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Personal Essay Topics
Writing an essay on the topic of "Personal Essay Topics" can be a challenging yet rewarding
task. The difficulty lies not only in the technical aspects of crafting a well-structured and
coherent piece but also in the introspective nature of personal essays. This genre demands a
certain level of self-awareness and vulnerability, as you delve into your own experiences,
thoughts, and emotions.
Selecting a suitable topic can be a daunting process in itself. The challenge is to find a balance
between a subject that is deeply personal and meaningful to you, yet relevant and engaging for
your audience. It requires careful consideration of your experiences, beliefs, and values, and an
ability to articulate them in a way that resonates with readers.
As you embark on the writing process, you may find yourself grappling with the fine line
between self-reflection and self-indulgence. Striking the right tone is crucial – too much
detachment can make the essay feel sterile, while excessive emotion might alienate the reader.
Achieving this balance requires a keen understanding of your own narrative and an ability to
convey it authentically.
Moreover, the challenge extends to organizing your thoughts coherently and developing a
narrative arc that captivates the reader's attention from the introduction to the conclusion.
Sharing personal anecdotes and insights requires a delicate touch to ensure that your essay is
relatable and not self-absorbed.
Despite these challenges, the process of writing a personal essay can be immensely rewarding. It
offers an opportunity for self-discovery and growth, allowing you to explore and make sense of
your own experiences. Additionally, successfully connecting with readers on a personal level can
create a powerful and lasting impact.
For those who find the task daunting, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays
and more can be ordered on platforms like, where professional writers can
provide guidance, support, and even craft personalized essays tailored to individual experiences
and perspectives. Such services can be valuable tools for those seeking assistance in navigating
the complexities of personal essay writing.
Personal Essay TopicsPersonal Essay Topics
Bowlby s Theory Of Attachment Essay
According to Ainsworth, attachment is an affectional bond: a relatively long
enduring tie in which the partner is important as a unique individual and is
interchangeable with none other . (Gross 2003). Having a close relationship to
one thing or person. Bowlby s theory of attachment (1969), Looked, how
monotropy was used in young infants, within proximity between infant and
caregiver . (Cardwell et al 2003). Observing Lorenz (1935), how the geese behaved
by imprinting the first moving thing once hatched. Lorenz, discovered the
behaviour was prolonged, after the geese followed their, mother became safe from
predators, and fed . (Cardwell et al 2003). He, believed people did not form an
attachment straight away. However, took longer to form one, unlike geese;
developing one instantaneously. Where classical conditioning comes in. association
between different things being learnt, having food given to them, fulfilling the baby
s pleasure and contentment . (Parsons, 2008). The mother requiring to satisfy,
babies desire for food; the association between the mother, baby and food is being
made. Shaffer and Emerson (1959), scrutinised, the Harlow and Harlow study,
observing the monkeys source of food or comfort and protection would be there
preferred source, as an attachment symbol . (Parsons 2008). To test the theory; a wire
... Show more content on ...
Rutter thought that Bowlby confused early separation and later maladjustment, to the
social aspects of their family lives, which were closely related. He distinguished,
between deprivation and privation; looking at the study with institutionalised children
through the Hodges and Tizard study. However, adopted children recover in the right
circumstances, with love they were given. Even though, emotional deprived children
take longer to recover, therefore supporting Bowlby s
Tata Motor Company
Tata Group of Industries The story of Tata begins in 1868 when a young boy named
Jamsetji Tata joined his father s small trading company. Thirty five years later, that
same boy was the owner of India s largest textile company, Tata Textile. Over the last
century, Tata has excelled in many different business sectors including Materials
(Steel and Mining), Agriculture, Energy, Consumer Products, Information
Technology, Consultancy, Finance, Automobiles, Chemicals, Engineering and
Hospitality. Tata Group of Industries reported $17.6 billion in revenues in 2005,
which is equivalent to 2.8 percent of India s GDP. In 2006, it is projecting its
annual revenue to be around $24 billion. Figure 1 shows the breakdown of Tata s
revenues for the... Show more content on ...
Also, in order to cut down heavy losses, Tata steel had to lay off more than half of
its work force over the last 15 years. This strategic decision made Tata competitive
in one of the most brutal industries. However, it didn t damage the laid off
workforce as Tata promised to pay them full salary until retirement and there after,
pension benefits. When an organization functions as a global citizen through its
corporate social responsibility initiatives, this often boosts its reputation externally.
(Pio, 2005) Tata has been built on a strong reputation not only within the home
country, but in different locations around the globe. For over 130 years, Tata s
mission has always been to develop India as a great industrial power. Tata truly
believes the development of a nation lies in the hands of the business owners. Tata
has done a great deal in developing the infrastructure of India, especially in
Jamshedpur, the city where Tata originated. Jamsetji Tata turned Jamshedpur from a
jungle to the one of the largest industrial sectors of India. There he opened factories,
schools, churches, parks and hospitals for Tata employees that showed his
commitment to all the stakeholders that would be a part of Tata. Tata was the first
one to introduce an eight hour work day concept in India and offered medical
benefits to employees, which even today is unknown to many employers in India.
After the death of Jamsetji Tata in 1991, his son Ratan
British Immigration After 1945
Immigration became a significant part of society in the post war period, it redefined
the public s perception regarding culture and attitudes in society. Despite this, it is
worth noting that immigration was not a new phenomenon in 1945. Britain had
welcomed refugees in the past, notably the Irish who became one of the largest
groups throughout the 20th century. Many Europeans also sought refuge in Britain,
for example German refugees who fled to Britain in 1930 ; Peter Fryer notes on the
existing black community in Britain since the 16th century. However, the level of
immigration after 1945 was enough to redefine British culture and created an
exclusive national identity by where Britishness is now recognised through the colour
of your skin. Race as a concept has also transformed, with culture being a major
element in British society. Politics has also had a major influence, with the
introduction of immigration laws bringing equality among Britain s citizens, although
this could highlight the opinions of the public with the need for legislation to be
introduced. The economy thrived with immigration, noting on the Windrush which
allowed the empty gaps in employment to be filled. However, despite the progress
that has been made due to immigration, the reaction of the people wasn t always as
positive, subsequently leading to racial tensions and a lack of respect among the
people for immigration. These aspects are very significant when discussing the
development of
Themes In A River Runs Through It
A River Runs through It, by Norman Maclean,is a story about a family of a
Minister father, a mother and their two sons living in a small town in Montana.
The film begins with the narrator Norman, the older brother of the two explaining
how his father had asked him to write their family story. As the film continues it
becomes clear how different the brothers become. In A River Runs Through It
brothers, Norman and Paul are very different; Paul tends to act before thinking
while Norman on the other hand, tends to think about his every move with
precision, Paul became a reporter while Norman became a professor and poet, Paul
is more attracted to Fly Fishing and Norman is more drawn to his religion. One of
the main differences between Paul and Norman is their thinking; Paul tends to act
without thinking,. Paul is more likely to physically fight someone who he disagrees
with, he acts with his heart not his mind. Paul will fight for the people he cares
about with no hesitation, when he and Maybelle were on a date together and
someone made a disrespectful comment to Maybelle and did not treat her with the
same respect that was given to the brothers and Jessie. He defended Maybelle to the
point he was arrested, and was put in jail for Norman to pick him up. Paul knew
without a fight that he was tougher than anyone alive. Norman on the other hand,
tends to think about his every move with great detail, in a situation Norman would
rather defend himself with his words rather than
Theme Of Silence
The book Silence, by Shusako Endo follows a theme of a silent God who
accompanies a believer in adversity. The main character of the book is Sebastian
Rodrigues. It tells of Sebastian Rodrigues arduous journey halfway around the world
to Japan in the 1630s, in order to track down a rumor that his mentor Father Ferreira
had abandoned his faith, at a time where the Japanese leaders were extremely hostile
to foreigners and Christianityand also suspicious of their intentions. He travels with
two other missionaries but one of them falls sick whilst travelling and is deemed
unfit to carry on to accompany him. The book is not fast paced, but immensely
characterdriven. For example, we see the growth of Sebastian Rodrigues as a priest.
At one point he labels Kichijiro a coward. Was it possible that he was of our faith
this wretch. Here we see him being judgmental. However, later in the novel we see
him for the first time sharing a proper... Show more content on ...
This can be echoed through what Kichijiro says If I was born in another time, I
would have been a good Christian . It is also, in Japan, that Rodrigues indulges in
the dialogue with Inoue. Endo uses an allegory where Inoue deems Japan unfit for
Christianity and encourages him to apostatize, I do not view Christianity as an evil
religion , Inoue says. Furthermore, when Rodrigues encounters Ferreira he echoes
the thoughts of Inoue, he says I have labored in this mission for twenty years ... our
religion does not take root in this country , Kichijiro also refers to himself as a
weak shoot that will never grow no matter what you do . His resolve begins to fade
due to the treatment he receives whilst in captivity, ironically it is when he is well
treated that he feels the most vulnerable to
Visual Rhetorical Devices For Aunt Jemima
Analysis of Visual Rhetoric by Aunt Jemima
Aunt Jemima has often been considered an archetype of advertising for well over a
century. As times have changed their ads have too and have always stayed
persuasive, keeping them in business since 1889. In this 1953 add for Aunt Jemima
pancakes and waffles, visual rhetoric, such as target audience, context, and focus, are
noticeably prevalent in order to persuade available markets to buy their product. This
advertisement for Aunt Jemima pancakes and waffles has a clear intent to sell
viewers their product. The advertisement has a blank, white background and many
separate images and lettering throughout it. The two boldest images seen are the
stack of three pancakes in the center of the ad and the words, Wake Up written in
red across the top. The pancakes have pieces of bacon around the edges and are
covered in butter and syrup. The next features of the add that stick out are the
words, to Aunt Jemima Pancakes written in black as well as a smiling black
woman who almost seems to be presenting the pancakes. Other small images are
found amongst the poster. There is a robin which seems to be singing on a branch
in the top right corner and a hand holding a fork that has taken a bite out of the
pancakes on the right side. There is also a small, almost separate advertisement for
aunt jemima spice shakers in the lower left hand corner. Aunt Jemima also uses other
phrases in their add like, No wonder...more women prefer
Split Journals- the Catcher and the Rye
Split journal instructions Ideas/events in Catcher in the RyeMy reaction X X X X
X X X X x X X X x Sample A: Holden says that he is, trying to feel some kind of
goodbye... school. (Chapter 1 pg 4) Sample B: Holden Caulfield went to visit a
teacher who failed him before he left for winter break (Chapter 2 pg 6 ) Chapter
1a: When Holden got kicked out of school. Chapter 1b: When the book speaks of
Holden being the fencing captain. Chapter 2a: Throughout chapter 2 Holden is
being lectured about his grades. Chapter 2b: In chapter 2 Holden walks away while
being lectured. Chapter 3a: Holden is annoyed by the kid in the next dorm to him.
Chapter 3b: In the end of the chapter,... Show more content on ...
Response 5a: Reading this made me think of 7th grade. I litteraly would write my
friend s papers all the times. Because we use to have these book reports where we
had to read a book and just type a large summary. So that was easy, and my friend
didn t like doing them. So he paid me for it. Response 5b: I know you are going to
think this is a bogus connection, but let me re assure you this instantly popped in
my head as I read this, and I thought you should know. My dad snores SO LOUD.
He can literally wake me up from it sometimes. When I have friends, they are like
what is that? To only make matters worse my dog is an English bull dog. That dog
snores in harmony with my dad. It s crazy. Response 6a: I can t connect to Holden
really, but with Stadelater I kind of can. The other night I went to Buffalo Wild
Wings, and my friend ordered an 18 pc wings. Then he gave him a coupon for 6
free wings. He told the guy that he wanted 6 Habanera sauce one and if he couldn t
use the coupon, just to move the 6 to his 18. He did that because he still wanted
the 6 habanera sauce ones. So the guy charged him for each wing instead of giving
him the meal that he wanted with the 6 wings, and it was more expensive because
it was a meal deal thing. My friend started like getting loud with the guy that was
serving us because my friend thought it was a dumb mistake. I was a little
embarrassed. Response 6b: I can t really connect to Holden, but I kind of
“the Woman Hanging from the Thirteenth Floor
What would you do if you were given what you thought was the perfect life and it
suddenly seemed to turn upside down? Would you jump to your death or climb
back up? The Woman Hanging from the Thirteenth Floor Window by Joy Harjo is a
poem about a women who is lost in this big world we live in and trying to find
herself while hanging from a thirteenth floorwindow. While this womanis hanging
there she starts to have flashbacks about her life starting from her childhood up until
now. The author goes into detail about why this woman is thinking about killing
herself because of all the pressures of trying to be some she is not is catching up to
her. This poem represents everyday people and how they first have to overcome
themselves and... Show more content on ...
Harjo uses logical based appeals by persuading the readers by the use of reasoning.
The way she uses logos in the poem is by implying that if the women can overcome
all the diversity in her community, and let her past slip away and only live in the
present and take the good from her life than the woman will live.
If the woman can do that than she will fall off the wall and never be abele to clime
back up. The author does a grate job of getting to the readers emotions
Middlesex by Jeffry Eugenides
Middlesex by Jeffry Eugenides is a book about Calliope Cal Stephanides. In the
beginning of the book, Cal, as he likes to be referred to as, tells us about his
condition. Cal has a 5 Alpha Reductase pseudohermaphrodite which is, simply put, a
condition that affects the sexual development of males before the birth of the child
and also during puberty. In Middlesex, incestuous marriages were secretly accepted
among the villagers which resulted in Cal being conceived by cousins. Before Cal s
birth, the tradition of his family was genderprediction by his grandmother,
Desdemona Stephanides. It seemed to be a traditional thing for the family from
the Greek roots. When it was time to predict Tessie s, Cal s mother, baby,
Desdemona declared that the child would be a boy. Milton, Cal s father, disagreed
because there was no way the baby could be a boy scientifically. This could also be
based on the fact that Tessie and Milton wanted a baby girl. Until the age of sixteen,
Cal was raised as a girl even though he had a male brain biologically.
The fact that Calliope was a child of incest was a huge factor on why he was born
with the condition he was born with. 5 Alpha Reductace, as stated earlier, is a
condition in which people are born male but their bodies fail to produce enough
dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A shortage of DHT disrupts the formation of external sex
organs before birth which is why it is understandable that Cal s parents raised him as
a girl. The thing is,
Jackie Robinson Turning Points
Can turning points in a single person s life change a whole society? A turning point
can be described as a life changing event that teaches someone about themselves or
the world around them. People who endure a life changing event can respond
positively or negatively. In the autobiography, I Never had it Made by Jackie
Robinson, the memoir Warriors Don t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals, and the article The
Father of Chinese Aviation , by Rebecca Maksel, each of the individuals faced
turning points. Jackie Robinson Melba Pattillo Beals and Feng Ru faced life
changing experiences that altered both their lives and their countries.
Jackie Robinson was chosen to integrate Major League Baseball during a time when
blacks were barred from the ... Show more content on ...
