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Lowering Drinking Age
Persuasive Essay
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Lowering Drinking Age Persuasive EssayLowering Drinking Age Persuasive Essay
Lab Report Chemistry
1.Describe what the results were.
According to the results, the higher the concentration of sodium thiosulphate the higher the reaction
rate. The graph above shows the reaction rate compared to the sodium thiosulphate solution is
almost a straight line showing the relationship of the sodium thiosulphate and the rate of reaction.
2.Explain why the results were the way they were
The higher the sodium thiosulphate concentration the faster the rate of the chemical reaction as more
particle collide. The graph shows a liner relationship as the sodium thiosulphate concentration was
diluted at the same rate every time the experiment was done using veering concentrations.
3.Were the results surprising? Why/why not?
The results were not particularly surprising as the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate was
known to have an effect on the ... Show more content on ...
This is known because the recorded points of data lay close to liner best fit for the set of data.
However to make the results more accurate the experiment should have been repeated at least 2 3
more times to make sure that the answers found where correct and not just a one off occurrence.
5.Were there any problems or difficulties encountered in the experiment? Explain how the how they
may have affected your results.
The main difficulty was with determining when the visibility was the same for each chemical
reaction and concentration. In the end this was done by drawing a cross to put underneath each
of the concentrations, when the cross was no longer visible by the naked eye from the top of the
chronical flask the time was taken and recorded. Even as it was the same person judging how
long it took for the cross to disappear and if the cross was still visible was still controversial. This
was the main problem that could have been solved with more tests of each concentration and then
averaging it out.
6.If this was attempted again, explain what improvements you would make to the experiment
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Case Study Of AMRIS
In 1988, a confederation consisting of Hilton Hotels, Marriott, and Budget Rent A Car Corporation
commissioned a major project to AMR Information Services (AMRIS), a subordinate of American
Airlines Corporation. AMRIS was tasked with developing a novel information system labelled
CONFIRM, that was expected to be the most cutting edge reservation system in the collective
travel, car rental, and lodging industries respectively. Intrico, was a new business created to track
the new system.
The objectives of the joint venture were:
To design, develop, operate, and maintain new state of the art reservation processing system to be
marketed worldwide;
to design and develop interfaces with airline computer reservation ... Show more content on ...
Supervisors were prompted to once more revise dates to correspond with the original milestones.
August 1990
AMRIS proclaimed the initial phase of development was finished
They then proceeded with the second key stage
When asked, they refused to demonstrate development to Marriott reps
October 1990
The team publicised that the project was lagging one year behind, but againpromised that this was
no need for concern as they could catch up
February 1991
Presented a re plan of development, the aim was to have Hilton Hotels using the system by June
1992, with Marriott not receiving anything until March 1993.
The re plan increased the development cost to $92 million.
October 1991
AMRIS President resigns
Beginning of 1992:
20 AMRIS employees resign
Some employees claim that managers set unrealistic schedules and lied about project status
Summer 1992
Half of development team are looking for new
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Paul Revere s Ride Compare And Contrast
The poem Paul Revere s Ride makes Paul look like a hero. What people don t know is that his
story wasn t very true. Longfellow s poem and the true story were very different but they had
some similarities. Let s get into comparing the truth and the story. In the poem it states that Paul
and his friend were the only people there. The plan was for Paul to wait on the other side of the
shore while his friend hung up lanterns to show that they were coming by land or sea. Paul was
ready to go as soon as he saw the lanterns. His horse went so fast that sparks started flying
everywhere. Revere was the only rider as he rode through every town warning people. He was
successful in letting everyone know the war was starting. Everyone was sure Paul
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Analysis Of Robert Frost s White
In 1922, Robert Frost wrote the poem In White. Frost then revised this poem fourteen years later
and published it under the title Design. On the surface, the speaker in the poem describes a
situation in which a spider has killed a moth on a heal all flower. But, as the layers are peeled
back, there arises a conflict between the speaker and him/herself. The internal conflict stems
from the world s design or lack thereof. Frost takes a simple thought on design and makes the
reader question life and the nature of creation through a random, haphazard occurrence of a
spider, a moth, and a flower. To start the poem, the speaker stumbles upon a fat and white spider
on a white heal all, holding up a moth (1 2). This doesn t tell the full story, but it does show the
reader that there is a random occurrence between a spider, a moth, and a flower. As shown in
the legend, a heal all flower is usually blue but in this case it is white. The spider, which is
generally dark colored, is white as well. And the moth that is in the spider s hands is like a white
piece of rigid satin cloth . (3) A rigid, satin cloth symbolizes a coffin which shows that the moth
in the spider s arms is dead. After the first three lines there are two conclusions to be made: (1)
There is a random occurrence of a rare, white spider climbing on a rare, white heal all flower; (2)
The spider represents darkness and evil. It is using the flower as camouflage to kill the moth.
Finally, showing the characters
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Biographical Paper Of Michel Foucault
Biographical Paper of Michel Foucault. Michel Foucault Kenya Coleman Principles of
Sociology Professor Preston September 12, 2016French historian and philosopher Michel
Foucault, was born in Poitiers, France October 15, 1926. He was the professor of the History of
Systems of Thought and also was the founder of Groupe d information sur les prisons He wrote
Introduction to Dream and Existence by Ludwig Binswanger who was a Heideggerian psychiatrist
and wrote Malasle mentale et personalite which was a short book on mental illness. He supported
structuralist and poststructuralist movements and also protested on behalf of homosexuals. Some
of the things he studied and wrote books for was Discipline and Punishment, The History of
Sexuality, Madness and Civilization, The Order of Things, The Archaeology, The Birth of The
Clinic, The Birth of Biopolitics, Society Must Be Defended, Power/ Knowledge: Selected
Interviews and Other Writings, Security, Territory, Population,, Aesthetics Method and
Epistemology, This is not a Pipe, Fearless Speech and so many more. He was an early victim of
AIDS, which lead to his death in Paris on June 25, 1984, but his work still impacts us today and
others after him including: Gilles Deleuze, Sigmund Freud, Martin Heidegger, Erving Goffman and
Georges Canguilhem. One thing
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The Prices Of Nap Mats
The prices of nap mats will vary based on several factors like size, model, surface material, and
much more.
Size Most nap mats measure19 inches by 45 inches, and is folded to15 inches by 19 inches when
being stored. Larger sizes will definitely cost more that smaller sizes of the same brand. Just be sure
to pick the right size based on your baby s body size and age.
Thickness cheap nap mat brands available in discount department stores are usually just Вѕ inches
in thickness. This explains why most toddlers prefer sleeping under it it s not any comfortable than
the floor. Go for a nap mat that s at least one inch in thickness, but if you adore your little one,
consider premium or heavy duty mats which are 2 inches thick, ... Show more content on ...
Construction and Design::
Nap mats are made from an assortment of materials types and the filling is done mainly with
polyester batting. Just like you ll buy baby blankets and pillows, size, color, surface materials are
all design features you ll want to look at. Here is our analysis of nap mat construction and design
The first thing you look at when shopping for a nap mat is its color. Look for a solid, neutral
color ranging from soft hue to vogue. The idea is to find a soothing, calming, and inviting color.
Nowadays you can find an assortment of patterns like Spiderman, dinosaurs, monsters, as well as
Sponge Bob Square Pants. However, it will depend on the likes of your child. For some kids, such
patterns may be distracting, if not scary.
Surface Material
Most cheap nap mats are made from vinyl which may cause your little one to sweat and wake up
smelly and exhausted. Choose a mat with breathable pure cotton cover that can be easily detached
for washing. It may cost a little more, but it s worth the extra bucks.
Nap mat
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Genetic Determinism
Genetic Determinism
On Christmas Day in the year 2001, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. When I looked into the
brand new face of my son I saw a beautiful mystery. I wondered what kind of man my boy would
grow to be and what his life would be like. There are those in the scientific community who
would argue that my son s path was already determined at the moment of his birth, that his fate
could be deciphered from his genetic make up. As a nurturing mother I know better. At two years
old my son has developed a more diverse vocabulary than many children twice or even three times
his age. He recognizes many written words and reads them aloud. He is able to spell his name. He
can distinguish a square from a rectangle and an octagon ... Show more content on
Many scholars believe that the new science of behavioral genetics has intellectual roots in the old
ideas of Eugenics (Steen 33). Eugenics disguised a political agenda as a scientific one in an attempt
to endow discrimination with credibility. Supporters of genetic determinism theories do the same.
Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray defend the theory of genetic determinism in The Bell
Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, which was published ten years ago.
Their book is one of the most widely referenced works regarding the theory that intelligence is
inherited. The authors claim that the social order mirrors natural selection, wherein the genetically
superior or more intelligent human rises to the top. Of course this means that the lower class,
predominantly blacks, are represented as genetically inferior (xxi xxiii). The authors claim that
ethnic differences in cognitive ability are neither surprising nor in doubt (269) and attribute the
inequality of life among Americans to inherent differences between races in intelligence (127).
Their argument rests on the assertion that intelligence is both inheritable and immutable and is
supported by intelligence test scores. The text is full of contradictions and a close analysis proves
it to be lacking in evidence and smacking of social myth. Their theories are developed using
speculation and are tainted by bias. There is no science involved.
The theory of inherent
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Perception Of The Human Condition In The Stranger By...
In his novel, The Stranger by Albert Camus, translated by Matthew Ward, irony within the
protagonist s ( Meursault ) contrasting perception of the human condition is used to illustrate and
invoke the reader to question the contradictory nature of societal expectations. His indifferent and
unprecedented reactions to experiences relative to the characters that Camus laid before him aid in
displaying the absurdity of a world constrained by the chains of conventional wisdom. The
contrasting nature of Meursault s demeanor in defying conventional wisdom in experiences such as
love and death not only reveals the underlying hypocrisy of the humancondition but further
illustrates the arbitrary essence of defining a human life.
Irony in part one establishes Meursault s confliction with society as he is seemingly unaffected and
ultimately indifferent over an occurrence that universal sentiments would perceive as utterly
devastating. When Meursault is faced with the death of his mother in the genesis of the novel, he
remarks, Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don t know (Camus 1). The immense
indifference of Meursault s morality when it comes to the death of a human being, let alone his
own mother, allows readers to draw a contrasting line from the very first sentence of Meursault s
moral behavior relative to what society would deem as acceptable . Camus uses this expectation
defying event to invoke the reader s stance on the human condition s tendency to mourn
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Antique Spice Advertising
maximum folks have probably seen the antique Spice commercials with the confident and rapid
talking Isaiah Mustafa, AKA The antique Spice man. the ones commercials first started in early
2010 and have for the motive that grow to be a whole collection of a number of the maximum
famous classified ads on television and the internet. however what s it approximately the ones
classified ads that lead them to so appealing? to answer this question, this paper will popularity at
the economic that started out out it all: the manor woman Your man need to scent Like. even though
this ad does exceedingly little to realistically describe the product it s miles advertising, its clever
and diffused use of all 3 primary factors of appeal (ethos, logos,... Show more content on ...
probably the maximum critical cause for this enterprise s success is its capability to make the
target market giggle. on the identical time as laughter itself won t be as persuasive even as
finished to promoting a body wash as it s far to, as an instance, tickets to a stand up comedy
display, it s miles what this laughter does for the ad itself that facilitates it sell its products. the
economic is shot using seamless transitions from one scene to each other and rapid paced
communicate. by the point the economic is over, the antique Spice man is the use of a horse
and pronouncing a few component is feasible when your guy smells like old Spice and now not
a lady, which is probably the slowest detail he said. because of the brevity of the financial, by
means of manner of the prevent, the super aspect people are going to undergo in thoughts is the
witty talk coming from someone the use of a horse. therefore, those who see it are tempted to
look it over again and could maximum possibly advantage this through carrying out a Google
seek, possibly to pay interest the jokes once more or to look how Mustafa progresses via all of the
different scenes, this is funny in itself. although a person also can by no means truely purchase an
antique Spice product, the reality that the advert emerge as capable of stick to them is
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Diversity In The Media Analysis
Mainstream media is the single most influential aspect of American culture, and it s failing all the
people that consume it. While the majority of viewers are perfectly satisfied with what they re
being fed, they re only getting empty calories. They don t know they re starving. But minority
groups can feel the hunger pangs, and they know exactly what will satisfy them: diversity.
America is missing out on its biggest, and most readily available, way to positively change
society, and it doesn t have to be that way. In order to gain acceptance for minority groups, all the
mainstream media needs to do is focus on diverse characters, treat those characters with the respect,
and keep them on as quasi permanent members of the cast.
Recently, a new ... Show more content on ...
There s a TV show, and it not only includes a black, femalecharacter, but she s accurately
portrayed and equally shares the spotlight with two other leads. Everything is going along
perfectly well, and then BAM! She dies three episodes into the new season. This ploy is all too
common in mainstream media. A creator will add a diverse character, only to remove them
when either there s an audience outcry (from viewers who ve never before encountered that type
of person) or when an imaginary diversity quota is reached, and it s no longer necessary to
represent a certain group through an important character because another group is going to be
represented through a different character. Why can t both characters be part of the show? That s
the diversity quota in action. It makes creators and majority viewers uncomfortable when the
people like them are outnumbered, or even in danger of being outnumbered eventually, so the
number of diverse characters is minimized and many of them are killed off or relocated to a new
place where they re never seen again, even if they were vital to the show at one
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The Black Via A Push Button And Ldr Using C Code Without...
The purpose of the experiment is to operate an LED through the BeagleBone Black via a push
button and LDR using C code without libraries besides such as . The pins of the BeagleBone
Black will be operated by exporting pins so they can be read or written to in the C program. A
LDR and push button will be used in conjunction with the exported pins for read and write
operations to illuminate the LED when it s dark and vice versa when it s not. With the use of
exporting pins to read and write, the operation of the LED via the LDR or push button will be
determined by opening up the file locations and checking the state of the LED and the value of the
push button and LDR. The push button will be used to set the system in manual ... Show more
content on ...
Use a push button for Manual override. Whenever the push button is pressed, it must allow turning
off or turning on the LED regardless of which state the CdS sensor puts the LED in. Your program
should keep track of the exact time the LED is either on or off. Must output the date and time the
LED was turned on or off.
Lab Setup:
Figure 1: Lab Setup
The result of the experiment was a success. The C program used the BBB kernel via paths to
operate the LED as specified. The push button set the system to manual mode and turned off the
light if it was on and turned the LED on if it was off. The second push of the button switched it
back to automatic mode. The turning on and off of the LED also resulted in accurate time stamps
of the LED being on or off.
The lab was pretty simple, however, the process was a little challenging in the beginning. Unlike
the previous labs, we had to configure each pin for our desired functionality, which made it a bit
difficult. The majority time on this lab was spent on configuration of the pins, rather than writing
the code. Questions and Discussion:
What is Rmax and Rmin for your CdS sensor? What is the required resistance, R, for the other half
of the CdS voltage divider circuit?
The CdS resistance measured in full light was approx. 50 ohms. The resistance measured in a dark
lit area was approx. 350k ohms. The range
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Kingdom Of Israel Essay
Following the United Monarchy separating into two different nations the Kingdom of Israel,
sometimes referred to as Samaria, existed with nineteen kings for two hundred and seven years
from 928 to 721BC. Consisting of ten of the twelve tribes Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan,
Naphtali, Gad, Ash, Ephraim and Manasseh. The Kingdom of Israelbecame weakened after the
breakup of the United Monarchy which the Egyptians take advantage of in 925BC when they
invaded and made the Kingdom of Israel a vassal nation of Egypt followed by the Kingdom of
Ammon which gains its independence from the Kingdom of Israel. Jeroboam I the first king of the
Kingdom of Israel from 928 to 907BC, created worship centers in the cities of Bethel and Dan and
encouraged the people to return to their worshipping of pagan deities such as El, Asherah, Baal and
Dagan from the Canaanite Pantheon.... Show more content on ...
In 738BC, the Kingdom of Israel is invaded by Assyria making them a vassal nation in order to
control their olive and agriculture trade. Later Pekah, king from 733 to 732BC, attempts to
organize an army to revolt against the Assyrian authority but he is soon defeated by Tilgath Pileser
III of Assyria. Hoshea, king from 732BC to 723BC, decides to stop paying tribute to Assyria ending
with Shalmaneser IV who in 724 to 729BC begins a long military campaign against the Kingdom of
Israel. After the death of Shalmaneser IV, Sargon II becomes king of Assyria and continues the
battle eventually winning, capturing, moving and resettling over twenty seven thousand Israelites
within the cities of the Assyrian
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Essay about Shakespeare s Sonnet 30 and Tennyson s In...
Loss has been experienced over centuries and many poets have written on the subject. William
Shakespeare s Sonnet 30 and Alfred Lord Tennyson s In Memoriam are two poems from
different eras that express the idea of loss. Both were written after the loss of a close male
friend, and both are only one poem from a series of poems. Shakespeare lived in England where
he was born in 1564 and died in 1616 and Tennyson also lived in England where he was born in
1809 and died in 1892, the poems being written in 1609 and between 1833 and 1850 respectively.
Whilst the poet s historical and cultural contexts are different, and there are differences in structure
and poetic devices used in the two poems, there are also similarities in the expression and... Show
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Also during this era, many people were questioning their religious beliefs. In Memoriam has been
said to reflect the Victorian feelings. (Victorian Contexts, class notes: page 102) This era
influenced Tennyson along with his poor mental state, it also mediates on the Victorians deepest
concerns about religious doubt, such as death, creation and evolution. In Memoriam touches on
many intellectual issues and the poet searches for the meaning of life and death while trying to
come to terms with his sense of loss. (Victorian Context, class notes: page 110) In Memoriam
reflects the struggle to reconcile traditional religious beliefs and faith which was a popular
Victorian aspect of literature at the time. The poem shows the development over three years of
Tennyson s acceptance and understanding of his friend s death. (Robson, W., 2013) With this
cultural context, In Memoriam could be seen to be written in a time of advancement and hope,
however this contradicts the theme of loss of the poem.
