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Owl Purdue Persuasive Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Owl Purdue Persuasive Essay" can present its own set of
challenges. Initially, one must delve into the intricacies of persuasive writing, ensuring a mastery
of persuasive techniques, logical reasoning, and effective communication. The specific focus on
the Owl Purdue style adds another layer of complexity, demanding a meticulous understanding
of formatting, citation, and adherence to academic guidelines.
Research becomes a critical aspect, requiring an in-depth exploration of the Owl Purdue writing
style, its origins, and its applications in persuasive essays. Navigating through the vast resources
available, from the Owl Purdue website to scholarly articles, demands time and patience to
extract relevant information.
The process of structuring the essay involves carefully organizing thoughts and arguments,
creating a coherent flow that aligns with the persuasive nature of the task. Integrating evidence
and examples to support each point requires both analytical skills and the ability to connect with
the reader on a persuasive level.
Additionally, balancing the technical aspects of Owl Purdue formatting, such as citations and
references, with the creative elements of persuasive writing can be challenging. Striking this
equilibrium ensures the essay not only meets academic standards but also effectively convinces
the audience of the writer's viewpoint.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the specified topic demands a multifaceted approach that
encompasses persuasive writing skills, in-depth knowledge of Owl Purdue style, and the ability
to seamlessly merge these elements. It is a task that requires dedication, research prowess, and a
keen eye for detail. However, for those seeking assistance, various platforms, including, offer a range of services where similar essays and more can be ordered to
alleviate the challenges associated with this intricate task.
Owl Purdue Persuasive Essay Owl Purdue Persuasive Essay
General Electric Company Presentation Essay
Purpose: After hearing this presentation. The prospective investor will have to proper
knowledge and information to purchase stocks in the corporation. * Thesis: General
Electric is the world leader in research and development, manufacturing, and
international cooperation.
General Electric has been the cornerstone of innovation for over a century. Employing
over 36,000 technologists around the world.
The manufacturing and development branch has played a huge part in creating
imports and exports to spur the U.S. economy.
GE s corporation has branches in almost every continent to allocate ideas and build
vital infrastructure to improve the standard of living throughout the world. *
Transition: All these functions of... Show more content on ...
GE s spirit reflects the values used to represent the companies solid foundation to
lead change as business evolves
These values ask every GE employee to recommit to a common set of beliefs about
the work in the world
Passion, curiosity, resourceful, accountable, teamwork, commitment, open and
Always with unyielding curiosity
Transition: Wherever General Electric applies itself it succeeds while making the
world a better place to live
GE is ranked by Forbes, Fortune 500, and many other companies as one of the most
admired companies in
Patrick Suskind Essay
Oppositional structures in the postmodern world of Perfume masks the truth and
exposes the lies. Through many literary devices and religious elements, the author
Patrick Suskind employs postmodern messages. The use of postmodernist mockery
exposes the lies, and the enlightenment era characteristics mask the truth.
Enlightenment and romantic era characteristics also preserve styles from the era in
which the novel takes place: mid to late 1700 s. Suskind hides the truth internally,
within the knowledge of the narrator and exposes the lies to a relevant audience to
convince the reader to diminish conventional values. Characteristics of enlightenment
and romantic era literature include focuses on imagination and talent. The focus on
imagination... Show more content on ...
Christianity proposes acceptance regardless of sin, Suskind dispels that notion by
condemning innocent baby Grenouille. Suskind reveals this lie in religion through the
rejection and condemnation of Grenouille by Father Terrier. Father Terrier thinks,
Away with it! Though Father Terrier, away this very instant... he was about to say
devil , but caught himself and refrained..., (18). Father Terrier represents the church
and immediately rejects a testament. Grenouille later confirms his condemnation by
proclaiming his evil as he plans to rule mankind, And he said to himself that he
wanted to do this because he was evil thoroughly evil (156). This portrays the lie of
the church which reflects on religion as a
The Pros And Cons Of Workplace Violence
Workplace Violence
Workplace violence is the main issue in the United States expressed influencing a
large number of American consistently. Working environment violence is any
demonstration or danger of physical savagery, provocation, terrorizing, or other
undermining problematic conduct that happens at the work site. It ranges from
dangers and verbal mishandle to physical ambushes and even murder. It can
influence and include workers, customers, nurses, patient, clients, and guests.
Workplace violence can be discovered anywhere in every field we may accept the
fact that it can happen in our workplace too, but the fewer people speak which is
encouraging these criminals to prepare of making more atrocity. The occupational
safety and health organization (OSHA) have created rules and suggestions to
decrease laborer presentation to this deplorable scourge but still many people are
being victimized their hands are tied up mouths are taped out to face the reality of
what they are living through (OSHA 2015). OSHA s paradigm incorporates the
following elements: management commitment and employee involvement, hazard
analysis or assessment, hazard controls, employee training, and recordkeeping and
evaluation (McPhaul, London, Lipscomb, 2013). As mentioned, these elements are
basic guidelines in constructing a program, but more specific measures are needed to
address specific precursors that contribute to the occurrence of violence and bullying.
This would assist in forming the best strategies to remedy workplace violence and
Hatred in the work environment breeds various issues for workers. For example,
representatives working in a negative situation will probably discover issues with
confidence and low profitability. Also, a negative work environment can prompt high
representative turnover rates. To build energy in the work environment, workers must
to make a positive workplace and do what it takes to maintain and cultivate this
culture. According to Yoder wise (2011), the definition of violence includes overt and
covert behavior ranging from offensive threatening language to homicide (Yoder
Wise, 2011, p.498). Violence can be noted as the general term that represents lateral
Jackie Robinson Turning Point Analysis
1. How do turning points impact a person s life, family, and country? A turning
point can be described as a life changing event that can have a negative or positive
outcome on a person. In the autobiography, I Never Had It Made , by Jackie
Robinson, the memoir, Warriors Don t Cry , By Melba Pattillo Beals, and the article,
The Father of Chinese Aviation by Rebecca Maksel each of the individuals faced
turning points. Jackie Robinson, Melba Pattillo Beals, and Feng Ru all faced life
changing experiences that changed both their lives and their countries.
2. Jackie Robinson s life changed when he became the first black man to play in the
world series and Major League Baseball (MLB) during a time of segregation in
America. These life changing events challenged him because he had to face
racially tense crowds and endured threats from teammates, opponents, and bigoted
fans. For example in paragraph three, the text states, Some of my own teammates
refused to accept me because I was black. This quote explains a negative portraying
event that comes upon Jackie Robinson. Also in paragraph three the text states,
There were threats against me and my family and even out and out attempts and
physical harm to me. This explains how Jackie felt uneasy about how the whites
were trying to put Jackie down. Despite the racism he faced, Robinson learned to
have pride in his accomplishments and appreciate the courage, support, and love
shown by his supporters. For example, in paragraph eleven, the text states, I don t
think I ll ever forget that small, shrill voice of a tiny white kid, in the midst of a
racially tense atmosphere during an early game in a Dixie town, cried out, Attaboy,
Jackie. This explains how because of one his supporters was cheering him on he felt
he had to succeed even if most people wouldn t accept him. Jackie s challenges made
him a popular name to remember in the Major Leagues today.
3. Melba Pattillo Beals life changed when she integrated an all white high school.
The events challenged Beals because she faced racism and because of this she built
up confidence and character. In paragraph thirteen the text states, Some of the white
people looked totally horrified while others raised their fists
Essay on Eliminating Abbreviations Errors in the Medical...
How can eliminating abbreviations reduce errors?
The use of abbreviations shortens length of many words thus really help healthcare
professionals in saving time spent in writing notes. Abbreviations however do not
always provide positive contributions due to misconceptions, misunderstandings, and
misinterpretations leading to commitment of errors in the practice. Similarities in
abbreviations for instance could root to a grave mistake. For instance the q.d. which
an inscriber would like to indicate as every day could be erroneously interpreted as
q.i.d. which means four times a day. Such error could result to over dosage when a
certain medication is taken four times in a day instead of just once. Though some
abbreviations can be easily ... Show more content on ...
Policies would need to provide lists of accepted abbreviations and their standard
meaning. That would be one of the best ways of preventing creation of
abbreviations or assigning different meaning on a certain standard abbreviation.
Despite of universal standard policies on the use of abbreviations, organizations
would know better the strength and flaws of using abbreviations in particular
healthcare facility. Organizational policies should therefore be also developed
which would include the universal standard policies and organizational policies
believed to maintain safety practice. The policy should clearly specify the
abbreviations that can be safely used and their standard meanings in the
organizations and those that should not be used providing the common errors
generated. The policy must also indicate the forms of written paper that allows
using abbreviations. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices for instance has
provided lists of abbreviations that should never be used to communicate medical
information (ISMP, 2007). Policies should also provide simple yet concise
guidelines on the use of abbreviations. The methodologies of quality control such as
through periodic audit on proper usage of abbreviations should be also specified.
The persons authorized to use abbreviations should be also clearly specified. The
policy would need regular updating and should therefore clearly specify the dates. If
necessary, consequences of non obedience to the policy
Julius Caesar And Calpurnia Relationship
In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Caesar and Brutus wives can each relate
to their husbands in different ways. Caesar s wife, Calpurnia, relates to him in the
sense that she wants power and money, just as Caesar does. Brutus wife, Portia,
relates to him in the sense that they both want what s best for the people, and they
keep everyone s interests in mind. After looking at both the wives, I believe that
Portia is more supportive to her husband, because she wants to help Brutus in
everything he does, and take part in it. Calpurnia is Caesar s wife, she is his third
and last wife. Calpurnia wants Caesar to become emperor of Rome, because she
wants recognition, money, and power. Throughout the play she is often seen away
from Caesar, apart from his gatherings to become emperor. In a scene that features
the couple together, Calpurnia tells Caesar of a dream that she s had. That day,
Caesar was set to go into town to promote himself. She warns him not to go,
because he was hurt in her dream, and she worried for his safety. He decides to go
anyway, (we later find out that he was killed there) but she doesn t go with him,
because she s afraid of what might happen to her.... Show more content on ...
Portia is Brutus cousin. They keep their familial relationship secret, due to fear of
criticism from others. Portia wants to help Brutus on his plan to overturn Caesar,
because they both want what s best for the Roman s. She helps him and the
conspiracy, and once Caesar s dead, she stays by his side for support. When they
are in town one day, Brutus gets into a fight with another male, she yells for it to
stop. When the fight gets worse, she kills herself, to keep the familial relationship
safe. She wanted to go with her
The Conflict Between France And Germany During The
Franco War
Prussian Franco War
According to the video Prussian Franco War it shows the conflict between France
and Germany in the Franco War (1870 1871). This war began after the alliance
between German states caused by Prussian overthrowing France. The Prussia
chancellor Otto Von Bismarck sent a telegram to William I, who was a Prussian king.
It stated that France insulted Prussia. However, it was a dishonest version of Bismarck
to unify Germany nations. France declared the war on Prussia and this was a tactic of
Bismarck to unify German states with Prussia and the new German Empire started.
The unification of Germany demonstrated the nationalism between these countries.
The negative reaction of France led to the ruins of Paris, the high human cost and a
big revolution between these nations. France lost the control over the entire Europe.
Prussia became the leading country in the German imperial and it dominated the
entire Europe. According to the encyclopedia Britannica, nationalism is a movement
in history when people have established territorial authorities....The strong belief that
the interests of a particular nation state are of primary importance. Also, it is the
belief that a people who share a common language, history, and culture should
constitute an independent nation, free of foreign domination . Germany s unification
with Prussia demonstrated nationalism. Nationalism influenced by Napoleon III
through Europe was turning against France. Nationalism was also influenced
Crucifixion And Last Judgement Analysis
A piece of artwork that is recognized today is the Crucifixion and Last Judgement
by the famous artist, Jan van Eyck and his workshop assistant which was made in
1440 41. Jan van Eyck was born in Maaseik, Belgium in 1390. He is considered to
be an early Netherlandish painter and significant Renaissance artist of the 15th
century who spent most of his career life in Bruges, Belgium. This painting consists
of two small panels in which one panel depicts the crucifixion of Jesusand the other
portrays scenes that associate themselves with the Last Judgement. In the first panel
you can see a crowd surround Jesus during his crucifixion. In the background, you
can see a clear picture of Jerusalem. On the bottom you can you see five people that
appear to be... Show more content on ...
As the viewer, when you look at this woman, it makes me follow her gaze to what
she looks at which I believe to be the reason as to why the artist painted her in that
way. From my knowledge on this scene from varies movies, soldiers would come
and break the legs of those crucified to speed their death. When they came to Jesus,
they could not break his legs as he was already dead. Instead, a solider pierced his
side with his lance to assure themselves that he was dead. In the Last Judgement
panel, you can see that the artist divided the painting into three different sections
which depict heaven, earth and hell. In the section where heaven can be portrayed
you can see a couple of angels above Christ blowing on their horns and Christ,
himself is sitting in the center of many angels and saints. Jesus still appears to
have the wounds of his crucifixion and the wound received from the soldier s
spear, but instead of being naked, he is wearing a red robe. To the right and left of
Jesus, you can see Mary (left) and John the Baptist (right) kneeling next to him and
praying. Jesus, Mary and John the Baptist have a yellow glow surrounding
The Good Society By Alan Draper And Ansil Ramsay
Our class has been focused since day one about good governance . There are many
definitions as to what good governance could look like. It could change from
country to country, all the way down to person to person. Someone in Iran is more
likely to say the way the Iranians govern is better than the United States than
someone anywhere else. There are some generally accepted guidelines, but some
other institutions have a different focus. In class, we have read from multiple
sources, such as The Good Society by Alan Draper and Ansil Ramsay and
Introduction to Comparative Politics by Stephen Orvis and Carol Ann Drogus, in
order to come up with a definition so we could clearly define for ourselves what good
governance is. To many of us, a... Show more content on ...
The Good Society also debated the connections a good society has with good
governance . They had a very Classical Liberal ideology behind their defection of
what a society should be, and that very much reflects what the West believes the rest
of the world should be. There is also the debate about which one leads to the other,
and that is a chicken or the egg debate, but Draper and Ramsay believed that if the
society believes this way, then the government will be reflective of the society, and
there is pretty much only one correct way to go about it. They had a narrow
definition, and ignored other societies and propped up the West as the correct form
of governing. Many would agree that this is the best government possible, but those
many grew up in a society that praises democracy, instead of one that praised
monarchs or the military. They grew up in a democracy so naturally they would
believe a democracy is the best. They were nurtured to believe in such a way.
Nanda, however, differed the most from all the rest. Nanda believed that there really
was no one size fits all definition. He believed cultures and what is popular during
the time period changed the definition so drastically, that there could be no one good
government . He did give a list of generally accepted traits; established democracies,
effective participation, and strengthened accountability. Nanda was also a believer in
cultural relativism, that is the view that
Alex Sharpe Client Letter Essay
E Summit Street Kent, Ohio 44240 February 1, 2007 Ms. Alex Sharpe Rhodes Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43201 Dear Ms. Shape: I m writing to give you some
recommendations on your investment strategy on behalf of the College of Business
Administration of Kent State University. From the information that you provided to
us, I found that you want to pursue a more active investment strategy by adding
stocks to your current equity portfolio in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. And you
are interested in the Hasbro and Reynolds. So I have done some analysis on the
possible combination of these stocks. First, I did a summary statistics of the three
assets base on the latest five years worth of monthly returns for Vanguard S amp;P
500 Index... Show more content on ...
This means that combining Vanguard and Hasbro would either gain more or lose
more, while combining Vanguard and Reynolds could either lose less or gain less.
There are several ways that you can form your portfolio, combine Vanguard and
Hasbro; combine Vanguard and Reynolds; combine Vanguard, Hasbro and
Reynolds. If you chose to combine Vanguard and Hasbro together, and you are
going to keep the standard deviation as 6 (the average standard deviation of these
three asset), you can invest 47% in Vanguard and 53% in Hasbro with an expected
return of 0.89. If you chose to combine Vanguard and Reynolds and keep the
standard deviation as 6, you can invest 58% in Vanguard and 42% in Reynolds
with an expected return of 1.11. And if you chose to invest certain amount in
Vanguard, Hasbro and Reynolds, again try to keep the standard deviation as 6, you
can invest 30% in Vanguard, 62% in Reynolds and 0.08% in Hasbro. For standard
deviation, we use it to measure the stand alone risk of certain asset, which include
both the systematic risk and unsystematic risk. However, when combining the assets
into the portfolio, due to the correlation among the assets, certain amount of
unsystematic risk could be diversified. Suppose all of the unsystematic risks could
be diversified after the combination of the assets, we could use Гџ to measure each
variable s risk. So we have the Гџ of Vanguard for 0.98, the Гџ for Reynolds for 0.71
and the
Prevalence, Pathology And Associated Risk Factors For...
Prevalence, pathology and associated risk factors for Dictyocaulus filaria infection
among slaughtered sheep.
Sheep are an important part of the global agricultural economy. Domestic sheep
provide a wide array of raw materials. Wool is one of the first textiles although in
the late 20th century wool prices began to fall as the result of the popularity and
cheap prices for synthetic fabrics . Sheep meat and milk are the earliest staple
proteins consumed by human civilization after the transition from hunting and
gathering to agriculture. Byproducts from the slaughter of sheep are also of value;
sheep tallow can be used in candle and soap making while, sheep bone and cartilage
has been used to furnish carved items such as dice and buttons .
Parasitic nematodes cause diseases of major economic importance in sheep .The
lungworm , Dictyocaulus filaria , represents one of these nematodes inhabits
bronchi and bronchioles and cause parasitic bronchitis (commonly known as husk)
particularly in young sheep ( Holzhauer et al., 2011). Dictyocaulus filaria has direct
life cycle, embryonated eggs are coughed up or swallowed and hatch in the small
intestine then first stage larvae are passed in faeces. Under favorable environmental
conditions, first stage larvae moult to second stage larvae and then infective en
sheathed third stage larvae that actively move from faeces to herbage and are
ingested by the grazing sheep. Following ingestion, third stage larvae ex sheath in
Tiger Woods Research Paper
Tiger Woods has been hailed as one of the greatest golfers, if not athletes, of all time.
He has trumped other golfers and sports observers for the past 19 years as he has
climbed and prevailed in the golf world. Tiger s success has been accredited to
many factors in his life, and has varied throughout the years having his ups and
downs. The purpose of this paper is to give a valid argument as to why Tiger Woods
could possibly be the greatest golfer of all time. Tiger s success is highly
accredited to his father, who sculpted Tiger s skill set to the level it is at today.
Woods was born in Cypress, California, to Earl and Multiday Woods. He is the only
child of their marriage; however, he does have two half brothers, Earl Grand
Kevin, and a half sister, Royce from the 18 year marriage of Earl Woods and his
first wife, Barbara Woods Gray. Earl, a retired lieutenant colonel and Vietnam War
veteran, was of mostly African American, as well as Caucasian, and possible Native
American and Chinese, ancestry. Multiday, originally from Thailand, is of mixed
Thai, Chinese, and Dutch ancestry.