He was challenged by events along the way, such as multiple broken planes,
burning of his shack, and relocation. In paragraph six San Francisco s earthquake
caused him to relocate. and in paragraph seven plunged into his workshop setting it
ablaze . Because of these events, Feng Ru was challenged and throughout his
journey to become one of the pioneers of Chinese aviation. These events caused
Feng Ru to grow into the first aviator to fly off Chinese soil and become
knowledgeable in aviation. For example, in paragraph six Rarely finished work
before 3 A.M. From this, I can infer he was determined to become the first aviator in
China and nothing was going to stop him. Throughout his journey to become the first
aviator in China his reactions impacted his country by inspiring China s space
program and brought industrialization and aviation to China. For example, in
paragraph thirteen the text states the words Chinese Aviation Pioneer were engraved
upon Feng s tombstone. To sum up, these are ways Feng Ru faced a life changing
experience just as Jackie Robinson and Melba Patillo Beals
Blame Society Not The Screen Time
Don t listen to them! The internet is a great place to learn and to prosper. It can
give a teenager a career in the comfort of their own home. Its not all about playing
video games and social media, teens are also out there meeting new people in chat
sites from all over the country. But its not always the teens fault, we hammer them
with homeworkassignments and tests that forces them to sit in front of the computer
screen for hours. You cant blame the bad use of technology on students when we are
the ones putting them in the situation.
To begin with, teens can create an online business that is inexpensive and gives them
additional income. There are teens on Instagram with millions of followers and they
are making thousands of dollars because ... Show more content on ...
Kids tend to stay up late because they sleep really close to their phones. According to
6 Negative Effects of too Much Screen time for Kids by Jeffrey Green A kid who is
suffering from sleep deprivation will typically be cranky, have an increased rick of
obesity, have a short attention span, lack decision making skills, have increased
health problems, be lethargic and do poorly in school (Green). Kids like to be on
their phones in the middle of the night instead of going to sleep. The LED light
that is emitted by the phones is transmitted as a daylight signal to the human body
which will make it very hard for a child to go to sleep at night. Teenagers need 10
12 hours of sleep at night but with electronic devices next to them they only get
about 6 8 hours of sleep at
Rules In Ayn Rand s Anthem
Rules have been around since the beginning of time for the purpose of safety and
control in a population. But, what happens when there are more rules in place for
the sake of control as opposed to safety? The novel Anthem shows that when there
are more rules for control of individuals minds, they will be broken because the
individuals realize there is more to be discovered than what they are being told. This
can be seen through the plotand climax, as well as in the characterization of the
protagonist and antagonist, and through Equality 7 2521 s first person point of view.
Throughout the plot of the story, we see Equality 7 2521 slowly begin to break
small rules, then move on to break bigger ones because of the discoveries he has
made from ... Show more content on ...
This is important because as a reader I was able to see that when he broke rules he
didn t guilty about it.( Rand 20) When Equality 7 2521 was alone in the tunnel he
began to like the feeling of solidarity despite being told he would become evil if he
was alone. ( Rand 65)By knowing what he is thinking I was able to see how he felt
about his relationship with others, such as how he sees International 4 8818 as his
friend (Rand 13) and how he ends up falling in love with Liberty 5 3000 despite it
being forbidden to favor others. (Rand 77) It s especially important that the story was
told in first person because we can see Equality 7 2521 s reaction to what he reads in
the library at the house he and Liberty 5 3000 find after fleeing town. ( Rand 73)
Equality 7 2521 beings to refer to himself as I instead of We . He finally understands
that he possess his own body and spirit and doesn t have to do things for others
unless he is willing to.( Rand 74) As a reader you can tell he was happy he broke all
the rules that were oppressing him and realizes he never felt guilty and how it was a
good thing.(Rand
Compare and contrast the poems Anthem for Doomed Youth
Compare and contrast the poems Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred
Owen and The Soldier by Rupert Brooke. What are the poets attitudes towards war
and how do they convey these attitudes?
Wilfred Owen s Anthem for Doomed Youth and Rupert Brooke s The
Soldier express opposing views towards war and matters related to it.
Owen condemns war as the cause of immense and painful loss of youths, killed
like animals. He also attacks the church, generally held to preserve human life and
dignity, implying it is powerless and irrelevant in a war situation. Brooke expresses
ready acceptance (his view is meant to be the general view) of possible death on his
country s behalf in grateful return to her for having bore, shaped and made ... Show
more content on ...
If Brooke had mentioned materialistic things like special rights, possession or power
then it gives rise to the thought that his gratitude is questionable, because he has
enjoyed privileges denied to others.
In the second stanza, Brooke whole heartedly declares that he will return to
England what he has been given. In his poem, Brooke doesn t criticise war or
religion but emphasises whole hearted readiness to return to England what he has
been given. The spiritual being created and enriched by England is returned
gratefully. Brooke doesn t mention anything about the horrors of war. Even death is
not presented as something repulsive or of a loss but instead as a repayment to his
country. He feels indebted to England and is completely happy to settle his debt. He
will return to England what she gave him his
dust and delightful thoughts .
Brooke s poem has a confident tone of quiet conviction. The whole poem sounds
proud and dignified. Much of the time Brooke just praises
England and this makes the poem seem cheerful even. The first four lines of his
poem are very patriotic If I should die, think only this of me In that rich earth a
richer dust concealed . Brooke says these lines in a quiet confident manner. The tone
lightens from then, as he describes pleasant things like flowers , love and rivers . The
beginning of the second stanza repeats the first line, and continues with a calm
statement of returning England s
Business Plan and Loan Package
Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. Loan Package
22 September 2011
Now that the small business idea has become more that just fine print, it is time to put
together a loan package that explains the story of the company. There are important
questions to answer, demonstrating the company s ability to correctly make
important financial decisions, and detail how the business will pay off the loan. This
paper will include the requirements of a loan package, creditor requirements, a ratio
analysis, loan justification, and how the company plans to use the proceeds.
Tootsie Roll Industries, Incorporated Loan Package
Loan Package Requirements
Like ... Show more content on ...
needs a loan to supplement operational expenses and decrease the negative impact
market risk factors may have on sales volume. In 2007, the product cost of goods
sold increased from costs incurred 2006 as a result of significant increases in prices
of many commodities purchased by Tootsie Roll. These commodities consist of some
of the major ingredients used in Tootsie Rolls and other products, such as corn syrup,
dextrose, milk products, vegetable oils, sugar, and gum base ingredients (Tootsie Roll
Industries, 2011).
As a percentage of net sales, product cost of goods sold increased from 62.8% in
2006 to 66.5% in 2007 (Kimmel, Weygandt, amp; Kieso, 2009). Light freight and
delivery costs increased as a result of increases in energy costs, such as oil used for
fuel. Exchange of foreign currency on products manufactured in Canada has
generated an adverse effect as well, even though sales growth has increased. Tootsie
Roll Industries, Inc. has made efforts to offset the increases in costs of commodities
through selective price increases and reducing costs where possible (Kimmel,
Weygandt, amp; Kieso, 2009). However, the company has not been able to recover
all of the costs associated with the increases in commodities.
The company does not want to risk product price
Mlc Case Study
This problem is asking us to Bungee jump our Ken from the balcony in the library
located at MCLC. It is also asking to write an explanation that describes how you
can predict the number of rubber bands needed for ken to bungee jump off the
MCLC library balcony. It also asking to show and protect our answer. The important
information that I needed for this is the equation the slope and how tall was the
balcony. This information helps us because how can we predict the amount of
rubber bands if we don t know the height of the balcony. The information that was
given was the balcony s height which is (244 inches). Also the jump that Ken wants
to get which is 417 inches above the ground. My first step was plotting
To What Extent Do You Consider the Emancipation of
Essay Question: To what extent do you consider the Emancipation of Serfs 1861 to
be a key turning point in the development of Russian government and society till
Many historians argue The Emancipation of the Serfs in 1861, to be a key turning
point within Russian history. It drastically altered Russia s economic, political and
social stipulation. One could propose the argument that this event lead to the fall of
communism in 1990, further more suggesting the extent to which this event affected
Russia. Hence this is perhaps the most defining moment in Russian history, with its
impact being seen many years after the event itself . Although historians identify short
term effects of this event, the significance to which this event ... Show more content
on ...
Both peasants and land owners challenged the government with the intention of
generating further social changes.
The instant consequences to the emancipation of the serfs left Russia crippled,
ironic, when alleged that it intended to advance Russia s status. Many historians
argue that despite abolishing serfdom, the means in which it was carried out didn t
coincide with reality. Subsequently, there were many riots which caused a rise of
political groups such as Narodnik movement whose existence proves that Russian
society was changing. Disorder spread with calls for change within Russia like In
May 1862 where a number of pamphlets were issued including the radical Young
Russia. Such propaganda aimed to gain support and create challenging individuals
which would pressure the Tsar to make further changes. One could argue that as a
result this led to the 1905 revolution and the end of Tsardom.
Society was extensively transformed. Indeed, there were many negative results, yet
many reforms proved to be positive such as the development of education; in 1862
schools were placed under the jurisdiction of the state, rather than the church. The
university regulations of 1863 allowed freedom for universities and as a result
women s education flourished; by 1881 2,000 women were leaving their stereotypical
roles behind and studying in universities, something that the west hadn t yet done,
showing that Russia was ahead of
The Significance Of Coca Cola
The Coca Cola association is authentic to be the a lot of able bodied accepted barter
mark in the world and it is accurately so. Coca Cola owns over 400 brands that
address to abounding altered people throughout the world. They are able to amuse
the needs of all their consumers and accomplish their adventures with Coca Cola
better. The Coca Cola articles address to a advanced ambit of people from all races
and genders and ages. Coca Cola is able bodied accepted for its common acceptance
as its articles are awash to over 199 countries, while the above competitors alone
advertises in several countries, that put Coca Cola advanced of all competition.
Coca Cola is a accessible and calmly accustomed by all. The acceptance of Coca Cola
has developed actual apparent company. It is commonly accepted and its branding
is consistently becoming by Coca Cola surpasses all added cooler companies and
these funds would over the years and is still growing to this day and will abide into
the future. The affairs prove basic in the approaching of Coca Cola as it allows for the
... Show more content on ...
Outside the United States, it sells concentrates for bubbler beverages to its bottling
partners as well. The Aggregation sells sparkling beverages and a array of still
beverages, such as juices and abstract drinks and activity and sports drinks and
ready to drink teas and coffees, and assertive baptize products, to retailers or to
distributors and wholesalers and bottling ally who deliver them to retailers. In
addition, in the United States, it articles bubbler syrups and sells them to bubbler
retailers, such as restaurants and accessibility food who use the bubbler syrups to
aftermath beverages for actual consumption or to accustomed bubbler wholesalers or
bottling ally who resell the bubbler syrups to bubbler
Violence In EuripidesBacchae
Unabashedly, tragedy is brimming with violence and death, it reeks of blood and
is strewn with corpses (Henrichs 173). If it is not the precipice of the action, the
plot of tragedy often revolves around the build up to or the after effects of
violence; what to do with the body, how to reintegrate after the fact, and even what
to do when violence is taken too far, such as in the Ajax. As a pervasive force in
classical antiquity, the audience of the City Dionysia would be all too familiar with
the many faces of violence throughout the cusping three decades of the
Peloponnesian war leading up to 405 BC. Although it is flawed to attempt to
condense tragedy into a single function, it is perhaps less so to name one as a
digestion of the everyday violence of the ancient world. In Euripides Bacchae, the
motif of violence is first presented by means of an enraptured herdsman speech that
revels in the spectacle of violent delights and foreshadows what is to come. This
motif comes to a close when a second messenger reveals the tragic reality of violence
and Pentheus sparagmos while the chorus of bacchants revels in their god s brutality.
Through examining the chorus status and perspective on violence, the staging behind
Agave wielding Pentheus head, and the contemporaneous socio political climate in
Athens, the Bacchaecan be examined as in dialogue with tragedy s tradition of
The first messenger speech sets the stage for the traditional role of violence in tragedy.
Crossing the Chasm
CROSSING THE CHASM. Copyright 1991 by Geoffrey A. Moore. All rights
reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. By payment
of the required fees, you have been granted the non exclusive, non transferable right
to access and read the text of this e book on screen. No part of this text may be
reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or
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E Book Reader... Show more content on ...
It turns out instead they were a placeholder for the market tactics used during a
merging hypergrowth market, a challenge covered in a subsequent book, Inside
the Tornado. Also I have substituted a revised scenario process for the original to
incorporate improvements that have evolved over the past several years of
consulting at The Chasm Group. Elsewhere, I took a slightly new angle on creating
the competition and, when it came to the section on distribution, I have done my
best to incorporate the emerging influence of the Internet. But the overwhelming
bulk of the changes in this new edition representing about a third of total text
simply swap out the original examples from the 1980s with new ones from the
1990s. Surprisingly, in the majority of cases this swap works very well. But in
other cases, there s been a little forcefitting, and I want to beg your indulgence up
front. The world has changed. The high tech community is now crossing the chasm
intentionally rather than unintentionally, and there are now competitors who have
read the same book and create plans to block chasm crossing. The basic forces don
t change, but the tactics have become more complicated. Moreover, we are seeing a
new effect which was just barely visible in the prior decade, the piggybacking of one
company s offer on another to skip the chasm entirely and jump straight into
hypergrowth. In the 1980s Lotus piggybacked
Therapeutic Hypothermia Benefits
The evidence surrounding the topic of therapeutic hypothermia post cardiac arrest is
one lathered in potentially advantageous benefits, as well as harmful side effects.
Although this procedure has potentially lifesaving and neurologically preserving
implications, it does come with various side effects which can be dangerous in
general or if left untreated. This paper will first address the many benefits, some of
which include prolongation of life, retention of neurological function. It will then
shed light upon some of the subsequent risks and harmful effects that are associated
with therapeutic hypothermia. Lastly the paper will discuss why or why not the
overall benefits outweigh the aggravating factors. Thus, being a topic of much
controversy... Show more content on ...
Therapeutic hypothermia can save lives, as well as maintain neurological
proficiency. The risks however are ever present. The possibility of developing a
cardiac arrhythmia is very possible. The fact is however that the majority of cardiac
arrhythmias do not present immediate or life threatening dangers. It is possible, yet
uncommon, for the arrhythmia to pose serious effects on the circulatory system, and
therefore seeing as this is the most common problem that s caused by the use of
therapeutic hypothermia, when weighed against the possibility of preserving
neurological function and or saving a life, the benefits can potentially often outweigh
the risks. Though there are other, more serious problems that can arise due to the use
of this treatment, they are far less common, and or
National Debt And Debt Of The Federal Government
National debt, the accumulated debt of the federal government, has always been a
major political issue for the government. The United States has always been in debt,
in fact, we started out in debt. In 1977, The Continental Congress needed to borrow
money to continue the Revolutionary War. As the years went by, and more presidents
took office, the national debt increased. As of September 1, 2016, the United States
national debt was listed to be $19.5 trillion. With all the national debt, the government
must find a way to use it. This is where deficit spending, the use of borrowed funds to
finance government expenditures that exceed taxrevenues, comes in.
Although national debt has a lot of disadvantages, there are also many advantages.
National debt gives countries the opportunity to receive extra funds to invest in
economic growth, and it s a safe way for foreigners to invest in a countries growth by
buying government bonds. National debt allows the government to fight against
contingencies, and also allows the government to build new roads and bridges,
improve education, job training, and provide pensions. This spurs citizens to spend
more instead of saving for retirement, further boosting economic growth. National
debt can also help cope with depression. Disadvantages of national debt include the
fact that governments tend to take on too much debt, and it will interfere with
economic conditions. Fighting against contingencies, such as tornadoes, hurricanes,
Jacob s Legacy
Once upon on a time, in the land of Canaan, there lived a man named Jacob. He
had eleven sons, but his favorite was his youngest son Joseph who was seventeen.
