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MODELAnalytical / Interpretive
Essay Using Ni
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MODEL Analytical / Interpretive Essay Using Ni MODEL Analytical / Interpretive Essay Using Ni
Coach Carter Analysis
Ken Carter A.K.A Coach Carter is a fictional character from the Docudrama Coach Carter. Ken shows
signs of an authoritarian complex as his personality has an exceedingly apparent correlation with;
sociopathy, draconian authority, and an almost dictator like persona. Using references from the film
we gain proof of Ken s autocratic demeanour. During the time after the Oilers (Richmond high
basketball team) win their first game Timo Cruz comes to the gym seeking to amalgamate with his
bygone team. Timo becoming a perfect caricature of penitence Ken acted against this remorse with a
gargantuan and quite frankly unattainable task (2500 push ups and 1000 suicides by Friday.) as a form
of punishment. This account provides evidence that Ken Carter s despotic and tyrannical personality
and values (Authority, Self Righteousness, Respect, Reputation, Status, and Success.). Ken Carter asks
each member of the Oilers Basketball Team to sign a contract stating; They must abstain from
dropping below a 2.4 GPA (Grade Point Average.), Attend each and every one of their classes, be
seated in the front row of each class, wear a tie on game day, and they must provide the local
community with 10 hours of community service each. Ken s son had a slightly different contract with
clauses stating he must possess a 3.7 GPA, Attend each and every class, no absences without a valid
reason and proof of that reason, be seated in the front row of each of his classes, wear a tie on game
day, and do 50
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Personal Reflective Personal Reflection
I have been long time away from practice as doctor because I came to the Uk and I am trying to
register as doctor to continue my career, while I am doing that I was working in the medical field in
different role as health care assistant (HCA) in general practice that experience helps me to be familiar
with NHS system and improve my communication skills ,also I got an experience in wound
management by doing wound dressing so I have learnt everyone has a vital role in health team,
However When I started my MSC course I felt that I return to my career and I can deserve what I am
looking for in my medical future and I will do my best to succeed in spite of difficulty that I have.
This section focuses on important lesson that I have learnt in this module CCMP is reflection which
consider a form of response of learner to experience.
Learning from experience is a sub conscious activity and it is not until the learner forms thoughts at a
conscious level that means fully understand the experience and learn from it, this is facilitated by
refection role awareness and how to be processed. (Boud et al. 1985:19) I know that I was thinking
about my experience that I had but I have learnt how to think critically in practical way to learn from
what I have done in the past and analyse that by asking myself if I need to change in my previous
experience or I am on the right track, this is called reflection on action.
Reflection on action involves reflecting on how practice can be developed or changed after the event
that it will be achieved by thinking back on what we have done in order to discover how our knowing
in action may have contributed to an unexpected outcome (Schön, 1983, p. 26).
To be practical you have to follow steps first what the experience that happens then interpreting how it
was and what is to be done and how will be achieved then learn next time if you expose to the same
situation what you will do. However, I will use Gibbs cycle as a model to reflect my journey in this
The module contains a variety of sessions classroom based that enhance understanding of different
theory and encourage us to do further reading through using links or guided resource relevant to the
area, all
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Volcanoes And Climate Change Today
January 18, 2017, New England s 1816 Mackerel Year, Volcanoes and Climate Change Today england s 1816 mackerel year volcanoes and climate change today A
study was regulated by the USGS in regards to the large catches of mackerel by fishermen, a volcano
eruption at Indonesia s Mt. Tambora and climate change. The article explains that the eruption that
occurred at Mt. Tambora over 200 years ago and the effects that it left at the Gulf of Maine that
intertwined human natural systems facing climate change. The study showed that the eruption in 1815
caused a long lasting extreme climate event in 1816 (which is also known as the year without a
summer) that caused the Northern Hemisphere s crops to fail. ... Show more content on ...
The article also suggest that the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere are different in
regards to climate changes. Lewis believes that the southern hemisphere is more likely to have an
intermediate average summer with temperatures of 83 degrees and an average winter temperature of
78 degrees. This indicates that the climate here is similar year round and the only fact that keeps
Sydney from ranking higher on the list is the fact that it is too wet of a place.
3. March 3, 2017, Monitoring Alaska s Remote and Restless Bogoslof Volcano alaska s remote and restless bogoslof volcano A study
conducted by the USGS was conducted in regards to the Bogoslof Volcano which is an active volcano
that is located in the Aleutian Islands which is located just northwest of the Dutch Harbor. This
volcano has had active eruptions in sequence since December of 2016. There has been numerous
explosions from the volcano, which has shot ashes to altitudes soaring over 30,000 feet in the air. The
area is a major fly zone for aircrafts and the ashes from the eruptions has caused jet engines to fail.
The unknown is how long will these eruptions from the Bogoslof Volcano continue to erupt. Past
events have occurred from the Bogoslof; the prior eruptions lasted from July 6, 1992 through July 24,
1992, therefore, this current eruptions had already surpassed the prior eruptions that occurred in 1992.
However, the
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Temperament Characteristics Of Child Development
Temperament is defined as the individual behavioral style of the child, the way in which he
characteristically reacts to environmental stimuli. Temperament is distinct from the child s innate
abilities and motivation. Their are nine temperament traits; activity being the first which is based on
the level of motor component in a child s functioning, rated as regular,variable, or irregular. I would
rate myself as moderate. I prefer to be independent; I rather do a task myself so that I don t have to
watch someone else do it. I also don t like to be confined I prefer to explore the areas and things that
surround me. Rhythmicity being the second temperament trait is all about the regularity or
predictability in the timing of recurrent activities, rated as regular,variable, or irregular. Regular best
describes me because I stick to a routine everyday and if it is changed I have a very hard time dealing
with it. I eat the same thing everyday and at the same time everyday. I wake up every morning at the
same time, but I fall asleep at different times depending on what I did that day. And lastly I have a
difficult time adjusting to different time zones whenever I go away on vacation. The
Approach/Withdrawal is the third temperament it is about the nature of a child s response to a new
stimulus, rated as approach, variable, or withdrawal. Withdrawing child best fits me; it takes me
awhile to warm up to new things, I m cautious with new people, things and places. I prefer to surround
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Ferran Adria Research Paper
The life of Ferran Adria Ferran Adria was born on may 14, 1962 in Barcelona. His early schooling
was in Barcelona. At age 14 he enrolled at Verge de la Merci. He enrolled to study business
administration. At the age of 18 he left the school because was bored. He begins his career at 18 as a
dishwasher. He needed money for vacation so he took the job as dishwasher. He got his job at the
Hotel Playafels in Spain. His job there taught him the techniques he used. He eventually made it to
Izaba where he worked as chef. In 1982 he returned to Barcelona. There he worked at a number of
restaurant before landing a job at Finisterre. He worked there as assistant chef before going to fulfill
his military service. He was in the Navy stationed at Cartagena.
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Unit 14 Event Driven Research Paper
Key Features of Event Driven Programming
Event Driven Programming consists of a programming paradigm, a programming paradigm is a basic
style for computer programming. It serves as a way for building structure for a computer program. A
paradigm in its simplest form is a typical example or pattern of something, a pattern or model.
An Event Driven Program is not restrained by the style of procedural programs, instead of the top to
bottom functionality of a procedural program, where the code starts at the top and just reads down, on
an already determined path, instead of this, event driven programming has code placed in logical areas
of events, this code is not used in a determined order as the user has full control over the program by
triggering ... Show more content on ...
This could be something as simple as operating a leaver to open a hidden door. Another advantage
within event driven programming is the use of sensor technology to operate functions within a
program. This allows hardware to easily interact with applications within the computer, an example of
such application is the ability to have a microphone plugged in the recording jack of the computer and
it too only activate when the microphone receives a signal over a certain decibel level so that the
microphone can constantly be on. A use of such feature could be within multiplayer video games
where concentration is needed constantly so fiddling about with buttons to activate the microphone is
distracting from the game and could make you
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I Am At The Local Grocery Store
I was at the local grocery store. It was a franchise styled to look like a local establishment. I stood
with a basket of impulse buys waiting in line to checkout. I observed with curiosity as a mother
appeared to struggle with product selection. Her son sat impatiently in the cart, trying to escape the
aged seatbelt. She held in each hand a box of detergent. They had comparable size and even resembled
each other s appearance. In her expression of exasperation she looked upward. There above her was a
display explaining the environmental benefits of the item in her left hand. As if receiving direction,
she placed that item in her cart and returned the unadvertised product to the shelf. She didn t even stop
to reevaluate the prices. She merely continued on her journey down the aisle.
That experience made me wonder. As I placed my own items on the conveyor belt, I rethought my
own decisions. I remember selecting the green (environmentally friendly) product several times, but
why? For one item there was an effective display with premium product packaging, and for another I
recalled a jingle I heard on the radio. I even remembered that they were both more expensive than
their brown (environmentally unfriendly) counterparts. I initially thought I was making those
selections because it was good for the Earth, but is that why?
The flood of questions that came to mind was overwhelming but they all boiled down to one general
principle, why do consumers buy environmentally friendly
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Examples Of Horrible Persecution
The Jewish religion has been persecuted for many years. Most of the Jews were killed in this horrible
persecution. Jews finally receive help from others to get their sacred land back, Caanan. Caanan was
the promise land that God had granted to the Jews.
Jews made it to Caanan for 20 years they settled there. There were 12 tribes each tribe had one judge.
The rulers were to unite the kingdom of Israel and prevent outside and invasion. King Saul was the
first king. Then came king David. He served from 1000 961 BCE. He became king when he defeated
Goliath, a man who taunted he Israelites for 40 days. People respect to David and David also
established the capital of Israel, Jerusalem. David was done in his power Solomon succeeded David.
Solomon had bankrupt Israel because he spent too much money on himself. He died in 922 B.C.E.
Since Solomon had spent so much money it led to Civil War. Though Solomon did bankrupt Israel he
did help them build roads and infrastructure. Solomon was David son. ... Show more content on ...
Islam is founded and once Jerusalem back. It took Jerusalem over but did not allowed used to worship
there with them. The Turks forest and used to pay to worship there. In 1095 CE the Pope, Pope urban
the second commands for holy war to take back Jerusalem. Christians believed that the Jews we re
responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. On the way to Jerusalem Christian killed thousands of Jews
all under the reign of Pope Urban the second. The Christians demonized the Jews by starting rumors
about them such as they are Christian babies, had horns, and drank Christian blood. Jewish women
were also believed to be witches. These rumors were used for the justification of killing thousands of
Jews on the way to Jerusalem. Innocent the third created legal restrictions that the Jews had to wear a
yellow badge and a hat. The Center of every Europeans life was Christianity the pope controlled
everything in the religion. In England, France, and Spain Jews were
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Compare And Contrast Essay On Online Education Vs...
What is the Better: Online or Traditional Education?
Currently, there are a lot of inventions and new products in every sphere, and education is no
exception. Instead of attending regular classes people can register for online training, which,
according to many, is also effective.
What would be the best choice the traditional option of education or the acquisition of knowledge in
the vast World Wide Web?
Each type has its advantages and disadvantages that must be analyzed, before making a choice.
Technological process has opened new educational opportunities and changed a way people live and
study. For many years to obtain academic help students need to attend additional classes, go to the
tutoring center or invite teachers to their homes. The emergence of the Internet, advance in technology
made people s lives easier by changing approaches to teaching.
Not so long ago, the only option was to invite a stranger into your home or to meet with him outside
(for example, by going to special courses), but now you can do it online. However, if you are
accustomed to the traditional form of learning, you will need some time to switch to a new approach.
Perhaps no one can deny the importance of organizing time in today s speedy world. Time
management and well built schedule, in terms of convenience, can play a colossal role for overall
success and effectiveness. Face to face education offers a little flexibility here. Those who chose
traditional courses has to adjust to
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1. What Is A Voluntary Response Sample Generally Not...
MATH 120 Statistics
Joshua Hernandez
Homework #1
Section 1.2
1. What is a voluntary response sample?
A sample in which the subjects decide whether to be included in the study.
2. Why is a voluntary response sample generally not suitable for statistical study?
This sample may have a bias resulting from subjects that have a special interest in the subject being
3. What is the difference between statistical significance and practical significance?
Statistical significance is when methods used to reach a conclusion that some findings are effective
but common sense may find that findings do not make enough difference to justify a use or to be
6. In the study of the Weight Watchers weight loss ... Show more content on ...
The Volkswagen s slogan received 55% of the 33,160 responses. The Volkswagen slogan was Relieves
gas pains
Sample is the 33,160 responses. The population seemed to be the entire population. The sample is a
voluntary response sample because subscribers could choose to respond or not. It is not likely to be a
representation of the greater population.
Section 1.4
3. Using data collected from the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, methods of
statistics showed that for the different states, there is a correlation between the number of registered
automatic weapons and the murder rate. Can we conclude that an increase in the number of registered
automatic weapons causes an increase in the murder rate? Can we reduce the murder rate by reducing
the number of registered automatic weapons?
No, the association between the two variables does not imply that one causes the other. No, a decrease
in registered weapons will not result in a reduced murder rate.
4. Typical surveys involve about 500 people to 2000 people. When author Shere Hite wrote Woman
and Love: A Cultural Revolution in Progress, she based conclusions on a relatively large sample of
4500 replies that she received after mailing 100,000 questionnaires to various woman s groups. Are
her conclusions likely to be valid in the sense that they can be applied to the general population of all
women? Why or why not.
No, she used a voluntary response
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The Benefits Of Dependence On Technology
In recent years, technology has taken huge steps forward. Things that past generations only dreamed
of have come to fruition. Undoubtedly, technology has presented the world with numerous benefits
and opportunities. With the aid of technology, the field of medicine has greatly improved. Answers to
all of life s questions lie just one click of tap away. Self driving cars loom large on the horizon.
Technology has made people s lives so much easier and better, or has it? While technology has
brought about many benefits, many problems have risen as well. Dependence on technology has
driven the world too far. Americans depend too much on technology because it affects cognitive skills
and attention, makes its users too dependent on it, creates a ... Show more content on
Personally, I have experienced this in my own life. Although I do not use social media, I have used
Google Hangouts on occasion. When using Hangouts, I have found myself chatting superficially about
random issues with my friends and not truly making friendships. At times, I have spent time with other
people, almost all of them texting away on their phones, oblivious to their surroundings. Also, people
tend to project a superficial image of their lives that makes their lives seem wonderful and perfect.
