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State of the Net
essential eBusiness intelligence for Irish managers                                                           

A quarterly bulletin on online activity in Ireland                                     ISSN: 1649                       issue 23 Winter 2011

Mobilise your brand for the smartphone revolution
                                                                                                                              Smartphone ownership
                                are not optimised for mobile
                                and this can make otherwise
                                simple tasks, like making                                              Smartphone owners
                                contact by phone or email or
                                finding a store, difficult.                                            741,000    Source: Behaviour
                                                                                                                  & Attitudes for
                                The non-availability of                                                                              Return2Sender,
                                a mobile site can send
                                customers or prospects into
                                                                                       iPhone                                        national survey
                                                                                                                                     among 1,000
                                the arms of online competitors.
                                In the UK, online retailers
                                                                                       326,000                                       adults. June 2011

                                are estimated to be at a risk                                                                         It should be
                                of losing 30% of potential
                                business by not having a                               Android                                        noted that some
                                                                                                                                      people have
  Aileen O’Toole,                                                                                                                     more than one
  Managing Director,
                                website that works on mobile
                                (source: IAB Rich Media Brand                          219,000                                        device
  AMAS                          Effectiveness Study July 2011).

With at least three-quarters
                                Likewise, email marketing
                                campaigns can fall flat if they
                                                                                       Other                                          © AMAS graphic
of a million smartphone
owners in Ireland, it’s time
                                do not display well on mobile,
                                the preferred platform for
for mobile to become            many smartphone owners to
a core component of             access their email.
businesses’ marketing                                                               noticing the phenomenal shift     That is set to change, as the
strategies. Such strategies     Adoption                                            to mobile. RTÉ has seen traffic   scale of smartphone ownership
can be built on sound           Led by the iPhone, and keen                         to its web services from mobile   grows to levels where they
business case principles,       competition between mobile                          devices increase from 15% to      will overtake desktops within
but must recognise the          operators, 2011 saw significant                     40% within the last year.         a few short years and as
challenges of reaching and      strides in smartphone adoption                                                        marketers recognise the
engaging with audiences         levels. Smartphone ownership      Mobile marketing in Ireland                         effectiveness of campaigns
through a wide range of         was estimated at 741,000 in       appears to be several steps                         delivered via “always on”
gadgets and devices.            June 2011, with the iPhone        behind shifting consumer                            devices. Integrated with other
                                accounting for 326,000 of those   behaviour and trends in other                       forms of advertising, there is
The first point of contact      devices (source: Behaviour &      markets. Brands are Male
                                                                                62% certainly                         strong evidence that mobile
potential customers             Attitudes for Return2Sender). By dabbling in different mobile                         delivers results – leads, sales,
can have with a brand           It is reckoned that close on gender
                                                                  formats, from QR codes and                          engagement and interaction.
                                                                                38% Female
or a company is often           five million apps have been       SMS campaigns to mobile                             And all activity – response rates
through the browsers on         downloaded in Ireland.            display campaigns, but to                           and conversions – can be
their smartphones. The                                            date do not appear to have                          easily tracked and analysed to
user experience can be          Those who monitor the             committed significant budget                        inform future campaigns.
somewhat grim – websites        patterns of web traffic are       to mobile.
                                                                                                                      Nowhere is the power and
                                               © AMAS graphic (

                                                                                                  27% -24             the potential of mobile
                             ownership                                                                                advertising more evident than
                                                                                                  36% 25-34           with location-based services,
         By                    62% Male                                       By                                      where geo-targeting allows
                                                                                                  29% 35-49           consumers opt in to receive
       gender                                                                 age
                               38% Female                                                                             offers or services in their locality.
                                                                                                  7%    50-64         Accessing local content
                                                                                                                      drives action, such as
                         Source: As above                                                         1%    65+           Continued on page 4

                               27% -24

                               36% 25-34
Compiled by AMAS 29% 35-49
     age         in association with the Irish Internet Association
                               7%   50-64
1. Broadband
            Irish broadband penetration continues                                    for the second quarter of 2011 stood                             dial-up modems were decommissioned
            to grow, albeit at a slower rate,                                        at almost 1.63 million, a healthy                                in the previous 12 months, with a year-on-
            according to the latest quarterly                                        annual increase of 8.3%.                                         year fall in narrowband subscriptions of
            research from ComReg. The total                                                                                                           55.8%. Cable broadband (such as from
            number of broadband subscriptions                                        More than half of the country’s                                  UPC) enjoyed the highest growth level
                                                                                                                                                      of 32% to a total of 229,000 subscriptions,
           1,700,000                                                                                                           1,628,362              followed by mobile at 14.8% to 584,000.
                          Broadband growth                                                                       1,591,803
           1,600,000                                                                            1,518,349
                                                                                                                         1,624,503                    While DSL broadband connections
00                                 4%
           1,500,000                                                                                       1,548,625                                  account for almost half of the market
           1,400,000                                                             1,443,350
                                                                                                                                                      (44.8%), it has experienced a moderate
                                                                  1,305,035                                                                           yearly decline of -0.2%.
           1,300,000             34%                       1,272,166
80          45%                                     1,200,255             1,361,254
           1,200,000                       1,125,000
                                                                                               © AMAS graphic (
60         1,000,000
                                                                                                                                                      Source: ComReg Quarterly Key Data
                                                                                                                                                      Report, September 2011
                         Q1 08     Q2 08    Q3 08      Q4 08 Q1 09 Q2 09 Q3 09 Q4 09 Q1 10 Q2 10 Q3 10 Q4 10 Q1 11 Q2 11

