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Photography Essay | English III
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Photography Essay | English III Photography Essay | English III
Text While Driving
The product that the yellow group created was presented by our team member Dorothy who is a
product that could save a life. The idea is to stop people from using their phone while driving. By this
how many of us have an application on our phones that lock the usage while driving? I found this to
be very unsafely because even though the phone is lock you can still access your phone by answering
calls. Now, the problem is that becomes a distraction trying to unlock the phone. According to Snyder,
1.6 million crashes happened due to the phone use while driving (2016). The innovated product is cell
phones that automatically will shut off when the car is on drive mode. No more distraction on trying to
unlock, text, call because it will only function to make a 911 call with a click of a button.
I believe the product will serve the client expectations by saving lives and avoiding car accident due
by use of a phone. According to Snyder, 1 out of automobile crash occurs by texting and driving can
you image how much safer the roads will be? I believe that any product that will save someone life
will have an impact on the customers. Those who don t is because they have not lost a loved one in a
car accident because of a distracted driver using their phone. ... Show more content on
I have until I discover that I am not just risking my life but the lives who are in my car and the ones
who are on the road. Please don t text and drive because I guarantee you that is not as important as
being alive. Thank you.
Snyder, Edgar. (2016). Cell Phone Use While Driving Statistics. Retrieved from
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Effect Of The Lucifer Effect Philip Zimbardo
The Lucifer Effect: Philip Zimbardo on Psychology of Evil
Michelle Joseph
CJUS 3700
Reflection Paper 1
Professor Belshaw
There are events and phenomena complicated to explain, understand or even to handle. Sometimes it
seems that people living in the XXI century reached the highest peak of civilization. However, no
technological progress or any other achievements or benefits can reduce violence. Why does it happen
so and how evil arises in people are among the questions, which Philip Zimbardo tried to find the
answer to in his book.
To start with, what do we know about Mr. Zimbardo? Obviously, he is the best expert for writing
about such things. He is the psychologists, who conducted the famous Stanford experiment back in
1970s. There is hardly a person, who is not aware about it. After a group of students volunteered to
become a part of the study of psychology of imprisonment, Zimbardo revealed the shaking truth.
Beyond the expectations, students adapted to their roles very well. Very soon, guards started to show
the signs of harassment, psychologically torturing those, who played the prisoners. The latter ones
passively accepted the abuse. In the end, two students left the experiment early, and it was closed after
six days. The experiment affected Zimbardo, too, for he had the role of superintendent and couldn t ...
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One of the strongest points of this approach is that he represents examples from different spheres. The
psychologist appeals to historic events, tells about results of his famous experiment, and writes about
everyday situations a reader can witness or even participate in. He represents the complete picture and
does it objectively. It is a possibility to understand the harrowing phenomenon in all its existing and
possible variations from breaking a window by a little kid to abuse by military forces and organized
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What Can Historians Learn From This Document About How As...
What can Historians learn from this document about how as married man saw his role as head of the
family in mid 17th century?
The nature of this document is taken from the notebooks of Nehemiah Wallington (1818 1654). An
extract of the passages of my life (Booy, D. (end) 2007), written in 1662. The extract is one of over
fifty journals written over a twenty years period, of which seven originals remain. The purpose of this
document is described in Grell (2016 p.81) as a means of private and later public record relating of
Wallington s reflections of his religious struggle for salvation as a sinner that believes he belongs to
the Elect , those predestined for salvation. This autobiographical work provided historians with
primary source of evidence of the thoughts and beliefs of a Puritan married man, and his religious
responsibilities and relationship with his household.
To contextualize the text, Wallington s religious beliefs were taken from Protestant Lutheran and
Calvinistic influences that evolved in England as the Puritan movement, which was a non conformist
religious sects that had moved away from the Church of England Anglican practices and rituals in
search a purer, form of Protestantism. (Marshall, P. 2014 p.141). Lutheranism had idealized marriage
and the idea of holy families and Luther stated in The estate of marriage Brandt (1963) that woman is
a necessary evil, and that no household can be without such an evil . Wallington
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Effectiveness of Basil Plant for Urinary Tract Infection
Background of the Study
The care of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a common costly problem in acute care and home care
population. Many therapies have been made for the treatment. Despite this, the patient still suffer from
pains when urinating and the financial burden. In the locality, Urinary Tract Infection was commonly
experienced among teenagers due to lifestyle and diet. Nurses in the community are the first line
health care givers and are sanctioned by the Department of Health to render independent measures to
alleviate health problem.
The use of herbal plants such as basil does not entail the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Basil ... Show
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The urinary tract was the leading site of nosocomial infections. Of the total infections noted, 44.1%
were in the urinary tract, 28.4% in the respiratory tract, 15.1% were surgical wounds, 8.1% cutaneous
infections, 1.4% bacteremia, and 2.9% in other sites. The frequency by which the pathogens were
isolated in these sites paralleled the instrumentations done in these sites.
The gram negative bacilli were the primary pathogens seen with Pseudomonas spp, Proteus spp,
Enterobacter spp, E. coli, and Klebsiella spp accounting for 74% of the pathogens isolated. Candida
spp was the only fungal pathogen seen. Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus were
the predominant gram positive isolates. Unusual pathogens like Alkaligenes fecaelis and
Acinetobacter spp were also isolated. The nosocomial isolates at Santo Tomas University Hospital
have changed in the last five years to a dominance of gram negative bacilli.
Sensitivity tests of isolated pathogens to representative antibiotics showed an alarming percentage of
antibiotic resistant strains. [Phil J Microbiol Infect Dis 1990; 19(1):20 26]
On Basil Plant
Basil (Ocimum Basilicum L.), of family Lamiaceace (mints) is a tender low growing herb that
originates in the Mediterranean Sea and Middle East. It is a popular culinary herb and its essential oils
have been used extensively for many years in food products, perfumes and
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Labor in Call Centers
Under scrutinized until the late 1990s, call centres have now got significant scholastic consideration.
The astounding and managed development of call centres, stretching out far past their starting bases in
the financial and telecommunications areas, has bewildered the early scepticism. The competitive
advantage for the companies picked up through the combination of phone and VDU advances, giving
immediate phone based client services and selling led to widespread of this phenomenon. the growing
financial sector has given the UK government s modernising motivation, which expects to guarantee
that, by 2002, 25% of its administrations are open electronically.
This case they investigated the truth of the labour processes at the call centres and labour related
issues. In this process, it has touched upon civil arguments concerning the way of IT work and the
current organisation. The significance to the call centre labour procedure are two ranges of theories in
concern. Firstly, and in particular, attention will be provided for the pertinence of Foucauldian
electronic Panopticon viewpoints, whose fascination has demonstrated overwhelming to both
prevalent commentators (Arkin, 1997) and scholastics (Fernie and Metcalf, 1997) as they have
endeavored to theorise the nature and knowledge of call centre work. Also, it makes reference to the
idea of emotional labour , as expounded at first by Hochschild (1983).
An examination of the labour
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Feminism In El Saadawi s Woman At Point Zero
Feminism is a worldly ideology that is recognized by everyone, some women are joining religious
groups despite their gender views. Others are fighting against the same groups, fearing the dangerous
mix of politics and religion misconception. Whether through or against religion they are choosing to
become part of the struggle for a better world. Non western women who proclaim themselves as
feminists often are critiqued for being disloyal to their culture and for selling out to western feminist
ideals. Through examining El Saadawi s book of Woman At Point Zero focusing on Islamic values and
western feminism, we can start to see where El Saadawi shapes Firdaus to stand on this issue of
femininity. The idea of feminism has a direct correlation to the Islam religion and what it expects of
Muslim women to do and act like. Because of preconceived notions that women are inferior to men, it
led to a stricter patriarchal regime.This made education for women become unnecessary because from
the beginning they were viewed like a tool for reproduction for the survival of the human species. In
Women Point Zero, the actions of Firdaus force men to change their beliefs and values to admit their
misconception about women. In the book the readers can infer the subconscious connection between
women and other women in a lower class. Lower class women have been through many problems in
the world and they are the wisest of them all because of their experiences compared to to higher class
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Powers of the United States Congress as Established by the...
The United States Congress was established by the Constitution to be the legislature branch of the
Government as distinguished from the executive branch which is headed by the President and the
judiciary. The system is organized in order for each of the branches to act as a check and balance on
each of the other branches (Moyers, 1987). This check and balance nature of the system often results
in creating friction between the branches but this was precisely the purpose behind the Founding
Fathers setting the system up in this manner. The theory was that this would diminish the possibility of
any one branch becoming too powerful in relation to the other branches. Congress, like the other two
branches of the U.S. government, is limited to exercising only the powers specifically granted the
Constitution. The powers granted Congress are enumerated in several different locations in the
Constitution but the majority of its powers are set forth in Article I. The first of Congress enumerated
powers is its authority to regulate commerce among the several states. Since first being addressed by
the U.S. Supreme Court in the landmark case of Gibbons v. Ogden (Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824) the
power of Congress to engage itself in the operation of interstate commerce has been expanded, over
time, to the point where Congress power to regulate commerce now includes any activities that
substantially affects interstate commerce. One of Congress most significant powers is the authority
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Drug History And Policy Changes
Drug History and Policy Changes
There is a debate in the American government system on how to handle the use of drug and alcohol. In
the 1960s drugs were uprising along with youth rebellion and in 1971 Nixon declared a War on Drugs
(Citation a brief). This name is not to be confused with the band War on Drugs, but the term is still
popularly used to describe the policies that Government officials are making regarding drugs and
alcohol. This debate got reheated when Colorado legalized weed for medical and recreational use,
followed by several other states. There has slowly been a shift in mindset from, alcoholics are drug
addicts are all criminals and we (the law) should throw them in jail to addiction is a disease. Even the
way that addicts/alcoholics are treated has changed to treatment centers with specialist versus
throwing them in the hospital to detox and hoping for a change. Policies that are shifting the penalty
from incarceration to treatment reflect these changes and help the individual suffering from the disease
to get back on their feet. The war on drugs rings on, but changes are being made.
War on Drugs
As I said early, President Nixon issued the War on Drugs. He started by placing marijuana in the
highest restrictive category of drugs, Schedule One, and ignored later attends to decriminalize drugs.
However, starting in 1973, eleven states decriminalized marijuana usage. Ronald Reagan picked up
where Nixon left off. Reagan s wife also started her own
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The Veil Of Lies On The Book Cover
A boy wandered and he came across the grapefruit tree. It was a journey of self acceptance, the
uncertainty of faith, and the crumbling American state of mind. She sang of heartache and sacrifice in
the name of god. She sang of identity. Half orange, half Pomelo, she said. Just as the boy was half
Hawaiian, half Haole, they were so sure of who they were. Yet unknowing to what it means, and to
where the boy belongs. We are all on a visual journey to our true selves, and every song and painting,
every friend every enemy, another brick on the path; another thistle in the bush. Ours is a visceral
journey, and some would compare life and it s relation to the living as to the swelling of a wave and it
s lone rider. An instance of adrenaline and then we drown, we are helpless in ... Show more content on ...
Sacrificing my truth for the lie that I was willing to hold within myself in the confines of this skeletal
prison long past when this body has taken it s last breath. I find comfort in confiding in other s, my
fear of death. My fear of the unknown, my fear of my future and what lies ahead in this veil of lies. A
lone space capsule is carrying a body whose soul is long gone by now, whose body has been lifeless
for what seemed to be eternities. The capsule has been hurtling through space, and it now approaches
the end of its journey. A black hole sings forebodingly at the metal casing of the astronaut s tomb. The
atoms of his coffin rattle at the prospect of the infinite darkness, the cells of his body, although long
dead, weep at the visions of coming infinite darkness, the shell of his crypt vibrates with unrequited
love. What lies beyond our journey is unknown, and nothing can stop the influence of gravity and the
inevitability of the passage of time. We can only begin to understand what life means to us, and by
then we are dead. Between the infinite darkness and our journey from the uterus, we
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Mobile Application And Social Media
I bet you wish you could swipe left to not have to read this paper? Or maybe with that first sentence I
have intrigued you to swipe right and keep reading? I am of course finding some humor in the left or
right swipes, based on Tinder, the dating app that allows its users to swipe through thousands of
photos a day to meet new people. Whether or not you have used Tinder, there s a great chance that you
have heard about it, or know someone who has used it. This mobile application is self proclaimed to
be, The fastest and easiest way to meet new people and form new connections. (Tinder Facebook)
Since Tinder was put out to the public in 2012, this free app has become one of the most used dating
applications. (CQR) On a rise with its worldwide millions of users, I find Tinder certainly interesting,
but just like other mobile application and social media, Tinder is part of our societies consumption of
technology, and is part of our individual inner strive to find self fulfillment in, the perfect picture.
Whether a person is looking for friends, just for hookups, or serious relationships, Tinder is a fast way
to go through many pictures and find new people close to their location. The mobile app has created
an easy way of, swiping right if you like someone, or left, if you re not interested. In an article from
the New York Times, Jessica Carbino who is Tinder s relationship expert concedes, Research shows
when people are evaluating photos of others, they are trying to
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One application of magnetic fields in household appliances.
One thing that uses magnetic fields is the electric motor, which is used in many household appliances,
such as electric fans, microwave ovens, and other small appliances. In this instance the electric motor
has an electric current, giving it also this magnetic field. An electric motor converts electricity into
mechanical motion. Most electric motors work by electromagnetism, but motors based on electrostatic
forces also exist. The overarching concept is that a force is generated when a current carrying element
is subjected to a magnetic field. In a cylindrical motor, the rotor rotates because a torque is developed
when this force is applied at a given distance from the axis of the rotor. Most electromagnetic motors
are rotary, but ... Show more content on ...
The fundamental principle upon which electromagnetic motors are based is that there is a mechanical
force on any wire when it is conducting electricity while contained within a magnetic field. The force
is described by the Lorentz force law and is perpendicular to both the wire and the magnetic field. In a
rotary motor, there is a rotating element, the rotor. The rotor rotates because the wires and magnetic
field are arranged so that a torque is developed about the rotor s axis. In physics, magnetism is a
phenomenon by which materials exert an attractive or repulsive force on other materials. ... An
electrostatic motor or capacitor motor is a type of electric motor based on the attraction and repulsion
of electric charge. ... Piezoelectricity is the ability of certain crystals to produce a voltage when
subjected to mechanical stress. ... In physics, the Lorentz force is the force exerted on a charged
particle in an electromagnetic field. ... Most magnetic motors are rotary, but linear types also exist. In
a rotary motor, the rotating part (usually on the inside) is called the rotor, and the stationary part is
called the stator. The motor contains electromagnets that are wound on a frame. Though this frame is
often called the armature, that term is often erroneously applied. Correctly, the armature is that part of
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The Contribution of the Labelling Theory to Our...
The Contribution of the Labelling Theory to Our Understanding of Crime and Deviancy
We can call a label, or define it as; a mark, name, or even badge.
Something is only deviant, or becomes deviant because someone has been successful in labelling it as,
deviancy is ambiguous, definitions differ from society to society or even culture to culture.
Calling something deviant is a reaction to a type of behaviour.
The labelling theory is very complex, it asks why some people committing crimes are named deviant
but others are not.
Labelling theorists believe when you label offenders as criminals, yobs, this has negative
consequences, deepening and worsening the criminal behaviour.
There are ... Show more content on ...
A strength of labelling theory approach to deviance is that it not only concentrates on the social
reaction to deviance committed by individuals, as well as concentrating on the interaction processes
leading to the labelling, these being two important elements of the theory.
The effects on the Individual of labelling are especially important.
Having being labelled, as a deviant, the individual according to Becker, then will accept the label, and
for example turn to the life of crime, possibly with the help of a deviant subculture, feeling they have
no other alternative.
The last part of the labelling theory is, deviant career , this being when the labelled criminal evolves
into a complete, absolute deviant.
Kai T Erikson (1966) also highlights the way social reaction affects the individual, he supports and
reinforces what Becker suggests, he further suggests that deviance in a society is essential, and is
beneficial for creating a boundary between good and evil.
Furthermore there are a number of policy implications to do with the labelling theory, a vast majority
of them are impractical, such as the emphasis on rehabilitation, in helping the offenders be
rehabilitated from the label, although negatively some will not agree to participate in this.
Another implication is that criminal law
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Finance Case Essay
ANALYSIS OF USEC Inc., Prepared For: Dr. Doina Chichernea BUAD 6200 SPRING 2011 The
University of Toledo APRIL 21, 2011 Executive Summary USEC is the world s leading supplier of
enriched Uranium to nuclear power plants. Due to the expiration of long term energy cost savings
contracts, USEC is examining the possibility of taking on a new project called the American
Centrifuge Project. This project will utilize a different process for Uranium enrichment, which is the
core business process of USEC. The new technology process uses much less energy, which will
reduce manufacturing costs and keep USEC on the leading edge of technology in the enrichment
market space. As with any major energy industry project, the ACP project ... Show more content on ...
This is driving the need to come up with an alternative solution to the current process. The ACP
technology is being looked at because it could give a competitive advantage to USEC against its
competitors. ACP will lower the production costs and improve USEC s technology position in the
market. If the company takes on the ACP project, USEC will reach 6.5 million units in production by
2013. A minimal level of maintenance would be required due to the improved technology and better
facilities. ACP would also double the size of USEC as a whole. Cash Flow Calculations We are
providing below the assumptions and other calculations we used while computing the WACC and the
cash flows. * Net working capital of 5% of sales will be used for both Paducah and ACP project *
Inflation is assumed to be 3% * Flotation costs are ignored for cost of equity. * We assume a risk free
rate of 5.09%. This number comes from the current yield of the 30 year T bond as shown in Exhibit 5.
* 50% reduction in enrichment cost start from year 2011 (for ACP project). Without the 50%
reduction, the enrichment cost in 2011 would have been $50.15. We are going to start at
50.15/2=$25.07 (50%) from year 2011 as enrichment cost and from there it will again increase at the
rate of inflation which is 3%. In 2011, the total capacity will be 3.5M (2.5M from ACP and 1M from
Paducah). While calculating the enrichment cost for the year 2011, we used the
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Evaluation Of The Beck s Efforts
The assignment on this week is to calculate the capacity of each machine center and the capacity of
the system. I will analyze where the focus of the Beck s efforts should be if Beck wants to expand
capacity. There will then be a determination of how much extra capacity they can get without causing
another operation to become the bottleneck. I will then make suggestions of ways that Beck can
expand capacity without purchasing new equipment.
The focus for this week is to review capacity. In reviewing the information this week, it focuses on
capacity planning. In researching , effective capacity is the greatest amount of work that an
organization is capable of completing in a in a set amount of time taking into consideration various
constraints (Hu, Vakili and Huang, 2004) This is an important aspect to any business because it
outlines everything needed to accomplish the task. The planning allows for the effective transition
from planning, to implementing, executing and providing a finished product. (Vonderembse, 2013)
According to our text, capacity is a means for an organization to supply customers with the requested
product on time. (Vonderembse, 2013) The term also includes the highest rate of production. The goal
of any organization it to provide the requested service or product in a time outlined by the customer.
It is key for the organization to be aware of what the system capacity when producing products. The
system capacity, as defined by our test,
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Questions On Odysseus
Lionel Rivas Rivas 1
1. Where is odysseus?
Odysseus is being captive on the remote island, Ogygia by Calypso.
2. What or whom is Athena disguised as?
Athena disguises herself as Mentes.
3. Why do Telemachos and his mother need Odysseus?
Telemachos and his mother need Odysseues so he makes the suitor go away.
4. Why does Odysseus s wife have suitors?
Odysseus s wife has suitors because they all think that Odysseus is dead and they want to get his
fortune and kingdom by having Odysseus s wife marry one of them. But Odysseus s wife refuses to
marry any of them until she has proof that her ... Show more content on ...
How does Penelopeia test Odysseus?
Penelopeia tells the servants to move her bed knowing that Odysseus made it and that it can t be
moved .
2. Why does she test him?
Penelopeia thinks the gods are playing a trick on her so she tests him.
3. Describe the one last task that Tieresias told Odysseus to complete. What will be his reward for this
The last task was having Tieresias go around looking for poor people to be their servants and the
reward will be being at peace with Poseidon.
4. After Odysseus tells Penelopeia about all his adventures, he sets off again. What does he go to do?
What does he tell Penelopeia to do?
Odysseus sets off to go talk to his father and he tells Penelopeia to stay in the room until he returns.
How does Odysseus prove that he is really Laertes son?
Odysseus names all the trees in the garden and shows the boar scar to prove that he is really the son of
2. What is Laertes afraid of?
Laertes is afraid of death.
3. Who comes to battle Odysseus? Whom are they led by?
The parents of the dead suitors come to battle Odysseus. They are led by Antinoos father,
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Midterm Exam Study Guide Exam
Taylor Garcia
Mrs. Fortier
World Geography H/Period 4
December 2014
Midterm Exam Study Guide
Exam Date: Monday, December 15, 2014 @ 8 A.M.
100 M.C., 10 Short Answers
Chapter 1:
Prime Meridian and Equator
Prime Meridian imaginary line at 0° longitude that connects the North and South poles and divides the
earth into the western and eastern hemispheres
Equator imaginary line at 0° latitude that divides the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres
5 Themes of Geography
Location (where is it?) absolute the exact location of a place using latitude and longitude ex. 30° N,
30° W; 1225 Bluewater Drive, Mandeville, LA 70471 relative the location in relation to other places
or things ex. near the Mississippi River, in the northern hemisphere
Place (what is it like?) physical and human characteristics of a location that give it personality and
distinguishes it from other places ex. religious sites, mountains, Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican national
holiday, desert is hot and sandy
Movement (how do things move around the world?) movement of people, goods, and ideas from one
location to another ex. running, driving, social media, imports and exports
Region (how are places similar?) area defined by similar formal or functional characteristics ex.
Russia, Antarctica, the U.S., Latin America
Human Environment Interaction (how do people relate to the physical world?) interaction between
people and the world; how humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the environment
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Physical Fitness Program Essay
Physical Readiness Program (PRP). To assess an individual Sailors health and mission readiness,
Physical Fitness Assessments (PFAs) are being redesigned. The current PFA model enforces maximum
body fat percentages and minimum physical readiness scores, but falls short on evaluating a Sailors
overall health, does not adequately reflect the challenges unique to sea duty, and the increasingly
technical nature of sea duty positions. The PRP changes will create balance between physical
readiness and health. In the long term, the Navy will move away from PFA testing as a calculation of
Body Composition Assessments (BCAs) maximums and Physical Readiness Test minimums ... Show
more content on ...
OPERATIONS SECURITY (OPSEC) DID YOU KNOW? A U.S. Government official on sensitive
travel to Iraq created a security risk for himself and others by tweeting his location and activities every
few hours. A family on vacation kept friends up to date via online profiles; their home was burglarized
while they were away. New computer and Trojan viruses that successfully target information on Social
Networking Sites (SNSs) are on the rise. Some foreign investors, including government and
commercial entities known to be involved with organized criminal activity, own large stakes in certain
SNSs. Information in SNS profiles has led to people losing job offers, getting fired, and being
arrested. SNSs have become a haven for identity thieves and con artists trying to use your information
against you. Several kidnapping, rape and murder cases were linked to SNSs where the victims first
connected with their attackers. Over 90,000 registered sex offenders were removed from one popular
SNS only because they used their real names. According to the Al Qaeda Handbook, terrorists search
online for data about Government personnel, officers, important personalities, and all matters related
to them (residence, work place, times of leaving and returning,
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I Am A Leader Of A Group People
I took a couple of the color personality quizzes and according to the first color personality quiz I was a
Red. I agree with this, I am an great leader. I am a great leader I make sure everyone s opinions and
ideas are heard. I also make sure every person gets an opportunity to speak and have a say about what
goes down on the paper or computer. When I am a leader of a group people sometimes say that I am a
excellent leader. If teachers give me a task I can be highly effective. I will be highly effective if a
teacher gives me a task I try to make sure that the task is done fast ,but make sure the task is right. I
took another color personality quiz and the result from that, it says I am Brown. I agree that I am
brown I love the outdoors ... Show more content on ...
I will be honest and fair by making sure everyone gets what they need. I will accomplish this goal by
the end of the year because my heart is set on making this happen and I will achieve. Another one of
my Everest core goals is I wish to get better at science and math. I will be better at science by learning
about chemicals and asking for help when I need it. I will be better at math by asking for help with
dividing and multiplying fractions, and learn new things new things. I will accomplish this goal by the
end of the year. I am starting to already improving with dividing and multiplying fractions and I will
be learning a little bit about chemicals this year. My last Everest goal was to change something about
my learning style. I said I will change by studying every night for 20 minutes before a quiz , I can
receive marvelous grades, and have a better education. I will study very hard and pay attention more
in class so I can approach this goal. I will also achieve this goal before the end of the year, I will pay
attention and take wonderful notes. I am wonderful at almost anything I put my heart to. For example,
I have dedicated my time and my heart to soccer. I only dedicate time for soccer because it s fun and I
am great at playing soccer. I also dedicate my time to school. I dedicate my time to school since first I
have to go, but this will help with going to a
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Christian Theology Vs. Theatre
As a minister, worship leader, and actor, I ve constantly had to balance these roles. Either in a church
environment or in a theatrical environment. Christian theology and theatre have never intersected for
me. I ve always kept each role separate in its own category. I felt each role was different enough that
they would never cross over into each other s world. Or maybe, they have crossed over and I just did
not realize the connection. I never thought that the roles had any similarities. After taking this class, I
ve learned differently. According to Johnson Savidge, there is a symbiotic connection between theatre
and Christianity; they are not just similar; rather they share major commonalities at the core of their
existence. ... Show more content on ...
As the psychiatrist encounter the boy s imaginary world, his own life is exposed as passionless and
frozen. The play then tells the story of a boy, who because of his repressed sexuality, his religious
mother and his hypocrite father, makes his own religion based on horses, the bible, and sex. The
psychiatrist, who is not able to imagine anything like that, who has lost his passion for his wife and
who walks around carrying an unfulfilled dream about passion, ends up envying the boy the ability to
create and believe in a religion. The beginning state of Equus opens with the two main characters.
First, there s Alan, a mentally disturbed 17 year old young man who has had done a horrible crime.
Second, Dr. Dysart, Alan s psychiatrist, a complacent man who questions his profession and his
relationship with his wife. The end state of these characters closes the scene; Alan getting the
professional help he needs and Dr. Dysart was willing to take a look at pursuing his dreams. There are
several themes we can consider that the play depicts; such as freedom, growth and development, God
and religion. One of those themes I like to consider from the play is God and religion. Although, this
play does speak to the audience from the perspective of a theological context. The audience may not
initially see the play from that perspective. The story strongly points to Alan, his relationship to Jesus
Christ, to his
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Impact Of Tidal Energy On The Earth
Tides and currents have existed since before the dawn of man. While the rotation and gravitational
forces of the earth act to keep our ocean levels steady, that equilibrium is disrupted by the moon and
the sun. The gravitational pull of both the sun and the moon cause the oceans to bulge, and as this
bulge moves around the planet, the tides occur. Furthermore, the moon, although significantly smaller
than the sun, has a far greater affect on the tides due to its relatively small distance from the earth. In
addition, the tides also vary in intensity based on the alignment of the sun, the moon, and the earth.
When aligned, a higher than normal, lunar high tide occurs. But why are these flows relevant to
renewable energy? They are important because that tidal energy can be harnessed for use as a power
source. Tidal power, like other renewable energy sources, is inexhaustible. In addition, there is a major
advantage over other clean energies, in that tidal energy is very predictable. For example, there are not
any wind charts telling what time of day the winds will be optimal but there are charts of the tides.
Therefore, by taking advantage of this resource, your community could work towards being energy
independent and self sustaining. Moreover, there could be an opportunity to use any excess power
generated as an income source. There are three ways to harness the power of the tides; tidal barrages,
tidal lagoons, and tidal streams. The first, barrages, make use of the
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What Is The Loss Of Identity In King Lear
Certainly, King Lear is one of William Shakespeare s most tragic plays in which the complexity of the
plot can be very intriguing. One major aspect of this play is about identity and how these identities can
determine your path in life. Identity can either do people good or have a negative impact on someone s
life. There are two types of identity that this play focuses on: identity lost and identity abandoned. In
the case of this play, King Lear and Edgar are two of the major characters that play a major part with
identity and how it affects both their lives in different ways. In King Lear, the lost of one s identity can
have a negative effect in the end when their identity is discovered too late; the abandonment of an
identity can lead to ... Show more content on ...
With King Lear having lost his identity, he cannot seem to find out who he really is and therefore,
goes through a phase of madness by having a confrontation with nature and challenging the elements.
He cries out things like Blow, winds, crack your cheeks and, Rumble thy bellyful, Spite, fire! Spout
rain, (3.2.1,14) to express his anger towards his daughters and how they have deceitfully stripped him
of his identity. However, his absurdity also reveals how his identity is currently vacant and how he
uses all this negative emotion and madness to fill in that identity. Moreover, he goes to the point where
he even pretends to be a judge whom Goneril and Regan are being put to trial: I ll see their trial first.
Bring in the evidence (3.6.35). As he plays the part of the judge, he asserts how Goneril kicked the
poor king her father and Regan s looks proclaim/ What store her heart is made on (3.6.47 48, 52 53). It
is seen how Lears daughters have driven him insane to the point where he hallucinates about it and
through his act of a judge, he essentially explains how his identity became loss. Overall, it is evident
that his unstable being and loss of sanity is a result from his loss of identity which is contradictory to
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Nelson Mandel The Icon Of Power And Tolerance
Mandela.. The Icon of Power and Tolerance Nelson Mandela is one of the most prominent and the
most inspiring character of our time. This character became the inspiration for a complete school that
teaches the meanings of the wonderful humanitarian implications and instills the supreme values and
concepts of civilization. Within the adversity that surrounded, he still had the courage and
determination, along with the struggle and resistance for liberation. He was a school of life. Rom
Brafman, the author of SUCCEEDING WHEN YOU RE SUPPOSED TO FAIL, The 6 Principals of
High Achievement , discussed some researches about how people act when they are facing adversities
and hardship. He pointed out to some traits, tunneling, unwavering commitment, meaning making,
and the importance of satellite figure. When we read the books that documented Mandela s life, and
specially his book A Long Walk to Freedom , we can simply find him as tunneler , a figure of
unwavering commitment, who made meaning and understood the importance of satellite figure.
Mandela s life was not simple and easy; he was surrounded by adversities and hardship all his life.
Brafman says, The tunnelers ....... routinely approach their lives from a slightly different perspective or
angle. And that approach makes all the difference. (p178) Tunellers look at their adversity, evaluate it,
and find the solution that enables them to overcome this adversity. Mandela was a black boy born in a
society dominated by the
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Poe s Perception Of Himself In The Tell Tale Heart
In a work of literature the perception, or opinion on something, will vary from the reader to the
narrator. The play The Tell Tale Heart , by Edgar Allen Poe, the narrator kills a man because of his
vulture like eye. The narrator views himself as a sane and smart individual because of his actions. The
narrator s perception of himself differs quite a lot from those of the reader as they interpret his actions
differently, leading them to think he is mentally deranged. Poe s writing style contributes to these
perceptions of the narrator. The speaker of the text thinks of himself as a sane and smart individual.
How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily how calmly I can tell you the whole story
(Poe 1). This example supports the speaker s view of himself as it shows he does not think he s mad.
He believes a mad person could not describe or tell the story of what he did healthily and calmly , but
because he can he must be sane. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I
proceeded with what caution with ... Show more content on ...
Poe uses repetition to emphasize some things the speaker did. I moved it slowly very, very slowly, so
that I might not disturb the old man s sleep (Poe 1). This supports the speaker s view of himself
because he was wise and cautious prior to murdering the old man. In favor of the readers perception of
the speaker, Poe writes it as if the speaker was telling the story directly to the readers. This contributes
to the thought that the narrator is mentally deranged because because Poe s tone and choice of words
make the speaker sound as if he was not affected, until the end, by the event. I smiled, for what had I
to fear? I bade the gentlemen welcome... I bade them search search well (Poe 3). The speaker appears
calm because he felt he had nothing to hide despite the fact he had just recently committed
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Project Idea Of A Home Automation System
Once being told by the course leader to research on three initial ideas for the group project and discuss
this with the group which was chosen by students, a main project idea was researched which all
members of the group agreed on.
As a group of five students doing Electrical Electronic Engineering, a project had to be thought of
which was specific to the degree that was being studied. After much deliberation, the idea of a home
automation system was agreed upon by the course leader Dr John Barker. After consulting with the
course leader, it was learnt that the group had to complete one function within the household each as
by doing this, a sufficient amount of work could be done over the course of the year.
Each group member was ... Show more content on ...
2 Introduction
As a second year BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering student a project had to be devised
which would consist of Electrical Engineering concepts and not Mechanical Engineering. This would
have to be completed at the University Centre at Blackburn College. Groups were made so that tasks
could be carried out by each member.
Several project ideas were then made by each group member. The ideas which were thought of by
myself included a hybrid solar and wind battery charger, a parking sensor and also remote control
blinds (Appendix A). Research had to be carried out on each project idea to see if it would be
beneficial for the group to construct the project. After much consideration and setting up multiple
meetings with the group, a decision was made that the best option would be go ahead with a home
automation system which would run over the internet and Wi Fi. Several factors were vital in choosing
why this project was chosen ahead of other ideas. The project had to be something which had not been
chosen previously or chosen by another group. Costing, limited amount of knowledge on tasks which
needed to be completed, and the time availability which was given over the course of the year were
reasons as to why other project ideas were not chosen and why the home automation suggestion was
selected. 2.1 The home automation system
A home
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How Is Heathcliff A Villain
Heathcliff is an intricate character in the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. He is a sullen,
bad tempered character, who expresses his own sorrow through the suffering and pain of others. His
violent actions towards others, along with his passionate love for Catherine show the qualities of both
the villain and the hero, which is what makes Heathcliff such a distinct and complex character. In this
novel Wuthering Heights, the readers are witness the turmoil of feelings of betrayal, revenge, and love
through Heathcliff s despondent and violent character. From the beginning of the novel, Heathcliff is
an extremely gloomy and vicious character. His mistreatment from Hindley hardens him when he has
to endure Hindley s blows without winking ... Show more content on ...
Heathcliff states how two words would comprehend [his] future death and hell: existence, after losing
her, would be hell (148). This quote shows how Heathcliff still treasures the relationship he has with
Catherine, despite her marriage to Edgar. Despite the horrible treatment he has been giving Catherine,
Heathcliff knows how precious Catherine is and how his life has no meaning without her in his life.
He now understands how [he] was a fool to fancy for a moment that she valued Edgar Linton s
attachment more than [his own] (148). Edgar could never love Catherine as much in eighty years as
Heathcliff could in a single day. Before Catherine passes away while giving birth, she passionately
states how they may bury [her] twelve feet deep, and throw the church down over [her], but [she] won
t rest till [Heathcliff is] with [her] (125). This depicts a spiritual connection between Heathcliff and
Catherine and that Catherine will never be satisfied until Heathcliff lies beside her in eternal sleep.
When Catherine finally dies, he cries out for Catherine to [wander] the earth and to not leave [him] in
this abyss, where [cannot] find [her] (165). This depicts how Heathcliff and Catherine are bound
together and that all these complications are mere obstacles for their uncontrollable love. He cries out
painfully, I cannot live without my life! I
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Essay Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Breast cancer is a disease that is becoming more and more popular in this day of age.
One in every eight women is diagnosed with breast cancer (Breast Cancer, 2010). Women and men
who suffer from breast cancer not only are fighting cancer but are also fighting the psychological
aspects of the disease. Breast Cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer among women in the United
States right behind skin cancer. Women are now surviving breast cancer a lot more frequently because
of the treatments out there to help. In 2008, the number of breast cancer survivors was 2.5 million
(Breast Cancer, 2010). The numbers of survivors is an increasing state because the research and
treatments are growing. There are many ways of ... Show more content on ...
The physician may order a mammogram or ultra sound. Women are recommended to have yearly
mammograms after the age 40, but earlier if breast cancer runs in the family (National Cancer
Institute). A mammogram detects lumps in the breast and is an x ray picture of tissues inside a person
s breast. It may detect a lump before it is even felt by someone. A ultrasound also is a test that can
show details of the breast lump and its sound waves creates pictures showing if the lump is solid,
filled with fluid or a little of both. When it shows a sign of a more solid lump it is greater risk of
cancer (National Cancer Institute). Once a breast lump is detected and shows signs of being cancerous
the lump is then removed or biopsied. Biopsy is a tissue removal which is looking for cancerous cells.
There are several different types of biopsies, but is the true way to tell if these cells in the breast are
cancerous. These different types of biopsies are fine needle aspiration, core biopsy, skin biopsy or
surgical biopsy. After the tissue is removed then they can send it to the lab to determine if a person has
cancer or not (National Cancer Institute). The lump will then be considered either benign or
malignant. Benign is good meaning no cancer present, but malignant means that there is cancer
present in the tumor. After determining that a person has breast cancer it must then be staged.
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Julie Macintosh s Under The Influence
When you think of something as quintessentially American, a patriotic scene flourished with red,
white and blue is bound to come to mind. But why lies in the background? Is it hotdogs and
hamburgers? Is it a family enjoying a summer day? Does the image include a delicious ice cold
beverage? Does that delicious American beverage happen to be a Budweiser? Peter Hernon and Terry
Ganey give the history and the rise of a beer dynasty in Under the Influence. Journalist Julie
Macintosh documents the inevitable downfall in Dethroning the King. The Busch family lived the
American dream and marketed patriotic and nationalistic pride to its fullest extent until its takeover in
2008 by the contested InBev, a Brazilian beer giant. The head of the dynasty, ... Show more content on ...
Initially, Modelo was the more appealing option. They were also a family owned company with a
similar family dynamic. Carlos Fernández was the head of Modelo at the time. Interestingly enough,
Modelo was not interested in the deal because years before, August III had gone to Mexico for a visit
and offended the controlling families of the company. The behind the scenes head of Modelo, Don
Antonio, was not fond of The Third or AB. The only way Don Antonio would allow the deal to be
completed was if Carlos became the head of the companies. The grass was not much greener on the
other side. The board and especially The Third would never let that slide. AB followed the deal all the
way through to the end and then backed out at the last minute to pursue the deal with InBev. In the
end, InBev had a better offer on the table and it seemed that greed took over. Essentially, what
mattered was the amount AB could gain per
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Advantages Of Dentists
A severe shortage of dentists has hit rural America leaving millions of people stranded in a dental
desert. Individuals who are low income, older adults, minorities, or those with special needs often
have a harder time accessing dental care. Rural areas of the country are more likely to have poorer
residents who are without dental insurance. These citizens must travel long distances to seek out a
dentist. Accessing adequate dental care has become a major health concern in the United States,
leaving many with tooth decay and other serious health concerns. In order to fix the broken system of
oral health care the government, states, and private sector need to come together and create new funds
for dental programs. States should consider adopting dental therapists or dental practitioners as a way
to provide general care to those living in dental deserts. The American Dental Hygienists Association
(ADHA) has created a task force on the Advanced Dental Hygiene Practitioner (ADHP) and with the
approval from the ADHA House of Delegates, has established a scope of practice and educational
guidelines for those pursing this profession. ADHP s are a viable solution for rural communities facing
oral health barriers. These practitioners provide basic procedures and assist with prevention of tooth
decay by providing education on effective brushing habits. Rural areas of the country need dental
therapists and advanced dental hygiene practitioners because they will save lives, reduce
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Wildlife Animals And Indigenous People
Both wildlife animals and Indigenous people resided in Canada long before European colonization
took place, and both have suffered from these invaders oppressive practices as a result of the dispute
over territory. Because of this, many newcomers to Canada has this preconceived notion that the place
is only associated with vast wilderness landscapes and that wildlife is constitutive of Canadianness
(Francis 1997). This is played out in many Canadian films which portray stereotypical images of the
country. In particular, this essay will highlight Indigenous people and wildlife interaction with urban
spaces and the wilderness in The Wolfpen Principle (1974) and North of 60 (Southern Comfort), while
also exploring the conflict between urban dwellers and their environment. Most Canadian filmmakers
continuously depict the place as a wilderness area, filled with wild animals and Indigenous people.
This idea is socially constructed and is normalize to reinforce the idea that certain people and animals
should belong or excluded from nature and urban spaces. In parks, wolf tourism is usually portrayed
as a wilderness experience where humans dominate animals and nature. Yet, according to Kellert s
(1985) research, associating the wilderness with wolves has increased their stigmatization, thus
resulting conflicts over who belongs where. If the wolves are not exterminated, they are instead taken
from their natural environment and moved to an altered landscape where they have
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Some Bullshit Happening Video Analysis
History under the influence It is argued that history can be very interesting in the normal state of mind
but being under the influence makes the topic much more intriguing. We are presented with drunken
history video capturing three distinct history incidents. The first video presents Claudette Colvin and
Rosa Parks , second is John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson , and final is Breaking News: Some Bullshit
Happening. Two of the videos are presented in a unique under the influence presentation explaining
historical events. Each video will be analyzed and broken down of how each person used three
categories of rhetoric which include a logical appeal defined as logos (OWLPurdue: Logo), an
emotional convey known as pathos (OWLPurdue: Pathos), ... Show more content on
The anchor of the show begins the broadcast in clarifying that it is not very interesting and only a
desperate attempt to fill twenty four hours of programing which clearly is a lack of ethos driving the
audience away. The first presented footage is a loose bear running around the community and it being
common but residents were shocked to see this fairly common thing happening which does not make
compete sense as if it was a common occurrence then the residence would not be as shocked. One of
the interviewed individuals is an old man who stated I m an older man so you can trust what I say
however, being older the information can be very skeptical and uncredited. In addition, he comments
that authorities in special uniform rushed to the scene to stand around while our cameras filmed them
and this is not very logical as we know that authorities arrive to a scene to assist in emergencies and
not to be recorded. Throughout the entire broadcast his voice tone is very dull with little emotion and
the words are very repetitive in the use of bullshit . Austin, in Reading The World of Ideas That Matter
explains the importance of incorporating strict sense and a mode of persuasion (179) and this video
lacks both qualities. There is a lack of pathos and ethos which give no real reason, aside to get a laugh
out, to continue
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Meltdown At Three Mile Island
Aaron Hastings
11 December 2014
Meltdown at Three Mile Island
March 28, 1979
All relevant people: Metropolitan Edison Company: Victor Stello(nuclear engineer for the plant), Jack
Herbein (nuclear engineer for the plant; discussed the issue with the press and basically lied and said
that everything was controlled and there was no real danger), Ed Hauser (went into the reactor to
check the actual amount of radiation inside of the reactor; result was shocking=100rem/hr, coolant
water was not clear and was actually yellow and fizzing with 1250rem), Roger Mattson (another
nuclear engineer who butted heads with Victor Stello over how to handle the situation in the plant)
Outside of the company: Richard L. Thornburgh ... Show more content on ...
This did not mean that the valve had actually performed that action, but rather that the message was
received by the valve (History Channel...). The light shut off, which indicated to the operators that the
valve had been opened and reclosed, however the valve did not reclose (Wikipedia). The PORV
remained open and was releasing a combination of coolant and radioactive material. As coolant water
was released, no instrument indicated this to the operators; the operators had only been trained to
estimate the amount of water in the reactor by doing calculations based upon pressure readings. These
pressure readings were now skewed and thus the calculations were wrong and based upon these wrong
calculations, the operators stopped the flow of cooling water to the reactor. The lack of water caused
overheating within the reactor and according to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission s findings,
about half of the reactor s core melted. Operators had no way of knowing this and also were not
trained to handle such an event. Unlike the event at Chernobyl, the reactor stayed intact and massive
amounts of radiation were not leaked into the surrounding area. This containment, led nuclear
engineer, Jack Herbein to announce publically that the citizens of Harrisburg were in no danger.
Herbein s comments on the plant were near fraudulent because no one was certain as to the actual
danger that they were in
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Touching Spirit Bear Sparknotes
Cole is the 15 year old juvenile from the novel Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson. Cole has been
in trouble with the law since he was 7 and isn t thinking about stopping. The wrongdoing delinquent s
latest crime was robbing the local hardware store. A 9th grader by the name of Peter Driscoll went to
the authorities to inform the police about the robber. Unfortunately, Cole beats him so hard he is
hospitalized for 6 months. At the detention center, Cole s gravelly voiced, wisecracking, Native
American parole officer, Garvey tells him about Circle Justice. Circle Justice is a Native American
tradition for healing. Although Circle Justice is meant for good, Cole s idea is to just to get out of jail.
On the island Circle Justice sends ... Show more content on ...
Cole has many things in his life that trigger his best friends, Rage and Anger. First, Cole shows anger
towards his parents for his actions. He feels that it is their fault for having him on the island. The
scony 15 year old s parents are both alcoholics. Cole s monstrous father drinks so much and when he
gets home he whips Cole senseless. His mother on the other hand, drinks to get away from reality.
When Cole s father abuses him, his mother doesn t to anything. Although his parents are the base of
Cole s friendship with Anger and Rage, it is not all their fault that Cole is who he is. Unfortunately,
Anger, Rage, and Cole are always together. When Cole robbs a hardware store and Peter rats him out,
Anger and Rage are with him to hurt Peter so bad death is knocking on his door. Be cause of the attack
of Cole and his gang, he is banished to a remote island and has a mere cabin that will provide shelter
for him... until he BURNS IT DOWN! Rage and Anger must have snuck into the boat when no one
was watching. Cole has made a life long friendship with Anger and Rage or so he thinks. Being on the
island will smack some sense into him and he will slowly drift apart from his friendship and learn
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How Architecture Can Be Applied to Plato s Definition of...
This essay will be demonstrating how architecture can be applied to Plato s definition of the ideal
person as Kalo k agatho. This essay will be examining the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Parthenon,
the Erechtheion and the Temple to Apollo at Bassae. The first monument this essay will be discussing
is the Temple to Zeus at Olympia. The Temple to Zeus was constructed between C. 470 to 450 BCE,
having this temple belong to the Early Classical Period. The Temple of Zeus had the typical features
of the Doric Order, a perisytle, with a rule that the number of columns on the sides should be one more
than double on the front and back (thus the perisytle is 6 X 13), a pronaos, a cella and an opithodomos.
The two columns between the anta in the pronaos and the opithodomos align with the columns along
the front and back of the temple. The temple was constructed in limestone as well as marble for the
roof tiles and the sculptures. Over the entrances of the pronaos and opisthodomos, there were metopes
of the 12 labours of Herakles, athla 1 6 over the opithodomos (west) and athla 7 12 over the cella
(East). One of the main features that this temple is good to look at is because of the pediments. The
west pediment depicts the Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs, while the east pediment depictions the horse
race of Pelops and Oinomaos. As this is the Temple to Zeus, the figure of Zeus as in the center of the
East Pediment, whiles Apollo was the center figure for the west pediment. The
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Pair Bonding Thesis
Neural Basis of Pair Bonding
Pair bonding is defined as a close relationship between two individuals. To understand the neural basis
of pair bonding it would make sense to consider monogamous species since monogamy is based on
pair bonding. On the other hand polygamy supports mating with several individuals which does not
necessarily support bonding with only one individual. Most of the studies done on pair bonding used a
monogamous rodent, the prairie vole. Prairie voles form a long term bond with their partner after
multiple mating and tend to spend the rest of their life with the same partner. These voles spend more
time with their partner than a stranger vole. This characteristic is considered ... Show more content on ...
We have already discussed how the importance of vasopressin in social behaviors. Central
administration of vasopressin facilitates monogamous typical behaviors in male prairie voles
through the vasopressin V1a receptors (V1aR) in the brain (Winslow et al., 1993). It would be
interesting to compare how vasopressin activity differs between the monogamous and
polygamous voles. Turns out it is not the amount of vasopressin but the distribution of V1aRs in
the brain which varies considerably between monogamous and promiscuous vole species (Insel
et al., 1994). Lastly to emphasize Vasopressin s role in neural basis of pair bonding, an
experiment done by Lim et al (2004) is included. These researchers did an amazing experiment
to investigate if inserting V1aR gene vole could induce partner preference in polygamous voles.
The vasopressin receptor (V1aR) is highly expressed in Ventral palladium. It is located within
the ventral forebrain, which is a part of limbic system. In this experiment a group of polygamous
meadow voles were used as subjects. Researchers inserted the adeno associated viral (AAV)
vector containing the prairie vole V1aR gene into the ventral palladium. The control voles
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Connecticut Equine Clinic Case Study
Connecticut Equine Clinic is the premier equine veterinary clinic in the Coventry, Connecticut region.
Equine podiatry is the understanding of the form and function of the horse foot. Combining
information from a physical exam, radiology and ultrasound with therapeutic farriery can relieve and
prevent foot problems. Many problems associated with lowered performance and perceived behavioral
issues may actually be signs of pain in the feet. Refusing jumps, difficulty in executing leads, loss of
performance and more can indicate foot pain. Hock, stifle, caudal heels, knees back and even biting
problems may simply be pain and damage as the result of hoof imbalances. Taking preemptive action
can optimize long term health and welfare of the horse and reduce or avoid down time.
The horse foot is a unique and complex organ comprised of several components, each performing
specific functions that work together and complement the group as a whole unit. The horse s foot is
much like a mechanical model that serves to suspend, support and move the horse. An intricate
balance and equilibrium ... Show more content on ...
Proper, timely hoof care can often make the difference between a sound performance and one with
chronic lameness. For over 29 years, Connecticut Equine Clinic has offered an unwavering
commitment to the care of horses. For the best equine veterinary clinic in the region, contact
Connecticut Equine Clinic at (860) 742 1580, conveniently located in Coventry,
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Eulogy For Alice
From this story, I have learned not to ever take things for granted. All Alice wanted was to have a solid
relationship with her mother and she never could have that. Whenever I become mad at my mom I
will think of Alice who would do anything to have a relationship like mine with my mom. As a child,
Alice made a speech about elephants and made sure it was perfected so her mother would be proud of
her. She worked on it every second she got just as a chance to impress her mother. When Alice s
mother enters the gym Alice says, Suddenly, my mind went blank. I could not remember a single
word; I couldn t find the familiar landmark of the next sentence. My breathing became the heartbeat of
the world. I had practiced in this presentation
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Some of the Puritan Beliefs that Led to Tensions,...
Some of the Puritan Beliefs that Led to Tensions, Conflicts, and Concerns among the Colonists and/or
Native Americans
The Puritans were a distinct group of individuals who performed religious actions. They emerged
within the England church in the mid 16th century. These people shared a conjoint Calvinist theology
as well as the common Anglican Church criticisms and the English government and society. The
Puritans population grew steadily, hence culminating in the 1640s English Civil War and the Oliver
Cromwell rule of the 1640s.
Owing to the restoration of the Stuart Monarchy, this culture continued to eclipse with England in a
large extent since the movement had been cited as the radicalism and disturbance related to the Civil
War ... Show more content on ...
1), A Model of Christian Charity, Puritans in Massachusetts were placed as a city upon a hill to create
a model of success and prosperity that would light the way for the rest of humankind.
The Puritans believed that the Almighty had chosen them to create a New Jerusalem in Eden, the
Promised Land and took this as a calling that they shouldn t have failed in. these people were received
well with enthusiasm and were discovered to believe in ways that were parallel to those of the
Europeans. They also held that the supreme God both tested and favored them. In their teachings, the
devil s description was that of a tormentor and a tempter, who tirelessly worked in attempt to disorient
them. However, they were encouraged to always be ready for him and defeat him so as to receive God
s promise, eternal salvation.
Religion played a significant role in the Native American Society as well as the Puritan Society even
though both of them believed in varied ideologies. The Puritan people believed that had selected a few
people to join in heaven and live with him. On the other hand, the Natives had a belief that all of us
were the same in the eyes of God and no one was greater than the other. These two groups had their
meanings propagated in a very much contrasting manner.
The Puritans bible gave details of their religion and also had responses to all possible questions. On
the other hand, the Native Americans depended on the oral propagation of their
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  • 2. Text While Driving The product that the yellow group created was presented by our team member Dorothy who is a product that could save a life. The idea is to stop people from using their phone while driving. By this how many of us have an application on our phones that lock the usage while driving? I found this to be very unsafely because even though the phone is lock you can still access your phone by answering calls. Now, the problem is that becomes a distraction trying to unlock the phone. According to Snyder, 1.6 million crashes happened due to the phone use while driving (2016). The innovated product is cell phones that automatically will shut off when the car is on drive mode. No more distraction on trying to unlock, text, call because it will only function to make a 911 call with a click of a button. I believe the product will serve the client expectations by saving lives and avoiding car accident due by use of a phone. According to Snyder, 1 out of automobile crash occurs by texting and driving can you image how much safer the roads will be? I believe that any product that will save someone life will have an impact on the customers. Those who don t is because they have not lost a loved one in a car accident because of a distracted driver using their phone. ... Show more content on ... I have until I discover that I am not just risking my life but the lives who are in my car and the ones who are on the road. Please don t text and drive because I guarantee you that is not as important as being alive. Thank you. Snyder, Edgar. (2016). Cell Phone Use While Driving Statistics. Retrieved from ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Effect Of The Lucifer Effect Philip Zimbardo The Lucifer Effect: Philip Zimbardo on Psychology of Evil Michelle Joseph CJUS 3700 Reflection Paper 1 Professor Belshaw There are events and phenomena complicated to explain, understand or even to handle. Sometimes it seems that people living in the XXI century reached the highest peak of civilization. However, no technological progress or any other achievements or benefits can reduce violence. Why does it happen so and how evil arises in people are among the questions, which Philip Zimbardo tried to find the answer to in his book. To start with, what do we know about Mr. Zimbardo? Obviously, he is the best expert for writing about such things. He is the psychologists, who conducted the famous Stanford experiment back in 1970s. There is hardly a person, who is not aware about it. After a group of students volunteered to become a part of the study of psychology of imprisonment, Zimbardo revealed the shaking truth. Beyond the expectations, students adapted to their roles very well. Very soon, guards started to show the signs of harassment, psychologically torturing those, who played the prisoners. The latter ones passively accepted the abuse. In the end, two students left the experiment early, and it was closed after six days. The experiment affected Zimbardo, too, for he had the role of superintendent and couldn t ... Show more content on ... One of the strongest points of this approach is that he represents examples from different spheres. The psychologist appeals to historic events, tells about results of his famous experiment, and writes about everyday situations a reader can witness or even participate in. He represents the complete picture and does it objectively. It is a possibility to understand the harrowing phenomenon in all its existing and possible variations from breaking a window by a little kid to abuse by military forces and organized ... Get more on ...
  • 4. What Can Historians Learn From This Document About How As... A223 TMA01 What can Historians learn from this document about how as married man saw his role as head of the family in mid 17th century? The nature of this document is taken from the notebooks of Nehemiah Wallington (1818 1654). An extract of the passages of my life (Booy, D. (end) 2007), written in 1662. The extract is one of over fifty journals written over a twenty years period, of which seven originals remain. The purpose of this document is described in Grell (2016 p.81) as a means of private and later public record relating of Wallington s reflections of his religious struggle for salvation as a sinner that believes he belongs to the Elect , those predestined for salvation. This autobiographical work provided historians with primary source of evidence of the thoughts and beliefs of a Puritan married man, and his religious responsibilities and relationship with his household. To contextualize the text, Wallington s religious beliefs were taken from Protestant Lutheran and Calvinistic influences that evolved in England as the Puritan movement, which was a non conformist religious sects that had moved away from the Church of England Anglican practices and rituals in search a purer, form of Protestantism. (Marshall, P. 2014 p.141). Lutheranism had idealized marriage and the idea of holy families and Luther stated in The estate of marriage Brandt (1963) that woman is a necessary evil, and that no household can be without such an evil . Wallington ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Effectiveness of Basil Plant for Urinary Tract Infection EFFECTIVENESS OF BASIL ( Ocimum Basilicum Lamiaceace ) PLANT FOR URINARY TRACT INFECTION INTRODUCTION Background of the Study The care of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a common costly problem in acute care and home care population. Many therapies have been made for the treatment. Despite this, the patient still suffer from pains when urinating and the financial burden. In the locality, Urinary Tract Infection was commonly experienced among teenagers due to lifestyle and diet. Nurses in the community are the first line health care givers and are sanctioned by the Department of Health to render independent measures to alleviate health problem. The use of herbal plants such as basil does not entail the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Basil ... Show more content on ... The urinary tract was the leading site of nosocomial infections. Of the total infections noted, 44.1% were in the urinary tract, 28.4% in the respiratory tract, 15.1% were surgical wounds, 8.1% cutaneous infections, 1.4% bacteremia, and 2.9% in other sites. The frequency by which the pathogens were isolated in these sites paralleled the instrumentations done in these sites. The gram negative bacilli were the primary pathogens seen with Pseudomonas spp, Proteus spp, Enterobacter spp, E. coli, and Klebsiella spp accounting for 74% of the pathogens isolated. Candida spp was the only fungal pathogen seen. Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus were the predominant gram positive isolates. Unusual pathogens like Alkaligenes fecaelis and Acinetobacter spp were also isolated. The nosocomial isolates at Santo Tomas University Hospital have changed in the last five years to a dominance of gram negative bacilli. Sensitivity tests of isolated pathogens to representative antibiotics showed an alarming percentage of antibiotic resistant strains. [Phil J Microbiol Infect Dis 1990; 19(1):20 26] On Basil Plant Basil (Ocimum Basilicum L.), of family Lamiaceace (mints) is a tender low growing herb that originates in the Mediterranean Sea and Middle East. It is a popular culinary herb and its essential oils have been used extensively for many years in food products, perfumes and ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Labor in Call Centers CRITICAL ANALYSIS TAYLOR BAIN Under scrutinized until the late 1990s, call centres have now got significant scholastic consideration. The astounding and managed development of call centres, stretching out far past their starting bases in the financial and telecommunications areas, has bewildered the early scepticism. The competitive advantage for the companies picked up through the combination of phone and VDU advances, giving immediate phone based client services and selling led to widespread of this phenomenon. the growing financial sector has given the UK government s modernising motivation, which expects to guarantee that, by 2002, 25% of its administrations are open electronically. This case they investigated the truth of the labour processes at the call centres and labour related issues. In this process, it has touched upon civil arguments concerning the way of IT work and the current organisation. The significance to the call centre labour procedure are two ranges of theories in concern. Firstly, and in particular, attention will be provided for the pertinence of Foucauldian electronic Panopticon viewpoints, whose fascination has demonstrated overwhelming to both prevalent commentators (Arkin, 1997) and scholastics (Fernie and Metcalf, 1997) as they have endeavored to theorise the nature and knowledge of call centre work. Also, it makes reference to the idea of emotional labour , as expounded at first by Hochschild (1983). An examination of the labour ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Feminism In El Saadawi s Woman At Point Zero Feminism is a worldly ideology that is recognized by everyone, some women are joining religious groups despite their gender views. Others are fighting against the same groups, fearing the dangerous mix of politics and religion misconception. Whether through or against religion they are choosing to become part of the struggle for a better world. Non western women who proclaim themselves as feminists often are critiqued for being disloyal to their culture and for selling out to western feminist ideals. Through examining El Saadawi s book of Woman At Point Zero focusing on Islamic values and western feminism, we can start to see where El Saadawi shapes Firdaus to stand on this issue of femininity. The idea of feminism has a direct correlation to the Islam religion and what it expects of Muslim women to do and act like. Because of preconceived notions that women are inferior to men, it led to a stricter patriarchal regime.This made education for women become unnecessary because from the beginning they were viewed like a tool for reproduction for the survival of the human species. In Women Point Zero, the actions of Firdaus force men to change their beliefs and values to admit their misconception about women. In the book the readers can infer the subconscious connection between women and other women in a lower class. Lower class women have been through many problems in the world and they are the wisest of them all because of their experiences compared to to higher class women. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Powers of the United States Congress as Established by the... The United States Congress was established by the Constitution to be the legislature branch of the Government as distinguished from the executive branch which is headed by the President and the judiciary. The system is organized in order for each of the branches to act as a check and balance on each of the other branches (Moyers, 1987). This check and balance nature of the system often results in creating friction between the branches but this was precisely the purpose behind the Founding Fathers setting the system up in this manner. The theory was that this would diminish the possibility of any one branch becoming too powerful in relation to the other branches. Congress, like the other two branches of the U.S. government, is limited to exercising only the powers specifically granted the Constitution. The powers granted Congress are enumerated in several different locations in the Constitution but the majority of its powers are set forth in Article I. The first of Congress enumerated powers is its authority to regulate commerce among the several states. Since first being addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court in the landmark case of Gibbons v. Ogden (Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824) the power of Congress to engage itself in the operation of interstate commerce has been expanded, over time, to the point where Congress power to regulate commerce now includes any activities that substantially affects interstate commerce. One of Congress most significant powers is the authority ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Drug History And Policy Changes Drug History and Policy Changes There is a debate in the American government system on how to handle the use of drug and alcohol. In the 1960s drugs were uprising along with youth rebellion and in 1971 Nixon declared a War on Drugs (Citation a brief). This name is not to be confused with the band War on Drugs, but the term is still popularly used to describe the policies that Government officials are making regarding drugs and alcohol. This debate got reheated when Colorado legalized weed for medical and recreational use, followed by several other states. There has slowly been a shift in mindset from, alcoholics are drug addicts are all criminals and we (the law) should throw them in jail to addiction is a disease. Even the way that addicts/alcoholics are treated has changed to treatment centers with specialist versus throwing them in the hospital to detox and hoping for a change. Policies that are shifting the penalty from incarceration to treatment reflect these changes and help the individual suffering from the disease to get back on their feet. The war on drugs rings on, but changes are being made. War on Drugs As I said early, President Nixon issued the War on Drugs. He started by placing marijuana in the highest restrictive category of drugs, Schedule One, and ignored later attends to decriminalize drugs. However, starting in 1973, eleven states decriminalized marijuana usage. Ronald Reagan picked up where Nixon left off. Reagan s wife also started her own ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Veil Of Lies On The Book Cover A boy wandered and he came across the grapefruit tree. It was a journey of self acceptance, the uncertainty of faith, and the crumbling American state of mind. She sang of heartache and sacrifice in the name of god. She sang of identity. Half orange, half Pomelo, she said. Just as the boy was half Hawaiian, half Haole, they were so sure of who they were. Yet unknowing to what it means, and to where the boy belongs. We are all on a visual journey to our true selves, and every song and painting, every friend every enemy, another brick on the path; another thistle in the bush. Ours is a visceral journey, and some would compare life and it s relation to the living as to the swelling of a wave and it s lone rider. An instance of adrenaline and then we drown, we are helpless in ... Show more content on ... Sacrificing my truth for the lie that I was willing to hold within myself in the confines of this skeletal prison long past when this body has taken it s last breath. I find comfort in confiding in other s, my fear of death. My fear of the unknown, my fear of my future and what lies ahead in this veil of lies. A lone space capsule is carrying a body whose soul is long gone by now, whose body has been lifeless for what seemed to be eternities. The capsule has been hurtling through space, and it now approaches the end of its journey. A black hole sings forebodingly at the metal casing of the astronaut s tomb. The atoms of his coffin rattle at the prospect of the infinite darkness, the cells of his body, although long dead, weep at the visions of coming infinite darkness, the shell of his crypt vibrates with unrequited love. What lies beyond our journey is unknown, and nothing can stop the influence of gravity and the inevitability of the passage of time. We can only begin to understand what life means to us, and by then we are dead. Between the infinite darkness and our journey from the uterus, we ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Mobile Application And Social Media I bet you wish you could swipe left to not have to read this paper? Or maybe with that first sentence I have intrigued you to swipe right and keep reading? I am of course finding some humor in the left or right swipes, based on Tinder, the dating app that allows its users to swipe through thousands of photos a day to meet new people. Whether or not you have used Tinder, there s a great chance that you have heard about it, or know someone who has used it. This mobile application is self proclaimed to be, The fastest and easiest way to meet new people and form new connections. (Tinder Facebook) Since Tinder was put out to the public in 2012, this free app has become one of the most used dating applications. (CQR) On a rise with its worldwide millions of users, I find Tinder certainly interesting, but just like other mobile application and social media, Tinder is part of our societies consumption of technology, and is part of our individual inner strive to find self fulfillment in, the perfect picture. Whether a person is looking for friends, just for hookups, or serious relationships, Tinder is a fast way to go through many pictures and find new people close to their location. The mobile app has created an easy way of, swiping right if you like someone, or left, if you re not interested. In an article from the New York Times, Jessica Carbino who is Tinder s relationship expert concedes, Research shows when people are evaluating photos of others, they are trying to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. One application of magnetic fields in household appliances. One thing that uses magnetic fields is the electric motor, which is used in many household appliances, such as electric fans, microwave ovens, and other small appliances. In this instance the electric motor has an electric current, giving it also this magnetic field. An electric motor converts electricity into mechanical motion. Most electric motors work by electromagnetism, but motors based on electrostatic forces also exist. The overarching concept is that a force is generated when a current carrying element is subjected to a magnetic field. In a cylindrical motor, the rotor rotates because a torque is developed when this force is applied at a given distance from the axis of the rotor. Most electromagnetic motors are rotary, but ... Show more content on ... The fundamental principle upon which electromagnetic motors are based is that there is a mechanical force on any wire when it is conducting electricity while contained within a magnetic field. The force is described by the Lorentz force law and is perpendicular to both the wire and the magnetic field. In a rotary motor, there is a rotating element, the rotor. The rotor rotates because the wires and magnetic field are arranged so that a torque is developed about the rotor s axis. In physics, magnetism is a phenomenon by which materials exert an attractive or repulsive force on other materials. ... An electrostatic motor or capacitor motor is a type of electric motor based on the attraction and repulsion of electric charge. ... Piezoelectricity is the ability of certain crystals to produce a voltage when subjected to mechanical stress. ... In physics, the Lorentz force is the force exerted on a charged particle in an electromagnetic field. ... Most magnetic motors are rotary, but linear types also exist. In a rotary motor, the rotating part (usually on the inside) is called the rotor, and the stationary part is called the stator. The motor contains electromagnets that are wound on a frame. Though this frame is often called the armature, that term is often erroneously applied. Correctly, the armature is that part of ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Contribution of the Labelling Theory to Our... The Contribution of the Labelling Theory to Our Understanding of Crime and Deviancy We can call a label, or define it as; a mark, name, or even badge. Something is only deviant, or becomes deviant because someone has been successful in labelling it as, deviancy is ambiguous, definitions differ from society to society or even culture to culture. Calling something deviant is a reaction to a type of behaviour. The labelling theory is very complex, it asks why some people committing crimes are named deviant but others are not. Labelling theorists believe when you label offenders as criminals, yobs, this has negative consequences, deepening and worsening the criminal behaviour. There are ... Show more content on ... A strength of labelling theory approach to deviance is that it not only concentrates on the social reaction to deviance committed by individuals, as well as concentrating on the interaction processes leading to the labelling, these being two important elements of the theory. The effects on the Individual of labelling are especially important. Having being labelled, as a deviant, the individual according to Becker, then will accept the label, and for example turn to the life of crime, possibly with the help of a deviant subculture, feeling they have no other alternative. The last part of the labelling theory is, deviant career , this being when the labelled criminal evolves into a complete, absolute deviant. Kai T Erikson (1966) also highlights the way social reaction affects the individual, he supports and reinforces what Becker suggests, he further suggests that deviance in a society is essential, and is beneficial for creating a boundary between good and evil. Furthermore there are a number of policy implications to do with the labelling theory, a vast majority of them are impractical, such as the emphasis on rehabilitation, in helping the offenders be rehabilitated from the label, although negatively some will not agree to participate in this. Another implication is that criminal law
  • 14. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Finance Case Essay ANALYSIS OF USEC Inc., Prepared For: Dr. Doina Chichernea BUAD 6200 SPRING 2011 The University of Toledo APRIL 21, 2011 Executive Summary USEC is the world s leading supplier of enriched Uranium to nuclear power plants. Due to the expiration of long term energy cost savings contracts, USEC is examining the possibility of taking on a new project called the American Centrifuge Project. This project will utilize a different process for Uranium enrichment, which is the core business process of USEC. The new technology process uses much less energy, which will reduce manufacturing costs and keep USEC on the leading edge of technology in the enrichment market space. As with any major energy industry project, the ACP project ... Show more content on ... This is driving the need to come up with an alternative solution to the current process. The ACP technology is being looked at because it could give a competitive advantage to USEC against its competitors. ACP will lower the production costs and improve USEC s technology position in the market. If the company takes on the ACP project, USEC will reach 6.5 million units in production by 2013. A minimal level of maintenance would be required due to the improved technology and better facilities. ACP would also double the size of USEC as a whole. Cash Flow Calculations We are providing below the assumptions and other calculations we used while computing the WACC and the cash flows. * Net working capital of 5% of sales will be used for both Paducah and ACP project * Inflation is assumed to be 3% * Flotation costs are ignored for cost of equity. * We assume a risk free rate of 5.09%. This number comes from the current yield of the 30 year T bond as shown in Exhibit 5. * 50% reduction in enrichment cost start from year 2011 (for ACP project). Without the 50% reduction, the enrichment cost in 2011 would have been $50.15. We are going to start at 50.15/2=$25.07 (50%) from year 2011 as enrichment cost and from there it will again increase at the rate of inflation which is 3%. In 2011, the total capacity will be 3.5M (2.5M from ACP and 1M from Paducah). While calculating the enrichment cost for the year 2011, we used the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Evaluation Of The Beck s Efforts The assignment on this week is to calculate the capacity of each machine center and the capacity of the system. I will analyze where the focus of the Beck s efforts should be if Beck wants to expand capacity. There will then be a determination of how much extra capacity they can get without causing another operation to become the bottleneck. I will then make suggestions of ways that Beck can expand capacity without purchasing new equipment. The focus for this week is to review capacity. In reviewing the information this week, it focuses on capacity planning. In researching , effective capacity is the greatest amount of work that an organization is capable of completing in a in a set amount of time taking into consideration various constraints (Hu, Vakili and Huang, 2004) This is an important aspect to any business because it outlines everything needed to accomplish the task. The planning allows for the effective transition from planning, to implementing, executing and providing a finished product. (Vonderembse, 2013) According to our text, capacity is a means for an organization to supply customers with the requested product on time. (Vonderembse, 2013) The term also includes the highest rate of production. The goal of any organization it to provide the requested service or product in a time outlined by the customer. It is key for the organization to be aware of what the system capacity when producing products. The system capacity, as defined by our test, ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Questions On Odysseus Lionel Rivas Rivas 1 BOOK 1: WHAT WENT ON IN THE HOUSE OF ODYSSEUS 1. Where is odysseus? Odysseus is being captive on the remote island, Ogygia by Calypso. 2. What or whom is Athena disguised as? Athena disguises herself as Mentes. 3. Why do Telemachos and his mother need Odysseus? Telemachos and his mother need Odysseues so he makes the suitor go away. 4. Why does Odysseus s wife have suitors? Odysseus s wife has suitors because they all think that Odysseus is dead and they want to get his fortune and kingdom by having Odysseus s wife marry one of them. But Odysseus s wife refuses to marry any of them until she has proof that her ... Show more content on ... How does Penelopeia test Odysseus? Penelopeia tells the servants to move her bed knowing that Odysseus made it and that it can t be moved . 2. Why does she test him? Penelopeia thinks the gods are playing a trick on her so she tests him. 3. Describe the one last task that Tieresias told Odysseus to complete. What will be his reward for this task? The last task was having Tieresias go around looking for poor people to be their servants and the reward will be being at peace with Poseidon. 4. After Odysseus tells Penelopeia about all his adventures, he sets off again. What does he go to do? What does he tell Penelopeia to do?
  • 18. Odysseus sets off to go talk to his father and he tells Penelopeia to stay in the room until he returns. BOOK 24: HOW ODYSSEUS FOUND HIS OLD FATHER AND HOW THE STORY ENDED How does Odysseus prove that he is really Laertes son? Odysseus names all the trees in the garden and shows the boar scar to prove that he is really the son of Laertes 2. What is Laertes afraid of? Laertes is afraid of death. 3. Who comes to battle Odysseus? Whom are they led by? The parents of the dead suitors come to battle Odysseus. They are led by Antinoos father, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Midterm Exam Study Guide Exam Taylor Garcia Mrs. Fortier World Geography H/Period 4 December 2014 Midterm Exam Study Guide Exam Date: Monday, December 15, 2014 @ 8 A.M. 100 M.C., 10 Short Answers Chapter 1: Prime Meridian and Equator Prime Meridian imaginary line at 0° longitude that connects the North and South poles and divides the earth into the western and eastern hemispheres Equator imaginary line at 0° latitude that divides the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres 5 Themes of Geography Location (where is it?) absolute the exact location of a place using latitude and longitude ex. 30° N, 30° W; 1225 Bluewater Drive, Mandeville, LA 70471 relative the location in relation to other places or things ex. near the Mississippi River, in the northern hemisphere Place (what is it like?) physical and human characteristics of a location that give it personality and distinguishes it from other places ex. religious sites, mountains, Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican national holiday, desert is hot and sandy Movement (how do things move around the world?) movement of people, goods, and ideas from one location to another ex. running, driving, social media, imports and exports Region (how are places similar?) area defined by similar formal or functional characteristics ex. Russia, Antarctica, the U.S., Latin America Human Environment Interaction (how do people relate to the physical world?) interaction between people and the world; how humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the environment ex. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Physical Fitness Program Essay PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM CHANGES. NAVADMIN 178/15 announced changes to the Physical Readiness Program (PRP). To assess an individual Sailors health and mission readiness, Physical Fitness Assessments (PFAs) are being redesigned. The current PFA model enforces maximum body fat percentages and minimum physical readiness scores, but falls short on evaluating a Sailors overall health, does not adequately reflect the challenges unique to sea duty, and the increasingly technical nature of sea duty positions. The PRP changes will create balance between physical readiness and health. In the long term, the Navy will move away from PFA testing as a calculation of Body Composition Assessments (BCAs) maximums and Physical Readiness Test minimums ... Show more content on ... OPERATIONS SECURITY (OPSEC) DID YOU KNOW? A U.S. Government official on sensitive travel to Iraq created a security risk for himself and others by tweeting his location and activities every few hours. A family on vacation kept friends up to date via online profiles; their home was burglarized while they were away. New computer and Trojan viruses that successfully target information on Social Networking Sites (SNSs) are on the rise. Some foreign investors, including government and commercial entities known to be involved with organized criminal activity, own large stakes in certain SNSs. Information in SNS profiles has led to people losing job offers, getting fired, and being arrested. SNSs have become a haven for identity thieves and con artists trying to use your information against you. Several kidnapping, rape and murder cases were linked to SNSs where the victims first connected with their attackers. Over 90,000 registered sex offenders were removed from one popular SNS only because they used their real names. According to the Al Qaeda Handbook, terrorists search online for data about Government personnel, officers, important personalities, and all matters related to them (residence, work place, times of leaving and returning, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. I Am A Leader Of A Group People I took a couple of the color personality quizzes and according to the first color personality quiz I was a Red. I agree with this, I am an great leader. I am a great leader I make sure everyone s opinions and ideas are heard. I also make sure every person gets an opportunity to speak and have a say about what goes down on the paper or computer. When I am a leader of a group people sometimes say that I am a excellent leader. If teachers give me a task I can be highly effective. I will be highly effective if a teacher gives me a task I try to make sure that the task is done fast ,but make sure the task is right. I took another color personality quiz and the result from that, it says I am Brown. I agree that I am brown I love the outdoors ... Show more content on ... I will be honest and fair by making sure everyone gets what they need. I will accomplish this goal by the end of the year because my heart is set on making this happen and I will achieve. Another one of my Everest core goals is I wish to get better at science and math. I will be better at science by learning about chemicals and asking for help when I need it. I will be better at math by asking for help with dividing and multiplying fractions, and learn new things new things. I will accomplish this goal by the end of the year. I am starting to already improving with dividing and multiplying fractions and I will be learning a little bit about chemicals this year. My last Everest goal was to change something about my learning style. I said I will change by studying every night for 20 minutes before a quiz , I can receive marvelous grades, and have a better education. I will study very hard and pay attention more in class so I can approach this goal. I will also achieve this goal before the end of the year, I will pay attention and take wonderful notes. I am wonderful at almost anything I put my heart to. For example, I have dedicated my time and my heart to soccer. I only dedicate time for soccer because it s fun and I am great at playing soccer. I also dedicate my time to school. I dedicate my time to school since first I have to go, but this will help with going to a ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Christian Theology Vs. Theatre As a minister, worship leader, and actor, I ve constantly had to balance these roles. Either in a church environment or in a theatrical environment. Christian theology and theatre have never intersected for me. I ve always kept each role separate in its own category. I felt each role was different enough that they would never cross over into each other s world. Or maybe, they have crossed over and I just did not realize the connection. I never thought that the roles had any similarities. After taking this class, I ve learned differently. According to Johnson Savidge, there is a symbiotic connection between theatre and Christianity; they are not just similar; rather they share major commonalities at the core of their existence. ... Show more content on ... As the psychiatrist encounter the boy s imaginary world, his own life is exposed as passionless and frozen. The play then tells the story of a boy, who because of his repressed sexuality, his religious mother and his hypocrite father, makes his own religion based on horses, the bible, and sex. The psychiatrist, who is not able to imagine anything like that, who has lost his passion for his wife and who walks around carrying an unfulfilled dream about passion, ends up envying the boy the ability to create and believe in a religion. The beginning state of Equus opens with the two main characters. First, there s Alan, a mentally disturbed 17 year old young man who has had done a horrible crime. Second, Dr. Dysart, Alan s psychiatrist, a complacent man who questions his profession and his relationship with his wife. The end state of these characters closes the scene; Alan getting the professional help he needs and Dr. Dysart was willing to take a look at pursuing his dreams. There are several themes we can consider that the play depicts; such as freedom, growth and development, God and religion. One of those themes I like to consider from the play is God and religion. Although, this play does speak to the audience from the perspective of a theological context. The audience may not initially see the play from that perspective. The story strongly points to Alan, his relationship to Jesus Christ, to his ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Impact Of Tidal Energy On The Earth Tides and currents have existed since before the dawn of man. While the rotation and gravitational forces of the earth act to keep our ocean levels steady, that equilibrium is disrupted by the moon and the sun. The gravitational pull of both the sun and the moon cause the oceans to bulge, and as this bulge moves around the planet, the tides occur. Furthermore, the moon, although significantly smaller than the sun, has a far greater affect on the tides due to its relatively small distance from the earth. In addition, the tides also vary in intensity based on the alignment of the sun, the moon, and the earth. When aligned, a higher than normal, lunar high tide occurs. But why are these flows relevant to renewable energy? They are important because that tidal energy can be harnessed for use as a power source. Tidal power, like other renewable energy sources, is inexhaustible. In addition, there is a major advantage over other clean energies, in that tidal energy is very predictable. For example, there are not any wind charts telling what time of day the winds will be optimal but there are charts of the tides. Therefore, by taking advantage of this resource, your community could work towards being energy independent and self sustaining. Moreover, there could be an opportunity to use any excess power generated as an income source. There are three ways to harness the power of the tides; tidal barrages, tidal lagoons, and tidal streams. The first, barrages, make use of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. What Is The Loss Of Identity In King Lear Certainly, King Lear is one of William Shakespeare s most tragic plays in which the complexity of the plot can be very intriguing. One major aspect of this play is about identity and how these identities can determine your path in life. Identity can either do people good or have a negative impact on someone s life. There are two types of identity that this play focuses on: identity lost and identity abandoned. In the case of this play, King Lear and Edgar are two of the major characters that play a major part with identity and how it affects both their lives in different ways. In King Lear, the lost of one s identity can have a negative effect in the end when their identity is discovered too late; the abandonment of an identity can lead to ... Show more content on ... With King Lear having lost his identity, he cannot seem to find out who he really is and therefore, goes through a phase of madness by having a confrontation with nature and challenging the elements. He cries out things like Blow, winds, crack your cheeks and, Rumble thy bellyful, Spite, fire! Spout rain, (3.2.1,14) to express his anger towards his daughters and how they have deceitfully stripped him of his identity. However, his absurdity also reveals how his identity is currently vacant and how he uses all this negative emotion and madness to fill in that identity. Moreover, he goes to the point where he even pretends to be a judge whom Goneril and Regan are being put to trial: I ll see their trial first. Bring in the evidence (3.6.35). As he plays the part of the judge, he asserts how Goneril kicked the poor king her father and Regan s looks proclaim/ What store her heart is made on (3.6.47 48, 52 53). It is seen how Lears daughters have driven him insane to the point where he hallucinates about it and through his act of a judge, he essentially explains how his identity became loss. Overall, it is evident that his unstable being and loss of sanity is a result from his loss of identity which is contradictory to identity ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Nelson Mandel The Icon Of Power And Tolerance Mandela.. The Icon of Power and Tolerance Nelson Mandela is one of the most prominent and the most inspiring character of our time. This character became the inspiration for a complete school that teaches the meanings of the wonderful humanitarian implications and instills the supreme values and concepts of civilization. Within the adversity that surrounded, he still had the courage and determination, along with the struggle and resistance for liberation. He was a school of life. Rom Brafman, the author of SUCCEEDING WHEN YOU RE SUPPOSED TO FAIL, The 6 Principals of High Achievement , discussed some researches about how people act when they are facing adversities and hardship. He pointed out to some traits, tunneling, unwavering commitment, meaning making, and the importance of satellite figure. When we read the books that documented Mandela s life, and specially his book A Long Walk to Freedom , we can simply find him as tunneler , a figure of unwavering commitment, who made meaning and understood the importance of satellite figure. Mandela s life was not simple and easy; he was surrounded by adversities and hardship all his life. Brafman says, The tunnelers ....... routinely approach their lives from a slightly different perspective or angle. And that approach makes all the difference. (p178) Tunellers look at their adversity, evaluate it, and find the solution that enables them to overcome this adversity. Mandela was a black boy born in a society dominated by the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Poe s Perception Of Himself In The Tell Tale Heart In a work of literature the perception, or opinion on something, will vary from the reader to the narrator. The play The Tell Tale Heart , by Edgar Allen Poe, the narrator kills a man because of his vulture like eye. The narrator views himself as a sane and smart individual because of his actions. The narrator s perception of himself differs quite a lot from those of the reader as they interpret his actions differently, leading them to think he is mentally deranged. Poe s writing style contributes to these perceptions of the narrator. The speaker of the text thinks of himself as a sane and smart individual. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily how calmly I can tell you the whole story (Poe 1). This example supports the speaker s view of himself as it shows he does not think he s mad. He believes a mad person could not describe or tell the story of what he did healthily and calmly , but because he can he must be sane. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded with what caution with ... Show more content on ... Poe uses repetition to emphasize some things the speaker did. I moved it slowly very, very slowly, so that I might not disturb the old man s sleep (Poe 1). This supports the speaker s view of himself because he was wise and cautious prior to murdering the old man. In favor of the readers perception of the speaker, Poe writes it as if the speaker was telling the story directly to the readers. This contributes to the thought that the narrator is mentally deranged because because Poe s tone and choice of words make the speaker sound as if he was not affected, until the end, by the event. I smiled, for what had I to fear? I bade the gentlemen welcome... I bade them search search well (Poe 3). The speaker appears calm because he felt he had nothing to hide despite the fact he had just recently committed ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Project Idea Of A Home Automation System Once being told by the course leader to research on three initial ideas for the group project and discuss this with the group which was chosen by students, a main project idea was researched which all members of the group agreed on. As a group of five students doing Electrical Electronic Engineering, a project had to be thought of which was specific to the degree that was being studied. After much deliberation, the idea of a home automation system was agreed upon by the course leader Dr John Barker. After consulting with the course leader, it was learnt that the group had to complete one function within the household each as by doing this, a sufficient amount of work could be done over the course of the year. Each group member was ... Show more content on ... 2 Introduction As a second year BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering student a project had to be devised which would consist of Electrical Engineering concepts and not Mechanical Engineering. This would have to be completed at the University Centre at Blackburn College. Groups were made so that tasks could be carried out by each member. Several project ideas were then made by each group member. The ideas which were thought of by myself included a hybrid solar and wind battery charger, a parking sensor and also remote control blinds (Appendix A). Research had to be carried out on each project idea to see if it would be beneficial for the group to construct the project. After much consideration and setting up multiple meetings with the group, a decision was made that the best option would be go ahead with a home automation system which would run over the internet and Wi Fi. Several factors were vital in choosing why this project was chosen ahead of other ideas. The project had to be something which had not been chosen previously or chosen by another group. Costing, limited amount of knowledge on tasks which needed to be completed, and the time availability which was given over the course of the year were reasons as to why other project ideas were not chosen and why the home automation suggestion was selected. 2.1 The home automation system A home ... Get more on ...
  • 28. How Is Heathcliff A Villain Heathcliff is an intricate character in the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. He is a sullen, bad tempered character, who expresses his own sorrow through the suffering and pain of others. His violent actions towards others, along with his passionate love for Catherine show the qualities of both the villain and the hero, which is what makes Heathcliff such a distinct and complex character. In this novel Wuthering Heights, the readers are witness the turmoil of feelings of betrayal, revenge, and love through Heathcliff s despondent and violent character. From the beginning of the novel, Heathcliff is an extremely gloomy and vicious character. His mistreatment from Hindley hardens him when he has to endure Hindley s blows without winking ... Show more content on ... Heathcliff states how two words would comprehend [his] future death and hell: existence, after losing her, would be hell (148). This quote shows how Heathcliff still treasures the relationship he has with Catherine, despite her marriage to Edgar. Despite the horrible treatment he has been giving Catherine, Heathcliff knows how precious Catherine is and how his life has no meaning without her in his life. He now understands how [he] was a fool to fancy for a moment that she valued Edgar Linton s attachment more than [his own] (148). Edgar could never love Catherine as much in eighty years as Heathcliff could in a single day. Before Catherine passes away while giving birth, she passionately states how they may bury [her] twelve feet deep, and throw the church down over [her], but [she] won t rest till [Heathcliff is] with [her] (125). This depicts a spiritual connection between Heathcliff and Catherine and that Catherine will never be satisfied until Heathcliff lies beside her in eternal sleep. When Catherine finally dies, he cries out for Catherine to [wander] the earth and to not leave [him] in this abyss, where [cannot] find [her] (165). This depicts how Heathcliff and Catherine are bound together and that all these complications are mere obstacles for their uncontrollable love. He cries out painfully, I cannot live without my life! I ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Breast cancer is a disease that is becoming more and more popular in this day of age. One in every eight women is diagnosed with breast cancer (Breast Cancer, 2010). Women and men who suffer from breast cancer not only are fighting cancer but are also fighting the psychological aspects of the disease. Breast Cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer among women in the United States right behind skin cancer. Women are now surviving breast cancer a lot more frequently because of the treatments out there to help. In 2008, the number of breast cancer survivors was 2.5 million (Breast Cancer, 2010). The numbers of survivors is an increasing state because the research and treatments are growing. There are many ways of ... Show more content on ... The physician may order a mammogram or ultra sound. Women are recommended to have yearly mammograms after the age 40, but earlier if breast cancer runs in the family (National Cancer Institute). A mammogram detects lumps in the breast and is an x ray picture of tissues inside a person s breast. It may detect a lump before it is even felt by someone. A ultrasound also is a test that can show details of the breast lump and its sound waves creates pictures showing if the lump is solid, filled with fluid or a little of both. When it shows a sign of a more solid lump it is greater risk of cancer (National Cancer Institute). Once a breast lump is detected and shows signs of being cancerous the lump is then removed or biopsied. Biopsy is a tissue removal which is looking for cancerous cells. There are several different types of biopsies, but is the true way to tell if these cells in the breast are cancerous. These different types of biopsies are fine needle aspiration, core biopsy, skin biopsy or surgical biopsy. After the tissue is removed then they can send it to the lab to determine if a person has cancer or not (National Cancer Institute). The lump will then be considered either benign or malignant. Benign is good meaning no cancer present, but malignant means that there is cancer present in the tumor. After determining that a person has breast cancer it must then be staged. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Julie Macintosh s Under The Influence When you think of something as quintessentially American, a patriotic scene flourished with red, white and blue is bound to come to mind. But why lies in the background? Is it hotdogs and hamburgers? Is it a family enjoying a summer day? Does the image include a delicious ice cold beverage? Does that delicious American beverage happen to be a Budweiser? Peter Hernon and Terry Ganey give the history and the rise of a beer dynasty in Under the Influence. Journalist Julie Macintosh documents the inevitable downfall in Dethroning the King. The Busch family lived the American dream and marketed patriotic and nationalistic pride to its fullest extent until its takeover in 2008 by the contested InBev, a Brazilian beer giant. The head of the dynasty, ... Show more content on ... Initially, Modelo was the more appealing option. They were also a family owned company with a similar family dynamic. Carlos Fernández was the head of Modelo at the time. Interestingly enough, Modelo was not interested in the deal because years before, August III had gone to Mexico for a visit and offended the controlling families of the company. The behind the scenes head of Modelo, Don Antonio, was not fond of The Third or AB. The only way Don Antonio would allow the deal to be completed was if Carlos became the head of the companies. The grass was not much greener on the other side. The board and especially The Third would never let that slide. AB followed the deal all the way through to the end and then backed out at the last minute to pursue the deal with InBev. In the end, InBev had a better offer on the table and it seemed that greed took over. Essentially, what mattered was the amount AB could gain per ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Advantages Of Dentists A severe shortage of dentists has hit rural America leaving millions of people stranded in a dental desert. Individuals who are low income, older adults, minorities, or those with special needs often have a harder time accessing dental care. Rural areas of the country are more likely to have poorer residents who are without dental insurance. These citizens must travel long distances to seek out a dentist. Accessing adequate dental care has become a major health concern in the United States, leaving many with tooth decay and other serious health concerns. In order to fix the broken system of oral health care the government, states, and private sector need to come together and create new funds for dental programs. States should consider adopting dental therapists or dental practitioners as a way to provide general care to those living in dental deserts. The American Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA) has created a task force on the Advanced Dental Hygiene Practitioner (ADHP) and with the approval from the ADHA House of Delegates, has established a scope of practice and educational guidelines for those pursing this profession. ADHP s are a viable solution for rural communities facing oral health barriers. These practitioners provide basic procedures and assist with prevention of tooth decay by providing education on effective brushing habits. Rural areas of the country need dental therapists and advanced dental hygiene practitioners because they will save lives, reduce ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Wildlife Animals And Indigenous People Both wildlife animals and Indigenous people resided in Canada long before European colonization took place, and both have suffered from these invaders oppressive practices as a result of the dispute over territory. Because of this, many newcomers to Canada has this preconceived notion that the place is only associated with vast wilderness landscapes and that wildlife is constitutive of Canadianness (Francis 1997). This is played out in many Canadian films which portray stereotypical images of the country. In particular, this essay will highlight Indigenous people and wildlife interaction with urban spaces and the wilderness in The Wolfpen Principle (1974) and North of 60 (Southern Comfort), while also exploring the conflict between urban dwellers and their environment. Most Canadian filmmakers continuously depict the place as a wilderness area, filled with wild animals and Indigenous people. This idea is socially constructed and is normalize to reinforce the idea that certain people and animals should belong or excluded from nature and urban spaces. In parks, wolf tourism is usually portrayed as a wilderness experience where humans dominate animals and nature. Yet, according to Kellert s (1985) research, associating the wilderness with wolves has increased their stigmatization, thus resulting conflicts over who belongs where. If the wolves are not exterminated, they are instead taken from their natural environment and moved to an altered landscape where they have ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Some Bullshit Happening Video Analysis History under the influence It is argued that history can be very interesting in the normal state of mind but being under the influence makes the topic much more intriguing. We are presented with drunken history video capturing three distinct history incidents. The first video presents Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks , second is John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson , and final is Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening. Two of the videos are presented in a unique under the influence presentation explaining historical events. Each video will be analyzed and broken down of how each person used three categories of rhetoric which include a logical appeal defined as logos (OWLPurdue: Logo), an emotional convey known as pathos (OWLPurdue: Pathos), ... Show more content on ... The anchor of the show begins the broadcast in clarifying that it is not very interesting and only a desperate attempt to fill twenty four hours of programing which clearly is a lack of ethos driving the audience away. The first presented footage is a loose bear running around the community and it being common but residents were shocked to see this fairly common thing happening which does not make compete sense as if it was a common occurrence then the residence would not be as shocked. One of the interviewed individuals is an old man who stated I m an older man so you can trust what I say however, being older the information can be very skeptical and uncredited. In addition, he comments that authorities in special uniform rushed to the scene to stand around while our cameras filmed them and this is not very logical as we know that authorities arrive to a scene to assist in emergencies and not to be recorded. Throughout the entire broadcast his voice tone is very dull with little emotion and the words are very repetitive in the use of bullshit . Austin, in Reading The World of Ideas That Matter explains the importance of incorporating strict sense and a mode of persuasion (179) and this video lacks both qualities. There is a lack of pathos and ethos which give no real reason, aside to get a laugh out, to continue ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Meltdown At Three Mile Island Aaron Hastings PHILOS 1332 11 December 2014 Meltdown at Three Mile Island Intro: March 28, 1979 All relevant people: Metropolitan Edison Company: Victor Stello(nuclear engineer for the plant), Jack Herbein (nuclear engineer for the plant; discussed the issue with the press and basically lied and said that everything was controlled and there was no real danger), Ed Hauser (went into the reactor to check the actual amount of radiation inside of the reactor; result was shocking=100rem/hr, coolant water was not clear and was actually yellow and fizzing with 1250rem), Roger Mattson (another nuclear engineer who butted heads with Victor Stello over how to handle the situation in the plant) Outside of the company: Richard L. Thornburgh ... Show more content on ... This did not mean that the valve had actually performed that action, but rather that the message was received by the valve (History Channel...). The light shut off, which indicated to the operators that the valve had been opened and reclosed, however the valve did not reclose (Wikipedia). The PORV remained open and was releasing a combination of coolant and radioactive material. As coolant water was released, no instrument indicated this to the operators; the operators had only been trained to estimate the amount of water in the reactor by doing calculations based upon pressure readings. These pressure readings were now skewed and thus the calculations were wrong and based upon these wrong calculations, the operators stopped the flow of cooling water to the reactor. The lack of water caused overheating within the reactor and according to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission s findings, about half of the reactor s core melted. Operators had no way of knowing this and also were not trained to handle such an event. Unlike the event at Chernobyl, the reactor stayed intact and massive amounts of radiation were not leaked into the surrounding area. This containment, led nuclear engineer, Jack Herbein to announce publically that the citizens of Harrisburg were in no danger. Herbein s comments on the plant were near fraudulent because no one was certain as to the actual danger that they were in ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Touching Spirit Bear Sparknotes Cole is the 15 year old juvenile from the novel Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson. Cole has been in trouble with the law since he was 7 and isn t thinking about stopping. The wrongdoing delinquent s latest crime was robbing the local hardware store. A 9th grader by the name of Peter Driscoll went to the authorities to inform the police about the robber. Unfortunately, Cole beats him so hard he is hospitalized for 6 months. At the detention center, Cole s gravelly voiced, wisecracking, Native American parole officer, Garvey tells him about Circle Justice. Circle Justice is a Native American tradition for healing. Although Circle Justice is meant for good, Cole s idea is to just to get out of jail. On the island Circle Justice sends ... Show more content on ... Cole has many things in his life that trigger his best friends, Rage and Anger. First, Cole shows anger towards his parents for his actions. He feels that it is their fault for having him on the island. The scony 15 year old s parents are both alcoholics. Cole s monstrous father drinks so much and when he gets home he whips Cole senseless. His mother on the other hand, drinks to get away from reality. When Cole s father abuses him, his mother doesn t to anything. Although his parents are the base of Cole s friendship with Anger and Rage, it is not all their fault that Cole is who he is. Unfortunately, Anger, Rage, and Cole are always together. When Cole robbs a hardware store and Peter rats him out, Anger and Rage are with him to hurt Peter so bad death is knocking on his door. Be cause of the attack of Cole and his gang, he is banished to a remote island and has a mere cabin that will provide shelter for him... until he BURNS IT DOWN! Rage and Anger must have snuck into the boat when no one was watching. Cole has made a life long friendship with Anger and Rage or so he thinks. Being on the island will smack some sense into him and he will slowly drift apart from his friendship and learn ... Get more on ...
  • 36. How Architecture Can Be Applied to Plato s Definition of... This essay will be demonstrating how architecture can be applied to Plato s definition of the ideal person as Kalo k agatho. This essay will be examining the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Parthenon, the Erechtheion and the Temple to Apollo at Bassae. The first monument this essay will be discussing is the Temple to Zeus at Olympia. The Temple to Zeus was constructed between C. 470 to 450 BCE, having this temple belong to the Early Classical Period. The Temple of Zeus had the typical features of the Doric Order, a perisytle, with a rule that the number of columns on the sides should be one more than double on the front and back (thus the perisytle is 6 X 13), a pronaos, a cella and an opithodomos. The two columns between the anta in the pronaos and the opithodomos align with the columns along the front and back of the temple. The temple was constructed in limestone as well as marble for the roof tiles and the sculptures. Over the entrances of the pronaos and opisthodomos, there were metopes of the 12 labours of Herakles, athla 1 6 over the opithodomos (west) and athla 7 12 over the cella (East). One of the main features that this temple is good to look at is because of the pediments. The west pediment depicts the Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs, while the east pediment depictions the horse race of Pelops and Oinomaos. As this is the Temple to Zeus, the figure of Zeus as in the center of the East Pediment, whiles Apollo was the center figure for the west pediment. The ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Pair Bonding Thesis Neural Basis of Pair Bonding Pair bonding is defined as a close relationship between two individuals. To understand the neural basis of pair bonding it would make sense to consider monogamous species since monogamy is based on pair bonding. On the other hand polygamy supports mating with several individuals which does not necessarily support bonding with only one individual. Most of the studies done on pair bonding used a monogamous rodent, the prairie vole. Prairie voles form a long term bond with their partner after multiple mating and tend to spend the rest of their life with the same partner. These voles spend more time with their partner than a stranger vole. This characteristic is considered ... Show more content on ... We have already discussed how the importance of vasopressin in social behaviors. Central administration of vasopressin facilitates monogamous typical behaviors in male prairie voles through the vasopressin V1a receptors (V1aR) in the brain (Winslow et al., 1993). It would be interesting to compare how vasopressin activity differs between the monogamous and polygamous voles. Turns out it is not the amount of vasopressin but the distribution of V1aRs in the brain which varies considerably between monogamous and promiscuous vole species (Insel et al., 1994). Lastly to emphasize Vasopressin s role in neural basis of pair bonding, an experiment done by Lim et al (2004) is included. These researchers did an amazing experiment to investigate if inserting V1aR gene vole could induce partner preference in polygamous voles. The vasopressin receptor (V1aR) is highly expressed in Ventral palladium. It is located within the ventral forebrain, which is a part of limbic system. In this experiment a group of polygamous meadow voles were used as subjects. Researchers inserted the adeno associated viral (AAV) vector containing the prairie vole V1aR gene into the ventral palladium. The control voles ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Connecticut Equine Clinic Case Study Connecticut Equine Clinic is the premier equine veterinary clinic in the Coventry, Connecticut region. Equine podiatry is the understanding of the form and function of the horse foot. Combining information from a physical exam, radiology and ultrasound with therapeutic farriery can relieve and prevent foot problems. Many problems associated with lowered performance and perceived behavioral issues may actually be signs of pain in the feet. Refusing jumps, difficulty in executing leads, loss of performance and more can indicate foot pain. Hock, stifle, caudal heels, knees back and even biting problems may simply be pain and damage as the result of hoof imbalances. Taking preemptive action can optimize long term health and welfare of the horse and reduce or avoid down time. The horse foot is a unique and complex organ comprised of several components, each performing specific functions that work together and complement the group as a whole unit. The horse s foot is much like a mechanical model that serves to suspend, support and move the horse. An intricate balance and equilibrium ... Show more content on ... Proper, timely hoof care can often make the difference between a sound performance and one with chronic lameness. For over 29 years, Connecticut Equine Clinic has offered an unwavering commitment to the care of horses. For the best equine veterinary clinic in the region, contact Connecticut Equine Clinic at (860) 742 1580, conveniently located in Coventry, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Eulogy For Alice From this story, I have learned not to ever take things for granted. All Alice wanted was to have a solid relationship with her mother and she never could have that. Whenever I become mad at my mom I will think of Alice who would do anything to have a relationship like mine with my mom. As a child, Alice made a speech about elephants and made sure it was perfected so her mother would be proud of her. She worked on it every second she got just as a chance to impress her mother. When Alice s mother enters the gym Alice says, Suddenly, my mind went blank. I could not remember a single word; I couldn t find the familiar landmark of the next sentence. My breathing became the heartbeat of the world. I had practiced in this presentation ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Some of the Puritan Beliefs that Led to Tensions,... Some of the Puritan Beliefs that Led to Tensions, Conflicts, and Concerns among the Colonists and/or Native Americans The Puritans were a distinct group of individuals who performed religious actions. They emerged within the England church in the mid 16th century. These people shared a conjoint Calvinist theology as well as the common Anglican Church criticisms and the English government and society. The Puritans population grew steadily, hence culminating in the 1640s English Civil War and the Oliver Cromwell rule of the 1640s. Owing to the restoration of the Stuart Monarchy, this culture continued to eclipse with England in a large extent since the movement had been cited as the radicalism and disturbance related to the Civil War ... Show more content on ... 1), A Model of Christian Charity, Puritans in Massachusetts were placed as a city upon a hill to create a model of success and prosperity that would light the way for the rest of humankind. The Puritans believed that the Almighty had chosen them to create a New Jerusalem in Eden, the Promised Land and took this as a calling that they shouldn t have failed in. these people were received well with enthusiasm and were discovered to believe in ways that were parallel to those of the Europeans. They also held that the supreme God both tested and favored them. In their teachings, the devil s description was that of a tormentor and a tempter, who tirelessly worked in attempt to disorient them. However, they were encouraged to always be ready for him and defeat him so as to receive God s promise, eternal salvation. Religion played a significant role in the Native American Society as well as the Puritan Society even though both of them believed in varied ideologies. The Puritan people believed that had selected a few people to join in heaven and live with him. On the other hand, the Natives had a belief that all of us were the same in the eyes of God and no one was greater than the other. These two groups had their meanings propagated in a very much contrasting manner. The Puritans bible gave details of their religion and also had responses to all possible questions. On the other hand, the Native Americans depended on the oral propagation of their ... Get more on ...