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Admission Essay For Law School
Courtrooms and lawyers played a significant and meaningful part of my life. I come from a family in
which many have encountered the criminal justice system. It is one of the many reasons why I have a
desire to attend law school and become a defense attorney. Although, my desire to practice law came
from a difficult experience, an experience that resulted in my father doing time in a Federal Facility, I
knew that law would always be a part of my life. My dad spent more than a year battling charges and
going to trial for his case. Lawyers, courtrooms, judges, trials and verdicts not only became a part of
my dad s life but mine as well. His actions led him to prison; however, through his actions I found my
passion for law. Although an extremely difficult time I came in contact with lawyers and judges who
inspired me with their hard work and dedication. Their determination to fight for my dad and his
freedom made me ... Show more content on ...
I began my law career in a well known personal injury firm. I worked as a Paralegal, in which I gained
knowledge, skills, and experiences from the environment in which I was working. From this
experience, I realized my passion to help people. I saw my strengths in the way that I cared and talked
to the clients, which set me a part from others in the firm. I knew I was destined to continue to follow
my dream of becoming a lawyer when I spoke with a client, who I gained a relationship with, said
why are you not in law school yet? You have a gift for this. This is what God has called you to be. I
knew then that I was on the right path. I knew I was destined to be great but to know others saw it as
well motivated me. The clarification from not only the clients but the high profiled attorney who I
worked for encouraged me even more. They spoke of my confidence, my work ethic, but most of all
the passion they saw in my eyes. They knew and saw that whatever I did I would be great at
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Examples Of Parallelism In Paradise Lost
TE subject: Paradise Lost, by John MILTON
Sources: the poem
Words: around 2221 (Please note that the quotes are not included in the word count. Neither is this
little bit you re reading)
Paradise Lost is a long biblical epic poem that John Milton had planned twenty years before its
publication in 1667. Milton wanted to produce something equivalent to the works of Homer (Iliad),
Dante and Virgil, a long narrative, as it speaks about long journeys, that relate the story of a hero, who
is often meant to have superhuman traits and whose deeds entail the future of a hole nation, tribe or
the human race as it is the case in Paradise Lost. These masterpieces are written in a high stylistic
language and describe important battles in which supernatural ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, there are also similarities even in characters; we have the king (Charles I) who is compared
to God in Paradise Lost; which means that God is a monarch in Heaven. Also, the head of the
rebellion in Milton s life time, Cromwell and his supporters represented in Paradise Lost by Satan and
the Angels that follow him. According to history, Milton was a puritan political activist and published
plenty of political pamphlets against the royal system. In Paradise Lost he seems to make the same
thing but in a different and elevated style. He defended Cromwell and was involved in his
administration and this leads Milton to make a sort of comparison between Cromwell and Satan. But
we may be surprised by this comparison because when we say Satan we mean the devil which can
suggest bad and evil side. So, Satan s character is a little bit an ambiguous character, he represents
very courageous and powerful values on earth (which are the characteristics of an epic hero) but at the
same time he represents the devilish spirit in heaven. Nevertheless, Satan was described as an
archangel in heaven; Milton
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Chemical Warfare During The First World War
Chemical Warfare in the First World War The First World War, while engulfing Europe with four years
of death and destruction, also served as something of a testing ground, allowing nations to test and
deploy the newest and most high tech weapons in their arsenals. It is from these experiences, on the
bitter, mud drenched fields of Flanders, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere, that many technologies that
shape the modern battlefield today, such as the air plane or the tank, were first put to use on a grand
scale. It is here too, that another weapon was unleashed upon humanity for first time, but this one was
deemed so sinister that the nations of the world near unanimously agreed to ban once the war ended. A
weapon so awful that even today, ... Show more content on ...
Its use, however, despite its non lethality, served to set a dangerous precedent for the war. German
planners wasted no time in developing their own incapacitating agents to retaliate with, and before
long something of a chemical weapons arms race was underway. The German chemical response
finally came that October, when British forces at Neuve Chapelle were hit with a wave of xylyl
bromide, and apparently the Germans like what they saw. In January, they decided to turn their new
weapon against the Russian army, in what they hoped would send their opponents running beneath a
thick cloud of tear gas. To create this cloud, nearly 20,000 shells were filled with teargas and
unleashed on the Russian positions west of Warsaw. Unfortunately for the Germans, however, they did
not take into account the frigid conditions that occur in Central Poland in July, and most of the gas
froze, the shells harmlessly falling to earth amongst a bewildered Czarist force. In light of the
developments on the Eastern Front, as well as the fact that xylyl bromide was found to corrode metals
and thus posed a logistics nightmare for the men transporting the shells, the German army began
looking for alternatives and finally
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Health and Safety, P2 Essays
Describe the requirements for a health and safe workplace in terms of the physical environment and
the equipment at a selected work organisation.
Physical Environment. .Potential for falling objects The employer or employee must make sure that all
items of equipment, materials and tools that are not in use must be stored/stacked correctly and
securely. Otherwise, there is a potential that the item/item may fall and injure a person. .Sharp edges
and trailing leads Sharp edges must be rounded off to make sure that a person does not band a part of
their body on them and trailing leads should be wrapped in something protective to bunch them
together, and to make sure they are out of the way. .Evacuation assembly ... Show more content on ...
Types of washing facilities depend on the nature of what type of working business it is. The area in
which staff can wash must be in an easy, accessible place. They must be hygienic, well lit and
ventilate. Hot soap and water must be provided and either hand towels and electric hand dryers. Also,
men and women should have separate facilities. .Disabled access and toilet facilities Employers have a
duty to ensure that if they do employer a person who is disabled to come and work for them, that there
is sufficient disabled washing facilities and toilet facilities. The facilities should have: drop down hand
and also support rails, emergency pull cords, accessible wash basins, soap dispensers, toilet paper and
paper towels. .Food preparation areas In any type of food preparation are, there must be strict rules
and regulations laid down by the employer to prevent food from being contaminated. As well as this, it
is their responsibility to make sure that their employees and staff aren t a risk to food safety. This is
where employers need to focus on 4 main areas to ensure health and safety: keeping the area clean,
reporting any illnesses, clothing and personal cleanliness/hygiene. .Pest control Employers must do a
number of things to control pests. A few of them being: securing
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Neighborhood Profile
Neighborhood Profile: Greenwich Village
One of New York City s most historic and celebrated neighborhoods, Greenwich Village is rich with
culture and history. Although it may not be an obvious choice to relocate a business to, it does offer a
number of benefits, especially for retail companies and those in the technology and creative services
sectors. Is it right for your company though?
Greenwich Village is located in Lower Manhattan, sandwiched between 14th Street to the north,
Houston Street to the south, Broadway to the east and the Hudson River to the west. The
neighborhood is among the oldest and best preserved in the city, with many homes dating to the early
to mid 19th century when it underwent a building boom. For decades,
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Women s Rights In The 1800s
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness. This sentence from the Deceleration of Independence is one of the most well known of
American documents. However, consequently we have all become comfortably numb to this statement
and don t take into consideration the struggles, fights, and deaths from our history that made this
statement true. Due to the unceasing fight of men and women of three different groups, America was
altered for the better. The late 1800 to early 1900 was an essential time for three key groups women,
African Americans, and Indians to fight for their constitutional rights. ... Show more content on ...
I may be the first woman member of the congress but I wont be the last. This statement by Jeannette
Walker the first woman in congress, outlines the fight of the women of America: Equality. Women
sought to be treated equally with the men of America. Many woman s suffrage activists such as
Amelia Bloomer the editor of the first woman s newspaper The Lily and Susan B. Anthony who
traveled the country to give speeches, circulate petitions, and organize local woman s rights
organizations fought for their constitutional rights. These rights included voting, ownership of their
own property, and equal pay, among many other things. Through a long fight where the women armed
themselves with literary works, protests, and speeches they finally achieved victory in a long and
strenuous battle. Though this victory woman such as Frances Perkins who became the first female
member of a Presidential cabinet and Sandra Day O Connor the first woman on the Supreme
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According To The Text, It Says That “Liability For Contracts
According to the text, it says that liability for contracts formed by an agent depends on how the
principal is classified and on whether the actions of the agent were authorized or unauthorized.
Principals are classified as disclosed, or undisclosed (Roger, LeRoy, Miller). A partially disclosed
principal is a principal whose identity is not known by the third party know that the agent is or may be
acting for a principal at the time the contract is made (Roger, LeRoy, Miller). An undisclosed principal
is a principal whose identity is totally unknown by the third party, and the third party has no
knowledge that the agent is acting in an agency capacity at the time the contract is made (Roger,
LeRoy, Miller). In my paper, I will ... Show more content on ...
An agent s behalf of and be subject to the control of the principal, act within the scope of authority or
power delegated by the principal, discharge the duties with appropriate diligence, and avoid conflict
between personal interests (U.S. Legal). Some other obligations of an agent include not to acquire any
material benefit from a third party in connection with a transaction conducted or through the
utilization of the person s positions as an agent. Additionally the act with care, competence, and
activity objectively exercised by agents in similar circumstances, and to comply with all lawful
authorizations received from the principal and people designated by the principal concerning agent s
actions on behalf of the principal, etc. The agent owes the principal five obligations and they are
performance, notification, adhesion, compliance, and accounting and from the text, it explicated each
one. Performance is an implied condition in every agency contract is the agent s agreement to use
agreement to use reasonable diligence and skill in performing the work (Roger, LeRoy, Miller).