Golf was a hobby of Earls and became part of his life, when tiger became old enough
to go along with him Earl started introducing a young Tiger ... Show more content on ...
He is the youngest player to achieve the career Grand Slam, and the youngest and
fastest to win 50 tournaments on tour. Additionally, Woods is only the second
golfer, after Jack Nicklaus, to have achieved a career Grand Slam three times. Woods
has won 18 World Golf Championships, and won at least one of those events in each
of the first 11 years after they began in 1999. Woods and Rory McIlroy are the only
golfers to win both The Silver Medal and The Gold Medal at The Open
Should Women Be Allowed At The Frontline Essay
Should women be allowed at the frontline?
It could be argued that women should be allowed to enrol and fight at the frontline
of our British armed forces, up from December 2014 this has been fiercely debated
by the ministry of defence to permit women the privilege of fighting alongside men
who can fight at the frontline, this could only be accepted if women are able to reach
the standard of this role, only 34 women will be tough enough to participate fighting
at the frontline.
The first female to lead an all male squadron has warned that allowing women at the
front line could make the British forces less effective, major Judith Webb said that
women are physically different than men even though she believed in equality herself.
The ministry of defence are making a historic adjustment to see if women should be
able to serve in the infantry and also in the tank regiments, female fighters should be
in combat roles at the end of 2016,if this does happen then women will be expected
to take the same physical tests as men.
Reviews say that on current levels of recruitment around seven women a year would
be able to surpass through training so this could qualify for the British armed forces.
Only about 14 women would be able to be eligible for the armed forces and six for
Watchtowers Research Paper
Wikipedia lists all the different things that are considered Watchers , Watchtowers ,
or Guardians . Wikipedia goes on to break down the Watchtowers into different
pantheons and even to their coordinating colors. In Richard Cavendish s book, The
Powers of Evil5, he listed the Watchers as the fallen angels that magicians call forth
in ceremonial magic. He mentions that the Watchers were so named because they
were stars, the eyes of night . According to Minnie Eerin in the Student Resources
Library1, The Watchtowers are the homes of the Elementals. The elements as in
water, air, fire and earth. However, the Watchtowers can also be considered the four
quarters such as north, south, east and west2. And according to E.A. Koetting3, the
Watchtowers can also be called by their angelic administrators. These are all great
things to be when you are trying to create or use a spell, ritual and a number of other
magical workings.... Show more content on ...
The Watchers, or Watchtowers are evoked to watch over and guard and witness the
rites performed in witchcraft. In some traditions, the Watchers or Watchtowers are
the elements, water, air, fire and earth. Each of these elements have their own
specific calling for these rites, but they usually are all called or evoked. Each of
these elements are matched up with the four quarters as well as their
Reaction Paper On Modafinil
Modafinil is a very powerful wakefulness promoting drug and stimulant that was
developed to treat narcolepsy as well as other daytime sleep disorders. Its ability to
prevent fatigue and sleeplessness is just a part of the bigger picture. Extensive testing
has indicated that it offers quite an impressive list of cognitive benefits ranging from
mental alertness and enhanced mood to better memory, reduced fatigue, improved
reaction time and increased motivation.
Modafinil has been listed as a Schedule IV controlled substance and is usually sold
as a prescription drug and typically, it is prescribed under names such as Modapro,
Sun Pharma Modalert, Alertec and Provigil. Originally, it was created by a French
medical professor Michel Jouvet in the ... Show more content on ...
The action of Modafinil on the hypothalamus is what is believed to elevate the levels
of histamine thus greatly contributing to alertness and wakefulness. The effects of
Modafinil have been shown to wear off when the natural neuronal histamine is
depleted by an inhibitor that is quite powerful. It runs counter to methylphenidate
which reacts in a manner different from the histidine decarboxylase inhibitor,
Oxerin/ Hypocretin: Much of the wakefulness promoting action of Modafinil is
attributed to its action on the hypocretin, rather oxerin system of the brain. It is
situated within the hypothalamus and is responsible for regulating appetite, arousal
and wakefulness. The most common forms of narcolepsy are usually caused by a lack
of hypocretin which Modafinil addresses by acting directly through oxerin neurons.
By stimulating these neurons, the production of histamines and other
neurotransmitters related to alertness and wakefulness is also enhanced.
Benefits and Effects of
Rickets Disease
Rickets/Osteomalacia is a disorder involving the softening and weakening of a child
s bones, primarily caused by lack of vitamin D and or lack of calcium or phosphate.
According to The Mayo Clinic, vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and
phosphorus from the gastrointestinal tract. A deficiency of vitamin Dmakes it difficult
to maintain proper calciumand phosphorus levels in bones, which can cause rickets.
Adding vitamin D or calcium to the diet will generally correct the boneproblems
associated with rickets. Rickets should not be a single minded focus regarding a
child s diagnosis, but other underlying medical treatment would be needed. Some
skeletal deformities caused by rickets may require corrective surgery.
The symptom ... Show more content on ...
Recent analysis show that hospitalization rates for rickets has reach an high in other
countries. Many modern clinicians in developed countries have little experience in
management of the condition on rickets. Benjamin Jacob wrote Is Single Oral Dose
of 300,000 IU D3 Adequate for Treatment The study published in this issue helpful
in highlighting the efficacy of a simple single dose regimen and show that the lower
dose of 300,000 units is not inferior to double this dose.(Jacob) In the study many
children are treated with the same dose by intra muscular injection which is painful.
The practice of the injecting with vitamin D should stop rickets associated with
severe malabsorption and where even high oral doses are
Benefits Of Being Vegetarianism
Why should humans be vegetarian?
More and more, some good quality meat is becoming very expensive. Since a can
of chickpeas is less expensive and easier to cook, a lot of Quebec College students
decide to take the meat out of their diet. Everyone should do like those people and be
vegetarian for the benefits that it as for society and the environment. This diet is
good for the human health, it helps save the planet and it helps save the animals.
First, there are many health benefits that comes with being vegetarian. In the Harvard
Health Publishing, the searchers describe the way that vegetarianism can help your
body. Compared with meat eaters, vegetarians tend to consume less saturated fat
and cholesterol and more vitamins C and E, dietary fiber, folic acid, potassium,
magnesium, and phytochemicals (plant chemicals), such as carotenoids and
flavonoids. As a result, they re likely to have lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol,
lower blood pressure, and lower body mass index (BMI), all of which are associated
with longevity and a reduced risk for many chronic diseases. The major diseases
that vegetarianism can prevent are heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. In
fact, vegetarians are 25% less likely to die from a heart disease than meat eaters. This
means that a lot of people could be saved with this diet. Personally, if I could do
anything to live longer and healthier, I would do it. Nowadays, we eat a lot of junk
food, and more and more people are dying because
Samuel Taylor Coleridge s The Rime Of The British...
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a leader of the British Romantic Movement, was born in
Devonshire, England on October 21, 1772. Out of fourteen children, he was the
youngest in the family. Samuel s father, Reverend John Coleridge was a much
respected priest of a town and also headmaster of Henry VIII s Free Grammar
School. Samuel attended his father s school until the age of 8, but after his father
passed away in 1781, he attended Christ s Hospital School in London where he
remained throughout his childhood studying and writing poetry. Starting off
Coleridge s early work was predictable, but before long he began writing in a more
natural style.
Another great influence to his writing was his friend William Wordsworth, who he
met in 1795. From 1797 to 1798 he lived close to Wordsworth in Somersetshire, and
the two men worked together on a joint volume of poetry called Lyrical Ballads. The
collection that they did is considered the first great work of the Romantic school of
poetry and contains Coleridge s famous poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is the longest major poem by Coleridge. It was
written between 1797 1798 and published in 1798 in the first edition of Lyrical
Ballads. It was a shift to modern poetry and the beginning of British Romantic
literature. No other period in English literature displays more variety in symbolism,
style, and theme than Romantic. There are many examples of symbolism in the story.
Coleridge believed
Effects Of Rock And Classical Music On The Heart Rate
Knowing how music affects heart rate can allow athletes to choose the correct music
to make them more motivated and energized during their training sessions enhancing
their performance and improving their competitive results; in addition knowledge of
what genre of music could decrease their performance and times is equally important
(Roth, 2013). It is important to know if the music has the ability soothe ill patients in
hospitals as it may reduce their heart rate to in turn reduce their stress and
discomfort levels (Edelson, n.d.). Knowing how music affects heart rate will allow
people who suffer from stress, anxiety and/or disorders such as insomnia (abnormal
inability to get enough sleep) to slow down their heart rate to relax and go to sleep
easier and faster (Barnett, n.d.)
The aim of this project is to determine the effects that rock and classical music have
on the heart rate of grade 11 girls.
Rock music will speed up the heart rate while classical music will slow down the
heart rate of grade 11 girls.
Literature Review
Heading: Source 1
Title of article:
Influence of Music on Heart Rate Variability and Comfort A Consideration through
Comparison of Music and Noise
Umemura, M. Honda, K. (1998) Influence of Music on Heart Rate Variability and
Comfort A Consideration through Comparison of Music and Noise. J. Human Ergol.
27 (1, 2). p.30 38
Six university students (5 males and 1 female) between the ages of 21 and 36 years
High Involvement and Low Involvement in Searching for...
High Tech, Low Involvement: Changing Consumers Search for Information The
internet has made it significantly easier for consumers to conduct an information
search during the consumer decision making process. Almost every household owns
a computer and has access to the internet. This makes the internet highly accessible,
hence information search is fast and convenient. From the case study, Grace wanted
to buy a toaster and it has became a priority for her. Buying a toaster used to be a
low involvement process for Grace. Initially, she was not interested to spend much
time and effort, and low price was the main factor in buying a toaster. However,
internet offers both high and low involvement consumers a wealth of shopping...
Show more content on ...
A consumer like her, who if not for the internet, as stated in case study would have
only spent five minutes comparing the three brands that each store stocks and
bought whichever was the cheapest . As mentioned above, if Grace were to
physically visit the stores and compare the toasters, she would probably spent up
to days solely on the information gathering process, much less analyzing the
information to arrive upon her decision. The efficiency of the internet allows
Grace to not only be aware of her needs, but also saved a huge amount of time and
cost in terms of information searching. It has turned her limited information search
into an extended one effortlessly. As quality of information available online
improves, consumers can make more informed decisions when deciding on a
purchase. They possess information power , and have the internet access at their
dispose whenever they are equipped with their laptops or even mobile phones. The
process of information search is simplified through internet and make it more
beneficial and swift for both low involvement and high involvement consumer. After
a random search on several websites for online consumer reviews, we discovered
that in general, many online consumers prefer to rate the satisfactory level of a
product on a neutral stand, which means on a scale of 5, they would give rating at
2.5 or 3. Hence, it does not provide sufficient information which allows the online
reader to make accurate
Research and Topic
Literature reviews ....
 are an integral part of graduate studies to help you become fully conversant with
a topic area
 may be a stand alone paper or part of a research paper or proposal
 present a survey of scholarly articles, books and other sources that provides a
summary, synthesis and critical evaluation of key ideas and work on a topic area.
 present a big picture or overview of significant work done on a topic
 enable you to gain deep understanding and insight by standing on the shoulders of
 help you prepare for further original research by analysis of the current state of
research on a topic
 take time, patience, a clear mind and good organizational skills
A good literature review ... Show more content on ...
What are the current debates?
9. Peer reviewed journals contain articles reviewed by experts in the field before
they are accepted for publication. Avoid newspapers, magazines and non peer
reviewed journals unless your subject area requires it; e.g. media studies, journalism,
performance art. However, even here, while current information and trends might be
culled from these sources, search peer reviewed journals for in depth studies and
10. Wikipedia is not a reliable reference, although it can be a handy reference for
ideas of what to search for in more reliable sources.
11. Work in Stages
 FIRST PASS is a broad and general survey to orient yourself to the field and
topic, to find out the main theories/frameworks, the key scholars, and their principal
 SECOND PASS a more detailed, selective process of reading books articles you
have narrowed down as most relevant. You take notes and make summaries of your
Claremont Graduate University Writing Center 2008
Information is useless if it is not easily recalled and accessed. Make sure you have a
good system to manage the notes you take and to keep track of your references. This
makes it easier to analyse and evaluate the information and to synthesize it to find
patterns, connections and trends.
Find a content organizing system that works for you:
 3X5 cards great for making notes of key
Pros And Cons Of Reverse Osmosis
Thorough research on this task was used by investigating 14 different sites. These
ranged between obtaining definitions for hypotonic, hypertonic and istonic;
researching osmosis in food processes, finding out more about chemiosmosis, the
pros and cons / advantages and disadvantages of reverse osmosis, it s application and
process. The idea behind the research was to prepare adequately before doing the
experiment and also to help understand the results and outcomes of the experiment
and the techniques used.
During this experiment I investigated the effect of various salt concentration on the
rate of osmosis in potatoes. I used five beakers with potatoes of the same size in each
beaker, each beaker also contained various salt concentrations. ... Show more content
on ...
The solution with the most salt lost the most water in the shortest period of time. The
potato in distilled water absorbed water and therefore the mass of the potato
increased. My hypothesis was therefore incorrect.
Possible shortcomings of this investigation Having seen the results from this
experiment if it were to be done again I would increase the amount of salt in each
cup but keep the same mass of potato samples to obtain a faster, more dramatic and
clearer result. Another option would be to rather place the experiment in direct
sunlight as opposed to indirect sunlight as the heat from direct sunlight would speed
up the reaction process. Replacing the water used with boiled water would also play
a part in speeding up the process of osmosis and subsequently the results obtained.
Implications of results of this investigation
In the event of there being a severe drought the only water resource available would
be seawater. Using seawater to irrigate crops would detrimentally affect the
environment. The reason for this is because the salt water removes the existing
moisture from the soil and the nutrients from the crops, the salt would then dry and
in effect burn the crops in combination with the direct heat of the sun. Therefore we
could use reverse osmosis to remove the salt from the seawater to provide normal
`water to irrigate crops
Rousseau s The Social Contract
The Social Contract is an agreement by a group of people that enter for mutual
benefit between individuals. Similar to Locke s social contract, Rousseau wanted his
citizens to have rights, liberty, freedom and equality. This quote from Rousseau book
The Social Contract summarizes his belief on human nature, In a well governed state,
there are few punishments, not because there are many pardons, but because
criminals are rare; it is when a state is in decay that the multitude of crimes is a
guarantee of impunity. (The Social Contract). In the quote it tries to state that crimes
don t happen because people are naturally evil but that the community or country
corrupts the person. This concludes that Rousseau s view on human nature is that
Computer-Mediated Communication Paper
Communication research study was conducted to make an analysis of shared
messages. These repeated forms of activity follow traditions in the communication
discipline. In this academic journal present how the empirical tradition follows. The
wordless and clear signal decisions are bases on careful thoughts. This study was
done primarily in computer mediated communication. The issue s encounters were
the lack of face to face talk that subtracted the non verbal cues and regulating
feedback. Also, the absence of body language gestures and general lack makes a
challenge to comprehension. Indeed, without the face to face signals reduce the
efficient of interpersonal communication. Observations have to be achieved in the
communication theory for an... Show more content on ...
Organizing repeated prior events happened in different groups help with the meaning
of their surroundings. However, the use of this method can be corrupted. It has been
conducted past studies on this process to correct it. The incorrect analysis can make
the difference in the decision of positive or negative conclusions and opinions.
Moreover, the procedures are essential for an inference without being affected by any
prejudices. Indeed, more researchers have been conducted in other types of
communications. Using the computer mediated communication will take time
through text communication. These limitations can be overcome by face to face
interaction adding body language (Tan et al., 2007).
In summary, the theories of studies made in the computer mediated communication
results said the development of technology had created knowledge in their use. More
ideas will be elaborated to analyze the importance of enabling peoples to learn for
themselves online making better determinations in the messages received. Literature
is writing words considered to be lasting influence. In this study, computer mediated
communication is analyzed by an experiment conducted political perceptions online
(Tan et al.,
Baneberry Emergency Management Plan
I.Purpose, Scope, Situation, and Mission
The purpose of this plan to define the actions necessary to provide a coordinated
response within the City of Baneberry, Tennessee.
This plan provides guidance to emergency response personnel within Baneberry,
Jefferson County, Tennessee with a general concept of potential emergency
assignments before, during, and following emergency situations.
The scope of the emergency and disaster response to which this plan applies in the
event of an earthquake and potential failure of the Douglas Dam upriver, which is
vulnerable to failure when threatened by earthquakes, neglect, floods, or any
combination of these hazards. Forecasts indicate that there is a 40 60% chance of a
magnitude 6.0 or higher ... Show more content on ...
2.Agreements and Understandings
The City of Baneberry should establish mutual aid agreements or emergency response
and recovery contracts with the City of White Pine, as well as the City of Newport,
Tennessee. Once these agreements are established, the Mayor is authorized to
activate those agreements or contracts.
United States, FEMA. (2010, November). Developing and Maintaining Emergency
Operations Plans. Retrieved May 5, 2018, from library
data/20130726 1828 25045 0014/
Kluger, J. (2017, November 20). Scientists Predict 2018 Will Be a Bad Year for
Earthquakes. Retrieved May 5, 2018, from
predictions 2018/
Official Website of the City of Baneberry, Tennessee (2011) The City of Baneberry,
Tennessee About Us. Retrieved May 5, 2018, from
/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC SEC={646C3CBD 1D9E 4C5C AC57 1E9AC480A374}
The template utilized was obtained from FEMA s EOP Basic Plan template and
modified accordingly for this
Should Police Officers Have More Education
What is education? Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic
instruction, especially at a school or university. There are some people who think
that more education for police officers is not necessary. The current educational
requirement to be a police officer is having a high school diploma. However, some
may argue that police officers should be required to have more education. I agree that
more education is necessary for police officers. Police Officers should have an
adequate level of education, such as a Bachelor Arts or Bachelor of Science. There
should be a requirement for all law enforcement officers, be educated in the three
major critical fields of knowledge in college, sociology, psychology, and criminology.
Research Paper On Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering What exactly is mechanical engineering? This is a question
many people ask themselves, but the question they should be asking themselves is
how important is mechanical engineering to the community? Mechanical engineering
is a step to create a better future. In the field of mechanical engineering, machines are
built to facilitate and improve transportation, manufacturing, and various things we
use in our daily lives. In order to become a mechanical engineer, you first have to
know the background and requirements for being a mechanical engineer. Mechanical
engineeringis a part of engineering that involves the design, installation,
manufacturing, and maintenance of machines. Mechanical engineers study physics
to create new and advanced machines that will be helpful for us. Some examples of
the machines that mechanical engineers work on are electric generators, steam
turbines, industrial production equipment, and machine tools. Many devices of
mechanical engineering increase noise and pollution so... Show more content on ...
The first one is the dealing and understanding of mechanical science which includes
dealing with physical science and the relations with heat, energy, and power. The
second one is the process of research, development, and design. The third one is the
production of products and power which includes planning, maintenance, and
operation. The fourth one is the coordinating job of the mechanical engineer
including management, negotiation, and commerce. An engineer is called to
ponder and think out every possible approach to a given problem (Reyes Guerra 6).
