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Sample Essays High School Students
Writing an essay on the topic of "Sample Essays for High School Students" can be both
challenging and rewarding. On one hand, there is a wealth of information and examples
available to draw inspiration from, making it easier to generate content. On the other hand,
crafting a unique and engaging essay that stands out from the myriad of existing samples can be
a daunting task.
High school students often face the challenge of balancing academic requirements,
extracurricular activities, and personal responsibilities. The pressure to create an essay that not
only meets the assignment criteria but also showcases their individual voice and perspective can
be overwhelming. Moreover, the expectations for high-quality writing, proper formatting, and
coherent argumentation can add an extra layer of difficulty.
Researching and gathering relevant sample essays for reference is essential, but it requires time
and effort to sift through the vast array of available materials. Students need to critically analyze
these samples to understand the structure, style, and content that make a compelling essay.
Additionally, the process of brainstorming ideas, outlining, drafting, and revising demands
dedication and patience. It involves honing one's writing skills, refining the thesis statement, and
ensuring a logical flow of ideas throughout the essay. Striking the right balance between
creativity and adherence to academic standards can be a delicate task.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic "Sample Essays for High School Students"
poses its challenges, it offers valuable opportunities for personal and academic growth. It
encourages students to articulate their thoughts effectively, develop critical thinking skills, and
enhance their overall writing proficiency.
For those seeking assistance or looking for similar essays, there are platforms like where a variety of essays and writing services are available. These resources
can provide additional support for high school students navigating the complexities of essay
Sample Essays High School Students Sample Essays High School Students
Abigail Williams Desire
People do behave differently in groups than they would alone. This is because of
the human desire for attention and the desire to fit in. Also, this is due to the peer
pressure and the desire to improve self image. This is demonstrated many times in
the play, such as when people were accused of being witches, and how they decided
to deal with the situation. The human desire to fit in and be paid attention to is
common. Pack mentality plays a role in this desire because almost everyone wants
to be a part of something. An example of this longing for attention would be when
Abigail Williams caused an uproar in Salem about witchcraft, and she had many
peoples attention by accusing others of the black practice. She comes to me every
Growth Matrix Of Ansoff
To assess the growth and business strategy of Pfizer Bristol Myers Squibb, we will
make use of Ansoff s growth matrix. Ansoff s growth matrix is a valid way to find
out which business strategy and growth strategy the business use. The model states
which strategy or strategies a company has adopted in order to grow. According to
Ansoff there are four possible alternatives a company can use:
В· Market Penetration the company seeks to achieve growth within its existing
products in their current market segments, thereby aiming to increase its initial
market share.
В· Market Development the company seeks growth by aiming its existing products
towards new market segments.
В· Product Development the company seeks to develop new products and target
these to its existing market segments.
Diversification the company seeks to achieve growth by diversifying into new
businesses, by developing new products for new markets. (Johnsson, G. ... Show more
content on ...
This currently mean, that the companies have adopted a very risky way of growth
since this strategy, as before mentioned, is about developing new products for new
markets. This is risky due to lack of knowledge about markets and manufacturing.
The ways in which the companies have pursued this strategy is by M A s, which only
adds more risk, since many factors may affect the mergers acquisition negatively.
Furthermore did we find out that in general the pharmaceutical companies will more
or less always work in risky environments, which are also those that generate the
highest amounts of possible revenue, but also those that are in the highest risk for
failure. Normally what is seen, as the highest failure in the pharmaceutical industry is
the lack of FDA approval of pharmaceuticals, very few drugs are granted permission
to be marketed each
Rhetorical Analysis Of IVe Been To The Mountaintop
Dedicated his life to the nonviolent struggle for racial equality in the United States
of America, Martin Luther King Jr. was an American hero in the eyes of many
people. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, but not before leaving his followers
some powerful words of hope and encouragement. In his last speech, I ve Been to the
Mountaintop, Martin Luther King effectively encourages his audience to continue
their fight against social injustice with his strong use of rhetorical techniques such as
metaphors and repetitions to create an ethical appeal. Although the primary concern
of this speech was the sanitation worker strike, Dr. King doesn t get to this point
until later in the speech. He starts off with historical events from ancient Egypt to the
Roman Empire to the Renaissance and then to the year the Emancipation
Proclamation was signed. He then goes back in time to the roots of slavery and how
it began. Throughout the entire speech, Dr. King displays a confident and optimistic
attitude from the beginning to the end. As he remains hopeful, Dr. King is trying to
encourage his audience to take action against the unfair racial treatment despite all of
the difficult obstacles that are in the way. He reminds his audience of the successful
events in the past and motivates them to not give up no matter what happens. In the
last few minutes of his speech, Dr. King said I may not get there with you. But I
want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the
Depression And Guilt In Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold
Lovely Bones Essay Heaven is comfort, but it s still not living. Alice Sebold. Alice
Sebold the author of Lovely Bones creates a story of depression, guilt, and grief
with the murder of Susie Salmons. In Lovely Bones the death of Susie affects all
those close to her, like her mother, her father and her classmates. Her father grieves
with despair as the murderer has yet to be caught. Her mother can not handle her
disappearance and finds unnerving ways to cope. Susie s classmates, Ruth and
Ray both find ways to cope with each other and through other connections with
Susie. A death of a loved young one is one no one is ever ready for. The grief starts
and people find ways to feel guilty. If no mental aid is present the associates will...
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Although Jack admits that Susie has left, he shifts his attention to another desire,
the desire to bring her death to justice through an unlawful path. We ve just built a
tent, Mr.Harvey said. The neighbors saw us. We re friends now You know
something, my father said. (57). Jack, like everyone else has flaws and his
stubbornness leads him to doing something he would not normally do. His
unextinguishable passion to find Susie s murderer leads him to coincidently believe
that Mr.Harvey is Susie s killer. However Mr.Harvey is the murderer of Susie, the
evidence shown to Jack and the police show no evidence that Mr.Harvey committed
the murder, which further proves that Jack is chasing a blank slate. Jack needs a
scapegoat for his grief and chooses to find revenge in unproven subjects. A father s
suspicion she began. Is as powerful as a mother s intuition (87) says Jack. Once
again Jack is trying to find a reason to make his illogical suspicion logical. Jack
refuses to believe that Susie s death occurred without a killer. He puts himself in
denial and by doing so he will grieve forever. Jack s perpetual grief will go on as
long he finds things to place guilt on. Furthermore Sebold shows that rage and
denial can be used to deal with the death of a loved one. To follow, one can choose
to resort to another lover or to isolate themselves from their family. Susie s mother,
Abigail may have been the one who took Susie s death with greatest impact.
The Bridge Masculinity
Masculinity is a key motif of a view from the bridge, throughout the play Miller
explores masculinity in varying ways. Ideas of masculinity are explored by the
variations of masculinity in the play, how masculinity is challenged and how
masculinity leads Eddie to react in different ways.
The majority of the character is this play are men, they each have different forms of
masculinity and how they present it. Eddie Carbone is a man driven by masculinity
and pride, and he shows his masculinity and views on it very directly. In the
opening of the play, he immediately says fellas this shows that he is clearly manly
and he presents his manliness. His masculinity is presented in a selfish way, he
always ends up on the floor when Beatrice has relatives over he dislikes this as he
always wants to be the most important person in the household. Eddie is the master
of the house, and all decisions have to be made through him. When Catherine gets a
new job he initially says no, due ... Show more content on ...
Masculinity is needed for Eddie to show his power over everyone, his need to do
this leads to him trying to teach Rodolpho how to box. Eddie knows that Rodolpho
isn t a fighter, but makes him box to show that he is more masculine than him.
Rodolpho grazes Eddie s chin, and Eddie says attaboy because he is happy that
Rodolpho is a bit more confident to try and fight. Eddie uses this as an excuse for
him to land with his right and make Rodolpho slightly stagger . Miller explores
how Eddie s masculinity leads him to pretend to teach Rodolpho how to box, just
in order for him to hit Rodolpho and prove his superiority. Eddie s masculinity also
leads him to call Immigration on Beatrice s cousins he has been so threatened by
how Rodolpho s lack of masculinity has still won over Catherine. Eddie is so wound
up by this that it leads to his inner conflict, and conflict with Marco and
Principle Of Operant Conditioning
The psychology principle I want to elaborate is operant conditioning, also referred to
as instrumental conditioning. Operant conditioning is defined as learned voluntary
behavior that is increased by reinforcement or decreased by punishment. This
behavior itself is known as operant behavior. Following the behavior there will be a
reinforcer, which increases the reoccurrence of desired behavior. Alternatively, the
behavior may result in a punisher, which decreases the reoccurrence of undesired
behavior. These outcomes are either positive or negative. The former is when
something is added into the environment. The latter is when something is taken away
from the environment. A good driving check is an example of positive
reinforcement, while a speeding ticket is an example of positive punishment. In both
situations the driver is receiving something to persuade the driver to follow the law
and avoid accidents. Negative reinforcement could be the car beeping when driving
without a seatbelt; the sound is removed once the driver buckles up. Negative
punishment could be having your license taken away for unlawful driving.
Satisfying consequences are likely to enable repeated behaviors in the future.
Meanwhile, when unwanted consequences are produced the behaviors are less prone
to replication. This is referred to as the law of effect. As a result, reinforcement is
typically more effective than punishment. Choice has a vital role in operant
conditioning. These behaviors
Residential Building Sector
The residential building sector is one of the major energy consumers in North
America. It accounts for 17% of energy used in Canada, resulting in 70 megatons
(Mt) of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Canada Mortgage and Housing
Corporation (CMHC) 2008). According to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan
2010a), 65% of residential energy consumption is attributed to space heating by
means of the primary fuel types, natural gasand electricity (Statistics Canada 2007).
Due to the importance of reducing energy consumption from limited energy sources
and minimizing environmental impacts, a number of energy efficiency measures
have emerged for Canadian residential buildings in recent years. Provincial and
national building energy codes have been ... Show more content on ...
In this regard, Hamelin and Zmeureanu (2014) conducted a lifecycle cost analysis
(LCCA) in a single family home in QuГ©bec; they presented the optimum thermal
resistance value of building envelope that achieved the minimum lifecycle cost. The
insulation level of recommended design in their study was much higher than code
requirements. This is due to the fact that the lifespan of an actual house is quite long,
which provides a substantial energy savings from better insulation and would have
offset the additional initial cost in this case.
Given that cost is an important consideration in construction, this thesis aims to
identify energy efficient code compliant solutions for cold climates from a cost
efficiency point of view.
1.1 Energy Consumption in Canadian Residential Sector
According to NRCan (2010c), there are four types of dwellings in Canada: single
detached home (56%), apartment (31%), single attached home (11%), and mobile
home (2%). Figure 1 1 illustrates that residential buildings are the third largest
energy users in Canada after the industrial and transportation sectors, and that the
residential sector is also responsible for 17% of the total consumed energy (NRCan
2008b). Figure 1 1: Breakdown of Energy use by sector in Canada (NRCan
Elizabeth s Traditions
This paper will evaluate whether by the end of Elizabeth s reign how far had there
been a break from tradition within English Christianity. When we discuss use the
term tradition what we really mean is the Catholic Church. Preceding Elizabeth s
reign there had much change due to her Fathers initial break from Rome, her brothers
more hard line Protestant changes, the restoration of Catholicism under Mary and of
course Elizabeth s reign. These dramatic events all occurred in a 30 year period hence
the importance of understand the throne and religious beliefs that Elizabeth inherited
in order to understand what the traditions actually were. This paper will then assess
specifically the Elizabethan changes, opponents to this and the state of affairs... Show
more content on ...
The act of uniformity though certainly a move away from Mary s Catholic Church
reintroduced in some form some of the traditions that were present during Edward s
reign, the English Bible and the stamping out of Catholic traditions. Roger Martyn s
account of Long Melford Church prior to the reformation shows the dramatic changes
in the church furnishing which characterised Traditional Christianity. Martyn
recollects the high altar , the blessed sacrament , Latin songs, processions, all things
that were typical of the Catholic church which were abolished due to the
reformation by Henry, Edward and later abolished again and reiterated through the
acts of Uniformity by Elizabeth. By the end of her reign due to her changes being
present for such a long period of time (many of the English people had only ever
known Elizabeth on the throne) her Church of England was seen as the traditional
faith. There was of course dissent notably from the Catholic Spanish Armada who
were defeated, Elizabeth stood pretty much
Discrimination And Discrimination Against Discrimination
In many countries as well as the United States there are various laws that protect
individuals from discrimination, in the United States there are protected classes
under the Civil Rights laws that makes it illegal to discriminate against people that
fall into these categories, these protected classes are Race, Color; National Origin;
Sex; Age; or Disability (Peck, 2006, p. 11). However, is there ever a time that it is
lawful to discriminate against an older person? We ll examine this question and
describe scenarios when this might be allowed.
Civil Rights Basics and Scenario 1 When Age discrimination is lawful (legal)
Civil Rights was enacted in the mid sixties in the United States to protect potential
employees from unlawful discrimination, therefore if you can prove that you
weren t hired based on one of the protected classes, Race, Color, National Origin,
Sex, Age or Disability, you can very well initiate litigation against a potential
employer. For Example:A black woman that is discriminated against simply
because she is black and doesn t get the job based on her skin color is facing racial
discrimination and therefore might have the basis for a lawsuit alleging unlawful
discrimination. This same protection applies to older individuals, age 40 and up to
preserve their ability to be considered in the employment pool, and therefore can t be
discriminated against just because they have began to age. However, the law allows
for some discrimination as long as it
An Investigation Of An Agency Relationship
An agency relationship occurs when a principle, or employer, hires another agent to
perform tasks that they do not have the knowledge or time to perform. Conflicts can
arise with the interests between these two parties are not inline. This difference in
agendas between the two agents is referred to as the agency problem. In business,
agency problems transpire between the stockholders (principal) and managers
(agents). The stockholders employee the managers to take care of the company, the
managers may look to their own desires first. Agency problems can also occur
between the below parties.
Managers and owners
Senior management and lower management
Creditors and owners
Owners and other parties
Conflict arises because managers run the day to day control of the business.
Shareholders own the company but do not have the skills, desire, or time to manage
the business themselves so they appoint the management as the agent, the agency
problem occurs when managers are more interested in their own agenda over the
wellbeing of the company. Examples might include:
Managers tend to worry about their benefits. Bonus packages, daily working
environment, benefit packages, and position within the company. These concerns
many not be in maximize their own benefits, such as bonus packages, working
conditions, benefits, and status, some of which may not be in the concerns of the
shareholders. Managers may also be afraid to take risks that could interests of
Rap Vs Rap
When it came to music, I usually just listen to whatever was around me, radio, TV,
YouTube, etc, no matter the genre. Until recently, I never had a favorite type of
music, but now I ve become fond of rock and most of all classic rock. If there was a
genre that I d have to say I personally don t like, it s rap and most of all, hip hop. I
don t like hip hop for a few reasons, the lyrics, its evolution , and its rhythm. I would
go on, but I ll discuss these, since I find these to be the biggest problems I have
with this genre. I could say this about any genre of music, but hip hop and rap
seem to be the genres where this issue is mostly displayed. From the majority of
songs that I ve heard, rap and hip hop generally seem to focus on the same topics:
violence, gangs, sexism and alcohol or drug use. Of course songs in other genres
have some of these elements, and not all hip hop songs contain these elements, but
in a general summary, hip hop contains a large variety of songs with at least one of
these components. The songs talk about life in the hood , drug and alcohols of
different names, objectifying women, and violence of all sorts. I would like to
name a few lyrics from various artists as examples, but they re usually used with
large profanity. This whole type of lyrics came into hip hop until recent years, which
leads to my next argument. Hip hop s evolution. In the 1960 s and 70 s, many african
american neighborhoods in the northeast of the US had lots of conflict,
Book Analysis in Apa
Book Analysis
Robert J. Barnett
Olivet Nazarene University
Theories and Techniques of Counseling II
MAPC 20 PSYC 611
Professor Tina Burton
September 25, 2014
Certification of Authorship: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that
any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the
paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either
quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me
specifically for the purpose of this assignment.
Robert J. Barnett
What Jim Collin s epic book Good to Great is to the business and leadership world,
Len Sperry and Jon Carlson s book, How Master ... Show more content on ...
It addresses concerns that are increasingly important for the practice of psychotherapy
today. Who are the master therapists and how did they develop their expertise?
What do they do? And, most important, how do they go about effecting significant
change in their clients (p. xxiii). Along the way contrasts and comparisons are
made between what lesser experienced (or less proficient) therapists might do with
what master therapists might do and why. The authors provide this overview:
Chapter 1 provides a grand tour of the landscape of psychotherapy as it is practiced
today. It describes expertise in general and in regard to psychotherapy. It provides a
profile of master therapists and how early life experiences and professional work
settings have influenced the development of their own expertise. The text in chapters
2 8 is centered around the extended case example. It will help you understand all the
aspects of the therapeutic process and how all the components of successful therapy
fit together: the therapeutic alliance; assessment of the client s change potential;
clinician credibility; case conceptualization; interventions that foster first, second, and
third order change; monitoring and evaluation; and termination. It sets the stage for
better understanding the transcribed therapy segments and the two sets of
commentaries. Chapter 9 lays out the necessary developmental tasks and
How Does Sheila Birling Change Throughout The Play
In this essay I will be comparing Sheila Birling and Lady Macbeth at the beginning,
middle and at the end of the two plays and how much power they have and how their
power changes throughout the play.
At the beginning of the play `An Inspector Calls , Sheila Birling is presented as a
typical Edwardian girl with very little power and gains more power throughout the
play. Whereas in the play `Macbeth , Lady Macbeth have more power over her
husband and as the play continues she becomes more typical with not much power.
At the beginning of the play `An Inspector Calls , Sheila Birling is presented as an
Edwardian woman with not much power but being the daughter of a prosperous and
hard headed businessman gives her a little power in the society. ... Show more content
on ...
At the middle of the play Sheila has gained more power. For example in act 2 when
Sheila tells her mother of by saying that impertinent is such a silly word and Mrs
Birling replies in any case Sheila says, But, mother, do stop before it s too late.
The word `stop tell us that she is now in more power and she is telling her mother
to stop talking to the inspector like this. This links with the play as Edwardian
woman are supposed to be non violent. Also she says, you wait mother. By using
the word `you she is commanding her mother and now she is making her own
decision. Before Sheila never talked to her mother like this, this shows that Sheila
has gained more power and can now stand out for herself and decide what is right
for her. On the other hand, Lady Macbeth is gradually losing her power. For
example in act 3 scene 2 she ask Macbeth What s to be done, Macbeth replies Be
innocent of the knowledge. The word `innocent suggest that Macbeth is not
involving Lady Macbeth in his plans and telling her to act more innocent.. This
shows that she has lost power because now Macbeth is in control and he is making
the important decision. Also, in act 3 scene 2 Lady Macbeth speaks to Macbeth
and says, you must leave this, and Macbeth replies O, full of scorpion is my mind,
dear wife The word `scorpion suggest that his mind is now full of evilness. This
tells us that Macbeth has stopped listening to his dear wife and he is now answering
back. We can clearly see that she has lost power over her husband. This links with the
play as Jacobean men made important
The Thing In The Forest Summary
In this short story The Thing in The Forest has many types of Figurative Language
but mostly it represents Symbolism. One major symbolism is the thing which the
girls, Penny and Primrose encounter while they were in the forest, represents the the
bad things of WWII.
Penny and Primrose were two little girls who were evacuees. This story takes
place in 1940 1941 when British cities were being bombed by German warplanes.
They had been sent away from their home by train to this mansion next to a forest
with other children . They would be there until they had a foster family. On their
coats they had their names pinned down and they were wearing gas masks just in
case enemy bombs fell their way. Their mothers had not explained to them where
they were going . They thought they were being punished for not being good
children. They became great friends on the train after sharing a piece of chocolate
and and apple. They both agreed to stick to each other. After arriving the next day
they were sent out to play while it was lunch time. They went outside and saw the
opportunity to go into the forest. Alys who was one of the younger girls wanted to go
with them but Penny and Primrose ran until they lost her. After a little while in the
forest they experienced and unforgettable event. That s when they saw or believed
they saw a thing in the forest (Byatt 324)
In The Thing in The Forest the thing represents all the nasty, wrong, bad things that
were going on in WWII. For example,
Cardiovascular System Analysis
The cardiovascular system is an organ system that allows blood to circulate and is in
charge of transporting oxygen, as well as carbon dioxide, hormones, nutrients, and
cell waste items all over the body (Pironet, et al., 2016). This system helps to regulate
body temperature, maintain homeostasis, and fight diseases. The cardiovascular
systemis made up of the heart, bloodvessels, blood and plasma of the blood, and
cells. The circulatory system is kept working by the heart. The heart is made, for the
most part, out of cardiac muscle. Carrying nutrients, wastes, gases, and chemical
signals across the body are some of the functions of the heart. Four chambers
comprise the heart, which are two atria and two ventricles (Pironet, et. al.,
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Research Paper
The ANWR or Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a refuge specially designed for
wilderness purposes. This refuge is located in the northeast corner of Alaska, and is
home to a rich diversity of over 250 species of wildlife. For a better description, this
refuge has been named spiritual, recreational, historical, and cultural. However, not
all would agree that the arctic refuge is a rather safe place.
In 1966, many Alaska Natives protested due to the ANWR being threatened by dirty
oil and gas development. Since then, many laws and acts have been passed and
signed so that the ANWR would be kept safe. For example, in 1960 President
Eisenhower established the Arctic National Wildlife Range to preserve wilderness,
wildlife, and recreation. Also in 1980, President Carter signed the Alaska Interest
Lands Conservation Act. This act expanded the Arctic Refuge s size, along with
changing its name and some other features. As a result of these actions, the thought
of drilling the ANWR should be abolished. ... Show more content on
As stated in the first paragraph, this refuge was designed purposely for wildlife.
The oil industry continues to launch attacks to open this national treasure to
destructive oil drilling. However, there is a large amount of people and protesters
that are willing to do anything to protect this remarkable place that some call home.
If these oil companies drill this land, hundreds of habitats would be lost. Even the
simplest things such as seismic testing, aircraft and vehicle noise, or even the
presence of humans nearby can drive mother polar bears away from their den and
cubs. The critical breeding grounds for migratory birds would be severely impacted
and the same for others. The simple action of even having humans at this location
could destroy a whole species. Although, habitat loss is not the only reason why this
majestic place should not be a drilling
Gender Stereotypes In The Film Training Day
When observing the film Training Day it is very hard not to notice the way in
which race plays a part in the film. It s not like a Disney film in which the
prejudices against people of color are very in your face, but it s clear enough for
anyone to make something of. The first thing to note is the typical Hollywood
scenario of the white male hero. The main character Jake Hoyt was one of the only
white characters in the movie and he seemed to be the only one who was doing the
right thing. Everyone else was a person of color and they were depicted as almost
savage like. Hoyt was the one who saved the girl from being raped and he was also
the one on Alonzo s team who saw the wrong in what they were doing. Hoyt seemed
to be the only person in
My Experience At The Court Room
So I went to the courtroom on Monday, I was planning to go to the criminal court
but when I arrived I the GPS guided me to the civil court so I and two interpreter
but I am so impress interpreter (Hannah) know everything I follow her where going
to court criminal when I got there we have to go through the security and the
building and I think because its not new and in a great condition like the civil court
so when I got in I and interpreter went to the information desk get information about
the court case that s on, after that I went to a court room on the two floor department
26, the court room look same very different than my imagination I thought the court
looks very old fashion with those European style decoration and uncomfortable seat
like those in the church, but the court room I went to was actually very modern and
the seat are soft not like the church style wooden seat, the court room was quite
small I the it can only fit around few people according to my observation, so the judge
sat at front and the juryis on the left and side and it has a small desk right next to the
entrance for the policeofficer in the court and the judge s seat and desk is high than
any other seat and desk in the room. I and Interpreter sit back near door and I want
thank to them note for me, I don t understand court and lawyer was so fast speak but
hard for me write notes then two interpreter willing notes share for me.
So this case A wild scene played out Friday night at a house
Healthy Food Disorders Research Paper
Healthy Eating to Prevent Digestive Disorders
The digestive system starts with the mouth and goes all the way down to the rectum.
Along the way, your digestive system breaks down the food you eat so you can
absorb the nutrients and use them for energy.
Digestive disorders can cause gas, bloating, pain, heartburn, and other symptoms.
They can prevent your digestive system from doing its job. Healthy eating and a
healthy lifestyle can help you avoid many common digestive disorders.
Start by eating a balanced diet. Eat healthy foods from all the major food groups.
These include carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Other changes you can make include
Eat enough fiber. Fiber is a healthy carbohydrate ... Show more content on ...
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Peptic ulcer disease.
Gall stones.
Irritable bowel syndrome.
Fatty liver disease.
Not making these changes could put you at risk for many conditions caused by a
poor diet or unhealthy weight.
Learn more about healthy eating and digestive disorders from:
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
/wellness/digestive health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
/assets/docs/the healthy woman/digestive_health.pdf
A heathy diet can help prevent many digestive disorders.
Eat a balanced diet consisting of fiber, unsaturated fats, lean protein, fruits, and
Alternate three small meals with three small snacks per day.
Drink plenty of water every day.
Get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy weight.
ExitCareВ® Patient Information 2012 ExitCare,
Tracheostomy Research Paper
What You Need To Know About Tracheostomy and Tracheostomy Tube Safety
A tracheostomy, or trach, is a surgically created opening in the trachea. A
tracheostomy tube, or trach tube, is a tube that is placed in this opening to help with
breathing. It is important to take good care of your trach and trach tube. This will
help you stay safe and free from infection.
General Instructions
Follow your health care provider s instructions about:
Cleaning your trach and the area around it.
Suctioning your trach.
Cleaning your trach tube.
Changing your trach tube.
Keep your trach and trach tube dry. When you take a shower:
Cover your trach with a shower shield or other protective covering. ... Show more
content on ...
Emergency phone numbers.
Sterile water.
0.9% saline solution.
Sterile gloves or hand sanitizer.
Sterile gauze pads.
If You Get Sick:
Suction your trach more often.
If you vomit:
Cover your trach tube with a towel to keep vomit out of your airway.
Suction right away if you think vomit may have gotten in your trach tube.
If You Use a Ventilator:
Check the ventilator safety and sound alarms every day to be sure they work.
Make sure the ventilator tubes are in the right place and do not pull on the trach tube.
Do not twist or pull on the trach connector more than needed. Too much pulling or
twisting can cause the ventilator tubes to disconnect.
When you hook up or disconnect the ventilator or humidification tubing, hold the
trach tube in place.
If you are using a trach tube with one or more side openings (fenestrated trach tube),
always use an inner cannula without side openings (non fenestrated cannula) with the
correct connector.
You cannot remove your trach tube or inner cannula.
You have redness, swelling, or tenderness around your trach.
You have fluid or blood coming from your
To A Mouse And Louse Summary
Silly Little Critter
(Three Messages From Mouse and Louse) When Robert Burns wrote To a Mouse
as well as To a Louse, he had to have been thinking about it pretty hard, because the
messages of each text connect to one another in many ways. In both of these texts,
he used little critters that might gross some people out. He didn t really use a
creature that very many people found cute in any way. It was a very creative way
to go about, because he decided he would use a animal/insect that people don t
really pay too much attention to. There was a very genius reason to why he
decided to use pests as the main topic of his texts, and that s because it made all of
the messages more clear to the reader. Robert Burns was a really known author, and
many people thought very highly of him. According to Brooke A. Stopford, His
greatest power, that which made him ... Show more content on ...
This is a very true message in many ways. The main reason why this is most likely
the best message in the texts, is because Burns talked about how they don t have to
live their life struggling because of worrying. Something that humans do a lot of the
time is stress over things that might be big, but might also not be as important as we
act like it is. In the text To a Mouse, Burns said, Still thou art blest, compared wi me!
The present only toucheth thee. What was being said in this sentence is that even
though the mouse s house got completely destroyed, instead of sitting there and
worrying about it, he just started building a new one. He doesn t know about the
past, nor the future. All that animals, as well as insects know about is the present,
which gives them a huge advantage over us. Same thing goes for the louse in To a
Louse. He didn t know that he could get hit by something at any minute and die,
because unlike humans, they don t know about death until it
Pros And Cons Of New Year Millionaire
What is New Year Millionaire? Let us begin by way of trying to take into accout
what New Year Millionaire is ahead of taking a look at the professionals and cons.
New Year Millionaire is a product created via New Year Millionaire Team to
exploit the binary options trading gadget in place on the moment. They have got
found a loophole that reduces your dangers and will increase your Profits. New
Year Millionaire Team provides you with New Year Millionaire to milk the device
and cut back those risks significantly. It trades for you after information about your
finances has been inserted. New Year Millionaire Overview Binary choices with
New Year Millionaire have long been an excellent option to make money and make a
Huge profit. Millions of... Show more content on ...
New Year Millionaire Execs What are the professionals with New Year Millionaire
Software? To begin, it really works and that s what matters. If a product does not
do what it is saying, it isn t worth your time. Easy as that. New Year Millionaire is a
fantastic product as it is able to provide results and I have found it to be
particularly helpful. After the usage of it for a month or so, I ve generated rather a
bit of of money that would in a different way now not had been possible. The 24
hour reinforce is splendid. It s a kind of pros that merely will get overlooked
however should not. The New Year Millionaire support is astounding each time
you ve a query to ask. I ve had a few hurdles to pass and their fortify crew has at all
times been there to assist me. New Year Millionaire Cons Are there any cons with
this New Year Millionaire product? Yes, it is close to impossible to find a product
that doesn t have cons. The one con with this product would be you won t be
discovering 100% success. It is simply not possible to win each option and that is
the means it is. You will still have to take a seat down and have a look at your
choices from time to time earlier than shifting ahead to get the type of results you
might be
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and disability
worldwide, with conditions of atherosclerotic (e.g. coronary heart disease [CHD]
and stroke) origin representing roughly 80% of all cardiovascular (CV) death
(Global Atlas on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control. Mendis S, Puska
P, Norrving B editors. World Health Organization, Geneva 2011). In the U.S. alone,
the cost of CVD and stroke is staggering with more than $320 billion (U.S. dollars)
in both direct and indirect cost (Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, et al.
Circulation. 2015). In attempts to change the current trajectory of CVD, considerable
efforts have focused on reducing modifiable risk factors, such as smoking, diet and
exercise, and ... Show more content on ...
One sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate a scenario where ezetimibe was
removed from therapy if not effective at getting patients to goal. For example, in
patients on atorvastatin 80 mg plus ezetimibe but not at goal, we removed
ezetimibe (with adjustments of a corresponding increase in LDL C) and added
alirocumab instead. Additionally, a separate sensitivity analyses was conducted to
determine the impact of lowering the LDL C goal to the achieved levels seen in
the IMPROVE IT study, 55 mg/dL. Finally, we also simulated a scenario which
only allowed for alirocumab if the LDL C was 75mg/dL. In other words, if oral
intensification was successful at achieving an LDL C 75 mg/dL, we made the
assumption that most physicians would think that level of attainment was sufficient
in lieu of adding
Bursitis Research Paper
The disorder/disease I decided to write about is called Bursitis. By definition,
Bursitis are caused when bursae, a fluid filled sac at the joints, gets inflamed. A
person with Bursitis will have trouble with movement or pressure because the fluid
filled sacs help pressure and lubricate points between our tendons, bones, and muscles
located near our joints; allowing movement in joints without much friction. When a
person has Bursitis, their fluid filled sac gets inflamed so movement and pressure
will cause pain.
In our human body, the shoulder, elbow, ankle, knee, buttocks, hips, and thigh are
the most common parts of our body that are likely to experience Bursitis. Why?
Because those are a few places where joints can be found. Bursitis is
Nunavut s Challenges
Nunavut became Canada s third territory on April 1,1999, Nunavut means our land
and the creation of Nunavut was the outcome of the largest aboriginal land claims
agreement between the Canadian government and the native Inuit people. Nunavut
makes up one fifth of Canada s total landmass.There are twenty eight communities in
nunavut.The agreement shall be null and void and of no effect. The agreement shall
come into force upon its ratification by both parties. the person in charge of Nunavut
is Tom Sammurtok. Tom Sammurtok was elected to the legislative assembly of
Nunavut in the 2013 election. Nunavut s challenges can be described as a need for
foundations as an economy and for greater participation. Developed land should be
available when needed,developed
Fenway Park Essays
Some things on this earth are just magical. To some it may be the beach at sunset,
to others it may be as simple as the drive to work in the morning. For me that place
is Fenway Park in Boston Massachusetts. Going to a game in Fenway is a
smorgasbord of delightful feelings. Even the walk up to the ballpark is some thing
to behold. Walking with hundreds of passionate fans, all decked out in their red sox
T shirts, jerseys, and of coarse that iconic navy hat with the red B on it. I feel like I
belong there with this organized group of strangers. There is such a since of family
as I see people from the T car I was on and chatted with. A few hundred yards ahead I
could hear a Lets Go Red Sox chant as people around me began to join in... Show
more content on ...
I look down a gated alley that reads players and coaches only and I think If I was
just there twenty minutes earlier I would have gotten a glimpse or even a word in
with one of my favorite players. As I drift back in to reality I see several long lines
at gate A this was unusual but my spirits were to high to be broken. As I slide into
what looks like the shortest line my Uncle Geno grabs me and says, let s go so my
dad and I follow him. I was curious where we could be going and I really didn t
want to have to step out of line but I knew geno had something up his sleeve for us.
Geno leads us around the perimeter of the park and to gate D. There was almost
no line at this gate so we slide in easily. Geno had done it again, always the go to
guy on street knowledge and somehow he knew everyone. When we make our way
past countless vendor to the tunnel the crowd roars. As I step through the tunnel
into the light the glare of the setting July sun hits me. When my eyes finally
readjust to the light I look around and almost have trouble with my depth
perception because of how big and crowded Fenway is. As we begin our treck to
our seats we pass countless passionate fans I look to the scoreboard, the giant
Budweiser neon sign, and to the enormous coke bottle and marvel at their size. Then
Pharmacy Inventory System
Copyright 2008 by National Community Pharmacists Association All rights reserved.
No parts of this Document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any
means or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the National Community Pharmacists Association.
Managing the Pharmacy Inventory
Efficient Inventory Management (EIM) is essential to the profitability of your
pharmacy. Don t let profit sit on your shelves or expensive brand name drugs go out
of date due to improper inventory levels. Inventory is the amount of stock or
merchandise that is available for sale to present and future clientele. Adequate
inventory is generally defined as basic stock + safety stock. Too much inventory is...
Show more content on ...
They include such costs as obsolescence (outdates), deterioration, storage, inventory
taxes, and insurance. The problem with high carrying costs is the lost opportunity
to use the capital invested in inventory elsewhere. The opportunity cost of any
investment is equal to the amount that could have been made by investing in the
next best alternative of comparable risk. Carrying costs are usually expressed as a
percentage of average inventory value. Most sources estimate annual carrying costs
to be between 20% and 30%. So, for a pharmacy with an inventory valued at SR
225,000 inventory carrying costs would amount to SR 45,000 to 67,500 per year.
Procurement costs (ordering costs) are costs associated with actually ordering and
receiving goods. They include the costs of placing the order, receiving goods, and
processing payment.
Tip improved procurement/ordering technology and next day deliveries should limit
the size of orders and keep carrying costs down
This Out of Stock (TOS) costs are the costs associated with being out of an item a
customer needs or wants. The size of TOS costs are difficult to estimate. At minimum
they represent the embarrassment and frustration of explaining to a customer or
prescriber that the pharmacy is out of what is needed. At maximum they represent
the cost of losing all of a customer s future purchases or, in the case of life saving
emergency drugs, causing physical
Eagle Scout Accomplishment
Becoming an Eagle Scout The Scout Executive of Southern Missouri presented me
with a medal and a badge. The award recognized the accomplishments and
requirements that an Eagle Scout fulfills. I accepted the award and took my seat.
Once the applaud of my fellow scouts and friends died down, I thanked everybody
for coming to recognize my accomplishment of becoming an Eagle Scout. I
continued to express my gratitude to all the leaders and parents that made my time
as a Boy Scout some of the best times I spent in the outdoors. I reflected over the
many campouts I took when I was younger and did not yet possess the skills or the
equipment that I have since gained. I concluded my speech by thanking the business
that sponsored my final service project.
How A Cartel Is A Competitive Market
A cartel is a formal organization set up by a group of firms that produce and sell
homogenous products for the purpose of enacting and sharing monopolistic rents.
Their organizations consist of formal agreements between competing firms to
control prices or exclude entry of a new competitor in a market. The sellers or buyers
of a cartelagree to fix selling prices, purchase price or reduce production using a
variety of tactics so that competing on price is avoided. Because most of these
firms are monopolies, they tend to have considerable amounts of market power, thus
making them want to behave like monopolies. With its lack of power, a cartel acts
as a counter veil to an imperfectly competitive market where fewer sellers have the
ability to base their products on decision making and supply and demand.
Since a cartel acts as an imperfectly competitive market, it is best to define it as
having a direct relationship with an oligopoly industry. In Oligopoly markets, few
numbers of sellers are joined together to form a market or an industry. Usually
consisting of 2 or 20 firms, their main goal is to sell and produce differentiated
products and services. With decisions influenced by one another, the price of the
product and the quantity of production is fixed in accordance with its member s own
self interest and self respect. The interdependence of firms in oligopoly markets is
demonstrated in the obligation to maintain price stability shown by popular demand.
It may lead firms
Debt Collector
When you are past due on your bills and the debt collectors start calling, it can make
you feel helpless. However, it is important for all consumers to understand that they
have numerous rights and laws that protect them, even if they owe the money the
creditor is trying to collect. Below is a summary of the various different ways you
are protected when dealing with a debtcollector:
A collector is prohibited from harassing or abusing you or any third parties they
contact when trying to collect a debt. The following are examples of actions that are
illegal for collectors to take:
Threaten you with violence or harm if you do not pay
Create and publish a list of debtors who fail to pay what they owe (however, a
collector can provide ... Show more content on ...
Some common examples of unfair practices used by collectors include:
Trying to collect additional interest, fees, or other charges on top of the balance owed
unless specifically allowed under the contract or the law
Depositing a post dated check too early
Seizing or threatening to seize assets unless it can legally be done
Using a postcard to contact you regarding your debt
Providing false credit information about you to another party (including credit
reporting agencies)
A debt collector cannot claim you will be arrested and sent to jail if you fail to pay
your debt. Additionally, the collector cannot claim they will garnish or seize your
wages unless such action is allowed by law. Finally, collectors are prohibited from
stating that they will take legal action against you if such action would be illegal or if
they have no intention of taking such
Public Apology Research Paper
What makes a public apology sincere? Now a days when celebrities apologize for
something that happened it s hard to tell whether they really mean it or doing it to
get support from the public again. Before you can decide if an apology is sincere or
not you must learn the characteristics of a true apology. The goal of an apologyis to
communicate regret, responsibility, and remedy of the issue. To effectively do this
you must make a statement of regret for causing the inconvenience, hurt, or damage,
accept responsibilities for your actions, and clearly state a solution or remedy to the
problem (Engel). I am going to analyze two videos of public apologies and use what
I talked about in the previous sentence along with body facial language,... Show more
content on ...
Eventually Tiger s wife, Elin Nordegren, found out the speculations were true by
snooping through Tiger s phone. As the news started to spread 14 more women
confessed to having sex with Woods. They were strippers, porn stars, escorts, and
party girls. Woods later on confessed to sleeping with 120 women and entered into
rehab for sex addiction later that month. In February of 2010 Woods had a press
release to apologize to his family, friends, and the public. One of the most unique
things about the release was Woods choice of words. He said I am deeply sorry for
my irresponsible and selfish behavior . He directly said his affairs were not
acceptable and told everyone sorry for letting them down. He placed all the blame
on himself and says he is in therapy getting help from others. He also said he is
trying to make a change and be a better man, and thanked everyone for their support
in his time of struggle (Tiger Woods Says I Am so Sorry in Public Apology). These
statements shows him taking responsibility for his wrong doings, exemplifies his
shame for his choices, and that he is willing to try and change to improve himself.
On the other hand there is one part in his speech where he seemed as if he shouldn t
be addressing the topic
The Market Entry of Starbucks into China
The final project is going to be about the market entry of Starbucks into China. This
project will focus on gauging the success of the company s market entry strategy
thus far. Starbucks has announced in a press release that it believes China will be its
#2 market by 2014, and the company has been one of the most successful American
companies in that market (Starbucks, 2012). The company entered the Chinese market
in 1999 with a store in Beijing. This followed the acquisition of greater knowledge
about Chinese business culture through outlets in Taiwan. The company initially used
a licensing agreement to enter the Chinese market (Starbucks, 2010).
Since that point in time, the company extended its presence in the Chinese market in
2000 with a different licensee partner in Shanghai. In 2002, a third partner was added
to help Starbucks expand into Shenzhen, two years after entering the Hong Kong
market. Using these three major markets as a base, the company expanded from
Shenzhen to Guangzhou and from Shanghai to Ningbo, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi and
Changzhou. By 2005, the company was ready to open its first company owned store,
in Qingdao, an area of the country not overlapping with the existing licensee
agreements. Over time, the company has increased its equity positions in some of the
joint ventures, and it has also opened more company owned stores, and even bought
back some stores.
This topic was chosen because of the wealth of material available on it. Starbucks is
Problem Of Income Inequality
Income Inequality
On the problem of income inequality, there are at least three views one can
consider. Edward McClelland discusses the apparent changes and disappearance of
the middle class. Monica Potts argues that lack of education is a cause of wealth
disparity. Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy agrees with Potts on the aspect that those
who are less educated is being left behind and discusses a couple ways that we can fix
this disappearance of the middle class. On reflection, I am inclined to believe that
education as a whole should be emphasized and worked on to help suit a more
wide variety of students. Edward McClelland provides us with a timeline from his
experiences and where it was more apparent that the middle class was disappearing.
As he elaborates, the 1970 s (when he grew up) was where it was still possible to be
a highschool dropout and still make more than high school teachers, and the 1980 s
is when things began to change with the beginning of a recession. He later goes on
to say the disappearance of the middle class has nothing to do with us as a whole or
capitalism, but has everything to do with the government. How could this be the
government s fault instead of capitalism? Capitalism was designed so one can
provide for themselves which is exactly what is happening. Whereas, according to
McClelland, ...the federal government withdrawing its supervision of the economy at
the precise moment Americans began to need it more than at any time since the Great
Life Of Pi By Yann Martel
Yann Martel, the author of Life of Pi, tells a miraculous survival story that
everyone will want to believe. He tells readers about the life a boy, who later in the
story gets stuck on a lifeboat with fierce companions for 227 days. Piscine Molitor
Patel, otherwise known as Pi , accompanies his family in moving to Canada from
India, though the ship sinks and he then tells his journey twice. Pi told his journey in
two versions, an animal version, and a human version. In both versions Pi is
accompanied with a zebra/sailor, a hyena/cook, his own mother/orangutan, and
himself/tiger (Martel 311). Though the characters in the novel, like Pi, the Chinese
officials, and the writer, preferred the animal version, the preferred version would be
the human version. The theme of Life of Pislowly emerges throughout the novel.
Pieces of the theme become present when the readers begin to understand the
novel as a whole. Martel divides this novel into three parts, which helps the readers
understand Pi and everything about him, which helps the readers figure out what
may or may not have happened. The theme of this novel would be that when in a
survival situation, it will take all a person is in order to survive. In the first part of
the novel, readers learn about Pi, his life, his religious beliefs, and zoology. Pi
believes in three different religions, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam (Martel 64).
His is religiously diverse, since there are so many religions and Gods in the
Paradoxical Trinity Analysis
The age of the robot warrior machine is looming, and it represents monumental
changes in the future conduct of war. Increased precision and decreased risk make
the automation of warriors both politically and militarily attractive. In the future,
government and military leaders will have to address the numerous moral and ethical
questions concerning when, where and how to utilize these lifeless soldiers. In the
past, many leaders relied on the military theory from the Prussian theorist Carl Von
Clausewitzbook On Warto answer similar questions. Even though his theories have
formerly provided guidance, can the ideas written in the 1800 s, truly be useful when
applied to such drastic changes in the future conduct of war.
Clausewitz military ... Show more content on ...
Measuring, comparing, or correlating the ever changing interaction between them is
impossible. The only constant is that all three are always in existence, pulling and
pushing for an assemblance of equilibrium. Any attempt to ignore one of them or
limit another would render them useless . The trinity and the absolute existence of
the three elements represent the unique unchanging nature of war. The enduring
nature and profoundness suggests that the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
may have influenced Clausewitz, which is undoubtedly also a bias of this author.
Many scholars have argued over its interpretation, especially with regard to the
secondary trinity referenced by Clausewitz as the people, the commander with his
army, and the government . One notion that is agreeable to this author is that the
secondary trinity of the people, army, and government was Clausewitz attempt at the
application of the theory. The application in this way also discards the argument that
the term war can only apply a state. Because of this, the elements of his paradoxical
trinity can be applied not only to state actors, but to non state, warlords, gangs,
fanatical groups or even individuals. The only requirement is humans. Other Students
of Clausewitz have developed their own simplified interpretations of the
Thomas Holmes
Thomas Holmes was the best cat that ever lived; however, his life was cut short
and finally ended with the deadly point of piercing needles and sharp dissecting
scissors. Little Tommy, as only his closest friends knew him as, was first
introduced into the world on the sidewalk of a busy New York street. As the
smallest kitten in his litter, Tommy was bullied by his bigger siblings and was never
appropriately fed. Severely malnourished, at age three days, Tommy was on the verge
of death, and every sibling knew this. Sadly, they continued to fight Tommy and push
him away when receiving their daily meals. Even his motherwould move whenever
Tommy had an opportunity to drink her nutritious milk. One day Tommy gave up,
he laid himself on the bottom of their cardboard home and accepted his fate. He
slowly drifted away from this world and ventured to the home he resides in now, but
it wasn t his time. With the power from the catgods, he awoke on the table of a vet s
Already determined dead by the doctors, Tommy rested on the table silently.
Suddenly, a doctor entered the room ready to dispose of the kitten, but ... Show more
content on ...
The female cat across from Mr. Lester s house was a pretty blond and she always
found herself in Tommy s backyard. There, she and Tommy became great friends
and finally fell in love. After his great escape, Tommy ran to the blond and lived
with her in the abandoned house for the rest of his life. Tommy had kittens and
made sure each of them received a large amount of food. As a dad, Tommy took
care of his wife and kids and guarded them with his life. Sadly, one day a huge,
muscular cat entered Tommy s house with intentions to kill. Tommy began to fight
the cat with all his might, and fortunately, Tommy succeeded; however, the severe
wounds suddenly killed Tommy minutes after the struggle. Now he rests on a
dissecting pan ready to finally be put to rest. Rest in peace friend, and live forever in
your new
Comparing Sartre s Existentialism And Of The Human
The question of human subjectivity has plagued the minds of philosophers for
centuries. Existentialism attempts to answer this question by recognizing humans
not as beings who exist through the tethers of an objective deity, but rather as beings
who exist as agents of free will. In his lecture Existentialismis a Humanism,
philosopher Jean Paul Sartreexplores principal ideas of existentialism and of the
human condition by responding to the objections of many secular groups and their
misinterpretation of this philosophy. These critics of existentialism, according to
Sartre, have incorrectly accused it of being a philosophy that could only lead to a
quietism of despair (Sartre 1). In other words, they have assumed that it is a
philosophy of nothing but idleness one that is merely contemplative and will deter
people from committing themselves to any course of actual action. Others
reprimanded existentialism for being exaggeratedly pessimistic and for concentrating
solely on the undignified attributes of the human condition. Sartre refutes these
assertions by making connections between existentialist views and the more accepted
philosophy of humanism. His overall argument, in its simplest form, is as follows:
1. ... Show more content on ...
This anguish causes many critics of existentialism to question whether individuals
should passively accept the actions of others. Although existentialism implies that
things will happen as humans have decided they are to happen, Sartre offers an
explanation to this dilemma by pointing out that to abandon oneself to quietism
(Sartre 7) would be the exact opposite of the existentialist view. There is no reality
except in action (Sartre 7). If one were to dismiss their own actions and allow the
actions of others to determine their existence, they would be operating under a
doctrine similar to that of many Christians or Communists both of which he has
Zellweger Syndrome Research Paper
Zellweger syndrome (ZS), neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD), X linked
adrenoleukodystrophy (X ALD), and infantile Refsum disease (IRD) are the four
main peroxisomal disorders classified by the absence, or a defect in, specific
peroxisomal proteins. Zellweger syndrome is considered the most severe of the four
most studied peroxisomal disorders, causing a faster and earlier death. Lacking or
having defective peroxisomal proteins is especially problematic due to the many
functions specific to this organelle such as the breakdown of fatty acids, production
of lipids for the nervous system and digestion, and functioning in development of the
brain. Peroxisomes contain no DNA, causing all of its defects to be mutations of
nuclear genes. This is significant because, as we ll learn later in this class, nuclear
genes code for peroxisomal proteins which are synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes
to later be imported into the peroxisome. Without proper formation, these proteins
will not enter the peroxisomes and remain functionless in the cytosol. Some
individuals can still have peroxisomes detected in their cells, but they are non
functional or cannot properly carry out their duties without the assistance... Show
more content on ...
With the broad range of symptoms, treatments are carried out case by case to help
make each individual patient as comfortable as possible. Some general treatments
used include focus mainly on symptom therapies such as calories through
gastronomy, hearing aids, cataract removal, glasses, vitamins, primary bile acid
therapy, and seizure medication (Steinberg et al., 2003). They have been looking
for a treatment that works for many years, which is why we chose such a wide
range in dates for our case studies. A few studies have had some success with easing
their patients pain and could possibly be applied to other treatment
General Motors vs. Volkswagon
Group Members
Jose Cervantes
Hilda Patricia Moreno
Aracelis Nass
Keila Urdaneta
Florida International University
ACG 6255 International Accounting
Professor Leonardo Rodriguez
Summer 2008
The Automotive Industry
The Automotive Industry in the United States
...............................................................................................5 The Automotive
Industry in Germany
Company Backgrounds
General Motors Corporation ... Show more content on ...
The auto industry and area of commerce in which automobile models are planned,
designed, manufactured, and marketed. The automobile industry is concerned with
profits and competition. And depending on the country consumer demands for
styling, safety, and efficiency differ and with labor relations and manufacturing
efficiency too.
In the Automobile industry, many companies need to strive to make better and
affordable cars. The automobile industry is concerned with profits and
competition, consumer demands for styling, safety, and efficiency and it is also
involved with labor relations and manufacturing efficiency. For example, in 2007,
more than 73 million motor vehicles, including cars and commercial vehicles were
produced worldwide. In 2007, a total of 71.9 million new automobiles were sold
worldwide: 22.9 million in Europe, 21.4 million in Asia Pacific, 19.4 million in
North America, 4.4 million in Latin America, 2.4 million in the Middle East and 1.4
million in Africa. The markets in North America and Japan were stagnant, while
those in South America and Asia grew strongly. Of the major markets, Russia, Brazil
and China saw the most rapid growth. In 2008, with rapidly rising oil prices,
industries such as the automotive industry are experiencing a combination of pricing
pressures from raw material costs and changes in consumer buying habits. The
industry is also facing increasing external
Martin Luther s Ninety-Five Theses On The Church
Martin Luther was the son of a coal miner and left his studies to become an
Augustinian monk. He spoke out against the church in Wittenberg. Luther was
convinced that salvation was earned by the performance of good deeds and grace
through the church. He disagreed and argued that salvation could only be obtained
by faith in knowing Christ s sacrifice. If one were to purchase indulgences, Luther
thought that they were useless because one can only be saved by the grace of God.
He also believed that Christian s should assume full responsibility for their actions on
earth. In 1517, Luther posted the Ninety Five Theseson the church door in
Wittenberg. This post was ninety five issues he sought to bring up and dispute with
the leaders of the Church
Pursuing A Veterinarian As My Career
Reflection on Interview I chose a Veterinarian as my career to investigate because I
wanted to know more about the career I m going to school for. I really wanted to
see what it s like to be a veterinarian and how they think of their job. I really wanted
to know if the job was worth it, and if they are happy/ satisfied with their decision
to become a veterinarian.I interviewed my sister s husband Rome. He was a
veterinarian and is now a hairstylist. He didn t like being a veterinarian so he went
with his second choice; a hair stylist. I mean he did love being with the animals and
meeting new friends, but he really wanted to be a hairstylist. He worked at a
veterinary hospital, he helped, diagnosed, and did surgeryon animals. Rome had a
Ronald Reagan s Positive Influences
There were many influential individuals that shaped the world around what people
do today in everyday life. In the 20th century, influential people either changed the
way we lived today for the good or for the bad. One major political influential figure
was Ronald Reagan. He has been credited with ending the cold war, which abolished
many of the political and military tensions between the Eastern and Western Blocs.
He called the former USSR government wicked and demanded for the Berlin Wall,
that separated east and West Germany, to be torn down. I believe Ronald Reagan, a
former double termed president of the United States and actor, changed society for
the better for his choices in politics and what he had done with the military and cold
war. His actions shaped the world then and continue to do so now. His philosophy
still dominates politics today as he is often quoted and referenced by current
prominent leaders especially regarding fiscal policies.
Ronald Reagan created a Strategic Defense Initiative that was intended to defend the
United States from any nuclear weapon missile threat from other countries. This was
proposed mainly to protect the U.S. from its extent threat, which was the Soviet Union
at the time. Reagan wrote down in his diary addressing his Evil Empire Speech, I
did the bulk of the speech on why our arms build up was necessary and then finished
with a call to the Science community to join me in research starting now to develop a
defensive weapon that
Magic And Ritual Of The Trobriand Islanders
Magic and ritual are often associated with vengeful gods and bloody sacrifices,
possibly due to their representation in book, movies, and other forms of
entertainment. One might think that they have no power to bring a community
together, other than through fear. However, through the lives of the Trobriand
islanders, well observed by the polish anthropologist and ethnographer BronisЕ‚aw
Malinowski, we see that rituals and customs maintained by a powerful connection to
magicis a mechanism of social order and betterment where a traditional government
does not exist. Magic, therefore, is a power handed to man via tradition to control
his creation and its nature is that of a social force (Malinowski 1922: 397).
Malinowski s study of the Trobriand islanders set the tone for a new method of study
through his solidification of the functionalist perspective. By throwing off the
convention that forms of religion, governments, and economies progress towards a
modern or evolutionarily advanced system, Malinowski was able to demonstrate the
possibility of a different means of social cohesion existing in the modern world.
A notable change with regard to evolutionism is to be found in the functionalist
theory of Malinowski. For him, magic, religion, and science do not represent in any
way a progressive sequence. They coexist in the same social environment and each
provides its own specific contribution (function) towards satisfying individual and
social needs.
By seeing these
Identify Different Types Of Drivers
Types of Automobile Drivers Paula Alexandra, an American actress, once said,
The cars we drive say a lot about us. People often choose their automobiles for
many different reasons. An affordable car might be the attraction. Many people
spend as much money on a car as they might a home because style and statement
means much to them. Others might select a car based on the comfort of the ride.
This often is the case with more mature drivers. The way we choose to get from
one place to the next shows our priorities and what is important to us. But along
with the type of car we drive, there is something else that clearly says a lot about a
person the way they drive their vehicle. Over a period, habits are developed by
drivers and these patterns set in like cement. Drivers come in a various assortment.
Most automobiledrivers can be classified into one of the following categories: the
high speedster driver, the cautious defensive driver, and the reckless distracted driver,
who petrifies me the most.
The high speedster driver is seen zooming down the road at ... Show more content on ...
These types of driver tend to somehow allow everything to wander through their
inconsiderate mind. One example of this dangerous driver tendencies is his frequent
texting or playing with his phone while driving, leading to many unnecessary deaths
and is the reason most states consider these distractions a crime. These drivers are
worried about something somewhere in the wild blue yonder instead of having their
eyes glued to the situation in front of them! The definition of a distracted driver is
often an individual who is constantly fooling around with something. Therefore, you
can see why this category frightens me the
Pros And Cons Of School Shootings
School shootings are terrifying and a big problem in today s society. Schools have
added lockdown drills, bullet proof glass and metal detectors. School should be a
safe area for children to learn instead of fearing for their life. Instead of buying
metal detectors and hiring more officers, there is a much easier solution in order to
decrease and prevent school shootings. We have to be more alert about securing
weapons at home and being aware of suspicious behavior at school in order to keep
children and faculty safe. As a child left for school one morning, his parents thought
that he had been acting very odd and different. Even with their suspicion, they said
goodbye and let their son go to school.
It wasn t till later when they had noticed an empty spot in their gun case where a
pistol and shotgun used to sit. They rushed to the school and while searching through
the halls for their son, their ears echoed with a gunshot from one of the classrooms.
Following the gunshot, they rushed into the classroom and immediately disarmed
and physically detained their son until police arrived. The only damages the son had
caused, was a plate sized hole in the ceiling. If the parents had gotten to the school
even one minute later, their son could have been labeled as a murderer.
It is sickening to know that a child was able to sneak past his parents, teachers, and
students with two firearms on his body. His parents were lucky they arrived when
they did because many of people could have been hurt or even worse murdered.
Obviously, the child that brought the two firearms to school should be the one
punished, but what about the parents. The parents that did not have a weapon that
could easily end someone s life, properly locked up or hidden away. If parents are
going to carelessly leave firearms unlocked with ammo nearby, what is stopping a
child from doing wrong with that firearm? Leaving firearms unlocked with any aged
child around, hoping they don t touch it is a dangerous and irresponsible act.
When school shootings occur, the individual that brings the weapon to school should
be the one punished. However, when the parents irresponsibly leave a firearm
unlocked they should face a punishment as well. 68% of school
Do Curfews Keep Teenagers Out of Trouble
Do Curfews Keep Teens Out of Trouble
Bryan Win
Lee Liang Jun
Yong Jie Peng, Calvin
HELP University
Curfews Keep Teens Out of Trouble Do curfews keep teenagers out of trouble? This
topic has always been on the cover page of today s newspaper headlines and a hot
topic that has been discussed by every family. What are curfews like? A curfewis a
time frame given by an authority like a parent or the government to teenagers
below 18 to be home before a certain period of time. So, ask yourself, do you think
that by implementing curfews into a teenager s life, he or she would keep out of
trouble. Our group has discussed and came to an agreement that curfews really do
help teenagers keep out of trouble. Firstly, curfews help teenagers to stay ... Show
more content on ...
One other reason why curfews keep teens out of trouble is that curfews set by
parents are a way of showing that the parents care about the teen. (Boekestein,
2010) suggests that teens actually want to spend time with their parents but do not
know how to. A curfew is the brainchild of parents all over the world to make sure
that their teen is safe and also to be able to spend quality time with them while they
still can. Without the curfew, teens would spend all their time with their friends but
miss out on the most important people of all, which are their parents. Although it
might not seem that curfews are a way to spend time with the teen, it surely is.
According to (Boekestein, 2010), a teen said what all teens were trying to say, which
is they don t care about other things in life, they love their parents and would like to
spend more time with them than they normally do. A teen also said that he only talks
to his parents in the car or during dinner as their hectic schedule demands the parents
to be on their toes all the time. As (Boss, 2012) suggests, teens should have effective
communication skills to make sure that what they want and what their parents think
they want are the same. This could lead to extensions of curfews or even better
understanding of each other. It also helps in the long run as it improves the teen
parent relationship. Good
The Politics Of Texas Citizens
Texas citizens now is the time to ensure our state elected officials are made
accountable for their actions while serving in the senate congress and house of
representative. When our elected officials take office they know they are under
inspection of the work they do as a public servant and this includes spouses and
possible immediate adult family members. Public servants know certain aspects of
their immediate adult family members are under inspection like employment,
charities, and other activities for evaluation for nepotism. This is expected of you
good citizens of Texasin your personal life and most definitely at your place of
employment. Many places of employment have employees sign documents saying
they will not do... Show more content on ...
This in turn created the Texas EthicsCommission to impose new restrictions on
lobbyists and required lawmakers to reveal their business dealings with lobbyists.
It has been more than 25 years since a major rework has been done on the state s
ethic laws. The current legislature is again under scrutiny for flimsy disclosure
rules, legislative conflicts of interest, lobbyist wining and dining congressional
members, and extravagant lifestyles fueled by special interest groups. Dark money
has had a corrupting influence on politics so without reforms those abuses will
eventually visit Texas. It does not matter what your party affiliation is; unethical
actions hurt everyone. Make your voice be heard. It is easier than ever with e
government websites. There are Texas Legislature Online, Texas Legislative Guide,
The Texas Senate, and Texas House of Representatives to name a few websites to
gather data from. These sites are a wealth of information on Texas legislation before
the senate and the house. One of the great features is being able to receive email
alerts on particular bills that matter the most to citizens. The Texas Public Information
Act gives citizens the right to access government records without any questions
asked. There are several watchdog websites that are nonpartisan that explain the
legislative laws in layman terms. They are written to give the pros and cons of
Mystery Of The Ani Bank Robbery
Animal Woods is a beautiful land of animal kingdom. Ani Bank is running many
ATMs for the benefit of its customers. But lots of robberies are taking place recently
and money is getting stolen from Ani bank ATMs.
One evening Mr Jumbo, the famous detective and his assistant, a small little
elephant Jolly were enjoying a cup of coffee at Jumbo s house.Jumbois a really
great detective.But nowadays he is little old and likes to relax in his house at
Elephantine road. Suddenly, he got a phone call and it was from Mr. Balu
bear,director of the Ani Bank. Hetold Jumbo in a worried tone that his services were
immediately required.There had been many robberies in Ani Bank ATMs and he has
to investigate and catch the robbers and recover the money.
Jumbo and Jolly started their investigation immediately.They visited all the ATMs
where the robberies took place.They ve enquired with all the staffand the
customers.No onehad any clue as to who had committed the robbery nor did they see
anything.They went back to Jumbo s one room office in his house. They were
going through the details of the case while munching some juicy grass and green
leaves. They were not getting any ideas to solve the case.Jumbo remarked saying
the grass is very juicy as it grows near the river Gango s banks.Suddenly a thought
occurred in Jolly s mind and he shouted to bring the map of Animal woods.They set
about plottingthe location of all the ATMs in Animal woodsand crossed the
Canada Goose Case Study
a. According to the textbook, the reasons that provide motivation for companies
international expansion and describe them.
Traditional motivations
Resource Seeking: secure supplies.
Low cost factor: exploit factor cost differences
Market Seeking: fulfill capability; exploit scale economies and scope economies.
Emerging motivations
Competitive positioning: match competitors, preempt markets, capture the global
scale, play global chess .
Global scanning: global intelligence scan, access scare knowledge.
Market and resource seeking: this motivation was particularly strong for companies
that had some intrinsic advantage, typically related to their technology and brand
recognition, which gave them a competitive advantage in offshore markets (Bartlett
Beamish, 2014).
Competitive positioning: the most controversial of the many global competitive
strategic actions taken by MNEs...have been those base on cross subsidization of
markets (Bartlett Beamish, 2014).
Global scanning/ learning: when trying to get low cost resources, the company is
exposed to new technologies and markets (Bartlett Beamish, 2014).
c. By expanding internationally, Canada Goose can have many opportunities to
seek new markets, grow, increase sales, and improve its brand recognition overseas.
With those extra sales, it will enable to exploit scale and scope economies; thereby it
will have a source of competitive advantage over its domestic
Insanity In One Flew Over The Cuckoo s
The nineteenth century may have inspired transformation of society, but there was no
radical improvement in the relationship between the male psychiatrist and the female
patient. A new generation of doctors, even more moralistic, domineering and
masculinist in their approach than their predecessors, employed scientific methods of
research inspired by Darwinian theories, which gave full weight of scientific
confirmation to the narrow Victorian ideals of femininity
(Showalter 122). The intellectual inferiority of women was confirmed as a result of
reproductive specialization (Showalter 122).
2. 2. The Position of Twentieth Century Women in The Bell Jar
2. 2. 1. Manifestations of insanity and the disintegration of personality
The Bell ... Show more content on ...
It is partly due to the changes in the psychiatric methods. Further into the twentieth
century, institutions for mentally ill began to suffer from the lack of credibility and
bad reputation of unnecessary cruel treatments administered not only on women,
which were supported with popular literature such as One Flew over the Cuckoo s
Nest. Furthermore, increasingly popular belief in the curability of mental illnesses
with the employment of drugs all culminated in the beginning of de
institutionalisation of psychiatry.
Considering the position of women in society, Atwood s nameless Narrator has
already achieved what
Esther Greenwood could only hope for she has both a career and the freedom to
indulge in sexual relationships without the restrictions of marriage. Yet, even though
she can enjoy considerably more freedom than her predecessors due to the spreading
opposition towards the male supremacy, she still feels powerless and sees herself as
a victim of the patriarchal society.
The forced abortion is one of the triggers of her madness. Traumatized by this
experience when she felt completely powerless and out of control, the Narrator has
also lost trust in society and
Architecture Personal Statement
I came to the Ryerson University s Architectural Science program not knowing what
to expect but what I discovered was the true extent of my passion for design. For me,
architecture successfully fuses my artistic and scientific interests. Any architecture
student can comment on the ways architecture programs push students mentally,
creatively and physically but, because I love what I do, I would not have it any other
way. An architectural education opens the door for many career paths and, ultimately,
I would like to become a licensed architectin Ontario.
Third year has marked a turning point in my attitudes towards architecture as a began
to fully embrace the use of technology in design. Previously, I had limited my use of
technology and mostly relied on traditional methods from the production of design
drawings and models. However, the use of technology in the ... Show more content on ...
I am not only interested in the design of buildings but the design and impact of
infrastructure, such as canals, on cities. My interest in canals comes from a trip to
Venice four years ago. For my study abroad I would like to explore the canal cities of
the Netherlands. Giethoorn, the famous Dutch village without streets, is the ultimate
canal city and it is often affectionately called Venice of the North. Some of these
cities, such as Rotterdam and Amsterdam, are of interest to me because of the
eclectic mix of historic and contemporary architecture. These cities are also home to
buildings I have used as precedents for both design and building science courses
throughout my architectural education. The canal houses of Amsterdam would be of
particular interest to me in assessing the influence of infrastructure on architecture. To
understand the role of infrastructure on mobility between cities, I hope to limit myself
to traveling by rail and canal in the
What Is The Difference Between Australia And The British...
The Big Differences in The Norwegian and The English School System
The Norwegian versus the British education system. They start and finish school at
different ages. The grading system in the UK and Norway are both different. Both
education systems have pros and cons, but both the UK and Norway have some
similarities in their education system.
The Norwegian school system. They start barneskolen at age of six and finish at the
age of 19 at vidergГҐende skole. At age six, they start mandatory barneskolen, where
they will attend until they turn 12. After seven years of school, they go off to
mandatory ungdomskole for three years. After those three years, they have another
three optional years at videregГҐende skole, where they graduate and ... Show more
content on ...
In the UK, they have school uniforms from the day they start school until the day
they finish. They have to wear it every day and there are strict rules for how it is
supposed to look. Students have different opinions on the uniform, but most people
like it. Class size is not that relevant in the UK because the average class has 20 25
students, and this makes it easier for the teacher to follow every single student.
The UK offers a free state school where 90% of people go, the reaming 10% go to
public schools, also known as private schools in Norway.
At age 16, the last year of secondary school all the students have GCSE exams.
They have a GCSE exam in all their subjects, at the end of the school year. At age 18
they can take A levels in 3 4 subjects. After you finish A level you get your results in
August and find out what university you got into for your higher education.
The biggest differences in the Norwegian and the British school system are the age
they start and finish school. In the UK, they start one year before the Norwegians
and finish one year before. Another difference they have is the way they test and
grade the students. One of the other biggest differences is that in the UK they wear
school uniforms from the day they start until the day they graduate. In Norway, you
are free to wear whatever you
Indigenous Health In Australia
I live in Malvern, governed the City of Stonning Council and the Australian
geographical postcode of the area is 3144. According to traditional Aboriginal
distribution of population map, the traditional custodians of this vicinity are the
Boonwurrung people (Clark Kostanski, 2006). Based on a research report conducted
by City of Stonning Council into its indigenous history, it has been found that
Boonwurrung traditional boundaries are located around metropolitan areas of
Melbourne,south coast and the bay region (, 2015). The Boon
Wurrang Foundation (2015) stated that according to their tradition,the land has
always been protected by their creator,Bunjil,who travels as an eagle and by Waarn
who travels as a crow and protects... Show more content on ...
Atkinsons (2005) states that within Indigenous communities,Land and Country are
interchangeably used to illustrate as a resource,which behaves as a living being,and a
life support system for humans . Indigenous model of health revolves around a
number of components such as nourishments, stress reduction, interaction with the
land with a higher emphasize being placed on traditional land, personal identification
and culture playing a significant role contributing towards a balanced health outcome
( Yotti Kingsley, Townsend, Phillips Aldous, 2009). As highlighted in Lutschini,
2005, association of native individuals to their country, sense of group and family is
essential to the experience of wellbeing. As identified in literature, land plays a
crucial and central figure in Indigenous identity encompassing
physical,spiritual,cultural and emotional bonds (Richmond, Elliott, Matthews Elliott,
2005). Throughout centuries through to present

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  • 1. Sample Essays High School Students Writing an essay on the topic of "Sample Essays for High School Students" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, there is a wealth of information and examples available to draw inspiration from, making it easier to generate content. On the other hand, crafting a unique and engaging essay that stands out from the myriad of existing samples can be a daunting task. High school students often face the challenge of balancing academic requirements, extracurricular activities, and personal responsibilities. The pressure to create an essay that not only meets the assignment criteria but also showcases their individual voice and perspective can be overwhelming. Moreover, the expectations for high-quality writing, proper formatting, and coherent argumentation can add an extra layer of difficulty. Researching and gathering relevant sample essays for reference is essential, but it requires time and effort to sift through the vast array of available materials. Students need to critically analyze these samples to understand the structure, style, and content that make a compelling essay. Additionally, the process of brainstorming ideas, outlining, drafting, and revising demands dedication and patience. It involves honing one's writing skills, refining the thesis statement, and ensuring a logical flow of ideas throughout the essay. Striking the right balance between creativity and adherence to academic standards can be a delicate task. In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic "Sample Essays for High School Students" poses its challenges, it offers valuable opportunities for personal and academic growth. It encourages students to articulate their thoughts effectively, develop critical thinking skills, and enhance their overall writing proficiency. For those seeking assistance or looking for similar essays, there are platforms like where a variety of essays and writing services are available. These resources can provide additional support for high school students navigating the complexities of essay writing. Sample Essays High School Students Sample Essays High School Students
  • 2. Abigail Williams Desire People do behave differently in groups than they would alone. This is because of the human desire for attention and the desire to fit in. Also, this is due to the peer pressure and the desire to improve self image. This is demonstrated many times in the play, such as when people were accused of being witches, and how they decided to deal with the situation. The human desire to fit in and be paid attention to is common. Pack mentality plays a role in this desire because almost everyone wants to be a part of something. An example of this longing for attention would be when Abigail Williams caused an uproar in Salem about witchcraft, and she had many peoples attention by accusing others of the black practice. She comes to me every night
  • 3. Growth Matrix Of Ansoff To assess the growth and business strategy of Pfizer Bristol Myers Squibb, we will make use of Ansoff s growth matrix. Ansoff s growth matrix is a valid way to find out which business strategy and growth strategy the business use. The model states which strategy or strategies a company has adopted in order to grow. According to Ansoff there are four possible alternatives a company can use: В· Market Penetration the company seeks to achieve growth within its existing products in their current market segments, thereby aiming to increase its initial market share. В· Market Development the company seeks growth by aiming its existing products towards new market segments. В· Product Development the company seeks to develop new products and target these to its existing market segments. Diversification the company seeks to achieve growth by diversifying into new businesses, by developing new products for new markets. (Johnsson, G. ... Show more content on ... This currently mean, that the companies have adopted a very risky way of growth since this strategy, as before mentioned, is about developing new products for new markets. This is risky due to lack of knowledge about markets and manufacturing. The ways in which the companies have pursued this strategy is by M A s, which only adds more risk, since many factors may affect the mergers acquisition negatively. Furthermore did we find out that in general the pharmaceutical companies will more or less always work in risky environments, which are also those that generate the highest amounts of possible revenue, but also those that are in the highest risk for failure. Normally what is seen, as the highest failure in the pharmaceutical industry is the lack of FDA approval of pharmaceuticals, very few drugs are granted permission to be marketed each
  • 4. Rhetorical Analysis Of IVe Been To The Mountaintop Dedicated his life to the nonviolent struggle for racial equality in the United States of America, Martin Luther King Jr. was an American hero in the eyes of many people. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, but not before leaving his followers some powerful words of hope and encouragement. In his last speech, I ve Been to the Mountaintop, Martin Luther King effectively encourages his audience to continue their fight against social injustice with his strong use of rhetorical techniques such as metaphors and repetitions to create an ethical appeal. Although the primary concern of this speech was the sanitation worker strike, Dr. King doesn t get to this point until later in the speech. He starts off with historical events from ancient Egypt to the Roman Empire to the Renaissance and then to the year the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. He then goes back in time to the roots of slavery and how it began. Throughout the entire speech, Dr. King displays a confident and optimistic attitude from the beginning to the end. As he remains hopeful, Dr. King is trying to encourage his audience to take action against the unfair racial treatment despite all of the difficult obstacles that are in the way. He reminds his audience of the successful events in the past and motivates them to not give up no matter what happens. In the last few minutes of his speech, Dr. King said I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the
  • 5. Depression And Guilt In Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold Lovely Bones Essay Heaven is comfort, but it s still not living. Alice Sebold. Alice Sebold the author of Lovely Bones creates a story of depression, guilt, and grief with the murder of Susie Salmons. In Lovely Bones the death of Susie affects all those close to her, like her mother, her father and her classmates. Her father grieves with despair as the murderer has yet to be caught. Her mother can not handle her disappearance and finds unnerving ways to cope. Susie s classmates, Ruth and Ray both find ways to cope with each other and through other connections with Susie. A death of a loved young one is one no one is ever ready for. The grief starts and people find ways to feel guilty. If no mental aid is present the associates will... Show more content on ... Although Jack admits that Susie has left, he shifts his attention to another desire, the desire to bring her death to justice through an unlawful path. We ve just built a tent, Mr.Harvey said. The neighbors saw us. We re friends now You know something, my father said. (57). Jack, like everyone else has flaws and his stubbornness leads him to doing something he would not normally do. His unextinguishable passion to find Susie s murderer leads him to coincidently believe that Mr.Harvey is Susie s killer. However Mr.Harvey is the murderer of Susie, the evidence shown to Jack and the police show no evidence that Mr.Harvey committed the murder, which further proves that Jack is chasing a blank slate. Jack needs a scapegoat for his grief and chooses to find revenge in unproven subjects. A father s suspicion she began. Is as powerful as a mother s intuition (87) says Jack. Once again Jack is trying to find a reason to make his illogical suspicion logical. Jack refuses to believe that Susie s death occurred without a killer. He puts himself in denial and by doing so he will grieve forever. Jack s perpetual grief will go on as long he finds things to place guilt on. Furthermore Sebold shows that rage and denial can be used to deal with the death of a loved one. To follow, one can choose to resort to another lover or to isolate themselves from their family. Susie s mother, Abigail may have been the one who took Susie s death with greatest impact.
  • 6. The Bridge Masculinity Masculinity is a key motif of a view from the bridge, throughout the play Miller explores masculinity in varying ways. Ideas of masculinity are explored by the variations of masculinity in the play, how masculinity is challenged and how masculinity leads Eddie to react in different ways. The majority of the character is this play are men, they each have different forms of masculinity and how they present it. Eddie Carbone is a man driven by masculinity and pride, and he shows his masculinity and views on it very directly. In the opening of the play, he immediately says fellas this shows that he is clearly manly and he presents his manliness. His masculinity is presented in a selfish way, he always ends up on the floor when Beatrice has relatives over he dislikes this as he always wants to be the most important person in the household. Eddie is the master of the house, and all decisions have to be made through him. When Catherine gets a new job he initially says no, due ... Show more content on ... Masculinity is needed for Eddie to show his power over everyone, his need to do this leads to him trying to teach Rodolpho how to box. Eddie knows that Rodolpho isn t a fighter, but makes him box to show that he is more masculine than him. Rodolpho grazes Eddie s chin, and Eddie says attaboy because he is happy that Rodolpho is a bit more confident to try and fight. Eddie uses this as an excuse for him to land with his right and make Rodolpho slightly stagger . Miller explores how Eddie s masculinity leads him to pretend to teach Rodolpho how to box, just in order for him to hit Rodolpho and prove his superiority. Eddie s masculinity also leads him to call Immigration on Beatrice s cousins he has been so threatened by how Rodolpho s lack of masculinity has still won over Catherine. Eddie is so wound up by this that it leads to his inner conflict, and conflict with Marco and
  • 7. Principle Of Operant Conditioning Principle The psychology principle I want to elaborate is operant conditioning, also referred to as instrumental conditioning. Operant conditioning is defined as learned voluntary behavior that is increased by reinforcement or decreased by punishment. This behavior itself is known as operant behavior. Following the behavior there will be a reinforcer, which increases the reoccurrence of desired behavior. Alternatively, the behavior may result in a punisher, which decreases the reoccurrence of undesired behavior. These outcomes are either positive or negative. The former is when something is added into the environment. The latter is when something is taken away from the environment. A good driving check is an example of positive reinforcement, while a speeding ticket is an example of positive punishment. In both situations the driver is receiving something to persuade the driver to follow the law and avoid accidents. Negative reinforcement could be the car beeping when driving without a seatbelt; the sound is removed once the driver buckles up. Negative punishment could be having your license taken away for unlawful driving. Satisfying consequences are likely to enable repeated behaviors in the future. Meanwhile, when unwanted consequences are produced the behaviors are less prone to replication. This is referred to as the law of effect. As a result, reinforcement is typically more effective than punishment. Choice has a vital role in operant conditioning. These behaviors
  • 8. Residential Building Sector The residential building sector is one of the major energy consumers in North America. It accounts for 17% of energy used in Canada, resulting in 70 megatons (Mt) of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) 2008). According to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan 2010a), 65% of residential energy consumption is attributed to space heating by means of the primary fuel types, natural gasand electricity (Statistics Canada 2007). Due to the importance of reducing energy consumption from limited energy sources and minimizing environmental impacts, a number of energy efficiency measures have emerged for Canadian residential buildings in recent years. Provincial and national building energy codes have been ... Show more content on ... In this regard, Hamelin and Zmeureanu (2014) conducted a lifecycle cost analysis (LCCA) in a single family home in QuГ©bec; they presented the optimum thermal resistance value of building envelope that achieved the minimum lifecycle cost. The insulation level of recommended design in their study was much higher than code requirements. This is due to the fact that the lifespan of an actual house is quite long, which provides a substantial energy savings from better insulation and would have offset the additional initial cost in this case. Given that cost is an important consideration in construction, this thesis aims to identify energy efficient code compliant solutions for cold climates from a cost efficiency point of view. 1.1 Energy Consumption in Canadian Residential Sector According to NRCan (2010c), there are four types of dwellings in Canada: single detached home (56%), apartment (31%), single attached home (11%), and mobile home (2%). Figure 1 1 illustrates that residential buildings are the third largest energy users in Canada after the industrial and transportation sectors, and that the residential sector is also responsible for 17% of the total consumed energy (NRCan 2008b). Figure 1 1: Breakdown of Energy use by sector in Canada (NRCan
  • 9. Elizabeth s Traditions This paper will evaluate whether by the end of Elizabeth s reign how far had there been a break from tradition within English Christianity. When we discuss use the term tradition what we really mean is the Catholic Church. Preceding Elizabeth s reign there had much change due to her Fathers initial break from Rome, her brothers more hard line Protestant changes, the restoration of Catholicism under Mary and of course Elizabeth s reign. These dramatic events all occurred in a 30 year period hence the importance of understand the throne and religious beliefs that Elizabeth inherited in order to understand what the traditions actually were. This paper will then assess specifically the Elizabethan changes, opponents to this and the state of affairs... Show more content on ... The act of uniformity though certainly a move away from Mary s Catholic Church reintroduced in some form some of the traditions that were present during Edward s reign, the English Bible and the stamping out of Catholic traditions. Roger Martyn s account of Long Melford Church prior to the reformation shows the dramatic changes in the church furnishing which characterised Traditional Christianity. Martyn recollects the high altar , the blessed sacrament , Latin songs, processions, all things that were typical of the Catholic church which were abolished due to the reformation by Henry, Edward and later abolished again and reiterated through the acts of Uniformity by Elizabeth. By the end of her reign due to her changes being present for such a long period of time (many of the English people had only ever known Elizabeth on the throne) her Church of England was seen as the traditional faith. There was of course dissent notably from the Catholic Spanish Armada who were defeated, Elizabeth stood pretty much
  • 10. Discrimination And Discrimination Against Discrimination In many countries as well as the United States there are various laws that protect individuals from discrimination, in the United States there are protected classes under the Civil Rights laws that makes it illegal to discriminate against people that fall into these categories, these protected classes are Race, Color; National Origin; Sex; Age; or Disability (Peck, 2006, p. 11). However, is there ever a time that it is lawful to discriminate against an older person? We ll examine this question and describe scenarios when this might be allowed. Civil Rights Basics and Scenario 1 When Age discrimination is lawful (legal) Civil Rights was enacted in the mid sixties in the United States to protect potential employees from unlawful discrimination, therefore if you can prove that you weren t hired based on one of the protected classes, Race, Color, National Origin, Sex, Age or Disability, you can very well initiate litigation against a potential employer. For Example:A black woman that is discriminated against simply because she is black and doesn t get the job based on her skin color is facing racial discrimination and therefore might have the basis for a lawsuit alleging unlawful discrimination. This same protection applies to older individuals, age 40 and up to preserve their ability to be considered in the employment pool, and therefore can t be discriminated against just because they have began to age. However, the law allows for some discrimination as long as it
  • 11. An Investigation Of An Agency Relationship An agency relationship occurs when a principle, or employer, hires another agent to perform tasks that they do not have the knowledge or time to perform. Conflicts can arise with the interests between these two parties are not inline. This difference in agendas between the two agents is referred to as the agency problem. In business, agency problems transpire between the stockholders (principal) and managers (agents). The stockholders employee the managers to take care of the company, the managers may look to their own desires first. Agency problems can also occur between the below parties. Managers and owners Senior management and lower management Creditors and owners Owners and other parties Conflict arises because managers run the day to day control of the business. Shareholders own the company but do not have the skills, desire, or time to manage the business themselves so they appoint the management as the agent, the agency problem occurs when managers are more interested in their own agenda over the wellbeing of the company. Examples might include: Managers tend to worry about their benefits. Bonus packages, daily working environment, benefit packages, and position within the company. These concerns many not be in maximize their own benefits, such as bonus packages, working conditions, benefits, and status, some of which may not be in the concerns of the shareholders. Managers may also be afraid to take risks that could interests of shareholders
  • 12. Rap Vs Rap When it came to music, I usually just listen to whatever was around me, radio, TV, YouTube, etc, no matter the genre. Until recently, I never had a favorite type of music, but now I ve become fond of rock and most of all classic rock. If there was a genre that I d have to say I personally don t like, it s rap and most of all, hip hop. I don t like hip hop for a few reasons, the lyrics, its evolution , and its rhythm. I would go on, but I ll discuss these, since I find these to be the biggest problems I have with this genre. I could say this about any genre of music, but hip hop and rap seem to be the genres where this issue is mostly displayed. From the majority of songs that I ve heard, rap and hip hop generally seem to focus on the same topics: violence, gangs, sexism and alcohol or drug use. Of course songs in other genres have some of these elements, and not all hip hop songs contain these elements, but in a general summary, hip hop contains a large variety of songs with at least one of these components. The songs talk about life in the hood , drug and alcohols of different names, objectifying women, and violence of all sorts. I would like to name a few lyrics from various artists as examples, but they re usually used with large profanity. This whole type of lyrics came into hip hop until recent years, which leads to my next argument. Hip hop s evolution. In the 1960 s and 70 s, many african american neighborhoods in the northeast of the US had lots of conflict,
  • 13. Book Analysis in Apa Book Analysis Robert J. Barnett Olivet Nazarene University Theories and Techniques of Counseling II MAPC 20 PSYC 611 Professor Tina Burton September 25, 2014 Certification of Authorship: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for the purpose of this assignment. Robert J. Barnett Introduction: What Jim Collin s epic book Good to Great is to the business and leadership world, Len Sperry and Jon Carlson s book, How Master ... Show more content on ... It addresses concerns that are increasingly important for the practice of psychotherapy today. Who are the master therapists and how did they develop their expertise? What do they do? And, most important, how do they go about effecting significant change in their clients (p. xxiii). Along the way contrasts and comparisons are made between what lesser experienced (or less proficient) therapists might do with what master therapists might do and why. The authors provide this overview: Chapter 1 provides a grand tour of the landscape of psychotherapy as it is practiced today. It describes expertise in general and in regard to psychotherapy. It provides a profile of master therapists and how early life experiences and professional work settings have influenced the development of their own expertise. The text in chapters 2 8 is centered around the extended case example. It will help you understand all the aspects of the therapeutic process and how all the components of successful therapy fit together: the therapeutic alliance; assessment of the client s change potential; clinician credibility; case conceptualization; interventions that foster first, second, and third order change; monitoring and evaluation; and termination. It sets the stage for better understanding the transcribed therapy segments and the two sets of commentaries. Chapter 9 lays out the necessary developmental tasks and
  • 14. How Does Sheila Birling Change Throughout The Play In this essay I will be comparing Sheila Birling and Lady Macbeth at the beginning, middle and at the end of the two plays and how much power they have and how their power changes throughout the play. At the beginning of the play `An Inspector Calls , Sheila Birling is presented as a typical Edwardian girl with very little power and gains more power throughout the play. Whereas in the play `Macbeth , Lady Macbeth have more power over her husband and as the play continues she becomes more typical with not much power. At the beginning of the play `An Inspector Calls , Sheila Birling is presented as an Edwardian woman with not much power but being the daughter of a prosperous and hard headed businessman gives her a little power in the society. ... Show more content on ... At the middle of the play Sheila has gained more power. For example in act 2 when Sheila tells her mother of by saying that impertinent is such a silly word and Mrs Birling replies in any case Sheila says, But, mother, do stop before it s too late. The word `stop tell us that she is now in more power and she is telling her mother to stop talking to the inspector like this. This links with the play as Edwardian woman are supposed to be non violent. Also she says, you wait mother. By using the word `you she is commanding her mother and now she is making her own decision. Before Sheila never talked to her mother like this, this shows that Sheila has gained more power and can now stand out for herself and decide what is right for her. On the other hand, Lady Macbeth is gradually losing her power. For example in act 3 scene 2 she ask Macbeth What s to be done, Macbeth replies Be innocent of the knowledge. The word `innocent suggest that Macbeth is not involving Lady Macbeth in his plans and telling her to act more innocent.. This shows that she has lost power because now Macbeth is in control and he is making the important decision. Also, in act 3 scene 2 Lady Macbeth speaks to Macbeth and says, you must leave this, and Macbeth replies O, full of scorpion is my mind, dear wife The word `scorpion suggest that his mind is now full of evilness. This tells us that Macbeth has stopped listening to his dear wife and he is now answering back. We can clearly see that she has lost power over her husband. This links with the play as Jacobean men made important
  • 15. The Thing In The Forest Summary In this short story The Thing in The Forest has many types of Figurative Language but mostly it represents Symbolism. One major symbolism is the thing which the girls, Penny and Primrose encounter while they were in the forest, represents the the bad things of WWII. Penny and Primrose were two little girls who were evacuees. This story takes place in 1940 1941 when British cities were being bombed by German warplanes. They had been sent away from their home by train to this mansion next to a forest with other children . They would be there until they had a foster family. On their coats they had their names pinned down and they were wearing gas masks just in case enemy bombs fell their way. Their mothers had not explained to them where they were going . They thought they were being punished for not being good children. They became great friends on the train after sharing a piece of chocolate and and apple. They both agreed to stick to each other. After arriving the next day they were sent out to play while it was lunch time. They went outside and saw the opportunity to go into the forest. Alys who was one of the younger girls wanted to go with them but Penny and Primrose ran until they lost her. After a little while in the forest they experienced and unforgettable event. That s when they saw or believed they saw a thing in the forest (Byatt 324) In The Thing in The Forest the thing represents all the nasty, wrong, bad things that were going on in WWII. For example,
  • 16. Cardiovascular System Analysis The cardiovascular system is an organ system that allows blood to circulate and is in charge of transporting oxygen, as well as carbon dioxide, hormones, nutrients, and cell waste items all over the body (Pironet, et al., 2016). This system helps to regulate body temperature, maintain homeostasis, and fight diseases. The cardiovascular systemis made up of the heart, bloodvessels, blood and plasma of the blood, and cells. The circulatory system is kept working by the heart. The heart is made, for the most part, out of cardiac muscle. Carrying nutrients, wastes, gases, and chemical signals across the body are some of the functions of the heart. Four chambers comprise the heart, which are two atria and two ventricles (Pironet, et. al.,
  • 17. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Research Paper The ANWR or Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a refuge specially designed for wilderness purposes. This refuge is located in the northeast corner of Alaska, and is home to a rich diversity of over 250 species of wildlife. For a better description, this refuge has been named spiritual, recreational, historical, and cultural. However, not all would agree that the arctic refuge is a rather safe place. In 1966, many Alaska Natives protested due to the ANWR being threatened by dirty oil and gas development. Since then, many laws and acts have been passed and signed so that the ANWR would be kept safe. For example, in 1960 President Eisenhower established the Arctic National Wildlife Range to preserve wilderness, wildlife, and recreation. Also in 1980, President Carter signed the Alaska Interest Lands Conservation Act. This act expanded the Arctic Refuge s size, along with changing its name and some other features. As a result of these actions, the thought of drilling the ANWR should be abolished. ... Show more content on ... As stated in the first paragraph, this refuge was designed purposely for wildlife. The oil industry continues to launch attacks to open this national treasure to destructive oil drilling. However, there is a large amount of people and protesters that are willing to do anything to protect this remarkable place that some call home. If these oil companies drill this land, hundreds of habitats would be lost. Even the simplest things such as seismic testing, aircraft and vehicle noise, or even the presence of humans nearby can drive mother polar bears away from their den and cubs. The critical breeding grounds for migratory birds would be severely impacted and the same for others. The simple action of even having humans at this location could destroy a whole species. Although, habitat loss is not the only reason why this majestic place should not be a drilling
  • 18. Gender Stereotypes In The Film Training Day When observing the film Training Day it is very hard not to notice the way in which race plays a part in the film. It s not like a Disney film in which the prejudices against people of color are very in your face, but it s clear enough for anyone to make something of. The first thing to note is the typical Hollywood scenario of the white male hero. The main character Jake Hoyt was one of the only white characters in the movie and he seemed to be the only one who was doing the right thing. Everyone else was a person of color and they were depicted as almost savage like. Hoyt was the one who saved the girl from being raped and he was also the one on Alonzo s team who saw the wrong in what they were doing. Hoyt seemed to be the only person in
  • 19. My Experience At The Court Room So I went to the courtroom on Monday, I was planning to go to the criminal court but when I arrived I the GPS guided me to the civil court so I and two interpreter but I am so impress interpreter (Hannah) know everything I follow her where going to court criminal when I got there we have to go through the security and the building and I think because its not new and in a great condition like the civil court so when I got in I and interpreter went to the information desk get information about the court case that s on, after that I went to a court room on the two floor department 26, the court room look same very different than my imagination I thought the court looks very old fashion with those European style decoration and uncomfortable seat like those in the church, but the court room I went to was actually very modern and the seat are soft not like the church style wooden seat, the court room was quite small I the it can only fit around few people according to my observation, so the judge sat at front and the juryis on the left and side and it has a small desk right next to the entrance for the policeofficer in the court and the judge s seat and desk is high than any other seat and desk in the room. I and Interpreter sit back near door and I want thank to them note for me, I don t understand court and lawyer was so fast speak but hard for me write notes then two interpreter willing notes share for me. So this case A wild scene played out Friday night at a house
  • 20. Healthy Food Disorders Research Paper Healthy Eating to Prevent Digestive Disorders The digestive system starts with the mouth and goes all the way down to the rectum. Along the way, your digestive system breaks down the food you eat so you can absorb the nutrients and use them for energy. Digestive disorders can cause gas, bloating, pain, heartburn, and other symptoms. They can prevent your digestive system from doing its job. Healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle can help you avoid many common digestive disorders. WHAT NUTRITIONCHANGES CAN I MAKE? Start by eating a balanced diet. Eat healthy foods from all the major food groups. These include carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Other changes you can make include to: Eat enough fiber. Fiber is a healthy carbohydrate ... Show more content on ... Heartburn. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Peptic ulcer disease. Hemorrhoids. Diverticulitis. Constipation. Diarrhea. Gall stones. Irritable bowel syndrome. Malnutrition. Fatty liver disease. WHAT CAN HAPPEN IF I DO NOT MAKE THESE CHANGES? Not making these changes could put you at risk for many conditions caused by a poor diet or unhealthy weight. WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION? Learn more about healthy eating and digestive disorders from: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: /wellness/digestive health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: /assets/docs/the healthy woman/digestive_health.pdf REMEMBER: A heathy diet can help prevent many digestive disorders. Eat a balanced diet consisting of fiber, unsaturated fats, lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Alternate three small meals with three small snacks per day.
  • 21. Drink plenty of water every day. Get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy weight. ExitCareВ® Patient Information 2012 ExitCare,
  • 22. Tracheostomy Research Paper What You Need To Know About Tracheostomy and Tracheostomy Tube Safety A tracheostomy, or trach, is a surgically created opening in the trachea. A tracheostomy tube, or trach tube, is a tube that is placed in this opening to help with breathing. It is important to take good care of your trach and trach tube. This will help you stay safe and free from infection. WHAT SAFETY STEPS SHOULD I TAKE? General Instructions Follow your health care provider s instructions about: Cleaning your trach and the area around it. Suctioning your trach. Cleaning your trach tube. Changing your trach tube. Keep your trach and trach tube dry. When you take a shower: Cover your trach with a shower shield or other protective covering. ... Show more content on ... Emergency phone numbers. Sterile water. 0.9% saline solution. Sterile gloves or hand sanitizer. Sterile gauze pads. If You Get Sick: Suction your trach more often. If you vomit: Cover your trach tube with a towel to keep vomit out of your airway. Suction right away if you think vomit may have gotten in your trach tube.
  • 23. If You Use a Ventilator: Check the ventilator safety and sound alarms every day to be sure they work. Make sure the ventilator tubes are in the right place and do not pull on the trach tube. Do not twist or pull on the trach connector more than needed. Too much pulling or twisting can cause the ventilator tubes to disconnect. When you hook up or disconnect the ventilator or humidification tubing, hold the trach tube in place. If you are using a trach tube with one or more side openings (fenestrated trach tube), always use an inner cannula without side openings (non fenestrated cannula) with the correct connector. SEEK MEDICAL CARE IF: You cannot remove your trach tube or inner cannula. You have redness, swelling, or tenderness around your trach. You have fluid or blood coming from your
  • 24. To A Mouse And Louse Summary Silly Little Critter (Three Messages From Mouse and Louse) When Robert Burns wrote To a Mouse as well as To a Louse, he had to have been thinking about it pretty hard, because the messages of each text connect to one another in many ways. In both of these texts, he used little critters that might gross some people out. He didn t really use a creature that very many people found cute in any way. It was a very creative way to go about, because he decided he would use a animal/insect that people don t really pay too much attention to. There was a very genius reason to why he decided to use pests as the main topic of his texts, and that s because it made all of the messages more clear to the reader. Robert Burns was a really known author, and many people thought very highly of him. According to Brooke A. Stopford, His greatest power, that which made him ... Show more content on ... This is a very true message in many ways. The main reason why this is most likely the best message in the texts, is because Burns talked about how they don t have to live their life struggling because of worrying. Something that humans do a lot of the time is stress over things that might be big, but might also not be as important as we act like it is. In the text To a Mouse, Burns said, Still thou art blest, compared wi me! The present only toucheth thee. What was being said in this sentence is that even though the mouse s house got completely destroyed, instead of sitting there and worrying about it, he just started building a new one. He doesn t know about the past, nor the future. All that animals, as well as insects know about is the present, which gives them a huge advantage over us. Same thing goes for the louse in To a Louse. He didn t know that he could get hit by something at any minute and die, because unlike humans, they don t know about death until it
  • 25. Pros And Cons Of New Year Millionaire What is New Year Millionaire? Let us begin by way of trying to take into accout what New Year Millionaire is ahead of taking a look at the professionals and cons. New Year Millionaire is a product created via New Year Millionaire Team to exploit the binary options trading gadget in place on the moment. They have got found a loophole that reduces your dangers and will increase your Profits. New Year Millionaire Team provides you with New Year Millionaire to milk the device and cut back those risks significantly. It trades for you after information about your finances has been inserted. New Year Millionaire Overview Binary choices with New Year Millionaire have long been an excellent option to make money and make a Huge profit. Millions of... Show more content on ... New Year Millionaire Execs What are the professionals with New Year Millionaire Software? To begin, it really works and that s what matters. If a product does not do what it is saying, it isn t worth your time. Easy as that. New Year Millionaire is a fantastic product as it is able to provide results and I have found it to be particularly helpful. After the usage of it for a month or so, I ve generated rather a bit of of money that would in a different way now not had been possible. The 24 hour reinforce is splendid. It s a kind of pros that merely will get overlooked however should not. The New Year Millionaire support is astounding each time you ve a query to ask. I ve had a few hurdles to pass and their fortify crew has at all times been there to assist me. New Year Millionaire Cons Are there any cons with this New Year Millionaire product? Yes, it is close to impossible to find a product that doesn t have cons. The one con with this product would be you won t be discovering 100% success. It is simply not possible to win each option and that is the means it is. You will still have to take a seat down and have a look at your choices from time to time earlier than shifting ahead to get the type of results you might be
  • 26. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) INTRODUCTION Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide, with conditions of atherosclerotic (e.g. coronary heart disease [CHD] and stroke) origin representing roughly 80% of all cardiovascular (CV) death (Global Atlas on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control. Mendis S, Puska P, Norrving B editors. World Health Organization, Geneva 2011). In the U.S. alone, the cost of CVD and stroke is staggering with more than $320 billion (U.S. dollars) in both direct and indirect cost (Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, et al. Circulation. 2015). In attempts to change the current trajectory of CVD, considerable efforts have focused on reducing modifiable risk factors, such as smoking, diet and exercise, and ... Show more content on ... One sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate a scenario where ezetimibe was removed from therapy if not effective at getting patients to goal. For example, in patients on atorvastatin 80 mg plus ezetimibe but not at goal, we removed ezetimibe (with adjustments of a corresponding increase in LDL C) and added alirocumab instead. Additionally, a separate sensitivity analyses was conducted to determine the impact of lowering the LDL C goal to the achieved levels seen in the IMPROVE IT study, 55 mg/dL. Finally, we also simulated a scenario which only allowed for alirocumab if the LDL C was 75mg/dL. In other words, if oral intensification was successful at achieving an LDL C 75 mg/dL, we made the assumption that most physicians would think that level of attainment was sufficient in lieu of adding
  • 27. Bursitis Research Paper The disorder/disease I decided to write about is called Bursitis. By definition, Bursitis are caused when bursae, a fluid filled sac at the joints, gets inflamed. A person with Bursitis will have trouble with movement or pressure because the fluid filled sacs help pressure and lubricate points between our tendons, bones, and muscles located near our joints; allowing movement in joints without much friction. When a person has Bursitis, their fluid filled sac gets inflamed so movement and pressure will cause pain. In our human body, the shoulder, elbow, ankle, knee, buttocks, hips, and thigh are the most common parts of our body that are likely to experience Bursitis. Why? Because those are a few places where joints can be found. Bursitis is
  • 28. Nunavut s Challenges Nunavut became Canada s third territory on April 1,1999, Nunavut means our land and the creation of Nunavut was the outcome of the largest aboriginal land claims agreement between the Canadian government and the native Inuit people. Nunavut makes up one fifth of Canada s total landmass.There are twenty eight communities in nunavut.The agreement shall be null and void and of no effect. The agreement shall come into force upon its ratification by both parties. the person in charge of Nunavut is Tom Sammurtok. Tom Sammurtok was elected to the legislative assembly of Nunavut in the 2013 election. Nunavut s challenges can be described as a need for foundations as an economy and for greater participation. Developed land should be available when needed,developed
  • 29. Fenway Park Essays Some things on this earth are just magical. To some it may be the beach at sunset, to others it may be as simple as the drive to work in the morning. For me that place is Fenway Park in Boston Massachusetts. Going to a game in Fenway is a smorgasbord of delightful feelings. Even the walk up to the ballpark is some thing to behold. Walking with hundreds of passionate fans, all decked out in their red sox T shirts, jerseys, and of coarse that iconic navy hat with the red B on it. I feel like I belong there with this organized group of strangers. There is such a since of family as I see people from the T car I was on and chatted with. A few hundred yards ahead I could hear a Lets Go Red Sox chant as people around me began to join in... Show more content on ... I look down a gated alley that reads players and coaches only and I think If I was just there twenty minutes earlier I would have gotten a glimpse or even a word in with one of my favorite players. As I drift back in to reality I see several long lines at gate A this was unusual but my spirits were to high to be broken. As I slide into what looks like the shortest line my Uncle Geno grabs me and says, let s go so my dad and I follow him. I was curious where we could be going and I really didn t want to have to step out of line but I knew geno had something up his sleeve for us. Geno leads us around the perimeter of the park and to gate D. There was almost no line at this gate so we slide in easily. Geno had done it again, always the go to guy on street knowledge and somehow he knew everyone. When we make our way past countless vendor to the tunnel the crowd roars. As I step through the tunnel into the light the glare of the setting July sun hits me. When my eyes finally readjust to the light I look around and almost have trouble with my depth perception because of how big and crowded Fenway is. As we begin our treck to our seats we pass countless passionate fans I look to the scoreboard, the giant Budweiser neon sign, and to the enormous coke bottle and marvel at their size. Then
  • 30. Pharmacy Inventory System Copyright 2008 by National Community Pharmacists Association All rights reserved. No parts of this Document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the National Community Pharmacists Association. Managing the Pharmacy Inventory Efficient Inventory Management (EIM) is essential to the profitability of your pharmacy. Don t let profit sit on your shelves or expensive brand name drugs go out of date due to improper inventory levels. Inventory is the amount of stock or merchandise that is available for sale to present and future clientele. Adequate inventory is generally defined as basic stock + safety stock. Too much inventory is... Show more content on ... They include such costs as obsolescence (outdates), deterioration, storage, inventory taxes, and insurance. The problem with high carrying costs is the lost opportunity to use the capital invested in inventory elsewhere. The opportunity cost of any investment is equal to the amount that could have been made by investing in the next best alternative of comparable risk. Carrying costs are usually expressed as a percentage of average inventory value. Most sources estimate annual carrying costs to be between 20% and 30%. So, for a pharmacy with an inventory valued at SR 225,000 inventory carrying costs would amount to SR 45,000 to 67,500 per year. Procurement costs (ordering costs) are costs associated with actually ordering and receiving goods. They include the costs of placing the order, receiving goods, and processing payment. Tip improved procurement/ordering technology and next day deliveries should limit the size of orders and keep carrying costs down This Out of Stock (TOS) costs are the costs associated with being out of an item a customer needs or wants. The size of TOS costs are difficult to estimate. At minimum they represent the embarrassment and frustration of explaining to a customer or prescriber that the pharmacy is out of what is needed. At maximum they represent the cost of losing all of a customer s future purchases or, in the case of life saving emergency drugs, causing physical
  • 31. Eagle Scout Accomplishment Becoming an Eagle Scout The Scout Executive of Southern Missouri presented me with a medal and a badge. The award recognized the accomplishments and requirements that an Eagle Scout fulfills. I accepted the award and took my seat. Once the applaud of my fellow scouts and friends died down, I thanked everybody for coming to recognize my accomplishment of becoming an Eagle Scout. I continued to express my gratitude to all the leaders and parents that made my time as a Boy Scout some of the best times I spent in the outdoors. I reflected over the many campouts I took when I was younger and did not yet possess the skills or the equipment that I have since gained. I concluded my speech by thanking the business that sponsored my final service project.
  • 32. How A Cartel Is A Competitive Market A cartel is a formal organization set up by a group of firms that produce and sell homogenous products for the purpose of enacting and sharing monopolistic rents. Their organizations consist of formal agreements between competing firms to control prices or exclude entry of a new competitor in a market. The sellers or buyers of a cartelagree to fix selling prices, purchase price or reduce production using a variety of tactics so that competing on price is avoided. Because most of these firms are monopolies, they tend to have considerable amounts of market power, thus making them want to behave like monopolies. With its lack of power, a cartel acts as a counter veil to an imperfectly competitive market where fewer sellers have the ability to base their products on decision making and supply and demand. Since a cartel acts as an imperfectly competitive market, it is best to define it as having a direct relationship with an oligopoly industry. In Oligopoly markets, few numbers of sellers are joined together to form a market or an industry. Usually consisting of 2 or 20 firms, their main goal is to sell and produce differentiated products and services. With decisions influenced by one another, the price of the product and the quantity of production is fixed in accordance with its member s own self interest and self respect. The interdependence of firms in oligopoly markets is demonstrated in the obligation to maintain price stability shown by popular demand. It may lead firms
  • 33. Debt Collector When you are past due on your bills and the debt collectors start calling, it can make you feel helpless. However, it is important for all consumers to understand that they have numerous rights and laws that protect them, even if they owe the money the creditor is trying to collect. Below is a summary of the various different ways you are protected when dealing with a debtcollector: Harassment A collector is prohibited from harassing or abusing you or any third parties they contact when trying to collect a debt. The following are examples of actions that are illegal for collectors to take: Threaten you with violence or harm if you do not pay Create and publish a list of debtors who fail to pay what they owe (however, a collector can provide ... Show more content on ... Some common examples of unfair practices used by collectors include: Trying to collect additional interest, fees, or other charges on top of the balance owed unless specifically allowed under the contract or the law Depositing a post dated check too early Seizing or threatening to seize assets unless it can legally be done Using a postcard to contact you regarding your debt Providing false credit information about you to another party (including credit reporting agencies) A debt collector cannot claim you will be arrested and sent to jail if you fail to pay your debt. Additionally, the collector cannot claim they will garnish or seize your wages unless such action is allowed by law. Finally, collectors are prohibited from stating that they will take legal action against you if such action would be illegal or if they have no intention of taking such
  • 34. Public Apology Research Paper What makes a public apology sincere? Now a days when celebrities apologize for something that happened it s hard to tell whether they really mean it or doing it to get support from the public again. Before you can decide if an apology is sincere or not you must learn the characteristics of a true apology. The goal of an apologyis to communicate regret, responsibility, and remedy of the issue. To effectively do this you must make a statement of regret for causing the inconvenience, hurt, or damage, accept responsibilities for your actions, and clearly state a solution or remedy to the problem (Engel). I am going to analyze two videos of public apologies and use what I talked about in the previous sentence along with body facial language,... Show more content on ... Eventually Tiger s wife, Elin Nordegren, found out the speculations were true by snooping through Tiger s phone. As the news started to spread 14 more women confessed to having sex with Woods. They were strippers, porn stars, escorts, and party girls. Woods later on confessed to sleeping with 120 women and entered into rehab for sex addiction later that month. In February of 2010 Woods had a press release to apologize to his family, friends, and the public. One of the most unique things about the release was Woods choice of words. He said I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior . He directly said his affairs were not acceptable and told everyone sorry for letting them down. He placed all the blame on himself and says he is in therapy getting help from others. He also said he is trying to make a change and be a better man, and thanked everyone for their support in his time of struggle (Tiger Woods Says I Am so Sorry in Public Apology). These statements shows him taking responsibility for his wrong doings, exemplifies his shame for his choices, and that he is willing to try and change to improve himself. On the other hand there is one part in his speech where he seemed as if he shouldn t be addressing the topic
  • 35. The Market Entry of Starbucks into China The final project is going to be about the market entry of Starbucks into China. This project will focus on gauging the success of the company s market entry strategy thus far. Starbucks has announced in a press release that it believes China will be its #2 market by 2014, and the company has been one of the most successful American companies in that market (Starbucks, 2012). The company entered the Chinese market in 1999 with a store in Beijing. This followed the acquisition of greater knowledge about Chinese business culture through outlets in Taiwan. The company initially used a licensing agreement to enter the Chinese market (Starbucks, 2010). Since that point in time, the company extended its presence in the Chinese market in 2000 with a different licensee partner in Shanghai. In 2002, a third partner was added to help Starbucks expand into Shenzhen, two years after entering the Hong Kong market. Using these three major markets as a base, the company expanded from Shenzhen to Guangzhou and from Shanghai to Ningbo, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou. By 2005, the company was ready to open its first company owned store, in Qingdao, an area of the country not overlapping with the existing licensee agreements. Over time, the company has increased its equity positions in some of the joint ventures, and it has also opened more company owned stores, and even bought back some stores. This topic was chosen because of the wealth of material available on it. Starbucks is
  • 36. Problem Of Income Inequality Income Inequality On the problem of income inequality, there are at least three views one can consider. Edward McClelland discusses the apparent changes and disappearance of the middle class. Monica Potts argues that lack of education is a cause of wealth disparity. Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy agrees with Potts on the aspect that those who are less educated is being left behind and discusses a couple ways that we can fix this disappearance of the middle class. On reflection, I am inclined to believe that education as a whole should be emphasized and worked on to help suit a more wide variety of students. Edward McClelland provides us with a timeline from his experiences and where it was more apparent that the middle class was disappearing. As he elaborates, the 1970 s (when he grew up) was where it was still possible to be a highschool dropout and still make more than high school teachers, and the 1980 s is when things began to change with the beginning of a recession. He later goes on to say the disappearance of the middle class has nothing to do with us as a whole or capitalism, but has everything to do with the government. How could this be the government s fault instead of capitalism? Capitalism was designed so one can provide for themselves which is exactly what is happening. Whereas, according to McClelland, ...the federal government withdrawing its supervision of the economy at the precise moment Americans began to need it more than at any time since the Great
  • 37. Life Of Pi By Yann Martel Yann Martel, the author of Life of Pi, tells a miraculous survival story that everyone will want to believe. He tells readers about the life a boy, who later in the story gets stuck on a lifeboat with fierce companions for 227 days. Piscine Molitor Patel, otherwise known as Pi , accompanies his family in moving to Canada from India, though the ship sinks and he then tells his journey twice. Pi told his journey in two versions, an animal version, and a human version. In both versions Pi is accompanied with a zebra/sailor, a hyena/cook, his own mother/orangutan, and himself/tiger (Martel 311). Though the characters in the novel, like Pi, the Chinese officials, and the writer, preferred the animal version, the preferred version would be the human version. The theme of Life of Pislowly emerges throughout the novel. Pieces of the theme become present when the readers begin to understand the novel as a whole. Martel divides this novel into three parts, which helps the readers understand Pi and everything about him, which helps the readers figure out what may or may not have happened. The theme of this novel would be that when in a survival situation, it will take all a person is in order to survive. In the first part of the novel, readers learn about Pi, his life, his religious beliefs, and zoology. Pi believes in three different religions, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam (Martel 64). His is religiously diverse, since there are so many religions and Gods in the
  • 38. Paradoxical Trinity Analysis The age of the robot warrior machine is looming, and it represents monumental changes in the future conduct of war. Increased precision and decreased risk make the automation of warriors both politically and militarily attractive. In the future, government and military leaders will have to address the numerous moral and ethical questions concerning when, where and how to utilize these lifeless soldiers. In the past, many leaders relied on the military theory from the Prussian theorist Carl Von Clausewitzbook On Warto answer similar questions. Even though his theories have formerly provided guidance, can the ideas written in the 1800 s, truly be useful when applied to such drastic changes in the future conduct of war. Clausewitz military ... Show more content on ... Measuring, comparing, or correlating the ever changing interaction between them is impossible. The only constant is that all three are always in existence, pulling and pushing for an assemblance of equilibrium. Any attempt to ignore one of them or limit another would render them useless . The trinity and the absolute existence of the three elements represent the unique unchanging nature of war. The enduring nature and profoundness suggests that the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) may have influenced Clausewitz, which is undoubtedly also a bias of this author. Many scholars have argued over its interpretation, especially with regard to the secondary trinity referenced by Clausewitz as the people, the commander with his army, and the government . One notion that is agreeable to this author is that the secondary trinity of the people, army, and government was Clausewitz attempt at the application of the theory. The application in this way also discards the argument that the term war can only apply a state. Because of this, the elements of his paradoxical trinity can be applied not only to state actors, but to non state, warlords, gangs, fanatical groups or even individuals. The only requirement is humans. Other Students of Clausewitz have developed their own simplified interpretations of the
  • 39. Thomas Holmes Thomas Holmes was the best cat that ever lived; however, his life was cut short and finally ended with the deadly point of piercing needles and sharp dissecting scissors. Little Tommy, as only his closest friends knew him as, was first introduced into the world on the sidewalk of a busy New York street. As the smallest kitten in his litter, Tommy was bullied by his bigger siblings and was never appropriately fed. Severely malnourished, at age three days, Tommy was on the verge of death, and every sibling knew this. Sadly, they continued to fight Tommy and push him away when receiving their daily meals. Even his motherwould move whenever Tommy had an opportunity to drink her nutritious milk. One day Tommy gave up, he laid himself on the bottom of their cardboard home and accepted his fate. He slowly drifted away from this world and ventured to the home he resides in now, but it wasn t his time. With the power from the catgods, he awoke on the table of a vet s office. Already determined dead by the doctors, Tommy rested on the table silently. Suddenly, a doctor entered the room ready to dispose of the kitten, but ... Show more content on ... The female cat across from Mr. Lester s house was a pretty blond and she always found herself in Tommy s backyard. There, she and Tommy became great friends and finally fell in love. After his great escape, Tommy ran to the blond and lived with her in the abandoned house for the rest of his life. Tommy had kittens and made sure each of them received a large amount of food. As a dad, Tommy took care of his wife and kids and guarded them with his life. Sadly, one day a huge, muscular cat entered Tommy s house with intentions to kill. Tommy began to fight the cat with all his might, and fortunately, Tommy succeeded; however, the severe wounds suddenly killed Tommy minutes after the struggle. Now he rests on a dissecting pan ready to finally be put to rest. Rest in peace friend, and live forever in your new
  • 40. Comparing Sartre s Existentialism And Of The Human Condition The question of human subjectivity has plagued the minds of philosophers for centuries. Existentialism attempts to answer this question by recognizing humans not as beings who exist through the tethers of an objective deity, but rather as beings who exist as agents of free will. In his lecture Existentialismis a Humanism, philosopher Jean Paul Sartreexplores principal ideas of existentialism and of the human condition by responding to the objections of many secular groups and their misinterpretation of this philosophy. These critics of existentialism, according to Sartre, have incorrectly accused it of being a philosophy that could only lead to a quietism of despair (Sartre 1). In other words, they have assumed that it is a philosophy of nothing but idleness one that is merely contemplative and will deter people from committing themselves to any course of actual action. Others reprimanded existentialism for being exaggeratedly pessimistic and for concentrating solely on the undignified attributes of the human condition. Sartre refutes these assertions by making connections between existentialist views and the more accepted philosophy of humanism. His overall argument, in its simplest form, is as follows: 1. ... Show more content on ... This anguish causes many critics of existentialism to question whether individuals should passively accept the actions of others. Although existentialism implies that things will happen as humans have decided they are to happen, Sartre offers an explanation to this dilemma by pointing out that to abandon oneself to quietism (Sartre 7) would be the exact opposite of the existentialist view. There is no reality except in action (Sartre 7). If one were to dismiss their own actions and allow the actions of others to determine their existence, they would be operating under a doctrine similar to that of many Christians or Communists both of which he has already
  • 41. Zellweger Syndrome Research Paper Zellweger syndrome (ZS), neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD), X linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X ALD), and infantile Refsum disease (IRD) are the four main peroxisomal disorders classified by the absence, or a defect in, specific peroxisomal proteins. Zellweger syndrome is considered the most severe of the four most studied peroxisomal disorders, causing a faster and earlier death. Lacking or having defective peroxisomal proteins is especially problematic due to the many functions specific to this organelle such as the breakdown of fatty acids, production of lipids for the nervous system and digestion, and functioning in development of the brain. Peroxisomes contain no DNA, causing all of its defects to be mutations of nuclear genes. This is significant because, as we ll learn later in this class, nuclear genes code for peroxisomal proteins which are synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes to later be imported into the peroxisome. Without proper formation, these proteins will not enter the peroxisomes and remain functionless in the cytosol. Some individuals can still have peroxisomes detected in their cells, but they are non functional or cannot properly carry out their duties without the assistance... Show more content on ... With the broad range of symptoms, treatments are carried out case by case to help make each individual patient as comfortable as possible. Some general treatments used include focus mainly on symptom therapies such as calories through gastronomy, hearing aids, cataract removal, glasses, vitamins, primary bile acid therapy, and seizure medication (Steinberg et al., 2003). They have been looking for a treatment that works for many years, which is why we chose such a wide range in dates for our case studies. A few studies have had some success with easing their patients pain and could possibly be applied to other treatment
  • 42. General Motors vs. Volkswagon GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION THE VOLKSWAGEN GROUP INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS Group Members Jose Cervantes Hilda Patricia Moreno Aracelis Nass Keila Urdaneta Florida International University ACG 6255 International Accounting Professor Leonardo Rodriguez Summer 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Objectives ........................................................................................................................................................ The Automotive Industry .................................................................................................................................................4 The Automotive Industry in the United States ...............................................................................................5 The Automotive Industry in Germany .............................................................................................................7 Company Backgrounds ....................................................................................................................................................8 General Motors Corporation ... Show more content on ... The auto industry and area of commerce in which automobile models are planned, designed, manufactured, and marketed. The automobile industry is concerned with profits and competition. And depending on the country consumer demands for styling, safety, and efficiency differ and with labor relations and manufacturing efficiency too. In the Automobile industry, many companies need to strive to make better and affordable cars. The automobile industry is concerned with profits and competition, consumer demands for styling, safety, and efficiency and it is also involved with labor relations and manufacturing efficiency. For example, in 2007, more than 73 million motor vehicles, including cars and commercial vehicles were produced worldwide. In 2007, a total of 71.9 million new automobiles were sold worldwide: 22.9 million in Europe, 21.4 million in Asia Pacific, 19.4 million in North America, 4.4 million in Latin America, 2.4 million in the Middle East and 1.4 million in Africa. The markets in North America and Japan were stagnant, while
  • 43. those in South America and Asia grew strongly. Of the major markets, Russia, Brazil and China saw the most rapid growth. In 2008, with rapidly rising oil prices, industries such as the automotive industry are experiencing a combination of pricing pressures from raw material costs and changes in consumer buying habits. The industry is also facing increasing external
  • 44. Martin Luther s Ninety-Five Theses On The Church Martin Luther was the son of a coal miner and left his studies to become an Augustinian monk. He spoke out against the church in Wittenberg. Luther was convinced that salvation was earned by the performance of good deeds and grace through the church. He disagreed and argued that salvation could only be obtained by faith in knowing Christ s sacrifice. If one were to purchase indulgences, Luther thought that they were useless because one can only be saved by the grace of God. He also believed that Christian s should assume full responsibility for their actions on earth. In 1517, Luther posted the Ninety Five Theseson the church door in Wittenberg. This post was ninety five issues he sought to bring up and dispute with the leaders of the Church
  • 45. Pursuing A Veterinarian As My Career Reflection on Interview I chose a Veterinarian as my career to investigate because I wanted to know more about the career I m going to school for. I really wanted to see what it s like to be a veterinarian and how they think of their job. I really wanted to know if the job was worth it, and if they are happy/ satisfied with their decision to become a veterinarian.I interviewed my sister s husband Rome. He was a veterinarian and is now a hairstylist. He didn t like being a veterinarian so he went with his second choice; a hair stylist. I mean he did love being with the animals and meeting new friends, but he really wanted to be a hairstylist. He worked at a veterinary hospital, he helped, diagnosed, and did surgeryon animals. Rome had a
  • 46. Ronald Reagan s Positive Influences There were many influential individuals that shaped the world around what people do today in everyday life. In the 20th century, influential people either changed the way we lived today for the good or for the bad. One major political influential figure was Ronald Reagan. He has been credited with ending the cold war, which abolished many of the political and military tensions between the Eastern and Western Blocs. He called the former USSR government wicked and demanded for the Berlin Wall, that separated east and West Germany, to be torn down. I believe Ronald Reagan, a former double termed president of the United States and actor, changed society for the better for his choices in politics and what he had done with the military and cold war. His actions shaped the world then and continue to do so now. His philosophy still dominates politics today as he is often quoted and referenced by current prominent leaders especially regarding fiscal policies. Ronald Reagan created a Strategic Defense Initiative that was intended to defend the United States from any nuclear weapon missile threat from other countries. This was proposed mainly to protect the U.S. from its extent threat, which was the Soviet Union at the time. Reagan wrote down in his diary addressing his Evil Empire Speech, I did the bulk of the speech on why our arms build up was necessary and then finished with a call to the Science community to join me in research starting now to develop a defensive weapon that
  • 47. Magic And Ritual Of The Trobriand Islanders Magic and ritual are often associated with vengeful gods and bloody sacrifices, possibly due to their representation in book, movies, and other forms of entertainment. One might think that they have no power to bring a community together, other than through fear. However, through the lives of the Trobriand islanders, well observed by the polish anthropologist and ethnographer BronisЕ‚aw Malinowski, we see that rituals and customs maintained by a powerful connection to magicis a mechanism of social order and betterment where a traditional government does not exist. Magic, therefore, is a power handed to man via tradition to control his creation and its nature is that of a social force (Malinowski 1922: 397). Malinowski s study of the Trobriand islanders set the tone for a new method of study through his solidification of the functionalist perspective. By throwing off the convention that forms of religion, governments, and economies progress towards a modern or evolutionarily advanced system, Malinowski was able to demonstrate the possibility of a different means of social cohesion existing in the modern world. A notable change with regard to evolutionism is to be found in the functionalist theory of Malinowski. For him, magic, religion, and science do not represent in any way a progressive sequence. They coexist in the same social environment and each provides its own specific contribution (function) towards satisfying individual and social needs. By seeing these
  • 48. Identify Different Types Of Drivers Types of Automobile Drivers Paula Alexandra, an American actress, once said, The cars we drive say a lot about us. People often choose their automobiles for many different reasons. An affordable car might be the attraction. Many people spend as much money on a car as they might a home because style and statement means much to them. Others might select a car based on the comfort of the ride. This often is the case with more mature drivers. The way we choose to get from one place to the next shows our priorities and what is important to us. But along with the type of car we drive, there is something else that clearly says a lot about a person the way they drive their vehicle. Over a period, habits are developed by drivers and these patterns set in like cement. Drivers come in a various assortment. Most automobiledrivers can be classified into one of the following categories: the high speedster driver, the cautious defensive driver, and the reckless distracted driver, who petrifies me the most. The high speedster driver is seen zooming down the road at ... Show more content on ... These types of driver tend to somehow allow everything to wander through their inconsiderate mind. One example of this dangerous driver tendencies is his frequent texting or playing with his phone while driving, leading to many unnecessary deaths and is the reason most states consider these distractions a crime. These drivers are worried about something somewhere in the wild blue yonder instead of having their eyes glued to the situation in front of them! The definition of a distracted driver is often an individual who is constantly fooling around with something. Therefore, you can see why this category frightens me the
  • 49. Pros And Cons Of School Shootings School shootings are terrifying and a big problem in today s society. Schools have added lockdown drills, bullet proof glass and metal detectors. School should be a safe area for children to learn instead of fearing for their life. Instead of buying metal detectors and hiring more officers, there is a much easier solution in order to decrease and prevent school shootings. We have to be more alert about securing weapons at home and being aware of suspicious behavior at school in order to keep children and faculty safe. As a child left for school one morning, his parents thought that he had been acting very odd and different. Even with their suspicion, they said goodbye and let their son go to school. It wasn t till later when they had noticed an empty spot in their gun case where a pistol and shotgun used to sit. They rushed to the school and while searching through the halls for their son, their ears echoed with a gunshot from one of the classrooms. Following the gunshot, they rushed into the classroom and immediately disarmed and physically detained their son until police arrived. The only damages the son had caused, was a plate sized hole in the ceiling. If the parents had gotten to the school even one minute later, their son could have been labeled as a murderer. It is sickening to know that a child was able to sneak past his parents, teachers, and students with two firearms on his body. His parents were lucky they arrived when they did because many of people could have been hurt or even worse murdered. Obviously, the child that brought the two firearms to school should be the one punished, but what about the parents. The parents that did not have a weapon that could easily end someone s life, properly locked up or hidden away. If parents are going to carelessly leave firearms unlocked with ammo nearby, what is stopping a child from doing wrong with that firearm? Leaving firearms unlocked with any aged child around, hoping they don t touch it is a dangerous and irresponsible act. When school shootings occur, the individual that brings the weapon to school should be the one punished. However, when the parents irresponsibly leave a firearm unlocked they should face a punishment as well. 68% of school
  • 50. Do Curfews Keep Teenagers Out of Trouble Do Curfews Keep Teens Out of Trouble Bryan Win Lee Liang Jun Yong Jie Peng, Calvin HELP University Curfews Keep Teens Out of Trouble Do curfews keep teenagers out of trouble? This topic has always been on the cover page of today s newspaper headlines and a hot topic that has been discussed by every family. What are curfews like? A curfewis a time frame given by an authority like a parent or the government to teenagers below 18 to be home before a certain period of time. So, ask yourself, do you think that by implementing curfews into a teenager s life, he or she would keep out of trouble. Our group has discussed and came to an agreement that curfews really do help teenagers keep out of trouble. Firstly, curfews help teenagers to stay ... Show more content on ... One other reason why curfews keep teens out of trouble is that curfews set by parents are a way of showing that the parents care about the teen. (Boekestein, 2010) suggests that teens actually want to spend time with their parents but do not know how to. A curfew is the brainchild of parents all over the world to make sure that their teen is safe and also to be able to spend quality time with them while they still can. Without the curfew, teens would spend all their time with their friends but miss out on the most important people of all, which are their parents. Although it might not seem that curfews are a way to spend time with the teen, it surely is. According to (Boekestein, 2010), a teen said what all teens were trying to say, which is they don t care about other things in life, they love their parents and would like to spend more time with them than they normally do. A teen also said that he only talks to his parents in the car or during dinner as their hectic schedule demands the parents to be on their toes all the time. As (Boss, 2012) suggests, teens should have effective communication skills to make sure that what they want and what their parents think they want are the same. This could lead to extensions of curfews or even better understanding of each other. It also helps in the long run as it improves the teen parent relationship. Good
  • 51. The Politics Of Texas Citizens Texas citizens now is the time to ensure our state elected officials are made accountable for their actions while serving in the senate congress and house of representative. When our elected officials take office they know they are under inspection of the work they do as a public servant and this includes spouses and possible immediate adult family members. Public servants know certain aspects of their immediate adult family members are under inspection like employment, charities, and other activities for evaluation for nepotism. This is expected of you good citizens of Texasin your personal life and most definitely at your place of employment. Many places of employment have employees sign documents saying they will not do... Show more content on ... This in turn created the Texas EthicsCommission to impose new restrictions on lobbyists and required lawmakers to reveal their business dealings with lobbyists. It has been more than 25 years since a major rework has been done on the state s ethic laws. The current legislature is again under scrutiny for flimsy disclosure rules, legislative conflicts of interest, lobbyist wining and dining congressional members, and extravagant lifestyles fueled by special interest groups. Dark money has had a corrupting influence on politics so without reforms those abuses will eventually visit Texas. It does not matter what your party affiliation is; unethical actions hurt everyone. Make your voice be heard. It is easier than ever with e government websites. There are Texas Legislature Online, Texas Legislative Guide, The Texas Senate, and Texas House of Representatives to name a few websites to gather data from. These sites are a wealth of information on Texas legislation before the senate and the house. One of the great features is being able to receive email alerts on particular bills that matter the most to citizens. The Texas Public Information Act gives citizens the right to access government records without any questions asked. There are several watchdog websites that are nonpartisan that explain the legislative laws in layman terms. They are written to give the pros and cons of
  • 52. Mystery Of The Ani Bank Robbery MYSTERY OF THE ANI BANK ROBBERY Animal Woods is a beautiful land of animal kingdom. Ani Bank is running many ATMs for the benefit of its customers. But lots of robberies are taking place recently and money is getting stolen from Ani bank ATMs. One evening Mr Jumbo, the famous detective and his assistant, a small little elephant Jolly were enjoying a cup of coffee at Jumbo s house.Jumbois a really great detective.But nowadays he is little old and likes to relax in his house at Elephantine road. Suddenly, he got a phone call and it was from Mr. Balu bear,director of the Ani Bank. Hetold Jumbo in a worried tone that his services were immediately required.There had been many robberies in Ani Bank ATMs and he has to investigate and catch the robbers and recover the money. Jumbo and Jolly started their investigation immediately.They visited all the ATMs where the robberies took place.They ve enquired with all the staffand the customers.No onehad any clue as to who had committed the robbery nor did they see anything.They went back to Jumbo s one room office in his house. They were going through the details of the case while munching some juicy grass and green leaves. They were not getting any ideas to solve the case.Jumbo remarked saying the grass is very juicy as it grows near the river Gango s banks.Suddenly a thought occurred in Jolly s mind and he shouted to bring the map of Animal woods.They set about plottingthe location of all the ATMs in Animal woodsand crossed the
  • 53. Canada Goose Case Study a. According to the textbook, the reasons that provide motivation for companies international expansion and describe them. Traditional motivations Resource Seeking: secure supplies. Low cost factor: exploit factor cost differences Market Seeking: fulfill capability; exploit scale economies and scope economies. Emerging motivations Competitive positioning: match competitors, preempt markets, capture the global scale, play global chess . Global scanning: global intelligence scan, access scare knowledge. b. Market and resource seeking: this motivation was particularly strong for companies that had some intrinsic advantage, typically related to their technology and brand recognition, which gave them a competitive advantage in offshore markets (Bartlett Beamish, 2014). Competitive positioning: the most controversial of the many global competitive strategic actions taken by MNEs...have been those base on cross subsidization of markets (Bartlett Beamish, 2014). Global scanning/ learning: when trying to get low cost resources, the company is exposed to new technologies and markets (Bartlett Beamish, 2014). c. By expanding internationally, Canada Goose can have many opportunities to seek new markets, grow, increase sales, and improve its brand recognition overseas. With those extra sales, it will enable to exploit scale and scope economies; thereby it will have a source of competitive advantage over its domestic
  • 54. Insanity In One Flew Over The Cuckoo s The nineteenth century may have inspired transformation of society, but there was no radical improvement in the relationship between the male psychiatrist and the female patient. A new generation of doctors, even more moralistic, domineering and masculinist in their approach than their predecessors, employed scientific methods of research inspired by Darwinian theories, which gave full weight of scientific confirmation to the narrow Victorian ideals of femininity (Showalter 122). The intellectual inferiority of women was confirmed as a result of reproductive specialization (Showalter 122). 2. 2. The Position of Twentieth Century Women in The Bell Jar 2. 2. 1. Manifestations of insanity and the disintegration of personality The Bell ... Show more content on ... It is partly due to the changes in the psychiatric methods. Further into the twentieth century, institutions for mentally ill began to suffer from the lack of credibility and bad reputation of unnecessary cruel treatments administered not only on women, which were supported with popular literature such as One Flew over the Cuckoo s Nest. Furthermore, increasingly popular belief in the curability of mental illnesses with the employment of drugs all culminated in the beginning of de institutionalisation of psychiatry. Considering the position of women in society, Atwood s nameless Narrator has already achieved what Esther Greenwood could only hope for she has both a career and the freedom to indulge in sexual relationships without the restrictions of marriage. Yet, even though she can enjoy considerably more freedom than her predecessors due to the spreading opposition towards the male supremacy, she still feels powerless and sees herself as a victim of the patriarchal society. The forced abortion is one of the triggers of her madness. Traumatized by this experience when she felt completely powerless and out of control, the Narrator has also lost trust in society and
  • 55. Architecture Personal Statement I came to the Ryerson University s Architectural Science program not knowing what to expect but what I discovered was the true extent of my passion for design. For me, architecture successfully fuses my artistic and scientific interests. Any architecture student can comment on the ways architecture programs push students mentally, creatively and physically but, because I love what I do, I would not have it any other way. An architectural education opens the door for many career paths and, ultimately, I would like to become a licensed architectin Ontario. Third year has marked a turning point in my attitudes towards architecture as a began to fully embrace the use of technology in design. Previously, I had limited my use of technology and mostly relied on traditional methods from the production of design drawings and models. However, the use of technology in the ... Show more content on ... I am not only interested in the design of buildings but the design and impact of infrastructure, such as canals, on cities. My interest in canals comes from a trip to Venice four years ago. For my study abroad I would like to explore the canal cities of the Netherlands. Giethoorn, the famous Dutch village without streets, is the ultimate canal city and it is often affectionately called Venice of the North. Some of these cities, such as Rotterdam and Amsterdam, are of interest to me because of the eclectic mix of historic and contemporary architecture. These cities are also home to buildings I have used as precedents for both design and building science courses throughout my architectural education. The canal houses of Amsterdam would be of particular interest to me in assessing the influence of infrastructure on architecture. To understand the role of infrastructure on mobility between cities, I hope to limit myself to traveling by rail and canal in the
  • 56. What Is The Difference Between Australia And The British... The Big Differences in The Norwegian and The English School System The Norwegian versus the British education system. They start and finish school at different ages. The grading system in the UK and Norway are both different. Both education systems have pros and cons, but both the UK and Norway have some similarities in their education system. The Norwegian school system. They start barneskolen at age of six and finish at the age of 19 at vidergГҐende skole. At age six, they start mandatory barneskolen, where they will attend until they turn 12. After seven years of school, they go off to mandatory ungdomskole for three years. After those three years, they have another three optional years at videregГҐende skole, where they graduate and ... Show more content on ... In the UK, they have school uniforms from the day they start school until the day they finish. They have to wear it every day and there are strict rules for how it is supposed to look. Students have different opinions on the uniform, but most people like it. Class size is not that relevant in the UK because the average class has 20 25 students, and this makes it easier for the teacher to follow every single student. The UK offers a free state school where 90% of people go, the reaming 10% go to public schools, also known as private schools in Norway. At age 16, the last year of secondary school all the students have GCSE exams. They have a GCSE exam in all their subjects, at the end of the school year. At age 18 they can take A levels in 3 4 subjects. After you finish A level you get your results in August and find out what university you got into for your higher education. The biggest differences in the Norwegian and the British school system are the age they start and finish school. In the UK, they start one year before the Norwegians and finish one year before. Another difference they have is the way they test and grade the students. One of the other biggest differences is that in the UK they wear school uniforms from the day they start until the day they graduate. In Norway, you are free to wear whatever you
  • 57. Indigenous Health In Australia I live in Malvern, governed the City of Stonning Council and the Australian geographical postcode of the area is 3144. According to traditional Aboriginal distribution of population map, the traditional custodians of this vicinity are the Boonwurrung people (Clark Kostanski, 2006). Based on a research report conducted by City of Stonning Council into its indigenous history, it has been found that Boonwurrung traditional boundaries are located around metropolitan areas of Melbourne,south coast and the bay region (, 2015). The Boon Wurrang Foundation (2015) stated that according to their tradition,the land has always been protected by their creator,Bunjil,who travels as an eagle and by Waarn who travels as a crow and protects... Show more content on ... Atkinsons (2005) states that within Indigenous communities,Land and Country are interchangeably used to illustrate as a resource,which behaves as a living being,and a life support system for humans . Indigenous model of health revolves around a number of components such as nourishments, stress reduction, interaction with the land with a higher emphasize being placed on traditional land, personal identification and culture playing a significant role contributing towards a balanced health outcome ( Yotti Kingsley, Townsend, Phillips Aldous, 2009). As highlighted in Lutschini, 2005, association of native individuals to their country, sense of group and family is essential to the experience of wellbeing. As identified in literature, land plays a crucial and central figure in Indigenous identity encompassing physical,spiritual,cultural and emotional bonds (Richmond, Elliott, Matthews Elliott, 2005). Throughout centuries through to present