Sometimes, this can lead others to feel depressed that their lives seem so much worse. Relationships
encapsulate much more that what social media provides. Thirdly, technology presents dangers to
online security. Nowadays, the threat of cyberattacks exists in a very real way. Since technology
dominates culture, hackers can possibly access virtually everyone s personal information. Over four
billion people had their identities stolen last year according to the Business Insider (Cole). In addition,
sixty four percent of Americans have experienced some form of data theft, according to the Pew
Research Center (Olmstead and Smith). Many major companies, such as Yahoo and Target, have
fallen prey to hackers. While smartphones have made it much easier to accomplish tasks on the go,
many people do not take adequate steps to best ensure security. According to a survey by
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Henry David Thoreau s Photography And The Expansion Of...
The few voices that did express concern went unheard, that is until the writings of Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Burroughs, Sigurd Olson, and Archibald MacLeish (Cantrill
Oravec, 1996; Dunaway, 2005; Neuzil, 2008; Spaulding, 1995). Although Thoreau s writings of the
natural world did not have much impact during his lifetime, as discussed later, they did influence
many great thinkers that followed. Other notable naturalists and politicians that sought for
preservation of the land include John Muir, David Brower, Joseph LeConte, Aldo Leopold, George
Perkins Marsh, Gifford Pinchot, also wrote and spoke out about preservation of land, nature, and
wildlife. For example, Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most influential writers ... Show more
content on ...
Promotion of Yosemite for preservation was backed by an unlikely source, supporters of the expansion
of the railroad system, which granted additional land to the Union Pacific and Central Pacific so they
could follow through on their grand plans to build a steam powered transcontinental connection
(Levitt, 2002b, p. 27). Yet, support from railroad interests also led to endless demand for wood and
unlimited building both residential and commercial entities that deteriorated America s forests.
Awareness for the pristine nature and wildlife in the Yellowstone region received similar accolade and
concern for preservation as Yosemite (see Bossen, 1982; DeLuca Demo, 2000; Jacoby, 2001; National
Park Service, 2012). Just as Watkins compelling photos were influential in the preservation of
Yosemite, other photographers were motivated to advocate on behalf of the land. William Henry
Jackson made numerous photos of Yellowstone for the U.S. Geological Survey and lobbied Congress
for preservation of the region. In 1872, President Ulysses Grant signed into law the Yellowstone Act
that set aside more than two million acres of land. This was the first land designated by the federal
administration set aside for a national park accessible for all the nation s people for all time (Cahn,
1981, p. 129). As retold by history, a variety of activities in
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Joshua Harris Why Church Matters
Why does the Church matter? That is the question many of us ask. The author Joshua Harris through
his book, Why Church matters: Discovering your place in the Family of God talks about the Church
and its importance for us as Christians. He describes the Church as the community where we can find
growth, encouragement, and closer relationship with God. In his book, Harris pictures this relationship
as a marriage, where we are the spouse and the church is the wife. Before we decide to marry the
Church, we need to commit to it, as a gloom commit to her bride and is willing to give his life and
sacrifice everything for her. Further, the author explains how we (believers) are part of something
bigger than us, which is the universal Church, but
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Cis 324 Computer Ethics
Ethics of Peer to Peer downloading and Sharing Strayer University Abstract In the short time that
computers and internet have existed in the modern era, the world has seen a complete 360 degree turn
and in the various forms of electronic entertainment that people all over the world are now using. In
the days before CD s, DVD s and the internet, not much was said if a vinyl album (remember these?),
VHS cassette (or these?) or an audio cassette was loaned to a friend for their listening / viewing
pleasure, but today with the availability of sending an email with three or four megabytes (mb) of
information, one can enjoy a borrowed song but is assumed that it is piracy or stealing. Is this a fair
assumption? This Author will not give ... Show more content on ...
This is where the dilemma starts. As time has passed and technologies have become available to the
average people of the world, including those with lesser amounts of disposable money, the ability to
share or loan electronic material has become increasingly popular. The question still remains in the
mind of this author; what is the difference between sharing and audio cassette with a friend and
sharing an MP3 that has been legally copied from disk or downloaded from Itunes? In the eyes of
many people, there is not a difference in these two concepts. In the eyes of many, the concept of
sharing a MP3 is that same as sharing a cassette but has followed the theory of evolution and grown
from the era of physical items, like cassettes, and evolved to the electronic media market. This sharing
concept brings forth another question. Why did music industry and other various media companies not
try to enforce the existing laws when it was only video and audio cassettes? Could it be that back in
the day , the number of cassettes / albums being shared were not near the numbers of electronic media
being shared today? This seems to be the probable answer because to share a cassette or album there
needs to be some form of physical contact between the two participants and to share electronic media
the two participants can be
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Human Trafficking And The International Ramifications Essay
3.1 Introduction
Given the scale of the causes and the international ramifications, it is no wonder that a vast range of
international treaties, guidelines, conventions and local legal regulations have been established to
address human trafficking worldwide. The causes as discussed in chapter two only briefly provided
examples of the complex regional issues emerging in Southeast Asia. Chapter three will discuss and
explore the range of measures undertaken and the focus of multiple agencies in their attempts at
dealing with varying implications with different priorities across Southeast Asia. The implications
regardless of the end means, is a flagrant violation of human rights. With global attention on Southeast
Asia and the rapidly growing trafficking in persons saw the United Nations Action for Cooperation
against Trafficking in Persons (UN ACT) recently launched a five year campaign in Hanoi, Vietnam in
2014 to work more closely with government, non government, civil society, research and academic
sources in bringing about effective change (South South Information Gateway Bernama, 2014).
The world leaders at a United Nations meeting in 2006 reaffirmed
It could be argued that despite the range of services available, agencies and governments are merely
confusing the cross boundry issues with irregular migration as opposed to vulnerability of human
security, as are apparent with human trafficking . Globalization and the use of technology
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Respecting The Founding Fathers
Since the establishment of our nation, the founding fathers have been looked upon with veneration.
The numerous monuments throughout the country dedicated to these courageous men demonstrate
their lasting dignity in our society. These men were exceptional leaders who played a substantial role
in American history and tremendously shaped our country for the better. They gave us some of our
most beloved documents, led the way to our freedom from Great Britain, and provided us with the
foundations for our current government. These men dedicated their lives to the betterment of our
nation and deserve an accolade of admiration and honor. Our forefathers encouraged and highly
influenced the establishment of our nation. First of ... Show more content on ...
Our forefathers dedicated their lives to the establishment of our nation, but what inspired these men to
do this? First, these men felt a responsibility to their country. George Washington said in his first
inaugural address I was summoned by my country, whose voice I can never hear but with veneration
and love... (Document C) Second, they were unhappy about Great Britain s brutality towards the
colonies. As stated by the founders in the Declaration of Independence, Great Britain was responsible
for cutting off our trade with other parts of the world and imposing taxes without our consent.
According to the founding fathers, Great Britain also plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned
our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. (Document N) These men thought the actions of
Great Britain were unfair and they needed to protect the rights of their people and stand up for their
country. Finally, they wanted freedom for themselves and for generations to come. In a letter to
Abigail Adams, John Adams writes I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to
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Durkheim s Sociological Perspective On Religion
This work examines Durkheim s sociological approach to religion. Several central aspects of
Durkheim s approach are defined, including the concepts of religion, clan, and totem. The Totemic
Principle and how it can be applied to religion is also discussed. Supporting evidence for Durkheim is
offered through Eliade, while dissension is offered by Malinowski. This work concludes with an
example of Durkheim s ideas applied to the story of Lame Deer.
Any discussion of Durkheim s views on religion from a sociological perspective should define exactly
what the sociological perspective regarding religion is. According to Roberts and Yamane (2012), for
sociologists, the study of religion takes into account more than merely the beliefs of the religion.
Religious institutions exist and the existence of these institutions is an important aspect of sociological
study (Roberts Yamane, 2012). Religious institutions affects not only beliefs but also behaviors that
sometimes run contrary to doctrine as with anything else concerning human beings, conflict is always
a possibility (Roberts Yamane, 2012). The behaviors of individuals within the context of religious
institutions and beliefs are also important to the sociological perspective (Roberts Yamane, 2012). As
such, sociology focuses on the interactions between influences of religion on society and society on
religion (Roberts Yamane, 2012); this deconstruction offers the lens through which this work
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Death Of A Salesman Compare And Contrast Essay
Death of a Salesman is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1949. In 1966 CBS created a film adaptation
of the play. The plot is centered on Willy Loman, an aging salesman who starts to lose his sanity at the
end of his career. Willy starts having hallucinations of people and events that have happened in his
life. After losing his job, Willy ends up taking his own life to leave behind a pecuniary life insurance
payout of $20,000 to his family. The characters dialogue is nearly the same in both the Miller and CBS
version of the play. However, the actors speak their lines with certain emotions that cannot be properly
expressed in writing alone. The appearance of the performers communicated even more information
that is not mentioned in the written ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of act two, Willy wakes up to a promising day for him and his sons. He is dressed in
a neat black suit and tie. However, Willy suffers several failures and disappointments throughout the
day. By the time he is contemplating suicide at the end of the act, Willy s suit is ruffled, wrinkled, or
removed. His slovenly appearance reflects the bedlam occurring in his mind. On the other hand,
Charley and Howard are both wearing tidy brown suits. The difference in their appearances highlights
the contrasts of mental states between Willy and the two men. Charley and Howard are both sane,
accomplished men with successful families. The actors facial expressions portray additional
information about characters not explicitly stated in the written version of the play. Willy constantly
looks disoriented or distracted, and he can never seem to focus on anybody. This gives the impression
of a disarrayed mind in a deteriorating state. During the requiem, Linda has a terrible look of grief on
her face when she is kneeling over Willy s grave. The vivid look of misery on her face is more
impactful than simply reading about her sorrow. These seemingly small details create a big difference
between the written and video versions of the
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The Battle of the Boyne Essay
The Battle of the Boyne (Irish: Cath na Bóinne) was a turning point in the Williamite claim on the
English throne.
The deposed King James VII of Scotland and James II of England and Ireland and his Jacobite
supporters were defeated by James nephew and son in law, William III and his supporters. By the
invitation of Parliament, William had deposed James in 1688. Both kings acted as commander of their
respective armies.
The battle took place on July 1, 1690 (Old Style) just outside the town of Drogheda on Ireland s east
coast. Each army stood on opposing sides of the River Boyne. William s forces easily defeated those
of James who led an army of mostly raw recruits. The symbolic importance of this battle has made it
one of the best known ... Show more content on ...
[edit]The competing sides
James VII and II
King of England, Scotland and Ireland
The opposing armies in the battle were led by the Roman Catholic former King James II of England
and Scotland and King of Ireland and opposing him, his nephew and son in law the Protestant William
III ( William of Orange ) who had deposed James from his English and Scottish thrones in the
previous year. James s supporters still controlled much of Ireland and the Irish Parliament. James also
enjoyed the support of the French king, Louis XIV, who did not want to see a hostile monarch, such as
William, on the throne of England. To support James s restoration, Louis sent 6,000 French troops to
Ireland to support the Irish Jacobites. William was already Stadtholder of the Netherlands and was
able to call on Dutch and allied troops from continental Europe as well as from Great Britain.
James was a seasoned general who had proven his bravery when fighting for his brother King Charles
II in Europe, notably at the Battle of the Dunes (1658). However, recent historians have noted that he
was prone to panicking under pressure and to making rash decisions, probably due to the onset of
dementia which was to overtake him completely in later years. William, although a seasoned
commander was hardly one of history s great generals and had yet to win a major battle. Many of his
battles ended in bloody stalemates, prompting
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The s Death Left Marie Tasset
Dardeau s death left Marie Tasset widowed at 22 with four children under the age of five. She went on
to marry widower Eugene Pierre Dalmace Fields in June 1864. By March 1863, Union forces had
taken control of the sugar planting region and reported that all the slaves had come within their lines.
Fellow sugar planter Andrew McCollam reported that he had only a few hands left and he doubted he
would be able to do more than manage the seed cane. Viguerie, along with hundreds of Louisiana
soldiers, including William A. Bisland of Terrebonne, surrendered on May 26, 1865 in New Orleans.
Viguerie was paroled to New Iberia, Louisiana on June 6, 1865. He was released shortly after.
Louisiana was the only region deep within the Confederacy, where Union authorities implemented
experimental Reconstruction policies during the Civil War. Louisiana responded to President Abraham
Lincoln s plan to readmit southern states into the Union by selecting delegates to write a new
constitution. The Constitution of 1864 abolished slavery and disposed of Louisiana s old order of rule
by planters and merchants, although it did not give African Americans voting power. It was the first
state charter to incorporate Lincoln s conciliatory approach and was the leading test case for postwar
policy. Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 did not apply to Union held territory. Thus,
slavery continued in the thirteen Louisiana parishes under Union control. After much debate, delegates
to the
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Tort Law of Negligence Essay
Torts of negligence are breaches of duty that results to injury to another person to whom the duty
breached is owed. Like all other torts, the requirements for this are duty, breach of duty by the
defendant, causation and injury(Stuhmcke and Corporation.E 2001). However, this form of tort differs
from intentional tort as regards the manner the duty is breached. In torts of negligence, duties are
breached by negligence and not by intent. Negligence is conduct that falls below the standard of care
established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm(Stuhmcke and
Corporation.E 2001). The standard measure of negligence is the universal reasonable person standard.
The assumption in this case is that a reasonable ... Show more content on ...
In 1970, Lord Reid said that Lord Atkin s dictum must to apply unless there was some support or valid
justification for its elimination Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co [1970] AC 1004. 3.2.1 Reasonable
foreseeability Foreseeability means whether a theoretical logical person would have foreseen damage
in the circumstances. Proximity is shorthand for Lord Atkin s neighbour principle. It means that there
must be legal proximity, for instance a legal connection between the parties from which the law will
attribute a duty of care. Note that a duty of care may not be owed to a particular claimant, if the
claimant was unforeseeable. 3.2.2 Analogies recognized duties of care Establishing whether not the
current case is analogous to cases in which a duty of care already been determine. For instance the
category of which duty of care has been held not to exist. The law justifies all these through the word
responsibility. Everyone has a responsibility for their actions. This same word, responsibility, is also
used to justify strict and vicarious liability. Parents, guardians, employers and other similar persons are
responsible for their wards and employees. I think this is also a balancing of the scale. Due to
circumstances such as incapacity in law of inability to pay, the injured party may be
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Illegal Immigrants Should Receive Health Care Essay
America needs comprehensive health care reform, and immigrants should be a part of the movement.
