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Max Weber Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of Max Weber can prove to be a challenging endeavor. Max
Weber, a renowned sociologist and philosopher, has made substantial contributions to various
fields, such as sociology, economics, and political science. His intricate theories and nuanced
ideas require a deep understanding and meticulous exploration to adequately capture their
essence in an essay.
To start, delving into Weber's extensive body of work demands substantial research. Navigating
through his seminal texts, such as "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," "Economy
and Society," and others, can be intellectually demanding. Moreover, grasping the historical and
cultural contexts that influenced Weber's thoughts is crucial for providing a comprehensive
The complexity of Weber's ideas adds an additional layer of difficulty. Unraveling his concepts,
such as the Protestant work ethic, ideal types, and the iron cage of rationalization, requires a
keen analytical mind. Articulating these concepts in a clear and coherent manner, while
demonstrating a deep understanding of their implications, poses a significant challenge.
Furthermore, crafting a well-structured essay on Max Weber necessitates the ability to synthesize
information from various sources. Integrating scholarly perspectives, critiques, and contemporary
applications of Weberian concepts adds depth and breadth to the essay but demands meticulous
organization and coherence.
In essence, writing an essay on Max Weber is not just about summarizing his ideas but engaging
in a scholarly dialogue with his work. It involves critical thinking, in-depth research, and
effective communication skills. The endeavor requires a writer to navigate through the
complexities of Weber's theories while presenting a compelling and insightful analysis.
For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of composing such an essay,
seeking assistance may be a viable option. Services offer support for
academic writing tasks. They provide access to experienced writers who can navigate the
complexities of topics like Max Weber, delivering well-crafted essays tailored to the specific
requirements. Whether it's understanding Weber's theories, analyzing his impact, or exploring
contemporary relevance, such services offer valuable assistance in crafting comprehensive and
insightful essays.
Max Weber EssayMax Weber Essay
Analysis Of Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire
Tennessee Williams was born in Columbus, Mississippi in 1911. A Streetcar
Named Desire was set at around his time and it describes the decline of the
Southern Belle named Blanche DuBois. The pathos found in Williams s drama
came from the playwright s own life. Alcoholism, depression, loneliness, desire, as
well as insanity all played a huge part throughout William s lifetime, thus,
incorporating these into his own life. Williams portrayed different social groups in
his plays, and how they clash (such as the role of men and women, the urban and
southern lifestyles) to criticize many aspects of society such as social criticism.
Women are shown to be fragile and unable to depend on themselves but require a
male. Stella and Blanche are both ... Show more content on ...
This indicates that both of the characters clash due to the differences in beliefs
about the American dream. Stanley believes that everyone should be equal and
should have equal opportunities to live a proper life. Blanche is trying hard to
separate her past and move on with a new, fresh life. However in the end, she was
unable to complete her dreams which could suggest that the American dream may
not exist since Blanche was unable to achieve it. Furthermore, love is the main
desire for Blanche and Mitch was represented as her main desire for love but, he
did not replace her previous love. However, this connotes that she was able to
achieve some aspects of her American dream or her desire by meeting Mitch when
she says Yes I want Mitch... very badly! Just think! If it happens! I can leave here
and not be anyone s problem... (Williams, 1959). Blanche is looking for the
emotional aspects of a relationship with Mitch rather than seeking the physical
aspects. This was portrayed when Mitch wanted to kiss her but she
The General Causes Of The French Revolution
French Revolution, also called Revolution of 1789, the revolutionary movement
that shook France between 1787 and 1799. There are many reasons why the French
revolution may would have started. Such as the cultural, social, financial, political,
economic. The French Revolution had general causes common to all the
revolutions of the West at the end of the 18th century. The first of the general
causes was the social structure of the West. The feudal regime had been weakened
step by step and disappeared in parts of Europe. The increasingly numerous and
prosperous wealthy commoners, merchants, and manufacturers. The peasants, lots
of them owned land, had attained an improved standard of living and education
and wanted to get rid of feudalism so as to acquire the full rights of landowners and
to be free to increase their holdings. Furthermore, higher standards of living had
reduced the mortality rate among adults considerably. The Revolution took shape in
France when the controller general of finances, Charles Alexandre de Calonne,
arranged the summoning of an assembly of notables. In February of 1787 to
propose reforms designed to eliminate the budget deficit by increasing the taxation
of the privileged classes. The assembly did not want to take responsibility for the
reforms and suggested that the Estates General, which represented the clergy, the
aristocracy, and the Third Estate also known as the commoners. There were efforts
made by Calonne s successors to enforce fiscal
Observable Behavioral Differences Between Men And
It s interesting how many researchers found what they were looking for, as this has
been common in research, science, and even philosophy throughout history. Freud,
who came up with the idea of an Oedipus complex, based his theories of women on
a few upper middle class women in Vienna suffering from psychological disorders.
He based his findings on men on an even smaller sample. Freud wasn t the only
person. Much like how many brain researchers find exactly what they are looking
for, and what they are looking for are the brain based differences that explain the
observable behavioral differences between adult women and adult men (Kimmel, 35).
Since these craniologists believed that men and women were different and that men
were better, they compared men s and women s test scores. Women did better, so they
... Show more content on ...
Kimmel states that it is interesting to see that women s drive, ambition, and
industriousness were used against them but that men were not faulted for
impulsiveness, impatience, and laziness (35). Despite the results of the study being
inconclusive (assuming the researchers were correct in saying women had better
memories and worked harder), men were still shown as being better than women.
People have been finding what they were looking for as long as people have been
looking for answers to their questions. Philosopher RenГ© Descartes is an example
of this from 17th century France. One of the things all philosophers looked for until
Nietzsche was an ultimate, undeniable truth. To do this, Descartes doubted everything
until he found something that he couldn t prove wrong. The first thing he found was
that he existed because he was thinking. But if he existed he had to
Addiction In David Sheff s Beautiful Boy
The book Beautiful Boy, tells the story of living with a son, Nic Sheff in this case,
who is addicted to drugs. It is told in the father s perspective. Being told in this
manner, we are given insight on how the father feels and the motives for his
actions. It also reveals the struggles of being a parent of a child who is addicted to
multiple drugs and is willing to steal from his familyto get them. Slowly I realize that
Nic is gone, and he has robbed the house of cash, food, and a case of wine (David
Sheff 93). All that David Sheff wants for his son, is to, live a normal life. By
comparing his son to what he feels as a normal life. It hinders David, to see the
different possibilities of his son having a normal life, and a normal future.... Show
more content on ...
Up to this point David has tried so many times to help his son relinquish his drug
addiction. But now, it seems as if he feels defeated, and is trying to accept the fact.
That his son can not or will not, ever change. Prior to this he has tried so hard to
help his son. He would talk to conselors about his son s condition ... and continue to
drag him to the therapist, even as he becomes increasingly furtive, argumentative,
and reckless ( David Sheff 91). Whenever his son doesn t come home for days, he
makes calls to multiple places, I call the police and hosptial emergancy rooms.
Nothing (David Sheff 141), I call counselors and other specialist for
recommdations (199), and I call the recommded facilties in our area, inquiring
about their success rates for treating meth users (119). David even tries to bargin
with his son, If you want to live here, if you want me to help you, if you want me
to pay for your college, if you want to see us...Nic Do you want to die (121)? David
geniualy wants his son to get better. He wanted his son to get better so badly that
he even started questioning his parenting thinking, Did I spoil him? Was I too
lenient? Did I give hime too little attention? Too much ( David Sheff 145)? By
questoning himself he becomes desperate and in an act of desperation he smokes
weed with his son. But this is different. And yet I accept the joint, thinking
rationalizing that it s not unlike a father in a previous generation sharing a beer
with his seventeen year old son, a harmless, bonding moment (David Sheff 90).
Though, David wants his son to get better, he is promoting his son s behavior. His
analogy is terrible. It is terrible, because he is comparing his son, who is addicted to
weed. To a father,
Summary Of Passing By Nella Larsen
Journal Response to Literary Criticism The novel, Passing by Nella Larsen, was
written and based on Nella Larsen s own family life where she was treated terribly
by her mother, who was white. Shown by Thadious Davis Nella Larsen, the novel
Passing by Nella Larsen may be built on the suffering and events that Nella Larsen
faced as a child of mixed ancestry in a time when it was not accepted like it is in
the present. As Davis stated, Nella Larsen wrote many of her novels with reversed
names and paternal/maternal roles making Clare supposed to represent Nella
Larsen s father and John Bellew representing Nella Larsen s mother. This would
explain many things about Nella Larsen s difficult childhood and the roles her
parents participated in shaping her childhood years. Such as John, Clare s wife,
representing Nella Larsen s white mother who was not a caring mother towards
Nella Larsen because of her mixed ancestry. Like John, Nella Larsen s mother was a
racist who was in a relationship with a person of non white ancestry that was passing
as white because of their lighter skin and to gain more equality than they had before.
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In the novel when John said, Nig! My God! Nig! (209), this exemplifies the
treatment that Nella Larsen had to brutally endure having a racist mother of
Danish descent. Nella Larsen s father was a person of color from the Danish West
Indies who skin was light enough to pass, just like Clare, to escape the restrictions
of being a person of color in society. Davis believes that Peter Walker, Larsen s
biological father, was her primary caretaker and adult figure in her
Career Development Pl F B Manager Essay
Meijun Chen
Career Development Plan
1. Occupation: F B Manager
This position of Food and beverage manager presupposes the responsibility for
management of food and beverage service at every venue in hotel, restaurant, resort,
institutional affiliation, etc. His primary task is to oversee the food and beverage
service, evaluate the possible profits and losses, hire and resign the restaurant
personnel. He considers food and beverage service for special parties, wedding
receptions, conferences, and official meetings. This person thinks about the ways to
promote special events to attract the attention of the publicity and business.
i.Why I select this occupation
The reason for choosing this occupation is the desire to work in the hospitality
sphere. This position presupposes the high level of responsibility and high demand.
Resorts and hotels remain one of the most successful sphere even in the
economically difficult times. The job of F B provides the possibility of good job
and remuneration. It also attracts by the possibility to improve my professional skills
and chance of working with managers to enhance products and services. This position
provides marvelous opportunities for the future career development. ii. Current job
I have managed to find two job postings that demand hiring the F B manager. The
first is at Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide, Inc. This position requires an
individual, who could provide the excellent service to hotel
What Evidence Exists to Demonstrate That the American...
Television brought the brutality of the war into the comfort of the living room.
Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of America not on the battlefields of Vietnam.
(Marshall McLuhan, 1975). What evidence exists to demonstrate that the American
media coverage of the Vietnam War influenced its outcome?
There are only two comprehensive inferences that can be drawn upon when assessing
the impact and legacy of the reporting of the Vietnam War on America and its media;
the impact was enormous and its legacy unending. More than thirty years have passed
since the American military withdrew from Vietnam, and in that time, the war has
continued to permeate the cultural, and political landscape of America, impacting all
subsequent war ... Show more content on ...
quoted by Pilger, J., (2001). p.182.) This proved to be one of the many propaganda
missions played out by the American government to convince the people of America
of the just and honourable need to go to war in Vietnam although notably during
these crucial, early stages of the war, much of America s military involvement and
activities in Vietnam went unreported in the American media and it is argued that
[the] American press was simply not interested in Vietnam (Wyatt, C., (1993), Paper
Soldiers: The American Press and the Vietnam War, p.67).
As mentioned above the American citizen s exposure and thus interest in the war in
Vietnam was limited and seemed to be distracted by more domestic issues during the
early 1960s such as the Civil Rights movement. Also, reporting in Vietnam at the time
was very restricted, with South Vietnam president Ngo Dinh Diem in strict control of
the foreign press resulting in the deportation of two reporters in 1962 Homer Bigart
of the New York Times and François Sully, a stringer
Components Of The Compensation Program
Components of expatriate compensation
After the preliminary consideration, the basic structure of international compensation
programs is similar to the structure of domestic compensation programs (Martocchio,
2015). The main component includes base pay and employee benefits. The
nonperformance based incentive and allowance differ international compensation
packages from domestic compensation packages. In the following section, I will focus
on the difference part between expatriate compensation and domestic compensation.
There are three different methods to calculate expatriates base pay. (Martocchio,
2015) concludes that the first method is the home country based pay method which
compensates expatriates the amount they would receive from similar work in the
United States. The home country based pay method is most suitable when expatriate
assignments are short in duration and local nationals performing comparable jobs
receive substantially higher pay. The second way is the host country based method
which compensates expatriates based on the host countries pay scales. Companies
can determine the base by various standards, including job evaluation techniques,
market pricing, and jobholders past relevant work experience. The host country based
method is most suitable when assignments are of long duration because expatriates
tend to judge their pay compared with their local coworkers rather than their
counterparts at home country. The third method is headquarters based method
The Courage Of Rosa Parks
Roxanne Williams
Prof. Lobito
Enc. 1101
April 19, 2016
The Courage of Rosa Parks
Each person must live their life as a model for others. (Rosa Parks) Rosa Parks was
tired of the way African Americans were poorly treated. She took a stand by not
obeying a demand to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery bus.
Because of her bold action she became a model to millions. Parks was an African
American woman who became known for her bravery, which helped to change the
nation. Parks spent most of her life fighting for desegregation, voting rights, and was
active in the civil Right Movement that has changed social code in the U.S. (Rosa Rosa Parks is a pioneer for her brave act; her belief in equality,
justice, and advancement for African American has impacted the world.
BIOGRAPHY Rosa Parks, Rosa Louise McCauley, was born on February 4, 1913
in Tuskegee Alabama to parents Leona Edwards who was a schoolteacher and
James McCauley a carpenter. At a young age Parks parents separated and her
mother relocated with her and younger brother to Pine Level, a small town in
Montgomery. There they resided with Leona s parents on their small farm where
Parks would spend her youth. She got the privilege of being home schooled by her
mother and did not enter public school until the age of eleven. At age eleven she
enrolled in the Montgomery Industrial School for girls. Parks then continues on to a
Laboratory School for secondary education led by the
Food Law Research Paper
Team work, makes the dream work. Start small and build!
Millions of tons of fruit and vegetables rot in fields and orchards or are plowed over
each year. Some of these edible crops are left behind because they are misshapen or
discolored. Gleaning programs rescue only a small portion of the field waste. Contra
Costa Food Bank is one of the rganizations that makes a collaborative earnest effort to
dissimenate some of this not so aestheltically appealing produce.
Major retail grocery chains are more likely to throw away fruits, vegetables and even
entire hams and roasts than donate to distribution centers. Although federal and state
laws protect grocers from liability, many stores expressed concerns that donated food
could sicken recipients, even if it has yet to reach its expiration date. While some
major chains donate food, others do not.
Restaurants dump tens of thousands of tons of edible food every year. The vast
majority of the state s 90,000 restaurants and eateries do not participate in food
donation programs. Hear is a chart displaying so.
Food loss and waste per person per yearTotalAt the ... Show more content on ...
food law is the foundation that supports an understanding of all industry regulation.