Notification is an agent required to notify the principal of all matters that come to her or his attention
concerning the subject matter of the agency, and adhesion is one of the most fundamental obligations
in a fiduciary
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Animal Testing Should Not Be Used For Biomedical Research
Millions of animals are used and tested on for biomedical research. Considering this fact, is it really an
ethical approach to satisfying the needs of humans? Animals should not be used for biomedical
research because the experiments are cruel and inhumane. Although animal testing brings more
medical advancement and less human based experiments, it is an expensive way of researching that
produce imprecise outputs and at the same time is a practice of animal cruelty.
What is animal testing? Animal testing is experimentation carried out on living animals. Its purpose is
to research basic biology and diseases and assessing the effectiveness of medicine for human use
(About Animal Testing). Every year in the U.S., millions of animals are utilized as models in
biological and medical research to study human disease, injury, development, psychology, as well as
anatomy and physiology (Biomedical Research). All procedures, even those relegated as mild , have
the potential to cause the animals physical suffering as well as psychological distress (About Animal
Testing). Most animals are killed at the cessation of an experiment, but some may be reused in
subsequent experiments. Animals often suffer greatly in these studies, as they are inflicted with
diseases, traumas, and pain they would not mundanely experience in order to mimic human
Numerous different species are utilized around the world, but the most mundane include mice, fish,
rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters,
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Apple Is The Best Without Being Forced Essay
Apple is one of the most innovating and admired company in terms of technology that produces
highly motivated individuals (Businessweek, 2009) .Apple ensures that all their employees are proud
and in love with the brand so that they get inspire in developing Apple to be the best without being
forced. Apple has balanced the innovative part as well as the level of work efficiency and
effectiveness. Endless advancement of Apple is all because of its persuasive motivational practices.
For example, Apple interests and retains employees rewarding them with expected and non expected
incentives, and provides offers such as product discounts or insurance (Businessweek, 2009; Fortune,
2009). With regards to innovative company like Apple it is argued that employee s motivation is the
major reason for their high performance results. ( Leadership and Motivation of the Members of the
organization , 2013). Motivation is the internal force introduced with in or beyond an individual s
endeavor by activating, supervising and sustaining to accomplish a goal ((Robbins, Coulter, Vohra,
2013).Taking care of motivation 3 key elements (intensity, direction and durability) are equally
important. Intensity is key element that refers dedication and hard work. The quality of Direction
should be well channeled and the last key element durability refers how long and durability enough of
attain desired goals. So, to accomplish Success the intensity should be high if u are looking for higher
goals and the
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Assess The Difference Between Direct And Representative...
A direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of government wherein the citizens have a direct say.
In a representative democracy is a form of government wherein it s citizens vote for or elect someone
to represent them.
People who are born in the direct or pure democracy have a direct say in laws, choices, and issues that
affect them or they have a problem with.
People born in a representative democracy can only vote for the people that wanted to be a
representative for their city state.
They did both have the chance to vote for who they wanted, because they might not have liked the
person/people that were in charge.
They both had people who tried to trick them into voted for the wrong person when you have your
mind set on a certain
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Charles Manson s The Night Of The Tate Labianca Murders
Charles Manson was one of the most well known murderers that didn t actually kill anyone, instead he
had people do it for him. Helter Skelter or other known as Charles Manson brainwashed people that
are part of his family into thinking they should kill innocent people just because he told them to. Part 1
of Helter Skelter was mainly about the people involved in his family that he had created, the
detectives that were in charge of the case, and the victims that were murdered and he briefly touches
on what happened the night of August 9th, 1969. The author talks about the night of the murders and
what exactly went on the night of the Tate LaBianca murders. He also goes into depth about some of
the people that were murdered at 10050 Cielo Drive, like Jay Sebring, who was a hairstylist and
Abigail Folger who was an heiress to the Folger coffee fortune, then he talks about Leno and
Rosemary LaBianca who were the owners and founders of Wholesale Grocery Company. Part 2 of the
book was focused a lot on the girls in the Manson family even though it was titled The Killers , it even
touched on the Hinman murder that had occurred before the Tate LaBianca murders. Susan Atkins,
aka Sadie Mae Glutz was a big part in this chapter/part because she gave the detectives a starting place
for the murders. They had taken Susan to the Sybil Brand Institute in Los Angeles, where she had a
roommate there and her name was Ronnie Howard. Susan told Ronnie everything about the murders ,
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The Sunshine Act Reporting Requirements For Medical Device...
All medical device companies and or life science institutions are required to track and report any
possible interaction that can be viewed as a transfer of value when interacting with U.S. physicians,
teaching hospitals, or teaching medical organizations under the Federal Sunshine Act. Starting January
2016, the U.S. Federal Government modified the U.S. Sunshine Act reporting requirements for
medical device companies. Medical device companies must thoroughly detail the product marketed
name associated with transfer of value that is reported when interaction with a physician takes place in
and outside any health care setting. In the past, medical device companies were only required by the
federal government to report product used by family to which a specific product belonged or was
associated with to report the transfer of value. The Sunshine Act requires Medtronic and other medical
device companies or life science companies to track and manage any and all data pertaining to all
educational or marketing material presented to physicians and allied care providers. All Sunshine Act
reporting information recorded by field professionals or any individuals who come into contact with
healthcare providers is recorded, managed, and stored by Medtronic s compliance and the Medtronic
legal department. Medtronic has to follow Sunshine Act Section 6002. Section 6002 is the
transparency reports and reporting of physician ownership or investment interest of the Patient
Protection and
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Ethics In Qualitative Research
Prompt #1 What does Creswell say about the ethics of data collection? Compare and contrast that with
the ethics of data collection one might encounter in the fields of intelligence, counter terrorism, and
The forms of data collection are often grouped into four basic categories such as journals, blogs, e
mail, and video. These four forms, as defined by John W. Creswell (2013) are interviews,
observations, documents, and audiovisual materials (pg. 152 162). The author mentioned about the
challenges with qualitative research can include protecting sources, storing data, informing and
receiving subject consent for participation in the study. Among those, ?Informed consent or voluntary?
is one of the biggest ethical challenges in ... Show more content on ...
American Anthropological Association ( October 31, 2007. Terrain System Statement.cfm, accessed 19
Aug 2011.
?U.S. Military, Oblivious of Iraqi Culture, Enlists Anthropologists for Occupation.?
January 19, 2008.
?Welcome to the HTS Page.? Last updated: March 24, 2011., accessed 18 Aug 2011.
Johnson, Eric Michael. ?AAA Honors Franz Boas, After Shunning While Alive.? The Primate Diaries,
A Scientific American Blog. July 9, 2009., accessed 14
Aug 2011.
O?Connor, Tom, Dr. ?Research Ethics.? MegaLinks in Criminal Justice. Last updated: July 17, 2011., accessed 17 Aug 2011. ?The Evolution of the U.S.
Intelligence Community An Historical Overview.? U.S. Government Printing Office. 1 Mar. 1996. ?
Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence; Appendix A.?, accessed 6 Mar.
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Much Ado About Nothing Analysis
Kenneth Branagh s 1993 film of Much Ado About Nothing is a British and American romantic
comedy, based on William Shakespeare s renowned production. In sixteenth century Messina, Sicily
set on and around Governor Leonato s estate, villains are outwitted, lovers wed and dancing concludes
an underlining major conflict, ado about nothing. Suspicion of a deceived wedding, in which husbands
are obliged to be controlled and betrayed, but also greatly desire to be married. Branagh employs
visual humour through fundamental themes, recurring motifs and symbols, which exemplify abstract
ideas, or concepts. Thus, this assists to emphasise the significance of Shakespeare s dialogue
throughout specific scenes in the adaptation. To begin with, themes are the fundamental and
commonly general notions explored within Branagh s film and Shakespeare s literary work. The ideal
of social refinement depicts each character s intriguing manner of language that Renaissance nobles
endeavoured for in their social interactions. The film s language is significantly associated with
metaphor and ornamented by rhetoric, as is the original play. Benedick and Claudio both aristocratic
soldiers, as well as Don Pedro an important nobleman from Aragon instigate the kind of witty
mockery, that courtiers used to attract attention and support in noble households. In the opening scene,
Benedick and his companions attempt to present their refined social graces both in their behaviour and
dialogue. Visual
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The Monkeys Paw Analysis
The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs a story about Superstition . Do you care yourself automatically
saying bless you or even knocking on wood after saying you didn t mean too? I believe that
superstitious and luck are very closely associated together in a way that is because people do believe
that sometimes when superstitious happens, it s something lucky. I also think that this magic kind of
thing that happens in our lives sometimes can be imagination and just something that as American s
have come up with and nowhere close to the truth but people still continue to believe that this stuff
really happens. In the Monkeys Paw, when the protagonist decided it was okay and wish upon the paw
and say I wish for two hundred pounds and goes to bed thinking that nothing will happen and the next
day he got something that he definitely didn t wish for when his son died, I believe that happened
because when you take a wish for granted or anything for granted it will back fire on you and ruin
something you already have. ... Show more content on ...
