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In a primary health centre monthly requirement of DPT is 280 doses. Lead time (time
between ordering of new stock and its receipt) is 1 week.

   a. Calculate what should be the buffer stock                               1
   b. What should be the minimum stock level (reorder level)?                  2
   c. What is the maximum stock level?                                       2

Buffer stock serves as cushion or buffer against emergencies, major fluctuations in vaccine
demands or unexpected transport delays. (25% of monthly requirment for vaccines and 10%
of monthly requirement for syringes). DPT buffer stock should be 25% of 280 = 70

Minimum stock level (reorder level) is the the least amount you should have in stock, usually
expressed as weeks/ months of supply. It is the amount of stock you will have between placing
and receiving an order plus the buffer stock. Since lead time is 1 week, the minimum stock
should be 1 week requirement i,e 280 devided by 4 = 70. Buffer stock is 70. So, minimum stock
level is 70+ 70 = 140.

Maximum stock level is largest amount of stock you should have, usually expressed as weeks/
months supply. It is minimum stock plus amount of stock used between orders. 140 + 3 weeks
stock of 210 doses. (1 week stock is 280 divided by 4 = 70. So 3 weeks stock is 70 multiplied by
3 = 210.).
Maximum stock = 210 + 140 = 350 doses.


a. What is the diagnosis?                                                      1
b. What is this sign called?                                                   1
c. What are the structures that cause this appearance in this condition?       0.5

a. Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage- supracardiac type

b. Snow man appearance, figure of 8 appearance

 c. Cardiomegaly with increased vascular markings
    Dilatation of both the left and right innominate veins and right SVC producing the
classical snow man or figure of 8 appearance
    Superior mediastinum is enlarged secondary to right venacava, innominate artery and
ascending vertical vein.

a. Describe the findings on the spine                                   1
b. Name the disease where this is seen                                  1
c Name 2 other skeletal complications of this condition.                0.5

a. Infarction affecting the central part of the vertebrae (fed by a spinal artery branch) results
in the characteristic h vertebrae of sickle cell disease. The outer portions of the plates are
spared because of the numerous apophyseal arteries. The lateral cxr shows multiple vertebral
end-plate irregularities and depressions. The peripheral portions of the end-plates are spared.
The appearance is due to bone infarction and subsequent collapse. This is an early example of
the classical h-shaped vertebrae seen in sickle-cell anaemia.
b. Sickle cell anemia (also seen in Gauchers disease)
c. Dactylitis, avascular necrosis of femoral head and humerus, osteomyelitis

     a. Identify the karyotype.                              1

     b. What is the basic genetic defect?                   0.5

     c. List four clinical features of the same.             1

     a. Fragile X syndrome

     b. 200-2000 repeats of CGG/CCG on fragile site of distal long arm of chromosome X

     c. Mental retardation, macro-orchidism, long face, prominent jaw, stereotyped speech and

a. Identify the karyotype                                  1

b. What is the basic genetic defect?                      0.5

c. List four clinical features.                            1

     a. Cri-du-chat syndrome

     b. 5p deletion

     c. Characteristic cry, hypotonia, microcephaly with prominent metopic suture,
        hypertelorism, bilateral epicanthic folds, high arched palate, flat nasal bridge, short
        stature and mental retardation.


     a What is the study?
     b. Interpret the same.
     c. Give two conditions for the same.

     a. Audiogram                               1
     b. Bilateral conductive deafness           1
     c. Ear wax, otitis media                  0.5

a. Interpret the study.
  b. Give two conditions for the same

      a. Bilateral sensorineural deafness                   1.5
      b. CMV, congenital rubella syndrome, ototoxic drugs    1

Demonstrate the procedure and verbalize the same

Pretends to wash hands and follows universal precautions-                                   0.5

Paints and drapes the leg and places it in slight external rotation                        0.5

Identifies the tibial tuberosity and locates the site one finger breadth below and medial to it

Stabilizes the leg at the knee joint and does not place the hand below the leg               0.5

Holds the needle like a knife and inserts the needle perpendicular to the tibia in a twisting
manner                                                                                        0.5

Continues to insert the needle till there is a give way feeling once in the marrow space      0.5

Needle is steady once in the marrow space                                                        0.5

Aspirates the marrow and flushes with a small volume of saline and makes sure there is no
swelling of soft tissues                                                                  0.5

Fixes the needle and connects IV fluid                                                            0.5

Verbalizes the whole procedure                                                                    0.5

Examine the motor system of the child excluding reflexes

Findings will be documented in the next station

Measures bulk in all the areas                             1

Examines tone                                              2

Examines power in all four limbs                           2

Examines gait                                              1

Document the findings of motor system excluding reflexes

Posture                                      1

Bulk                                         1

Tone                                         1

Power                                         2

Gait                                          1

     a. Identify the slide                                       1.5

     b. Mention the clinical condition concerned with the same   0.5

     c. Mention the drugs used to treat the same.                0.5

         a. Bone marrow smear showing Leishmania donovani

          b. Kala Azar/ Leishmaniasis

         c. Sodium stilbogluconate, pentamidine

     a. Identify the slide                                       1.5

     b. Mention the clinical condition concerned                 0.5

     c. Mention two complications of the same                    0.5

     a. Corynebacterium diphtheriae

     b. Diphtheria

     c. Toxic myocarditis, toxic neuritis, air way obstruction

A father brings his 5 year old son Raju to OPD concerned that he is hyperactive. Past history

shows that he was treated for iron deficiency anaemia with 5mg/kg/day elemental iron for 3

months an year back. He has also been treated at home for stomach pains and constipation

with a laxative. His sister has been diagnosed with ADHD and is repeating Std 1. Father has

an automobile repair shop and mother is a housewife and is 3 months pregnant. On

examination, Raju is in the 10th percentile for height and weight. His attention span is very

short and he has difficulty following simple instructions. Except for the slightly delayed

language and social skills, Raju has reached most important developmental milestones.

a) What is the diagnosis?                                                      1
   Lead poisoning

b) What test would you order to confirm or rule out your diagnosis?             0.5
  Venous blood lead levels

c) Which family member is at greatest risk?                                    0.5
   The unborn baby

d) Name two drugs used for treatment                                            0.5
   Calcium disodium EDTA

Soumya is 4 months pregnant with her first child. Her 15 year old brother Jai began to have

difficulty in climbing stairs at 4 years of age. He is now confined to a wheelchair. All other

family members including Sowmya are normal. She is worried that her child may be affected.

a. What is the most likely clinical diagnosis?

  Duchennes muscular dystrophy                                                  1

b. What is the inheritance pattern?                                            0.5

  X linked recessive

c. What are the chances that Sowmya could be affected with the same diasease?