But many American citizens might ask that pertinent question: why should they cover the expense for
illegal immigrants to access health care? The answer is plain and simple: until congress passes
immigration laws that work, people are going to migrant here illegally. And to deny migrants access to
affordable health care, Americans are not only denying them their human right, they are also putting
individual and national health at risk. I believe that this country which has the medical advancements
and the facilities to ensure the health of its citizens should reach out to its non citizens, legal and
illegal, until it ... Show more content on ...
The study s results prove that if the federal law requiring employers to supply valid social security
numbers for their employees is passed thus ensuring the loss of Oregon s undocumented workers the
state could lose as much as $656 million in tax revenues resulting in 173,500 jobs losses (Navas).
While the numbers vary from state to state, this study suggests that immigrants might be contributing
more than people think. Illegal immigrants usually hold jobs that have bad conditions and worse pay.
Oftentimes, these jobs are found in sectors such as agriculture, construction, food handling and
manufacturing (Dwyer). Unfortunately for the illegal individuals who acquire these jobs, they have no
access to comprehensive health care, though their line of work tends to demand it. Although illegal
immigrants are consequently strapped for cash, many of them will not visit primary care physicians
for fear of being deported. This sets up a vicious cycle: individuals get sick yet ignore the signs. When
illnesses get remarkably worse and are too severe to treat at doctors offices, the individuals then go to
emergency rooms, where the cost is considerably greater. More often than not, the immigrants cannot
afford to pay their hospital bills. The cost is then covered by the medical institutions and tax payer
dollars (Wolf). While some argue that illegal migrants do not
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Wide Sargasso Sea Analysis
In Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys, culture causes belonging as well as insecurity. In this novel,
characters from the Caribbean and England are put side by side to highlight how strong cultures affect
those without one. Christophine and R hold strong ties to their identities through their ethnic
background, while Antionette is left wondering, who I am and where is my country and where do I
belong (61). Rhys uses the binary opposition of these two contrasting characters to convey that people
rely on their cultures for their identity and because of this, those who do not fit into a certain group
have trouble defining themselves.
Christophine, a former slave and servant to Antionette s family, relies on her Afro Caribbean roots to
dictate her beliefs and shape her as a person. When Antionette wants Christophine to help her using
obeah, Christophine tells Antionette that obeah is not for béké , using the word béké, a slang term for a
white person (68). Through this, Christophine separates herself from Antionette and defines herself
through her ethnic background. Although she is very close to Antionette, Christophine clearly
identifies with a different culture and therefore there is a distance between them that cannot be
removed. This culture is one that she identifies so strongly with that she will risk being caught and
thrown in jail for her beliefs. It is revealed by Daniel Cosway that Christophine was put in jail for
practicing obeah but she continues to practice this
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Cyberbullying In American Schools
Cyber Bullying
1. Introduction
Cyber bullying which occurs in the virtual world which many teenagers are active in. The Internet
creates a virtual world that can result in very real consequences for people s lives .Hence this,
challenges technologies that are designed to provide adequate protection for children, which are being
rapidly developed by parents, schools and policy makers (King, 2010). Even though the temptation of
hastily discovering a solution to cyber bullying prominent among most policymakers, they should
gradually create a solution and carefully considering the possible consequences that the solution may
pose in the future. This report aims to investigate the state of cyber bullying in American schools. It
will include ... Show more content on ...
F., Demaray, M. K. (2009). Cyberbullying Research. Cyberbullying Research.
Chang, D. G. D. (2011). The Impact of Cyberbullying on Substance Use and Mental Health in a
Multiethnic Sample. The Impact of Cyberbullying on Substance Use and Mental Health in a
Multiethnic Sample, 1282 1286.
F.Heidlage, B. (2009). Relational Approach to Schools Regulation of Youth Online Speech. Relational
Approach to Schools Regulation of Youth Online Speech.
Henson, B. (2012). Bullying beyond the schoolyard: Preventing and responding to cyberbullying.
Bullying beyond the schoolyard: Preventing and responding to cyberbullying, 88 89.
Hiroshi Kobata, R. G. (2003). Method and apparatus for preventing unauthorized copying and
distributing of electronic messages transmitted over a network . Method and apparatus for preventing
unauthorized copying and distributing of electronic messages transmitted over a network .
J Wang, R. I. (2009). School bullying among adolescents in the United States: Physical, verbal,
relational, and cyber. School bullying among adolescents in the United States: Physical, verbal,
relational, and cyber,
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Role Of Proteins
Proteins play a role in almost every physiological process that takes place in our body and
understanding protein functionality can lead to a better understanding human biology and life itself.
The central dogma of biology describes the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to
proteins. It has long been established that the structure of the protein determines the function, however
this idea has been challenged in recent years by the discovery of intrinsically disordered proteins.
Protein structure determines the key characteristics exhibited by the protein and can determine its role
in biological processes. Proteins are comprised of amino acids; this sequence of amino acid residues
describes the protein s primary structure. The ... Show more content on ...
Officially, intrinsically disordered proteins are proteins that do not have a fixed three dimensional
conformation. Whether the entire protein is disordered or only certain domains within a protein are
disordered, they do not fold into a stable well defined tertiary structure. Some proteins may be ordered
overall but contain a disordered sequence, which is commonly called an intrinsically disordered region
(IDR). This unique flexibility of structure allows for many advantages in biological functions, some
well known and others still being discovered. While research into IDPs are ongoing, research shows
that IDPs play huge roles in cell signaling and regulation. To fully understand the function of
intrinsically disordered proteins, it is best to first understand what accounts for their unique structures.
There are numerous methods researchers utilize to determine if a protein is or has a disordered region.
The most prevalent is X ray crystallography, which was the method used to first discover disordered
protein domains. X ray crystallography allows for a visualization of a protein s three dimensional
structure through the use of x ray diffraction. When a protein is disordered, it possesses a lower or
nonexistent electron density that can be detected through this process. Even early on when the first
protein crystal structures were discovered, there were protein
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Bob Marley s Song, Three Little Birds
The song, Three Little Birds by Bob Marley has a very uplifting and calm beat. Bob Marley is a
Reggae Roots musician that wrote songs that became hits such as Redemption Song and One Love.
Three Little Birds is a song that talks about three birds that say Don t worry about a thing. Cause every
little thing gonna be alright. Singing don t worry about a thing Cause every little thing gonna be
alright. This section of the song describes me because I try to lift people up when they are sad and
support them through the situation. I always prefer to be happy which is what this song means when it
says not to worry about a thing. I believe that happiness is like a stream, it flows from one person to
another through music. Bob Marley says he
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Anglo Displacement In Othello
Anzaldúa argues that white males project their own feelings of inadequacies onto the minority who in
turn attempts to reassert himself by oppressing his own women, The Anglo, feeling inadequate and
inferior and powerless, displaces or transfers these feelings to the Chicano by shaming him (Anzaldúa
2103). Anzaldúa is detailing the displacement of oppression that the Chicano suffers from. A white
person who is feeling inadequate, possibly by the Chicano himself, moves to displace these feelings
onto the Chicano through shame. The Anglo shames the Chicano by making him feel inferior. This
displacement does not belong solely to the Chicano but rather all minorities that pose a threat to the
Anglo s ego. This can be illustrated in Othello by the relationship between Othello and ... Show more
content on ...
Iago is convinced, despite having no proof, that Othello has slept with Emilia. On top of this, Iago is
also jealous of Cassio s promotion over him. All Iago s insecurities and feelings are projected onto
Othello. Iago mentions and mocks Othello s race in a desperate attempt to belittle Othello. Anzaldúa
argues that, To wash down the shame of his acts, of his very being, and to handle the brute in the
mirror, he takes to the bottle, the snort, the needle, and the fist (Anzaldúa 2103). She claims that the
man being oppressed internalizes the abuse and must find some way to expel it through drugs, alcohol,
or violence. Othello expels his oppression through violence. He takes in all of Iago s verbal poison and
repurposes it. Othello directs his angry towards Desdemona by blaming her for his own feelings of
inadequacy. He ends Desdemona s life to transfer the poison because only through her death is the
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Racism Vs Football Racism
This season in the NFL has been one of the more politically and racially driven seasons that we ve
seen in a very long time.
From President Donald Trump calling NFL players S.O.B s at a rally in Huntsville, Ala., to Dallas
Cowboys owner Jerry Jones taking a stance that if any players disrespect the flag or national anthem
they won t play, and finally players speaking out across the league on racial injustice and oppression.
It truly ignited a conversation in the United States on both sides of the aisle.
But how did we get to this point? To answer that question, we have to look at former San Francisco
49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick who did not stand before a preseason game in 2016 and explained
why he did it.
I am not going ... Show more content on ...
How do they feel about the situation? Are they boycotting the league? Or are they continuing to
watch, but still believe in the overall message of Kaepernick s stance?
If you ask college student Conner Watson, who follows both the New England Patriots and
Philadelphia Eagles, he is boycotting the league and felt that something needed to be done.
After seeing what happened to Colin Kaepernick, I knew I had to do something. I was so moved by
what he did, as well as several conversations with my sister regarding activism, I couldn t give my
viewership to the NFL this season, he said.
Watson also explained what steps he has taken to boycott the league from monetary discussion to just
regular football talk with friends.
I am boycotting by not watching games or highlights, buying merchandise, or even discussing games
with my friends. I am also fostering discussions and political actions around these issues of inequality.
On the other hand, Keaton Nichols, host of The Lounge on WURD Radio and long time Pittsburgh
Steelers fan is not boycotting the league, but still fully believes in Kaepernick s message.
I felt like when folks were calling for a boycott of the NFL that they were kind of calling for a boycott
of the whole thing. The players, the league itself, and the owners, which are kind of, their own entities
in themselves, Nichols explained.
Within those three groups, who each play a major role in the business of the NFL, Nichols spoke
about why he
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The Function Of The Acid Base Equilibrium
PBL Write up: Acid Base
This document aims to explain the function of the acid base equilibrium in place in the human body
and to identify potential problems that may occur. Theses processes are tightly linked with the control
of fluid levels in the body, this relationship and the function of the water homeostasis system will also
be explored. The aim of this write up is to display a full understanding of the learning objectives
developed in the PBL session. However by adhering to the original learning objectives it would be
difficult to develop a clear structure for this write up as they do not seem clearly defined. They cover
areas multiple times and are structurally unsound. Therefore in this write up the following structure
will be used:
1. Acid Base Balance
What is the body s acid base equilibrium?
The Body s buffer systems and how they function?
What can go wrong and how does it affect the body?
2. Dehydration
What can cause dehydration and what are symptoms?
How does this link to the acid base problem?
How does it affect electrolyte balance?
How is fluid balance regulated?
3. Possible diagnosis of the patient and an explanation
Acid Base Balance:
What is the body s acid base equilibrium?
The acid base equilibrium within the body is a key part of the homeostatic maintenance of the body
and has wide ranging effects on body chemistry and function. This system is based on the regulation
of Hydrogen ions, as this is the basis of the pH
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Childhood Social Development Is Important Aspect
Childhood social development is important aspect that impacts a child life early on, it helps them grow
and communicate better in life. Socializing is always a good thing to do having your child interact
with other kids helps them have a better self esteem and helps them figure out who exactly they are.
Exposing your child to socialization can be as easy as taking your child to the park, scheduling a play
date, having them join a team sport or enrolling them in a head start school. In the early stages of child
hood, ages three to eight, head start schools benefit children before they can even start a regular
schooling program starting socialization so early in a child s life helps them develop certain things
faster then most children. For example a child will learn how to interact with other children who he or
she is not used to interacting with, this helps build relationships with people other then family
members. When children play together it helps the child develop certain social skills such as playing
and taking turns with other children, as children play it also helps them develop other physical skills
such as running, kicking, climbing and jumping. Play also helps build relationships between a child
and his parents, caregiver, and teacher. 1 Playing with other children helps the child share and respect
the opinion of other classmates, interacting with other adults helps the child develop a respect for
other adults that are not parents or family members this also
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Semiochemicals Essay
Semiochemicals are organic molecules that transmit chemical messages within the same or different
species of animals and plants. There are multiple distinctions within semiochemicals like pheromones,
kairomones and allomones (Zumdahl, 1989). Pheromones are chemicals that have an effect on the
receptors within similar species of the producer, and they tend to be highly volatile compounds (ibid).
There are different types of pheromones according to the response they stimulate on the receiving
party, as shown in figure 1. Volatile pheromones are represented as either sex or defensive pheromones
and they usually produce a specific odor.
The sex pheromone is usually produced by females that ultimately results in the attraction of males
which leads to mating. Sex pheromone focuses on attracting the opposite sex and transmitting
information regarding their species, age and sex; therefore sex pheromones play a role in reproduction
(Regnier and Law, 1968). On the other end of the spectrum, alarm pheromones are highly volatile
compounds that are released upon encountering danger, and they are also used for alerting others to a
threat, making them vital for survival (Landolt et al., 1999; Post et al., 1984). The formation, uses,
application, ... Show more content on ...
An advantage to humans in bait trapping would be to use sex pheromone chemicals to reduce the
population of snakes and lizards in a certain area. Another related advantage to humans by using alarm
pheromone chemicals is to repel snakes and lizards from a certain area that could be harmful to the
animals themselves or to the humans (Radcliffe et al., 2008). On the other hand, mate disruption could
be a disadvantage to animals. Mate disruption, which usually occurs in insects, involves the release of
large amounts of sex pheromones, released by the females, resulting in the confusion of the males and
the inability to locate females, as shown in figure
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Aibileen In The Help
So bounded by their current circumstances, some people don t know their true potential. The Help, by
Kathryn Stockett, is about what it s like to work as a maid in the South during the 1960s. Aibileen
Clark and Minny Jackson are maids and nannies for two separate families in Jackson, Mississippi. A
woman, known as Miss Skeeter, has the idea to write an anonymous book called Help about what it s
like to live as a maid in Jackson. The book becomes a success but has both positive and negative
consequences towards the end of the story. Aibileen Clark changes from unhappy, to anxious, and
finally, insightful. A reader can conclude that it takes being forced out of their comfort zone to realize
their potential.
