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Sample Of Definition Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of a "Sample of Definition Essay" can prove to be a challenging
task. The difficulty lies not only in the necessity to delve into the intricacies of defining a
particular concept but also in presenting a unique perspective that goes beyond the standard
dictionary definition. The challenge is to encapsulate the essence of the chosen term, offering a
comprehensive analysis that combines personal insights, research findings, and a nuanced
exploration of the term's multifaceted dimensions.
The complexity intensifies when one strives to strike a balance between being concise and
thorough. Juggling between the need for brevity and the desire to cover all relevant aspects of
the chosen term can be a daunting task. Moreover, maintaining clarity and coherence throughout
the essay requires a meticulous selection of words and a well-structured narrative.
Additionally, the writer must grapple with the ever-present pressure of originality. The task is not
just about presenting a standard definition but about offering a fresh perspective that engages
the reader intellectually. This demands a creative approach to language use, thoughtful analysis,
and an ability to connect the seemingly disparate facets of the term being defined.
Despite these challenges, the process of writing a definition essay is a valuable exercise that
enhances one's analytical and communicative skills. It encourages the writer to think critically,
consider various perspectives, and communicate complex ideas effectively.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of a "Sample of Definition Essay" can be an intricate
undertaking. However, the rewards lie in the development of critical thinking and
communication skills. For those who find this task overwhelming or time-consuming, it's worth
noting that similar essays and more can be readily ordered on platforms like,
where professional assistance is available to navigate the intricacies of essay composition.
Sample Of Definition Essay Sample Of Definition Essay
Essay On Ethical Issues In Iron Man
In 2008, the film Iron Man was released. The film follows Tony Stark, a wealthy
businessman and engineer who transforms himself from a military arms supplier
into a super hero, Iron Man, by building himself a mechanical suit. Throughout the
film, Tony Stark makes several ethical decisions that impact the lives of many. The
film opens with Tony Stark visiting Afghanistan to demonstrate his weapons
capabilities. After a successful demonstration, he is ambushed and injured, and
captured by local terrorists who demand that he build the weapons system that he
had just previously just demonstrated. He refuses however, after being tortured and
seeing the life of the doctor who saved his life being threatened, he lies to his
captors and says that he will consent to building the weapons system. He instead
takes up the project of building a mechanical suit to help him and the doctor
escape. Here we arrive at his first major ethical decision. Lying to terrorists may
seem like an easy decision, however in this case it puts the life of another
individual at risk. If caught he and the man who saved his life will be killed. He
completes the suit and manages to escape. As he returns to the United States, he
immediately calls a press conference where he informs the press that his company
will no longer produce weapons. This is another major ethical decision made by
Tony Stark. This decision was made to prevent loss of innocent life and to keep the
weapons out of the hands of terrorists.
Dulce Et Decorum Est Analysis
The war poem Dulce et Decorum est brings to light the astounding suffering and
experiences of suffering endured that characterized the WW1 battlefield and how it
reflects upon the ideologies of patriotism. The author, Wilfred Owen was written this
poem in an iambic pentameter. He has deliberately positioned the reader to
distinguish to false portrayal of war itself, perpetuated by the misleading
governmental propagandadeliberately implanted to recruit boys to enlist and sacrifice
themselves in service of the government s imperialistic political ambitions. Owen has
been deliberately confronting towards the reader with loathsome imagery of
suffering. This effectively serves as an antithesis to the governments and society s
misrepresentation of war as an honourable means through which would achieve glory
and pride for an individual s name. Contained within Owen s poem Dulce et Decorum
Estthe conflicting argument against whether there truly is honour in dyeing for one s
country in World War 1 contradicts the Latin saying, Dulce et Decorum Est, which
translates to it is sweet and honourable to die for the fatherland . This title itself
would seem as if Owen himself doesn t condone the patriotic ideals and propaganda
that resulted in the unnecessary deaths of millions of young men in the war.
However, the poem itself contradict this title. The speaker refuses to accept the Latin
saying and actually detests the patriotic argument. Within Owen s war poem he
Ecological Niche Of The Kakapo
The kakapos are quite solitary. They normally live alone and have large ranges,
travelling several kilometres in one night. The males range from 15 30 hectares,
females 35 50 hectares (to find food for young). Because they are solitary birds by
nature, when ranges overlap they make a noise called skraarking to keep a distance
from each other. Kakapo used to be found through most of New Zealand, from
lowland forests to mountain grasslands. They are now extinct on the mainland, the
last survivors having been moved onto three offshore islands Codfish, Maud and
Little Barrier. The islands they live on today are all reserves with no predators except
kiore (Polynesian rats). Ecological Niche:
The herbivorous nature of the Kakapo ... Show more content on ...
The graph adjacent demonstrates the drastic decline and the comparatively gradual
controlled increase of this species.
Kakapo formerly prospered throughout most of the North, South and Stewart
Islands, New Zealand. Although it vanished from most of its initial range
throughout human colonisation, the species persisted copious in Fiordland and
some other higher rainfall and more meagrely populated portions of South Island
until the early twentieth century. By 1976, however, the recognized population
had been condensed to 18 birds, all males, all in Fiordland. In 1977, a rapidly
diminishing population of 150 birds was exposed on Stewart Island. Between
1980 and 1992, 61 remaining Stewart Island birds were relocated to offshore
islands, and are currently situated on Codfish and Anchor Islands. The last
acknowledged North Island record was in 1927. In 2009, a male which was one of
four transferred from Stewart to Codfish in 1987 was rediscovered after having
been missing for 21 years. As of November 2005, birds are still present on four
islands: Codfish, Chalky, Anchor and Maud. In 1999, 26 females and 36 males
endured, containing 50 individuals of breeding age, six sub adults and six infants.
The population alleviated, and has started to gradually rise following the depiction
of concentrated management. By 2005, the kakapo population stood at 86, of which
52 were breeding adults and 34 were infants; a prolific
Health Association (American Medical Association)
The American Medical Association is just what is says, an association . They do not
have sanctions to regulate because they are not an agency. The American Medical
Association consists o paying members and they offer incentives and benefits such as
insurance. They also publish the Journal of the American Medical Association and is
one of the nation s wealthiest associations.
The Office of the Inspector General, for the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services is responsible for identifying and combating waste, fraud and abuse in more
than one hundred programs such as Medicare. They perform extensive audits and
investigations looking for any discrepancies.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administers Medicare and works with
What Are The Potential Allergenicity Of Genetically...
Evaluating potential allergenicity of genetically modified (GM) food crops Preface
Genetically modified food crops developed by recombinant DNA technology aims at
improving food quantity and quality. Transgenic proteins expressed by GM crops
improve crop characteristics like nutritional value, taste, texture and endow the plant
with resistance against fungus, pests and insects. With the advancements in the field
of agricultural biotechnology, the number of GM varieties ready for
commercialization is increasing in proportion with the area under GM crop
cultivation and the number of countries consuming GM crops. However, prior to
release of a GM crop in the market it must pass through a rigorous safety evaluation
tests to ensure its... Show more content on ...
Genetic manipulations have the capacity to alter the genetic composition of the
host plant and may also interfere with the already present natural allergens2,3.
Therefore, prior to the release of GM varieties in market it is essential to conduct
allergenicity and toxicity assessments for the safety of the consumers4. Along with
this GM food labeling should also be made mandatory for all new and existing
varieties. Food allergy is defined as an adverse health effect arising from a
hypersensitivity reaction induced upon exposure to a particular food allergen that
occurs reproducibly on subsequent exposures. IgE mediated food allergic
reactions are characterized by excessive activation of mast cells and basophils,
resulting in extreme inflammatory responses like eczema, hives, allergic rhinitis,
asthma and gastrointestinal tract allergies. Food allergies affect 6% of young
children and 3 4% of adults in Western countries5. In general population self
reported prevalence of food allergy range from 5% in Korea, 3.5% in France and
22.2% in Australia6. The incidence of food allergy related anaphylaxis is rising
particularly in children younger than 5 years of age7. Over 90% of food allergy
results from exposure to egg, milk, peanut, tree nut, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat8.
The prevalence of food allergy is influenced by age, culture and dietary habits.
Regulatory guidelines for
Differences Between Tucio And Tucertio
[Enter Tucio, Tuvio, and Tucertio] Tucio: How do we get in? Or should we just
enter and pretend we own the place? Tuvio: Walk in like we own this place, Duh.
Let the judges judge us how they want. We will seem like very exotic birds with
these disguises. Tucio: I ll watch your guys backs. You guys can mingle Tucertio:
Haha thats not eggsactly what I had in mind. You are going to walk down the
catwalk. Tucio: Believe me you have the enthusiasm to even talk to any of the
other birds. Tuvio: Nope. You are the head model of the Toucans you WILL walk
down the cat walk. Tucio: I cannot, will not. I am sinking from my love Tucertio:
Love is such a tender thing Tucio: Love is not a tender thing. It is too rude, too loud,
and it pricks like a
Examples Of Masculinity In The Shawshank Redemption
Masculinity Issue in The Shawshank Redemption A short synopsis from Rosanne
Salvatore and Parick Montero about this movie is: Two imprisoned men, Andy and
Red, bond over the years through their shared decency. Andy figures out how to
survive prison by upholding his own moral code and even how to escape it. The fact
that the film set place in a male prison screams the idea of masculinity. However it
might not be the kind of masculinity that is usually expected or seen in the typical
Hollywood movies. Usually men are illustrated wild, powerful, full of energy,
patriotic, and violent just like what Jackson Katz in his article, Advertising and the
Construction of Violent White Masculinity believes, that mass media plays a
significant role in reproducing and legitimatizing white masculinity through violence.
The idea off masculinity in this movie is different with the common idea of
masculinity that is usually shown through some characteristics such as wealth,
power, muscle, and such. In Shawshank Redemption, there are no gun fights, no
overwhelming action scenes, no too sentimental romance scenes... it really is a story
about men without all of the superior characteristics. So when a movie about men is
ignoring all the common masculinity elements such as wealth, power, strength,
violence or women, does that make men less men? Or... Show more content on ...
The white masculinity here is illustrated by Andy Dufresne s character. Meanwhile
the position of black masculinity might only be depicted by one character: Ellis
Boyd Redding or Red . However it should be underlined that the story itself is
adapted from Stephen King and directed by Frank Darabot who are, in fact, not
African Americans. This factor may or may not influence the depiction of the black
masculinity in a way because white hierarchies usually put the black as inferior to
How The Other Half Lives Summary
In the history of America, there are many books, which had powerful impact on
political, social and cultural aspects of the society and influenced transformative
changes in building the strong modern America. One of such book is, How the
Other Half Lives , authored by Jacob Riis in 1888.
Jacob Riis migrated to New York from Denmark but as he could not find work, he
stayed in slums of New York. The conditions of the accommodation and the plight of
the slum developers touched him deeply and he started writing about the same.
Important part of his work was the pictures he took of the slums and people living
there to depict their horrible conditions. He bought a detective camera, which he used
to take images of the migrants poor people living ... Show more content on ...
He was of the belief that the bad and dangerous living conditions of the poor is the
result of the greed and complete neglect by the rich and wealthier people over a long
time. With his work he tried to make the well of people sympathize with the poor and
underprivileged youth and adults.
In his book, How the Other Half Lives, Riis explained the correlation between the
high crime rate in the city to the lack of home, money and sources with the poor
people, which drives them to become troublemakers and indulge in various heinous
crimes. He adopted photography as a persuasive instrument to bring about reforms.
His words and pictures really had great effect on people as they directly touched their
In his book, Riis also talks about the solution to this longstanding problem, which
he again strongly believed that will not only improve the conditions of the people
living in slums but would be beneficial to the rich people also. He also urged that
besides being financially good for them it is the mortal duty of rich and wealthy
people to work to up lift the living standards of the
The Central Bank For The United States
Blah blah blah something about an article I find. The federal reserve in simple
terms is the central bank for the United States. In a more in depth description of the
the Fed it is made up of the Board of Governors. This board is made up of seven
members, all selected by the President himself. However, they also need to be
confirmed by the Senate. This board is located in Washington D.C. but has 12
regional banks around the country. Some of these places include San Francisco,
Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and nine other locations. These banks allow the Federal
Reserve to collect data on the current economy. Obtaining this information allows the
Federal Reserve to gauge the economy and create an appropriate monetary policy.
Their main... Show more content on ...
So, making the discount rate lower will allow the banks to have a lower interest
rate, encouraging spending and borrowing. On the opposite of this if the interest
rates were higher than this would discourage the spending and loans. The second
of the three major tools that The Fed uses would be reserve requirements.
According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis reserve requirements are the
portions of deposits that banks must hold in cash, either in their vaults or on
deposit at a Reserve Bank (In plain English, 2017, p.15). This works by by
determining how much money is needed in the bank at any given time. This would
mean that if The Feds decreased the requirement, then the commercial banks will
have more money to give out and put into businesses. However, if they end up
raising the required amount then then this would decrease spending in businesses
this would be because the Reserve Bank would not have the money to give the
commercial banks which would then be passed on to the people. The third and final
tool that The Feds use is open market operations. This also happens to be the most
used out of the three. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis open
market operation is the buying and selling of U.S. government securities (In plain
English, 2017, p.15). What this does to the economy is that it allows the discussion
for the federal funds rate. Ultimately meaning that this has control over what the
interest rates are on
Essay about Wedding Speech – Best Man
Wedding Speech Best Man
Before I begin with Leon s character assassination, I should probably introduce
myself, as a lot of you don t know name is Andy. My full name is actually
Andy WhatcanIgetyou. For those of you who I meet in the bar later, I d appreciate it
if you could Use my full name.
I d also like to remind you, that the more you laugh at my gags the faster my speech
will be it s in your own best interest...
I think being a best man can be a very nerve racking experience...(pause)... if there s
one person here this afternoon feeling nervous, apprehensive and queasy about what
lies ahead....then it s probably because you ve just married Leon.
Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity, not only to... Show more content on ...
In Lucy, Leon s found someone that is beautiful, intelligent, caring....and in Leon,
Lucy s found.....well (pause)...a balding merchant banker. (turn to Leon) I think we
know who got the better deal...
Then, after University, Leon started working at Lehman Brothers in London. Leon s
always been known to be a hard fact at Lehmans I believe he gets called
No one ever sees him
He makes his own rules.....
And any work he does is a bloody miracle
Then, 4 years after first meeting Lucy, Leon popped the big question and had it
been any other of my mates that told me they were going to propose to their
girlfriends, I d have been a little surprised at the least.... But when Leon told me, I
really wasn t they re clearly meant to be together and seem to make each other very
So who is this man that Lucy has just married???
Well, Leon was once described as ARROGANT, CONCEITED, INSENSITIVE and
SELFISH...and...if anyone knows him it s his mother...
But over the last 5 years, Leon s been a great mate to me, and has helped me
through all sorts of relationship and career disasters, and deep down he s one of the
nicest, most generous guys I know.
I believe at this point I m supposed to give some advice on married life and what
lies ahead. Unfortunately, I ve never been married, I m scared rigid at the very
prospect, and am totally in awe of the commitment these
Planned Parenthood V. Casey Case Study
Planned Parenthood v. Casey occurred after the landmark case, Roe v. Wade,
regarding the battle of abortion. Women s reproductive rights were being challenged
by the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act of 1982 (Seward par. 1). During 1988 and
1989 the
Pennsylvania legislature changed its laws controlling abortion for women by adding
more provisions in an attempt to make a woman s decision for an abortion a more
thought out and informed process before committing to the act of abortion. This case
challenged four provisions enacted by the Pennsylvania legislature, believing these
provisions restricted fundamental rights to women obtaining an abortion as
established in Roe v. Wade. The provisions included spousal notification, information
disclosure, ... Show more content on ...
Wade (Seward par. 4). Not only were the provisions upheld, but the idea of undue
burden was established in the decision (Seward par. 4). The idea of undue burden
would occur if the purpose was to impose obstacles that prevent women from
obtaining an abortion before the fetus is viable (Seward par. 4). The decision of
undue burden centered on the idea that spousal notification could lead to spousal
abuse in some instances. Planned Parenthood v. Casey also did away with the
trimester structure that
Roe v. Wade established (Seward par. 4).
I agree with the decisions of the Supreme Court to uphold the Pennsylvania
provisions with the exception of their exclusion for spousal notification. In the case
where a woman is married, you should be required to tell your spouse if you are
getting an abortion because the two of you are married and big decisions like that
should be made together. On the other hand, it is still the woman s body and
ultimately her choice. I also recognize the provision of spousal notification can be an
undue burden in other ways.
The Influence Of Geography In Ancient Greece
When examining the effect that geography had on the civilizations of the early
cities you can see that many were founded for strategic purposes. The settlers had
to choose the land that would make life easiest as well as give them the best
chance of developing a flourishing community. The choice was generally out of
need, the need for water, food and shelter. When early leaders chose a place that was
full of the necessities and provided smart options to grow a stronghold the
communities would gain power and amass an empire to rival others. The civilizations
of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece were such empires, they used their
geographical locations and features to grow the cities, expand their empires, and trade
goods making them both powerful... Show more content on ...
Many men influenced and helped shape the great empire by strategically changing
and adapting its body as more advancement were made, as more lands were
conquered and as more outside influences from neighboring cities were discovered.
Two such leaders of Ancient Greece were Alexander the Great and Pericles. Pericles,
though he was a great general and lead his country well he was a different kind of
leader then Alexander the Great was. Pericles was a scholar and he promoted
literature and philosophy throughout Athens. The capital city grew as the center of all
the intellectual inspiration, the center for art and education and as the land of
democracy. Pericles saw the expansion of the mind occur in Greece. He saw the
addition of great medical thinkers like Hippocrates. He saw the expansion of the
written play and he saw the humanities explode leaving the world with many great
works of art still revered today. One great work that Pericles instituted was the
public works job system offering jobs and allowing lower classed citizen s access
to government offices. Pericles lead well but fell into critic for his shyness, often
choosing to stay out of the spotlight. Pericles fell victim to the plague and Athens
suffered greatly for many years afterward. The country never really got back on
track after such a tragedy. The country was defeated by the Spartans and the city of
Athens fell to ruin. No other leader was regarded as effective opting to be popular
instead ultimately affecting the political and social structure for the worse and
plunging Athens and Greece into a sort of darkness for over 30 years. The wars
between Sparta and Athens lasted 27 years, changing the thinking of its people,
forcing the government from a peace seeking country to a waring state. This change
is what brought forth Alexander the Great and why he was a great leader. Alexander
the Great was a considered the best military
Home Front Rationing
During the war, people received ration books. The books included the person s
name, address, city and state. People were also given ration coins that allowed
cashiers to give change for food purchased with ration stamps. People were given
these because items during the war were scarce. The first food item s prices that were
frozen on the market by the United StatesOffice of Price Administration (OPA) were
sugar and coffee.
The reason things were rationed was due to little production. Was items were the
priority of being produced over household items to help win the war. This meant
that everything needed to be rationed for everyone to get their equal share. Sugar,
meat, tires, silk, gasoline, shoes, nylon, and more were all rationed to American
people. Chicken wire, used for fencing in animals was also being rationed. Pretty
much anything you could think of had to be rationed, because the most important
focus at the time was the war. The title of Few Nylons meant that women had
rations on stockings. Also their clothes were cut down to save material. Their hem
and belt width was cut down to two inches. The cuffs on the sleeves of their clothes
were no longer allowed. The availability of nylon stockings was scarce. The
restrictions for women s apparel saved yardage of material for other clothes used in
war. The War Production Board (WPB) was in charge of ensuring that armed forces
had all their supplies to win the war. Since they were in a state of
Pt1420 Unit 3 Assignment
a.47.5605В° N, 52.7128В° W
In 1996 the largest population consisted of people aged 30 50, there were not as
many people in the dependency load. In 2011, there were more people aged 40 65,
who are getting close to retirement. There are not as many babies being born today as
previous years because people are choosing to not have as many children. The baby
boomers are getting older and there will soon be more people in the dependency load
as the workforce. In 2011 there were more people ages 85 and up because nowadays
people have been able to live longer.
c.Many people have immigrated to St. johns because they work for the provincial
government. People move there for the fishing, which is a major industry in St.
Johns. 1.9% ... Show more content on ...
The Taiga Shield Ecozone is made up of wetlands, shrublands, meadows and open
forests. This Ecozone is a subarctic region therefore, the cold temperatures make it
hard for vegetation to grow. There are trees, such as the coniferous species black
and white spruce, tamarack, and dwarf pines. Most of them are stunted and do not
reach full growth because of the climate. The tree line is at the northern edge of the
Taiga Shield Ecozone and beyond the tree line is where the arctic tundra is. The
soils found in this Ecozone are very thin and highly leached. The Taiga Shield has
igneous, metamorphic and, sedimentary rock. These types of rocks are located in the
Taiga Shield because of the volcanoes that formed it originally and the
Gothic Elements In Flannery O Connor s Northanger Abbey
Regina Maria Roche born in 1764 and died in 1845 is considered to be a gothic
novelist. She wrote her novels on the shade of Ann Radcliffe. Though she is not so
popular in today s time but she was considered to be a well renowned writer of her
period. Though she was born and brought up in Dublin after her marriage she moved
to England. At the beginning she used to write using her maiden name Dalton. But
after the success of her novelClermont she started writing using her own name.
Clermont is considered to be her only true gothic novel and it is full of darkness in
nature. Even in Jane Austens book Northanger Abbey out of many novels mentioned,
this was one of them and she satirized this novel there. This book became so well
known that it was even translated in French and English.
Clermont is a gothic novel. The story revolves around Madeline who lives with her
father, Clermont in Dauphiny. Clermont s past is full of mysteries. The story is set
up in pre ... Show more content on ...
The story is about Emily who at the beginning lives with her father and develops a
close relationship with her father. After his death Emily she moves to stay with her
aunt Madame Cheron. In the meantime, Emily falls in love with Valancourt while
staying with her aunt. Her uncle Montoni forces her to marry Morano for wealth. But
after Morano lost everything he refuses to marry off Emily with him and captures her
in his remote castle Udolpho. After many mysterious frightening events took place in
the castles, Emily manages to flee from there. While escaping she got arrested on
French coast and is rescued by the Court de Villerois. She starts staying with his
family. Even there she experiences many frightening events like ghosts. But later the
mystery opens. In the meantime, rumor about Valancourt spreads that in Paris he was
involved in gambling and drinking as a result, Emily rejected him. But knowing the
truth Emily got reunited with Valancourt
Israel s Involvement In The 1967 June War
The nature of Israel s involvement in the 1967 June War can be aptly portrayed as
both a prime example of pre emptive self defence of the nation and as a rapacious
campaign of self interested opportunism. A central tenet of the Israeli position that
Arab encroachment posed a danger to the continued existence of Israelis that the short
and long term consequences of Israel not acting decisively were disastrous and had
to be avoided. The partisan essence of the Six Day Waris exemplified through the
Arab narrative s empathetic denial that Israel acted defensively and their testimony
that the actual aggressor in this conflict was Israel. Primary source documents,
particularly declassified intelligence reports, provide a unique prism through which
one can deconstruct some of the underlying principles that steer Israel s
justifications of war against its foes. Likewise, the rejection of elements of Israel s
narrative by esteemed Israeli s such as Yitzhak Rabinand Abba Eban indicates that
certain facets of its conduct in the June War cannot be reasonably understood as
being defensive. International law, which has a chief objective of resolving global...
Show more content on ...
M. A. El Kony, who served as the United Arab Republic s ambassador to the United
Nations, succinctly summarised the Arab narrative by stating Israel has committed a
treacherous premeditated aggression against the United Arab Republic . The notion
that Israel had explicitly planned the Six Day War as a land grabbing maneuverer is
utterly contradictory to the principles encapsulated within the ideology of defensive
warfare. Consequently, it becomes vital to analyse contemporary source material to
determine the veracity of the Arab narrative as doing so will enable an unbiased
observer to form a more nuanced position that could deviate considerably from the
I Choose A Fish Or The Girl Analysis
In this story the author makes me wonder if he will choose the fish or the girl.
There is a lot of evidence in the story making it more likely he will choose the bass.
One reason would be how he would always go fishing if he weren t doing
something already. If he wasn t swimming laps he was practicing casts. If he wasn t
practicing casts he would then tie his line to his dog and if he wasn t doing anything
else he would go fishingfor bass in the river. Also while he was talking to Sheila
about the bass he mentioned the scientific name for a largemouth bass. He knows the
scientific names and even what they do at night. On their date the guy starts to focus
more on the fishthan the girl. While Sheila begun talking, he had to take a few
minutes before he could register what she was saying to him. The narrator would put
all his attention... Show more content on ...
For example the guy would always try and impress Sheila and win her attention.
He would do endless swimming laps hoping she would notice his flutter kick and
crawl. He would also do back tucks and other dives until she would leave. Not only
would he try and impress her he would also try and make thing nice for her. Before
the date the guy would try and make his boat look neat and tidy for Sheila. He
would spend all day polishing it by rubbing it down and hosing the dirt off. He also
rearranged the cushions making it comfortable for her to sit on. In addition the
guy cares very much about what Sheila thinks. He started thinking what if he could
drop off his rod in the woods or dump his whole outfit overboard just so she wouldn
t see his equipment. He really did not want her to know that he caught a bass so he
would lie to her saying the noise were bats. He also had tightened the drag so it
wouldn t make any motions that could possibly alert Sheila. Now based on
everything I ve read he can either choose the bass or Sheila and I think he will pick
Factors Contributing to the Start of the Civil War Essay
On April 12, 1861, Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter, starting the American
Civil War. The Civil War would last for four years and result in massive American
casualties. It would eventually end with slavery abolished and the South under the
military occupation of the North. The conflict between the Southern and Northern
states did not start suddenly, and did not only appear in the 1860s. Slavery was
prevalent in the South and eventually made illegal in the North, which caused
Northerners to oppose slavery and Southerners to support it. As a result, there were
conflicts over the spread of slavery across the nation. They were first manifested in
the Missouri Compromise, in 1820. Conflict over the spread of slavery... Show more
content on ...
Davis). By 1783, Vermont, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts had abolished slavery,
and the other northern states soon followed. Slavery grew, however, in the South (
Events Leading to the Civil War ).
As American settlers moved west from the East Coast and new states were added
to the Union, the question of whether slavery would be allowed in these states arose.
By general unspoken agreement, in order to keep the Senate balanced between slave
and free states, new states were admitted on what Eric Corder calls in Prelude to
Civil War a one for you, one for me basis (4). That is, for each new slave state that
was admitted, a new free state would soon be added. Free Vermont was admitted in
1791, slave Kentucky in 1792, slave Tennessee was added in 1796, free Ohio added
in 1803, slave Louisiana added in 1812, free Indiana added in 1816, and so on (
Events Leading to the Civil War ). This balance worked well until the area east of the
Mississippi River had been filled with states, and new states were to be added on the
west side of the river.
Americans had argued for the abolition of slavery since before the Revolutionary
War. Pennsylvania Quakers spoke out against slavery in the colonial era. After the
start of the Nineteenth Century, support for abolition increased. Abolitionists usually
merely spoke out against slavery, but they also sometimes helped black slaves escape
to freedom north of the
The Pros And Cons Of GMO
Should GMO s be labeled in the United States? A GMO is a genetically modified
organism that goes through the process of genetic engineering. This is when genes
of one organism are extracted, altered, and then artificially placed into another
organism to then grow. We typically see GMOs in the food we consume every day.
These foods include fruits and vegetables, however the most common organisms
that are genetically engineered include, corn, soy, and cotton. It is ultimately the
unnatural cross breeding of plants, animals, bacteria, and virus genes (Non GMO
Project). But now why is there a debate for placing a label to notify consumers of
GMOs in their foods? Do we know the potential harm that GMOs can cause? We
have the right to know what we are putting into our bodies and what is found in
our everyday foods. So why do we use GMOs? Well there is a So called advantage
with these products that it costs less to produce and they are better quality. But do
we know if they re better quality or our bodies? There s not enough research to prove
that the human race and other organisms have suffered dire consequences from
consuming these genetically engineered foods. However there are some linkages that
link GMOs to some health problems, environmental damage, and farmer/consumer
rights. In the United States, we are not yet up to date with other countries one being
the metric system we have not yet switched to and the labeling of GMOs being
required. In three hundred regions
Nissan Electronic Car. Case Analysis Essay
1. Explain Nissans strategy in EVs including the Alliance?
EVs, the electronic vehicle that Nissan brought to the market. This kind of vehicle
can use electric energy instead of gas as the power of engine. It is a special new
technology which is energy saving. The main strategies include business strategy,
global strategy and corporate strategy includeing the alliance.
Nissan s business strategy of EVs is differentiation. Because of the feature of Nissan
s product is different from most of products in other vehicle company. It s a new
technology which is all electric ... Show more content on ...
The other main strategy that Nissan implements is corporate strategy which is
vertical integration including joint venture with other companies. Nissan alliances
with several different companies for different purpose. The alliance of Nissan and
Renault created subcommittee that exchanges knowledge includes new findings and
battery technology informations. Both of Nissan and Renault contribute a lot to
EVs. They share technologies, new findings and experiences that can help to
develop the EVs especially LEAF model. This alliance also helped these two
companies to deal with the problems of government when entering a new market.
Moreover, Nissan has a joint venture backward integration with NEC to improve the
battery and reduce cost. Finally, Nissan and Sumitomo Corporation have a joint
venture called 4R Energy corporation to do research on second use of batteries that
is not only cost saving, but also good for environment. Moreover, the corporate
strategy also deal with industry value chain. Nissan provide customer services include
quick charge public plug in station, which is forward integration.
3. What are the consumer issues with adoption of this new technology? From the
standpoint of business and corporate strategy, there is obviously some uncertainty.
What do you see as the sources of uncertainty and how will these be resolved?
There are
Application for Chemical Engineering at Princetone
My life is all about problem solving: managing to live a difficult life in America
after turning thirteen, finding out of the box to achieve my goals in debate, art, and
HOSA, helping other teenagers with problems they struggle with... Designing a
seemingly impossible pathway for me and others to succeed is my way of life, and a
chemical engineer takes that to the next level.
Everything around us from a bar of soup to a bucket of paint involves chemical
engineering. The profession is not only about my favorite subjects, chemistry and
math, but also about creating ideas, innovation, and new technology. This is what
chemical engineers do, solving problems not just for one person, but for everyone.
And being part of that amazing ... Show more content on ...
I have also competed at many local academic competitions in chemistry, math and
biology, placing 1st at the Chadron Scholastic Chemistry Contest, 1st (twice) at the
2011 and 2012 West River Mathematics Contest, and 3rd at the West River Biology
Nevertheless, my current living situation offers me limited opportunities to explore
the world of chemical engineering. Attending XXX University would mean the
world to me giving me a chance to pursue my dreams with renowned professors such
as XXX in an advanced laboratory and with people who share the same interests. At
Princeton University, I can further explore the world of chemical engineering through
Freshmen seminars, once again working with my peers. I am especially interested in
the fall seminar Materials World at Mathey College, learning the technical processing
and applications of materials around us. In addition, the spring seminar Emerging
Micro and Nano Engineered Technologies at Rockefeller College can also give me
the opportunity to deepen my understanding of engineering.
On top of everything, Princeton offers me amazing research opportunities I cannot
find anywhere else. I intend to arrange summer employment at Princeton doing
research with faculty members. I also value
Color Blindness By John Dalton
Although it is not a huge problem in today s society, color blindness can be a
problem for many people today. To many people, the term color blind means that a
person cannot see color at all. This is a huge misconception and is not true at all. In
reality, being color blind means that a person cannot see certain colors. When
viewing the world, many colors appear dull or discolored. Although this does not
affect the normal functions of the human body, it can be a problem for young
children learning how to identify colors. Being colorblind may not be a huge
problem for people today, but research and study still needs to be done in order for
people to truly understand this amazing genetic disorder. The first case of color
blindnesswas recorded by John Dalton in the late eighteenth century. John Dalton
himself was color blind and was fascinated by the way he perceived the world.
Dalton is most famous for his writings on the Atomic theory. Even though he is
most famous for his other findings, his first paper was on the color blindness of
himself and his brother. Because of this, sometimes color blindness is called
Daltonism (Boyer 1). Even with the vast amount of research done on this genetic
order, color blindness, also known as color deficiency, is still not understood by the
general population. Most of the time, a color blind person is male. The color blind
gene is dominant and is carried by the female ( Color Blindness Columbia 1).
Statistics show that 8% of men and
Lawmaking During Washington s Presidency Essay
Important Lawmaking during Washington s Presidency Judiciary Act of 1789
This law created our judicial system. It established Supreme Court with 6 members
and created the position of Attorney General.
Naturalization Act of 1790
This law made the rules to be followed in order to be granted national citizenship.
Residence Act of 1790
This law determined that the permanent federal capital of the United States would be
located on the Potomac River near Georgetown which would be the future
Washington DC. President Washington mapped out the 10 mile square federal
district, the President s mansion (the White House), and the Capitol and he
personally oversaw the building of what he called the seat of Empire .
Copyright Act of 1790
The first law which protected authors of any map, chart, book or books printed in the
... Show more content on ...
Treaty of Tripoli (1796)
This treaty was an agreement to pay a yearly tribute to the Pasha of Tripoli in
exchange for unrestricted, safeguarded access to Mediterranean shipping lanes.
George Washingtonserved for 2 terms (8 years) as US President. The American
people wanted him to run for a 3rd term, but he refused because he felt it was
important that the president not become too powerful and not rule for too long like a
king does. His Farewell Address which cautioned against the baneful effects of the
Spirit of Party, encouraged focus on education and morality, warned against
sectionalism within the nation, and admonished against entangling foreign alliances
is one of the most famous speeches in American history.
In 1799, he became ill with a bad cold and sore throat. On December 14, 1799 at the
age of 67, George Washington died of epiglottis at Mount Vernon. In his will, he
arranged for all of his slaves to be
GE Case Study
Case Study GE s Two Decade Transformation: Jack Welch s Leadership By For
BUS 463 AE Contents Summary of Background and Facts General Electric
General Electric (GE) occupied the eighth spot on Fortune 500 s list of companies
at the close of 2013. While number eight was a slide from 2012 s number six GE
maintains its position, as one of the world s largest and most influential
corporations. Today, GE s operates in over 160 countries and is led by Jeffery
Immelt. During 2013 GE reported, total revenues approached 147 billion USD and
profits around 13.6 billion USD. (CNNMoney, 2013). GE appears in textbooks from
the third grade through the PhD. Level of the world s best business and engineering...
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Corporate structures remained largely unchanged between the end of World War
II and 1980 but that was all about to change. Competition from Japan, the desktop
PC and the dawn of the information age forced GE to rethink its operational model
and search for a strategy that would enable them to remain competitive as the
century ended. Welch quickly assessed that GE was too big and too slow to
maintain its current market positions much less grow them. The strategic planning
model Welch inherited held nine layers between idea and decision with over 200
personnel involved in the process, hardly lean and agile . John Boyd developed
what he called the OODA Loop to describe winning in air combat maneuvers. The
OODA Loop consists of a cycle of four steps; Observe, Orientate, Decide, Act
(OODA), Boyd argued that when two aircraft are engaged in a dogfight the pilot
who has the fastest OODA Loop cycle will win. The OODA Loop found advocates
not only in the U.S. military, but also in the realms of business and sports anywhere
a competitor seeks and edge. (McIntosh, 2011). Welch recognized that if GE was to
win against the completion he needed to cycle its strategic planning OODA Loop
faster. He responded by eliminating 5 layers of bureaucracy and over 50% of the
planning staff. We used to have department managers, sector managers, subsector
managers, unit managers, and
Interview With A Certified Nurse Practitioner
Our healthcare system is ever evolving, remarkably changing the sphere of nursing
practice. The roles of Advanced Nurse Practice practitioners are expanding, taking up
a multitude of roles across a diversified healthcare specialties. Advance Nurse Practice
practitioner stands as leader in this comprehensive profession bridging the gap in
managementand clinical aspect of care (McDermott Morant, 2010), reflecting the
complexity of culture, organization and practice setting (Hyrkas Dende,2008) to
improve the quality of patient care. This paper is about the interview with a Certified
Nurse Practitioner. The Certified Nurse Practitioner interviewed is from the
Hematology/Oncology Department in one of the university affiliated hospitals in
Chicago. The purpose of the interview is to learn about the competencies needed to
successfully perform the various roles of a Certified Nurse Practitioner in this
complex health system. The rationale of the interview process is to give an
opportunity as a graduate student to assimilate primary care competencies into
specialty nurse practitioner practice that exemplify professional value, scholarship,
service, and culturally global awareness (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2014)
that can be advantageous for my professional development. The interview showed
the importance of knowledge of competencies appropriately applied in practice
essential in the functions and roles of a Certified Nurse Practitioner within the scope
of practice for
Top Fastest Growing Real Estate Markets
5 Fastest Growing Real Estate Markets in South Asia
South Asia is the world s fastest growing region where the value and importance of
real estate is more than anywhere else in the world. It is a diverse continent where
people have different ways of trading. You must know the fastest growing real estate
markets in South Asia before you start your property search. The 5 fast growing real
estate markets in south Asia are discussed below
Pakistan real estate market
Pakistan s economy faced depression in 2012. In 2013, the political scenario was
quite unpredictable and challenging but the position of Lahore real estate market
was relatively attractive for the same year. It was due to the success of the
agricultural sector. Generally the political scenario does not have a deep impact on
the real estate market because the economy of Pakistan is quite informal and
investors are attracted to invest in the property market. The year 2014 was also
positive for the economy of Pakistan and since the beginning of this year, real estate
market of Pakistan showed stability in both residential and commercial terms.
Now the real estate market is showing positive results. The demand of the properties
in the leading cities like Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi is also increased along with
some increase in the prices.
New and existing projects also show upward growth. Rawalpindi/Islamabad real
estate markets are growing and receiving more investments but Lahore property
market is going through
The Destruction Of The Ganges River In The United States
Pete Seeger sang, sailing up my dirty stream, still I love it and I ll keep the
. All around the world, rivers that are culturally and economically
important are being polluted. Three examples of this unfortunate phenomena are the
Ganges River in India, the Han River in Korea, and the Hudson River in the United
Hindus consider the Ganges to be the goddess Ganga personified. They believe that
bathing in the river is cleansing, resulting in the forgiveness of sins and salvation.
All people, it is believed, should experience this sacred river at least once in their
life. Many important festivals take place along the banks of this river. The Ganges
River also irrigates a large area of farmland, where rice, sugarcane, lentils and wheat
are grown. Unfortunately, the Ganges River has been polluted by sewage, trash, food,
and human and animal remains, and industrial waste. Water borne illnesses, including
cholera, hepatitis, typhoid and amoebic dysentery are widespread. Although a very
important river to the people of India, the Ganges is also a very polluted river. ...
Show more content on ...
Ganghwa Island, at the mouth of the river, guards the only water route to the
capital, Seoul. The Han River has long been used as a route for trade, diplomacy,
and cultural and technological exchange with China by way of the Yellow Sea. Even
today Psy sings about the importance of living south of the river. These days, the
Han River is still important, providing drinking water and irrigation for agriculture
and generating hydroelectric power. However, the Han River is also polluted. There
is industrial pollution, as well as farm runoff containing fertilizers, insecticides, and
manure from area farms. These pollutants result in gastrointestinal and respiratory
diseases for the people who depend on this river. The Han River is another example
of an important river that has been terribly
Ultra Sonic Radar System
PREPARED BY : Kamal Parmar (080140111029) Prashant Saija (080140111051 )
Chitrangi Shah (080140111053 ) GUIDED BY : Vishal Borad 2
Outline... In this presentation, we have covered : Introduction RADAR System.
RADAR Equation. Classifications of radar. Block Diagram. Main parts of the
hardware Technical Specifications WWIGO, Features System requirements for
wwigo . Wwigo detected PATTERN Application Of US RADAR Conclusion.
Bibliography 3
PowerPoint Presentation:
RADAR(RAdio Detection and Ranging ) Radar is an object detection system that
uses electromagnetic waves to identify the range, altitude, direction, or speed of both
moving and fixed objects such as aircraft, ships, motor ... Show more content on ...
PowerPoint Presentation:
MONOSTATIC RADAR When we use single antenna for both transmission and
reception purpose such a radar called as monostatic radar. BISTATIC RADAR If
two separates antennas are used for transmission and reception , then such a radar is
called as bistatic radar. 16
Main parts of the hardware:
Main parts of the hardware In this hardware basically there are four main parts as
listed below. Power supply Transmitter Receiver Alarm System 17
Block diagram:
Block diagram Waveform Generator Transducer (Tx) Alarm System Amplifier
Balanced Circuit Transducer (Rx) Transmitter Receiver 18
Transmitter circuit diagram:
Transmitter circuit diagram 19
PowerPoint Presentation:
This circuit works on 9 12 VDC and can be used with batteries or a power supply.
Transmitter sections comprises of waveform generator and ultrasonic transducer
which is nothing but like a speaker with 40 kHz frequency. In transmitter section,
piezo electric transducer is used to transmit the ultrasonic frequency. There are
several oscillator circuits suitable for driving ultrasonic transducer. 20
PowerPoint Presentation:
Sine wave drive: Sine wave drive can be used to provide the electrical signal to
transducer. This sine wave drive minimizes harmonics that may excite transducer in
an overtone mode (vibrate at multiple of the resonate frequency). Pulse wave drive:
We can also use pulse drive to drive the transducer. Application of the dc pulse of 10
20V will cause the
Benefits Of Solar Scale Renewable Energy
Abstract This paper will discuss the topic of small scale Renewable Energy (RE)
technologies, their progress and prospects in developing countries. Specifically,
five technologies will be given a closer look: tidal array, geothermal, anaerobic
digestion, small scale hydro (micro and mini), and small combined heat and power
(CHP). The paper will explain the technologies and the setting in which they can be
applied, and look at case studies from developing countries where small scale RE are
making a difference. A particular look at those five small scale technology has been
chosen since some of them are underdeveloped and show promising potential for
installations. The paper will conclude by describing the potential development
prospects in terms of markets where these technologies could, respectively, expand.
Keywords component; renewable energy, small scale technology, low carbon
development, off grid electrification, (key words)
This paper strives to shed light on the advantages of s scale renewable energy
technologies, specifically five of those technologies, small hydroelectric,
geothermal, anaerobic digestion, small CHP, tidal energy. While there are many
more, this paper focuses specifically on the five by now which matured and have
already been somewhat implemented, and are innovative. These are renewable
energy whose plant capacity is typically (can typically produce) under 50MW, most
often up to 10MW. The paper then strives to look at each
Roman Polanski s Abuse In The Pianist
When you hear Roman Polanski s name, what do you think of? Rosemary s Baby?
The Pianist? What about Woody Allen? Do you think about Annie Hall, or maybe
Hannah and Her Sisters? You probably know who Johnny Depp and Marlon
Brando and Michael Fassbender. For members of the Academy of Motion Pictures,
these names may ring some bells for their work as directors or actors, and it s
probably for their work in the film industry. For members of the Hollywood Foreign
Press Association, you may recognize these names from interviewing them or writing
about their work. They all have something in common that I find quite alarming:
They have been accused of abuse or rape. Whether you work behind the scenes with
them, share the screen with them, or write... Show more content on ...
We knew all about Winona Ryder s arrest and we knew all about Robert Downey Jr.
s struggle with drug addiction. So, if other celebrities can be thought of by their
crimes in addition to their work, why is it that so many cases of rape and abuse
seem to be swept under the rug by the film industry and the press? The film
industry continues to work and award people like Michael Fassbender (who has
two Academy Award and five Golden Globe nominations under his belt), even
though they may have threw their girlfriend and dragged her alongside a car when
he was drunk, causing a swollen ankle, a burst ovarian cyst, a broken nose, and a
blown out knee cap. A victim, like Amber Heard, can have photographic evidence,
witnesses, and a video of Johnny Depp abusing her, and Johnny Depp can still have
five upcoming projects. As the public realize that your industry believe entertainers
and entertainment is worth more than women s safety, (Campoamor) you won t end
up profiting from their
The Man In The Grey Flannel Suit Business Roles
The five movies included in this assignment, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
(1956), Network (1976), Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), The Social Network (2010)
and Joy (2015), are all iconic business movies of their time. They all portray
business practices and values in their own unique way. The characters roles and
actions in these films shows how business has evolved over this sixty year
timeframe. Not only the types of businesses that they work for but also the gender
roles, ethics of business, and ways in which business is conducted on a moral
standpoint can also been seen evolving throughout time when these movies were
released. The first film, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, is a drama about a low
income white collar worker named Tom... Show more content on ...
The film takes place at Harvard where Mark goes to college, he is seen as a nerdy
kid with not many friends. The opening scene plays a major role in the creation of
his website. The breakup with his girlfriend leads to his creation of a website
called facemash where people compare girls pictures. Eventually after getting more
ideas from friends, like changing the name from TheFacebook to Facebook, and
using parts of other students ideas, he slowly grew Facebook into what it is today.
What began in his dorm room as a bunch of blogging and programming became
global social network and one of the greatest modern innovations of
communication. Along the way he made enemies by stealing ideas, destroyed
friendships by cutting people out of the business, broke laws, and was sued
multiple times. Just like it said on the movie s cover, You don t get to 500 million
friends without making a few enemies. As we ve seen from the previous movie,
Glengarry Glen Ross, business has become a frenzy of fierce competition and
unforgiving transactions. Mark even backstabbed his best friend so that the company
could grow even larger. One theme that was prevalent throughout the movie was the
accumulation of social capital. As seen throughout history, social capital is almost
always a key to success. Mark gained social
Love Obstacles In The Vow, By Rachael Sucsy
Life is all about moments of impact, and how they change our lives forever, but
what if one day you could no longer remember any of them? Leo. The Vow is a
romantic drama movie that takes place in Toronto and Chicago where the couple
and their friends and family live. It is a movie that is based on the real life story of
Kim and Krickitt Carpenter; Kim never regain her lost memories but they are still
together today, with two children Ebert. It was directed by Michael Sucsy, written
by Abby John, Marc S, and Jason K. The great job of the main protagonists Rachael
Adams as Paige and Channing Tatum as Leo make this film an excellent movie
because; it explores sacrificial love, has complex love obstacles, and includes
attentive/attractive... Show more content on ...
Romantic drama film is a genre that explores the complex side of love The Script
Lab. Leo does an excellent job by taking the obstacles as challenges not as excuses
to leave, for example, one f the first challenges he confronts is when Paige wakes
up in the hospital and calls him doctor instead of husband, and he tried to explain
her kindly how things were even if he was broken inside. Paige s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thornton did not have a clue who her husband was and when they all met for
the first time in the hospital, it was clear that her parents were in complete
disapproval of that marriage. Her parents were not only trying to take her away from
him but they were willing to use Paige s memory loss as an opportunity to regain
her again after losing her due to her father s affair. Leo did not care Mr. and Mrs.
Thornton were not on his side, he tried to help her in any way he could, he even
tolerated Paige when she reunited with her High School friends and even flirted
with her ex husband, Jeremy who in her mind was current husband. All this obstacles
seemed worthy to Leo who was willing to do everything to regain the love of his
Nelson Mandela Analysis
The relationship that develops between Nelson Mandela and Francois Pienaar in
the movie Invictus suggests how crucial of a role they play as leaders to the people
of South Africa. Even though, Pienaar is white and Mandela is black, they both
work towards uniting a divided nation despite their differences. Regarding Nelson
Mandela, he uses his voice and presidential power to find a way in which he can
unite the whites and blacks of South Africa. When he discovers that sports,
particularly rugby, can be used as a method to unite the people of South Africa to
cheer for one team despite how divided its people may be, it signifies how
influential and wise of a leader he is to the people of South Africa. This is so
inspiring for me because he found an interest that both the whites and blacks of
South Africa have in common that will help bridge the gap between them despite
their troubled history with each other. Some characteristics of Mandela that indicate
how influential of a leader he became for the people of South Africa is because of
his transparence, empathy, courtesy, and humility. Mandela served as such a vital
figure as a leader in uniting South Africa through his devotion to the rugby team. He
understood how influential this team was to the entire nation, and he made every
effort to establish a close relationship with the team by frequently meeting and
speaking with the players and attending their games. Due to his valiant efforts, he
did everything he could to help inspire the team by investing so much time into
their success as a leader to the point where they felt that they would have failed the
entire nation had they not won the World Cup. Now, this surge of success among
the rugby team was ignited by the captain of the team himself, Francois Pienaar.
Francois Pienaar developed into a very crucial leader for not only the South African
rugby team, but for the people of South Africa. He not only led the rugby team to
success on the field, but due to his close relationship with Mandela he was able to
inspire and motivate his teammates towards winning the World Cup. For Pienaar,
winning the World Cup meant so much more to him than simply having the
opportunity to hold up a trophy, but rather to provoke
Medieval Warm Period Essay
Over the years, the world has undergone a number changes that have altered the
course of history. Infectious diseases and climate changes have the ability to create a
new path for history to follow. These natural phenomena not only start and end
civilizations, but they can also bring about new technological advancements. The
Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was one of these phenomena that played a major role
in shaping the history of Europeand had a great impact on creating the world we live
in now.
During the Middle Ages, around 950 A.D., Europe experienced a slightly warmer
climate and this era was called the Medieval Warm Period. According to
climatologists, the earth s temperature increased by one degree Celsius; however, they
are still uncertain ... Show more content on ...
However, as the warming began, several alterations were made to this system.
Since there were more new lands for cultivation, landlords decided to rent the land
to peasants, instead of making them work on the lands. The peasants farmed the
land and paid the landlords in money. The profit that was made by selling the crops
that were produced on their farms helped the peasants survive. People were able to
disperse and find new lands to settle in. This renting system became very effective
and after a few years landlords would simply rent their land. This freed many of the
people from their duties tied to the land and they use their other
Noah And Gilgamesh Comparison
There are numerous likenesses and contrasts between the Gilgamesh flood account
and the biblical surge account (Genesis 6 8), starting with God picking an
exemplary man to manufacture an ark as a result of a looming extraordinary flood.
In the two records, tests from all types of creatures were to be on the ark, and birds
creatures were utilized after the downpours to decide whether flood waters had died
down anyplace to uncover dry land. There are different likenesses between the
Gilgamesh surge account and the scriptural surge account.
Amid the mid nineteenth century, this total Epic of Gilgamesh (from 650 BC) was
uncovered in a few remnants at Nineveh s extraordinary library, and the profundity
and broadness of likenesses and contrasts ... Show more content on ...
A noble man (Genesis 6:9) was coordinated to assemble an ark to spare a restricted
and select gathering of individuals and all types of creatures (Noah got his requests
straightforwardly from God, Utnapishtim from a fantasy).
Both arks were immense, despite the fact that their shapes varied. Noah s was
rectangular; Utnapishtim s was square.
Both arks had a solitary entryway and no less than one window.
An awesome rain secured the land and mountains with water, albeit some water rose
up out of underneath the earth in the scriptural record (Genesis 7:11).
Biblical flooding was 40 days and evenings (Genesis 7:12), while the Gilgamesh
surge was considerably shorter (six days and evenings).
Birds were discharged to discover arrive (a raven and three pigeons in the scriptural
record, Genesis 8:6 12; a bird, swallow, and raven in the other).
After the downpours stopped, the two arks stopped on a mountain, Noah s on Ararat
(Genesis 8:4); Utnapishtim s on Nisir. These mountains are around 300 miles
Sacrifices were offered after the surge (Genesis
Bis 220 Introduction to Computer Applications and
BIS 220 Introduction To Computer Applications and Systems /Complete Class Click
Link below To Purchase: http://homework 220 Complete Class 256.htm
BIS 220 Week 1 Individual Information Technology Acts Paper Select two of the
following acts to research: Do Not Call Implementation Act, 2003 Controlling the
Assault of Non solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN SPAM) Act, 2003 Federal
Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 2002 Uniting and Strengthening
America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct
Terrorism Act (US Patriot Act), 2001, renewed 2006 Children s Internet Protection
Act, 2000 Financial Services Modernization Act, 1999 Children s Online Privacy
Protection... Show more content on ...
Efficiency and Collaboration Proposal BIS 220 Week 3 LT, Efficiency and
Collaboration Proposal Resources: Ch. 1 2 of ExcelВ® in MicrosoftВ® Office
2010. Scenario: Imagine you are an employee of Party Plates, a company that
manufactures decorative paper plates and napkins for special events. Your team has
been assigned a new project. The president of your company has tasked you with
improving the efficiency of the current information systems used in the sales
department, because the current systems are somewhat antiquated. Your organization
is currently using MicrosoftВ® ExcelВ® to track all personnel data, but would like
to migrate to a relational database like MicrosoftВ® AccessВ®. You have also been
tasked with identifying potential collaborative software that may improve internal
communications and help streamline some of the work processes for the sales
department. Prepare a 350 to 700 word proposal addressing the potential
implementation of new information systems in your organization. Explain the
usefulness of converting data currently held in MicrosoftВ® ExcelВ® spreadsheets
into a relational database using MicrosoftВ® AccessВ®. Describe the benefits of
using MicrosoftВ® AccessВ® in the work environment. Include suggestions for the
future use of collaborative software and how it can help the sales
The Little Mermaid Feminist History
How has the 1989 film, The Little Mermaid, specifically contributed to the
commodification of marginalizing and sexualizing women that has created Disney
into one of the most globally recognized companies in history?
The late 1980 s release of The Little Mermaid is not coincidental but instead critically
significant in its relevance within history during the era of feminist advancement and
empowerment within society. It is imperative that Disney s skewed recreation of the
beloved tale about The Little Mermaid be analytically criticized because it was
meticulously portrayed, released, and viewed by products of a privileged patriarchy,
thus idly celebrated by ignorance. It is also important to hypothesize the comparison
between The Little Mermaid s ... Show more content on ...
This story, like many other Disney stories, involves a young, naГЇve girl who is
easily and illogically swayed by the good looks and charm of the handsome man, the
same heterosexual and misogynistic fairy tale that is constantly recreated in each of
Disney s movies. The same company that retold classic fables like Cinderella,
Pocahontas, and Sleeping Beauty, notoriously exploits, objectifies, and
hypersexualizes women s bodies and femininity and has created a multibillion dollar
industry that profits from its demeaning ideals that negatively categorizes and
homogenizes women. The Little Mermaid is no exception in the way it portrays
beauty in terms of youth, smallness, and a pretty singing voice, thus subliminally
sending the message to its youthful audience that women must prove their
womanhood to men, the ultimate and most important judges or they are in fact
inauthentic and flawed. This story also idealizes and constructs ways that feminism is
falsely related to sexuality, consequently assuming that women s transition from
childhood to womanhood is influentially provoked by their sexual curiosity and
promiscuity, and unable to resist the opposite sex s carnal advances. Arial is just
another example of the ways in which Disney ritually practices invoking inferior
complexes to the linkage of women, depicting them as susceptible and needy of the
dramatically hypermasculinized men, insinuating their superiority as the saviors of
these women. This, however, poses the idea that this antiquated idealism may
potentially emanate from patriarchal society s intimidation by the threatening
challenge women pose to masculinity if these sexist ideas were to ever cease.
Undeniably, The Little Mermaid is another classical children s tale that has
Salamanca Short Story Analysis
Salamanca s mother left her, this made Sal feel a dire need to see her mother again.
Farah Ahmadi want s to escape her hostile country with her mom. Bailey wants to get
back to the person he cherishes. However, Salamanca, Farah, and Bailey went after
what was necessary to them. Salamanca s objective was to get reunited her mother
again. She would do anything to see her mother. Thirteen year old Salamanca Tree
Hiddle known as Sal is traveling from Ohio to Idaho, in search of her mother,
(Creech, summary). After examining this shows Sal would do anything to see her
mother. Even though Sal yearned for her mom, she was afraid to see her. Gram
and Gramps knew that I wanted to see momma, but that I was afraid to, (Hiddle 5).
Although Sal misses her mother, she is afraid of what might happen. Sal was
attached to her mother and kept everything she gave her. When we moved to
Euclid, one of the first things I did was to unpack the gifts my mother had given
me. On the wall, I tacked the poster of the red hen which my mother had given me
for my fifth birthday, and the drawing of the barn she had given me for my last
birthday. On my desk were pictures of her and cards from her. On the bookshelf,
the wooden animals and books were presents from her, (Hiddle 50). As much as Sal
misses her she knows she has to see her mom. Sal really misses her mom and she
went after her needto see her. Farah s objective was to get out of her hostile
The Executive Branch
The years from the founding of our country to the civil war were tumultuous times.
Precedents were set, the power of the various branches of government was
constantly called into question, and issues like slavery and sovereignty split the
country into factions. As the will of the people changed, new political parties were
formed to accommodate this; while irrelivant parties would fade from public
consciousness. At the time we reveled at our own ability to change power so
peacefully with every presidential election. Each new candidate represented different
mindsets and had completely different goals but amazingly the system we had so
painstakingly designed to allow power to shift in the government bloodlessly, was
working. The same principles... Show more content on ...
The first president to really push the limits of presidential power was Andrew
Jackson. He was the first Democrat to be elected president. His first controversial
move was his refusal to renew the bank charter. This essentially killed the National
bank, a veto power that no one had ever thought or intended the president would
have. Jackson then took all the money and put it into state banks. So all at once he
expanded national power and affirmed the power of the states to regulate currency.
He also managed to cause an economic crisis while he was at it. Next Jackson
ignored the supreme court decision that Georgia had no claim to the Native
American lands within it. This decision was in line with the desires of the people
of Georgia, but it ignored the power of the supreme court. Finally when South
Carolina began refusing to pay the high Tariffs on goods Jackson passed the force
bill so he could send troops into the state to collects the tariffs. This law not only
affirmed the power of the executive branch but also the power of the federal
government over the states. With this bill he explicitly denied that nullification was
a right of the states. However with South Carolina threatening to secede Henry Clay
stepped in with a compromise to keep South Carolina in the union. All of Jackson s
actions earned him the moniker King Andrew the First as seen in a political cartoon
showing him dressed in traditional clothing of a monarch. These fears of oligarchical
rule had been deeply prevalent in America since our separation from England. They
were present years before Jackson was elected when the Constitution was being
written, and they were still deeply ingrained in people s minds decades later. These
lingering Anti monarchy sentiments almost certainly contributed to the reluctance of
the people
The Determinants Of The National Business Environment
To better understand why some nations are more competitive than others, Porter
conducted the research in order to look for determinants in the national business
environment that can explain why in some countries firms in particular industries are
more successful than those in other nations . (Ard Pieter de Man, 1997, p. 48) The
research culminated in framework known as diamond which describes the
determinants of competitive advantage. Porter identified four attributes that promote
or impede the creation of competitive advantage: (1) factor conditions, (2) demand
conditions, (3) related and supporting industries, and (4) firm strategy, structure, and
rivalry . (Dirk Morschett, 2015, p. 176)
Factor conditions, represents the nation s factors of production, such as climate, land,
natural resources, skilled labor and infrastructure. Demand conditions, refers to the
nature and size of the domestic demand for an industry s products and services (Dirk
Morschett, 2015, p. 178). Related and supporting industries determinant refers to the
existence or non existence in the national environment related suppliers and other
industries that are competitive in international markets. Firm strategy, structure and
rivalry, refers to how companies are created, organized and managed, as well as the
nature of domestic rivalry (Porter, 1990b, p. 81) Analyzing China and Egypt in terms
of the competitiveness will help to better understand how the diamond framework
China s economy is
Meaning Of Psalm 139
SIM #7 Psalm 139 Genre: The genre of Psalm 139 is Hebrew poetry, simply
because the psalms were written in Hebrew and are a collection of poems and
laments. The first principle of interoperation is that the psalms blend experience,
emotion, and theology. This should be taken into account while reading the poem in
order that the reader does not simply skip over the theology by only focusing on
experience and emotion. The second interoperation principle is that each psalm
should be read as a whole. Verses of psalmsshould not be taken out of context, in
doing this the reader may distort the meaning of the psalm. Another interpretation
principle to take into consideration is the different genres of psalms such as: laments,
thanksgiving, hymns of praise, wisdom, and songs of trust. With that being said,
Psalm 139 not only falls under the Hebrew poetrygenre, but is also classified as a
psalm of trust. Lastly, the fourth interpretation principle is that parallelisms are used.
In other words, ideas correlate in many different ways such as: synonymously,
antithesis, intensifying, specifying, and synthetically.
Grammatical/Literacy: Why does David specify that God will hold him with his right
hand? What is the depths and does this refer to hell?
Historical/Cultural: Are concerning and precious interchangeable in Hebrew (During
this time period)?
Does written in your (God s) book refer to the Old Testament that has been previously
written, such as the Mosaic Covenant?
The Great Recession Of The United States
In the hyper competitive world of today s mega corporations controlled by the
sway of the stock market, giant old industrial era companies rule over the
automobile market in the United States as well as large parts of the global
automobile market. Companies such as General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford were at
the center of it until the economic crisis now known as the Great Recession of the
late 2000s. The whole market was declining in sales with General Motors and
Chrysler taking the biggest hits while Ford only suffered decline comparable to
foreign automakers , Honda and Toyota, levels due to restructuring in prior years.
However, the tipping point was edging closer to bankruptcy with General Motors and
Chrysler that ultimately... Show more content on ...
What are these values? They are specifically five principles: human dignity, common
good, subsidiarity, solidarity, and universal destination of goods as well as eight
values: love, prayer, stability, conversation, obedience, discipline, humility,
stewardship, hospitality, and community. They define the core of the Christian faith s
ethical code. The United States government was founded on Christian principles that
are at the heart of how it operates as an entity in the world. Therefore, it should
hopefully stay within the Christian ethical code. The other major player in this
situation, the union, was founded on similar beliefs as these, so it should also stay
within the Christian ethical code. However, in this situation we will learn that the
United States government and the union both break this ethical code. First, the
United States walks a line for their position in society. Many people turn to the
government as the place to fix the problem. Unfortunately, the government should not
always use its power and ability especially with the power of money, laws, and
control. The government is supposed to look out for the public in ways that support
the values of community, stability, and common good. However, I do not believe that
they were acting in the term specifically for the automaker
Panera Bread Marketing Mix Proposal Essay
Signature Frozen Yogurt Table of Contents Executive Summary For the past 28
years we have been committed to offering a wide variety of healthy entrГ©e
options at the highest quality for a reasonable price, however, we have never
offered a selection of healthy option desserts and therefore have decided to launch a
new product, the Signature Frozen Yogurt. This product is a secret blend of all
natural ingredients. One of the most important ingredients is real nonfat milk, which
has been certified by the National Yogurt Association to carry the Live and Active
Cultures. Regardless of the flavor, our crispy and tangy yogurt is designed to
awaken the senses and blend perfectly with each of our freshly cut fruit toppings. It
is low... Show more content on ...
The goal is to have customers name Panera Bread as their number one option when
asked about their preferences of frozen yogurt. Along with the introduction of the
Frozen Yogurt into the New York and California store locations will be an initial
investment of $685,816, which consists of all the machinery, installation and
training costs for all 154 cafes located in the mentioned states. The forecasted
return on investment is predicted to be 0.16, and to break even we would have to
obtain sales of 152,765 units at an averaged out price of $4.49, which takes in
account all variations for the different prices for different size containers. Based on
our established customer list, we expect that 40% of all the people in the states of
California and New York will be our customers and that 30% of these customers
will be likely to purchase dessert and one of their store visits throughout the year,
which we have calculated to be roughly 12 20 times for each individual. In the first
year of implementation, from April 2010 to December 2010, we expect to have sell
approximately 14,408 units and double sales volume by year end 2011.We expect
that this project will increase Earnings Before Tax and Interest (EBIT) by
approximately $30,593 and increase Net Income by approximately $18, 968. Business
Mission and Vision Our mission statement is A loaf of bread in every arm and frozen
yogurt in each hand. Our commitment is to actively contribute to the community
today through donation
Blade Runner Final Scene
The film Blade Runner: The final cut, directed by Ridley Scott takes place in a
futuristic society. We are given a summary of what will be going on in the film since
the very first scene of the film. The setting of the film is demonstrated early on
showing how important the setting of this film will be for the understanding of what
is going on. The setting of the filmtakes place in futuretime in Los Angeles in the year
2019.In the White Scrolling text we learn about the Tyrell Corporation, an advanced
high tech corporation that focuses on the production of human replicants. The Tyrell
Corporation is significant in how the film develops as it is where the most important
scenes that interpret the film occur. The opening scene starts off at the Tyrell
Corporation we can see the odd pyramid shape architecture of the building. This first
scene in the film is one of the most important scenes because throughout the film
what Leon says in this first scene is... Show more content on ...
The first symbol that is very apparent is that of the eyes. The opening scene, before
it leads us to the Tyrell Corporation shows a close up of an eye. Also, when the
thought to be replicants are given the Voight Kompff test to see whether the
individuals are actually human, a close examination of their iris is given to
identify any reaction. The eye can also show emotion that the examiner is looking
for since eyes are widely referred to as the windows to the soul. Another theme that
jumps out with the symbolism of eyes is how the replicants have a light up glow
in their eyes. In The scene where Rachel is introduced to Deckard inside the Tyrell
building it seems as if her eyes glow in a way. In this scene is also when we are
introduced to a robotic owl the pet replicant of. Rachel asks Do you like our owl?
When Deckard asks if it s artificial she assures him that it is. The artificial owl in the
building represents the wisdom of
Cosmos Of Fire
The reflection of the uncreated in the created necessarily presents itself under
diverse aspects, and even under an indefinite variety of aspects, each of which has
about it something whole and total, so that there are a multiplicity of visions of the
cosmos, all equally possible and legitimate in so far as they spring from the
universal and immutable principles. Titus Burkhardt. To every shield, there is
another side, hidden. A. N. Whitehead. In the Hesiodic account of the world ages,
preserved in the ancient writing known to us as the Works and Days, the poet
briefly describes the age of the heroes. He tells us that the heroes were nobler far
than their immediate predecessors and in this they reversed for a time the... Show
more content on ...
The everliving fire centered in itself beyond all worlds lies at the heart of all
worlds from it flow all movement, all life, all knowledge. It is the Eternal: that
which never sets , that which at the end of each world age destroys the old and
kindles the new. It may be truthfully called by other names such as Zeus, justice,
wisdom, logos. It is both willing and unwilling to be so called. Willing in that such
names reflect qualities in its nature: unwilling in that in essence it lies beyond all
such qualities. This divine fire forges into existence the structured cosmos. The
cosmos is imaged by the Homeric warrior to himself as a sphere. Across the
horizontal diametrical plane stretches the flat disc of the earth encircled by the
vast streams of Oceanus ever flowing back into itself. The earth is covered by the
inverted bowl of the overworld a bronze[1] dome across which the sun, moon, and
stars move in their risings out of Oceanus in the east, to their settings into Oceanus
in the west. Earth rests on the under world of Erebos and Hades rooted at its
greatest depth in the gulfs of Tartarus. About the upper hemisphere of the overworld
glitters the threefold light of the Empyrean. The brazen walls of Tartarus are
enclosed by threefold darkening layers of night. The cosmic sphere is held in an
outer wheel of darkness and light which in its rotations reflects into the cosmos the
Generation After Generation, In Different Countries Of
Generation after generation, in different countries of the world, there has always
been different styles of bodily expression. Dance is a special form of art which
movement of the body creates. One of the most delicate types of dance is ballet, a
form that evokes great emotion. For Martha Graham, ballet was not only a dance: it
was a way to express a fear or happiness with gestures created by the body. Scholars
have recognized Graham as having made revolutionary changes in dance: in form,
subject matter, and theme. Martha Grahamwas one of the most influential figures in
American modern dance, and her techniques and styles continue to be practiced
today. She became widely known throughout all ages and decades. As time went on,
she became... Show more content on ...
Martha knew that practice was the basis of all good dance and, therefore, a
fundamental. Graham s intense belief in practice aided in forming such a unique
technique. To practice means to perform, in the face of all obstacles, some act of
vision, of faith, of desire, Practice is a mean of inviting the perfection desired.
(Martha Graham) It is said that Martha worked on her falls for fifty years, and they
grew more beautiful and complex each time she performed them. This technique is
not the only one she worked to perfection. However, it provides a quality example
to her devotion to the art of dance. Graham is considered one of the major and most
influential dancers in America. Graham s craving for dance gave her the strength and
determination she needed to become one of the best. Her incredible emotions
changed the dancing world, not only in her style as a dancer, but in her innovative
style of choreography (182).
Graham was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, on May 11, 1894 (Pratt 8). She was
the daughter of Jane Beers and George Graham and the oldest of three daughters.
She also had a brother named William Henry Graham, but he died of scarlet fever at
eighteen months. This devastated the family, especially Martha s father. George had
always wanted a son; once they were blessed with one he was no sooner taken away
Research Paper On Colony Farm
Sometimes the best surprises are right beneath your nose. Colony Farm Regional
Park is one of those surprises. What comes to mind when you visualize the Port
Mann bridge, Cape Horn Exchange and Lougheed Highway? I suspect your blood
pressure is rising and you are thinking of toll bridges and Monday morning rush
hour traffic congestion. I challenge you to reimagine the area! Slow down, take a
few minutes out of your hectic schedule and follow the signs to Colony Farm. Within
minutes you will find yourself in the middle of hedgerows, open fields and wetlands.
During my recent visit to the farm, I began my walk from the parking area adjacent
to the main park entrance and near the community gardens. Being early in the season,
the gardens were quite bare, but a promise of a bountiful harvest to come was
evident. I followed the ... Show more content on ...
Originally a mental health facility, the original farm land provided food for the
hospital s patients. Over the years the farm became world famous for its Holstein
cattle. Most of the barns and buildings are long gone, but as you wonder along the
Sheep Paddock Trail and the Wilson Farm Dyke trail it is not difficult to imagine the
cattle grazing in the fields and the farmers tending the crops.
The sound of frogs croaking serenaded me as I meandered along the trail on my
way back to my car. It struck me that I was no longer thinking of traffic jams and
bridge congestion. Instead I was marveling at how Mother Nature, with a little
support from the dedicated naturalists at Colony Farm, was fighting to keep this
unique wetlands area a green oasis. Blood pressure normal 120/80 thank you Colony
Getting There:
From Highway 1, take the Cape Horn Interchange to the Lougheed Highway. Turn
right on Colony Farm Road and follow the signs to the parking area.
The trails at Colony Farm are flat and short, open to both cycling and biking. Dogs
on leash are
Men Are From Mars
Men are from Mars; women are from Venus. John Gray argues that the Martians; men,
and the Venusians; women, are completely different that it seems that they come
from different planets. The definition of gender differences is based on the concept
of gender, which refers to socially defined differences between men and women.
Which is about a particular culture, certain careers, health, communication, social
awareness and in the environment. I believe from the research I have done, that yes,
females and males have different parts and chemicals going on in the brain, but that it
is more influenced by their surroundings, such as parents, teachers, peers and even
stereotypes. All that is said, affects the brain, but I do not think that is rooted
Alcoholics Family Characteristics
Family Roles and Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics Addiction is a
disease that not only affects the person with the addiction but the family as well. The
children that grow up in this environment take on different roles in their family to try
and cope with their environment. According to American Association for Marriage
and FamilyTherapy, there is an estimate of 26.8 million children that are exposed to
alcoholismin the family (2015). As these children grow up they develop many
common characteristics into adulthood. These characteristics have a lasting impact
on their lives.
According to Gold, More than 28 million Americans have seen at least one parent
suffer alcohol s serious adverse effects, leading to serious family ... Show more
content on ...
The ACOA has to guess what normal behavior is because growing up in such a
dysfunctional home they had none. The ACOA, have difficulty following a project
through from beginning to end and lie when it would be better to tell the truth.
Furthermore, the adult children of alcoholics judges themselves without mercy
(Weintraub, 2015).The adult children of alcoholics take themselves very seriously in
their life. Also, the ACOA has difficulty with intimate relationships. The ACOA,
overact to change over which they have no control and constantly seek approval and
affirmation. As well as, feeling different from other people and are super responsible
or super irresponsible. The adult children of alcoholics are extremely loyal, even in
the face of evidence that the loyalty is undeserved. Lastly, the adult children of
alcoholics are impulsive. This can lead to going full steam ahead without realizing the
consequences that it may incur (Weintraub,
The Impact Of The Great Westward Migration
When the Pacific Railroad Act ordered for the construction of the Transcontinental
railroad in 1862, most people were able to find the positive side in the new form of
transportation. Westward migration had previously been difficult for groups such as
the Mormons and many others due to the harsh environment, as well as, natives
attacking weary travelers. With the new railroad, westward migration would be
easier than ever, allowing for what is referred to as the Great westward migration .
This migration led to the founding of land in which towns and full cities were
derived. However, with the great westward migration also came what many referred
to as hell on wheels . As the railroad expanded westward, so did unsavory past times
including, gambling, prostitution, and the building of saloons (Outline:Railroads). Not
surprisingly, what many call the oldest profession in the world existed in Nevadaeven
before the great westward migration occurred, prostitution. Before the
transcontinental railroad was built, the mining boom was in full swing. When the
Comstock Lode was struck in Nevada, many flocked to Virginia City (which at the
time was in Utah territory) in hopes of finding plentiful amounts of silver. The
majority of the population of Virginia City in 1860 were men, outnumbering women
16 to 1, with fifty percent of these men being under the age of 30 (Outline: The
Comstock and Statehood). Though it was recorded that only four percent of women
in the Comstock were in
The Transmission Of Measles Virus
Measles is a highly transmissible viral infection caused by the rubeola virus. The
first published record of the disease dates back to the 9th century. It has become an
increased problem in the United States due to the elevated population travelling
around the globe. Most outbreak cases of measles have come from Germany, India,
England, France, Vietnam and the Philippines (MeaslesCases and Outbreaks, 2017).
The most recent measles outbreak was discovered on January 5th, 2015. After
researching the outbreak, it was concluded that it originated between December 17th
and 20th of 2014. It was linked to two Disney theme parks in California and believed
to have been originally transmitted from the Philippines (Measles Outbreak, 2015). A
total of... Show more content on ...
With close work and school proximity, children and adults would easily become
infected if they were non immune. Adults who must stay home to care for sick
children, would miss work and decrease their business s productivity. The government
would increase funds for the hospitals and health departments to treat the increased
patient acuity and provide proper immunizations. Hospitals would need to increase
staff to provide adequate care. Many areas of the community would be affected by a
measles outbreak.
At the first sign of measles, health care providers are required to immediately report
their findings to the county health department. Even without lab work for proof of
the virus in the community, health care practitioners should still declare suspicions
of the virus. This will help to decrease the spread of the disease throughout the
community. If the outbreak occurred in a public place, a press conference by the
Department of Health Bureau of Epidemiology would be needed to inform the public
Socialism In The United States
The logistical system through which all goods and services are distributed and
carried out is of concern to everyone within it. In the United States, through our
esteemed representative democracy, we stifle this concern by giving the citizen a
choice between two right wing, capitalist parties. As a nation our propaganda
attacks one party states, but is this only to accentuate the difference between us and
them? Is it truly better to be given the choice between two parties over just one to a
citizen whose policies do not fall anywhere between, or is it an example of a failure
of our education system to curtail the free thought of an individual to the extent
where their political ideals cannot be labeled as liberal or conservative? Socialism...
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More recently it seems that most profit lies in company wide specialization, and the
avant garde of most industries lies entirely in individual companies working
towards their own goals. In fact, recently competition has been avoided amongst
very large companies, as it is more profitable to exploit the consumer by limiting
their options. When the consumer has few to no options, there is little incentive to
invest in the improvement of services. Capitalism can be both a catalyst and a
hinderance for improvements, and it would be disingenuous to assume socialism
couldn t at least match capitalism in this regard. For example in socialistic societies,
financial sustainability wouldn t be a concern for freelance or employed thinkers.
The idea that capitalism is holistically superior innovatively stems from capitalism s
omnipresence on a global scale. The ex post facto attribution of innovative
technology to capitalism is a post hoc ergo propter hoc
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Sample Of Definition Essay

  • 1. Sample Of Definition Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of a "Sample of Definition Essay" can prove to be a challenging task. The difficulty lies not only in the necessity to delve into the intricacies of defining a particular concept but also in presenting a unique perspective that goes beyond the standard dictionary definition. The challenge is to encapsulate the essence of the chosen term, offering a comprehensive analysis that combines personal insights, research findings, and a nuanced exploration of the term's multifaceted dimensions. The complexity intensifies when one strives to strike a balance between being concise and thorough. Juggling between the need for brevity and the desire to cover all relevant aspects of the chosen term can be a daunting task. Moreover, maintaining clarity and coherence throughout the essay requires a meticulous selection of words and a well-structured narrative. Additionally, the writer must grapple with the ever-present pressure of originality. The task is not just about presenting a standard definition but about offering a fresh perspective that engages the reader intellectually. This demands a creative approach to language use, thoughtful analysis, and an ability to connect the seemingly disparate facets of the term being defined. Despite these challenges, the process of writing a definition essay is a valuable exercise that enhances one's analytical and communicative skills. It encourages the writer to think critically, consider various perspectives, and communicate complex ideas effectively. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of a "Sample of Definition Essay" can be an intricate undertaking. However, the rewards lie in the development of critical thinking and communication skills. For those who find this task overwhelming or time-consuming, it's worth noting that similar essays and more can be readily ordered on platforms like, where professional assistance is available to navigate the intricacies of essay composition. Sample Of Definition Essay Sample Of Definition Essay
  • 2. Essay On Ethical Issues In Iron Man In 2008, the film Iron Man was released. The film follows Tony Stark, a wealthy businessman and engineer who transforms himself from a military arms supplier into a super hero, Iron Man, by building himself a mechanical suit. Throughout the film, Tony Stark makes several ethical decisions that impact the lives of many. The film opens with Tony Stark visiting Afghanistan to demonstrate his weapons capabilities. After a successful demonstration, he is ambushed and injured, and captured by local terrorists who demand that he build the weapons system that he had just previously just demonstrated. He refuses however, after being tortured and seeing the life of the doctor who saved his life being threatened, he lies to his captors and says that he will consent to building the weapons system. He instead takes up the project of building a mechanical suit to help him and the doctor escape. Here we arrive at his first major ethical decision. Lying to terrorists may seem like an easy decision, however in this case it puts the life of another individual at risk. If caught he and the man who saved his life will be killed. He completes the suit and manages to escape. As he returns to the United States, he immediately calls a press conference where he informs the press that his company will no longer produce weapons. This is another major ethical decision made by Tony Stark. This decision was made to prevent loss of innocent life and to keep the weapons out of the hands of terrorists.
  • 3. Dulce Et Decorum Est Analysis The war poem Dulce et Decorum est brings to light the astounding suffering and experiences of suffering endured that characterized the WW1 battlefield and how it reflects upon the ideologies of patriotism. The author, Wilfred Owen was written this poem in an iambic pentameter. He has deliberately positioned the reader to distinguish to false portrayal of war itself, perpetuated by the misleading governmental propagandadeliberately implanted to recruit boys to enlist and sacrifice themselves in service of the government s imperialistic political ambitions. Owen has been deliberately confronting towards the reader with loathsome imagery of suffering. This effectively serves as an antithesis to the governments and society s misrepresentation of war as an honourable means through which would achieve glory and pride for an individual s name. Contained within Owen s poem Dulce et Decorum Estthe conflicting argument against whether there truly is honour in dyeing for one s country in World War 1 contradicts the Latin saying, Dulce et Decorum Est, which translates to it is sweet and honourable to die for the fatherland . This title itself would seem as if Owen himself doesn t condone the patriotic ideals and propaganda that resulted in the unnecessary deaths of millions of young men in the war. However, the poem itself contradict this title. The speaker refuses to accept the Latin saying and actually detests the patriotic argument. Within Owen s war poem he communicates
  • 4. Ecological Niche Of The Kakapo Habitat: The kakapos are quite solitary. They normally live alone and have large ranges, travelling several kilometres in one night. The males range from 15 30 hectares, females 35 50 hectares (to find food for young). Because they are solitary birds by nature, when ranges overlap they make a noise called skraarking to keep a distance from each other. Kakapo used to be found through most of New Zealand, from lowland forests to mountain grasslands. They are now extinct on the mainland, the last survivors having been moved onto three offshore islands Codfish, Maud and Little Barrier. The islands they live on today are all reserves with no predators except kiore (Polynesian rats). Ecological Niche: The herbivorous nature of the Kakapo ... Show more content on ... The graph adjacent demonstrates the drastic decline and the comparatively gradual controlled increase of this species. Kakapo formerly prospered throughout most of the North, South and Stewart Islands, New Zealand. Although it vanished from most of its initial range throughout human colonisation, the species persisted copious in Fiordland and some other higher rainfall and more meagrely populated portions of South Island until the early twentieth century. By 1976, however, the recognized population had been condensed to 18 birds, all males, all in Fiordland. In 1977, a rapidly diminishing population of 150 birds was exposed on Stewart Island. Between 1980 and 1992, 61 remaining Stewart Island birds were relocated to offshore islands, and are currently situated on Codfish and Anchor Islands. The last acknowledged North Island record was in 1927. In 2009, a male which was one of four transferred from Stewart to Codfish in 1987 was rediscovered after having been missing for 21 years. As of November 2005, birds are still present on four islands: Codfish, Chalky, Anchor and Maud. In 1999, 26 females and 36 males endured, containing 50 individuals of breeding age, six sub adults and six infants. The population alleviated, and has started to gradually rise following the depiction of concentrated management. By 2005, the kakapo population stood at 86, of which 52 were breeding adults and 34 were infants; a prolific
  • 5. Health Association (American Medical Association) The American Medical Association is just what is says, an association . They do not have sanctions to regulate because they are not an agency. The American Medical Association consists o paying members and they offer incentives and benefits such as insurance. They also publish the Journal of the American Medical Association and is one of the nation s wealthiest associations. The Office of the Inspector General, for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for identifying and combating waste, fraud and abuse in more than one hundred programs such as Medicare. They perform extensive audits and investigations looking for any discrepancies. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administers Medicare and works with
  • 6. What Are The Potential Allergenicity Of Genetically... Evaluating potential allergenicity of genetically modified (GM) food crops Preface Genetically modified food crops developed by recombinant DNA technology aims at improving food quantity and quality. Transgenic proteins expressed by GM crops improve crop characteristics like nutritional value, taste, texture and endow the plant with resistance against fungus, pests and insects. With the advancements in the field of agricultural biotechnology, the number of GM varieties ready for commercialization is increasing in proportion with the area under GM crop cultivation and the number of countries consuming GM crops. However, prior to release of a GM crop in the market it must pass through a rigorous safety evaluation tests to ensure its... Show more content on ... Genetic manipulations have the capacity to alter the genetic composition of the host plant and may also interfere with the already present natural allergens2,3. Therefore, prior to the release of GM varieties in market it is essential to conduct allergenicity and toxicity assessments for the safety of the consumers4. Along with this GM food labeling should also be made mandatory for all new and existing varieties. Food allergy is defined as an adverse health effect arising from a hypersensitivity reaction induced upon exposure to a particular food allergen that occurs reproducibly on subsequent exposures. IgE mediated food allergic reactions are characterized by excessive activation of mast cells and basophils, resulting in extreme inflammatory responses like eczema, hives, allergic rhinitis, asthma and gastrointestinal tract allergies. Food allergies affect 6% of young children and 3 4% of adults in Western countries5. In general population self reported prevalence of food allergy range from 5% in Korea, 3.5% in France and 22.2% in Australia6. The incidence of food allergy related anaphylaxis is rising particularly in children younger than 5 years of age7. Over 90% of food allergy results from exposure to egg, milk, peanut, tree nut, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat8. The prevalence of food allergy is influenced by age, culture and dietary habits. Regulatory guidelines for
  • 7. Differences Between Tucio And Tucertio [Enter Tucio, Tuvio, and Tucertio] Tucio: How do we get in? Or should we just enter and pretend we own the place? Tuvio: Walk in like we own this place, Duh. Let the judges judge us how they want. We will seem like very exotic birds with these disguises. Tucio: I ll watch your guys backs. You guys can mingle Tucertio: Haha thats not eggsactly what I had in mind. You are going to walk down the catwalk. Tucio: Believe me you have the enthusiasm to even talk to any of the other birds. Tuvio: Nope. You are the head model of the Toucans you WILL walk down the cat walk. Tucio: I cannot, will not. I am sinking from my love Tucertio: Love is such a tender thing Tucio: Love is not a tender thing. It is too rude, too loud, and it pricks like a
  • 8. Examples Of Masculinity In The Shawshank Redemption Masculinity Issue in The Shawshank Redemption A short synopsis from Rosanne Salvatore and Parick Montero about this movie is: Two imprisoned men, Andy and Red, bond over the years through their shared decency. Andy figures out how to survive prison by upholding his own moral code and even how to escape it. The fact that the film set place in a male prison screams the idea of masculinity. However it might not be the kind of masculinity that is usually expected or seen in the typical Hollywood movies. Usually men are illustrated wild, powerful, full of energy, patriotic, and violent just like what Jackson Katz in his article, Advertising and the Construction of Violent White Masculinity believes, that mass media plays a significant role in reproducing and legitimatizing white masculinity through violence. The idea off masculinity in this movie is different with the common idea of masculinity that is usually shown through some characteristics such as wealth, power, muscle, and such. In Shawshank Redemption, there are no gun fights, no overwhelming action scenes, no too sentimental romance scenes... it really is a story about men without all of the superior characteristics. So when a movie about men is ignoring all the common masculinity elements such as wealth, power, strength, violence or women, does that make men less men? Or... Show more content on ... The white masculinity here is illustrated by Andy Dufresne s character. Meanwhile the position of black masculinity might only be depicted by one character: Ellis Boyd Redding or Red . However it should be underlined that the story itself is adapted from Stephen King and directed by Frank Darabot who are, in fact, not African Americans. This factor may or may not influence the depiction of the black masculinity in a way because white hierarchies usually put the black as inferior to
  • 9. How The Other Half Lives Summary In the history of America, there are many books, which had powerful impact on political, social and cultural aspects of the society and influenced transformative changes in building the strong modern America. One of such book is, How the Other Half Lives , authored by Jacob Riis in 1888. Jacob Riis migrated to New York from Denmark but as he could not find work, he stayed in slums of New York. The conditions of the accommodation and the plight of the slum developers touched him deeply and he started writing about the same. Important part of his work was the pictures he took of the slums and people living there to depict their horrible conditions. He bought a detective camera, which he used to take images of the migrants poor people living ... Show more content on ... He was of the belief that the bad and dangerous living conditions of the poor is the result of the greed and complete neglect by the rich and wealthier people over a long time. With his work he tried to make the well of people sympathize with the poor and underprivileged youth and adults. In his book, How the Other Half Lives, Riis explained the correlation between the high crime rate in the city to the lack of home, money and sources with the poor people, which drives them to become troublemakers and indulge in various heinous crimes. He adopted photography as a persuasive instrument to bring about reforms. His words and pictures really had great effect on people as they directly touched their hearts. In his book, Riis also talks about the solution to this longstanding problem, which he again strongly believed that will not only improve the conditions of the people living in slums but would be beneficial to the rich people also. He also urged that besides being financially good for them it is the mortal duty of rich and wealthy people to work to up lift the living standards of the
  • 10. The Central Bank For The United States Blah blah blah something about an article I find. The federal reserve in simple terms is the central bank for the United States. In a more in depth description of the the Fed it is made up of the Board of Governors. This board is made up of seven members, all selected by the President himself. However, they also need to be confirmed by the Senate. This board is located in Washington D.C. but has 12 regional banks around the country. Some of these places include San Francisco, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and nine other locations. These banks allow the Federal Reserve to collect data on the current economy. Obtaining this information allows the Federal Reserve to gauge the economy and create an appropriate monetary policy. Their main... Show more content on ... So, making the discount rate lower will allow the banks to have a lower interest rate, encouraging spending and borrowing. On the opposite of this if the interest rates were higher than this would discourage the spending and loans. The second of the three major tools that The Fed uses would be reserve requirements. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis reserve requirements are the portions of deposits that banks must hold in cash, either in their vaults or on deposit at a Reserve Bank (In plain English, 2017, p.15). This works by by determining how much money is needed in the bank at any given time. This would mean that if The Feds decreased the requirement, then the commercial banks will have more money to give out and put into businesses. However, if they end up raising the required amount then then this would decrease spending in businesses this would be because the Reserve Bank would not have the money to give the commercial banks which would then be passed on to the people. The third and final tool that The Feds use is open market operations. This also happens to be the most used out of the three. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis open market operation is the buying and selling of U.S. government securities (In plain English, 2017, p.15). What this does to the economy is that it allows the discussion for the federal funds rate. Ultimately meaning that this has control over what the interest rates are on
  • 11. Essay about Wedding Speech – Best Man Wedding Speech Best Man Before I begin with Leon s character assassination, I should probably introduce myself, as a lot of you don t know name is Andy. My full name is actually Andy WhatcanIgetyou. For those of you who I meet in the bar later, I d appreciate it if you could Use my full name. I d also like to remind you, that the more you laugh at my gags the faster my speech will be it s in your own best interest... I think being a best man can be a very nerve racking experience...(pause)... if there s one person here this afternoon feeling nervous, apprehensive and queasy about what lies ahead....then it s probably because you ve just married Leon. Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity, not only to... Show more content on ... In Lucy, Leon s found someone that is beautiful, intelligent, caring....and in Leon, Lucy s found.....well (pause)...a balding merchant banker. (turn to Leon) I think we know who got the better deal... Then, after University, Leon started working at Lehman Brothers in London. Leon s always been known to be a hard fact at Lehmans I believe he gets called GOD : No one ever sees him He makes his own rules..... And any work he does is a bloody miracle Then, 4 years after first meeting Lucy, Leon popped the big question and had it been any other of my mates that told me they were going to propose to their girlfriends, I d have been a little surprised at the least.... But when Leon told me, I really wasn t they re clearly meant to be together and seem to make each other very happy. So who is this man that Lucy has just married??? Well, Leon was once described as ARROGANT, CONCEITED, INSENSITIVE and SELFISH...and...if anyone knows him it s his mother... But over the last 5 years, Leon s been a great mate to me, and has helped me through all sorts of relationship and career disasters, and deep down he s one of the nicest, most generous guys I know. I believe at this point I m supposed to give some advice on married life and what
  • 12. lies ahead. Unfortunately, I ve never been married, I m scared rigid at the very prospect, and am totally in awe of the commitment these
  • 13. Planned Parenthood V. Casey Case Study Planned Parenthood v. Casey occurred after the landmark case, Roe v. Wade, regarding the battle of abortion. Women s reproductive rights were being challenged by the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act of 1982 (Seward par. 1). During 1988 and 1989 the Pennsylvania legislature changed its laws controlling abortion for women by adding more provisions in an attempt to make a woman s decision for an abortion a more thought out and informed process before committing to the act of abortion. This case challenged four provisions enacted by the Pennsylvania legislature, believing these provisions restricted fundamental rights to women obtaining an abortion as established in Roe v. Wade. The provisions included spousal notification, information disclosure, ... Show more content on ... Wade (Seward par. 4). Not only were the provisions upheld, but the idea of undue burden was established in the decision (Seward par. 4). The idea of undue burden would occur if the purpose was to impose obstacles that prevent women from obtaining an abortion before the fetus is viable (Seward par. 4). The decision of undue burden centered on the idea that spousal notification could lead to spousal abuse in some instances. Planned Parenthood v. Casey also did away with the trimester structure that Roe v. Wade established (Seward par. 4). I agree with the decisions of the Supreme Court to uphold the Pennsylvania provisions with the exception of their exclusion for spousal notification. In the case where a woman is married, you should be required to tell your spouse if you are getting an abortion because the two of you are married and big decisions like that should be made together. On the other hand, it is still the woman s body and ultimately her choice. I also recognize the provision of spousal notification can be an undue burden in other ways.
  • 14. The Influence Of Geography In Ancient Greece When examining the effect that geography had on the civilizations of the early cities you can see that many were founded for strategic purposes. The settlers had to choose the land that would make life easiest as well as give them the best chance of developing a flourishing community. The choice was generally out of need, the need for water, food and shelter. When early leaders chose a place that was full of the necessities and provided smart options to grow a stronghold the communities would gain power and amass an empire to rival others. The civilizations of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece were such empires, they used their geographical locations and features to grow the cities, expand their empires, and trade goods making them both powerful... Show more content on ... Many men influenced and helped shape the great empire by strategically changing and adapting its body as more advancement were made, as more lands were conquered and as more outside influences from neighboring cities were discovered. Two such leaders of Ancient Greece were Alexander the Great and Pericles. Pericles, though he was a great general and lead his country well he was a different kind of leader then Alexander the Great was. Pericles was a scholar and he promoted literature and philosophy throughout Athens. The capital city grew as the center of all the intellectual inspiration, the center for art and education and as the land of democracy. Pericles saw the expansion of the mind occur in Greece. He saw the addition of great medical thinkers like Hippocrates. He saw the expansion of the written play and he saw the humanities explode leaving the world with many great works of art still revered today. One great work that Pericles instituted was the public works job system offering jobs and allowing lower classed citizen s access to government offices. Pericles lead well but fell into critic for his shyness, often choosing to stay out of the spotlight. Pericles fell victim to the plague and Athens suffered greatly for many years afterward. The country never really got back on track after such a tragedy. The country was defeated by the Spartans and the city of Athens fell to ruin. No other leader was regarded as effective opting to be popular instead ultimately affecting the political and social structure for the worse and plunging Athens and Greece into a sort of darkness for over 30 years. The wars between Sparta and Athens lasted 27 years, changing the thinking of its people, forcing the government from a peace seeking country to a waring state. This change is what brought forth Alexander the Great and why he was a great leader. Alexander the Great was a considered the best military
  • 15. Home Front Rationing During the war, people received ration books. The books included the person s name, address, city and state. People were also given ration coins that allowed cashiers to give change for food purchased with ration stamps. People were given these because items during the war were scarce. The first food item s prices that were frozen on the market by the United StatesOffice of Price Administration (OPA) were sugar and coffee. The reason things were rationed was due to little production. Was items were the priority of being produced over household items to help win the war. This meant that everything needed to be rationed for everyone to get their equal share. Sugar, meat, tires, silk, gasoline, shoes, nylon, and more were all rationed to American people. Chicken wire, used for fencing in animals was also being rationed. Pretty much anything you could think of had to be rationed, because the most important focus at the time was the war. The title of Few Nylons meant that women had rations on stockings. Also their clothes were cut down to save material. Their hem and belt width was cut down to two inches. The cuffs on the sleeves of their clothes were no longer allowed. The availability of nylon stockings was scarce. The restrictions for women s apparel saved yardage of material for other clothes used in war. The War Production Board (WPB) was in charge of ensuring that armed forces had all their supplies to win the war. Since they were in a state of
  • 16. Pt1420 Unit 3 Assignment a.47.5605В° N, 52.7128В° W b. In 1996 the largest population consisted of people aged 30 50, there were not as many people in the dependency load. In 2011, there were more people aged 40 65, who are getting close to retirement. There are not as many babies being born today as previous years because people are choosing to not have as many children. The baby boomers are getting older and there will soon be more people in the dependency load as the workforce. In 2011 there were more people ages 85 and up because nowadays people have been able to live longer. c.Many people have immigrated to St. johns because they work for the provincial government. People move there for the fishing, which is a major industry in St. Johns. 1.9% ... Show more content on ... The Taiga Shield Ecozone is made up of wetlands, shrublands, meadows and open forests. This Ecozone is a subarctic region therefore, the cold temperatures make it hard for vegetation to grow. There are trees, such as the coniferous species black and white spruce, tamarack, and dwarf pines. Most of them are stunted and do not reach full growth because of the climate. The tree line is at the northern edge of the Taiga Shield Ecozone and beyond the tree line is where the arctic tundra is. The soils found in this Ecozone are very thin and highly leached. The Taiga Shield has igneous, metamorphic and, sedimentary rock. These types of rocks are located in the Taiga Shield because of the volcanoes that formed it originally and the
  • 17. Gothic Elements In Flannery O Connor s Northanger Abbey Regina Maria Roche born in 1764 and died in 1845 is considered to be a gothic novelist. She wrote her novels on the shade of Ann Radcliffe. Though she is not so popular in today s time but she was considered to be a well renowned writer of her period. Though she was born and brought up in Dublin after her marriage she moved to England. At the beginning she used to write using her maiden name Dalton. But after the success of her novelClermont she started writing using her own name. Clermont is considered to be her only true gothic novel and it is full of darkness in nature. Even in Jane Austens book Northanger Abbey out of many novels mentioned, this was one of them and she satirized this novel there. This book became so well known that it was even translated in French and English. Clermont is a gothic novel. The story revolves around Madeline who lives with her father, Clermont in Dauphiny. Clermont s past is full of mysteries. The story is set up in pre ... Show more content on ... The story is about Emily who at the beginning lives with her father and develops a close relationship with her father. After his death Emily she moves to stay with her aunt Madame Cheron. In the meantime, Emily falls in love with Valancourt while staying with her aunt. Her uncle Montoni forces her to marry Morano for wealth. But after Morano lost everything he refuses to marry off Emily with him and captures her in his remote castle Udolpho. After many mysterious frightening events took place in the castles, Emily manages to flee from there. While escaping she got arrested on French coast and is rescued by the Court de Villerois. She starts staying with his family. Even there she experiences many frightening events like ghosts. But later the mystery opens. In the meantime, rumor about Valancourt spreads that in Paris he was involved in gambling and drinking as a result, Emily rejected him. But knowing the truth Emily got reunited with Valancourt
  • 18. Israel s Involvement In The 1967 June War The nature of Israel s involvement in the 1967 June War can be aptly portrayed as both a prime example of pre emptive self defence of the nation and as a rapacious campaign of self interested opportunism. A central tenet of the Israeli position that Arab encroachment posed a danger to the continued existence of Israelis that the short and long term consequences of Israel not acting decisively were disastrous and had to be avoided. The partisan essence of the Six Day Waris exemplified through the Arab narrative s empathetic denial that Israel acted defensively and their testimony that the actual aggressor in this conflict was Israel. Primary source documents, particularly declassified intelligence reports, provide a unique prism through which one can deconstruct some of the underlying principles that steer Israel s justifications of war against its foes. Likewise, the rejection of elements of Israel s narrative by esteemed Israeli s such as Yitzhak Rabinand Abba Eban indicates that certain facets of its conduct in the June War cannot be reasonably understood as being defensive. International law, which has a chief objective of resolving global... Show more content on ... M. A. El Kony, who served as the United Arab Republic s ambassador to the United Nations, succinctly summarised the Arab narrative by stating Israel has committed a treacherous premeditated aggression against the United Arab Republic . The notion that Israel had explicitly planned the Six Day War as a land grabbing maneuverer is utterly contradictory to the principles encapsulated within the ideology of defensive warfare. Consequently, it becomes vital to analyse contemporary source material to determine the veracity of the Arab narrative as doing so will enable an unbiased observer to form a more nuanced position that could deviate considerably from the Israeli
  • 19. I Choose A Fish Or The Girl Analysis In this story the author makes me wonder if he will choose the fish or the girl. There is a lot of evidence in the story making it more likely he will choose the bass. One reason would be how he would always go fishing if he weren t doing something already. If he wasn t swimming laps he was practicing casts. If he wasn t practicing casts he would then tie his line to his dog and if he wasn t doing anything else he would go fishingfor bass in the river. Also while he was talking to Sheila about the bass he mentioned the scientific name for a largemouth bass. He knows the scientific names and even what they do at night. On their date the guy starts to focus more on the fishthan the girl. While Sheila begun talking, he had to take a few minutes before he could register what she was saying to him. The narrator would put all his attention... Show more content on ... For example the guy would always try and impress Sheila and win her attention. He would do endless swimming laps hoping she would notice his flutter kick and crawl. He would also do back tucks and other dives until she would leave. Not only would he try and impress her he would also try and make thing nice for her. Before the date the guy would try and make his boat look neat and tidy for Sheila. He would spend all day polishing it by rubbing it down and hosing the dirt off. He also rearranged the cushions making it comfortable for her to sit on. In addition the guy cares very much about what Sheila thinks. He started thinking what if he could drop off his rod in the woods or dump his whole outfit overboard just so she wouldn t see his equipment. He really did not want her to know that he caught a bass so he would lie to her saying the noise were bats. He also had tightened the drag so it wouldn t make any motions that could possibly alert Sheila. Now based on everything I ve read he can either choose the bass or Sheila and I think he will pick the
  • 20. Factors Contributing to the Start of the Civil War Essay On April 12, 1861, Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter, starting the American Civil War. The Civil War would last for four years and result in massive American casualties. It would eventually end with slavery abolished and the South under the military occupation of the North. The conflict between the Southern and Northern states did not start suddenly, and did not only appear in the 1860s. Slavery was prevalent in the South and eventually made illegal in the North, which caused Northerners to oppose slavery and Southerners to support it. As a result, there were conflicts over the spread of slavery across the nation. They were first manifested in the Missouri Compromise, in 1820. Conflict over the spread of slavery... Show more content on ... Davis). By 1783, Vermont, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts had abolished slavery, and the other northern states soon followed. Slavery grew, however, in the South ( Events Leading to the Civil War ). As American settlers moved west from the East Coast and new states were added to the Union, the question of whether slavery would be allowed in these states arose. By general unspoken agreement, in order to keep the Senate balanced between slave and free states, new states were admitted on what Eric Corder calls in Prelude to Civil War a one for you, one for me basis (4). That is, for each new slave state that was admitted, a new free state would soon be added. Free Vermont was admitted in 1791, slave Kentucky in 1792, slave Tennessee was added in 1796, free Ohio added in 1803, slave Louisiana added in 1812, free Indiana added in 1816, and so on ( Events Leading to the Civil War ). This balance worked well until the area east of the Mississippi River had been filled with states, and new states were to be added on the west side of the river. Americans had argued for the abolition of slavery since before the Revolutionary War. Pennsylvania Quakers spoke out against slavery in the colonial era. After the start of the Nineteenth Century, support for abolition increased. Abolitionists usually merely spoke out against slavery, but they also sometimes helped black slaves escape to freedom north of the
  • 21. The Pros And Cons Of GMO Should GMO s be labeled in the United States? A GMO is a genetically modified organism that goes through the process of genetic engineering. This is when genes of one organism are extracted, altered, and then artificially placed into another organism to then grow. We typically see GMOs in the food we consume every day. These foods include fruits and vegetables, however the most common organisms that are genetically engineered include, corn, soy, and cotton. It is ultimately the unnatural cross breeding of plants, animals, bacteria, and virus genes (Non GMO Project). But now why is there a debate for placing a label to notify consumers of GMOs in their foods? Do we know the potential harm that GMOs can cause? We have the right to know what we are putting into our bodies and what is found in our everyday foods. So why do we use GMOs? Well there is a So called advantage with these products that it costs less to produce and they are better quality. But do we know if they re better quality or our bodies? There s not enough research to prove that the human race and other organisms have suffered dire consequences from consuming these genetically engineered foods. However there are some linkages that link GMOs to some health problems, environmental damage, and farmer/consumer rights. In the United States, we are not yet up to date with other countries one being the metric system we have not yet switched to and the labeling of GMOs being required. In three hundred regions
  • 22. Nissan Electronic Car. Case Analysis Essay 1. Explain Nissans strategy in EVs including the Alliance? EVs, the electronic vehicle that Nissan brought to the market. This kind of vehicle can use electric energy instead of gas as the power of engine. It is a special new technology which is energy saving. The main strategies include business strategy, global strategy and corporate strategy includeing the alliance. Nissan s business strategy of EVs is differentiation. Because of the feature of Nissan s product is different from most of products in other vehicle company. It s a new technology which is all electric ... Show more content on ... The other main strategy that Nissan implements is corporate strategy which is vertical integration including joint venture with other companies. Nissan alliances with several different companies for different purpose. The alliance of Nissan and Renault created subcommittee that exchanges knowledge includes new findings and battery technology informations. Both of Nissan and Renault contribute a lot to EVs. They share technologies, new findings and experiences that can help to develop the EVs especially LEAF model. This alliance also helped these two companies to deal with the problems of government when entering a new market. Moreover, Nissan has a joint venture backward integration with NEC to improve the battery and reduce cost. Finally, Nissan and Sumitomo Corporation have a joint venture called 4R Energy corporation to do research on second use of batteries that is not only cost saving, but also good for environment. Moreover, the corporate strategy also deal with industry value chain. Nissan provide customer services include quick charge public plug in station, which is forward integration. 3. What are the consumer issues with adoption of this new technology? From the standpoint of business and corporate strategy, there is obviously some uncertainty. What do you see as the sources of uncertainty and how will these be resolved? There are
  • 23. Application for Chemical Engineering at Princetone University My life is all about problem solving: managing to live a difficult life in America after turning thirteen, finding out of the box to achieve my goals in debate, art, and HOSA, helping other teenagers with problems they struggle with... Designing a seemingly impossible pathway for me and others to succeed is my way of life, and a chemical engineer takes that to the next level. Everything around us from a bar of soup to a bucket of paint involves chemical engineering. The profession is not only about my favorite subjects, chemistry and math, but also about creating ideas, innovation, and new technology. This is what chemical engineers do, solving problems not just for one person, but for everyone. And being part of that amazing ... Show more content on ... I have also competed at many local academic competitions in chemistry, math and biology, placing 1st at the Chadron Scholastic Chemistry Contest, 1st (twice) at the 2011 and 2012 West River Mathematics Contest, and 3rd at the West River Biology Contest. Nevertheless, my current living situation offers me limited opportunities to explore the world of chemical engineering. Attending XXX University would mean the world to me giving me a chance to pursue my dreams with renowned professors such as XXX in an advanced laboratory and with people who share the same interests. At Princeton University, I can further explore the world of chemical engineering through Freshmen seminars, once again working with my peers. I am especially interested in the fall seminar Materials World at Mathey College, learning the technical processing and applications of materials around us. In addition, the spring seminar Emerging Micro and Nano Engineered Technologies at Rockefeller College can also give me the opportunity to deepen my understanding of engineering. On top of everything, Princeton offers me amazing research opportunities I cannot find anywhere else. I intend to arrange summer employment at Princeton doing research with faculty members. I also value
  • 24. Color Blindness By John Dalton Although it is not a huge problem in today s society, color blindness can be a problem for many people today. To many people, the term color blind means that a person cannot see color at all. This is a huge misconception and is not true at all. In reality, being color blind means that a person cannot see certain colors. When viewing the world, many colors appear dull or discolored. Although this does not affect the normal functions of the human body, it can be a problem for young children learning how to identify colors. Being colorblind may not be a huge problem for people today, but research and study still needs to be done in order for people to truly understand this amazing genetic disorder. The first case of color blindnesswas recorded by John Dalton in the late eighteenth century. John Dalton himself was color blind and was fascinated by the way he perceived the world. Dalton is most famous for his writings on the Atomic theory. Even though he is most famous for his other findings, his first paper was on the color blindness of himself and his brother. Because of this, sometimes color blindness is called Daltonism (Boyer 1). Even with the vast amount of research done on this genetic order, color blindness, also known as color deficiency, is still not understood by the general population. Most of the time, a color blind person is male. The color blind gene is dominant and is carried by the female ( Color Blindness Columbia 1). Statistics show that 8% of men and
  • 25. Lawmaking During Washington s Presidency Essay Important Lawmaking during Washington s Presidency Judiciary Act of 1789 This law created our judicial system. It established Supreme Court with 6 members and created the position of Attorney General. Naturalization Act of 1790 This law made the rules to be followed in order to be granted national citizenship. Residence Act of 1790 This law determined that the permanent federal capital of the United States would be located on the Potomac River near Georgetown which would be the future Washington DC. President Washington mapped out the 10 mile square federal district, the President s mansion (the White House), and the Capitol and he personally oversaw the building of what he called the seat of Empire . Copyright Act of 1790 The first law which protected authors of any map, chart, book or books printed in the ... Show more content on ... Treaty of Tripoli (1796) This treaty was an agreement to pay a yearly tribute to the Pasha of Tripoli in exchange for unrestricted, safeguarded access to Mediterranean shipping lanes. George Washingtonserved for 2 terms (8 years) as US President. The American people wanted him to run for a 3rd term, but he refused because he felt it was important that the president not become too powerful and not rule for too long like a king does. His Farewell Address which cautioned against the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party, encouraged focus on education and morality, warned against sectionalism within the nation, and admonished against entangling foreign alliances is one of the most famous speeches in American history. In 1799, he became ill with a bad cold and sore throat. On December 14, 1799 at the age of 67, George Washington died of epiglottis at Mount Vernon. In his will, he arranged for all of his slaves to be
  • 26. GE Case Study Case Study GE s Two Decade Transformation: Jack Welch s Leadership By For BUS 463 AE Contents Summary of Background and Facts General Electric General Electric (GE) occupied the eighth spot on Fortune 500 s list of companies at the close of 2013. While number eight was a slide from 2012 s number six GE maintains its position, as one of the world s largest and most influential corporations. Today, GE s operates in over 160 countries and is led by Jeffery Immelt. During 2013 GE reported, total revenues approached 147 billion USD and profits around 13.6 billion USD. (CNNMoney, 2013). GE appears in textbooks from the third grade through the PhD. Level of the world s best business and engineering... Show more content on ... Corporate structures remained largely unchanged between the end of World War II and 1980 but that was all about to change. Competition from Japan, the desktop PC and the dawn of the information age forced GE to rethink its operational model and search for a strategy that would enable them to remain competitive as the century ended. Welch quickly assessed that GE was too big and too slow to maintain its current market positions much less grow them. The strategic planning model Welch inherited held nine layers between idea and decision with over 200 personnel involved in the process, hardly lean and agile . John Boyd developed what he called the OODA Loop to describe winning in air combat maneuvers. The OODA Loop consists of a cycle of four steps; Observe, Orientate, Decide, Act (OODA), Boyd argued that when two aircraft are engaged in a dogfight the pilot who has the fastest OODA Loop cycle will win. The OODA Loop found advocates not only in the U.S. military, but also in the realms of business and sports anywhere a competitor seeks and edge. (McIntosh, 2011). Welch recognized that if GE was to win against the completion he needed to cycle its strategic planning OODA Loop faster. He responded by eliminating 5 layers of bureaucracy and over 50% of the planning staff. We used to have department managers, sector managers, subsector managers, unit managers, and
  • 27. Interview With A Certified Nurse Practitioner Our healthcare system is ever evolving, remarkably changing the sphere of nursing practice. The roles of Advanced Nurse Practice practitioners are expanding, taking up a multitude of roles across a diversified healthcare specialties. Advance Nurse Practice practitioner stands as leader in this comprehensive profession bridging the gap in managementand clinical aspect of care (McDermott Morant, 2010), reflecting the complexity of culture, organization and practice setting (Hyrkas Dende,2008) to improve the quality of patient care. This paper is about the interview with a Certified Nurse Practitioner. The Certified Nurse Practitioner interviewed is from the Hematology/Oncology Department in one of the university affiliated hospitals in Chicago. The purpose of the interview is to learn about the competencies needed to successfully perform the various roles of a Certified Nurse Practitioner in this complex health system. The rationale of the interview process is to give an opportunity as a graduate student to assimilate primary care competencies into specialty nurse practitioner practice that exemplify professional value, scholarship, service, and culturally global awareness (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2014) that can be advantageous for my professional development. The interview showed the importance of knowledge of competencies appropriately applied in practice essential in the functions and roles of a Certified Nurse Practitioner within the scope of practice for
  • 28. Top Fastest Growing Real Estate Markets 5 Fastest Growing Real Estate Markets in South Asia South Asia is the world s fastest growing region where the value and importance of real estate is more than anywhere else in the world. It is a diverse continent where people have different ways of trading. You must know the fastest growing real estate markets in South Asia before you start your property search. The 5 fast growing real estate markets in south Asia are discussed below Pakistan real estate market Pakistan s economy faced depression in 2012. In 2013, the political scenario was quite unpredictable and challenging but the position of Lahore real estate market was relatively attractive for the same year. It was due to the success of the agricultural sector. Generally the political scenario does not have a deep impact on the real estate market because the economy of Pakistan is quite informal and investors are attracted to invest in the property market. The year 2014 was also positive for the economy of Pakistan and since the beginning of this year, real estate market of Pakistan showed stability in both residential and commercial terms. Now the real estate market is showing positive results. The demand of the properties in the leading cities like Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi is also increased along with some increase in the prices. New and existing projects also show upward growth. Rawalpindi/Islamabad real estate markets are growing and receiving more investments but Lahore property market is going through
  • 29. The Destruction Of The Ganges River In The United States Pete Seeger sang, sailing up my dirty stream, still I love it and I ll keep the dream
. All around the world, rivers that are culturally and economically important are being polluted. Three examples of this unfortunate phenomena are the Ganges River in India, the Han River in Korea, and the Hudson River in the United States. Hindus consider the Ganges to be the goddess Ganga personified. They believe that bathing in the river is cleansing, resulting in the forgiveness of sins and salvation. All people, it is believed, should experience this sacred river at least once in their life. Many important festivals take place along the banks of this river. The Ganges River also irrigates a large area of farmland, where rice, sugarcane, lentils and wheat are grown. Unfortunately, the Ganges River has been polluted by sewage, trash, food, and human and animal remains, and industrial waste. Water borne illnesses, including cholera, hepatitis, typhoid and amoebic dysentery are widespread. Although a very important river to the people of India, the Ganges is also a very polluted river. ... Show more content on ... Ganghwa Island, at the mouth of the river, guards the only water route to the capital, Seoul. The Han River has long been used as a route for trade, diplomacy, and cultural and technological exchange with China by way of the Yellow Sea. Even today Psy sings about the importance of living south of the river. These days, the Han River is still important, providing drinking water and irrigation for agriculture and generating hydroelectric power. However, the Han River is also polluted. There is industrial pollution, as well as farm runoff containing fertilizers, insecticides, and manure from area farms. These pollutants result in gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases for the people who depend on this river. The Han River is another example of an important river that has been terribly
  • 30. Ultra Sonic Radar System USER DEFINED PROJECT ON ULTRASONIC RADAR 1 : PREPARED BY : Kamal Parmar (080140111029) Prashant Saija (080140111051 ) Chitrangi Shah (080140111053 ) GUIDED BY : Vishal Borad 2 Outline...: Outline... In this presentation, we have covered : Introduction RADAR System. RADAR Equation. Classifications of radar. Block Diagram. Main parts of the hardware Technical Specifications WWIGO, Features System requirements for wwigo . Wwigo detected PATTERN Application Of US RADAR Conclusion. Bibliography 3 PowerPoint Presentation: RADAR(RAdio Detection and Ranging ) Radar is an object detection system that uses electromagnetic waves to identify the range, altitude, direction, or speed of both moving and fixed objects such as aircraft, ships, motor ... Show more content on ... 15 PowerPoint Presentation: MONOSTATIC RADAR When we use single antenna for both transmission and reception purpose such a radar called as monostatic radar. BISTATIC RADAR If two separates antennas are used for transmission and reception , then such a radar is called as bistatic radar. 16 Main parts of the hardware: Main parts of the hardware In this hardware basically there are four main parts as listed below. Power supply Transmitter Receiver Alarm System 17 Block diagram: Block diagram Waveform Generator Transducer (Tx) Alarm System Amplifier Balanced Circuit Transducer (Rx) Transmitter Receiver 18 Transmitter circuit diagram: Transmitter circuit diagram 19 PowerPoint Presentation: This circuit works on 9 12 VDC and can be used with batteries or a power supply. Transmitter sections comprises of waveform generator and ultrasonic transducer which is nothing but like a speaker with 40 kHz frequency. In transmitter section, piezo electric transducer is used to transmit the ultrasonic frequency. There are several oscillator circuits suitable for driving ultrasonic transducer. 20
  • 31. PowerPoint Presentation: Sine wave drive: Sine wave drive can be used to provide the electrical signal to transducer. This sine wave drive minimizes harmonics that may excite transducer in an overtone mode (vibrate at multiple of the resonate frequency). Pulse wave drive: We can also use pulse drive to drive the transducer. Application of the dc pulse of 10 20V will cause the
  • 32. Benefits Of Solar Scale Renewable Energy Abstract This paper will discuss the topic of small scale Renewable Energy (RE) technologies, their progress and prospects in developing countries. Specifically, five technologies will be given a closer look: tidal array, geothermal, anaerobic digestion, small scale hydro (micro and mini), and small combined heat and power (CHP). The paper will explain the technologies and the setting in which they can be applied, and look at case studies from developing countries where small scale RE are making a difference. A particular look at those five small scale technology has been chosen since some of them are underdeveloped and show promising potential for installations. The paper will conclude by describing the potential development prospects in terms of markets where these technologies could, respectively, expand. Keywords component; renewable energy, small scale technology, low carbon development, off grid electrification, (key words) I.INTRODUCTION This paper strives to shed light on the advantages of s scale renewable energy technologies, specifically five of those technologies, small hydroelectric, geothermal, anaerobic digestion, small CHP, tidal energy. While there are many more, this paper focuses specifically on the five by now which matured and have already been somewhat implemented, and are innovative. These are renewable energy whose plant capacity is typically (can typically produce) under 50MW, most often up to 10MW. The paper then strives to look at each
  • 33. Roman Polanski s Abuse In The Pianist When you hear Roman Polanski s name, what do you think of? Rosemary s Baby? The Pianist? What about Woody Allen? Do you think about Annie Hall, or maybe Hannah and Her Sisters? You probably know who Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando and Michael Fassbender. For members of the Academy of Motion Pictures, these names may ring some bells for their work as directors or actors, and it s probably for their work in the film industry. For members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, you may recognize these names from interviewing them or writing about their work. They all have something in common that I find quite alarming: They have been accused of abuse or rape. Whether you work behind the scenes with them, share the screen with them, or write... Show more content on ... We knew all about Winona Ryder s arrest and we knew all about Robert Downey Jr. s struggle with drug addiction. So, if other celebrities can be thought of by their crimes in addition to their work, why is it that so many cases of rape and abuse seem to be swept under the rug by the film industry and the press? The film industry continues to work and award people like Michael Fassbender (who has two Academy Award and five Golden Globe nominations under his belt), even though they may have threw their girlfriend and dragged her alongside a car when he was drunk, causing a swollen ankle, a burst ovarian cyst, a broken nose, and a blown out knee cap. A victim, like Amber Heard, can have photographic evidence, witnesses, and a video of Johnny Depp abusing her, and Johnny Depp can still have five upcoming projects. As the public realize that your industry believe entertainers and entertainment is worth more than women s safety, (Campoamor) you won t end up profiting from their
  • 34. The Man In The Grey Flannel Suit Business Roles The five movies included in this assignment, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit (1956), Network (1976), Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), The Social Network (2010) and Joy (2015), are all iconic business movies of their time. They all portray business practices and values in their own unique way. The characters roles and actions in these films shows how business has evolved over this sixty year timeframe. Not only the types of businesses that they work for but also the gender roles, ethics of business, and ways in which business is conducted on a moral standpoint can also been seen evolving throughout time when these movies were released. The first film, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, is a drama about a low income white collar worker named Tom... Show more content on ... The film takes place at Harvard where Mark goes to college, he is seen as a nerdy kid with not many friends. The opening scene plays a major role in the creation of his website. The breakup with his girlfriend leads to his creation of a website called facemash where people compare girls pictures. Eventually after getting more ideas from friends, like changing the name from TheFacebook to Facebook, and using parts of other students ideas, he slowly grew Facebook into what it is today. What began in his dorm room as a bunch of blogging and programming became global social network and one of the greatest modern innovations of communication. Along the way he made enemies by stealing ideas, destroyed friendships by cutting people out of the business, broke laws, and was sued multiple times. Just like it said on the movie s cover, You don t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies. As we ve seen from the previous movie, Glengarry Glen Ross, business has become a frenzy of fierce competition and unforgiving transactions. Mark even backstabbed his best friend so that the company could grow even larger. One theme that was prevalent throughout the movie was the accumulation of social capital. As seen throughout history, social capital is almost always a key to success. Mark gained social
  • 35. Love Obstacles In The Vow, By Rachael Sucsy Life is all about moments of impact, and how they change our lives forever, but what if one day you could no longer remember any of them? Leo. The Vow is a romantic drama movie that takes place in Toronto and Chicago where the couple and their friends and family live. It is a movie that is based on the real life story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter; Kim never regain her lost memories but they are still together today, with two children Ebert. It was directed by Michael Sucsy, written by Abby John, Marc S, and Jason K. The great job of the main protagonists Rachael Adams as Paige and Channing Tatum as Leo make this film an excellent movie because; it explores sacrificial love, has complex love obstacles, and includes attentive/attractive... Show more content on ... Romantic drama film is a genre that explores the complex side of love The Script Lab. Leo does an excellent job by taking the obstacles as challenges not as excuses to leave, for example, one f the first challenges he confronts is when Paige wakes up in the hospital and calls him doctor instead of husband, and he tried to explain her kindly how things were even if he was broken inside. Paige s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton did not have a clue who her husband was and when they all met for the first time in the hospital, it was clear that her parents were in complete disapproval of that marriage. Her parents were not only trying to take her away from him but they were willing to use Paige s memory loss as an opportunity to regain her again after losing her due to her father s affair. Leo did not care Mr. and Mrs. Thornton were not on his side, he tried to help her in any way he could, he even tolerated Paige when she reunited with her High School friends and even flirted with her ex husband, Jeremy who in her mind was current husband. All this obstacles seemed worthy to Leo who was willing to do everything to regain the love of his
  • 36. Nelson Mandela Analysis The relationship that develops between Nelson Mandela and Francois Pienaar in the movie Invictus suggests how crucial of a role they play as leaders to the people of South Africa. Even though, Pienaar is white and Mandela is black, they both work towards uniting a divided nation despite their differences. Regarding Nelson Mandela, he uses his voice and presidential power to find a way in which he can unite the whites and blacks of South Africa. When he discovers that sports, particularly rugby, can be used as a method to unite the people of South Africa to cheer for one team despite how divided its people may be, it signifies how influential and wise of a leader he is to the people of South Africa. This is so inspiring for me because he found an interest that both the whites and blacks of South Africa have in common that will help bridge the gap between them despite their troubled history with each other. Some characteristics of Mandela that indicate how influential of a leader he became for the people of South Africa is because of his transparence, empathy, courtesy, and humility. Mandela served as such a vital figure as a leader in uniting South Africa through his devotion to the rugby team. He understood how influential this team was to the entire nation, and he made every effort to establish a close relationship with the team by frequently meeting and speaking with the players and attending their games. Due to his valiant efforts, he did everything he could to help inspire the team by investing so much time into their success as a leader to the point where they felt that they would have failed the entire nation had they not won the World Cup. Now, this surge of success among the rugby team was ignited by the captain of the team himself, Francois Pienaar. Francois Pienaar developed into a very crucial leader for not only the South African rugby team, but for the people of South Africa. He not only led the rugby team to success on the field, but due to his close relationship with Mandela he was able to inspire and motivate his teammates towards winning the World Cup. For Pienaar, winning the World Cup meant so much more to him than simply having the opportunity to hold up a trophy, but rather to provoke
  • 37. Medieval Warm Period Essay Over the years, the world has undergone a number changes that have altered the course of history. Infectious diseases and climate changes have the ability to create a new path for history to follow. These natural phenomena not only start and end civilizations, but they can also bring about new technological advancements. The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was one of these phenomena that played a major role in shaping the history of Europeand had a great impact on creating the world we live in now. During the Middle Ages, around 950 A.D., Europe experienced a slightly warmer climate and this era was called the Medieval Warm Period. According to climatologists, the earth s temperature increased by one degree Celsius; however, they are still uncertain ... Show more content on ... However, as the warming began, several alterations were made to this system. Since there were more new lands for cultivation, landlords decided to rent the land to peasants, instead of making them work on the lands. The peasants farmed the land and paid the landlords in money. The profit that was made by selling the crops that were produced on their farms helped the peasants survive. People were able to disperse and find new lands to settle in. This renting system became very effective and after a few years landlords would simply rent their land. This freed many of the people from their duties tied to the land and they use their other
  • 38. Noah And Gilgamesh Comparison There are numerous likenesses and contrasts between the Gilgamesh flood account and the biblical surge account (Genesis 6 8), starting with God picking an exemplary man to manufacture an ark as a result of a looming extraordinary flood. In the two records, tests from all types of creatures were to be on the ark, and birds creatures were utilized after the downpours to decide whether flood waters had died down anyplace to uncover dry land. There are different likenesses between the Gilgamesh surge account and the scriptural surge account. Amid the mid nineteenth century, this total Epic of Gilgamesh (from 650 BC) was uncovered in a few remnants at Nineveh s extraordinary library, and the profundity and broadness of likenesses and contrasts ... Show more content on ... A noble man (Genesis 6:9) was coordinated to assemble an ark to spare a restricted and select gathering of individuals and all types of creatures (Noah got his requests straightforwardly from God, Utnapishtim from a fantasy). Both arks were immense, despite the fact that their shapes varied. Noah s was rectangular; Utnapishtim s was square. Both arks had a solitary entryway and no less than one window. An awesome rain secured the land and mountains with water, albeit some water rose up out of underneath the earth in the scriptural record (Genesis 7:11). Biblical flooding was 40 days and evenings (Genesis 7:12), while the Gilgamesh surge was considerably shorter (six days and evenings). Birds were discharged to discover arrive (a raven and three pigeons in the scriptural record, Genesis 8:6 12; a bird, swallow, and raven in the other). After the downpours stopped, the two arks stopped on a mountain, Noah s on Ararat (Genesis 8:4); Utnapishtim s on Nisir. These mountains are around 300 miles separated. Sacrifices were offered after the surge (Genesis
  • 39. Bis 220 Introduction to Computer Applications and Systems... BIS 220 Introduction To Computer Applications and Systems /Complete Class Click Link below To Purchase: http://homework 220 Complete Class 256.htm BIS 220 Week 1 Individual Information Technology Acts Paper Select two of the following acts to research: Do Not Call Implementation Act, 2003 Controlling the Assault of Non solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN SPAM) Act, 2003 Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 2002 Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (US Patriot Act), 2001, renewed 2006 Children s Internet Protection Act, 2000 Financial Services Modernization Act, 1999 Children s Online Privacy Protection... Show more content on ... Efficiency and Collaboration Proposal BIS 220 Week 3 LT, Efficiency and Collaboration Proposal Resources: Ch. 1 2 of ExcelВ® in MicrosoftВ® Office 2010. Scenario: Imagine you are an employee of Party Plates, a company that manufactures decorative paper plates and napkins for special events. Your team has been assigned a new project. The president of your company has tasked you with improving the efficiency of the current information systems used in the sales department, because the current systems are somewhat antiquated. Your organization is currently using MicrosoftВ® ExcelВ® to track all personnel data, but would like to migrate to a relational database like MicrosoftВ® AccessВ®. You have also been tasked with identifying potential collaborative software that may improve internal communications and help streamline some of the work processes for the sales department. Prepare a 350 to 700 word proposal addressing the potential implementation of new information systems in your organization. Explain the usefulness of converting data currently held in MicrosoftВ® ExcelВ® spreadsheets into a relational database using MicrosoftВ® AccessВ®. Describe the benefits of using MicrosoftВ® AccessВ® in the work environment. Include suggestions for the future use of collaborative software and how it can help the sales
  • 40. The Little Mermaid Feminist History How has the 1989 film, The Little Mermaid, specifically contributed to the commodification of marginalizing and sexualizing women that has created Disney into one of the most globally recognized companies in history? The late 1980 s release of The Little Mermaid is not coincidental but instead critically significant in its relevance within history during the era of feminist advancement and empowerment within society. It is imperative that Disney s skewed recreation of the beloved tale about The Little Mermaid be analytically criticized because it was meticulously portrayed, released, and viewed by products of a privileged patriarchy, thus idly celebrated by ignorance. It is also important to hypothesize the comparison between The Little Mermaid s ... Show more content on ... This story, like many other Disney stories, involves a young, naГЇve girl who is easily and illogically swayed by the good looks and charm of the handsome man, the same heterosexual and misogynistic fairy tale that is constantly recreated in each of Disney s movies. The same company that retold classic fables like Cinderella, Pocahontas, and Sleeping Beauty, notoriously exploits, objectifies, and hypersexualizes women s bodies and femininity and has created a multibillion dollar industry that profits from its demeaning ideals that negatively categorizes and homogenizes women. The Little Mermaid is no exception in the way it portrays beauty in terms of youth, smallness, and a pretty singing voice, thus subliminally sending the message to its youthful audience that women must prove their womanhood to men, the ultimate and most important judges or they are in fact inauthentic and flawed. This story also idealizes and constructs ways that feminism is falsely related to sexuality, consequently assuming that women s transition from childhood to womanhood is influentially provoked by their sexual curiosity and promiscuity, and unable to resist the opposite sex s carnal advances. Arial is just another example of the ways in which Disney ritually practices invoking inferior complexes to the linkage of women, depicting them as susceptible and needy of the dramatically hypermasculinized men, insinuating their superiority as the saviors of these women. This, however, poses the idea that this antiquated idealism may potentially emanate from patriarchal society s intimidation by the threatening challenge women pose to masculinity if these sexist ideas were to ever cease. Undeniably, The Little Mermaid is another classical children s tale that has
  • 41. Salamanca Short Story Analysis Salamanca s mother left her, this made Sal feel a dire need to see her mother again. Farah Ahmadi want s to escape her hostile country with her mom. Bailey wants to get back to the person he cherishes. However, Salamanca, Farah, and Bailey went after what was necessary to them. Salamanca s objective was to get reunited her mother again. She would do anything to see her mother. Thirteen year old Salamanca Tree Hiddle known as Sal is traveling from Ohio to Idaho, in search of her mother, (Creech, summary). After examining this shows Sal would do anything to see her mother. Even though Sal yearned for her mom, she was afraid to see her. Gram and Gramps knew that I wanted to see momma, but that I was afraid to, (Hiddle 5). Although Sal misses her mother, she is afraid of what might happen. Sal was attached to her mother and kept everything she gave her. When we moved to Euclid, one of the first things I did was to unpack the gifts my mother had given me. On the wall, I tacked the poster of the red hen which my mother had given me for my fifth birthday, and the drawing of the barn she had given me for my last birthday. On my desk were pictures of her and cards from her. On the bookshelf, the wooden animals and books were presents from her, (Hiddle 50). As much as Sal misses her she knows she has to see her mom. Sal really misses her mom and she went after her needto see her. Farah s objective was to get out of her hostile
  • 42. The Executive Branch The years from the founding of our country to the civil war were tumultuous times. Precedents were set, the power of the various branches of government was constantly called into question, and issues like slavery and sovereignty split the country into factions. As the will of the people changed, new political parties were formed to accommodate this; while irrelivant parties would fade from public consciousness. At the time we reveled at our own ability to change power so peacefully with every presidential election. Each new candidate represented different mindsets and had completely different goals but amazingly the system we had so painstakingly designed to allow power to shift in the government bloodlessly, was working. The same principles... Show more content on ... The first president to really push the limits of presidential power was Andrew Jackson. He was the first Democrat to be elected president. His first controversial move was his refusal to renew the bank charter. This essentially killed the National bank, a veto power that no one had ever thought or intended the president would have. Jackson then took all the money and put it into state banks. So all at once he expanded national power and affirmed the power of the states to regulate currency. He also managed to cause an economic crisis while he was at it. Next Jackson ignored the supreme court decision that Georgia had no claim to the Native American lands within it. This decision was in line with the desires of the people of Georgia, but it ignored the power of the supreme court. Finally when South Carolina began refusing to pay the high Tariffs on goods Jackson passed the force bill so he could send troops into the state to collects the tariffs. This law not only affirmed the power of the executive branch but also the power of the federal government over the states. With this bill he explicitly denied that nullification was a right of the states. However with South Carolina threatening to secede Henry Clay stepped in with a compromise to keep South Carolina in the union. All of Jackson s actions earned him the moniker King Andrew the First as seen in a political cartoon showing him dressed in traditional clothing of a monarch. These fears of oligarchical rule had been deeply prevalent in America since our separation from England. They were present years before Jackson was elected when the Constitution was being written, and they were still deeply ingrained in people s minds decades later. These lingering Anti monarchy sentiments almost certainly contributed to the reluctance of the people
  • 43. The Determinants Of The National Business Environment Essay To better understand why some nations are more competitive than others, Porter conducted the research in order to look for determinants in the national business environment that can explain why in some countries firms in particular industries are more successful than those in other nations . (Ard Pieter de Man, 1997, p. 48) The research culminated in framework known as diamond which describes the determinants of competitive advantage. Porter identified four attributes that promote or impede the creation of competitive advantage: (1) factor conditions, (2) demand conditions, (3) related and supporting industries, and (4) firm strategy, structure, and rivalry . (Dirk Morschett, 2015, p. 176) Factor conditions, represents the nation s factors of production, such as climate, land, natural resources, skilled labor and infrastructure. Demand conditions, refers to the nature and size of the domestic demand for an industry s products and services (Dirk Morschett, 2015, p. 178). Related and supporting industries determinant refers to the existence or non existence in the national environment related suppliers and other industries that are competitive in international markets. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry, refers to how companies are created, organized and managed, as well as the nature of domestic rivalry (Porter, 1990b, p. 81) Analyzing China and Egypt in terms of the competitiveness will help to better understand how the diamond framework works. China s economy is
  • 44. Meaning Of Psalm 139 SIM #7 Psalm 139 Genre: The genre of Psalm 139 is Hebrew poetry, simply because the psalms were written in Hebrew and are a collection of poems and laments. The first principle of interoperation is that the psalms blend experience, emotion, and theology. This should be taken into account while reading the poem in order that the reader does not simply skip over the theology by only focusing on experience and emotion. The second interoperation principle is that each psalm should be read as a whole. Verses of psalmsshould not be taken out of context, in doing this the reader may distort the meaning of the psalm. Another interpretation principle to take into consideration is the different genres of psalms such as: laments, thanksgiving, hymns of praise, wisdom, and songs of trust. With that being said, Psalm 139 not only falls under the Hebrew poetrygenre, but is also classified as a psalm of trust. Lastly, the fourth interpretation principle is that parallelisms are used. In other words, ideas correlate in many different ways such as: synonymously, antithesis, intensifying, specifying, and synthetically. Grammatical/Literacy: Why does David specify that God will hold him with his right hand? What is the depths and does this refer to hell? Historical/Cultural: Are concerning and precious interchangeable in Hebrew (During this time period)? Does written in your (God s) book refer to the Old Testament that has been previously written, such as the Mosaic Covenant?
  • 45. The Great Recession Of The United States In the hyper competitive world of today s mega corporations controlled by the sway of the stock market, giant old industrial era companies rule over the automobile market in the United States as well as large parts of the global automobile market. Companies such as General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford were at the center of it until the economic crisis now known as the Great Recession of the late 2000s. The whole market was declining in sales with General Motors and Chrysler taking the biggest hits while Ford only suffered decline comparable to foreign automakers , Honda and Toyota, levels due to restructuring in prior years. However, the tipping point was edging closer to bankruptcy with General Motors and Chrysler that ultimately... Show more content on ... What are these values? They are specifically five principles: human dignity, common good, subsidiarity, solidarity, and universal destination of goods as well as eight values: love, prayer, stability, conversation, obedience, discipline, humility, stewardship, hospitality, and community. They define the core of the Christian faith s ethical code. The United States government was founded on Christian principles that are at the heart of how it operates as an entity in the world. Therefore, it should hopefully stay within the Christian ethical code. The other major player in this situation, the union, was founded on similar beliefs as these, so it should also stay within the Christian ethical code. However, in this situation we will learn that the United States government and the union both break this ethical code. First, the United States walks a line for their position in society. Many people turn to the government as the place to fix the problem. Unfortunately, the government should not always use its power and ability especially with the power of money, laws, and control. The government is supposed to look out for the public in ways that support the values of community, stability, and common good. However, I do not believe that they were acting in the term specifically for the automaker
  • 46. Panera Bread Marketing Mix Proposal Essay Signature Frozen Yogurt Table of Contents Executive Summary For the past 28 years we have been committed to offering a wide variety of healthy entrГ©e options at the highest quality for a reasonable price, however, we have never offered a selection of healthy option desserts and therefore have decided to launch a new product, the Signature Frozen Yogurt. This product is a secret blend of all natural ingredients. One of the most important ingredients is real nonfat milk, which has been certified by the National Yogurt Association to carry the Live and Active Cultures. Regardless of the flavor, our crispy and tangy yogurt is designed to awaken the senses and blend perfectly with each of our freshly cut fruit toppings. It is low... Show more content on ... The goal is to have customers name Panera Bread as their number one option when asked about their preferences of frozen yogurt. Along with the introduction of the Frozen Yogurt into the New York and California store locations will be an initial investment of $685,816, which consists of all the machinery, installation and training costs for all 154 cafes located in the mentioned states. The forecasted return on investment is predicted to be 0.16, and to break even we would have to obtain sales of 152,765 units at an averaged out price of $4.49, which takes in account all variations for the different prices for different size containers. Based on our established customer list, we expect that 40% of all the people in the states of California and New York will be our customers and that 30% of these customers will be likely to purchase dessert and one of their store visits throughout the year, which we have calculated to be roughly 12 20 times for each individual. In the first year of implementation, from April 2010 to December 2010, we expect to have sell approximately 14,408 units and double sales volume by year end 2011.We expect that this project will increase Earnings Before Tax and Interest (EBIT) by approximately $30,593 and increase Net Income by approximately $18, 968. Business Mission and Vision Our mission statement is A loaf of bread in every arm and frozen yogurt in each hand. Our commitment is to actively contribute to the community today through donation
  • 47. Blade Runner Final Scene The film Blade Runner: The final cut, directed by Ridley Scott takes place in a futuristic society. We are given a summary of what will be going on in the film since the very first scene of the film. The setting of the film is demonstrated early on showing how important the setting of this film will be for the understanding of what is going on. The setting of the filmtakes place in futuretime in Los Angeles in the year 2019.In the White Scrolling text we learn about the Tyrell Corporation, an advanced high tech corporation that focuses on the production of human replicants. The Tyrell Corporation is significant in how the film develops as it is where the most important scenes that interpret the film occur. The opening scene starts off at the Tyrell Corporation we can see the odd pyramid shape architecture of the building. This first scene in the film is one of the most important scenes because throughout the film what Leon says in this first scene is... Show more content on ... The first symbol that is very apparent is that of the eyes. The opening scene, before it leads us to the Tyrell Corporation shows a close up of an eye. Also, when the thought to be replicants are given the Voight Kompff test to see whether the individuals are actually human, a close examination of their iris is given to identify any reaction. The eye can also show emotion that the examiner is looking for since eyes are widely referred to as the windows to the soul. Another theme that jumps out with the symbolism of eyes is how the replicants have a light up glow in their eyes. In The scene where Rachel is introduced to Deckard inside the Tyrell building it seems as if her eyes glow in a way. In this scene is also when we are introduced to a robotic owl the pet replicant of. Rachel asks Do you like our owl? When Deckard asks if it s artificial she assures him that it is. The artificial owl in the building represents the wisdom of
  • 48. Cosmos Of Fire The reflection of the uncreated in the created necessarily presents itself under diverse aspects, and even under an indefinite variety of aspects, each of which has about it something whole and total, so that there are a multiplicity of visions of the cosmos, all equally possible and legitimate in so far as they spring from the universal and immutable principles. Titus Burkhardt. To every shield, there is another side, hidden. A. N. Whitehead. In the Hesiodic account of the world ages, preserved in the ancient writing known to us as the Works and Days, the poet briefly describes the age of the heroes. He tells us that the heroes were nobler far than their immediate predecessors and in this they reversed for a time the... Show more content on ... The everliving fire centered in itself beyond all worlds lies at the heart of all worlds from it flow all movement, all life, all knowledge. It is the Eternal: that which never sets , that which at the end of each world age destroys the old and kindles the new. It may be truthfully called by other names such as Zeus, justice, wisdom, logos. It is both willing and unwilling to be so called. Willing in that such names reflect qualities in its nature: unwilling in that in essence it lies beyond all such qualities. This divine fire forges into existence the structured cosmos. The cosmos is imaged by the Homeric warrior to himself as a sphere. Across the horizontal diametrical plane stretches the flat disc of the earth encircled by the vast streams of Oceanus ever flowing back into itself. The earth is covered by the inverted bowl of the overworld a bronze[1] dome across which the sun, moon, and stars move in their risings out of Oceanus in the east, to their settings into Oceanus in the west. Earth rests on the under world of Erebos and Hades rooted at its greatest depth in the gulfs of Tartarus. About the upper hemisphere of the overworld glitters the threefold light of the Empyrean. The brazen walls of Tartarus are enclosed by threefold darkening layers of night. The cosmic sphere is held in an outer wheel of darkness and light which in its rotations reflects into the cosmos the
  • 49. Generation After Generation, In Different Countries Of Generation after generation, in different countries of the world, there has always been different styles of bodily expression. Dance is a special form of art which movement of the body creates. One of the most delicate types of dance is ballet, a form that evokes great emotion. For Martha Graham, ballet was not only a dance: it was a way to express a fear or happiness with gestures created by the body. Scholars have recognized Graham as having made revolutionary changes in dance: in form, subject matter, and theme. Martha Grahamwas one of the most influential figures in American modern dance, and her techniques and styles continue to be practiced today. She became widely known throughout all ages and decades. As time went on, she became... Show more content on ... Martha knew that practice was the basis of all good dance and, therefore, a fundamental. Graham s intense belief in practice aided in forming such a unique technique. To practice means to perform, in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire, Practice is a mean of inviting the perfection desired. (Martha Graham) It is said that Martha worked on her falls for fifty years, and they grew more beautiful and complex each time she performed them. This technique is not the only one she worked to perfection. However, it provides a quality example to her devotion to the art of dance. Graham is considered one of the major and most influential dancers in America. Graham s craving for dance gave her the strength and determination she needed to become one of the best. Her incredible emotions changed the dancing world, not only in her style as a dancer, but in her innovative style of choreography (182). Graham was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, on May 11, 1894 (Pratt 8). She was the daughter of Jane Beers and George Graham and the oldest of three daughters. She also had a brother named William Henry Graham, but he died of scarlet fever at eighteen months. This devastated the family, especially Martha s father. George had always wanted a son; once they were blessed with one he was no sooner taken away from
  • 50. Research Paper On Colony Farm Sometimes the best surprises are right beneath your nose. Colony Farm Regional Park is one of those surprises. What comes to mind when you visualize the Port Mann bridge, Cape Horn Exchange and Lougheed Highway? I suspect your blood pressure is rising and you are thinking of toll bridges and Monday morning rush hour traffic congestion. I challenge you to reimagine the area! Slow down, take a few minutes out of your hectic schedule and follow the signs to Colony Farm. Within minutes you will find yourself in the middle of hedgerows, open fields and wetlands. During my recent visit to the farm, I began my walk from the parking area adjacent to the main park entrance and near the community gardens. Being early in the season, the gardens were quite bare, but a promise of a bountiful harvest to come was evident. I followed the ... Show more content on ... Originally a mental health facility, the original farm land provided food for the hospital s patients. Over the years the farm became world famous for its Holstein cattle. Most of the barns and buildings are long gone, but as you wonder along the Sheep Paddock Trail and the Wilson Farm Dyke trail it is not difficult to imagine the cattle grazing in the fields and the farmers tending the crops. The sound of frogs croaking serenaded me as I meandered along the trail on my way back to my car. It struck me that I was no longer thinking of traffic jams and bridge congestion. Instead I was marveling at how Mother Nature, with a little support from the dedicated naturalists at Colony Farm, was fighting to keep this unique wetlands area a green oasis. Blood pressure normal 120/80 thank you Colony Farm! Getting There: From Highway 1, take the Cape Horn Interchange to the Lougheed Highway. Turn right on Colony Farm Road and follow the signs to the parking area. Trails: The trails at Colony Farm are flat and short, open to both cycling and biking. Dogs on leash are
  • 51. Men Are From Mars Men are from Mars; women are from Venus. John Gray argues that the Martians; men, and the Venusians; women, are completely different that it seems that they come from different planets. The definition of gender differences is based on the concept of gender, which refers to socially defined differences between men and women. Which is about a particular culture, certain careers, health, communication, social awareness and in the environment. I believe from the research I have done, that yes, females and males have different parts and chemicals going on in the brain, but that it is more influenced by their surroundings, such as parents, teachers, peers and even stereotypes. All that is said, affects the brain, but I do not think that is rooted
  • 52. Alcoholics Family Characteristics Family Roles and Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics Addiction is a disease that not only affects the person with the addiction but the family as well. The children that grow up in this environment take on different roles in their family to try and cope with their environment. According to American Association for Marriage and FamilyTherapy, there is an estimate of 26.8 million children that are exposed to alcoholismin the family (2015). As these children grow up they develop many common characteristics into adulthood. These characteristics have a lasting impact on their lives. According to Gold, More than 28 million Americans have seen at least one parent suffer alcohol s serious adverse effects, leading to serious family ... Show more content on ... The ACOA has to guess what normal behavior is because growing up in such a dysfunctional home they had none. The ACOA, have difficulty following a project through from beginning to end and lie when it would be better to tell the truth. Furthermore, the adult children of alcoholics judges themselves without mercy (Weintraub, 2015).The adult children of alcoholics take themselves very seriously in their life. Also, the ACOA has difficulty with intimate relationships. The ACOA, overact to change over which they have no control and constantly seek approval and affirmation. As well as, feeling different from other people and are super responsible or super irresponsible. The adult children of alcoholics are extremely loyal, even in the face of evidence that the loyalty is undeserved. Lastly, the adult children of alcoholics are impulsive. This can lead to going full steam ahead without realizing the consequences that it may incur (Weintraub,
  • 53. The Impact Of The Great Westward Migration When the Pacific Railroad Act ordered for the construction of the Transcontinental railroad in 1862, most people were able to find the positive side in the new form of transportation. Westward migration had previously been difficult for groups such as the Mormons and many others due to the harsh environment, as well as, natives attacking weary travelers. With the new railroad, westward migration would be easier than ever, allowing for what is referred to as the Great westward migration . This migration led to the founding of land in which towns and full cities were derived. However, with the great westward migration also came what many referred to as hell on wheels . As the railroad expanded westward, so did unsavory past times including, gambling, prostitution, and the building of saloons (Outline:Railroads). Not surprisingly, what many call the oldest profession in the world existed in Nevadaeven before the great westward migration occurred, prostitution. Before the transcontinental railroad was built, the mining boom was in full swing. When the Comstock Lode was struck in Nevada, many flocked to Virginia City (which at the time was in Utah territory) in hopes of finding plentiful amounts of silver. The majority of the population of Virginia City in 1860 were men, outnumbering women 16 to 1, with fifty percent of these men being under the age of 30 (Outline: The Comstock and Statehood). Though it was recorded that only four percent of women in the Comstock were in
  • 54. The Transmission Of Measles Virus Measles is a highly transmissible viral infection caused by the rubeola virus. The first published record of the disease dates back to the 9th century. It has become an increased problem in the United States due to the elevated population travelling around the globe. Most outbreak cases of measles have come from Germany, India, England, France, Vietnam and the Philippines (MeaslesCases and Outbreaks, 2017). The most recent measles outbreak was discovered on January 5th, 2015. After researching the outbreak, it was concluded that it originated between December 17th and 20th of 2014. It was linked to two Disney theme parks in California and believed to have been originally transmitted from the Philippines (Measles Outbreak, 2015). A total of... Show more content on ... With close work and school proximity, children and adults would easily become infected if they were non immune. Adults who must stay home to care for sick children, would miss work and decrease their business s productivity. The government would increase funds for the hospitals and health departments to treat the increased patient acuity and provide proper immunizations. Hospitals would need to increase staff to provide adequate care. Many areas of the community would be affected by a measles outbreak. At the first sign of measles, health care providers are required to immediately report their findings to the county health department. Even without lab work for proof of the virus in the community, health care practitioners should still declare suspicions of the virus. This will help to decrease the spread of the disease throughout the community. If the outbreak occurred in a public place, a press conference by the Department of Health Bureau of Epidemiology would be needed to inform the public (Measles,
  • 55. Socialism In The United States The logistical system through which all goods and services are distributed and carried out is of concern to everyone within it. In the United States, through our esteemed representative democracy, we stifle this concern by giving the citizen a choice between two right wing, capitalist parties. As a nation our propaganda attacks one party states, but is this only to accentuate the difference between us and them? Is it truly better to be given the choice between two parties over just one to a citizen whose policies do not fall anywhere between, or is it an example of a failure of our education system to curtail the free thought of an individual to the extent where their political ideals cannot be labeled as liberal or conservative? Socialism... Show more content on ... More recently it seems that most profit lies in company wide specialization, and the avant garde of most industries lies entirely in individual companies working towards their own goals. In fact, recently competition has been avoided amongst very large companies, as it is more profitable to exploit the consumer by limiting their options. When the consumer has few to no options, there is little incentive to invest in the improvement of services. Capitalism can be both a catalyst and a hinderance for improvements, and it would be disingenuous to assume socialism couldn t at least match capitalism in this regard. For example in socialistic societies, financial sustainability wouldn t be a concern for freelance or employed thinkers. The idea that capitalism is holistically superior innovatively stems from capitalism s omnipresence on a global scale. The ex post facto attribution of innovative technology to capitalism is a post hoc ergo propter hoc