  0 %. She will be a carrier.                                                 0.5

d. What would you recommend for antenatal diagnosis?                           0.5

   Chorionic villi sampling by 12 weeks of gestation for DNA analysis



     a. Identify the rash                                  1

     b. Name the clinical condition in which it is seen.   1

                   a. Erythema marginatum

                   b. Rheumatic fever


a. Identify the clinical condition.                            1.5
   Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome.

b. What are the physical findings?                               1
  Hemihypertrophy, macroglossia, omphalocoele, macrosomia, visceromegaly

c. What is the metabolic abnormality?                           0.5
  Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia.


     a. Identify the inheritance pattern                             1.5
        Autosomal dominant inheritance

     b. Mention four clinical conditions with the same inheritance    1
        Neurofibromatosis type-1,

        Von Willebrands disease,

        Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney,

         Hereditay spherocytosis
     a. Identify the inheritance                                    1.5
         Mitochondrial inheritance

     b. Mention two clinical conditions with the same inheritance    1
        Lebers hereditary optic atrophy

        Kerans Sayers disease

  a. Identify the ECG rhythm                         1
     Sinus tachycardia

  b. Write the points in favour of your diagnosis.   0.5
   HR 170 beats/min

   Presence of P waves preceding ORS

   narrow QRS<0.8 sec

a. Identify the ECG rhythm
b. Write the points in favour of your diagnosis.

  a. Supra ventricular tachycardia

     b.    HR 300 beats/min
             Absence of P waves
             Narrow QRS<0.8

a. What is the diagnosis?                             1

 b. Mention the drugs used to treat this condition.       1

 Inj.Calcium glucaonate 10/%

 Inj Sodium bicarbonate

 Salbutamol nebulization

 Glucose insulin drip


     a. What is the clinical diagnosis?        1.5
        Intaventricular hemorrhage

     b. Mention four causes for the same

        Prematurity- germinal matrix bleed

        Haemorrhagiic disease of the newborn

        Neonatal ITP

        Trauma/ Child abuse                     1

a. What is the diagnosis?                       1.5

     Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

b. What is the electrolyte imbalance seen?       1

     Hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis

9 year old Arun has been diagnosed with bronchial asthma. His mother has been explained
about the chronic nature of the illness and treatment options. She is anxious about the
measures she can take at home to prevent recurrent attacks. In the next 5 minutes talk to
You are being observed by the examiner for health education and communication skills.

What precautions should I take at home to prevent my child from getting recurrent attacks?
EXAMINER CHECKLIST (maximum 3 marks for 6 and above)
1. Bed room to be kept clean and dust free
2. Wet mopping preferable to dry mopping
3. Light plain curtains, bed sheets easily washable ones in child’s bedroom (to be washed in
hot water)
4. Regular dusting of calendars and paintings and books when child not at home
5. Keeping animal pets like dogs and cats away from the child’s bed room
6. Smoking to be avoided at home
7. Strong and pungent odours like wet paint, disinfectants minimized
8. Windows to be kept open when strong smells of cooking or smoke at home
9. Windows to be closed when outside air is very much polluted or full of pollen from
   flowers and trees
10. Avoid very cold foods

ATTITUDE (0.5 mark each)




Mehul, one year old child weighing 10 kg is admitted with loose stools and vomiting with no

obvious signs of dehydration. His serum sodium is 160 meq/l and serum potassium is

3.5 meq/l.Urine output is adequate.

   a. Calculate the free water deficit                                   2

       FWD = 0.6 x wt x (1 - 145/current sodium)
           = 560 ml

   b. Write the fluid orders for this child.                             3

       Hypernatremia should be corrected over 48 hours

       Serum sodium should be monitored serially

       Fluid order for each day= maintenance fluid +half of FWD + ongoing losses

      Adequate urine out implies 2ml/kg/hr= 480ml/day

    Maintenance fluid= 1000ml +
    Half of FWD      = 280 ml +
    Ongoing losses = 480ml

     Total fluid requirement per day = 1760 ml

   D50.45NS 440 ml IV Q 6 hourly with 5meq Inj KCl in each 500 ml of IV fluid to be given

  each day for two days


     a. Identify the clinical condition               2

     b. What is the sign seen in the imaging study?   1
        Split pleura sign

     c. How will you treat the condition?
        IV antibiotics
        Intercostal drainage


What is the diagnosis?   1

Extradural hematoma

What is the diagnosis?   1

Subdural hematoma


  a. Identify the slide                1.5
     Macrocytic anemia

  b. Mention two causes for the same   1
     B12 deficiency
     Folate deficiency

a. Identify the slide                                          1.5

b. Mention two points of identification                        1

     Large immature cells

     Two or more nucleoli

     Auer rods- distinctive rod like red staining structures

  c. 14 year old male child has collapsed suddenly.

     Provide one rescuer CPR for the child

     Please clean the mouth of the mannequin with spirit cotton before stating

     Checks for response-                                                 0.5

     Activates emergency response                                         0.5

     Opens airway using head tilt and chin lift                           0.5

     Checks for breathing                                                 0.5

     Gives two rescue breaths                                              0.5

     Checks for carotid pulse                                              0.5

     Locate CPR hand position                                              0.5

     Delivers first 30 cycles of chest compressions at the correct rate     1

     Gives two rescue breaths                                              0.5

1. Identify the study

2. Identify the clinical patterns in a, b and c



     1. Spirometry- flow volume curves


     a. normal curve

     b. restrictive lung diseasse

     c. obstructive lung disease

Resuscitate a newborn with the provided equipments.

Please ask questions regarding status of infant –wherever necessary.

1) Check the following equipments before proceeding further

Ø Bag mask valve

Ø Laryngoscope

2) Get information about the infant from the observer before proceeding to resuscitate
and at each step whenever necessary

Answer Key

Check list for observer.

Bag mask valve…does the candidate                                           1
- attach reservoir?
- check pop off valve?
Laryngoscope – Checks bulb & handle

Does candidate ask the following 3 questions?                                   1

Ø Crying well – breathing well or not?
Ø Pink or blue colour?
Ø Good muscle tone?

The Observer Should Say Baby Is Not Breathing
Does he clear airway/provide warmth/ position dry infant/stimulate?             1

and then ask status of baby

Observer Says: Baby Still Not Breathing well

Does he give PPV for 30 seconds?                                                1
Correct position
EC clamp technique
Chest expansion
and then ask status of baby

Observer Says Hr- 50/Min, Blue

Does he start chest compressions?                             1
Correct technique?

Recent changes in Neonatal resusciatation (2010 guidelines)


Measure the following in this child and document.

1. Standing height

2. Head circumference

3. Chest circumference

4. Upper segment to lower segment ratio

You are being observed for skills in anthropometry.

HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE                                                          1

1. Occipital protruberance to supraorbital ridges
2. Crossed tape method (firm pressure on hair to compress)

STANDING HEIGHT                                                             1

1. Heels buttocks and back brought in contact with vertical surface- wall
2. Frankfurt plane—horizontal
3. Head piece firmly over vertex to compress hair

CHEST CIRCUMFERENCE                                                             1

Measures the chest circumference at the level of nipples


Measures from pubic symphysis to sole


Standing height – lower segment

UPPER SEGMENT TO LOWER SEGMENT RATIO                                                1

ATTITUDE                                                                            1





  1. What are the indications for administration?                          2

  2. Mention four adverse effects of this drug?                            2

  3. How do you monitor the newborn when the drug is given?                1


  1. Transposition of the great vessels.
  2. Lesions with ductal dependent pulmonary blood flow- TOF, PS, pulmonary atresia,
     tricuspid atresia, Ebsteins anomaly
  3. Lesions with ductal dependent systemic blood flow- AS, COA, hypoplastic left heart
     syndrome, interrupted aortic arch


  1.  Apnoea.
  2.  Hypotension.
  3.  Hyperthermia (transient).
  4.  Hypoglycaemia
  5.  Tachycardia.
  6.  Bradycardia.
  7.  Seizures.
  8.  Diarrhoea.
  9.  Skin flush secondary to vasodilation- occurs more frequently with intraarterial
  10. Sepsis, cardiac arrest, disseminated intravascular coagulation, hypokalaemia, oedema,
      cortical proliferation of the long bones.


        o   Observe respiratory effort closely
        o   Monitor arterial pressure closely.
        o   Watch for apnea
        o   Watch for bleeding diathesis-

1000 babies were born in a maternity home in 2010. 185 babies had cord TSH more than
25µIU/ml. 95 of these turned out to be congenital hypothyroidism. 5 babies had cord TSH less
than 25 µIU/ml who later on had proven congenital hypothyroidism.

