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Int 2 English Critical Essay Tips
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Int 2 English Critical Essay TipsInt 2 English Critical Essay Tips
Criminal Appeal Process
Federal Criminal Appeal Process as a Social Policy
The losing party in a judgment by a federal district court, in general has a right to appeal the
judgment to the next highest court, which is usually the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. In
a federal criminal case, the government may not appeal a not guilty verdict, though they may appeal
the sentence imposed on a criminal convict. In a federal criminal case, the defendant may appeal
their conviction and the sentence.
The party who files the appeal is known as the appellant. The appellant has the burden of proof. The
appellant must demonstrate to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals that the federal district
made a substantial legal error, which affected the judgment in the ... Show more content on ...
Secondly, as stated above, the burden of proof is on the appellant to prove that an error occurred
and that the error was substantial. Errors that do not impinge on the substantial rights of the
appellant are disregarded as harmless error. Number of Appeals Overview
As a general rule, the final judgment of a lower district may only be appealed once to the next
higher court. Therefore, the total number of appeals is dependent upon the total number of superior
courts to the lower district court, which rendered the judgment. The first appeal is the appeal as of
right (Levenson, 2017). The appeal as of right entitles the appellant to the assistance of counsel
(Levenson, 2017).
Steps in Filing a Timely Appeal: File the Notice of Appeal
Filing an appeal is ordinarily a two step process: firstly, file the notice of appeal. The notice of
appeal is filed with the lower district court, which simply notifies the lower district court that the
defendant is appealing the case. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals may not consider an
appeal, if the lower district court has not received timely notice of appeal. In criminal appeals,
notice of appeal must be filed within ten days from the date the lower district court s judgment if
filed (Levenson, 2017).
Secondly, file the appellate brief with the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. As stated above,
the appellate
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Essay about Cmis 102 Hw 2
CMIS 102 Homework 2 Problem Analysis In order to calculate the total price to purchase all the
components required to build a state of the art gaming computer, state of the art must be defined.
For the purposes of this program design, state of the art is defined as a set of computer components
that are capable of operating current games to a satisfactory level. A sample of minimum and
recommended hardware requirements for modern games was taken and a baseline established for
components that satisfy those requirements. Additional hardware was selected that exceeds the
requirements to establish options representing mid range and bleeding edge components. These
three sets of components were researched online to determine prices... Show more content on ...
These tasks directly correspond to the modules of our design. An input module will display a list
of 11 drop down boxes, one for each component type. Each drop down box will contain the
options available for that component type, with the baseline category option as the default. A
calculation module will look up the prices for the selected components in the database and
compute the sum total. A display module will output the result to the user. A main module will
tie the other modules together and coordinate the calling of each module and the data passed
between them. MAIN_MODULE: /* Set the defaults to baseline components */ SET
selectedComponents = baselineComponents CALL INPUT_MODULE SET totalPrice =
EACH component type get list of components from the database of TYPE component type
populate the combo box for component type with the list of components of that type END FOR /*
Wait for the user to finish input then store the selections */ SET selectedComponents = values of
the drop down boxes RETURN CALCULATE_MODULE: SET totalPrice = 0 FOR EACH
component IN selectedComponents SET currentComponentPrice = look up the PRICE of the
component in the database totalPrice = totalPrice + currentComponentPrice END FOR RETURN
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The Nurse Training Act Into Law
Public Health Service Act64, when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Nurse Training Act
into law (Nursing Community, 2014). Now 50 years later, it is still in effect and called the Nursing
Workforce Development programs. This act is located under Title VIII of the Public Health Service
Act, which is administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health
Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Foci of this nursing manpower act are areas
within nursing recruitment, retention, and education. Healthcare facilities and Nursing education
is support by this act from graduate school to entry level programs (Nursing Community). More
than 450,000 nursing students, healthcare facilities, and nursing programs were... Show more
content on ...
NURSE Corps Loan Repayment and Scholarship Programs, reimburses up to 85% of current or
new graduate nursing students loans if they agree to work at least three years in an accredited
school of nursing or designated healthcare facility (Nursing Community). To receive a NURSE
Corps Scholarship, a student must be registered as a full time student and agree to work or teach
for two years in a critical shortage area or accredited school of nursing. In order to help
disadvantage nursing students, Workforce Diversity Grants were created to supply money and
contract prospects for racial and ethnic minorities who are underrepresented in the registered nurse
(RN) workforce. The Workforce Diversity Grants helped 12,077 students in FY 2012 (Nursing
Community). The goal of the Nurse Faculty Loan Program Grants is to advance the number
competent nursing faculty. In FY 2012, there were 2,259 nurse educators helped, these educators
are required to teach at a school of nursing for four years (Nursing Community). Over these four
years, which includes interest, 85% of their student loans will be repaid (Nursing Community).
Nurse Education, Practice, Quality, and Retention Grants facilitate academic health centers, schools
of nursing, state and local governments, nurse managed health centers, and healthcare facilities.
These grants are utilized to improve nursing education and increase programs, 6,269
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Gary Paulsen s The Last Seance
A mother s love for her child is like nothing else in this world. It knows no law, no pity, it dates all
things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path, (Agatha Christie, The Last
Seance) embodies the bond between Tony and his mother, Al, who permits Tony to represent
himself in an artistic fashion by allowing him to come to work with her at the Kitty Kat Club, a
local club where his motherexotically dances at, so he can use her coworkers as models. In Gary
Paulsen s novella, the Glass Cafe or the Stripper and the State; How My Mother Started A War
With the System That Made Us Kind of Rich and a Little Bit Famous, Tony, a 12 year old boy,
whose illustrations of his mother s coworkers, who are strippers, are released in... Show more
content on ...
However, all Al is doing is attempting to adjust to the environment that she was given after Tony
s father disappeared by becoming an exotic dancer to support her and her son. If Al had been in
a better situation and setting in her life, she wouldn t have had to become a stripper. She could ve
followed her dreams and gain the doctorate in English she had always wanted. Meanwhile, if she
was never a stripper than the story wouldn t even have occurred at all since Tony wouldn t have
models to
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The Australian Government Essay
When you think of the land down under you don t really think of the kind of government they have.
I chose to write about the Australian government because I really don t hear much about Australia.
It currently has a pretty interesting story to tell when it comes to their government. I became a bit
interested in Australian politics when I saw a political animated cartoon on the internet that
depicted Kevin Rudd, the last Prime Minister, on a news television show and it was quite
humorous. I am going to give a quick history lesson on Australiathen go into how the government
formed and came to be. Then I will talk about the Australian constitution, the Australian arms of
government, their federal system, political parties and Australia s... Show more content on ...
Penal colonies are places when some send their inmates to be exiled. It was said that about 160,000
people were brought into Australia. Many Europeans decided to immigrate to Australia and because
of this and after a while the economy and colonies of Australia, under the British rule, started to
grow (Austrailian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade).
Now I shall talk about how the Australian Constitution. It s common knowledge to know that a
constitution is pretty much the law of the land and a foundation of the laws that rule there.
Constitutions are very important for countries to have. Helen Irving explains in The Oxford
Companion of Australian Politics that, Its Preamble records the agreement of the six Australian
colonies to federate in 1901 and to remain together as one indissoluble federal Commonwealth .
The Australian Constitution was written as a bill when the colonies met in 1890. The constitution
has a full draft by the end of 1891 but colonial parliaments failed to pass it (Irving).
It took about 10 years in 1901 that the constitution was finally ratified. They were finally an
independent nation and no longer under the
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Were Watching God Figurative Language
In William Shakespeare s The Tempest, A storm is responsible for creating an epoch in Prospero s
life. Likewise, the hurricane in Zora Neale Hurston s Their Eyes Were Watching God also
represents a watershed in Janie s life. Both Shakespeare and Hurston use the storm to symbolize
creation and regeneration among their protagonists. Hurston, however, uses figurative language to
enhance features of the storm, creating a mood for the reader. Hurston uses imagery and
personifications to establish varying moods throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God
For example, Hurston s use of imagery helps to establish the varying moods within the novel.
While beginning to tell her story to Phoeby, Janie describes the growth of the pear tree that she
grows fond of throughout her childhood: From barren brown stems to glistening leaf buds; from
the leaf buds to snowy virginity of bloom (Hurston 10). Janie tells how the pear tree from a
mundane tree to one blooming with excitement. This also follows Janie s path from childhood to
womanhood. The imagery of the pear tree presents a serene mood the follow along the plot of the
novel for some time. Word choice such as glistening and snowy creates a peaceful situation in
which suits Janie s childhood. Later in her adult life, Janie becomes attracted to Tea Cake to the
point where she can t bear to be without him: He did not return that night nor the next, and so she
plunged into the ... Show more content on ...
The author uses these types of figurative language to emphasize the importance of many key
aspects in character and plot development. Shakespeare, who writes more formally than Hurston,
uses imagery in the same way. They both use imagery in a storm scene, using it representing a
change in mood. Both writing styles share common characteristics, proving how figurative
language can affect to mood of a
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Theme Of Love In The Raven
What does a stereotypical raven symbolize? In The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe creates a dreary
mood through the usage of subject matter, rhyme and meter, symbolism and word choice. His
long lost Lenore who died at a young age turned his bright life into a dark gloomy life. Edgar
Allan Poe creates a long lost love subject matter in The Raven. Lenore, the main characters young
beautiful wife in the prime of her life died.The man was very sad and dreary that he lost his
young Lenore. He said For the rare and radiant maiden for whom the angels named Lenore
Nameless here for evermore.(2) The main character lost his love and a young age. The theme or
subject matter is long lost love just for this reason. One day a raven showed up at the man s
house.The man is asking the raven many questions about his wife who passed. The man is not
getting the news he is looking for, he says, Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost
Lenore!(4) Edgar is so curious about his long lost love and really wants to her again. He has
been curious about his Lenore since she died and has also done nothing since she died. The man
was so fixated on Lenore that when he was not hearing what he wanted to he got very sad and
disgusted about his love. He is not hearing the things he wants about his long lost love lenore.
Edgar Allan Poe uses rhyme and meter to emphasize the darkness and gloominess of the poem. He
is a very fearful and curious man at this point he is wondering what will ever
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Puerto Rico Crisis
I believe that the crisis in Puerto Rico is straight up devastating because over 3.4 million US
citizens have been affected; there are approximately 48,000 people without power. In this extended
response, I will be telling you why the crisis in Puerto Rico is so devastating. The Communication
Conflict The hurricane destroyed 1,360 out of the 6,000 cellphone poles on the island. Many
regions of Puerto Ricohave been completely disconnected from the outside world for days, only
being able to use radios for the news. The crashing of cellular also means that loved ones living
off of the islands, (mainland or otherwise,) are unable to get in touch with loved ones to find out if
they re alright.I, emotionally, wouldn t be able to handle this problem. I must know everything that
goes on in my family, so I would be very anxious. The Power Outages... Show more content on ...
For many years, PREPA, (Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority,) has had $9 million in debt and
hasn t had the money to modernize the island s electrical systems. Even when there aren t storms,
power outages are still very frequent on the island. No electricity means no power to pump water
into homes, so those living on the island don t even have water to drink, bathe, or even flush
toilets! This is terrible because everyone needs water! It is horrible that people must live in this
situation, just because of a hurricane! In Arecibo, a town on the northern shore of the island, they
had found one source of fresh, clean, water: a fire hydrant. Some rescue workers have been giving
out bottled water, but undoubtedly, many people haven t gotten any
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Ocean Acidification Essay
To begin, Ocean Acidification is a complex issue that revolves around the pH level of the water
in the oceans. According to Ocean Acidification by Gattuso and Lina Ocean Acidification is a
reduction in the pH of the ocean over an extended period, typically decades or longer, caused
primarily by the uptake of CO 2 from the atmosphere Scientists use the pHscale to describe the
strength of acids and bases. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic and
14 the most basic. Gattuso and Lina address that, Once dissolved in seawater, CO 2 is a weak
acid which generates a number of changes in seawater chemistry. Furthermore they state, The
ocean pH levels has decreased from approximately 8.2 to 8.1 between pre industrial time and the
1990s, and may reach 7.8 in 2100. The issue of Ocean Acidificationis dependent on the pH levels
of the oceans. The belief is lowered pH levels could cause disastrous effects to the millions of
different types of sea life in the oceans. Scientists believe that a difference in pH levels could
devastate the ecology of the oceans. For example, it is stated by Gattuso Lina that, Changes in the
carbonate chemistry of seawater can have a wide range of effects, some of which may be mediated
through disturbances in the acid base status of affected organisms. As a result, The extracellular pH
of body fluids in animals and the intracellular pH of various organisms are usually tightly regulated,
but the capacity of regulatory
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Speech On Life Without Technology
Our lives without technology
Have you ever imagined a life without technology? A life without a smartphone to communicate,
research information or express our emotion in a social network?
Everybody knows that if we did not have the technology around us, our lives would be completely
different at one point that we will have to learn to live without it. Our lives without technology
would be similar to live in the XX century in terms of real communication, lives in danger and
without things that help us every day.
In the past did not exist technology to communicate or research information for the homework.
They use books to research information, those big ones that maybe you had in your house and
you never realise. To communicate, they usually do it by letter. In 1970 according to are a lot of things that change comparing up today. The cars did not have GPS, they
had to buy a map or ask for directions to arrive at the place wanted. The reports for the school
were written by hand because the computers did not exist, in short they were hours writing the
report. Another example is that when they took photos, they could not see them in the camera,
cellphone or computer, they had to take the camera roll and go to a specific place to see the pics.
These were some ... Show more content on ...
Ferrell Daste (an old man) explain in live simple Chicago that the life before technology was
much easy for him than now in the XXI century. For example, he narrates that went to the
cinema was not be a privilege for people it only cost 7 cents, in summary, go to the cinema was
for everyone in those times. Another fact that he gave was that the children did not stay in their
home watching the T.V or the screen of a phone, they go outside and play until the sun fall.
Ferrell to fulfill said that was sad to see people texting instead talking face to face like the 1930s
and I agree with
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Research Paper On The Parthenon
The Parthenon is easily one of the most recognizable architectural landmarks in Greece. Resting on
a hill known as Acropolis located in Athens, the Parthenon has stood since the fifth century B.C.
Even though most of it was destroyed in 1687 when Venice rampaged throughout. Before that
however, the Parthenonserved as not only a temple but a national symbol and artistic masterpiece as
well (Spirko, Synonym).
Parthenon translates to the virgin s place in Greek. The Parthenon was built for the virgin goddess
Athena and every four years there would be a parade like celebration to honor her. This was the
main purpose of building such a place. According to Ancient the Parthenon represents
the idealism of the Greek way of living, the
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Treasure Coast Research Paper
Florida s Treasure Coast is the common appellation given to the Florida coastal section, which
extends from the Inlet in the north to south of Hobe Sound. It comprises all the coastal counties of
Indian River, St. Lucie, and Martin. The region has a rich history that goes back 300 years, where
Spanish galleons replete with gold and silver, shipwrecked off the southeastern Florida shore, losing
all their treasure to the deep waters. Treasure Coast provided pirates and smugglers with sanctuary
during the 18th century. The Spanish explorers drove the first human inhabitants, the Timucuan
Indians, from Treasure Coast, beginning with their arrival in 1528. By the 19th century, small
communities began to appear as settler moved into the region. Today, the Treasure Coast is a
unique mix of small town, laid back, beautiful beach communities, and a popular family vacation
destination.... Show more content on ...
It is a beach lover s paradise, providing the most beautiful natural coastal environment for
exploration. Treasure Coast offers some of the most beautiful flora along the Florida coast, with
vibrant colors and blooms, and foliage with rich texture. From ferns to palm trees, air plants and
shrubs, to wildflowers, Treasure Coast has it all. The animal life of region is a display of unique
species. It is a bird watcher s paradise with winter migratory birds, including Ruddy Turnstones,
Sanderlings, and Semipalmated Sandpipers, along with other birds such as pelicans and herons.
Furthermore, you can find deer, alligators, bottlenose dolphins, sea turtles, sting rays, otters and
manatees as
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Customer Service And Customer Loyalty
In my opinion our company is relatively strong in 2 of the 4 characteristics of analytic competitor
as described in the text. Our goal as company is to be superior in customer service and customer
loyalty. To that end we have tools developed that assist everyone in the company and we are
committed, from the CEO down to line level team member, to review the same statistics used for
continuous improvement. Where we lack strength is having a distinctive capability and due to
some system limitations in data warehousing, we still do quite a bit of individual reporting. Prior to
working for this company I worked at the Well Established Casino (WEC) organization for 10
years. I learned quite a bit about standard reporting at WEC. Digging into how things worked and
what interpretations were used to categorize casino player behavior was very rewarding. While
WEC was superior in bucketing and appropriately setting expectations in future customer behavior,
their reporting lacked some details preventing marketing operations from quickly responding to
outlier influences and climate changes in the industry. I moved onto HTC where most of the
reporting was financial in nature. Having opened newer casino properties our corporate structure
did not immediately embrace the need for marketing analysis to potentially improve revenue
streams that were already robust enough. I came on board with HTC in late 2010 as the Regional
Director of Marketing Analysis when they opened casino number two.
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Writin Writing As A Writer
If you were to type in writing is... into a search bar, the first suggestion that would pop up would
be writing is hard. In many ways it can be, writing is an outlet to put all your personal thoughts
and experiences onto a paper for all to see and criticize is nerve racking. For any person writing
can be a struggle to piece together their thoughts into coherency, but it is all part of the bigger
process. Writingcan help you convey what you truly believe and let your creativity run free
through putting a part of yourself into your work. It is a way to let out any powerful emotions
about something that is happening in your life in a healthy, almost therapeutic way. This idea of
revealing your true self for your work can be seen in Leon Uris s quote that states, You can lie to
your wife or your boss but you cannot lie to your typewriter sooner or later you must reveal your
true self in your pages. The author uses the typewriter as a metaphor for an object you can confide
in and not lie to much like a diary.... Show more content on ...
It is essentially a way to reveal the softness of your character without fully taken off your armor.
Another quote that connects to the struggle of conveying one s innermost thoughts onto paper is
said by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway s quote proclaims I write with my blood, which means
the author wrote the work with their entire heart and mind to convey their thoughts into words.
Blood is such an integral, vital part of one s body, in turn when an author writes it contains a part
of them in that work. This gives an effect of it being alive, even if the author itself is no longer
living and breathing. The significance of writing with your blood gives the work more meaning
than something that is based off the ideas of others rather than
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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Essay
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation enlisted with the Institute of Medicine in 2008 to assess the
changes needed to transform health care to assess the changes needed to transform health care to
nursing. The Robert Wood Foundation worked with the IOM in regards with evidence based
practices in developing a National Blueprint for the nursing profession. The Future of Nursing:
Leading Change, Advancing Health report contains four key messages about nurse training,
education, professional leadership and workforce policy. Through this report, each specific
recommendations among them removed scope of practice barriers so that the APNs can practice to
the full extent of their education and training. The partnership between Robert Wood Johnson
Foundations... Show more content on ...
Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health
care in the United States. 4. Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data
collection and information infrastructure. What I took from those four main issues is the
importance for nurses to continue with their training, so that those currently in the nursing
profession would be more competent, with a larger range of responsibilities. Through that further
nursing education and making programs more accessible to the nursing profession to achieve a
higher level of education. Nurses are the ones that are delivering care; therefore nurses should be
active in regards to resigning of health care. Nurses need to speak and be able, have input into the
implementation of health care systems. In my opinion, the report re invents health care in
America. Nurses are the largest part of the health workforce. They are often seen as the most
trusted in the health care profession. From what I understood, it lets APNs work towards their
fullest potential in being able to provide quality, effective, safe care. The ability to work
independently and no longer hinders the APN to provide full primary care services.
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Exposure Of Airborne Particulate Matter From Vehicular...
Exposure to Airborne Particulate Matter from Vehicular Exhaust Results in Progression of Brain
Injury Following Experimental Stroke
Qinghai Liu, Ryan Radwanski, Robin Babadjouni, Peter Baumbacher, Shuhan He, Jonathan Russin,
Todd Morgan, Constantinos Sioutas, Caleb Finch, William J. Mack
All procedures utilized in this study were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee (IACUC; protocol # 11968) of the University of Sothern California and carried out in
accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NIH). Cohorts consisted
of male C57BL/6J mice (15 16 weeks of age; 24 29g).
Middle cerebral artery occlusion Mice were anesthetized with 4% isofluorine at induction and
maintained at 2% isofluorine during the procedure. Rectal temperature was maintained at 35.5 C,
and a midline cranial incision was made in order to attach a laser doppler flowmetry (LDF)
microtip to the skull at 1mm posterior and 5mm right lateral to the bregma. The mouse was then
rotated to the supine position and a midline cervical incision was made. The right common carotid
artery (CCA), right external carotid artery (ECA), and right internal carotid artery (ICA) were
exposed. Three sutures were placed loosely around the CCA, and one suture was placed loosely
around the ECA. Once all the sutures were in place, the rostral most CCA suture was used to ligate
the CCA. The ECA suture was then used to ligate the ECA, and a
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Operation Desert Storm
The Apache helicopter has been the premier attack helicopter of the United States Army for the past
thirty years. The Apache firmly secured that position in the opening moments of Operation Desert
Storm by proving that it was capable of accomplishing missions well beyond its intended purpose.
Due to its success in Desert Storm and subsequent conflicts, it is now the attack helicopter of choice
for the United States Armyand its Allies around the world. Its success has led to multiple
subsequent models that built on the airframe and success of the original AH 64A models. In
January 1990, after much deliberation and planning by General Schwarzkopf, he made the decision
to use the AH 64A Apache as the first option for destroying the Iraqi s... Show more content on ...
The attack was a complete success that enabled the United States Air Force F 15s and EF 111s to
begin their bombing campaign on various other targets inside Iraq s border. They went on to
destroy over 500 enemy tanks during Operation Desert Storm. The Apache proved beyond a
doubt during this conflict that it was here to stay and that it could be used far beyond its designed
purposes. Today s AH 64D and Echo models are built on the success and reputation of the original
Attack Helicopter that showed the capabilities and how vital they are to the battlefield especially in
today s conflicts that are fought explicitly in urban
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Essay on The Stonewall Riots
In the past decades, the struggle for gay rights in the Unites States has taken many forms.
Previously, homosexuality was viewed as immoral. Many people also viewed it as pathologic
because the American Psychiatric Association classified it as a psychiatric disorder. As a result,
many people remained in the closet because they were afraid of losing their jobs or being
discriminated against in the society. According to David Allyn, though most gays could pass in
the heterosexual world, they tended to live in fear and lies because they could not look towards
their families for support. At the same time, openly gay establishments were often shut down to
keep openly gay people under close scrutiny (Allyn 146). But since the 1960s, people... Show more
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Although the Stonewall riots increase the awareness of gay rights, the 1980s AIDS epidemic was
another turning point for the gay community. Thus many gay artists expressed their concerns and
views through their art about how the society has ignored them in time of crisis. It was clear that
massive numbers in the gay community were being infected with previously unknown blood
borne pathogens that destroy the immune system. The government ignored the rise of the
epidemic. For example, there were no AIDS related research, prevention, and treatments.
Instead, AIDS was originally framed by the media as a homosexual issue because the first
individuals to contract AIDS were gays. Another right wing idea was that gay men brought this
disease onto themselves and that it was God s punishment for their immoral behaviors. As a
result, most people especially gay artists expressed their anger and concerns through their art. For
example, David Wonjnarowicz was diagnosed with AIDS and was not shy about expressing his
anger through his art. His 13 minute video A Fire in My Belly 1987 expressed his outrage and
about grief the AIDS epidemic. The first half of the video shows the street of Juarez, Mexico,
where amputees pass through intersections and headlines blare reports of daily murder. The second
section depicted more personal concerns. Wojnarowicz himself appeared
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Persuasive Essay On Skin Cancer
The cause of skin cancer is, Cumulative sun exposure causes mainly basal cell and squamous
cell skin cancer, while episodes of severe sunburns, usually before age 18, can cause melanoma
later in life. As the natural man we all consider ourselves invincible that is, until cancer strikes.
Idaho has among the highest rates of new melanoma diagnoses and deaths in the U.S. Prompting
health officials to encourage all Idahoans to protect themselves from sun exposure to prevent the
potentially deadly disease. In 2008 more than 1 million people were diagnosed with skin cancer,
making it the most common of all cancers. About 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in
their life. About 40 people each year die in Idaho from this cancer.
People don t perceive that Idaho has a skin cancer problem, says Patti Moran, who manages the
state s Cancer Prevention and Control program. But the death and diagnoses rates are very telling.
We know that many Idahoans spend time in the sun taking advantage of our great outdoor
recreation opportunities. We re urging people to remember to protect their skin every time they go
outside to prevent skin cancer. Another thing that us as Idahoans do often are using tanning beds,
something that I am guilty of myself. It is so cold here for majority of the year that often times
people resort to other forms of sun, such as sun tanning beds, just to shed a little light on the cold
winter days. Now that I know the potential affects of getting a little
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Why Did The Ussr Lose Ww2 Essay
What if the USSR pulled out of World War II as they had in WWI? If the USSR had pulled out
of the war, Germany would have had a greater fighting chance to win WWI since they would only
have to focus on a one front war. Also since Germany had become much stronger during WWII
than during WWI, they would have had a better chance of winning the war because of their
advanced technology that they had brought out during WWII. Focusing on the topic of Germany
only having to fight on the western front would have been a huge advantage to Germany because
on the Eastern Front the USSR was causing three quarters of Germany s military casualties and was
keeping Germany from being able to launch massive attacks on the Western Front. Another
possibility would be that if the USSR had pulled out of the war, eliminating the... Show more
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Therefore, with the USSR out of the picture during WWII, Germany and Japan would be the top
military powers and would control most of the war until the end. As specified before, if the
USSR had left the war, Germany s army would recover from the eastern front losses and would
launch all out attacks on the western front being able to push back the Allies, because at the
time the United State s Army was not as impressive as at the end of the war when it surpassed
Germany s military power, but if the USSR had pulled out early on, the United State s Army
would not have been able to defend against Germany because of their lack of military power and
their lack of air force. On the other hand, if the USSR would have pulled out late in the war, the
Allies would have still won because the US had built a strong and powerful navy surpassing the
navies of Britain and Japan, and also surpassing the military power of Germany. Britain s navy
and air force also remained strong at the end of the war leading to a possible victory alongside the
US without the help of the
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The And The Sun Is Shining Through The Rain
It s mid September, and the sun is shining through the rain, creating the most beautiful oxymoron I
believe I ve ever seen.
This was the year I learned to love the rain.
It s true that not every story is worthy of being published, and many stories that need to be heard
have yet to be written. Even still, they re locked away in the hearts of people beautiful people.
Because, no matter how you look at it, the truth is, we all have a story. Whether the words ever
touch pages or not.
My story isn t one that deserves to be written. I m not interesting. There are a thousand stories out
there that are better than mine. Stories written in the hearts and eyes of the people that we pass by
everyday. Those small details I didn t ... Show more content on ...
That s Ty, he s undyingly optimistic, and I m tempted to tell you it s his worst trait, but even I m
not prone to that level of exaggeration.
It s the rain. It s killing me.
I m sorry, Jess. Just be patient, it can t rain forever.
See? Optimistic.
All jokes aside, I love Ty, he s one of the reasons I love it here so much, one of the reasons I ve
decided to leave my apartment to leave the family vineyard in Tennessee spend six months on our
plantation in Texas.
I try to smile as I shift my gaze up to his smiling face, I m glad to know you woke up on the right
side of the bed this morning.
Ty winks at me, and I crack a real smile, utterly against my will. It s hard to be in a bad mood
around Ty, he radiates a sort of charm that relaxes people. He s the type of person you would
accidentally fall in love with... Trust me, I know.
My gaze shifts out the window. Purple grey clouds are looming over our sad looking plants. I was
so ready for this to be over.
Should I get you a glass? I didn t know you were making juice.
What? I bring my attention back to the here and now, Realizing I ve been picking my orange apart
a little too late. Ty tosses me a washcloth to clear up the juice I ve unconscious dripped onto the
I really need to get you out of this house. Ty sits across from me, his fingers gliding over the glossy
puzzle that had recently become the bane of their existence.
I can t stand seeing you so
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Decision Making
Ques: What are the reason why two perfect individual are never two perfect couples. with the 7
decision making process solve the problem. The 7 decision making processes are: 1. Define the
2. Identify limiting factors
3. Develop potential alternatives
4. Analyze the alternatives
5. Select the best alternatives
6. Implement the decision
7. Establish a control and evaluation system
A perfect marriage may be an illusion although the people involve may be perfect individual in
their own right. This situation may arise because the two may be considered as two different
captains who have now come together to pilot a ship. Each comes on board with their own
ideology and conceptions; as such differences are ... Show more content on ...
The willingness on the part of both parties to accept that there is a problem c.
If the parties do not consent to arriving at a solution no head way will be made in resolving the
Develop potential alternatives
The next step requires that the woman considers the potential alternatives available to her in
resolving the problem. Options available may be varied. They may include:
1. Courage to bring to the notice of the husband her feelings
2. Discuss the problem with a friend of the husband
3. Bring the problem to the notice of the senior minister of the gospel whom the husband respects
so much.
4. Make the parents of the husband aware of the situation
5. Seek the help of a professional counselor
Analyze the alternatives
A good analysis of the alternatives or option available has a corresponding result in arriving at a
solution. The aim is to find answers to the problem. The problem at hand for example involves
two different individual. To select the best way to resolve the issue, it is important the wife
acknowledges the nature of the husband. How well will he respond it a third party is brought in to
help resolve the problem? For instance, if the man has develop an attitude of ignoring in woman in
the house, approaching him to talk about the issue will not be the best solution. However if he is
the type that show regardless of his arrogant nature shows respect to the elderly then consulting a
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Differences Of The Italian Renaissance And The Northern...
talian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance
Differences Between The Two
The Renaissance was a period of great cultural and technological changes that swept Europe from
the end of the 13th century. It was integral in developing Europe into a powerhouse. Although, each
part of Europe was subjected to different changes, there were two primary renaissances, which were
most notable. They were the Italian and the Northern renaissance. Both of these renaissances had a
profound impact on Europe. But they also had some typical differences among them and each was
unique in its own way.
Italian Renaissance
The Italian Renaissance was a period of great cultural changes and achievement throughout Europe.
It spanned from the end of the 13th century up to about the 1600 s. It marked the transition of
Europe from the medieval period to the Early Modern Europe. The term renaissance is a modern
term that was coined by historians many years after the Renaissance had already ended.
Although the origins of the Italian Renaissance can be traced to many different locations, it is
important to note that different aspects of Italian culture and society remained largely medieval
during the time of the Renaissance; the Renaissance did not come into full swing until the end of
the century. The word Renaissance means rebirth , and the era is best known for the renewed
interest in the culture of classical antiquity (Greece and Rome) after the period that Renaissance
humanists labeled the Dark Ages. These changes, while significant, were concentrated in the elite,
and for the vast majority of the population life was little changed from the Middle Ages.
The Italian Renaissance is best known for its cultural achievements credited to writers, poets,
artists, sculptors, and Renaissance Men (or women!). Figures such as Petrarch (The Father of
Humanism ), Leonardo da Vinci (The ideal Renaissance Man known for the Mona Lisa, the
Vitruvian Man, and many more creations!), Raphael (known for his painting, The School of
Athens.), Dante Alleghri (known for his work, The Divine Comedy.), and
many more are significant characters of this era and movement that contribute significantly.
Northern Renaissance
The Northern
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Fall By Sanry Wadsworth Longfellow Poem
Blessed warmth begins to fade, the insidious chill of winter begins to stretch its ever present
fingers. People begin rejoicing, filling the air with the abomination that is pumpkin spice. The
trees lose their shades of green, fading to warmer hues nature s pitiful attempt to compensate for
the heat of day failing. These same leaves litter the ground, filling the air with a rank of decay and
deterioration; men and women are forced to collect and dispose of the leaves. Children glumly file
back into school, preparing themselves for the next eight months of incarceration. Halloween
decorations begin appearing on people s houses, lining streets with cartoon pumpkins and skeletons.
In John Keats poetry, as well as in Samuel Brydges and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow s poetry, fall
is portrayed in a favorable light, idolizing the chill and change wrought by autumns arrival. All
three poets use bright and vivid imagery to convey the wonder in Keats and Brydges poems, while
Longfellow imbues his poem with a sense of majesty.
Keats, forever the romantic, uses a hopeful cant and a vivid lexicon to create a hopeful image of
the fall season. Keats tosses around the reminder of the bountiful harvest in the first stanza, talking
about the apples, gourds, and nuts; he says that they swell and grow plentiful, to the point that he
says the trees bend with apples. (Keats, 5) Keats also says that fall winds sweep across the land,
showing up in everyone s stores, in their fields, and by
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The Victims Of The Holocaust
Over the past few years, several deadly genocides have occurred. However, one of the most
infamous genocides to occur was the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the massive destruction of
European Jewry during World War II, when millions were systematically persecuted and
exterminated solely because of their social, cultural, ethnic, or religious characteristics (Barel, Van
Ijzendoorn, Sagi Schwartz, Bakermans Kranenburg). Contrary to popular belief, Jews were not the
only group targeted in the Holocaust, as five million more lives were taken in groups other than the
Jews. Three other groups targeted during his deadly event were the homosexuals, the mentally and
physically disabled, and the ethnic minorities, whose death toll equaled 2,285,000, a combined
total that clearly showed how determined the Nazis were in destroying their targeted victims in the
Holocaust.. The homosexuals were a major group targeted in the Holocaust, and between 5,000 and
15,000 members were targeted ( Five Million Forgotten Holocaust s Non Jewish Victims ). The
main reason the homosexuals were targeted was because the Nazis believed that male homosexuals
were weak, effeminate men who could not fight for the German nation. They saw homosexuals as
unlikely to produce children and increase the German birthrate ( Persecution of Homosexuals in the
Third Reich ). According to the quote, the homosexuals wouldn t produce offspring thus making
them unqualified for being apart of the Germans. Like all
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Person Centred Approaches to Counselling- Creating a Safe...
Introduction A safe space for a client could be described as a place or space in which a client
feels secure and free to express him/herself in a real, true and open way. This could mean a
number of things to different clients, it is very individual. What makes a person feel safe? The
list could include some or all of the following; Not feeling judged or criticised by the counsellor or
that the counsellor is likely to not accept you if you share something bad Feeling that the counsellor
accurately understands you, what you are saying or trying to say and what you are feeling or
experiencing Feeling that the counsellor is true and genuine in the relationship, his/her real self
Knowing that... Show more content on ...
Many people will go to therapy because they have had previous bad or traumatic relationships
which have left them damaged or traumatised in some way, quite often these relationships were
with their parents when they were children. They have learned the danger and not to trust the very
people they believed should most be trusted. I believe it can be even more fundamental and
damaging than this still, they have also learned not to trust in themselves to have the ability to
know who is safe to trust or not. The relationship with the therapist then can become something like
a re parenting or a re learning of how a trusting relationship should/could have been with one s
parents. Most people will agree that parents should (in a perfect world) give their children
unconditional positive regard, empathy and be relatively non judgemental with them, also show
them respect and allow them to keep their dignity. Unfortunately this is not always the case. It is
therefore even more important that the therapeutic relationship between counsellor and client show
all these things to the highest of degrees. However, if this aspect of trust and safety is not present
it can actually do more harm than good to clients that are already vulnerable and anxious. It can, in
fact be retraumatising and compound their possible views of themselves as being unlovable or
unworthy etc,
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The Strategic Organizational Performance Audit
Religious Health Care
The strategic organizational performance audit for Religious Health Care Organization has been
completed by Health Care Study Consulting Group. The audit results include the consulting group
evaluations of Religious strategic performance and the reviews of the perspective of several unit
leaders at Religious.