A mechanical engineer needs to do all of these thing in order to work in this field.
To be an engineer, a person must be inquisitive and a problem solver that uses logic
and imagination. An engineer must be able to get along with other people and make
relationships. Engineers must think outside the box in order to solve complex
Renaissance Man Thesis
I can t believe how much time has gone by. This was my first thought when I
looked at the clock on my laptop screen. I had done it again. I was researching a
topic we had discussed that day in history, and I got side tracked. Instead of just
reading what needed to be read, I dug even deeper into the subject, reading article
after article on The Renaissance. Why did I have to be so fascinated with The
Renaissance? I asked myself. I could have this entire assignment done by now. I
looked down at the worksheet, and I had only done half of it. I laughed at this
because I knew all the answers. Well, I guess all that researching was worth it. I
completed the assignment in ten minutes but I didn t stop there. I watched
documentaries on The Renaissance... Show more content on ...
He is known as The Renaissance Man because he was a jack of all trades, including
artist and scientist. He is the first person who accurately depicted and documented
human anatomy. His medical journals became the basis for what we know
commonly today as Gray s Anatomy. Without his curiosity of the human body, we
might not have the same knowledge as we do today. History shapes every subject we
take in school, not only science. We have art and music history, the history of
language, psychology, as well as others, and of course, the history of history itself.
In conclusion, my love for European history engulfs me. I love reading about it and
watching documentaries about it. I have my own collection of books on it that I
bought to further my learning and education of it. It has also influenced my career
path because I m considering a major in history. I am thankful for my love of history
because I have learned so much about other cultures, societies, and even civilizations.
History enriches our lives and expands our minds and our experiences, both real and
vicarious. Knowing the past and embracing it will, hopefully, point us to a bright
How Rock And Roll Changed American Culture
During the mid 1900 s many different types of music emerged and became popular.
Each type of music that was popular brought along different social and political
issues. Between 1950 s rock and roll, 1960 s psychedelic rock, and 1970 s disco,
America was undergoing a great deal of changes. Among these three genres of
music, rock and roll posed the greatest challenge to the status quo, with its bonding
of African Americans and white people in listening and dancing. In the 1950 s,
rock and roll type music began and started to become popular in America. However,
due to the nature of America, with its racism and segregation, white people did not
accept rock and roll with open arms. This was because rock and roll was credited
with ... promoting integration and economic opportunity for blacks (Altschuler,
Pivotal Moments in American History: All Shook Up: How Rock n Roll Changed
America , 35). Not only had this, but rock and roll originated from black culture and
African American music styles like jazz, blues, and gospel. Despite becoming
prominent during this racially tense time in American history; rock and roll brought
everyone together, instead of pushing everyone away. Rock and roll even allowed
several African Americans to become famous, such as LaVern Baker and Antoine
Fats Domino. These African Americans used their musical talents to further unite the
communities with rock and... Show more content on ...
Each different type of music challenged the status quo, through segregation issues,
gay rights, or freedom to express yourself through drug usage. Although each type of
music challenged the status quo in its own way, rock and roll was the most impactful
in allowing African Americans to co exist with the rest of America. Each type of
music brought social, political, and cultural change that has created the society that
we live in
Happiest Day Of My Life Essay
The clicking of my mother s new heels to the steam coming off of my fathers new
coat jacket after being steamed had me thinking that something was going on for
them tonight. But also pondering about why I wasn t getting dressed up as fancy as
them. I wondered if they were hiding something from me again. The last time that
happened, I ended up having a new living being in my house and it turns out that they
keep telling me that it is my new brother... or whatever that means. Although tonight,
the last time I saw him was when his babysitter picked him up. All I thoughtat that
moment is that I was the happiest girl alive and that I could spend the entire night
with my parents alone, but it turned out that it wasn t the case at all. In the end, it
turned out that I was left with my older cousin, Kelly, in a gigantic house along with
being locked in.
One moment in what I thought was the happiest day of my life turned out to be the
worst. But of course, my mother, Kelly a list of things I can and cannot do while they
are out.
Don t let her go through the kitchen, I have all her snacks and dinner sitting on the
table. She shouldn t be going into her father s office. Make sure she goes to bed at
her curfew, 8:00 p.m. Don t forget to remind her to brush her teeth...
Mom! I old enough to know that!
Sweetie, me and your father are going to an adult meeting. I m sorry. But that is
why your brother got picked up by his babysitter. Did you want me to have her pick
you up too?
Between the Bookshelves
I stand on the stone pavement, backpack thrown over my shoulder, weighty book
bag slung across my chest, my suitcase leaning against my leg as though it s too
weary to continue on. I had felt a wild sense of adventure when my parents has
stared at me in shock, when my friends called me insane, when even my own heart
was frozen in fear. I felt alive, spontaneous, and full of bohemian freedom. Now I
just feel lost. You see, this is a strange city. Especially if you come from a small
town in Mid West America. But here I am, standing in front of Shakespeare and
Company Paris, France. I stand on the street in the icy fog, hands trembling and
teeth chattering. Overhead the sky opens up, letting loose a chilling drizzle which
interrupts my thoughts. It s now or never. My heart pounds against my chest as I
take two swift strides towards the door. Before my fingers wrap around the door
knob, it swings open to reveal a young woman. Excusez moi, monsieur. Her cheeks
redden slightly as she steps aside and ducks her head, letting wavy auburn hair fall
across her face like a cascading waterfall. I fidget and clear my throat, unsure of
what to say in response. Please, forgive me, she says again when she notices my
silence. I was in a bit of a rush and didn t see anyone through the window. Her gaze
falls to my suitcase and a soft smile plays across her lips. And you must be Grayson
King, our newest writer. I m Amelia....I help manage the store. Her transition
Fed Ex vs UPS Case Analysis Essay examples
Executive Summery
The parcel service industry is made up of four main competitors. These competitors
are UPS, FedEx, Airborne Express, and the U.S. Postal Service. Since 2000,
American consumers have spent more than $50 billion to ship parcels, packages, and
overnight letters. New parcel distribution patterns developed due to the way U.S.
manufacturing companies are operating. The Internet has expanded the reach of
direct marketing, particularly with retail transactions requiring home delivery.
Globalization has also created the need for parcel carriers to expand worldwide.
UPS and FedEx are the leading parcel carriers in the U.S. FedEx has significantly
expanded their capability to compete with UPS s dominant ground delivery service.
... Show more content on ...
Manufactures also depended more on the customer, information technology, and the
increase in the use of technology in all parts of the economy. Companies such as
FedEx, UPS, Airborne Express, and USPS shipped parcels at a faster rate and were
more reliable than other rail, motor, and water carriers.
Trends and opportunities of the parcel service industry include globalization, e
commerce, and supply chain management. Internet logistics was FedEx and UPS s
fastest growing business. The internet enabled customers to link directly to retailers
and their manufacturers. In 2001, parcel carriers served almost all of the online
market. They were able to provide information on packages to customers through
tracking systems on the web. This allowed customers to plan ahead and decrease
delays in deliveries. It also allowed for faster transactions and lower communication
costs. Parcel companies created partnerships with large Internet retailers. These
partnerships allowed parcel service companies to expand its overall delivery volume.
Parcel companies improved tracking by implementing several technological
innovations. These included laser scanners and bar codes, state of the art software
programs, satellite and cell phone communication equipment, electronic information
interchanges, and the Internet.
Globalization is another major trend. Since the emergence of the
Benefits Of Vaccines
Infections, outbreaks, diseases, viruses all keep a person vulnerable to deadly
consequences if not treated correctly. Two sides of the community are established:
one fearing for their lives, and the other trying to convince that vaccine
medications are safe. Those who cannot be vaccinated rely on those who can be
vaccinated, but if people decide to not vaccinate themselves, more and more will
continue to suffer and this will cause more outbreaks. Since many people around the
world are falling ill due to deadly diseases that their body cannot fight on their own,
vaccines should therefore be used to fight against diseases with its many benefits and
safety for a better environment. Beneficial to all people young and old, vaccines have
... Show more content on ...
The anti vaccine movement has been trying to tell many parents that the shots are
overused and teeming with toxins. They cause autism, bipolar disorder, ADHD,
allergies and more. They are profit centers for greedy doctors and Big Pharma, and
everybody s keeping the dangers quiet. (Kluger 40 43). With a strong passive voice
and concerned parents, anything can be believable even if it is just a rumor used to
spread lies and prevent adults and children from getting the vaccines they need. In
2007, Maulana Fazlullah, who heads the Pakistani Taliban, went on Pakistani radio
and denounced vaccinations as a conspiracy of western nations to render Muslims
infertile. (Garrett). The consequences of this lead to deadly outbreaks that killed
more people than before vaccines had been denounced. To the anti vaccine
movement, the vaccine business has continued to thrive in spite of its disastrous
failure, for the mere reason that it nets millions of dollars for the promoters, and that
this buys power with governments and propaganda control over the masses who don
t know how to think for themselves (Sinclair). By indirectly stating the other health
problems of general diseases that are vaccine preventable, helps to force patients to
realize that vaccines are not a bad thing at all. Laws ordered by the government has
Rod Cell Structure
The Importance of Structure in Rod Cells
On Earth, there is a myriad of living organisms with a variety of characteristics and
appearances that live side by side. These organisms are divided into groups based on
these different characteristics, however all living organisms are interconnected by the
simple fact that living organisms are built upon the same basic unit of life; the cell.
All cells share many common structures and organelles, however, there are cells
that have evolved through time to specialize in carrying out a specific function and
their structures changed. Some of these specialized cells are also exclusively found
in a certain group of organisms. One of these specialized cells is the rod cells that
are found exclusively in vertebrates. These rod cells are a crucial part of the sensory
nervous system; specifically the visual system.
In general, rod cells are one ... Show more content on ...
This segment of the cell consists of of cell membrane in the form of disks that are
packed closely together in order to ensure that multiple of these disks are inside.
These disks contain the visual pigment called rhodopsin, a unique photosensitive
molecule found only in rod cells that convert light into signal. Rhodopsin is made
up of two proteins called opsin and retinal; when rhodopsin makes contact with
light, it is broken down into these two proteins, and the light is then converted into a
chemical signal that is sent to through the synaptic terminal towards the optic nerve.
Due to rhodopsin breaking down easily and quickly under bright light, the
overstimulation of rod cells is prevented and cone cells are used instead. In dim
lighting, there is little rhodopsin that is being broken down, leading to a higher
concentration of rod cells which allows better vision in the dark, which is the reason
why rod cells are functional in
A Report On The Attack Automation Strategy
1a) An DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service) Attack consists of several phases firstly
the attacker recruits multiple agent machines which will be later on infected with the
attack code and further exploited. The infected machines can be used to further
recruit new agents. We can outline those phases as Recruit, Exploit, Infect and Use.
The attack automation strategy stands for how much of the DDoS attack does an
attacker want to make automatic and how much to leave for manual control. The
strategy depends on the degree of automation of the phases of the attack. There are
three general automation degrees Manual, Automated and Semi Automated which are
explained as follows:
In that case, the hacker manually recruits machines by scanning remote ones for
vulnerabilities, breaks their security mechanisms, installs the prepared attack code
and then directs the attack. This type of a DDoS Attack has become really outdated
since lately all the recruitment phase has been automated.
Weak design consideration in terms of functionality and productivity.
oSemi Automated
In the Semi Automated DDoS attacks the DDoS network is made of a handler and an
agent machine. There is automation present for the Recruit, Exploit and Infect
phases. Through the communication between the handler and the agent, the attacker
specifies the attack type, the onset, the duration and the victims ID. The
Sports are Entertaining and Fun Essay
Sports are Entertaining and Fun
Sports in society today can be entertaining to watch and also fun to play for both
men and women of all ages. I am a person that takes sports very seriously in my life.
I enjoy playing sports as much as I enjoy watching them on television. I started
playing baseball when I was seven years old, and played up until I graduated high
school. I also played basketball from fifth grade to a junior in high school. I think
that I am so involved in sports because my family takes sports very seriously, and
they got me involved in them at an early age. My Dad, Mom, brothers and cousins
have all been active members of sports throughout their lives. We all enjoy doing
anything involved with sports. It could be ... Show more content on ...
I want to find out which sports are the most popular overall by men and women. I
want to find out how men and women react when they are watching their favorite
sporting event on television, or in person. I want to see if they get really excited
during the game, or if they just sit there and watch closely. I want to see what
traditions or pre game rituals that people have before watching or participating in a
sport. I want to find out what sports people played in high school, and if they are still
involved with that sport in any way today.
The three primary research methods that I chose were: surveys, interviews, and
observations. I thought that these three primary research methods would be the most
beneficial in finding out most of the answers to all of my questions. I made a survey
of ten questions related to sports. Some of the basic questions that I asked were:
What is your gender? How well do you like sports? Did you play sports in high
school? Do you watch sports on television? Some of the more in depth questions
that I asked were: When watching your favorite sporting event, how excited do
you get? What is your favorite sport to play? What is your favorite sport to watch
on television, if any? Have you ever been to a professional sporting event? How
many hours of sports, on average a week do you watch? Do you think that sports are
primarily for
Bob Knowlton
El problema que se le plantea a Bob Knowlton, jefe de proyectos de
LABORATORIOS SIMMONS, es si la entrada de un nuevo miembro en su equipo
de trabajo, de aparente gran capacidad intelectual, compensa el desmembramiento
que se empieza a producir en el equipo, que venГa liderando con buenos resultados.
Para tomar una decisiГіn sobre el problema planteado y el plan de actuaciГіn a
desarrollar, veamos primero como se desarrollaron los acontecimientos.
El equipo de Bob Knowlon surge a raГz de una idea que tiene sobre el correlator del
fotГіn. Tras la exposiciГіn de sus descubrimientos a su jefe, el Doctor Jerrold, se
creГі un proyecto separado para continuar la investigaciГіn ... Show more content on ...
ES RESPONSABILIDAD DE SU LIDER, siendo esta una actuaciГіn de vital
importancia para el Г©xito final del equipo.
b)TolerГі que el primer dГa Fester se presentase a medio dГa, alegando una presunta
reuniГіn con el Doctor Jerrald, sin reprocharle nada como probablemente hubiera
hecho con cualquier otro miembro del equipo que se hubiera ausentado de una
reuniГіn sin previo aviso.
c)ConsintiГі igualmente la creaciГіn de subequipos dentro del propio equipo; Fester
y Link por un lado, haciendo con ello que los demГЎs miembros del equipo se
sintieran apartados e inferiores a ellos. A ello contribuyГі incluso el propio
Knowlton, al convocar una reuniГіn Гєnicamente con Link y Fester para examinar
las nuevas teorГas que este habГa desarrollado, en lugar de evaluarlas delante de todo
el equipo como se habГa hecho hasta entonces.
d)Tampoco hizo nada cuando Fester le llama por la noche para comunicarle sus
descubrimientos sobre los informes que hasta entonces habГa desarrollado el equipo;
en ese momento deberГa haberle cortado y seГ±alado que el lugar y el momento para
exponer sus nuevas teorГas era la reuniГіn de la maГ±ana del equipo.
e)Permite a
Uses And Uses Of Virtualization
Virtualization is being able to give a physical device the power, through the use of
software, to do more than that physical device was technically designed and able to
do (Santana, 2014, p. 12). For example, a server can only run one operating system
at a time. However, when a hypervisor is used in a server, the hypervisor is a layer
of software that acts like the server itself so that many operating systems can be
run from that one server. The hardware, in this case a server, has been virtualized.
The goal is to use all of the computer s resources all of the time, and the only way to
do that is to have enough things running that the resources are being used
consistently and efficiently. An analogy for this could be online classes. If each
teacher only had one student, the teacher s resources of time and expertise would
not be utilized efficiently because that one student will not need help all day, every
day. If the teacher is assigned to fifteen students, the students can still get help when
needed from the teacher, and they would not even be aware that they are not alone in
the class. Because it is an online class, the teacher does not need any more physical
resources to teach an entire class than was needed for one student. The students are
receiving the benefits of being taught by that teacher without needing to be with him
or her physically. 2. Please define, in your own words, what a data center is and what
virtualization means in this environment. Data
Alfred Hitchcock Stereotypes
Double Sided: Identity, Perception, Gender Roles
Masterful tension. Psychological suspense. Strong female roles. Dark shadows.
Premeditated cameo appearances. These characteristics depict every Alfred
Hitchcock film ever produced. Known for his unique style of psychologically
disturbing thrillers, with a tendency to engage his audience in voyeurism, he quickly
became a household name after the release of his first sound film in 1929. Hitchcock
s career only gained velocity from there; producing a myriad of successful films in
his fifty year span of filmmaking. Arguably the most notable came in 1958, Vertigo; a
film chock full of dynamic characters, impressive visual effects, and most
importantly, overlooked motifs of self identity, external... Show more content on ...
The colors are demonstrated in such a way that symbolize the double personality
that is played by Judy through her impersonation in the first half of the film as well
as during the second half of the film when the truth is revealed to first the audience
and later to Scottie. First seen in the restaurant with the prolonged profile shot of
Madeleine and later with the green wardrobe choices of both Judy and Scottie, it
becomes clear that the color green is representative of the double life each of these
characters play. Scottie is perceived by Midge from his good old college days (53)
only as a retired detective who suffers from severe acrophobia. In contrast, the
audience views Scottie as a possessive and controlling psychopath after the reveal
that he has fallen in love with an imposter who helped his old friend stage a murder.
Following his mental breakdown and hospitalization, his obsession of sex and
domination over women intensifies and reveals to the audience the two sided
persona that Scottie has likely been living with his whole life. Once again, Hitchcock
presents his audience with a chance to acknowledge the multiple sides of their own
personalities and how these differences parallel the bidirectional aspects of both Judy
and Scottie s
Focused Dark Web Crawling Design
8.Focused Dark Web Crawling Design Focused crawlers seek, acquire, index, and
maintain pages on a specific set of topics that represent a narrow segment of the
web (Chakrabarti et al. 1999). The need to collect high quality, domain specific
content results are important characteristics for such crawlers. Some of these
characteristics are specific to focused and/or hidden web crawling while others are
relevant to all types of spiders. Some of the important considerations for hidden web
spiders include accessibility, collection type and content richness, URL ordering
features and techniques, and collection update procedures. 8.1.Accessibility Search
engines cover the publicly indexable web . This is the part of the web easily... Show
more content on ...
The amount of human participation is dependent on the complexity of the
accessibility issue. For example, many simple forms asking for name, e mail
address, etc., can be automated with standardized responses. Other more complex
questions require greater expert participation. Such an approach seems more
appropriate for the Dark Web, where the complexity of the access process can vary
significantly. UA s AI Lab developed an accessibility metric: databases accessed
/total attempted which helps evaluate their crawler design to access dark web
forums. The closer the metric is to 1 the better the design is. 8.2.Collection Type
Crawling research had been geared toward collecting websites, blogs, and web
forums. There has been considerable research on a collection of standard websites
and pages relating to a particular topic, often for the portal building. There has also
been work on collecting weblogs. BlogPulse is a blog analysis portal. The site
contains an analysis of key discussion topics/trends for roughly 100,000 spidered
weblogs. Such blogs can also be useful for marketing intelligence. Blogs containing
product reviews analyzed using sentiment analysis techniques can provide insight
into how people feel about various products. Web forum crawling poses a unique set
of difficulties. Discovering web forums is challenging due to the lack of a centralized
Rienhard Heydrich s Death During The Holocaust
The Holocaust was a dark time in humanity s history; a time that should be looked
back on in shame. People lost their compassion and empathy towards one another.