Calculate the following for newborn thyroid screening test-

          a.   True positive and true negative                          1
          b.   Sensitivity                                              1
          c.   Specificity                                              1
          d.   Positive predictive value                                1
          e.   Negative predictive value                                 1

          Total population = 1000

          Positive test = 185             Negative test = 815

          True positive = 95              False positive = 90

          Flase negative = 5             True negative = 810

          Sensitivity = TP/ TP + FN x 100 = 95%

          Specificity = TN/ TN + FP x 100 = 90%

          Positive predictive value= TP/ TP + FP x 100 = 51.4%

          Negative predictive value= TN/ TN + FN x100= 99.4%

1. 28 year old Meera who has delivered 1 hour ago in your hospital. Baby weighs 2.8 kg
   and has no apparent problem. She was tested HIV positive during early preganency.
   Her CD4 count was 500. She has been on Anti retroviral drugs (tripple drug regimen)
   since 14 weeks of gestation.

a. What is advice regarding breast feeding and weaning?                                1.5
   Exclusive breast feeding upto six months
   Start complementary feeds at six months
   Continue breast feeds with complementary feeds upto one year of age

b. What is the advice regarding ART for the baby?                                       1

   Syrup nevirapine 15 mg OD for 6 weeks only

2. 25 years old, Mrs Nazeema has delivered a female baby weighing 3 kgs one hour back.
   She was unbooked and was detected to be HIV positive during delivery. She was given
   nevirapine during delivery.

 a. What is the advice regarding breast feeding?                                      1.5
    Exclusive breast feeding upto six months
    Start complementary feeds at six months
    Continue breast feeds with complementary feeds upto one year of age

 b. What is the advice regarding ART for the baby?                                     1
    Syrup nevirapine 15 mg OD for 6 weeks
    Syrup nevirapine 20 mg OD for 6 weeks -6 months
    Syrup nevirapine 15 mg OD for 6 -9 months
    Syrup nevirapine 15 mg OD for 9 months to 1 year

    Syrup nevirapine to be continued for one week after all the breast feeding is stopped.

         1. 3 year old child with loose stools-
            Na- 134 meq/l, K – 2.9 meq/l, Cl – 113 meq/l, HCO3- 16                       2
            ABG- ph- 7.31, PCO2- 34, HCO3- 16

         a. Calculate anion gap
            ( Na +K) – (Cl+HCO3)= 7.9

         b. What is the acid base imbalance?
            Compensated Metabolic acidosis
            Expected PCO2 = (1.5x HCO3) + 8 +/- 2 = 32+/- 2

 2. 10 year old child with salycilate poisoning.                                      1.5
      Anion gap= 30
      ABG- ph- 7.3, pCO2 = 32, HCO3= 10

     What is the acid base imbalance?

     Expected PCO2= 23 +/-2
     Actual PCO2= 32, so there is respiratory acidosis also

     In all cases of high anion gap metabolic acidosis,
     corrected HCO3 = Actual HCO3 + [anion gap-12] , should be calculated.
     Corrected HCO3 = 28
     Corrected HCO3 > 24 is associated with coexisting metabolic alkalosis

     This child has -
     metabolic acidosis with respiratory acidosis with co-existing metabolic alkalosis

  3. 5 year old child with severe respiratory distress                          1.5
     PaO2=56, PaCO2= 50

     Calculate d(A-a)

     PAO2= 150-1.25(PaCO2)=87.5
     d(A-a)= PAO2-PaO2 = 31.5

I. Child ‘A’ walks up and down stairs with alternating legs.

a) What would be your assessment of the age of this child?

b) Name 2 adaptive milestones specific for this age.

II. Child B    - copies cross and square

              - Imitates construction of “gate” of 5 cubes

   a) What would be the child’s probable age?

   b) Mention 2 specific motor milestones for this age.

III. Match the following

a) Palmar grasp gone                                      - 8 months

b) Transfers object from hand-to-hand             -          4 months

c) Turn pages of book                                     - 5.5 months

d) Thumb finger grasp                                     - 12 months
       a) 30 months
             • Makes tower of 9 cubes
             • makes vertical and horizontal strokes, but generally will not join them to make
             • imitates circular stroke, forming closed figure

       a) 48 months
       b) – Hops on one foot
             - throws ball overhand
             - Uses scissors to cut out pictures
             - Climbs well

       a)   4 months
       b)   5.5 months
       c)   12 months
       d)   8 months

Total births in 2006 – 1,00000
Died between 28 weeks to term - 500
Died during first week – 300
Died after one week but before one month – 100
Total deaths under 1 year – 100

a. Perinatal mortality rate
b. Neonatal mortality rate
c. Infant mortality rate

Total perinatal deaths/Total no. of live births X 1000

800/1.00000 X 1000 = 8 per 1000 births

Total neonatal deaths/Total live births X 1000

400/1.00000 X 1000 = 4.0/ 1000 live births

No. of deaths < one year/Total live births X 1000
1000/100000 X 1000 = 10/ 1000 live births

Two year old female child is brought with global developmental delay

Elicit – Birth history from the mother.


Introduces to the mother                                                                  0.5
Attitude- polite, courteous, good posture, maintains eye to eye contact
Asks leading questions

ANTENATAL                                           (at least six points)
1. What was the age at conception?                                                       1.5
2. What was the pre-pregnancy weight?
3. Any pre-existing illness?
4. Was it a spontaneous/assissted conception?
5. Was the pregnancy booked, supervised with regular follow ups?
6. What was the weight gain during pregnancy?
7. Did you take iron and calcium tablets from third month to end of pregnancy?
8. Did you have any fever with rash and lymphadenopathy during first three months?u
9. Did you have any exposure to drugs/radiation?
10.Any H/O PIH,GDM,UTI, bleeding PV?

NATAL                                                (at least six points)               1.5
1. Was it a hospital/home delivery?
2. Who conducted the delivery?
3. Were sterile precautions taken if it was a home delivery?
4. What was the duration of labour?
5. What was the duration of leaking PV?
6. Did y fevou have any fever before or during delivery?
7. Did you have any foul discharge PV?
8. Was the delivery- NVD/ Cs/instrumental?
9. Was it a twin delivery?

POST NATAL                                          (at least six points)                 1.5
1. Did baby cry at birth?
2. If not any treatment done?
3. What was the birth weight?
4. Did baby suck well on the breast?
5. Did baby have any fast breathing?
6. Any abnormal movements was noticed in the baby?
7. Any yellowish discolouration of skin?
8. Any fever, rash or poor feeding was noticed in the baby?
9. Any floppiness, paucity of movements, abnormal fisting, prolonged sleeping was noticed in
the baby?

One year old child Raghav is brought to your OPD with concerns of shortness of hearing.

Elicit relevant history.


Introduces to mother, polite, courteous, and asks leading questions.            0.5

Response to noises of varied loudness and progression of the disease            1.5

H/O trauma to the ear, ear infection, ear discharge

H/O fever with seizures and prolonged illness

Did baby receive any ototoxic drugs?

ANTENATAL- H/O fever with rash and lymphadenopathy                              0.5

NATAL         Was the baby term or preterm?                                      0.5

POST NATAL- Did baby cry at birth?                                                1

                 What was the birth weight?

                 Did the baby have jaundice?
                 Do you know how high the bilirubin value was?

                 Was the baby ventilated for any reason?

                 Did the baby have any fever, rash and convulsions?


               When did baby start recognising your voice,                         0.5
                             turning towards loud noises?

FAMILY HISTORY OF DEAFNESS                                                        0.5


             a. Identify the device                               1

                Peripherally inserted central catheter /epicath

             b. What is it used for?                              0.5

                To provide medium and long term IV access/ TPN in neonates
a. Identify the device

  Amplatzer septal occluder

b. What is it used for?

  For device closure of ASD

a.   Identify the device   1.5

     PDA coil

Aryan is a 1 year old healthy child. He has been fully immunized.
His mother is concerned that he does not have a BCG scar. She is worried that he
may catch TB. She is also concerned about the BCG vaccine which she feels may
need to be repeated.

How do you address these two concerns?