In preparing this report, information was gathered through strategic performance evaluations,
interviews with leaders of Religious units and online resources to compare the strategic
performance of faith based providers through the use of administrative data.
Religious Health Care is a nonprofit hospital with a board that oversees all activities.
Five (5) core function improvements of the governing board s agenda
The governing board s first action of governance would be to develop a strategic plan process of
analysis and breakdown to evaluate the current performance of the organization, review Religious
competitive position, challenges and opportunities that all members can discuss and agree. Core
function improvements of the governing board come from the organizations strategic plan
breakdown mentioned above. The governing board of Religious incorporates five (5) important
elements which include the following core functions:
1.Lead the Organization and Set Its Direction:
a.The strategic planning allows the board to set clear goals and develop strategies for the direction
of the organization by
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Roman Shades
As summer fades, the temperature outside starts to decrease on a seemingly daily basis. Soon,
warm sunshine gives way to cool crisp air and flurries of colorful leaves fill the yard. It s the
perfect time to think about doing some seasonal changes to your dГ©cor. One of the quickest,
easiest changes you can make is new window treatments. Changing out lighter curtains, or blinds,
for roman shades will not only give your rooma fresh look, but it will also help to insulate your
home from the impending cold.
Huge Variety of Materials
Roman shades can be made from fabric, textiles, bamboo and even wood, making them an
extremely versatile window treatment. Whether your home is conventional, historic, modern or
eclectic, you re sure to find a material, color and finish ... Show more content on ...
They do not require a toolbox full of tools, curtain rods, or hooks. In fact, the only tools needed are
a measuring tape, pencil and screwdriver. First, you will want to remove the current window
treatment and associated hardware. Next, measure the width of the window to determine
placement of the brackets. Use the pencil to mark the holes where screws will be. You ll then use
your screwdriver to drive the screws into place, being sure to keep the bracket straight. Insert the
shade into the bracket and enjoy your new window treatment.
Insulating Properties
Heavier roman shades are the best option for fall and winter, for obvious reasons. Many roman
shades are made using multiple layers of fabric and batting to create an insulated layer. They act
much like a blanket, keeping out cold air that permeates through glass and help to block drafts that
make their way through seams. Some have a white side and a darker side. The lighter side, when
facing outward, reflects sunlight in warmer months. The darker side, conversely, attracts the heat
from the sun, helping to heat your home in cooler times.
Easy to Clean and
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder ( Copd )
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) is a progressive lung diseases mainly
characterized as having emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It is one of the major cause of
death and disability in the US.1 In 2011, it was the third leading cause of death in the US.
Prevalence of COPD varies by state and was found to be 6.3% (nearly 15 million) amongst the
US adults. Despite such high prevalence, it remains undiagnosed or untreated in nearly half of
the population.3 Prevalence rate is higher among people over 65 years old, among females, and
among non Hispanic white population.3 It s one of the major driver for avoidable healthcare
costs. It causes long term disability, early deaths and is an important issue affecting employee
health and work productivity. In 2010, the estimated direct healthcare costs by the National Heart,
Lung, and Blood institute was $29.5 billion, where $13.2 billion accounted for hospital care
costs, $5.5 billion were for physician services and $5.8 billion were for prescription drugs. The
indirect cost estimated due to COPD was around $20 billion, and the number of productivity days
lost due to suffering from COPD was higher than any other chronic conditions. ,
Several risk factors that are responsible for the development and progression of this disease
includes tobacco smoke, air pollutants, occupational dusts and chemicals, genetics, history of
childhood respiratory infections, socio economic status and exposure to second hand smoke (SHS). ,
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Aryballos Analysis
The two vases that are looked at in the analysis are VUW Classics 1950 A18 (A18) and VUW
Classics 1950 A8 (A8). The small size and spherical shape of A18 suggests that it is an aryballos,
the standard name for small rounded vases, that were often used to store perfume or oil (B. A.
Sparkes, 1991). The aryballoi shape was most common in Corinth, and while Athenian examples
also exist (University of Oxford, 2011a), the light colour of the clay suggests this particular
example is Corinthian. This one has no foot, a single handle and a narrow neck with a wide, flat
mouth that is suitable for pouring oil in small quantities. They were mostly worn as accessories by
young men like athletes (Neer, 2012). Although the neck and handle are broken... Show more
content on ...
No red slip is used on the aryballos, which became fashionable when Attic wares dominated the
market during mid 6th century (Neer, 2012). The spherical aryballoi was most popular during
the Proto Corinthian, before the shape elongated (Encyclopædia Britannica, n.d a). The
patterned design on A18 is also in line with the tendencies of the Orientalising Period for heavy
patterns with little blank space. This dates A18 around c. 725 c. 600 bce. This cluttered
Orientalising style isn t present on A8. There is a larger focus on the scene being depicted as
opposed to creating patterns, a trend that became popular in the Mid Corinthian period (Neer,
2012). Evidence of cylinder Lekythoi has been dated as early as the late 6th century, but the shape
really became popular in the 5th century (University of Oxford, 2011b). A new technique of white
ground became popular on the lekythoi (Encyclopædia Britannica, n.d b), which A8 doesn t
exhibit. This evidence dates A8 around c. 540 c. 500
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Juvenile Delinquency Essay
Juvenile delinquents, or youth that have been convicted of a crime, seem to be the norm these days.
Citizens, families, and poliy makers want new programs and policies within the juvenile justice
system. Researchers have found that the family structure can be a precursor to delinquent behavior,
and families do not have the control or blance that they once did. As such, mew measures need to
be implemented to help these families in crisis. Rehabilitation of the familyunit is the answer, say
many, not punishment. In response to this, new ideas have formed to rehabilitate the family unit,
but first, the family structures that are precursors to delinquent behavior must be identified. Family
Life, Delinquency, and Crime: A Policymaker s... Show more content on ...
The book focuses on single parent homes, parental involvement, family tension and family
economics as key factors of juvenile delinquency. Although, Mr. Trojanowicz states family
economics plays a key role in determining juvenile delinquency. A family s inability to provide for
the material needs of a child can create insecurity in a child, thus, the child may seek material needs
and suport from outside the family (77). In conclusion he finds that many delinquents do not come
from low income families, and the economic condition of the family is probably one of the least
meaningful contributing factors. The research clearly shows and supports the theory that the family
structure is directly related to juvenile delinquency. What is society doing to help these families in
trouble? Competency Training, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Dleinquency Prevention (OJJDP),
examines one of the family programs that have been established. The program they examined was,
Iowa s Strenghtening Families Program. (ISFP) The SFP is a 7 week course designed to bring
parents together with their 10 to 14 year old children, with the goal of reducing substance abuse and
other problem behavior in youth. The curriculum uses parallel content to emphasize, to the family
and the youth, improved parenting skills, and better communication for both parents and the youth.
For example, while the parents are learning how to use consequences when youth break rules, youth
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Sears Canada is a retailer based in Toronto, ON, with its parent company Sears Roebuck situated
in Chicago, IL. The two companies operate independent of each other; however more or less
carry the same product lines. Sears Canada primarily has two major merchandising categories,
with Home Hardlines accounting for 60% of the sales while apparel accessories represent 40% of
the sales. Sears has been in the retail industry in Canada for over 60 years, and has built a
significant brand name for itself, although many consider it an outdated brand name now in terms
of apparel. As such, in light of drastic changes recently in the apparel industry given the influx of
American and international apparel companies and the constant improvement... Show more content
on ...
However, Sears weaknesses in apparel might have a much more detrimental effect on its future,
far outweighing its strengths. Sears market share in apparel is on the decline in every major
category, as can be seen in exhibit 1. If we say the needs of Sears customers in the apparel
market, which is a new emerging demographic of more youth oriented consumers, is focused on
trendy styles, then Sears has a significant weakness in that it is not among the top choices
amongst the competition by any means. In the high end market, competitors such as Holt
Renfrew, Harry Rosen, The Bay (which has taken back lost market share under the guidance of
CEO Bonnie Brooks) and the impending arrival of Nordstrom s really have the clientele loyalty
and market share, leaving no room in this market for Sears. In the discount market, Wal Mart has
the obvious market share lead by far, and we cannot underestimate the impact Target will have
when it arrives. Reports suggest Sears and Wal Mart have the most to lose when target arrives ,
as can be seen in exhibit 2. 20% of survey respondents feel Sears will lose a lot of sales when Target
opens, 50% feel that Sears will lose some sales, and over 70% feel Sears s sales will be
negatively impacted by Target. As we know, Sears has seen sliding sales since 2006 and Target
Canada will definitely add to that. Again, Sears really has no room in this market either. When one
factors in other competitors that the younger population are
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Slavery In The Amistad
Hollywood is certainly known for many of its historical movies about slavery. Amistad, one of
tens of movies, documentaries, and miniseries based on slavery, gives us a partially historically
accurate insight of the abolitionists and slave experience at the time, making it a somewhat worthy
historical secondary source. Director Steven Spielberg utilizes the movies semi high budget as an
attempt to portray both the periods and events. He does this by using reputable actors such as
Morgan Freeman and Matthew Mcconaughey to represent the characters of Theodore Joadson and
Roger Sherman Baldwin, respectively. Spielberg portrays the events by using a courtroom, a ship
(one that is made to look like the Amistad), and a place to contain the slaves... Show more content
on ...
The early 1800 s is usually described as a black and white society that has a mixture of both slaves
and abolitionists. Director Spielberg portrays slavery and the slave trade in a very accurate and vivid
manner throughout the experiences of Cinque, the leader of the Africans that were captured, on the
Amistad and in the United States. In the actual slave trade, slaves were underfed and illnesses were
not properly treated, resulting in a high death rate on the ship (
/the atlantic slave trade.html). Similarly, in Amistad, the slaves on the ship were underfed, and
many died as a result of disease. On the contrary, the film did have quite a few historical
inaccuracies. Since the slaves were set free, they were technically always free citizens in the
United States. Therefore, the United States couldn t send them back to Africa; which was the
opposite in Amistad. In Amistad, the Africans were freed and sent back to Africa; in the actual
events, fundraisers were brought up in order to raise money for the ship and amenities for the trip
to Africa (http://www.hartford Another historical inaccuracy was
the talk of the Civil War, which was more than 25 years from the court case (Eric Foner). If these
historical inaccuracies didn t find their way into the film, the result of the court case in the film
would have definitely been
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Western Influence On John Hersey s Characters
Japanese has an immense effect on those in contact with it. Japanese is a culture with divine
beliefs and enormous pride in their culture. John Hersey explores the effects that culture and
environment have on an individual s views and beliefs; a stereotypical Japanese man , an
Americanized Japanese priest, and a widowed Japanese woman all react similarly to the bombing
of Hiroshima. The influence of Japanese culture has an astounding impact on the reactions of
Hersey s characters. Japan is a country of many cultures. Japan s most renowned is the art of the
samurai and currently, urbanization. Due to the American occupation in the pacific, Japanese
moved from a cultural masterpiece, to an eastern constitutional monarchy. Which is generally
effected by a western influence. The effect of Japanese culture on Dr. Sasaki is an example of
home pride and cultural pride. Dr.Sasaki has been surrounded by Japanese culture all his life and
he in turn represents stereotypical Japanese culture. Dr. Sasaki most closely represents stereotypical
Japanese culture. As the narrator exclaims, Dr. Sasaki lost all sense of profession and stopped
working as a skillful surgeon and a sympathetic man; he became an automaton,... Show more
content on ...
Tanimoto studied in America, thus changing his reactions to the bomb. Tanimoto ran away from
the bomb as a reaction to being in America for study purposes. As the narrator explains, Mr.
Tanimoto took four or five steps and threw himself between two big rocks in the garden. He
bellied up very hard against them. This shows Tanimoto s reaction to a bomb brought by American
culture. The American culture showed that he has to worry about himself before others. In return,
he tried saving himself instead of accepting his fate as a typical Japanese would. Mr. Tanimoto is a
great representation of American culture affecting someone s way of
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Media Influence On Teenagers
In today s age of technology, we are in almost constant contact with the mass media. Whether it be
from the portable devices it seems every person has or the TV that remains on throughout the day,
we are constantly absorbing the information they force upon us be it the good or bad. The ultimate
presence of the mediaguarantees that what we hear, see, and experience thru it will influence the
mind whether conscious of it or not. It is becoming increasingly clear that the media is one of the
most inseparable things from a teenager s life. Teenagers are naturally curious. Faced with a
multitude of choices and challenges, they often look for direction and guidance on how they can
live their lives in today s society (Fox, 1999.) Because of this, maturing children look to this as
finding out what is normal and acceptable or what is frowned upon and not accepted.
The literature on the influence of media on teenagers is vast and most of them have focused on the
negative impacts. They seem to advance the view that the way youth react to situations, or their
mode of thinking is wholly based on the effect of the media, particularly television and movies,
music, videogames, and the internet. Youth in sense represents the age group between 13 and 20.
The outcome of media influences has largely been negative, especially since the above forms of
media have negatively influenced the behaviors and sexuality of the teenagers (Stern and Handel,
Free media a term used in Roger
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Interview Summary Of Peter Holloway s On Virtual...
Interview summary for Peter Holloway, conducted on October 8, 2015 by Anita Sommer for the IRI
Virtual Experimentation and Simulation project.
Peter Holloway is a Systems Engineer with Rolls Royce Limited. He leads a team of simulation
tool developers that code, refine, and integrate existing modeling tools that are used in the
preliminary design phases of their jet engines. The preliminary design stages involve identifying
candidate engine architectures, preparing proposals, and presenting proposals to customers such as
Boeing and Airbus. Peter has been involved in simulation for about ten years in a number of
different companies and at various levels. His team consists mostly of domain experts that have lent
themselves to programming, with between three and five years of systems design experience.
Rolls Royce has a culture of allowing its engineering staff to develop experimentation and
simulation tools within their domain of expertise. Often however, these domain experts are not
experienced programmers and the tools the engineers develop are used by only a few people within
that domain. Peters team takes these tools, improves the code, making the tools more robust, and
most importantly from a simulation point of view, making the different tools talk to each other in
whole system simulation software.
Rolls Royce Ltd. uses virtual experimentation and simulation on both their products and processes
because it helps the company meet cost and time objectives when delivering
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Key Areas Of Responsibility For A Dual Role
Key areas of responsibility for this dual role were to manage the operation of the IT infrastructure
whilst overseeing the allocation of workloads and scheduling for all forty drivers. The area of focus
was to co ordinate the fleet contractors in the morning while in the afternoons; I concentrated on the
IT related aspects of the role. After discovering that this organisation had limited infrastructure (10+
years old) which had restricted company growth, my recommendations to senior managementto
implement a more efficient IT infrastructure. This improved network speed, reliability and data
Infrastructure Improvements: Assisted in leading the continued development of the IT
infrastructure which has seen growth of 30% in the past 18 months which forecasted to increase
when implementation is complete. This has resulted by managing all aspects of the planning and
implementation plan.
пѓЄI negotiated contracted arrangements with Dell, achieving a 20% saving on costs.
пѓЄI recommended and implemented infrastructure improvements by researching new technologies
and features for anti virus, security, patch management, windows operating systems, and windows
server platforms.
Fleet Allocation Customer Service: Management of fleet drivers and daily workload,
furthermore managing customer expectations ensuring escalations were kept at a minimum. The
priority of my daily schedule was to ensure that this section of my work was completed before
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Mass Extermination Research Paper
What can the human race do to ensure that another mass extermination never happens again? That
depends the human race being united to fight it. All cultures have distinguished people into
categories of us and them : ethnicity, race, religion, nationality. We don t see ourselves as one
people, but as multiple peoples defending ourselves against others. We don t see other races as
humanbeings, either. Because we grow up and live apart from other cultures and languages, we see
other human beings unlike us as peculiar to ourselves dehumanizing them. We create imaginary
borders around our own kind and shut out other groups. If we, as one human race, overcame these
boundaries, then the extermination of large groups of people would cease. Another
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Hitler s Appointment
Adolf Hitler s appointment as Chancellor of Germany in 1933 played a vital role in the beginning
of World War II. It was caused by a number of long term causes such as the Treaty of Versailles,
strategic political activities and the Great Depression. Consequences also occurred as a result of his
appointment such as transition from Weimar government to Nazi dictatorship, positive economic
improvement, persecution of Jews and other cultural minorities.
The Treaty of Versailles
Indirectly, the Treaty of Versailles was a major long term cause of Hitler s appointment. The Treaty
of Versailles was signed in 1919 after World War I in an attempt to punish Germanyfor their actions
and restore peace amongst the nations involved. This affected ... Show more content on ...
The Nazis began to spread their racial ideologies very soon after Hitler was appointed chancellor
in 1933. They believed that Germans were racially superior and that Jews and other minorities
were a threat to the survival of the German race. Amongst the persecuted were other minority
groups, such as Romani an ethnic group originating from the Indian subcontinent Africans,
homosexuals and the handicapped. However, Jews, who made up less than 1% of the German
population in 1933, were the primary target of the Nazis racially provoked hatred. They were
unfairly blamed for the country s economic depression and defeat in World War One. Following
Hitler s appointment as chancellor, laws were passed that declared Jews second class citizens,
segregating them from those of German descent and forcing them out of their jobs. The Nazis
either seized Jewish businesses or forced them to be sold at exceptionally low prices. Between
1933 and 1935, laws emerged that allowed Romani, Africans, homosexuals and the handicapped to
undergo medical procedures to be sterilized so that they were no longer able to produce children.
Between 1933 and 1939, those belonging to minority groups were arrested and imprisoned in
concentration camps, so that they were no longer able to partake in society. These concentration
camps laid the
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Description Of The Barn Cats Essay
It s autumn and, just like any other season, you re hard at work at your barn. Your barn cats are
hard at work, as well, hunting and munching on the overabundant rodent population nesting in
your hay. In a brief moment of rest, you remove your gloves, wincing as the cold air hits your
dry, cracked skin. One of the barn cats also joins you in your reprieve and you reach down to run
your hands through her fur. Briefly, you notice a bit of nasal discharge and some scabs on her
paws and face, but you chalk it up to the weather and get back to work.
A couple of days go by and you begin to notice pus like sores on your hands. They re inflamed and
red and suddenly you re reminded of the barn cat you pet a while back. Deciding to give her a
more thorough once over, you return to the barn on your precious day off to hunt her down. It s
easy enough to find her; she s resting atop a pile of blankets while the other cats are out and about
hunting. She appears thinner than you remember her being and she barely even registers your
approach, but you immediately notice rodent bites on her face and paws that appear infected.
Upon closer inspection, beneath her fur there are multiple crusted wounds, some circular bumps
while others appear to be swollen and flat. The skin is also broken in some places, equally as
crusty and flaking off in places. You know that these are ulcerated nodules and, regardless of an
underlying infection, they need to be treated before they get worse
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Investigating Dose And Regimen Of Durvalumab
This project management plan is to conduct the clinical study to determine dose and regimen of
Durvalumab as monotherapy or in combination with Pomalidomide with or without
Dexamethasone in subjects with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma.
The clinical study details are as follows:
Study Type: Interventional Study which is a multi centered and multi country clinical trial
determine the recommended dose and regimen of durvalumab either as monotherapy or in
combination with pomalidomide (POM) with or without low dose dexamethasone in subjects with
Relapsed and Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM).
Study Design:
Allocation: Randomized
Endpoint Classification: Safety Study
Intervention Model: Parallel ... Show more content on ...
The sites are located at USA, France, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Canada and Italy etc and
the locations are provided below:
пѓ University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA
пѓ John Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
пѓ Dana Faber Partners Cancer Care, Inc., Boston, MA, USA
пѓ Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA
пѓ Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA
пѓ Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, USA
пѓ Levine Cancer Institute, Charlotte, NC, USA
пѓ Ohio State Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio, USA
пѓ Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
пѓ Tom Baker Cancer Center, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
пѓ CHRU de Lille Hopital Claude Huriez Service des Maladies du Sang, Lille, France
пѓ CHU La Miletrie, Poitiers Cedex, France
пѓ Hopital Purpan, Toulouse Cedex, France
пѓ Universitaetsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany
пѓ Universitaetsklinikum EssenZentrum fuer Innere Medizin, Essen, Germany
пѓ University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
пѓ Klinik f. Innere Medizin, Tumstr. 21, Germany
пѓ Universitatsklinikum Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany
пѓ Universitatsklinikum WГјrzburg, WГјrzburg, Germany
пѓ Nazionale Dei Tumori, Milano, Italy
пѓ Azienda Ospedaliera Citta della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Torino, Italy
пѓ VU University Medical Center VU Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
пѓ Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam,
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Theme Of Romantic Love In Pride And Prejudice
E choing Austen s irony, it is a truth universally acknowledged that romantic literature will return
to the refined days of Jane Austen and the BrontГ« sisters. All mockery aside, Austen s celebrated
Pride and Prejudice (1813) is a simple love story that continues to captivate audiences 200 years
on. Romantic literature has grown into modern, sloppy rom coms luckily, we can always return to
their roots: the timeless allure of Elizabeth and Darcy. Romantic love in literature re emerged from
the seedling of Pride and Prejudice; its light hearted yet layered language was a well deserved break
from the stultifying conventions of Regency England. Every romantic comedysince has echoed
Austen s strong and vivacious heroine Elizabeth. Rather, some of the most important ingredients of
Pride and Prejudice s acclaim, are the reader s expectation of a small world plot and eloquent
manipulation of style .
The growing movement of romanticism allowed Pride and Prejudice to be published in a world
relatively alien to novels focussed on romantic love. In fact, it was a world fairly alien to romantic
love in general, allowing Austen to set a new archetype for romantic comedy.
In Regency England (ca. 1810 1821) it was considered dishonourable for a woman to be
unmarried, as she would be a burden on her family. Matrimony was usually arranged for social or
financial benefit, rather than mutual respect or affection. In Charlotte Lucas words, happiness in
marriage is entirely a matter of
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Review Of Literature Review On Literature Essay
Chapter 4. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Literature survey is undertaken to study and analyze the
finding of other researcher in their studies that are related to the subject under consideration. A
research literature review, as a process, is a systematic, explicit, and reproducible method for
identifying, evaluating and synthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded work
produced by researchers, scholars and practitioners (Fink, 2010). As a noun, literature review is
an organized critical account of information that has been published on a specific topic, (for
example, SME access to credit) and provides an organized synthesis of the information, ideas and
knowledge. Review of literature involves both quantitative and qualitative data, both published and
unpublished, was conducted. The main sources included libraries public and university, libraries
and the Internet. Literature review included: a.Published journal articles, working papers and
other theoretical publications on SME. b.Papers/articles found on the websites for suppliers of
credit, development of SMEs. c.Papers/articles found on the websites for credit regulators and
SME advocacy organizations. The collected data or information was categorized in groups, for
example, the definition of SME was viewed within a global and regional. Various definitions were
explored and analyzed for their interest and specificity to developing countries. Most of the
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Jon Burke Ramsey Murder Case Essay
There is an abundance of evidence in this case, which has produced many theories on how
JonBenet was murdered. A basic Internet search reveals there are endless articles and videos
documenting these theories due to the popularity that this case received. Based on my research, I
believe the Ramsey family, as a whole is culpable for the murderof JonBenet. Burke Ramsey, I
believe, is the actual person who committed the murder and his parents helped cover it up. After
watching Chief James Kolar give a presentation about his book at the Wilkinson Public Library, I
began to really believe there was no possibility of an intruder theory. Instead, he presented facts that
made me think Burke Ramsey was the killer. This prompted me to watch the only... Show more
content on ...
They believed because DNA from a male not matching anyone in the investigation had meant an
intruder was responsible for the murder. The elite seven used world renowned forensic
criminalist, Dr. Henry Lee and his laboratory in Connecticut to dispel the concluded
interpretation of the DNA evidence (The Case of JonBenet, 2016). The touch DNA method is
extremely sensitive and Dr. Lee proved that by testing a pair of brand new panties never opened
out of the package. He was easily able to discover DNA from a female on the underwear, which
could have come from someone in the manufacturing process (The Case of JonBenet, 2016). This
explains the male DNA found in JonBenet s panties and even more so, Dr. Lee explained how
this DNA can easily transfer from one garment to another such as sliding on long johns over
underwear (The Case of JonBenet, 2016). Dr. Lee s tests and expert analysis discredits the district
attorney s choice to eliminate the parents as suspects (The Case of JonBenet,
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The United Open Door Immigration Policy
As tension in Syria and the surrounding regions intensifies, more and more refugees are fleeing to
Europe seeking asylum; however, the countries they are entering are experiencing many adverse
side effects; such as, social unrest, sexual assaults, and terrorist attacks. It is unacceptable for the
children in these nations to have to grow up in a nation they once called home and felt safe in but
now no longer has that feeling. The same argument could be made for the refugees and that is why
the current open door immigrationpolicy that Angela Merkel has in effect must be remedied. The
goal of a refugeeis to escape war that they and their families can live safely without worry of
being killed. Not to change the ways of the nation they are entering and treat the locals with disdain
for their differences in ideology, dress, culture and even diet. The host nation of a large number of
refugees should not have to change their way of life to accommodate those seeking refuge. It
should be the other way around. Assimilation is the goal, not disintegration of native culture. A
policy which allows radical Muslims to immigrate into the country and then face punishment only
after the damage from their actions has been done is grossly illogical and insufficient for the
preservation of a nation s security. Preventative measures must be put in place.
The mass sexual assault that occurred in 2015 at New Year s Festivals in Germanysimply and
clearly demonstrate another symptom of the
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Paper On Vitamin B 12
Vitamin B 12 is one of the most important vitamins, because it contains the mineral cobalt the
vitamin is also known as Cobalamin. It is a water soluble vitamin, with the key role being for the
normal functioning of the brain, nervous system and the formation of the blood. So to be more
specific, its main function helps red blood cell within our bodies, and it requires Methylation which
helps with brain neurotransmitters, lowers homocysteine, helps make creatine, most importantly,
the creation of DNA bases and Myelin production Health (2011). The initial aim of this paper is to
highlight major factors that people should be aware of on the topic of VitaminB 12. To firstly
recognize it as one of the elite B vitamins, it is best known as... Show more content on ...
This in turn, takes place among vegans, persons who exclude diary, meat and eggs from their
diet, older persons above 75, where 1 in every 10 are affected and babies who are in the womb of
a vegan. The most detrimental effect of B12 deficiency is known to the Pernicious or
megaloblastic anaemia. It is reported that insufficient vitamin b12 may alter in the DNA and cells
of the human body. A number of neurological issues may arise as well including physical ailments
and psychological effects (WebMd).
The most common of symptoms for vitamin B12 are fainting, panting and palpitations which also
reveals itself for cases in pernicious anaemia as well with an exchange of fainting for feelings of
fatigue. If the condition persists without a satisfactory sum of treatment, there is a risk for one to
experience neurological damages such as, tender calves, irritability, puzzlement, absent mindedness,
general muscle weakness, losing control or tingling sensation in fingers and toes Vitamin B12
Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
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The Teachings Of Phaedrus And Alcibiades
Phaedrus, an aristocrat, takes the stage first at the symposium. He explains that ErЕЌs is one of the
primordial gods, and that the love between a boy and a lover is the greatest love that exists. The
lover is meant to guide the boy, and the two must lead each other to examine themselves and feel
ashamed. ...[The boy] is especially ashamed before his lover when he is caught in something
shameful (Sym. 178E). Phaedrus later adds that ...Loveis...the most powerful in helping men gain
virtue and blessedness... (Sym. 180B). Alcibiades is the perfect example of shame when he speaks
about Socrates. He says that Socrates is the only man in the world who has made [him] feel
shame... (Sym. 216B). Alcibiades adds that Socrates traps him and tells... Show more content on ...
Alcibiades proves what Pausanias has said about Heavenly Love it s an attachment to the soul
and intelligence of a man, which Alcibiades feels toward Socrates. Eryximachus, a doctor, builds
on Pausanias speech. He says that Heavenly Love and those who feel it ...must be encouraged
and protected (Sym. 187D). Alcibiades encourages his own Heavenly Love for Socrates by
praising Socrates himself. He devotes his entire speech to the philosopher s image. There is not
much else to compare between Eryximachus and Alcibiades because Eryximachus simply adds to
what Pausanias has already stated. Aristophanes is a playwright who s eager to take a different
approach to the origins of erЕЌs. He says that humans were once great beings with four arms, four
legs, two faces and two sets of sexual organs. There were male, female and androgynous beings,
which were both male and female. They became prideful and planned to ascend to the heavens and
attack the gods. The gods couldn t kill the humans because then no one would worship them. Zeus
instead opts to cut the human beings in two and asks Apollo to smooth out their edges. This
decision created unforeseen consequences. ...Each [human] longed for its own other half, and so
they would throw themselves together, wanting to grow together. In that condition they would die
from hunger and general idleness, because they
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A Pastoral Intern At The Evanston Vineyard Church Essay
I serve as a Pastoral Intern at the Evanston Vineyard Church, a non denominational church and is
located at 2495 Howard Street, Evanston, IL. This is my second year serving here in the
capacity of an intern. The Vineyard is a diverse community that welcomes both religious and
secular people belonging to different ethnic, racial, cultural, linguistic, economic, academic,
professional and non professional backgrounds. People from more than fifty fivenations of the
world gather together and worship here at the church. A total of twelve salaried pastors serve on
staff, out of which five are male and seven female. I am one of two female pastoral interns
presently in service. In response to my VFCL assignment of interviewing a pastor from my Field
Site, I interviewed the Vineyard Community Life Pastor, Elizabeth ( Liz ) Hawes. Liz shared some
information about the historical emergence of the Vineyard Christian Church of Evanston that is
also available on the church website. According to its history, the Evanston Vineyard was founded
in January of 1976. The founders of this church include the Senior Pastor and his wife, Steve and
Cindy Nicholson, the Executive Pastor and his wife, Bill and Cheryll Hanawalt, and few other
people. In 1985, the baby church which at that time was Christ Church of the Northshore was now
able to emerge as The Evanston Vineyard and officially a member of the Association of the
Vineyard churches. Since its inception, the church has been able to plant
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Modern Approach For Liability Of The State, And Public...
The overarching guidelines to the modern approach to liability for negligence in tort go back to
Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] with Lord Atkin setting out the neighbour principle, such that
one has a duty to take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which one can reasonably
foresee would be likely to injure a neighbour (one who I ought reasonably have in contemplation
as sufficiently close and directly affected by one s act and omissions). However, the
development of the common law approach to liability of the state, and public authorities, for
harms inflicted by third parties for whom the state is not responsible, can be seen to be
restricted, both in the interpretation of required proximity of the party so harmed, and on the
basis of public policy . The current position with reference to public policy restrictions can be
found in Gorringe v Caldedale MBC [2004], the judgement on which gave a significant review
of the state of the law. In this case, Mrs Gorringe was injured following a collision between her
car and a bus; she contested that the local authority s statutory duty in terms of highway
maintenance created a corresponding actionable common law duty. This claim failed at both the
Court of Appeal and House of Lords, with key rulings that: if a statutory duty does not give rise to
a private right to sue for breach, then the duty cannot create a duty of care that would not have been
owed at common law if the statute were not there. Lord Scott said that
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Hiroshima Bombing Critique
Despite having our eyes wide open, we failed to actually see the world. Susan Neiman s article
caught me completely off guard. Even as someone who grew up outside of the United States, I
was taught educated by my teachers that the Atomic bombs, which exploded in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, were the most crucial elements that led to the surrender of Japan during World War II.
Many US historians also argued that the bomb not only hasten hastens the end of the war, but also
saved almost a million American soldiers who could have died if the war was to continue.
However, Neiman pointed out sharply in her article that the US did not drop the (atomic) bomb in
order to end the war or save lives. (Neiman, 12) Through unclassified historical evidence,... Show
more content on ...
However, this is a logic logical fallacy that confuses our understanding in my opinion. First,
there is a fundamental basic difference between the Japanese government and the ordinary
citizens of Hiroshima. It is true to say that the emperor of Japan declared war and the Japanese
troops invaded several countries, but should primary school children who had just began
grasping the world be held accountable for their government s mistakes? How are the innocent
schoolgirls, the uninvolved foreign priests and the Japanese antiwar fighters different from the
Jews? Second, even if we consider the concept of total war, which sees seeks no difference
between civilians and soldiers during war time, discrediting Japanese citizens through
comparison with Jews remains problematic. (Heresy, 90) To illustrate, a drunk driver should be
held accountable for killing no matter who his car hit whether if it an old man or a kidnapper.
The meaning of the perpetrator s action does not change vary due to the victim s identity.
Similarly, just because the Japanese started the war doesn t make the bombing of Hiroshima a
virtuous action. Hence, the US government s constant unremitting emphasis on the difference
between Jews and Japanese is not an act of promoting Jewish interest. It is a slow yet effective
process that seeks to deceive the general population through distortion of our moral vision. As we
constantly focus on the straight forward evils like the case of the Holocaust, we fail to recognise
the more complicated version of evil which dominated the US foreign policy for the past 50 years.
(Neiman, 23) Meanwhile the US interests are well served through promoting the picture of simple
evil, the great lost lies in the ignorance of the general
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Essay On Pcr And Gel Electrophoresis
DNA is commonly used in the modern legal system to release the innocent or imprison the guilty.
There are two different ways to create DNA evidence through science technology, PCR and gel
electrophoresis. Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR, is used to create thousands to millions of
copies of DNA, out of a small piece of DNA, this piece is used to make a DNA profile. Doing this
makes it easier to test the DNA. PCR is used to find if a gene has pathogens. They are an
infectious agent that creates illness or disease and it s commonly a virus, parasite or bacteria.
(1) Gel electrophoresis is the technique used to separate molecules from DNA, RNA or
proteins, based on the size or electric charge. It can be used in DNA fingerprinting, the findings
and purification of nucleic acids and proteins. Gel electrophoresis can be used to find pathogens
that can be found in blood, tissues or sources like food. (2) These are some of the methods that are
used in court and police cases to discover DNA.
The process of PCR has 3 steps that repeat in cycles shown in image 1. The first one is the
separation of the two strands of the DNA molecule. This happens by the initial material being
heated to 95 В°C. Every DNA ... Show more content on ...
Gene probes glow under UV light and have a fluorescent chemical attached to a short section of
single stranded DNA. The chemical is then added to a DNA strand which contains a
complimentary base sequence to a gene responsible for coding for a particular disease, such as
cystic fibrosis. If the gene that is being looked for is present, then the gene probe will fix to it as
it has the same complimentary base sequence. Once the gel is under UV light it will glow where
the gene is present showing that the specific sequence is in the DNA tested. (5) Gel
electrophoresis can be used to create a DNA profile for forensic purposes, paternity testing,
evolutionary associations amid organisms and to look for genes associated with a
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China s Factories and Sweatshop
China Sweatshop
When you go shopping to Walmart or Apple ask yourself where your product is coming from.
China has numerous sweatshop factories assembling USA s products from stores as Apple and
Walmart. China s Sweatshop tends to violate human labor s rights by forcing overtime and going
under the mandatory minimum wage and other violations as long hour without pay, sexual, and
physical harassment. China s sweatshop factory tends to be quite popular because is cheap labor,
free trade zone, or low fee rates in taxes. The reason store as Apple and Walmart has their product
to be assembled in China s factory is to avoid high export fees. Since Walmart and Apple factory
s locations was identified and it came public in the media it shocked the world of its employee s
cruel working s condition. Factors in China are located in Guangdong Province Songang or in
Shenzhen. For example Foxconn is a factory located in Shenzhen where Apple send their electronic
to be assembled and made. In China the majority workers in factories is occupy by women and
children. The percentage of women in China s Sweatshops is ninety percents. In China, the majority
working in sweatshop are women which are young and not educated; in addition, forcing them to be
ignorant of their own legal rights. Young women in China are attached to numeral discrimination
and unfair pay. China s sweatshop is popular on violating labor rights, especially against women
and underage minor women and men. It is unfortunate
... Get more on ...

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Int 2 English Critical Essay Tips

  • 1. Int 2 English Critical Essay Tips 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Int 2 English Critical Essay TipsInt 2 English Critical Essay Tips
  • 2. Criminal Appeal Process Federal Criminal Appeal Process as a Social Policy The losing party in a judgment by a federal district court, in general has a right to appeal the judgment to the next highest court, which is usually the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. In a federal criminal case, the government may not appeal a not guilty verdict, though they may appeal the sentence imposed on a criminal convict. In a federal criminal case, the defendant may appeal their conviction and the sentence. The party who files the appeal is known as the appellant. The appellant has the burden of proof. The appellant must demonstrate to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals that the federal district made a substantial legal error, which affected the judgment in the ... Show more content on ... Secondly, as stated above, the burden of proof is on the appellant to prove that an error occurred and that the error was substantial. Errors that do not impinge on the substantial rights of the appellant are disregarded as harmless error. Number of Appeals Overview As a general rule, the final judgment of a lower district may only be appealed once to the next higher court. Therefore, the total number of appeals is dependent upon the total number of superior courts to the lower district court, which rendered the judgment. The first appeal is the appeal as of right (Levenson, 2017). The appeal as of right entitles the appellant to the assistance of counsel (Levenson, 2017). Steps in Filing a Timely Appeal: File the Notice of Appeal Filing an appeal is ordinarily a two step process: firstly, file the notice of appeal. The notice of appeal is filed with the lower district court, which simply notifies the lower district court that the defendant is appealing the case. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals may not consider an appeal, if the lower district court has not received timely notice of appeal. In criminal appeals, notice of appeal must be filed within ten days from the date the lower district court s judgment if filed (Levenson, 2017). Secondly, file the appellate brief with the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. As stated above, the appellate ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay about Cmis 102 Hw 2 CMIS 102 Homework 2 Problem Analysis In order to calculate the total price to purchase all the components required to build a state of the art gaming computer, state of the art must be defined. For the purposes of this program design, state of the art is defined as a set of computer components that are capable of operating current games to a satisfactory level. A sample of minimum and recommended hardware requirements for modern games was taken and a baseline established for components that satisfy those requirements. Additional hardware was selected that exceeds the requirements to establish options representing mid range and bleeding edge components. These three sets of components were researched online to determine prices... Show more content on ... These tasks directly correspond to the modules of our design. An input module will display a list of 11 drop down boxes, one for each component type. Each drop down box will contain the options available for that component type, with the baseline category option as the default. A calculation module will look up the prices for the selected components in the database and compute the sum total. A display module will output the result to the user. A main module will tie the other modules together and coordinate the calling of each module and the data passed between them. MAIN_MODULE: /* Set the defaults to baseline components */ SET selectedComponents = baselineComponents CALL INPUT_MODULE SET totalPrice = CALCULATE_MODULE CALL DISPLAY_MODULE(totalPrice) INPUT_MODULE: FOR EACH component type get list of components from the database of TYPE component type populate the combo box for component type with the list of components of that type END FOR /* Wait for the user to finish input then store the selections */ SET selectedComponents = values of the drop down boxes RETURN CALCULATE_MODULE: SET totalPrice = 0 FOR EACH component IN selectedComponents SET currentComponentPrice = look up the PRICE of the component in the database totalPrice = totalPrice + currentComponentPrice END FOR RETURN totalPrice ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Nurse Training Act Into Law Public Health Service Act64, when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Nurse Training Act into law (Nursing Community, 2014). Now 50 years later, it is still in effect and called the Nursing Workforce Development programs. This act is located under Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act, which is administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Foci of this nursing manpower act are areas within nursing recruitment, retention, and education. Healthcare facilities and Nursing education is support by this act from graduate school to entry level programs (Nursing Community). More than 450,000 nursing students, healthcare facilities, and nursing programs were... Show more content on ... NURSE Corps Loan Repayment and Scholarship Programs, reimburses up to 85% of current or new graduate nursing students loans if they agree to work at least three years in an accredited school of nursing or designated healthcare facility (Nursing Community). To receive a NURSE Corps Scholarship, a student must be registered as a full time student and agree to work or teach for two years in a critical shortage area or accredited school of nursing. In order to help disadvantage nursing students, Workforce Diversity Grants were created to supply money and contract prospects for racial and ethnic minorities who are underrepresented in the registered nurse (RN) workforce. The Workforce Diversity Grants helped 12,077 students in FY 2012 (Nursing Community). The goal of the Nurse Faculty Loan Program Grants is to advance the number competent nursing faculty. In FY 2012, there were 2,259 nurse educators helped, these educators are required to teach at a school of nursing for four years (Nursing Community). Over these four years, which includes interest, 85% of their student loans will be repaid (Nursing Community). Nurse Education, Practice, Quality, and Retention Grants facilitate academic health centers, schools of nursing, state and local governments, nurse managed health centers, and healthcare facilities. These grants are utilized to improve nursing education and increase programs, 6,269 ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Gary Paulsen s The Last Seance A mother s love for her child is like nothing else in this world. It knows no law, no pity, it dates all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path, (Agatha Christie, The Last Seance) embodies the bond between Tony and his mother, Al, who permits Tony to represent himself in an artistic fashion by allowing him to come to work with her at the Kitty Kat Club, a local club where his motherexotically dances at, so he can use her coworkers as models. In Gary Paulsen s novella, the Glass Cafe or the Stripper and the State; How My Mother Started A War With the System That Made Us Kind of Rich and a Little Bit Famous, Tony, a 12 year old boy, whose illustrations of his mother s coworkers, who are strippers, are released in... Show more content on ... However, all Al is doing is attempting to adjust to the environment that she was given after Tony s father disappeared by becoming an exotic dancer to support her and her son. If Al had been in a better situation and setting in her life, she wouldn t have had to become a stripper. She could ve followed her dreams and gain the doctorate in English she had always wanted. Meanwhile, if she was never a stripper than the story wouldn t even have occurred at all since Tony wouldn t have models to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Australian Government Essay When you think of the land down under you don t really think of the kind of government they have. I chose to write about the Australian government because I really don t hear much about Australia. It currently has a pretty interesting story to tell when it comes to their government. I became a bit interested in Australian politics when I saw a political animated cartoon on the internet that depicted Kevin Rudd, the last Prime Minister, on a news television show and it was quite humorous. I am going to give a quick history lesson on Australiathen go into how the government formed and came to be. Then I will talk about the Australian constitution, the Australian arms of government, their federal system, political parties and Australia s... Show more content on ... Penal colonies are places when some send their inmates to be exiled. It was said that about 160,000 people were brought into Australia. Many Europeans decided to immigrate to Australia and because of this and after a while the economy and colonies of Australia, under the British rule, started to grow (Austrailian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade). Now I shall talk about how the Australian Constitution. It s common knowledge to know that a constitution is pretty much the law of the land and a foundation of the laws that rule there. Constitutions are very important for countries to have. Helen Irving explains in The Oxford Companion of Australian Politics that, Its Preamble records the agreement of the six Australian colonies to federate in 1901 and to remain together as one indissoluble federal Commonwealth . The Australian Constitution was written as a bill when the colonies met in 1890. The constitution has a full draft by the end of 1891 but colonial parliaments failed to pass it (Irving). It took about 10 years in 1901 that the constitution was finally ratified. They were finally an independent nation and no longer under the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Were Watching God Figurative Language In William Shakespeare s The Tempest, A storm is responsible for creating an epoch in Prospero s life. Likewise, the hurricane in Zora Neale Hurston s Their Eyes Were Watching God also represents a watershed in Janie s life. Both Shakespeare and Hurston use the storm to symbolize creation and regeneration among their protagonists. Hurston, however, uses figurative language to enhance features of the storm, creating a mood for the reader. Hurston uses imagery and personifications to establish varying moods throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God . For example, Hurston s use of imagery helps to establish the varying moods within the novel. While beginning to tell her story to Phoeby, Janie describes the growth of the pear tree that she grows fond of throughout her childhood: From barren brown stems to glistening leaf buds; from the leaf buds to snowy virginity of bloom (Hurston 10). Janie tells how the pear tree from a mundane tree to one blooming with excitement. This also follows Janie s path from childhood to womanhood. The imagery of the pear tree presents a serene mood the follow along the plot of the novel for some time. Word choice such as glistening and snowy creates a peaceful situation in which suits Janie s childhood. Later in her adult life, Janie becomes attracted to Tea Cake to the point where she can t bear to be without him: He did not return that night nor the next, and so she plunged into the ... Show more content on ... The author uses these types of figurative language to emphasize the importance of many key aspects in character and plot development. Shakespeare, who writes more formally than Hurston, uses imagery in the same way. They both use imagery in a storm scene, using it representing a change in mood. Both writing styles share common characteristics, proving how figurative language can affect to mood of a ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Theme Of Love In The Raven What does a stereotypical raven symbolize? In The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe creates a dreary mood through the usage of subject matter, rhyme and meter, symbolism and word choice. His long lost Lenore who died at a young age turned his bright life into a dark gloomy life. Edgar Allan Poe creates a long lost love subject matter in The Raven. Lenore, the main characters young beautiful wife in the prime of her life died.The man was very sad and dreary that he lost his young Lenore. He said For the rare and radiant maiden for whom the angels named Lenore Nameless here for evermore.(2) The main character lost his love and a young age. The theme or subject matter is long lost love just for this reason. One day a raven showed up at the man s house.The man is asking the raven many questions about his wife who passed. The man is not getting the news he is looking for, he says, Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!(4) Edgar is so curious about his long lost love and really wants to her again. He has been curious about his Lenore since she died and has also done nothing since she died. The man was so fixated on Lenore that when he was not hearing what he wanted to he got very sad and disgusted about his love. He is not hearing the things he wants about his long lost love lenore. Edgar Allan Poe uses rhyme and meter to emphasize the darkness and gloominess of the poem. He is a very fearful and curious man at this point he is wondering what will ever ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Puerto Rico Crisis I believe that the crisis in Puerto Rico is straight up devastating because over 3.4 million US citizens have been affected; there are approximately 48,000 people without power. In this extended response, I will be telling you why the crisis in Puerto Rico is so devastating. The Communication Conflict The hurricane destroyed 1,360 out of the 6,000 cellphone poles on the island. Many regions of Puerto Ricohave been completely disconnected from the outside world for days, only being able to use radios for the news. The crashing of cellular also means that loved ones living off of the islands, (mainland or otherwise,) are unable to get in touch with loved ones to find out if they re alright.I, emotionally, wouldn t be able to handle this problem. I must know everything that goes on in my family, so I would be very anxious. The Power Outages... Show more content on ... For many years, PREPA, (Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority,) has had $9 million in debt and hasn t had the money to modernize the island s electrical systems. Even when there aren t storms, power outages are still very frequent on the island. No electricity means no power to pump water into homes, so those living on the island don t even have water to drink, bathe, or even flush toilets! This is terrible because everyone needs water! It is horrible that people must live in this situation, just because of a hurricane! In Arecibo, a town on the northern shore of the island, they had found one source of fresh, clean, water: a fire hydrant. Some rescue workers have been giving out bottled water, but undoubtedly, many people haven t gotten any ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Ocean Acidification Essay To begin, Ocean Acidification is a complex issue that revolves around the pH level of the water in the oceans. According to Ocean Acidification by Gattuso and Lina Ocean Acidification is a reduction in the pH of the ocean over an extended period, typically decades or longer, caused primarily by the uptake of CO 2 from the atmosphere Scientists use the pHscale to describe the strength of acids and bases. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 the most basic. Gattuso and Lina address that, Once dissolved in seawater, CO 2 is a weak acid which generates a number of changes in seawater chemistry. Furthermore they state, The ocean pH levels has decreased from approximately 8.2 to 8.1 between pre industrial time and the 1990s, and may reach 7.8 in 2100. The issue of Ocean Acidificationis dependent on the pH levels of the oceans. The belief is lowered pH levels could cause disastrous effects to the millions of different types of sea life in the oceans. Scientists believe that a difference in pH levels could devastate the ecology of the oceans. For example, it is stated by Gattuso Lina that, Changes in the carbonate chemistry of seawater can have a wide range of effects, some of which may be mediated through disturbances in the acid base status of affected organisms. As a result, The extracellular pH of body fluids in animals and the intracellular pH of various organisms are usually tightly regulated, but the capacity of regulatory ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Speech On Life Without Technology Our lives without technology Have you ever imagined a life without technology? A life without a smartphone to communicate, research information or express our emotion in a social network? Everybody knows that if we did not have the technology around us, our lives would be completely different at one point that we will have to learn to live without it. Our lives without technology would be similar to live in the XX century in terms of real communication, lives in danger and without things that help us every day. In the past did not exist technology to communicate or research information for the homework. They use books to research information, those big ones that maybe you had in your house and you never realise. To communicate, they usually do it by letter. In 1970 according to are a lot of things that change comparing up today. The cars did not have GPS, they had to buy a map or ask for directions to arrive at the place wanted. The reports for the school were written by hand because the computers did not exist, in short they were hours writing the report. Another example is that when they took photos, they could not see them in the camera, cellphone or computer, they had to take the camera roll and go to a specific place to see the pics. These were some ... Show more content on ... Ferrell Daste (an old man) explain in live simple Chicago that the life before technology was much easy for him than now in the XXI century. For example, he narrates that went to the cinema was not be a privilege for people it only cost 7 cents, in summary, go to the cinema was for everyone in those times. Another fact that he gave was that the children did not stay in their home watching the T.V or the screen of a phone, they go outside and play until the sun fall. Ferrell to fulfill said that was sad to see people texting instead talking face to face like the 1930s and I agree with ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Research Paper On The Parthenon The Parthenon is easily one of the most recognizable architectural landmarks in Greece. Resting on a hill known as Acropolis located in Athens, the Parthenon has stood since the fifth century B.C. Even though most of it was destroyed in 1687 when Venice rampaged throughout. Before that however, the Parthenonserved as not only a temple but a national symbol and artistic masterpiece as well (Spirko, Synonym). Parthenon translates to the virgin s place in Greek. The Parthenon was built for the virgin goddess Athena and every four years there would be a parade like celebration to honor her. This was the main purpose of building such a place. According to Ancient the Parthenon represents the idealism of the Greek way of living, the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Treasure Coast Research Paper Florida s Treasure Coast is the common appellation given to the Florida coastal section, which extends from the Inlet in the north to south of Hobe Sound. It comprises all the coastal counties of Indian River, St. Lucie, and Martin. The region has a rich history that goes back 300 years, where Spanish galleons replete with gold and silver, shipwrecked off the southeastern Florida shore, losing all their treasure to the deep waters. Treasure Coast provided pirates and smugglers with sanctuary during the 18th century. The Spanish explorers drove the first human inhabitants, the Timucuan Indians, from Treasure Coast, beginning with their arrival in 1528. By the 19th century, small communities began to appear as settler moved into the region. Today, the Treasure Coast is a unique mix of small town, laid back, beautiful beach communities, and a popular family vacation destination.... Show more content on ... It is a beach lover s paradise, providing the most beautiful natural coastal environment for exploration. Treasure Coast offers some of the most beautiful flora along the Florida coast, with vibrant colors and blooms, and foliage with rich texture. From ferns to palm trees, air plants and shrubs, to wildflowers, Treasure Coast has it all. The animal life of region is a display of unique species. It is a bird watcher s paradise with winter migratory birds, including Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderlings, and Semipalmated Sandpipers, along with other birds such as pelicans and herons. Furthermore, you can find deer, alligators, bottlenose dolphins, sea turtles, sting rays, otters and manatees as ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Customer Service And Customer Loyalty In my opinion our company is relatively strong in 2 of the 4 characteristics of analytic competitor as described in the text. Our goal as company is to be superior in customer service and customer loyalty. To that end we have tools developed that assist everyone in the company and we are committed, from the CEO down to line level team member, to review the same statistics used for continuous improvement. Where we lack strength is having a distinctive capability and due to some system limitations in data warehousing, we still do quite a bit of individual reporting. Prior to working for this company I worked at the Well Established Casino (WEC) organization for 10 years. I learned quite a bit about standard reporting at WEC. Digging into how things worked and what interpretations were used to categorize casino player behavior was very rewarding. While WEC was superior in bucketing and appropriately setting expectations in future customer behavior, their reporting lacked some details preventing marketing operations from quickly responding to outlier influences and climate changes in the industry. I moved onto HTC where most of the reporting was financial in nature. Having opened newer casino properties our corporate structure did not immediately embrace the need for marketing analysis to potentially improve revenue streams that were already robust enough. I came on board with HTC in late 2010 as the Regional Director of Marketing Analysis when they opened casino number two. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Writin Writing As A Writer If you were to type in writing is... into a search bar, the first suggestion that would pop up would be writing is hard. In many ways it can be, writing is an outlet to put all your personal thoughts and experiences onto a paper for all to see and criticize is nerve racking. For any person writing can be a struggle to piece together their thoughts into coherency, but it is all part of the bigger process. Writingcan help you convey what you truly believe and let your creativity run free through putting a part of yourself into your work. It is a way to let out any powerful emotions about something that is happening in your life in a healthy, almost therapeutic way. This idea of revealing your true self for your work can be seen in Leon Uris s quote that states, You can lie to your wife or your boss but you cannot lie to your typewriter sooner or later you must reveal your true self in your pages. The author uses the typewriter as a metaphor for an object you can confide in and not lie to much like a diary.... Show more content on ... It is essentially a way to reveal the softness of your character without fully taken off your armor. Another quote that connects to the struggle of conveying one s innermost thoughts onto paper is said by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway s quote proclaims I write with my blood, which means the author wrote the work with their entire heart and mind to convey their thoughts into words. Blood is such an integral, vital part of one s body, in turn when an author writes it contains a part of them in that work. This gives an effect of it being alive, even if the author itself is no longer living and breathing. The significance of writing with your blood gives the work more meaning than something that is based off the ideas of others rather than ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Essay Robert Wood Johnson Foundation enlisted with the Institute of Medicine in 2008 to assess the changes needed to transform health care to assess the changes needed to transform health care to nursing. The Robert Wood Foundation worked with the IOM in regards with evidence based practices in developing a National Blueprint for the nursing profession. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report contains four key messages about nurse training, education, professional leadership and workforce policy. Through this report, each specific recommendations among them removed scope of practice barriers so that the APNs can practice to the full extent of their education and training. The partnership between Robert Wood Johnson Foundations... Show more content on ... Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States. 4. Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and information infrastructure. What I took from those four main issues is the importance for nurses to continue with their training, so that those currently in the nursing profession would be more competent, with a larger range of responsibilities. Through that further nursing education and making programs more accessible to the nursing profession to achieve a higher level of education. Nurses are the ones that are delivering care; therefore nurses should be active in regards to resigning of health care. Nurses need to speak and be able, have input into the implementation of health care systems. In my opinion, the report re invents health care in America. Nurses are the largest part of the health workforce. They are often seen as the most trusted in the health care profession. From what I understood, it lets APNs work towards their fullest potential in being able to provide quality, effective, safe care. The ability to work independently and no longer hinders the APN to provide full primary care services. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Exposure Of Airborne Particulate Matter From Vehicular... Exposure to Airborne Particulate Matter from Vehicular Exhaust Results in Progression of Brain Injury Following Experimental Stroke Qinghai Liu, Ryan Radwanski, Robin Babadjouni, Peter Baumbacher, Shuhan He, Jonathan Russin, Todd Morgan, Constantinos Sioutas, Caleb Finch, William J. Mack Abstract Introduction Methods Animals All procedures utilized in this study were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC; protocol # 11968) of the University of Sothern California and carried out in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NIH). Cohorts consisted of male C57BL/6J mice (15 16 weeks of age; 24 29g). Middle cerebral artery occlusion Mice were anesthetized with 4% isofluorine at induction and maintained at 2% isofluorine during the procedure. Rectal temperature was maintained at 35.5 C, and a midline cranial incision was made in order to attach a laser doppler flowmetry (LDF) microtip to the skull at 1mm posterior and 5mm right lateral to the bregma. The mouse was then rotated to the supine position and a midline cervical incision was made. The right common carotid artery (CCA), right external carotid artery (ECA), and right internal carotid artery (ICA) were exposed. Three sutures were placed loosely around the CCA, and one suture was placed loosely around the ECA. Once all the sutures were in place, the rostral most CCA suture was used to ligate the CCA. The ECA suture was then used to ligate the ECA, and a ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Operation Desert Storm The Apache helicopter has been the premier attack helicopter of the United States Army for the past thirty years. The Apache firmly secured that position in the opening moments of Operation Desert Storm by proving that it was capable of accomplishing missions well beyond its intended purpose. Due to its success in Desert Storm and subsequent conflicts, it is now the attack helicopter of choice for the United States Armyand its Allies around the world. Its success has led to multiple subsequent models that built on the airframe and success of the original AH 64A models. In January 1990, after much deliberation and planning by General Schwarzkopf, he made the decision to use the AH 64A Apache as the first option for destroying the Iraqi s... Show more content on ... The attack was a complete success that enabled the United States Air Force F 15s and EF 111s to begin their bombing campaign on various other targets inside Iraq s border. They went on to destroy over 500 enemy tanks during Operation Desert Storm. The Apache proved beyond a doubt during this conflict that it was here to stay and that it could be used far beyond its designed purposes. Today s AH 64D and Echo models are built on the success and reputation of the original Attack Helicopter that showed the capabilities and how vital they are to the battlefield especially in today s conflicts that are fought explicitly in urban ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay on The Stonewall Riots In the past decades, the struggle for gay rights in the Unites States has taken many forms. Previously, homosexuality was viewed as immoral. Many people also viewed it as pathologic because the American Psychiatric Association classified it as a psychiatric disorder. As a result, many people remained in the closet because they were afraid of losing their jobs or being discriminated against in the society. According to David Allyn, though most gays could pass in the heterosexual world, they tended to live in fear and lies because they could not look towards their families for support. At the same time, openly gay establishments were often shut down to keep openly gay people under close scrutiny (Allyn 146). But since the 1960s, people... Show more content on ... Although the Stonewall riots increase the awareness of gay rights, the 1980s AIDS epidemic was another turning point for the gay community. Thus many gay artists expressed their concerns and views through their art about how the society has ignored them in time of crisis. It was clear that massive numbers in the gay community were being infected with previously unknown blood borne pathogens that destroy the immune system. The government ignored the rise of the epidemic. For example, there were no AIDS related research, prevention, and treatments. Instead, AIDS was originally framed by the media as a homosexual issue because the first individuals to contract AIDS were gays. Another right wing idea was that gay men brought this disease onto themselves and that it was God s punishment for their immoral behaviors. As a result, most people especially gay artists expressed their anger and concerns through their art. For example, David Wonjnarowicz was diagnosed with AIDS and was not shy about expressing his anger through his art. His 13 minute video A Fire in My Belly 1987 expressed his outrage and about grief the AIDS epidemic. The first half of the video shows the street of Juarez, Mexico, where amputees pass through intersections and headlines blare reports of daily murder. The second section depicted more personal concerns. Wojnarowicz himself appeared ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Persuasive Essay On Skin Cancer The cause of skin cancer is, Cumulative sun exposure causes mainly basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer, while episodes of severe sunburns, usually before age 18, can cause melanoma later in life. As the natural man we all consider ourselves invincible that is, until cancer strikes. Idaho has among the highest rates of new melanoma diagnoses and deaths in the U.S. Prompting health officials to encourage all Idahoans to protect themselves from sun exposure to prevent the potentially deadly disease. In 2008 more than 1 million people were diagnosed with skin cancer, making it the most common of all cancers. About 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their life. About 40 people each year die in Idaho from this cancer. People don t perceive that Idaho has a skin cancer problem, says Patti Moran, who manages the state s Cancer Prevention and Control program. But the death and diagnoses rates are very telling. We know that many Idahoans spend time in the sun taking advantage of our great outdoor recreation opportunities. We re urging people to remember to protect their skin every time they go outside to prevent skin cancer. Another thing that us as Idahoans do often are using tanning beds, something that I am guilty of myself. It is so cold here for majority of the year that often times people resort to other forms of sun, such as sun tanning beds, just to shed a little light on the cold winter days. Now that I know the potential affects of getting a little ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Why Did The Ussr Lose Ww2 Essay What if the USSR pulled out of World War II as they had in WWI? If the USSR had pulled out of the war, Germany would have had a greater fighting chance to win WWI since they would only have to focus on a one front war. Also since Germany had become much stronger during WWII than during WWI, they would have had a better chance of winning the war because of their advanced technology that they had brought out during WWII. Focusing on the topic of Germany only having to fight on the western front would have been a huge advantage to Germany because on the Eastern Front the USSR was causing three quarters of Germany s military casualties and was keeping Germany from being able to launch massive attacks on the Western Front. Another possibility would be that if the USSR had pulled out of the war, eliminating the... Show more content on ... Therefore, with the USSR out of the picture during WWII, Germany and Japan would be the top military powers and would control most of the war until the end. As specified before, if the USSR had left the war, Germany s army would recover from the eastern front losses and would launch all out attacks on the western front being able to push back the Allies, because at the time the United State s Army was not as impressive as at the end of the war when it surpassed Germany s military power, but if the USSR had pulled out early on, the United State s Army would not have been able to defend against Germany because of their lack of military power and their lack of air force. On the other hand, if the USSR would have pulled out late in the war, the Allies would have still won because the US had built a strong and powerful navy surpassing the navies of Britain and Japan, and also surpassing the military power of Germany. Britain s navy and air force also remained strong at the end of the war leading to a possible victory alongside the US without the help of the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The And The Sun Is Shining Through The Rain 1) It s mid September, and the sun is shining through the rain, creating the most beautiful oxymoron I believe I ve ever seen. This was the year I learned to love the rain. It s true that not every story is worthy of being published, and many stories that need to be heard have yet to be written. Even still, they re locked away in the hearts of people beautiful people. Because, no matter how you look at it, the truth is, we all have a story. Whether the words ever touch pages or not. My story isn t one that deserves to be written. I m not interesting. There are a thousand stories out there that are better than mine. Stories written in the hearts and eyes of the people that we pass by everyday. Those small details I didn t ... Show more content on ... That s Ty, he s undyingly optimistic, and I m tempted to tell you it s his worst trait, but even I m not prone to that level of exaggeration. It s the rain. It s killing me. I m sorry, Jess. Just be patient, it can t rain forever. See? Optimistic. All jokes aside, I love Ty, he s one of the reasons I love it here so much, one of the reasons I ve decided to leave my apartment to leave the family vineyard in Tennessee spend six months on our plantation in Texas. I try to smile as I shift my gaze up to his smiling face, I m glad to know you woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. Ty winks at me, and I crack a real smile, utterly against my will. It s hard to be in a bad mood around Ty, he radiates a sort of charm that relaxes people. He s the type of person you would accidentally fall in love with... Trust me, I know. My gaze shifts out the window. Purple grey clouds are looming over our sad looking plants. I was so ready for this to be over. Should I get you a glass? I didn t know you were making juice. What? I bring my attention back to the here and now, Realizing I ve been picking my orange apart
  • 23. a little too late. Ty tosses me a washcloth to clear up the juice I ve unconscious dripped onto the table. I really need to get you out of this house. Ty sits across from me, his fingers gliding over the glossy puzzle that had recently become the bane of their existence. Why? I can t stand seeing you so ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Decision Making Ques: What are the reason why two perfect individual are never two perfect couples. with the 7 decision making process solve the problem. The 7 decision making processes are: 1. Define the problem 2. Identify limiting factors 3. Develop potential alternatives 4. Analyze the alternatives 5. Select the best alternatives 6. Implement the decision 7. Establish a control and evaluation system Introduction A perfect marriage may be an illusion although the people involve may be perfect individual in their own right. This situation may arise because the two may be considered as two different captains who have now come together to pilot a ship. Each comes on board with their own ideology and conceptions; as such differences are ... Show more content on ... The willingness on the part of both parties to accept that there is a problem c. If the parties do not consent to arriving at a solution no head way will be made in resolving the issue. Develop potential alternatives The next step requires that the woman considers the potential alternatives available to her in resolving the problem. Options available may be varied. They may include: 1. Courage to bring to the notice of the husband her feelings 2. Discuss the problem with a friend of the husband 3. Bring the problem to the notice of the senior minister of the gospel whom the husband respects so much. 4. Make the parents of the husband aware of the situation 5. Seek the help of a professional counselor Analyze the alternatives A good analysis of the alternatives or option available has a corresponding result in arriving at a solution. The aim is to find answers to the problem. The problem at hand for example involves two different individual. To select the best way to resolve the issue, it is important the wife acknowledges the nature of the husband. How well will he respond it a third party is brought in to help resolve the problem? For instance, if the man has develop an attitude of ignoring in woman in the house, approaching him to talk about the issue will not be the best solution. However if he is
  • 25. the type that show regardless of his arrogant nature shows respect to the elderly then consulting a senior ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Differences Of The Italian Renaissance And The Northern... talian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance Differences Between The Two The Renaissance was a period of great cultural and technological changes that swept Europe from the end of the 13th century. It was integral in developing Europe into a powerhouse. Although, each part of Europe was subjected to different changes, there were two primary renaissances, which were most notable. They were the Italian and the Northern renaissance. Both of these renaissances had a profound impact on Europe. But they also had some typical differences among them and each was unique in its own way. Italian Renaissance The Italian Renaissance was a period of great cultural changes and achievement throughout Europe. It spanned from the end of the 13th century up to about the 1600 s. It marked the transition of Europe from the medieval period to the Early Modern Europe. The term renaissance is a modern term that was coined by historians many years after the Renaissance had already ended. Although the origins of the Italian Renaissance can be traced to many different locations, it is important to note that different aspects of Italian culture and society remained largely medieval during the time of the Renaissance; the Renaissance did not come into full swing until the end of the century. The word Renaissance means rebirth , and the era is best known for the renewed interest in the culture of classical antiquity (Greece and Rome) after the period that Renaissance humanists labeled the Dark Ages. These changes, while significant, were concentrated in the elite, and for the vast majority of the population life was little changed from the Middle Ages. The Italian Renaissance is best known for its cultural achievements credited to writers, poets, artists, sculptors, and Renaissance Men (or women!). Figures such as Petrarch (The Father of Humanism ), Leonardo da Vinci (The ideal Renaissance Man known for the Mona Lisa, the Vitruvian Man, and many more creations!), Raphael (known for his painting, The School of Athens.), Dante Alleghri (known for his work, The Divine Comedy.), and many more are significant characters of this era and movement that contribute significantly. Northern Renaissance The Northern ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Fall By Sanry Wadsworth Longfellow Poem Blessed warmth begins to fade, the insidious chill of winter begins to stretch its ever present fingers. People begin rejoicing, filling the air with the abomination that is pumpkin spice. The trees lose their shades of green, fading to warmer hues nature s pitiful attempt to compensate for the heat of day failing. These same leaves litter the ground, filling the air with a rank of decay and deterioration; men and women are forced to collect and dispose of the leaves. Children glumly file back into school, preparing themselves for the next eight months of incarceration. Halloween decorations begin appearing on people s houses, lining streets with cartoon pumpkins and skeletons. In John Keats poetry, as well as in Samuel Brydges and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow s poetry, fall is portrayed in a favorable light, idolizing the chill and change wrought by autumns arrival. All three poets use bright and vivid imagery to convey the wonder in Keats and Brydges poems, while Longfellow imbues his poem with a sense of majesty. Keats, forever the romantic, uses a hopeful cant and a vivid lexicon to create a hopeful image of the fall season. Keats tosses around the reminder of the bountiful harvest in the first stanza, talking about the apples, gourds, and nuts; he says that they swell and grow plentiful, to the point that he says the trees bend with apples. (Keats, 5) Keats also says that fall winds sweep across the land, showing up in everyone s stores, in their fields, and by ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Victims Of The Holocaust Over the past few years, several deadly genocides have occurred. However, one of the most infamous genocides to occur was the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the massive destruction of European Jewry during World War II, when millions were systematically persecuted and exterminated solely because of their social, cultural, ethnic, or religious characteristics (Barel, Van Ijzendoorn, Sagi Schwartz, Bakermans Kranenburg). Contrary to popular belief, Jews were not the only group targeted in the Holocaust, as five million more lives were taken in groups other than the Jews. Three other groups targeted during his deadly event were the homosexuals, the mentally and physically disabled, and the ethnic minorities, whose death toll equaled 2,285,000, a combined total that clearly showed how determined the Nazis were in destroying their targeted victims in the Holocaust.. The homosexuals were a major group targeted in the Holocaust, and between 5,000 and 15,000 members were targeted ( Five Million Forgotten Holocaust s Non Jewish Victims ). The main reason the homosexuals were targeted was because the Nazis believed that male homosexuals were weak, effeminate men who could not fight for the German nation. They saw homosexuals as unlikely to produce children and increase the German birthrate ( Persecution of Homosexuals in the Third Reich ). According to the quote, the homosexuals wouldn t produce offspring thus making them unqualified for being apart of the Germans. Like all ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Person Centred Approaches to Counselling- Creating a Safe... Introduction A safe space for a client could be described as a place or space in which a client feels secure and free to express him/herself in a real, true and open way. This could mean a number of things to different clients, it is very individual. What makes a person feel safe? The list could include some or all of the following; Not feeling judged or criticised by the counsellor or that the counsellor is likely to not accept you if you share something bad Feeling that the counsellor accurately understands you, what you are saying or trying to say and what you are feeling or experiencing Feeling that the counsellor is true and genuine in the relationship, his/her real self Knowing that... Show more content on ... Many people will go to therapy because they have had previous bad or traumatic relationships which have left them damaged or traumatised in some way, quite often these relationships were with their parents when they were children. They have learned the danger and not to trust the very people they believed should most be trusted. I believe it can be even more fundamental and damaging than this still, they have also learned not to trust in themselves to have the ability to know who is safe to trust or not. The relationship with the therapist then can become something like a re parenting or a re learning of how a trusting relationship should/could have been with one s parents. Most people will agree that parents should (in a perfect world) give their children unconditional positive regard, empathy and be relatively non judgemental with them, also show them respect and allow them to keep their dignity. Unfortunately this is not always the case. It is therefore even more important that the therapeutic relationship between counsellor and client show all these things to the highest of degrees. However, if this aspect of trust and safety is not present it can actually do more harm than good to clients that are already vulnerable and anxious. It can, in fact be retraumatising and compound their possible views of themselves as being unlovable or unworthy etc, ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Strategic Organizational Performance Audit Religious Health Care Introduction The strategic organizational performance audit for Religious Health Care Organization has been completed by Health Care Study Consulting Group. The audit results include the consulting group evaluations of Religious strategic performance and the reviews of the perspective of several unit leaders at Religious. Procedure In preparing this report, information was gathered through strategic performance evaluations, interviews with leaders of Religious units and online resources to compare the strategic performance of faith based providers through the use of administrative data. Findings Religious Health Care is a nonprofit hospital with a board that oversees all activities. Five (5) core function improvements of the governing board s agenda The governing board s first action of governance would be to develop a strategic plan process of analysis and breakdown to evaluate the current performance of the organization, review Religious competitive position, challenges and opportunities that all members can discuss and agree. Core function improvements of the governing board come from the organizations strategic plan breakdown mentioned above. The governing board of Religious incorporates five (5) important elements which include the following core functions: 1.Lead the Organization and Set Its Direction: a.The strategic planning allows the board to set clear goals and develop strategies for the direction of the organization by ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Roman Shades As summer fades, the temperature outside starts to decrease on a seemingly daily basis. Soon, warm sunshine gives way to cool crisp air and flurries of colorful leaves fill the yard. It s the perfect time to think about doing some seasonal changes to your dГ©cor. One of the quickest, easiest changes you can make is new window treatments. Changing out lighter curtains, or blinds, for roman shades will not only give your rooma fresh look, but it will also help to insulate your home from the impending cold. Huge Variety of Materials Roman shades can be made from fabric, textiles, bamboo and even wood, making them an extremely versatile window treatment. Whether your home is conventional, historic, modern or eclectic, you re sure to find a material, color and finish ... Show more content on ... They do not require a toolbox full of tools, curtain rods, or hooks. In fact, the only tools needed are a measuring tape, pencil and screwdriver. First, you will want to remove the current window treatment and associated hardware. Next, measure the width of the window to determine placement of the brackets. Use the pencil to mark the holes where screws will be. You ll then use your screwdriver to drive the screws into place, being sure to keep the bracket straight. Insert the shade into the bracket and enjoy your new window treatment. Insulating Properties Heavier roman shades are the best option for fall and winter, for obvious reasons. Many roman shades are made using multiple layers of fabric and batting to create an insulated layer. They act much like a blanket, keeping out cold air that permeates through glass and help to block drafts that make their way through seams. Some have a white side and a darker side. The lighter side, when facing outward, reflects sunlight in warmer months. The darker side, conversely, attracts the heat from the sun, helping to heat your home in cooler times. Easy to Clean and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder ( Copd ) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) is a progressive lung diseases mainly characterized as having emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It is one of the major cause of death and disability in the US.1 In 2011, it was the third leading cause of death in the US. Prevalence of COPD varies by state and was found to be 6.3% (nearly 15 million) amongst the US adults. Despite such high prevalence, it remains undiagnosed or untreated in nearly half of the population.3 Prevalence rate is higher among people over 65 years old, among females, and among non Hispanic white population.3 It s one of the major driver for avoidable healthcare costs. It causes long term disability, early deaths and is an important issue affecting employee health and work productivity. In 2010, the estimated direct healthcare costs by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood institute was $29.5 billion, where $13.2 billion accounted for hospital care costs, $5.5 billion were for physician services and $5.8 billion were for prescription drugs. The indirect cost estimated due to COPD was around $20 billion, and the number of productivity days lost due to suffering from COPD was higher than any other chronic conditions. , Several risk factors that are responsible for the development and progression of this disease includes tobacco smoke, air pollutants, occupational dusts and chemicals, genetics, history of childhood respiratory infections, socio economic status and exposure to second hand smoke (SHS). , ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Aryballos Analysis The two vases that are looked at in the analysis are VUW Classics 1950 A18 (A18) and VUW Classics 1950 A8 (A8). The small size and spherical shape of A18 suggests that it is an aryballos, the standard name for small rounded vases, that were often used to store perfume or oil (B. A. Sparkes, 1991). The aryballoi shape was most common in Corinth, and while Athenian examples also exist (University of Oxford, 2011a), the light colour of the clay suggests this particular example is Corinthian. This one has no foot, a single handle and a narrow neck with a wide, flat mouth that is suitable for pouring oil in small quantities. They were mostly worn as accessories by young men like athletes (Neer, 2012). Although the neck and handle are broken... Show more content on ... No red slip is used on the aryballos, which became fashionable when Attic wares dominated the market during mid 6th century (Neer, 2012). The spherical aryballoi was most popular during the Proto Corinthian, before the shape elongated (EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica, n.d a). The patterned design on A18 is also in line with the tendencies of the Orientalising Period for heavy patterns with little blank space. This dates A18 around c. 725 c. 600 bce. This cluttered Orientalising style isn t present on A8. There is a larger focus on the scene being depicted as opposed to creating patterns, a trend that became popular in the Mid Corinthian period (Neer, 2012). Evidence of cylinder Lekythoi has been dated as early as the late 6th century, but the shape really became popular in the 5th century (University of Oxford, 2011b). A new technique of white ground became popular on the lekythoi (EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica, n.d b), which A8 doesn t exhibit. This evidence dates A8 around c. 540 c. 500 ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Juvenile Delinquency Essay Juvenile delinquents, or youth that have been convicted of a crime, seem to be the norm these days. Citizens, families, and poliy makers want new programs and policies within the juvenile justice system. Researchers have found that the family structure can be a precursor to delinquent behavior, and families do not have the control or blance that they once did. As such, mew measures need to be implemented to help these families in crisis. Rehabilitation of the familyunit is the answer, say many, not punishment. In response to this, new ideas have formed to rehabilitate the family unit, but first, the family structures that are precursors to delinquent behavior must be identified. Family Life, Delinquency, and Crime: A Policymaker s... Show more content on ... The book focuses on single parent homes, parental involvement, family tension and family economics as key factors of juvenile delinquency. Although, Mr. Trojanowicz states family economics plays a key role in determining juvenile delinquency. A family s inability to provide for the material needs of a child can create insecurity in a child, thus, the child may seek material needs and suport from outside the family (77). In conclusion he finds that many delinquents do not come from low income families, and the economic condition of the family is probably one of the least meaningful contributing factors. The research clearly shows and supports the theory that the family structure is directly related to juvenile delinquency. What is society doing to help these families in trouble? Competency Training, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Dleinquency Prevention (OJJDP), examines one of the family programs that have been established. The program they examined was, Iowa s Strenghtening Families Program. (ISFP) The SFP is a 7 week course designed to bring parents together with their 10 to 14 year old children, with the goal of reducing substance abuse and other problem behavior in youth. The curriculum uses parallel content to emphasize, to the family and the youth, improved parenting skills, and better communication for both parents and the youth. For example, while the parents are learning how to use consequences when youth break rules, youth ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Sears Sears Canada is a retailer based in Toronto, ON, with its parent company Sears Roebuck situated in Chicago, IL. The two companies operate independent of each other; however more or less carry the same product lines. Sears Canada primarily has two major merchandising categories, with Home Hardlines accounting for 60% of the sales while apparel accessories represent 40% of the sales. Sears has been in the retail industry in Canada for over 60 years, and has built a significant brand name for itself, although many consider it an outdated brand name now in terms of apparel. As such, in light of drastic changes recently in the apparel industry given the influx of American and international apparel companies and the constant improvement... Show more content on ... However, Sears weaknesses in apparel might have a much more detrimental effect on its future, far outweighing its strengths. Sears market share in apparel is on the decline in every major category, as can be seen in exhibit 1. If we say the needs of Sears customers in the apparel market, which is a new emerging demographic of more youth oriented consumers, is focused on trendy styles, then Sears has a significant weakness in that it is not among the top choices amongst the competition by any means. In the high end market, competitors such as Holt Renfrew, Harry Rosen, The Bay (which has taken back lost market share under the guidance of CEO Bonnie Brooks) and the impending arrival of Nordstrom s really have the clientele loyalty and market share, leaving no room in this market for Sears. In the discount market, Wal Mart has the obvious market share lead by far, and we cannot underestimate the impact Target will have when it arrives. Reports suggest Sears and Wal Mart have the most to lose when target arrives , as can be seen in exhibit 2. 20% of survey respondents feel Sears will lose a lot of sales when Target opens, 50% feel that Sears will lose some sales, and over 70% feel Sears s sales will be negatively impacted by Target. As we know, Sears has seen sliding sales since 2006 and Target Canada will definitely add to that. Again, Sears really has no room in this market either. When one factors in other competitors that the younger population are ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Slavery In The Amistad Hollywood is certainly known for many of its historical movies about slavery. Amistad, one of tens of movies, documentaries, and miniseries based on slavery, gives us a partially historically accurate insight of the abolitionists and slave experience at the time, making it a somewhat worthy historical secondary source. Director Steven Spielberg utilizes the movies semi high budget as an attempt to portray both the periods and events. He does this by using reputable actors such as Morgan Freeman and Matthew Mcconaughey to represent the characters of Theodore Joadson and Roger Sherman Baldwin, respectively. Spielberg portrays the events by using a courtroom, a ship (one that is made to look like the Amistad), and a place to contain the slaves... Show more content on ... The early 1800 s is usually described as a black and white society that has a mixture of both slaves and abolitionists. Director Spielberg portrays slavery and the slave trade in a very accurate and vivid manner throughout the experiences of Cinque, the leader of the Africans that were captured, on the Amistad and in the United States. In the actual slave trade, slaves were underfed and illnesses were not properly treated, resulting in a high death rate on the ship ( /the atlantic slave trade.html). Similarly, in Amistad, the slaves on the ship were underfed, and many died as a result of disease. On the contrary, the film did have quite a few historical inaccuracies. Since the slaves were set free, they were technically always free citizens in the United States. Therefore, the United States couldn t send them back to Africa; which was the opposite in Amistad. In Amistad, the Africans were freed and sent back to Africa; in the actual events, fundraisers were brought up in order to raise money for the ship and amenities for the trip to Africa (http://www.hartford Another historical inaccuracy was the talk of the Civil War, which was more than 25 years from the court case (Eric Foner). If these historical inaccuracies didn t find their way into the film, the result of the court case in the film would have definitely been ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Western Influence On John Hersey s Characters Japanese has an immense effect on those in contact with it. Japanese is a culture with divine beliefs and enormous pride in their culture. John Hersey explores the effects that culture and environment have on an individual s views and beliefs; a stereotypical Japanese man , an Americanized Japanese priest, and a widowed Japanese woman all react similarly to the bombing of Hiroshima. The influence of Japanese culture has an astounding impact on the reactions of Hersey s characters. Japan is a country of many cultures. Japan s most renowned is the art of the samurai and currently, urbanization. Due to the American occupation in the pacific, Japanese moved from a cultural masterpiece, to an eastern constitutional monarchy. Which is generally effected by a western influence. The effect of Japanese culture on Dr. Sasaki is an example of home pride and cultural pride. Dr.Sasaki has been surrounded by Japanese culture all his life and he in turn represents stereotypical Japanese culture. Dr. Sasaki most closely represents stereotypical Japanese culture. As the narrator exclaims, Dr. Sasaki lost all sense of profession and stopped working as a skillful surgeon and a sympathetic man; he became an automaton,... Show more content on ... Tanimoto studied in America, thus changing his reactions to the bomb. Tanimoto ran away from the bomb as a reaction to being in America for study purposes. As the narrator explains, Mr. Tanimoto took four or five steps and threw himself between two big rocks in the garden. He bellied up very hard against them. This shows Tanimoto s reaction to a bomb brought by American culture. The American culture showed that he has to worry about himself before others. In return, he tried saving himself instead of accepting his fate as a typical Japanese would. Mr. Tanimoto is a great representation of American culture affecting someone s way of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Media Influence On Teenagers In today s age of technology, we are in almost constant contact with the mass media. Whether it be from the portable devices it seems every person has or the TV that remains on throughout the day, we are constantly absorbing the information they force upon us be it the good or bad. The ultimate presence of the mediaguarantees that what we hear, see, and experience thru it will influence the mind whether conscious of it or not. It is becoming increasingly clear that the media is one of the most inseparable things from a teenager s life. Teenagers are naturally curious. Faced with a multitude of choices and challenges, they often look for direction and guidance on how they can live their lives in today s society (Fox, 1999.) Because of this, maturing children look to this as finding out what is normal and acceptable or what is frowned upon and not accepted. The literature on the influence of media on teenagers is vast and most of them have focused on the negative impacts. They seem to advance the view that the way youth react to situations, or their mode of thinking is wholly based on the effect of the media, particularly television and movies, music, videogames, and the internet. Youth in sense represents the age group between 13 and 20. The outcome of media influences has largely been negative, especially since the above forms of media have negatively influenced the behaviors and sexuality of the teenagers (Stern and Handel, 2001). Free media a term used in Roger ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Interview Summary Of Peter Holloway s On Virtual... Interview summary for Peter Holloway, conducted on October 8, 2015 by Anita Sommer for the IRI Virtual Experimentation and Simulation project. Peter Holloway is a Systems Engineer with Rolls Royce Limited. He leads a team of simulation tool developers that code, refine, and integrate existing modeling tools that are used in the preliminary design phases of their jet engines. The preliminary design stages involve identifying candidate engine architectures, preparing proposals, and presenting proposals to customers such as Boeing and Airbus. Peter has been involved in simulation for about ten years in a number of different companies and at various levels. His team consists mostly of domain experts that have lent themselves to programming, with between three and five years of systems design experience. Rolls Royce has a culture of allowing its engineering staff to develop experimentation and simulation tools within their domain of expertise. Often however, these domain experts are not experienced programmers and the tools the engineers develop are used by only a few people within that domain. Peters team takes these tools, improves the code, making the tools more robust, and most importantly from a simulation point of view, making the different tools talk to each other in whole system simulation software. Rolls Royce Ltd. uses virtual experimentation and simulation on both their products and processes because it helps the company meet cost and time objectives when delivering ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Key Areas Of Responsibility For A Dual Role Key areas of responsibility for this dual role were to manage the operation of the IT infrastructure whilst overseeing the allocation of workloads and scheduling for all forty drivers. The area of focus was to co ordinate the fleet contractors in the morning while in the afternoons; I concentrated on the IT related aspects of the role. After discovering that this organisation had limited infrastructure (10+ years old) which had restricted company growth, my recommendations to senior managementto implement a more efficient IT infrastructure. This improved network speed, reliability and data management. KEY CONTRIBUTIONS: Infrastructure Improvements: Assisted in leading the continued development of the IT infrastructure which has seen growth of 30% in the past 18 months which forecasted to increase when implementation is complete. This has resulted by managing all aspects of the planning and implementation plan. пѓЄI negotiated contracted arrangements with Dell, achieving a 20% saving on costs. пѓЄI recommended and implemented infrastructure improvements by researching new technologies and features for anti virus, security, patch management, windows operating systems, and windows server platforms. Fleet Allocation Customer Service: Management of fleet drivers and daily workload, furthermore managing customer expectations ensuring escalations were kept at a minimum. The priority of my daily schedule was to ensure that this section of my work was completed before working ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Mass Extermination Research Paper What can the human race do to ensure that another mass extermination never happens again? That depends the human race being united to fight it. All cultures have distinguished people into categories of us and them : ethnicity, race, religion, nationality. We don t see ourselves as one people, but as multiple peoples defending ourselves against others. We don t see other races as humanbeings, either. Because we grow up and live apart from other cultures and languages, we see other human beings unlike us as peculiar to ourselves dehumanizing them. We create imaginary borders around our own kind and shut out other groups. If we, as one human race, overcame these boundaries, then the extermination of large groups of people would cease. Another ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Hitler s Appointment Adolf Hitler s appointment as Chancellor of Germany in 1933 played a vital role in the beginning of World War II. It was caused by a number of long term causes such as the Treaty of Versailles, strategic political activities and the Great Depression. Consequences also occurred as a result of his appointment such as transition from Weimar government to Nazi dictatorship, positive economic improvement, persecution of Jews and other cultural minorities. CAUSES The Treaty of Versailles Indirectly, the Treaty of Versailles was a major long term cause of Hitler s appointment. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 after World War I in an attempt to punish Germanyfor their actions and restore peace amongst the nations involved. This affected ... Show more content on ... The Nazis began to spread their racial ideologies very soon after Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933. They believed that Germans were racially superior and that Jews and other minorities were a threat to the survival of the German race. Amongst the persecuted were other minority groups, such as Romani an ethnic group originating from the Indian subcontinent Africans, homosexuals and the handicapped. However, Jews, who made up less than 1% of the German population in 1933, were the primary target of the Nazis racially provoked hatred. They were unfairly blamed for the country s economic depression and defeat in World War One. Following Hitler s appointment as chancellor, laws were passed that declared Jews second class citizens, segregating them from those of German descent and forcing them out of their jobs. The Nazis either seized Jewish businesses or forced them to be sold at exceptionally low prices. Between 1933 and 1935, laws emerged that allowed Romani, Africans, homosexuals and the handicapped to undergo medical procedures to be sterilized so that they were no longer able to produce children. Between 1933 and 1939, those belonging to minority groups were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps, so that they were no longer able to partake in society. These concentration camps laid the ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Description Of The Barn Cats Essay Scenario: It s autumn and, just like any other season, you re hard at work at your barn. Your barn cats are hard at work, as well, hunting and munching on the overabundant rodent population nesting in your hay. In a brief moment of rest, you remove your gloves, wincing as the cold air hits your dry, cracked skin. One of the barn cats also joins you in your reprieve and you reach down to run your hands through her fur. Briefly, you notice a bit of nasal discharge and some scabs on her paws and face, but you chalk it up to the weather and get back to work. A couple of days go by and you begin to notice pus like sores on your hands. They re inflamed and red and suddenly you re reminded of the barn cat you pet a while back. Deciding to give her a more thorough once over, you return to the barn on your precious day off to hunt her down. It s easy enough to find her; she s resting atop a pile of blankets while the other cats are out and about hunting. She appears thinner than you remember her being and she barely even registers your approach, but you immediately notice rodent bites on her face and paws that appear infected. Upon closer inspection, beneath her fur there are multiple crusted wounds, some circular bumps while others appear to be swollen and flat. The skin is also broken in some places, equally as crusty and flaking off in places. You know that these are ulcerated nodules and, regardless of an underlying infection, they need to be treated before they get worse ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Investigating Dose And Regimen Of Durvalumab AIM AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY: This project management plan is to conduct the clinical study to determine dose and regimen of Durvalumab as monotherapy or in combination with Pomalidomide with or without Dexamethasone in subjects with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma. The clinical study details are as follows: Study Type: Interventional Study which is a multi centered and multi country clinical trial determine the recommended dose and regimen of durvalumab either as monotherapy or in combination with pomalidomide (POM) with or without low dose dexamethasone in subjects with Relapsed and Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM). Study Design: Allocation: Randomized Endpoint Classification: Safety Study Intervention Model: Parallel ... Show more content on ... The sites are located at USA, France, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Canada and Italy etc and the locations are provided below: пѓ University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA пѓ John Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA пѓ Dana Faber Partners Cancer Care, Inc., Boston, MA, USA пѓ Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA пѓ Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA пѓ Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, USA пѓ Levine Cancer Institute, Charlotte, NC, USA пѓ Ohio State Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio, USA пѓ Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA пѓ Tom Baker Cancer Center, Calgary, Alberta, Canada пѓ CHRU de Lille Hopital Claude Huriez Service des Maladies du Sang, Lille, France пѓ CHU La Miletrie, Poitiers Cedex, France пѓ Hopital Purpan, Toulouse Cedex, France пѓ Universitaetsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany пѓ Universitaetsklinikum EssenZentrum fuer Innere Medizin, Essen, Germany пѓ University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany пѓ Klinik f. Innere Medizin, Tumstr. 21, Germany пѓ Universitatsklinikum Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany пѓ Universitatsklinikum WГјrzburg, WГјrzburg, Germany пѓ Nazionale Dei Tumori, Milano, Italy пѓ Azienda Ospedaliera Citta della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Torino, Italy пѓ VU University Medical Center VU Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam, Netherlands пѓ Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Theme Of Romantic Love In Pride And Prejudice E choing Austen s irony, it is a truth universally acknowledged that romantic literature will return to the refined days of Jane Austen and the BrontГ« sisters. All mockery aside, Austen s celebrated Pride and Prejudice (1813) is a simple love story that continues to captivate audiences 200 years on. Romantic literature has grown into modern, sloppy rom coms luckily, we can always return to their roots: the timeless allure of Elizabeth and Darcy. Romantic love in literature re emerged from the seedling of Pride and Prejudice; its light hearted yet layered language was a well deserved break from the stultifying conventions of Regency England. Every romantic comedysince has echoed Austen s strong and vivacious heroine Elizabeth. Rather, some of the most important ingredients of Pride and Prejudice s acclaim, are the reader s expectation of a small world plot and eloquent manipulation of style . The growing movement of romanticism allowed Pride and Prejudice to be published in a world relatively alien to novels focussed on romantic love. In fact, it was a world fairly alien to romantic love in general, allowing Austen to set a new archetype for romantic comedy. In Regency England (ca. 1810 1821) it was considered dishonourable for a woman to be unmarried, as she would be a burden on her family. Matrimony was usually arranged for social or financial benefit, rather than mutual respect or affection. In Charlotte Lucas words, happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Review Of Literature Review On Literature Essay Chapter 4. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Literature survey is undertaken to study and analyze the finding of other researcher in their studies that are related to the subject under consideration. A research literature review, as a process, is a systematic, explicit, and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating and synthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded work produced by researchers, scholars and practitioners (Fink, 2010). As a noun, literature review is an organized critical account of information that has been published on a specific topic, (for example, SME access to credit) and provides an organized synthesis of the information, ideas and knowledge. Review of literature involves both quantitative and qualitative data, both published and unpublished, was conducted. The main sources included libraries public and university, libraries and the Internet. Literature review included: a.Published journal articles, working papers and other theoretical publications on SME. b.Papers/articles found on the websites for suppliers of credit, development of SMEs. c.Papers/articles found on the websites for credit regulators and SME advocacy organizations. The collected data or information was categorized in groups, for example, the definition of SME was viewed within a global and regional. Various definitions were explored and analyzed for their interest and specificity to developing countries. Most of the ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Jon Burke Ramsey Murder Case Essay There is an abundance of evidence in this case, which has produced many theories on how JonBenet was murdered. A basic Internet search reveals there are endless articles and videos documenting these theories due to the popularity that this case received. Based on my research, I believe the Ramsey family, as a whole is culpable for the murderof JonBenet. Burke Ramsey, I believe, is the actual person who committed the murder and his parents helped cover it up. After watching Chief James Kolar give a presentation about his book at the Wilkinson Public Library, I began to really believe there was no possibility of an intruder theory. Instead, he presented facts that made me think Burke Ramsey was the killer. This prompted me to watch the only... Show more content on ... They believed because DNA from a male not matching anyone in the investigation had meant an intruder was responsible for the murder. The elite seven used world renowned forensic criminalist, Dr. Henry Lee and his laboratory in Connecticut to dispel the concluded interpretation of the DNA evidence (The Case of JonBenet, 2016). The touch DNA method is extremely sensitive and Dr. Lee proved that by testing a pair of brand new panties never opened out of the package. He was easily able to discover DNA from a female on the underwear, which could have come from someone in the manufacturing process (The Case of JonBenet, 2016). This explains the male DNA found in JonBenet s panties and even more so, Dr. Lee explained how this DNA can easily transfer from one garment to another such as sliding on long johns over underwear (The Case of JonBenet, 2016). Dr. Lee s tests and expert analysis discredits the district attorney s choice to eliminate the parents as suspects (The Case of JonBenet, ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The United Open Door Immigration Policy As tension in Syria and the surrounding regions intensifies, more and more refugees are fleeing to Europe seeking asylum; however, the countries they are entering are experiencing many adverse side effects; such as, social unrest, sexual assaults, and terrorist attacks. It is unacceptable for the children in these nations to have to grow up in a nation they once called home and felt safe in but now no longer has that feeling. The same argument could be made for the refugees and that is why the current open door immigrationpolicy that Angela Merkel has in effect must be remedied. The goal of a refugeeis to escape war that they and their families can live safely without worry of being killed. Not to change the ways of the nation they are entering and treat the locals with disdain for their differences in ideology, dress, culture and even diet. The host nation of a large number of refugees should not have to change their way of life to accommodate those seeking refuge. It should be the other way around. Assimilation is the goal, not disintegration of native culture. A policy which allows radical Muslims to immigrate into the country and then face punishment only after the damage from their actions has been done is grossly illogical and insufficient for the preservation of a nation s security. Preventative measures must be put in place. The mass sexual assault that occurred in 2015 at New Year s Festivals in Germanysimply and clearly demonstrate another symptom of the ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Paper On Vitamin B 12 Vitamin B 12 is one of the most important vitamins, because it contains the mineral cobalt the vitamin is also known as Cobalamin. It is a water soluble vitamin, with the key role being for the normal functioning of the brain, nervous system and the formation of the blood. So to be more specific, its main function helps red blood cell within our bodies, and it requires Methylation which helps with brain neurotransmitters, lowers homocysteine, helps make creatine, most importantly, the creation of DNA bases and Myelin production Health (2011). The initial aim of this paper is to highlight major factors that people should be aware of on the topic of VitaminB 12. To firstly recognize it as one of the elite B vitamins, it is best known as... Show more content on ... This in turn, takes place among vegans, persons who exclude diary, meat and eggs from their diet, older persons above 75, where 1 in every 10 are affected and babies who are in the womb of a vegan. The most detrimental effect of B12 deficiency is known to the Pernicious or megaloblastic anaemia. It is reported that insufficient vitamin b12 may alter in the DNA and cells of the human body. A number of neurological issues may arise as well including physical ailments and psychological effects (WebMd). The most common of symptoms for vitamin B12 are fainting, panting and palpitations which also reveals itself for cases in pernicious anaemia as well with an exchange of fainting for feelings of fatigue. If the condition persists without a satisfactory sum of treatment, there is a risk for one to experience neurological damages such as, tender calves, irritability, puzzlement, absent mindedness, general muscle weakness, losing control or tingling sensation in fingers and toes Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments ... Get more on ...
  • 50. The Teachings Of Phaedrus And Alcibiades Phaedrus, an aristocrat, takes the stage first at the symposium. He explains that ErЕЌs is one of the primordial gods, and that the love between a boy and a lover is the greatest love that exists. The lover is meant to guide the boy, and the two must lead each other to examine themselves and feel ashamed. ...[The boy] is especially ashamed before his lover when he is caught in something shameful (Sym. 178E). Phaedrus later adds that ...Loveis...the most powerful in helping men gain virtue and blessedness... (Sym. 180B). Alcibiades is the perfect example of shame when he speaks about Socrates. He says that Socrates is the only man in the world who has made [him] feel shame... (Sym. 216B). Alcibiades adds that Socrates traps him and tells... Show more content on ... Alcibiades proves what Pausanias has said about Heavenly Love it s an attachment to the soul and intelligence of a man, which Alcibiades feels toward Socrates. Eryximachus, a doctor, builds on Pausanias speech. He says that Heavenly Love and those who feel it ...must be encouraged and protected (Sym. 187D). Alcibiades encourages his own Heavenly Love for Socrates by praising Socrates himself. He devotes his entire speech to the philosopher s image. There is not much else to compare between Eryximachus and Alcibiades because Eryximachus simply adds to what Pausanias has already stated. Aristophanes is a playwright who s eager to take a different approach to the origins of erЕЌs. He says that humans were once great beings with four arms, four legs, two faces and two sets of sexual organs. There were male, female and androgynous beings, which were both male and female. They became prideful and planned to ascend to the heavens and attack the gods. The gods couldn t kill the humans because then no one would worship them. Zeus instead opts to cut the human beings in two and asks Apollo to smooth out their edges. This decision created unforeseen consequences. ...Each [human] longed for its own other half, and so they would throw themselves together, wanting to grow together. In that condition they would die from hunger and general idleness, because they ... Get more on ...
  • 51. A Pastoral Intern At The Evanston Vineyard Church Essay I serve as a Pastoral Intern at the Evanston Vineyard Church, a non denominational church and is located at 2495 Howard Street, Evanston, IL. This is my second year serving here in the capacity of an intern. The Vineyard is a diverse community that welcomes both religious and secular people belonging to different ethnic, racial, cultural, linguistic, economic, academic, professional and non professional backgrounds. People from more than fifty fivenations of the world gather together and worship here at the church. A total of twelve salaried pastors serve on staff, out of which five are male and seven female. I am one of two female pastoral interns presently in service. In response to my VFCL assignment of interviewing a pastor from my Field Site, I interviewed the Vineyard Community Life Pastor, Elizabeth ( Liz ) Hawes. Liz shared some information about the historical emergence of the Vineyard Christian Church of Evanston that is also available on the church website. According to its history, the Evanston Vineyard was founded in January of 1976. The founders of this church include the Senior Pastor and his wife, Steve and Cindy Nicholson, the Executive Pastor and his wife, Bill and Cheryll Hanawalt, and few other people. In 1985, the baby church which at that time was Christ Church of the Northshore was now able to emerge as The Evanston Vineyard and officially a member of the Association of the Vineyard churches. Since its inception, the church has been able to plant ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Modern Approach For Liability Of The State, And Public... The overarching guidelines to the modern approach to liability for negligence in tort go back to Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] with Lord Atkin setting out the neighbour principle, such that one has a duty to take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which one can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure a neighbour (one who I ought reasonably have in contemplation as sufficiently close and directly affected by one s act and omissions). However, the development of the common law approach to liability of the state, and public authorities, for harms inflicted by third parties for whom the state is not responsible, can be seen to be restricted, both in the interpretation of required proximity of the party so harmed, and on the basis of public policy . The current position with reference to public policy restrictions can be found in Gorringe v Caldedale MBC [2004], the judgement on which gave a significant review of the state of the law. In this case, Mrs Gorringe was injured following a collision between her car and a bus; she contested that the local authority s statutory duty in terms of highway maintenance created a corresponding actionable common law duty. This claim failed at both the Court of Appeal and House of Lords, with key rulings that: if a statutory duty does not give rise to a private right to sue for breach, then the duty cannot create a duty of care that would not have been owed at common law if the statute were not there. Lord Scott said that ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Hiroshima Bombing Critique Despite having our eyes wide open, we failed to actually see the world. Susan Neiman s article caught me completely off guard. Even as someone who grew up outside of the United States, I was taught educated by my teachers that the Atomic bombs, which exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were the most crucial elements that led to the surrender of Japan during World War II. Many US historians also argued that the bomb not only hasten hastens the end of the war, but also saved almost a million American soldiers who could have died if the war was to continue. However, Neiman pointed out sharply in her article that the US did not drop the (atomic) bomb in order to end the war or save lives. (Neiman, 12) Through unclassified historical evidence,... Show more content on ... However, this is a logic logical fallacy that confuses our understanding in my opinion. First, there is a fundamental basic difference between the Japanese government and the ordinary citizens of Hiroshima. It is true to say that the emperor of Japan declared war and the Japanese troops invaded several countries, but should primary school children who had just began grasping the world be held accountable for their government s mistakes? How are the innocent schoolgirls, the uninvolved foreign priests and the Japanese antiwar fighters different from the Jews? Second, even if we consider the concept of total war, which sees seeks no difference between civilians and soldiers during war time, discrediting Japanese citizens through comparison with Jews remains problematic. (Heresy, 90) To illustrate, a drunk driver should be held accountable for killing no matter who his car hit whether if it an old man or a kidnapper. The meaning of the perpetrator s action does not change vary due to the victim s identity. Similarly, just because the Japanese started the war doesn t make the bombing of Hiroshima a virtuous action. Hence, the US government s constant unremitting emphasis on the difference between Jews and Japanese is not an act of promoting Jewish interest. It is a slow yet effective process that seeks to deceive the general population through distortion of our moral vision. As we constantly focus on the straight forward evils like the case of the Holocaust, we fail to recognise the more complicated version of evil which dominated the US foreign policy for the past 50 years. (Neiman, 23) Meanwhile the US interests are well served through promoting the picture of simple evil, the great lost lies in the ignorance of the general ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Essay On Pcr And Gel Electrophoresis DNA is commonly used in the modern legal system to release the innocent or imprison the guilty. There are two different ways to create DNA evidence through science technology, PCR and gel electrophoresis. Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR, is used to create thousands to millions of copies of DNA, out of a small piece of DNA, this piece is used to make a DNA profile. Doing this makes it easier to test the DNA. PCR is used to find if a gene has pathogens. They are an infectious agent that creates illness or disease and it s commonly a virus, parasite or bacteria. (1) Gel electrophoresis is the technique used to separate molecules from DNA, RNA or proteins, based on the size or electric charge. It can be used in DNA fingerprinting, the findings and purification of nucleic acids and proteins. Gel electrophoresis can be used to find pathogens that can be found in blood, tissues or sources like food. (2) These are some of the methods that are used in court and police cases to discover DNA. The process of PCR has 3 steps that repeat in cycles shown in image 1. The first one is the separation of the two strands of the DNA molecule. This happens by the initial material being heated to 95 В°C. Every DNA ... Show more content on ... Gene probes glow under UV light and have a fluorescent chemical attached to a short section of single stranded DNA. The chemical is then added to a DNA strand which contains a complimentary base sequence to a gene responsible for coding for a particular disease, such as cystic fibrosis. If the gene that is being looked for is present, then the gene probe will fix to it as it has the same complimentary base sequence. Once the gel is under UV light it will glow where the gene is present showing that the specific sequence is in the DNA tested. (5) Gel electrophoresis can be used to create a DNA profile for forensic purposes, paternity testing, evolutionary associations amid organisms and to look for genes associated with a ... Get more on ...
  • 55. China s Factories and Sweatshop China Sweatshop When you go shopping to Walmart or Apple ask yourself where your product is coming from. China has numerous sweatshop factories assembling USA s products from stores as Apple and Walmart. China s Sweatshop tends to violate human labor s rights by forcing overtime and going under the mandatory minimum wage and other violations as long hour without pay, sexual, and physical harassment. China s sweatshop factory tends to be quite popular because is cheap labor, free trade zone, or low fee rates in taxes. The reason store as Apple and Walmart has their product to be assembled in China s factory is to avoid high export fees. Since Walmart and Apple factory s locations was identified and it came public in the media it shocked the world of its employee s cruel working s condition. Factors in China are located in Guangdong Province Songang or in Shenzhen. For example Foxconn is a factory located in Shenzhen where Apple send their electronic to be assembled and made. In China the majority workers in factories is occupy by women and children. The percentage of women in China s Sweatshops is ninety percents. In China, the majority working in sweatshop are women which are young and not educated; in addition, forcing them to be ignorant of their own legal rights. Young women in China are attached to numeral discrimination and unfair pay. China s sweatshop is popular on violating labor rights, especially against women and underage minor women and men. It is unfortunate ... Get more on ...