One trait that describes Aibileen ... Show more content on ...
Aibileen just got fired from her job and while she s leaving, she thinks, Freer than Miss Leefolt, who
so locked up in her own head she don t even recognize herself when she read it... Cause Miss Hilly,
she in her own jail, but with a lifelong term (444). Aibileen is getting older and all she has ever
imagined for herself was raising kids and cleaning for her entire life. Now that she s fired, she has a
lot more in store for her. Due to the fact that she has more freedom, Aibileen now has time to think
about her experience as a maid and to analyze the character of the people in her environment. A reader
can tell that she is insightful because of the way she uses her words to describe the other characters.
How she says that Miss Hilly is in her own jail, but with a lifelong term shows that she is able to
decipher others character and summarize it in just a few words proving that she is indeed insightful.
To also prove that Aibileen is very insightful, Aibileen uses advanced vocabulary to describe what the
truth feels like saying, It feels cool, like water washing over my sticky hot body. Cooling a heat that s
been burning me up all my life (119). When Miss Skeeter first requests Aibileen to testify for her book
what it s like to live as a maid, Aibileen is slightly skeptical about the whole ordeal do the fact that the
decision could have negative consequences. To reveal what it s like to live as a maid is literally
revealing the truth about the emotions that travels through a maid. Aibileen has kept the truth bottled
up for as long as she could remember that s why she compares telling the truth to water washing over
my sticky hot body . To compare these two statements takes great amounts of thinking about one s
feelings. Aibileen cannot randomly think up such a perfect analogy without
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Helen Court Case Against Helen
Court Case against Helen
Helen was the most beautiful in the ancient Greek world. she was the daughter of god Zeus and Leda,
as well as she was Queen of Sparta. Due to her beauty every suitors want to marry her. Many suitors
came from different parts of ancient Greece and fight for her. They all took an oath that Helens father
decision would be final for the marriage and that warrior would be protected by all other suitors for
rest of his life. Menelaus, the king of Mycenaean was decided by her father for marriage with Helen.
According to Homeric Iliad, Helen was a women wallowing in sorrow for all men who sacrificed their
lives in the tragic war of Troy. Due to the game plan by all gods, she was the only lady that cannot
escape from this huge tragedy occurred in ancient time. She was helpless and was stuck in this war.
Helen was center of Trojan war due to her beauty all the warriors were behind her and everyone
wanted to marry her. the main reason for her fate for god was that Aphrodite promised prince of Troy,
Paris to give the most beautiful women in the world, Helen as a reward for golden apple. Though she
knew Helen was marry with Menelaus, she promised to give her to Paris. So, Helen was feeling
shameful herself . she feels that her life is not hers but was played by the god. There were many
incidents in Homeric Iliad where audience pity for Helen. We as a reader feels that Helen was an
Innocent women who`s beauty forced to be in the situation. she do not want
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A Brief Note On The City Of Pakistan Essay
Climate change affects different cities in different ways, whether it be a slight change in temperature,
or an extreme natural disaster, it still tends to have an impact on the society as a whole because of all
the changes and adjustments that have to be made.
Karachi is the capital of the province of Sindh, as well as the largest and most populous metropolitan
city of Pakistan. Pakistan consists of a population of roughly 199,085,847 million as of October 15,
2015, according to the United States Census Bureau. Over the past few years there has also been an
increase in its population, it seems to be growing at a rate of 1.49% as of 2014. The population of
Karachi is not exact, however according to the world population review, there was an estimated
population of 23.7 million in 2014, the population size as of this year is yet to be determined.
Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan located on the southeastern part of the country. It covers an area
of about 3,527 km squared and it is mostly comprised of flat or rolling plains on the western and
northern boundaries of the urban sprawl. Karachi also has a harbor situated on the south west part of
the city which is primarily used for Pakistan s international trade.
The weather tends to be pleasant for the greater part of the year. May and June are the hottest months,
when the average maximum temperature is about 93 °F. The coolest months are January and February,
when the average minimum temperature remains at about 56 °F.
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How Does Rap Music Affect Women
How does rap music and music videos today negatively portray women?
Rap has changed the faces of women in the community from a more positive image to a more negative
one. It is focused more on women s bodies and not their intellect. Rap music portrays women by
creating impossible beauty standards, dehumanizing women and making women look inferior in the
male s eye.
Rap music and videos portray women negatively by creating impossible beauty standards. When
watching videos such as Sir Mix A Lot s Baby Got Back, all than is seen are skinny women with big
breasts or big butts. When listening to songs such as Tip Drill by Nelly, Nelly raps I said it must be the
ass cause it ain t ya face . These lyrics are stating that he is not attracted to her face but the women s
butt indstead. If you were to ask these artists why they talk about ... Show more content on ...
In music videos, such as Lollipop by Lil Wayne and Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke women are used
as eye candy to the male and possibly some female viewers. In an article written by Erin Aubry some
high school students where asked if rap music disrespected women. One student stated that Women do
things for the video that they didn t have to do if they didn t want. (Aubry, 2015). Although this may
be true, the directors of the videos do not have to put those women in those clothes. The main reason
that women are put in the video is to attract viewers. Most male and some female viewers watch music
videos to look at the women who can also be known as video vixens . Another example of this is the
song Birthday Song by 2 Chainz. The video primarily focuses on the female s body parts and pays
attention only to her body parts. The song only focuses on the female s physical feature and not on
anything else. Women are used simply for pleasure in these music videos. They are not put in these
videos because the artist thought that the woman simply had
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Northern Canada s Cultural Competence
Title TBD Remote communities such as those in northern Canada consistently experience a shortage
of healthcare providers (HCP) including nurses (Place, Macleod, Moffitt Pitblado, 2014). Due to the
cultural and geographical uniqueness of these areas, challenges are inevitable, however, it can be
undoubtedly rewarding. Nurses can particularly gain valuable experience regarding the importance of
cultural competence and its implementation.Therefore, this paper will discuss the context of northern
Canadian communities as well as three challenges and three benefits faced by nurses working there.
Considering the populations in these communities are culturally diverse, it is especially essential for
the nurses to have the appropriate cultural knowledge and skills in working with these populations.
Consequently, we will also explore the definition of cultural competence, other terms used to describe
this concept and how nurses can ensure they have the necessary cultural competence to work with
these communities.
Context of Northern Communities in Canada Northern Canada is comprised of remote stretches of
land that are removed from major population and service centres (Schmidt, 2008, p. 3). Many of the
services easily available in urban areas are not readily available in these areas (Schmidt, 2008).
Significant barriers to accessing health care can be seen as more than two thirds of residents in
northern and remote regions live more than 100 kilometers from a
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Alexander The Great Personality
CIVILAZATION MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C. in
Macedonia, Greece. Alexander was born into a royal family. Alexander the Great s father, Philip was
the King of Macedonia before he was and his mother was Olympias. When Alexander turned twenty
years old, his father was assassinated, and therefore he followed in his father s footsteps gaining
kingship and became the best king ever known to man. Ever since a young boy, Alexander dreamed of
having revenge over Persia. His plan was to defeat the Persians and conquer all the mountains all the
way up to India. Alexander has never lost a battle out of the thirteen years he reigned, compared to
other Greek generals before he has lost battles but not Alexander the Great. Alexander wanted to
create a big empire, he was motivated by spreading Greek law and Greek culture. Alexander was
obsessed with power wanting to conquer many countries, and the desire for more power was always
on his mind. His characteristics are that of a megalomaniac because Alexander didn t stop at Persia, he
wanted to conquer all the way up the eastern shore to the Mediterranean. Alexander wanted everyone
to just give up their homes, no matter where he went. He would tell them first to surrender their
power, and if they didn t he would do anything just to gain power. He either went as far as selling the
people into slavery or even massacring them.
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Completion Education Of Construction Management, And...
Introduction The final internship report is a way to reflect on your overall assessment on how you
taken the prior education of construction management, and applied it towards an internship. As well as
expressing new experiences that happened during the internship that school courses did not prepare
you for or not taught yet. These topics are covered by explaining the primary task that was performed
throughout the internship, and how technology was utilized in completing the responsibilities. While
performing these activities, how did they enhance your communication skills and public speaking
abilities. During the period of the internship, in what way were legal and ethical issues brought up,
and what lessons were learned to prevent future encounters. Internship Orientation and Preparation
Before going through orientation, I reported to the main office to go through a background check,
because I would be working on a school. Following the background check I needed to complete a
physical exam, and a drug test. Once my company received notification that I passed, I was scheduled
for orientation. During orientation, I went through multiple presentations, and ended with a safety
exam to give me authorization to work on the jobsite. Before reporting to orientation, I would
recommend researching your company and be able to recognize, and know the names of all upper
management employees. Activities and Experiences There was not a day during my internship, that I
did not use the
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Banyan Tree’S Success Has Been A Great Case For Entrepreneurs
Banyan Tree s success has been a great case for entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry to study. With
the genius ideas that had been put successfully into practices by Banyan Tree CEO Ho Kwon Ping, the
company had made a dramatically transformation that had become a phenomenon at that time. This
essay will briefly investigate deeply into business strategy applied by the Banyan Tree that had
affected the core focus of the company, as well as discussing if the same strategies used in the hyper
dynamic hospitality industry today, would they be as successful or would new strategies need to be
In 2006, Banyan Tree had had been through many difficulties as The Asian Financial Crisis of 1997,
the SARS crisis of 2003 and the Indian ... Show more content on ...
This core business duty operates within a wider context of legal and social norms that are directly
integral to the conduct of business in a competitive market system which aims at the economic success
not only of particular businesses but of business in general. (Schwartz, 2017, p. 31)
Another crucial strategy that the Banyan Tree adopted were to set up differentiations. In hospitality,
the term differentiations synonymous unique food, outstanding service, pleasing ambiance, personal
identity . (Barrows Powers, 2009) It is a very genuinely mind set, as being unique certainty differ one
from another. In order to create a sustainable brand name to remind of everybody by, initially produce
the products that different than others competitors in the industry is a great challenge which brings
many benefits if adopted properly. In the case of Banyan Tree, Mr. Ho did make a dramatic strike:
hotel s design and spa operation. The hotel s design were created by Mr. Ho s brother. The project
were to design the entire resort or hotel, including the architecture, engineering and interior design.
The aim of the project were to initiate the Banyan Tree s core culture and values into its design which
can make whoever
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The Anti Hypertensive Properties Of Doxazosin
Doxazocin is an alpha adrenoceptor blocking drug and it is used in both hypertension and benign
prostatic hyperplasia (Joint Formulary Committee, 2014). For the purpose of this essay, the main focus
will be on the anti hypertensive properties of Doxazosin.
Selective α1 antagonists work on the post synaptic α1 adrenoreceptors predominantly found in
vascular smooth muscle. These receptors are normally bound by norepinephrine or epinephrine to
mediate regulation of the cardiovascular system by the sympathetic nervous system. As can be seen in
Figure 1, these receptors are bound to Gq proteins which have two signal transduction pathways. One
of the pathways forms IP3 (Inositol triphosphate) which then stimulates the release of Calcium from
the sarcoplasmic reticulum in a cardiac monocyte (Klabunde, R.E., 2013). The release of calcium then
stimulates contraction in the heart. By selectively inhibiting these adrenoceptors, vasodilation occurs
which in turn causes a decrease in arterial pressure (Rang and Dale).
With a mean half life of 22 hours (Martindale, 2013), Doxazosin is considered to be a long acting
hypertensive drug. This means that it can be administered once daily, rather than multiple times. With
a good absorption when administered orally, the maximum plasma concentration happens two to three
hours after a dose (Martindale, 2013). It also states that doxazosin is roughly 98.3% bound to plasma,
which means that it has an excellent distribution around
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Contributing Factors That Bring South Korea as Advanced...
Table of content
|No |Content |Page |
|1 |1.0 Assignment Question |2 |
|2 |1.1 What is Advanced Country |2 3 |
|3 |1.2 Background of South Korea |4 5 |
|4 |1.3 Contributing Factors That Bring South Korea as Advanced Country |6 9 |
|5 |1.3.1 Well funded Education System ... Show more content on ...
The name Korea is from Goryeo, a dynasty which ruled in the middle Ages. Its neighbours are China
to the west, Japan to the east, and North Korea to the north. South Korea lies in the North Temperate
Zone with a mostly mountainous terrain. It covers a total area of 99,392 square kilometres and has a
population of 50 million. The capital and largest city is Seoul, with a population of 9.8 million.
Archaeology indicates that the Korean Peninsula was occupied by the Lower Palaeolithic period.
Korean history begins with the founding of Gojoseon in 2333 BC by the legendary Dan gun.
Following the incorpotion of the Three Kingdoms of Korea under Silla 668 AD, Korea was ruled by
the Goryeo Dynasty (918 1392) and Joseon Dynasty (1392 1910). It was annexed by the Empire of
Japan in 1910. At the end of World War II, Korea was divided into Soviet and U.S. zones of
occupation. An election was held the U.S. zone in 1948 which led to the creation of the Republic of
Korea. Although the United Nations passed a resolution declaring the Republic to be the only lawful
government in Korea, the Soviets set up a rival government in the North.
The Korean War began in 1950 when forces from the North invaded the South. The war lasted three
years and involved the U.S., China, the Soviet Union, and many other nations. The border between the
two nations remains the most heavily fortified in the world. In the decades that followed, the South
Korean economy grew
... Get more on ...
Coming of Age Rituals Essay
Coming of Age: The Passage to Adulthood Rituals around the world all teach valuable lessons that
help initiates see the value and importance of life. Each culture has different rituals that provide
experiences for their youth to learn these valuable lessons of life. Many coming of age rituals are
intense procedures. The Amazon s Satere Mawé youth enter adulthood through the bullet ant glove
initiation, teaching courage and endurance, and the crocodile scaring ritual that the men from the
Sepik River in Papua New Guinea participate in teaches them pain and accomplishment.
Bullet Ant Glove Initiation The Amazon tribe, known as the, Satere Mawé, practice the bullet ant
ritual that young men participate in enabling them to enter adulthood. ... Show more content on ...
6) This ritual is one of many unique traditions that initiates who endure the procedure learn the
valuable lesson of courage.