Now, Joseph wasn t favored by anyone else other than his father. His older brothers
hated him and made plans of killing him, because they thought of Joseph as being
spoiled, and a tattletale. One day, Joseph had a dream that the brothers and himself
were picking grain and he was in the center, his brothers bowed down to him. This
made his brothers more mad, but his father listened and was proud. Later, Joseph had
another dream and made the mistake of telling his familyagain. Joseph said, listen, I
had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing
down to... Show more content on ...
One year after the famine had started Jacob sent his sons (except Benjamin) to go get
food. When Joseph s brothers arrived in Egypt to get food, Joseph immediately
recognized them, but they didn t recognized him. He told the brothers that they
were spies, and to prove that they weren t they would have to bring back their
youngest brother, but they would have to leave Simeon as a slave until they
returned, and if they returned with Benjamin next time they would become slaves.
The brothers said they weren t slaves but agreed to Joseph s rules. Joseph at how
much they had changed. They immediately returned to their father to tell him what
happened. When they told their father that they had to bring Benjamin, he was
outraged. He said he would never let Benjamin leave and that it was the end of the
discussion. One year later they ran out of food. Jacob said that they had to go back
to Vizier and get some, but they explained that the Vizier said they couldn t come
back unless they brought their youngest brother. Judah convinced his father by
promising his father, his son s lives if Benjamin didn t return safely. With that, they
were off to Egypt. When the brothers arrived back in Egypt Joseph saw that they
had kept their promise and had brought back Benjamin. Joseph greeted his brothers
and sent for one of his slaves to get Simeon. The brothers hugged Simeon and talked
about how much they missed him. This made Joseph angry. Joseph had many bad
thoughts like: Do my brothers not love me the same way because I am not related by
Poetic Techniques of Wilfred Owen Essay
Wilfred Owen can be considered as one of the finest war poets of all times. His war
poems, a collection of works composed between January 1917, when he was first
sent to the Western Front, and November 1918, when he was killed in action, use a
variety of poetic techniques to allow the reader to empathise with his world,
situation, emotions and thoughts. The sonnet form, para rhymes, ironic titles, voice,
and various imagery used by Owen grasp the prominent central idea of the
complete futility of war as well as explore underlying themes such as the massive
waste of young lives, the horrors of war, the hopelessness of war and the loss of
religion. These can be seen in the three poems, Anthem for Doomed Youth , Dulce Et
Decorum Est and... Show more content on ...
Para rhymes, in Owen s poetry, generate a sense of incompleteness while creating a
pessimistic, gloomy effect to give an impression of sombreness. Strong rhyming
schemes are often interrupted unexpectedly with a para rhyme to incorporate doubt to
every aspect of this Great War. Who are the real villains and why are hundreds of
thousands of lives being wasted in a war with no meaning? In Anthem for Doomed
Youth , the consistent sonnet rhyming scheme is disturbed by a half rhyme, guns ...
orisons , to show how the soldiers all died alone with only the weapons that killed
them by their side, and a visual rhyme, all ... pall to indicate that the reality of war is
entirely the opposite to what it seems no glory, no joy and no heroism, but only death
and destruction. Owen occasionally works with this technique in a reverse approach
to create similar thought. For instance, the assonance, consonance and half rhyme
based poem, The Last Laugh , contains an unforeseen full rhyme, moaned ... groaned
, to emphasise that nothing is ever fixed in war except the ghastly fact that the
weapons are the true winners. Different forms of Para rhymes often work together
with common schemes to ably bring out the main ideas of Owen s poetry.
The purpose of war is again in question through the ironic titles evidenced in most of
Owen s poems. In Dulce Et Decorum Est , the sweet and fitting death is contrasted
against the bitter and
Memo from Executive Team to Ceo
Memo from Executive Team
To: Chief Executive Officer
From: Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Human Capital
Officer, Chief Operations Officer
Subject: Potential Acquisition The executive team is equally concerned with the high
salary and wages of the employees at the Italy hotel properties. It is possible to try
to increase the rates of the guest rooms at these locations. If the rates of the guests
are to be increased than we need to justify the increase. Several ways that would help
is to evaluate other local hotels, the quality of the amenities, assess the condition of
the guest rooms, and keeping the hotel competitive. In order to increase revenue, we
would need to compare the rates of other areas ... Show more content on ...
Benefits will include health insurance, dental insurance, and paid vacations.
As in all business, the point is to accumulate revenue and then turn it into profit. The
idea is to get the customer in the hotel based on his/her budget. Room rates will be
based on size, accommodations, amenities, and occupancy. Vacation packages will
be available via the website. Room discounts will apply to all businesses traveling
within the area to include U.S. and local military.
Management deposits include 20% of each daily rented room will be recorded as
revenue earned on the banking balance sheet. If the member stays more than one
day then that 20% is taken out for extra days. 20% of the restaurants daily receipts
will be recorded as revenue earned on the banking balance sheet. (All room service
charges will be calculated in the restaurants 20%) 20% of the gift shop daily
receipts will be recorded as revenue earned on the banking balance sheet. All hotel
tax and parking tax will be put in accounts payable under taxes. It will be paid out
annually. Any income taxes will be placed in the revenue earned account. All other
money will be used to facilities to include the fitness center, lawn care, utility bills,
employee salaries, re supply for food, housekeeping supplies, and pool cleaning
supplies. Once all expenses are calculated and paid 60% of the remaining money will
Similarities Between The Weary Blues And Lepanto
Poem Analysis: The Weary Blues by Langston Hughes and Lepanto by G. K.
Chesterton Poetry has been used across different contexts, particularly in historical
settings. At one point, compositions such as poems were written in an effort to
document certain dimensions that prevailed during specific times and periods.
Interestingly, compositions written in different contexts possessed definite
similarities regardless of aspects such as the setting of the poem or the time or period
during which the literary element was developed. Following this fact, the respective
discourse will concentrate on two particular poems. These comprise The Weary Blues
by Langston Hughes and Lepanto by G. K. Chesterton. From a physical standpoint,
both poems do not possess any corresponding features in respect to the settings that
they respectively... Show more content on ...
K. Chesterton are written in different contexts with each poem documenting some of
the influences that characterized the respective literary compositions. Hughes poem,
The Weary Blues was written during the 1920s period based on its representation of
an African American persona (The Negro) as the lead and sole character in a setting
that does not gratify his basic needs. At the time, the social framework was heavily
defined by racial segregation between the white majority and the African American
population, which largely comprised slaves. Additionally, regulations such as the Jim
Crow Laws succeeded in the reinforcement of racism by establishing a social based
boundary between white people and African Americans. The hardships that the latter
encountered at the time influenced the creation as well as development of different
literary compositions. Topics that were covered at the time focused on issues
surrounding bigotry such as illiteracy, destitution, infringement on personal rights,
unemployment, social immobility, and significant racial
Memories In The Giver
Have you ever wondered why memories are so important? In the book, The Giver,
the author, Lois Lowry, writes about a boy named Jonas, whose life changes after
receiving the most honored, important job. Jonas believes he is different because he
holds the memories. Jonas experiences develop a theme over the course of The Giver
by teaching the reader that without memories one cannot fully understand a topic.
Although some readers may believe that you can understand a topic perfectly without
the memories, Jonasexperiences show that he can only understand a situation
completely with the memories.
Without the memories you won t understand your actions. For example it states in
Social Criticism in the Hollywood Melodramas of the...
Social Criticism in the Hollywood Melodramas of the Fifties
In the early 1950s the films of Douglas Sirk led the way in defining the emerging
genre of the Hollywood melodrama. Melodrama strictly means the combination of
music (melos) and drama, but the term is used to refer to the popular romances
that depicted a virtuous individual (usually a woman) or couple (usually lovers)
victimized by repressive and inequitable social circumstances (Schatz 222). Sirk s
films were commercially successful and boosted the careers of stars like Lauren
Bacall, Jane Wyman, and Rock Hudson, who was in seven of Sirk s thirteen
American films (Halliday 162 171). Although critics in the fifties called the films
trivial and campy and dismissed them ... Show more content on ...
The visual aspects of Imitation of Life are more discreet; the color is slightly more
realistic, in part because the newer Eastman color technology was used instead of
Technicolor (Bordwell 357). The outdoor scenes are lavish but authentic, due to the
larger budget of the film and the desire not to draw as much attention away from the
more complex and socially important plot.
Visual realism, however, was never a goal of melodrama. In fact, melodramas had a
variety of visual techniques designed to remind the audience that they weren t real.
Extreme high and low camera angles, the placement of large objects in the
foreground, visual blocks (like columns) separating characters, and non natural
lighting were jarring to the audience and were a manifestation of the inner tensions
of the characters (FilmFrog 5). The idea behind these tactics was that As soon as the
audience is reminded that they are watching a contrived reality, that only within this
artificial world are social problems worked out so neatly, the prosocial fiction is cast
in doubt (Schatz 249). But this most likely was not the true effect on most audiences,
who although they may have understood the social issues presented, probably did not
pick up on the symbolism and technique especially since melodramas weren t even
analyzed academically until the 1970s (Klinger 2).
The Legacy Of The Clinton Foundation
Groucho Marx once said that Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it
everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies
(Brainyquote.) As much as it is painful to admit to, Marx has summed up the
problem in American politics accurately. People know there is a problem.
However, they do not know how to fix it properly. That, in turn, leads us to letting
the higher up officials take care of it, and not all of them are good people. Just
look at what happened in Haiti, for example. The Haitians had a problem and they
asked for help, but we sent them the wrong people to do so. Now some may try to
argue, but the truth is: though the Clinton Foundation has put up a facade as Haiti
s number one supporter, it has, in reality, added more destruction on top of their
crisis. What Happened In 2010, a gigantic earthquake reaching a 7.0 range shook
Haiti. Now Haiti may not have been a huge area, but it was overpopulated... which
[as a result] was a factor in the large number of people killed and left several more
left homeless and injured (Wilentz). Of course, this sort of tragedy did not go
unknown throughout the world and several different cooperations from different
countries fled to Haiti; offering to lend a helping hand. One group, who broadcast
themselves to be the main helpers to this case was the Clinton Foundation. At sight of
this, the Haitians were initially relieved. They believed that things were finally
starting to look up.
The Color Red In The Scarlet Ibis
In life, the color red can be a symbol for strength, power, and hope. In The Scarlet
Ibis, however the color red represents innocence. The color red represents something
out of place. Doodle and the ibis are connected through the author s brilliant
penmanship. The ibis is Doodle in another form. The ibisand Doodle appear to have
many similarities in the way that they are introduced to the story. Doodle was born
as a baby with a large head and tiny body that was said to be redand shriveled. The
ibis was brought to the story by means of a hurricane and is said to be the size of a
chicken with scarlet feathers. Both Doodle and the ibis are small and red when they
arrive. Doodle and the ibis also have a lot of similar struggles. Doodle
George Pocock Accomplishments
George Pocock is a name recognized amongst several people with connections to
Seattle, the University of Washington, and the rowing community around the
United States. He is looked upon as one of the greatest boat builders of all time
and has numerous accolades because of his astounding boat building skills.
Despite George s successes and accomplishments throughout his life, the journey
that led him to such a successful career was one full of struggle and relentless
desire to chase a lifelong dream. George was born March 23rd, 1891 in Teddington,
Middlesex, England (cite). He was the youngest of four children with two older
sisters and an older brother. As the son of a prestigious boat builder, the love and
passion for building, as well
Essay on The Stonington Beach Hotel
| 2014| | The Stonington Beach Hotel, Bermuda |
[consultancy report]| The following report is a detailed analysis and diagnosis of the
current situation at The Stonington Beach Hotel, Bermuda. Many aspects are
considered that include the effect that maintaining the property has on human
resources, marketing and the organizational structure of the business.
Recommendations are made and then discussed further.|
Table of Contents
Executive Summary3
Current Situation4
Analysis amp; Diagnosis5
SWOT Analysis5
Property Perspective6
External Building Structure....................................................................................7
Building Interiors.....................................................................................................8
Exterior Facilities.....................................................................................................9
Other ... Show more content on ...
There is such a range of people walking the grounds (including visitors, visitors
guests, college students, training staff, supervising staff, and contract workers) that
ensuring proper security is important. * Perform detailed market research and survey
current customers to determine whether plans for construction of a spa and health
club should be considered.
Finally, whether these renovations and updates should be done while the hotel
remains open or whether the hotel should be closed for maintenance is discussed.
The Stonington Beach Hotel is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bermuda College
which is owned by the Government of Bermuda. The hotel is dual purpose; it
provides both accommodation to tourists visiting and also on the job training for
current students at the college. Initial construction of the new campus The Stonington
Beach Hotel began in 1975 and continued until August 1980 when the hotel opened
for the first time. During this development phase, a 64 room hotel was built, along
with: a 100 seat fine dining room, a commercial kitchen, guest reception and
administration facilities, a guest library, boardroom, and a freshwater pool and patio.
During the second development phase (1980 to 1990), five more college buildings
were constructed. These included the Administration Building, Student Centre, Arts
amp; Sciences Building, Bermuda College Library, and a Faculty Office Building. At
the end of this phase, construction and
Reliance Digital Case Study
Reliance Digital is a leading retail outlet in electronic products. Reliance Digital
sells over 150 national and international brands with over 4000 products. It is one of
the leading electronic outlet in India with good quality products as well as good
quality customer service and satisfaction.
A very unique feature of Reliance Digital is RESQ . RESQ consists of a post sales
service and advisory team who provide product lifecycle customer support. It also
follows value for money concept, which gives the best value for money in terms of
Total Cost of Ownership.
Total Cost of Ownership is a financial estimate to help owners determine the direct
and indirect costs of a product.
When a customer buys a product he/she pay more than the price in which the dealer
buys the product. Reliance Digital takes the value for money concept ... Show more
content on ...
The costing methods taken up by Reliance Digital is Operating costing and
Operations costing.
Operating Costing:
These are the expenses related to operations of a business or device. Cost of
resources used by the company to maintain its existence.
Reliance Digital deals with various kinds of electronic devices. To run the business
and maintain its status it needs to maintain good quality in its products as well as
service. It incurs various costs in maintenance of its products as well as providing
quality service to its customers while selling a product and also after selling the
Operations Costing:
This type of costing method is used when there is a operation carried out in different
stages and not the process. In reliance digital operations start from the initial booking
that takes place from the customers end through the process of carrying out that
booking and completing the order on time. The company incurs many costs in the
entire operation.
Epic Hero Research Paper
A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in
spite of overwhelming obstacles, (Christopher Reeves). Throughout all types of
story s, movies, poems and epics, a hero is always found. A hero that is found in a
epic is called a epic hero. Many epics were written a few thousand years ago.
Beowulf is one of the most common known epic heroes. Another type of herois the
modern hero. These are our heroes we have today. Superman and Hulk are examples
of an modern hero. Modern and Epic heroes have bothe similarities and differences.
Both heroes have the same perspective but could different from design and
personality. Over the years, from epic to modern heroes, culture and society has
changed our definition... Show more content on ...
Both heroes would be rewarded for their deed or deeds. Modern heroes could be
rewarded with a girl or freedom from something else. An epic hero was normally
given money or gear and weapons worth millions of dollars today. Either way both
are rewarded for their deeds. Together both types are also treated with respect and
each fight for a good cause. One difference between the two is, modern heroes don
t have or want to be recognized for doing the right things. Epic heroes strive to be
remembered and most of their deeds come from that. Today modern heroes are just
trying to do the right thing and by that they are remembered. Another difference is
epic heroes were born to be heroes. Modern heroes are ordinary people who are
gifted with their special ability. For example Superman came from a different planet
where flying was common. Modern and Epic heroes are different in many but are
also the same in
Christian Doctrine And The Doctrine Of A New Testament
As the apostle passed from the scene, other leaders arose in the church to take their
place. These leaders are fathers because of the esteem in which they were held by
loyal church members. They were call bishops and had authority over an area to
maintain discipline the church. These fathers can be classified in certain times or
divided into four groups. The first groups would be the apostolic fathers, the
apologists, the Polemicists, and the scientific theologians.