Science has relieved so many different kind of mysteries with superstitions and most of these things
are believed in in different countries. It is told that many infants have died due to illnesses and there s
family believing that this magical imagination will cure them. Even modern day weddings and
ceremonies are filled with superstitions, Today some brides wear something old, something burrowed
and even put a penny in their shoe for good luck. The kind of ritual that is mostly common in the
Hispanic/latino world, that is you can t see your birthday cake until you re ready to blow out your
candles because you will receive a couple years of bad luck. Superstition really comes a long way into
almost every culture you endure. This kind of things, is natural to almost everyone you
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Benefits Of Pledging To A Sorority Or Fraternity
Most people when they think of college they think of majors, classes, and getting to meet new people
but others look forward to pledging to a sorority or fraternity. Pledging to a sorority or fraternity
means making a life long commitment with people who then become your said brothers and said
sisters, but with pledging comes hazing. Hazing is humiliating and, in most cases, dangerous initiation
rituals, but it is a typical thing that happens when someone pledges. Although hazing is a tradition and
has always been a part of pledging, it shouldn t be part of the process due to multiple cases of death
and the overall attitude towards it.
Hazing in fraternities and sororities has become a tradition in the United States culture for decades
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Al Qaeda Research Paper
Al Qaeda, which means The Base is a terrorist group based on extremist Islamic military. Al Qaeda is
an International Terrorist Organization and goal of this group is to make violence, damaged, and
abolish no Islamic governments. The group was made by Osama Bin Laden in the late 1980s to throw
the Soviets away from Afghanistan. In this mission, Al Qaeda got a success and they were able to kick
out all the Soviets from Afghanistan. This victory builds up a new confidence in this group and they
started to grow up rapidly. Since the Al Qaeda was made it was operating from Afghanistan but in
1991 Al Qaeda transfer their headquarters to Afghanistan, and Peshawar Pakistan. Al Qaeda dedicated
itself to further opposing non Islamic governments in this region with force and violence. ... Show
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According to FBI They attempted to recruit U.S. citizens to travel throughout the Western world to
deliver messages and engage in financial transactions for the benefit of Al Qaeda and its affiliated
groups and to help carry out operations (Caruso, J. T., 2001). The main reason behind hiring the
United States Citizen is to misuse the power of American passport. Everyone knows that American
passport has a great reputation in the World and you can visit almost every country without having any
visa problem. By hiring U.S. Citizen Al Qaeda can transfer any information to anywhere Worldwide
because most of the authorities will not ask many questions to U.S.
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The Fuel Of Diesel Vehicles
Today, we live in a world that s vastly interconnected. Something that happens across seas can affect a
whole nation, several nations, or even all of them. Recently Volkswagen was put in the hot seat when
they were caught imputing software into their diesel vehicles, that makes it show a different emissions
output than was accepted by the EPA. They called this device the, defeat device. Thusly all of their
vehicles that were diesel were marketed as low emissions which turned out to be a lie. The article on states, The engines emitted nitrogen oxide pollutants up to 40 times above what is allowed in
the US. This is a huge blow to the company as far as public opinion goes. They lost the trust of
millions of people around the world. They have been producing allegedly clean diesel emissions for a
long time now and even included that in their advertisements. Because of this scandal they were
forced to recall millions of diesel vehicles with this device causing them to lose over $2.5 billion.
Their first quarterly loss in the past 15 years. This sounds like a lot of money but the EPA is still
considering fining Volkswagen for each car they produced and lied about. The amount they are
considering charging them is roughly $37,500 for each car which leads to a maximum fine of $18
billion. That s more than the value of most of the cars, which really shows how seriously they are
taking this. Even for a giant like VW that is a massive blow financially. From now on every
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Gingivitis Research Papers
Regular visits to the dentist are important, but they can only go so far. Sometimes you need the
opinion and expertise of a specialist. Oral Surgery Associates in Anchorage specializes in
maxillofacial and oral surgical procedures, including dental implants and teeth extraction. The
surgeons provide the care you, your family, and your community need.
oral surgery
Oral health is paramount to your overall health, and most likely we ll all need some care at some
point. With that in mind, it s best to be informed. Here are some common oral health problems adults
encounter and preventative care measures to take.
Gum Disease: Gum disease begins as gingivitis, but if it s not treated, gingivitis may lead to a more
serious condition called periodontitis.
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The Five Army Branches
Throughout history, any established government has always maintained a militant force to defend their
land and if need be, attack other regions or nations. However before the United States was founded on
4 Jul 1776, there was a militant force. That militant force was officially considered the United States
Army and was established in 14 Jun 1775. As time progressed from the founding of the nation to
current day, the military has progressed as well. Specifically, there are five branches that comprise the
military: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and the Navy. There are different requirements to
join each respected branch and different standards of living that come with joining the respected
branch. When beginning the journey to enlist in the military a prerequisite is taking the ASVAB; this is
the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test. Every member attempting to enlist must take this
test, however there are minimum score requirements for each respected branch. Here are the minimum
scores for each respected branch: Air Force is 50, Army is 31, Coast Guard is 50, Navy is 50 and the
Marines is 32. Each branch s score ... Show more content on ...
Individuals that are in the Navy will be living on a boat away from land for an extended duration with
plenty of bunkmates to conserve space. Individuals that are in the Army and Marines will be living in
barracks with roommates until they serve for a certain amount of time and are granted permission to
move out. Individuals that are in the Air Force and Coast Guard will be living in dormitories alone
however they will share a bathroom with another individual; they may move out after permission is
granted as well. Although the standards of living differ between branches they are all similar in the
fact that the government is providing housing for their members that are serving for the
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RIDDIR Legislation
In an engineering workplace it is important for the employee to report accidents as this is part of the
RIDDIR legislation and this needs to be followed by the engineering industry. By following the
legislation you can prevent any accident or incidents occurring to any employee or employer within
any workplace.
Ill health and accidents are quite common at work because this happened in 2011/12, 1.1 million
people who were working were suffering from illnesses, and some people believed that the illnesses
were caused from or made worse from their current work or their past work.
We record and report at work because it is a legal requirement under The Reporting of Injuries,
Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).
RIDDOR sets a legal obligation on: the employers, the self employed people, and the people who are
in control of the premises. These responsible people will need to report and record incidents, diseases,
injuries and any dangerous occurrences that will involve employees, the self employed workers and all
members of the public.
The evidence provided through the recording and reporting will allow authorities such as HSE or local
authority Environmental Health, to find out where, what and how the risks arises and to also search for
serious accidents. The ... Show more content on ...
These records can be kept in any form but must remember to confirm to the data protection
requirements, the HSE have an Accident Book which meets these requirements and near miss
incidents should be recorded. RIDDOR will also require the responsible people to report certain
problems to their enforcing
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The Medium Is the Massage Mcluhan
The medium is the message McLuhan defines the medium as any extension of our body, senses or
mind. Therefore, any instrument of change is a medium. The resulting change McLuhan refers to is
often subtle and it is this change that is the message (McLuhan, 1994). At first glance, McLuhan s
statement seems paradoxical. However, my conventional understanding of message as the content is
not how McLuhan defines it. He defines the ... Show more content on ...
It is our responsibility to study the effects of our technologies to prevent any detrimental unanticipated
consequences they may have on our society. Samuel Morse when he invented telegraphy, predicted
that it would make one neighborhood of the whole country. According to Postman telegraphy
destroyed the prevailing definition of information, and in doing so gave a new meaning to public
discourse. It is with telegraphy and its union with the press that the value of information changed.
Information became context ­
‐free and a commodity. Information was bought and sold irrespective of
its use or meaning, 1 and this is how the value of news has come to rely on its novelty, interest and
curiosity and not on its functionality (Postman, 1986). Television speaks in only one persistent voice
the voice of entertainment, (Postman, 1986).
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Cleveland Clinic Cardiovascular Study
Cleveland Clinic has been ranked as the number 1 hospital in cardiovascular care for 23 years. This
designation draws patients from all over the world to seek advice and intervention from medical
professionals with extensive experience and knowledge to handle even the rarest of cases. In 2017,
Cleveland Clinic Pathology received over _____ cardiovascular surgical specimen, ranging from
routine plaques to extensive cardiac transplantations. The Cleveland Clinic cardiovascular service
focuses not only on the microscopic evaluation, but routinely reviews every cardiovascular specimen
from a routine valve to complex cases. The cardiovascular pathologists rely heavily on the gross
evaluations provided by the Pathologists Assistants for their final
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Marne Turning Point
I am doing my paper on The first and second battle of Marne. The first battle was more important
from a historical standpoint which I agree with because it was a major turning point in the war. Some
historians believe that if the allies hadn t won this battle they would ve lost the war. I am going to be
writing about why I think the first battle of the Marne is the most important battle of World War One.
Im going to start with some description of the battle. Then in the end i will use evidence from my
writing to why I think this is the most important battle of World War One.
After French commander in chief Joseph Joffre ordered an offensive in September 1914 General
Michel Joseph Maunoury s French Sixth Army opened a gap between Germany s First ... Show more
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He decided to launch a diversion attack further south. This was to lure Allied troops away from the
main attack in Flanders. These attacks were Ludendorff s attempts to divide and conquer the French
forces. The French were joined by about 85,000 troops from the United States as well as a portion of
the BEF (BEF were mostly in Flanders) and had hundreds of tanks ready. When the Germans began
their advance after artillery bombardment they found out the French had set up false trenches and
artillery positions manned by very few defenders. The real front line of trenches was further away and
was barely scratched by the bombardment. The Germans had been deceived by French Commander in
Chief Philippe Petain. The Allies then formed a massive counter attack to end the German army for
I believe the Battles of the Marne are the 2 most important battles of World War One. The first battle
was very important in keeping the French in the war. And setting up a standstill for around 4 years.