40                               49%

                                                                                      2. Children online
            46%Hours    spent                       I don’t use the internet*
                  online per day                    Under 1 hour
20                                                  1 to 3 hours                                                                                                                            Online activities
                                 9%                 3 to 5 hours
                    *N/A for primary
             6% group                               5+ hours
     1%                          4%
          Primary        Secondary / youth rounded
                         Percentages are
                                                                                        Social              Chat to friends      Check email   Look up information   Look up music,   Hobbies/interests   Games
          100                                            4%                             networking sites                                       for school projects   videos etc       shopping sites
                                                                             group           40%                 21%                 19%          15%                  14%                14%             13%
                                                                       Secondary /           67%                 37%                 35%          28%                  29%                24%             32%
                                                        34%            youth group
            80               45%                                                                                                                                                 © AMAS graphic (

                                                                                Source: ISPCC, Children and the internet: “This will come back to bite us in the butt.” Published Oct 2011

                                                                                Around half of Irish children and teenagers                       For the teenagers, the majority (56%) go
            60                                                                  spend an average of one to three hours                            online from the family kitchen or sitting
                                                                                online each day and many do so from their                         room, but 44% said that they accessed the
                                                                                bedrooms, without parental supervision.                           internet from their bedrooms. Among the
                                                                                These are some of the topline findings from                       primary group, 23% used the internet in
            40                                          49%                     a survey that canvassed the views of more                         their bedrooms while slightly more than half
                                                                                than 18,000 children and teenagers.                               the sample said that they used it from their
                             46%                                            I don’t use the internet*                                             kitchen or sitting room.
                                                                                The large sample size was split into two
                                                                            Under 1 hour
                                                                             groups – primary students, who were                                  The survey threw up some serious privacy
            20                                                              1 mainly aged 11, and secondary students
                                                                              to 3 hours                                                          concerns. Nearly a quarter (24%) of the
                                                                             and members of youth groups. Different                               older group indicated that they did not
                                                         9%                 3 to 5 hours
                                                                             usage patterns were recorded between                                 use privacy settings, while over a third
                              6%                                            5+ hours groups, with a strong social media
                                                                             the two                                                              (36%) of the younger group (primary) said
                    1%                                   4%
              0                                                              and communications bias among the                                    they didn’t know how to keep their social
                          Primary              Secondary / youth             older group.                                                         network accounts private.
Top Trends

 3. eGovernment                                                                           100%
                                                                                                  eGovernment availability                                                                                                                                     Full online availability in 2010
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Full online availability in 2009

  eGovernment is back on the agenda, with internet services                                80%

                                                                                                                             © AMAS graphic (
  from online voting registers to a new central portal for govern-
  ment services being planned as part of public sector reforms.                            60%

  Where does Ireland stand in terms of eGovernment
  adoption? Quite well is the conclusion from a European
  benchmarking study. Ireland was one of just six
  European countries to achieve full online availability                                   20%
  of key government services in 2010, according to the
  latest European Commission data. Along with Austria,                                      0%
  Italy, Malta, Portugal and Sweden, Ireland scored 100%










  on 20 basic services.

  Some 12 of the services, such as vehicle registration and                                                                                                                                                                                            *UK score dropped in 2010
  health-related services, are aimed at citizens, while a further                            35                                                                                        37
  eight, such as corporate tax and environmental permits, are                                30
  targeted at businesses. The services were measured against                                                 32
                                                                                             25 71% EU Average 2009
                                                                                                                                                                       27                                          Source: Digitizing Public
  two indicators: full online availability and level of sophistication.
                                                                                             20                                                                                                                    Services in Europe; 9th
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Benchmark Measurement;
  Eurostat figures show that while Ireland enjoys significant                                15 59% EU Average 2007
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Eurostat, Information Society
  eGovernment availability, just 37% of Irish people are                                     10                                                                                                                    Statistics, 2010
  interacting with public authorities using the internet – a                                  5
  figure that has remained broadly static over the previous
  three years and still below the EU27 average of 41%.                                               Obtain Download                                                   Send       Interact with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   How Irish people interact
                                                                                                  information forms                                                    forms       Authorities                     with the authorities online

                                         Irish digital advertising market

                                              €53.9m              €64.9m         4. Digital advertising
                                                                                 While weak consumer demand                                                                                     than an also-ran. The result is that
        © AMAS graphic (