You are being observed by the examiner for health education and communication

Health Education
         • 1 ½ marks each for :

                 1. Repeat BCG vaccination is required.

                 2. Mentioning the natural history after a BCG vaccine such as development of
                    a nodule after 4-6 weeks with possibility of formation of abscess and ulcer.

         •   -1 mark for mentioning a Mantoux test.

Communication skills:
½ mark each for the following:
         • Introduction to the mother

         •   Non-verbal communication skills such as eye contact/hand gestures/body lan-

         •   Verbal communication skills such as ability to explain in clear English with non-
             medical terminology in a clear and organized manner

         •   Concluding with a brief summary + asking the mother if she has any questions.





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Pediatrics OSCE Observed Stations Oct 2013
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Pediatrics OSCE Observed Stations Oct 2013
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Testing for Red reflex in newborn, infant
Testing for Red reflex in newborn, infantTesting for Red reflex in newborn, infant
Testing for Red reflex in newborn, infant
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Pediatric EEG - by Dr.Rajesh Ramachandran Nair
Pediatric EEG - by Dr.Rajesh Ramachandran Nair Pediatric EEG - by Dr.Rajesh Ramachandran Nair
Pediatric EEG - by Dr.Rajesh Ramachandran Nair
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Peripheral smear..RBC disorders.. Dr.Padmesh
Peripheral smear..RBC disorders.. Dr.PadmeshPeripheral smear..RBC disorders.. Dr.Padmesh
Peripheral smear..RBC disorders.. Dr.Padmesh
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Pediatric Neurology OSCE (PG CME -Wadia)
Pediatric Neurology OSCE (PG CME -Wadia)Pediatric Neurology OSCE (PG CME -Wadia)
Pediatric Neurology OSCE (PG CME -Wadia)
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
OSCE: Pune Mock OSCE 2012 - Observed Station
OSCE: Pune Mock OSCE 2012 - Observed StationOSCE: Pune Mock OSCE 2012 - Observed Station
OSCE: Pune Mock OSCE 2012 - Observed Station
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Scans.. Dr.Padmesh
Scans.. Dr.PadmeshScans.. Dr.Padmesh
Scans.. Dr.Padmesh
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Chest Physiotherapy.. Dr.Padmesh
Chest Physiotherapy.. Dr.PadmeshChest Physiotherapy.. Dr.Padmesh
Chest Physiotherapy.. Dr.Padmesh
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
OSCE Pediatrics Observed Stations (Mock Exam Apr 2013)
OSCE Pediatrics Observed Stations (Mock Exam Apr 2013)OSCE Pediatrics Observed Stations (Mock Exam Apr 2013)
OSCE Pediatrics Observed Stations (Mock Exam Apr 2013)
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Med Study
examination of joints-OSCE
examination of joints-OSCEexamination of joints-OSCE
examination of joints-OSCE
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
OSCE - National Programmes (SGRH)
OSCE - National Programmes (SGRH)OSCE - National Programmes (SGRH)
OSCE - National Programmes (SGRH)
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat

Destacado (13)

Pediatrics OSCE Observed Stations Oct 2013
Pediatrics OSCE Observed Stations Oct 2013Pediatrics OSCE Observed Stations Oct 2013
Pediatrics OSCE Observed Stations Oct 2013
Testing for Red reflex in newborn, infant
Testing for Red reflex in newborn, infantTesting for Red reflex in newborn, infant
Testing for Red reflex in newborn, infant
Pediatric EEG - by Dr.Rajesh Ramachandran Nair
Pediatric EEG - by Dr.Rajesh Ramachandran Nair Pediatric EEG - by Dr.Rajesh Ramachandran Nair
Pediatric EEG - by Dr.Rajesh Ramachandran Nair
Peripheral smear..RBC disorders.. Dr.Padmesh
Peripheral smear..RBC disorders.. Dr.PadmeshPeripheral smear..RBC disorders.. Dr.Padmesh
Peripheral smear..RBC disorders.. Dr.Padmesh
Pediatric Neurology OSCE (PG CME -Wadia)
Pediatric Neurology OSCE (PG CME -Wadia)Pediatric Neurology OSCE (PG CME -Wadia)
Pediatric Neurology OSCE (PG CME -Wadia)
OSCE: Pune Mock OSCE 2012 - Observed Station
OSCE: Pune Mock OSCE 2012 - Observed StationOSCE: Pune Mock OSCE 2012 - Observed Station
OSCE: Pune Mock OSCE 2012 - Observed Station
Scans.. Dr.Padmesh
Scans.. Dr.PadmeshScans.. Dr.Padmesh
Scans.. Dr.Padmesh
Chest Physiotherapy.. Dr.Padmesh
Chest Physiotherapy.. Dr.PadmeshChest Physiotherapy.. Dr.Padmesh
Chest Physiotherapy.. Dr.Padmesh
OSCE Pediatrics Observed Stations (Mock Exam Apr 2013)
OSCE Pediatrics Observed Stations (Mock Exam Apr 2013)OSCE Pediatrics Observed Stations (Mock Exam Apr 2013)
OSCE Pediatrics Observed Stations (Mock Exam Apr 2013)
examination of joints-OSCE
examination of joints-OSCEexamination of joints-OSCE
examination of joints-OSCE
OSCE - National Programmes (SGRH)
OSCE - National Programmes (SGRH)OSCE - National Programmes (SGRH)
OSCE - National Programmes (SGRH)

Similar a OSCE BBH 2011

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Anisur Rahman
Medillectual juniors 2017 (Prelims and Mains)
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My experience
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Samhaa Mohammed
Snake bites
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Snake bites
Mayank Jain
"Venomous Encounters: Understanding the Physiology, Treatment, and Prevention...
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Premier Medillectuals - Mains
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Dhananjay Bansal
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Quaesitum MAMC Quiz Club
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Abdalla Al Tabtabae
Investigating a Dizzy Patient
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Alison Stevens
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Innis vaccines life threatening results.
Alison Stevens

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My experience
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Snake bites
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Ospe 2012/2013
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Class lecture tb prof shah alam sir
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Innis paper sbs
Innis vaccines life threatening results.
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Innis vaccines life threatening results.

