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Paragraph Essay Outline
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Paragraph Essay Outline" poses its own set of challenges, as it
requires a careful balance between structure and creativity. The difficulty lies in effectively
organizing thoughts within the constraints of a paragraph essay framework. It necessitates a
deep understanding of the chosen topic, the ability to distill key ideas, and the skill to present
them coherently.
Creating a comprehensive outline demands meticulous planning to ensure a logical flow of ideas.
It involves selecting the most pertinent information, arranging it in a manner that builds a
cohesive argument or narrative, and addressing potential counterarguments. Striking the right
balance between depth and conciseness can be challenging, as the limited space of a paragraph
essay requires precision in conveying ideas.
Additionally, the process of writing such an essay requires a keen eye for detail and proficiency
in language usage. Each sentence must contribute to the overall coherence and effectiveness of
the essay, and transitions between ideas must be seamless. Struggling with these aspects can
make the task of producing a well-crafted paragraph essay outline arduous.
In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of crafting an essay on the topic of "Paragraph Essay
Outline" demands a combination of analytical skills, creativity, and linguistic proficiency.
However, with dedication and a strategic approach, one can overcome these challenges and
deliver a compelling piece of writing.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, various resources
are available. Services like provide a platform where you can order essays and
receive professional support in tackling academic writing tasks.
Paragraph Essay Outline Paragraph Essay Outline
Movie Analysis of Jaws Essay
Movie Analysis of Jaws
Martin Brody is the new police chief trying to rid Amity Island of a savage shark
terrorising the islanders and tourists alike in the 1976 thriller, Jaws. Jaws was
directed by Steven Spielberg and starred Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw and Richard
Dreyfuss. Amity Island relies almost fully on the income gained by tourists visiting
the island in the summer vacation. It is up to Martin Brody to protect the beach
goers by finding the shark and killing it. This brings up issues of fighting fears as
well as fighting the constant battle between humans and nature. It is set around July
4th because this would be the height of the tourist season for the island and the threat
of the shark ... Show more content on ...
However it also shows tension as during the silence the audience do not know if
another attack is going to happen.
The second attack is on a small boy in the sea at a crowded beach on Amity Island.
It starts with the young boy asking his mother if he can go back into the sea. We
then see Brody sat on the beach watching out for sharks. The camera does a long shot
of Brody s point of view, which we see a woman screaming. This makes us think
that the girl is being attacked when she is not, this builds up tension because it
hasn t happened yet and we know it will do we just don t no when. Using the wide
angle shot of the shows us how big the sea is and how vulnerable people are in it. It
then shows a boy running back into the water using mid range shot with the boy
on the lilo n the background and the children in the fore ground. This makes us
uneasy because there is a lot of splashing which means if the shark was to be there
it would be camouflaged and also the splashing attracts sharks. Next, there is a
close up shot of a small child singing, seeing the small child singing is calming
which lulls us into a false sense of security, making the imminent attack scarier as
you do not expect it. A view from under the water is then given from the shark s
point of view showing legs. This gives us the signal that something
Some SEO Tips To Get Your Mobile Application Placed In...
Some SEO Tips To Get Your Mobile Application Ranked In Serps
Retail products that have popular mobile applications are really benefiting from the
prominent visibility of mobile app in the organic search results of Google. Searches
for QVC, Target, Amazon, eBay, Groupon, or so many others. Along with the brand
site listing, social profile, and local listings, searchers are beginning to see the links
to the Android, iPad, and iPhone app profile pages of these brands, right on Google s
first page. The URL pages of these apps are presenting powerful opportunities to
occupy the first page of Google SERPs for mobile and desktop searchers.
App Popularity Optimization via Organic Search
The opportunity is a product of the collision between ... Show more content on ...
Here some mobile application SEO tips to help you optimize your applications for
the first page of Google rankings on queries of brands.
Your Brand Should Be Prominently Featured in the App
The name of the application doubles as the anchor text link in the Android Market
and App Store. Using the name of your brand as a link, getting these websites to
link to the profile page of your app, is vital for tapping into their very large equity
of link. For instance, see eBay, Amazon, and Groupon, make sure you feature the
name of your brand in the URL of the download page as well.
Link to the Profile Page of Your App from the Homepage and the Footer of Your Site
You should aim the equity of link of your most relevant and vital pages at the
download pages of your app. A lot of brands tend to ignore these vital links.
Consider developing a section dedicated to your application or a landing page to
your applications with the feature, reviews, and screenshots, etc. But your
application should also have links from the most relevant and vital pages of your
website, and adhere to the rest of the tips here get your mobile app on the first page
of Google organic search results when brand queries are made.
Include the Name of Your Brand in the Link Text That Leads to the Download Pages
of Your App
A lot of brands and mobile app development companies make the SEO mistake of
linking to the profile page of their application without adding the name of their brand
or company,
A Documentary About a New Universal Language Essay
In the middle of September in the year 2013 a new passion was
discovered. It was a passion that created innumerable ideas but one of them
stood out and would soon be brought to life. At the end of May in 2014 a
documentary would be formulated from hard work and passion. This unique
documentary asking people their outlook on our world speaking one universal
language followed a plan that altered countless times because of complications
or because of a superior idea was brought to light. A similar situation occurred
with the goal for this Independent Research Project. In the inception of this
venture the objective was to create a universal language and a documentary with
interviews and information regarding the creation of ... Show more content on ...
This followed with finding helpful websites and programs to give
assistance to complete the project while editing the interviews. A few of them
are Kickstarter, Etsy or Behance. Throughout the IRP process people were
consulted and gave assistance to conclude the Independent Research Project.
Avinash Dadlani, Evegeniya Dadlani, Jenny Amar, Marni Nia, and Zubin Amar
are the people who kindly contributed their opinion in the interviews that make
up the documentary. Before the questions for the interviews that eminently
contributed to the documentary a large amount of research was done. There was
research concerning other languages, and other universal languages. During the
process there was a profusion of successes and challenges. A fair amount of the
challenges occurred when the interviews were being scheduled or filmed as lots
of them were being cancelled and ended up never happening. This decreased the
number of interviews in the documentary. An abundance of them also took place
during the culmination of the journaling process when there was a diminish of
things to journal about. Scads of the success were the ideas for the documentary.
Some of these ideas might have not found their way into the final project but
were still very creative. These successes and challenges helped the project get
The entire experience of this project offered deep insight on
Service Request SR-rm-022 Final Essay
Service Request SR rm 022 Final
Sharon Foreman, PhD.
Trisha Carter
Service Request Part 1
With having plastic manufacturer facilities in areas such as China, Michigan, and
Georgia; Riordan Manufacturing has produced annual earnings over forty six
million. Riordan also has a research and development department over in San Jose
California. Riordan Industries are the sole owner of Riordan Manufacturing and they
are one of the Fortune 1000 enterprises with their worth being more than one billion.
With having facilities in areas all over the US and even China, Riordan proves that
they are a successful business.
Key Stakeholders
CEO Dr. Michael Riordan is one key stakeholders within the company who is also the
founder ... Show more content on ...
Project Scope
The effect of integrating a new system, agreeing, and understanding a new project
in the company or a new system is project scope. It is mandatory that everyone
understands how and why the company will improve from upgrading to a new
system. Agreeing what is best for the company and why it is important to update the
system is also a must. It is important to a company for project scope because it can
deal with everyone that is in the company and make sure that everyone is on the
same page.
Service Request Part 2
Riordan Manufacturing wants to integrate its existing HR information system tools to
a single integrating application. This request of service is interested in defining
business requirements for completion of the HR system for obtaining the objective.
Security controls that we recommend for the design for the HR systems, process
design, and application architecture are the requirements for this project.
Application Architecture
Three fundamental application architectures are client server based architecture, client
based architecture, and server based architecture. Riordan Manufacturing HRIS is
going to implement will be 3 tier client server architecture. This will encompass the 3
groups of computers; database server, application server, and clients. The client is
responsible for the presentation login and the
The Effects Climate Change Has on Agriculture and
Climate change is one of the major issues surfacing earth over the past century. The
earth s temperature has increased over the years; having effects on the economic and
life sources of people, especially through agricultural production and livestock s.
According to the Oxford dictionary, climate change is a change in global climate
patterns apparent from the mid late 20th century. There are numerous factors that are
solely responsible for this change which are both natural and man made causes.
Climate changehas led to a decrease in quality and quantity of plant produce and
livestock as a result of heat stress, drought and an increase in diseases.
According to Health and Safety executive, HSE, UK, heat stress is a component of
climate change that causes the body temperature to fail , and is a global problem
which affects agriculture and livestock. The effect of heat stress on Livestock s has
become greater for animals such as dairy cows and beef cattle. When animals are
under distress due to temperature rise, they usually cut back on their feeding
practices; have a rise in body temperature and faces weight loss. Milk production,
milk fat, protein content and the progression of breeding has been also affected,
especially in dairy cows. When heat stress occurs, dairy cows tend to reduce the
intake of dry matter in order to control their heat production from increasing through
the process of metabolism and digestion (M. Donnelly, 2012). The University of
Minnesota noted that
The Lord Of The Rings Essay
Conclusion: I would like to conclude by saying that this novel The Lord of the
Rings has inspired many spin off works, including several games as well.The
enormous popularity of Tolkien s epic saga has greatly expanded the demand for
fantay novels, largely thanks to the Lord of the Rings. It is an an extraordinary
work, grandly conceived, brilliantly executed and wildly entertaining novel of
Tolkien .In the whole novel we see that it s a hobbit s dream, a wizard s delight.
And, of course, it s only the beginning.The language used in this novel is very
simple and easy to understand by people. In short this novel has won the hearts of
many .This novel is a must read. I see this novel as a near perfect: It s one of the
best fantasy novel ever written. The story just revolves around the Ring which is
created by a Dark lord, Sauron.It has brought the supernaturalism in such a way that
we could clearly make out where is the supernaturalism used.
Born on November 30, 1667, Irish author, clergyman and satirist Jonathan Swift
grew up fatherless. Under the care of his uncle, he received a bachelor s degree
from Trinity College and then worked as a statesman s assistant. Eventually, he
became dean of St. Patrick s Cathedral in Dublin. Most of his writings were
published under pseudonyms. He best remembered for his 1726 book Gulliver s
While leading his congregation at St. Patrick s, Swift began to write what would
become his best known work. In 1726, at last
Online Courses And Traditional Courses Essay
With the developing of technology, internet gradually becomes an important element
in many areas. The high efficiency and convenient of internet benefits many
individuals and groups. Internet also involves higher education in many different
ways, and online courses is one of them. When the online courses appear, people
begin to compare them with traditional classes which are taught in visual classroom.
As a result, two groups of people with different idea on online courses will against
each other. However, I do not think there is a specific result to say which one is
better for higher education. Data table shows that the gap of online courses and
traditional courses is only 2.94(Daymont Blau, 2008, May). The data shows that
these two kinds of education will lead to similar result, and both of them have
unique advantages and disadvantages. Internet is just a tool which can helps
students succeed. This tool may be only fit for groups of people and some of
classes, but it will improve the higher education as a whole when it combine with
traditional teaching method. Just like eating, each person may choose different
tableware for each dish. Usually, people will use more than one tableware for one
meal, because each tableware has unique function, and the combination of them will
lead to a most effective result. Same with the courses in higher education, the
combination of online courses and traditional visual classroom will lead to the most
effective and efficiency way to
Preparing for and taking tests Essay example
It s that time of year again, the last few weeks college. You have been on time to
every class session and have managed to add a few points to your normal course
average. Just a few more weeks to go and you will be on your way to a well needed
vacation, which you have carefully spent the last couple months planning. There is
only one thing that stands in the way, final exams. Just as every student before you
and every student that will come after you, final examinationscan be very frustrating
and stressful. Proper testing preparation combined with skilled testing strategies can
help anyone overcome those examination nightmares. Being well prepared for the big
examination day starts long before the final examinationis ever conducted.... Show
more content on ...
Knowing how to identify internal strengths and weakness can be beneficial in
helping to prepare for any examination. Time management and organizational skills
are a key trait that should be mastered extensively (Shelley, 2005). The most
successful students use their time wisely. An upcoming exam can create a heavy
burden. Making a realistic study schedule and having the proper study space that is
free from distractions and kept well organized is vital (Shelley, 2005). Test anxiety is
a very common trait that occurs in many people. You have spent weeks studying for
the examination, covered every single topic and read every single material having to
deal with the upcoming exam. You walk into the classroom, sit down, and retrieve all
your materials that you need. The instructor hands out your exam and gives everyone
the confirmation to begin. You open up the exam and start reading the first question,
hoping to be familiar with the subject. As you read question after question, you
realize that you can t recall the answers to anything that you have just read. According
to Salend (2011), this is the time that you start to panic, your chest gets tight, you get
sweaty, you start feeling overwhelmed (p. 58). Many students suffer from this type of
anxiety when it comes to taking examinations that can hinder their performance and
well being. Proper studying and adequate preparation can help students overcome test
anxiety and help improve their performance. Employing
History Of The Earthquake In Iran
A 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the border region of Iran and Iraq around 9.18
PM local time on Sunday. The tremors were felt across Middle East. The devastating
earthquake took more than 400 lives and reduced several buildings to rubbles.
In Iran itself, the death toll continues to rise, while over 6700 people are injured. In
Iraq, several people were killed and over 500 injured.
The epicenter of the earthquake was registered 27 miles from Halabja in eastern
Iraq. According to seismologists, Iran sits on a fault line that is prone to quakes.
Kokab Fard, a 49 year old housewife in Sarpol e Zahab, told The Associated Press
she could only flee empty handed when her apartment complex collapsed.
Immediately after I managed to get out,
The Breakfast Club Essays
The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club is a movie about five totally different
students in high school who are forced to spend a Saturday in detention in their
school library. The students come from completely different social classes which
make it very difficult for any of them to get along. They learn more about each
other and their problems that each of them have at home and at school. This movie
plays their different personality types against each other. In this essay I will go into
detail about each of the students and the principal individually. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;The first student I will talk about is the first one to be seen in the movie.
This is Claire Standish. Claire is one of the popular girls in the school.... Show more
content on ...
He admits that the reason that he was in detention was because he was going to
commit suicide and he brought the gun to school. He said that he attempted to kill
himself but he couldn t pull the trigger. His (flair) gun went off in his locker. He
has suicidal ideation. He thought that suicide was the logical thing to do and he
went one step beyond thinking about it and attempted. He just couldn t pull the
trigger. He has the ultimate when it comes to parental monitoring. His parents are
probably really intelligent and this is why the push him so hard academically. The
reason I think this is because his mother s license plate was EMC2 and she made
sure that he knew that this (detention) was a one time thing and he should use his
time wisely to study. Much like Claire, I feel that Brian is not much of a risk taker.
He is a very jumpy kid and is easily told what to do by just about everybody in the
movie. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The third student in the movie is Andrew
Clark. He is a jock. His father drives p in a blazer to drop him off for detention and
he gets out with a letterman jacket on (with several letters on it). You can see from
the very beginning that his father only cares about one thing and that is, how
successful his son is in wrestling and other sports. His father says Hey, I screwed
around...guys screw around, there is nothing wrong with that, except you got caught,
Sport. Brian s father seems to live through him and even
Minority Report Essay On John Anderton
Minority Report Notes:
The movie is set in the year 2054, with the main character played by none other Tom
Cruise known as John Anderton in the movie. The whole premise of the movie is the
fact that the police force John is involved with has the ability to predict that someone
is about to commit a crime. They do this through three precogs or mutated humans
who are able to see through the future. The only caveat to the precogs is that they
only reveal clues to reveal the location or person related to such crime. After finding
and gathering a few clues, John determines a area where he finds Howard. Howard
finds out that his wife is cheating on him, and plans on killing his wife and the
alleged new man in her life.
While Anderton works, he s led by Danny Witwer, an associate agent from the US
Department of Justice. That evening, Anderton reminisces ... Show more content on ...
The caretaker of the precogs, Wally, sees the vision and offers John 2 minutes to
depart the building before he hits the alarm. John escapes and is instantly hunted
person by his own team and Witwer. Having trained his team, he has a plus associated
escapes them through associate residence and an machine manufacturing plant,
employing a automotive that s made around him. He makes his thanks to the
residence of Dr. Iris Hineman (Lois Smith), whose analysis arranged the groundwork
for the Precrime program. Quite eccentric however still coherent, Hineman explains
that the 3 precogs don t invariably agree on their visions of the future; once this
happens, the one that deviates the foremost from the others generally is unnoticed. so
as to ascertain his innocence, Anderton should confirm whether or not this minority
report exists and, if so, get onto for himself. Anderton is at a loss on that of the
precogs would generate a minority report and Hineman tells him its the most talented
of the three:
Maturity Through Hope And Failure In A P And John...
Maturity Through Hope and Failure
Coming of age is a chapter that every individual must eventually trek through in
order to grow and mature into one s own self. In John Updike s A P and James
Joyce s Araby, the theme of growth permeates throughout the narrative as their
respective protagonists initially struggle to understand the world from a naive
perspective, only to shed their ignorant fantasies about? and truly understand the
cruelty of the world they live in. Dismissing the pragmatic aspects of life can lead
to the downfall of a person s ideals, and they inevitably and eventually come to the
realization that their dreams are impractical, and even impossible. This forces them
to grow up and understand that their childish hopes are worthless in the face of life s
truths and facts, which largely ignores one s hopes. Growth requires the dichotomy of
hope and failure; together they allow one to have an epiphany and realize that
something, whether it be an action or an idea is amiss and then, with newfound
knowledge, they may reflect and adapt. The young often make hopeful wishes that
can never be realized due to the lack of experience that acts as a reality check. In
James Joyce s Araby, the narrator depicts a life of observing his crush, Mangan s
sister, and fantasizing her attention. One day his wish is granted as she finally
shares a conversation with him about the bazaar in Araby and how she
unfortunately cannot go. The protagonist takes the opportunity to potentially
impress Mangan s sister as the text depicts, If I go, I said, I will bring you
something. What innumerable follies laid waste my waking and sleeping thoughts
after that evening! I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days (Joyce 2).
The brief encounter brings hope and excitement to the character, that perhaps by
bringing his crush a gift from Araby, his feelings may be realized and she may
share a mutual affection for him. Instead, as the story goes on, the boy arrives in
Araby after overcoming obstacles like his apathetic uncle and the work of school
only to arrive in Araby during its closing time. After witnessing the store clerk s lack
of interest he decides not to buy anything and then, upon his failure, he realizes how
The Magician s Nephew Essay
The Magician s Nephew is the sixth book in the famous Chronicles of Narnia
series by C.S. Lewis. This 202 page book describes the adventure of two children,
Polly Plummer and Digory Kirke who are tricked into an experiment by Digory s
magician Uncle Andrew. Uncle Andrew can be described as a very thin, tall man,
with a pointed nose and gray hair who claims that he inherited a box of magical
dust from his godmother, which he states was one of the last mortals who had fairy
blood. Uncle Andrew spent his life trying to learn the secrets of this magical dust.