                                                26%                  21%         has depressed the advertising                                                                                  budget is flowing into a variety of
                                                                                 market, one medium is experiencing                                                                             digital formats. SMEs, too, are diverting
80%                                                                              significant double-digit growth and                                                                            scarce marketing resources into online
                                                                                 grabbing market share. New IAB                                                                                 campaigns, predominantly search.
                                                29%                  34%         Ireland/PwC data shows that digital
                                                                                 advertising was worth €65 million in                                                                           Among the three categories of
                                                                                 the first half of 2011, a 20.5% increase                                                                       digital advertising, display advertising
40%                                             45%                  45%         on the previous year.                                                                                          showed the greatest growth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Valued at almost €21 million, display
20%                                                                              This makes it the third largest                                                                                experienced year-on-year growth of
                                                                                 medium behind TV and print, with an                                                                            41%, buoyed up by demand for social
                                                                                 advertising market share of 13%. By                                                                            media, video and mobile formats.
 0%                                                                              contrast, advertising on non-digital
                                       Jan - June 2010    Jan - June 2011        media declined in value by 1.5% to                                                                             Search – predominately Google – is
                                                                                 €443 million over the same period,                                                                             the largest category at €27.2 million
                  Search                            Display        Classifieds   according to Nielsen data.                                                                                     and showing annual growth levels of
                                                                                                                                                                                                17%. Online classified was worth €12.7
  Source: IAB Ireland/ PwC Online Adspend study,                                 Digital is now a core part of big brand                                                                        million, a modest decline on the first
  January-June 2011                                                              advertisers’ media strategies, rather                                                                          half of 2010.

                               the opportunity to win online





5. eCommerce
         13%                                                                            Internet information sources for research and comparison

                                                        Social media (Facebook etc.)     9%      9%              35%                           47%
More than half of Irish consumers plan
to use both online and offline retail                             Forums and blogs       8%     9%             33%                          51%
channels in combination for research
and comparison when shopping this                                  Comparison sites      7%      16%                    50%                          27%
Christmas. When it comes to buying, half
will do it in-store, 11% online and 39% will                         Search engines            23%          8%                  58%                        11%
do both. The buying figures are broadly
                                                                 Website with offers      14%         10%                 55%                           21%
in line with the European average.
                                                      Websites of brands / suppliers       16%         13%                      59%                        12%
These are among the findings of the
Deloitte Christmas Spending Survey, which          Online shops (with offline stores)     14%         14%                       63%                           9%
examined the shopping habits of 18,000
consumers in Europe and South Africa.           Online shops (without offline stores)      16%         12%                   56%                        15%

When it comes to research and                                Online leaflet via email    11%      13%                  43%                        33%
comparison, the online stores of brands
                                                     Online leaflet on store website     12%          14%                47%                         26%
and shops are the most popular information
sources, along with search engines. Email                          Email newsletters     11%     11%             32%                         46%
advertising and newsletters are more
popular sources with those aged 35 to 64          Source:                   Average      13%          12%                48%                         27%
than with younger consumers, who tend             Deloitte Christmas                    Percentages are rounded                    © AMAS graphic (
more towards blogs and social networks.           Spending
                                                  Survey 2011                Searching            Comparing            Searching & comparing          Not used
The main reasons Irish consumers give
for choosing to shop online are:                  The weaknesses of shopping online                         countries, consumers said lower prices
• Shopping when I want (54%)                      were reported to be after-sales service,                  were a priority for them in relation to
• Saving time (54%)                               exchanging or returning products easily                   all retailers. In the other countries lower
• Getting other consumers’ opinions (50%)         and payment safety. In 10 of the 18                       prices were second or third priority.

Continued from page 1

calling a business (61%), physically visiting   channels, marketers need to be flexible                     from their phones if they don’t hit the mark.
a business (59%), making a purchase in          and adopt the channels that best suit
the store or business (36%) or through an       their objectives and their brands.                          Other brands have rejected app
online store (22%). (Source: The Mobile                                                                     development or made it a lower priority
Movement Study, Google/Ipsos OTX                Planning                                                    than developing a mobile website in
MediaCT, April 2011).                           Ignore the planning at your peril. Some                     HTML5. Their reasons for doing so include
                                                brands have had bruising experience                         avoiding App Store restrictions, retaining
Technological innovation is happening at        with apps, sometimes developing them                        as much revenue as possible and
a rapid pace. Near Field Communication          purely because their competitors had                        assessments that mobile websites will
(NFC) is one example, which will allow          one or it was considered the trendy thing                   better match their users’ needs and their
consumers to pay for items or exchange          to do. They hadn’t worked through the                       business goals.
data by swiping their phones against a          benefits for the consumer and how and
pay point or another device.                    where an app adds value to the brand.                       It is impossible to say which strategy will
                                                                                                            win out in an area where technology,
The building blocks for embracing mobile        They underestimated the bear pit of                         services and user behaviour are all
are about understanding customer                competition that is Apple’s App Store                       evolving rapidly. One thing, however,
behaviour and habits, and having clear          and the need to invest in marketing apps                    is certain - the revolution summarised
objectives about where mobile fits              and encourage use. Beware the fickle                        in the unlovely abbreviation SoLoMo
within the overall marketing strategy.          consumer, who is spoilt for choice and                      (the social, location-based and mobile
With increasing fragmentation of online         routinely ignores apps and will delete them                 internet) is only beginning.

