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Philosophy Essay Papers - Drureport312.Web.Fc2.Com Philosophy Essay Papers - Drureport312.Web.Fc2.Com
Bigfoot Description
On 10 August 2001 at about 3.00pm, the sun was shining and there were only a few clouds on the sky.
I decided to go out for a walk, so I took my car and drove to a big forest in Schouweiler. There are no
streets near the forest, so I walked about 1 km to reach it. After an hour I was deep inside the forest so
I decided to go home. But suddenly I heard a little noise. I turned around, but I didn t see anything. A
few seconds later I heard a sound of breaking branches, I looked around and I saw a dark figure
standing a few meters behind me. It was about 2m (6 foot 6 inches) tall, dark haired and very big. I
tried to film it, but it disappeared quickly, I couldn t follow anymore. After an hour I was at home
again and I still couldn t believe what I saw ... Show more content on ...
Bigfoot is an ape like creature that has been spotted in multiple areas around the world, lives in mostly
thick forests around the world. Bigfoot is an ape like creature with a distinct communicating system.
He is also hairy, and his body structure resembles an ape. He is also described has very muscular as
his tall. Bigfoot is supposed to be 6 10 feet tall. The creature also resemble an ape screaming. It
sounded like 20 dogs barking in sync perfectly together. History Youtube Bigfoot. Apes also had a
communicating system, if you hit a tree with a rock 2 times, a response will get you 1 tap back. Apes
have the same communicating system. A team of researchers tried a technique where if you hit a tree
once, you will get 2 taps back. History Bigfoot Youtube. Creatures like Bigfoot know there
surrounding, and if a human comes, they can mimic other animal signs to avoid being seen. Apes have
been known to do this. Especially to avoid predators. Each individual mimicked another animal and
one human sound cat, canine, samurai chatter, and an out of this worldly monkey type sound. History
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Regression And Neural Media And Data Analysis
The data source node s results did confirm that class variables such as Funding_TrustTerritory,
FundingFedStatesMicronesia, Funding_MarshallIslands, Funding_Palau, FundingUndistributed, and
Funding_NorthernMarianas were missing more than forty percent of their data (Figure 4). Once the
data node was formatted, and Government_Funding(US) was the target variable, a StatExplore node
was attached to the data source node to identify and confirm all missing data from each variable and
observe the target Government_Funding(US) s relationship with the other variables. Other variables
missing zero percent to thirty nine percent of its data were later replaced and substituted in the
Regression and Neural Network models to produce a better fit ... Show more content on ...
New York receives an average $123,795.70 federal funding with a maximum of $235,860. Texas
receives an average $112,366.20 federal funding with a maximum of $222,618. Florida receives an
average $84,990.67 federal funding with a maximum of $173,43. Illinois receives an average
$67,879.70 federal funding with a maximum of $125,234. Depicted in the next chapter, California,
Florida, Illinois, and Texas were grouped, in a cluster, with the least at risk demographics; however,
these states are receiving most of federal funding for prevention programs (Figures 10, 11, 12). Two
different clusters were created ((Figures 10, 11, 12) after the variable clustering node ran. The first
cluster grouped the death_black and death_allnonwhite variables with most of the Midwest, west,
south, and mid Atlantic states, while the second cluster grouped variables death_white, death_female,
death_male, and death_bothsexes with most northeastern states (Figures 11 12). As mentioned above,
California, Florida, Illinois, and Texas are grouped in cluster 1 with the least death toll populations but
are receiving the most federal funding when it appeared their demographic population did not need a
lot of funding compared to cluster 2. Also, in cluster one and two, the variation explained shows that
54 56% of increased federal funding can explain the increase in drug abuse related deaths (Figures 13
14). Results, from the Segment Profile
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Mark Twain s Worldview
Mark Twain and His Worldview The worldviews of authors greatly affect what they write and how
they write it. This essay will examine what Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, believes
about the world and how he expressed this in some of his lesser known writings such as Letters From
the Earth and Little Bessie. By understanding his worldview people can better dissect some of his
other more common works to learn their intirquices. Samuel Clemens, later known as Mark Twain,
was born to Jane and John Marshall Clemens in Florida Missouri in the year 1835. Their, he spent
much of his time on his uncle s farm with his siblings. His siblings, that survived, were Orion, the
oldest, Henry, his younger brother, and Pamela, his older sister. ... Show more content on ...
Satan is fascinated with this and asks God many questions about everything on the earth and the
purpose of it. He asks about humans the most. He asks the purpose of them and why God created them
in the first place. Eventually, Satan is banished for a time and he goes to the earth to observe the
creature he is the most fascinated with, humans. He writes what he observes in letters and sends them
to Michael and Gabriel the archangels in heaven. These letters focus mainly on the nature of humans
and how they observe God (Letters From the
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Art Criticism Of The Baroque Era
The Musicians In art criticism, the word Baroque came to be used to describe anything irregular,
bizarre, or otherwise departing from established rules and proportions, (Britannica, 2016). Caravaggio,
born Michelangelo Merisi (1571), an Italian painter, can be said almost single handedly to have
created the Baroque style during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. None other can be
more appropriately defined as Baroque than Caravaggio; his character, like his art, was
confrontational and uncompromising, and both loved and hated. He introduced a powerfully frank
realism and dramatic, theatrical lighting and gesture into Italian Baroque art. Caravaggio s
unvarnished realism and tenebrism influenced nearly every important European artist of the
seventeenth century. (Stokstad, Cothren). By the end of the 16th century, art began to break away from
the refined and disciplined style of mannerism, heavily influenced by the Counter Reformation of the
Church, and emergence of powerful monarchies. This movement comes to be known as the Baroque
Era. Baroque artists were particularly focused on natural forms, spaces, color, and the use of light in
order to create a strong emotional experience; almost theatrically, inviting the viewer to participate in
the story. The Catholic Church found itself needing to influence and rebuild its following; turned its
attention to the arts. The Counter Reformation used the arts to appeal as much to the emotions and
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Persepolis Historical Events Essay
Discuss particular historical events that are imported into the graphic novel, as well as her rebellious
phase. Discuss the usage of one or two of these and make an evaluation of their effectiveness in terms
of text and image. In Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi utilizes important Iranian
historical events to give us a detailed account of how certain events affected her life throughout the
graphic novel. For example, the two main events that hard the largest impact, not only on her, but to
the country as well, was the invasion from Iraq and the step down of the Iranian king Mohammad
Reza Shah Pahlavi. These two events are connected by time and how they both originated during the
time of the revolution. Also, Satrapi struggled with a rebellious phase that caused her to get in trouble
and possibly cause major ordeals. The introduction of the Iran Iraq War happened with not only
consequences for Iran, but a lasting and influential effect on Marjane Satrapi. The Iran Iraq War is
introduced on page 80 panel 3 (80/3) with the air invasion/bombardment of Tehran by Iraqi MiGs,
gives us the first view of a lasting effect on Iran and Satrapi. Frustration is shown both by Satrapi and
her father, such as when her father says No! The bastards!, and when she says Those assholes!
However, a little ... Show more content on ...
Around the her younger teenage years, Satrapi was getting into punk with listening to Iron Maiden
(131/1) and wearing other famous musicians clothing. The influence the music has and why it is
looked down upon is because of its possible western influence through the lyrics to whoever listens to
it. Listening to this music even has Satrapi going on the streets and trying to buy bootleg music
(132/1), which could lead to her getting in serious
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Analysis Of Augustine s Augustine
Augustine is a sixteen year old boy, like all sixteen year olds he is going through puberty and trying to
figure out what love is. Augustine states, For as I became a youth, I longed to be satisfied with worldly
things, and I dared to grow wild in a succession of various and shadowy loves (24). Any young adult
experiences the same things that Augustine is going through. Augustine struggled with knowing the
difference between pure affection and unholy desire. He becomes ashamed of himself and goes into a
spiral of sorrow. In chapter one Augustine says, If only there had been someone to regulate my
disorder and turn to my profit the fleeting beauties of the things around me (24). Like all teenagers
their parents try and tell them right from wrong but most teenagers have to learn from there own
mistakes. Augustine reflects back on a quote from Apostle Paul. He realizes if he had just listened to
the words more closely, he would not be in the trouble that he is in. Augustine turns to the Lord and
ask what can I do and why did I do this? His parents want him to learn from his mistakes and they tell
him he should make a powerful speech and become a persuasive orator. While his studies were
interrupted, he had come back from a city to further his education at Carthage. His father supported
him in everything even though he did not have a lot of money. Augustine s parents told him he only
had to be good at speaking. Augustine still lived with his parents and one day his father
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Themes of Honor and Shame in Invisible Man Essay
Invisible Man is a novel by Ralph Ellison, addressing many social and moral issues regarding African
American identity, including the inside of the interaction between the white and the black. His novel
was written in a time, that black people were treated like degraded livings by the white in the Southern
America and his main character is chosen from that region. In this figurative novel he meets many
people during his trip to the North, where the black is allowed more freedom. As a character, he is not
complex, he is even naïve. Yet, Ellison s narration is successful enough to show that he improves as he
makes radical decisions about his life at the end of the book.
The nameless narrator is a young black ... Show more content on ...
White people s idea of educating black is surrounded by abasement. What is seen on the surface that
the college tries to achieve is not what is beneath. The narrator realizes this when he has to talk to Dr.
Bledsoe after his misdeeds. Dr. Bledsoe s speech, although mostly reprimanding, gives clues about
many moral issues, which the people experiencing the racism and division of races come across.
Please him? And here you are a junior in college! Why, the dumbest black bastard in the cotton patch
knows that the only way to please a white man is to tell him a lie! (pg.139) My God, boy! You re black
and living in the South did you forget how to lie? These two sentences, owned by Dr. Bledsoe suggest
that the boy should lie to hide the inconvenient truth to Mr. Norton. It brings a question of ethics,
along with honor. Is a person who lies honorable? Is lying permissible in this case? The investigation
and the answers to these questions will make the understanding of honor clearer. Negroes don t control
this school or much of anything else haven t you learned even that? No, sir, they don t control this
school, nor white folk either. True they support it, but I control it. I s big and black and I say Yes, suh
as loudly as any burr head when it s convenient, but I m still the king down here. (Pg.142) The reason
that Dr. Bledsoe wants the narrator to lie is apparent on the quotation above. His hunger for authority,
his affection towards power, his ambition to
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Psychological Abuse In Slavery By Harriet Jacobs
Psychological abuse is characterized by non physical acts to affect inner thoughts. As a slave, Harriet
Jacobs experienced a great amount of pain and suffering while her and her family members were
slaves of Dr. Flint. She narrated her experiences after realizing she was a slave at six years old. From
an analysis of Harriet Jacobs experience in slavery, she suffered more from psychological abuse
because she was treated like property, manipulated by Dr. Flint, and emotionally depressed.
One of the reasons why Harriet Jacobs suffers more from psychological abuse was because she was
treated as property. Upon the death of her generous mistress, Harriet Jacobs was later relocated into
her mistress niece s house. The mistress niece was only five years old which made Jacobs the property
of her father, Dr. Flint who made Harriet Jacobs life a living hell while being a slave in his house.
From the time that Jacobs and her brother William first walked into their new master s home, they
knew their lives were about to get worse: When we entered our new home we encountered cold looks,
cold words, and cold treatment, (Ch.2). From the start, Dr. Flint and his wife treated Jacobs as
property. As Jacobs said in chapter four, he occasionally tried to sell her for high prices but said she
wasn t his property to sell: She don t belong to me. She is my daughter s property, and I have no right
to sell her. Once Jacobs was 15 years old and Dr. Flint was 55, his sexual interest towards
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Push And Push Analysis
4.2 Analysis of the Push and Pull Motivation Items
I part one, there are the question relating to 37 motivation items which are based on Likert type scale.
According to the statistics, each question has been shown and divided into different push and pull
factors to evaluate the motivations of Hong Kong Disneyland.
4.3 Ranking of Motivation Items
The important levels of Hong Kong Disneyland visitors motivations were measured on a five point
Likert type scale (1=least important, 2=somewhat important, 3=neutral, 4=important and 5=most
important). Table4.2 shows the means of 37 motivation expressions into the push and pull categories.
Mean score of push motivation presents what forces within the visitors mind push them to visit Hong
Kong Disneyland, ... Show more content on ...
It implied that people would like to make a different for their busy daily life in Hong Kong
Disneyland. According to the study of Ap and Mok (1996), Hong Kong was identified as the most
stressful city in the world, so that is the reason that escaping from the ordinary were considered a
critical motivator to the local residents.
On the other hand, Mainland and overseas visitors were more interested in trying new foods than local
visitors. They may think that visiting Hong Kong Disneyland as an opportunity to try Hong Kong
local foods. The newly renovated Hong Kong local style café introduces a wide selection of local
gourmet menus such as egg tarts and milk tea, it takes visitors to the city an appetizing journey that
highlights Hong Kong s unique culture and heritage.
Local visitors would not consider the factor of going places my friends have not been as an important
motivations than Mainland and Overseas visitors. More than 91.5 of Local visitors were repeated
visitors, this can be explained that going
Hong Kong Disneyland with friends have not been is not the main reason for local visitors to
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An Analysis Of Will Richardson s From Master Learner
I found myself nodding like a bobblehead while reading Will Richardson s From Master Teacher to
Master Learner.
Richardson argues that with our ability to use technology to connect, create and share globally, the
basic assumptions of schools are increasingly irrelevant. While focusing on the skills and dispositions
of learning (and defining what we mean by learning ), teachers current role must change as they
become more important than ever in preparing students for a world in rapid transition.
What s valued now is what we can do with what we know and the ability to learn more. As my own
journey as a teacher has been to become a learner of learning for the past five years, I wholeheartedly
agree with Richardson.
While access to technology
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Theme Of Ode On A Grecian Urn By John Keats
Life s mysteries are best stated in writing. Some mysteries are revealed, while others remain unknown
forever. John Keats, one of England s greatest poets, published several poems, including one of his
most famous ones in 1819, Ode on A Grecian Urn (Keats 247). Keats was a renowned poet during the
British Romantic period. Romantic literature focused on beauty and emotions. So, what is the
significance of the scenes depicted on the mysterious urn? Is the urn simply a masterpiece of art with
emphasis only on physical beauty? In the poem, Ode on A Grecian Urn , John Keats creates
mysterious scenes on a Greek urn to contrast between everlasting art and human life. Keats contrasts
both worlds through the urn s elaborate description, the theme of personal relationships, and the
ultimate message of beauty, with significant relevance to modern times.
The poems ambiguities begin with the speaker describing the urn. However, these ambiguities are not
just intended by Keats to remain enigmatic, they are there to be connected like a puzzle, piece by
piece. As the speaker, who is a mystery himself, describes the urn, it is evident that he is bewildered
with a spark of curiosity, attempting to grasp the meaning of the scenes (Mishra 51). The speaker first
states what he sees from a distance. He describes the distinct advantages of the urn as an object, Thou
still unravished bride of quietness...foster child of silence and slow time (Keats 247). He defines the
world of art as
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The Impact of Information Technology on Banking Services...
MATRIC NO. 07/0527
APRIL 2012
SERVICES (CASE STUDY OF ZENITH BANK PLC), written, researched and submitted by
EBHOHON OLUWASEUN I was carried out under my supervision and it is adequate in scope as a
project it meets the requirement and regulations governing the award of Bachelor of Science in
Banking Finance, ... Show more content on ...
..........................20 26
2.4 Theoretical Framework..............................................................................................................26 27
2.5 Moderators Component..................................................................................27 28
2.6 Research Paradigm........................................................................................29
3.1 Research methodology and design.......................................................................30
3.2 Source Data.................................................................................................31
3.3 Data gathering procedures.................................................................................31 32
3.4 Data analysis.................................................................................................32
3.5 Ethical issues................................................................................................32
4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................33
4.2 Data Analysis.................................................................................................33
4.3 Management of Information Technology Infrastructure...............................................34 53
4.4 Test of Hypothesis...........................................................................................53 56
5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................57
5.2 Summary......................................................................................................57 58
5.3 Findings of the Study.........................................................................................58 59
5.4 Conclusion......................................................................................................59
5.5 Recommendation...............................................................................................60
Bibliography........................................................................................................61 63
Curriculum Vitae...................................................................................................64
Letter of Permission................................................................................................65
Questionnaire.......................................................................................................66 68
As Information Technology is the modern trend in
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Advantages Of Steganography
Abstract Steganography means secret communication. It can also be defined as the study of invisible
communication that is used to hide the existence of the communicated data in such a way that it
remains confidential. In steganography, secret data can be communicated in an appropriate multimedia
carrier such as image, audio and video files. Steganography can be classified into two types Adaptive
steganography and Non adaptive steganography. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. In this paper,
we review some adaptive and non adaptive methods of steganography.
Keywords Steganography, Adaptive steganography, Non adaptive steganography, LSB,
The word steganography is derived from the Greek words stegos ... Show more content on ...
Here we briefly describe the LSB matching revisited based on adaptive steganography. In 2010 Weiqi
Luo et al. [20] proposed an edge adaptive scheme which select the regions for embedding according to
the size of secret message and the difference between two successive pixels in the cover image. For
lesser embedding rates, simply sharper edge regions are used while keeping the other smoother
regions as they are. When the embedding rate enhances, more edge regions can be released adaptively
for data hiding by modifying just a few parameters. LSB matching revisited (LSBMR)[4] considers a
pair of pixels as an embedding component, in which the LSB of the first pixel embeds one bit of secret
message, and the relationship (odd even combination) of the two pixel values carries another bit of
secret message.The modification rate of pixels can decrease from 0.5 to 0.375 bits/pixel (bpp) in the
case of a maximum embedding rate, meaning lesser changes to the cover image at the same payload
compared to LSB replacement and LSB matching. It has been shown that such a scheme can avoid the
LSB replacement style asymmetry, and thus it should make the detection slightly more difficult than
the LSB matching scheme.The approach consist of two parts embeddding and extraction. The
embedding part first initializes some parameters, which are used for successive data preprocessing and
region selection, and then estimates the capacity of selected regions. If the regions are big enough for
hiding the secret message , then data hiding is performed on the selected regions. Then,it does some
postprocessing to get the stego image. Otherwise the scheme needs to revise the parameters, and then
repeats region selection and
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Biofuels As A Fuel Source
Biofuels as a Fuel Source: Paper 3 In a time of energy crisis and a subsequent search for a renewable
replacement for crude oil, biofuels have arisen as a source of hope. Currently, the largest source of
biofuels in the United States is corn based ethanol. The large scale of corn ethanol production and the
potential promise of finding a domestic, reliable source of energy, requires the fuel s viability as a
replacement for crude oil to be evaluated. However, there is debate surrounding corn based ethanol s
environmental, economic, and social impacts. The scientists and governments who support the
development of biofuels claim that it will not only provide a new and sustainable source of energy but
also that it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and is therefore better for the environment. However,
although corn based ethanol continues to harbor support from the United States government,
environmentalists argue that ethanol is not substantially better for the environment, especially when
the effects of its production are taken into account. Also, while some larger farms profit from ethanol
production, it places economic stress upon smaller farms and the agricultural industry and leads to
higher food prices that are a great detriment to those living at the level of subsistence. Therefore, in
order to produce energy efficient, environmentally friendly fuel, the United States must work towards
developing cellulosic biofuels and those produced by microbes as they have
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My Experience As An Intern For The Semester Of Fall
Introduction In this report I will discuss my experience as an intern for the semester of fall, 2015. For
the past few months I have partaken in a residential construction internship building custom homes
and renovations through a non profit organization for veterans and the elderly. Internship Orientation
and Preparation My internship began on August 17th. Throughout the first 2 weeks there was another
intern at the company. Throughout those two weeks the other intern mentored me and gave me advice
to have a successful internship and how the company functioned. When the next intern starts his
internship in the spring, I will take the role as a mentor for a week as well. Having a fellow intern
prepare you and tell you what to expect created a better transition into the internship. Early in the
internship, my boss made it clear that I would be spending most of the day with him either at the
office or out in the field. In preparation for work every day, I recommend dressing in comfortable yet
professional clothing. On certain days we met with the owners of our projects, so it was essential to be
presentable. It is also important to eat a good and healthy breakfast to have energy and start the day off
correctly. Houston can have atrocious traffic depending on the hour of the day, weather, or accidents.
To get to work on time I strived to be there at least thirty minutes before my actual day of work began.
In those thirty minutes I was able to review the day before and make
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Conveyancing Solicitor Case Study
Looking for experienced Conveyancing Solicitors to provide you with flexible solutions as per your
latest requirements? Then, you are able to realize maximum benefits as per the exact needs you got on
an overall. Imagine that you have approached few solicitors for conveyancing in an ultimate manner.
However, the situation might get jinxed further once you receive multiple quotes from several
prominent solicitors. Taking a final decision becomes a herculean task for sure in case you lack
knowledge in this regard. This is exactly where comparing the quotes will benefit you the most in an
eventual manner as per your exact needs. Not all Conveyancing Solicitors are known to offer you
exceptional service besides charging you the same price. You can seek the services of such solicitors
only after approaching one of the experienced professionals in an eventual manner as per your latest
requirements. Perhaps, you will be able to realize all those benefits that are necessary for you in
maintaining perfect quality standards as well. The act of soliciting at different levels of various
businesses including Real Estate, Property and other home deals is best possible for you through such
solicitors in an ultimate manner. Instant results of comparing are provided to you with the generation
of timely quotes. ... Show more content on ...
Inquire whether they have maximum grip on local land and property laws so that you could deal with
any situational issue in a perfect manner. Perhaps, you could negotiate the best land deals without
experiencing any financial losses on an overall. Maintaining perfect real estate deals by generating
consistent profits without any legal hindrances is easily possible in this regard. Instead of getting a raw
deal due to poor negotiations, it is better to seek the valuable services of experienced solicitors for
conveyancing in an ultimate
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Aberdeen s Influence on Kurt Cobain Essay
Aberdeen s Influence on Kurt Cobain
The towns of Hoquiam and Aberdeen are located on the eastern edge of Grays Harbor in western
Washington state. If you are a fan of the band Nirvana, you have probably heard of these names. If
not, you are about to read how a town affected a person who in turn affected many people s lives.
Kurt Cobain was the singer and guitarist for Nirvana. He was born in Hoquiam (population 9,000) and
after six months of life moved to Aberdeen (pop. 16,500), an old lumber town at the eastern most
point of Grays Harbor. The town is about four miles wide and three miles long. On the northern and
eastern sides of town are steep hills where the richer families live in Victorian style houses. At the foot
of the ... Show more content on ...
The town also became the end of a railroad line because of the lumber companies. Prostitution
prospered with as many as fifty whorehouses in the downtown area. Prostitution was around until the
late fifties when the police finally ended it. (Azerrad 12) The lumber boom slacked off a few years ago
as the economy fell and available lands were depleted. Now people are worried that the Northwestern
logging industry will not be able to recover and Aberdeen is marked for a slow ugly death. (Gilmore
According to Kenn Oberrecht, Aberdeen s name is from a city in Scotland. The name is Gaelic and
means the meeting of two rivers. Aberdeen, in case you do not know, is at the joining of the Chehalis
and Wishkah rivers. It is about one hundred miles south west of Seattle and 48 miles west southwest
of Olympia. (164) The first sawmill was built in 1884 and the shipbuilding industry prospered until
the 1920 s.
If there is a single attractive thing about Aberdeen, it would be the 98 square miles of surrounding
estuaries, tidelands, and marshes that attract shorebirds by the hundreds of thousands. They come
every April and May to rest and feed for the long trip north to their arctic and subarctic nesting areas.
Suicide is unusually high in Aberdeen. Mikal Gilmore writes about how Aberdeen s local
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Sects of Ancient Judaism Essay
At the end of the Second Temple period, many sects of Judaic belief began arising with the growing
imposition of the Hellenistic beliefs of the conquering Greeks. Some of these sects arose in
accordance with the newly prominent Hellenism, and others formed strongly in opposition to these
foreign beliefs. The three main groups that appeared during this period were the Pharisees, the
Sadducees, and the Essenes. The biggest conflicts arose very prominently between the Pharisees and
the Sadducees.
The Pharisees came into existence as a class in the third century BCE. They lived very simple lives
and didn t believe in the ideas of luxury. After exile, Israel abandoned the ideas of a monarchical
government and the Pharisees created a ... Show more content on ...
The Sadducees, unlike the Pharisees, only believed that the written law was valid, and did not adhere
to Oral Law. The Sadducees were highly populated by the people of high society such as the
aristocracy and the priesthood who clashed with the lower class common man (typically Pharisees).
They were the dominant priestly party throughout almost all Greek and Roman rule. They also
maintained very powerful political control by always siding with the ruling power. This made them
very unpopular with the people of Israel. Also, for this reason, the Pharisees became more and more
the leaders of the people of Israel. The Sadducees were highly influenced by the Greek Hellenism.
They appreciated the Greek way of thought and belief and they believed that there is nothing beyond
what we perceive in this world. They were strongly opposed by the Pharisees for their adaptation of
these Hellenistic beliefs. In their eyes, there was no spirits or angels, no world beyond death, and no
divine intervention in the lives of man. They fit well into the Greek world of philosophers, always
questioning laws and beliefs.
The Pharisees maintained very strong traditional beliefs of the Judaic faith while the Sadducees
approached it with indifference and materialism. For these reasons, the Pharisaical beliefs have been
maintained through centuries of
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Modernism And Modernism Essay
The sixties was an era of radical change. With the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam War, the
assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, plus the success of the moon landing,
people all around the world and especially in the United States were beginning to see a change in the
world itself and the minds of the people in it. The sudden ability to receive messages from across
oceans and the ability to travel internationally much safer and quicker also changed the way people
looked at themselves and their fellow neighbors. The Norton Anthology of World Literature Vol. F
explains this: At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world was interconnected as never before.
New means of transportation, such as the ... Show more content on ...
The main purpose is to understand the two philosophies, and how they effected the period in which
they were born. From doing this, we can show the impact of them effected not only in the sixties, but
also today. The first genre of fiction that was born during these times was Postmodernism. Its
predecessor, Modernism, also came from the events that were happening around the world, especially
through the newfound interconnectedness with different nations through new technological
communications, and through easier and safer travel. Through this, the world experienced a change in
its thinking, interpreting, and defining. This is explained better through The Norton Anthology of
World Literature Vol. F: Writers around the world responded to these cataclysmic events with an
unprecedented wave of literary experimentation, known collectively as modernism, which linked the
political crises with a crisis of representation a sense of that the old ways of portraying the experience
were no longer inadequate. The modernists therefore broke away from such conventions as standard
plots, verse forms, narrative techniques, and the boundaries of genre. (Norton Anthology of World
Literature Vol. D) It was through this genre that Postmodernism was born of. When other problems
began to settle and others began to rise, its birth changed things even further than its predecessor.
Looking at its definition found in Magil s Survey of
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On One Guy, One Girl A Shemale
Personal Experience Response
This had to be by far the most unique and distinct experience paper yet. The options were so relevant
to the class and for the first time, in a long time, this was an exciting experience for me. All due to one
topic: S E X. With that being said my topic of choice was a movie review. This was a bit common and
challenging for me at the same time. Challenging because I didn t know which category I haven t
watched when it comes to porn and common for me because I watch porn very often.
#NOJUDGEMENTZONE Why I chose this topic was pretty simple, there are a few subdivisions in
the porn industry that I have yet to experience. I m pretty sure, majority of society watches the usual:
man on woman; woman on woman and man on man. Now how many of these people can say they
have also watch intersex people having intercourse. Now to the average person, intersex persons are
usually called trannys/transexuals/shemales in the adult film industry. ... Show more content on ...
I watched this movie on; which so happens to be my favorite porn site (this is
confidential right?) I usually watch ,any different forms of porn. Meaning the usual 2 people porn or
the orgies and gangbangs but this by far had to be the most shocking. Watching a intersex persons
perform fallacio on a man, while the woman is trying her best to gag on the intersex persons genitals
ws kind of new to me. It was even more shocking to see just how big an intersex persons penis can
look. Ironically it s bigger than the males
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Pulmonary Drug Delivery of Peptides and Proteins
Pulmonary drug delivery of peptides and proteins is highly desirable because of many advantages
such as rapid and predictable onset of action, high relative bioavailability and non invasive mode of
administration which improves patient compliance. In the current study the effect of sugar carrier type
(trehalose as non reducing and maltose as reducing sugar), hydroxy propyl β cyclodextrin
concentration (0%, 0.02% and 0.04%) and adding tween 80 as surfactant on physicochemical stability
and aerosol performance of spray freeze dried salmon calcitonin was investigated. High performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis indicated that cyclodextrin concentration had the most
important effect on powder s chemical stability and by increasing the concentration of cyclodextrin
stability of the formulations increase dramatically. Based on the chemical stability data four
formulations (chemical stability over than 90% ) was selected for further examinations. Fluorescence
spectroscopy and circular dichroism data suggest that these chemically stable formulations are
structurally stable too. Aerosol performance data shows that surfactant free formulations produce
higher fine particle fraction (approximately 70%) than surfactant containing formulations
(approximately 50%). It may be due to the more cohesive structure of surfactant containing
KEY WORDS: salmon calcitonin, inhalation, spray freeze drying, hydroxypropyl β cyclodextrin,
surfactant, stability, INTRODUCTION
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Japan Women
To understand all modern or early modern states in a general sense is almost impossible; therefore, a
narrowing down is necessary here. This paper discusses solely about Japan and China, assumed as
early modern in this specific context, and the position of women, particularly prostitutes, within them.
Drawn from Amy Stanley s Selling Women and Matthew H. Sommer s Sex, Law, and Society in Late
Imperial China, it addresses the differences and similarities between the women of China and Japan in
sex trade to elaborate how women were subject to the gendered order along socio economic changes.
At the first glance, women in China and Japan in the early modern stage were strikingly dissimilar.
One of the most conspicuous differences lies in ... Show more content on ...
Chinese women, if a commoner, were required to follow the social system which endowed sexual
monopoly of the husbands over the wives, whereas the situation of their Japanese counterparts is
similar in that the praising of indentured prostitutes who supported their families was a discourse to
help strengthen the patriarchal status system in early Tokugawa period. Certainly, the society changed
over time and so was the position of women within it. This is clearly seen in the expansion of sex
trade in Japan since the eighteenth century and the emancipation edict of jian status in 1723 in Qing
China. However, this does not mean that women were freed from the gendered social cage. As
Sommer contends, the edict reinforced the gendered stratum, implicated in that as all women were
categorized as commoners, they were ultimately evaluated by their sexual history . In the Japanese
case, Stanley argues that Japanese prostitutes were never really autonomous in economic terms. This
accusation of being economic autonomous agents by the local elites and peasants precisely evidences
the patriarchal anxiety to maintain the gendered order
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Female Crickets Calling Song Essay
From our experiment, we are unable to reject that female crickets do not choose their mates based on
their calling song. The t test value did not give us a significant difference in the female s view time of
the male s for us to say that our hypothesis is valid. Looking at the values from Figure 4 though we
can see the total viewing time among the different males, which shows the male with the louder
calling song generally had more time spent in front of his side. There have been studies that show the
female does choose the male based on his calling song (Gray, 1997). Some of our data slightly show
this. In figure 4, the male with the louder chirp is viewed the most, but there is not enough in the
difference of male view times for us to reject the null hypothesis. One thing that would have made the
results more accurate is if the male crickets would have ... Show more content on ...
The observation tank took awhile to set up. The first few trials the crickets were getting into the other
male s area, the female s area, and out of the tank. It was not until after the experiment was completed
that a new way to redesign the observation tank was thought of. Perhaps having a more secluded tank
for each male, one that was sound proof for each male but able to be heard by the female. The
recording microphones were of cheap quality, and a lot of feedback/static was recorded along with the
chirps, making the sound unusable. If expenses were not an issue a higher quality of microphone
would have made the recordings of the male crickets chirp more accurate. Multiple sound analyzer
would only read the volume of the noise, and did not allow for an option to record the sound and play
it back. Being able to find a sound analyzer that stored/recorded sound, and would allow for
comparisons of two recordings would have been ideal to use in this
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Is Education A Moral And Civilised Society Which Is At...
Education s main goal is to establish a civilised, moral and contented society which is at ease with
itself (Hayes, 2008). This interpretation of education is one which I have seen gather meaning
throughout my placement, if posed with the question what is the aim of education? prior to my
placement my response would have been a generic and standard answer referring to the possibilities of
getting a job in the future and to meet government and societies standards. But my time on placement
has allowed me to reflect upon and respond to the excellent teaching I have witnessed which has had a
focus on meeting standards but there is an edge to the style of teaching, characterising how the teacher
cares for every single child as an individual and wishes to see them grow and develop as individuals.
This article of work has been broken down into four main sections; these sections are the main entries
from my reflective diary which in my opinion are the most significant experiences from my time. The
first section is focused primarily on how the teachers rapport which is built through her affection and
care to her class which consequently inspires the class to work and behave for her and how this affects
the behaviour management strategies used in the classroom, secondly I will look at the differentiation
between pupils in the classroom, the role of the teaching assistant in the classroom and finally the use
of questioning in the classroom. How teacher pupil rapport affects
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What Role Did Women Play In The Early Development Of...
Christianity in the Roman era appealed to both women and men. Its sense of inclusiveness,
forgiveness, and other aspects of it changed the lives of many Roman people. However, there were
many different qualities of Christianity that led women to convert. Particularly in Jesus s life and some
time after his life, women were key figures in the development and spread of the religion. Women had
the important role of helping develop Christianity and spreading Jesus s teachings, and this was
important because they aided the survival of Christianity.
Firstly, women helped Jesus in his search for the nature of the divine, and his teachings. In the early
development of Christianity, disciples were persecuted by the Roman Empire (Strayer, 174).
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Sonnet XX Of Fatal Interview By Edna St. Vincent Millay
Love is a really beautiful thing, but it isn t everything you have to live for. In life, you will need many
things other than love to survive. In Sonnet XXX of Fatal Interview by Edna St. Vincent Millay, a
poem written as a Shakespearean sonnet, an anonymous speaker discusses how your world doesn t
revolve around love yet you need it in your your life. The sonnet starts off with the speaker s direct
objective of informing the reader Love is not all but ends with an opposing purpose that they would
not give up love for anything. In order for the speaker to figure out the importance and value of love to
themselves, they will have to learn the difference between what they truly desire and require.
To emphasize the significance of love to a human being s survival, the poem begins with the many
aspects that love isn t capable of. By stating the ways love is useless in providing as a necessity of life,
the speaker is able to persuade the reader(s) that it serves no real purpose. Displaying the a b a parts of
a Shakespearean sonnet rhyme scheme, love is not meat or drink nor slumber nor a roof against the
rain; nor yet a floating spar to men that sink, (Millay 1 3) it holds no practical value. It can t provide
you with food and shelter you from nature or even help you to survive. In other words, these stanzas
connected the image of love to an idea of uselessness in surviving.
For this reason, the speaker continues on with listing love s other incapabilities, aside from food and
shelter. These incapabilities continue to build the image of how expendable love is. By further
downgrading love s practical value, it leads to the question of whether love serves any purpose in life
at all. In these four stanzas, Love can not fill the thickened lung with breath, nor clean the blood, nor
set the fractured bone; yet many a man is making friends with death even as I speak, for lack of love
alone, (Millay 5 8) alliteration is displayed along with the addition of a contrasting idea. From the
stanzas, we learn love can t give/bring you oxygen or air, nor can it cleanse blood like your liver and it
most definitely can t mend a broken bone for you yet so many people are willing to die because of or
for love. To put it
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The Terror Of Osama Bin Laden
The terrorists attacks on September 11, 2001 centered on New York City was a devastation that
affected the United States as Al Qaeda wanted to instill fear in the mass public, and also send a
message simultaneously to their counterparts that they were not to be taken lightly. Since then, it has
never been forgotten and was one of the worst tragedies to occur in recent history. In an otherwise
positive note, Osama Bin Laden has since been killed and his death has directly caused a morale
decrease in the terrorist faction. Terrorism was always in play when it came to the United States, but it
only came into the limelight with the 9/11 attacks. The attacks brought numerous repercussions, such
as future health issues, problems with economics, ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, these women were found to be more prone to give birth prematurely and deliver babies
with low birth weights. This would have been caused due to the dangerous pollution that the air had at
the time. Since this was becoming a significant problem, the Bush administration ordered the (EPA)
Environmental Protection Agency to affirm reassuring statements regarding the air quality in the
aftermath of the attacks, citing national security, but they did not determine it was safe enough until
June of 2002. People still living in the present are fraught with illnesses that were caused by the 9/11
attacks, and is something that has become part of their own life. Moreover, the New York Stock
Exchange on Wall Street has a significant economic influence as it known to be the leading financial
center of the world. Following the attacks of 9/11, it was forced to close down due to security reasons,
and wasn t opened again until September 17. The week that it had opened back, many of the market s
stocks such as DJIA had decreased considerably. All of the markets that people had invested in had to
be gradually brought up again as business wasn t in circulation in the aftermath of 9/11. In 2001
revenue, U.S. stocks lost $1.4 trillion in valuation for the week after its initial opening. The U.S
government provided $11.2 billion in immediate assistance to the Government of New York City
along with $10.5 billion in early
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Macbeth Women Influence
Impact of Women Influence in Macbeth
William Shakespeare s play, Macbeth is one of his most well known plays because of its infamously
unconventional gender roles. These roles cause tremendous chaos proving Shakespeare s true motive
to keep men and women in their place. Women are an important part of the play because Shakespeare
displays them as a huge influence on Macbeth s courage and decisions that will eventually impact his
actions and lead him to tremendous chaos. This change of gender roles is displayed through the three
witches, Lady Macbeth, and how the role disruption had a negative impact on Macbeth s life and
First of all, the three witches known as the weird sisters were the first women to appear in Macbeth
and ... Show more content on ...
Lady Macbeth gives the idea of murdering King Duncan after receiving the letter stating that there is a
possibility for Macbeth to become king. At first, Macbeth does not want to follow the murdering act.
He believes that he will be betraying and breaking the relationship between the king and him.
However, when Lady Macbeth finds him refusing to continue with the plan, she starts teasing him
about his cowardly attitude, Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valor as thou art in
desire? Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem st the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine
own esteem, letting I dare not wait upon I would like the poor cat i th adage? (1, 7, 40 45). She
influences and tempts Macbeth to continue with the plan. Lady Macbeth offensive words towards
Macbeth s manliness creates a feeling of insecurity in him which leads Macbeth to change his
thoughts and continue with the plan. Lady Macbeth shows her authority in the relation, she challenges
Macbeth s manliness by corrupting and encouraging him to murder. She shows a very ambitious,
aggressive, influential, and authoritative attitude. The Elizabethan society depicts women as charming,
delicate, and heart of sympathy and nurture. Lady Macbeth does not fulfill the expectations and
therefore Lady Macbeth is seen as a corrupt woman. She is selfish, ambitious, and over control. She
does not show the feminism a woman should have, but instead, she guides the murder plan and makes
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The Anti Federalist Argument Against A Weaker Federal...
The focus point of the anti federalist argument revolved around the support of a weaker federal
government. After the Declaration of Independence was signed, there was a necessity to unite the
nation. A way was needed to govern the land amassed by the thirteen colonies. On the twelfth of July,
1776, eight days after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Second Continental
Congress began efforts to create the fundamental principles on which to govern the nation while
managing the colonial war effort. Once a version was complete it was sent to be ratified by the states
in 1777. Ratification by the states was completed in 1781. This document is known as the Articles of
Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were deliberately weak, which followed logically after
breaking away from the strong British government. There was however a group that opposed the weak
federal government created by the Articles of Confederation, and they came to be known as the
federalists. The group that supported a weaker government thus came to be known as the anti
federalists. As the government played out on the nations stage, members of the anti federalist party
would change, uphold or augment their ideals.
The Articles of Confederation failed because of its deliberate lack of power. It was inherently weak
first and foremost because it called for a confederacy which gave sovereign power to the states. We
see this in Article II, which states that: Each state retains its
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Midterm Lab Report
Aneri Patel
CHEM 2100
Midterm Lab Report
Fall 2017
Unknown Number ##### Introduction:
The main purpose of these experiments was introduce various techniques such as the use of
separation, purification and extraction for each organic compound that was obtained. The first
experiment was done on a compound which is commonly known as a triglyceride which contains
three fatty acids and a glycerol backbone. The next experiment was done one a caffeine which is a
hetercylic ring. However, this heterocyclic ring has all oxygens in the place of the carbons. The third
eextraction was done on benzoic acid and acentanilide and the last experiment was done on acetic acid
to purify an ester.
The first of these many experiments was the extraction of trimyristin from nutmeg. Trimyristin makes
up about one fourth of the composition of nutmeg. Compounds such as nutmeg can be used in a
process called natural product extraction which identifies if the natural products obtained from such
and extraction can be used to treat various types of diseases. In this first extraction two important
techniques were used and, these are the use of the rotary evaporator and gravity filtration. Gravity
filtration was used to complete a solid liquid extraction of the nutmeg and ethyl acetate into a round
bottom flask. The rotary evaporator was utilized to evaporate the ethyl acetate in the flask and leave
waxy yellowish trymristin crystals. The crystals underwent recrystallization and suction
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U.s. Marine Corps And The Military
After watching this film for several times, a viewpoint comes into my mind that almost all of people
are not inborn soldiers, but it s quite clear that most of them could be soldiers through a series of
training in the army. Unlike a majority of jobs in our daily lives, soldiering could be more complicated
and it needs people to take a high level of risk in the war and even some people sacrifice their lives in
order to defend their countries rights and protect citizens safety. Therefore, many people may have
formed a false concept that only specific groups of people are suitable for selecting as soldiers. In fact,
anyone s son will do it and they can do it very well. In the end of this film, most soldiers family
members express that they are proud of their sons or daughters. That s because their sons or daughters
assume responsibility and make great contributions to the society.
The storyline of this film is about the basic training in the military. This film s scenario is about the
U.S. Marine Corps. In this film, it shows us the details of recruiting soldiers and some procedures
about how to train these young people into soldiers and killers. In the beginning of this film presents a
picture of the Soviet Union soldiers and also tells us that these people would be the U.S. soldiers, if
their grandparents had immigrated to the United States. At the same time, their parents would very
proud of them because they think their sons or daughters serve the country and protect
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Circadian Timing System
The Circadian Timing System (CTS) is responsible for generation and synchronization of endogenous
oscillations expressed by living beings, for most physiologic functions and behaviors, with period
around 24 hours (for review see Dibner et al., 2010). Among the central structures of rodent circadian
clock are hypothalamic Suprachiasmatic Nuclei (SCN) and Intergeniculate Leaflet (IGL) in lateral
geniculate complex of thalamus. The former is considered the master pacemaker of circadian rhythms,
regulating cyclic patterns of physiologic and hormonal activity in response to environmental cues, via
a variety of outputs. The latter projects to SCN, via geniculo hypothalamic tract (GHT), having an
important modulatory role in circadian rhythm synchronization ... Show more content on ...
Changes in aged circadian clock are already described in many levels (for review see Engelberth et al.,
2013), such as decreases in rhythm amplitude and phase duration controlled by the clock (Satinoff et
al., 1993), fragmentation of locomotor activity rhythm (Valentinuzzi et al., 1997), reduction in
expression of immediate early genes c fos and NGFI A after photic stimulation (Sultin et al., 1993),
loss in rhythm expression of Bmal transcript and in Controlled clock genes, Dbp and Dec1, involved
in molecular machinery regulation of biological clock (Bonaconsa et al., 2014),decreases in electrical
intercellular synchronization and membrane conductance during night time (Nakamura et al., 2011;
Farajnia et al., 2012). Regarding morphological and neurochemichal findings, aged SCN have a
reduced immunoreactivity of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (Krajnak et al., 1998) and vasopressin
(Cayetanot et al., 2005) in addition to a loss in neuron number in rats (Tsukahara et al., 2005) and
marmosets (Engelberth et al., 2014). Current data, however, are focused only in SCN, which brings
limitations to understanding the whole process of how aging influences the CTS, since this system has
other integrated components which may also be affected (Yamanazaki et al., 2002; Davidson et al.,
2008). For instance, the only existing data about the aging effects in
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Religion, Private Property, And Politics
Taylor O Sullivan
Religion, private property, and politics combined to benefit the common good
Religion and private property are thought to be exceedingly influential in regards to politics, and many
political theorists would agree with this statement. John Locke, an imperative leader in the
Enlightenment movement in Europe, thoroughly expresses the relationship between government,
religion, and private property in his writing, The Two Treatises of Government. Locke examines his
belief that all humans are free and equal by nature, and they have the the right to life, liberty, and
private property. Locke believes that man has the duty to preserve, of preservation, and means of
preservation (private property) to thank God for putting us on ... Show more content on ...
Before examining the relationship between private property, religion, and politics, it is imperative to
recognize the historical context as to what was happening at the time when John Locke wrote The Two
Treatises of Government. Locke began to articulate his views, particularly in The Two Treatise of
Government, during the Glorious Revolution in late 17th century England. This revolution involved
the removal of James II, a Stuart, from England due to his absolutist and catholic tendencies, because
the majority of English people were Anglican at the time. Locke, along with many other people, felt
threatened when James II began to pack parliament with his friends and supporters. This was a huge
problem, because parliament is in charge with representing the people, protecting their rights as
English citizens, which includes freedom of speech and property. Eventually, James II left England for
France in exile, and King William and Queen Mary became the new leaders. They signed the English
Bill of Rights to protect certain civil liberties, and in terms of property, the Bill of Rights states that
taxes cannot be levied without consent from Parliament. Taxes can be a direct threat to someone s
property; if an individual cannot afford to pay their taxes, they will lose their property. In sum, John
Locke writes The Two Treatises of Government the exact same year as the Glorious Revolution, to
express why James II was
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Analysis Of Jacket X s Payroll Processing System
Payroll Process: During an initial review of data for Jacket X from last year, several potential threats
and vulnerabilities were identified. Specifically, the payroll business process was highlighted as
containing threats and vulnerabilities requiring immediate attention from management in order to
prevent a data breach. Recall threats and vulnerabilities, although often utilized together in discussing
cybersecurity risks, are two separate concepts. To review, a threat is defined as an undesirable event
that can cause harm . It is also important to note that threats can be internal or external to an
organization (Valacich). Alternately, a vulnerability is defined as a weakness in an organization s
systems or security policies that ... Show more content on ...
This would allow supervisors to create a bogus employee, place them on the payroll master file, edit
their hours, and supply their own banking information for direct deposit purposes. As this would
initially cause a relatively small loss to Jacket X, it may not be noticed for a while. In order to mitigate
this vulnerability, supervisors should only have access to their own employees and any changes should
create an audit trail. Also, for independent contractors, the payroll specialists have permission to alter
payroll details during validation. Although these permissions allow for more productivity time by
creating less personnel in the validation chain, it is counterproductive as it creates a vulnerability
wherein the validator is not independent and free to edit contractors time and attendance. Additionally,
this vulnerability can be exploited during the paycheck generation process wherein falsified checks
can be created for the bogus contractors. In order to overcome this vulnerability, Jacket X should
separate the payroll specialists and validators in order to create a more secure validation process.
Additionally, there is a major flaw with the direct deposit system in that it does not communicate with
the paycheck generation process. This can cause paper checks to be issued to those employees who
already receive direct deposit. Linking these two
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Reflective Report On Negotiation
Negotiations: Reflection Report Negotiations are pivotal in everyday life; however, it is in politics and
business where negotiations have the capacity to shape the history and economic future of a society.
This reflective report is a citation of one of negotiation simulation I have been part of my organization
in recent month. This reflective report will first appraise current learning against personal experience
in a multi party business negotiation. Specifically, I compare and contrast the various emotions,
relationships and coalitions formed in day one and day two of the negotiation. The outcome will then
be measured for its value and success from my perspective as the spokesperson for the employee
representation group. To ... Show more content on ...
However, the nature of the negotiation, being a simulation, made it difficult to measure the veracity of
the anchoring effect since the payoffs (70%, 80%, 90% and 100%) were known fixed variables. The
general information provided explicitly stated the MGMT and CONTR conflicting stance on the
integrative issue, so neither parties gained valuable information from the first or counter offer.
Furthermore, following negotiations could not be made in increments less than 10% so my
conjectured capacity to frame and control the negotiation was greatly inhibited. Intra group conflicts
emerged in the last joint conference, consequently evoking apprehension and vulnerability. The
CONTR s outrageous proposal, to accept a supposed $7.00 share price at the expense of all other
parties, seemingly appealed to the MGMT. MGMT also hinted thoughts of compromising support for
USA based employment in exchange for a longer term management contract. Cohesion within the
coalition quickly deteriorated, and increasing pressure was put on my role to compromise with
CONTR for a better joint outcome. Simon s (1979) notion of satisficing for an acceptable but inferior
payoff, in the face of uncertainty, became apparent in my own negotiation attempts. I left Day One
verbally assenting to 80% USA employment, a markedly different result to my own target value. Day
Two: Post new information The last day of
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Causes And Symptoms Of Meningitis
Introduction/Background/History: Meningitis is caused by an inflammation surrounding your spinal
cord and brain. The inflammation is usually caused by fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord. It
mostly occurs in children, teens, and young adults. Meningitis also affects older adults who have a
weaker immune system and people in general who have illnesses that leads to a weak immune system.
This is a serious illness but most of the time if the symptoms are diagnosed properly and treated
correctly you may make a speedy recovery. There are many different types of meningitis such as
fungal, bacterial, viral, parasitic, and non infectious. The most common types of meningitis are viral
and bacterial meningitis. Viral meningitis is caused by viral infections in the layers of tissues that
covers the meninges. The symptoms of viral meningitis usually are headaches, muscle aches, stiff
neck, and the general feeling of being sick. Bacterial meningitis is caused by bacteria in the
environment that enters the bloodstream and eventually travels to the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms
of bacterial meningitis includes high fever, headaches, confusion, increased drowsiness and stiffness
in neck. If bacterial meningitis is serious and life threating you may have seizures and strokes.
Reading/Writing: Majority of the time meningitis is life threating if left untreated. So early treatment
can help prevent serious problems including death. Vaccines can prevent some cases of bacterial
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Bacon s Rebellion Analysis
The elderly Berkeley had some secret scheme in mind, having governing Virginia since 1641, he
wanted to maintain an alliances relationship with friendly neighboring Natives tribes and uses them as
the buffers while fighting the Susquehannocks war, and in fact maintaining his fur trade monopoly. On
the other side, Bacon and his followers, the discontented Virginians blamed the Natives, friendly or
not, for all their problems. Theirs viewed of the Susquehannocks war as an opportunity to solve all
their problems at once, for good.
Not being able to convince the Governor for the commission he felt warranted, Bacon secretly fled
Jamestown only to returned later with five or six hundred armed men and marched directly to where
Governor and the Council were in the meeting. In the meantime, the news flock Jamestown with more
raids and murder of the settlers committed by the Natives. Having his men surrounded the building,
Bacon presented himself before the Council, alleged that had not his commission been tardy for so
long, the war against the Natives might have done. Feeling insulted and resentful by what Bacon have
done, the Governor stubbornly refused ... Show more content on ...
In a few past decades, there were more findings came from different points of view, some historian s
perception on the Bacon s Rebellion was just a fight between two egotistic stubborn power hungry
leaders and everything else, but a gallant struggle of the working class against the tyranny. Regardless
of any perceptions, though it was not successful, the Bacon s Rebellion had demonstrated that a
limited democracy did not work if the proletariat class who feel disfranchisement and had no realistic
hope of a better life, and that poor people of any color, blacks or whites could be united in a cause
they seem just. This unity was a great fear of the ruling class and hastened the British ruled America
transition to racial
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Descriptive Essay On Having A Dog
Dogs become vital to you, they are something you wouldn t ever give up. My dog, Carly has taught
me so many life lessons, even when she can t even talk. Likewise, She has taught to be a kind,
positive, selfless human being. Yes, having a dog may be challenging, stressful work, but in the end, it
s all worth it. Ever since I was a little girl I have always wanted a dog. When I was about three, my
cousins unexpectedly lost their chocolate lab, Bailey. I don t remember Bailey, but I do remember
when they brought home a yellow lab puppy named Tess. The moment I laid eyes on Tess, it sparked
something inside me and from that point on, I had a desire to one day have my own dog. I included a
dog on my Christmas and birthday lists for five years, but every year I was left with disappointment.
Nevertheless, my parents were warming up to the idea of having a dog, evaluating different breeds to
try and find a fit for our family. Eventually, my parents took us to look at dogs, but none of them
seemed to suit our needs. It was late afternoon on an enjoyable, mild June day at the baseball field. As
we commenced our journey home I realized we were headed in the wrong direction.
Where are we going? I asked, looking at my parents in confusion.
We are going to look at some puppies, Mom explained excitedly.
Realization dawned on me. We were getting a puppy! What kind of dog are we going to look at? I
questioned with excitement.
A cockapoo, stated Mom anxiously.
I looked at my
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The Science And History And Development Of The Influenza...
Introduction Influenza vaccines, also known as flu shots, are vaccines that claim to protect against
influenza. The extent to which the influenza vaccine reduces the risk of disease under controlled
conditions is known as the vaccine s efficacy. The testing of vaccine efficacy is quite stringent and
involves Phase I, II, and III trials. Two of which, are double blinded placebo controlled trials.
Influenza adapts, and mutates such that is never the same from year to year, and therefore making the
double blinded placebo controlled trials very difficult to accomplish before the vaccine is needed to be
released to the public. This causes an ethical predicament in which there is a trade off between waiting
to project which viruses will be prevalent in the upcoming year, and beginning deciding on the
projected viruses earlier in order to conduct the efficacy testing. In this paper we review the science
and history of influenza as well as the science, history and development of the influenza vaccines. We
then discuss the stringent process required by law in order to test vaccines before they reach the
population. We look at the efficacy studies conducted by the CDC, and conflicting views of geneticists
highly involved in vaccine safety. Finally, we present an overall assessment of the efficacy of the
influenza vaccine, and leave to the reader, the level of efficacy the influenza vaccine has actually
What is Influenza? The influenza virus initiates in wild
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Essay about Roaring Camp
The Regeneration of Roaring Camp
amp;#9; amp;quot;And so the work of regeneration began is Roaring Camp amp;quot;(9). The
regeneration referred to takes place in a California mining camp in 1850 after
the birth of Tommy Luck, son of Cherokee Sal, the camp s prostitute, who
died giving birth. Sometimes one doesn t realize how much he needs to
change until he gets a subtle push from fate. Just a little addition to the world
can cause a regeneration of a lifetime. Bret Harte demonstrates this idea in
the story amp;quot;The Luck of Roaring Camp. amp;quot; In this story, Bret Harte shows that
even the roughest men can regenerate into kind, gentle, wholesome people,
with the love of a child.
amp;#9; amp;quot;The term ... Show more content on ...
Many gave the baby a contribution. The sorry state of the
camp and the men under went change immediately after the arrival of the
amp;#9; amp;quot;Almost imperceptibly a change came over the settlement amp;quot;( 9). The
new baby was given the name Tommy Luck, but was known around the camp
as amp;quot;The Luck. amp;quot; The men made sure that Luck was scrupulously clean. The
men decided it was time to under go changes themselves. amp;quot;The reflections of
the latter on the appearance of Roaring Camp tended to produce stricter
habits of personal cleanliness amp;quot;(9). The men wore clean shirts and moral and
sanitary laws were not neglected. The men of Roaring Camp gave up
shouting and profanity because they did not want to disturb Luck. Some men
even sang the baby lullabies. The birth of the baby definitely changed the
men, and Roaring Camp for the better.
amp;#9; amp;quot;It was wonderful how many treasures the woods and hillsides yielded
that amp;quot;would do for Tommy amp;quot;(11). The men of Roaring Camp regenerated just
because of the love of a baby. Tommy Luck was known as amp;quot;The Luck of
Roaring Camp. amp;quot; The men felt that as long as they had Tommy, they had the
luck with them. One should never put all of his trust in luck because sooner
or later his luck is bound to run out. The men put all of their faith into one
little baby. amp;quot;Such was the golden summer of Roaring Camp. They were
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Disorganized Vs. Disorganized Schizophrenia Disorder
Disorganized Schizophrenia Disorder
Hunter Boumans
Central Louisiana Technical Community College
Also called hebephrenia, disorganized schizophrenia is one of the main 5 subtypes of schizophrenia.
These patients generally have extreme disorganized behavior as well as other disorganized symptoms;
however they do not have traditional symptoms of schizophrenia such as delusions and hallucinations.
Exact cause is unknown. It is believed that hormones place a role in other types of schizophrenia. In
this type of schizophrenia, physical degeneration is mostly responsible for symptom.
According to Mayo Clinic:
Abusive childhood
Trauma while still in the womb
Paternal age older than 40
Contracting a disease while in the womb
Use of drugs and alcohol
Brain injury
Closed head trauma
According to American Psychiatric Association Mayo Clinic:
Symptoms are similar to catatonic subtype, therefore catatonic schizophrenia should be eliminated
Symptoms include:
Disorganized speech (such as rambling, not able to understand)
Disorganized thinking
Flat affect
Childish mannerism
Grossly disorganized behavior
Inappropriate emotion either no emotion or non fitting emotion
Inappropriate facial resaponses
Active behavior
Avolition lack of motivation
Patient will need treatment for the rest of their life. During times of crisis they may
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The Gateway To Freedom Analysis
The Gateway to Freedom is an enticing novel that gives further knowledge of racial discrimination
and the social inequality of blacks at the time of slavery and how the Underground Railroad combatted
this through the different committees and activists of the time. This essay will focus on how the
Underground Railroad affected family, economy and religion the social institutions, those who
operated the Underground Railroad were diverse and have different reason for following the
abolitionist movement, and not all the committees are made equally. According to Foner, the author of
The Gateway to Freedom, there was a direct correlation between free blacks and fugitive slaves
presence in the antislavery movement. Many people from many backgrounds helped fugitive slaves
and the abolitionist development. There are many different actions abolitionists took to further their
cause; some of the abolitionists were politicians, for example, William H. Seward and Thaddeus
Stevens (19). Those who facilitated the U.R. fought for the abolitionist movement, they helped using
many different means. Whether it dealt with the Underground Railroad directly or indirectly many
abolitionists took part in helping. Some devoted their livelihood and found a job within the
committees, for example being a lawyer or newspaper editor, some people elected their own time
while still holding a job outside of the movement. Referring to the Underground Railroad, David
Ruggles, a fugitive and abolitionist,
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Effects Of The Fall Of Communism In Czechoslovakia
In this essay, I will analyze the profound effect that the fall of Communism in Czechoslovakia, and
subsequently the Czech Republic, in the Velvet Revolution of 1989, had on the legal regime in the
country. Obviously the process of conversion to democracy was a long and arduous one, fraught with
struggles. I will lay out this essay as follows; to begin, I will give a general introduction that will
discuss things that had to be altered after the fall of the Communist regime. I will look back at the
history of democracy in the Czech Republic, and how forty years of Communist rule tore this proud
tradition to shreds. The main part of the essay will revolve around a discussion of the build up of
democratic institutions after the ... Show more content on ...
Between the years of 1990 and 1992, after the fall of Communism and the formation of the first
democratic parliament in years, there was permanent conflict on the issue of Slovakian autonomy. As
time went on, the legal preferences of the nations began to run in opposite directions. To avoid any
further conflict, the political elite decided to break up the federation and form two separate
autonomous states. This new agreement came into effect on the 1st of January 1993.
Legal Changes
One of the most important changes to Czech law after the fall of communism was the reinstitution of
multi party elections, the very foundation of democracy. But on top of this, there were a number of
extremely important institutional changes, as well as new laws brought into effect to enforce
democracy in the nation. These are listed below in bullet point form for the sake of
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te te tet tete te Essay
PEST Analysis of Airline Industry?
Hi, I m doing an assignment conducting a strategic analysis of EasyJet and have to do a PEST analysis
of the industry. Can anyone offer me any help outlining the main more
Update : I have a good idea about what to cover in each section but I m more
Best Answer
Tristen B answered 6 years ago
PESTLE analysis if you are including legal and environmental.
Airlines are a good one because so many different things affect them.
Political Taxes that they get charged in different countries for landing, fuel taxation etc
Economic e.g. How does interest rate movement affext their longterm debt? ... Show more content on ...
Polulations growth does an ageing poulation affect them i.e. baby boomers, lots of people in that
lifestage have more disposable income to spend....
Technological As things improve technology becomes cheaper. How does this affect them? Does this
mean the entries to barrier are lower for competitors to join? Do easyjet have a big R D dept?
Legal Different legalities of different countries some stricter than others...
Environment carbon offsetting, what is their CSR policy?
Remember when you are answering that easyjet are a budget airline and so their competitors are
people like Ryan air not Virgin... Hope that helps
Other Answers (2)
Rated Highest
Mike M answered 6 years ago
PESTLE analysis Rather than buy other people essays as one other poster mentions the formats at or are free and provide advice.
If looking at competitors like the porters 5 forces then competitors include coach and train companies,
indeed depending on the use of travel even web conferencng and video conferencing will impact.
For legal factors you will need to take into account national laws in each country the airlines land, it is
also worth looking at local bylaws as the likes of ryan air and easyjet do not just follow a traditional
business model indeed they make most
... Get more on ...
Fishing Is Fishing
Fishing had never been a hobby until I considered until this past summer. Fishing has an importance
that goes way back since my great grandpa back in Mexico. My great grandpa used to take my father
fishing to a nearby lake near their home where they would spend hours fishing for that night s dinner.
As a kid, I remember my family would take trips to the lake or rivers to have a family gathering and a
carne asada. This is where my uncles and grandpa would fish, but at the time playing soccer with my
cousins was more exciting. When I turned 13, my grandpa invited me to go fishing to Lake Buena
Vista that Saturday morning. I immediately thought tedious but decided to open up and try a new
activity and at the end of the day, I would have a story to tell my friends. Once at the lake, I asked my
grandpa, What is so cool about fishing and he responded, It s not about catching fish, it is about
relaxing and being away from everything and enjoying nature. Anyone can go to the market to buy a
fish, but can they have the patience to battle one and reel it in? . As the day progressed we caught a
couple of catfish which my grandpa took home and made soup with. Although that day I enjoyed
myself I also found out fishing was not my hobby. Fishing is for those who have patience and don t
dread being in the sun all day. Flash forwarding to this past summer, my friend Froilan wanted to go
fishing after he saw some YouTube videos about fishing. After he told me we should go fishing to do
... Get more on ...

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Philosophy Essay Papers - Drureport312.Web.Fc2.Com

  • 1. Philosophy Essay Papers - Drureport312.Web.Fc2.Com 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Philosophy Essay Papers - Drureport312.Web.Fc2.Com Philosophy Essay Papers - Drureport312.Web.Fc2.Com
  • 2. Bigfoot Description On 10 August 2001 at about 3.00pm, the sun was shining and there were only a few clouds on the sky. I decided to go out for a walk, so I took my car and drove to a big forest in Schouweiler. There are no streets near the forest, so I walked about 1 km to reach it. After an hour I was deep inside the forest so I decided to go home. But suddenly I heard a little noise. I turned around, but I didn t see anything. A few seconds later I heard a sound of breaking branches, I looked around and I saw a dark figure standing a few meters behind me. It was about 2m (6 foot 6 inches) tall, dark haired and very big. I tried to film it, but it disappeared quickly, I couldn t follow anymore. After an hour I was at home again and I still couldn t believe what I saw ... Show more content on ... Bigfoot is an ape like creature that has been spotted in multiple areas around the world, lives in mostly thick forests around the world. Bigfoot is an ape like creature with a distinct communicating system. He is also hairy, and his body structure resembles an ape. He is also described has very muscular as his tall. Bigfoot is supposed to be 6 10 feet tall. The creature also resemble an ape screaming. It sounded like 20 dogs barking in sync perfectly together. History Youtube Bigfoot. Apes also had a communicating system, if you hit a tree with a rock 2 times, a response will get you 1 tap back. Apes have the same communicating system. A team of researchers tried a technique where if you hit a tree once, you will get 2 taps back. History Bigfoot Youtube. Creatures like Bigfoot know there surrounding, and if a human comes, they can mimic other animal signs to avoid being seen. Apes have been known to do this. Especially to avoid predators. Each individual mimicked another animal and one human sound cat, canine, samurai chatter, and an out of this worldly monkey type sound. History Bigfoot ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Regression And Neural Media And Data Analysis The data source node s results did confirm that class variables such as Funding_TrustTerritory, FundingFedStatesMicronesia, Funding_MarshallIslands, Funding_Palau, FundingUndistributed, and Funding_NorthernMarianas were missing more than forty percent of their data (Figure 4). Once the data node was formatted, and Government_Funding(US) was the target variable, a StatExplore node was attached to the data source node to identify and confirm all missing data from each variable and observe the target Government_Funding(US) s relationship with the other variables. Other variables missing zero percent to thirty nine percent of its data were later replaced and substituted in the Regression and Neural Network models to produce a better fit ... Show more content on ... New York receives an average $123,795.70 federal funding with a maximum of $235,860. Texas receives an average $112,366.20 federal funding with a maximum of $222,618. Florida receives an average $84,990.67 federal funding with a maximum of $173,43. Illinois receives an average $67,879.70 federal funding with a maximum of $125,234. Depicted in the next chapter, California, Florida, Illinois, and Texas were grouped, in a cluster, with the least at risk demographics; however, these states are receiving most of federal funding for prevention programs (Figures 10, 11, 12). Two different clusters were created ((Figures 10, 11, 12) after the variable clustering node ran. The first cluster grouped the death_black and death_allnonwhite variables with most of the Midwest, west, south, and mid Atlantic states, while the second cluster grouped variables death_white, death_female, death_male, and death_bothsexes with most northeastern states (Figures 11 12). As mentioned above, California, Florida, Illinois, and Texas are grouped in cluster 1 with the least death toll populations but are receiving the most federal funding when it appeared their demographic population did not need a lot of funding compared to cluster 2. Also, in cluster one and two, the variation explained shows that 54 56% of increased federal funding can explain the increase in drug abuse related deaths (Figures 13 14). Results, from the Segment Profile ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Mark Twain s Worldview Mark Twain and His Worldview The worldviews of authors greatly affect what they write and how they write it. This essay will examine what Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, believes about the world and how he expressed this in some of his lesser known writings such as Letters From the Earth and Little Bessie. By understanding his worldview people can better dissect some of his other more common works to learn their intirquices. Samuel Clemens, later known as Mark Twain, was born to Jane and John Marshall Clemens in Florida Missouri in the year 1835. Their, he spent much of his time on his uncle s farm with his siblings. His siblings, that survived, were Orion, the oldest, Henry, his younger brother, and Pamela, his older sister. ... Show more content on ... Satan is fascinated with this and asks God many questions about everything on the earth and the purpose of it. He asks about humans the most. He asks the purpose of them and why God created them in the first place. Eventually, Satan is banished for a time and he goes to the earth to observe the creature he is the most fascinated with, humans. He writes what he observes in letters and sends them to Michael and Gabriel the archangels in heaven. These letters focus mainly on the nature of humans and how they observe God (Letters From the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Art Criticism Of The Baroque Era The Musicians In art criticism, the word Baroque came to be used to describe anything irregular, bizarre, or otherwise departing from established rules and proportions, (Britannica, 2016). Caravaggio, born Michelangelo Merisi (1571), an Italian painter, can be said almost single handedly to have created the Baroque style during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. None other can be more appropriately defined as Baroque than Caravaggio; his character, like his art, was confrontational and uncompromising, and both loved and hated. He introduced a powerfully frank realism and dramatic, theatrical lighting and gesture into Italian Baroque art. Caravaggio s unvarnished realism and tenebrism influenced nearly every important European artist of the seventeenth century. (Stokstad, Cothren). By the end of the 16th century, art began to break away from the refined and disciplined style of mannerism, heavily influenced by the Counter Reformation of the Church, and emergence of powerful monarchies. This movement comes to be known as the Baroque Era. Baroque artists were particularly focused on natural forms, spaces, color, and the use of light in order to create a strong emotional experience; almost theatrically, inviting the viewer to participate in the story. The Catholic Church found itself needing to influence and rebuild its following; turned its attention to the arts. The Counter Reformation used the arts to appeal as much to the emotions and knowledge ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Persepolis Historical Events Essay Discuss particular historical events that are imported into the graphic novel, as well as her rebellious phase. Discuss the usage of one or two of these and make an evaluation of their effectiveness in terms of text and image. In Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi utilizes important Iranian historical events to give us a detailed account of how certain events affected her life throughout the graphic novel. For example, the two main events that hard the largest impact, not only on her, but to the country as well, was the invasion from Iraq and the step down of the Iranian king Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. These two events are connected by time and how they both originated during the time of the revolution. Also, Satrapi struggled with a rebellious phase that caused her to get in trouble and possibly cause major ordeals. The introduction of the Iran Iraq War happened with not only consequences for Iran, but a lasting and influential effect on Marjane Satrapi. The Iran Iraq War is introduced on page 80 panel 3 (80/3) with the air invasion/bombardment of Tehran by Iraqi MiGs, gives us the first view of a lasting effect on Iran and Satrapi. Frustration is shown both by Satrapi and her father, such as when her father says No! The bastards!, and when she says Those assholes! However, a little ... Show more content on ... Around the her younger teenage years, Satrapi was getting into punk with listening to Iron Maiden (131/1) and wearing other famous musicians clothing. The influence the music has and why it is looked down upon is because of its possible western influence through the lyrics to whoever listens to it. Listening to this music even has Satrapi going on the streets and trying to buy bootleg music (132/1), which could lead to her getting in serious ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Analysis Of Augustine s Augustine Augustine is a sixteen year old boy, like all sixteen year olds he is going through puberty and trying to figure out what love is. Augustine states, For as I became a youth, I longed to be satisfied with worldly things, and I dared to grow wild in a succession of various and shadowy loves (24). Any young adult experiences the same things that Augustine is going through. Augustine struggled with knowing the difference between pure affection and unholy desire. He becomes ashamed of himself and goes into a spiral of sorrow. In chapter one Augustine says, If only there had been someone to regulate my disorder and turn to my profit the fleeting beauties of the things around me (24). Like all teenagers their parents try and tell them right from wrong but most teenagers have to learn from there own mistakes. Augustine reflects back on a quote from Apostle Paul. He realizes if he had just listened to the words more closely, he would not be in the trouble that he is in. Augustine turns to the Lord and ask what can I do and why did I do this? His parents want him to learn from his mistakes and they tell him he should make a powerful speech and become a persuasive orator. While his studies were interrupted, he had come back from a city to further his education at Carthage. His father supported him in everything even though he did not have a lot of money. Augustine s parents told him he only had to be good at speaking. Augustine still lived with his parents and one day his father ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Themes of Honor and Shame in Invisible Man Essay EXECUTE SHAME GENTLY Invisible Man is a novel by Ralph Ellison, addressing many social and moral issues regarding African American identity, including the inside of the interaction between the white and the black. His novel was written in a time, that black people were treated like degraded livings by the white in the Southern America and his main character is chosen from that region. In this figurative novel he meets many people during his trip to the North, where the black is allowed more freedom. As a character, he is not complex, he is even naïve. Yet, Ellison s narration is successful enough to show that he improves as he makes radical decisions about his life at the end of the book. The nameless narrator is a young black ... Show more content on ... White people s idea of educating black is surrounded by abasement. What is seen on the surface that the college tries to achieve is not what is beneath. The narrator realizes this when he has to talk to Dr. Bledsoe after his misdeeds. Dr. Bledsoe s speech, although mostly reprimanding, gives clues about many moral issues, which the people experiencing the racism and division of races come across. Please him? And here you are a junior in college! Why, the dumbest black bastard in the cotton patch knows that the only way to please a white man is to tell him a lie! (pg.139) My God, boy! You re black and living in the South did you forget how to lie? These two sentences, owned by Dr. Bledsoe suggest that the boy should lie to hide the inconvenient truth to Mr. Norton. It brings a question of ethics, along with honor. Is a person who lies honorable? Is lying permissible in this case? The investigation and the answers to these questions will make the understanding of honor clearer. Negroes don t control this school or much of anything else haven t you learned even that? No, sir, they don t control this school, nor white folk either. True they support it, but I control it. I s big and black and I say Yes, suh as loudly as any burr head when it s convenient, but I m still the king down here. (Pg.142) The reason that Dr. Bledsoe wants the narrator to lie is apparent on the quotation above. His hunger for authority, his affection towards power, his ambition to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Psychological Abuse In Slavery By Harriet Jacobs Psychological abuse is characterized by non physical acts to affect inner thoughts. As a slave, Harriet Jacobs experienced a great amount of pain and suffering while her and her family members were slaves of Dr. Flint. She narrated her experiences after realizing she was a slave at six years old. From an analysis of Harriet Jacobs experience in slavery, she suffered more from psychological abuse because she was treated like property, manipulated by Dr. Flint, and emotionally depressed. One of the reasons why Harriet Jacobs suffers more from psychological abuse was because she was treated as property. Upon the death of her generous mistress, Harriet Jacobs was later relocated into her mistress niece s house. The mistress niece was only five years old which made Jacobs the property of her father, Dr. Flint who made Harriet Jacobs life a living hell while being a slave in his house. From the time that Jacobs and her brother William first walked into their new master s home, they knew their lives were about to get worse: When we entered our new home we encountered cold looks, cold words, and cold treatment, (Ch.2). From the start, Dr. Flint and his wife treated Jacobs as property. As Jacobs said in chapter four, he occasionally tried to sell her for high prices but said she wasn t his property to sell: She don t belong to me. She is my daughter s property, and I have no right to sell her. Once Jacobs was 15 years old and Dr. Flint was 55, his sexual interest towards ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Push And Push Analysis 4.2 Analysis of the Push and Pull Motivation Items I part one, there are the question relating to 37 motivation items which are based on Likert type scale. According to the statistics, each question has been shown and divided into different push and pull factors to evaluate the motivations of Hong Kong Disneyland. 4.3 Ranking of Motivation Items The important levels of Hong Kong Disneyland visitors motivations were measured on a five point Likert type scale (1=least important, 2=somewhat important, 3=neutral, 4=important and 5=most important). Table4.2 shows the means of 37 motivation expressions into the push and pull categories. Mean score of push motivation presents what forces within the visitors mind push them to visit Hong Kong Disneyland, ... Show more content on ... It implied that people would like to make a different for their busy daily life in Hong Kong Disneyland. According to the study of Ap and Mok (1996), Hong Kong was identified as the most stressful city in the world, so that is the reason that escaping from the ordinary were considered a critical motivator to the local residents. On the other hand, Mainland and overseas visitors were more interested in trying new foods than local visitors. They may think that visiting Hong Kong Disneyland as an opportunity to try Hong Kong local foods. The newly renovated Hong Kong local style café introduces a wide selection of local gourmet menus such as egg tarts and milk tea, it takes visitors to the city an appetizing journey that highlights Hong Kong s unique culture and heritage. Local visitors would not consider the factor of going places my friends have not been as an important motivations than Mainland and Overseas visitors. More than 91.5 of Local visitors were repeated visitors, this can be explained that going Hong Kong Disneyland with friends have not been is not the main reason for local visitors to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. An Analysis Of Will Richardson s From Master Learner I found myself nodding like a bobblehead while reading Will Richardson s From Master Teacher to Master Learner. Richardson argues that with our ability to use technology to connect, create and share globally, the basic assumptions of schools are increasingly irrelevant. While focusing on the skills and dispositions of learning (and defining what we mean by learning ), teachers current role must change as they become more important than ever in preparing students for a world in rapid transition. What s valued now is what we can do with what we know and the ability to learn more. As my own journey as a teacher has been to become a learner of learning for the past five years, I wholeheartedly agree with Richardson. While access to technology ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Theme Of Ode On A Grecian Urn By John Keats Life s mysteries are best stated in writing. Some mysteries are revealed, while others remain unknown forever. John Keats, one of England s greatest poets, published several poems, including one of his most famous ones in 1819, Ode on A Grecian Urn (Keats 247). Keats was a renowned poet during the British Romantic period. Romantic literature focused on beauty and emotions. So, what is the significance of the scenes depicted on the mysterious urn? Is the urn simply a masterpiece of art with emphasis only on physical beauty? In the poem, Ode on A Grecian Urn , John Keats creates mysterious scenes on a Greek urn to contrast between everlasting art and human life. Keats contrasts both worlds through the urn s elaborate description, the theme of personal relationships, and the ultimate message of beauty, with significant relevance to modern times. The poems ambiguities begin with the speaker describing the urn. However, these ambiguities are not just intended by Keats to remain enigmatic, they are there to be connected like a puzzle, piece by piece. As the speaker, who is a mystery himself, describes the urn, it is evident that he is bewildered with a spark of curiosity, attempting to grasp the meaning of the scenes (Mishra 51). The speaker first states what he sees from a distance. He describes the distinct advantages of the urn as an object, Thou still unravished bride of quietness...foster child of silence and slow time (Keats 247). He defines the world of art as ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Impact of Information Technology on Banking Services... THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON BANKING SERVICES (A CASE STUDY OF ZENITH INTERNATIONAL BANK PLC) BY EBHOHON OLUWASEUN I MATRIC NO. 07/0527 ECONOMICS, BANKING AND FINANCE FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCES BABCOCK UNIVERSITY ILISHAN REMO OGUN STATE APRIL 2012 SUPERVISED BY: MR F.A.AKINTOLA i CERTIFICATION This research project, THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON BANKING SERVICES (CASE STUDY OF ZENITH BANK PLC), written, researched and submitted by EBHOHON OLUWASEUN I was carried out under my supervision and it is adequate in scope as a project it meets the requirement and regulations governing the award of Bachelor of Science in Banking Finance, ... Show more content on ... ..........................20 26 2.4 Theoretical Framework..............................................................................................................26 27 2.5 Moderators Component..................................................................................27 28
  • 14. 2.6 Research Paradigm........................................................................................29 CHAPTER THREE 3.1 Research methodology and design.......................................................................30 3.2 Source Data.................................................................................................31 3.3 Data gathering procedures.................................................................................31 32 3.4 Data analysis.................................................................................................32 3.5 Ethical issues................................................................................................32 CHAPTER FOUR 4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................33 4.2 Data Analysis.................................................................................................33 4.3 Management of Information Technology Infrastructure...............................................34 53 4.4 Test of Hypothesis...........................................................................................53 56 CHAPTER FIVE 5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................57 5.2 Summary......................................................................................................57 58 5.3 Findings of the Study.........................................................................................58 59 5.4 Conclusion......................................................................................................59 5.5 Recommendation...............................................................................................60 Bibliography........................................................................................................61 63 Curriculum Vitae...................................................................................................64 Letter of Permission................................................................................................65 Questionnaire.......................................................................................................66 68 ABSTRACT As Information Technology is the modern trend in ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Advantages Of Steganography Abstract Steganography means secret communication. It can also be defined as the study of invisible communication that is used to hide the existence of the communicated data in such a way that it remains confidential. In steganography, secret data can be communicated in an appropriate multimedia carrier such as image, audio and video files. Steganography can be classified into two types Adaptive steganography and Non adaptive steganography. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, we review some adaptive and non adaptive methods of steganography. Keywords Steganography, Adaptive steganography, Non adaptive steganography, LSB, PVD,DWT,MSE,PSNR I. INTRODUCTION The word steganography is derived from the Greek words stegos ... Show more content on ... Here we briefly describe the LSB matching revisited based on adaptive steganography. In 2010 Weiqi Luo et al. [20] proposed an edge adaptive scheme which select the regions for embedding according to the size of secret message and the difference between two successive pixels in the cover image. For lesser embedding rates, simply sharper edge regions are used while keeping the other smoother regions as they are. When the embedding rate enhances, more edge regions can be released adaptively for data hiding by modifying just a few parameters. LSB matching revisited (LSBMR)[4] considers a pair of pixels as an embedding component, in which the LSB of the first pixel embeds one bit of secret message, and the relationship (odd even combination) of the two pixel values carries another bit of secret message.The modification rate of pixels can decrease from 0.5 to 0.375 bits/pixel (bpp) in the case of a maximum embedding rate, meaning lesser changes to the cover image at the same payload compared to LSB replacement and LSB matching. It has been shown that such a scheme can avoid the LSB replacement style asymmetry, and thus it should make the detection slightly more difficult than the LSB matching scheme.The approach consist of two parts embeddding and extraction. The embedding part first initializes some parameters, which are used for successive data preprocessing and region selection, and then estimates the capacity of selected regions. If the regions are big enough for hiding the secret message , then data hiding is performed on the selected regions. Then,it does some postprocessing to get the stego image. Otherwise the scheme needs to revise the parameters, and then repeats region selection and ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Biofuels As A Fuel Source Biofuels as a Fuel Source: Paper 3 In a time of energy crisis and a subsequent search for a renewable replacement for crude oil, biofuels have arisen as a source of hope. Currently, the largest source of biofuels in the United States is corn based ethanol. The large scale of corn ethanol production and the potential promise of finding a domestic, reliable source of energy, requires the fuel s viability as a replacement for crude oil to be evaluated. However, there is debate surrounding corn based ethanol s environmental, economic, and social impacts. The scientists and governments who support the development of biofuels claim that it will not only provide a new and sustainable source of energy but also that it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and is therefore better for the environment. However, although corn based ethanol continues to harbor support from the United States government, environmentalists argue that ethanol is not substantially better for the environment, especially when the effects of its production are taken into account. Also, while some larger farms profit from ethanol production, it places economic stress upon smaller farms and the agricultural industry and leads to higher food prices that are a great detriment to those living at the level of subsistence. Therefore, in order to produce energy efficient, environmentally friendly fuel, the United States must work towards developing cellulosic biofuels and those produced by microbes as they have ... Get more on ...
  • 17. My Experience As An Intern For The Semester Of Fall Introduction In this report I will discuss my experience as an intern for the semester of fall, 2015. For the past few months I have partaken in a residential construction internship building custom homes and renovations through a non profit organization for veterans and the elderly. Internship Orientation and Preparation My internship began on August 17th. Throughout the first 2 weeks there was another intern at the company. Throughout those two weeks the other intern mentored me and gave me advice to have a successful internship and how the company functioned. When the next intern starts his internship in the spring, I will take the role as a mentor for a week as well. Having a fellow intern prepare you and tell you what to expect created a better transition into the internship. Early in the internship, my boss made it clear that I would be spending most of the day with him either at the office or out in the field. In preparation for work every day, I recommend dressing in comfortable yet professional clothing. On certain days we met with the owners of our projects, so it was essential to be presentable. It is also important to eat a good and healthy breakfast to have energy and start the day off correctly. Houston can have atrocious traffic depending on the hour of the day, weather, or accidents. To get to work on time I strived to be there at least thirty minutes before my actual day of work began. In those thirty minutes I was able to review the day before and make ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Conveyancing Solicitor Case Study Looking for experienced Conveyancing Solicitors to provide you with flexible solutions as per your latest requirements? Then, you are able to realize maximum benefits as per the exact needs you got on an overall. Imagine that you have approached few solicitors for conveyancing in an ultimate manner. However, the situation might get jinxed further once you receive multiple quotes from several prominent solicitors. Taking a final decision becomes a herculean task for sure in case you lack knowledge in this regard. This is exactly where comparing the quotes will benefit you the most in an eventual manner as per your exact needs. Not all Conveyancing Solicitors are known to offer you exceptional service besides charging you the same price. You can seek the services of such solicitors only after approaching one of the experienced professionals in an eventual manner as per your latest requirements. Perhaps, you will be able to realize all those benefits that are necessary for you in maintaining perfect quality standards as well. The act of soliciting at different levels of various businesses including Real Estate, Property and other home deals is best possible for you through such solicitors in an ultimate manner. Instant results of comparing are provided to you with the generation of timely quotes. ... Show more content on ... Inquire whether they have maximum grip on local land and property laws so that you could deal with any situational issue in a perfect manner. Perhaps, you could negotiate the best land deals without experiencing any financial losses on an overall. Maintaining perfect real estate deals by generating consistent profits without any legal hindrances is easily possible in this regard. Instead of getting a raw deal due to poor negotiations, it is better to seek the valuable services of experienced solicitors for conveyancing in an ultimate ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Aberdeen s Influence on Kurt Cobain Essay Aberdeen s Influence on Kurt Cobain The towns of Hoquiam and Aberdeen are located on the eastern edge of Grays Harbor in western Washington state. If you are a fan of the band Nirvana, you have probably heard of these names. If not, you are about to read how a town affected a person who in turn affected many people s lives. Kurt Cobain was the singer and guitarist for Nirvana. He was born in Hoquiam (population 9,000) and after six months of life moved to Aberdeen (pop. 16,500), an old lumber town at the eastern most point of Grays Harbor. The town is about four miles wide and three miles long. On the northern and eastern sides of town are steep hills where the richer families live in Victorian style houses. At the foot of the ... Show more content on ... The town also became the end of a railroad line because of the lumber companies. Prostitution prospered with as many as fifty whorehouses in the downtown area. Prostitution was around until the late fifties when the police finally ended it. (Azerrad 12) The lumber boom slacked off a few years ago as the economy fell and available lands were depleted. Now people are worried that the Northwestern logging industry will not be able to recover and Aberdeen is marked for a slow ugly death. (Gilmore 44) According to Kenn Oberrecht, Aberdeen s name is from a city in Scotland. The name is Gaelic and means the meeting of two rivers. Aberdeen, in case you do not know, is at the joining of the Chehalis and Wishkah rivers. It is about one hundred miles south west of Seattle and 48 miles west southwest of Olympia. (164) The first sawmill was built in 1884 and the shipbuilding industry prospered until the 1920 s. If there is a single attractive thing about Aberdeen, it would be the 98 square miles of surrounding estuaries, tidelands, and marshes that attract shorebirds by the hundreds of thousands. They come every April and May to rest and feed for the long trip north to their arctic and subarctic nesting areas. (165) Suicide is unusually high in Aberdeen. Mikal Gilmore writes about how Aberdeen s local ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Sects of Ancient Judaism Essay At the end of the Second Temple period, many sects of Judaic belief began arising with the growing imposition of the Hellenistic beliefs of the conquering Greeks. Some of these sects arose in accordance with the newly prominent Hellenism, and others formed strongly in opposition to these foreign beliefs. The three main groups that appeared during this period were the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes. The biggest conflicts arose very prominently between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The Pharisees came into existence as a class in the third century BCE. They lived very simple lives and didn t believe in the ideas of luxury. After exile, Israel abandoned the ideas of a monarchical government and the Pharisees created a ... Show more content on ... The Sadducees, unlike the Pharisees, only believed that the written law was valid, and did not adhere to Oral Law. The Sadducees were highly populated by the people of high society such as the aristocracy and the priesthood who clashed with the lower class common man (typically Pharisees). They were the dominant priestly party throughout almost all Greek and Roman rule. They also maintained very powerful political control by always siding with the ruling power. This made them very unpopular with the people of Israel. Also, for this reason, the Pharisees became more and more the leaders of the people of Israel. The Sadducees were highly influenced by the Greek Hellenism. They appreciated the Greek way of thought and belief and they believed that there is nothing beyond what we perceive in this world. They were strongly opposed by the Pharisees for their adaptation of these Hellenistic beliefs. In their eyes, there was no spirits or angels, no world beyond death, and no divine intervention in the lives of man. They fit well into the Greek world of philosophers, always questioning laws and beliefs. The Pharisees maintained very strong traditional beliefs of the Judaic faith while the Sadducees approached it with indifference and materialism. For these reasons, the Pharisaical beliefs have been maintained through centuries of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Modernism And Modernism Essay The sixties was an era of radical change. With the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam War, the assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, plus the success of the moon landing, people all around the world and especially in the United States were beginning to see a change in the world itself and the minds of the people in it. The sudden ability to receive messages from across oceans and the ability to travel internationally much safer and quicker also changed the way people looked at themselves and their fellow neighbors. The Norton Anthology of World Literature Vol. F explains this: At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world was interconnected as never before. New means of transportation, such as the ... Show more content on ... The main purpose is to understand the two philosophies, and how they effected the period in which they were born. From doing this, we can show the impact of them effected not only in the sixties, but also today. The first genre of fiction that was born during these times was Postmodernism. Its predecessor, Modernism, also came from the events that were happening around the world, especially through the newfound interconnectedness with different nations through new technological communications, and through easier and safer travel. Through this, the world experienced a change in its thinking, interpreting, and defining. This is explained better through The Norton Anthology of World Literature Vol. F: Writers around the world responded to these cataclysmic events with an unprecedented wave of literary experimentation, known collectively as modernism, which linked the political crises with a crisis of representation a sense of that the old ways of portraying the experience were no longer inadequate. The modernists therefore broke away from such conventions as standard plots, verse forms, narrative techniques, and the boundaries of genre. (Norton Anthology of World Literature Vol. D) It was through this genre that Postmodernism was born of. When other problems began to settle and others began to rise, its birth changed things even further than its predecessor. Looking at its definition found in Magil s Survey of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. On One Guy, One Girl A Shemale Personal Experience Response This had to be by far the most unique and distinct experience paper yet. The options were so relevant to the class and for the first time, in a long time, this was an exciting experience for me. All due to one topic: S E X. With that being said my topic of choice was a movie review. This was a bit common and challenging for me at the same time. Challenging because I didn t know which category I haven t watched when it comes to porn and common for me because I watch porn very often. #NOJUDGEMENTZONE Why I chose this topic was pretty simple, there are a few subdivisions in the porn industry that I have yet to experience. I m pretty sure, majority of society watches the usual: man on woman; woman on woman and man on man. Now how many of these people can say they have also watch intersex people having intercourse. Now to the average person, intersex persons are usually called trannys/transexuals/shemales in the adult film industry. ... Show more content on ... I watched this movie on; which so happens to be my favorite porn site (this is confidential right?) I usually watch ,any different forms of porn. Meaning the usual 2 people porn or the orgies and gangbangs but this by far had to be the most shocking. Watching a intersex persons perform fallacio on a man, while the woman is trying her best to gag on the intersex persons genitals ws kind of new to me. It was even more shocking to see just how big an intersex persons penis can look. Ironically it s bigger than the males ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Pulmonary Drug Delivery of Peptides and Proteins Pulmonary drug delivery of peptides and proteins is highly desirable because of many advantages such as rapid and predictable onset of action, high relative bioavailability and non invasive mode of administration which improves patient compliance. In the current study the effect of sugar carrier type (trehalose as non reducing and maltose as reducing sugar), hydroxy propyl β cyclodextrin concentration (0%, 0.02% and 0.04%) and adding tween 80 as surfactant on physicochemical stability and aerosol performance of spray freeze dried salmon calcitonin was investigated. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis indicated that cyclodextrin concentration had the most important effect on powder s chemical stability and by increasing the concentration of cyclodextrin stability of the formulations increase dramatically. Based on the chemical stability data four formulations (chemical stability over than 90% ) was selected for further examinations. Fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism data suggest that these chemically stable formulations are structurally stable too. Aerosol performance data shows that surfactant free formulations produce higher fine particle fraction (approximately 70%) than surfactant containing formulations (approximately 50%). It may be due to the more cohesive structure of surfactant containing formulations. KEY WORDS: salmon calcitonin, inhalation, spray freeze drying, hydroxypropyl β cyclodextrin, surfactant, stability, INTRODUCTION ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Japan Women To understand all modern or early modern states in a general sense is almost impossible; therefore, a narrowing down is necessary here. This paper discusses solely about Japan and China, assumed as early modern in this specific context, and the position of women, particularly prostitutes, within them. Drawn from Amy Stanley s Selling Women and Matthew H. Sommer s Sex, Law, and Society in Late Imperial China, it addresses the differences and similarities between the women of China and Japan in sex trade to elaborate how women were subject to the gendered order along socio economic changes. At the first glance, women in China and Japan in the early modern stage were strikingly dissimilar. One of the most conspicuous differences lies in ... Show more content on ... Chinese women, if a commoner, were required to follow the social system which endowed sexual monopoly of the husbands over the wives, whereas the situation of their Japanese counterparts is similar in that the praising of indentured prostitutes who supported their families was a discourse to help strengthen the patriarchal status system in early Tokugawa period. Certainly, the society changed over time and so was the position of women within it. This is clearly seen in the expansion of sex trade in Japan since the eighteenth century and the emancipation edict of jian status in 1723 in Qing China. However, this does not mean that women were freed from the gendered social cage. As Sommer contends, the edict reinforced the gendered stratum, implicated in that as all women were categorized as commoners, they were ultimately evaluated by their sexual history . In the Japanese case, Stanley argues that Japanese prostitutes were never really autonomous in economic terms. This accusation of being economic autonomous agents by the local elites and peasants precisely evidences the patriarchal anxiety to maintain the gendered order ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Female Crickets Calling Song Essay From our experiment, we are unable to reject that female crickets do not choose their mates based on their calling song. The t test value did not give us a significant difference in the female s view time of the male s for us to say that our hypothesis is valid. Looking at the values from Figure 4 though we can see the total viewing time among the different males, which shows the male with the louder calling song generally had more time spent in front of his side. There have been studies that show the female does choose the male based on his calling song (Gray, 1997). Some of our data slightly show this. In figure 4, the male with the louder chirp is viewed the most, but there is not enough in the difference of male view times for us to reject the null hypothesis. One thing that would have made the results more accurate is if the male crickets would have ... Show more content on ... The observation tank took awhile to set up. The first few trials the crickets were getting into the other male s area, the female s area, and out of the tank. It was not until after the experiment was completed that a new way to redesign the observation tank was thought of. Perhaps having a more secluded tank for each male, one that was sound proof for each male but able to be heard by the female. The recording microphones were of cheap quality, and a lot of feedback/static was recorded along with the chirps, making the sound unusable. If expenses were not an issue a higher quality of microphone would have made the recordings of the male crickets chirp more accurate. Multiple sound analyzer would only read the volume of the noise, and did not allow for an option to record the sound and play it back. Being able to find a sound analyzer that stored/recorded sound, and would allow for comparisons of two recordings would have been ideal to use in this ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Is Education A Moral And Civilised Society Which Is At... Education s main goal is to establish a civilised, moral and contented society which is at ease with itself (Hayes, 2008). This interpretation of education is one which I have seen gather meaning throughout my placement, if posed with the question what is the aim of education? prior to my placement my response would have been a generic and standard answer referring to the possibilities of getting a job in the future and to meet government and societies standards. But my time on placement has allowed me to reflect upon and respond to the excellent teaching I have witnessed which has had a focus on meeting standards but there is an edge to the style of teaching, characterising how the teacher cares for every single child as an individual and wishes to see them grow and develop as individuals. This article of work has been broken down into four main sections; these sections are the main entries from my reflective diary which in my opinion are the most significant experiences from my time. The first section is focused primarily on how the teachers rapport which is built through her affection and care to her class which consequently inspires the class to work and behave for her and how this affects the behaviour management strategies used in the classroom, secondly I will look at the differentiation between pupils in the classroom, the role of the teaching assistant in the classroom and finally the use of questioning in the classroom. How teacher pupil rapport affects ... Get more on ...
  • 27. What Role Did Women Play In The Early Development Of... Christianity in the Roman era appealed to both women and men. Its sense of inclusiveness, forgiveness, and other aspects of it changed the lives of many Roman people. However, there were many different qualities of Christianity that led women to convert. Particularly in Jesus s life and some time after his life, women were key figures in the development and spread of the religion. Women had the important role of helping develop Christianity and spreading Jesus s teachings, and this was important because they aided the survival of Christianity. Firstly, women helped Jesus in his search for the nature of the divine, and his teachings. In the early development of Christianity, disciples were persecuted by the Roman Empire (Strayer, 174). Therefore, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Sonnet XX Of Fatal Interview By Edna St. Vincent Millay Love is a really beautiful thing, but it isn t everything you have to live for. In life, you will need many things other than love to survive. In Sonnet XXX of Fatal Interview by Edna St. Vincent Millay, a poem written as a Shakespearean sonnet, an anonymous speaker discusses how your world doesn t revolve around love yet you need it in your your life. The sonnet starts off with the speaker s direct objective of informing the reader Love is not all but ends with an opposing purpose that they would not give up love for anything. In order for the speaker to figure out the importance and value of love to themselves, they will have to learn the difference between what they truly desire and require. To emphasize the significance of love to a human being s survival, the poem begins with the many aspects that love isn t capable of. By stating the ways love is useless in providing as a necessity of life, the speaker is able to persuade the reader(s) that it serves no real purpose. Displaying the a b a parts of a Shakespearean sonnet rhyme scheme, love is not meat or drink nor slumber nor a roof against the rain; nor yet a floating spar to men that sink, (Millay 1 3) it holds no practical value. It can t provide you with food and shelter you from nature or even help you to survive. In other words, these stanzas connected the image of love to an idea of uselessness in surviving. For this reason, the speaker continues on with listing love s other incapabilities, aside from food and shelter. These incapabilities continue to build the image of how expendable love is. By further downgrading love s practical value, it leads to the question of whether love serves any purpose in life at all. In these four stanzas, Love can not fill the thickened lung with breath, nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone; yet many a man is making friends with death even as I speak, for lack of love alone, (Millay 5 8) alliteration is displayed along with the addition of a contrasting idea. From the stanzas, we learn love can t give/bring you oxygen or air, nor can it cleanse blood like your liver and it most definitely can t mend a broken bone for you yet so many people are willing to die because of or for love. To put it ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Terror Of Osama Bin Laden The terrorists attacks on September 11, 2001 centered on New York City was a devastation that affected the United States as Al Qaeda wanted to instill fear in the mass public, and also send a message simultaneously to their counterparts that they were not to be taken lightly. Since then, it has never been forgotten and was one of the worst tragedies to occur in recent history. In an otherwise positive note, Osama Bin Laden has since been killed and his death has directly caused a morale decrease in the terrorist faction. Terrorism was always in play when it came to the United States, but it only came into the limelight with the 9/11 attacks. The attacks brought numerous repercussions, such as future health issues, problems with economics, ... Show more content on ... Additionally, these women were found to be more prone to give birth prematurely and deliver babies with low birth weights. This would have been caused due to the dangerous pollution that the air had at the time. Since this was becoming a significant problem, the Bush administration ordered the (EPA) Environmental Protection Agency to affirm reassuring statements regarding the air quality in the aftermath of the attacks, citing national security, but they did not determine it was safe enough until June of 2002. People still living in the present are fraught with illnesses that were caused by the 9/11 attacks, and is something that has become part of their own life. Moreover, the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street has a significant economic influence as it known to be the leading financial center of the world. Following the attacks of 9/11, it was forced to close down due to security reasons, and wasn t opened again until September 17. The week that it had opened back, many of the market s stocks such as DJIA had decreased considerably. All of the markets that people had invested in had to be gradually brought up again as business wasn t in circulation in the aftermath of 9/11. In 2001 revenue, U.S. stocks lost $1.4 trillion in valuation for the week after its initial opening. The U.S government provided $11.2 billion in immediate assistance to the Government of New York City along with $10.5 billion in early ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Macbeth Women Influence Impact of Women Influence in Macbeth William Shakespeare s play, Macbeth is one of his most well known plays because of its infamously unconventional gender roles. These roles cause tremendous chaos proving Shakespeare s true motive to keep men and women in their place. Women are an important part of the play because Shakespeare displays them as a huge influence on Macbeth s courage and decisions that will eventually impact his actions and lead him to tremendous chaos. This change of gender roles is displayed through the three witches, Lady Macbeth, and how the role disruption had a negative impact on Macbeth s life and manliness. First of all, the three witches known as the weird sisters were the first women to appear in Macbeth and ... Show more content on ... Lady Macbeth gives the idea of murdering King Duncan after receiving the letter stating that there is a possibility for Macbeth to become king. At first, Macbeth does not want to follow the murdering act. He believes that he will be betraying and breaking the relationship between the king and him. However, when Lady Macbeth finds him refusing to continue with the plan, she starts teasing him about his cowardly attitude, Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valor as thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem st the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem, letting I dare not wait upon I would like the poor cat i th adage? (1, 7, 40 45). She influences and tempts Macbeth to continue with the plan. Lady Macbeth offensive words towards Macbeth s manliness creates a feeling of insecurity in him which leads Macbeth to change his thoughts and continue with the plan. Lady Macbeth shows her authority in the relation, she challenges Macbeth s manliness by corrupting and encouraging him to murder. She shows a very ambitious, aggressive, influential, and authoritative attitude. The Elizabethan society depicts women as charming, delicate, and heart of sympathy and nurture. Lady Macbeth does not fulfill the expectations and therefore Lady Macbeth is seen as a corrupt woman. She is selfish, ambitious, and over control. She does not show the feminism a woman should have, but instead, she guides the murder plan and makes Macbeth ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Anti Federalist Argument Against A Weaker Federal... The focus point of the anti federalist argument revolved around the support of a weaker federal government. After the Declaration of Independence was signed, there was a necessity to unite the nation. A way was needed to govern the land amassed by the thirteen colonies. On the twelfth of July, 1776, eight days after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Second Continental Congress began efforts to create the fundamental principles on which to govern the nation while managing the colonial war effort. Once a version was complete it was sent to be ratified by the states in 1777. Ratification by the states was completed in 1781. This document is known as the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were deliberately weak, which followed logically after breaking away from the strong British government. There was however a group that opposed the weak federal government created by the Articles of Confederation, and they came to be known as the federalists. The group that supported a weaker government thus came to be known as the anti federalists. As the government played out on the nations stage, members of the anti federalist party would change, uphold or augment their ideals. The Articles of Confederation failed because of its deliberate lack of power. It was inherently weak first and foremost because it called for a confederacy which gave sovereign power to the states. We see this in Article II, which states that: Each state retains its ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Midterm Lab Report Aneri Patel CHEM 2100 Midterm Lab Report Fall 2017 Comar Unknown Number ##### Introduction: The main purpose of these experiments was introduce various techniques such as the use of separation, purification and extraction for each organic compound that was obtained. The first experiment was done on a compound which is commonly known as a triglyceride which contains three fatty acids and a glycerol backbone. The next experiment was done one a caffeine which is a hetercylic ring. However, this heterocyclic ring has all oxygens in the place of the carbons. The third eextraction was done on benzoic acid and acentanilide and the last experiment was done on acetic acid to purify an ester. The first of these many experiments was the extraction of trimyristin from nutmeg. Trimyristin makes up about one fourth of the composition of nutmeg. Compounds such as nutmeg can be used in a process called natural product extraction which identifies if the natural products obtained from such and extraction can be used to treat various types of diseases. In this first extraction two important techniques were used and, these are the use of the rotary evaporator and gravity filtration. Gravity filtration was used to complete a solid liquid extraction of the nutmeg and ethyl acetate into a round bottom flask. The rotary evaporator was utilized to evaporate the ethyl acetate in the flask and leave waxy yellowish trymristin crystals. The crystals underwent recrystallization and suction ... Get more on ...
  • 33. U.s. Marine Corps And The Military After watching this film for several times, a viewpoint comes into my mind that almost all of people are not inborn soldiers, but it s quite clear that most of them could be soldiers through a series of training in the army. Unlike a majority of jobs in our daily lives, soldiering could be more complicated and it needs people to take a high level of risk in the war and even some people sacrifice their lives in order to defend their countries rights and protect citizens safety. Therefore, many people may have formed a false concept that only specific groups of people are suitable for selecting as soldiers. In fact, anyone s son will do it and they can do it very well. In the end of this film, most soldiers family members express that they are proud of their sons or daughters. That s because their sons or daughters assume responsibility and make great contributions to the society. The storyline of this film is about the basic training in the military. This film s scenario is about the U.S. Marine Corps. In this film, it shows us the details of recruiting soldiers and some procedures about how to train these young people into soldiers and killers. In the beginning of this film presents a picture of the Soviet Union soldiers and also tells us that these people would be the U.S. soldiers, if their grandparents had immigrated to the United States. At the same time, their parents would very proud of them because they think their sons or daughters serve the country and protect ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Circadian Timing System The Circadian Timing System (CTS) is responsible for generation and synchronization of endogenous oscillations expressed by living beings, for most physiologic functions and behaviors, with period around 24 hours (for review see Dibner et al., 2010). Among the central structures of rodent circadian clock are hypothalamic Suprachiasmatic Nuclei (SCN) and Intergeniculate Leaflet (IGL) in lateral geniculate complex of thalamus. The former is considered the master pacemaker of circadian rhythms, regulating cyclic patterns of physiologic and hormonal activity in response to environmental cues, via a variety of outputs. The latter projects to SCN, via geniculo hypothalamic tract (GHT), having an important modulatory role in circadian rhythm synchronization ... Show more content on ... Changes in aged circadian clock are already described in many levels (for review see Engelberth et al., 2013), such as decreases in rhythm amplitude and phase duration controlled by the clock (Satinoff et al., 1993), fragmentation of locomotor activity rhythm (Valentinuzzi et al., 1997), reduction in expression of immediate early genes c fos and NGFI A after photic stimulation (Sultin et al., 1993), loss in rhythm expression of Bmal transcript and in Controlled clock genes, Dbp and Dec1, involved in molecular machinery regulation of biological clock (Bonaconsa et al., 2014),decreases in electrical intercellular synchronization and membrane conductance during night time (Nakamura et al., 2011; Farajnia et al., 2012). Regarding morphological and neurochemichal findings, aged SCN have a reduced immunoreactivity of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (Krajnak et al., 1998) and vasopressin (Cayetanot et al., 2005) in addition to a loss in neuron number in rats (Tsukahara et al., 2005) and marmosets (Engelberth et al., 2014). Current data, however, are focused only in SCN, which brings limitations to understanding the whole process of how aging influences the CTS, since this system has other integrated components which may also be affected (Yamanazaki et al., 2002; Davidson et al., 2008). For instance, the only existing data about the aging effects in ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Religion, Private Property, And Politics Taylor O Sullivan Religion, private property, and politics combined to benefit the common good Religion and private property are thought to be exceedingly influential in regards to politics, and many political theorists would agree with this statement. John Locke, an imperative leader in the Enlightenment movement in Europe, thoroughly expresses the relationship between government, religion, and private property in his writing, The Two Treatises of Government. Locke examines his belief that all humans are free and equal by nature, and they have the the right to life, liberty, and private property. Locke believes that man has the duty to preserve, of preservation, and means of preservation (private property) to thank God for putting us on ... Show more content on ... Before examining the relationship between private property, religion, and politics, it is imperative to recognize the historical context as to what was happening at the time when John Locke wrote The Two Treatises of Government. Locke began to articulate his views, particularly in The Two Treatise of Government, during the Glorious Revolution in late 17th century England. This revolution involved the removal of James II, a Stuart, from England due to his absolutist and catholic tendencies, because the majority of English people were Anglican at the time. Locke, along with many other people, felt threatened when James II began to pack parliament with his friends and supporters. This was a huge problem, because parliament is in charge with representing the people, protecting their rights as English citizens, which includes freedom of speech and property. Eventually, James II left England for France in exile, and King William and Queen Mary became the new leaders. They signed the English Bill of Rights to protect certain civil liberties, and in terms of property, the Bill of Rights states that taxes cannot be levied without consent from Parliament. Taxes can be a direct threat to someone s property; if an individual cannot afford to pay their taxes, they will lose their property. In sum, John Locke writes The Two Treatises of Government the exact same year as the Glorious Revolution, to express why James II was ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Analysis Of Jacket X s Payroll Processing System Payroll Process: During an initial review of data for Jacket X from last year, several potential threats and vulnerabilities were identified. Specifically, the payroll business process was highlighted as containing threats and vulnerabilities requiring immediate attention from management in order to prevent a data breach. Recall threats and vulnerabilities, although often utilized together in discussing cybersecurity risks, are two separate concepts. To review, a threat is defined as an undesirable event that can cause harm . It is also important to note that threats can be internal or external to an organization (Valacich). Alternately, a vulnerability is defined as a weakness in an organization s systems or security policies that ... Show more content on ... This would allow supervisors to create a bogus employee, place them on the payroll master file, edit their hours, and supply their own banking information for direct deposit purposes. As this would initially cause a relatively small loss to Jacket X, it may not be noticed for a while. In order to mitigate this vulnerability, supervisors should only have access to their own employees and any changes should create an audit trail. Also, for independent contractors, the payroll specialists have permission to alter payroll details during validation. Although these permissions allow for more productivity time by creating less personnel in the validation chain, it is counterproductive as it creates a vulnerability wherein the validator is not independent and free to edit contractors time and attendance. Additionally, this vulnerability can be exploited during the paycheck generation process wherein falsified checks can be created for the bogus contractors. In order to overcome this vulnerability, Jacket X should separate the payroll specialists and validators in order to create a more secure validation process. Additionally, there is a major flaw with the direct deposit system in that it does not communicate with the paycheck generation process. This can cause paper checks to be issued to those employees who already receive direct deposit. Linking these two ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Reflective Report On Negotiation Negotiations: Reflection Report Negotiations are pivotal in everyday life; however, it is in politics and business where negotiations have the capacity to shape the history and economic future of a society. This reflective report is a citation of one of negotiation simulation I have been part of my organization in recent month. This reflective report will first appraise current learning against personal experience in a multi party business negotiation. Specifically, I compare and contrast the various emotions, relationships and coalitions formed in day one and day two of the negotiation. The outcome will then be measured for its value and success from my perspective as the spokesperson for the employee representation group. To ... Show more content on ... However, the nature of the negotiation, being a simulation, made it difficult to measure the veracity of the anchoring effect since the payoffs (70%, 80%, 90% and 100%) were known fixed variables. The general information provided explicitly stated the MGMT and CONTR conflicting stance on the integrative issue, so neither parties gained valuable information from the first or counter offer. Furthermore, following negotiations could not be made in increments less than 10% so my conjectured capacity to frame and control the negotiation was greatly inhibited. Intra group conflicts emerged in the last joint conference, consequently evoking apprehension and vulnerability. The CONTR s outrageous proposal, to accept a supposed $7.00 share price at the expense of all other parties, seemingly appealed to the MGMT. MGMT also hinted thoughts of compromising support for USA based employment in exchange for a longer term management contract. Cohesion within the coalition quickly deteriorated, and increasing pressure was put on my role to compromise with CONTR for a better joint outcome. Simon s (1979) notion of satisficing for an acceptable but inferior payoff, in the face of uncertainty, became apparent in my own negotiation attempts. I left Day One verbally assenting to 80% USA employment, a markedly different result to my own target value. Day Two: Post new information The last day of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Causes And Symptoms Of Meningitis Introduction/Background/History: Meningitis is caused by an inflammation surrounding your spinal cord and brain. The inflammation is usually caused by fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord. It mostly occurs in children, teens, and young adults. Meningitis also affects older adults who have a weaker immune system and people in general who have illnesses that leads to a weak immune system. This is a serious illness but most of the time if the symptoms are diagnosed properly and treated correctly you may make a speedy recovery. There are many different types of meningitis such as fungal, bacterial, viral, parasitic, and non infectious. The most common types of meningitis are viral and bacterial meningitis. Viral meningitis is caused by viral infections in the layers of tissues that covers the meninges. The symptoms of viral meningitis usually are headaches, muscle aches, stiff neck, and the general feeling of being sick. Bacterial meningitis is caused by bacteria in the environment that enters the bloodstream and eventually travels to the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms of bacterial meningitis includes high fever, headaches, confusion, increased drowsiness and stiffness in neck. If bacterial meningitis is serious and life threating you may have seizures and strokes. Reading/Writing: Majority of the time meningitis is life threating if left untreated. So early treatment can help prevent serious problems including death. Vaccines can prevent some cases of bacterial ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Bacon s Rebellion Analysis The elderly Berkeley had some secret scheme in mind, having governing Virginia since 1641, he wanted to maintain an alliances relationship with friendly neighboring Natives tribes and uses them as the buffers while fighting the Susquehannocks war, and in fact maintaining his fur trade monopoly. On the other side, Bacon and his followers, the discontented Virginians blamed the Natives, friendly or not, for all their problems. Theirs viewed of the Susquehannocks war as an opportunity to solve all their problems at once, for good. Not being able to convince the Governor for the commission he felt warranted, Bacon secretly fled Jamestown only to returned later with five or six hundred armed men and marched directly to where Governor and the Council were in the meeting. In the meantime, the news flock Jamestown with more raids and murder of the settlers committed by the Natives. Having his men surrounded the building, Bacon presented himself before the Council, alleged that had not his commission been tardy for so long, the war against the Natives might have done. Feeling insulted and resentful by what Bacon have done, the Governor stubbornly refused ... Show more content on ... In a few past decades, there were more findings came from different points of view, some historian s perception on the Bacon s Rebellion was just a fight between two egotistic stubborn power hungry leaders and everything else, but a gallant struggle of the working class against the tyranny. Regardless of any perceptions, though it was not successful, the Bacon s Rebellion had demonstrated that a limited democracy did not work if the proletariat class who feel disfranchisement and had no realistic hope of a better life, and that poor people of any color, blacks or whites could be united in a cause they seem just. This unity was a great fear of the ruling class and hastened the British ruled America transition to racial ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Descriptive Essay On Having A Dog Dogs become vital to you, they are something you wouldn t ever give up. My dog, Carly has taught me so many life lessons, even when she can t even talk. Likewise, She has taught to be a kind, positive, selfless human being. Yes, having a dog may be challenging, stressful work, but in the end, it s all worth it. Ever since I was a little girl I have always wanted a dog. When I was about three, my cousins unexpectedly lost their chocolate lab, Bailey. I don t remember Bailey, but I do remember when they brought home a yellow lab puppy named Tess. The moment I laid eyes on Tess, it sparked something inside me and from that point on, I had a desire to one day have my own dog. I included a dog on my Christmas and birthday lists for five years, but every year I was left with disappointment. Nevertheless, my parents were warming up to the idea of having a dog, evaluating different breeds to try and find a fit for our family. Eventually, my parents took us to look at dogs, but none of them seemed to suit our needs. It was late afternoon on an enjoyable, mild June day at the baseball field. As we commenced our journey home I realized we were headed in the wrong direction. Where are we going? I asked, looking at my parents in confusion. We are going to look at some puppies, Mom explained excitedly. Realization dawned on me. We were getting a puppy! What kind of dog are we going to look at? I questioned with excitement. A cockapoo, stated Mom anxiously. I looked at my ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Science And History And Development Of The Influenza... Introduction Influenza vaccines, also known as flu shots, are vaccines that claim to protect against influenza. The extent to which the influenza vaccine reduces the risk of disease under controlled conditions is known as the vaccine s efficacy. The testing of vaccine efficacy is quite stringent and involves Phase I, II, and III trials. Two of which, are double blinded placebo controlled trials. Influenza adapts, and mutates such that is never the same from year to year, and therefore making the double blinded placebo controlled trials very difficult to accomplish before the vaccine is needed to be released to the public. This causes an ethical predicament in which there is a trade off between waiting to project which viruses will be prevalent in the upcoming year, and beginning deciding on the projected viruses earlier in order to conduct the efficacy testing. In this paper we review the science and history of influenza as well as the science, history and development of the influenza vaccines. We then discuss the stringent process required by law in order to test vaccines before they reach the population. We look at the efficacy studies conducted by the CDC, and conflicting views of geneticists highly involved in vaccine safety. Finally, we present an overall assessment of the efficacy of the influenza vaccine, and leave to the reader, the level of efficacy the influenza vaccine has actually achieved. What is Influenza? The influenza virus initiates in wild ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay about Roaring Camp The Regeneration of Roaring Camp amp;#9; amp;quot;And so the work of regeneration began is Roaring Camp amp;quot;(9). The regeneration referred to takes place in a California mining camp in 1850 after the birth of Tommy Luck, son of Cherokee Sal, the camp s prostitute, who died giving birth. Sometimes one doesn t realize how much he needs to change until he gets a subtle push from fate. Just a little addition to the world can cause a regeneration of a lifetime. Bret Harte demonstrates this idea in the story amp;quot;The Luck of Roaring Camp. amp;quot; In this story, Bret Harte shows that even the roughest men can regenerate into kind, gentle, wholesome people, with the love of a child. amp;#9; amp;quot;The term ... Show more content on ... Many gave the baby a contribution. The sorry state of the camp and the men under went change immediately after the arrival of the baby. amp;#9; amp;quot;Almost imperceptibly a change came over the settlement amp;quot;( 9). The new baby was given the name Tommy Luck, but was known around the camp as amp;quot;The Luck. amp;quot; The men made sure that Luck was scrupulously clean. The men decided it was time to under go changes themselves. amp;quot;The reflections of the latter on the appearance of Roaring Camp tended to produce stricter habits of personal cleanliness amp;quot;(9). The men wore clean shirts and moral and
  • 43. sanitary laws were not neglected. The men of Roaring Camp gave up shouting and profanity because they did not want to disturb Luck. Some men even sang the baby lullabies. The birth of the baby definitely changed the men, and Roaring Camp for the better. amp;#9; amp;quot;It was wonderful how many treasures the woods and hillsides yielded that amp;quot;would do for Tommy amp;quot;(11). The men of Roaring Camp regenerated just because of the love of a baby. Tommy Luck was known as amp;quot;The Luck of Roaring Camp. amp;quot; The men felt that as long as they had Tommy, they had the luck with them. One should never put all of his trust in luck because sooner or later his luck is bound to run out. The men put all of their faith into one little baby. amp;quot;Such was the golden summer of Roaring Camp. They were ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Disorganized Vs. Disorganized Schizophrenia Disorder Disorganized Schizophrenia Disorder Hunter Boumans Central Louisiana Technical Community College DEFINITION Also called hebephrenia, disorganized schizophrenia is one of the main 5 subtypes of schizophrenia. These patients generally have extreme disorganized behavior as well as other disorganized symptoms; however they do not have traditional symptoms of schizophrenia such as delusions and hallucinations. POSSIBLE CAUSE Exact cause is unknown. It is believed that hormones place a role in other types of schizophrenia. In this type of schizophrenia, physical degeneration is mostly responsible for symptom. RISK FACTORS According to Mayo Clinic: Abusive childhood Trauma while still in the womb Paternal age older than 40 Contracting a disease while in the womb Use of drugs and alcohol Brain injury Closed head trauma Chemotherapy SIGNS/SYMPTOMS According to American Psychiatric Association Mayo Clinic: Symptoms are similar to catatonic subtype, therefore catatonic schizophrenia should be eliminated first. Symptoms include: Disorganized speech (such as rambling, not able to understand) Disorganized thinking Flat affect Childish mannerism Grossly disorganized behavior Inappropriate emotion either no emotion or non fitting emotion Inappropriate facial resaponses Anhedonia Active behavior Avolition lack of motivation TREATMENT Patient will need treatment for the rest of their life. During times of crisis they may
  • 45. ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Gateway To Freedom Analysis The Gateway to Freedom is an enticing novel that gives further knowledge of racial discrimination and the social inequality of blacks at the time of slavery and how the Underground Railroad combatted this through the different committees and activists of the time. This essay will focus on how the Underground Railroad affected family, economy and religion the social institutions, those who operated the Underground Railroad were diverse and have different reason for following the abolitionist movement, and not all the committees are made equally. According to Foner, the author of The Gateway to Freedom, there was a direct correlation between free blacks and fugitive slaves presence in the antislavery movement. Many people from many backgrounds helped fugitive slaves and the abolitionist development. There are many different actions abolitionists took to further their cause; some of the abolitionists were politicians, for example, William H. Seward and Thaddeus Stevens (19). Those who facilitated the U.R. fought for the abolitionist movement, they helped using many different means. Whether it dealt with the Underground Railroad directly or indirectly many abolitionists took part in helping. Some devoted their livelihood and found a job within the committees, for example being a lawyer or newspaper editor, some people elected their own time while still holding a job outside of the movement. Referring to the Underground Railroad, David Ruggles, a fugitive and abolitionist, ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Effects Of The Fall Of Communism In Czechoslovakia INTRODUCTION In this essay, I will analyze the profound effect that the fall of Communism in Czechoslovakia, and subsequently the Czech Republic, in the Velvet Revolution of 1989, had on the legal regime in the country. Obviously the process of conversion to democracy was a long and arduous one, fraught with struggles. I will lay out this essay as follows; to begin, I will give a general introduction that will discuss things that had to be altered after the fall of the Communist regime. I will look back at the history of democracy in the Czech Republic, and how forty years of Communist rule tore this proud tradition to shreds. The main part of the essay will revolve around a discussion of the build up of democratic institutions after the ... Show more content on ... Between the years of 1990 and 1992, after the fall of Communism and the formation of the first democratic parliament in years, there was permanent conflict on the issue of Slovakian autonomy. As time went on, the legal preferences of the nations began to run in opposite directions. To avoid any further conflict, the political elite decided to break up the federation and form two separate autonomous states. This new agreement came into effect on the 1st of January 1993. Legal Changes One of the most important changes to Czech law after the fall of communism was the reinstitution of multi party elections, the very foundation of democracy. But on top of this, there were a number of extremely important institutional changes, as well as new laws brought into effect to enforce democracy in the nation. These are listed below in bullet point form for the sake of ... Get more on ...
  • 48. te te tet tete te Essay PEST Analysis of Airline Industry? Hi, I m doing an assignment conducting a strategic analysis of EasyJet and have to do a PEST analysis of the industry. Can anyone offer me any help outlining the main more Update : I have a good idea about what to cover in each section but I m more . Best Answer Tristen B answered 6 years ago PESTLE analysis if you are including legal and environmental. Airlines are a good one because so many different things affect them. Political Taxes that they get charged in different countries for landing, fuel taxation etc Economic e.g. How does interest rate movement affext their longterm debt? ... Show more content on ... Polulations growth does an ageing poulation affect them i.e. baby boomers, lots of people in that lifestage have more disposable income to spend.... Technological As things improve technology becomes cheaper. How does this affect them? Does this mean the entries to barrier are lower for competitors to join? Do easyjet have a big R D dept? Legal Different legalities of different countries some stricter than others... Environment carbon offsetting, what is their CSR policy? Remember when you are answering that easyjet are a budget airline and so their competitors are people like Ryan air not Virgin... Hope that helps 1 Comment .
  • 49. Other Answers (2) Rated Highest Mike M answered 6 years ago PESTLE analysis Rather than buy other people essays as one other poster mentions the formats at or are free and provide advice. If looking at competitors like the porters 5 forces then competitors include coach and train companies, indeed depending on the use of travel even web conferencng and video conferencing will impact. For legal factors you will need to take into account national laws in each country the airlines land, it is also worth looking at local bylaws as the likes of ryan air and easyjet do not just follow a traditional business model indeed they make most ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Fishing Is Fishing Fishing had never been a hobby until I considered until this past summer. Fishing has an importance that goes way back since my great grandpa back in Mexico. My great grandpa used to take my father fishing to a nearby lake near their home where they would spend hours fishing for that night s dinner. As a kid, I remember my family would take trips to the lake or rivers to have a family gathering and a carne asada. This is where my uncles and grandpa would fish, but at the time playing soccer with my cousins was more exciting. When I turned 13, my grandpa invited me to go fishing to Lake Buena Vista that Saturday morning. I immediately thought tedious but decided to open up and try a new activity and at the end of the day, I would have a story to tell my friends. Once at the lake, I asked my grandpa, What is so cool about fishing and he responded, It s not about catching fish, it is about relaxing and being away from everything and enjoying nature. Anyone can go to the market to buy a fish, but can they have the patience to battle one and reel it in? . As the day progressed we caught a couple of catfish which my grandpa took home and made soup with. Although that day I enjoyed myself I also found out fishing was not my hobby. Fishing is for those who have patience and don t dread being in the sun all day. Flash forwarding to this past summer, my friend Froilan wanted to go fishing after he saw some YouTube videos about fishing. After he told me we should go fishing to do ... Get more on ...