Eventually, he decides that it is from another world, and believes that using the dust
to make rings will allow people to transport to other worlds. Digory and Polly
become entangled in Uncle
Spiritual Food of the Baroque Period
The baroque period brought forth the most ornamented art of all time. The musical
field grew parallel to the fields of painting and sculpture, all three categories
experienced a dramatic increase in interest. Consequentially, the sudden flow of
finances allowed the musicians to examine, modify, and renew their standards and
methods. Baroque musicquickly developed into a very individual style. During the
nearly one hundred and fifty years that the Baroque period lasted the basic style did
not change, in fact it was simple built upon. Francis Schaeffer advises us that the arts
are ways to understand the society and politics of the past, given the distinct
correlation between the art world and musicworld we can tell that the Baroque period
was a time of peaceful renovation. The driving ideology of Baroque music was the
need to communicate.
Baroque music has many characteristics that set it apart. Early baroque music uses
extreme instrument contrast to create a dramatic emotional climax. Later musicians
developed a method of succinctly building a climax. The other noticeable difference
is the key instruments are tuned to. The quality of instruments has significantly
increased since the Baroque period, to mimic the original sound of baroque pieces
orchestras often tune their instruments down about half a key. Melody and harmony
were emphasized across the board instead of in individual genres. Another key
characteristic was the attitude of the composers, in desperation to
China s Growth And Its Impact On The United States
For the past century, Chinese society has felt a compulsive desire to develop at
breakneck speeds. In pursuing development, China s primary goal has been to display
its sophistication to the world, rather than to directly aid the welfare of its citizens.
Following this hierarchy of objectives, China has continued to relentlessly modernize
despite enormous negative consequences; the development powered through famine
during the Great Leap Forward, violence during the Cultural Revolution, and
economic dislocation during liberalization, accepting negative consequences as
bearable burdens on the path to global renown. Ignoring these issues, Chinahas proven
itself more responsive to international views of modernity than to immediate national
... Show more content on ...
Physical calls for a solution accompanied Lu Xun s literary complaint. Students took
to the streets during the May 4th movement, a popular effort to right the course of
Chinese society. The movement was an attempt to redefine China s culture as a valid
part of the modern world. The protestors proposed great societal changes in order to
achieve modernization, urging citizens to attack against reactionary or irrelevant old
ways, cultivate interest in Western art and culture, and develop a sophisticated
awareness of the achievements of Western science. While the reform suggestions
varied, they shared a central patriotic ground: they wished for a rejuvenated, unified
China. Thus, the protestors requested that China to strive to fulfill Western ideals for
what makes a state modern. This desire informed the next century of Chinese
decision making: More spiritual victories were intolerable, as the Chinese demanded
that their country prove its by developing at all costs. Leaders therefore, became
primarily concerned with projecting an image of
Case Analysis Of Zostel
1. Operations: Managing Costs
Figure 3: Per Bed cost breakdown of Zostel
The figure reinstates the fact that Zostel s business is a capital intensive one with
major investments required upfront for installation, maintenance and renovation of
hostels. These include bedding and Linen costs, repair and painting and installation of
basic amenities. This is an investment that needs to be done upfront without any
income as yet. The average payback period for any hostel is about 7 months which
means that the company has to bear the investment for that time.
Zostel can possibly enter into strategic alliances with firms to mitigate these costs.
For Eg. Partnering with Sleepwell for all Bedding, Bombay Dyeing for all Linen or
Asian Paints for painting ... Show more content on ...
The experience is not only based to the stay but also the atmosphere that is created.
Again, this is a space that is yet to be explored and Zostel can make some very
intelligent alliances here. The motive for the partnership here is not monetary gains
but the bigger picture of establishing a reliable brand that people associate with
along with customer satisfaction leading to increasing return frequency. For Eg. An
alliance with Airtel of setting up free Wifi space and giving them exclusive
international calling rights in return(considering more than 50% foreign tourists) or
with MTV for a permanent music jukebox could be done. Other interesting ventures
could be getting in touch with Nestle for complimentary Maggi,Cafe Coffee Day
for setting up Coffee vending machines or Coca Cola as the sole drinks partner. The
partnering companies will more than happy to associate given the large target
audience they are getting as well constant sources of incomes within Zostel hotels.
Also, a partnership with such large brands will provide Zostel with much needed
credibility and reliability in front of prospective customers and can go a large way in
removing the stigma against backpacker culture in
A Report On The Metro Railproject
Introduction:The metro railproject is a much talked development project in the
country now a days. After the Padma bridge project it is the most talked and most
expensive development project of the country.The project has been undertaken by the
government of Bangladesh to reduce the massive traffic jam and to make easy the
transportation system within the Dhakacity. Dhaka is the one of the most populated
mega city of the world. To provide a better transport facility to its citizen Dhaka has
not that much good transport system to carry the passengers within the city. To
ensure the improved, faster, comfortable and time bound transport system in the
Dhaka the government of Bangladesh has undertaken the metro rail project.
Overview: The metro rail project which is much known as Dhaka metro was
approved by executive committee of national economic council (ECNEC) in 2012.
An act relating to metro rail was passed in the cabinet in April 2014 (The daily star,
2014). It is a joint venture of GoB, JICA ADB. Approximate cost of 22 thousand
crore taka will be needed for this project. The route will be 20.1 km long from
uttara tp motijheel. There will be 52 overhead station in different places in the
route. 56 trains will be in service by 2019. Each train will contain three coaches.
More than 60000 thousands of passengers can get services per hour. Each train has
capacity of 1800 passengers to carry. Each passengers can get the services by using a
smart card which will be issued by
1950 s Happy Days Essay
Reed Mueller p. 4a 5 1 12 The 1950 s (Happy Days) The 1950 s were called the
Happy Days for multiple reasons. We were finished with a huge war, and our
economy was booming. Social, political and economic policies were popping up
everywhere. Many things define why the 1950 s were the Happy Days in the U.S.
Whether it was the end of the Korean War for the U.S. or the economic boom that
helped define what we call the American Dream the 1950 s were great times for
America. During the 1950 many public and social booms happened. For instance
the Baby Boom was huge in the 1950 s. In 1957 it was estimated that 1 baby was
born every 7 seconds. (Silverman 1) Also suburban living was expanding and
becoming very common. Starting in... Show more content on ...
And with these new things brought new jobs, more money being made, the
economy was growing, and that s only a small portion of what some things
affected. Some of the things that changed the 50 s were hit movies such as:
Superman and The Lone Ranger.(4) Aside from that a huge hit was Walt Disney s
creation of Disneyland which was opened up in 1955.(4) Teen culture was sparked
by the new sound of Rock N Roll , and a huge icon in that genre was the hip
swinging Elvis Presley.(Silverman 5) Teen culture in the 1950 s took off with the
introduction of Rock N Roll . An estimated 13 million teens spent $7 billion in
1956.(5) Teens felt free to do whatever they wanted, but that was not totally true.
There were many common rules for the teen society in the 1950 s. Some of the
rules were: Obey authority, control your emotions, and don t even think about sexual
intercourse.(Silverman 6) Religion in the 1950 s was pretty big too. It was said that
it was un American to be un religious.(6) It was also a time for the apex of Biblical
Epics such as: The Robe, The Ten Commandments, and Ben Hur, all coming out from
1953 1959.(6) Church membership nearly doubled from 1940 1960.(6) Many
religions were against communism. But what American isn t against communism?
Along with the coming out of hit television shows, movies, and music, technology
was advancing a lot too. In 1951, the first IBM Mainframe Computer was
built.(Silverman 7) Shortly after
Telstra Agency Problem
The agency problems or conflicts are continuously happening between the principal
and the agent. It particularly arises when an interest conflict occurs between the
principal and the agent. In terms of finance, there are two core agency relationships;
managers and stockholders and managers and creditors. To balance the interests and
satisfactions between managers and stockholders which helps firm to improve
performance, there are a variety of different measures have been generated and
implemented by Telstra in order to optimize the bond and monitoring costs.
Bonding Costs
Telstra s remuneration policy aims to achieve high level performance, reinforce the
company s value and culture and motivate and retain highly skilled people. ... Show
more content on ...
To be specific, the two performance measures demonstrated by Telstra in the FY13
LTI Plan are RTSR which account for 50 percent related to share price performance
and RCF RIO which also stand for 50 percent relevant to the investment. It may help
executives to consider investment for higher return rather than achieving higher
customer satisfaction (Telstra Annual Report, 2013. P. 51). However, the majority of
large or small enterprises operate business successfully with building strategy and
programs based on customers demands. For example, the mobile manufacturers set
wireless and 3G option for smart phones as customers expect to access the internet
more conveniently. Thus, understanding the expectations of customer effectively
prevents company from losing market share.
In terms of long term incentives, Telstra only offers share bonus for executives that
can potentially inducing executives to focus on short term benefits particularly for
those are under contract (Telstra Annual Report, 2013. P. 51). On the contrary, cash
rewarding may motivate executives more effectively. However, it can brings some
potential risks for company if executives decide to participate in high level risk
programs to acquire short term benefits which will finally damage company s long
term value. Moreover,
Examples Of Pathetic Fallacy In Whale Rider
Good Morning Year 8, I am Niki Caro and I have been asked to come in and talk
about my movie Whale Rider . Whale Rider is a culturally significant movie
showing the power of one 12 year old girl, Pai. Pai lives in a patriarchal society
meaning only the first born male is allowed to become chief. This tradition is
broken when the next chief in line dies at birth but his twin sister Pai survives. Pai
believes in her self and try s to persuade her traditional grandfather into becoming
Paikea is rehearsing a chant along the road. Later on that night she is to be
performing it in Whare Whakairo. I decided to put Paikea practicing her chant on
the road as it shows a cultural significance to her ancestors, the whales. Paikea is on
a journey to Whare Whakairo and her ancestor the Whale Rider, also named Paikea,
was on a journey from Hawaiki to a new land. ... Show more content on ...
This is starting with Paikea on the whale and zooming out to show the setting of
Whare Whakairo and the gloomy clouds above. This can be considered a pathetic
fallacy. A pathetic fallacy usually symbolizes that something bad is going to
happen soon. The dark gloomy clouds and sky are dark and when we see dark
images it usually signifies something weird or scary will happen. In this case we
have Paikea singing the Haka she was practicing on the road and along comes
Hemi. Hemi is behind the whale and a misfortune happens. Mostly everyone in the
crowd starts to laugh. However Pai and Koro show that they are responsible and
don t. Koro taps his walking stick on the ground to get everyone s attention so Pai
can continue. The connection between Koro and Pai is very strong here as we can
see that both Pai and Koro are leadership
Essay On Civil Rights And Civil Liberties
Our Founding Founders established the federal government with three distinct
branches, each with powers over the other in order to have a proper checks and
balances to ensure fairness across the board. The U.S. Constitution outlines the
powers and responsibilities of the three branches of government and is a critical
document for the federal government. Important laws and documents such as The
Bill of Rights, The US Civil Rights Act and The Freedom of Information Act (FoIA)
are managed by our Constitution. Below we will discuss three subjects which set up
a diverse broad range of viewpoints that are essential in our democracy.
Civil liberties/rights
Civil rights and civil liberties have been constantly changing and growing as our
country moves forward with its ever changing society. Civil liberties are about ...
Show more content on ...
The sequestration that the Obama administration proposed would leave America
with the smallest ground force it has ever seen since 1940s, the smallest number of
ships since 1915, and the smallest Air Force in history. The Republican Party
adamantly opposed the impending defense spending cuts, stating that they were
severe and that it would be a disaster to our national security, a decline of our nation
s defense industrial base, and would result in the layoff of more than 1 million
skilled workers.
Public opinion on the military budget has been divided for years. Surveys have
previously shown a large number of Americans believing the nation spends too much
on the military, others seem to be happy with the current levels of military spending
and a small number saying they think the government spends too little. Now that
spending has been cut, the public is more divided on the issue than it has been in
decades. This makes the issue of military spending a particularly hot button issue for
the newly elected Republican
The Design and Implementation of an E-Commerce Site
............................................................................................ 1 3. PROJECT
DESIGN...................................................................................................... 3 3.1 DATA
M ODEL ............................................................................................................ 4 3.1.1
Database Design................................................................................................ 6 3.2.
PROCESS M ODEL ................................................................................................... 10
... Show more content on ...
DIAGRAM........................................................... 11 FIGURE 3 CUSTOMER
BROWSE CONTEXT DFD................................................................ 13 FIGURE 4
CUSTOMER BROWSE DETAILED DFD............................................................... 13
................................................... 14 FIGURE 6 CUSTOMER SHOPPING CART
DETAILED DFD................................................... 14 FIGURE 7 CUSTOMER
SHOPPING CART DETAILED DFD................................................... 15 FIGURE 8
CUSTOMER SHOPPING CART DETAILED DFD................................................... 15
DFD....................................... 16 FIGURE 10 AUTHENTICATED USER
PURCHASE CONTEXT DFD ......................................... 16 FIGURE 11
CUSTOMER AUTHENTICATION PURCHASE DFD ........................................... 17
................................................... 18 FIGURE 13 ADMINSTRATOR CONTEXT DFD
...................................................................... 18 FIGURE 14 ADMINISTRATOR
DETAILED DFD .................................................................... 18 FIGURE 15 M ENU
............................................................................................................... 19 FIGURE
Essay on Exploring Death in Death in Venice
Exploring Death in Death in Venice
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann, is a story that deals with mortality on many
different levels. There is the obvious physical death by cholera, and the cyclical
death in nature: in the beginning it is spring and in the end, autumn. We see a kind of
death of the ego in Gustav Aschenbach s dreams. Venice itself is a personificationof
death, and death is seen as the leitmotif in musical terms. It is also reflected in the
idea of the traveler coming to the end of a long fatiguing journey.
It must also be noted there are no women in the story with prominent roles. The hero
s wife is long dead and his daughter has been married and gone for many years. Any
women in the story are merely in ... Show more content on ...
9, 14). It is ironic that Aschenbach, who had written his book The Abject as a
rebuke to the excess of a psychology ridden age (13) succumbs to an egoless state,
not only in the last grotesque dream, but directly after it in his conscious mind as
well. From this point on, Gustav becomes totally shameless. (We have seen this
theme of loss of shame as being a kind of death, and actually leading to literal death
as well, in Salman Rushdie s Shame.)
Mann s use of Venice as a backdrop is critical. Venice, an ancient city, inexorably
sinking beneath the water, a forbidden spot (38) with stagnant lagoons (28) the
fallen queen of the sea (36). Venice, with a faintly rotten scent (37) half fairy tale,
half snare (55) that hid sickness for love of gain . . . (56). The city that had a
disreputable secret [like] his own (57).
In musical terms, death is the leitmotif, the theme keeps reappearing: heard in the
overture (the first stranger Aschenbach sees in Munich), continually sounded in the
Venetian passages (more odd men), swelling to a crescendo of hysterical laughter
and swirling pipes of Pan, and, in the
The Sun Accounts For The Earth s Energy
The Sun accounts for the entirety of Earth s energy. While the sun is the driving
force of all living organisms on Earth, this energy must be balanced in order for the
Earth to maintain a constant global temperature. The Earth distributes this energy
through oceanic and atmospheric circulation. This distribution of energy determines
the location of biomes throughout the world. These two circulation processes also
affect air pressure gradients in tropical parts of the world. They are also responsible
for weather phenomenon s like El NiГ±o.
As shortwave radiation from the sun reaches the Earth, about eighteen percent of this
radiation is absorbed into the atmosphere. The remaining energy is reflected back or
absorbed by the Earth. This reflection is known as albedo. Objects with a higher
reflectivity have a higher albedo and vice versa. Similar to the sun, the Earth and its
atmosphere also emit radiation. Because the Earth is much cooler than the sun, this
radiation is in the form of longwave radiation (Nature of Radiation Lecture).
Although, not all of this radiation exits the Earth s atmosphere, some of this radiation
is absorbed back into the Earth. This is known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse
gasses absorb radiation. This radiation is emitted by greenhouse gasses and absorbed
into the Earth, which in turn, heats up the surface of the Earth. By increasing the
amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, the temperature will continue to rise.
In the polar regions of
The Zombie Virus
Humans a marvelous specie, capable of transforming their environment to suit them;
turning deserts to urban paradise, vast empty plots into homesteads, our building
reach the skies, roads connect us, hunger is a thing of the past. Nevertheless, what if a
deadly virus happens to afflict the United States, what if the virus turned humans into
undead hungry abominations?
For instance, the first problem as with any disease is the velocity at which it spreads;
unlike the flu virus that silently infects thousands, causing relatively minor fear, a
zombie virus spreads to millions in a matter of days provoking havoc and disruption
wherever it goes. Where areas the flu presents symptoms as fever, cough and general
body discomfort, the zombie virus acts as a degenerative disease rotting away the
brain cell by cell the human count drops as the zombie one rises.
During the first hours of the breakout, authorities will suggest to stay home and to
avoid coming out, nevertheless, the survival instinct of most, ... Show more content
on ...
Questions such as when does someone is consider death? Divide people among
themselves, resulting in imminent conflicts.
Therefore, what if the zombie apocalypse happens tomorrow? Human nature is such
that in the face of total annihilation, resort to looting, hoarding, and mutual
destruction to survive. The flimsy thread of society called morals ends up
disintegrating, selfishness and the importance of the I oversee the importance of the
We , and at the end of the day humans are like rats on a sinking
Metis Research Paper
The Metis, and first nation s peoples are very well known in Canada for being the
first on lots of Canadian land of today; more well known was Rupert s land that they
lived on for many years then changed to Manitoba. They live in Manitoba still, then
moved to Saskatchewan, and to Alberta also.
The Metis are the offspring of French Canadian fur traders and native women. A
mixture of European and indigenous ancestry
They brought together a proud culture of both people they descended from, even
though through hardships the Metis still remained, and became one of the greatest
living cultures in Canadian history.
The Metis are a well established culture brought together in the process of being
kicked out of their own culture and the French Canadian ... Show more content on ...
Also they used Red River carts to get around. Most well known clothing for first
nations and Metis were moccasins. For the Metis it was a distinctive red sash also.
They were devout catholic. Furthermore lots of the time the Metis loved to get
together for Jigs and step dancing. Their language is a mixture of French and Cree.
For food the Metis ate bannock, fried bread, Metis soup, meatballs, and meat pie.
Sadly there came to be a time when the Metis didn t have enough food. So the
government started giving the Metis food rations. The Metis disliked this very much.