Learning Courage
The bullet ant glove ritual teaches initiates courage, for they must complete this procedure to be
considered an adult. This coming of age ritual is painful, and to have to go through with such a task
will enable the young men to learn how to be brave. The bullet ant glove ritual is not a one time
occasion. According to Bre Cruickshank (2012) If they complete the ritual without crying out or
wincing they have become a man. The most respected men who want to obtain the status of being a
strong warrior, repeat the ritual 20 times. (Cruickshank, 2012, para. 8) Through experiencing the bullet
ant glove that many times, it is evident that initiate s learn courage. In the Webster dictionary, courage
is the ability to do something that frightens one (Webster Dictionary). As a Satere Mawe tribe member
being able to endure these stinging gloves is considered horrific to many people, and being able to
complete this ritual instills courage in every young man that participates. As they willingly participate
they begin to learn that what they want, in this case; to be known as a man, takes a lot of courage to go
through such a painful process. The strength it would take to endure such a painful tradition causes
these young men to look beyond the pain and focus on
... Get more on ...

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MODEL Analytical Interpretive Essay Using Ni

  • 1. MODELAnalytical / Interpretive Essay Using Ni 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. MODEL Analytical / Interpretive Essay Using Ni MODEL Analytical / Interpretive Essay Using Ni
  • 2. Coach Carter Analysis Ken Carter A.K.A Coach Carter is a fictional character from the Docudrama Coach Carter. Ken shows signs of an authoritarian complex as his personality has an exceedingly apparent correlation with; sociopathy, draconian authority, and an almost dictator like persona. Using references from the film we gain proof of Ken s autocratic demeanour. During the time after the Oilers (Richmond high basketball team) win their first game Timo Cruz comes to the gym seeking to amalgamate with his bygone team. Timo becoming a perfect caricature of penitence Ken acted against this remorse with a gargantuan and quite frankly unattainable task (2500 push ups and 1000 suicides by Friday.) as a form of punishment. This account provides evidence that Ken Carter s despotic and tyrannical personality and values (Authority, Self Righteousness, Respect, Reputation, Status, and Success.). Ken Carter asks each member of the Oilers Basketball Team to sign a contract stating; They must abstain from dropping below a 2.4 GPA (Grade Point Average.), Attend each and every one of their classes, be seated in the front row of each class, wear a tie on game day, and they must provide the local community with 10 hours of community service each. Ken s son had a slightly different contract with clauses stating he must possess a 3.7 GPA, Attend each and every class, no absences without a valid reason and proof of that reason, be seated in the front row of each of his classes, wear a tie on game day, and do 50 ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Personal Reflective Personal Reflection I have been long time away from practice as doctor because I came to the Uk and I am trying to register as doctor to continue my career, while I am doing that I was working in the medical field in different role as health care assistant (HCA) in general practice that experience helps me to be familiar with NHS system and improve my communication skills ,also I got an experience in wound management by doing wound dressing so I have learnt everyone has a vital role in health team, However When I started my MSC course I felt that I return to my career and I can deserve what I am looking for in my medical future and I will do my best to succeed in spite of difficulty that I have. This section focuses on important lesson that I have learnt in this module CCMP is reflection which consider a form of response of learner to experience. Learning from experience is a sub conscious activity and it is not until the learner forms thoughts at a conscious level that means fully understand the experience and learn from it, this is facilitated by refection role awareness and how to be processed. (Boud et al. 1985:19) I know that I was thinking about my experience that I had but I have learnt how to think critically in practical way to learn from what I have done in the past and analyse that by asking myself if I need to change in my previous experience or I am on the right track, this is called reflection on action. Reflection on action involves reflecting on how practice can be developed or changed after the event that it will be achieved by thinking back on what we have done in order to discover how our knowing in action may have contributed to an unexpected outcome (Schön, 1983, p. 26). To be practical you have to follow steps first what the experience that happens then interpreting how it was and what is to be done and how will be achieved then learn next time if you expose to the same situation what you will do. However, I will use Gibbs cycle as a model to reflect my journey in this module. The module contains a variety of sessions classroom based that enhance understanding of different theory and encourage us to do further reading through using links or guided resource relevant to the area, all ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Volcanoes And Climate Change Today January 18, 2017, New England s 1816 Mackerel Year, Volcanoes and Climate Change Today england s 1816 mackerel year volcanoes and climate change today A study was regulated by the USGS in regards to the large catches of mackerel by fishermen, a volcano eruption at Indonesia s Mt. Tambora and climate change. The article explains that the eruption that occurred at Mt. Tambora over 200 years ago and the effects that it left at the Gulf of Maine that intertwined human natural systems facing climate change. The study showed that the eruption in 1815 caused a long lasting extreme climate event in 1816 (which is also known as the year without a summer) that caused the Northern Hemisphere s crops to fail. ... Show more content on ... The article also suggest that the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere are different in regards to climate changes. Lewis believes that the southern hemisphere is more likely to have an intermediate average summer with temperatures of 83 degrees and an average winter temperature of 78 degrees. This indicates that the climate here is similar year round and the only fact that keeps Sydney from ranking higher on the list is the fact that it is too wet of a place. 3. March 3, 2017, Monitoring Alaska s Remote and Restless Bogoslof Volcano alaska s remote and restless bogoslof volcano A study conducted by the USGS was conducted in regards to the Bogoslof Volcano which is an active volcano that is located in the Aleutian Islands which is located just northwest of the Dutch Harbor. This volcano has had active eruptions in sequence since December of 2016. There has been numerous explosions from the volcano, which has shot ashes to altitudes soaring over 30,000 feet in the air. The area is a major fly zone for aircrafts and the ashes from the eruptions has caused jet engines to fail. The unknown is how long will these eruptions from the Bogoslof Volcano continue to erupt. Past events have occurred from the Bogoslof; the prior eruptions lasted from July 6, 1992 through July 24, 1992, therefore, this current eruptions had already surpassed the prior eruptions that occurred in 1992. However, the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Temperament Characteristics Of Child Development Temperament is defined as the individual behavioral style of the child, the way in which he characteristically reacts to environmental stimuli. Temperament is distinct from the child s innate abilities and motivation. Their are nine temperament traits; activity being the first which is based on the level of motor component in a child s functioning, rated as regular,variable, or irregular. I would rate myself as moderate. I prefer to be independent; I rather do a task myself so that I don t have to watch someone else do it. I also don t like to be confined I prefer to explore the areas and things that surround me. Rhythmicity being the second temperament trait is all about the regularity or predictability in the timing of recurrent activities, rated as regular,variable, or irregular. Regular best describes me because I stick to a routine everyday and if it is changed I have a very hard time dealing with it. I eat the same thing everyday and at the same time everyday. I wake up every morning at the same time, but I fall asleep at different times depending on what I did that day. And lastly I have a difficult time adjusting to different time zones whenever I go away on vacation. The Approach/Withdrawal is the third temperament it is about the nature of a child s response to a new stimulus, rated as approach, variable, or withdrawal. Withdrawing child best fits me; it takes me awhile to warm up to new things, I m cautious with new people, things and places. I prefer to surround ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Ferran Adria Research Paper The life of Ferran Adria Ferran Adria was born on may 14, 1962 in Barcelona. His early schooling was in Barcelona. At age 14 he enrolled at Verge de la Merci. He enrolled to study business administration. At the age of 18 he left the school because was bored. He begins his career at 18 as a dishwasher. He needed money for vacation so he took the job as dishwasher. He got his job at the Hotel Playafels in Spain. His job there taught him the techniques he used. He eventually made it to Izaba where he worked as chef. In 1982 he returned to Barcelona. There he worked at a number of restaurant before landing a job at Finisterre. He worked there as assistant chef before going to fulfill his military service. He was in the Navy stationed at Cartagena. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Unit 14 Event Driven Research Paper Key Features of Event Driven Programming Event Driven Programming consists of a programming paradigm, a programming paradigm is a basic style for computer programming. It serves as a way for building structure for a computer program. A paradigm in its simplest form is a typical example or pattern of something, a pattern or model. An Event Driven Program is not restrained by the style of procedural programs, instead of the top to bottom functionality of a procedural program, where the code starts at the top and just reads down, on an already determined path, instead of this, event driven programming has code placed in logical areas of events, this code is not used in a determined order as the user has full control over the program by triggering ... Show more content on ... This could be something as simple as operating a leaver to open a hidden door. Another advantage within event driven programming is the use of sensor technology to operate functions within a program. This allows hardware to easily interact with applications within the computer, an example of such application is the ability to have a microphone plugged in the recording jack of the computer and it too only activate when the microphone receives a signal over a certain decibel level so that the microphone can constantly be on. A use of such feature could be within multiplayer video games where concentration is needed constantly so fiddling about with buttons to activate the microphone is distracting from the game and could make you ... Get more on ...
  • 8. I Am At The Local Grocery Store I was at the local grocery store. It was a franchise styled to look like a local establishment. I stood with a basket of impulse buys waiting in line to checkout. I observed with curiosity as a mother appeared to struggle with product selection. Her son sat impatiently in the cart, trying to escape the aged seatbelt. She held in each hand a box of detergent. They had comparable size and even resembled each other s appearance. In her expression of exasperation she looked upward. There above her was a display explaining the environmental benefits of the item in her left hand. As if receiving direction, she placed that item in her cart and returned the unadvertised product to the shelf. She didn t even stop to reevaluate the prices. She merely continued on her journey down the aisle. That experience made me wonder. As I placed my own items on the conveyor belt, I rethought my own decisions. I remember selecting the green (environmentally friendly) product several times, but why? For one item there was an effective display with premium product packaging, and for another I recalled a jingle I heard on the radio. I even remembered that they were both more expensive than their brown (environmentally unfriendly) counterparts. I initially thought I was making those selections because it was good for the Earth, but is that why? The flood of questions that came to mind was overwhelming but they all boiled down to one general principle, why do consumers buy environmentally friendly ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Examples Of Horrible Persecution The Jewish religion has been persecuted for many years. Most of the Jews were killed in this horrible persecution. Jews finally receive help from others to get their sacred land back, Caanan. Caanan was the promise land that God had granted to the Jews. Jews made it to Caanan for 20 years they settled there. There were 12 tribes each tribe had one judge. The rulers were to unite the kingdom of Israel and prevent outside and invasion. King Saul was the first king. Then came king David. He served from 1000 961 BCE. He became king when he defeated Goliath, a man who taunted he Israelites for 40 days. People respect to David and David also established the capital of Israel, Jerusalem. David was done in his power Solomon succeeded David. Solomon had bankrupt Israel because he spent too much money on himself. He died in 922 B.C.E. Since Solomon had spent so much money it led to Civil War. Though Solomon did bankrupt Israel he did help them build roads and infrastructure. Solomon was David son. ... Show more content on ... Islam is founded and once Jerusalem back. It took Jerusalem over but did not allowed used to worship there with them. The Turks forest and used to pay to worship there. In 1095 CE the Pope, Pope urban the second commands for holy war to take back Jerusalem. Christians believed that the Jews we re responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. On the way to Jerusalem Christian killed thousands of Jews all under the reign of Pope Urban the second. The Christians demonized the Jews by starting rumors about them such as they are Christian babies, had horns, and drank Christian blood. Jewish women were also believed to be witches. These rumors were used for the justification of killing thousands of Jews on the way to Jerusalem. Innocent the third created legal restrictions that the Jews had to wear a yellow badge and a hat. The Center of every Europeans life was Christianity the pope controlled everything in the religion. In England, France, and Spain Jews were ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Compare And Contrast Essay On Online Education Vs... What is the Better: Online or Traditional Education? Currently, there are a lot of inventions and new products in every sphere, and education is no exception. Instead of attending regular classes people can register for online training, which, according to many, is also effective. What would be the best choice the traditional option of education or the acquisition of knowledge in the vast World Wide Web? Each type has its advantages and disadvantages that must be analyzed, before making a choice. Technological process has opened new educational opportunities and changed a way people live and study. For many years to obtain academic help students need to attend additional classes, go to the tutoring center or invite teachers to their homes. The emergence of the Internet, advance in technology made people s lives easier by changing approaches to teaching. Not so long ago, the only option was to invite a stranger into your home or to meet with him outside (for example, by going to special courses), but now you can do it online. However, if you are accustomed to the traditional form of learning, you will need some time to switch to a new approach. Perhaps no one can deny the importance of organizing time in today s speedy world. Time management and well built schedule, in terms of convenience, can play a colossal role for overall success and effectiveness. Face to face education offers a little flexibility here. Those who chose traditional courses has to adjust to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. 1. What Is A Voluntary Response Sample Generally Not... MATH 120 Statistics Joshua Hernandez Homework #1 Section 1.2 1. What is a voluntary response sample? A sample in which the subjects decide whether to be included in the study. 2. Why is a voluntary response sample generally not suitable for statistical study? This sample may have a bias resulting from subjects that have a special interest in the subject being studied. 3. What is the difference between statistical significance and practical significance? Statistical significance is when methods used to reach a conclusion that some findings are effective but common sense may find that findings do not make enough difference to justify a use or to be practical. 6. In the study of the Weight Watchers weight loss ... Show more content on ... The Volkswagen s slogan received 55% of the 33,160 responses. The Volkswagen slogan was Relieves gas pains Sample is the 33,160 responses. The population seemed to be the entire population. The sample is a voluntary response sample because subscribers could choose to respond or not. It is not likely to be a representation of the greater population. Section 1.4 3. Using data collected from the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, methods of statistics showed that for the different states, there is a correlation between the number of registered automatic weapons and the murder rate. Can we conclude that an increase in the number of registered automatic weapons causes an increase in the murder rate? Can we reduce the murder rate by reducing the number of registered automatic weapons?
