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How to write good.
Larry’s story
Every birth that takes place at Swedish — and there have been more than 200,000 of them — is a
remarkable event. But the 1935 arrival of David Ishii is quite another story.
Sadly, his mother died in childbirth, and David’s father was ill equipped to take care of a newborn. So,
Mr. Ishii made arrangements with Swedish to care for his new son while he took his six other children to
Japan where relatives could look after them.
What was supposed to be a brief absence turned into 31/2 years. So David grew up at Swedish with a
whole team of mothers — all dressed in starched white uniforms.
To this day, David remembers accompanying Swedish’s founder, Dr. Nils Johanson, around the halls of
the hospital. And he faintly recalls a birthday party the nurses threw for him.
It was and is the Swedish way to do whatever it takes to make patients feel at home — even if it actually is your home.
Watch 100 stories about Swedish’s 100 years at
Thousands of babies
have been born at Swedish.
But only one went on to
live there for 31/2 years.
Come to the Swedish/Ballard ER housewarming.
See something
new in Ballard
that isn’t a condo.
Where we’re heading today.
1. Howdy
2.What’s wrong?
3. Break
4.The thinking part of writing
5.The writing part of writing
6. Lunch
7. Nuts and bolts
8. Break
9. Critique
10. Q&A + H&K
And you are?
Interview your neighbor to find out:
1.Their name
2.What kind of writing they do or plan to do
3.What they hope to get out of this
4. A bird story
What’s your problem?
Let’s go to the whiteboard.
Let’s take a break.
1. Howdy
2.What’s wrong?
3. Break
4.The thinking part of writing
5.The writing part of writing
6. Lunch
7. Nuts and bolts
8. Break
9. Critique
10. Q&A + H&K
The thinking part of writing
My man-crush
Meet my man crush.
Writing is thinking on
1. Get what you want to say down to one sentence.
(Audience) should (verb) (subject) because
(single compelling reason).
(Audience) should (verb) (subject) because
(single compelling reason).
(Marketers and creative people) should
(verb) (subject) because
(single compelling reason).
(Marketers and creative people) should
(take classes) (subject) because
(single compelling reason).
(Marketers and creative people) should
(take classes) (at SVC) because
(single compelling reason).
(Marketers and creative people) should
(take classes) (at SVC) because
(you’ll learn from top working pros).
(Audience) should (verb) (subject) 

because (single compelling reason).
(Cafe customers) should (verb) (subject)
because (single compelling reason).
(Cafe customers) should (buy) (subject)
because (single compelling reason).
(Cafe customers) should (buy) (a Verismo system)
because (single compelling reason).
(Cafe customers) should (buy) (a Verismo system)
because (you can have Starbucks lattes at home).
(Audience) should (verb) (subject)
because (single compelling reason).
(Active people) should (verb) (subject) because
(single compelling reason).
(Active people) should (wear) (subject) because
(single compelling reason).
(Active people) should (wear) (Timberland Boots)
because (single compelling reason).
(Active people) should (wear) (Timberland Boots)
because (they will keep your feet totally dry).
2.Write a content outline using the inverted pyramid
Be logical when writing that content outline
3.Think about how you’re going to persuade
If you do what I’m asking, I’ll repay you with
something of value.
What I’m asking you to do is consistent with what
I know you believe.
Experts and figures of power agree that you
should do what I’m asking.
Almost everyone in the same situation as you is
doing what I’m asking.
You should do what I’m asking, because this
opportunity will go away.
You like me, don’t you? Well, then please do what
I’m asking.
Which principles are in play here?
Let’s try it.
First, write a strategy statement:
(Audience) should (verb) (subject) because
(single compelling reason).
(Our customers) should (know) (our company is
going to be closed) because (we don’t want you
to get stuck if you have a computer problem).
Second, write an outline to frame the argument:
Second, write an outline to frame the argument:
1.We’re going to be closed
2. Here’s how to reach us if you have a problem
3. If you have a problem during the holidays, we’ll reduce your
bill by 20% (reciprocity!)
4.We appreciate your business (liking!)
Third, you’ll need something to write about:
> An assignment you’re currently handling
> An assignment you did but want a do-over
> A rack brochure for The Museum of Glass
Museum of Glass Creative Brief
Deliverable: A rack brochure to be displayed in hotel lobbies
and tourist attractions
Objective: Increase visits to the MOG by Seattle visitors by
10% over the next year
Audience: Visitors to Seattle with a cultural or art interests
Competition: Museums in Seattle: SAM, SAAM, Sculpture
Garden, Chihuly Gardens, Frye, Henry, and other
attractions that consume time and money
Strategy: Visitors to Seattle should go to the extra trouble to
visit MOG because it’s considered one of the top
art glass museums in the world.
Here’s a format to follow:
The writing part of writing
My man-crush
1. Clarity
Is the argument clear and logical?
2. Simplicity
Is the language down to earth?
Does it avoid cliches and jargon?
Simple language does not mean
you’re simple-minded.
Warren Buffett Bill Gates, Jr. Ludacris
True independence – meaning the willingness to challenge a forceful CEO when something is wrong or foolish – is an
enormously valuable trait in a director. It is also rare. The place to look for it is among high-grade people whose
interests are in line with those of rank-and-file shareholders – and are in line in a very big way.
We’ve made that search at Berkshire. We now have eleven directors and each of them, combined with members of
their families, owns more than $4 million of Berkshire stock. Moreover, all have held major stakes in Berkshire for
many years. In the case of six of the eleven, family ownership amounts to at least hundreds of millions and dates back
at least three decades. All eleven directors purchased their holdings in the market just as you did; we’ve never passed
out options or restricted shares. Charlie and I love such honest-to-God ownership. After all, who ever washes a rental
In addition, director fees at Berkshire are nominal (as my son, Howard, periodically reminds me). Thus, the upside
from Berkshire for all eleven is proportionately the same as the upside for any Berkshire shareholder. And it always
will be.
The primary job of our directors is to select my successor, either upon my death or disability, or when I begin to lose
my marbles. (David Ogilvy had it right when he said: “Develop your eccentricities when young. That way, when you
get older, people won’t think you are going gaga.” Charlie’s family and mine feel that we overreacted to David’s
Beware of committing an
act of literature.
3. Brevity
Can you cut the length by at least one-third
without losing the meaning?
significant proprietary tools and research, etc.—yet we remain start-up nimble.
17. How do you think most of your clients would describe your agency’s working style?
We’re forward-leaning, flexible, forthright, and client-driven.
• Forward-leaning. You will always find us as the edge of our seats, proactively leading our clients’ business.
• Flexible. We’re remarkably agile.
• Forthright. We know our clients are extremely busy people. It’s our job to make their lives easier, and that can only
happen with an honest, open partnership where we respect each other’s opinions.
• Client-driven. If you don’t look good, we don’t look good.
18. What things do you feel you do especially well compared to other agencies?
As noted in question 16, we believe we offer better integrated ideas compared to other agencies because we are the
only agency in the area with such a wide breadth of in-house capabilities. But integration in and of itself is nothing
without creativity. The marriage of the two is what we are most known for—transferable ideas that transcend any one
media application.
19. Does your agency’s staff have specific experience that would be relevant to Swedish and the health care field?
As noted, our experience in the health care field runs deep. In addition to the robust relevant current client experience
noted in question 15, senior management (account supervisor level and up) at DDB has worked on the following health
care accounts:
American Cancer Association
American Heart Association
American Lung Association
American Medical Association
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Children’s Hospital
55% spend less than 15 seconds on a page.
4. Humanity
Is your writing authentic and does it touch an
That’s it.
1. Clarity
2. Simplicity
3. Brevity
4. Humanity
Actually, that’s not it.
1. Clarity
2. Simplicity
3. Brevity
4. Humanity
It’s time for lunch.
1. Howdy
2.What’s wrong?
3. Break
4.The thinking part of writing
5.The writing part of writing
6. Lunch
7. Nuts and bolts
8. Break
9. Critique
10. Q&A + H&K
Actually, that’s not it.