Some of the most historical names in history for the Metis and first nations are Louis
Riel, Will Jackson, Louis Gooley, Gabriel Dumont, Blackbear, Crowfoot, and many
These men proved that the Metis, and first nations will fight for what they believe in,
all they wanted in common was for Canada to make the Metis citizens of Canada, or
leave them alone with their land because they had lived on it for thousands of years
until Canadians intruded. Prime minister John A Macdonald misread and ignored
what the Metis had to say. This was a mistake never to be taken back. In turn both
sides the Metis ,and Canada lost many men because of prejudism towards the Metis
and first
The Legacy Of Nelson Mandela
Imagine being systematically oppressed from the moment you exited the womb.
All your civil rights, based on the amount of melanin in your skin. Drinking from
the wrong water fountain, could even get you thrown into jail. Coincidently; this
was the life, of black South Africans from the moment of Dutch colonization in
1652, to the first true democratic election in 1994. Apartheid, meaning
separateness in Afrikaans; was legal segregation enforced by The National Party
(NP) from 1948 to 1994. It legally imposed preexisting policies of racial
discrimination on the Majority of the South African population. The entire basis of
the racist policies, was the darker your complexion the less legal rights you had.
Presumably this injustice, could have continued much longer if it weren t for all
involved in the fight against the NP, however the man who arguably contributed the
most, was Nelson Mandela. He ended an apartheid, with both his philanthropy and
political prowess. He united a nation that used to be segregated; which seemed a
daunting task at the time, but through the sweat and bloodshed he achieved the
impossible. This alone exhibited his heroic characteristics, but to be more precise:
both his actions and inactions lead to his success. Furthermore, Mandela was both a
strong leader and forgiving at the same time. Being in the forefront of the
abolishment movement, was an extremely risky move during the apartheid. He
risked his life for what he believed in, and this personal
Cub A Destination Page Build Out
Cuba TravelStore Destination Page Build Out
With a fascinating culture and music scene, Caribbean s largest island, Cuba, offers a
glimpse into another world that s remote, yet lies just 90 miles off the U.S. coast.
While Americans visiting Cuba still need to travel with a properly licensed operator,
it s getting easier as more tour operators and cruise lines develop trips that enable you
to visit this unique and fascinating destination. Cuba tours are designed to engage you
to experience its flavors, soul and music.
A trip to Cuba offers limited hotel options, and none presently in the luxury
category. At the same time, Cuba is bound to lose some of its uniqueness once
diplomatic relations normalize fully and travel restrictions and the trade embargo are
completely lifted. We offer several opportunities to visit Cuba, with luxury as well as
more moderate travel companies. Contact us to arrange your Cuba trip, or consider
having a social impact on a Fathom cruise vacation.
Things To Do and See in Cuba
The food, the music, the cigars, the tropical beaches, the classic cars, what s not to
love about the potential Cuban vacation, other than the political hoops involved in
visiting from the United States. Well, with all of that possibly coming to an end in
the near future, now is the time to start putting together your Cuba vacation itinerary,
so that you re ready to go once the restrictions are
Essay On Proton
Sales and Distribution Recently, Proton is strengthening their domestic sales and
service network to improve their customer service and also market share. Besides
that, Proton also launched a Customer Management Centre which called Proton I.
Care . It is to let customer to contact Proton Edar for any product and also service
enquiries as well as 24 hours emergency breakdown assists. International expansions
has also been planted and distributed to overseas countries such as Middle East
countries, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and lastly Indonesia.
Proton is now a market leader in the domestic market which make up to 70% of the
market share of car sales in Malaysia. Proton recently has also developed their own
engine, own ... Show more content on ...
Their economics recently is growing faster because they had opened their market
to foreign company, so China is now a big market for Proton especially Proton Iriz.
It is because Proton Iriz is affordable to all the people in China although Proton is
counted as an imported car in China. Besides that, demand for car is recently
increasing in developing countries especially those Asia countries. It is because
owning a car has become a necessity and it is also represented the modern lifestyle.
High marriage rate in ASEAN region has caused many new families are seeking for
cars for their daily use, and this situation has caused the increase demands of car.
More and more efficient car buy using new technology such as hybrid car, biodiesel
and using hydrogen as alternative fuels has successfully created a new demand in
automobile industries. Liberalisation with Europa and United State and the
implementation of AFTA had created a new market segment internationally to be
The Case Of Brinegar V. United States
1.Probable cause is a set of facts surrounding a specific circumstances that leads a
reasonable person to believe an individual is committing, has committed or is about
to commit a crime. Probable cause is required in the instances of an arrest, search and
seizure and the issuance of a warrant. To ESTABILISH reasonable cause the officer
can use any trustworthy information. For example the office could use his/her
experience, informant information, first hand observations or knowledge, victim
reports, anonymous tips, or hearsay.
In the case of Brinegar v. United States, the petitioner claimed that the arresting
officer violated his 4th amendment rights and illegally search his car. In the search
and siezure the officer found that the petitioner was transporting intoxicating liquor
into Oaklahoma, which is a direct violation of law. The courts found that the arresting
office had arrested the petitioner on the same violation several months earlier and this
was enough reasonable cause to conduct the search ans seizure.
Reasonable suspicion is different from probable cause as reasonable suspicion allows
an officer to temporarily detain a person if the officer suspects the person of
committing a crime, previously committed a crime, or is about to commit a crime.
This will allow the officer the time to conduct an investigation that may allow him
/her to find the facts that are required to arrest per probable cause. Therefore,
reasonable suspicion is thought of to be a hunch
The Values Of Sense And Sensibility By Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility by: Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility was first published in 1811, by Jane Austen, Sense and
Sensibility represents the neoclassical, dualistic moral world where values and
exclusion values will ultimately be successful in a painful, romantic feeling. Not
only that, he was making serious cynicisms of society s eighteenth centuries in
which the aristocrats were praised and indirectly influencing young people s minds,
not the love of love but to betray it just for Wealth. In the novel, Lucy and
Willoughby symbolize this kind of people of society
When Mr. died Henry Dashwood, leaving all his money on the son of his first wife
John Dashwood, his second wife and his three daughters left behind ... Show more
content on ...
Austen is very concerned about the social environment of his characters, and his
settings clearly reflect this concern. Barton is the countryside, and our main
characters live in the shadow of landed gentry (the Middletons at Barton Park). It is
notable that Elinor and Marianne are always out of people moving back between
London and Devonshire themselves are not well, and they depend on rich
connections to stay in social loop Of moderate to high societies. The particular
Austen moment in history is an interesting one. His novels are fascinated by the
unique and unusual interaction between people of different social levels a new
development in England at that time. His books are firmly planted in the
bourgeoisie, a class that is up and up while he writes. None of his characters in Sense
and Sensibility are firmly planted in the upper echelons of high society; Even the
richiest are not included in noble social circles. Instead, the spaces where
Dashwoods are in the middle of the class (and believe us, there are a million
different levels of middle class running on it). His books are firmly planted in the
bourgeoisie, a class that is up and up while he writes. None of his characters in
Sense and Sensibility are firmly planted in the upper echelons of high society;
Even the richiest are not included in noble social circles. Instead, the spaces where
Dashwoods are in the middle of the class (and believe us, there are a million
different levels of middle class running on it). His books are firmly planted in the
bourgeoisie, a class that is up and up while he writes. None of his characters in
Sense and Sensibility are firmly planted in the upper echelons of high society;
Even the richiest are not included in noble social circles. Instead, the spaces where
Dashwoods are in the middle of the class (and believe us, there are a million
different levels of middle class running
Environmental Crisis
Environmental Crisis
We Have An Environmental Crisis Because We Have A People Crisis A Crisis of
Population Growth, of Wasteful Consumption of Resources, and A Crisis of Apathy
and Inaction.
An environmental crisis is an emergency concerned with the place in which every
human lives the environment. A people crisis is an emergency with the community
that inhabits the world environment. A crisis of populationgrowth is a turning point
where the environment can no longer sustain the amounts of people which it
contains. A crisis of apathy and inaction is one where the human race cannot be
motivated to solve the problems with the environment that they themselves have
The claim that we have an environmental crisis because we ... Show more content on ...
Exhortations, campaigns, financial and material incentives, and numerous other
sanctions were used to implement the policies. All these efforts were, at first, to
redirect young couples to have fewer offspring and, later, to heed the one child per
couple, or minimal reproduction, policy.
The purpose of this call for minimal reproduction was to keep the population from
exceeding 1.2 billion by the year 2000. The scheme has proved problematic inside
the country and controversial abroad for practical, political, ethical, and religious
The massive gain in population in recent decades has intensified old difficulties in the
country s effort to raise living standards, and has ignited new economic,
environmental, and social concerns within the nation s borders.
The major issues range from China s population carrying capacity, unemployment and
underemployment in the countryside, surging urbanisation, and spreading air and
water pollution to mass illiteracy and education in relation to development.
SDI itself has added such new concerns as the effect of son preference on female
infanticide and the sex ratio, the impact of a fast fertility reduction on population
aging, and the implications of exempting the country s 55 minority groups from the
nation s fertility control measures.
The global significance of China s demographics is likewise enormous. Whatever the
size of China s population is at the dawn of the 21st century it is certain to account for
A Multi Agent Cross Platform Modelingand-
NetLogo: Where We Are, Where We re Going
Paulo Blikstein, Dor Abrahamson, and Uri Wilensky
NetLogo [3], a multi agent cross platform modelingand simulation environment, has
been enhanced with new capabilities. We explain selected simulations from our
Models Library and describe recent enhancements (e.g., 3D) and demonstrate
(e.g., music). We focus on H u b N e t [5], a technological infrastructure for facilitating
participatory simulations [6], run these activities with participants, and discuss
learning experiences afforded by these activities.
NetLogo [3] is a multi agent programming and modeling environment for simulating
complex phenomena. It is designed for both research and education and is used
across a wide range of disciplines (e.g., Figure 1, across) and education levels.
NetLogo s low threshold, high ceiling design philosophy is inherited from Logo [1].
NetLogo is simple enough that students and teachers can easily design and run
simulations, and advanced enough to serve as a powerful tool for researchers in
many disciplines. Novices will find an easy to learn, intuitive, and well documented
programming language (see Figure 2, across) with an elegant graphical interface.
Researchers can take advantage of NetLogo s advanced features, such as
BehaviorSpace that runs automated experiments, 3D visualization, user extensibility,
a System Dynamics
Modeler that enables mixing agent based and aggregate representations, and
The Republic Of Nature Analysis
Significance of Environmental History in AmericaВґs Past The environment effected
and continues to effect human culture and history. Thus, one cannot fully understand
American history without exploring the immense role of nature in it. In the novel
The Republic of Nature the author, Mark Fiege, utilizes environmental context to
form new connections between previously thought to be unrelated historical events.
Fiege chooses significant occurrences in America s past and then with the
incorporation of nature, he reintroduced the events, providing fresh and innovative
perspective, insightful explanations and provocative conclusions. Mark FiegeВґs
ultimate goal is to impact how the reader perceives the role of environment in history.
Through further... Show more content on ...
Without recognizing nature s role in the War, a reader cannot fully understand one of
the most crucial events in American history,ВЁ determined Americans had the
greatest freedom to claim parts of nature essential to survival, the accumulation of
wealth, and the exercise of power. It determined who has the most control over
material property, gently land, but more precisely soil, minerals, plants and animals;
who has the right to dominate other human bodies and the products of their labor;
and who governed, perhaps the most important means by which citizens sorted out
who had access to the biophysical world,ВЁ (Fiege 175). Initially Confederacy had
more environmental advantages such as the Appalachian Mountains which served as
a natural barrier to the military attack, unmapped roads that confused their enemy,
source of nitrate which was used to produce gunpowder and a lot of swine.
However, South lacked advanced railroads systems, thus depended on horses and
mules for transportation. The Union, which dedicated all efforts, funds and energy to
defeat the South effectively blocked their food supplies which caused a lot of
challenges for the Confederacy. Salt shortages left the livestock defenseless against
the diseases, decreased leather availability which resulted in soldiers battling barefoot
and lastly
Essay On Cupid
Cupid, being known for love, has greatly influenced today s society even with his
questionable background. In ancient Greece, he originated from Aphrodite. Cupid s
other name was Eros. In Roman times, his name is Cupid and his mother was
Venus. His purpose was to to pierce the heart of his victims and causing them fall
deeply in love. The most known stories that he was involved in was Apollo and
Daphneand Cupidand Psyche. Apollo was shot by Cupid and fell in love with
Daphne. Daphne couldn t stand being bombarded by Apollo. The moral of the
story is pride in victory sets one up for defeat; in fact the moral of Cupid and
Psyche story is love cannot thrive where there isn t trust. The resolution to his story
is he marries Psyche. Venus supports their love. For Apollo and Daphne, Daphne is
now the reason why we have the Laurel Tree. The differences between Cupid s
original story and most modern story is when the stories were first created, they had
different fact told and included. Now that the story has been passed down in time, it
has been modified to certain likings. An example from the source states, ...Distraught,
Psyche goes in search of her husband, traveling for many days, until she comes to the
temple of Ceres, the motherly goddess of grain. (The Ancient Fairy Taleof Cupid and
Psyche, where love... Show more content on ...
His stories were repurposed by the Romans. This is what transformed Eros into
Cupid. Latin Literature explains his relationship with his mother, Venus. But he is
mostly identified as the offspring of Mars and Venus, the god and goddess of love
and war. The Renaissance period is what really depicted Cupid to be a chubby
baby with a bow and arrows. The lead arrows were forgotten as well as Cupid being
a grown man. In the 1900s, the modern mythology of being shot and falling
passionately in love with the next person you seen took place. Traditionally he took
place on Valentine s Day cards and being the
Pros And Cons Of Hillary Trump
Donald Trump cannot be the next President of the United States, Hillary has to be.
His economic agenda, dangerous rhetoric, sexist remarks, hateful attitude towards
Muslims and Mexicans, denial about climate change, and his inability to address
the issues the LGBTQ community faces are several reasons he is unfit to be
considered the leader of the country. Trump has also been involved in a huge amount
of state and federal lawsuits. Hillary has been involved in lawsuits herself, handled
situations poorly and has made judgement calls that have been questionable, but these
cons are outweighed by Trump s cons immensely. Trump s shady past reveals a
selfish man who has partaken in actions Americans would all come together and
agree are inexcusable... Show more content on ...
He just recently asked why the US makes nuclear weapons if they are not going to
use them. His lack of knowledge is what leads to this dangerous rhetoric. He
genuinely believes that a larger percentage of Muslims and/or refugees are likely
to be terrorists than the actual percentage. He has gone as far to say that Mexicans
are criminals and rapists and that all of the illegal ones will get deported, and he s
also proposed a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the country. Trump faced
a lot of backlash for the temporary ban and has since said it was just a suggestion.
This lack of empathy and understanding of other cultures alone makes Trump unfit
to be commander in chief, but the hatefulness in his words is just uncalled for.
Funny enough, if all illegal immigrants were deported, the economy would actually
be hurt as well. As much as people should come into the country legally, a lot of the
illegal immigrants work very tough hours and for very little money. If they were to
all be deported, no one would be working those odd, tough, unfair jobs, especially not
the white people who complain about the Mexicans taking jobs. So, although illegal
immigration is not something to support, putting forth policy that makes it easier for
these people of Mexican heritage to become legal citizens should be something to
support, and that is exactly what Obama has been working towards and what Hillary
plans to continue to work
Cultural Plunge
Cultural Plunge at an Asian Market
As I contemplated on what my cultural plunge was going to be, it made me realize
that I am lucky to say that I have been exposed and acquainted with maybe more
than the usual. My ex husband is Middle Eastern, I am Mexican, and I have homo
sexual friends, and have and had friends that are African American, Caucasian,
Japanese, Filipino, Jewish, and Korean. I finally chose to explore more of the Asian
culture because although I have friends that are Asian I liked to know more about
their culture. Being that I love to cook, I decided to go to an Asian market. As I
searched the internet for suggestions on where to go, I found 99 Ranch Market to have
the highest ratings. 99 Ranch Market is an Asian ... Show more content on ...
Although not sold in its original form at our common grocery stores, we normally see
the flavor being used in teas and smoothies. Then there was the mangosteen. It is
another purple fruit. It is creamy and citrusy with a hint of peach. Second to last is
the Lychee. This is a common Asian fruit that is small and white in the inside and
has a grape like texture when eaten. Lastly was the Durian, sadly the worst one of
them. It has hard spiky husk that needed to be cracked opened. I was warned about
this one but didn t think it was going to be as bad as it was. It smelled like skunk
spray/ sewage. I tried to taste it but didn t. We immediately threw it away. The smell
was horrible. A lady who I spoke to at the store prior to buying the fruit just told me
that it was an acquired taste and smell, but I didn t expect what we experienced.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed going through and tasting each fruit. It definitely was an
experience and an eye opener to the different types of fruit out there besides your
usual bananas, strawberries, and oranges.
Ultimately I have to say that I enjoyed this overall experience. It has opened up my
eyes to many different cultures and definitely different way of eating. Since my
visit, I have bought and Asian inspired cook book and plan to make a few dishes
with ingredients that are only found at Asian markets. Oh and next time I decided to
go; I ll make sure not to take my big
Feminism One Of The Biggest Topics Today And Is Defined
Feminism one of the biggest topics today and is defined as the public support of the
rights of women on the basis of equality of the sexes. In fact, the main reason
feminism is such a popular topic is because of how men were treated as the dominant
gender .
Back then, women were given specific roles by society to be housewives and only
cook and take care of the children. The idea of feminism, however, did slowly
develop until in 1848 after their oppression, when the first Women s conference was
held in Seneca Falls, America. Ever since then, the amount of feminists and feminist
activities around the world have increased a great amount. Feminism has become a
major subject in the media, being represented in television, music and even ... Show
more content on ...
However, in this situation, Josephine rejects her husband not only because of the
abuse, but because she does not need a man to help her get by. Although, soon after,
Serge comes back at night, more drunk and violent than before, to knock some sense
into Josephine. This situation itself seems to be a setup for another one of those
situations where the lady is in trouble, unable to defend herself and a knight in
shining armour(who is male), comes just in time to rescue her and ensure the happy
ending. However, in this situation, Josephine and Vienne manage to knock out Serge
before any real damage. This sends the message that a hero is not always needed for
the damsel in distress. In this situation, two heroines got the job done. In conclusion,
Josephine becomes more of a feminist during her growth without her husband. With
enough courage and strength to leave her husband and grow from an ill thief to
happy woman making chocolate shows a sense of independence as a woman.