  • 12. No, the association between the two variables does not imply that one causes the other. No, a decrease in registered weapons will not result in a reduced murder rate. 4. Typical surveys involve about 500 people to 2000 people. When author Shere Hite wrote Woman and Love: A Cultural Revolution in Progress, she based conclusions on a relatively large sample of 4500 replies that she received after mailing 100,000 questionnaires to various woman s groups. Are her conclusions likely to be valid in the sense that they can be applied to the general population of all women? Why or why not. No, she used a voluntary response ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Benefits Of Dependence On Technology In recent years, technology has taken huge steps forward. Things that past generations only dreamed of have come to fruition. Undoubtedly, technology has presented the world with numerous benefits and opportunities. With the aid of technology, the field of medicine has greatly improved. Answers to all of life s questions lie just one click of tap away. Self driving cars loom large on the horizon. Technology has made people s lives so much easier and better, or has it? While technology has brought about many benefits, many problems have risen as well. Dependence on technology has driven the world too far. Americans depend too much on technology because it affects cognitive skills and attention, makes its users too dependent on it, creates a ... Show more content on ... Personally, I have experienced this in my own life. Although I do not use social media, I have used Google Hangouts on occasion. When using Hangouts, I have found myself chatting superficially about random issues with my friends and not truly making friendships. At times, I have spent time with other people, almost all of them texting away on their phones, oblivious to their surroundings. Also, people tend to project a superficial image of their lives that makes their lives seem wonderful and perfect. Sometimes, this can lead others to feel depressed that their lives seem so much worse. Relationships encapsulate much more that what social media provides. Thirdly, technology presents dangers to online security. Nowadays, the threat of cyberattacks exists in a very real way. Since technology dominates culture, hackers can possibly access virtually everyone s personal information. Over four billion people had their identities stolen last year according to the Business Insider (Cole). In addition, sixty four percent of Americans have experienced some form of data theft, according to the Pew Research Center (Olmstead and Smith). Many major companies, such as Yahoo and Target, have fallen prey to hackers. While smartphones have made it much easier to accomplish tasks on the go, many people do not take adequate steps to best ensure security. According to a survey by ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Henry David Thoreau s Photography And The Expansion Of... The few voices that did express concern went unheard, that is until the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Burroughs, Sigurd Olson, and Archibald MacLeish (Cantrill Oravec, 1996; Dunaway, 2005; Neuzil, 2008; Spaulding, 1995). Although Thoreau s writings of the natural world did not have much impact during his lifetime, as discussed later, they did influence many great thinkers that followed. Other notable naturalists and politicians that sought for preservation of the land include John Muir, David Brower, Joseph LeConte, Aldo Leopold, George Perkins Marsh, Gifford Pinchot, also wrote and spoke out about preservation of land, nature, and wildlife. For example, Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most influential writers ... Show more content on ... Promotion of Yosemite for preservation was backed by an unlikely source, supporters of the expansion of the railroad system, which granted additional land to the Union Pacific and Central Pacific so they could follow through on their grand plans to build a steam powered transcontinental connection (Levitt, 2002b, p. 27). Yet, support from railroad interests also led to endless demand for wood and unlimited building both residential and commercial entities that deteriorated America s forests. Awareness for the pristine nature and wildlife in the Yellowstone region received similar accolade and concern for preservation as Yosemite (see Bossen, 1982; DeLuca Demo, 2000; Jacoby, 2001; National Park Service, 2012). Just as Watkins compelling photos were influential in the preservation of Yosemite, other photographers were motivated to advocate on behalf of the land. William Henry Jackson made numerous photos of Yellowstone for the U.S. Geological Survey and lobbied Congress for preservation of the region. In 1872, President Ulysses Grant signed into law the Yellowstone Act that set aside more than two million acres of land. This was the first land designated by the federal administration set aside for a national park accessible for all the nation s people for all time (Cahn, 1981, p. 129). As retold by history, a variety of activities in ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Joshua Harris Why Church Matters Why does the Church matter? That is the question many of us ask. The author Joshua Harris through his book, Why Church matters: Discovering your place in the Family of God talks about the Church and its importance for us as Christians. He describes the Church as the community where we can find growth, encouragement, and closer relationship with God. In his book, Harris pictures this relationship as a marriage, where we are the spouse and the church is the wife. Before we decide to marry the Church, we need to commit to it, as a gloom commit to her bride and is willing to give his life and sacrifice everything for her. Further, the author explains how we (believers) are part of something bigger than us, which is the universal Church, but ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Cis 324 Computer Ethics Ethics of Peer to Peer downloading and Sharing Strayer University Abstract In the short time that computers and internet have existed in the modern era, the world has seen a complete 360 degree turn and in the various forms of electronic entertainment that people all over the world are now using. In the days before CD s, DVD s and the internet, not much was said if a vinyl album (remember these?), VHS cassette (or these?) or an audio cassette was loaned to a friend for their listening / viewing pleasure, but today with the availability of sending an email with three or four megabytes (mb) of information, one can enjoy a borrowed song but is assumed that it is piracy or stealing. Is this a fair assumption? This Author will not give ... Show more content on ... This is where the dilemma starts. As time has passed and technologies have become available to the average people of the world, including those with lesser amounts of disposable money, the ability to share or loan electronic material has become increasingly popular. The question still remains in the mind of this author; what is the difference between sharing and audio cassette with a friend and sharing an MP3 that has been legally copied from disk or downloaded from Itunes? In the eyes of many people, there is not a difference in these two concepts. In the eyes of many, the concept of sharing a MP3 is that same as sharing a cassette but has followed the theory of evolution and grown from the era of physical items, like cassettes, and evolved to the electronic media market. This sharing concept brings forth another question. Why did music industry and other various media companies not try to enforce the existing laws when it was only video and audio cassettes? Could it be that back in the day , the number of cassettes / albums being shared were not near the numbers of electronic media being shared today? This seems to be the probable answer because to share a cassette or album there needs to be some form of physical contact between the two participants and to share electronic media the two participants can be ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Human Trafficking And The International Ramifications Essay CHAPTER 3 IMPLICATIONS 3.1 Introduction Given the scale of the causes and the international ramifications, it is no wonder that a vast range of international treaties, guidelines, conventions and local legal regulations have been established to address human trafficking worldwide. The causes as discussed in chapter two only briefly provided examples of the complex regional issues emerging in Southeast Asia. Chapter three will discuss and explore the range of measures undertaken and the focus of multiple agencies in their attempts at dealing with varying implications with different priorities across Southeast Asia. The implications regardless of the end means, is a flagrant violation of human rights. With global attention on Southeast Asia and the rapidly growing trafficking in persons saw the United Nations Action for Cooperation against Trafficking in Persons (UN ACT) recently launched a five year campaign in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2014 to work more closely with government, non government, civil society, research and academic sources in bringing about effective change (South South Information Gateway Bernama, 2014). The world leaders at a United Nations meeting in 2006 reaffirmed It could be argued that despite the range of services available, agencies and governments are merely confusing the cross boundry issues with irregular migration as opposed to vulnerability of human security, as are apparent with human trafficking . Globalization and the use of technology ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Respecting The Founding Fathers Since the establishment of our nation, the founding fathers have been looked upon with veneration. The numerous monuments throughout the country dedicated to these courageous men demonstrate their lasting dignity in our society. These men were exceptional leaders who played a substantial role in American history and tremendously shaped our country for the better. They gave us some of our most beloved documents, led the way to our freedom from Great Britain, and provided us with the foundations for our current government. These men dedicated their lives to the betterment of our nation and deserve an accolade of admiration and honor. Our forefathers encouraged and highly influenced the establishment of our nation. First of ... Show more content on ... Our forefathers dedicated their lives to the establishment of our nation, but what inspired these men to do this? First, these men felt a responsibility to their country. George Washington said in his first inaugural address I was summoned by my country, whose voice I can never hear but with veneration and love... (Document C) Second, they were unhappy about Great Britain s brutality towards the colonies. As stated by the founders in the Declaration of Independence, Great Britain was responsible for cutting off our trade with other parts of the world and imposing taxes without our consent. According to the founding fathers, Great Britain also plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. (Document N) These men thought the actions of Great Britain were unfair and they needed to protect the rights of their people and stand up for their country. Finally, they wanted freedom for themselves and for generations to come. In a letter to Abigail Adams, John Adams writes I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Durkheim s Sociological Perspective On Religion Abstract This work examines Durkheim s sociological approach to religion. Several central aspects of Durkheim s approach are defined, including the concepts of religion, clan, and totem. The Totemic Principle and how it can be applied to religion is also discussed. Supporting evidence for Durkheim is offered through Eliade, while dissension is offered by Malinowski. This work concludes with an example of Durkheim s ideas applied to the story of Lame Deer. Background Any discussion of Durkheim s views on religion from a sociological perspective should define exactly what the sociological perspective regarding religion is. According to Roberts and Yamane (2012), for sociologists, the study of religion takes into account more than merely the beliefs of the religion. Religious institutions exist and the existence of these institutions is an important aspect of sociological study (Roberts Yamane, 2012). Religious institutions affects not only beliefs but also behaviors that sometimes run contrary to doctrine as with anything else concerning human beings, conflict is always a possibility (Roberts Yamane, 2012). The behaviors of individuals within the context of religious institutions and beliefs are also important to the sociological perspective (Roberts Yamane, 2012). As such, sociology focuses on the interactions between influences of religion on society and society on religion (Roberts Yamane, 2012); this deconstruction offers the lens through which this work ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Death Of A Salesman Compare And Contrast Essay Death of a Salesman is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1949. In 1966 CBS created a film adaptation of the play. The plot is centered on Willy Loman, an aging salesman who starts to lose his sanity at the end of his career. Willy starts having hallucinations of people and events that have happened in his life. After losing his job, Willy ends up taking his own life to leave behind a pecuniary life insurance payout of $20,000 to his family. The characters dialogue is nearly the same in both the Miller and CBS version of the play. However, the actors speak their lines with certain emotions that cannot be properly expressed in writing alone. The appearance of the performers communicated even more information that is not mentioned in the written ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of act two, Willy wakes up to a promising day for him and his sons. He is dressed in a neat black suit and tie. However, Willy suffers several failures and disappointments throughout the day. By the time he is contemplating suicide at the end of the act, Willy s suit is ruffled, wrinkled, or removed. His slovenly appearance reflects the bedlam occurring in his mind. On the other hand, Charley and Howard are both wearing tidy brown suits. The difference in their appearances highlights the contrasts of mental states between Willy and the two men. Charley and Howard are both sane, accomplished men with successful families. The actors facial expressions portray additional information about characters not explicitly stated in the written version of the play. Willy constantly looks disoriented or distracted, and he can never seem to focus on anybody. This gives the impression of a disarrayed mind in a deteriorating state. During the requiem, Linda has a terrible look of grief on her face when she is kneeling over Willy s grave. The vivid look of misery on her face is more impactful than simply reading about her sorrow. These seemingly small details create a big difference between the written and video versions of the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Battle of the Boyne Essay The Battle of the Boyne (Irish: Cath na Bóinne) was a turning point in the Williamite claim on the English throne. The deposed King James VII of Scotland and James II of England and Ireland and his Jacobite supporters were defeated by James nephew and son in law, William III and his supporters. By the invitation of Parliament, William had deposed James in 1688. Both kings acted as commander of their respective armies. The battle took place on July 1, 1690 (Old Style) just outside the town of Drogheda on Ireland s east coast. Each army stood on opposing sides of the River Boyne. William s forces easily defeated those of James who led an army of mostly raw recruits. The symbolic importance of this battle has made it one of the best known ... Show more content on ... [edit]The competing sides James VII and II King of England, Scotland and Ireland [edit]Commanders The opposing armies in the battle were led by the Roman Catholic former King James II of England and Scotland and King of Ireland and opposing him, his nephew and son in law the Protestant William III ( William of Orange ) who had deposed James from his English and Scottish thrones in the previous year. James s supporters still controlled much of Ireland and the Irish Parliament. James also enjoyed the support of the French king, Louis XIV, who did not want to see a hostile monarch, such as William, on the throne of England. To support James s restoration, Louis sent 6,000 French troops to Ireland to support the Irish Jacobites. William was already Stadtholder of the Netherlands and was able to call on Dutch and allied troops from continental Europe as well as from Great Britain. James was a seasoned general who had proven his bravery when fighting for his brother King Charles II in Europe, notably at the Battle of the Dunes (1658). However, recent historians have noted that he was prone to panicking under pressure and to making rash decisions, probably due to the onset of dementia which was to overtake him completely in later years. William, although a seasoned commander was hardly one of history s great generals and had yet to win a major battle. Many of his battles ended in bloody stalemates, prompting ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The s Death Left Marie Tasset Dardeau s death left Marie Tasset widowed at 22 with four children under the age of five. She went on to marry widower Eugene Pierre Dalmace Fields in June 1864. By March 1863, Union forces had taken control of the sugar planting region and reported that all the slaves had come within their lines. Fellow sugar planter Andrew McCollam reported that he had only a few hands left and he doubted he would be able to do more than manage the seed cane. Viguerie, along with hundreds of Louisiana soldiers, including William A. Bisland of Terrebonne, surrendered on May 26, 1865 in New Orleans. Viguerie was paroled to New Iberia, Louisiana on June 6, 1865. He was released shortly after. Louisiana was the only region deep within the Confederacy, where Union authorities implemented experimental Reconstruction policies during the Civil War. Louisiana responded to President Abraham Lincoln s plan to readmit southern states into the Union by selecting delegates to write a new constitution. The Constitution of 1864 abolished slavery and disposed of Louisiana s old order of rule by planters and merchants, although it did not give African Americans voting power. It was the first state charter to incorporate Lincoln s conciliatory approach and was the leading test case for postwar policy. Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 did not apply to Union held territory. Thus, slavery continued in the thirteen Louisiana parishes under Union control. After much debate, delegates to the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Tort Law of Negligence Essay Torts of negligence are breaches of duty that results to injury to another person to whom the duty breached is owed. Like all other torts, the requirements for this are duty, breach of duty by the defendant, causation and injury(Stuhmcke and Corporation.E 2001). However, this form of tort differs from intentional tort as regards the manner the duty is breached. In torts of negligence, duties are breached by negligence and not by intent. Negligence is conduct that falls below the standard of care established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm(Stuhmcke and Corporation.E 2001). The standard measure of negligence is the universal reasonable person standard. The assumption in this case is that a reasonable ... Show more content on ... In 1970, Lord Reid said that Lord Atkin s dictum must to apply unless there was some support or valid justification for its elimination Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co [1970] AC 1004. 3.2.1 Reasonable foreseeability Foreseeability means whether a theoretical logical person would have foreseen damage in the circumstances. Proximity is shorthand for Lord Atkin s neighbour principle. It means that there must be legal proximity, for instance a legal connection between the parties from which the law will attribute a duty of care. Note that a duty of care may not be owed to a particular claimant, if the claimant was unforeseeable. 