These emotions are essential in keeping peace and harmony throughout the world,
and give mankind a natural kindheartedness towards one another. Having the innate
sense to feel for one another and understand the trials and tribulations others go
through is what truly makes us human. This is what was lost during the Holocaust.
The inherent good that humans are born with, was taken away by Adolf Hitler and
his Third Reich. It led to the deaths of entire cultures and millions of innocent
peoples lives were changed for the worse. However, the Nazis did not carry out the
mass killings of... Show more content on ...
According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Heydrich died in
June 1942 from injuries sustained during an assassination attempt by Czech
partisans (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Heydrich was highly
regarded by his superiors. Hitler even stated that Heydrich was one of the best
National Socialists, one of the staunchest defenders of the concept of the German
Reich and one of the greatest opponents of all enemies of this Reich (United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum). Before his death, he was tasked with helping
structure the Final Solution. Himmler and Hitler sent him to represent them in the
Wannsee Conference in January 20, 1942, to discuss to the German offices the
solution to the Jewish question (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum).
Judging by Hitler s words and Heydrich s high ranking in the Nazi government,
Heydrich was very well respected by Himmler and was his right hand man. And
when Heydrich died in 1942 Himmler was very hurt by it and wanted to carry on
his legacy. This is what triggered Himmler to start the Final Solution. So he
commenced Operation Rienhard, which was named in honor of Heydrich. Operation
Rienhard was started in the autumn of 1941 (but later renamed in honor of
Heydrich) and marked the start of the Final Solution as history knows it today
(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Its goal was to resettle (i.e., to kill) the
Polish Jews, (2) to exploit the skilled or manual labor of some Polish Jews before
killing them, (3) to secure the personal property of the Jews (clothing, currency,
jewelry, and other possessions), and (4) to identify and secure alleged hidden and
immovable assets such as factories, apartments, and land (United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum). Death camps were set up in Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka
(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Heydrich s death and consequently
Renaissance Influence On Art
The Renaissance, a time defined as the rebirth, occurred in Italy between 1350 and
1600. Spreading quickly throughout Europe, with the innovation of the printing
press, it caused rippling effects. The Renaissance ultimately altered the aged
education of the Dark Ages and renewed it with studies of the more classic works
instead of theology. Classic art and literature grew extremely popular, contrasting the
lack of interest in them before. Many artists became prominent advocates for the
revival of the ideals of the classical past. The artists, using their masterpieces,
tremendously determined modern historians view the era. While several aspects of
the Renaissancecontributed and influenced the time, artists like Michelangelo, da
Vinci, and... Show more content on ...
Born March 6, 1475, Michelangelo Buonarroti is considered [to be] one of the most
famous artists of the Italian Renaissance. ( Editors) As a child,
Michelangelo had a greater interest in artwork and its production rather than
schooling, so at the age of 13 his father allowed him to become Domenico
Ghirlandaio s apprentice in Florence. During his teenage years, Michelangelo
studied classic sculpture in the Florentine gardens of the Medici family, who were
wealthy and allowed him access to the elite of Florence. After studying there for a
few years, he eventually moved to Rome, where he would work until he died.
Known for his sculptures the Pieta and David, and for his paintings on the ceiling
of the Sistine Chapel and the Last Judgement Michelangelo had many other works.
Michelangelo s innovated artistry was believed to have achieved a whole new
depth over the timespan. Like da Vinci, Michelangelo is said to have influenced
Raphael, an artist who actually was his arch rival. This is an example of how
Michelangelo was influential during the Renaissance. His artwork depicted scenes
from the bible and were painted in the Sistine Chapel which is a major contribution to
the culture and beliefs of the time.
Raffaello Sanzio, famously known as Raphael, was an artist and architect born April
6, 1493, in Italy. When Raphael reached the age of 11, his father, Giovanni, passed
away and he quickly took over his
The Position of Islamic Lawin Malaysia
Introduction It has been argued, that if colonisation had not been responsible for the
introduction and application of English law, Islamic law would have developed to
become the law of the land. Islamic law, coupled with the customary law of the
various races, indeed represent the indigenous sources or basic foundation upon
which the eventual growth of a legal system could have been founded.1 However, the
grant of the Charters of Justice 1826 to the Straits Settlements, and the eventual
application of English law both through the judicial process and through legislation
in the Malay States had effectively displaced Islamic law from its premier position.
The role which Islamic... Show more content on ...
For example, it is stated (in traditional Malay language): Orang berbuat bala cara laki
laki perempuan titah Dewata Maha Raya jika merdehika bujang palu seratus rotan.
Jika merdehika beristeri atau perempuan bersuami ditanam hinggakan pinggang
dihambalang dengan batu matikan. 8 This is the law relating to the punishment for
zinДЃ.It can be interpreted as: Those who commit unlawful intercourse between
male and female, the order by the King are; if they are free person (not a slave) and
unmarried, they will be flogged hundred lashes and if the free man had a wife or
the free woman had a husband, they will be buried till waist and will be stoned to
death. This law is in line with Islamic teaching. When Malacca was a Malay
kingdom, a compilation of laws was made on the orders of the Ruler and this, the
Ibid., p. 110. This stone was found near Kampung Buluh in Sungai Tersat, Kuala
Berang at Hulu Terengganu, which its date is 22 February 1303 or 4 Rajab 702 A.H.
8 See Ahmad Ibrahim, Perlaksanaan undang undang hudЕ«d di
My Life After The Big Rock Candy Mountain By Harry
Throughout my life, I have moved around three times but have lived in four
different states. I have lived in Montana, Wisconsin, Indiana and last but not least,
Illinois. Every move has taught me what life is really about. In fact, throughout
each move I have associated music into my life immensely. Traveling with music
was my way of expressing who I am through each move. These five songs I
associate with my traveling experiences and how they have impacted my perspective
on life. Days Go By by Keith Urban, Bartender by Lady Antebellum, The Big Rock
Candy Mountainby Harry McClintock, Send My Love by Adele and I would walk
5,000 miles by Mary Carpenter are my top five songs of traveling with music. While
traveling and seeing the world,... Show more content on ...
In a way you could say that Keith Urban saved my mother s sanity, so thank you
Keith Urban.
It was not recently that I went to my first concert ever, which was in fact Keith
Urban. It was a good way to bring back all the old memories that we had, traveling
back to Montana every year. To this day, we still travel out west but since we have
been moving around a lot; we are not as reliant on Keith Urban as we used.
However, he is still our calming music when life gets tough for our family.
Bartender by Lady Antebellum it top two of my favorite songs. I like this song not
only because of the message that is says, but the story behind it. I like how
whenever, I listen to this song I remember exactly where I was and what I was
doing at the time. It was the summer of 2014 at one of our cabins in the Big Sky
country of Montana. My aunt came running out of the door yelling at us to come
help her. As we ran into the bathroom in crisis mood ready to help wherever we
could. Little did we know, it was not a fire or broken lamp, the problem was
located in the bathroom. As we walked into the bathroom, we all screamed. Water
was overflowing from the toilet every direction, from that moment on we knew that
the toilet was severely clogged. Since the septic tank was made during the early
1800 s, we could not just unclog it with a plunger. Two roader eaters, and ten people
we finally managed to unclog
HIV Infections in African American Males Essay
HIV infections in African American Males have been a national growing problem
since the early 1990 s. According to CDC, in the United States, there are more than
1 million people living with HIV. 48 percent are afro American males between the
ages 13 44(CDC, 2007). It is estimated that around 1 million people in the United
States will be diagnose with HIVin the up coming year with the lifetime risk of
becoming infected is 1 in 16 for black males (CDC,2007). However, there is growing
concern about the disproportionate increase of HIV among adolescent African
Americanmales ages 13 19. These adolescent males count for 37 percent of the cases,
which double their representation in their general population. Although, Poverty is a
major... Show more content on ...
Since the Trans theoretical model framework is one of the leading intervention for
behavior change (Hayden, 2009, p65). To better motivate behavior change towards
condom use, a school wide Condom Education Program can be useful when tailoring
a group s intervention that will meet the target population stage of readiness to
change regardless of the behavior of focus.
The North Carolina Healthy Living Standard Course of study has objectives for
growth and development, puberty education, sex education and prevention. Any
African American male attending these schools has been educated about HIV causes
and prevention. Since, they know the benefits of using condom as a protection and
even considering changing. To better approach their behavior change toward condom
use, the four most useful constructs are contemplation, preparation, action and self
Although, (NIH, 2007) reports that condoms have reduce HIV Transmission by 87
95 percent. To get these African American male students from seeing it to
exploring condom use as an option or a benefit is contemplation. However, a
Condom Education Program is placed an inner city high school, whose population
is 65 percent Afro American male. NIH reported data is the goal of the program. The
objective is by the end of the year, 45% of Afro American sexual active males are
Higher Learning Credentials
It has been a long and hard road toward obtaining my higher learning credentials.
Immediately after high school I attended college, falling short academically in my
first several years of college led me to be to believe that I wasn t smart enough to
attend college. At the base of my soul, I knew I was collegematerial, I just needed
the right tools to exert that drive and ambition. On and off again routine of my
educational pursuit led me to the disgust of own myself. At the age of 31, I reach
my breaking point, thinking I will never graduate with my bachelor s degree. Most
people pursue higher learning to increase their earning potential but at that point in
my life, I reached my financial goal. A coworker told me about the Universityof
Rhetorical Analysis of Andrew Shepherd s Speech in
A president has to have character, right? I mean, if the leader of the free world has
no substance, nothing special about him, then how do we as citizens know that he
is capable as far as foreign policies go. How do we know that we can trust him to
make wise decisions? How do we know that he will tell us the truth? This concept is
exactly what fictional president Andrew Shepherd successfully conveys in his
Address to the Press on Bob Rumson and the Crime Bill. In the movie, The American
President, Andrew Shepherd becomes romantically involved with crime bill lobbyist
Sydney Ellen Wade. Many characters, including Bob Rumson, believe that the
relationship between Shepherd and Wade is hindering the advancement of the
country. They... Show more content on ...
The Constitution is the very first concrete document that lasted in this country. It was
made by the very first citizens and it was made with pride. Before the constitution
came to life the United States was looked upon, by many nations, similarly to a child
attempting to grow up too fast. Great Britain, the country that the constitution freed
us from, did not think the United States was going to make it alone. Great Britain was
right. The United States could not make it alone. The United States needed something
to help it along. They needed the constitution. Because of this strong link between the
constitution and the survival of the United States, many patriots, including Shepherd,
have an emotional attachment to the constitution. Because of that link many patriots
perceive attacks on the constitution as personal attacks. In this excerpt from the
speech, Shepherd is found attacking Rumson by using one of the most powerful
emotional strategies, appealing to ones sense of patriotism. He questions Rumson s
national pride by saying that Rumson doesn t support the Constitution. What true
patriot wouldn t love and support the reason that this country exists? In that same
swift action, Shepherd affirms his own image as a patriot. I am a card carrying
member of
Paper Questions
2.4.2 Conceptions and Past Paper Questions
Norton Irvin (2007) found that a considerable number of students who have
difficulties understanding fractions, negative numbers and ratios also struggle with
solving algebraic problems.
Conception 1,2 and 3 are predominant in the GCSE foundation syllabus and in post
primary mathematics in general. It is evident upon research into examiner reports that
students have difficulties relating to these conceptions.
Below is an example of a question found in the 2014 Maths GCSE foundation exam.
Figure 1 (GCSE Math Jun 14 Foundation Tier Unit 2 Q.18)
The Chief examiner reported, Many candidates did not understand the meaning of
Write an equation in terms of w and as a result lost all ... Show more content on ...
2.6 Creating an App
2.6.1 The Chosen Software
The first consideration for the app was the software needed to create it. As the
developer does not have advanced knowledge or expertise on coding, the software
programme needed to match their skills appropriately. Luterbach and The second
point to consider was the desired outcome. The overall aim of this project was to
create an engaging user centred app, which highlighted two of the misconceptions in
GCSE algebra.
The software programme chosen enabled interactive elements and testing features to
enhance students learning and knowledge.
2.6.2 Using an app to teach algebra
Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the
mathematics that is taught and enhances students learning. (McGehee Griffith, 2000).
Similar to McGehee and Griffith, Ghosh (2012, cited Drijvers, 2016) believes that the
integration of technology and ICT has suggested a positive impact on the
achievement of students in the general algebraic education but in particular solving
word problems.
The most recent phenomenon has been the
The Chevrolet Cobalt Vehicle
General Motors acted in an unethical and negligent way by choosing not to take
action when becoming aware of a fault in their ignition switch of the Chevrolet Cobalt
vehicle. This caused the engine and electrical system to shut off if the keys were
knocked, and ultimately resulting in multiple deaths due to the airbags not deploying
during car accidents.
General Motors first became aware of the problem in 2004 after a situation of the
ignition switching off the vehicle after accidentally making contact with the key.
Other employees soon replicated the ignition switch defect during test drives
throughout that year. While engineers for G.M. suggested a fix to the issue,
executives due to consideration of the lead time required, cost and ... Show more
content on ...
I feel saddened for the families of those involved in the fatal crashes that are a
consequence of G.M. s negligent action in pursuing and correcting this problem.
They were let down by a large corporation who knowingly were aware of a defect in
the Chevrolet Cobalt, and if I was to be put in their situation, I would feel deep
resentment towards General Motors. However, I am not surprised as I do already
have a strong distrust for large corporations. After having read countless reports on
the news of the unethical, and often illegal, courses of action that companies will do
in order to essentially reduce costs and increase profits. While I feel angered by this,
my feelings are irrelevant to corporations as they are only interested in ways in which
they can increase profit.
I felt the same way after having studied the Enron case earlier in the semester.
Though I feel Enron has acted more unethically and unscrupulous intentionally than
General Motors, I am still saddened and sorrowful for the individuals and families
who were unknowingly being lied to by the corporations. Individuals and families
involved in these cases feel both an emotional and physical loss. I feel as someone
who values honesty, it angers me that innocent people were affected in this way and
taken advantage of. Enron s profit driven executives treated these individuals and
families unfairly, as were the families of those involved in
Essay On The Louisiana Purchase
On April 30, 1803 France sold 2,144,510 square kilometers of land to the United
States of America known as the Louisiana Purchase. The United States of America
paid 15 million dollars (about 283 million dollars today) in this treaty. The Louisiana
Purchase was one of the most important land trading in history. It provided territory
for westward expansion and extend the land area; however, it was opposed by many
people at that time. In the same time, 15 million dollars total was much more than the
national financial capacity of the time. In any case, the Louisiana Purchasewas so
important to the US because it gave them a better way of trading to foreign countries
and allowed the United Statesto become a much larger territory.
The Louisiana Purchase territory in that time was much bigger than the Louisiana
Territory today. In the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana s territory started from the
Mississippi River to the beginning of the Rocky Mountains. The Louisiana Purchase
territory included Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska, parts
of Minnesota and Louisiana west of Mississippi River, including New Orleans, big
parts of North and northeastern New Mexico, South Dakota, northern Texas, some
parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado as well as portions of Canadian provinces
Alberta and Saskatchewan.
At that time the Mississippi River had become an important transport route for
agricultural products west of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States, while
The Giver Sameness Quotes
A Closer Look at the Sameness It wasn t a practical thing, so it became obsolete
when we went to the Sameness. (84) The Giver, by Lois Lowry, is from the
perspective of a twelve year old boy named Jonas growing up in a Utopia. At the
Ceremony of Twelve, where every person that turns twelve receives their life long
job , Jonas finds out he has been selected to be the Receiver of Memory, the most
honored of elders. The current Receiver of memory, who Jonas calls the Giver,
transfers memories of color and feelings like pain and joy to him. As he receives
each memory, he learns of a life outside of the utopia. This book proves that being
perfect and the same as everyone else is not as great as it sounds. The Utopian society
of sameness in... Show more content on ...
Without choices, the people are missing out on important life lessons that can help
you in life. People can learn from mistakes, they can learn from consequences.
Asher ran through the standard apology phrase rapidly, still catching his breath.
(3) One of the rules in The Giver s society is that you must apologize each time you
break one of them. If someone is given the choice to apologize, they will
understand why they apologize and realize their mistake. If they are forced to do it,
it becomes worthless and doesn t mean anything. Two children one male, one
female to each family unit. It was written very clearly in the rules. (8) Another rule
in The Giver s society is that there is a limit on how many children you can have. In
our society, if you want a another child you have the freedom to have another child.
Without choices, there are no mistakes and no experiences of consequences. Without
these crucial building blocks of society, there is no learning and no self
Sample Nursing Dismissal Essay
I am writing this letter in regards of the dismissal from the Nursing Program at The
College of New Jersey (TCNJ), due to my inadequate and unsatisfactory
performance in Anatomy Physiology II (BIO 142) and Principles of Microbiology
(BIO 144), which are both seminal Nursing prerequisites. But, before I continue
and explain my downfall, I want to first off apologize for the inconvenience, and
disappointment, that I have bestowed on you all. You all have selected and chose
the handful of amazing and talented incoming students to be part of your Nursing
Program last year because you all knew that we are the type of students that are
capable of lifting and carrying the strong legacy and name of the Nursing Program,
being strong minded and intellectual leaders of the healthcare field, but most
importantly capable of the amazing academic curriculum that the Nursing Program
has to offer. You all expect greatness in each and every one of us and I want to say
that I solemnly and wholeheartedly take responsibility for my academic progressions
and setbacks.... Show more content on ...
Also, not challenging myself with the How, Why, and What if? questions while
reading the textbook was another reason for my insufficient grades in the Sciences
this past Spring 2016 semester. Realizing the shortcomings of my study habits, it
sent me towards a downward spiraling state of panic, which led to my subsequent
academic downfall in both prerequisite classes. Reflecting upon the stark,
paradoxical contrast between my early success at TCNJ and my inability to succeed
in the sciences during my spring semester, I saw that this past year has not been
wrought with successive failures or gilded with infinite
French Braiding Essay
Your name
Speech Type (Informative, group...etc)
Speech 1001
Mr. Dittmer (8pt Font)
How to French Braid Hair
I. We all have hair, and we all wear it in different ways. Today I am going to teach
you how to French Braid hair.
A. Attention Getter: My daughters like to have their long and wild and all over
the place. My oldest daughter is just lazy and doesn t like to do anything with her
hair. Every time she has it down it would always be in her face. So to keep her bangs
and hair out of her face I would put her hair in a French braid.
B. So today I am going to tell you a little bit about the history of French braiding,
along with the different kinds of braids, and how to start, and finish a braid.
Transition statement ... Show more content on ...
1. Women
a. Most African American women wear their hair in micro braids.
b. They also wear their hair French braids
2. Men
a. Men wear zigzags, corn rows; micro braids and loose braids
b. Men normally just stick to one hair style unlike women who change their hair
styles a lot.
C. Versatile
1. Numerous styles of braids
a. such as cornrows, French braids, basket braids, etc.
b. stylist can look at the shape of the face and/or the head of a client, and custom
create a style just for that individual.
2. Subordinate point
a. Support
b. Support
Transition statement
IV. Finishing look
A. Sub point #1
1. Subordinate point
a. Support
b. Support
2. Subordinate point
a. Support
b. Support
B. Sub point #2
1. Subordinate point
a. Support
b. Support
2. Subordinate point
a. Support
b. Support
C. Sub point #3
1. Subordinate point
a. Support
b. Support
2. Subordinate point
a. Support
b. Support
Transition statement
V. Conclusion
A. Signal closing
B. Restate thesis
C. Review main points
1. Main point #1
2. Main point #2
3. Main point #3
D. Memorable statement or call to action
E. Thank audience for
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Owl Purdue Persuasive Essay
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Owl Purdue Persuasive Essay

  • 1. Owl Purdue Persuasive Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Owl Purdue Persuasive Essay" can present its own set of challenges. Initially, one must delve into the intricacies of persuasive writing, ensuring a mastery of persuasive techniques, logical reasoning, and effective communication. The specific focus on the Owl Purdue style adds another layer of complexity, demanding a meticulous understanding of formatting, citation, and adherence to academic guidelines. Research becomes a critical aspect, requiring an in-depth exploration of the Owl Purdue writing style, its origins, and its applications in persuasive essays. Navigating through the vast resources available, from the Owl Purdue website to scholarly articles, demands time and patience to extract relevant information. The process of structuring the essay involves carefully organizing thoughts and arguments, creating a coherent flow that aligns with the persuasive nature of the task. Integrating evidence and examples to support each point requires both analytical skills and the ability to connect with the reader on a persuasive level. Additionally, balancing the technical aspects of Owl Purdue formatting, such as citations and references, with the creative elements of persuasive writing can be challenging. Striking this equilibrium ensures the essay not only meets academic standards but also effectively convinces the audience of the writer's viewpoint. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the specified topic demands a multifaceted approach that encompasses persuasive writing skills, in-depth knowledge of Owl Purdue style, and the ability to seamlessly merge these elements. It is a task that requires dedication, research prowess, and a keen eye for detail. However, for those seeking assistance, various platforms, including, offer a range of services where similar essays and more can be ordered to alleviate the challenges associated with this intricate task. Owl Purdue Persuasive Essay Owl Purdue Persuasive Essay
  • 2. General Electric Company Presentation Essay Purpose: After hearing this presentation. The prospective investor will have to proper knowledge and information to purchase stocks in the corporation. * Thesis: General Electric is the world leader in research and development, manufacturing, and international cooperation. Introduction General Electric has been the cornerstone of innovation for over a century. Employing over 36,000 technologists around the world. The manufacturing and development branch has played a huge part in creating imports and exports to spur the U.S. economy. GE s corporation has branches in almost every continent to allocate ideas and build vital infrastructure to improve the standard of living throughout the world. * Transition: All these functions of... Show more content on ... Values GE s spirit reflects the values used to represent the companies solid foundation to lead change as business evolves These values ask every GE employee to recommit to a common set of beliefs about the work in the world Passion, curiosity, resourceful, accountable, teamwork, commitment, open and energizing Always with unyielding curiosity Transition: Wherever General Electric applies itself it succeeds while making the world a better place to live Conclusion GE is ranked by Forbes, Fortune 500, and many other companies as one of the most admired companies in
  • 3. Patrick Suskind Essay Oppositional structures in the postmodern world of Perfume masks the truth and exposes the lies. Through many literary devices and religious elements, the author Patrick Suskind employs postmodern messages. The use of postmodernist mockery exposes the lies, and the enlightenment era characteristics mask the truth. Enlightenment and romantic era characteristics also preserve styles from the era in which the novel takes place: mid to late 1700 s. Suskind hides the truth internally, within the knowledge of the narrator and exposes the lies to a relevant audience to convince the reader to diminish conventional values. Characteristics of enlightenment and romantic era literature include focuses on imagination and talent. The focus on imagination... Show more content on ... Christianity proposes acceptance regardless of sin, Suskind dispels that notion by condemning innocent baby Grenouille. Suskind reveals this lie in religion through the rejection and condemnation of Grenouille by Father Terrier. Father Terrier thinks, Away with it! Though Father Terrier, away this very instant... he was about to say devil , but caught himself and refrained..., (18). Father Terrier represents the church and immediately rejects a testament. Grenouille later confirms his condemnation by proclaiming his evil as he plans to rule mankind, And he said to himself that he wanted to do this because he was evil thoroughly evil (156). This portrays the lie of the church which reflects on religion as a
  • 4. The Pros And Cons Of Workplace Violence Workplace Violence Workplace violence is the main issue in the United States expressed influencing a large number of American consistently. Working environment violence is any demonstration or danger of physical savagery, provocation, terrorizing, or other undermining problematic conduct that happens at the work site. It ranges from dangers and verbal mishandle to physical ambushes and even murder. It can influence and include workers, customers, nurses, patient, clients, and guests. Workplace violence can be discovered anywhere in every field we may accept the fact that it can happen in our workplace too, but the fewer people speak which is encouraging these criminals to prepare of making more atrocity. The occupational safety and health organization (OSHA) have created rules and suggestions to decrease laborer presentation to this deplorable scourge but still many people are being victimized their hands are tied up mouths are taped out to face the reality of what they are living through (OSHA 2015). OSHA s paradigm incorporates the following elements: management commitment and employee involvement, hazard analysis or assessment, hazard controls, employee training, and recordkeeping and evaluation (McPhaul, London, Lipscomb, 2013). As mentioned, these elements are basic guidelines in constructing a program, but more specific measures are needed to address specific precursors that contribute to the occurrence of violence and bullying. This would assist in forming the best strategies to remedy workplace violence and incivility. Hatred in the work environment breeds various issues for workers. For example, representatives working in a negative situation will probably discover issues with confidence and low profitability. Also, a negative work environment can prompt high representative turnover rates. To build energy in the work environment, workers must to make a positive workplace and do what it takes to maintain and cultivate this culture. According to Yoder wise (2011), the definition of violence includes overt and covert behavior ranging from offensive threatening language to homicide (Yoder Wise, 2011, p.498). Violence can be noted as the general term that represents lateral aggression,
  • 5. Jackie Robinson Turning Point Analysis 1. How do turning points impact a person s life, family, and country? A turning point can be described as a life changing event that can have a negative or positive outcome on a person. In the autobiography, I Never Had It Made , by Jackie Robinson, the memoir, Warriors Don t Cry , By Melba Pattillo Beals, and the article, The Father of Chinese Aviation by Rebecca Maksel each of the individuals faced turning points. Jackie Robinson, Melba Pattillo Beals, and Feng Ru all faced life changing experiences that changed both their lives and their countries. 2. Jackie Robinson s life changed when he became the first black man to play in the world series and Major League Baseball (MLB) during a time of segregation in America. These life changing events challenged him because he had to face racially tense crowds and endured threats from teammates, opponents, and bigoted fans. For example in paragraph three, the text states, Some of my own teammates refused to accept me because I was black. This quote explains a negative portraying event that comes upon Jackie Robinson. Also in paragraph three the text states, There were threats against me and my family and even out and out attempts and physical harm to me. This explains how Jackie felt uneasy about how the whites were trying to put Jackie down. Despite the racism he faced, Robinson learned to have pride in his accomplishments and appreciate the courage, support, and love shown by his supporters. For example, in paragraph eleven, the text states, I don t think I ll ever forget that small, shrill voice of a tiny white kid, in the midst of a racially tense atmosphere during an early game in a Dixie town, cried out, Attaboy, Jackie. This explains how because of one his supporters was cheering him on he felt he had to succeed even if most people wouldn t accept him. Jackie s challenges made him a popular name to remember in the Major Leagues today. 3. Melba Pattillo Beals life changed when she integrated an all white high school. The events challenged Beals because she faced racism and because of this she built up confidence and character. In paragraph thirteen the text states, Some of the white people looked totally horrified while others raised their fists
  • 6. Essay on Eliminating Abbreviations Errors in the Medical... How can eliminating abbreviations reduce errors? The use of abbreviations shortens length of many words thus really help healthcare professionals in saving time spent in writing notes. Abbreviations however do not always provide positive contributions due to misconceptions, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations leading to commitment of errors in the practice. Similarities in abbreviations for instance could root to a grave mistake. For instance the q.d. which an inscriber would like to indicate as every day could be erroneously interpreted as q.i.d. which means four times a day. Such error could result to over dosage when a certain medication is taken four times in a day instead of just once. Though some abbreviations can be easily ... Show more content on ... Policies would need to provide lists of accepted abbreviations and their standard meaning. That would be one of the best ways of preventing creation of abbreviations or assigning different meaning on a certain standard abbreviation. Despite of universal standard policies on the use of abbreviations, organizations would know better the strength and flaws of using abbreviations in particular healthcare facility. Organizational policies should therefore be also developed which would include the universal standard policies and organizational policies believed to maintain safety practice. The policy should clearly specify the abbreviations that can be safely used and their standard meanings in the organizations and those that should not be used providing the common errors generated. The policy must also indicate the forms of written paper that allows using abbreviations. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices for instance has provided lists of abbreviations that should never be used to communicate medical information (ISMP, 2007). Policies should also provide simple yet concise guidelines on the use of abbreviations. The methodologies of quality control such as through periodic audit on proper usage of abbreviations should be also specified. The persons authorized to use abbreviations should be also clearly specified. The policy would need regular updating and should therefore clearly specify the dates. If necessary, consequences of non obedience to the policy
  • 7. Julius Caesar And Calpurnia Relationship In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Caesar and Brutus wives can each relate to their husbands in different ways. Caesar s wife, Calpurnia, relates to him in the sense that she wants power and money, just as Caesar does. Brutus wife, Portia, relates to him in the sense that they both want what s best for the people, and they keep everyone s interests in mind. After looking at both the wives, I believe that Portia is more supportive to her husband, because she wants to help Brutus in everything he does, and take part in it. Calpurnia is Caesar s wife, she is his third and last wife. Calpurnia wants Caesar to become emperor of Rome, because she wants recognition, money, and power. Throughout the play she is often seen away from Caesar, apart from his gatherings to become emperor. In a scene that features the couple together, Calpurnia tells Caesar of a dream that she s had. That day, Caesar was set to go into town to promote himself. She warns him not to go, because he was hurt in her dream, and she worried for his safety. He decides to go anyway, (we later find out that he was killed there) but she doesn t go with him, because she s afraid of what might happen to her.... Show more content on ... Portia is Brutus cousin. They keep their familial relationship secret, due to fear of criticism from others. Portia wants to help Brutus on his plan to overturn Caesar, because they both want what s best for the Roman s. She helps him and the conspiracy, and once Caesar s dead, she stays by his side for support. When they are in town one day, Brutus gets into a fight with another male, she yells for it to stop. When the fight gets worse, she kills herself, to keep the familial relationship safe. She wanted to go with her
  • 8. The Conflict Between France And Germany During The Franco War Prussian Franco War According to the video Prussian Franco War it shows the conflict between France and Germany in the Franco War (1870 1871). This war began after the alliance between German states caused by Prussian overthrowing France. The Prussia chancellor Otto Von Bismarck sent a telegram to William I, who was a Prussian king. It stated that France insulted Prussia. However, it was a dishonest version of Bismarck to unify Germany nations. France declared the war on Prussia and this was a tactic of Bismarck to unify German states with Prussia and the new German Empire started. The unification of Germany demonstrated the nationalism between these countries. The negative reaction of France led to the ruins of Paris, the high human cost and a big revolution between these nations. France lost the control over the entire Europe. Prussia became the leading country in the German imperial and it dominated the entire Europe. According to the encyclopedia Britannica, nationalism is a movement in history when people have established territorial authorities....The strong belief that the interests of a particular nation state are of primary importance. Also, it is the belief that a people who share a common language, history, and culture should constitute an independent nation, free of foreign domination . Germany s unification with Prussia demonstrated nationalism. Nationalism influenced by Napoleon III through Europe was turning against France. Nationalism was also influenced
  • 9. Crucifixion And Last Judgement Analysis A piece of artwork that is recognized today is the Crucifixion and Last Judgement by the famous artist, Jan van Eyck and his workshop assistant which was made in 1440 41. Jan van Eyck was born in Maaseik, Belgium in 1390. He is considered to be an early Netherlandish painter and significant Renaissance artist of the 15th century who spent most of his career life in Bruges, Belgium. This painting consists of two small panels in which one panel depicts the crucifixion of Jesusand the other portrays scenes that associate themselves with the Last Judgement. In the first panel you can see a crowd surround Jesus during his crucifixion. In the background, you can see a clear picture of Jerusalem. On the bottom you can you see five people that appear to be... Show more content on ... As the viewer, when you look at this woman, it makes me follow her gaze to what she looks at which I believe to be the reason as to why the artist painted her in that way. From my knowledge on this scene from varies movies, soldiers would come and break the legs of those crucified to speed their death. When they came to Jesus, they could not break his legs as he was already dead. Instead, a solider pierced his side with his lance to assure themselves that he was dead. In the Last Judgement panel, you can see that the artist divided the painting into three different sections which depict heaven, earth and hell. In the section where heaven can be portrayed you can see a couple of angels above Christ blowing on their horns and Christ, himself is sitting in the center of many angels and saints. Jesus still appears to have the wounds of his crucifixion and the wound received from the soldier s spear, but instead of being naked, he is wearing a red robe. To the right and left of Jesus, you can see Mary (left) and John the Baptist (right) kneeling next to him and praying. Jesus, Mary and John the Baptist have a yellow glow surrounding
  • 10. The Good Society By Alan Draper And Ansil Ramsay Our class has been focused since day one about good governance . There are many definitions as to what good governance could look like. It could change from country to country, all the way down to person to person. Someone in Iran is more likely to say the way the Iranians govern is better than the United States than someone anywhere else. There are some generally accepted guidelines, but some other institutions have a different focus. In class, we have read from multiple sources, such as The Good Society by Alan Draper and Ansil Ramsay and Introduction to Comparative Politics by Stephen Orvis and Carol Ann Drogus, in order to come up with a definition so we could clearly define for ourselves what good governance is. To many of us, a... Show more content on ... The Good Society also debated the connections a good society has with good governance . They had a very Classical Liberal ideology behind their defection of what a society should be, and that very much reflects what the West believes the rest of the world should be. There is also the debate about which one leads to the other, and that is a chicken or the egg debate, but Draper and Ramsay believed that if the society believes this way, then the government will be reflective of the society, and there is pretty much only one correct way to go about it. They had a narrow definition, and ignored other societies and propped up the West as the correct form of governing. Many would agree that this is the best government possible, but those many grew up in a society that praises democracy, instead of one that praised monarchs or the military. They grew up in a democracy so naturally they would believe a democracy is the best. They were nurtured to believe in such a way. Nanda, however, differed the most from all the rest. Nanda believed that there really was no one size fits all definition. He believed cultures and what is popular during the time period changed the definition so drastically, that there could be no one good government . He did give a list of generally accepted traits; established democracies, effective participation, and strengthened accountability. Nanda was also a believer in cultural relativism, that is the view that
  • 11. Alex Sharpe Client Letter Essay E Summit Street Kent, Ohio 44240 February 1, 2007 Ms. Alex Sharpe Rhodes Rd Columbus, Ohio 43201 Dear Ms. Shape: I m writing to give you some recommendations on your investment strategy on behalf of the College of Business Administration of Kent State University. From the information that you provided to us, I found that you want to pursue a more active investment strategy by adding stocks to your current equity portfolio in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. And you are interested in the Hasbro and Reynolds. So I have done some analysis on the possible combination of these stocks. First, I did a summary statistics of the three assets base on the latest five years worth of monthly returns for Vanguard S amp;P 500 Index... Show more content on ... This means that combining Vanguard and Hasbro would either gain more or lose more, while combining Vanguard and Reynolds could either lose less or gain less. There are several ways that you can form your portfolio, combine Vanguard and Hasbro; combine Vanguard and Reynolds; combine Vanguard, Hasbro and Reynolds. If you chose to combine Vanguard and Hasbro together, and you are going to keep the standard deviation as 6 (the average standard deviation of these three asset), you can invest 47% in Vanguard and 53% in Hasbro with an expected return of 0.89. If you chose to combine Vanguard and Reynolds and keep the standard deviation as 6, you can invest 58% in Vanguard and 42% in Reynolds with an expected return of 1.11. And if you chose to invest certain amount in Vanguard, Hasbro and Reynolds, again try to keep the standard deviation as 6, you can invest 30% in Vanguard, 62% in Reynolds and 0.08% in Hasbro. For standard deviation, we use it to measure the stand alone risk of certain asset, which include both the systematic risk and unsystematic risk. However, when combining the assets into the portfolio, due to the correlation among the assets, certain amount of unsystematic risk could be diversified. Suppose all of the unsystematic risks could be diversified after the combination of the assets, we could use Гџ to measure each variable s risk. So we have the Гџ of Vanguard for 0.98, the Гџ for Reynolds for 0.71 and the
  • 12. Prevalence, Pathology And Associated Risk Factors For... Prevalence, pathology and associated risk factors for Dictyocaulus filaria infection among slaughtered sheep. Introduction Sheep are an important part of the global agricultural economy. Domestic sheep provide a wide array of raw materials. Wool is one of the first textiles although in the late 20th century wool prices began to fall as the result of the popularity and cheap prices for synthetic fabrics . Sheep meat and milk are the earliest staple proteins consumed by human civilization after the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture. Byproducts from the slaughter of sheep are also of value; sheep tallow can be used in candle and soap making while, sheep bone and cartilage has been used to furnish carved items such as dice and buttons . Parasitic nematodes cause diseases of major economic importance in sheep .The lungworm , Dictyocaulus filaria , represents one of these nematodes inhabits bronchi and bronchioles and cause parasitic bronchitis (commonly known as husk) particularly in young sheep ( Holzhauer et al., 2011). Dictyocaulus filaria has direct life cycle, embryonated eggs are coughed up or swallowed and hatch in the small intestine then first stage larvae are passed in faeces. Under favorable environmental conditions, first stage larvae moult to second stage larvae and then infective en sheathed third stage larvae that actively move from faeces to herbage and are ingested by the grazing sheep. Following ingestion, third stage larvae ex sheath in
  • 13. Tiger Woods Research Paper Tiger Woods has been hailed as one of the greatest golfers, if not athletes, of all time. He has trumped other golfers and sports observers for the past 19 years as he has climbed and prevailed in the golf world. Tiger s success has been accredited to many factors in his life, and has varied throughout the years having his ups and downs. The purpose of this paper is to give a valid argument as to why Tiger Woods could possibly be the greatest golfer of all time. Tiger s success is highly accredited to his father, who sculpted Tiger s skill set to the level it is at today. Woods was born in Cypress, California, to Earl and Multiday Woods. He is the only child of their marriage; however, he does have two half brothers, Earl Grand Kevin, and a half sister, Royce from the 18 year marriage of Earl Woods and his first wife, Barbara Woods Gray. Earl, a retired lieutenant colonel and Vietnam War veteran, was of mostly African American, as well as Caucasian, and possible Native American and Chinese, ancestry. Multiday, originally from Thailand, is of mixed Thai, Chinese, and Dutch ancestry. Golf was a hobby of Earls and became part of his life, when tiger became old enough to go along with him Earl started introducing a young Tiger ... Show more content on ... He is the youngest player to achieve the career Grand Slam, and the youngest and fastest to win 50 tournaments on tour. Additionally, Woods is only the second golfer, after Jack Nicklaus, to have achieved a career Grand Slam three times. Woods has won 18 World Golf Championships, and won at least one of those events in each of the first 11 years after they began in 1999. Woods and Rory McIlroy are the only golfers to win both The Silver Medal and The Gold Medal at The Open
  • 14. Should Women Be Allowed At The Frontline Essay Should women be allowed at the frontline? It could be argued that women should be allowed to enrol and fight at the frontline of our British armed forces, up from December 2014 this has been fiercely debated by the ministry of defence to permit women the privilege of fighting alongside men who can fight at the frontline, this could only be accepted if women are able to reach the standard of this role, only 34 women will be tough enough to participate fighting at the frontline. The first female to lead an all male squadron has warned that allowing women at the front line could make the British forces less effective, major Judith Webb said that women are physically different than men even though she believed in equality herself. The ministry of defence are making a historic adjustment to see if women should be able to serve in the infantry and also in the tank regiments, female fighters should be in combat roles at the end of 2016,if this does happen then women will be expected to take the same physical tests as men. Reviews say that on current levels of recruitment around seven women a year would be able to surpass through training so this could qualify for the British armed forces. Only about 14 women would be able to be eligible for the armed forces and six for
  • 15. Watchtowers Research Paper Wikipedia lists all the different things that are considered Watchers , Watchtowers , or Guardians . Wikipedia goes on to break down the Watchtowers into different pantheons and even to their coordinating colors. In Richard Cavendish s book, The Powers of Evil5, he listed the Watchers as the fallen angels that magicians call forth in ceremonial magic. He mentions that the Watchers were so named because they were stars, the eyes of night . According to Minnie Eerin in the Student Resources Library1, The Watchtowers are the homes of the Elementals. The elements as in water, air, fire and earth. However, the Watchtowers can also be considered the four quarters such as north, south, east and west2. And according to E.A. Koetting3, the Watchtowers can also be called by their angelic administrators. These are all great things to be when you are trying to create or use a spell, ritual and a number of other magical workings.... Show more content on ... The Watchers, or Watchtowers are evoked to watch over and guard and witness the rites performed in witchcraft. In some traditions, the Watchers or Watchtowers are the elements, water, air, fire and earth. Each of these elements have their own specific calling for these rites, but they usually are all called or evoked. Each of these elements are matched up with the four quarters as well as their
  • 16. Reaction Paper On Modafinil Modafinil Modafinil is a very powerful wakefulness promoting drug and stimulant that was developed to treat narcolepsy as well as other daytime sleep disorders. Its ability to prevent fatigue and sleeplessness is just a part of the bigger picture. Extensive testing has indicated that it offers quite an impressive list of cognitive benefits ranging from mental alertness and enhanced mood to better memory, reduced fatigue, improved reaction time and increased motivation. Modafinil has been listed as a Schedule IV controlled substance and is usually sold as a prescription drug and typically, it is prescribed under names such as Modapro, Sun Pharma Modalert, Alertec and Provigil. Originally, it was created by a French medical professor Michel Jouvet in the ... Show more content on ... The action of Modafinil on the hypothalamus is what is believed to elevate the levels of histamine thus greatly contributing to alertness and wakefulness. The effects of Modafinil have been shown to wear off when the natural neuronal histamine is depleted by an inhibitor that is quite powerful. It runs counter to methylphenidate which reacts in a manner different from the histidine decarboxylase inhibitor, fluoromethylhistidine. Oxerin/ Hypocretin: Much of the wakefulness promoting action of Modafinil is attributed to its action on the hypocretin, rather oxerin system of the brain. It is situated within the hypothalamus and is responsible for regulating appetite, arousal and wakefulness. The most common forms of narcolepsy are usually caused by a lack of hypocretin which Modafinil addresses by acting directly through oxerin neurons. By stimulating these neurons, the production of histamines and other neurotransmitters related to alertness and wakefulness is also enhanced. Benefits and Effects of
  • 17. Rickets Disease Rickets/Osteomalacia is a disorder involving the softening and weakening of a child s bones, primarily caused by lack of vitamin D and or lack of calcium or phosphate. According to The Mayo Clinic, vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the gastrointestinal tract. A deficiency of vitamin Dmakes it difficult to maintain proper calciumand phosphorus levels in bones, which can cause rickets. Adding vitamin D or calcium to the diet will generally correct the boneproblems associated with rickets. Rickets should not be a single minded focus regarding a child s diagnosis, but other underlying medical treatment would be needed. Some skeletal deformities caused by rickets may require corrective surgery. The symptom ... Show more content on ... Recent analysis show that hospitalization rates for rickets has reach an high in other countries. Many modern clinicians in developed countries have little experience in management of the condition on rickets. Benjamin Jacob wrote Is Single Oral Dose of 300,000 IU D3 Adequate for Treatment The study published in this issue helpful in highlighting the efficacy of a simple single dose regimen and show that the lower dose of 300,000 units is not inferior to double this dose.(Jacob) In the study many children are treated with the same dose by intra muscular injection which is painful. The practice of the injecting with vitamin D should stop rickets associated with severe malabsorption and where even high oral doses are
  • 18. Benefits Of Being Vegetarianism Why should humans be vegetarian? More and more, some good quality meat is becoming very expensive. Since a can of chickpeas is less expensive and easier to cook, a lot of Quebec College students decide to take the meat out of their diet. Everyone should do like those people and be vegetarian for the benefits that it as for society and the environment. This diet is good for the human health, it helps save the planet and it helps save the animals. First, there are many health benefits that comes with being vegetarian. In the Harvard Health Publishing, the searchers describe the way that vegetarianism can help your body. Compared with meat eaters, vegetarians tend to consume less saturated fat and cholesterol and more vitamins C and E, dietary fiber, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, and phytochemicals (plant chemicals), such as carotenoids and flavonoids. As a result, they re likely to have lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and lower body mass index (BMI), all of which are associated with longevity and a reduced risk for many chronic diseases. The major diseases that vegetarianism can prevent are heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. In fact, vegetarians are 25% less likely to die from a heart disease than meat eaters. This means that a lot of people could be saved with this diet. Personally, if I could do anything to live longer and healthier, I would do it. Nowadays, we eat a lot of junk food, and more and more people are dying because
  • 19. Samuel Taylor Coleridge s The Rime Of The British... Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a leader of the British Romantic Movement, was born in Devonshire, England on October 21, 1772. Out of fourteen children, he was the youngest in the family. Samuel s father, Reverend John Coleridge was a much respected priest of a town and also headmaster of Henry VIII s Free Grammar School. Samuel attended his father s school until the age of 8, but after his father passed away in 1781, he attended Christ s Hospital School in London where he remained throughout his childhood studying and writing poetry. Starting off Coleridge s early work was predictable, but before long he began writing in a more natural style. Another great influence to his writing was his friend William Wordsworth, who he met in 1795. From 1797 to 1798 he lived close to Wordsworth in Somersetshire, and the two men worked together on a joint volume of poetry called Lyrical Ballads. The collection that they did is considered the first great work of the Romantic school of poetry and contains Coleridge s famous poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is the longest major poem by Coleridge. It was written between 1797 1798 and published in 1798 in the first edition of Lyrical Ballads. It was a shift to modern poetry and the beginning of British Romantic literature. No other period in English literature displays more variety in symbolism, style, and theme than Romantic. There are many examples of symbolism in the story. Coleridge believed
  • 20. Effects Of Rock And Classical Music On The Heart Rate Of... Introduction Knowing how music affects heart rate can allow athletes to choose the correct music to make them more motivated and energized during their training sessions enhancing their performance and improving their competitive results; in addition knowledge of what genre of music could decrease their performance and times is equally important (Roth, 2013). It is important to know if the music has the ability soothe ill patients in hospitals as it may reduce their heart rate to in turn reduce their stress and discomfort levels (Edelson, n.d.). Knowing how music affects heart rate will allow people who suffer from stress, anxiety and/or disorders such as insomnia (abnormal inability to get enough sleep) to slow down their heart rate to relax and go to sleep easier and faster (Barnett, n.d.) The aim of this project is to determine the effects that rock and classical music have on the heart rate of grade 11 girls. Rock music will speed up the heart rate while classical music will slow down the heart rate of grade 11 girls. Literature Review Heading: Source 1 Title of article: Influence of Music on Heart Rate Variability and Comfort A Consideration through Comparison of Music and Noise Reference: Umemura, M. Honda, K. (1998) Influence of Music on Heart Rate Variability and Comfort A Consideration through Comparison of Music and Noise. J. Human Ergol. 27 (1, 2). p.30 38 Six university students (5 males and 1 female) between the ages of 21 and 36 years
  • 21. High Involvement and Low Involvement in Searching for... High Tech, Low Involvement: Changing Consumers Search for Information The internet has made it significantly easier for consumers to conduct an information search during the consumer decision making process. Almost every household owns a computer and has access to the internet. This makes the internet highly accessible, hence information search is fast and convenient. From the case study, Grace wanted to buy a toaster and it has became a priority for her. Buying a toaster used to be a low involvement process for Grace. Initially, she was not interested to spend much time and effort, and low price was the main factor in buying a toaster. However, internet offers both high and low involvement consumers a wealth of shopping... Show more content on ... A consumer like her, who if not for the internet, as stated in case study would have only spent five minutes comparing the three brands that each store stocks and bought whichever was the cheapest . As mentioned above, if Grace were to physically visit the stores and compare the toasters, she would probably spent up to days solely on the information gathering process, much less analyzing the information to arrive upon her decision. The efficiency of the internet allows Grace to not only be aware of her needs, but also saved a huge amount of time and cost in terms of information searching. It has turned her limited information search into an extended one effortlessly. As quality of information available online improves, consumers can make more informed decisions when deciding on a purchase. They possess information power , and have the internet access at their dispose whenever they are equipped with their laptops or even mobile phones. The process of information search is simplified through internet and make it more beneficial and swift for both low involvement and high involvement consumer. After a random search on several websites for online consumer reviews, we discovered that in general, many online consumers prefer to rate the satisfactory level of a product on a neutral stand, which means on a scale of 5, they would give rating at 2.5 or 3. Hence, it does not provide sufficient information which allows the online reader to make accurate
  • 22. Research and Topic LITERATURE REVIEWS Literature reviews ....  are an integral part of graduate studies to help you become fully conversant with a topic area  may be a stand alone paper or part of a research paper or proposal  present a survey of scholarly articles, books and other sources that provides a summary, synthesis and critical evaluation of key ideas and work on a topic area.  present a big picture or overview of significant work done on a topic  enable you to gain deep understanding and insight by standing on the shoulders of giants  help you prepare for further original research by analysis of the current state of research on a topic  take time, patience, a clear mind and good organizational skills A good literature review ... Show more content on ... What are the current debates? 9. Peer reviewed journals contain articles reviewed by experts in the field before they are accepted for publication. Avoid newspapers, magazines and non peer reviewed journals unless your subject area requires it; e.g. media studies, journalism, performance art. However, even here, while current information and trends might be culled from these sources, search peer reviewed journals for in depth studies and explorations. 10. Wikipedia is not a reliable reference, although it can be a handy reference for ideas of what to search for in more reliable sources. 11. Work in Stages  FIRST PASS is a broad and general survey to orient yourself to the field and topic, to find out the main theories/frameworks, the key scholars, and their principal publications.  SECOND PASS a more detailed, selective process of reading books articles you have narrowed down as most relevant. You take notes and make summaries of your readings. Claremont Graduate University Writing Center 2008 2 B. READING ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS Information is useless if it is not easily recalled and accessed. Make sure you have a good system to manage the notes you take and to keep track of your references. This makes it easier to analyse and evaluate the information and to synthesize it to find patterns, connections and trends. Find a content organizing system that works for you:  3X5 cards great for making notes of key
  • 23. Pros And Cons Of Reverse Osmosis Thorough research on this task was used by investigating 14 different sites. These ranged between obtaining definitions for hypotonic, hypertonic and istonic; researching osmosis in food processes, finding out more about chemiosmosis, the pros and cons / advantages and disadvantages of reverse osmosis, it s application and process. The idea behind the research was to prepare adequately before doing the experiment and also to help understand the results and outcomes of the experiment and the techniques used. During this experiment I investigated the effect of various salt concentration on the rate of osmosis in potatoes. I used five beakers with potatoes of the same size in each beaker, each beaker also contained various salt concentrations. ... Show more content on ... The solution with the most salt lost the most water in the shortest period of time. The potato in distilled water absorbed water and therefore the mass of the potato increased. My hypothesis was therefore incorrect. Possible shortcomings of this investigation Having seen the results from this experiment if it were to be done again I would increase the amount of salt in each cup but keep the same mass of potato samples to obtain a faster, more dramatic and clearer result. Another option would be to rather place the experiment in direct sunlight as opposed to indirect sunlight as the heat from direct sunlight would speed up the reaction process. Replacing the water used with boiled water would also play a part in speeding up the process of osmosis and subsequently the results obtained. Implications of results of this investigation In the event of there being a severe drought the only water resource available would be seawater. Using seawater to irrigate crops would detrimentally affect the environment. The reason for this is because the salt water removes the existing moisture from the soil and the nutrients from the crops, the salt would then dry and in effect burn the crops in combination with the direct heat of the sun. Therefore we could use reverse osmosis to remove the salt from the seawater to provide normal `water to irrigate crops
  • 24. Rousseau s The Social Contract The Social Contract is an agreement by a group of people that enter for mutual benefit between individuals. Similar to Locke s social contract, Rousseau wanted his citizens to have rights, liberty, freedom and equality. This quote from Rousseau book The Social Contract summarizes his belief on human nature, In a well governed state, there are few punishments, not because there are many pardons, but because criminals are rare; it is when a state is in decay that the multitude of crimes is a guarantee of impunity. (The Social Contract). In the quote it tries to state that crimes don t happen because people are naturally evil but that the community or country corrupts the person. This concludes that Rousseau s view on human nature is that
  • 25. Computer-Mediated Communication Paper Communication research study was conducted to make an analysis of shared messages. These repeated forms of activity follow traditions in the communication discipline. In this academic journal present how the empirical tradition follows. The wordless and clear signal decisions are bases on careful thoughts. This study was done primarily in computer mediated communication. The issue s encounters were the lack of face to face talk that subtracted the non verbal cues and regulating feedback. Also, the absence of body language gestures and general lack makes a challenge to comprehension. Indeed, without the face to face signals reduce the efficient of interpersonal communication. Observations have to be achieved in the communication theory for an... Show more content on ... Organizing repeated prior events happened in different groups help with the meaning of their surroundings. However, the use of this method can be corrupted. It has been conducted past studies on this process to correct it. The incorrect analysis can make the difference in the decision of positive or negative conclusions and opinions. Moreover, the procedures are essential for an inference without being affected by any prejudices. Indeed, more researchers have been conducted in other types of communications. Using the computer mediated communication will take time through text communication. These limitations can be overcome by face to face interaction adding body language (Tan et al., 2007). In summary, the theories of studies made in the computer mediated communication results said the development of technology had created knowledge in their use. More ideas will be elaborated to analyze the importance of enabling peoples to learn for themselves online making better determinations in the messages received. Literature is writing words considered to be lasting influence. In this study, computer mediated communication is analyzed by an experiment conducted political perceptions online (Tan et al.,
  • 26. Baneberry Emergency Management Plan I.Purpose, Scope, Situation, and Mission The purpose of this plan to define the actions necessary to provide a coordinated response within the City of Baneberry, Tennessee. This plan provides guidance to emergency response personnel within Baneberry, Jefferson County, Tennessee with a general concept of potential emergency assignments before, during, and following emergency situations. A.Scope The scope of the emergency and disaster response to which this plan applies in the event of an earthquake and potential failure of the Douglas Dam upriver, which is vulnerable to failure when threatened by earthquakes, neglect, floods, or any combination of these hazards. Forecasts indicate that there is a 40 60% chance of a magnitude 6.0 or higher ... Show more content on ... 2.Agreements and Understandings The City of Baneberry should establish mutual aid agreements or emergency response and recovery contracts with the City of White Pine, as well as the City of Newport, Tennessee. Once these agreements are established, the Mayor is authorized to activate those agreements or contracts. References: United States, FEMA. (2010, November). Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans. Retrieved May 5, 2018, from library data/20130726 1828 25045 0014/ cpg_101_comprehensive_preparedness_guide_developing_and_maintaining_emergency_opera Kluger, J. (2017, November 20). Scientists Predict 2018 Will Be a Bad Year for Earthquakes. Retrieved May 5, 2018, from predictions 2018/ Official Website of the City of Baneberry, Tennessee (2011) The City of Baneberry, Tennessee About Us. Retrieved May 5, 2018, from /index.asp?Type=B_BASIC SEC={646C3CBD 1D9E 4C5C AC57 1E9AC480A374} The template utilized was obtained from FEMA s EOP Basic Plan template and modified accordingly for this
  • 27. Should Police Officers Have More Education What is education? Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. There are some people who think that more education for police officers is not necessary. The current educational requirement to be a police officer is having a high school diploma. However, some may argue that police officers should be required to have more education. I agree that more education is necessary for police officers. Police Officers should have an adequate level of education, such as a Bachelor Arts or Bachelor of Science. There should be a requirement for all law enforcement officers, be educated in the three major critical fields of knowledge in college, sociology, psychology, and criminology. Police
  • 28. Research Paper On Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering What exactly is mechanical engineering? This is a question many people ask themselves, but the question they should be asking themselves is how important is mechanical engineering to the community? Mechanical engineering is a step to create a better future. In the field of mechanical engineering, machines are built to facilitate and improve transportation, manufacturing, and various things we use in our daily lives. In order to become a mechanical engineer, you first have to know the background and requirements for being a mechanical engineer. Mechanical engineeringis a part of engineering that involves the design, installation, manufacturing, and maintenance of machines. Mechanical engineers study physics to create new and advanced machines that will be helpful for us. Some examples of the machines that mechanical engineers work on are electric generators, steam turbines, industrial production equipment, and machine tools. Many devices of mechanical engineering increase noise and pollution so... Show more content on ... The first one is the dealing and understanding of mechanical science which includes dealing with physical science and the relations with heat, energy, and power. The second one is the process of research, development, and design. The third one is the production of products and power which includes planning, maintenance, and operation. The fourth one is the coordinating job of the mechanical engineer including management, negotiation, and commerce. An engineer is called to ponder and think out every possible approach to a given problem (Reyes Guerra 6). A mechanical engineer needs to do all of these thing in order to work in this field. To be an engineer, a person must be inquisitive and a problem solver that uses logic and imagination. An engineer must be able to get along with other people and make relationships. Engineers must think outside the box in order to solve complex
  • 29. Renaissance Man Thesis I can t believe how much time has gone by. This was my first thought when I looked at the clock on my laptop screen. I had done it again. I was researching a topic we had discussed that day in history, and I got side tracked. Instead of just reading what needed to be read, I dug even deeper into the subject, reading article after article on The Renaissance. Why did I have to be so fascinated with The Renaissance? I asked myself. I could have this entire assignment done by now. I looked down at the worksheet, and I had only done half of it. I laughed at this because I knew all the answers. Well, I guess all that researching was worth it. I completed the assignment in ten minutes but I didn t stop there. I watched documentaries on The Renaissance... Show more content on ... He is known as The Renaissance Man because he was a jack of all trades, including artist and scientist. He is the first person who accurately depicted and documented human anatomy. His medical journals became the basis for what we know commonly today as Gray s Anatomy. Without his curiosity of the human body, we might not have the same knowledge as we do today. History shapes every subject we take in school, not only science. We have art and music history, the history of language, psychology, as well as others, and of course, the history of history itself. In conclusion, my love for European history engulfs me. I love reading about it and watching documentaries about it. I have my own collection of books on it that I bought to further my learning and education of it. It has also influenced my career path because I m considering a major in history. I am thankful for my love of history because I have learned so much about other cultures, societies, and even civilizations. History enriches our lives and expands our minds and our experiences, both real and vicarious. Knowing the past and embracing it will, hopefully, point us to a bright
  • 30. How Rock And Roll Changed American Culture During the mid 1900 s many different types of music emerged and became popular. Each type of music that was popular brought along different social and political issues. Between 1950 s rock and roll, 1960 s psychedelic rock, and 1970 s disco, America was undergoing a great deal of changes. Among these three genres of music, rock and roll posed the greatest challenge to the status quo, with its bonding of African Americans and white people in listening and dancing. In the 1950 s, rock and roll type music began and started to become popular in America. However, due to the nature of America, with its racism and segregation, white people did not accept rock and roll with open arms. This was because rock and roll was credited with ... promoting integration and economic opportunity for blacks (Altschuler, Pivotal Moments in American History: All Shook Up: How Rock n Roll Changed America , 35). Not only had this, but rock and roll originated from black culture and African American music styles like jazz, blues, and gospel. Despite becoming prominent during this racially tense time in American history; rock and roll brought everyone together, instead of pushing everyone away. Rock and roll even allowed several African Americans to become famous, such as LaVern Baker and Antoine Fats Domino. These African Americans used their musical talents to further unite the communities with rock and... Show more content on ... Each different type of music challenged the status quo, through segregation issues, gay rights, or freedom to express yourself through drug usage. Although each type of music challenged the status quo in its own way, rock and roll was the most impactful in allowing African Americans to co exist with the rest of America. Each type of music brought social, political, and cultural change that has created the society that we live in
  • 31. Happiest Day Of My Life Essay The clicking of my mother s new heels to the steam coming off of my fathers new coat jacket after being steamed had me thinking that something was going on for them tonight. But also pondering about why I wasn t getting dressed up as fancy as them. I wondered if they were hiding something from me again. The last time that happened, I ended up having a new living being in my house and it turns out that they keep telling me that it is my new brother... or whatever that means. Although tonight, the last time I saw him was when his babysitter picked him up. All I thoughtat that moment is that I was the happiest girl alive and that I could spend the entire night with my parents alone, but it turned out that it wasn t the case at all. In the end, it turned out that I was left with my older cousin, Kelly, in a gigantic house along with being locked in. One moment in what I thought was the happiest day of my life turned out to be the worst. But of course, my mother, Kelly a list of things I can and cannot do while they are out. Don t let her go through the kitchen, I have all her snacks and dinner sitting on the table. She shouldn t be going into her father s office. Make sure she goes to bed at her curfew, 8:00 p.m. Don t forget to remind her to brush her teeth... Mom! I old enough to know that! Sweetie, me and your father are going to an adult meeting. I m sorry. But that is why your brother got picked up by his babysitter. Did you want me to have her pick you up too?
