason why he should nt be thrown in jail is because he improved a handmade telescope.Also two is that it made astronimacal discoveries. He shouldn t be thrown in jail for improving a significant thing in life.Also made astronomical sight seeing.The website showed that Without seeing an example, he had made his own so without a thought he just heard that someone made a telescope.He improved a poor thing into a rich thing.Like a not so good thing into a good thing. His creation of the telescope does not go against the law of god.He saw with his telescope and sunspots,mountain valleys,and the planets.The ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Distribution Mapping and Dealer Satisfaction Survey for... Distribution Mapping amp; Dealer Satisfaction survey for Nokia Mobile Phones | A PROJECT REPORT Under the guidance Of Mr. Neeraj Arora ______________________________ MOHAMMAD AREEB Roll no: 521159708 ______________________________ in partial fulfilment o f the requirement for the award of the degree Of MBA IN [Marketing] JUNE 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, I thank my Supervisor Mr. Neeraj Arora for his continuous support to making this project Mr. Neeraj Arora was always there to listen and to give advice. He is responsible for involving me in this project in the first place. He taught me how to ask questions amp; which technique used for analysis. He showed me different ways to approach for the analysis. Special thanks goes to my ... Show more content on ... Satisfied with price 24 4. Satisfied with Advertisements 25 5. Satisfied with Features of Nokia 25 6. Satisfied with Audio output 26 7. Satisfied with Software compatibility 26 8. Satisfied with Built in memory 27 9. Satisfied with Camera/video quality 27 10. Satisfied with Accessories 28 11. Satisfied with Appearances 28 12. Satisfied with services 29 13. Satisfied with Battery backup 29 14. Satisfied with Brand image 30
  • 27. 15. Satisfied with its life 30 16. Fully aware all the Features 31 Chapter 1 Introduction Background Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola, made the first US analogue mobile phone call on a larger prototype model in 1973. On April 3, 1973, Motorola employee Dr. Martin Cooper placed a call to Dr. Joel S. Engel, head of research at AT amp;T s Bell Labs, while walking the streets of New York City talking on the first Motorola DynaTAC prototype in front of reporters. Motorola has a long history of making automotive radios, especially two way radios for taxicabs and police cruisers. Nokia has played a pioneering role in the growth of cellular technology in India, starting with the first ever cellular call a decade ago, made on a Nokia mobile phone over a Nokia deployed network. Nokia started its India operations in 1995, and presently operates out of offices in New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Jaipur, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Character Analysis Of A Rose For Emily A Rose for Emily begins with and ends with the death of Miss Emily Grierson, who was certainly a strong, strange character, and described as a monument to the people of her town and a character analysis on her can go in any number of directions. She had to overcome many difficulties in every step of her life. Therefore, every step of her life presents her characteristics in different parts of the story, but yet leaves the readers pondering...Who is Miss Emily Grierson? In the beginning of the story, it is said that Miss Emily is a traditional person, a duty, a care and a sort of hereditary obligation around her town dating back from the day in 1894 . Her character of being traditional goes back to the teaching of china painting lessons which ... Show more content on ... Throughout her life, her father had always been controlling and dominating her life up until his death. After her father s death, it left her deeply distressed and more isolated than ever refusing to give up her father s dead body possibly because she was use to her father s presence and being in control of everything in her life which made it almost impossible for her to cope and leaving her in denial of her father s death. Some years after, Emily meets a man by the name of Homer Barron, whom she grew to love, but sadly the irony of this fate is that he wasn t attracted to her and also rejected her proposal of wanting to marry him. Another saying of the townspeople is After her father s death she went out very little, after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her, and this shows how unfortunate she was. It s hard to imagine losing the ones you love most especially because they made such an impact in your life which is probably how Miss Emily felt. After all, her father and Homer Barron played a significant role in her life and for that reason she couldn t bear the absence of both her father and lover which made her stay unhappy living in her house. Although, Mr. Grierson appearance in the story was little, his dominating and controlling way was clear from the beginning of the story. For instance, he didn t allow Emily to get into a relationship ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Pro Death Penalty Research Paper The death penalty may seem perfectly fine and isn t something you think about often, but first read the arguments for and against, you may just change your mind. Three disadvantages of the death penalty are as follows: it costs taxpayers several times more than to keep a prisoner for life, it violates the cruel and unusual punishments in the bill of rights, and sometimes innocent people are put to death.To hold a death row inmate costs $90,000 more per year than to keep a prisoner for life. 130 people have been released from death row because they were innocent. A quote from Tim Kaine (2016 vice presidential candidate) against the death penalty: My faith teaches that life is sacred. That s why I personally oppose the death penalty. But ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Ipl Business Model IPL The Indian Premier League is a T20 cricket competition promoted by the BCCI and is modelled on the same lines as football s EPL or basketball s NBA. It works on franchise system wherein the teams (presently 8; going up to 10 from the next season) representing different cities are auctioned and the highest bidder is awarded the rights to own and run the team for ten years. Over a span of just three years, it has become a business phenomenon, even overshadowing what it stands for, that is cricket, involving leading business groups, bollywood stars and the entire nation alike. IPL as a business model has following major stakeholders: BCCI Franchises Sponsors Players Spectators Unlike its counterparts such as EPL or NBA, the major ... Show more content on ... Apart from the monetary benefit, the franchises may also utilize this platform for brand building and promoting their other business interests. Franchises outflow: The major expense for any franchise is the bid amount paid upfront for securing the rights of owning and running a team, which is for a period of 10 years. Apart from that another expense the franchises entail is on account of running and maintaining the teams. Apart from the above mentioned, a franchise may earn or lose some money during the buying or selling of players among franchises. Sponsors inflow: No direct revenue generated through IPL. Sponsors outflow: Sponsors have a lot as stake as top of the line slots can go for up to $17k per spot. Players inflow: The players major source of revenue is the participation fee. Apart from that players can also earn prize money and bonuses. Players outflow: No direct expense on account of IPL. However, participating in IPL does tax the players in the way of making their already packed calendars all the more hectic. Spectators inflow: No revenue through IPL. A handful of them may take away prizes through various competitions such as Karbon Kamaal catch etc. Spectators outflow: The major expense incurred by spectators on account of IPL is on entry tickets. IPL is currently valued at over ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Importance Of Identification As A High School Athlete How I identify as a high school athlete I identify myself though the actions I have made in my life. The social identity theory states that people who keep motivated and active tend to behave in ways that maintain and keep their social cliques. No matter the wins and losses I have had over the past four years in my high school career as an athlete, group identification helps boost my awareness of the role leadership within my social clique. Through sports, I have learned to hone in on the important cognitive skills like observations and description, and the ability to interpret data such as stats. I also have the ability to tolerate frustration and work in concert with others toward a common goal such as winning the event or game. The role ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Hack An Iphone Analysis The articles of the constitution have withstood the change of time because our country founders worded them in such a way so that principle ideas will never be questioned. The FBI in the case of one of the California shooters, Syed Farook, pressured Apple to hack the phone without the search warrant. The FBI shouldn t have pressured Apple to hack an iPhone because it breaches privacy, it violates free speech, and it hurts apple s business. From the business point of view of Apple, I have seen Arguments that Apple refused to unlock the phone for business reasons, to protect the Brand. (2) This because Apple phone sales would decrease because people of the world do not want to be tracked on their phones. Also, the company has a responsibility ... Show more content on ... Government has no right to force anybody to provide Services against their will. (2) If the U.S. did force companies to provide services to violate personal privacy, freedom or speech, or fundamental human rights, they would behave no differently than the governments of Russia or China. Unlike the U.S., these governments have no respect for individual rights or free speech. On the other hand, many people may argue that by hacking into the shooter s iPhone it would increase national security. But, The Fourth Amendment was meant to protect Americans from illegal searches. This means that police or other law enforcement can t search your home, car, or clothing without permission from a court. It also guarantees Americans right to privacy... It doesn t say that a person s home or belongings can t be searched at all. It does say that the government must have a good reason for the search, or probable cause. And the government must get permission, in the form of a warrant from a judge by showing probable cause. (1) That is because the fourth amendment gives us the right to privacy. All in all, Apple did choose the right thing of refusing to hack into the iPhone. If Apple would breach the Phone, then they would break the constitution by going against the first and fourth amendment. Also, if Apple did violate the device, then it would have hurt the brand name. To avoid any other issues such as this one in the future we should amend the constitution or add laws that adjust to changing technology in the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. In Lies We Trust Analysis In Lies We Trust The 2009 romantic fantasy movie The Invention of Lying portrays a world completely devoid of untruths, where everyone tells the truth all the time and everything said is taken at face value. Mark Bellison, the protagonist, begins by explaining that in his world, everyone tells the entire truth, not matter how hurtful or cruel. The audience notices a Pepsi ad with the tagline, Pepsi: when they don t have coke, among other peculiar things. This premise is not only humorous because it is so contrary to reality, but also unsettling, because it brings to light how frequently humans lie and are dependent on lying, as well as how the world cannot exist without it. Indeed, although lying is often negatively