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Play Review Essay Example Play Review Essay Example
Identify And Explain The Difference Between Voluntary And...
Every day, our body naturally responds to environmental stimuli by one of two mechanisms, a
voluntary reaction or an involuntary reflex. The nerves and muscles work together to respond to a
change in the body s environment, both internal and external, with the intent of maintaining a
homeostatic state. Common reflexes include slipping and righting oneself, as well as immediately
and naturally withdrawing a body part that made contact with a hot object. A reflex typically occurs
prior to the brainfully processing the information regarding the stimulus. Conversely, a voluntary
action is controllable and learned by experience (G). The most wellВknown learned response is
Pavlov s dogs, who were shown to salivate at the ring of a bell because it signaled food was coming.
Both voluntary and involuntary responses go through neural pathways beginning with a receptor
that receives a stimulus from the environment. This stimulus elicits an action potential, which carries
... Show more content on ...
Many factors, including receptor function, neuron stimulation, length/complexity of neuronal
pathway, difference between sensory/motor neuron conduction velocities and synaptic
transmission, influence the reaction time. Of utmost importance is the synaptic transmission,
which refers to how presynaptic cells communicate with postsynaptic cells by releasing
neurotransmitters which, when collected at the postsynaptic cells receptors, work to engage a
response. This process has the potential to be altered for any duration of time by either improving
or impairing its potential. Postsynaptic neurons receive both excitatory and inhibitory inputs, which
have the capability to increase or decrease the likelihood of the nerve firing an action potential.
Both types of input are being applied to the receptor at all times while
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GPA Examination
GPA EXEMPTION ESSAY I grew up in the 90 s, the golden age of video games. My perspective of
life was similar to a video; one must continue to play the game to go to the next level. If one gives
up, they will never progress. There are many different levels to life. In college, I passed a number
of levels. However, I continued to repeat the same course. That is why my grade point average
was low. One day, I was sitting in the back of class and unknowingly drifted to sleep. I heard a
gentle voice whisper, My dear what is your purpose? As my eyes opened, I felt embarrassed. I
awoken to an empty class and Professor Meadows stood over me. I was too drowsy to respond. So
professor Meadows continued to speak, Octavia I notice you put forth little effort, yet you have
enormous potential. As I walked home she made me think. What was my purpose?... Show more
content on ...
I chose not to pay attention, I chose to be a follower and not read my assignments. I sure did not
take certain classes seriously. In my freshman year, I met a mature student named Dill. He was an
opinionated fellow. Dill and I walked to the bus stop when he said, You know companies do not
care about your GPA, as long as you have a degree you are okay. My face filled up with excitement
I thought of course, why would any one care about my GPA ? Since Dill was older, I truly believed
his words. Looking back, I was just young and naГЇve. My grades suffered, because I was not
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Voice Speech Outline
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To describe to audience an overview of research how voice is produced
Central Idea: To describe how the voice works and create sound that applies to communication.
Attention Getter: Have you ever wonder why each person sound different from another and how
you can distinct one person just by hearing them speak?
Other: We use our voice everyday, however, we don t necessarily think about how our voice is
produced. Knowing how our voice is produced can help us better communicate.
Central Idea: According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, knowing how we make
sound is useful in maintaining the health and effectiveness of our voice.
Credibility: In preparation for the speech, ... Show more content on ...
The lungs is what provides the power source for voice production.
The Larynx:
The larynx, or the voice box is what produces the sound from vibration. The vocal folds make these
The Resonator:
The resonator which includes our throat, tongue, mouth, teeth, and cheek makes the sound into
(Internal Transition: Our voice is capable of producing sounds in different register. Lets take a look
at what these different registers are.)
Vocal Register
Vocal Fry Register:
The vocal fry is the lowest register that is seen as unhealthy if used too much in speech.
Modal Register:
When both the head and chest registers are used together it creates a modal register.
Whistle Register:
The whistle register is more commonly found in female voices where notes are hit at the highest.
Falsetto Register:
The Falsetto is opposite of the whistle, in which it is the male that creates this high range.
(Internal Transition: Our voice being capable of producing many different sounds, it is important to
take care of our voice to produce healthy sound.)
Voice Disorders and Taking Care of Your Voice
Types of Disorders
Structural Disorders
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Toxic Chemicals In Flint, Michigan
Toxic chemicals such as lead and mercury in our environment have links to the causes of cancer,
birth defects and mental illness. How can Americans be certain that the water in their household is
safe to drink and toxic free? For the people in Flint, Michigan, it is too late for many have been
already affected by such toxicity in their water supply. Toxic chemicals in our environment must be
better controlled and America s infrastructure must be properly repaired. This is an urgent need and
the elected leaders must be held accountable for any neglect of this most important issue. The
events that happened in Flint, Michigan, has caused this topic to be quite controversial because of
the poisoning that was done to the children there. The management
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Hawaii Environmental Issues
The entire world is experiencing climate change and a vast array of environmental problems.
Hawaii itself is suffering from its own issues: the decline of native species, ocean pollution, the
erosion of waterways, and more. None of these problems can be solved in a single sweeping
gesture. Only through many small efforts, with many people, can we solve the issues we now face,
both in Hawaii and the world as a whole.
However, while many small efforts are necessary, large changes can be accomplished when
individuals have the intent, knowledge, skills, and credentials to initiate, plan, and carry out
projects designed to solve these issues. Environmental Studies would prepare me to be one of
those people. After completing my degree I will be able to participate in efforts to solve many of
the environmental problems Hawaii now faces.
Hawaii has more reason than most places to seek to protect and care for its natural environment.
Besides its enviable ... Show more content on ...
There are many different capacities I can accomplish this through, however: as an environmental
planner, an analyst, a policy maker, a speaker, and in many other ways as well. I cannot promise
any specific career or project or goal, because it is impossible to predict what the focus of
environmental efforts will be in four years, how much scientific progress we will make between
now and then, what jobs will be available, and many other factors that may influence both what I
am able to do, and what I can do to have the greatest positive effect. The details of my plan are
flexible. My intent is not, however. I intend to help the people and the land through any capacity
that I can to ensure a bright and healthy future for our island and our world. That is what I offer to
Hawaii: my intent to create a healthier aina for the benefit of the land and the people, and to create
a brighter
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Report on Business Culture in Saudi Arabia
Report on Business Culture in Saudi Arabia
Executive summary: With the globalization of world business, Saudi Arabia has become an
appealing market for foreign investors. But there has long been belief that the market of Saudi
Arabia is difficult to develop and the culture there is inconsistent with the world. The problem of
cross cultural management arises as the cooperation between Saudi Arabia and its world partners
continue to increase at an unprecedented rate. This paper analyses commercial and cultural feature
of Saudi Arabia, presenting an understanding on the general cultural differences between Saudi
Arabia and Singapore by applying different cultural dimensions. And it explains the influence of
Arabia commercial culture on ... Show more content on ...
Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one
category of people from another. (Hofstede, 1991) There are four cultural dimensions that were
defined in Hofstede s research: Power distance, Uncertainty avoidance, Individualism, Masculinity,
and recently Hofstede add one more: long term short term orientation. In this part of paper,
comparison between Singapore and Saudi Arabia will be discussed, by focusing Hofstede s cultural
dimensions as a point of reference 2.1 The dimension of individualism collectivism
We know that there is a diverse population in Singapore, consisting mainly of Chinese, Malay and
Indians, all of which does not possess one single dominant national identity. Drawing on a variety
of traditions, different ethnic groups all consider themselves important parts of the diverse society
of Singapore. However, In the Saudi Arabia society, most people believe in Islam, and religious
control of Islam and its influence on the country are political, economical and can be seen in
people s daily life. Neglecting of religion may cause troubles in business activities. In Islam canon,
the most important are: religious service, almsgiving, fasting and pilgrimage and other activities.
Religious service is a ceremony that shows gratitude,
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The Importance Of Black Oppression In The Invisible Man...
Ralph Ellison s The Invisible Man is a fascinating novel about a nameless black man and his
struggle to become successful and find his true identity in a predominantly white society that
refuses to see him as person. Taking place in Harlem in the 1930 s, the story accurately depicts
the life of a black man and the many injustices he faces nearly every day. More than eighty seven
years later, African Americans still encounter numerous challenges similar to the ones the Invisible
man experienced. Today, many hip hop artists bring awareness to these problems through their
songs. Most notably, Kendrick Lamar s album To Pimp a Butterfly (March 15, 2015) deals with
the topics of black oppression, institutionalized racism, and an American system designed to
destroy African Americans. Despite genre and time differences, Kendrick Lamar s To Pimp a
Butterfly and The Invisible Man are essential works of art in order to inspire, educate, empower,
and promote social and political changes.
Through Dr. Bledsoe Ellison demonstrates numerous instances of black on black oppression.
Before being expelled from the University, the narrator threatens to expose Dr. Bledsoe because
Dr. Bledsoe wrongfully accuses him of causing Mr. Norton s, one of the school founders, injury.
To counter the narrator s warning, Bledsoe exclaims, I ve made my place in it and I ll have
every Negro in the country hanging on tree limbs by morning if it means staying where I am
(143). In other words, Bledsoe is willing to do anything in order to keep his power and remain on
top; Bledsoe believes the narrator has torn [the black race] down, and dragged the entire race into
slime (141). Ellison uses Bledsoe s reaction to display how black people have a crab in a barrel
mentality and will even, in the most extreme cases, have every Negro in the country hanging on
tree limbs. Instead of promoting black excellence in a racist society, Bledsoe attacks other African
Americans in order to please the rich, wealthy, and powerful white people. Furthermore, by lying
about job recommendations in New York, Dr. Bledsoe purposefully attempts to ruin the narrator s
entire life and cause him to be homeless; In one of the recommendation letters, Dr. Bledsoe states,
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Symbolism In Palanquin Bearers
Alagu Subramaniam was a novelist who belonged to the Tamil community of Sri Lanka. He was
one of the founders and editors of the literary magazine Indian Writing. Professional Mourners is a
short story which revolves around caste based discrimination, throwing light on various themes
such as celebration of socio economic power, social practices, dehumanization of the less privileged
and the like.
Professional Mourning is a line of work, usually taken up by women belonging to the lower caste in
the society. The upper caste hire¬ these professional mourners to mourn at the funeral of a
deceased member in the family, with the sole intention of flaunting their wealth and power in the
society. In India, these women are referred to as rudaali which translates to female weeper . It is a
social practice which although seems quite irrelevant in today s world still takes place in certain
parts of India. This ... Show more content on ...
They voluntarily took it up, and were happy doing it as well, unaware that they were in fact being
manipulated by the rich members of the society. Although they were brainwashed into thinking that
they were privileged to be doing their job, they were unaware that they were being exploited. The
professional mourners on the other hand, face exploitation on a more one to one basis, to the point
where they re literally dragged around if they retaliate even in the slightest manner. Caste based
discrimination in India continues to dominate in marriage, employment and even in general
social settings. Millions of people face violence and oppression in nearly every aspect of their
life, merely because of their caste. People are deprived of basic necessities and opportunities, and
are subject to the most degrading and inhumane levels of exploitation due to the oppressive effects
of the caste system in
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Cultural Matthew M. Le Claire Essay
Cultural Universals
Matthew M. Le Claire
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Department of Sociology
Matthew M. Le Claire received his Bachelor and Master?s degrees in criminal justice from the
University of Nevada, Reno. Currently he is working towards his Ph.D. in sociology at the
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where his areas of specialization are crime, deviance, and culture.
Culture itself is a complex topic with multiple definitions ranging from the organic to the
mechanical, the natural to the manufactured. In a world composed of different groups, we see
many variations of culture. Cultural universals are traits, patterns, and elements that transcend
specific groups and can be applied to all known cultures (Macionis 2014). This idea implies that
mankind and its multiple cultures are interconnected by patterns of fulfilling human needs that
occur on a global scale. Specific examples of cultural universals extend from medicine to the family
unit. Though anthropologists and sociologists have found support for the existence of cultural
universals, the idea of these universal aspects of culture still draw criticism from critical and
postmodern scholars and by individuals who ascertain cultural universals are in a natural state of
opposition with cultural relativism.
Framework The idea of cultural universals is rooted in positivist traditions of biology and
psychology, as well as structural functionalism. While comparative studies of culture examine
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Taking a Look at Village Surf Shoppe
1. Marketing Objectives
Village Surf Shoppe brand s inherent strengths confine with the knowledge that its inland market is
expected to increase sales by 20% within the next three years. Additionally, VSS is currently on a
high level of brand awareness in the local community, and has been successful in its local use of
guerilla marketing tactics. Brand s weakness is excessively entrenched in the local market and it still
practices traditional advertising methods. Opportunities include the recent boom in surf culture
which allows VSS to expand its consumer base. Threats include a budget of only $200,000
allocated for promotion and VSS s low market share currently within the inland community.
2. Competitive Considerations
Strengths of the Village Surf Shoppe brand include its uniqueness compared to large inland retail
chains, and its current positioning not only as a business but as a casual hangout. Noted that its
weaknesses are the lack of variety in surfboard brands being sold, Perfection is the only one. The
fact that Waller Bear s, Surf City, and Eternal Wave are only local competitors at this point in time,
VSS opportunities have given no indication of plans to fight for inland market share. Threats
include the potential physical in convenience of traveling to VSS over more common national
retailers, the market share of large chains like Ron Jon, the more extensive budget of a large
competitor, and the variety of surfboards available at other stores.
3. Creative
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Gorgonia Research Paper
The class of Gorgonia falls under the Kingdom Animalia and Phylum Cnidaria. Life starts for a
Gorgonia when a larvae settles on hard surface in the ocean and begins to grow in a polyp.
Polyps grow on other polyps indefinitely, which in the end creates the various shapes of a
Gorgonia body. Gorgonias are asexual, so they reproduce by the means of fragmentation/cloning.
These creatures do not have a reputation for living long. They are short lived and typically do not
die of old age; they die from chemical imbalances, growing too big and detaching, and tumors.
Gorgonias are sessile, meaning they do not move from the one place that they are attached. These
creatures are notorious for their fan like shape. Because of the way it grows, the Gorgonia is
asymmetric, meaning they do not have identical body alignment on either side.... Show more
content on ...
Some Gorgonia can be found near tropic or subtropic shores; this helps them more easily feed
with the stronger currents and pull of the waves. Gorgonia have a symbiotic relationship with
certain algae to help with having a more ideal consumption rate of plankton, their main food
source. In this symbiotic relationship, the algae benefits from getting a stable home by attaching
to the Gorgonia rather than free floating in the ocean while the Gorgonia benefit from getting an
extra boost from the algae. The algae goes through photosynthesis so it gives energy and oxygen
to the Gorgonia. The algae also draws more plankton to the Gorgonia. Although the Gorgonia
looks like a plant, it is indeed an animal and digests and uses food just as any other animal. This
creature s way of defending its body from attacks is by chemical defense, which wards off any
unwanted creature causing it harm. Predators are typically
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The Minimum Age for Attaining a Driver’s License Should Be...
Turning sixteen years old is a milestone to many teenagers. In the majority of states, this is the age
when adolescents become eligible for attaining a driver s license. A growing number of people feel
that the only way to truly prevent tragedy is to increase the driving age. Most teenagers and parents
believe in this system, although many people feel that such action is necessary. A number of states
in the United States have already increased the minimum age. These states use graduated licensing
programs that put limitations on young drivers. The minimum age for attaining a driver s license
should be increased to 18 years old due to numerous factors; these include emotional intelligence,
disturbances while driving, and the underdevelopment of the brain.
Young drivers need to have the ability to manage and maintain their emotions in order to lower
the risk of fatal accidents. Emotions influence the way drivers think and act. When emotions
affect a driver s thoughts and actions, they can change the way they assess risk and decision
making (Johnson 292). A stable mental state is crucial to driving early in life. Maintaining an
attitude of I will always work to manage my emotions when driving is a big step (qtd. in Johnson
294). Personal emotions are very complicated and powerful forces, which correspond with a young
driver s behavior. Physical and mental affects of emotions interfere with bodily functions and many
behavioral abilities (Johnson 303). Strong emotions can
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J Edgar Hoover s Rise to Power
J. Edgar Hoover for nearly a half of a century was and is one the most powerful officials in the
Federal government. He was the head of the FBI from 1924 until his death in 1972; he was the
chief law enforcement officer. With intimate knowledge of politicians and how government
operations made him the man to be feared by elected officials, none of the many presidents
whom he served under dared fire him. Hoover was born on January 1, 1895, in Washington D.C.
He died in Washington, D.C., on May 2, 1972. Attended GW University and earned his degree in
1917. He became an assistant in 1919 to Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer in the Department
of Justice. Palmer is the one that instigated the post WWI red scare this was an anti communist
plaque that led to the deportation of many aliens. In charge of deportations was Hoover, he
became the director of the FBI in 1924; he had a powerful force of law enforcement officers. The
FBI s fame was enhanced by capturing so many gangsters, lawbreakers, and bank robbers. In my
paper I am going to chat about how Hoover rose to his power and why he is one of the most
corrupt government officials. He is extremely powerful; he is a famous enforcement officer that
the US has ever known. Hoover started out on the bottom, with prestige and power he rocketed to
the top, at the top of his reign he was the director of the FBI. Factors that helped him in his career
were that he had many connections, and the power that he had a strong knowledge
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Identity In Jean-Luc Nancy s Examined Life
Identity is an extremely tricky thing. Over the years, people have failed to define it properly. It is
both elusive and complicated. In Jean Luc Nancy s Identity, he struggles to explain that mysterious
puzzle that is an entity s identity.
Right at the start of Nancy s Identity, Nancy stresses that the state has no power over a nation s
identity. He declares, the state is only ever the instrument of the nation: It is not its role to define,
and even less to constitute, the identity of the nation (Nancy 1). Right away, this shows that identity
is a sort of hard to truly pin down. It is somewhat ethereal in nature. More importantly though, he
stresses that the national identity and the individual identity are not that different from ... Show
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Foucault means that understanding yourself is one of the most important things. If you don t
understand yourself, you won t understand your actions and reactions. If you don t have a thorough
understanding of yourself, that you can t have a firm grasp on what your identity is. Sure, you
might have some idea, but it will be shaky at
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1940-50 Essay
The Economy in the 1940 50 was booming due to the money spent on WWII. Billions were spent
in this war due to the amount of money borrowed from other countries. This went on until about the
early 1970s, the American Dream was going on during this era and it was in perfect timing.
The unemployment rate was wasn t all that bad the estimated rate in the decade was 4.7%. These
are some of the Revenue Acts of 1940 50s. Joint Filers was a law that gave permission to married
couples to half their income for tax purposes. Tax Increase was a permanent extended 1940
temporary individual, corporate, and extra tax increase. Harry S. Truman was the 33rd president of
the United States. He ran for president against Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944. He wont ... Show
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The Microwave was invented as well which was made by accident just like penicillin. The slinky
was also made in the 1940s.
During the 1940s music were created around Jazz and Band Styles that were popular. For example
Rosemary Clooney, Court Basie, and Artie Show contributed to define the music for this era. But
also during this era, World War II was going on. A lot of artist were portraying with the music the
pain the country was going through. The 1940 s was the breakthrough of artist that marked their
way in music history.
The 1950 s was a time of change from the Jazz and Band Styles but still trying to maintain some
of the past. Without knowing during this era it would embrack a journey that would change the
face of music forever. Around this time the civil right movement was happening, and the music
showed the racial tension of blacks and whites. Rhythm Blues known as R B and Rock n Roll
made black music very popular and successful. Yet other African Americans were denied to
enjoy their success because of segregation. Many people believe that whites took advantage of
the African Americans by stealing their music. A great example would be Pat Bonne which was
made to cover up Lil s Richard s song Tutti Frutti and Pat Boone s version topped higher in charts.
Overall Rhythm Blues and Rock n Roll created a bigger gap between blacks and
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Malic Acid Vs Inorganic Acid
An organic compound with acidic properties is called an organic acid. An inorganic acid or
mineral acid is an acid derived from one or more inorganic compounds. The reason that organic
acids are weaker than mineral acids is that organic acids do not separate completely in water,
whereas strong mineral acidsdo separate completely in water. Organic acids do not react with
metals. Harsh mineral acids on the other hand react forcefully with metals. Inorganic acids are
derived from inorganic compounds and mineral sources, while organic acids have a biological
origin. Mineral acids do not contain carbon and organic acids do contain carbon. Uric acidis an
example of mineral acids. Uric acid is soluble in water and is a hetero cyclic compound which is
composed of the elements: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. A real world example in
which uric acid is used is that uric and ascorbic acid in the human body provide over half of the
antioxidant capacity in the bloodstream which means it is very important in our lives. Oxalic
acid is another example of an inorganic acid. Oxalic acid is a colorless crystalline solid that
dissolves in water and gives a colorless solution. A real world application of oxalic acid is cleaning
and bleaching agent, and is very effective in removing rust.
Malic acid is a dicarboxylic acid that is made by all living organisms. It has a clean, mellow,
smooth, persistent sourness, so it can be used to enhance flavor and blending abilities. It
contributes to the sour taste of fruits and can also be used as a food additive. It is used for
alcoholic apple ciders to maintain a sharp taste. In wines, the malolactic fermentation improves
the flavor of the wine. It is also used in acne creams and moisturizers to remove dead skin cells
and remove acne. Citric acid has a sour taste and is greatly present in fruits such as oranges. It is
also a popular ingredient in most types of candy, especially in sour candies. It is a weak organic
acid and is used as a safe cleaning product. Formic acid is a colorless liquid with a highly pungent,
penetrating odor at room temperature. Interestingly, it can be found in the venom of ants. Lactic
acid is a well known acid. It is produced from pyruvate via the enzyme
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Whale Talk And Stand By Me Comparison
Comparison Essay
Success is a weird word. Sometimes you spend your whole life trying to find it and sometimes
you re just plain lucky enough to have it already. Success is never given, it s earned by the ones
who deserve it most. But what is it that helps strive people to the end? Does the end even matter?
In life, people are sent on journeys to not only finish, but to experience every little thing along the
path. In other words, life is about the journey and not the destination. In both Whale Talk and Stand
by Me, characters find meaning for their lives by enduring the hard times, pouring themselves into
relationships with other people and staying true to their own systems of belief.
In both Whale Talk and Stand by Me, young misfits find a group of people that make them feel
safe and at home. In Whale Talk, T.J Jones is an adopted boy, but his true familymembers are not
the ones who adopted him. T.J finds his family within the swim team he takes part in. Chris
Coughlin, Andy Mott, Jackie Craig, Dan Hole are many of T.J s newfound family members that
allow him to feel safe. In the book, family isn t about DNA, it s about who and what feels right.
They may not be brother s but they came out from under the same rock, which means if you re
messing with one of em, you re messing with the other. (Crutcher 199) Biological family never
meant a thing to any of the characters in the book. Friends mean family and no one can do them
wrong. In Stand by Me, Gordie Lachance was a
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A Brief Introduction on Judicial Review in the United...
A Brief Introduction on Judicial Review in the United States
Part I: A Brief Introduction on Judicial Review
Judicial review is the doctrine in democratic theory under which legislative and executive actions
are subject to review, and possible invalidation, by the judiciary. Specific courts with judicial review
power must annul the acts of the state when it finds them incompatible with a higher authority, such
as the terms of a written constitution. Judicial review is an example of the functioning of separation
of powers in a modern governmental system (where the judiciary is one of three branches of
government). This principle is interpreted differently in different jurisdictions, which also have
differing views on the different ... Show more content on ...
Raub(1825).Other debates and controversies followed. But Marbury v. Madison has been ratified
by time and practice and has become a cornerstone of the larger constitutional system
Marbury, of course, stands only for the proposition that judges can declare acts of Congress
invalid. In subsequent cases Marshall asserted that judges could also declare invalid executive
orders or actions (Little v. Barreme, 1804 ) and upheld the Judiciary Act of 1789, under which
Congress gave the Supreme Cour power to review and reserve decisions upholding the
constitutionality of state statutes (Martin v. Hunter s Lessee, 1816;Cohens v. Virginia, 1821). Taken
collectively, these cases provide federal judges with impressive tools for monitoring governmental
actions, tools that they have not always been hesitant to use. Through the end of the 1990s, the
Supreme Court has invalidated nearly 140 federal statutes and some 1,200 local laws . State courts
too, with their own power to strike down acts passed within their jurisdiction, are active monitors of
their governments. One scholar estimates that state justices invalidate nearly 25 percent of all laws
challenged in their court rooms.
Through judicial review, state courts determine whether or not state executive acts or state statutes
are valid. They base such rulings on the principle that a state law that violates the U.S. constitution
is invalid. They also decide the constitutionality of state laws under
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The Importance Of Reflection In Nursing
As higher standards expected are from the public and higher patient safety demands are
expected from health boards, therefore, there is a need for a way of measuring standards of
practice which can be achieved through active thinking in a clinical environment brought about
by critical reflection (Rolfe, Jasper Freshwater 2011). Reflection has become such a key
component in the role of a nurse that the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) have seen it fit
to include it in their professional code of conduct the Code: Professional Standards of Practice
and Behaviour for Nurses and Midwives, hereafter referred to as the Code (Nursing Midwifery
Council [NMC], 2015). With reflection being a vital skill for nurses to continue their
professional development (Parrish Crookes, 2013), an analysis of what it means to reflect
within nursing is needed by all who intend to enter the profession to ensure its effective use is
applied. This essay will look at what reflection in nursing looks like, why we use reflection as a
tool, what are the outcomes of reflecting, how we reflect effectively and what skills are needed.
Then, using an experience within practice, a reflective model will be used to analyse a critical
incident relating to consent. In accordance with the confidentiality measure within The code
(NMC, 2015) and to abide by the Data Protection Act 1998, no information will be provided
which could allude to the identity of anyone within the critical incident, thus pseudonyms will
be used where appropriate. According to Howston Jones (2013) reflection is not something that
is out of the ordinary for everyone to do in their everyday lives. Reflection is the act of looking
back on a situation, event or incident critically and making sense of it to learn from it and alter
our actions to gain better outcomes should the same incident arise again (Capelhow, Crouch,
Fisher Walsh, 2013). As new experiences happen to everyone, everyday; it would be right to
consider reflection as an ongoing process within everyone s life, a process that is repeated, honed
and a skill to be developed (McKenna, 1998). Reflection is a tool that is used within many
disciplines including teaching and within the legal profession
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Political Systems Thematic Essay
History and culture of many nations and societies have been affected by political systems. In the
1600s 1700s two political systems, absolute monarchy of France and the constitutional monarchy of
England, have affected Europe. Absolute monarchy is when a ruler rules with absolute, or total,
power. A constitutional monarchyis when laws limit the power of the monarch so they cannot rule
absolutely. These two political systems affected not only their own country, but the whole of
Europe as well. Mainly under the influences of the two leaders Louis XIV, Charles II, James II,
Prince William, and Queen Mary.
One of the most known rulers that ruled with absolute power in France was Louis XIV. Louis
ruled for many years and was considered ... Show more content on ...
Jean Baptiste Colbert, the minister of finance, helped Louis the most in achieving these goals.
He expanded manufacturing, placed high tariffs on imported goods, encouraged people to
move to colonies, and supported mercantilism. After Colbert s death, Louis created a policy
which slowed down France s economic progress. He also cancelled the Edict of Nantes, which
protected the religious freedom of Huguenots. When Louis got rid of the Edict of Nantes, it
caused many Huguenot artisans and business people to flee the country, leaving France without
many skilled workers.Another thing that Louis did was build the palace of Versailles, a huge
palace that stretched for 500 yards. Louis also forced his country to fight several wars,
considering France had an army other countries could not even match. The other countries were
eventually able to join forces and match France s strength, in which Louis began to impose more
taxes to pay for army finances. When Louis eventually died, he left behind a legacy yet he also
left behind many debts and a ruined France. Although France was now a power to be reckoned
with, the debts and bad harvests had an affect on the people and they had resentment because of the
royal abuse they took.
One could define a constitutional (limited) monarchy as a rule when the King or Queen s power
was limited by law, document, and legislature. One could also characterize a limited monarchy as
when the King or Queen have
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The Debt And Interest Of Student Loans
The amount of student loans that one accumulates throughout post secondary education can
become a heavy burden. In addition, the study conducted by Scheresberg, Lusardi, and Yakoboski
(2014) show that a surprising amount of students are not aware of the financial burden that they
have acquired until they are deep in debtand interest. They summarize that:
Overall, there is a notable mismatch among college educated Millennials between their perceived
and demonstrated levels of financial literacy, with the form exceeding the latter. They also have less
financial knowledge than might be expected given their educational attainment. On the other hand,
given that only 29 percent have received financial education through school or work, perhaps low
financial literacy is to be expected. This indicates a need for increased financial education, as
improved financial literacy would mean more informed financial decision making. (p. 18)
Most often, students sign up for loans without fully understanding the interest rates that come with
them. At the end of their post secondary education, students come to fully understand what
financial burden they have to pay off and they find themselves stuck with high interest rates.
The summation made by Scheresberg, Lusardi, and Yakoboski (2014) of Generation Y is that
many college educated Millennials have low financial literacy levels; many are not aware of their
low financial literacy; many have not received any formal financial
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Rose Of Sharon
The Grapes of Wrath was an amazing book. For myself, the book was simple to understand and
relate as many of the dilemmas that the Joad family had gone before, many people still experience
today. Similar to Rose of Sharon, numberless women have problems carrying and giving birth to
their children today. Although we don t have as many migrant workers as in the Joads time, we are
still rather nasty to each other. In this day of age, many people leave their significant other when
they find out that they are pregnant, like Connie left Rose of Sharon. Countless women have a
difficult time throughout pregnancy, a few even lose their child to a miscarriage or a stillborn, such
as Rose of Sharon did. Sadly, my great grandmother had a few miscarriages, as so have several
other women. After talking to my grandmother, I have come to the conclusion that although they
didn t have the chance to watch their child experience life, they still love their child the same.
Sadly, people still treat each other rather nastily and are quite rude to each other; even if we aren t
migrant workers like the Joads. People still call each other nasty names and do rather rude actions.
They might think that they are being civil but in reality, they are being downright rude and nasty.
When I read that... Show more content on ...
Single parents are more common than a couple who has children together; my co worker is a
single parent with two kids and she s twenty one. It s not just men, leaving the women, like in my
co worker s and Connie and Rose of Sharon s cases. Additionally, women also leave men. In the
past, there were a couple that were expecting and the mother would have rather not have the child,
but the father urged the mother that they have the child. After she had the child, she gave her
daughter to her ex boyfriend and left both the child and the
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Biological Causes Of Depression
Everyone will have a sad moment in their life, whether it is a death, a friend betraying he or she,
or not getting accepted to the college of his or her choice. Depression can be described with
many different words, but it will come down to sadness. People who live with depression will
see lack of joy, energy, and happiness. They will not enjoy life, or living. They see it as pointless
and useless. Many people will have a depressing moment at some point in their lifetime. The people
who develop depressiondo not have to be poor or unsuccessful. They can be making millions a
year and still be depressed, showing that money and success does not guarantee happiness. To be
able to fully understand what depression is, one will need to know the... Show more content on ...
People who suffer from depression may experience learned helplessness, which is a behavioral
view. This can be when someone has so much stress that they cannot handle, they stop trying to
handle it. When they can no longer handle their stress, they become helpless, which will lead to
hopelessness. The cognitive theory is more about the thought process and what one may believe
when he or she is suffering from depression. People who are depressed may think that they are
worthless if they fail a test, or if they do not make all As for a semester. People who constantly
think about negative experiences may develop depression, but also other disorders. Another sign
of depression is when someone is always trying to figure out what caused something else to
happen. One may say it is their fault the assignment was turned in late and because of that he or
she will now fail the class. He or she looks at something happening because of something
negative. When someone looks at life in a negative way he or she has a pessimistic view on life;
however, having an optimistic view is the opposite. People with the optimistic view may say the
professor will give out more than just that assignment and they can make it up.
The last factor of depression is sociocultural factors. The main sociocultural factor that can increase
the chances of depression is wealth. People who have more money are less likely to
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Creating A Good Product Strategy And Investing On...
Competing in a DataConomy world
For most companies, competing is not a matter of just creating a good product strategy and
investing on delivering high quality and consistent output: to successfully satisfy customers
(internal or external), gain market share, increase profitability and grow the stakeholders value,
companies need to unleash the power of each data point that is collected or affects the Supply
Chain, the Market and the Resource Providers among other environmental players. Most companies
understand the value of information and constantly call out the saying Knowledge is power ;
however, efforts normally stop on getting few transactional reports and a handful of scorecards
without truly creating an organizational culture ... Show more content on ...
The success of Microsoft strategy has allowed the company to constantly increase its market share,
shareholders value and, ultimately, its growth in this competitive environment. However, Microsoft
is not alone; similar giants such Google and Amazon constantly delivers new products in the BI
space. This market dynamic has created in the last years a culture of BI that is only possible by the
advances in technology, analytics frameworks and fierce competition.
There is no doubt on the existing capabilities to consume data, transform it into insights and
distribute it among the relevant business processes within the organization. Microsoft, Google and
Amazon had created powerful tools to help organizations and teams to achieve what Davenport and
Harris (2007) called Analytical Competitors, the highest level of the Five Stages of Analytical
Subsequently, the topic to elaborate in this white paper is not about the existence of Business
Intelligence capabilities or the access of Microsoft to them, but the usage of such capabilities within
the numerous teams and business processes within Microsoft.
Usage of Analytics as a competitive strength for Microsoft
Thanks to its line of businesses, Microsoft has a privileged position to compete on analytics: the
company creates the products adopted by many other organizations to compete on analytics, to have
access to vast amounts of data, to understand how to store,
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Essay On Arms Profession
The purpose of this paper is to express a set of views on the ethical obligations of members of the
American profession of arms in order to stimulate thoughtful discussion and broader debate about
the proper limits of acceptable and effective professional conduct. These views are focused for
most part on the obligations of commissioned officers, but they apply in many ways to the public
and private conduct of senior non commissioned officers, and indeed, all military members. They
depend to a large degree on a particular understanding of the governing compact of this country and
the behavior American citizens expect of their uniformed servants. The overall objective of the
Army Profession of Arms ... Show more content on ...
Professionals generally begin their professional lives by completing a higher education program in
their chosen fields (law, medicine, engineering, and so on). Professional military education
(PME) provides the Army s corollary to civilian education programs and complements the
training of military officers who have a corresponding civilian profession. PME provides
progressive levels of military education that prepare military officers for leadership. It includes
various basic level courses for new and junior officers, command and staff colleges for mid level
officers, and war colleges for senior officers. Similar levels of PME are in place for warrant
officers, noncommissioned officers, and Department of the Army civilians. Although critics would
argue that the Army does not have a system to certify its personnel as professionals, I contend that
we have, and have had, systems in place to confirm proficiency. Infantrymen and medics are
certified as professionals when they obtain the Expert Infantryman Badge and the Expert Field
Medical Badge. A generation ago, the Army used a tool called the Skill Qualification Test (SQT)
that every Soldier had to take and pass, along with required appropriate levels of PME for officers
and noncommissioned officers. All Soldiers, regardless of rank, also had to both pass the Army
Physical Fitness Test and qualify with their basic weapon in
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War Story Essay
Garrett, Hoefer
English 1213
Dr. Jennifer Edwards
December 8th, 2016
War Stories
Tim O Brien got his inspiration from multiple instances of his time served in Vietnam. O Brien
was against the war like most of the people in the United States were at the time. He was a
college student looking forward to a different future. Like many others, he received a draft
noticed on June 17th, 1968. He felt he was too good to go to war and tried to get out of being
drafted with no luck. This angered him greatly. He was drafted into the U.S. Army where he
served in the 3rd Platoon, A CO. 5th Battalion, 46th Infantry, as a foot soldier. His tour of duty
was from 1969 to 1970. The unit he was in deployed in with went to a part of Vietnam that they
called Pinkville . His time in Vietnam gave him, along with others, many stories to tell.
The Vietnam War was the longest conflict America has been involved in. The main reason for U.S.
involvement in Vietnam was to help stop the spread of communism. The theory at the time was the
Domino Effect which predicted that if Vietnam fell to communist control that all of Asia would....
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O Brian explains how to tell the difference in the two. A real story has no moral to it; it doesn t
have a feel good ending. It will have a large amount of gore in it along with the use of
obscenities. He says It comes down to gut instinct. A true war story, if truly told makes the
stomach believe (O Brien 72) in the chapter titled How to Tell a True War Story he explains how
we add things to something that happened to help add clarity to the story or to make it better.
Like when Sanders a member of his platoon tells him a story, he wants him to believe not by facts
but by feeling. So Sanders admits to adding details to the story that were not true but made it a
better story because the actual facts were too hard to
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Prejudice In Ron Hall s Same Kind Of Different As Me
All people experience prejudice feelings in their lives no matter who they are, where they live,
or what they have been through. Some people are the source of the prejudice feelings. Others, in
contrast, are the ones who experience the prejudice feelings being thrust upon them for one
reason or another. In Ron Hall s, Same Kind of Different as Me, prejudice is clearly portrayed
throughout the novel in great capacity. As the novel unravels, the prejudice notion is overcome
through different aspects and experiences from the characters. The first apparent trace of
prejudice that is quite evident to the reader is the prejudice that Denver Moore experiences from
Ron Hall. In this situation, Ron Hall produces the prejudice feelings towards Denver Moore
because of different qualities about Denver s life. First and foremost, Ron feels superior to
Denver in many ways because of class. Since Denver is a homeless man, and Ron a successful
businessman, Ron feels as if he does not owe anything to Denver especially his time. Debbie Hall,
Ron s wife, successfully persuades Ron to help out at the homeless shelter after a long period of
prodding and encouragement. Without Debbie, Ron may never have overcome his prejudice... Show
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This is portrayed when Denver revealed his true feelings that he was clearly presenting towards
Ron. He also felt these prejudice feelings towards Ron because of Ron s race and class. Since Ron
was a successful, white, businessman, Denver felt that he was untrustworthy and insincere in his
charity work. He felt that he was only helping out at the homeless shelter to make himself feel
better about his success and show is superiority to everyone else. Through dedication and
persistence, Ron finally changed Denver s opinion about him and made him realize that he was,
indeed, a dependable and heartfelt man after he changed through his charity work and
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Maya Angelou Caged Bird Essay
A poem titled Caged Bird by Maya Angelou was written in 1969. In her poem, called Caged Bird,
there are numerous types of literary devices she uses to convey her message, but the top four are
metaphors, symbols, diction, and connotation. She uses them to represent the struggle for freedom.
Through metaphors and diction, Maya Angelou is able to capture the want for freedom. The caged
bird s tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings for freedom (Angelou lines 19 21).
The caged bird is asking for freedom through singing, as a way to disguise it from the entity that is
restricting his freedom. The free bird hears the singing. The caged bird stands on the grave of
dreams (Angelou line 26). The free bird gets to roam the world, doing as he pleases, but the caged
bird is trapped from being able to roam the world. Maya Angelou s choice of words for grave of
dreams emphasizes that the caged bird s dreams are now dead, as he now stands on the now dying
dreams of freedom as he has been locked away for so long. The caged bird longs for the ... Show
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The caged bird s wings are clipped and his feet are tied (Angelou lines 12 13). While the free bird
s wings and feet are loose and free, the caged bird s wings are disabled and his feet are bound by
his captivator. The caged bird s struggle to free himself from his shackles is shown through
symbols. The caged bird also sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still
(Angelou lines 30 33). The caged bird fears for what freedom could be, but he still strives for it.
It symbolizes the struggle for freedom because he still longs for freedom even though he is not
sure what it could be. The caged bird s struggle for freedom reveal themselves through symbols, as
his bound feet and disabled wings symbolize the harnesses put against him, and the longing for
freedom, even though unknown, symbolize how badly he wants
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Individualism In Emerson s Self Reliance By Ralph Waldo...
In Ralph Waldo Emerson s article titled Self Reliance which is full of aphorisms, he identifies
individualism as the first and foremost trait an ideal person ought to have. Individualism is the
embodiment of one s inalienable right to think for yourself rather than accepting other people s
opinion or idea. Emerson prefers individual experience over knowledge acquired from books. To
believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius (Emerson 3).
Another trait according to Emerson is trust yourself or thyself, and not be dependent on others
wisdoms for doing so is an unmanly, without vision or optimism. A person who trusts himself
displays imagination and is childlike (i.e. naГЇve). Great men have always done so, and confided
themselves childlike classical myth to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the
absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all
their being (Emerson 3). Furthermore, Emerson considered maturing as a form of trait. Maturing,
gives one the ability to resist the pressure to conform to societies norms which includes rejecting
self reliance or individualism. The nonconformist would repudiate many of society s moral beliefs.
For instance, Emerson claimed that an abolitionist ought to be more concerned with his own
family and community than about black folk far away and he condemns charity donors to the
poor. Emerson said, Whoso would be a man, must be a non conformist (5). Emerson was so
passionate about the trait of nonconformity or maturing that he took an extreme position. No law
can be sacred to me but that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to
that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution, the only wrong what is against it
(Emerson 5). Other forms of traits include self worth and virtue. The necessary ingredients for Self
Reliance are integrity, be misunderstood, consistency, intuition and spontaneity, and be truthfulness.
To be self reliance, individuals according to Emerson must trust thyself. Self Reliance is important
for society in several ways: it teaches the essence of hard work and
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Debt Ratio Analysis Of Walt Disney Company
The table below shows the analysis of the debt ratio. The Debt ratio helps in analyzing the
organization s ability to pay off its long term debts through its total assets. The debt ratio of the
Walt Disney Company remains below 50% in 2013,2014 and 2015. This shows that Walt Disney
company is conservative in nature and taking less, risk which may reduce the profitability for
the company due to lack of trade equity. However, a lower debt ratio reduces the risk of
bankruptcy. Debt to equity ratio is 0.81, 0.75, 0.69 for the year 2015, 2014 2013 respectively.
Debt to equity ratio shows the gradual increase year by year, this increase means that the increasing
the debt to equity level could benefit the company by reducing the cost of capital.
Financial Ratios
Debt Ratios
Debt Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Total Assets
Debt Ratio =
Debt Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Equity
Total Liabilities
Total Equity
Debt Equity Ratio =
Profitability ratios are used to assess a business s ability to generate earnings compared to its
expenses and other relevant costs incurred during a specific period of time. Profitability ratios
compare a company s income statement accounts and categories that show a company s ability to
generate profits from its operations.
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Examples Of Explosionade In To Kill A Mockingbird
While the rest of his friends are busy storming a Horronym fortress in a final assault, first
lieutenant Terry Atticus finds himself all alone back at the base. Apparently his superior didn t take
too kindly to some pipes in the officer s latrine that were accidently reversed by Atticus and thus the
hapless lieutenant is missing out on the biggest battle of all time. However, while rooting around in
the supply room Atticus discovers a prototype mech which he promptly takes into the sewers for
some target practice. Instead of finding the snakebats he was expecting, Atticus discovers a whole
bunch of aliens and takes it upon himself to take them all out.
Explosionade is another one of Mommy s Best Games that was originally released on Xbox 360 ...
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Killing everything that moves and collecting all the gold is not only more satisfying, but also
results in a better score. For some extra motivation this Steam version of the game also comes
with new leaderboards. In addition to being able to jump and hover for a short period of time your
mech also comes with a handy multi purpose shield. The shield makes you impervious to enemy
fire and you can even bounce enemy grenades off it with good timing. In addition, you can
activate your shield just before hitting the floor or a wall after jumping to perform a nifty shield
bounce in order to reach greater heights. However, the shield overheats very quickly and must
recharge between uses.
Although Explosionade is an action packed title it comes with multiple difficulty settings to
ensure players of all skill levels have a fair shot at completing it. Just like the arcade games of old it
is possible to finish all the levels in a very short period of time, but the real challenge comes
from upping the difficulty and increasing the gameplay speed while aiming for a high score.
Players who enjoy beating their own scores or competing with others on the leaderboards will find
that Explosionade has a lot of replay value. The game also features a co op mode, which is a lot of
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Ancient Greek And Greek History
In ancient Greek, hundreds of city state called polis was developed throughout the area. Polis
means an independent community of citizens inhabiting a city and the countryside around it (Hunt,
51). Being in mountainous and island region, many were isolated from each other, and often hostile
to each other. They maintained constant conflicts between polis throughout ancient Greek history.
They never became a nation. Among many polis, Athens and Spartaare the most famous ancient
Greek polis known to modern history. They were unique in terms of political systems as well as its
culture. Even though they had same cultural background such as same language or same religions,
their political systems were very different. There were three types of political systems adapted by
ancient Greek. Athens had democracywhile Sparta had Oligarchy. Corinth had Tyranny. The
comparison between Sparta and Athens in terms of political system as well as cultural
background will be discussed in this research paper. In ancient Greek, polis has two different
meaning. First, polis means literally a city, an urban settlement, and a social boundary. Second,
polis also has meaning of a state, and a political organization. The polis in ancient Greek has both
meaning, as a city as well as a state and political entity. Each polis has chosen different political
system. Sometimes, they changed their political system after bad tyrant dies or weak oligarchy not
functioning right, but most
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Analysis Of The Shawshank Redemption By Frank Darabont
Alec Heitz
Katherine Wagner
HUM 224 02
Evaluative Essay
October 13th, 2015
Evaluative Analysis: The Shawshank Redemption When it comes to movies, I am not exactly
what you could consider well versed. Had it not been for several close friends of mine, I would
have never even seen blockbuster hits such as Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, or Back to the
Future. The reason for this is not because I dislike watching movies, but rather due to the restrictive
nature of my parents. Thus, I have not had the privilege to enjoy The Shawshank Redemption,
Frank Darabont s 1994 adaptation of the Stephen King novel, until recently. Due to countless
positive reviews and the recommendations of friends, I anticipated that it would be a must see for
those mature enough to appreciate its commentary on the human condition. After viewing the flick,
I can certainly verify The Shawshank Redemption deserves its must see status, as it contains such
relatable themes and excellent cinematic techniques. Various themes are presented in the film;
however, the most prevalent of these themes are the severity of isolation and the redeeming
qualities of hope. The Shawshank Redemption follows the story of Andy Dufresne, a man wrongly
convicted of the murder of his wife and her lover, and his time spent at the Shawshank prison, as
well as Andy s eventual escape. Early on, it becomes extremely evident that those imprisoned at
Shawshank must deal with unbearable isolation on multiple levels. Shawshank
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Critical Analysis Of The Heart Of Emily
The story is divided into five sections. In section I, the narrator recalls the time of Emily Grierson
s death and how the entire town attended her funeral in her home, which no stranger had entered
for more than ten years. In a once elegant, upscale neighborhood, Emily s house is the last vestige
of the grandeur of a lost era. Colonel Sartoris, the town s previous mayor, had suspended Emily s
tax responsibilities to the town after her father s death, justifying the action by claiming that Mr.
Grierson had once lent the community a significant sum. As new town leaders take over, they
make unsuccessful attempts to get Emily to resume payments. When members of the Board of
Aldermen pay her a visit, in the dusty and antiquated parlor, Emily reasserts the fact that she is not
required to pay taxes in Jefferson and that the officials should talk to Colonel Sartoris about the
matter. However, at that point he has been dead for almost a decade. She asks her servant, Tobe, to
show the men out.
In section II, the narrator describes a time thirty years earlier when Emily resists another official
inquiry on behalf of the town leaders, when the townspeople detect a powerful odor emanating from
her property. Her father has just died, and Emily has been abandoned by the man whom the
townsfolk believed Emily was to marry. As complaints mount, Judge Stevens, the mayor at the time,
decides to have lime sprinkled along the foundation of the Grierson home in the middle of the night.
Within a couple of weeks, the odor subsides, but the townspeople begin to pity the increasingly
reclusive Emily, remembering how her great aunt had succumbed to insanity. The townspeople
have always believed that the Griersons thought too highly of themselves, with Emily s father
driving off the many suitors deemed not good enough to marry his daughter. With no offer of
marriage in sight, Emily is still single by the time she turns thirty.
The day after Mr. Grierson s death, the women of the town call on Emily to offer their
condolences. Meeting them at the door, Emily states that her father is not dead, a charade that she
keeps up for three days. She finally turns her father s body over for burial.
In section III, the narrator describes a long
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Examples Of Anti Miscegenation Laws
Assignment: Statutes
Dr. Jessie Lee
PAD 525 Constitutional and Admin Law
Keisha S Fox
July 27, 2017
In this application, I will research and analyze Anti Miscegenation Statutes within the United States
and evaluate two cases that are associated with them. Miscegenation is the method of mixing
varionus races, whether they are mixed by marriage, procreation, or even sexual intercourse.
(Martin) Anti Miscegenation laws embraced racial segregation because it was a crime for different
races of people to get married. These laws were initiated in the late 17th century and continued
until 1967. All of the anti miscegenation laws in the United States barred marriages that consisted
of individuals who were white and those who were considered non white. So a white male and
black woman could not have been married or even in a relationship without it being a crime back
then. Some examples of miscegenation laws was when Oklahoma in 1908 had a law on books
that barred marriages between Africans and non Africans, 1920, Louisiana barred marriages
between blacks and Native Americans, and in 1935, Maryland prohibited the marriages between
Filipinos and blacks. (Pascoe, 2009) Two cases that are relevant to miscegenation are Loving v.
Virginia and Perez v. Sharp.
Loving v. Virginia
Facts of the case: this was a landmark civil rights case that overturned laws that prohibited
interracial marriage. The case involved a black woman named Mildred Loving and a white man
Richard Loving, who was sentenced to prison in the state of Virginia for getting married. It was a
crime because the marriage of the two was a violation of the state s anti miscegenation law, which
was called the Racial Integrity Act of 1924. The couple got married in Washington, DC and upon
their return they were indicted for unlawful cohabitation and placed in jail. Mildred Loving wrote a
letter to the Attorney General; who was Robert F. Kennedy for assistance and in return she was
referred to the ACLU who represented the couple in the case. The Supreme Court governed that
Virginia s bans on interracial marriages were considered unconstitutional. The court found that the
anti miscegenation laws did not infringe on the Equal Protection Clause
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Pausanias Idea Of Love In Plato s Symposium
Eros, the God of Love, was held in high respect throughout all of ancient Greece due to Love s
contributions to the culture and relationships amongst individuals. However, in Plato Symposium,
each guest has their own unique perspective on the role Eros plays. Among those gathered at the
Symposium, speeches are offered with anything from exalting words of praise to honest words of
criticisms. Pausanias and Agathon, guests at the symposium, are romantic partners, each with their
own views on Love. Pausanias idea of Love is based off the idea that there are two different types
of Love, and he emphasizes the importance of intent and virtue. While Agathon, the more passive
of the two, expresses his praise for Erosas an entity and His divinity... Show more content on ...
Pausanias says People are right to condemn the hasty and immoral demands which the vulgar
lover makes upon his prey, (Plato, 181e 182a). His belief that lust for physical pleasure is
beyond the bounds of being morally justified and therefore believes that consequences should be
welcomed. Pausanias places value on the idea of intellectual growth between Lovers and
therefore opposes his formed concept of Common Love. In addition to criticizing the
undiscriminating nature of Common Love, Pausanias criticizes Heavenly Love s tendency to
instill in individuals the attraction to young boys. However, Pausanias does justify this
variation of Love by explaining that a prospering relationship can come from Heavenly Love
due to the naive nature of young boys being allowed to be nurtured mentally by somebody more
mature with virtue and merit. But in direct opposition, Pausanias also expresses how he
vehemently opposes those individuals who take advantage of the young and unwise boys and
women for a solely sexual relationship. Through these criticisms, he is proposing that Love isn t
always honorable. Pausanias states that Love, in and of itself, is neither honorable nor
disgraceful, since its character and quality must be determined by the way in which it is carried
out (Plato, 183d). He is expressing that Love alone can not be characterized as being entirely good
or entirely bad but the intent and way love is conveyed must also be taken into consideration when
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Shiva s Iconography
As the most complex deity within the Hindu pantheon, Shiva is an extraordinarily important god.
Although equal to Vishnu and Brahman, Shiva is engulfed in an eternal paradox as a result of his
diverse characteristics. Furthermore, Shiva represents a variety of spiritual and domestic aspects of
Hindu culture. Importantly, Shivaembodies the energy of the universe as both creator and destroyer;
he is the ultimate construction of non duality. Further, Shiva s power and significance demonstrates
philosophical teachings as to the way in which certain aspects of Hindu life are constructed. To
illustrate, the iconography of Shiva incorporates identifying characteristics that are necessary to
understanding his relevance as a god, Shiva establishes... Show more content on ...
However, it may appear as a paradox for one deity to be god of both creation and destruction. The
key to understanding this complex aspect of Shiva s power relies on the Hindu concept of the
impossibility of annihilation. The concept of the impossibility of annihilation suggests that
when there is an absence of non being and annihilation, all that is left is the transformation of
states. This transformative energy is regarded as ceaseless and infinite (Smith, 2). Death or
destruction can be viewed as a result of a transformational process after life, whereby life is the
product of creation. To explain, death is a rearrangement of indestructible atoms, and a gateway
from one court of life to another. To destroy therefore, is to practically to recreate, and Death
stands at the gates of life (Martin, 167). In this sense, all that lives within the realms of time are
regarded as being in a state of constant transition and change from life to death thus, the natural
circle of life. When something is destroyed, it is recreated with a new or different form. It is
suggested that in efforts of purification, at the end of each era, Shiva destroys the universe by fire
(Doniger, 83). The universe must be destroyed in order for it to be purified and renewed.
Consequently, after the universe is destroyed, new life will is created. Therefore, it is reasonable
that Shiva be regarded as the
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Johnson Johnson Financial Analysis
Johnson Johnson is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Their products and services
are familiar to just about everyone. The company s operations are split into three divisions,
including: the Consumer, Pharmaceuticals, and Medical Devices and Diagnostics. Their Consumer
division offers baby care, wound care, oral care, and skin care products, along with over the counter
medications. Brands include, Aveeno, Band Aid, Listerine, and Tylenol. The Pharmaceuticals
segment produces prescription drugs for purposes, such as treating infections, gastrointestinal
problems, dermatological issues, and contraception. Their Medical Devices and Diagnostics
division produces everything from blood glucose monitoring and insulin products to... Show more
content on ...
Some of important components to be familiar with when deciding on investing in a company is its
competitive advantages, valuation, dividend payouts and sustainability, and earnings consistency.
Financial statements of Johnson Johnson prove that their overall financial condition is good and is
worthy of investing. For example, Johnson Johnson has a market value of $211 billion and has
over $67 billion in sales over the last 12 months. As of Dec. 31, 2012, Johnson Johnson had
$21.1 billion in cash and short term investments, which can be easily converted into cash. Over
the last 12 months, they paid out $6.61 billion in dividends, which works well with a free cash
flow of $12.5 billion (Harry, 2015). Additionally, Johnson Johnson has noticeably improved its
profits over the last four years with a reported annual revenue of $74,331 million ending 2014.
The current ratio of Johnson Johnson is 1.90, which means the company can meet financial
commitments short term in the event of a disruption of its operations due to natural disaster etc.
After reviewing the most recent balance sheet, it can be determined that the financial condition
of Johnson Johnson is a very good one and has prospects of growth over time. They have made
several advantages towards growth in the coming years. For example, in 2014 it had 20 new
extensions approved and filed an additional 20. Also it started 23 Phase 3 trials and initiated eleven
Phase 2 trials and currently is poised to yield ten potential new product filings between 2013 and
2017. With these developments, the company will be able to launch outstanding products in its
pharmaceutical business in the days ahead (GuruFocus,
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Plaintiff Case Study
Plaintiffs allegation that they suffered a constructive eviction is also legally deficient. Although
a tenant is justified in abandoning the premises if a landlord s breach renders the premises
uninhabitable, a tenant waives the landlord s breach if she does not vacate the premises within a
reasonable time. Shaker Associates v. Medical Technologies Group, Ltd., 315 Ill. App. 3d 126,
135 (1st Dist. 2000). Various factors are considered when determining whether the length of time
before vacation is reasonable, such as promises by the landlord to repair and time required to find
a new location. Id. While the question of what constitutes a reasonable time for vacation is usually
a question of fact, it may become a question of law. Chicago... Show more content on ...
Despite these opportunities, Plaintiffs still have not filed a complaint that complies with section 2
603 of the Code, and therefore, this Court should strike their complaint with prejudice. Further,
Plaintiffs have not alleged sufficient facts to sustain an anticipatory repudiation of a contract claim,
and have waived any claim based on a constructive eviction. Finally, Plaintiffs cannot maintain their
breach of contract causes of action because, by their own admission, they failed to perform their
contractual obligations. Therefore, Counts V, VI and VII should be dismissed with prejudice.
WHEREFORE, pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2 603(a) and (b), Defendants respectfully request that the
Court grant their motion and dismiss Plaintiffs Third Amended Complaint for failing to plead a
plain and concise statement. In the alternative, pursuant to sections735 ILCS 5/2 619.1, 2 615, and
2 619(a)(9), Defendants respectfully request that the Court grant their motion and dismiss Counts
II, V, VI, and VII of Plaintiffs Third Amended Complaint and request such further relief as the Court
deems just and
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Noki The Rise And Fall Of A Mobile Giant
Nokia: The rise and fall of a mobile giant
This case study examines and discusses key issues in recent events of Nokia mobile phones. It
reflects on how successful Nokia s past, present and future advertising and social media campaigns
are within re branding Nokia s image among competitors, it will also discuss on strategic options for
the future of the repositioning campaign.
Has Nokia s attempt to re rand there company image been successful?
Was Nokia s Advertisement enough to attract customers?
Has Nokia s recent advertisement help repositioned from an outdated brand?
Has Nokia s recent attempt of repositioning itself among competitors been sucsessful?
History of Nokia
The Nokia name has been around ever since the 1865 starting out as a small paper mill in
Finland, yet didn t become involved in telecommunications until the 1960 s (Nokia 2014) Nokia
bought a company called Salora Oy a Finnish electronics company in 1984 and changed the
company s telecommunications branch name to Nokia Mobira Oy (Wikipedia 2014). Nokia
launched the Mobira Talk man in 1984, it was one of the world s first transportable phones.
Then In 1987, Nokia introduced one of the world s first handheld phones also, called the Mobira
Cityman 900. Since then the Nokia Mobile Phone Company took off, By 1998, Nokia was the
world leader in mobile phones, a position it enjoyed for more than a decade. (Nokia 2014) Nokia
also established themselves as the world
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Ever Baked Holiday Cookies
Have you ever baked holiday cookies? Well, I have. I am going to tell you how to do it. Before
you begin, you need to gather your supplies. You will need the following: measuring cups,
measuring spoons, holiday themed cookie cutters, parchment paper, 1 rolling pin, 4 baking sheets,
2ВЅ cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1ВЅ teaspoons vanilla extract, 1ВЅ sticks butter, and ВЅ
teaspoon salt. When you have all of your supplies, you are ready to begin.
In a small bowl, mix together the flour and salt, then set it aside. Then, in a large bowl, beat the
butter on high speed with an electric mixer for two minutes. Next, change the speed to medium
and slowly add the sugar and beat for two more minutes. Stop mixing every 30 seconds and
scrape down the sides of the bowl. Then, mix the egg and the vanilla on low speed for one
minute. Stop halfway through to scrape down the sides of the bowl and continue mixing. Then,
stop the mixer again and add half of the flour mixture. Beat on low speed until most of the flour
has been absorbed. Finally, add the rest of the flour mixture and continue to mix everything until
the dough starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl for about 1 2 minutes.
Take the dough out of the bowl and put it on a floured counter top, then split the dough into two
equal balls. Shape each ball into a ... Show more content on ...
cut out the dough and carefully put the shapes on the baking sheets. If you need more baking
sheets, get enough to put all the cookies on. Collect the scraps and roll them out to make cookies
out of that. repeat the process until no scraps are left. After you do that, put your cookies in the
refrigerator for 20 30 minutes. Then, put the cookies in the oven and bake them for 12 15 minutes,
or until golden brown. When your cookies are done baking, transport them to a cooling rack and let
them cool completely. Decorate as much as you want and then you re
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The Anheuser-Busch History
Anheuser Busch has a rich history that dates back 600 years. Adolphus Busch a brewer
married into the Anheuser family and some years later Anheuser Busch a once
subsidiary company became the parent company. The years to follow that union and
rise to power would involve hostile take overs, mergers, and aqcuisitions of competing
breweries. Today the parent company is ABInBev SA/NV and is a multinational
beverage and brewing company with global headquarters in Leuven, Belgium. AB InBev
has a market reach and presence in over 100 countries and operates out of 50. Offices
are located in New York City, SГ
Јo Paulo, St. Louis, London, Mexico City, Johannesburg,
Toronto, Buenos Aires and others. Recently, October 2016, the company merged with... Show more
content on ...
While its core
business is beer, the company also had a strong presence in the soft drink market in
Latin America. It employed about 86,000 people and was headquartered in Leuven,
Belgium, where Anheuser Busch InBev is based.Before the merger with AmBev,
Interbrew was the third largest brewing company in the world by volume, Anheuser
Busch was the largest, followed by SABMiller in second place. Heineken International
was in fourth place and AmBev was the world #39;s fifth largest brewer.InBev employed
close to 89,000 people, running operations in over 30 countries across the Americas,
Europe and Asia Pacific. In 2007, InBev realized 14.4 billion euro of revenue. (Anheuser
Busch InBev)
Management teamAfter the formation of Anheuser Busch InBev SA/NV on October 20,
2016, the company was to be run by teams of quot;functional chiefs quot; and quot;zone presidents
who report to AB InBev Chief Executive Officer Carlos Brito. All but one of those 19
positions are held by people who were already ABInBev executives before the
acquisition of SABMiller. (Anheuser Busch InBev)
Aside from supply operations like brewing and packaging, Anheuser Busch
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How Did Martin Luther Influence The World
The Life and Influence of Martin Luther
Thesis: Martin Luther was by far one of the most influential people in Church history. His doctrine
on faith and works was instrumental in the success of the reformation and has since become a
cornerstone of the church we know today.
Martin Luther was born on November 10th 1483. His father, Hans Luther, had made something
out of himself and came to own a copper mine. Desiring to see his own son go even further he
pushed him in school. By the time he was seventeen years old he was entering the university life.
In four years he had obtained a Master s degree from the University of Erfurt. From here his father
pushed him into law school. This is not where Martin Luther would stay. While on the road, ...
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Justification or salvation happened with an individual based on their relationship with God. This
was merely a public affirmation similar to Baptism. The Church began to pray on the fact that the
common people believed that through their (the church) words they (the people) were being
justified. Lindberg states, The word of absolution is rather a verbal act, which first creates a
relationship 0 between God in whose name it is spoken, and the person to whom it is spoken and
who believes the promise. Running a church with the size and functionality of the Roman Catholic
Church is expensive and people were willing to pay to see themselves and their love ones absolved
of sin. The indulgence was the proverbial Get out of Jail Free card.
Martin Luther s most dramatic and bold act may have been nailing 95 Theses onto the Church
doors in Wittenberg. It all began with Luther s Ninety Five Theses which seemed to be aimed at
depriving the pope of his power and the people of their consolation. Nearly all of the 95 Theses
are aimed toward clarifying justification as an act of faith and that no man or money can get it for
you. The twenty first thesis states Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say that a
man is absolved from every penalty and saved by papal indulgences. With the sale of indulgences
came the implication that you are rewarded for good works, but any other work is going to cost
you something only the Church
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A Short Note On Kid Flash
This is all my mind would allow under the constant alarm, shattering any train of thought that I
could muster; effectively making my ring useless, as it s dependant on my suffering doesn t live
much longer, when Artemis shoot an arrow into the powerbox, sending out a small shock. As the
noise ends with a whine, I carefully check my ears for any blood. Finding not a single speck, relief
tidal waves over me, threatening to make me pass out from the vertigo.
Kid Flash, perhaps exercise caution next time. Aqualad advises, rubbing her ears in the same way
that I did. Worst of all hit was Megan, who is closing her eyes and gasping every few seconds.
Running over, I fret over my friend.
You okay, Miss M? I ask, soothingly rubbing her... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, even I felt satisfied with the bodies of the League slumped against cracks in the walls.
Just as I was about to rejoin the others, something tackled Superboy sending both of them through
the wall and outside. Uh oh. I barely got out before I was also sent to the ground, causing a
splitting pain to run down my spine. Looking up, the figure of Sportsmaster stands menacingly
above me. For a second, I swear I heard a chuckle coming from behind his mask, but it was short
lived when he throws a live grenade at me; it lands perfectly on my flat chest.
Don t even bother Kyle, that thing won t kill you.
Grinning cockily, I patiently wait for it to go off. Then, it clicks, but instead of a loud boom, it
releases some kind of gas into the air.
Strolling into a room of yellow tick, tock, tick, tock goes the clock.
The room is swalled by nothing, it s wall folded into the abyss like a carpet.
Down goes me, finally free.
Reaching the bottom, nothing is there.
Where am I?
Head spiralling into blurs, no faces, no voices, and no identity.
Wait... WTF.
At last I gasp out, my head reeling with dizziness. Apparently that gas is a very... potent
hallucinogen. Gotta hand it to the villain, he knew his stuff; weirdly enough, somehow he must
have known that I am cocky enough to let it blow up.
Shaking the remnants of drowsiness from my head, I slowly pick myself up from the cold, hard
ground cracking my spine from the awkward position that I was lying
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Can Ordinary People Be A Hero
Ordinary People can be a Hero
originally, I assumed that a hero was someone who fought villains in movies or had superpowers.
Although I assumed that those who fought villains in movies or had superpower are a hero, now I
believe that hero is someone who does extraordinary things such as put their lives in danger
situations for others, someone who helps other and save someone. On the other hand, I believe that
not everyone single person can be a hero because they donВґt care about others and only know how
to protect themselves.
First of all, I believe that ordinary people can be considered a hero because they put their lives in
danger situations for other. In this case, when I was a kid, I lived in Myanmar. Life was hard so we
went to Malaysia
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Technology Being Used Is Camera Traps
well known technology being used is camera traps. For decades, camera traps have been used to
monitor wildlife without endangering the lives of humans, but today highly sophisticated digital
cameras are even more helpful because some of the cameras now come with automatic triggers,
heat sensing, vibration detection, infrared detection, video feeds, and acoustic elements (Cress and
Zommers, 2014). Similarly to camera traps, radio collars that have been used for tracking wildlife
has also gone through technological advances in terms of their use with satellite technology.
Advancements in the sizes and costs of the collars now allow elephants to be collared.
Even something as common as a database is being advanced in the fight to protect ... Show more
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The last form of technology that Cress and Zommers (2014) describe is DNA testing. Genetic
sequencing can be used to identify wildlife body parts such as ivory tusks. Once identified, it can
confirm a sub species, region of origin, or other useful data. DNA testing is a constantly growing
filed that will continue to have uses in the fight to end illegal ivory trading and poaching.
With all these different types of technology, there is more hope for scientists and policy makers to
be able to not only identify species that are at risk, but to take measures to protect such species
from extinction. Even countries that are not as involved in the ivory trade can use technologies to
help stop illegal poaching and trading of ivory. For example, in 2014 the United States Government
launched the Technology Challenge on Wildlife Trafficking through the USAID (United States
Agency for International Development). This is a grant program that is intended to encourage the
best and smartest scientists and entrepreneurs to use technological solutions to fight against illegal
wildlife trade (Cress and Zommers, 2014). Cress and Zommers (2014) quote from the China
Government Network (2013) when they describe how China, who is a country largely involved
with ivory trade launched Skynet Action in 2013 which is a key component of which to stop the
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Case Study Six Sigma
1. Introduction
When we talk about getting lean it is usually in regards to losing excess weight and strengthening
a new body that is lighter and capable of doing more in an efficient way. The same principle
applies when Lean Six Sigma methods are applied to business operations. Simply put, this process
is all about cost reduction and increased profits.
Founded by Motorola, USA in 1986, Six Sigma is a strategy that optimizes the process of
outputting products and services by getting rid of errors so that results are always constant and
always growing. The term Six Sigma is one that comes from the manufacturing sector, in particular
statistical modeling of processes involved in manufacturing. A sigma rating is used to indicate the
yield of a ... Show more content on ...
Relies on many lean tools, such as Continuous Flow, Heijunka, Kanban, Standardized Work and
Takt Time.Highly effective in reducing inventory levels. Improves cash flow and reduces space
Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)A strategy where employees work together proactively to
achieve regular, incremental improvements in the manufacturing process.Combines the collective
talents of a company to create an engine for continually eliminating waste from manufacturing
Kanban (Pull System)A method of regulating the flow of goods both within the factory and with
outside suppliers and customers. Based on automatic replenishment through signal cards that
indicate when more goods are needed.Eliminates waste from inventory and overproduction. Can
eliminate the need for physical inventories (instead relying on signal cards to indicate when more
goods need to be ordered).
KPI (Key Performance Indicator)Metrics designed to track and encourage progress towards
critical goals of the organization. Strongly promoted KPIs can be extremely powerful drivers of
behavior so it is important to carefully select KPIs that will drive desired behavior.The best
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Agriculture And The Industrial Revolution Of The Late 1700s
As the Earth s population grows at breakneck pace over the next several decades, who will feed the
world s people? Agriculture has undergone an extensive expansion and transformation throughout
the last few centuries, beginning with the Industrial Revolution of the late 1700s. New technology
allowed for better and greater methods of production. With the development of modern technology,
people try to think some way can plant less, get more. Many farmers plant only one crop in the
same place year after year. However, those against monocropping claim that it is very hard on the
environment and actually less profitable than organic means of farming ( Monoculture Crops Learn
About The Effects Of Monocropping ). In addition, the destructive nature of agriculturehas recently
shown its hand. While our supermarkets, convenience stores, and restaurants are filled with
abundant food options, people forget to ask themselves where all this food comes from.
Globalization has opened up economies of scale and has allowed people to tap into different types
of products, whether that is food or clothing. But the availability of an increased mass market
comes at a cost. However, today, the modern farming techniques have grown into a headache for
farmers and governments alike, because they are the consequences of overproduction, industrial
waste and other problems arising from the modern methods of agriculture. Thus, modern techniques
are harmful to environments, animals, and humans.
The one
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Lion Research Papers
The King of the Jungle is a really big, powerful cat that is probably the most famous member of
the cat family and it s the stronger cat on the family. The lion is known for it s big, silencing
roar, which puts fear in their prey s eyes. Lions can live in cool temperatures, while also being
able to live in the heat of desert areas. They don t like to live in big forests, such as rain forest.
Most of them live woodlands, grassy plains, and areas with thorny scrub trees. Lions tend to live
where they find food, mainly antelope, deer, zebra, and they also live where they have a place to
drink, like streams and nearby rivers.
These kings of the jungle can weigh between 250 and 550 pounds, depending on sex and age and
can grow up to be forteen years old in the wild and over the age of twenty years old in captivity
(Lions). A male lions usually weighs 350 to 400 pounds, but some can get up to 550pounds. Most
males get about 9 feet long from the nose to the end of the tail. Lionesses, or females, are smaller
than males. They weigh only 250 to 300 pounds, and they are about a foot shorter.
Male lions are the only cats with manes. The mane covers the head and the neck, down to the
shoulder and the chest area. It is a long, ... Show more content on ...
Prides consist of between three and forty lions, with fifteen being the average. Of these cats,
there are generally only one or two males. Females commonly remain with their birth pride for
life males leave after two to four years. (Lions). Males are primarily responsible for the security
of their pride. While they will participate in hunting, they spend the majority of their time on
security patrols. They will defend their pride s territory, which can cover up about 100 square
miles. Females are primarily responsible for hunting, which typically occurs after dark. They are
also the primary caregivers for lion cubs. The eating hierarchy is males first, followed by females
and then
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Play Review Essay Example. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Play Review Essay Example 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Play Review Essay Example Play Review Essay Example
  • 2. Identify And Explain The Difference Between Voluntary And... Every day, our body naturally responds to environmental stimuli by one of two mechanisms, a voluntary reaction or an involuntary reflex. The nerves and muscles work together to respond to a change in the body s environment, both internal and external, with the intent of maintaining a homeostatic state. Common reflexes include slipping and righting oneself, as well as immediately and naturally withdrawing a body part that made contact with a hot object. A reflex typically occurs prior to the brainfully processing the information regarding the stimulus. Conversely, a voluntary action is controllable and learned by experience (G). The most wellВknown learned response is Pavlov s dogs, who were shown to salivate at the ring of a bell because it signaled food was coming. Both voluntary and involuntary responses go through neural pathways beginning with a receptor that receives a stimulus from the environment. This stimulus elicits an action potential, which carries ... Show more content on ... Many factors, including receptor function, neuron stimulation, length/complexity of neuronal pathway, difference between sensory/motor neuron conduction velocities and synaptic transmission, influence the reaction time. Of utmost importance is the synaptic transmission, which refers to how presynaptic cells communicate with postsynaptic cells by releasing neurotransmitters which, when collected at the postsynaptic cells receptors, work to engage a response. This process has the potential to be altered for any duration of time by either improving or impairing its potential. Postsynaptic neurons receive both excitatory and inhibitory inputs, which have the capability to increase or decrease the likelihood of the nerve firing an action potential. Both types of input are being applied to the receptor at all times while ... Get more on ...
  • 3. GPA Examination GPA EXEMPTION ESSAY I grew up in the 90 s, the golden age of video games. My perspective of life was similar to a video; one must continue to play the game to go to the next level. If one gives up, they will never progress. There are many different levels to life. In college, I passed a number of levels. However, I continued to repeat the same course. That is why my grade point average was low. One day, I was sitting in the back of class and unknowingly drifted to sleep. I heard a gentle voice whisper, My dear what is your purpose? As my eyes opened, I felt embarrassed. I awoken to an empty class and Professor Meadows stood over me. I was too drowsy to respond. So professor Meadows continued to speak, Octavia I notice you put forth little effort, yet you have enormous potential. As I walked home she made me think. What was my purpose?... Show more content on ... I chose not to pay attention, I chose to be a follower and not read my assignments. I sure did not take certain classes seriously. In my freshman year, I met a mature student named Dill. He was an opinionated fellow. Dill and I walked to the bus stop when he said, You know companies do not care about your GPA, as long as you have a degree you are okay. My face filled up with excitement I thought of course, why would any one care about my GPA ? Since Dill was older, I truly believed his words. Looking back, I was just young and naГЇve. My grades suffered, because I was not ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Voice Speech Outline General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To describe to audience an overview of research how voice is produced Central Idea: To describe how the voice works and create sound that applies to communication. Introduction: Attention Getter: Have you ever wonder why each person sound different from another and how you can distinct one person just by hearing them speak? Other: We use our voice everyday, however, we don t necessarily think about how our voice is produced. Knowing how our voice is produced can help us better communicate. Central Idea: According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, knowing how we make sound is useful in maintaining the health and effectiveness of our voice. Credibility: In preparation for the speech, ... Show more content on ... The lungs is what provides the power source for voice production. The Larynx: The larynx, or the voice box is what produces the sound from vibration. The vocal folds make these vibrations. The Resonator: The resonator which includes our throat, tongue, mouth, teeth, and cheek makes the sound into words. (Internal Transition: Our voice is capable of producing sounds in different register. Lets take a look at what these different registers are.) Vocal Register Vocal Fry Register: The vocal fry is the lowest register that is seen as unhealthy if used too much in speech. Modal Register: When both the head and chest registers are used together it creates a modal register. Whistle Register: The whistle register is more commonly found in female voices where notes are hit at the highest. Falsetto Register: The Falsetto is opposite of the whistle, in which it is the male that creates this high range. (Internal Transition: Our voice being capable of producing many different sounds, it is important to take care of our voice to produce healthy sound.) Voice Disorders and Taking Care of Your Voice Types of Disorders Structural Disorders Neurogenic ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Toxic Chemicals In Flint, Michigan Toxic chemicals such as lead and mercury in our environment have links to the causes of cancer, birth defects and mental illness. How can Americans be certain that the water in their household is safe to drink and toxic free? For the people in Flint, Michigan, it is too late for many have been already affected by such toxicity in their water supply. Toxic chemicals in our environment must be better controlled and America s infrastructure must be properly repaired. This is an urgent need and the elected leaders must be held accountable for any neglect of this most important issue. The events that happened in Flint, Michigan, has caused this topic to be quite controversial because of the poisoning that was done to the children there. The management ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Hawaii Environmental Issues The entire world is experiencing climate change and a vast array of environmental problems. Hawaii itself is suffering from its own issues: the decline of native species, ocean pollution, the erosion of waterways, and more. None of these problems can be solved in a single sweeping gesture. Only through many small efforts, with many people, can we solve the issues we now face, both in Hawaii and the world as a whole. However, while many small efforts are necessary, large changes can be accomplished when individuals have the intent, knowledge, skills, and credentials to initiate, plan, and carry out projects designed to solve these issues. Environmental Studies would prepare me to be one of those people. After completing my degree I will be able to participate in efforts to solve many of the environmental problems Hawaii now faces. Hawaii has more reason than most places to seek to protect and care for its natural environment. Besides its enviable ... Show more content on ... There are many different capacities I can accomplish this through, however: as an environmental planner, an analyst, a policy maker, a speaker, and in many other ways as well. I cannot promise any specific career or project or goal, because it is impossible to predict what the focus of environmental efforts will be in four years, how much scientific progress we will make between now and then, what jobs will be available, and many other factors that may influence both what I am able to do, and what I can do to have the greatest positive effect. The details of my plan are flexible. My intent is not, however. I intend to help the people and the land through any capacity that I can to ensure a bright and healthy future for our island and our world. That is what I offer to Hawaii: my intent to create a healthier aina for the benefit of the land and the people, and to create a brighter ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Report on Business Culture in Saudi Arabia Report on Business Culture in Saudi Arabia Executive summary: With the globalization of world business, Saudi Arabia has become an appealing market for foreign investors. But there has long been belief that the market of Saudi Arabia is difficult to develop and the culture there is inconsistent with the world. The problem of cross cultural management arises as the cooperation between Saudi Arabia and its world partners continue to increase at an unprecedented rate. This paper analyses commercial and cultural feature of Saudi Arabia, presenting an understanding on the general cultural differences between Saudi Arabia and Singapore by applying different cultural dimensions. And it explains the influence of Arabia commercial culture on ... Show more content on ... Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another. (Hofstede, 1991) There are four cultural dimensions that were defined in Hofstede s research: Power distance, Uncertainty avoidance, Individualism, Masculinity, and recently Hofstede add one more: long term short term orientation. In this part of paper, comparison between Singapore and Saudi Arabia will be discussed, by focusing Hofstede s cultural dimensions as a point of reference 2.1 The dimension of individualism collectivism We know that there is a diverse population in Singapore, consisting mainly of Chinese, Malay and Indians, all of which does not possess one single dominant national identity. Drawing on a variety of traditions, different ethnic groups all consider themselves important parts of the diverse society of Singapore. However, In the Saudi Arabia society, most people believe in Islam, and religious control of Islam and its influence on the country are political, economical and can be seen in people s daily life. Neglecting of religion may cause troubles in business activities. In Islam canon, the most important are: religious service, almsgiving, fasting and pilgrimage and other activities. Religious service is a ceremony that shows gratitude, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Importance Of Black Oppression In The Invisible Man... Ralph Ellison s The Invisible Man is a fascinating novel about a nameless black man and his struggle to become successful and find his true identity in a predominantly white society that refuses to see him as person. Taking place in Harlem in the 1930 s, the story accurately depicts the life of a black man and the many injustices he faces nearly every day. More than eighty seven years later, African Americans still encounter numerous challenges similar to the ones the Invisible man experienced. Today, many hip hop artists bring awareness to these problems through their songs. Most notably, Kendrick Lamar s album To Pimp a Butterfly (March 15, 2015) deals with the topics of black oppression, institutionalized racism, and an American system designed to destroy African Americans. Despite genre and time differences, Kendrick Lamar s To Pimp a Butterfly and The Invisible Man are essential works of art in order to inspire, educate, empower, and promote social and political changes. Through Dr. Bledsoe Ellison demonstrates numerous instances of black on black oppression. Before being expelled from the University, the narrator threatens to expose Dr. Bledsoe because Dr. Bledsoe wrongfully accuses him of causing Mr. Norton s, one of the school founders, injury. To counter the narrator s warning, Bledsoe exclaims, I ve made my place in it and I ll have every Negro in the country hanging on tree limbs by morning if it means staying where I am (143). In other words, Bledsoe is willing to do anything in order to keep his power and remain on top; Bledsoe believes the narrator has torn [the black race] down, and dragged the entire race into slime (141). Ellison uses Bledsoe s reaction to display how black people have a crab in a barrel mentality and will even, in the most extreme cases, have every Negro in the country hanging on tree limbs. Instead of promoting black excellence in a racist society, Bledsoe attacks other African Americans in order to please the rich, wealthy, and powerful white people. Furthermore, by lying about job recommendations in New York, Dr. Bledsoe purposefully attempts to ruin the narrator s entire life and cause him to be homeless; In one of the recommendation letters, Dr. Bledsoe states, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Symbolism In Palanquin Bearers Alagu Subramaniam was a novelist who belonged to the Tamil community of Sri Lanka. He was one of the founders and editors of the literary magazine Indian Writing. Professional Mourners is a short story which revolves around caste based discrimination, throwing light on various themes such as celebration of socio economic power, social practices, dehumanization of the less privileged and the like. Professional Mourning is a line of work, usually taken up by women belonging to the lower caste in the society. The upper caste hireВ¬ these professional mourners to mourn at the funeral of a deceased member in the family, with the sole intention of flaunting their wealth and power in the society. In India, these women are referred to as rudaali which translates to female weeper . It is a social practice which although seems quite irrelevant in today s world still takes place in certain parts of India. This ... Show more content on ... They voluntarily took it up, and were happy doing it as well, unaware that they were in fact being manipulated by the rich members of the society. Although they were brainwashed into thinking that they were privileged to be doing their job, they were unaware that they were being exploited. The professional mourners on the other hand, face exploitation on a more one to one basis, to the point where they re literally dragged around if they retaliate even in the slightest manner. Caste based discrimination in India continues to dominate in marriage, employment and even in general social settings. Millions of people face violence and oppression in nearly every aspect of their life, merely because of their caste. People are deprived of basic necessities and opportunities, and are subject to the most degrading and inhumane levels of exploitation due to the oppressive effects of the caste system in ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Cultural Matthew M. Le Claire Essay Cultural Universals Matthew M. Le Claire University of Nevada, Las Vegas Department of Sociology Matthew M. Le Claire received his Bachelor and Master?s degrees in criminal justice from the University of Nevada, Reno. Currently he is working towards his Ph.D. in sociology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where his areas of specialization are crime, deviance, and culture. Culture itself is a complex topic with multiple definitions ranging from the organic to the mechanical, the natural to the manufactured. In a world composed of different groups, we see many variations of culture. Cultural universals are traits, patterns, and elements that transcend specific groups and can be applied to all known cultures (Macionis 2014). This idea implies that mankind and its multiple cultures are interconnected by patterns of fulfilling human needs that occur on a global scale. Specific examples of cultural universals extend from medicine to the family unit. Though anthropologists and sociologists have found support for the existence of cultural universals, the idea of these universal aspects of culture still draw criticism from critical and postmodern scholars and by individuals who ascertain cultural universals are in a natural state of opposition with cultural relativism. Framework The idea of cultural universals is rooted in positivist traditions of biology and psychology, as well as structural functionalism. While comparative studies of culture examine differences, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Taking a Look at Village Surf Shoppe 1. Marketing Objectives Village Surf Shoppe brand s inherent strengths confine with the knowledge that its inland market is expected to increase sales by 20% within the next three years. Additionally, VSS is currently on a high level of brand awareness in the local community, and has been successful in its local use of guerilla marketing tactics. Brand s weakness is excessively entrenched in the local market and it still practices traditional advertising methods. Opportunities include the recent boom in surf culture which allows VSS to expand its consumer base. Threats include a budget of only $200,000 allocated for promotion and VSS s low market share currently within the inland community. 2. Competitive Considerations Strengths of the Village Surf Shoppe brand include its uniqueness compared to large inland retail chains, and its current positioning not only as a business but as a casual hangout. Noted that its weaknesses are the lack of variety in surfboard brands being sold, Perfection is the only one. The fact that Waller Bear s, Surf City, and Eternal Wave are only local competitors at this point in time, VSS opportunities have given no indication of plans to fight for inland market share. Threats include the potential physical in convenience of traveling to VSS over more common national retailers, the market share of large chains like Ron Jon, the more extensive budget of a large competitor, and the variety of surfboards available at other stores. 3. Creative ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Gorgonia Research Paper The class of Gorgonia falls under the Kingdom Animalia and Phylum Cnidaria. Life starts for a Gorgonia when a larvae settles on hard surface in the ocean and begins to grow in a polyp. Polyps grow on other polyps indefinitely, which in the end creates the various shapes of a Gorgonia body. Gorgonias are asexual, so they reproduce by the means of fragmentation/cloning. These creatures do not have a reputation for living long. They are short lived and typically do not die of old age; they die from chemical imbalances, growing too big and detaching, and tumors. Gorgonias are sessile, meaning they do not move from the one place that they are attached. These creatures are notorious for their fan like shape. Because of the way it grows, the Gorgonia is asymmetric, meaning they do not have identical body alignment on either side.... Show more content on ... Some Gorgonia can be found near tropic or subtropic shores; this helps them more easily feed with the stronger currents and pull of the waves. Gorgonia have a symbiotic relationship with certain algae to help with having a more ideal consumption rate of plankton, their main food source. In this symbiotic relationship, the algae benefits from getting a stable home by attaching to the Gorgonia rather than free floating in the ocean while the Gorgonia benefit from getting an extra boost from the algae. The algae goes through photosynthesis so it gives energy and oxygen to the Gorgonia. The algae also draws more plankton to the Gorgonia. Although the Gorgonia looks like a plant, it is indeed an animal and digests and uses food just as any other animal. This creature s way of defending its body from attacks is by chemical defense, which wards off any unwanted creature causing it harm. Predators are typically ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Minimum Age for Attaining a Driver’s License Should Be... Turning sixteen years old is a milestone to many teenagers. In the majority of states, this is the age when adolescents become eligible for attaining a driver s license. A growing number of people feel that the only way to truly prevent tragedy is to increase the driving age. Most teenagers and parents believe in this system, although many people feel that such action is necessary. A number of states in the United States have already increased the minimum age. These states use graduated licensing programs that put limitations on young drivers. The minimum age for attaining a driver s license should be increased to 18 years old due to numerous factors; these include emotional intelligence, disturbances while driving, and the underdevelopment of the brain. Young drivers need to have the ability to manage and maintain their emotions in order to lower the risk of fatal accidents. Emotions influence the way drivers think and act. When emotions affect a driver s thoughts and actions, they can change the way they assess risk and decision making (Johnson 292). A stable mental state is crucial to driving early in life. Maintaining an attitude of I will always work to manage my emotions when driving is a big step (qtd. in Johnson 294). Personal emotions are very complicated and powerful forces, which correspond with a young driver s behavior. Physical and mental affects of emotions interfere with bodily functions and many behavioral abilities (Johnson 303). Strong emotions can ... Get more on ...
  • 14. J Edgar Hoover s Rise to Power J. Edgar Hoover for nearly a half of a century was and is one the most powerful officials in the Federal government. He was the head of the FBI from 1924 until his death in 1972; he was the chief law enforcement officer. With intimate knowledge of politicians and how government operations made him the man to be feared by elected officials, none of the many presidents whom he served under dared fire him. Hoover was born on January 1, 1895, in Washington D.C. He died in Washington, D.C., on May 2, 1972. Attended GW University and earned his degree in 1917. He became an assistant in 1919 to Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer in the Department of Justice. Palmer is the one that instigated the post WWI red scare this was an anti communist plaque that led to the deportation of many aliens. In charge of deportations was Hoover, he became the director of the FBI in 1924; he had a powerful force of law enforcement officers. The FBI s fame was enhanced by capturing so many gangsters, lawbreakers, and bank robbers. In my paper I am going to chat about how Hoover rose to his power and why he is one of the most corrupt government officials. He is extremely powerful; he is a famous enforcement officer that the US has ever known. Hoover started out on the bottom, with prestige and power he rocketed to the top, at the top of his reign he was the director of the FBI. Factors that helped him in his career were that he had many connections, and the power that he had a strong knowledge ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Identity In Jean-Luc Nancy s Examined Life Identity is an extremely tricky thing. Over the years, people have failed to define it properly. It is both elusive and complicated. In Jean Luc Nancy s Identity, he struggles to explain that mysterious puzzle that is an entity s identity. Right at the start of Nancy s Identity, Nancy stresses that the state has no power over a nation s identity. He declares, the state is only ever the instrument of the nation: It is not its role to define, and even less to constitute, the identity of the nation (Nancy 1). Right away, this shows that identity is a sort of hard to truly pin down. It is somewhat ethereal in nature. More importantly though, he stresses that the national identity and the individual identity are not that different from ... Show more content on ... Foucault means that understanding yourself is one of the most important things. If you don t understand yourself, you won t understand your actions and reactions. If you don t have a thorough understanding of yourself, that you can t have a firm grasp on what your identity is. Sure, you might have some idea, but it will be shaky at ... Get more on ...
  • 16. 1940-50 Essay The Economy in the 1940 50 was booming due to the money spent on WWII. Billions were spent in this war due to the amount of money borrowed from other countries. This went on until about the early 1970s, the American Dream was going on during this era and it was in perfect timing. The unemployment rate was wasn t all that bad the estimated rate in the decade was 4.7%. These are some of the Revenue Acts of 1940 50s. Joint Filers was a law that gave permission to married couples to half their income for tax purposes. Tax Increase was a permanent extended 1940 temporary individual, corporate, and extra tax increase. Harry S. Truman was the 33rd president of the United States. He ran for president against Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944. He wont ... Show more content on ... The Microwave was invented as well which was made by accident just like penicillin. The slinky was also made in the 1940s. During the 1940s music were created around Jazz and Band Styles that were popular. For example Rosemary Clooney, Court Basie, and Artie Show contributed to define the music for this era. But also during this era, World War II was going on. A lot of artist were portraying with the music the pain the country was going through. The 1940 s was the breakthrough of artist that marked their way in music history. The 1950 s was a time of change from the Jazz and Band Styles but still trying to maintain some of the past. Without knowing during this era it would embrack a journey that would change the face of music forever. Around this time the civil right movement was happening, and the music showed the racial tension of blacks and whites. Rhythm Blues known as R B and Rock n Roll made black music very popular and successful. Yet other African Americans were denied to enjoy their success because of segregation. Many people believe that whites took advantage of the African Americans by stealing their music. A great example would be Pat Bonne which was made to cover up Lil s Richard s song Tutti Frutti and Pat Boone s version topped higher in charts. Overall Rhythm Blues and Rock n Roll created a bigger gap between blacks and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Malic Acid Vs Inorganic Acid An organic compound with acidic properties is called an organic acid. An inorganic acid or mineral acid is an acid derived from one or more inorganic compounds. The reason that organic acids are weaker than mineral acids is that organic acids do not separate completely in water, whereas strong mineral acidsdo separate completely in water. Organic acids do not react with metals. Harsh mineral acids on the other hand react forcefully with metals. Inorganic acids are derived from inorganic compounds and mineral sources, while organic acids have a biological origin. Mineral acids do not contain carbon and organic acids do contain carbon. Uric acidis an example of mineral acids. Uric acid is soluble in water and is a hetero cyclic compound which is composed of the elements: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. A real world example in which uric acid is used is that uric and ascorbic acid in the human body provide over half of the antioxidant capacity in the bloodstream which means it is very important in our lives. Oxalic acid is another example of an inorganic acid. Oxalic acid is a colorless crystalline solid that dissolves in water and gives a colorless solution. A real world application of oxalic acid is cleaning and bleaching agent, and is very effective in removing rust. Malic acid is a dicarboxylic acid that is made by all living organisms. It has a clean, mellow, smooth, persistent sourness, so it can be used to enhance flavor and blending abilities. It contributes to the sour taste of fruits and can also be used as a food additive. It is used for alcoholic apple ciders to maintain a sharp taste. In wines, the malolactic fermentation improves the flavor of the wine. It is also used in acne creams and moisturizers to remove dead skin cells and remove acne. Citric acid has a sour taste and is greatly present in fruits such as oranges. It is also a popular ingredient in most types of candy, especially in sour candies. It is a weak organic acid and is used as a safe cleaning product. Formic acid is a colorless liquid with a highly pungent, penetrating odor at room temperature. Interestingly, it can be found in the venom of ants. Lactic acid is a well known acid. It is produced from pyruvate via the enzyme ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Whale Talk And Stand By Me Comparison Comparison Essay Success is a weird word. Sometimes you spend your whole life trying to find it and sometimes you re just plain lucky enough to have it already. Success is never given, it s earned by the ones who deserve it most. But what is it that helps strive people to the end? Does the end even matter? In life, people are sent on journeys to not only finish, but to experience every little thing along the path. In other words, life is about the journey and not the destination. In both Whale Talk and Stand by Me, characters find meaning for their lives by enduring the hard times, pouring themselves into relationships with other people and staying true to their own systems of belief. In both Whale Talk and Stand by Me, young misfits find a group of people that make them feel safe and at home. In Whale Talk, T.J Jones is an adopted boy, but his true familymembers are not the ones who adopted him. T.J finds his family within the swim team he takes part in. Chris Coughlin, Andy Mott, Jackie Craig, Dan Hole are many of T.J s newfound family members that allow him to feel safe. In the book, family isn t about DNA, it s about who and what feels right. They may not be brother s but they came out from under the same rock, which means if you re messing with one of em, you re messing with the other. (Crutcher 199) Biological family never meant a thing to any of the characters in the book. Friends mean family and no one can do them wrong. In Stand by Me, Gordie Lachance was a ... Get more on ...
  • 19. A Brief Introduction on Judicial Review in the United... A Brief Introduction on Judicial Review in the United States Part I: A Brief Introduction on Judicial Review Judicial review is the doctrine in democratic theory under which legislative and executive actions are subject to review, and possible invalidation, by the judiciary. Specific courts with judicial review power must annul the acts of the state when it finds them incompatible with a higher authority, such as the terms of a written constitution. Judicial review is an example of the functioning of separation of powers in a modern governmental system (where the judiciary is one of three branches of government). This principle is interpreted differently in different jurisdictions, which also have differing views on the different ... Show more content on ... Raub(1825).Other debates and controversies followed. But Marbury v. Madison has been ratified by time and practice and has become a cornerstone of the larger constitutional system Marbury, of course, stands only for the proposition that judges can declare acts of Congress invalid. In subsequent cases Marshall asserted that judges could also declare invalid executive orders or actions (Little v. Barreme, 1804 ) and upheld the Judiciary Act of 1789, under which Congress gave the Supreme Cour power to review and reserve decisions upholding the constitutionality of state statutes (Martin v. Hunter s Lessee, 1816;Cohens v. Virginia, 1821). Taken collectively, these cases provide federal judges with impressive tools for monitoring governmental actions, tools that they have not always been hesitant to use. Through the end of the 1990s, the Supreme Court has invalidated nearly 140 federal statutes and some 1,200 local laws . State courts too, with their own power to strike down acts passed within their jurisdiction, are active monitors of their governments. One scholar estimates that state justices invalidate nearly 25 percent of all laws challenged in their court rooms. Through judicial review, state courts determine whether or not state executive acts or state statutes are valid. They base such rulings on the principle that a state law that violates the U.S. constitution is invalid. They also decide the constitutionality of state laws under ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Importance Of Reflection In Nursing As higher standards expected are from the public and higher patient safety demands are expected from health boards, therefore, there is a need for a way of measuring standards of practice which can be achieved through active thinking in a clinical environment brought about by critical reflection (Rolfe, Jasper Freshwater 2011). Reflection has become such a key component in the role of a nurse that the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) have seen it fit to include it in their professional code of conduct the Code: Professional Standards of Practice and Behaviour for Nurses and Midwives, hereafter referred to as the Code (Nursing Midwifery Council [NMC], 2015). With reflection being a vital skill for nurses to continue their professional development (Parrish Crookes, 2013), an analysis of what it means to reflect within nursing is needed by all who intend to enter the profession to ensure its effective use is applied. This essay will look at what reflection in nursing looks like, why we use reflection as a tool, what are the outcomes of reflecting, how we reflect effectively and what skills are needed. Then, using an experience within practice, a reflective model will be used to analyse a critical incident relating to consent. In accordance with the confidentiality measure within The code (NMC, 2015) and to abide by the Data Protection Act 1998, no information will be provided which could allude to the identity of anyone within the critical incident, thus pseudonyms will be used where appropriate. According to Howston Jones (2013) reflection is not something that is out of the ordinary for everyone to do in their everyday lives. Reflection is the act of looking back on a situation, event or incident critically and making sense of it to learn from it and alter our actions to gain better outcomes should the same incident arise again (Capelhow, Crouch, Fisher Walsh, 2013). As new experiences happen to everyone, everyday; it would be right to consider reflection as an ongoing process within everyone s life, a process that is repeated, honed and a skill to be developed (McKenna, 1998). Reflection is a tool that is used within many disciplines including teaching and within the legal profession ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Political Systems Thematic Essay History and culture of many nations and societies have been affected by political systems. In the 1600s 1700s two political systems, absolute monarchy of France and the constitutional monarchy of England, have affected Europe. Absolute monarchy is when a ruler rules with absolute, or total, power. A constitutional monarchyis when laws limit the power of the monarch so they cannot rule absolutely. These two political systems affected not only their own country, but the whole of Europe as well. Mainly under the influences of the two leaders Louis XIV, Charles II, James II, Prince William, and Queen Mary. One of the most known rulers that ruled with absolute power in France was Louis XIV. Louis ruled for many years and was considered ... Show more content on ... Jean Baptiste Colbert, the minister of finance, helped Louis the most in achieving these goals. He expanded manufacturing, placed high tariffs on imported goods, encouraged people to move to colonies, and supported mercantilism. After Colbert s death, Louis created a policy which slowed down France s economic progress. He also cancelled the Edict of Nantes, which protected the religious freedom of Huguenots. When Louis got rid of the Edict of Nantes, it caused many Huguenot artisans and business people to flee the country, leaving France without many skilled workers.Another thing that Louis did was build the palace of Versailles, a huge palace that stretched for 500 yards. Louis also forced his country to fight several wars, considering France had an army other countries could not even match. The other countries were eventually able to join forces and match France s strength, in which Louis began to impose more taxes to pay for army finances. When Louis eventually died, he left behind a legacy yet he also left behind many debts and a ruined France. Although France was now a power to be reckoned with, the debts and bad harvests had an affect on the people and they had resentment because of the royal abuse they took. One could define a constitutional (limited) monarchy as a rule when the King or Queen s power was limited by law, document, and legislature. One could also characterize a limited monarchy as when the King or Queen have ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Debt And Interest Of Student Loans The amount of student loans that one accumulates throughout post secondary education can become a heavy burden. In addition, the study conducted by Scheresberg, Lusardi, and Yakoboski (2014) show that a surprising amount of students are not aware of the financial burden that they have acquired until they are deep in debtand interest. They summarize that: Overall, there is a notable mismatch among college educated Millennials between their perceived and demonstrated levels of financial literacy, with the form exceeding the latter. They also have less financial knowledge than might be expected given their educational attainment. On the other hand, given that only 29 percent have received financial education through school or work, perhaps low financial literacy is to be expected. This indicates a need for increased financial education, as improved financial literacy would mean more informed financial decision making. (p. 18) Most often, students sign up for loans without fully understanding the interest rates that come with them. At the end of their post secondary education, students come to fully understand what financial burden they have to pay off and they find themselves stuck with high interest rates. The summation made by Scheresberg, Lusardi, and Yakoboski (2014) of Generation Y is that many college educated Millennials have low financial literacy levels; many are not aware of their low financial literacy; many have not received any formal financial ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Rose Of Sharon The Grapes of Wrath was an amazing book. For myself, the book was simple to understand and relate as many of the dilemmas that the Joad family had gone before, many people still experience today. Similar to Rose of Sharon, numberless women have problems carrying and giving birth to their children today. Although we don t have as many migrant workers as in the Joads time, we are still rather nasty to each other. In this day of age, many people leave their significant other when they find out that they are pregnant, like Connie left Rose of Sharon. Countless women have a difficult time throughout pregnancy, a few even lose their child to a miscarriage or a stillborn, such as Rose of Sharon did. Sadly, my great grandmother had a few miscarriages, as so have several other women. After talking to my grandmother, I have come to the conclusion that although they didn t have the chance to watch their child experience life, they still love their child the same. Sadly, people still treat each other rather nastily and are quite rude to each other; even if we aren t migrant workers like the Joads. People still call each other nasty names and do rather rude actions. They might think that they are being civil but in reality, they are being downright rude and nasty. When I read that... Show more content on ... Single parents are more common than a couple who has children together; my co worker is a single parent with two kids and she s twenty one. It s not just men, leaving the women, like in my co worker s and Connie and Rose of Sharon s cases. Additionally, women also leave men. In the past, there were a couple that were expecting and the mother would have rather not have the child, but the father urged the mother that they have the child. After she had the child, she gave her daughter to her ex boyfriend and left both the child and the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Biological Causes Of Depression Everyone will have a sad moment in their life, whether it is a death, a friend betraying he or she, or not getting accepted to the college of his or her choice. Depression can be described with many different words, but it will come down to sadness. People who live with depression will see lack of joy, energy, and happiness. They will not enjoy life, or living. They see it as pointless and useless. Many people will have a depressing moment at some point in their lifetime. The people who develop depressiondo not have to be poor or unsuccessful. They can be making millions a year and still be depressed, showing that money and success does not guarantee happiness. To be able to fully understand what depression is, one will need to know the... Show more content on ... People who suffer from depression may experience learned helplessness, which is a behavioral view. This can be when someone has so much stress that they cannot handle, they stop trying to handle it. When they can no longer handle their stress, they become helpless, which will lead to hopelessness. The cognitive theory is more about the thought process and what one may believe when he or she is suffering from depression. People who are depressed may think that they are worthless if they fail a test, or if they do not make all As for a semester. People who constantly think about negative experiences may develop depression, but also other disorders. Another sign of depression is when someone is always trying to figure out what caused something else to happen. One may say it is their fault the assignment was turned in late and because of that he or she will now fail the class. He or she looks at something happening because of something negative. When someone looks at life in a negative way he or she has a pessimistic view on life; however, having an optimistic view is the opposite. People with the optimistic view may say the professor will give out more than just that assignment and they can make it up. The last factor of depression is sociocultural factors. The main sociocultural factor that can increase the chances of depression is wealth. People who have more money are less likely to ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Creating A Good Product Strategy And Investing On... Competing in a DataConomy world For most companies, competing is not a matter of just creating a good product strategy and investing on delivering high quality and consistent output: to successfully satisfy customers (internal or external), gain market share, increase profitability and grow the stakeholders value, companies need to unleash the power of each data point that is collected or affects the Supply Chain, the Market and the Resource Providers among other environmental players. Most companies understand the value of information and constantly call out the saying Knowledge is power ; however, efforts normally stop on getting few transactional reports and a handful of scorecards without truly creating an organizational culture ... Show more content on ... The success of Microsoft strategy has allowed the company to constantly increase its market share, shareholders value and, ultimately, its growth in this competitive environment. However, Microsoft is not alone; similar giants such Google and Amazon constantly delivers new products in the BI space. This market dynamic has created in the last years a culture of BI that is only possible by the advances in technology, analytics frameworks and fierce competition. There is no doubt on the existing capabilities to consume data, transform it into insights and distribute it among the relevant business processes within the organization. Microsoft, Google and Amazon had created powerful tools to help organizations and teams to achieve what Davenport and Harris (2007) called Analytical Competitors, the highest level of the Five Stages of Analytical Competition. Subsequently, the topic to elaborate in this white paper is not about the existence of Business Intelligence capabilities or the access of Microsoft to them, but the usage of such capabilities within the numerous teams and business processes within Microsoft. Usage of Analytics as a competitive strength for Microsoft Thanks to its line of businesses, Microsoft has a privileged position to compete on analytics: the company creates the products adopted by many other organizations to compete on analytics, to have access to vast amounts of data, to understand how to store, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Essay On Arms Profession PROFESSION OF ARMS The purpose of this paper is to express a set of views on the ethical obligations of members of the American profession of arms in order to stimulate thoughtful discussion and broader debate about the proper limits of acceptable and effective professional conduct. These views are focused for most part on the obligations of commissioned officers, but they apply in many ways to the public and private conduct of senior non commissioned officers, and indeed, all military members. They depend to a large degree on a particular understanding of the governing compact of this country and the behavior American citizens expect of their uniformed servants. The overall objective of the Army Profession of Arms ... Show more content on ... Professionals generally begin their professional lives by completing a higher education program in their chosen fields (law, medicine, engineering, and so on). Professional military education (PME) provides the Army s corollary to civilian education programs and complements the training of military officers who have a corresponding civilian profession. PME provides progressive levels of military education that prepare military officers for leadership. It includes various basic level courses for new and junior officers, command and staff colleges for mid level officers, and war colleges for senior officers. Similar levels of PME are in place for warrant officers, noncommissioned officers, and Department of the Army civilians. Although critics would argue that the Army does not have a system to certify its personnel as professionals, I contend that we have, and have had, systems in place to confirm proficiency. Infantrymen and medics are certified as professionals when they obtain the Expert Infantryman Badge and the Expert Field Medical Badge. A generation ago, the Army used a tool called the Skill Qualification Test (SQT) that every Soldier had to take and pass, along with required appropriate levels of PME for officers and noncommissioned officers. All Soldiers, regardless of rank, also had to both pass the Army Physical Fitness Test and qualify with their basic weapon in ... Get more on ...
  • 27. War Story Essay Garrett, Hoefer English 1213 Dr. Jennifer Edwards December 8th, 2016 War Stories Tim O Brien got his inspiration from multiple instances of his time served in Vietnam. O Brien was against the war like most of the people in the United States were at the time. He was a college student looking forward to a different future. Like many others, he received a draft noticed on June 17th, 1968. He felt he was too good to go to war and tried to get out of being drafted with no luck. This angered him greatly. He was drafted into the U.S. Army where he served in the 3rd Platoon, A CO. 5th Battalion, 46th Infantry, as a foot soldier. His tour of duty was from 1969 to 1970. The unit he was in deployed in with went to a part of Vietnam that they called Pinkville . His time in Vietnam gave him, along with others, many stories to tell. The Vietnam War was the longest conflict America has been involved in. The main reason for U.S. involvement in Vietnam was to help stop the spread of communism. The theory at the time was the Domino Effect which predicted that if Vietnam fell to communist control that all of Asia would.... Show more content on ... O Brian explains how to tell the difference in the two. A real story has no moral to it; it doesn t have a feel good ending. It will have a large amount of gore in it along with the use of obscenities. He says It comes down to gut instinct. A true war story, if truly told makes the stomach believe (O Brien 72) in the chapter titled How to Tell a True War Story he explains how we add things to something that happened to help add clarity to the story or to make it better. Like when Sanders a member of his platoon tells him a story, he wants him to believe not by facts but by feeling. So Sanders admits to adding details to the story that were not true but made it a better story because the actual facts were too hard to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Prejudice In Ron Hall s Same Kind Of Different As Me All people experience prejudice feelings in their lives no matter who they are, where they live, or what they have been through. Some people are the source of the prejudice feelings. Others, in contrast, are the ones who experience the prejudice feelings being thrust upon them for one reason or another. In Ron Hall s, Same Kind of Different as Me, prejudice is clearly portrayed throughout the novel in great capacity. As the novel unravels, the prejudice notion is overcome through different aspects and experiences from the characters. The first apparent trace of prejudice that is quite evident to the reader is the prejudice that Denver Moore experiences from Ron Hall. In this situation, Ron Hall produces the prejudice feelings towards Denver Moore because of different qualities about Denver s life. First and foremost, Ron feels superior to Denver in many ways because of class. Since Denver is a homeless man, and Ron a successful businessman, Ron feels as if he does not owe anything to Denver especially his time. Debbie Hall, Ron s wife, successfully persuades Ron to help out at the homeless shelter after a long period of prodding and encouragement. Without Debbie, Ron may never have overcome his prejudice... Show more content on ... This is portrayed when Denver revealed his true feelings that he was clearly presenting towards Ron. He also felt these prejudice feelings towards Ron because of Ron s race and class. Since Ron was a successful, white, businessman, Denver felt that he was untrustworthy and insincere in his charity work. He felt that he was only helping out at the homeless shelter to make himself feel better about his success and show is superiority to everyone else. Through dedication and persistence, Ron finally changed Denver s opinion about him and made him realize that he was, indeed, a dependable and heartfelt man after he changed through his charity work and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Maya Angelou Caged Bird Essay A poem titled Caged Bird by Maya Angelou was written in 1969. In her poem, called Caged Bird, there are numerous types of literary devices she uses to convey her message, but the top four are metaphors, symbols, diction, and connotation. She uses them to represent the struggle for freedom. Through metaphors and diction, Maya Angelou is able to capture the want for freedom. The caged bird s tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings for freedom (Angelou lines 19 21). The caged bird is asking for freedom through singing, as a way to disguise it from the entity that is restricting his freedom. The free bird hears the singing. The caged bird stands on the grave of dreams (Angelou line 26). The free bird gets to roam the world, doing as he pleases, but the caged bird is trapped from being able to roam the world. Maya Angelou s choice of words for grave of dreams emphasizes that the caged bird s dreams are now dead, as he now stands on the now dying dreams of freedom as he has been locked away for so long. The caged bird longs for the ... Show more content on ... The caged bird s wings are clipped and his feet are tied (Angelou lines 12 13). While the free bird s wings and feet are loose and free, the caged bird s wings are disabled and his feet are bound by his captivator. The caged bird s struggle to free himself from his shackles is shown through symbols. The caged bird also sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still (Angelou lines 30 33). The caged bird fears for what freedom could be, but he still strives for it. It symbolizes the struggle for freedom because he still longs for freedom even though he is not sure what it could be. The caged bird s struggle for freedom reveal themselves through symbols, as his bound feet and disabled wings symbolize the harnesses put against him, and the longing for freedom, even though unknown, symbolize how badly he wants ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Individualism In Emerson s Self Reliance By Ralph Waldo... In Ralph Waldo Emerson s article titled Self Reliance which is full of aphorisms, he identifies individualism as the first and foremost trait an ideal person ought to have. Individualism is the embodiment of one s inalienable right to think for yourself rather than accepting other people s opinion or idea. Emerson prefers individual experience over knowledge acquired from books. To believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius (Emerson 3). Another trait according to Emerson is trust yourself or thyself, and not be dependent on others wisdoms for doing so is an unmanly, without vision or optimism. A person who trusts himself displays imagination and is childlike (i.e. naГЇve). Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike classical myth to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being (Emerson 3). Furthermore, Emerson considered maturing as a form of trait. Maturing, gives one the ability to resist the pressure to conform to societies norms which includes rejecting self reliance or individualism. The nonconformist would repudiate many of society s moral beliefs. For instance, Emerson claimed that an abolitionist ought to be more concerned with his own family and community than about black folk far away and he condemns charity donors to the poor. Emerson said, Whoso would be a man, must be a non conformist (5). Emerson was so passionate about the trait of nonconformity or maturing that he took an extreme position. No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution, the only wrong what is against it (Emerson 5). Other forms of traits include self worth and virtue. The necessary ingredients for Self Reliance are integrity, be misunderstood, consistency, intuition and spontaneity, and be truthfulness. To be self reliance, individuals according to Emerson must trust thyself. Self Reliance is important for society in several ways: it teaches the essence of hard work and ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Debt Ratio Analysis Of Walt Disney Company The table below shows the analysis of the debt ratio. The Debt ratio helps in analyzing the organization s ability to pay off its long term debts through its total assets. The debt ratio of the Walt Disney Company remains below 50% in 2013,2014 and 2015. This shows that Walt Disney company is conservative in nature and taking less, risk which may reduce the profitability for the company due to lack of trade equity. However, a lower debt ratio reduces the risk of bankruptcy. Debt to equity ratio is 0.81, 0.75, 0.69 for the year 2015, 2014 2013 respectively. Debt to equity ratio shows the gradual increase year by year, this increase means that the increasing the debt to equity level could benefit the company by reducing the cost of capital. No. Financial Ratios 2015 2014 2013 Debt Ratios I Debt Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Assets Total Liabilities 39,527 35,963 33,091 Total Assets 88,182 84,141 81,241 Debt Ratio = 0.45 0.43 0.41 II Debt Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Equity Total Liabilities 39,527 35,963
  • 32. 33,091 Total Equity 48,655 48,178 48,150 Debt Equity Ratio = 0.81 0.75 0.69 Profitability ratios are used to assess a business s ability to generate earnings compared to its expenses and other relevant costs incurred during a specific period of time. Profitability ratios compare a company s income statement accounts and categories that show a company s ability to generate profits from its operations. ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Examples Of Explosionade In To Kill A Mockingbird While the rest of his friends are busy storming a Horronym fortress in a final assault, first lieutenant Terry Atticus finds himself all alone back at the base. Apparently his superior didn t take too kindly to some pipes in the officer s latrine that were accidently reversed by Atticus and thus the hapless lieutenant is missing out on the biggest battle of all time. However, while rooting around in the supply room Atticus discovers a prototype mech which he promptly takes into the sewers for some target practice. Instead of finding the snakebats he was expecting, Atticus discovers a whole bunch of aliens and takes it upon himself to take them all out. Explosionade is another one of Mommy s Best Games that was originally released on Xbox 360 ... Show more content on ... Killing everything that moves and collecting all the gold is not only more satisfying, but also results in a better score. For some extra motivation this Steam version of the game also comes with new leaderboards. In addition to being able to jump and hover for a short period of time your mech also comes with a handy multi purpose shield. The shield makes you impervious to enemy fire and you can even bounce enemy grenades off it with good timing. In addition, you can activate your shield just before hitting the floor or a wall after jumping to perform a nifty shield bounce in order to reach greater heights. However, the shield overheats very quickly and must recharge between uses. Although Explosionade is an action packed title it comes with multiple difficulty settings to ensure players of all skill levels have a fair shot at completing it. Just like the arcade games of old it is possible to finish all the levels in a very short period of time, but the real challenge comes from upping the difficulty and increasing the gameplay speed while aiming for a high score. Players who enjoy beating their own scores or competing with others on the leaderboards will find that Explosionade has a lot of replay value. The game also features a co op mode, which is a lot of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Ancient Greek And Greek History In ancient Greek, hundreds of city state called polis was developed throughout the area. Polis means an independent community of citizens inhabiting a city and the countryside around it (Hunt, 51). Being in mountainous and island region, many were isolated from each other, and often hostile to each other. They maintained constant conflicts between polis throughout ancient Greek history. They never became a nation. Among many polis, Athens and Spartaare the most famous ancient Greek polis known to modern history. They were unique in terms of political systems as well as its culture. Even though they had same cultural background such as same language or same religions, their political systems were very different. There were three types of political systems adapted by ancient Greek. Athens had democracywhile Sparta had Oligarchy. Corinth had Tyranny. The comparison between Sparta and Athens in terms of political system as well as cultural background will be discussed in this research paper. In ancient Greek, polis has two different meaning. First, polis means literally a city, an urban settlement, and a social boundary. Second, polis also has meaning of a state, and a political organization. The polis in ancient Greek has both meaning, as a city as well as a state and political entity. Each polis has chosen different political system. Sometimes, they changed their political system after bad tyrant dies or weak oligarchy not functioning right, but most ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Analysis Of The Shawshank Redemption By Frank Darabont Alec Heitz Katherine Wagner HUM 224 02 Evaluative Essay October 13th, 2015 Evaluative Analysis: The Shawshank Redemption When it comes to movies, I am not exactly what you could consider well versed. Had it not been for several close friends of mine, I would have never even seen blockbuster hits such as Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, or Back to the Future. The reason for this is not because I dislike watching movies, but rather due to the restrictive nature of my parents. Thus, I have not had the privilege to enjoy The Shawshank Redemption, Frank Darabont s 1994 adaptation of the Stephen King novel, until recently. Due to countless positive reviews and the recommendations of friends, I anticipated that it would be a must see for those mature enough to appreciate its commentary on the human condition. After viewing the flick, I can certainly verify The Shawshank Redemption deserves its must see status, as it contains such relatable themes and excellent cinematic techniques. Various themes are presented in the film; however, the most prevalent of these themes are the severity of isolation and the redeeming qualities of hope. The Shawshank Redemption follows the story of Andy Dufresne, a man wrongly convicted of the murder of his wife and her lover, and his time spent at the Shawshank prison, as well as Andy s eventual escape. Early on, it becomes extremely evident that those imprisoned at Shawshank must deal with unbearable isolation on multiple levels. Shawshank ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Critical Analysis Of The Heart Of Emily The story is divided into five sections. In section I, the narrator recalls the time of Emily Grierson s death and how the entire town attended her funeral in her home, which no stranger had entered for more than ten years. In a once elegant, upscale neighborhood, Emily s house is the last vestige of the grandeur of a lost era. Colonel Sartoris, the town s previous mayor, had suspended Emily s tax responsibilities to the town after her father s death, justifying the action by claiming that Mr. Grierson had once lent the community a significant sum. As new town leaders take over, they make unsuccessful attempts to get Emily to resume payments. When members of the Board of Aldermen pay her a visit, in the dusty and antiquated parlor, Emily reasserts the fact that she is not required to pay taxes in Jefferson and that the officials should talk to Colonel Sartoris about the matter. However, at that point he has been dead for almost a decade. She asks her servant, Tobe, to show the men out. In section II, the narrator describes a time thirty years earlier when Emily resists another official inquiry on behalf of the town leaders, when the townspeople detect a powerful odor emanating from her property. Her father has just died, and Emily has been abandoned by the man whom the townsfolk believed Emily was to marry. As complaints mount, Judge Stevens, the mayor at the time, decides to have lime sprinkled along the foundation of the Grierson home in the middle of the night. Within a couple of weeks, the odor subsides, but the townspeople begin to pity the increasingly reclusive Emily, remembering how her great aunt had succumbed to insanity. The townspeople have always believed that the Griersons thought too highly of themselves, with Emily s father driving off the many suitors deemed not good enough to marry his daughter. With no offer of marriage in sight, Emily is still single by the time she turns thirty. The day after Mr. Grierson s death, the women of the town call on Emily to offer their condolences. Meeting them at the door, Emily states that her father is not dead, a charade that she keeps up for three days. She finally turns her father s body over for burial. In section III, the narrator describes a long ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Examples Of Anti Miscegenation Laws Assignment: Statutes Dr. Jessie Lee PAD 525 Constitutional and Admin Law Keisha S Fox July 27, 2017 In this application, I will research and analyze Anti Miscegenation Statutes within the United States and evaluate two cases that are associated with them. Miscegenation is the method of mixing varionus races, whether they are mixed by marriage, procreation, or even sexual intercourse. (Martin) Anti Miscegenation laws embraced racial segregation because it was a crime for different races of people to get married. These laws were initiated in the late 17th century and continued until 1967. All of the anti miscegenation laws in the United States barred marriages that consisted of individuals who were white and those who were considered non white. So a white male and black woman could not have been married or even in a relationship without it being a crime back then. Some examples of miscegenation laws was when Oklahoma in 1908 had a law on books that barred marriages between Africans and non Africans, 1920, Louisiana barred marriages between blacks and Native Americans, and in 1935, Maryland prohibited the marriages between Filipinos and blacks. (Pascoe, 2009) Two cases that are relevant to miscegenation are Loving v. Virginia and Perez v. Sharp. Loving v. Virginia Facts of the case: this was a landmark civil rights case that overturned laws that prohibited interracial marriage. The case involved a black woman named Mildred Loving and a white man Richard Loving, who was sentenced to prison in the state of Virginia for getting married. It was a crime because the marriage of the two was a violation of the state s anti miscegenation law, which was called the Racial Integrity Act of 1924. The couple got married in Washington, DC and upon their return they were indicted for unlawful cohabitation and placed in jail. Mildred Loving wrote a letter to the Attorney General; who was Robert F. Kennedy for assistance and in return she was referred to the ACLU who represented the couple in the case. The Supreme Court governed that Virginia s bans on interracial marriages were considered unconstitutional. The court found that the anti miscegenation laws did not infringe on the Equal Protection Clause ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Pausanias Idea Of Love In Plato s Symposium Eros, the God of Love, was held in high respect throughout all of ancient Greece due to Love s contributions to the culture and relationships amongst individuals. However, in Plato Symposium, each guest has their own unique perspective on the role Eros plays. Among those gathered at the Symposium, speeches are offered with anything from exalting words of praise to honest words of criticisms. Pausanias and Agathon, guests at the symposium, are romantic partners, each with their own views on Love. Pausanias idea of Love is based off the idea that there are two different types of Love, and he emphasizes the importance of intent and virtue. While Agathon, the more passive of the two, expresses his praise for Erosas an entity and His divinity... Show more content on ... Pausanias says People are right to condemn the hasty and immoral demands which the vulgar lover makes upon his prey, (Plato, 181e 182a). His belief that lust for physical pleasure is beyond the bounds of being morally justified and therefore believes that consequences should be welcomed. Pausanias places value on the idea of intellectual growth between Lovers and therefore opposes his formed concept of Common Love. In addition to criticizing the undiscriminating nature of Common Love, Pausanias criticizes Heavenly Love s tendency to instill in individuals the attraction to young boys. However, Pausanias does justify this variation of Love by explaining that a prospering relationship can come from Heavenly Love due to the naive nature of young boys being allowed to be nurtured mentally by somebody more mature with virtue and merit. But in direct opposition, Pausanias also expresses how he vehemently opposes those individuals who take advantage of the young and unwise boys and women for a solely sexual relationship. Through these criticisms, he is proposing that Love isn t always honorable. Pausanias states that Love, in and of itself, is neither honorable nor disgraceful, since its character and quality must be determined by the way in which it is carried out (Plato, 183d). He is expressing that Love alone can not be characterized as being entirely good or entirely bad but the intent and way love is conveyed must also be taken into consideration when judging ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Shiva s Iconography As the most complex deity within the Hindu pantheon, Shiva is an extraordinarily important god. Although equal to Vishnu and Brahman, Shiva is engulfed in an eternal paradox as a result of his diverse characteristics. Furthermore, Shiva represents a variety of spiritual and domestic aspects of Hindu culture. Importantly, Shivaembodies the energy of the universe as both creator and destroyer; he is the ultimate construction of non duality. Further, Shiva s power and significance demonstrates philosophical teachings as to the way in which certain aspects of Hindu life are constructed. To illustrate, the iconography of Shiva incorporates identifying characteristics that are necessary to understanding his relevance as a god, Shiva establishes... Show more content on ... However, it may appear as a paradox for one deity to be god of both creation and destruction. The key to understanding this complex aspect of Shiva s power relies on the Hindu concept of the impossibility of annihilation. The concept of the impossibility of annihilation suggests that when there is an absence of non being and annihilation, all that is left is the transformation of states. This transformative energy is regarded as ceaseless and infinite (Smith, 2). Death or destruction can be viewed as a result of a transformational process after life, whereby life is the product of creation. To explain, death is a rearrangement of indestructible atoms, and a gateway from one court of life to another. To destroy therefore, is to practically to recreate, and Death stands at the gates of life (Martin, 167). In this sense, all that lives within the realms of time are regarded as being in a state of constant transition and change from life to death thus, the natural circle of life. When something is destroyed, it is recreated with a new or different form. It is suggested that in efforts of purification, at the end of each era, Shiva destroys the universe by fire (Doniger, 83). The universe must be destroyed in order for it to be purified and renewed. Consequently, after the universe is destroyed, new life will is created. Therefore, it is reasonable that Shiva be regarded as the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Johnson Johnson Financial Analysis Johnson Johnson is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Their products and services are familiar to just about everyone. The company s operations are split into three divisions, including: the Consumer, Pharmaceuticals, and Medical Devices and Diagnostics. Their Consumer division offers baby care, wound care, oral care, and skin care products, along with over the counter medications. Brands include, Aveeno, Band Aid, Listerine, and Tylenol. The Pharmaceuticals segment produces prescription drugs for purposes, such as treating infections, gastrointestinal problems, dermatological issues, and contraception. Their Medical Devices and Diagnostics division produces everything from blood glucose monitoring and insulin products to... Show more content on ... Some of important components to be familiar with when deciding on investing in a company is its competitive advantages, valuation, dividend payouts and sustainability, and earnings consistency. Financial statements of Johnson Johnson prove that their overall financial condition is good and is worthy of investing. For example, Johnson Johnson has a market value of $211 billion and has over $67 billion in sales over the last 12 months. As of Dec. 31, 2012, Johnson Johnson had $21.1 billion in cash and short term investments, which can be easily converted into cash. Over the last 12 months, they paid out $6.61 billion in dividends, which works well with a free cash flow of $12.5 billion (Harry, 2015). Additionally, Johnson Johnson has noticeably improved its profits over the last four years with a reported annual revenue of $74,331 million ending 2014. The current ratio of Johnson Johnson is 1.90, which means the company can meet financial commitments short term in the event of a disruption of its operations due to natural disaster etc. After reviewing the most recent balance sheet, it can be determined that the financial condition of Johnson Johnson is a very good one and has prospects of growth over time. They have made several advantages towards growth in the coming years. For example, in 2014 it had 20 new extensions approved and filed an additional 20. Also it started 23 Phase 3 trials and initiated eleven Phase 2 trials and currently is poised to yield ten potential new product filings between 2013 and 2017. With these developments, the company will be able to launch outstanding products in its pharmaceutical business in the days ahead (GuruFocus, ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Plaintiff Case Study Plaintiffs allegation that they suffered a constructive eviction is also legally deficient. Although a tenant is justified in abandoning the premises if a landlord s breach renders the premises uninhabitable, a tenant waives the landlord s breach if she does not vacate the premises within a reasonable time. Shaker Associates v. Medical Technologies Group, Ltd., 315 Ill. App. 3d 126, 135 (1st Dist. 2000). Various factors are considered when determining whether the length of time before vacation is reasonable, such as promises by the landlord to repair and time required to find a new location. Id. While the question of what constitutes a reasonable time for vacation is usually a question of fact, it may become a question of law. Chicago... Show more content on ... Despite these opportunities, Plaintiffs still have not filed a complaint that complies with section 2 603 of the Code, and therefore, this Court should strike their complaint with prejudice. Further, Plaintiffs have not alleged sufficient facts to sustain an anticipatory repudiation of a contract claim, and have waived any claim based on a constructive eviction. Finally, Plaintiffs cannot maintain their breach of contract causes of action because, by their own admission, they failed to perform their contractual obligations. Therefore, Counts V, VI and VII should be dismissed with prejudice. WHEREFORE, pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2 603(a) and (b), Defendants respectfully request that the Court grant their motion and dismiss Plaintiffs Third Amended Complaint for failing to plead a plain and concise statement. In the alternative, pursuant to sections735 ILCS 5/2 619.1, 2 615, and 2 619(a)(9), Defendants respectfully request that the Court grant their motion and dismiss Counts II, V, VI, and VII of Plaintiffs Third Amended Complaint and request such further relief as the Court deems just and ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Noki The Rise And Fall Of A Mobile Giant Nokia: The rise and fall of a mobile giant Introduction This case study examines and discusses key issues in recent events of Nokia mobile phones. It reflects on how successful Nokia s past, present and future advertising and social media campaigns are within re branding Nokia s image among competitors, it will also discuss on strategic options for the future of the repositioning campaign. Has Nokia s attempt to re rand there company image been successful? Was Nokia s Advertisement enough to attract customers? Has Nokia s recent advertisement help repositioned from an outdated brand? Has Nokia s recent attempt of repositioning itself among competitors been sucsessful? History of Nokia The Nokia name has been around ever since the 1865 starting out as a small paper mill in Finland, yet didn t become involved in telecommunications until the 1960 s (Nokia 2014) Nokia bought a company called Salora Oy a Finnish electronics company in 1984 and changed the company s telecommunications branch name to Nokia Mobira Oy (Wikipedia 2014). Nokia launched the Mobira Talk man in 1984, it was one of the world s first transportable phones. Then In 1987, Nokia introduced one of the world s first handheld phones also, called the Mobira Cityman 900. Since then the Nokia Mobile Phone Company took off, By 1998, Nokia was the world leader in mobile phones, a position it enjoyed for more than a decade. (Nokia 2014) Nokia also established themselves as the world ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Ever Baked Holiday Cookies Have you ever baked holiday cookies? Well, I have. I am going to tell you how to do it. Before you begin, you need to gather your supplies. You will need the following: measuring cups, measuring spoons, holiday themed cookie cutters, parchment paper, 1 rolling pin, 4 baking sheets, 2ВЅ cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1ВЅ teaspoons vanilla extract, 1ВЅ sticks butter, and ВЅ teaspoon salt. When you have all of your supplies, you are ready to begin. In a small bowl, mix together the flour and salt, then set it aside. Then, in a large bowl, beat the butter on high speed with an electric mixer for two minutes. Next, change the speed to medium and slowly add the sugar and beat for two more minutes. Stop mixing every 30 seconds and scrape down the sides of the bowl. Then, mix the egg and the vanilla on low speed for one minute. Stop halfway through to scrape down the sides of the bowl and continue mixing. Then, stop the mixer again and add half of the flour mixture. Beat on low speed until most of the flour has been absorbed. Finally, add the rest of the flour mixture and continue to mix everything until the dough starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl for about 1 2 minutes. Take the dough out of the bowl and put it on a floured counter top, then split the dough into two equal balls. Shape each ball into a ... Show more content on ... cut out the dough and carefully put the shapes on the baking sheets. If you need more baking sheets, get enough to put all the cookies on. Collect the scraps and roll them out to make cookies out of that. repeat the process until no scraps are left. After you do that, put your cookies in the refrigerator for 20 30 minutes. Then, put the cookies in the oven and bake them for 12 15 minutes, or until golden brown. When your cookies are done baking, transport them to a cooling rack and let them cool completely. Decorate as much as you want and then you re ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Anheuser-Busch History Anheuser Busch has a rich history that dates back 600 years. Adolphus Busch a brewer married into the Anheuser family and some years later Anheuser Busch a once subsidiary company became the parent company. The years to follow that union and rise to power would involve hostile take overs, mergers, and aqcuisitions of competing breweries. Today the parent company is ABInBev SA/NV and is a multinational beverage and brewing company with global headquarters in Leuven, Belgium. AB InBev has a market reach and presence in over 100 countries and operates out of 50. Offices are located in New York City, SГ Јo Paulo, St. Louis, London, Mexico City, Johannesburg, Toronto, Buenos Aires and others. Recently, October 2016, the company merged with... Show more content on ... While its core business is beer, the company also had a strong presence in the soft drink market in Latin America. It employed about 86,000 people and was headquartered in Leuven, Belgium, where Anheuser Busch InBev is based.Before the merger with AmBev, Interbrew was the third largest brewing company in the world by volume, Anheuser Busch was the largest, followed by SABMiller in second place. Heineken International was in fourth place and AmBev was the world #39;s fifth largest brewer.InBev employed close to 89,000 people, running operations in over 30 countries across the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific. In 2007, InBev realized 14.4 billion euro of revenue. (Anheuser Busch InBev) Management teamAfter the formation of Anheuser Busch InBev SA/NV on October 20, 2016, the company was to be run by teams of quot;functional chiefs quot; and quot;zone presidents
  • 45. quot; who report to AB InBev Chief Executive Officer Carlos Brito. All but one of those 19 positions are held by people who were already ABInBev executives before the acquisition of SABMiller. (Anheuser Busch InBev) Aside from supply operations like brewing and packaging, Anheuser Busch ... Get more on ...
  • 46. How Did Martin Luther Influence The World The Life and Influence of Martin Luther Thesis: Martin Luther was by far one of the most influential people in Church history. His doctrine on faith and works was instrumental in the success of the reformation and has since become a cornerstone of the church we know today. Martin Luther was born on November 10th 1483. His father, Hans Luther, had made something out of himself and came to own a copper mine. Desiring to see his own son go even further he pushed him in school. By the time he was seventeen years old he was entering the university life. In four years he had obtained a Master s degree from the University of Erfurt. From here his father pushed him into law school. This is not where Martin Luther would stay. While on the road, ... Show more content on ... Justification or salvation happened with an individual based on their relationship with God. This was merely a public affirmation similar to Baptism. The Church began to pray on the fact that the common people believed that through their (the church) words they (the people) were being justified. Lindberg states, The word of absolution is rather a verbal act, which first creates a relationship 0 between God in whose name it is spoken, and the person to whom it is spoken and who believes the promise. Running a church with the size and functionality of the Roman Catholic Church is expensive and people were willing to pay to see themselves and their love ones absolved of sin. The indulgence was the proverbial Get out of Jail Free card. Martin Luther s most dramatic and bold act may have been nailing 95 Theses onto the Church doors in Wittenberg. It all began with Luther s Ninety Five Theses which seemed to be aimed at depriving the pope of his power and the people of their consolation. Nearly all of the 95 Theses are aimed toward clarifying justification as an act of faith and that no man or money can get it for you. The twenty first thesis states Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say that a man is absolved from every penalty and saved by papal indulgences. With the sale of indulgences came the implication that you are rewarded for good works, but any other work is going to cost you something only the Church ... Get more on ...
  • 47. A Short Note On Kid Flash This is all my mind would allow under the constant alarm, shattering any train of thought that I could muster; effectively making my ring useless, as it s dependant on my suffering doesn t live much longer, when Artemis shoot an arrow into the powerbox, sending out a small shock. As the noise ends with a whine, I carefully check my ears for any blood. Finding not a single speck, relief tidal waves over me, threatening to make me pass out from the vertigo. Kid Flash, perhaps exercise caution next time. Aqualad advises, rubbing her ears in the same way that I did. Worst of all hit was Megan, who is closing her eyes and gasping every few seconds. Running over, I fret over my friend. You okay, Miss M? I ask, soothingly rubbing her... Show more content on ... Furthermore, even I felt satisfied with the bodies of the League slumped against cracks in the walls. Just as I was about to rejoin the others, something tackled Superboy sending both of them through the wall and outside. Uh oh. I barely got out before I was also sent to the ground, causing a splitting pain to run down my spine. Looking up, the figure of Sportsmaster stands menacingly above me. For a second, I swear I heard a chuckle coming from behind his mask, but it was short lived when he throws a live grenade at me; it lands perfectly on my flat chest. Don t even bother Kyle, that thing won t kill you. Grinning cockily, I patiently wait for it to go off. Then, it clicks, but instead of a loud boom, it releases some kind of gas into the air. Strolling into a room of yellow tick, tock, tick, tock goes the clock. The room is swalled by nothing, it s wall folded into the abyss like a carpet. Down goes me, finally free. Reaching the bottom, nothing is there. Where am I? Head spiralling into blurs, no faces, no voices, and no identity. Wait... WTF. At last I gasp out, my head reeling with dizziness. Apparently that gas is a very... potent hallucinogen. Gotta hand it to the villain, he knew his stuff; weirdly enough, somehow he must have known that I am cocky enough to let it blow up.
  • 48. Shaking the remnants of drowsiness from my head, I slowly pick myself up from the cold, hard ground cracking my spine from the awkward position that I was lying ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Can Ordinary People Be A Hero Ordinary People can be a Hero originally, I assumed that a hero was someone who fought villains in movies or had superpowers. Although I assumed that those who fought villains in movies or had superpower are a hero, now I believe that hero is someone who does extraordinary things such as put their lives in danger situations for others, someone who helps other and save someone. On the other hand, I believe that not everyone single person can be a hero because they donВґt care about others and only know how to protect themselves. First of all, I believe that ordinary people can be considered a hero because they put their lives in danger situations for other. In this case, when I was a kid, I lived in Myanmar. Life was hard so we went to Malaysia ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Technology Being Used Is Camera Traps well known technology being used is camera traps. For decades, camera traps have been used to monitor wildlife without endangering the lives of humans, but today highly sophisticated digital cameras are even more helpful because some of the cameras now come with automatic triggers, heat sensing, vibration detection, infrared detection, video feeds, and acoustic elements (Cress and Zommers, 2014). Similarly to camera traps, radio collars that have been used for tracking wildlife has also gone through technological advances in terms of their use with satellite technology. Advancements in the sizes and costs of the collars now allow elephants to be collared. Even something as common as a database is being advanced in the fight to protect ... Show more content on ... The last form of technology that Cress and Zommers (2014) describe is DNA testing. Genetic sequencing can be used to identify wildlife body parts such as ivory tusks. Once identified, it can confirm a sub species, region of origin, or other useful data. DNA testing is a constantly growing filed that will continue to have uses in the fight to end illegal ivory trading and poaching. With all these different types of technology, there is more hope for scientists and policy makers to be able to not only identify species that are at risk, but to take measures to protect such species from extinction. Even countries that are not as involved in the ivory trade can use technologies to help stop illegal poaching and trading of ivory. For example, in 2014 the United States Government launched the Technology Challenge on Wildlife Trafficking through the USAID (United States Agency for International Development). This is a grant program that is intended to encourage the best and smartest scientists and entrepreneurs to use technological solutions to fight against illegal wildlife trade (Cress and Zommers, 2014). Cress and Zommers (2014) quote from the China Government Network (2013) when they describe how China, who is a country largely involved with ivory trade launched Skynet Action in 2013 which is a key component of which to stop the ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Case Study Six Sigma 1. Introduction When we talk about getting lean it is usually in regards to losing excess weight and strengthening a new body that is lighter and capable of doing more in an efficient way. The same principle applies when Lean Six Sigma methods are applied to business operations. Simply put, this process is all about cost reduction and increased profits. Founded by Motorola, USA in 1986, Six Sigma is a strategy that optimizes the process of outputting products and services by getting rid of errors so that results are always constant and always growing. The term Six Sigma is one that comes from the manufacturing sector, in particular statistical modeling of processes involved in manufacturing. A sigma rating is used to indicate the yield of a ... Show more content on ... Relies on many lean tools, such as Continuous Flow, Heijunka, Kanban, Standardized Work and Takt Time.Highly effective in reducing inventory levels. Improves cash flow and reduces space requirements. Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)A strategy where employees work together proactively to achieve regular, incremental improvements in the manufacturing process.Combines the collective talents of a company to create an engine for continually eliminating waste from manufacturing processes. Kanban (Pull System)A method of regulating the flow of goods both within the factory and with outside suppliers and customers. Based on automatic replenishment through signal cards that indicate when more goods are needed.Eliminates waste from inventory and overproduction. Can eliminate the need for physical inventories (instead relying on signal cards to indicate when more goods need to be ordered). KPI (Key Performance Indicator)Metrics designed to track and encourage progress towards critical goals of the organization. Strongly promoted KPIs can be extremely powerful drivers of behavior so it is important to carefully select KPIs that will drive desired behavior.The best manufacturing ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Agriculture And The Industrial Revolution Of The Late 1700s As the Earth s population grows at breakneck pace over the next several decades, who will feed the world s people? Agriculture has undergone an extensive expansion and transformation throughout the last few centuries, beginning with the Industrial Revolution of the late 1700s. New technology allowed for better and greater methods of production. With the development of modern technology, people try to think some way can plant less, get more. Many farmers plant only one crop in the same place year after year. However, those against monocropping claim that it is very hard on the environment and actually less profitable than organic means of farming ( Monoculture Crops Learn About The Effects Of Monocropping ). In addition, the destructive nature of agriculturehas recently shown its hand. While our supermarkets, convenience stores, and restaurants are filled with abundant food options, people forget to ask themselves where all this food comes from. Globalization has opened up economies of scale and has allowed people to tap into different types of products, whether that is food or clothing. But the availability of an increased mass market comes at a cost. However, today, the modern farming techniques have grown into a headache for farmers and governments alike, because they are the consequences of overproduction, industrial waste and other problems arising from the modern methods of agriculture. Thus, modern techniques are harmful to environments, animals, and humans. The one ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Lion Research Papers The King of the Jungle is a really big, powerful cat that is probably the most famous member of the cat family and it s the stronger cat on the family. The lion is known for it s big, silencing roar, which puts fear in their prey s eyes. Lions can live in cool temperatures, while also being able to live in the heat of desert areas. They don t like to live in big forests, such as rain forest. Most of them live woodlands, grassy plains, and areas with thorny scrub trees. Lions tend to live where they find food, mainly antelope, deer, zebra, and they also live where they have a place to drink, like streams and nearby rivers. These kings of the jungle can weigh between 250 and 550 pounds, depending on sex and age and can grow up to be forteen years old in the wild and over the age of twenty years old in captivity (Lions). A male lions usually weighs 350 to 400 pounds, but some can get up to 550pounds. Most males get about 9 feet long from the nose to the end of the tail. Lionesses, or females, are smaller than males. They weigh only 250 to 300 pounds, and they are about a foot shorter. Male lions are the only cats with manes. The mane covers the head and the neck, down to the shoulder and the chest area. It is a long, ... Show more content on ... Prides consist of between three and forty lions, with fifteen being the average. Of these cats, there are generally only one or two males. Females commonly remain with their birth pride for life males leave after two to four years. (Lions). Males are primarily responsible for the security of their pride. While they will participate in hunting, they spend the majority of their time on security patrols. They will defend their pride s territory, which can cover up about 100 square miles. Females are primarily responsible for hunting, which typically occurs after dark. They are also the primary caregivers for lion cubs. The eating hierarchy is males first, followed by females and then ... Get more on ...