  • 32. Between the Bookshelves I stand on the stone pavement, backpack thrown over my shoulder, weighty book bag slung across my chest, my suitcase leaning against my leg as though it s too weary to continue on. I had felt a wild sense of adventure when my parents has stared at me in shock, when my friends called me insane, when even my own heart was frozen in fear. I felt alive, spontaneous, and full of bohemian freedom. Now I just feel lost. You see, this is a strange city. Especially if you come from a small town in Mid West America. But here I am, standing in front of Shakespeare and Company Paris, France. I stand on the street in the icy fog, hands trembling and teeth chattering. Overhead the sky opens up, letting loose a chilling drizzle which interrupts my thoughts. It s now or never. My heart pounds against my chest as I take two swift strides towards the door. Before my fingers wrap around the door knob, it swings open to reveal a young woman. Excusez moi, monsieur. Her cheeks redden slightly as she steps aside and ducks her head, letting wavy auburn hair fall across her face like a cascading waterfall. I fidget and clear my throat, unsure of what to say in response. Please, forgive me, she says again when she notices my silence. I was in a bit of a rush and didn t see anyone through the window. Her gaze falls to my suitcase and a soft smile plays across her lips. And you must be Grayson King, our newest writer. I m Amelia....I help manage the store. Her transition
  • 33. Fed Ex vs UPS Case Analysis Essay examples Executive Summery The parcel service industry is made up of four main competitors. These competitors are UPS, FedEx, Airborne Express, and the U.S. Postal Service. Since 2000, American consumers have spent more than $50 billion to ship parcels, packages, and overnight letters. New parcel distribution patterns developed due to the way U.S. manufacturing companies are operating. The Internet has expanded the reach of direct marketing, particularly with retail transactions requiring home delivery. Globalization has also created the need for parcel carriers to expand worldwide. UPS and FedEx are the leading parcel carriers in the U.S. FedEx has significantly expanded their capability to compete with UPS s dominant ground delivery service. ... Show more content on ... Manufactures also depended more on the customer, information technology, and the increase in the use of technology in all parts of the economy. Companies such as FedEx, UPS, Airborne Express, and USPS shipped parcels at a faster rate and were more reliable than other rail, motor, and water carriers. Trends and opportunities of the parcel service industry include globalization, e commerce, and supply chain management. Internet logistics was FedEx and UPS s fastest growing business. The internet enabled customers to link directly to retailers and their manufacturers. In 2001, parcel carriers served almost all of the online market. They were able to provide information on packages to customers through tracking systems on the web. This allowed customers to plan ahead and decrease delays in deliveries. It also allowed for faster transactions and lower communication costs. Parcel companies created partnerships with large Internet retailers. These partnerships allowed parcel service companies to expand its overall delivery volume. Parcel companies improved tracking by implementing several technological innovations. These included laser scanners and bar codes, state of the art software programs, satellite and cell phone communication equipment, electronic information interchanges, and the Internet. Globalization is another major trend. Since the emergence of the
  • 34. Benefits Of Vaccines Infections, outbreaks, diseases, viruses all keep a person vulnerable to deadly consequences if not treated correctly. Two sides of the community are established: one fearing for their lives, and the other trying to convince that vaccine medications are safe. Those who cannot be vaccinated rely on those who can be vaccinated, but if people decide to not vaccinate themselves, more and more will continue to suffer and this will cause more outbreaks. Since many people around the world are falling ill due to deadly diseases that their body cannot fight on their own, vaccines should therefore be used to fight against diseases with its many benefits and safety for a better environment. Beneficial to all people young and old, vaccines have ... Show more content on ... The anti vaccine movement has been trying to tell many parents that the shots are overused and teeming with toxins. They cause autism, bipolar disorder, ADHD, allergies and more. They are profit centers for greedy doctors and Big Pharma, and everybody s keeping the dangers quiet. (Kluger 40 43). With a strong passive voice and concerned parents, anything can be believable even if it is just a rumor used to spread lies and prevent adults and children from getting the vaccines they need. In 2007, Maulana Fazlullah, who heads the Pakistani Taliban, went on Pakistani radio and denounced vaccinations as a conspiracy of western nations to render Muslims infertile. (Garrett). The consequences of this lead to deadly outbreaks that killed more people than before vaccines had been denounced. To the anti vaccine movement, the vaccine business has continued to thrive in spite of its disastrous failure, for the mere reason that it nets millions of dollars for the promoters, and that this buys power with governments and propaganda control over the masses who don t know how to think for themselves (Sinclair). By indirectly stating the other health problems of general diseases that are vaccine preventable, helps to force patients to realize that vaccines are not a bad thing at all. Laws ordered by the government has
  • 35. Rod Cell Structure The Importance of Structure in Rod Cells On Earth, there is a myriad of living organisms with a variety of characteristics and appearances that live side by side. These organisms are divided into groups based on these different characteristics, however all living organisms are interconnected by the simple fact that living organisms are built upon the same basic unit of life; the cell. All cells share many common structures and organelles, however, there are cells that have evolved through time to specialize in carrying out a specific function and their structures changed. Some of these specialized cells are also exclusively found in a certain group of organisms. One of these specialized cells is the rod cells that are found exclusively in vertebrates. These rod cells are a crucial part of the sensory nervous system; specifically the visual system. In general, rod cells are one ... Show more content on ... This segment of the cell consists of of cell membrane in the form of disks that are packed closely together in order to ensure that multiple of these disks are inside. These disks contain the visual pigment called rhodopsin, a unique photosensitive molecule found only in rod cells that convert light into signal. Rhodopsin is made up of two proteins called opsin and retinal; when rhodopsin makes contact with light, it is broken down into these two proteins, and the light is then converted into a chemical signal that is sent to through the synaptic terminal towards the optic nerve. Due to rhodopsin breaking down easily and quickly under bright light, the overstimulation of rod cells is prevented and cone cells are used instead. In dim lighting, there is little rhodopsin that is being broken down, leading to a higher concentration of rod cells which allows better vision in the dark, which is the reason why rod cells are functional in
  • 36. A Report On The Attack Automation Strategy 1a) An DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service) Attack consists of several phases firstly the attacker recruits multiple agent machines which will be later on infected with the attack code and further exploited. The infected machines can be used to further recruit new agents. We can outline those phases as Recruit, Exploit, Infect and Use. ATTACKAUTOMATION STRATEGY The attack automation strategy stands for how much of the DDoS attack does an attacker want to make automatic and how much to leave for manual control. The strategy depends on the degree of automation of the phases of the attack. There are three general automation degrees Manual, Automated and Semi Automated which are explained as follows: oManual In that case, the hacker manually recruits machines by scanning remote ones for vulnerabilities, breaks their security mechanisms, installs the prepared attack code and then directs the attack. This type of a DDoS Attack has become really outdated since lately all the recruitment phase has been automated. Weak design consideration in terms of functionality and productivity. oSemi Automated In the Semi Automated DDoS attacks the DDoS network is made of a handler and an agent machine. There is automation present for the Recruit, Exploit and Infect phases. Through the communication between the handler and the agent, the attacker specifies the attack type, the onset, the duration and the victims ID. The
  • 37. Sports are Entertaining and Fun Essay Sports are Entertaining and Fun Sports in society today can be entertaining to watch and also fun to play for both men and women of all ages. I am a person that takes sports very seriously in my life. I enjoy playing sports as much as I enjoy watching them on television. I started playing baseball when I was seven years old, and played up until I graduated high school. I also played basketball from fifth grade to a junior in high school. I think that I am so involved in sports because my family takes sports very seriously, and they got me involved in them at an early age. My Dad, Mom, brothers and cousins have all been active members of sports throughout their lives. We all enjoy doing anything involved with sports. It could be ... Show more content on ... I want to find out which sports are the most popular overall by men and women. I want to find out how men and women react when they are watching their favorite sporting event on television, or in person. I want to see if they get really excited during the game, or if they just sit there and watch closely. I want to see what traditions or pre game rituals that people have before watching or participating in a sport. I want to find out what sports people played in high school, and if they are still involved with that sport in any way today. The three primary research methods that I chose were: surveys, interviews, and observations. I thought that these three primary research methods would be the most beneficial in finding out most of the answers to all of my questions. I made a survey of ten questions related to sports. Some of the basic questions that I asked were: What is your gender? How well do you like sports? Did you play sports in high school? Do you watch sports on television? Some of the more in depth questions that I asked were: When watching your favorite sporting event, how excited do you get? What is your favorite sport to play? What is your favorite sport to watch on television, if any? Have you ever been to a professional sporting event? How many hours of sports, on average a week do you watch? Do you think that sports are primarily for
  • 38. Bob Knowlton I. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA El problema que se le plantea a Bob Knowlton, jefe de proyectos de LABORATORIOS SIMMONS, es si la entrada de un nuevo miembro en su equipo de trabajo, de aparente gran capacidad intelectual, compensa el desmembramiento que se empieza a producir en el equipo, que venГa liderando con buenos resultados. Para tomar una decisiГіn sobre el problema planteado y el plan de actuaciГіn a desarrollar, veamos primero como se desarrollaron los acontecimientos. II. ANTECEDENTES DEL EQUIPO KNOWLTON El equipo de Bob Knowlon surge a raГz de una idea que tiene sobre el correlator del fotГіn. Tras la exposiciГіn de sus descubrimientos a su jefe, el Doctor Jerrold, se creГі un proyecto separado para continuar la investigaciГіn ... Show more content on ... No de be olvidarse que LA SELECCI N DE LOS INTEGRANTES DE UN EQUIPO ES RESPONSABILIDAD DE SU LIDER, siendo esta una actuaciГіn de vital importancia para el Г©xito final del equipo. b)TolerГі que el primer dГa Fester se presentase a medio dГa, alegando una presunta reuniГіn con el Doctor Jerrald, sin reprocharle nada como probablemente hubiera hecho con cualquier otro miembro del equipo que se hubiera ausentado de una reuniГіn sin previo aviso. c)ConsintiГі igualmente la creaciГіn de subequipos dentro del propio equipo; Fester y Link por un lado, haciendo con ello que los demГЎs miembros del equipo se sintieran apartados e inferiores a ellos. A ello contribuyГі incluso el propio Knowlton, al convocar una reuniГіn Гєnicamente con Link y Fester para examinar las nuevas teorГas que este habГa desarrollado, en lugar de evaluarlas delante de todo el equipo como se habГa hecho hasta entonces. d)Tampoco hizo nada cuando Fester le llama por la noche para comunicarle sus descubrimientos sobre los informes que hasta entonces habГa desarrollado el equipo; en ese momento deberГa haberle cortado y seГ±alado que el lugar y el momento para exponer sus nuevas teorГas era la reuniГіn de la maГ±ana del equipo. e)Permite a
  • 39. Uses And Uses Of Virtualization Virtualization is being able to give a physical device the power, through the use of software, to do more than that physical device was technically designed and able to do (Santana, 2014, p. 12). For example, a server can only run one operating system at a time. However, when a hypervisor is used in a server, the hypervisor is a layer of software that acts like the server itself so that many operating systems can be run from that one server. The hardware, in this case a server, has been virtualized. The goal is to use all of the computer s resources all of the time, and the only way to do that is to have enough things running that the resources are being used consistently and efficiently. An analogy for this could be online classes. If each teacher only had one student, the teacher s resources of time and expertise would not be utilized efficiently because that one student will not need help all day, every day. If the teacher is assigned to fifteen students, the students can still get help when needed from the teacher, and they would not even be aware that they are not alone in the class. Because it is an online class, the teacher does not need any more physical resources to teach an entire class than was needed for one student. The students are receiving the benefits of being taught by that teacher without needing to be with him or her physically. 2. Please define, in your own words, what a data center is and what virtualization means in this environment. Data
  • 40. Alfred Hitchcock Stereotypes Double Sided: Identity, Perception, Gender Roles Masterful tension. Psychological suspense. Strong female roles. Dark shadows. Premeditated cameo appearances. These characteristics depict every Alfred Hitchcock film ever produced. Known for his unique style of psychologically disturbing thrillers, with a tendency to engage his audience in voyeurism, he quickly became a household name after the release of his first sound film in 1929. Hitchcock s career only gained velocity from there; producing a myriad of successful films in his fifty year span of filmmaking. Arguably the most notable came in 1958, Vertigo; a film chock full of dynamic characters, impressive visual effects, and most importantly, overlooked motifs of self identity, external... Show more content on ... The colors are demonstrated in such a way that symbolize the double personality that is played by Judy through her impersonation in the first half of the film as well as during the second half of the film when the truth is revealed to first the audience and later to Scottie. First seen in the restaurant with the prolonged profile shot of Madeleine and later with the green wardrobe choices of both Judy and Scottie, it becomes clear that the color green is representative of the double life each of these characters play. Scottie is perceived by Midge from his good old college days (53) only as a retired detective who suffers from severe acrophobia. In contrast, the audience views Scottie as a possessive and controlling psychopath after the reveal that he has fallen in love with an imposter who helped his old friend stage a murder. Following his mental breakdown and hospitalization, his obsession of sex and domination over women intensifies and reveals to the audience the two sided persona that Scottie has likely been living with his whole life. Once again, Hitchcock presents his audience with a chance to acknowledge the multiple sides of their own personalities and how these differences parallel the bidirectional aspects of both Judy and Scottie s
  • 41. Focused Dark Web Crawling Design 8.Focused Dark Web Crawling Design Focused crawlers seek, acquire, index, and maintain pages on a specific set of topics that represent a narrow segment of the web (Chakrabarti et al. 1999). The need to collect high quality, domain specific content results are important characteristics for such crawlers. Some of these characteristics are specific to focused and/or hidden web crawling while others are relevant to all types of spiders. Some of the important considerations for hidden web spiders include accessibility, collection type and content richness, URL ordering features and techniques, and collection update procedures. 8.1.Accessibility Search engines cover the publicly indexable web . This is the part of the web easily... Show more content on ... The amount of human participation is dependent on the complexity of the accessibility issue. For example, many simple forms asking for name, e mail address, etc., can be automated with standardized responses. Other more complex questions require greater expert participation. Such an approach seems more appropriate for the Dark Web, where the complexity of the access process can vary significantly. UA s AI Lab developed an accessibility metric: databases accessed /total attempted which helps evaluate their crawler design to access dark web forums. The closer the metric is to 1 the better the design is. 8.2.Collection Type Crawling research had been geared toward collecting websites, blogs, and web forums. There has been considerable research on a collection of standard websites and pages relating to a particular topic, often for the portal building. There has also been work on collecting weblogs. BlogPulse is a blog analysis portal. The site contains an analysis of key discussion topics/trends for roughly 100,000 spidered weblogs. Such blogs can also be useful for marketing intelligence. Blogs containing product reviews analyzed using sentiment analysis techniques can provide insight into how people feel about various products. Web forum crawling poses a unique set of difficulties. Discovering web forums is challenging due to the lack of a centralized index.
