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Nursing Essays Examples
Writing an essay on the topic of "Nursing Essays Examples" can present both challenges and
opportunities for a writer. On one hand, the vast scope of nursing as a profession offers a
multitude of potential examples and cases to explore, providing ample material for an engaging
essay. On the other hand, the depth and complexity of nursing topics may make it challenging to
narrow down the focus and present a coherent argument.
Research is a crucial aspect of crafting a compelling nursing essay. The need to stay updated with
the latest medical practices, ethical considerations, and evidence-based approaches adds an extra
layer of complexity. Juggling various sources, from academic journals to real-life case studies, is
essential to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information included.
The technicality of medical terminology and the necessity for precision in conveying medical
concepts can be daunting for writers who are not well-versed in the field of nursing. Striking the
right balance between accessibility for a general audience and maintaining the necessary level of
detail for a nursing essay can be a delicate task.
Moreover, addressing the human aspect of nursing, such as compassion, empathy, and the ethical
dilemmas faced by healthcare professionals, requires a nuanced and sensitive approach.
Connecting with the emotional side of the profession while maintaining a professional tone adds
an extra layer of challenge to the writing process.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Nursing Essays Examples" demands a blend of
research skills, medical knowledge, and the ability to convey complex information in a
comprehensible manner. It is an intricate task that requires careful consideration of both the
technical and humanistic aspects of the nursing profession.
For those seeking assistance or looking for examples to guide their own writing, it's worth
exploring resources like Similar essays and a wealth of additional information
on various topics can be found there, providing valuable support for those navigating the
intricacies of academic writing.
Nursing Essays ExamplesNursing Essays Examples
Rosca De Reyes
The ceviche is typically made of raw fish or shrimp. It is marinated in citrus juice,
like lime or lemon and it is spiced with chili peppers. It is also common to see this
dish spiced with chopped onions, salt or coriander. Because the dish is not cooked it
has to be prepared fresh in order to diminish the chance of danger of food poisoning.
Originally from Peru this dish date back about 2000 years! This seafood dish is
generally severed for either a main dish or appetizer. Ceviche can be served in many
different variations such as with salted cracker or as a taco filling.
Mexican Cultural Celebrations
Dia de Los Santos Reyes (Day of the Holy Kings) is January 6th. It celebrates the
remembrance three wise kings. It is viewed as the last day of Christmas (the end of
the 12 days of Christmas). In addition to Christmas the children receive gifts from the
three wise men. In some cultures in Mexico the children will put hay in there shoes,
in hope that the three kings will come and visit on their camels to give something
like toys or candy. The streets of major cities are full of gifts, food and outdoor
parties. It is tradition to eat rosca de reyes on this celebration. Rosca de reyes is a
fruity wreath shaped pastry with a Jesus figurine baked in it. ... Show more content on ...
The tamale can be fill with may different thing such as fruits, vegetables, meats,
cheeses, chilies etc. Tamales are steamed or boiled in a leaf wrapper and the wrapper
is not eaten. The tamale originated in Mesoamerica as early as 5000 8000 BC.
Aztec and Maya societies would make this dish to feed the armies, hunters and
travelers because it was very easy to travel
A Brief Look at Mary Magdalene
As an influential biblical figure, Mary Magdalene has been the subject of numerous
works of art. She has been represented in a variety of tropes and styles; which were
subject to the religious, political, and social standards of the time. Giacomo Galli s
Saint Mary Magdalene was painted in the early seventeenth century in Italy, at the
beginning of the Baroqueera. By contorting Magdalene s body, bathing her in light
and encompassing her in darkness, Galli was able to present the viewer with an
image representative of her divided identity.
Galli likely chose to paint the Magdalene because she was one of the most popular
saints in Baroque Italy. As Susan Haskins (author of Mary Magdalen: Myth and
Metaphor) notes, from the thirteenth century, the penitent Magdalene became the
most popular image of the saint in Italy, as the perfect example of a reformed sinner.
Magdalene s ______ demonstrated a realistic path of personal improvement. Her
reputation, at the time, revolved around her supposed past as a prostitute.
Historically, this meant that she was cured of a physical ailment and not of
prostitution. However, as it was believed that Magdalene s transformation from
prostitute to apostle made her accessible to the Catholic community, the church
exemplified this notion in order to make Magdalene a suitable role model for
Religiously charged Baroque paintings of the seventeenth century, such as Galli s
Saint Mary Magdalene, were created by two distinctly
Essay on The Flawed King in Shakespeare s Henry V
The Flawed King in Shakespeare s Henry V
To turn Henry V into a play glorifying war or a play condemning war would be to
presume Shakespeare s intentions too much. He does both of these and more in his
recount of the historical battle of Agincourt. Although Shakespeare devotes the play
to the events leading to war, he simultaneously gives us insight into the political and
private life of a king. It is this unity of two distinct areas that has turned the play
into a critical no man s land, acrimoniously contested and periodically disfigured by
opposing barrages of intellectual artillery (Taylor 1). One may believe that Henry is
the epitome of kingly glory, a disgrace of royalty, or think that Shakespeare himself
disliked Henry ... Show more content on ...
Approaching the play through mere historical reconstruction limits the potential for
insight into society and threatens to create a stagnant historical account. Although the
situation to which the play refers no longer exists, a connection can be made
between spectator and stage. The Chorus facilitates this connection. Shakespeare
obviously intended that the Chorus help the audience visualize the proceedings of
history. The Chorus has a dynamic role in inviting each audience member on a
journey through time. They have to assemble for themselves the model ruler of
Henry, in accordance with the instructions given, for it would be falsification of
history to pretend that [the play] could contain a clear cut and unambiguous ideal
(Iser 186). The Chorus provides a sense of individual responsibility in creating an
image; a product of the imagination and not a fact of history. The Chorus bridges the
gap between the past and the present. The spectator is encouraged to walk on an
illusionary plain with Henry and share in his experiences.
The communication by the actors is emphasized in this production, as there will be
little in terms of stage decor. The Chorus is a dictionary, so to speak, for this new
method of a raw and pure rendition of Henry V. It is explicit about how much stage
and actors will do, how much the audience must do for itself (Beauman 6).
Think, when we talk of
Freudian And Lacanian Psychoanalysis, By Barbara Creed
Psychoanalytic film theory, which is derived from Freudian and Lacanian
psychoanalysis, appears in the discussion of cinema early in the 1970s. As the
conjunction of psychoanalysis and film theory, scholars use this theory for textual
analysis and different elements like the monstrous feminine, mirror stage
identification, and the Oedipus complex are concluded and developed. To reexamine
the mother child relationship, I will argue that these key elements of psychoanalytic
film theory are useful to understand the psychic activities of protagonists of Black
Swan and The Babadook. Additionally, they provide some evidence to explain the
mode of how a mother gets along with her child. I will begin by discussing the term
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Based on this idea, Barbara Creed (1993) concluded the concept of monstrous
feminine as the shocking, terrifying, horrific, and abject (Creed 1993, 1) female
image which is also commonly associated with mothering functions. We can find that
the abjection occupies the whole film The Babadook.
For Amelia, the loss of her husband on the birthday of her son becomes a powerful
abjection which she tries to deny and avoid. However, every time Amelia struggles to
reject it, exclude it and make it other (Buerger 2017, 35), the significance and the
effects brought by the trauma become profound. Thus, the monstrous feminine is
fully revealed when Amelia has to surrender to mister Babadook, the embodiment
of the abjection. One of the scene shows Amelia tries to pull a tooth out of her
mouth. A series of close up of Amelia s facial expression and hand movements
indicate the struggle she goes through when the Babadook takes up her. The only
sound is Amelia s painful cry, which also shows her cruelty and determination. In
relation to several scenes before, Amelia has a toothache when she eats something
with her son. Working the same as a viscera, the tooth Amelia pulls out symbolize
her son Samuel, and the action of pulling the tooth out represents Amelia refuses to
play the maternal role and wants to get rid of her son. Besides showing Amelia in
the front, a few
The Influence Of The English Language
French is the eleventh most widely spoken language in the world. It is the official
language of 33 countries in the world and it is spoken in two of the G7 countries.
200 million people around the world understand, speak, read or write French and
the language is the mother tongue of 75 million people. French is the official
language of postal services across the world and is one of the official languages of
the International Red Cross. The French speaking Africa represents an area larger
than the USA. French is the most widely taught second language after English and
over 20,000 English words have their origins in French. In terms of number of words,
French is the second largest language after English. In the humanities and the social
sciences many of the most important writings have come from France.
Students and researchers who know French have access to these works for several
years before they are translated into English. Many significant works are never
translated and remain accessible only to those who know the language.
Historically France and the French language have had an enormous influence over
American society. France was the United States first ally. French thought played a
dominant role among the founders of the United States in the 18th century, and it
continues to shape America today through the influence of such intellectual currents
as post structuralism and post modernism. In the humanities and the social sciences,
many of the most important writings have
Examples Of Mistakes In Atonement
Good morning, today I am going to talk about the ability to learn from mistakes. I
ve based my oral presentation on the novel Atonement by Ian McEwan. It can be
said that it is in the nature of all of us, human beings, to make mistakes. Of course,
there are different kinds of mistakes; there are some that are innocent and harmless
and others that can affect ourselves and/ or other people s lives. Still, it is mainly
by making this second type of mistakes that we can learn important life lessons.
They can help us to identify our flaws, and thus help us mature and achieve personal
growth. Yet, not everybody may be able to learn from mistakes. This seems to be the
case of Briony Tallis, one of the main characters of the novelAtonement by... Show
more content on ...
For instance, like the young Briony that was unable to put herself in another
person s place, the older Briony kept displaying this selfish and arrogant type of
behavior. An example of this occurs when she came across the aged Lola and
Robert, she did not stop to think about their lives or feelings but only thought about
how many years more it would take to publish her book as this couple should be
dead before publishing it for a question of avoiding legal problems. Briony realized
that she would outlive Robert, yet Lola will definitely outlive her . Also, Briony
unconsciously admitted her lack of change when she expressed when reflecting about
herself that busy, priggish, conceited little girl [...]was not dead... . Thus, despite all
the years that passed, Briony was incapable to achieve enough maturation to rectify
The Oil Pipeline Organizations And The Main Tin Smelter
Amid the war Texas City turned into a major modern focus. It had seven
petrochemical refineries, two oil pipeline organizations and the main tin smelter in
the US. The city was developing and growing. Schools worked in two shifts, much
the same as the synthetic plants. The interest for industry was high, yet wellbeing
measures were still low and unpracticed. The year of 1947 turned into a urgent
occasion in the recollections of the city. On April 16 and 17 a noteworthy calamity
happened to overall populace that for a long time after couldn t be overlooked.
It began on a brilliant and clear morning when the ship in the Texas CityHarbor, The
Grand Camp, loaded with ammonium nitrate compost, bound for war torn Europe,
was ablaze. Ammonium nitrate is an exceptionally perilous and unstable material in
the event that it is dangerously utilized, a similar material was utilized as a part of
the Oklahoma bombarding. Since the flames in the port weren t uncommon,
tragically individuals weren t as frightened as they ought to have been. Unexpectedly,
the individuals who have seen the rosy orange and chestnut smoke were especially
pulled in by the bright vapor. Kids after school and neighboring people on foot,
hurried to the harbor to watch the fire fighter utilize their strategies to put out the fire.
Despite the fact that that policeman obstructed the street with two autos it didn t stop
a horde of progressively that 400 individuals collecting. What s more two planes with
Racism In Miss Congeniality
American History: Our Hope for the Future In the movie Miss Congeniality, all of
the contestants are asked what they wished for. Coincidentally, all of the pageant
contestants replied confidently with ВЁworld peace. That famous line has now
turned into a well known punchline due to how stereotypical and obvious it is. All
joking aside, that is actually what everyone strives for in their lifetime. World
peace has unfortunately been absent in past occurrences. For example, blacks were
greatly mistreated by many in a harmful and unkind way. Back when slavery was
present, kindness was absent. Despite all of the past happenings, hope for a more
loving world still has a chance to prosper. In the past, racism was very prevalent.
Hate towards others was a substantial conflict. Whites and African Americans were
separated in pretty much every aspect possible. Simple rights citizens now take for
granted, such as voting, were once the goals of people of color. People like
northern leader William H. Seward, who fought to put the 15th amendment in
place, is a positive example for Americans to look to, and a representative of
kindness. Seward was a white male fighting for the opposite race and that is an
example citizens of the United States should gear themselves toward. Yes, William s
actions were very beneficial towards granting African Americans more rights, but
beyond that they are a wonderful example of what kindness looks like. The United
States should be directed toward more
Compare And Contrast The Truman And Carter Doctrine
Usually, the goal of foreign policy decisions is to address a troubled condition that is
not only affecting the country on a national level but also international level.
Primarily foreign policy decisions are used to protect the nation s interests by
securing and maintaining relationships with other countries. However, both the
Truman and Carter doctrine did the opposite. Not only did both doctrines neglect the
civilians interests but the doctrines also failed to protect their civil rights and liberties
while disrupting the instability of foreign countries. Carter and Truman s foreign
policies have been created in reaction to containing communismhad their own
objectives and neglected the opinions of the nation s interests.
After the decline of WWII the Americans and Russians were the last countries
standing making them superior to the rest of the world. This proved to be detrimental
to both the Americans and Russians because both countries adopted different views
of government. The Americans truly believed in a capitalist governed society were the
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Marshall pledged to the U.S to contribute billions of dollars to help finance the
economic recovery of Europe. The Marshall Plan, was extremely successful because
it not only combatted the idea that capitalism was in decline and communism was
rising, but it also helped aid countries to recover from the war. In an effort to decrease
cold war tension the U.S created and agreed on an organization called North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which protected the U.S and its allies against
Soviet attack. Members of NATO agreed that it was one for all, meaning that if one
country gets attacked it as if they are all attacked. Since the U.S paired up with its
allied countries the Soviet Union did something very similar and established their
own satellite nations of Eastern Europe where they formed their own alliance through
the Warsaw Pact of
Research Paper On Infant Development
Infant Development
Infant development is inseparable from the progression of the infant s relationship
with caregivers. Contemporary accounts of the early comments highlighted the role
of parents and other guardians in supporting infants gradually (Lyons Ruth Zeanah,
1993). This is because the infant needs parents who can help her negotiate the
developmental task. Thus, there are 4 stages to develop which is birth to 4 weeks,
age 1 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months and 6 to 12 months. Birth to 4 weeks
The development of the first stage is birth to 4 weeks. This point is likewise
recognized as the Neonatal Period. Infant are held with a number of abilities that
become the foundation of future growth. ... Show more content on ...
They would more involve in attachment relationships. The infant begins to shift away
from the focus on objects or figures to an external environment at about six months.
The infant s confidence in the attachment is established and developing internal
schemas or representations of the parents and the attachment relationships that allow
him to keep the parent in mind even when he is not interacting with her (Stern, 1983).
When the infant wakes in the morning, they might not cry immediately for the parent
to come but they would play with the object for the first 30 minutes before become
fussy and started to cry.
As a conclusion, there are four stages of infant development. Which are birth to 4
weeks, age 1 to 3 months, age 3 to 6 months and age 6 to 12 months. Different
stages of month discussing difference type of behaviour. It shows how the way to
develop attachment for maintaining the baby or infant. There are also several steps
that should be taken by the parents as to know their infant s behaviour better. The
infant has different types of behaviour as they were grown up and these behaviour
should be acknowledged by all parents in order to raise up their children in a good
Stephen Hacker Zombies In The Workplace Summary
While reading the article, Zombies in the Workplace by Stephen Hacker, it has
come to my attention that I may be an infected zombie. I think it developed in the
workplace after some of the employees left with zombie like features. The previous
employees did not give much positive feedback to the new employees and that they
have told me that there isn t much advancement in the workplace. All the employees
were friends, but once they started to slowly go for a different job, the others started
to become lifeless.