Top Trends

6. Social media                                                                               than three years ago. Three
                                                                                              quarters of Irish Facebook
                                                                                              account holders who
                                                                                                                                              members are less inclined to
                                                                                                                                              reveal their age compared
                                                                                                                                              with Facebook’s.
New milestones have                           over the past six months.                       specify an age declare
been reached for the                                                                          that they are under 35.                         The number of actual users
numbers of Facebook and                       While the rate of new                                                                           of both social media
LinkedIn account holders                      accounts being established                      LinkedIn has shown a                            sites may be far less than
in Ireland. Facebook has                      is slowing down, Facebook                       growth spurt over the past                      the number of account
passed the two million                        has critical mass in Ireland,                   six months, gaining 120,000                     holders, as some users have
mark, gaining approximately                   building up its presence from                   accounts to bring the Irish                     duplicate accounts and
120,000 new accounts                          a lowly 400,000 accounts less                   total to 591,000. LinkedIn                      many accounts are dormant.

         Ireland                          Number of
                                                             Ireland                                                                                     Age of Irish
                                                                                                                                                         Facebook users
                                                                                                                                          4% 13%
                                            holders                                                                                    8%                (where age is specified)
         591,000                                                 2.06m
                                                                                                  © AMAS graphic (

 USA                           Other                  USA                         Other
                                                                                                                                                   24%            25-34
56.7m                        42m                  156m                           573m
        India       UK                                      India        UK                                                                                       55-64
        12.7m 8m                                            38m        30.5m
   Wo                            io   n                Wo                            io   n                                                                  Source: Facebook;
      rl d   w ide 1 2 0   m ill                          rl d   w ide 8 0 0   m ill                                                                         LinkedIn

                                               mCommerce set to be major theme in 2012
                                               consumers make mobile                          a year of rapid change                          open data movement in
                                               payments on their phones                       in 2012. With pervasive                         Ireland, in 2012 the focus
                                               like a credit card, using                      smartphone devices,                             is likely to shift towards
                                               near-field communication                       realtime social influence                       the commercialisation
                                               (NFC) technology.                              is leapfrogging SEO with                        of big data. “Enterprising
                                                                                              Google tracking +1 social                       OpenData: The Game Is On”
                                               ABI Research has estimated                     likes and crowdsourcing                         was a brainstorming seminar/
                                               that shopping on the mobile                    influence trends.                               conference that explored
                                               web will reach $119 billion                                                                    the interesting possibilities for
 Joan Mulvihill                                by 2015, and you can be                        Within this combination                         open data in the interactive
 CEO, Irish Internet Association               sure that a growing number                     of realtime and social                          gaming and social space.
                                               of these consumers will be                     via mobile devices, a
 Smartphones are about to                      replacing their wallets with                   potential commerce game-                        While many people
 get a good deal smarter                       their phones for making                        changer is the new breed                        associate open data with
 and more indispensible                        payments – online and offline.                 of “contextually aware”                         eGovernment and citizen
 than ever. At a recent                                                                       technologies that anticipate                    services, the potential for
 Irish Internet Association                    Just when consumers and                        user needs and deliver                          social gaming underpinned
 networking event, members                     business owners were                           products and services                           by a demand for
 were briefed by the mobile                    getting used to the internet                   proactively.                                    contextually aware services
 micropayments service                         as part of everyday business,                                                                  makes for a wide-open
 Boxpay on this rapidly                        the convergence of mobile,                     While 2011 marked a                             platform for new business
 growing area – where                          cloud and social will mean                     turning point for the                           opportunities.
Intranets have big productivity potential
Intranets                                        survey of over 1,400
deliver – and                                    intranets which            Top tips for an intranet that works
are increasingly                                 found:                     1. Remember that a successful intranet is a process, not a project
doing so with                                    • 61% had one or
                                                                            2. Set out a mission statement, objectives and targets
in-house social                                  more web 2.0 tools,
media features.                                  with blogs and             3. Understand staff and business needs fully
Those were                                       discussions the most       4. Involve staff in design work and test drafts with them
among the                                        popular                    5. Keep it simple and focus on navigation and structure
messages from                                    • The most common
the first Intranet                               platform was a             6. Make it fast, easy and helpful to staff in their daily tasks
Global Forum.                                    portal such as             7. Create an effective, interesting home page
                                                 SharePoint (34%),          8. Good change management will drive use and satisfaction
Another key                                      followed by content
take-away                                        management systems         9. Get visible senior management support
was the critical       Fiachra Ó Marcaigh (27%) and custom-                 10. Governance, governance, governance
role of intranet       Director, AMAS            built systems (20%)
governance.                                      • Over half (55%)
Repeatedly,                                      had social media          Among the benefits cited were:        49 million times this year.
the G-word cropped up in              tools for most staff.                • Time to market halved to 12
case studies, presentations on                                             months                                IBM relies on its intranet to
best practice and discussion          Among the many other                 • Email volume reduced by 38%         communicate with its 400,000
sessions. Who does what,              findings, he emphasised the          • A 12% productivity gain per         staff, and it also has one of
who posts content and (most           limited satisfaction levels          employee.                             the world’s most sophisticated
critically) how it is archived and    reported, with just 30% of                                                 and extensive websites.
removed are vital questions for       intranets seen as good or            PepsiCo does business in 200          Attendees were fascinated
successful intranets.                 very good and the remainder          countries, marketing hundreds         to hear Peter J. Ceplenski of
                                      satisfactory or poor. Noting the     of food and beverage brands,          IBM describe the “Galactic
                                      low levels of spending reported,     and 145,000 employees use             Internet Presence Redesign”
                                      he said that despite its potential   its intranet. Its redeveloped         that will see it converge its
                                      for saving cost and boosting         intranet, launched in December        intranet and internet sites.
                                      productivity the intranet was        2010, relies heavily on video         Poor relation or not, many
                                      often the very poor relation of      content and social features. Its      companies expect big returns
                                      the corporate website.               home page has been viewed             from intranet investments.