  • 42. Rienhard Heydrich s Death During The Holocaust The Holocaust was a dark time in humanity s history; a time that should be looked back on in shame. People lost their compassion and empathy towards one another. These emotions are essential in keeping peace and harmony throughout the world, and give mankind a natural kindheartedness towards one another. Having the innate sense to feel for one another and understand the trials and tribulations others go through is what truly makes us human. This is what was lost during the Holocaust. The inherent good that humans are born with, was taken away by Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich. It led to the deaths of entire cultures and millions of innocent peoples lives were changed for the worse. However, the Nazis did not carry out the mass killings of... Show more content on ... According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Heydrich died in June 1942 from injuries sustained during an assassination attempt by Czech partisans (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Heydrich was highly regarded by his superiors. Hitler even stated that Heydrich was one of the best National Socialists, one of the staunchest defenders of the concept of the German Reich and one of the greatest opponents of all enemies of this Reich (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Before his death, he was tasked with helping structure the Final Solution. Himmler and Hitler sent him to represent them in the Wannsee Conference in January 20, 1942, to discuss to the German offices the solution to the Jewish question (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Judging by Hitler s words and Heydrich s high ranking in the Nazi government, Heydrich was very well respected by Himmler and was his right hand man. And when Heydrich died in 1942 Himmler was very hurt by it and wanted to carry on his legacy. This is what triggered Himmler to start the Final Solution. So he commenced Operation Rienhard, which was named in honor of Heydrich. Operation Rienhard was started in the autumn of 1941 (but later renamed in honor of Heydrich) and marked the start of the Final Solution as history knows it today (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Its goal was to resettle (i.e., to kill) the Polish Jews, (2) to exploit the skilled or manual labor of some Polish Jews before killing them, (3) to secure the personal property of the Jews (clothing, currency, jewelry, and other possessions), and (4) to identify and secure alleged hidden and immovable assets such as factories, apartments, and land (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Death camps were set up in Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Heydrich s death and consequently Operation
  • 43. Renaissance Influence On Art The Renaissance, a time defined as the rebirth, occurred in Italy between 1350 and 1600. Spreading quickly throughout Europe, with the innovation of the printing press, it caused rippling effects. The Renaissance ultimately altered the aged education of the Dark Ages and renewed it with studies of the more classic works instead of theology. Classic art and literature grew extremely popular, contrasting the lack of interest in them before. Many artists became prominent advocates for the revival of the ideals of the classical past. The artists, using their masterpieces, tremendously determined modern historians view the era. While several aspects of the Renaissancecontributed and influenced the time, artists like Michelangelo, da Vinci, and... Show more content on ... Born March 6, 1475, Michelangelo Buonarroti is considered [to be] one of the most famous artists of the Italian Renaissance. ( Editors) As a child, Michelangelo had a greater interest in artwork and its production rather than schooling, so at the age of 13 his father allowed him to become Domenico Ghirlandaio s apprentice in Florence. During his teenage years, Michelangelo studied classic sculpture in the Florentine gardens of the Medici family, who were wealthy and allowed him access to the elite of Florence. After studying there for a few years, he eventually moved to Rome, where he would work until he died. Known for his sculptures the Pieta and David, and for his paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the Last Judgement Michelangelo had many other works. Michelangelo s innovated artistry was believed to have achieved a whole new depth over the timespan. Like da Vinci, Michelangelo is said to have influenced Raphael, an artist who actually was his arch rival. This is an example of how Michelangelo was influential during the Renaissance. His artwork depicted scenes from the bible and were painted in the Sistine Chapel which is a major contribution to the culture and beliefs of the time. Raffaello Sanzio, famously known as Raphael, was an artist and architect born April 6, 1493, in Italy. When Raphael reached the age of 11, his father, Giovanni, passed away and he quickly took over his
  • 44. The Position of Islamic Lawin Malaysia CHAPTER FOUR: THE POSITION OF ISLAMIC LAW IN MALAYSIA 4.1 Introduction It has been argued, that if colonisation had not been responsible for the introduction and application of English law, Islamic law would have developed to become the law of the land. Islamic law, coupled with the customary law of the various races, indeed represent the indigenous sources or basic foundation upon which the eventual growth of a legal system could have been founded.1 However, the grant of the Charters of Justice 1826 to the Straits Settlements, and the eventual application of English law both through the judicial process and through legislation in the Malay States had effectively displaced Islamic law from its premier position. The role which Islamic... Show more content on ... For example, it is stated (in traditional Malay language): Orang berbuat bala cara laki laki perempuan titah Dewata Maha Raya jika merdehika bujang palu seratus rotan. Jika merdehika beristeri atau perempuan bersuami ditanam hinggakan pinggang dihambalang dengan batu matikan. 8 This is the law relating to the punishment for zinДЃ.It can be interpreted as: Those who commit unlawful intercourse between male and female, the order by the King are; if they are free person (not a slave) and unmarried, they will be flogged hundred lashes and if the free man had a wife or the free woman had a husband, they will be buried till waist and will be stoned to death. This law is in line with Islamic teaching. When Malacca was a Malay kingdom, a compilation of laws was made on the orders of the Ruler and this, the Ibid., p. 110. This stone was found near Kampung Buluh in Sungai Tersat, Kuala Berang at Hulu Terengganu, which its date is 22 February 1303 or 4 Rajab 702 A.H. 8 See Ahmad Ibrahim, Perlaksanaan undang undang hudЕ«d di
  • 45. My Life After The Big Rock Candy Mountain By Harry Mcclintock Throughout my life, I have moved around three times but have lived in four different states. I have lived in Montana, Wisconsin, Indiana and last but not least, Illinois. Every move has taught me what life is really about. In fact, throughout each move I have associated music into my life immensely. Traveling with music was my way of expressing who I am through each move. These five songs I associate with my traveling experiences and how they have impacted my perspective on life. Days Go By by Keith Urban, Bartender by Lady Antebellum, The Big Rock Candy Mountainby Harry McClintock, Send My Love by Adele and I would walk 5,000 miles by Mary Carpenter are my top five songs of traveling with music. While traveling and seeing the world,... Show more content on ... In a way you could say that Keith Urban saved my mother s sanity, so thank you Keith Urban. It was not recently that I went to my first concert ever, which was in fact Keith Urban. It was a good way to bring back all the old memories that we had, traveling back to Montana every year. To this day, we still travel out west but since we have been moving around a lot; we are not as reliant on Keith Urban as we used. However, he is still our calming music when life gets tough for our family. Bartender by Lady Antebellum it top two of my favorite songs. I like this song not only because of the message that is says, but the story behind it. I like how whenever, I listen to this song I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing at the time. It was the summer of 2014 at one of our cabins in the Big Sky country of Montana. My aunt came running out of the door yelling at us to come help her. As we ran into the bathroom in crisis mood ready to help wherever we could. Little did we know, it was not a fire or broken lamp, the problem was located in the bathroom. As we walked into the bathroom, we all screamed. Water was overflowing from the toilet every direction, from that moment on we knew that the toilet was severely clogged. Since the septic tank was made during the early 1800 s, we could not just unclog it with a plunger. Two roader eaters, and ten people we finally managed to unclog
  • 46. HIV Infections in African American Males Essay HIV infections in African American Males have been a national growing problem since the early 1990 s. According to CDC, in the United States, there are more than 1 million people living with HIV. 48 percent are afro American males between the ages 13 44(CDC, 2007). It is estimated that around 1 million people in the United States will be diagnose with HIVin the up coming year with the lifetime risk of becoming infected is 1 in 16 for black males (CDC,2007). However, there is growing concern about the disproportionate increase of HIV among adolescent African Americanmales ages 13 19. These adolescent males count for 37 percent of the cases, which double their representation in their general population. Although, Poverty is a major... Show more content on ... Since the Trans theoretical model framework is one of the leading intervention for behavior change (Hayden, 2009, p65). To better motivate behavior change towards condom use, a school wide Condom Education Program can be useful when tailoring a group s intervention that will meet the target population stage of readiness to change regardless of the behavior of focus. The North Carolina Healthy Living Standard Course of study has objectives for growth and development, puberty education, sex education and prevention. Any African American male attending these schools has been educated about HIV causes and prevention. Since, they know the benefits of using condom as a protection and even considering changing. To better approach their behavior change toward condom use, the four most useful constructs are contemplation, preparation, action and self efficacy. Although, (NIH, 2007) reports that condoms have reduce HIV Transmission by 87 95 percent. To get these African American male students from seeing it to exploring condom use as an option or a benefit is contemplation. However, a Condom Education Program is placed an inner city high school, whose population is 65 percent Afro American male. NIH reported data is the goal of the program. The objective is by the end of the year, 45% of Afro American sexual active males are
  • 47. Higher Learning Credentials It has been a long and hard road toward obtaining my higher learning credentials. Immediately after high school I attended college, falling short academically in my first several years of college led me to be to believe that I wasn t smart enough to attend college. At the base of my soul, I knew I was collegematerial, I just needed the right tools to exert that drive and ambition. On and off again routine of my educational pursuit led me to the disgust of own myself. At the age of 31, I reach my breaking point, thinking I will never graduate with my bachelor s degree. Most people pursue higher learning to increase their earning potential but at that point in my life, I reached my financial goal. A coworker told me about the Universityof
  • 48. Rhetorical Analysis of Andrew Shepherd s Speech in Movie,... A president has to have character, right? I mean, if the leader of the free world has no substance, nothing special about him, then how do we as citizens know that he is capable as far as foreign policies go. How do we know that we can trust him to make wise decisions? How do we know that he will tell us the truth? This concept is exactly what fictional president Andrew Shepherd successfully conveys in his Address to the Press on Bob Rumson and the Crime Bill. In the movie, The American President, Andrew Shepherd becomes romantically involved with crime bill lobbyist Sydney Ellen Wade. Many characters, including Bob Rumson, believe that the relationship between Shepherd and Wade is hindering the advancement of the country. They... Show more content on ... The Constitution is the very first concrete document that lasted in this country. It was made by the very first citizens and it was made with pride. Before the constitution came to life the United States was looked upon, by many nations, similarly to a child attempting to grow up too fast. Great Britain, the country that the constitution freed us from, did not think the United States was going to make it alone. Great Britain was right. The United States could not make it alone. The United States needed something to help it along. They needed the constitution. Because of this strong link between the constitution and the survival of the United States, many patriots, including Shepherd, have an emotional attachment to the constitution. Because of that link many patriots perceive attacks on the constitution as personal attacks. In this excerpt from the speech, Shepherd is found attacking Rumson by using one of the most powerful emotional strategies, appealing to ones sense of patriotism. He questions Rumson s national pride by saying that Rumson doesn t support the Constitution. What true patriot wouldn t love and support the reason that this country exists? In that same swift action, Shepherd affirms his own image as a patriot. I am a card carrying member of
  • 49. Paper Questions 2.4.2 Conceptions and Past Paper Questions Norton Irvin (2007) found that a considerable number of students who have difficulties understanding fractions, negative numbers and ratios also struggle with solving algebraic problems. Conception 1,2 and 3 are predominant in the GCSE foundation syllabus and in post primary mathematics in general. It is evident upon research into examiner reports that students have difficulties relating to these conceptions. Below is an example of a question found in the 2014 Maths GCSE foundation exam. Figure 1 (GCSE Math Jun 14 Foundation Tier Unit 2 Q.18) The Chief examiner reported, Many candidates did not understand the meaning of Write an equation in terms of w and as a result lost all ... Show more content on ... 2.6 Creating an App 2.6.1 The Chosen Software The first consideration for the app was the software needed to create it. As the developer does not have advanced knowledge or expertise on coding, the software programme needed to match their skills appropriately. Luterbach and The second point to consider was the desired outcome. The overall aim of this project was to create an engaging user centred app, which highlighted two of the misconceptions in GCSE algebra. The software programme chosen enabled interactive elements and testing features to enhance students learning and knowledge. 2.6.2 Using an app to teach algebra Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances students learning. (McGehee Griffith, 2000). Similar to McGehee and Griffith, Ghosh (2012, cited Drijvers, 2016) believes that the integration of technology and ICT has suggested a positive impact on the achievement of students in the general algebraic education but in particular solving word problems. The most recent phenomenon has been the
  • 50. The Chevrolet Cobalt Vehicle General Motors acted in an unethical and negligent way by choosing not to take action when becoming aware of a fault in their ignition switch of the Chevrolet Cobalt vehicle. This caused the engine and electrical system to shut off if the keys were knocked, and ultimately resulting in multiple deaths due to the airbags not deploying during car accidents. General Motors first became aware of the problem in 2004 after a situation of the ignition switching off the vehicle after accidentally making contact with the key. Other employees soon replicated the ignition switch defect during test drives throughout that year. While engineers for G.M. suggested a fix to the issue, executives due to consideration of the lead time required, cost and ... Show more content on ... I feel saddened for the families of those involved in the fatal crashes that are a consequence of G.M. s negligent action in pursuing and correcting this problem. They were let down by a large corporation who knowingly were aware of a defect in the Chevrolet Cobalt, and if I was to be put in their situation, I would feel deep resentment towards General Motors. However, I am not surprised as I do already have a strong distrust for large corporations. After having read countless reports on the news of the unethical, and often illegal, courses of action that companies will do in order to essentially reduce costs and increase profits. While I feel angered by this, my feelings are irrelevant to corporations as they are only interested in ways in which they can increase profit. I felt the same way after having studied the Enron case earlier in the semester. Though I feel Enron has acted more unethically and unscrupulous intentionally than General Motors, I am still saddened and sorrowful for the individuals and families who were unknowingly being lied to by the corporations. Individuals and families involved in these cases feel both an emotional and physical loss. I feel as someone who values honesty, it angers me that innocent people were affected in this way and taken advantage of. Enron s profit driven executives treated these individuals and families unfairly, as were the families of those involved in
  • 51. Essay On The Louisiana Purchase On April 30, 1803 France sold 2,144,510 square kilometers of land to the United States of America known as the Louisiana Purchase. The United States of America paid 15 million dollars (about 283 million dollars today) in this treaty. The Louisiana Purchase was one of the most important land trading in history. It provided territory for westward expansion and extend the land area; however, it was opposed by many people at that time. In the same time, 15 million dollars total was much more than the national financial capacity of the time. In any case, the Louisiana Purchasewas so important to the US because it gave them a better way of trading to foreign countries and allowed the United Statesto become a much larger territory. The Louisiana Purchase territory in that time was much bigger than the Louisiana Territory today. In the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana s territory started from the Mississippi River to the beginning of the Rocky Mountains. The Louisiana Purchase territory included Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska, parts of Minnesota and Louisiana west of Mississippi River, including New Orleans, big parts of North and northeastern New Mexico, South Dakota, northern Texas, some parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado as well as portions of Canadian provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan. At that time the Mississippi River had become an important transport route for agricultural products west of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States, while
  • 52. The Giver Sameness Quotes A Closer Look at the Sameness It wasn t a practical thing, so it became obsolete when we went to the Sameness. (84) The Giver, by Lois Lowry, is from the perspective of a twelve year old boy named Jonas growing up in a Utopia. At the Ceremony of Twelve, where every person that turns twelve receives their life long job , Jonas finds out he has been selected to be the Receiver of Memory, the most honored of elders. The current Receiver of memory, who Jonas calls the Giver, transfers memories of color and feelings like pain and joy to him. As he receives each memory, he learns of a life outside of the utopia. This book proves that being perfect and the same as everyone else is not as great as it sounds. The Utopian society of sameness in... Show more content on ... Without choices, the people are missing out on important life lessons that can help you in life. People can learn from mistakes, they can learn from consequences. Asher ran through the standard apology phrase rapidly, still catching his breath. (3) One of the rules in The Giver s society is that you must apologize each time you break one of them. If someone is given the choice to apologize, they will understand why they apologize and realize their mistake. If they are forced to do it, it becomes worthless and doesn t mean anything. Two children one male, one female to each family unit. It was written very clearly in the rules. (8) Another rule in The Giver s society is that there is a limit on how many children you can have. In our society, if you want a another child you have the freedom to have another child. Without choices, there are no mistakes and no experiences of consequences. Without these crucial building blocks of society, there is no learning and no self
  • 53. Sample Nursing Dismissal Essay I am writing this letter in regards of the dismissal from the Nursing Program at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ), due to my inadequate and unsatisfactory performance in Anatomy Physiology II (BIO 142) and Principles of Microbiology (BIO 144), which are both seminal Nursing prerequisites. But, before I continue and explain my downfall, I want to first off apologize for the inconvenience, and disappointment, that I have bestowed on you all. You all have selected and chose the handful of amazing and talented incoming students to be part of your Nursing Program last year because you all knew that we are the type of students that are capable of lifting and carrying the strong legacy and name of the Nursing Program, being strong minded and intellectual leaders of the healthcare field, but most importantly capable of the amazing academic curriculum that the Nursing Program has to offer. You all expect greatness in each and every one of us and I want to say that I solemnly and wholeheartedly take responsibility for my academic progressions and setbacks.... Show more content on ... Also, not challenging myself with the How, Why, and What if? questions while reading the textbook was another reason for my insufficient grades in the Sciences this past Spring 2016 semester. Realizing the shortcomings of my study habits, it sent me towards a downward spiraling state of panic, which led to my subsequent academic downfall in both prerequisite classes. Reflecting upon the stark, paradoxical contrast between my early success at TCNJ and my inability to succeed in the sciences during my spring semester, I saw that this past year has not been wrought with successive failures or gilded with infinite
  • 54. French Braiding Essay Your name Speech Type (Informative, group...etc) Speech 1001 Mr. Dittmer (8pt Font) How to French Braid Hair I. We all have hair, and we all wear it in different ways. Today I am going to teach you how to French Braid hair. A. Attention Getter: My daughters like to have their long and wild and all over the place. My oldest daughter is just lazy and doesn t like to do anything with her hair. Every time she has it down it would always be in her face. So to keep her bangs and hair out of her face I would put her hair in a French braid. B. So today I am going to tell you a little bit about the history of French braiding, along with the different kinds of braids, and how to start, and finish a braid. C. Transition statement ... Show more content on ... B. 1. Women a. Most African American women wear their hair in micro braids. b. They also wear their hair French braids 2. Men a. Men wear zigzags, corn rows; micro braids and loose braids b. Men normally just stick to one hair style unlike women who change their hair styles a lot. C. Versatile 1. Numerous styles of braids a. such as cornrows, French braids, basket braids, etc. b. stylist can look at the shape of the face and/or the head of a client, and custom create a style just for that individual. 2. Subordinate point a. Support b. Support Transition statement IV. Finishing look A. Sub point #1 1. Subordinate point a. Support b. Support 2. Subordinate point
  • 55. a. Support b. Support B. Sub point #2 1. Subordinate point a. Support b. Support 2. Subordinate point a. Support b. Support C. Sub point #3 1. Subordinate point a. Support b. Support 2. Subordinate point a. Support b. Support Transition statement V. Conclusion A. Signal closing B. Restate thesis C. Review main points 1. Main point #1 2. Main point #2 3. Main point #3 D. Memorable statement or call to action E. Thank audience for