They didn t care about what they were doing anymore. They started to cause friction
in the kitchen. Soon, the employees that started the zombie like featured were gone,
but the virus was still lingering in the air. Not all the employees are like this though.
It s a part time job, so of course there will be some zombies forming here and there
until they move on to get a better job that fits their ... Show more content on ...
Everyone seems to be immune to the virus because they try to make it fun in the
kitchen when the going gets tough. During the holidays for example, my boss
creates this thanksgiving pizza for everyone in the kitchen. Another example is
the gift exchange party they have. Everyone pulls a card out of the hat and gets
them the gift. When it s a really good day, there s a lot of goofing off in the kitchen.
Hacker s story and Nelson Quick s theories are related due to an emotional and
behavioral affect in the workplace. With Hacker s key steps to awakening the
zombie infected coworkers, it s like the moods and emotions from chapter 4 in
Organizational Behavior. The theory of emotional contagion is similar to the disease
that can spread throughout an organization. Since someone in the workplace can
spread their negative emotions to others, it can cause the organization to feel down.
As long as a positive emotion, mood, or spirit is around, there should be some sort of
pulse in the zombie
How Did Martin Luther King A Time To Break Silence
On April 4, 1967, Martin Luther King spoke publicly in New York, New York
about USA s involvement in the Vietnam war. He strongly felt that the U.S. should
stop immediately because it went against everything the U.S. is all about. The war
in Vietnam was causing millions of innocent people to die, and Martin Luther King
was fed up with the way we had intruded the basic human rights of the Vietnamese
people. In Martin Luther King s A Time to Break Silence speech, Dr.King used
refutations, reflections, and requests in order to effectively state why the war in
Vietnam should come to a halt. Dr. King effectively used refutations in an effort to
try and stop the troops from hurting innocent people in Vietnam. While he was in
the process of doing this, many people questioned what he was doing. For example
many people asked, Why are you speaking about the war, Dr. King? So, why would
people question his decision to act and speak out against the war in... Show more
content on ...
He was trying to persuade the government bring back the troops from Vietnam. He
did this by using a couple requests. Martin Luther King s first request was that the
government needs to end all bombing in Vietnam. Many innocent people had died
because of the bombings that were taking place. The troops didn t mean to do this,
but since Vietnam had so many villages in the jungle many civilians were caught in
the bombings. His next request was that the government needs to cease fire in hopes
that a negotiation would take place. America had stormed into Vietnam in hopes they
could start a negotiation. Unfortunately, we started firing on the Vietnamese soldiers
and there wasn t a hope for any negotiations until we see asked fire. Mr. King s final
request was to set a date that would remove all foreign troops from Vietnam that
agreed with the 1954 Geneva agreement act. By removing the troops, this would help
Vietnam to try and restore
Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan Captain Miller Displays the Five Types of Power
Many people in this world have power and influence. Yet, there are few who have
the traits needed to be an incredible leader. These people who are positive leaders
tend to leave strong impressions in our minds for years or maybe even a lifetime. In
choosing a movie with a character that portrayed a strong sense of power and
influence, and possessed the traits of a good leader, I remembered a character that
left an admirable impression in my mind. Saving Private Ryan is a perfect example
of a movie with all of the elements of powerful and influential leaders. Specifically,
Tom Hanks who plays Captain John Miller is a strong willed individual with a ...
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Examples of coercive power would be dismissal, docking of pay, reprimands, and
unpleasant work assignments. Sometimes these types of punishments are stated in
organizations main beliefs.
Captain Miller used this type of power whenever one of his troop members
behaved improperly. For example, in the movie when he heard one of his men say
something he didn t approve of, he reprimanded him. This also was vested in his
title. Legitimate power is the third type of power. This is also known as authority.
This is when a subordinate believes the leader s power over him or her is
legitimate. Captain Miller definitely had this power because of his title. This type of
power relates to reward and coercive power. Since he is a Captain his gives him the
legitimacy to reward and punish his subordinates. At one point in the movie, Captain
Miller instructed his army to plan an attack on the enemy. This is a command that puts
all of their lives at risk. Because that command came from a Captain and not just
another soldier, those who followed his orders most likely did so because of his
title. Expert power is the belief that some other individual has expertise in a given
area and he or she should defer to the experts judgement. This experience is what
made the other soldiers look up to Captain Miller. This expert power is perceived
experience. Although the leader may or may not have actual
Preventing Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections in...
Central venous catheters, usually called CVCs, are extremely important for
patients in any type of intensive care unit. It is because of their crucial role in the
care of these patients that their troublesome risk of catheter related bloodstream
infections, sometimes referred to as CR BSIs, has developed into such a problem.
There are approximately 80,000 CR BSIs diagnosed each year in the United States
alone. These infections lead to nearly 28,000 patient deaths in intensive care units.
Not only is this a dreadful loss of life; it is also incredibly expensive. Extra care and
treatment for a patient suffering from a CR BSI can cost an average of $45,000. In
fact, these infections can cost as much as $2.3 billion for the United States each...
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They also require the use of a full size sterile drape around the insertion site.
Previously, the only precautions taken when dealing with the insertion of CVCs
were the use of sterile gloves and a small regional sterile drape. The maximal sterile
barriers procedure is much more time consuming than the original method, so we
must find how well these strict techniques work in comparison to previous techniques
(Hu, Veenstra, Lipsky, Saint, 2004). If there is little or no improvement, there would
seem to be no reason behind spending the extra time and money on the maximal
sterile barriers. There are four criteria for comparison that should play a large role in
the decision between the two techniques: infection rates, cost effectiveness, likelihood
of those implementing maximal sterile barriers also using other safety precautions,
and survival rate and/or mortality rate. Infection Rates The implementation of
maximal sterile barriers to replace the older, more lenient techniques can significantly
lower infection rates. The improved infection rates have been consistent for different
age groups, just as the rate of CR BSIs are consistent for the different age groups. For
example, the Neonatal intensive care unit at George Washington University Hospital
tried to implement more strict sterilization techniques after discovering that their rate
of CR BSIs was nearly twice the national average provided by The National
Nosocomial Infection Surveillance
The Movie Begins With A Long Shot Of The Background
The movie begins with a long shot of the background greenery which transitions into
a close shot of Saul. Saul is calm like the greenery and his expression conveys the
comfort of the background, contrasting the chaos ensuing around him. Another
member of the Sonderkommando shuffles into position, joining the shot, and says,
Lets go . They begin to usher groups of people in another direction. It is clear now
that they are taking people off the trains and moving them to the camps. There are
loud sounds in the background ranging from babies crying to the grunts of someone
being punched. There is a hand held cameraon Saulas he continues shepherding, only
stopping to salute someone walking by. He does what he is told without question...
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The next stage for the prisoners is to enter the showers . The background noise of
this scene starts with another officer telling the prisoners they must clean up so
they can move to their jobs at the camp. They are convinced they will be useful
craftsmen or nurses, etc. Saul does not tell the truth, but keeps his blank expression
like he is taught to do. This is another example of Saul tuning out the injustices
occurring so he can survive. The focus of the scene is strictly on Saul, except when
he helps undress someone, they come into focus. This highlights that he is dealing
with humans, even though he moves around them mechanically, like mannequins.
Once the people are undressed, Saul again avoids eye contact as they chaotically
are pushed into the showers . Saul is conditioned to treat them like objects,
triggering the violence to be ignored. When the men and women are in the showers
he mechanically gathers the prisoner s belongings disregarding that they are people
s possessions. He is overlooking the humanity around him and strictly doing his job.
Once that job is done he moves onto the next like he is programmed. The next task
is helping hold the door shut. As Saul and the camera move closer to the door, the
screams grow louder. It is clear to the audience that it is not just a shower, but the gas
chambers. Again, Saul s emotionless expression is contrasted with the screams and
cries heard behind the doors. His lack of
Propaganda And Propaganda In 1984
George Orwell s, 1984, features a futuristic dystopia known as Oceania. The story is
cast through the main character, Winston Smith. Winston is employed as a records
editor at the ministry of truth, living a depressed life with no clear hopes or dreams.
The government of Oceania is a totalitarianism whose goal is to conquer the entirety
of the earth and remove all independent thought. These goals were being achieved
through mass manipulation using various tactics. The party created a new, reduced
langauge, altered history, fought decade long wars, and used specific wording to
manipulation the population. Orwell wrote this story as he saw these harmful acts
being performed by his own English government. As a warning to those unaware,
1984... Show more content on ...
The party announced one day that the chocolate rations would be decreased from
thirty grams to twenty grams. The next day it was announced that the ration was
raised to twenty grams. This means the the ration stayed the same yet the citizens
of Oceania rejoiced from this news that they believed to be excellent. The party is
able to use language to convince the population that something has increased when
it really stayed the same. The ministry of love and truth use deliberate
manipulation of language to hide the reality of daily life. The ministry of love is
largely responsible for misery, fear, suffering and torture. It acts as a prison for
anyone who was committed thoughtcrime. The building for the ministry of love
has no windows and is surrounded by barbed wire to prevent people from escaping
until the party has said it is ok for them to leave. By saying that the barbed wire is
there to prevent people from escaping until it is ok to do so, makes it seem as
though the party is working for the benefit of society. The party tries to make it seem
as though the people held in the ministry of love are bad until they believe exactly
what the party wants them to believe. The ministry of truth is responsible for creating
propaganda and falsifying historical records. One of Winston s assignments is to
invent a biography of a fictional soldier named Ogilvy. Winston notes that once the
forgery is forgotten,
Edward Teach aka Blackbeard the Pirate
Edward Blackbeard Teach was undoubtedly one of the most feared and most
despised pirates of all time. Edward Teach is thought to have lived in England
before his pirate career, although his exact origins are unknown. He was named
Blackbeard , for his large black beard that almost covered his entire face. To strike
terror in the hearts of his enemies Blackbeardwould weave hemp into his hair, and
light it during battle. Edward Teach was an unusually large man, carrying two
swords, numerous knives, and pistols he was feared by his own crew.
At the sight of this pirate, many of his victims were quick to surrender without a
fight. If they did, he would often times just take their valuables, rum, and weapons
allowing them to sail away. ... Show more content on ...
Soon Teach and the Queen Anne s Revenge met another pirate vessel. She was the
ten gun pirate sloop Revenge from Barbados, commanded by Stede Bonnet. Soon
after agreeing to sail together, Blackbeard thought that Bonnet was a poor leader and
an incompetent sailor. He promptly appointed a different pirate to command the
Revenge, and made Bonnet a guest aboard the Queen Anne s Revenge, where he
remained until the ship finally wrecked six months later.
In the winter of 1717 1718, Blackbeard sailed the Caribbean with his two ships.
While plundering vessels, Teach decided to add two more captured vessels to his
group of pirating watercraft. in the Spring of 1718 Blackbeard was in command of
four pirate ships, and well over 300 pirates.
In late May, Blackbeard s flagship was lost at Beaufort Inlet, and a smaller vessel
of his fleet was lost that same day while trying to assist the stranded Queen Anne s
Revenge. Before leaving Beaufort Inlet, Blackbeard left twenty five members of his
crew on a deserted rocky ledge, and stripped the Revenge of her provisions. Stede
Bonnet helped the marooned men, and in return they agreed to obey his commands.
Together with his crew, Bonnet resumed his lawless ways aboard the Revenge, which
he re named the Royal James.
Meanwhile, Teach and his crew had sailed to Bath, and then to the capital of North
Carolina, where Governor Charles Eden pardoned them. Blackbeard,
POG Premium Oil and Gas
Case Study Premium Oil and Gas
Premium Oil and Gas (POG) is the Dutch holding company of one of the world s
largest petroleum and gas groups. The organisation employs over 80,000 staff in 80
countries and is best known to the general public through its 25,000 service stations.
POG s main activities are the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas,
together with the marketing, supply and transportation of these products. The
company earns revenues of around ВЈ100 billion per annum based on its daily
production of two million barrels of crude oil and eight billion cubic feet of natural
gas, plus daily sales of six million barrels of refined products.
Over 90 per cent of POG s executives are Dutch nationals, of whom ... Show more
content on ...
Other areas for active recruitment include drilling, commercial, health, safety and
environment, public relations and human resources.
Interviewed recently for the company magazine, Dr Woodhouse explained how one
option for POG Azerbaijan would have been to rely on experienced expatriates to do
the whole job, but that was not POG s way. Her focus, she said, was on the
recruitment of nationals, who could be developed so that they can ultimately manage
the operation. Right now, 40 Azeri employees were undergoing technical training at
POG s development centre in the Netherlands. For one thing, she continued, it costs
considerably more to bring expatriates to Azerbaijan and it was important to employ
those who understand the local environment, who know how to get things done. This
fitted in with the company s belief in recruiting the best possible staff to plan, build
and operate the platforms and pipelines. A constant concern, however, was that Azeri
standards were currently well below international standards on health and safety, in
spite of considerable company investment in health and safety training. This is
unacceptable position for POG, operating as it does in a highly dangerous industry
that is at the centre of the media s spotlight.
Secondly, recruitment and selection is a key function to employ the best of
Azerbaijan s well educated
Analysis Of Esther By Sylvia Plath
The stereotypical survivor could be described as someone who endured grueling
physical obstacles, survived and returned to normal life, and developed as a person
since then. Sylvia Plath does not fit the typical template of a survivor; she did not
physically survive. However, the emotional and mental stress she withstood the ten
years prior to her suicidemade her just as much of a survivor as anyone who lived to
tell their story. Although Plath eventually crumbled under the weight of her
deteriorating emotional stability, she persevered for as long as she could until she
could take it no longer, making her as strong as anyone who survived a physical
challenge. The bell jarwas a symbolic representation of her emotional state
throughout the novel, whether it be pre treatment, post treatment, or pre suicide.
Before her treatment with Dr. Nolan, Esther , the character name for Sylvia Plath,
began a rapid downward spiral beginning while she was still in college, which
included a month of no sleep, a withdrawal from social interaction, and several
suicide attempts. At this time, the bell jar had closed in on her, suffocating her from
the inside. Everything reminded her of death. Esther had tried to drown herself as
one of her last suicide attempts before the beginning of her treatment, and prior to her
attempt she noticed that sharks teeth and whales earbones littered about down there
like gravestones (Plath 153). Her relating measly shark teeth as gravestones down
What Role Does Brain Play In Cognitive Functions
Cognitive Functions
Researchers have studied for many years the role the brain plays in cognitive
functions. Cognitive function is when a person becomes aware, perceives, or
comprehends something. Cognitive function has everything to do with perception,
thinking, reasoning, and remembering. The brain plays a part of each of these things.
Researchers could conclude more information about how the brain worked in
cognitive function when Phineas P. Gage had an accident causing a head injury. The
accident was known as, the case which more than all others is calculated to excite
our wonder, impair the value of prognosis and even to subvert our physiological
doctrines (Grieve, 2010). The accident gave researchers a foot on how the brain
supports ... Show more content on ...
Gage was a railroad construction worker who provided further information for
researchers. Gage was born in Lebanon, New Hampshire on July 9, 1823. On
September 13, 1848, Gage suffered a massive head injury. Gage was working in
Cavendish, Vermont, on the Rutland and Burlington Railroad project, an iron
measuring three feet seven inches long was accidentally fired through his skull.
Originally, reports stated that there was damage to two lobes but later found with
CT scans that most the damage occurred to the frontal lobe. The accident tampered
with Gage s health but never was a burden. He lived twelve years after the crash and
died from epilepsy
Experimentation And Other Research Designs
The most basic difference between experimentation and other research designs is that
experimentation seeks to determine what might happen if certain variables in a
given situation are changed. According to Cooper and Schindler (2014),
experimentation requires that a researcher accept the world as it is found (p. 192). In
other words, a researcher conducting experimentation is not seeking to determine a
causal link between events and outcomes; rather, the experimenter seeks to determine
what may happen if some variable in the chain of events is altered. Unlike ex post
facto research, which asks questions after an event occurs to determine what is or
what has been (Cooper Schindler, 2014, p. 192), experimental research manipulates...
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While the correlation between a cause and its effects may seem apparent, often too
many different factors must be considered. Through experimentation, more
accurate correlations may be made to determine a cause. This aspect of
experimental research makes it somewhat superior to other forms of research
(Rutter, 2007). Another advantageous characteristic of experimental research is the
possibility of replication. In most research applications, too many variables may
pollute a given situation and increase the difficulty with which to adequately make
initial observations. Experimental research is more easily contained to the
desired set of variables, and as such experiments can be replicated to further test
hypotheses. Reproducing an experiment is much easier than conducting additional
research by other means (Fagaras, Kovacs, Oros, Rafaila, Topa Harrant, 2013).
The use of experimentation is not necessarily a biblical concept. However, the
Bible provides guidance in all areas of life. As such, truths spoken for certain
purposes can be applied to other areas in many cases. For instance, in 1 John 4:1
(English Standard Version), we are instructed to not believe every spirit, but test the
spirits to see whether they are from God. While this relates more to our Christian
lives, we can apply this idea to experimental research. In using experiments, we are
testing different variables to determine whether or not they are related to a
Walter Dean Myers Monster Stereotypes
Unless you know who you are, you will always be vulnerable to what people say.
In this quote, American television personality, author, psychologist, and the host of
the television show Dr. Phil , Dr. Phil McGraw explains, that if you are not true to
yourself or if you are not aware of your own beliefs, you will always be susceptible
to what people say of you and what people want you to think or believe. A similar
theme is communicated through the novel monster. In the Novel Monster , what
Walter Dean Myers suggests about the nature of stereotypes is that one must ignore
the negative views of others and stay true to their own beliefs.
One example of this may be seen on pages 280 and 281, five months after the trial
and after Steve was ... Show more content on ...
Nesbitt with Miss o Brien. In this journal entry or Notes section Steve is
reminiscing about his life before the trial and is worrying about what could
possibly be the result of the trial, Miss o Brien looked at me I didn t see her
looking at me but I knew she was. She wanted to know who I was. Who was Steve
Harmon?... About what was in my heart and what that made me. I m just not a bad
person. I know that in my heart I am not a bad person. In this instance Miss O Brien
is stereotyping Steve because he is of a different race than she is, since she is
white and he is black. She is viewing Steve as dangerous or as a monster based off
the commonly found stereotypes that are found in propaganda and in the media. She
is being ignorant of Steve s true self, doing so could cost them the case and cost
Steve his freedom.
In the Novel Monster , what Walter Dean Myers suggests about the nature of
stereotypes is that one must ignore the negative views of others and stay true to
their own beliefs. However, if there are opposing ideas even if there is one or
many, that are pushing one down it can be be hard to be a nonconformist and to
fight past those ideas and to stick to ones own. Both When Steves father and O
Brien don t believe in him it could cause Steve to lose faith in himself possibly
risking him the trial, he stuck to
B-24 Research Paper
B 17 and B 24 in World War II The model B 17 and B 24 airplanes are widely known
as the most iconic American bomber planes that were used in World War II. The
airplanes were manufactured by separate companies, and both produced over a ten
year period with several thousands of each manufactured. Without the introduction
of these airplanes, the aerial combat of World War II would have changed
drastically and could potentially have changed the outcome of the war. The B 17
was manufactured by Boeing in 1935, with the original prototype called the Model
299. This airplane was the sole focus of the company during this point in time due
to the USAAC (US Army Air Corps) calling for proposals of airplane designs be
sent to them, the most promising company would receive a contract for 220 planes.
On October 30,... Show more content on ...
With newer and better technology coming out, the company planned on changing
the specifications to make a more modern airplane that later became known as the
B 24. The B 24 made some improvements including; higher top speed, heavier bomb
load and other slight upgrades. (Aviation history B 24) While there were several
improvements it had one flaw that made it more of a sitting target than the B 17;
the max ceiling it could operate at was around four to seven thousand less
(depending on model) making the B 24 more susceptible to flak guns. Even with
this flaw the USAAC ordered more B 24 s, so much so that the rest of the work
had to be divided between Ford, Douglas and North American. (Military history)
Over eighteen thousand were made between the four manufactures. The B 24 was
later given the name Liberator after the British ordered them for their Royal Air
Force. Though the B 24 was created in mind of updating the B 17, the upgrades were
close enough to the newer versions of the B 17 that it became more common to see
them flying together in missions rather than replacing
1 Strategic Planning, Learning Theory, and Training Needs...
Running head: Assignment 1 Strategic Planning, Learning Theory, and Training
Needs Analysis Assignment 1: Strategic Planning, Learning Theory, and Training
Needs Analysis KorVina Hunter Professor Robert High BUS 407 December 9,
2011 The analysis phase defines what needs to be trained. Next, an instructional
design is crafted to meet this need. Only after the design is complete are the
instructional materials developed. During development, individual and group tryouts
of the materials are conducted. Results are iteratively fed back into design and
development. Evaluation is a central feature of ISD and is performed in each phase.
The phases are: Phase 1: Analysis... Show more content on ...
Storyboards and initial prototypes of the training solution are proposed and reviewed
with the client. Feedback is received, and initial training solutions begin to take
shape. Types of training solutions, classroom, web based and blended learning
programs are discussed and explored. Much like an architect s renderings, the
blueprint for your training solution begins to take shape Development is the phase of
the training design model where the training program is created and written. Whether
the program is classroom based or designed to be taken online, materials are created
and produced in this phase. The design phase produced the outline or blueprint, but it
is in this portion of the training model where everything comes together in
production. Supporting materials are produced, trainers are trained, and the target
audience is notified of the training dates. Your training program is delivered to your
employees in the implementation phase of the training model. Classes are taught or
taken online. Students receive their training and practice how to use their new skills.
Materials and training products are distributed to participants, and classes begin.
Initial results are measured, and the program begins to take shape in your company. If
the preceding phases are conducted properly, implementation runs smoothly and the
training is taken and received as it was intended. Evaluation completes the training
Voter Suppression In America
Voter suppression happens everywhere around the world. As an immigrant this topic
seemed so interesting because I always thought of voter suppression as something
that may just happen in a third world country. In a dictatorship country government is
not afraid to let the nation know that although there is a votingbut ultimately they are
the ones who decide the fate of everyone. After watching the videos and reading the
assignments I realized that voter suppression/fraud can happen in many shapes and
forms. It could be done without any physical violence or any obvious act but it still
can do the same amount of damage to a nation. Voter suppression in a nation like
America that is supposedly one the freest countries politically has to happen a lot
smoother and a lot less obvious that one in a dictatorship kind of government.
Voter suppression refers to a situation in which the votes are being manipulated, not
by direct involvement of the votes and numbers but by manipulating the voters into
voting for the other party or even holding them away from voting. It can be done in
different ways and techniques. There has been a lot of cases of voter ... Show more
content on ...
It can also happen when a non eligible individual votes, an example would be an
illegal immigrant or a criminal who is banned from voting. there is also another case
when the actual number of votes is being manipulated, this case usually happens by
the government itself. Democrats believe that voter fraud is almost non existent.
They argue that it is so rare that there should not be put that much energy on the
matter. They say that putting that amount of pressure on the citizens to prove that
their own legitimacy is pushing them away from voting. on the other hand,
republicans believe that just because voter fraud does not happen too often, it does
not mean that it should not be prevented and
Does Writing Down Notes On Paper More Effective Than...
Does writing down notes on paper more effective than typing it?
Cerebrum: The cerebrum is the main part of the brain, which has two halves, or
hemispheres. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and deals with
things such as creativity, music, and art. While the left hemisphere of the cerebrum
controls the right side of the body and is in charge of language, problem solving,
and math. The cerebrum s many tasks are carried out by its outer layer, or its cortex.
This has distinct areas that have different roles. Motor areas trigger movement;
sensory areas deal with the senses, while association areas clarify information.
Cerebellum: The cerebellum is responsible for producing smooth, coordinated
movements of the body. It analyzes incoming information about the body s current
movement and position then interacts with the primary motor cortex to precisely
time muscle contractions.
Why does writing something down help us remember it better?
Our brain is separated into several regions that undergo different kind of information.
Then there are regions that process information such as visual, verbal communication,
auditory, emotions, etc. These different regions communicate with each other and
each one of them has its own processes it has to complete first. For example one
looks at a piece of art and express their emotions with language, thus working the
verbal function part of the brain.
When we hear a lecture, the section of our brain that handles listening and
Treadway Tire Company
Evidence of Human Resource Management can be traced to pre historic times, like
mechanisms being developed for selecting tribal leaders. Knowledge was recorded
and passed on to the next generation about safety, health, hunting, and gathering.
1000 B.C to 2000 B.C saw the development of more advanced HR functions. The
Chinese are known to be the first to use employee screening techniques, way back in
1115 B.C. And turns out it was not Donald Trump who started the apprentice system.
They were the Greek and Babylonian civilizations, ages before the medieval times.
Rashida Khilawala
Introduction and Overview: What is Human Resource Change Management? Why is
it important? Why would a company run by ... Show more content on
Behaviour training sessions could be scheduled to help the staff imbibe a culture of
building relations through effective 3 way communications. This may call for
additional expenses in the short term, but will definitely lead to sustainable profits in
terms of higher productivity and longer staff retention. An example of an agreement
to improve communications could be debriefing the foremen on the decisions made
after a grievance. Currently, the foreman absorbs all responsibility for the line
performance and he is reprimanded by management when daily targets are not met.
It is therefore also necessary to re assess the performance management and
compensation system prevailing. Ideally the responsibility of the performance of a
production line should be spread between the workers and the foremen and good
performance be rewarded by an incentive system. Training A key management issue
is that the foremen are not equipped with the requisite tools to properly manage and
run a plant. Based on employee testimony and exit survey, there is profound evidence
of the sink or swim mentality dominating. The line foremen receive only informal
training and are thrown on the line. Ashley Wall had been trying to create a new,
month long rotational training program for line foremen. however, was too costly for
Treadway. While an intensive training for the foremen would be the best solution, a
more reasonable and
Satire In The Firebombing Of Vonnegut
Satire is an important part of postmodernism and it is one of the most prominent
aspects of Vonnegut s novels, with his humor manifesting itself as a form of black
humor. With his very dark sense of humor, Vonnegut confronts many of the
negative aspects of the world and describes them in such a way that it disarms and
desensitizes the reader to the shock of what they are reading. Slaughterhouse Five
is an excellent example of this. When describing the shock and horror that Billy
witnessed during the firebombing of Dresden, Vonnegut takes the time to describe
Weary and Wild Bob and Rumfoord, characters who find glory in wholesale death
and destruction (Cox 272). In writing his response to the horrors of war, Vonnegut
takes the approach that it is better to make the reader laugh at something and have
them slowly realize the horror of what they have read, as opposed to immediately
shocking the reader by presenting gory details of his experiences in Dresden. Even
the name of his main character is subtle black humor. Billy Pilgrim, whose name is
a reference to John Bunyan s The Pilgrim s Progress and connotes that Vonnegut s
pilgrim is an average joe burdened with a life of agony and terror (F1). His name
is also in reference to Vonnegut s feeling that the Second World War was a war
fought by mere children, hence the book s subtitle The Children s Crusade. The
idea of young men who were no more than children in essence when they were sent
off to fight and die in a foreign land is a distressing and horrible idea for many
people to think about. Yet through his humor Vonnegut forces the reader to come to
terms with this, but in a way that eases a reader into the darkness of the novel
instead of running into it head on. In Slaughterhouse Five, Vonnegut does not limit
his black humor to the topic of war, but also opens up criticisms of society as he sees
it. Through the Tralfamadorian aliens that kidnap Billy and take him captive on their
planet and the science fiction of Kilgore Trout, Vonnegut uses his humor in regards
to a variety of topics not related to war. Once such example of Trout s novels that are
throughout the story is The Gospel from Outer Space in which a visitor from outer
space studied
Cancer Is A Big Business
Cancer is a big business. People are spending all of their money on treating cancer
when most of their treatments do not always work when they should be spending
their money on prevention and curing not just treating. In the 1900 every 1 in 20
people developed cancer, 1940 s every 1 in 16, 1970 s every 1 in 10, today every 1 in
3 people will develop cancer. Doctors are always saying how they are working on a
cure for cancer but in reality they do not really even know what it is; is it just one
disease or hundreds? First off what causes cancer? They are called carcinogens. A
carcinogen is a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue. There are plenty
of carcinogenic situations that we face everyday. Including the 60,000 chemicals
found in our food, air and water. It has been researched that vaccines, processed foods,
genetically modified foods, prescription drugs, over the counter medications, tobacco,
air pollution, fluoridated water, pesticides on produce, herbicides on produce,
chlorine and other contaminants found in our water have carcinogenic traits in them.
All of these things have the capability to cause cancer. Does everyone that comes into
contact with these things get cancer? No, but it is just proven that they can cause it.
Doctors have come up with the treatment of Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a toxic
mix of drugs that they say can cure cancer. It is the leading treatment for cancer as of
today. The typical patient spends almost $50,000 on
Home Automation Using Android Mobile Via Bluetooth
Home Automation using Android Mobile via Bluetooth Raghav Shaileshbhai. Patel
Institute Of Technology, Nirma University Roll No: 15BIT036 B. TECH IT (2nd
Year) At Post : Ratanpur,Ta : Idar, Dist : S.K, Pin : 383430 Email: Jaydeep Ram Institute of Technology, Nirma University
Roll No: 15BIT045 B. TECH IT (2ndYear) At: udhna, Surat. Pin:394210 Email: Abstract: Now a Days all people like to use a technology,
in this project we try to make Home appliance system which will be controlled by
personal smart phone via Bluetooth. In This Paper we try to explain whole circuit, all
components which we will use, and how the system works. Introduction:... Show
more content on ...
I. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION: A. Power Supply First power comes from
240v,59 Hz Ac supply. We cannot apply those power directly to Arduino. Because
capacity of Arduino is 5v Dc Supply. so in first we need to level of voltage down
from 240v to 5v. in second step we need to convert AC current to Dc current. The
block diagram is shown below. B. Arduino Arduino Uno is used to in this project.
Arduino/Genuine Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P
(datasheet). There are 14 pins for doing the input output operations. There are also
various other buttons like the reset button the USB connector. We can connect it to
the computer and can program. You can tinker with your UNO without warring too
much about doing something wrong, worst case scenario you can replace the chip
for a few dollars and start over again. C. Bluetooth Module (Hc05) Bluetooth Module
is very important part of this circuit because by this only we communicate between
cell phone and Arduino. In this circuit we us hc05 Bluetooth module. Bluetooth is a
technology that can be used for the wireless data exchange. It uses the short
wavelength radio waves. It creates its own area network. The figure of Bluetooth
module hc05 is shown. D. Relay As the output of Arduino is not sufficient to operate
different home
The Power Of Discovery In The Tempest And Into The Wild
Discoveries challenge societal and individual s beliefs of human relevance and
identity through new experiences and other individuals who influence the
transformation of one s inner self and the world they inhabit. Both the The Tempest
and film Into the wild demonstrates the power of discovery in transforming one s
perspective on themselves and the world. Shakespeare s, The Tempest explores the
universeas impersonal, insinuating human irrelevance and the need for others in self
transformation. Similarly, the film Into the wild communicates transformation
through isolation within the natural environment by deviating from the familiar,
learning forgiveness and that natureis harsh proving escapism to be more detrimental
than cathartic. Both texts explore the physical power of nature and aspects of self
discovery catalyzed through others and by challenging societal beliefs and
encountering new human experiences.
The discovery of human insignificance within the universe is revealed through the
disruption of social order, provoking new worldviews and communicating the
universe as impersonal. These concepts of discovery challenge the beliefs and
assumptions of human power and portray human irrelevance and how isolation
leads to self discovery away from society s expectations. The setting of play
emphasis isolation on the island and acts as a tool for the characters to explore self
without the beliefs of society dominating the individual s values. Prospero, the
Quotes About Moral Courage
Israa Ibrahim
Ms. Olson
English 30 1
March 1 2018
Moral courage. An ambiguous word used to describe the purpose of taking action
for moral reasons despite the risk of adverse consequences. Without us knowing,
our moral courage is being challenged each and every day in situations like being
honest at the risk of criticism, or standing up for what you believe in spite of being
judged by other people. One s actions may be influenced by the opinions of other
people around them, hence why it can be challenging to gather up enough moral
courage to stand up alone or in opposition of other people. Tim, whom the
perspective of the story is told through is faced with a moral dilemma when he is
given a draft notice to fight in the Vietnam ... Show more content on
In Tim s case even though he admits to having an unhappy ending ,he ultimately did
what was morally right by participating in the Vietnam War. Although the process
does require a physical journey outside one s comfort zone towards self discovery.
While some may argue that Tim ends up losing his own internal battle because he
sees himself as a coward for not following through with political convictions.
However, ultimately, he did achieve moral courage because in going to the Vietnam
War in the end shows his shows a strong sense of dutiful patriotism. Even though
deep down Tim is opposed to the idea of going to fight in a war he did not believe
in, he ultimately knew that he had a respectable responsibility to not only his country
but his future wife, children and family to partake in the Vietnam
Breastfeeding Research
The first six months of an infant s life is so important in many ways such as
development, attachment, and most importantly nutritional needs. Rapid growth is
occurring during these months and proper nutrition is crucial in order to support the
growth and neurological development changes (Marotz, 2012). If an infantis not
properly nourished they will be under the average rate for weight and height, have
slower growth rate, have fewer brain cells and less intellectual capabilities. During
the first 5 6 months, infants are fed solely breast milkor formula, which both are made
up of rich fat substances and meet the needed calorie intake of 650 calories per quart
(Marotz, 2012). During the early months after birth, the infant should consume...
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As breastfeeding can be a difficult transition, doctors and nurses are there to assist
to the breastfeeding process for mothers and their infant (AAP, 2005).
Breastfeeding is especially critical to a premature infant s health, as they are below
birth weight as it is the human milk gives them all their nutrients they need to
develop appropriately compared to infants that are fed formula (AAP, 2005). There
s reason as to why women produce milk to feed it to their same species , therefore
any other form of milk i.e. formula, will be very different even though it may be
advertised as just the same as breast milk . With that being said, mothers milk is the
highest quality for infant feeding which has led to more positive outcomes for
development (AAP,
Role Of Nurse Practitioners On The Health Industry
Definition of Role
Over the last few years, the nation health system has gone through some significant
changes. Factors such as rising costs of healthcare, population increases, aging in the
population as well as divergence in the health division has played a large role in
shaping the health industry. Nursing is one of the professions has gone through a
paradigm change in its organization and capabilities, structure and role stipulations
(AHRQ, 2015). Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses who receive
advanced education and clinical training, in a wide variety of areas that range from
preventive and acute health care services to individuals in all age groups. Nurse
practitioner is usually involved in the direct practice of nursing, care, and medicine.
At the same time, majority of nurse practitioners practice their skills in several
different areas but most are in an ambulatory setting as compared to other nursing
roles that are in an acute care setting (AHRQ, 2015).
A nurse practitioner squarely falls under the clinical department of both medicine
and nursing. This is because the primary role of a nurse practitioner is to provide
direct care to the patient as well as delegated medical services. The oversight is done
indirectly and directly by a physician. Additionally, a nurse practitioner diagnoses,
contains and manages acute and episodic illnesses. At the same time, they also act as
advocates of health promotion and disease prevention. Other
Virtual Child Progress Report Part I
This paper is a progress report of an eight year old girl s developmental milestones
from ages zero months to eight years old. It is an attempt to relate the milestones, and
the impact on the girl s ability to interact with her social environment. It identifies
changes, and struggles the child experienced over the years. It reviews the decisions
the parents made and their impact to her development. It links development theories
to changes and experiences she experienced.
Keywords: child development, developmental milestones, temperament, parenting
style, child development theories, trajectory, social and moral development.
Virtual Child Progress Report Part I Shakira is an eight year old, Asian girl from a
middle class family. She is currently living with her mother and younger sister since
her parents recently separated. In general, her parents get along, and often make
decisions together for the siblings. At home, Shakira is uncooperative, and often in
bad mood (angry or sad). She often forgets homework and chores, or leaves them
unfinished. She overly reacts to stress, and unable to control her emotions. She yells
angrily at family members, and slams the door to her room. Her negative behavior
usually elicits anger from her parents leading to more screaming and chaos. She
constantly cheats when playing games, and lies about trivial things.
She cannot concentrate or pay attention in school. She is not interested in language
arts or
Summary Of The I Robot
Robot Hey! Robot! a voice called from behind thirteen year old Artemis. The voice
was deep and croaky, and that voice belonged to the school bully, Mikey Duchance.
A fat, stocky, bulky boy with a pig like face. Artemis had had the nickname since
kindergarten, since she was seemingly emotionless. She hated the nickname, as she
knew she wasn t an emotionless tin can that did whatever you told it to do. She
was a thirteen year old girl who could hide her emotions very well, and could see
the little shades of grey no one else saw. Hey, C3PO! You got a brain in there?
Mikey teased, knocking in the side of her head with his large fist. Artemis rolled her
eyes, and continued eating her lunch, while also working on a story she d been...
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She had never exploded like that before, and had never wanted to. Artemis realized
that her parents would be home soon, and she didn t feel like staying. She left a
note on the table saying that she was spending the night at a friends house, and she
d be back about noon. Once that was done, she grabbed a bag, and packed it with
three water bottles, some food, a sleeping bag, an extra blanket, a small pocket
knife, some matches, a book, a pencil and paper, and an extra pair of clothes for
morning. Once that was done, she set out. Artemis had always liked the woods,
since they were peaceful and she could be alone. It also helped her to think when
she was writing, just sitting in a tree, listening to the birds chirping and feeling a
soft breeze blow through her thick, black hair. It was perfect. Once she had reached
the spot where she usually went, she began to set up her camp. Artemis made a
small fire pit and made a structure above it which her dad taught her to make. It was
a small stand made out of sticks that could hold cans of food. For food, she had
packed a can of corn, a can of beans, some bread, a jar of peanut butter, and an
apple. Once she had positioned the cans on the small stand, she lit the fire with a
match. To pass the time, she grabbed out her book and started to read. But for once
she couldn t concentrate on her reading, and could only think about the day s events.
Artemis set the book
Low Self Esteem In Students
Low self esteem in students
Picture this: A teenage girl strolls into the bathroom mascara in hand, ready to fix
her messed up eyelashes that had gotten worn out after the first three hours of the
day. Mascara can either be a girl s best friend by helping them feel like they look
better with only a little bit or their worst enemy by making girls feel like they need
to constantly apply more to their eyelashes, and add other makeup to more features
of their face, to look beautiful. The more often these girls apply mascara, it is as if a
balloon filled with negative thoughts about their appearance, is being pulled closer to
them and they don t know what to do with those thoughts. These girls with low self
esteem continue to check the mirror and apply more makeup. These actions keep
pulling the balloon closer and closer to them. Once the balloon draws so close to
them, BAM! It is as if the balloon pops and all of the negative thoughts about their
appearance become stronger than ever.
Do I look ok? and Come to the bathroom with me so I can fix my mascara are two
common phrases that are heard multiple times throughout a typical school day at
Forest Park Middle School. One witness sees these students walk into the bathroom
in between classes mascara in hand, ready to fix their hideous complexion. Once
they re done, one sees them walk out of the bathroom with a fresh coat of makeup on
over the old one. Showing their inner terror would be a horrible incident that no
Science Of Climate Change And How Combined Cycle
Power Plants
Scientific Report
The science of climate change and how combined cycle power plants will slow its
Pascal Nguyen
School of Applied Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria 3021, Australia
The increase in the emission of greenhouse gases has led to the increase in climate
change; the consequence of unchecked pollution, where carbon emissions caused by
human activity enters the air and causes negative impacts on the environment. One of
the many negative impacts could be the change in the current state of the ocean and
the melting of the cryosphere. One of the ways to combat the increase in climate
change may be the addition of the combined cycle power plants and how its efficient
ways will lower greenhouse ... Show more content on ...
All of these factors, ultimately, affect the distribution, abundance, breeding cycle and
migration of marine plants and animals that millions of people rely on for food and
Cryosphere The plant s frozen areas are some of the most sensitive to climate
change, as climate change starts to increase, the mass loss of ice in these areas starts
to increase leading to major problems such as the major problem of water levels
One of the ways the world is trying to fight back the increase in the greenhouse gas
emission (GHG) is through the use of combined cycle power plants used to created
energy for the population. A gas turbine generator produces electricity and waste heat
is used to make steam to generate additional electricity through a steam turbine. The
gas turbine is one of the most efficient one of the conversion of gas fuels to
mechanical power or electricity,
Through the research of the science of climate change, it is important to look at this
topic as early as possibly can as it is the key to being able to change and make notice
the way human kind acts on climate change.
1.1Natural gas combined cycle power plants
The process for converting the energy in a fuel
The Importance Of Reading Books
During my adolescence, my mother would force me to read books. Although I didn t
necessarily like it, the habit grew on me. This forced assignment made me enjoy a
certain genre of books, non fiction.
At the young age of nine years old is when it began. My mother made me begin the
daunting task of completing a book at the end of the week. Although, the time limit
did vary depending on the size of the book. After the first few weeks I would dread
reading. During this age, I wanted to watch television and play games. After
spending so much time reading. I realized that procrastinating wouldn t get me that
far. Therefore, I would really take the time to read and not fumble around. This gave
me more time to enjoy the things I really wanted to ... Show more content on ...
Reading these non fictional books made me realize how ungrateful I was being,
because years and years ago, a black child just like me would kill to read a book.
After I grew a new found love for black history and reading non fiction I began to
discover possible career choices. I read books about the political standing in
America. I learned how some injustices were done unto blacks through political
leaders. This gave me a strong desire to go into the political field. Also, the
presidential term of Barack Obama made me want to explore the possibilities of
politics. This also gave me self awareness of my surroundings. Reading about the
hatred that President Obama received from his fellow counterparts made me realize
the world we live in. Growing up in the south I wasn t really on the lookout for
certain things. But reading about the 1960 s and the Jim Crow era I realized some
similarities. Such as, behavior and mannerisms.
Another new avenue I discovered was going to museums. Being able to visually
see parts of history fascinated me during my younger age and still to this day it
excites me. I could read the small descriptions of whatever item was begin
displayed. This gave me another passion for reading. Going on school field trips was
the highlight of my school days. Especially if it had some involvement of African
American history or culture.
Currently the habit that my mother instilled in me still works. I always try my best to
read and research on
The Warfare Of The Soviet Union
The United States utilizing its networks to destabilize the Soviet Union as a regional
hegemon, it supported a an Islamic fundamentalist group named the Taliban, and
along with weapon support and logistics. As well as discussing the various guerilla
tactics utilized and discussed by the class through the readings such as Mao Zedong.
I will also elaborate on the success and the dependency of the various guerilla tactics
used and how fundamental it was in their victory against a conventional army (Soviet
Union), and the outcome would not have. As well as the success of the conflict only
through its reliance on foreign aid, as well as the major influence of external actors
from the United States, and other gulf countries, this in fact was colossal in the
success of the conflict. The examination of these primitive as well as effective
asymmetrical forms of warfare were pivotal to the success.
Through the use of my resources I will use the book On Guerilla Warfare as well as
to explain the successful tactics of the Taliban, and how important the tactics
explained in this book were monumental to the movements success. Also I will use a
story dubbed, resources which describe the methods that other sovereign countries
used to utilize support and ultimately proved affective in ending the conflict.
I will examine the progress and elements from its beginning and how it was able to
be successful in the following years. And what proved fundamental to its success as
non conventional
Analysis Of The Human Cost Of An Illiterate Society By...
The essay The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society written by Jonathan Kozol and
published in Readings for Writers in 2013, conveyed an extremely important
message throughout. Illiterate American s struggle with simple daily tasks which
many of us take for granted. The amount of illiterate people in our society is much
higher than it should be. According to the essay, there are millions of Americans
who fail to excel in the ability to read and write. Such a large number of people
have a problem with this that evidence has shown that if those people were able to
read and write and could consciously make a decision to vote for the president of the
United States, there would likely have been a different outcome to the 1980
presidential election.
Explain How Bruno s Attitude Is Changing Towards His
Chapter 9 Describe how Bruno s attitude is changing towards his life at Out With.
He really does want to go back to Berlin so very bad, but he doesn t much
remember what his life was like back there. What has Bruno noticed about
Lieutenant Kotler s interactions with his family? Explain. He spends a lot of time
that is needed with his father but he also whispers weirdly to his mother, and
somewhat starts to flirt with Gretel. Describe the change that Father and Mother
agree should be made to Bruno and Gretel s daily routine. Their parents have now
decided that they need to continue their educations. How do Bruno s interests differ
from Herr Liszt s interests? Explain. Bruno likes reading and art and Herr Liszt like
history and geography. Bruno is being taught by Herr but he doesn t have... Show
more content on ...
Explain. Herr wants to teach about the country s history and what has been
engaged in the children. On page 98, the author described Herr Liszt voice as
sinister and said that he hissed when he talked. What do these clues tell the reader
about Herr Liszt? The clues that the author is telling us is that Herr Liszt is angry
and strict. You can also tell that he is trying to make his point but Bruno is just not
understanding it. What central question does Bruno begin to ponder as he
prepares to leave the house for an exploration ? What thoughts lead him to that
question? The central question he ponders is he compares the very odd behaviours
of the people that wear the striped pajamas. He wonders what makes them two
separate groups. What does Bruno stop to investigate as he prepares to leave the
backyard? What does he discover? He compares the very odd behaviours of the
people that wear the striped pajamas. He wonders what makes them two separate
groups. He stops and investigates the bench and finds that the bench had words
saying that it was dedicated the the opening of
Perfect Society In Brave New World
Ever heard of a society that is perfect from sex and drugs neither have I. In the novel
Brave New World it seems that a way a perfect society for humans. With Community,
Identity, and Stability three things our society needs. Is the Brave new world society
perfect though? In Brave new world society there slogan does not show there
unconnected community, No identity, and Instability.
Community one of the most important things that makes up a society connects the
people but when it isolates its own people isn t that disconnected? The mockery
made him feel an outsider:and feeling an outsider he behaved like one (65). This is
displaying community making of there own people making him an outsider in his
own community that s not a connection. Poor little bernard (71). Even after mocking
one of their own bernard for being little different they couldn t stop patronizing by
acting as if they re sorry. Touched his brain, I suppose (60). It shows Bernard seemed
to have already felt an outsider throughout his life but this community is the one who
caused this all to happen by torturing him mentally because he was a little different.
Does This really show a connected community or ... Show more content on ...
Bokanovsky s Process (6). The Bokanovsky s process shows that many are
identical and having them same identity inferring with the slogan Identity .
Principle of mass production at last applied to biology . This conveys the opposite
meaning of identity only being bred all the same for a production in the world
having no choice. Twin after twin (201). This displays the way the world is in the
Brave New Worldone full of twins not having a unique identity becoming a clone
having no meaning. Identity a thing that makes a person a person in this society
everyone has the same identity to other people making them all the same not showing
indemnities in this
The Landlady Compare And Contrast Essay
Feeling hot and scared, you don t know what is going on with your body. You feel
as if you are suffocating. Then, you remember something that seems very irrelevent,
a cup of tea. Screenwriters change small details around. They do this to give their
own twist to a story. This happens in the short story The Landlady by Roald Dahl
and the episode version from Tales of the Unexpected. There are many similarities
between the short storyversion and the episode. One similarity is the sign placed
outside the landlady s home. The bed and breakfast sign caught Billy eye in the
story. It caught his eye in the episode as well. Billy is walking along the street
when the sign just randomly catches his eye and allures him into the landlady s
house. The screenwriter kept this part the same because it is important. It is
important, for it sets up the next part of the story. It sets up the setting. Furthermore,
Billy is also poisoned by cyanide in both the story and the episode. Billy is offered
tea. Even though he did not like it, Billy acted with decorum and drank... Show more
content on ...
In the short story by Roald Dahl, Billy is seventeen years old. This is untrue for the
episode. Billy is eighteen in the episode. The screenwriter probably believed that
seventeen years old would not be old enough to start working for a company in the
time his episode was made, so he changed Billy from seventeen to eighteen which
is old enough to work. Moreover, Billy shows signs of being poisoned in only the
episode. Billy in the story just mentioned that the tea tasted of bitter almonds and is
otherwise unphased in the first few minutes. Billy in the episode however, is
actually breathing heavily and feeling as if he is being choked to death. The
screenwriter alters the plot because he knows that cyanide is supposed to kill fairly
quickly so the screenwriter changed that detail so Billy would show signs of being

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Nursing Essays Examples. Nursing Essay: Nursing application essay sample

  • 1. Nursing Essays Examples Writing an essay on the topic of "Nursing Essays Examples" can present both challenges and opportunities for a writer. On one hand, the vast scope of nursing as a profession offers a multitude of potential examples and cases to explore, providing ample material for an engaging essay. On the other hand, the depth and complexity of nursing topics may make it challenging to narrow down the focus and present a coherent argument. Research is a crucial aspect of crafting a compelling nursing essay. The need to stay updated with the latest medical practices, ethical considerations, and evidence-based approaches adds an extra layer of complexity. Juggling various sources, from academic journals to real-life case studies, is essential to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information included. The technicality of medical terminology and the necessity for precision in conveying medical concepts can be daunting for writers who are not well-versed in the field of nursing. Striking the right balance between accessibility for a general audience and maintaining the necessary level of detail for a nursing essay can be a delicate task. Moreover, addressing the human aspect of nursing, such as compassion, empathy, and the ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare professionals, requires a nuanced and sensitive approach. Connecting with the emotional side of the profession while maintaining a professional tone adds an extra layer of challenge to the writing process. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Nursing Essays Examples" demands a blend of research skills, medical knowledge, and the ability to convey complex information in a comprehensible manner. It is an intricate task that requires careful consideration of both the technical and humanistic aspects of the nursing profession. For those seeking assistance or looking for examples to guide their own writing, it's worth exploring resources like Similar essays and a wealth of additional information on various topics can be found there, providing valuable support for those navigating the intricacies of academic writing. Nursing Essays ExamplesNursing Essays Examples
  • 2. Rosca De Reyes Ceviche The ceviche is typically made of raw fish or shrimp. It is marinated in citrus juice, like lime or lemon and it is spiced with chili peppers. It is also common to see this dish spiced with chopped onions, salt or coriander. Because the dish is not cooked it has to be prepared fresh in order to diminish the chance of danger of food poisoning. Originally from Peru this dish date back about 2000 years! This seafood dish is generally severed for either a main dish or appetizer. Ceviche can be served in many different variations such as with salted cracker or as a taco filling. Mexican Cultural Celebrations Dia de Los Santos Reyes (Day of the Holy Kings) is January 6th. It celebrates the remembrance three wise kings. It is viewed as the last day of Christmas (the end of the 12 days of Christmas). In addition to Christmas the children receive gifts from the three wise men. In some cultures in Mexico the children will put hay in there shoes, in hope that the three kings will come and visit on their camels to give something like toys or candy. The streets of major cities are full of gifts, food and outdoor parties. It is tradition to eat rosca de reyes on this celebration. Rosca de reyes is a fruity wreath shaped pastry with a Jesus figurine baked in it. ... Show more content on ... The tamale can be fill with may different thing such as fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, chilies etc. Tamales are steamed or boiled in a leaf wrapper and the wrapper is not eaten. The tamale originated in Mesoamerica as early as 5000 8000 BC. Aztec and Maya societies would make this dish to feed the armies, hunters and travelers because it was very easy to travel
  • 3. A Brief Look at Mary Magdalene As an influential biblical figure, Mary Magdalene has been the subject of numerous works of art. She has been represented in a variety of tropes and styles; which were subject to the religious, political, and social standards of the time. Giacomo Galli s Saint Mary Magdalene was painted in the early seventeenth century in Italy, at the beginning of the Baroqueera. By contorting Magdalene s body, bathing her in light and encompassing her in darkness, Galli was able to present the viewer with an image representative of her divided identity. Galli likely chose to paint the Magdalene because she was one of the most popular saints in Baroque Italy. As Susan Haskins (author of Mary Magdalen: Myth and Metaphor) notes, from the thirteenth century, the penitent Magdalene became the most popular image of the saint in Italy, as the perfect example of a reformed sinner. Magdalene s ______ demonstrated a realistic path of personal improvement. Her reputation, at the time, revolved around her supposed past as a prostitute. Historically, this meant that she was cured of a physical ailment and not of prostitution. However, as it was believed that Magdalene s transformation from prostitute to apostle made her accessible to the Catholic community, the church exemplified this notion in order to make Magdalene a suitable role model for repentance. Religiously charged Baroque paintings of the seventeenth century, such as Galli s Saint Mary Magdalene, were created by two distinctly
  • 4. Essay on The Flawed King in Shakespeare s Henry V The Flawed King in Shakespeare s Henry V To turn Henry V into a play glorifying war or a play condemning war would be to presume Shakespeare s intentions too much. He does both of these and more in his recount of the historical battle of Agincourt. Although Shakespeare devotes the play to the events leading to war, he simultaneously gives us insight into the political and private life of a king. It is this unity of two distinct areas that has turned the play into a critical no man s land, acrimoniously contested and periodically disfigured by opposing barrages of intellectual artillery (Taylor 1). One may believe that Henry is the epitome of kingly glory, a disgrace of royalty, or think that Shakespeare himself disliked Henry ... Show more content on ... Approaching the play through mere historical reconstruction limits the potential for insight into society and threatens to create a stagnant historical account. Although the situation to which the play refers no longer exists, a connection can be made between spectator and stage. The Chorus facilitates this connection. Shakespeare obviously intended that the Chorus help the audience visualize the proceedings of history. The Chorus has a dynamic role in inviting each audience member on a journey through time. They have to assemble for themselves the model ruler of Henry, in accordance with the instructions given, for it would be falsification of history to pretend that [the play] could contain a clear cut and unambiguous ideal (Iser 186). The Chorus provides a sense of individual responsibility in creating an image; a product of the imagination and not a fact of history. The Chorus bridges the gap between the past and the present. The spectator is encouraged to walk on an illusionary plain with Henry and share in his experiences. The communication by the actors is emphasized in this production, as there will be little in terms of stage decor. The Chorus is a dictionary, so to speak, for this new method of a raw and pure rendition of Henry V. It is explicit about how much stage and actors will do, how much the audience must do for itself (Beauman 6). Think, when we talk of
  • 5. Freudian And Lacanian Psychoanalysis, By Barbara Creed INTRODUCTION Psychoanalytic film theory, which is derived from Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, appears in the discussion of cinema early in the 1970s. As the conjunction of psychoanalysis and film theory, scholars use this theory for textual analysis and different elements like the monstrous feminine, mirror stage identification, and the Oedipus complex are concluded and developed. To reexamine the mother child relationship, I will argue that these key elements of psychoanalytic film theory are useful to understand the psychic activities of protagonists of Black Swan and The Babadook. Additionally, they provide some evidence to explain the mode of how a mother gets along with her child. I will begin by discussing the term ... Show more content on ... Based on this idea, Barbara Creed (1993) concluded the concept of monstrous feminine as the shocking, terrifying, horrific, and abject (Creed 1993, 1) female image which is also commonly associated with mothering functions. We can find that the abjection occupies the whole film The Babadook. For Amelia, the loss of her husband on the birthday of her son becomes a powerful abjection which she tries to deny and avoid. However, every time Amelia struggles to reject it, exclude it and make it other (Buerger 2017, 35), the significance and the effects brought by the trauma become profound. Thus, the monstrous feminine is fully revealed when Amelia has to surrender to mister Babadook, the embodiment of the abjection. One of the scene shows Amelia tries to pull a tooth out of her mouth. A series of close up of Amelia s facial expression and hand movements indicate the struggle she goes through when the Babadook takes up her. The only sound is Amelia s painful cry, which also shows her cruelty and determination. In relation to several scenes before, Amelia has a toothache when she eats something with her son. Working the same as a viscera, the tooth Amelia pulls out symbolize her son Samuel, and the action of pulling the tooth out represents Amelia refuses to play the maternal role and wants to get rid of her son. Besides showing Amelia in the front, a few
  • 6. The Influence Of The English Language French is the eleventh most widely spoken language in the world. It is the official language of 33 countries in the world and it is spoken in two of the G7 countries. 200 million people around the world understand, speak, read or write French and the language is the mother tongue of 75 million people. French is the official language of postal services across the world and is one of the official languages of the International Red Cross. The French speaking Africa represents an area larger than the USA. French is the most widely taught second language after English and over 20,000 English words have their origins in French. In terms of number of words, French is the second largest language after English. In the humanities and the social sciences many of the most important writings have come from France. Students and researchers who know French have access to these works for several years before they are translated into English. Many significant works are never translated and remain accessible only to those who know the language. Historically France and the French language have had an enormous influence over American society. France was the United States first ally. French thought played a dominant role among the founders of the United States in the 18th century, and it continues to shape America today through the influence of such intellectual currents as post structuralism and post modernism. In the humanities and the social sciences, many of the most important writings have
  • 7. Examples Of Mistakes In Atonement Good morning, today I am going to talk about the ability to learn from mistakes. I ve based my oral presentation on the novel Atonement by Ian McEwan. It can be said that it is in the nature of all of us, human beings, to make mistakes. Of course, there are different kinds of mistakes; there are some that are innocent and harmless and others that can affect ourselves and/ or other people s lives. Still, it is mainly by making this second type of mistakes that we can learn important life lessons. They can help us to identify our flaws, and thus help us mature and achieve personal growth. Yet, not everybody may be able to learn from mistakes. This seems to be the case of Briony Tallis, one of the main characters of the novelAtonement by... Show more content on ... For instance, like the young Briony that was unable to put herself in another person s place, the older Briony kept displaying this selfish and arrogant type of behavior. An example of this occurs when she came across the aged Lola and Robert, she did not stop to think about their lives or feelings but only thought about how many years more it would take to publish her book as this couple should be dead before publishing it for a question of avoiding legal problems. Briony realized that she would outlive Robert, yet Lola will definitely outlive her . Also, Briony unconsciously admitted her lack of change when she expressed when reflecting about herself that busy, priggish, conceited little girl [...]was not dead... . Thus, despite all the years that passed, Briony was incapable to achieve enough maturation to rectify her
  • 8. The Oil Pipeline Organizations And The Main Tin Smelter Amid the war Texas City turned into a major modern focus. It had seven petrochemical refineries, two oil pipeline organizations and the main tin smelter in the US. The city was developing and growing. Schools worked in two shifts, much the same as the synthetic plants. The interest for industry was high, yet wellbeing measures were still low and unpracticed. The year of 1947 turned into a urgent occasion in the recollections of the city. On April 16 and 17 a noteworthy calamity happened to overall populace that for a long time after couldn t be overlooked. It began on a brilliant and clear morning when the ship in the Texas CityHarbor, The Grand Camp, loaded with ammonium nitrate compost, bound for war torn Europe, was ablaze. Ammonium nitrate is an exceptionally perilous and unstable material in the event that it is dangerously utilized, a similar material was utilized as a part of the Oklahoma bombarding. Since the flames in the port weren t uncommon, tragically individuals weren t as frightened as they ought to have been. Unexpectedly, the individuals who have seen the rosy orange and chestnut smoke were especially pulled in by the bright vapor. Kids after school and neighboring people on foot, hurried to the harbor to watch the fire fighter utilize their strategies to put out the fire. Despite the fact that that policeman obstructed the street with two autos it didn t stop a horde of progressively that 400 individuals collecting. What s more two planes with
  • 9. Racism In Miss Congeniality American History: Our Hope for the Future In the movie Miss Congeniality, all of the contestants are asked what they wished for. Coincidentally, all of the pageant contestants replied confidently with ВЁworld peace. That famous line has now turned into a well known punchline due to how stereotypical and obvious it is. All joking aside, that is actually what everyone strives for in their lifetime. World peace has unfortunately been absent in past occurrences. For example, blacks were greatly mistreated by many in a harmful and unkind way. Back when slavery was present, kindness was absent. Despite all of the past happenings, hope for a more loving world still has a chance to prosper. In the past, racism was very prevalent. Hate towards others was a substantial conflict. Whites and African Americans were separated in pretty much every aspect possible. Simple rights citizens now take for granted, such as voting, were once the goals of people of color. People like northern leader William H. Seward, who fought to put the 15th amendment in place, is a positive example for Americans to look to, and a representative of kindness. Seward was a white male fighting for the opposite race and that is an example citizens of the United States should gear themselves toward. Yes, William s actions were very beneficial towards granting African Americans more rights, but beyond that they are a wonderful example of what kindness looks like. The United States should be directed toward more
  • 10. Compare And Contrast The Truman And Carter Doctrine Usually, the goal of foreign policy decisions is to address a troubled condition that is not only affecting the country on a national level but also international level. Primarily foreign policy decisions are used to protect the nation s interests by securing and maintaining relationships with other countries. However, both the Truman and Carter doctrine did the opposite. Not only did both doctrines neglect the civilians interests but the doctrines also failed to protect their civil rights and liberties while disrupting the instability of foreign countries. Carter and Truman s foreign policies have been created in reaction to containing communismhad their own objectives and neglected the opinions of the nation s interests. After the decline of WWII the Americans and Russians were the last countries standing making them superior to the rest of the world. This proved to be detrimental to both the Americans and Russians because both countries adopted different views of government. The Americans truly believed in a capitalist governed society were the ... Show more content on ... Marshall pledged to the U.S to contribute billions of dollars to help finance the economic recovery of Europe. The Marshall Plan, was extremely successful because it not only combatted the idea that capitalism was in decline and communism was rising, but it also helped aid countries to recover from the war. In an effort to decrease cold war tension the U.S created and agreed on an organization called North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which protected the U.S and its allies against Soviet attack. Members of NATO agreed that it was one for all, meaning that if one country gets attacked it as if they are all attacked. Since the U.S paired up with its allied countries the Soviet Union did something very similar and established their own satellite nations of Eastern Europe where they formed their own alliance through the Warsaw Pact of
  • 11. Research Paper On Infant Development Infant Development Infant development is inseparable from the progression of the infant s relationship with caregivers. Contemporary accounts of the early comments highlighted the role of parents and other guardians in supporting infants gradually (Lyons Ruth Zeanah, 1993). This is because the infant needs parents who can help her negotiate the developmental task. Thus, there are 4 stages to develop which is birth to 4 weeks, age 1 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months and 6 to 12 months. Birth to 4 weeks The development of the first stage is birth to 4 weeks. This point is likewise recognized as the Neonatal Period. Infant are held with a number of abilities that become the foundation of future growth. ... Show more content on ... They would more involve in attachment relationships. The infant begins to shift away from the focus on objects or figures to an external environment at about six months. The infant s confidence in the attachment is established and developing internal schemas or representations of the parents and the attachment relationships that allow him to keep the parent in mind even when he is not interacting with her (Stern, 1983). When the infant wakes in the morning, they might not cry immediately for the parent to come but they would play with the object for the first 30 minutes before become fussy and started to cry. Conclusion As a conclusion, there are four stages of infant development. Which are birth to 4 weeks, age 1 to 3 months, age 3 to 6 months and age 6 to 12 months. Different stages of month discussing difference type of behaviour. It shows how the way to develop attachment for maintaining the baby or infant. There are also several steps that should be taken by the parents as to know their infant s behaviour better. The infant has different types of behaviour as they were grown up and these behaviour should be acknowledged by all parents in order to raise up their children in a good
  • 12. Stephen Hacker Zombies In The Workplace Summary While reading the article, Zombies in the Workplace by Stephen Hacker, it has come to my attention that I may be an infected zombie. I think it developed in the workplace after some of the employees left with zombie like features. The previous employees did not give much positive feedback to the new employees and that they have told me that there isn t much advancement in the workplace. All the employees were friends, but once they started to slowly go for a different job, the others started to become lifeless. They didn t care about what they were doing anymore. They started to cause friction in the kitchen. Soon, the employees that started the zombie like featured were gone, but the virus was still lingering in the air. Not all the employees are like this though. It s a part time job, so of course there will be some zombies forming here and there until they move on to get a better job that fits their ... Show more content on ... Everyone seems to be immune to the virus because they try to make it fun in the kitchen when the going gets tough. During the holidays for example, my boss creates this thanksgiving pizza for everyone in the kitchen. Another example is the gift exchange party they have. Everyone pulls a card out of the hat and gets them the gift. When it s a really good day, there s a lot of goofing off in the kitchen. Hacker s story and Nelson Quick s theories are related due to an emotional and behavioral affect in the workplace. With Hacker s key steps to awakening the zombie infected coworkers, it s like the moods and emotions from chapter 4 in Organizational Behavior. The theory of emotional contagion is similar to the disease that can spread throughout an organization. Since someone in the workplace can spread their negative emotions to others, it can cause the organization to feel down. As long as a positive emotion, mood, or spirit is around, there should be some sort of pulse in the zombie
  • 13. How Did Martin Luther King A Time To Break Silence On April 4, 1967, Martin Luther King spoke publicly in New York, New York about USA s involvement in the Vietnam war. He strongly felt that the U.S. should stop immediately because it went against everything the U.S. is all about. The war in Vietnam was causing millions of innocent people to die, and Martin Luther King was fed up with the way we had intruded the basic human rights of the Vietnamese people. In Martin Luther King s A Time to Break Silence speech, Dr.King used refutations, reflections, and requests in order to effectively state why the war in Vietnam should come to a halt. Dr. King effectively used refutations in an effort to try and stop the troops from hurting innocent people in Vietnam. While he was in the process of doing this, many people questioned what he was doing. For example many people asked, Why are you speaking about the war, Dr. King? So, why would people question his decision to act and speak out against the war in... Show more content on ... He was trying to persuade the government bring back the troops from Vietnam. He did this by using a couple requests. Martin Luther King s first request was that the government needs to end all bombing in Vietnam. Many innocent people had died because of the bombings that were taking place. The troops didn t mean to do this, but since Vietnam had so many villages in the jungle many civilians were caught in the bombings. His next request was that the government needs to cease fire in hopes that a negotiation would take place. America had stormed into Vietnam in hopes they could start a negotiation. Unfortunately, we started firing on the Vietnamese soldiers and there wasn t a hope for any negotiations until we see asked fire. Mr. King s final request was to set a date that would remove all foreign troops from Vietnam that agreed with the 1954 Geneva agreement act. By removing the troops, this would help Vietnam to try and restore
  • 14. Saving Private Ryan Saving Private Ryan Captain Miller Displays the Five Types of Power Many people in this world have power and influence. Yet, there are few who have the traits needed to be an incredible leader. These people who are positive leaders tend to leave strong impressions in our minds for years or maybe even a lifetime. In choosing a movie with a character that portrayed a strong sense of power and influence, and possessed the traits of a good leader, I remembered a character that left an admirable impression in my mind. Saving Private Ryan is a perfect example of a movie with all of the elements of powerful and influential leaders. Specifically, Tom Hanks who plays Captain John Miller is a strong willed individual with a ... Show more content on ... Examples of coercive power would be dismissal, docking of pay, reprimands, and unpleasant work assignments. Sometimes these types of punishments are stated in organizations main beliefs. Captain Miller used this type of power whenever one of his troop members behaved improperly. For example, in the movie when he heard one of his men say something he didn t approve of, he reprimanded him. This also was vested in his title. Legitimate power is the third type of power. This is also known as authority. This is when a subordinate believes the leader s power over him or her is legitimate. Captain Miller definitely had this power because of his title. This type of power relates to reward and coercive power. Since he is a Captain his gives him the legitimacy to reward and punish his subordinates. At one point in the movie, Captain Miller instructed his army to plan an attack on the enemy. This is a command that puts all of their lives at risk. Because that command came from a Captain and not just another soldier, those who followed his orders most likely did so because of his title. Expert power is the belief that some other individual has expertise in a given area and he or she should defer to the experts judgement. This experience is what made the other soldiers look up to Captain Miller. This expert power is perceived experience. Although the leader may or may not have actual
  • 15. Preventing Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections in... Central venous catheters, usually called CVCs, are extremely important for patients in any type of intensive care unit. It is because of their crucial role in the care of these patients that their troublesome risk of catheter related bloodstream infections, sometimes referred to as CR BSIs, has developed into such a problem. There are approximately 80,000 CR BSIs diagnosed each year in the United States alone. These infections lead to nearly 28,000 patient deaths in intensive care units. Not only is this a dreadful loss of life; it is also incredibly expensive. Extra care and treatment for a patient suffering from a CR BSI can cost an average of $45,000. In fact, these infections can cost as much as $2.3 billion for the United States each... Show more content on ... They also require the use of a full size sterile drape around the insertion site. Previously, the only precautions taken when dealing with the insertion of CVCs were the use of sterile gloves and a small regional sterile drape. The maximal sterile barriers procedure is much more time consuming than the original method, so we must find how well these strict techniques work in comparison to previous techniques (Hu, Veenstra, Lipsky, Saint, 2004). If there is little or no improvement, there would seem to be no reason behind spending the extra time and money on the maximal sterile barriers. There are four criteria for comparison that should play a large role in the decision between the two techniques: infection rates, cost effectiveness, likelihood of those implementing maximal sterile barriers also using other safety precautions, and survival rate and/or mortality rate. Infection Rates The implementation of maximal sterile barriers to replace the older, more lenient techniques can significantly lower infection rates. The improved infection rates have been consistent for different age groups, just as the rate of CR BSIs are consistent for the different age groups. For example, the Neonatal intensive care unit at George Washington University Hospital tried to implement more strict sterilization techniques after discovering that their rate of CR BSIs was nearly twice the national average provided by The National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance
  • 16. The Movie Begins With A Long Shot Of The Background Greenery The movie begins with a long shot of the background greenery which transitions into a close shot of Saul. Saul is calm like the greenery and his expression conveys the comfort of the background, contrasting the chaos ensuing around him. Another member of the Sonderkommando shuffles into position, joining the shot, and says, Lets go . They begin to usher groups of people in another direction. It is clear now that they are taking people off the trains and moving them to the camps. There are loud sounds in the background ranging from babies crying to the grunts of someone being punched. There is a hand held cameraon Saulas he continues shepherding, only stopping to salute someone walking by. He does what he is told without question... Show more content on ... The next stage for the prisoners is to enter the showers . The background noise of this scene starts with another officer telling the prisoners they must clean up so they can move to their jobs at the camp. They are convinced they will be useful craftsmen or nurses, etc. Saul does not tell the truth, but keeps his blank expression like he is taught to do. This is another example of Saul tuning out the injustices occurring so he can survive. The focus of the scene is strictly on Saul, except when he helps undress someone, they come into focus. This highlights that he is dealing with humans, even though he moves around them mechanically, like mannequins. Once the people are undressed, Saul again avoids eye contact as they chaotically are pushed into the showers . Saul is conditioned to treat them like objects, triggering the violence to be ignored. When the men and women are in the showers he mechanically gathers the prisoner s belongings disregarding that they are people s possessions. He is overlooking the humanity around him and strictly doing his job. Once that job is done he moves onto the next like he is programmed. The next task is helping hold the door shut. As Saul and the camera move closer to the door, the screams grow louder. It is clear to the audience that it is not just a shower, but the gas chambers. Again, Saul s emotionless expression is contrasted with the screams and cries heard behind the doors. His lack of
  • 17. Propaganda And Propaganda In 1984 George Orwell s, 1984, features a futuristic dystopia known as Oceania. The story is cast through the main character, Winston Smith. Winston is employed as a records editor at the ministry of truth, living a depressed life with no clear hopes or dreams. The government of Oceania is a totalitarianism whose goal is to conquer the entirety of the earth and remove all independent thought. These goals were being achieved through mass manipulation using various tactics. The party created a new, reduced langauge, altered history, fought decade long wars, and used specific wording to manipulation the population. Orwell wrote this story as he saw these harmful acts being performed by his own English government. As a warning to those unaware, 1984... Show more content on ... The party announced one day that the chocolate rations would be decreased from thirty grams to twenty grams. The next day it was announced that the ration was raised to twenty grams. This means the the ration stayed the same yet the citizens of Oceania rejoiced from this news that they believed to be excellent. The party is able to use language to convince the population that something has increased when it really stayed the same. The ministry of love and truth use deliberate manipulation of language to hide the reality of daily life. The ministry of love is largely responsible for misery, fear, suffering and torture. It acts as a prison for anyone who was committed thoughtcrime. The building for the ministry of love has no windows and is surrounded by barbed wire to prevent people from escaping until the party has said it is ok for them to leave. By saying that the barbed wire is there to prevent people from escaping until it is ok to do so, makes it seem as though the party is working for the benefit of society. The party tries to make it seem as though the people held in the ministry of love are bad until they believe exactly what the party wants them to believe. The ministry of truth is responsible for creating propaganda and falsifying historical records. One of Winston s assignments is to invent a biography of a fictional soldier named Ogilvy. Winston notes that once the forgery is forgotten,
  • 18. Edward Teach aka Blackbeard the Pirate Edward Blackbeard Teach was undoubtedly one of the most feared and most despised pirates of all time. Edward Teach is thought to have lived in England before his pirate career, although his exact origins are unknown. He was named Blackbeard , for his large black beard that almost covered his entire face. To strike terror in the hearts of his enemies Blackbeardwould weave hemp into his hair, and light it during battle. Edward Teach was an unusually large man, carrying two swords, numerous knives, and pistols he was feared by his own crew. At the sight of this pirate, many of his victims were quick to surrender without a fight. If they did, he would often times just take their valuables, rum, and weapons allowing them to sail away. ... Show more content on ... Soon Teach and the Queen Anne s Revenge met another pirate vessel. She was the ten gun pirate sloop Revenge from Barbados, commanded by Stede Bonnet. Soon after agreeing to sail together, Blackbeard thought that Bonnet was a poor leader and an incompetent sailor. He promptly appointed a different pirate to command the Revenge, and made Bonnet a guest aboard the Queen Anne s Revenge, where he remained until the ship finally wrecked six months later. In the winter of 1717 1718, Blackbeard sailed the Caribbean with his two ships. While plundering vessels, Teach decided to add two more captured vessels to his group of pirating watercraft. in the Spring of 1718 Blackbeard was in command of four pirate ships, and well over 300 pirates. In late May, Blackbeard s flagship was lost at Beaufort Inlet, and a smaller vessel of his fleet was lost that same day while trying to assist the stranded Queen Anne s Revenge. Before leaving Beaufort Inlet, Blackbeard left twenty five members of his crew on a deserted rocky ledge, and stripped the Revenge of her provisions. Stede Bonnet helped the marooned men, and in return they agreed to obey his commands. Together with his crew, Bonnet resumed his lawless ways aboard the Revenge, which he re named the Royal James. Meanwhile, Teach and his crew had sailed to Bath, and then to the capital of North Carolina, where Governor Charles Eden pardoned them. Blackbeard,
  • 19. POG Premium Oil and Gas Case Study Premium Oil and Gas Premium Oil and Gas (POG) is the Dutch holding company of one of the world s largest petroleum and gas groups. The organisation employs over 80,000 staff in 80 countries and is best known to the general public through its 25,000 service stations. POG s main activities are the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, together with the marketing, supply and transportation of these products. The company earns revenues of around ВЈ100 billion per annum based on its daily production of two million barrels of crude oil and eight billion cubic feet of natural gas, plus daily sales of six million barrels of refined products. Over 90 per cent of POG s executives are Dutch nationals, of whom ... Show more content on ... Other areas for active recruitment include drilling, commercial, health, safety and environment, public relations and human resources. Interviewed recently for the company magazine, Dr Woodhouse explained how one option for POG Azerbaijan would have been to rely on experienced expatriates to do the whole job, but that was not POG s way. Her focus, she said, was on the recruitment of nationals, who could be developed so that they can ultimately manage the operation. Right now, 40 Azeri employees were undergoing technical training at POG s development centre in the Netherlands. For one thing, she continued, it costs considerably more to bring expatriates to Azerbaijan and it was important to employ those who understand the local environment, who know how to get things done. This fitted in with the company s belief in recruiting the best possible staff to plan, build and operate the platforms and pipelines. A constant concern, however, was that Azeri standards were currently well below international standards on health and safety, in spite of considerable company investment in health and safety training. This is unacceptable position for POG, operating as it does in a highly dangerous industry that is at the centre of the media s spotlight. Secondly, recruitment and selection is a key function to employ the best of Azerbaijan s well educated
  • 20. Analysis Of Esther By Sylvia Plath The stereotypical survivor could be described as someone who endured grueling physical obstacles, survived and returned to normal life, and developed as a person since then. Sylvia Plath does not fit the typical template of a survivor; she did not physically survive. However, the emotional and mental stress she withstood the ten years prior to her suicidemade her just as much of a survivor as anyone who lived to tell their story. Although Plath eventually crumbled under the weight of her deteriorating emotional stability, she persevered for as long as she could until she could take it no longer, making her as strong as anyone who survived a physical challenge. The bell jarwas a symbolic representation of her emotional state throughout the novel, whether it be pre treatment, post treatment, or pre suicide. Before her treatment with Dr. Nolan, Esther , the character name for Sylvia Plath, began a rapid downward spiral beginning while she was still in college, which included a month of no sleep, a withdrawal from social interaction, and several suicide attempts. At this time, the bell jar had closed in on her, suffocating her from the inside. Everything reminded her of death. Esther had tried to drown herself as one of her last suicide attempts before the beginning of her treatment, and prior to her attempt she noticed that sharks teeth and whales earbones littered about down there like gravestones (Plath 153). Her relating measly shark teeth as gravestones down
  • 21. What Role Does Brain Play In Cognitive Functions Cognitive Functions Researchers have studied for many years the role the brain plays in cognitive functions. Cognitive function is when a person becomes aware, perceives, or comprehends something. Cognitive function has everything to do with perception, thinking, reasoning, and remembering. The brain plays a part of each of these things. Researchers could conclude more information about how the brain worked in cognitive function when Phineas P. Gage had an accident causing a head injury. The accident was known as, the case which more than all others is calculated to excite our wonder, impair the value of prognosis and even to subvert our physiological doctrines (Grieve, 2010). The accident gave researchers a foot on how the brain supports ... Show more content on ... Gage was a railroad construction worker who provided further information for researchers. Gage was born in Lebanon, New Hampshire on July 9, 1823. On September 13, 1848, Gage suffered a massive head injury. Gage was working in Cavendish, Vermont, on the Rutland and Burlington Railroad project, an iron measuring three feet seven inches long was accidentally fired through his skull. Originally, reports stated that there was damage to two lobes but later found with CT scans that most the damage occurred to the frontal lobe. The accident tampered with Gage s health but never was a burden. He lived twelve years after the crash and died from epilepsy
  • 22. Experimentation And Other Research Designs The most basic difference between experimentation and other research designs is that experimentation seeks to determine what might happen if certain variables in a given situation are changed. According to Cooper and Schindler (2014), experimentation requires that a researcher accept the world as it is found (p. 192). In other words, a researcher conducting experimentation is not seeking to determine a causal link between events and outcomes; rather, the experimenter seeks to determine what may happen if some variable in the chain of events is altered. Unlike ex post facto research, which asks questions after an event occurs to determine what is or what has been (Cooper Schindler, 2014, p. 192), experimental research manipulates... Show more content on ... While the correlation between a cause and its effects may seem apparent, often too many different factors must be considered. Through experimentation, more accurate correlations may be made to determine a cause. This aspect of experimental research makes it somewhat superior to other forms of research (Rutter, 2007). Another advantageous characteristic of experimental research is the possibility of replication. In most research applications, too many variables may pollute a given situation and increase the difficulty with which to adequately make initial observations. Experimental research is more easily contained to the desired set of variables, and as such experiments can be replicated to further test hypotheses. Reproducing an experiment is much easier than conducting additional research by other means (Fagaras, Kovacs, Oros, Rafaila, Topa Harrant, 2013). The use of experimentation is not necessarily a biblical concept. However, the Bible provides guidance in all areas of life. As such, truths spoken for certain purposes can be applied to other areas in many cases. For instance, in 1 John 4:1 (English Standard Version), we are instructed to not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. While this relates more to our Christian lives, we can apply this idea to experimental research. In using experiments, we are testing different variables to determine whether or not they are related to a
  • 23. Walter Dean Myers Monster Stereotypes Unless you know who you are, you will always be vulnerable to what people say. In this quote, American television personality, author, psychologist, and the host of the television show Dr. Phil , Dr. Phil McGraw explains, that if you are not true to yourself or if you are not aware of your own beliefs, you will always be susceptible to what people say of you and what people want you to think or believe. A similar theme is communicated through the novel monster. In the Novel Monster , what Walter Dean Myers suggests about the nature of stereotypes is that one must ignore the negative views of others and stay true to their own beliefs. One example of this may be seen on pages 280 and 281, five months after the trial and after Steve was ... Show more content on ... Nesbitt with Miss o Brien. In this journal entry or Notes section Steve is reminiscing about his life before the trial and is worrying about what could possibly be the result of the trial, Miss o Brien looked at me I didn t see her looking at me but I knew she was. She wanted to know who I was. Who was Steve Harmon?... About what was in my heart and what that made me. I m just not a bad person. I know that in my heart I am not a bad person. In this instance Miss O Brien is stereotyping Steve because he is of a different race than she is, since she is white and he is black. She is viewing Steve as dangerous or as a monster based off the commonly found stereotypes that are found in propaganda and in the media. She is being ignorant of Steve s true self, doing so could cost them the case and cost Steve his freedom. In the Novel Monster , what Walter Dean Myers suggests about the nature of stereotypes is that one must ignore the negative views of others and stay true to their own beliefs. However, if there are opposing ideas even if there is one or many, that are pushing one down it can be be hard to be a nonconformist and to fight past those ideas and to stick to ones own. Both When Steves father and O Brien don t believe in him it could cause Steve to lose faith in himself possibly risking him the trial, he stuck to
  • 24. B-24 Research Paper B 17 and B 24 in World War II The model B 17 and B 24 airplanes are widely known as the most iconic American bomber planes that were used in World War II. The airplanes were manufactured by separate companies, and both produced over a ten year period with several thousands of each manufactured. Without the introduction of these airplanes, the aerial combat of World War II would have changed drastically and could potentially have changed the outcome of the war. The B 17 was manufactured by Boeing in 1935, with the original prototype called the Model 299. This airplane was the sole focus of the company during this point in time due to the USAAC (US Army Air Corps) calling for proposals of airplane designs be sent to them, the most promising company would receive a contract for 220 planes. On October 30,... Show more content on ... With newer and better technology coming out, the company planned on changing the specifications to make a more modern airplane that later became known as the B 24. The B 24 made some improvements including; higher top speed, heavier bomb load and other slight upgrades. (Aviation history B 24) While there were several improvements it had one flaw that made it more of a sitting target than the B 17; the max ceiling it could operate at was around four to seven thousand less (depending on model) making the B 24 more susceptible to flak guns. Even with this flaw the USAAC ordered more B 24 s, so much so that the rest of the work had to be divided between Ford, Douglas and North American. (Military history) Over eighteen thousand were made between the four manufactures. The B 24 was later given the name Liberator after the British ordered them for their Royal Air Force. Though the B 24 was created in mind of updating the B 17, the upgrades were close enough to the newer versions of the B 17 that it became more common to see them flying together in missions rather than replacing
  • 25. 1 Strategic Planning, Learning Theory, and Training Needs... Running head: Assignment 1 Strategic Planning, Learning Theory, and Training Needs Analysis Assignment 1: Strategic Planning, Learning Theory, and Training Needs Analysis KorVina Hunter Professor Robert High BUS 407 December 9, 2011 The analysis phase defines what needs to be trained. Next, an instructional design is crafted to meet this need. Only after the design is complete are the instructional materials developed. During development, individual and group tryouts of the materials are conducted. Results are iteratively fed back into design and development. Evaluation is a central feature of ISD and is performed in each phase. The phases are: Phase 1: Analysis... Show more content on ... Storyboards and initial prototypes of the training solution are proposed and reviewed with the client. Feedback is received, and initial training solutions begin to take shape. Types of training solutions, classroom, web based and blended learning programs are discussed and explored. Much like an architect s renderings, the blueprint for your training solution begins to take shape Development is the phase of the training design model where the training program is created and written. Whether the program is classroom based or designed to be taken online, materials are created and produced in this phase. The design phase produced the outline or blueprint, but it is in this portion of the training model where everything comes together in production. Supporting materials are produced, trainers are trained, and the target audience is notified of the training dates. Your training program is delivered to your employees in the implementation phase of the training model. Classes are taught or taken online. Students receive their training and practice how to use their new skills. Materials and training products are distributed to participants, and classes begin. Initial results are measured, and the program begins to take shape in your company. If the preceding phases are conducted properly, implementation runs smoothly and the training is taken and received as it was intended. Evaluation completes the training
  • 26. Voter Suppression In America Voter suppression happens everywhere around the world. As an immigrant this topic seemed so interesting because I always thought of voter suppression as something that may just happen in a third world country. In a dictatorship country government is not afraid to let the nation know that although there is a votingbut ultimately they are the ones who decide the fate of everyone. After watching the videos and reading the assignments I realized that voter suppression/fraud can happen in many shapes and forms. It could be done without any physical violence or any obvious act but it still can do the same amount of damage to a nation. Voter suppression in a nation like America that is supposedly one the freest countries politically has to happen a lot smoother and a lot less obvious that one in a dictatorship kind of government. Voter suppression refers to a situation in which the votes are being manipulated, not by direct involvement of the votes and numbers but by manipulating the voters into voting for the other party or even holding them away from voting. It can be done in different ways and techniques. There has been a lot of cases of voter ... Show more content on ... It can also happen when a non eligible individual votes, an example would be an illegal immigrant or a criminal who is banned from voting. there is also another case when the actual number of votes is being manipulated, this case usually happens by the government itself. Democrats believe that voter fraud is almost non existent. They argue that it is so rare that there should not be put that much energy on the matter. They say that putting that amount of pressure on the citizens to prove that their own legitimacy is pushing them away from voting. on the other hand, republicans believe that just because voter fraud does not happen too often, it does not mean that it should not be prevented and
  • 27. Does Writing Down Notes On Paper More Effective Than... Does writing down notes on paper more effective than typing it? Cerebrum: The cerebrum is the main part of the brain, which has two halves, or hemispheres. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and deals with things such as creativity, music, and art. While the left hemisphere of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body and is in charge of language, problem solving, and math. The cerebrum s many tasks are carried out by its outer layer, or its cortex. This has distinct areas that have different roles. Motor areas trigger movement; sensory areas deal with the senses, while association areas clarify information. Cerebellum: The cerebellum is responsible for producing smooth, coordinated movements of the body. It analyzes incoming information about the body s current movement and position then interacts with the primary motor cortex to precisely time muscle contractions. Why does writing something down help us remember it better? Our brain is separated into several regions that undergo different kind of information. Then there are regions that process information such as visual, verbal communication, auditory, emotions, etc. These different regions communicate with each other and each one of them has its own processes it has to complete first. For example one looks at a piece of art and express their emotions with language, thus working the verbal function part of the brain. When we hear a lecture, the section of our brain that handles listening and
  • 28. Treadway Tire Company Case study: TREADWAY TIRE COMPANY Evidence of Human Resource Management can be traced to pre historic times, like mechanisms being developed for selecting tribal leaders. Knowledge was recorded and passed on to the next generation about safety, health, hunting, and gathering. 1000 B.C to 2000 B.C saw the development of more advanced HR functions. The Chinese are known to be the first to use employee screening techniques, way back in 1115 B.C. And turns out it was not Donald Trump who started the apprentice system. They were the Greek and Babylonian civilizations, ages before the medieval times. Rashida Khilawala Introduction and Overview: What is Human Resource Change Management? Why is it important? Why would a company run by ... Show more content on ... Behaviour training sessions could be scheduled to help the staff imbibe a culture of building relations through effective 3 way communications. This may call for additional expenses in the short term, but will definitely lead to sustainable profits in terms of higher productivity and longer staff retention. An example of an agreement to improve communications could be debriefing the foremen on the decisions made after a grievance. Currently, the foreman absorbs all responsibility for the line performance and he is reprimanded by management when daily targets are not met. It is therefore also necessary to re assess the performance management and compensation system prevailing. Ideally the responsibility of the performance of a production line should be spread between the workers and the foremen and good performance be rewarded by an incentive system. Training A key management issue is that the foremen are not equipped with the requisite tools to properly manage and run a plant. Based on employee testimony and exit survey, there is profound evidence of the sink or swim mentality dominating. The line foremen receive only informal training and are thrown on the line. Ashley Wall had been trying to create a new, month long rotational training program for line foremen. however, was too costly for Treadway. While an intensive training for the foremen would be the best solution, a more reasonable and
  • 29. Satire In The Firebombing Of Vonnegut Satire is an important part of postmodernism and it is one of the most prominent aspects of Vonnegut s novels, with his humor manifesting itself as a form of black humor. With his very dark sense of humor, Vonnegut confronts many of the negative aspects of the world and describes them in such a way that it disarms and desensitizes the reader to the shock of what they are reading. Slaughterhouse Five is an excellent example of this. When describing the shock and horror that Billy witnessed during the firebombing of Dresden, Vonnegut takes the time to describe Weary and Wild Bob and Rumfoord, characters who find glory in wholesale death and destruction (Cox 272). In writing his response to the horrors of war, Vonnegut takes the approach that it is better to make the reader laugh at something and have them slowly realize the horror of what they have read, as opposed to immediately shocking the reader by presenting gory details of his experiences in Dresden. Even the name of his main character is subtle black humor. Billy Pilgrim, whose name is a reference to John Bunyan s The Pilgrim s Progress and connotes that Vonnegut s pilgrim is an average joe burdened with a life of agony and terror (F1). His name is also in reference to Vonnegut s feeling that the Second World War was a war fought by mere children, hence the book s subtitle The Children s Crusade. The idea of young men who were no more than children in essence when they were sent off to fight and die in a foreign land is a distressing and horrible idea for many people to think about. Yet through his humor Vonnegut forces the reader to come to terms with this, but in a way that eases a reader into the darkness of the novel instead of running into it head on. In Slaughterhouse Five, Vonnegut does not limit his black humor to the topic of war, but also opens up criticisms of society as he sees it. Through the Tralfamadorian aliens that kidnap Billy and take him captive on their planet and the science fiction of Kilgore Trout, Vonnegut uses his humor in regards to a variety of topics not related to war. Once such example of Trout s novels that are throughout the story is The Gospel from Outer Space in which a visitor from outer space studied
  • 30. Cancer Is A Big Business Cancer is a big business. People are spending all of their money on treating cancer when most of their treatments do not always work when they should be spending their money on prevention and curing not just treating. In the 1900 every 1 in 20 people developed cancer, 1940 s every 1 in 16, 1970 s every 1 in 10, today every 1 in 3 people will develop cancer. Doctors are always saying how they are working on a cure for cancer but in reality they do not really even know what it is; is it just one disease or hundreds? First off what causes cancer? They are called carcinogens. A carcinogen is a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue. There are plenty of carcinogenic situations that we face everyday. Including the 60,000 chemicals found in our food, air and water. It has been researched that vaccines, processed foods, genetically modified foods, prescription drugs, over the counter medications, tobacco, air pollution, fluoridated water, pesticides on produce, herbicides on produce, chlorine and other contaminants found in our water have carcinogenic traits in them. All of these things have the capability to cause cancer. Does everyone that comes into contact with these things get cancer? No, but it is just proven that they can cause it. Doctors have come up with the treatment of Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a toxic mix of drugs that they say can cure cancer. It is the leading treatment for cancer as of today. The typical patient spends almost $50,000 on
  • 31. Home Automation Using Android Mobile Via Bluetooth Home Automation using Android Mobile via Bluetooth Raghav Shaileshbhai. Patel Institute Of Technology, Nirma University Roll No: 15BIT036 B. TECH IT (2nd Year) At Post : Ratanpur,Ta : Idar, Dist : S.K, Pin : 383430 Email: Jaydeep Ram Institute of Technology, Nirma University Roll No: 15BIT045 B. TECH IT (2ndYear) At: udhna, Surat. Pin:394210 Email: Abstract: Now a Days all people like to use a technology, in this project we try to make Home appliance system which will be controlled by personal smart phone via Bluetooth. In This Paper we try to explain whole circuit, all components which we will use, and how the system works. Introduction:... Show more content on ... I. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION: A. Power Supply First power comes from 240v,59 Hz Ac supply. We cannot apply those power directly to Arduino. Because capacity of Arduino is 5v Dc Supply. so in first we need to level of voltage down from 240v to 5v. in second step we need to convert AC current to Dc current. The block diagram is shown below. B. Arduino Arduino Uno is used to in this project. Arduino/Genuine Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet). There are 14 pins for doing the input output operations. There are also various other buttons like the reset button the USB connector. We can connect it to the computer and can program. You can tinker with your UNO without warring too much about doing something wrong, worst case scenario you can replace the chip for a few dollars and start over again. C. Bluetooth Module (Hc05) Bluetooth Module is very important part of this circuit because by this only we communicate between cell phone and Arduino. In this circuit we us hc05 Bluetooth module. Bluetooth is a technology that can be used for the wireless data exchange. It uses the short wavelength radio waves. It creates its own area network. The figure of Bluetooth module hc05 is shown. D. Relay As the output of Arduino is not sufficient to operate different home
  • 32. The Power Of Discovery In The Tempest And Into The Wild Discoveries challenge societal and individual s beliefs of human relevance and identity through new experiences and other individuals who influence the transformation of one s inner self and the world they inhabit. Both the The Tempest and film Into the wild demonstrates the power of discovery in transforming one s perspective on themselves and the world. Shakespeare s, The Tempest explores the universeas impersonal, insinuating human irrelevance and the need for others in self transformation. Similarly, the film Into the wild communicates transformation through isolation within the natural environment by deviating from the familiar, learning forgiveness and that natureis harsh proving escapism to be more detrimental than cathartic. Both texts explore the physical power of nature and aspects of self discovery catalyzed through others and by challenging societal beliefs and encountering new human experiences. The discovery of human insignificance within the universe is revealed through the disruption of social order, provoking new worldviews and communicating the universe as impersonal. These concepts of discovery challenge the beliefs and assumptions of human power and portray human irrelevance and how isolation leads to self discovery away from society s expectations. The setting of play emphasis isolation on the island and acts as a tool for the characters to explore self without the beliefs of society dominating the individual s values. Prospero, the
  • 33. Quotes About Moral Courage Israa Ibrahim Ms. Olson English 30 1 March 1 2018 Moral courage. An ambiguous word used to describe the purpose of taking action for moral reasons despite the risk of adverse consequences. Without us knowing, our moral courage is being challenged each and every day in situations like being honest at the risk of criticism, or standing up for what you believe in spite of being judged by other people. One s actions may be influenced by the opinions of other people around them, hence why it can be challenging to gather up enough moral courage to stand up alone or in opposition of other people. Tim, whom the perspective of the story is told through is faced with a moral dilemma when he is given a draft notice to fight in the Vietnam ... Show more content on ... In Tim s case even though he admits to having an unhappy ending ,he ultimately did what was morally right by participating in the Vietnam War. Although the process does require a physical journey outside one s comfort zone towards self discovery. While some may argue that Tim ends up losing his own internal battle because he sees himself as a coward for not following through with political convictions. However, ultimately, he did achieve moral courage because in going to the Vietnam War in the end shows his shows a strong sense of dutiful patriotism. Even though deep down Tim is opposed to the idea of going to fight in a war he did not believe in, he ultimately knew that he had a respectable responsibility to not only his country but his future wife, children and family to partake in the Vietnam
  • 34. Breastfeeding Research The first six months of an infant s life is so important in many ways such as development, attachment, and most importantly nutritional needs. Rapid growth is occurring during these months and proper nutrition is crucial in order to support the growth and neurological development changes (Marotz, 2012). If an infantis not properly nourished they will be under the average rate for weight and height, have slower growth rate, have fewer brain cells and less intellectual capabilities. During the first 5 6 months, infants are fed solely breast milkor formula, which both are made up of rich fat substances and meet the needed calorie intake of 650 calories per quart (Marotz, 2012). During the early months after birth, the infant should consume... Show more content on ... As breastfeeding can be a difficult transition, doctors and nurses are there to assist to the breastfeeding process for mothers and their infant (AAP, 2005). Breastfeeding is especially critical to a premature infant s health, as they are below birth weight as it is the human milk gives them all their nutrients they need to develop appropriately compared to infants that are fed formula (AAP, 2005). There s reason as to why women produce milk to feed it to their same species , therefore any other form of milk i.e. formula, will be very different even though it may be advertised as just the same as breast milk . With that being said, mothers milk is the highest quality for infant feeding which has led to more positive outcomes for development (AAP,
  • 35. Role Of Nurse Practitioners On The Health Industry Introduction Definition of Role Over the last few years, the nation health system has gone through some significant changes. Factors such as rising costs of healthcare, population increases, aging in the population as well as divergence in the health division has played a large role in shaping the health industry. Nursing is one of the professions has gone through a paradigm change in its organization and capabilities, structure and role stipulations (AHRQ, 2015). Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses who receive advanced education and clinical training, in a wide variety of areas that range from preventive and acute health care services to individuals in all age groups. Nurse practitioner is usually involved in the direct practice of nursing, care, and medicine. At the same time, majority of nurse practitioners practice their skills in several different areas but most are in an ambulatory setting as compared to other nursing roles that are in an acute care setting (AHRQ, 2015). A nurse practitioner squarely falls under the clinical department of both medicine and nursing. This is because the primary role of a nurse practitioner is to provide direct care to the patient as well as delegated medical services. The oversight is done indirectly and directly by a physician. Additionally, a nurse practitioner diagnoses, contains and manages acute and episodic illnesses. At the same time, they also act as advocates of health promotion and disease prevention. Other
  • 36. Virtual Child Progress Report Part I Abstract This paper is a progress report of an eight year old girl s developmental milestones from ages zero months to eight years old. It is an attempt to relate the milestones, and the impact on the girl s ability to interact with her social environment. It identifies changes, and struggles the child experienced over the years. It reviews the decisions the parents made and their impact to her development. It links development theories to changes and experiences she experienced. Keywords: child development, developmental milestones, temperament, parenting style, child development theories, trajectory, social and moral development. Virtual Child Progress Report Part I Shakira is an eight year old, Asian girl from a middle class family. She is currently living with her mother and younger sister since her parents recently separated. In general, her parents get along, and often make decisions together for the siblings. At home, Shakira is uncooperative, and often in bad mood (angry or sad). She often forgets homework and chores, or leaves them unfinished. She overly reacts to stress, and unable to control her emotions. She yells angrily at family members, and slams the door to her room. Her negative behavior usually elicits anger from her parents leading to more screaming and chaos. She constantly cheats when playing games, and lies about trivial things. She cannot concentrate or pay attention in school. She is not interested in language arts or
  • 37. Summary Of The I Robot Robot Hey! Robot! a voice called from behind thirteen year old Artemis. The voice was deep and croaky, and that voice belonged to the school bully, Mikey Duchance. A fat, stocky, bulky boy with a pig like face. Artemis had had the nickname since kindergarten, since she was seemingly emotionless. She hated the nickname, as she knew she wasn t an emotionless tin can that did whatever you told it to do. She was a thirteen year old girl who could hide her emotions very well, and could see the little shades of grey no one else saw. Hey, C3PO! You got a brain in there? Mikey teased, knocking in the side of her head with his large fist. Artemis rolled her eyes, and continued eating her lunch, while also working on a story she d been... Show more content on ... She had never exploded like that before, and had never wanted to. Artemis realized that her parents would be home soon, and she didn t feel like staying. She left a note on the table saying that she was spending the night at a friends house, and she d be back about noon. Once that was done, she grabbed a bag, and packed it with three water bottles, some food, a sleeping bag, an extra blanket, a small pocket knife, some matches, a book, a pencil and paper, and an extra pair of clothes for morning. Once that was done, she set out. Artemis had always liked the woods, since they were peaceful and she could be alone. It also helped her to think when she was writing, just sitting in a tree, listening to the birds chirping and feeling a soft breeze blow through her thick, black hair. It was perfect. Once she had reached the spot where she usually went, she began to set up her camp. Artemis made a small fire pit and made a structure above it which her dad taught her to make. It was a small stand made out of sticks that could hold cans of food. For food, she had packed a can of corn, a can of beans, some bread, a jar of peanut butter, and an apple. Once she had positioned the cans on the small stand, she lit the fire with a match. To pass the time, she grabbed out her book and started to read. But for once she couldn t concentrate on her reading, and could only think about the day s events. Artemis set the book
  • 38. Low Self Esteem In Students Low self esteem in students Picture this: A teenage girl strolls into the bathroom mascara in hand, ready to fix her messed up eyelashes that had gotten worn out after the first three hours of the day. Mascara can either be a girl s best friend by helping them feel like they look better with only a little bit or their worst enemy by making girls feel like they need to constantly apply more to their eyelashes, and add other makeup to more features of their face, to look beautiful. The more often these girls apply mascara, it is as if a balloon filled with negative thoughts about their appearance, is being pulled closer to them and they don t know what to do with those thoughts. These girls with low self esteem continue to check the mirror and apply more makeup. These actions keep pulling the balloon closer and closer to them. Once the balloon draws so close to them, BAM! It is as if the balloon pops and all of the negative thoughts about their appearance become stronger than ever. Do I look ok? and Come to the bathroom with me so I can fix my mascara are two common phrases that are heard multiple times throughout a typical school day at Forest Park Middle School. One witness sees these students walk into the bathroom in between classes mascara in hand, ready to fix their hideous complexion. Once they re done, one sees them walk out of the bathroom with a fresh coat of makeup on over the old one. Showing their inner terror would be a horrible incident that no student
  • 39. Science Of Climate Change And How Combined Cycle Power Plants Scientific Report The science of climate change and how combined cycle power plants will slow its impact Pascal Nguyen School of Applied Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria 3021, Australia Abstract The increase in the emission of greenhouse gases has led to the increase in climate change; the consequence of unchecked pollution, where carbon emissions caused by human activity enters the air and causes negative impacts on the environment. One of the many negative impacts could be the change in the current state of the ocean and the melting of the cryosphere. One of the ways to combat the increase in climate change may be the addition of the combined cycle power plants and how its efficient ways will lower greenhouse ... Show more content on ... All of these factors, ultimately, affect the distribution, abundance, breeding cycle and migration of marine plants and animals that millions of people rely on for food and income. Cryosphere The plant s frozen areas are some of the most sensitive to climate change, as climate change starts to increase, the mass loss of ice in these areas starts to increase leading to major problems such as the major problem of water levels rising. One of the ways the world is trying to fight back the increase in the greenhouse gas emission (GHG) is through the use of combined cycle power plants used to created energy for the population. A gas turbine generator produces electricity and waste heat is used to make steam to generate additional electricity through a steam turbine. The gas turbine is one of the most efficient one of the conversion of gas fuels to mechanical power or electricity, Through the research of the science of climate change, it is important to look at this topic as early as possibly can as it is the key to being able to change and make notice the way human kind acts on climate change. 1.1Natural gas combined cycle power plants The process for converting the energy in a fuel
  • 40. The Importance Of Reading Books During my adolescence, my mother would force me to read books. Although I didn t necessarily like it, the habit grew on me. This forced assignment made me enjoy a certain genre of books, non fiction. At the young age of nine years old is when it began. My mother made me begin the daunting task of completing a book at the end of the week. Although, the time limit did vary depending on the size of the book. After the first few weeks I would dread reading. During this age, I wanted to watch television and play games. After spending so much time reading. I realized that procrastinating wouldn t get me that far. Therefore, I would really take the time to read and not fumble around. This gave me more time to enjoy the things I really wanted to ... Show more content on ... Reading these non fictional books made me realize how ungrateful I was being, because years and years ago, a black child just like me would kill to read a book. After I grew a new found love for black history and reading non fiction I began to discover possible career choices. I read books about the political standing in America. I learned how some injustices were done unto blacks through political leaders. This gave me a strong desire to go into the political field. Also, the presidential term of Barack Obama made me want to explore the possibilities of politics. This also gave me self awareness of my surroundings. Reading about the hatred that President Obama received from his fellow counterparts made me realize the world we live in. Growing up in the south I wasn t really on the lookout for certain things. But reading about the 1960 s and the Jim Crow era I realized some similarities. Such as, behavior and mannerisms. Another new avenue I discovered was going to museums. Being able to visually see parts of history fascinated me during my younger age and still to this day it excites me. I could read the small descriptions of whatever item was begin displayed. This gave me another passion for reading. Going on school field trips was the highlight of my school days. Especially if it had some involvement of African American history or culture. Currently the habit that my mother instilled in me still works. I always try my best to read and research on
  • 41. The Warfare Of The Soviet Union The United States utilizing its networks to destabilize the Soviet Union as a regional hegemon, it supported a an Islamic fundamentalist group named the Taliban, and along with weapon support and logistics. As well as discussing the various guerilla tactics utilized and discussed by the class through the readings such as Mao Zedong. I will also elaborate on the success and the dependency of the various guerilla tactics used and how fundamental it was in their victory against a conventional army (Soviet Union), and the outcome would not have. As well as the success of the conflict only through its reliance on foreign aid, as well as the major influence of external actors from the United States, and other gulf countries, this in fact was colossal in the success of the conflict. The examination of these primitive as well as effective asymmetrical forms of warfare were pivotal to the success. Through the use of my resources I will use the book On Guerilla Warfare as well as to explain the successful tactics of the Taliban, and how important the tactics explained in this book were monumental to the movements success. Also I will use a story dubbed, resources which describe the methods that other sovereign countries used to utilize support and ultimately proved affective in ending the conflict. I will examine the progress and elements from its beginning and how it was able to be successful in the following years. And what proved fundamental to its success as non conventional
  • 42. Analysis Of The Human Cost Of An Illiterate Society By... The essay The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society written by Jonathan Kozol and published in Readings for Writers in 2013, conveyed an extremely important message throughout. Illiterate American s struggle with simple daily tasks which many of us take for granted. The amount of illiterate people in our society is much higher than it should be. According to the essay, there are millions of Americans who fail to excel in the ability to read and write. Such a large number of people have a problem with this that evidence has shown that if those people were able to read and write and could consciously make a decision to vote for the president of the United States, there would likely have been a different outcome to the 1980 presidential election.
  • 43. Explain How Bruno s Attitude Is Changing Towards His Life... Chapter 9 Describe how Bruno s attitude is changing towards his life at Out With. He really does want to go back to Berlin so very bad, but he doesn t much remember what his life was like back there. What has Bruno noticed about Lieutenant Kotler s interactions with his family? Explain. He spends a lot of time that is needed with his father but he also whispers weirdly to his mother, and somewhat starts to flirt with Gretel. Describe the change that Father and Mother agree should be made to Bruno and Gretel s daily routine. Their parents have now decided that they need to continue their educations. How do Bruno s interests differ from Herr Liszt s interests? Explain. Bruno likes reading and art and Herr Liszt like history and geography. Bruno is being taught by Herr but he doesn t have... Show more content on ... Explain. Herr wants to teach about the country s history and what has been engaged in the children. On page 98, the author described Herr Liszt voice as sinister and said that he hissed when he talked. What do these clues tell the reader about Herr Liszt? The clues that the author is telling us is that Herr Liszt is angry and strict. You can also tell that he is trying to make his point but Bruno is just not understanding it. What central question does Bruno begin to ponder as he prepares to leave the house for an exploration ? What thoughts lead him to that question? The central question he ponders is he compares the very odd behaviours of the people that wear the striped pajamas. He wonders what makes them two separate groups. What does Bruno stop to investigate as he prepares to leave the backyard? What does he discover? He compares the very odd behaviours of the people that wear the striped pajamas. He wonders what makes them two separate groups. He stops and investigates the bench and finds that the bench had words saying that it was dedicated the the opening of
  • 44. Perfect Society In Brave New World Ever heard of a society that is perfect from sex and drugs neither have I. In the novel Brave New World it seems that a way a perfect society for humans. With Community, Identity, and Stability three things our society needs. Is the Brave new world society perfect though? In Brave new world society there slogan does not show there unconnected community, No identity, and Instability. Community one of the most important things that makes up a society connects the people but when it isolates its own people isn t that disconnected? The mockery made him feel an outsider:and feeling an outsider he behaved like one (65). This is displaying community making of there own people making him an outsider in his own community that s not a connection. Poor little bernard (71). Even after mocking one of their own bernard for being little different they couldn t stop patronizing by acting as if they re sorry. Touched his brain, I suppose (60). It shows Bernard seemed to have already felt an outsider throughout his life but this community is the one who caused this all to happen by torturing him mentally because he was a little different. Does This really show a connected community or ... Show more content on ... Bokanovsky s Process (6). The Bokanovsky s process shows that many are identical and having them same identity inferring with the slogan Identity . Principle of mass production at last applied to biology . This conveys the opposite meaning of identity only being bred all the same for a production in the world having no choice. Twin after twin (201). This displays the way the world is in the Brave New Worldone full of twins not having a unique identity becoming a clone having no meaning. Identity a thing that makes a person a person in this society everyone has the same identity to other people making them all the same not showing indemnities in this
  • 45. The Landlady Compare And Contrast Essay Feeling hot and scared, you don t know what is going on with your body. You feel as if you are suffocating. Then, you remember something that seems very irrelevent, a cup of tea. Screenwriters change small details around. They do this to give their own twist to a story. This happens in the short story The Landlady by Roald Dahl and the episode version from Tales of the Unexpected. There are many similarities between the short storyversion and the episode. One similarity is the sign placed outside the landlady s home. The bed and breakfast sign caught Billy eye in the story. It caught his eye in the episode as well. Billy is walking along the street when the sign just randomly catches his eye and allures him into the landlady s house. The screenwriter kept this part the same because it is important. It is important, for it sets up the next part of the story. It sets up the setting. Furthermore, Billy is also poisoned by cyanide in both the story and the episode. Billy is offered tea. Even though he did not like it, Billy acted with decorum and drank... Show more content on ... In the short story by Roald Dahl, Billy is seventeen years old. This is untrue for the episode. Billy is eighteen in the episode. The screenwriter probably believed that seventeen years old would not be old enough to start working for a company in the time his episode was made, so he changed Billy from seventeen to eighteen which is old enough to work. Moreover, Billy shows signs of being poisoned in only the episode. Billy in the story just mentioned that the tea tasted of bitter almonds and is otherwise unphased in the first few minutes. Billy in the episode however, is actually breathing heavily and feeling as if he is being choked to death. The screenwriter alters the plot because he knows that cyanide is supposed to kill fairly quickly so the screenwriter changed that detail so Billy would show signs of being poisoned