Más de Dr Padmesh Vadakepat

Neonatal Nursing of Extremely Premature Neonates - Dr Padmesh
Neonatal Nursing of Extremely Premature Neonates - Dr PadmeshNeonatal Nursing of Extremely Premature Neonates - Dr Padmesh
Neonatal Nursing of Extremely Premature Neonates - Dr Padmesh
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Update on Antenatal Steroids 2021 - Dr Padmesh
Update on Antenatal Steroids 2021  - Dr PadmeshUpdate on Antenatal Steroids 2021  - Dr Padmesh
Update on Antenatal Steroids 2021 - Dr Padmesh
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Inhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO) in Newborns - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Inhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO) in Newborns - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyInhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO) in Newborns - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Inhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO) in Newborns - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Approach to Ano Rectal Malformations - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Approach to Ano Rectal Malformations - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyApproach to Ano Rectal Malformations - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Approach to Ano Rectal Malformations - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
ROP - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
ROP  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyROP  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
ROP - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Blood Group Selection in Newborn Transfusion - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Blood Group Selection in Newborn Transfusion  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyBlood Group Selection in Newborn Transfusion  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Blood Group Selection in Newborn Transfusion - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Vaccination in Preterms by - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Vaccination in Preterms by  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyVaccination in Preterms by  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Vaccination in Preterms by - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
European Consensus Statement on RDS 2019
European Consensus Statement on RDS 2019European Consensus Statement on RDS 2019
European Consensus Statement on RDS 2019
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Blood Brain Barrier by Dr Padmesh V
Blood Brain Barrier by Dr Padmesh VBlood Brain Barrier by Dr Padmesh V
Blood Brain Barrier by Dr Padmesh V
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Humidication in NICU - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Humidication in NICU - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyHumidication in NICU - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Humidication in NICU - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Subgaleal Hemorrhage - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Subgaleal Hemorrhage - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologySubgaleal Hemorrhage - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Subgaleal Hemorrhage - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Touch and Massage Therapy in Newborn - Dr Padmesh V
Touch and Massage Therapy in Newborn - Dr Padmesh VTouch and Massage Therapy in Newborn - Dr Padmesh V
Touch and Massage Therapy in Newborn - Dr Padmesh V
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Perinatal infections- Diagnosis & Management - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Perinatal infections- Diagnosis & Management  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyPerinatal infections- Diagnosis & Management  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Perinatal infections- Diagnosis & Management - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Shock & Inotropes in Neonates - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Shock & Inotropes in Neonates  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyShock & Inotropes in Neonates  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Shock & Inotropes in Neonates - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
ABC of ABG - Dr Padmesh
ABC of ABG - Dr PadmeshABC of ABG - Dr Padmesh
ABC of ABG - Dr Padmesh
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Assessment of Fetal Well being - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Assessment of Fetal Well being - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyAssessment of Fetal Well being - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Assessment of Fetal Well being - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Ballard score.. - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Ballard score..  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyBallard score..  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Ballard score.. - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
European Consensus Guidelines- RDS in Preterm Newborns
European Consensus Guidelines- RDS in Preterm NewbornsEuropean Consensus Guidelines- RDS in Preterm Newborns
European Consensus Guidelines- RDS in Preterm Newborns
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Say NO to drugs .. Dr.Padmesh
Say NO to drugs .. Dr.PadmeshSay NO to drugs .. Dr.Padmesh
Say NO to drugs .. Dr.Padmesh
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat
Pulmonary Abscess in Children .. Dr Padmesh
Pulmonary Abscess in Children .. Dr PadmeshPulmonary Abscess in Children .. Dr Padmesh
Pulmonary Abscess in Children .. Dr Padmesh
Dr Padmesh Vadakepat

Más de Dr Padmesh Vadakepat (20)

Neonatal Nursing of Extremely Premature Neonates - Dr Padmesh
Neonatal Nursing of Extremely Premature Neonates - Dr PadmeshNeonatal Nursing of Extremely Premature Neonates - Dr Padmesh
Neonatal Nursing of Extremely Premature Neonates - Dr Padmesh
Update on Antenatal Steroids 2021 - Dr Padmesh
Update on Antenatal Steroids 2021  - Dr PadmeshUpdate on Antenatal Steroids 2021  - Dr Padmesh
Update on Antenatal Steroids 2021 - Dr Padmesh
Inhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO) in Newborns - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Inhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO) in Newborns - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyInhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO) in Newborns - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Inhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO) in Newborns - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Approach to Ano Rectal Malformations - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Approach to Ano Rectal Malformations - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyApproach to Ano Rectal Malformations - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Approach to Ano Rectal Malformations - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
ROP - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
ROP  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyROP  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
ROP - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Blood Group Selection in Newborn Transfusion - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Blood Group Selection in Newborn Transfusion  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyBlood Group Selection in Newborn Transfusion  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Blood Group Selection in Newborn Transfusion - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Vaccination in Preterms by - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Vaccination in Preterms by  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyVaccination in Preterms by  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Vaccination in Preterms by - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
European Consensus Statement on RDS 2019
European Consensus Statement on RDS 2019European Consensus Statement on RDS 2019
European Consensus Statement on RDS 2019
Blood Brain Barrier by Dr Padmesh V
Blood Brain Barrier by Dr Padmesh VBlood Brain Barrier by Dr Padmesh V
Blood Brain Barrier by Dr Padmesh V
Humidication in NICU - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Humidication in NICU - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyHumidication in NICU - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Humidication in NICU - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Subgaleal Hemorrhage - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Subgaleal Hemorrhage - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologySubgaleal Hemorrhage - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Subgaleal Hemorrhage - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Touch and Massage Therapy in Newborn - Dr Padmesh V
Touch and Massage Therapy in Newborn - Dr Padmesh VTouch and Massage Therapy in Newborn - Dr Padmesh V
Touch and Massage Therapy in Newborn - Dr Padmesh V
Perinatal infections- Diagnosis & Management - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Perinatal infections- Diagnosis & Management  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyPerinatal infections- Diagnosis & Management  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Perinatal infections- Diagnosis & Management - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Shock & Inotropes in Neonates - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Shock & Inotropes in Neonates  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyShock & Inotropes in Neonates  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Shock & Inotropes in Neonates - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
ABC of ABG - Dr Padmesh
ABC of ABG - Dr PadmeshABC of ABG - Dr Padmesh
ABC of ABG - Dr Padmesh
Assessment of Fetal Well being - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Assessment of Fetal Well being - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyAssessment of Fetal Well being - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Assessment of Fetal Well being - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Ballard score.. - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Ballard score..  - Dr Padmesh - NeonatologyBallard score..  - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
Ballard score.. - Dr Padmesh - Neonatology
European Consensus Guidelines- RDS in Preterm Newborns
European Consensus Guidelines- RDS in Preterm NewbornsEuropean Consensus Guidelines- RDS in Preterm Newborns
European Consensus Guidelines- RDS in Preterm Newborns
Say NO to drugs .. Dr.Padmesh
Say NO to drugs .. Dr.PadmeshSay NO to drugs .. Dr.Padmesh
Say NO to drugs .. Dr.Padmesh
Pulmonary Abscess in Children .. Dr Padmesh
Pulmonary Abscess in Children .. Dr PadmeshPulmonary Abscess in Children .. Dr Padmesh
Pulmonary Abscess in Children .. Dr Padmesh


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Journal Article Review on RasamanikyaJournal Article Review on Rasamanikya
Journal Article Review on Rasamanikya