Based on a popular internet course, Guide to Food Laws and Regulations, 2nd
Edition informs students on the significance, range, and background of food laws
and gives tools for finding current regulations. This compact resource outlines major
U.S. food laws, factors that led to their passage, and explains the role of key agencies
like the FDA and FSIS in regulation and enforcement. Students are directed to internet
sites as well as to indexes and resources available from the Federal government. Other
topics include religious dietary law, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
regulations, environmental regulations, HACCP and GMPs, laws governing health
claims, and the regulation of
Is Preston Tucker A Post World War 2 Car Designer With
Preston Tucker was a post World War 2 car designer with a revolutionary idea to
challenge the car industry. While his dream of hitting it big with his new idea, it fell
short of becoming a huge success. However it arguably could not have been pulled
off without Tucker s leadership and direction. Tucker s leadershipleaned heavier
towards the transformational side, which would go in accordance with his goals
and this being the overarching theme of this essay. His energy contributed
significantly to how his followers viewed him and how they gauged his styles. At
first glance, his leadership style/characteristics is what stands out almost
immediately and is can be evaluated most easily. Then, Tucker s vision was one
stated from the beginning and was very prevalent throughout this process. An
important aspect of leadership is the follower and how you empower them in order
to get the results desired and Tucker s way about this is one that may be seen as
unorthodox but effective and allows for growth. Tucker will be evaluated on several
levels including his leadership style, his vision, and how he empowered his followers.
Preston Tucker had a multitude of leadership characteristics that pushed him into the
transformational category of leadership style over the charismatic counterpart. The
most noticeable trait that he portrayed was enthusiasm, which in turn gave off a
transformational style leader. No matter how hard his opposing car companies,
friends, etc. tried to break him
Honors Oceanography
Ever since I was an infant, I have spent almost every summer on my father s boat in
Ocean City, New Jersey. Whether it be fishing or jumping off the boat to go
swimming, I have always been familiar and had an immense love for both the boat
and the ocean. Up until this year, I had never known that there was an option for
me to be able to take online classes at my high school. Since I have already taken all
of the science classes that are honors that were available, I needed to find another
science class. I had found the honors oceanographyclass in the catalog online, and I
instantly signed up for the course. I enrolled because of my interest for the ocean and
it s inhabitants. Although I d like to think that I know a lot about the ocean, I
Ariana Grande s Song You Don T Know Me
Art can be expressed in many different forms. Such as paintings, literature, dance,
photography, and music. The purpose of art is to convey stories to an audience. An
example of this would be Ariana Grande s song, You Don t Know Me . In this
song, Ariana is telling the story of how people are judging her based off of what is
said about her in the media, instead of getting to know her for themselves. Art can be
interpreted in different mediums. I decided to use the different principles and
elements of art such as emphasis, focal point, color, variety, pattern, rhythm, positive
shapes, and contrast in order to recreate the story that Ariana is singing about in her
song. In my composition, I am telling the story of a two girls. First, I drew... Show
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In my piece, I used the repetition of the shapes of lines and colors to create a
pattern. This pattern of alternating colors created an alternating rhythm in my
artwork. I received inspiration for this rhythm from the alternating rhythm in the
song. Grande s Song starts off with heavy bass and is loud, but transitions into a
softer and slower rhythm. Throughout the song they rotate. In my composition, I
recreated this alternating rhythm by the way I had my lines start from the bottom
corner on the right side, but on the opposite side I started my lines from the top
corner. The alternating colors and lines on both sides create their own rhythms
which coexist to form a complex, alternating rhythm in the design. Using the
colored lines I made a positive shape inside of my artwork. The outline of my
figure s body is the positive shape because it appears to be in the front of the
composition. I made the girl a positive shape because instead of coloring her in I
left her colorless. The figure also creates a contrast in my artwork. The plain,
whiteness of the figure creates a contrast with the colorful lines next to it. In
conclusion, I used the different principles and elements of art to convey the story
from Ariana Grande s song, You Don t Know Me . Using emphasis, focal point, color,
variety, pattern, rhythm, positive shapes, and contrast to communicate the theme of
the story is saying that people
Essay on Sir Francis Drake
Sir Francis Drake
Sir Francis Drake is known for England s defeat of the Spanish Armada. He was a
sea dog and he sailed around the world. Drake was actually the first one to sail
around the world since Magellan died in his journey. Drake was a sea dog during
the reign of Queen Elizabeth the first. And as everyone knows this is a good time
to be a sea dog because the queen highly supported them. She gave him money and
ships to raid the Spanish shipping. Drake was the most feared sea dog in his time.
He didn t have a very exciting life when he was younger but he did grow up sailing
on short trips on the English coast. Since a young age he knew he wanted to be on
the water. When he was older he sailed on countless voyages. From ... Show more
content on ...
Then he went into the town and looted them. They hated him from then on. And the
Spaniards started to call Drake The Dragon . On December 13,1577 Drake started
his voyage around they world. This is probably his most famous voyage. He brought
160 men with him and they headed for land in the Pacific Ocean. He hoped to find
Australia. He was also looking for a western outlet of the Northwest Passage.
Drake and the queen planned to rob Spanish ships and colonies along the Pacific
coast of South America. The ships went down the tip of South America through
the Magellan strait. They sailed up the coast of South America robbing a few more
ships and colonies. Sailing the Pacific coast of north America he stopped for
supplies and met some people that were really nice and treated them good so they
decided to claim it for England and share it with these people( they did not specify
what culture they were). Drake planned on returning through the Magellan Strait
but because Drake was not very well like by the Spanish so he decided to go home
through the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. He didn t want to run into any
problems. This meant that he was going to sail around the world. He stopped at the
Philippine islands for more supplies and made a couple other stops along the way.
He finally returned to Plymouth in September. After almost three years on the water
he returned home and was made a national hero. King Phillip the second was very
The Benefits Of Cruelty-Free Circus
Imagine you are stolen from your family at a young age, forced. Forced to perform
routines, and you can not understand why, when you mess up or refuse to perform,
you are punished with lacerations or starvation. No one responsible for you cares
about your health and will do whatever they can to put as little effort and resources
into you. This is the life for many animals forced to participate in circuses. Circus
animals, such as elephants, big cats, camels, or bears, live in conditions no human
would want to experience. Traveling in small cages, being deprived of experiencing
a natural life, being forced to perform routines, these are all things circus animals
have to go through. A circus is no place for an animal, especially when forced... Show
more content on ...
They are an animal friendly alternative. This solution makes it so the art form can
carry on without harming animals. It also leaves less a chance for the audience to
be harmed. Circus Oz was a troupe with no animal acts and certainly no exploitative
sideshows, focusing instead on eye popping acts of human skill and an exuberant
performance style. (Opposing Viewpoints Roll on up, the cruelty free circus is in
town ). The other benefits to cruelty free circuses is that are they are all consensual.
The humans have the ability to agree to participation and are able to communicate
about their limits. Then your seeing shows that consist of people that want to be there
and enjoy being there.
Communicating and reaching out to your government is also an efficient way to try
and get the circus banned from your area. Work with local governments to get exotic
animal acts banned (Opposing Viewpoints Circus Animals are Abused ). Also
informing family and friends about the issue and getting them to reach out too will
help. Your government s website is where you can find a place to either submit your
concerns online or to find the number to
Compare And Contrast Jeffrey Dahmer And Ted Bundy
Out of all the Infamous killers in the U.S the two well known killers that I will be
researching are Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy. These two murderers share many
similarities such as their backgrounds, Crimes, and Motives. Both Jeffrey Dahmer
and Ted Bundy are serial killers who ve killed over a dozen people each. They ve
committed crimes including rape, murder, and kidnapping. In this research paper I
will be comparing and contrasting the two serial killers. The two serial killers
shared similar childhood traits. They both experience abnormal things in their early
life. Jeffery was born into a beautiful family, but after getting surgery for two hernias
he became different. Especially after his baby brother was born he became distant
from... Show more content on ...
There is said to be more than a dozen murders done by each men. In addition to the
crimes committed by these two serial killers, I will now explain the similarities
and differences in both spree s that these men pursued. One of the similarities
shared are the amount of murders each man did, both were over a dozen each.
Both men went to college and ended up dropping out during the sprees. Bundy was
a womanizer who lured women into his car and kidnapped them. Ted Bundy was a
very handsome man which made it easy to make friends and lure women with his
looks. He was known as the dark haired man named Ted . He pretended to be
injured to lure women to his car so he could kidnap them. Ted Would lure young
women to his car, and then beat them to death according to CNN s Serial Killers
Fast Facts article. Now Jeffrey Dahmer was something else I ll tell you. Jeffery
drugged, raped, and sodomized men and young boys. Dahmer killed 17 males
between 1978 and 1991, most of them African American. His style was to meet them
at gay bars, or bus stops. Then he would drug them, strangle them and then engage in
sex acts with the corpse before diminishing them. He kept the skulls and genitals as
souvenirs. He would also keep photographs of the heinous act to later relive the
experience. These men have many similarities and differences, but what makes them
the same is that the heinous acts
General Electric – Home Appliances
Objective: To do the 5 C s analysis that can be used as a tool for Situation Analysis
for General Electric company in the Home Appliances market and to do the SWOT
analysis. Introduction General Electric Company (GE) was founded in 1892 and is
based in Fairfield, Connecticut. It operates as a technology, media, and financial
services company worldwide. Its Consumer Industrial segment sells and services
major home appliances including refrigerators, freezers, electric and gas ranges, cook
tops, dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers, microwave ovens, room air
conditioners, and residential water systems for filtration, softening and heating. The
aggregate level of economic activity in markets for such products and services...
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But overall GE Appliances do not fair well in the customer satisfaction compared to
its competitors (4). There are a variety of reasons why non buyers don t buy GE
home appliances. Some of them are higher satisfaction ratings for competitors
products, better customer service, lower cost etc. Company The Consumer and
Industrial segment generated sales of $11,737 million, accounting for 6.4% of the
company s total revenue in 2008. Brands are GE MonogramВ®, GE Profileв„ў,
GEВ®, HotpointВ® and GE CafГ©в„ў. The product categories offered in home
appliance segment are washers dryers, refrigerators, freezers, ranges, ovens, dish
washers and other major home appliances. As we have seen above home
appliances are costly to purchase and as a company GE is well positioned in this
area as it could use it financing arm to help customer buy what they need. When it
comes to reducing the cost of products, GE leverages its Six Sigma process. Six
Sigma is a highly disciplined process that helps GE to focus on developing and
delivering near perfect products and services. GE has efficient internal processes
setup to reduce the cost of production, improve the quality of products and provide
excellent customer service to gain customer satisfaction. The company currently has
more than 2,000 Six Sigma projects going, and reportedly GE is able to save $4
billion per year thanks to cost reductions and other streamlining efforts
Indigenous Policy Making
Policy making can be a complicated process, from identifying issues that need to be
addressed right up to the evaluation stage to ensure that policy aims have been met.
When determining whether a case of policy making has been successful or not is
thus difficult to pinpoint. This paper will look into two cases of policymaking, the
Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program (SIHIP) established in
2007, as well as Australia s immigration policy towards asylum seekers through
Operation Sovereign Borders. By comparing both cases to the policy cycle model, as
put forth by Althaus et. al, this paper will then deduce whether the aforementioned
cases have been successful or not. Although there are many ways to analyse the
process of... Show more content on ...
Up until this point, the SIHIP s overall policy design is sound; key issues have been
identified, more specific challenges have been deduced and analysed, and an
appropriate (albeit ambitious) proposal to combat the root issues has been put forth.
It is when the policy cycle model is followed onto the next stage of consultation that
sees a deviation from producing an effective policy. The use of external consultants,
though being a reasonable tool to aid in ensuring community needs were being met,
was found to be over exhausted, and meant that the allocated budget for the project
was insufficient in order to actually construct and repair the proposed houses.
Contributing to this increase in costs was that the community response detailed that
the proposed housing was inadequate. This feedback was accepted and therefore
included in SIHIP, resulting in the cost increase from $450,000 per house to
Character Analysis Of Pecola And Frieda Admire Shirley...
The female characters are victims of the America society as they are taught at a
young age what is considered as beautiful and what is not. The characters are
continually subjected to America s ideals of whiteness through many different ways
such as dolls and sweets. In the beginning of the novel, Pecola and Frieda admire
Shirley Temple s beauty which consists of the white skin and blue eyes. The
American society highly associates beauty with being white and although claims that
there is no expectations, it clearly demonstrates that beauty is on the exterior rather
than the interior making ones value inferior such as characters like Pecola who
believes that her ugliness defines who she is and her role in society, which is still
similar to the time where slaverywas around as the American society is still restricting
them without having to own them.
Although in Martin s novel, Manon is also oppressed, she has more control than
the characters in the Bluest Eye as she fits into the standards of what is considered
beautiful and therefore she is able to be in command of some of the choices she
makes, whereas in Toni Morrison s novel, none of the female character have any
control over anything that they do. An extreme example of this is when Pecola s
father Cholly rapes her and she is unable to do anything about it.
Another comparison that is able to be made between the two novels is the
expectations of the American society. Property is set in 1828 where slavery was still
The, A Fusion Of Animal And Machine
In You Are a Cyborg (Harl, Kunzru, 2013), Donna Haraway claims that humans are
cyborgs; a fusion of animal and machine . Not robots like artificial intelligence Ava in
Ex Machina (Garland, 2015), but cybernetic organisms or information machines.
Haraway s cyborg claim rests on a complex interaction between humans and
technology and how this interaction is not co existing with one another, but as
humans and technology incorporating one another. The Dictionary of Sociology
defines cyborgas a, growing integration of human beings into mechanical systems
(2012). Following Haraway s claim, I am a cyborg when I use technology, and more
specifically when I use the social media application Instagram. Instagram is a social
networking application... Show more content on ...
On Instagram users scroll through a home feed , refresh an explore page , or like
other user s pictures or videos. This user to user interaction on Instagram is not
typical face to face communication because Instagram tracks when the interaction
took place, what happened in the interaction, the time, the place, and so on and so
forth. In this form of communication, it is not only the direct parties involved who
experience the interaction, but a third party is gathering information based on the
details of the interaction. As an Instagram user, I am a cybernetic organism,
because I am associated with the vast network of profiles, companies, and
advertising on Instagram and therefore subject to the gathering of information.
Next, Instagram uses the detailed information on its users to create an updated
model of a changing situation a synthesis of information collected, analyzed,
evaluated and assembled (Licklider Taylor, 1968). Instagram takes in the
information from its users, analyzes it, and redistributes it back through the form
of, for example, an explore page . This means Instagram has created a feedback
system based on what users like, comment or share with our friends. When I go on
the explore page on Instagram it is not just random profiles, but a precise scientific
algorithm based on the people I follow, posts I like, my geographical location, and
more. As I change my interests or habits, Instagram has the ability
The African Slave Trade
African Slave Trade The African Slave Trade was a massive system of Europeans
taking African Americans and selling them into slavery. The African Slave Trade
began in the 15th century. This slave trade put Africa in a weird relationship with
Europe that cause the depopulation of Africa, but it increased the wealth of Europe.