1. Clarity
2. Simplicity
3. Brevity
4. Humanity
More stuff to pay attention to.
5. Focus on the audience
Don’t talk about yourself.
Talk about how you’re going to make
the reader’s life better.
Answer WIFM.
6. Don’t overpromise.
Don’t brag.
Don’t dwell on how great your product is.
Be honest.
Be humble.
7.Write like you talk.
If your copy sounds stupid read aloud,
that’s because it probably is stupid.
8.Write 3/4-circle headlines.
Huh? What?
Oh, I get it!
Of course, not everything needs a headline.
10. Stay on-brand
10. Stay on-brand
10. Stay on-brand
11. Proof it.
Use your spell-checker
Learn the rules of grammar
Buy an AP style guide
Get a proofreading pal or pro
11. Proof it.
Incorrect capitalization of job titles
Run-on sentences
Use of the passive voice
Misspellings and incorrect word choice
Incorrect punctuation
Sloppy syntax
11. Proof it.
11. Proof it.
12. Don’t say it the same old way.
Use surprising words.
Have a surprising idea.
Don’t sound like something we’ve seen a
million times before.
Dear Washington State Democrat,
As much as I hate to interfere in the election of another state (other than Florida), I feel that I must write in order to urge you to support Mark
Sidran for Washington State Attorney General.
I have known Mark since I was accidentally admitted to Harvard in the late 1960’s. Mark, who got in on merit and merit alone, was a classmate
of mine, and has made something of himself.
As you may know, he has spent the last 28 years as a prosecutor, Seattle City Attorney, and as a practicing lawyer. Mark’s experience is what I
like to call one of his three E’s. The other two E’s are integrity and energy. Wait. Scrap integrity. Although Mark has it in spades, it does not start
with an “E.” I remember learning that at Harvard. But I digress. Let’s get back to his experience.
As City Attorney, Mark took on some of the most egregious corporate polluters in Puget Sound. I could name names, but I may be planning to
run for public office in Minnesota someday, and why burn a bridge?
As Attorney General, Mark will continue his fight on behalf of citizens by doubling the size of the state’s consumer protection division. Tired of
finding out your senior citizen mother has been ripped off by scam artists? Besides telling your mom to be more alert, you can take action by
electing Mark.
Oh, now I remember the other two “e’s”. Endorsements and Electability. Besides me, Mark has been endorsed by every single Democratic
county prosecutor in the state. These are people, who unlike me, actually know what the Attorney General does. Bill Gates Sr., former
president of the Washington State Bar and father of someone who I’d like to get to know better when I get ready to run for office, has endorsed
Mark as well. So have civil rights leaders like Norm and Constance Rice. Others include environmentalists, led by Washington Conservation
Voters, the State’s largest environmental political group, and a long list of elected officials such as Governor Gary Locke, Congressman Norm
Dicks, former Governor Booth Gardner, many civic leaders and leading lawyers. Governor Locke, I have learned, is the only Asian American
state governor to make an endorsement in this race. That alone says it all.
I could go on and on with the endorsements. But frankly, no one cares about endorsements. Let’s move on to what really matters to Democrats
– electability. Republicans don’t want Mark to be the Democratic nominee because they know he will be the most difficult candidate to beat in a
statewide race that isn’t fixed by the use of paperless machines. This is the first time in 12 years that the Attorney General’s seat has been
open and the Republican Party and their special interests are salivating at the chance of putting one of their lackeys in one of the most
powerful jobs in your state. Mark is a common sense Democrat with a proven track record and the clear ability to win in November or whenever
the Department of Homeland Security allows us to vote.
George W. Bush does not want Mark Sidran to be your next Attorney General. Neither does Deborah Senn, who did not go to college with me.
In conclusion, give your vote, and if possible, your check to Mark Sidran. And if you really want to see more of those endorsements, check out
the partial list below or visit Mark’s website, As you can tell from the “4,” this is one hip campaign.
Al Franken
All you need to know about writing copy.
1. Make your arguments clear (clarity)
2. Use simple words (simplicity)
3. Shorten by one-third (brevity)
4. Touch an emotion (humanity)
5. Focus on the audience
6. Don’t overpromise
7. Write like you talk
8. Write 3/4-circle headlines
10. Stay on brand
11. Proof it
12. Don’t say it the same old way
Let’s critique.
1. Does your strategy statement make sense?
2. Is your outline clear, logical and persuasive?

3. How’s your body copy for:
> clarity of argument
> simplicity of language
> brevity
> humanity
Museum of Glass Creative Brief
Deliverable: A rack brochure to be displayed in hotel lobbies
and tourist attractions
Objective: Increase visits to the MOG by Seattle visitors by
10% over the next year
Audience: Visitors to Seattle with a cultural or art interests
Competition: Museums in Seattle: SAM, SAAM, Sculpture
Garden, Chihuly Gardens, Frye, Henry, and other
attractions that consume time and money
Strategy: Visitors to Seattle should go to the extra trouble to
visit MOG because it’s considered one of the top
art glass museums in the world.
Oh, here’s what Worker Bees did for MOG.
Think we could convince you to drive to Tacoma?
Some people cross an ocean
to see a world-famous art museum.
Time for some Q&A.
1. Howdy
2.What’s wrong?
3. Break
4.The thinking part of writing
5.The writing part of writing
6. Lunch
7. Nuts and bolts
8. Break
9. Critique
10. Q&A + H&K
Let’s keep it going.

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Copywriting Essentials

  • 1. How to write good.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 6. Every birth that takes place at Swedish — and there have been more than 200,000 of them — is a remarkable event. But the 1935 arrival of David Ishii is quite another story. Sadly, his mother died in childbirth, and David’s father was ill equipped to take care of a newborn. So, Mr. Ishii made arrangements with Swedish to care for his new son while he took his six other children to Japan where relatives could look after them. What was supposed to be a brief absence turned into 31/2 years. So David grew up at Swedish with a whole team of mothers — all dressed in starched white uniforms. To this day, David remembers accompanying Swedish’s founder, Dr. Nils Johanson, around the halls of the hospital. And he faintly recalls a birthday party the nurses threw for him. It was and is the Swedish way to do whatever it takes to make patients feel at home — even if it actually is your home. Watch 100 stories about Swedish’s 100 years at Thousands of babies have been born at Swedish. But only one went on to live there for 31/2 years.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. Come to the Swedish/Ballard ER housewarming. See something new in Ballard that isn’t a condo.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Where we’re heading today. 1. Howdy 2.What’s wrong? 3. Break 4.The thinking part of writing 5.The writing part of writing 6. Lunch 7. Nuts and bolts 8. Break 9. Critique 10. Q&A + H&K
  • 17. Interview your neighbor to find out: 1.Their name 2.What kind of writing they do or plan to do 3.What they hope to get out of this 4. A bird story
  • 18. What’s your problem? Let’s go to the whiteboard.
  • 19. Let’s take a break. 1. Howdy 2.What’s wrong? 3. Break 4.The thinking part of writing 5.The writing part of writing 6. Lunch 7. Nuts and bolts 8. Break 9. Critique 10. Q&A + H&K
  • 20. The thinking part of writing
  • 21. My man-crush Meet my man crush.
  • 22.
  • 23. Writing is thinking on paper.
  • 24. Thinking 1. Get what you want to say down to one sentence.
  • 25. (Audience) should (verb) (subject) because (single compelling reason).
  • 26. (Audience) should (verb) (subject) because (single compelling reason).
  • 27. (Marketers and creative people) should (verb) (subject) because (single compelling reason).
  • 28. (Marketers and creative people) should (take classes) (subject) because (single compelling reason).
  • 29. (Marketers and creative people) should (take classes) (at SVC) because (single compelling reason).
  • 30. (Marketers and creative people) should (take classes) (at SVC) because (you’ll learn from top working pros).
  • 31.
  • 32. (Audience) should (verb) (subject) 
 because (single compelling reason).
  • 33. (Cafe customers) should (verb) (subject) because (single compelling reason).
  • 34. (Cafe customers) should (buy) (subject) because (single compelling reason).
  • 35. (Cafe customers) should (buy) (a Verismo system) because (single compelling reason).
  • 36. (Cafe customers) should (buy) (a Verismo system) because (you can have Starbucks lattes at home).
  • 37.
  • 38. (Audience) should (verb) (subject) because (single compelling reason).
  • 39. (Active people) should (verb) (subject) because (single compelling reason).
  • 40. (Active people) should (wear) (subject) because (single compelling reason).
  • 41. (Active people) should (wear) (Timberland Boots) because (single compelling reason).
  • 42. (Active people) should (wear) (Timberland Boots) because (they will keep your feet totally dry).
  • 43.
  • 44. Thinking 2.Write a content outline using the inverted pyramid
  • 45.
  • 46. Thinking Be logical when writing that content outline
  • 47.
  • 48. Thinking 3.Think about how you’re going to persuade
  • 49.
  • 50. Reciprocity If you do what I’m asking, I’ll repay you with something of value.
  • 51. Consistency What I’m asking you to do is consistent with what I know you believe.
  • 52. Authority Experts and figures of power agree that you should do what I’m asking.
  • 53. Consensus Almost everyone in the same situation as you is doing what I’m asking.
  • 54. Scarcity You should do what I’m asking, because this opportunity will go away.
  • 55. Liking You like me, don’t you? Well, then please do what I’m asking.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 60. Thinking First, write a strategy statement: (Audience) should (verb) (subject) because (single compelling reason).
  • 61.
  • 62. Thinking (Our customers) should (know) (our company is going to be closed) because (we don’t want you to get stuck if you have a computer problem).
  • 63. Thinking Second, write an outline to frame the argument:
  • 64. Thinking Second, write an outline to frame the argument: 1.We’re going to be closed 2. Here’s how to reach us if you have a problem 3. If you have a problem during the holidays, we’ll reduce your bill by 20% (reciprocity!) 4.We appreciate your business (liking!)
  • 65. Thinking Third, you’ll need something to write about: > An assignment you’re currently handling > An assignment you did but want a do-over > A rack brochure for The Museum of Glass
  • 66.
  • 67. Museum of Glass Creative Brief Deliverable: A rack brochure to be displayed in hotel lobbies and tourist attractions Objective: Increase visits to the MOG by Seattle visitors by 10% over the next year Audience: Visitors to Seattle with a cultural or art interests Competition: Museums in Seattle: SAM, SAAM, Sculpture Garden, Chihuly Gardens, Frye, Henry, and other attractions that consume time and money Strategy: Visitors to Seattle should go to the extra trouble to visit MOG because it’s considered one of the top art glass museums in the world.
  • 68. Here’s a format to follow:
  • 69. The writing part of writing
  • 71. 1. Clarity Is the argument clear and logical?
  • 72.
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75. 2. Simplicity Is the language down to earth? Does it avoid cliches and jargon?
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78. WTF?
  • 79. Simple language does not mean you’re simple-minded.
  • 80. Warren Buffett Bill Gates, Jr. Ludacris
  • 81. True independence – meaning the willingness to challenge a forceful CEO when something is wrong or foolish – is an enormously valuable trait in a director. It is also rare. The place to look for it is among high-grade people whose interests are in line with those of rank-and-file shareholders – and are in line in a very big way. We’ve made that search at Berkshire. We now have eleven directors and each of them, combined with members of their families, owns more than $4 million of Berkshire stock. Moreover, all have held major stakes in Berkshire for many years. In the case of six of the eleven, family ownership amounts to at least hundreds of millions and dates back at least three decades. All eleven directors purchased their holdings in the market just as you did; we’ve never passed out options or restricted shares. Charlie and I love such honest-to-God ownership. After all, who ever washes a rental car? In addition, director fees at Berkshire are nominal (as my son, Howard, periodically reminds me). Thus, the upside from Berkshire for all eleven is proportionately the same as the upside for any Berkshire shareholder. And it always will be. The primary job of our directors is to select my successor, either upon my death or disability, or when I begin to lose my marbles. (David Ogilvy had it right when he said: “Develop your eccentricities when young. That way, when you get older, people won’t think you are going gaga.” Charlie’s family and mine feel that we overreacted to David’s advice.)
  • 82. Beware of committing an act of literature.
  • 83.
  • 84. 3. Brevity Can you cut the length by at least one-third without losing the meaning?
  • 85.
  • 86. WTF?
  • 87. significant proprietary tools and research, etc.—yet we remain start-up nimble. 17. How do you think most of your clients would describe your agency’s working style? We’re forward-leaning, flexible, forthright, and client-driven. • Forward-leaning. You will always find us as the edge of our seats, proactively leading our clients’ business. • Flexible. We’re remarkably agile. • Forthright. We know our clients are extremely busy people. It’s our job to make their lives easier, and that can only happen with an honest, open partnership where we respect each other’s opinions. • Client-driven. If you don’t look good, we don’t look good. 18. What things do you feel you do especially well compared to other agencies? As noted in question 16, we believe we offer better integrated ideas compared to other agencies because we are the only agency in the area with such a wide breadth of in-house capabilities. But integration in and of itself is nothing without creativity. The marriage of the two is what we are most known for—transferable ideas that transcend any one media application. 19. Does your agency’s staff have specific experience that would be relevant to Swedish and the health care field? As noted, our experience in the health care field runs deep. In addition to the robust relevant current client experience noted in question 15, senior management (account supervisor level and up) at DDB has worked on the following health care accounts: American Cancer Association American Heart Association American Lung Association American Medical Association Blue Cross/Blue Shield Children’s Hospital
  • 88. TL;DR
  • 89. 55% spend less than 15 seconds on a page.
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92. 4. Humanity Is your writing authentic and does it touch an emotion?
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96. That’s it. 1. Clarity 2. Simplicity 3. Brevity 4. Humanity
  • 97. Actually, that’s not it. 1. Clarity 2. Simplicity 3. Brevity 4. Humanity
  • 98. It’s time for lunch. 1. Howdy 2.What’s wrong? 3. Break 4.The thinking part of writing 5.The writing part of writing 6. Lunch 7. Nuts and bolts 8. Break 9. Critique 10. Q&A + H&K
  • 99. Actually, that’s not it. 1. Clarity 2. Simplicity 3. Brevity 4. Humanity
  • 100. More stuff to pay attention to.
  • 101. 5. Focus on the audience Don’t talk about yourself. Talk about how you’re going to make the reader’s life better. Answer WIFM.
  • 102.
  • 103.
  • 104. 6. Don’t overpromise. Don’t brag. Don’t dwell on how great your product is. Be honest. Be humble.
  • 105.
  • 106.
  • 107. 7.Write like you talk. If your copy sounds stupid read aloud, that’s because it probably is stupid.
  • 108.
  • 109.
  • 111.
  • 112.
  • 113.
  • 114. Huh? What? Oh, I get it!
  • 115.
  • 116.
  • 117.
  • 118.
  • 119.
  • 120. Of course, not everything needs a headline.
  • 121.
  • 123. CV>SH
  • 124. CH>SV
  • 128. 11. Proof it. Use your spell-checker Learn the rules of grammar Buy an AP style guide Get a proofreading pal or pro
  • 129. 11. Proof it. Incorrect capitalization of job titles Run-on sentences Use of the passive voice Misspellings and incorrect word choice Incorrect punctuation Sloppy syntax
  • 132. 12. Don’t say it the same old way. Use surprising words. Have a surprising idea. Don’t sound like something we’ve seen a million times before.
  • 133.
  • 134.
  • 135. Dear Washington State Democrat, As much as I hate to interfere in the election of another state (other than Florida), I feel that I must write in order to urge you to support Mark Sidran for Washington State Attorney General. I have known Mark since I was accidentally admitted to Harvard in the late 1960’s. Mark, who got in on merit and merit alone, was a classmate of mine, and has made something of himself. As you may know, he has spent the last 28 years as a prosecutor, Seattle City Attorney, and as a practicing lawyer. Mark’s experience is what I like to call one of his three E’s. The other two E’s are integrity and energy. Wait. Scrap integrity. Although Mark has it in spades, it does not start with an “E.” I remember learning that at Harvard. But I digress. Let’s get back to his experience. As City Attorney, Mark took on some of the most egregious corporate polluters in Puget Sound. I could name names, but I may be planning to run for public office in Minnesota someday, and why burn a bridge? As Attorney General, Mark will continue his fight on behalf of citizens by doubling the size of the state’s consumer protection division. Tired of finding out your senior citizen mother has been ripped off by scam artists? Besides telling your mom to be more alert, you can take action by electing Mark. Oh, now I remember the other two “e’s”. Endorsements and Electability. Besides me, Mark has been endorsed by every single Democratic county prosecutor in the state. These are people, who unlike me, actually know what the Attorney General does. Bill Gates Sr., former president of the Washington State Bar and father of someone who I’d like to get to know better when I get ready to run for office, has endorsed Mark as well. So have civil rights leaders like Norm and Constance Rice. Others include environmentalists, led by Washington Conservation Voters, the State’s largest environmental political group, and a long list of elected officials such as Governor Gary Locke, Congressman Norm Dicks, former Governor Booth Gardner, many civic leaders and leading lawyers. Governor Locke, I have learned, is the only Asian American state governor to make an endorsement in this race. That alone says it all.
  • 136. I could go on and on with the endorsements. But frankly, no one cares about endorsements. Let’s move on to what really matters to Democrats – electability. Republicans don’t want Mark to be the Democratic nominee because they know he will be the most difficult candidate to beat in a statewide race that isn’t fixed by the use of paperless machines. This is the first time in 12 years that the Attorney General’s seat has been open and the Republican Party and their special interests are salivating at the chance of putting one of their lackeys in one of the most powerful jobs in your state. Mark is a common sense Democrat with a proven track record and the clear ability to win in November or whenever the Department of Homeland Security allows us to vote. George W. Bush does not want Mark Sidran to be your next Attorney General. Neither does Deborah Senn, who did not go to college with me. In conclusion, give your vote, and if possible, your check to Mark Sidran. And if you really want to see more of those endorsements, check out the partial list below or visit Mark’s website, As you can tell from the “4,” this is one hip campaign. Sincerely, Al Franken
  • 137. All you need to know about writing copy. 1. Make your arguments clear (clarity) 2. Use simple words (simplicity) 3. Shorten by one-third (brevity) 4. Touch an emotion (humanity) 5. Focus on the audience 6. Don’t overpromise 7. Write like you talk 8. Write 3/4-circle headlines 9. CV>SH, CH>SV 10. Stay on brand 11. Proof it 12. Don’t say it the same old way
  • 138. Let’s critique. 1. Does your strategy statement make sense? 2. Is your outline clear, logical and persuasive?
 3. How’s your body copy for: > clarity of argument > simplicity of language > brevity > humanity
  • 139. Museum of Glass Creative Brief Deliverable: A rack brochure to be displayed in hotel lobbies and tourist attractions Objective: Increase visits to the MOG by Seattle visitors by 10% over the next year Audience: Visitors to Seattle with a cultural or art interests Competition: Museums in Seattle: SAM, SAAM, Sculpture Garden, Chihuly Gardens, Frye, Henry, and other attractions that consume time and money Strategy: Visitors to Seattle should go to the extra trouble to visit MOG because it’s considered one of the top art glass museums in the world.
  • 140. Oh, here’s what Worker Bees did for MOG. Think we could convince you to drive to Tacoma? Some people cross an ocean to see a world-famous art museum.
  • 141. Time for some Q&A. 1. Howdy 2.What’s wrong? 3. Break 4.The thinking part of writing 5.The writing part of writing 6. Lunch 7. Nuts and bolts 8. Break 9. Critique 10. Q&A + H&K
  • 142. Let’s keep it going.