  • 2. OSCE STATION - VACCINE In a primary health centre monthly requirement of DPT is 280 doses. Lead time (time between ordering of new stock and its receipt) is 1 week. a. Calculate what should be the buffer stock 1 b. What should be the minimum stock level (reorder level)? 2 c. What is the maximum stock level? 2 Buffer stock serves as cushion or buffer against emergencies, major fluctuations in vaccine demands or unexpected transport delays. (25% of monthly requirment for vaccines and 10% of monthly requirement for syringes). DPT buffer stock should be 25% of 280 = 70 Minimum stock level (reorder level) is the the least amount you should have in stock, usually expressed as weeks/ months of supply. It is the amount of stock you will have between placing and receiving an order plus the buffer stock. Since lead time is 1 week, the minimum stock should be 1 week requirement i,e 280 devided by 4 = 70. Buffer stock is 70. So, minimum stock level is 70+ 70 = 140. Maximum stock level is largest amount of stock you should have, usually expressed as weeks/ months supply. It is minimum stock plus amount of stock used between orders. 140 + 3 weeks stock of 210 doses. (1 week stock is 280 divided by 4 = 70. So 3 weeks stock is 70 multiplied by 3 = 210.). Maximum stock = 210 + 140 = 350 doses.
  • 3. OSCE STATION – X RAYS 1. a. What is the diagnosis? 1 b. What is this sign called? 1 c. What are the structures that cause this appearance in this condition? 0.5 a. Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage- supracardiac type b. Snow man appearance, figure of 8 appearance c. Cardiomegaly with increased vascular markings Dilatation of both the left and right innominate veins and right SVC producing the classical snow man or figure of 8 appearance Superior mediastinum is enlarged secondary to right venacava, innominate artery and ascending vertical vein.
  • 4. 2. a. Describe the findings on the spine 1 b. Name the disease where this is seen 1 c Name 2 other skeletal complications of this condition. 0.5 a. Infarction affecting the central part of the vertebrae (fed by a spinal artery branch) results in the characteristic h vertebrae of sickle cell disease. The outer portions of the plates are spared because of the numerous apophyseal arteries. The lateral cxr shows multiple vertebral end-plate irregularities and depressions. The peripheral portions of the end-plates are spared. The appearance is due to bone infarction and subsequent collapse. This is an early example of the classical h-shaped vertebrae seen in sickle-cell anaemia. b. Sickle cell anemia (also seen in Gauchers disease) c. Dactylitis, avascular necrosis of femoral head and humerus, osteomyelitis
  • 5. OSCE STATION - KARYOTYPE 1. a. Identify the karyotype. 1 b. What is the basic genetic defect? 0.5 c. List four clinical features of the same. 1 a. Fragile X syndrome b. 200-2000 repeats of CGG/CCG on fragile site of distal long arm of chromosome X c. Mental retardation, macro-orchidism, long face, prominent jaw, stereotyped speech and behaviour.
  • 6. 2. a. Identify the karyotype 1 b. What is the basic genetic defect? 0.5 c. List four clinical features. 1 a. Cri-du-chat syndrome b. 5p deletion c. Characteristic cry, hypotonia, microcephaly with prominent metopic suture, hypertelorism, bilateral epicanthic folds, high arched palate, flat nasal bridge, short stature and mental retardation.
  • 7. OSCE STATION- AUDIOGRAM 1. a What is the study? b. Interpret the same. c. Give two conditions for the same. a. Audiogram 1 b. Bilateral conductive deafness 1 c. Ear wax, otitis media 0.5
  • 8. 2. a. Interpret the study. b. Give two conditions for the same a. Bilateral sensorineural deafness 1.5 b. CMV, congenital rubella syndrome, ototoxic drugs 1
  • 9. OSCE STATION- INTRAOSSEOUS NEEDLE INSERTION Demonstrate the procedure and verbalize the same Pretends to wash hands and follows universal precautions- 0.5 Paints and drapes the leg and places it in slight external rotation 0.5 Identifies the tibial tuberosity and locates the site one finger breadth below and medial to it 0.5 Stabilizes the leg at the knee joint and does not place the hand below the leg 0.5 Holds the needle like a knife and inserts the needle perpendicular to the tibia in a twisting manner 0.5 Continues to insert the needle till there is a give way feeling once in the marrow space 0.5 Needle is steady once in the marrow space 0.5 Aspirates the marrow and flushes with a small volume of saline and makes sure there is no swelling of soft tissues 0.5 Fixes the needle and connects IV fluid 0.5 Verbalizes the whole procedure 0.5
  • 10. OSCE STATION- CLINICAL EXAMINATION Examine the motor system of the child excluding reflexes Findings will be documented in the next station Measures bulk in all the areas 1 Examines tone 2 Examines power in all four limbs 2 Examines gait 1
  • 11. OSCE STATION- DOCUMENTATION OF CLINICAL FINDINGS Document the findings of motor system excluding reflexes Posture 1 Bulk 1 Tone 1 Power 2 Gait 1
  • 12. OSCE STATION- SLIDES a. Identify the slide 1.5 b. Mention the clinical condition concerned with the same 0.5 c. Mention the drugs used to treat the same. 0.5 a. Bone marrow smear showing Leishmania donovani b. Kala Azar/ Leishmaniasis c. Sodium stilbogluconate, pentamidine
  • 13. 2. a. Identify the slide 1.5 b. Mention the clinical condition concerned 0.5 c. Mention two complications of the same 0.5 a. Corynebacterium diphtheriae b. Diphtheria c. Toxic myocarditis, toxic neuritis, air way obstruction
  • 14. OSCE STATION- CASE SCENARIO A father brings his 5 year old son Raju to OPD concerned that he is hyperactive. Past history shows that he was treated for iron deficiency anaemia with 5mg/kg/day elemental iron for 3 months an year back. He has also been treated at home for stomach pains and constipation with a laxative. His sister has been diagnosed with ADHD and is repeating Std 1. Father has an automobile repair shop and mother is a housewife and is 3 months pregnant. On examination, Raju is in the 10th percentile for height and weight. His attention span is very short and he has difficulty following simple instructions. Except for the slightly delayed language and social skills, Raju has reached most important developmental milestones. a) What is the diagnosis? 1 Lead poisoning b) What test would you order to confirm or rule out your diagnosis? 0.5 Venous blood lead levels c) Which family member is at greatest risk? 0.5 The unborn baby d) Name two drugs used for treatment 0.5 Calcium disodium EDTA BAL(dimercaprol) D-penicillamine Succimer(DMSA)
  • 15. OSCE STATION- CASE SCENARIO Soumya is 4 months pregnant with her first child. Her 15 year old brother Jai began to have difficulty in climbing stairs at 4 years of age. He is now confined to a wheelchair. All other family members including Sowmya are normal. She is worried that her child may be affected. a. What is the most likely clinical diagnosis? Duchennes muscular dystrophy 1 b. What is the inheritance pattern? 0.5 X linked recessive c. What are the chances that Sowmya could be affected with the same diasease? 0 %. She will be a carrier. 0.5 d. What would you recommend for antenatal diagnosis? 0.5 Chorionic villi sampling by 12 weeks of gestation for DNA analysis
  • 16. OSCE STATION- CLINICAL PHOTOGRAPH 1. 1. a. Identify the rash 1 b. Name the clinical condition in which it is seen. 1 a. Erythema marginatum b. Rheumatic fever
  • 17. OSCE STATION- CLINICAL PHOTOGRAPH 2. a. Identify the clinical condition. 1.5 Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome. b. What are the physical findings? 1 Hemihypertrophy, macroglossia, omphalocoele, macrosomia, visceromegaly c. What is the metabolic abnormality? 0.5 Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia.
  • 18. OSCE STATION- PEDIGREE 1. a. Identify the inheritance pattern 1.5 Autosomal dominant inheritance b. Mention four clinical conditions with the same inheritance 1 Neurofibromatosis type-1, Von Willebrands disease, Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney, Hereditay spherocytosis
  • 19. 2. a. Identify the inheritance 1.5 Mitochondrial inheritance b. Mention two clinical conditions with the same inheritance 1 Lebers hereditary optic atrophy Kerans Sayers disease