                                     “It may be that you get what
                                     you pay for” (in terms of               AMAS: what we do                     We cut through the clutter
                                                                                                                  and the complexity to allow
Toby Ward, CEO Prescient Digital     satisfaction), he said.                 AMAS is an internet consultancy      our clients to capitalise on
                                                                             with a simple goal – help our        the unlimited opportunities
(Photo: Prescient,                   Case studies                            clients to exploit the internet.                                                                                         offered by the internet.
                                     The forum heard detailed                Large corporates, government
The forum brought together           case study presentations on             bodies and, increasingly, high-      Services:
developers, intranet                 large-scale intranet projects           potential businesses retain us to    • Strategy
managers and agencies                that had delivered very                 develop and help implement           • Research
from around the world for a          substantial gains.                      internet strategies.                 • User experience
two-day event in New York in                                                                                      • Content
November. Prescient Digital,         Cisco Systems invested heavily          Contact Us:
                                                                             Aileen O’Toole,                      • Training
the Canadian consultancy             in its intranet to support its
that organised the forum,            strategic corporate goals of            Managing Director on                 • Marketing
declared itself pleased with         accelerating time to market             +353 1 6610499 or       • Project management
the event and said that it may       and faster revenue generation.
become an annual one.                Social profiles, blogs, wikis and        Follow us:
                                     dynamic communities were                 For digital research and insights,
Prescient CEO Toby Ward              part of the intranet roll-out to         follow AMAS on Twitter@AMASinternet
presented results from a             its 50,000 staff world-wide.

                                                  © AMAS Ltd.
               Published by AMAS Ltd., 38 Lr. Leeson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 6610499
                                  Email: Web:

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State of the Net issue 23 PDF

  • 1. State of the Net essential eBusiness intelligence for Irish managers A quarterly bulletin on online activity in Ireland ISSN: 1649 issue 23 Winter 2011 Mobilise your brand for the smartphone revolution Smartphone ownership are not optimised for mobile and this can make otherwise simple tasks, like making Smartphone owners contact by phone or email or finding a store, difficult. 741,000 Source: Behaviour & Attitudes for The non-availability of Return2Sender, a mobile site can send customers or prospects into iPhone national survey among 1,000 the arms of online competitors. In the UK, online retailers 326,000 adults. June 2011 are estimated to be at a risk It should be of losing 30% of potential business by not having a Android noted that some people have Aileen O’Toole, more than one Managing Director, website that works on mobile (source: IAB Rich Media Brand 219,000 device AMAS Effectiveness Study July 2011). With at least three-quarters Likewise, email marketing campaigns can fall flat if they Other © AMAS graphic ( of a million smartphone owners in Ireland, it’s time do not display well on mobile, the preferred platform for 233,000 for mobile to become many smartphone owners to a core component of access their email. businesses’ marketing noticing the phenomenal shift That is set to change, as the strategies. Such strategies Adoption to mobile. RTÉ has seen traffic scale of smartphone ownership can be built on sound Led by the iPhone, and keen to its web services from mobile grows to levels where they business case principles, competition between mobile devices increase from 15% to will overtake desktops within but must recognise the operators, 2011 saw significant 40% within the last year. a few short years and as challenges of reaching and strides in smartphone adoption marketers recognise the engaging with audiences levels. Smartphone ownership Mobile marketing in Ireland effectiveness of campaigns through a wide range of was estimated at 741,000 in appears to be several steps delivered via “always on” gadgets and devices. June 2011, with the iPhone behind shifting consumer devices. Integrated with other accounting for 326,000 of those behaviour and trends in other forms of advertising, there is The first point of contact devices (source: Behaviour & markets. Brands are Male 62% certainly strong evidence that mobile potential customers Attitudes for Return2Sender). By dabbling in different mobile delivers results – leads, sales, can have with a brand It is reckoned that close on gender formats, from QR codes and engagement and interaction. 38% Female or a company is often five million apps have been SMS campaigns to mobile And all activity – response rates through the browsers on downloaded in Ireland. display campaigns, but to and conversions – can be their smartphones. The date do not appear to have easily tracked and analysed to user experience can be Those who monitor the committed significant budget inform future campaigns. somewhat grim – websites patterns of web traffic are to mobile. Location-based Nowhere is the power and Smartphone © AMAS graphic ( 27% -24 the potential of mobile ownership advertising more evident than 36% 25-34 with location-based services, By 62% Male By where geo-targeting allows 29% 35-49 consumers opt in to receive gender age 38% Female offers or services in their locality. 7% 50-64 Accessing local content drives action, such as Source: As above 1% 65+ Continued on page 4 27% -24 36% 25-34 By Compiled by AMAS 29% 35-49 age in association with the Irish Internet Association 7% 50-64
  • 2. 1. Broadband Irish broadband penetration continues for the second quarter of 2011 stood dial-up modems were decommissioned to grow, albeit at a slower rate, at almost 1.63 million, a healthy in the previous 12 months, with a year-on- according to the latest quarterly annual increase of 8.3%. year fall in narrowband subscriptions of research from ComReg. The total 55.8%. Cable broadband (such as from number of broadband subscriptions More than half of the country’s UPC) enjoyed the highest growth level of 32% to a total of 229,000 subscriptions, 1,700,000 1,628,362 followed by mobile at 14.8% to 584,000. Broadband growth 1,591,803 1,600,000 1,518,349 1,624,503 While DSL broadband connections 00 4% 1,500,000 1,548,625 account for almost half of the market 1,509,934 1,400,000 1,443,350 (44.8%), it has experienced a moderate 1,305,035 yearly decline of -0.2%. 1,300,000 34% 1,272,166 80 45% 1,200,255 1,361,254 1,200,000 1,125,000 © AMAS graphic ( 1,100,000 1,055,000 60 1,000,000 992,000 Source: ComReg Quarterly Key Data Report, September 2011 Q1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q4 08 Q1 09 Q2 09 Q3 09 Q4 09 Q1 10 Q2 10 Q3 10 Q4 10 Q1 11 Q2 11 40 49% 2. Children online 46%Hours spent I don’t use the internet* online per day Under 1 hour 20 1 to 3 hours Online activities 9% 3 to 5 hours *N/A for primary 6% group 5+ hours 1% 4% 0 Primary Secondary / youth rounded Percentages are Social Chat to friends Check email Look up information Look up music, Hobbies/interests Games 100 4% networking sites for school projects videos etc shopping sites Primary group 40% 21% 19% 15% 14% 14% 13% Secondary / 67% 37% 35% 28% 29% 24% 32% 34% youth group 80 45% © AMAS graphic ( Source: ISPCC, Children and the internet: “This will come back to bite us in the butt.” Published Oct 2011 Around half of Irish children and teenagers For the teenagers, the majority (56%) go 60 spend an average of one to three hours online from the family kitchen or sitting online each day and many do so from their room, but 44% said that they accessed the bedrooms, without parental supervision. internet from their bedrooms. Among the These are some of the topline findings from primary group, 23% used the internet in 40 49% a survey that canvassed the views of more their bedrooms while slightly more than half than 18,000 children and teenagers. the sample said that they used it from their 46% I don’t use the internet* kitchen or sitting room. The large sample size was split into two Under 1 hour groups – primary students, who were The survey threw up some serious privacy 20 1 mainly aged 11, and secondary students to 3 hours concerns. Nearly a quarter (24%) of the and members of youth groups. Different older group indicated that they did not 9% 3 to 5 hours usage patterns were recorded between use privacy settings, while over a third 6% 5+ hours groups, with a strong social media the two (36%) of the younger group (primary) said 1% 4% 0 and communications bias among the they didn’t know how to keep their social Primary Secondary / youth older group. network accounts private.