As like the rest of the early church fathers, The Polemicists raised up to defend the
faith. Their reaction by concern church fathers against the action of the heretic let to
the development of Christian doctrine and the formulation of a New Testament
Canon. They fought the heresies that were damaging the church. In refuting error,
they used much of the New Testament as the source of the true doctrine. The work
of the Polemicists also gave rise to the concept of an orthodox catholic church which
was opposed to heresy. While most of the Apologists were from the East, most of the
Polemicists were from the West. The Eastern mind was more concerned with
speculative theology, whereas the Western mind was concerned with church
organization and practical doctrine for solving problems. These were the
Polemicists. Irenaeus (A.D. 120 202): Irenaeus was born in Smyrna and later moved
to Lyons in Gaul, now France, where he became bishop. He wrote Against Heresies in
five books, in which he refuted the
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind By Michel Gondry
Imagine living in a world where erasing memories of the past was just a night s
sleep and a click of a button; would you take advantage of this opportunity? In the
film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, directed by Michel Gondry, Joel
Barish and Clementine Kruczynski did. The two ended their relationship on a bad
note which lead Clem to impulsively arrange an operation to zap that memory away.
Joel did the same, but instead of letting go of Clem during his operation, he fell back
in love with her; with this realization, his character developed throughout the film
which reflects the colorand mood of each scene and point of his life; Joel in the
beginning, Clementine, Joel and Clementine together, and when Joel and
Clementine broke up. Off the bat Joel s bedroom set the mood to what kind of
character he was. Much can be taken from the light that shined into the bedroom,
which felt cold and gloomy; it wasn t a bright, morning sunshine; it was gray. This
soft and dreary lighting was purposely muted to push the mood of depression and
loneliness by reflecting Joel s mood as he starts his day ( Technical Critique of
Eternal... ). Everything inside the room felt cold as well; most of the furniture in
his room was shades of neutral colors of blacks, browns, grays, whites and muted
blues. Even Joel s choice of clothing from his navy blue pajamas to his ebony, black
coat reflected the colors of his room and mood. Joel s depression is very transparent
in the beginning scene.
Shimano Inc. Management Analysis
Since its establishment in Japan in 1921, Shimano, Inc. (originally known as
Shimano Tekkojo and henceforth referred to as Shimano ) has based its business
headquarters in Japan first in Sakai, then later in the industrialized hubs of Tokyo and
Nagoya. Through the end of the twentieth century, Shimano was recognized as a
major player in the global market of bicyclecomponents manufacturing and
distribution to both Europe and the U.S. But stagnated product sales and
competition abroad in the early 2000 s, most notably from the American competitor
SRAM Corporation, had a negative impact on its international market growth.
Besides global and local economics, stagnated sales, and stiff competition abroad
(especially in the U.S. where more provocative bicycle designs captured a majority
of the domestic and European market share once dominated by Shimano), the
location of its home base has does not appear to have played a major role in the
decline of Shimano s once global competitive edge. If we take into account Porter s
Diamond Model of Competitive Advantage and its relation to Shimano s management
location in the last century, we can see that all four attributes of factor conditions,
demand conditions, related and supported industries, and firm strategy, structure and
rivalry are reflective of the firm s inability to sustain its brand prosperity.
Factor Conditions: Although increased labor costs and lack of available workforce
led Shimano to relocate its production
ELLE Magazine Publication and Audience Analysis
ELLE Magazine Publication Audience Analysis
Introduction of Publication. ELLE is a fashion magazine that began in France in
1945 when sellers were transitioning from the sales oriented era into the market
oriented era, which is characterized by marketing based on a determined target
market and focusing on what consumers want and need. Adhering to this prevailing
notion of the time, ELLE s aspiration to advise females of the latest trends in fashion,
beauty, lifestyle, and relationships has satisfied many women s needs and wants by
inspiring them to begin a new life after World War II. Targeted User Profile and
Audience Dimensions. ELLE employs a unique mix of all four segmentation
techniques, namely geographic, demographic, ... Show more content on ...
Your Style. Positioning Statement and Benefits Offered to Target. Through close
analysis of the advertisement and Chamilia s slogan, which can also act as a
positioning statement, it is apparent that Chamilia is appealing to consumers as a
company where customers can discover their own personalized style in jewellery.
Through the use of a drawn picture, Chamilia s message through the advertisement is
that they can assist their customers in exercising their creativity and retaining control
in painting their own unique world of fashionable jewellery. Furthermore, Chamilia
claims this can be accomplished while maintaining high quality of the resulting
piece of jewellery, as indicated in their advertisement by telling consumers that they
can [d]esign combinations of dazzling sterling silver, 14k gold, Swarovski crystal,
colored stones and Italian Murano glass (ELLE). This is furthered by their website,
which describes their company as one where your ...options are endless. Create a
special piece around that s meaningful to you. Your finished designs will be
as dazzling as they are personal (Chamilia). The benefits that can be derived from
customers also include the satisfaction of social needs. Chamilia provides their
customers with products that identify them as belonging to a higher status in society.
Target Market of Chamilia. The advertisement is targeted at sophisticated women with
Sexism In King Lear
Emotions: The Real Villain There is a misconception that those who show their
emotions are weaker than those who hide them. Women are thought to be fragile
due to this fallacy, which is revealed through the play, King Lear. William
Shakespeare s King Lear is about a king who is stripped of his power by two of his
daughters, Goneril and Regan, that deceive him by professing their love for him.
King Leareventually realizes his mistake of banishing his other daughter, Cordelia,
who does not vocalize her love for him. Soon after, he becomes insane from the
shock of the betrayal he faces. Shakespeare presents ideas of internalized sexism
and exploitation in this play, to show the tendency towards misogyny. He uses the
motifs of body and animals to illustrate that women are portrayed as lesser than
men because of the stigma of their emotional vulnerability. Internalized sexism
reveals how Goneril uses masculine characteristics to hide her sensitivity,
attempting to reach for power. Goneril expresses fake love to King Lear to obtain
land and plans to eliminate Lear, so she can have more power. After Goneril forces
Lear to leave her castle, unless he reduces the number of his knights, the Fool states
that the hedge sparrow fed the cuckoo [for] so long / [t]hat it had [its] head bit off by
it[s] young (1.4.212 213). The Fool refers to Lear as a hedge sparrow and Goneril as
a cuckoo to exemplify one of the first acts of betrayal that Lear faces. A cuckoo
generally lays its
Catherine Kennedy Informative Speech
Today I am going to be talking about Jacqueline Kennedy, known as Jackie. For
example like her childhood onto her middle age years, her life as the very first,
first lady, and how her life was after her husband, John F. Kennedy had passed
away. Before I begin I will give you a briefly biography about her. Jacqueline
Kennedy became the first lady in 1961. Her father was John Vernou Bouvier III and
her mother was Janet Norton Lee. She had a sister named Caroline Lee and of course
her husband President John F. Kennedy. She had four kids named, Arabella Kennedy,
Caroline Bouvier Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr, and Patrick Bouvier
Kennedy. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28, 1929, in Southampton, New
York. Her father, John,... Show more content on ...
Jacqueline Kennedy additionally tried to utilize the White House to showcase
human expressions. She turned into the most noticeable defender for the
foundation of the National Cultural Center in the country s capital, in the long run
to be named for her spouse. At the White House she facilitated exhibitions of
musical drama, graceful expression, Shakespeare and present day jazz, all
performed by American organizations. After her meeting with French Minister of
Culture Andre Malraux in May of 1961, he made a credit to the U.S. from France
of the Louver Museum s well known Mona Lisa painting, and Jacqueline Kennedy
directed the divulging. From Malraux, she created thoughts on the consequent
making of a U.S. Bureau of the Arts and Humanities, an endeavor she examined
with Rhode Island Senator Claiborne Pell and one that she expected would rise
with the production of a presidential expressions guide and consultative board in
1961. The possible formation of the National Endowment for the Humanities and
the Arts accomplished her objective, she later reflected. She also often designed
sketches for her apparel as First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy form quickly drew
global consideration; more than some other First Ladies business makers and an
expansive section of young ladies replicated her style. While she showed up to a
great extent in the media in unapproved wire administration photos and paparazzi
previews, White House photos were more as often as possible issued to the press
than any other time in recent memory and the part of the official in house picture
taker was induced as a consequence of Jacqueline Kennedy s own advantage and
direction. She additionally showed up, the most conspicuous being A Tour of the
White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy, disclosed on CBS on February
The Rights Of Gay Rights
Gay Rights has always been a controversial topic. People have fought and argued
over this simple human right for years and now we are finally seeing progress. The
Gay Rights Movement started on 1924 by Henry Gerber, founder of The Society for
Human Rights, the first documented Gay Rights organization according to CNN
news. From the start homosexualitywas considered a sociopathic personality
disturbance which was diagnosed by the American Psychiatric Association in April
1952. When homosexuality became a hot topic, President Dwight D. Eisenhower
singed an executive order that banned all homosexuals from working for the
Federal Government saying they are a security risk. Which I can see why it was
signed, homosexuals are very sassy and can put you in check which the
government wouldn t like. Fast forward to 2005, the state of California was one of
the first states to pass a bill allowing same sex marriage and on June 26, 2015 the
Supreme Court ruled that a state cannot ban same sex marriage which handed the
best victory for gay advocates everywhere in America. Although Gay Rights have
come a long way in America there is always room for more improvement such as
discrimination on getting a job or adopting just because of your sexual orientation.
As the LGBT community still faces laws that discriminate the LGBT community
from equal opportunities. Anti LGBT organizations make it known they do not want
them to succeed. One major Anti Gay Rights Organization is Abiding Truth
A Theory Of Justice, By Immanuel Kant
John Rawls is a world renowned, American political philosopher of the twentieth
century. His views on the state of nature, society, and politics were much more
distinct from previous philosophers, and his more modern or progressive life
experiences can contribute to the separation between him and others, such as
Aristotle, Hobbes, or Rousseau. However, he does have certain ideas and point of
views that correlate with the views of those that Immanuel Kant expresses, and more
specifically Rawls was greatly influenced by Immanuel Kant by his conclusions in
moral philosophy and autonomous law. Rawls takes both from historical knowledge
and modern experiences to shape his ideas, and he articulates them through one of his
most influential books, A Theory of Justice. Through this book he describes the
structure or origin of the social contract tradition in a different view by arguing on
behalf of political society through a more liberalism tradition. For example, one of
his most distinct views is the role of an original positionin the social contractThe
original position is a model of impartiality is based from the veil of ignorance , the
principle of rational within individuals, and the idea that individuals choose from
self interest, and as such the individuals who derive the social contract will obtain
the most just, equal, and fair society in all political, social and economic aspects of
society. Although Rawls has various strong objections on his views to the original
J.D. Salinger s Franny and Zooey
J. D. Salinger s Franny and Zooey is about a twenty year old college student named
Franny, who is seeking spirituality in her life. She is a member of the intelligent
Glass family, whose children struggle with conforming to society after appearing on
the television quiz show called It s a Wise Child. Salinger s novel is composed of
two sections. The first section, Franny, deals with Franny explaining to her boyfriend
her distaste for the college environment. In the second section, Zooey, Franny
discusses with her brother Zooey about feeling isolated from the people around her
and finding spirituality in her life. In Franny and Zooeyby J. D. Salinger, the main
protagonist, Franny, undergoes a change in perspective as she tries to cope with her
dissatisfaction with the world through her spiritual beliefs. In the beginning, Franny
is experiencing a deterioration in mental health due to her severe judgemental attitude
and harsh criticism of her college experience; with little thought, she turns to prayerin
an attempt to resolve her difficulties, but her problems grow worse due to her lack
of understanding of religion. Eventually, she comes to a greater understanding of her
relationship with others as she realizes the genuine meaning of her spiritual beliefs
through listening to Zooey s consoling advice. In the first section of the novel,
Franny is having a nervous breakdown as a result of her growing isolation and her
misgivings towards college. At a restaurant with her
Different Cultures Same World Analysis
Different Cultures, Same World Why do people worry or care too much about
others? Why do people have a bad habit of judging or assuming who or who a person
is just by their look or the way they act in public spaces? Who would be proud to be
part of a society who is constantly discrimination others for their race or labeling
them by the waythey dress or shape their identities. The following tree authors
narrate their personal experiences, how they feel being label as different from the
society. Myriam Marquez is a Cuban journalist who is a Spanish speaker when it
comes to be with her parents. Even though some people may think it is rude to talk a
foreign language in public. People in public who don t understand Spanish may get
an impression... Show more content on ...
Staples is constantly a victim of society by the way he looks he is just one of
million people that are victims of racism every day. On day he was walking when
he notice that a white lady well dress that was walking in front of him one evening
she was trying to maintain a distance between her and Staples. After she was
running in earnest. In seconds she disappeared a cross the street. When Staples was
in his 22 years old was when he started to know the he had the ability to alter public
spaces in ugly
Love Is Strange By Ira Sachs And Mauricio Zacharias
First released on 18 January 2014 at Sundance Film Festival,, Love is Strange is
directed by Ira Sachs and written by Ira Sachs and Mauricio Zacharias, depicting a
love story between two old men, who live in New York City. The film is produced
by seven companies, which is Parts and labor, in association with Palior House
Production, Film50 and Mutressa Movies as well as RT Features, and Charlie
Guidance, Mn...Buttered Panini Productions. The film s distributors account for 15
companies. The film gained $117,276 in the opening weekend and grossed
$2,252,580 in the United State. Maybe to cut the budget, Sachs lets his husband
create painting for the character Ben. The budget for the film is around $150,000.
There is a fun fact of ... Show more content on ...
Typically, these films directly depict gay lovewhich is studios dislike to handle.
Love Is Strange shows audiences the love between two old men could be so
simple, just like love between a man and a woman. Likewise, Ben and George look
like two kids, and nothing is more important for them than being able to living
together. The film is focus on normal life of two old men. Few of studio films want
to talk about life trivia, which studio are not interested in. But we can see it is some
trivial and real matters that affect audiences and their emotion. It is interesting too.
Foe instance, Ben interrupts Kate when she is writing, and Kate asks Ben why he
don t start a new painting; Ben answers, It s the hardest thing, Kate, to be honest with
you. I brought all my stuff here, s just that I can t really work if there s
someone else around. I can t concentrate, you know? Does Ben realize that Kate
cannot concentrate because he is around?
(3) Characters
I cannot confirm who can be easily identified with because Ira Sachs did a good
job making elaborate efforts to every characters. Every characters is nice in nature.
Ben Hull, one of the old men, is obsessed with sadness. Ben is likely to worry about
something with his sorrowful eyes; he is prone to melancholy and sensitivity. But
sometimes, he can be so excited. In contrast, George Garea is
The Symbol Of The Confederate Flag
On September 18, 1863 Confederate soldiers stood proud at the edge of the battle
field raising their Confederate Flag in pride and hope. One hundred and fifty four
years later, that flag is now being demonized from its true meaning by many people.
Conflict about this well known flag has been going on for generations. In Georgia,
during the Civil War, the Confederate Flag represented the formation of the
Confederacy and hope for success of the Southern states; now some people have
turned the flag into a symbol of racism, hate, and many more untrue meanings.
