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PTE Writing: Write Essay | SUPER METHOD! PTE Writing: Write Essay | SUPER METHOD!
The Question Of Canon As A Good Deal Of Modern Day...
Introduction In his book The Question of Canon, Michael Kruger disputes the overriding image in a
good deal of modern day biblical scholarship, which regards the concept of canon as something
completely extraneous from early Christian religion and as merely an ecclesiastical production of the
second through fourth centuries. While answering different tenets of this view; what he defines as the
extrinsic model, Kruger proposes the merits of an mutually exclusive model, which he defines as the
intrinsic model, which comprises that the idea of Canon is not something imposed from the outside
but develops more organically from within the early Christian religion itself . (21) Kruger carefully
surveys the extrinsic model by locating five of its major tenets and disclosing its major trouble. Each
chapter critiques the extrinsic model and opens up the threshold for the intrinsic model. Chapter
Summaries Chapter 1 The Definition of Cannon analyzes the definitions of Canon and Scripture and
how we must make a sharp distinction between the two. Kruger paints a picture that the direction
forward in this argument over nomenclature is to define canon in a integrative and multidimensional
manner comprising of three different definitions. First, the exclusive definition reminds us that the
canon took several centuries for the edges of the canon to solidify and was not achieved until the
fourth century; or later. (29) Second, the functional definition centers on when books started
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Computer Networks And The Internet
Why me? The simple fact of having an unprotected computer network, law enforcement not up to par,
and a challenge is all a hacker needs to cash in; sometimes personal, but for the most part, just
business as usual. Hackers once admired in the 1960 s are now dangerous and a threat to big box
corporations, small businesses, and personal computer users. Data breaches are the most lucrative
business for hackers still. An example of data breaching is Computer Memory Racking or also known
as memory consumption or memory corruption. Basically, an adversary gains unauthorized access to a
computer or computer s network through a network s hole to deploy malicious code and gain access to
the volatile data stored in memory.
Hackers are constantly probing corporations to acquire system information. Buffer overflows and OS
stack overflow are commonly caused by hackers when the buffer is not flushed regularly. A hacker
causes a Denial of Service (DoS) which are too many access requests at once so the webserver gets
confused and crashes opening the doors for the hacker. Once they are in the damage can be endless.
From web server over stacking (deployed script to make changes to settings) to sequel injections,
executed code typed beyond the password, e.g. I_like_toast and 1:1;select*from SYS.Objects. (2016,
Dr. Burchell, J., Strayer University)
Lately, we have seen an increase of attacks towards large corporations Point of Sale (POS) systems.
Target and Home Depot have been
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The Statements And Actions Of Prophet
The statements and actions of Prophet are recorded in a set of literary texts that modern Muslim call
the Hadith. The original term for the customs of the Prophet was Sunnat Al Nabi , which is an exact
translation of customs of the Prophet in the native tongue of the Prophet s time, which was Arabic
(textbook). While the entire genre of Islamic literature that surrounds the Prophet Muhammad is called
Sunnat Al Nabi, the individual reports that outline the personal and private life of the Prophet are
called Hadith. The Hadith is an official collection of the sayings and actions of the last and final
Prophet of Islam throughout the 22 years of his prophetic ministry (Dustin). The Hadith is arguably
one of the most important practical text for modern Muslims, as the many books on Hadith outline the
life of the man that Muslims around the world have been told to emulate. Muslims have been
instructed to practice the behaviour of the Prophet as his behaviour is considered a guideline on the
perfect way for a Muslim to live. The Hadith outlines all relationships between a Muslim and God, as
well as discussing how relationships between humans should be conducted. The Hadith outlines every
affair possible, and how the Prophet acted in this affair, and Muslims should aspire to model this way
of life (Encyclopedia J). Therefore, the Hadith can be considered one of the most important literary
texts on the planet, because it guides a religion of nearly 1.6 billion people. The
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The Article Is Titled “Communication Modality Sampling
The article is titled Communication Modality Sampling for a Toddler with Angelman Syndrome by
Jolene Hyppa Martin, Joe Reichle, Adele Dimian, and Mo Chen. The authors explored three modes of
communication, vocal, gestural, and graphic, with a young child with Angelman syndrome. The
researchers investigated which mode of communication would be the most effective and efficient for
the child.
Angelman syndrome can cause cognitive, communication, and physical disabilities. It is a disorder
that affects around 1 in 10,000 births and for the majority of the cases, the cause is genetic. Angelman
syndrome can be caused by an abnormality in chromosome 15. Previous research on Angelman
syndrome and the different communication modes is lacking. ... Show more content on ...
This symbol is taught in gestural, graphic, and vocal mode. The modality sampling has many
advantages, one of the most important being that it provides important intervention resources.
The main purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of graphic and gestural modes of
communication with a toddler with Angelman syndrome (Martin, Reichle, Dimian, Chen, 2013). The
participant was Adam, a 21 month old male with Angelman syndrome. Before the study started, Adam
was assessed in communication, cognition, and fine and gross motor skills. Adam did not engage in
vocal imitation or turn taking. His mother reported that Adam would sometimes vocalize to get her
attention, he would also protest, request, and express excitement. Adam s fine motor skills were
delayed, but he had adequate movements to produce gestures for the study.
Before the sessions started, the three researchers went through a role play training. This was done to
increase reliability and interobserver agreement between the researchers. The 44 sessions occurred at
the participant s house or at his day care center. The first session was a baseline probe and the rest of
the sessions were divided into five phases. The sessions were held two times per week for five
months. The materials for the study included three objects or activities that Adam liked or
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Religion 204a
Joseph Fiore
Religion 204A Christian Scriptures
Dr. Jennifer Kaalund
Pauline Letters Essay
A universal theme seen throughout the writings and letters of Paul is justification by faith. Justification
by faith means that those who truly share a belief in God are saved by him. During the biblical period,
it was commonly thought that our pending salvation was dependent on our ability to obey the laws
given to the chosen people, those whom were believed to be chosen by God. Instead, Paul argues that
our righteousness is obtained through our faith in Jesus alone.
The book of Romans gives answers to questions everyone may ask to themselves, such as how to
obtain our salvation, the judgment of all people at the end of time, how to grow ... Show more content
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For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed a righteousness that is by faith from first to last,
just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith. (Romans 1:16 17) This substantiates the belief that
you cannot repair your relationship with God solely through your good deeds; it is instead
accomplished through faith in Jesus Christ and all of His wondrous works.
One may question how man can be justified if we are all born into sin. Paul answers this question in
(Romans 3:21 31), stating that men can be justified in the God s eyes through their faith in Jesus
Christ. An observant reader of the Bible may take note of how many times Paul mentions faith in this
section. God did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one
who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. (Romans 3:26) One can imagine the Jewish reaction to
this declaration since their beliefs stem only from Old Testament teachings and justification was based
on being a Jew, circumcision, and the Law of Moses; not through faith in Jesus Christ. Paul anticipates
their objection when he asks, Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold
the law. (Romans 3:31) Here, Paul is concluding that it is through our preaching that men are justified
by their faith in Jesus Christ and are confirming the law. The Law of Moses directed men to Jesus
Christ because according to scripture, sin was prevalent at the time. The
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The Consumer s Perception on Herbalism
An average consumer, named Greg, enters a pharmacy looking for medication to clear up his common
cold. Normally, Greg would just grab some cough syrup and lozenges and not think twice about it. But
now his pharmacy not only offers traditional medications such as Acetaminophen or Pseudoephedrine
but they also offer combinations of herbs such as peppermint for coughing or eucalyptus for a nasal
decongestant. How does Greg decide between the herbal remedy and the traditional pharmaceutical
medicine? How will he know if the herbal combination will actually work or be safe for him? These
are the kind of questions most consumers ask themselves when faced with this dilemma. Well first,
Greg falls under one of the many people [who] use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
for different health problems such as anxiety, or allergic disorders, as well as minor ailments or
chronic diseases , in his case the common cold (Freymann et al. 13). Second, in current society, the
trend to be organic or natural is pushing consumers, like Greg, to approach the already established
idea of herbalism or other alternative medicinal methods, therefore making the choice of the herbal
remedy a possible candidate for him by societal pressures. Third, Greg is unaware of any of the health
risks that could occur with either medicine options. Any of these points make the decision for either
medicine an uneducated choice that could come with health repercussions, even if it just for a
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Discuss and Analyse the Arguments for and Against Adopting...
Discuss and analyse the arguments for and against adopting a codified constitution in the UK.
A constitution is a set of rules that seek to establish the duties, powers and functions of the various
institutions of government. They also regulate the relationship between and among the institutions and
define the relationship between the state and the individual. There are many different types of
constitutions. The constitution that is in place in the UK is an uncodified one. In other words, it is not
written on a single bill and consists of various written and unwritten sources. An uncodified
constitution is not judiciable, not authorititative and also not entrenched. A codified constitution on the
other hand is written on a single ... Show more content on ...
This would strengthen citizenship as it creates a clearer sense of political identity which may be
particularly important in an increasingly multicultural society.
One of the strongest arguments in favour of a codified constitution is that a codified constitution
would protect rights. Individual liberty would be more securely protected by a codified constitution
because it would define the relationship between the state and the citizens. As a result of this rights
would be more clearly defined and they would be easier to enforce than with the current uncodified
constitution that exists in the UK. An uncodified constitution can also lead to elective dictatorship
which further restricts rights. One way these rights could be defined is through a bill or rights in the
codified constitution. A bill of rights is a document that specifies the rights and freedoms of the
individual, and so defines the legal extent of civil liberty. In Britain there is no bill of rights on
terrorism legislation which exposes the weak protection of rights that an uncodified constitution
On the other hand there are many arguments against the idea of a codified constitution. One argument
is that codified constitutions are considered rigid. Higher law is more difficult to change than statute
law. It is easier to and quicker to introduce an Act of Parliament than to amend a constitution.
Uncodified constitutions are flexible as they are not entrenched like codified constitutions. Due to
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It in Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a peaceful Central American country fronting both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It
has almost 4 million residents, a stable democratic government, no army, and is host to Central
America s largest hi tech community, including the Latin American Headquarters of Microsoft and
one of Intel s most modern chip fabrication plants. Many major US high tech corporations maintain
offices or branches in Costa Rica including IBM, Oracle, Dell, Apple, Compaq, Cisco, and others.
Literacy (nearly 95%), English language and computer usage are the highest in Latin America. Costa
Rica has the highest United Nations Human Development Index among all developing countries. With
the abolishment of the army in 1948, the ... Show more content on ...
The number of Internet users in the region could increase to 34 million in the year 2000, and it is
estimated that e commerce transactions in Latin America could reach $240 million in 1999 and $525
million in 2000.
The typical Latin American Internet user is a 26 year old, middle class man who has used the Internet
for less than a year and whose favorite site for doing Web searches is Yahoo. At least, that is the
conclusion of a study conducted by the advertising agency Nazca Saatchi Saatchi Inc. The age of the
average user shows that more young people are getting online in the region, since the average age in
1997 was 31 years old.
Recent studies have also indicated that the Internet is becoming more accessible to middle and lower
class people. Latin American Web surfers prefer Web sites that provide information about music, local
news, chat services, information about computers and information about art and culture.
After Yahoo, the most popular search sites are AltaVista, Cade, Radar UOL, StarMedia, Infoseek,
Lycos and Excite.
Most respondents log on from home (53 percent), followed by work (31 percent). Most people (54
percent) use the Internet every day, 20 percent five or six days per week and 26 percent four days or
less per week. The average weekly use is 11 hours.
Twenty seven percent of respondents said their sessions last between 31 minutes and 60 minutes, and
23 percent said their sessions last between 61 minutes and 90
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Drinking Habits Among College Women
This study attempted to determine group differences in the misuse of alcohol and the consequences
between undergraduate women who live in four different on campus housing locations and how
different residential environments may inspire different drinking habits. The independent variable is
the type of housing the women live in and the dependent variable is the type of alcohol involvement
and the consequences that came with it. The study was researched through a web based survey that
was administered to a random sample of students in 1) single sex (all female) residential learning
communities, 2) mixed sex residential learning communities, 3) single sex (all female) non residential
learning communities and 4) mixed sex non residential learning ... Show more content on ...
Students involved in fraternity or sorority houses almost always report heavier levels of alcohol
consumption. Student who live in college sponsored, residential learning communities also tend to
drink less. The hypotheses of this study are 1) Does alcohol consumption vary as a function of RLC
status (living in an RLC versus living in a non RLC)? 2) Does alcohol consumption vary as a function
of the sex of floor residents (single sex floors versus mixed sex floors? 3) Do the primary and
secondary consequences of heavy episodic drinking, including being taken advantage of sexually, vary
as a function of RLC status and sex of floor residents? This is a longitudinal study which is researched
by teams at The University of Michigan and San Diego State University. Data was collected during
the students first year at the university. In order to screen for alcohol use questions that measured how
much alcohol, on what occasions, how often, how much and if they participated in any episodic
drinking. In order to screen for the consequences of drinking, they separated the consequences into
primary and secondary
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The Lovesong Of J Alfred Prufrock Analysis
The Love Song of J, Alfred Prufrock by T.S Eliot is a poem about anxiety. The poem explores the
social and introspective aspects of Prufrock s life as the poem s narrative follows him on a journey
through his city. Eliot uses simile, figurative imagery, free verse, and a first person voice to tell a story
about anxiety. Eliot masterfully uses simile and figurative imagery in The Love Song of J, Alfred
Prufrock. Eliot s use of simile is best found in the poem s famous opening line: Let us go then, you
and I, / When the evening is spread out against the sky / Like a patient etherized upon a table (1,2,3).