Without this battle I don t think the Allied powers would have won the war. France most likely would
have fallen if they wouldn t have held strong at the Marne. If France would ve fallen many historians
believe that the end of the war would ve been different with the Central powers on top. The second
battle of the
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A Short Summary Of Chapter 2 Self-Realization On Page 117...
In chapter 2 self realization on page 117 Krishna states, You were never born; you will never die. You
have never changed. Our soul is a constant energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
Krishna is saying that your soul will not die when your body that is in dies. Often when someone
passes you still have this notion that their soul is looking over you.
Our bodies give us our human looks but our souls are what gives us personality gives us what makes
us who we are. Krishna goes onto say in chapter 2 on page 117, As one abandons worn out clothes and
acquires new ones, so when the body is worn out a new one is acquired by the Self, who lives within. I
think Krishna is touching on the idea that when one body that a soul is in
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Argumentative Essay On Homeless Youth
It was a beautiful sight for the students of Glenridge High this past weekend, as their outdoor concert
at Hartley Park was a huge success. Thousands of people in the community came out to eat delicious
food and listen to music while dozens of activities were taking place around the park. The concert, all
planned by the students, was held to raise money and awareness for homeless youth in Canada. It took
months of careful planning and serious dedication from the hundreds of students from Glenridge high.
The idea first popped in the head of 11th grader Emily Ayres. We were doing a project about homeless
youth in my Civics class and when I began to research, I realized what a huge problem it was. She
wanted to make the issue of homeless
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Psychopathy And Psychopathy
Psychopathy is a term to describe a personality disorder, from a non specified cluster, obtained by
individuals who posses certain characteristics that are defined as chronically amoral and antisocial
behavior with lack of emotion or feelings of remorse. While not all criminals are psychopaths and not
all people diagnosed with psychopathy, this paper will be primarily focused on those who posses
psychopathy and have committed criminal acts of great proportion. Some crimes that involve
offenders who posses psychopathy are serial killings and mass murders such as school shootings, mass
shootings, and mass suicides such as those committed by cults.
Psychology of Psychopathy The term psychopath brings forth images, of a cold and heartless, crazy
person , into people s minds when they hear the term. However people classified as psychopaths
posses distinguishing characteristics that set them aside from those who are mentally healthy . A very
minimal percentage of people are diagnosed with psychopathy. According to the article, Psychopathy
and Culpability , less than fifteen percent of incarcerated criminals meet the criteria for psychopathy
(Fox, 3). However, the few individuals who are diagnosed with psychopathy whether they are
criminals or not, meet the criteria of a checklist known as the PCL (Psychopathy Checklist). The PCL
has since been updated to a second edition know as the PCL R (Fox, 4). The PCL R is a test, which
uses a checklist of characteristics that uses
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The Tribes Of Benjamin And Judah To Fall To The Neo...
1) Why do you think God allowed the tribes of Benjamin and Judah to fall to the Neo Babylonians in
587 6 B.C.? God had mercy on Judah for a long time, while they turned to Him for help and listened
to Him. But after King Manasseh s reign of rampant idolatry, in which he murdered innocent people
and led Judah to follow false gods, God said that he would judge them by giving them up to their
enemies. 2) How did the Babylonians differ in the treatment of prisoners than the Assyrians?
Whenever they conquered a country, the Assyrians would kill all the able bodied men there and move
the survivors to a different land within the Assyrian Empire. Then they would repopulate the
conquered country with people from another one. In contrast, the
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The Fascination Of Murder, By Scott Bonn Essay
For centuries, murder cases have captivated the lives of individuals. From news station broadcastings
to the media creating films and documentaries, homicide cases have gained the interest and popularity
of many individuals. This begs the question as to what lies in the fascination of murder? The basis of
this can be found in the psychological state of individuals including, the experience of thrill, curiosity,
the need for answers, and fear. When an individual becomes fascinated with murder, they may be
drawn in by a certain rush or thrilling experience. This experience is similar to that of a whodunit , a
novel, play, or movie in which the murderer is not revealed until the very end (Merriam Webster, n.d.).
In both circumstances, individuals are captivated by tension and uncertainty. Along with this, Scott
Bonn, a criminology professor at Drew University, states that The euphoric effect of true crime on
human emotions is similar to that of roller coasters...and allows individuals to experience fear and
horror in a controlled environment (Bonn, 2016). A prime example of this includes the infamous
murders committed by Jack the Ripper. In 1888, five women were brutally murdered by a man who
went by the name of Jack the Ripper . During the time of these killings, serial murder became a new
phenomenon that was highly publicized (Top 10 Unsolved Crimes, n.d.). Additionally, Professor Bonn
s theory on the science behind humans interest for murder states, The
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Trigeminal Reflexes
According to the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) guidelines on neuropathic
pain assessment and the American Acade my of Neurology (AAN) EFNS guidelines on TN
management (Cruccu G et al., 2006) the neurophysiological recording of trigeminal reflexes
represents the most useful and reliable test for the neurophysiological diagnosis of trigeminal pains.
(Figure 1.1). In patients presented with pain in the trigeminal territory, trigeminal reflexes offer the
clinician with useful information. Abnormalities are often discovered in divi sions that appear
clinically unaffected. An objective demonstration of dysfunction is provided in all patients with pain
secondary to a docu mented disease, such as symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia, ... Show more content
on ...
They are also special regarding the lesions in which they are involved, both at the peripheral level
because of the suscep tibility of some terminal branches, and at the nuclei because of their large size
and the large amount of connections with other centers. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging
studies are often not suffi ciently informative to demonstrate very tiny lesions that could be re
sponsible for an important damage in the brainstem. . Therefore, clini cal neurophysiology and
specifically, the techniques used in the study of the trigeminal functions, remain as convenient
diagnostic and re search tools to document clinically evident lesions or uncover subclini cal
abnormalities. Therefore, an abnormality in the excitability recov ery of the R2 component with no
changes in that of the R1 component would indicate a disorder of the excitability of brainstem
interneurons mediating the R2 component.(Veciana M et al., 2005). Electromyographic (EMG)
investigation of the trigeminal nerve reflex es, including the blink reflex, may provide valuable
additional infor mation about the site of a lesion that cannot be obtained with physical information
(Pardal Fernandez JM et al., 2009). When accurate lo calization of a lesion is possible with EMG,
more tailored MRI exami nations might be possible, limiting MR imaging
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Defending Abortion and the Law Behind It
No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a
mother. ― Margaret Sanger
In america abortion has caused so much controversy. Abortion is just as simple as a mother
terminating her pregnancy because of numerous reasons. It could be because of rape, health problems,
they are not in the right position to take care of the child, or it could be a life threatening risk. And
many more reasons why women have abortions.
Today my partner and I will be a pro choice supporting abortion and the meaning and circumstances
behind it. We will go more in depth about abortions and why women should have the right to have
As the first point is the abortion law was considered legal by Roe V. Wade case. Roe, a pregnant single
woman, brought a class action suit challenging the constitutionality of the Texas abortion laws. These
laws made it a crime to obtain or attempt an abortion except on medical advice to save the life of the
mother. But why is this even being questioned? Should a woman have a choice to be pregnant or not?
It s just absolutely absurd! I disagree with most of society that says abortion should be illegal. We
have the rights to do what we want with our body. (Roe V. Wade: The Abortion Rights Controversy in
American History) Secondly I would like to state the fact that almost FOUR decades ago, Roe V.
Wade passed the law for legal abortion. Does that not mean anything to anyone! During the Roe V.
Wade case the
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Equitable Income Inequality
The distribution of income is the manner in which income is divided amongst the members of the
economy. A more equitable distribution of income from work would lead to all individuals in society
having a similar quality of life. This equitable distribution of income may be either positive or
negative. Positive factors may include the poor being able to access better education and health care
and avoiding the inequality of opportunity they may face. It also decreases and diminishes the poverty
faced by individuals. The negative factors of a more equitable income include it having an effect on
the economy by lowering the incentives for people to study hard and work hard to achieve a higher
education and to get a higher knowledge based job and discourages innovation and people taking
risks. Sweden has a fairly equitable distribution of income, its Gini Index is 23.0 a country with 0.0
would have perfectly equitable income. A Gini index is a representation of the income distribution
between a nation s residents. ... Show more content on ...
The government currently spends approximately 0.8% of Australias GDP on tertiary education, this is
below average world wide, this means that students in Australia are having to spend and borrow more
money to spend on their education. This can be solved by a more equitable income which will lead to
lower income individuals being given a higher income to spend on education and leading to them not
having to rely on borrowing. and health care, therefore increasing their quality of life. If individuals
are spending more money on education, it will benefit the economy ITLR and also lead to a more
educated generation. If individuals spend more money on healthcare it will lead to a healthier country
with lowered disease rates and other detrimental health outcomes. These outcome of a more equitable
income are beneficial to the economy
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Philosophy Of Christian Education
All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy
3:16 17). Throughout the Bible, God mentions the importance of teaching children and young adults
the message of God s Word. The Bible equips us for our everyday lives of service. One of the ways we
can assist parents in this task of teaching their children is through Christian education. , I have formed
a philosophy of education using the light of God s Word and research from psychology scholars like
Piaget, Maslow, and Vygotsky. From these scholars, research, and God s Word, I know the uniqueness
of each learner and the role of caregivers and parents ... Show more content on ...
God has given children caregivers as their first teacher. God says in Deuteronomy 6:6 7, These
commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk
about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when
you get up. Parents are responsible for teaching their children God s truth and teachers are blessed to
be entrusted to help parents accomplish this task. As a teacher, my goal is not to replace the caregiver
s instruction of their children, but instead I want to be a helper in the education of their child. I need to
be the support and encouragement for caregivers to help them teach their children. One way I can help
the parents is by communicating what is happening in the classroom and about what their child has
accomplished. I can be available to talk to parents whenever they need me. Open communication is
one of the best ways I can support parents. Some examples of this communication could be through
conferences, emails, text messages, and phone calls. Parents can support the teacher by helping their
student love learning. If a parent is excited about what is happening at school, the child may be more
excited. In addition parents can help by communicating with the teacher anything about the child that
may be helpful. Caregivers know so much more about the student than the teacher will,
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. Admission Essay For Law School Courtrooms and lawyers played a significant and meaningful part of my life. I come from a family in which many have encountered the criminal justice system. It is one of the many reasons why I have a desire to attend law school and become a defense attorney. Although, my desire to practice law came from a difficult experience, an experience that resulted in my father doing time in a Federal Facility, I knew that law would always be a part of my life. My dad spent more than a year battling charges and going to trial for his case. Lawyers, courtrooms, judges, trials and verdicts not only became a part of my dad s life but mine as well. His actions led him to prison; however, through his actions I found my passion for law. Although an extremely difficult time I came in contact with lawyers and judges who inspired me with their hard work and dedication. Their determination to fight for my dad and his freedom made me ... Show more content on ... I began my law career in a well known personal injury firm. I worked as a Paralegal, in which I gained knowledge, skills, and experiences from the environment in which I was working. From this experience, I realized my passion to help people. I saw my strengths in the way that I cared and talked to the clients, which set me a part from others in the firm. I knew I was destined to continue to follow my dream of becoming a lawyer when I spoke with a client, who I gained a relationship with, said why are you not in law school yet? You have a gift for this. This is what God has called you to be. I knew then that I was on the right path. I knew I was destined to be great but to know others saw it as well motivated me. The clarification from not only the clients but the high profiled attorney who I worked for encouraged me even more. They spoke of my confidence, my work ethic, but most of all the passion they saw in my eyes. They knew and saw that whatever I did I would be great at ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Examples Of Parallelism In Paradise Lost TE subject: Paradise Lost, by John MILTON Sources: the poem Words: around 2221 (Please note that the quotes are not included in the word count. Neither is this little bit you re reading) Paradise Lost is a long biblical epic poem that John Milton had planned twenty years before its publication in 1667. Milton wanted to produce something equivalent to the works of Homer (Iliad), Dante and Virgil, a long narrative, as it speaks about long journeys, that relate the story of a hero, who is often meant to have superhuman traits and whose deeds entail the future of a hole nation, tribe or the human race as it is the case in Paradise Lost. These masterpieces are written in a high stylistic language and describe important battles in which supernatural ... Show more content on ... Moreover, there are also similarities even in characters; we have the king (Charles I) who is compared to God in Paradise Lost; which means that God is a monarch in Heaven. Also, the head of the rebellion in Milton s life time, Cromwell and his supporters represented in Paradise Lost by Satan and the Angels that follow him. According to history, Milton was a puritan political activist and published plenty of political pamphlets against the royal system. In Paradise Lost he seems to make the same thing but in a different and elevated style. He defended Cromwell and was involved in his administration and this leads Milton to make a sort of comparison between Cromwell and Satan. But we may be surprised by this comparison because when we say Satan we mean the devil which can suggest bad and evil side. So, Satan s character is a little bit an ambiguous character, he represents very courageous and powerful values on earth (which are the characteristics of an epic hero) but at the same time he represents the devilish spirit in heaven. Nevertheless, Satan was described as an archangel in heaven; Milton ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Chemical Warfare During The First World War Chemical Warfare in the First World War The First World War, while engulfing Europe with four years of death and destruction, also served as something of a testing ground, allowing nations to test and deploy the newest and most high tech weapons in their arsenals. It is from these experiences, on the bitter, mud drenched fields of Flanders, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere, that many technologies that shape the modern battlefield today, such as the air plane or the tank, were first put to use on a grand scale. It is here too, that another weapon was unleashed upon humanity for first time, but this one was deemed so sinister that the nations of the world near unanimously agreed to ban once the war ended. A weapon so awful that even today, ... Show more content on ... Its use, however, despite its non lethality, served to set a dangerous precedent for the war. German planners wasted no time in developing their own incapacitating agents to retaliate with, and before long something of a chemical weapons arms race was underway. The German chemical response finally came that October, when British forces at Neuve Chapelle were hit with a wave of xylyl bromide, and apparently the Germans like what they saw. In January, they decided to turn their new weapon against the Russian army, in what they hoped would send their opponents running beneath a thick cloud of tear gas. To create this cloud, nearly 20,000 shells were filled with teargas and unleashed on the Russian positions west of Warsaw. Unfortunately for the Germans, however, they did not take into account the frigid conditions that occur in Central Poland in July, and most of the gas froze, the shells harmlessly falling to earth amongst a bewildered Czarist force. In light of the developments on the Eastern Front, as well as the fact that xylyl bromide was found to corrode metals and thus posed a logistics nightmare for the men transporting the shells, the German army began looking for alternatives and finally ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Health and Safety, P2 Essays Describe the requirements for a health and safe workplace in terms of the physical environment and the equipment at a selected work organisation. Physical Environment. .Potential for falling objects The employer or employee must make sure that all items of equipment, materials and tools that are not in use must be stored/stacked correctly and securely. Otherwise, there is a potential that the item/item may fall and injure a person. .Sharp edges and trailing leads Sharp edges must be rounded off to make sure that a person does not band a part of their body on them and trailing leads should be wrapped in something protective to bunch them together, and to make sure they are out of the way. .Evacuation assembly ... Show more content on ... Types of washing facilities depend on the nature of what type of working business it is. The area in which staff can wash must be in an easy, accessible place. They must be hygienic, well lit and ventilate. Hot soap and water must be provided and either hand towels and electric hand dryers. Also, men and women should have separate facilities. .Disabled access and toilet facilities Employers have a duty to ensure that if they do employer a person who is disabled to come and work for them, that there is sufficient disabled washing facilities and toilet facilities. The facilities should have: drop down hand and also support rails, emergency pull cords, accessible wash basins, soap dispensers, toilet paper and paper towels. .Food preparation areas In any type of food preparation are, there must be strict rules and regulations laid down by the employer to prevent food from being contaminated. As well as this, it is their responsibility to make sure that their employees and staff aren t a risk to food safety. This is where employers need to focus on 4 main areas to ensure health and safety: keeping the area clean, reporting any illnesses, clothing and personal cleanliness/hygiene. .Pest control Employers must do a number of things to control pests. A few of them being: securing ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Neighborhood Profile Neighborhood Profile: Greenwich Village One of New York City s most historic and celebrated neighborhoods, Greenwich Village is rich with culture and history. Although it may not be an obvious choice to relocate a business to, it does offer a number of benefits, especially for retail companies and those in the technology and creative services sectors. Is it right for your company though? Overview Greenwich Village is located in Lower Manhattan, sandwiched between 14th Street to the north, Houston Street to the south, Broadway to the east and the Hudson River to the west. The neighborhood is among the oldest and best preserved in the city, with many homes dating to the early to mid 19th century when it underwent a building boom. For decades, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Women s Rights In The 1800s We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This sentence from the Deceleration of Independence is one of the most well known of American documents. However, consequently we have all become comfortably numb to this statement and don t take into consideration the struggles, fights, and deaths from our history that made this statement true. Due to the unceasing fight of men and women of three different groups, America was altered for the better. The late 1800 to early 1900 was an essential time for three key groups women, African Americans, and Indians to fight for their constitutional rights. ... Show more content on ... I may be the first woman member of the congress but I wont be the last. This statement by Jeannette Walker the first woman in congress, outlines the fight of the women of America: Equality. Women sought to be treated equally with the men of America. Many woman s suffrage activists such as Amelia Bloomer the editor of the first woman s newspaper The Lily and Susan B. Anthony who traveled the country to give speeches, circulate petitions, and organize local woman s rights organizations fought for their constitutional rights. These rights included voting, ownership of their own property, and equal pay, among many other things. Through a long fight where the women armed themselves with literary works, protests, and speeches they finally achieved victory in a long and strenuous battle. Though this victory woman such as Frances Perkins who became the first female member of a Presidential cabinet and Sandra Day O Connor the first woman on the Supreme ... Get more on ...
