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Sample Essay Advantage And
Disadvantage Of Internet
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Sample Essay Advantage And Disadvantage Of InternetSample Essay Advantage And Disadvantage Of Internet
Treatment of Cbt Did
Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 20:72 88, 2009 Copyright Taylor Francis Group, LLC ISSN:
0897 5353 print/1540 4080 online DOI: 10.1080/08975350802716566 Journal 1540 4080 0897
5353 WJFP of Family Psychotherapy, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2009: pp. 1 25 Psychotherapy
FAMILY THERAPY AND MENTAL HEALTH, Edited by Malcolm MacFarlane, M.A. A Systemic
Approach to the Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder S. Pais Systemic Treatment of
Dissociative Identity Disorder SHOBHA PAIS Department of Family Medicine, Indiana University,
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Although dissociative identity disorder (DID) continues to be
questioned by some clinicians, those who work with this population understand the complexity of
this... Show more content on ...
Essentially the self is believed to dissociate or split into separate and distinct personalities in an
effort to repress the pain and suffering from some traumatic event. The diagnosis of DID is often
associated with a history of significant traumatization, usually in childhood. DID clients have a
higher rate of early childhood trauma than any other clinical group (Putnam et al., 1986). Severe,
repetitive trauma can produce extreme states of experiences in children and can result in the
development of discrete personified behavioral states (Putnam et al., 1986). Despite skepticism
there has been considerable clinical recognition of dissociative conditions in the last several years
resulting in significant progress in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of dissociative disorders
and DID. DID and dissociative disorders are not rare conditions. Clinical literature including case
reports, treatment outcome studies, as well as studies of psychophysiology, neurobiology, and
neuroimaging have been collected from numerous countries such as Australia, Canada, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Puerto Rico,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, and the United States (International Society for Study
of Dissociation, 2005). The main difficulties in diagnosing DID 74 S. Pais result from lack of
education among clinicians about dissociation, dissociative disorders, and the effects of
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Garage-Door Installation
In this age of Do It Yourself home projects, one might assume a garage door installation is a
project they can easily handle on their own. The garage door installation experts at Mid South
Door Co. in Olive Branch, MS, know this isn t always a great idea. Not only can an improper
garage door installation lead to poor performance, it can also compromise the safety of you and
your family. Here, Mid South Door Co. shares three great reasons why you should hire a
professional to perform your garage door installation: Safety: The installations of garage openers
and springs are delicate and intricate processes. One tiny mistake could result in a faulty garage
door or serious injury. Time: A garage door installation is a big project. Hiring
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Essay On City Planners
Those moving from big cities to smaller cities like College Station could have trouble adjusting to
the lifestyle and surrounding environment at first. Since College Station and Bryan cities are
mainly the second home to thousands of college students, therefore, city planners did not focus
much on the entertainment aspect for the people that live here. The main entertainment that college
students would be able to enjoy around here is going to the cinema during the weekends. Unlike
small, growing cities like College Station and Bryan, big cities like Austin, Dallas and Houston are
often act as magnets that attract many businesses to come to the city. The reason that businesses
show up to big cities was because they know for sure that their... Show more content on ...
After observing and collecting the demographic data using U.S. Census, we then compared the
data to the city of Austin s demographic data. By comparing the City of College Station and
Bryan to the city of Austin, urban planners would be able to determine whether Dave and Buster s
would be successful if they open a new location here. The reason that Austin was used as the
standard measurement was because there is a Dave and Buster s in Austin that is successfully
attract people from a variety range of age.
First, we looked at the areas population. Based on the U.S. Census collected in 2010, the total
population in the city of College Station is 93,857 people and the total population in the city of
Bryan is 76,201 people. Compared to Austin, the combined population of both the City of College
Station and the City of Bryan is approximately six times the Austin s population. Based on this
factor alone, we could say that the Dave and Buster s does have the potential of being successful in
the areas of College Station and Bryan. However, other factors should be taken in consideration
before making any final decision.
The second factor that we used is the age groups among the cities. Looking at different age groups
in the community is critical because businesses are often provide services to only a certain amount
of age groups. For example, it is not appropriate to have an amusement park in a community where
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Advantages Of 3D Printing
Materials for 3D printing were very limited during the early days of the technology.
Today, there is a whole array of material types that are supplied in different forms (filament,
powder, pellets, resin, granules etc).
The first step in 3D printing is to design the 3D digital model using a CAD program or scan the
object with a 3D scanner. The model will then be sliced into layers and converted into a printer
readable file. The printing material will be added one layer at a time. Different materials are suited
for different 3D printing technologies. There is no one solution fits all (The Potential of 3D
Printing, Pg 4, METI Journal).
Some 3D printers process powdered materials which utilize a light source to fuse layers of the
powder together in the defined shape. Others process ... Show more content on ...
Customers may bring their digital file or scan their objects at the shop to print out their desired
Factories: Assembly lines and supply chains are reduced. Factories have highly developed and
specialized 3D printers. Spare parts are 3D printed on demand instead of being stock piled. Broken
goods can be repaired by simply printing the spoiled component.
The (Big Innovation Centre, 2012) highlights some of the advantages of 3D printing. One of the
benefits of 3D printing is the ability to produce customized and personalized products. The
appearance of a product can be suited according to customer preferences. Secondly, 3D printing
reduces inventories. Retailers do not need to stockpile a large number of products.
Moreover, 3D printing reduces capital costs for manufacturers. As there is no need for an assembly
line, the need for a large scale investment in factories and machinery is reduced. Lastly, 3D printing
reduces transport costs, by removing the need for intermediate goods to be shipped from one
factory to another.
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The World s First Army
Assyrian War Techniques
Assyria s humble beginnings originated in a small trading community in the city of Ashur, in
modern day Iraq. Nestled on the banks of the Tigris River with access to merchants, trade, and
agricultural stability Ashur was named and supposedly founded by Noah s son after the Great
Flood. It was here that Assyria started its branching of power and influence to spread its
conquests as far south as Egypt and as far east as Asia Minor. The Assyrian Army, along with its
numerous rulers became the greatest empire in the world at the time. Before the Greek and Roman
Empires dominated the region, Assyrians were the most ruthless and feared people with their
skilled war tactics. Known as the world s first army , the Assyrian ... Show more content on ...
Several kings of the Assyria empire, such as Tiglath Pileser III, Shalmaneser V,Sargon II,
Sennacherib, and Esarhaddon, are mentioned a number of times throughout the Bible as nemeses
of the Israelites.. (Mark). The cuneiforms from the Assyrians and the books from the Bible differ
greatly in their telling of these stories of the kings and their encounters, especially Sennacherib s
writings regarding Judah s conquests verses the chronicles from book of Isaiah 37.
The various war tactics of the Assyrian army received many historic mentions as being perverse,
cruel and barbaric. However, throughout history these same tactics have been repeated and
effective in almost every major military esque nation since. This leads one to ponder if they were
setting the bar or establishing a recipe for future failures.
A commonality of the tactics in battle from the Assyrian army was to storm a village or society
with all their might and force and leave it burning to the ground, taking whatever spoils suited
them. This displayed a message to the slaves whom they captured to share with other neighboring
civilizations to not fight back or defend their region. In one story recounted by Ashur Nasir Pal II,
who made a habit of deporting people from their native homelands and sending them to random
regions throughout the empire
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Colosseum Essay
Architecture of the ancient Roman Empire is one of the most fascinating of all time. Around the
time of A.D. 70 72, Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian Dynasty instructed the architecture of the
massive, ancient amphitheater, the Colosseum. Titus, the son of Vespasian, made the Colosseum
known as the Flavian Amphitheater in year A.D. 80. This lavished construction hosted battles,
gladiatorial games, wild animal fights and more. After four centuries of active use, it was used as a
source of building materials until the 18th century. Later, two thirds of the original Colosseumhas
been destroyed over time, the amphitheater remains a remarkable landmark. The Colosseum is an
iconic symbol of Romeand its long, tumultuous history. The Colosseum wasn t only used for re
enactment; the arena was also used for naval battles, concerts, games, and plays. The Colosseum
was and is known throughout the whole world for the its majesty and magnificence. This building
still stands today in the heart of the now Italian capital, Rome. It attracts thousands of tourists daily
and is one of the most famous monuments ever built. Before the Colosseum was even built, there
was only one small amphitheater in the whole city of Rome. Even after the... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, the building began degrading as time went on. Throughout the 400 years, the
Arena as had many changes, additions and repairs; and in 217, the upper floors went on fire
because of a thunderbolt. This caused the Colosseum to be closed for a period of five years,
during which the games were held in a nearby circus. There were also many earthquakes in 442
and 470 that badly damaged the Arena. The last gladiatorial combat was held in the year 404.
Gradually the taste of the public had changed, but the main reason for the end of the games was the
military and financial crisis of the western part of the empire, together with the many invasions Italy
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Analysis In Human Mindset About Myths And Facts In...
Analysis in Vegetarian Nutrition
Human Mindset About Myths and Facts in Vegetarianism
According to a 2009 survey by the Vegetarian Resource Group, it is showing that more than 1
million people who currently live in the United States are switching into vegan an. the same survey
found another 5 to 7 millions of Americans consider themselves to be vegetarian. Many people in
the world consume vegetarian foods as they are great nutrition sources. It is rich in fibers which is
a powerful weapon to regulates movements of bowel, prevent constipation, and are low in
unhealthy saturated fats. That weapons give a great role to shift crucial bacteria which also help
lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, aid prevention of heart disease and some
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Essay On The Enlightenment Era
The Enlightenment era, which spanned the end of the seventeenth century through the beginning of
the nineteenth, was characterized by the idea that everything in the universe could be discovered
and understood in a rational way. Enlightenment thinkers also began to reconsider and challenge the
church by thinking of religion as congruent with science and logic. Mid nineteenth century Europe
started to transition away from this culture of intellectual prosperity. As political and social focus
drifted toward industrial development, the divide between high culture and the middle class
became more distinct. These societal changes affected attitudes about morality, culture, the arts, and
science. For example, the discussion about evolutionand creation... Show more content on ...
Firstly, the age of the earth was still heavily debated at the time of publication. In the early
nineteenth century, people assumed that the earth was approximately six thousand years old.
Later, William Kelvin theorized that the earth was between twenty and four hundred million
years old. Because Darwin s theory depended on the earth being more than six thousand years
old, it was hard for many people to accept it as truth. Darwin was also criticized, like Lamarck,
for missing transitional fossils that would potentially prove the gradual evolution of a species.
Also like Lamarck, Darwin lacked a specific mechanism by which traits were inherited by
offspring. Unfortunately, he had not heard of Gregor Mendel s research on genetics. Darwin
speculated on pangenesis in which gemmules (tiny hereditary particles) were emitted from all cells
and were collected in the organism s reproductive organs (Darwin). However, critics said this theory
was too Lamarckian. Furthermore, Darwin s theory of natural selection was also criticized on
religious grounds. Although Origin of Species did not explicitly challenge God s creation of man,
critics were quick to read between the lines. Scientists agreed that it was possible everything
evolved from one common ancestor, but rejected the idea that evolution was the only way that
species could
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Cognitive And Socio Emotional Behavior Within The Classroom
An anticipation of uncertainty permeates the atmosphere as teachers evaluate their incoming
student s roosters. For the past four months, a physical metamorphosis has been occurring within
the adolescent body which may transpire by leaps and bound for some teens while for others the
hypothalamus slowly begins the journey out of hibernation. How will the physical development of
these adolescents alter the cognitive and socio emotional behavior within the classroom or their
relationship with their peers? By examining secular trends, the biological change known as puberty,
the effect of early or later timing of puberty, and the effect of technology as they relate to the
physical development of adolescents, educators can better understand their present student
population engulfed in a cloud of adolescent change. The phenomena of secular trends encompass
increase body composition of adolescents, reduction in the age of menarche, and the age
adolescents reach biological maturity over time (Malina, 2004, p. 3). Better nutrition, availability of
heath care, prevention of infectious diseases, increased socioeconomic factors, and genetics all
contribute to many of these changing characterizes. Typically puberty has been associated with
middle school students, however the secular trend in adolescent development has altered the terrain
of the developing adolescent resulting in accelerated maturation, larger body size, and noticeable
physical change in appearance of this present
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Unit 4 English Essay
The student will be able to read aloud with comprehension, fluency, and proper pronunciation.
The student will be able to role play characters from a drama using theatrical intonation, pitch,
and clarity within their voices. The student will be able to compare and contrast the elements of a
plot presented in multiple representations of a text. Related Georgia Performance Standards(s)
and/or CCGPS Standard(s) ELAGSE7RL3: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama
interact (e.g., how settings shape the characters or plot). ELAGSE7RI1 Cite several pieces of
textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn
from the text. ELAGSE7L6 Acquire and accurately use grade appropriate... Show more content on ...
Language Function (if applicable): Compare and Contrast: The language function for this lesson is
for students to be able to compare and contrast. Bloom s taxonomy categorizes the verbs compare
and contrast as analysis terms. The lesson requires students to compare and contrast audio,
theatrical, and film representations of a literary text. Background Information: In a previous lesson,
the teacher demonstrated a Think Aloud strategy with Gary Soto s short story Seventh Grade, to
teach students the elements of a plot. The teacher read the beginning of the story and then stopped
to ask the students to identify information about the characters, the setting, and the background
information that establishes the exposition of the plot. She repeated this process with the rising
action, the climax, the falling action, and the resolution. The students recorded notes and
observations in a graphic organizer. PROCEDURE Step One: Introduction (15 Minutes) Prereading
Strategies Sparking Student s
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Finger Lakes Research Paper
When a loved one passes, all those good memories come flooding back during your time of
grieving. Wouldn t it be nice to have a unique, exquisite headstone to remember them by? Finger
Lakes Monument of Canandaigua, NY will help you translate the memory of your loved one into
the perfect gravestone with an elegant flair and compassionate touch. For over 40 years, the
company has been constructing beautiful headstones, gravestones, and monuments for families in
the Finger Lakes area. They understand that your loved one is more than a fleeting memory; they
will live forever in your heart. Similarly, a gravestone will be a long lasting physical memorial to
them. Uniquely, Finger Lakes Monument works directly with granite queries. Therefore,
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Early Detection Of Patient Deterioration
Vital signs consist of the measurement of patient s blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate,
heart rate and oxygen saturation (Jarvis 2013). They are routinely measured by nurses to gain a
baseline assessment of patient s state of health, monitor for any fluctuations, recognise changes in
patient s condition and to detect for signs of deterioration (Dougherty and Lister 2008 cited in
Phillip et al 2013).
vital signs definition and normal parameters??
Up to 80% of adverse events are predicted by physiological abnormalities that occur over hours
and sometimes days (Kause et al 2004 cited in pantazopoulos 2012). Early detection of patient
deterioration allows for early treatment of infections or hospital acquired pneumonia (Mato 2009,
Mato 2010 and Straub 2014). It can also improve the patient s outcome by potentially preventing
unplanned intensive care unit (ICU) admission, cardiac arrest and unexpected hospital deaths.
(Van Leuvan 2008, Subbe 2003, Hodgetts 2002, Goldhill 2005, Chalmers 2008, Buist 2004). For
an abnormality in a patients vital signs to be detected, they need to be consistently and accurately
recorded for patient deterioration to be recognise. Past research suggests, however, that this
practice is inconsistent (Chua 2013, Pantazopoulos 2011, Jonsson 2011, Osborne 2015, Van
Leuvan 2008, Oliver 2010, Cretikos 2007, Parkes 2011, Cooper 2013, Ansell 2014, Hogan 2006,
Phillip 2013). The aim of this literature review is to identify and
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Analyzing Capital Punishment
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT In this paper I m going to talk about Capital Punishment and the
numerous ideas, thoughts, views and opinions people have about it and how they feel about this
type of punishment. There are people who see capital punishment as morally wrong and committing
a murder or on the side of the spectrum people see it as the right thing to do and believe that the
individual receiving the punishment deserves it. I will also talk about how capital punishmentcan be
used as a deterrent and make individuals second guess the decision they want to make and this
may very well be a consequence of their actions. Another thing I will look at and talk about is how
people have been falsely accused and sentenced to death or are currently sitting on death row. Also
the technology and resources that are available today are so precise and extremely effective that
to falsely convict someone is extremely slim and not common at all. There are numerous types
of methods used to commit capital punishment and I will take a look at them and discuss them
and look at some of them are inhumane and cruel. The process of getting on death row and
eventually getting put to death is a very long and tedious one and it takes years to happen. I will
discuss how people can make appeals, try and have their case heard again and to try and get off
death row even though at times it isn t successful at all. I will also discuss the states that still
practice capital punishment and what states have outlawed
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White With Powder
Ashella had dutifully helped Brietta and Edana get into their dresses for that evening s festivities.
Many times throughout the process she had to force herself not to giggle as her stepsisters asked
for increasingly ridiculous elements to be added to their look. She had plucked their hairlines to
give them a more prominent forehead. This of course, had led to much whining and scolding from
the two as they believed she was hurting them on purpose. They had acted like babies, but Ashella
certainly didn t say that out load to them at the time. When it came to dressing them, she put them
in high collared gaudy dresses with low cut necklines and fur lining the trim. Jewels decorated the
fabric of each, revealing how they tried desperately to show off their wealth, despite their mother
actually having spent much of her parent s money years ago. On their orders, she had painted
their faces pure white with powder and had even been ordered to do so with their bust. It was
quite an appalling process for her to say the least. By the time she was done, her stepsisters looked
horrible with their gaudy dresses and hair styles that did nothing to soften the lookof their pale faces
and dark red lips. Their style appalled Ashella, but then again, they adhered to the idea of beauty
that said showing off wealth was just as good as actually being beautiful. Needless to say she was
happy when they made their way outside to the coach with their mother. The elder woman said,
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Essay on The Strain of Mother-Daughter Relationships in...
The Strain of Mother Daughter Relationships in Annie John
Jamaica Kincaid accurately portrays how adolescence can strain mother daughter
relationships. The mother daughter relationships are universal but it is not clear why
we avoid the topic (Gerd). The father daughter relationships and the mother sons
relationships are the issues mostly talked about. In Jamaica Kincaid s novel, Annie John,
she explains and gives insight into mother daughter relationships. In Annie John, there are events
that make people think about their relationship with their own mother.
Kincaid expresses this relationship through her main character Annie who tries to
find her own identity. The relationship between Annie... Show more content on ...
In the novel, Annie did many things with her mother and look into the world through her mother.
With all this, Annie wouldn t know what the world would be like with out her mother. Frances A.
Nadeau, who wrote an article on the mother daughter relationship, said
Understanding [this] relationship is critical to young adult girls because daughters
bond with their mothers in a complex, interdependent association that often inhibits a daughter from
establishing her own identity. Different people might describe this relationship in different ways
but one common theme they have is that the daughter cannot do any thing without the mother and
she also has her mothers image. In the novel, Annie and her mother were almost the same. They
wore dresses cut from the same cloth; they went shopping together; and they even took bath
together. She did many things with her mother and even wears the same cloth. Annie was like a
little mirror of her mother. As the relationship gets to different stage in life it changes. For instance,
the relationship you have with your mother when you are a child is different from the one you
have during adolescence and it s also different when you are a mother yourself. But the most
difficult stage is during adolescence.
Adolescence is a difficult stage for both the mothers and daughters. Recent studies
show that adolescence [is] regarded as a time of storm and stress , and solely attributed
to the
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A Survey Of Theories Of International Migration
This literature review starts with a survey of theories of international migration, the emergence of
Filipino Labour Diaspora, focusing on the role of the Philippine state. Consequently, it examines
the role of Canadian state in attracting FLCMs to work as domestic workers in Canada. Lastly, it
examines the role of the market in perpetuating gender role and victimization in labor diaspora.
1.Theories of International Migration
Theories of international migration studies often neglect the role of the state that produces and
shape the process. Yet, politics and the states underlie much of the international migration
movements through immigration policies and institutionalized bureaucracy related to migration.
For instance, both ... Show more content on ...
Here, the state is integrated only when it deals with market expansion, political power or any other
capitalist interests of the government. Conversely, the social capital theory explains structural
links, such as the memberships gained from networks and social institutions both in countries of
origin and destination. Lastly, the theory of cumulative causation explains the personal, social and
economic changes, which migration brings to an individual and its community (Massey 1999).
Here the role of states is left behind or if it is mentioned, it one sidedly deals with receiving
2.Overseas Filipino Workers and the Role of the State
This section aims to trace the emergence of Filipino labour diaspora by relying on historical
analysis to understand the role of the state in fostering out migration to the Philippines. Milton
Esman defined diaspora as a minority ethnic group of migrant origin which maintains sentimental
or material links with its land of origin. Diaspora studies in the 1980s and 1990s surfaced as a
sociological approach to account for international migration and assimilation. Diasporas are
believed to not have assimilated into their host country, and consciously share a collective memory
because they formed an imagined community and a global village made possible by globalization.
James Clifford adds that diasporas maintain links to their homeland with the desire for eventual
return nurtured by a shared and an
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Les Miserables Metaphors
Victor Hugo fills his pages of Les Miserables with dramatic, yet quirky, characters who each have
their own complex separate lives but are all connected in one way or another. The author s
metaphors most commonly include a character s comparison to an animal which aids the reader in
understanding the intensity of the character s traits. Hugo uses many metaphors to draw out the
complex and unique personalities of his characters with Jean Valjeanbeing described as an owl,
Thenardier as a boa constrictor, and Javert as a tiger as well as a silent hound. To establish Jean
Valjean s nocturnal and wise attributes, Victor Hugo commonly compares Jean Valjean to an
owl. Hugo begins this comparison with his chapter titled A Nest for Owl and Wren and
continues the comparison with Like birds of prey, he had chosen this lonely place to make his
nest (Hugo 121). The title connects Cosette to the wren and Jean Valjean to the owl which then
applies to the quote by saying Jean Valjean has the wiseness of an owl when finding a home.
Jean Valjean is in need of a secluded place being that he is an escaped convict, and he made the
wise choice of living in a home that seemed abandoned. Being an escaped convict, Jean Valjean
was prudent enough never to go out in the daytime. Every evening, however, about twilight, he
would walk for an hour or two... (Hugo 125).... Show more content on ...
Jean Valjean is made out to be an owl with his wise and nocturnal traits. Thenardier is a boa
constrictor as he attempts to squeeze a man s every last cent out of him. And lastly, Javert is
described as a tiger who likes to pounce on anyone who goes against the law but is like a silent
hound as he goes about doing so. Each character takes on a unique trait in it s most intense and
dramatic form that makes Hugo s characters seem almost animal like which helps to draw the
reader into the
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Personal Lessons Learned
From an early age I was taught the importance of personal integrity and the importance of being
adaptable and prepared for any stressful situation that life may throw at you. During my time as a
boy scout I was constantly taught to be prepared and to also to always be at the service of others.
At the end of our camping trips we would be told repeatedly to leave this place, better than when
you found it and this lesson has translated into my own life. I want to make the worlda better (safer)
place than when I found it. As I grew up, these lessons continued to play a key role in the
decisions I made and have made me into the man that I ve become today.
While in middle school and into high school I had the opportunity to be exposed to many cultures
that were different than my own. I volunteered weekly through my church in a predominately
Hispanic community that was located in the Port of Houston. The neighborhood was extremely
impoverished and many of the students were involved in gangs, or had one or more parents that
were incarcerated. The more I worked with these young men and women, the more I learned about
myself and that the lesson I learned years prior of making the world better than when you found it
rang true. This community was not like the neighborhood that I lived in, and I was definitely ...
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Ideally, it would be with the CIA because I enjoy working with the best and brightest, and feel
that I would thrive in an environment working with some of the world s best. I am extremely
drawn to complex tasks and finding innovative solutions to overcome obstacles. I also excel in
high stress scenarios and work well under pressure. Working for the DO sounds exactly where I
would be able to use my knowledge and analytical skills to the best of my ability to improve global
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The Recurring Theme Of Death In The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe s works have a recurring theme of death. Both the raven and the mask of red death
follows the theme. Both the raven and the mask of the red death Poe uses vivid imagery to develop
the theme of death.
First The Raven includes vivid imagery to demonstrate the certainty of death. Deep into the
darkness peering.. And the only word that is spoken was the word Lenore. The speaker is peering
into the darkness and hopes that his wife has returned. But whose violet lining with the lamp light
gloating o er she shau press ah nevermore. He is talking about Lenore who s in the chair. My soul
from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted nevermore. He is sort of thinking
of death when he says my soul is floating on
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The United States Secret Service
The United States Secret Service is one of the oldest federal law enforcement agencies in the
country, and one of the most elite in the world. Secret Service s mission is to protect the president,
vice president and others; and investigations into crimes against the financial infrastructure of the
United States (USSS History. (n.d.). By law, the Secret Service is authorized to protect the
president, vice president, the president elect, and vice president elect. The immediate families of
those individuals, former presidents, their spouses, children of former presidents until age sixteen.
The Secret Service is also authorized to protect National Security Events, visiting heads of foreign
states, and major presidential and vice presidential... Show more content on ...
(n.d.). The Secret Service is important to criminal justice administration because they have a
jurisdiction to investigate threat against Secret Service protectees as well as financial crimes.
Crimes such as counterfeiting of U.S currency or other U.S government obligations; forgery, theft
of U.S treasury checks, bonds and other securities; credit card fraud; telecommunications fraud;
computer fraud; identity fraud and other crimes that affect federal financial institutions. The United
States Attorney s Office and the Secret Service work closely together as well in protective and
investigation matters (FAQs. (n.d.). To even be considered for Secret Service Agent you must
be a U.S Citizen. Twenty one years of age at the time of the application and younger than thirty
seven at the time the job offer is made to you. If you re a veteran you must be at least twenty one
years of age as well as and younger than forty years old at the time the position is offered to you.
A current and valid driver s license is needed. High school diploma or equivalent. Qualify for the
GL 07 level which in other words is a bachelor s degree from and accredited college or university
with superior academic achievement, or a GL 09 level which is a master s degree with superior
academic achievement. The vision qualifications for this position require uncorrected vision no
worse than 20/60 binocular, or
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The Importance Of Freedom Of The Press
Freedom of the of the press has been a tricky topic throughout the ages. The press used to be a
reliable source of news, where the full truth was given to the public. As the years go by more and
more are added, making it difficult for press to do anything. This has often lead to many journalists
going to court to argue against those that have violated their rights granted in the first amendment.
The first amendment clearly states Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.
Despite the amendments protecting the people from the government, these lawsuits with journalists
and public speakers keep appearing. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a news source without
stumbling upon prejudiced opinions, stories heavily censored, and news created to catch the eye of
the public. America was a country of freedom, but now this country has enforced so many
restrictions and laws that most of that freedom seems lost. Journalismused to be one of the most
trusted sources of news. Lately, journalists have been a huge target on the end of first amendment
restrictions. With a journalist s job, telling the public about everything occurring throughout the
world. These restrictions have made a huge impact on their work. But, journalists now have a much
better way to convey their ideas through the internet. Anyone can access their articles and read
them, but with the easy accessibility to stories, there is a downside. Sometimes reporters must write
up cover stories to
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Cannery Row Analysis
The beginning of Cannery Row, by John Steinbeck, gives/includes a great description for the
milieu. After reading the opening chapter it is easy to imagine yourself to the real settings. Story
revolves around the very realistic environment of harbour cities in the twentieth century; stinky
mixed odour of dead and living fish and rusty metal splinters sprawling all around. So, if you get
properly affected by that description, you should nose out the stink of canned fish and feel like you
МЃre one of those oil clothed Polaks. Canneries made of corrugated iron gets my thoughts to old,
wild western movies. Everything is rusty and so the overall view is reddish brown. Splintered
wood and weedy lots reflects an image that no one is taking care of the city, sardine canning is the
main task and whole Monterey is working for that. There МЃs no time for such thing as renovation,
the minor time called leisure is... Show more content on ...
Inhabitants are hidden to flophouses and lonely Asian grocer waits on his own that someone
would come to buy even one quart of beer. Junk heaps on the street are absorbed to the darkness.
There are no houses near Cannery Row, typical workers live up on the hill and prestigious upper
class lives somewhere where the stinky smell doesn МЃt reach. Every morning the scream of
frightening, arriving fleet whistle gives an alarm to go work. I guess author used that sound to
describe morning habit because everyone can imagine how horrible it would be to wake up in the
voice coming from cargo ship, it reminds me of nuclear power accident... The scream means to
scramble into clothes and precipitate down to canneries. Down the canneries people are primarily
wearing rubber coats and oilcloth aprons. The place wasn МЃt hygienic, this can be seen in overall
depiction; I can see blood trails and guts of fish
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Social Justice And Its Entire Entity
Social Justice in its entire entity: The Final Countdown to Defining Social Justice
Kaylie Ines
ID 201: Social Justice
Dr. Jorsch Dr. Van Tassel Fear and cruelty are the weapons of animals, not humanity, and social
injustices derive from fear the masked ego of one who has sustained through power: white power.
It is only fair to continue to talk about social injustice by defining what is social justice. Social
justice embodies a framework (and certainly not limited to) a community, a united nation,
equitable in standing together in belief and acceptance of diversity; equality; freedom; and equal
opportunity to income and its privileges. Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United
States of America proclaims that a house divided cannot stand. I believe President Lincoln is
correct with his statement, if the house is not endowed in a universal cause and foundation, then
the infrastructure is faulty and will collapse. Here is how this connects to social justice, if that
same house is not socially just, separation will impel and will cause dilapidation within the
foundation. This paper will implement foci on Michelle Alexander s (The New Jim Crow)
approach of the social issue of a new Jim Crow system of mass incarceration in a colorblind
society, and Barbara Ehrenreich s (Nickle and Dimed) notion to the social injustice that derives
from a capitalistic driven society that undermines the working lower class men and women. With
the forth
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Similarities Between Anne Bradstreet And Society
Correlations Between Anne Bradstreet s Poems and Society Today
The name Anne Bradstreet may not be as infamous to some ears as the name Virginia Woolf or
Mary Shelley, but her influence on the inclusion of women in a predominantly male society prevails
nonetheless and reigns just as prominent as other women of her time. Anne Bradstreet was a
devoted wife and mother, who was also bound by the impediments of being a Puritan woman. In
fact, she summited herself to her husband and demonstrates her perpetual affection toward her
children in her poem In Reference to Her Children . In her work The Prologue , Bradstreet does not
request complete gender equality, but suggests women obtain acknowledgment for their work.
Members of her community ... Show more content on ...
In the Christian Bible, it is deemed inappropriate to engage in intercourse before marriage. Like
Bradstreet, there are deterrents that withhold people in today s society from engaging in activities
that they desire. However, despite her position in American society, Bradstreet s brother in law,
John Woodbridge, arranged for a collection of her poems called The Tenth Muse to be published in
London, and Bradstreet became America s first published poet (Gilbert 145). Such an achievement
is well deserved by someone as intellectual and fervent as Bradstreet.
Her poem In Reference to Her Children embodies a more emotional tone than The Prologue .
Bradstreet personifies birds to metaphorically represent all eight of her children and elaborates
on her role as a mother when her children start their own lives as adult. In fact, the poem is an
exceptional depiction of motherhood for her children all embarked on separate paths, and
Bradstreet expresses her undying love and worry regarding her children, which are feelings
most mothers endure when their children depart. In regards to her children facing the dangers
of the world, she writes, Whilst pecking corn and void of care, they fall un wares in fowler s snare,
or whilst on trees they sit and sing, some untoward boy at them do fling, or whilst allured with bell
and glass, the net be spread, and caught, alas, or lest by lime twigs they be foiled, or by some
greedy hawks be spoiled
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Miscommunication In Oleanna Play
Oleanna by David Mamet is a two character play in which the issue of miscommunications and
excessive political correctness is explored in the matter of 3 Acts. The play is about student
teacher relationships and sexual harassment. The topic discussed in this play could be considered
very sensitive which causes Oleanna to become a controversial text. This play was written in 1990
s not only did it spark a great deal of controversy but also stimulated discussions and arguments. If
this text had been written in the 21st century the context of this play would differ in many ways
based on the way communication has changed, the way modern society reacts to topics such as
sexual harassment, and the effectiveness of the actual text, and this is shown... Show more content
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Sexual assault victims hesitate to speak out about these incidents because society blames the
victim, but recently many victims have been speaking up about these heartbreaking incidents.
Just because a victim does not speak up about this immediately does not mean it is not true, but
some find it truly difficult to speak up because they are afraid. For example, in Oleanna Carol
speaks about having a group and the professor then reinstated that this group advised her, so it
was a sort of support group for her. A support group is good when it comes to situations like this
when you feel alone. This text could differ because people in this modern society are capable of
getting books and songs banned or taken down because of how overly sensitive they are about
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Joseph Stalin Containment
Containment is defined as a way to prevent another countries expansionism in another way
instead of a warfare. For example, Stalin understood that through postwar Soviet expansionism
was the only way to command the world economy one for geographical and historical purposes.
One example of this was portrayed by Stalin who strived to keep Germany divided in order, to be
unified and strong when it would be in a war with Russiathe second time in the 20th century.
Therefore, when the United States, France and Britain strived to unify the German zones in order,
to help the economic recovery of Europe, Stalin instead, opposed to this idea. Furthermore, during
the cold waran example of the containment was the enforcement of the Marshall plan.... Show more
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Expansionism is defined as a way to extend territorial and to influence ideologically across a
country s borders and allies. This expansionism was practiced by the United States and the Soviet
Union until the Cold War came to an end. Moreover, through expansionism during the Cold War it
was the idea of striving to gain more land by expanding further and occupying more land in order,
to gain power and sovereignty. For example, in the Cold War some attempts to gain land was on
Russia and striving to expand communism into the rest of the regions. However, the United States
tried to stop this expansionism from occurring through the parts of the world and did succeed
despite their failed attempt to stop it from China. Furthermore, Russia attempted to expand into
North Korea while the United States tried to expand into South Korea. Russia wanted to achieve
communism into North Korea because they did not want the United States to influence South
Korea and cause them to be influenced by western ideologies and a westernized type of
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The Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep By Philip K. Dick
Dalai Lama accurately describes what a healthy relationship between man and nature is when she
stated that It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in
which we all live. Unlike Lama s beliefs about the environment, Philip K. Dick s Do Androids
Dream of Electric Sheep portrays the consequences and chaos revolving around an unhealthy
relationship humanity has with the Earth. At first, one might assume that the novel Do Androids
Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dickdescribes the correlation between humanity and the
power of empathy. Indeed, this view may be supported by the interactions between Rick Deckard,
the protagonist, and the androids he encounters, and how his beliefs about humanity... Show more
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However, Bill is not satisfied with any Rick s offers and declines the transaction. When
analyzing this scene through an ecocritical lens, retailing and profiting from animals is an
ordinary and frequent interaction that many individuals from the novel participate in.
Therefore, this act of profiting from animals shows that many individuals looked at other living
creatures as a method of business. In addition, many people in this time period could not afford
living animals, therefore, it was a common practice for many to buy robotic animals to make the
appearance of owning a real animal to raise one s financial power. In the text, after Rick s
attempts to negotiate with Bill, he decides to demand Bill to give him the foul because if Bill
did not give him the newborn horse, he would be violating Mercer s law, since Rick did not have
any real animals. However, Bill does not know that Rick s animals are synthetic, causing Rick to
show to Bill the concealed control panel of the mechanism (Dick 11). Bill realizes that Rick
owns a fake animal and felt sorry for him You poor guy. Has it always been this way? (Dick 11).
Subsequently, when Rick exposes himself, Bill felt pitiful towards Rick s financial position since
he could not afford a real animal, furthermore, this scene shows that society looks down upon
owning a fake animal. Proving that these
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Nokia- Swot Analysis
NOKIA: Change in Market Strategy
In 1865, Fredrik Idestam, a mining engineer, founded a paper manufacturing company and called
it Nokia. Finnish rubber Works became a part of the Nokia Company in 1920 and in 1922, Finnish
cable Works joined them. All the three companies were merged to form Nokiagroup in 1967. But
Nokia didn t stopper here, they foray into new ventures like in power and electronic business in
late 1970s. By 1987, consumer electronics became Nokia major business. Nokia Corporation
(Nokia) is based at Finland. By 1998, Nokia becomes the world s biggest mobile phone
manufacturer. Its focus on telecommunications and its early ... Show more content on ...
gt; gt; NOKIA has acquired new companies, made new partner agreements and invested in new
technologies. Recent example NOKIA went into partnership with INTEL, in Feb, 2009 so as to
develop Meego software platform which will be used for their next mobile computer that will be
launched shortly.
gt; gt; NOKIA worked hard to improve their communication network, deal with operator, customers,
suppliers, retailers, developers and even some of its competitors so that everyone is benefited.
gt; gt; NOKIA s main focus was on after sales service also, as they considered customers
preferences and if the customers go anywhere they will receive service for their product easily and
this helped in raising the NOKIA s brand name.
SWOT is expanded as the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. These parameters are
needed to study the market scheme of any company.
Nokia Strength is the Popularity of the Company. It is the most preferred mobile in any country.
It has the sale of 52,000 in the year 1997 and it is the 34% increase from the previous year 8. The
operating profit of this world s largest mobile manufacturers is 5.0 and 37% of market share
according to Q1 2009 and 35 % in Q1 2010. They have models for each segment and now placed
at very competitive price will surely keep them ahead from their competitors.
Weakness is considered to be the internal factors. Weakness comes into play while the product is
failing in the
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The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Domestic Surveillance Citizens feeling protected in their own nation is a crucial factor for the
development and advancement of that nation. The United States government has been able to
provide this service for a small tax and for the most part it is money well spent. Due to events
leading up to the terrifying attacks on September 11, 2001 and following these attacks, the Unites
States government has begun enacting certain laws and regulations that ensure the safety of its
citizens. From the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act(FISA) of 1978 to the most recent National
Security Agencyscandal, the government has attempted and for the most part succeeded in keeping
domestic safety under control. Making sure that the balance between... Show more content on ...
This act makes a significant amount of amendments to the FISA act one of which is Title II
which is titled Enhanced Surveillance Procedures. While the FISA act targeted only non US
citizens for foreign intelligence information , this act allows the collection of foreign intelligence
information from US citizens as well. One section which raises a brow is section 215 of the
Patriot Act which grants the FBI permission to ask the FISA court to compel the sharing of books,
business documents, tax records, library check out lists, and pretty much any tangible thing, as
part of a foreign intelligence or international terrorism investigation. Upon further reading of this
section it becomes evident fairly quickly that these required materials can include purely domestic
records. Of course, if one has nothing to hide then one need to fear this act since it is geared
towards non US and US citizens suspected of being affiliated with a foreign power; but later acts
seem to notion that perhaps the United States government is not only concerned with terrorist
groups but rather all information of its citizens and residents which can build patterned profiles.
Under George W. Bush s term, and shortly after the attacks of September 11th 2001, both the
President s Surveillance Program and the Terrorist Surveillance Program have been brought under
scrutiny. Each of the programs authorizes the National Security Agency (NSA) by executive order
to monitor phone calls,
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Essay on Economic Effects of the Black Plague in England
The high middle ages from the eleventh to the fourteenth century saw the reemergence of urban
life, the revival of long distance commerce, innovation, maturation of manorial agriculture, and a
burgeoning population. Consequently, the fourteenth century spawned war, famine, disease and
economic decay, leading to what many historians believe to be the end of the Middle Ages.
Although there were many contributing factors such as famine, collapsing institutions and war.
Many historians believe the arrival of the Black Deathto Englandin 1348 was the final straw, and
the most impactful agent of change in that area. In a letter to his brother, Petrarch wrote, When has
any such thing been even heard or seen; in what annals has it ever been... Show more content on ...
With depopulation, agricultural and commerce reform and labor force alterations, the effects of
the Black Death in England were dramatic and placed the course of the English economy on a
new path. To gain perspective on the level of economic change in England, it is important to note
and understand the population trends, as it had a directly impacted all aspects of change in
regards to the economic effects of the Black Plague. In simple terms, the number of people had a
direct impact on the most basic categories of the economy: production and consumption. An
expanding population is only possible if it has the economic resources to support it. It seems the
Black Death s impact on population levels actually created a silver lining based on the Malthusian
Theory where English scholar Thomas Malthus claims, [t]hat the superior power of population is
repressed, and the actual population kept equal to the means of subsistence, by misery and vice. As
England was experiencing overpopulation, there was not enough agricultural production to support
the masses, but as the force of the Black Death swept in and decimated the population, it left
England with abundance of land and less people to support, resulting in a balance between
agricultural productivity and consumption. Although the Black Plague created shock, panic and
fear for a few years, this alteration in population left survivors with an optimistic outlook
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Goodfellas Paper
Paper on Goodfellas movie Martin Scorsese does an exquisite job of making this film real. When
Henry is still young, his innocence is displayed so subtly, but with profound clarity. The same can
be said for all the scenes in the movie. The characters often seem to live in a different world, with
their frequent killings and the absence of emotion that they display. Then all of a sudden, you ll
find yourself identifying with the character, and they will seem so classically human. The
Gangster, as Robert Warshow puts it, is a quintessential tragic hero , a character whose very nature
and deeds ultimately condemn them to a short and fruitless existence, outside of the boundaries of
normal society . The Gangster s place within cinema is... Show more content on ...
When I was broke, I d go out and rob some more. We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid
off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands out. Everything was for the taking.
Henry. In essence, these guys were extremely powerful. There was an appealing bravado and
swagger to these men and Henry wanted it all. It was intoxicating for him. By 1970 Henry
achieved the position of great importance in the organization. He is teamed up with two of his
closet associates, the hotheaded of violent tempered Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci, never more
charismatic and never more fever pitched) and the no nonsense Jimmy Conway (Robert DeNiro,
equally confident and authoritative). In the end, Henry soon realized that he had to break two
cardinal rules of the mafia (never rat on your friends and never say anything to anyone) in order
to save his life. Goodfellas looked at the mob without making any apparent comment of its own.
As it adopts the flat tone of Henry, its principal narrator, it also reflected Henry s jittery and driven
concerns. It moved from sequence to sequence with slightly crazed speed, as if anticipating one of
the cocaine highs that, finally, were to be Henry s undoing[6]. Scorsese brilliantly uses freeze
frames as snapshots as transition from one scene to the next. What was interesting though, was the
fact that each snap shot were memories of great times shared at: children s birthday parties, baby
showers, births, weddings, and
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Bessie Smith Essay
In Bessie Smith s piece Young Woman Blues , underlies a black feminist declaration of empowered
femininity and proud black sexuality. In that respect, she follows along in the tradition of other
black female musicians like Ma Rainey and Nella Laursen in challenging the status quo through
their own music. As such, Carby is right in her analysis of Bessie Smith and other black female
musicians in asserting their femininity whereas Chapman is limited in analyzing the perception of
these musicians and not the actual music itself. Through Smith s performance of the song
underscores the vulnerability and by extension the strength that her and other black females possess
to deal with the dual prejudices of racism and sexism. As such, the performance is liberating in
terms of its challenging of racism through black pride, challenging of sexism through female
sensuality, and advocating of personal independence. In the piece itself, Bessie Smith
fundamentally critiques the racialized... Show more content on ...
She accounts for the likes of Ma Rainey who had songs along the likes of Oh Papa Blues , Titanic
Man Blues , and Black Eye Blues that challenged male cheating with female strength and fury
(Carby 17). Granted, Chapman would argue such songs would pale to the positioning of female
musicians in the race sex marketplace with the likes of Ethel Waters (Chapman 80). Yet again,
this should discount any of what Bessie Smith is fighting for within the song itself. The reasoning
being is that for music of hers to be liberating, it is to first be liberating in a personal level. The
limitations that are there for blues music in the grand sense are apparent as Chapman notes with
the objectification of black women s bodies. Though, Bessie Smith is not seen in a sexualized
fashion in her song and the sensuality that is there is comes from her own
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Love In The Movie Interstellar
Interstellar is the best movie I ever saw. I must say I absolutely loved this movie. Firstly I saw
this movie in the cinema and since then I have watched this movie fast time. It is one of the best
experience of my life. When first time after watching the movie I walked out of cinema, I felt my
life was changed. Interstellar is an incredible movie. Acting, visuals , score all are amazing. The
movie is sci fi and is all about humanity. It spread the message of lovein the form of space
adventure. It transcends space and timeand gives a concept of existence into the soul.
Interstellar is about love, connection and endurance. It is about survive and checks our ability
to think to operate from a place what is right, instead of what we should do when we have no
option but survival is the only way. Another thing is being alone while we surrounded by others.
As Cooper is a NASA pilot. He is away from home and we feel his need to explore permeate
through his skin he works very hard. He fights it off each day to become a farmer to have food
and raise his kid. His wife is gone and feels more alone. He struggles for finding his dreams. I love
this movie as it teaches some big lessons of life. Interstellar shows us the human condition and
shows we can fight with isolation and loneliness. It is the bigger test for humans, when they are
alone and they have to survive them, decision making is something which then play a vital part. It
teaches us the importance of decision making at
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Theme Of Monsters Under The Bed
Monsters under the bed is a short story written by Lezanne Clannachan . The story takes place in
Waterloo station in London, where the 2 main character present. The 2 characters, which are called
Eddie and Angie, get into a conversation. In this conversation Eddie express a lot of emotional
feelings about his mother. It is his mother s birthday and he is on his way home, after buying eccles
cakes which is his mothersfavourite.
The relation between Eddie and Angie is a little bit confusing in the start, because Angie makes
Eddie angry because she reminds him of his own mother.
Made you blush, the woman says. She thinks it s shyness, but she s wrong. It s anger and it catches
him off guard. He makes himself remember the grateful look on ... Show more content on ...
Fear is something we all had felt in some perspective. We are all scared of something. In this
story the mother of Eddie is afraid of the outside world. It seems that she has agoraphobia, that
she gets anxiety in circumstances where she feels a danger, uncomfortable or unsafe place. She
stood for ages with the front door open. In the end she gave up and lay down on the sofa
(...)(l.135 136). She s is also scared that no one will ever love her, that no one will ever look after
her and she is afraid that she will die alone. This is here Eddie comes into the picture, because he
is the only one she had left, she cut everyone off, like her mate Lilian and the neighbours. Maybe
Eddies biggest fear is to accept the fact that his mothers is his monster because he can t live his
life as he wants. He became resistance, because everything he loved had been taken away from
him. But in the end he overcome his fear and says, If he doesn t come home, his mum will have
to leave the house. Even if she only gets as far as the garden gat (l.173 174. )And that means that
his mother also has to overcome her fear and go
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Origins of the First World War
The First World War was an international conflict which erupted in July 1914 involving various
nations across the world. Many historians and those who have studied the Great War tend to give
varied opinions as to what initially sparked the outbreak. However, although these opinions between
researchers differ, they do all tend to revolve around the hostility between the great powers of
Europe, the violent assassination of the Austro Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and the
controversial pieces of German foreign policy known as Weltpolitik and Mitteleuropa, which
according to political theorist Hans Debruck (1899), would not only transform Germany into a
nation of great economic and military power, but also into a nation that has been... Show more
content on ...
This theory appeared to be very inspirational for Germany as they were unfortunately surrounded
by other dominant powers. With Social Darwinism in mind, the new German king Wilhelm II
sparked serious concern amongst the European powers by establishing two pieces of foreign
policy known as Weltpolitik and Mitteleuropa. Weltpolitik, according to Debruck (1899), was a
piece of legislation that was established to help the Germans pursue colonial and naval power in
the grand manner through either peace or war. The other policy, Mitteleuropa, also caused huge
political unrest amongst the great powers as it was viewed as a plan for Europe to be completely
dominated by German empires. So from the establishment of these two pieces of legislation, it
quickly became unequivocal that Germany was becoming a nation of potential threat. Additionally,
the Germans were also accused by the British media of trying to cause a civil war in Ireland by
providing both loyalist and nationalist groups with weapons; another example of Germanys
uprising power and aggression (Padfield, 2005). So with Germany becoming a particularly
aggressive nation, causing the other nations such as Britain to become somewhat solicitous, how
were the other great powers such as Russia and Austria developing? Throughout the expansion of
Germany, Russia and Austria were
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The Self-hatred of Kochan in Confessions of a Mask Essay
The Self hatred of Kochan in Confessions of a Mask
In his semi autobiographical novel, Confessions of a Mask, Yukio Mishima examines the struggle
for acceptance by a man living outside of the socially accepted norms. A motif that strongly
pervades this novel is death and the images of blood associated with it. Kochan, a Japanese
adolescent living in post war Japan, struggles with his homosexuality and his desire to be normal.
In order to survive, he must hide behind a mask of propriety.
At a young age, Kochan shows signs of being attracted to male beauty. His earliest memory is of a
young night soil man with handsome ruddy cheeks and shining eyes (8). Initially, his attraction to
men is confused with a desire to be like them. ... Show more content on ...
One such picture shows a knight mounting a white horse and brandishing his sword, surely facing
death. He reveals his abnormal physical attractions even further when he states, Although as a
child I read every fairy story I could get my hands on, I never liked the princesses. I was fond only
of the princes. I was all the fonder of princes murdered or princes fated to death. I was completely
in love with any youth who was killed (20). Not only does Kochan collect these pictures, but he
also modifies the less violent ones to appetize his sensual desires to the fullest.
Kochan s favorite picture is a reproduction of Guido Reni s St. Sebastian. This picture later
influences the nature of his daydreams. It depicts an almost completely naked youth tied to a tree
with his hands tied above his head. Two arrows pierce his left armpit and his right side while his
expression is one of supreme agony and ecstasy (39). This picture has such a profound effect on
Kochan that it leads to his first ejaculation.
After seeing a troop of soldiers pass by his house as a child, he begins to glorify war and death,
especially his own. His weapons of choice are primitive and savage: arrows, daggers, and spears.
He frequently envisions scenes in which men are brutally stabbed in the stomach, leading to slow
and agonizing deaths the true marker of beauty. As a child
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Despite Lower Costs (Or Even Free), External Support...
Despite lower costs (or even free), external support mechanisms, especially with third parties and/or
support forums demonstrate significant shortcomings for Gulfstream enterprise integration.
Gulfstream zealously protects its intellectual property. Information security levels risk
compromising when interdependency occurs between firms (Cezar, Cavusoglu, Raghunathan,
2016). This results not only due to increased security threats through the additive exposure, but also
because one partner may take a free ride and invest less in the security protection. In addition, many
aircraft programs at Gulfstream incorporate specifications, designs, and parts subject to
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Non domestic entities are
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on ...
Effective team members monitor and back up each other s performance and are collectively
oriented toward the desired outcome. By carefully considering the IMOI model, leadership
intervention, and the five keys to improving team performance, organizations can successfully
maximize teamwork for the benefit of the organization and the members of the team. Gulfstream
can gain even higher performance from the three groups that are widely spread among various
departments. By intelligently analyzing the load balance of support requests and matching to the
KSAs of the individual team members, response times can be met for high priority situations. As
knowledge capture gains traction, knowledge retention can be keyed for immediate retrieval. The
spillover effect will become noticeable, diffusing the knowledge to other teams, departments, and
facilities. This will generate higher productivity on both the engineering production side and in the
technical support groups. As Ba and Nault showed, the social benefit of increased innovation
becomes a positive externality, justifying further interventions (2016). The difficulty that faces
Gulfstream is how to provide better support with fewer personnel for more users. Fortunately, the
IT landscape provides many analytic solutions that match known solutions to issues being worked
by less skilled
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Essay On Cervical Dysplasia
CIN (formerly cervical dysplasia) refers to premalignant changes in the cervical epithelium that
have the potential to progress to cervical cancer. The histologic features most commonly
associated with cervical dysplasia include cellular immaturity, cellular disorganization, nuclear
abnormalities, and increased mitotic activity. The severity of CIN is de termined by the portion
of epithelium showing disordered growth and development. The changes start at the basal layer
of the epithelium and can expand to encompass the entire epithelium .Cervical intraepithelial
neoplasia (CIN), formerly called dysplasia, means disordered growth and development of the
epithelial lining of the cervix. There are various degrees of CIN. Mild dysplasia, or CIN I, is
defined as disordered growth of the lower third of the epithelial lining. Abnormal maturation of the
lower two thirds of the lining is called moderate dysplasia, or... Show more content on ...
Severe dysplasia, CIN III, encompasses more than two thirds of the epithelial thickness with
carcinoma in situ (CIS) representing full thickness dysmaturity. While histologically evaluated
lesions are characterized using the CIN nomenclature, cytologic smears are classified according
to the Bethesda system, which was most recently revised in 2001. Briefly, atypical squamous
cells are divided into those of undetermined significance (ASC US) and those in which a high
grade lesion cannot be excluded (ASC H). Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL)
encompasses cytologic changes consistent with koilocytic atypia or CIN I. High grade squamous
intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) denotes the cytologic findings corresponding to CIN II and CIN III.
CIN may be suspected because of an abnormal cytologic
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The Importance of Function Over Form in the Classical...
In the 18th century, the concerto was transformed into a viable instrumental genre to both
demonstrate virtuosity as well as a cohesive character that embodied the natural. Though the series
of changes from the Baroque concerto grosso to the Classical concerto were gradual and cannot be
attributed to a single composer, the Piano ConcertoNo. 20 in D minor K. 466 by Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozartis a skillful representation of the genre in that era. Of particular interest in this concerto is
the treatment of sonata form in the first movement. When compared to other instrumental genres of
that era, there is a tangible divide between the sonata form of the concerto and that of other
instrumental genres such as the symphony. To understand this... Show more content on ...
466, is a synthesis of both sonata form and the Baroque ritornello principle. In this concerto, for
example, the opening orchestra tutti is not a first exposition, because it remains in the tonic
throughout and does not contain the complete compliment of themes. Thus, this tutti serves as
preparation for the soloist, who enters with a novel theme in measure 77. After the completion
of the exposition in both D minor and F major by soloist and orchestra, there is a short transition
(mm. 174 192) based upon the opening material leading into the tonally unstable development.
The remainder of the first movement retains much of this format. As W.H. Hadow states, the
form of the soloist s portions are thus comparable to sonata form, but the form of the whole is
still governed by the ritornello. The different manifestation of sonata form in the genre of the
concerto may lead one to believe that the form of the Classical concerto developed independently
of other genres that exercise this form. In fact, K. 466, with its ritornello principle, bares close
resemblance to the da capo aria. As the Classical concerto functions as a platform for virtuosic
display for the soloist, similar to an aria for a vocalist, the form of the first movement of K. 466 is a
result of the stylistic and functional demands of the concerto. In the 18th century, there was an
increase in the ideals of contrast, communication, expression and
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The Effects Of Alcohol On The Heart Rate Of Daphnia Magna
This report presents the physiological changes in the heart rate of a fresh water crustacean
Daphnia magna when exposed to caffeine and alcohol. Different Daphnia magnas were placed in a
depression slide containing fresh water and later exposed to solutions of caffeine and alcohol. Each
Daphnia magna had different responses. These data suggest there is an increase in heart rate when a
Daphnia magna is exposed to caffeine and a decrease in heart rate when it is in a solution of alcohol.
Title: Physiological Changes in the Heart Rate of Daphnia magna When Exposed to Stimulants
(Caffeine and Alcohol).
Prepared for: Professor Samantha Snavely
By: Carolyn Omar Iduh
June 27, 2015
Introduction The inverse effects between the consumption of stimulant like caffeine and depressant
like alcohol has been well established over the years. Alcohol has a paradoxical effect that makes it
first appear as a stimulant (American heart association, 2015). The two faced nature is due to
ethanol the most active ingredient in alcohol. Alcohol slows down the nervous system by acting on
the brain s inhibitory neurotransmitter called gamma aminobutyric acid. Studies have shown
Bradycardia (slow or decreased heart rate) in people who consume too much alcohol (ehealthMe,
2015). Drinking alcohol can completely alter a person s concentration, mood, and coordination
(National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2013). Too much consumption of alcohol
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Essay on Government Spending, Deficits, and Keynesian...
A growing government is opposite to America s economic interests because the various methods of
financing a government taxes, borrowing, and printing money have harmful effects upon the
economy. There are many reasons why there is a high deficit in the United States such as extensive
spending. This is true because government spending is often economically destructive, regardless
of how it is financed. There are many causes of the steady growth in U.S. trade deficits. There are
many people are against the high deficits especially economists.
Economists define government intervention in the foreign exchange market as the buying or selling
of foreign exchange for the purpose of manipulating the exchange rate. (Case, pg. 398) ... Show
more content on ...
Yes, the reason for the high budget deficit matter because many economists feels as though this will
eventually affect our children and/or even our grandchildren. Not only that we must know how to
budget the money. The government needs to know if they need to offer higher interest rates to
attract enough buyers of government debt. Excess amount of borrowing adds to the National debt
which means the Government has to spend more each year. Another reason why it matters we
need to cut out and/or investigate where the wasteful spending is going and if we need to cut
back on public sector spending or by raising the burden. There are few programs I think that we
could cut to help in our financial situation right now such as public assistance. I am all for
helping people in need especially children, senior citizens, and disabled. However, I am not
willing to offer or give assistance to a person who abuses the system. I know several people who
receive public assistance and they are perfectly stable enough to work, but they rather not. If you
have been on the program more than 5 years you should be released. We have allowed some people
to take advantage and it has put a minor dent into the United States spending.
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Smart Crawler, For Efficient Harvesting Deep Web...
As deep web grows at a very fast pace, there has been increased interest in techniques that help
efficiently locate deep web interfaces. However, due to the large volume of web resources and
the dynamic nature of deep web, achieving wide coverage and high efficiency is a challenging
issue. We propose a two stage framework, namely Smart Crawler, for efficient harvesting deep
web interfaces. In the first stage, Smart Crawler performs site based searching for center pages
with the help of search engines, avoiding visiting a large number of pages. To achieve more
accurate results for a focused crawl, Smart Crawler ranks websites to prioritize highly relevant
ones for a given topic. In the second stage, Smart Crawler achieves fast in site searching by
excavating most relevant links with an adaptive link ranking. To eliminate bias on visiting some
highly relevant links in hidden web directories, we design a link tree data structure to achieve
wider coverage for a website. Introduction The deep (or hidden) web refers to the contents lie
behind searchable web interfaces that cannot be indexed by searching engines. Based on
extrapolations from a study done at University of California, Berkeley, it is estimated that the deep
web contains approximately 91,850 terabytes and the surface web is only about 167 terabytes in
2003. More recent studies estimated that 1.9 zettabytes were reached and 0.3 zettabytes were
consumed worldwide in 2007. An IDC report estimates that the total of all
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One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest Power Analysis
Ilana Sedaka
Walter P.8
Power Shift in One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest
In modern day society, individuals are influenced by strong superiority figures their whose
dominance stems from internal power. Authority can often lead subordinates to rebel and seize
control; therefore ability to obtain power is exceptionally difficult. A rivalry for rigid power is seen
in the literary piece, One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest. The limited dominance is shifted fluidly
between Nurse Ratched and Randle McMurphy, and finally designated to Chief Bromden. Although
Nurse Ratched exercises initial control over her ward, Randle McMurphy attempts to disobey her
authority through defiance, and ultimately the power shifts into Chief Bromden s final control in
One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest.
In the beginning of the novel, Nurse Ratched undoubtedly dominates the control of the mental
hospital. Chief s profound description of Nurse Ratched reveals he feels threatened by her.
Chief insists that she blows up bigger and bigger, big as a tractor (5) indicating he feels
figuratively smaller than Nurse Ratched. He also details her as a stiff, calculated, and precise like
a machine running the whole facility. Chief Bromden feels so impotent under her ruling, that he
hallucinates a fog machine and keeps everyone satisfied under her power. The fog is a reoccurring
symbol in the novel that can represent Chief s helplessness: One of these days I ll quit straining
and let myself go completely, lose myself
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Big Fish And Atonement Comparative Essay
The two movies Atonement and Big Fish are very similar although at first, the average viewer
would not normally acknowledge it. The two movies seem very different, from the calm narration
of the historical fiction movie Atonement and the wild extreme imagery that the narrators from Big
Fish, a fantasy drama film, expelled to the audience. Yet the narrators from these two movies are
the aspects that make these films similar. The film Atonement at first seemed like it had four
different narrators, Briony Tallis as a child, Briony Tallis as a young adult, Cecilia Tallis and
Robbie. Brioney as a child ,who narrates most of the beginning of the movie, seemed like an
unreliable narrator once the same event was retold later in the story by a different narrator who...
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The major point in the story where a viewer can infer than Briony is an unreliable narrator was
during Briony s brother s welcome home dinner party. In this particular part in the film Briony s
two twin cousins, who came to stay with the Tallis family since their parents were getting
divorced, ran away and all the guests at the dinner party went searching for Briony s two cousins
in the dark. When Briony was searching for her cousins she flashed her flashlight towards the
ground and saw the two twin boys older sister that was staying with them, Lola, being raped by a
man. Briony tells Lola she saw the man s face who raped her and told her family that the man
who raped Lola was Robbie. Briony essentially ruins Robbie s life because of this rape allegation
he gets sent to prison and enlists in the army to become free, but ultimately dies from an
infection. Where towards the end of the movie, where an older Briony is trying to make amends
with her sister Cecilia, who was in love with Robbie, makes the revelation to her sister that the
man who actually raped Lola was Leo s, their older brother, friend Paul who visited the Tallis
family with him
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The Characteristics Of Aliens In Avatar And District 9
In the films Avatar and District 9, which were both released in 2009, there are stereotypical
elements of the science fiction genre. By discussing humanity towards aliens, a reliance on an
advance in technology, the use of corporate giants as a controlling forces as well as moral and
emotional manipulation, this essay will prove to a large extent that District 9 and Avatar have
evolved past typical science fiction films. However, it will also prove how District 9 has continued
to evolve and therefore is more evolved as a science fiction filmthan Avatar.
In Avatar and District 9, the initial interaction between the humans and the aliens revealed the true
characteristics of the aliens. For example, in District 9, this scene involved very poor ... Show more
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These scenes involve dim lighting and unfocused shots as a symbol of the evil that is MNU. This
film shows how the humans seek an advance in technology in order to aid their overpowering of
the aliens. In Avatar, humans use their advanced technology to travel to another planet to obtain
precious elements. The power of the technology is shown as Jake first lands on Pandora. His point
of view is shot at a low angle to the futuristic buildings and machinery, indicating man s inferiority
without technology. In this film, man is dependent on their advanced technology in order to ensure
their superiority over the aliens. This therefore provides an obvious difference between the two
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The Role Of Loyalty In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
It is in the human condition to distinguish ourselves from those around us, to attempt to rise above
the turbulent sea of people that encompasses the Earth. Thousands of years ago, this meant being
stronger, faster, or smarter than the competition. Today, these attributes are still taken into account,
but a few more have been added to the spectrum. Fame, wealth, and power are all viewed today to
be distinguishing characteristics, so, naturally, humans have adapted to seek glory. However,
mankind s desperation for glory often results in the overstepping of boundaries, whether scientific,
moral, or societal, ultimately leading to the downfall of the seeker. Mary Shelley demonstrates this
concept in her Gothic novel Frankenstein. She utilizes... Show more content on ...
Victor, Walton, and the Creature s quests were unsuccessful due to their overstepping of scientific,
social, and moral bounds. In Victor s case, his downfall was the result of his haste to create a
sentient being for the glory that would result. This problem exists not only in Frankenstein, but in
the modern world as well. Today, with the world s newly advanced technology, innovators around
the globe are inquiring as to how to shatter the limits of science by creating a new series sentient
life. While the altering of DNA to create genetically modified humans is possible, albeit extremely
expensive, the process is highly scrutinized as to whether it is morally valid and within the realm of
what scientists are allowed to tinker with. Those against human modification say that, like
Frankenstein and his creature, the possibility for the process to go south is too great and shouldn
t be risked. Those in favor of the alteration respond with promises of bettering society through a
new, disease resistant, genetically superior species. They say that the creation of these
superhumans would result in a higher standard of living, and, of course, glory. Cautioned to us by
Mary Shelley almost 200 years ago and still true today, overstepping bounds in the pursuit of glory
is a dangerous act and will result in failure. After all, seeds of promise, if nurtured
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How Does Political Climate Impact Libraries
The political climate in an influential factor in deciding how far reaching libraries can be in the
community it is in. Budget cuts made by politicians affect how much librarians can provide with
the funds that they are afforded. In another article written by Paul Jaeger, Wake up the Nation:
Public Libraries, Policy Making, and Political Discourse calls for libraryand information science
researchers to engage problems of politics and policy making that impact libraries which will
benefit libraries in advocating their needs in the political process (Jaeger 61). Jaeger notes that
there is an interrelationship between policy, politics, and public libraries (Jaeger 61). For example,
a cycle occurs where libraries struggle to provide services
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The Death Penalty Laws Within America Essay
Since the beginning of time, laws and ordinances have been put in place to prevent chaos and
delinquent behavior. Punishments have been put in place as a deterrent so that individuals may
witness what partaking in a wrongful event is its consequent result. One of the most apparent
examples is that of the death penalty. Like everything in life, the death penalty has gone through
many major changes. Some of these changes include methods of execution, changes between the
handling of adults and juvenile cases, and even the approval and disapproval of death penalty laws
within states. The first set of recognized death penalty laws can be traced back to the 18th century
B.C and found in the Code of King Hammurabi in Babylon, in which the death penalty was
established for over twenty different offenses. In the 17th century B.C., the Draconian Code
established the death penalty for all criminal offenses. In Roman law, the death penalty was seen in
it Twelve Tablets around the fifth century B.C. Each country had its different views of what crime
was to receive the death penalty as well in the type of punishment one got. Some of the common
forms of punishments one got for the death penalty was crucifixion, stoning, hanging, and
quartering. Over the decades, the use of the death penalty brought its way into the United States.
The Constitution has ruled the death penalty itself as being unconstitutional, but it allowed states to
make their own laws regarding it. As the United States
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Describe The Effects Of Humiliation In Society
A woman outcasted for her sin in a puritan society. A woman ridiculed for what actions she took
with a high ranking official. A woman threatened for what controversy she said. All of the
following people have been exposed to some form of public humiliation, public humiliation has
long been outlived from its more primitive origin. However, the act of public shaming has evolved
along with our technology to deepen the pain on the victim. However the areas of their lives that
are affected have stayed the same and rather just the way of shaming the victim has changed The
following texts describe the effect of humiliation on a person, The Scarlet LetterBy Nathaniel
Hawthorne, The Price of Shame by Monica Lewinsky, and Is the Internet a Mob Without
Consequence? by Nick Bolton. Public humiliation has always affected the culprit s personal,
social, and personal lives. The impact of humiliation on someone s social, professional lives is
that the humiliated person will be an outcast in society, humiliation will ruin their chances of
attaining some type of profession and humiliation will distance themselves from the people in
their personal lives The impact of humiliation on someone s social life is that they will become an
outcast in society. This is because the people in society will be so disgusted at what acts the culprit
did that the people will start to diverge away from this person. And this is one of the main points of
humiliation, to make the culprit aware that they are
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Child And Adolescent Psychology And Psychiatry
Sensory over responsivity (SOR) is described as stressful encounters that happens during daily
routines that affect toddlers with autism disorder (ASD). SOR is often referred to as a sensory
defensive which is some who has hypersensitivity to sensory input. People who suffer from this
issues usually have lots of stress, looks at things as threatening and may even experience
meltdowns as a result. They may also need professional help to deal with the side effects that come
along with this issue.
The journal in which this article came from is well known and used by many professionals. This
journal is an excellent resource for professional and students who are looking to become
professional. It gives you a plethora of information on the development and mental health of
children. There is an Association which is comprised of many different professional disciplines and
they work together to inform others and ensure that the professionals are all well informed. The
council is multi disciplinary team that exists to further the interdisciplinary field of both child and
adolescent psychology and psychiatry.
The article focuses on how over responsivity affects toddlers with autism in their daily lives and
how it contributes to the life styles of the parents or caregivers. People who suffer from this illness
often have a hard time adjusting to normalcy. They are always thinking negatively about life and
things in general. They also are distracted easily, is stressed very
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The American Dream Is Freedom
The American dream is the dream that one can have the freedom and opportunity of a better life
regardless of their social class, religion, race, etc. Its believed that the American dream is different
for each individual depending on their current circumstances and view on their life in the future.
The American dreamis the freedom to be whoever you want to be and who you are without fear. It
affects me by reminding me everyday that I can have a huge impact on the world without trying to
be someone else. The American dream is freedom, dreams, and always wanting more.
What is freedom? What comes to your mind when someone says they are on the hunt for the
American dream? What would your definition of the American dream? I think freedom is being
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Abstract Behavioral Development Is A Crucial Part Of Human
Abstract Behavioral development is a crucial part of human development. It influences how people
interact with the atmosphere and others around them. Behavioral development is reliant on on
many environmental factors which include one s parents, siblings, peers, schooling and culture.
According to Jacqueline J. Goodnow, these parental factors are often dependent on the culture in
which the person was raised. The two parental factors that have a negative effect on a child s
behavioral and psychological development are the parents use of control and rejection. These
parenting styles can lead to a child internalizing and externalizing their problems. When a child
internalizes their problems, they become withdrawn, anxious and display... Show more content on ...
Another similarity these cultures share is the value in masking their feelings. For both cultures, the
masking of their feelings creates a non threatening, peaceful environment, but certain parenting
styles, found popular to these cultures, can lead to the internalization and externalization of
negative emotions for young children. Relations Between Parenting Styles and Temperament of a
Child Behavioral Coping Mechanisms Internalizing and externalizing behaviors have been related
to both parenting styles and child temperament (Zhou, et all, 2008). Externalizing behavior can be
displayed in forms of aggression, hyperactivity and rebellion. Internalizing behavior can be
displayed in the forms of anxiousness and depressive behavior (Liu, 2004). Both behavioral
problems manifest in the child s inward and outward behavior. There are negative life long
outcomes such as violence, depression, anxiety, etc. that are associated with children who practice
these behavioral coping mechanisms. Parenting Styles Psychologist Diana Braumrind theorized
that there are four patterns of parenting styles (Uninvolved, Permissive, Authoritarian and
Authoritative Parenting) based off of two concepts: control and warmth (Kopko, 2007). Unlike
Western cultures, who generally follow an Authoritative parenting style, most Japanese and Chinese
parents follow a more Authoritarian parenting
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A New Vision Of Masculinity
Showing your humanity through raw emotions used to be seen as proof of a person s sincerity,
honesty, and integrity. Something happened in the 20th century, women became the picture of
teary eyed fragility and the tearless, aggressive male became the ideal of masculinity. Media
messages, commercials, and television shows stopped portraying men as responsible, competent,
and compassionate husbands, sons, and fathers, instead they consist of idiotic or misogynistic
archetypes. When men are portrayed as sensitive humans, it is largely under the caveat of being
gay. As stated in A New Vision of Masculinity
, there is still little worse than being mistaken for a
homosexual (Cooper, 2016).
While our society s view of an emotional man is continuing
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People s Exposure to Diversity and How This Affects Their...
To conduct my research I am first going to decide the purpose of my survey, which is to gain
knowledge of peoples exposure to diversity and how that effects there social interactions on
campus. I will then decide on the question I will ask and the type of question I will choose to use.
For my particular choice of research I will chose to do a combination of open end and multiple
choicequestions. I choose the combination of the two because I would like to be able to get a
more personal response and allow respondents to express their with the use of the open end
questions, and having multiple choice questions just to get a view on how they feel about specific
topics. To help strength my multiple choice answers I will use the lickert Scale because the
structure will give my participants realistic answers to my question but not necessarily put words in
their mouth. I will then decide what to ask in my survey that will give me the answers to my
research question. When coming up with the question I must avoid putting my opinion in the
questions and make sure in my questions the answerthat I am trying to discover is clear.
After coming up with the open end and multiple choice questions, I will then decide the
population that I am going to conduct my research on. After choosing my population I will pick a
large sample group that I will choose to represent my population. After choosing my sample group I
will conduct my survey in the Kutztown University DMZ because it is a
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Sample Essay Advantage And Disadvantage Of Internet
Sample Essay Advantage And Disadvantage Of Internet
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Sample Essay Advantage And Disadvantage Of Internet

  • 1. Sample Essay Advantage And Disadvantage Of Internet 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Sample Essay Advantage And Disadvantage Of InternetSample Essay Advantage And Disadvantage Of Internet
  • 2. Treatment of Cbt Did Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 20:72 88, 2009 Copyright Taylor Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 0897 5353 print/1540 4080 online DOI: 10.1080/08975350802716566 Journal 1540 4080 0897 5353 WJFP of Family Psychotherapy, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2009: pp. 1 25 Psychotherapy FAMILY THERAPY AND MENTAL HEALTH, Edited by Malcolm MacFarlane, M.A. A Systemic Approach to the Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder S. Pais Systemic Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder SHOBHA PAIS Department of Family Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Although dissociative identity disorder (DID) continues to be questioned by some clinicians, those who work with this population understand the complexity of this... Show more content on ... Essentially the self is believed to dissociate or split into separate and distinct personalities in an effort to repress the pain and suffering from some traumatic event. The diagnosis of DID is often associated with a history of significant traumatization, usually in childhood. DID clients have a higher rate of early childhood trauma than any other clinical group (Putnam et al., 1986). Severe, repetitive trauma can produce extreme states of experiences in children and can result in the development of discrete personified behavioral states (Putnam et al., 1986). Despite skepticism there has been considerable clinical recognition of dissociative conditions in the last several years resulting in significant progress in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of dissociative disorders and DID. DID and dissociative disorders are not rare conditions. Clinical literature including case reports, treatment outcome studies, as well as studies of psychophysiology, neurobiology, and neuroimaging have been collected from numerous countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Puerto Rico, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, and the United States (International Society for Study of Dissociation, 2005). The main difficulties in diagnosing DID 74 S. Pais result from lack of education among clinicians about dissociation, dissociative disorders, and the effects of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Garage-Door Installation In this age of Do It Yourself home projects, one might assume a garage door installation is a project they can easily handle on their own. The garage door installation experts at Mid South Door Co. in Olive Branch, MS, know this isn t always a great idea. Not only can an improper garage door installation lead to poor performance, it can also compromise the safety of you and your family. Here, Mid South Door Co. shares three great reasons why you should hire a professional to perform your garage door installation: Safety: The installations of garage openers and springs are delicate and intricate processes. One tiny mistake could result in a faulty garage door or serious injury. Time: A garage door installation is a big project. Hiring ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Essay On City Planners Those moving from big cities to smaller cities like College Station could have trouble adjusting to the lifestyle and surrounding environment at first. Since College Station and Bryan cities are mainly the second home to thousands of college students, therefore, city planners did not focus much on the entertainment aspect for the people that live here. The main entertainment that college students would be able to enjoy around here is going to the cinema during the weekends. Unlike small, growing cities like College Station and Bryan, big cities like Austin, Dallas and Houston are often act as magnets that attract many businesses to come to the city. The reason that businesses show up to big cities was because they know for sure that their... Show more content on ... After observing and collecting the demographic data using U.S. Census, we then compared the data to the city of Austin s demographic data. By comparing the City of College Station and Bryan to the city of Austin, urban planners would be able to determine whether Dave and Buster s would be successful if they open a new location here. The reason that Austin was used as the standard measurement was because there is a Dave and Buster s in Austin that is successfully attract people from a variety range of age. First, we looked at the areas population. Based on the U.S. Census collected in 2010, the total population in the city of College Station is 93,857 people and the total population in the city of Bryan is 76,201 people. Compared to Austin, the combined population of both the City of College Station and the City of Bryan is approximately six times the Austin s population. Based on this factor alone, we could say that the Dave and Buster s does have the potential of being successful in the areas of College Station and Bryan. However, other factors should be taken in consideration before making any final decision. The second factor that we used is the age groups among the cities. Looking at different age groups in the community is critical because businesses are often provide services to only a certain amount of age groups. For example, it is not appropriate to have an amusement park in a community where the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Advantages Of 3D Printing TECHNOLOGY Materials for 3D printing were very limited during the early days of the technology. Today, there is a whole array of material types that are supplied in different forms (filament, powder, pellets, resin, granules etc). The first step in 3D printing is to design the 3D digital model using a CAD program or scan the object with a 3D scanner. The model will then be sliced into layers and converted into a printer readable file. The printing material will be added one layer at a time. Different materials are suited for different 3D printing technologies. There is no one solution fits all (The Potential of 3D Printing, Pg 4, METI Journal). Some 3D printers process powdered materials which utilize a light source to fuse layers of the powder together in the defined shape. Others process ... Show more content on ... Customers may bring their digital file or scan their objects at the shop to print out their desired products. Factories: Assembly lines and supply chains are reduced. Factories have highly developed and specialized 3D printers. Spare parts are 3D printed on demand instead of being stock piled. Broken goods can be repaired by simply printing the spoiled component. The (Big Innovation Centre, 2012) highlights some of the advantages of 3D printing. One of the benefits of 3D printing is the ability to produce customized and personalized products. The appearance of a product can be suited according to customer preferences. Secondly, 3D printing reduces inventories. Retailers do not need to stockpile a large number of products. Moreover, 3D printing reduces capital costs for manufacturers. As there is no need for an assembly line, the need for a large scale investment in factories and machinery is reduced. Lastly, 3D printing reduces transport costs, by removing the need for intermediate goods to be shipped from one factory to another. FUTURE OF 3D ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The World s First Army Assyrian War Techniques Assyria s humble beginnings originated in a small trading community in the city of Ashur, in modern day Iraq. Nestled on the banks of the Tigris River with access to merchants, trade, and agricultural stability Ashur was named and supposedly founded by Noah s son after the Great Flood. It was here that Assyria started its branching of power and influence to spread its conquests as far south as Egypt and as far east as Asia Minor. The Assyrian Army, along with its numerous rulers became the greatest empire in the world at the time. Before the Greek and Roman Empires dominated the region, Assyrians were the most ruthless and feared people with their skilled war tactics. Known as the world s first army , the Assyrian ... Show more content on ... Several kings of the Assyria empire, such as Tiglath Pileser III, Shalmaneser V,Sargon II, Sennacherib, and Esarhaddon, are mentioned a number of times throughout the Bible as nemeses of the Israelites.. (Mark). The cuneiforms from the Assyrians and the books from the Bible differ greatly in their telling of these stories of the kings and their encounters, especially Sennacherib s writings regarding Judah s conquests verses the chronicles from book of Isaiah 37. The various war tactics of the Assyrian army received many historic mentions as being perverse, cruel and barbaric. However, throughout history these same tactics have been repeated and effective in almost every major military esque nation since. This leads one to ponder if they were setting the bar or establishing a recipe for future failures. A commonality of the tactics in battle from the Assyrian army was to storm a village or society with all their might and force and leave it burning to the ground, taking whatever spoils suited them. This displayed a message to the slaves whom they captured to share with other neighboring civilizations to not fight back or defend their region. In one story recounted by Ashur Nasir Pal II, who made a habit of deporting people from their native homelands and sending them to random regions throughout the empire ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Colosseum Essay Architecture of the ancient Roman Empire is one of the most fascinating of all time. Around the time of A.D. 70 72, Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian Dynasty instructed the architecture of the massive, ancient amphitheater, the Colosseum. Titus, the son of Vespasian, made the Colosseum known as the Flavian Amphitheater in year A.D. 80. This lavished construction hosted battles, gladiatorial games, wild animal fights and more. After four centuries of active use, it was used as a source of building materials until the 18th century. Later, two thirds of the original Colosseumhas been destroyed over time, the amphitheater remains a remarkable landmark. The Colosseum is an iconic symbol of Romeand its long, tumultuous history. The Colosseum wasn t only used for re enactment; the arena was also used for naval battles, concerts, games, and plays. The Colosseum was and is known throughout the whole world for the its majesty and magnificence. This building still stands today in the heart of the now Italian capital, Rome. It attracts thousands of tourists daily and is one of the most famous monuments ever built. Before the Colosseum was even built, there was only one small amphitheater in the whole city of Rome. Even after the... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, the building began degrading as time went on. Throughout the 400 years, the Arena as had many changes, additions and repairs; and in 217, the upper floors went on fire because of a thunderbolt. This caused the Colosseum to be closed for a period of five years, during which the games were held in a nearby circus. There were also many earthquakes in 442 and 470 that badly damaged the Arena. The last gladiatorial combat was held in the year 404. Gradually the taste of the public had changed, but the main reason for the end of the games was the military and financial crisis of the western part of the empire, together with the many invasions Italy suffered ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Analysis In Human Mindset About Myths And Facts In... Analysis in Vegetarian Nutrition Human Mindset About Myths and Facts in Vegetarianism According to a 2009 survey by the Vegetarian Resource Group, it is showing that more than 1 million people who currently live in the United States are switching into vegan an. the same survey found another 5 to 7 millions of Americans consider themselves to be vegetarian. Many people in the world consume vegetarian foods as they are great nutrition sources. It is rich in fibers which is a powerful weapon to regulates movements of bowel, prevent constipation, and are low in unhealthy saturated fats. That weapons give a great role to shift crucial bacteria which also help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, aid prevention of heart disease and some ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Essay On The Enlightenment Era The Enlightenment era, which spanned the end of the seventeenth century through the beginning of the nineteenth, was characterized by the idea that everything in the universe could be discovered and understood in a rational way. Enlightenment thinkers also began to reconsider and challenge the church by thinking of religion as congruent with science and logic. Mid nineteenth century Europe started to transition away from this culture of intellectual prosperity. As political and social focus drifted toward industrial development, the divide between high culture and the middle class became more distinct. These societal changes affected attitudes about morality, culture, the arts, and science. For example, the discussion about evolutionand creation... Show more content on ... Firstly, the age of the earth was still heavily debated at the time of publication. In the early nineteenth century, people assumed that the earth was approximately six thousand years old. Later, William Kelvin theorized that the earth was between twenty and four hundred million years old. Because Darwin s theory depended on the earth being more than six thousand years old, it was hard for many people to accept it as truth. Darwin was also criticized, like Lamarck, for missing transitional fossils that would potentially prove the gradual evolution of a species. Also like Lamarck, Darwin lacked a specific mechanism by which traits were inherited by offspring. Unfortunately, he had not heard of Gregor Mendel s research on genetics. Darwin speculated on pangenesis in which gemmules (tiny hereditary particles) were emitted from all cells and were collected in the organism s reproductive organs (Darwin). However, critics said this theory was too Lamarckian. Furthermore, Darwin s theory of natural selection was also criticized on religious grounds. Although Origin of Species did not explicitly challenge God s creation of man, critics were quick to read between the lines. Scientists agreed that it was possible everything evolved from one common ancestor, but rejected the idea that evolution was the only way that species could ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Cognitive And Socio Emotional Behavior Within The Classroom An anticipation of uncertainty permeates the atmosphere as teachers evaluate their incoming student s roosters. For the past four months, a physical metamorphosis has been occurring within the adolescent body which may transpire by leaps and bound for some teens while for others the hypothalamus slowly begins the journey out of hibernation. How will the physical development of these adolescents alter the cognitive and socio emotional behavior within the classroom or their relationship with their peers? By examining secular trends, the biological change known as puberty, the effect of early or later timing of puberty, and the effect of technology as they relate to the physical development of adolescents, educators can better understand their present student population engulfed in a cloud of adolescent change. The phenomena of secular trends encompass increase body composition of adolescents, reduction in the age of menarche, and the age adolescents reach biological maturity over time (Malina, 2004, p. 3). Better nutrition, availability of heath care, prevention of infectious diseases, increased socioeconomic factors, and genetics all contribute to many of these changing characterizes. Typically puberty has been associated with middle school students, however the secular trend in adolescent development has altered the terrain of the developing adolescent resulting in accelerated maturation, larger body size, and noticeable physical change in appearance of this present ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Unit 4 English Essay The student will be able to read aloud with comprehension, fluency, and proper pronunciation. The student will be able to role play characters from a drama using theatrical intonation, pitch, and clarity within their voices. The student will be able to compare and contrast the elements of a plot presented in multiple representations of a text. Related Georgia Performance Standards(s) and/or CCGPS Standard(s) ELAGSE7RL3: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how settings shape the characters or plot). ELAGSE7RI1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. ELAGSE7L6 Acquire and accurately use grade appropriate... Show more content on ... Language Function (if applicable): Compare and Contrast: The language function for this lesson is for students to be able to compare and contrast. Bloom s taxonomy categorizes the verbs compare and contrast as analysis terms. The lesson requires students to compare and contrast audio, theatrical, and film representations of a literary text. Background Information: In a previous lesson, the teacher demonstrated a Think Aloud strategy with Gary Soto s short story Seventh Grade, to teach students the elements of a plot. The teacher read the beginning of the story and then stopped to ask the students to identify information about the characters, the setting, and the background information that establishes the exposition of the plot. She repeated this process with the rising action, the climax, the falling action, and the resolution. The students recorded notes and observations in a graphic organizer. PROCEDURE Step One: Introduction (15 Minutes) Prereading Strategies Sparking Student s ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Finger Lakes Research Paper When a loved one passes, all those good memories come flooding back during your time of grieving. Wouldn t it be nice to have a unique, exquisite headstone to remember them by? Finger Lakes Monument of Canandaigua, NY will help you translate the memory of your loved one into the perfect gravestone with an elegant flair and compassionate touch. For over 40 years, the company has been constructing beautiful headstones, gravestones, and monuments for families in the Finger Lakes area. They understand that your loved one is more than a fleeting memory; they will live forever in your heart. Similarly, a gravestone will be a long lasting physical memorial to them. Uniquely, Finger Lakes Monument works directly with granite queries. Therefore, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Early Detection Of Patient Deterioration INTRODUCTION Vital signs consist of the measurement of patient s blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate and oxygen saturation (Jarvis 2013). They are routinely measured by nurses to gain a baseline assessment of patient s state of health, monitor for any fluctuations, recognise changes in patient s condition and to detect for signs of deterioration (Dougherty and Lister 2008 cited in Phillip et al 2013). vital signs definition and normal parameters?? Up to 80% of adverse events are predicted by physiological abnormalities that occur over hours and sometimes days (Kause et al 2004 cited in pantazopoulos 2012). Early detection of patient deterioration allows for early treatment of infections or hospital acquired pneumonia (Mato 2009, Mato 2010 and Straub 2014). It can also improve the patient s outcome by potentially preventing unplanned intensive care unit (ICU) admission, cardiac arrest and unexpected hospital deaths. (Van Leuvan 2008, Subbe 2003, Hodgetts 2002, Goldhill 2005, Chalmers 2008, Buist 2004). For an abnormality in a patients vital signs to be detected, they need to be consistently and accurately recorded for patient deterioration to be recognise. Past research suggests, however, that this practice is inconsistent (Chua 2013, Pantazopoulos 2011, Jonsson 2011, Osborne 2015, Van Leuvan 2008, Oliver 2010, Cretikos 2007, Parkes 2011, Cooper 2013, Ansell 2014, Hogan 2006, Phillip 2013). The aim of this literature review is to identify and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Analyzing Capital Punishment CAPITAL PUNISHMENT In this paper I m going to talk about Capital Punishment and the numerous ideas, thoughts, views and opinions people have about it and how they feel about this type of punishment. There are people who see capital punishment as morally wrong and committing a murder or on the side of the spectrum people see it as the right thing to do and believe that the individual receiving the punishment deserves it. I will also talk about how capital punishmentcan be used as a deterrent and make individuals second guess the decision they want to make and this may very well be a consequence of their actions. Another thing I will look at and talk about is how people have been falsely accused and sentenced to death or are currently sitting on death row. Also the technology and resources that are available today are so precise and extremely effective that to falsely convict someone is extremely slim and not common at all. There are numerous types of methods used to commit capital punishment and I will take a look at them and discuss them and look at some of them are inhumane and cruel. The process of getting on death row and eventually getting put to death is a very long and tedious one and it takes years to happen. I will discuss how people can make appeals, try and have their case heard again and to try and get off death row even though at times it isn t successful at all. I will also discuss the states that still practice capital punishment and what states have outlawed ... Get more on ...
  • 15. White With Powder Ashella had dutifully helped Brietta and Edana get into their dresses for that evening s festivities. Many times throughout the process she had to force herself not to giggle as her stepsisters asked for increasingly ridiculous elements to be added to their look. She had plucked their hairlines to give them a more prominent forehead. This of course, had led to much whining and scolding from the two as they believed she was hurting them on purpose. They had acted like babies, but Ashella certainly didn t say that out load to them at the time. When it came to dressing them, she put them in high collared gaudy dresses with low cut necklines and fur lining the trim. Jewels decorated the fabric of each, revealing how they tried desperately to show off their wealth, despite their mother actually having spent much of her parent s money years ago. On their orders, she had painted their faces pure white with powder and had even been ordered to do so with their bust. It was quite an appalling process for her to say the least. By the time she was done, her stepsisters looked horrible with their gaudy dresses and hair styles that did nothing to soften the lookof their pale faces and dark red lips. Their style appalled Ashella, but then again, they adhered to the idea of beauty that said showing off wealth was just as good as actually being beautiful. Needless to say she was happy when they made their way outside to the coach with their mother. The elder woman said, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay on The Strain of Mother-Daughter Relationships in... The Strain of Mother Daughter Relationships in Annie John Jamaica Kincaid accurately portrays how adolescence can strain mother daughter relationships. The mother daughter relationships are universal but it is not clear why we avoid the topic (Gerd). The father daughter relationships and the mother sons relationships are the issues mostly talked about. In Jamaica Kincaid s novel, Annie John, she explains and gives insight into mother daughter relationships. In Annie John, there are events that make people think about their relationship with their own mother. Kincaid expresses this relationship through her main character Annie who tries to find her own identity. The relationship between Annie... Show more content on ... In the novel, Annie did many things with her mother and look into the world through her mother. With all this, Annie wouldn t know what the world would be like with out her mother. Frances A. Nadeau, who wrote an article on the mother daughter relationship, said Understanding [this] relationship is critical to young adult girls because daughters bond with their mothers in a complex, interdependent association that often inhibits a daughter from establishing her own identity. Different people might describe this relationship in different ways but one common theme they have is that the daughter cannot do any thing without the mother and she also has her mothers image. In the novel, Annie and her mother were almost the same. They wore dresses cut from the same cloth; they went shopping together; and they even took bath together. She did many things with her mother and even wears the same cloth. Annie was like a little mirror of her mother. As the relationship gets to different stage in life it changes. For instance, the relationship you have with your mother when you are a child is different from the one you have during adolescence and it s also different when you are a mother yourself. But the most difficult stage is during adolescence. Adolescence is a difficult stage for both the mothers and daughters. Recent studies show that adolescence [is] regarded as a time of storm and stress , and solely attributed to the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. A Survey Of Theories Of International Migration This literature review starts with a survey of theories of international migration, the emergence of Filipino Labour Diaspora, focusing on the role of the Philippine state. Consequently, it examines the role of Canadian state in attracting FLCMs to work as domestic workers in Canada. Lastly, it examines the role of the market in perpetuating gender role and victimization in labor diaspora. 1.Theories of International Migration Theories of international migration studies often neglect the role of the state that produces and shape the process. Yet, politics and the states underlie much of the international migration movements through immigration policies and institutionalized bureaucracy related to migration. For instance, both ... Show more content on ... Here, the state is integrated only when it deals with market expansion, political power or any other capitalist interests of the government. Conversely, the social capital theory explains structural links, such as the memberships gained from networks and social institutions both in countries of origin and destination. Lastly, the theory of cumulative causation explains the personal, social and economic changes, which migration brings to an individual and its community (Massey 1999). Here the role of states is left behind or if it is mentioned, it one sidedly deals with receiving countries. 2.Overseas Filipino Workers and the Role of the State This section aims to trace the emergence of Filipino labour diaspora by relying on historical analysis to understand the role of the state in fostering out migration to the Philippines. Milton Esman defined diaspora as a minority ethnic group of migrant origin which maintains sentimental or material links with its land of origin. Diaspora studies in the 1980s and 1990s surfaced as a sociological approach to account for international migration and assimilation. Diasporas are believed to not have assimilated into their host country, and consciously share a collective memory because they formed an imagined community and a global village made possible by globalization. James Clifford adds that diasporas maintain links to their homeland with the desire for eventual return nurtured by a shared and an ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Les Miserables Metaphors Victor Hugo fills his pages of Les Miserables with dramatic, yet quirky, characters who each have their own complex separate lives but are all connected in one way or another. The author s metaphors most commonly include a character s comparison to an animal which aids the reader in understanding the intensity of the character s traits. Hugo uses many metaphors to draw out the complex and unique personalities of his characters with Jean Valjeanbeing described as an owl, Thenardier as a boa constrictor, and Javert as a tiger as well as a silent hound. To establish Jean Valjean s nocturnal and wise attributes, Victor Hugo commonly compares Jean Valjean to an owl. Hugo begins this comparison with his chapter titled A Nest for Owl and Wren and continues the comparison with Like birds of prey, he had chosen this lonely place to make his nest (Hugo 121). The title connects Cosette to the wren and Jean Valjean to the owl which then applies to the quote by saying Jean Valjean has the wiseness of an owl when finding a home. Jean Valjean is in need of a secluded place being that he is an escaped convict, and he made the wise choice of living in a home that seemed abandoned. Being an escaped convict, Jean Valjean was prudent enough never to go out in the daytime. Every evening, however, about twilight, he would walk for an hour or two... (Hugo 125).... Show more content on ... Jean Valjean is made out to be an owl with his wise and nocturnal traits. Thenardier is a boa constrictor as he attempts to squeeze a man s every last cent out of him. And lastly, Javert is described as a tiger who likes to pounce on anyone who goes against the law but is like a silent hound as he goes about doing so. Each character takes on a unique trait in it s most intense and dramatic form that makes Hugo s characters seem almost animal like which helps to draw the reader into the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Personal Lessons Learned From an early age I was taught the importance of personal integrity and the importance of being adaptable and prepared for any stressful situation that life may throw at you. During my time as a boy scout I was constantly taught to be prepared and to also to always be at the service of others. At the end of our camping trips we would be told repeatedly to leave this place, better than when you found it and this lesson has translated into my own life. I want to make the worlda better (safer) place than when I found it. As I grew up, these lessons continued to play a key role in the decisions I made and have made me into the man that I ve become today. While in middle school and into high school I had the opportunity to be exposed to many cultures that were different than my own. I volunteered weekly through my church in a predominately Hispanic community that was located in the Port of Houston. The neighborhood was extremely impoverished and many of the students were involved in gangs, or had one or more parents that were incarcerated. The more I worked with these young men and women, the more I learned about myself and that the lesson I learned years prior of making the world better than when you found it rang true. This community was not like the neighborhood that I lived in, and I was definitely ... Show more content on ... Ideally, it would be with the CIA because I enjoy working with the best and brightest, and feel that I would thrive in an environment working with some of the world s best. I am extremely drawn to complex tasks and finding innovative solutions to overcome obstacles. I also excel in high stress scenarios and work well under pressure. Working for the DO sounds exactly where I would be able to use my knowledge and analytical skills to the best of my ability to improve global ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Recurring Theme Of Death In The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe s works have a recurring theme of death. Both the raven and the mask of red death follows the theme. Both the raven and the mask of the red death Poe uses vivid imagery to develop the theme of death. First The Raven includes vivid imagery to demonstrate the certainty of death. Deep into the darkness peering.. And the only word that is spoken was the word Lenore. The speaker is peering into the darkness and hopes that his wife has returned. But whose violet lining with the lamp light gloating o er she shau press ah nevermore. He is talking about Lenore who s in the chair. My soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted nevermore. He is sort of thinking of death when he says my soul is floating on ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The United States Secret Service The United States Secret Service is one of the oldest federal law enforcement agencies in the country, and one of the most elite in the world. Secret Service s mission is to protect the president, vice president and others; and investigations into crimes against the financial infrastructure of the United States (USSS History. (n.d.). By law, the Secret Service is authorized to protect the president, vice president, the president elect, and vice president elect. The immediate families of those individuals, former presidents, their spouses, children of former presidents until age sixteen. The Secret Service is also authorized to protect National Security Events, visiting heads of foreign states, and major presidential and vice presidential... Show more content on ... (n.d.). The Secret Service is important to criminal justice administration because they have a jurisdiction to investigate threat against Secret Service protectees as well as financial crimes. Crimes such as counterfeiting of U.S currency or other U.S government obligations; forgery, theft of U.S treasury checks, bonds and other securities; credit card fraud; telecommunications fraud; computer fraud; identity fraud and other crimes that affect federal financial institutions. The United States Attorney s Office and the Secret Service work closely together as well in protective and investigation matters (FAQs. (n.d.). To even be considered for Secret Service Agent you must be a U.S Citizen. Twenty one years of age at the time of the application and younger than thirty seven at the time the job offer is made to you. If you re a veteran you must be at least twenty one years of age as well as and younger than forty years old at the time the position is offered to you. A current and valid driver s license is needed. High school diploma or equivalent. Qualify for the GL 07 level which in other words is a bachelor s degree from and accredited college or university with superior academic achievement, or a GL 09 level which is a master s degree with superior academic achievement. The vision qualifications for this position require uncorrected vision no worse than 20/60 binocular, or ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Importance Of Freedom Of The Press Freedom of the of the press has been a tricky topic throughout the ages. The press used to be a reliable source of news, where the full truth was given to the public. As the years go by more and more are added, making it difficult for press to do anything. This has often lead to many journalists going to court to argue against those that have violated their rights granted in the first amendment. The first amendment clearly states Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. Despite the amendments protecting the people from the government, these lawsuits with journalists and public speakers keep appearing. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a news source without stumbling upon prejudiced opinions, stories heavily censored, and news created to catch the eye of the public. America was a country of freedom, but now this country has enforced so many restrictions and laws that most of that freedom seems lost. Journalismused to be one of the most trusted sources of news. Lately, journalists have been a huge target on the end of first amendment restrictions. With a journalist s job, telling the public about everything occurring throughout the world. These restrictions have made a huge impact on their work. But, journalists now have a much better way to convey their ideas through the internet. Anyone can access their articles and read them, but with the easy accessibility to stories, there is a downside. Sometimes reporters must write up cover stories to ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Cannery Row Analysis The beginning of Cannery Row, by John Steinbeck, gives/includes a great description for the milieu. After reading the opening chapter it is easy to imagine yourself to the real settings. Story revolves around the very realistic environment of harbour cities in the twentieth century; stinky mixed odour of dead and living fish and rusty metal splinters sprawling all around. So, if you get properly affected by that description, you should nose out the stink of canned fish and feel like you МЃre one of those oil clothed Polaks. Canneries made of corrugated iron gets my thoughts to old, wild western movies. Everything is rusty and so the overall view is reddish brown. Splintered wood and weedy lots reflects an image that no one is taking care of the city, sardine canning is the main task and whole Monterey is working for that. There МЃs no time for such thing as renovation, the minor time called leisure is... Show more content on ... Inhabitants are hidden to flophouses and lonely Asian grocer waits on his own that someone would come to buy even one quart of beer. Junk heaps on the street are absorbed to the darkness. There are no houses near Cannery Row, typical workers live up on the hill and prestigious upper class lives somewhere where the stinky smell doesn МЃt reach. Every morning the scream of frightening, arriving fleet whistle gives an alarm to go work. I guess author used that sound to describe morning habit because everyone can imagine how horrible it would be to wake up in the voice coming from cargo ship, it reminds me of nuclear power accident... The scream means to scramble into clothes and precipitate down to canneries. Down the canneries people are primarily wearing rubber coats and oilcloth aprons. The place wasn МЃt hygienic, this can be seen in overall depiction; I can see blood trails and guts of fish ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Social Justice And Its Entire Entity Social Justice in its entire entity: The Final Countdown to Defining Social Justice Kaylie Ines ID 201: Social Justice Dr. Jorsch Dr. Van Tassel Fear and cruelty are the weapons of animals, not humanity, and social injustices derive from fear the masked ego of one who has sustained through power: white power. It is only fair to continue to talk about social injustice by defining what is social justice. Social justice embodies a framework (and certainly not limited to) a community, a united nation, equitable in standing together in belief and acceptance of diversity; equality; freedom; and equal opportunity to income and its privileges. Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America proclaims that a house divided cannot stand. I believe President Lincoln is correct with his statement, if the house is not endowed in a universal cause and foundation, then the infrastructure is faulty and will collapse. Here is how this connects to social justice, if that same house is not socially just, separation will impel and will cause dilapidation within the foundation. This paper will implement foci on Michelle Alexander s (The New Jim Crow) approach of the social issue of a new Jim Crow system of mass incarceration in a colorblind society, and Barbara Ehrenreich s (Nickle and Dimed) notion to the social injustice that derives from a capitalistic driven society that undermines the working lower class men and women. With the forth ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Similarities Between Anne Bradstreet And Society Correlations Between Anne Bradstreet s Poems and Society Today The name Anne Bradstreet may not be as infamous to some ears as the name Virginia Woolf or Mary Shelley, but her influence on the inclusion of women in a predominantly male society prevails nonetheless and reigns just as prominent as other women of her time. Anne Bradstreet was a devoted wife and mother, who was also bound by the impediments of being a Puritan woman. In fact, she summited herself to her husband and demonstrates her perpetual affection toward her children in her poem In Reference to Her Children . In her work The Prologue , Bradstreet does not request complete gender equality, but suggests women obtain acknowledgment for their work. Members of her community ... Show more content on ... In the Christian Bible, it is deemed inappropriate to engage in intercourse before marriage. Like Bradstreet, there are deterrents that withhold people in today s society from engaging in activities that they desire. However, despite her position in American society, Bradstreet s brother in law, John Woodbridge, arranged for a collection of her poems called The Tenth Muse to be published in London, and Bradstreet became America s first published poet (Gilbert 145). Such an achievement is well deserved by someone as intellectual and fervent as Bradstreet. Her poem In Reference to Her Children embodies a more emotional tone than The Prologue . Bradstreet personifies birds to metaphorically represent all eight of her children and elaborates on her role as a mother when her children start their own lives as adult. In fact, the poem is an exceptional depiction of motherhood for her children all embarked on separate paths, and Bradstreet expresses her undying love and worry regarding her children, which are feelings most mothers endure when their children depart. In regards to her children facing the dangers of the world, she writes, Whilst pecking corn and void of care, they fall un wares in fowler s snare, or whilst on trees they sit and sing, some untoward boy at them do fling, or whilst allured with bell and glass, the net be spread, and caught, alas, or lest by lime twigs they be foiled, or by some greedy hawks be spoiled ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Miscommunication In Oleanna Play Oleanna by David Mamet is a two character play in which the issue of miscommunications and excessive political correctness is explored in the matter of 3 Acts. The play is about student teacher relationships and sexual harassment. The topic discussed in this play could be considered very sensitive which causes Oleanna to become a controversial text. This play was written in 1990 s not only did it spark a great deal of controversy but also stimulated discussions and arguments. If this text had been written in the 21st century the context of this play would differ in many ways based on the way communication has changed, the way modern society reacts to topics such as sexual harassment, and the effectiveness of the actual text, and this is shown... Show more content on ... Sexual assault victims hesitate to speak out about these incidents because society blames the victim, but recently many victims have been speaking up about these heartbreaking incidents. Just because a victim does not speak up about this immediately does not mean it is not true, but some find it truly difficult to speak up because they are afraid. For example, in Oleanna Carol speaks about having a group and the professor then reinstated that this group advised her, so it was a sort of support group for her. A support group is good when it comes to situations like this when you feel alone. This text could differ because people in this modern society are capable of getting books and songs banned or taken down because of how overly sensitive they are about sexual ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Joseph Stalin Containment Containment is defined as a way to prevent another countries expansionism in another way instead of a warfare. For example, Stalin understood that through postwar Soviet expansionism was the only way to command the world economy one for geographical and historical purposes. One example of this was portrayed by Stalin who strived to keep Germany divided in order, to be unified and strong when it would be in a war with Russiathe second time in the 20th century. Therefore, when the United States, France and Britain strived to unify the German zones in order, to help the economic recovery of Europe, Stalin instead, opposed to this idea. Furthermore, during the cold waran example of the containment was the enforcement of the Marshall plan.... Show more content on ... Expansionism is defined as a way to extend territorial and to influence ideologically across a country s borders and allies. This expansionism was practiced by the United States and the Soviet Union until the Cold War came to an end. Moreover, through expansionism during the Cold War it was the idea of striving to gain more land by expanding further and occupying more land in order, to gain power and sovereignty. For example, in the Cold War some attempts to gain land was on Russia and striving to expand communism into the rest of the regions. However, the United States tried to stop this expansionism from occurring through the parts of the world and did succeed despite their failed attempt to stop it from China. Furthermore, Russia attempted to expand into North Korea while the United States tried to expand into South Korea. Russia wanted to achieve communism into North Korea because they did not want the United States to influence South Korea and cause them to be influenced by western ideologies and a westernized type of ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep By Philip K. Dick Dalai Lama accurately describes what a healthy relationship between man and nature is when she stated that It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live. Unlike Lama s beliefs about the environment, Philip K. Dick s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep portrays the consequences and chaos revolving around an unhealthy relationship humanity has with the Earth. At first, one might assume that the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dickdescribes the correlation between humanity and the power of empathy. Indeed, this view may be supported by the interactions between Rick Deckard, the protagonist, and the androids he encounters, and how his beliefs about humanity... Show more content on ... However, Bill is not satisfied with any Rick s offers and declines the transaction. When analyzing this scene through an ecocritical lens, retailing and profiting from animals is an ordinary and frequent interaction that many individuals from the novel participate in. Therefore, this act of profiting from animals shows that many individuals looked at other living creatures as a method of business. In addition, many people in this time period could not afford living animals, therefore, it was a common practice for many to buy robotic animals to make the appearance of owning a real animal to raise one s financial power. In the text, after Rick s attempts to negotiate with Bill, he decides to demand Bill to give him the foul because if Bill did not give him the newborn horse, he would be violating Mercer s law, since Rick did not have any real animals. However, Bill does not know that Rick s animals are synthetic, causing Rick to show to Bill the concealed control panel of the mechanism (Dick 11). Bill realizes that Rick owns a fake animal and felt sorry for him You poor guy. Has it always been this way? (Dick 11). Subsequently, when Rick exposes himself, Bill felt pitiful towards Rick s financial position since he could not afford a real animal, furthermore, this scene shows that society looks down upon owning a fake animal. Proving that these ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Nokia- Swot Analysis NOKIA: Change in Market Strategy ABOUT THE COMPANY: In 1865, Fredrik Idestam, a mining engineer, founded a paper manufacturing company and called it Nokia. Finnish rubber Works became a part of the Nokia Company in 1920 and in 1922, Finnish cable Works joined them. All the three companies were merged to form Nokiagroup in 1967. But Nokia didn t stopper here, they foray into new ventures like in power and electronic business in late 1970s. By 1987, consumer electronics became Nokia major business. Nokia Corporation (Nokia) is based at Finland. By 1998, Nokia becomes the world s biggest mobile phone manufacturer. Its focus on telecommunications and its early ... Show more content on ... gt; gt; NOKIA has acquired new companies, made new partner agreements and invested in new technologies. Recent example NOKIA went into partnership with INTEL, in Feb, 2009 so as to develop Meego software platform which will be used for their next mobile computer that will be launched shortly. gt; gt; NOKIA worked hard to improve their communication network, deal with operator, customers, suppliers, retailers, developers and even some of its competitors so that everyone is benefited. gt; gt; NOKIA s main focus was on after sales service also, as they considered customers preferences and if the customers go anywhere they will receive service for their product easily and this helped in raising the NOKIA s brand name. SWOT ANALYSIS: SWOT is expanded as the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. These parameters are needed to study the market scheme of any company. STRENGTH: Nokia Strength is the Popularity of the Company. It is the most preferred mobile in any country. It has the sale of 52,000 in the year 1997 and it is the 34% increase from the previous year 8. The operating profit of this world s largest mobile manufacturers is 5.0 and 37% of market share according to Q1 2009 and 35 % in Q1 2010. They have models for each segment and now placed at very competitive price will surely keep them ahead from their competitors. WEAKNESS: Weakness is considered to be the internal factors. Weakness comes into play while the product is failing in the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Domestic Surveillance Citizens feeling protected in their own nation is a crucial factor for the development and advancement of that nation. The United States government has been able to provide this service for a small tax and for the most part it is money well spent. Due to events leading up to the terrifying attacks on September 11, 2001 and following these attacks, the Unites States government has begun enacting certain laws and regulations that ensure the safety of its citizens. From the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act(FISA) of 1978 to the most recent National Security Agencyscandal, the government has attempted and for the most part succeeded in keeping domestic safety under control. Making sure that the balance between... Show more content on ... This act makes a significant amount of amendments to the FISA act one of which is Title II which is titled Enhanced Surveillance Procedures. While the FISA act targeted only non US citizens for foreign intelligence information , this act allows the collection of foreign intelligence information from US citizens as well. One section which raises a brow is section 215 of the Patriot Act which grants the FBI permission to ask the FISA court to compel the sharing of books, business documents, tax records, library check out lists, and pretty much any tangible thing, as part of a foreign intelligence or international terrorism investigation. Upon further reading of this section it becomes evident fairly quickly that these required materials can include purely domestic records. Of course, if one has nothing to hide then one need to fear this act since it is geared towards non US and US citizens suspected of being affiliated with a foreign power; but later acts seem to notion that perhaps the United States government is not only concerned with terrorist groups but rather all information of its citizens and residents which can build patterned profiles. Under George W. Bush s term, and shortly after the attacks of September 11th 2001, both the President s Surveillance Program and the Terrorist Surveillance Program have been brought under scrutiny. Each of the programs authorizes the National Security Agency (NSA) by executive order to monitor phone calls, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Essay on Economic Effects of the Black Plague in England The high middle ages from the eleventh to the fourteenth century saw the reemergence of urban life, the revival of long distance commerce, innovation, maturation of manorial agriculture, and a burgeoning population. Consequently, the fourteenth century spawned war, famine, disease and economic decay, leading to what many historians believe to be the end of the Middle Ages. Although there were many contributing factors such as famine, collapsing institutions and war. Many historians believe the arrival of the Black Deathto Englandin 1348 was the final straw, and the most impactful agent of change in that area. In a letter to his brother, Petrarch wrote, When has any such thing been even heard or seen; in what annals has it ever been... Show more content on ... With depopulation, agricultural and commerce reform and labor force alterations, the effects of the Black Death in England were dramatic and placed the course of the English economy on a new path. To gain perspective on the level of economic change in England, it is important to note and understand the population trends, as it had a directly impacted all aspects of change in regards to the economic effects of the Black Plague. In simple terms, the number of people had a direct impact on the most basic categories of the economy: production and consumption. An expanding population is only possible if it has the economic resources to support it. It seems the Black Death s impact on population levels actually created a silver lining based on the Malthusian Theory where English scholar Thomas Malthus claims, [t]hat the superior power of population is repressed, and the actual population kept equal to the means of subsistence, by misery and vice. As England was experiencing overpopulation, there was not enough agricultural production to support the masses, but as the force of the Black Death swept in and decimated the population, it left England with abundance of land and less people to support, resulting in a balance between agricultural productivity and consumption. Although the Black Plague created shock, panic and fear for a few years, this alteration in population left survivors with an optimistic outlook ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Goodfellas Paper Paper on Goodfellas movie Martin Scorsese does an exquisite job of making this film real. When Henry is still young, his innocence is displayed so subtly, but with profound clarity. The same can be said for all the scenes in the movie. The characters often seem to live in a different world, with their frequent killings and the absence of emotion that they display. Then all of a sudden, you ll find yourself identifying with the character, and they will seem so classically human. The Gangster, as Robert Warshow puts it, is a quintessential tragic hero , a character whose very nature and deeds ultimately condemn them to a short and fruitless existence, outside of the boundaries of normal society . The Gangster s place within cinema is... Show more content on ... When I was broke, I d go out and rob some more. We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands out. Everything was for the taking. Henry. In essence, these guys were extremely powerful. There was an appealing bravado and swagger to these men and Henry wanted it all. It was intoxicating for him. By 1970 Henry achieved the position of great importance in the organization. He is teamed up with two of his closet associates, the hotheaded of violent tempered Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci, never more charismatic and never more fever pitched) and the no nonsense Jimmy Conway (Robert DeNiro, equally confident and authoritative). In the end, Henry soon realized that he had to break two cardinal rules of the mafia (never rat on your friends and never say anything to anyone) in order to save his life. Goodfellas looked at the mob without making any apparent comment of its own. As it adopts the flat tone of Henry, its principal narrator, it also reflected Henry s jittery and driven concerns. It moved from sequence to sequence with slightly crazed speed, as if anticipating one of the cocaine highs that, finally, were to be Henry s undoing[6]. Scorsese brilliantly uses freeze frames as snapshots as transition from one scene to the next. What was interesting though, was the fact that each snap shot were memories of great times shared at: children s birthday parties, baby showers, births, weddings, and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Bessie Smith Essay In Bessie Smith s piece Young Woman Blues , underlies a black feminist declaration of empowered femininity and proud black sexuality. In that respect, she follows along in the tradition of other black female musicians like Ma Rainey and Nella Laursen in challenging the status quo through their own music. As such, Carby is right in her analysis of Bessie Smith and other black female musicians in asserting their femininity whereas Chapman is limited in analyzing the perception of these musicians and not the actual music itself. Through Smith s performance of the song underscores the vulnerability and by extension the strength that her and other black females possess to deal with the dual prejudices of racism and sexism. As such, the performance is liberating in terms of its challenging of racism through black pride, challenging of sexism through female sensuality, and advocating of personal independence. In the piece itself, Bessie Smith fundamentally critiques the racialized... Show more content on ... She accounts for the likes of Ma Rainey who had songs along the likes of Oh Papa Blues , Titanic Man Blues , and Black Eye Blues that challenged male cheating with female strength and fury (Carby 17). Granted, Chapman would argue such songs would pale to the positioning of female musicians in the race sex marketplace with the likes of Ethel Waters (Chapman 80). Yet again, this should discount any of what Bessie Smith is fighting for within the song itself. The reasoning being is that for music of hers to be liberating, it is to first be liberating in a personal level. The limitations that are there for blues music in the grand sense are apparent as Chapman notes with the objectification of black women s bodies. Though, Bessie Smith is not seen in a sexualized fashion in her song and the sensuality that is there is comes from her own ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Love In The Movie Interstellar Interstellar is the best movie I ever saw. I must say I absolutely loved this movie. Firstly I saw this movie in the cinema and since then I have watched this movie fast time. It is one of the best experience of my life. When first time after watching the movie I walked out of cinema, I felt my life was changed. Interstellar is an incredible movie. Acting, visuals , score all are amazing. The movie is sci fi and is all about humanity. It spread the message of lovein the form of space adventure. It transcends space and timeand gives a concept of existence into the soul. Interstellar is about love, connection and endurance. It is about survive and checks our ability to think to operate from a place what is right, instead of what we should do when we have no option but survival is the only way. Another thing is being alone while we surrounded by others. As Cooper is a NASA pilot. He is away from home and we feel his need to explore permeate through his skin he works very hard. He fights it off each day to become a farmer to have food and raise his kid. His wife is gone and feels more alone. He struggles for finding his dreams. I love this movie as it teaches some big lessons of life. Interstellar shows us the human condition and shows we can fight with isolation and loneliness. It is the bigger test for humans, when they are alone and they have to survive them, decision making is something which then play a vital part. It teaches us the importance of decision making at ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Theme Of Monsters Under The Bed Monsters under the bed is a short story written by Lezanne Clannachan . The story takes place in Waterloo station in London, where the 2 main character present. The 2 characters, which are called Eddie and Angie, get into a conversation. In this conversation Eddie express a lot of emotional feelings about his mother. It is his mother s birthday and he is on his way home, after buying eccles cakes which is his mothersfavourite. The relation between Eddie and Angie is a little bit confusing in the start, because Angie makes Eddie angry because she reminds him of his own mother. Made you blush, the woman says. She thinks it s shyness, but she s wrong. It s anger and it catches him off guard. He makes himself remember the grateful look on ... Show more content on ... Fear is something we all had felt in some perspective. We are all scared of something. In this story the mother of Eddie is afraid of the outside world. It seems that she has agoraphobia, that she gets anxiety in circumstances where she feels a danger, uncomfortable or unsafe place. She stood for ages with the front door open. In the end she gave up and lay down on the sofa (...)(l.135 136). She s is also scared that no one will ever love her, that no one will ever look after her and she is afraid that she will die alone. This is here Eddie comes into the picture, because he is the only one she had left, she cut everyone off, like her mate Lilian and the neighbours. Maybe Eddies biggest fear is to accept the fact that his mothers is his monster because he can t live his life as he wants. He became resistance, because everything he loved had been taken away from him. But in the end he overcome his fear and says, If he doesn t come home, his mum will have to leave the house. Even if she only gets as far as the garden gat (l.173 174. )And that means that his mother also has to overcome her fear and go ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Origins of the First World War The First World War was an international conflict which erupted in July 1914 involving various nations across the world. Many historians and those who have studied the Great War tend to give varied opinions as to what initially sparked the outbreak. However, although these opinions between researchers differ, they do all tend to revolve around the hostility between the great powers of Europe, the violent assassination of the Austro Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and the controversial pieces of German foreign policy known as Weltpolitik and Mitteleuropa, which according to political theorist Hans Debruck (1899), would not only transform Germany into a nation of great economic and military power, but also into a nation that has been... Show more content on ... This theory appeared to be very inspirational for Germany as they were unfortunately surrounded by other dominant powers. With Social Darwinism in mind, the new German king Wilhelm II sparked serious concern amongst the European powers by establishing two pieces of foreign policy known as Weltpolitik and Mitteleuropa. Weltpolitik, according to Debruck (1899), was a piece of legislation that was established to help the Germans pursue colonial and naval power in the grand manner through either peace or war. The other policy, Mitteleuropa, also caused huge political unrest amongst the great powers as it was viewed as a plan for Europe to be completely dominated by German empires. So from the establishment of these two pieces of legislation, it quickly became unequivocal that Germany was becoming a nation of potential threat. Additionally, the Germans were also accused by the British media of trying to cause a civil war in Ireland by providing both loyalist and nationalist groups with weapons; another example of Germanys uprising power and aggression (Padfield, 2005). So with Germany becoming a particularly aggressive nation, causing the other nations such as Britain to become somewhat solicitous, how were the other great powers such as Russia and Austria developing? Throughout the expansion of Germany, Russia and Austria were ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Self-hatred of Kochan in Confessions of a Mask Essay The Self hatred of Kochan in Confessions of a Mask In his semi autobiographical novel, Confessions of a Mask, Yukio Mishima examines the struggle for acceptance by a man living outside of the socially accepted norms. A motif that strongly pervades this novel is death and the images of blood associated with it. Kochan, a Japanese adolescent living in post war Japan, struggles with his homosexuality and his desire to be normal. In order to survive, he must hide behind a mask of propriety. At a young age, Kochan shows signs of being attracted to male beauty. His earliest memory is of a young night soil man with handsome ruddy cheeks and shining eyes (8). Initially, his attraction to men is confused with a desire to be like them. ... Show more content on ... One such picture shows a knight mounting a white horse and brandishing his sword, surely facing death. He reveals his abnormal physical attractions even further when he states, Although as a child I read every fairy story I could get my hands on, I never liked the princesses. I was fond only of the princes. I was all the fonder of princes murdered or princes fated to death. I was completely in love with any youth who was killed (20). Not only does Kochan collect these pictures, but he also modifies the less violent ones to appetize his sensual desires to the fullest. Kochan s favorite picture is a reproduction of Guido Reni s St. Sebastian. This picture later influences the nature of his daydreams. It depicts an almost completely naked youth tied to a tree with his hands tied above his head. Two arrows pierce his left armpit and his right side while his expression is one of supreme agony and ecstasy (39). This picture has such a profound effect on Kochan that it leads to his first ejaculation. After seeing a troop of soldiers pass by his house as a child, he begins to glorify war and death, especially his own. His weapons of choice are primitive and savage: arrows, daggers, and spears. He frequently envisions scenes in which men are brutally stabbed in the stomach, leading to slow and agonizing deaths the true marker of beauty. As a child ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Despite Lower Costs (Or Even Free), External Support... Despite lower costs (or even free), external support mechanisms, especially with third parties and/or support forums demonstrate significant shortcomings for Gulfstream enterprise integration. Gulfstream zealously protects its intellectual property. Information security levels risk compromising when interdependency occurs between firms (Cezar, Cavusoglu, Raghunathan, 2016). This results not only due to increased security threats through the additive exposure, but also because one partner may take a free ride and invest less in the security protection. In addition, many aircraft programs at Gulfstream incorporate specifications, designs, and parts subject to International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Non domestic entities are ... Show more content on ... Effective team members monitor and back up each other s performance and are collectively oriented toward the desired outcome. By carefully considering the IMOI model, leadership intervention, and the five keys to improving team performance, organizations can successfully maximize teamwork for the benefit of the organization and the members of the team. Gulfstream can gain even higher performance from the three groups that are widely spread among various departments. By intelligently analyzing the load balance of support requests and matching to the KSAs of the individual team members, response times can be met for high priority situations. As knowledge capture gains traction, knowledge retention can be keyed for immediate retrieval. The spillover effect will become noticeable, diffusing the knowledge to other teams, departments, and facilities. This will generate higher productivity on both the engineering production side and in the technical support groups. As Ba and Nault showed, the social benefit of increased innovation becomes a positive externality, justifying further interventions (2016). The difficulty that faces Gulfstream is how to provide better support with fewer personnel for more users. Fortunately, the IT landscape provides many analytic solutions that match known solutions to issues being worked by less skilled ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay On Cervical Dysplasia CIN (formerly cervical dysplasia) refers to premalignant changes in the cervical epithelium that have the potential to progress to cervical cancer. The histologic features most commonly associated with cervical dysplasia include cellular immaturity, cellular disorganization, nuclear abnormalities, and increased mitotic activity. The severity of CIN is de termined by the portion of epithelium showing disordered growth and development. The changes start at the basal layer of the epithelium and can expand to encompass the entire epithelium .Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), formerly called dysplasia, means disordered growth and development of the epithelial lining of the cervix. There are various degrees of CIN. Mild dysplasia, or CIN I, is defined as disordered growth of the lower third of the epithelial lining. Abnormal maturation of the lower two thirds of the lining is called moderate dysplasia, or... Show more content on ... Severe dysplasia, CIN III, encompasses more than two thirds of the epithelial thickness with carcinoma in situ (CIS) representing full thickness dysmaturity. While histologically evaluated lesions are characterized using the CIN nomenclature, cytologic smears are classified according to the Bethesda system, which was most recently revised in 2001. Briefly, atypical squamous cells are divided into those of undetermined significance (ASC US) and those in which a high grade lesion cannot be excluded (ASC H). Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) encompasses cytologic changes consistent with koilocytic atypia or CIN I. High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) denotes the cytologic findings corresponding to CIN II and CIN III. CIN may be suspected because of an abnormal cytologic ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Importance of Function Over Form in the Classical... In the 18th century, the concerto was transformed into a viable instrumental genre to both demonstrate virtuosity as well as a cohesive character that embodied the natural. Though the series of changes from the Baroque concerto grosso to the Classical concerto were gradual and cannot be attributed to a single composer, the Piano ConcertoNo. 20 in D minor K. 466 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozartis a skillful representation of the genre in that era. Of particular interest in this concerto is the treatment of sonata form in the first movement. When compared to other instrumental genres of that era, there is a tangible divide between the sonata form of the concerto and that of other instrumental genres such as the symphony. To understand this... Show more content on ... 466, is a synthesis of both sonata form and the Baroque ritornello principle. In this concerto, for example, the opening orchestra tutti is not a first exposition, because it remains in the tonic throughout and does not contain the complete compliment of themes. Thus, this tutti serves as preparation for the soloist, who enters with a novel theme in measure 77. After the completion of the exposition in both D minor and F major by soloist and orchestra, there is a short transition (mm. 174 192) based upon the opening material leading into the tonally unstable development. The remainder of the first movement retains much of this format. As W.H. Hadow states, the form of the soloist s portions are thus comparable to sonata form, but the form of the whole is still governed by the ritornello. The different manifestation of sonata form in the genre of the concerto may lead one to believe that the form of the Classical concerto developed independently of other genres that exercise this form. In fact, K. 466, with its ritornello principle, bares close resemblance to the da capo aria. As the Classical concerto functions as a platform for virtuosic display for the soloist, similar to an aria for a vocalist, the form of the first movement of K. 466 is a result of the stylistic and functional demands of the concerto. In the 18th century, there was an increase in the ideals of contrast, communication, expression and ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Effects Of Alcohol On The Heart Rate Of Daphnia Magna ABSTRACT This report presents the physiological changes in the heart rate of a fresh water crustacean Daphnia magna when exposed to caffeine and alcohol. Different Daphnia magnas were placed in a depression slide containing fresh water and later exposed to solutions of caffeine and alcohol. Each Daphnia magna had different responses. These data suggest there is an increase in heart rate when a Daphnia magna is exposed to caffeine and a decrease in heart rate when it is in a solution of alcohol. LAB REPORT Title: Physiological Changes in the Heart Rate of Daphnia magna When Exposed to Stimulants (Caffeine and Alcohol). Prepared for: Professor Samantha Snavely By: Carolyn Omar Iduh June 27, 2015 Introduction The inverse effects between the consumption of stimulant like caffeine and depressant like alcohol has been well established over the years. Alcohol has a paradoxical effect that makes it first appear as a stimulant (American heart association, 2015). The two faced nature is due to ethanol the most active ingredient in alcohol. Alcohol slows down the nervous system by acting on the brain s inhibitory neurotransmitter called gamma aminobutyric acid. Studies have shown Bradycardia (slow or decreased heart rate) in people who consume too much alcohol (ehealthMe, 2015). Drinking alcohol can completely alter a person s concentration, mood, and coordination (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2013). Too much consumption of alcohol could ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay on Government Spending, Deficits, and Keynesian... A growing government is opposite to America s economic interests because the various methods of financing a government taxes, borrowing, and printing money have harmful effects upon the economy. There are many reasons why there is a high deficit in the United States such as extensive spending. This is true because government spending is often economically destructive, regardless of how it is financed. There are many causes of the steady growth in U.S. trade deficits. There are many people are against the high deficits especially economists. Economists define government intervention in the foreign exchange market as the buying or selling of foreign exchange for the purpose of manipulating the exchange rate. (Case, pg. 398) ... Show more content on ... Yes, the reason for the high budget deficit matter because many economists feels as though this will eventually affect our children and/or even our grandchildren. Not only that we must know how to budget the money. The government needs to know if they need to offer higher interest rates to attract enough buyers of government debt. Excess amount of borrowing adds to the National debt which means the Government has to spend more each year. Another reason why it matters we need to cut out and/or investigate where the wasteful spending is going and if we need to cut back on public sector spending or by raising the burden. There are few programs I think that we could cut to help in our financial situation right now such as public assistance. I am all for helping people in need especially children, senior citizens, and disabled. However, I am not willing to offer or give assistance to a person who abuses the system. I know several people who receive public assistance and they are perfectly stable enough to work, but they rather not. If you have been on the program more than 5 years you should be released. We have allowed some people to take advantage and it has put a minor dent into the United States spending. ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Smart Crawler, For Efficient Harvesting Deep Web... As deep web grows at a very fast pace, there has been increased interest in techniques that help efficiently locate deep web interfaces. However, due to the large volume of web resources and the dynamic nature of deep web, achieving wide coverage and high efficiency is a challenging issue. We propose a two stage framework, namely Smart Crawler, for efficient harvesting deep web interfaces. In the first stage, Smart Crawler performs site based searching for center pages with the help of search engines, avoiding visiting a large number of pages. To achieve more accurate results for a focused crawl, Smart Crawler ranks websites to prioritize highly relevant ones for a given topic. In the second stage, Smart Crawler achieves fast in site searching by excavating most relevant links with an adaptive link ranking. To eliminate bias on visiting some highly relevant links in hidden web directories, we design a link tree data structure to achieve wider coverage for a website. Introduction The deep (or hidden) web refers to the contents lie behind searchable web interfaces that cannot be indexed by searching engines. Based on extrapolations from a study done at University of California, Berkeley, it is estimated that the deep web contains approximately 91,850 terabytes and the surface web is only about 167 terabytes in 2003. More recent studies estimated that 1.9 zettabytes were reached and 0.3 zettabytes were consumed worldwide in 2007. An IDC report estimates that the total of all ... Get more on ...
  • 44. One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest Power Analysis Ilana Sedaka Walter P.8 Power Shift in One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest In modern day society, individuals are influenced by strong superiority figures their whose dominance stems from internal power. Authority can often lead subordinates to rebel and seize control; therefore ability to obtain power is exceptionally difficult. A rivalry for rigid power is seen in the literary piece, One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest. The limited dominance is shifted fluidly between Nurse Ratched and Randle McMurphy, and finally designated to Chief Bromden. Although Nurse Ratched exercises initial control over her ward, Randle McMurphy attempts to disobey her authority through defiance, and ultimately the power shifts into Chief Bromden s final control in One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest. In the beginning of the novel, Nurse Ratched undoubtedly dominates the control of the mental hospital. Chief s profound description of Nurse Ratched reveals he feels threatened by her. Chief insists that she blows up bigger and bigger, big as a tractor (5) indicating he feels figuratively smaller than Nurse Ratched. He also details her as a stiff, calculated, and precise like a machine running the whole facility. Chief Bromden feels so impotent under her ruling, that he hallucinates a fog machine and keeps everyone satisfied under her power. The fog is a reoccurring symbol in the novel that can represent Chief s helplessness: One of these days I ll quit straining and let myself go completely, lose myself ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Big Fish And Atonement Comparative Essay The two movies Atonement and Big Fish are very similar although at first, the average viewer would not normally acknowledge it. The two movies seem very different, from the calm narration of the historical fiction movie Atonement and the wild extreme imagery that the narrators from Big Fish, a fantasy drama film, expelled to the audience. Yet the narrators from these two movies are the aspects that make these films similar. The film Atonement at first seemed like it had four different narrators, Briony Tallis as a child, Briony Tallis as a young adult, Cecilia Tallis and Robbie. Brioney as a child ,who narrates most of the beginning of the movie, seemed like an unreliable narrator once the same event was retold later in the story by a different narrator who... Show more content on ... The major point in the story where a viewer can infer than Briony is an unreliable narrator was during Briony s brother s welcome home dinner party. In this particular part in the film Briony s two twin cousins, who came to stay with the Tallis family since their parents were getting divorced, ran away and all the guests at the dinner party went searching for Briony s two cousins in the dark. When Briony was searching for her cousins she flashed her flashlight towards the ground and saw the two twin boys older sister that was staying with them, Lola, being raped by a man. Briony tells Lola she saw the man s face who raped her and told her family that the man who raped Lola was Robbie. Briony essentially ruins Robbie s life because of this rape allegation he gets sent to prison and enlists in the army to become free, but ultimately dies from an infection. Where towards the end of the movie, where an older Briony is trying to make amends with her sister Cecilia, who was in love with Robbie, makes the revelation to her sister that the man who actually raped Lola was Leo s, their older brother, friend Paul who visited the Tallis family with him ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Characteristics Of Aliens In Avatar And District 9 In the films Avatar and District 9, which were both released in 2009, there are stereotypical elements of the science fiction genre. By discussing humanity towards aliens, a reliance on an advance in technology, the use of corporate giants as a controlling forces as well as moral and emotional manipulation, this essay will prove to a large extent that District 9 and Avatar have evolved past typical science fiction films. However, it will also prove how District 9 has continued to evolve and therefore is more evolved as a science fiction filmthan Avatar. In Avatar and District 9, the initial interaction between the humans and the aliens revealed the true characteristics of the aliens. For example, in District 9, this scene involved very poor ... Show more content on ... These scenes involve dim lighting and unfocused shots as a symbol of the evil that is MNU. This film shows how the humans seek an advance in technology in order to aid their overpowering of the aliens. In Avatar, humans use their advanced technology to travel to another planet to obtain precious elements. The power of the technology is shown as Jake first lands on Pandora. His point of view is shot at a low angle to the futuristic buildings and machinery, indicating man s inferiority without technology. In this film, man is dependent on their advanced technology in order to ensure their superiority over the aliens. This therefore provides an obvious difference between the two ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Role Of Loyalty In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein It is in the human condition to distinguish ourselves from those around us, to attempt to rise above the turbulent sea of people that encompasses the Earth. Thousands of years ago, this meant being stronger, faster, or smarter than the competition. Today, these attributes are still taken into account, but a few more have been added to the spectrum. Fame, wealth, and power are all viewed today to be distinguishing characteristics, so, naturally, humans have adapted to seek glory. However, mankind s desperation for glory often results in the overstepping of boundaries, whether scientific, moral, or societal, ultimately leading to the downfall of the seeker. Mary Shelley demonstrates this concept in her Gothic novel Frankenstein. She utilizes... Show more content on ... Victor, Walton, and the Creature s quests were unsuccessful due to their overstepping of scientific, social, and moral bounds. In Victor s case, his downfall was the result of his haste to create a sentient being for the glory that would result. This problem exists not only in Frankenstein, but in the modern world as well. Today, with the world s newly advanced technology, innovators around the globe are inquiring as to how to shatter the limits of science by creating a new series sentient life. While the altering of DNA to create genetically modified humans is possible, albeit extremely expensive, the process is highly scrutinized as to whether it is morally valid and within the realm of what scientists are allowed to tinker with. Those against human modification say that, like Frankenstein and his creature, the possibility for the process to go south is too great and shouldn t be risked. Those in favor of the alteration respond with promises of bettering society through a new, disease resistant, genetically superior species. They say that the creation of these superhumans would result in a higher standard of living, and, of course, glory. Cautioned to us by Mary Shelley almost 200 years ago and still true today, overstepping bounds in the pursuit of glory is a dangerous act and will result in failure. After all, seeds of promise, if nurtured ... Get more on ...
  • 48. How Does Political Climate Impact Libraries The political climate in an influential factor in deciding how far reaching libraries can be in the community it is in. Budget cuts made by politicians affect how much librarians can provide with the funds that they are afforded. In another article written by Paul Jaeger, Wake up the Nation: Public Libraries, Policy Making, and Political Discourse calls for libraryand information science researchers to engage problems of politics and policy making that impact libraries which will benefit libraries in advocating their needs in the political process (Jaeger 61). Jaeger notes that there is an interrelationship between policy, politics, and public libraries (Jaeger 61). For example, a cycle occurs where libraries struggle to provide services ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The Death Penalty Laws Within America Essay Since the beginning of time, laws and ordinances have been put in place to prevent chaos and delinquent behavior. Punishments have been put in place as a deterrent so that individuals may witness what partaking in a wrongful event is its consequent result. One of the most apparent examples is that of the death penalty. Like everything in life, the death penalty has gone through many major changes. Some of these changes include methods of execution, changes between the handling of adults and juvenile cases, and even the approval and disapproval of death penalty laws within states. The first set of recognized death penalty laws can be traced back to the 18th century B.C and found in the Code of King Hammurabi in Babylon, in which the death penalty was established for over twenty different offenses. In the 17th century B.C., the Draconian Code established the death penalty for all criminal offenses. In Roman law, the death penalty was seen in it Twelve Tablets around the fifth century B.C. Each country had its different views of what crime was to receive the death penalty as well in the type of punishment one got. Some of the common forms of punishments one got for the death penalty was crucifixion, stoning, hanging, and quartering. Over the decades, the use of the death penalty brought its way into the United States. The Constitution has ruled the death penalty itself as being unconstitutional, but it allowed states to make their own laws regarding it. As the United States ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Describe The Effects Of Humiliation In Society A woman outcasted for her sin in a puritan society. A woman ridiculed for what actions she took with a high ranking official. A woman threatened for what controversy she said. All of the following people have been exposed to some form of public humiliation, public humiliation has long been outlived from its more primitive origin. However, the act of public shaming has evolved along with our technology to deepen the pain on the victim. However the areas of their lives that are affected have stayed the same and rather just the way of shaming the victim has changed The following texts describe the effect of humiliation on a person, The Scarlet LetterBy Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Price of Shame by Monica Lewinsky, and Is the Internet a Mob Without Consequence? by Nick Bolton. Public humiliation has always affected the culprit s personal, social, and personal lives. The impact of humiliation on someone s social, professional lives is that the humiliated person will be an outcast in society, humiliation will ruin their chances of attaining some type of profession and humiliation will distance themselves from the people in their personal lives The impact of humiliation on someone s social life is that they will become an outcast in society. This is because the people in society will be so disgusted at what acts the culprit did that the people will start to diverge away from this person. And this is one of the main points of humiliation, to make the culprit aware that they are ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Child And Adolescent Psychology And Psychiatry Sensory over responsivity (SOR) is described as stressful encounters that happens during daily routines that affect toddlers with autism disorder (ASD). SOR is often referred to as a sensory defensive which is some who has hypersensitivity to sensory input. People who suffer from this issues usually have lots of stress, looks at things as threatening and may even experience meltdowns as a result. They may also need professional help to deal with the side effects that come along with this issue. The journal in which this article came from is well known and used by many professionals. This journal is an excellent resource for professional and students who are looking to become professional. It gives you a plethora of information on the development and mental health of children. There is an Association which is comprised of many different professional disciplines and they work together to inform others and ensure that the professionals are all well informed. The council is multi disciplinary team that exists to further the interdisciplinary field of both child and adolescent psychology and psychiatry. The article focuses on how over responsivity affects toddlers with autism in their daily lives and how it contributes to the life styles of the parents or caregivers. People who suffer from this illness often have a hard time adjusting to normalcy. They are always thinking negatively about life and things in general. They also are distracted easily, is stressed very ... Get more on ...
  • 52. The American Dream Is Freedom The American dream is the dream that one can have the freedom and opportunity of a better life regardless of their social class, religion, race, etc. Its believed that the American dream is different for each individual depending on their current circumstances and view on their life in the future. The American dreamis the freedom to be whoever you want to be and who you are without fear. It affects me by reminding me everyday that I can have a huge impact on the world without trying to be someone else. The American dream is freedom, dreams, and always wanting more. What is freedom? What comes to your mind when someone says they are on the hunt for the American dream? What would your definition of the American dream? I think freedom is being ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Abstract Behavioral Development Is A Crucial Part Of Human Abstract Behavioral development is a crucial part of human development. It influences how people interact with the atmosphere and others around them. Behavioral development is reliant on on many environmental factors which include one s parents, siblings, peers, schooling and culture. According to Jacqueline J. Goodnow, these parental factors are often dependent on the culture in which the person was raised. The two parental factors that have a negative effect on a child s behavioral and psychological development are the parents use of control and rejection. These parenting styles can lead to a child internalizing and externalizing their problems. When a child internalizes their problems, they become withdrawn, anxious and display... Show more content on ... Another similarity these cultures share is the value in masking their feelings. For both cultures, the masking of their feelings creates a non threatening, peaceful environment, but certain parenting styles, found popular to these cultures, can lead to the internalization and externalization of negative emotions for young children. Relations Between Parenting Styles and Temperament of a Child Behavioral Coping Mechanisms Internalizing and externalizing behaviors have been related to both parenting styles and child temperament (Zhou, et all, 2008). Externalizing behavior can be displayed in forms of aggression, hyperactivity and rebellion. Internalizing behavior can be displayed in the forms of anxiousness and depressive behavior (Liu, 2004). Both behavioral problems manifest in the child s inward and outward behavior. There are negative life long outcomes such as violence, depression, anxiety, etc. that are associated with children who practice these behavioral coping mechanisms. Parenting Styles Psychologist Diana Braumrind theorized that there are four patterns of parenting styles (Uninvolved, Permissive, Authoritarian and Authoritative Parenting) based off of two concepts: control and warmth (Kopko, 2007). Unlike Western cultures, who generally follow an Authoritative parenting style, most Japanese and Chinese parents follow a more Authoritarian parenting ... Get more on ...
  • 54. A New Vision Of Masculinity Showing your humanity through raw emotions used to be seen as proof of a person s sincerity, honesty, and integrity. Something happened in the 20th century, women became the picture of teary eyed fragility and the tearless, aggressive male became the ideal of masculinity. Media messages, commercials, and television shows stopped portraying men as responsible, competent, and compassionate husbands, sons, and fathers, instead they consist of idiotic or misogynistic archetypes. When men are portrayed as sensitive humans, it is largely under the caveat of being gay. As stated in A New Vision of Masculinity , there is still little worse than being mistaken for a homosexual (Cooper, 2016). While our society s view of an emotional man is continuing ... Get more on ...
  • 55. People s Exposure to Diversity and How This Affects Their... To conduct my research I am first going to decide the purpose of my survey, which is to gain knowledge of peoples exposure to diversity and how that effects there social interactions on campus. I will then decide on the question I will ask and the type of question I will choose to use. For my particular choice of research I will chose to do a combination of open end and multiple choicequestions. I choose the combination of the two because I would like to be able to get a more personal response and allow respondents to express their with the use of the open end questions, and having multiple choice questions just to get a view on how they feel about specific topics. To help strength my multiple choice answers I will use the lickert Scale because the structure will give my participants realistic answers to my question but not necessarily put words in their mouth. I will then decide what to ask in my survey that will give me the answers to my research question. When coming up with the question I must avoid putting my opinion in the questions and make sure in my questions the answerthat I am trying to discover is clear. After coming up with the open end and multiple choice questions, I will then decide the population that I am going to conduct my research on. After choosing my population I will pick a large sample group that I will choose to represent my population. After choosing my sample group I will conduct my survey in the Kutztown University DMZ because it is a ... Get more on ...