The most focused conflict of the film Chocolat is the conflict between Vienne and
the Comte. Since the Comte, played by Alfred Molina, is in control of most of the
citizens of the church, this becomes more of a person vs society conflict at the
beginning. From the beginning of the film after Vienne and her daughter arrive, the
Comte is convinced that Vienne and her daughter, Anouk, played by Victoire
Thivisol, would bring trouble to
Billy s Father Ghost Like Presence
In all the great lengthy stories of existence... it is said that there has only been one
twelve hundred year old boy. His name was Billy. Forty three thousand and sixty
nine years before Billy was born his father did something few people have ever ever
achieved. He became a ghost. As a ghost... Billy s father was an exceptionally
brilliant spook. Which is to say that he was very very shiny. Billy s father ghostlike
presence was harnessed by a highly cultivated civilization to power their light
bulbs. Yet despite being drained by billions upon billions of light bulbs... Billy s
father still shined, ever brighter. No matter how large the civilization grew. Billy s
father s mojo was the ever constant electricity. Until one day... as all days come... a
five year old child with the mentality of a toddler threw a tantrum and turned the
light switch in her house on and off too many times. What s a ghost to do when they
die? When all their ectoplasmic juices are all used up in a swirling toilet slurping
noise, leading on down into the second death. As those whom have passed beyond
this barrier well know. Beyond ghostly death there is a new birth... and Billy s
father was born into a new world of understanding. A new level of consciousness.
Yet before Billy s father died as a ghost. He did something even more miraculous. He
found his soulmate in the world of ghosts. Together they found willing living people
and thru them gave birth to a child. Billy . Billy was born
A Career As A Sound Technician
Sound technicians work in a variety of different areas, from television advertisements
and television panel shows to feature films and sporting events that are covered on
live TV. Generally, sound technicians who work on the production side of things are
responsible for checking and preparing all the sound equipment for shoots, carrying
out additional practical tasks to minimise unwanted sounds on set, evaluating the
acoustics of a particular studio or location, and positioning recording equipment in the
right place at the right time. Furthermore, they will tweak sound levels and monitor
audio signals during filming. Some sound technicians specialise in one particular
area, such as boom operators. These guys operate the boom microphone, positioning
it in the optimal place (where it won t go into shot!). If the boom is hand held, this
can often be a physically strenuous job. These guy s precise movements are planned
meticulously, and they might also position other microphones around the set to
optimise sound recording.... Show more content on ...
These clever people have the overall responsibility of capturing the intricacies and
subtle inflections of actors or television presenters voices. They also manage the rest
of the sound crew and plan all the technical recording
Unit 39 M2 Business
Unit 39; The Sound and Music Industry Assignment 3
Business Plan This business plan will go through the process of producing an album
through to the launch party. This will include rehearsals, recording, mixing and
mastering, marketing and, as mentioned before, the launch party.
My niche is Keyboard led Pop Punk. This is unique because it is uncommon for
songs in this genre to feature keyboard, let alone to use one as the lead instrument.
This should appeal to both audiences who enjoy pop punk, as well as those that
simply enjoy the tones produced by a keyboard.
My product is a 15 minute, 4 track EP. The songs featured on this album will be
original with the instrumentation being predominantly keyboard, guitar, drums and
possibly ... Show more content on ...
It will last for four hours and my goal is to sell as many tickets as possible, as selling
every ticket would give me around ВЈ20,000, which would greatly contribute towards
paying for the costs. Even without reaching this ideal, it allows for a far greater
expansion in all areas of the project. The launch party will also provide some
advertisement for my product, as the marketing ideas should build up enough
attention for people to acknowledge my product. The launch party will also be used
as an opportunity to sell merchandise, as people would associate the merchandise to
the artist, and the memory of attending the live event. This is a key opportunity to
sell merchandise, as it is the beginning of an artist s career, and merchandise from
the beginning of an artist s career can be both a sentimental, memorable object, as
well as a collectors object, and both hold values in different ways. In order to
transport instruments and musicians to and from the venue, travel would cost around
ВЈ200 to rent a vehicle for a weekend. This would be vital, as it is a cheap and
efficient way to get everything to the live performance, and without it, there would be
no live
Maslow s Impact On Social Influences On The Chosen...
Introduction In this report I m going to describe four needs of the chosen
individual and explain why they are required to be addressed. I m then going to go
on to describe features from two psychological theories and use them to explain
aspects of the development and behaviour of the chosen individual. Next I m going
to describe three sociological concepts and use them to explain the impact of
social influences on the chosen individual. Then I m going to describe features of
the positive care environment in three care services and explain how they could
meet the needs of the chosen individual. Finally I m going to describe features of
two psychological theories and use them to explain how a care worker could
demonstrate positive care practice with the chosen individual. What is a need? A
need is something that is essential, an obligation or requirement rather than just
desirable. According to Maslow a need is five different requirements which he
refers to as a hierarchy of needs and these would be self actualisation, esteem, love
/belonging, safety and physiological. Needs that require to be addressed Four needs
of my chosen individual Paul that require to be addressed is his social, physical,
emotional and cognitive needs. Social needs is about feeling appreciated,
acceptance, a self of belonging and companionship. Therefore Paul s social needs
are not being met as he tragically lost his wife and kids. He lost the people he loved
that were closest to him that he would
Outline On Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks More white people got on the bus.....we blacks were supposed to give
up our seats to the whites. (Parks 1). Would you want to have to give up your seat
or treated differently just because you have a different skin color? Rosa Parks was
treated differently just because she was black. Rosa Parks was not a famous
person, she was notable for what she did. She is the inspiration of many and a
game changer. Parks life had many troubles. Her childhood was very tough, she
was arrested in her adulthood, but she did not give up on the bus boycott. Rosa
McCauley was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. Her mother had to
quit teaching and her father did not live with them due to his job. Her uncle came to
live with them, so it
Louis Riel Research Paper
Riel The Hero
Louis Riel; one of the most important figures in Canada s history. This interesting
character was born in Winnipeg, the town of St. Boniface in the red river settlement.
Riel grew up with a Francophone catholic society, but he classified as a francophone
Metis. In the early life of Louis Riel, he was sent off to study at the College de
Montreal. 1868 was the year he returned to his hometown. Louis Riel s name is still
greatly remembered to this day.
Louis Riel was definitely a hero. All he wanted was equality for his people
(Francophone Metis.) Because of this, Riel lead the Red River Rebellion. Soon, Riel
also lead the North West Rebellion.
Louis Riel cared about his people s rights, so much, he declared the Red River
Rebellion, or the Red River Resistance in 1869. The Reballion was sparked by the
transfer of a territory called Rupert s Land to the young country of Canada. The
MГ©tis only took up a small portion of Rupert s Land, but they still feared their
culture and land rights were going to be taken away while still under Canadian
control. The MГ©tis people were not very happy, so the Metis announced a
rebellion, (Lead by Louis Riel.) The uprising led to the creation of the province of
Manitoba. The ... Show more content on ...
Also, the Metis people were mad at the Canadian government because their way of
life was changing drastically as a result of a shortage of bison leading to starvation.
Which the government was doing nothing about. The Metis asked Louis Riel to
return to Canada, as he was in Montana. When Riel returned, he sent a petition to
Ottawa stating the concerns, a request for their own provincial government, and a
voice in Federal Government. The Rebellion started when Riel purchased weapons,
seized a church, and created a second provincial government. Louis Riel showed that
he really cared for his peoples rights by doing a rebellon not once, but
Improving The Target Market Of Panera Bread
Expanding the target market of Panera Bread is a good growth opportunity for
them. This can be achieved by product line (menu options) extension or by entering
international market outside the American continent so as to increase their
geographical coverage. In addition, Panera has an opportunity to get additional
market and growth by adapting rapidly to changing market and customer
preferences. They need to advertise and market themselves as a healthy option for
eating out. Health oriented food or food that are low in calories, sugar, cholesterol,
etc. is getting very important as people started becoming very health conscious and
selective. Their effort to roll out new products with fresher ingredients such as
antibiotic free chicken needs to be further expanded. Recognizing the health risks
associated with transfat, Panera had completely removed all transfat from its menu
by 2006. Organic food, non GMO, etc. They could increase number of their
franchises. A number of markets were still available for franchise development. The
have opportunity in front of them to open more outlets, both company owned and
franchises. They could open within North America and mainly in areas where they
are not present now, and those areas where the growth potential is good, like some
of the suburban markets. Many good locations for fast casual dining options are
available in many of the untapped areas. Panera has a good market opportunity
outside the small urban niche where greater growth
Battle Group Peiper Research Paper
With Peiper engaged in the north, von Manteuffel s 5th Panzerarmee brought good
news to the German army when they broke through the US 106th Division. The
5th army had forced 7,000 allied men to surrender the following day after breaking
through. Down south, the 58th and 47th Panzer Corps each made great progress
to their goals of Hoffalize and Bastogne. The US First Army HQ needed to be
moved because the 6th Panzerarmee was only a few miles away. The 47th Panzer
Corps reached Bastogne on December 19, however, so did the Allied forces, the
101st Airborne Division. Back north, the 30th Division was sent to reinforce the
99th division at Stavelot. The two divisions were able to separate Battle Group
Peiper from the rest of the German army, with the help of air attacks, and they began
to force them to retreat. By December 24, they had completely run out of fuel. The
group was forced to abandon their trucks and tanks and walk back through the
Ardennes Forest.... Show more content on ...
Vith, forcing the US 7th Armored Division to retreat. The Allied line was broken
wide open, however, General Eisenhower was quick on his feet, and put General
Montgomery in charge of the area to the north of the breach, and General Bradley in
command of the south of it. General Bradley, on December 21, gave General Patton
the difficult task of counter attacking von Manteuffel in order to aid Brigadier
General Anthony McAuliffe and the 101st at Bastogne. Stuck in Bastogne for three
days, the 101st was completely cut off from all Allied reinforcements. Then, German
General Luttwiz offered them terms of surrender. In response to this, McAuliffe
simply replied Nuts! which confused the
Gender And Sexuality As A Category For Historical Analysis
For years, many scholars have provided many discussions over the topic of gender
and sexuality. However, one needs to ask themselves: Are these two topics, gender
and sexuality, useful as a category for historical analysis? The articles written by
both Joan W. Scott and Afsaneh Najmabadi, answer such a question. By critically
examining and assessing their two article, can the usefulness of gender and sexuality
as a category for historical analysis be proven.
In Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis, Joan W. Scott provides many
angles to explore the relevancy of gender. The first thing that needs to be examined is
her argument. The main argument that Joan W. Scott is trying to make is how
beneficial to history using gender as a category for analysis would turn out.
Another factor that needs to be made in assessing her article is how she presents
her argument and findings. Scott formats her article with a beginning, middle, and
end. She begins by defining gender, and how that term has been used in general.
She goes on to describe some of the theories that have analyzed gender. The next
part that she explains is how, of late, politics has been coincided with the analysis of
gender. Finally, she ends her paper by providing her bottom line opinion about the
analysis and approach of gender.
Now with the structure of her paper in mind, the next important assessment is in the
sources she uses. The sources that Joan Scott utilizes in her argument are mostly
The Negative Effects Of Peer Pressure On College Students
The four short years that people spend in college can be some of the best years of
their lives. Meeting new people, learning new things, and getting involved in clubs
all contribute to this. Although these years can be great, they also have the ability to
damage our lives forever. Many students fall victim to peer pressure, which occurs
when a person or certain group of people tries to force an individual to conform to
how that person or group acts. Peer pressure can affect college students physically,
mentally, and socially. I feel as though this issue should be addressed much more
when it comes to college life. Peer pressure is not a new occurrence that has only
come to light within the last few years. It has happened since the beginning of
time, whether it be within friend groups, within the workplace, or within school
settings. The idea of peer pressure is already negatively viewed by many people,
and rightfully so. Many people feel as though they need to fit in with a group, so
they fall victim to peer pressure. This is especially true for freshman college
students, who feel as though they need to do certain things and act a certain way to
fit in (Palmeri [1]). These social pressures make them do things they usually did not
do. The two most obvious things that students may fall into due to peer pressure is
alcohol and drug use. These are two substances that are almost always causing harm
to people s health. Excessive alcohol use is bad for several reasons, including
Comparing Lang s Post-War Dystopian Novel 1984
In exploring the textual concerns of both Lang s post war German expressionist
film Metropolis (1927) and Orwell s cold war dystopian novel 1984 (1949), it is
apparent that their differing contexts provide starkly contrasting commentaries on the
power of the human spirit to rise above oppression. The impetus for both texts
reflects the immediate contextual concerns of each composer s time, where Lang s
depiction of a futuristic mechanised world reflected Germany s post war climate and
the incessant exploitation. However, Orwell s post atomic novel epitomised the Cold
War and rise of Stalinism and the inherent indoctrination. Separated by an entire
world war, both composers illustrate a dystopian future with entirely different
outcomes as a... Show more content on ...
Freder, the demigod s messianic son, entitled to the unbridled German decadence and
hedonism in the upper echelon of society, is unaware of the social corruption and
oppression in the subterranean. This reflects the overarching effects of the Treaty of
Versailles, resulting in Germany s excess reparations and hyperinflation crippling the
lower class. Upon descending to the depths, his eventual exhaustion on the machine
represents the culmination of the exploitation as a result of the vanity of his own
father. Freder s realisation of the social polarity occurs through his self sacrifice,
prompting his sympathy with the dispossessed and reflecting biblical allusions and
elements of Germany expressionism. The long shot of Freder and vector lines of his
arms symbolise Jesus s crucifixion, and Freder s condemnation Father! Father! Will
ten hours never end? indicates the contemporary form of slavery in the subterranean
world driven by capitalist greed and authoritarianism. It is this exploitation that 1984
similarly presents, yet it theorises the true threat as not social instability, but its
opposite stagnant social regression produced by the coupling of authoritarian politics
with modern technology, in which reform and revolution are literally unthinkable.
Freder s revelation of the lamentable social
Importance Of School Dress Codes
How School Dress Codes are Detrimental to Girls.
In many American middle and high schools, there are rules on how you must dress.
The most known of these are that boys must wear shirts and must not show their
underwear, and girls must have shorts or skirts be fingertip length, not show
shoulders or bra straps, and not show too much cleavage. The rules vary by school,
but most of these rules are geared towards young women. College and real life do
not have dress codes. Employers have dress codes so that their employees can convey
to customers what the business wants them too, but dress codes in public high
schools are sexist and teach young women that their education is less valuable than
that of a man s. Firstly, most school dress codes are aimed at girls. According to the
dress code of my alma mater, Lakota West High School, there are twelve items of
clothing that are not allowed that are directed towards girls, and only 3 that are
specific to boys. There are more that are unisex, but I have singled out the ones that
are gender specific. Why are girls the ones who are more restricted by the dress
code? Imagine you are a young man getting ready for school in the morning. If
your outfit doesn t have oversized armholes, dog collars/spikes, or drug or alcohol
related messages, congratulations! You re ready for school. Now, if you re a
young woman getting ready for school, your outfit must not show your bra straps,
have sleeves that cover your entire shoulder, and not have oversized armholes.
Your shorts or skirt cannot be past your fingertips, which for some girls with long
arms means wearing jeans even in 90 degree weather. Your jewelry and piercings
must not be potentially harmful (it is up to the staff to dictate what is and what s
not), and your hair and makeup must not disrupt the educational process. (Again, it
is the job of the staff to decide what is disruptive, there are no set guidelines.) It s a
lot harder to get ready for school as a girl, which just adds more stress to get ready in
the morning, and gives them one other thing to worry about besides schoolwork. The
reasoning I ve often heard behind makeup and not showing shoulders for girls is to
not distract other students. Since most
Infamous serial killer, John Wayne Gacy, was born on
Infamous serial killer, John Wayne Gacy, was born on March 17, 1942, in Chicago,
Illinois. Gacy, born into an abusive environment, was assaulted physically along with
his siblings, with a razor strap if they were perceived to have misbehaved by their
alcoholic father. In addition, Gacy s mother was physically abused as well throughout
her marriage and during the children s upbringing. During John Wayne Gacy s
childhood education, he suffered further alienation due to a congenital heart
condition that resulted in further feelings of contempt from his father. Furthermore,
Gacy eventually came to the realization that he was attracted to men, which caused a
great amount of mental turmoil over his sexuality. John Wayne Gacy was married and
... Show more content on ...
A police search of Gacy s house in Des Plaines, Illinois, on December 21, exposed
evidence of his involvement in numerous abominable acts, including murder. John
Wayne Gacy, it would later be determined, had murdered thirty three boys and
young males, the majority of whom had been buried under his dwelling and garage,
while around four to five other victims would be recovered from the nearby Des
Plaines River. The victims were lured to Gacy s dwelling with the promise of
construction work, and then captured, sexually assaulted, and then eventually
strangled to death with rope. Furthermore, John Wayne Gacy sometimes dressed as
his alter ego Pogo the Clown , when he murdered.
After a short jury deliberation, John Wayne Gacy was ultimately found guilty of
committing thirty three murders and became known as one of the most vicious serial
killers in U.S. history. Gacy was sentenced to serve twenty one natural life sentences
and serve twelve death sentences. For almost a decade and a half, Gacy was
imprisoned at the Menard Correctional Center where he appealed the sentence and
offered contradictory statements on the murders in interviews. Although Gacy had
confessed, later he had vehemently denied being guilty of the charges. John Wayne
Gacy ultimately died by lethal injection on May 10, 1994, at the Stateville
Correctional Center in Crest Hill, Illinois; with both anti death penalty forces
Spanish Expansion To The New World
Expansion to the new world was both a blessing and a curse to both Europeans and
the natives of the new land. The first motive for exploring the new world to find a
easier and faster way to trade with the Asian countries, but soon after two new
continents were discovered it sprouted different motives from everyone. Even
though everyone had their own ideas and dreams about the new world they were
all ended up with a common goal, to find silver and gold and become very wealthy.
Every country heard about and expected to find an unlimited amount of riches. What
the Europeans weren t expecting to find was thousands of different civilizations
already living in this unexplored new world . There were many different types of
explorers of the... Show more content on ...
Spain received what was called the lions share. One of the reasons Spain was able
to colonize and explore South America so quickly was because they had the
biggest navy, also called and armada. The Spanish Armada was originally made to
defeat the English in a naval battle but they lost the battle and could never
recuperate from their losses. Because Spain was the first to start colonizing and
defeating the indigenous people they benefited the most from the new world and its
riches. Conquistadores were explorers who were sent by Spain to take or the new
land. Conquistadores would explore the land, share Christianity with the native
people, and bring back riches to the homeland. Conquistadores forever left their
mark in South America because not many of their wives accompanied them on their
trip so they married Indian women and created what is called a mestizo. The
conquistadores would even convert their Indian consorts so they could marry them.
The Iroquois Confederacy was one of the only nation states in North America that
rivaled those of the Incas and Aztecs. The Iroquois developed military alliances and
governmental skills to maintain their power for over a century. The Iroquois
Confederacy was made up of five different tribes the Mohawks, Oneidas, the
Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas. Each tribe ran itself differently but
The Victorian Er The Victorian Period During The
One of the darker and more mysterious periods in history is the Victorian Era. The
nineteenth century was a major point in literary history, with stories mostly related to
supernatural beings, poetry, and fantastic literature. There were also multiple
different religions, such as Christianity and Judaism. The people in England were
very religious and went to church every sunday. Despite their social class, women
were always home and doing their housework, while men were out working to earn
money for the family. The clothing style was very formal and posh; the rich having
finer cloths. The Victorian Erawas an interesting time period because of its politics,
literature, society and culture.