At first trafficking humans only occurred in Europe: They would enslave each other
and then sell them off. Some Enslaved Africans had already reached Europe, the
Middle East and other parts of the world before the 15th century. Most of the slaves
were taken from the western coastal states of Africa. The demand for slaves grew as
time passed and the suppliers had to step up their activity. To obtain the slaves they
would raid villages and small towns. One story from a former slave named,
Olaudah Equiano, told his story about how they were captured. He said that his
parents went to go work out in the fields while him and his sister sat in the house
and played. While they were in the house they heard men outside, broke down the
door, and took them away. From then on he and his sister were separated. When
they were going to get on the ship at the coast he had seen a recipe that said there
were 115 men and 115 women. When they reached the Americas there was a new
recipe that said only 201 slaves survived. All of the captured Africans crossed the
Sahara desert by walking through the hot sand in metal chains. They would walk to
Europe and if they were
Optic Nerve Construction
There are many structures in the eye, some of which include; the retina, rods and
cones, the macula, the central fovea, the cranial nerve, the optic chiasm and the
lateral geniculate nucleus. The retina is a layer at the back of the eye containing cells
that are sensitive to light, it triggers impulses through the optic nerve. Rods and cones
are specialized receptors which sense light and color. The macula is an area about
the diameter of a pencil head and is close to 100 times more sensitive to small visual
features than the rest of the retina. The central fovea is an area of the retina in the
center of the macula that has an extremely high resolution. The cranial nerve is
responsible for nerve impulses that travel along the optic nerve... Show more content
on ...
Bergman like the evolutionists, used other scientist s studies and claims to make his
argument sound. Bergman also included the counterargument, otherwise known as
the evolutionists view of the retina, which helps the reader see both sides of the story.
Bergman s argument is valid because even though the eye may be different from what
evolutionists think the ideal eye would look like, it still functions at the highest rate
possible and can not be redesigned to make it faster or more efficient then the
original God given
Clear Cell Carcinoma Case Study
Title: Clear cell carcinoma of thymus and thymoma. Abstract: we report a case of 63
years old man affected by myasthenia gravis associated to two nodular lesions of
thymic tissue and, after complete thymothymomectomy, pathologic findings revealed
a B3 thymoma and a clear cell carcinoma. Post operative period was uneventful. The
patient had no recurrence or metastasis after the first year of follow up. Key words:
thymic neoplasm; clear cell carcinoma; minimally invasive thymothymomectomy;
robot assisted surgery. Introduction The association of thymic epithelial cancer
(thymoma) and thymic carcinoma is extremely rare. Thymoma is often correlated to
paraneoplastic syndrome as myasthenia gravis (MG), where as carcinoma has
frequently an aggressive and invasive pattern. We describe the... Show more content
on ...
The patient had no recurrence nor metastasis after the first year of follow up.
Discussion Thymic clear cell carcinoma (TCCC) is a rare and aggressive variant of
thymic carcinoma classified into high grade category due to its poor prognosis: in
a series of eight patients with a diagnosis of TCCC the median survival was only
13 months (1). Other case series report always a poor disease free and overall
survival (10 15% at five years). TCCC is traditionally not associated to para
neoplatic syndrome (myasthenia gravis, pur cell aplasia), but symptoms, if present,
are more frequently related to aggressive behaviour or compression to surrounding
structures. The diagnosis of primary thymic carcinoma depends of exclusion of other
sites clinically, especially kidney and lung, but also pancreas, thyroid, larynx and
salivary gland. For its rarity, are not available multimodal treatment and complete
surgical resection is still the best way to treat but is not always
Dc Food Security
Although there are many problems in my community, the greater Washington DC
area, I ve chosen to address the issue of food security, more importantly a lack of
access to nutritional food and food assistance via federally funded programs.
By definition, a person who food insecure is someone who lacks reliable access to a
sufficient quantity of nutritious food to sustain a healthy lifestyle. In the District of
Columbia an estimated 12% of the population is food insecure and 14% struggle with
DC is almost like a miniature version of the United States as a whole, there are
select number of wealthy 1% and upper middle class people living in wards 2 and
3, and the extremely poor living in wards 5,7, and 8. The remaining wards make
enough to keep themselves out of poverty, but certainly don t have extra money to be
used on top quality foods all the time. ... Show more content on ...
Collectively, there are fewer full service stores in wards 5, 7, and 8 than in ward 3
alone. These wards can be referred to as a food desert , urban neighborhoods or
rural towns without access to fresh, healthy and affordable foods. This is a large
contributor to the problem. If someone cannot easily access the right foods, are they
expected to go out of their way to get it? Perhaps, but it certainly isn t the reality.
The second major issue that contributes to the food insecurity in the District and
the United States collectively is the lack of available jobs and jobs that do not
provide a living wage; one that is enough that can cover all living costs. This is
why many working adults are forced to work more than one job, take odd jobs for
some extra cash, and even why students drop out of high school early; so they too
can join the workforce to support their family or
The Psychological Impacts Of African Imperialism In Africa
The psychological impact of the introduction of European culture is reflected in
the way Africans illustrated themselves in stories while concurrently portraying
the acuteness of the imperialism situation. The concept of social Darwinism swept
the 19th century world with the theory that some peoples were naturally superior
to others. Factors such as race, wealth, property, and so on were supposedly
directly correlated to superiority over others. This concept was concocted mainly
to justify the colonial takeover of lesser nations and to reinforce European
supremacy. ( Social Darwinism ) An example of this idea is Routledge s scorn
toward Africans and their culture. This demeanor had a large psychological
impact on the colonized Africans. In Song of Lawino; A Lament, Ocol scorns his
own people by saying, Black People are Primitive. Ocol is completely convinced
his race is backward, imbecilic and corrupt. (Clark 41) Clearly, the psychological
impact of European treatment towards Africans altered the way Africans thought
about themselves. If Lawino is seen as an example of African pride before
imperialism, surly Ocol demonstrates the effect of the mental coercion and
acceptance of European superiority that imperialism brought. To combat this idea of
inferiority, many African authors warned against the dangers of believing
imperialists. Ghanaian James Aggrey wrote The Parable of the Eagle in response to
the change in perspective. The parable tells of a man who convinced an
Dr. Pepper
DR. Pepper
Current marketing factor
Brand History
Dr Pepper was created at MorrisonВЎВЇs Old Corner Drug store in Waco Texas in
1885, making it the oldest soft drink in the United States. It was first created by
Charles Alderton, a pharmacist, when he mixed several fruit flavored carbonated
beverages. After creating a flavor he liked his boss test tasted it and decided to
serve it at their soda fountain. Popularity grew and soon other soda fountain
operators wanted to sell it so Morrison began producing syrup for the drink. Robert
Lazenby a beverage chemist and proprietor of The Circle ВЎВ°AВЎВ± Ginger Ale
Company tasted the drink and offered to produce the syrup at his bottling plant. In
1904 Lazenby and his son in law J.B OВЎВЇHara ... Show more content on ...
In 1904 it was sold to its first large audience at the Worlds Fair. A variety of
advertising and promotions have been used to sell Dr Pepper. The company mainly
focuses on television advertising, in which a variety of celebrities have been used to
help sell a fun energetic image. Since the 70ВЎВЇs a variety of celebrities, both those
who were famous pre campaign and those who were not very famous have been used
in television ads:
ВЎВ°already famousВЎВ±: Chuck Berry, Susan Lucci, Garth Brooks, Black Eyed
ВЎВ°not famousВЎВ±: Luke Perry, Makualy Culkin, Michael Bolton, Jennifer Grey
(Dr Pepper Packet
Marketing Communications Strategies
Dr Pepper targets 12 34 year olds who are unique and value individuality. In 2004 the
company plans to increase growth through a variety of new television commercials.
Through the new advertising Dr Pepper is trying to connect with the changing
lifestyles of consumers.
Marketing Ps ВЁC
Quick Outline
Product oldest soft drink, highest selling non cola
Operant Conditioning Paper
Introduction Operant conditioning is described as the way of learning in which the
future likelihood of a particular behavior is affected by it consequences. Interested
in animal intelligence, the first experimental studies of operant conditioning were
attempted by Edwin L. Thorndike in the 1890s (Powell, Honey, Symbaluk, 2013).
Of the many experiments Thorndike conducted with animals, the most famous
experiment involved cats (Powell, Honey, Symbaluk, 2013). Thorndike placed
cats in an enclosed puzzle box and placed a dish of food outside of the puzzle box
for the cat. The mail goal of the experiment was to see how quickly the cat could
learn to escape the puzzle box to reach the food. After many repeated trials the cat
eventually... Show more content on ...
It is also possible that some consequences that seem to act as positive
reinforcements, may actually be more of an aversive stimulus. When the rat finally
learns to press the lever down with enough force, it closes the switch that enables
the food magazine to release a reinforcement pellet. After a few more trials where the
rat receives a pellet for pressing down on the lever when it is hungry, that rat has
managed to learn an entirely new behavior through shaping (Powell, Honey,
Symbaluk, 2013).
The operant conditioning experiment included one female rat (K13). My
hypothesis for the experiment is that K13 will be conditioned to press the lever in
the Skinner operant chamber 2,000 times in a 30 minute time period. K13 was
weighed before starting operant condition, weighing in at 233g. The rat s weight
was multiplied by 0.85 in order to calculate her goal weight for the experiment;
making the goal weight 199g. The first two trials were used to determine if the rat
responded quicker to a FR or a VR, and in to familiarize the rat with the type of
positive reinforcement that she would be rewarded with. The first trial in the
“During the Period 1939-45 Opponents Within the Army
During the period 1939 45 opponents within the army posed a greater threat to
Hitler and the Nazi regime than any other opposition group. How far do you agree
with this statement? The Nazi s arguably faced a lot of opposition between the
years 1939 45 and not only from the army; who had the power of keeping up the
morale of the citizens due to their military strengths and integrating part of the Nazi
regime. However Hitler and the Nazi s also faced other oppositions, such as the
church which again was a source of opposition based on morale. The threats from the
left and the right continued, as an on going conflict of extremist behaviour. The youth
of the country also posed a threat to Hitler and the Nazi s due to boycotting and...
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Although Bavarian Catholics were successful in pursuing Wagner s ban on
crucifixes in schools, the Catholic Church failed to condemn systematic
extermination of Jews in Public (as early as 1942). The banning of crucifixes in
Bavarian schools highlighting that the church was seen as some sort of threat to
Hitler s regime and also highlights the use of religion in society. This caused some
uproar and in August 1941 the Nazi s had a policy which was part of the Aktion
T4 programme, the killing of asylum patients. However Bishop Von Galen was
motivated by the attempt to maintain independence and integrity and led to an
outspoken attack from the pulpit. This was regarded as a notable exception from
the Nazi s as Von Galen s speech led to the stepping down of the programme. These
exceptions from the Nazi s and more so the acts of the religious people involved
highlighted the importance of religion and also showed a devotion to Catholicism
and not to the Nazi s, therefore emphasising that the church cannot be seen as a real
threat to Hitler and the Nazi s. Other Sections of the German society posed threats to
the Nazi s, particularly the youth. Organised attempts to actively oppose the regime
were set up. The Edelweiss Pirates were the most organised, these attacked the Hitler
Youth and also went
Ptolmaic s View That The Earth Is The Center Of The
A: Ptolmaics model suggested that the earth was the center of the universe. This was
based around the concept that they believed that the orbit of the planets had to be
perfectly circular and they had no idea just how far the planets were from the earth
which meant that they could not account for the lack of stellar parallax. Or rather, if
the earthwas moving, then why don t we see the stars at a different angles at different
times in the year? They used this reasoning to justify the idea that the earth must be
However, if the earth was stationary, they couldn t account for the apparent retrograde
motion of planets in the sky. Ptolmaic created the model of the universe that
suggested that the planets circled the earth on what
The Purpose Of University Education
The purpose of university education is not only to gain more knowledge for future
careers, but to educate people from becoming illiterate. University education was first
established in 1636 by John Harvard. His first purpose was to train students to
becoming Christian ministers, which resulted into a prestigious school for students to
attend. Harvard University, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts was primarily a
puritan collegebecause of the era of strict religious beliefs in society. Students that
attended Harvard were very wealthy because of the high costs that was in demand to
receive a higher educationat a private university. As years past, students were not
able to continue their education after high school because they did not have the
money to attend a private university, so the idea of a public university would be
established in 1795. The University of North Carolina was the first public
university that gave people who were not rich an opportunity to receive a higher
education, and democratize education for everyone. This university located in
Chapel Hill, North Carolina was established by William Richardson Davie. As more
universities were being developed, a new system of higher education would be
introduced in 1901. The first public community college was Joliet Junior College.
Founded under Superintendent J. Stanley Brown and William Rainey Harper,
President of the University of Chicago. This new system of higher education gave
more people the opportunity to go
The Long Term Dispute Over Which Is Better, East Coast
The long term dispute over which is better, east coast vs. west coast, will
undoubtedly continue until this country no longer exists. While both coasts offer
travelers and natives a variety of places to eat, things to do, and places to see,
California, North Carolina, and South Carolina want to put their states on the map
with their interesting history and ways of living. Due to so much variety on each
coast, there is something on each side for everyone. More often than not, people
picture California and the Carolinas to be polar opposites. This way of thinking
comes from the idea that Hollywood, the city of dreams, consumes California
entirely. Consequently, travelers must dig deep to find the hidden gems throughout
each state. There will always be more than what meets the eye.
There are hundreds of military bases throughout the United States of America.
California and the Carolinas contribute to that statistic. Home to almost 30 different
bases, California boasts the most commonly known Marine Corps Air Station
Miramar, Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, and the Naval
Amphibious Base Coronado, home to the Navy SEALS. One of the very prevalent
military communities within California is San Diego. There is an overwhelming
sense of pride in the Armed Forces around every corner in what is a relatively large
city. North and South Carolina are very familiar with that same sense of pride.
Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, Camp Lejeune, Marine Corps
Breitbart Twitter Analysis
What do you write when you have no more than 140 characters available, and a
story or event you want people to read and respond to on social media? The answer
is a Twitter post. Twitter is the second most popular social media site with over 310
million viewers monthly, second only to Facebook (eBizMBA, n.d.). As a
microblogging site that melds blogging, social networking and news resourcing, it is
by far the most popular social networking site globally (Quora, n.d., eBizMBA, n.d.).
I chose to look at the Breitbart News website and Twitter posts to see what was
tweeted under the digital news organizations umbrella to find what type of content
was posted, or reposted. Breitbart s twitter posts appear to be a mix of Breitbart News
stories, reposted tweets from other news organizations, professional news
commentators/political pundit tweets, and individual tweets about a story or event. I
didn t see any responses to the tweets, it appears to be an outlet for information
without debate, only comments and news links. Brietbart s Twitter posts are
mediated public communication by definition, in that it is one to many
communication with some questioning and response observed (Wrench, McCroskey,
Richmond, 2008. P. 310).... Show more content on ...
This is how Breitbart News Twitter site operates, but there is very little feedback, and
feedback is an important part of the twitter experience. The reader engagement aspect
is minimal at best, and if I made only one recommendation to the organization, it
would be to engage the reading audience through synchronous and asynchronous
communication via the twitter feed (Wrench, McCroskey, Richmond, 2008. P.
The Free Speech Movement (FSM) at the University of...
The Free Speech Movement (FSM) at the University of California at Berkeley
started during the fall of 1964. (Freeman, Jo) But there were many events leading up
to this point. The Free Speech Movement began to obtain momentum in the fall of
1963 and the spring of 1964 the Bay Area was rocked with the civil rights
demonstrations against employers who practiced racial discrimination. (Freeman, Jo)
These students believed that this was wrong and felt the need to do something about
it. So many Berkeley students were recruited for these protests from Bancroft and
Telegraph which where the companies that were racial discriminating against races
and groups of people.(Freeman, Jo) With these protest there were many arrest made
of Berkeley students... Show more content on ...
18 student groups from across the political spectrum asked the Dean to reverse the
ruling. (Freeman, Jo) But when they met with the dean they found out that the ruling
was not put in place from him and that it came from someone higher up on the board
at Berkeley. So with that student groups defied the policy by setting up their tables as
before, and also in front of the administration building facing Sproul Plaza, where
they had never been before. (Freeman, Jo) While the tables were being set up student
activists led a rally and a march against the new rules of protesting on campus. The
students marching and five tables were ordered to the dean s office and with that, 400
Students signed the petition of complicity and filled the halls of the administration
building demanding that they too be disciplined. So they were indefinitely
suspended. (Freeman, Jo)
While the 400 plus students were getting disciplined in the dean s off Jack Weinberg,
got arrested for sitting behind the CORE table by campus police, after he refused to
give his name or show his id, even though he didn t even go to the school anymore.
(Freeman, Jo) Since he had a long record before this arrest with civil rights
movements the spring before the FSM movement, he had more experience with the
law he was more likely to do something dramatic for the cause he was fighting for.
(Freeman, Jo) When the police were called he went limp and
Prioritizing It Project Management Portfolio
Prioritizing IT Project Management Portfolio Prioritizing IT Project Management
Portfolio The realities of shrinking IT budgets and increasing dependence on IT in
organizations in recent years has resulted in a situation in which there is an intense
competition for resources needed to execute and complete IT projects. According to
Ross (2007), the shrinking IT budget in the face of increasing demand has brought
new pressures to the IT function. To gain approval and funding for projects, IT
departments must demonstrate that such new project will either result in cost saving,
increased sales, or result in greater enterprise wide efficiency (Ross, 2007). The
intense competition for resources makes it imperative that IT managers need to...
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Points were assigned to each project on a scale of 1 10. The higher a project scores
on this point system the better the chances of its being a priority for execution. For
example the project with the highest number of points will have the highest
priority and the project with the next highest points will be next in priority. * Will
the project drive or create new revenue? Project| | Criterion| Points| ERP| | Drive
and create revenue| 7| Email Exchanger| | | 8| Database| | | 6| Network Upgrade| | |
2| CRM| | | 8| | | | | * The projects in the portfolio were evaluated to determine if they
will drive and create new revenue for the organization. The E mail system and
CRM are tied at 8 points, while the ERP and Database projects came in the second
and third place respectively leaving Network upgrade at the 5th position. The
rationale here lies in the fact that CRMs are known to help drive revenues, and e
mails are effective for communication and advertising. These will drive revenues
more than the other three projects. * Will the project cut operating costs? Project| |
Criterion| Points| ERP| | Drive and create revenue| 9| Email Exchanger| | | 8|
Database| | | 6| Network Upgrade| | | 3| CRM| | | 8| * * Measured against the ability to
cot operating costs, ERP topped the priority chart in this category, followed by the
Email exchanger project.
Motivation: Extrinsic to Intrinsic
Motivation is a key factor in determining business success or failure. Successful
organizations relentlessly seek to operate with a clear understanding of employee
needs , and develop specific focus on how to meet them. Two key theories in
organizational motivation are expectancy theory and equity theory. Both theories
focus on the outcomes of a given decision or system rather than on individual
employee needs. The goal of both process theories is to increase output.
Some industries are better at applying process theory than others. In high pressure
sales industries process theory is evident. Computer companies run operations based
on equity and expectancy theory. The... Show more content on ...
Positive feedback cycles occur when sanction is properly implemented.
Extrinsic reward for incorrect reasons is deadly to organizational value creation
systems. Extrinsic reward provided for performance of expected task decreases the
value of future extrinsic reward and creates expectation of future extrinsic reward for
routine tasks. Expectation created through over rewarding ends in withholding of
high levels of extrinsic reward for average performance and is perceived as sanction.
Instrumentality is decreased as effort is perceived as unrewarded. Effort is reduced to
poor performance levels so that effort is matching perceived instrumentality.
Successful organizations implement highly structure extrinsic reward systems that
deliver consistent feedback regarding instrumentality to avoid over rewarding.
Improperly controlled sanction is deadly to organizational efficiency. Sanction that is
implemented through withholding of extrinsic reward destroys intrinsic reward and
motivation if applied incorrectly. Sales teams that do not have the appropriate
materials, knowledge, or support structure to perform at a high level should not be
sanctioned. If groups are sanctioned through withholding of extrinsic rewards in
situations in which other factors are the key reasons for failure group motivation is
annihilated. Sanction for failure to attain success that is not attainable removes all
intrinsic motivation.
Successful organizations focus on
Juvenile Delinquency In The US
It is believed that children are the products of their environment. With their brains
often compared to sponges, children tend to mimic the language and the actions of
those around them, and absorb those things into their memory. (Briggs, Grella, Allen
Burton, Yarmuth, Taylor, 2012) There are many studies on the causes of juvenile
delinquency, but there is much debate as to who and what is considered the primary
factors of influence. This topic is important because juvenile delinquency continues
to be a huge problem in the U.S; in 2012 alone, there was approximately 1,319,700
juvenile arrests (Puzzenchera, 2014). The primary group in this research are those
adolescents who live inner cities and reside in low income based neighborhoods. ...
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The inner city neighborhood itself is primarily the reason as to why both
delinquency and dropping out occurs consecutively. According to the current study
done by Seijeoung, Maaza, Zwanziger, and Henry (2014), children (unlike their
high income counterparts) living low income based neighbors are more inclined to
have a bad academic performance in school, may act on impulse and exhibit
negative behavioral problems. Lower levels of school performance could be due to
environmental factors such as home and the neighborhood as an added stress
especially for impoverished neighborhoods (Seijeoung et al, 2014). Lower grades
then gives youth a reason to drop out and give up. It is almost as though one thing
enables another. In order to understand how outside factors such as the low income
neighborhood can lead to delinquency and school delinquency, one needs to know the
people, and activities that are involved with the
Chapter 6 Research Paper
Magic, sorcery, the transformation of one thing into another and everything in
between, as well as the fantasy in it, has been the driving force behind many great
myths, both ancient and modern. But when the topics of magic, fantasy and
medievalism are brought into discussion together, it is clear that it has a very
sordid past. In the Middle Ages, magic and the fantastical outside of the Bible were
highly frowned upon and seen to be the work of the devil or his minions. And pretty
soon the Catholic Church and the hierarchy thereof got it into their heads that all
females were either a witch or a warlock, and thereby practiced devil worship. But as
the great scientists and their work took prominence in the Middle Ages, the hold of
the Catholic... Show more content on ...
Even though the modern society hangs mostly in the balances of commerce, money,
power, and the combined strength of technology and science, there are still great
numbers of people who turn to tales of magic and wonder as an escape from the
mundane existence in which their lives are led. In the late nineties, a young boy
wizard by the name of Harry James Potter was first read about and proved to be a
major catalyst in getting the world reading again, and getting the world to fall in
love with something together; these two statements prove the power of the
imagination has and still has a powerful influence on the world today and will
continue to do so for a great amount of
Handguns Should Not Be Banned Handguns
Gun violence, especially that as caused by handguns, is a major problem in America.
It affects millions of people annually, and the effects it has are irreversible. However,
this reality does not constitute for a complete ban on the private ownership of
handguns. A ban on the private ownership of handguns should not be enacted on the
grounds that the United States government ought to preserve democratic legitimacy
and constitutionalism, and a ban is not feasible or just in America s political climate.
Every day, 282 people are shot in the United States but this is not merely the result of
the array of firearms available in this country. Instead, a minority of the guns that
Americans own are responsible for much of this violence.... Show more content on ...
Wintemute and Teret, professors at Johns Hopkins University attribute this to the
shame associated with mental health in America. Data from the Federal Bureau of
Investigation reveals that from 1990 to 1997, 90,000 of the 147,000 suicides
committed were committed with a firearm―a tribute to the handgun s operational
simplicity and effectivity. Overall, handguns are responsible for seventy percent of
firearm suicides. Douglas Wiebe of the University of California Los Angeles School
of Public Health conducted a nationally representative study which revealed that
ninety four percent of gun related suicides would not have occurred had a gun not
been present.
A motley of international examples provide proof of concept for a national handgun
ban. For example, the Australian prime minister announced in 1996 that Australia
would be enacting a national handgun ban, and guns would be collected through a
gun buyback program. This resulted in the confiscation of 650,000 guns, a forty two
percent drop in the homicide rate, and a fifty seven percent drop in the firearm
suicide rate. In addition, no mass shootings have occurred since the ban, a sharp
contrast to the thirteen shootings that took place in the thirteen years before. The
homicide rate also fell to less than one per one hundred thousand, while the United
States hovers at five per one hundred thousand. Professor Donahue of Stanford
University attributes this to more than merely the
Network Security And Security Assessment
Network Security Assessment Network Security is a very dynamic and technical
field dealing with all aspects of scanning, hacking and securing systems against
intrusion. It is more than just encrypting user data, virtual private networks or
installing firewalls. Network security consists of the provision, policies adopted by
a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse,
modification, or denial of a computer network and network accessible resources
(Xie, 2013). Network Security assessments are carried out by ethical hackers, to find
vulnerabilities in the system s security that would enable a malicious hacker or
intruder access to the network. An Ethical hacker is a security professional that
performs pen tests by using software tools and techniques as malicious hackers.
Their goal is to exploit vulnerabilities in a system or network to find weakness in one
or more if the four elements of security. There are five distinct phases in ethical
hacking: Phase I: Reconnaissance: This involves gathering information about a
potential target without the targeted company s knowledge. Phase II: Scanning This
phase involves taking the information discovered during the reconnaissance and using
it to examine the network. Phase III: Gaining Access It is during this phase where the
vulnerabilities of the system are exploited to gain access to the target system. Phase
IV: Maintaining Access With access to the system, the hacker then secures their
access for
The History, Strengths, and Limitations of the Renaissance...
Program Description Renaissance Scholars Program (RSP) is a Program founded at
the California State University of Fresno. This program can be found under the
student supportive services umbrella of Educational opportunities Programs (EOP)
(Fresno State News 2008). RSP seeks to alter and improve the standards of care for
transitional aged youth leaving the foster caresystem and transitioning into secondary
education (Fresno State News 2008). Furthermore, RSP is centered on creating a
linked network of services for support through varied departments at Fresno State
University (Fresno State News 2008). Also, RSP uses community resources to ensure
this high risk student population receives services that prolong and increase their
positive academic, personal, social, emotional, financial, and professional status while
attending college(Fresno State News 2008). The type of services that RSP offers are
admissions assistances, university orientation, financial aid assistance, academic
advising and monitoring, career counseling and assistance, individual and group
counseling, social activities, mentoring opportunities, leadership opportunities,
scholarship grant opportunities, year around housing, and student advocacy (Fresno
State News 2008). RSP ultimate goal is to support ambitious college bound aging out
foster care youth and students with independent status. Moreover, this program is
determined to provide a secure consistent support system, empowering these youth to
Persuasive Essay On Water Of Water
Introduction The use of chemicals in a school environment cause several issues in
not only our health, but our watersheds as well. The chemicals in use in our school
are those that cause damage to our health, they cause this damage with ingredients
that are not completely user friendly. A watershed is a drainage basin, which is a
natural depression in the earth s surface, usually containing water, and a divider
that separates different areas. Here in Colorado we have two main watersheds, but
we also have several streams considered watersheds. We are in the Cache La
Poudre watershed. A watershed is the transport of different water and it is what is
used to drain water into other basins, or oceans or any bigger water masses. It has
stream valleys that bring water to other bodies of water, in which evaporate and
return to the top. This is a constant stream in which is basically recycling water, so
we want to keep the water healthy and ready for us to use. In a certain quote, we
understand the dangers of what we do to our watersheds with urbanization, flooding
becomes more prevalent as the area of impervious surfaces increase. (Perlman,
2016). This quote is saying that the more surface area that was given, such as
parking lots, the more runoff comes from our flooding periods. This could be a
danger in our school environment, because we use several chemicals as cleaners. I
found greener cleaning supplies from not only our current distributor, but one of
distributor that
Pokemon s Lawsuit Analysis
The Wall street Journal article written by Jacob Gershman on August 2nd 2016
states that a class action lawsuit was being brought against Pokemon Go
developers, San Francisco based Niantic Inc. The Plaintiff, a 61 year old New
Jersey resident says the company is responsible for an unlawful and wrongful
invasion of his property. Shortly after the U.S. release of the popular smartphone
game, the Plaintiff, Mr. Jeffrey Marder realized strangers loitering outside his home
while on their phones while some at least five people knocked on his door asking
for access to his backyard in order to catch Pokemon. The lawsuit was also filed on
behalf of other unnamed property owners as well. The article end by mentioning
another lawsuit that was... Show more content on ...
Pokemon Go, is a smartphone game app that allows players to capture, train and
battle various Pokemon. The game requires players to travel around various areas
around the world in search of Pokemon, Pokestops and Pokemon gyms in order to
increase in levels, gain medals and lead gyms. This article shows that not everyone
is embracing this nostalgic game. Both the named and unnamed plaintiffs are upset
with the games developers for allowing the game to use their property as places
where people might gather to play the game. This can have both a positive and a
negative impact for businesses. For some companies this could draw attention to
their locations, many businesses have already taken advantage of this opportunity,
requesting that their locations be Pokestops or gyms. However, for some businesses
including hospitality and tourism focused businesses this could pose a problem. In
an article by the BBC written on August 3rd 2016 it mentioned that a number of
requests from tourism locations around the world have been made to be removed
from the game. Sites like the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Japan), the US
Holocaust Memorial Museum (USA) and the former concentration camp of
Auschwitz (Germany). It s important to follow this kind of legal situations because it
could likely have effects that stretch across not only North America but also the
world. It s important
Evolution Of Live Birth And Snakes
Evolution of Live Birth in Snakes
The evolution of how snakes reproduce by bearing live offspring will be discussed
by determining, the evolutionary pathway of live birth, viviparity, egg laying birth,
oviparity and giving live birth but being kept in the womb in eggs until being ready
to hatch, ovoviviparity. Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each
reproduction method will be determined. The objective of this paper is to discuss the
factors that have contributed to the evolution of snakes being viviparous.
The way snakes give birth is either through live birth, viviparity, or by laying eggs,
oviparity. Snakes are located within, Reptilia, the same class many dinosaurs were
located in. Reptiles are the descendants of creatures in the Paleozoic period called,
Labrynthodonts. One of the earliest reptiles that resembles the snake is the, Eophis, an
eight inch long snake that lived in England (Guillette Jr. 1993). The Eophis was
very different compared to modern snakes, Eophis had four legs and is believed to
have been living near water. The limbs are what enabled Eophis to move rapidly in
water (Guillette Jr., 1993). Around 100 million years ago the limbs in Eophis were
loss and limbless snakes evolved (Guillette Jr., 1993). The fossil record of early
snakes is very rare due to snakes consisting of many small and very fragile bones
making them easily destroyed. Most of the species classified within Reptilia are
oviparous. (Guillette Jr., 1993). Snakes are no
Information Technology With Social Media Prospective
Innovation in information technology with social media prospective
When there is proven method of conducting business then there are horizons of
innovation are alive all the time. The innovation and creative ideas provide a key
role in driving both future as well as real time success into the core strategies of
International Food Group. Marketing is a particularly targeted out of these strategies
in real terms.
The use of technology at IFG aims to reach its customers in three new ways:
пЃ¶The company should direct connection with its customer s regarding the new
product development ideas. This connection should closely interact with company s
website where there is maintain a real time response without any delay.
пЃ¶The company has to reach out to different communities through social media
networking and gets an overview of their interests and needs in order to guide
company s future marketing plans.
пЃ¶Implement of ideas into planed action in order to start journey towards success.
Following are the innovative techniques that an IFG can apply in order to achieve
long term success. These recommendations are applied as innovation throughout the
marketing campaign of your company.
Innovation through encouragement and reward of teamwork
By giving incentives to the team workers involved in the process of exploration and
experimentation of new innovative ideas, the plan of innovation presentation can be
made effective. This can result in achieving more confidence of the team

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Max Weber Essay. Max weber essays in sociology. From Max Weber : Essays in sociology ...

  • 1. Max Weber Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of Max Weber can prove to be a challenging endeavor. Max Weber, a renowned sociologist and philosopher, has made substantial contributions to various fields, such as sociology, economics, and political science. His intricate theories and nuanced ideas require a deep understanding and meticulous exploration to adequately capture their essence in an essay. To start, delving into Weber's extensive body of work demands substantial research. Navigating through his seminal texts, such as "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," "Economy and Society," and others, can be intellectually demanding. Moreover, grasping the historical and cultural contexts that influenced Weber's thoughts is crucial for providing a comprehensive analysis. The complexity of Weber's ideas adds an additional layer of difficulty. Unraveling his concepts, such as the Protestant work ethic, ideal types, and the iron cage of rationalization, requires a keen analytical mind. Articulating these concepts in a clear and coherent manner, while demonstrating a deep understanding of their implications, poses a significant challenge. Furthermore, crafting a well-structured essay on Max Weber necessitates the ability to synthesize information from various sources. Integrating scholarly perspectives, critiques, and contemporary applications of Weberian concepts adds depth and breadth to the essay but demands meticulous organization and coherence. In essence, writing an essay on Max Weber is not just about summarizing his ideas but engaging in a scholarly dialogue with his work. It involves critical thinking, in-depth research, and effective communication skills. The endeavor requires a writer to navigate through the complexities of Weber's theories while presenting a compelling and insightful analysis. For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of composing such an essay, seeking assistance may be a viable option. Services offer support for academic writing tasks. They provide access to experienced writers who can navigate the complexities of topics like Max Weber, delivering well-crafted essays tailored to the specific requirements. Whether it's understanding Weber's theories, analyzing his impact, or exploring contemporary relevance, such services offer valuable assistance in crafting comprehensive and insightful essays. Max Weber EssayMax Weber Essay
  • 2. Analysis Of Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams was born in Columbus, Mississippi in 1911. A Streetcar Named Desire was set at around his time and it describes the decline of the Southern Belle named Blanche DuBois. The pathos found in Williams s drama came from the playwright s own life. Alcoholism, depression, loneliness, desire, as well as insanity all played a huge part throughout William s lifetime, thus, incorporating these into his own life. Williams portrayed different social groups in his plays, and how they clash (such as the role of men and women, the urban and southern lifestyles) to criticize many aspects of society such as social criticism. Women are shown to be fragile and unable to depend on themselves but require a male. Stella and Blanche are both ... Show more content on ... This indicates that both of the characters clash due to the differences in beliefs about the American dream. Stanley believes that everyone should be equal and should have equal opportunities to live a proper life. Blanche is trying hard to separate her past and move on with a new, fresh life. However in the end, she was unable to complete her dreams which could suggest that the American dream may not exist since Blanche was unable to achieve it. Furthermore, love is the main desire for Blanche and Mitch was represented as her main desire for love but, he did not replace her previous love. However, this connotes that she was able to achieve some aspects of her American dream or her desire by meeting Mitch when she says Yes I want Mitch... very badly! Just think! If it happens! I can leave here and not be anyone s problem... (Williams, 1959). Blanche is looking for the emotional aspects of a relationship with Mitch rather than seeking the physical aspects. This was portrayed when Mitch wanted to kiss her but she
  • 3. The General Causes Of The French Revolution French Revolution, also called Revolution of 1789, the revolutionary movement that shook France between 1787 and 1799. There are many reasons why the French revolution may would have started. Such as the cultural, social, financial, political, economic. The French Revolution had general causes common to all the revolutions of the West at the end of the 18th century. The first of the general causes was the social structure of the West. The feudal regime had been weakened step by step and disappeared in parts of Europe. The increasingly numerous and prosperous wealthy commoners, merchants, and manufacturers. The peasants, lots of them owned land, had attained an improved standard of living and education and wanted to get rid of feudalism so as to acquire the full rights of landowners and to be free to increase their holdings. Furthermore, higher standards of living had reduced the mortality rate among adults considerably. The Revolution took shape in France when the controller general of finances, Charles Alexandre de Calonne, arranged the summoning of an assembly of notables. In February of 1787 to propose reforms designed to eliminate the budget deficit by increasing the taxation of the privileged classes. The assembly did not want to take responsibility for the reforms and suggested that the Estates General, which represented the clergy, the aristocracy, and the Third Estate also known as the commoners. There were efforts made by Calonne s successors to enforce fiscal
  • 4. Observable Behavioral Differences Between Men And Women It s interesting how many researchers found what they were looking for, as this has been common in research, science, and even philosophy throughout history. Freud, who came up with the idea of an Oedipus complex, based his theories of women on a few upper middle class women in Vienna suffering from psychological disorders. He based his findings on men on an even smaller sample. Freud wasn t the only person. Much like how many brain researchers find exactly what they are looking for, and what they are looking for are the brain based differences that explain the observable behavioral differences between adult women and adult men (Kimmel, 35). Since these craniologists believed that men and women were different and that men were better, they compared men s and women s test scores. Women did better, so they ... Show more content on ... Kimmel states that it is interesting to see that women s drive, ambition, and industriousness were used against them but that men were not faulted for impulsiveness, impatience, and laziness (35). Despite the results of the study being inconclusive (assuming the researchers were correct in saying women had better memories and worked harder), men were still shown as being better than women. People have been finding what they were looking for as long as people have been looking for answers to their questions. Philosopher RenГ© Descartes is an example of this from 17th century France. One of the things all philosophers looked for until Nietzsche was an ultimate, undeniable truth. To do this, Descartes doubted everything until he found something that he couldn t prove wrong. The first thing he found was that he existed because he was thinking. But if he existed he had to
  • 5. Addiction In David Sheff s Beautiful Boy The book Beautiful Boy, tells the story of living with a son, Nic Sheff in this case, who is addicted to drugs. It is told in the father s perspective. Being told in this manner, we are given insight on how the father feels and the motives for his actions. It also reveals the struggles of being a parent of a child who is addicted to multiple drugs and is willing to steal from his familyto get them. Slowly I realize that Nic is gone, and he has robbed the house of cash, food, and a case of wine (David Sheff 93). All that David Sheff wants for his son, is to, live a normal life. By comparing his son to what he feels as a normal life. It hinders David, to see the different possibilities of his son having a normal life, and a normal future.... Show more content on ... Up to this point David has tried so many times to help his son relinquish his drug addiction. But now, it seems as if he feels defeated, and is trying to accept the fact. That his son can not or will not, ever change. Prior to this he has tried so hard to help his son. He would talk to conselors about his son s condition ... and continue to drag him to the therapist, even as he becomes increasingly furtive, argumentative, and reckless ( David Sheff 91). Whenever his son doesn t come home for days, he makes calls to multiple places, I call the police and hosptial emergancy rooms. Nothing (David Sheff 141), I call counselors and other specialist for recommdations (199), and I call the recommded facilties in our area, inquiring about their success rates for treating meth users (119). David even tries to bargin with his son, If you want to live here, if you want me to help you, if you want me to pay for your college, if you want to see us...Nic Do you want to die (121)? David geniualy wants his son to get better. He wanted his son to get better so badly that he even started questioning his parenting thinking, Did I spoil him? Was I too lenient? Did I give hime too little attention? Too much ( David Sheff 145)? By questoning himself he becomes desperate and in an act of desperation he smokes weed with his son. But this is different. And yet I accept the joint, thinking rationalizing that it s not unlike a father in a previous generation sharing a beer with his seventeen year old son, a harmless, bonding moment (David Sheff 90). Though, David wants his son to get better, he is promoting his son s behavior. His analogy is terrible. It is terrible, because he is comparing his son, who is addicted to weed. To a father,
  • 6. Summary Of Passing By Nella Larsen Journal Response to Literary Criticism The novel, Passing by Nella Larsen, was written and based on Nella Larsen s own family life where she was treated terribly by her mother, who was white. Shown by Thadious Davis Nella Larsen, the novel Passing by Nella Larsen may be built on the suffering and events that Nella Larsen faced as a child of mixed ancestry in a time when it was not accepted like it is in the present. As Davis stated, Nella Larsen wrote many of her novels with reversed names and paternal/maternal roles making Clare supposed to represent Nella Larsen s father and John Bellew representing Nella Larsen s mother. This would explain many things about Nella Larsen s difficult childhood and the roles her parents participated in shaping her childhood years. Such as John, Clare s wife, representing Nella Larsen s white mother who was not a caring mother towards Nella Larsen because of her mixed ancestry. Like John, Nella Larsen s mother was a racist who was in a relationship with a person of non white ancestry that was passing as white because of their lighter skin and to gain more equality than they had before. ... Show more content on ... In the novel when John said, Nig! My God! Nig! (209), this exemplifies the treatment that Nella Larsen had to brutally endure having a racist mother of Danish descent. Nella Larsen s father was a person of color from the Danish West Indies who skin was light enough to pass, just like Clare, to escape the restrictions of being a person of color in society. Davis believes that Peter Walker, Larsen s biological father, was her primary caretaker and adult figure in her
  • 7. Career Development Pl F B Manager Essay Meijun Chen A47200231 11/16/16 Career Development Plan 1. Occupation: F B Manager This position of Food and beverage manager presupposes the responsibility for management of food and beverage service at every venue in hotel, restaurant, resort, institutional affiliation, etc. His primary task is to oversee the food and beverage service, evaluate the possible profits and losses, hire and resign the restaurant personnel. He considers food and beverage service for special parties, wedding receptions, conferences, and official meetings. This person thinks about the ways to promote special events to attract the attention of the publicity and business. i.Why I select this occupation The reason for choosing this occupation is the desire to work in the hospitality sphere. This position presupposes the high level of responsibility and high demand. Resorts and hotels remain one of the most successful sphere even in the economically difficult times. The job of F B provides the possibility of good job and remuneration. It also attracts by the possibility to improve my professional skills and chance of working with managers to enhance products and services. This position provides marvelous opportunities for the future career development. ii. Current job postings I have managed to find two job postings that demand hiring the F B manager. The first is at Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide, Inc. This position requires an individual, who could provide the excellent service to hotel
  • 8. What Evidence Exists to Demonstrate That the American... Television brought the brutality of the war into the comfort of the living room. Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of America not on the battlefields of Vietnam. (Marshall McLuhan, 1975). What evidence exists to demonstrate that the American media coverage of the Vietnam War influenced its outcome? There are only two comprehensive inferences that can be drawn upon when assessing the impact and legacy of the reporting of the Vietnam War on America and its media; the impact was enormous and its legacy unending. More than thirty years have passed since the American military withdrew from Vietnam, and in that time, the war has continued to permeate the cultural, and political landscape of America, impacting all subsequent war ... Show more content on ... quoted by Pilger, J., (2001). p.182.) This proved to be one of the many propaganda missions played out by the American government to convince the people of America of the just and honourable need to go to war in Vietnam although notably during these crucial, early stages of the war, much of America s military involvement and activities in Vietnam went unreported in the American media and it is argued that [the] American press was simply not interested in Vietnam (Wyatt, C., (1993), Paper Soldiers: The American Press and the Vietnam War, p.67). As mentioned above the American citizen s exposure and thus interest in the war in Vietnam was limited and seemed to be distracted by more domestic issues during the early 1960s such as the Civil Rights movement. Also, reporting in Vietnam at the time was very restricted, with South Vietnam president Ngo Dinh Diem in strict control of the foreign press resulting in the deportation of two reporters in 1962 Homer Bigart of the New York Times and FranГ§ois Sully, a stringer
  • 9. Components Of The Compensation Program Components of expatriate compensation After the preliminary consideration, the basic structure of international compensation programs is similar to the structure of domestic compensation programs (Martocchio, 2015). The main component includes base pay and employee benefits. The nonperformance based incentive and allowance differ international compensation packages from domestic compensation packages. In the following section, I will focus on the difference part between expatriate compensation and domestic compensation. There are three different methods to calculate expatriates base pay. (Martocchio, 2015) concludes that the first method is the home country based pay method which compensates expatriates the amount they would receive from similar work in the United States. The home country based pay method is most suitable when expatriate assignments are short in duration and local nationals performing comparable jobs receive substantially higher pay. The second way is the host country based method which compensates expatriates based on the host countries pay scales. Companies can determine the base by various standards, including job evaluation techniques, market pricing, and jobholders past relevant work experience. The host country based method is most suitable when assignments are of long duration because expatriates tend to judge their pay compared with their local coworkers rather than their counterparts at home country. The third method is headquarters based method
  • 10. The Courage Of Rosa Parks Roxanne Williams Prof. Lobito Enc. 1101 April 19, 2016 The Courage of Rosa Parks Each person must live their life as a model for others. (Rosa Parks) Rosa Parks was tired of the way African Americans were poorly treated. She took a stand by not obeying a demand to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery bus. Because of her bold action she became a model to millions. Parks was an African American woman who became known for her bravery, which helped to change the nation. Parks spent most of her life fighting for desegregation, voting rights, and was active in the civil Right Movement that has changed social code in the U.S. (Rosa Rosa Parks is a pioneer for her brave act; her belief in equality, justice, and advancement for African American has impacted the world. BIOGRAPHY Rosa Parks, Rosa Louise McCauley, was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee Alabama to parents Leona Edwards who was a schoolteacher and James McCauley a carpenter. At a young age Parks parents separated and her mother relocated with her and younger brother to Pine Level, a small town in Montgomery. There they resided with Leona s parents on their small farm where Parks would spend her youth. She got the privilege of being home schooled by her mother and did not enter public school until the age of eleven. At age eleven she enrolled in the Montgomery Industrial School for girls. Parks then continues on to a Laboratory School for secondary education led by the
  • 11. Food Law Research Paper Team work, makes the dream work. Start small and build! Millions of tons of fruit and vegetables rot in fields and orchards or are plowed over each year. Some of these edible crops are left behind because they are misshapen or discolored. Gleaning programs rescue only a small portion of the field waste. Contra Costa Food Bank is one of the rganizations that makes a collaborative earnest effort to dissimenate some of this not so aestheltically appealing produce. Major retail grocery chains are more likely to throw away fruits, vegetables and even entire hams and roasts than donate to distribution centers. Although federal and state laws protect grocers from liability, many stores expressed concerns that donated food could sicken recipients, even if it has yet to reach its expiration date. While some major chains donate food, others do not. Restaurants dump tens of thousands of tons of edible food every year. The vast majority of the state s 90,000 restaurants and eateries do not participate in food donation programs. Hear is a chart displaying so. Food loss and waste per person per yearTotalAt the ... Show more content on ... food law is the foundation that supports an understanding of all industry regulation. Based on a popular internet course, Guide to Food Laws and Regulations, 2nd Edition informs students on the significance, range, and background of food laws and gives tools for finding current regulations. This compact resource outlines major U.S. food laws, factors that led to their passage, and explains the role of key agencies like the FDA and FSIS in regulation and enforcement. Students are directed to internet sites as well as to indexes and resources available from the Federal government. Other topics include religious dietary law, Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, environmental regulations, HACCP and GMPs, laws governing health claims, and the regulation of
  • 12. Is Preston Tucker A Post World War 2 Car Designer With A... Preston Tucker was a post World War 2 car designer with a revolutionary idea to challenge the car industry. While his dream of hitting it big with his new idea, it fell short of becoming a huge success. However it arguably could not have been pulled off without Tucker s leadership and direction. Tucker s leadershipleaned heavier towards the transformational side, which would go in accordance with his goals and this being the overarching theme of this essay. His energy contributed significantly to how his followers viewed him and how they gauged his styles. At first glance, his leadership style/characteristics is what stands out almost immediately and is can be evaluated most easily. Then, Tucker s vision was one stated from the beginning and was very prevalent throughout this process. An important aspect of leadership is the follower and how you empower them in order to get the results desired and Tucker s way about this is one that may be seen as unorthodox but effective and allows for growth. Tucker will be evaluated on several levels including his leadership style, his vision, and how he empowered his followers. Preston Tucker had a multitude of leadership characteristics that pushed him into the transformational category of leadership style over the charismatic counterpart. The most noticeable trait that he portrayed was enthusiasm, which in turn gave off a transformational style leader. No matter how hard his opposing car companies, friends, etc. tried to break him
  • 13. Honors Oceanography Ever since I was an infant, I have spent almost every summer on my father s boat in Ocean City, New Jersey. Whether it be fishing or jumping off the boat to go swimming, I have always been familiar and had an immense love for both the boat and the ocean. Up until this year, I had never known that there was an option for me to be able to take online classes at my high school. Since I have already taken all of the science classes that are honors that were available, I needed to find another science class. I had found the honors oceanographyclass in the catalog online, and I instantly signed up for the course. I enrolled because of my interest for the ocean and it s inhabitants. Although I d like to think that I know a lot about the ocean, I
  • 14. Ariana Grande s Song You Don T Know Me Art can be expressed in many different forms. Such as paintings, literature, dance, photography, and music. The purpose of art is to convey stories to an audience. An example of this would be Ariana Grande s song, You Don t Know Me . In this song, Ariana is telling the story of how people are judging her based off of what is said about her in the media, instead of getting to know her for themselves. Art can be interpreted in different mediums. I decided to use the different principles and elements of art such as emphasis, focal point, color, variety, pattern, rhythm, positive shapes, and contrast in order to recreate the story that Ariana is singing about in her song. In my composition, I am telling the story of a two girls. First, I drew... Show more content on ... In my piece, I used the repetition of the shapes of lines and colors to create a pattern. This pattern of alternating colors created an alternating rhythm in my artwork. I received inspiration for this rhythm from the alternating rhythm in the song. Grande s Song starts off with heavy bass and is loud, but transitions into a softer and slower rhythm. Throughout the song they rotate. In my composition, I recreated this alternating rhythm by the way I had my lines start from the bottom corner on the right side, but on the opposite side I started my lines from the top corner. The alternating colors and lines on both sides create their own rhythms which coexist to form a complex, alternating rhythm in the design. Using the colored lines I made a positive shape inside of my artwork. The outline of my figure s body is the positive shape because it appears to be in the front of the composition. I made the girl a positive shape because instead of coloring her in I left her colorless. The figure also creates a contrast in my artwork. The plain, whiteness of the figure creates a contrast with the colorful lines next to it. In conclusion, I used the different principles and elements of art to convey the story from Ariana Grande s song, You Don t Know Me . Using emphasis, focal point, color, variety, pattern, rhythm, positive shapes, and contrast to communicate the theme of the story is saying that people
  • 15. Essay on Sir Francis Drake Sir Francis Drake Sir Francis Drake is known for England s defeat of the Spanish Armada. He was a sea dog and he sailed around the world. Drake was actually the first one to sail around the world since Magellan died in his journey. Drake was a sea dog during the reign of Queen Elizabeth the first. And as everyone knows this is a good time to be a sea dog because the queen highly supported them. She gave him money and ships to raid the Spanish shipping. Drake was the most feared sea dog in his time. He didn t have a very exciting life when he was younger but he did grow up sailing on short trips on the English coast. Since a young age he knew he wanted to be on the water. When he was older he sailed on countless voyages. From ... Show more content on ... Then he went into the town and looted them. They hated him from then on. And the Spaniards started to call Drake The Dragon . On December 13,1577 Drake started his voyage around they world. This is probably his most famous voyage. He brought 160 men with him and they headed for land in the Pacific Ocean. He hoped to find Australia. He was also looking for a western outlet of the Northwest Passage. Drake and the queen planned to rob Spanish ships and colonies along the Pacific coast of South America. The ships went down the tip of South America through the Magellan strait. They sailed up the coast of South America robbing a few more ships and colonies. Sailing the Pacific coast of north America he stopped for supplies and met some people that were really nice and treated them good so they decided to claim it for England and share it with these people( they did not specify what culture they were). Drake planned on returning through the Magellan Strait but because Drake was not very well like by the Spanish so he decided to go home through the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. He didn t want to run into any problems. This meant that he was going to sail around the world. He stopped at the Philippine islands for more supplies and made a couple other stops along the way. He finally returned to Plymouth in September. After almost three years on the water he returned home and was made a national hero. King Phillip the second was very
  • 16. The Benefits Of Cruelty-Free Circus Imagine you are stolen from your family at a young age, forced. Forced to perform routines, and you can not understand why, when you mess up or refuse to perform, you are punished with lacerations or starvation. No one responsible for you cares about your health and will do whatever they can to put as little effort and resources into you. This is the life for many animals forced to participate in circuses. Circus animals, such as elephants, big cats, camels, or bears, live in conditions no human would want to experience. Traveling in small cages, being deprived of experiencing a natural life, being forced to perform routines, these are all things circus animals have to go through. A circus is no place for an animal, especially when forced... Show more content on ... They are an animal friendly alternative. This solution makes it so the art form can carry on without harming animals. It also leaves less a chance for the audience to be harmed. Circus Oz was a troupe with no animal acts and certainly no exploitative sideshows, focusing instead on eye popping acts of human skill and an exuberant performance style. (Opposing Viewpoints Roll on up, the cruelty free circus is in town ). The other benefits to cruelty free circuses is that are they are all consensual. The humans have the ability to agree to participation and are able to communicate about their limits. Then your seeing shows that consist of people that want to be there and enjoy being there. Communicating and reaching out to your government is also an efficient way to try and get the circus banned from your area. Work with local governments to get exotic animal acts banned (Opposing Viewpoints Circus Animals are Abused ). Also informing family and friends about the issue and getting them to reach out too will help. Your government s website is where you can find a place to either submit your concerns online or to find the number to
  • 17. Compare And Contrast Jeffrey Dahmer And Ted Bundy Out of all the Infamous killers in the U.S the two well known killers that I will be researching are Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy. These two murderers share many similarities such as their backgrounds, Crimes, and Motives. Both Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy are serial killers who ve killed over a dozen people each. They ve committed crimes including rape, murder, and kidnapping. In this research paper I will be comparing and contrasting the two serial killers. The two serial killers shared similar childhood traits. They both experience abnormal things in their early life. Jeffery was born into a beautiful family, but after getting surgery for two hernias he became different. Especially after his baby brother was born he became distant from... Show more content on ... There is said to be more than a dozen murders done by each men. In addition to the crimes committed by these two serial killers, I will now explain the similarities and differences in both spree s that these men pursued. One of the similarities shared are the amount of murders each man did, both were over a dozen each. Both men went to college and ended up dropping out during the sprees. Bundy was a womanizer who lured women into his car and kidnapped them. Ted Bundy was a very handsome man which made it easy to make friends and lure women with his looks. He was known as the dark haired man named Ted . He pretended to be injured to lure women to his car so he could kidnap them. Ted Would lure young women to his car, and then beat them to death according to CNN s Serial Killers Fast Facts article. Now Jeffrey Dahmer was something else I ll tell you. Jeffery drugged, raped, and sodomized men and young boys. Dahmer killed 17 males between 1978 and 1991, most of them African American. His style was to meet them at gay bars, or bus stops. Then he would drug them, strangle them and then engage in sex acts with the corpse before diminishing them. He kept the skulls and genitals as souvenirs. He would also keep photographs of the heinous act to later relive the experience. These men have many similarities and differences, but what makes them the same is that the heinous acts
  • 18. General Electric – Home Appliances Objective: To do the 5 C s analysis that can be used as a tool for Situation Analysis for General Electric company in the Home Appliances market and to do the SWOT analysis. Introduction General Electric Company (GE) was founded in 1892 and is based in Fairfield, Connecticut. It operates as a technology, media, and financial services company worldwide. Its Consumer Industrial segment sells and services major home appliances including refrigerators, freezers, electric and gas ranges, cook tops, dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers, microwave ovens, room air conditioners, and residential water systems for filtration, softening and heating. The aggregate level of economic activity in markets for such products and services... Show more content on ... But overall GE Appliances do not fair well in the customer satisfaction compared to its competitors (4). There are a variety of reasons why non buyers don t buy GE home appliances. Some of them are higher satisfaction ratings for competitors products, better customer service, lower cost etc. Company The Consumer and Industrial segment generated sales of $11,737 million, accounting for 6.4% of the company s total revenue in 2008. Brands are GE MonogramВ®, GE Profileв„ў, GEВ®, HotpointВ® and GE CafГ©в„ў. The product categories offered in home appliance segment are washers dryers, refrigerators, freezers, ranges, ovens, dish washers and other major home appliances. As we have seen above home appliances are costly to purchase and as a company GE is well positioned in this area as it could use it financing arm to help customer buy what they need. When it comes to reducing the cost of products, GE leverages its Six Sigma process. Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that helps GE to focus on developing and delivering near perfect products and services. GE has efficient internal processes setup to reduce the cost of production, improve the quality of products and provide excellent customer service to gain customer satisfaction. The company currently has more than 2,000 Six Sigma projects going, and reportedly GE is able to save $4 billion per year thanks to cost reductions and other streamlining efforts
  • 19. Indigenous Policy Making Policy making can be a complicated process, from identifying issues that need to be addressed right up to the evaluation stage to ensure that policy aims have been met. When determining whether a case of policy making has been successful or not is thus difficult to pinpoint. This paper will look into two cases of policymaking, the Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program (SIHIP) established in 2007, as well as Australia s immigration policy towards asylum seekers through Operation Sovereign Borders. By comparing both cases to the policy cycle model, as put forth by Althaus et. al, this paper will then deduce whether the aforementioned cases have been successful or not. Although there are many ways to analyse the process of... Show more content on ... Up until this point, the SIHIP s overall policy design is sound; key issues have been identified, more specific challenges have been deduced and analysed, and an appropriate (albeit ambitious) proposal to combat the root issues has been put forth. It is when the policy cycle model is followed onto the next stage of consultation that sees a deviation from producing an effective policy. The use of external consultants, though being a reasonable tool to aid in ensuring community needs were being met, was found to be over exhausted, and meant that the allocated budget for the project was insufficient in order to actually construct and repair the proposed houses. Contributing to this increase in costs was that the community response detailed that the proposed housing was inadequate. This feedback was accepted and therefore included in SIHIP, resulting in the cost increase from $450,000 per house to
  • 20. Character Analysis Of Pecola And Frieda Admire Shirley... The female characters are victims of the America society as they are taught at a young age what is considered as beautiful and what is not. The characters are continually subjected to America s ideals of whiteness through many different ways such as dolls and sweets. In the beginning of the novel, Pecola and Frieda admire Shirley Temple s beauty which consists of the white skin and blue eyes. The American society highly associates beauty with being white and although claims that there is no expectations, it clearly demonstrates that beauty is on the exterior rather than the interior making ones value inferior such as characters like Pecola who believes that her ugliness defines who she is and her role in society, which is still similar to the time where slaverywas around as the American society is still restricting them without having to own them. Although in Martin s novel, Manon is also oppressed, she has more control than the characters in the Bluest Eye as she fits into the standards of what is considered beautiful and therefore she is able to be in command of some of the choices she makes, whereas in Toni Morrison s novel, none of the female character have any control over anything that they do. An extreme example of this is when Pecola s father Cholly rapes her and she is unable to do anything about it. Another comparison that is able to be made between the two novels is the expectations of the American society. Property is set in 1828 where slavery was still
  • 21. The, A Fusion Of Animal And Machine In You Are a Cyborg (Harl, Kunzru, 2013), Donna Haraway claims that humans are cyborgs; a fusion of animal and machine . Not robots like artificial intelligence Ava in Ex Machina (Garland, 2015), but cybernetic organisms or information machines. Haraway s cyborg claim rests on a complex interaction between humans and technology and how this interaction is not co existing with one another, but as humans and technology incorporating one another. The Dictionary of Sociology defines cyborgas a, growing integration of human beings into mechanical systems (2012). Following Haraway s claim, I am a cyborg when I use technology, and more specifically when I use the social media application Instagram. Instagram is a social networking application... Show more content on ... On Instagram users scroll through a home feed , refresh an explore page , or like other user s pictures or videos. This user to user interaction on Instagram is not typical face to face communication because Instagram tracks when the interaction took place, what happened in the interaction, the time, the place, and so on and so forth. In this form of communication, it is not only the direct parties involved who experience the interaction, but a third party is gathering information based on the details of the interaction. As an Instagram user, I am a cybernetic organism, because I am associated with the vast network of profiles, companies, and advertising on Instagram and therefore subject to the gathering of information. Next, Instagram uses the detailed information on its users to create an updated model of a changing situation a synthesis of information collected, analyzed, evaluated and assembled (Licklider Taylor, 1968). Instagram takes in the information from its users, analyzes it, and redistributes it back through the form of, for example, an explore page . This means Instagram has created a feedback system based on what users like, comment or share with our friends. When I go on the explore page on Instagram it is not just random profiles, but a precise scientific algorithm based on the people I follow, posts I like, my geographical location, and more. As I change my interests or habits, Instagram has the ability
  • 22. The African Slave Trade African Slave Trade The African Slave Trade was a massive system of Europeans taking African Americans and selling them into slavery. The African Slave Trade began in the 15th century. This slave trade put Africa in a weird relationship with Europe that cause the depopulation of Africa, but it increased the wealth of Europe. At first trafficking humans only occurred in Europe: They would enslave each other and then sell them off. Some Enslaved Africans had already reached Europe, the Middle East and other parts of the world before the 15th century. Most of the slaves were taken from the western coastal states of Africa. The demand for slaves grew as time passed and the suppliers had to step up their activity. To obtain the slaves they would raid villages and small towns. One story from a former slave named, Olaudah Equiano, told his story about how they were captured. He said that his parents went to go work out in the fields while him and his sister sat in the house and played. While they were in the house they heard men outside, broke down the door, and took them away. From then on he and his sister were separated. When they were going to get on the ship at the coast he had seen a recipe that said there were 115 men and 115 women. When they reached the Americas there was a new recipe that said only 201 slaves survived. All of the captured Africans crossed the Sahara desert by walking through the hot sand in metal chains. They would walk to Europe and if they were
  • 23. Optic Nerve Construction There are many structures in the eye, some of which include; the retina, rods and cones, the macula, the central fovea, the cranial nerve, the optic chiasm and the lateral geniculate nucleus. The retina is a layer at the back of the eye containing cells that are sensitive to light, it triggers impulses through the optic nerve. Rods and cones are specialized receptors which sense light and color. The macula is an area about the diameter of a pencil head and is close to 100 times more sensitive to small visual features than the rest of the retina. The central fovea is an area of the retina in the center of the macula that has an extremely high resolution. The cranial nerve is responsible for nerve impulses that travel along the optic nerve... Show more content on ... Bergman like the evolutionists, used other scientist s studies and claims to make his argument sound. Bergman also included the counterargument, otherwise known as the evolutionists view of the retina, which helps the reader see both sides of the story. Bergman s argument is valid because even though the eye may be different from what evolutionists think the ideal eye would look like, it still functions at the highest rate possible and can not be redesigned to make it faster or more efficient then the original God given
  • 24. Clear Cell Carcinoma Case Study Title: Clear cell carcinoma of thymus and thymoma. Abstract: we report a case of 63 years old man affected by myasthenia gravis associated to two nodular lesions of thymic tissue and, after complete thymothymomectomy, pathologic findings revealed a B3 thymoma and a clear cell carcinoma. Post operative period was uneventful. The patient had no recurrence or metastasis after the first year of follow up. Key words: thymic neoplasm; clear cell carcinoma; minimally invasive thymothymomectomy; robot assisted surgery. Introduction The association of thymic epithelial cancer (thymoma) and thymic carcinoma is extremely rare. Thymoma is often correlated to paraneoplastic syndrome as myasthenia gravis (MG), where as carcinoma has frequently an aggressive and invasive pattern. We describe the... Show more content on ... The patient had no recurrence nor metastasis after the first year of follow up. Discussion Thymic clear cell carcinoma (TCCC) is a rare and aggressive variant of thymic carcinoma classified into high grade category due to its poor prognosis: in a series of eight patients with a diagnosis of TCCC the median survival was only 13 months (1). Other case series report always a poor disease free and overall survival (10 15% at five years). TCCC is traditionally not associated to para neoplatic syndrome (myasthenia gravis, pur cell aplasia), but symptoms, if present, are more frequently related to aggressive behaviour or compression to surrounding structures. The diagnosis of primary thymic carcinoma depends of exclusion of other sites clinically, especially kidney and lung, but also pancreas, thyroid, larynx and salivary gland. For its rarity, are not available multimodal treatment and complete surgical resection is still the best way to treat but is not always
  • 25. Dc Food Security Although there are many problems in my community, the greater Washington DC area, I ve chosen to address the issue of food security, more importantly a lack of access to nutritional food and food assistance via federally funded programs. By definition, a person who food insecure is someone who lacks reliable access to a sufficient quantity of nutritious food to sustain a healthy lifestyle. In the District of Columbia an estimated 12% of the population is food insecure and 14% struggle with hunger. DC is almost like a miniature version of the United States as a whole, there are select number of wealthy 1% and upper middle class people living in wards 2 and 3, and the extremely poor living in wards 5,7, and 8. The remaining wards make enough to keep themselves out of poverty, but certainly don t have extra money to be used on top quality foods all the time. ... Show more content on ... Collectively, there are fewer full service stores in wards 5, 7, and 8 than in ward 3 alone. These wards can be referred to as a food desert , urban neighborhoods or rural towns without access to fresh, healthy and affordable foods. This is a large contributor to the problem. If someone cannot easily access the right foods, are they expected to go out of their way to get it? Perhaps, but it certainly isn t the reality. The second major issue that contributes to the food insecurity in the District and the United States collectively is the lack of available jobs and jobs that do not provide a living wage; one that is enough that can cover all living costs. This is why many working adults are forced to work more than one job, take odd jobs for some extra cash, and even why students drop out of high school early; so they too can join the workforce to support their family or
  • 26. The Psychological Impacts Of African Imperialism In Africa The psychological impact of the introduction of European culture is reflected in the way Africans illustrated themselves in stories while concurrently portraying the acuteness of the imperialism situation. The concept of social Darwinism swept the 19th century world with the theory that some peoples were naturally superior to others. Factors such as race, wealth, property, and so on were supposedly directly correlated to superiority over others. This concept was concocted mainly to justify the colonial takeover of lesser nations and to reinforce European supremacy. ( Social Darwinism ) An example of this idea is Routledge s scorn toward Africans and their culture. This demeanor had a large psychological impact on the colonized Africans. In Song of Lawino; A Lament, Ocol scorns his own people by saying, Black People are Primitive. Ocol is completely convinced his race is backward, imbecilic and corrupt. (Clark 41) Clearly, the psychological impact of European treatment towards Africans altered the way Africans thought about themselves. If Lawino is seen as an example of African pride before imperialism, surly Ocol demonstrates the effect of the mental coercion and acceptance of European superiority that imperialism brought. To combat this idea of inferiority, many African authors warned against the dangers of believing imperialists. Ghanaian James Aggrey wrote The Parable of the Eagle in response to the change in perspective. The parable tells of a man who convinced an
  • 27. Dr. Pepper DR. Pepper Current marketing factor Brand History Dr Pepper was created at MorrisonВЎВЇs Old Corner Drug store in Waco Texas in 1885, making it the oldest soft drink in the United States. It was first created by Charles Alderton, a pharmacist, when he mixed several fruit flavored carbonated beverages. After creating a flavor he liked his boss test tasted it and decided to serve it at their soda fountain. Popularity grew and soon other soda fountain operators wanted to sell it so Morrison began producing syrup for the drink. Robert Lazenby a beverage chemist and proprietor of The Circle ВЎВ°AВЎВ± Ginger Ale Company tasted the drink and offered to produce the syrup at his bottling plant. In 1904 Lazenby and his son in law J.B OВЎВЇHara ... Show more content on ... In 1904 it was sold to its first large audience at the Worlds Fair. A variety of advertising and promotions have been used to sell Dr Pepper. The company mainly focuses on television advertising, in which a variety of celebrities have been used to help sell a fun energetic image. Since the 70ВЎВЇs a variety of celebrities, both those who were famous pre campaign and those who were not very famous have been used in television ads: ВЎВ°already famousВЎВ±: Chuck Berry, Susan Lucci, Garth Brooks, Black Eyed Peas ВЎВ°not famousВЎВ±: Luke Perry, Makualy Culkin, Michael Bolton, Jennifer Grey (Dr Pepper Packet Marketing Communications Strategies Dr Pepper targets 12 34 year olds who are unique and value individuality. In 2004 the company plans to increase growth through a variety of new television commercials. Through the new advertising Dr Pepper is trying to connect with the changing lifestyles of consumers. Marketing Ps ВЁC Quick Outline Product oldest soft drink, highest selling non cola
  • 28. Operant Conditioning Paper Introduction Operant conditioning is described as the way of learning in which the future likelihood of a particular behavior is affected by it consequences. Interested in animal intelligence, the first experimental studies of operant conditioning were attempted by Edwin L. Thorndike in the 1890s (Powell, Honey, Symbaluk, 2013). Of the many experiments Thorndike conducted with animals, the most famous experiment involved cats (Powell, Honey, Symbaluk, 2013). Thorndike placed cats in an enclosed puzzle box and placed a dish of food outside of the puzzle box for the cat. The mail goal of the experiment was to see how quickly the cat could learn to escape the puzzle box to reach the food. After many repeated trials the cat eventually... Show more content on ... It is also possible that some consequences that seem to act as positive reinforcements, may actually be more of an aversive stimulus. When the rat finally learns to press the lever down with enough force, it closes the switch that enables the food magazine to release a reinforcement pellet. After a few more trials where the rat receives a pellet for pressing down on the lever when it is hungry, that rat has managed to learn an entirely new behavior through shaping (Powell, Honey, Symbaluk, 2013). Methods The operant conditioning experiment included one female rat (K13). My hypothesis for the experiment is that K13 will be conditioned to press the lever in the Skinner operant chamber 2,000 times in a 30 minute time period. K13 was weighed before starting operant condition, weighing in at 233g. The rat s weight was multiplied by 0.85 in order to calculate her goal weight for the experiment; making the goal weight 199g. The first two trials were used to determine if the rat responded quicker to a FR or a VR, and in to familiarize the rat with the type of positive reinforcement that she would be rewarded with. The first trial in the
  • 29. “During the Period 1939-45 Opponents Within the Army Posed... During the period 1939 45 opponents within the army posed a greater threat to Hitler and the Nazi regime than any other opposition group. How far do you agree with this statement? The Nazi s arguably faced a lot of opposition between the years 1939 45 and not only from the army; who had the power of keeping up the morale of the citizens due to their military strengths and integrating part of the Nazi regime. However Hitler and the Nazi s also faced other oppositions, such as the church which again was a source of opposition based on morale. The threats from the left and the right continued, as an on going conflict of extremist behaviour. The youth of the country also posed a threat to Hitler and the Nazi s due to boycotting and... Show more content on ... Although Bavarian Catholics were successful in pursuing Wagner s ban on crucifixes in schools, the Catholic Church failed to condemn systematic extermination of Jews in Public (as early as 1942). The banning of crucifixes in Bavarian schools highlighting that the church was seen as some sort of threat to Hitler s regime and also highlights the use of religion in society. This caused some uproar and in August 1941 the Nazi s had a policy which was part of the Aktion T4 programme, the killing of asylum patients. However Bishop Von Galen was motivated by the attempt to maintain independence and integrity and led to an outspoken attack from the pulpit. This was regarded as a notable exception from the Nazi s as Von Galen s speech led to the stepping down of the programme. These exceptions from the Nazi s and more so the acts of the religious people involved highlighted the importance of religion and also showed a devotion to Catholicism and not to the Nazi s, therefore emphasising that the church cannot be seen as a real threat to Hitler and the Nazi s. Other Sections of the German society posed threats to the Nazi s, particularly the youth. Organised attempts to actively oppose the regime were set up. The Edelweiss Pirates were the most organised, these attacked the Hitler Youth and also went
  • 30. Ptolmaic s View That The Earth Is The Center Of The Universe A: Ptolmaics model suggested that the earth was the center of the universe. This was based around the concept that they believed that the orbit of the planets had to be perfectly circular and they had no idea just how far the planets were from the earth which meant that they could not account for the lack of stellar parallax. Or rather, if the earthwas moving, then why don t we see the stars at a different angles at different times in the year? They used this reasoning to justify the idea that the earth must be stationary. However, if the earth was stationary, they couldn t account for the apparent retrograde motion of planets in the sky. Ptolmaic created the model of the universe that suggested that the planets circled the earth on what
  • 31. The Purpose Of University Education The purpose of university education is not only to gain more knowledge for future careers, but to educate people from becoming illiterate. University education was first established in 1636 by John Harvard. His first purpose was to train students to becoming Christian ministers, which resulted into a prestigious school for students to attend. Harvard University, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts was primarily a puritan collegebecause of the era of strict religious beliefs in society. Students that attended Harvard were very wealthy because of the high costs that was in demand to receive a higher educationat a private university. As years past, students were not able to continue their education after high school because they did not have the money to attend a private university, so the idea of a public university would be established in 1795. The University of North Carolina was the first public university that gave people who were not rich an opportunity to receive a higher education, and democratize education for everyone. This university located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina was established by William Richardson Davie. As more universities were being developed, a new system of higher education would be introduced in 1901. The first public community college was Joliet Junior College. Founded under Superintendent J. Stanley Brown and William Rainey Harper, President of the University of Chicago. This new system of higher education gave more people the opportunity to go
  • 32. The Long Term Dispute Over Which Is Better, East Coast Vs.... The long term dispute over which is better, east coast vs. west coast, will undoubtedly continue until this country no longer exists. While both coasts offer travelers and natives a variety of places to eat, things to do, and places to see, California, North Carolina, and South Carolina want to put their states on the map with their interesting history and ways of living. Due to so much variety on each coast, there is something on each side for everyone. More often than not, people picture California and the Carolinas to be polar opposites. This way of thinking comes from the idea that Hollywood, the city of dreams, consumes California entirely. Consequently, travelers must dig deep to find the hidden gems throughout each state. There will always be more than what meets the eye. There are hundreds of military bases throughout the United States of America. California and the Carolinas contribute to that statistic. Home to almost 30 different bases, California boasts the most commonly known Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, and the Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, home to the Navy SEALS. One of the very prevalent military communities within California is San Diego. There is an overwhelming sense of pride in the Armed Forces around every corner in what is a relatively large city. North and South Carolina are very familiar with that same sense of pride. Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, Camp Lejeune, Marine Corps
  • 33. Breitbart Twitter Analysis What do you write when you have no more than 140 characters available, and a story or event you want people to read and respond to on social media? The answer is a Twitter post. Twitter is the second most popular social media site with over 310 million viewers monthly, second only to Facebook (eBizMBA, n.d.). As a microblogging site that melds blogging, social networking and news resourcing, it is by far the most popular social networking site globally (Quora, n.d., eBizMBA, n.d.). I chose to look at the Breitbart News website and Twitter posts to see what was tweeted under the digital news organizations umbrella to find what type of content was posted, or reposted. Breitbart s twitter posts appear to be a mix of Breitbart News stories, reposted tweets from other news organizations, professional news commentators/political pundit tweets, and individual tweets about a story or event. I didn t see any responses to the tweets, it appears to be an outlet for information without debate, only comments and news links. Brietbart s Twitter posts are mediated public communication by definition, in that it is one to many communication with some questioning and response observed (Wrench, McCroskey, Richmond, 2008. P. 310).... Show more content on ... This is how Breitbart News Twitter site operates, but there is very little feedback, and feedback is an important part of the twitter experience. The reader engagement aspect is minimal at best, and if I made only one recommendation to the organization, it would be to engage the reading audience through synchronous and asynchronous communication via the twitter feed (Wrench, McCroskey, Richmond, 2008. P.
  • 34. The Free Speech Movement (FSM) at the University of... The Free Speech Movement (FSM) at the University of California at Berkeley started during the fall of 1964. (Freeman, Jo) But there were many events leading up to this point. The Free Speech Movement began to obtain momentum in the fall of 1963 and the spring of 1964 the Bay Area was rocked with the civil rights demonstrations against employers who practiced racial discrimination. (Freeman, Jo) These students believed that this was wrong and felt the need to do something about it. So many Berkeley students were recruited for these protests from Bancroft and Telegraph which where the companies that were racial discriminating against races and groups of people.(Freeman, Jo) With these protest there were many arrest made of Berkeley students... Show more content on ... 18 student groups from across the political spectrum asked the Dean to reverse the ruling. (Freeman, Jo) But when they met with the dean they found out that the ruling was not put in place from him and that it came from someone higher up on the board at Berkeley. So with that student groups defied the policy by setting up their tables as before, and also in front of the administration building facing Sproul Plaza, where they had never been before. (Freeman, Jo) While the tables were being set up student activists led a rally and a march against the new rules of protesting on campus. The students marching and five tables were ordered to the dean s office and with that, 400 Students signed the petition of complicity and filled the halls of the administration building demanding that they too be disciplined. So they were indefinitely suspended. (Freeman, Jo) While the 400 plus students were getting disciplined in the dean s off Jack Weinberg, got arrested for sitting behind the CORE table by campus police, after he refused to give his name or show his id, even though he didn t even go to the school anymore. (Freeman, Jo) Since he had a long record before this arrest with civil rights movements the spring before the FSM movement, he had more experience with the law he was more likely to do something dramatic for the cause he was fighting for. (Freeman, Jo) When the police were called he went limp and
  • 35. Prioritizing It Project Management Portfolio Prioritizing IT Project Management Portfolio Prioritizing IT Project Management Portfolio The realities of shrinking IT budgets and increasing dependence on IT in organizations in recent years has resulted in a situation in which there is an intense competition for resources needed to execute and complete IT projects. According to Ross (2007), the shrinking IT budget in the face of increasing demand has brought new pressures to the IT function. To gain approval and funding for projects, IT departments must demonstrate that such new project will either result in cost saving, increased sales, or result in greater enterprise wide efficiency (Ross, 2007). The intense competition for resources makes it imperative that IT managers need to... Show more content on ... Points were assigned to each project on a scale of 1 10. The higher a project scores on this point system the better the chances of its being a priority for execution. For example the project with the highest number of points will have the highest priority and the project with the next highest points will be next in priority. * Will the project drive or create new revenue? Project| | Criterion| Points| ERP| | Drive and create revenue| 7| Email Exchanger| | | 8| Database| | | 6| Network Upgrade| | | 2| CRM| | | 8| | | | | * The projects in the portfolio were evaluated to determine if they will drive and create new revenue for the organization. The E mail system and CRM are tied at 8 points, while the ERP and Database projects came in the second and third place respectively leaving Network upgrade at the 5th position. The rationale here lies in the fact that CRMs are known to help drive revenues, and e mails are effective for communication and advertising. These will drive revenues more than the other three projects. * Will the project cut operating costs? Project| | Criterion| Points| ERP| | Drive and create revenue| 9| Email Exchanger| | | 8| Database| | | 6| Network Upgrade| | | 3| CRM| | | 8| * * Measured against the ability to cot operating costs, ERP topped the priority chart in this category, followed by the Email exchanger project.
  • 36. Motivation ESSAY #2 Motivation: Extrinsic to Intrinsic Motivation is a key factor in determining business success or failure. Successful organizations relentlessly seek to operate with a clear understanding of employee needs , and develop specific focus on how to meet them. Two key theories in organizational motivation are expectancy theory and equity theory. Both theories focus on the outcomes of a given decision or system rather than on individual employee needs. The goal of both process theories is to increase output. Some industries are better at applying process theory than others. In high pressure sales industries process theory is evident. Computer companies run operations based on equity and expectancy theory. The... Show more content on ... Positive feedback cycles occur when sanction is properly implemented. Extrinsic reward for incorrect reasons is deadly to organizational value creation systems. Extrinsic reward provided for performance of expected task decreases the value of future extrinsic reward and creates expectation of future extrinsic reward for routine tasks. Expectation created through over rewarding ends in withholding of high levels of extrinsic reward for average performance and is perceived as sanction. Instrumentality is decreased as effort is perceived as unrewarded. Effort is reduced to poor performance levels so that effort is matching perceived instrumentality. Successful organizations implement highly structure extrinsic reward systems that deliver consistent feedback regarding instrumentality to avoid over rewarding. Improperly controlled sanction is deadly to organizational efficiency. Sanction that is implemented through withholding of extrinsic reward destroys intrinsic reward and motivation if applied incorrectly. Sales teams that do not have the appropriate materials, knowledge, or support structure to perform at a high level should not be sanctioned. If groups are sanctioned through withholding of extrinsic rewards in situations in which other factors are the key reasons for failure group motivation is annihilated. Sanction for failure to attain success that is not attainable removes all intrinsic motivation. Successful organizations focus on
  • 37. Juvenile Delinquency In The US Introduction It is believed that children are the products of their environment. With their brains often compared to sponges, children tend to mimic the language and the actions of those around them, and absorb those things into their memory. (Briggs, Grella, Allen Burton, Yarmuth, Taylor, 2012) There are many studies on the causes of juvenile delinquency, but there is much debate as to who and what is considered the primary factors of influence. This topic is important because juvenile delinquency continues to be a huge problem in the U.S; in 2012 alone, there was approximately 1,319,700 juvenile arrests (Puzzenchera, 2014). The primary group in this research are those adolescents who live inner cities and reside in low income based neighborhoods. ... Show more content on ... The inner city neighborhood itself is primarily the reason as to why both delinquency and dropping out occurs consecutively. According to the current study done by Seijeoung, Maaza, Zwanziger, and Henry (2014), children (unlike their high income counterparts) living low income based neighbors are more inclined to have a bad academic performance in school, may act on impulse and exhibit negative behavioral problems. Lower levels of school performance could be due to environmental factors such as home and the neighborhood as an added stress especially for impoverished neighborhoods (Seijeoung et al, 2014). Lower grades then gives youth a reason to drop out and give up. It is almost as though one thing enables another. In order to understand how outside factors such as the low income neighborhood can lead to delinquency and school delinquency, one needs to know the people, and activities that are involved with the
  • 38. Chapter 6 Research Paper Magic, sorcery, the transformation of one thing into another and everything in between, as well as the fantasy in it, has been the driving force behind many great myths, both ancient and modern. But when the topics of magic, fantasy and medievalism are brought into discussion together, it is clear that it has a very sordid past. In the Middle Ages, magic and the fantastical outside of the Bible were highly frowned upon and seen to be the work of the devil or his minions. And pretty soon the Catholic Church and the hierarchy thereof got it into their heads that all females were either a witch or a warlock, and thereby practiced devil worship. But as the great scientists and their work took prominence in the Middle Ages, the hold of the Catholic... Show more content on ... Even though the modern society hangs mostly in the balances of commerce, money, power, and the combined strength of technology and science, there are still great numbers of people who turn to tales of magic and wonder as an escape from the mundane existence in which their lives are led. In the late nineties, a young boy wizard by the name of Harry James Potter was first read about and proved to be a major catalyst in getting the world reading again, and getting the world to fall in love with something together; these two statements prove the power of the imagination has and still has a powerful influence on the world today and will continue to do so for a great amount of
  • 39. Handguns Should Not Be Banned Handguns Gun violence, especially that as caused by handguns, is a major problem in America. It affects millions of people annually, and the effects it has are irreversible. However, this reality does not constitute for a complete ban on the private ownership of handguns. A ban on the private ownership of handguns should not be enacted on the grounds that the United States government ought to preserve democratic legitimacy and constitutionalism, and a ban is not feasible or just in America s political climate. Every day, 282 people are shot in the United States but this is not merely the result of the array of firearms available in this country. Instead, a minority of the guns that Americans own are responsible for much of this violence.... Show more content on ... Wintemute and Teret, professors at Johns Hopkins University attribute this to the shame associated with mental health in America. Data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveals that from 1990 to 1997, 90,000 of the 147,000 suicides committed were committed with a firearm―a tribute to the handgun s operational simplicity and effectivity. Overall, handguns are responsible for seventy percent of firearm suicides. Douglas Wiebe of the University of California Los Angeles School of Public Health conducted a nationally representative study which revealed that ninety four percent of gun related suicides would not have occurred had a gun not been present. A motley of international examples provide proof of concept for a national handgun ban. For example, the Australian prime minister announced in 1996 that Australia would be enacting a national handgun ban, and guns would be collected through a gun buyback program. This resulted in the confiscation of 650,000 guns, a forty two percent drop in the homicide rate, and a fifty seven percent drop in the firearm suicide rate. In addition, no mass shootings have occurred since the ban, a sharp contrast to the thirteen shootings that took place in the thirteen years before. The homicide rate also fell to less than one per one hundred thousand, while the United States hovers at five per one hundred thousand. Professor Donahue of Stanford University attributes this to more than merely the
  • 40. Network Security And Security Assessment Network Security Assessment Network Security is a very dynamic and technical field dealing with all aspects of scanning, hacking and securing systems against intrusion. It is more than just encrypting user data, virtual private networks or installing firewalls. Network security consists of the provision, policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network accessible resources (Xie, 2013). Network Security assessments are carried out by ethical hackers, to find vulnerabilities in the system s security that would enable a malicious hacker or intruder access to the network. An Ethical hacker is a security professional that performs pen tests by using software tools and techniques as malicious hackers. Their goal is to exploit vulnerabilities in a system or network to find weakness in one or more if the four elements of security. There are five distinct phases in ethical hacking: Phase I: Reconnaissance: This involves gathering information about a potential target without the targeted company s knowledge. Phase II: Scanning This phase involves taking the information discovered during the reconnaissance and using it to examine the network. Phase III: Gaining Access It is during this phase where the vulnerabilities of the system are exploited to gain access to the target system. Phase IV: Maintaining Access With access to the system, the hacker then secures their access for
  • 41. The History, Strengths, and Limitations of the Renaissance... Program Description Renaissance Scholars Program (RSP) is a Program founded at the California State University of Fresno. This program can be found under the student supportive services umbrella of Educational opportunities Programs (EOP) (Fresno State News 2008). RSP seeks to alter and improve the standards of care for transitional aged youth leaving the foster caresystem and transitioning into secondary education (Fresno State News 2008). Furthermore, RSP is centered on creating a linked network of services for support through varied departments at Fresno State University (Fresno State News 2008). Also, RSP uses community resources to ensure this high risk student population receives services that prolong and increase their positive academic, personal, social, emotional, financial, and professional status while attending college(Fresno State News 2008). The type of services that RSP offers are admissions assistances, university orientation, financial aid assistance, academic advising and monitoring, career counseling and assistance, individual and group counseling, social activities, mentoring opportunities, leadership opportunities, scholarship grant opportunities, year around housing, and student advocacy (Fresno State News 2008). RSP ultimate goal is to support ambitious college bound aging out foster care youth and students with independent status. Moreover, this program is determined to provide a secure consistent support system, empowering these youth to
  • 42. Persuasive Essay On Water Of Water Introduction The use of chemicals in a school environment cause several issues in not only our health, but our watersheds as well. The chemicals in use in our school are those that cause damage to our health, they cause this damage with ingredients that are not completely user friendly. A watershed is a drainage basin, which is a natural depression in the earth s surface, usually containing water, and a divider that separates different areas. Here in Colorado we have two main watersheds, but we also have several streams considered watersheds. We are in the Cache La Poudre watershed. A watershed is the transport of different water and it is what is used to drain water into other basins, or oceans or any bigger water masses. It has stream valleys that bring water to other bodies of water, in which evaporate and return to the top. This is a constant stream in which is basically recycling water, so we want to keep the water healthy and ready for us to use. In a certain quote, we understand the dangers of what we do to our watersheds with urbanization, flooding becomes more prevalent as the area of impervious surfaces increase. (Perlman, 2016). This quote is saying that the more surface area that was given, such as parking lots, the more runoff comes from our flooding periods. This could be a danger in our school environment, because we use several chemicals as cleaners. I found greener cleaning supplies from not only our current distributor, but one of distributor that
  • 43. Pokemon s Lawsuit Analysis The Wall street Journal article written by Jacob Gershman on August 2nd 2016 states that a class action lawsuit was being brought against Pokemon Go developers, San Francisco based Niantic Inc. The Plaintiff, a 61 year old New Jersey resident says the company is responsible for an unlawful and wrongful invasion of his property. Shortly after the U.S. release of the popular smartphone game, the Plaintiff, Mr. Jeffrey Marder realized strangers loitering outside his home while on their phones while some at least five people knocked on his door asking for access to his backyard in order to catch Pokemon. The lawsuit was also filed on behalf of other unnamed property owners as well. The article end by mentioning another lawsuit that was... Show more content on ... Pokemon Go, is a smartphone game app that allows players to capture, train and battle various Pokemon. The game requires players to travel around various areas around the world in search of Pokemon, Pokestops and Pokemon gyms in order to increase in levels, gain medals and lead gyms. This article shows that not everyone is embracing this nostalgic game. Both the named and unnamed plaintiffs are upset with the games developers for allowing the game to use their property as places where people might gather to play the game. This can have both a positive and a negative impact for businesses. For some companies this could draw attention to their locations, many businesses have already taken advantage of this opportunity, requesting that their locations be Pokestops or gyms. However, for some businesses including hospitality and tourism focused businesses this could pose a problem. In an article by the BBC written on August 3rd 2016 it mentioned that a number of requests from tourism locations around the world have been made to be removed from the game. Sites like the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Japan), the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (USA) and the former concentration camp of Auschwitz (Germany). It s important to follow this kind of legal situations because it could likely have effects that stretch across not only North America but also the world. It s important
  • 44. Evolution Of Live Birth And Snakes Evolution of Live Birth in Snakes The evolution of how snakes reproduce by bearing live offspring will be discussed by determining, the evolutionary pathway of live birth, viviparity, egg laying birth, oviparity and giving live birth but being kept in the womb in eggs until being ready to hatch, ovoviviparity. Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each reproduction method will be determined. The objective of this paper is to discuss the factors that have contributed to the evolution of snakes being viviparous. The way snakes give birth is either through live birth, viviparity, or by laying eggs, oviparity. Snakes are located within, Reptilia, the same class many dinosaurs were located in. Reptiles are the descendants of creatures in the Paleozoic period called, Labrynthodonts. One of the earliest reptiles that resembles the snake is the, Eophis, an eight inch long snake that lived in England (Guillette Jr. 1993). The Eophis was very different compared to modern snakes, Eophis had four legs and is believed to have been living near water. The limbs are what enabled Eophis to move rapidly in water (Guillette Jr., 1993). Around 100 million years ago the limbs in Eophis were loss and limbless snakes evolved (Guillette Jr., 1993). The fossil record of early snakes is very rare due to snakes consisting of many small and very fragile bones making them easily destroyed. Most of the species classified within Reptilia are oviparous. (Guillette Jr., 1993). Snakes are no
  • 45. Information Technology With Social Media Prospective Essay Innovation in information technology with social media prospective When there is proven method of conducting business then there are horizons of innovation are alive all the time. The innovation and creative ideas provide a key role in driving both future as well as real time success into the core strategies of International Food Group. Marketing is a particularly targeted out of these strategies in real terms. The use of technology at IFG aims to reach its customers in three new ways: пЃ¶The company should direct connection with its customer s regarding the new product development ideas. This connection should closely interact with company s website where there is maintain a real time response without any delay. пЃ¶The company has to reach out to different communities through social media networking and gets an overview of their interests and needs in order to guide company s future marketing plans. пЃ¶Implement of ideas into planed action in order to start journey towards success. Following are the innovative techniques that an IFG can apply in order to achieve long term success. These recommendations are applied as innovation throughout the marketing campaign of your company. Innovation through encouragement and reward of teamwork By giving incentives to the team workers involved in the process of exploration and experimentation of new innovative ideas, the plan of innovation presentation can be made effective. This can result in achieving more confidence of the team