  • 3. Top Trends 3. eGovernment 100% eGovernment availability Full online availability in 2010 Full online availability in 2009 eGovernment is back on the agenda, with internet services 80% © AMAS graphic ( from online voting registers to a new central portal for govern- ment services being planned as part of public sector reforms. 60% Where does Ireland stand in terms of eGovernment 40% adoption? Quite well is the conclusion from a European benchmarking study. Ireland was one of just six European countries to achieve full online availability 20% of key government services in 2010, according to the latest European Commission data. Along with Austria, 0% Italy, Malta, Portugal and Sweden, Ireland scored 100% Estonia Sweden Slovenia Ireland Latvia Italy Portugal *UK Spain Finland Denmark Germany Norway France Lithuania Hungary Austria Netherlands Belguim Malta on 20 basic services. Some 12 of the services, such as vehicle registration and *UK score dropped in 2010 health-related services, are aimed at citizens, while a further 35 37 eight, such as corporate tax and environmental permits, are 30 targeted at businesses. The services were measured against 32 29 25 71% EU Average 2009 27 Source: Digitizing Public two indicators: full online availability and level of sophistication. 20 Services in Europe; 9th Benchmark Measurement; Eurostat figures show that while Ireland enjoys significant 15 59% EU Average 2007 Eurostat, Information Society eGovernment availability, just 37% of Irish people are 10 Statistics, 2010 interacting with public authorities using the internet – a 5 figure that has remained broadly static over the previous 0 three years and still below the EU27 average of 41%. Obtain Download Send Interact with How Irish people interact information forms forms Authorities with the authorities online Irish digital advertising market €53.9m €64.9m 4. Digital advertising While weak consumer demand than an also-ran. The result is that © AMAS graphic ( 100% 26% 21% has depressed the advertising budget is flowing into a variety of market, one medium is experiencing digital formats. SMEs, too, are diverting 80% significant double-digit growth and scarce marketing resources into online grabbing market share. New IAB campaigns, predominantly search. 29% 34% Ireland/PwC data shows that digital 60% advertising was worth €65 million in Among the three categories of the first half of 2011, a 20.5% increase digital advertising, display advertising 40% 45% 45% on the previous year. showed the greatest growth. Valued at almost €21 million, display 20% This makes it the third largest experienced year-on-year growth of medium behind TV and print, with an 41%, buoyed up by demand for social advertising market share of 13%. By media, video and mobile formats. 0% contrast, advertising on non-digital Jan - June 2010 Jan - June 2011 media declined in value by 1.5% to Search – predominately Google – is €443 million over the same period, the largest category at €27.2 million Search Display Classifieds according to Nielsen data. and showing annual growth levels of 17%. Online classified was worth €12.7 Source: IAB Ireland/ PwC Online Adspend study, Digital is now a core part of big brand million, a modest decline on the first January-June 2011 advertisers’ media strategies, rather half of 2010. the opportunity to win online
  • 4. 29% 45% 1% 5% 7% 5. eCommerce 13% Internet information sources for research and comparison Social media (Facebook etc.) 9% 9% 35% 47% More than half of Irish consumers plan to use both online and offline retail Forums and blogs 8% 9% 33% 51% channels in combination for research and comparison when shopping this Comparison sites 7% 16% 50% 27% Christmas. When it comes to buying, half will do it in-store, 11% online and 39% will Search engines 23% 8% 58% 11% do both. The buying figures are broadly Website with offers 14% 10% 55% 21% in line with the European average. Websites of brands / suppliers 16% 13% 59% 12% These are among the findings of the Deloitte Christmas Spending Survey, which Online shops (with offline stores) 14% 14% 63% 9% examined the shopping habits of 18,000 consumers in Europe and South Africa. Online shops (without offline stores) 16% 12% 56% 15% When it comes to research and Online leaflet via email 11% 13% 43% 33% comparison, the online stores of brands Online leaflet on store website 12% 14% 47% 26% and shops are the most popular information sources, along with search engines. Email Email newsletters 11% 11% 32% 46% advertising and newsletters are more popular sources with those aged 35 to 64 Source: Average 13% 12% 48% 27% than with younger consumers, who tend Deloitte Christmas Percentages are rounded © AMAS graphic ( more towards blogs and social networks. Spending Survey 2011 Searching Comparing Searching & comparing Not used The main reasons Irish consumers give for choosing to shop online are: The weaknesses of shopping online countries, consumers said lower prices • Shopping when I want (54%) were reported to be after-sales service, were a priority for them in relation to • Saving time (54%) exchanging or returning products easily all retailers. In the other countries lower • Getting other consumers’ opinions (50%) and payment safety. In 10 of the 18 prices were second or third priority. Continued from page 1 calling a business (61%), physically visiting channels, marketers need to be flexible from their phones if they don’t hit the mark. a business (59%), making a purchase in and adopt the channels that best suit the store or business (36%) or through an their objectives and their brands. Other brands have rejected app online store (22%). (Source: The Mobile development or made it a lower priority Movement Study, Google/Ipsos OTX Planning than developing a mobile website in MediaCT, April 2011). Ignore the planning at your peril. Some HTML5. Their reasons for doing so include brands have had bruising experience avoiding App Store restrictions, retaining Technological innovation is happening at with apps, sometimes developing them as much revenue as possible and a rapid pace. Near Field Communication purely because their competitors had assessments that mobile websites will (NFC) is one example, which will allow one or it was considered the trendy thing better match their users’ needs and their consumers to pay for items or exchange to do. They hadn’t worked through the business goals. data by swiping their phones against a benefits for the consumer and how and pay point or another device. where an app adds value to the brand. It is impossible to say which strategy will win out in an area where technology, The building blocks for embracing mobile They underestimated the bear pit of services and user behaviour are all are about understanding customer competition that is Apple’s App Store evolving rapidly. One thing, however, behaviour and habits, and having clear and the need to invest in marketing apps is certain - the revolution summarised objectives about where mobile fits and encourage use. Beware the fickle in the unlovely abbreviation SoLoMo within the overall marketing strategy. consumer, who is spoilt for choice and (the social, location-based and mobile With increasing fragmentation of online routinely ignores apps and will delete them internet) is only beginning.