perceived, the ubiquity of it is observed all around the world, particularly in commonplace and social exchanges. ... Show more content on ... Similarly, in the Bible, Adam and Eve committed the Original Sin due to the serpent s lie. The infamous witch trials, moreover, exploded on the basis of eradicating diabolical lies. In 1963, the United States Supreme Court ruled that confessions induced by truth serums (Barbiturates including scopolamine, sodium amytal and sodium pentothal) were a of torture and unconstitutional ( A Brief History of Lying ). Comparably, in his article pertaining the topic of lying in the west, author Adam Pasion further explicates ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Unpaid Internships Internships are four six week jobs that give students the chance to see what it is like in the career world sometimes going towards the credit hours. Internships are a great way to gain work experience in the business world and to see if the career path is the one. Colleges offer internships to their students to see if the career source is the right choice for them. There are two types of internships paid and unpaid. Paid internships are learning opportunities that get paid for the work that has been done. Unpaid internships are more for an educational purpose. Internships are a great way for students to get a hands on experience outside of the classroom environment while gaining college credits, refences to put down on their resume. First, ... Show more content on ... (2017, Apr 18). Are unpaid internships worth the hassle? University Wire Retrieved from accountid=39036 Gillespie, P. (2016, July 7). Unpaid interns face lousy job prospects. In CNNMoney. Retrieved from interns job prospects/index.html Korn, M. (2017, Apr 11). U.S. news: Colleges seek more from deals. Wall Street Journal Retrieved from url= MarksJarvis, G. (2017, Apr 09). Students selecting a college increasingly consider long term job prospects, debt. St.Louis Post Dispatch Retrieved from url= Perkins, A. (2016, May 13). The 2016 list of best cities for finding summer internships. In GoodCall. Retrieved from center/2016 list best cities finding summer internships/ Rothman, M., Sisman, R. (2016). Internship impact on career consideration among ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Socratic Wisdom Socratic Wisdom In the Apology, the oracle at Delphi stated that Socrates was the wisest man of his time (Plato 21a). Socrates, however, [was] very conscious that [he was] not wise at all , which would not make him the wisest man of his time (21b). Certainly, not both the oracle and Socrates could be simultaneously correct in their individual beliefs; thus, the oracle and Socrates must have had differing definitions of wisdom. What, then, is wisdom? Many people believe wisdom denotes having extensive knowledge about various things. A person often gains this knowledge through time and experience, hence why elderly people are viewed as wise. We shall refer to this form of wisdom as wisdom through knowledge alone. So too, many ... Show more content on ... When one says that this elderly person has wisdom from various life experiences, he/she is not saying that the elderly person knows much about books and their profession. Instead, one would be speaking about the elderly person s vast knowledge about what is important in life due to their multitude of experiences. While the elderly person may not be completely wise in the most encompassing form of wisdom, the elderly person does appear to have a more expansive understanding of what is important in life. Simply knowing what matters in life, however, does not satisfy the ultimate form of wisdom, for the wise must know why these things matter in life. That is, a truly wise person must have insight beyond the theoretical, into the practical. Beyond this, a wise person, in this view, must also know how to achieve what matters most, and, in knowing so, do what matters most. I say this because a truly wise person would be able to act upon what they know to be the most important thing in life. It is wiser for a person to act than to merely conceptualize what is most essential in life. This, I believe, is what Socrates viewed wisdom as in Plato s Apology. While it can be inferred that Socrates viewed wisdom as humility, knowledge, and self knowledge through his examinations of the politicians, poets, and craftsmen, this is not Socrates complete view of wisdom. The more comprehensive view Socrates held of wisdom lies in his belief ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Essay About Seaworld Train The Killer Whale And Dolphins Future Me Rough Draft Don t lie, you wonder how the people at SeaWorld train the killer whale and dolphins. Well, I can tell you how, since I m one of those people. Well, kind of. I am a trainer, not at SeaWorld, but that s not what I started as, what I d hoped I would be, or even what I wanted to be going through college. It just so happened that I got offered a job so much better, I gave up on my original dream so I could be a trainer. I wanted to be a biological oceanographer, big name, I know. I had this dream growing up that I could be best friends with a killer whale, which basically, I had. Not the one in my dream, though. Her name was Lorelei, and she could talk to me like a human could, only better. I told her all my secrets, my goals in life that I would work so hard to achieve, but obviously having a whale as a best friend didn t turn out. I was in love with the Free Willy movies, and I thought Jesse was cute, so I kept watching, and before I knew it I wanted some sort of job that had to do with orcas. I didn t just randomly become a dolphin trainer at birth, though. One fabulous October 9th, 2002 I decided I was sick of my mom and wanted to see the world. Chaz and Gene, my parents, raised me among my, fairly annoying, siblings. Zack and Vincent as my brothers, and my sister Alyssa. Despite all of them always messing with me or being mad at me because I was a child and liked to be loud and play, they were actually pretty cool. Soon after I was born, we moved to ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Show Boat Scene Analysis To be sure, sound summons our attention to the spatial and temporal dimensions of a scene by putting us in the point of view to it. The audio in films completes what our eyes expect to see. In fact, sound brings the scene together because, without the audio, our minds could not reasonably finish the scene. This particular art form began in 1927, when a Universal employee, Jack Foley helped turn the film studios silent film Show Boat into a musical. Because the microphones only picked up the dialogue, Foley added the sounds later. First, he projected the film onto a screen and recorded the movement, footsteps, the props all on one track and basically acted out the movie again, adding sound. As it turned out, Foley created a new industry of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. High Frequency Trading On Chinese Market Introduction of high frequency trading in Chinese market Ruosi Fan Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to study the high frequency trading and its application in the Chinese market. This study includes the status, characteristics and development trend of foreign high frequency trading, on the basis of high frequency trading system structure analysis and the development of Chinese high frequency corresponding regulatory Suggestions. High frequency trading has high speed and complex instructions operation procedures, low latency, open time is short, trade frequently, the characteristics of its bulk deity, and has some of the participants in the securities trading of lower transaction costs and other advantages, at the same time, brought negative effects such as market turmoil. Key words: high frequency trading Stock index and futures High frequency trading regulation 1. The definition of high frequency trading High frequency trading is a special kind of algorithm, it is based on a trading strategy, and focus on using high speed computer with extremely high frequency information to purchase, and issue orders automatically. Authority international academia and industry have not unified definition on high frequency trading. The file of SEC in 2010 say that high frequency trading is used specifically to those trading transactions within the duration of 1 day. 2. Characteristics of high frequency trading Combined with the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay On Globalization And Trade Opportunities Topic: Globalization and Trade opportunities General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the opportunities brought by globalization when trade is concerned. Thesis: Globalization trade opportunities as the world has become closer and tied in client demand and supply structures. Introduction: Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen: As salamu alaykum. It is an honor and a privilege to join you at this meeting, and to reflect with you on trade opportunities between our two companies. With trade flows between our countries growing at an unprecedented rate, the timing of your visit could not be better. Indeed, for many years, people have been buying and selling to one another from all corners of the world. It is impossible for any country rich or poor as its economy grows, to stay away from a global market where free trade and free movement of capital are pivotal to a strong economy. As a matter of fact, trade and investment increase job opportunities all around the world, and foreign money that comes into our companies may result in access to wider markets. From trade opportunities to investment, the world has become closer, and tied in client supply and demand structures. Therefore, it s important to acknowledge how important this meeting is for our two companies. Today, I will address the three main arguments for trade opportunities, client supply and demand structures in this globalization era, and how instrumental they are in a company s growth. Key points: First, I will discuss globalization and investment in the context of our venture Second, I will discuss trade opportunities Finally, I will discuss client supply and demand structures I stand before you today as a representative of our company. As you know, globalization has enabled increased levels of investment. It has made it easier for businesses to attract short term and long term investment. And as a company specialized in construction materials, our goal is to expand our distribution network to new countries such as Saudi Arabia the largest economy in the Middle East. We are looking for a Saudi partner to embark in a joint venture. There are several agreements ratified by the United States to ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Analysis Of Between The World And Me, In Ta Nehisi Coates s Between the World and Me, Coates seeks to educate his young son and in turn the reader of his experience as an African American man in the United States. In this, racism becomes a very prominent and complex theme. In some way racism impacted every facet of his life. The novel highlights the drastic difference in the ability for curiosity and personal development and questioning in his public education in a poor area versus his continued education at Howard University a historically black private college. What was the main cause of these extremely different experiences, socioeconomics, institutional culture, educational style? Coates spent his childhood years in a poor Baltimore public school, a system that mostly meant always packing an extra number 2 pencil and working quietly (Coates 25). He grew up believing that The world had no time for the childhoods of black boys and girls (Coates 25). School was not to him a place of education but rather an institution whose purpose was to train the students to obey and conform. Algebra, Biology, and english were not subjects so much as opportunities to better discipline the body (Coates 25). In many low income public schools education seems to fall through