3.2.2 Analogies recognized duties of care Establishing whether not the current case is analogous to cases in which a duty of care already been determine. For instance the category of which duty of care has been held not to exist. The law justifies all these through the word responsibility. Everyone has a responsibility for their actions. This same word, responsibility, is also used to justify strict and vicarious liability. Parents, guardians, employers and other similar persons are responsible for their wards and employees. I think this is also a balancing of the scale. Due to circumstances such as incapacity in law of inability to pay, the injured party may be ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Illegal Immigrants Should Receive Health Care Essay America needs comprehensive health care reform, and immigrants should be a part of the movement. But many American citizens might ask that pertinent question: why should they cover the expense for illegal immigrants to access health care? The answer is plain and simple: until congress passes immigration laws that work, people are going to migrant here illegally. And to deny migrants access to affordable health care, Americans are not only denying them their human right, they are also putting individual and national health at risk. I believe that this country which has the medical advancements and the facilities to ensure the health of its citizens should reach out to its non citizens, legal and illegal, until it ... Show more content on ... The study s results prove that if the federal law requiring employers to supply valid social security numbers for their employees is passed thus ensuring the loss of Oregon s undocumented workers the state could lose as much as $656 million in tax revenues resulting in 173,500 jobs losses (Navas). While the numbers vary from state to state, this study suggests that immigrants might be contributing more than people think. Illegal immigrants usually hold jobs that have bad conditions and worse pay. Oftentimes, these jobs are found in sectors such as agriculture, construction, food handling and manufacturing (Dwyer). Unfortunately for the illegal individuals who acquire these jobs, they have no access to comprehensive health care, though their line of work tends to demand it. Although illegal immigrants are consequently strapped for cash, many of them will not visit primary care physicians for fear of being deported. This sets up a vicious cycle: individuals get sick yet ignore the signs. When illnesses get remarkably worse and are too severe to treat at doctors offices, the individuals then go to emergency rooms, where the cost is considerably greater. More often than not, the immigrants cannot afford to pay their hospital bills. The cost is then covered by the medical institutions and tax payer dollars (Wolf). While some argue that illegal migrants do not ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Wide Sargasso Sea Analysis In Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys, culture causes belonging as well as insecurity. In this novel, characters from the Caribbean and England are put side by side to highlight how strong cultures affect those without one. Christophine and R hold strong ties to their identities through their ethnic background, while Antionette is left wondering, who I am and where is my country and where do I belong (61). Rhys uses the binary opposition of these two contrasting characters to convey that people rely on their cultures for their identity and because of this, those who do not fit into a certain group have trouble defining themselves. Christophine, a former slave and servant to Antionette s family, relies on her Afro Caribbean roots to dictate her beliefs and shape her as a person. When Antionette wants Christophine to help her using obeah, Christophine tells Antionette that obeah is not for béké , using the word béké, a slang term for a white person (68). Through this, Christophine separates herself from Antionette and defines herself through her ethnic background. Although she is very close to Antionette, Christophine clearly identifies with a different culture and therefore there is a distance between them that cannot be removed. This culture is one that she identifies so strongly with that she will risk being caught and thrown in jail for her beliefs. It is revealed by Daniel Cosway that Christophine was put in jail for practicing obeah but she continues to practice this ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Cyberbullying In American Schools Cyber Bullying 1. Introduction Cyber bullying which occurs in the virtual world which many teenagers are active in. The Internet creates a virtual world that can result in very real consequences for people s lives .Hence this, challenges technologies that are designed to provide adequate protection for children, which are being rapidly developed by parents, schools and policy makers (King, 2010). Even though the temptation of hastily discovering a solution to cyber bullying prominent among most policymakers, they should gradually create a solution and carefully considering the possible consequences that the solution may pose in the future. This report aims to investigate the state of cyber bullying in American schools. It will include ... Show more content on ... F., Demaray, M. K. (2009). Cyberbullying Research. Cyberbullying Research. Chang, D. G. D. (2011). The Impact of Cyberbullying on Substance Use and Mental Health in a Multiethnic Sample. The Impact of Cyberbullying on Substance Use and Mental Health in a Multiethnic Sample, 1282 1286. F.Heidlage, B. (2009). Relational Approach to Schools Regulation of Youth Online Speech. Relational Approach to Schools Regulation of Youth Online Speech. Henson, B. (2012). Bullying beyond the schoolyard: Preventing and responding to cyberbullying. Bullying beyond the schoolyard: Preventing and responding to cyberbullying, 88 89. Hiroshi Kobata, R. G. (2003). Method and apparatus for preventing unauthorized copying and distributing of electronic messages transmitted over a network . Method and apparatus for preventing unauthorized copying and distributing of electronic messages transmitted over a network . J Wang, R. I. (2009). School bullying among adolescents in the United States: Physical, verbal, relational, and cyber. School bullying among adolescents in the United States: Physical, verbal, relational, and cyber, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Role Of Proteins Proteins play a role in almost every physiological process that takes place in our body and understanding protein functionality can lead to a better understanding human biology and life itself. The central dogma of biology describes the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to proteins. It has long been established that the structure of the protein determines the function, however this idea has been challenged in recent years by the discovery of intrinsically disordered proteins. Protein structure determines the key characteristics exhibited by the protein and can determine its role in biological processes. Proteins are comprised of amino acids; this sequence of amino acid residues describes the protein s primary structure. The ... Show more content on ... Officially, intrinsically disordered proteins are proteins that do not have a fixed three dimensional conformation. Whether the entire protein is disordered or only certain domains within a protein are disordered, they do not fold into a stable well defined tertiary structure. Some proteins may be ordered overall but contain a disordered sequence, which is commonly called an intrinsically disordered region (IDR). This unique flexibility of structure allows for many advantages in biological functions, some well known and others still being discovered. While research into IDPs are ongoing, research shows that IDPs play huge roles in cell signaling and regulation. To fully understand the function of intrinsically disordered proteins, it is best to first understand what accounts for their unique structures. There are numerous methods researchers utilize to determine if a protein is or has a disordered region. The most prevalent is X ray crystallography, which was the method used to first discover disordered protein domains. X ray crystallography allows for a visualization of a protein s three dimensional structure through the use of x ray diffraction. When a protein is disordered, it possesses a lower or nonexistent electron density that can be detected through this process. Even early on when the first protein crystal structures were discovered, there were protein ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Bob Marley s Song, Three Little Birds The song, Three Little Birds by Bob Marley has a very uplifting and calm beat. Bob Marley is a Reggae Roots musician that wrote songs that became hits such as Redemption Song and One Love. Three Little Birds is a song that talks about three birds that say Don t worry about a thing. Cause every little thing gonna be alright. Singing don t worry about a thing Cause every little thing gonna be alright. This section of the song describes me because I try to lift people up when they are sad and support them through the situation. I always prefer to be happy which is what this song means when it says not to worry about a thing. I believe that happiness is like a stream, it flows from one person to another through music. Bob Marley says he ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Anglo Displacement In Othello Anzaldúa argues that white males project their own feelings of inadequacies onto the minority who in turn attempts to reassert himself by oppressing his own women, The Anglo, feeling inadequate and inferior and powerless, displaces or transfers these feelings to the Chicano by shaming him (Anzaldúa 2103). Anzaldúa is detailing the displacement of oppression that the Chicano suffers from. A white person who is feeling inadequate, possibly by the Chicano himself, moves to displace these feelings onto the Chicano through shame. The Anglo shames the Chicano by making him feel inferior. This displacement does not belong solely to the Chicano but rather all minorities that pose a threat to the Anglo s ego. This can be illustrated in Othello by the relationship between Othello and ... Show more content on ... Iago is convinced, despite having no proof, that Othello has slept with Emilia. On top of this, Iago is also jealous of Cassio s promotion over him. All Iago s insecurities and feelings are projected onto Othello. Iago mentions and mocks Othello s race in a desperate attempt to belittle Othello. Anzaldúa argues that, To wash down the shame of his acts, of his very being, and to handle the brute in the mirror, he takes to the bottle, the snort, the needle, and the fist (Anzaldúa 2103). She claims that the man being oppressed internalizes the abuse and must find some way to expel it through drugs, alcohol, or violence. Othello expels his oppression through violence. He takes in all of Iago s verbal poison and repurposes it. Othello directs his angry towards Desdemona by blaming her for his own feelings of inadequacy. He ends Desdemona s life to transfer the poison because only through her death is the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Racism Vs Football Racism This season in the NFL has been one of the more politically and racially driven seasons that we ve seen in a very long time. From President Donald Trump calling NFL players S.O.B s at a rally in Huntsville, Ala., to Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones taking a stance that if any players disrespect the flag or national anthem they won t play, and finally players speaking out across the league on racial injustice and oppression. It truly ignited a conversation in the United States on both sides of the aisle. But how did we get to this point? To answer that question, we have to look at former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick who did not stand before a preseason game in 2016 and explained why he did it. I am not going ... Show more content on ... How do they feel about the situation? Are they boycotting the league? Or are they continuing to watch, but still believe in the overall message of Kaepernick s stance? If you ask college student Conner Watson, who follows both the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles, he is boycotting the league and felt that something needed to be done. After seeing what happened to Colin Kaepernick, I knew I had to do something. I was so moved by what he did, as well as several conversations with my sister regarding activism, I couldn t give my viewership to the NFL this season, he said. Watson also explained what steps he has taken to boycott the league from monetary discussion to just regular football talk with friends. I am boycotting by not watching games or highlights, buying merchandise, or even discussing games with my friends. I am also fostering discussions and political actions around these issues of inequality. On the other hand, Keaton Nichols, host of The Lounge on WURD Radio and long time Pittsburgh Steelers fan is not boycotting the league, but still fully believes in Kaepernick s message. I felt like when folks were calling for a boycott of the NFL that they were kind of calling for a boycott of the whole thing. The players, the league itself, and the owners, which are kind of, their own entities in themselves, Nichols explained. Within those three groups, who each play a major role in the business of the NFL, Nichols spoke about why he
  • 31. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Function Of The Acid Base Equilibrium PBL Write up: Acid Base This document aims to explain the function of the acid base equilibrium in place in the human body and to identify potential problems that may occur. Theses processes are tightly linked with the control of fluid levels in the body, this relationship and the function of the water homeostasis system will also be explored. The aim of this write up is to display a full understanding of the learning objectives developed in the PBL session. However by adhering to the original learning objectives it would be difficult to develop a clear structure for this write up as they do not seem clearly defined. They cover areas multiple times and are structurally unsound. Therefore in this write up the following structure will be used: 1. Acid Base Balance What is the body s acid base equilibrium? The Body s buffer systems and how they function? What can go wrong and how does it affect the body? 2. Dehydration What can cause dehydration and what are symptoms? How does this link to the acid base problem? How does it affect electrolyte balance? How is fluid balance regulated? 3. Possible diagnosis of the patient and an explanation Treatment Acid Base Balance: What is the body s acid base equilibrium? The acid base equilibrium within the body is a key part of the homeostatic maintenance of the body and has wide ranging effects on body chemistry and function. This system is based on the regulation of Hydrogen ions, as this is the basis of the pH ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Childhood Social Development Is Important Aspect Childhood social development is important aspect that impacts a child life early on, it helps them grow and communicate better in life. Socializing is always a good thing to do having your child interact with other kids helps them have a better self esteem and helps them figure out who exactly they are. Exposing your child to socialization can be as easy as taking your child to the park, scheduling a play date, having them join a team sport or enrolling them in a head start school. In the early stages of child hood, ages three to eight, head start schools benefit children before they can even start a regular schooling program starting socialization so early in a child s life helps them develop certain things faster then most children. For example a child will learn how to interact with other children who he or she is not used to interacting with, this helps build relationships with people other then family members. When children play together it helps the child develop certain social skills such as playing and taking turns with other children, as children play it also helps them develop other physical skills such as running, kicking, climbing and jumping. Play also helps build relationships between a child and his parents, caregiver, and teacher. 1 Playing with other children helps the child share and respect the opinion of other classmates, interacting with other adults helps the child develop a respect for other adults that are not parents or family members this also ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Semiochemicals Essay Semiochemicals are organic molecules that transmit chemical messages within the same or different species of animals and plants. There are multiple distinctions within semiochemicals like pheromones, kairomones and allomones (Zumdahl, 1989). Pheromones are chemicals that have an effect on the receptors within similar species of the producer, and they tend to be highly volatile compounds (ibid). There are different types of pheromones according to the response they stimulate on the receiving party, as shown in figure 1. Volatile pheromones are represented as either sex or defensive pheromones and they usually produce a specific odor. The sex pheromone is usually produced by females that ultimately results in the attraction of males which leads to mating. Sex pheromone focuses on attracting the opposite sex and transmitting information regarding their species, age and sex; therefore sex pheromones play a role in reproduction (Regnier and Law, 1968). On the other end of the spectrum, alarm pheromones are highly volatile compounds that are released upon encountering danger, and they are also used for alerting others to a threat, making them vital for survival (Landolt et al., 1999; Post et al., 1984). The formation, uses, application, ... Show more content on ... An advantage to humans in bait trapping would be to use sex pheromone chemicals to reduce the population of snakes and lizards in a certain area. Another related advantage to humans by using alarm pheromone chemicals is to repel snakes and lizards from a certain area that could be harmful to the animals themselves or to the humans (Radcliffe et al., 2008). On the other hand, mate disruption could be a disadvantage to animals. Mate disruption, which usually occurs in insects, involves the release of large amounts of sex pheromones, released by the females, resulting in the confusion of the males and the inability to locate females, as shown in figure ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Aibileen In The Help So bounded by their current circumstances, some people don t know their true potential. The Help, by Kathryn Stockett, is about what it s like to work as a maid in the South during the 1960s. Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson are maids and nannies for two separate families in Jackson, Mississippi. A woman, known as Miss Skeeter, has the idea to write an anonymous book called Help about what it s like to live as a maid in Jackson. The book becomes a success but has both positive and negative consequences towards the end of the story. Aibileen Clark changes from unhappy, to anxious, and finally, insightful. A reader can conclude that it takes being forced out of their comfort zone to realize their potential. One trait that describes Aibileen ... Show more content on ... Aibileen just got fired from her job and while she s leaving, she thinks, Freer than Miss Leefolt, who so locked up in her own head she don t even recognize herself when she read it... Cause Miss Hilly, she in her own jail, but with a lifelong term (444). Aibileen is getting older and all she has ever imagined for herself was raising kids and cleaning for her entire life. Now that she s fired, she has a lot more in store for her. Due to the fact that she has more freedom, Aibileen now has time to think about her experience as a maid and to analyze the character of the people in her environment. A reader can tell that she is insightful because of the way she uses her words to describe the other characters. How she says that Miss Hilly is in her own jail, but with a lifelong term shows that she is able to decipher others character and summarize it in just a few words proving that she is indeed insightful. To also prove that Aibileen is very insightful, Aibileen uses advanced vocabulary to describe what the truth feels like saying, It feels cool, like water washing over my sticky hot body. Cooling a heat that s been burning me up all my life (119). When Miss Skeeter first requests Aibileen to testify for her book what it s like to live as a maid, Aibileen is slightly skeptical about the whole ordeal do the fact that the decision could have negative consequences. To reveal what it s like to live as a maid is literally revealing the truth about the emotions that travels through a maid. Aibileen has kept the truth bottled up for as long as she could remember that s why she compares telling the truth to water washing over my sticky hot body . To compare these two statements takes great amounts of thinking about one s feelings. Aibileen cannot randomly think up such a perfect analogy without ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Helen Court Case Against Helen Court Case against Helen Helen was the most beautiful in the ancient Greek world. she was the daughter of god Zeus and Leda, as well as she was Queen of Sparta. Due to her beauty every suitors want to marry her. Many suitors came from different parts of ancient Greece and fight for her. They all took an oath that Helens father decision would be final for the marriage and that warrior would be protected by all other suitors for rest of his life. Menelaus, the king of Mycenaean was decided by her father for marriage with Helen. According to Homeric Iliad, Helen was a women wallowing in sorrow for all men who sacrificed their lives in the tragic war of Troy. Due to the game plan by all gods, she was the only lady that cannot escape from this huge tragedy occurred in ancient time. She was helpless and was stuck in this war. Helen was center of Trojan war due to her beauty all the warriors were behind her and everyone wanted to marry her. the main reason for her fate for god was that Aphrodite promised prince of Troy, Paris to give the most beautiful women in the world, Helen as a reward for golden apple. Though she knew Helen was marry with Menelaus, she promised to give her to Paris. So, Helen was feeling shameful herself . she feels that her life is not hers but was played by the god. There were many incidents in Homeric Iliad where audience pity for Helen. We as a reader feels that Helen was an Innocent women who`s beauty forced to be in the situation. she do not want ... Get more on ...