The idea of a Confederate Flag started 24 days after the secession of the Confederate
States of America from the United States. These states included South Carolina,
Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North
Carolina, and Tennessee. Since they had yet to make a flag for their new
government the Provisional Congress made the Committee on the Flag and Seal,
directed by William Porcher Miles of South Carolina. The Committee asked for
ideas for the Confederate Flag and received hundreds of designs for the flag from ...
Show more content on ...
When several people were questioned about their view of the flag some responded
with pride. For example, a Cherokee High School senior said, The flag stands for
my heritage and pride in my southern culture . Another said, I think it is a symbol of
pride because my people stood up for themselves (Schall). The negative statements
said about the flag include, represents red necks and stupidity, (La Tona),
means slavery of African Americans by ruthless white men and women and their
fight to keep slavery, (Sicilia). After asking someone from Quebec, Canada who has
lived in Georgia for 30 years about their thoughts on the flag they simply answered
with, It means the south to me, nothing more.

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Personal Essay Topics. Exceptional Easy Argumentative Essay Topics College Students Thatsnotus

  • 1. Personal Essay Topics Writing an essay on the topic of "Personal Essay Topics" can be a challenging yet rewarding task. The difficulty lies not only in the technical aspects of crafting a well-structured and coherent piece but also in the introspective nature of personal essays. This genre demands a certain level of self-awareness and vulnerability, as you delve into your own experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Selecting a suitable topic can be a daunting process in itself. The challenge is to find a balance between a subject that is deeply personal and meaningful to you, yet relevant and engaging for your audience. It requires careful consideration of your experiences, beliefs, and values, and an ability to articulate them in a way that resonates with readers. As you embark on the writing process, you may find yourself grappling with the fine line between self-reflection and self-indulgence. Striking the right tone is crucial – too much detachment can make the essay feel sterile, while excessive emotion might alienate the reader. Achieving this balance requires a keen understanding of your own narrative and an ability to convey it authentically. Moreover, the challenge extends to organizing your thoughts coherently and developing a narrative arc that captivates the reader's attention from the introduction to the conclusion. Sharing personal anecdotes and insights requires a delicate touch to ensure that your essay is relatable and not self-absorbed. Despite these challenges, the process of writing a personal essay can be immensely rewarding. It offers an opportunity for self-discovery and growth, allowing you to explore and make sense of your own experiences. Additionally, successfully connecting with readers on a personal level can create a powerful and lasting impact. For those who find the task daunting, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, where professional writers can provide guidance, support, and even craft personalized essays tailored to individual experiences and perspectives. Such services can be valuable tools for those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of personal essay writing. Personal Essay TopicsPersonal Essay Topics
  • 2. Bowlby s Theory Of Attachment Essay According to Ainsworth, attachment is an affectional bond: a relatively long enduring tie in which the partner is important as a unique individual and is interchangeable with none other . (Gross 2003). Having a close relationship to one thing or person. Bowlby s theory of attachment (1969), Looked, how monotropy was used in young infants, within proximity between infant and caregiver . (Cardwell et al 2003). Observing Lorenz (1935), how the geese behaved by imprinting the first moving thing once hatched. Lorenz, discovered the behaviour was prolonged, after the geese followed their, mother became safe from predators, and fed . (Cardwell et al 2003). He, believed people did not form an attachment straight away. However, took longer to form one, unlike geese; developing one instantaneously. Where classical conditioning comes in. association between different things being learnt, having food given to them, fulfilling the baby s pleasure and contentment . (Parsons, 2008). The mother requiring to satisfy, babies desire for food; the association between the mother, baby and food is being made. Shaffer and Emerson (1959), scrutinised, the Harlow and Harlow study, observing the monkeys source of food or comfort and protection would be there preferred source, as an attachment symbol . (Parsons 2008). To test the theory; a wire ... Show more content on ... Rutter thought that Bowlby confused early separation and later maladjustment, to the social aspects of their family lives, which were closely related. He distinguished, between deprivation and privation; looking at the study with institutionalised children through the Hodges and Tizard study. However, adopted children recover in the right circumstances, with love they were given. Even though, emotional deprived children take longer to recover, therefore supporting Bowlby s
  • 3. Tata Motor Company Tata Group of Industries The story of Tata begins in 1868 when a young boy named Jamsetji Tata joined his father s small trading company. Thirty five years later, that same boy was the owner of India s largest textile company, Tata Textile. Over the last century, Tata has excelled in many different business sectors including Materials (Steel and Mining), Agriculture, Energy, Consumer Products, Information Technology, Consultancy, Finance, Automobiles, Chemicals, Engineering and Hospitality. Tata Group of Industries reported $17.6 billion in revenues in 2005, which is equivalent to 2.8 percent of India s GDP. In 2006, it is projecting its annual revenue to be around $24 billion. Figure 1 shows the breakdown of Tata s revenues for the... Show more content on ... Also, in order to cut down heavy losses, Tata steel had to lay off more than half of its work force over the last 15 years. This strategic decision made Tata competitive in one of the most brutal industries. However, it didn t damage the laid off workforce as Tata promised to pay them full salary until retirement and there after, pension benefits. When an organization functions as a global citizen through its corporate social responsibility initiatives, this often boosts its reputation externally. (Pio, 2005) Tata has been built on a strong reputation not only within the home country, but in different locations around the globe. For over 130 years, Tata s mission has always been to develop India as a great industrial power. Tata truly believes the development of a nation lies in the hands of the business owners. Tata has done a great deal in developing the infrastructure of India, especially in Jamshedpur, the city where Tata originated. Jamsetji Tata turned Jamshedpur from a jungle to the one of the largest industrial sectors of India. There he opened factories, schools, churches, parks and hospitals for Tata employees that showed his commitment to all the stakeholders that would be a part of Tata. Tata was the first one to introduce an eight hour work day concept in India and offered medical benefits to employees, which even today is unknown to many employers in India. After the death of Jamsetji Tata in 1991, his son Ratan
  • 4. British Immigration After 1945 Immigration became a significant part of society in the post war period, it redefined the public s perception regarding culture and attitudes in society. Despite this, it is worth noting that immigration was not a new phenomenon in 1945. Britain had welcomed refugees in the past, notably the Irish who became one of the largest groups throughout the 20th century. Many Europeans also sought refuge in Britain, for example German refugees who fled to Britain in 1930 ; Peter Fryer notes on the existing black community in Britain since the 16th century. However, the level of immigration after 1945 was enough to redefine British culture and created an exclusive national identity by where Britishness is now recognised through the colour of your skin. Race as a concept has also transformed, with culture being a major element in British society. Politics has also had a major influence, with the introduction of immigration laws bringing equality among Britain s citizens, although this could highlight the opinions of the public with the need for legislation to be introduced. The economy thrived with immigration, noting on the Windrush which allowed the empty gaps in employment to be filled. However, despite the progress that has been made due to immigration, the reaction of the people wasn t always as positive, subsequently leading to racial tensions and a lack of respect among the people for immigration. These aspects are very significant when discussing the development of
  • 5. Themes In A River Runs Through It A River Runs through It, by Norman Maclean,is a story about a family of a Minister father, a mother and their two sons living in a small town in Montana. The film begins with the narrator Norman, the older brother of the two explaining how his father had asked him to write their family story. As the film continues it becomes clear how different the brothers become. In A River Runs Through It brothers, Norman and Paul are very different; Paul tends to act before thinking while Norman on the other hand, tends to think about his every move with precision, Paul became a reporter while Norman became a professor and poet, Paul is more attracted to Fly Fishing and Norman is more drawn to his religion. One of the main differences between Paul and Norman is their thinking; Paul tends to act without thinking,. Paul is more likely to physically fight someone who he disagrees with, he acts with his heart not his mind. Paul will fight for the people he cares about with no hesitation, when he and Maybelle were on a date together and someone made a disrespectful comment to Maybelle and did not treat her with the same respect that was given to the brothers and Jessie. He defended Maybelle to the point he was arrested, and was put in jail for Norman to pick him up. Paul knew without a fight that he was tougher than anyone alive. Norman on the other hand, tends to think about his every move with great detail, in a situation Norman would rather defend himself with his words rather than
  • 6. Theme Of Silence The book Silence, by Shusako Endo follows a theme of a silent God who accompanies a believer in adversity. The main character of the book is Sebastian Rodrigues. It tells of Sebastian Rodrigues arduous journey halfway around the world to Japan in the 1630s, in order to track down a rumor that his mentor Father Ferreira had abandoned his faith, at a time where the Japanese leaders were extremely hostile to foreigners and Christianityand also suspicious of their intentions. He travels with two other missionaries but one of them falls sick whilst travelling and is deemed unfit to carry on to accompany him. The book is not fast paced, but immensely characterdriven. For example, we see the growth of Sebastian Rodrigues as a priest. At one point he labels Kichijiro a coward. Was it possible that he was of our faith this wretch. Here we see him being judgmental. However, later in the novel we see him for the first time sharing a proper... Show more content on ... This can be echoed through what Kichijiro says If I was born in another time, I would have been a good Christian . It is also, in Japan, that Rodrigues indulges in the dialogue with Inoue. Endo uses an allegory where Inoue deems Japan unfit for Christianity and encourages him to apostatize, I do not view Christianity as an evil religion , Inoue says. Furthermore, when Rodrigues encounters Ferreira he echoes the thoughts of Inoue, he says I have labored in this mission for twenty years ... our religion does not take root in this country , Kichijiro also refers to himself as a weak shoot that will never grow no matter what you do . His resolve begins to fade due to the treatment he receives whilst in captivity, ironically it is when he is well treated that he feels the most vulnerable to
  • 7. Visual Rhetorical Devices For Aunt Jemima Analysis of Visual Rhetoric by Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemima has often been considered an archetype of advertising for well over a century. As times have changed their ads have too and have always stayed persuasive, keeping them in business since 1889. In this 1953 add for Aunt Jemima pancakes and waffles, visual rhetoric, such as target audience, context, and focus, are noticeably prevalent in order to persuade available markets to buy their product. This advertisement for Aunt Jemima pancakes and waffles has a clear intent to sell viewers their product. The advertisement has a blank, white background and many separate images and lettering throughout it. The two boldest images seen are the stack of three pancakes in the center of the ad and the words, Wake Up written in red across the top. The pancakes have pieces of bacon around the edges and are covered in butter and syrup. The next features of the add that stick out are the words, to Aunt Jemima Pancakes written in black as well as a smiling black woman who almost seems to be presenting the pancakes. Other small images are found amongst the poster. There is a robin which seems to be singing on a branch in the top right corner and a hand holding a fork that has taken a bite out of the pancakes on the right side. There is also a small, almost separate advertisement for aunt jemima spice shakers in the lower left hand corner. Aunt Jemima also uses other phrases in their add like, No wonder...more women prefer
  • 8. Split Journals- the Catcher and the Rye Split journal instructions Ideas/events in Catcher in the RyeMy reaction X X X X X X X X x X X X x Sample A: Holden says that he is, trying to feel some kind of goodbye... school. (Chapter 1 pg 4) Sample B: Holden Caulfield went to visit a teacher who failed him before he left for winter break (Chapter 2 pg 6 ) Chapter 1a: When Holden got kicked out of school. Chapter 1b: When the book speaks of Holden being the fencing captain. Chapter 2a: Throughout chapter 2 Holden is being lectured about his grades. Chapter 2b: In chapter 2 Holden walks away while being lectured. Chapter 3a: Holden is annoyed by the kid in the next dorm to him. Chapter 3b: In the end of the chapter,... Show more content on ... Response 5a: Reading this made me think of 7th grade. I litteraly would write my friend s papers all the times. Because we use to have these book reports where we had to read a book and just type a large summary. So that was easy, and my friend didn t like doing them. So he paid me for it. Response 5b: I know you are going to think this is a bogus connection, but let me re assure you this instantly popped in my head as I read this, and I thought you should know. My dad snores SO LOUD. He can literally wake me up from it sometimes. When I have friends, they are like what is that? To only make matters worse my dog is an English bull dog. That dog snores in harmony with my dad. It s crazy. Response 6a: I can t connect to Holden really, but with Stadelater I kind of can. The other night I went to Buffalo Wild Wings, and my friend ordered an 18 pc wings. Then he gave him a coupon for 6 free wings. He told the guy that he wanted 6 Habanera sauce one and if he couldn t use the coupon, just to move the 6 to his 18. He did that because he still wanted the 6 habanera sauce ones. So the guy charged him for each wing instead of giving him the meal that he wanted with the 6 wings, and it was more expensive because it was a meal deal thing. My friend started like getting loud with the guy that was serving us because my friend thought it was a dumb mistake. I was a little embarrassed. Response 6b: I can t really connect to Holden, but I kind of
  • 9. “the Woman Hanging from the Thirteenth Floor Window” What would you do if you were given what you thought was the perfect life and it suddenly seemed to turn upside down? Would you jump to your death or climb back up? The Woman Hanging from the Thirteenth Floor Window by Joy Harjo is a poem about a women who is lost in this big world we live in and trying to find herself while hanging from a thirteenth floorwindow. While this womanis hanging there she starts to have flashbacks about her life starting from her childhood up until now. The author goes into detail about why this woman is thinking about killing herself because of all the pressures of trying to be some she is not is catching up to her. This poem represents everyday people and how they first have to overcome themselves and... Show more content on ... Harjo uses logical based appeals by persuading the readers by the use of reasoning. The way she uses logos in the poem is by implying that if the women can overcome all the diversity in her community, and let her past slip away and only live in the present and take the good from her life than the woman will live. If the woman can do that than she will fall off the wall and never be abele to clime back up. The author does a grate job of getting to the readers emotions
  • 10. Middlesex by Jeffry Eugenides Middlesex by Jeffry Eugenides is a book about Calliope Cal Stephanides. In the beginning of the book, Cal, as he likes to be referred to as, tells us about his condition. Cal has a 5 Alpha Reductase pseudohermaphrodite which is, simply put, a condition that affects the sexual development of males before the birth of the child and also during puberty. In Middlesex, incestuous marriages were secretly accepted among the villagers which resulted in Cal being conceived by cousins. Before Cal s birth, the tradition of his family was genderprediction by his grandmother, Desdemona Stephanides. It seemed to be a traditional thing for the family from the Greek roots. When it was time to predict Tessie s, Cal s mother, baby, Desdemona declared that the child would be a boy. Milton, Cal s father, disagreed because there was no way the baby could be a boy scientifically. This could also be based on the fact that Tessie and Milton wanted a baby girl. Until the age of sixteen, Cal was raised as a girl even though he had a male brain biologically. The fact that Calliope was a child of incest was a huge factor on why he was born with the condition he was born with. 5 Alpha Reductace, as stated earlier, is a condition in which people are born male but their bodies fail to produce enough dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A shortage of DHT disrupts the formation of external sex organs before birth which is why it is understandable that Cal s parents raised him as a girl. The thing is,
  • 11. Jackie Robinson Turning Points Can turning points in a single person s life change a whole society? A turning point can be described as a life changing event that teaches someone about themselves or the world around them. People who endure a life changing event can respond positively or negatively. In the autobiography, I Never had it Made by Jackie Robinson, the memoir Warriors Don t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals, and the article The Father of Chinese Aviation , by Rebecca Maksel, each of the individuals faced turning points. Jackie Robinson Melba Pattillo Beals and Feng Ru faced life changing experiences that altered both their lives and their countries. Jackie Robinson was chosen to integrate Major League Baseball during a time when blacks were barred from the ... Show more content on ... He was challenged by events along the way, such as multiple broken planes, burning of his shack, and relocation. In paragraph six San Francisco s earthquake caused him to relocate. and in paragraph seven plunged into his workshop setting it ablaze . Because of these events, Feng Ru was challenged and throughout his journey to become one of the pioneers of Chinese aviation. These events caused Feng Ru to grow into the first aviator to fly off Chinese soil and become knowledgeable in aviation. For example, in paragraph six Rarely finished work before 3 A.M. From this, I can infer he was determined to become the first aviator in China and nothing was going to stop him. Throughout his journey to become the first aviator in China his reactions impacted his country by inspiring China s space program and brought industrialization and aviation to China. For example, in paragraph thirteen the text states the words Chinese Aviation Pioneer were engraved upon Feng s tombstone. To sum up, these are ways Feng Ru faced a life changing experience just as Jackie Robinson and Melba Patillo Beals
  • 12. Blame Society Not The Screen Time Don t listen to them! The internet is a great place to learn and to prosper. It can give a teenager a career in the comfort of their own home. Its not all about playing video games and social media, teens are also out there meeting new people in chat sites from all over the country. But its not always the teens fault, we hammer them with homeworkassignments and tests that forces them to sit in front of the computer screen for hours. You cant blame the bad use of technology on students when we are the ones putting them in the situation. To begin with, teens can create an online business that is inexpensive and gives them additional income. There are teens on Instagram with millions of followers and they are making thousands of dollars because ... Show more content on ... Kids tend to stay up late because they sleep really close to their phones. According to 6 Negative Effects of too Much Screen time for Kids by Jeffrey Green A kid who is suffering from sleep deprivation will typically be cranky, have an increased rick of obesity, have a short attention span, lack decision making skills, have increased health problems, be lethargic and do poorly in school (Green). Kids like to be on their phones in the middle of the night instead of going to sleep. The LED light that is emitted by the phones is transmitted as a daylight signal to the human body which will make it very hard for a child to go to sleep at night. Teenagers need 10 12 hours of sleep at night but with electronic devices next to them they only get about 6 8 hours of sleep at
  • 13. Rules In Ayn Rand s Anthem Rules have been around since the beginning of time for the purpose of safety and control in a population. But, what happens when there are more rules in place for the sake of control as opposed to safety? The novel Anthem shows that when there are more rules for control of individuals minds, they will be broken because the individuals realize there is more to be discovered than what they are being told. This can be seen through the plotand climax, as well as in the characterization of the protagonist and antagonist, and through Equality 7 2521 s first person point of view. Throughout the plot of the story, we see Equality 7 2521 slowly begin to break small rules, then move on to break bigger ones because of the discoveries he has made from ... Show more content on ... This is important because as a reader I was able to see that when he broke rules he didn t guilty about it.( Rand 20) When Equality 7 2521 was alone in the tunnel he began to like the feeling of solidarity despite being told he would become evil if he was alone. ( Rand 65)By knowing what he is thinking I was able to see how he felt about his relationship with others, such as how he sees International 4 8818 as his friend (Rand 13) and how he ends up falling in love with Liberty 5 3000 despite it being forbidden to favor others. (Rand 77) It s especially important that the story was told in first person because we can see Equality 7 2521 s reaction to what he reads in the library at the house he and Liberty 5 3000 find after fleeing town. ( Rand 73) Equality 7 2521 beings to refer to himself as I instead of We . He finally understands that he possess his own body and spirit and doesn t have to do things for others unless he is willing to.( Rand 74) As a reader you can tell he was happy he broke all the rules that were oppressing him and realizes he never felt guilty and how it was a good thing.(Rand
  • 14. Compare and contrast the poems Anthem for Doomed Youth by... Compare and contrast the poems Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen and The Soldier by Rupert Brooke. What are the poets attitudes towards war and how do they convey these attitudes? Wilfred Owen s Anthem for Doomed Youth and Rupert Brooke s The Soldier express opposing views towards war and matters related to it. Owen condemns war as the cause of immense and painful loss of youths, killed like animals. He also attacks the church, generally held to preserve human life and dignity, implying it is powerless and irrelevant in a war situation. Brooke expresses ready acceptance (his view is meant to be the general view) of possible death on his country s behalf in grateful return to her for having bore, shaped and made ... Show more content on ... If Brooke had mentioned materialistic things like special rights, possession or power then it gives rise to the thought that his gratitude is questionable, because he has enjoyed privileges denied to others. In the second stanza, Brooke whole heartedly declares that he will return to England what he has been given. In his poem, Brooke doesn t criticise war or religion but emphasises whole hearted readiness to return to England what he has been given. The spiritual being created and enriched by England is returned gratefully. Brooke doesn t mention anything about the horrors of war. Even death is not presented as something repulsive or of a loss but instead as a repayment to his country. He feels indebted to England and is completely happy to settle his debt. He will return to England what she gave him his dust and delightful thoughts . Brooke s poem has a confident tone of quiet conviction. The whole poem sounds proud and dignified. Much of the time Brooke just praises England and this makes the poem seem cheerful even. The first four lines of his poem are very patriotic If I should die, think only this of me In that rich earth a richer dust concealed . Brooke says these lines in a quiet confident manner. The tone lightens from then, as he describes pleasant things like flowers , love and rivers . The beginning of the second stanza repeats the first line, and continues with a calm statement of returning England s
  • 15. Business Plan and Loan Package Running head: TOOTSIE ROLL INDUSTRIES, INC. LOAN PACKAGE Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. Loan Package ACC561 22 September 2011 Introduction Now that the small business idea has become more that just fine print, it is time to put together a loan package that explains the story of the company. There are important questions to answer, demonstrating the company s ability to correctly make important financial decisions, and detail how the business will pay off the loan. This paper will include the requirements of a loan package, creditor requirements, a ratio analysis, loan justification, and how the company plans to use the proceeds. Tootsie Roll Industries, Incorporated Loan Package Loan Package Requirements Like ... Show more content on ... needs a loan to supplement operational expenses and decrease the negative impact market risk factors may have on sales volume. In 2007, the product cost of goods sold increased from costs incurred 2006 as a result of significant increases in prices of many commodities purchased by Tootsie Roll. These commodities consist of some of the major ingredients used in Tootsie Rolls and other products, such as corn syrup, dextrose, milk products, vegetable oils, sugar, and gum base ingredients (Tootsie Roll Industries, 2011). As a percentage of net sales, product cost of goods sold increased from 62.8% in 2006 to 66.5% in 2007 (Kimmel, Weygandt, amp; Kieso, 2009). Light freight and delivery costs increased as a result of increases in energy costs, such as oil used for fuel. Exchange of foreign currency on products manufactured in Canada has generated an adverse effect as well, even though sales growth has increased. Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. has made efforts to offset the increases in costs of commodities through selective price increases and reducing costs where possible (Kimmel, Weygandt, amp; Kieso, 2009). However, the company has not been able to recover all of the costs associated with the increases in commodities. The company does not want to risk product price
  • 16. Mlc Case Study This problem is asking us to Bungee jump our Ken from the balcony in the library located at MCLC. It is also asking to write an explanation that describes how you can predict the number of rubber bands needed for ken to bungee jump off the MCLC library balcony. It also asking to show and protect our answer. The important information that I needed for this is the equation the slope and how tall was the balcony. This information helps us because how can we predict the amount of rubber bands if we don t know the height of the balcony. The information that was given was the balcony s height which is (244 inches). Also the jump that Ken wants to get which is 417 inches above the ground. My first step was plotting
  • 17. To What Extent Do You Consider the Emancipation of Serfs... Essay Question: To what extent do you consider the Emancipation of Serfs 1861 to be a key turning point in the development of Russian government and society till 2000? Many historians argue The Emancipation of the Serfs in 1861, to be a key turning point within Russian history. It drastically altered Russia s economic, political and social stipulation. One could propose the argument that this event lead to the fall of communism in 1990, further more suggesting the extent to which this event affected Russia. Hence this is perhaps the most defining moment in Russian history, with its impact being seen many years after the event itself . Although historians identify short term effects of this event, the significance to which this event ... Show more content on ... Both peasants and land owners challenged the government with the intention of generating further social changes. The instant consequences to the emancipation of the serfs left Russia crippled, ironic, when alleged that it intended to advance Russia s status. Many historians argue that despite abolishing serfdom, the means in which it was carried out didn t coincide with reality. Subsequently, there were many riots which caused a rise of political groups such as Narodnik movement whose existence proves that Russian society was changing. Disorder spread with calls for change within Russia like In May 1862 where a number of pamphlets were issued including the radical Young Russia. Such propaganda aimed to gain support and create challenging individuals which would pressure the Tsar to make further changes. One could argue that as a result this led to the 1905 revolution and the end of Tsardom. Society was extensively transformed. Indeed, there were many negative results, yet many reforms proved to be positive such as the development of education; in 1862 schools were placed under the jurisdiction of the state, rather than the church. The university regulations of 1863 allowed freedom for universities and as a result women s education flourished; by 1881 2,000 women were leaving their stereotypical roles behind and studying in universities, something that the west hadn t yet done, showing that Russia was ahead of
  • 18. The Significance Of Coca Cola The Coca Cola association is authentic to be the a lot of able bodied accepted barter mark in the world and it is accurately so. Coca Cola owns over 400 brands that address to abounding altered people throughout the world. They are able to amuse the needs of all their consumers and accomplish their adventures with Coca Cola better. The Coca Cola articles address to a advanced ambit of people from all races and genders and ages. Coca Cola is able bodied accepted for its common acceptance as its articles are awash to over 199 countries, while the above competitors alone advertises in several countries, that put Coca Cola advanced of all competition. Coca Cola is a accessible and calmly accustomed by all. The acceptance of Coca Cola has developed actual apparent company. It is commonly accepted and its branding is consistently becoming by Coca Cola surpasses all added cooler companies and these funds would over the years and is still growing to this day and will abide into the future. The affairs prove basic in the approaching of Coca Cola as it allows for the ... Show more content on ... Outside the United States, it sells concentrates for bubbler beverages to its bottling partners as well. The Aggregation sells sparkling beverages and a array of still beverages, such as juices and abstract drinks and activity and sports drinks and ready to drink teas and coffees, and assertive baptize products, to retailers or to distributors and wholesalers and bottling ally who deliver them to retailers. In addition, in the United States, it articles bubbler syrups and sells them to bubbler retailers, such as restaurants and accessibility food who use the bubbler syrups to aftermath beverages for actual consumption or to accustomed bubbler wholesalers or bottling ally who resell the bubbler syrups to bubbler
  • 19. Violence In EuripidesBacchae Unabashedly, tragedy is brimming with violence and death, it reeks of blood and is strewn with corpses (Henrichs 173). If it is not the precipice of the action, the plot of tragedy often revolves around the build up to or the after effects of violence; what to do with the body, how to reintegrate after the fact, and even what to do when violence is taken too far, such as in the Ajax. As a pervasive force in classical antiquity, the audience of the City Dionysia would be all too familiar with the many faces of violence throughout the cusping three decades of the Peloponnesian war leading up to 405 BC. Although it is flawed to attempt to condense tragedy into a single function, it is perhaps less so to name one as a digestion of the everyday violence of the ancient world. In Euripides Bacchae, the motif of violence is first presented by means of an enraptured herdsman speech that revels in the spectacle of violent delights and foreshadows what is to come. This motif comes to a close when a second messenger reveals the tragic reality of violence and Pentheus sparagmos while the chorus of bacchants revels in their god s brutality. Through examining the chorus status and perspective on violence, the staging behind Agave wielding Pentheus head, and the contemporaneous socio political climate in Athens, the Bacchaecan be examined as in dialogue with tragedy s tradition of violence. The first messenger speech sets the stage for the traditional role of violence in tragedy.
  • 20. Crossing the Chasm CROSSING THE CHASM. Copyright 1991 by Geoffrey A. Moore. All rights reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non exclusive, non transferable right to access and read the text of this e book on screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of PerfectBoundв„ў. PerfectBound в„ў and the PerfectBoundв„ў logo are trademarks of HarperCollins Publishers. Adobe Acrobat E Book Reader... Show more content on ... It turns out instead they were a placeholder for the market tactics used during a merging hypergrowth market, a challenge covered in a subsequent book, Inside the Tornado. Also I have substituted a revised scenario process for the original to incorporate improvements that have evolved over the past several years of consulting at The Chasm Group. Elsewhere, I took a slightly new angle on creating the competition and, when it came to the section on distribution, I have done my best to incorporate the emerging influence of the Internet. But the overwhelming bulk of the changes in this new edition representing about a third of total text simply swap out the original examples from the 1980s with new ones from the 1990s. Surprisingly, in the majority of cases this swap works very well. But in other cases, there s been a little forcefitting, and I want to beg your indulgence up front. The world has changed. The high tech community is now crossing the chasm intentionally rather than unintentionally, and there are now competitors who have read the same book and create plans to block chasm crossing. The basic forces don t change, but the tactics have become more complicated. Moreover, we are seeing a new effect which was just barely visible in the prior decade, the piggybacking of one company s offer on another to skip the chasm entirely and jump straight into hypergrowth. In the 1980s Lotus piggybacked
  • 21. Therapeutic Hypothermia Benefits The evidence surrounding the topic of therapeutic hypothermia post cardiac arrest is one lathered in potentially advantageous benefits, as well as harmful side effects. Although this procedure has potentially lifesaving and neurologically preserving implications, it does come with various side effects which can be dangerous in general or if left untreated. This paper will first address the many benefits, some of which include prolongation of life, retention of neurological function. It will then shed light upon some of the subsequent risks and harmful effects that are associated with therapeutic hypothermia. Lastly the paper will discuss why or why not the overall benefits outweigh the aggravating factors. Thus, being a topic of much controversy... Show more content on ... Therapeutic hypothermia can save lives, as well as maintain neurological proficiency. The risks however are ever present. The possibility of developing a cardiac arrhythmia is very possible. The fact is however that the majority of cardiac arrhythmias do not present immediate or life threatening dangers. It is possible, yet uncommon, for the arrhythmia to pose serious effects on the circulatory system, and therefore seeing as this is the most common problem that s caused by the use of therapeutic hypothermia, when weighed against the possibility of preserving neurological function and or saving a life, the benefits can potentially often outweigh the risks. Though there are other, more serious problems that can arise due to the use of this treatment, they are far less common, and or
  • 22. National Debt And Debt Of The Federal Government National debt, the accumulated debt of the federal government, has always been a major political issue for the government. The United States has always been in debt, in fact, we started out in debt. In 1977, The Continental Congress needed to borrow money to continue the Revolutionary War. As the years went by, and more presidents took office, the national debt increased. As of September 1, 2016, the United States national debt was listed to be $19.5 trillion. With all the national debt, the government must find a way to use it. This is where deficit spending, the use of borrowed funds to finance government expenditures that exceed taxrevenues, comes in. Although national debt has a lot of disadvantages, there are also many advantages. National debt gives countries the opportunity to receive extra funds to invest in economic growth, and it s a safe way for foreigners to invest in a countries growth by buying government bonds. National debt allows the government to fight against contingencies, and also allows the government to build new roads and bridges, improve education, job training, and provide pensions. This spurs citizens to spend more instead of saving for retirement, further boosting economic growth. National debt can also help cope with depression. Disadvantages of national debt include the fact that governments tend to take on too much debt, and it will interfere with economic conditions. Fighting against contingencies, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes
  • 23. Jacob s Legacy Once upon on a time, in the land of Canaan, there lived a man named Jacob. He had eleven sons, but his favorite was his youngest son Joseph who was seventeen. Now, Joseph wasn t favored by anyone else other than his father. His older brothers hated him and made plans of killing him, because they thought of Joseph as being spoiled, and a tattletale. One day, Joseph had a dream that the brothers and himself were picking grain and he was in the center, his brothers bowed down to him. This made his brothers more mad, but his father listened and was proud. Later, Joseph had another dream and made the mistake of telling his familyagain. Joseph said, listen, I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to... Show more content on ... One year after the famine had started Jacob sent his sons (except Benjamin) to go get food. When Joseph s brothers arrived in Egypt to get food, Joseph immediately recognized them, but they didn t recognized him. He told the brothers that they were spies, and to prove that they weren t they would have to bring back their youngest brother, but they would have to leave Simeon as a slave until they returned, and if they returned with Benjamin next time they would become slaves. The brothers said they weren t slaves but agreed to Joseph s rules. Joseph at how much they had changed. They immediately returned to their father to tell him what happened. When they told their father that they had to bring Benjamin, he was outraged. He said he would never let Benjamin leave and that it was the end of the discussion. One year later they ran out of food. Jacob said that they had to go back to Vizier and get some, but they explained that the Vizier said they couldn t come back unless they brought their youngest brother. Judah convinced his father by promising his father, his son s lives if Benjamin didn t return safely. With that, they were off to Egypt. When the brothers arrived back in Egypt Joseph saw that they had kept their promise and had brought back Benjamin. Joseph greeted his brothers and sent for one of his slaves to get Simeon. The brothers hugged Simeon and talked about how much they missed him. This made Joseph angry. Joseph had many bad thoughts like: Do my brothers not love me the same way because I am not related by
  • 24. Poetic Techniques of Wilfred Owen Essay Wilfred Owen can be considered as one of the finest war poets of all times. His war poems, a collection of works composed between January 1917, when he was first sent to the Western Front, and November 1918, when he was killed in action, use a variety of poetic techniques to allow the reader to empathise with his world, situation, emotions and thoughts. The sonnet form, para rhymes, ironic titles, voice, and various imagery used by Owen grasp the prominent central idea of the complete futility of war as well as explore underlying themes such as the massive waste of young lives, the horrors of war, the hopelessness of war and the loss of religion. These can be seen in the three poems, Anthem for Doomed Youth , Dulce Et Decorum Est and... Show more content on ... Para rhymes, in Owen s poetry, generate a sense of incompleteness while creating a pessimistic, gloomy effect to give an impression of sombreness. Strong rhyming schemes are often interrupted unexpectedly with a para rhyme to incorporate doubt to every aspect of this Great War. Who are the real villains and why are hundreds of thousands of lives being wasted in a war with no meaning? In Anthem for Doomed Youth , the consistent sonnet rhyming scheme is disturbed by a half rhyme, guns ... orisons , to show how the soldiers all died alone with only the weapons that killed them by their side, and a visual rhyme, all ... pall to indicate that the reality of war is entirely the opposite to what it seems no glory, no joy and no heroism, but only death and destruction. Owen occasionally works with this technique in a reverse approach to create similar thought. For instance, the assonance, consonance and half rhyme based poem, The Last Laugh , contains an unforeseen full rhyme, moaned ... groaned , to emphasise that nothing is ever fixed in war except the ghastly fact that the weapons are the true winners. Different forms of Para rhymes often work together with common schemes to ably bring out the main ideas of Owen s poetry. The purpose of war is again in question through the ironic titles evidenced in most of Owen s poems. In Dulce Et Decorum Est , the sweet and fitting death is contrasted against the bitter and
  • 25. Memo from Executive Team to Ceo Memo from Executive Team To: Chief Executive Officer From: Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Human Capital Officer, Chief Operations Officer Subject: Potential Acquisition The executive team is equally concerned with the high salary and wages of the employees at the Italy hotel properties. It is possible to try to increase the rates of the guest rooms at these locations. If the rates of the guests are to be increased than we need to justify the increase. Several ways that would help is to evaluate other local hotels, the quality of the amenities, assess the condition of the guest rooms, and keeping the hotel competitive. In order to increase revenue, we would need to compare the rates of other areas ... Show more content on ... Benefits will include health insurance, dental insurance, and paid vacations. As in all business, the point is to accumulate revenue and then turn it into profit. The idea is to get the customer in the hotel based on his/her budget. Room rates will be based on size, accommodations, amenities, and occupancy. Vacation packages will be available via the website. Room discounts will apply to all businesses traveling within the area to include U.S. and local military. Management deposits include 20% of each daily rented room will be recorded as revenue earned on the banking balance sheet. If the member stays more than one day then that 20% is taken out for extra days. 20% of the restaurants daily receipts will be recorded as revenue earned on the banking balance sheet. (All room service charges will be calculated in the restaurants 20%) 20% of the gift shop daily receipts will be recorded as revenue earned on the banking balance sheet. All hotel tax and parking tax will be put in accounts payable under taxes. It will be paid out annually. Any income taxes will be placed in the revenue earned account. All other money will be used to facilities to include the fitness center, lawn care, utility bills, employee salaries, re supply for food, housekeeping supplies, and pool cleaning supplies. Once all expenses are calculated and paid 60% of the remaining money will be
  • 26. Similarities Between The Weary Blues And Lepanto Poem Analysis: The Weary Blues by Langston Hughes and Lepanto by G. K. Chesterton Poetry has been used across different contexts, particularly in historical settings. At one point, compositions such as poems were written in an effort to document certain dimensions that prevailed during specific times and periods. Interestingly, compositions written in different contexts possessed definite similarities regardless of aspects such as the setting of the poem or the time or period during which the literary element was developed. Following this fact, the respective discourse will concentrate on two particular poems. These comprise The Weary Blues by Langston Hughes and Lepanto by G. K. Chesterton. From a physical standpoint, both poems do not possess any corresponding features in respect to the settings that they respectively... Show more content on ... K. Chesterton are written in different contexts with each poem documenting some of the influences that characterized the respective literary compositions. Hughes poem, The Weary Blues was written during the 1920s period based on its representation of an African American persona (The Negro) as the lead and sole character in a setting that does not gratify his basic needs. At the time, the social framework was heavily defined by racial segregation between the white majority and the African American population, which largely comprised slaves. Additionally, regulations such as the Jim Crow Laws succeeded in the reinforcement of racism by establishing a social based boundary between white people and African Americans. The hardships that the latter encountered at the time influenced the creation as well as development of different literary compositions. Topics that were covered at the time focused on issues surrounding bigotry such as illiteracy, destitution, infringement on personal rights, unemployment, social immobility, and significant racial
  • 27. Memories In The Giver Have you ever wondered why memories are so important? In the book, The Giver, the author, Lois Lowry, writes about a boy named Jonas, whose life changes after receiving the most honored, important job. Jonas believes he is different because he holds the memories. Jonas experiences develop a theme over the course of The Giver by teaching the reader that without memories one cannot fully understand a topic. Although some readers may believe that you can understand a topic perfectly without the memories, Jonasexperiences show that he can only understand a situation completely with the memories. Without the memories you won t understand your actions. For example it states in The Giver, ATTENTION A REMINDER THAT STIRRINGS MUST BE REPORTED
  • 28. Social Criticism in the Hollywood Melodramas of the... Social Criticism in the Hollywood Melodramas of the Fifties In the early 1950s the films of Douglas Sirk led the way in defining the emerging genre of the Hollywood melodrama. Melodrama strictly means the combination of music (melos) and drama, but the term is used to refer to the popular romances that depicted a virtuous individual (usually a woman) or couple (usually lovers) victimized by repressive and inequitable social circumstances (Schatz 222). Sirk s films were commercially successful and boosted the careers of stars like Lauren Bacall, Jane Wyman, and Rock Hudson, who was in seven of Sirk s thirteen American films (Halliday 162 171). Although critics in the fifties called the films trivial and campy and dismissed them ... Show more content on ... The visual aspects of Imitation of Life are more discreet; the color is slightly more realistic, in part because the newer Eastman color technology was used instead of Technicolor (Bordwell 357). The outdoor scenes are lavish but authentic, due to the larger budget of the film and the desire not to draw as much attention away from the more complex and socially important plot. Visual realism, however, was never a goal of melodrama. In fact, melodramas had a variety of visual techniques designed to remind the audience that they weren t real. Extreme high and low camera angles, the placement of large objects in the foreground, visual blocks (like columns) separating characters, and non natural lighting were jarring to the audience and were a manifestation of the inner tensions of the characters (FilmFrog 5). The idea behind these tactics was that As soon as the audience is reminded that they are watching a contrived reality, that only within this artificial world are social problems worked out so neatly, the prosocial fiction is cast in doubt (Schatz 249). But this most likely was not the true effect on most audiences, who although they may have understood the social issues presented, probably did not pick up on the symbolism and technique especially since melodramas weren t even analyzed academically until the 1970s (Klinger 2).
  • 29. The Legacy Of The Clinton Foundation Groucho Marx once said that Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies (Brainyquote.) As much as it is painful to admit to, Marx has summed up the problem in American politics accurately. People know there is a problem. However, they do not know how to fix it properly. That, in turn, leads us to letting the higher up officials take care of it, and not all of them are good people. Just look at what happened in Haiti, for example. The Haitians had a problem and they asked for help, but we sent them the wrong people to do so. Now some may try to argue, but the truth is: though the Clinton Foundation has put up a facade as Haiti s number one supporter, it has, in reality, added more destruction on top of their crisis. What Happened In 2010, a gigantic earthquake reaching a 7.0 range shook Haiti. Now Haiti may not have been a huge area, but it was overpopulated... which [as a result] was a factor in the large number of people killed and left several more left homeless and injured (Wilentz). Of course, this sort of tragedy did not go unknown throughout the world and several different cooperations from different countries fled to Haiti; offering to lend a helping hand. One group, who broadcast themselves to be the main helpers to this case was the Clinton Foundation. At sight of this, the Haitians were initially relieved. They believed that things were finally starting to look up.
  • 30. The Color Red In The Scarlet Ibis In life, the color red can be a symbol for strength, power, and hope. In The Scarlet Ibis, however the color red represents innocence. The color red represents something out of place. Doodle and the ibis are connected through the author s brilliant penmanship. The ibis is Doodle in another form. The ibisand Doodle appear to have many similarities in the way that they are introduced to the story. Doodle was born as a baby with a large head and tiny body that was said to be redand shriveled. The ibis was brought to the story by means of a hurricane and is said to be the size of a chicken with scarlet feathers. Both Doodle and the ibis are small and red when they arrive. Doodle and the ibis also have a lot of similar struggles. Doodle
  • 31. George Pocock Accomplishments George Pocock is a name recognized amongst several people with connections to Seattle, the University of Washington, and the rowing community around the United States. He is looked upon as one of the greatest boat builders of all time and has numerous accolades because of his astounding boat building skills. Despite George s successes and accomplishments throughout his life, the journey that led him to such a successful career was one full of struggle and relentless desire to chase a lifelong dream. George was born March 23rd, 1891 in Teddington, Middlesex, England (cite). He was the youngest of four children with two older sisters and an older brother. As the son of a prestigious boat builder, the love and passion for building, as well
  • 32. Essay on The Stonington Beach Hotel | 2014| | The Stonington Beach Hotel, Bermuda | [consultancy report]| The following report is a detailed analysis and diagnosis of the current situation at The Stonington Beach Hotel, Bermuda. Many aspects are considered that include the effect that maintaining the property has on human resources, marketing and the organizational structure of the business. Recommendations are made and then discussed further.| Table of Contents Executive Summary3 Background4 Current Situation4 Analysis amp; Diagnosis5 SWOT Analysis5 Property Perspective6 External Building Structure....................................................................................7 Building Interiors.....................................................................................................8 Exterior Facilities.....................................................................................................9 Other ... Show more content on ... There is such a range of people walking the grounds (including visitors, visitors guests, college students, training staff, supervising staff, and contract workers) that ensuring proper security is important. * Perform detailed market research and survey current customers to determine whether plans for construction of a spa and health club should be considered. Finally, whether these renovations and updates should be done while the hotel remains open or whether the hotel should be closed for maintenance is discussed. Background The Stonington Beach Hotel is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bermuda College which is owned by the Government of Bermuda. The hotel is dual purpose; it provides both accommodation to tourists visiting and also on the job training for current students at the college. Initial construction of the new campus The Stonington Beach Hotel began in 1975 and continued until August 1980 when the hotel opened for the first time. During this development phase, a 64 room hotel was built, along with: a 100 seat fine dining room, a commercial kitchen, guest reception and administration facilities, a guest library, boardroom, and a freshwater pool and patio. During the second development phase (1980 to 1990), five more college buildings were constructed. These included the Administration Building, Student Centre, Arts amp; Sciences Building, Bermuda College Library, and a Faculty Office Building. At the end of this phase, construction and
  • 33. Reliance Digital Case Study INTRODUCTION: Reliance Digital is a leading retail outlet in electronic products. Reliance Digital sells over 150 national and international brands with over 4000 products. It is one of the leading electronic outlet in India with good quality products as well as good quality customer service and satisfaction. A very unique feature of Reliance Digital is RESQ . RESQ consists of a post sales service and advisory team who provide product lifecycle customer support. It also follows value for money concept, which gives the best value for money in terms of Total Cost of Ownership. Total Cost of Ownership is a financial estimate to help owners determine the direct and indirect costs of a product. When a customer buys a product he/she pay more than the price in which the dealer buys the product. Reliance Digital takes the value for money concept ... Show more content on ... The costing methods taken up by Reliance Digital is Operating costing and Operations costing. Operating Costing: These are the expenses related to operations of a business or device. Cost of resources used by the company to maintain its existence. Reliance Digital deals with various kinds of electronic devices. To run the business and maintain its status it needs to maintain good quality in its products as well as service. It incurs various costs in maintenance of its products as well as providing quality service to its customers while selling a product and also after selling the product. Operations Costing: This type of costing method is used when there is a operation carried out in different stages and not the process. In reliance digital operations start from the initial booking that takes place from the customers end through the process of carrying out that booking and completing the order on time. The company incurs many costs in the entire operation. Multiple
  • 34. Epic Hero Research Paper A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles, (Christopher Reeves). Throughout all types of story s, movies, poems and epics, a hero is always found. A hero that is found in a epic is called a epic hero. Many epics were written a few thousand years ago. Beowulf is one of the most common known epic heroes. Another type of herois the modern hero. These are our heroes we have today. Superman and Hulk are examples of an modern hero. Modern and Epic heroes have bothe similarities and differences. Both heroes have the same perspective but could different from design and personality. Over the years, from epic to modern heroes, culture and society has changed our definition... Show more content on ... Both heroes would be rewarded for their deed or deeds. Modern heroes could be rewarded with a girl or freedom from something else. An epic hero was normally given money or gear and weapons worth millions of dollars today. Either way both are rewarded for their deeds. Together both types are also treated with respect and each fight for a good cause. One difference between the two is, modern heroes don t have or want to be recognized for doing the right things. Epic heroes strive to be remembered and most of their deeds come from that. Today modern heroes are just trying to do the right thing and by that they are remembered. Another difference is epic heroes were born to be heroes. Modern heroes are ordinary people who are gifted with their special ability. For example Superman came from a different planet where flying was common. Modern and Epic heroes are different in many but are also the same in
  • 35. Christian Doctrine And The Doctrine Of A New Testament THE POLEMICISTS As the apostle passed from the scene, other leaders arose in the church to take their place. These leaders are fathers because of the esteem in which they were held by loyal church members. They were call bishops and had authority over an area to maintain discipline the church. These fathers can be classified in certain times or divided into four groups. The first groups would be the apostolic fathers, the apologists, the Polemicists, and the scientific theologians. As like the rest of the early church fathers, The Polemicists raised up to defend the faith. Their reaction by concern church fathers against the action of the heretic let to the development of Christian doctrine and the formulation of a New Testament Canon. They fought the heresies that were damaging the church. In refuting error, they used much of the New Testament as the source of the true doctrine. The work of the Polemicists also gave rise to the concept of an orthodox catholic church which was opposed to heresy. While most of the Apologists were from the East, most of the Polemicists were from the West. The Eastern mind was more concerned with speculative theology, whereas the Western mind was concerned with church organization and practical doctrine for solving problems. These were the Polemicists. Irenaeus (A.D. 120 202): Irenaeus was born in Smyrna and later moved to Lyons in Gaul, now France, where he became bishop. He wrote Against Heresies in five books, in which he refuted the
  • 36. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind By Michel Gondry Imagine living in a world where erasing memories of the past was just a night s sleep and a click of a button; would you take advantage of this opportunity? In the film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, directed by Michel Gondry, Joel Barish and Clementine Kruczynski did. The two ended their relationship on a bad note which lead Clem to impulsively arrange an operation to zap that memory away. Joel did the same, but instead of letting go of Clem during his operation, he fell back in love with her; with this realization, his character developed throughout the film which reflects the colorand mood of each scene and point of his life; Joel in the beginning, Clementine, Joel and Clementine together, and when Joel and Clementine broke up. Off the bat Joel s bedroom set the mood to what kind of character he was. Much can be taken from the light that shined into the bedroom, which felt cold and gloomy; it wasn t a bright, morning sunshine; it was gray. This soft and dreary lighting was purposely muted to push the mood of depression and loneliness by reflecting Joel s mood as he starts his day ( Technical Critique of Eternal... ). Everything inside the room felt cold as well; most of the furniture in his room was shades of neutral colors of blacks, browns, grays, whites and muted blues. Even Joel s choice of clothing from his navy blue pajamas to his ebony, black coat reflected the colors of his room and mood. Joel s depression is very transparent in the beginning scene.
  • 37. Shimano Inc. Management Analysis Since its establishment in Japan in 1921, Shimano, Inc. (originally known as Shimano Tekkojo and henceforth referred to as Shimano ) has based its business headquarters in Japan first in Sakai, then later in the industrialized hubs of Tokyo and Nagoya. Through the end of the twentieth century, Shimano was recognized as a major player in the global market of bicyclecomponents manufacturing and distribution to both Europe and the U.S. But stagnated product sales and competition abroad in the early 2000 s, most notably from the American competitor SRAM Corporation, had a negative impact on its international market growth. Besides global and local economics, stagnated sales, and stiff competition abroad (especially in the U.S. where more provocative bicycle designs captured a majority of the domestic and European market share once dominated by Shimano), the location of its home base has does not appear to have played a major role in the decline of Shimano s once global competitive edge. If we take into account Porter s Diamond Model of Competitive Advantage and its relation to Shimano s management location in the last century, we can see that all four attributes of factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supported industries, and firm strategy, structure and rivalry are reflective of the firm s inability to sustain its brand prosperity. Factor Conditions: Although increased labor costs and lack of available workforce led Shimano to relocate its production
  • 38. ELLE Magazine Publication and Audience Analysis ELLE Magazine Publication Audience Analysis Introduction of Publication. ELLE is a fashion magazine that began in France in 1945 when sellers were transitioning from the sales oriented era into the market oriented era, which is characterized by marketing based on a determined target market and focusing on what consumers want and need. Adhering to this prevailing notion of the time, ELLE s aspiration to advise females of the latest trends in fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and relationships has satisfied many women s needs and wants by inspiring them to begin a new life after World War II. Targeted User Profile and Audience Dimensions. ELLE employs a unique mix of all four segmentation techniques, namely geographic, demographic, ... Show more content on ... Your Style. Positioning Statement and Benefits Offered to Target. Through close analysis of the advertisement and Chamilia s slogan, which can also act as a positioning statement, it is apparent that Chamilia is appealing to consumers as a company where customers can discover their own personalized style in jewellery. Through the use of a drawn picture, Chamilia s message through the advertisement is that they can assist their customers in exercising their creativity and retaining control in painting their own unique world of fashionable jewellery. Furthermore, Chamilia claims this can be accomplished while maintaining high quality of the resulting piece of jewellery, as indicated in their advertisement by telling consumers that they can [d]esign combinations of dazzling sterling silver, 14k gold, Swarovski crystal, colored stones and Italian Murano glass (ELLE). This is furthered by their website, which describes their company as one where your ...options are endless. Create a special piece around that s meaningful to you. Your finished designs will be as dazzling as they are personal (Chamilia). The benefits that can be derived from customers also include the satisfaction of social needs. Chamilia provides their customers with products that identify them as belonging to a higher status in society. Target Market of Chamilia. The advertisement is targeted at sophisticated women with
  • 39. Sexism In King Lear Emotions: The Real Villain There is a misconception that those who show their emotions are weaker than those who hide them. Women are thought to be fragile due to this fallacy, which is revealed through the play, King Lear. William Shakespeare s King Lear is about a king who is stripped of his power by two of his daughters, Goneril and Regan, that deceive him by professing their love for him. King Leareventually realizes his mistake of banishing his other daughter, Cordelia, who does not vocalize her love for him. Soon after, he becomes insane from the shock of the betrayal he faces. Shakespeare presents ideas of internalized sexism and exploitation in this play, to show the tendency towards misogyny. He uses the motifs of body and animals to illustrate that women are portrayed as lesser than men because of the stigma of their emotional vulnerability. Internalized sexism reveals how Goneril uses masculine characteristics to hide her sensitivity, attempting to reach for power. Goneril expresses fake love to King Lear to obtain land and plans to eliminate Lear, so she can have more power. After Goneril forces Lear to leave her castle, unless he reduces the number of his knights, the Fool states that the hedge sparrow fed the cuckoo [for] so long / [t]hat it had [its] head bit off by it[s] young (1.4.212 213). The Fool refers to Lear as a hedge sparrow and Goneril as a cuckoo to exemplify one of the first acts of betrayal that Lear faces. A cuckoo generally lays its
  • 40. Catherine Kennedy Informative Speech Today I am going to be talking about Jacqueline Kennedy, known as Jackie. For example like her childhood onto her middle age years, her life as the very first, first lady, and how her life was after her husband, John F. Kennedy had passed away. Before I begin I will give you a briefly biography about her. Jacqueline Kennedy became the first lady in 1961. Her father was John Vernou Bouvier III and her mother was Janet Norton Lee. She had a sister named Caroline Lee and of course her husband President John F. Kennedy. She had four kids named, Arabella Kennedy, Caroline Bouvier Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr, and Patrick Bouvier Kennedy. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28, 1929, in Southampton, New York. Her father, John,... Show more content on ... Jacqueline Kennedy additionally tried to utilize the White House to showcase human expressions. She turned into the most noticeable defender for the foundation of the National Cultural Center in the country s capital, in the long run to be named for her spouse. At the White House she facilitated exhibitions of musical drama, graceful expression, Shakespeare and present day jazz, all performed by American organizations. After her meeting with French Minister of Culture Andre Malraux in May of 1961, he made a credit to the U.S. from France of the Louver Museum s well known Mona Lisa painting, and Jacqueline Kennedy directed the divulging. From Malraux, she created thoughts on the consequent making of a U.S. Bureau of the Arts and Humanities, an endeavor she examined with Rhode Island Senator Claiborne Pell and one that she expected would rise with the production of a presidential expressions guide and consultative board in 1961. The possible formation of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Arts accomplished her objective, she later reflected. She also often designed sketches for her apparel as First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy form quickly drew global consideration; more than some other First Ladies business makers and an expansive section of young ladies replicated her style. While she showed up to a great extent in the media in unapproved wire administration photos and paparazzi previews, White House photos were more as often as possible issued to the press than any other time in recent memory and the part of the official in house picture taker was induced as a consequence of Jacqueline Kennedy s own advantage and direction. She additionally showed up, the most conspicuous being A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy, disclosed on CBS on February
  • 41. The Rights Of Gay Rights Gay Rights has always been a controversial topic. People have fought and argued over this simple human right for years and now we are finally seeing progress. The Gay Rights Movement started on 1924 by Henry Gerber, founder of The Society for Human Rights, the first documented Gay Rights organization according to CNN news. From the start homosexualitywas considered a sociopathic personality disturbance which was diagnosed by the American Psychiatric Association in April 1952. When homosexuality became a hot topic, President Dwight D. Eisenhower singed an executive order that banned all homosexuals from working for the Federal Government saying they are a security risk. Which I can see why it was signed, homosexuals are very sassy and can put you in check which the government wouldn t like. Fast forward to 2005, the state of California was one of the first states to pass a bill allowing same sex marriage and on June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that a state cannot ban same sex marriage which handed the best victory for gay advocates everywhere in America. Although Gay Rights have come a long way in America there is always room for more improvement such as discrimination on getting a job or adopting just because of your sexual orientation. As the LGBT community still faces laws that discriminate the LGBT community from equal opportunities. Anti LGBT organizations make it known they do not want them to succeed. One major Anti Gay Rights Organization is Abiding Truth
  • 42. A Theory Of Justice, By Immanuel Kant John Rawls is a world renowned, American political philosopher of the twentieth century. His views on the state of nature, society, and politics were much more distinct from previous philosophers, and his more modern or progressive life experiences can contribute to the separation between him and others, such as Aristotle, Hobbes, or Rousseau. However, he does have certain ideas and point of views that correlate with the views of those that Immanuel Kant expresses, and more specifically Rawls was greatly influenced by Immanuel Kant by his conclusions in moral philosophy and autonomous law. Rawls takes both from historical knowledge and modern experiences to shape his ideas, and he articulates them through one of his most influential books, A Theory of Justice. Through this book he describes the structure or origin of the social contract tradition in a different view by arguing on behalf of political society through a more liberalism tradition. For example, one of his most distinct views is the role of an original positionin the social contractThe original position is a model of impartiality is based from the veil of ignorance , the principle of rational within individuals, and the idea that individuals choose from self interest, and as such the individuals who derive the social contract will obtain the most just, equal, and fair society in all political, social and economic aspects of society. Although Rawls has various strong objections on his views to the original
  • 43. J.D. Salinger s Franny and Zooey J. D. Salinger s Franny and Zooey is about a twenty year old college student named Franny, who is seeking spirituality in her life. She is a member of the intelligent Glass family, whose children struggle with conforming to society after appearing on the television quiz show called It s a Wise Child. Salinger s novel is composed of two sections. The first section, Franny, deals with Franny explaining to her boyfriend her distaste for the college environment. In the second section, Zooey, Franny discusses with her brother Zooey about feeling isolated from the people around her and finding spirituality in her life. In Franny and Zooeyby J. D. Salinger, the main protagonist, Franny, undergoes a change in perspective as she tries to cope with her dissatisfaction with the world through her spiritual beliefs. In the beginning, Franny is experiencing a deterioration in mental health due to her severe judgemental attitude and harsh criticism of her college experience; with little thought, she turns to prayerin an attempt to resolve her difficulties, but her problems grow worse due to her lack of understanding of religion. Eventually, she comes to a greater understanding of her relationship with others as she realizes the genuine meaning of her spiritual beliefs through listening to Zooey s consoling advice. In the first section of the novel, Franny is having a nervous breakdown as a result of her growing isolation and her misgivings towards college. At a restaurant with her
  • 44. Different Cultures Same World Analysis Different Cultures, Same World Why do people worry or care too much about others? Why do people have a bad habit of judging or assuming who or who a person is just by their look or the way they act in public spaces? Who would be proud to be part of a society who is constantly discrimination others for their race or labeling them by the waythey dress or shape their identities. The following tree authors narrate their personal experiences, how they feel being label as different from the society. Myriam Marquez is a Cuban journalist who is a Spanish speaker when it comes to be with her parents. Even though some people may think it is rude to talk a foreign language in public. People in public who don t understand Spanish may get an impression... Show more content on ... Staples is constantly a victim of society by the way he looks he is just one of million people that are victims of racism every day. On day he was walking when he notice that a white lady well dress that was walking in front of him one evening she was trying to maintain a distance between her and Staples. After she was running in earnest. In seconds she disappeared a cross the street. When Staples was in his 22 years old was when he started to know the he had the ability to alter public spaces in ugly
  • 45. Love Is Strange By Ira Sachs And Mauricio Zacharias (1) BUDGET First released on 18 January 2014 at Sundance Film Festival,, Love is Strange is directed by Ira Sachs and written by Ira Sachs and Mauricio Zacharias, depicting a love story between two old men, who live in New York City. The film is produced by seven companies, which is Parts and labor, in association with Palior House Production, Film50 and Mutressa Movies as well as RT Features, and Charlie Guidance, Mn...Buttered Panini Productions. The film s distributors account for 15 companies. The film gained $117,276 in the opening weekend and grossed $2,252,580 in the United State. Maybe to cut the budget, Sachs lets his husband create painting for the character Ben. The budget for the film is around $150,000. There is a fun fact of ... Show more content on ... Typically, these films directly depict gay lovewhich is studios dislike to handle. Love Is Strange shows audiences the love between two old men could be so simple, just like love between a man and a woman. Likewise, Ben and George look like two kids, and nothing is more important for them than being able to living together. The film is focus on normal life of two old men. Few of studio films want to talk about life trivia, which studio are not interested in. But we can see it is some trivial and real matters that affect audiences and their emotion. It is interesting too. Foe instance, Ben interrupts Kate when she is writing, and Kate asks Ben why he don t start a new painting; Ben answers, It s the hardest thing, Kate, to be honest with you. I brought all my stuff here, s just that I can t really work if there s someone else around. I can t concentrate, you know? Does Ben realize that Kate cannot concentrate because he is around? (3) Characters I cannot confirm who can be easily identified with because Ira Sachs did a good job making elaborate efforts to every characters. Every characters is nice in nature. Ben Hull, one of the old men, is obsessed with sadness. Ben is likely to worry about something with his sorrowful eyes; he is prone to melancholy and sensitivity. But sometimes, he can be so excited. In contrast, George Garea is
  • 46. The Symbol Of The Confederate Flag On September 18, 1863 Confederate soldiers stood proud at the edge of the battle field raising their Confederate Flag in pride and hope. One hundred and fifty four years later, that flag is now being demonized from its true meaning by many people. Conflict about this well known flag has been going on for generations. In Georgia, during the Civil War, the Confederate Flag represented the formation of the Confederacy and hope for success of the Southern states; now some people have turned the flag into a symbol of racism, hate, and many more untrue meanings. The idea of a Confederate Flag started 24 days after the secession of the Confederate States of America from the United States. These states included South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Since they had yet to make a flag for their new government the Provisional Congress made the Committee on the Flag and Seal, directed by William Porcher Miles of South Carolina. The Committee asked for ideas for the Confederate Flag and received hundreds of designs for the flag from ... Show more content on ... When several people were questioned about their view of the flag some responded with pride. For example, a Cherokee High School senior said, The flag stands for my heritage and pride in my southern culture . Another said, I think it is a symbol of pride because my people stood up for themselves (Schall). The negative statements said about the flag include, represents red necks and stupidity, (La Tona), means slavery of African Americans by ruthless white men and women and their fight to keep slavery, (Sicilia). After asking someone from Quebec, Canada who has lived in Georgia for 30 years about their thoughts on the flag they simply answered with, It means the south to me, nothing more.