The political history of the Victorian Era was based on Queen Victoria and her views
and outlooks on everything. Queen Victoria was the reigning queen during the
nineteenth century, with her husband and several children. This showed femininity,
which centered around family and homely feels. She was described as the mother of
the nation. She became the model of marital stability, with her husband Albert. Their
marriage was said to represent marital harmony. Literature was somewhat related to
the political history of the family feel.
Literature during the Victorian Era had a variety of writing types. People in the
Victorian Era read and/or wrote things; such as novels, children s literature, poetry,
drama, and supernatural and fantastic literature. The
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Paragraph Essay Outline

  • 1. Paragraph Essay Outline Crafting an essay on the topic of "Paragraph Essay Outline" poses its own set of challenges, as it requires a careful balance between structure and creativity. The difficulty lies in effectively organizing thoughts within the constraints of a paragraph essay framework. It necessitates a deep understanding of the chosen topic, the ability to distill key ideas, and the skill to present them coherently. Creating a comprehensive outline demands meticulous planning to ensure a logical flow of ideas. It involves selecting the most pertinent information, arranging it in a manner that builds a cohesive argument or narrative, and addressing potential counterarguments. Striking the right balance between depth and conciseness can be challenging, as the limited space of a paragraph essay requires precision in conveying ideas. Additionally, the process of writing such an essay requires a keen eye for detail and proficiency in language usage. Each sentence must contribute to the overall coherence and effectiveness of the essay, and transitions between ideas must be seamless. Struggling with these aspects can make the task of producing a well-crafted paragraph essay outline arduous. In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of crafting an essay on the topic of "Paragraph Essay Outline" demands a combination of analytical skills, creativity, and linguistic proficiency. However, with dedication and a strategic approach, one can overcome these challenges and deliver a compelling piece of writing. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, various resources are available. Services like provide a platform where you can order essays and receive professional support in tackling academic writing tasks. Paragraph Essay Outline Paragraph Essay Outline
  • 2. Movie Analysis of Jaws Essay Movie Analysis of Jaws Martin Brody is the new police chief trying to rid Amity Island of a savage shark terrorising the islanders and tourists alike in the 1976 thriller, Jaws. Jaws was directed by Steven Spielberg and starred Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss. Amity Island relies almost fully on the income gained by tourists visiting the island in the summer vacation. It is up to Martin Brody to protect the beach goers by finding the shark and killing it. This brings up issues of fighting fears as well as fighting the constant battle between humans and nature. It is set around July 4th because this would be the height of the tourist season for the island and the threat of the shark ... Show more content on ... However it also shows tension as during the silence the audience do not know if another attack is going to happen. The second attack is on a small boy in the sea at a crowded beach on Amity Island. It starts with the young boy asking his mother if he can go back into the sea. We then see Brody sat on the beach watching out for sharks. The camera does a long shot of Brody s point of view, which we see a woman screaming. This makes us think that the girl is being attacked when she is not, this builds up tension because it hasn t happened yet and we know it will do we just don t no when. Using the wide angle shot of the shows us how big the sea is and how vulnerable people are in it. It then shows a boy running back into the water using mid range shot with the boy on the lilo n the background and the children in the fore ground. This makes us uneasy because there is a lot of splashing which means if the shark was to be there it would be camouflaged and also the splashing attracts sharks. Next, there is a close up shot of a small child singing, seeing the small child singing is calming which lulls us into a false sense of security, making the imminent attack scarier as you do not expect it. A view from under the water is then given from the shark s point of view showing legs. This gives us the signal that something
  • 3. Some SEO Tips To Get Your Mobile Application Placed In... Some SEO Tips To Get Your Mobile Application Ranked In Serps Retail products that have popular mobile applications are really benefiting from the prominent visibility of mobile app in the organic search results of Google. Searches for QVC, Target, Amazon, eBay, Groupon, or so many others. Along with the brand site listing, social profile, and local listings, searchers are beginning to see the links to the Android, iPad, and iPhone app profile pages of these brands, right on Google s first page. The URL pages of these apps are presenting powerful opportunities to occupy the first page of Google SERPs for mobile and desktop searchers. App Popularity Optimization via Organic Search The opportunity is a product of the collision between ... Show more content on ... Here some mobile application SEO tips to help you optimize your applications for the first page of Google rankings on queries of brands. Your Brand Should Be Prominently Featured in the App The name of the application doubles as the anchor text link in the Android Market and App Store. Using the name of your brand as a link, getting these websites to link to the profile page of your app, is vital for tapping into their very large equity of link. For instance, see eBay, Amazon, and Groupon, make sure you feature the name of your brand in the URL of the download page as well. Link to the Profile Page of Your App from the Homepage and the Footer of Your Site You should aim the equity of link of your most relevant and vital pages at the download pages of your app. A lot of brands tend to ignore these vital links. Consider developing a section dedicated to your application or a landing page to your applications with the feature, reviews, and screenshots, etc. But your application should also have links from the most relevant and vital pages of your website, and adhere to the rest of the tips here get your mobile app on the first page of Google organic search results when brand queries are made. Include the Name of Your Brand in the Link Text That Leads to the Download Pages of Your App A lot of brands and mobile app development companies make the SEO mistake of linking to the profile page of their application without adding the name of their brand or company,
  • 4. A Documentary About a New Universal Language Essay In the middle of September in the year 2013 a new passion was discovered. It was a passion that created innumerable ideas but one of them stood out and would soon be brought to life. At the end of May in 2014 a documentary would be formulated from hard work and passion. This unique documentary asking people their outlook on our world speaking one universal language followed a plan that altered countless times because of complications or because of a superior idea was brought to light. A similar situation occurred with the goal for this Independent Research Project. In the inception of this venture the objective was to create a universal language and a documentary with interviews and information regarding the creation of ... Show more content on ... This followed with finding helpful websites and programs to give assistance to complete the project while editing the interviews. A few of them are Kickstarter, Etsy or Behance. Throughout the IRP process people were consulted and gave assistance to conclude the Independent Research Project. Avinash Dadlani, Evegeniya Dadlani, Jenny Amar, Marni Nia, and Zubin Amar are the people who kindly contributed their opinion in the interviews that make up the documentary. Before the questions for the interviews that eminently contributed to the documentary a large amount of research was done. There was research concerning other languages, and other universal languages. During the process there was a profusion of successes and challenges. A fair amount of the challenges occurred when the interviews were being scheduled or filmed as lots of them were being cancelled and ended up never happening. This decreased the
  • 5. number of interviews in the documentary. An abundance of them also took place during the culmination of the journaling process when there was a diminish of things to journal about. Scads of the success were the ideas for the documentary. Some of these ideas might have not found their way into the final project but were still very creative. These successes and challenges helped the project get finer. DOCUMENTARY ABOUT A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE 4 The entire experience of this project offered deep insight on
  • 6. Service Request SR-rm-022 Final Essay Service Request SR rm 022 Final Sharon Foreman, PhD. BSA/375 3/13/15 Trisha Carter Service Request Part 1 With having plastic manufacturer facilities in areas such as China, Michigan, and Georgia; Riordan Manufacturing has produced annual earnings over forty six million. Riordan also has a research and development department over in San Jose California. Riordan Industries are the sole owner of Riordan Manufacturing and they are one of the Fortune 1000 enterprises with their worth being more than one billion. With having facilities in areas all over the US and even China, Riordan proves that they are a successful business. Key Stakeholders CEO Dr. Michael Riordan is one key stakeholders within the company who is also the founder ... Show more content on ... Project Scope The effect of integrating a new system, agreeing, and understanding a new project in the company or a new system is project scope. It is mandatory that everyone understands how and why the company will improve from upgrading to a new system. Agreeing what is best for the company and why it is important to update the system is also a must. It is important to a company for project scope because it can deal with everyone that is in the company and make sure that everyone is on the same page. Service Request Part 2 Riordan Manufacturing wants to integrate its existing HR information system tools to a single integrating application. This request of service is interested in defining business requirements for completion of the HR system for obtaining the objective. Security controls that we recommend for the design for the HR systems, process design, and application architecture are the requirements for this project. Application Architecture Three fundamental application architectures are client server based architecture, client based architecture, and server based architecture. Riordan Manufacturing HRIS is going to implement will be 3 tier client server architecture. This will encompass the 3 groups of computers; database server, application server, and clients. The client is responsible for the presentation login and the
  • 7. The Effects Climate Change Has on Agriculture and Livestock Climate change is one of the major issues surfacing earth over the past century. The earth s temperature has increased over the years; having effects on the economic and life sources of people, especially through agricultural production and livestock s. According to the Oxford dictionary, climate change is a change in global climate patterns apparent from the mid late 20th century. There are numerous factors that are solely responsible for this change which are both natural and man made causes. Climate changehas led to a decrease in quality and quantity of plant produce and livestock as a result of heat stress, drought and an increase in diseases. According to Health and Safety executive, HSE, UK, heat stress is a component of climate change that causes the body temperature to fail , and is a global problem which affects agriculture and livestock. The effect of heat stress on Livestock s has become greater for animals such as dairy cows and beef cattle. When animals are under distress due to temperature rise, they usually cut back on their feeding practices; have a rise in body temperature and faces weight loss. Milk production, milk fat, protein content and the progression of breeding has been also affected, especially in dairy cows. When heat stress occurs, dairy cows tend to reduce the intake of dry matter in order to control their heat production from increasing through the process of metabolism and digestion (M. Donnelly, 2012). The University of Minnesota noted that
  • 8. The Lord Of The Rings Essay Conclusion: I would like to conclude by saying that this novel The Lord of the Rings has inspired many spin off works, including several games as well.The enormous popularity of Tolkien s epic saga has greatly expanded the demand for fantay novels, largely thanks to the Lord of the Rings. It is an an extraordinary work, grandly conceived, brilliantly executed and wildly entertaining novel of Tolkien .In the whole novel we see that it s a hobbit s dream, a wizard s delight. And, of course, it s only the beginning.The language used in this novel is very simple and easy to understand by people. In short this novel has won the hearts of many .This novel is a must read. I see this novel as a near perfect: It s one of the best fantasy novel ever written. The story just revolves around the Ring which is created by a Dark lord, Sauron.It has brought the supernaturalism in such a way that we could clearly make out where is the supernaturalism used. Born on November 30, 1667, Irish author, clergyman and satirist Jonathan Swift grew up fatherless. Under the care of his uncle, he received a bachelor s degree from Trinity College and then worked as a statesman s assistant. Eventually, he became dean of St. Patrick s Cathedral in Dublin. Most of his writings were published under pseudonyms. He best remembered for his 1726 book Gulliver s Travels. While leading his congregation at St. Patrick s, Swift began to write what would become his best known work. In 1726, at last
  • 9. Online Courses And Traditional Courses Essay With the developing of technology, internet gradually becomes an important element in many areas. The high efficiency and convenient of internet benefits many individuals and groups. Internet also involves higher education in many different ways, and online courses is one of them. When the online courses appear, people begin to compare them with traditional classes which are taught in visual classroom. As a result, two groups of people with different idea on online courses will against each other. However, I do not think there is a specific result to say which one is better for higher education. Data table shows that the gap of online courses and traditional courses is only 2.94(Daymont Blau, 2008, May). The data shows that these two kinds of education will lead to similar result, and both of them have unique advantages and disadvantages. Internet is just a tool which can helps students succeed. This tool may be only fit for groups of people and some of classes, but it will improve the higher education as a whole when it combine with traditional teaching method. Just like eating, each person may choose different tableware for each dish. Usually, people will use more than one tableware for one meal, because each tableware has unique function, and the combination of them will lead to a most effective result. Same with the courses in higher education, the combination of online courses and traditional visual classroom will lead to the most effective and efficiency way to
  • 10. Preparing for and taking tests Essay example It s that time of year again, the last few weeks college. You have been on time to every class session and have managed to add a few points to your normal course average. Just a few more weeks to go and you will be on your way to a well needed vacation, which you have carefully spent the last couple months planning. There is only one thing that stands in the way, final exams. Just as every student before you and every student that will come after you, final examinationscan be very frustrating and stressful. Proper testing preparation combined with skilled testing strategies can help anyone overcome those examination nightmares. Being well prepared for the big examination day starts long before the final examinationis ever conducted.... Show more content on ... Knowing how to identify internal strengths and weakness can be beneficial in helping to prepare for any examination. Time management and organizational skills are a key trait that should be mastered extensively (Shelley, 2005). The most successful students use their time wisely. An upcoming exam can create a heavy burden. Making a realistic study schedule and having the proper study space that is free from distractions and kept well organized is vital (Shelley, 2005). Test anxiety is a very common trait that occurs in many people. You have spent weeks studying for the examination, covered every single topic and read every single material having to deal with the upcoming exam. You walk into the classroom, sit down, and retrieve all your materials that you need. The instructor hands out your exam and gives everyone the confirmation to begin. You open up the exam and start reading the first question, hoping to be familiar with the subject. As you read question after question, you realize that you can t recall the answers to anything that you have just read. According to Salend (2011), this is the time that you start to panic, your chest gets tight, you get sweaty, you start feeling overwhelmed (p. 58). Many students suffer from this type of anxiety when it comes to taking examinations that can hinder their performance and well being. Proper studying and adequate preparation can help students overcome test anxiety and help improve their performance. Employing
  • 11. History Of The Earthquake In Iran A 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the border region of Iran and Iraq around 9.18 PM local time on Sunday. The tremors were felt across Middle East. The devastating earthquake took more than 400 lives and reduced several buildings to rubbles. In Iran itself, the death toll continues to rise, while over 6700 people are injured. In Iraq, several people were killed and over 500 injured. The epicenter of the earthquake was registered 27 miles from Halabja in eastern Iraq. According to seismologists, Iran sits on a fault line that is prone to quakes. Kokab Fard, a 49 year old housewife in Sarpol e Zahab, told The Associated Press she could only flee empty handed when her apartment complex collapsed. Immediately after I managed to get out,
  • 12. The Breakfast Club Essays The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club is a movie about five totally different students in high school who are forced to spend a Saturday in detention in their school library. The students come from completely different social classes which make it very difficult for any of them to get along. They learn more about each other and their problems that each of them have at home and at school. This movie plays their different personality types against each other. In this essay I will go into detail about each of the students and the principal individually. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The first student I will talk about is the first one to be seen in the movie. This is Claire Standish. Claire is one of the popular girls in the school.... Show more content on ... He admits that the reason that he was in detention was because he was going to commit suicide and he brought the gun to school. He said that he attempted to kill himself but he couldn t pull the trigger. His (flair) gun went off in his locker. He has suicidal ideation. He thought that suicide was the logical thing to do and he went one step beyond thinking about it and attempted. He just couldn t pull the trigger. He has the ultimate when it comes to parental monitoring. His parents are probably really intelligent and this is why the push him so hard academically. The reason I think this is because his mother s license plate was EMC2 and she made sure that he knew that this (detention) was a one time thing and he should use his time wisely to study. Much like Claire, I feel that Brian is not much of a risk taker. He is a very jumpy kid and is easily told what to do by just about everybody in the movie. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The third student in the movie is Andrew Clark. He is a jock. His father drives p in a blazer to drop him off for detention and he gets out with a letterman jacket on (with several letters on it). You can see from the very beginning that his father only cares about one thing and that is, how successful his son is in wrestling and other sports. His father says Hey, I screwed around...guys screw around, there is nothing wrong with that, except you got caught, Sport. Brian s father seems to live through him and even
  • 13. Minority Report Essay On John Anderton Minority Report Notes: The movie is set in the year 2054, with the main character played by none other Tom Cruise known as John Anderton in the movie. The whole premise of the movie is the fact that the police force John is involved with has the ability to predict that someone is about to commit a crime. They do this through three precogs or mutated humans who are able to see through the future. The only caveat to the precogs is that they only reveal clues to reveal the location or person related to such crime. After finding and gathering a few clues, John determines a area where he finds Howard. Howard finds out that his wife is cheating on him, and plans on killing his wife and the alleged new man in her life. While Anderton works, he s led by Danny Witwer, an associate agent from the US Department of Justice. That evening, Anderton reminisces ... Show more content on ... The caretaker of the precogs, Wally, sees the vision and offers John 2 minutes to depart the building before he hits the alarm. John escapes and is instantly hunted person by his own team and Witwer. Having trained his team, he has a plus associated escapes them through associate residence and an machine manufacturing plant, employing a automotive that s made around him. He makes his thanks to the residence of Dr. Iris Hineman (Lois Smith), whose analysis arranged the groundwork for the Precrime program. Quite eccentric however still coherent, Hineman explains that the 3 precogs don t invariably agree on their visions of the future; once this happens, the one that deviates the foremost from the others generally is unnoticed. so as to ascertain his innocence, Anderton should confirm whether or not this minority report exists and, if so, get onto for himself. Anderton is at a loss on that of the precogs would generate a minority report and Hineman tells him its the most talented of the three:
  • 14. Maturity Through Hope And Failure In A P And John... Maturity Through Hope and Failure Coming of age is a chapter that every individual must eventually trek through in order to grow and mature into one s own self. In John Updike s A P and James Joyce s Araby, the theme of growth permeates throughout the narrative as their respective protagonists initially struggle to understand the world from a naive perspective, only to shed their ignorant fantasies about? and truly understand the cruelty of the world they live in. Dismissing the pragmatic aspects of life can lead to the downfall of a person s ideals, and they inevitably and eventually come to the realization that their dreams are impractical, and even impossible. This forces them to grow up and understand that their childish hopes are worthless in the face of life s truths and facts, which largely ignores one s hopes. Growth requires the dichotomy of hope and failure; together they allow one to have an epiphany and realize that something, whether it be an action or an idea is amiss and then, with newfound knowledge, they may reflect and adapt. The young often make hopeful wishes that can never be realized due to the lack of experience that acts as a reality check. In James Joyce s Araby, the narrator depicts a life of observing his crush, Mangan s sister, and fantasizing her attention. One day his wish is granted as she finally shares a conversation with him about the bazaar in Araby and how she unfortunately cannot go. The protagonist takes the opportunity to potentially impress Mangan s sister as the text depicts, If I go, I said, I will bring you something. What innumerable follies laid waste my waking and sleeping thoughts after that evening! I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days (Joyce 2). The brief encounter brings hope and excitement to the character, that perhaps by bringing his crush a gift from Araby, his feelings may be realized and she may share a mutual affection for him. Instead, as the story goes on, the boy arrives in Araby after overcoming obstacles like his apathetic uncle and the work of school only to arrive in Araby during its closing time. After witnessing the store clerk s lack of interest he decides not to buy anything and then, upon his failure, he realizes how