  • 37. A Brief Note On The City Of Pakistan Essay Climate change affects different cities in different ways, whether it be a slight change in temperature, or an extreme natural disaster, it still tends to have an impact on the society as a whole because of all the changes and adjustments that have to be made. Karachi is the capital of the province of Sindh, as well as the largest and most populous metropolitan city of Pakistan. Pakistan consists of a population of roughly 199,085,847 million as of October 15, 2015, according to the United States Census Bureau. Over the past few years there has also been an increase in its population, it seems to be growing at a rate of 1.49% as of 2014. The population of Karachi is not exact, however according to the world population review, there was an estimated population of 23.7 million in 2014, the population size as of this year is yet to be determined. Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan located on the southeastern part of the country. It covers an area of about 3,527 km squared and it is mostly comprised of flat or rolling plains on the western and northern boundaries of the urban sprawl. Karachi also has a harbor situated on the south west part of the city which is primarily used for Pakistan s international trade. The weather tends to be pleasant for the greater part of the year. May and June are the hottest months, when the average maximum temperature is about 93 °F. The coolest months are January and February, when the average minimum temperature remains at about 56 °F. ... Get more on ...
  • 38. How Does Rap Music Affect Women How does rap music and music videos today negatively portray women? Rap has changed the faces of women in the community from a more positive image to a more negative one. It is focused more on women s bodies and not their intellect. Rap music portrays women by creating impossible beauty standards, dehumanizing women and making women look inferior in the male s eye. Rap music and videos portray women negatively by creating impossible beauty standards. When watching videos such as Sir Mix A Lot s Baby Got Back, all than is seen are skinny women with big breasts or big butts. When listening to songs such as Tip Drill by Nelly, Nelly raps I said it must be the ass cause it ain t ya face . These lyrics are stating that he is not attracted to her face but the women s butt indstead. If you were to ask these artists why they talk about ... Show more content on ... In music videos, such as Lollipop by Lil Wayne and Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke women are used as eye candy to the male and possibly some female viewers. In an article written by Erin Aubry some high school students where asked if rap music disrespected women. One student stated that Women do things for the video that they didn t have to do if they didn t want. (Aubry, 2015). Although this may be true, the directors of the videos do not have to put those women in those clothes. The main reason that women are put in the video is to attract viewers. Most male and some female viewers watch music videos to look at the women who can also be known as video vixens . Another example of this is the song Birthday Song by 2 Chainz. The video primarily focuses on the female s body parts and pays attention only to her body parts. The song only focuses on the female s physical feature and not on anything else. Women are used simply for pleasure in these music videos. They are not put in these videos because the artist thought that the woman simply had ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Northern Canada s Cultural Competence Title TBD Remote communities such as those in northern Canada consistently experience a shortage of healthcare providers (HCP) including nurses (Place, Macleod, Moffitt Pitblado, 2014). Due to the cultural and geographical uniqueness of these areas, challenges are inevitable, however, it can be undoubtedly rewarding. Nurses can particularly gain valuable experience regarding the importance of cultural competence and its implementation.Therefore, this paper will discuss the context of northern Canadian communities as well as three challenges and three benefits faced by nurses working there. Considering the populations in these communities are culturally diverse, it is especially essential for the nurses to have the appropriate cultural knowledge and skills in working with these populations. Consequently, we will also explore the definition of cultural competence, other terms used to describe this concept and how nurses can ensure they have the necessary cultural competence to work with these communities. Context of Northern Communities in Canada Northern Canada is comprised of remote stretches of land that are removed from major population and service centres (Schmidt, 2008, p. 3). Many of the services easily available in urban areas are not readily available in these areas (Schmidt, 2008). Significant barriers to accessing health care can be seen as more than two thirds of residents in northern and remote regions live more than 100 kilometers from a ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Alexander The Great Personality ALEXANDER THE GREAT A MEGALOMANIAC ROSANNY ESPINAL GREEK CIVILAZATION MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C. in Macedonia, Greece. Alexander was born into a royal family. Alexander the Great s father, Philip was the King of Macedonia before he was and his mother was Olympias. When Alexander turned twenty years old, his father was assassinated, and therefore he followed in his father s footsteps gaining kingship and became the best king ever known to man. Ever since a young boy, Alexander dreamed of having revenge over Persia. His plan was to defeat the Persians and conquer all the mountains all the way up to India. Alexander has never lost a battle out of the thirteen years he reigned, compared to other Greek generals before he has lost battles but not Alexander the Great. Alexander wanted to create a big empire, he was motivated by spreading Greek law and Greek culture. Alexander was obsessed with power wanting to conquer many countries, and the desire for more power was always on his mind. His characteristics are that of a megalomaniac because Alexander didn t stop at Persia, he wanted to conquer all the way up the eastern shore to the Mediterranean. Alexander wanted everyone to just give up their homes, no matter where he went. He would tell them first to surrender their power, and if they didn t he would do anything just to gain power. He either went as far as selling the people into slavery or even massacring them. ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Completion Education Of Construction Management, And... Introduction The final internship report is a way to reflect on your overall assessment on how you taken the prior education of construction management, and applied it towards an internship. As well as expressing new experiences that happened during the internship that school courses did not prepare you for or not taught yet. These topics are covered by explaining the primary task that was performed throughout the internship, and how technology was utilized in completing the responsibilities. While performing these activities, how did they enhance your communication skills and public speaking abilities. During the period of the internship, in what way were legal and ethical issues brought up, and what lessons were learned to prevent future encounters. Internship Orientation and Preparation Before going through orientation, I reported to the main office to go through a background check, because I would be working on a school. Following the background check I needed to complete a physical exam, and a drug test. Once my company received notification that I passed, I was scheduled for orientation. During orientation, I went through multiple presentations, and ended with a safety exam to give me authorization to work on the jobsite. Before reporting to orientation, I would recommend researching your company and be able to recognize, and know the names of all upper management employees. Activities and Experiences There was not a day during my internship, that I did not use the ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Banyan Tree’S Success Has Been A Great Case For Entrepreneurs Banyan Tree s success has been a great case for entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry to study. With the genius ideas that had been put successfully into practices by Banyan Tree CEO Ho Kwon Ping, the company had made a dramatically transformation that had become a phenomenon at that time. This essay will briefly investigate deeply into business strategy applied by the Banyan Tree that had affected the core focus of the company, as well as discussing if the same strategies used in the hyper dynamic hospitality industry today, would they be as successful or would new strategies need to be employed. In 2006, Banyan Tree had had been through many difficulties as The Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, the SARS crisis of 2003 and the Indian ... Show more content on ... This core business duty operates within a wider context of legal and social norms that are directly integral to the conduct of business in a competitive market system which aims at the economic success not only of particular businesses but of business in general. (Schwartz, 2017, p. 31) Another crucial strategy that the Banyan Tree adopted were to set up differentiations. In hospitality, the term differentiations synonymous unique food, outstanding service, pleasing ambiance, personal identity . (Barrows Powers, 2009) It is a very genuinely mind set, as being unique certainty differ one from another. In order to create a sustainable brand name to remind of everybody by, initially produce the products that different than others competitors in the industry is a great challenge which brings many benefits if adopted properly. In the case of Banyan Tree, Mr. Ho did make a dramatic strike: hotel s design and spa operation. The hotel s design were created by Mr. Ho s brother. The project were to design the entire resort or hotel, including the architecture, engineering and interior design. The aim of the project were to initiate the Banyan Tree s core culture and values into its design which can make whoever ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Anti Hypertensive Properties Of Doxazosin Pharmacology Doxazocin is an alpha adrenoceptor blocking drug and it is used in both hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia (Joint Formulary Committee, 2014). For the purpose of this essay, the main focus will be on the anti hypertensive properties of Doxazosin. Selective α1 antagonists work on the post synaptic α1 adrenoreceptors predominantly found in vascular smooth muscle. These receptors are normally bound by norepinephrine or epinephrine to mediate regulation of the cardiovascular system by the sympathetic nervous system. As can be seen in Figure 1, these receptors are bound to Gq proteins which have two signal transduction pathways. One of the pathways forms IP3 (Inositol triphosphate) which then stimulates the release of Calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in a cardiac monocyte (Klabunde, R.E., 2013). The release of calcium then stimulates contraction in the heart. By selectively inhibiting these adrenoceptors, vasodilation occurs which in turn causes a decrease in arterial pressure (Rang and Dale). With a mean half life of 22 hours (Martindale, 2013), Doxazosin is considered to be a long acting hypertensive drug. This means that it can be administered once daily, rather than multiple times. With a good absorption when administered orally, the maximum plasma concentration happens two to three hours after a dose (Martindale, 2013). It also states that doxazosin is roughly 98.3% bound to plasma, which means that it has an excellent distribution around ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Contributing Factors That Bring South Korea as Advanced... Table of content |No |Content |Page | |1 |1.0 Assignment Question |2 | |2 |1.1 What is Advanced Country |2 3 | |3 |1.2 Background of South Korea |4 5 | |4 |1.3 Contributing Factors That Bring South Korea as Advanced Country |6 9 | |5 |1.3.1 Well funded Education System ... Show more content on ... The name Korea is from Goryeo, a dynasty which ruled in the middle Ages. Its neighbours are China to the west, Japan to the east, and North Korea to the north. South Korea lies in the North Temperate Zone with a mostly mountainous terrain. It covers a total area of 99,392 square kilometres and has a population of 50 million. The capital and largest city is Seoul, with a population of 9.8 million. Archaeology indicates that the Korean Peninsula was occupied by the Lower Palaeolithic period. Korean history begins with the founding of Gojoseon in 2333 BC by the legendary Dan gun. Following the incorpotion of the Three Kingdoms of Korea under Silla 668 AD, Korea was ruled by the Goryeo Dynasty (918 1392) and Joseon Dynasty (1392 1910). It was annexed by the Empire of Japan in 1910. At the end of World War II, Korea was divided into Soviet and U.S. zones of occupation. An election was held the U.S. zone in 1948 which led to the creation of the Republic of Korea. Although the United Nations passed a resolution declaring the Republic to be the only lawful government in Korea, the Soviets set up a rival government in the North. The Korean War began in 1950 when forces from the North invaded the South. The war lasted three years and involved the U.S., China, the Soviet Union, and many other nations. The border between the two nations remains the most heavily fortified in the world. In the decades that followed, the South Korean economy grew ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Coming of Age Rituals Essay Coming of Age: The Passage to Adulthood Rituals around the world all teach valuable lessons that help initiates see the value and importance of life. Each culture has different rituals that provide experiences for their youth to learn these valuable lessons of life. Many coming of age rituals are intense procedures. The Amazon s Satere Mawé youth enter adulthood through the bullet ant glove initiation, teaching courage and endurance, and the crocodile scaring ritual that the men from the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea participate in teaches them pain and accomplishment. Bullet Ant Glove Initiation The Amazon tribe, known as the, Satere Mawé, practice the bullet ant ritual that young men participate in enabling them to enter adulthood. ... Show more content on ... 6) This ritual is one of many unique traditions that initiates who endure the procedure learn the valuable lesson of courage. Learning Courage The bullet ant glove ritual teaches initiates courage, for they must complete this procedure to be considered an adult. This coming of age ritual is painful, and to have to go through with such a task will enable the young men to learn how to be brave. The bullet ant glove ritual is not a one time occasion. According to Bre Cruickshank (2012) If they complete the ritual without crying out or wincing they have become a man. The most respected men who want to obtain the status of being a strong warrior, repeat the ritual 20 times. (Cruickshank, 2012, para. 8) Through experiencing the bullet ant glove that many times, it is evident that initiate s learn courage. In the Webster dictionary, courage is the ability to do something that frightens one (Webster Dictionary). As a Satere Mawe tribe member being able to endure these stinging gloves is considered horrific to many people, and being able to complete this ritual instills courage in every young man that participates. As they willingly participate they begin to learn that what they want, in this case; to be known as a man, takes a lot of courage to go through such a painful process. The strength it would take to endure such a painful tradition causes these young men to look beyond the pain and focus on ... Get more on ...