  • 8. According To The Text, It Says That “Liability For Contracts According to the text, it says that liability for contracts formed by an agent depends on how the principal is classified and on whether the actions of the agent were authorized or unauthorized. Principals are classified as disclosed, or undisclosed (Roger, LeRoy, Miller). A partially disclosed principal is a principal whose identity is not known by the third party know that the agent is or may be acting for a principal at the time the contract is made (Roger, LeRoy, Miller). An undisclosed principal is a principal whose identity is totally unknown by the third party, and the third party has no knowledge that the agent is acting in an agency capacity at the time the contract is made (Roger, LeRoy, Miller). In my paper, I will ... Show more content on ... An agent s behalf of and be subject to the control of the principal, act within the scope of authority or power delegated by the principal, discharge the duties with appropriate diligence, and avoid conflict between personal interests (U.S. Legal). Some other obligations of an agent include not to acquire any material benefit from a third party in connection with a transaction conducted or through the utilization of the person s positions as an agent. Additionally the act with care, competence, and activity objectively exercised by agents in similar circumstances, and to comply with all lawful authorizations received from the principal and people designated by the principal concerning agent s actions on behalf of the principal, etc. The agent owes the principal five obligations and they are performance, notification, adhesion, compliance, and accounting and from the text, it explicated each one. Performance is an implied condition in every agency contract is the agent s agreement to use agreement to use reasonable diligence and skill in performing the work (Roger, LeRoy, Miller). Notification is an agent required to notify the principal of all matters that come to her or his attention concerning the subject matter of the agency, and adhesion is one of the most fundamental obligations in a fiduciary ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Animal Testing Should Not Be Used For Biomedical Research Millions of animals are used and tested on for biomedical research. Considering this fact, is it really an ethical approach to satisfying the needs of humans? Animals should not be used for biomedical research because the experiments are cruel and inhumane. Although animal testing brings more medical advancement and less human based experiments, it is an expensive way of researching that produce imprecise outputs and at the same time is a practice of animal cruelty. What is animal testing? Animal testing is experimentation carried out on living animals. Its purpose is to research basic biology and diseases and assessing the effectiveness of medicine for human use (About Animal Testing). Every year in the U.S., millions of animals are utilized as models in biological and medical research to study human disease, injury, development, psychology, as well as anatomy and physiology (Biomedical Research). All procedures, even those relegated as mild , have the potential to cause the animals physical suffering as well as psychological distress (About Animal Testing). Most animals are killed at the cessation of an experiment, but some may be reused in subsequent experiments. Animals often suffer greatly in these studies, as they are inflicted with diseases, traumas, and pain they would not mundanely experience in order to mimic human conditions. Numerous different species are utilized around the world, but the most mundane include mice, fish, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Apple Is The Best Without Being Forced Essay Apple is one of the most innovating and admired company in terms of technology that produces highly motivated individuals (Businessweek, 2009) .Apple ensures that all their employees are proud and in love with the brand so that they get inspire in developing Apple to be the best without being forced. Apple has balanced the innovative part as well as the level of work efficiency and effectiveness. Endless advancement of Apple is all because of its persuasive motivational practices. For example, Apple interests and retains employees rewarding them with expected and non expected incentives, and provides offers such as product discounts or insurance (Businessweek, 2009; Fortune, 2009). With regards to innovative company like Apple it is argued that employee s motivation is the major reason for their high performance results. ( Leadership and Motivation of the Members of the organization , 2013). Motivation is the internal force introduced with in or beyond an individual s endeavor by activating, supervising and sustaining to accomplish a goal ((Robbins, Coulter, Vohra, 2013).Taking care of motivation 3 key elements (intensity, direction and durability) are equally important. Intensity is key element that refers dedication and hard work. The quality of Direction should be well channeled and the last key element durability refers how long and durability enough of attain desired goals. So, to accomplish Success the intensity should be high if u are looking for higher goals and the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Assess The Difference Between Direct And Representative... A direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of government wherein the citizens have a direct say. In a representative democracy is a form of government wherein it s citizens vote for or elect someone to represent them. People who are born in the direct or pure democracy have a direct say in laws, choices, and issues that affect them or they have a problem with. People born in a representative democracy can only vote for the people that wanted to be a representative for their city state. They did both have the chance to vote for who they wanted, because they might not have liked the person/people that were in charge. They both had people who tried to trick them into voted for the wrong person when you have your mind set on a certain ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Charles Manson s The Night Of The Tate Labianca Murders Charles Manson was one of the most well known murderers that didn t actually kill anyone, instead he had people do it for him. Helter Skelter or other known as Charles Manson brainwashed people that are part of his family into thinking they should kill innocent people just because he told them to. Part 1 of Helter Skelter was mainly about the people involved in his family that he had created, the detectives that were in charge of the case, and the victims that were murdered and he briefly touches on what happened the night of August 9th, 1969. The author talks about the night of the murders and what exactly went on the night of the Tate LaBianca murders. He also goes into depth about some of the people that were murdered at 10050 Cielo Drive, like Jay Sebring, who was a hairstylist and Abigail Folger who was an heiress to the Folger coffee fortune, then he talks about Leno and Rosemary LaBianca who were the owners and founders of Wholesale Grocery Company. Part 2 of the book was focused a lot on the girls in the Manson family even though it was titled The Killers , it even touched on the Hinman murder that had occurred before the Tate LaBianca murders. Susan Atkins, aka Sadie Mae Glutz was a big part in this chapter/part because she gave the detectives a starting place for the murders. They had taken Susan to the Sybil Brand Institute in Los Angeles, where she had a roommate there and her name was Ronnie Howard. Susan told Ronnie everything about the murders , but ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Sunshine Act Reporting Requirements For Medical Device... All medical device companies and or life science institutions are required to track and report any possible interaction that can be viewed as a transfer of value when interacting with U.S. physicians, teaching hospitals, or teaching medical organizations under the Federal Sunshine Act. Starting January 2016, the U.S. Federal Government modified the U.S. Sunshine Act reporting requirements for medical device companies. Medical device companies must thoroughly detail the product marketed name associated with transfer of value that is reported when interaction with a physician takes place in and outside any health care setting. In the past, medical device companies were only required by the federal government to report product used by family to which a specific product belonged or was associated with to report the transfer of value. The Sunshine Act requires Medtronic and other medical device companies or life science companies to track and manage any and all data pertaining to all educational or marketing material presented to physicians and allied care providers. All Sunshine Act reporting information recorded by field professionals or any individuals who come into contact with healthcare providers is recorded, managed, and stored by Medtronic s compliance and the Medtronic legal department. Medtronic has to follow Sunshine Act Section 6002. Section 6002 is the transparency reports and reporting of physician ownership or investment interest of the Patient Protection and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Ethics In Qualitative Research Prompt #1 What does Creswell say about the ethics of data collection? Compare and contrast that with the ethics of data collection one might encounter in the fields of intelligence, counter terrorism, and protection. The forms of data collection are often grouped into four basic categories such as journals, blogs, e mail, and video. These four forms, as defined by John W. Creswell (2013) are interviews, observations, documents, and audiovisual materials (pg. 152 162). The author mentioned about the challenges with qualitative research can include protecting sources, storing data, informing and receiving subject consent for participation in the study. Among those, ?Informed consent or voluntary? is one of the biggest ethical challenges in ... Show more content on ... American Anthropological Association ( October 31, 2007. Terrain System Statement.cfm, accessed 19 Aug 2011. ?U.S. Military, Oblivious of Iraqi Culture, Enlists Anthropologists for Occupation.? January 19, 2008. ?Welcome to the HTS Page.? Last updated: March 24, 2011., accessed 18 Aug 2011. Johnson, Eric Michael. ?AAA Honors Franz Boas, After Shunning While Alive.? The Primate Diaries, A Scientific American Blog. July 9, 2009., accessed 14 Aug 2011. O?Connor, Tom, Dr. ?Research Ethics.? MegaLinks in Criminal Justice. Last updated: July 17, 2011., accessed 17 Aug 2011. ?The Evolution of the U.S. Intelligence Community An Historical Overview.? U.S. Government Printing Office. 1 Mar. 1996. ? Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence; Appendix A.?, accessed 6 Mar. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Much Ado About Nothing Analysis Kenneth Branagh s 1993 film of Much Ado About Nothing is a British and American romantic comedy, based on William Shakespeare s renowned production. In sixteenth century Messina, Sicily set on and around Governor Leonato s estate, villains are outwitted, lovers wed and dancing concludes an underlining major conflict, ado about nothing. Suspicion of a deceived wedding, in which husbands are obliged to be controlled and betrayed, but also greatly desire to be married. Branagh employs visual humour through fundamental themes, recurring motifs and symbols, which exemplify abstract ideas, or concepts. Thus, this assists to emphasise the significance of Shakespeare s dialogue throughout specific scenes in the adaptation. To begin with, themes are the fundamental and commonly general notions explored within Branagh s film and Shakespeare s literary work. The ideal of social refinement depicts each character s intriguing manner of language that Renaissance nobles endeavoured for in their social interactions. The film s language is significantly associated with metaphor and ornamented by rhetoric, as is the original play. Benedick and Claudio both aristocratic soldiers, as well as Don Pedro an important nobleman from Aragon instigate the kind of witty mockery, that courtiers used to attract attention and support in noble households. In the opening scene, Benedick and his companions attempt to present their refined social graces both in their behaviour and dialogue. Visual ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Monkeys Paw Analysis The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs a story about Superstition . Do you care yourself automatically saying bless you or even knocking on wood after saying you didn t mean too? I believe that superstitious and luck are very closely associated together in a way that is because people do believe that sometimes when superstitious happens, it s something lucky. I also think that this magic kind of thing that happens in our lives sometimes can be imagination and just something that as American s have come up with and nowhere close to the truth but people still continue to believe that this stuff really happens. In the Monkeys Paw, when the protagonist decided it was okay and wish upon the paw and say I wish for two hundred pounds and goes to bed thinking that nothing will happen and the next day he got something that he definitely didn t wish for when his son died, I believe that happened because