  • 15. The Magician s Nephew Essay The Magician s Nephew is the sixth book in the famous Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. This 202 page book describes the adventure of two children, Polly Plummer and Digory Kirke who are tricked into an experiment by Digory s magician Uncle Andrew. Uncle Andrew can be described as a very thin, tall man, with a pointed nose and gray hair who claims that he inherited a box of magical dust from his godmother, which he states was one of the last mortals who had fairy blood. Uncle Andrew spent his life trying to learn the secrets of this magical dust. Eventually, he decides that it is from another world, and believes that using the dust to make rings will allow people to transport to other worlds. Digory and Polly become entangled in Uncle
  • 16. Spiritual Food of the Baroque Period The baroque period brought forth the most ornamented art of all time. The musical field grew parallel to the fields of painting and sculpture, all three categories experienced a dramatic increase in interest. Consequentially, the sudden flow of finances allowed the musicians to examine, modify, and renew their standards and methods. Baroque musicquickly developed into a very individual style. During the nearly one hundred and fifty years that the Baroque period lasted the basic style did not change, in fact it was simple built upon. Francis Schaeffer advises us that the arts are ways to understand the society and politics of the past, given the distinct correlation between the art world and musicworld we can tell that the Baroque period was a time of peaceful renovation. The driving ideology of Baroque music was the need to communicate. Baroque music has many characteristics that set it apart. Early baroque music uses extreme instrument contrast to create a dramatic emotional climax. Later musicians developed a method of succinctly building a climax. The other noticeable difference is the key instruments are tuned to. The quality of instruments has significantly increased since the Baroque period, to mimic the original sound of baroque pieces orchestras often tune their instruments down about half a key. Melody and harmony were emphasized across the board instead of in individual genres. Another key characteristic was the attitude of the composers, in desperation to
  • 17. China s Growth And Its Impact On The United States For the past century, Chinese society has felt a compulsive desire to develop at breakneck speeds. In pursuing development, China s primary goal has been to display its sophistication to the world, rather than to directly aid the welfare of its citizens. Following this hierarchy of objectives, China has continued to relentlessly modernize despite enormous negative consequences; the development powered through famine during the Great Leap Forward, violence during the Cultural Revolution, and economic dislocation during liberalization, accepting negative consequences as bearable burdens on the path to global renown. Ignoring these issues, Chinahas proven itself more responsive to international views of modernity than to immediate national ... Show more content on ... Physical calls for a solution accompanied Lu Xun s literary complaint. Students took to the streets during the May 4th movement, a popular effort to right the course of Chinese society. The movement was an attempt to redefine China s culture as a valid part of the modern world. The protestors proposed great societal changes in order to achieve modernization, urging citizens to attack against reactionary or irrelevant old ways, cultivate interest in Western art and culture, and develop a sophisticated awareness of the achievements of Western science. While the reform suggestions varied, they shared a central patriotic ground: they wished for a rejuvenated, unified China. Thus, the protestors requested that China to strive to fulfill Western ideals for what makes a state modern. This desire informed the next century of Chinese decision making: More spiritual victories were intolerable, as the Chinese demanded that their country prove its by developing at all costs. Leaders therefore, became primarily concerned with projecting an image of
  • 18. Case Analysis Of Zostel 1. Operations: Managing Costs Figure 3: Per Bed cost breakdown of Zostel The figure reinstates the fact that Zostel s business is a capital intensive one with major investments required upfront for installation, maintenance and renovation of hostels. These include bedding and Linen costs, repair and painting and installation of basic amenities. This is an investment that needs to be done upfront without any income as yet. The average payback period for any hostel is about 7 months which means that the company has to bear the investment for that time. Zostel can possibly enter into strategic alliances with firms to mitigate these costs. For Eg. Partnering with Sleepwell for all Bedding, Bombay Dyeing for all Linen or Asian Paints for painting ... Show more content on ... The experience is not only based to the stay but also the atmosphere that is created. Again, this is a space that is yet to be explored and Zostel can make some very intelligent alliances here. The motive for the partnership here is not monetary gains but the bigger picture of establishing a reliable brand that people associate with along with customer satisfaction leading to increasing return frequency. For Eg. An alliance with Airtel of setting up free Wifi space and giving them exclusive international calling rights in return(considering more than 50% foreign tourists) or with MTV for a permanent music jukebox could be done. Other interesting ventures could be getting in touch with Nestle for complimentary Maggi,Cafe Coffee Day for setting up Coffee vending machines or Coca Cola as the sole drinks partner. The partnering companies will more than happy to associate given the large target audience they are getting as well constant sources of incomes within Zostel hotels. Also, a partnership with such large brands will provide Zostel with much needed credibility and reliability in front of prospective customers and can go a large way in removing the stigma against backpacker culture in
  • 19. A Report On The Metro Railproject Introduction:The metro railproject is a much talked development project in the country now a days. After the Padma bridge project it is the most talked and most expensive development project of the country.The project has been undertaken by the government of Bangladesh to reduce the massive traffic jam and to make easy the transportation system within the Dhakacity. Dhaka is the one of the most populated mega city of the world. To provide a better transport facility to its citizen Dhaka has not that much good transport system to carry the passengers within the city. To ensure the improved, faster, comfortable and time bound transport system in the Dhaka the government of Bangladesh has undertaken the metro rail project. Overview: The metro rail project which is much known as Dhaka metro was approved by executive committee of national economic council (ECNEC) in 2012. An act relating to metro rail was passed in the cabinet in April 2014 (The daily star, 2014). It is a joint venture of GoB, JICA ADB. Approximate cost of 22 thousand crore taka will be needed for this project. The route will be 20.1 km long from uttara tp motijheel. There will be 52 overhead station in different places in the route. 56 trains will be in service by 2019. Each train will contain three coaches. More than 60000 thousands of passengers can get services per hour. Each train has capacity of 1800 passengers to carry. Each passengers can get the services by using a smart card which will be issued by
  • 20. 1950 s Happy Days Essay Reed Mueller p. 4a 5 1 12 The 1950 s (Happy Days) The 1950 s were called the Happy Days for multiple reasons. We were finished with a huge war, and our economy was booming. Social, political and economic policies were popping up everywhere. Many things define why the 1950 s were the Happy Days in the U.S. Whether it was the end of the Korean War for the U.S. or the economic boom that helped define what we call the American Dream the 1950 s were great times for America. During the 1950 many public and social booms happened. For instance the Baby Boom was huge in the 1950 s. In 1957 it was estimated that 1 baby was born every 7 seconds. (Silverman 1) Also suburban living was expanding and becoming very common. Starting in... Show more content on ... And with these new things brought new jobs, more money being made, the economy was growing, and that s only a small portion of what some things affected. Some of the things that changed the 50 s were hit movies such as: Superman and The Lone Ranger.(4) Aside from that a huge hit was Walt Disney s creation of Disneyland which was opened up in 1955.(4) Teen culture was sparked by the new sound of Rock N Roll , and a huge icon in that genre was the hip swinging Elvis Presley.(Silverman 5) Teen culture in the 1950 s took off with the introduction of Rock N Roll . An estimated 13 million teens spent $7 billion in 1956.(5) Teens felt free to do whatever they wanted, but that was not totally true. There were many common rules for the teen society in the 1950 s. Some of the rules were: Obey authority, control your emotions, and don t even think about sexual intercourse.(Silverman 6) Religion in the 1950 s was pretty big too. It was said that it was un American to be un religious.(6) It was also a time for the apex of Biblical Epics such as: The Robe, The Ten Commandments, and Ben Hur, all coming out from 1953 1959.(6) Church membership nearly doubled from 1940 1960.(6) Many religions were against communism. But what American isn t against communism? Along with the coming out of hit television shows, movies, and music, technology was advancing a lot too. In 1951, the first IBM Mainframe Computer was built.(Silverman 7) Shortly after
  • 21. Telstra Agency Problem The agency problems or conflicts are continuously happening between the principal and the agent. It particularly arises when an interest conflict occurs between the principal and the agent. In terms of finance, there are two core agency relationships; managers and stockholders and managers and creditors. To balance the interests and satisfactions between managers and stockholders which helps firm to improve performance, there are a variety of different measures have been generated and implemented by Telstra in order to optimize the bond and monitoring costs. Bonding Costs Telstra s remuneration policy aims to achieve high level performance, reinforce the company s value and culture and motivate and retain highly skilled people. ... Show more content on ... To be specific, the two performance measures demonstrated by Telstra in the FY13 LTI Plan are RTSR which account for 50 percent related to share price performance and RCF RIO which also stand for 50 percent relevant to the investment. It may help executives to consider investment for higher return rather than achieving higher customer satisfaction (Telstra Annual Report, 2013. P. 51). However, the majority of large or small enterprises operate business successfully with building strategy and programs based on customers demands. For example, the mobile manufacturers set wireless and 3G option for smart phones as customers expect to access the internet more conveniently. Thus, understanding the expectations of customer effectively prevents company from losing market share. In terms of long term incentives, Telstra only offers share bonus for executives that can potentially inducing executives to focus on short term benefits particularly for those are under contract (Telstra Annual Report, 2013. P. 51). On the contrary, cash rewarding may motivate executives more effectively. However, it can brings some potential risks for company if executives decide to participate in high level risk programs to acquire short term benefits which will finally damage company s long term value. Moreover,
  • 22. Examples Of Pathetic Fallacy In Whale Rider Good Morning Year 8, I am Niki Caro and I have been asked to come in and talk about my movie Whale Rider . Whale Rider is a culturally significant movie showing the power of one 12 year old girl, Pai. Pai lives in a patriarchal society meaning only the first born male is allowed to become chief. This tradition is broken when the next chief in line dies at birth but his twin sister Pai survives. Pai believes in her self and try s to persuade her traditional grandfather into becoming chief. Paikea is rehearsing a chant along the road. Later on that night she is to be performing it in Whare Whakairo. I decided to put Paikea practicing her chant on the road as it shows a cultural significance to her ancestors, the whales. Paikea is on a journey to Whare Whakairo and her ancestor the Whale Rider, also named Paikea, was on a journey from Hawaiki to a new land. ... Show more content on ... This is starting with Paikea on the whale and zooming out to show the setting of Whare Whakairo and the gloomy clouds above. This can be considered a pathetic fallacy. A pathetic fallacy usually symbolizes that something bad is going to happen soon. The dark gloomy clouds and sky are dark and when we see dark images it usually signifies something weird or scary will happen. In this case we have Paikea singing the Haka she was practicing on the road and along comes Hemi. Hemi is behind the whale and a misfortune happens. Mostly everyone in the crowd starts to laugh. However Pai and Koro show that they are responsible and don t. Koro taps his walking stick on the ground to get everyone s attention so Pai can continue. The connection between Koro and Pai is very strong here as we can see that both Pai and Koro are leadership
  • 23. Essay On Civil Rights And Civil Liberties Introduction Our Founding Founders established the federal government with three distinct branches, each with powers over the other in order to have a proper checks and balances to ensure fairness across the board. The U.S. Constitution outlines the powers and responsibilities of the three branches of government and is a critical document for the federal government. Important laws and documents such as The Bill of Rights, The US Civil Rights Act and The Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) are managed by our Constitution. Below we will discuss three subjects which set up a diverse broad range of viewpoints that are essential in our democracy. Civil liberties/rights Civil rights and civil liberties have been constantly changing and growing as our country moves forward with its ever changing society. Civil liberties are about ... Show more content on ... The sequestration that the Obama administration proposed would leave America with the smallest ground force it has ever seen since 1940s, the smallest number of ships since 1915, and the smallest Air Force in history. The Republican Party adamantly opposed the impending defense spending cuts, stating that they were severe and that it would be a disaster to our national security, a decline of our nation s defense industrial base, and would result in the layoff of more than 1 million skilled workers. Public opinion on the military budget has been divided for years. Surveys have previously shown a large number of Americans believing the nation spends too much on the military, others seem to be happy with the current levels of military spending and a small number saying they think the government spends too little. Now that spending has been cut, the public is more divided on the issue than it has been in decades. This makes the issue of military spending a particularly hot button issue for the newly elected Republican
  • 24. The Design and Implementation of an E-Commerce Site for... TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................ 1 3. PROJECT DESIGN...................................................................................................... 3 3.1 DATA M ODEL ............................................................................................................ 4 3.1.1 Database Design................................................................................................ 6 3.2. PROCESS M ODEL ................................................................................................... 10 ... Show more content on ... 4 FIGURE 2 FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION DIAGRAM........................................................... 11 FIGURE 3 CUSTOMER BROWSE CONTEXT DFD................................................................ 13 FIGURE 4 CUSTOMER BROWSE DETAILED DFD............................................................... 13 FIGURE 5 CUSTOMER SHOPPING CART CONTEXT DFD ................................................... 14 FIGURE 6 CUSTOMER SHOPPING CART DETAILED DFD................................................... 14 FIGURE 7 CUSTOMER SHOPPING CART DETAILED DFD................................................... 15 FIGURE 8 CUSTOMER SHOPPING CART DETAILED DFD................................................... 15 FIGURE 9 CUSTOMER AUTHENTICATION USERPROFILE DFD....................................... 16 FIGURE 10 AUTHENTICATED USER PURCHASE CONTEXT DFD ......................................... 16 FIGURE 11 CUSTOMER AUTHENTICATION PURCHASE DFD ........................................... 17 FIGURE 12 CUSTOMER NEW USERREGISTRATION DFD ................................................... 18 FIGURE 13 ADMINSTRATOR CONTEXT DFD ...................................................................... 18 FIGURE 14 ADMINISTRATOR DETAILED DFD .................................................................... 18 FIGURE 15 M ENU ............................................................................................................... 19 FIGURE
  • 25. Essay on Exploring Death in Death in Venice Exploring Death in Death in Venice Death in Venice by Thomas Mann, is a story that deals with mortality on many different levels. There is the obvious physical death by cholera, and the cyclical death in nature: in the beginning it is spring and in the end, autumn. We see a kind of death of the ego in Gustav Aschenbach s dreams. Venice itself is a personificationof death, and death is seen as the leitmotif in musical terms. It is also reflected in the idea of the traveler coming to the end of a long fatiguing journey. It must also be noted there are no women in the story with prominent roles. The hero s wife is long dead and his daughter has been married and gone for many years. Any women in the story are merely in ... Show more content on ... 9, 14). It is ironic that Aschenbach, who had written his book The Abject as a rebuke to the excess of a psychology ridden age (13) succumbs to an egoless state, not only in the last grotesque dream, but directly after it in his conscious mind as well. From this point on, Gustav becomes totally shameless. (We have seen this theme of loss of shame as being a kind of death, and actually leading to literal death as well, in Salman Rushdie s Shame.) Mann s use of Venice as a backdrop is critical. Venice, an ancient city, inexorably sinking beneath the water, a forbidden spot (38) with stagnant lagoons (28) the fallen queen of the sea (36). Venice, with a faintly rotten scent (37) half fairy tale, half snare (55) that hid sickness for love of gain . . . (56). The city that had a disreputable secret [like] his own (57). In musical terms, death is the leitmotif, the theme keeps reappearing: heard in the overture (the first stranger Aschenbach sees in Munich), continually sounded in the Venetian passages (more odd men), swelling to a crescendo of hysterical laughter and swirling pipes of Pan, and, in the
  • 26. The Sun Accounts For The Earth s Energy The Sun accounts for the entirety of Earth s energy. While the sun is the driving force of all living organisms on Earth, this energy must be balanced in order for the Earth to maintain a constant global temperature. The Earth distributes this energy through oceanic and atmospheric circulation. This distribution of energy determines the location of biomes throughout the world. These two circulation processes also affect air pressure gradients in tropical parts of the world. They are also responsible for weather phenomenon s like El NiГ±o. As shortwave radiation from the sun reaches the Earth, about eighteen percent of this radiation is absorbed into the atmosphere. The remaining energy is reflected back or absorbed by the Earth. This reflection is known as albedo. Objects with a higher reflectivity have a higher albedo and vice versa. Similar to the sun, the Earth and its atmosphere also emit radiation. Because the Earth is much cooler than the sun, this radiation is in the form of longwave radiation (Nature of Radiation Lecture). Although, not all of this radiation exits the Earth s atmosphere, some of this radiation is absorbed back into the Earth. This is known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gasses absorb radiation. This radiation is emitted by greenhouse gasses and absorbed into the Earth, which in turn, heats up the surface of the Earth. By increasing the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, the temperature will continue to rise. In the polar regions of
  • 27. The Zombie Virus Humans a marvelous specie, capable of transforming their environment to suit them; turning deserts to urban paradise, vast empty plots into homesteads, our building reach the skies, roads connect us, hunger is a thing of the past. Nevertheless, what if a deadly virus happens to afflict the United States, what if the virus turned humans into undead hungry abominations? For instance, the first problem as with any disease is the velocity at which it spreads; unlike the flu virus that silently infects thousands, causing relatively minor fear, a zombie virus spreads to millions in a matter of days provoking havoc and disruption wherever it goes. Where areas the flu presents symptoms as fever, cough and general body discomfort, the zombie virus acts as a degenerative disease rotting away the brain cell by cell the human count drops as the zombie one rises. During the first hours of the breakout, authorities will suggest to stay home and to avoid coming out, nevertheless, the survival instinct of most, ... Show more content on ... Questions such as when does someone is consider death? Divide people among themselves, resulting in imminent conflicts. Therefore, what if the zombie apocalypse happens tomorrow? Human nature is such that in the face of total annihilation, resort to looting, hoarding, and mutual destruction to survive. The flimsy thread of society called morals ends up disintegrating, selfishness and the importance of the I oversee the importance of the We , and at the end of the day humans are like rats on a sinking
  • 28. Metis Research Paper The Metis, and first nation s peoples are very well known in Canada for being the first on lots of Canadian land of today; more well known was Rupert s land that they lived on for many years then changed to Manitoba. They live in Manitoba still, then moved to Saskatchewan, and to Alberta also. The Metis are the offspring of French Canadian fur traders and native women. A mixture of European and indigenous ancestry They brought together a proud culture of both people they descended from, even though through hardships the Metis still remained, and became one of the greatest living cultures in Canadian history. The Metis are a well established culture brought together in the process of being kicked out of their own culture and the French Canadian ... Show more content on ... Also they used Red River carts to get around. Most well known clothing for first nations and Metis were moccasins. For the Metis it was a distinctive red sash also. They were devout catholic. Furthermore lots of the time the Metis loved to get together for Jigs and step dancing. Their language is a mixture of French and Cree. For food the Metis ate bannock, fried bread, Metis soup, meatballs, and meat pie. Sadly there came to be a time when the Metis didn t have enough food. So the government started giving the Metis food rations. The Metis disliked this very much. Some of the most historical names in history for the Metis and first nations are Louis Riel, Will Jackson, Louis Gooley, Gabriel Dumont, Blackbear, Crowfoot, and many others. These men proved that the Metis, and first nations will fight for what they believe in, all they wanted in common was for Canada to make the Metis citizens of Canada, or leave them alone with their land because they had lived on it for thousands of years until Canadians intruded. Prime minister John A Macdonald misread and ignored what the Metis had to say. This was a mistake never to be taken back. In turn both sides the Metis ,and Canada lost many men because of prejudism towards the Metis and first
