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Miracle Worker Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Miracle Worker" presents a unique set of challenges. To
begin with, delving into the complexities of this iconic play demands a comprehensive
understanding of its themes, characters, and historical context. Analyzing the intricate
relationship dynamics between Helen Keller, Annie Sullivan, and other characters requires keen
insight and careful interpretation.
Moreover, interpreting the profound themes of communication, perseverance, and the human
spirit necessitates a nuanced approach to both textual analysis and critical thinking. Juggling
these elements while formulating a coherent thesis and supporting arguments can be
intellectually demanding.
Furthermore, addressing the cultural and social significance of "Miracle Worker" adds another
layer of complexity. Exploring how the play reflects societal attitudes towards disability,
education, and empathy requires sensitivity and a broad perspective.
Additionally, ensuring originality and creativity in discussing a well-studied literary work like
"Miracle Worker" can be daunting. Striving to offer fresh insights while engaging with existing
scholarship demands extensive research and thoughtful synthesis.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Miracle Worker" necessitates navigating
through layers of textual complexity, thematic depth, cultural context, and scholarly engagement.
It is a task that requires not only analytical prowess but also creativity and empathy.
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Miracle Worker EssayMiracle Worker Essay
Universal Basic Income
Citizen s dividends, unconditional monthly grants, or free money to everyone. This
is what a universal basic income (UBI) has been called in other names. The notion
of a universal basic income has been literally everywhere for a very long period, at
least since the aftermath of the world war I. A UBI is an incomegiven without any
strings attached to every adult and child (or in some version, only citizens) to
provide at least an adequate level of resources. A basic incomeguarantees each citizen
an income sufficient to meet his or her basic needs. The money would be given even
regardless of whether the recipients are in the jobs or not. Strikingly for UBI, it is not
mean testing benefits, meaning that no family stuck in povertytraps... Show more
content on ...
The current system of welfare gives benefits to some people but not to others. That
means we spend a lot of resources inquiring through the details of people s private
lives to see if they really qualify or not. The difficulty of this patchwork is
overwhelming to individuals experiencing it directly. Monitoring people,
Coordinating hundreds of arbitrary and ever changing rules, ensuring people are
destitute first before qualifying for welfare or social housing increases
unnecessary complexity to government (Perieira, 2015). And that also means that
there s a big incentive for special interest groups to gain the system to their own
advantage, or even to oppress or disenfranchised groups they don t like. But what if
what you really need is something completely different. What if you want to
forego present consumption, and save your benefits for the future? Under the
current system, when the government gives you housing vouchers, or food stamps,
you have to use those benefits on what the government thinks you need. This is
only one of many examples of an individual facing multiple welfare bureaucracies.
Clearly, you cannot save food stamps in the bank, but you can save cash and you
can spend it on whatever you think you need. In this way, a basic income gives
people the freedom to make their own decisions about how to improve their own
lives. In this way, a simple rule namely basic income is not only fair, it is also more
stable. In the case of the
Theme of Death in William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily
Theme of Death in William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily
William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily is a tragic tale of a Southern aristocrat, Miss
Emily Grierson, who is the subject of a town s obsession. The narrator, a member of
the town, tells the story of what transpires in a decaying old Southern house that is
always under the watchful eye of the townspeople. They witness Miss Emily s life,
her father s death, her turn to insanity and the death of both her and her lover. The
theme of death runs throughout this tale, which is understandable considering the
events that take place in the story. Faulkner uses foreshadowing to foretell events that
will transpire later in the story. Because of this foreshadowing, a reader ... Show more
content on ...
This description of Emily s hair is important, because one of Emily s hairs will be
found next to Homer s body, and it also shows how Emily is decaying like the
house and items inside. Early in the story Emily writes a letter on stationary of an
archaic shape and with fading ink . The references here are to the way she is always
described growing older and decaying. Even Emily s house shares her short squat
characteristic and coquettish decay .
The insanity of Miss Emily is also foretold in A Rose for Emily. When the body of
Homer is found in her bed, the reader can understand that Emily killed him,
because her mental stability had been questioned a number of times. The narrator
begins these allusions to her mental state when he tells how the mayor, Colonel
Sartoris, bestows a special tax exemption upon Miss Emily. Colonel Sartoris makes
up a story so unbelievable that it is described as so outlandish that only a woman
could have believed it . Later, the townspeople talk about her great aunt, the lady
Wyatt, who had gone completely crazy. They wonder about poor Emily with the
insanity in her family. Her mental state comes into question again when the town
removes the body of her father. She is said to have broke down and finally let them
in to take and bury the body. This is an obvious analogy to her having a mental
breakdown. This is followed with the statement that the townspeople did
Cranial Nerves
Cranial Nerves The human body is a unique and fascinating entity. There is not
much notice taken of the features the human body is capable of. The brain is
necessary to perform day to day actions, such as the ability to speak, and see
amongst us. This brain is made up of simple mater (Pia mater, Arachnoid mater, Dura
mater) and the cranial surface to protect the brain. We live our daily lives without
acknowledging the importance of this organ, the brain, unless you re a medical
student of course! Despite that people go on with their daily activities using the
human natural senses. Looking at the world through the eyes, watching for any
danger around us; ears for hearing the sounds detecting something that may call for
danger, the... Show more content on ...
The second cranial nerve is optic nerve. Optic nerves main function is vision, one
of the important senses of the human body. Allowing oneself to see around them.
The cell bodies of the optic nerve are located in the Retina (ganglion cells). Optic
nerve begins with unmyelinated axons of the rentinal ganglion cells, which later
become myelinated in the optic disc. CN II enters the cranium via the optic canal.
The retina has bipolar cells that are connected to the special sensory fibers (rods
and cone cells). When light hits the rod and cone cells, electrical impulse are
relayed and transmitted to the bipolar cells. That is when the bipolar cells transmit
electrical activity to the CNS through the optic nerve. Loosing the sense of vision
can be very detrimental. Some of the dysfunctions that occur with CN II are
immediate monocular blindness (partial or complete), visual field deficits, blurring,
scotomata, and monocular diplopia. There can be many possible causes for these
dysfunctions to name a few, immediate loss of vision is due to injury to optic nerve
due to ischemia or death, delayed vision loss is due to infarction of the optic nerve or
less frequently by hematoma surrounding the nerve. Complete monocular blindness
is usually due to non organic disorders. Blurring and scotomata are due to trauma to
the cornea, vitreous tears, traumatically induced
Analogy Tramontane
Analogy/ Dora: Tramontane is based on the incredible story of survival of Dora
Aleman, Bill T. Jones s mother in law. During World War II, Dora was a 19 year
old French Jewish girl. Bill T. Jones conducted an interview with Dora, which is the
basis and background score of the performance. Analogy/ Dora: Tramontane spans
over the course of five years and starts with the German invasion of Poland. Dora s
hectic life events and humanitarian work are innovatively told through the script,
architecture and set, and movement vocabulary in an unexpected way.
The interview was an integral aspect of the piece. Instead of simply having a
recording of the interview playing in the background of the performance, the dancers
of the Bill T. Jones/Arnie ... Show more content on ...
Jones s work Analogy/ Dora: Tramontane . I saw vibratory movement and a certain
movement motif of wobbling knees. I also appreciated Jones s use of stillness.
When there was stillness I felt that it amplified the dialogue being spoken and it
created a sense that what was coming next was going to be important. The
relationship between the choreography and the dialogue shifts throughout the piece.
At certain times the dancers literally act out what is being spoken and use a lot of
pedestrian movement, while other times the movement is more abstract. Sometimes
the movement would interrupt the dialogue like when Dora disperses a group of
thugs that were after her father by telling them he s not here . Immediately after
those words are spoken the music dramatically shifts and the dancing turns slightly
chaotic. There were times where the transitions were sharp, and other times where
the dancing just flowed underneath the dialogue. A lot of the choreography
featured close movements and hand gestures that were simple yet made you feel
emotions. An example of this is when Jenna Riegel is speaking of the horrific
passing of Dora s sister due to a complicated abortion while I Ling Liu performs one
simple gesture that made tears well up within me. Bill T. Jones knew that a holocaust
survival story would not be something easy to take in, so he provides several light
hearted moments and comic
Gender Norms In Easy A
In Southern California outside Los Angeles, there is a small town by the name of
Ojai, the setting for Easy A the 2010 comedic classic with strong influences from
Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter. Emma Stone plays the protagonist, a high school
teenager named Olive who is the typical small town girl. She has a younger brother
and two excellent parents, your average middle American family of four. From the
very beginning of the film there is almost a sense of foreshadowing while the camera
pans through the tiny town of Ojai, helping the viewer really understand how small
the town actually is. This also helps to foreshadow the events that will occur, the high
school bubble, a narrative about teenage sexuality, and the idea of gender norms in
popular... Show more content on ...
Olive and her best friend sit at the forefront of this film, one that became impact on
popular American culture in the early 2010 s. The film shows contrast between
Stone s Olive, and Bynes Marianne, slut vs. bible girl if you will. The controversy
starts after Bynes character overhears Olive talking about her date and subsequent
sexual encounter with a college aged guy. However, in true high school fashion,
Olive had only lied because of the social pressure from her best friend Rhiannon.
This small interaction sparks a wild fire within the school, and soon everyone
inside the town of Ojai is an expert into all things Olive. Gossip can be a very
dangerous action, yielding mental illness in teens, bullying, and even suicide.
Marianne takes the lead in the witch hunt against Olive which is representative of a
larger cultural phenomenon in high school and even college. High school is often a
very formative point in people s lives, which can often be horrible because of the
toxic environment many people find themselves in. The analysis of this theme
throughout the movie ties into the Guardian s review of Easy A an excerpt from
which is
What Makes Warren Buffett Successful
Success can be measured in many ways, not the least is ones net worth. Money is
certainly a driving factor for many in business and if used as an indicator of
success, Warren Buffett unquestionably would rank among the most accomplished.
Born during the depression in 1930, Buffett started out selling chewing gum and
Coca Cola door to door, later finding work in his grandfather s grocery store.
Investing his savings, Buffett now serves as the chief executive officer (CEO) of
a multinational conglomerate called Berkshire Hathaway. Among the more well
known company s held by Berkshire are GEICO, Heinz, Coca Cola and American
Express. With a market capitalization of $314 billion, Berkshire is now America s
fifth most valuable public company, behind Apple, Exxon Mobil, Google and
Microsoft. Managing of company of this size would be a daunting task for many, but
Buffett has made it abundantly clear in both his own words and those who have
studied his success, the key lies in good leadership. According to Buffett, a good
leader must have a keen understanding of the industry he leads; strong character and
integrity is vital, and lastly, a good leader must have a profound understanding human
nature. Buffett hand picks his managers and trusts them to administer company
affairs. Buffet has surrounded himself with likeminded managers and the results have
been impressive. In his annual letter to the shareholders of Berkshire, Buffett
communicates his vision and gives
The European Court of Justice
The European Court of Justice is the main governing body for the EU and enforcer
of the laws over all of its member states. The functions of the European Court of
Justice is to enforce Community law, to tackle disputes between member states
and the European council and between the member states themselves, and also to
protect the rights of all European individuals. The court consists of three courts,
Court of Justice of the EU, General court and the EU civil service tribunal which
are all located in Luxembourg. The Court of Justice and the General court both
consist of 28 judges one from each member state, with usually three to five judges
sit and hear cases. Judges must be independent from their own state believes and
must make decisions based on what is best for the European Community as a
whole. The judges appoint a President whose job is to oversee the direction of the
court by assigning cases and appointing judge rapporteurs. The Presidency has a
renewable term of six years. The judges are assisted by eight Advocate Generals
who must be as qualified as the judges. The advocates prepare the cases which they
are going to hear. All ruling by the court are binding on all member states. It is said
that the European Court makes the law and there is no right to appeal in the cases
they hand down decisions on. The Court of First Instance was set up in 1989 to take
some of the work load off the Court of Justice, but was limited to cases between the
EC and its staff,
My Day At A Wax Museum Essay
So guess where we re going over spring break? Where? I asked my mom. We re
going to St. Louis to visit a Wax Museum. Her voice was enthusiastic, and she was
too hyper to go on the trip. When she informed me about this outing I was not
excited. I loathe leaving Kansas City. There s nothing to do. You re perched on
your butt in the car for hours on end, and there s nothing to look at but farmland
and the occasional cow. Over time, the journey begins to get boring; you re
exhausted for a considerable length of time. Also, I have five brothers and sisters. I
would be with them in the car with them the entire outing and they re boisterous.
Being in the same red car with them for ten minutes, I can t stand; I didn t know how
I was going to survive an entire trip. The day of the trip, my motherwoke all of us up
at 6AM. I was already exhausted. I was trusting I would get the opportunity to rest,
as I was on break. She could have told me she was waking us up early. I was
certainly treasuring my sleep. How long is the drive? I asked my mother, Around
four hours, she told me. My mouth dropped open in disbelief. How could any trip
take this long? Prior to the outing, we went to pick my grandmother up. She s very
enthusiastic and talks so much. I asked my mom Why are we going to grandma s?
and she told me Because your grandma is coming. Sarcastically I thought, Incredible,
more people, just exactly what I wanted. My grandmother has never
Rhetorical Devices In Hope By Emily Dickinson
Poetic Device Analysis
In the poem Hope by Emily Dickinson, persona described hope as a confident and
audacious bird that go against chillest land and strangest sea, with the bird that is in
your inside. Different from that poem called Hope by Sri Chinmoy, persona
associated hope with sun and happiness and created a different interpretation on hope
by using different metaphors. With use of different metaphors, hope portrayed as a
different kind of thing and this made poems interpretation diversed from each other.
Dickinson wrote Hope with using metaphorical devices in order to make a concrete
expression of hope, with comparing it with a bird. The poem opens with the line
Hope is the thing with feather. In this ... Show more content on ...
In this poem, persona tries to tell that she will follow the path of hope wherever it
goes. Distinctly from Emily s poem, she tells that she would be still vivacious even
though negative things happen. In the first line of first stanza persona evaluates hope
as a natural instinct that stays permanent and last eternally. We can see that in some
ways poem are alike in interpretation. Remember that in the first poem by Emily
Dickinson, also mentioned that hope is a permanent thing that is eternal. With the
following line which is, Countless frustrations have not cowed me, persona tried
to say that her hope won t be defeated with a simple disappointment, she would be
still vibrant about her life and her hopes that nothing can demoralize her. By The
black cloud will disappear/ The morning sun will appear once again/ In all its
supernal glory, persona used some metaphors in order to tell that one day some she
will be happy again. Also she associated negativity and anger with saying black
cloud and happiness with sun , with using metaphors. Then she mentioned that the
black cloud (negativity and anger) will leave and she will be happy again. With
these metaphors, persona creates a different type of hope. This type of hope reveals
that no matter how bad things can get, it will end up being
Essay Barn Burning
In Barn Burning, the author, William Faulkner, composes a wonderful story about
a poor boy who lives in anxiety, despair, and fear. He introduces us to Colonel
Satoris Snopes, or Sarty, a boy who is mature beyond his years. Due to the harsh
circumstances of life, Sarty must choose between justice and his family. At a
tender age of ten, Sarty starts to believe his integrity will help him make the right
choices. His loyalty to family doesn t allow for him to understand why he warns the
De Spain family at such a young age. Faulkner describes how the Snopes family is
emotionally conflicted due to Abner s insecurities, how consequences of a father s
actions can change their lives, and how those choices make Sarty begin his coming
of age into... Show more content on ...
There are many consequences to bad choices in life. Abner Snopes makes many
decisions that hurt him, his family, and whoever may have tried to do him wrong.
He is jealous of the families that he sharecrops for, and is angry for not being able
to be like them Faulkner s story tells of the emotional distancing of young Satoris
Sarty Snopes from his father when he realizes the toll that his father s penchant for
burning the barns of wealthy landowners has on its victims ( Krstovic 30). Society
has basically told him he is lower class due to his resentments of Abner s rootless
ness, his continual wandering from place to place, and his contempt for tradition
and order (Stein 732). His thoughts of them being superior to him bring out feelings
of rage and inferiority. As Abner is angry about being accused of burning down a
barn, being driven from the last town they lived in, and having total disdain for his
new land owner, he chooses to take that anger out on the de Spain family by
burning down their barn. Abner s choice to have no regard for others, gives him
bestial like qualities which is evident when he steps in fresh [horse] droppings
(Faulkner 1960). He sends
Konica Minolta
Every year, business owners and employers struggle to find a holiday gift to show
their appreciation to the employees and staff members that keep the company up
and running. Gifts often run the gamut from excellent (bonuses, paid vacations) to
not so great (another potted plant, how thoughtful!). This year, it s time to change
it up! Maybe the perfect gift for your employees (or yourself) is a replacement for
the old, outdated copier machines in your office. Don t be a Grinch read on to
learn why new copier machines are the gift that keeps on giving! The gift of less
frustration Old, outdated copier machines can be one of the most frustrating aspects
of doing business. Paper jams, slow printing, and a lack of useful features all make it
... Show more content on ...
Although updating your copier machines may seem expensive at the start, you
stand to save money in the long run. Konica Minolta copier machines lead the
industry when it comes to environmentally friendly devices. There are lots of ways
that Konica Minolta helps reduce environmental impact, including reducing toner
consumption, recycling toner cartridges, and using less energy. Not only does this
help save the planet, it also helps save you a lot of money on consumables over
time. Plus, new copier machines are more reliable, meaning you ll reduce the cost
of lost productivity due to breakdowns, malfunctions, or inefficient printing. To
help make the initial investment in new copier machines feel like more of a gift
than a curse, you can also look into options for leasing or for purchasing pre owned
devices. Whether you are looking for a good gift for the whole office or just one
for yourself this holiday season, new copier machines should definitely make it
onto your shopping list. Investing in updated technology can help reduce
frustration, increase productivity, and save money. If you choose to use that extra
cash for holiday bonuses for your team, you may just earn the title of best boss ever.
Copier machines from Konica Minolta are a great way to achieve all your gift giving
goals and to start the new year off with a
List Of Descriptive Statistics Of Rate, The Index (...
Table 4 summarises descriptive statistics of RATE, the un weighted (weighted)
risk disclosure index (RDI) as well as SSB for all bank fiscal years, as well as for
each of the eight firm years investigated, separately from 2006 to 2013. Table 4
shows a number of remarkable outcomes. First, it reports that there is a high
amount of variation in ratings between banks. For instance, RATE ranges from a
minimum of 1 (Default) to a maximum of 19 (AA which mean very high credit
quality) with the median RATE 14.12 (Good credit quality) that indicate most
banks in MENA have good rating, but there has been a continuous decreases in
ratings during 2008 and years after which reflects the impact of continues crises
beginning with GFC in 2007 and credit crunch in 2010. For instance, the average
banks ratings is 14.4, 14.29, 14.09, 13.77, 13.69 and 13.84 in 2008, 2009, 2010,
2011 and 2012, but RATE begin to increases in 2013 which indicates recovery in
MENA banks from GFC crisis effects. Finally, there is evidence that the level of
listed bank RATE before GFC is higher than during and after GFC. Insert Table 4
about here Table 4 shows a high variation degree in risk disclosures between
MENA banks. For example, un weighted RDI ranges from a minimum of 1 (1.04%)
to a maximum of 84 (87.50%) with the mean banks disclosing 56.24 (58.58%). Risk
disclosure level (percentage) indicate a significant level of discretion in the bank
management s decision regarding risk disclosure level which are
Holy Sepulchre Research Paper
1.) After watching the video clip of one pilgrimage site and reading the background
essay, include a 100+ word description of the sacred place.
The Church of Holy Sepulchre also known as the Church of the Resurrection, is the
sacred site for Christian in the religious pilgrimage city of Jerusalem, in Israel.
Jerusalem has many visitors every day because it is sacred to half of the world
religious beliefs, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. All three religions consider
Jerusalem sacred because Christianity developed out of
Judaic texts (the oldest known monotheistic religious belief) and Islam developed
from both Christianity and Judaism. Since the three religions had one city of
pilgrimage there were many rivalries, in AD 326 the first church ... Show more
content on ...
Then, Constantine s church was burned by Persians in 614. Restored and once again
destroyed by Muslims in 1009 and partially rebuilt. Finally, the
Crusaders completed the reconstruction in 1149, which is the church that stands today.
2.) Explain why it is holy and the reason(s) for the pilgrimage?
The Church of Holy Sepulchre has been a major pilgrimage site for Christians from
all around the world. The reason why the church is holy is that it stands on a site that
is believed to encompass the Calvary where Jesus was crucified, and the tomb
(sepulcher) where he was buried and the place where Jesus resurrected. The Church
of the Holy Sepulchre has been an important pilgrimage destination since the 4th
3.) Explain what activities/ rituals that might be performed on the way and at the
pilgrimage site?
Holy Fire ceremony this ceremony has been celebrated for over 1200 years, it is
described by Orthodox Christians as a miracle that occurs every year at the Church
of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on the day before the
Orthodox Easter. Thousands and thousands of Christians come to the Church of Holy
Sepulchre to light candles and torches to celebrates the Messiah s
Irony In Susan Glaspell s Trifles
The short story Trifles, by Susan Glaspell is a mystery murder story that takes
place in a time where men are superior to woman and that women s rights has not
been recognized, and how women were considered their husbands property. The
irony associated with the title Trifles can be explained in many ways. There are
events that cause the women to unite and hide the evidence from the men. Mrs.
Glaspell is sending out a message to her female readers. To begin with, the title
Trifles is ironic because Trifles explores far more than minor matters as it attempts to
show the serious consequences of dismissing the feelings and troubles of individuals.
It is the seemingly minor issues and that trifles expose the psychological effects that
Mrs. Wright s life had on her and the outcome is anything... Show more content on ...
And instead, the men look upstairs in the bedroom and outside in the barn for clues.
The title Trifles is a form of verbal irony by both being an understatement or sarcasm
and that the very important roles and work these women play in their home. As Hale
says sarcastically in the play, Well, women are used to worrying over trifles. Also is
that if Hale, the Attorney, and the Sheriff would have understood women s work, then
the dead canary and the condition of the stitching, if they might have found enough
clues and a motive then they would have been able to convict Mrs. Wright, but
because the women had realize that Mrs. Wright s victimization by her husband and
the sexist attitudes of their own husbands, they decide to keep quiet and protect Mrs.
Wright from going to a prison because they themselves have gone through the same
thing as Mrs. Wright and having been living in a domestic prison for so long.
Additionally, there are many events that transpired to cause the women in the play to
suppress the evidence in the play. The men all throughout the story tease and ridicule
the women about the small
Persuasive Essay On How To Be Responsible For A Rabbit
First thing everyone tends to ask when you tell them you breed rabbits is, Oh they
must breed like rabbits right? WRONG! Any responsible breeder should not just
breed any rabbits they have in cages constantly and to any rabbit and have them
breed like rabbits , here is the step by step process of how to be a responsible rabbit
Consider your options before you consider breeding rabbits, This is not an easy job
nor should it be taken lightly you are bringing life into this work therefore you are
responsible for them. You needto consider all the work that is needed for these
small animals including cage cleaning, feeding, watering, evaluation babies, putting
together pedigrees and medical records. You also need to consider all the money
that has to be put into them including but not limited to feed, cages, the animals
themselves, feeders and waterers, toys and vet bills. So consider all your options and
see you if are up for all the work and money needed to invest and care for these
If you decide that you want to invest both time and money into these animals you
need to start planning and preparing for these animals to join your critter crew. First
part of this is figure out which breed of rabbit you want to work with and what size
as that will affect the supplies you buy for them. Questions to consider; do you
want to raise for show or meat purposes or both? The breed you choose will
determine what size cages and what supplies you need to get as well as different
rabbit supplements and feeds to get. As i personally raise mini rex that is what that
following steps will be based on.
Where you have your rabbitry is a big part of how your breeding operation well
run. Many people do have their rabbits outside but the recommended spot in a
garage or a barn with heat an out of the elements where it is less stressful. Once
you ve figured out where you are going to be housing your rabbits the next type is
figuring out what size and type of cages will work best for you. There are many
types of cages that people use, including solid bottom cages where you use bedding
in them, then there is hanging cages where the poop and pee just drop on the ground
and you use a shovel to scoop the poop.
The Island Of The Galapagos Archipeggio
Isabela Island, the largest island of the GalГЎpagos archipeggio, seemed to rise
straight out of the water. The sedimentary rock cliffs were rusty brown, but were
covered with life. Red and black crabs rested on the surface, while blue footed
boobies gracefully dived into the water to catch sardines. Baby nazca boobies peered
out of their nests to see a small inflatable boat, known as a panga, bobbing in the
water. Our guide, Christina, enthusiastically shared her knowledge of these animals
to my family. This wildlife viewing boat ride was our plan for the afternoon. But
things changed. As things always change.
The sun was starting to set in the west, over the Bolivar Channel. The sea seemed
calm, but a bird would occasionally skim the surface. My family and I watched the
horizon intently. The Bolivar Channel was known for having the best marine wildlife
viewings in the GalГЎpagos. In the far distance, water was displaced. Mist flew in
the air, forming the shape of a miniature fountain. Could it be a whale spout? Or was
it just my imagination? Quietly, I told my sister Raley. However, it was not quiet
enough. Christina heard and immediately started to scour the area with her
binoculars. What if there was no marine life in the area? I was convinced I would die
of embarrassment.
Suddenly, Christina dropped her binoculars.
I see it! It s a whale spout!
Immediately, our panga raced off full speed to the location of the whale spout.
However, as we inched closer to our
Suspense In The Sniper
Sniper Essay The sniper by Liam O Flaherty is about a sniper that has to secure out
an area in the war, yet while doing so he faces many dangers and threats. This genre
is suspense. The sniper has various things that help with the development of suspense
in the story, while keeping you wonder. Leading all the way up until the end. The
author keeps things moving and interesting throughout the story. Such as in the first
part, him determining if he should smoke a cigarette and take the risk of being seen
by an enemy. Although he takes the risk to build the suspense to have him seen and
shot at while on the parapet. The author does this to give you a good sense of the
suspense in the first,
A Look At The Biological Changes And Adaptations...
Anadromy in salmonids: a look at the biological changes and adaptations conferring
the ability to transition between freshwater and seawater
Sarah Davis
Applied Biology 418
Dr. Ackerman
October 2, 2014
Diadromous fish are those that undergo regular migrations between two distinctly
different biomes: freshwater and saltwater (McDowall 1997). These migrations are
physiologically mediated, occur at anticipated times within a fish s life history, and
involve two reciprocal migrations (i.e. the fish migrates away from its natal biome,
then later returns to spawn). Anadromy is a specific subcategory of diadromy,
wherein fish spawn in freshwater, migrate to sea, grow to their final size, and then
return to freshwater to spawn (Quinn 2011). Anadromy is considered to be a defining
life history pattern for members of the Salmonidae family (comprised of salmons,
trouts, and charrs) (Quinn and Myers 2004). All Pacific salmon species (belonging to
the Genus Oncorhynchus) are considered to be anadromous (Quinn 2011);
nonetheless, there are examples of anadromous salmonids outside this Genus, such as
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) (McDowall 2001). It is worth noting that anadromy is
expressed to different degrees interspecifically and intraspecifically (Quinn and Myers
2004). Pink (O. gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) salmon have no natural non
anadromous populations, suggesting that they are the most strongly anadromous
species of salmonids.
Skin We Speak
The purpose of this book review is to critically inspect Lisa Delpit and Joanne
Kilgour Dowdy s book The Skin that We Speak: Thoughts on Language and Culture
(2008). The majority of the essays compiled in the book aim to deconstruct the
negative effects of Standard English or right language in the classroom and how that
can affect the identities of the students in that environment. Contributors offered their
anecdotal experiences as well as recommendations for ways in which the approach to
language in curricula can shift to be more inclusive. By making language more
accessible in the classroom, the pathway to learning can be opened.
Keywords: language, Ebonics, identity, Standard English, curriculum Introduction
Lisa Delpit and ... Show more content on ...
Lisa Delpit authored the first essay in part two of the book and in it she emphasized
the importance of students being able to identify with the content of a curriculum in
order to succeed within the confines of that curriculum (2008, p. 39). Delpit wrote,
there is little in the curriculum that apprises the students of their intellectual legacy
of the fact that people who look like them created much of the knowledge base of
today s world (2008, p. 41). Delpit identified a major problem in education that
affects both success as reflected in assignment work (paper writing) and success
related to true learning and internalizing of material. Both Delpit and contributor
Judith Baker wrote about the intersection of language and success in the classroom
by giving concrete examples of where curricula are failing and how it can be
addressed (2008, p. 55). Part two of the book is largely made up of essays that
deconstructed the problems in classrooms that relate to students of color and
language as well as what avenues there are to begin combating those
Maya, Inca, And Aztec Societies
Mesoamerica is full of rich culture. Expeditions have revealed monuments of valiant,
female sultan erected for display and iconography feminine in appearance. Women
have played a prominent role in defining cultures; such is the case for Maya, Inca,
and Aztec societies. Maya culture relied heavily on the femalepopulation. Before,
agrarian labor was seen as a maledomineering field; however, studies of the Classic
Maya culture indicates farming was a communal occupation. All citizens, including
children, participated in farming and other domestic tasks central to the
communities upkeep. Roles in politics were also open to women, and contextual
evidence indicate[s] that women played important roles .. [in] Maya, politics
(Stockett). The sovereignty of the Classical Maya was embedded in the separation
of noble houses. Each house governed by either a man or women, especially
mothers , placing an independent value on the sexes.(Brumfiel). Textiles, which were
almost exclusively made by women, became a leading factor in the economy the
Maya relied on. One of the main priorities the female had was to turn resources into
goods that the society could profit from. Without the contribution of women, the
Maya would not have achieved the feats they did, shaping politics and religious
festivals. Both home keeping and childcare were activities for women to carry out.
Similar to the societal divide seen in the Maya, Incan genders were independently
established. The rift
Fernando Valenzuela In Baseball History
Who was Fernando Valenzuela in baseball history?
Fernando Valenzuela was a baseball player that played for the Los Angeles Dodgers
for ten years. Not only that he played for the Los Angeles Dodgers for ten years he
also started playing for the angels for one year and then he started playing for
Baltimore Orioles. After that, he played for the Phillies after that he played for two
years with the San Diego padres. The last team he played for is for the Saint Louis
Cardinals. He was a six time all star and he was a member of the Mexican hall of
fame. This famous baseball player has won many awards for his hard work in his
baseball career.
Fernando Valenzuela was born in Etchohuaquila, Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico on
November 1 of 1960. At the ... Show more content on ...
This was due to the fact that Valenzuela spoke a little bit of English. His catcher
Mike Scioscia was a rookie just like him and didn t know any Spanish. So he
decided to learn Spanish. Scioscia eventually became Fernando Valenzuela personal
catcher. All of this happen before becoming a full time catcher. Some people say that
the fans told him dos burritos y una cervesa which was a Spanish pitching code.
In the spring of 1991, Fernando Valenzuela was released if the Los Angeles
Dodgers. He then tried to make a comeback with the California Angels. He failed
and later signed a contract with the Detroit Tigers. The downside was that he never
got the chance to play for the team. His Co tract was later purchased by Jalisco from
the Mexican league. He later tried to make another comeback. He went with the
Baltimore Orioles in 1993.
Valenzuela was jumping between the big leagues and the Mexican leagues until
he went with the San Diego Padres. He got back up scoring 13 8 points with all
3.62 ERA. He later retired from the team and went with the Saint Louis Cardinals.
He scored a final record of 173 153. With the ERA score of 3.54 as a member of the
Cardinals. The Los Angeles Dodgers invited Fernando Valenzuela for the spring
training. Unfortunately, he rejected the
Music Is The Genre Of Music
The modern day person encounters a plethora of genres in their everyday life.
Whether going to the grocery store or watching television, people are surrounded
by the genres of branding, music, twitter posts, Facebook statuses, and so much
more. While it is true that we are impacted by the world of genre around us each
day, it is also true that many people do not know what genre is. Genre is the
expression of people s thoughts, ideas, or emotions, towards a target audience, that
can be separated into categories depending on how one chose to express these
things. There are numerous different types of genre that can be found in the world,
but the most influential to myself is the genre of music. Music is everywhere, it
comes in millions of different forms, and is the one thing nobody can really go a
day without because it is such a common part of modern day life. Everyone has
their own style of music they like to listen to, play, sing, or do whatever to as
music can be applied and found in almost every situation. With such a powerful
influence, music is always changing with the world around us to be connected to
the modern era of life. In 2016, its clear that the music of our generation is not
swing, or classical, or blues music, but rather pop and rap. As rap has taken off,
genre has needed to expand, and thus today there are two types of rap, each with
similar styles but both conveying different messages, idea, and motive, those being
traditional rap and anti rap, or
Confederate Soldiers Sacrifice
I hesitate to speak of our sustaining power the Confederate soldiers had because it
has been so often and so much more beautifully spoken of than I can possibly do it.
I mean of course the inspiration given by the grand and noble women of our dear
Southland. The men were Patriots generally the women universally. In a thousand
ways they contributed to the carrying out of the war. No undertaking was too great
and no sacrifice too much for them. The suffering of the men in the ranks was not
comparable to that at home. With them there was a lack of that social companionship
that so buoyed up the soldier, but alone they suffered, prayed and toiled, frequently
supporting themselves and their families, and yet able to send to Father, Husband, or
The Gilgamesh Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh consist of narratives in tablets that effectively forwards the
ideology of kingship in Mesopotamia through a compilation of themes. Gilgamesh
outward appearance was magnificent, but inwardly he was a relentless tyrannical
king. The epic makes it clear that he was beautiful, strong, and wise collectively
these facts intertwine with him being one third god and two third human. Oddly,
Gilgamesh never effectively utilized his assets for the betterment of his people;
rather he used it for his own wishes. Despite, his abusive kingship, there was
always an overarching restorer of balance overtly seen through the themes of love,
immortality, religion, gods wrath, and womanly intervention. Ultimately, kings in
Mesopotamia had absolute power, but once it was abused, the gods intervened to
restore order. The narratives, tablet by tablet, served to critique the perception of
kingship. King Gilgamesh, ruler of Uruk, was as petrifying as one could imagine;
in modern terms he would be labeled a terrorist. Yes, in some respects he fulfilled
his role as king; he built the great infrastructure of Uruk for his citizens, but that in
it of itself was not sufficient because his evils overweighed his good doings. He
exploited women for sexual gratification, he killed sons, he sacrificed warriors, and
he essentially did what he wanted when he wanted with absolutely no consideration
of the people he reigned over. The citizens were helpless, they sought refuge to a
Volcano Facts
Mt. St. Helens
Types Of Volcanos
Types of Volcanoes: Shield, Cinder Cones and Composite Cones. The earth ejects
lava, rock fragments, hot vapor and gases during volcanic eruptions.
Magma frames in either the lower bit of Earth s hull or the upper piece of its mantle. It
is delivered when high measures of weight join with high temperatures, bringing
about a percentage of the stones in the range to liquefy, making this substance.
Without this blend of weight and warm, this substance would not have the capacity to
Some volcanoes are more dynamic than others since some volcanoes lie on plate
limits that move much of the time which adds more weight to the magma chamber
where the majority of the ... Show more content on ...
Helens 30 years back today crushed the encompassing scene, with the hot gas and
flotsam and jetsam killing endless creatures and harming or pulverizing extensive
swaths of timberland. Be that as it may, life did not by any stretch of the
imagination end without even a moment s pause. Among the reasons the nature
bounced back are some astonishing variables, including the early morning timing
of the emission, the way that spring had been late to arrive that year, and the
stunning capacity of creepy crawlies to parachute in once a recuperation was in
progress. A few animal groups figured out how to make due in the midst of the
spring of gushing lava s emission on May 18, 1980. Others scratched by at the
edges of the decimation and actually crept back. Together they sowed the seeds of a
rebound that advanced in fits and begins and proceeds with today. Scientists have
been watching the procedure from the earliest starting point, taking note of what
species were wiped out from the zone which still had a couple of agents; which
came back to the range and when; and what parts of the harmed scene were the first
to see
The Extreme Nature Of The Third Reich, By Friedrich
The extreme nature of the Third Reich was the consequence of the Nazi ideology.
The structure of the Nazi ideology stems from the spencerian notion of survival of
the fittest . Another concept that the Nazi s misappropriated was will to power
written by Friedrich Nietzsche which links to the fundamental element of social,
political and economic relationships. Hitler was the very embodiment of the
ideology because he intertwined the Nazi movement and ideology with himself even
before he became the chancellor. As Ian Kershaw states: No one was more aware of
the functional significance of his popularity in binding the masses to him, and hence
to the regime, as Hitler himself, and that [Hitler] commented that the ruler who was
dependent only upon executive power without finding the way to the people was
destined to failure (Crew 202)... Show more content on ...
Their slogan ein Volk, ein, Reich, ein Fuhrer directly translating to one nation one
empire one leader reflects the party s efforts to portray the people, state, and leader
as one entity. To do so, routine conflicts reaffirmed the notion of survival of the
fittest, and at the same time enabled the Nazis to portray Hitler as having triumphed
such turmoil. When they got to power, the Nazis expanded to bureaucratic
administration. Individual and interdepartmental rivalries which developed within the
Nazi bureaucracy was not inadvertent. The existence of this competition allowed no
one group to have any more power over each other and hence, Hitler was able to
maintain his power at the top of the hierarchical
Analysis Of Zitkala-Sa Assimilation
Zitkala Sa s Assimilation Barriers
By 1860, there were 60 missionary schools which were not known for most American
societies because they were not mentioned in the U.S. history, and there were 6200
Native Americans children in it. Cultural assimilation is the process of taking in,
fully understanding and absorbing information or ideas. There are two factors which
hindered Zitkala Sa assimilation to the European American culture. The first factor
is how people from different cultures inhabit different nonverbal sensory worlds,
and the second one is judging people based on their own culture and standards. The
story of the song ten little Indians started in a missionary school in the U.S. where
Zitkala Sa choose to study at. She was a writer, teacher, violinist, and activist for
Native American rights. She was one of the Native American who suffered
through her childhood in the missionary school, and she was treated badly from
European American in a forcing way to accept the new culture and do what they
told her to do. However, the text was categorized in three main sections each of
which is describing her life in the missionary school. Overall, Zitkala Sa did not
assimilate completely to European American culture because of misinterpreting of
non verbal signs and symbols and having the tendency to evaluate. First of all, non
verbal signs and symbols was a stumbling block to Zitkala Sa s assimilation, and it
raised the tenacity in her to rebel the new European American
Theme Of Orange Is The New Black
Orange is the New Black: My Year in a WomenВ
ґs Prison by Piper Kerman is a book
about womanВґs experience in a prison with its problems, inside hierarchical system
and overcoming challenges after discharge. It talks about the upbringing of many
Americans who are disadvantaged from the start, how race, orientation, class, and
gender are major factors of these women s lives, inside prisonand out. Along with
age and religion, all these factors are brought into relief, as characters struggle
against the dictates of American society inside prison and out to try to find peace
and freedom. Themes are also explored in this book, from identity and love to the
need to take responsibility for one s acts and above all manage social reform for the
horrific... Show more content on ...
KermanВґs work shows the life in a prison from the other side. The author describes
the humanity of all these offenders. Kerman is convinced that most of them are
innocent and unfairly imprisoned. However, real life and problems of a prison are
not revealed properly. Piper has not encountered real problems, in exception, one
prisoner has reprimanded her for picking all the spinach out of a salad bar.
Moreover, it is the middle class transgression memoir without the real honesty, as her
narration is about women who were simply bored and turned to crime in the search
of new impressions during the time of
Japan In One Of The Most Beautiful Countries In East...
Japan in one of the most beautiful countries in East Asia. Their lifestyle is truly
amazing. Some of the most interesting things about Japan is their history, culture
environment, foods, traditions, education, and government is well put together.
Japan is a country that no one else could replicate. They will always be that way.
No matter what. Below you will read about why this is true and how it continues to
be that way. Japan is definitely one country i would love to attend. It s quite the
landscape also. Brief History Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack on Oahu Island,
Hawaii. The date of the attack is December 7, 1941. The location of the attack was on
a US naval base called Pearl Harbor. This is what entered the Japanese... Show more
content on ...
This is a rice noodles in broth with your choice of meats and tendons. They also
have lots of vegetables in this dish including, carrots, broccoli, bamboo, cilantro,
green onion, and bean sprouts. They also have a food similar to egg rolls from the
chinese but these are spring rolls served with carrots, cabbage, tofu, and bean
sprouts wrapped in a rice paper. Their food is very similar to chinese foods they
have very similar dishes. They also have multiple ways of making the foods.
Everyone loves japanese and chinese foods. Branching off of food brings them
traditions. They are really big on parades and festivals. They always have dragon
costumes and dresses as samurai and ninjas to so their history. They also have a
tradition that spread around the world. Paper lanterns are a huge part of Japanese
culture. They symbolize a passed on family member and they value that greatly.
Education Education in Japan is very similar to the US. Their curriculum is based
off the Ministry of Education, Culture,Sports,, Science and Technology. Most of the
students go to private schools. The others go to public schools. The public schools
are very populated and when they are overpopulated the students don t get the one
on one time they need. Japan is a very smart country. They set a very high standard.
They have six principles of education and they include preK, kindergarten, 1 5th
grades, 6 9 grades, 10 12 grades, college graduate.
Causes Of Fungal Isolates
Twenty three fungal isolates belonging to five genera and six species were
recovered from diseased coriander seedlings and plants showing typical damping
off, wilt, root rot and stem rot symptoms. The isolated fungi were identified as A.
alternata (Fr.) Keissl (3 isolates), Aspergillus niger Tiegh (1 isolate), Fusarium
oxysporum Schlecht (4 isolates), Fusarium solani (Mart.) Appel Wollenw (3
isolates), Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn (5 isolates), and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.)
de Bary (7 isolates). Data in Table (1) indicate that the most dominant fungi were S.
sclerotiorum (30.43%) followed by R. solani (21.74%) and F. oxysporum (17.39%).
Meanwhile, A. niger recorded less frequency (4.35%). The pathogenic capabilities of
the isolated... Show more content on ...
Salicylic acid completely inhibited the formation of sclerotia and the mycelial
growth at 250 and500 ppm., respectively. Meanwhile, potassium silicates gave the
same effect at 750 ppm. Effect of the tested bioagents and chemical inducers on
coriander stem rot was evaluated under artificial infection by estimating the stem
rot severity and AUDPC (area under disease progressive curve) as shown in
figures (2 and 3). Potassium silicate and salicylic acid followed by T. viride and
biocontrol formulation were very effective in reducing the severity of stem rot to
25, 22.22, 30.55 and 38.89%, respectively in compared to control (55.55%). The
AUDPC values were 103.70, 175.00, 239.82 and 324.07, respectively in compared
to control (570.38). Each of T. harzianum and T. hamatum were the lowest
effective treatments which was reduced the severity of stem rot to 44.45 and
44.45%, respectively without significant difference (p=0.05). The AUDPC values
were 375.93 and 479.66, respectively with significant difference. Effect of the
tested bioagents as foliar spray combined with the chemical inducers as soil drench
on coriander stem rot was evaluated under artificial infection by estimating the stem
rot severity and AUDPC as shown in Tables (4 and 5). Potassium silicate as soil
drench combined with T. viride as foliar spray was the most effective in reducing the
severity of stem rot to 13.89% and the AUDPC to 156.29 in compared to applicant
each of them alone, being
Gun Control Is Bad Essay
The U.S. has the highest gun death and ownership rates in the developed world.
Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed with a gun than people in other
developed nations; with an estimated 300 million to 400 million civilian firearms,
the U.S. is by far the most heavily armed nations per capita. About 20 million to 30
million of those guns are semi automatic weapons, according to the National
Shooting Sports Foundation, a lobbying group that wants you to refer to these
weapons as modern sporting rifles. (Wing). Semi automatic weapons are self
loading weapons that could be sold for less than 200 dollars. Anyone can buy these
weapons, and federal law doesn t even require a license to purchase these guns. They
are the cause of... Show more content on ...
It was reported that the Las Vegas shooter used legal attachments that makes rifles
automatic. These attachments gave his gun the power to shoot 9 bullets per second
on the helpless crowd under him (Greenburg). However, despite these findings, the
company just announced its plans to begin to sell the product again (Mann). Studies
show that people who use a fully automatic gun to commit a crime, almost always
use altered semi automatic guns.( The Jack ). With that being said, many people
wonder what are the reasons people might need such dangerous guns in their homes?
This sparks the next main argument, and the answer is crystal clear. their simply isn
t a strong reason for these guns to be owned by the average citizen. High capacity
guns are not needed for hunting, and rarely used for sporting purposes. According to
Jason Marlar, a longtime firearm hobbyist hunters do not need semi automatic
weapons. Hunters don t even need a firearm as most games can be taken with a
bow. Why would a hunter need 9 bullets per second to kill an animal like a deer or
chicken? The same fact applies to self defense. People do not need a high capacity
gun to shoot a robber. If a person plans on needing a highly dangerous gun on an
everyday basis for protection that is a very rare circumstance. In this case that person
might find it helpful to seek outside help from the police. However, for the majority
of cases,
Application Of A Solid Foundation
Once the proposed project is understood and it is agreed upon that the system
requirements will be supported, a solid foundation must be built to support the
development of the system. Models and other documentation are used to aid in the
visualization and description of the proposed system. Process models are used to
identify and document the portion of system requirements that relates to data.
Processes are the logical rules that are applied to transform the data into meaningful
information. The three main tools used in process modeling are data flow diagrams,
which shows how data moves through an information system; a data dictionary,
which is a central storehouse of information about the system s data used by analysts
to collect,... Show more content on ...
The logical model revolves around the needs of the business rather than the
database. Once all necessary information is gathered, entity relationship diagrams,
business process diagrams, and process flow diagrams are produced as deliverables.
These diagrams are required to show the processes and data that exists and the
relationships between them. Before the physical modeling can begin, managers,
developers, and users review the diagrams and documentation generated to insure all
business requirements have been completely gathered and met. A physical model
outlines the actual design of a database according to the requirements that were
recognized during logical modeling. It converts the business model into a relational
database model in which objects are being defined at the schema level. A database
design effort is normally associated with one schema. A physical model creates
objects using tables and columns based on entities and attributes that were defined
during logical modeling, and defines constraints including primary keys, foreign keys
and other unique keys. To ensure that all information system needs are met, physical
models are often developed jointly by a team representing the data administration,
database administration, and application development areas (CA ERwin Data
Modeler Methods Guide CA, n.d.). Physical modeling is database specific, which
means the objects defined during
Explain The Duties And Responsibilities Of Housekeeping
1 The management of Housekeeping is at the core of hotel operations and can make
the difference between a reputed hotel with regular customers and the one that guests
are unlikely to visit again. I have therefore chosen to describe the duties,
competencies and performance standards of a Housekeeping Manager in the hotel.
1.Manage the daily activities of the house keeping department to ascertain the
appropriate cleaning of the public areas of hotel.
2.Daily supervision of the house keepers to do their duties efficiently.
3.Ensuring that the hotel rooms have proper cleanliness as well as orderliness which
will enhance the satisfaction of customers.
4.Ensuring that the hotel rooms are properly stocked with the necessary supplies
which ... Show more content on ...
Satisfactory (2): Performance meets expectations.
Unacceptable (3): Performance falls substantially short of expectations.
Performance FactorDescriptionRating
1 2 3
Position ExpertiseEffectiveness with which the employee applies managerial skills
and knowledge Approach To WorkManner in which the employee completes the jobs
assigned including accuracy, responsiveness, follow through, judgment, decision
making, reliability, and compliance assurance.
Quantity Of WorkEmployee s success in producing the required amount of work
including priority setting, productivity, and timeliness.
Communication SkillsEffectiveness of the employee in transmitting information
including confidentiality, facilitation/participation in sharing information, and oral
and written expression.
Interpersonal SkillsEffectiveness of the employee s interactions in responding to and
working with others, including interactions with other managers, supervisor(s),
guests, and housekeeping staff.
Supervisory/Leadership SkillsA. Supervision
Provides oversight, direction, recognition and development opportunities, and
addresses performance
Symbolism In Hills Like White Elephant By Ernest
A symbol is anything that stands for, or represents, something else. Many everyday
objects we see symbolize or stand for something deeper; our wedding rings represent
love and commitment, teams like the Sharks or Giants are named after animals and
mythical creatures that symbolize strength, power, and stability. Similarly, in
literature, symbols are used to give an object, character, or situation a deeper and
more significant meaning. In literature, symbols can be ambiguous and difficult to
understand because the same symbolcan have different meanings; therefore, it is very
important to know when and where to use symbolism in a story. For example, the
color red can mean love, anger or danger depending on the context of the text.
Besides ... Show more content on ...
This fact possibly symbolizes Jig s and the American s relationship. Throughout their
conversation, one can see that they rarely agree on anything and seem distant with
each other. It is clear that Jig wants more from her life and her relationship, but the
American clearly wants to continue living without the responsibility of a child. They
are in a relationship, but their desires and expectations from each other are not the
same; they are like two train tracks that are running alongside but are not truly
together. They have come together at this point because it is at this junction that they
will either continue together or go their separate ways.
Hills Like White Elephants can be very confusing and difficult to understand because
it is an indirect conversation between two people about something important.
Hemingway does not give any direct details about the characters or the situation.
However, if we read the story carefully and pay attention to the symbols, the depth of
the story will surprise us. That is the magic of symbolism; it takes something simple
and gives it layers that only entice and excite the
Analysis Of Ben Hampers s Tales From The Assembly
Ben Hampers book Rivethead; Tales From The Assembly
Line is a gritty in your face account of a factory workers
struggles against his factory, his co workers, and the time
clock. Hamper makes no apologies for any of his actions,
many of which were unorthodox or illegal. Instead he
justifies them in a way that makes the factory workers
strife apparent to those who have never set foot on an
assembly line and wouldnВ’t have the vaguest idea how much
blood, sweat and tears go into the products we take for
granted everyday.
Rivethead is an account of the entire life of Author
Ben Hamper, from his long family lineage of В“shopratsВ” and
his catholic school upbringing to his numerous different
positions on ... Show more content on ...
When Henry Ford first developed the idea of the
assembly line he was heralded as one of the most forward
thinking men of his time, and without the assembly line we
would no doubt not be as powerful a nation as we are today.
The assembly line principle as it matured in industrial
society however, proved to destroy workers creativity and
stifle the very essence of human life. Growth and change.
On an assembly line workers are degraded to automatons,
performing the same tasks over and over and over. Day in day
out, without ever having any knowledge or input into any of
the other tasks related to completion of the project. This
monotony in the workplace spills over into the daily life of
many factory workers and affects how they live their life
outside of the factory after the whistle blows as much as it
does while theyВ’re on the assembly line. This spillover was
observed by Hamper of his Grandfather. В“Straight home from
work, dinner, the evening news and immediately into bed at
7:00 p.m. He arose each weekday at 3:30 a.m., fixed himself
some black coffee, turned on the kitchen radio, smoked a
handful of Lucky Strikes and waited to leave for work at a
quarter to five. This regimen never varied one iota in the
forty years he worked for GMВ” (Hamper pg.6). It is fairly
clear that the monotony of the assembly line has a way of
setting personal routines for itВ’s
Aussie Ideals And Values In Australian Films
It s always better to shock people and change people s expectations than to give them
exactly what they think you can do A unique quote by Jonah Hill, describing the
exact phenomenon in 1988. But what happened in 1988 you may ask? A genuine
Aussie characteristic was unveiled to the world in the form of non other than a movie.
Good morning to the panel, and thank you for coming.
The Australian film festival is a celebration of what it means to be Australian. Much
like our strong beliefs and fierce ideologies, our films reflect current Aussie ideals
and values.
The film, Young Einstein published in 1988 and directed by Yahoo Serious, takes
you on a journey through Albert Einstein s life. Except, this Einstein isn t the German
prodigy we all ... Show more content on ...
This is where a character starts from nothing, and continually keeps moving forward,
through the rough and tough, highs and lows, and ultimately pulls through and saves
the day. In young Einstein s scenario, the genius grew up on a remote Tasmanian
apple farm, with no technology, no guidance, and no textbooks. But through Einstein
s motivation and perseverance, (characteristics which are underdog related) he
travelled across the stretch of ocean between Tasmania and the mainland and finally
landed on the shores of Sydney. There, he searched the city for the patent office,
which, when found, the genius was horribly discarded out onto the streets. However,
without losing hope, Einstein persisted in making his formula a success. In the end,
Clayton stole Einstein s formula and was presenting it at the L Academie des
Sciences. Little did Clayton know that what he had made was not what he thought,
instead it was an atomic bomb. Without hesitation, Einstein jumped into action, and
putting his own life at risk, saved the day by disarming the impending doom. These
developments and events are the key to an underdog styled storyline. Combined with
the perfect companion characters, the film presents the classic Australian identity of
The Invention Of Tradition By Eric Hobsbawm And
Tradition is an integral and powerful aspect of life for everyone on the planet.
From the rainforests of Madagascar to the bustling metropolis of New York City,
cultural, religious, and social traditions are engrained in the very fiber of human
identity. Due to this fierce loyalty to one s traditions, we as people, don t often
question where are traditions came from. We ignore the questions about their ethics
and moral values, and turn a blind eye to traditions that just don t necessarily make
sense. The Invention of Tradition by Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger delves
into this avoided facet of history how traditions become what they are to society. The
cultural life of Walesin the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries provides a striking
parallel to the mindset of a large demographic of American citizens today. The
conservative, nationalist peoples of the United Statesis a group full of paradox. They
feel their history and culture of life being slowly stripped away, so they fanatically
hold onto their beliefs with untamed ferocity. On the one hand the decay or demise of
an ancient way of life, writes Prys Morgan, on the other an unprecedented outburst of
interest in things Welsh and a highly self conscious activity to preserve...them
(Morgan, 43). The United States has seen this phenomenon unfold in front of their
eyes this year, with the reemergence of a faction of people whom feel forgotten,
searching for their past amongst political and social rubble. With the 2016
The Conservation Of Chimpanzees Is The Idea Of
The conservation of Chimpanzees is the idea of protecting this endangered species
from going extinct. The ides of protecting the chimps are motivated by their human
like characteristics, and ability to be seen as little people . People want to save the
reflection of themselves because they feel that a piece of our humanhistory will be
lost without them.
There isn t a big difference between humans and chimps as we once thought. Humans,
chimps and bonobos descended from a single ancestor species that lived six million
years ago. Gradually evolution has evolved them to become three separate species.
Although they come from a common ancestor, their DNA that was passed down from
generation to generation has changed due to adaptations in the gene, environmental
factors, reproductive fitness, and mate selection. Bones and muscle tissue are the
same in both species.
The only differentiation is the bipedal and quadrupedal movement. Bipedalism
adapted to have shorter arms while for quadrupedalism the arm length is much
longer. The facial features are quite similar. Both have little hairs all over their
body, similar eye shape, ear and mouth structure. Chimps even get bald spots on
their head like older men when it comes to aging. When looking at a chimp it is
easy to see the resemblance we share. We enjoy watching these creatures do human
like activities in the media because they look like little people, it s so adorable and
entertaining. These chimps can even function in
Abdul Kay s Fraud Story
Once upon a time, during the peak of the Great Depression, there was a poor man
named Al Jones who spent his days stealing what he needed off the streets of
Manhattan. Across town, in a luxury penthouse suite, lived a woman named
Jasmine (Jaz for short), the daughter of the wealthy socialite, John D. Rockefeller
Jr. John had a trusted adviser named Jerry, but little to John s knowledge, he was a
member of a ruthless body of criminals, also known as the Mafia. One day, Al was
out trying to steal bread when he ran into Jaz, who was looking through the
newspapers at an outdoor concession stand. He wasn t sure who she was at the time,
but she looked oddly familiar. Jaz was looking through the paper and, without
thinking, walked off with it in... Show more content on ...
Sound good? Jerry said. Not so fast. Eugene! Al said as Eugene appeared, I wish
that Jerry is the new genie who has to live in that pocket watch instead of you!
Eugene snapped his fingers and held up the watch. Then, Jerry was sucked into the
watch, which was thrown into a locked box, so it could never be accidentally
touched again. Phew, now that that s over, Jaz, I m so sorry for lying to you. I
know I should have told you the truth, I just knew you and your father wouldn t
have approved of me. You know, without any money to my name. You don t know
that! You didn t even try to tell us the truth! Jaz screamed at Al, and then ran out
the door of the courthouse. Jaz continued to run all the way to the building her and
Al had gone to on their first date. She went up to the roof and started to cry
profusely. After she got back to her senses, she started to think about how kind he
had been to her during their first encounter. She also thought about how sweet he
was when he had already gained her father s approval and didn t need to be. This
made her realize that she could forgive his lies and love him for who he
4541 Answer Key Midterm W13
AK/ADMS 4541 Advanced Corporate Finance
Winter 2013
Mid Term Exam Answer Key
Question 1 (35 marks)
(8 marks)
(4 marks)
Calculating the EOQ.
SQRT(2 * F * T / H) = (2 * 80 * 200,000 / 1.00)0.5
5,656.85 kg
(4 marks)
Calculating the EOQ savings.
Total cost = (F * T/Q) + (H * Q / 2) = (80 * 200,000 / 10,000) + (1.00 * 10,000/2)
Total Cost @10,000 kg =
Total Cost EOQ = (F * T / Q) + (H * Q / 2) where Q = 5,656.85 kg
= (80 * 200,000 / 5,656.85) + (1.00 * 5,656.85 / 2) = $5,656.85
Savings with EOQ = $943.15
= $6,600 $5,656.85 per planning period
(10 marks) Try Q (actually, EOQ) = 5,656.85 kg.
Then total cost = order costs + holding costs + purchase costs
= (80)(200,000) / 5,656.85 + (1.00)(5,656.85) / 2 + ... Show more content on ...
Note: Using compound interest here is acceptable:
PVDC = 96,470.09
PVDisney = 97,298.19
Question 3 (35 marks)
Terms (E)
Sales per 365 day year
Sales per day, S
Sales growth rate, g
Up front Variable Cost Ratio (VCR)
Collection expenses (EXP) at DSO
Bad debt expense ratio, b , at DSO
Discount percent, d
Discount period, days
Proportion taking discount, p
Non discount period, days
k = company s annual nominal cost of capital
i = daily cost of capital
15% / 365 =
Terms (N)
Note: an annual nominal cost of 15% compounded daily implies an annual effective
cost of { [ (1 + .15/365)^365 ] 1 } * 100 = 16.18% per year.
Cashflow timeline under proposed terms (11 marks)
Proposed Terms
In terms of the Zn formula
1st term
PV from discount period
no discount period
2nd term
PV from credit period $6,849.22 = 7,534.25*(1 0.07)/(1+ i*56)
3rd term
4th term
PV variable costs
PV credit expenses
($5,273.97) = 70%*$7534.25
($106.79) = 1.45% *7534.25/(1+ i*56)
=$1,468.46 = NPV per day of proposed terms
Cashflow timeline under current terms
(11 marks)
In terms of the Ze formula
Current Terms
1st term
PV from discount period
no discount period
2nd term
PV from credit
Richard III Conscience Essay
Human beings behave with a conscience, an innate feeling of right and wrong. The
conscience prevents most people from committing horrific acts, and those who
commit such acts bear a guilty conscience. Richard starts out as the perfect
Machiavellian, but as Shakespeare s historical drama Richard III unfolds, he
becomes fallible due to his conscience. Richard s Machiavellian techniques allow
him to rise to the throne; the same tactics cause Richard s demise. Shakespeare
explicitly uses Richard s failure to demonstrate that Machiavelli s philosophy does
not work. According to Shakespeare the most important reason for the downfall of
Richard is his conscience, and Machiavelli s philosophy does not account for this
quality of human nature. In... Show more content on ...
His guilty conscience causes his once quick and witty mind that always knows the
next step in his master plan to spiral into a slow and unsure mind. Richard s guilt
causes him to use unnecessary and exorbitant force. For example, he sends Anne
[his] wife [to] bid the world good night (4.3 43), a death that has no political
necessity. The conscience consumes Richard as he dreams about a parade of the
ghosts of those he murdered. The dream sequence fulfills queen Margaret s
prophecy that the worm of conscience still begnaw [Richard s] soul . (1.3 233) The
eerie dream sequence sends Richard into a dialogue with himself exclaiming, O
coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me! (5.3 191) This shows how Richard s
guilt consumes his mind, which leads Richard to lose the battle against Norfolk.
Machiavelli s teachings do not account for when the prince goes mad. Not once in
Machiavelli s The Prince does he use the word conscience . Shakespeare uses
Richard III to comment on the inhumane nature of Machiavelli s philosophy.
Shakespeare argues that the Machiavellian actions Richard took to claim the throne
of England do not lead to success, but rather end in disaster. Richard explicitly
follows Machiavelli s philosophy, yet the drama ends in his death. No human being
would be able to follow Machiavelli s guidelines without his conscience either
preventing him, or driving him
Examples Of Outsiders In The Outsiders
What does it take to not be an outsider and to fit in with everybody else? Ponyboy
Curtis in S.E. Hinton s The Outsiders tries to explain that he and his friends, the
Greasers, are more than just thugs. They have low external expectations which also
leads to low internal expectations. His friends have all grown up in poor conditions.
His best friend, Johnny, is constantly beat at home and is only himself when he is
with the gang. The Greasers are rivals with the Socs, a rich gang made of rich kids.
Ponyboy thought that the Socs had it made, but after he meets Cherry he finds out
that they also have external and internal expectations that make their lives not so
made. Ponyboy and Cherry are outsiders because they see the world differently than
the groups that they are in and have a window to escape stereotype threat and into
society where they will be known as an individual, while Dally and Bob have
decided that they are what their group is and they won t have that window.
Ponyboy Curtis faces stereotype threat because of the actions of the group that he is
in. They ll know we re hoods the minute they see us, I thought (Hinton 58). This
quote shows that the Greasers face stereotype threat because people are scared just
at the sight of Johnny and Ponyboy. Stereotype threat has people thinking that
Johnny and Ponyboy are dangerous just because of the way they look and the way
they dress. It drives my brother Darry nuts when I do stuff like that, cause I m
supposed to be
Examples Of Rude In Sheila Mant
Throughout the short story, Sheila can be characterized as rude and pretty. First,
Sheila is rude. One example of her being rude can be found in this section of the
text: coming over to me once the music was done to explain that she would be
going home in Eric Caswell s Corvette (Wetherell 4). The boy invited Sheila on a
date to listen to a band perform live, but Sheila spent the majority of the night with
other people and even left with somebody else. This is when the boy realized that
Sheila was not the ideal girl for him and all the time he had spent trying to figure
her out or impress her was for nothing. The second example of Sheila being rude is
how she dissed fishingwithout thinking that the boy might have enjoyed fishing,
which... Show more content on ...
In this section of the reading, even Sheila knew that she had a body attractive
enough to model. Another Piece of evidence proving that Sheila is attractive is
that the boy was always trying to impress her. The text states: she was never
watching, and the miraculous day she was, I immediately climbed the diving
board and did my best tuck and a half for her and continued diving until she had left
(Wetherell 1). If the boy did not find the girl to be attractive, he would not have
tried to prove to her that he was a fantastic diver. The third and final piece of
evidence further promoting the fact that Sheila Mant was pretty was that many
other people found her pretty. This section from the reading states that many boys
were enveloped by her beauty: The Dartmouth heavyweight crew would scull by her
house on their way upriver, and I think all eight of them must have been in love with
her at various times during the summer (Wetherell 1). The narrator had studied
Sheila closely, and he would know if there were other boys that found her attractive,
because he wanted to have her for himself, and if there was anybody else that
thought she was pretty, he would be able to figure it out in an
Saturation And Synthesis Essay
Discussion When the degree of saturation О© is equal to one, the system is at
equilibrium. When О© is greater than one, precipitation should occur because the
solution is saturated in ions with respect to the solid mineral form. The data show
that gypsum should have started precipitating between sample 1 and sample 2
collection time, because this is when the degree of saturation moves to beyond 1.
The peak saturation for gypsum occurs between sample 3 and sample 4, and
decreases afterwards. This decrease is most likely caused by the decrease in available
ions after gypsum continued to precipitate through the experiment, leaving fewer
calcium and sulfate ions to contribute to the degree of saturation. As evaporation
continues, halite approaches... Show more content on ...
Degree of saturation calculations showed that gypsum precipitated sometime before
sample 2 was taken and peaked around the time sample 4 was taken. Although
calculated degrees of saturation for halite did not exceed 1, the sudden decrease in
sodium and chloride ions in solutions indicate that precipitation most likely occurred,
and then exhausted the ions to the point where the solution was no longer saturated.
Because the precipitate was not analyzed, whether or not halite did precipitate out is
not known. The order of precipitation recorded in the experiment agrees with Usiglio
s original
Ancient Nose Religion
Asses the relevance of Loki within the Ancient Norse Pantheon.
No individual is more influential in the Ancient Norse religion than Loki.
Considered an outsider to the Г†sir he was instrumental in both the rise of the gods
and their defeat. He is the most mysterious character in the religion and little is
known of his origin, he was rarely prayed to yet is an extremely prevalent persona in
records of the religious beliefs of the people.
To properly evaluate the relevance of Loki within Ancient Nose religion is important
to understand his origins. Within the tales of the Norse gods little is mentioned
about Loki and how he came to be considered one of the gods. There is mention of a
blood oath sworn between Odin the ruler of the gods and Loki ... Show more content
on ...
The second half of the tales of the Ancient Norse gods represent Loki in a negative
light by showing his change into an enemy of the gods. There is much debate
surrounding this change and when it occurred. Some state it was his natural path
due to his giant heritage, as his parents were considered enemies to the gods he
would also naturally become an enemy to the gods. Others consider the change to
occur after Loki loses a bet with the dwarfs and as payment has his lips sewn shut
while the gods look on and laugh. This is considered by some to be the moment
Loki begins to hate the gods as they did not offer to help him and instead mocked
him. However Loki s role in the death of Balder is universally considered to mark
the end of the gods. Balder was the most love of all the gods and in an attempt to
protect him forever his mother Frigg asked all things on all the worlds to swear
never to harm Balder. Loki on hearing of this discovered the one thing that had not
sworn an oath to not harm Balder and tricked Baldre s brother Hod into killing
Balder. Thus the Asgardians lose there most beloved family member and Loki loses
his place within the Asgardian court. Hence we see Loki s role in the religion turn
from ally into the enemy who will eventually bring about the downfall of the gods.
After Loki kills Balder he then insults
Compare And Contrast The Poem Sex Without Love
Sex is something as old as the human races itself because without it there would be
no procreation of the human race. Love, lust, and sex are often said to be
interchangeable but in actuality they are not. Lust is being infatuated with a person
for their appearance, Love is accepting a person for their appearance, their brain,
their personality, and their values, Sex, however, is the desire and the need to be
touched by another. People have sex when they are in love, when the feel the urge,
when they are bored, or simply because they like it. The best way to explore the
differences in why people have sex is to explore the way the story is told. Sex
without Love is a poem which questions how people can have sex without remotely
be in love while... Show more content on ...
It exclaims that sex without love is basically trying to outdo and out prove oneself
instead of being about connecting with one loved truly for who they are and for
you they aren t. With that in mind, questions concerning the affair that Calixta had
with M sieur Alce might arise. Are they having sex because they really love each
other or are they doing it to make up for the love? In all honesty either answer
could be right or even a combination of both. Either way the poem was better at
making readers consider what is happening in the act of loveless sex because of the
comparison it make to things we do every
My First Friend
I like to think I have a lot of friends. I wouldn t call myself popular but I mean a lot
of people in the school know me, or know of me. Ironically, I m a very awkward
person I have a fairly hard time talking to new people. Well at least I used to, I
fixed that up a while ago. But have you ever seen someone and think wow I want to
talk to them. They seem really cool . Im going to assume you have, because that s
what was going through my mindwhen I saw this new kid come on my bus one day.
We ll call him Z for now. Back to the story, so I saw this new kid come onto my bus
and he automatically intrigued me. I saw him and I wanted to be his friend and
get to know so much about him. The things is though at this time I was a very
awkward kid and I had no idea how to talk to him. I could tell by the way things
were he was very quiet type of guy. He never spoke to anyone on our bus, never
smiled, never laughed, he just sat there alone staring out of his window with his
earbuds in blasting music I could hear from the seat horizontal from him.
So about every other day I would see Z and each day I got more and more nervous. I
noticed he would always look over at me so I thought to myself well next time he
does I guess I should say hi well. I don t like to listen to myself so that back fired.
The next day things were on my side. Our packed bus (for the first time that s a
good thing) pretty much forced me to sit next to him. So I told myself Well I guess
it s now or never so
Belleville Essay
The History of Hockey in Belleville is a story of three teams with the third setting
up shop this fall in the Friendly City. Belleville has also been known for Junior
Hockey and Men s Senior Hockey. That will all change with the Arrival of the
Belleville Senators, Belleville s new Professional hockey club. The Senators moved
their American Hockey Affiliate from Binghamton after 15 seasons in up State New
History of Hockey in Belleville pre Senators
The Belleville McFarlands a men s senior A team played out of Belleville from 1956
1961. The McFarlands won the Allan Cup s in 1958 and represent Canada at the 1959
World Hockey Championships beating the USSR for a Gold Medal. Men s Senior A
hockey would return to Belleville ... Show more content on ...
Much was made of the Bulls move to Hamilton Fans blamed ownership; Ownership
blamed the city for not renovation the Yardmen. City Council blamed ownership for
not waiting till 2017 18 when the city would have available funds to properly Reno
the Yardmen Arena. The City gave the Bulls a lease with reduced rent and full
advertising and concession rights the city accounted for waiting on renovation funds.
Bulls ownership sold the club on the eve of the team s lease option kicking in.
The City since the Bulls departure has invested 18.5 million dollars into the Yardmen
Belleville Proving their viable Hockey Market.
Much was made of Belleville and if they were truly a viable hockey market after
the Bulls left in 2015. The city of Belleville has answered the doubters the city and
fans have embraced their team fans have packed events hosted by the Senators
coming out in numbers for the Jersey launch and when the Senators official
announced the news on September 26, 2016. Belleville rallied for their new team
packing the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre for the introductory press
conference. The City has financed back their new professional hockey team. Hockey
Fans in the Bay of Quinte region have set up with the Senators have already 2,000
ticket deposits for the 4,400 seats available within the first week the
Automatic Railway Gate Control
An Industrial training report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of
Sangivalasa 531162, Bheemunipatnam (mandal)
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
2009 2013
Our sincere thanks and gratitude to Roshan sir for all the support and kindness he
has bestowed upon us and without whose help, the project would not have been
remarkable at all. The strong theoretical foundation that he has laid and his
innovative ideas and timely help helped us a lot for completion of the project. Our
sincere thanks to all ... Show more content on ...
In this project, LCD is used in order to display the status of train arrival or departure.
In that way, it will indicate the motorists that gate is going to be closed.
The program logic is written in embedded c program by using Kiel micro vision
environment. The program written is then converted in the hex code after simulation
and burned onto the microcontroller using FLASH micro vision.
This project can also be developed further to have a buzzer sound in order to alert
the public while the gate is closing. A control room can also be provided at the
railway crossings for constant monitoring of the equipment to reduce the chances of
errors and to make this user friendly.
The hardware practical will be carried on the development Board which is having
P89V51RD2 Microcontroller from Phillips Semiconductors. It supports ISP
programming Mode. The tool used for this purpose is flash magic for ISP
We are using Hitachi LCD with dot matrix type which supports 16x2= 32
characters. IR SENSORS: The sensor used is a PIR (Passive Infra Red) Sensor. It is
a pyroelectric device that detects motion by measuring changes in the infrared levels
emitted by surrounding objects. This motion can be detected by checking for a high
signal on a single I/O pin.
STEPPER MOTOR: We are using stepper
5 Reasons Why Kids Should Do Chores
Helping out at home raises self esteem when parents insist that kids do their
chores, they are letting them know they are not just loved, they are needed claims
Wendy Mogel about chores. Many parents deal with conflicts where they think that
their kids don t work hard enough and don t care much about their grades or not
taking things seriously. Regrettably, they don t realize that it s because they aren t
giving chores to their children. These chores may seem very small but help kids
learn how to deal with problems in the future with the real life experiences they
faced in the past while doing chores. Chores can benefit kids in many different
ways with perseverance, taking responsibilities (5 Reasons Why Kids Should Do
Chores), and they ll get better at teamwork (The Benefits of Chores).However, it is
also important to keep in mind what a childis capable at a certain age.
It s very remarkable to not be a quitter. Having perseverance helps you to find
success in things. But it s very hard to get into the habit of it. Therefore, many
people struggle with not having perseverance. Even parents get very worried about
their children not working hard or their kids quit more often. The solution to this
problem is assigning chores (5 Reasons Kids should do chores). Assigning chores
help because chores may seem easy, but they are very tiring and hard. This could
make kids frustrated, but if you push them harder and make them figure out how to
accomplish their work successfully by
Dove is Trying to Change the Look of Beauty in Women
According to, Only 4% of women describe themselves as beautiful.
Women have always dealt with problems of beauty. Many of them desire to look
like the models they see in the magazines. Unfortunately, this unrealistic
expectation has led American women to judge their own beauty in some negative
ways. However, a campaign by Dove has attempted to convince the other 96
percent of women that they are also beautiful. Dove Real Beauty Sketches is a
short film produced in April 2013 as a part of Dove Real Beauty campaign. The
purpose of this campaign is to show that you are more beautiful than you think by
comparing the sketches of self description and the descriptions from strangers. At
the beginning of the film, over lightly soft music, a group of female participants
from different ages briefly talk about their appearance, and how they wish they can
be somehow different. Then, they are called back into a warehouse where a man
named Gil Zamora, who is a FBI trained forensic artist, is waiting in front of a
drafting board with his back to them and separated by a curtain. He asks them about
their hair color, chin, and their most prominent feature. At the same time, he draws
sketches based on how they describe themselves, and then draw the same people with
the strangers describing them. Then, the commercial continues to flash on the next
screen; the artist shows the sketches to these women with the version of their
appearance in their mind compared to the version everyone
Essay on District Budget Design
In a time of financial hard ships, balancing a districts budget has become
increasingly difficult. As a school board member for the Peoria School district it is
important and crucial to effective budget decision making to be educated on the
school districts budget design and delegated responsibilities within the system. These
decisions need to be made based on the protection of public funds and property. The
legal responsibility for such protection rests solely with the board of education in
each school district (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012, pg. 332). Areas vital to this
effective decision making of a board member are account practices, superintendent
and board member responsibilities for a building budget, key terminology, how...
Show more content on ...
306). The important part of any accounting practices is that they are uniform, well
planned and researched, and using the fund in the most efficient, effective way.
Superintendent and School Board s Responsibilities The superintendent, by law in
some states and by assignment in others, is the executive officer charged with
carrying out the programs that the budget authorizes (Brimley, Verstengen,
Garfield, 2012, pg. 284). Some of these responsibilities are delegated within the
business staff and district administrators. The school boards responsibility for
operating schools carries with it stated and implied powers for the protection of
public funds and property (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012, pg. 332). The
board will be presented the budget upon completion and their job is to approve the
budget. If they do not approve, they must give administrative staff ideas on how to
approve the plan in order for them to approve it. The principals are chief financial
officer at the school level (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012). The principal will
carry out the plan and distribute money according to the needs of his or her school.
The principal will establish a two sided budget and ledger sheet with all receipts and
expenditures along with monthly reports that will be reported to the district office
(Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012). Decentralize budget decisions pertaining to
A Day At Montessori Children House
It was a beautiful and sunny day at Montessori Children House. I rang the bell,
which indicated the end of outdoor play time. Children started putting away tricycles
and sand toys, stacking the blocks and walking towards the classroom door. Within a
few minutes, the outdoor play area was cleaned up and almost most of the children
returned to the classroom. Over by the oak tree, four year old Allenand his teacher,
Helen, were staring at each other. Allen, get off the slide. It s time to come inside
now, I said to him. Allen ignored me and ran around the other side of the slide.
Then I emphasized what I said to him one more time: Play time is over, Allen. You
must come inside the class now. No response. I was so mad that I increased my
voice to him. Allen! Get down now! Allen tightly grabbed the side of the climber
structure without letting go. My face was turning red and started to threaten this
little child, If you don t come in this minute, you won t be allowed to come out to
play the rest of day. Allen stuck out his tongue and teased at me, You can t make
me! Finally, I went up to the climbing structure and took Allen s arm. Allen pulled
away, yelling, I don t want to go inside, and ran to the other side of the playarea. It
took several minutes before me finally caught up with Allen and forcibly carried him
in. Later that morning, Allen refused to put away the blocks after activity time,
refused to join the others for the story time, refused to wash

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Miracle Worker Essay. The Miracle Worker Essay Assignment by Marsha Mentzer TpT

  • 1. Miracle Worker Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Miracle Worker" presents a unique set of challenges. To begin with, delving into the complexities of this iconic play demands a comprehensive understanding of its themes, characters, and historical context. Analyzing the intricate relationship dynamics between Helen Keller, Annie Sullivan, and other characters requires keen insight and careful interpretation. Moreover, interpreting the profound themes of communication, perseverance, and the human spirit necessitates a nuanced approach to both textual analysis and critical thinking. Juggling these elements while formulating a coherent thesis and supporting arguments can be intellectually demanding. Furthermore, addressing the cultural and social significance of "Miracle Worker" adds another layer of complexity. Exploring how the play reflects societal attitudes towards disability, education, and empathy requires sensitivity and a broad perspective. Additionally, ensuring originality and creativity in discussing a well-studied literary work like "Miracle Worker" can be daunting. Striving to offer fresh insights while engaging with existing scholarship demands extensive research and thoughtful synthesis. In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Miracle Worker" necessitates navigating through layers of textual complexity, thematic depth, cultural context, and scholarly engagement. It is a task that requires not only analytical prowess but also creativity and empathy. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Miracle Worker EssayMiracle Worker Essay
  • 2. Universal Basic Income Citizen s dividends, unconditional monthly grants, or free money to everyone. This is what a universal basic income (UBI) has been called in other names. The notion of a universal basic income has been literally everywhere for a very long period, at least since the aftermath of the world war I. A UBI is an incomegiven without any strings attached to every adult and child (or in some version, only citizens) to provide at least an adequate level of resources. A basic incomeguarantees each citizen an income sufficient to meet his or her basic needs. The money would be given even regardless of whether the recipients are in the jobs or not. Strikingly for UBI, it is not mean testing benefits, meaning that no family stuck in povertytraps... Show more content on ... The current system of welfare gives benefits to some people but not to others. That means we spend a lot of resources inquiring through the details of people s private lives to see if they really qualify or not. The difficulty of this patchwork is overwhelming to individuals experiencing it directly. Monitoring people, Coordinating hundreds of arbitrary and ever changing rules, ensuring people are destitute first before qualifying for welfare or social housing increases unnecessary complexity to government (Perieira, 2015). And that also means that there s a big incentive for special interest groups to gain the system to their own advantage, or even to oppress or disenfranchised groups they don t like. But what if what you really need is something completely different. What if you want to forego present consumption, and save your benefits for the future? Under the current system, when the government gives you housing vouchers, or food stamps, you have to use those benefits on what the government thinks you need. This is only one of many examples of an individual facing multiple welfare bureaucracies. Clearly, you cannot save food stamps in the bank, but you can save cash and you can spend it on whatever you think you need. In this way, a basic income gives people the freedom to make their own decisions about how to improve their own lives. In this way, a simple rule namely basic income is not only fair, it is also more stable. In the case of the
  • 3. Theme of Death in William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily Essay Theme of Death in William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily is a tragic tale of a Southern aristocrat, Miss Emily Grierson, who is the subject of a town s obsession. The narrator, a member of the town, tells the story of what transpires in a decaying old Southern house that is always under the watchful eye of the townspeople. They witness Miss Emily s life, her father s death, her turn to insanity and the death of both her and her lover. The theme of death runs throughout this tale, which is understandable considering the events that take place in the story. Faulkner uses foreshadowing to foretell events that will transpire later in the story. Because of this foreshadowing, a reader ... Show more content on ... This description of Emily s hair is important, because one of Emily s hairs will be found next to Homer s body, and it also shows how Emily is decaying like the house and items inside. Early in the story Emily writes a letter on stationary of an archaic shape and with fading ink . The references here are to the way she is always described growing older and decaying. Even Emily s house shares her short squat characteristic and coquettish decay . The insanity of Miss Emily is also foretold in A Rose for Emily. When the body of Homer is found in her bed, the reader can understand that Emily killed him, because her mental stability had been questioned a number of times. The narrator begins these allusions to her mental state when he tells how the mayor, Colonel Sartoris, bestows a special tax exemption upon Miss Emily. Colonel Sartoris makes up a story so unbelievable that it is described as so outlandish that only a woman could have believed it . Later, the townspeople talk about her great aunt, the lady Wyatt, who had gone completely crazy. They wonder about poor Emily with the insanity in her family. Her mental state comes into question again when the town removes the body of her father. She is said to have broke down and finally let them in to take and bury the body. This is an obvious analogy to her having a mental breakdown. This is followed with the statement that the townspeople did
  • 4. Cranial Nerves Cranial Nerves The human body is a unique and fascinating entity. There is not much notice taken of the features the human body is capable of. The brain is necessary to perform day to day actions, such as the ability to speak, and see amongst us. This brain is made up of simple mater (Pia mater, Arachnoid mater, Dura mater) and the cranial surface to protect the brain. We live our daily lives without acknowledging the importance of this organ, the brain, unless you re a medical student of course! Despite that people go on with their daily activities using the human natural senses. Looking at the world through the eyes, watching for any danger around us; ears for hearing the sounds detecting something that may call for danger, the... Show more content on ... The second cranial nerve is optic nerve. Optic nerves main function is vision, one of the important senses of the human body. Allowing oneself to see around them. The cell bodies of the optic nerve are located in the Retina (ganglion cells). Optic nerve begins with unmyelinated axons of the rentinal ganglion cells, which later become myelinated in the optic disc. CN II enters the cranium via the optic canal. The retina has bipolar cells that are connected to the special sensory fibers (rods and cone cells). When light hits the rod and cone cells, electrical impulse are relayed and transmitted to the bipolar cells. That is when the bipolar cells transmit electrical activity to the CNS through the optic nerve. Loosing the sense of vision can be very detrimental. Some of the dysfunctions that occur with CN II are immediate monocular blindness (partial or complete), visual field deficits, blurring, scotomata, and monocular diplopia. There can be many possible causes for these dysfunctions to name a few, immediate loss of vision is due to injury to optic nerve due to ischemia or death, delayed vision loss is due to infarction of the optic nerve or less frequently by hematoma surrounding the nerve. Complete monocular blindness is usually due to non organic disorders. Blurring and scotomata are due to trauma to the cornea, vitreous tears, traumatically induced
  • 5. Analogy Tramontane Analogy/ Dora: Tramontane is based on the incredible story of survival of Dora Aleman, Bill T. Jones s mother in law. During World War II, Dora was a 19 year old French Jewish girl. Bill T. Jones conducted an interview with Dora, which is the basis and background score of the performance. Analogy/ Dora: Tramontane spans over the course of five years and starts with the German invasion of Poland. Dora s hectic life events and humanitarian work are innovatively told through the script, architecture and set, and movement vocabulary in an unexpected way. The interview was an integral aspect of the piece. Instead of simply having a recording of the interview playing in the background of the performance, the dancers of the Bill T. Jones/Arnie ... Show more content on ... Jones s work Analogy/ Dora: Tramontane . I saw vibratory movement and a certain movement motif of wobbling knees. I also appreciated Jones s use of stillness. When there was stillness I felt that it amplified the dialogue being spoken and it created a sense that what was coming next was going to be important. The relationship between the choreography and the dialogue shifts throughout the piece. At certain times the dancers literally act out what is being spoken and use a lot of pedestrian movement, while other times the movement is more abstract. Sometimes the movement would interrupt the dialogue like when Dora disperses a group of thugs that were after her father by telling them he s not here . Immediately after those words are spoken the music dramatically shifts and the dancing turns slightly chaotic. There were times where the transitions were sharp, and other times where the dancing just flowed underneath the dialogue. A lot of the choreography featured close movements and hand gestures that were simple yet made you feel emotions. An example of this is when Jenna Riegel is speaking of the horrific passing of Dora s sister due to a complicated abortion while I Ling Liu performs one simple gesture that made tears well up within me. Bill T. Jones knew that a holocaust survival story would not be something easy to take in, so he provides several light hearted moments and comic
  • 6. Gender Norms In Easy A In Southern California outside Los Angeles, there is a small town by the name of Ojai, the setting for Easy A the 2010 comedic classic with strong influences from Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter. Emma Stone plays the protagonist, a high school teenager named Olive who is the typical small town girl. She has a younger brother and two excellent parents, your average middle American family of four. From the very beginning of the film there is almost a sense of foreshadowing while the camera pans through the tiny town of Ojai, helping the viewer really understand how small the town actually is. This also helps to foreshadow the events that will occur, the high school bubble, a narrative about teenage sexuality, and the idea of gender norms in popular... Show more content on ... Olive and her best friend sit at the forefront of this film, one that became impact on popular American culture in the early 2010 s. The film shows contrast between Stone s Olive, and Bynes Marianne, slut vs. bible girl if you will. The controversy starts after Bynes character overhears Olive talking about her date and subsequent sexual encounter with a college aged guy. However, in true high school fashion, Olive had only lied because of the social pressure from her best friend Rhiannon. This small interaction sparks a wild fire within the school, and soon everyone inside the town of Ojai is an expert into all things Olive. Gossip can be a very dangerous action, yielding mental illness in teens, bullying, and even suicide. Marianne takes the lead in the witch hunt against Olive which is representative of a larger cultural phenomenon in high school and even college. High school is often a very formative point in people s lives, which can often be horrible because of the toxic environment many people find themselves in. The analysis of this theme throughout the movie ties into the Guardian s review of Easy A an excerpt from which is
  • 7. What Makes Warren Buffett Successful Success can be measured in many ways, not the least is ones net worth. Money is certainly a driving factor for many in business and if used as an indicator of success, Warren Buffett unquestionably would rank among the most accomplished. Born during the depression in 1930, Buffett started out selling chewing gum and Coca Cola door to door, later finding work in his grandfather s grocery store. Investing his savings, Buffett now serves as the chief executive officer (CEO) of a multinational conglomerate called Berkshire Hathaway. Among the more well known company s held by Berkshire are GEICO, Heinz, Coca Cola and American Express. With a market capitalization of $314 billion, Berkshire is now America s fifth most valuable public company, behind Apple, Exxon Mobil, Google and Microsoft. Managing of company of this size would be a daunting task for many, but Buffett has made it abundantly clear in both his own words and those who have studied his success, the key lies in good leadership. According to Buffett, a good leader must have a keen understanding of the industry he leads; strong character and integrity is vital, and lastly, a good leader must have a profound understanding human nature. Buffett hand picks his managers and trusts them to administer company affairs. Buffet has surrounded himself with likeminded managers and the results have been impressive. In his annual letter to the shareholders of Berkshire, Buffett communicates his vision and gives
  • 8. The European Court of Justice The European Court of Justice is the main governing body for the EU and enforcer of the laws over all of its member states. The functions of the European Court of Justice is to enforce Community law, to tackle disputes between member states and the European council and between the member states themselves, and also to protect the rights of all European individuals. The court consists of three courts, Court of Justice of the EU, General court and the EU civil service tribunal which are all located in Luxembourg. The Court of Justice and the General court both consist of 28 judges one from each member state, with usually three to five judges sit and hear cases. Judges must be independent from their own state believes and must make decisions based on what is best for the European Community as a whole. The judges appoint a President whose job is to oversee the direction of the court by assigning cases and appointing judge rapporteurs. The Presidency has a renewable term of six years. The judges are assisted by eight Advocate Generals who must be as qualified as the judges. The advocates prepare the cases which they are going to hear. All ruling by the court are binding on all member states. It is said that the European Court makes the law and there is no right to appeal in the cases they hand down decisions on. The Court of First Instance was set up in 1989 to take some of the work load off the Court of Justice, but was limited to cases between the EC and its staff,
  • 9. My Day At A Wax Museum Essay So guess where we re going over spring break? Where? I asked my mom. We re going to St. Louis to visit a Wax Museum. Her voice was enthusiastic, and she was too hyper to go on the trip. When she informed me about this outing I was not excited. I loathe leaving Kansas City. There s nothing to do. You re perched on your butt in the car for hours on end, and there s nothing to look at but farmland and the occasional cow. Over time, the journey begins to get boring; you re exhausted for a considerable length of time. Also, I have five brothers and sisters. I would be with them in the car with them the entire outing and they re boisterous. Being in the same red car with them for ten minutes, I can t stand; I didn t know how I was going to survive an entire trip. The day of the trip, my motherwoke all of us up at 6AM. I was already exhausted. I was trusting I would get the opportunity to rest, as I was on break. She could have told me she was waking us up early. I was certainly treasuring my sleep. How long is the drive? I asked my mother, Around four hours, she told me. My mouth dropped open in disbelief. How could any trip take this long? Prior to the outing, we went to pick my grandmother up. She s very enthusiastic and talks so much. I asked my mom Why are we going to grandma s? and she told me Because your grandma is coming. Sarcastically I thought, Incredible, more people, just exactly what I wanted. My grandmother has never
  • 10. Rhetorical Devices In Hope By Emily Dickinson Poetic Device Analysis In the poem Hope by Emily Dickinson, persona described hope as a confident and audacious bird that go against chillest land and strangest sea, with the bird that is in your inside. Different from that poem called Hope by Sri Chinmoy, persona associated hope with sun and happiness and created a different interpretation on hope by using different metaphors. With use of different metaphors, hope portrayed as a different kind of thing and this made poems interpretation diversed from each other. Dickinson wrote Hope with using metaphorical devices in order to make a concrete expression of hope, with comparing it with a bird. The poem opens with the line Hope is the thing with feather. In this ... Show more content on ... In this poem, persona tries to tell that she will follow the path of hope wherever it goes. Distinctly from Emily s poem, she tells that she would be still vivacious even though negative things happen. In the first line of first stanza persona evaluates hope as a natural instinct that stays permanent and last eternally. We can see that in some ways poem are alike in interpretation. Remember that in the first poem by Emily Dickinson, also mentioned that hope is a permanent thing that is eternal. With the following line which is, Countless frustrations have not cowed me, persona tried to say that her hope won t be defeated with a simple disappointment, she would be still vibrant about her life and her hopes that nothing can demoralize her. By The black cloud will disappear/ The morning sun will appear once again/ In all its supernal glory, persona used some metaphors in order to tell that one day some she will be happy again. Also she associated negativity and anger with saying black cloud and happiness with sun , with using metaphors. Then she mentioned that the black cloud (negativity and anger) will leave and she will be happy again. With these metaphors, persona creates a different type of hope. This type of hope reveals that no matter how bad things can get, it will end up being
  • 11. Essay Barn Burning In Barn Burning, the author, William Faulkner, composes a wonderful story about a poor boy who lives in anxiety, despair, and fear. He introduces us to Colonel Satoris Snopes, or Sarty, a boy who is mature beyond his years. Due to the harsh circumstances of life, Sarty must choose between justice and his family. At a tender age of ten, Sarty starts to believe his integrity will help him make the right choices. His loyalty to family doesn t allow for him to understand why he warns the De Spain family at such a young age. Faulkner describes how the Snopes family is emotionally conflicted due to Abner s insecurities, how consequences of a father s actions can change their lives, and how those choices make Sarty begin his coming of age into... Show more content on ... There are many consequences to bad choices in life. Abner Snopes makes many decisions that hurt him, his family, and whoever may have tried to do him wrong. He is jealous of the families that he sharecrops for, and is angry for not being able to be like them Faulkner s story tells of the emotional distancing of young Satoris Sarty Snopes from his father when he realizes the toll that his father s penchant for burning the barns of wealthy landowners has on its victims ( Krstovic 30). Society has basically told him he is lower class due to his resentments of Abner s rootless ness, his continual wandering from place to place, and his contempt for tradition and order (Stein 732). His thoughts of them being superior to him bring out feelings of rage and inferiority. As Abner is angry about being accused of burning down a barn, being driven from the last town they lived in, and having total disdain for his new land owner, he chooses to take that anger out on the de Spain family by burning down their barn. Abner s choice to have no regard for others, gives him bestial like qualities which is evident when he steps in fresh [horse] droppings (Faulkner 1960). He sends
  • 12. Konica Minolta Every year, business owners and employers struggle to find a holiday gift to show their appreciation to the employees and staff members that keep the company up and running. Gifts often run the gamut from excellent (bonuses, paid vacations) to not so great (another potted plant, how thoughtful!). This year, it s time to change it up! Maybe the perfect gift for your employees (or yourself) is a replacement for the old, outdated copier machines in your office. Don t be a Grinch read on to learn why new copier machines are the gift that keeps on giving! The gift of less frustration Old, outdated copier machines can be one of the most frustrating aspects of doing business. Paper jams, slow printing, and a lack of useful features all make it ... Show more content on ... Although updating your copier machines may seem expensive at the start, you stand to save money in the long run. Konica Minolta copier machines lead the industry when it comes to environmentally friendly devices. There are lots of ways that Konica Minolta helps reduce environmental impact, including reducing toner consumption, recycling toner cartridges, and using less energy. Not only does this help save the planet, it also helps save you a lot of money on consumables over time. Plus, new copier machines are more reliable, meaning you ll reduce the cost of lost productivity due to breakdowns, malfunctions, or inefficient printing. To help make the initial investment in new copier machines feel like more of a gift than a curse, you can also look into options for leasing or for purchasing pre owned devices. Whether you are looking for a good gift for the whole office or just one for yourself this holiday season, new copier machines should definitely make it onto your shopping list. Investing in updated technology can help reduce frustration, increase productivity, and save money. If you choose to use that extra cash for holiday bonuses for your team, you may just earn the title of best boss ever. Copier machines from Konica Minolta are a great way to achieve all your gift giving goals and to start the new year off with a
  • 13. List Of Descriptive Statistics Of Rate, The Index (... Table 4 summarises descriptive statistics of RATE, the un weighted (weighted) risk disclosure index (RDI) as well as SSB for all bank fiscal years, as well as for each of the eight firm years investigated, separately from 2006 to 2013. Table 4 shows a number of remarkable outcomes. First, it reports that there is a high amount of variation in ratings between banks. For instance, RATE ranges from a minimum of 1 (Default) to a maximum of 19 (AA which mean very high credit quality) with the median RATE 14.12 (Good credit quality) that indicate most banks in MENA have good rating, but there has been a continuous decreases in ratings during 2008 and years after which reflects the impact of continues crises beginning with GFC in 2007 and credit crunch in 2010. For instance, the average banks ratings is 14.4, 14.29, 14.09, 13.77, 13.69 and 13.84 in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, but RATE begin to increases in 2013 which indicates recovery in MENA banks from GFC crisis effects. Finally, there is evidence that the level of listed bank RATE before GFC is higher than during and after GFC. Insert Table 4 about here Table 4 shows a high variation degree in risk disclosures between MENA banks. For example, un weighted RDI ranges from a minimum of 1 (1.04%) to a maximum of 84 (87.50%) with the mean banks disclosing 56.24 (58.58%). Risk disclosure level (percentage) indicate a significant level of discretion in the bank management s decision regarding risk disclosure level which are
  • 14. Holy Sepulchre Research Paper 1.) After watching the video clip of one pilgrimage site and reading the background essay, include a 100+ word description of the sacred place. The Church of Holy Sepulchre also known as the Church of the Resurrection, is the sacred site for Christian in the religious pilgrimage city of Jerusalem, in Israel. Jerusalem has many visitors every day because it is sacred to half of the world religious beliefs, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. All three religions consider Jerusalem sacred because Christianity developed out of Judaic texts (the oldest known monotheistic religious belief) and Islam developed from both Christianity and Judaism. Since the three religions had one city of pilgrimage there were many rivalries, in AD 326 the first church ... Show more content on ... Then, Constantine s church was burned by Persians in 614. Restored and once again destroyed by Muslims in 1009 and partially rebuilt. Finally, the Crusaders completed the reconstruction in 1149, which is the church that stands today. 2.) Explain why it is holy and the reason(s) for the pilgrimage? The Church of Holy Sepulchre has been a major pilgrimage site for Christians from all around the world. The reason why the church is holy is that it stands on a site that is believed to encompass the Calvary where Jesus was crucified, and the tomb (sepulcher) where he was buried and the place where Jesus resurrected. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre has been an important pilgrimage destination since the 4th century. 3.) Explain what activities/ rituals that might be performed on the way and at the pilgrimage site? Holy Fire ceremony this ceremony has been celebrated for over 1200 years, it is described by Orthodox Christians as a miracle that occurs every year at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on the day before the Orthodox Easter. Thousands and thousands of Christians come to the Church of Holy Sepulchre to light candles and torches to celebrates the Messiah s
  • 15. Irony In Susan Glaspell s Trifles The short story Trifles, by Susan Glaspell is a mystery murder story that takes place in a time where men are superior to woman and that women s rights has not been recognized, and how women were considered their husbands property. The irony associated with the title Trifles can be explained in many ways. There are events that cause the women to unite and hide the evidence from the men. Mrs. Glaspell is sending out a message to her female readers. To begin with, the title Trifles is ironic because Trifles explores far more than minor matters as it attempts to show the serious consequences of dismissing the feelings and troubles of individuals. It is the seemingly minor issues and that trifles expose the psychological effects that Mrs. Wright s life had on her and the outcome is anything... Show more content on ... And instead, the men look upstairs in the bedroom and outside in the barn for clues. The title Trifles is a form of verbal irony by both being an understatement or sarcasm and that the very important roles and work these women play in their home. As Hale says sarcastically in the play, Well, women are used to worrying over trifles. Also is that if Hale, the Attorney, and the Sheriff would have understood women s work, then the dead canary and the condition of the stitching, if they might have found enough clues and a motive then they would have been able to convict Mrs. Wright, but because the women had realize that Mrs. Wright s victimization by her husband and the sexist attitudes of their own husbands, they decide to keep quiet and protect Mrs. Wright from going to a prison because they themselves have gone through the same thing as Mrs. Wright and having been living in a domestic prison for so long. Additionally, there are many events that transpired to cause the women in the play to suppress the evidence in the play. The men all throughout the story tease and ridicule the women about the small
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On How To Be Responsible For A Rabbit First thing everyone tends to ask when you tell them you breed rabbits is, Oh they must breed like rabbits right? WRONG! Any responsible breeder should not just breed any rabbits they have in cages constantly and to any rabbit and have them breed like rabbits , here is the step by step process of how to be a responsible rabbit breeder. Consider your options before you consider breeding rabbits, This is not an easy job nor should it be taken lightly you are bringing life into this work therefore you are responsible for them. You needto consider all the work that is needed for these small animals including cage cleaning, feeding, watering, evaluation babies, putting together pedigrees and medical records. You also need to consider all the money that has to be put into them including but not limited to feed, cages, the animals themselves, feeders and waterers, toys and vet bills. So consider all your options and see you if are up for all the work and money needed to invest and care for these animals. If you decide that you want to invest both time and money into these animals you need to start planning and preparing for these animals to join your critter crew. First part of this is figure out which breed of rabbit you want to work with and what size as that will affect the supplies you buy for them. Questions to consider; do you want to raise for show or meat purposes or both? The breed you choose will determine what size cages and what supplies you need to get as well as different rabbit supplements and feeds to get. As i personally raise mini rex that is what that following steps will be based on. Where you have your rabbitry is a big part of how your breeding operation well run. Many people do have their rabbits outside but the recommended spot in a garage or a barn with heat an out of the elements where it is less stressful. Once you ve figured out where you are going to be housing your rabbits the next type is figuring out what size and type of cages will work best for you. There are many types of cages that people use, including solid bottom cages where you use bedding in them, then there is hanging cages where the poop and pee just drop on the ground and you use a shovel to scoop the poop.
  • 17. The Island Of The Galapagos Archipeggio Isabela Island, the largest island of the GalГЎpagos archipeggio, seemed to rise straight out of the water. The sedimentary rock cliffs were rusty brown, but were covered with life. Red and black crabs rested on the surface, while blue footed boobies gracefully dived into the water to catch sardines. Baby nazca boobies peered out of their nests to see a small inflatable boat, known as a panga, bobbing in the water. Our guide, Christina, enthusiastically shared her knowledge of these animals to my family. This wildlife viewing boat ride was our plan for the afternoon. But things changed. As things always change. The sun was starting to set in the west, over the Bolivar Channel. The sea seemed calm, but a bird would occasionally skim the surface. My family and I watched the horizon intently. The Bolivar Channel was known for having the best marine wildlife viewings in the GalГЎpagos. In the far distance, water was displaced. Mist flew in the air, forming the shape of a miniature fountain. Could it be a whale spout? Or was it just my imagination? Quietly, I told my sister Raley. However, it was not quiet enough. Christina heard and immediately started to scour the area with her binoculars. What if there was no marine life in the area? I was convinced I would die of embarrassment. Suddenly, Christina dropped her binoculars. I see it! It s a whale spout! Immediately, our panga raced off full speed to the location of the whale spout. However, as we inched closer to our
  • 18. Suspense In The Sniper Sniper Essay The sniper by Liam O Flaherty is about a sniper that has to secure out an area in the war, yet while doing so he faces many dangers and threats. This genre is suspense. The sniper has various things that help with the development of suspense in the story, while keeping you wonder. Leading all the way up until the end. The author keeps things moving and interesting throughout the story. Such as in the first part, him determining if he should smoke a cigarette and take the risk of being seen by an enemy. Although he takes the risk to build the suspense to have him seen and shot at while on the parapet. The author does this to give you a good sense of the suspense in the first,
  • 19. A Look At The Biological Changes And Adaptations... Anadromy in salmonids: a look at the biological changes and adaptations conferring the ability to transition between freshwater and seawater Sarah Davis 27600105 Applied Biology 418 Dr. Ackerman October 2, 2014 Introduction Diadromous fish are those that undergo regular migrations between two distinctly different biomes: freshwater and saltwater (McDowall 1997). These migrations are physiologically mediated, occur at anticipated times within a fish s life history, and involve two reciprocal migrations (i.e. the fish migrates away from its natal biome, then later returns to spawn). Anadromy is a specific subcategory of diadromy, wherein fish spawn in freshwater, migrate to sea, grow to their final size, and then return to freshwater to spawn (Quinn 2011). Anadromy is considered to be a defining life history pattern for members of the Salmonidae family (comprised of salmons, trouts, and charrs) (Quinn and Myers 2004). All Pacific salmon species (belonging to the Genus Oncorhynchus) are considered to be anadromous (Quinn 2011); nonetheless, there are examples of anadromous salmonids outside this Genus, such as Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) (McDowall 2001). It is worth noting that anadromy is expressed to different degrees interspecifically and intraspecifically (Quinn and Myers 2004). Pink (O. gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) salmon have no natural non anadromous populations, suggesting that they are the most strongly anadromous species of salmonids.
  • 20. Skin We Speak Abstract The purpose of this book review is to critically inspect Lisa Delpit and Joanne Kilgour Dowdy s book The Skin that We Speak: Thoughts on Language and Culture (2008). The majority of the essays compiled in the book aim to deconstruct the negative effects of Standard English or right language in the classroom and how that can affect the identities of the students in that environment. Contributors offered their anecdotal experiences as well as recommendations for ways in which the approach to language in curricula can shift to be more inclusive. By making language more accessible in the classroom, the pathway to learning can be opened. Keywords: language, Ebonics, identity, Standard English, curriculum Introduction Lisa Delpit and ... Show more content on ... Lisa Delpit authored the first essay in part two of the book and in it she emphasized the importance of students being able to identify with the content of a curriculum in order to succeed within the confines of that curriculum (2008, p. 39). Delpit wrote, there is little in the curriculum that apprises the students of their intellectual legacy of the fact that people who look like them created much of the knowledge base of today s world (2008, p. 41). Delpit identified a major problem in education that affects both success as reflected in assignment work (paper writing) and success related to true learning and internalizing of material. Both Delpit and contributor Judith Baker wrote about the intersection of language and success in the classroom by giving concrete examples of where curricula are failing and how it can be addressed (2008, p. 55). Part two of the book is largely made up of essays that deconstructed the problems in classrooms that relate to students of color and language as well as what avenues there are to begin combating those
  • 21. Maya, Inca, And Aztec Societies Mesoamerica is full of rich culture. Expeditions have revealed monuments of valiant, female sultan erected for display and iconography feminine in appearance. Women have played a prominent role in defining cultures; such is the case for Maya, Inca, and Aztec societies. Maya culture relied heavily on the femalepopulation. Before, agrarian labor was seen as a maledomineering field; however, studies of the Classic Maya culture indicates farming was a communal occupation. All citizens, including children, participated in farming and other domestic tasks central to the communities upkeep. Roles in politics were also open to women, and contextual evidence indicate[s] that women played important roles .. [in] Maya, politics (Stockett). The sovereignty of the Classical Maya was embedded in the separation of noble houses. Each house governed by either a man or women, especially mothers , placing an independent value on the sexes.(Brumfiel). Textiles, which were almost exclusively made by women, became a leading factor in the economy the Maya relied on. One of the main priorities the female had was to turn resources into goods that the society could profit from. Without the contribution of women, the Maya would not have achieved the feats they did, shaping politics and religious festivals. Both home keeping and childcare were activities for women to carry out. Similar to the societal divide seen in the Maya, Incan genders were independently established. The rift
  • 22. Fernando Valenzuela In Baseball History Who was Fernando Valenzuela in baseball history? Fernando Valenzuela was a baseball player that played for the Los Angeles Dodgers for ten years. Not only that he played for the Los Angeles Dodgers for ten years he also started playing for the angels for one year and then he started playing for Baltimore Orioles. After that, he played for the Phillies after that he played for two years with the San Diego padres. The last team he played for is for the Saint Louis Cardinals. He was a six time all star and he was a member of the Mexican hall of fame. This famous baseball player has won many awards for his hard work in his baseball career. Fernando Valenzuela was born in Etchohuaquila, Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico on November 1 of 1960. At the ... Show more content on ... This was due to the fact that Valenzuela spoke a little bit of English. His catcher Mike Scioscia was a rookie just like him and didn t know any Spanish. So he decided to learn Spanish. Scioscia eventually became Fernando Valenzuela personal catcher. All of this happen before becoming a full time catcher. Some people say that the fans told him dos burritos y una cervesa which was a Spanish pitching code. In the spring of 1991, Fernando Valenzuela was released if the Los Angeles Dodgers. He then tried to make a comeback with the California Angels. He failed and later signed a contract with the Detroit Tigers. The downside was that he never got the chance to play for the team. His Co tract was later purchased by Jalisco from the Mexican league. He later tried to make another comeback. He went with the Baltimore Orioles in 1993. Valenzuela was jumping between the big leagues and the Mexican leagues until he went with the San Diego Padres. He got back up scoring 13 8 points with all 3.62 ERA. He later retired from the team and went with the Saint Louis Cardinals. He scored a final record of 173 153. With the ERA score of 3.54 as a member of the Cardinals. The Los Angeles Dodgers invited Fernando Valenzuela for the spring training. Unfortunately, he rejected the
  • 23. Music Is The Genre Of Music The modern day person encounters a plethora of genres in their everyday life. Whether going to the grocery store or watching television, people are surrounded by the genres of branding, music, twitter posts, Facebook statuses, and so much more. While it is true that we are impacted by the world of genre around us each day, it is also true that many people do not know what genre is. Genre is the expression of people s thoughts, ideas, or emotions, towards a target audience, that can be separated into categories depending on how one chose to express these things. There are numerous different types of genre that can be found in the world, but the most influential to myself is the genre of music. Music is everywhere, it comes in millions of different forms, and is the one thing nobody can really go a day without because it is such a common part of modern day life. Everyone has their own style of music they like to listen to, play, sing, or do whatever to as music can be applied and found in almost every situation. With such a powerful influence, music is always changing with the world around us to be connected to the modern era of life. In 2016, its clear that the music of our generation is not swing, or classical, or blues music, but rather pop and rap. As rap has taken off, genre has needed to expand, and thus today there are two types of rap, each with similar styles but both conveying different messages, idea, and motive, those being traditional rap and anti rap, or
  • 24. Confederate Soldiers Sacrifice I hesitate to speak of our sustaining power the Confederate soldiers had because it has been so often and so much more beautifully spoken of than I can possibly do it. I mean of course the inspiration given by the grand and noble women of our dear Southland. The men were Patriots generally the women universally. In a thousand ways they contributed to the carrying out of the war. No undertaking was too great and no sacrifice too much for them. The suffering of the men in the ranks was not comparable to that at home. With them there was a lack of that social companionship that so buoyed up the soldier, but alone they suffered, prayed and toiled, frequently supporting themselves and their families, and yet able to send to Father, Husband, or
  • 25. The Gilgamesh Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh The Epic of Gilgamesh consist of narratives in tablets that effectively forwards the ideology of kingship in Mesopotamia through a compilation of themes. Gilgamesh outward appearance was magnificent, but inwardly he was a relentless tyrannical king. The epic makes it clear that he was beautiful, strong, and wise collectively these facts intertwine with him being one third god and two third human. Oddly, Gilgamesh never effectively utilized his assets for the betterment of his people; rather he used it for his own wishes. Despite, his abusive kingship, there was always an overarching restorer of balance overtly seen through the themes of love, immortality, religion, gods wrath, and womanly intervention. Ultimately, kings in Mesopotamia had absolute power, but once it was abused, the gods intervened to restore order. The narratives, tablet by tablet, served to critique the perception of kingship. King Gilgamesh, ruler of Uruk, was as petrifying as one could imagine; in modern terms he would be labeled a terrorist. Yes, in some respects he fulfilled his role as king; he built the great infrastructure of Uruk for his citizens, but that in it of itself was not sufficient because his evils overweighed his good doings. He exploited women for sexual gratification, he killed sons, he sacrificed warriors, and he essentially did what he wanted when he wanted with absolutely no consideration of the people he reigned over. The citizens were helpless, they sought refuge to a source
  • 26. Volcano Facts Mt. St. Helens Facts Pictures Resources Facts: Types Of Volcanos Types of Volcanoes: Shield, Cinder Cones and Composite Cones. The earth ejects lava, rock fragments, hot vapor and gases during volcanic eruptions. Magma? Magma frames in either the lower bit of Earth s hull or the upper piece of its mantle. It is delivered when high measures of weight join with high temperatures, bringing about a percentage of the stones in the range to liquefy, making this substance. Without this blend of weight and warm, this substance would not have the capacity to shape. Some volcanoes are more dynamic than others since some volcanoes lie on plate limits that move much of the time which adds more weight to the magma chamber where the majority of the ... Show more content on ... Helens 30 years back today crushed the encompassing scene, with the hot gas and flotsam and jetsam killing endless creatures and harming or pulverizing extensive swaths of timberland. Be that as it may, life did not by any stretch of the imagination end without even a moment s pause. Among the reasons the nature bounced back are some astonishing variables, including the early morning timing of the emission, the way that spring had been late to arrive that year, and the stunning capacity of creepy crawlies to parachute in once a recuperation was in progress. A few animal groups figured out how to make due in the midst of the spring of gushing lava s emission on May 18, 1980. Others scratched by at the edges of the decimation and actually crept back. Together they sowed the seeds of a rebound that advanced in fits and begins and proceeds with today. Scientists have been watching the procedure from the earliest starting point, taking note of what species were wiped out from the zone which still had a couple of agents; which came back to the range and when; and what parts of the harmed scene were the first to see
  • 27. The Extreme Nature Of The Third Reich, By Friedrich Nietzsche The extreme nature of the Third Reich was the consequence of the Nazi ideology. The structure of the Nazi ideology stems from the spencerian notion of survival of the fittest . Another concept that the Nazi s misappropriated was will to power written by Friedrich Nietzsche which links to the fundamental element of social, political and economic relationships. Hitler was the very embodiment of the ideology because he intertwined the Nazi movement and ideology with himself even before he became the chancellor. As Ian Kershaw states: No one was more aware of the functional significance of his popularity in binding the masses to him, and hence to the regime, as Hitler himself, and that [Hitler] commented that the ruler who was dependent only upon executive power without finding the way to the people was destined to failure (Crew 202)... Show more content on ... Their slogan ein Volk, ein, Reich, ein Fuhrer directly translating to one nation one empire one leader reflects the party s efforts to portray the people, state, and leader as one entity. To do so, routine conflicts reaffirmed the notion of survival of the fittest, and at the same time enabled the Nazis to portray Hitler as having triumphed such turmoil. When they got to power, the Nazis expanded to bureaucratic administration. Individual and interdepartmental rivalries which developed within the Nazi bureaucracy was not inadvertent. The existence of this competition allowed no one group to have any more power over each other and hence, Hitler was able to maintain his power at the top of the hierarchical
  • 28. Analysis Of Zitkala-Sa Assimilation Zitkala Sa s Assimilation Barriers By 1860, there were 60 missionary schools which were not known for most American societies because they were not mentioned in the U.S. history, and there were 6200 Native Americans children in it. Cultural assimilation is the process of taking in, fully understanding and absorbing information or ideas. There are two factors which hindered Zitkala Sa assimilation to the European American culture. The first factor is how people from different cultures inhabit different nonverbal sensory worlds, and the second one is judging people based on their own culture and standards. The story of the song ten little Indians started in a missionary school in the U.S. where Zitkala Sa choose to study at. She was a writer, teacher, violinist, and activist for Native American rights. She was one of the Native American who suffered through her childhood in the missionary school, and she was treated badly from European American in a forcing way to accept the new culture and do what they told her to do. However, the text was categorized in three main sections each of which is describing her life in the missionary school. Overall, Zitkala Sa did not assimilate completely to European American culture because of misinterpreting of non verbal signs and symbols and having the tendency to evaluate. First of all, non verbal signs and symbols was a stumbling block to Zitkala Sa s assimilation, and it raised the tenacity in her to rebel the new European American
  • 29. Theme Of Orange Is The New Black Orange is the New Black: My Year in a WomenВ ґs Prison by Piper Kerman is a book about womanВґs experience in a prison with its problems, inside hierarchical system and overcoming challenges after discharge. It talks about the upbringing of many Americans who are disadvantaged from the start, how race, orientation, class, and gender are major factors of these women s lives, inside prisonand out. Along with age and religion, all these factors are brought into relief, as characters struggle against the dictates of American society inside prison and out to try to find peace and freedom. Themes are also explored in this book, from identity and love to the need to take responsibility for one s acts and above all manage social reform for the horrific... Show more content on ... KermanВґs work shows the life in a prison from the other side. The author describes the humanity of all these offenders. Kerman is convinced that most of them are innocent and unfairly imprisoned. However, real life and problems of a prison are not revealed properly. Piper has not encountered real problems, in exception, one prisoner has reprimanded her for picking all the spinach out of a salad bar. Moreover, it is the middle class transgression memoir without the real honesty, as her narration is about women who were simply bored and turned to crime in the search of new impressions during the time of
  • 30. Japan In One Of The Most Beautiful Countries In East... Japan in one of the most beautiful countries in East Asia. Their lifestyle is truly amazing. Some of the most interesting things about Japan is their history, culture environment, foods, traditions, education, and government is well put together. Japan is a country that no one else could replicate. They will always be that way. No matter what. Below you will read about why this is true and how it continues to be that way. Japan is definitely one country i would love to attend. It s quite the landscape also. Brief History Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack on Oahu Island, Hawaii. The date of the attack is December 7, 1941. The location of the attack was on a US naval base called Pearl Harbor. This is what entered the Japanese... Show more content on ... This is a rice noodles in broth with your choice of meats and tendons. They also have lots of vegetables in this dish including, carrots, broccoli, bamboo, cilantro, green onion, and bean sprouts. They also have a food similar to egg rolls from the chinese but these are spring rolls served with carrots, cabbage, tofu, and bean sprouts wrapped in a rice paper. Their food is very similar to chinese foods they have very similar dishes. They also have multiple ways of making the foods. Everyone loves japanese and chinese foods. Branching off of food brings them traditions. They are really big on parades and festivals. They always have dragon costumes and dresses as samurai and ninjas to so their history. They also have a tradition that spread around the world. Paper lanterns are a huge part of Japanese culture. They symbolize a passed on family member and they value that greatly. Education Education in Japan is very similar to the US. Their curriculum is based off the Ministry of Education, Culture,Sports,, Science and Technology. Most of the students go to private schools. The others go to public schools. The public schools are very populated and when they are overpopulated the students don t get the one on one time they need. Japan is a very smart country. They set a very high standard. They have six principles of education and they include preK, kindergarten, 1 5th grades, 6 9 grades, 10 12 grades, college graduate.
  • 31. Causes Of Fungal Isolates Twenty three fungal isolates belonging to five genera and six species were recovered from diseased coriander seedlings and plants showing typical damping off, wilt, root rot and stem rot symptoms. The isolated fungi were identified as A. alternata (Fr.) Keissl (3 isolates), Aspergillus niger Tiegh (1 isolate), Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht (4 isolates), Fusarium solani (Mart.) Appel Wollenw (3 isolates), Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn (5 isolates), and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary (7 isolates). Data in Table (1) indicate that the most dominant fungi were S. sclerotiorum (30.43%) followed by R. solani (21.74%) and F. oxysporum (17.39%). Meanwhile, A. niger recorded less frequency (4.35%). The pathogenic capabilities of the isolated... Show more content on ... Salicylic acid completely inhibited the formation of sclerotia and the mycelial growth at 250 and500 ppm., respectively. Meanwhile, potassium silicates gave the same effect at 750 ppm. Effect of the tested bioagents and chemical inducers on coriander stem rot was evaluated under artificial infection by estimating the stem rot severity and AUDPC (area under disease progressive curve) as shown in figures (2 and 3). Potassium silicate and salicylic acid followed by T. viride and biocontrol formulation were very effective in reducing the severity of stem rot to 25, 22.22, 30.55 and 38.89%, respectively in compared to control (55.55%). The AUDPC values were 103.70, 175.00, 239.82 and 324.07, respectively in compared to control (570.38). Each of T. harzianum and T. hamatum were the lowest effective treatments which was reduced the severity of stem rot to 44.45 and 44.45%, respectively without significant difference (p=0.05). The AUDPC values were 375.93 and 479.66, respectively with significant difference. Effect of the tested bioagents as foliar spray combined with the chemical inducers as soil drench on coriander stem rot was evaluated under artificial infection by estimating the stem rot severity and AUDPC as shown in Tables (4 and 5). Potassium silicate as soil drench combined with T. viride as foliar spray was the most effective in reducing the severity of stem rot to 13.89% and the AUDPC to 156.29 in compared to applicant each of them alone, being
  • 32. Gun Control Is Bad Essay The U.S. has the highest gun death and ownership rates in the developed world. Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed with a gun than people in other developed nations; with an estimated 300 million to 400 million civilian firearms, the U.S. is by far the most heavily armed nations per capita. About 20 million to 30 million of those guns are semi automatic weapons, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a lobbying group that wants you to refer to these weapons as modern sporting rifles. (Wing). Semi automatic weapons are self loading weapons that could be sold for less than 200 dollars. Anyone can buy these weapons, and federal law doesn t even require a license to purchase these guns. They are the cause of... Show more content on ... It was reported that the Las Vegas shooter used legal attachments that makes rifles automatic. These attachments gave his gun the power to shoot 9 bullets per second on the helpless crowd under him (Greenburg). However, despite these findings, the company just announced its plans to begin to sell the product again (Mann). Studies show that people who use a fully automatic gun to commit a crime, almost always use altered semi automatic guns.( The Jack ). With that being said, many people wonder what are the reasons people might need such dangerous guns in their homes? This sparks the next main argument, and the answer is crystal clear. their simply isn t a strong reason for these guns to be owned by the average citizen. High capacity guns are not needed for hunting, and rarely used for sporting purposes. According to Jason Marlar, a longtime firearm hobbyist hunters do not need semi automatic weapons. Hunters don t even need a firearm as most games can be taken with a bow. Why would a hunter need 9 bullets per second to kill an animal like a deer or chicken? The same fact applies to self defense. People do not need a high capacity gun to shoot a robber. If a person plans on needing a highly dangerous gun on an everyday basis for protection that is a very rare circumstance. In this case that person might find it helpful to seek outside help from the police. However, for the majority of cases,
  • 33. Application Of A Solid Foundation Once the proposed project is understood and it is agreed upon that the system requirements will be supported, a solid foundation must be built to support the development of the system. Models and other documentation are used to aid in the visualization and description of the proposed system. Process models are used to identify and document the portion of system requirements that relates to data. Processes are the logical rules that are applied to transform the data into meaningful information. The three main tools used in process modeling are data flow diagrams, which shows how data moves through an information system; a data dictionary, which is a central storehouse of information about the system s data used by analysts to collect,... Show more content on ... The logical model revolves around the needs of the business rather than the database. Once all necessary information is gathered, entity relationship diagrams, business process diagrams, and process flow diagrams are produced as deliverables. These diagrams are required to show the processes and data that exists and the relationships between them. Before the physical modeling can begin, managers, developers, and users review the diagrams and documentation generated to insure all business requirements have been completely gathered and met. A physical model outlines the actual design of a database according to the requirements that were recognized during logical modeling. It converts the business model into a relational database model in which objects are being defined at the schema level. A database design effort is normally associated with one schema. A physical model creates objects using tables and columns based on entities and attributes that were defined during logical modeling, and defines constraints including primary keys, foreign keys and other unique keys. To ensure that all information system needs are met, physical models are often developed jointly by a team representing the data administration, database administration, and application development areas (CA ERwin Data Modeler Methods Guide CA, n.d.). Physical modeling is database specific, which means the objects defined during
  • 34. Explain The Duties And Responsibilities Of Housekeeping 1 The management of Housekeeping is at the core of hotel operations and can make the difference between a reputed hotel with regular customers and the one that guests are unlikely to visit again. I have therefore chosen to describe the duties, competencies and performance standards of a Housekeeping Manager in the hotel. Duties: 1.Manage the daily activities of the house keeping department to ascertain the appropriate cleaning of the public areas of hotel. 2.Daily supervision of the house keepers to do their duties efficiently. 3.Ensuring that the hotel rooms have proper cleanliness as well as orderliness which will enhance the satisfaction of customers. 4.Ensuring that the hotel rooms are properly stocked with the necessary supplies which ... Show more content on ... Satisfactory (2): Performance meets expectations. Unacceptable (3): Performance falls substantially short of expectations. Performance FactorDescriptionRating 1 2 3 Position ExpertiseEffectiveness with which the employee applies managerial skills and knowledge Approach To WorkManner in which the employee completes the jobs assigned including accuracy, responsiveness, follow through, judgment, decision making, reliability, and compliance assurance. Quantity Of WorkEmployee s success in producing the required amount of work including priority setting, productivity, and timeliness. Communication SkillsEffectiveness of the employee in transmitting information including confidentiality, facilitation/participation in sharing information, and oral and written expression. Interpersonal SkillsEffectiveness of the employee s interactions in responding to and working with others, including interactions with other managers, supervisor(s), guests, and housekeeping staff. Supervisory/Leadership SkillsA. Supervision Provides oversight, direction, recognition and development opportunities, and addresses performance
  • 35. Symbolism In Hills Like White Elephant By Ernest Hemingway A symbol is anything that stands for, or represents, something else. Many everyday objects we see symbolize or stand for something deeper; our wedding rings represent love and commitment, teams like the Sharks or Giants are named after animals and mythical creatures that symbolize strength, power, and stability. Similarly, in literature, symbols are used to give an object, character, or situation a deeper and more significant meaning. In literature, symbols can be ambiguous and difficult to understand because the same symbolcan have different meanings; therefore, it is very important to know when and where to use symbolism in a story. For example, the color red can mean love, anger or danger depending on the context of the text. Besides ... Show more content on ... This fact possibly symbolizes Jig s and the American s relationship. Throughout their conversation, one can see that they rarely agree on anything and seem distant with each other. It is clear that Jig wants more from her life and her relationship, but the American clearly wants to continue living without the responsibility of a child. They are in a relationship, but their desires and expectations from each other are not the same; they are like two train tracks that are running alongside but are not truly together. They have come together at this point because it is at this junction that they will either continue together or go their separate ways. Hills Like White Elephants can be very confusing and difficult to understand because it is an indirect conversation between two people about something important. Hemingway does not give any direct details about the characters or the situation. However, if we read the story carefully and pay attention to the symbols, the depth of the story will surprise us. That is the magic of symbolism; it takes something simple and gives it layers that only entice and excite the
  • 36. Analysis Of Ben Hampers s Tales From The Assembly Introduction Ben Hampers book Rivethead; Tales From The Assembly Line is a gritty in your face account of a factory workers struggles against his factory, his co workers, and the time clock. Hamper makes no apologies for any of his actions, many of which were unorthodox or illegal. Instead he justifies them in a way that makes the factory workers strife apparent to those who have never set foot on an assembly line and wouldnВ’t have the vaguest idea how much blood, sweat and tears go into the products we take for granted everyday. Rivethead is an account of the entire life of Author Ben Hamper, from his long family lineage of В“shopratsВ” and his catholic school upbringing to his numerous different positions on ... Show more content on ... Analysis When Henry Ford first developed the idea of the assembly line he was heralded as one of the most forward thinking men of his time, and without the assembly line we would no doubt not be as powerful a nation as we are today. The assembly line principle as it matured in industrial society however, proved to destroy workers creativity and stifle the very essence of human life. Growth and change.
  • 37. On an assembly line workers are degraded to automatons, performing the same tasks over and over and over. Day in day out, without ever having any knowledge or input into any of the other tasks related to completion of the project. This monotony in the workplace spills over into the daily life of many factory workers and affects how they live their life outside of the factory after the whistle blows as much as it does while theyВ’re on the assembly line. This spillover was observed by Hamper of his Grandfather. В“Straight home from work, dinner, the evening news and immediately into bed at 7:00 p.m. He arose each weekday at 3:30 a.m., fixed himself some black coffee, turned on the kitchen radio, smoked a handful of Lucky Strikes and waited to leave for work at a quarter to five. This regimen never varied one iota in the forty years he worked for GMВ” (Hamper pg.6). It is fairly clear that the monotony of the assembly line has a way of setting personal routines for itВ’s
  • 38. Aussie Ideals And Values In Australian Films It s always better to shock people and change people s expectations than to give them exactly what they think you can do A unique quote by Jonah Hill, describing the exact phenomenon in 1988. But what happened in 1988 you may ask? A genuine Aussie characteristic was unveiled to the world in the form of non other than a movie. Good morning to the panel, and thank you for coming. The Australian film festival is a celebration of what it means to be Australian. Much like our strong beliefs and fierce ideologies, our films reflect current Aussie ideals and values. The film, Young Einstein published in 1988 and directed by Yahoo Serious, takes you on a journey through Albert Einstein s life. Except, this Einstein isn t the German prodigy we all ... Show more content on ... This is where a character starts from nothing, and continually keeps moving forward, through the rough and tough, highs and lows, and ultimately pulls through and saves the day. In young Einstein s scenario, the genius grew up on a remote Tasmanian apple farm, with no technology, no guidance, and no textbooks. But through Einstein s motivation and perseverance, (characteristics which are underdog related) he travelled across the stretch of ocean between Tasmania and the mainland and finally landed on the shores of Sydney. There, he searched the city for the patent office, which, when found, the genius was horribly discarded out onto the streets. However, without losing hope, Einstein persisted in making his formula a success. In the end, Clayton stole Einstein s formula and was presenting it at the L Academie des Sciences. Little did Clayton know that what he had made was not what he thought, instead it was an atomic bomb. Without hesitation, Einstein jumped into action, and putting his own life at risk, saved the day by disarming the impending doom. These developments and events are the key to an underdog styled storyline. Combined with the perfect companion characters, the film presents the classic Australian identity of the
  • 39. The Invention Of Tradition By Eric Hobsbawm And Terence... Tradition is an integral and powerful aspect of life for everyone on the planet. From the rainforests of Madagascar to the bustling metropolis of New York City, cultural, religious, and social traditions are engrained in the very fiber of human identity. Due to this fierce loyalty to one s traditions, we as people, don t often question where are traditions came from. We ignore the questions about their ethics and moral values, and turn a blind eye to traditions that just don t necessarily make sense. The Invention of Tradition by Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger delves into this avoided facet of history how traditions become what they are to society. The cultural life of Walesin the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries provides a striking parallel to the mindset of a large demographic of American citizens today. The conservative, nationalist peoples of the United Statesis a group full of paradox. They feel their history and culture of life being slowly stripped away, so they fanatically hold onto their beliefs with untamed ferocity. On the one hand the decay or demise of an ancient way of life, writes Prys Morgan, on the other an unprecedented outburst of interest in things Welsh and a highly self conscious activity to preserve...them (Morgan, 43). The United States has seen this phenomenon unfold in front of their eyes this year, with the reemergence of a faction of people whom feel forgotten, searching for their past amongst political and social rubble. With the 2016
  • 40. The Conservation Of Chimpanzees Is The Idea Of Protecting... The conservation of Chimpanzees is the idea of protecting this endangered species from going extinct. The ides of protecting the chimps are motivated by their human like characteristics, and ability to be seen as little people . People want to save the reflection of themselves because they feel that a piece of our humanhistory will be lost without them. There isn t a big difference between humans and chimps as we once thought. Humans, chimps and bonobos descended from a single ancestor species that lived six million years ago. Gradually evolution has evolved them to become three separate species. Although they come from a common ancestor, their DNA that was passed down from generation to generation has changed due to adaptations in the gene, environmental factors, reproductive fitness, and mate selection. Bones and muscle tissue are the same in both species. The only differentiation is the bipedal and quadrupedal movement. Bipedalism adapted to have shorter arms while for quadrupedalism the arm length is much longer. The facial features are quite similar. Both have little hairs all over their body, similar eye shape, ear and mouth structure. Chimps even get bald spots on their head like older men when it comes to aging. When looking at a chimp it is easy to see the resemblance we share. We enjoy watching these creatures do human like activities in the media because they look like little people, it s so adorable and entertaining. These chimps can even function in
  • 41. Abdul Kay s Fraud Story Once upon a time, during the peak of the Great Depression, there was a poor man named Al Jones who spent his days stealing what he needed off the streets of Manhattan. Across town, in a luxury penthouse suite, lived a woman named Jasmine (Jaz for short), the daughter of the wealthy socialite, John D. Rockefeller Jr. John had a trusted adviser named Jerry, but little to John s knowledge, he was a member of a ruthless body of criminals, also known as the Mafia. One day, Al was out trying to steal bread when he ran into Jaz, who was looking through the newspapers at an outdoor concession stand. He wasn t sure who she was at the time, but she looked oddly familiar. Jaz was looking through the paper and, without thinking, walked off with it in... Show more content on ... Sound good? Jerry said. Not so fast. Eugene! Al said as Eugene appeared, I wish that Jerry is the new genie who has to live in that pocket watch instead of you! Eugene snapped his fingers and held up the watch. Then, Jerry was sucked into the watch, which was thrown into a locked box, so it could never be accidentally touched again. Phew, now that that s over, Jaz, I m so sorry for lying to you. I know I should have told you the truth, I just knew you and your father wouldn t have approved of me. You know, without any money to my name. You don t know that! You didn t even try to tell us the truth! Jaz screamed at Al, and then ran out the door of the courthouse. Jaz continued to run all the way to the building her and Al had gone to on their first date. She went up to the roof and started to cry profusely. After she got back to her senses, she started to think about how kind he had been to her during their first encounter. She also thought about how sweet he was when he had already gained her father s approval and didn t need to be. This made her realize that she could forgive his lies and love him for who he
  • 42. 4541 Answer Key Midterm W13 AK/ADMS 4541 Advanced Corporate Finance Winter 2013 Mid Term Exam Answer Key Question 1 (35 marks) a.) b.) (8 marks) (4 marks) Calculating the EOQ. EOQ = SQRT(2 * F * T / H) = (2 * 80 * 200,000 / 1.00)0.5 EOQ = 5,656.85 kg (4 marks) Calculating the EOQ savings. Total cost = (F * T/Q) + (H * Q / 2) = (80 * 200,000 / 10,000) + (1.00 * 10,000/2) Total Cost @10,000 kg = $6,600 Total Cost EOQ = (F * T / Q) + (H * Q / 2) where Q = 5,656.85 kg = (80 * 200,000 / 5,656.85) + (1.00 * 5,656.85 / 2) = $5,656.85 Savings with EOQ = $943.15 = $6,600 $5,656.85 per planning period (10 marks) Try Q (actually, EOQ) = 5,656.85 kg. Then total cost = order costs + holding costs + purchase costs = (80)(200,000) / 5,656.85 + (1.00)(5,656.85) / 2 + ... Show more content on ... Note: Using compound interest here is acceptable: PVDC = 96,470.09 PVDisney = 97,298.19 Question 3 (35 marks) a.) Proposed Terms (E) $2,750,000 $7,534.25 Sales per 365 day year Sales per day, S Sales growth rate, g 7.27%
  • 43. Up front Variable Cost Ratio (VCR) 70.00% Collection expenses (EXP) at DSO 1.45% Bad debt expense ratio, b , at DSO 7.00% Discount percent, d 0 Discount period, days 0 Proportion taking discount, p 0 Non discount period, days 56 k = company s annual nominal cost of capital 15% i = daily cost of capital 15% / 365 = Current Terms (N) $2,550,000 $6,986.30 70.00% 1.25% 7.00% 0 0 0 56 4.1096% Note: an annual nominal cost of 15% compounded daily implies an annual effective cost of { [ (1 + .15/365)^365 ] 1 } * 100 = 16.18% per year. Cashflow timeline under proposed terms (11 marks) Proposed Terms In terms of the Zn formula 1st term PV from discount period $0.00 no discount period 2nd term PV from credit period $6,849.22 = 7,534.25*(1 0.07)/(1+ i*56) 3rd term 4th term
  • 44. PV variable costs PV credit expenses ($5,273.97) = 70%*$7534.25 ($106.79) = 1.45% *7534.25/(1+ i*56) Zn =$1,468.46 = NPV per day of proposed terms Cashflow timeline under current terms (11 marks) In terms of the Ze formula Current Terms 1st term PV from discount period $0.00 no discount period 2nd term PV from credit
  • 45. Richard III Conscience Essay Human beings behave with a conscience, an innate feeling of right and wrong. The conscience prevents most people from committing horrific acts, and those who commit such acts bear a guilty conscience. Richard starts out as the perfect Machiavellian, but as Shakespeare s historical drama Richard III unfolds, he becomes fallible due to his conscience. Richard s Machiavellian techniques allow him to rise to the throne; the same tactics cause Richard s demise. Shakespeare explicitly uses Richard s failure to demonstrate that Machiavelli s philosophy does not work. According to Shakespeare the most important reason for the downfall of Richard is his conscience, and Machiavelli s philosophy does not account for this quality of human nature. In... Show more content on ... His guilty conscience causes his once quick and witty mind that always knows the next step in his master plan to spiral into a slow and unsure mind. Richard s guilt causes him to use unnecessary and exorbitant force. For example, he sends Anne [his] wife [to] bid the world good night (4.3 43), a death that has no political necessity. The conscience consumes Richard as he dreams about a parade of the ghosts of those he murdered. The dream sequence fulfills queen Margaret s prophecy that the worm of conscience still begnaw [Richard s] soul . (1.3 233) The eerie dream sequence sends Richard into a dialogue with himself exclaiming, O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me! (5.3 191) This shows how Richard s guilt consumes his mind, which leads Richard to lose the battle against Norfolk. Machiavelli s teachings do not account for when the prince goes mad. Not once in Machiavelli s The Prince does he use the word conscience . Shakespeare uses Richard III to comment on the inhumane nature of Machiavelli s philosophy. Shakespeare argues that the Machiavellian actions Richard took to claim the throne of England do not lead to success, but rather end in disaster. Richard explicitly follows Machiavelli s philosophy, yet the drama ends in his death. No human being would be able to follow Machiavelli s guidelines without his conscience either preventing him, or driving him
  • 46. Examples Of Outsiders In The Outsiders What does it take to not be an outsider and to fit in with everybody else? Ponyboy Curtis in S.E. Hinton s The Outsiders tries to explain that he and his friends, the Greasers, are more than just thugs. They have low external expectations which also leads to low internal expectations. His friends have all grown up in poor conditions. His best friend, Johnny, is constantly beat at home and is only himself when he is with the gang. The Greasers are rivals with the Socs, a rich gang made of rich kids. Ponyboy thought that the Socs had it made, but after he meets Cherry he finds out that they also have external and internal expectations that make their lives not so made. Ponyboy and Cherry are outsiders because they see the world differently than the groups that they are in and have a window to escape stereotype threat and into society where they will be known as an individual, while Dally and Bob have decided that they are what their group is and they won t have that window. Ponyboy Curtis faces stereotype threat because of the actions of the group that he is in. They ll know we re hoods the minute they see us, I thought (Hinton 58). This quote shows that the Greasers face stereotype threat because people are scared just at the sight of Johnny and Ponyboy. Stereotype threat has people thinking that Johnny and Ponyboy are dangerous just because of the way they look and the way they dress. It drives my brother Darry nuts when I do stuff like that, cause I m supposed to be
  • 47. Examples Of Rude In Sheila Mant Throughout the short story, Sheila can be characterized as rude and pretty. First, Sheila is rude. One example of her being rude can be found in this section of the text: coming over to me once the music was done to explain that she would be going home in Eric Caswell s Corvette (Wetherell 4). The boy invited Sheila on a date to listen to a band perform live, but Sheila spent the majority of the night with other people and even left with somebody else. This is when the boy realized that Sheila was not the ideal girl for him and all the time he had spent trying to figure her out or impress her was for nothing. The second example of Sheila being rude is how she dissed fishingwithout thinking that the boy might have enjoyed fishing, which... Show more content on ... In this section of the reading, even Sheila knew that she had a body attractive enough to model. Another Piece of evidence proving that Sheila is attractive is that the boy was always trying to impress her. The text states: she was never watching, and the miraculous day she was, I immediately climbed the diving board and did my best tuck and a half for her and continued diving until she had left (Wetherell 1). If the boy did not find the girl to be attractive, he would not have tried to prove to her that he was a fantastic diver. The third and final piece of evidence further promoting the fact that Sheila Mant was pretty was that many other people found her pretty. This section from the reading states that many boys were enveloped by her beauty: The Dartmouth heavyweight crew would scull by her house on their way upriver, and I think all eight of them must have been in love with her at various times during the summer (Wetherell 1). The narrator had studied Sheila closely, and he would know if there were other boys that found her attractive, because he wanted to have her for himself, and if there was anybody else that thought she was pretty, he would be able to figure it out in an
  • 48. Saturation And Synthesis Essay Discussion When the degree of saturation О© is equal to one, the system is at equilibrium. When О© is greater than one, precipitation should occur because the solution is saturated in ions with respect to the solid mineral form. The data show that gypsum should have started precipitating between sample 1 and sample 2 collection time, because this is when the degree of saturation moves to beyond 1. The peak saturation for gypsum occurs between sample 3 and sample 4, and decreases afterwards. This decrease is most likely caused by the decrease in available ions after gypsum continued to precipitate through the experiment, leaving fewer calcium and sulfate ions to contribute to the degree of saturation. As evaporation continues, halite approaches... Show more content on ... Degree of saturation calculations showed that gypsum precipitated sometime before sample 2 was taken and peaked around the time sample 4 was taken. Although calculated degrees of saturation for halite did not exceed 1, the sudden decrease in sodium and chloride ions in solutions indicate that precipitation most likely occurred, and then exhausted the ions to the point where the solution was no longer saturated. Because the precipitate was not analyzed, whether or not halite did precipitate out is not known. The order of precipitation recorded in the experiment agrees with Usiglio s original
  • 49. Ancient Nose Religion Asses the relevance of Loki within the Ancient Norse Pantheon. No individual is more influential in the Ancient Norse religion than Loki. Considered an outsider to the Г†sir he was instrumental in both the rise of the gods and their defeat. He is the most mysterious character in the religion and little is known of his origin, he was rarely prayed to yet is an extremely prevalent persona in records of the religious beliefs of the people. To properly evaluate the relevance of Loki within Ancient Nose religion is important to understand his origins. Within the tales of the Norse gods little is mentioned about Loki and how he came to be considered one of the gods. There is mention of a blood oath sworn between Odin the ruler of the gods and Loki ... Show more content on ... The second half of the tales of the Ancient Norse gods represent Loki in a negative light by showing his change into an enemy of the gods. There is much debate surrounding this change and when it occurred. Some state it was his natural path due to his giant heritage, as his parents were considered enemies to the gods he would also naturally become an enemy to the gods. Others consider the change to occur after Loki loses a bet with the dwarfs and as payment has his lips sewn shut while the gods look on and laugh. This is considered by some to be the moment Loki begins to hate the gods as they did not offer to help him and instead mocked him. However Loki s role in the death of Balder is universally considered to mark the end of the gods. Balder was the most love of all the gods and in an attempt to protect him forever his mother Frigg asked all things on all the worlds to swear never to harm Balder. Loki on hearing of this discovered the one thing that had not sworn an oath to not harm Balder and tricked Baldre s brother Hod into killing Balder. Thus the Asgardians lose there most beloved family member and Loki loses his place within the Asgardian court. Hence we see Loki s role in the religion turn from ally into the enemy who will eventually bring about the downfall of the gods. After Loki kills Balder he then insults
  • 50. Compare And Contrast The Poem Sex Without Love Sex is something as old as the human races itself because without it there would be no procreation of the human race. Love, lust, and sex are often said to be interchangeable but in actuality they are not. Lust is being infatuated with a person for their appearance, Love is accepting a person for their appearance, their brain, their personality, and their values, Sex, however, is the desire and the need to be touched by another. People have sex when they are in love, when the feel the urge, when they are bored, or simply because they like it. The best way to explore the differences in why people have sex is to explore the way the story is told. Sex without Love is a poem which questions how people can have sex without remotely be in love while... Show more content on ... It exclaims that sex without love is basically trying to outdo and out prove oneself instead of being about connecting with one loved truly for who they are and for you they aren t. With that in mind, questions concerning the affair that Calixta had with M sieur Alce might arise. Are they having sex because they really love each other or are they doing it to make up for the love? In all honesty either answer could be right or even a combination of both. Either way the poem was better at making readers consider what is happening in the act of loveless sex because of the comparison it make to things we do every
  • 51. My First Friend I like to think I have a lot of friends. I wouldn t call myself popular but I mean a lot of people in the school know me, or know of me. Ironically, I m a very awkward person I have a fairly hard time talking to new people. Well at least I used to, I fixed that up a while ago. But have you ever seen someone and think wow I want to talk to them. They seem really cool . Im going to assume you have, because that s what was going through my mindwhen I saw this new kid come on my bus one day. We ll call him Z for now. Back to the story, so I saw this new kid come onto my bus and he automatically intrigued me. I saw him and I wanted to be his friend and get to know so much about him. The things is though at this time I was a very awkward kid and I had no idea how to talk to him. I could tell by the way things were he was very quiet type of guy. He never spoke to anyone on our bus, never smiled, never laughed, he just sat there alone staring out of his window with his earbuds in blasting music I could hear from the seat horizontal from him. So about every other day I would see Z and each day I got more and more nervous. I noticed he would always look over at me so I thought to myself well next time he does I guess I should say hi well. I don t like to listen to myself so that back fired. The next day things were on my side. Our packed bus (for the first time that s a good thing) pretty much forced me to sit next to him. So I told myself Well I guess it s now or never so
  • 52. Belleville Essay The History of Hockey in Belleville is a story of three teams with the third setting up shop this fall in the Friendly City. Belleville has also been known for Junior Hockey and Men s Senior Hockey. That will all change with the Arrival of the Belleville Senators, Belleville s new Professional hockey club. The Senators moved their American Hockey Affiliate from Binghamton after 15 seasons in up State New York. History of Hockey in Belleville pre Senators The Belleville McFarlands a men s senior A team played out of Belleville from 1956 1961. The McFarlands won the Allan Cup s in 1958 and represent Canada at the 1959 World Hockey Championships beating the USSR for a Gold Medal. Men s Senior A hockey would return to Belleville ... Show more content on ... Much was made of the Bulls move to Hamilton Fans blamed ownership; Ownership blamed the city for not renovation the Yardmen. City Council blamed ownership for not waiting till 2017 18 when the city would have available funds to properly Reno the Yardmen Arena. The City gave the Bulls a lease with reduced rent and full advertising and concession rights the city accounted for waiting on renovation funds. Bulls ownership sold the club on the eve of the team s lease option kicking in. The City since the Bulls departure has invested 18.5 million dollars into the Yardmen Arena. Belleville Proving their viable Hockey Market. Much was made of Belleville and if they were truly a viable hockey market after the Bulls left in 2015. The city of Belleville has answered the doubters the city and fans have embraced their team fans have packed events hosted by the Senators coming out in numbers for the Jersey launch and when the Senators official announced the news on September 26, 2016. Belleville rallied for their new team packing the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre for the introductory press conference. The City has financed back their new professional hockey team. Hockey Fans in the Bay of Quinte region have set up with the Senators have already 2,000 ticket deposits for the 4,400 seats available within the first week the
  • 53. Automatic Railway Gate Control An Industrial training report On AUTOMATIC RAILWAY GATE CONTROL Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING In ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING By M.SHALINI ANIL NEERUKONDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES Sangivalasa 531162, Bheemunipatnam (mandal) Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 2009 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Our sincere thanks and gratitude to Roshan sir for all the support and kindness he has bestowed upon us and without whose help, the project would not have been remarkable at all. The strong theoretical foundation that he has laid and his innovative ideas and timely help helped us a lot for completion of the project. Our sincere thanks to all ... Show more content on ... In this project, LCD is used in order to display the status of train arrival or departure. In that way, it will indicate the motorists that gate is going to be closed. The program logic is written in embedded c program by using Kiel micro vision environment. The program written is then converted in the hex code after simulation and burned onto the microcontroller using FLASH micro vision. This project can also be developed further to have a buzzer sound in order to alert the public while the gate is closing. A control room can also be provided at the railway crossings for constant monitoring of the equipment to reduce the chances of errors and to make this user friendly. CHAPTER 2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: MICROCONTROLLER: The hardware practical will be carried on the development Board which is having P89V51RD2 Microcontroller from Phillips Semiconductors. It supports ISP programming Mode. The tool used for this purpose is flash magic for ISP Programming. LCD: We are using Hitachi LCD with dot matrix type which supports 16x2= 32 characters. IR SENSORS: The sensor used is a PIR (Passive Infra Red) Sensor. It is
  • 54. a pyroelectric device that detects motion by measuring changes in the infrared levels emitted by surrounding objects. This motion can be detected by checking for a high signal on a single I/O pin. STEPPER MOTOR: We are using stepper
  • 55. 5 Reasons Why Kids Should Do Chores Helping out at home raises self esteem when parents insist that kids do their chores, they are letting them know they are not just loved, they are needed claims Wendy Mogel about chores. Many parents deal with conflicts where they think that their kids don t work hard enough and don t care much about their grades or not taking things seriously. Regrettably, they don t realize that it s because they aren t giving chores to their children. These chores may seem very small but help kids learn how to deal with problems in the future with the real life experiences they faced in the past while doing chores. Chores can benefit kids in many different ways with perseverance, taking responsibilities (5 Reasons Why Kids Should Do Chores), and they ll get better at teamwork (The Benefits of Chores).However, it is also important to keep in mind what a childis capable at a certain age. It s very remarkable to not be a quitter. Having perseverance helps you to find success in things. But it s very hard to get into the habit of it. Therefore, many people struggle with not having perseverance. Even parents get very worried about their children not working hard or their kids quit more often. The solution to this problem is assigning chores (5 Reasons Kids should do chores). Assigning chores help because chores may seem easy, but they are very tiring and hard. This could make kids frustrated, but if you push them harder and make them figure out how to accomplish their work successfully by
  • 56. Dove is Trying to Change the Look of Beauty in Women According to, Only 4% of women describe themselves as beautiful. Women have always dealt with problems of beauty. Many of them desire to look like the models they see in the magazines. Unfortunately, this unrealistic expectation has led American women to judge their own beauty in some negative ways. However, a campaign by Dove has attempted to convince the other 96 percent of women that they are also beautiful. Dove Real Beauty Sketches is a short film produced in April 2013 as a part of Dove Real Beauty campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to show that you are more beautiful than you think by comparing the sketches of self description and the descriptions from strangers. At the beginning of the film, over lightly soft music, a group of female participants from different ages briefly talk about their appearance, and how they wish they can be somehow different. Then, they are called back into a warehouse where a man named Gil Zamora, who is a FBI trained forensic artist, is waiting in front of a drafting board with his back to them and separated by a curtain. He asks them about their hair color, chin, and their most prominent feature. At the same time, he draws sketches based on how they describe themselves, and then draw the same people with the strangers describing them. Then, the commercial continues to flash on the next screen; the artist shows the sketches to these women with the version of their appearance in their mind compared to the version everyone
  • 57. Essay on District Budget Design In a time of financial hard ships, balancing a districts budget has become increasingly difficult. As a school board member for the Peoria School district it is important and crucial to effective budget decision making to be educated on the school districts budget design and delegated responsibilities within the system. These decisions need to be made based on the protection of public funds and property. The legal responsibility for such protection rests solely with the board of education in each school district (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012, pg. 332). Areas vital to this effective decision making of a board member are account practices, superintendent and board member responsibilities for a building budget, key terminology, how... Show more content on ... 306). The important part of any accounting practices is that they are uniform, well planned and researched, and using the fund in the most efficient, effective way. Superintendent and School Board s Responsibilities The superintendent, by law in some states and by assignment in others, is the executive officer charged with carrying out the programs that the budget authorizes (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012, pg. 284). Some of these responsibilities are delegated within the business staff and district administrators. The school boards responsibility for operating schools carries with it stated and implied powers for the protection of public funds and property (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012, pg. 332). The board will be presented the budget upon completion and their job is to approve the budget. If they do not approve, they must give administrative staff ideas on how to approve the plan in order for them to approve it. The principals are chief financial officer at the school level (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012). The principal will carry out the plan and distribute money according to the needs of his or her school. The principal will establish a two sided budget and ledger sheet with all receipts and expenditures along with monthly reports that will be reported to the district office (Brimley, Verstengen, Garfield, 2012). Decentralize budget decisions pertaining to
  • 58. A Day At Montessori Children House It was a beautiful and sunny day at Montessori Children House. I rang the bell, which indicated the end of outdoor play time. Children started putting away tricycles and sand toys, stacking the blocks and walking towards the classroom door. Within a few minutes, the outdoor play area was cleaned up and almost most of the children returned to the classroom. Over by the oak tree, four year old Allenand his teacher, Helen, were staring at each other. Allen, get off the slide. It s time to come inside now, I said to him. Allen ignored me and ran around the other side of the slide. Then I emphasized what I said to him one more time: Play time is over, Allen. You must come inside the class now. No response. I was so mad that I increased my voice to him. Allen! Get down now! Allen tightly grabbed the side of the climber structure without letting go. My face was turning red and started to threaten this little child, If you don t come in this minute, you won t be allowed to come out to play the rest of day. Allen stuck out his tongue and teased at me, You can t make me! Finally, I went up to the climbing structure and took Allen s arm. Allen pulled away, yelling, I don t want to go inside, and ran to the other side of the playarea. It took several minutes before me finally caught up with Allen and forcibly carried him in. Later that morning, Allen refused to put away the blocks after activity time, refused to join the others for the story time, refused to wash