when you take a wish for granted or anything for granted it will back fire on you and ruin something you already have. ... Show more content on ... Science has relieved so many different kind of mysteries with superstitions and most of these things are believed in in different countries. It is told that many infants have died due to illnesses and there s family believing that this magical imagination will cure them. Even modern day weddings and ceremonies are filled with superstitions, Today some brides wear something old, something burrowed and even put a penny in their shoe for good luck. The kind of ritual that is mostly common in the Hispanic/latino world, that is you can t see your birthday cake until you re ready to blow out your candles because you will receive a couple years of bad luck. Superstition really comes a long way into almost every culture you endure. This kind of things, is natural to almost everyone you ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Benefits Of Pledging To A Sorority Or Fraternity Most people when they think of college they think of majors, classes, and getting to meet new people but others look forward to pledging to a sorority or fraternity. Pledging to a sorority or fraternity means making a life long commitment with people who then become your said brothers and said sisters, but with pledging comes hazing. Hazing is humiliating and, in most cases, dangerous initiation rituals, but it is a typical thing that happens when someone pledges. Although hazing is a tradition and has always been a part of pledging, it shouldn t be part of the process due to multiple cases of death and the overall attitude towards it. Hazing in fraternities and sororities has become a tradition in the United States culture for decades (Alvarez ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Al Qaeda Research Paper Al Qaeda, which means The Base is a terrorist group based on extremist Islamic military. Al Qaeda is an International Terrorist Organization and goal of this group is to make violence, damaged, and abolish no Islamic governments. The group was made by Osama Bin Laden in the late 1980s to throw the Soviets away from Afghanistan. In this mission, Al Qaeda got a success and they were able to kick out all the Soviets from Afghanistan. This victory builds up a new confidence in this group and they started to grow up rapidly. Since the Al Qaeda was made it was operating from Afghanistan but in 1991 Al Qaeda transfer their headquarters to Afghanistan, and Peshawar Pakistan. Al Qaeda dedicated itself to further opposing non Islamic governments in this region with force and violence. ... Show more content on ... According to FBI They attempted to recruit U.S. citizens to travel throughout the Western world to deliver messages and engage in financial transactions for the benefit of Al Qaeda and its affiliated groups and to help carry out operations (Caruso, J. T., 2001). The main reason behind hiring the United States Citizen is to misuse the power of American passport. Everyone knows that American passport has a great reputation in the World and you can visit almost every country without having any visa problem. By hiring U.S. Citizen Al Qaeda can transfer any information to anywhere Worldwide because most of the authorities will not ask many questions to U.S. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Fuel Of Diesel Vehicles Today, we live in a world that s vastly interconnected. Something that happens across seas can affect a whole nation, several nations, or even all of them. Recently Volkswagen was put in the hot seat when they were caught imputing software into their diesel vehicles, that makes it show a different emissions output than was accepted by the EPA. They called this device the, defeat device. Thusly all of their vehicles that were diesel were marketed as low emissions which turned out to be a lie. The article on states, The engines emitted nitrogen oxide pollutants up to 40 times above what is allowed in the US. This is a huge blow to the company as far as public opinion goes. They lost the trust of millions of people around the world. They have been producing allegedly clean diesel emissions for a long time now and even included that in their advertisements. Because of this scandal they were forced to recall millions of diesel vehicles with this device causing them to lose over $2.5 billion. Their first quarterly loss in the past 15 years. This sounds like a lot of money but the EPA is still considering fining Volkswagen for each car they produced and lied about. The amount they are considering charging them is roughly $37,500 for each car which leads to a maximum fine of $18 billion. That s more than the value of most of the cars, which really shows how seriously they are taking this. Even for a giant like VW that is a massive blow financially. From now on every ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Gingivitis Research Papers Regular visits to the dentist are important, but they can only go so far. Sometimes you need the opinion and expertise of a specialist. Oral Surgery Associates in Anchorage specializes in maxillofacial and oral surgical procedures, including dental implants and teeth extraction. The surgeons provide the care you, your family, and your community need. oral surgery Oral health is paramount to your overall health, and most likely we ll all need some care at some point. With that in mind, it s best to be informed. Here are some common oral health problems adults encounter and preventative care measures to take. Gum Disease: Gum disease begins as gingivitis, but if it s not treated, gingivitis may lead to a more serious condition called periodontitis. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Five Army Branches Throughout history, any established government has always maintained a militant force to defend their land and if need be, attack other regions or nations. However before the United States was founded on 4 Jul 1776, there was a militant force. That militant force was officially considered the United States Army and was established in 14 Jun 1775. As time progressed from the founding of the nation to current day, the military has progressed as well. Specifically, there are five branches that comprise the military: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and the Navy. There are different requirements to join each respected branch and different standards of living that come with joining the respected branch. When beginning the journey to enlist in the military a prerequisite is taking the ASVAB; this is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test. Every member attempting to enlist must take this test, however there are minimum score requirements for each respected branch. Here are the minimum scores for each respected branch: Air Force is 50, Army is 31, Coast Guard is 50, Navy is 50 and the Marines is 32. Each branch s score ... Show more content on ... Individuals that are in the Navy will be living on a boat away from land for an extended duration with plenty of bunkmates to conserve space. Individuals that are in the Army and Marines will be living in barracks with roommates until they serve for a certain amount of time and are granted permission to move out. Individuals that are in the Air Force and Coast Guard will be living in dormitories alone however they will share a bathroom with another individual; they may move out after permission is granted as well. Although the standards of living differ between branches they are all similar in the fact that the government is providing housing for their members that are serving for the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. RIDDIR Legislation In an engineering workplace it is important for the employee to report accidents as this is part of the RIDDIR legislation and this needs to be followed by the engineering industry. By following the legislation you can prevent any accident or incidents occurring to any employee or employer within any workplace. Ill health and accidents are quite common at work because this happened in 2011/12, 1.1 million people who were working were suffering from illnesses, and some people believed that the illnesses were caused from or made worse from their current work or their past work. We record and report at work because it is a legal requirement under The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR). RIDDOR sets a legal obligation on: the employers, the self employed people, and the people who are in control of the premises. These responsible people will need to report and record incidents, diseases, injuries and any dangerous occurrences that will involve employees, the self employed workers and all members of the public. The evidence provided through the recording and reporting will allow authorities such as HSE or local authority Environmental Health, to find out where, what and how the risks arises and to also search for serious accidents. The ... Show more content on ... These records can be kept in any form but must remember to confirm to the data protection requirements, the HSE have an Accident Book which meets these requirements and near miss incidents should be recorded. RIDDOR will also require the responsible people to report certain problems to their enforcing ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Medium Is the Massage Mcluhan The medium is the message McLuhan defines the medium as any extension of our body, senses or mind. Therefore, any instrument of change is a medium. The resulting change McLuhan refers to is often subtle and it is this change that is the message (McLuhan, 1994). At first glance, McLuhan s statement seems paradoxical. However, my conventional understanding of message as the content is not how McLuhan defines it. He defines the ... Show more content on ... It is our responsibility to study the effects of our technologies to prevent any detrimental unanticipated consequences they may have on our society. Samuel Morse when he invented telegraphy, predicted that it would make one neighborhood of the whole country. According to Postman telegraphy destroyed the prevailing definition of information, and in doing so gave a new meaning to public discourse. It is with telegraphy and its union with the press that the value of information changed. Information became context ­ ‐free and a commodity. Information was bought and sold irrespective of its use or meaning, 1 and this is how the value of news has come to rely on its novelty, interest and curiosity and not on its functionality (Postman, 1986). Television speaks in only one persistent voice the voice of entertainment, (Postman, 1986). ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Cleveland Clinic Cardiovascular Study Cleveland Clinic has been ranked as the number 1 hospital in cardiovascular care for 23 years. This designation draws patients from all over the world to seek advice and intervention from medical professionals with extensive experience and knowledge to handle even the rarest of cases. In 2017, Cleveland Clinic Pathology received over _____ cardiovascular surgical specimen, ranging from routine plaques to extensive cardiac transplantations. The Cleveland Clinic cardiovascular service focuses not only on the microscopic evaluation, but routinely reviews every cardiovascular specimen from a routine valve to complex cases. The cardiovascular pathologists rely heavily on the gross evaluations provided by the Pathologists Assistants for their final ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Marne Turning Point I am doing my paper on The first and second battle of Marne. The first battle was more important from a historical standpoint which I agree with because it was a major turning point in the war. Some historians believe that if the allies hadn t won this battle they would ve lost the war. I am going to be writing about why I think the first battle of the Marne is the most important battle of World War One. Im going to start with some description of the battle. Then in the end i will use evidence from my writing to why I think this is the most important battle of World War One. After French commander in chief Joseph Joffre ordered an offensive in September 1914 General Michel Joseph Maunoury s French Sixth Army opened a gap between Germany s First ... Show more content on ... He decided to launch a diversion attack further south. This was to lure Allied troops away from the main attack in Flanders. These attacks were Ludendorff s attempts to divide and conquer the French forces. The French were joined by about 85,000 troops from the United States as well as a portion of the BEF (BEF were mostly in Flanders) and had hundreds of tanks ready. When the Germans began their advance after artillery bombardment they found out the French had set up false trenches and artillery positions manned by very few defenders. The real front line of trenches was further away and was barely scratched by the bombardment. The Germans had been deceived by French Commander in Chief Philippe Petain. The Allies then formed a massive counter attack to end the German army for good. I believe the Battles of the Marne are the 2 most important battles of World War One. The first battle was very important in keeping the French in the war. And setting up a standstill for around 4 years. Without this battle I don t think the Allied powers would have won the war. France most likely would have fallen if they wouldn t have held strong