  • 29. The Legacy Of Nelson Mandela Imagine being systematically oppressed from the moment you exited the womb. All your civil rights, based on the amount of melanin in your skin. Drinking from the wrong water fountain, could even get you thrown into jail. Coincidently; this was the life, of black South Africans from the moment of Dutch colonization in 1652, to the first true democratic election in 1994. Apartheid, meaning separateness in Afrikaans; was legal segregation enforced by The National Party (NP) from 1948 to 1994. It legally imposed preexisting policies of racial discrimination on the Majority of the South African population. The entire basis of the racist policies, was the darker your complexion the less legal rights you had. Presumably this injustice, could have continued much longer if it weren t for all involved in the fight against the NP, however the man who arguably contributed the most, was Nelson Mandela. He ended an apartheid, with both his philanthropy and political prowess. He united a nation that used to be segregated; which seemed a daunting task at the time, but through the sweat and bloodshed he achieved the impossible. This alone exhibited his heroic characteristics, but to be more precise: both his actions and inactions lead to his success. Furthermore, Mandela was both a strong leader and forgiving at the same time. Being in the forefront of the abolishment movement, was an extremely risky move during the apartheid. He risked his life for what he believed in, and this personal
  • 30. Cub A Destination Page Build Out Cuba TravelStore Destination Page Build Out TRIPS TO CUBA ARE BECOMING EASIER FOR AMERICANS BY AIR, LAND AND SEA. With a fascinating culture and music scene, Caribbean s largest island, Cuba, offers a glimpse into another world that s remote, yet lies just 90 miles off the U.S. coast. While Americans visiting Cuba still need to travel with a properly licensed operator, it s getting easier as more tour operators and cruise lines develop trips that enable you to visit this unique and fascinating destination. Cuba tours are designed to engage you to experience its flavors, soul and music. A trip to Cuba offers limited hotel options, and none presently in the luxury category. At the same time, Cuba is bound to lose some of its uniqueness once diplomatic relations normalize fully and travel restrictions and the trade embargo are completely lifted. We offer several opportunities to visit Cuba, with luxury as well as more moderate travel companies. Contact us to arrange your Cuba trip, or consider having a social impact on a Fathom cruise vacation. Things To Do and See in Cuba The food, the music, the cigars, the tropical beaches, the classic cars, what s not to love about the potential Cuban vacation, other than the political hoops involved in visiting from the United States. Well, with all of that possibly coming to an end in the near future, now is the time to start putting together your Cuba vacation itinerary, so that you re ready to go once the restrictions are
  • 31. Essay On Proton Sales and Distribution Recently, Proton is strengthening their domestic sales and service network to improve their customer service and also market share. Besides that, Proton also launched a Customer Management Centre which called Proton I. Care . It is to let customer to contact Proton Edar for any product and also service enquiries as well as 24 hours emergency breakdown assists. International expansions has also been planted and distributed to overseas countries such as Middle East countries, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and lastly Indonesia. Strength Proton is now a market leader in the domestic market which make up to 70% of the market share of car sales in Malaysia. Proton recently has also developed their own engine, own ... Show more content on ... Their economics recently is growing faster because they had opened their market to foreign company, so China is now a big market for Proton especially Proton Iriz. It is because Proton Iriz is affordable to all the people in China although Proton is counted as an imported car in China. Besides that, demand for car is recently increasing in developing countries especially those Asia countries. It is because owning a car has become a necessity and it is also represented the modern lifestyle. High marriage rate in ASEAN region has caused many new families are seeking for cars for their daily use, and this situation has caused the increase demands of car. More and more efficient car buy using new technology such as hybrid car, biodiesel and using hydrogen as alternative fuels has successfully created a new demand in automobile industries. Liberalisation with Europa and United State and the implementation of AFTA had created a new market segment internationally to be
  • 32. The Case Of Brinegar V. United States 1.Probable cause is a set of facts surrounding a specific circumstances that leads a reasonable person to believe an individual is committing, has committed or is about to commit a crime. Probable cause is required in the instances of an arrest, search and seizure and the issuance of a warrant. To ESTABILISH reasonable cause the officer can use any trustworthy information. For example the office could use his/her experience, informant information, first hand observations or knowledge, victim reports, anonymous tips, or hearsay. In the case of Brinegar v. United States, the petitioner claimed that the arresting officer violated his 4th amendment rights and illegally search his car. In the search and siezure the officer found that the petitioner was transporting intoxicating liquor into Oaklahoma, which is a direct violation of law. The courts found that the arresting office had arrested the petitioner on the same violation several months earlier and this was enough reasonable cause to conduct the search ans seizure. Reasonable suspicion is different from probable cause as reasonable suspicion allows an officer to temporarily detain a person if the officer suspects the person of committing a crime, previously committed a crime, or is about to commit a crime. This will allow the officer the time to conduct an investigation that may allow him /her to find the facts that are required to arrest per probable cause. Therefore, reasonable suspicion is thought of to be a hunch
  • 33. The Values Of Sense And Sensibility By Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility by: Jane Austen Intoduction: Sense and Sensibility was first published in 1811, by Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility represents the neoclassical, dualistic moral world where values and exclusion values will ultimately be successful in a painful, romantic feeling. Not only that, he was making serious cynicisms of society s eighteenth centuries in which the aristocrats were praised and indirectly influencing young people s minds, not the love of love but to betray it just for Wealth. In the novel, Lucy and Willoughby symbolize this kind of people of society Summary: When Mr. died Henry Dashwood, leaving all his money on the son of his first wife John Dashwood, his second wife and his three daughters left behind ... Show more content on ... Austen is very concerned about the social environment of his characters, and his settings clearly reflect this concern. Barton is the countryside, and our main characters live in the shadow of landed gentry (the Middletons at Barton Park). It is notable that Elinor and Marianne are always out of people moving back between London and Devonshire themselves are not well, and they depend on rich connections to stay in social loop Of moderate to high societies. The particular Austen moment in history is an interesting one. His novels are fascinated by the unique and unusual interaction between people of different social levels a new development in England at that time. His books are firmly planted in the bourgeoisie, a class that is up and up while he writes. None of his characters in Sense and Sensibility are firmly planted in the upper echelons of high society; Even the richiest are not included in noble social circles. Instead, the spaces where Dashwoods are in the middle of the class (and believe us, there are a million different levels of middle class running on it). His books are firmly planted in the bourgeoisie, a class that is up and up while he writes. None of his characters in Sense and Sensibility are firmly planted in the upper echelons of high society; Even the richiest are not included in noble social circles. Instead, the spaces where Dashwoods are in the middle of the class (and believe us, there are a million different levels of middle class running on it). His books are firmly planted in the bourgeoisie, a class that is up and up while he writes. None of his characters in Sense and Sensibility are firmly planted in the upper echelons of high society; Even the richiest are not included in noble social circles. Instead, the spaces where Dashwoods are in the middle of the class (and believe us, there are a million different levels of middle class running
  • 34. Environmental Crisis Environmental Crisis We Have An Environmental Crisis Because We Have A People Crisis A Crisis of Population Growth, of Wasteful Consumption of Resources, and A Crisis of Apathy and Inaction. An environmental crisis is an emergency concerned with the place in which every human lives the environment. A people crisis is an emergency with the community that inhabits the world environment. A crisis of populationgrowth is a turning point where the environment can no longer sustain the amounts of people which it contains. A crisis of apathy and inaction is one where the human race cannot be motivated to solve the problems with the environment that they themselves have created. The claim that we have an environmental crisis because we ... Show more content on ... Exhortations, campaigns, financial and material incentives, and numerous other sanctions were used to implement the policies. All these efforts were, at first, to redirect young couples to have fewer offspring and, later, to heed the one child per couple, or minimal reproduction, policy. The purpose of this call for minimal reproduction was to keep the population from exceeding 1.2 billion by the year 2000. The scheme has proved problematic inside the country and controversial abroad for practical, political, ethical, and religious reasons. The massive gain in population in recent decades has intensified old difficulties in the country s effort to raise living standards, and has ignited new economic, environmental, and social concerns within the nation s borders. The major issues range from China s population carrying capacity, unemployment and underemployment in the countryside, surging urbanisation, and spreading air and water pollution to mass illiteracy and education in relation to development. SDI itself has added such new concerns as the effect of son preference on female infanticide and the sex ratio, the impact of a fast fertility reduction on population aging, and the implications of exempting the country s 55 minority groups from the nation s fertility control measures. The global significance of China s demographics is likewise enormous. Whatever the size of China s population is at the dawn of the 21st century it is certain to account for
  • 35. A Multi Agent Cross Platform Modelingand- NetLogo: Where We Are, Where We re Going Paulo Blikstein, Dor Abrahamson, and Uri Wilensky ABSTRACT NetLogo [3], a multi agent cross platform modelingand simulation environment, has been enhanced with new capabilities. We explain selected simulations from our Models Library and describe recent enhancements (e.g., 3D) and demonstrate extensions (e.g., music). We focus on H u b N e t [5], a technological infrastructure for facilitating participatory simulations [6], run these activities with participants, and discuss learning experiences afforded by these activities. INTRODUCTION NetLogo [3] is a multi agent programming and modeling environment for simulating complex phenomena. It is designed for both research and education and is used across a wide range of disciplines (e.g., Figure 1, across) and education levels. NetLogo NetLogo s low threshold, high ceiling design philosophy is inherited from Logo [1]. NetLogo is simple enough that students and teachers can easily design and run simulations, and advanced enough to serve as a powerful tool for researchers in many disciplines. Novices will find an easy to learn, intuitive, and well documented programming language (see Figure 2, across) with an elegant graphical interface. Researchers can take advantage of NetLogo s advanced features, such as BehaviorSpace that runs automated experiments, 3D visualization, user extensibility, a System Dynamics Modeler that enables mixing agent based and aggregate representations, and
  • 36. The Republic Of Nature Analysis Significance of Environmental History in AmericaВґs Past The environment effected and continues to effect human culture and history. Thus, one cannot fully understand American history without exploring the immense role of nature in it. In the novel The Republic of Nature the author, Mark Fiege, utilizes environmental context to form new connections between previously thought to be unrelated historical events. Fiege chooses significant occurrences in America s past and then with the incorporation of nature, he reintroduced the events, providing fresh and innovative perspective, insightful explanations and provocative conclusions. Mark FiegeВґs ultimate goal is to impact how the reader perceives the role of environment in history. Through further... Show more content on ... Without recognizing nature s role in the War, a reader cannot fully understand one of the most crucial events in American history,ВЁ determined Americans had the greatest freedom to claim parts of nature essential to survival, the accumulation of wealth, and the exercise of power. It determined who has the most control over material property, gently land, but more precisely soil, minerals, plants and animals; who has the right to dominate other human bodies and the products of their labor; and who governed, perhaps the most important means by which citizens sorted out who had access to the biophysical world,ВЁ (Fiege 175). Initially Confederacy had more environmental advantages such as the Appalachian Mountains which served as a natural barrier to the military attack, unmapped roads that confused their enemy, source of nitrate which was used to produce gunpowder and a lot of swine. However, South lacked advanced railroads systems, thus depended on horses and mules for transportation. The Union, which dedicated all efforts, funds and energy to defeat the South effectively blocked their food supplies which caused a lot of challenges for the Confederacy. Salt shortages left the livestock defenseless against the diseases, decreased leather availability which resulted in soldiers battling barefoot and lastly
  • 37. Essay On Cupid Cupid, being known for love, has greatly influenced today s society even with his questionable background. In ancient Greece, he originated from Aphrodite. Cupid s other name was Eros. In Roman times, his name is Cupid and his mother was Venus. His purpose was to to pierce the heart of his victims and causing them fall deeply in love. The most known stories that he was involved in was Apollo and Daphneand Cupidand Psyche. Apollo was shot by Cupid and fell in love with Daphne. Daphne couldn t stand being bombarded by Apollo. The moral of the story is pride in victory sets one up for defeat; in fact the moral of Cupid and Psyche story is love cannot thrive where there isn t trust. The resolution to his story is he marries Psyche. Venus supports their love. For Apollo and Daphne, Daphne is now the reason why we have the Laurel Tree. The differences between Cupid s original story and most modern story is when the stories were first created, they had different fact told and included. Now that the story has been passed down in time, it has been modified to certain likings. An example from the source states, ...Distraught, Psyche goes in search of her husband, traveling for many days, until she comes to the temple of Ceres, the motherly goddess of grain. (The Ancient Fairy Taleof Cupid and Psyche, where love... Show more content on ... His stories were repurposed by the Romans. This is what transformed Eros into Cupid. Latin Literature explains his relationship with his mother, Venus. But he is mostly identified as the offspring of Mars and Venus, the god and goddess of love and war. The Renaissance period is what really depicted Cupid to be a chubby baby with a bow and arrows. The lead arrows were forgotten as well as Cupid being a grown man. In the 1900s, the modern mythology of being shot and falling passionately in love with the next person you seen took place. Traditionally he took place on Valentine s Day cards and being the
  • 38. Pros And Cons Of Hillary Trump Donald Trump cannot be the next President of the United States, Hillary has to be. His economic agenda, dangerous rhetoric, sexist remarks, hateful attitude towards Muslims and Mexicans, denial about climate change, and his inability to address the issues the LGBTQ community faces are several reasons he is unfit to be considered the leader of the country. Trump has also been involved in a huge amount of state and federal lawsuits. Hillary has been involved in lawsuits herself, handled situations poorly and has made judgement calls that have been questionable, but these cons are outweighed by Trump s cons immensely. Trump s shady past reveals a selfish man who has partaken in actions Americans would all come together and agree are inexcusable... Show more content on ... He just recently asked why the US makes nuclear weapons if they are not going to use them. His lack of knowledge is what leads to this dangerous rhetoric. He genuinely believes that a larger percentage of Muslims and/or refugees are likely to be terrorists than the actual percentage. He has gone as far to say that Mexicans are criminals and rapists and that all of the illegal ones will get deported, and he s also proposed a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the country. Trump faced a lot of backlash for the temporary ban and has since said it was just a suggestion. This lack of empathy and understanding of other cultures alone makes Trump unfit to be commander in chief, but the hatefulness in his words is just uncalled for. Funny enough, if all illegal immigrants were deported, the economy would actually be hurt as well. As much as people should come into the country legally, a lot of the illegal immigrants work very tough hours and for very little money. If they were to all be deported, no one would be working those odd, tough, unfair jobs, especially not the white people who complain about the Mexicans taking jobs. So, although illegal immigration is not something to support, putting forth policy that makes it easier for these people of Mexican heritage to become legal citizens should be something to support, and that is exactly what Obama has been working towards and what Hillary plans to continue to work
  • 39. Cultural Plunge Cultural Plunge at an Asian Market As I contemplated on what my cultural plunge was going to be, it made me realize that I am lucky to say that I have been exposed and acquainted with maybe more than the usual. My ex husband is Middle Eastern, I am Mexican, and I have homo sexual friends, and have and had friends that are African American, Caucasian, Japanese, Filipino, Jewish, and Korean. I finally chose to explore more of the Asian culture because although I have friends that are Asian I liked to know more about their culture. Being that I love to cook, I decided to go to an Asian market. As I searched the internet for suggestions on where to go, I found 99 Ranch Market to have the highest ratings. 99 Ranch Market is an Asian ... Show more content on ... Although not sold in its original form at our common grocery stores, we normally see the flavor being used in teas and smoothies. Then there was the mangosteen. It is another purple fruit. It is creamy and citrusy with a hint of peach. Second to last is the Lychee. This is a common Asian fruit that is small and white in the inside and has a grape like texture when eaten. Lastly was the Durian, sadly the worst one of them. It has hard spiky husk that needed to be cracked opened. I was warned about this one but didn t think it was going to be as bad as it was. It smelled like skunk spray/ sewage. I tried to taste it but didn t. We immediately threw it away. The smell was horrible. A lady who I spoke to at the store prior to buying the fruit just told me that it was an acquired taste and smell, but I didn t expect what we experienced. Nonetheless, I enjoyed going through and tasting each fruit. It definitely was an experience and an eye opener to the different types of fruit out there besides your usual bananas, strawberries, and oranges. Ultimately I have to say that I enjoyed this overall experience. It has opened up my eyes to many different cultures and definitely different way of eating. Since my visit, I have bought and Asian inspired cook book and plan to make a few dishes with ingredients that are only found at Asian markets. Oh and next time I decided to go; I ll make sure not to take my big
  • 40. Feminism One Of The Biggest Topics Today And Is Defined Feminism one of the biggest topics today and is defined as the public support of the rights of women on the basis of equality of the sexes. In fact, the main reason feminism is such a popular topic is because of how men were treated as the dominant gender . Back then, women were given specific roles by society to be housewives and only cook and take care of the children. The idea of feminism, however, did slowly develop until in 1848 after their oppression, when the first Women s conference was held in Seneca Falls, America. Ever since then, the amount of feminists and feminist activities around the world have increased a great amount. Feminism has become a major subject in the media, being represented in television, music and even ... Show more content on ... However, in this situation, Josephine rejects her husband not only because of the abuse, but because she does not need a man to help her get by. Although, soon after, Serge comes back at night, more drunk and violent than before, to knock some sense into Josephine. This situation itself seems to be a setup for another one of those situations where the lady is in trouble, unable to defend herself and a knight in shining armour(who is male), comes just in time to rescue her and ensure the happy ending. However, in this situation, Josephine and Vienne manage to knock out Serge before any real damage. This sends the message that a hero is not always needed for the damsel in distress. In this situation, two heroines got the job done. In conclusion, Josephine becomes more of a feminist during her growth without her husband. With enough courage and strength to leave her husband and grow from an ill thief to happy woman making chocolate shows a sense of independence as a woman. The most focused conflict of the film Chocolat is the conflict between Vienne and the Comte. Since the Comte, played by Alfred Molina, is in control of most of the citizens of the church, this becomes more of a person vs society conflict at the beginning. From the beginning of the film after Vienne and her daughter arrive, the Comte is convinced that Vienne and her daughter, Anouk, played by Victoire Thivisol, would bring trouble to