  • 20. OSCE STATION - ECG 1. a. Identify the ECG rhythm 1 Sinus tachycardia b. Write the points in favour of your diagnosis. 0.5 HR 170 beats/min Presence of P waves preceding ORS narrow QRS<0.8 sec
  • 21. OSCE STATION 2. a. Identify the ECG rhythm 1 b. Write the points in favour of your diagnosis. 0.5 a. Supra ventricular tachycardia b. HR 300 beats/min Absence of P waves Narrow QRS<0.8
  • 22. 3. a. What is the diagnosis? 1 Hyperkalemia b. Mention the drugs used to treat this condition. 1 Inj.Calcium glucaonate 10/% Inj Sodium bicarbonate Salbutamol nebulization Glucose insulin drip
  • 23. OSCE STATION-ULTRASOUND 1. a. What is the clinical diagnosis? 1.5 Intaventricular hemorrhage b. Mention four causes for the same Prematurity- germinal matrix bleed Haemorrhagiic disease of the newborn Neonatal ITP Trauma/ Child abuse 1
  • 24. 2. a. What is the diagnosis? 1.5 Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis b. What is the electrolyte imbalance seen? 1 Hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
  • 25. OSCE STATION- ASTHMA COUNSELING 9 year old Arun has been diagnosed with bronchial asthma. His mother has been explained about the chronic nature of the illness and treatment options. She is anxious about the measures she can take at home to prevent recurrent attacks. In the next 5 minutes talk to Arun’s mother about “PREVENTION and ELIMINATION OF TRIGGERS AT HOME” You are being observed by the examiner for health education and communication skills. Mother What precautions should I take at home to prevent my child from getting recurrent attacks? EXAMINER CHECKLIST (maximum 3 marks for 6 and above) SKILL 1. Bed room to be kept clean and dust free 2. Wet mopping preferable to dry mopping 3. Light plain curtains, bed sheets easily washable ones in child’s bedroom (to be washed in hot water) 4. Regular dusting of calendars and paintings and books when child not at home 5. Keeping animal pets like dogs and cats away from the child’s bed room 6. Smoking to be avoided at home 7. Strong and pungent odours like wet paint, disinfectants minimized 8. Windows to be kept open when strong smells of cooking or smoke at home 9. Windows to be closed when outside air is very much polluted or full of pollen from flowers and trees 10. Avoid very cold foods ATTITUDE (0.5 mark each) 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE MOTHER 2. MANNER OF THE STUDENT IS GENTLE WITH THE MOTHER 3. EXPLANATION TO THE M0THER IS CLEAR AND ORGANISED 4. TAKES FEEDBACK FROM THE MOTEHR TO BE SURE IF SHE HAS UNDERSTOOD
  • 26. OSCE STATION- ORDER SHEET Mehul, one year old child weighing 10 kg is admitted with loose stools and vomiting with no obvious signs of dehydration. His serum sodium is 160 meq/l and serum potassium is 3.5 meq/l.Urine output is adequate. a. Calculate the free water deficit 2 FWD = 0.6 x wt x (1 - 145/current sodium) = 560 ml b. Write the fluid orders for this child. 3 Hypernatremia should be corrected over 48 hours Serum sodium should be monitored serially Fluid order for each day= maintenance fluid +half of FWD + ongoing losses Adequate urine out implies 2ml/kg/hr= 480ml/day Maintenance fluid= 1000ml + Half of FWD = 280 ml + Ongoing losses = 480ml Total fluid requirement per day = 1760 ml D50.45NS 440 ml IV Q 6 hourly with 5meq Inj KCl in each 500 ml of IV fluid to be given each day for two days
  • 27. OSCE STATION 1. a. Identify the clinical condition 2 Pyothorax b. What is the sign seen in the imaging study? 1 Split pleura sign c. How will you treat the condition? IV antibiotics Intercostal drainage VATS
  • 28. OSCE STATION 2. What is the diagnosis? 1 Extradural hematoma
  • 29. 3. What is the diagnosis? 1 Subdural hematoma
  • 30. OSCE STATION 1 a. Identify the slide 1.5 Macrocytic anemia b. Mention two causes for the same 1 B12 deficiency Folate deficiency
  • 31. 2. a. Identify the slide 1.5 AML b. Mention two points of identification 1 Large immature cells Two or more nucleoli Auer rods- distinctive rod like red staining structures
  • 32. OSCE STATION: BLS c. 14 year old male child has collapsed suddenly. Provide one rescuer CPR for the child Please clean the mouth of the mannequin with spirit cotton before stating CPR Checks for response- 0.5 Activates emergency response 0.5 Opens airway using head tilt and chin lift 0.5 Checks for breathing 0.5 Gives two rescue breaths 0.5 Checks for carotid pulse 0.5 Locate CPR hand position 0.5 Delivers first 30 cycles of chest compressions at the correct rate 1 Gives two rescue breaths 0.5
  • 33. OSCE STATION- PFT 1. Identify the study 2. Identify the clinical patterns in a, b and c a. b.
  • 34. c. 1. Spirometry- flow volume curves 2. a. normal curve b. restrictive lung diseasse c. obstructive lung disease
  • 35. OSCE STATION – NALS Resuscitate a newborn with the provided equipments. Please ask questions regarding status of infant –wherever necessary. 1) Check the following equipments before proceeding further Ø Bag mask valve Ø Laryngoscope 2) Get information about the infant from the observer before proceeding to resuscitate and at each step whenever necessary Answer Key Check list for observer. Bag mask valve…does the candidate 1 - attach reservoir? - check pop off valve? Laryngoscope – Checks bulb & handle Does candidate ask the following 3 questions? 1 Ø Crying well – breathing well or not? Ø Pink or blue colour? Ø Good muscle tone? The Observer Should Say Baby Is Not Breathing Does he clear airway/provide warmth/ position dry infant/stimulate? 1 and then ask status of baby Observer Says: Baby Still Not Breathing well Does he give PPV for 30 seconds? 1 Correct position EC clamp technique
  • 36. Chest expansion and then ask status of baby Observer Says Hr- 50/Min, Blue Does he start chest compressions? 1 Correct technique? Recent changes in Neonatal resusciatation (2010 guidelines)
  • 37. OSCE STATION- ANTHROPOMETRY PHYSICAL EXAMINATION STATION (TIME 5 MINUTES) Measure the following in this child and document. 1. Standing height 2. Head circumference 3. Chest circumference 4. Upper segment to lower segment ratio You are being observed for skills in anthropometry.
  • 38. EXAMINER CHECK LIST HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE 1 1. Occipital protruberance to supraorbital ridges 2. Crossed tape method (firm pressure on hair to compress) STANDING HEIGHT 1 1. Heels buttocks and back brought in contact with vertical surface- wall 2. Frankfurt plane—horizontal 3. Head piece firmly over vertex to compress hair CHEST CIRCUMFERENCE 1 Measures the chest circumference at the level of nipples LOWER SEGMENT Measures from pubic symphysis to sole UPPER SEGMENT Standing height – lower segment UPPER SEGMENT TO LOWER SEGMENT RATIO 1 ATTITUDE 1 1. EXPLAINED TO THE CHILD WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO 2. WAS GENTLE WITH THE CHILD 3. WAS COURTEOUS
  • 39. OSCE STATION- DRUG PROSTAGLANDIN E1 1. What are the indications for administration? 2 2. Mention four adverse effects of this drug? 2 3. How do you monitor the newborn when the drug is given? 1 1. INDICATIONS 1. Transposition of the great vessels. 2. Lesions with ductal dependent pulmonary blood flow- TOF, PS, pulmonary atresia, tricuspid atresia, Ebsteins anomaly 3. Lesions with ductal dependent systemic blood flow- AS, COA, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, interrupted aortic arch 2. ADVERSE EFFECTS 1. Apnoea. 2. Hypotension. 3. Hyperthermia (transient). 4. Hypoglycaemia 5. Tachycardia. 6. Bradycardia. 7. Seizures. 8. Diarrhoea. 9. Skin flush secondary to vasodilation- occurs more frequently with intraarterial administration. 10. Sepsis, cardiac arrest, disseminated intravascular coagulation, hypokalaemia, oedema, cortical proliferation of the long bones. 3. MONITORING o Observe respiratory effort closely o Monitor arterial pressure closely. o Watch for apnea o Watch for bleeding diathesis-
  • 40. OSCE STATION- SENSITIVITY/ SPECIFICITY 1000 babies were born in a maternity home in 2010. 185 babies had cord TSH more than 25µIU/ml. 95 of these turned out to be congenital hypothyroidism. 5 babies had cord TSH less than 25 µIU/ml who later on had proven congenital hypothyroidism. Calculate the following for newborn thyroid screening test- a. True positive and true negative 1 b. Sensitivity 1 c. Specificity 1 d. Positive predictive value 1 e. Negative predictive value 1 Total population = 1000 Positive test = 185 Negative test = 815 True positive = 95 False positive = 90 Flase negative = 5 True negative = 810 Sensitivity = TP/ TP + FN x 100 = 95% Specificity = TN/ TN + FP x 100 = 90% Positive predictive value= TP/ TP + FP x 100 = 51.4% Negative predictive value= TN/ TN + FN x100= 99.4%