at the Marne. If France would ve fallen many historians believe that the end of the war would ve been different with the Central powers on top. The second battle of the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. A Short Summary Of Chapter 2 Self-Realization On Page 117... In chapter 2 self realization on page 117 Krishna states, You were never born; you will never die. You have never changed. Our soul is a constant energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Krishna is saying that your soul will not die when your body that is in dies. Often when someone passes you still have this notion that their soul is looking over you. Our bodies give us our human looks but our souls are what gives us personality gives us what makes us who we are. Krishna goes onto say in chapter 2 on page 117, As one abandons worn out clothes and acquires new ones, so when the body is worn out a new one is acquired by the Self, who lives within. I think Krishna is touching on the idea that when one body that a soul is in ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Argumentative Essay On Homeless Youth It was a beautiful sight for the students of Glenridge High this past weekend, as their outdoor concert at Hartley Park was a huge success. Thousands of people in the community came out to eat delicious food and listen to music while dozens of activities were taking place around the park. The concert, all planned by the students, was held to raise money and awareness for homeless youth in Canada. It took months of careful planning and serious dedication from the hundreds of students from Glenridge high. The idea first popped in the head of 11th grader Emily Ayres. We were doing a project about homeless youth in my Civics class and when I began to research, I realized what a huge problem it was. She wanted to make the issue of homeless ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Psychopathy And Psychopathy Psychopathy is a term to describe a personality disorder, from a non specified cluster, obtained by individuals who posses certain characteristics that are defined as chronically amoral and antisocial behavior with lack of emotion or feelings of remorse. While not all criminals are psychopaths and not all people diagnosed with psychopathy, this paper will be primarily focused on those who posses psychopathy and have committed criminal acts of great proportion. Some crimes that involve offenders who posses psychopathy are serial killings and mass murders such as school shootings, mass shootings, and mass suicides such as those committed by cults. Psychology of Psychopathy The term psychopath brings forth images, of a cold and heartless, crazy person , into people s minds when they hear the term. However people classified as psychopaths posses distinguishing characteristics that set them aside from those who are mentally healthy . A very minimal percentage of people are diagnosed with psychopathy. According to the article, Psychopathy and Culpability , less than fifteen percent of incarcerated criminals meet the criteria for psychopathy (Fox, 3). However, the few individuals who are diagnosed with psychopathy whether they are criminals or not, meet the criteria of a checklist known as the PCL (Psychopathy Checklist). The PCL has since been updated to a second edition know as the PCL R (Fox, 4). The PCL R is a test, which uses a checklist of characteristics that uses ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Tribes Of Benjamin And Judah To Fall To The Neo... 1) Why do you think God allowed the tribes of Benjamin and Judah to fall to the Neo Babylonians in 587 6 B.C.? God had mercy on Judah for a long time, while they turned to Him for help and listened to Him. But after King Manasseh s reign of rampant idolatry, in which he murdered innocent people and led Judah to follow false gods, God said that he would judge them by giving them up to their enemies. 2) How did the Babylonians differ in the treatment of prisoners than the Assyrians? Whenever they conquered a country, the Assyrians would kill all the able bodied men there and move the survivors to a different land within the Assyrian Empire. Then they would repopulate the conquered country with people from another one. In contrast, the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Fascination Of Murder, By Scott Bonn Essay For centuries, murder cases have captivated the lives of individuals. From news station broadcastings to the media creating films and documentaries, homicide cases have gained the interest and popularity of many individuals. This begs the question as to what lies in the fascination of murder? The basis of this can be found in the psychological state of individuals including, the experience of thrill, curiosity, the need for answers, and fear. When an individual becomes fascinated with murder, they may be drawn in by a certain rush or thrilling experience. This experience is similar to that of a whodunit , a novel, play, or movie in which the murderer is not revealed until the very end (Merriam Webster, n.d.). In both circumstances, individuals are captivated by tension and uncertainty. Along with this, Scott Bonn, a criminology professor at Drew University, states that The euphoric effect of true crime on human emotions is similar to that of roller coasters...and allows individuals to experience fear and horror in a controlled environment (Bonn, 2016). A prime example of this includes the infamous murders committed by Jack the Ripper. In 1888, five women were brutally murdered by a man who went by the name of Jack the Ripper . During the time of these killings, serial murder became a new phenomenon that was highly publicized (Top 10 Unsolved Crimes, n.d.). Additionally, Professor Bonn s theory on the science behind humans interest for murder states, The ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Trigeminal Reflexes According to the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) guidelines on neuropathic pain assessment and the American Acade my of Neurology (AAN) EFNS guidelines on TN management (Cruccu G et al., 2006) the neurophysiological recording of trigeminal reflexes represents the most useful and reliable test for the neurophysiological diagnosis of trigeminal pains. (Figure 1.1). In patients presented with pain in the trigeminal territory, trigeminal reflexes offer the clinician with useful information. Abnormalities are often discovered in divi sions that appear clinically unaffected. An objective demonstration of dysfunction is provided in all patients with pain secondary to a docu mented disease, such as symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia, ... Show more content on ... They are also special regarding the lesions in which they are involved, both at the peripheral level because of the suscep tibility of some terminal branches, and at the nuclei because of their large size and the large amount of connections with other centers. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging studies are often not suffi ciently informative to demonstrate very tiny lesions that could be re sponsible for an important damage in the brainstem. . Therefore, clini cal neurophysiology and specifically, the techniques used in the study of the trigeminal functions, remain as convenient diagnostic and re search tools to document clinically evident lesions or uncover subclini cal abnormalities. Therefore, an abnormality in the excitability recov ery of the R2 component with no changes in that of the R1 component would indicate a disorder of the excitability of brainstem interneurons mediating the R2 component.(Veciana M et al., 2005). Electromyographic (EMG) investigation of the trigeminal nerve reflex es, including the blink reflex, may provide valuable additional infor mation about the site of a lesion that cannot be obtained with physical information (Pardal Fernandez JM et al., 2009). When accurate lo calization of a lesion is possible with EMG, more tailored MRI exami nations might be possible, limiting MR imaging ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Defending Abortion and the Law Behind It Abortion No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother. ― Margaret Sanger In america abortion has caused so much controversy. Abortion is just as simple as a mother terminating her pregnancy because of numerous reasons. It could be because of rape, health problems, they are not in the right position to take care of the child, or it could be a life threatening risk. And many more reasons why women have abortions. Today my partner and I will be a pro choice supporting abortion and the meaning and circumstances behind it. We will go more in depth about abortions and why women should have the right to have abortions. As the first point is the abortion law was considered legal by Roe V. Wade case. Roe, a pregnant single woman, brought a class action suit challenging the constitutionality of the Texas abortion laws. These laws made it a crime to obtain or attempt an abortion except on medical advice to save the life of the mother. But why is this even being questioned? Should a woman have a choice to be pregnant or not? It s just absolutely absurd! I disagree with most of society that says abortion should be illegal. We have the rights to do what we want with our body. (Roe V. Wade: The Abortion Rights Controversy in American History) Secondly I would like to state the fact that almost FOUR decades ago, Roe V. Wade passed the law for legal abortion. Does that not mean anything to anyone! During the Roe V. Wade case the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Equitable Income Inequality The distribution of income is the manner in which income is divided amongst the members of the economy. A more equitable distribution of income from work would lead to all individuals in society having a similar quality of life. This equitable distribution of income may be either positive or negative. Positive factors may include the poor being able to access better education and health care and avoiding the inequality of opportunity they may face. It also decreases and diminishes the poverty faced by individuals. The negative factors of a more equitable income include it having an effect on the economy by lowering the incentives for people to study hard and work hard to achieve a higher education and to get a higher knowledge based job and discourages innovation and people taking risks. Sweden has a fairly equitable distribution of income, its Gini Index is 23.0 a country with 0.0 would have perfectly equitable income. A Gini index is a representation of the income distribution between a nation s residents. ... Show more content on ... The government currently spends approximately 0.8% of Australias GDP on tertiary education, this is below average world wide, this means that students in Australia are having to spend and borrow more money to spend on their education. This can be solved by a more equitable income which will lead to lower income individuals being given a higher income to spend on education and leading to them not having to rely on borrowing. and health care, therefore increasing their quality of life. If individuals are spending more money on education, it will benefit the economy ITLR and also lead to a more educated generation. If individuals spend more money on healthcare it will lead to a healthier country with lowered disease rates and other detrimental health outcomes. These outcome of a more equitable income are beneficial to the economy ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Philosophy Of Christian Education All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16 17). Throughout the Bible, God mentions the importance of teaching children and young adults the message of God s Word. The Bible equips us for our everyday lives of service. One of the ways we can assist parents in this task of teaching their children is through Christian education. , I have formed a philosophy of education using the light of God s Word and research from psychology scholars like Piaget, Maslow, and Vygotsky. From these scholars, research, and God s Word, I know the uniqueness of each learner and the role of caregivers and parents ... Show more content on ... God has given children caregivers as their first teacher. God says in Deuteronomy 6:6 7, These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Parents are responsible for teaching their children God s truth and teachers are blessed to be entrusted to help parents accomplish this task. As a teacher, my goal is not to replace the caregiver s instruction of their children, but instead I want to be a helper in the education of their child. I need to be the support and encouragement for caregivers to help them teach their children. One way I can help the parents is by communicating what is happening in the classroom and about what their child has accomplished. I can be available to talk to parents whenever they need me. Open communication is one of the best ways I can support parents. Some examples of this communication could be through conferences, emails, text messages, and phone calls. Parents can support the teacher by helping their student love learning. If a parent is excited about what is happening at school, the child may be more excited. In addition parents can help by communicating with the teacher anything about the child that may be helpful. Caregivers know so much more about the student than the teacher will, ... Get more on ...