  • 41. Billy s Father Ghost Like Presence In all the great lengthy stories of existence... it is said that there has only been one twelve hundred year old boy. His name was Billy. Forty three thousand and sixty nine years before Billy was born his father did something few people have ever ever achieved. He became a ghost. As a ghost... Billy s father was an exceptionally brilliant spook. Which is to say that he was very very shiny. Billy s father ghostlike presence was harnessed by a highly cultivated civilization to power their light bulbs. Yet despite being drained by billions upon billions of light bulbs... Billy s father still shined, ever brighter. No matter how large the civilization grew. Billy s father s mojo was the ever constant electricity. Until one day... as all days come... a five year old child with the mentality of a toddler threw a tantrum and turned the light switch in her house on and off too many times. What s a ghost to do when they die? When all their ectoplasmic juices are all used up in a swirling toilet slurping noise, leading on down into the second death. As those whom have passed beyond this barrier well know. Beyond ghostly death there is a new birth... and Billy s father was born into a new world of understanding. A new level of consciousness. Yet before Billy s father died as a ghost. He did something even more miraculous. He found his soulmate in the world of ghosts. Together they found willing living people and thru them gave birth to a child. Billy . Billy was born
  • 42. A Career As A Sound Technician Sound technicians work in a variety of different areas, from television advertisements and television panel shows to feature films and sporting events that are covered on live TV. Generally, sound technicians who work on the production side of things are responsible for checking and preparing all the sound equipment for shoots, carrying out additional practical tasks to minimise unwanted sounds on set, evaluating the acoustics of a particular studio or location, and positioning recording equipment in the right place at the right time. Furthermore, they will tweak sound levels and monitor audio signals during filming. Some sound technicians specialise in one particular area, such as boom operators. These guys operate the boom microphone, positioning it in the optimal place (where it won t go into shot!). If the boom is hand held, this can often be a physically strenuous job. These guy s precise movements are planned meticulously, and they might also position other microphones around the set to optimise sound recording.... Show more content on ... These clever people have the overall responsibility of capturing the intricacies and subtle inflections of actors or television presenters voices. They also manage the rest of the sound crew and plan all the technical recording
  • 43. Unit 39 M2 Business Unit 39; The Sound and Music Industry Assignment 3 Business Plan This business plan will go through the process of producing an album through to the launch party. This will include rehearsals, recording, mixing and mastering, marketing and, as mentioned before, the launch party. My niche is Keyboard led Pop Punk. This is unique because it is uncommon for songs in this genre to feature keyboard, let alone to use one as the lead instrument. This should appeal to both audiences who enjoy pop punk, as well as those that simply enjoy the tones produced by a keyboard. My product is a 15 minute, 4 track EP. The songs featured on this album will be original with the instrumentation being predominantly keyboard, guitar, drums and possibly ... Show more content on ... It will last for four hours and my goal is to sell as many tickets as possible, as selling every ticket would give me around ВЈ20,000, which would greatly contribute towards paying for the costs. Even without reaching this ideal, it allows for a far greater expansion in all areas of the project. The launch party will also provide some advertisement for my product, as the marketing ideas should build up enough attention for people to acknowledge my product. The launch party will also be used as an opportunity to sell merchandise, as people would associate the merchandise to the artist, and the memory of attending the live event. This is a key opportunity to sell merchandise, as it is the beginning of an artist s career, and merchandise from the beginning of an artist s career can be both a sentimental, memorable object, as well as a collectors object, and both hold values in different ways. In order to transport instruments and musicians to and from the venue, travel would cost around ВЈ200 to rent a vehicle for a weekend. This would be vital, as it is a cheap and efficient way to get everything to the live performance, and without it, there would be no live
  • 44. Maslow s Impact On Social Influences On The Chosen... Introduction In this report I m going to describe four needs of the chosen individual and explain why they are required to be addressed. I m then going to go on to describe features from two psychological theories and use them to explain aspects of the development and behaviour of the chosen individual. Next I m going to describe three sociological concepts and use them to explain the impact of social influences on the chosen individual. Then I m going to describe features of the positive care environment in three care services and explain how they could meet the needs of the chosen individual. Finally I m going to describe features of two psychological theories and use them to explain how a care worker could demonstrate positive care practice with the chosen individual. What is a need? A need is something that is essential, an obligation or requirement rather than just desirable. According to Maslow a need is five different requirements which he refers to as a hierarchy of needs and these would be self actualisation, esteem, love /belonging, safety and physiological. Needs that require to be addressed Four needs of my chosen individual Paul that require to be addressed is his social, physical, emotional and cognitive needs. Social needs is about feeling appreciated, acceptance, a self of belonging and companionship. Therefore Paul s social needs are not being met as he tragically lost his wife and kids. He lost the people he loved that were closest to him that he would
  • 45. Outline On Rosa Parks Rosa Parks More white people got on the bus.....we blacks were supposed to give up our seats to the whites. (Parks 1). Would you want to have to give up your seat or treated differently just because you have a different skin color? Rosa Parks was treated differently just because she was black. Rosa Parks was not a famous person, she was notable for what she did. She is the inspiration of many and a game changer. Parks life had many troubles. Her childhood was very tough, she was arrested in her adulthood, but she did not give up on the bus boycott. Rosa McCauley was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. Her mother had to quit teaching and her father did not live with them due to his job. Her uncle came to live with them, so it
  • 46. Louis Riel Research Paper Riel The Hero Louis Riel; one of the most important figures in Canada s history. This interesting character was born in Winnipeg, the town of St. Boniface in the red river settlement. Riel grew up with a Francophone catholic society, but he classified as a francophone Metis. In the early life of Louis Riel, he was sent off to study at the College de Montreal. 1868 was the year he returned to his hometown. Louis Riel s name is still greatly remembered to this day. Louis Riel was definitely a hero. All he wanted was equality for his people (Francophone Metis.) Because of this, Riel lead the Red River Rebellion. Soon, Riel also lead the North West Rebellion. Louis Riel cared about his people s rights, so much, he declared the Red River Rebellion, or the Red River Resistance in 1869. The Reballion was sparked by the transfer of a territory called Rupert s Land to the young country of Canada. The MГ©tis only took up a small portion of Rupert s Land, but they still feared their culture and land rights were going to be taken away while still under Canadian control. The MГ©tis people were not very happy, so the Metis announced a rebellion, (Lead by Louis Riel.) The uprising led to the creation of the province of Manitoba. The ... Show more content on ... Also, the Metis people were mad at the Canadian government because their way of life was changing drastically as a result of a shortage of bison leading to starvation. Which the government was doing nothing about. The Metis asked Louis Riel to return to Canada, as he was in Montana. When Riel returned, he sent a petition to Ottawa stating the concerns, a request for their own provincial government, and a voice in Federal Government. The Rebellion started when Riel purchased weapons, seized a church, and created a second provincial government. Louis Riel showed that he really cared for his peoples rights by doing a rebellon not once, but
  • 47. Improving The Target Market Of Panera Bread Expanding the target market of Panera Bread is a good growth opportunity for them. This can be achieved by product line (menu options) extension or by entering international market outside the American continent so as to increase their geographical coverage. In addition, Panera has an opportunity to get additional market and growth by adapting rapidly to changing market and customer preferences. They need to advertise and market themselves as a healthy option for eating out. Health oriented food or food that are low in calories, sugar, cholesterol, etc. is getting very important as people started becoming very health conscious and selective. Their effort to roll out new products with fresher ingredients such as antibiotic free chicken needs to be further expanded. Recognizing the health risks associated with transfat, Panera had completely removed all transfat from its menu by 2006. Organic food, non GMO, etc. They could increase number of their franchises. A number of markets were still available for franchise development. The have opportunity in front of them to open more outlets, both company owned and franchises. They could open within North America and mainly in areas where they are not present now, and those areas where the growth potential is good, like some of the suburban markets. Many good locations for fast casual dining options are available in many of the untapped areas. Panera has a good market opportunity outside the small urban niche where greater growth
  • 48. Battle Group Peiper Research Paper With Peiper engaged in the north, von Manteuffel s 5th Panzerarmee brought good news to the German army when they broke through the US 106th Division. The 5th army had forced 7,000 allied men to surrender the following day after breaking through. Down south, the 58th and 47th Panzer Corps each made great progress to their goals of Hoffalize and Bastogne. The US First Army HQ needed to be moved because the 6th Panzerarmee was only a few miles away. The 47th Panzer Corps reached Bastogne on December 19, however, so did the Allied forces, the 101st Airborne Division. Back north, the 30th Division was sent to reinforce the 99th division at Stavelot. The two divisions were able to separate Battle Group Peiper from the rest of the German army, with the help of air attacks, and they began to force them to retreat. By December 24, they had completely run out of fuel. The group was forced to abandon their trucks and tanks and walk back through the Ardennes Forest.... Show more content on ... Vith, forcing the US 7th Armored Division to retreat. The Allied line was broken wide open, however, General Eisenhower was quick on his feet, and put General Montgomery in charge of the area to the north of the breach, and General Bradley in command of the south of it. General Bradley, on December 21, gave General Patton the difficult task of counter attacking von Manteuffel in order to aid Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe and the 101st at Bastogne. Stuck in Bastogne for three days, the 101st was completely cut off from all Allied reinforcements. Then, German General Luttwiz offered them terms of surrender. In response to this, McAuliffe simply replied Nuts! which confused the
  • 49. Gender And Sexuality As A Category For Historical Analysis For years, many scholars have provided many discussions over the topic of gender and sexuality. However, one needs to ask themselves: Are these two topics, gender and sexuality, useful as a category for historical analysis? The articles written by both Joan W. Scott and Afsaneh Najmabadi, answer such a question. By critically examining and assessing their two article, can the usefulness of gender and sexuality as a category for historical analysis be proven. In Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis, Joan W. Scott provides many angles to explore the relevancy of gender. The first thing that needs to be examined is her argument. The main argument that Joan W. Scott is trying to make is how beneficial to history using gender as a category for analysis would turn out. Another factor that needs to be made in assessing her article is how she presents her argument and findings. Scott formats her article with a beginning, middle, and end. She begins by defining gender, and how that term has been used in general. She goes on to describe some of the theories that have analyzed gender. The next part that she explains is how, of late, politics has been coincided with the analysis of gender. Finally, she ends her paper by providing her bottom line opinion about the analysis and approach of gender. Now with the structure of her paper in mind, the next important assessment is in the sources she uses. The sources that Joan Scott utilizes in her argument are mostly
  • 50. The Negative Effects Of Peer Pressure On College Students The four short years that people spend in college can be some of the best years of their lives. Meeting new people, learning new things, and getting involved in clubs all contribute to this. Although these years can be great, they also have the ability to damage our lives forever. Many students fall victim to peer pressure, which occurs when a person or certain group of people tries to force an individual to conform to how that person or group acts. Peer pressure can affect college students physically, mentally, and socially. I feel as though this issue should be addressed much more when it comes to college life. Peer pressure is not a new occurrence that has only come to light within the last few years. It has happened since the beginning of time, whether it be within friend groups, within the workplace, or within school settings. The idea of peer pressure is already negatively viewed by many people, and rightfully so. Many people feel as though they need to fit in with a group, so they fall victim to peer pressure. This is especially true for freshman college students, who feel as though they need to do certain things and act a certain way to fit in (Palmeri [1]). These social pressures make them do things they usually did not do. The two most obvious things that students may fall into due to peer pressure is alcohol and drug use. These are two substances that are almost always causing harm to people s health. Excessive alcohol use is bad for several reasons, including
  • 51. Comparing Lang s Post-War Dystopian Novel 1984 In exploring the textual concerns of both Lang s post war German expressionist film Metropolis (1927) and Orwell s cold war dystopian novel 1984 (1949), it is apparent that their differing contexts provide starkly contrasting commentaries on the power of the human spirit to rise above oppression. The impetus for both texts reflects the immediate contextual concerns of each composer s time, where Lang s depiction of a futuristic mechanised world reflected Germany s post war climate and the incessant exploitation. However, Orwell s post atomic novel epitomised the Cold War and rise of Stalinism and the inherent indoctrination. Separated by an entire world war, both composers illustrate a dystopian future with entirely different outcomes as a... Show more content on ... Freder, the demigod s messianic son, entitled to the unbridled German decadence and hedonism in the upper echelon of society, is unaware of the social corruption and oppression in the subterranean. This reflects the overarching effects of the Treaty of Versailles, resulting in Germany s excess reparations and hyperinflation crippling the lower class. Upon descending to the depths, his eventual exhaustion on the machine represents the culmination of the exploitation as a result of the vanity of his own father. Freder s realisation of the social polarity occurs through his self sacrifice, prompting his sympathy with the dispossessed and reflecting biblical allusions and elements of Germany expressionism. The long shot of Freder and vector lines of his arms symbolise Jesus s crucifixion, and Freder s condemnation Father! Father! Will ten hours never end? indicates the contemporary form of slavery in the subterranean world driven by capitalist greed and authoritarianism. It is this exploitation that 1984 similarly presents, yet it theorises the true threat as not social instability, but its opposite stagnant social regression produced by the coupling of authoritarian politics with modern technology, in which reform and revolution are literally unthinkable. Freder s revelation of the lamentable social
  • 52. Importance Of School Dress Codes How School Dress Codes are Detrimental to Girls. In many American middle and high schools, there are rules on how you must dress. The most known of these are that boys must wear shirts and must not show their underwear, and girls must have shorts or skirts be fingertip length, not show shoulders or bra straps, and not show too much cleavage. The rules vary by school, but most of these rules are geared towards young women. College and real life do not have dress codes. Employers have dress codes so that their employees can convey to customers what the business wants them too, but dress codes in public high schools are sexist and teach young women that their education is less valuable than that of a man s. Firstly, most school dress codes are aimed at girls. According to the dress code of my alma mater, Lakota West High School, there are twelve items of clothing that are not allowed that are directed towards girls, and only 3 that are specific to boys. There are more that are unisex, but I have singled out the ones that are gender specific. Why are girls the ones who are more restricted by the dress code? Imagine you are a young man getting ready for school in the morning. If your outfit doesn t have oversized armholes, dog collars/spikes, or drug or alcohol related messages, congratulations! You re ready for school. Now, if you re a young woman getting ready for school, your outfit must not show your bra straps, have sleeves that cover your entire shoulder, and not have oversized armholes. Your shorts or skirt cannot be past your fingertips, which for some girls with long arms means wearing jeans even in 90 degree weather. Your jewelry and piercings must not be potentially harmful (it is up to the staff to dictate what is and what s not), and your hair and makeup must not disrupt the educational process. (Again, it is the job of the staff to decide what is disruptive, there are no set guidelines.) It s a lot harder to get ready for school as a girl, which just adds more stress to get ready in the morning, and gives them one other thing to worry about besides schoolwork. The reasoning I ve often heard behind makeup and not showing shoulders for girls is to not distract other students. Since most
  • 53. Infamous serial killer, John Wayne Gacy, was born on March... Infamous serial killer, John Wayne Gacy, was born on March 17, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois. Gacy, born into an abusive environment, was assaulted physically along with his siblings, with a razor strap if they were perceived to have misbehaved by their alcoholic father. In addition, Gacy s mother was physically abused as well throughout her marriage and during the children s upbringing. During John Wayne Gacy s childhood education, he suffered further alienation due to a congenital heart condition that resulted in further feelings of contempt from his father. Furthermore, Gacy eventually came to the realization that he was attracted to men, which caused a great amount of mental turmoil over his sexuality. John Wayne Gacy was married and ... Show more content on ... A police search of Gacy s house in Des Plaines, Illinois, on December 21, exposed evidence of his involvement in numerous abominable acts, including murder. John Wayne Gacy, it would later be determined, had murdered thirty three boys and young males, the majority of whom had been buried under his dwelling and garage, while around four to five other victims would be recovered from the nearby Des Plaines River. The victims were lured to Gacy s dwelling with the promise of construction work, and then captured, sexually assaulted, and then eventually strangled to death with rope. Furthermore, John Wayne Gacy sometimes dressed as his alter ego Pogo the Clown , when he murdered. After a short jury deliberation, John Wayne Gacy was ultimately found guilty of committing thirty three murders and became known as one of the most vicious serial killers in U.S. history. Gacy was sentenced to serve twenty one natural life sentences and serve twelve death sentences. For almost a decade and a half, Gacy was imprisoned at the Menard Correctional Center where he appealed the sentence and offered contradictory statements on the murders in interviews. Although Gacy had confessed, later he had vehemently denied being guilty of the charges. John Wayne Gacy ultimately died by lethal injection on May 10, 1994, at the Stateville Correctional Center in Crest Hill, Illinois; with both anti death penalty forces
  • 54. Spanish Expansion To The New World Expansion to the new world was both a blessing and a curse to both Europeans and the natives of the new land. The first motive for exploring the new world to find a easier and faster way to trade with the Asian countries, but soon after two new continents were discovered it sprouted different motives from everyone. Even though everyone had their own ideas and dreams about the new world they were all ended up with a common goal, to find silver and gold and become very wealthy. Every country heard about and expected to find an unlimited amount of riches. What the Europeans weren t expecting to find was thousands of different civilizations already living in this unexplored new world . There were many different types of explorers of the... Show more content on ... Spain received what was called the lions share. One of the reasons Spain was able to colonize and explore South America so quickly was because they had the biggest navy, also called and armada. The Spanish Armada was originally made to defeat the English in a naval battle but they lost the battle and could never recuperate from their losses. Because Spain was the first to start colonizing and defeating the indigenous people they benefited the most from the new world and its riches. Conquistadores were explorers who were sent by Spain to take or the new land. Conquistadores would explore the land, share Christianity with the native people, and bring back riches to the homeland. Conquistadores forever left their mark in South America because not many of their wives accompanied them on their trip so they married Indian women and created what is called a mestizo. The conquistadores would even convert their Indian consorts so they could marry them. The Iroquois Confederacy was one of the only nation states in North America that rivaled those of the Incas and Aztecs. The Iroquois developed military alliances and governmental skills to maintain their power for over a century. The Iroquois Confederacy was made up of five different tribes the Mohawks, Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas. Each tribe ran itself differently but
  • 55. The Victorian Er The Victorian Period During The Victorian... One of the darker and more mysterious periods in history is the Victorian Era. The nineteenth century was a major point in literary history, with stories mostly related to supernatural beings, poetry, and fantastic literature. There were also multiple different religions, such as Christianity and Judaism. The people in England were very religious and went to church every sunday. Despite their social class, women were always home and doing their housework, while men were out working to earn money for the family. The clothing style was very formal and posh; the rich having finer cloths. The Victorian Erawas an interesting time period because of its politics, literature, society and culture. The political history of the Victorian Era was based on Queen Victoria and her views and outlooks on everything. Queen Victoria was the reigning queen during the nineteenth century, with her husband and several children. This showed femininity, which centered around family and homely feels. She was described as the mother of the nation. She became the model of marital stability, with her husband Albert. Their marriage was said to represent marital harmony. Literature was somewhat related to the political history of the family feel. Literature during the Victorian Era had a variety of writing types. People in the Victorian Era read and/or wrote things; such as novels, children s literature, poetry, drama, and supernatural and fantastic literature. The