The purpose of both poems is similar, both are about the loss of a male friend. The loss in Sonnet 30
is about the loss of a possible lover and the speaker is grieving this love. An example of the
friendship is And with old woes new wail my dear time s waste this can be translated that he his
sorrowful that
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Nar Code Of Ethics Essay
On May 12, 1908, NAR was not known as it is, before it was NAREE, National Association of
Real Estate Exchanges. 120 founding member, 19 boards and one state association meet at the
YMCA auditorium in Chicago, IL. In 1912, a group of local board secretaries formed the first
specialty division of NAR, known as the Association of Secretaries of the National Association
of Real Estate Boards. During 1913, the Code of Ethics was adopted, the theme was the Golden
Rule. The Code of Ethics has seventeen articles, nine are for duties to clients and customers, five
are for duties to the public, and the last three are about the duties to REALTORS. For example, the
first article is When representing a buyer, seller, landlord, tenant, or other client as an agent,
REALTORSВ® pledge themselves to protect and promote the interests of their client. This
obligation to the client is primary, but it does not relieve REALTORSВ® of their obligation to treat
all parties honestly.... Show more content on ...
The action they have planned is the AEC Political Advocacy Competencies Work Group
considered development of a certification/designation for GADs. With input from a survey of
GADs and chief staff, and focus groups at the 2014 GAD Institute, the work group is not
recommending development of such a designation. Rather, the work group is proposing that there
be an emphasis on more professional development opportunities for GADs. With the core
standards reinforcing the need for strong advocacy initiatives at all levels of the organization, a
more comprehensive curriculum for GADs would benefit all. Along the same lines, the AEC plans
to expand the political advocacy and consumer outreach education opportunities for chief staff, so
they are prepared to lead an advocacy
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Abstinence Should Not Teach Students Safe Sex Practices
When people of today s world turn on the television, it is easy to see why modesty is out the
window. A good portion of the television shows aired have sexualized content, from sexual
innuendos in jokes to portraying characters in the act. With this being a known fact, there is no
doubt that sex education is important. However, schools are teaching more on the abstinence
spectrum. Preaching abstinence does not teach students safe sex practices or a clear understanding
of contraception. Abstinence only programs have the best intentions, however they are flawed due
to a biased perspective. In the year of 1996, the United States government passed a bill that funded
states who offered abstinence only programming in public schools. Ever since... Show more content
on ...
Schools receiving money from the government, in sponsorship of the program, must teach the
students to just say no to sex until legally married. The schools are also not permissible to teach
students safe sex and may not mention contraception except to point out failure rates of various
methods (Brody). There are a few states that have stood up to the government and refused funds, so
the state has the option to determine their own ways to teach sex education. However, 43 states still
take part of the program and promote it. Millions of dollars are pulled from the government each
year for the program and many schools support the abstinence only movement. The programs have
encouraging titles, such as Teens in Control and ReCapturing the Vision (Impacts). Students are
greatly encouraged take virginity vows until marriage, carry an ATM card (abstinence till marriage),
and conceitedly wear purity rings (Kelly). Programs, such as these, are used to develop a strong self
worth and to teach about the negative consequences that could occur from sexual activity, but there
is a major flaw: abstinence only programs are inefficient. Studies have shown abstinence only
programming does not reduce the sexual activity of young people. In 2007, the United States
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a study about the abstinence programs.
The government funded study
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Summary Of The Sound And The Fury And Absalom
In Faulkner s works, both the land and the people of the South struggle under the monumental
weight of myth and history. In fact, certain calamity looms over his fictional region of
Yoknahpatwah, a microcosm of the postbellum South. Themes of the Southern consciousness, such
as inescapable past and present, inherited guilt, and emotional and psychological stagnation pervade
this fictional region. In The Sound and the Fury (1929) and Absalom, Absalom! (1936), Faulkner s
portrayal of two Southern aristocratic families, the Compsons and the Sutpens, reveal Southerners
paradoxical attitudes towards the myths of the South: the refusal to forget the past and the inability
to live in the present. Both The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom!... Show more content
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Problem of Historical Time
Time is a vital component in understanding Faulkner s treatment of the Southern history. Faulkner
s characters all experience frustration with past. In Faulkner s novels, time is a function of
history in which a complete engagement of tension between history and myth occurs. If
historical time is a progression of change that extends into and shapes the present, mythic time
produces a sense of stasis and circularity in which one feels stuck. The conflict between history
and myth arises from Faulkner s personal experience as a Southerner; like many Southerners of
his time, Faulkner was searching for a lost time while struggling to reconcile with the
questionable past of his region. In his interviews, Faulkner made clear the presentness that the
past (particularly the Civil War) had for him. In a class conference held at the University of
Virginia in 1957, he said no man is himself, he is the sum of his past. There is no such thing
really as was because the past is (129). When asked in 1958 about the Civil War veterans he knew
as a boy, Faulkner related that:
They didn t talk so much about that war. I had got that from the maiden, spinster aunts which had
never surrendered. But I can remember the old men, and they would get out the old shabby gray
uniforms and get out the old battle flag on Decoration, Memorial Day. Yes, I remember any number
of them. (Howe 249)
In this quote, Faulkner expresses an ambivalent feeling towards
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Essay on An Annotation of Wallace Stevens Of Modern Poetry
An Annotation of Wallace Stevens Of Modern Poetry
In Of Modern Poetry, Stevens describes the purpose of modern poetry given what the audience
knows and values. Modern poetry must be different from traditional poetry, because people of his
time perceive themselves and their world differently than the people of earlier times. Stevens
suggests that war, like other changes, have affected what people believe. Poetry must reflect to its
audience what they want to hear. It must show them that the order, meaning and value they need is
real, in so much as their minds both need it and can create it.
The poem of the mind in the act of finding
What will suffice. It has not always had
To find: the scene was set; it ... Show more content on ...
Stevens first points out how modern poetry differs from traditional poetry. The implication is that
people are now questioning some fundamental aspects of intellectual constructs that used to be
considered necessary and true. In particular Stevens questions tradition of reading the book of
nature, of starting with religious presumptions and assuming nature communicates these ideas to
humans. Other traditions had changed as well thoughts about the social roles of men and women
and social propriety; thoughts about religious values and scientific discovery; nature and purpose of
communication resulting from new inventions. These changes sometimes reflected, sometimes
caused the development of new values. The rest of the poem records the change that occurs after
traditional assumptions are uprooted.
The past was a souvenir because once people realized that certain traditions could be changed,
they had no reason to believe those traditions had to be the standard. Like a souvenir, the scene
and the script became only a reminder of where people had been, it has no practical use for the
present. Once people conceived of a new stage, a new script, a new way of thinking, it had to be
experimented with. They valued experimentation, because they did not have a required standard.
They valued finding
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Use Of Literary Devices In A White Heron
In A White Heron Sarah Orne Jewett really dramatizes Sylvia, the main character through using
several different literary elements. He uses such things as diction, metaphors, imagery, narrative
pace and point of view throughout the story which help the reader stay interested. Jewett s
diction was very out of the ordinary. He used words and sayings that really caught your attention
and mostly things you have not heard before. Jewett describes Sylvia as she is about to mount the
great pine tree. He says she began with tingling, eager blood coursing the channels of her whole
frame, with her bare feet and fingers, that pinched and held like a bird s claws to the monstrous
ladder reaching up, up, almost to the sky itself. Jewett s description here can... Show more content
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For example, Jewett was saying how the tree seems to be getting longer and longer as Sylvia is
going up and he stated that it was like a great main mast to the voyaging earth. Later, he also
states that once Sylvia passed the last thorny bough and stood high in the tree top that Sylvia s
face was like a pale star. He later said that the hawks grey feathers were as soft as moths. This
analogy could really make us, as readers, understand how soft they looked because almost
everyone knows that if you touch a moth it turns into a dusty substance because of how soft they
are. All of these word choices, metaphors and adjectives Jewett uses makes outstanding imagery
for the reader. From the first line to the last you could picture just about everything, not only
picture but feel as if you were there or in the situation. Jewett almost put an adjective in front of
every noun he used, which made it stand out more. The best imagery Jewett used is when Sylvia
reached the top of that tree and he said what she saw. Jewett stated that there was a sea with the
dawning sun making a golden dazzle over it, and toward the east flew two
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How Healthcare Is An Important Industry That Is Always Needed
Healthcare is an important industry that is always needed. Like other industries, it has to start
somewhere. Organizations have to be planned, opened, and organized, healthcare providers ,
managers, and other employees need to be hired, and much more. One of the most important
employees within an organization is the compensation specialist. Compensation specialists
supervise and manage the employee compensation programs within an organization. Some of the
common responsibilities include: developing the organization s pay structure, managing and
improving all bonus or commissions, and preparing job descriptions (DeCenzo, Robbins, Verhulst,
2013). According to Samantha Smith, a compensation specialist for Rocky Mountain Sleep Clinic,
the process of determining an employee s salaryis rather long and time consuming. She says that
there are five steps she follows to develop the salaries within the organization. First she must
review her own pay practice to help determine the budget of the company. Once this is completed,
she must determine the definition and description of each job, which is later used to advertise the
position during the hiring process. A proper description of each position allows for the applicants
to understand what they are applying for. Employees also know what is expected of them after
reading the job description. It is also important to track the competition. Salaries will vary by
organization, position, and employee, but knowing where the
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Child Physical Abuse
Physical. Emotional. Sexual. Neglect. Four types of abuse that a child should NEVER have to
endure. The information shared in this paper will take you on an unpleasant journey into child
abuse. After exploring the types of abuse, you will learn about the unfortunate effects abuse has on
children (both short term and long term). The statistics of child abusein the county in which we live
is devastating. Information on how to report abuse in Greene County will be provided. That, along
with facilities in our local area equipped to help both the abusers and the abused. Let s begin.
Samantha Gluck explained in her article, What Is Child Physical Abuse? Physical Abuse of
Children, that experts define physical abuse as a non accidental injury ... Show more content on ...
I found, through further research, that sexual abuse includes more than bodily contact. Which
means, having a child view pornographic material is considered sexual abuse. A HelpGuide.Org
article, Child Abuse and Neglect, explained that sexual abuse victims feel guilty and shameful for
the abuse they have endured. Can you believe that? They are made to feel as though their word
versus the abuser s word means nothing. I have often heard that men/women that sexually abuse
children are most often a family member or friend of the family. Think about that for a minute.
How are children supposed to process what is happening to them by this trusted adult they have
known (probably) most of their lives? According to eSchoolToday, children who are abused
sexually tend to show some physical symptoms (hiding, STDs, and genital pain), health symptoms
(anorexia, bowel disorders, and repeated headaches/stomach aches), and behavioral symptoms
(substance abuse, withdraw, and decreased school performance/participation). Again, the long term
effects of this type of abuse mimic the other two mentioned thus far. Melissa and Joshua Hall,
however, provided some additional effects in their article entitled, The Long Term Effects of
Childhood Sexual Abuse: Counseling Implications. The article reiterated that stress and anxiety
play a role long term. They also explained how former children of sexual abuse tend to act one of
two ways about sexual activity in their teen and/or adult years. They either overindulge...OR...act
completely uninterested. Again, every child will respond differently to abusive situations. Trying
to cope with the debilitating effects of abuse will be discussed in the pages to come, but neglect
needs to be addressed
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Fourth Crusade Effects
The Fourth crusade was a lot about money and excuses to kill. It was a turning point in history
because it made the catholic church more known and it grew more wealthy. After the Crusades the
monarchs began to grow more and started to end feudalism. . The most important effects was the
increasing trade of Europeand Asia heir was also a banking system to transfer funds for troops and
others. distress Of Europeans. From the Spanish shutting out the Muslims they started to weaken.
The Crusades where important in history and where gruesome but where important for many ideas
in history. The fourth crusade was brutal for money.
The Beginning, The Start of the Fourth Crusades Consisted of the merchants of Venice supporting
with their amounts of wealth to kill the merchants of Constantinople to eliminate their commercial
opponents. The crusade wasn t very popular because of the Pope put a ban on killing other
Christians by saying it was wrong. The Ban didn t really work because the merchants and others
raided Constantinople and killed thousands of people The way that the Italian merchants convened
people to join in on this crusade by using their money and using people to kill the Constantinople
merchants ... Show more content on ...
The Muslim and Jewish people began to weaken in strength because the Spanish shut them out of
their kingdom due to thinking they where infidels. The catholic church grew in wealth making it a
known church today and keeping it around for a while. The Banking system was made to transfer
funds to troops for them to be able to send money to their families and have money to support them
self. After the fourth crusades their was an increase in trade with Asia and Europe. Along with
millions of deaths of the soldiers that participated in the crusades witch caused moral to fall in
Europe and in the families that participated in the
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For-Profit Universities Have Persuasive Jobs
Are you interested in a new career? Are you looking for specialized training and a high paying
job in computers, fashion or health care? Earn you degree, pursue your dreams! You have talents
most students don t. Find out what else you can do. Start now! Is never too late! What are you
still doing sitting in front of the computer? Pick up the phone and call now, I did it, and you can
too! Change your life, with just one phone call.
They tell people, If you don t have a college degree, you won t be able to get a job said Amanda
Wallace (Goodman). For profit schools are educational institutions that are corporations and often
have shareholders. They operate as a business, and the product they sell is education. Their goal is
to provide ... Show more content on ...
Online or in class, most teachers are often not qualified to teach in their subject. Since the main
focus is recruitment a lot of the teacher tend to be barley qualified (DeFusco PBS). What drives
them? Money. Colleges such as Capella University, Brown Mackie and The University of Phoenix,
don t see students, they see customers. Because of the graduation rate of 5% (Press Release), for
profit universities often struggle to pay back what they own to investors and to the state. Easy to
apply for loans often turn into debilitating debt for the many hopeful students that go there.
Because of this They can t generate income needed to pay back their loans, and they re going to
end up in financial distress (Goodman). A simple auto body refinishing and upholstering
technology, a nine month program can cost as much as $30,000 (Goodman). With the multiple
loans many take out, combine with high interest rates, a $30,000 loan can quickly blow up. This is
why is so important for the for profit universities to have as many new students as possible, so that
they can make as much money as they
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The Concepts Of Nature Vs Nurture
The concepts of Nature vs Nurture, are major concepts in social science. Nature is the hereditary
pattern of physical features in a human being s development. These features include, but are not
limited to, our personality, usual and unusual appearances and the general measurements of how
humans hold the attributes of being sociable, hostile behavior, their emotions, and the usage of
alcohol and drugs. On the other hand Nurture is slightly different. Nurture is the influence of the
environment that plays upon the behavior and characteristics in a human. The idea of nurture is
that humans will grow up to form their personality on the way they are raised and life experiences.
Culture is defined by the people in the environment, however, the environment helps shape and
form human personalities in order to forge a culture. Culture is created by religions/beliefs, clothing
/foods, language/social habits as well as the humanistic discipline; such as music, paintings,
literature, and many more. Culture is generated by humankind, because humans hold their belief
systems and patterns that was passed down by generations; by humans passing down what they
have learned from their families this begins to create a culture. Personality plays a central role in
both nature vs nurture and culture. Furthermore, personality is stated the total organization of
inherited and acquired characteristics of an individual as evidenced by the individual s behavior
(Hunt 119). Personality is either
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Essay about Chaucer s Canterbury Tales
Chaucer s Canterbury Tales
After reading explications of Chaucer s Canterbury Tales, a student is likely to come away with
the impression that the Franklin is the critics favorite punching bag. To the average reader in the
modern English speaking world, the Franklin comes across as surprisingly fair minded and level
headed, noteworthy as the man kind and inventive enough to resolve the marriage cycle with a tale
of decency and openness. The critics, however, often depict the Franklin as a man primarily
concerned with upward mobility, finding in his tale a number of remarks intended to win over the
nobility and subtly assert his own claim to a kind of nobility. The contrast between the fawning
Franklin of certain critical approaches and ... Show more content on ...
Marxist critics look for social and economic themes in a work, ones of which the author was
unaware because the authors own consciousness is affected by the system of production in which
he or she lived (157). This critical stance is particularly fitting when one approaches the Canterbury
Tales: Chaucer s conscious emphasis on social class, combined with a modern reader s lack of
familiarity with the economic conditions of Chaucer s work, requires almost any explicator of
Chaucer s work to indulge, to some degree, in Marxist criticism.
In her essay The Franklin as Dorigen, Susan Crane blends Marxist and feminist approaches to
point out links between the Franklin and the heroine of his tale. The heroine of romance, she notes,
occupies an insecure position in society. Noble by birth, and therefore superior to the common run
of people, she is nevertheless still a woman, in a society which marginalizes women (Crane 238
239). The superior/subordinate position of Dorigen, Crane says, is an echo of the Franklin s own
unclear status as a possible member of the gentlemanly class. Like the woman of nobility, the
Franklin stands at the boundary between authority and submission (240).
For Crane, a key element in the Franklin s choice of tale is his role as vavasour. Small land
holders of this sort often appear in Old French romances, depicted as peaceable, hospitable men
disinclined to
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Open Carry Law Research Paper
A state can still have a sense of danger thanks to the Open Carry Law, because the
Open Carry Law does not stop a person from getting an illegal gun. Some people feel
very uncomfortable seeing a person walk in a grocery store with a loaded gun around
with them. Some business such as, Whataburger, Whole Foods, Torchy s Tacos, and
HEB, the grocery store chain ban the Open Carry Law from their stores and restaurants
and become gun free zones. The law allow civilians who live in the states that allows the
Open Carry Law to obtain a handgun license and allows them to carry the handgun with
them and that it has to be concealed it doesn t really mean that they can not actual stop a
person from buying the gun illegally. Some people
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The Growing Ideological Gap Between The United States’
The growing ideological gap between the United States two major political parties, in other words,
rising levels of political polarization, has had a negative impact on American politics as it results in
Congressional inefficient, public apathy, and economic inequality. The United States has
maintained its two party system for some time, but the major parties have not always been so
clearly separated. In the early and mid twentieth century, polarization was actually declining, as
there was much ideological overlap between the members of the two parties (Kuo). Many people,
such as conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans, rested in the ideological middle.
Additionally, each party represented a coalition of diverse interests. At... Show more content on ...
Polarization in the United States today exists on two levels: polarization in the electorate and
polarization in the elite. While separate, these two groups are perpetually intertwined.
Polarization in the electorate refers to the movement of voters toward ideological extremes, and
the ideological gap between voters on either side has been increasing in recent decades (Kuo). A
study conducted by Pew Research Center in 2014 confirms the proliferation of polarization in
the electorate: it found that since 1994, voters agree more intensely with their party s policies
and view the policies of the opposing party as a threat to the nation s well being ( Political
Polarization ). One factor that has led to this increase is the utilization of new technologies by the
media, which allow voters to access more information than ever before. This broad scope of
available information allows the public to be selective in what they consume (Kuo). As a result,
many people participate in confirmation bias, meaning they seek out sources that share their
beliefs; this strengthens their preexisting opinions and their level of partisanship. Another factor
that increases political polarization in the electorate is geography. Republican voters tend to live in
suburbs or rural areas, while Democrat voters are more likely to live in urban areas (Kuo). These
geographic boundaries impact polarization because
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Post-Registration Paper
The article of Post registration inter professional reviewed explorations of the literature with
regards to inter professional learning for qualified nurses and other health care workers. During
the course of the research 3 studies were found, research showed that IPL can promote inter
professional trust, knowledge and skills. The authors Peter Norrie, Lucy N. Thorpe, Lazar Karagic,
and Susan Dyson wanted to facilitate scholarly communication, filter the content for errors, and
maintain the record of scientific advancement. The article discusses evidence based on qualified
nurses and other professional groups as not strong nor does is its effects unproven, the studies
which do exist use small samples and have no effective control over variables, in conclusion of the
research further prospective research, possibly using cohort controlled studies to identify the
effectiveness of IPL must be conducted.... Show more content on ...
The methods used for the research are: Bibliographic database searches were conducted on
Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, ASSIA, CINAHL, BNI, Social Care Online, ERIC, Social
Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, BEI, and The Cochrane Database. The search strategy
used the following search terms: inter professional education , inter professional education , IPE ,
inter professional learning inter professional learning , IPL , learning beyond registration , post
registration , post registration . The searches were undertaken in May 2009 and were restricted to
papers written in English. There was no restriction on date
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Motorcycle Insurance Vs Car Insurance
Before you head out on the highway on that new Harley, did you know there are few important
differences between motorcycle insurance and car insurance? Accredited Insurance Group
Incorporated in Omaha, NE welcomes the opportunity to educate its clients on the distinctions
between the two types of policies.
The locally owned, independent insurance company offers the following things to know about
motorcycle insurance:
Bike Types: In many cases, the type of motorcycle can determine the type of coverage and premium
payments. Accredited Insurance Group Incorporated provides insurance plans for a variety of
motorcycles, including cruisers, dirt bikes, moped, and scooters.
Plan Choices: There are a range of motorcycle insurance policies to choose
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Subacute Toxicity Test Paper
QUESTION 5: The objective of the subacute toxicity test is to determine toxicity after repeated
administration of the tested material. It helps to establish doses for sub chronic studies. The
duration of Sub Acute Toxicity test is 14 to 90 days. The test system uses 2 species that may
contain mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs. The dose administration contains 3 4 doses given by
the same routes as the previous toxicity. The routes commonly used are Oral, dermal or intravenous.
The parameter considered are mortality, weight change, signs of toxicity, clinical pathology,
pathology and histology. The sub acute toxicity test uses laboratory strains of young healthy adult
rats. The study is performed at 4 different dose levels. The test compounds are administrated on
route... Show more content on ...
An IND (Investigational New Drug application) is a procedure to notify and obtain formal
permission from FDA to conduct clinical trials on human subject. As per 21 CFR 312.2, A sponsor
should file an IND before starting a clinical trial on human subject. Additionally, a sponsor should
also submit supporting documents on preclinical experiments conducted to prove that the
investigational drug is safe to use on human subjects. According to 21 CFR 312.40, an
investigational new drug cannot be used on human subject before obtaining official approval from
the agency. It is also mandatory that the sponsor complies with regulations mentioned in 21 CFR
part 50 and 56 (Human subjects and IRB respectively). FDA would be providing a written
determination 30 days after it receives an initial application from the sponsor. Reference:
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Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston
Throughout many years in the early 19th century, people were forced to work in very poor
environments. From working for long hours on fields and plantations, they did not have an
opportunity to have a free and self fulfilling life. Their lives were very similar to that of a mule
where they had to perform very tiring and hard jobs for most of the day. In many instances, people
lived their whole life working towards freeing themselves from the workbut were never able to
accomplish their goal. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston
, the mule is used
as a symbol of the way Janie is treated in each of her relationships except when she is with
Teacake, demonstrating that it is more worthy to work like a mule with a lover than live a
leisurely life without one. When Nannie sees Janie kissing Johnny Taylor, she immediately
breaks them up because she is trying to save Janie from making a bad decision. She says, Janie,
youse uh oman, now, so... yeah, Janie, youse got yo womanhood on yuh... Ah wants to see you
married right away (12). Since Janie still has her womanhood, Nannie wants Janie to be married
so her womanhood is not stripped away from her. Janie s grandmother was raped around the age
that Janie is right now and she does not want Janie to have the same fate. Nannie thinks that by
marrying Janie off at a young age it will not only protect her from other men, but it will also allow
her to live a hopeful and prosperous life. After an argument between Janie and
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The Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions
Running Head: The Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions
The Comparison of
Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions
By Christa Dunwoody
The differences between Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions are many. The primary difference of
beliefs is that Abrahamic Religion believes that there is one God. Hinduism beliefs vary being
Pantheistic, monotheistic and polytheistic it is one of the most complex religions of the world. In
the comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religion differ on their concept of God. Along with
their differences on the concept of God the Hindu s and Abrahamic Religions also differ on their
concept of man s destiny. Finally Hindu s and Abrahamic Religions also differ on their concept of
Salvation. ... Show more content on ...
Hindus believe that ones circumstances in life are completely determined by his previous
conduct, either in this life or in previous lives. This is called karma. By doing good deeds in this
life, therefore, one can improve his circumstances in the future, especially in future
reincarnations. (BG, p. 9,10) The final goal is to escape or be released from the cycle of
reincarnation. Hindus will seek in life to be set free from birth, death, and rebirth, so that we
exist in a state of pure impersonal being without a physical body. Jews, Christians and Muslims
believe that man has only one life to live. In contradiction to the doctrine of karma, the
Abrahamic religion believe that on earth, men often do not receive fair or just rewards for their
lives they get their reward on judgment day. God will judge all men and declare our eternal
rewards on the basis of our lives, whether we have lived it good or bad. After judgment, men
receive their eternal destinies. The righteous receive eternal life, a state of bliss, in the presence
of God. The wicked receive eternal punishment, suffering and sorrow, separated from God. In the
Abrahamic religion the gift of life is received after we leave the earth, not on the earth. Finally
Hindu s and Abrahamic religions also differ on their concept of Salvation. Hindu s goal is not
salvation but to escape the reincarnation cycle. There are several ways in which this can be done:
perform good deeds, withdraw from the pleasures
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Voltaire Biography Essay
Francois Marie Arouet is a French writer who is commonly known as Voltaire. Besides being a
writer, he was also an historian, philosopher, and a French lawyer who belonged to one of the main
representatives of the Illustration (European cultural and intellectual movement).
Voltaire was part of a noble family from the province of Poitou Charentes. He studied latin and
greek in the private school Jusuita Louis le Grand during Louis XIV last years of his reign.
On 1706 Voltairewrote Amulius y Numitor, which later on small fragments of it were found and
later published in the nineteenth century. His godfather Abad de Chateauneuf introduced him to la
Sociedad del Temple and in that same century he received a numerous amount of money, courtesy
of Ninon de Lenclos with the purpose of him buying some books. Later on he was in charge of
being the secretary of the French Embassy in the Hague in which he was fired from because of an
affair with a french refugee named Catherine Olympe Dunoyer. After this he... Show more content
on ...
By this time, Voltaire traveled to Berlin, where he was named Knight of the Royal Chamber.
When Madame de Chatelet died in 1749, Voltaire returned to Berlin invited by Frederick II the
Great, arriving to stay as a guest in the palace of Sanssouci to participate in the gatherings to which
the monarch was very nice. During that time he wrote The Century of Louis XIV and continued,
with Micromegas, the series of his short stories begun with Zadig . Due to some disputes with
Federico II, especially his disagreement with the new president of the Berlin Academy,
Maupertuis, who Federico had personally named, he was again expelled from Germany and,
because of France s refusal to accept his residence , Took refuge in Geneva, Switzerland, where he
clashed with the Calvinist mentality. His passion] for the theater and the chapter dedicated to
Michael Servetus in his Essay on customs shocked the
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Microsoft Antitrust Case
The Sherman Antitrust act of 1890, along with other laws passed by congress, was put in place to
regulate companies from engaging in anticompetitive practices. However, in 1998 Microsoft was
the subject of an investigation initiated by the Justice department. In their charges the Department
of Justice accused Microsoft of engaging in monopolistic activity. The purpose of my report is to
examine what led to the investigation. Furthermore, I will explain the judgment in the case. Finally,
I will analyze the present state of Microsoft. In order to understand this subject I will explain the
current laws against monopolies in the United States. Then I will describe the events of the
investigation and judgment of Microsoft. First, we must understand... Show more content on ...
Circuit Court of Appeals heard Microsoft s appeal in 2002. Although the verdict against Microsoft
was not overturned , but the consequences suffered by Microsoft were different. Under the new
ruling third parties would have access to Microsoft s application programming interfaces.
Furthermore and a committee of three people were appointed, with the objective of ensuring
compliance, by having access Microsoft s system records for a period of 5 years initially. Later the
time would be extended. Finally, although the bundling of Internet Explore with the Windows
interface is what initiated the investigation, the Department of Justice did not prevent Microsoft
from connecting other software with Windows again. (Civil Action No. 98 1232
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The United States And The Holocaust
What exactly was the difference? He wondered to himself. And who decided which people wore
the striped pajamas and which people wore the uniforms a quote from The Boy with the Striped
Pajamas. The Holocaust was a genocide, the intentional killing of certain group or ethnicity, that
affected the Jewish community worldwide through sorrow and sympathy of their people; and
kibitzers who chose to watch until under pressure. A perfect example was the United Stateswho
stood on the sidelines, while the horrific events of the Holocaustwere occurring. The United States
had played a negative role in the Holocaust due to a lack of aid, immigration, and publication.
During the Holocaust there was a lack of aid from America to those suffering in Europe. President at
the time of the Holocaust, Franklin D. Roosevelt, had been leading a country of antisemitism,
meaning to be against the Jewish. As mention in The Us and the Holocaust Project Group:
Antisemitism page by Lauren Freeman, Antisemitism was habited with in Congress, and the
general public of the United States; which will be further elaborated later in the paper.
By the time the Holocaust had come into play America was already filled with people who had a
prejudice against the Jewish, believing that all Jews were greedy and dishonest, found in the article
The Us and the Holocaust Project Group: Antisemitism. Although full of antisemitism, the U.S. also
had a Jewish supportive community. Those who supported the Jewish believed
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Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc.
Industry Size
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. (KKD) is an American global doughnut company and coffeehouse
chain based in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Krispy Kreme was founded on July 13, 1937, and
its parent organizations are JAB Holding Company, Cotton Parent, Inc. Krispy Kreme is leading the
market with the following products, hot regular/decaf/flavored coffee, iced coffee, donuts, bagels,
and muffins. The company produces 7.5 million doughnuts a day, 2.7 billion a year. Also, the
company operates 390 stores in 45 states, as well as selling the product in supermarkets, convenient
stores. Since 2005, Krispy Kreme has expanded to other countries; it has a presence in Mexico,
Canada, UK, Australia, South Korea and Spain. The company has ... Show more content on ...
Soluble. This segment is also known as instant or freeze dried coffee. There are three main
competitors in this segment, these three companies sell instant coffee worldwide, and they
produced their own coffee, which makes it difficult for smaller companies to compete with them.
Ready to Drink. This segment consists of package coffee that requires no preparation, other than
reheating. This type of coffee is mostly found in vending machines, and lately canned coffee is
becoming more popular in Europe.
Specialty Coffee. This segment consists of more than just traditional coffee items, this segment
includes cappuccinos, lattes and espressos along with the popular organic coffees, these specialty
coffees demand premium prices. Today, more than forty percent of all coffee premium price,
according to Iowa State University.
Economic Climate
The economic outlook for Dunkin Donuts Brand (DNKN) which it governs Dunkin Donuts and
Baskin Robins has consistently led the industry in operating margin. Which, operates by reducing
costs of goods sold by neutralizing to store managers and it will be able to leverage economies of
scale via its consolidated manufacturing locations. Dunkin Donuts can keep up pace with its high
margins parallel to the industry.
Forecast Earnings Growth There are multiple factors that will affect the fast food industry.
Consumer is
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The Authoritative Parenting And The Style Of The Parenting...
The parenting style that my parents use is definitely authoritative. My parents have shown
authority towards me and my siblings but have always been flexible with their rules. My parents
have never stressed us out by being too strict with their rules. The first question I asked my
parents was, how would you react if one of my siblings or I asked to come home later than you
originally told us to come home? My parents responded that they would ask why we want to
come home later and then tell them they can come home later at a certain time but no later than
the extended time. This fits exactly with the authoritative parenting style because my parents
would extend the time which is being flexible and then also they would enforce a new time for
us to come home which shows authority. Next I asked my parents, what would you do if one of
my siblings or I got in trouble at school? My parents said they would have a talk with whoever
got in trouble and make sure they know not to ever do it again. Also, my parents said they would
discipline whoever got in trouble by doing more chores or taking away their phone for a day.
This fits with the authoritative parenting style as well because my parents are making us
understand what we did wrong and learn from it. They would also give a consequence because of
it but nothing that is too harsh because they trust us to learn from what we did. After that, I asked
my parents, what would your reaction be if I did not do my chores at the house?
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Spike Lee s Do The Right Thing
Chris Shea Professor Christine Doyle CINE 201 02/04/16 Screening Report for Spike Lee s Do
the Right Thing In the fighting and rioting scenes toward the end of his 1989 film Do the Right
Thing, Spike Lee uses the misc en scene and camera angles to demonstrate that racial tensions are
still strong between the white police officers of Brooklyn and its black citizens. He accomplishes
this through the various actions the police officers take depicting their poor handling of the
situation and the effects of it taken on by the black rioters. The first of such scenes depicts how the
police handled Radio Raheem in his fight against Sam. It would have been just enough for the cops
to just pull Raheem off Sam and place him in handcuffs and then into
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The Inverse Power of Praise Essay
The Inverse Power of Praise: Should We Praise Our Children?
Giving praise to our children comes naturally; most of us have done it hundreds of times without
even thinking about it. The phrases: you re so smart or, wow you did a great job just roll off our
tongue. After all who doesn t like to receive recognition for a job well done? But by praising
children, are we setting them up for failure? Telling our kids they are smart does not keep them
from underperforming, but instead might be causing it. B.F. Skinner s work in operant
conditioning showed us the process in which behavior can be manipulated (Wood, et al, 2008, p.
155), but Skinner didn t take into account the long term effects of such manipulation. Are we
conditioning children ... Show more content on ...
They tend to adopt lower standards for success and ultimately settle for less as well, (Cole et al,
Is there an inverse power of praise? New research suggests that praising your child can have the
opposite effect of its intended purpose (Dweck, 1999). For over a decade, a researcher named
Carol Dweck, has studied the effects of praise on school aged children from twenty New York
schools. Dweck and her research assistants conducted a series of experiments on over four
hundred fifth graders. The researcher s would pull children from the classroom and have them
take a nonverbal IQ test with puzzles that were easy enough all the children would do well. After
the test the researchers told the children their score and gave them a single line of praise. Divided
into two groups at the beginning, some of the students were praised for their intelligence with lines
like, You must be smart at this. The other students received praise for their effort You must have
worked really hard. Dweck used just a single line of praise to see how sensitive children were to
this form of praise.
For the second round the students were given a choice, one choice was a test more difficult than
the first, the other, was a test just as easy as the first. The majority of the students praised for their
intelligence chose the easy test. Why did this happen? When we praise children for their
intelligence, we tell
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Controversy Over Hand Writing
In a world of evolution, it is often found difficult to accept a new trade or skill that partially
substitutes a skill so commonly used and accepted today. As generations pass, people discover new
things that revival the beliefs of the past and handwriting is not exempt from this course of
evolution. People have hit that critical point of rivalry between handwriting and its challenger typing
. Handwriting is a skill known by people for centuries and even prior to handwriting people
painted or carved to record information. In today s world, typing keeps becoming more of a key
player and triumphs over hand writing in many aspects. It is imperative to understand the
importance of typing, as much of what college students and employees do... Show more content on ...
Typing allows people to type at speeds unrivaled by handwriting. This speed can save people a
lot of time especially when it comes to larger manuscripts, such as papers, reports, or essays. This
new found speed allowed an influx of books, stories, and narratives by allowing the writer to not
only record as fast as the speed of thought, but to also focus more on the content of the work rather
than the legibility. Handwriting has better recall however typing is merely a different form of
recording and as such must be treated differently when studying. Overall typing is merely another
form of recording that breaks the speed constraints of the past, but as technology advances typing is
merely a stepping stone on a much, much larger
... Get more on ...
Advantage And Disadvantage Of Bipolar
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Basic Introduction Now a days to travel in conventional
vehicle is too costly because of the rising the price of fossil fuel. So Automotive Industry is
searching a sustainable transportation for near future. Therefore are so many alternate option is
available for vehicle engine like hydrogen engine, air pressure engine ,electric engine, bio diesel
engine but among them a hybrid and electric vehicles are going to be popular due to their
sustainability, energy saving and zero emission. Electric motors play significant role in Electrical
vehicle. In wheel motor technology is being used in modern electric vehicles to improve efficiency,
safety controllability and chipper vehicle nowadays. And BLDC motor have... Show more content
on ...
Ideal Back EMF, Phase Current And, Position Sensor Wave Forms for bipolar Fig 2.4 position
sensor and phase current waveforms for single phase In fig 2.4 waveforms of hall sensors output
and phase voltage of bldc motor for unipolar schmeme A method to drive a BLDC motor at high
speed with large starting torque by utilizing a bipolar starting and unipolar running algorithm. It
develops a novel inverter circuit to switch from bipolar to unipolar drive, or vice versa. It also
develops a controller based BLDC motor controller not only to drive the BLDC motor with
bipolar or unipolar method, we can switch from one method to the other at any speed. 2.2. BLDC
Motor Model In this thesis a 3 phases, 2 poles, Y connected trapezoidal back EMF type BLDC
motor is modelled. Due to mutual inductance between stator and rotor, back EMF has trapezoidal
shape. Therefore abc phase variable model is more applicable and reliable than d q axis. With the
intention of simplifying equations and overall model the following assumptions are made.
Magnetic circuit saturation is ignored. All phases Stator resistance, self and mutual inductance are
equal and constant. Hysteresis and eddy current losses are eliminated And
... Get more on ...
Global Expansion And Background Information
What geographical location should be a target to global expansion and background information to
support the decision (expansion to China).
Over the past quarter of a century, China has experienced big changes as the economy has
transformed from just limited private sector into manufacturing base of the world, these rapid
development and transformation become the gateway to vast opportunities for all industries of the
world (Dyer Singh, 1998); China regional cities offer diverse of business opportunities to companies
around the world for businesses to expand into China.
Recent research reveals China has about thirty five most lucrative cities for business investment
depending on the industries of operation, it was said that there are challenges in business regardless
of location, in China for example, integral to business growth is cultural issue as well as intellectual
property protection, but with meticulous planning, research, and strategy, these issue can be
effectively minimize (Shopify, 2015).
The size of China is considered an issue of population, but is a market advantage with a market
potential of 1.5billion people, the nation is set to become the 2nd largest consumer market in the
world by 2015 (NBSC), government influence in business evens spread of regulations and policies,
language barriers issues can all be controlled with effective global strategy.
Business is the dominating factor of economy because of the population, and the opportunities
available to
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A Case for Student Communication in Online Classes
Read only participants: a case for student communication in online classes L. Nagela*, A.S.
Blignautb and J.C. CronjeВґ c aUniversity of Pretoria, South Africa; bNorth West University, South
Africa; cCape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa (Received 5 April 2007; final
version received 25 May 2007) The establishment of an online community is widely held as the
most important prerequisite for successful course completion and depends on an interaction
between a peer group and a facilitator. Beaudoin reasoned that online students sometimes engage
and learn even when not taking part in online discussions. The context of this study was an online
course on web based education for a Masters degree in computer integrated... Show more content on ...
Clark and Feldon (2005) concluded that a facilitator who participates and interacts with students
prevents them from abandoning their course. Better cognitive outcomes occur when students
engage and form a virtual community of learners. The development of a community depends on
online interaction with their peers and the facilitator. Learner satisfaction, perseverance, and
cognitive outcomes characterize the formation of a virtual learning community. Some contest
participation as a prerequisite to learning, claiming students learn sufficiently by observation
(Beaudoin, 2002; Sutton, 2001), and lobby for leniency towards lurking or read only participation.
This article responds to Beaudoin s (2002) article Learning or lurking? Tracking the invisible online
student. He reasoned that students sometimes engage and learn even when not taking part in online
discussions with faculty and other students and showed that low profile students: spend a
significant amount of time in learning related tasks, including logging on, even when not visibly
participating, and they feel they are still learning and benefiting from this low profile approach to
their online studies. (p. 147) We investigated the importance of student online visibility apparent in
the quantity and quality of participation. We explored as a case study the successful completion of
a postgraduate online course by asking the following research questions. (1) How did online
... Get more on ...
Film Analysis Of The Lady
The Lady details the political upheavals that rocked Burma (also known as Myanmar ) during the
second half of the 20th century. The Lady is set primarily in Burma. However, many scenes are set
in England. The film, as a biopic, makes many claims about the events that occurred during Ang San
Suu Kyi s rise to power. It also prompts questions about the causes and effects of the events in the
movie. Additionally, the film creates an experience for the viewer that written history cannot
emulate. The Lady is the most significant film concerning Ang San Suu Kyi s life. In this paper, I
will examine this movie from a number of different lenses. Truth Claims: The Lady presents various
truth claims through many different forms. The costuming, the... Show more content on ...
Suu Kyi did the same. Some in their country were concerned that both these leaders were too far
influenced by their time in the west. In order to disaffirm these concerns, Gandhi dressed like a
common Indian civilian. In this way, he was displaying his love for India over his love for
England. Suu kyi acted similarly. Suu Kyi was the daughter of the former leader of the country.
She could have dressed in all the opulence and affluence of royalty. Rather, in the film she
dressed simply, and elegantly. This dress choice reflected her graceful character. This costuming
decision gave us insight into Ang Suu s character. As Michelle Yeoh (the actress who played Suu
Kyi) told Pagesix, a branch of the NYTimes, the silk and cotton costumes are all Burmese.
( Staff) Additionally, the movie pictured Suu Kyi in key scenes with flowers in her
hair. These flowers made Kyi look angelic.. To many westerners, these flowers represented the
hope for a greater life that Ang San Suu Kyi offered her nation. However, others viewed these
flowers as a threat. Hannah Beech of writes about the real life military dictators of
Burma, But they still act as if there is no greater enemy than this slight woman with flowers in
her hair (Beech). The director made sure that we noticed these flowers in Kyi s hair. There was a
close up shot of her placing the flowers in her hair. There was a tracking shot that seemed to zoom
in on the blossoms.
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Examples Of Fear In Ww2
Fear of Three Throughout World War II
Taylin Boettcher
Fear: fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is
dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. There will be a point in every person s life when that
person will experience it, but could you even imagine the reality of barely surviving in a setting
where bombs and missiles fly all day and night? Many people underestimate the emotions and
circumstances of the people in the time of the wars. The Diary of Anne Frank, Camp Harmony,
and Unbroken are proof of this universal feeling during World War II. The theme that I will be
focusing on is: Fear is not uncommon and it affects many, whether it is their choice or not.
Anne Frank was an ordinary Jewish girl living in Holland and going to school with her friends.
But one day, Anne and her family are forced to go into hiding from the Nazi s. They lived in fear
that their house would either be bombed or that they would be found and taken to a concentration
camp. Most of the entries that Anne Frank kept in her diary indicated she was either in distress or
fright. In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can t build
up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death. (Frank 263) ... Show more
content on ...
Because she was part Japanese, Monica and her family were taken to a concentration camp.
Although she tried to act as though she was pretty normal, she says I found myself switching
personality back and forth like a chameleon. (514 lit. book) In her short diary piece, she describes
how herself, her family, and many other Japanese Americans were taken to a concentration camp
with some bad conditions. For example: small houses, no showers, and little food. Monica and her
family feared not getting back to their old
... Get more on ...
Hierophanies In Mircea Eliade s The Sacred And The Profane
Since the beginning of mankind Jerusalem has been a holy city and a site where religious man
finds communication and guidance from God. Throughout the biblical text a fine line between
sacred and profane space is drawn and realized through hierophanies. From the elaboration of
Romanian historian Mircea Eliade, a hierophany is when the sacred manifests itself in the form of a
supernatural sign. Many instances within the Bibleestablished a strong relationship between
mankind and the divine in Jerusalem, which made it a sacred space to major religions including
Christianity and Judaism. Made clear through multiple hierophanies, God chose Jerusalem as his
home and his people s home. In Mircea Eliade s The Sacred and The Profane: Sacred Space and
Making the World Sacred, he proposes that the sacred and profane are separated by a
manifestation, a hierophany. Once the sacred shows itself, people on Earth will seek to
memorialize or consecrate that object or place, and stay close as if it was a direct source of
communication with God. Hereafter, an axis mundi or center of the world and a... Show more
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The earliest mention is the story of Abraham encountering an angel while he bound his son Issac
on top of Mount Moriah (present day old Jerusalem) in Genesis 22. As he was about follow God
s command to sacrifice his son, an angel appeared before Abraham and gave him a ram to use as
an offering instead. And to this day it is said, On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided
(Genesis 22:14). Abraham s encounter with the angel, a supernatural force was a hierophany
which occurred on Mt. Moriah. The sacred space showed itself to Abraham and made Mount
Moriah a place where God could demonstrate his power to his people. Thus, the mountain is
remembered as a place where resources and luck will flourish in the presence of
... Get more on ...
Bureaucrats Vs Political Parties
The Constitution contains a self contradictory structure that monopolist government bureaucrats
and the police have been ignoring for many decades. In fact, it is the very Constitutionally mandated
monopolies that bureaucrats illegitimately have that violate our God given rights. A century of
government central planning has created generations of shortsighted, irresponsible rulers in
America. With rule by emotion and not reason, we have police, legislative and court bureaucrats
who do not seem able to see things form the point of view of an individual being criminally
victimized by agents of the State. This immediately violates the individual s right to establish
voluntary contracts with others. Contracts among individuals are the only business of the parties to
such contracts, and not the business of governmentbureaucrats. My philosophy is that if it s none of
the neighbors business, it s none of the government s business.... Show more content on ...
A lot of effort probably went into the preparation of those documents (and a lot of money, if you
hired a lawyer to draft them). You probably don t want to start over from scratch. Unfortunately,
for most people it s a good idea to get a new set of documents that clearly meet your new state s
legal requirements. The good news is that you ve already done the heavy lifting you ve decided
which documents you want and the key things you want them to accomplish for your family. It
shouldn t be difficult to get new documents that reflect the wishes you ve settled
... Get more on ...
Definition Of Honesty In The Odyssey
Cole Kilboy English 9 Volpi 29 Mar. 2017 The Price of Honesty Honesty is truly the best policy.
Merriam Webster defines honesty as being, free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere. Some
people view honesty as the foremost virtue in a trustworthy person. However, this world is
tainted with many who deceive others to be revered, although when you turn around they will be
divergent from your views typically lying to benefit themselves at the expense of your state. A
common term for these people is a fake person or a snake . It is remarkably difficult to find a truly
honest man, and when found, many are taken advantage of. This is often because some view them
as a doormat who they use simply to get rumors, gossip, or information they need.... Show more
content on ...
Become a role model, not an untrustworthy statistic. Works Cited Alcohol Facts and Statistics |
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism(NIAAA). National Institute on Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism (NIAAA) |, health/overview alcohol consumption
/alcohol facts and statistics. Consumer Watchdog: January 2015. Consumer Watchdog, Honesty | Definition of Honesty
by Merriam Webster. Dictionary: Search the Merriam Webster Dictionary First. Here s Why..,
www.merriam Lyme and Prefrontal Cortex Problems Conners
Clinic. Conners Clinic, and prefrontal cortex problems/. Maintain
Your Integrity. Inspirational Stories, Quotes Poems | Inspirational Short Stories, The Odyssey Theme of Lies and Deceit. Shmoop:
Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep, deceit theme.html.
What Would Happen if You Were 100% Honest at Work? | North West,
... Get more on ...
Who Is Benny Paret
Welterweight champion Benny Paret was renowned for his ability to receive a hit, and had
taken years of punishment in order to obtain his championship. Yet he proved, he was the
greatest every time he stepped in the ring. However, all good things will come to an end. In the
past two years, the fifteen round fights began to destroy his body. Eventually, it all would result
in a tragic end. As the story draws to a close, the genre and the theme unfold. It becomes clear the
author is emotionally invested, which allows for an in depth and personal view of the story. In
the end, we are able to relate more than one would simply assume, and the lesson we learn is we
are not the gods we all attempt to be. By the end of the journey, it is obvious the narrative is a
tragedy. The author has formed this safety blanket,... Show more content on ...
He creates an emotional connection; we have all tried and failed, and we can relate to Benny s
struggle. The fact of the matter is, time will catch up to us, and we can only play god for so
long. Benny would have stated he was indestructible, but reality hit him like a freight train. When
we place ourselves on the pedestal above the rest, it is only a matter of time before we are
knocked off the pedestal. One must remember, life is a fight, and resembling Benny; we can only
be champion for so long. In the end, this is a classic story of a man, who thought time could never
touch him. Benny thought he could withstand any punishment thrown at him, and he would still
walk away as the victor. Due to this, the author leads us to trust Benny would overcome the pain of
the thunderous hits and rally back to win. No longer is Benny only the protagonist, he is also now
the antagonist, which creates a perfect tragedy. Afterwards it becomes obvious the champion has
died on his feet, and the unmovable object had met the unstoppable force and
... Get more on ...
Black On Black And Black Crime
Black on Black crime, has always existed, just like any other group that commits crimes among
each other. Wouldn t it make sense that if black people live around other black people in black
neighborhoods , that they would most likely kill other black people? Doesn t take a rocket
scientist. Similar to how white peoplehave a high rate of killing other whites because often, they
live in, you guessed it, outside the hood, and inside their own white neighborhoods. The News
continues to report that Black on Black crimeis at an all time high, but how legit are the facts to this
broadcasting, really?
jim crowAlthough Media reports that blacks commit most of the violent crimes, the center that
collects and research statistics shows in fact that black on black murder crimes has decreased
significantly since the early 90 s and is in fact by great numbers below whites when it comes
down to violent crimes being committed. The whole black on black crime is a political strategy, a
gimmick and propaganda used by the Illuminati/Bohemian Media elites to control people thoughts
using media mind control. Most people, whether White, Black, Asian and Latino all have an idea,
a mindset of who a criminal is and usually always the stereotypes of a criminal is associated to
Black People. In America, Black people are 30 40% more likely to be exploited by the New World
Order Society through a wide range of media outlets;commercials, movies, shows, reality shows,
and music internationally. The
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Harry Hopkins Contributions
This paper will explore three important aspects that Harry Hopkins achieved in this social work
career. Fist the path he took in working within the social work field, second the contributions he
made and lastly how his work could inform individuals working in the practice of a social
worker. Utilizing eight different articles, this paper will explore the life of Harry Hopkins and
how he had an account of the impact on public policies here in the United States, and how no other
social worker has had the influence in changing the direction of American social policy.
Keywords: paths, contributions, inform the social work now Social Work and Social Change
In the year 1926, Harry Hopkins, who was the Director of the New York Tuberculosis Society, who
would go on to be one of Franklin D. Roosevelt s closest advisors and became a designer of the
New Deal. Harry Hopkins wrote, The field of social work and public health are inseparable, and
not artificial boundaries can separate them. Social work is interwoven in the whole fabric of the
public health movement, and has directly influenced it at every point (Hopkins, 1926). A review
of social work s past and current efforts can highlight its contemporary value. Hopkins believed
that there was a creative understanding in face to face relationships. The immediate problems of
this Association of social workers explain Kurzman (1977) is to bring together social work and
public administration. When Harry Hopkins
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The Heroic Transformation Of Beowulf
The Heroic Transformation of Beowulf The poem Beowulf presents the transformation of Beowulf
from a brave warrior to an honorable King. The evolution of Beowulf shows how he fulfills his
obligations to the warrior s heroic code and then transcends into a King who loyally protects his
Kingdom. Beowulf s transformation is shown through a progression of three increasingly more
difficult conflicts he must overcome first with Grendel, then Grendel s mother and finally against
the mighty dragon. These three events are seen as the three agons in the hero s life (Chickering 64).
Through these adverse events Beowulfwill change from brave young warrior to noble King. This
paper will examine the manifestation of heroism in the poem... Show more content on ...
He is willing to cross a boundary alone in order to protect the stability of his kingdom even if he
must die in order to do so. However, instead of using his bare hands this time like when he killed
Grendel because he does not know the warrior s arts (681), Beowulf uses better judgment and
uses weapons to defeat the mother. At this point it appears that Beowulf is maturing by making
better decisions. Beowulf transitions from warrior to king in the second part of the poem.
Instead of relying on his own beliefs and practices, he emulates the heroic king Hrothgar.
Beowulf becomes more concerned with the lives of his subjects and takes a more conservative
ruling stance. Hrothgar prepares Beowulf well to take over the thrown and teaches him to honor
his warriors, protecting his people and maintain a stable Kingdom. Hrothgar reminds Beowulf of
the Greek tragedians and teaches that pride without humility will result in a tragic fall
(Chickering 1383). He also teaches Beowulf about Christian beliefs like wealth is accumulated
through the grace of God and should be shared unselfishly (Chickering 1384). Beowulf becomes
more heroic and valuable to his people as he transitions to a wise ruler. Beowulf must learn to
navigate unity with his own men, as well as other Kingdoms and powers. Beowulf demonstrates
his maturity when Hygelac dies (Chickering 1389). Instead of claiming the throne as his own like
he may have done as a young man, he chooses
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Definition Of Marketing And Marketing Strategy Essay
Definition of marketing? It s is a process in which wants changes into needs. The activities of an
organization connected with purchasing and offering an items or administration. The marketing
process is having direct connection with communication and requirements and the actual goal of
marketing is to expand the sales of the company s product as well as the Company s profit. In the
terms of marketing, there are some of key points which are connected with the marketing such as
target market, market segmentation and consumer behaviour.
1 Product
2 Place
3 Price
4 Promotion Product This includes the customer satisfaction and all its needs and demands.
Moreover it also fulfil the demands of customers by competing the previous product and providing
the customers as a updated one.
Price The price of the product maters for everyone whether the company or the customers. It puts a
great impact on marketing strategy.
Place it plays a vital role in the organization as the location really matter for the customers and
should be a near and easy to asses to the particular place.
Promotion It always reflects a positive status of the company in the market as the sale is depend
upon promotion and by this the company can cover it all expenses.
Diagram Definition of marketing research
Market research is about to talking with people, listening to them , doing survey, business meetings,
analyzing the information to help organization make better decisions and reduce the risk.
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Rock And Roll Influence On Youth Culture
The discussion here will be of the invention of rock n roll and how did it emerge from the new
working class youth culture. Styles of this are said to be fused from black and white popular music.
All Genres have been studied for years but for rock itself was hard to get an agenda to just focus on
this as for some didn t considered if rock as form of musicwas as worthy to study than others.
The body of my essay will discuss the history of rock n roll and the popular youth cultures in the
last century and how their choice of music was developed.
No matter the genre, music in itself gives a person a sense of security. This is obvious at a young
age, where a child will keep themselves contempt and relaxed by singing to themselves and control
their emotions, where an adult doing their housework will sing to themselves to give freedom and
soul. This is shown through this essay that the youth culture brought other genre into their popular
music to explore more rhythm.
When you see Elvis Presley singing songs early in his career I think you [should] imagine, he is
channeling Rosetta Tharpe. It s not an image that I think we re used to thinking of in rock and roll
history. We don t think about the black woman behind the young white man.
The segregation with rock n roll ... Show more content on ...
The shows aim was to stitch together different teenagers in different parts of the country into a
coherent and recognizable national youth culture. Yet the show still had an area of segregation
where they didn t have Black Americans in the audience. This was classed as discrimination
against black teenagers, even though it was identified that the show was hosting a large broadcast
of mix individuals. The show s focus on mix cultures, was leading to desegregation which started to
lift this image of
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Lowering Drinking Age Persuasive Essay

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Lowering Drinking Age Persuasive Essay

  • 1. Lowering Drinking Age Persuasive Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Lowering Drinking Age Persuasive EssayLowering Drinking Age Persuasive Essay
  • 2. Lab Report Chemistry 1.Describe what the results were. According to the results, the higher the concentration of sodium thiosulphate the higher the reaction rate. The graph above shows the reaction rate compared to the sodium thiosulphate solution is almost a straight line showing the relationship of the sodium thiosulphate and the rate of reaction. 2.Explain why the results were the way they were The higher the sodium thiosulphate concentration the faster the rate of the chemical reaction as more particle collide. The graph shows a liner relationship as the sodium thiosulphate concentration was diluted at the same rate every time the experiment was done using veering concentrations. 3.Were the results surprising? Why/why not? The results were not particularly surprising as the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate was known to have an effect on the ... Show more content on ... This is known because the recorded points of data lay close to liner best fit for the set of data. However to make the results more accurate the experiment should have been repeated at least 2 3 more times to make sure that the answers found where correct and not just a one off occurrence. 5.Were there any problems or difficulties encountered in the experiment? Explain how the how they may have affected your results. The main difficulty was with determining when the visibility was the same for each chemical reaction and concentration. In the end this was done by drawing a cross to put underneath each of the concentrations, when the cross was no longer visible by the naked eye from the top of the chronical flask the time was taken and recorded. Even as it was the same person judging how long it took for the cross to disappear and if the cross was still visible was still controversial. This was the main problem that could have been solved with more tests of each concentration and then averaging it out. 6.If this was attempted again, explain what improvements you would make to the experiment ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Case Study Of AMRIS п‚ЊPROJECT BACKGROUND In 1988, a confederation consisting of Hilton Hotels, Marriott, and Budget Rent A Car Corporation commissioned a major project to AMR Information Services (AMRIS), a subordinate of American Airlines Corporation. AMRIS was tasked with developing a novel information system labelled CONFIRM, that was expected to be the most cutting edge reservation system in the collective travel, car rental, and lodging industries respectively. Intrico, was a new business created to track the new system. The objectives of the joint venture were: To design, develop, operate, and maintain new state of the art reservation processing system to be marketed worldwide; to design and develop interfaces with airline computer reservation ... Show more content on ... Supervisors were prompted to once more revise dates to correspond with the original milestones. August 1990 AMRIS proclaimed the initial phase of development was finished They then proceeded with the second key stage When asked, they refused to demonstrate development to Marriott reps October 1990 The team publicised that the project was lagging one year behind, but againpromised that this was no need for concern as they could catch up February 1991 Presented a re plan of development, the aim was to have Hilton Hotels using the system by June 1992, with Marriott not receiving anything until March 1993. The re plan increased the development cost to $92 million. October 1991 AMRIS President resigns Beginning of 1992: 20 AMRIS employees resign Some employees claim that managers set unrealistic schedules and lied about project status Summer 1992 Half of development team are looking for new ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Paul Revere s Ride Compare And Contrast The poem Paul Revere s Ride makes Paul look like a hero. What people don t know is that his story wasn t very true. Longfellow s poem and the true story were very different but they had some similarities. Let s get into comparing the truth and the story. In the poem it states that Paul and his friend were the only people there. The plan was for Paul to wait on the other side of the shore while his friend hung up lanterns to show that they were coming by land or sea. Paul was ready to go as soon as he saw the lanterns. His horse went so fast that sparks started flying everywhere. Revere was the only rider as he rode through every town warning people. He was successful in letting everyone know the war was starting. Everyone was sure Paul ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Analysis Of Robert Frost s White In 1922, Robert Frost wrote the poem In White. Frost then revised this poem fourteen years later and published it under the title Design. On the surface, the speaker in the poem describes a situation in which a spider has killed a moth on a heal all flower. But, as the layers are peeled back, there arises a conflict between the speaker and him/herself. The internal conflict stems from the world s design or lack thereof. Frost takes a simple thought on design and makes the reader question life and the nature of creation through a random, haphazard occurrence of a spider, a moth, and a flower. To start the poem, the speaker stumbles upon a fat and white spider on a white heal all, holding up a moth (1 2). This doesn t tell the full story, but it does show the reader that there is a random occurrence between a spider, a moth, and a flower. As shown in the legend, a heal all flower is usually blue but in this case it is white. The spider, which is generally dark colored, is white as well. And the moth that is in the spider s hands is like a white piece of rigid satin cloth . (3) A rigid, satin cloth symbolizes a coffin which shows that the moth in the spider s arms is dead. After the first three lines there are two conclusions to be made: (1) There is a random occurrence of a rare, white spider climbing on a rare, white heal all flower; (2) The spider represents darkness and evil. It is using the flower as camouflage to kill the moth. Finally, showing the characters ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Biographical Paper Of Michel Foucault Biographical Paper of Michel Foucault. Michel Foucault Kenya Coleman Principles of Sociology Professor Preston September 12, 2016French historian and philosopher Michel Foucault, was born in Poitiers, France October 15, 1926. He was the professor of the History of Systems of Thought and also was the founder of Groupe d information sur les prisons He wrote Introduction to Dream and Existence by Ludwig Binswanger who was a Heideggerian psychiatrist and wrote Malasle mentale et personalite which was a short book on mental illness. He supported structuralist and poststructuralist movements and also protested on behalf of homosexuals. Some of the things he studied and wrote books for was Discipline and Punishment, The History of Sexuality, Madness and Civilization, The Order of Things, The Archaeology, The Birth of The Clinic, The Birth of Biopolitics, Society Must Be Defended, Power/ Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, Security, Territory, Population,, Aesthetics Method and Epistemology, This is not a Pipe, Fearless Speech and so many more. He was an early victim of AIDS, which lead to his death in Paris on June 25, 1984, but his work still impacts us today and others after him including: Gilles Deleuze, Sigmund Freud, Martin Heidegger, Erving Goffman and Georges Canguilhem. One thing ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Prices Of Nap Mats Price:: The prices of nap mats will vary based on several factors like size, model, surface material, and much more. Size Most nap mats measure19 inches by 45 inches, and is folded to15 inches by 19 inches when being stored. Larger sizes will definitely cost more that smaller sizes of the same brand. Just be sure to pick the right size based on your baby s body size and age. Thickness cheap nap mat brands available in discount department stores are usually just Вѕ inches in thickness. This explains why most toddlers prefer sleeping under it it s not any comfortable than the floor. Go for a nap mat that s at least one inch in thickness, but if you adore your little one, consider premium or heavy duty mats which are 2 inches thick, ... Show more content on ... Construction and Design:: Nap mats are made from an assortment of materials types and the filling is done mainly with polyester batting. Just like you ll buy baby blankets and pillows, size, color, surface materials are all design features you ll want to look at. Here is our analysis of nap mat construction and design features: Color The first thing you look at when shopping for a nap mat is its color. Look for a solid, neutral color ranging from soft hue to vogue. The idea is to find a soothing, calming, and inviting color. Nowadays you can find an assortment of patterns like Spiderman, dinosaurs, monsters, as well as Sponge Bob Square Pants. However, it will depend on the likes of your child. For some kids, such patterns may be distracting, if not scary. Surface Material Most cheap nap mats are made from vinyl which may cause your little one to sweat and wake up smelly and exhausted. Choose a mat with breathable pure cotton cover that can be easily detached for washing. It may cost a little more, but it s worth the extra bucks. Nap mat ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Genetic Determinism Genetic Determinism On Christmas Day in the year 2001, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. When I looked into the brand new face of my son I saw a beautiful mystery. I wondered what kind of man my boy would grow to be and what his life would be like. There are those in the scientific community who would argue that my son s path was already determined at the moment of his birth, that his fate could be deciphered from his genetic make up. As a nurturing mother I know better. At two years old my son has developed a more diverse vocabulary than many children twice or even three times his age. He recognizes many written words and reads them aloud. He is able to spell his name. He can distinguish a square from a rectangle and an octagon ... Show more content on ... Many scholars believe that the new science of behavioral genetics has intellectual roots in the old ideas of Eugenics (Steen 33). Eugenics disguised a political agenda as a scientific one in an attempt to endow discrimination with credibility. Supporters of genetic determinism theories do the same. Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray defend the theory of genetic determinism in The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, which was published ten years ago. Their book is one of the most widely referenced works regarding the theory that intelligence is inherited. The authors claim that the social order mirrors natural selection, wherein the genetically superior or more intelligent human rises to the top. Of course this means that the lower class, predominantly blacks, are represented as genetically inferior (xxi xxiii). The authors claim that ethnic differences in cognitive ability are neither surprising nor in doubt (269) and attribute the inequality of life among Americans to inherent differences between races in intelligence (127). Their argument rests on the assertion that intelligence is both inheritable and immutable and is supported by intelligence test scores. The text is full of contradictions and a close analysis proves it to be lacking in evidence and smacking of social myth. Their theories are developed using speculation and are tainted by bias. There is no science involved. The theory of inherent ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Perception Of The Human Condition In The Stranger By... In his novel, The Stranger by Albert Camus, translated by Matthew Ward, irony within the protagonist s ( Meursault ) contrasting perception of the human condition is used to illustrate and invoke the reader to question the contradictory nature of societal expectations. His indifferent and unprecedented reactions to experiences relative to the characters that Camus laid before him aid in displaying the absurdity of a world constrained by the chains of conventional wisdom. The contrasting nature of Meursault s demeanor in defying conventional wisdom in experiences such as love and death not only reveals the underlying hypocrisy of the humancondition but further illustrates the arbitrary essence of defining a human life. Irony in part one establishes Meursault s confliction with society as he is seemingly unaffected and ultimately indifferent over an occurrence that universal sentiments would perceive as utterly devastating. When Meursault is faced with the death of his mother in the genesis of the novel, he remarks, Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don t know (Camus 1). The immense indifference of Meursault s morality when it comes to the death of a human being, let alone his own mother, allows readers to draw a contrasting line from the very first sentence of Meursault s moral behavior relative to what society would deem as acceptable . Camus uses this expectation defying event to invoke the reader s stance on the human condition s tendency to mourn ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Antique Spice Advertising maximum folks have probably seen the antique Spice commercials with the confident and rapid talking Isaiah Mustafa, AKA The antique Spice man. the ones commercials first started in early 2010 and have for the motive that grow to be a whole collection of a number of the maximum famous classified ads on television and the internet. however what s it approximately the ones classified ads that lead them to so appealing? to answer this question, this paper will popularity at the economic that started out out it all: the manor woman Your man need to scent Like. even though this ad does exceedingly little to realistically describe the product it s miles advertising, its clever and diffused use of all 3 primary factors of appeal (ethos, logos,... Show more content on ... probably the maximum critical cause for this enterprise s success is its capability to make the target market giggle. on the identical time as laughter itself won t be as persuasive even as finished to promoting a body wash as it s far to, as an instance, tickets to a stand up comedy display, it s miles what this laughter does for the ad itself that facilitates it sell its products. the economic is shot using seamless transitions from one scene to each other and rapid paced communicate. by the point the economic is over, the antique Spice man is the use of a horse and pronouncing a few component is feasible when your guy smells like old Spice and now not a lady, which is probably the slowest detail he said. because of the brevity of the financial, by means of manner of the prevent, the super aspect people are going to undergo in thoughts is the witty talk coming from someone the use of a horse. therefore, those who see it are tempted to look it over again and could maximum possibly advantage this through carrying out a Google seek, possibly to pay interest the jokes once more or to look how Mustafa progresses via all of the different scenes, this is funny in itself. although a person also can by no means truely purchase an antique Spice product, the reality that the advert emerge as capable of stick to them is ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Diversity In The Media Analysis Mainstream media is the single most influential aspect of American culture, and it s failing all the people that consume it. While the majority of viewers are perfectly satisfied with what they re being fed, they re only getting empty calories. They don t know they re starving. But minority groups can feel the hunger pangs, and they know exactly what will satisfy them: diversity. America is missing out on its biggest, and most readily available, way to positively change society, and it doesn t have to be that way. In order to gain acceptance for minority groups, all the mainstream media needs to do is focus on diverse characters, treat those characters with the respect, and keep them on as quasi permanent members of the cast. Recently, a new ... Show more content on ... There s a TV show, and it not only includes a black, femalecharacter, but she s accurately portrayed and equally shares the spotlight with two other leads. Everything is going along perfectly well, and then BAM! She dies three episodes into the new season. This ploy is all too common in mainstream media. A creator will add a diverse character, only to remove them when either there s an audience outcry (from viewers who ve never before encountered that type of person) or when an imaginary diversity quota is reached, and it s no longer necessary to represent a certain group through an important character because another group is going to be represented through a different character. Why can t both characters be part of the show? That s the diversity quota in action. It makes creators and majority viewers uncomfortable when the people like them are outnumbered, or even in danger of being outnumbered eventually, so the number of diverse characters is minimized and many of them are killed off or relocated to a new place where they re never seen again, even if they were vital to the show at one ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Black Via A Push Button And Ldr Using C Code Without... Objective The purpose of the experiment is to operate an LED through the BeagleBone Black via a push button and LDR using C code without libraries besides such as . The pins of the BeagleBone Black will be operated by exporting pins so they can be read or written to in the C program. A LDR and push button will be used in conjunction with the exported pins for read and write operations to illuminate the LED when it s dark and vice versa when it s not. With the use of exporting pins to read and write, the operation of the LED via the LDR or push button will be determined by opening up the file locations and checking the state of the LED and the value of the push button and LDR. The push button will be used to set the system in manual ... Show more content on ... Use a push button for Manual override. Whenever the push button is pressed, it must allow turning off or turning on the LED regardless of which state the CdS sensor puts the LED in. Your program should keep track of the exact time the LED is either on or off. Must output the date and time the LED was turned on or off. Lab Setup: Figure 1: Lab Setup Conclusion The result of the experiment was a success. The C program used the BBB kernel via paths to operate the LED as specified. The push button set the system to manual mode and turned off the light if it was on and turned the LED on if it was off. The second push of the button switched it back to automatic mode. The turning on and off of the LED also resulted in accurate time stamps of the LED being on or off. The lab was pretty simple, however, the process was a little challenging in the beginning. Unlike the previous labs, we had to configure each pin for our desired functionality, which made it a bit difficult. The majority time on this lab was spent on configuration of the pins, rather than writing the code. Questions and Discussion: What is Rmax and Rmin for your CdS sensor? What is the required resistance, R, for the other half of the CdS voltage divider circuit? The CdS resistance measured in full light was approx. 50 ohms. The resistance measured in a dark lit area was approx. 350k ohms. The range ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Kingdom Of Israel Essay Following the United Monarchy separating into two different nations the Kingdom of Israel, sometimes referred to as Samaria, existed with nineteen kings for two hundred and seven years from 928 to 721BC. Consisting of ten of the twelve tribes Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Ash, Ephraim and Manasseh. The Kingdom of Israelbecame weakened after the breakup of the United Monarchy which the Egyptians take advantage of in 925BC when they invaded and made the Kingdom of Israel a vassal nation of Egypt followed by the Kingdom of Ammon which gains its independence from the Kingdom of Israel. Jeroboam I the first king of the Kingdom of Israel from 928 to 907BC, created worship centers in the cities of Bethel and Dan and encouraged the people to return to their worshipping of pagan deities such as El, Asherah, Baal and Dagan from the Canaanite Pantheon.... Show more content on ... In 738BC, the Kingdom of Israel is invaded by Assyria making them a vassal nation in order to control their olive and agriculture trade. Later Pekah, king from 733 to 732BC, attempts to organize an army to revolt against the Assyrian authority but he is soon defeated by Tilgath Pileser III of Assyria. Hoshea, king from 732BC to 723BC, decides to stop paying tribute to Assyria ending with Shalmaneser IV who in 724 to 729BC begins a long military campaign against the Kingdom of Israel. After the death of Shalmaneser IV, Sargon II becomes king of Assyria and continues the battle eventually winning, capturing, moving and resettling over twenty seven thousand Israelites within the cities of the Assyrian ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay about Shakespeare s Sonnet 30 and Tennyson s In... Loss has been experienced over centuries and many poets have written on the subject. William Shakespeare s Sonnet 30 and Alfred Lord Tennyson s In Memoriam are two poems from different eras that express the idea of loss. Both were written after the loss of a close male friend, and both are only one poem from a series of poems. Shakespeare lived in England where he was born in 1564 and died in 1616 and Tennyson also lived in England where he was born in 1809 and died in 1892, the poems being written in 1609 and between 1833 and 1850 respectively. Whilst the poet s historical and cultural contexts are different, and there are differences in structure and poetic devices used in the two poems, there are also similarities in the expression and... Show more content on ... Also during this era, many people were questioning their religious beliefs. In Memoriam has been said to reflect the Victorian feelings. (Victorian Contexts, class notes: page 102) This era influenced Tennyson along with his poor mental state, it also mediates on the Victorians deepest concerns about religious doubt, such as death, creation and evolution. In Memoriam touches on many intellectual issues and the poet searches for the meaning of life and death while trying to come to terms with his sense of loss. (Victorian Context, class notes: page 110) In Memoriam reflects the struggle to reconcile traditional religious beliefs and faith which was a popular Victorian aspect of literature at the time. The poem shows the development over three years of Tennyson s acceptance and understanding of his friend s death. (Robson, W., 2013) With this cultural context, In Memoriam could be seen to be written in a time of advancement and hope, however this contradicts the theme of loss of the poem. The purpose of both poems is similar, both are about the loss of a male friend. The loss in Sonnet 30 is about the loss of a possible lover and the speaker is grieving this love. An example of the friendship is And with old woes new wail my dear time s waste this can be translated that he his sorrowful that ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Nar Code Of Ethics Essay On May 12, 1908, NAR was not known as it is, before it was NAREE, National Association of Real Estate Exchanges. 120 founding member, 19 boards and one state association meet at the YMCA auditorium in Chicago, IL. In 1912, a group of local board secretaries formed the first specialty division of NAR, known as the Association of Secretaries of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. During 1913, the Code of Ethics was adopted, the theme was the Golden Rule. The Code of Ethics has seventeen articles, nine are for duties to clients and customers, five are for duties to the public, and the last three are about the duties to REALTORS. For example, the first article is When representing a buyer, seller, landlord, tenant, or other client as an agent, REALTORSВ® pledge themselves to protect and promote the interests of their client. This obligation to the client is primary, but it does not relieve REALTORSВ® of their obligation to treat all parties honestly.... Show more content on ... The action they have planned is the AEC Political Advocacy Competencies Work Group considered development of a certification/designation for GADs. With input from a survey of GADs and chief staff, and focus groups at the 2014 GAD Institute, the work group is not recommending development of such a designation. Rather, the work group is proposing that there be an emphasis on more professional development opportunities for GADs. With the core standards reinforcing the need for strong advocacy initiatives at all levels of the organization, a more comprehensive curriculum for GADs would benefit all. Along the same lines, the AEC plans to expand the political advocacy and consumer outreach education opportunities for chief staff, so they are prepared to lead an advocacy ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Abstinence Should Not Teach Students Safe Sex Practices When people of today s world turn on the television, it is easy to see why modesty is out the window. A good portion of the television shows aired have sexualized content, from sexual innuendos in jokes to portraying characters in the act. With this being a known fact, there is no doubt that sex education is important. However, schools are teaching more on the abstinence spectrum. Preaching abstinence does not teach students safe sex practices or a clear understanding of contraception. Abstinence only programs have the best intentions, however they are flawed due to a biased perspective. In the year of 1996, the United States government passed a bill that funded states who offered abstinence only programming in public schools. Ever since... Show more content on ... Schools receiving money from the government, in sponsorship of the program, must teach the students to just say no to sex until legally married. The schools are also not permissible to teach students safe sex and may not mention contraception except to point out failure rates of various methods (Brody). There are a few states that have stood up to the government and refused funds, so the state has the option to determine their own ways to teach sex education. However, 43 states still take part of the program and promote it. Millions of dollars are pulled from the government each year for the program and many schools support the abstinence only movement. The programs have encouraging titles, such as Teens in Control and ReCapturing the Vision (Impacts). Students are greatly encouraged take virginity vows until marriage, carry an ATM card (abstinence till marriage), and conceitedly wear purity rings (Kelly). Programs, such as these, are used to develop a strong self worth and to teach about the negative consequences that could occur from sexual activity, but there is a major flaw: abstinence only programs are inefficient. Studies have shown abstinence only programming does not reduce the sexual activity of young people. In 2007, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a study about the abstinence programs. The government funded study ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Summary Of The Sound And The Fury And Absalom In Faulkner s works, both the land and the people of the South struggle under the monumental weight of myth and history. In fact, certain calamity looms over his fictional region of Yoknahpatwah, a microcosm of the postbellum South. Themes of the Southern consciousness, such as inescapable past and present, inherited guilt, and emotional and psychological stagnation pervade this fictional region. In The Sound and the Fury (1929) and Absalom, Absalom! (1936), Faulkner s portrayal of two Southern aristocratic families, the Compsons and the Sutpens, reveal Southerners paradoxical attitudes towards the myths of the South: the refusal to forget the past and the inability to live in the present. Both The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom!... Show more content on ... Problem of Historical Time Time is a vital component in understanding Faulkner s treatment of the Southern history. Faulkner s characters all experience frustration with past. In Faulkner s novels, time is a function of history in which a complete engagement of tension between history and myth occurs. If historical time is a progression of change that extends into and shapes the present, mythic time produces a sense of stasis and circularity in which one feels stuck. The conflict between history and myth arises from Faulkner s personal experience as a Southerner; like many Southerners of his time, Faulkner was searching for a lost time while struggling to reconcile with the questionable past of his region. In his interviews, Faulkner made clear the presentness that the past (particularly the Civil War) had for him. In a class conference held at the University of Virginia in 1957, he said no man is himself, he is the sum of his past. There is no such thing really as was because the past is (129). When asked in 1958 about the Civil War veterans he knew as a boy, Faulkner related that: They didn t talk so much about that war. I had got that from the maiden, spinster aunts which had never surrendered. But I can remember the old men, and they would get out the old shabby gray uniforms and get out the old battle flag on Decoration, Memorial Day. Yes, I remember any number of them. (Howe 249) In this quote, Faulkner expresses an ambivalent feeling towards ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay on An Annotation of Wallace Stevens Of Modern Poetry An Annotation of Wallace Stevens Of Modern Poetry In Of Modern Poetry, Stevens describes the purpose of modern poetry given what the audience knows and values. Modern poetry must be different from traditional poetry, because people of his time perceive themselves and their world differently than the people of earlier times. Stevens suggests that war, like other changes, have affected what people believe. Poetry must reflect to its audience what they want to hear. It must show them that the order, meaning and value they need is real, in so much as their minds both need it and can create it. OF MODERN POETRY The poem of the mind in the act of finding What will suffice. It has not always had To find: the scene was set; it ... Show more content on ... Stevens first points out how modern poetry differs from traditional poetry. The implication is that people are now questioning some fundamental aspects of intellectual constructs that used to be considered necessary and true. In particular Stevens questions tradition of reading the book of nature, of starting with religious presumptions and assuming nature communicates these ideas to humans. Other traditions had changed as well thoughts about the social roles of men and women and social propriety; thoughts about religious values and scientific discovery; nature and purpose of communication resulting from new inventions. These changes sometimes reflected, sometimes caused the development of new values. The rest of the poem records the change that occurs after traditional assumptions are uprooted. The past was a souvenir because once people realized that certain traditions could be changed, they had no reason to believe those traditions had to be the standard. Like a souvenir, the scene and the script became only a reminder of where people had been, it has no practical use for the present. Once people conceived of a new stage, a new script, a new way of thinking, it had to be experimented with. They valued experimentation, because they did not have a required standard. They valued finding ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Use Of Literary Devices In A White Heron In A White Heron Sarah Orne Jewett really dramatizes Sylvia, the main character through using several different literary elements. He uses such things as diction, metaphors, imagery, narrative pace and point of view throughout the story which help the reader stay interested. Jewett s diction was very out of the ordinary. He used words and sayings that really caught your attention and mostly things you have not heard before. Jewett describes Sylvia as she is about to mount the great pine tree. He says she began with tingling, eager blood coursing the channels of her whole frame, with her bare feet and fingers, that pinched and held like a bird s claws to the monstrous ladder reaching up, up, almost to the sky itself. Jewett s description here can... Show more content on ... For example, Jewett was saying how the tree seems to be getting longer and longer as Sylvia is going up and he stated that it was like a great main mast to the voyaging earth. Later, he also states that once Sylvia passed the last thorny bough and stood high in the tree top that Sylvia s face was like a pale star. He later said that the hawks grey feathers were as soft as moths. This analogy could really make us, as readers, understand how soft they looked because almost everyone knows that if you touch a moth it turns into a dusty substance because of how soft they are. All of these word choices, metaphors and adjectives Jewett uses makes outstanding imagery for the reader. From the first line to the last you could picture just about everything, not only picture but feel as if you were there or in the situation. Jewett almost put an adjective in front of every noun he used, which made it stand out more. The best imagery Jewett used is when Sylvia reached the top of that tree and he said what she saw. Jewett stated that there was a sea with the dawning sun making a golden dazzle over it, and toward the east flew two ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How Healthcare Is An Important Industry That Is Always Needed Healthcare is an important industry that is always needed. Like other industries, it has to start somewhere. Organizations have to be planned, opened, and organized, healthcare providers , managers, and other employees need to be hired, and much more. One of the most important employees within an organization is the compensation specialist. Compensation specialists supervise and manage the employee compensation programs within an organization. Some of the common responsibilities include: developing the organization s pay structure, managing and improving all bonus or commissions, and preparing job descriptions (DeCenzo, Robbins, Verhulst, 2013). According to Samantha Smith, a compensation specialist for Rocky Mountain Sleep Clinic, the process of determining an employee s salaryis rather long and time consuming. She says that there are five steps she follows to develop the salaries within the organization. First she must review her own pay practice to help determine the budget of the company. Once this is completed, she must determine the definition and description of each job, which is later used to advertise the position during the hiring process. A proper description of each position allows for the applicants to understand what they are applying for. Employees also know what is expected of them after reading the job description. It is also important to track the competition. Salaries will vary by organization, position, and employee, but knowing where the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Child Physical Abuse Physical. Emotional. Sexual. Neglect. Four types of abuse that a child should NEVER have to endure. The information shared in this paper will take you on an unpleasant journey into child abuse. After exploring the types of abuse, you will learn about the unfortunate effects abuse has on children (both short term and long term). The statistics of child abusein the county in which we live is devastating. Information on how to report abuse in Greene County will be provided. That, along with facilities in our local area equipped to help both the abusers and the abused. Let s begin. Samantha Gluck explained in her article, What Is Child Physical Abuse? Physical Abuse of Children, that experts define physical abuse as a non accidental injury ... Show more content on ... I found, through further research, that sexual abuse includes more than bodily contact. Which means, having a child view pornographic material is considered sexual abuse. A HelpGuide.Org article, Child Abuse and Neglect, explained that sexual abuse victims feel guilty and shameful for the abuse they have endured. Can you believe that? They are made to feel as though their word versus the abuser s word means nothing. I have often heard that men/women that sexually abuse children are most often a family member or friend of the family. Think about that for a minute. How are children supposed to process what is happening to them by this trusted adult they have known (probably) most of their lives? According to eSchoolToday, children who are abused sexually tend to show some physical symptoms (hiding, STDs, and genital pain), health symptoms (anorexia, bowel disorders, and repeated headaches/stomach aches), and behavioral symptoms (substance abuse, withdraw, and decreased school performance/participation). Again, the long term effects of this type of abuse mimic the other two mentioned thus far. Melissa and Joshua Hall, however, provided some additional effects in their article entitled, The Long Term Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Counseling Implications. The article reiterated that stress and anxiety play a role long term. They also explained how former children of sexual abuse tend to act one of two ways about sexual activity in their teen and/or adult years. They either overindulge...OR...act completely uninterested. Again, every child will respond differently to abusive situations. Trying to cope with the debilitating effects of abuse will be discussed in the pages to come, but neglect needs to be addressed ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Fourth Crusade Effects The Fourth crusade was a lot about money and excuses to kill. It was a turning point in history because it made the catholic church more known and it grew more wealthy. After the Crusades the monarchs began to grow more and started to end feudalism. . The most important effects was the increasing trade of Europeand Asia heir was also a banking system to transfer funds for troops and others. distress Of Europeans. From the Spanish shutting out the Muslims they started to weaken. The Crusades where important in history and where gruesome but where important for many ideas in history. The fourth crusade was brutal for money. The Beginning, The Start of the Fourth Crusades Consisted of the merchants of Venice supporting with their amounts of wealth to kill the merchants of Constantinople to eliminate their commercial opponents. The crusade wasn t very popular because of the Pope put a ban on killing other Christians by saying it was wrong. The Ban didn t really work because the merchants and others raided Constantinople and killed thousands of people The way that the Italian merchants convened people to join in on this crusade by using their money and using people to kill the Constantinople merchants ... Show more content on ... The Muslim and Jewish people began to weaken in strength because the Spanish shut them out of their kingdom due to thinking they where infidels. The catholic church grew in wealth making it a known church today and keeping it around for a while. The Banking system was made to transfer funds to troops for them to be able to send money to their families and have money to support them self. After the fourth crusades their was an increase in trade with Asia and Europe. Along with millions of deaths of the soldiers that participated in the crusades witch caused moral to fall in Europe and in the families that participated in the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. For-Profit Universities Have Persuasive Jobs Are you interested in a new career? Are you looking for specialized training and a high paying job in computers, fashion or health care? Earn you degree, pursue your dreams! You have talents most students don t. Find out what else you can do. Start now! Is never too late! What are you still doing sitting in front of the computer? Pick up the phone and call now, I did it, and you can too! Change your life, with just one phone call. They tell people, If you don t have a college degree, you won t be able to get a job said Amanda Wallace (Goodman). For profit schools are educational institutions that are corporations and often have shareholders. They operate as a business, and the product they sell is education. Their goal is to provide ... Show more content on ... Online or in class, most teachers are often not qualified to teach in their subject. Since the main focus is recruitment a lot of the teacher tend to be barley qualified (DeFusco PBS). What drives them? Money. Colleges such as Capella University, Brown Mackie and The University of Phoenix, don t see students, they see customers. Because of the graduation rate of 5% (Press Release), for profit universities often struggle to pay back what they own to investors and to the state. Easy to apply for loans often turn into debilitating debt for the many hopeful students that go there. Because of this They can t generate income needed to pay back their loans, and they re going to end up in financial distress (Goodman). A simple auto body refinishing and upholstering technology, a nine month program can cost as much as $30,000 (Goodman). With the multiple loans many take out, combine with high interest rates, a $30,000 loan can quickly blow up. This is why is so important for the for profit universities to have as many new students as possible, so that they can make as much money as they ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Concepts Of Nature Vs Nurture The concepts of Nature vs Nurture, are major concepts in social science. Nature is the hereditary pattern of physical features in a human being s development. These features include, but are not limited to, our personality, usual and unusual appearances and the general measurements of how humans hold the attributes of being sociable, hostile behavior, their emotions, and the usage of alcohol and drugs. On the other hand Nurture is slightly different. Nurture is the influence of the environment that plays upon the behavior and characteristics in a human. The idea of nurture is that humans will grow up to form their personality on the way they are raised and life experiences. Culture is defined by the people in the environment, however, the environment helps shape and form human personalities in order to forge a culture. Culture is created by religions/beliefs, clothing /foods, language/social habits as well as the humanistic discipline; such as music, paintings, literature, and many more. Culture is generated by humankind, because humans hold their belief systems and patterns that was passed down by generations; by humans passing down what they have learned from their families this begins to create a culture. Personality plays a central role in both nature vs nurture and culture. Furthermore, personality is stated the total organization of inherited and acquired characteristics of an individual as evidenced by the individual s behavior (Hunt 119). Personality is either ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Essay about Chaucer s Canterbury Tales Chaucer s Canterbury Tales After reading explications of Chaucer s Canterbury Tales, a student is likely to come away with the impression that the Franklin is the critics favorite punching bag. To the average reader in the modern English speaking world, the Franklin comes across as surprisingly fair minded and level headed, noteworthy as the man kind and inventive enough to resolve the marriage cycle with a tale of decency and openness. The critics, however, often depict the Franklin as a man primarily concerned with upward mobility, finding in his tale a number of remarks intended to win over the nobility and subtly assert his own claim to a kind of nobility. The contrast between the fawning Franklin of certain critical approaches and ... Show more content on ... Marxist critics look for social and economic themes in a work, ones of which the author was unaware because the authors own consciousness is affected by the system of production in which he or she lived (157). This critical stance is particularly fitting when one approaches the Canterbury Tales: Chaucer s conscious emphasis on social class, combined with a modern reader s lack of familiarity with the economic conditions of Chaucer s work, requires almost any explicator of Chaucer s work to indulge, to some degree, in Marxist criticism. In her essay The Franklin as Dorigen, Susan Crane blends Marxist and feminist approaches to point out links between the Franklin and the heroine of his tale. The heroine of romance, she notes, occupies an insecure position in society. Noble by birth, and therefore superior to the common run of people, she is nevertheless still a woman, in a society which marginalizes women (Crane 238 239). The superior/subordinate position of Dorigen, Crane says, is an echo of the Franklin s own unclear status as a possible member of the gentlemanly class. Like the woman of nobility, the Franklin stands at the boundary between authority and submission (240). For Crane, a key element in the Franklin s choice of tale is his role as vavasour. Small land holders of this sort often appear in Old French romances, depicted as peaceable, hospitable men disinclined to ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Open Carry Law Research Paper A state can still have a sense of danger thanks to the Open Carry Law, because the Open Carry Law does not stop a person from getting an illegal gun. Some people feel very uncomfortable seeing a person walk in a grocery store with a loaded gun around with them. Some business such as, Whataburger, Whole Foods, Torchy s Tacos, and HEB, the grocery store chain ban the Open Carry Law from their stores and restaurants and become gun free zones. The law allow civilians who live in the states that allows the Open Carry Law to obtain a handgun license and allows them to carry the handgun with them and that it has to be concealed it doesn t really mean that they can not actual stop a person from buying the gun illegally. Some people ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Growing Ideological Gap Between The United States’ The growing ideological gap between the United States two major political parties, in other words, rising levels of political polarization, has had a negative impact on American politics as it results in Congressional inefficient, public apathy, and economic inequality. The United States has maintained its two party system for some time, but the major parties have not always been so clearly separated. In the early and mid twentieth century, polarization was actually declining, as there was much ideological overlap between the members of the two parties (Kuo). Many people, such as conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans, rested in the ideological middle. Additionally, each party represented a coalition of diverse interests. At... Show more content on ... Polarization in the United States today exists on two levels: polarization in the electorate and polarization in the elite. While separate, these two groups are perpetually intertwined. Polarization in the electorate refers to the movement of voters toward ideological extremes, and the ideological gap between voters on either side has been increasing in recent decades (Kuo). A study conducted by Pew Research Center in 2014 confirms the proliferation of polarization in the electorate: it found that since 1994, voters agree more intensely with their party s policies and view the policies of the opposing party as a threat to the nation s well being ( Political Polarization ). One factor that has led to this increase is the utilization of new technologies by the media, which allow voters to access more information than ever before. This broad scope of available information allows the public to be selective in what they consume (Kuo). As a result, many people participate in confirmation bias, meaning they seek out sources that share their beliefs; this strengthens their preexisting opinions and their level of partisanship. Another factor that increases political polarization in the electorate is geography. Republican voters tend to live in suburbs or rural areas, while Democrat voters are more likely to live in urban areas (Kuo). These geographic boundaries impact polarization because ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Post-Registration Paper The article of Post registration inter professional reviewed explorations of the literature with regards to inter professional learning for qualified nurses and other health care workers. During the course of the research 3 studies were found, research showed that IPL can promote inter professional trust, knowledge and skills. The authors Peter Norrie, Lucy N. Thorpe, Lazar Karagic, and Susan Dyson wanted to facilitate scholarly communication, filter the content for errors, and maintain the record of scientific advancement. The article discusses evidence based on qualified nurses and other professional groups as not strong nor does is its effects unproven, the studies which do exist use small samples and have no effective control over variables, in conclusion of the research further prospective research, possibly using cohort controlled studies to identify the effectiveness of IPL must be conducted.... Show more content on ... The methods used for the research are: Bibliographic database searches were conducted on Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, ASSIA, CINAHL, BNI, Social Care Online, ERIC, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, BEI, and The Cochrane Database. The search strategy used the following search terms: inter professional education , inter professional education , IPE , inter professional learning inter professional learning , IPL , learning beyond registration , post registration , post registration . The searches were undertaken in May 2009 and were restricted to papers written in English. There was no restriction on date ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Motorcycle Insurance Vs Car Insurance Before you head out on the highway on that new Harley, did you know there are few important differences between motorcycle insurance and car insurance? Accredited Insurance Group Incorporated in Omaha, NE welcomes the opportunity to educate its clients on the distinctions between the two types of policies. The locally owned, independent insurance company offers the following things to know about motorcycle insurance: Bike Types: In many cases, the type of motorcycle can determine the type of coverage and premium payments. Accredited Insurance Group Incorporated provides insurance plans for a variety of motorcycles, including cruisers, dirt bikes, moped, and scooters. Plan Choices: There are a range of motorcycle insurance policies to choose ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Subacute Toxicity Test Paper QUESTION 5: The objective of the subacute toxicity test is to determine toxicity after repeated administration of the tested material. It helps to establish doses for sub chronic studies. The duration of Sub Acute Toxicity test is 14 to 90 days. The test system uses 2 species that may contain mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs. The dose administration contains 3 4 doses given by the same routes as the previous toxicity. The routes commonly used are Oral, dermal or intravenous. The parameter considered are mortality, weight change, signs of toxicity, clinical pathology, pathology and histology. The sub acute toxicity test uses laboratory strains of young healthy adult rats. The study is performed at 4 different dose levels. The test compounds are administrated on route... Show more content on ... An IND (Investigational New Drug application) is a procedure to notify and obtain formal permission from FDA to conduct clinical trials on human subject. As per 21 CFR 312.2, A sponsor should file an IND before starting a clinical trial on human subject. Additionally, a sponsor should also submit supporting documents on preclinical experiments conducted to prove that the investigational drug is safe to use on human subjects. According to 21 CFR 312.40, an investigational new drug cannot be used on human subject before obtaining official approval from the agency. It is also mandatory that the sponsor complies with regulations mentioned in 21 CFR part 50 and 56 (Human subjects and IRB respectively). FDA would be providing a written determination 30 days after it receives an initial application from the sponsor. Reference: ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston Throughout many years in the early 19th century, people were forced to work in very poor environments. From working for long hours on fields and plantations, they did not have an opportunity to have a free and self fulfilling life. Their lives were very similar to that of a mule where they had to perform very tiring and hard jobs for most of the day. In many instances, people lived their whole life working towards freeing themselves from the workbut were never able to accomplish their goal. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston , the mule is used as a symbol of the way Janie is treated in each of her relationships except when she is with Teacake, demonstrating that it is more worthy to work like a mule with a lover than live a leisurely life without one. When Nannie sees Janie kissing Johnny Taylor, she immediately breaks them up because she is trying to save Janie from making a bad decision. She says, Janie, youse uh oman, now, so... yeah, Janie, youse got yo womanhood on yuh... Ah wants to see you married right away (12). Since Janie still has her womanhood, Nannie wants Janie to be married so her womanhood is not stripped away from her. Janie s grandmother was raped around the age that Janie is right now and she does not want Janie to have the same fate. Nannie thinks that by marrying Janie off at a young age it will not only protect her from other men, but it will also allow her to live a hopeful and prosperous life. After an argument between Janie and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions Running Head: The Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions The Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions By Christa Dunwoody Abstract The differences between Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions are many. The primary difference of beliefs is that Abrahamic Religion believes that there is one God. Hinduism beliefs vary being Pantheistic, monotheistic and polytheistic it is one of the most complex religions of the world. In the comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religion differ on their concept of God. Along with their differences on the concept of God the Hindu s and Abrahamic Religions also differ on their concept of man s destiny. Finally Hindu s and Abrahamic Religions also differ on their concept of Salvation. ... Show more content on ... Hindus believe that ones circumstances in life are completely determined by his previous conduct, either in this life or in previous lives. This is called karma. By doing good deeds in this life, therefore, one can improve his circumstances in the future, especially in future reincarnations. (BG, p. 9,10) The final goal is to escape or be released from the cycle of reincarnation. Hindus will seek in life to be set free from birth, death, and rebirth, so that we exist in a state of pure impersonal being without a physical body. Jews, Christians and Muslims believe that man has only one life to live. In contradiction to the doctrine of karma, the Abrahamic religion believe that on earth, men often do not receive fair or just rewards for their lives they get their reward on judgment day. God will judge all men and declare our eternal rewards on the basis of our lives, whether we have lived it good or bad. After judgment, men receive their eternal destinies. The righteous receive eternal life, a state of bliss, in the presence of God. The wicked receive eternal punishment, suffering and sorrow, separated from God. In the Abrahamic religion the gift of life is received after we leave the earth, not on the earth. Finally Hindu s and Abrahamic religions also differ on their concept of Salvation. Hindu s goal is not salvation but to escape the reincarnation cycle. There are several ways in which this can be done: perform good deeds, withdraw from the pleasures ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Voltaire Biography Essay Francois Marie Arouet is a French writer who is commonly known as Voltaire. Besides being a writer, he was also an historian, philosopher, and a French lawyer who belonged to one of the main representatives of the Illustration (European cultural and intellectual movement). Voltaire was part of a noble family from the province of Poitou Charentes. He studied latin and greek in the private school Jusuita Louis le Grand during Louis XIV last years of his reign. On 1706 Voltairewrote Amulius y Numitor, which later on small fragments of it were found and later published in the nineteenth century. His godfather Abad de Chateauneuf introduced him to la Sociedad del Temple and in that same century he received a numerous amount of money, courtesy of Ninon de Lenclos with the purpose of him buying some books. Later on he was in charge of being the secretary of the French Embassy in the Hague in which he was fired from because of an affair with a french refugee named Catherine Olympe Dunoyer. After this he... Show more content on ... By this time, Voltaire traveled to Berlin, where he was named Knight of the Royal Chamber. When Madame de Chatelet died in 1749, Voltaire returned to Berlin invited by Frederick II the Great, arriving to stay as a guest in the palace of Sanssouci to participate in the gatherings to which the monarch was very nice. During that time he wrote The Century of Louis XIV and continued, with Micromegas, the series of his short stories begun with Zadig . Due to some disputes with Federico II, especially his disagreement with the new president of the Berlin Academy, Maupertuis, who Federico had personally named, he was again expelled from Germany and, because of France s refusal to accept his residence , Took refuge in Geneva, Switzerland, where he clashed with the Calvinist mentality. His passion] for the theater and the chapter dedicated to Michael Servetus in his Essay on customs shocked the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Microsoft Antitrust Case The Sherman Antitrust act of 1890, along with other laws passed by congress, was put in place to regulate companies from engaging in anticompetitive practices. However, in 1998 Microsoft was the subject of an investigation initiated by the Justice department. In their charges the Department of Justice accused Microsoft of engaging in monopolistic activity. The purpose of my report is to examine what led to the investigation. Furthermore, I will explain the judgment in the case. Finally, I will analyze the present state of Microsoft. In order to understand this subject I will explain the current laws against monopolies in the United States. Then I will describe the events of the investigation and judgment of Microsoft. First, we must understand... Show more content on ... Circuit Court of Appeals heard Microsoft s appeal in 2002. Although the verdict against Microsoft was not overturned , but the consequences suffered by Microsoft were different. Under the new ruling third parties would have access to Microsoft s application programming interfaces. Furthermore and a committee of three people were appointed, with the objective of ensuring compliance, by having access Microsoft s system records for a period of 5 years initially. Later the time would be extended. Finally, although the bundling of Internet Explore with the Windows interface is what initiated the investigation, the Department of Justice did not prevent Microsoft from connecting other software with Windows again. (Civil Action No. 98 1232 ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The United States And The Holocaust What exactly was the difference? He wondered to himself. And who decided which people wore the striped pajamas and which people wore the uniforms a quote from The Boy with the Striped Pajamas. The Holocaust was a genocide, the intentional killing of certain group or ethnicity, that affected the Jewish community worldwide through sorrow and sympathy of their people; and kibitzers who chose to watch until under pressure. A perfect example was the United Stateswho stood on the sidelines, while the horrific events of the Holocaustwere occurring. The United States had played a negative role in the Holocaust due to a lack of aid, immigration, and publication. During the Holocaust there was a lack of aid from America to those suffering in Europe. President at the time of the Holocaust, Franklin D. Roosevelt, had been leading a country of antisemitism, meaning to be against the Jewish. As mention in The Us and the Holocaust Project Group: Antisemitism page by Lauren Freeman, Antisemitism was habited with in Congress, and the general public of the United States; which will be further elaborated later in the paper. By the time the Holocaust had come into play America was already filled with people who had a prejudice against the Jewish, believing that all Jews were greedy and dishonest, found in the article The Us and the Holocaust Project Group: Antisemitism. Although full of antisemitism, the U.S. also had a Jewish supportive community. Those who supported the Jewish believed ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. Industry Size Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. (KKD) is an American global doughnut company and coffeehouse chain based in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Krispy Kreme was founded on July 13, 1937, and its parent organizations are JAB Holding Company, Cotton Parent, Inc. Krispy Kreme is leading the market with the following products, hot regular/decaf/flavored coffee, iced coffee, donuts, bagels, and muffins. The company produces 7.5 million doughnuts a day, 2.7 billion a year. Also, the company operates 390 stores in 45 states, as well as selling the product in supermarkets, convenient stores. Since 2005, Krispy Kreme has expanded to other countries; it has a presence in Mexico, Canada, UK, Australia, South Korea and Spain. The company has ... Show more content on ... Soluble. This segment is also known as instant or freeze dried coffee. There are three main competitors in this segment, these three companies sell instant coffee worldwide, and they produced their own coffee, which makes it difficult for smaller companies to compete with them. Ready to Drink. This segment consists of package coffee that requires no preparation, other than reheating. This type of coffee is mostly found in vending machines, and lately canned coffee is becoming more popular in Europe. Specialty Coffee. This segment consists of more than just traditional coffee items, this segment includes cappuccinos, lattes and espressos along with the popular organic coffees, these specialty coffees demand premium prices. Today, more than forty percent of all coffee premium price, according to Iowa State University. Economic Climate The economic outlook for Dunkin Donuts Brand (DNKN) which it governs Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robins has consistently led the industry in operating margin. Which, operates by reducing costs of goods sold by neutralizing to store managers and it will be able to leverage economies of scale via its consolidated manufacturing locations. Dunkin Donuts can keep up pace with its high margins parallel to the industry. ________________________________________ Forecast Earnings Growth There are multiple factors that will affect the fast food industry. Consumer is ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Authoritative Parenting And The Style Of The Parenting... The parenting style that my parents use is definitely authoritative. My parents have shown authority towards me and my siblings but have always been flexible with their rules. My parents have never stressed us out by being too strict with their rules. The first question I asked my parents was, how would you react if one of my siblings or I asked to come home later than you originally told us to come home? My parents responded that they would ask why we want to come home later and then tell them they can come home later at a certain time but no later than the extended time. This fits exactly with the authoritative parenting style because my parents would extend the time which is being flexible and then also they would enforce a new time for us to come home which shows authority. Next I asked my parents, what would you do if one of my siblings or I got in trouble at school? My parents said they would have a talk with whoever got in trouble and make sure they know not to ever do it again. Also, my parents said they would discipline whoever got in trouble by doing more chores or taking away their phone for a day. This fits with the authoritative parenting style as well because my parents are making us understand what we did wrong and learn from it. They would also give a consequence because of it but nothing that is too harsh because they trust us to learn from what we did. After that, I asked my parents, what would your reaction be if I did not do my chores at the house? ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Spike Lee s Do The Right Thing Chris Shea Professor Christine Doyle CINE 201 02/04/16 Screening Report for Spike Lee s Do the Right Thing In the fighting and rioting scenes toward the end of his 1989 film Do the Right Thing, Spike Lee uses the misc en scene and camera angles to demonstrate that racial tensions are still strong between the white police officers of Brooklyn and its black citizens. He accomplishes this through the various actions the police officers take depicting their poor handling of the situation and the effects of it taken on by the black rioters. The first of such scenes depicts how the police handled Radio Raheem in his fight against Sam. It would have been just enough for the cops to just pull Raheem off Sam and place him in handcuffs and then into ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Inverse Power of Praise Essay The Inverse Power of Praise: Should We Praise Our Children? Giving praise to our children comes naturally; most of us have done it hundreds of times without even thinking about it. The phrases: you re so smart or, wow you did a great job just roll off our tongue. After all who doesn t like to receive recognition for a job well done? But by praising children, are we setting them up for failure? Telling our kids they are smart does not keep them from underperforming, but instead might be causing it. B.F. Skinner s work in operant conditioning showed us the process in which behavior can be manipulated (Wood, et al, 2008, p. 155), but Skinner didn t take into account the long term effects of such manipulation. Are we conditioning children ... Show more content on ... They tend to adopt lower standards for success and ultimately settle for less as well, (Cole et al, 1999). Is there an inverse power of praise? New research suggests that praising your child can have the opposite effect of its intended purpose (Dweck, 1999). For over a decade, a researcher named Carol Dweck, has studied the effects of praise on school aged children from twenty New York schools. Dweck and her research assistants conducted a series of experiments on over four hundred fifth graders. The researcher s would pull children from the classroom and have them take a nonverbal IQ test with puzzles that were easy enough all the children would do well. After the test the researchers told the children their score and gave them a single line of praise. Divided into two groups at the beginning, some of the students were praised for their intelligence with lines like, You must be smart at this. The other students received praise for their effort You must have worked really hard. Dweck used just a single line of praise to see how sensitive children were to this form of praise. For the second round the students were given a choice, one choice was a test more difficult than the first, the other, was a test just as easy as the first. The majority of the students praised for their intelligence chose the easy test. Why did this happen? When we praise children for their intelligence, we tell ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Controversy Over Hand Writing In a world of evolution, it is often found difficult to accept a new trade or skill that partially substitutes a skill so commonly used and accepted today. As generations pass, people discover new things that revival the beliefs of the past and handwriting is not exempt from this course of evolution. People have hit that critical point of rivalry between handwriting and its challenger typing . Handwriting is a skill known by people for centuries and even prior to handwriting people painted or carved to record information. In today s world, typing keeps becoming more of a key player and triumphs over hand writing in many aspects. It is imperative to understand the importance of typing, as much of what college students and employees do... Show more content on ... Typing allows people to type at speeds unrivaled by handwriting. This speed can save people a lot of time especially when it comes to larger manuscripts, such as papers, reports, or essays. This new found speed allowed an influx of books, stories, and narratives by allowing the writer to not only record as fast as the speed of thought, but to also focus more on the content of the work rather than the legibility. Handwriting has better recall however typing is merely a different form of recording and as such must be treated differently when studying. Overall typing is merely another form of recording that breaks the speed constraints of the past, but as technology advances typing is merely a stepping stone on a much, much larger ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Advantage And Disadvantage Of Bipolar CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Basic Introduction Now a days to travel in conventional vehicle is too costly because of the rising the price of fossil fuel. So Automotive Industry is searching a sustainable transportation for near future. Therefore are so many alternate option is available for vehicle engine like hydrogen engine, air pressure engine ,electric engine, bio diesel engine but among them a hybrid and electric vehicles are going to be popular due to their sustainability, energy saving and zero emission. Electric motors play significant role in Electrical vehicle. In wheel motor technology is being used in modern electric vehicles to improve efficiency, safety controllability and chipper vehicle nowadays. And BLDC motor have... Show more content on ... Ideal Back EMF, Phase Current And, Position Sensor Wave Forms for bipolar Fig 2.4 position sensor and phase current waveforms for single phase In fig 2.4 waveforms of hall sensors output and phase voltage of bldc motor for unipolar schmeme A method to drive a BLDC motor at high speed with large starting torque by utilizing a bipolar starting and unipolar running algorithm. It develops a novel inverter circuit to switch from bipolar to unipolar drive, or vice versa. It also develops a controller based BLDC motor controller not only to drive the BLDC motor with bipolar or unipolar method, we can switch from one method to the other at any speed. 2.2. BLDC Motor Model In this thesis a 3 phases, 2 poles, Y connected trapezoidal back EMF type BLDC motor is modelled. Due to mutual inductance between stator and rotor, back EMF has trapezoidal shape. Therefore abc phase variable model is more applicable and reliable than d q axis. With the intention of simplifying equations and overall model the following assumptions are made. Magnetic circuit saturation is ignored. All phases Stator resistance, self and mutual inductance are equal and constant. Hysteresis and eddy current losses are eliminated And ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Global Expansion And Background Information What geographical location should be a target to global expansion and background information to support the decision (expansion to China). Over the past quarter of a century, China has experienced big changes as the economy has transformed from just limited private sector into manufacturing base of the world, these rapid development and transformation become the gateway to vast opportunities for all industries of the world (Dyer Singh, 1998); China regional cities offer diverse of business opportunities to companies around the world for businesses to expand into China. Recent research reveals China has about thirty five most lucrative cities for business investment depending on the industries of operation, it was said that there are challenges in business regardless of location, in China for example, integral to business growth is cultural issue as well as intellectual property protection, but with meticulous planning, research, and strategy, these issue can be effectively minimize (Shopify, 2015). The size of China is considered an issue of population, but is a market advantage with a market potential of 1.5billion people, the nation is set to become the 2nd largest consumer market in the world by 2015 (NBSC), government influence in business evens spread of regulations and policies, language barriers issues can all be controlled with effective global strategy. Business is the dominating factor of economy because of the population, and the opportunities available to ... Get more on ...
  • 43. A Case for Student Communication in Online Classes Read only participants: a case for student communication in online classes L. Nagela*, A.S. Blignautb and J.C. CronjeВґ c aUniversity of Pretoria, South Africa; bNorth West University, South Africa; cCape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa (Received 5 April 2007; final version received 25 May 2007) The establishment of an online community is widely held as the most important prerequisite for successful course completion and depends on an interaction between a peer group and a facilitator. Beaudoin reasoned that online students sometimes engage and learn even when not taking part in online discussions. The context of this study was an online course on web based education for a Masters degree in computer integrated... Show more content on ... Clark and Feldon (2005) concluded that a facilitator who participates and interacts with students prevents them from abandoning their course. Better cognitive outcomes occur when students engage and form a virtual community of learners. The development of a community depends on online interaction with their peers and the facilitator. Learner satisfaction, perseverance, and cognitive outcomes characterize the formation of a virtual learning community. Some contest participation as a prerequisite to learning, claiming students learn sufficiently by observation (Beaudoin, 2002; Sutton, 2001), and lobby for leniency towards lurking or read only participation. This article responds to Beaudoin s (2002) article Learning or lurking? Tracking the invisible online student. He reasoned that students sometimes engage and learn even when not taking part in online discussions with faculty and other students and showed that low profile students: spend a significant amount of time in learning related tasks, including logging on, even when not visibly participating, and they feel they are still learning and benefiting from this low profile approach to their online studies. (p. 147) We investigated the importance of student online visibility apparent in the quantity and quality of participation. We explored as a case study the successful completion of a postgraduate online course by asking the following research questions. (1) How did online ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Film Analysis Of The Lady The Lady details the political upheavals that rocked Burma (also known as Myanmar ) during the second half of the 20th century. The Lady is set primarily in Burma. However, many scenes are set in England. The film, as a biopic, makes many claims about the events that occurred during Ang San Suu Kyi s rise to power. It also prompts questions about the causes and effects of the events in the movie. Additionally, the film creates an experience for the viewer that written history cannot emulate. The Lady is the most significant film concerning Ang San Suu Kyi s life. In this paper, I will examine this movie from a number of different lenses. Truth Claims: The Lady presents various truth claims through many different forms. The costuming, the... Show more content on ... Suu Kyi did the same. Some in their country were concerned that both these leaders were too far influenced by their time in the west. In order to disaffirm these concerns, Gandhi dressed like a common Indian civilian. In this way, he was displaying his love for India over his love for England. Suu kyi acted similarly. Suu Kyi was the daughter of the former leader of the country. She could have dressed in all the opulence and affluence of royalty. Rather, in the film she dressed simply, and elegantly. This dress choice reflected her graceful character. This costuming decision gave us insight into Ang Suu s character. As Michelle Yeoh (the actress who played Suu Kyi) told Pagesix, a branch of the NYTimes, the silk and cotton costumes are all Burmese. ( Staff) Additionally, the movie pictured Suu Kyi in key scenes with flowers in her hair. These flowers made Kyi look angelic.. To many westerners, these flowers represented the hope for a greater life that Ang San Suu Kyi offered her nation. However, others viewed these flowers as a threat. Hannah Beech of writes about the real life military dictators of Burma, But they still act as if there is no greater enemy than this slight woman with flowers in her hair (Beech). The director made sure that we noticed these flowers in Kyi s hair. There was a close up shot of her placing the flowers in her hair. There was a tracking shot that seemed to zoom in on the blossoms. ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Examples Of Fear In Ww2 Fear of Three Throughout World War II Taylin Boettcher Fear: fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. There will be a point in every person s life when that person will experience it, but could you even imagine the reality of barely surviving in a setting where bombs and missiles fly all day and night? Many people underestimate the emotions and circumstances of the people in the time of the wars. The Diary of Anne Frank, Camp Harmony, and Unbroken are proof of this universal feeling during World War II. The theme that I will be focusing on is: Fear is not uncommon and it affects many, whether it is their choice or not. Anne Frank was an ordinary Jewish girl living in Holland and going to school with her friends. But one day, Anne and her family are forced to go into hiding from the Nazi s. They lived in fear that their house would either be bombed or that they would be found and taken to a concentration camp. Most of the entries that Anne Frank kept in her diary indicated she was either in distress or fright. In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death. (Frank 263) ... Show more content on ... Because she was part Japanese, Monica and her family were taken to a concentration camp. Although she tried to act as though she was pretty normal, she says I found myself switching personality back and forth like a chameleon. (514 lit. book) In her short diary piece, she describes how herself, her family, and many other Japanese Americans were taken to a concentration camp with some bad conditions. For example: small houses, no showers, and little food. Monica and her family feared not getting back to their old ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Hierophanies In Mircea Eliade s The Sacred And The Profane Since the beginning of mankind Jerusalem has been a holy city and a site where religious man finds communication and guidance from God. Throughout the biblical text a fine line between sacred and profane space is drawn and realized through hierophanies. From the elaboration of Romanian historian Mircea Eliade, a hierophany is when the sacred manifests itself in the form of a supernatural sign. Many instances within the Bibleestablished a strong relationship between mankind and the divine in Jerusalem, which made it a sacred space to major religions including Christianity and Judaism. Made clear through multiple hierophanies, God chose Jerusalem as his home and his people s home. In Mircea Eliade s The Sacred and The Profane: Sacred Space and Making the World Sacred, he proposes that the sacred and profane are separated by a manifestation, a hierophany. Once the sacred shows itself, people on Earth will seek to memorialize or consecrate that object or place, and stay close as if it was a direct source of communication with God. Hereafter, an axis mundi or center of the world and a... Show more content on ... The earliest mention is the story of Abraham encountering an angel while he bound his son Issac on top of Mount Moriah (present day old Jerusalem) in Genesis 22. As he was about follow God s command to sacrifice his son, an angel appeared before Abraham and gave him a ram to use as an offering instead. And to this day it is said, On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided (Genesis 22:14). Abraham s encounter with the angel, a supernatural force was a hierophany which occurred on Mt. Moriah. The sacred space showed itself to Abraham and made Mount Moriah a place where God could demonstrate his power to his people. Thus, the mountain is remembered as a place where resources and luck will flourish in the presence of ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Bureaucrats Vs Political Parties The Constitution contains a self contradictory structure that monopolist government bureaucrats and the police have been ignoring for many decades. In fact, it is the very Constitutionally mandated monopolies that bureaucrats illegitimately have that violate our God given rights. A century of government central planning has created generations of shortsighted, irresponsible rulers in America. With rule by emotion and not reason, we have police, legislative and court bureaucrats who do not seem able to see things form the point of view of an individual being criminally victimized by agents of the State. This immediately violates the individual s right to establish voluntary contracts with others. Contracts among individuals are the only business of the parties to such contracts, and not the business of governmentbureaucrats. My philosophy is that if it s none of the neighbors business, it s none of the government s business.... Show more content on ... A lot of effort probably went into the preparation of those documents (and a lot of money, if you hired a lawyer to draft them). You probably don t want to start over from scratch. Unfortunately, for most people it s a good idea to get a new set of documents that clearly meet your new state s legal requirements. The good news is that you ve already done the heavy lifting you ve decided which documents you want and the key things you want them to accomplish for your family. It shouldn t be difficult to get new documents that reflect the wishes you ve settled ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Definition Of Honesty In The Odyssey Cole Kilboy English 9 Volpi 29 Mar. 2017 The Price of Honesty Honesty is truly the best policy. Merriam Webster defines honesty as being, free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere. Some people view honesty as the foremost virtue in a trustworthy person. However, this world is tainted with many who deceive others to be revered, although when you turn around they will be divergent from your views typically lying to benefit themselves at the expense of your state. A common term for these people is a fake person or a snake . It is remarkably difficult to find a truly honest man, and when found, many are taken advantage of. This is often because some view them as a doormat who they use simply to get rumors, gossip, or information they need.... Show more content on ... Become a role model, not an untrustworthy statistic. Works Cited Alcohol Facts and Statistics | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism(NIAAA). National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) |, health/overview alcohol consumption /alcohol facts and statistics. Consumer Watchdog: January 2015. Consumer Watchdog, Honesty | Definition of Honesty by Merriam Webster. Dictionary: Search the Merriam Webster Dictionary First. Here s Why.., www.merriam Lyme and Prefrontal Cortex Problems Conners Clinic. Conners Clinic, and prefrontal cortex problems/. Maintain Your Integrity. Inspirational Stories, Quotes Poems | Inspirational Short Stories, The Odyssey Theme of Lies and Deceit. Shmoop: Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep, deceit theme.html. What Would Happen if You Were 100% Honest at Work? | North West, ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Who Is Benny Paret Welterweight champion Benny Paret was renowned for his ability to receive a hit, and had taken years of punishment in order to obtain his championship. Yet he proved, he was the greatest every time he stepped in the ring. However, all good things will come to an end. In the past two years, the fifteen round fights began to destroy his body. Eventually, it all would result in a tragic end. As the story draws to a close, the genre and the theme unfold. It becomes clear the author is emotionally invested, which allows for an in depth and personal view of the story. In the end, we are able to relate more than one would simply assume, and the lesson we learn is we are not the gods we all attempt to be. By the end of the journey, it is obvious the narrative is a tragedy. The author has formed this safety blanket,... Show more content on ... He creates an emotional connection; we have all tried and failed, and we can relate to Benny s struggle. The fact of the matter is, time will catch up to us, and we can only play god for so long. Benny would have stated he was indestructible, but reality hit him like a freight train. When we place ourselves on the pedestal above the rest, it is only a matter of time before we are knocked off the pedestal. One must remember, life is a fight, and resembling Benny; we can only be champion for so long. In the end, this is a classic story of a man, who thought time could never touch him. Benny thought he could withstand any punishment thrown at him, and he would still walk away as the victor. Due to this, the author leads us to trust Benny would overcome the pain of the thunderous hits and rally back to win. No longer is Benny only the protagonist, he is also now the antagonist, which creates a perfect tragedy. Afterwards it becomes obvious the champion has died on his feet, and the unmovable object had met the unstoppable force and ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Black On Black And Black Crime Black on Black crime, has always existed, just like any other group that commits crimes among each other. Wouldn t it make sense that if black people live around other black people in black neighborhoods , that they would most likely kill other black people? Doesn t take a rocket scientist. Similar to how white peoplehave a high rate of killing other whites because often, they live in, you guessed it, outside the hood, and inside their own white neighborhoods. The News continues to report that Black on Black crimeis at an all time high, but how legit are the facts to this broadcasting, really? jim crowAlthough Media reports that blacks commit most of the violent crimes, the center that collects and research statistics shows in fact that black on black murder crimes has decreased significantly since the early 90 s and is in fact by great numbers below whites when it comes down to violent crimes being committed. The whole black on black crime is a political strategy, a gimmick and propaganda used by the Illuminati/Bohemian Media elites to control people thoughts using media mind control. Most people, whether White, Black, Asian and Latino all have an idea, a mindset of who a criminal is and usually always the stereotypes of a criminal is associated to Black People. In America, Black people are 30 40% more likely to be exploited by the New World Order Society through a wide range of media outlets;commercials, movies, shows, reality shows, and music internationally. The ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Harry Hopkins Contributions Abstract This paper will explore three important aspects that Harry Hopkins achieved in this social work career. Fist the path he took in working within the social work field, second the contributions he made and lastly how his work could inform individuals working in the practice of a social worker. Utilizing eight different articles, this paper will explore the life of Harry Hopkins and how he had an account of the impact on public policies here in the United States, and how no other social worker has had the influence in changing the direction of American social policy. Keywords: paths, contributions, inform the social work now Social Work and Social Change In the year 1926, Harry Hopkins, who was the Director of the New York Tuberculosis Society, who would go on to be one of Franklin D. Roosevelt s closest advisors and became a designer of the New Deal. Harry Hopkins wrote, The field of social work and public health are inseparable, and not artificial boundaries can separate them. Social work is interwoven in the whole fabric of the public health movement, and has directly influenced it at every point (Hopkins, 1926). A review of social work s past and current efforts can highlight its contemporary value. Hopkins believed that there was a creative understanding in face to face relationships. The immediate problems of this Association of social workers explain Kurzman (1977) is to bring together social work and public administration. When Harry Hopkins ... Get more on ...
  • 52. The Heroic Transformation Of Beowulf The Heroic Transformation of Beowulf The poem Beowulf presents the transformation of Beowulf from a brave warrior to an honorable King. The evolution of Beowulf shows how he fulfills his obligations to the warrior s heroic code and then transcends into a King who loyally protects his Kingdom. Beowulf s transformation is shown through a progression of three increasingly more difficult conflicts he must overcome first with Grendel, then Grendel s mother and finally against the mighty dragon. These three events are seen as the three agons in the hero s life (Chickering 64). Through these adverse events Beowulfwill change from brave young warrior to noble King. This paper will examine the manifestation of heroism in the poem... Show more content on ... He is willing to cross a boundary alone in order to protect the stability of his kingdom even if he must die in order to do so. However, instead of using his bare hands this time like when he killed Grendel because he does not know the warrior s arts (681), Beowulf uses better judgment and uses weapons to defeat the mother. At this point it appears that Beowulf is maturing by making better decisions. Beowulf transitions from warrior to king in the second part of the poem. Instead of relying on his own beliefs and practices, he emulates the heroic king Hrothgar. Beowulf becomes more concerned with the lives of his subjects and takes a more conservative ruling stance. Hrothgar prepares Beowulf well to take over the thrown and teaches him to honor his warriors, protecting his people and maintain a stable Kingdom. Hrothgar reminds Beowulf of the Greek tragedians and teaches that pride without humility will result in a tragic fall (Chickering 1383). He also teaches Beowulf about Christian beliefs like wealth is accumulated through the grace of God and should be shared unselfishly (Chickering 1384). Beowulf becomes more heroic and valuable to his people as he transitions to a wise ruler. Beowulf must learn to navigate unity with his own men, as well as other Kingdoms and powers. Beowulf demonstrates his maturity when Hygelac dies (Chickering 1389). Instead of claiming the throne as his own like he may have done as a young man, he chooses ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Definition Of Marketing And Marketing Strategy Essay Definition of marketing? It s is a process in which wants changes into needs. The activities of an organization connected with purchasing and offering an items or administration. The marketing process is having direct connection with communication and requirements and the actual goal of marketing is to expand the sales of the company s product as well as the Company s profit. In the terms of marketing, there are some of key points which are connected with the marketing such as target market, market segmentation and consumer behaviour. 1 Product 2 Place 3 Price 4 Promotion Product This includes the customer satisfaction and all its needs and demands. Moreover it also fulfil the demands of customers by competing the previous product and providing the customers as a updated one. Price The price of the product maters for everyone whether the company or the customers. It puts a great impact on marketing strategy. Place it plays a vital role in the organization as the location really matter for the customers and should be a near and easy to asses to the particular place. Promotion It always reflects a positive status of the company in the market as the sale is depend upon promotion and by this the company can cover it all expenses. Diagram Definition of marketing research Market research is about to talking with people, listening to them , doing survey, business meetings, analyzing the information to help organization make better decisions and reduce the risk. ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Rock And Roll Influence On Youth Culture The discussion here will be of the invention of rock n roll and how did it emerge from the new working class youth culture. Styles of this are said to be fused from black and white popular music. All Genres have been studied for years but for rock itself was hard to get an agenda to just focus on this as for some didn t considered if rock as form of musicwas as worthy to study than others. The body of my essay will discuss the history of rock n roll and the popular youth cultures in the last century and how their choice of music was developed. No matter the genre, music in itself gives a person a sense of security. This is obvious at a young age, where a child will keep themselves contempt and relaxed by singing to themselves and control their emotions, where an adult doing their housework will sing to themselves to give freedom and soul. This is shown through this essay that the youth culture brought other genre into their popular music to explore more rhythm. When you see Elvis Presley singing songs early in his career I think you [should] imagine, he is channeling Rosetta Tharpe. It s not an image that I think we re used to thinking of in rock and roll history. We don t think about the black woman behind the young white man. The segregation with rock n roll ... Show more content on ... The shows aim was to stitch together different teenagers in different parts of the country into a coherent and recognizable national youth culture. Yet the show still had an area of segregation where they didn t have Black Americans in the audience. This was classed as discrimination against black teenagers, even though it was identified that the show was hosting a large broadcast of mix individuals. The show s focus on mix cultures, was leading to desegregation which started to lift this image of ... Get more on ...