the cracks. The curriculum meets the basic requirements but lacks the space for the kids to find personal passions, to be curious about what they want to know and believe. Coastes s childhood education was not one of discovery, rather it was ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Communication Problems In English Communication How to correct these problems? In order to improve these situations, the teacher needs to take care of different variables. Learner variables: When working with young adults, it is important to know what is their aptitude towards learning the language. People at this age tend to be overly conscious of how they are perceived. Although, it is important for them to improve, it is also challenging getting them to try. Nobody wants to be labeled as a weak learner. And pronunciation is one of those language skills that makes evident students English shortcomings. Therefore, when working on this kind of exercises, make sure they are embedded in the curriculum from the beginning of the course; so that students do not feel the activity has a ... Show more content on ... Methodological variables: Improving the pronunciation of plosives, and the rhythm of the produced language , is a process that requires an intentional effort from the learner. Pronunciation practice involves some drilling because certain challenges are overcome through mastering the mechanics. Just as dancers rehearse moves to the point that they become automatic, speakers need to practice using their articulators in specific ways so that the mechanics become secondary and the attention can shift back where it needs to go to the meaning. (Recio, 2011) Therefore exercises that involve repetition will be necessary. However, it is not about repeating for the sake of it. There should be a process that makes the student aware of what it expected from his pronunciation. The activities proposed should have exposure procedure. In this stage not explicit attention is paid to specific features of pronunciation (Ball, n.d.) Then activities where the learner listens to speech containing the target feature used correctly should be part of this stage. (e.g. songs, fragments of movies, speeches, etc) Exercise: As Ball said, in this stage there must be the identification of specific sound features and the appropriate practice for their perception and production. In this stage, drills and repetition exercises can take place. For instance for working with plosives, the following exercise ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Fto Program Field training officer (FTO) programs were created so that agencies could better manage the post academy training for officers that traditionally were not hired into this field of work (Doerner, 2012). The good old boy program was out, and the implementation of a structured, standardized FTO program became the replacement (Doerner, 2012). In order to implement a FTO program, it must be defined so that the overall objectives are met. The San Jose Police Department was the first to initiate an FTO program. With some slight changes, this system is typically the one in use today (Doerner, 2012). The FTO program is a set period of time broken down into phases where each phase allows the rookie officer more and more responsibilities (Doerner, ... Show more content on ... Studies in the 80 s have shown that a greater percentage of blacks and females could not successfully complete the FTO program compared to white male officers (Doerner, 2012). If this was based on unfairly treating blacks and females during the training, then the concern is that racism exists and much time and money has been wasted getting the rookie officers to this point (Doerner, 2012). This would also have a negative impact on any affirmative action efforts. However, Doerner conducted an extensive study in 1989 of over 300,000 ratings and concluded that white FTO s did not unfairly treat black rookies and male FTO s did not unfairly use different standards for female rookie officers (Doerner, 2012). Further investigation discovered that blacks struggled in passing radio use, legal knowledge, and report writing, which was surprising as they were required to have a 2 year college degree (Doerner, 2012). Changes to the demographic unbalancing of FTO instructors, lengths of phases being increased, and lessening the expectations of the program all were implemented to overcome the concerns of affirmative actions and barriers (Doerner, ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven Analysis Lone Ranger and Tonto FistFight in Heaven On a sunny, warm spring day in May, how does a high school teacher grab students attention? Dreams, sex,and humor will intrigue some but add in the idea of analyzing a person or character s psyche and even more eyes perk up. Student begin questioning, how do dreams reveal a person s unconscious thoughts? They ponder: when friends are joking around, it is to be funny or is there more too it? Students consider what type of argument can be formed is support or defense of why young children make humorous and sexual comments. Some answers can be discovered by examining literature through psychoanalysis. In fact, Freudian psychoanalysis, especially of literature, reveals as much about characters as it does about real people and society in general. When analyzing literature, Sherman Alexie, a critically acclaimed, novelist and poet provides a humorous and honest insight into Native American culture and the challenges of assimilating into mainstream society. His novels, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian and The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, lead readers through the trials of growing up on a Native American reservation. His adolescent protagonists, Junior and Victor, fight through their disillusionment of Native American life in a humorous and relatable way. Combining Alexie s work with that of Freud much can be gained about the mindset of Native American youths and the enigma of society. Looking through ... Get more on ...