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⚡Sample Application For Scho ⚡Sample Application For Scho
Examples Of Beauty In Dancer From The Dance
In the novel Dancer from the Dance the author uses beauty and aesthetics in many different ways. The
author uses beauty and aesthetics in ways such as, the night life in the city, the relationships between
the characters in Dancer from the Dance, the clothing that the character s wear, and the way each
character looks. The characters in Dancer from the Dance feel like themselves when they are able to
dress, act, and go places where they won t be judged by others. The author shows the reader that
during the day the characters have to hide who they really are so that they won t be judged by society,
but at night the characters are free to do what they want and won t be judged for it because they will
be with others like themselves. The characters do the things that they do because that is who they are,
and there is beauty in those things.
The characters in Dancer from the Dance dress in normal clothing during the day so that they can fit
into society. One of the main characters in the novel is Andrew Sutherland. Andrew Sutherland dresses
as a drag queen at night when he goes out to gay bars at night. He dresses as drag queen because that
makes him feel like himself. For some gay males, clothing is a semiotic
marker for identity creation. (Schofield). Sutherland is a man that has money and a sense for fashion.
Since he has the money to buy nice expensive clothes, he does. Because of their spending power, gay
consumers have been found to be more brand and fashion conscious
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Fauchard s Impact On Modern Dentistry
Cutting edge equipment, up to date procedures, and a dentist brimming with knowledge on oral care.
These are the key components that make today s dental offices what they are and what most people
think of when they think of a modern dentist office. However, the former has not always been what
modern meant for dentistry. Modern dentistry did not start fifty years ago, 100 years ago, or even 200
years ago. Its true start actually dates back over 300 years ago in the 17th century when a young man
by the name of Pierre Fauchard joined the navy and fell under the influence of a man by the name of
Alexander Poteleret, a surgeon and major who dedicated his time to researching the numerous
diseases effecting the teeth and mouth. Pierre developed a deep respect for Alexander and, with the
major s encouragement, soon followed in his mentors footsteps and began to devote his time to
studying oral diseases. Along with studying what caused the diseases, Fauchard also set out to try and
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His colleagues considered him one of the best surgeons of their time and he soon developed a
reputation as a pioneer in his field due to his talent of improvisation. Fauchard was able to take tools
commonly used by jewelers, watchmakers, and even barbers, and craft them into tools for his own
trade. It was this ingenuity that created a few very common tools seen today such as needle nose
pliers, forceps, gimlets, and the very first dental drill. Alongside his skill for crafting tools, Fauchard
developed various techniques that became highly coveted knowledge for his fellow dentists, such as
how to restore a cavity with a filling rather then simply extracting the tooth, how to replace a missing
tooth with one made out of ivory or bone, and even out to straighten teeth with
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Summary Of Katie Hammil s Sense And Sensibility
Katie Hammil s play Sense and Sensibility, adapted from Jane Austen s novel of the same name, is
about reservedness and openness and how both behaviors can cause misunderstanding, but ultimately
result in the same outcome, which is revealed through the play s characterization of the two Dashwood
sisters, and the conflict between them, which is all highlighted by the lighting and costume design as
well as the acting in the Playmakers Repertory Company production. Elinor Dashwood (Shanelle
Nichole Leonard) and her sister Marianne Dashwood (Emily Bosco) are two people of very different
temperaments. Elinor is characterized as reserved, and she works to restrain her emotions for the sake
of decorum and because she believes it is unseemly. I WILL be mistress of myself, she exclaims as
Edward Ferrars (Rishan Dhamija) appears at the end of the play, in the scene Edward is Married (106).
Marianne, on the other hand, is a lot more open about her emotions, and is characterized as a more
lively and sensitive young woman. Elinor s personality causes her to bottle up her feelings toward
Edward, making her extremely unhappy, while Marianne s willingness to love Willoughby (Geoffrey
Culbertson) results in him taking advantage of her. The sisters s differences causes conflict between
them, as they cannot understand why the other acts as she does. Elinor desperately wishes her sister
would be more composed, while Marianne wishes Elinor would be more uninhibited. This often
leaves them at odds with one another, as seen in the end of the scene Brandon s Letter. Ultimately,
however, both sisters are able to find romance and a happy ending, and can finally begin to learn from
their mistakes and accept each other for how they are. Both young women s temperaments are
reflected in their costumes, designed by Olivera Gajic. Throughout the entirety of the play, Elinor
wears a dress of light blue, a color that implies ice and coldness, which mirrors her tendency to be
emotionally cold. In fact, Marianne even teases her sister in the scene Marianne and Elinor by
referring to her as Cold hearted Elinor! (14). Also, in the beginning of the play, Elinor wears a neck
kerchief, as if covering herself up both
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Family Origin Theory In Anne Of Green Gables
Within the movie Anne of Green Gables there is a compelling demonstration of the Family Origin
theory. As Anne Shirley grows up and becomes married she is influenced by the parents who adopted
her. As she is adopted by Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert (who are siblings) when she is eleven years
old, she acquires attributes from each of them that are carried on throughout her life. Although she was
adopted as a young teenager she never truly had a family to begin with so her adoption into this family
became her Family of Origin. The boldness and directness Anne developed came from her mother
Marilla whereas her kind, giving, and hardworking attributes came from her father Matthew. Her
father Matthew created a memory in her life as he died when she was only sixteen. This event
impacted her life immensely as she tried to live like he would. These qualities and memories carried
over into her career as a teacher as well as into her marriage with Gilbert Blythe.
The Family of Origin Theory impacts many individuals as they carry on the attributes found in the
family they originated from. According to the Figure 11.1 in the Marriages and Families textbook,
Anne s family would most likely be classified as a structurally connected family. This theory
encompasses everything from talents, attitudes, values, and their future relationships. Anne Shirley is a
good example of how her family influenced her behavior and choices as she grew older.
As a teacher Anne Shirley encountered many events where she exhibited kindness and courtesy just as
her father did. She gave respect even to the youngest of the students when they were bullied and
picked on during school as well as showing respect in disciplining the bully. She found value in each
of them just as Matthew Cuthbert had in those around him. Anne was also a bold and direct teacher
because of the discipline that came from her mother Marilla. She often stood up for her students when
they felt misunderstood or unwanted. Anne s Family of Origin allowed her to become a better teacher
because of her experiences in her family growing up.
As a young child growing up with Matthew and Marilla, Anne began life with a temper and couldn t
stop accusing others of hurting her and making
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A Brief Look at Pop Culture
What is pop culture? Wikipedia defines it as, the entirety of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes,
images, and other phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given culture , at a given time. Like
all things, the pop culture of a civilization grows and changes with the passage of time and important
events. However, past events often can influence pop culture of the future, as it determines what a
society may deem an important upcoming event to adapt to. Thusly, it is possible to see links in a
community from two different time periods that may seem opposites from first glance. This is how a
meaningful time period, like the 1970s, influenced parts of society like music, cinema, and education,
in society today.
While the era of disco was not a lengthy one, it managed to define an entire decade, creating an image
that is ever present in the mind of today s youth when imagining the 1970s. Disco started as a small
congregation of the minorities of society: African Americans, gays, psychedelics, and others in clubs
in areas like New York City and Philadelphia. It was originally the music of counterculture, or an
undercurrent of differing ideals than those of mainstream society. However, this music style was
adopted by other groups, and by the late 1970s, was the foundation of most popular music of the time.
It didn t remain that way for long, though; on July 12, 1979, a massive anti disco rally gathered in the
baseball stadium of the Chicago White Sox, chanting disco
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Leonard vs. Pepsico
Leonard v. PepsiCo
210 F.3d 88 (2d Cir.2000)*
In 1996 PepsiCo advertising campaign launched, through which consumer who collected epmty Pepsi
containers could earn Pepsi Points that could be redeemed for bikes, jacket, cups, and other such
merchandise. During this compaign, PepsiCo let the television commercial in rotation, showcasing a
number of the items being offered. This argumentative ad showed a suburban teen preparing for
school and wearing some Pepsi Stuff (sunglasses, t shirt), as the items/stuff were depicted, numbers at
the bottom of the screen revealed how many Pepsi Points they cost. At the end of this television
commercial, this suburban teen landed a Harrier Jet near a bike rack at his school and the plane s jet ...
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In an agreement there must be a meeting of the minds, which indicates mutual assent by both parties.
There is no meeting of the minds when one side (PepsiCo) is obviously joking.
Another issue, which was the case in court, is that John Leonard s understanding of this commercial as
an offer must also be rejected because the New York Court found out that no objective person (while
Mr. Leonard is a subjective person) could reasonably have concluded that the commercial actually
offered consumers a Harrier Jet. In a basic rule of contracts mentioned, that whether an offer has been
made depends on the objective reasonableness of the alleged offeree s belief that the advertisement or
solicitation was intended as an offer. Reasonable Person Standard based on common rules, and in
relation to society is an objective, so according to this standard if it is clear that an offer was not
serious, then no offer has been made.
In this case objective reasonable standard notes only how resonable persons behave, and what their
reaction. While seriousness determines whether, in our case commercial, is real and serious, and may
be perceived as an offer. As it was mentioned before, PepsiCo s commercial had no offer, and
advertising are not serious. Moreover the Court found this television commercial an absurd. Any
reasonable person can t take all the actions, that take place in this television commercial, and the plot,
seriously, due to the following facts: 1) Second, the
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Building A Wall On The United States Mexico Border
In recent months there has been a discussion about building a wall on the United States Mexico
border. Unfortunately, it would cost over ten and a half billion
( trump mexico wall/) just to build this wall and it
would have to be patrolled constantly in order to keep illegal immigrants from just going over it.
These costs, along with additional cost such as maintenance, makes the wall a fiscally irresponsible
plan. It is also important to consider that illegal border crossing are just one way to enter the Unite
States, according to Pew Research every year almost half a million immigrants come in with legal
visas and then simply stay passed the expiration date (
tank/2016/02/03/homeland security produces first estimate of foreign visitors to u s who overstay
deadline to leave/). So if completely stopping illegal immigrants at the border isn t a workable plan,
what is? It is my opinion that the only justifiable solution is to dissuade people from coming to the
United States in the first place, this might be done by making it all but impossible for them to find
employment. There are things being done in order to do this such as workplace raids and inspections,
but the program that I feel has the most potential is the Department of Homeland Security s E Verify
system. Developed in 1997, this free program allows employers to see the legal status of potential
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How Did The Cold War Influence The Space Race
The Influence of the Cold War and the Space Race
The Influence of the Cold War and the Space Race
On the Evolution of Today s Technology
A few hundred key inventions have marked mankind s progress from the Stone Age to the Space Age.
What were these inventions? Who made them possible? Where would the world be today if the space
race would of not been part of our historical progress? Some people believe that mankind would have
been better off left alone. This paper will demonstrate that the space race during the cold war has
influenced the course of success of a new era of technology in many aspects improving the material
prosperity of mankind. Since the early 1900, economic growth and strength of nations have been
directly related to the ... Show more content on ...
From a very simple invention satisfying man s conviction to do better, the abacus dramatically
encouraged the growth of trade wherever it was adopted, for it was well suited to any commercial
calculation. Still used in the Soviet Union and in the Far East in the 20th century, the abacus was
finally replaced worldwide by the cheap electronic calculator. (The Inventions, pg.10) In 1945, the
world s first fully electronic computer was completed at the University of Pennsylvania. It was called
ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. It occupied 1,500 sq. ft of floor space and
weighted over 30 tons. Its 18,000 thermionic valves consumed 150 kW of electric power. ENIAC was
capable of 5,000 additions a second. (The Inventions, pg.258) ENIAC marked a stage in man s
technological evolution. In 1948, the transistor was invented. The transistor replaced thermionic
valves in such way that it manipulated electrons in the same method, but the transistor was many
times smaller, needed less power and was cheaper and more reliable. Mankind ability to transform
these discoveries into useful products remodeled the science and technology of electronics and other
related fields. Every discovery served a purpose, the thermionic valves made possible the development
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Biblical Flood Myth of Genesis and the Flood Myth of the...
The Flood of the Bible and the Flood of Gilgamesh The story of Noah s Ark, as told in the old
testament, tells how God punished the world because it had become corrupt. God accomplished this
by flooding the world, and annihilating all the creatures upon it, except for Noah and his family and a
pair of each type of creature on the earth. Each decade, more insight is gained into the origin of the
flood story. Based on the information available at the present time, one could argue that the story of
Noah s Ark was based on the Epic of Gilgamesh. The story of Noah s Ark was first written as part of
the old testament by the Jewish people. However, it is predated by far by the story of the Epic of
Gilgamesh, a story that ... Show more content on ...
The dimensions of the ship underwent some drastic changes however, quite possibly because the
dimensions of Gilgamesh s boat were rather unreasonable: Equal shall be her width and her length... .
Both Gilgamesh and Noah received 7 days notice, and after the flood ceased, both employed doves
and ravens as scouts to determine if the land was dry yet (Gilgamesh also employed a swallow, but the
results of its trip did not greatly differ from the first trip of the dove in Noah s tale ). After the flood
waters recessed, and the ships were able to empty their contents, both Noah and Gilgamesh also
offered sacrifices to their respective gods, Noah with burnt offerings and Gilgamesh with a libation he
poured on the mountainside where his ship came to rest. The other really large change was that God
showed some signs of remorse and sorrow in Noah s tale, opposed to Gilgamesh s tale, where God
showed little involvement beyond the initial instructions and the flood itself. It was Gilgamesh alone
who displayed sorrow for the loss of his people. The shift of sympathy from Gilgamesh to God,
however, does good to accommodate the Christian and Jewish perspective of a loving and forgiving
God, who would only sweep the world of his own creations at a deep sentimental price. This idea is
further confirmed by his promise never to commit such an act again after the flood ceases: Never
again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every
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Memory Management Challenges And Alogrithm For Traditional...
Memory Management Challenges And Alogrithm for Traditional Memory Mapping
According to the need of real time systems many algorithm have been use to allocate memory
efficiently Real time system may crash if they do not get memory on priority or request memory loss
can also be prevented by using memory allocation algorithm our goal is to focus on traditional
memory management algorithm according to their efficiency and their response time to recognize the
problem and limitation and challenges that occurs problem which may reduce the performance of real
time system. This research paper will help you in determining the real time memory management
algorithm technique the latency rate and problem.
Efficient Memory management is performed by modern operating system and still working for
efficient memory allocation for application because the main stuff is to provide required memory
block for application with minimum memory loss as compared to the traditional memory allocation
which is known as Memory Fragmentation which keep the records of those block that are free and
those that are allocated to tasks. For the purpose memory allocation designs are being used for
example: Static Memory Allocation, Dynamic Memory Allocation describe in Fig: 1
Fig:1 {Memory Allocation}
Real Time System support both techniques and both of them distributes memory in different way in
Static Memory Allocation, memory is allocated at compile time it has efficient
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Benefits Of Secondary School Teacher
Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world, Nelson Mandela. Secondary
school teachers can essentially make or break the next generation of America. What students are
taught in school can heavily affect how their future turns out to be. Secondary school teachers are
some of the people that are heavily credited for many famous celebrities or athletes successes for the
education they gave them. NBC News anchor Brian Williams is an example of someone who has
given his secondary school teachers some form of acknowledgement for his success. Secondary
school teachers are an important part of a person s life in their spiritual, mental, and moral growth in
life, and are some of the people who help shape young mind s to do whatever they put their minds to.
A skilled worker, regardless of the job description, remains a treasure, Madeleine M. Kunin. Over one
million secondary school teachers currently hold jobs in the United States. Secondary school teachers
typically teach students in grades ranging from seventh to high school senior, primarily in English,
arithmetic, and science fields ( Secondary School Teachers 490), and each day they teach three to six
classes of varying sizes. Secondary school teachers have a lot more benefits to their job than what it
appears to be. A good majority of them are spiritual or mental benefits, but some benefits are physical
or monetary. Some secondary school teachers direct extracurricular activities, and
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Ammu In The God Of Small Things Analysis
Emotional Alienation in Arundhati Roy s GOD OF SMALL THINGS By R. Sherin Infantia S.