  • 41. OSCE STATION – NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMME 1. 28 year old Meera who has delivered 1 hour ago in your hospital. Baby weighs 2.8 kg and has no apparent problem. She was tested HIV positive during early preganency. Her CD4 count was 500. She has been on Anti retroviral drugs (tripple drug regimen) since 14 weeks of gestation. a. What is advice regarding breast feeding and weaning? 1.5 Exclusive breast feeding upto six months Start complementary feeds at six months Continue breast feeds with complementary feeds upto one year of age b. What is the advice regarding ART for the baby? 1 Syrup nevirapine 15 mg OD for 6 weeks only 2. 25 years old, Mrs Nazeema has delivered a female baby weighing 3 kgs one hour back. She was unbooked and was detected to be HIV positive during delivery. She was given nevirapine during delivery. a. What is the advice regarding breast feeding? 1.5 Exclusive breast feeding upto six months Start complementary feeds at six months Continue breast feeds with complementary feeds upto one year of age b. What is the advice regarding ART for the baby? 1 Syrup nevirapine 15 mg OD for 6 weeks Syrup nevirapine 20 mg OD for 6 weeks -6 months Syrup nevirapine 15 mg OD for 6 -9 months Syrup nevirapine 15 mg OD for 9 months to 1 year Syrup nevirapine to be continued for one week after all the breast feeding is stopped.
  • 42. OSCE STATION 1. 3 year old child with loose stools- Na- 134 meq/l, K – 2.9 meq/l, Cl – 113 meq/l, HCO3- 16 2 ABG- ph- 7.31, PCO2- 34, HCO3- 16 a. Calculate anion gap ( Na +K) – (Cl+HCO3)= 7.9 b. What is the acid base imbalance? Compensated Metabolic acidosis Expected PCO2 = (1.5x HCO3) + 8 +/- 2 = 32+/- 2 2. 10 year old child with salycilate poisoning. 1.5 Anion gap= 30 ABG- ph- 7.3, pCO2 = 32, HCO3= 10 What is the acid base imbalance? Expected PCO2= 23 +/-2 Actual PCO2= 32, so there is respiratory acidosis also In all cases of high anion gap metabolic acidosis, corrected HCO3 = Actual HCO3 + [anion gap-12] , should be calculated. Corrected HCO3 = 28 Corrected HCO3 > 24 is associated with coexisting metabolic alkalosis This child has - metabolic acidosis with respiratory acidosis with co-existing metabolic alkalosis 3. 5 year old child with severe respiratory distress 1.5 PaO2=56, PaCO2= 50 Calculate d(A-a) PAO2= 150-1.25(PaCO2)=87.5 d(A-a)= PAO2-PaO2 = 31.5
  • 43. OSCE STATION- DEVELOPMENTAL ASSESSMENT I. Child ‘A’ walks up and down stairs with alternating legs. a) What would be your assessment of the age of this child? b) Name 2 adaptive milestones specific for this age. II. Child B - copies cross and square - Imitates construction of “gate” of 5 cubes a) What would be the child’s probable age? b) Mention 2 specific motor milestones for this age. III. Match the following a) Palmar grasp gone - 8 months b) Transfers object from hand-to-hand - 4 months c) Turn pages of book - 5.5 months d) Thumb finger grasp - 12 months
  • 44. I. a) 30 months b) • Makes tower of 9 cubes • makes vertical and horizontal strokes, but generally will not join them to make cross; • imitates circular stroke, forming closed figure II. a) 48 months b) – Hops on one foot - throws ball overhand - Uses scissors to cut out pictures - Climbs well III. a) 4 months b) 5.5 months c) 12 months d) 8 months
  • 45. OSCE STATION- MORTALITY RATES Total births in 2006 – 1,00000 Died between 28 weeks to term - 500 Died during first week – 300 Died after one week but before one month – 100 Total deaths under 1 year – 100 Calculate a. Perinatal mortality rate b. Neonatal mortality rate c. Infant mortality rate PMR = Total perinatal deaths/Total no. of live births X 1000 800/1.00000 X 1000 = 8 per 1000 births NMR = Total neonatal deaths/Total live births X 1000 400/1.00000 X 1000 = 4.0/ 1000 live births IMR = No. of deaths < one year/Total live births X 1000 1000/100000 X 1000 = 10/ 1000 live births
  • 46. OSCE STATION- HISTORY TAKING Two year old female child is brought with global developmental delay Elicit – Birth history from the mother. EXAMINER CHECK LIST Introduces to the mother 0.5 Attitude- polite, courteous, good posture, maintains eye to eye contact Asks leading questions ANTENATAL (at least six points) 1. What was the age at conception? 1.5 2. What was the pre-pregnancy weight? 3. Any pre-existing illness? 4. Was it a spontaneous/assissted conception? 5. Was the pregnancy booked, supervised with regular follow ups? 6. What was the weight gain during pregnancy? 7. Did you take iron and calcium tablets from third month to end of pregnancy? 8. Did you have any fever with rash and lymphadenopathy during first three months?u 9. Did you have any exposure to drugs/radiation? 10.Any H/O PIH,GDM,UTI, bleeding PV? NATAL (at least six points) 1.5 1. Was it a hospital/home delivery? 2. Who conducted the delivery? 3. Were sterile precautions taken if it was a home delivery? 4. What was the duration of labour? 5. What was the duration of leaking PV? 6. Did y fevou have any fever before or during delivery? 7. Did you have any foul discharge PV? 8. Was the delivery- NVD/ Cs/instrumental? 9. Was it a twin delivery? POST NATAL (at least six points) 1.5 1. Did baby cry at birth? 2. If not any treatment done? 3. What was the birth weight? 4. Did baby suck well on the breast? 5. Did baby have any fast breathing? 6. Any abnormal movements was noticed in the baby? 7. Any yellowish discolouration of skin? 8. Any fever, rash or poor feeding was noticed in the baby? 9. Any floppiness, paucity of movements, abnormal fisting, prolonged sleeping was noticed in the baby?
  • 47. OSCE STATION – HISTORY TAKING One year old child Raghav is brought to your OPD with concerns of shortness of hearing. Elicit relevant history. EXAMINER CHECK LIST Introduces to mother, polite, courteous, and asks leading questions. 0.5 Response to noises of varied loudness and progression of the disease 1.5 H/O trauma to the ear, ear infection, ear discharge H/O fever with seizures and prolonged illness Did baby receive any ototoxic drugs? ANTENATAL- H/O fever with rash and lymphadenopathy 0.5 NATAL Was the baby term or preterm? 0.5 POST NATAL- Did baby cry at birth? 1 What was the birth weight? Did the baby have jaundice? Do you know how high the bilirubin value was? Was the baby ventilated for any reason? Did the baby have any fever, rash and convulsions? DEVELOPMENT- When did baby start recognising your voice, 0.5 turning towards loud noises? FAMILY HISTORY OF DEAFNESS 0.5
  • 48. OSCE STATION – INSTRUMENTS 1. a. Identify the device 1 Peripherally inserted central catheter /epicath b. What is it used for? 0.5 To provide medium and long term IV access/ TPN in neonates
  • 49. 2. a. Identify the device 1 Amplatzer septal occluder b. What is it used for? 1 For device closure of ASD
  • 50. 3. a. Identify the device 1.5 PDA coil
  • 51. OSCE STATION : IMMUNIZATION Aryan is a 1 year old healthy child. He has been fully immunized. His mother is concerned that he does not have a BCG scar. She is worried that he may catch TB. She is also concerned about the BCG vaccine which she feels may need to be repeated. How do you address these two concerns? You are being observed by the examiner for health education and communication skills. Marking: Health Education • 1 ½ marks each for : 1. Repeat BCG vaccination is required. 2. Mentioning the natural history after a BCG vaccine such as development of a nodule after 4-6 weeks with possibility of formation of abscess and ulcer. • -1 mark for mentioning a Mantoux test. Communication skills: ½ mark each for the following: • Introduction to the mother • Non-verbal communication skills such as eye contact/hand gestures/body lan- guage • Verbal communication skills such as ability to explain in clear English with non- medical terminology in a clear and organized manner • Concluding with a brief summary + asking the mother if she has any questions.
  • 52. Theory: OSCE: Clinical: Practicals: Download at: