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Starting A Personal Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "Starting A Personal Essay" can be both a challenging and
rewarding endeavor. The difficulty lies in the unique nature of personal essays, which require a
delicate balance between introspection, storytelling, and self-expression. Unlike more formal or
objective essays, personal essays demand a deep exploration of one's thoughts, experiences, and
emotions, making the writing process inherently personal and, at times, introspective.
Crafting a compelling personal essay involves navigating through the complexities of self-
reflection, as writers need to delve into their memories, feelings, and personal growth. This
introspective journey can be emotionally taxing, as individuals may encounter unexpected
realizations or confront difficult emotions while trying to convey their authentic selves on paper.
Striking the right tone and maintaining a balance between vulnerability and coherence further
adds to the complexity.
Moreover, the challenge extends to finding a captivating starting point for the essay. A powerful
introduction is crucial to engage readers and set the tone for the entire piece. Choosing the right
anecdote, quote, or reflection to initiate the personal narrative requires careful consideration and
creativity. It's not just about sharing personal experiences but doing so in a way that captivates
the audience's attention from the very beginning.
However, despite the inherent difficulties, writing a personal essay on starting a personal essay
can be a rewarding process. It offers an opportunity for self-discovery, growth, and the chance
to connect with readers on a deep, personal level. The challenges in expressing oneself
authentically and crafting a compelling narrative contribute to the sense of accomplishment once
the essay is completed.
In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Starting A Personal Essay" involves navigating the intricate
landscape of self-expression, introspection, and storytelling. While the journey may be
challenging, the end result can be immensely gratifying, both for the writer and the reader who
shares in the personal narrative. If you find yourself needing assistance in writing similar essays
or exploring other topics, you may consider seeking help from professional writing services like
Starting A Personal EssayStarting A Personal Essay
Fairness, Open Mindedness And Neutrality
Professionals in the United States Army stand apart from others involved in
particular careers in the civilian world. Whereas many vocations contain some of
the characteristics of a professional, a lot of careers do not include all of the
necessary to differentiate themselves as being as close to a professional as a United
States soldier. Professionalism grows depending on the time and service that the
individual has in the Army.
A professional is said to have specialized knowledge and skill which can only be
acquired through persistent education and experience. Such skill and experience form
the basis of objective standards of proficient competence that separate the practicing
professional from their peers and measure the proficiency of such professionalism.
This professional knowledge must also be intellectual in nature.
Soldiers are required to accept responsibility for their actions and resulting
consequences. This includes avoiding even the appearance of offensiveness.
Accountability promotes careful, well thought out decision making and limits
thoughtless action. Fairness, open mindedness and neutrality are important aspects of
fairness. Soldiers must be committed to justice in the performance of their official
duties. Decisions must not be illogical, impulsive, or biased. Individuals must be
treated equally and with tolerance.
Such professional is the paratrooper. Paratroopers are military parachutists military
personnel trained in parachuting into an
Essay The Life and Works of Niccolo Machiavelli
NiccolГі Machiavelli is perhaps the greatest political thinker in history. He was a
historian, musician, a poet, and he wrote comedies. He liked poetry as much as he
liked philosophy. Machiavelli wrote and collected poems. His works, which are
inspired by his life experiences, have been read by many of the worlds greatest
politicians. NiccolГі Machiavelli s writing was influenced by the Medici family, the
Soderini government in Italy, and his own diplomatic career. His great work, The
Prince, is legendary for its impact in politics and its controversial proposals.
NiccolГі Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469, in Florence, Italy. This was during
the golden ages of Florence, a powerful point in its history. His parents were Bernardo
... Show more content on ...
Machiavelli himself once said, At an early age, I learned how to scrimp rather than
to thrive (King 3). This meant that Machiavelli was not born into wealth and instead
of being given everything he wanted; he had to work for it.
Machiavelli s father provided him with a rather sufficient education in religion,
classics, and politics. His father loved books. In fact, they had a library where he
collected works by Greek and Roman philosophers such as Cicero and Aristotle
(Wagner 17). He also collected major studies of Italian history. The books that his
father collected provided NiccolГі with a foundation of knowledge about the ideas of
noble Greek and Roman thinkers (Wagner 17). These books would also help shape
NiccolГі s own writings decades later. When Machiavelli grew a little older, he
studied at The Studio, which was essentially a school. The Studio gave Machiavelli a
solid grounding in rhetoric, grammar, poetry, history, and moral philosophy (King 7).
Three days after his 17th birthday, Machiavelli began learning the elements of Latin
under the Supervision of a local teacher known as Maestro Matteo, who conducted
lessons from a house near the Ponte Santa Trinitia (King 6).
Machiavelli desired and had a talent for government work ever since childhood. His
intelligence and passionate political interests were powerful reasons for the attention
from Florentine politicians. For this reason, he was once known as Machia, a pun on
Danticat s The Farming of Bones and George Orwell s...
In 1492, Christopher Columbus founded an island in the western Atlantic Ocean
and he named it Hispaniola. Hispaniola was inhabited by the Arawaks, and they
were the ones responsible for later giving Haiti its name. Haiti soon became one of
France s most prosperous colonies in the America s, and it also became one of the
world s leading chief coffee and sugar producers. Around the 18th century settlement
began to expand here, and Haitiwas settled by Creoles, slaves, Frenchmen, and freed
blacks. Around this time, the Haitian society was undergoing some tough times and a
debate over power had begun. The concern with governmental authority was a major
problem, and within a short period of time, a revolt for independence had broken out,
... Show more content on ...
With all of the problems in Haiti continuing to add up, it is very difficult for Haiti
to rebuild their economy, and make it out of the present state in which they are
currently in (Shah). Though Haiti has been full of hardships and nothing seems to
go right there, it is still full of very talented people who use their experiences to
benefit themselves, and inform others of their life experiences. These people tell
their stories thorough various ways, and some of the most effective ways include
writing books and poems. One of the most renowned authors from Haiti is a woman
named Edwidge Danticat. Danticat was born on January 19, 1969 in Port au Prince,
Haiti. At the age of two her father moved to the United States with the intentions of
finding work, and two years later her mother did the same. While her parents were
away, Danticat stayed with her father s brother in the poor section of Port au
Prince. At the age of twelve, she was able to move to Brooklyn and live with her
parents again. Once there, she attended school and had a hard time adjusting to it
due to the fact that she only spoke Creole and the other students made fun of her on
a daily basis. As time progressed and she learned English, Danticat began to write
stories for her high school s newspaper, and this eventually led to her writing stories
for a living. Edwidge Danticat is a renowned author of Haiti because of her vivid
Comparing Beowulf And Grendel And Beowulf
Since it was first discovered and translated, Beowulf has represented one of the
finest examples of heroic poetry. As a tale reflecting the noble deeds of a hero, it
uniquely expresses the cultural values of the Anglo Saxons from whom it originated
since heroes often do reflect the best of what their culture deems worthwhile.
However, modern adaptations of this work express a different set of cultural values;
values unique to modern society. When comparing the translated poem, Beowulf, to
the 2005 motion picture, Beowulf and Grendel, it is obvious to see that our morals
and ideas are reflected on this ancient poem. The movie, Beowulf and Grendel, and
the epic, Beowulf, are prime examples of the radical cultural differences that have
evolved over time. In Beowulf, the epic, we see very simplistic characters.
Beowulf, for example, is simply a hero who kills monsters. That is all he has ever
wanted in his life and that is all that defines him. In the motion picture, we see
Beowulf as a man that has risen from his unique childhood and has made a name
for himself. We see Beowulf as a flawed human being; not as a muscle head hero
who is never defeated. This humanizes Beowulf and makes him a more appealing
character that people can identify with. In the epic, Grendel is a demonic monster
who kills for no reason; he is only reason considered evil, because he does not pay
the blood price after killing someone. In the motion picture, Grendel is made to look
more human;
Symbolism In The Mockingbird
Symbolism of the Mockingbird
Mockingbirds don t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy they don t do one
thing but sing their hearts out for us that is why it is a sin to kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee Mockingbirds are only here to sing their songs and to bring us joy. A
Blue Jay is someone or something that preys on the week. Mockingbirds have to be
shielded from the Blue Jays. Although Mockingbirds don t always need to be
protected they do have to be protected from Blue Jays because they are gentle
creatures whereas the Blue Jay is territorial and corrupt. Mockingbirds are only here
to sing their songs and to bring us joy. A Mockingbird is innocent, without fault and
only here to help. To kill a Mockingbirdis a sin. (119) This is because a Mockingbird
is an animal that doesn t cause harm and has proved to only have a pure heart. Tom
Robinson is the predominant Mockingbird. Tom s death was like the senseless
killing of songbirds. (241) Since another word for mockingbird is a songbird, this
quote is telling us that Tom is like a Mockingbird and that his death wasn t
supposed to happen. The unexpected Mockingbird is Boo Radley. Atticus looked
like he needed cheering up I ran to him and said yes sir, I understand Mr. Tate was
right he looked at me and said what do you mean well it d sort of be like shooting a
Mockingbird. (318) Clearly Scout is saying that if Maycome were to find out that
Boo killed Bob it would probably kill him because Boo delights in being alone. Tom
Robinson and Boo Radley are the representation of the Mockingbird.
A Blue Jay is someone or something that preys on the week. Blue jays are
territorial creatures who destroy the gardens of people who live around them. In
our courts, when it s a white man s word against a black man s, the white man
always wins. They re ugly, but those are the facts of life. (221) Fearlessly Atticus is
talking to Jem about the white man or Bob Ewell. Since Atticus is defending Tom
and is going against the Ewells in court Bob Ewell is targeting Atticus and his
family. Bob Ewell is the most recognizable Blue jay. They have been the disgrace of
Maycomb for three generations. (30) Sternly Atticus is saying that the Ewells are not
good people or at
Karen Armstrong
The book, In the Beginning, by Karen Armstrong follows the first book of the
Bible, Genesis. It unfolds some very well known stories in Genesis. Armstrong goes
through each of the stories of Genesis and interprets what each story is about and
how we can relate it to our own lives. The book of Genesis can be difficult to
understand and it holds many mysteries within it, but with the help of Karen
Armstrong, we are able to understand the stories of Genesis and what they mean.
This is the story of the Bible s first book, raw and unchurched. Karen introduces us
one by one to the characters and their stories, making no effort to turn them into
saints, for they are nothing like the impossibly and depressingly flawless characters
we met in Sunday School. Throughout, the authors of Genesis remind us that we can
expect no clear cut answers. We wrestle with the text, measuring its inconsistent
doctrines and contradictory lessons, as we struggle to grasp the character of God.
How can God be omnipotent, but powerless to control his creation? How can God be
benevolent but a killer; wise but arbitrary; just but partial and unfair; omniscient but
ignorant of human yearning?
One of the stories that Armstrong interpreted that I enjoyed was the one of Jacob and
Esau. Jacob and Esau were twin ... Show more content on ...
Her unquestioned acceptance of the JEPD theory of Genesis, that there are two
main authors of Genesis, J and E, whose words were then clumsily merged by a
later editor, bothered me a little bit. I have never found that theory of biblical
criticism to be plausible, even though it has gained wide acceptance in liberal
circles. I also don t accept the conservative notion that Moses wrote the first five
books of the Bible. There is no question in my mind from a simple reading that the
stories of Genesis were collected and put together by a later editor, who wanted to
show God s transcendent work in the flawed descendants of
Architectural Reuse
C. Architectural Reuse
People are happiest in buildings where change occurs at every scale from weeks to
centuries. Such buildings are fractals in time. Stewart Brand
Architectural reuse processes include adaptive reuse, conservative disassembly, and
reusing salvaged materials. This definition is broad and inclusive permitting many
different interpretations; however, the underlying objective is that architectural reuse
be understood as an evolutionary process occurring over time.
Figure 29: Adaptive reuse of an old railroad grain elevator into a mixed use garden
store and residence: Stookey s Feed and Garden, Moscow, Idaho
Unit C Recycling and Reuse 57
C.1.1 Discussion: Adaptive Reuse
Like ecological succession, adaptive ... Show more content on ...
Adaptive reuse should always be investigated, because it is the highest form of
recovery. Adaptive reuse revises the function of a buildingwhile preserving the
integrity of architectural space. In order for a building to accommodate change, it
must have a functional value as well as a commodity value. Buildings that offer an
open arrangement of spaces and a flexible structural framework have the best
potential for reuse. In Ecologic Architecture, Richard Crowther says, Our tendency to
п¬Ѓxed state space planning is counter to our own dynamic of thinking, articulation,
and mobility. 3 We have adopted this approach for the purpose of protecting the
public s health and safety. The Uniform Building Code (UBC) requires buildings to
follow a set of rules with respect to their occupancy and construction type. While
establishing fixed uses helps simplify the regulatory process, the specificity of
functions has gotten out of hand. The 1994 UBC outlines a total of 32 separate
occupancies, each of which contains numerous sub sections. The subsequent hard
separations and compartmentalization limits the capability of a building to adapt to
future needs. Open plans and partitioning that is easily recyclable or biodegradable,
such as Stramit straw panels, allow for greater versatility.
Energy Resource Center in Downey, California: Figure 32 (top) illustrates the
original building, while Figure 33 shows the
Fossil Fuels And Their Impact On The Environment
Fossil Fuels and Their Impact on the Environment The amount of fossil fuels being
deposited into the air should be controlled. Not only do fossil fuels pose a threat to
the environment, but also to human health. The problem is not only noticeable in
the depletion of human health, but also in the air, water, and land. Emissions are a
concerning contribution to other problems such as global warming and greenhouse
gases as well. One of the major factors of fossil fuels are vehicles. Vehicles emit
harmful gases into the air such as particulate matter, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide,
carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, greenhouse gases, carbon monoxide, and sulfur
dioxide. Emissions from vehicles are dangerous to the elderly, people who have
asthma, small children such as infants, and anyone who may have a different disease
such as cancer. When these aforementioned subjects breathe in the emissions from
vehicles it may cause health problems, or even worse death. In order to minimize
the health risks and problems, individuals can conserve energy and minimize the
miles by doing tasks such as carpooling or walking (Nutrient Pollution). There are
many sources as well as solutions to the effects of fossil fuels. Major contributors to
emissions include cars and trucks, coalfired power plants, large industrial operation,
and ships and airplanes (Nutrient Pollution). By limiting and keeping a close eye on
these factors, it may save the environment. Emissions include ammonia and
The Life and Work of Confucius Philosophy Essay
The Life And Work Of Confucius Philosophy Essay
Confucius (551 479 BCE), was a thinker, political figure, educator and founder of
the Ru School of Chinese thought. Confucius was born at Shang ping, in the
country of Lu. His given name was Kong, but his disciples called him Kong fu tse,
(i.e. Kong the Master, or Teacher.) His father passed away when he was only three
years old. Confucius mother Yan she raised him. During his younger years Confucius
showed a love of learning, and an expression of awe for the ancient laws of his
Confucius was only nineteen years old when he married, but he divorced his wife
after only four years of marriage so that he could have more time for his study and
the performance of his public duties. ... Show more content on ...
Some have argued that, because of the text s inconsistencies and incompatibilities of
thought, there is much in the Analects that is non Confucian and should be discarded
as a basis for understanding the thought of Confucius. Benjamin Schwartz cautions us
against such radical measures.
While textual criticism based on rigorous philological and historic analysis is crucial,
and while the later sections [of the Analects] do contain late materials, the type of
textual criticism that is based on considerations of alleged logical inconsistencies and
incompatibilities of thought must be viewed with great suspicion. . . . While none of
us comes to such an enterprise without deep laid assumptions about necessary logical
relations and compatibilities, we should at least hold before ourselves the constant
injunction to mistrust all our unexamined preconceptions on these matters when
dealing with comparative thought. (The World of Thought in Ancient China, p. 61)
Confucius philosophy was predominately a moral and political one. It was founded on
the belief that heaven and earth coexist in harmony and balanced strength while
maintaining a perpetual dynamism. Human beings, he taught, are sustained by these
conditions and must strive to emulate the cosmic model.
The Doctrine of the Mean is the elaboration of the way of
World War Ii and America
The world s greatest war, World War II began in 1939 and lasted for almost six
years. It was between two military alliances. On the axis powers were Japan,
Germany and the Kingdom of Italy. While the allies were lead by United
Kingdom, China, Soviet Union and The United States of America. America was
not directly involved in the war in the early stages. The necessity increased after
the fall of France, the Pearl Harbor incident but mainly when Hitler declared war on
U.S. This led to America s direct involvement in the World War II and helped
America to transition from a great power to a super power.
World war II started by the deep seated anger in German due to the loss in World War
I. Hitler a new leader in Germany transformed it from a ... Show more content on ...
Although America from the start had a stable economy due to the presence of
natural resources like oil and steel. Yet its rise to super power was when it
surpassed Europe as a major power. Europe was a part of many large destructive
wars that left it completely bankrupt and destroyed most of its infra structure
which lead to the fall of Europe. Europe being directly involved in wars like the
World War I and World War II left it far behind in the race of super powers. America
which was although involved in the World War II faced much less damaged
compared to the destruction faced by Europe. Soviet Union also a major power failed
in the race of super power because of the damages it faced from the World War II
but mainly it dropped out because of the fall of the So that left America as the only
dominating power in the world which had a stable and large economy with a huge
military advantage and immense power over international matters.
America was one of the main Allies in the World War II yet it did not face much
destruction like other allies it continued to grow and kept its economy stable. And
when the other allies failed to rise up America stood as a strong nation. Even when
The United States of America was involved in World War II it was not dragged
down like other allies including Britain and Soviet Union. This led to the creation of
a super power. A country that before the war was just a great power became a super
Works Cited
Langley, Andrew. Living
Perfume Analysis Of Perfume
Perfume, by Suskind conforms to conventional standards of the horror genre. The
author takes advantage of this conformity by making Grenouille into the typical
horror genre killer or monster to produce a story with a chilling and dark atmosphere.
The author effectively uses both characterization and stylistic features to develop and
shape Grenouille s character into such monster.
According to horror conventions a story must have a monster, whether it be a serial
killer or supernatural entity There is usually an element involving death. For
example, a murderer, a ghostly presence. (Crouse 4). Grenouille s character can fit
into the former of these two categories as a murder. Throughout the book he
develops into a monster by taking several lives in many different settings. For
instance his first kill involves the remorseless strangulation of a young girl in Paris
She was so frozen with terror at the sight of him that he had plenty of time to put
his hands on her throat...keeping his eyes closed tight as he strangled her...When
she laid dead he laid her on the ground. (suskind 42 43). Notice the description of
Grenouille s first murder and the language the author uses to describe the agony the
victim feels compared to the feelings of the main character. The victim is frozen in
terror while Grenouille has plenty of time to put his hand on her throat. the victim
dies she laid dead and the way he handles the body laid her on the ground. . The
amount of detail to
Biological Treatments for Depression
Antidepressants are a type of medication that is used to treat people with the
symptoms of depression. There are 30 different types of antidepressants available to
give patients depending on their severity of depression.
The aim of antidepressants is to increase the levels of the neurotransmitter which are
chemicals, they are produced in the brain. The antidepressants targets and increases
the levels of three types of neurotransmitters; (A neurotransmitter is a chemical which
is released in the brain which allows the messages to travel.) serotonin (this
neurotransmitter regulates the other neurotransmitter) and noradrenaline
(noradrenaline is compulsory for energy, anxiety, alertness and attention to life) and
dopamine (this ... Show more content on ...
The neurons communicate by sending electrical impulses called the nerve impulse
through the axon. The pre synaptic neuron is activated therefore the neurotransmitters
at end of the pre synaptic neuron release the message into the synapse which activates
the receptors on the post synaptic neuron.
As mentioned above there are 30 different types of antidepressants below are the most
common types of antidepressants;
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) There are many types of SSRI
antidepressants an example of a SSRI antidepressant is Fluoxetine is the well known
SSRI, this antidepressant is sold under the brand named Prozac.
Serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) Duloxetine, this medication is
sold under the brand named Cymbalta also Venlafaxine is sold under the brand
named Efexor
Noradrenaline and specific serotonergic antidepressants (NASSA) the main type of
this antidepressant that is given in UK is mirtazapine, this medication is sold under
the brand named
Summary Of Alexander The Great Journey To The End Of
Alexander The Great: Journey to the End of the Earth, by Norman F. Cantor. New
York: HarperCollins, 2005, 180 pages. Reviewed by Tyler E. Tatum The author
Norman F. Cantor wrote this book due to the increased attention the Middle east
gained during American troop deployment. This increased interest in the Middle
East resulted in a renewed interest in Alexander The Great. Cantor states that this
book was ultimately written to construct a critical and well rounded assessment of
the man and the world in which he lived. (page xi) Cantor begins the book in a
great fashion by giving the reader an introduction to many aspects of the different
ways of life during Alexander s time period. This is a very helpful thing as the
everyday reader like myself probably has very limited knowledge pertaining to
ancient Greece and... Show more content on ...
Cantor goes on to explain the powerful countries of the time as to fully understand
Alexander you must have at least some basic knowledge of every aspect of the
time period. After explaining the aspects of life Cantor begins telling about
Alexander s father and who he was, which then turns into Alexander as a child.
Around this point in the book is when Cantor begins to sway off of the path of
effectiveness as he will at several points throughout the book break flow and go
back to another point in time to explain something. Sometimes this method of
writing works and others it can be very confusing and misleading to the reader. Also
during this portion of the book is when you see the major references to other books
and pieces of information appear in the form of tiny portions of these articles being
inserted into the book. These inserts of information, for the majority of the book, are
Essay on little miss sunshine
Little miss sunshine
Life to me is a journey you never know where it may lead you! I have chosen to
watch and research on the film little miss sunshine as I believe it is a great example
of journeys. The film Little Miss Sunshine, directed by Jonathon Dayton and Valerie
Faris, is about a dysfunctional family that take a road trip to a beauty contest. Along
the way to the little miss sunshine pageant, the family must deal with crushed dreams,
heart breaks, and a broken down Volks Wagon bus, leading up to the Surreal Little
Miss Sunshine Competition itself.
The Hoover family might not be dysfunctional if it wasn t for the personal problems
which each character face. Olive s is the main character and the only one in the
family who ... Show more content on ...
There are many techniques used in this film. Firstly the directors and their team
use a variety of different camera techniques to shape our view on the characters,
and ultimately change our view in the world. In the opening sequence each
character is introduced using different camera shots. For example Olive s father is
first projected to the audience as a success. There is a sequence of close ups and
mid ranged shots which show Richard confidently speaking in a spotlight at the
front of the room. However the cinematic team then use a cut to a point of view
shot of what Richard sees when he has finished talking, which allows us to then see
how much of a failure he really is, as there is only five, half asleep, bored people in
the room and only one person applauds Richards work. This first sequence allows
us to see that Richard acts and feels like a winner to himself, but when he is seen
with the rest of the world he is a failure and a loser. The directors have used this
sequence to shape our understanding of winning and losing as it employs the idea
that winning and losing is based on comparing yourself to the rest of the world,
instead of being on how you feel and view yourself.
Another technique used is the music used in the film. The soundtrack for Little Miss
Sunshine is a mix of indie rock and folk music that fits the scenes and overall
Science in Nathaniel Hawthorne s Rappaccini s Daughter
The short story Rappaccini s Daughter can be seen as a love story about young man
determined to be with his beloved, despite the fact that she is poisonous. However,
when examining the text, underlying theme about science arise. During the time in
which this piece was written, science was rapidly evolving. All biological sciences
must first go through a taxonomic stage since their data must be put in order before
they can be employed in research on an analytical level (Shryock 291) Rappaccini s
Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorneuses Rappaccini s unrelenting pursuit of knowledge
that resulted in the tragic loss of his daughter; to show the productive and destructive
powers of scientific discovery, which evolved American society... Show more content
on ...
These discoveries helped shape the views of 18th century American society. Parallels
about religion can also be made by comparing Rappaccini s poisonous garden and the
Garden of Eden. The story contains many biblical allegories which hinted to the
viewpoint of that time. The most significant Parallel that can be made between the
story and 18th century American Society is the use of science to explain the rank of
creatures in nature. The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould is an important
tool in critiquing the misuse of science to justify social inequalities such as racism
and sexism. In assessing the impact of science upon the 18th century views of race
we must first recognize the cultural milieu of a society whose leaders and
intellectuals did not doubt the propriety of racial ranking with Indians below
Whites and Blacks below every one (Gould 63) Rappaccini uses the excuse that the
world is dangerous to justify why her made his daughter poisonous. He fails to
realize that he is actually hurting his daughter Beatrice. Rappaccini myopically
ignores the needs of others, imposing his sense of things on the people who fall
under his control.(Wachtel) His selfish actions shows that he has a lack of morals. A
second parallel that can be made is Rappaccini s desire to have dominion over nature
Dr. Rappaccini is extremely talented botanist; he has
Abortion Ethical Issue
Abortions have been an issue in this country for many years. Some people agree
That abortion should be illegal while others disagree and say that abortions should be
legal. The three branches of government have been called upon to address the issue.
There are many issues that pertain to abortion that must be resolved by the
legislative branch of the federal government. The members of Congress are
obligated to support the will of the people they represent and if those people are
supportive of the practice of abortion as an after the act form of birth control then so
will the members of Congress be. The greatest issue may be the relationship between
law and morality and science and politics. One politician stated campaigning for
abortion ... Show more content on ...
Congress has made not a single law making abortion a legal practice in the country.
President Obama issues executive orders, that state that federal funds cannot be
used to supplement abortions or clinics that perform abortions. The President
nominates Supreme Court justices that rule on abortion cases and therefore the
President potentially has more power to influence abortion decisions. These
chosen justices sit on the nation s highest court and actually decide whether babies
will live or die. President Obama stated Those of us who support a woman s rights
to decide to have an abortion and make intimate decisions about sex, sexuality, and
reproduction must also think and act strategically . A pro life Congress can
propose all forms of bills to defend women and babies, but unless both the house
and senate have super pro life plurality (290 seats in the House; 67 in the Senate), a
pro abortion President can kill any legislation with his veto pen. In 2013, President
Barack Obama was the first sitting president to press the issue about abortion. Obama
stated planned parenthood is not going anywhere . President Obama talked about
Planned Parenthood to thousands of supporters.
In conclusion, we see that the discussion of abortion rights has been ongoing for
decades with the consensus of the three branches of government being that a woman
should have a right to choose whether to have a baby or not. Even though individual
states have passed legislation either for or against abortions, the final word has rested
with the judicial and executive branches. The Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade
that a woman should have the right to choose. The executive branch concurs with this
ruling as long as federal monies are not
Language Interview Research Paper
Language Interview For the Language Interview, I have interviewed my sister using
Skype on 6th May, who currently attends University of California, Berkeley studying
Computer Science. Her name is Yoorim and she speaks Korean, English, Afrikaans,
and French. I have decided to interview her because she is multilingual and she has
the interesting background childhood spent in Korea and South Africaand adulthood
in United States. Her first languageis Korean because she is born in Korea and
raised under Korean speaking parents. She moved to South Africa from Korea when
she was 10 years old and there she attended the private school called Crawford
College Pretoria where teachers use English to teach all the other subjects such as
Math, Science and Accounting. However, she had to learn 2nd language, the choice
among the 11 South African official language other than English, and 3rd language,
usually choice between German and French. She had chosen Afrikaans, the language
derived from the form of Dutch, as 2nd... Show more content on ...
She said she feels strong bond with Koreans even though she speaks English to
them. Her experience is very similar to that of Gloria Anzaldua, the author of How
To Tame A Wild Tongue when Gloria could not stop humming the words when she
heard the music from Mexico. For example, Yoorim never listen to any of the pop
music you can find on the Billboard chart. She loves Korean Pop music and she
loves going to the karaoke and singing in Korean. Like Gloria, my interviewee also
ties food to her identity. She has been living in a community where Korean is a
minority group. However, she cooks and eats Korean food daily. She said she must
go to Korean markets bi weekly to purchase Korean foods because she cannot live a
day without a Kimchi, the Korean traditional side dish made from
Marketin Plan for Tata Nano Malaysia
Tata Nano is the cheapest car in the world. It is sold in home country India around
Rs 1 lakh i.e approximately USD 2000. It is manufactured by Tata Motor Limited,
the largest automobile company in India. It s Chairman, Ratan Naval Tata envisions
that Tata Nano to become a People s car which is affordable by almost everybody.
Tata Nano was first launched in India on 1st April 2009 and expected to be in
Indian market by July 2009. Since launching, it has created a huge buzz all over
India. Within the first two days of lunching, it has received 5500 booking. The
figures keep increasing every day since the launching.
What makes Tata Nano so cheap? Basically, by making things smaller, lighter, do
away with ... Show more content on ...
Tata motor has good supplier manufacturer relationship with more than 100
components manufacturers. Its research and development team has vast knowledge
and experience to produce the cheapest car in the world in mass quantity.
Population , demographics, rural urban, vital statistics from Malaysian auto report .
Emil to copy from Malaysian auto report.
Tata Motors has targeted the urban area in Malaysia. This is going to be Kuala
Lumpur and Johor Bahru. There are 5 million motorcycle riders in Malaysia.
2.1.5Distribution review
Just like in India, Tata Nano will be positioned as an affordable car even in
overseas markets. Easy to assemble kits will be imported from Tata in India. The
car then will be assembled at pre defined locations. The proposed locations are Shah
Alam, Selangor and Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru. It will be then redistributed to
showrooms that will be set up based on region. Forty sales offices will be opened
throughout Malaysia.
2.1.6 Competitor review
The main competitors are Proton, Perodua, Toyota and Honda. The table below
indicates the market share of the main competitors in the auto industry for the year
2008. 2.2SWOT Analysis
The following SWOT analysis investigates the Malaysian political, economic and
business environment. The following findings are adapted from Malaysian Auto
Report 2009.
a.Malaysia Political SWOT
3Malaysia Political SWOT
Ground Water Rehab Papers
Today I spent seven hours in the cardiac rehab. St Jude medical center offers health
education and prevention classes for the community members. I attend the food and
nutrition class, which was offered by registered dietitian for the cardiac patients. The
focus was over all health, wellness, balanced heart healthy meals and change of
habits. Dietitian discussed through foodand exercise how to manage and prevent high
cholesterol, manage blood pressure or hypertensionand heart disease. Dietitian
answered one on one patient s question. She showed how to read food labels,
specially the fat, sugar and salt content. It is hard to believe that only 10% of salt
comes from saltshaker, most of the salt comes from processed food. For an example,
instance oatmeal has lots of salt. A cardiac patient is allowed 1500 mg salt per day.
Dietary approaches to lower or... Show more content on ...
It is an imagine place, who can dream of reusing the wastewater. I never thought
about where does the water goes after I flush the toilet or wash the dishes. Now I
know that it has been recycled and put back to the ground for our water supply. It is
really helpful at the time of the water shortage. The Groundwater Replenishment
System (GWRS) is the world s largest water purification system for indirect potable
reuse. This system takes highly treated wastewater (that would have previously been
discharged into the Pacific Ocean) and purifies it using a three step advanced
treatment process consisting of microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet light
with hydrogen peroxide. The process produces high quality water that meets or
exceeds all state and federal drinking water standards. The GWRS is a joint project
of the Orange County Water District (OCWD) and the Orange County Sanitation
District (OCSD), providers enough new water for nearly 850,000 residents and has
become an essential element of local water
Nafme Collegiate Recital Concert Report
The NafME Collegiate Recital recital was quite fascinating and interesting. There
was a sense of elegance, amituer, and fun in the air. It took place at the Hughes
Recital Hall in the Josephine Campbell Recital Hall. I went with my friend who
thankfully knew where he was going or else I probably would have had troubles
getting there. It was a nice building where you could feel the passion for music. The
Josephine Hall itself was small, but professional. We found our seat and waited for
the show to begin. It started with an emcee introducing himself and what was to be
heard at the concert. He had an assistant help setting up the stage for the performers.
Different items would come and go throughout the concert like chairs, music stands,
and different instruments, but a grand pianowas out the whole time. Which I enjoyed
very much, because the piano was my favorite the whole night. I love the sound and
music it makes. After everything was set up the emcee talked about a little in depth
about what NafME stood for and what it is about. I learned anybody can be apart of
it, not just people who play an instrument. I also enjoyed knowing that, because I love
music, but do not play an instrument.... Show more content on ...
It started off with two saxophones, who I thought played beautiful together. They
started off at the exact same time, which I thought was very impressive and was in
unison their whole performance. I also enjoyed the sopranos that sang. They both
had beautiful voices, but I liked the second one who sang Over the Rainbow from
The Wizard of Oz a lot better. Her voice was softer and less aggressive. The flute
and piano ensemble was probably my least favorite performance of the night. She
seemed unconfident and hesitant about herself and her performance. It appeared
from a listening standpoint that she missed or was off on notes, which is bad if an
audience member
Biography Of Saint Augustine Of Hippo
Saint Augustine of Hippo lived his life always striving to excel in whatever he did.
His accomplishments are woven into today s society as his influence was one of
the most powerful. A man of such importance that his thoughts influenced the way
people of his time and people today think and perceive the world. He is known as
being one of the most important people involved in the development of Western
Christianity. Born as Aurelius Augustinus on November 13th, 354 in what is
present day Tagaste, he lived a very interesting life. His father, Patricius, was a
pagan. His mother, Monica, was a devout Catholic deemed as a Christian Saint. He
was raised Catholic and at the age of eleven he attended a school where he became
familiar with Latin literature and pagan beliefs and practices. Augustine was
intrigued after reading Hortensius by the Roman philosopher and politician Cicero.
This is said to be the piece that sparked his interest in Philosphy. As Augustine got
older, he lived a life full of self gratification and pleasure. Although his mother did
not approve, he spent time in Carthage, Tunisia where he continued his education in
Rhetoric. He frequently visited brothels there and had a relationship with a woman
who bore him a son named Adeodatus. About a decade later he accepted an
appointment as professor of rhetoric for the imperial court at Milan, a highly visible
and influential academic chair. In summer of 386, he converted to full Catholic
Christianity and abandoned his
Lenin Return To Petrograd Research Paper
After the February Revolution Lenin wanted to return to Russia as soon as possible.
This was a problem because he was isolated in neutral Switzerland as World War I
continued to be fought in neighboring states. The Swiss communist Fritz Platten
managed to negotiate with the German government for the safe passing of Lenin on
the sealed train. The German government clearly hoped Lenin s return would create
political unrest in Russia. The April Theses were a series of ten directives expressed
by the Lenin upon his return to Petrograd. The Theses were mostly aimed at fellow
Bolsheviks in Russia and returning to Russia from exile. He called for soviets
(workers councils) to take power, denounced liberals and social revolutionaries in the
Joan Of Arc Thesis
Joan Of Arc
Joan of Arc has been taken by the Burgundians and taken to the castle of Bouvreuil.
It is confirmed that she is being pronounced a death sentence. On the morning of
May 30th, she is to be burned at the stake at the old marketplace of Rouen. They
have charged her with many things, including witchcraft and dressing like a man. So
far, no one has attempted to save her from them, not even King Charles. He is
predicting that they want to take the King and Joan out of power. Therefore, he is
fearful to make an attempt to help Joan.
This all started in 1412 when Joan of Arc was born. She claimed to hear the voice of
God at the age of 13. She had one mission from this voice, to save France by getting
rid of the enemies and making
The Lesson And The House On Mango Street
Zin Da
Keith O Shaughnessy
Eng Comp 2
9/21/17 Learing Hard The Lesson and Sandra Cisneros The House On Mango Street
Everybody once was facing hard and struggles through at a young age learn
acceptable differently. In Toni Cade Bambara s The Lesson and Sandra Cisneros
The House On Mango Street, the protagonists are both young girls and lives in a bad
neighborhood who assent to faith in growing up quickly and learning the outside
world that they live. In The Lesson Miss Moore opens her mind to exposing the
level class status by taking her and her friends to the toy store in wealthy part of
New York City. In The Mango... Show more content on ...
She inspired the kids to learn there is much more about the world than outside of
where they lived. On the day, miss more rounded up neighborhood kids and is
going to take them to A fancy toys store at fifty seventh street. Miss Moore knows
that this will be a new experience for the children who don t have this in their
neighborhood, and will be excited by the unexpected items that they had never
seen before. In The Lesson, Miss Moore attempts to teach the children about
savage inequalities that exist in their socioeconomic status. However, Miss Moore
gives her five dollar bill to pay the taxi to a toy store, where they wonder at the
wealthy people live. Miss Moore told them to go in but Sylvia immediately
uncomfortable there. Sylvia was unhappy that miss Moore brought them here. The
children see a microscope, paperweight, and sailboats cost $1,195. Everything in
the store was high price and the kids shocked by looking at the cost, and to teach
them a lesson and inspire them to fight for success and try to do better for
themselves. When the arrived back to Harlem, miss Moore asks the children what
they thought the store. Eventually, sugar reply and said that the cost of the toy
sailboat could feed all of them. Again she asks the children what this inequality says
about society. Sugar
Donner Company (Case Analysis)
Donner Company started its operations in 1985 and developed specialized
capability in manufacturing circuit boards for experimental devices and for pilot
production runs. The company uses Solder mask over Bare Copper (SMOBC)
technology which is a popular technology for denser circuit patterns and more
reliable final product. Automated processes as well as manual processes are used
to perform medium duty, short cycle, repetitive tasks. They promise a delivery
within three weeks for orders less than 1000 boards and 5 weeks for larger orders.
While reviewing the company s position prior to planning 1988 operations, Edward
Plummer, President of the company found that the firm was experiencing production
delays due to serious problems in... Show more content on ...
However, time efficiency or the run time is not the correct measure for optimal
order scheduling as this doesn t take capacity into account. Assuming orders for the
month of September 87, if we run all the orders on the manual machine, it takes
550.8 hours for drilling. On the other hand, if we schedule all the orders on CNC
machine, it will take 432 hours. However, we argue that we can achieve higher
productivity by operating both the machines in parallel, as drilling is our
bottleneck resource. The optimal solution will be reached when we use both the
machines such that both operate for the same duration of time i.e. equal
utilization. This can be achieved when we start scheduling the orders with the
least order size on manual machine and those with large order sizes on the CNC
machine. Then we look at the remaining orders and repeat the same decision
process. This process is repeated until the busy time for both the machines are
equal. When we schedule the orders for September in the above manner, the CNC
machine gets the four largest orders and has run time of 157 hours, whereas, the
rest of the orders are executed on the manual machines which have run time of 160
hours each. Thus, we can process the entire set of orders with the bottleneck
resources being busy for 160 hours each (in contrast with 196 hours of CNC taken in
the case to service same set of orders). If we assume steady state i.e. order size
histogram will follow a similar pattern,
Radan Research Paper
Radon was discovered in 1900 by German Chemist Friedrich Ernst Dorn. Radon was
the third radioactive element found after Polonium and Radium. Dorn discovered
the element because of an observation made by Marie Curie. Dorn discovered that
when radium is released into the air the air becomes radioactive. After observing the
gas for a while Dorn discovered that radium produces a gas when it breaks apart. Dorn
first called the gas Radium Emanation ,Emanation meaning something given off. In
1923, seven years after Dorns death scientists changed the name Radium Emanation
to Radon. Referring to where the gas comes from, Radium.
Development of the Periodic Table
A Russian chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev was the first scientist to make ... Show
more content on ...
All of Radons isotopes are radioactive. Radons most stable Isotope. While there are
no stable isotopes in radon, the most stable isotope is 222Rn, which is a decay
product of 226Ra. There are 3 Isotopes of Radon that occur in nature, radon 219,
radon 220, and radon 222. Isotopes are two or more forms of an element. Each
isotope is different because of its mass number. All Isotopes of Radon have very
short half lives and they do not remain in the atmosphere for very long. The half
life of an element is the time it takes for half of a sample of the element to break
down. The radon Isotope with the longest half life is Radon 222, lasting only 3.8
days. Most of Radons Isotopes do not last more than a few seconds, or minutes.
Some of the physical properties of Radon is that it is a colorless, odorless, and
tasteless gas. When radon is at standard temperature and pressure, radon forms a
monatomic gas with a density of 9.73 kg/m3, about 8 times the density of the
Earth s atmosphere at sea level, 1.217 kg/m3. Some of the Chemical Properties of
Radon is, Radon has an atomic number of 86. Also it has a density of 9.73 g/l. The
melting and boiling points of radon are 71 C, and 62
What the Hubble Telescope Has Taught Us
Abstract The needs for an instrument that would take images of the universe from the
space were inevitable since there were so many challenges studying space and the
universe from earth. The Hubble telescope, named after the great scientist who
confirmed the big bang theory, was the solution to this and it has been in space for
the more than 20 years it was supposed to live. Over the time, the telescope has sent
home so much information that mankind has realized how little they knew about the
universe. This paper covers the needs for the Hubble telescope in space, the impacts
that it has had in physics and science and what eventually happens to the telescope
when its time expires. Introduction Scientists have always been fascinated... Show
more content on ...
The Goddard space flight centre is the location at which messages are transmitted
from the telescope. There are, however, four antennae involved in sending and
receiving messages to and from the Hubble telescope. The communication to the
telescope happens by use of the tracking and data relay satellite system with five
located in different locations in the sky (NASA, 2012). Naturally, it would be
thought that satellite visibility is very important in the delivery of information but
the crux of the matter is that it does not affect anything since messages are
transmitted well in advance. Sometimes, when there is no visible satellite in the line
of transmission, there is a special data recorder lodged in the Hubble telescope
which stores information and promptly sends when a satellite is visible. The
telescope has so many scientific equipments which include computers and other
communication devices and all have to be powered. It is not possible to fit in
batteries that are sufficient enough to power the telescope its entire life, and,
therefore, the telescope is fitted with solar arrays which collect solar energy to be
used in running the entire system (University of Manitoba, 2009). It is, however,
important to note that there are batteries fixed so that the telescope has energy to run
during the time when the telescope is under the shadow of the earth in
Self-Sacrifice In A Short Story
Self sacrifice is not an easy term to use, neither to take action for, nor a relationship
to understand. To do something as easy as writing a letter to a friend whom has
been sick for a while, by sacrificing your time, or it could be as hard as using your
life to protect someone that is dear to you.It does not have to be the situation you
are in or the problem you are facing, it could be a friend or someone close to, and
you do want to save that individual, at this right point you have to make a decision
which is you sacrificesomething you have or even you, or turn around as nothing
had happened in this world, while you chose the first choice you should know
what is your capacity and the amount of lost you are doing. In the short story Julia
decided to lose her leg for the baby and Lilly, mother carrying her child on her arms
taking steps not caring who is behind and that was what she decided to do.
The situation was not easy to handle Julia had suffered, and tried to fight for
justice, and what she saw was right thing to do, and take action for, she did not care
if she lost her leg for helping and protecting the precious; Her attention was set to
get the money and people, to help Lilly to get out of German and make her protect
the baby, even though she know that she won t live for long, she wanted to do what
she can at the current momment. Julia is in pain, tries to hide the fact of her
suffering, the fact that she might not see her baby and Freud ever again
The Role Of Identity In The Sorrowful Woman
Identity What is an identity? Some people claim you re born with it, other says
that your identity is molded throughout your lifetime. An identity is what makes
you the person that you are. When someone describes you to someone else, they
are describing your identity. The morals that you live by, and the way you live
your life is your identity. Many different factors make your identity different from
everyone else s. I think this because everyone goes through different events in their
life and that s what alters a person s identity.In ordinary language, at least, one can
use identity to refer to personal characteristics or attributes that cannot naturally be
expressed in terms of a social category, and in some contexts certain categories can
be described as identities even though no one sees them as central to their personal
identity. (Fearon, James D) In The Sorrowful Woman the wife goes through a very
traumatic experience which changes her forever. During the story she goes insane
because of her living conditions and the way her husband treats her. He gives her
some kind of poison that makes her act differently. This causes her to seclude
herself from the family and she becomes a completely different person than what
she was before. From context clues you can tell she used to be a loving mother and
used to care about her family. She died as someone she wasn t. I study has been done
to prove that health can cause an identity change. Identity conflict, or the
Medicaid Liability Report
Good morning, as you requested I have analyzed the qualifications for Medicaid.
However, by the information that I was provided, it is unclear whether or not the
patient is eligible for their services. I need additional information such as the patient
s income, family size, age, proof of citizenship, and if he is part of certain programs
to determine whether the patient qualifies for Medicaid. If the patient does qualify for
Medicaid, then he has the choice of filling out an application either online, by mail,
or by going to his County Social Services office. Below, I have stated in depth, the
requirements that the patient needs in order to be eligible for Medicaid. (Include why
is it important)
Medicaid is federal and state government ... Show more content on ...
Medi Cal enrollment is year around, therefore the patient can apply at any time.
The patient has many choices in which he could apply for Medi Cal. The patient
can apply by completely filling out an application and mailing it to his nearest
county social office. The application is provided in English and other languages. If
the patient prefers to apply to Medi Cal in person, then the patient can go his
nearest county office and get personal assistance. If the patient lives in Alameda
County, the county office is located in 8477 Enterprise Way, Oakland, CA 94621.
The patient can also apply by phone. The number for the Alameda Social Services
Agency is 1 (888) 999 4772 Toll Free and (510)
The Causes Of Bullying In Schools
Why and how does children get bullies in school? Is it necessary to have bullies in
school? According to the article Bullying and Peer Victimization , Faris discusses the
cause of bullies and how it affects their mental health. One cause of bullying is the
diversity, which makes a consequence of mental problems. The mental health
problems that shows are depression, anger, anxiety, low self esteem, or low empathy.
It is proven that researchers have found that bullies have significantly lower self
esteem than bystanders (O Moore Kirkham, 2001), are more depressed (Roland,
2002), and have lower global self worth, scholastic competence, social acceptance,
and greater behavioral conduct problems (Austin Joseph, 1996) (Faris, 2009).
Moreover, America is a diverse country, which people come from different countries.
The problem with that fact is when newly immigrants who migrate to America, they
get self conscious about what others will think about them. Many young children
believe that being different is a horrible characteristic that they tease each other for
it. For example, I was bullied as well when I came here from the Philippines (I was 7
ВЅ years old). First of all, I didn t clearly understand the language and I was
confused in school with my peers. I mean, I didn t know there are some students who
are from other countries and believes in different culture. I thought it was interesting
that some people believes that it is alright to hurt one s feelings. I remember, I
Acct-504 Final Project
Financial Analysis of Hershey and Tootsie Roll
Keller University
ACCT 504
Financial Analysis of Hershey and Tootsie Roll
Tootsie Roll and Hershey are two similar companies with a similar product offering,
but they operate on entirely different scales. In an effort to determine the better
investment of the two companies we will utilize multiple financial analysis ratios to
gauge the health of the respective companies in terms of liquidity (the ability to pay
short term liabilities and respond to opportunities), solvency (the long term viability
of the company) and profitability (the efficiency at which the can turn it s resources
into profits). However, the snapshot picture of ... Show more content on ...
(Harrison Jr., Horngen, Tomas, 2013) Even though the cost of goods sold consumes
$0.52 of each sale, The Hershey Company managed to generate a profit of $0.48 for
each dollar of sales.
Profit Margin Ratio
The profit margin ratio demonstrates the ability of a company to increase the
percentage of net income earned for every dollar of sales. For example: this ratio
shows the percentage of each sales dollar earned as net income . (Harrison Jr.,
Horngen, Tomas, 2013) The Hershey Company was able to increase the profit
margin ratio from 10 percent in 2012 to 11 percent in 2013. The increase in profit
margin from the previous year 2012 shows that the performance of the company is
increasing which means that revenue is increasing or expenses are decreasing.
Furthermore, The Hershey Company is managing their performance efficiently and
this is directly reflected in profit margin ratio.
Return on Assets
The return on assets (ROA) ratio helps measure how profitable a company is in
relation to its total assets. In the case of Tootsie Roll, the company had an ROA of
.06 in 2012 and an ROA of .07 in 2013. This is an increase of close to 16.7 percent
year over year. Hershey, on the other hand had an ROA of .14 in 2012 and .16 in
2013. Hershey s rising ROA is comparable at 14.3 percent. With change 16.7 percent
and 14.3 percent being so similar, we favor Hershey s ROA at the higher rate of .16
in 2013 as opposed to Tootsie
The Gap Between The Poor And The Rich
In the article named wealth written in 1889,the author, Andrew Carnegie stated his
opinion on the widening gap between the poor and the rich. In the late 19th
century, the conflict between different social classes is getting worsen. The
problem of our age is the proper administration of wealth, so that the ties of
brotherhood may still bind together the rich and poor in harmonious relationship. 1.
People consider this difference as unfair and should be criticised. However, Mr
Carnegie believe this difference is highly beneficial. This change, however, is not to
be deplored, but welcomed as highly beneficial. 2.The author believed that the
difference is essential to the progress of society It is well, nay, essential for the
progress of the race, that the houses of some should be homes for all that is highest
and best in literature and the arts, and for all the refinements of civilization, rather
than that none should be so. Much better this great irregularity than universal squalor.
Without wealth there can be no Maecenas.
In the speech addressed to a group of ministers by President William McKinley,
Decision on the Philippines revealed the president s view about the annexing of the
Philippines. The United States took over the Philippines after the Philippine
American War. President William McKinley described the reason for taking over as
That we could not give them back to Spain that would be cowardly and
dishonourable;(2) That we could not turn them over to
Modern Classism Theory and the Context Essay
Classism is seen at both institutional and individual levels and in many forms.
Institutionally, it may surface in the manner financial aid is handled versus traditional
tuition on a university s campus. Individually, on that same campus, it may be
displayed in the manner students from different backgrounds are received by a Greek
organization. Classism can be insidious as stereotypes and myths, contempt and
dislike, or contact avoidance, or as menacing as discriminatory practices in housing,
employment, and schooling. One of the strongest stereotypes associated with low
income persons are those which equate members of this group with laziness,
uncleanness, immoral behavior, deviance and limited intelligence (Spencer Ontario
(LCO), 2009;... Show more content on ...
Phelan (2008) notes classist s assumptions become so integrated into common
discourse in diverse social contexts that they become tacitly acceptable and
legitimize a particular version of social reality which objectifies ...people as a
homogenous group in subject positions which emphasize these stereotypical
negative attributes (p. 350). However, classism may be invalidated on the basis of
its nature. It is exclusionary, discriminatory and anti social justice. Those being
discrimination against are more than often at a disadvantage because their
interests are not represented or their rights respected in society. Classism is
predicated on the belief that low income individuals do not and should not have
equal rights and their interests should be subordinated or at least different from
those of a higher social or income level (Spencer, 2009). Classists in our society
usually survive as a function of privilege. Dr. Wade Nobles (as cited in Power
/Privilege Definitions, n.d.) notes, Power is the ability to define reality and to
convince other people that it is their definition. (p.1). Just as power is an important
aspect of classism and classist s conduct and how it works, so is oppression almost
always evident. In fact, it is suggested that an oppressor is one who keeps down
another by their power to oppress and by those who consent to this act by their
silence. (Power/Privilege
Advantage And Advantages Of Apdt
Association of professional service dog trainers
Association of professional dog trainers is a trusted source of training humans so that
they could better train the dogs through proper education and insights into the dog s
behavior and inborn skills. The association is determined to find new ways and let
the canine human relationship thrive in a fruitful manner. APDT covers all the needs
of a trainer, a dog owner and a person who needs a service dog. They intend to help
people in a way that they are better service dog trainers and can train dogs to be
better service dogs through successfully learned skills that are learned via proper
Who should enroll in APDT?
APDT or Association of service dog trainer is meant for the people who want to
become a professional dog ... Show more content on ...
Short e courses or webinars and seminars Short e courses and seminars are also held
to update the trainers and professionals about the latest techniques and methodologies
to help trainers improve the training output.
Advantages of joining APDT
If you have planned to enhance your skills as a professional dog trainer or want to
start your career or become a dog trainer through the APDT knowledge base and
training courses then you must know what benefits you will be offered:
You will have an access to all comprehensive courses that are offered by experts in
every field or areas related to dog training.
You will be able to interact with well known dog training professionals to help you
learn the real time information and knowledge.
You will be provided with all resources and helpful sources to guide you and get the
most useful
Untapped Resources In HBU
Untapped Resources
It s shocking what one can learn by simply going onto you re school s website and
getting to know the campus better. A plethora of resources is made available to
students, but simply aren t payed any attention to. The campus is brimming with staff
that wish to better their students lives; however they lack the manner of reaching the
undergraduates or even the resources to make the difference. HBU needs to improve
their connection with incoming freshman and fix any lacking areas in their program
to prevent students who are struggling from being overwhelmed by college life. HBU
sets out to actively improve students lives, through new and innovating orientation
programs that are quick to show the beauty of the campus, ... Show more content on ...
In some cases they can t even receive the aid they need thus leaving stressed
students in a hopeless mindset. Despite some programs being glossed over and
important building are left in the shadow, there are many useful and incredible
programs set to help students in dire situation with counseling and advising. While
there it is a student responsibility to seek out aid, many are new freshman with little
or no experience being independent and simply don t know what they can do.
Therefore there has to be some form or manner to introduce the resources to
undergraduates or give incentive to have students enter their office and learn about
valuable resources they have. Something as small as having a meeting with one of
the staff members for clw point can bride the disconnection and fear these vulnerable
students have about speaking about their issues to an advisor that can alter the
success of a student s life in school and at
The Oldest Profession
The oldest profession in the world, prostitution. It is seen all throughout history, even
in the holiest of books. In ancient Athens, Greece prostitutes or heterae were well
educated, free, independent women and on the other hand during the reformation and
counter reformation combined with the syphilis epidemic prostitutes were severely
persecuted (Ringdal, 59 and 176). During the Protestant Reformation, prostitutes were
punished in the streets, being treated so poorly. It is evident that prostitutionhas had
its battles with their safety, in every sense of the word throughout history especially
when their work is deemed absolutely illegal, or they are heavily restricted.
Prostitution seems to be a fact of life that cannot be avoided and if it is evident
historically that pushing this demographic to the side does not work, why are we still
enabling an environment that makes them face similar bouts? Today the sex industryis
booming with an estimated 250,000 to 1.3 million women working as prostitutes in
the United States (Maryann, 1), this paper focuses on the decriminalization and
legalization of prostitution mainly in Nevada and in comparison with a few other
countries such as Netherlands and Germany and other cities in the United States such
as San Francisco. My goal for this research paper was to see to what extent does
legalize or decriminalizing prostitution benefit the prostitute. Over fifty countries
around the world have legalized prostitution, others
How Did Roman Cultures Use Arches
The Roman Empire is credited with the development of many great achievements.
These achievements can still be seen in Rome and throughout the world. The Romans
are well known for their aqueduct system and huge colosseum that are still standing
today. These monumental building feats would not have been created without the use
and knowledge of many different techniques. The use of cement was one of the
technologies employed to build these large structures. The utilization of arches was
another. Many people associate the idea of arches with the Romans. However, they
were not the first people to utilize arches. This paper will concentrate on why the
Romans were credited with developing the arch; what they did to improve previous
cultures use of arches; and how the Romans used arches to create massive structures
that are still standing today.
The Romans were the first builders in Europe, perhaps the first in the world, to fully
appreciate the advantages of the arch, the vault and the dome (Cartwright, 2013). The
Romans are credited with creating arches because they used them so often and in
extremely large structures. Most people have heard of the Roman ... Show more
content on ...
Heaton describes the Roman aqueducts as one of the greatest achievements in the
ancient world. The aqueducts transported water from reservoirs at a higher elevation
to different locations within Rome. At the height of the Roman Empire, they needed
to supply water to over one million people. There was over 260 miles of aqueduct
built during the Roman reign. The aqueduct system worked due to gravity. The water
would flow from a higher elevation to a lower elevation. The Romans tried to follow
the lay of the land as best as they could, but sometimes, to keep the gradient so that
the water would continue to flow, they would have to tunnel the aqueduct through
mountainsides or even build large bridge like structures to span across valleys
“the Minister’s Son in His Conceited Impotence
The minister s son in his conceited impotence violates Tess more cruelly than her
sensual lover Discuss.
In Thomas Hardy s Tess of the d Urbervilles (published in 1891), Hardy portrays his
heroine, Tess, as an innocent and poor country girl; a symbolic version of the rural
women of the era who were mercilessly down trodden in a male dominated world,
and who, when abused, were blamed for it. This novel has evoked generations of
readers sympathy because of Hardy s portrayal of Tess s tragic fate and her life
journey as a victim of both individuals and the society she was born into. Since the
first publication of this novel many critics have analyzed the source of Tess tragedy
and downfall.
This essay intends to analyze the novel to ... Show more content on ...
This view of Tess is a stark contrast to the way in which Alec viewed Tess. To Alec
Tess was seen as a prize, his focus was physical. It was because of this that he
behaved and spoke in such a sexual way well, my big Beauty . There are moments
throughout the first half of the novel however, when Alec fancies that he would like
to love Tess, but every time Tess shows that she does not love him; he does not
seem to care Tess, why do you always dislike my kissing you? I suppose because I
don t love you . Tess was not emotionally attached to Alec. Throughout their
dialogue is the suggestion that Alec could see that she would never love him you
ll never love me I fear. I have said so often. It is true. I have never really and truly
loved you, and I think I never can . In opposition to the suggestion that Alec may
want to love Tess, she is continually treated as if a prize animal remember my lady,
I have been your master once I will be your master again . Tess feelings towards
Angel however, were those of intimacy, affection and love. She was prepared to
give him her life I have been hoping, longing, praying, to make you happy! I have
thought what joy it will be to do it, what an unworthy wife I shall be if I do not!
That s what I have felt, Angel! ,
Reflection Book In A Bag Reflection
Book in a Bag Reflection The first grade classroom at Putnam Elementary School
that I am placed at is currently focused on a fairytales unit. The students had
previously discussed the story elements of a fairytale which correlates with the
standard RL1.3. This standard states: Describe characters, settings, and major events
in a story using key details. My teacher referred to key details as story elements for
this lesson. The students had also read Cinderellatwo days previous to my activity.
The book I worked with is called Cinderquaker by Mike Thaler. This is a spin off
story to Cinderella where the characters are various birds. This activity served
similarly to a post assessment because we re analyzed Cinderella and the differences
... Show more content on ...
An unexpected element of their literacy development was evident when a student
pointed out that I forgot to put a period on the end of one of my sentence examples.
This is a high focus in a classroom as well as capitalizing the first letter in a
sentence. This was not the focus of my project but shows the students are
successfully developing in this area because they are noticing it in other content
areas. I fluently read the story stopping to make sure students pointed their story
element. I would use inflection when I reached story element like Fairy Mom to
emphasis the key words. This was important to the reading because not all the
elements were exactly the same as most story, for example fairy godmother was
called fairy mom and instead of once upon a time it reads Once there was a little
duck . These slight changes in word choice made it difficult for the students to pick
up on the elements. For the next time, I would consider explaining this to the
students before hand so that they know the exact key words to be looking for. The
main skill I focused on was vocabulary specifically story elements of fairytales. I
printed out the student s the element they were to look with a picture so that they
could see the words and how it is spelled while also relating it to the picture. Before
I began to read, I had the students explain to me what
Democracy Derailed Essay
Democracy Derailed looks at the initiative process, the effects of that process and
asked the question, Is this a good way to make public policy? I feel that even though
the process is not perfect it is a great way to allow the average citizen more power in
policy making.
The History
Democracy Derailed begins with addressing the evolution of the initiative process.
During the first twenty years in Plymouth Colonies, all adult men met to consider
legislation. In 1715, Massachusetts had to address anything that was supported by ten
citizens. By 1788, Massachusetts began conducting referendums, and by the 1850 s,
referendums had become an acceptable practice. By the end of the 1800 s, direct
legislation in states had become ... Show more content on ...
The common ground that all members shared was their dislike and distrust for
Democrats, Republicans, banks and monopolists. They felt that these groups were
controlled by extreme corruption and infested legislatures with bribes to maintain
control and power.
Both groups chose the initiative to help clean up governmental corruption, inspired
by its use in Switzerland. The Webster s Dictionary defines initiative as, the
introduction of proposed legislation, as to popular vote, by voters petitions. This is
what dre3w both the Populists and Progressives to migrating initiatives to the United
States. The popular theory was that if voters would gain education and curiosity
connected to public affairs. Initiatives seemed like the logical solution to allow
power directly aback in the people s hands. Woodrow Wilson wrote that, the men
who have been ruling America must consent to let majority into the game...We will
not allow the few to continue to determine what the policy of the country is to
be...all men with the convictions of America in their hearts, will crowd to that
standard and a new day of achievement may come for the liberty we love.
Wilson was just one politician to believe that initiatives could help American
government. Theodore Roosevelt, Jane Adams, Head of Direct Legislation Eltweed
Pomeroy, President of WCTU
Sequential Art Rhetorical Analysis
Rhetoric in Sequential Art When the word sequential art comes to mind, many
people would automatically assume some elaborate work of art that belongs in an
art museum, but at a baseline sequential art can be your average comic book or
comic strip. This isn t to say that they shouldn t be in an art museum because the
work displayed in them is phenomenal and in some ways, can surpass your
stereotypical piece of art, but most people consider them childish, a waste of time, or
something that could never be taken seriously. In reality comics and other forms of
sequential art do something that many pieces of art cannot do. They can combine the
beauty or simplicity behind art, with a phenomenal storyline that everyone can
understand. What is even... Show more content on ...
When thinking about a novel, one of the most commonly used rhetorical tools
used is imagery. When a scene is important for the sake of the plot or important to
the author, the author works hard to bring the reader into the world that they see
the action happening in. The same can be said of the presentation of a certain
sequence within a piece of sequential art. Whereas a square can be seen as an
ordinary frame for a comic, when the art is put into any other shape, it now stands
out as important to the reader and they are more inclined to noticed more detail
within the scene or frame. The same effect applies within the Narmer Palette and
its presentation on the stone tablet that it is carved on. The main parts of the story
are in giant panels, framed in a large rectangle and surrounded by the Egyptian
goddess Bat, a cow goddess who was prevalent in the Old and Middle Kingdoms of
Egypt. The goddess was told to have two faces, one able to see to the past and the
other to see towards the future, hence why the face of a cow appears twice on each
panel of significance. For many who were to look upon the palette it would be a
sign of a blessing, significance, and greatness. This particular style of detail can be
considered a rhetorical device because of its purpose towards the main theme of the
Difference Between Human Law And Unjust Law
Jake Kleinberg
Philosophy 231
October 18, 2014
Law and justice are not synonymous; occasionally law and justice stand in
opposition to one another; occasionally justice requires that we break the law.
According to Martin Luther King Jr. there are two types of laws: there are just
laws and there are unjust laws... An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony
with the moral law. Crucially, moral law is the natural code of a society that
dictates right from wrong this is the basis of human law. The difference is that
human law may itself be unjust or be applied so that its application is immoral.
Arguably, when human law and moral law conflict, we have an obligation and a
duty, to break that law we are required to work to change it. In most cases, laws that
are unjust are not inherently unjust; it is their application that is so. For example, in
1963, Martin Luther King Jr. was imprisoned for parading without a permit without a
doubt having a law to regulate demonstrations and parades is fair. However, by using
it deny thousands of blacks their first amendment rights to assemble and to express
themselves it becomes unjust. Therefore, it is required ... Show more content on ...
Should the time come when it become necessary for myself and my peers to act, I
would find myself peacefully disobeying the state as the state [read: United States]
was founded upon principles which mandate that I work to enable freedom to all.
Ironically, and as Martin Luther King Jr. points out to a degree academic freedom is
a reality today because Socrates practiced civil disobedience (this can seen when
Socrates continued to teach certain philosophical ideas that went against the beliefs
and teaching of the Athenian state). In the end, moral law is absolute; only human
law may change and we are the agents tasked with bringing that
Essay on Ancient Greek Medicine
Ancient Greek Medicine
While Greek Medicine particularly from the 5th century B.C onwards, increasingly
used scientific method to develop cures, there still however remained people that
considered medicine to be a religion. The ancient Greeks (Hellenic) made important
discoveries about the human body and health, so by the sixth century BC, medicinal
practices focused largely on a more clinical approach involving observation. Their
discoveries were made by firstly studying the human anatomy using dissection and
vivisection, finding ways to heal using things such as plants and herbs, then finally
practising surgery on the human body using different instruments.
Before the scientific method developed, most people still saw medicine as a ... Show
more content on ...
fevers were common in Summer/Fire.
Doctors used an important practice called vivisection. Even though this was a cruel
practice, medicine couldn t be as advanced as it is today without it. Vivisection the
act of cutting open live animals for medical research (Collins Australian Dictionary
2004). In Ancient times as well as animals, this also involved cutting open humans.
Vivisection and dissection were the ways in which anatomists discovered the
anatomy of the human body and the way it functioned. Vivisection was an extremely
emotional issue; people didn t believe that cutting up a human being whilst dead, let
alone alive was respectful, so it was condemned in some countries. However, during
the Ptolemaic age in Egypt it became possible for Greek and other anatomists to
dissect and vivisect in a free and unrestricted environment. This change in attitude
was due to the philosophical teachings of Aristotle. The ready supply of criminals
able to be used for vivisection also made this controversial practice possible.
Aristotle never possessed any inclination to open a human being, although he
performed many dissections and vivisections on animals seen as near to man , these
being Barbary apes, dogs and pigs. The only chances of his observations came from a
wounded mutilated person. Via vivisection, anatomists found that the heart pumps
blood, humans breathe through
Lung Mesothelioma
here are various types of mesothelioma but asbestos lung mesothelioma is an asbestos
induced cancer of the mesothelium of the lung, more familiarly known as the pleura,
which is the external lining of the lung.
Many of the major organs of the body have a mesothelium, that of the heart being
called the pericardium and of the heart the peritoneum. However, it is with the pleura
that we are concerned here, and the symptoms of asbestos lung mesothelioma are
what you would expect: coughing, discomfort in the chest cavity and eventual pain.
Before we come to possible treatments and palliative care, let s have a look at what
causes it and why we are still seeing new cases today after asbestos was banned for
construction use in the 1970s.
Asbestos ... Show more content on ...
Its treatment is largely palliative, or intended to ease suffering, because the
prognosis is fairly grim. Only about 20% of cases live to 5 years after diagnosis,
with most surviving only one year, though much depends on how far the condition
had developed by the time it was diagnosed. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment
are used, but not successfully, and various degrees of surgery are also used.
Removal of the affected lung, pericardium and half the diaphragm is the most major
of these, and even that only extends life to a maximum of around five years from
There are new treatments being tested, but all treatment is expensive, and a good
attorney is likely necessary to secure the compensation to pay for these. Ultimately
hospice care will be required and again compensation money should be kept back for
this. Ultimately, in spite of all the treatment given, it is palliative care that will make
the last days of the patient bearable, as will the help and support of the family, and
this is what compensation can fund.
Article Source:
Endangered Animals
Endangered Animals
Humans are destructive. Not a lot of us think about how what we do affects the
world around us. We almost act like we are the only ones on this planet. We go
around polluting and destroying our world with no regard for our actions. The
things that live out in the wild are paying the price for it. Every day that passes
there is another animal or plant that is placed on an endangered list. This is
happening at an alarming rate. Because of man s desire to expand and conquer their
surroundings, there are animals and plants that are on the brink of extinction that will
not be around for our kids and future generations to enjoy if something is not done
about it now. This problem has been going on for hundreds of years. There ... Show
more content on ...
Consider, for example, the case history of the gray wolf (Canis lupus).
The gray wolf is not only one of the most impressive of the large North American
mammals it is also one of the most misunderstood. The history of the gray wolf since
the arrival of the European peoples who indiscriminately displaced both indigenous
human populations and indigenous animal and plant populations has been interlaced
with attempts at extermination and, more recently, conservation. The specieswas
almost reduced to the point of extinction before public sentiment would sway to the
point where it would receive some protection.
First listed as an endangered species in 1973, the gray wolf (thanks to the
conservation efforts and severe legal penalties for harming this species that are
attributable to the Endangered Species Act) is one of the success stories of the
Endangered Species Act. With the upswing in the gray wolf population, however,
there has been a consequent increase once again in the same public resentment
which almost obliterated the gray wolf from the face of the earth just a few decades
ago. This resentment, and the loss of habitat which seems to characterize so many
indigenous species of the Americas, translate to a continuation of the rocky road
which the gray wolf has traveled for so long.
The plight of the gray wolf can be directly related to the fact that the wolf is
considered a threat to man and livestock alike. Although wolf behavior makes them
William Shakespeare s Henry V
In times where kings were references to God, and tariffs were set upon to pardon
sins. In which the Great Chain of being dictated the order
on to which place you ought to be or were born into. William
Shakespeare s Henry V, narrates the story of one of England s greatest monarchs.
Shakespeare, exploits a specific time period in
Medieval History, The battle of Agincourt, France versus England, in
Henry s lead to what we sought and claimed the French Crown, to whom he was
denied his but later culminated on win win in The Battle of Agincourt, and in his
marriage with Katherine of France, King Charles VI daughter.
Shakespeare who s considered to be a liberal Christian for some scholars, decides to
incorporate a dualist personality on ... Show more content on ...
of the Great Chain of Being s first principle is sought to be that everything is a
hierarchy, and the higher you are in the chain the nearest you are to
God. As for to be expressed in the play, King Henry Vis the nearest
to God in England. Furthermore, when talked about the King, one must
relinquish itself in obedience to whatever the King would decide on.
In this excerpt, Shakespeare makes a clear distinction on the closeness of the King to
the lord, our God. However, Renaissance
Humanism, goes past the adulation of the King, on to terms of precisely self concern
and humane reason, lack of praise for actions sought as to be the Kings qualities. This
is why when Shakespeare presents the Archbishop of
Canterbury talking to the Bishop of Ely, regarding a bill, he doesn t
want to be passed, because it will affect the church s monetary situation, his mortal
reason takes the first place, in trying to manipulate the King, no praise, no adulation,
only raw human control
among another at first when Arch. Of Canterbury states his main real
interest, the church possessions It must be taught on. If pass it
against us, we lose the better have of our possessions (ACT I,
Scene I, Lines 7 8). In addition to this, there is some adulation in
accordance with the Great Chain of Being, but just partially, because
The Georgian Era ( 1714-1830 ) Essay
The Georgian Era (1714 1830)
Reigns of George I,II, III, IV.
Fashion for high society was very haute couture, with dresses of silk and satin
however, personal hygiene took a backseat as it was not as high a priority as
physical appearance. Women rarely bathed, body odours were disguised by aromatic
toilet waters, and they wore or carried with them scent bottles of perfumes. Pale skin
in this era was also still desirable.
Hair was elaborately dressed, held in place with waxes and fats, usually powdered
white, sometimes using hair pieces and wigs (Cressy, 2010).
The Victorian Era (1837 1901)
Queen Victoria did not condone makeup use and confined it to the use of women in
brothels and theatres. However this did not deter the women from still indulging in
beauty regimes, such as the tweezing of their eyebrows and the concoctions of
homemade face masks made from oats, honey and egg yolk ingredients that women
of today s time might still use. Castor oil was applied to the eyelashes to help
promote growth and rice powder was used on the face to reduce shine throughout the
A lot of religions in this time era, considered cosmetics to be tools of the devil
(Cressy, 2010).
In 1875, electrolysis hair removal was invented by Dr. Charles Michel. He was
experimenting with ways in which to remove ingrown hairs of the eyelashes, thus
finding out that when the electrical current went into the hair follicle, it damaged it
forever, permanently stopping future hair growth.
Informative Speech About Movie Theatre
Have you ever thought about your experience at a movie theatre? Like really
thought about it, broken it down? Well that s what we re going to do as I talk to
you about Musicals. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in
musicals. It s a big passion and love of mine. I even broke my Scooby Doo umbrella
while watching Mary Poppins when I was 4 because I have put too many stuffed
animals underneath it and was leaning into it too much. :)
Musicals are becoming more and more popular again, whether you may have
realized it or not they are and effect all of us. La La Land, which came out last year
in 2016, was a musical, and ended up doing better than many people probably
Musicals are timeless. They will never go away, ... Show more content on ...
While you ponder that I m going to end by sharing some of the Top Musicals of All
Time Current Ones. The variety of musicals that either went from screen to stage
or stage to screen is amazing. Author Michael Hoffman explains in his article titled,
The Musical Film Genre: Capturing the Magic of the Stage on the Screen , that
throughout the 1960s, the adaptation for stage material for screen remained a
popular trend in Hollywood due to its success . West Side Story (1961), My Fair
Lady (1964), The Sound of Music (1965), and Oliver! (1968) were all adapted
from Broadway hits and each won the Academy award for Best Picture. According
to, Rodgers and Hammerstein s Oklahoma! Was the
first blockbuster Broadway show in the 1940s. They also created famous classics like
Carousel (1945), South Pacific (1949), The King and I (1951), and The Sound of
Music (1959). Classics like these will never get old., they will always be in theatre
history and be remembered as some of the greats. As the rise of musicals is taking
off again you may recognize some of these titles. Have any of you seen the movie
Anastasia? According to, Internet Broadway Database, it is one of the
newest Broadway shows right now, it first previewed on March 23, 2017 and has
had 224 performances since. In August 2015, Hamilton, An American Musical, was
released and became a huge hit winning the 2016 Tony Award for Best Musical and

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  • 1. Starting A Personal Essay Writing an essay on the topic "Starting A Personal Essay" can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The difficulty lies in the unique nature of personal essays, which require a delicate balance between introspection, storytelling, and self-expression. Unlike more formal or objective essays, personal essays demand a deep exploration of one's thoughts, experiences, and emotions, making the writing process inherently personal and, at times, introspective. Crafting a compelling personal essay involves navigating through the complexities of self- reflection, as writers need to delve into their memories, feelings, and personal growth. This introspective journey can be emotionally taxing, as individuals may encounter unexpected realizations or confront difficult emotions while trying to convey their authentic selves on paper. Striking the right tone and maintaining a balance between vulnerability and coherence further adds to the complexity. Moreover, the challenge extends to finding a captivating starting point for the essay. A powerful introduction is crucial to engage readers and set the tone for the entire piece. Choosing the right anecdote, quote, or reflection to initiate the personal narrative requires careful consideration and creativity. It's not just about sharing personal experiences but doing so in a way that captivates the audience's attention from the very beginning. However, despite the inherent difficulties, writing a personal essay on starting a personal essay can be a rewarding process. It offers an opportunity for self-discovery, growth, and the chance to connect with readers on a deep, personal level. The challenges in expressing oneself authentically and crafting a compelling narrative contribute to the sense of accomplishment once the essay is completed. In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Starting A Personal Essay" involves navigating the intricate landscape of self-expression, introspection, and storytelling. While the journey may be challenging, the end result can be immensely gratifying, both for the writer and the reader who shares in the personal narrative. If you find yourself needing assistance in writing similar essays or exploring other topics, you may consider seeking help from professional writing services like Starting A Personal EssayStarting A Personal Essay
  • 2. Fairness, Open Mindedness And Neutrality Professionals in the United States Army stand apart from others involved in particular careers in the civilian world. Whereas many vocations contain some of the characteristics of a professional, a lot of careers do not include all of the necessary to differentiate themselves as being as close to a professional as a United States soldier. Professionalism grows depending on the time and service that the individual has in the Army. A professional is said to have specialized knowledge and skill which can only be acquired through persistent education and experience. Such skill and experience form the basis of objective standards of proficient competence that separate the practicing professional from their peers and measure the proficiency of such professionalism. This professional knowledge must also be intellectual in nature. Soldiers are required to accept responsibility for their actions and resulting consequences. This includes avoiding even the appearance of offensiveness. Accountability promotes careful, well thought out decision making and limits thoughtless action. Fairness, open mindedness and neutrality are important aspects of fairness. Soldiers must be committed to justice in the performance of their official duties. Decisions must not be illogical, impulsive, or biased. Individuals must be treated equally and with tolerance. Such professional is the paratrooper. Paratroopers are military parachutists military personnel trained in parachuting into an
  • 3. Essay The Life and Works of Niccolo Machiavelli NiccolГі Machiavelli is perhaps the greatest political thinker in history. He was a historian, musician, a poet, and he wrote comedies. He liked poetry as much as he liked philosophy. Machiavelli wrote and collected poems. His works, which are inspired by his life experiences, have been read by many of the worlds greatest politicians. NiccolГі Machiavelli s writing was influenced by the Medici family, the Soderini government in Italy, and his own diplomatic career. His great work, The Prince, is legendary for its impact in politics and its controversial proposals. NiccolГі Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469, in Florence, Italy. This was during the golden ages of Florence, a powerful point in its history. His parents were Bernardo ... Show more content on ... Machiavelli himself once said, At an early age, I learned how to scrimp rather than to thrive (King 3). This meant that Machiavelli was not born into wealth and instead of being given everything he wanted; he had to work for it. Machiavelli s father provided him with a rather sufficient education in religion, classics, and politics. His father loved books. In fact, they had a library where he collected works by Greek and Roman philosophers such as Cicero and Aristotle (Wagner 17). He also collected major studies of Italian history. The books that his father collected provided NiccolГі with a foundation of knowledge about the ideas of noble Greek and Roman thinkers (Wagner 17). These books would also help shape NiccolГі s own writings decades later. When Machiavelli grew a little older, he studied at The Studio, which was essentially a school. The Studio gave Machiavelli a solid grounding in rhetoric, grammar, poetry, history, and moral philosophy (King 7). Three days after his 17th birthday, Machiavelli began learning the elements of Latin under the Supervision of a local teacher known as Maestro Matteo, who conducted lessons from a house near the Ponte Santa Trinitia (King 6). Machiavelli desired and had a talent for government work ever since childhood. His intelligence and passionate political interests were powerful reasons for the attention from Florentine politicians. For this reason, he was once known as Machia, a pun on
  • 4. Danticat s The Farming of Bones and George Orwell s... In 1492, Christopher Columbus founded an island in the western Atlantic Ocean and he named it Hispaniola. Hispaniola was inhabited by the Arawaks, and they were the ones responsible for later giving Haiti its name. Haiti soon became one of France s most prosperous colonies in the America s, and it also became one of the world s leading chief coffee and sugar producers. Around the 18th century settlement began to expand here, and Haitiwas settled by Creoles, slaves, Frenchmen, and freed blacks. Around this time, the Haitian society was undergoing some tough times and a debate over power had begun. The concern with governmental authority was a major problem, and within a short period of time, a revolt for independence had broken out, ... Show more content on ... With all of the problems in Haiti continuing to add up, it is very difficult for Haiti to rebuild their economy, and make it out of the present state in which they are currently in (Shah). Though Haiti has been full of hardships and nothing seems to go right there, it is still full of very talented people who use their experiences to benefit themselves, and inform others of their life experiences. These people tell their stories thorough various ways, and some of the most effective ways include writing books and poems. One of the most renowned authors from Haiti is a woman named Edwidge Danticat. Danticat was born on January 19, 1969 in Port au Prince, Haiti. At the age of two her father moved to the United States with the intentions of finding work, and two years later her mother did the same. While her parents were away, Danticat stayed with her father s brother in the poor section of Port au Prince. At the age of twelve, she was able to move to Brooklyn and live with her parents again. Once there, she attended school and had a hard time adjusting to it due to the fact that she only spoke Creole and the other students made fun of her on a daily basis. As time progressed and she learned English, Danticat began to write stories for her high school s newspaper, and this eventually led to her writing stories for a living. Edwidge Danticat is a renowned author of Haiti because of her vivid descriptions
  • 5. Comparing Beowulf And Grendel And Beowulf Since it was first discovered and translated, Beowulf has represented one of the finest examples of heroic poetry. As a tale reflecting the noble deeds of a hero, it uniquely expresses the cultural values of the Anglo Saxons from whom it originated since heroes often do reflect the best of what their culture deems worthwhile. However, modern adaptations of this work express a different set of cultural values; values unique to modern society. When comparing the translated poem, Beowulf, to the 2005 motion picture, Beowulf and Grendel, it is obvious to see that our morals and ideas are reflected on this ancient poem. The movie, Beowulf and Grendel, and the epic, Beowulf, are prime examples of the radical cultural differences that have evolved over time. In Beowulf, the epic, we see very simplistic characters. Beowulf, for example, is simply a hero who kills monsters. That is all he has ever wanted in his life and that is all that defines him. In the motion picture, we see Beowulf as a man that has risen from his unique childhood and has made a name for himself. We see Beowulf as a flawed human being; not as a muscle head hero who is never defeated. This humanizes Beowulf and makes him a more appealing character that people can identify with. In the epic, Grendel is a demonic monster who kills for no reason; he is only reason considered evil, because he does not pay the blood price after killing someone. In the motion picture, Grendel is made to look more human;
  • 6. Symbolism In The Mockingbird Symbolism of the Mockingbird Mockingbirds don t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy they don t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us that is why it is a sin to kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee Mockingbirds are only here to sing their songs and to bring us joy. A Blue Jay is someone or something that preys on the week. Mockingbirds have to be shielded from the Blue Jays. Although Mockingbirds don t always need to be protected they do have to be protected from Blue Jays because they are gentle creatures whereas the Blue Jay is territorial and corrupt. Mockingbirds are only here to sing their songs and to bring us joy. A Mockingbird is innocent, without fault and only here to help. To kill a Mockingbirdis a sin. (119) This is because a Mockingbird is an animal that doesn t cause harm and has proved to only have a pure heart. Tom Robinson is the predominant Mockingbird. Tom s death was like the senseless killing of songbirds. (241) Since another word for mockingbird is a songbird, this quote is telling us that Tom is like a Mockingbird and that his death wasn t supposed to happen. The unexpected Mockingbird is Boo Radley. Atticus looked like he needed cheering up I ran to him and said yes sir, I understand Mr. Tate was right he looked at me and said what do you mean well it d sort of be like shooting a Mockingbird. (318) Clearly Scout is saying that if Maycome were to find out that Boo killed Bob it would probably kill him because Boo delights in being alone. Tom Robinson and Boo Radley are the representation of the Mockingbird. A Blue Jay is someone or something that preys on the week. Blue jays are territorial creatures who destroy the gardens of people who live around them. In our courts, when it s a white man s word against a black man s, the white man always wins. They re ugly, but those are the facts of life. (221) Fearlessly Atticus is talking to Jem about the white man or Bob Ewell. Since Atticus is defending Tom and is going against the Ewells in court Bob Ewell is targeting Atticus and his family. Bob Ewell is the most recognizable Blue jay. They have been the disgrace of Maycomb for three generations. (30) Sternly Atticus is saying that the Ewells are not good people or at
  • 7. Karen Armstrong The book, In the Beginning, by Karen Armstrong follows the first book of the Bible, Genesis. It unfolds some very well known stories in Genesis. Armstrong goes through each of the stories of Genesis and interprets what each story is about and how we can relate it to our own lives. The book of Genesis can be difficult to understand and it holds many mysteries within it, but with the help of Karen Armstrong, we are able to understand the stories of Genesis and what they mean. This is the story of the Bible s first book, raw and unchurched. Karen introduces us one by one to the characters and their stories, making no effort to turn them into saints, for they are nothing like the impossibly and depressingly flawless characters we met in Sunday School. Throughout, the authors of Genesis remind us that we can expect no clear cut answers. We wrestle with the text, measuring its inconsistent doctrines and contradictory lessons, as we struggle to grasp the character of God. How can God be omnipotent, but powerless to control his creation? How can God be benevolent but a killer; wise but arbitrary; just but partial and unfair; omniscient but ignorant of human yearning? One of the stories that Armstrong interpreted that I enjoyed was the one of Jacob and Esau. Jacob and Esau were twin ... Show more content on ... Her unquestioned acceptance of the JEPD theory of Genesis, that there are two main authors of Genesis, J and E, whose words were then clumsily merged by a later editor, bothered me a little bit. I have never found that theory of biblical criticism to be plausible, even though it has gained wide acceptance in liberal circles. I also don t accept the conservative notion that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. There is no question in my mind from a simple reading that the stories of Genesis were collected and put together by a later editor, who wanted to show God s transcendent work in the flawed descendants of
  • 8. Architectural Reuse C. Architectural Reuse People are happiest in buildings where change occurs at every scale from weeks to centuries. Such buildings are fractals in time. Stewart Brand Architectural reuse processes include adaptive reuse, conservative disassembly, and reusing salvaged materials. This deп¬Ѓnition is broad and inclusive permitting many different interpretations; however, the underlying objective is that architectural reuse be understood as an evolutionary process occurring over time. Figure 29: Adaptive reuse of an old railroad grain elevator into a mixed use garden store and residence: Stookey s Feed and Garden, Moscow, Idaho Unit C Recycling and Reuse 57 C.1.1 Discussion: Adaptive Reuse Like ecological succession, adaptive ... Show more content on ... Adaptive reuse should always be investigated, because it is the highest form of recovery. Adaptive reuse revises the function of a buildingwhile preserving the integrity of architectural space. In order for a building to accommodate change, it must have a functional value as well as a commodity value. Buildings that offer an open arrangement of spaces and a flexible structural framework have the best potential for reuse. In Ecologic Architecture, Richard Crowther says, Our tendency to п¬Ѓxed state space planning is counter to our own dynamic of thinking, articulation, and mobility. 3 We have adopted this approach for the purpose of protecting the public s health and safety. The Uniform Building Code (UBC) requires buildings to follow a set of rules with respect to their occupancy and construction type. While establishing п¬Ѓxed uses helps simplify the regulatory process, the speciп¬Ѓcity of functions has gotten out of hand. The 1994 UBC outlines a total of 32 separate occupancies, each of which contains numerous sub sections. The subsequent hard separations and compartmentalization limits the capability of a building to adapt to future needs. Open plans and partitioning that is easily recyclable or biodegradable, such as Stramit straw panels, allow for greater versatility. Energy Resource Center in Downey, California: Figure 32 (top) illustrates the original building, while Figure 33 shows the
  • 9. Fossil Fuels And Their Impact On The Environment Fossil Fuels and Their Impact on the Environment The amount of fossil fuels being deposited into the air should be controlled. Not only do fossil fuels pose a threat to the environment, but also to human health. The problem is not only noticeable in the depletion of human health, but also in the air, water, and land. Emissions are a concerning contribution to other problems such as global warming and greenhouse gases as well. One of the major factors of fossil fuels are vehicles. Vehicles emit harmful gases into the air such as particulate matter, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, greenhouse gases, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide. Emissions from vehicles are dangerous to the elderly, people who have asthma, small children such as infants, and anyone who may have a different disease such as cancer. When these aforementioned subjects breathe in the emissions from vehicles it may cause health problems, or even worse death. In order to minimize the health risks and problems, individuals can conserve energy and minimize the miles by doing tasks such as carpooling or walking (Nutrient Pollution). There are many sources as well as solutions to the effects of fossil fuels. Major contributors to emissions include cars and trucks, coalfired power plants, large industrial operation, and ships and airplanes (Nutrient Pollution). By limiting and keeping a close eye on these factors, it may save the environment. Emissions include ammonia and
  • 10. The Life and Work of Confucius Philosophy Essay Confucius The Life And Work Of Confucius Philosophy Essay Confucius (551 479 BCE), was a thinker, political figure, educator and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. Confucius was born at Shang ping, in the country of Lu. His given name was Kong, but his disciples called him Kong fu tse, (i.e. Kong the Master, or Teacher.) His father passed away when he was only three years old. Confucius mother Yan she raised him. During his younger years Confucius showed a love of learning, and an expression of awe for the ancient laws of his country. Confucius was only nineteen years old when he married, but he divorced his wife after only four years of marriage so that he could have more time for his study and the performance of his public duties. ... Show more content on ... Some have argued that, because of the text s inconsistencies and incompatibilities of thought, there is much in the Analects that is non Confucian and should be discarded as a basis for understanding the thought of Confucius. Benjamin Schwartz cautions us against such radical measures. While textual criticism based on rigorous philological and historic analysis is crucial, and while the later sections [of the Analects] do contain late materials, the type of textual criticism that is based on considerations of alleged logical inconsistencies and incompatibilities of thought must be viewed with great suspicion. . . . While none of us comes to such an enterprise without deep laid assumptions about necessary logical relations and compatibilities, we should at least hold before ourselves the constant injunction to mistrust all our unexamined preconceptions on these matters when dealing with comparative thought. (The World of Thought in Ancient China, p. 61) Confucius philosophy was predominately a moral and political one. It was founded on the belief that heaven and earth coexist in harmony and balanced strength while maintaining a perpetual dynamism. Human beings, he taught, are sustained by these conditions and must strive to emulate the cosmic model. The Doctrine of the Mean is the elaboration of the way of
  • 11. World War Ii and America The world s greatest war, World War II began in 1939 and lasted for almost six years. It was between two military alliances. On the axis powers were Japan, Germany and the Kingdom of Italy. While the allies were lead by United Kingdom, China, Soviet Union and The United States of America. America was not directly involved in the war in the early stages. The necessity increased after the fall of France, the Pearl Harbor incident but mainly when Hitler declared war on U.S. This led to America s direct involvement in the World War II and helped America to transition from a great power to a super power. World war II started by the deep seated anger in German due to the loss in World War I. Hitler a new leader in Germany transformed it from a ... Show more content on ... Although America from the start had a stable economy due to the presence of natural resources like oil and steel. Yet its rise to super power was when it surpassed Europe as a major power. Europe was a part of many large destructive wars that left it completely bankrupt and destroyed most of its infra structure which lead to the fall of Europe. Europe being directly involved in wars like the World War I and World War II left it far behind in the race of super powers. America which was although involved in the World War II faced much less damaged compared to the destruction faced by Europe. Soviet Union also a major power failed in the race of super power because of the damages it faced from the World War II but mainly it dropped out because of the fall of the So that left America as the only dominating power in the world which had a stable and large economy with a huge military advantage and immense power over international matters. America was one of the main Allies in the World War II yet it did not face much destruction like other allies it continued to grow and kept its economy stable. And when the other allies failed to rise up America stood as a strong nation. Even when The United States of America was involved in World War II it was not dragged down like other allies including Britain and Soviet Union. This led to the creation of a super power. A country that before the war was just a great power became a super power. Works Cited Langley, Andrew. Living
  • 12. Perfume Analysis Of Perfume Perfume, by Suskind conforms to conventional standards of the horror genre. The author takes advantage of this conformity by making Grenouille into the typical horror genre killer or monster to produce a story with a chilling and dark atmosphere. The author effectively uses both characterization and stylistic features to develop and shape Grenouille s character into such monster. According to horror conventions a story must have a monster, whether it be a serial killer or supernatural entity There is usually an element involving death. For example, a murderer, a ghostly presence. (Crouse 4). Grenouille s character can fit into the former of these two categories as a murder. Throughout the book he develops into a monster by taking several lives in many different settings. For instance his first kill involves the remorseless strangulation of a young girl in Paris She was so frozen with terror at the sight of him that he had plenty of time to put his hands on her throat...keeping his eyes closed tight as he strangled her...When she laid dead he laid her on the ground. (suskind 42 43). Notice the description of Grenouille s first murder and the language the author uses to describe the agony the victim feels compared to the feelings of the main character. The victim is frozen in terror while Grenouille has plenty of time to put his hand on her throat. the victim dies she laid dead and the way he handles the body laid her on the ground. . The amount of detail to
  • 13. Antidepressants Biological Treatments for Depression Antidepressants are a type of medication that is used to treat people with the symptoms of depression. There are 30 different types of antidepressants available to give patients depending on their severity of depression. The aim of antidepressants is to increase the levels of the neurotransmitter which are chemicals, they are produced in the brain. The antidepressants targets and increases the levels of three types of neurotransmitters; (A neurotransmitter is a chemical which is released in the brain which allows the messages to travel.) serotonin (this neurotransmitter regulates the other neurotransmitter) and noradrenaline (noradrenaline is compulsory for energy, anxiety, alertness and attention to life) and dopamine (this ... Show more content on ... The neurons communicate by sending electrical impulses called the nerve impulse through the axon. The pre synaptic neuron is activated therefore the neurotransmitters at end of the pre synaptic neuron release the message into the synapse which activates the receptors on the post synaptic neuron. As mentioned above there are 30 different types of antidepressants below are the most common types of antidepressants; Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) There are many types of SSRI antidepressants an example of a SSRI antidepressant is Fluoxetine is the well known SSRI, this antidepressant is sold under the brand named Prozac. Serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) Duloxetine, this medication is sold under the brand named Cymbalta also Venlafaxine is sold under the brand named Efexor Noradrenaline and specific serotonergic antidepressants (NASSA) the main type of this antidepressant that is given in UK is mirtazapine, this medication is sold under the brand named
  • 14. Summary Of Alexander The Great Journey To The End Of The... Alexander The Great: Journey to the End of the Earth, by Norman F. Cantor. New York: HarperCollins, 2005, 180 pages. Reviewed by Tyler E. Tatum The author Norman F. Cantor wrote this book due to the increased attention the Middle east gained during American troop deployment. This increased interest in the Middle East resulted in a renewed interest in Alexander The Great. Cantor states that this book was ultimately written to construct a critical and well rounded assessment of the man and the world in which he lived. (page xi) Cantor begins the book in a great fashion by giving the reader an introduction to many aspects of the different ways of life during Alexander s time period. This is a very helpful thing as the everyday reader like myself probably has very limited knowledge pertaining to ancient Greece and... Show more content on ... Cantor goes on to explain the powerful countries of the time as to fully understand Alexander you must have at least some basic knowledge of every aspect of the time period. After explaining the aspects of life Cantor begins telling about Alexander s father and who he was, which then turns into Alexander as a child. Around this point in the book is when Cantor begins to sway off of the path of effectiveness as he will at several points throughout the book break flow and go back to another point in time to explain something. Sometimes this method of writing works and others it can be very confusing and misleading to the reader. Also during this portion of the book is when you see the major references to other books and pieces of information appear in the form of tiny portions of these articles being inserted into the book. These inserts of information, for the majority of the book, are helpful
  • 15. Essay on little miss sunshine Little miss sunshine Life to me is a journey you never know where it may lead you! I have chosen to watch and research on the film little miss sunshine as I believe it is a great example of journeys. The film Little Miss Sunshine, directed by Jonathon Dayton and Valerie Faris, is about a dysfunctional family that take a road trip to a beauty contest. Along the way to the little miss sunshine pageant, the family must deal with crushed dreams, heart breaks, and a broken down Volks Wagon bus, leading up to the Surreal Little Miss Sunshine Competition itself. The Hoover family might not be dysfunctional if it wasn t for the personal problems which each character face. Olive s is the main character and the only one in the family who ... Show more content on ... There are many techniques used in this film. Firstly the directors and their team use a variety of different camera techniques to shape our view on the characters, and ultimately change our view in the world. In the opening sequence each character is introduced using different camera shots. For example Olive s father is first projected to the audience as a success. There is a sequence of close ups and mid ranged shots which show Richard confidently speaking in a spotlight at the front of the room. However the cinematic team then use a cut to a point of view shot of what Richard sees when he has finished talking, which allows us to then see how much of a failure he really is, as there is only five, half asleep, bored people in the room and only one person applauds Richards work. This first sequence allows us to see that Richard acts and feels like a winner to himself, but when he is seen with the rest of the world he is a failure and a loser. The directors have used this sequence to shape our understanding of winning and losing as it employs the idea that winning and losing is based on comparing yourself to the rest of the world, instead of being on how you feel and view yourself. Another technique used is the music used in the film. The soundtrack for Little Miss Sunshine is a mix of indie rock and folk music that fits the scenes and overall
  • 16. Science in Nathaniel Hawthorne s Rappaccini s Daughter The short story Rappaccini s Daughter can be seen as a love story about young man determined to be with his beloved, despite the fact that she is poisonous. However, when examining the text, underlying theme about science arise. During the time in which this piece was written, science was rapidly evolving. All biological sciences must first go through a taxonomic stage since their data must be put in order before they can be employed in research on an analytical level (Shryock 291) Rappaccini s Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorneuses Rappaccini s unrelenting pursuit of knowledge that resulted in the tragic loss of his daughter; to show the productive and destructive powers of scientific discovery, which evolved American society... Show more content on ... These discoveries helped shape the views of 18th century American society. Parallels about religion can also be made by comparing Rappaccini s poisonous garden and the Garden of Eden. The story contains many biblical allegories which hinted to the viewpoint of that time. The most significant Parallel that can be made between the story and 18th century American Society is the use of science to explain the rank of creatures in nature. The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould is an important tool in critiquing the misuse of science to justify social inequalities such as racism and sexism. In assessing the impact of science upon the 18th century views of race we must first recognize the cultural milieu of a society whose leaders and intellectuals did not doubt the propriety of racial ranking with Indians below Whites and Blacks below every one (Gould 63) Rappaccini uses the excuse that the world is dangerous to justify why her made his daughter poisonous. He fails to realize that he is actually hurting his daughter Beatrice. Rappaccini myopically ignores the needs of others, imposing his sense of things on the people who fall under his control.(Wachtel) His selfish actions shows that he has a lack of morals. A second parallel that can be made is Rappaccini s desire to have dominion over nature Dr. Rappaccini is extremely talented botanist; he has
  • 17. Abortion Ethical Issue Abortions have been an issue in this country for many years. Some people agree That abortion should be illegal while others disagree and say that abortions should be legal. The three branches of government have been called upon to address the issue. There are many issues that pertain to abortion that must be resolved by the legislative branch of the federal government. The members of Congress are obligated to support the will of the people they represent and if those people are supportive of the practice of abortion as an after the act form of birth control then so will the members of Congress be. The greatest issue may be the relationship between law and morality and science and politics. One politician stated campaigning for abortion ... Show more content on ... Congress has made not a single law making abortion a legal practice in the country. President Obama issues executive orders, that state that federal funds cannot be used to supplement abortions or clinics that perform abortions. The President nominates Supreme Court justices that rule on abortion cases and therefore the President potentially has more power to influence abortion decisions. These chosen justices sit on the nation s highest court and actually decide whether babies will live or die. President Obama stated Those of us who support a woman s rights to decide to have an abortion and make intimate decisions about sex, sexuality, and reproduction must also think and act strategically . A pro life Congress can propose all forms of bills to defend women and babies, but unless both the house and senate have super pro life plurality (290 seats in the House; 67 in the Senate), a pro abortion President can kill any legislation with his veto pen. In 2013, President Barack Obama was the first sitting president to press the issue about abortion. Obama stated planned parenthood is not going anywhere . President Obama talked about Planned Parenthood to thousands of supporters. In conclusion, we see that the discussion of abortion rights has been ongoing for decades with the consensus of the three branches of government being that a woman should have a right to choose whether to have a baby or not. Even though individual states have passed legislation either for or against abortions, the final word has rested with the judicial and executive branches. The Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that a woman should have the right to choose. The executive branch concurs with this ruling as long as federal monies are not
  • 18. Language Interview Research Paper Language Interview For the Language Interview, I have interviewed my sister using Skype on 6th May, who currently attends University of California, Berkeley studying Computer Science. Her name is Yoorim and she speaks Korean, English, Afrikaans, and French. I have decided to interview her because she is multilingual and she has the interesting background childhood spent in Korea and South Africaand adulthood in United States. Her first languageis Korean because she is born in Korea and raised under Korean speaking parents. She moved to South Africa from Korea when she was 10 years old and there she attended the private school called Crawford College Pretoria where teachers use English to teach all the other subjects such as Math, Science and Accounting. However, she had to learn 2nd language, the choice among the 11 South African official language other than English, and 3rd language, usually choice between German and French. She had chosen Afrikaans, the language derived from the form of Dutch, as 2nd... Show more content on ... She said she feels strong bond with Koreans even though she speaks English to them. Her experience is very similar to that of Gloria Anzaldua, the author of How To Tame A Wild Tongue when Gloria could not stop humming the words when she heard the music from Mexico. For example, Yoorim never listen to any of the pop music you can find on the Billboard chart. She loves Korean Pop music and she loves going to the karaoke and singing in Korean. Like Gloria, my interviewee also ties food to her identity. She has been living in a community where Korean is a minority group. However, she cooks and eats Korean food daily. She said she must go to Korean markets bi weekly to purchase Korean foods because she cannot live a day without a Kimchi, the Korean traditional side dish made from
  • 19. Marketin Plan for Tata Nano Malaysia 1.0EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tata Nano is the cheapest car in the world. It is sold in home country India around Rs 1 lakh i.e approximately USD 2000. It is manufactured by Tata Motor Limited, the largest automobile company in India. It s Chairman, Ratan Naval Tata envisions that Tata Nano to become a People s car which is affordable by almost everybody. Tata Nano was first launched in India on 1st April 2009 and expected to be in Indian market by July 2009. Since launching, it has created a huge buzz all over India. Within the first two days of lunching, it has received 5500 booking. The figures keep increasing every day since the launching. What makes Tata Nano so cheap? Basically, by making things smaller, lighter, do away with ... Show more content on ... Tata motor has good supplier manufacturer relationship with more than 100 components manufacturers. Its research and development team has vast knowledge and experience to produce the cheapest car in the world in mass quantity. 2.1.2Demographics Population , demographics, rural urban, vital statistics from Malaysian auto report . Emil to copy from Malaysian auto report. 2.1.4Geographics Tata Motors has targeted the urban area in Malaysia. This is going to be Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru. There are 5 million motorcycle riders in Malaysia. 2.1.5Distribution review Just like in India, Tata Nano will be positioned as an affordable car even in overseas markets. Easy to assemble kits will be imported from Tata in India. The car then will be assembled at pre defined locations. The proposed locations are Shah Alam, Selangor and Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru. It will be then redistributed to showrooms that will be set up based on region. Forty sales offices will be opened throughout Malaysia. 2.1.6 Competitor review The main competitors are Proton, Perodua, Toyota and Honda. The table below indicates the market share of the main competitors in the auto industry for the year 2008. 2.2SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis investigates the Malaysian political, economic and business environment. The following findings are adapted from Malaysian Auto Report 2009. a.Malaysia Political SWOT 3Malaysia Political SWOT
  • 20. Ground Water Rehab Papers Today I spent seven hours in the cardiac rehab. St Jude medical center offers health education and prevention classes for the community members. I attend the food and nutrition class, which was offered by registered dietitian for the cardiac patients. The focus was over all health, wellness, balanced heart healthy meals and change of habits. Dietitian discussed through foodand exercise how to manage and prevent high cholesterol, manage blood pressure or hypertensionand heart disease. Dietitian answered one on one patient s question. She showed how to read food labels, specially the fat, sugar and salt content. It is hard to believe that only 10% of salt comes from saltshaker, most of the salt comes from processed food. For an example, instance oatmeal has lots of salt. A cardiac patient is allowed 1500 mg salt per day. Dietary approaches to lower or... Show more content on ... It is an imagine place, who can dream of reusing the wastewater. I never thought about where does the water goes after I flush the toilet or wash the dishes. Now I know that it has been recycled and put back to the ground for our water supply. It is really helpful at the time of the water shortage. The Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) is the world s largest water purification system for indirect potable reuse. This system takes highly treated wastewater (that would have previously been discharged into the Pacific Ocean) and purifies it using a three step advanced treatment process consisting of microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet light with hydrogen peroxide. The process produces high quality water that meets or exceeds all state and federal drinking water standards. The GWRS is a joint project of the Orange County Water District (OCWD) and the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD), providers enough new water for nearly 850,000 residents and has become an essential element of local water
  • 21. Nafme Collegiate Recital Concert Report The NafME Collegiate Recital recital was quite fascinating and interesting. There was a sense of elegance, amituer, and fun in the air. It took place at the Hughes Recital Hall in the Josephine Campbell Recital Hall. I went with my friend who thankfully knew where he was going or else I probably would have had troubles getting there. It was a nice building where you could feel the passion for music. The Josephine Hall itself was small, but professional. We found our seat and waited for the show to begin. It started with an emcee introducing himself and what was to be heard at the concert. He had an assistant help setting up the stage for the performers. Different items would come and go throughout the concert like chairs, music stands, and different instruments, but a grand pianowas out the whole time. Which I enjoyed very much, because the piano was my favorite the whole night. I love the sound and music it makes. After everything was set up the emcee talked about a little in depth about what NafME stood for and what it is about. I learned anybody can be apart of it, not just people who play an instrument. I also enjoyed knowing that, because I love music, but do not play an instrument.... Show more content on ... It started off with two saxophones, who I thought played beautiful together. They started off at the exact same time, which I thought was very impressive and was in unison their whole performance. I also enjoyed the sopranos that sang. They both had beautiful voices, but I liked the second one who sang Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz a lot better. Her voice was softer and less aggressive. The flute and piano ensemble was probably my least favorite performance of the night. She seemed unconfident and hesitant about herself and her performance. It appeared from a listening standpoint that she missed or was off on notes, which is bad if an audience member
  • 22. Biography Of Saint Augustine Of Hippo Saint Augustine of Hippo lived his life always striving to excel in whatever he did. His accomplishments are woven into today s society as his influence was one of the most powerful. A man of such importance that his thoughts influenced the way people of his time and people today think and perceive the world. He is known as being one of the most important people involved in the development of Western Christianity. Born as Aurelius Augustinus on November 13th, 354 in what is present day Tagaste, he lived a very interesting life. His father, Patricius, was a pagan. His mother, Monica, was a devout Catholic deemed as a Christian Saint. He was raised Catholic and at the age of eleven he attended a school where he became familiar with Latin literature and pagan beliefs and practices. Augustine was intrigued after reading Hortensius by the Roman philosopher and politician Cicero. This is said to be the piece that sparked his interest in Philosphy. As Augustine got older, he lived a life full of self gratification and pleasure. Although his mother did not approve, he spent time in Carthage, Tunisia where he continued his education in Rhetoric. He frequently visited brothels there and had a relationship with a woman who bore him a son named Adeodatus. About a decade later he accepted an appointment as professor of rhetoric for the imperial court at Milan, a highly visible and influential academic chair. In summer of 386, he converted to full Catholic Christianity and abandoned his
  • 23. Lenin Return To Petrograd Research Paper After the February Revolution Lenin wanted to return to Russia as soon as possible. This was a problem because he was isolated in neutral Switzerland as World War I continued to be fought in neighboring states. The Swiss communist Fritz Platten managed to negotiate with the German government for the safe passing of Lenin on the sealed train. The German government clearly hoped Lenin s return would create political unrest in Russia. The April Theses were a series of ten directives expressed by the Lenin upon his return to Petrograd. The Theses were mostly aimed at fellow Bolsheviks in Russia and returning to Russia from exile. He called for soviets (workers councils) to take power, denounced liberals and social revolutionaries in the Provisional
  • 24. Joan Of Arc Thesis Joan Of Arc 1430 Joan of Arc has been taken by the Burgundians and taken to the castle of Bouvreuil. It is confirmed that she is being pronounced a death sentence. On the morning of May 30th, she is to be burned at the stake at the old marketplace of Rouen. They have charged her with many things, including witchcraft and dressing like a man. So far, no one has attempted to save her from them, not even King Charles. He is predicting that they want to take the King and Joan out of power. Therefore, he is fearful to make an attempt to help Joan. This all started in 1412 when Joan of Arc was born. She claimed to hear the voice of God at the age of 13. She had one mission from this voice, to save France by getting rid of the enemies and making
  • 25. The Lesson And The House On Mango Street Zin Da Keith O Shaughnessy Eng Comp 2 9/21/17 Learing Hard The Lesson and Sandra Cisneros The House On Mango Street Everybody once was facing hard and struggles through at a young age learn acceptable differently. In Toni Cade Bambara s The Lesson and Sandra Cisneros The House On Mango Street, the protagonists are both young girls and lives in a bad neighborhood who assent to faith in growing up quickly and learning the outside world that they live. In The Lesson Miss Moore opens her mind to exposing the level class status by taking her and her friends to the toy store in wealthy part of New York City. In The Mango... Show more content on ... She inspired the kids to learn there is much more about the world than outside of where they lived. On the day, miss more rounded up neighborhood kids and is going to take them to A fancy toys store at fifty seventh street. Miss Moore knows that this will be a new experience for the children who don t have this in their neighborhood, and will be excited by the unexpected items that they had never seen before. In The Lesson, Miss Moore attempts to teach the children about savage inequalities that exist in their socioeconomic status. However, Miss Moore gives her five dollar bill to pay the taxi to a toy store, where they wonder at the wealthy people live. Miss Moore told them to go in but Sylvia immediately uncomfortable there. Sylvia was unhappy that miss Moore brought them here. The children see a microscope, paperweight, and sailboats cost $1,195. Everything in the store was high price and the kids shocked by looking at the cost, and to teach them a lesson and inspire them to fight for success and try to do better for themselves. When the arrived back to Harlem, miss Moore asks the children what they thought the store. Eventually, sugar reply and said that the cost of the toy sailboat could feed all of them. Again she asks the children what this inequality says about society. Sugar
  • 26. Donner Company (Case Analysis) Donner Company started its operations in 1985 and developed specialized capability in manufacturing circuit boards for experimental devices and for pilot production runs. The company uses Solder mask over Bare Copper (SMOBC) technology which is a popular technology for denser circuit patterns and more reliable final product. Automated processes as well as manual processes are used to perform medium duty, short cycle, repetitive tasks. They promise a delivery within three weeks for orders less than 1000 boards and 5 weeks for larger orders. While reviewing the company s position prior to planning 1988 operations, Edward Plummer, President of the company found that the firm was experiencing production delays due to serious problems in... Show more content on ... However, time efficiency or the run time is not the correct measure for optimal order scheduling as this doesn t take capacity into account. Assuming orders for the month of September 87, if we run all the orders on the manual machine, it takes 550.8 hours for drilling. On the other hand, if we schedule all the orders on CNC machine, it will take 432 hours. However, we argue that we can achieve higher productivity by operating both the machines in parallel, as drilling is our bottleneck resource. The optimal solution will be reached when we use both the machines such that both operate for the same duration of time i.e. equal utilization. This can be achieved when we start scheduling the orders with the least order size on manual machine and those with large order sizes on the CNC machine. Then we look at the remaining orders and repeat the same decision process. This process is repeated until the busy time for both the machines are equal. When we schedule the orders for September in the above manner, the CNC machine gets the four largest orders and has run time of 157 hours, whereas, the rest of the orders are executed on the manual machines which have run time of 160 hours each. Thus, we can process the entire set of orders with the bottleneck resources being busy for 160 hours each (in contrast with 196 hours of CNC taken in the case to service same set of orders). If we assume steady state i.e. order size histogram will follow a similar pattern,
  • 27. Radan Research Paper History Radon was discovered in 1900 by German Chemist Friedrich Ernst Dorn. Radon was the third radioactive element found after Polonium and Radium. Dorn discovered the element because of an observation made by Marie Curie. Dorn discovered that when radium is released into the air the air becomes radioactive. After observing the gas for a while Dorn discovered that radium produces a gas when it breaks apart. Dorn first called the gas Radium Emanation ,Emanation meaning something given off. In 1923, seven years after Dorns death scientists changed the name Radium Emanation to Radon. Referring to where the gas comes from, Radium. Development of the Periodic Table A Russian chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev was the first scientist to make ... Show more content on ... All of Radons isotopes are radioactive. Radons most stable Isotope. While there are no stable isotopes in radon, the most stable isotope is 222Rn, which is a decay product of 226Ra. There are 3 Isotopes of Radon that occur in nature, radon 219, radon 220, and radon 222. Isotopes are two or more forms of an element. Each isotope is different because of its mass number. All Isotopes of Radon have very short half lives and they do not remain in the atmosphere for very long. The half life of an element is the time it takes for half of a sample of the element to break down. The radon Isotope with the longest half life is Radon 222, lasting only 3.8 days. Most of Radons Isotopes do not last more than a few seconds, or minutes. Some of the physical properties of Radon is that it is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. When radon is at standard temperature and pressure, radon forms a monatomic gas with a density of 9.73 kg/m3, about 8 times the density of the Earth s atmosphere at sea level, 1.217 kg/m3. Some of the Chemical Properties of Radon is, Radon has an atomic number of 86. Also it has a density of 9.73 g/l. The melting and boiling points of radon are 71 C, and 62
  • 28. What the Hubble Telescope Has Taught Us Abstract The needs for an instrument that would take images of the universe from the space were inevitable since there were so many challenges studying space and the universe from earth. The Hubble telescope, named after the great scientist who confirmed the big bang theory, was the solution to this and it has been in space for the more than 20 years it was supposed to live. Over the time, the telescope has sent home so much information that mankind has realized how little they knew about the universe. This paper covers the needs for the Hubble telescope in space, the impacts that it has had in physics and science and what eventually happens to the telescope when its time expires. Introduction Scientists have always been fascinated... Show more content on ... The Goddard space flight centre is the location at which messages are transmitted from the telescope. There are, however, four antennae involved in sending and receiving messages to and from the Hubble telescope. The communication to the telescope happens by use of the tracking and data relay satellite system with five located in different locations in the sky (NASA, 2012). Naturally, it would be thought that satellite visibility is very important in the delivery of information but the crux of the matter is that it does not affect anything since messages are transmitted well in advance. Sometimes, when there is no visible satellite in the line of transmission, there is a special data recorder lodged in the Hubble telescope which stores information and promptly sends when a satellite is visible. The telescope has so many scientific equipments which include computers and other communication devices and all have to be powered. It is not possible to fit in batteries that are sufficient enough to power the telescope its entire life, and, therefore, the telescope is fitted with solar arrays which collect solar energy to be used in running the entire system (University of Manitoba, 2009). It is, however, important to note that there are batteries fixed so that the telescope has energy to run during the time when the telescope is under the shadow of the earth in
  • 29. Self-Sacrifice In A Short Story Self sacrifice is not an easy term to use, neither to take action for, nor a relationship to understand. To do something as easy as writing a letter to a friend whom has been sick for a while, by sacrificing your time, or it could be as hard as using your life to protect someone that is dear to you.It does not have to be the situation you are in or the problem you are facing, it could be a friend or someone close to, and you do want to save that individual, at this right point you have to make a decision which is you sacrificesomething you have or even you, or turn around as nothing had happened in this world, while you chose the first choice you should know what is your capacity and the amount of lost you are doing. In the short story Julia decided to lose her leg for the baby and Lilly, mother carrying her child on her arms taking steps not caring who is behind and that was what she decided to do. The situation was not easy to handle Julia had suffered, and tried to fight for justice, and what she saw was right thing to do, and take action for, she did not care if she lost her leg for helping and protecting the precious; Her attention was set to get the money and people, to help Lilly to get out of German and make her protect the baby, even though she know that she won t live for long, she wanted to do what she can at the current momment. Julia is in pain, tries to hide the fact of her suffering, the fact that she might not see her baby and Freud ever again
  • 30. The Role Of Identity In The Sorrowful Woman Identity What is an identity? Some people claim you re born with it, other says that your identity is molded throughout your lifetime. An identity is what makes you the person that you are. When someone describes you to someone else, they are describing your identity. The morals that you live by, and the way you live your life is your identity. Many different factors make your identity different from everyone else s. I think this because everyone goes through different events in their life and that s what alters a person s identity.In ordinary language, at least, one can use identity to refer to personal characteristics or attributes that cannot naturally be expressed in terms of a social category, and in some contexts certain categories can be described as identities even though no one sees them as central to their personal identity. (Fearon, James D) In The Sorrowful Woman the wife goes through a very traumatic experience which changes her forever. During the story she goes insane because of her living conditions and the way her husband treats her. He gives her some kind of poison that makes her act differently. This causes her to seclude herself from the family and she becomes a completely different person than what she was before. From context clues you can tell she used to be a loving mother and used to care about her family. She died as someone she wasn t. I study has been done to prove that health can cause an identity change. Identity conflict, or the
  • 31. Medicaid Liability Report Good morning, as you requested I have analyzed the qualifications for Medicaid. However, by the information that I was provided, it is unclear whether or not the patient is eligible for their services. I need additional information such as the patient s income, family size, age, proof of citizenship, and if he is part of certain programs to determine whether the patient qualifies for Medicaid. If the patient does qualify for Medicaid, then he has the choice of filling out an application either online, by mail, or by going to his County Social Services office. Below, I have stated in depth, the requirements that the patient needs in order to be eligible for Medicaid. (Include why is it important) Discussion Medicaid is federal and state government ... Show more content on ... Medi Cal enrollment is year around, therefore the patient can apply at any time. The patient has many choices in which he could apply for Medi Cal. The patient can apply by completely filling out an application and mailing it to his nearest county social office. The application is provided in English and other languages. If the patient prefers to apply to Medi Cal in person, then the patient can go his nearest county office and get personal assistance. If the patient lives in Alameda County, the county office is located in 8477 Enterprise Way, Oakland, CA 94621. The patient can also apply by phone. The number for the Alameda Social Services Agency is 1 (888) 999 4772 Toll Free and (510)
  • 32. The Causes Of Bullying In Schools Why and how does children get bullies in school? Is it necessary to have bullies in school? According to the article Bullying and Peer Victimization , Faris discusses the cause of bullies and how it affects their mental health. One cause of bullying is the diversity, which makes a consequence of mental problems. The mental health problems that shows are depression, anger, anxiety, low self esteem, or low empathy. It is proven that researchers have found that bullies have significantly lower self esteem than bystanders (O Moore Kirkham, 2001), are more depressed (Roland, 2002), and have lower global self worth, scholastic competence, social acceptance, and greater behavioral conduct problems (Austin Joseph, 1996) (Faris, 2009). Moreover, America is a diverse country, which people come from different countries. The problem with that fact is when newly immigrants who migrate to America, they get self conscious about what others will think about them. Many young children believe that being different is a horrible characteristic that they tease each other for it. For example, I was bullied as well when I came here from the Philippines (I was 7 ВЅ years old). First of all, I didn t clearly understand the language and I was confused in school with my peers. I mean, I didn t know there are some students who are from other countries and believes in different culture. I thought it was interesting that some people believes that it is alright to hurt one s feelings. I remember, I
  • 33. Acct-504 Final Project Financial Analysis of Hershey and Tootsie Roll Keller University ACCT 504 Instructor: Financial Analysis of Hershey and Tootsie Roll Introduction Tootsie Roll and Hershey are two similar companies with a similar product offering, but they operate on entirely different scales. In an effort to determine the better investment of the two companies we will utilize multiple financial analysis ratios to gauge the health of the respective companies in terms of liquidity (the ability to pay short term liabilities and respond to opportunities), solvency (the long term viability of the company) and profitability (the efficiency at which the can turn it s resources into profits). However, the snapshot picture of ... Show more content on ... (Harrison Jr., Horngen, Tomas, 2013) Even though the cost of goods sold consumes $0.52 of each sale, The Hershey Company managed to generate a profit of $0.48 for each dollar of sales. Profit Margin Ratio The profit margin ratio demonstrates the ability of a company to increase the percentage of net income earned for every dollar of sales. For example: this ratio shows the percentage of each sales dollar earned as net income . (Harrison Jr., Horngen, Tomas, 2013) The Hershey Company was able to increase the profit margin ratio from 10 percent in 2012 to 11 percent in 2013. The increase in profit margin from the previous year 2012 shows that the performance of the company is increasing which means that revenue is increasing or expenses are decreasing. Furthermore, The Hershey Company is managing their performance efficiently and this is directly reflected in profit margin ratio. Return on Assets The return on assets (ROA) ratio helps measure how profitable a company is in relation to its total assets. In the case of Tootsie Roll, the company had an ROA of .06 in 2012 and an ROA of .07 in 2013. This is an increase of close to 16.7 percent year over year. Hershey, on the other hand had an ROA of .14 in 2012 and .16 in 2013. Hershey s rising ROA is comparable at 14.3 percent. With change 16.7 percent and 14.3 percent being so similar, we favor Hershey s ROA at the higher rate of .16 in 2013 as opposed to Tootsie
  • 34. The Gap Between The Poor And The Rich In the article named wealth written in 1889,the author, Andrew Carnegie stated his opinion on the widening gap between the poor and the rich. In the late 19th century, the conflict between different social classes is getting worsen. The problem of our age is the proper administration of wealth, so that the ties of brotherhood may still bind together the rich and poor in harmonious relationship. 1. People consider this difference as unfair and should be criticised. However, Mr Carnegie believe this difference is highly beneficial. This change, however, is not to be deplored, but welcomed as highly beneficial. 2.The author believed that the difference is essential to the progress of society It is well, nay, essential for the progress of the race, that the houses of some should be homes for all that is highest and best in literature and the arts, and for all the refinements of civilization, rather than that none should be so. Much better this great irregularity than universal squalor. Without wealth there can be no Maecenas. In the speech addressed to a group of ministers by President William McKinley, Decision on the Philippines revealed the president s view about the annexing of the Philippines. The United States took over the Philippines after the Philippine American War. President William McKinley described the reason for taking over as That we could not give them back to Spain that would be cowardly and dishonourable;(2) That we could not turn them over to
  • 35. Modern Classism Theory and the Context Essay Classism is seen at both institutional and individual levels and in many forms. Institutionally, it may surface in the manner financial aid is handled versus traditional tuition on a university s campus. Individually, on that same campus, it may be displayed in the manner students from different backgrounds are received by a Greek organization. Classism can be insidious as stereotypes and myths, contempt and dislike, or contact avoidance, or as menacing as discriminatory practices in housing, employment, and schooling. One of the strongest stereotypes associated with low income persons are those which equate members of this group with laziness, uncleanness, immoral behavior, deviance and limited intelligence (Spencer Ontario (LCO), 2009;... Show more content on ... Phelan (2008) notes classist s assumptions become so integrated into common discourse in diverse social contexts that they become tacitly acceptable and legitimize a particular version of social reality which objectifies ...people as a homogenous group in subject positions which emphasize these stereotypical negative attributes (p. 350). However, classism may be invalidated on the basis of its nature. It is exclusionary, discriminatory and anti social justice. Those being discrimination against are more than often at a disadvantage because their interests are not represented or their rights respected in society. Classism is predicated on the belief that low income individuals do not and should not have equal rights and their interests should be subordinated or at least different from those of a higher social or income level (Spencer, 2009). Classists in our society usually survive as a function of privilege. Dr. Wade Nobles (as cited in Power /Privilege Definitions, n.d.) notes, Power is the ability to define reality and to convince other people that it is their definition. (p.1). Just as power is an important aspect of classism and classist s conduct and how it works, so is oppression almost always evident. In fact, it is suggested that an oppressor is one who keeps down another by their power to oppress and by those who consent to this act by their silence. (Power/Privilege
  • 36. Advantage And Advantages Of Apdt Association of professional service dog trainers Introduction Association of professional dog trainers is a trusted source of training humans so that they could better train the dogs through proper education and insights into the dog s behavior and inborn skills. The association is determined to find new ways and let the canine human relationship thrive in a fruitful manner. APDT covers all the needs of a trainer, a dog owner and a person who needs a service dog. They intend to help people in a way that they are better service dog trainers and can train dogs to be better service dogs through successfully learned skills that are learned via proper training. Who should enroll in APDT? APDT or Association of service dog trainer is meant for the people who want to become a professional dog ... Show more content on ... Short e courses or webinars and seminars Short e courses and seminars are also held to update the trainers and professionals about the latest techniques and methodologies to help trainers improve the training output. Advantages of joining APDT If you have planned to enhance your skills as a professional dog trainer or want to start your career or become a dog trainer through the APDT knowledge base and training courses then you must know what benefits you will be offered: You will have an access to all comprehensive courses that are offered by experts in every field or areas related to dog training. You will be able to interact with well known dog training professionals to help you learn the real time information and knowledge. You will be provided with all resources and helpful sources to guide you and get the most useful
  • 37. Untapped Resources In HBU Untapped Resources It s shocking what one can learn by simply going onto you re school s website and getting to know the campus better. A plethora of resources is made available to students, but simply aren t payed any attention to. The campus is brimming with staff that wish to better their students lives; however they lack the manner of reaching the undergraduates or even the resources to make the difference. HBU needs to improve their connection with incoming freshman and fix any lacking areas in their program to prevent students who are struggling from being overwhelmed by college life. HBU sets out to actively improve students lives, through new and innovating orientation programs that are quick to show the beauty of the campus, ... Show more content on ... In some cases they can t even receive the aid they need thus leaving stressed students in a hopeless mindset. Despite some programs being glossed over and important building are left in the shadow, there are many useful and incredible programs set to help students in dire situation with counseling and advising. While there it is a student responsibility to seek out aid, many are new freshman with little or no experience being independent and simply don t know what they can do. Therefore there has to be some form or manner to introduce the resources to undergraduates or give incentive to have students enter their office and learn about valuable resources they have. Something as small as having a meeting with one of the staff members for clw point can bride the disconnection and fear these vulnerable students have about speaking about their issues to an advisor that can alter the success of a student s life in school and at
  • 38. The Oldest Profession The oldest profession in the world, prostitution. It is seen all throughout history, even in the holiest of books. In ancient Athens, Greece prostitutes or heterae were well educated, free, independent women and on the other hand during the reformation and counter reformation combined with the syphilis epidemic prostitutes were severely persecuted (Ringdal, 59 and 176). During the Protestant Reformation, prostitutes were punished in the streets, being treated so poorly. It is evident that prostitutionhas had its battles with their safety, in every sense of the word throughout history especially when their work is deemed absolutely illegal, or they are heavily restricted. Prostitution seems to be a fact of life that cannot be avoided and if it is evident historically that pushing this demographic to the side does not work, why are we still enabling an environment that makes them face similar bouts? Today the sex industryis booming with an estimated 250,000 to 1.3 million women working as prostitutes in the United States (Maryann, 1), this paper focuses on the decriminalization and legalization of prostitution mainly in Nevada and in comparison with a few other countries such as Netherlands and Germany and other cities in the United States such as San Francisco. My goal for this research paper was to see to what extent does legalize or decriminalizing prostitution benefit the prostitute. Over fifty countries around the world have legalized prostitution, others
  • 39. How Did Roman Cultures Use Arches The Roman Empire is credited with the development of many great achievements. These achievements can still be seen in Rome and throughout the world. The Romans are well known for their aqueduct system and huge colosseum that are still standing today. These monumental building feats would not have been created without the use and knowledge of many different techniques. The use of cement was one of the technologies employed to build these large structures. The utilization of arches was another. Many people associate the idea of arches with the Romans. However, they were not the first people to utilize arches. This paper will concentrate on why the Romans were credited with developing the arch; what they did to improve previous cultures use of arches; and how the Romans used arches to create massive structures that are still standing today. The Romans were the first builders in Europe, perhaps the first in the world, to fully appreciate the advantages of the arch, the vault and the dome (Cartwright, 2013). The Romans are credited with creating arches because they used them so often and in extremely large structures. Most people have heard of the Roman ... Show more content on ... Heaton describes the Roman aqueducts as one of the greatest achievements in the ancient world. The aqueducts transported water from reservoirs at a higher elevation to different locations within Rome. At the height of the Roman Empire, they needed to supply water to over one million people. There was over 260 miles of aqueduct built during the Roman reign. The aqueduct system worked due to gravity. The water would flow from a higher elevation to a lower elevation. The Romans tried to follow the lay of the land as best as they could, but sometimes, to keep the gradient so that the water would continue to flow, they would have to tunnel the aqueduct through mountainsides or even build large bridge like structures to span across valleys (Heaton,
  • 40. “the Minister’s Son in His Conceited Impotence Violates... The minister s son in his conceited impotence violates Tess more cruelly than her sensual lover Discuss. In Thomas Hardy s Tess of the d Urbervilles (published in 1891), Hardy portrays his heroine, Tess, as an innocent and poor country girl; a symbolic version of the rural women of the era who were mercilessly down trodden in a male dominated world, and who, when abused, were blamed for it. This novel has evoked generations of readers sympathy because of Hardy s portrayal of Tess s tragic fate and her life journey as a victim of both individuals and the society she was born into. Since the first publication of this novel many critics have analyzed the source of Tess tragedy and downfall. This essay intends to analyze the novel to ... Show more content on ... This view of Tess is a stark contrast to the way in which Alec viewed Tess. To Alec Tess was seen as a prize, his focus was physical. It was because of this that he behaved and spoke in such a sexual way well, my big Beauty . There are moments throughout the first half of the novel however, when Alec fancies that he would like to love Tess, but every time Tess shows that she does not love him; he does not seem to care Tess, why do you always dislike my kissing you? I suppose because I don t love you . Tess was not emotionally attached to Alec. Throughout their dialogue is the suggestion that Alec could see that she would never love him you ll never love me I fear. I have said so often. It is true. I have never really and truly loved you, and I think I never can . In opposition to the suggestion that Alec may want to love Tess, she is continually treated as if a prize animal remember my lady, I have been your master once I will be your master again . Tess feelings towards Angel however, were those of intimacy, affection and love. She was prepared to give him her life I have been hoping, longing, praying, to make you happy! I have thought what joy it will be to do it, what an unworthy wife I shall be if I do not! That s what I have felt, Angel! ,
  • 41. Reflection Book In A Bag Reflection Book in a Bag Reflection The first grade classroom at Putnam Elementary School that I am placed at is currently focused on a fairytales unit. The students had previously discussed the story elements of a fairytale which correlates with the standard RL1.3. This standard states: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story using key details. My teacher referred to key details as story elements for this lesson. The students had also read Cinderellatwo days previous to my activity. The book I worked with is called Cinderquaker by Mike Thaler. This is a spin off story to Cinderella where the characters are various birds. This activity served similarly to a post assessment because we re analyzed Cinderella and the differences ... Show more content on ... An unexpected element of their literacy development was evident when a student pointed out that I forgot to put a period on the end of one of my sentence examples. This is a high focus in a classroom as well as capitalizing the first letter in a sentence. This was not the focus of my project but shows the students are successfully developing in this area because they are noticing it in other content areas. I fluently read the story stopping to make sure students pointed their story element. I would use inflection when I reached story element like Fairy Mom to emphasis the key words. This was important to the reading because not all the elements were exactly the same as most story, for example fairy godmother was called fairy mom and instead of once upon a time it reads Once there was a little duck . These slight changes in word choice made it difficult for the students to pick up on the elements. For the next time, I would consider explaining this to the students before hand so that they know the exact key words to be looking for. The main skill I focused on was vocabulary specifically story elements of fairytales. I printed out the student s the element they were to look with a picture so that they could see the words and how it is spelled while also relating it to the picture. Before I began to read, I had the students explain to me what
  • 42. Democracy Derailed Essay Democracy Derailed looks at the initiative process, the effects of that process and asked the question, Is this a good way to make public policy? I feel that even though the process is not perfect it is a great way to allow the average citizen more power in policy making. The History Democracy Derailed begins with addressing the evolution of the initiative process. During the first twenty years in Plymouth Colonies, all adult men met to consider legislation. In 1715, Massachusetts had to address anything that was supported by ten citizens. By 1788, Massachusetts began conducting referendums, and by the 1850 s, referendums had become an acceptable practice. By the end of the 1800 s, direct legislation in states had become ... Show more content on ... The common ground that all members shared was their dislike and distrust for Democrats, Republicans, banks and monopolists. They felt that these groups were controlled by extreme corruption and infested legislatures with bribes to maintain control and power. Both groups chose the initiative to help clean up governmental corruption, inspired by its use in Switzerland. The Webster s Dictionary defines initiative as, the introduction of proposed legislation, as to popular vote, by voters petitions. This is what dre3w both the Populists and Progressives to migrating initiatives to the United States. The popular theory was that if voters would gain education and curiosity connected to public affairs. Initiatives seemed like the logical solution to allow power directly aback in the people s hands. Woodrow Wilson wrote that, the men who have been ruling America must consent to let majority into the game...We will not allow the few to continue to determine what the policy of the country is to be...all men with the convictions of America in their hearts, will crowd to that standard and a new day of achievement may come for the liberty we love. Wilson was just one politician to believe that initiatives could help American government. Theodore Roosevelt, Jane Adams, Head of Direct Legislation Eltweed Pomeroy, President of WCTU
  • 43. Sequential Art Rhetorical Analysis Rhetoric in Sequential Art When the word sequential art comes to mind, many people would automatically assume some elaborate work of art that belongs in an art museum, but at a baseline sequential art can be your average comic book or comic strip. This isn t to say that they shouldn t be in an art museum because the work displayed in them is phenomenal and in some ways, can surpass your stereotypical piece of art, but most people consider them childish, a waste of time, or something that could never be taken seriously. In reality comics and other forms of sequential art do something that many pieces of art cannot do. They can combine the beauty or simplicity behind art, with a phenomenal storyline that everyone can understand. What is even... Show more content on ... When thinking about a novel, one of the most commonly used rhetorical tools used is imagery. When a scene is important for the sake of the plot or important to the author, the author works hard to bring the reader into the world that they see the action happening in. The same can be said of the presentation of a certain sequence within a piece of sequential art. Whereas a square can be seen as an ordinary frame for a comic, when the art is put into any other shape, it now stands out as important to the reader and they are more inclined to noticed more detail within the scene or frame. The same effect applies within the Narmer Palette and its presentation on the stone tablet that it is carved on. The main parts of the story are in giant panels, framed in a large rectangle and surrounded by the Egyptian goddess Bat, a cow goddess who was prevalent in the Old and Middle Kingdoms of Egypt. The goddess was told to have two faces, one able to see to the past and the other to see towards the future, hence why the face of a cow appears twice on each panel of significance. For many who were to look upon the palette it would be a sign of a blessing, significance, and greatness. This particular style of detail can be considered a rhetorical device because of its purpose towards the main theme of the
  • 44. Difference Between Human Law And Unjust Law Jake Kleinberg Philosophy 231 October 18, 2014 Law and justice are not synonymous; occasionally law and justice stand in opposition to one another; occasionally justice requires that we break the law. According to Martin Luther King Jr. there are two types of laws: there are just laws and there are unjust laws... An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. Crucially, moral law is the natural code of a society that dictates right from wrong this is the basis of human law. The difference is that human law may itself be unjust or be applied so that its application is immoral. Arguably, when human law and moral law conflict, we have an obligation and a duty, to break that law we are required to work to change it. In most cases, laws that are unjust are not inherently unjust; it is their application that is so. For example, in 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. was imprisoned for parading without a permit without a doubt having a law to regulate demonstrations and parades is fair. However, by using it deny thousands of blacks their first amendment rights to assemble and to express themselves it becomes unjust. Therefore, it is required ... Show more content on ... Should the time come when it become necessary for myself and my peers to act, I would find myself peacefully disobeying the state as the state [read: United States] was founded upon principles which mandate that I work to enable freedom to all. Ironically, and as Martin Luther King Jr. points out to a degree academic freedom is a reality today because Socrates practiced civil disobedience (this can seen when Socrates continued to teach certain philosophical ideas that went against the beliefs and teaching of the Athenian state). In the end, moral law is absolute; only human law may change and we are the agents tasked with bringing that
  • 45. Essay on Ancient Greek Medicine Ancient Greek Medicine While Greek Medicine particularly from the 5th century B.C onwards, increasingly used scientific method to develop cures, there still however remained people that considered medicine to be a religion. The ancient Greeks (Hellenic) made important discoveries about the human body and health, so by the sixth century BC, medicinal practices focused largely on a more clinical approach involving observation. Their discoveries were made by firstly studying the human anatomy using dissection and vivisection, finding ways to heal using things such as plants and herbs, then finally practising surgery on the human body using different instruments. Before the scientific method developed, most people still saw medicine as a ... Show more content on ... fevers were common in Summer/Fire. Doctors used an important practice called vivisection. Even though this was a cruel practice, medicine couldn t be as advanced as it is today without it. Vivisection the act of cutting open live animals for medical research (Collins Australian Dictionary 2004). In Ancient times as well as animals, this also involved cutting open humans. Vivisection and dissection were the ways in which anatomists discovered the anatomy of the human body and the way it functioned. Vivisection was an extremely emotional issue; people didn t believe that cutting up a human being whilst dead, let alone alive was respectful, so it was condemned in some countries. However, during the Ptolemaic age in Egypt it became possible for Greek and other anatomists to dissect and vivisect in a free and unrestricted environment. This change in attitude was due to the philosophical teachings of Aristotle. The ready supply of criminals able to be used for vivisection also made this controversial practice possible. Aristotle never possessed any inclination to open a human being, although he performed many dissections and vivisections on animals seen as near to man , these being Barbary apes, dogs and pigs. The only chances of his observations came from a wounded mutilated person. Via vivisection, anatomists found that the heart pumps blood, humans breathe through
  • 46. Lung Mesothelioma here are various types of mesothelioma but asbestos lung mesothelioma is an asbestos induced cancer of the mesothelium of the lung, more familiarly known as the pleura, which is the external lining of the lung. Many of the major organs of the body have a mesothelium, that of the heart being called the pericardium and of the heart the peritoneum. However, it is with the pleura that we are concerned here, and the symptoms of asbestos lung mesothelioma are what you would expect: coughing, discomfort in the chest cavity and eventual pain. Before we come to possible treatments and palliative care, let s have a look at what causes it and why we are still seeing new cases today after asbestos was banned for construction use in the 1970s. Asbestos ... Show more content on ... Its treatment is largely palliative, or intended to ease suffering, because the prognosis is fairly grim. Only about 20% of cases live to 5 years after diagnosis, with most surviving only one year, though much depends on how far the condition had developed by the time it was diagnosed. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are used, but not successfully, and various degrees of surgery are also used. Removal of the affected lung, pericardium and half the diaphragm is the most major of these, and even that only extends life to a maximum of around five years from diagnosis. There are new treatments being tested, but all treatment is expensive, and a good attorney is likely necessary to secure the compensation to pay for these. Ultimately hospice care will be required and again compensation money should be kept back for this. Ultimately, in spite of all the treatment given, it is palliative care that will make the last days of the patient bearable, as will the help and support of the family, and this is what compensation can fund. Article Source:
  • 47. Endangered Animals Endangered Animals Humans are destructive. Not a lot of us think about how what we do affects the world around us. We almost act like we are the only ones on this planet. We go around polluting and destroying our world with no regard for our actions. The things that live out in the wild are paying the price for it. Every day that passes there is another animal or plant that is placed on an endangered list. This is happening at an alarming rate. Because of man s desire to expand and conquer their surroundings, there are animals and plants that are on the brink of extinction that will not be around for our kids and future generations to enjoy if something is not done about it now. This problem has been going on for hundreds of years. There ... Show more content on ... Consider, for example, the case history of the gray wolf (Canis lupus). The gray wolf is not only one of the most impressive of the large North American mammals it is also one of the most misunderstood. The history of the gray wolf since the arrival of the European peoples who indiscriminately displaced both indigenous human populations and indigenous animal and plant populations has been interlaced with attempts at extermination and, more recently, conservation. The specieswas almost reduced to the point of extinction before public sentiment would sway to the point where it would receive some protection. First listed as an endangered species in 1973, the gray wolf (thanks to the conservation efforts and severe legal penalties for harming this species that are attributable to the Endangered Species Act) is one of the success stories of the Endangered Species Act. With the upswing in the gray wolf population, however, there has been a consequent increase once again in the same public resentment which almost obliterated the gray wolf from the face of the earth just a few decades ago. This resentment, and the loss of habitat which seems to characterize so many indigenous species of the Americas, translate to a continuation of the rocky road which the gray wolf has traveled for so long. The plight of the gray wolf can be directly related to the fact that the wolf is considered a threat to man and livestock alike. Although wolf behavior makes them
  • 48. William Shakespeare s Henry V In times where kings were references to God, and tariffs were set upon to pardon sins. In which the Great Chain of being dictated the order on to which place you ought to be or were born into. William Shakespeare s Henry V, narrates the story of one of England s greatest monarchs. Shakespeare, exploits a specific time period in Medieval History, The battle of Agincourt, France versus England, in Henry s lead to what we sought and claimed the French Crown, to whom he was denied his but later culminated on win win in The Battle of Agincourt, and in his marriage with Katherine of France, King Charles VI daughter. Shakespeare who s considered to be a liberal Christian for some scholars, decides to incorporate a dualist personality on ... Show more content on ... of the Great Chain of Being s first principle is sought to be that everything is a hierarchy, and the higher you are in the chain the nearest you are to God. As for to be expressed in the play, King Henry Vis the nearest to God in England. Furthermore, when talked about the King, one must relinquish itself in obedience to whatever the King would decide on. In this excerpt, Shakespeare makes a clear distinction on the closeness of the King to the lord, our God. However, Renaissance Humanism, goes past the adulation of the King, on to terms of precisely self concern and humane reason, lack of praise for actions sought as to be the Kings qualities. This is why when Shakespeare presents the Archbishop of Canterbury talking to the Bishop of Ely, regarding a bill, he doesn t want to be passed, because it will affect the church s monetary situation, his mortal reason takes the first place, in trying to manipulate the King, no praise, no adulation, only raw human control among another at first when Arch. Of Canterbury states his main real interest, the church possessions It must be taught on. If pass it against us, we lose the better have of our possessions (ACT I, Scene I, Lines 7 8). In addition to this, there is some adulation in accordance with the Great Chain of Being, but just partially, because
  • 49. The Georgian Era ( 1714-1830 ) Essay The Georgian Era (1714 1830) Reigns of George I,II, III, IV. Fashion for high society was very haute couture, with dresses of silk and satin however, personal hygiene took a backseat as it was not as high a priority as physical appearance. Women rarely bathed, body odours were disguised by aromatic toilet waters, and they wore or carried with them scent bottles of perfumes. Pale skin in this era was also still desirable. Hair was elaborately dressed, held in place with waxes and fats, usually powdered white, sometimes using hair pieces and wigs (Cressy, 2010). The Victorian Era (1837 1901) Queen Victoria did not condone makeup use and confined it to the use of women in brothels and theatres. However this did not deter the women from still indulging in beauty regimes, such as the tweezing of their eyebrows and the concoctions of homemade face masks made from oats, honey and egg yolk ingredients that women of today s time might still use. Castor oil was applied to the eyelashes to help promote growth and rice powder was used on the face to reduce shine throughout the day. A lot of religions in this time era, considered cosmetics to be tools of the devil (Cressy, 2010). In 1875, electrolysis hair removal was invented by Dr. Charles Michel. He was experimenting with ways in which to remove ingrown hairs of the eyelashes, thus finding out that when the electrical current went into the hair follicle, it damaged it forever, permanently stopping future hair growth.
  • 50. Informative Speech About Movie Theatre Have you ever thought about your experience at a movie theatre? Like really thought about it, broken it down? Well that s what we re going to do as I talk to you about Musicals. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in musicals. It s a big passion and love of mine. I even broke my Scooby Doo umbrella while watching Mary Poppins when I was 4 because I have put too many stuffed animals underneath it and was leaning into it too much. :) Musicals are becoming more and more popular again, whether you may have realized it or not they are and effect all of us. La La Land, which came out last year in 2016, was a musical, and ended up doing better than many people probably expected. Musicals are timeless. They will never go away, ... Show more content on ... While you ponder that I m going to end by sharing some of the Top Musicals of All Time Current Ones. The variety of musicals that either went from screen to stage or stage to screen is amazing. Author Michael Hoffman explains in his article titled, The Musical Film Genre: Capturing the Magic of the Stage on the Screen , that throughout the 1960s, the adaptation for stage material for screen remained a popular trend in Hollywood due to its success . West Side Story (1961), My Fair Lady (1964), The Sound of Music (1965), and Oliver! (1968) were all adapted from Broadway hits and each won the Academy award for Best Picture. According to, Rodgers and Hammerstein s Oklahoma! Was the first blockbuster Broadway show in the 1940s. They also created famous classics like Carousel (1945), South Pacific (1949), The King and I (1951), and The Sound of Music (1959). Classics like these will never get old., they will always be in theatre history and be remembered as some of the greats. As the rise of musicals is taking off again you may recognize some of these titles. Have any of you seen the movie Anastasia? According to, Internet Broadway Database, it is one of the newest Broadway shows right now, it first previewed on March 23, 2017 and has had 224 performances since. In August 2015, Hamilton, An American Musical, was released and became a huge hit winning the 2016 Tony Award for Best Musical and