Here, Prufrock punctuates his personal invitation to the reader with simile intend to create vivid
images in the mind of the reader. Prufrock s descriptive control of the poem is of subtle but crucial
importance to the poem. Eliot uses figurative imagery in the description of the journey Prufrock and
the reader are undergoing. As the reader steps into Prufrock s world Prufrock uses creative
descriptions to entice the reader : The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window panes, The
yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window panes, Licked its tongue into the corners of the
evening, Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains. (15,16,17,18) Prufrock animates the fog of the
city as a cat by giving it aspects such as a back, a muzzle, and a tongue. Through this animation of the
city the reader can picture the surroundings as an overarching force that influences Prufrock s thoughts
and actions. The Language devices serve to describe the unique world into which the reader has
entered. Prufrock s descriptions further allow the reader to see the world through his eyes and truly
engage with the poem: The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase, / And when I am formulated,
sprawling on a pin, / When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall (56, 57, 58). Through his
descriptive control of the universe the reader has entered, Prufrock can use elaborate descriptions of
the external world to show his inner thoughts. In this fashion Prufrock shows the reader his underlying
issues with anxiety and loneliness. The style of The Love Song of J, Alfred Prufrock is free verse.
While Eliot will occasionally
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Turmeric
Plants , Is their existence a miracle for healing the various loopholes in health occurring throughout
Plants have been the basis for the medical treatment of the most complicated health issues through
much of human history ,and the traditional practices have become a need and a boon to the society .
Natural plant products have been a part of human history for various purposes. The natural products
are derived from nature billions of years old. Tens of thousands of these products are produced in the
form of secondary metabolites by higher plants and act as a natural defense mechanism against disease
and infection.
Turmeric ,a plant has a very long history of medicinal use, dating back nearly ... Show more content
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Cold Remedy Turmeric boosts immune function, which is key when fighting a cold or other viral
The advantages of turmeric are endless in different forms to help in various ways with smallpox,
shingles, chickenpox, scabies, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, fibromyalgia, liver problems, kidney
disorders, parasitic infections, expelling phlegm, eye infections, itchiness, worms, eczema, loss of
appetite, blood circulation, anemia, detoxing blood and organs, hemorrhage and anti aging. Turmeric
juice has been used for morning sickness in pregnancy, scorpion stings, and snakebites. Turmeric oil
has been used as a mosquito repellent.
Eating raw root or dried powder can help absorption easily when combined with essential oils.
Side Effects of Turmeric
Stomach problems: Turmeric taken in large quantities, for a long period of time can cause nausea,
stomach upset and sweating in some people.
Even diarrhea is experienced by some people .
Bleeding: Studies conducted on animals have found that in some cases turmeric could result in
excessive bleeding in those who are susceptible.
Blood pressure: High dosage of turmeric can lower blood pressure. Hence, it could react with
medication taken for high blood
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What Is The Theme Of A Solution To The Climate Problem, ...
In her piece The Scientific State of Mind , Jane Jacobs provides her point of view that science has
enhanced our relationship with the planet we inhabit. She opens her writing by refuting those who
mistrust science for their own reasons. Then Jacobs then goes on to cover that science doesn t deliver
happiness, but rather that it provides information needed to make progress as a culture. She continues
to state that science is a state of mind, as opposed to an object. Further, she presents that science must
begin with what she calls a fruitful question , and that the scientific process comprises of four stages.
First, Jacobs describes the fruitful question that she believes each scientific discovery must start with,
a question that takes ... Show more content on ...
Hansen begins his essay with his assertion that in publicly agreeing to objectives like those proposed
by the Kyoto Protocol, governments are being intentionally misleading. To demonstrate, he outlines
six examples, including allowing the construction of new coal fired power plants and development of
tar sands, as evidence of the government s resistance towards solving what he calls the climate
problem . Afterwards, Hansen indicates that these examples are not an exhaustive list, implying that
he believes there are many more examples of the government impeding environmental protection. He
goes on to discuss his assertion that governments are under the influence of special interest groups,
discouraging the implementation of policies that would decrease environmental damage. Hansen
proposes introducing a flat carbon price or fee applied to all fossil fuels. In addition, he suggests that
readers support the organization and it s founder Bill McKibben. Finally, Hansen states that
activists may find it imperative to publicly protest to draw attention to the environmental injustices
generated by carbon emissions. Hansen concludes his essay by urging his readers, and in particular
young people, to get involved in what he calls the fight of our
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Gender Role Portrayal And The Disney Princesses
At the beginning of this class, I had very little confidence in my ability to convey my ideas through
writing. Now that I have reached the end of this course, I have learned many techniques and skills that
have helped me with my various writing projects throughout the semester as well as my final research
project. The first course outcome that I really worked toward throughout the semester is being able to
engage with texts critically and to incorporate the ideas from those texts into my own work. From
essentially day one of this course there were assigned readings of Giroux s The Mouse that Roared.
After each reading, there would be an analysis of the dense text during the following day of class. In
addition to Giroux, there were also several ... Show more content on ...
My first real try at making academic arguments was rather effective, my Pinocchio archival research
project garnered much positive feedback and even went on to compete in the Save Our Stories digital
archives competition. I successfully used my primary research on the illustration and on Disney s
Pinocchio movie to support all the arguments that I made in the essay. On the other hand, my next
attempt at making a strong academic argument, which was about gender role portrayal in Disney, was
a total flop. I made a reasonable argument, but I had neglected to provide substantial supporting
evidence to back up my claim. Thankfully, the feedback that I received on that post allowed me to see
what I had done incorrectly, and afterward I went back through the article and found the information
that would have supported my argument. Another one of my attempts at making an argument was in
the New Orleans Tumblr post. Facing an issue similar to the gender roles post, I could summarize the
experiences of the trip very well; however, this time my issue was that I did not fully develop my
argument. The supporting information that I needed was present, but I only partially followed through
the comparison that I was making, which was the argument in this case. Finally, there is my research
project s argument. The argument I make in my research
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Black Sun Character Analysis
The 2016 film Moonlight showcases a rare occurrence of a well rounded black father figure in the
character Juan. Moonlight is a film that centers around a young black man Chiron who is struggling to
find his place in the world. This essay will be a study of the character, Juan, who is not the biological
father of Chiron, yet he is the central father figure in Chiron s life. Black fatherhood in modern cinema
is filled with stereotypes and problematic notions. The black father archetype is usually either a non
existent dead beat dad, an over protective hypermasculine dad, or the abusive dad. These archetypes
leave no room for black men who fit into neither of these categories to thrive in modern cinema (as
well as other media outlets.) This is indeed harmful for the black men and young black boys in our
society, Although, with the release of Moonlight, it is sure that one day, a multitude of black father
figures will be able to be positively represented in the media. To conclude, the character of Juan
emcompasses many atributes that prove him to be a complex and intersectional representation of black
fatherhood. Rather than being a one dimensional or flat character, Juan emcompasses many character
traits. While the viewer s first impression of him is that he is a stereotypical, drug dealer in a poor
black community (he is never seen without a durag, he wears gold chains, a multitude of rings and
baggy jeans, and he drives a flashy car), as the film progresses, it is
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Verizon Communications Case Analysis
Verizon s (VZ) Dividends Are Safe; But Its Peer looks to be in A Better Position Verizon
Communications (NYSE:VZ) is a dividend aristocrat bearing a long history of dividend growth. The
company currently offers dividends of $0.56 per share, yielding above 4%. However, the company has
been struggling to generate substantial growth in both sales and earnings. In the latest quarter, it
posted a sales growth of only 0.6%, while its earnings per share increased around 3% compared to the
same quarter of last year. VZ has been actively working on offering innovative products and
technologies to its customers to sustain its revenue growth. It recently acquired XO Communications
fiber optic network business to support its new technologies, including
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George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four
Who said Fiction was Fake?
Imagine a place where the government is feared and seen as the center of the universe. No one dares
to go against it because of the torture and punishments that can occur. Propaganda is everywhere, and
no one knows what is the truth and what is a lie. Not knowing if today will be your last. This may
seem like an insight to a fictional novel, but this is not the case, this is a reality for some people. Like
in the novel Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell, the North Korean government uses fear to
control their citizens, and supervises the type of media presented through technology. By running
everything through a totalitarian regime, no one has the power or courage to fight back (North Korea:
Government) (Cha 13).
What is a way to get even the most stubborn person to follow commands? Fear. Fear is an effective
method of control that is used in both the governments of Nineteen Eighty Four and North Korea.
Oceania, the country where the novel takes place, has telescreens that claim to be watching everyone
at all times (Orwell 5). You had to live did live, from habit that became instinct in assumption that
every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinised (Orwell
5). This kind of knowledge scares Winston and the citizens into obeying what the government says,
since they don t want to do something that can give the government a reason to punish them. Even the
slightest infraction can get someone in trouble:
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Mucky Waters Short Stories
For some Jackbooters, the sale of other products such as evangelization materials and Ryanite made
media on the side, in addition to the usually forbidden foodstuffs like candy and soda, was deemed as
being just as viable in making a profit. Among the Volksryanischen, particularly those who ended up
partaking in the Plaid Prohibition, the term evangelization materials was for the most part, used to
refer to items that were made of paper. Pamphlets, brochures, leaflets and other sorts of high quality
and persuasive documents were usually what came to mind. Short, catchy, and eye grabbing, they
were known as being cheap, but highly effective in spreading the Good News. Depending on the
buyer s tastes and specifications, a whole plethora of ... Show more content on ...
I ll charge you nine bucks for one of those books, and not a penny more, answered Mucky Waters.
Looks like you got yourself a deal, said the customer, before giving back the all but one of them to
Mucky Waters. Charge me nine for this one, he glanced at the cover of the only book that was in his
hands, The Role of Men and Women in a Catholic Society. Through a little bit of haggling and some
browsing on the part of both the Jackbooter and the customer, they finally reached an agreement. In
the end, Mucky Waters earned a modest nine dollars, while his customer was given a shiny book made
by a Ryanite. With their transaction completed, Heidi was able to approach Mucky Waters. Hi there,
he greeted her, You looking to trade? Sure, but only because Magpie sent me to find you. Curious,
Heidi asked him, What do you sell, fellow Jackbooter? Books, my dear girl, Mucky Waters replied, I
remember you: you re the Catholic schoolgirl who s making a name for yourself around here. How are
you doing so far? I m doing well, said the Plaid Jungfrau. Listen, Magpie and I were wondering if you
re interested in making a deal with us... And what would that be? wondered Mucky
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What Is The Theme Of The Glass Menagerie
Struggling between illusion and reality always drives people crazy. The general theme made by
Tennessee Williams in her work The glass menagerie is that people have difficulties in accepting and
relating to reality. More specifically, Mr. Williams indicates that even though sometimes people realize
what the reality is, they try to escape and look for comfort in their private world of illusion.
Tennessee Williams was born in a chaotic family of which the environment inspired him of the
writings. Since Williams had diphtheria, which caused his inability in physical activities, he stayed at
home and started creating of imagination on the typewriter. His father was an abusive and alcoholic
salesman who had a violent temper and inclination to ... Show more content on ...
Amanda s relationship to reality is the most complicated in the play. Unlike her children, she is partial
to real world values and longs for social and financial success. She cannot accept that she is or should
be anything other than the pampered belle she was brought up to be, that Laura is peculiar, that Tom is
not a budding businessman, and that she herself might be in some ways responsible for the sorrows
and flaws of her children. Amanda s retreat into illusion is in many ways more pathetic than her
children s, because it is not a willful imaginative construction but a wistful distortion of reality.
加support source;Always missing her good old days;Wanting her daughter to marry a gentleman to
improve the family status
加Comparison between Amanda and Blanche in A street car named desire and Maggie in Cat on a Hot
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Antigone the Tragic Hero Essay
A Tragic Hero
A tragic hero is a character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw, which combined with
fate, results into a tragedy. The tragic hero must fall from good luck and well being to misery and
misfortune. The tragic hero causes a sense of pity through the tragic downfall that weakens the
character. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone follows her own beliefs by giving her brother a proper
burial, even if she has to break the law of King Creon. Because of her innocent actions, Antigone is
punished unjustly and unfairly. Through her risky and unselfish actions, ability to follow her own
beliefs, and perseverance Antigone is the tragic hero of this play.
Furthermore, Antigone makes many important and ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Antigone s ability to follow her own beliefs results into the heroicness and tragic death of
Antigone. Antigone is from a royal family and has the power to do what she believes in. She believes
in following traditions and exercises that power when she says, I will bury him, and if I must die, I say
that the crime is holy: I shall lie down With him in death, and I shall be as dear To him as he to me
(694). Antigone follows her beliefs in following tradition and by doing what she feels is best.
Antigone does this because she knows she is doing the right thing and knows that she will be repaid in
some way. Furthermore, Antigone justifies her actions by telling the reasons that motivated her to do it
to King Creon. She refuses to give in to the beliefs of King Creon and continues to think her own
separate way. Antigone takes a stand to Creon when she says, Think Death less than a friend? This
death of mine Is of no importance, but if I had left my brother Lying in death unburied, I should have
suffered. Now I do not. You smile at me. Ah Creon , Think me a fool, if you like, but it may well be
That a fool convicts me of folly (709). Antigone believes what she is doing is correct and proves that
to Creon , but he is still not convinced. It is important for Antigone to do what she believes is so that
she will be pleased and satisfied with the outcome. Antigone s ability to pursue her goals and to what
she wants
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Pooo Tee Weet Analysis
The Tralfamadorians, as mentioned earlier, believe that nothing is preventable, for example, their pilot
pressing the button that leads to the destruction of the universe. All moments, past, present, and future,
always have existed, and always will exist (pg. 27), say the Tralfamadorians. As Billy conceives the
idea that the war could not have been prevented, it absolves him of all the guilt he had amassed as a
result of the war: the fact that he survived, and that fact that he had a good job, as well as a family. The
concept behind this is one that involves free will . As the Tralfamadorians project the idea that there is
no such thing as free will , Billy is assured implicitly that he did not have a choice in his course of
action, and is hence, free of any moral responsibility.
Poo tee weet?
The phrase Poo tee weet appears throughout the novel four times. ... Show more content on ...
The birds chirp to Billy Pilgrim as he wanders around the suburbs just as World War II ceases in
Europe. There is an overwhelming element of relief evoked in the readers, as the terrors of war have
now become a part of the past, and the protagonist, Billy Pilgrim, steps outside and regains his
freedom . The area is said to be silent. As directly foreshadowed on pg. 22, the birds chirp. This places
emphasis that to the birds, the war was merely another event in their existence, hence they continue. In
essence, Vonnegut connects the birds to the Trafalmadorians, as these creatures seem to continue their
lives regardless of tragedy. The readers laugh at the absurdness of the latter, as they are said to have
destroyed the universe at some point in time, yet, they will never foil the pilot s plan to press the
button that leads to the universe s obliteration. He has always pressed it, and he always will (pg. 117),
the Trafalmadorians say, as a matter of factly. Death cannot be prevented, and neither can
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Roles of Deregulation on Banking Sector Essay
What roles have deregulation, innovation, and globalization played in changing the character of bank
management in recent decades? Has the overall outcome of the changes been greater stability in the
banking sector? Discuss the respective roles of asset and liability management in modern banking.
Deregulation, innovation and globalisation has changed the way banks run from asset management to
liability management, as well as the change from mono to multi tasking and the increased competition
in the sector as well as risk. The banking system has evolved drastically from the traditional mono
tasking institution to what it is now. This change in roles of asset and liability management could be
one of the main reasons behind the global ... Show more content on ...
2) The second phase sees the ending of the sharp distinction between banks and NBFIs (non banking
financial institutions). In the 1980s, banks were given the right to compete in the mortgage market and
building societies allowed to compete in the market for consumer credit; i.e. both allowed in each
other s markets. Whereas in US, banks were not allowed to compete in the field of investment banking
and insurance until 1999.
3) The third phase allowed increased competition within the financial sector and from outside it.
NBFIS and other new kinds of financial institutions attached to other financial operations provided
new kinds of services such as online banking (within the financial sector). Firms from outside the
financial sector also entered the financial services market including Tesco, Marks and Spencer (UK),
and GM and GE in the US (General electric s financial arm makes 1/3 of its profits!).
The three phases of deregulation is the main driving force for banks and NBFIs to compete
aggressively and take on excessive risk (through actively searching out liabilities) to gain higher profit
margins. By expanding their balance sheet through liabilities, they increase exposure to credit risk and
become highly sensitive to the state of the economy i.e. more defaults during downturns of the
Apart from deregulation, financial innovation
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Four Star Industries
Four Star Industries:
Problems faced by the firm
Four star Industries private Limited is a mattress manufacturing company in Singapore specialized in
Pocketed spring mattresses.
Competition in Mattresses industry stirred up multiple problems to Four Star. To sustain the
competitive pressure and match customer s demand, company increased mattress models from 13 to
230 within few years.
This remedial measure to withstand competition aggravated the problems by slowing down the
production process, increased inventory cost and complicated order fulfillment process.
Four star distribution is heavily dependent on Dealers. Increased competition empowered dealers who
dictated terms to Four Star with respect to inventory, models and order ... Show more content on ...
Current: 4 departments at Kellang: Spring unit  Quilt Unit  assembly  warehousing Order
Proposed: Spring unit  Quilt Unit Order  assembly  delivery
Order fulfillment: Standardizing the order lead time and process and communicating the same with
LDs and SDs. Having different lead times for SDS and LDs. Forward integration with dealers/
Retailers and backward integration with spring, foam and quilt suppliers for collaborative planning,
forecast and replenishment will
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The Marshall Plan And The Truman Doctrine
believe that the Marshall Plan was in fact a method of guaranteeing that European markets allowed for
US exports and that Marshall himself alluded to this. It also states that the Marshall plan was a basis
for many US foreign policies that are instituted today, wherein governments aid other governments
without any assurance that the aid will be directed towards those that require it. This source is useful
as it shows an alternative reasoning behind the US s actions, that their intentions were not entirely
altruistic in that the Marshall Plan was implemented solely for the benefit of the US and that the
Marshall Plan was criticised for there being no guarantee of any benefit to other nations. b) Evaluation
of Sources Source B: This source is from the speech delivered by President Truman himself to the US
Congress on the 12th of March 1947. This speech was written and delivered in order to announce the
Truman Doctrine, outline the purpose, reasoning and need for the Truman Doctrine and convince the
US Congress and people to support the rhetoric. This source is of value as it is from the president
himself of the time, Harry S Truman, deeming it to be a reliable source of information of the time. It
shows the US s intentions behind the implementation of the Truman Doctrine, which were to protect
Greece, Turkey and the Middle East from falling to Communism, to uphold and put into effect the
principles of the Charter of the United Nations and to assist and support
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Challenges Of The Transcontinental Railroad
The Transcontinental Railroad was a great engineering achievement that brought a more efficient
means of transportation from the Eastern United States to the Western United States. There were many
challenges for the development of a project that everyone agreed was necessary for the development
of the country. These challenges included a nation that was divided by the Civil War, as well as how
such a project could be financed and planned for. The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad
rapidly increased America s population in the West, and gave the Country the ability to protect itself
on boast the East and West Coasts. The expansion in the West included taking over lands from the
Native Americans who lived on the land. This was the downside associated with the Transcontinental
Railroad. The completion of the railroad brought about a great appreciation for the contributions of the
Chinese immigrants and allowed many to improve their lives. The completion of the Transcontinental
Railroad was a great accomplishment that helped the United States develop as a nation. The
Transcontinental Railroad could not have been achieved without the invention of the locomotive. The
idea of the locomotive was first thought of by James Watt in 1769. Watt had a patent on the design of
the locomotive engine but never really developed the idea. The benefits of the locomotive did not
become a reality until an Englishman named Charles Stephenson developed the first
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Honky by Dalton Conley Essay
Growing up in the projects in hard enough as it is, but throw in the fact that you are a white kid, and
you have an idea of what Dalton Conley has had to grow up with. Now a successful sociologist,
Dalton Conley explains in his book, the trials and tribulations he had to face in order to survive in the
projects and his battle with race. Conley had more exposure to the idea of race than most children,
growing up one of the only white kids in New York public housing projects populated by Black and
Puerto Rican families. His parents were artists, whose low income and desire to break societal molds
led them to apply for housing in the then fairly new projects. As most children are, Conley was at first
fairly oblivious to race, a fact ... Show more content on ...
When his sister Alexandra got involved with drugs, she was able to escape unscathed and go on to
college, while a non white friend ended up serving 25 years in prison after a drug raid.
These references show that just because a person may not seem to fit in a certain environment, or are
just to poor to do anything about it, doesn t mean they have to settle with this concept. Triumphing
over obstacles such as race and economic position are some of the ideas the author is able to throw out
and try to inspire people. Don t settle with something mediocre, when a person is capable of so much
more. This is a theme that seems to sustain through out the entire book.
It almost seems as though the author is glad to have had to grow up in such diverse conditions. People
may read this book and think, the guy really had it rough , but if anything he seems to have benefited
from it. Through his experiences, Conley is able to take with him, a small but vital idea of unity. If he
was able to adapt and coexist in a environment not suited for him, it will give a lot of hope for a lot of
Because this book is about race, people seem to forget how amusing this book can really be. One line
that seems to stick out is when one of the children comments to Conley about his mother and a
wedding dress. Your mom s so white she went to her
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The Creation Of Sputnik
On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union launched a satellite called Sputnik 1 into space. This marked the
start of the space race. Americans were terrified of the chance of the Soviet s sending missiles from
space. However Dwight. D. Eisenhower was not scared and did not do much.
About a month later on November 3, 1957 the Soviets launched a new spacecraft called Sputnik 2.
Sputnik 2 sent the first animal into space, it was named Laika. Lakia did not survive, but the Russians
were in the lead.
America decided to do something so they attempted to send Vanguard, ( satellite, nobody was in it) on
December 6th 1957 into earth s orbit. At that time there was no NASA, the project was under the
Naval Research Laboratory and National Science Foundation. ... Show more content on ...
They were working on an even bigger rocket than Saturn 5. It was called N 1 and it was intended for a
lunar launch. Unfortunately (fortunate for America) 5 months later the N 1 rocket exploded at a launch
Although half the nation doubted the launch on May 16th 1 million people came to watch the launch
of Apollo 11 with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins as the crew. They were going to
watch the launch of a spacecraft that was going to land on the moon.
After the journey to get near the moon at 1:46 p.m. July 20th Armstrong and Aldrin pulled away from
the command module in the landing module named Eagle. Meanwhile Michael Collins was orbiting
the moon alone. At 4:18 on July 20th the Eagle had landed. At 10:56 P.M. July 20th Neil Armstrong
took his first step onto the moon.
They had done it they had landed! Buzz Aldrin soon came and they collected moon samples.
At 1:54 p.m. July 20th the Eagle is lifted in the air. If they had not been able to do that Michael Collins
would go back to earth and leave the 2 astronauts to die.
On July 24th at 12:51 P.M. the astronauts splash down! They had gone to the moon and
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Theme Of Comradeship In All Quiet On The Western Front
Which in the field developed into the finest thing that arose out of the war comradeship, (Remarque
27). Throughout the war, soldiers depend on each other to be able to live another day. Through small
acts of kindness, sorrow from loss, and never leaving one behind emerges the theme of comradeship,
which is clearly represented in the novel, All Quiet On The Western Front.
Comradeship all starts with small acts of kindness, which begins a bond friendship. For example,
when Muller died he gave Paul his boots, which once belonged to Kemmerich; Paul s best friend.
Before he died he handed over his pocket book to me, and bequeathed me his boots the same that he
once inherited from Kemmerich, (Remarque 279). Not only was Muller giving the boots away a sign
of approval, but also was a true treasure for Paul. For example, since previously the boots belonged to
Kemmerich they held memories between Kemmerich and Paul. With memories came symbolism that
the boots represented the last thing Paul could of have of Kemmerich. As well as keeping a secret like
the whereabouts of Tjaden. He asks for Tjaden. We shrug our shoulders, (Remarque 89). Not revealing
the whereabouts of Tjaden expresses that the troops will not rat out their friend even if they get in
trouble for it. This scene signifies comradeship by portraying that comrades have each other s backs.
Troops risk consequences for themselves by protecting their fellow comrades, for they know Tjaden
would do the same in
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Questions On The County Court Money Claims Online
1. The entities involved in the dispute are
1.1. On the 21st July 2009, the Claimant SHANE TRAYLEN AND COMPANY LIMITED
contract with the Defendant for the supply of building services (Fit out works).
1.2. At all material times, the Defendant MISS CLARE STACEY (Approx. 2 months Pregnant) was
the owner, and SOLE TRADER known as THE BAMBOO BAR AND LOUNGE 2. In June 2009, the
Defendant approached Claimant regarding undertaking the fit out works at her proposed Bamboo Bar
and lounge ... Show more content on ...
3.2. The Defendant s negligent actions and carelessness placed others at risk and caused severe
financial disruptions and loss to the Claimant to the sum of £ 55,329.00 plus damages and interest as
indicated in invoices and statement of costs.
4. On the 21st July 2009, The Claimant submitted a brief quote of £14835.00 plus Vat @15% for the
essential works required by the Defendant. The quote clearly indicated that the Claimant would charge
the Defendant accordingly for any additional costs. Mr Traylen Personally explained the procedure
systematically so as the Defendant fully understood and agreed on the Claimants terms and conditions.
She was made entirely aware that payment was within a period of 14 days of submission as specified.
4.1. The Defendants actions to initiate works unlawfully entered her into a contractual obligation,
legally binding her to the contractual agreement of terms and conditions set out by the Claimant.
4.2. The Defendant after that assured the Claimant everything was right to progress and issued Mr
Traylen with a set of the premises keys for the proposed bar on 325 Fleet Road, and instructed him to
start works on site immediately. The Defendant fraudulently misled the Claimant into a contract of
works, without a secured a loan, funds or the means of paying for works. The Defendant after that
breached the contract for non payment for services, as she did not have the ways
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Ragtime And Scott Joplin s Opera Treemonisha
Ragtime is a musical genre in African American communities that was popular between 1895 and
1918. But ragtime became more popular with the revival in the 1970 s with Joshua Rifkin s album
Scott Joplin: Piano Rags, and the motion picture The Sting, along with the first complete performance
of Scott Joplin s opera Treemonisha. The music in Treemonisha and Scott Joplin s piano rags are
considered to both be in the genre of ragtime, but they both not alike and have many different
components to them such as texture, mood, and purpose. Ragtime comes from jigs and marches that
were played by African American bands and started to become popular in North America by the 20th
century. It was also based off of John Philip Sousa marches with additional polyrhythms (rhythms that
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This production had Marvin Hamlisch soundtrack of some of Joplin s tunes. Joplin s tune The
Entertainer won an Academy Award and was released as a single from the film s soundtrack and was
rated as a top ten chart single. This movie was able to bring ragtime to a wide audience and
encouraged praise for Joplin s works. Around 1910, when Joplin finished Treemonisha and started
showing it around, he got into some copyright trouble. While he was showing it around, trying to get it
published some one stole the theme. Now to get his opera published he had to rewrite it. Irving Berlin
s Alexander s Ragtime Band stole the theme for the closing song in the Treemonisha opera, a Slow
Drag, so Joplin changed some of it and renamed it A Real Slow Drag. Scott Joplin s piece The
Entertainer was also a ragtime piece written in 1902. It was also part of the ragtime revival and was
used as the theme music for The Sting. Its one of the pieces featured on Joshua Rifkin s Scott Joplin:
Piano Rags album. And because of its new popularity, it was also known to be played on ice cream
trucks in the United
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An Evaluation Of The Course Review
An evaluation of the course review reveals that there is an ethical ridge that many run along when
attempting to conduct qualitative research. The IRB (Institutional Review Board) was ordained into
federal law to maintain the sanctity and protection of research involving human research subjects. The
rules prescribe that an evaluation must realize any potential, hazards, risks both physical and
psychological that can occur during the study. The IRB review board (OHRP) *see references, must
review all human research and give approval before the actual research can commence to the next
levels. This process also includes any surveys, questionnaires etc... That may exist. All researchers are
expected to be held responsible for ensuring that all ... Show more content on ...
Typically, this approach is derived from problem formulation as to the generation of conclusions
supporting said theories. This application however is not indicative to a sound qualitative research
study which fall short of adequately addressing the logic, reasoning and process involving a
qualitative course of research. Qualitative studies should focus on a research design that should be a
reflexive process operating through every stage of a project (Hammersley Atkinson, 1995).
Additionally, (Kaplan , 1964) intimated that a variation between logic in use of a certain study focus
along with reconstructed logic involving research can be interpreted as a design in use type scenario as
related by (Maxwell Loomis, 2002).
The research model formulated under this process generally is composed of five characteristics as
follows; validity, methods, research questions, conceptual framework and Goals. The ethical relation
to the course of research according to (Maxwell Loomis, 2002) is not specifically categorized as an
individual element to the aforementioned above characterizations as they felt that it should be
considered automatically adhered to each and every facet involving the research in its entirety. There
is no doubt that the ethical standards involving research should be expected as purveyed by authors
such as (Christians, 2000; Fien, Weis, Weseen, Wong, 2000; Denzin Lincoln, 2000). In conclusion it is
evident that the most
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Are High School Sports Good For Kids
High School sports are a major part of the American society with over 5 million adolescents
participating in sports every year. In the news broadcast Kids and Sports by CBS News it tells you that
youth sports can greatly benefit a child in many different ways. Youth sports are helpful because they
help develop character and confidence, keeps children healthy, and has positive effects on adolescents
academics. First, youth sports help develop character and confidence in children. In the article Are
High School Sports Good For Kids? it states ... develop good citizens through interscholastic activities
which provide equitable opportunities, positive recognition and learning experiences. Another reason
is that it creates more rewarding friendships. As it states in the News article Kids and Sports by CBS
News ... Having athletic confidence helps a child greaty and it doesn t have to be a team sport or a
high pressure one either. This tells us that if your children are in sports it will benefit them as they get
older and when they are adults they will be prepared more than people who didn t participate in sports.
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In the article High School, College Football Comes with Risk by Jeffrey Perkel it states We have an
epidemic of obesity in this country, and sports is one of the best ways for kids to incorporate exercise
in their lives. Another reason is that it is preventing heart disease from obesity. In the article What in
the name of High School Football by Hank Hill states The single greatest factor in preventing the
nation s number one killer heart disease is regular and vigorous exercise... This shows how if youth
sports are gotten rid of than the obesity level in children would be higher than it already
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Women s Rights Within The Viking Age
Traditional historiographies and archaeological research perceived the Viking world as being
dominated by men with the majority of studies being concerned with exploring the life and material
culture of the male part of the society. There is no denying that archaeology is a discipline which has
traditionally been deeply colored by a predominantly male bias, and the historical dominance of men
over women had been accepted to such a degree that it appeared to be the natural order of things .
Popular imagination was of male Viking warriors with their long beards, large axes, colorful shields,
and bloodied swords. The presence of women was limited within the scope of early works. The
historiographical study of women s rights within the Viking Age is in its early stages. The academic
fields of gender and women s studies gained greater prominence beginning in the 1970 s, coinciding
with the feminist movement. Early gender archaeology can be said to have been a search for women
in the past, which was closely tied with the second wave feminism of the 60s and 70s . It is not
surprising that the earliest practitioners in gender archaeology wanted to show that there were in fact
women in the past, and that these women were not just important, they were just as important and
integral to the development of cultures as their contemporary men. From within the framework of
these ideas grew some less than reputable pieces of theory, founded on Engels famous citation world
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Essay On Dunkirk
When I found out that the latest project from director/writer Christopher Nolan titled Dunkirk was
only 107 minutes, I was stunned. Usually, his films are about 30 minutes short of hostage situations. It
s a bit odd how he chose his first two hour film in 15 years to be about the Dunkirk evacuation. For
you history buffs out there, Battle of Dunkirk took place in WWII in 1940, the Allied forces of Europe
fighting Nazi Germany finds themselves overrun in France and desperately seeking escape. The
problem is, the Germany forces are wreaking havoc on the British Forces ships with precision air
strikes and escape seems to be downright impossible without the help of civilian s boats and some
very crafty fighter pilots.
Right off the bat, this ... Show more content on ...
You don t know where the next shot is coming from and you can never relax because the pacing of the
movie comes like a tidal wave of dread. An interesting creative decision here is that even though this
is clearly WWII and we know who the enemy is, you never see a single German soldier, not even a
Nazi Germany flag is present. The closest you get to an enemy is the aerial assault from many jets
fighter. The absence of a physical enemy, it doesn t affect this survival film one bit, if anything it
strikes up more paranoia keeping the audience uneasy the way through.
If there is one downside Dunkirk it s that the constant sight of soldiers being attacked can be repetitive
and emotionally be draining for the viewer but simply put this is a story about unsung heroes of WWII
both with and without a gun. If the evacuation from Dunkirk had failed, history would have a much
scarier outlook than today. Christopher Nolan makes up for a bloated disappointing Interstellar, with a
film that excels in cinematography, sound, story, acting, and relevance. Dunkirk is easily one of the
best films of the years and it didn t take 2 hours and 45 minutes to do that...take
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The Apartment Is An Oscar Winning Motion Picture And Made...
The Apartment is an Oscar winning motion picture and made by one of Hollywood s all time greatest
directors that ever lived. At the film s center is a romantic comedy, but it is much more than that, when
viewed without its satirical stance, it is a sad, dramedy (comedy drama or tragicomedy). Set at the end
of the 1950s during a time in American culture where an invisible and unmentionable class system
existed, indeed American society is thoroughly stratified by this time. The film focuses on two
despondent people who are caught between the haves and have nots, where social class rank was
based on educational background, income, and work level status. The American economy of the 1950s
was a booming explosion of capitalism and a constant growing infrastructure that demanded new
workers to fill the gigantic office buildings of corporations and service workers to handle the support
of public needs. America during this period in history was a bustling and busy atmosphere full of
innovation, new occupations, suburban living, and rapid mobility. Social class distinction was on
everybody s mind and social equality was at the top of the list. The film illustrates the greed of this
corporate era and the elite managers that take advantage of it. Stuck in the cog works are two lonely
people, who only want to get ahead, and find true companionship. The tale begins in New York City, a
light in an apartment window shines in the window without the owner being there, instead, we learn
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The Ku Klux Klan And The Klan
The Ku Klux Klan has massively reduced by 1927. While it peaked from having over 3 million
members in 1925, it had no more than several hundred thousand in 1927. Night riding of the Klan led
to at least 50 people getting flogged during a two year period. Outcries of the populace of Georgia and
the Carolinas brought arrests and convictions of the Klan. Therefore, the Klan was forced to retreat.
The Klan endured other handicap when local Klan in the North chapters began to develop ties with
American Nazis, which Southern Klansmen greatly opposed. But, the southern Klansmen was
powerless to stop this coalition. The end of 1944 is when the IRS filed a lien against the Ku Klux Klan
for back taxes of more than $685,000 on profits they earned in the 1920s. A new Klan leader managed
to reorganize the Klan in California, Kentucky, New York and Tennessee, just to name a few. But, both
federal and state bureaus of investigation prosecuted Klan mayhem and the new leadership discovered
that the society was surrounded by enemies. Bond (2011) discloses how ministers were more inclined
to attack the Klan, the press had become more hostile and state and local government passed laws
against cross burnings and masks. Many members of the Klan went to jail for floggings or other
crimes. By the early 1950s, the Ku Klux Klan was at its lowest level since its rebirth.
The Klan in the 1980s On the morning of March 21, 1981, 19 year old Michael Donald s lifeless body
was found
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What Is Acting Ethically Wrong
In the YouTube video that I chose to describe, there are two gentlemen, Joe and Alex. Alex is an older
gentleman with long hair wearing a large, flowing shirt. Joe is a young man with short hair. He is
wearing a tailored black, business suit, a white shirt, and a tie. Joe is waiting to catch a flight at the
airport. Before his departure, he orders five doughnuts for five dollars at a coffee shop in the terminal,
and thinks to himself, This is an awesome deal . After he gets his order, he finds a table so he can sit
down and read the newspaper before his flight leaves. Not long after he takes a seat however, Alex
walks up and sits at the table across from Joe. As Joe is reading his newspaper, he hears a rustling.
When he puts his paper down ... Show more content on ...
Judgement can be wrong in many many different ways, instead of judging a person and assuming
something about them, we can start a friendly conversation with that person. For example, instead of
Joe judging Alex by his looks, he should have asked him questions like where he is from, where he
works, and so on. However, this is what society has taught us. It has taught us that, we need to look
good and presentable or we will be judged upon that. Also it is important upon how we act instead of
silently judging someone like in this video, it taught me that it is better to make a friendly
conversation than to look and judge, like they old saying do not judge the book by its cover .It has
taught me that we determine what is true and what is real based on how it appears in our perspective.
This assignment has taught me that reality and truth changes depending on our perspective. For
instance, the person in the video, Alex we may see him as a poor or old guy, but I know now that looks
matter may be important, but it is what is inside what really matters because you see how beautiful the
person really is by how he or she acts and
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Oil Sands Analysis
The oil sands are a topic that always seems to be contested, after all its effects on the environment and
economy are significant. The CBC and The Globe and Mail have both released articles regarding the
oil sands. One article supports the expansion of the oil sands through the use of numbers to dispute
common reasons against its development; the other opposes its development through the concerns of
those with expert power. The exceptional use of statistics allows The Globe and Mail to validate every
point they make, creating an article with a quality that you can trust. On the other hand, the CBC
article voices the concerns of professionals. This makes the article worth reading as their concerns are
often based on knowledge rather than solely ... Show more content on ...
The Globe and Mail uses vocabulary in a way that is more masterful in terms of writing. The CBC
article, while bringing up great points from very intelligent professionals is more casual than that of
The Globe and Mail`s. The article from the CBC often brings up quotes about the opinions of
individuals, while The Globe and Mail`s article uses writing, facts, and numbers to prove or disprove
arguments. The word choice and how evidence is used from The Globe and Mail creates an article that
allows one to make an informed decision off of unbiased logic and research. The arguments are
presented extremely well from the CBC article however as you can see what the article is trying to
support in large headers with the information down below. The arguments are presented in the form of
point, proof, and analysis. The article first states what it believes should happen, gives evidence for
the proposed idea, and the goes in depth as to why it should be as such. This helps one understand the
flow of ideas as it lets them follow the same path of reasoning that the authors have taken and lets the
reader decide at the end whether or not they agree. This is turn makes the article more convincing in
this regard as the reader is more inclined to consider the points presented in the CBC article and to
read the article in its entirety than that of The Globe and
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USSS Strength Training Program
Strength Training: The Secret Service has created a strength training workout to assist you in building
a strong base that will prepare you for your training and everyday duties. This program is not designed
to make you a body builder but to assist you in gaining strength to pass the USSS standards for the
Physical Fitness Program. It is important to build the muscle necessary to complete push ups and pull
Strength Training is also called resistance training because it involves strengthening and toning your
muscles by contracting them against a resisting force. Remember with strength training your muscles
need time to recover so it should be done on opposite days if possible. On those alternate days is when
you should be completing endurance training. If you do not put in the work you will not pass the
USSS Physical Fitness Test.
The strength workouts you will see provided to you in the Conditioning Program ... Show more
content on ...
A pull workout is defined as muscle groups that contract as the weight is pulled toward the body and
lengthens as the weight is extended away from the body.
We recommend a class push pull split workout to simplify your training and obtain faster results. You
should organize your workouts according to pushing and pulling movements. An example of a push
exercise would be chest, shoulder and triceps. A pull movement would be biceps, back, and
hamstrings. The push pull split workout allows you to hit the gym more often because the muscles you
are working are not sore from overuse.
Depending on the flexibility of your schedule some individuals chose to focus their routine on specific
areas such as chest, legs, upper or lower body. The key to splits can be identified in resting the area of
the body most recently exercised, while still hitting the gym each day: ie. Chest Mon, Back Tues, Legs
Wed, Shoulders Thu, Bicep/Triceps Fri, Run Sat, Active Rest
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. The Question Of Canon As A Good Deal Of Modern Day... Introduction In his book The Question of Canon, Michael Kruger disputes the overriding image in a good deal of modern day biblical scholarship, which regards the concept of canon as something completely extraneous from early Christian religion and as merely an ecclesiastical production of the second through fourth centuries. While answering different tenets of this view; what he defines as the extrinsic model, Kruger proposes the merits of an mutually exclusive model, which he defines as the intrinsic model, which comprises that the idea of Canon is not something imposed from the outside but develops more organically from within the early Christian religion itself . (21) Kruger carefully surveys the extrinsic model by locating five of its major tenets and disclosing its major trouble. Each chapter critiques the extrinsic model and opens up the threshold for the intrinsic model. Chapter Summaries Chapter 1 The Definition of Cannon analyzes the definitions of Canon and Scripture and how we must make a sharp distinction between the two. Kruger paints a picture that the direction forward in this argument over nomenclature is to define canon in a integrative and multidimensional manner comprising of three different definitions. First, the exclusive definition reminds us that the canon took several centuries for the edges of the canon to solidify and was not achieved until the fourth century; or later. (29) Second, the functional definition centers on when books started ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Computer Networks And The Internet Why me? The simple fact of having an unprotected computer network, law enforcement not up to par, and a challenge is all a hacker needs to cash in; sometimes personal, but for the most part, just business as usual. Hackers once admired in the 1960 s are now dangerous and a threat to big box corporations, small businesses, and personal computer users. Data breaches are the most lucrative business for hackers still. An example of data breaching is Computer Memory Racking or also known as memory consumption or memory corruption. Basically, an adversary gains unauthorized access to a computer or computer s network through a network s hole to deploy malicious code and gain access to the volatile data stored in memory. Hackers are constantly probing corporations to acquire system information. Buffer overflows and OS stack overflow are commonly caused by hackers when the buffer is not flushed regularly. A hacker causes a Denial of Service (DoS) which are too many access requests at once so the webserver gets confused and crashes opening the doors for the hacker. Once they are in the damage can be endless. From web server over stacking (deployed script to make changes to settings) to sequel injections, executed code typed beyond the password, e.g. I_like_toast and 1:1;select*from SYS.Objects. (2016, Dr. Burchell, J., Strayer University) Lately, we have seen an increase of attacks towards large corporations Point of Sale (POS) systems. Target and Home Depot have been ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Statements And Actions Of Prophet INTRO The statements and actions of Prophet are recorded in a set of literary texts that modern Muslim call the Hadith. The original term for the customs of the Prophet was Sunnat Al Nabi , which is an exact translation of customs of the Prophet in the native tongue of the Prophet s time, which was Arabic (textbook). While the entire genre of Islamic literature that surrounds the Prophet Muhammad is called Sunnat Al Nabi, the individual reports that outline the personal and private life of the Prophet are called Hadith. The Hadith is an official collection of the sayings and actions of the last and final Prophet of Islam throughout the 22 years of his prophetic ministry (Dustin). The Hadith is arguably one of the most important practical text for modern Muslims, as the many books on Hadith outline the life of the man that Muslims around the world have been told to emulate. Muslims have been instructed to practice the behaviour of the Prophet as his behaviour is considered a guideline on the perfect way for a Muslim to live. The Hadith outlines all relationships between a Muslim and God, as well as discussing how relationships between humans should be conducted. The Hadith outlines every affair possible, and how the Prophet acted in this affair, and Muslims should aspire to model this way of life (Encyclopedia J). Therefore, the Hadith can be considered one of the most important literary texts on the planet, because it guides a religion of nearly 1.6 billion people. The ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Article Is Titled “Communication Modality Sampling The article is titled Communication Modality Sampling for a Toddler with Angelman Syndrome by Jolene Hyppa Martin, Joe Reichle, Adele Dimian, and Mo Chen. The authors explored three modes of communication, vocal, gestural, and graphic, with a young child with Angelman syndrome. The researchers investigated which mode of communication would be the most effective and efficient for the child. Angelman syndrome can cause cognitive, communication, and physical disabilities. It is a disorder that affects around 1 in 10,000 births and for the majority of the cases, the cause is genetic. Angelman syndrome can be caused by an abnormality in chromosome 15. Previous research on Angelman syndrome and the different communication modes is lacking. ... Show more content on ... This symbol is taught in gestural, graphic, and vocal mode. The modality sampling has many advantages, one of the most important being that it provides important intervention resources. The main purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of graphic and gestural modes of communication with a toddler with Angelman syndrome (Martin, Reichle, Dimian, Chen, 2013). The participant was Adam, a 21 month old male with Angelman syndrome. Before the study started, Adam was assessed in communication, cognition, and fine and gross motor skills. Adam did not engage in vocal imitation or turn taking. His mother reported that Adam would sometimes vocalize to get her attention, he would also protest, request, and express excitement. Adam s fine motor skills were delayed, but he had adequate movements to produce gestures for the study. Before the sessions started, the three researchers went through a role play training. This was done to increase reliability and interobserver agreement between the researchers. The 44 sessions occurred at the participant s house or at his day care center. The first session was a baseline probe and the rest of the sessions were divided into five phases. The sessions were held two times per week for five months. The materials for the study included three objects or activities that Adam liked or ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Religion 204a Joseph Fiore Religion 204A Christian Scriptures Dr. Jennifer Kaalund Pauline Letters Essay A universal theme seen throughout the writings and letters of Paul is justification by faith. Justification by faith means that those who truly share a belief in God are saved by him. During the biblical period, it was commonly thought that our pending salvation was dependent on our ability to obey the laws given to the chosen people, those whom were believed to be chosen by God. Instead, Paul argues that our righteousness is obtained through our faith in Jesus alone. The book of Romans gives answers to questions everyone may ask to themselves, such as how to obtain our salvation, the judgment of all people at the end of time, how to grow ... Show more content on ... For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith. (Romans 1:16 17) This substantiates the belief that you cannot repair your relationship with God solely through your good deeds; it is instead accomplished through faith in Jesus Christ and all of His wondrous works. One may question how man can be justified if we are all born into sin. Paul answers this question in (Romans 3:21 31), stating that men can be justified in the God s eyes through their faith in Jesus Christ. An observant reader of the Bible may take note of how many times Paul mentions faith in this section. God did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. (Romans 3:26) One can imagine the Jewish reaction to this declaration since their beliefs stem only from Old Testament teachings and justification was based on being a Jew, circumcision, and the Law of Moses; not through faith in Jesus Christ. Paul anticipates their objection when he asks, Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law. (Romans 3:31) Here, Paul is concluding that it is through our preaching that men are justified by their faith in Jesus Christ and are confirming the law. The Law of Moses directed men to Jesus Christ because according to scripture, sin was prevalent at the time. The ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Consumer s Perception on Herbalism An average consumer, named Greg, enters a pharmacy looking for medication to clear up his common cold. Normally, Greg would just grab some cough syrup and lozenges and not think twice about it. But now his pharmacy not only offers traditional medications such as Acetaminophen or Pseudoephedrine but they also offer combinations of herbs such as peppermint for coughing or eucalyptus for a nasal decongestant. How does Greg decide between the herbal remedy and the traditional pharmaceutical medicine? How will he know if the herbal combination will actually work or be safe for him? These are the kind of questions most consumers ask themselves when faced with this dilemma. Well first, Greg falls under one of the many people [who] use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for different health problems such as anxiety, or allergic disorders, as well as minor ailments or chronic diseases , in his case the common cold (Freymann et al. 13). Second, in current society, the trend to be organic or natural is pushing consumers, like Greg, to approach the already established idea of herbalism or other alternative medicinal methods, therefore making the choice of the herbal remedy a possible candidate for him by societal pressures. Third, Greg is unaware of any of the health risks that could occur with either medicine options. Any of these points make the decision for either medicine an uneducated choice that could come with health repercussions, even if it just for a common ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Discuss and Analyse the Arguments for and Against Adopting... Discuss and analyse the arguments for and against adopting a codified constitution in the UK. A constitution is a set of rules that seek to establish the duties, powers and functions of the various institutions of government. They also regulate the relationship between and among the institutions and define the relationship between the state and the individual. There are many different types of constitutions. The constitution that is in place in the UK is an uncodified one. In other words, it is not written on a single bill and consists of various written and unwritten sources. An uncodified constitution is not judiciable, not authorititative and also not entrenched. A codified constitution on the other hand is written on a single ... Show more content on ... This would strengthen citizenship as it creates a clearer sense of political identity which may be particularly important in an increasingly multicultural society. One of the strongest arguments in favour of a codified constitution is that a codified constitution would protect rights. Individual liberty would be more securely protected by a codified constitution because it would define the relationship between the state and the citizens. As a result of this rights would be more clearly defined and they would be easier to enforce than with the current uncodified constitution that exists in the UK. An uncodified constitution can also lead to elective dictatorship which further restricts rights. One way these rights could be defined is through a bill or rights in the codified constitution. A bill of rights is a document that specifies the rights and freedoms of the individual, and so defines the legal extent of civil liberty. In Britain there is no bill of rights on terrorism legislation which exposes the weak protection of rights that an uncodified constitution offers. On the other hand there are many arguments against the idea of a codified constitution. One argument is that codified constitutions are considered rigid. Higher law is more difficult to change than statute law. It is easier to and quicker to introduce an Act of Parliament than to amend a constitution. Uncodified constitutions are flexible as they are not entrenched like codified constitutions. Due to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. It in Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica is a peaceful Central American country fronting both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It has almost 4 million residents, a stable democratic government, no army, and is host to Central America s largest hi tech community, including the Latin American Headquarters of Microsoft and one of Intel s most modern chip fabrication plants. Many major US high tech corporations maintain offices or branches in Costa Rica including IBM, Oracle, Dell, Apple, Compaq, Cisco, and others. Literacy (nearly 95%), English language and computer usage are the highest in Latin America. Costa Rica has the highest United Nations Human Development Index among all developing countries. With the abolishment of the army in 1948, the ... Show more content on ... The number of Internet users in the region could increase to 34 million in the year 2000, and it is estimated that e commerce transactions in Latin America could reach $240 million in 1999 and $525 million in 2000. The typical Latin American Internet user is a 26 year old, middle class man who has used the Internet for less than a year and whose favorite site for doing Web searches is Yahoo. At least, that is the conclusion of a study conducted by the advertising agency Nazca Saatchi Saatchi Inc. The age of the average user shows that more young people are getting online in the region, since the average age in 1997 was 31 years old. Recent studies have also indicated that the Internet is becoming more accessible to middle and lower class people. Latin American Web surfers prefer Web sites that provide information about music, local news, chat services, information about computers and information about art and culture. After Yahoo, the most popular search sites are AltaVista, Cade, Radar UOL, StarMedia, Infoseek, Lycos and Excite. Most respondents log on from home (53 percent), followed by work (31 percent). Most people (54 percent) use the Internet every day, 20 percent five or six days per week and 26 percent four days or less per week. The average weekly use is 11 hours. Twenty seven percent of respondents said their sessions last between 31 minutes and 60 minutes, and 23 percent said their sessions last between 61 minutes and 90 ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Drinking Habits Among College Women This study attempted to determine group differences in the misuse of alcohol and the consequences between undergraduate women who live in four different on campus housing locations and how different residential environments may inspire different drinking habits. The independent variable is the type of housing the women live in and the dependent variable is the type of alcohol involvement and the consequences that came with it. The study was researched through a web based survey that was administered to a random sample of students in 1) single sex (all female) residential learning communities, 2) mixed sex residential learning communities, 3) single sex (all female) non residential learning communities and 4) mixed sex non residential learning ... Show more content on ... Students involved in fraternity or sorority houses almost always report heavier levels of alcohol consumption. Student who live in college sponsored, residential learning communities also tend to drink less. The hypotheses of this study are 1) Does alcohol consumption vary as a function of RLC status (living in an RLC versus living in a non RLC)? 2) Does alcohol consumption vary as a function of the sex of floor residents (single sex floors versus mixed sex floors? 3) Do the primary and secondary consequences of heavy episodic drinking, including being taken advantage of sexually, vary as a function of RLC status and sex of floor residents? This is a longitudinal study which is researched by teams at The University of Michigan and San Diego State University. Data was collected during the students first year at the university. In order to screen for alcohol use questions that measured how much alcohol, on what occasions, how often, how much and if they participated in any episodic drinking. In order to screen for the consequences of drinking, they separated the consequences into primary and secondary ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Lovesong Of J Alfred Prufrock Analysis The Love Song of J, Alfred Prufrock by T.S Eliot is a poem about anxiety. The poem explores the social and introspective aspects of Prufrock s life as the poem s narrative follows him on a journey through his city. Eliot uses simile, figurative imagery, free verse, and a first person voice to tell a story about anxiety. Eliot masterfully uses simile and figurative imagery in The Love Song of J, Alfred Prufrock. Eliot s use of simile is best found in the poem s famous opening line: Let us go then, you and I, / When the evening is spread out against the sky / Like a patient etherized upon a table (1,2,3). Here, Prufrock punctuates his personal invitation to the reader with simile intend to create vivid images in the mind of the reader. Prufrock s descriptive control of the poem is of subtle but crucial importance to the poem. Eliot uses figurative imagery in the description of the journey Prufrock and the reader are undergoing. As the reader steps into Prufrock s world Prufrock uses creative descriptions to entice the reader : The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window panes, The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window panes, Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening, Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains. (15,16,17,18) Prufrock animates the fog of the city as a cat by giving it aspects such as a back, a muzzle, and a tongue. Through this animation of the city the reader can picture the surroundings as an overarching force that influences Prufrock s thoughts and actions. The Language devices serve to describe the unique world into which the reader has entered. Prufrock s descriptions further allow the reader to see the world through his eyes and truly engage with the poem: The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase, / And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin, / When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall (56, 57, 58). Through his descriptive control of the universe the reader has entered, Prufrock can use elaborate descriptions of the external world to show his inner thoughts. In this fashion Prufrock shows the reader his underlying issues with anxiety and loneliness. The style of The Love Song of J, Alfred Prufrock is free verse. While Eliot will occasionally ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Turmeric TURMERIC, THE GOLDEN SPICE INTRODUCTION: Plants , Is their existence a miracle for healing the various loopholes in health occurring throughout history? Plants have been the basis for the medical treatment of the most complicated health issues through much of human history ,and the traditional practices have become a need and a boon to the society . Natural plant products have been a part of human history for various purposes. The natural products are derived from nature billions of years old. Tens of thousands of these products are produced in the form of secondary metabolites by higher plants and act as a natural defense mechanism against disease and infection. Turmeric ,a plant has a very long history of medicinal use, dating back nearly ... Show more content on ... Cold Remedy Turmeric boosts immune function, which is key when fighting a cold or other viral illness. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES: The advantages of turmeric are endless in different forms to help in various ways with smallpox, shingles, chickenpox, scabies, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, fibromyalgia, liver problems, kidney disorders, parasitic infections, expelling phlegm, eye infections, itchiness, worms, eczema, loss of appetite, blood circulation, anemia, detoxing blood and organs, hemorrhage and anti aging. Turmeric juice has been used for morning sickness in pregnancy, scorpion stings, and snakebites. Turmeric oil has been used as a mosquito repellent. Eating raw root or dried powder can help absorption easily when combined with essential oils. Side Effects of Turmeric Stomach problems: Turmeric taken in large quantities, for a long period of time can cause nausea, stomach upset and sweating in some people. Even diarrhea is experienced by some people . Bleeding: Studies conducted on animals have found that in some cases turmeric could result in excessive bleeding in those who are susceptible. Blood pressure: High dosage of turmeric can lower blood pressure. Hence, it could react with medication taken for high blood ... Get more on ...
  • 13. What Is The Theme Of A Solution To The Climate Problem, ... In her piece The Scientific State of Mind , Jane Jacobs provides her point of view that science has enhanced our relationship with the planet we inhabit. She opens her writing by refuting those who mistrust science for their own reasons. Then Jacobs then goes on to cover that science doesn t deliver happiness, but rather that it provides information needed to make progress as a culture. She continues to state that science is a state of mind, as opposed to an object. Further, she presents that science must begin with what she calls a fruitful question , and that the scientific process comprises of four stages. First, Jacobs describes the fruitful question that she believes each scientific discovery must start with, a question that takes ... Show more content on ... Hansen begins his essay with his assertion that in publicly agreeing to objectives like those proposed by the Kyoto Protocol, governments are being intentionally misleading. To demonstrate, he outlines six examples, including allowing the construction of new coal fired power plants and development of tar sands, as evidence of the government s resistance towards solving what he calls the climate problem . Afterwards, Hansen indicates that these examples are not an exhaustive list, implying that he believes there are many more examples of the government impeding environmental protection. He goes on to discuss his assertion that governments are under the influence of special interest groups, discouraging the implementation of policies that would decrease environmental damage. Hansen proposes introducing a flat carbon price or fee applied to all fossil fuels. In addition, he suggests that readers support the organization and it s founder Bill McKibben. Finally, Hansen states that activists may find it imperative to publicly protest to draw attention to the environmental injustices generated by carbon emissions. Hansen concludes his essay by urging his readers, and in particular young people, to get involved in what he calls the fight of our ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Gender Role Portrayal And The Disney Princesses At the beginning of this class, I had very little confidence in my ability to convey my ideas through writing. Now that I have reached the end of this course, I have learned many techniques and skills that have helped me with my various writing projects throughout the semester as well as my final research project. The first course outcome that I really worked toward throughout the semester is being able to engage with texts critically and to incorporate the ideas from those texts into my own work. From essentially day one of this course there were assigned readings of Giroux s The Mouse that Roared. After each reading, there would be an analysis of the dense text during the following day of class. In addition to Giroux, there were also several ... Show more content on ... My first real try at making academic arguments was rather effective, my Pinocchio archival research project garnered much positive feedback and even went on to compete in the Save Our Stories digital archives competition. I successfully used my primary research on the illustration and on Disney s Pinocchio movie to support all the arguments that I made in the essay. On the other hand, my next attempt at making a strong academic argument, which was about gender role portrayal in Disney, was a total flop. I made a reasonable argument, but I had neglected to provide substantial supporting evidence to back up my claim. Thankfully, the feedback that I received on that post allowed me to see what I had done incorrectly, and afterward I went back through the article and found the information that would have supported my argument. Another one of my attempts at making an argument was in the New Orleans Tumblr post. Facing an issue similar to the gender roles post, I could summarize the experiences of the trip very well; however, this time my issue was that I did not fully develop my argument. The supporting information that I needed was present, but I only partially followed through the comparison that I was making, which was the argument in this case. Finally, there is my research project s argument. The argument I make in my research ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Black Sun Character Analysis The 2016 film Moonlight showcases a rare occurrence of a well rounded black father figure in the character Juan. Moonlight is a film that centers around a young black man Chiron who is struggling to find his place in the world. This essay will be a study of the character, Juan, who is not the biological father of Chiron, yet he is the central father figure in Chiron s life. Black fatherhood in modern cinema is filled with stereotypes and problematic notions. The black father archetype is usually either a non existent dead beat dad, an over protective hypermasculine dad, or the abusive dad. These archetypes leave no room for black men who fit into neither of these categories to thrive in modern cinema (as well as other media outlets.) This is indeed harmful for the black men and young black boys in our society, Although, with the release of Moonlight, it is sure that one day, a multitude of black father figures will be able to be positively represented in the media. To conclude, the character of Juan emcompasses many atributes that prove him to be a complex and intersectional representation of black fatherhood. Rather than being a one dimensional or flat character, Juan emcompasses many character traits. While the viewer s first impression of him is that he is a stereotypical, drug dealer in a poor black community (he is never seen without a durag, he wears gold chains, a multitude of rings and baggy jeans, and he drives a flashy car), as the film progresses, it is ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Verizon Communications Case Analysis Verizon s (VZ) Dividends Are Safe; But Its Peer looks to be in A Better Position Verizon Communications (NYSE:VZ) is a dividend aristocrat bearing a long history of dividend growth. The company currently offers dividends of $0.56 per share, yielding above 4%. However, the company has been struggling to generate substantial growth in both sales and earnings. In the latest quarter, it posted a sales growth of only 0.6%, while its earnings per share increased around 3% compared to the same quarter of last year. VZ has been actively working on offering innovative products and technologies to its customers to sustain its revenue growth. It recently acquired XO Communications fiber optic network business to support its new technologies, including ... Get more on ...
  • 17. George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four Who said Fiction was Fake? Imagine a place where the government is feared and seen as the center of the universe. No one dares to go against it because of the torture and punishments that can occur. Propaganda is everywhere, and no one knows what is the truth and what is a lie. Not knowing if today will be your last. This may seem like an insight to a fictional novel, but this is not the case, this is a reality for some people. Like in the novel Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell, the North Korean government uses fear to control their citizens, and supervises the type of media presented through technology. By running everything through a totalitarian regime, no one has the power or courage to fight back (North Korea: Government) (Cha 13). What is a way to get even the most stubborn person to follow commands? Fear. Fear is an effective method of control that is used in both the governments of Nineteen Eighty Four and North Korea. Oceania, the country where the novel takes place, has telescreens that claim to be watching everyone at all times (Orwell 5). You had to live did live, from habit that became instinct in assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinised (Orwell 5). This kind of knowledge scares Winston and the citizens into obeying what the government says, since they don t want to do something that can give the government a reason to punish them. Even the slightest infraction can get someone in trouble: ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Mucky Waters Short Stories For some Jackbooters, the sale of other products such as evangelization materials and Ryanite made media on the side, in addition to the usually forbidden foodstuffs like candy and soda, was deemed as being just as viable in making a profit. Among the Volksryanischen, particularly those who ended up partaking in the Plaid Prohibition, the term evangelization materials was for the most part, used to refer to items that were made of paper. Pamphlets, brochures, leaflets and other sorts of high quality and persuasive documents were usually what came to mind. Short, catchy, and eye grabbing, they were known as being cheap, but highly effective in spreading the Good News. Depending on the buyer s tastes and specifications, a whole plethora of ... Show more content on ... I ll charge you nine bucks for one of those books, and not a penny more, answered Mucky Waters. Looks like you got yourself a deal, said the customer, before giving back the all but one of them to Mucky Waters. Charge me nine for this one, he glanced at the cover of the only book that was in his hands, The Role of Men and Women in a Catholic Society. Through a little bit of haggling and some browsing on the part of both the Jackbooter and the customer, they finally reached an agreement. In the end, Mucky Waters earned a modest nine dollars, while his customer was given a shiny book made by a Ryanite. With their transaction completed, Heidi was able to approach Mucky Waters. Hi there, he greeted her, You looking to trade? Sure, but only because Magpie sent me to find you. Curious, Heidi asked him, What do you sell, fellow Jackbooter? Books, my dear girl, Mucky Waters replied, I remember you: you re the Catholic schoolgirl who s making a name for yourself around here. How are you doing so far? I m doing well, said the Plaid Jungfrau. Listen, Magpie and I were wondering if you re interested in making a deal with us... And what would that be? wondered Mucky ... Get more on ...
  • 19. What Is The Theme Of The Glass Menagerie Struggling between illusion and reality always drives people crazy. The general theme made by Tennessee Williams in her work The glass menagerie is that people have difficulties in accepting and relating to reality. More specifically, Mr. Williams indicates that even though sometimes people realize what the reality is, they try to escape and look for comfort in their private world of illusion. Tennessee Williams was born in a chaotic family of which the environment inspired him of the writings. Since Williams had diphtheria, which caused his inability in physical activities, he stayed at home and started creating of imagination on the typewriter. His father was an abusive and alcoholic salesman who had a violent temper and inclination to ... Show more content on ... Amanda s relationship to reality is the most complicated in the play. Unlike her children, she is partial to real world values and longs for social and financial success. She cannot accept that she is or should be anything other than the pampered belle she was brought up to be, that Laura is peculiar, that Tom is not a budding businessman, and that she herself might be in some ways responsible for the sorrows and flaws of her children. Amanda s retreat into illusion is in many ways more pathetic than her children s, because it is not a willful imaginative construction but a wistful distortion of reality. 加support source;Always missing her good old days;Wanting her daughter to marry a gentleman to improve the family status 加Comparison between Amanda and Blanche in A street car named desire and Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Antigone the Tragic Hero Essay A Tragic Hero A tragic hero is a character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw, which combined with fate, results into a tragedy. The tragic hero must fall from good luck and well being to misery and misfortune. The tragic hero causes a sense of pity through the tragic downfall that weakens the character. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone follows her own beliefs by giving her brother a proper burial, even if she has to break the law of King Creon. Because of her innocent actions, Antigone is punished unjustly and unfairly. Through her risky and unselfish actions, ability to follow her own beliefs, and perseverance Antigone is the tragic hero of this play. Furthermore, Antigone makes many important and ... Show more content on ... Moreover, Antigone s ability to follow her own beliefs results into the heroicness and tragic death of Antigone. Antigone is from a royal family and has the power to do what she believes in. She believes in following traditions and exercises that power when she says, I will bury him, and if I must die, I say that the crime is holy: I shall lie down With him in death, and I shall be as dear To him as he to me (694). Antigone follows her beliefs in following tradition and by doing what she feels is best. Antigone does this because she knows she is doing the right thing and knows that she will be repaid in some way. Furthermore, Antigone justifies her actions by telling the reasons that motivated her to do it to King Creon. She refuses to give in to the beliefs of King Creon and continues to think her own separate way. Antigone takes a stand to Creon when she says, Think Death less than a friend? This death of mine Is of no importance, but if I had left my brother Lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now I do not. You smile at me. Ah Creon , Think me a fool, if you like, but it may well be That a fool convicts me of folly (709). Antigone believes what she is doing is correct and proves that to Creon , but he is still not convinced. It is important for Antigone to do what she believes is so that she will be pleased and satisfied with the outcome. Antigone s ability to pursue her goals and to what she wants ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Pooo Tee Weet Analysis The Tralfamadorians, as mentioned earlier, believe that nothing is preventable, for example, their pilot pressing the button that leads to the destruction of the universe. All moments, past, present, and future, always have existed, and always will exist (pg. 27), say the Tralfamadorians. As Billy conceives the idea that the war could not have been prevented, it absolves him of all the guilt he had amassed as a result of the war: the fact that he survived, and that fact that he had a good job, as well as a family. The concept behind this is one that involves free will . As the Tralfamadorians project the idea that there is no such thing as free will , Billy is assured implicitly that he did not have a choice in his course of action, and is hence, free of any moral responsibility. Poo tee weet? The phrase Poo tee weet appears throughout the novel four times. ... Show more content on ... The birds chirp to Billy Pilgrim as he wanders around the suburbs just as World War II ceases in Europe. There is an overwhelming element of relief evoked in the readers, as the terrors of war have now become a part of the past, and the protagonist, Billy Pilgrim, steps outside and regains his freedom . The area is said to be silent. As directly foreshadowed on pg. 22, the birds chirp. This places emphasis that to the birds, the war was merely another event in their existence, hence they continue. In essence, Vonnegut connects the birds to the Trafalmadorians, as these creatures seem to continue their lives regardless of tragedy. The readers laugh at the absurdness of the latter, as they are said to have destroyed the universe at some point in time, yet, they will never foil the pilot s plan to press the button that leads to the universe s obliteration. He has always pressed it, and he always will (pg. 117), the Trafalmadorians say, as a matter of factly. Death cannot be prevented, and neither can ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Roles of Deregulation on Banking Sector Essay What roles have deregulation, innovation, and globalization played in changing the character of bank management in recent decades? Has the overall outcome of the changes been greater stability in the banking sector? Discuss the respective roles of asset and liability management in modern banking. Deregulation, innovation and globalisation has changed the way banks run from asset management to liability management, as well as the change from mono to multi tasking and the increased competition in the sector as well as risk. The banking system has evolved drastically from the traditional mono tasking institution to what it is now. This change in roles of asset and liability management could be one of the main reasons behind the global ... Show more content on ... 2) The second phase sees the ending of the sharp distinction between banks and NBFIs (non banking financial institutions). In the 1980s, banks were given the right to compete in the mortgage market and building societies allowed to compete in the market for consumer credit; i.e. both allowed in each other s markets. Whereas in US, banks were not allowed to compete in the field of investment banking and insurance until 1999. 3) The third phase allowed increased competition within the financial sector and from outside it. NBFIS and other new kinds of financial institutions attached to other financial operations provided new kinds of services such as online banking (within the financial sector). Firms from outside the financial sector also entered the financial services market including Tesco, Marks and Spencer (UK), and GM and GE in the US (General electric s financial arm makes 1/3 of its profits!). The three phases of deregulation is the main driving force for banks and NBFIs to compete aggressively and take on excessive risk (through actively searching out liabilities) to gain higher profit margins. By expanding their balance sheet through liabilities, they increase exposure to credit risk and become highly sensitive to the state of the economy i.e. more defaults during downturns of the economy. Apart from deregulation, financial innovation ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Four Star Industries Four Star Industries: Problems faced by the firm Four star Industries private Limited is a mattress manufacturing company in Singapore specialized in Pocketed spring mattresses. Competition in Mattresses industry stirred up multiple problems to Four Star. To sustain the competitive pressure and match customer s demand, company increased mattress models from 13 to 230 within few years. This remedial measure to withstand competition aggravated the problems by slowing down the production process, increased inventory cost and complicated order fulfillment process. Four star distribution is heavily dependent on Dealers. Increased competition empowered dealers who dictated terms to Four Star with respect to inventory, models and order ... Show more content on ... Current: 4 departments at Kellang: Spring unit  Quilt Unit  assembly  warehousing Order Proposed: Spring unit  Quilt Unit Order  assembly  delivery Order fulfillment: Standardizing the order lead time and process and communicating the same with LDs and SDs. Having different lead times for SDS and LDs. Forward integration with dealers/ Retailers and backward integration with spring, foam and quilt suppliers for collaborative planning, forecast and replenishment will ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Marshall Plan And The Truman Doctrine believe that the Marshall Plan was in fact a method of guaranteeing that European markets allowed for US exports and that Marshall himself alluded to this. It also states that the Marshall plan was a basis for many US foreign policies that are instituted today, wherein governments aid other governments without any assurance that the aid will be directed towards those that require it. This source is useful as it shows an alternative reasoning behind the US s actions, that their intentions were not entirely altruistic in that the Marshall Plan was implemented solely for the benefit of the US and that the Marshall Plan was criticised for there being no guarantee of any benefit to other nations. b) Evaluation of Sources Source B: This source is from the speech delivered by President Truman himself to the US Congress on the 12th of March 1947. This speech was written and delivered in order to announce the Truman Doctrine, outline the purpose, reasoning and need for the Truman Doctrine and convince the US Congress and people to support the rhetoric. This source is of value as it is from the president himself of the time, Harry S Truman, deeming it to be a reliable source of information of the time. It shows the US s intentions behind the implementation of the Truman Doctrine, which were to protect Greece, Turkey and the Middle East from falling to Communism, to uphold and put into effect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and to assist and support ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Challenges Of The Transcontinental Railroad The Transcontinental Railroad was a great engineering achievement that brought a more efficient means of transportation from the Eastern United States to the Western United States. There were many challenges for the development of a project that everyone agreed was necessary for the development of the country. These challenges included a nation that was divided by the Civil War, as well as how such a project could be financed and planned for. The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad rapidly increased America s population in the West, and gave the Country the ability to protect itself on boast the East and West Coasts. The expansion in the West included taking over lands from the Native Americans who lived on the land. This was the downside associated with the Transcontinental Railroad. The completion of the railroad brought about a great appreciation for the contributions of the Chinese immigrants and allowed many to improve their lives. The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad was a great accomplishment that helped the United States develop as a nation. The Transcontinental Railroad could not have been achieved without the invention of the locomotive. The idea of the locomotive was first thought of by James Watt in 1769. Watt had a patent on the design of the locomotive engine but never really developed the idea. The benefits of the locomotive did not become a reality until an Englishman named Charles Stephenson developed the first ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Honky by Dalton Conley Essay Growing up in the projects in hard enough as it is, but throw in the fact that you are a white kid, and you have an idea of what Dalton Conley has had to grow up with. Now a successful sociologist, Dalton Conley explains in his book, the trials and tribulations he had to face in order to survive in the projects and his battle with race. Conley had more exposure to the idea of race than most children, growing up one of the only white kids in New York public housing projects populated by Black and Puerto Rican families. His parents were artists, whose low income and desire to break societal molds led them to apply for housing in the then fairly new projects. As most children are, Conley was at first fairly oblivious to race, a fact ... Show more content on ... When his sister Alexandra got involved with drugs, she was able to escape unscathed and go on to college, while a non white friend ended up serving 25 years in prison after a drug raid. These references show that just because a person may not seem to fit in a certain environment, or are just to poor to do anything about it, doesn t mean they have to settle with this concept. Triumphing over obstacles such as race and economic position are some of the ideas the author is able to throw out and try to inspire people. Don t settle with something mediocre, when a person is capable of so much more. This is a theme that seems to sustain through out the entire book. It almost seems as though the author is glad to have had to grow up in such diverse conditions. People may read this book and think, the guy really had it rough , but if anything he seems to have benefited from it. Through his experiences, Conley is able to take with him, a small but vital idea of unity. If he was able to adapt and coexist in a environment not suited for him, it will give a lot of hope for a lot of people. Because this book is about race, people seem to forget how amusing this book can really be. One line that seems to stick out is when one of the children comments to Conley about his mother and a wedding dress. Your mom s so white she went to her ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Creation Of Sputnik On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union launched a satellite called Sputnik 1 into space. This marked the start of the space race. Americans were terrified of the chance of the Soviet s sending missiles from space. However Dwight. D. Eisenhower was not scared and did not do much. About a month later on November 3, 1957 the Soviets launched a new spacecraft called Sputnik 2. Sputnik 2 sent the first animal into space, it was named Laika. Lakia did not survive, but the Russians were in the lead. America decided to do something so they attempted to send Vanguard, ( satellite, nobody was in it) on December 6th 1957 into earth s orbit. At that time there was no NASA, the project was under the Naval Research Laboratory and National Science Foundation. ... Show more content on ... They were working on an even bigger rocket than Saturn 5. It was called N 1 and it was intended for a lunar launch. Unfortunately (fortunate for America) 5 months later the N 1 rocket exploded at a launch pad. Although half the nation doubted the launch on May 16th 1 million people came to watch the launch of Apollo 11 with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins as the crew. They were going to watch the launch of a spacecraft that was going to land on the moon. After the journey to get near the moon at 1:46 p.m. July 20th Armstrong and Aldrin pulled away from the command module in the landing module named Eagle. Meanwhile Michael Collins was orbiting the moon alone. At 4:18 on July 20th the Eagle had landed. At 10:56 P.M. July 20th Neil Armstrong took his first step onto the moon. They had done it they had landed! Buzz Aldrin soon came and they collected moon samples. At 1:54 p.m. July 20th the Eagle is lifted in the air. If they had not been able to do that Michael Collins would go back to earth and leave the 2 astronauts to die. On July 24th at 12:51 P.M. the astronauts splash down! They had gone to the moon and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Theme Of Comradeship In All Quiet On The Western Front Which in the field developed into the finest thing that arose out of the war comradeship, (Remarque 27). Throughout the war, soldiers depend on each other to be able to live another day. Through small acts of kindness, sorrow from loss, and never leaving one behind emerges the theme of comradeship, which is clearly represented in the novel, All Quiet On The Western Front. Comradeship all starts with small acts of kindness, which begins a bond friendship. For example, when Muller died he gave Paul his boots, which once belonged to Kemmerich; Paul s best friend. Before he died he handed over his pocket book to me, and bequeathed me his boots the same that he once inherited from Kemmerich, (Remarque 279). Not only was Muller giving the boots away a sign of approval, but also was a true treasure for Paul. For example, since previously the boots belonged to Kemmerich they held memories between Kemmerich and Paul. With memories came symbolism that the boots represented the last thing Paul could of have of Kemmerich. As well as keeping a secret like the whereabouts of Tjaden. He asks for Tjaden. We shrug our shoulders, (Remarque 89). Not revealing the whereabouts of Tjaden expresses that the troops will not rat out their friend even if they get in trouble for it. This scene signifies comradeship by portraying that comrades have each other s backs. Troops risk consequences for themselves by protecting their fellow comrades, for they know Tjaden would do the same in ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Questions On The County Court Money Claims Online IN THE COUNTY COURT MONEY CLAIMS ONLINE CASE NO B59YM066 BETWEEN: SHANE TRAYLEN COMPANY LIMITED Claimant CLARE STACEY Defendant _______________________________ PARTICULARS OF CLAIM 1. The entities involved in the dispute are 1.1. On the 21st July 2009, the Claimant SHANE TRAYLEN AND COMPANY LIMITED FORMERLY KNOWN AS, TRADE EXPERTS AND COMPANY LIMITED (TXCO) entered into a contract with the Defendant for the supply of building services (Fit out works). 1.2. At all material times, the Defendant MISS CLARE STACEY (Approx. 2 months Pregnant) was the owner, and SOLE TRADER known as THE BAMBOO BAR AND LOUNGE 2. In June 2009, the Defendant approached Claimant regarding undertaking the fit out works at her proposed Bamboo Bar and lounge ... Show more content on ... 3.2. The Defendant s negligent actions and carelessness placed others at risk and caused severe financial disruptions and loss to the Claimant to the sum of £ 55,329.00 plus damages and interest as indicated in invoices and statement of costs. 4. On the 21st July 2009, The Claimant submitted a brief quote of £14835.00 plus Vat @15% for the essential works required by the Defendant. The quote clearly indicated that the Claimant would charge the Defendant accordingly for any additional costs. Mr Traylen Personally explained the procedure systematically so as the Defendant fully understood and agreed on the Claimants terms and conditions. She was made entirely aware that payment was within a period of 14 days of submission as specified. 4.1. The Defendants actions to initiate works unlawfully entered her into a contractual obligation, legally binding her to the contractual agreement of terms and conditions set out by the Claimant. 4.2. The Defendant after that assured the Claimant everything was right to progress and issued Mr Traylen with a set of the premises keys for the proposed bar on 325 Fleet Road, and instructed him to start works on site immediately. The Defendant fraudulently misled the Claimant into a contract of works, without a secured a loan, funds or the means of paying for works. The Defendant after that breached the contract for non payment for services, as she did not have the ways ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Ragtime And Scott Joplin s Opera Treemonisha Ragtime is a musical genre in African American communities that was popular between 1895 and 1918. But ragtime became more popular with the revival in the 1970 s with Joshua Rifkin s album Scott Joplin: Piano Rags, and the motion picture The Sting, along with the first complete performance of Scott Joplin s opera Treemonisha. The music in Treemonisha and Scott Joplin s piano rags are considered to both be in the genre of ragtime, but they both not alike and have many different components to them such as texture, mood, and purpose. Ragtime comes from jigs and marches that were played by African American bands and started to become popular in North America by the 20th century. It was also based off of John Philip Sousa marches with additional polyrhythms (rhythms that ... Show more content on ... This production had Marvin Hamlisch soundtrack of some of Joplin s tunes. Joplin s tune The Entertainer won an Academy Award and was released as a single from the film s soundtrack and was rated as a top ten chart single. This movie was able to bring ragtime to a wide audience and encouraged praise for Joplin s works. Around 1910, when Joplin finished Treemonisha and started showing it around, he got into some copyright trouble. While he was showing it around, trying to get it published some one stole the theme. Now to get his opera published he had to rewrite it. Irving Berlin s Alexander s Ragtime Band stole the theme for the closing song in the Treemonisha opera, a Slow Drag, so Joplin changed some of it and renamed it A Real Slow Drag. Scott Joplin s piece The Entertainer was also a ragtime piece written in 1902. It was also part of the ragtime revival and was used as the theme music for The Sting. Its one of the pieces featured on Joshua Rifkin s Scott Joplin: Piano Rags album. And because of its new popularity, it was also known to be played on ice cream trucks in the United ... Get more on ...
  • 31. An Evaluation Of The Course Review An evaluation of the course review reveals that there is an ethical ridge that many run along when attempting to conduct qualitative research. The IRB (Institutional Review Board) was ordained into federal law to maintain the sanctity and protection of research involving human research subjects. The rules prescribe that an evaluation must realize any potential, hazards, risks both physical and psychological that can occur during the study. The IRB review board (OHRP) *see references, must review all human research and give approval before the actual research can commence to the next levels. This process also includes any surveys, questionnaires etc... That may exist. All researchers are expected to be held responsible for ensuring that all ... Show more content on ... Typically, this approach is derived from problem formulation as to the generation of conclusions supporting said theories. This application however is not indicative to a sound qualitative research study which fall short of adequately addressing the logic, reasoning and process involving a qualitative course of research. Qualitative studies should focus on a research design that should be a reflexive process operating through every stage of a project (Hammersley Atkinson, 1995). Additionally, (Kaplan , 1964) intimated that a variation between logic in use of a certain study focus along with reconstructed logic involving research can be interpreted as a design in use type scenario as related by (Maxwell Loomis, 2002). The research model formulated under this process generally is composed of five characteristics as follows; validity, methods, research questions, conceptual framework and Goals. The ethical relation to the course of research according to (Maxwell Loomis, 2002) is not specifically categorized as an individual element to the aforementioned above characterizations as they felt that it should be considered automatically adhered to each and every facet involving the research in its entirety. There is no doubt that the ethical standards involving research should be expected as purveyed by authors such as (Christians, 2000; Fien, Weis, Weseen, Wong, 2000; Denzin Lincoln, 2000). In conclusion it is evident that the most ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Are High School Sports Good For Kids High School sports are a major part of the American society with over 5 million adolescents participating in sports every year. In the news broadcast Kids and Sports by CBS News it tells you that youth sports can greatly benefit a child in many different ways. Youth sports are helpful because they help develop character and confidence, keeps children healthy, and has positive effects on adolescents academics. First, youth sports help develop character and confidence in children. In the article Are High School Sports Good For Kids? it states ... develop good citizens through interscholastic activities which provide equitable opportunities, positive recognition and learning experiences. Another reason is that it creates more rewarding friendships. As it states in the News article Kids and Sports by CBS News ... Having athletic confidence helps a child greaty and it doesn t have to be a team sport or a high pressure one either. This tells us that if your children are in sports it will benefit them as they get older and when they are adults they will be prepared more than people who didn t participate in sports. ... Show more content on ... In the article High School, College Football Comes with Risk by Jeffrey Perkel it states We have an epidemic of obesity in this country, and sports is one of the best ways for kids to incorporate exercise in their lives. Another reason is that it is preventing heart disease from obesity. In the article What in the name of High School Football by Hank Hill states The single greatest factor in preventing the nation s number one killer heart disease is regular and vigorous exercise... This shows how if youth sports are gotten rid of than the obesity level in children would be higher than it already ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Women s Rights Within The Viking Age Traditional historiographies and archaeological research perceived the Viking world as being dominated by men with the majority of studies being concerned with exploring the life and material culture of the male part of the society. There is no denying that archaeology is a discipline which has traditionally been deeply colored by a predominantly male bias, and the historical dominance of men over women had been accepted to such a degree that it appeared to be the natural order of things . Popular imagination was of male Viking warriors with their long beards, large axes, colorful shields, and bloodied swords. The presence of women was limited within the scope of early works. The historiographical study of women s rights within the Viking Age is in its early stages. The academic fields of gender and women s studies gained greater prominence beginning in the 1970 s, coinciding with the feminist movement. Early gender archaeology can be said to have been a search for women in the past, which was closely tied with the second wave feminism of the 60s and 70s . It is not surprising that the earliest practitioners in gender archaeology wanted to show that there were in fact women in the past, and that these women were not just important, they were just as important and integral to the development of cultures as their contemporary men. From within the framework of these ideas grew some less than reputable pieces of theory, founded on Engels famous citation world historic ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay On Dunkirk When I found out that the latest project from director/writer Christopher Nolan titled Dunkirk was only 107 minutes, I was stunned. Usually, his films are about 30 minutes short of hostage situations. It s a bit odd how he chose his first two hour film in 15 years to be about the Dunkirk evacuation. For you history buffs out there, Battle of Dunkirk took place in WWII in 1940, the Allied forces of Europe fighting Nazi Germany finds themselves overrun in France and desperately seeking escape. The problem is, the Germany forces are wreaking havoc on the British Forces ships with precision air strikes and escape seems to be downright impossible without the help of civilian s boats and some very crafty fighter pilots. Right off the bat, this ... Show more content on ... You don t know where the next shot is coming from and you can never relax because the pacing of the movie comes like a tidal wave of dread. An interesting creative decision here is that even though this is clearly WWII and we know who the enemy is, you never see a single German soldier, not even a Nazi Germany flag is present. The closest you get to an enemy is the aerial assault from many jets fighter. The absence of a physical enemy, it doesn t affect this survival film one bit, if anything it strikes up more paranoia keeping the audience uneasy the way through. If there is one downside Dunkirk it s that the constant sight of soldiers being attacked can be repetitive and emotionally be draining for the viewer but simply put this is a story about unsung heroes of WWII both with and without a gun. If the evacuation from Dunkirk had failed, history would have a much scarier outlook than today. Christopher Nolan makes up for a bloated disappointing Interstellar, with a film that excels in cinematography, sound, story, acting, and relevance. Dunkirk is easily one of the best films of the years and it didn t take 2 hours and 45 minutes to do that...take ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Apartment Is An Oscar Winning Motion Picture And Made... The Apartment is an Oscar winning motion picture and made by one of Hollywood s all time greatest directors that ever lived. At the film s center is a romantic comedy, but it is much more than that, when viewed without its satirical stance, it is a sad, dramedy (comedy drama or tragicomedy). Set at the end of the 1950s during a time in American culture where an invisible and unmentionable class system existed, indeed American society is thoroughly stratified by this time. The film focuses on two despondent people who are caught between the haves and have nots, where social class rank was based on educational background, income, and work level status. The American economy of the 1950s was a booming explosion of capitalism and a constant growing infrastructure that demanded new workers to fill the gigantic office buildings of corporations and service workers to handle the support of public needs. America during this period in history was a bustling and busy atmosphere full of innovation, new occupations, suburban living, and rapid mobility. Social class distinction was on everybody s mind and social equality was at the top of the list. The film illustrates the greed of this corporate era and the elite managers that take advantage of it. Stuck in the cog works are two lonely people, who only want to get ahead, and find true companionship. The tale begins in New York City, a light in an apartment window shines in the window without the owner being there, instead, we learn ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Ku Klux Klan And The Klan The Ku Klux Klan has massively reduced by 1927. While it peaked from having over 3 million members in 1925, it had no more than several hundred thousand in 1927. Night riding of the Klan led to at least 50 people getting flogged during a two year period. Outcries of the populace of Georgia and the Carolinas brought arrests and convictions of the Klan. Therefore, the Klan was forced to retreat. The Klan endured other handicap when local Klan in the North chapters began to develop ties with American Nazis, which Southern Klansmen greatly opposed. But, the southern Klansmen was powerless to stop this coalition. The end of 1944 is when the IRS filed a lien against the Ku Klux Klan for back taxes of more than $685,000 on profits they earned in the 1920s. A new Klan leader managed to reorganize the Klan in California, Kentucky, New York and Tennessee, just to name a few. But, both federal and state bureaus of investigation prosecuted Klan mayhem and the new leadership discovered that the society was surrounded by enemies. Bond (2011) discloses how ministers were more inclined to attack the Klan, the press had become more hostile and state and local government passed laws against cross burnings and masks. Many members of the Klan went to jail for floggings or other crimes. By the early 1950s, the Ku Klux Klan was at its lowest level since its rebirth. The Klan in the 1980s On the morning of March 21, 1981, 19 year old Michael Donald s lifeless body was found ... Get more on ...
  • 37. What Is Acting Ethically Wrong In the YouTube video that I chose to describe, there are two gentlemen, Joe and Alex. Alex is an older gentleman with long hair wearing a large, flowing shirt. Joe is a young man with short hair. He is wearing a tailored black, business suit, a white shirt, and a tie. Joe is waiting to catch a flight at the airport. Before his departure, he orders five doughnuts for five dollars at a coffee shop in the terminal, and thinks to himself, This is an awesome deal . After he gets his order, he finds a table so he can sit down and read the newspaper before his flight leaves. Not long after he takes a seat however, Alex walks up and sits at the table across from Joe. As Joe is reading his newspaper, he hears a rustling. When he puts his paper down ... Show more content on ... Judgement can be wrong in many many different ways, instead of judging a person and assuming something about them, we can start a friendly conversation with that person. For example, instead of Joe judging Alex by his looks, he should have asked him questions like where he is from, where he works, and so on. However, this is what society has taught us. It has taught us that, we need to look good and presentable or we will be judged upon that. Also it is important upon how we act instead of silently judging someone like in this video, it taught me that it is better to make a friendly conversation than to look and judge, like they old saying do not judge the book by its cover .It has taught me that we determine what is true and what is real based on how it appears in our perspective. This assignment has taught me that reality and truth changes depending on our perspective. For instance, the person in the video, Alex we may see him as a poor or old guy, but I know now that looks matter may be important, but it is what is inside what really matters because you see how beautiful the person really is by how he or she acts and ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Oil Sands Analysis The oil sands are a topic that always seems to be contested, after all its effects on the environment and economy are significant. The CBC and The Globe and Mail have both released articles regarding the oil sands. One article supports the expansion of the oil sands through the use of numbers to dispute common reasons against its development; the other opposes its development through the concerns of those with expert power. The exceptional use of statistics allows The Globe and Mail to validate every point they make, creating an article with a quality that you can trust. On the other hand, the CBC article voices the concerns of professionals. This makes the article worth reading as their concerns are often based on knowledge rather than solely ... Show more content on ... The Globe and Mail uses vocabulary in a way that is more masterful in terms of writing. The CBC article, while bringing up great points from very intelligent professionals is more casual than that of The Globe and Mail`s. The article from the CBC often brings up quotes about the opinions of individuals, while The Globe and Mail`s article uses writing, facts, and numbers to prove or disprove arguments. The word choice and how evidence is used from The Globe and Mail creates an article that allows one to make an informed decision off of unbiased logic and research. The arguments are presented extremely well from the CBC article however as you can see what the article is trying to support in large headers with the information down below. The arguments are presented in the form of point, proof, and analysis. The article first states what it believes should happen, gives evidence for the proposed idea, and the goes in depth as to why it should be as such. This helps one understand the flow of ideas as it lets them follow the same path of reasoning that the authors have taken and lets the reader decide at the end whether or not they agree. This is turn makes the article more convincing in this regard as the reader is more inclined to consider the points presented in the CBC article and to read the article in its entirety than that of The Globe and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. USSS Strength Training Program Strength Training: The Secret Service has created a strength training workout to assist you in building a strong base that will prepare you for your training and everyday duties. This program is not designed to make you a body builder but to assist you in gaining strength to pass the USSS standards for the Physical Fitness Program. It is important to build the muscle necessary to complete push ups and pull ups. Strength Training is also called resistance training because it involves strengthening and toning your muscles by contracting them against a resisting force. Remember with strength training your muscles need time to recover so it should be done on opposite days if possible. On those alternate days is when you should be completing endurance training. If you do not put in the work you will not pass the USSS Physical Fitness Test. The strength workouts you will see provided to you in the Conditioning Program ... Show more content on ... A pull workout is defined as muscle groups that contract as the weight is pulled toward the body and lengthens as the weight is extended away from the body. We recommend a class push pull split workout to simplify your training and obtain faster results. You should organize your workouts according to pushing and pulling movements. An example of a push exercise would be chest, shoulder and triceps. A pull movement would be biceps, back, and hamstrings. The push pull split workout allows you to hit the gym more often because the muscles you are working are not sore from overuse. Depending on the flexibility of your schedule some individuals chose to focus their routine on specific areas such as chest, legs, upper or lower body. The key to splits can be identified in resting the area of the body most recently exercised, while still hitting the gym each day: ie. Chest Mon, Back Tues, Legs Wed, Shoulders Thu, Bicep/Triceps Fri, Run Sat, Active Rest ... Get more on ...