  • 5. Top Trends 6. Social media than three years ago. Three quarters of Irish Facebook account holders who members are less inclined to reveal their age compared with Facebook’s. New milestones have over the past six months. specify an age declare been reached for the that they are under 35. The number of actual users numbers of Facebook and While the rate of new of both social media LinkedIn account holders accounts being established LinkedIn has shown a sites may be far less than in Ireland. Facebook has is slowing down, Facebook growth spurt over the past the number of account passed the two million has critical mass in Ireland, six months, gaining 120,000 holders, as some users have mark, gaining approximately building up its presence from accounts to bring the Irish duplicate accounts and 120,000 new accounts a lowly 400,000 accounts less total to 591,000. LinkedIn many accounts are dormant. Ireland Number of account Ireland Age of Irish Facebook users 4% 13% holders 8% (where age is specified) 591,000 2.06m © AMAS graphic ( 13-17 18-24 18% USA Other USA Other 24% 25-34 35-44 56.7m 42m 156m 573m 45-54 India UK India UK 55-64 12.7m 8m 38m 30.5m 33% Wo io n Wo io n Source: Facebook; rl d w ide 1 2 0 m ill rl d w ide 8 0 0 m ill LinkedIn mCommerce set to be major theme in 2012 consumers make mobile a year of rapid change open data movement in payments on their phones in 2012. With pervasive Ireland, in 2012 the focus like a credit card, using smartphone devices, is likely to shift towards near-field communication realtime social influence the commercialisation (NFC) technology. is leapfrogging SEO with of big data. “Enterprising Google tracking +1 social OpenData: The Game Is On” ABI Research has estimated likes and crowdsourcing was a brainstorming seminar/ that shopping on the mobile influence trends. conference that explored web will reach $119 billion the interesting possibilities for Joan Mulvihill by 2015, and you can be Within this combination open data in the interactive CEO, Irish Internet Association sure that a growing number of realtime and social gaming and social space. of these consumers will be via mobile devices, a Smartphones are about to replacing their wallets with potential commerce game- While many people get a good deal smarter their phones for making changer is the new breed associate open data with and more indispensible payments – online and offline. of “contextually aware” eGovernment and citizen than ever. At a recent technologies that anticipate services, the potential for Irish Internet Association Just when consumers and user needs and deliver social gaming underpinned networking event, members business owners were products and services by a demand for were briefed by the mobile getting used to the internet proactively. contextually aware services micropayments service as part of everyday business, makes for a wide-open Boxpay on this rapidly the convergence of mobile, While 2011 marked a platform for new business growing area – where cloud and social will mean turning point for the opportunities.
  • 6. Intranets have big productivity potential Intranets survey of over 1,400 deliver – and intranets which Top tips for an intranet that works are increasingly found: 1. Remember that a successful intranet is a process, not a project doing so with • 61% had one or 2. Set out a mission statement, objectives and targets in-house social more web 2.0 tools, media features. with blogs and 3. Understand staff and business needs fully Those were discussions the most 4. Involve staff in design work and test drafts with them among the popular 5. Keep it simple and focus on navigation and structure messages from • The most common the first Intranet platform was a 6. Make it fast, easy and helpful to staff in their daily tasks Global Forum. portal such as 7. Create an effective, interesting home page SharePoint (34%), 8. Good change management will drive use and satisfaction Another key followed by content take-away management systems 9. Get visible senior management support was the critical Fiachra Ó Marcaigh (27%) and custom- 10. Governance, governance, governance role of intranet Director, AMAS built systems (20%) governance. • Over half (55%) Repeatedly, had social media Among the benefits cited were: 49 million times this year. the G-word cropped up in tools for most staff. • Time to market halved to 12 case studies, presentations on months IBM relies on its intranet to best practice and discussion Among the many other • Email volume reduced by 38% communicate with its 400,000 sessions. Who does what, findings, he emphasised the • A 12% productivity gain per staff, and it also has one of who posts content and (most limited satisfaction levels employee. the world’s most sophisticated critically) how it is archived and reported, with just 30% of and extensive websites. removed are vital questions for intranets seen as good or PepsiCo does business in 200 Attendees were fascinated successful intranets. very good and the remainder countries, marketing hundreds to hear Peter J. Ceplenski of satisfactory or poor. Noting the of food and beverage brands, IBM describe the “Galactic low levels of spending reported, and 145,000 employees use Internet Presence Redesign” he said that despite its potential its intranet. Its redeveloped that will see it converge its for saving cost and boosting intranet, launched in December intranet and internet sites. productivity the intranet was 2010, relies heavily on video Poor relation or not, many often the very poor relation of content and social features. Its companies expect big returns the corporate website. home page has been viewed from intranet investments. “It may be that you get what you pay for” (in terms of AMAS: what we do We cut through the clutter and the complexity to allow Toby Ward, CEO Prescient Digital satisfaction), he said. AMAS is an internet consultancy our clients to capitalise on with a simple goal – help our the unlimited opportunities (Photo: Prescient, Case studies clients to exploit the internet. offered by the internet. The forum heard detailed Large corporates, government The forum brought together case study presentations on bodies and, increasingly, high- Services: developers, intranet large-scale intranet projects potential businesses retain us to • Strategy managers and agencies that had delivered very develop and help implement • Research from around the world for a substantial gains. internet strategies. • User experience two-day event in New York in • Content November. Prescient Digital, Cisco Systems invested heavily Contact Us: Aileen O’Toole, • Training the Canadian consultancy in its intranet to support its that organised the forum, strategic corporate goals of Managing Director on • Marketing declared itself pleased with accelerating time to market +353 1 6610499 or • Project management the event and said that it may and faster revenue generation. become an annual one. Social profiles, blogs, wikis and Follow us: dynamic communities were For digital research and insights, Prescient CEO Toby Ward part of the intranet roll-out to follow AMAS on Twitter@AMASinternet presented results from a its 50,000 staff world-wide. © AMAS Ltd. Published by AMAS Ltd., 38 Lr. Leeson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 6610499 Email: Web: