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Post Ww2 Essay Topics
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Post Ww2 Essay TopicsPost Ww2 Essay Topics
Distrust In Police
In recent years, society has heard cases of police brutality at an increasingly shocking rate, thus
creating a sense of distrust among communities towards police officers and other authority
figures. As the first line of defense against crimes such as home invasions or crimes against
persons, police officers are expected to be an ally towards victims; however, it seems that society
is now viewing officers as the perpetrators of crimes as opposed to the protectors. This has already
posed an issue because community members are choosing not to seek policehelp when needed, and
when they do decide to seek help, forgoing police assistance results in being uncertain of where
else to go.
Chicago is the third most populated city in America, and in 2014 there were 57,863 crimes
reported by the Chicago Police Department. However, this does ... Show more content on ...
Brown (2004) said that it is essential that police officials adjust their polices and practices to
accommodate the changing needs of the populace as it continues to metamorphasize. He suggests
that police help educate immigrants about U.S. laws and the role of police, and believes that
serving a diverse society requires police to interact with minorities in a respectful manner while
also seeking their input on local problems. Overall, Brown touts the option of community policing
and shows that he is in favor of integrating the police into the community in order to create deeper
bonds with citizens and form a sense of trust. In various studies, community policing has been
shown to effectively increase positive relations between citizens and the police; when people begin
feeling like they can trust the police, they are more likely to help the authorities out by offering
information regarding crimes that they may have witnessed, or even acting as eyes on the street
when the police are not
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Essay on The Concept of Moral Panics
The Concept of Moral Panics A moral panic is said to occur when the media mobilises public
opinion around the condemnation of deviance ( Media coverage of deviance: moral panics ,
lecture handout, 07 10 02). Deviance, in this context, refers to the violation of social norms and
values, and the subsequent disruption of social order. This essay will begin with a clarification
of the terms moral panic and deviance and outline how the two concepts are related. It will then
describe the processes of news reporting while making reference to Stanley Cohen s established
case study of the 1964 Bank Holiday fracas in Clacton, England as an example of such a media
fuelled moral... Show more content on ...
Leslie Wilkins in her extract titled Information and the definition of deviance (Cohen and Young,
1974, p.36) supports this relativist view and uses culture to illustrate how deviance is subjective.
She explains how many cultures prior to Western contact held definitions of normality which
were out of accord with existing Western values. However, once the cultures made contact, the
Western interlopers would redefine the indigenous cultures perceptions of normality and
deviance. Thus, distinct value systems do exist, but the more powerful groups in a society
routinely impose their own values on others. The mass media is a crucial influence on the
public perception of deviance. When it focuses on deviance, it shapes opinions on what
constitutes deviant behaviour and provides a symbolic cement for a consensus of values (
Media coverage of deviance: moral panics , lecture handout, 07 10 02). And as previously stated,
when the media s focus on such deviance instigates a vehement public denunciation of the
associated problem , it is said to be encouraging moral panic. In his study Folk Devils and Moral
Panics , Stanley Cohen suggests that a moral panic often occurs when a condition, episode, person
or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests
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The Cost Benefits Of Telecommuting Essay
In this section, we present our conclusions based on our research related to the four questions
presented in the research section.
Cost Benefits of Telecommuting
The financial benefits for employees who telecommute are substantial and convincing. As the
research indicates, savings in gas alone for a person traveling 30 miles round trip is over $4,000
annually. Depending upon how far someone travels to and from work, how much a person spends
for clothing, morning coffee and lunches, the savings could be significant to employees.
Regardless, the average savings for a telecommuter would be between $2,000 and $7,000.
Based on the research conducted on other companies of various sizes, the financial benefit of
telecommuting to Corona Corporation would also be substantial. The research shows that businesses
would save around $11,000 annually per employee. In addition to this, the fact that employers
report 63% fewer unscheduled absences, makes telework very attractive to companies.
On the basis of the results of these savings to both the employee and the company, we believe that
all parties will recognize the cost benefits are a powerful argument for a telecommuting plan.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Telecommuting
Although there are some disadvantages to telework, those potential problems can be overcome
through a sound training and management program. Our employees have already been well trained
to do their jobs. Managers and employees will need
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Theories Of Scientific Management Theory And Human...
Executive Summary
The National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM) of India defined human resource
management as that part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their
relationship within an enterprise. Its aim is to bring together and develop into an effective
organization of the men and women who make up an enterprise and having regard for the well
being of the individuals and of working groups, to enable them to make their best contribution to its
success. Human resource management always seeks the best theory to fulfill their intent in
managing the human resource. Some of the famous theories are scientific management theory and
behavioral management theory.
Scientific management theory is the starting point where people start to think scientifically. They
do not only depend on common habitual without considering it is efficient or not anymore. They
start to think effectively in enhancing productivity. Scientific management theory proposed some
way in order to get the most ... Show more content on ...
But it will be a great combination if both of them are put into the society. It is because both of them
are completing each other. We cannot deny the fact that organization needs the most effective and
efficient way to accomplish the most profitable goal. But in another side, we should consider too
that it is not only about the number and quantitative things. We need something that we called
qualitative thing which can support the quantitative thing. We cannot ignore that the satisfaction of
employee can affect the productivity. That is why, scientific management theory and behavioral
management should be mixing in order to get the primary point of Human Resource Management
itself, namely effectiveness, development of human resources, the organizational s goals, and
satisfaction of employee in giving best contribute to organization s
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Workplace Stress
Three out of every four American workers describe their work as stressful. According to the
Holmes Rahe Life Events Scale, which rates levels of stress, many of the most stressful events in
life are related to the workplace. Some examples are firings, business readjustments and changes in
financial status, altered responsibilities, a switch to a different line of work, trouble with the boss,
changes in work hours or conditions, retirement and vacations. Workplace stresscosts American
employers an estimated $200 billion per year in lower productivity, absenteeism, staff turnover,
workers compensation, medical insurance and other stress related expenses. However, stress may
not always be a bad thing. It can stimulate creativity and... Show more content on ...
Get a large number of people together to point out the problem and you won t be seen as a trouble
Career and job ambiguity a feeling of helplessness and lack of control. How can I succeed if I don t
know what s expected of me or if my job here is uncertain? Stress levels are affected by vagueness
within management. A lot of people think this is a lack of communication from the manager to the
employee, but I feel that it is the responsibility of the employee to seek out what is expected of
him or her. For example, if you get a bad evaluation or raise, simply go to your boss and ask him
what you can do differently over the next year to enable you to get a better evaluation or increase
in pay.
No feedback good or bad prevents people from knowing how they are doing and whether they are
meeting expectations. Stress related to this issue is typically one of management misperception as
to the amount, importance, and effectiveness of feedback to employees. Whatever the cause,
employees are easily stressed by lack of communication in this area. This is again something you
may not have control over, but it is still a good demonstation of why a lack of communication is
No appreciation lack of recognition generates stress that endangers future efforts. Human nature
requires that we demonstrate appreciation for jobs well done. Inadequate demonstration of
appreciation results in lowered productivity. This
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Medea Essay
Euripides always expressed his point of views towards the culture of Ancient Greeks, mostly
hatred and enmity. However his safety was a major concern due to the irrational behaviour of the
ancient Greeks and his close friends and family members. Thus he expressed his notions by giving
speaking power to his characters. Medeahas been given the same property. In Medea, Euripides
discusses exclusively about the gender segregation and inequality. He criticises men for
considering themselves a dominant figure of the society. However this criticism is presented in
form of a tragedy which unfolds in the city of Corinth. Medea, a contrast of the ancient Greek
women, shows the empowerment and courage of women by executing her own blood. After she was
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This power provided her a strong base to plan for revenge from Jason. As mentioned, her cruelty
had no set boundaries and limitations. Thus she didn t hesitate to continue with her cruel plan
and murdered the princess in attempt to revenge Jason. Executing her plan was a suicidal
attempt and hence she managed to escape due to her future planning. This symbolises the true
ambition and desire of Medea and her determination and so Euripides also conveys his ideology
about women. Medea, a distinct character conveys strong message across the audience and
allows them to reconsider the legal rights of women. Not in the modern era but in the ancient
times, recognition of women was a major dilemma for the society. Other than that Euripides
tries to justify Medea s evilness by providing reasons and by letting Medea express her love for
Jason. She chooses vengeance over law, this doesn t only show the dignity of Medea, it also
presents the deep emotions of hers which conquered her mind and forced her to commit an
unforgivable crime. After all she did for Jason, she only asked for his loyalty and integrity. Upon
Jason s betrayal, Medea shattered into pieces as she trusted Jason and his moral values. Jason s
compelling behaviour turned Medea into an evil who later turns into a murderer of the royal family
and her own
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Socioeconomic Status
If I could go to work and teach music and only have to worry about teaching music to a classroom
of students that are ready to learn, what a job that would be! (Charles Moorer Jr.). Socioeconomic
status determines a number of things that we consider quite valuable to our overall make up as
human beings. These things are to include the type/quality of educationone receives, overall income
and occupation. All of these are common things that we deal with regularly. Therefore, how does
this affect musical development as well as the teaching of music? Society is affected tremendously
by our socioeconomic status. When dealing with the low end of this status, it s commonly
associated with lower quality education, poor health as well as poverty.... Show more content on ...
Research suggests that all students should receive the same privileges as well as overall self
development no matter what their socioeconomic status background may be. Is this the case
though? No. It has been proven how the lower socioeconomic status students tend to receive the
lower end of masses. These masses include books, facilities, administration, and even teachers.
So is this a product of the richer getting richer and the poorer are getting poorer ? We must
always remember that Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs is an essential element when dealing with
any form of education, especially music education and its development. Maslow s Hierarchy of
needs includes physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self actualization. Students who s needs
aren t met properly are extremely tough to instruct during teaching. Unless those needs are met,
students will not commit to achieving musically or even academically because of their lack of a
solid foundation. It is my desire to provide all students, no matter what their socioeconomic status
background or class may be with a positive and enlightening music education. Through this
education they will develop many musical skills year in and year out. I am aware of the
challenges that this may bring, but I am well prepared for the
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Analysis Of Lysistrata
In Aristophanes play Lysistrata, the plot is during the middle of the Peloponnesian war. The
title character Lysistrata, is a Athenian woman who has convened a meeting with the women
whose husbands are off fighting in the war. Lysistrata arranges the meeting in order to propose a
solution to ending the war which includes the women withholding sex from their husbands.
Initially, the women don t like the idea of her plan but soon come to agree with her after
realizing that it may be the only way to get the men to stop fighting. All of the women then take
an oath and swear off sex until a peace treaty is signed. Lysistrata also plans to attack and seize
the nearby acropolis, which contains the Athenian treasury, in order to cut off funding to the war.
When the chorus of women go to the acropolis, they are met by a chorus of men who have
intentions of smoking the women out of it but the women meet them with buckets of water. After
multiple altercations with different people in the men s chorus, one of the women s husbands
shows up wanting to have sex with his wife and she plays along with him, giving him the
impression that they re going to have sex but then soon runs back to the acropolis with the other
women. Upon their return, men from both the nearby cities as well as Sparta realize that they
have something in common: their wives are all withholding sex from them and the conspiracy is
international. Upon the realization of this, the men decide to declare peace with one another and
the story concludes with large celebrations. A large portion of Aristophanes play relies heavily on
the use of women and sex in comedic ways. Aristophanes uses women to satirically undermine the
athenian government through the use of sexual comedy. Aristophanes portrays women as
irrational and lustful creatures. A large portion of the story relies heavily on this idea as for it
drives the idea as for it sets the tone for the mindset of the women. The play begins with a
misinterpretation between two characters, Calonice and Lysistrata. Lysistrata arranges the meeting
of women and Calonice is the first of the women to show up. Calonice is curious as to why
Lysistrata calls the meeting so she then asks, CALONICE. Well, Lysistrata
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Recommendation For Establishing National Fire Services System
Policy Analysis Memo
TO: President Park, Geun Hye
FROM: Lee, Jae Chul
DATE: November 10, 2015
RE: Recommendation for Establishing National Fire Services System
Background and Summary
Now the government is pushing ahead with decentralization in order to strengthen the autonomy of
local government and enhance regional competitiveness. One of main contents of decentralization
is the reallocation of administrative affairs of the national and local governments among the State
and local governments so that the functions of the State and local governments become harmonious.
In this regard the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (hereinafter, MOPAS) asserts that
it is more efficient that the fire services related to the welfare of the ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the necessity of implementing the fire services at the central government level has been
raised because fire services are directly connected with the safety of the people. It is the most basic
obligation of the State assigned by the Constitution to strive for the protection of the life and body
of people. In other words, fire services have the nature of national affairs rather than provincial
governments affairs.
There are three options with regard to fire services system reorganization: switching to national
fire services system, financial supporting for provincial governments fire services budget, and
switching to local fire services system. The most desirable option is switching to national fire
services system, considering the nature of fire services, efficiency, and ensuring the safety of
people through the effective response to disasters. According to article 34 of the Constitution of
the Republic of Korea, the State has a duty to protect citizens from disasters. Unpredictable
disasters require proactive responses of central government due to difficulty in coping with
disasters with provincial governments fire services force. As we have already experienced in the
Sewol Ferry sinking, we need to establish strong and unitary command system to secure the safety
of people from disasters. Thus I recommend switching to national fire services system.
Policy Options
Simply do nothing is not appropriate in the current situation given the
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A Simple Fast And Memory Efficient Algorithm For Secure...
A Simple, Fast and Memory Efficient Algorithm for Secure Communications in Wireless Sensor
Networks Anusha Peddigari, Archana Tandra and L.K. Suresh Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University College of Engineering,
Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Email: suresh.lokhande, anushapeddigari94, archanatandra95 {}
Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) introduce a new way to interact with the physical
environment. The security in WSNs became an attractive area of research. WSNs are susceptible to
a wide range of malicious attacks. At present ECC is considered for secure communications, which
is having good potential for WSN security due to its smaller key size and its high strength of
security. Unfortunately, the execution time of ECC is more which is not suitable for more number
of applications. A number of other security mechanisms have been proposed for sensor networks to
provide data confidentiality, namely Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption
Standard (DES). In this paper, we propose an algorithm, which is compared and analyzed with the
existing ECC and AES to provide better security with authenticated sensor nodes. The
authentication is done with a secret code. The proposed algorithm will ensure the secure
communication with authenticated devices. The analysis results shows that the scheme works
better than the common existent schemes with better utilization of available memory.
Keywords Elliptic Curve Cryptography,
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Feminism And Its Impact On Women s Rights
they could be. Feminism in refer to a collection of movements and opinions that share a common
goal including to define, create, and achieve equal rights for women in social, economic, cultural
and political dimensions (Berger, 2013).
Feminist movements have fought for women s rights including suffrage rights, right for fair wage,
right to work, hold a public office, own property, education, equal rights in marriages among other
rights (Ryan, 2013).
The journey to achieve these rights has not been without struggle as feminism has been met with
great resistance from the male dominated society.
Besides fighting for women s rights, feminists advocated for bodily autonomy and integrity and
especially to protect girls and women in general from sexual harassment, rape, and domestic
violence (Coppock Haydon, 2014).
Slide 3:
Media has always been an important element in the propagation of ideas in the society. Feminism
has been one of the issues that media has given enough attention over the years. However, the way
the media represents feminism and feminists have not been positive especially in the 19th and 20th
centuries (Johnson, 2014).
Feminism has been portrayed in the media in a different perspective. It has been portrayed as a
fight against men. This has created a picture that the female gender was fighting against the male
In fact, the way different media has represented feminism and feminists have portrayed women who
support feminism as a scary element in
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Summary Of Stealing Music
The article Stealing Music: Is It Wrong Or Isn t It? , by Michael Arrington, presents the difference
in the term stealing music as applied to the older decades and nowadays, in the 2000 s. It also
presents the situations where sharing music is a good thing, and where it is not. Finally, it explains
the abandonment of copyrightinfringement, due to the increasing lack of record labels. The article
begins by discussing what the term stealing musicreally means. The article also explains the
websites, such as MySpace Music, where streaming music can be done without any trouble.
Furthermore, it discusses that in the country of China, you can listen to music free from Google
The article Taylor Swift Shuns Great Experiment Of
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Essay on The Three Elements of the Female Athlete Triad
The Three Elements of the Female Athlete Triad
For an increasing number of women in the United States, a concern or preoccupation with body
weight and size is a constant pressure. Female athletes, like most women in our society, are also
often pressured to conform to certain ideal body sizes and shapes, as dictated by the entertainment
and fashion industries. Female athletes, however, face a twofold pressure. They face the burden
that our culture places on all women to be thin, but they also face the burden from coaches, parents,
and other athletes to succeed in sports and look good doing so by maintaining an unrealistically low
weight. When weight gain means removal from a team or elimination from competition, many
female athletes turn ... Show more content on ...
This term refers to a wide range of abnormal behaviors, the extremes of which are anorexia
nervosa and bulimia nervosa, but also includes limiting caloric intake, skipping meals, using diet
pills, and many other pathogenic weight control behaviors. Having stated these limitations, there
are a number of studies which do in fact indicate that female athletes struggle more with eating
disorders than average females. Studies report that the rate of disordered eating among female
athletes may be as high as 62% in certain sports (Yeager, Agostini, Nattiv, and Drinkwater, 1993).
While a study of college female swimmers found 15.4% were affected, a study of college gymnasts
showed that 62% of collegiate female athletes had seriously abnormal eating patterns. Smith (1996)
found that disordered eating is most common among those in appearance sports, such as
gymnastics, ballet, figure skating, equestrian sports, and diving. However, disordered eating
behavior can be seen in other sports in which appearance is not as important, such as tennis,
swimming, and running. Skolnick (1993) also notes that another study of 182 female athletes, who
participated in a variety of college sports, found that 32% showed disordered eating patterns.
Margot Putukian, MD (1998) reports in Clinics in Sports Medicine that a study of college athletes
found 32% practiced some form of pathogenic weight control behavior, and 70% believed their
behavior was harmless.
A study by Rush,
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Platinum Rule Disc Assessment Paper
Personalities are reflections of who people truly are at their core. This past week each team
member completed a DISC Platinum RuleTM Behavioral Assessment. As stated in the assigned
reading, this assessment provides its users with the tools for becoming a better person, the ability to
behave more maturely and productively, and to be more successful. Recognition of different
personalitystyles are observed as each team member completes the assessment. All patterns may not
work for everyone. However, these patterns are valuable to building relationships. The Platinum
RuleTM identifies four main behavioral styles and 16 sub styles. Explanations of the main
behavioral styles are listed as follows:
Dominance style (D) В– driven by two ... Show more content on ...
When under pressure this character has the tendency to force fit solutions when instead they should
take the time to analyze their position and relax. This personality type has many positive leadership
traits and is a very good description of the dominance style. In contrast to Marina, Bernadette s
assessment placed her in the Interactive main style and the Enthusiast sub style. This combination
is labeled the Id or the driving expressive. The motivational objective of the enthusiast is to
influence people. This character is very authoritative and enjoys the symbol of prestige. The
enthusiast needs a wide range of independent roaming because they become uncomfortable with
confinement or restriction of freedom. Unlike the adventurer, when the enthusiast is under
pressure they tend to become soft or evasive to their situation. The big picture with the open mind
to new opportunity is constantly a residing factor for the enthusiast. Similar to the director in
confidence levels; criticism is not a road block in the path of endeavors and a positive attitude is
ever present. In addition to Bernadette, Erin and Krystle s assessments also placed them in the
Interactive main style. However, both Erin and Krystle also had results that indicated the sub style,
the Impresser or Ic. This particular combination is described as a thinking socializer or analytical
expressive. The description of traits lives true to the name of this subtype because the main thing
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of BYOD
Addressing Security Concerns in BYOD through Sandboxing Abhishek Mishra (Author)
Information Technology Department, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Mumbai, India Bhishm
Narula (Author) Information Technology Department, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
Mumbai, India Dhara Vyas (Author) Information Technology Department, Sardar Patel Institute of
Technology Mumbai, India Dr Radha Shankarmani (Author) Information Technology Department,
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Mumbai, India Abstract A new trend of implementing Bring
Your Own Device (BYOD) as an IT policy is being adopted by companies worldwide. It permits
employees to bring their own portable devices like tablets,... Show more content on
Some of these are based on virtualization of the device, others offer specialized applications for
specific business processes such as emails or VPNs. Furthermore, some products offer remote
connections to the enterprise networks. Most of these solutions, however, exhibit the
disadvantage that they either require a modification of the underlying operating system/kernel or
a rooted device. In the traditional case, the device being used by the employee is provided by the
company and IT officials of the enterprise can make the necessary modifications to the device
kernel and Operating System (OS), to enforce that the required enterprise policies cannot be
bypassed by employees. For instance, the enterprise could certify a certain OS configuration and
guarantee the correct execution of binaries. But modifying the OS of an employee device is not an
appealing solution since it prevents employees from installing updates on their devices, and it
requires the consent of the employee. Moreover, in BYOD scenarios, these solutions cannot be
deployed. This stems from the fact that given the device does not belong to the enterprise, the latter
does not have any justification in modifying the underlying
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Essay about Prime Minister vs. Usa President
Many people would like to believe that the president is the most powerful person in the world.
However, the structure of America has put restraints on the president that a Prime Minister would
not have. There are many differences between the President of the United States and the Prime
Minister of Canada. These differences include regulations, term of office, powers, and cultures.
Throughout this paper you will learn that just being the leader of their country is about as similar
as these two people get.
Here in the United States, we have had many presidents throughout the years. Starting with George
Washington, and finishing up with George Bush. Our presidentis the chief executive, with the
legislative and judicial branches to keep ... Show more content on ...
A president has a limit of time in office, and can serve up to two terms, four years at a time. I
believe like this is a good and bad thing. While it gives our president time to make good decisions,
and time to actually change things in our country, if the president has bad ratings, there is nothing
we can do about it until his term is up. There is only one circumstance when a president can be
voted out of office before his term is up, and that is called impeachment. This can happen when the
president has committed acts treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, thus giving
the power to the house of representatives to impeach him, and the senate the power to remove him
for office, given a two thirds vote to convict. This rarely happens though, and throughout history
only two presidents have ever been impeached; Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998
( In Canada, the Prime Minister s terms of office are determined much
differently. The prime minister is appointed by the Governor General on behalf of the queen. The
governor general will typically pick the leader of the party that has the most seats in the house to
maintain stability in the government. Unlike the president, the prime minister does not have a fixed
term of office. Canada s constitution, The Constitution of Canada, limits each parliament member
to five years, and then a general
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Modern Day Hockey
Hockey started in about the 16th century where Europeans played a form of field hockey. People
may argue that Alexander Cartwright or Abner Doubleday is the creator of the game. However , it
is impossible to list the man responsible. The origin of the name hockey has been a large debate,
and nobody has been able to say with complete accuracy how it came about. The introduction of
modern day hockey happened around the 19th century, in a British Colony in Canada. British troops
would spend their free time skating around on frozen lakes and ponds.
Hockey is played in an ice rink on a 200 by 85 foot sheet of ice. There is a total of 12 players out on
the ice at a time. Consisting of 2 goalies, and 10 players. The goal is to shoot the puck into
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Ritz Carlton Competitive Advantage
A familiar organization and the analysis of its competitive advantages
There are several organizations that have competitive advantages in the industry. However, one
familiar organization that has maintained its competitive advantage in its industry is the Ritz
Carlton hotel. Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States of
America, Ritz Carlton is regarded as one of the best in the hotel industry and has received several
accolades for great customer services (Ritz Carlton Hotels Resorts, n.d.). Nevertheless, to fully
understand its competitive advantage in the industry, it is essential to analyze its modus operandi.
The Ritz Carlton hotel management understands the value of employees; so ultimately investing in
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The organization has explicitly kept this advantageous environment over other organizations by
improving its service capacity. Additionally, the organization ensures that it stays ahead of its rivals
by engaging in research and development that focuses on luxury products and markets analysis. The
Ritz Carlton hotel uses data from its research to predict the future of the industry; therefore able to
dictate what and how the market will trend in the foreseeable future. Another factor that keeps the
organization s advantage over its rivals is that while rivals tend to become a hotel brand in the
industry, Ritz Carlton has rather position itself to be a leader and lifestyle brand that constantly
develop new properties and ensure that customers live the culture of the hotel. The final factor that
has kept the advantage of the organization intact is the culture of trust that exists between the
management and employees. The leadership of the hotel lives and communicates the organization s
value to its employees who in turn satisfy customers in a way that they often anticipate a return
visit. These are some of the reasons that the Ritz Carlton hotel continued advantageous environment
over its rivals has persisted in the hotel and resort industry (Reiss,
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Naomi Wolf The Beauty Myth
The author, Naomi Wolf, in the article The Beauty Myth addresses the issue of female beauty and
its impact on female liberation. Wolf states that the modern idea of female beauty is a form of
oppression that might have negated all the female liberation achieved by the Western women, since
the rebirth of feminism in the1970s. Wolf argues that highly educated and liberated women of the
First Word are not truly free as the contemporary ravages of beauty backlash are destroying women
psychologically and physically. I agree with the author that the modern idea of female beauty is
indeed a dead weight that hinders women from achieving total liberation, and is being used as a
political weapon against female advancement. Wolf provides a strong argument
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In The Cask Of Amontillado, The Raven, And Annabel Lee
The unity of effect is all the elements in a story that channels the effect the author wants the
audience to experience. Therefore, to achieve the unity of effect in the Cask of Amontillado, The
Raven, and Annabel Lee, Poe used the elements of setting, alliteration, and unreliable narrator to
help elicit the unsettling mood in the audience.
For the sake of the unity of effect , Poe uses setting for the purpose of conceiving a sinister mood.
As Montresor and Fortunato walked deeper into the catacombs in the Cask of Amontillado,
Montresor points out the trickling of the water on the bones. We are below the river s bed. The
drops of moisture trickle among the bones. (Cask)The setting is under the surface of the earth, so
the audience associates it with with Hell because of the bones that lie around. The bones also make
the audience feel that the setting is eery and dangerous because it reminds them of death. This only
makes isolation and danger prominent factors in the setting. The mood becomes unpredictable and
treacherous, with a sense of fear and dread knowing that something bad will happen to the
characters who are away from safety. Under those circumstances, Poe controlled the audience s fear
and the diabolical mood using the dark setting.
Once again Poe uses the unity of effect to elicit this tense mood and draw out terror in the audience.
In The Raven, Poe used alliteration with the intention to build a suspenseful mood and dread in the
audience. The narrator of
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Valuation Of Common Stock
Valuation of Common Stock
Ashok Banerjee
Common (Equity) Stocks
Because common stock never matures, today s value is the present value of an infinite stream of
cash flows (i.e., dividend).
But dividends are not fixed.
Not knowing the amount of the dividends or even if there will be future dividends makes it difficult
to determine the value of common stock.
So what are we to do?
Valuation Models
Dividend Valuation Model (DVM):
Constant dividend: Let D be the constant
The required rate of return (re) is the return shareholders demand to compensate them for the time
value of money tied up in their investment and the uncertainty of the future cash flows from these
Valuation Models
Dividend growth at a ... Show more content on ...
This will provide investors with a 15% expected return.
Instead, we decide to plow back 40% of the earnings at the firm s current return on equity of 25%.
What is the value of the stock before and after the plowback decision?
Valuing Common Stocks
Our company forecasts to pay a $8.33 dividend next year, which represents 100% of its earnings.
This will provide investors with a
15% expected return. Instead, we decide to plow back 40% of the earnings at the firm s current
return on equity of 25%. What is the value of the stock before and after the plowback decision?
No Growth
P0 пЂЅ
With Growth
g пЂЅ.25 п‚ґ.40 пЂЅ.10
P0 пЂЅ
.15 пЂ .10
Valuing Common Stocks
Example continued
If the company did not plowback some earnings, the stock price would remain at $55.56. With the
plowback, the price rose to $100.00.
The difference between these two numbers is called the
Present Value of Growth Opportunities (PVGO).
PVGO пЂЅ100.00 пЂ 55.56 пЂЅ$44.44
Valuing Common Stocks
Present Value of Growth Opportunities
(PVGO) Net present value of a firm s future investments.
Sustainable Growth Rate Steady rate at which a firm can grow: plowback ratio
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Stephen King Research Paper
Stephen king
Stephen edwin king was born on september 21 1947, in portland, maine to donald edwin king
and nellie ruth pillsbury. He was their first biological child two years earlier they adopted a little
boy, david victor who became stephen s older brother. In 1949, donald abandoned his familynever
to be seen from or heard from again. His mother nellie had to take care of him and david throughout
all the rough times. Read along to find out all the stuff about stephen king. Stephen attended in
grammar school in durham and then lisbon falls high school, graduating in 1966. From his
sophomore year at the university of maine at orono, he wrote a weekly column for the school
newspaper. Stephen is half scots irish is 6 4 and weighs about 200 pounds. He has blue eyes, fair
skinned, has thick black hair, with a frost of white most noticeable in his beard. He also has worn
glasses since he was a child. ... Show more content on ...
King graduated from college in 1970, and he and tabitha were married the following year. The
couple moved to hermon, maine where they lived in mobile home and king got a job teaching
english at the hampton academy. Ruth nellie king died on december 18, 1973, of cancer. She
lived long enough to know her son had finally succeeded as a writer, but not long enough to see
his first novel in print. The kings eventually had two children, Naomi and Joseph. They were so
poor that they didn t have a telephone, And couldn t repair their
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Uk Supermarket
1.0 INTRODUCTION Today s strange, new business world needs an augmented model of industry
and market analysis that reflects recent developments in industry dynamics, such as globalization,
entrepreneurship, technological advances and the internet (Slater Olson, 2002).
performance is reliant on consumer s income and their willingness to spend. The growing consumer
pressure to drive value, quality and taste requires companies with strong management teams to
understand the market trends in the industry of which this had led to constant competition among
firms in the industry. This rivalry is based on firms in the industry battling to win the highest market
share in ... Show more content on ...
Since the recession hit in 2007, more power has shifted into the hands of buyers as
supermarkets like Tescooffering the biggest discounts in the UK and Sainsbury s offering of
substitute products too (Mintel, 2010). This shows the responsiveness and flexibility towards
consumer needs in the supermarket industry.
2.3 THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES Substitutes do not entirely replace existing products but may
introduce new technology or reduce the costs of producing the same product (Porter, 1980).
Substitutes may limit the profits in an industry by keeping their prices down (Porter, 1980). The
threat of substitution is quite high in this industry because consumers are able to substitute to other
major retailers, convenience stores, niche product outlets, restaurants, bakeries, butchers and
farmers (Coriolis Research, 2004). Supermarkets like Tesco and ASDAhave a range of products
and services that have close substitutes, effecting price elasticity of demand because the market is
sensitive to price (IBISWorld). The demand for a particular brand or retailer will increase or
decrease concurrent to the movement of price in comparison to its competition (IBISWorld). The
UK supermarkets are always trying to increase the quality of products and services resulting in a
constant need to differentiate products and services from competition to make them less price
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The Importance Of Bureaucracy
Holzer and Schwester (2016) defines bureaucracy as the structure within which virtually all
government organizations operate (29). The purpose of the bureau is to ensure that goods and
services can be produced or provided in the most efficient manner possible. Bureaucrats are
responsible for implement policies established by congressional acts or presidential decisions
(American Politics Today). Bureau engages in a variety of activities which ranges from regulating
individual and corporations to buying everything the governmentneeds (American Politics Today).
Responsiveness can be defined as the quality of reacting quickly and positively. Bureaucracy
responsiveness can be defined as how quickly and effectively can the bureau reacts/responds to
events that is occurring within the public sector. Bureaucracy responsiveness is extremely
important now because the bureaucratic organizations and senior civil servants more than ever
are directly exposed to public pressures in the form of media coverage, public protests etc. (Barkat
Gilad 2015). It is essential for the bureau to be attentive to public pressures due to the high levels
of political control to preempt intervention by politicians who are reliant on public support (Barkat
Gilad 2015). Good listening and deductive reasoning are extremely important. Responsiveness
ranges from the ability to accurate comprehend the events taking place. It also includes the ability
to analyze and differentiate the important issues from
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The Children and Young Persons Act 2008 Essay
There are a number of legislations which address the needs of young people leaving care with
provisions that are in place to help them through life transitions. The Children and Young Persons
Act 2008 focuses on older young people and those who are leaving care. Providing the necessary
legislative support to improve the care system in England. Ensuring that stability and continuity in
every aspect of a child s care. This act proposed to reform the statutory framework for the care
system involving children and youngpeopleas much as possible regarding decision making, giving
them a voice so that they are heard. Resulting in the improvement of care standards.
Its main aims are to improve the delivery of social workers, the functions in ... Show more content
on ...
Making the role of the designed teacher statutory for more support for care leavers by offering an
incentive, they are entitled to a ВЈ2,000 bursary if they go into higher education or training.
Children who are looked after must not move from an unregulated placement such as foster care
or a children s home without a form review, chaired by an Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO)
to confirm that they are ready to move and that the new setting will meet their needs. Children s
voices are heard in all decisions about their futures and are made by them.
When leaving care young people are faced with a whole range of responsibilities, it is important for
care settings to recognised this. When making the transition out of care the young person must be
healthy, safe, have developed both emotionally and behaviourally. A plan must have been made
and approved by a personal advisor and an assessment of needs should be completed. Most
importantly suitable accommodation is available and financial support is provided. All social and
family relationships (if applicable and mutually decided) are healthy.
Pathway plans are essential a young persons health, housing, educational support and financial
support is reviewed by a social worker every 6 months. The council must support young people in
and out of care until the age of 21. At 16 the council will give out a plan to help the young person
transition smoothly out of care into independent living. At 18 young people
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Understanding Leadership And Empowerment Of The Workplace
Ba, B. G. M. (2015). Understanding leadership and empowerment in the workplace. European
Scientific Journal, 11(35), 342.
Critical Summary of Article Employee empowerment has become an important strategic tool
used by leaders of the 21st century. According to Ba (2015), a recent change in management
style has led to the empowerment of employees in the workplace creating a situation where
empowering followers is an assumed responsibility of all leaders and thought to be a motivational
tactic. The relationship between leaders and employee has become more strategic than anytime in
business due to globalization. Leaders must understand how to use employee empowerment. Ba
suggest, a negative view of a leader can hinder performance; therefore, exploring the aspects that
guide followers to develop a positive image of their leader establishes desirable outcomes, and can
create a positive view of a leader. Employee empowerment is tested to see if it is the key in aligning
organizations systems, processes, people, practices, encourages creativity, innovation, problem
solving, and problem resolution within a control framework that is beneficial towards many
important aspects (Ba).
Critical Analysis of Research Method
The researchers used a survey process in order to gain results. Stated by Ba (2015), a survey style
method was administered to 637 customer service engineers within the same industry whose firms
switched from a classical management style to an
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Orphan Drug Market Development And Manufacturing Of Products
Sanofi Genzyme is a branch of the Sanofi Corporation that specializes in the development and
manufacturing of products to treat a variety of rare diseases. The Allston Landing Facility (ALF)
currently produces a single enzyme replacement therapy which treats patients with Type 1 Gaucher
disease. This treatment falls within the classification of an Orphan drug which is a drug or biologic
that treats a patient population of less than 200,000 within the United States. There is an entire
segment of the pharmaceutical industrycomprised of companies that develop and manufacture
treatments for rare diseases. The Orphan Drug market has a projected Worldwide 2020 sales
forecast $178bn with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7% per... Show more content
on ...
In addition, once a patient begins a treatment that improves their condition there is a low likelihood
that the patient will stop that treatment. Also, the low success rate of drugs from development
through FDA approval decreases the chance that a competitor will develop an alternative treatment.
The bargaining power of the customers within the Orphan Drug patient population is classified as
medium/low. While patients are price sensitive; the cost of treatment for most is subsidized by
either health insurance or government funding and therefore the price of these treatments are
typically very high. The average per patient on an orphan drug in the year of 2014 was calculated
to be over $110,0001. While the average cost is currently high, this has become and increased area
of scrutiny worldwide and many governments are enacting price control within the industry, eating
away at potential profits.
Once a company has successfully developed an orphan drug and gained FDA approval, the process
to build and operate a manufacturing facility can be extremely costly. This is driven by the fact that
the bargaining power of the supplies is medium/high. This classification is because of the extreme
regulations that exist for not only the equipment, but also the raw materials used within the drug
manufacturing process. The environment causes companies to create stringent supplier
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Microsoft History
The beginning of Microsoft Inc. started with Bill Gates and Paul Allen writing computer program
code for local businesses and municipalities. In 1975 they were inspired by an issue of Popular
Electronics that showed the new Altair microcomputer kit, manufactured by MITS Computer. Bill
Gates and Paul Allen wrote a version of BASIC, a computer programming language, for the
machine. Later that year Bill Gates left Harvard University to work full time developing
programming languages for the Altair, and he and Paul Allen relocated to Albuquerque, New
Mexico, to be near MITS Computer, where Paul Allen took a position as director of software
development. Bill Gates and Paul Allen named their partnership Micro soft (Microsoft ... Show
more content on ...
They encourage professional development by reimbursing tuition and textbook fees for approved
work related courses (, 2008).
(In millions, except per share amounts)
Year Ended June 30200720062005
Operating expenses: Cost of revenue10,6937,6506,031 Research and development7,1216,5846,097
Sales and marketing11,4559,8188,563 General and administrative3,3293,7584,536
Total operating expenses32,59827,81025,227
Operating income18,52416,47214,561
Investment income and other1,5771,7902,067
Income before income taxes20,10118,26216,628
Provision for income taxes6,0365,6634,374
Net income$14,065$12,599$12,254
Earnings per share: Basic$001.44$001.21$001.13 Diluted$001.42$001.20$001.12
Weighted average shares outstanding: Basic9,74210,43810,839 Diluted9,88610,53110,906
Cash dividends declared per common share$000.40$000.35$003.40
Attached is an Income Statement from 2005 to 2007 (Microsoft Corporation Annual Report,
2008). As you can see, revenues and net income have continued to increase over the years.
Earnings per share have increased as well. This shows that Microsoft is in a good financial
standing. This means they are able to pay their shareholders and increase what they
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Tanning Beds And Melanoma Essay
Those who tanned the most for ten years or more had more than twice the risk of melanoma
compared with people who never used tanning beds. Martin Weinstock of Brown University of
Medicine. Tanning beds are very menacing machines. They give out ultra violet rays that lead to
melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Tanning beds are causing many problems to
millions of people.
I.Most people go to salons or anywhere else to get a tan and they will ask Are tanning beds
dangerous? The employee will probably say no, they are totally safe, but the truth is tanning beds
are not safe! Ultra violet rays from tanning beds are stronger than the sun s rays. In addition,
tanning beds put out fifteen times the radiation given off the sun. Moreover, tan is one s body
response to injury. Therefore, a tan is dangerous to younger people. To add, tanning beds are
riskier than sun exposure and cause melanoma. The risk of melanoma goes up by seventy five
percent when one uses a tanning bed. However, not only is one more ... Show more content on ...
As many as ninety percent of melanomas are estimated to be caused ultra violet (UV) exposure.
This includes UV exposure from artificial sources, such as tanning beds. Strong evidence now
links tanning beds to melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer that afflicts nearly 69,000
Americans a year. USA Today. The more one tans and the younger one is your risk for melanoma
increases. However, melanoma is increasing faster in women 15 29 years old, than in men the
same age. Furthermore, 10,000 people die from melanoma. This is mainly caused because of
tanning beds. As a matter of fact, a person dies every fifty minutes from melanoma, the second most
common cancer. Tanning beds triple the risk of one getting melanoma. In fact, every time one goes
and tans, the risk gets higher and higher. Following this further, more people get melanoma because
of tanning beds than developing lung cancer because of
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Complex Adaptive Systems Of Healthcare Organizations Of...
Complex Adaptive Systems
Healthcare organizations of the past century were designed from 17th century ideology of the
universe based on the teachings of Sir Isaac Newton and Sir Francis Bacon. This was a
predictable and reliable world based on the viewpoint that organizations are machines and as
individuals, we are merely cogs in a wheel, fulfilling a role and playing our part. However, this
understanding has be eradicated by the idea that people and organizations are fluid, dynamic and
living organisms. Newton s clockwork universe, in which big problems can be broken down into
smaller ones, analyzed, and solved by rational deduction, has strongly influenced both the practice
of medicine and the leadership of organizations. But the machine metaphor lets us down badly
when no part of the equation is constant, independent, or predictable. The new science of complex
adaptive systems states that in order to cope with escalating complexity in health care we must
abandon linear models, accept unpredictability, respect (and utilize) autonomy and creativity, and
respond flexibly to emerging patterns and opportunities (Plsek Greenhalgh, 2001).
Veterans Health Administrationwithin the Department of Veterans Affairs
The Department of Veterans Affairs was established as an independent agency under the President
of the United States in 1930, and was elevated to Cabinet level in 1989 (U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs [VA], 2014). The Department s mission is to serve America s
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Drug Abuse Prevention Programs
Drug Abuse Prevention Programs:
Effectiveness of DARE and Project ALERT
Drug Abuse Prevention Programs:
Effectiveness of DARE and Project ALERT Although drug use among secondary school students
appears to have leveled off during the late 1990s, US adolescents continue to use alcohol, tobacco,
and marijuana at unacceptably high rates. Among eighth graders, 52% have tried alcohol, 41%
have tried cigarettes, and 20% have tried marijuana. By 12th grade these rates are substantially
higher, with large numbers of adolescents engaging in regular drug use (Ellickson, Bell, McGuigan,
1993). In spite of numerous programs implemented in elementary, middle, and high schools to
prevent drug, alcohol, and ... Show more content on ...
The DARE officer is required to undergo 80 hours of special training in the area of child
development, classroom management, teaching techniques, and communication skills, combined
with an additional 40 hours to prepare them to teach the high school curriculum (Ennett et al.,
1994). This training is required of all DARE Officers prior to facilitating a DARE program.
Additionally, this training equips the officer with the knowledge and expertise to answer
questions posed by the students, regarding drugs and crime, while in the classroom (Kochis,
2001). Since its initial development and implementation in Los Angeles, DARE has been
replicated, expanded, and implemented all over the country. The seemingly overwhelming
commitment and support for this program as a drug prevention program for youths is a puzzle.
Not only does it come at a time of limited economic resources, but there is little empirical
evidence of the success of DARE as a deterrent to drug use (Lynam et al., 1991). Lynam et al.
(1991) tracked over 1,000 Midwestern students who participated in Project DARE in the sixth
grade. These students were reevaluated at age 20, ten years after receiving the drug prevention
education. The study compared pre DARE levels of cigarette, alcohol, marijuana and illicit drug use
of the students to such use at age 20. Although the DARE intervention produced a few initial
improvements in the students attitudes
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What Leadership Behaviors And Management Systems Support...
negative consequence of getting to be subject to outer assets for consistent change and of
accomplishing just sporadic, transient enhancements. Pietro Fiorentini has rather turned into a
position of experimentation, in which the learning, methodologies and systems of the best
counselling firms are contrasted and joined and inward information and with the excitement and
vitality of the organization s kin. For sure, it is an interesting generation and administration model.
________________________________________ WHAT LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS AND
backing and support the change, yet he likewise was the genuine maker and motor of the utilization
of incline at Pietro Fiorentini. The bolster he gave was not constrained to authority advancing an
incline venture, as it is frequently the case in the normal hierarchical change activity. Rather, it
implied that he was completely required in the incline venture, turning into its initiator and driver.
He drove the change first hand, for instance by joining in each movement of the procedure, from
the upgrading of the design to the production of assembling cells and the dispatch of kaizen weeks.
This was conceivable in light of Mario s significant comprehension of the standards and strategies of
incline considering, which originates from direct experience increased through years of
concentrating on (his incline library is entirely noteworthy), through his
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The Pros And Cons Of Colic
Colic is a form of spasmodic pain caused by internal muscle groups fighting to conquer an
obstruction. Colic isn t always simply a disorder in itself. It is, as an alternative, a form of pain
which comes and goes, commonly constructing as much as a minute or so of actual suffering
and subsiding to a dull ache earlier than building as much as some other crescendo. The web site
of the ache, as well as the time c program languageperiod in between every assault, can give your
physician a few very beneficial clues as to whether or not or now not you have got been struck by
way of colic. Many organs, consisting of the intestine and the ureter (the passage thru which urine
travels from the kidneys to the bladder) incorporate the kind of smooth muscle that s commonly
tormented by colic.... Show more content on ...
Inflammation and swelling idiot the gut into thinking it s far full and powerful waves of
contraction buildup to try to shift the obstruction Simple Painkillers, hot water bottles and
peppermints might also help to relieve the soreness.
... Get more on ...
Evaluation Of A Performance Assessment
Evaluation of a Performance Assessment: edTPA James (Monty) Burger Texas A M University
Evaluation of a Performance Assessment: edTPA Teacher effectiveness is of the utmost
importance to ensure student success. However a valid and reliable performance assessment to
evaluate teacher effectiveness has historically remained elusive. Recognizing this need, Stanford
University developed the edTPA (formerly Teacher Performance Assessment) to specifically
measure teacher readiness/effectiveness. The edTPA began field testing in 2009, and has been
administered operationally since 2013. The focus of the edTPA is to assess an authentic cycle of
teaching which is comprised of three tasks. These tasks include... Show more content on ...
According to the 2014 edTPA Administrative Report some random sampling was done for scorer
reliability with very positive results. Out of 1,808 portfolios (which were double scored
independently) the scorers assigned either the same or adjacent scores with total agreement in
nearly all cases (93.3%). While that speaks well for the scorer reliability, as far as appropriate
sampling for validation and norming the edTPA appears to fall short. There are several
mentions of small sample sizes and differences in group sizes preventing any strong
generalizations or conclusions. Some sample sizes are as large as several thousand while others
fewer than 10, creating the opportunity for instability. Reliability The next condition that should
be closely reviewed when evaluating a performance assessment is reliability (Rudner, 1994). As
discussed above the inter rater reliability for the edTPA seems to be very reliable. Ten percent of
portfolios are randomly double scored to examine scorer rates, and the results provide evidence of
high total agreement. According to the 2014 edTPA Administrative Report the overall reliability
coefficient across all fields was 0.923, indicating a high level of consistency across the rubrics,
establishing that the rubrics as a group are successfully measuring a common construct of teacher
readiness. There was some concern with reliability specifically surrounding the
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The Problem Of Large Cars
Overconsumption of large cars is a problem for Americans who are enticed into thinking they
need the newest and biggest Sports Utility Vehicles, through advertising by the car industries
who make the consumers believe that having these larger cars will make the consumers life
better and have a higher status in their communities. In addition, the auto industries present these
cars as an asset due to the cargo space capabilities, exhibiting the SUV as having more space for
hauling both cargo and passengers. Most consumers with large families buy SUVs to cater to
their families size when most SUVs are similar in size to a large sedan. Even the larger SUVs
usually only can seat three extra passengers if the car has an extra bench seat added... Show more
content on ...
For example, in the Frontline show on PBS titled Perception VS. Reality: SUVs and Safety,
Frontline interviewed Martin Goldfarb of GoldFarn Intelligence Marketing, who informed the
public that the car companies chose only some safety features to put into their designs because of
profit margins, even when other representatives of the car companies suggests that they put all of
the features in a particular model. Further, show the Ford Motor Company does not disclose what
safety features have been left out of their vehicles. The Ford Motor Company does, however,
explain that, they produce a product [...] sell to this segment of a market at this price point.
Something had to come out (Frontline). This spokesperson for the Ford Motor Company is one of
the industries marketing consultants, and he seems to support the decision in not putting in as
many safety features as are needed to keep the consumer safe in the SUV because it will be less
profitable. What the marketing consultant is conveying is that these car companies are targeting a
certain income level, and if they put in four safety features instead two, then that targeted income
market would not buy that certain SUV because it would be out of the consumer s price range.
This kind of decision making by car companies is not only immoral but based on increasing profits.
Frontline further interviewed Keith Bradsher, former bureau chief
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A Memoir Of The Senses By Isabel Allende
If you like cooking, food, sex and humor then you will most definitely enjoy The Epicure s
Lament by Kate Christianson and Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses by Isabel Allende. I
enjoyed both books for the most part. More so Epicure s Lament than Aphrodite: A Memoir of
the Senses. Here s my breakdown of both books and how they differ and how they are similar. To
start off both authors are women. Although after reading both novels, both authors don t seem
very similar to me. Christianson comes off to me as more edgy and loose. And although her books
extremely sexual, I think Allende s is older, maybe middle age. The reason I think that is when I
read this bookI picture her as an older cougar who knows just what she wants. I like Christianson
better. She reminds me of myself and I think she would be a lot of fun to hang out with. To be fair
though I ve only read just these two books by the authors. I do plan to read more of Christianson s
work though.
I absolutely love Greek mythology. I actually took a Greek mythology class at Tidewater
Community College. So when I found out we had to read Aphrodite, I was extremely excited.
Aphrodite is supposed to be the goddess of love, desire and beauty. But this book is not about
Greek mythology. Although it does remind me Aphrodite with all the sexual stories and pictures.
If there was a Greek goddess that had to do with food and sex that would of been perfect for this
Allende s book is supposed to be a memoir but it s more of
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Quotes On Life Quotes
It s amazing how we can all go through life differently, taking some very different paths, yet there
are some universal truths that help make the process easier and more rewarding on us. We often
find ourselves nodding our heads at some common life quotes that we can all see the truth in.
That s because no matter what path you choose in life, there are some very real ways to
approach it that have been proven to be of value over and over again. Following are some life
quotes from people who have learned a thing or two from their existence that should have you
nodding your head in agreement. 1. What Is The Real Work Of Your Life? The real work of your
life is the continual work on yourself and self discovery. Oprah Winfrey We all have
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content on ...
Thompson Often in life we think we have two choices this way or that way. But, life doesn t
always boil down to those two choices if you choose to change your life. Changing your life is
about changing your beliefs and intentions in life, and then seeing what else is available to you.
For instance, young people are often faced with the choice of going to college or getting a job.
Travelling, starting their own business, volunteering, joining a monastery, joining a band, or a
number of other things are choices that are out there, just not for life as they know it. However,
if they break out of their mindset and see these choices as viable, then a whole new world of
choices opens up to them. Life is not black or white. There are many different paths in life, and
just because you only see a sign with two choices on which way to go next, doesn t mean that
there isn t another path with different signs that you can jump on. You just have to find it first. 9.
Live In Reality If you live a life of make believe, your life isn t worth anything until you do
something that does challenge your reality. Morgan
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Critical Commentary On Group Work
Critical Commentary Essay
Group work has been a cornerstone of the social work profession and requires a variety of
facilitator skills and awareness of group processes. The SSLDTM Group Program for People with
Difficulties in Social Situations (Socialwork1914, 2017) provides an excellent example of a
psycho educational group co facilitated by two female social workers, Jane and Karen. After
viewing the 6th session of this 8 week program, I began to understand how the concepts of group
formation/development, interpersonal dynamics, and leadership styles contribute to successful
group work outcomes.
Group Formation Model Social work groups are usually formed based on their intended purpose.
For this particular video, all six ... Show more content on ...
This particular group also incorporated different practise frameworks, such as cognitive
behavioural therapy (CBT) and narrative therapy to help group members successfully understand
their goals and the resources needed to attain those goals. Based on the literature, CBT is a goal
directed and semi structured therapy that seeks to change negative thinking patterns and reduce
maladaptive behaviours to promote socio emotional well being (CUCARO, 2017). This
framework is evident within the facilitated role play activities (i.e. 05:25 06:50) that encouraged
members to walk through a scenario and identify their thoughts, feelings, and bodily responses.
This CBT activity gave group members the opportunity to critically analyze their own coping
strategies (successful or otherwise) as well as receive feedback from other members around what
worked well and what alternatives could be implemented in a safe setting. This psycho educational
group also utilized a narrative therapy model, in which people are encouraged to recount their
stories as related to the circumstances at hand... (Roberts Yeager, 2006; White, 1989). During the
check in of the 6th session, each group member was encouraged to share their narrative of how the
prior week had gone and whether they were successful in completing
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Comparing Norse And Egyptian Mythology
Every country has its own mythology, bringing purpose for life. Norse and Egyptian Mythology
are two excellent examples. Norse Mythology was brought up by Vikings and is told throughout
areas such as, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, etc. Egyptian Mythology is told in
Egypt and was brought up by Pharaohs. Norse and Egyptian Mythologyare very different from one
another, but are both myths that were told for centuries, and are to be told for centuries more.
Norse Mythology s creation started with a giant named Ymir. He emerged from the ground and
grew very large from cow s milk. In time, the god Buri and his wife appeared and gave birth to
Bor and Bor s son was named Odin. Ymir, was evil, and the gods didn t like it, so they killed him,
making his huge body form the earth. His blood became the sea, his flesh became land, his bones
became mountains, his hair became the trees, and his ... Show more content on ...
The gods were pleased with what they did, but they were still missing one thing. To feel completely
satisfied, Odin took two broken trees and formed them into the first man and woman.
Egyptian Mythology s creation started with Nu, the dark and swirling chaos before time.
Eventually, Atum rose from Nu and created a hill for himself to stand on. He had one eye that
would see everything, but was very lonely. Soon after, Atum brought Shu, the god of air, and
Tefnut, the goddess of mist and moisture into life. They gave birth to Geb, the earth, and Nut, the
sky. Nut would give birth to the sun every night before sunset so the sun would shine through the
day, and die at night.
Just like in Norse Mythology, the Egyptian gods were still missing something to their creation. One
day, Shu and Tefnut got lost in the chaos. Atum was heartbroken, so he sent his eye to search for
them. Finally, they returned with Atum s eye, making Atum weep tears of joy. When the tears hit
the earth, they turned into the first
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The Theme Of Herman Melville sBartleby, The Scrivener
Herman Melville s short story Bartleby, the Scrivener reveals different themes such as isolation
and human morality test. In the story, the narrator runs a law firm and has a new Scrivener
[Bartleby] who the narrator describes as the strangest I ever saw or heard of (661). For the first
few days, Bartleby is seen to be working fine, however, one day Bartleby just responds with I
would prefer not to when anyone assigns a task to Bartleby (674). The real problems start to arise
when Bartleby sleeps and eats at the office while denying to work or leave. The narrator illustrates
the two main themes of human morals and isolation throughout the story with the use of biblical
references to Bartleby as a leper and shows symbolism of the... Show more content on ...
The lawyer is not able to focus on anything because Bartleby will not move from the office or do
any work. The lawyer then decides to pay Bartleby a twenty dollar bill over and above whatever
[is in Bartleby s account] and tell him his services are not necessary (674).The lawyer throws
money at Bartleby instead of handing it to him in his hands. The lawyer is trying to get rid of
Bartleby to let the law firm make money. Melville portrays a constant war of conscience in the
lawyer s mind regarding Bartleby s actions and the lawyer s reactions. The lawyer goes to church
regularly yet does not show the Christian beliefs and ethics. As the story progresses, the lawyer
decides to leave the current office and shift to another office in hopes that Bartleby will not
follow the company. Bartleby remains at the office and does not move however the new
employees find Bartleby s old employer. The new employees ask whether the lawyer knows
Bartleby. The lawyer responds by I certainly cannot inform you. I know nothing about him (682).
The fact that the lawyer straight up denies knowing anyone named Bartleby is a biblical reference
to Christ being denied by Peter (Zlogar 525). The lawyer denies knowing Bartleby to avoid any
issues that could affect the law firm. On the other hand, Peter denies knowing Christ to avoid any
punishments from Christ. Zlogar implicates that Bartleby initially comes to the narrator as the leper
comes to Christ (Zlogar 511). The
... Get more on ...
American Art Collection At The Fred Jones Jr. Museum Of Art
As I explored the James T. Bialac Native American Art Collection at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum
of Art, I came across two paintings that really stood out to me because of their relevance to what
we have been learning in class. In muted tones of blue and yellow, Harry Oosahwee s
(Cherokee) One Fall Morning depicts a Cherokee family in a barren rural landscape; animals
and plants dot the landscape, and a small wooden house sits on the far right of the painting
accompanied by a father, mother, and child to the left. Oosahwee painted this acrylic on paper
painting in 1980; although the image of this photo appears old, due to the architecture and
clothing, there is one clue that brings the painting to the 20th century the Chuck Taylor s on the
mother s feet. Without the presence of the shoes, this painting could appear to be from any era,
as the Cherokee family is performing traditional activities that have been passed down
generation to generation. A father in denim overalls and a wide brim hat sits on a tree stump,
carving a piece of wood, while a young child looks up at him enthralled in what the father is
doing or saying. To the left of the father and child is the mother standing above a churn; wearing a
traditional smock and being watched by the family dog as she prepares kanuchi. Aside from the
dog, there are also a few chickens pecking at the ground to the left of the mother, birds in the sky,
and a cat near the bottom right observing everything going on. I think the
... Get more on ...
Essay on A Chilling Perspective in Truman Capote s In...
A Chilling Perspective in Capote s In Cold Blood
Truman Capote s In Cold Blood is the story of Perry and Dick and the night of November 15, 1959.
This investigative, fast paced and straightforward documentary provides a commentary on the
nature of American violence and examines the details of the motiveless murders of four members
of the Clutter family and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers.
While reading Truman Capote s novel, In Cold Blood , I spent more than one night lying awake in
my bed, frightened by Capote s presentation of the facts surrounding the murder of an obscure
Kansas farmer and three of his family members. Several times, I caught myself wondering why this
book ... Show more content on ...
This draws the reader closer to the men than they would, perhaps, like to be.
Capote talks about the lives of both killers previous to the murders in fairly significant detail. In the
case of Perry Smith, his parents divorced early in his childhood and neither his mother nor
father really wanted him. This produced feelings of abandonment and uselessness early on in
Perry and affected the rest of his life. Capote brings up a letter written to the Kansas State
Penitentiary about Perry by Perry s father, who was trying to have Perry paroled for a previous
crime he had committed. Perry says that this biography always set racing a series of emotions
self pity in the lead, love and hate evenly at first, the latter ultimately pulling ahead (130). Perry
didn t feel as though his father ever knew him very well, or even wanted to know him. He says,
whole sections of my Dad was ignorant of. Didn t understand an iota of...I had this great natural
musical ability. Which Dad didn t recognize. Or care about...I never got any encouragement from
him or anybody else (133). When Perry s father threw him out of the house one evening because
his father could no longer afford to have Perry live with him, Perry lost his sense of direction in
life. He even says
... Get more on ...
Examples Of Conspiracy In Angels And Demons
The title of this project, conspiracy, is taken from Dan Brown s novel Angles and Demons. The
story of the novel is shown to be a result of the conspiracy formed by a member of the Church
society. In a dictionary, the word conspiracy is defined as the act of secretly planning to do
something that is harmful or illegal . However, this is not it. Conspiracyis formed to achieve goals
which are made not by the people, but by their greed for power, wealth and respect. In Angels and
Demons, power is shown to be the main reason for the formation of conspiracy. Dan Brownhas
successfully highlighted in his book the kinds of people who form conspiracies. One can see that
the people who are apparently the most trustworthy, respectful and who happen to have a chance
in attaining power are the ones who secretly make plans to harm those who stand in their way of
achieving success . In this novel, such person is shown to be Carlo Ventresca, who is the... Show
more content on ...
All we need to do is be alert. We need to be aware of our own interests, our own attraction
towards things that may look beneficial to us but might end up destroying us as well as others
around us. Politicizing is interesting, undoubtedly. But is it good? Is it worth our time and hard
work? For all we know, our basic needs are to be happy and enjoy our lives. We might get
happiness on some others sorrows. But that happiness has a price. It costs us an entire worry
free life. Each and every day, we might end up getting worried of being accused of a crime that
we know we have committed. This is what happens when we conspire and get involved into
politics. And this is what we need to beware of. We must reflect on the consequences of our
actions and decisions that others will face, and even more, what we will ourselves face one day.
Conspiracy is like a drug. It is highly addictive. But it is a harmful drug. One enjoys it thoroughly,
but the aftereffects are
... Get more on ...

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Post Ww2 Essay Topics

  • 1. Post Ww2 Essay Topics 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Post Ww2 Essay TopicsPost Ww2 Essay Topics
  • 2. Distrust In Police In recent years, society has heard cases of police brutality at an increasingly shocking rate, thus creating a sense of distrust among communities towards police officers and other authority figures. As the first line of defense against crimes such as home invasions or crimes against persons, police officers are expected to be an ally towards victims; however, it seems that society is now viewing officers as the perpetrators of crimes as opposed to the protectors. This has already posed an issue because community members are choosing not to seek policehelp when needed, and when they do decide to seek help, forgoing police assistance results in being uncertain of where else to go. Chicago is the third most populated city in America, and in 2014 there were 57,863 crimes reported by the Chicago Police Department. However, this does ... Show more content on ... Brown (2004) said that it is essential that police officials adjust their polices and practices to accommodate the changing needs of the populace as it continues to metamorphasize. He suggests that police help educate immigrants about U.S. laws and the role of police, and believes that serving a diverse society requires police to interact with minorities in a respectful manner while also seeking their input on local problems. Overall, Brown touts the option of community policing and shows that he is in favor of integrating the police into the community in order to create deeper bonds with citizens and form a sense of trust. In various studies, community policing has been shown to effectively increase positive relations between citizens and the police; when people begin feeling like they can trust the police, they are more likely to help the authorities out by offering information regarding crimes that they may have witnessed, or even acting as eyes on the street when the police are not ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay on The Concept of Moral Panics The Concept of Moral Panics A moral panic is said to occur when the media mobilises public opinion around the condemnation of deviance ( Media coverage of deviance: moral panics , lecture handout, 07 10 02). Deviance, in this context, refers to the violation of social norms and values, and the subsequent disruption of social order. This essay will begin with a clarification of the terms moral panic and deviance and outline how the two concepts are related. It will then describe the processes of news reporting while making reference to Stanley Cohen s established case study of the 1964 Bank Holiday fracas in Clacton, England as an example of such a media fuelled moral... Show more content on ... Leslie Wilkins in her extract titled Information and the definition of deviance (Cohen and Young, 1974, p.36) supports this relativist view and uses culture to illustrate how deviance is subjective. She explains how many cultures prior to Western contact held definitions of normality which were out of accord with existing Western values. However, once the cultures made contact, the Western interlopers would redefine the indigenous cultures perceptions of normality and deviance. Thus, distinct value systems do exist, but the more powerful groups in a society routinely impose their own values on others. The mass media is a crucial influence on the public perception of deviance. When it focuses on deviance, it shapes opinions on what constitutes deviant behaviour and provides a symbolic cement for a consensus of values ( Media coverage of deviance: moral panics , lecture handout, 07 10 02). And as previously stated, when the media s focus on such deviance instigates a vehement public denunciation of the associated problem , it is said to be encouraging moral panic. In his study Folk Devils and Moral Panics , Stanley Cohen suggests that a moral panic often occurs when a condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Cost Benefits Of Telecommuting Essay Conclusions In this section, we present our conclusions based on our research related to the four questions presented in the research section. Cost Benefits of Telecommuting The financial benefits for employees who telecommute are substantial and convincing. As the research indicates, savings in gas alone for a person traveling 30 miles round trip is over $4,000 annually. Depending upon how far someone travels to and from work, how much a person spends for clothing, morning coffee and lunches, the savings could be significant to employees. Regardless, the average savings for a telecommuter would be between $2,000 and $7,000. Based on the research conducted on other companies of various sizes, the financial benefit of telecommuting to Corona Corporation would also be substantial. The research shows that businesses would save around $11,000 annually per employee. In addition to this, the fact that employers report 63% fewer unscheduled absences, makes telework very attractive to companies. On the basis of the results of these savings to both the employee and the company, we believe that all parties will recognize the cost benefits are a powerful argument for a telecommuting plan. Advantages and Disadvantages of Telecommuting Although there are some disadvantages to telework, those potential problems can be overcome through a sound training and management program. Our employees have already been well trained to do their jobs. Managers and employees will need ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Theories Of Scientific Management Theory And Human... Executive Summary The National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM) of India defined human resource management as that part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their relationship within an enterprise. Its aim is to bring together and develop into an effective organization of the men and women who make up an enterprise and having regard for the well being of the individuals and of working groups, to enable them to make their best contribution to its success. Human resource management always seeks the best theory to fulfill their intent in managing the human resource. Some of the famous theories are scientific management theory and behavioral management theory. Scientific management theory is the starting point where people start to think scientifically. They do not only depend on common habitual without considering it is efficient or not anymore. They start to think effectively in enhancing productivity. Scientific management theory proposed some way in order to get the most ... Show more content on ... But it will be a great combination if both of them are put into the society. It is because both of them are completing each other. We cannot deny the fact that organization needs the most effective and efficient way to accomplish the most profitable goal. But in another side, we should consider too that it is not only about the number and quantitative things. We need something that we called qualitative thing which can support the quantitative thing. We cannot ignore that the satisfaction of employee can affect the productivity. That is why, scientific management theory and behavioral management should be mixing in order to get the primary point of Human Resource Management itself, namely effectiveness, development of human resources, the organizational s goals, and satisfaction of employee in giving best contribute to organization s ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Workplace Stress Three out of every four American workers describe their work as stressful. According to the Holmes Rahe Life Events Scale, which rates levels of stress, many of the most stressful events in life are related to the workplace. Some examples are firings, business readjustments and changes in financial status, altered responsibilities, a switch to a different line of work, trouble with the boss, changes in work hours or conditions, retirement and vacations. Workplace stresscosts American employers an estimated $200 billion per year in lower productivity, absenteeism, staff turnover, workers compensation, medical insurance and other stress related expenses. However, stress may not always be a bad thing. It can stimulate creativity and... Show more content on ... Get a large number of people together to point out the problem and you won t be seen as a trouble maker. Career and job ambiguity a feeling of helplessness and lack of control. How can I succeed if I don t know what s expected of me or if my job here is uncertain? Stress levels are affected by vagueness within management. A lot of people think this is a lack of communication from the manager to the employee, but I feel that it is the responsibility of the employee to seek out what is expected of him or her. For example, if you get a bad evaluation or raise, simply go to your boss and ask him what you can do differently over the next year to enable you to get a better evaluation or increase in pay. No feedback good or bad prevents people from knowing how they are doing and whether they are meeting expectations. Stress related to this issue is typically one of management misperception as to the amount, importance, and effectiveness of feedback to employees. Whatever the cause, employees are easily stressed by lack of communication in this area. This is again something you may not have control over, but it is still a good demonstation of why a lack of communication is damaging. No appreciation lack of recognition generates stress that endangers future efforts. Human nature requires that we demonstrate appreciation for jobs well done. Inadequate demonstration of appreciation results in lowered productivity. This ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Medea Essay Euripides always expressed his point of views towards the culture of Ancient Greeks, mostly hatred and enmity. However his safety was a major concern due to the irrational behaviour of the ancient Greeks and his close friends and family members. Thus he expressed his notions by giving speaking power to his characters. Medeahas been given the same property. In Medea, Euripides discusses exclusively about the gender segregation and inequality. He criticises men for considering themselves a dominant figure of the society. However this criticism is presented in form of a tragedy which unfolds in the city of Corinth. Medea, a contrast of the ancient Greek women, shows the empowerment and courage of women by executing her own blood. After she was ... Show more content on ... This power provided her a strong base to plan for revenge from Jason. As mentioned, her cruelty had no set boundaries and limitations. Thus she didn t hesitate to continue with her cruel plan and murdered the princess in attempt to revenge Jason. Executing her plan was a suicidal attempt and hence she managed to escape due to her future planning. This symbolises the true ambition and desire of Medea and her determination and so Euripides also conveys his ideology about women. Medea, a distinct character conveys strong message across the audience and allows them to reconsider the legal rights of women. Not in the modern era but in the ancient times, recognition of women was a major dilemma for the society. Other than that Euripides tries to justify Medea s evilness by providing reasons and by letting Medea express her love for Jason. She chooses vengeance over law, this doesn t only show the dignity of Medea, it also presents the deep emotions of hers which conquered her mind and forced her to commit an unforgivable crime. After all she did for Jason, she only asked for his loyalty and integrity. Upon Jason s betrayal, Medea shattered into pieces as she trusted Jason and his moral values. Jason s compelling behaviour turned Medea into an evil who later turns into a murderer of the royal family and her own ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Socioeconomic Status If I could go to work and teach music and only have to worry about teaching music to a classroom of students that are ready to learn, what a job that would be! (Charles Moorer Jr.). Socioeconomic status determines a number of things that we consider quite valuable to our overall make up as human beings. These things are to include the type/quality of educationone receives, overall income and occupation. All of these are common things that we deal with regularly. Therefore, how does this affect musical development as well as the teaching of music? Society is affected tremendously by our socioeconomic status. When dealing with the low end of this status, it s commonly associated with lower quality education, poor health as well as poverty.... Show more content on ... Research suggests that all students should receive the same privileges as well as overall self development no matter what their socioeconomic status background may be. Is this the case though? No. It has been proven how the lower socioeconomic status students tend to receive the lower end of masses. These masses include books, facilities, administration, and even teachers. So is this a product of the richer getting richer and the poorer are getting poorer ? We must always remember that Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs is an essential element when dealing with any form of education, especially music education and its development. Maslow s Hierarchy of needs includes physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self actualization. Students who s needs aren t met properly are extremely tough to instruct during teaching. Unless those needs are met, students will not commit to achieving musically or even academically because of their lack of a solid foundation. It is my desire to provide all students, no matter what their socioeconomic status background or class may be with a positive and enlightening music education. Through this education they will develop many musical skills year in and year out. I am aware of the challenges that this may bring, but I am well prepared for the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Analysis Of Lysistrata In Aristophanes play Lysistrata, the plot is during the middle of the Peloponnesian war. The title character Lysistrata, is a Athenian woman who has convened a meeting with the women whose husbands are off fighting in the war. Lysistrata arranges the meeting in order to propose a solution to ending the war which includes the women withholding sex from their husbands. Initially, the women don t like the idea of her plan but soon come to agree with her after realizing that it may be the only way to get the men to stop fighting. All of the women then take an oath and swear off sex until a peace treaty is signed. Lysistrata also plans to attack and seize the nearby acropolis, which contains the Athenian treasury, in order to cut off funding to the war. When the chorus of women go to the acropolis, they are met by a chorus of men who have intentions of smoking the women out of it but the women meet them with buckets of water. After multiple altercations with different people in the men s chorus, one of the women s husbands shows up wanting to have sex with his wife and she plays along with him, giving him the impression that they re going to have sex but then soon runs back to the acropolis with the other women. Upon their return, men from both the nearby cities as well as Sparta realize that they have something in common: their wives are all withholding sex from them and the conspiracy is international. Upon the realization of this, the men decide to declare peace with one another and the story concludes with large celebrations. A large portion of Aristophanes play relies heavily on the use of women and sex in comedic ways. Aristophanes uses women to satirically undermine the athenian government through the use of sexual comedy. Aristophanes portrays women as irrational and lustful creatures. A large portion of the story relies heavily on this idea as for it drives the idea as for it sets the tone for the mindset of the women. The play begins with a misinterpretation between two characters, Calonice and Lysistrata. Lysistrata arranges the meeting of women and Calonice is the first of the women to show up. Calonice is curious as to why Lysistrata calls the meeting so she then asks, CALONICE. Well, Lysistrata ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Recommendation For Establishing National Fire Services System Policy Analysis Memo TO: President Park, Geun Hye FROM: Lee, Jae Chul DATE: November 10, 2015 RE: Recommendation for Establishing National Fire Services System Background and Summary Now the government is pushing ahead with decentralization in order to strengthen the autonomy of local government and enhance regional competitiveness. One of main contents of decentralization is the reallocation of administrative affairs of the national and local governments among the State and local governments so that the functions of the State and local governments become harmonious. In this regard the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (hereinafter, MOPAS) asserts that it is more efficient that the fire services related to the welfare of the ... Show more content on ... In addition, the necessity of implementing the fire services at the central government level has been raised because fire services are directly connected with the safety of the people. It is the most basic obligation of the State assigned by the Constitution to strive for the protection of the life and body of people. In other words, fire services have the nature of national affairs rather than provincial governments affairs. There are three options with regard to fire services system reorganization: switching to national fire services system, financial supporting for provincial governments fire services budget, and switching to local fire services system. The most desirable option is switching to national fire services system, considering the nature of fire services, efficiency, and ensuring the safety of people through the effective response to disasters. According to article 34 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, the State has a duty to protect citizens from disasters. Unpredictable disasters require proactive responses of central government due to difficulty in coping with disasters with provincial governments fire services force. As we have already experienced in the Sewol Ferry sinking, we need to establish strong and unitary command system to secure the safety of people from disasters. Thus I recommend switching to national fire services system. Policy Options Simply do nothing is not appropriate in the current situation given the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. A Simple Fast And Memory Efficient Algorithm For Secure... A Simple, Fast and Memory Efficient Algorithm for Secure Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks Anusha Peddigari, Archana Tandra and L.K. Suresh Kumar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad. Email: suresh.lokhande, anushapeddigari94, archanatandra95 {} Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) introduce a new way to interact with the physical environment. The security in WSNs became an attractive area of research. WSNs are susceptible to a wide range of malicious attacks. At present ECC is considered for secure communications, which is having good potential for WSN security due to its smaller key size and its high strength of security. Unfortunately, the execution time of ECC is more which is not suitable for more number of applications. A number of other security mechanisms have been proposed for sensor networks to provide data confidentiality, namely Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption Standard (DES). In this paper, we propose an algorithm, which is compared and analyzed with the existing ECC and AES to provide better security with authenticated sensor nodes. The authentication is done with a secret code. The proposed algorithm will ensure the secure communication with authenticated devices. The analysis results shows that the scheme works better than the common existent schemes with better utilization of available memory. Keywords Elliptic Curve Cryptography, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Feminism And Its Impact On Women s Rights they could be. Feminism in refer to a collection of movements and opinions that share a common goal including to define, create, and achieve equal rights for women in social, economic, cultural and political dimensions (Berger, 2013). Feminist movements have fought for women s rights including suffrage rights, right for fair wage, right to work, hold a public office, own property, education, equal rights in marriages among other rights (Ryan, 2013). The journey to achieve these rights has not been without struggle as feminism has been met with great resistance from the male dominated society. Besides fighting for women s rights, feminists advocated for bodily autonomy and integrity and especially to protect girls and women in general from sexual harassment, rape, and domestic violence (Coppock Haydon, 2014). Slide 3: Media has always been an important element in the propagation of ideas in the society. Feminism has been one of the issues that media has given enough attention over the years. However, the way the media represents feminism and feminists have not been positive especially in the 19th and 20th centuries (Johnson, 2014). Feminism has been portrayed in the media in a different perspective. It has been portrayed as a fight against men. This has created a picture that the female gender was fighting against the male gender. In fact, the way different media has represented feminism and feminists have portrayed women who support feminism as a scary element in ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Summary Of Stealing Music The article Stealing Music: Is It Wrong Or Isn t It? , by Michael Arrington, presents the difference in the term stealing music as applied to the older decades and nowadays, in the 2000 s. It also presents the situations where sharing music is a good thing, and where it is not. Finally, it explains the abandonment of copyrightinfringement, due to the increasing lack of record labels. The article begins by discussing what the term stealing musicreally means. The article also explains the websites, such as MySpace Music, where streaming music can be done without any trouble. Furthermore, it discusses that in the country of China, you can listen to music free from Google websites. The article Taylor Swift Shuns Great Experiment Of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay on The Three Elements of the Female Athlete Triad The Three Elements of the Female Athlete Triad For an increasing number of women in the United States, a concern or preoccupation with body weight and size is a constant pressure. Female athletes, like most women in our society, are also often pressured to conform to certain ideal body sizes and shapes, as dictated by the entertainment and fashion industries. Female athletes, however, face a twofold pressure. They face the burden that our culture places on all women to be thin, but they also face the burden from coaches, parents, and other athletes to succeed in sports and look good doing so by maintaining an unrealistically low weight. When weight gain means removal from a team or elimination from competition, many female athletes turn ... Show more content on ... This term refers to a wide range of abnormal behaviors, the extremes of which are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, but also includes limiting caloric intake, skipping meals, using diet pills, and many other pathogenic weight control behaviors. Having stated these limitations, there are a number of studies which do in fact indicate that female athletes struggle more with eating disorders than average females. Studies report that the rate of disordered eating among female athletes may be as high as 62% in certain sports (Yeager, Agostini, Nattiv, and Drinkwater, 1993). While a study of college female swimmers found 15.4% were affected, a study of college gymnasts showed that 62% of collegiate female athletes had seriously abnormal eating patterns. Smith (1996) found that disordered eating is most common among those in appearance sports, such as gymnastics, ballet, figure skating, equestrian sports, and diving. However, disordered eating behavior can be seen in other sports in which appearance is not as important, such as tennis, swimming, and running. Skolnick (1993) also notes that another study of 182 female athletes, who participated in a variety of college sports, found that 32% showed disordered eating patterns. Margot Putukian, MD (1998) reports in Clinics in Sports Medicine that a study of college athletes found 32% practiced some form of pathogenic weight control behavior, and 70% believed their behavior was harmless. A study by Rush, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Platinum Rule Disc Assessment Paper Personalities are reflections of who people truly are at their core. This past week each team member completed a DISC Platinum RuleTM Behavioral Assessment. As stated in the assigned reading, this assessment provides its users with the tools for becoming a better person, the ability to behave more maturely and productively, and to be more successful. Recognition of different personalitystyles are observed as each team member completes the assessment. All patterns may not work for everyone. However, these patterns are valuable to building relationships. The Platinum RuleTM identifies four main behavioral styles and 16 sub styles. Explanations of the main behavioral styles are listed as follows: Dominance style (D) В– driven by two ... Show more content on ... When under pressure this character has the tendency to force fit solutions when instead they should take the time to analyze their position and relax. This personality type has many positive leadership traits and is a very good description of the dominance style. In contrast to Marina, Bernadette s assessment placed her in the Interactive main style and the Enthusiast sub style. This combination is labeled the Id or the driving expressive. The motivational objective of the enthusiast is to influence people. This character is very authoritative and enjoys the symbol of prestige. The enthusiast needs a wide range of independent roaming because they become uncomfortable with confinement or restriction of freedom. Unlike the adventurer, when the enthusiast is under pressure they tend to become soft or evasive to their situation. The big picture with the open mind to new opportunity is constantly a residing factor for the enthusiast. Similar to the director in confidence levels; criticism is not a road block in the path of endeavors and a positive attitude is ever present. In addition to Bernadette, Erin and Krystle s assessments also placed them in the Interactive main style. However, both Erin and Krystle also had results that indicated the sub style, the Impresser or Ic. This particular combination is described as a thinking socializer or analytical expressive. The description of traits lives true to the name of this subtype because the main thing ... Get more on ...
  • 16. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of BYOD Addressing Security Concerns in BYOD through Sandboxing Abhishek Mishra (Author) Information Technology Department, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Mumbai, India Bhishm Narula (Author) Information Technology Department, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Mumbai, India Dhara Vyas (Author) Information Technology Department, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Mumbai, India Dr Radha Shankarmani (Author) Information Technology Department, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Mumbai, India Abstract A new trend of implementing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) as an IT policy is being adopted by companies worldwide. It permits employees to bring their own portable devices like tablets,... Show more content on ... Some of these are based on virtualization of the device, others offer specialized applications for specific business processes such as emails or VPNs. Furthermore, some products offer remote connections to the enterprise networks. Most of these solutions, however, exhibit the disadvantage that they either require a modification of the underlying operating system/kernel or a rooted device. In the traditional case, the device being used by the employee is provided by the company and IT officials of the enterprise can make the necessary modifications to the device kernel and Operating System (OS), to enforce that the required enterprise policies cannot be bypassed by employees. For instance, the enterprise could certify a certain OS configuration and guarantee the correct execution of binaries. But modifying the OS of an employee device is not an appealing solution since it prevents employees from installing updates on their devices, and it requires the consent of the employee. Moreover, in BYOD scenarios, these solutions cannot be deployed. This stems from the fact that given the device does not belong to the enterprise, the latter does not have any justification in modifying the underlying ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay about Prime Minister vs. Usa President Many people would like to believe that the president is the most powerful person in the world. However, the structure of America has put restraints on the president that a Prime Minister would not have. There are many differences between the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada. These differences include regulations, term of office, powers, and cultures. Throughout this paper you will learn that just being the leader of their country is about as similar as these two people get. Here in the United States, we have had many presidents throughout the years. Starting with George Washington, and finishing up with George Bush. Our presidentis the chief executive, with the legislative and judicial branches to keep ... Show more content on ... A president has a limit of time in office, and can serve up to two terms, four years at a time. I believe like this is a good and bad thing. While it gives our president time to make good decisions, and time to actually change things in our country, if the president has bad ratings, there is nothing we can do about it until his term is up. There is only one circumstance when a president can be voted out of office before his term is up, and that is called impeachment. This can happen when the president has committed acts treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, thus giving the power to the house of representatives to impeach him, and the senate the power to remove him for office, given a two thirds vote to convict. This rarely happens though, and throughout history only two presidents have ever been impeached; Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998 ( In Canada, the Prime Minister s terms of office are determined much differently. The prime minister is appointed by the Governor General on behalf of the queen. The governor general will typically pick the leader of the party that has the most seats in the house to maintain stability in the government. Unlike the president, the prime minister does not have a fixed term of office. Canada s constitution, The Constitution of Canada, limits each parliament member to five years, and then a general ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Modern Day Hockey Hockey started in about the 16th century where Europeans played a form of field hockey. People may argue that Alexander Cartwright or Abner Doubleday is the creator of the game. However , it is impossible to list the man responsible. The origin of the name hockey has been a large debate, and nobody has been able to say with complete accuracy how it came about. The introduction of modern day hockey happened around the 19th century, in a British Colony in Canada. British troops would spend their free time skating around on frozen lakes and ponds. Hockey is played in an ice rink on a 200 by 85 foot sheet of ice. There is a total of 12 players out on the ice at a time. Consisting of 2 goalies, and 10 players. The goal is to shoot the puck into ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Ritz Carlton Competitive Advantage A familiar organization and the analysis of its competitive advantages There are several organizations that have competitive advantages in the industry. However, one familiar organization that has maintained its competitive advantage in its industry is the Ritz Carlton hotel. Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States of America, Ritz Carlton is regarded as one of the best in the hotel industry and has received several accolades for great customer services (Ritz Carlton Hotels Resorts, n.d.). Nevertheless, to fully understand its competitive advantage in the industry, it is essential to analyze its modus operandi. The Ritz Carlton hotel management understands the value of employees; so ultimately investing in ... Show more content on ... The organization has explicitly kept this advantageous environment over other organizations by improving its service capacity. Additionally, the organization ensures that it stays ahead of its rivals by engaging in research and development that focuses on luxury products and markets analysis. The Ritz Carlton hotel uses data from its research to predict the future of the industry; therefore able to dictate what and how the market will trend in the foreseeable future. Another factor that keeps the organization s advantage over its rivals is that while rivals tend to become a hotel brand in the industry, Ritz Carlton has rather position itself to be a leader and lifestyle brand that constantly develop new properties and ensure that customers live the culture of the hotel. The final factor that has kept the advantage of the organization intact is the culture of trust that exists between the management and employees. The leadership of the hotel lives and communicates the organization s value to its employees who in turn satisfy customers in a way that they often anticipate a return visit. These are some of the reasons that the Ritz Carlton hotel continued advantageous environment over its rivals has persisted in the hotel and resort industry (Reiss, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Naomi Wolf The Beauty Myth The author, Naomi Wolf, in the article The Beauty Myth addresses the issue of female beauty and its impact on female liberation. Wolf states that the modern idea of female beauty is a form of oppression that might have negated all the female liberation achieved by the Western women, since the rebirth of feminism in the1970s. Wolf argues that highly educated and liberated women of the First Word are not truly free as the contemporary ravages of beauty backlash are destroying women psychologically and physically. I agree with the author that the modern idea of female beauty is indeed a dead weight that hinders women from achieving total liberation, and is being used as a political weapon against female advancement. Wolf provides a strong argument ... Get more on ...
  • 21. In The Cask Of Amontillado, The Raven, And Annabel Lee The unity of effect is all the elements in a story that channels the effect the author wants the audience to experience. Therefore, to achieve the unity of effect in the Cask of Amontillado, The Raven, and Annabel Lee, Poe used the elements of setting, alliteration, and unreliable narrator to help elicit the unsettling mood in the audience. For the sake of the unity of effect , Poe uses setting for the purpose of conceiving a sinister mood. As Montresor and Fortunato walked deeper into the catacombs in the Cask of Amontillado, Montresor points out the trickling of the water on the bones. We are below the river s bed. The drops of moisture trickle among the bones. (Cask)The setting is under the surface of the earth, so the audience associates it with with Hell because of the bones that lie around. The bones also make the audience feel that the setting is eery and dangerous because it reminds them of death. This only makes isolation and danger prominent factors in the setting. The mood becomes unpredictable and treacherous, with a sense of fear and dread knowing that something bad will happen to the characters who are away from safety. Under those circumstances, Poe controlled the audience s fear and the diabolical mood using the dark setting. Once again Poe uses the unity of effect to elicit this tense mood and draw out terror in the audience. In The Raven, Poe used alliteration with the intention to build a suspenseful mood and dread in the audience. The narrator of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Valuation Of Common Stock Valuation of Common Stock Ashok Banerjee Common (Equity) Stocks Because common stock never matures, today s value is the present value of an infinite stream of cash flows (i.e., dividend). But dividends are not fixed. Not knowing the amount of the dividends or even if there will be future dividends makes it difficult to determine the value of common stock. So what are we to do? Valuation Models Dividend Valuation Model (DVM): Constant dividend: Let D be the constant DPS: The required rate of return (re) is the return shareholders demand to compensate them for the time value of money tied up in their investment and the uncertainty of the future cash flows from these investments. Valuation Models Dividend growth at a ... Show more content on ... This will provide investors with a 15% expected return. Instead, we decide to plow back 40% of the earnings at the firm s current return on equity of 25%. What is the value of the stock before and after the plowback decision? Valuing Common Stocks Example Our company forecasts to pay a $8.33 dividend next year, which represents 100% of its earnings. This will provide investors with a 15% expected return. Instead, we decide to plow back 40% of the earnings at the firm s current return on equity of 25%. What is the value of the stock before and after the plowback decision? No Growth 8.33 P0 пЂЅ пЂЅ$55.56 .15 With Growth
  • 23. g пЂЅ.25 п‚ґ.40 пЂЅ.10 5.00 P0 пЂЅ пЂЅ$100.00 .15 пЂ .10 Valuing Common Stocks Example continued If the company did not plowback some earnings, the stock price would remain at $55.56. With the plowback, the price rose to $100.00. The difference between these two numbers is called the Present Value of Growth Opportunities (PVGO). PVGO пЂЅ100.00 пЂ 55.56 пЂЅ$44.44 Valuing Common Stocks Present Value of Growth Opportunities (PVGO) Net present value of a firm s future investments. Sustainable Growth Rate Steady rate at which a firm can grow: plowback ratio ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Stephen King Research Paper Stephen king Stephen edwin king was born on september 21 1947, in portland, maine to donald edwin king and nellie ruth pillsbury. He was their first biological child two years earlier they adopted a little boy, david victor who became stephen s older brother. In 1949, donald abandoned his familynever to be seen from or heard from again. His mother nellie had to take care of him and david throughout all the rough times. Read along to find out all the stuff about stephen king. Stephen attended in grammar school in durham and then lisbon falls high school, graduating in 1966. From his sophomore year at the university of maine at orono, he wrote a weekly column for the school newspaper. Stephen is half scots irish is 6 4 and weighs about 200 pounds. He has blue eyes, fair skinned, has thick black hair, with a frost of white most noticeable in his beard. He also has worn glasses since he was a child. ... Show more content on ... King graduated from college in 1970, and he and tabitha were married the following year. The couple moved to hermon, maine where they lived in mobile home and king got a job teaching english at the hampton academy. Ruth nellie king died on december 18, 1973, of cancer. She lived long enough to know her son had finally succeeded as a writer, but not long enough to see his first novel in print. The kings eventually had two children, Naomi and Joseph. They were so poor that they didn t have a telephone, And couldn t repair their ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Uk Supermarket 1.0 INTRODUCTION Today s strange, new business world needs an augmented model of industry and market analysis that reflects recent developments in industry dynamics, such as globalization, entrepreneurship, technological advances and the internet (Slater Olson, 2002). 2.0 PORTERS FIVE FORCES MODEL FOR UK SUPERMARKETINDUSTRY Supermarkets performance is reliant on consumer s income and their willingness to spend. The growing consumer pressure to drive value, quality and taste requires companies with strong management teams to understand the market trends in the industry of which this had led to constant competition among firms in the industry. This rivalry is based on firms in the industry battling to win the highest market share in ... Show more content on ... Since the recession hit in 2007, more power has shifted into the hands of buyers as supermarkets like Tescooffering the biggest discounts in the UK and Sainsbury s offering of substitute products too (Mintel, 2010). This shows the responsiveness and flexibility towards consumer needs in the supermarket industry. 2.3 THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES Substitutes do not entirely replace existing products but may introduce new technology or reduce the costs of producing the same product (Porter, 1980). Substitutes may limit the profits in an industry by keeping their prices down (Porter, 1980). The threat of substitution is quite high in this industry because consumers are able to substitute to other major retailers, convenience stores, niche product outlets, restaurants, bakeries, butchers and farmers (Coriolis Research, 2004). Supermarkets like Tesco and ASDAhave a range of products and services that have close substitutes, effecting price elasticity of demand because the market is sensitive to price (IBISWorld). The demand for a particular brand or retailer will increase or decrease concurrent to the movement of price in comparison to its competition (IBISWorld). The UK supermarkets are always trying to increase the quality of products and services resulting in a constant need to differentiate products and services from competition to make them less price sensitive. 2.4 BARGAINING POWER ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Importance Of Bureaucracy Holzer and Schwester (2016) defines bureaucracy as the structure within which virtually all government organizations operate (29). The purpose of the bureau is to ensure that goods and services can be produced or provided in the most efficient manner possible. Bureaucrats are responsible for implement policies established by congressional acts or presidential decisions (American Politics Today). Bureau engages in a variety of activities which ranges from regulating individual and corporations to buying everything the governmentneeds (American Politics Today). Responsiveness can be defined as the quality of reacting quickly and positively. Bureaucracy responsiveness can be defined as how quickly and effectively can the bureau reacts/responds to events that is occurring within the public sector. Bureaucracy responsiveness is extremely important now because the bureaucratic organizations and senior civil servants more than ever are directly exposed to public pressures in the form of media coverage, public protests etc. (Barkat Gilad 2015). It is essential for the bureau to be attentive to public pressures due to the high levels of political control to preempt intervention by politicians who are reliant on public support (Barkat Gilad 2015). Good listening and deductive reasoning are extremely important. Responsiveness ranges from the ability to accurate comprehend the events taking place. It also includes the ability to analyze and differentiate the important issues from ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Children and Young Persons Act 2008 Essay There are a number of legislations which address the needs of young people leaving care with provisions that are in place to help them through life transitions. The Children and Young Persons Act 2008 focuses on older young people and those who are leaving care. Providing the necessary legislative support to improve the care system in England. Ensuring that stability and continuity in every aspect of a child s care. This act proposed to reform the statutory framework for the care system involving children and youngpeopleas much as possible regarding decision making, giving them a voice so that they are heard. Resulting in the improvement of care standards. Its main aims are to improve the delivery of social workers, the functions in ... Show more content on ... Making the role of the designed teacher statutory for more support for care leavers by offering an incentive, they are entitled to a ВЈ2,000 bursary if they go into higher education or training. Children who are looked after must not move from an unregulated placement such as foster care or a children s home without a form review, chaired by an Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) to confirm that they are ready to move and that the new setting will meet their needs. Children s voices are heard in all decisions about their futures and are made by them. When leaving care young people are faced with a whole range of responsibilities, it is important for care settings to recognised this. When making the transition out of care the young person must be healthy, safe, have developed both emotionally and behaviourally. A plan must have been made and approved by a personal advisor and an assessment of needs should be completed. Most importantly suitable accommodation is available and financial support is provided. All social and family relationships (if applicable and mutually decided) are healthy. Pathway plans are essential a young persons health, housing, educational support and financial support is reviewed by a social worker every 6 months. The council must support young people in and out of care until the age of 21. At 16 the council will give out a plan to help the young person transition smoothly out of care into independent living. At 18 young people ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Understanding Leadership And Empowerment Of The Workplace Annotation Ba, B. G. M. (2015). Understanding leadership and empowerment in the workplace. European Scientific Journal, 11(35), 342. Critical Summary of Article Employee empowerment has become an important strategic tool used by leaders of the 21st century. According to Ba (2015), a recent change in management style has led to the empowerment of employees in the workplace creating a situation where empowering followers is an assumed responsibility of all leaders and thought to be a motivational tactic. The relationship between leaders and employee has become more strategic than anytime in business due to globalization. Leaders must understand how to use employee empowerment. Ba suggest, a negative view of a leader can hinder performance; therefore, exploring the aspects that guide followers to develop a positive image of their leader establishes desirable outcomes, and can create a positive view of a leader. Employee empowerment is tested to see if it is the key in aligning organizations systems, processes, people, practices, encourages creativity, innovation, problem solving, and problem resolution within a control framework that is beneficial towards many important aspects (Ba). Critical Analysis of Research Method The researchers used a survey process in order to gain results. Stated by Ba (2015), a survey style method was administered to 637 customer service engineers within the same industry whose firms switched from a classical management style to an ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Orphan Drug Market Development And Manufacturing Of Products Sanofi Genzyme is a branch of the Sanofi Corporation that specializes in the development and manufacturing of products to treat a variety of rare diseases. The Allston Landing Facility (ALF) currently produces a single enzyme replacement therapy which treats patients with Type 1 Gaucher disease. This treatment falls within the classification of an Orphan drug which is a drug or biologic that treats a patient population of less than 200,000 within the United States. There is an entire segment of the pharmaceutical industrycomprised of companies that develop and manufacture treatments for rare diseases. The Orphan Drug market has a projected Worldwide 2020 sales forecast $178bn with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7% per... Show more content on ... In addition, once a patient begins a treatment that improves their condition there is a low likelihood that the patient will stop that treatment. Also, the low success rate of drugs from development through FDA approval decreases the chance that a competitor will develop an alternative treatment. The bargaining power of the customers within the Orphan Drug patient population is classified as medium/low. While patients are price sensitive; the cost of treatment for most is subsidized by either health insurance or government funding and therefore the price of these treatments are typically very high. The average per patient on an orphan drug in the year of 2014 was calculated to be over $110,0001. While the average cost is currently high, this has become and increased area of scrutiny worldwide and many governments are enacting price control within the industry, eating away at potential profits. Once a company has successfully developed an orphan drug and gained FDA approval, the process to build and operate a manufacturing facility can be extremely costly. This is driven by the fact that the bargaining power of the supplies is medium/high. This classification is because of the extreme regulations that exist for not only the equipment, but also the raw materials used within the drug manufacturing process. The environment causes companies to create stringent supplier ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Microsoft History Background The beginning of Microsoft Inc. started with Bill Gates and Paul Allen writing computer program code for local businesses and municipalities. In 1975 they were inspired by an issue of Popular Electronics that showed the new Altair microcomputer kit, manufactured by MITS Computer. Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote a version of BASIC, a computer programming language, for the machine. Later that year Bill Gates left Harvard University to work full time developing programming languages for the Altair, and he and Paul Allen relocated to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to be near MITS Computer, where Paul Allen took a position as director of software development. Bill Gates and Paul Allen named their partnership Micro soft (Microsoft ... Show more content on ... They encourage professional development by reimbursing tuition and textbook fees for approved work related courses (, 2008). Financial INCOME STATEMENTS (In millions, except per share amounts) Year Ended June 30200720062005 Revenue$51,122$44,282$39,788 Operating expenses: Cost of revenue10,6937,6506,031 Research and development7,1216,5846,097 Sales and marketing11,4559,8188,563 General and administrative3,3293,7584,536 Total operating expenses32,59827,81025,227 Operating income18,52416,47214,561 Investment income and other1,5771,7902,067 Income before income taxes20,10118,26216,628 Provision for income taxes6,0365,6634,374 Net income$14,065$12,599$12,254 Earnings per share: Basic$001.44$001.21$001.13 Diluted$001.42$001.20$001.12 Weighted average shares outstanding: Basic9,74210,43810,839 Diluted9,88610,53110,906 Cash dividends declared per common share$000.40$000.35$003.40 Attached is an Income Statement from 2005 to 2007 (Microsoft Corporation Annual Report, 2008). As you can see, revenues and net income have continued to increase over the years. Earnings per share have increased as well. This shows that Microsoft is in a good financial standing. This means they are able to pay their shareholders and increase what they ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Tanning Beds And Melanoma Essay TANNING BEDS AND MELANOMA Those who tanned the most for ten years or more had more than twice the risk of melanoma compared with people who never used tanning beds. Martin Weinstock of Brown University of Medicine. Tanning beds are very menacing machines. They give out ultra violet rays that lead to melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Tanning beds are causing many problems to millions of people. I.Most people go to salons or anywhere else to get a tan and they will ask Are tanning beds dangerous? The employee will probably say no, they are totally safe, but the truth is tanning beds are not safe! Ultra violet rays from tanning beds are stronger than the sun s rays. In addition, tanning beds put out fifteen times the radiation given off the sun. Moreover, tan is one s body response to injury. Therefore, a tan is dangerous to younger people. To add, tanning beds are riskier than sun exposure and cause melanoma. The risk of melanoma goes up by seventy five percent when one uses a tanning bed. However, not only is one more ... Show more content on ... As many as ninety percent of melanomas are estimated to be caused ultra violet (UV) exposure. This includes UV exposure from artificial sources, such as tanning beds. Strong evidence now links tanning beds to melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer that afflicts nearly 69,000 Americans a year. USA Today. The more one tans and the younger one is your risk for melanoma increases. However, melanoma is increasing faster in women 15 29 years old, than in men the same age. Furthermore, 10,000 people die from melanoma. This is mainly caused because of tanning beds. As a matter of fact, a person dies every fifty minutes from melanoma, the second most common cancer. Tanning beds triple the risk of one getting melanoma. In fact, every time one goes and tans, the risk gets higher and higher. Following this further, more people get melanoma because of tanning beds than developing lung cancer because of ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Complex Adaptive Systems Of Healthcare Organizations Of... Complex Adaptive Systems Healthcare organizations of the past century were designed from 17th century ideology of the universe based on the teachings of Sir Isaac Newton and Sir Francis Bacon. This was a predictable and reliable world based on the viewpoint that organizations are machines and as individuals, we are merely cogs in a wheel, fulfilling a role and playing our part. However, this understanding has be eradicated by the idea that people and organizations are fluid, dynamic and living organisms. Newton s clockwork universe, in which big problems can be broken down into smaller ones, analyzed, and solved by rational deduction, has strongly influenced both the practice of medicine and the leadership of organizations. But the machine metaphor lets us down badly when no part of the equation is constant, independent, or predictable. The new science of complex adaptive systems states that in order to cope with escalating complexity in health care we must abandon linear models, accept unpredictability, respect (and utilize) autonomy and creativity, and respond flexibly to emerging patterns and opportunities (Plsek Greenhalgh, 2001). Veterans Health Administrationwithin the Department of Veterans Affairs The Department of Veterans Affairs was established as an independent agency under the President of the United States in 1930, and was elevated to Cabinet level in 1989 (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs [VA], 2014). The Department s mission is to serve America s ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Drug Abuse Prevention Programs Running head: DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION Drug Abuse Prevention Programs: Effectiveness of DARE and Project ALERT Drug Abuse Prevention Programs: Effectiveness of DARE and Project ALERT Although drug use among secondary school students appears to have leveled off during the late 1990s, US adolescents continue to use alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana at unacceptably high rates. Among eighth graders, 52% have tried alcohol, 41% have tried cigarettes, and 20% have tried marijuana. By 12th grade these rates are substantially higher, with large numbers of adolescents engaging in regular drug use (Ellickson, Bell, McGuigan, 1993). In spite of numerous programs implemented in elementary, middle, and high schools to prevent drug, alcohol, and ... Show more content on ... The DARE officer is required to undergo 80 hours of special training in the area of child development, classroom management, teaching techniques, and communication skills, combined with an additional 40 hours to prepare them to teach the high school curriculum (Ennett et al., 1994). This training is required of all DARE Officers prior to facilitating a DARE program. Additionally, this training equips the officer with the knowledge and expertise to answer questions posed by the students, regarding drugs and crime, while in the classroom (Kochis, 2001). Since its initial development and implementation in Los Angeles, DARE has been replicated, expanded, and implemented all over the country. The seemingly overwhelming commitment and support for this program as a drug prevention program for youths is a puzzle. Not only does it come at a time of limited economic resources, but there is little empirical evidence of the success of DARE as a deterrent to drug use (Lynam et al., 1991). Lynam et al. (1991) tracked over 1,000 Midwestern students who participated in Project DARE in the sixth grade. These students were reevaluated at age 20, ten years after receiving the drug prevention education. The study compared pre DARE levels of cigarette, alcohol, marijuana and illicit drug use of the students to such use at age 20. Although the DARE intervention produced a few initial improvements in the students attitudes ... Get more on ...
  • 34. What Leadership Behaviors And Management Systems Support... negative consequence of getting to be subject to outer assets for consistent change and of accomplishing just sporadic, transient enhancements. Pietro Fiorentini has rather turned into a position of experimentation, in which the learning, methodologies and systems of the best counselling firms are contrasted and joined and inward information and with the excitement and vitality of the organization s kin. For sure, it is an interesting generation and administration model. ________________________________________ WHAT LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SUPPORT THIS NEW WAY OF WORKING? Not just did Mario backing and support the change, yet he likewise was the genuine maker and motor of the utilization of incline at Pietro Fiorentini. The bolster he gave was not constrained to authority advancing an incline venture, as it is frequently the case in the normal hierarchical change activity. Rather, it implied that he was completely required in the incline venture, turning into its initiator and driver. He drove the change first hand, for instance by joining in each movement of the procedure, from the upgrading of the design to the production of assembling cells and the dispatch of kaizen weeks. This was conceivable in light of Mario s significant comprehension of the standards and strategies of incline considering, which originates from direct experience increased through years of concentrating on (his incline library is entirely noteworthy), through his ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Pros And Cons Of Colic Colic is a form of spasmodic pain caused by internal muscle groups fighting to conquer an obstruction. Colic isn t always simply a disorder in itself. It is, as an alternative, a form of pain which comes and goes, commonly constructing as much as a minute or so of actual suffering and subsiding to a dull ache earlier than building as much as some other crescendo. The web site of the ache, as well as the time c program languageperiod in between every assault, can give your physician a few very beneficial clues as to whether or not or now not you have got been struck by way of colic. Many organs, consisting of the intestine and the ureter (the passage thru which urine travels from the kidneys to the bladder) incorporate the kind of smooth muscle that s commonly tormented by colic.... Show more content on ... Inflammation and swelling idiot the gut into thinking it s far full and powerful waves of contraction buildup to try to shift the obstruction Simple Painkillers, hot water bottles and peppermints might also help to relieve the soreness. Baby ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Evaluation Of A Performance Assessment Evaluation of a Performance Assessment: edTPA James (Monty) Burger Texas A M University Evaluation of a Performance Assessment: edTPA Teacher effectiveness is of the utmost importance to ensure student success. However a valid and reliable performance assessment to evaluate teacher effectiveness has historically remained elusive. Recognizing this need, Stanford University developed the edTPA (formerly Teacher Performance Assessment) to specifically measure teacher readiness/effectiveness. The edTPA began field testing in 2009, and has been administered operationally since 2013. The focus of the edTPA is to assess an authentic cycle of teaching which is comprised of three tasks. These tasks include... Show more content on ... According to the 2014 edTPA Administrative Report some random sampling was done for scorer reliability with very positive results. Out of 1,808 portfolios (which were double scored independently) the scorers assigned either the same or adjacent scores with total agreement in nearly all cases (93.3%). While that speaks well for the scorer reliability, as far as appropriate sampling for validation and norming the edTPA appears to fall short. There are several mentions of small sample sizes and differences in group sizes preventing any strong generalizations or conclusions. Some sample sizes are as large as several thousand while others fewer than 10, creating the opportunity for instability. Reliability The next condition that should be closely reviewed when evaluating a performance assessment is reliability (Rudner, 1994). As discussed above the inter rater reliability for the edTPA seems to be very reliable. Ten percent of portfolios are randomly double scored to examine scorer rates, and the results provide evidence of high total agreement. According to the 2014 edTPA Administrative Report the overall reliability coefficient across all fields was 0.923, indicating a high level of consistency across the rubrics, establishing that the rubrics as a group are successfully measuring a common construct of teacher readiness. There was some concern with reliability specifically surrounding the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Problem Of Large Cars Overconsumption of large cars is a problem for Americans who are enticed into thinking they need the newest and biggest Sports Utility Vehicles, through advertising by the car industries who make the consumers believe that having these larger cars will make the consumers life better and have a higher status in their communities. In addition, the auto industries present these cars as an asset due to the cargo space capabilities, exhibiting the SUV as having more space for hauling both cargo and passengers. Most consumers with large families buy SUVs to cater to their families size when most SUVs are similar in size to a large sedan. Even the larger SUVs usually only can seat three extra passengers if the car has an extra bench seat added... Show more content on ... For example, in the Frontline show on PBS titled Perception VS. Reality: SUVs and Safety, Frontline interviewed Martin Goldfarb of GoldFarn Intelligence Marketing, who informed the public that the car companies chose only some safety features to put into their designs because of profit margins, even when other representatives of the car companies suggests that they put all of the features in a particular model. Further, show the Ford Motor Company does not disclose what safety features have been left out of their vehicles. The Ford Motor Company does, however, explain that, they produce a product [...] sell to this segment of a market at this price point. Something had to come out (Frontline). This spokesperson for the Ford Motor Company is one of the industries marketing consultants, and he seems to support the decision in not putting in as many safety features as are needed to keep the consumer safe in the SUV because it will be less profitable. What the marketing consultant is conveying is that these car companies are targeting a certain income level, and if they put in four safety features instead two, then that targeted income market would not buy that certain SUV because it would be out of the consumer s price range. This kind of decision making by car companies is not only immoral but based on increasing profits. Frontline further interviewed Keith Bradsher, former bureau chief ... Get more on ...
  • 38. A Memoir Of The Senses By Isabel Allende If you like cooking, food, sex and humor then you will most definitely enjoy The Epicure s Lament by Kate Christianson and Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses by Isabel Allende. I enjoyed both books for the most part. More so Epicure s Lament than Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses. Here s my breakdown of both books and how they differ and how they are similar. To start off both authors are women. Although after reading both novels, both authors don t seem very similar to me. Christianson comes off to me as more edgy and loose. And although her books extremely sexual, I think Allende s is older, maybe middle age. The reason I think that is when I read this bookI picture her as an older cougar who knows just what she wants. I like Christianson better. She reminds me of myself and I think she would be a lot of fun to hang out with. To be fair though I ve only read just these two books by the authors. I do plan to read more of Christianson s work though. I absolutely love Greek mythology. I actually took a Greek mythology class at Tidewater Community College. So when I found out we had to read Aphrodite, I was extremely excited. Aphrodite is supposed to be the goddess of love, desire and beauty. But this book is not about Greek mythology. Although it does remind me Aphrodite with all the sexual stories and pictures. If there was a Greek goddess that had to do with food and sex that would of been perfect for this book. Allende s book is supposed to be a memoir but it s more of ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Quotes On Life Quotes It s amazing how we can all go through life differently, taking some very different paths, yet there are some universal truths that help make the process easier and more rewarding on us. We often find ourselves nodding our heads at some common life quotes that we can all see the truth in. That s because no matter what path you choose in life, there are some very real ways to approach it that have been proven to be of value over and over again. Following are some life quotes from people who have learned a thing or two from their existence that should have you nodding your head in agreement. 1. What Is The Real Work Of Your Life? The real work of your life is the continual work on yourself and self discovery. Oprah Winfrey We all have ... Show more content on ... Thompson Often in life we think we have two choices this way or that way. But, life doesn t always boil down to those two choices if you choose to change your life. Changing your life is about changing your beliefs and intentions in life, and then seeing what else is available to you. For instance, young people are often faced with the choice of going to college or getting a job. Travelling, starting their own business, volunteering, joining a monastery, joining a band, or a number of other things are choices that are out there, just not for life as they know it. However, if they break out of their mindset and see these choices as viable, then a whole new world of choices opens up to them. Life is not black or white. There are many different paths in life, and just because you only see a sign with two choices on which way to go next, doesn t mean that there isn t another path with different signs that you can jump on. You just have to find it first. 9. Live In Reality If you live a life of make believe, your life isn t worth anything until you do something that does challenge your reality. Morgan ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Critical Commentary On Group Work Critical Commentary Essay Group work has been a cornerstone of the social work profession and requires a variety of facilitator skills and awareness of group processes. The SSLDTM Group Program for People with Difficulties in Social Situations (Socialwork1914, 2017) provides an excellent example of a psycho educational group co facilitated by two female social workers, Jane and Karen. After viewing the 6th session of this 8 week program, I began to understand how the concepts of group formation/development, interpersonal dynamics, and leadership styles contribute to successful group work outcomes. Group Formation Model Social work groups are usually formed based on their intended purpose. For this particular video, all six ... Show more content on ... This particular group also incorporated different practise frameworks, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and narrative therapy to help group members successfully understand their goals and the resources needed to attain those goals. Based on the literature, CBT is a goal directed and semi structured therapy that seeks to change negative thinking patterns and reduce maladaptive behaviours to promote socio emotional well being (CUCARO, 2017). This framework is evident within the facilitated role play activities (i.e. 05:25 06:50) that encouraged members to walk through a scenario and identify their thoughts, feelings, and bodily responses. This CBT activity gave group members the opportunity to critically analyze their own coping strategies (successful or otherwise) as well as receive feedback from other members around what worked well and what alternatives could be implemented in a safe setting. This psycho educational group also utilized a narrative therapy model, in which people are encouraged to recount their stories as related to the circumstances at hand... (Roberts Yeager, 2006; White, 1989). During the check in of the 6th session, each group member was encouraged to share their narrative of how the prior week had gone and whether they were successful in completing ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Comparing Norse And Egyptian Mythology Every country has its own mythology, bringing purpose for life. Norse and Egyptian Mythology are two excellent examples. Norse Mythology was brought up by Vikings and is told throughout areas such as, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, etc. Egyptian Mythology is told in Egypt and was brought up by Pharaohs. Norse and Egyptian Mythologyare very different from one another, but are both myths that were told for centuries, and are to be told for centuries more. Norse Mythology s creation started with a giant named Ymir. He emerged from the ground and grew very large from cow s milk. In time, the god Buri and his wife appeared and gave birth to Bor and Bor s son was named Odin. Ymir, was evil, and the gods didn t like it, so they killed him, making his huge body form the earth. His blood became the sea, his flesh became land, his bones became mountains, his hair became the trees, and his ... Show more content on ... The gods were pleased with what they did, but they were still missing one thing. To feel completely satisfied, Odin took two broken trees and formed them into the first man and woman. Egyptian Mythology s creation started with Nu, the dark and swirling chaos before time. Eventually, Atum rose from Nu and created a hill for himself to stand on. He had one eye that would see everything, but was very lonely. Soon after, Atum brought Shu, the god of air, and Tefnut, the goddess of mist and moisture into life. They gave birth to Geb, the earth, and Nut, the sky. Nut would give birth to the sun every night before sunset so the sun would shine through the day, and die at night. Just like in Norse Mythology, the Egyptian gods were still missing something to their creation. One day, Shu and Tefnut got lost in the chaos. Atum was heartbroken, so he sent his eye to search for them. Finally, they returned with Atum s eye, making Atum weep tears of joy. When the tears hit the earth, they turned into the first ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Theme Of Herman Melville sBartleby, The Scrivener Herman Melville s short story Bartleby, the Scrivener reveals different themes such as isolation and human morality test. In the story, the narrator runs a law firm and has a new Scrivener [Bartleby] who the narrator describes as the strangest I ever saw or heard of (661). For the first few days, Bartleby is seen to be working fine, however, one day Bartleby just responds with I would prefer not to when anyone assigns a task to Bartleby (674). The real problems start to arise when Bartleby sleeps and eats at the office while denying to work or leave. The narrator illustrates the two main themes of human morals and isolation throughout the story with the use of biblical references to Bartleby as a leper and shows symbolism of the... Show more content on ... The lawyer is not able to focus on anything because Bartleby will not move from the office or do any work. The lawyer then decides to pay Bartleby a twenty dollar bill over and above whatever [is in Bartleby s account] and tell him his services are not necessary (674).The lawyer throws money at Bartleby instead of handing it to him in his hands. The lawyer is trying to get rid of Bartleby to let the law firm make money. Melville portrays a constant war of conscience in the lawyer s mind regarding Bartleby s actions and the lawyer s reactions. The lawyer goes to church regularly yet does not show the Christian beliefs and ethics. As the story progresses, the lawyer decides to leave the current office and shift to another office in hopes that Bartleby will not follow the company. Bartleby remains at the office and does not move however the new employees find Bartleby s old employer. The new employees ask whether the lawyer knows Bartleby. The lawyer responds by I certainly cannot inform you. I know nothing about him (682). The fact that the lawyer straight up denies knowing anyone named Bartleby is a biblical reference to Christ being denied by Peter (Zlogar 525). The lawyer denies knowing Bartleby to avoid any issues that could affect the law firm. On the other hand, Peter denies knowing Christ to avoid any punishments from Christ. Zlogar implicates that Bartleby initially comes to the narrator as the leper comes to Christ (Zlogar 511). The ... Get more on ...
  • 43. American Art Collection At The Fred Jones Jr. Museum Of Art As I explored the James T. Bialac Native American Art Collection at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, I came across two paintings that really stood out to me because of their relevance to what we have been learning in class. In muted tones of blue and yellow, Harry Oosahwee s (Cherokee) One Fall Morning depicts a Cherokee family in a barren rural landscape; animals and plants dot the landscape, and a small wooden house sits on the far right of the painting accompanied by a father, mother, and child to the left. Oosahwee painted this acrylic on paper painting in 1980; although the image of this photo appears old, due to the architecture and clothing, there is one clue that brings the painting to the 20th century the Chuck Taylor s on the mother s feet. Without the presence of the shoes, this painting could appear to be from any era, as the Cherokee family is performing traditional activities that have been passed down generation to generation. A father in denim overalls and a wide brim hat sits on a tree stump, carving a piece of wood, while a young child looks up at him enthralled in what the father is doing or saying. To the left of the father and child is the mother standing above a churn; wearing a traditional smock and being watched by the family dog as she prepares kanuchi. Aside from the dog, there are also a few chickens pecking at the ground to the left of the mother, birds in the sky, and a cat near the bottom right observing everything going on. I think the ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Essay on A Chilling Perspective in Truman Capote s In... A Chilling Perspective in Capote s In Cold Blood Truman Capote s In Cold Blood is the story of Perry and Dick and the night of November 15, 1959. This investigative, fast paced and straightforward documentary provides a commentary on the nature of American violence and examines the details of the motiveless murders of four members of the Clutter family and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers. While reading Truman Capote s novel, In Cold Blood , I spent more than one night lying awake in my bed, frightened by Capote s presentation of the facts surrounding the murder of an obscure Kansas farmer and three of his family members. Several times, I caught myself wondering why this book ... Show more content on ... This draws the reader closer to the men than they would, perhaps, like to be. Capote talks about the lives of both killers previous to the murders in fairly significant detail. In the case of Perry Smith, his parents divorced early in his childhood and neither his mother nor father really wanted him. This produced feelings of abandonment and uselessness early on in Perry and affected the rest of his life. Capote brings up a letter written to the Kansas State Penitentiary about Perry by Perry s father, who was trying to have Perry paroled for a previous crime he had committed. Perry says that this biography always set racing a series of emotions self pity in the lead, love and hate evenly at first, the latter ultimately pulling ahead (130). Perry didn t feel as though his father ever knew him very well, or even wanted to know him. He says, whole sections of my Dad was ignorant of. Didn t understand an iota of...I had this great natural musical ability. Which Dad didn t recognize. Or care about...I never got any encouragement from him or anybody else (133). When Perry s father threw him out of the house one evening because his father could no longer afford to have Perry live with him, Perry lost his sense of direction in life. He even says ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Examples Of Conspiracy In Angels And Demons The title of this project, conspiracy, is taken from Dan Brown s novel Angles and Demons. The story of the novel is shown to be a result of the conspiracy formed by a member of the Church society. In a dictionary, the word conspiracy is defined as the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal . However, this is not it. Conspiracyis formed to achieve goals which are made not by the people, but by their greed for power, wealth and respect. In Angels and Demons, power is shown to be the main reason for the formation of conspiracy. Dan Brownhas successfully highlighted in his book the kinds of people who form conspiracies. One can see that the people who are apparently the most trustworthy, respectful and who happen to have a chance in attaining power are the ones who secretly make plans to harm those who stand in their way of achieving success . In this novel, such person is shown to be Carlo Ventresca, who is the... Show more content on ... All we need to do is be alert. We need to be aware of our own interests, our own attraction towards things that may look beneficial to us but might end up destroying us as well as others around us. Politicizing is interesting, undoubtedly. But is it good? Is it worth our time and hard work? For all we know, our basic needs are to be happy and enjoy our lives. We might get happiness on some others sorrows. But that happiness has a price. It costs us an entire worry free life. Each and every day, we might end up getting worried of being accused of a crime that we know we have committed. This is what happens when we conspire and get involved into politics. And this is what we need to beware of. We must reflect on the consequences of our actions and decisions that others will face, and even more, what we will ourselves face one day. Conspiracy is like a drug. It is highly addictive. But it is a harmful drug. One enjoys it thoroughly, but the aftereffects are ... Get more on ...