I. M.A. English , Holy Cross College Trichy
Our society has created an identity for women since ancient days. Women are considered as an weaker
sex and inferior to men. Though she plays a important role in her life, she is not found as an individual
human being with all emotions and sufferings. She is supposed to live a life of dedication,
surrendering and devotion. In Indian fiction, the women are modelled with the above qualities. Those
qualities of women created a large impact on the Indian psyche and the expectation of society, and
consciously or unconsciously ... Show more content on ...
Her mother was very poor. But she studied in Delhi. She got scholarship and went to Italy. She got
education after facing so many hardships. Actually speaking The God of Small Things was vividly
etched on the vast canvas of memory, most of which cantered around Arundhati Roy s childhood in a
Kerala village. Chakravathy (3)
Ammu the female protagonist of the novel is well known as the mother of the twin children Esthe and
Rahel but it is important to look at her early life when we examine her character, the flashbacks in the
novel gives a good sense of how she was shaped by her past being as adult. Ammu does not get the
same kind of treatment as her brother Chacko got. She doesn t have any options. Life at her parents
house was tough. It made her to feel that there was nothing left for her in Ayemenem but she waited
for marriage proposals. She somehow gets permissions from her strict father to go to Calcutta for
summer. There she meets and marries Baba. There she meets and marries Baba which turns to be a
bad choice. He was a fit man. After their marriage he turned out to be an alcoholic and outrageous liar.
Mr. Hollick, Baba s higher official summoned him to send Ammu to his bungalow to be look after or
otherwise baba would be sent out of his job. Ammu refused to her husband s
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Essay on Unraveling the Mystery of William Shakespeare
Consequences. They come in shapes of dark evil and unimaginable good. However with each
consequence, in turn a rebirth . A new perspective. A new insight. The creation of a profound poet and
playwright, William Shakespeare, was one of the many marvelous consequences of the Renaissance.
In fact his outstanding work was the direct result of the Renaissance. In order to understand how
Shakespeare came to be, there is first a need to understand exactly what the Renaissance was. The
original Italian word, Rinascimento , means rebirth (Jonah Wilberg). This refers of course to the
rebirth of learning. The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spread all over Europe and was
considered the division between the Middle Ages and the Modern ... Show more content on ...
(Jordan M. Ahn). These thinkers were also known as humanists . They believed that rather than being
subject to God, man should be subject to study. Investigations in writings of ancient Greece and
Rome, astronomy, anatomy, science, and much more began to blossom from the depths of the human
psyche (Fabio Castellan). Feelings and emotions were key to illustrating humanism and in turn
became the heart of modern literature.
Shakespeare himself indicated little interest in or support of religious supernaturalism. The absence of
religion in Shakespeare, England s greatest poet, chose to leave his heroes and himself in the presence
of life and death with no more philosophy than that which the profane world can suggest and
understand, namely a species of Humanism. (George Santaya) This quote emphasizes how Humanist
views helped to establish Shakespeare s literature.
Without doubt William Shakespeare harnessed this new emotional realism in human nature and
incorporated it in a way that set him apart from other artists of the 16th century. No one matched him
in terms of variety, profundity, and exquisite use of language (Note: come back and site!!). Since he
became active during the late 16th, early 17th century, which is the time the English Renaissance was
at its peak, it is not surprising that some of the most important aspects of his work can be seen as
characteristics of the Renaissance era (Jonah
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Executive Officer Ceo Is Ernie Herrman
A chief executive officer (CEO) is the head of the company that ultimately finalizes all decisions for a
company. He or she is in charge of every decision that is made. The CEO only reports to one body,
which is the board of directors (BOD). The TJX companies CEO is Ernie Herrman. The TJX
Companies trace back to 1919 when they were Marmaxx, and now they have 3600 hundred store in 9
different countries on 3 different continents. They have stores by different names, the ones that are
located in the USA are: Marshalls, TJMaxx, Home Goods, and Sierra Trading Post. This is a discount
retail company that buys their product from other brand, designers, stores, or manufacturers in bulk or
out of season merchandise. Their company is growing every day. They opened the Home Goods and
Sierra Trading Post, which is based online, stores only a few years back and that is when the company
name switched from Marmaxx to TJX Companies.
Herman started working for the TJX Companies in 1989. After holding several different position with
the company he became pressident of Marmaxx. In 2008 he got a position as Senior Executive Vice
President over Marmaxx in Canada, and in 2011 he got the position as a president of the TJX
companies. In 2015 he joined the BOD, and in January of 2016 he finally became CEO after Carol
Meyrowitz stepped down ( Board of Directors 2016). Working the way up with a company is one of
the most successful ways to grow with the company and gain their trust, and that is what
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The Prayer At Valley Forge Analysis
As Gala has no favorite style, she also can t pick a favorite artist. Growing up, she said that her
favorite artist was Arnold Friburg, a well known artist whose work is realistic and reminiscent of the
Renaissance painters. Arguably his most famous painting is The Prayer at Valley Forge, depicting
George Washington, kneeling by his horse. Friburg lived near where Gala grew up and she saw him as
a local rockstar. Later, when Gala gained her own fame for The Ten Virgins, she sent Friburg an
invitation to hear her give a lecture about her art. To her surprise, he came. She shook the hand of her
childhood hero and he invited her to tour his personal artist studio, a huge, gargantuan barn full of 10
12 ft canvases. He had just finished painting a commissioned piece of Prince Charles, and it was still
in the studio for her to see.
As she got older, she only collected more and more favorite artists. She grew to admire Howard
Terpening, an artist famous for his slightly impressionistic oil paintings of Native Americans and for
his fantastic portrayal of sunlight. Gala says that his work is at once realistic and magical. She had
studied his work extensively, right down to the way he frames his paintings, when she happened to
meet him at an art show in Sedona, AZ. He was a very nice looking man, she says with a laugh, but
what can you do? He signed my book. Now he lives in Scottsdale and gets half a million to three
fourths a million dollars for one painting. He s one of
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The Story Of Tegan s Tale
Easton looked at him. Humans can possess magic? Beorn nodded his head before continuing,
Although I must admit, I am glad that the fools who raised you did not have any magic in them.
Easton helped Tegan into her seat and took his across the table from Beorn. So, none of them have
magic? He ran his hand through his hair, thankful they didn t. He hated even thinking about that life
that was starting to feel like a lifetime ago.
No, they did not. He turned to glance at Nalia. We all know the dark realm is seeking Easton. They
noticed something in the physic realm around the time you met Tegan. No one knew what it was. It
was like a small ripple in the matter that separates your world from ours, Easton. I knew and
pretended to be ... Show more content on ...
We cannot just walk into your realm and battle, young druid. The battle between the white realm and
the dark realm would destroy most of what was around us. In order to protect your world, we need to
plan and find a way to lure them into an area that is not densely populated. Once magic is released, it
is dangerous. Nalia touched his shoulder softly.
Easton dropped his head, put his hands on his knees, and sighed loudly. This just keeps getting worse
and worse. He stood from his chair and started pacing the kitchen.
I am very sorry this has come to you and your family. I tried to prevent it. Beorn leaned back and
crossed his arms.
You kept it from happening for many years. At least now, I ll be able to help once we get some more
training under my belt.
Finish eating, all of us need our energy for tomorrow. Tegan, I need you to make sure to let us know if
you feel anyone getting near the entrance of Easton s old home in the human world. Harry is still there
and in touch with you, so you would feel it first even though I have witches living in the house to keep
watch over the mirror. I think their combined magic should be able to keep them safe from the dark
magic. Chapter Seventeen
That night, when they went to bed, Tegan climbed into his arms. Easton pulled her close, sensing her
need was as great as his. He tugged her nightgown over her head as he laid her on her back. His breath
caught at the sight of
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Cross Cultural Issues In Human Resource Management
Cross cultural management is the subject field management in a cross cultural context. Cross cultural
management takes place when a manager handles someone from a different cultural background. This
challenge in management is very common as businesses expand globally, hiring immigrants and work
to increase diversity. It includes the study of the influence of societal cultivation on top management
practices. Organizing a business in a diverse culture environment can be challenging but it is not
something that cannot be achieved. Nowadays, some organizations have started special awareness
programs in cross cultural management so that they can work with less cultural issues and embrace the
benefits that they gain from cross cultural management. However, there are many still fail to
understand the importance of bringing individuals from diverse backgrounds together. Most managers
think that by implementing such programs are just waste of time and resources.
From my perception, I think that the topic ... Show more content on ...
International human resource management (IHRM) is a set of activities aimed to manage an
organization s human resource department in international context to achieve organizational objective.
IHRM has the same activities like HRM which are recruitment, selection, training and development,
performance appraisal and dismissal but it is all done internationally plus other activities such as
expatriate management, global skills management and so on. In the topic Cross Cultural Negotiation
and Communication we have learnt about the concepts and dimensions of cross cultural
communication, communication barriers, effective negotiation, the issues in negotiations and the
strategies on how to resolve the issues.
As an international
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The Detection System For Aircraft Inspection
The sub system which was analyzed in the aircraft flaw detection system is the sensing sub system .
The main function of this sub system is to determine whether the flaw detected by the scanning sub
system is valid by examining it further and notify the engineers if repair work is needed and provide
them with statistics of the flaw. Movement system will then be activated so that the robot marks the
points where examination has been done to ensure no repetition of inspection occurs.
The problem encountered with most of the sensing system for aircraft inspection is the efficiency and
accuracy of it. The robot has to be designed in such a way that flaws can be detected precisely in a
short period of time so that the airline companies could use it for quick and safe inspection.
The best sensing method is a combination of laser scanning and ultrasonic, due to the facts that
surface and in depth inspection could be carried out in a short period of time with minimum false
detection and less complicated analysis of inspection results.
Ever since the first plane was invented by The Wright Brothers, their invention was further improved
and developed until present. Nevertheless, nothing is perfect, aviation accidents and incidents have
been happening once in a while and they are happening more frequently recently. The main factors
such as human error, weather, and mechanical failure have a total of 40%, contributing to the causes of
fatal aviation
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Essay On Ted Cowell
CHILDHOOD Born from Eleanor Louise Cowell at the age of 22 in 1946 out of wedlock. Ted grew
up to be taught that his mother was his sister , and his grandparents being his parents. It is said that he
is born from incest of his mother and his grandfather, but that has not been confirmed. Bundy s
grandfather, Samuel Cowell, was a huge factor in his childhood life for the first few years, until age
four, 1951, when his mother, Eleanor moved. Samuel Cowell ruled over his house in a tyrannical
mechanism, in which he beat his wife and dog, and also enjoyed harming other animals. Samuel is
even known to have periodically spoken out loud to non existent entities and had a blistering temper,
his temper was especially seen when people questioned about Theodore s parentage. Bundy s
grandmother too had complications such as ... Show more content on ...
As a young adolescent, Ted claims that he would get drunk and go around his community at night,
looking for undressing women or other titillating sights. Bed wetting, intelligent used his charismatic
to disarm women to win their trust by feigning disability using fake slings or casts, or pretending to be
a policeman or person of authority. Samuel has a mild taste for pornography. He raped and kidnapped
woman PROFILE Bundy is often described as charming, charismatic and handsome but though he
seemed like a powerful person outwards, his inner self was an insecure shy person. His insecurity
started when he was in school from being surrounded by wealthy classmates. Bundy s shyness seems
to have made him strongly depend on women in which he had the feared of getting humiliated in his
relationships with the opposite sex. It is in best consideration that Bundy is a High Factor 1/2
Psychopath. Bundy has shown high levels of intelligence and manipulation skills. He has an imposing
sense of self, tends to be a pathological lair, is lacking remorse, lacking empathy and is failing
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Pharmacist Career Research Paper
Having a career is a standard of life that is necessary for the well being of humans and providing
comfort for their families. It is very important to plan ahead for the career that you want to pursue in
the future. Doing this can help you make the decision to keep pursuing that career or find a different
career that interests you. Having a plan for your future can help you find a job that you are passionate
about, and researching your career can help you become more qualified for that job. In this day and
age it is getting harder to find a good paying job without a college degree, so it is important to succeed
in high school so you can go to college and get a job that has a good salary. When you have a career
that you want to pursue, it ... Show more content on ...
There are pharmacists that work in totally different fields and their tasks require them to be specialized
in different areas of pharmacy. Some of the different types of pharmacists are, Pharmaceutical
technicians and Pharmaceutical scientists. Both share a general relation with each other, but they both
have major differences according to what they do on a daily basis. Pharmaceutical scientists usually
specialize in one aspect of the drug development process. They design new drug remedies using
natural or man made ingredients, they study how disease affects the body and what causes some
people to develop certain types of disease, study how the human body responds to medications so
scientists can develop more efficient, safer drugs,they uncover new ways to use existing drugs to treat
different types of disease, they Test drugs on animals and humans to ensure safety and efficiency,
determine the most effective formulation and dosage for a specific drug, and advise corporations or
government agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration, on issues related to
pharmaceutical development.(Explore) To become a pharmaceutical scientist, you must have a strong
interest in mathematics, biology, and chemistry. In college, you can major in the pharmaceutical
sciences, pharmacy, chemistry, biology, engineering, medicine or a related field.(Explore) Pharmacy
Technicians work the same hours as pharmacists. This may include evenings, nights, weekends, and
holidays. Because some hospital and retail pharmacies are open 24 hours a day, technicians may work
varying shifts. As their experience increases, pharmacy technicians often have increased control over
the hours they work. There are many opportunities for part time work in both retail and hospital
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What Is Optimism Essay
As a human being living in this ruthless world, the perspective of how we see life plays great role in
the success and happiness of a person. Optimism is seeing positive aspects of life. I as an immigrant I
have had experienced the ups and downs of life to an extent where all I have to hold unto was hope
and faith. My motto in life is seeing the light in all the darkness that was surrounding me. That is how
I lived and will live. Being an optimist person has helped me to be more peaceful to myself and more
confident. Living as an immigrant in the US is really hard especially for a teenager who was growing
up in a totally different culture, experience, life, and people, custom not to mention the language
barriers that make it worse. Optimism
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A Brief Note On The And The Legacy Of The Crusades
William Q. McCardle
Liberty University Online
CHHI 301 B05
October 6, 2014
On a late November day, in the year 1095, the leader of the Holy Roman Catholic Church delivered a
sermon that would forever change the face of Europe. Pope Urban II roused those in attendance at the
Council of Clermont to take up arms and fight for a noble and just cause. I, or rather the Lord, beseech
you as Christ s heralds to publish this everywhere and to pers¬e all people of whatever rank, foot
soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile
race from the lands of our friends. I say this to those who are present, it is meant also for those who
are absent. Moreover, Christ commands it . When Pope Urban had said these ... things in his urbane
discourse, he so influenced to one purpose the desires of all who were present, that they cried out It is
the will of God! It is the will of God! . When the venerable Roman pontiff heard that, [he] said: Most
beloved brethren, today is manifest in you what the Lord says in the Gospel, Where two or three are
gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them. Unless the Lord God had been present
in your spirits, all of you would not have uttered the same cry. For, although the cry issued from
numerous mouths, yet the origin of the cry was one. Therefore I say to you that God, who implanted
this in your
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Ophelia s Madness In Hamlet
The Madness in Hamlet
Much could be said about the role madness plays in William Shakespeare s Hamlet. We can see this
madness play out in two separate ways. The madness displayed by both Hamlet and Ophelia is driven
by the deaths of their fathers, but they each portray madness in different ways. Both character s
gender, in addition, helped to play a role in their descent into madness.
In writing Hamlet, William Shakespeare shapes a new language for madness and provides one
important site for its redefinition. The plays theatricalize and disseminate the complicated distinction
that the treatises theorize. In the drama, madness is diagnosed by those who observe it. (Neely, Carol
Thomas) The prose used for their mad speeches imply disorderly shape and contributes to its
colloquial character. Using this technique, Shakespeare represents distinctions between ... Show more
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Her restlessness, agitation, shifts of direction, her winks and nods and gestures (1. 11) suggest the
spasms of the mother and show that madness is exhibited by the body as well as in speech; gesture and
speech, equally convulsive, blend together: Ophelia beats her heart, / Spurns enviously at straws (11. 5
6). The representation of Ophelia implicitly introduces conventions for reading madness as gender
inflected. Gender distinctions likewise begin to take shape in the contrasts between Hamlet and
Ophelia. Although Ophelia in her mad scenes can be seen to serve as a double for Hamlet during his
absence from Denmark and from the play, Hamlet s madness is in every way contrasted with hers, in
part, no doubt, to emphasize the difference between the feigned and actual madness. His discourse,
although witty, savage, and characterized by non sequiturs and bizarre references, almost never has the
quoted, fragmentary, ritualized quality of Ophelia s as we are instructed: Nor what he spake, though it
lacked form a little, / Was not like madness
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Vitamin D Supplement Research Paper
Your calorie needs decrease as you get older. However, your vitamin and mineral needs decrease. You
may not be able to get all of the vitamins and minerals you need from diet alone. That is why your
physician may recommend a supplement. Below is a list of some of the vitamin and mineral
supplements you may need:
Calcium is one of the vitamin and mineral supplements that physicians recommend for seniors. This
mineral is necessary for strong bones and teeth. It also helps regulate blood pressure. Your calcium
storage gets depleted as you get older. A lack of calcium in the bones can put you at risk for
Vitamin D
Your body cannot absorb calcium without vitamin D. That is why physicians often recommend taking
a vitamin D supplement along with calcium. Vitamin D also has many other ... Show more content on ...
However, older people may need a folic acid supplement because they are often deficient in this
nutrient. Seniors who do not eat enough fruits, vegetables or cereals that have been fortified with folic
acid are at an even greater risk for a deficiency.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is found in milk, eggs, fish and meat. Even though this nutrient is readily available in
many foods, many people still are not getting enough of it. Seniors also have a harder time absorbing
vitamin B12. Therefore, even if a person s diet has plenty of vitamin B12, he or she may be deficient
in it. Supplementation can make up for a deficiency.
Fiber is essential for healthy digestion. It also helps regulate blood pressure and can reduce the risk of
heart disease. If you are not eating a lot of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, then you may be
deficient in fiber. Most people are not getting enough fiber.
In fact, studies have shown that most people only get half of the recommended daily intake of fiber.
That is why a fiber supplement is often
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Csci 652 Telecom And Networking Security
CSCI 652 Telecom and Networking Security
Kotcherlakota Nitin
Q: X.805 security architecture, how it compares with the X.800 network security access architecture
A: X.805 architecture was developed by the Telecommunications standardization sector of the
International Telecommunications Union X.805 (ITU T X.805) on October 2003 to provide end to end
transmission of data from one network to another.
The Security architecture logically separates complicated arrangement of end to end system s security
related features into discrete architectural components. This discretion allows a certain systematic way
to deal with end to end security that can be utilized for planning of new security solutions and for
accessing the security of the current networks. The security architecture gives a complete, top down,
end to end point of view of system security and can be connected to network components,
administrations, and applications keeping in mind the end goal to distinguish, anticipate, and correct
security vulnerabilities.
There are various threats that should be taken into consideration since these threats are likely to
destruct, corrupt remove disclose or interrupt any information or services that helps in the efficiency
of an application.
The main issues that X.805 addresses are shown below:
1. What are the threats that can occur and what kind of protection can be provided?
2. What are the distinct types of network equipment and facility groupings that need to be
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Precious Documentary
In this movie family violence, child abuse, HIV and AIDS and teen pregnancy are a key factor. The
household suffered from violence that puts the children at home. Precious suffered from being beaten
with pots and pans. Her mother called her name, forcing her to believe that was the proper way she
should be treated. I notice that precious mother suffers from traumatizing situations, such as her
boyfriend getting precious pregnant, he raped her twice. She stated You think you special because he
gives you more kids than he gives me. regarding this specific quote lets me know as a social worker
she wasn t protecting the child. She suffered from Environmental Hazards their home wasn t in an
appropriate living condition that was fit for staying. Precious and her child was both put at risk
because the father was using drugs in the home. There were sufficient amounts of food inside the
home to the point precious was hungry and stealing food. Monique was the mother of precious and
was very vicious to precious. She blamed her 16 year old daughter for the way her life had turned. At
the age of 16 a child legally doesn t have rights. In which precious wasn t at fault for anything that
happen in her life, such as becoming pregnant with two kids by her step farther. The ... Show more
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She begins to look for ways that she could possibly help and her fist way was by searching for signs of
maltreatment other than what precious had preciously told her. Precious and her mother receives a
home visit from a social worker name Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Turner entered the home and begin asking
questions like when the last time was the baby was taken to the doctor? In this case precious is a
manner and probably can t remember certain things. The social worker didn t identify neglect as the
mother and caregiver she should have been able to answer the questions she was presented
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Puerto Rico Characteristics
Puerto Rico s absolute location is 18.2208 N, and 66.5901 W. Puerto Rico s relative location is East of
Dominican Republic, bordered by the Caribbean Sea which it is in the northern part of the Caribbean
Sea along with bordering the Atlantic Ocean. This Caribbean Island is located in the Western Northern
hemispheres of the world.
This Island has many physical and human characteristics. Of course as you can tell by this islands
name their languages are Spanish English. Though their culture is very diverse, they have many racial
mixes just as there is cultural mixes. Even with their mix of cultures their main religion is Christian
with having no religion at all falling right behind. Of course they mostly listen to Puerto Rican Music
but then again they re still Hispanic as well so you can hear multiple different types of Spanish music
as well. Latino and Latinas of any kind from multiple different regions also make up approximately
99% of the population. In Puerto Rico they have larger families; family there is one of their first top
priorities, even closer than families here in North America. Even with larger families they re very poor
and have terrible working conditions. ... Show more content on ...
Puerto Rico s largest mountain is Cerro La Punta, standing at about 1,338 miles. Puerto Rico doesn t
just have mountains it is also home to rainforest, caves, deserts, many waterways, and plenty of
smaller islands along its coast. This marveling island s coastlines are around 105 km with about 145
km of water on, and around the island. Puerto Rico is most eastern of the Greater Antilles, and
smallest. The island is the world s 82nd largest island and the United States 3rd largest with the width
of 35 miles, and 100 miles in length. Their main natural resources are copper, fish, and nickel, also
Puerto Rico is part of the Tropical Marine
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A Prominent Yet Controversial Leader, Métis-born, Louis...
There is always one person who is responsible for keeping everything under control. This refers to a
Métis born leader widely known as Louis Riel, who is one of the most prominent, yet one of the most
controversial figures of Canada during the Red River and the North West Rebellions. I respectfully
disagree that Louis Riel is guilty of high treason, who instead should be granted clemency and not be
executed. Although some people may believe this is wrong, they are oblivious of his outstanding
accomplishments, such as defending the Métis rights, taking good risks and action, and shaping the
province of Manitoba. Louis Riel, a daring man who possesses the qualities of a dominant leader,
should be looked upon as an inspiring hero for ... Show more content on ...
As many already know, Louis led two main rebellions against the Canadian government, known as the
Red River Rebellion in 1869; the time when the Métis were in the threat of losing all their land, and
the Northwest Rebellion in 1885; the time when Louis and the Métis took their final stand in
Saskatchewan. In addition to this, Louis Riel and his men captured and executed an aggravating
English man named Thomas Scott, who was fighting against Métis rights. Tom declared, You? A
bunch of Catholic half breeds? It would be a sunny day in hell before I d do a thing you tell me to.
What can you do to me you haven t done already? You and your bunch of cowards don t scare me one
bit. The continuous threats and malicious remarks had to be put to a stop, therefore leading to his
execution he rightfully deserved. His bold acts of rebellion against the government were only out of
passion and out of reasons to save the Métis independence. Due to these occurrences, it had
established a vital point in Canada that wouldn t have happened if he never stood up for the Métis. He
formed the province of Manitoba. Without the recent rebellions and uprisings, would Manitoba be
what it is today? On December 8, 1869, the Provisional government was set up by the Métis. With this
already in hand, the government was able to write the Métis Bill of Rights, a list of what the Red
River Colony desired to join confederation. Finally, on July 15, 1870, the
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Orif Mandibular Fracture
Orif Mandibular Fracture An ORIF mandible fracture is the known as a jaw fracture this type of
fracture is able to occur in two different parts of the jaw area. This is when a break occurs in the
mandible bone when this occurs in either of the two places it may be very difficulties to open the jaw
so this makes it very challenging to eat,chew, or to speak or all around makes it very difficult to have
the full ability to open your mouth. Other things that may occur are that the teeth may not be properly
lined u and this can be very annoying with having to deal with beacause you are not properly balanced
out and in some cases it can cause your gums to bleed. This type of fracture is found mostly with
males in their mid twenties to thirty seconds
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Knee Injury Research Paper
Athletes Suffering from Knee Injuries are Opting for Cold Laser Therapy over Knee Surgery
By Juliet Peters
Aug 22, 2011
A knee injury can be a painful and debilitating setback for anyone, however for athletes experiencing
knee problems it can be a deal breaker that threatens to take them out the game. This is why many
professional athletes are opting to treat their knee injuries with cold laser therapy rather than go
through traditional knee surgery. Unfortunately, the athletes who rely on their knees the most are also
the ones who are prone to knee injuries. Knee damage is extremely common in many sports,
especially long distance running, competitive cycling, basketball, tennis, volleyball, skiing and weight
lifting. Most athletes training ... Show more content on ...
This is why today s athletes are turning to cold laser therapy to treat knee injuries rather than undergo
knee surgery. They realize arthroscopic knee surgery is invasive and doesn t work most of the time,
and often leaves athletes dealing with the effects of less cartilage, and more arthritis in the knee. In
addition, knee replacements for young athletes aren t really an option because they typically should
only be performed on patients sixty five and older due to the lifespan of the prosthetic. Another reason
athletes make the decision to have cold laser therapy over knee surgery is the fact that there is a long
period of downtime after the surgery that would take them away from training for their sport. Cold
laser therapy or low level laser therapy is an approved method of treatment by the U.S Food and Drug
Administration, and it is primarily used to relieve pain and the debilitating inflammation resulting
from tendonitis, arthritis or a torn meniscus. It also helps speed up the healing process so that athletes
can get back to their sport quicker. Cold laser therapy is the number one choice among athletes to
rehabilitate knee injuries because this noninvasive treatment provides them with safe, livable solutions
for pain relief and allows them to get back to doing what they love without any
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Branches of Government and UCC
GOVERNMENT The government is a single term yet comprised of several different components that
collaborate to run the business of the country by making, stating, implementing and ensuring law. The
US government has three branches namely legislation, executive and judiciary (Three Branches of
The term UCC stands for Uniform Commercial Code that was published in 1952 (Uniform
Commercial Code, 2013). The code tells how to correspond the sales law and other business and
commercial transactions in America. There are two clauses of codes that deal with each branch at one
level or the other: a. If the court as a matter of law finds the contract or any clause of the contract to
have been unconscionable at the time it was made the court may refuse to enforce the contract or it
may enforce the remainder of the contract without the unconscionable clause, or it may so limit the
application of any unconscionable clause as to avoid any unconscionable result (What Is the Uniform
Commercial Code (UCC)? n.a). b. When it is claimed or appears to the court that the contract or any
clause thereof may be unconscionable the parties shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to present
evidence as to its commercial setting, purpose, and effect to aid the court in making the determination
(What Is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)? n.a).
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Sarah Sorenson Narrative
I learned it too late. Everyone s life matters, even mine. Or at least it did, but now I have no life. I was
ready to give up when I took that bottle of pills, but The Angel knew me better. When I finally left my
human body, The Angel was the one who gave me a new life, a new body, and a new purpose: save
them. In my past life, I was Sarah Sorenson. I was a pretty, popular teenage girl who could turn heads
just by breathing. I was that one girl everyone either wanted to be or be with. To everyone, I had the
perfect life, although no one saw who I truly was. Growing up in New York City, it is easy for people
to just look at the outside and not care what is going on in the inside. No one saw the girl who was top
of her class, or the musical genius, they only saw the cheerleader who went shopping every weekend
on 5th Avenue and dated the cutest guy at school. No one saw the girl who only wanted her life to end,
not until she was already gone. ... Show more content on ...
Alexis Woodward, for example, means guardian angel. My previous name, Sarah, means princess,
which was exactly what I was. I walk down the rows of headstones, reading name after name on top of
the freshly turned dirt, each name more familiar than the last until I come upon my own. The elegant
headstone is scattered with flowers in a variety of freshness. Sarah Sorenson. Princess Princess.
The only thing more heartbreaking than the truth behind the names is the dates on each stone. After
each name I read, I can still see a face from my human memories, smiling, or laughing; always happy.
I clutch my stomach as I fall to my knees with grief and sob for all the lives lost. I cry for the families
and friends that have to watch as those closest to them take their own life. Tears fall for the ones who
never give up on them, and return every day to the cemetery, leaving flowers and notes and the teddy
bears that look half dead even before they enter a
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Romans 14-17
Children of God
Romans 8:16 tells us that The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of
God. This is a doctrine that receives strong emphasis in the LDS church. From the time they enter
Primary they sing the hymn I am a Child of God. In Young Women s they recite We are daughters of
our Heavenly Father, who loves us and we love him. As LDS members, they live their lives knowing
that they have a loving Father in Heaven. Though other Christian churches share the belief that God is
the Father, their understanding of this fact is different than the LDS view. Other churches interpret the
scripture block Romans 8:14 17 to mean that we are adopted children of God, whose adoption is
conditional on our good behavior ... Show more content on ...
To claim a God as our parent is either to claim ourselves as Godkind, or claim that God is human.
However, we are told that God made us in His own image, not just in appearance, but in form. LDS
members do not believe that God is Eternal Spirit (ucg) but rather that he is material and humanoid
(bills). Though there is a difference between God and mankind, LDS doctrine tells us that The
difference...may be one of advancement...rather than one of kind or ontological difference (white). We
are the offspring of God, not just in form, but also in disposition: Bills tells us that contrary to the
popular belief of learned men, man is created in both the physical and moral image of God (Bills). In
all senses of the word, we are a chip off the old block. Though not yet posessing the power of God, as
his children, we have the potential to be Gods. The number one thing we must understand is that even
though God is infinitely more than us, he is also similar to us. He is our Father, and we are His
children, therefore there must be similarity. However, if you believe that we are merely adopted
children of God, we lose out on this great insight into the character of
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Cold War Dbq Research Paper
n the time period following World War 2, the beginning of the Cold War, Americans mainly feared
three things: the spreading of communism in the United States, the communist investigators
supposedly in America, and nuclear war between America and the Soviet Union.
Communism was covering Asia and Europe, striking fear in individuals as country after country fell
into communism. As American politicians strengthened the idea of containment, and cabinet members
such as John Foster Dulles spread the idea that if world communism...will increase the danger to the
entire free world, Americans were greatly fearing communism. Citizens began believing others when
they announced that communism was endangering the peace of America (Document B) and when they
addressed the problem they had created by making statements such as we fear the men in the Kremlin.
American citizens highly feared this horrific government of communism, and the Eisenhower
Administration did nothing to little to prevent these fears. Even though they acknowledged these fears,
they used this fear as support for spending on military defense. The Americans fear during this time
period was also displayed ... Show more content on ...
McCarthy of Wisconsin, spent years trying to expose communists in the government. During the Cold
War, few cases of disloyalty convinced many Americans that the U.S. government was ran by traitors
and spies. His thought of anyone being a communist ended up in prison or alienation. Americans were
always fearing what unwise investigators will do to us here at home (Document A) and what their
hysterical reactions could end up in. This fear was given insufficient attention to by the Eisenhower
Administration, as the communist investigators were backed by the government. A great example of
the fears Americans suffered from in the Cold War, American fear of communist investigators in the
nation, and the Eisenhower Administration did not attend to
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Essay on Duddy s Focus on Wealth
In my opinion, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, a book written by Mordecai Richler, is
ultimately about money. Simcha Kravitz, Duddy s grandfather, would tell Duddy as a child that a man
without land is nobody. These words encouraged him to live his life in a manner in which he would do
anything he could in order to obtain the land that a nobody would not possess. But Duddy does not
solely focus his desires on land; instead, his goals are set on wealth in general.
In order to acquire wealth, Duddy engages in acts of dishonesty and deceit. He does this by exploiting
the weaknesses of his friends, such as Virgil Roseboro and Yvette Durelle, while completely
disregarding the fact that by doing this, his dignity and ... Show more content on ...
Duddy ends up forging Virgil s signature on a check in order to access Virgil s bank account and steal
his money. Although this money help s Duddy purchase the remainder of his land, in the process he
becomes a despised and wretched tyrant. Not only does this result in the annihilation of Duddy s
friendship with Virgil, but also results in the loss of Yvette s respect for Duddy. It becomes quite
obvious that Duddy did not value his friendships as much as he did his wealth, as if he did, he would
ve earned money the proper way, as a waiter, and wouldn t have resorted to such ruthless acts in order
to attain complacency. It s quite disappointing to learn how he would sacrifice the only loving
relationship he ever had (with Yvette) just so he can obtain land. Normally, a person who lived a life
devoid of love would be desperate to acquire it. However, Duddy still decided to pursue his dreams of
owning land on the contrary to pursuing a loving relationship that his life was in need of.
Come to think of it, Duddy s life has been morally derailed ever since he was a child. As a child, he
took advantage of the fact that as a minor, he was not susceptible to lawsuits. He broke the law
frequently in attempt to obtain more wealth. Such examples of this would include his fraudulent
behaviour with stamp companies, his selling of stolen hockey sticks, and his distribution of
pornographic comic books. In an entrepreneurial sense, Duddy had the correct goals;
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The Effect Of Temperature On The Pressure Of A Tennis Ball
Pressure and temperature, two important subjects in the broad system of knowledge, Science. It is true
that temperature greatly affects the pressure of a tennis ball; temperature can increase and reduce
pressure of a tennis ball, depending on the heat added or taken away; this would benefit people
designing objects to absorb shock. A good example of this would be, when designing buildings to
survive in areas where earthquakes happen frequently. What is the effect of temperature on pressure?
That is the question that will be answered in this document of inquiry.
A normal tennis ball has a rubber core occupied with a gas that is composed of unorganized molecules
or atoms that move around freely. Molecules of a gas can effortlessly expand and contract. When the
ball hits the ground, the force causes the ball s bottom surface in, and the gas in the core constricts.
The gas then springs up when the ball becomes its usual shape, causing the tennis ball to bounce up.
The height of a tennis ball s bounce is determined by the pressure of the gas in the ball s core. Pressure
of a gas can be found with this equation: pressure =density × temperature × constant
At a higher temperature, there is more pressure (if there isn t a single change in density and constant);
at a lower temperature, there will be less pressure. When temperature rises, the ball s gas molecules
expand; when gas molecules expand, the molecules bounce irregularly due to an increase in energy.
When temperature drops,
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The Rise Of Terrorism
Since 2001, the American society as we know it has changed dramatically. The rise of terrorism on the
homefront has caused us to change how the government interacts with its citizens. The rise of secrecy
and the loss of privacy has come as a response to these actions and we see no end to it.
September 11th, 2001, caused the government to step back from the idea of transparency and take a
look at its own citizens as possible threats to national security. If one were to take a Bayesian
inference following the events of 911, the governmental response could have been seen as inevitable.
The national security of the hegemonic state of the world had become vulnerable, and a strong
response was needed. Seemingly all aspects of our lives have been effected from the way we go about
our day to day activities, to the way we travel. The idea of privacy was one of the first to come into
question. How can you accurately defend yourselves from ... Show more content on ...
When challenging the idea of terrorism, especially in the aspect of homegrown terrorism, the
government made its spending and its agencies more secretive than they had been during the cold war.
The 1974 Freedom of Information Act now seemed to be a distant memory, beyond secrecy in the
agencies and spending there was now a secret geography to the US and international world.
Now that the war on terrorism is an international crisis, more so than the war on terror we launched
after 911, what the American government felt like it needed to do to protect our security seems like an
over extension of our power and a threat to the values we hold as a free country. The launching of the
new secretive side to the US government seems like a valid response to the events of 911, and other
terrorist acts, but have taken an extreme toll on how we feel about big government and our
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Nietzsche And Buddhism
Both, Friedrich Nietzsche and the Buddha, at least at the level of conventional truth, look at the life
and the world as largely nihilistic and unsatisfying, and search for a solution to the meaninglessness of
their respective cultural situations by turning within and advocating a transformation of our inner
forces and of our outlook on the world. The major difference between Nietzsche and Buddhism,
however, lies in the role of the will in nihilism and its overcoming. For the Buddha, only by cutting
the root of the fundamental will altogether, through the self overcoming of the will to power, one can
step beyond nihilism. The radicality of both Nietzsche s negation and his affirmation of life, on the
contrary, is limited insofar as the standpoint
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Terrorist Groups and Impact Essay
Terrorist group and impact
HAMAS (Harakat al Muqawamah al Islamiyya) is the Arabic word for Zeal and also known as
Islamic Resistance Movement. It is a notorious terrorist organization in the Middle East and George
Bush stated that Hamas is one of the deadliest terror organizations in the world today (Jensen, p.1,
Origins and sources
Hamas was formed in 1987 as the Muslim brotherhood (Ikhwan al Muslimin) in Palestinian by late
Ahmad Yassin, Abdel Aziz al Rantissi and Mohammad Taha. It is estimated that it has unknown
supporters and sympathizers but increasing to thousands (US department of state, 2005).
The Muslim Brotherhood was established in 1946 and its main goal was to institute the religious
revival in ... Show more content on ...
The group mainly operates in Palestine as well as in West Bank and Gaza strip. It has also presences in
Syria, Lebanon and Gulf States (Foreign Terrorist organizations, 2004). The Hamas annual budget is
estimated to be $70 million dollars with 50% of its funds comes from Saudi Arabia through Islamic
charity organizations. Iran also provides further $3 million dollars and support from Palestinian
expatriates and other Arab states (Wikipedia, 2010).
The group principles introduced in 1988 in a form of charter based on Islamist document and
declaring Jihad (in the sense of armed battle) as the only solution against Israel (Midestweb, 2007).
The charter also cites The Protocols of the Elders of Zion which emphasizes on anti Semitic forgery.
The Hamas and Islamistradicalists see the Zionist and freemasons as the major calamites to the world
(Midestweb, 2007). As well as calling for all Muslims to return to the faith (Gruber, 2007).
Aims and objectives
The main goal for the group is to have an Islamic state by expelling the Jews in Israel/Palestine in
accordance with the Islamic law. In recent years the group has moderated its goals by indicating that it
would like a favorable Israel Palestine agreement (Foreign Terrorist organizations, 2004). However,
Hamas did state in the 2006 election manifesto that the continuance of the arm struggle against Israel
occupation of the Palestinian region (Wikipedia, 2010).
Prior to the election in 2006, Hamas
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Similarities In American History X
The movie American History X truly shows how racism upon race, class and gender was really
effected the world. The movie was based upon the Vineyard family who seemed like they had a lot
going on in their lives. The two main characters were two Caucasian males by the names of Derek and
Derek and Danny have different strengths and weaknesses throughout their relationship as brothers.
They both clearly care for each other, but they do annoy each other throughout the movie. Danny
looks up to his older brother, even though he was headed down the wrong path. Although they have
their similarities, they also have their differences. The biggest similarities between to two is their
hatred for certain races and ethnicity. The two both show so ... Show more content on
Danny completed the task, and that s a huge reason Derek became so widely known. After David was
released from prison the first time, he was out to take his anger out on the illegal immigrants that were
working in the supermarket. Eventually Derek realized his life was headed down the wrong road, and
he was a bad influence for his younger brother, he was on a mission to get his life back on track.
Derek was highly respected by all of the other Caucasian people in Venice. He made the decision that
he wanted to leave Venice for his families sake, but when he told the people in his town, he became
known as a Ni**** lover. Derek shows his hatred towards African American people by permanently
putting signs on his body. He shows so much hatred towards black people because his father was
killed by a African American. On his right arm, he has a tattoo that says white power. This shows how
race effects the way society was during the time this film took place. A major scene in American
History X when race and ethnicity was discouraged upon was when Danny was being recorded by
Seth. Danny said I hate the fact that it s cool to be black these days. He also added I hate this hip hop
influence on fucking suburbia (American History
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Sir Ernest Shackleton s Survival
Body Paragraph #1 Shackleton s Personality Sir ernest shackleton [1874 1922] was a polar explorer
who led the three british expeditions to the Antarctic , and one of the principal figures of the period
known as the Heroic age of the Antarctic . His goal is to get to the Antarctic first before anyone does ,
but he couldn t be able to get to the Antarctic on time . Still Shackleton didn t give up on his goal , in
1914 Shackleton had made his third trip to the Antarctic on a ship called the endurance , where he
invited some people to come along too on the expedition . Some people would think of him as crazy
and others would think of him as a true leader . Shackleton is a very effective leader because he doesn
t want to lose his goal and doesn t want to lose his target to get to the South pole . Body Paragraph #2
Leadership Skills ... Show more content on ...
He wanted to cross Antarctica via south pole , so that he could be at least the first person to cross the
south pole . He is also has the honesty in himself , which meant that he is not a bad leader but a good
one , he helps everyone when they re in need . Shackleton had build up to about 28 members on the
team . He is also decisive , which means that when he makes a decision they have to stick to it . He is
also a strict leader , so he doesn t like anyone messing around . Shackleton is the bravest and strongest
leader than any other leader is , he always makes sure that nothing gets in his way or his men s way
because he wants to make sure that his men are in task . Shackleton is a tough and a disciplined leader
because he s always right on task . Shackleton also have like good core values and he s always team
spirited and he also recruited the best and the right people on the team
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Airport Security of Travellers
The most important security measure at an airport is to confirm the identity of travellers. This is done
by checking a photo ID such as driving license. The passengers who are travelling internationally need
to have passport.
Just glancing at a photo ID is not enough, however. The hi tech fashion in airport security today is
biometrics. Biometrics includes checking fingerprints, retinal scans and facial patterns using complex
computer systems to determine whether someone is what they say are or if they match a list of people
the government has determined may be potential terrorists.
The PA system at an airport played an automated message saying they do not leave your luggage
unattended. And check in ask some questions:
Did someone else pack your luggage?
have your luggage in your possession at all times.
Have you given anything or asked you to continue or see anything for them?
You are carrying flammable objects
These are very important questions. A tactic sometimes used by terrorists is to hide a bomb in the
luggage of an unsuspecting person. Another tactic is to give something, maybe a toy or stuffed animal,
someone who is about to board a plane. That seemingly innocent object can be a bomb or other
harmful device.
Security screening:
All passengers must keep track of their belongings as they go through the selection process. It is
suggested that valuables such as wallets, passports, jewellery and cameras are placed in hand luggage
before reaching the point of
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Explain Why Matt Should Not Have Gone To The Indian Village
Matt was alone. In a cabin in the woods all by himself, he was keeping house till his parents came. He
met an Indian boy who invited him to his village. Should he go? Matt should not have gone to the
Indian village for these three reasons. They were not familiar people, it was not his usual trail, and he
was not the expected champion. The first reason Matt should not have gone to the Indian village is
that they were not familiar people. He did not understand their ways, their speech, or their dances. He
was totally clueless about the Indian culture, except what he had heard from his teachers. He would
likely say or do something foolish, and offend someone, and who knows what they might do to him if
they got angry. He was not familiar enough
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Documentary Analysis Of The Documentary Mommy Dead And...
Documentary Analysis The documentary Mommy dead and dearest filmed by Erin lee Carr retold the
events of Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Dee Dee Blanchard, mother of gypsy, was killed on June ninth two
thousand fifteen. Gypsy and her mother were hurricane Katrina survivors and because of gypsy s
illnesses, many people often helped the Blanchard s either financially or through organizations. Many
would describe the pair as loving, kind, and inseparable. People would never see one without the other
and thought they were dependent on each other. Once the case opened, many people were shocked to
find that this family was not what they thought. The countless diseases that Gypsy was thought to
have were fictional. Depending on what type of doctor Gypsy would see, Dee Dee would lie about
Gypsy s condition and family history. Dee Dee manipulated everyone, even doctors, into believing
that Gypsy was sick. This resulted in a multitude of redundant surgeries and medications that gypsy
had to endure. And because of many medications Gypsy had, many of the doctors thought that the
symptoms they were seeing were what they were trying to treat. Though Dee Dee was a good
manipulator, Dr. Benardo Flasterstein and Dr. Marc Feldman had their doubts. Dr. Marc Feldman, a
clinical psychologist, believed Gypsy was a victim of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. Stating that
most of the things that Dee Dee was saying wasn t matching with Gypsy. Dr. Benardo Flasterstein,
pediatric neurologist, put in one of
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Tydeus Life Against Thebes
The Life of Diomedes
A son of Tydeus and Deipyle and husband of Aegailia, and grandson of Adrastus the king of Argos.
Tydeus was one of those on the expedition of the Seven Against Thebes. The account is given here.
King Oedipus of Thebes upon realizing he had killed his own father and married his own mother
stepped down as king in shame, and gave the kingdom to his two sons Eteocles and Polynices, on the
understanding that they would alternate the throne everyyear. After the first year however Eteocles
refused to step down and drove Polynices out of Thebes. Polynices fled to Argos seeking help from
King Adrastus. Adrastus and Polynices gathered together a force of men under seven leaders Tydeus,
Capaneus, Eteoclus, Hippomedon, ... Show more content on ...
On the way to the ships Odysseus plotted to kill Diomedes and take all the credit, but Diomedes saw
the glint of moonlight reflected off the sword, spun and grabbed it with his bare hands, he then trussed
Odysseus up like a chicken and tied his hands behind his back and drove along in front beating him
with the flat of the sword all the way back to the ships. During the sack of Troy Odysseus spots an
injured Aeneas fleeing the burning city with his young son and carrying his feeble father. Odysseus
right away runs to inform Diomedes, who has lusted for the blood of Aeneas, Diomedes rushes to
make the kill, but his heart is softened upon seeing the brave soldiers efforts to save his family.
Diomedes then allows them safe passage from the city. After the fall of Troy Diomedes was one of the
few Achaean kings to return home safely and without much delay. Upon reaching Argos he found his
wife had taken another lover in his absence and under her orders he was barred entrance into the city.
He then set sail for Atolia but was shipwreaked of the coast of Lycia there he was captured by the king
Lycus, and was to be sacrificed to the war god Ares, but the kings own daughter took pity on him and
helped him in escaping. He set sail again and landed in Italy where he founds
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Luigi Lanzi
Using an object centred approach this narrative will attempt to go beyond the subject s simple
classification of a red figured stamnos (The British Museum, n.d) . The function, status and meaning
of this piece* and how it has changed over time is addressed by examining the production,
consumption and afterlife of the piece.
An intrinsic measure of soil and evaluation of taxonomic evidence identifies the birth of this piece as
between 450BC 440BC of Athenian provenance. The raw material excavated from a clay bed was
transported to the Kerameikos. Clay became separated into component quantities. For decoration a
portion was reserved and finely filtered, mixed with water and referred to as a fine clay slip (OURef).
... Show more content on ...
The Museo Gregoriano Etrusco at the Vatican introduced free standing pottery on pedestals that could
be seen from all angles. J.D Beazley s Corpus vasorum antiquorum became the first fascicle to
catalogue Greek vases in collections throughout the world in 1923. Two hundred fascicles later and
there is now a clear, concise method of display and labelling. These factors allowed art historians to
evaluate such information from a given piece as; its school, original provenance, form, its creator and
more. Museums have installed anti inflationary methods while preserving the opportunity of visual
enjoyment for
... Get more on ...
Mission Command For The Battle Of The Bulge
Mission Command Analysis Brigadier General (BG) James M. Gavin, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S.
Army, was one of the distinguish Generals to contribute in the Battle of the Bulge in 1944. BG Gavin
commanded the 82nd and the 101st Airborne Divisions. He was responsible for many decisive
operations that were key for the success of the battle. He maintained firing positions for engaging the
Germans counteroffensive attacks. Simultaneously, his Mission Command practices brought him to
the success of occupying two important cities in Belgium. Brigadier General Gavin demonstrated
effectiveness in winning the Battle of the Bulge by applying Mission Command Philosophies of
Command, according to ADRP 6 0, Mission Command. BG Gavin always committed his ... Show
more content on ...
In airborne operations, he was always the first one to jump. Even in moments of engaging heavy fire
from the enemy, BG Gavin would be side to side with his troops. Identifying their needs and spending
time with them created a stronger relationship in the organization. There was no need to reiterate, he
was in charge, everyone knew he was the General. Therefore, He demonstrated that he was there to
lead, but as well to fight and train as an ordinary Soldier. The constant presence with his troops was
the most significant act of building cohesive teams through mutual trust. In Fact, how he found the
time and energy to be constantly with his frontline troops and still direct the overall activities of the
division was a mystery. 1 Interacting with your subordinates shows that you care. A leader that trains
with his subordinates also earns credibility. How Soldiers trust, weights leader s sound judgment for
leading troops and accomplishing missions, regardless complexity. In order to build cohesive teams,
trust has to be mutual. But more from Soldiers to leaders. When Soldiers can rely on their leader, they
will also trust peers. If a general can be trusted and is part of the team, Soldiers will have more
confidence in challenging moments. As all troops believes on a leader s intent, the collective trust will
be stronger within the Soldiers. This was reflected when BG Gavin s Soldiers did not like the idea of
withdrawing from the
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. Examples Of Beauty In Dancer From The Dance In the novel Dancer from the Dance the author uses beauty and aesthetics in many different ways. The author uses beauty and aesthetics in ways such as, the night life in the city, the relationships between the characters in Dancer from the Dance, the clothing that the character s wear, and the way each character looks. The characters in Dancer from the Dance feel like themselves when they are able to dress, act, and go places where they won t be judged by others. The author shows the reader that during the day the characters have to hide who they really are so that they won t be judged by society, but at night the characters are free to do what they want and won t be judged for it because they will be with others like themselves. The characters do the things that they do because that is who they are, and there is beauty in those things. The characters in Dancer from the Dance dress in normal clothing during the day so that they can fit into society. One of the main characters in the novel is Andrew Sutherland. Andrew Sutherland dresses as a drag queen at night when he goes out to gay bars at night. He dresses as drag queen because that makes him feel like himself. For some gay males, clothing is a semiotic marker for identity creation. (Schofield). Sutherland is a man that has money and a sense for fashion. Since he has the money to buy nice expensive clothes, he does. Because of their spending power, gay consumers have been found to be more brand and fashion conscious ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Fauchard s Impact On Modern Dentistry Cutting edge equipment, up to date procedures, and a dentist brimming with knowledge on oral care. These are the key components that make today s dental offices what they are and what most people think of when they think of a modern dentist office. However, the former has not always been what modern meant for dentistry. Modern dentistry did not start fifty years ago, 100 years ago, or even 200 years ago. Its true start actually dates back over 300 years ago in the 17th century when a young man by the name of Pierre Fauchard joined the navy and fell under the influence of a man by the name of Alexander Poteleret, a surgeon and major who dedicated his time to researching the numerous diseases effecting the teeth and mouth. Pierre developed a deep respect for Alexander and, with the major s encouragement, soon followed in his mentors footsteps and began to devote his time to studying oral diseases. Along with studying what caused the diseases, Fauchard also set out to try and ... Show more content on ... His colleagues considered him one of the best surgeons of their time and he soon developed a reputation as a pioneer in his field due to his talent of improvisation. Fauchard was able to take tools commonly used by jewelers, watchmakers, and even barbers, and craft them into tools for his own trade. It was this ingenuity that created a few very common tools seen today such as needle nose pliers, forceps, gimlets, and the very first dental drill. Alongside his skill for crafting tools, Fauchard developed various techniques that became highly coveted knowledge for his fellow dentists, such as how to restore a cavity with a filling rather then simply extracting the tooth, how to replace a missing tooth with one made out of ivory or bone, and even out to straighten teeth with ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Summary Of Katie Hammil s Sense And Sensibility Katie Hammil s play Sense and Sensibility, adapted from Jane Austen s novel of the same name, is about reservedness and openness and how both behaviors can cause misunderstanding, but ultimately result in the same outcome, which is revealed through the play s characterization of the two Dashwood sisters, and the conflict between them, which is all highlighted by the lighting and costume design as well as the acting in the Playmakers Repertory Company production. Elinor Dashwood (Shanelle Nichole Leonard) and her sister Marianne Dashwood (Emily Bosco) are two people of very different temperaments. Elinor is characterized as reserved, and she works to restrain her emotions for the sake of decorum and because she believes it is unseemly. I WILL be mistress of myself, she exclaims as Edward Ferrars (Rishan Dhamija) appears at the end of the play, in the scene Edward is Married (106). Marianne, on the other hand, is a lot more open about her emotions, and is characterized as a more lively and sensitive young woman. Elinor s personality causes her to bottle up her feelings toward Edward, making her extremely unhappy, while Marianne s willingness to love Willoughby (Geoffrey Culbertson) results in him taking advantage of her. The sisters s differences causes conflict between them, as they cannot understand why the other acts as she does. Elinor desperately wishes her sister would be more composed, while Marianne wishes Elinor would be more uninhibited. This often leaves them at odds with one another, as seen in the end of the scene Brandon s Letter. Ultimately, however, both sisters are able to find romance and a happy ending, and can finally begin to learn from their mistakes and accept each other for how they are. Both young women s temperaments are reflected in their costumes, designed by Olivera Gajic. Throughout the entirety of the play, Elinor wears a dress of light blue, a color that implies ice and coldness, which mirrors her tendency to be emotionally cold. In fact, Marianne even teases her sister in the scene Marianne and Elinor by referring to her as Cold hearted Elinor! (14). Also, in the beginning of the play, Elinor wears a neck kerchief, as if covering herself up both ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Family Origin Theory In Anne Of Green Gables Within the movie Anne of Green Gables there is a compelling demonstration of the Family Origin theory. As Anne Shirley grows up and becomes married she is influenced by the parents who adopted her. As she is adopted by Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert (who are siblings) when she is eleven years old, she acquires attributes from each of them that are carried on throughout her life. Although she was adopted as a young teenager she never truly had a family to begin with so her adoption into this family became her Family of Origin. The boldness and directness Anne developed came from her mother Marilla whereas her kind, giving, and hardworking attributes came from her father Matthew. Her father Matthew created a memory in her life as he died when she was only sixteen. This event impacted her life immensely as she tried to live like he would. These qualities and memories carried over into her career as a teacher as well as into her marriage with Gilbert Blythe. The Family of Origin Theory impacts many individuals as they carry on the attributes found in the family they originated from. According to the Figure 11.1 in the Marriages and Families textbook, Anne s family would most likely be classified as a structurally connected family. This theory encompasses everything from talents, attitudes, values, and their future relationships. Anne Shirley is a good example of how her family influenced her behavior and choices as she grew older. As a teacher Anne Shirley encountered many events where she exhibited kindness and courtesy just as her father did. She gave respect even to the youngest of the students when they were bullied and picked on during school as well as showing respect in disciplining the bully. She found value in each of them just as Matthew Cuthbert had in those around him. Anne was also a bold and direct teacher because of the discipline that came from her mother Marilla. She often stood up for her students when they felt misunderstood or unwanted. Anne s Family of Origin allowed her to become a better teacher because of her experiences in her family growing up. As a young child growing up with Matthew and Marilla, Anne began life with a temper and couldn t stop accusing others of hurting her and making ... Get more on ...
  • 6. A Brief Look at Pop Culture What is pop culture? Wikipedia defines it as, the entirety of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes, images, and other phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given culture , at a given time. Like all things, the pop culture of a civilization grows and changes with the passage of time and important events. However, past events often can influence pop culture of the future, as it determines what a society may deem an important upcoming event to adapt to. Thusly, it is possible to see links in a community from two different time periods that may seem opposites from first glance. This is how a meaningful time period, like the 1970s, influenced parts of society like music, cinema, and education, in society today. While the era of disco was not a lengthy one, it managed to define an entire decade, creating an image that is ever present in the mind of today s youth when imagining the 1970s. Disco started as a small congregation of the minorities of society: African Americans, gays, psychedelics, and others in clubs in areas like New York City and Philadelphia. It was originally the music of counterculture, or an undercurrent of differing ideals than those of mainstream society. However, this music style was adopted by other groups, and by the late 1970s, was the foundation of most popular music of the time. It didn t remain that way for long, though; on July 12, 1979, a massive anti disco rally gathered in the baseball stadium of the Chicago White Sox, chanting disco ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Leonard vs. Pepsico Leonard v. PepsiCo 210 F.3d 88 (2d Cir.2000)* In 1996 PepsiCo advertising campaign launched, through which consumer who collected epmty Pepsi containers could earn Pepsi Points that could be redeemed for bikes, jacket, cups, and other such merchandise. During this compaign, PepsiCo let the television commercial in rotation, showcasing a number of the items being offered. This argumentative ad showed a suburban teen preparing for school and wearing some Pepsi Stuff (sunglasses, t shirt), as the items/stuff were depicted, numbers at the bottom of the screen revealed how many Pepsi Points they cost. At the end of this television commercial, this suburban teen landed a Harrier Jet near a bike rack at his school and the plane s jet ... Show more content on ... In an agreement there must be a meeting of the minds, which indicates mutual assent by both parties. There is no meeting of the minds when one side (PepsiCo) is obviously joking. Another issue, which was the case in court, is that John Leonard s understanding of this commercial as an offer must also be rejected because the New York Court found out that no objective person (while Mr. Leonard is a subjective person) could reasonably have concluded that the commercial actually offered consumers a Harrier Jet. In a basic rule of contracts mentioned, that whether an offer has been made depends on the objective reasonableness of the alleged offeree s belief that the advertisement or solicitation was intended as an offer. Reasonable Person Standard based on common rules, and in relation to society is an objective, so according to this standard if it is clear that an offer was not serious, then no offer has been made. In this case objective reasonable standard notes only how resonable persons behave, and what their reaction. While seriousness determines whether, in our case commercial, is real and serious, and may be perceived as an offer. As it was mentioned before, PepsiCo s commercial had no offer, and advertising are not serious. Moreover the Court found this television commercial an absurd. Any reasonable person can t take all the actions, that take place in this television commercial, and the plot, seriously, due to the following facts: 1) Second, the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Building A Wall On The United States Mexico Border In recent months there has been a discussion about building a wall on the United States Mexico border. Unfortunately, it would cost over ten and a half billion ( trump mexico wall/) just to build this wall and it would have to be patrolled constantly in order to keep illegal immigrants from just going over it. These costs, along with additional cost such as maintenance, makes the wall a fiscally irresponsible plan. It is also important to consider that illegal border crossing are just one way to enter the Unite States, according to Pew Research every year almost half a million immigrants come in with legal visas and then simply stay passed the expiration date ( tank/2016/02/03/homeland security produces first estimate of foreign visitors to u s who overstay deadline to leave/). So if completely stopping illegal immigrants at the border isn t a workable plan, what is? It is my opinion that the only justifiable solution is to dissuade people from coming to the United States in the first place, this might be done by making it all but impossible for them to find employment. There are things being done in order to do this such as workplace raids and inspections, but the program that I feel has the most potential is the Department of Homeland Security s E Verify system. Developed in 1997, this free program allows employers to see the legal status of potential employees ... Get more on ...
  • 9. How Did The Cold War Influence The Space Race The Influence of the Cold War and the Space Race The Influence of the Cold War and the Space Race On the Evolution of Today s Technology A few hundred key inventions have marked mankind s progress from the Stone Age to the Space Age. What were these inventions? Who made them possible? Where would the world be today if the space race would of not been part of our historical progress? Some people believe that mankind would have been better off left alone. This paper will demonstrate that the space race during the cold war has influenced the course of success of a new era of technology in many aspects improving the material prosperity of mankind. Since the early 1900, economic growth and strength of nations have been directly related to the ... Show more content on ... From a very simple invention satisfying man s conviction to do better, the abacus dramatically encouraged the growth of trade wherever it was adopted, for it was well suited to any commercial calculation. Still used in the Soviet Union and in the Far East in the 20th century, the abacus was finally replaced worldwide by the cheap electronic calculator. (The Inventions, pg.10) In 1945, the world s first fully electronic computer was completed at the University of Pennsylvania. It was called ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. It occupied 1,500 sq. ft of floor space and weighted over 30 tons. Its 18,000 thermionic valves consumed 150 kW of electric power. ENIAC was capable of 5,000 additions a second. (The Inventions, pg.258) ENIAC marked a stage in man s technological evolution. In 1948, the transistor was invented. The transistor replaced thermionic valves in such way that it manipulated electrons in the same method, but the transistor was many times smaller, needed less power and was cheaper and more reliable. Mankind ability to transform these discoveries into useful products remodeled the science and technology of electronics and other related fields. Every discovery served a purpose, the thermionic valves made possible the development of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Biblical Flood Myth of Genesis and the Flood Myth of the... The Flood of the Bible and the Flood of Gilgamesh The story of Noah s Ark, as told in the old testament, tells how God punished the world because it had become corrupt. God accomplished this by flooding the world, and annihilating all the creatures upon it, except for Noah and his family and a pair of each type of creature on the earth. Each decade, more insight is gained into the origin of the flood story. Based on the information available at the present time, one could argue that the story of Noah s Ark was based on the Epic of Gilgamesh. The story of Noah s Ark was first written as part of the old testament by the Jewish people. However, it is predated by far by the story of the Epic of Gilgamesh, a story that ... Show more content on ... The dimensions of the ship underwent some drastic changes however, quite possibly because the dimensions of Gilgamesh s boat were rather unreasonable: Equal shall be her width and her length... . Both Gilgamesh and Noah received 7 days notice, and after the flood ceased, both employed doves and ravens as scouts to determine if the land was dry yet (Gilgamesh also employed a swallow, but the results of its trip did not greatly differ from the first trip of the dove in Noah s tale ). After the flood waters recessed, and the ships were able to empty their contents, both Noah and Gilgamesh also offered sacrifices to their respective gods, Noah with burnt offerings and Gilgamesh with a libation he poured on the mountainside where his ship came to rest. The other really large change was that God showed some signs of remorse and sorrow in Noah s tale, opposed to Gilgamesh s tale, where God showed little involvement beyond the initial instructions and the flood itself. It was Gilgamesh alone who displayed sorrow for the loss of his people. The shift of sympathy from Gilgamesh to God, however, does good to accommodate the Christian and Jewish perspective of a loving and forgiving God, who would only sweep the world of his own creations at a deep sentimental price. This idea is further confirmed by his promise never to commit such an act again after the flood ceases: Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Memory Management Challenges And Alogrithm For Traditional... Memory Management Challenges And Alogrithm for Traditional Memory Mapping Abstract: According to the need of real time systems many algorithm have been use to allocate memory efficiently Real time system may crash if they do not get memory on priority or request memory loss can also be prevented by using memory allocation algorithm our goal is to focus on traditional memory management algorithm according to their efficiency and their response time to recognize the problem and limitation and challenges that occurs problem which may reduce the performance of real time system. This research paper will help you in determining the real time memory management algorithm technique the latency rate and problem. Introduction: Efficient Memory management is performed by modern operating system and still working for efficient memory allocation for application because the main stuff is to provide required memory block for application with minimum memory loss as compared to the traditional memory allocation which is known as Memory Fragmentation which keep the records of those block that are free and those that are allocated to tasks. For the purpose memory allocation designs are being used for example: Static Memory Allocation, Dynamic Memory Allocation describe in Fig: 1 Fig:1 {Memory Allocation} Real Time System support both techniques and both of them distributes memory in different way in Static Memory Allocation, memory is allocated at compile time it has efficient ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Benefits Of Secondary School Teacher Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world, Nelson Mandela. Secondary school teachers can essentially make or break the next generation of America. What students are taught in school can heavily affect how their future turns out to be. Secondary school teachers are some of the people that are heavily credited for many famous celebrities or athletes successes for the education they gave them. NBC News anchor Brian Williams is an example of someone who has given his secondary school teachers some form of acknowledgement for his success. Secondary school teachers are an important part of a person s life in their spiritual, mental, and moral growth in life, and are some of the people who help shape young mind s to do whatever they put their minds to. A skilled worker, regardless of the job description, remains a treasure, Madeleine M. Kunin. Over one million secondary school teachers currently hold jobs in the United States. Secondary school teachers typically teach students in grades ranging from seventh to high school senior, primarily in English, arithmetic, and science fields ( Secondary School Teachers 490), and each day they teach three to six classes of varying sizes. Secondary school teachers have a lot more benefits to their job than what it appears to be. A good majority of them are spiritual or mental benefits, but some benefits are physical or monetary. Some secondary school teachers direct extracurricular activities, and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Ammu In The God Of Small Things Analysis Emotional Alienation in Arundhati Roy s GOD OF SMALL THINGS By R. Sherin Infantia S. Anugraha I. M.A. English , Holy Cross College Trichy Our society has created an identity for women since ancient days. Women are considered as an weaker sex and inferior to men. Though she plays a important role in her life, she is not found as an individual human being with all emotions and sufferings. She is supposed to live a life of dedication, surrendering and devotion. In Indian fiction, the women are modelled with the above qualities. Those qualities of women created a large impact on the Indian psyche and the expectation of society, and consciously or unconsciously ... Show more content on ... Her mother was very poor. But she studied in Delhi. She got scholarship and went to Italy. She got education after facing so many hardships. Actually speaking The God of Small Things was vividly etched on the vast canvas of memory, most of which cantered around Arundhati Roy s childhood in a Kerala village. Chakravathy (3) Ammu the female protagonist of the novel is well known as the mother of the twin children Esthe and Rahel but it is important to look at her early life when we examine her character, the flashbacks in the novel gives a good sense of how she was shaped by her past being as adult. Ammu does not get the same kind of treatment as her brother Chacko got. She doesn t have any options. Life at her parents house was tough. It made her to feel that there was nothing left for her in Ayemenem but she waited for marriage proposals. She somehow gets permissions from her strict father to go to Calcutta for summer. There she meets and marries Baba. There she meets and marries Baba which turns to be a bad choice. He was a fit man. After their marriage he turned out to be an alcoholic and outrageous liar. Mr. Hollick, Baba s higher official summoned him to send Ammu to his bungalow to be look after or otherwise baba would be sent out of his job. Ammu refused to her husband s ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay on Unraveling the Mystery of William Shakespeare Consequences. They come in shapes of dark evil and unimaginable good. However with each consequence, in turn a rebirth . A new perspective. A new insight. The creation of a profound poet and playwright, William Shakespeare, was one of the many marvelous consequences of the Renaissance. In fact his outstanding work was the direct result of the Renaissance. In order to understand how Shakespeare came to be, there is first a need to understand exactly what the Renaissance was. The original Italian word, Rinascimento , means rebirth (Jonah Wilberg). This refers of course to the rebirth of learning. The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spread all over Europe and was considered the division between the Middle Ages and the Modern ... Show more content on ... (Jordan M. Ahn). These thinkers were also known as humanists . They believed that rather than being subject to God, man should be subject to study. Investigations in writings of ancient Greece and Rome, astronomy, anatomy, science, and much more began to blossom from the depths of the human psyche (Fabio Castellan). Feelings and emotions were key to illustrating humanism and in turn became the heart of modern literature. Shakespeare himself indicated little interest in or support of religious supernaturalism. The absence of religion in Shakespeare, England s greatest poet, chose to leave his heroes and himself in the presence of life and death with no more philosophy than that which the profane world can suggest and understand, namely a species of Humanism. (George Santaya) This quote emphasizes how Humanist views helped to establish Shakespeare s literature. Without doubt William Shakespeare harnessed this new emotional realism in human nature and incorporated it in a way that set him apart from other artists of the 16th century. No one matched him in terms of variety, profundity, and exquisite use of language (Note: come back and site!!). Since he became active during the late 16th, early 17th century, which is the time the English Renaissance was at its peak, it is not surprising that some of the most important aspects of his work can be seen as characteristics of the Renaissance era (Jonah ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Executive Officer Ceo Is Ernie Herrman A chief executive officer (CEO) is the head of the company that ultimately finalizes all decisions for a company. He or she is in charge of every decision that is made. The CEO only reports to one body, which is the board of directors (BOD). The TJX companies CEO is Ernie Herrman. The TJX Companies trace back to 1919 when they were Marmaxx, and now they have 3600 hundred store in 9 different countries on 3 different continents. They have stores by different names, the ones that are located in the USA are: Marshalls, TJMaxx, Home Goods, and Sierra Trading Post. This is a discount retail company that buys their product from other brand, designers, stores, or manufacturers in bulk or out of season merchandise. Their company is growing every day. They opened the Home Goods and Sierra Trading Post, which is based online, stores only a few years back and that is when the company name switched from Marmaxx to TJX Companies. Herman started working for the TJX Companies in 1989. After holding several different position with the company he became pressident of Marmaxx. In 2008 he got a position as Senior Executive Vice President over Marmaxx in Canada, and in 2011 he got the position as a president of the TJX companies. In 2015 he joined the BOD, and in January of 2016 he finally became CEO after Carol Meyrowitz stepped down ( Board of Directors 2016). Working the way up with a company is one of the most successful ways to grow with the company and gain their trust, and that is what ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Prayer At Valley Forge Analysis As Gala has no favorite style, she also can t pick a favorite artist. Growing up, she said that her favorite artist was Arnold Friburg, a well known artist whose work is realistic and reminiscent of the Renaissance painters. Arguably his most famous painting is The Prayer at Valley Forge, depicting George Washington, kneeling by his horse. Friburg lived near where Gala grew up and she saw him as a local rockstar. Later, when Gala gained her own fame for The Ten Virgins, she sent Friburg an invitation to hear her give a lecture about her art. To her surprise, he came. She shook the hand of her childhood hero and he invited her to tour his personal artist studio, a huge, gargantuan barn full of 10 12 ft canvases. He had just finished painting a commissioned piece of Prince Charles, and it was still in the studio for her to see. As she got older, she only collected more and more favorite artists. She grew to admire Howard Terpening, an artist famous for his slightly impressionistic oil paintings of Native Americans and for his fantastic portrayal of sunlight. Gala says that his work is at once realistic and magical. She had studied his work extensively, right down to the way he frames his paintings, when she happened to meet him at an art show in Sedona, AZ. He was a very nice looking man, she says with a laugh, but what can you do? He signed my book. Now he lives in Scottsdale and gets half a million to three fourths a million dollars for one painting. He s one of ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Story Of Tegan s Tale Easton looked at him. Humans can possess magic? Beorn nodded his head before continuing, Although I must admit, I am glad that the fools who raised you did not have any magic in them. Easton helped Tegan into her seat and took his across the table from Beorn. So, none of them have magic? He ran his hand through his hair, thankful they didn t. He hated even thinking about that life that was starting to feel like a lifetime ago. No, they did not. He turned to glance at Nalia. We all know the dark realm is seeking Easton. They noticed something in the physic realm around the time you met Tegan. No one knew what it was. It was like a small ripple in the matter that separates your world from ours, Easton. I knew and pretended to be ... Show more content on ... We cannot just walk into your realm and battle, young druid. The battle between the white realm and the dark realm would destroy most of what was around us. In order to protect your world, we need to plan and find a way to lure them into an area that is not densely populated. Once magic is released, it is dangerous. Nalia touched his shoulder softly. Easton dropped his head, put his hands on his knees, and sighed loudly. This just keeps getting worse and worse. He stood from his chair and started pacing the kitchen. I am very sorry this has come to you and your family. I tried to prevent it. Beorn leaned back and crossed his arms. You kept it from happening for many years. At least now, I ll be able to help once we get some more training under my belt. Finish eating, all of us need our energy for tomorrow. Tegan, I need you to make sure to let us know if you feel anyone getting near the entrance of Easton s old home in the human world. Harry is still there and in touch with you, so you would feel it first even though I have witches living in the house to keep watch over the mirror. I think their combined magic should be able to keep them safe from the dark magic. Chapter Seventeen That night, when they went to bed, Tegan climbed into his arms. Easton pulled her close, sensing her need was as great as his. He tugged her nightgown over her head as he laid her on her back. His breath caught at the sight of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Cross Cultural Issues In Human Resource Management Cross cultural management is the subject field management in a cross cultural context. Cross cultural management takes place when a manager handles someone from a different cultural background. This challenge in management is very common as businesses expand globally, hiring immigrants and work to increase diversity. It includes the study of the influence of societal cultivation on top management practices. Organizing a business in a diverse culture environment can be challenging but it is not something that cannot be achieved. Nowadays, some organizations have started special awareness programs in cross cultural management so that they can work with less cultural issues and embrace the benefits that they gain from cross cultural management. However, there are many still fail to understand the importance of bringing individuals from diverse backgrounds together. Most managers think that by implementing such programs are just waste of time and resources. From my perception, I think that the topic ... Show more content on ... International human resource management (IHRM) is a set of activities aimed to manage an organization s human resource department in international context to achieve organizational objective. IHRM has the same activities like HRM which are recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal and dismissal but it is all done internationally plus other activities such as expatriate management, global skills management and so on. In the topic Cross Cultural Negotiation and Communication we have learnt about the concepts and dimensions of cross cultural communication, communication barriers, effective negotiation, the issues in negotiations and the strategies on how to resolve the issues. As an international ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Detection System For Aircraft Inspection Summary The sub system which was analyzed in the aircraft flaw detection system is the sensing sub system . The main function of this sub system is to determine whether the flaw detected by the scanning sub system is valid by examining it further and notify the engineers if repair work is needed and provide them with statistics of the flaw. Movement system will then be activated so that the robot marks the points where examination has been done to ensure no repetition of inspection occurs. The problem encountered with most of the sensing system for aircraft inspection is the efficiency and accuracy of it. The robot has to be designed in such a way that flaws can be detected precisely in a short period of time so that the airline companies could use it for quick and safe inspection. The best sensing method is a combination of laser scanning and ultrasonic, due to the facts that surface and in depth inspection could be carried out in a short period of time with minimum false detection and less complicated analysis of inspection results. Introduction Ever since the first plane was invented by The Wright Brothers, their invention was further improved and developed until present. Nevertheless, nothing is perfect, aviation accidents and incidents have been happening once in a while and they are happening more frequently recently. The main factors such as human error, weather, and mechanical failure have a total of 40%, contributing to the causes of fatal aviation ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Essay On Ted Cowell CHILDHOOD Born from Eleanor Louise Cowell at the age of 22 in 1946 out of wedlock. Ted grew up to be taught that his mother was his sister , and his grandparents being his parents. It is said that he is born from incest of his mother and his grandfather, but that has not been confirmed. Bundy s grandfather, Samuel Cowell, was a huge factor in his childhood life for the first few years, until age four, 1951, when his mother, Eleanor moved. Samuel Cowell ruled over his house in a tyrannical mechanism, in which he beat his wife and dog, and also enjoyed harming other animals. Samuel is even known to have periodically spoken out loud to non existent entities and had a blistering temper, his temper was especially seen when people questioned about Theodore s parentage. Bundy s grandmother too had complications such as ... Show more content on ... As a young adolescent, Ted claims that he would get drunk and go around his community at night, looking for undressing women or other titillating sights. Bed wetting, intelligent used his charismatic to disarm women to win their trust by feigning disability using fake slings or casts, or pretending to be a policeman or person of authority. Samuel has a mild taste for pornography. He raped and kidnapped woman PROFILE Bundy is often described as charming, charismatic and handsome but though he seemed like a powerful person outwards, his inner self was an insecure shy person. His insecurity started when he was in school from being surrounded by wealthy classmates. Bundy s shyness seems to have made him strongly depend on women in which he had the feared of getting humiliated in his relationships with the opposite sex. It is in best consideration that Bundy is a High Factor 1/2 Psychopath. Bundy has shown high levels of intelligence and manipulation skills. He has an imposing sense of self, tends to be a pathological lair, is lacking remorse, lacking empathy and is failing ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Pharmacist Career Research Paper Having a career is a standard of life that is necessary for the well being of humans and providing comfort for their families. It is very important to plan ahead for the career that you want to pursue in the future. Doing this can help you make the decision to keep pursuing that career or find a different career that interests you. Having a plan for your future can help you find a job that you are passionate about, and researching your career can help you become more qualified for that job. In this day and age it is getting harder to find a good paying job without a college degree, so it is important to succeed in high school so you can go to college and get a job that has a good salary. When you have a career that you want to pursue, it ... Show more content on ... There are pharmacists that work in totally different fields and their tasks require them to be specialized in different areas of pharmacy. Some of the different types of pharmacists are, Pharmaceutical technicians and Pharmaceutical scientists. Both share a general relation with each other, but they both have major differences according to what they do on a daily basis. Pharmaceutical scientists usually specialize in one aspect of the drug development process. They design new drug remedies using natural or man made ingredients, they study how disease affects the body and what causes some people to develop certain types of disease, study how the human body responds to medications so scientists can develop more efficient, safer drugs,they uncover new ways to use existing drugs to treat different types of disease, they Test drugs on animals and humans to ensure safety and efficiency, determine the most effective formulation and dosage for a specific drug, and advise corporations or government agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration, on issues related to pharmaceutical development.(Explore) To become a pharmaceutical scientist, you must have a strong interest in mathematics, biology, and chemistry. In college, you can major in the pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacy, chemistry, biology, engineering, medicine or a related field.(Explore) Pharmacy Technicians work the same hours as pharmacists. This may include evenings, nights, weekends, and holidays. Because some hospital and retail pharmacies are open 24 hours a day, technicians may work varying shifts. As their experience increases, pharmacy technicians often have increased control over the hours they work. There are many opportunities for part time work in both retail and hospital environments. ... Get more on ...
  • 22. What Is Optimism Essay As a human being living in this ruthless world, the perspective of how we see life plays great role in the success and happiness of a person. Optimism is seeing positive aspects of life. I as an immigrant I have had experienced the ups and downs of life to an extent where all I have to hold unto was hope and faith. My motto in life is seeing the light in all the darkness that was surrounding me. That is how I lived and will live. Being an optimist person has helped me to be more peaceful to myself and more confident. Living as an immigrant in the US is really hard especially for a teenager who was growing up in a totally different culture, experience, life, and people, custom not to mention the language barriers that make it worse. Optimism ... Get more on ...
  • 23. A Brief Note On The And The Legacy Of The Crusades SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS: THE LEGACY OF THE CRUSADES William Q. McCardle Liberty University Online CHHI 301 B05 October 6, 2014 On a late November day, in the year 1095, the leader of the Holy Roman Catholic Church delivered a sermon that would forever change the face of Europe. Pope Urban II roused those in attendance at the Council of Clermont to take up arms and fight for a noble and just cause. I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ s heralds to publish this everywhere and to pers¬e all people of whatever rank, foot soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile race from the lands of our friends. I say this to those who are present, it is meant also for those who are absent. Moreover, Christ commands it . When Pope Urban had said these ... things in his urbane discourse, he so influenced to one purpose the desires of all who were present, that they cried out It is the will of God! It is the will of God! . When the venerable Roman pontiff heard that, [he] said: Most beloved brethren, today is manifest in you what the Lord says in the Gospel, Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them. Unless the Lord God had been present in your spirits, all of you would not have uttered the same cry. For, although the cry issued from numerous mouths, yet the origin of the cry was one. Therefore I say to you that God, who implanted this in your ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Ophelia s Madness In Hamlet The Madness in Hamlet Much could be said about the role madness plays in William Shakespeare s Hamlet. We can see this madness play out in two separate ways. The madness displayed by both Hamlet and Ophelia is driven by the deaths of their fathers, but they each portray madness in different ways. Both character s gender, in addition, helped to play a role in their descent into madness. In writing Hamlet, William Shakespeare shapes a new language for madness and provides one important site for its redefinition. The plays theatricalize and disseminate the complicated distinction that the treatises theorize. In the drama, madness is diagnosed by those who observe it. (Neely, Carol Thomas) The prose used for their mad speeches imply disorderly shape and contributes to its colloquial character. Using this technique, Shakespeare represents distinctions between ... Show more content on ... Her restlessness, agitation, shifts of direction, her winks and nods and gestures (1. 11) suggest the spasms of the mother and show that madness is exhibited by the body as well as in speech; gesture and speech, equally convulsive, blend together: Ophelia beats her heart, / Spurns enviously at straws (11. 5 6). The representation of Ophelia implicitly introduces conventions for reading madness as gender inflected. Gender distinctions likewise begin to take shape in the contrasts between Hamlet and Ophelia. Although Ophelia in her mad scenes can be seen to serve as a double for Hamlet during his absence from Denmark and from the play, Hamlet s madness is in every way contrasted with hers, in part, no doubt, to emphasize the difference between the feigned and actual madness. His discourse, although witty, savage, and characterized by non sequiturs and bizarre references, almost never has the quoted, fragmentary, ritualized quality of Ophelia s as we are instructed: Nor what he spake, though it lacked form a little, / Was not like madness ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Vitamin D Supplement Research Paper Your calorie needs decrease as you get older. However, your vitamin and mineral needs decrease. You may not be able to get all of the vitamins and minerals you need from diet alone. That is why your physician may recommend a supplement. Below is a list of some of the vitamin and mineral supplements you may need: Calcium Calcium is one of the vitamin and mineral supplements that physicians recommend for seniors. This mineral is necessary for strong bones and teeth. It also helps regulate blood pressure. Your calcium storage gets depleted as you get older. A lack of calcium in the bones can put you at risk for osteoporosis. Vitamin D Your body cannot absorb calcium without vitamin D. That is why physicians often recommend taking a vitamin D supplement along with calcium. Vitamin D also has many other ... Show more content on ... However, older people may need a folic acid supplement because they are often deficient in this nutrient. Seniors who do not eat enough fruits, vegetables or cereals that have been fortified with folic acid are at an even greater risk for a deficiency. Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is found in milk, eggs, fish and meat. Even though this nutrient is readily available in many foods, many people still are not getting enough of it. Seniors also have a harder time absorbing vitamin B12. Therefore, even if a person s diet has plenty of vitamin B12, he or she may be deficient in it. Supplementation can make up for a deficiency. Fiber Fiber is essential for healthy digestion. It also helps regulate blood pressure and can reduce the risk of heart disease. If you are not eating a lot of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, then you may be deficient in fiber. Most people are not getting enough fiber. In fact, studies have shown that most people only get half of the recommended daily intake of fiber. That is why a fiber supplement is often ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Csci 652 Telecom And Networking Security CSCI 652 Telecom and Networking Security Kotcherlakota Nitin Z1747551 Q: X.805 security architecture, how it compares with the X.800 network security access architecture A: X.805 architecture was developed by the Telecommunications standardization sector of the International Telecommunications Union X.805 (ITU T X.805) on October 2003 to provide end to end transmission of data from one network to another. The Security architecture logically separates complicated arrangement of end to end system s security related features into discrete architectural components. This discretion allows a certain systematic way to deal with end to end security that can be utilized for planning of new security solutions and for accessing the security of the current networks. The security architecture gives a complete, top down, end to end point of view of system security and can be connected to network components, administrations, and applications keeping in mind the end goal to distinguish, anticipate, and correct security vulnerabilities. There are various threats that should be taken into consideration since these threats are likely to destruct, corrupt remove disclose or interrupt any information or services that helps in the efficiency of an application. The main issues that X.805 addresses are shown below: 1. What are the threats that can occur and what kind of protection can be provided? 2. What are the distinct types of network equipment and facility groupings that need to be ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Precious Documentary In this movie family violence, child abuse, HIV and AIDS and teen pregnancy are a key factor. The household suffered from violence that puts the children at home. Precious suffered from being beaten with pots and pans. Her mother called her name, forcing her to believe that was the proper way she should be treated. I notice that precious mother suffers from traumatizing situations, such as her boyfriend getting precious pregnant, he raped her twice. She stated You think you special because he gives you more kids than he gives me. regarding this specific quote lets me know as a social worker she wasn t protecting the child. She suffered from Environmental Hazards their home wasn t in an appropriate living condition that was fit for staying. Precious and her child was both put at risk because the father was using drugs in the home. There were sufficient amounts of food inside the home to the point precious was hungry and stealing food. Monique was the mother of precious and was very vicious to precious. She blamed her 16 year old daughter for the way her life had turned. At the age of 16 a child legally doesn t have rights. In which precious wasn t at fault for anything that happen in her life, such as becoming pregnant with two kids by her step farther. The ... Show more content on ... She begins to look for ways that she could possibly help and her fist way was by searching for signs of maltreatment other than what precious had preciously told her. Precious and her mother receives a home visit from a social worker name Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Turner entered the home and begin asking questions like when the last time was the baby was taken to the doctor? In this case precious is a manner and probably can t remember certain things. The social worker didn t identify neglect as the mother and caregiver she should have been able to answer the questions she was presented ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Puerto Rico Characteristics Puerto Rico s absolute location is 18.2208 N, and 66.5901 W. Puerto Rico s relative location is East of Dominican Republic, bordered by the Caribbean Sea which it is in the northern part of the Caribbean Sea along with bordering the Atlantic Ocean. This Caribbean Island is located in the Western Northern hemispheres of the world. This Island has many physical and human characteristics. Of course as you can tell by this islands name their languages are Spanish English. Though their culture is very diverse, they have many racial mixes just as there is cultural mixes. Even with their mix of cultures their main religion is Christian with having no religion at all falling right behind. Of course they mostly listen to Puerto Rican Music but then again they re still Hispanic as well so you can hear multiple different types of Spanish music as well. Latino and Latinas of any kind from multiple different regions also make up approximately 99% of the population. In Puerto Rico they have larger families; family there is one of their first top priorities, even closer than families here in North America. Even with larger families they re very poor and have terrible working conditions. ... Show more content on ... Puerto Rico s largest mountain is Cerro La Punta, standing at about 1,338 miles. Puerto Rico doesn t just have mountains it is also home to rainforest, caves, deserts, many waterways, and plenty of smaller islands along its coast. This marveling island s coastlines are around 105 km with about 145 km of water on, and around the island. Puerto Rico is most eastern of the Greater Antilles, and smallest. The island is the world s 82nd largest island and the United States 3rd largest with the width of 35 miles, and 100 miles in length. Their main natural resources are copper, fish, and nickel, also Puerto Rico is part of the Tropical Marine ... Get more on ...
  • 29. A Prominent Yet Controversial Leader, Métis-born, Louis... There is always one person who is responsible for keeping everything under control. This refers to a Métis born leader widely known as Louis Riel, who is one of the most prominent, yet one of the most controversial figures of Canada during the Red River and the North West Rebellions. I respectfully disagree that Louis Riel is guilty of high treason, who instead should be granted clemency and not be executed. Although some people may believe this is wrong, they are oblivious of his outstanding accomplishments, such as defending the Métis rights, taking good risks and action, and shaping the province of Manitoba. Louis Riel, a daring man who possesses the qualities of a dominant leader, should be looked upon as an inspiring hero for ... Show more content on ... As many already know, Louis led two main rebellions against the Canadian government, known as the Red River Rebellion in 1869; the time when the Métis were in the threat of losing all their land, and the Northwest Rebellion in 1885; the time when Louis and the Métis took their final stand in Saskatchewan. In addition to this, Louis Riel and his men captured and executed an aggravating English man named Thomas Scott, who was fighting against Métis rights. Tom declared, You? A bunch of Catholic half breeds? It would be a sunny day in hell before I d do a thing you tell me to. What can you do to me you haven t done already? You and your bunch of cowards don t scare me one bit. The continuous threats and malicious remarks had to be put to a stop, therefore leading to his execution he rightfully deserved. His bold acts of rebellion against the government were only out of passion and out of reasons to save the Métis independence. Due to these occurrences, it had established a vital point in Canada that wouldn t have happened if he never stood up for the Métis. He formed the province of Manitoba. Without the recent rebellions and uprisings, would Manitoba be what it is today? On December 8, 1869, the Provisional government was set up by the Métis. With this already in hand, the government was able to write the Métis Bill of Rights, a list of what the Red River Colony desired to join confederation. Finally, on July 15, 1870, the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Orif Mandibular Fracture Orif Mandibular Fracture An ORIF mandible fracture is the known as a jaw fracture this type of fracture is able to occur in two different parts of the jaw area. This is when a break occurs in the mandible bone when this occurs in either of the two places it may be very difficulties to open the jaw so this makes it very challenging to eat,chew, or to speak or all around makes it very difficult to have the full ability to open your mouth. Other things that may occur are that the teeth may not be properly lined u and this can be very annoying with having to deal with beacause you are not properly balanced out and in some cases it can cause your gums to bleed. This type of fracture is found mostly with males in their mid twenties to thirty seconds ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Knee Injury Research Paper Athletes Suffering from Knee Injuries are Opting for Cold Laser Therapy over Knee Surgery By Juliet Peters Aug 22, 2011 A knee injury can be a painful and debilitating setback for anyone, however for athletes experiencing knee problems it can be a deal breaker that threatens to take them out the game. This is why many professional athletes are opting to treat their knee injuries with cold laser therapy rather than go through traditional knee surgery. Unfortunately, the athletes who rely on their knees the most are also the ones who are prone to knee injuries. Knee damage is extremely common in many sports, especially long distance running, competitive cycling, basketball, tennis, volleyball, skiing and weight lifting. Most athletes training ... Show more content on ... This is why today s athletes are turning to cold laser therapy to treat knee injuries rather than undergo knee surgery. They realize arthroscopic knee surgery is invasive and doesn t work most of the time, and often leaves athletes dealing with the effects of less cartilage, and more arthritis in the knee. In addition, knee replacements for young athletes aren t really an option because they typically should only be performed on patients sixty five and older due to the lifespan of the prosthetic. Another reason athletes make the decision to have cold laser therapy over knee surgery is the fact that there is a long period of downtime after the surgery that would take them away from training for their sport. Cold laser therapy or low level laser therapy is an approved method of treatment by the U.S Food and Drug Administration, and it is primarily used to relieve pain and the debilitating inflammation resulting from tendonitis, arthritis or a torn meniscus. It also helps speed up the healing process so that athletes can get back to their sport quicker. Cold laser therapy is the number one choice among athletes to rehabilitate knee injuries because this noninvasive treatment provides them with safe, livable solutions for pain relief and allows them to get back to doing what they love without any ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Branches of Government and UCC BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT AND UCC 1.FLOWCHART OF BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT The government is a single term yet comprised of several different components that collaborate to run the business of the country by making, stating, implementing and ensuring law. The US government has three branches namely legislation, executive and judiciary (Three Branches of Government, 2008). 2. DESIGNATE TWO UCC CLAUSES THAT ALIGN WITH EACH BRANCH The term UCC stands for Uniform Commercial Code that was published in 1952 (Uniform Commercial Code, 2013). The code tells how to correspond the sales law and other business and commercial transactions in America. There are two clauses of codes that deal with each branch at one level or the other: a. If the court as a matter of law finds the contract or any clause of the contract to have been unconscionable at the time it was made the court may refuse to enforce the contract or it may enforce the remainder of the contract without the unconscionable clause, or it may so limit the application of any unconscionable clause as to avoid any unconscionable result (What Is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)? n.a). b. When it is claimed or appears to the court that the contract or any clause thereof may be unconscionable the parties shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to present evidence as to its commercial setting, purpose, and effect to aid the court in making the determination (What Is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)? n.a). ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Sarah Sorenson Narrative I learned it too late. Everyone s life matters, even mine. Or at least it did, but now I have no life. I was ready to give up when I took that bottle of pills, but The Angel knew me better. When I finally left my human body, The Angel was the one who gave me a new life, a new body, and a new purpose: save them. In my past life, I was Sarah Sorenson. I was a pretty, popular teenage girl who could turn heads just by breathing. I was that one girl everyone either wanted to be or be with. To everyone, I had the perfect life, although no one saw who I truly was. Growing up in New York City, it is easy for people to just look at the outside and not care what is going on in the inside. No one saw the girl who was top of her class, or the musical genius, they only saw the cheerleader who went shopping every weekend on 5th Avenue and dated the cutest guy at school. No one saw the girl who only wanted her life to end, not until she was already gone. ... Show more content on ... Alexis Woodward, for example, means guardian angel. My previous name, Sarah, means princess, which was exactly what I was. I walk down the rows of headstones, reading name after name on top of the freshly turned dirt, each name more familiar than the last until I come upon my own. The elegant headstone is scattered with flowers in a variety of freshness. Sarah Sorenson. Princess Princess. The only thing more heartbreaking than the truth behind the names is the dates on each stone. After each name I read, I can still see a face from my human memories, smiling, or laughing; always happy. I clutch my stomach as I fall to my knees with grief and sob for all the lives lost. I cry for the families and friends that have to watch as those closest to them take their own life. Tears fall for the ones who never give up on them, and return every day to the cemetery, leaving flowers and notes and the teddy bears that look half dead even before they enter a ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Romans 14-17 Children of God Romans 8:16 tells us that The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. This is a doctrine that receives strong emphasis in the LDS church. From the time they enter Primary they sing the hymn I am a Child of God. In Young Women s they recite We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us and we love him. As LDS members, they live their lives knowing that they have a loving Father in Heaven. Though other Christian churches share the belief that God is the Father, their understanding of this fact is different than the LDS view. Other churches interpret the scripture block Romans 8:14 17 to mean that we are adopted children of God, whose adoption is conditional on our good behavior ... Show more content on ... To claim a God as our parent is either to claim ourselves as Godkind, or claim that God is human. However, we are told that God made us in His own image, not just in appearance, but in form. LDS members do not believe that God is Eternal Spirit (ucg) but rather that he is material and humanoid (bills). Though there is a difference between God and mankind, LDS doctrine tells us that The difference...may be one of advancement...rather than one of kind or ontological difference (white). We are the offspring of God, not just in form, but also in disposition: Bills tells us that contrary to the popular belief of learned men, man is created in both the physical and moral image of God (Bills). In all senses of the word, we are a chip off the old block. Though not yet posessing the power of God, as his children, we have the potential to be Gods. The number one thing we must understand is that even though God is infinitely more than us, he is also similar to us. He is our Father, and we are His children, therefore there must be similarity. However, if you believe that we are merely adopted children of God, we lose out on this great insight into the character of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Cold War Dbq Research Paper n the time period following World War 2, the beginning of the Cold War, Americans mainly feared three things: the spreading of communism in the United States, the communist investigators supposedly in America, and nuclear war between America and the Soviet Union. Communism was covering Asia and Europe, striking fear in individuals as country after country fell into communism. As American politicians strengthened the idea of containment, and cabinet members such as John Foster Dulles spread the idea that if world communism...will increase the danger to the entire free world, Americans were greatly fearing communism. Citizens began believing others when they announced that communism was endangering the peace of America (Document B) and when they addressed the problem they had created by making statements such as we fear the men in the Kremlin. American citizens highly feared this horrific government of communism, and the Eisenhower Administration did nothing to little to prevent these fears. Even though they acknowledged these fears, they used this fear as support for spending on military defense. The Americans fear during this time period was also displayed ... Show more content on ... McCarthy of Wisconsin, spent years trying to expose communists in the government. During the Cold War, few cases of disloyalty convinced many Americans that the U.S. government was ran by traitors and spies. His thought of anyone being a communist ended up in prison or alienation. Americans were always fearing what unwise investigators will do to us here at home (Document A) and what their hysterical reactions could end up in. This fear was given insufficient attention to by the Eisenhower Administration, as the communist investigators were backed by the government. A great example of the fears Americans suffered from in the Cold War, American fear of communist investigators in the nation, and the Eisenhower Administration did not attend to ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Essay on Duddy s Focus on Wealth In my opinion, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, a book written by Mordecai Richler, is ultimately about money. Simcha Kravitz, Duddy s grandfather, would tell Duddy as a child that a man without land is nobody. These words encouraged him to live his life in a manner in which he would do anything he could in order to obtain the land that a nobody would not possess. But Duddy does not solely focus his desires on land; instead, his goals are set on wealth in general. In order to acquire wealth, Duddy engages in acts of dishonesty and deceit. He does this by exploiting the weaknesses of his friends, such as Virgil Roseboro and Yvette Durelle, while completely disregarding the fact that by doing this, his dignity and ... Show more content on ... Duddy ends up forging Virgil s signature on a check in order to access Virgil s bank account and steal his money. Although this money help s Duddy purchase the remainder of his land, in the process he becomes a despised and wretched tyrant. Not only does this result in the annihilation of Duddy s friendship with Virgil, but also results in the loss of Yvette s respect for Duddy. It becomes quite obvious that Duddy did not value his friendships as much as he did his wealth, as if he did, he would ve earned money the proper way, as a waiter, and wouldn t have resorted to such ruthless acts in order to attain complacency. It s quite disappointing to learn how he would sacrifice the only loving relationship he ever had (with Yvette) just so he can obtain land. Normally, a person who lived a life devoid of love would be desperate to acquire it. However, Duddy still decided to pursue his dreams of owning land on the contrary to pursuing a loving relationship that his life was in need of. Come to think of it, Duddy s life has been morally derailed ever since he was a child. As a child, he took advantage of the fact that as a minor, he was not susceptible to lawsuits. He broke the law frequently in attempt to obtain more wealth. Such examples of this would include his fraudulent behaviour with stamp companies, his selling of stolen hockey sticks, and his distribution of pornographic comic books. In an entrepreneurial sense, Duddy had the correct goals; ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Effect Of Temperature On The Pressure Of A Tennis Ball Pressure and temperature, two important subjects in the broad system of knowledge, Science. It is true that temperature greatly affects the pressure of a tennis ball; temperature can increase and reduce pressure of a tennis ball, depending on the heat added or taken away; this would benefit people designing objects to absorb shock. A good example of this would be, when designing buildings to survive in areas where earthquakes happen frequently. What is the effect of temperature on pressure? That is the question that will be answered in this document of inquiry. A normal tennis ball has a rubber core occupied with a gas that is composed of unorganized molecules or atoms that move around freely. Molecules of a gas can effortlessly expand and contract. When the ball hits the ground, the force causes the ball s bottom surface in, and the gas in the core constricts. The gas then springs up when the ball becomes its usual shape, causing the tennis ball to bounce up. The height of a tennis ball s bounce is determined by the pressure of the gas in the ball s core. Pressure of a gas can be found with this equation: pressure =density × temperature × constant At a higher temperature, there is more pressure (if there isn t a single change in density and constant); at a lower temperature, there will be less pressure. When temperature rises, the ball s gas molecules expand; when gas molecules expand, the molecules bounce irregularly due to an increase in energy. When temperature drops, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Rise Of Terrorism Since 2001, the American society as we know it has changed dramatically. The rise of terrorism on the homefront has caused us to change how the government interacts with its citizens. The rise of secrecy and the loss of privacy has come as a response to these actions and we see no end to it. September 11th, 2001, caused the government to step back from the idea of transparency and take a look at its own citizens as possible threats to national security. If one were to take a Bayesian inference following the events of 911, the governmental response could have been seen as inevitable. The national security of the hegemonic state of the world had become vulnerable, and a strong response was needed. Seemingly all aspects of our lives have been effected from the way we go about our day to day activities, to the way we travel. The idea of privacy was one of the first to come into question. How can you accurately defend yourselves from ... Show more content on ... When challenging the idea of terrorism, especially in the aspect of homegrown terrorism, the government made its spending and its agencies more secretive than they had been during the cold war. The 1974 Freedom of Information Act now seemed to be a distant memory, beyond secrecy in the agencies and spending there was now a secret geography to the US and international world. Now that the war on terrorism is an international crisis, more so than the war on terror we launched after 911, what the American government felt like it needed to do to protect our security seems like an over extension of our power and a threat to the values we hold as a free country. The launching of the new secretive side to the US government seems like a valid response to the events of 911, and other terrorist acts, but have taken an extreme toll on how we feel about big government and our ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Nietzsche And Buddhism Both, Friedrich Nietzsche and the Buddha, at least at the level of conventional truth, look at the life and the world as largely nihilistic and unsatisfying, and search for a solution to the meaninglessness of their respective cultural situations by turning within and advocating a transformation of our inner forces and of our outlook on the world. The major difference between Nietzsche and Buddhism, however, lies in the role of the will in nihilism and its overcoming. For the Buddha, only by cutting the root of the fundamental will altogether, through the self overcoming of the will to power, one can step beyond nihilism. The radicality of both Nietzsche s negation and his affirmation of life, on the contrary, is limited insofar as the standpoint ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Terrorist Groups and Impact Essay Terrorist group and impact Introduction HAMAS (Harakat al Muqawamah al Islamiyya) is the Arabic word for Zeal and also known as Islamic Resistance Movement. It is a notorious terrorist organization in the Middle East and George Bush stated that Hamas is one of the deadliest terror organizations in the world today (Jensen, p.1, 2009). Origins and sources Hamas was formed in 1987 as the Muslim brotherhood (Ikhwan al Muslimin) in Palestinian by late Ahmad Yassin, Abdel Aziz al Rantissi and Mohammad Taha. It is estimated that it has unknown supporters and sympathizers but increasing to thousands (US department of state, 2005). The Muslim Brotherhood was established in 1946 and its main goal was to institute the religious revival in ... Show more content on ... The group mainly operates in Palestine as well as in West Bank and Gaza strip. It has also presences in Syria, Lebanon and Gulf States (Foreign Terrorist organizations, 2004). The Hamas annual budget is estimated to be $70 million dollars with 50% of its funds comes from Saudi Arabia through Islamic charity organizations. Iran also provides further $3 million dollars and support from Palestinian expatriates and other Arab states (Wikipedia, 2010). Ideology The group principles introduced in 1988 in a form of charter based on Islamist document and declaring Jihad (in the sense of armed battle) as the only solution against Israel (Midestweb, 2007). The charter also cites The Protocols of the Elders of Zion which emphasizes on anti Semitic forgery. The Hamas and Islamistradicalists see the Zionist and freemasons as the major calamites to the world (Midestweb, 2007). As well as calling for all Muslims to return to the faith (Gruber, 2007). Aims and objectives The main goal for the group is to have an Islamic state by expelling the Jews in Israel/Palestine in accordance with the Islamic law. In recent years the group has moderated its goals by indicating that it would like a favorable Israel Palestine agreement (Foreign Terrorist organizations, 2004). However, Hamas did state in the 2006 election manifesto that the continuance of the arm struggle against Israel occupation of the Palestinian region (Wikipedia, 2010). Prior to the election in 2006, Hamas ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Similarities In American History X The movie American History X truly shows how racism upon race, class and gender was really effected the world. The movie was based upon the Vineyard family who seemed like they had a lot going on in their lives. The two main characters were two Caucasian males by the names of Derek and Danny. Derek and Danny have different strengths and weaknesses throughout their relationship as brothers. They both clearly care for each other, but they do annoy each other throughout the movie. Danny looks up to his older brother, even though he was headed down the wrong path. Although they have their similarities, they also have their differences. The biggest similarities between to two is their hatred for certain races and ethnicity. The two both show so ... Show more content on ... Danny completed the task, and that s a huge reason Derek became so widely known. After David was released from prison the first time, he was out to take his anger out on the illegal immigrants that were working in the supermarket. Eventually Derek realized his life was headed down the wrong road, and he was a bad influence for his younger brother, he was on a mission to get his life back on track. Derek was highly respected by all of the other Caucasian people in Venice. He made the decision that he wanted to leave Venice for his families sake, but when he told the people in his town, he became known as a Ni**** lover. Derek shows his hatred towards African American people by permanently putting signs on his body. He shows so much hatred towards black people because his father was killed by a African American. On his right arm, he has a tattoo that says white power. This shows how race effects the way society was during the time this film took place. A major scene in American History X when race and ethnicity was discouraged upon was when Danny was being recorded by Seth. Danny said I hate the fact that it s cool to be black these days. He also added I hate this hip hop influence on fucking suburbia (American History ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Sir Ernest Shackleton s Survival Body Paragraph #1 Shackleton s Personality Sir ernest shackleton [1874 1922] was a polar explorer who led the three british expeditions to the Antarctic , and one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic age of the Antarctic . His goal is to get to the Antarctic first before anyone does , but he couldn t be able to get to the Antarctic on time . Still Shackleton didn t give up on his goal , in 1914 Shackleton had made his third trip to the Antarctic on a ship called the endurance , where he invited some people to come along too on the expedition . Some people would think of him as crazy and others would think of him as a true leader . Shackleton is a very effective leader because he doesn t want to lose his goal and doesn t want to lose his target to get to the South pole . Body Paragraph #2 Leadership Skills ... Show more content on ... He wanted to cross Antarctica via south pole , so that he could be at least the first person to cross the south pole . He is also has the honesty in himself , which meant that he is not a bad leader but a good one , he helps everyone when they re in need . Shackleton had build up to about 28 members on the team . He is also decisive , which means that when he makes a decision they have to stick to it . He is also a strict leader , so he doesn t like anyone messing around . Shackleton is the bravest and strongest leader than any other leader is , he always makes sure that nothing gets in his way or his men s way because he wants to make sure that his men are in task . Shackleton is a tough and a disciplined leader because he s always right on task . Shackleton also have like good core values and he s always team spirited and he also recruited the best and the right people on the team ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Airport Security of Travellers The most important security measure at an airport is to confirm the identity of travellers. This is done by checking a photo ID such as driving license. The passengers who are travelling internationally need to have passport. Just glancing at a photo ID is not enough, however. The hi tech fashion in airport security today is biometrics. Biometrics includes checking fingerprints, retinal scans and facial patterns using complex computer systems to determine whether someone is what they say are or if they match a list of people the government has determined may be potential terrorists. The PA system at an airport played an automated message saying they do not leave your luggage unattended. And check in ask some questions: Did someone else pack your luggage? have your luggage in your possession at all times. Have you given anything or asked you to continue or see anything for them? You are carrying flammable objects These are very important questions. A tactic sometimes used by terrorists is to hide a bomb in the luggage of an unsuspecting person. Another tactic is to give something, maybe a toy or stuffed animal, someone who is about to board a plane. That seemingly innocent object can be a bomb or other harmful device. Security screening: All passengers must keep track of their belongings as they go through the selection process. It is suggested that valuables such as wallets, passports, jewellery and cameras are placed in hand luggage before reaching the point of ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Explain Why Matt Should Not Have Gone To The Indian Village Matt was alone. In a cabin in the woods all by himself, he was keeping house till his parents came. He met an Indian boy who invited him to his village. Should he go? Matt should not have gone to the Indian village for these three reasons. They were not familiar people, it was not his usual trail, and he was not the expected champion. The first reason Matt should not have gone to the Indian village is that they were not familiar people. He did not understand their ways, their speech, or their dances. He was totally clueless about the Indian culture, except what he had heard from his teachers. He would likely say or do something foolish, and offend someone, and who knows what they might do to him if they got angry. He was not familiar enough ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Documentary Analysis Of The Documentary Mommy Dead And... Documentary Analysis The documentary Mommy dead and dearest filmed by Erin lee Carr retold the events of Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Dee Dee Blanchard, mother of gypsy, was killed on June ninth two thousand fifteen. Gypsy and her mother were hurricane Katrina survivors and because of gypsy s illnesses, many people often helped the Blanchard s either financially or through organizations. Many would describe the pair as loving, kind, and inseparable. People would never see one without the other and thought they were dependent on each other. Once the case opened, many people were shocked to find that this family was not what they thought. The countless diseases that Gypsy was thought to have were fictional. Depending on what type of doctor Gypsy would see, Dee Dee would lie about Gypsy s condition and family history. Dee Dee manipulated everyone, even doctors, into believing that Gypsy was sick. This resulted in a multitude of redundant surgeries and medications that gypsy had to endure. And because of many medications Gypsy had, many of the doctors thought that the symptoms they were seeing were what they were trying to treat. Though Dee Dee was a good manipulator, Dr. Benardo Flasterstein and Dr. Marc Feldman had their doubts. Dr. Marc Feldman, a clinical psychologist, believed Gypsy was a victim of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. Stating that most of the things that Dee Dee was saying wasn t matching with Gypsy. Dr. Benardo Flasterstein, pediatric neurologist, put in one of ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Tydeus Life Against Thebes The Life of Diomedes A son of Tydeus and Deipyle and husband of Aegailia, and grandson of Adrastus the king of Argos. Tydeus was one of those on the expedition of the Seven Against Thebes. The account is given here. King Oedipus of Thebes upon realizing he had killed his own father and married his own mother stepped down as king in shame, and gave the kingdom to his two sons Eteocles and Polynices, on the understanding that they would alternate the throne everyyear. After the first year however Eteocles refused to step down and drove Polynices out of Thebes. Polynices fled to Argos seeking help from King Adrastus. Adrastus and Polynices gathered together a force of men under seven leaders Tydeus, Capaneus, Eteoclus, Hippomedon, ... Show more content on ... On the way to the ships Odysseus plotted to kill Diomedes and take all the credit, but Diomedes saw the glint of moonlight reflected off the sword, spun and grabbed it with his bare hands, he then trussed Odysseus up like a chicken and tied his hands behind his back and drove along in front beating him with the flat of the sword all the way back to the ships. During the sack of Troy Odysseus spots an injured Aeneas fleeing the burning city with his young son and carrying his feeble father. Odysseus right away runs to inform Diomedes, who has lusted for the blood of Aeneas, Diomedes rushes to make the kill, but his heart is softened upon seeing the brave soldiers efforts to save his family. Diomedes then allows them safe passage from the city. After the fall of Troy Diomedes was one of the few Achaean kings to return home safely and without much delay. Upon reaching Argos he found his wife had taken another lover in his absence and under her orders he was barred entrance into the city. He then set sail for Atolia but was shipwreaked of the coast of Lycia there he was captured by the king Lycus, and was to be sacrificed to the war god Ares, but the kings own daughter took pity on him and helped him in escaping. He set sail again and landed in Italy where he founds ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Luigi Lanzi Introduction Using an object centred approach this narrative will attempt to go beyond the subject s simple classification of a red figured stamnos (The British Museum, n.d) . The function, status and meaning of this piece* and how it has changed over time is addressed by examining the production, consumption and afterlife of the piece. Production An intrinsic measure of soil and evaluation of taxonomic evidence identifies the birth of this piece as between 450BC 440BC of Athenian provenance. The raw material excavated from a clay bed was transported to the Kerameikos. Clay became separated into component quantities. For decoration a portion was reserved and finely filtered, mixed with water and referred to as a fine clay slip (OURef). ... Show more content on ... The Museo Gregoriano Etrusco at the Vatican introduced free standing pottery on pedestals that could be seen from all angles. J.D Beazley s Corpus vasorum antiquorum became the first fascicle to catalogue Greek vases in collections throughout the world in 1923. Two hundred fascicles later and there is now a clear, concise method of display and labelling. These factors allowed art historians to evaluate such information from a given piece as; its school, original provenance, form, its creator and more. Museums have installed anti inflationary methods while preserving the opportunity of visual enjoyment for ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Mission Command For The Battle Of The Bulge Mission Command Analysis Brigadier General (BG) James M. Gavin, 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army, was one of the distinguish Generals to contribute in the Battle of the Bulge in 1944. BG Gavin commanded the 82nd and the 101st Airborne Divisions. He was responsible for many decisive operations that were key for the success of the battle. He maintained firing positions for engaging the Germans counteroffensive attacks. Simultaneously, his Mission Command practices brought him to the success of occupying two important cities in Belgium. Brigadier General Gavin demonstrated effectiveness in winning the Battle of the Bulge by applying Mission Command Philosophies of Command, according to ADRP 6 0, Mission Command. BG Gavin always committed his ... Show more content on ... In airborne operations, he was always the first one to jump. Even in moments of engaging heavy fire from the enemy, BG Gavin would be side to side with his troops. Identifying their needs and spending time with them created a stronger relationship in the organization. There was no need to reiterate, he was in charge, everyone knew he was the General. Therefore, He demonstrated that he was there to lead, but as well to fight and train as an ordinary Soldier. The constant presence with his troops was the most significant act of building cohesive teams through mutual trust. In Fact, how he found the time and energy to be constantly with his frontline troops and still direct the overall activities of the division was a mystery. 1 Interacting with your subordinates shows that you care. A leader that trains with his subordinates also earns credibility. How Soldiers trust, weights leader s sound judgment for leading troops and accomplishing missions, regardless complexity. In order to build cohesive teams, trust has to be mutual. But more from Soldiers to leaders. When Soldiers can rely on their leader, they will also trust peers. If a general can be trusted and is part of the team, Soldiers will have more confidence in challenging moments. As all troops believes on a leader s intent, the collective trust will be stronger within the Soldiers. This was reflected when BG Gavin s Soldiers did not like the idea of withdrawing from the ... Get more on ...