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Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners On How To Writ Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners On How To Writ
How Did Leonardo Da Vinci Successful
Leonardo da Vinci was a man of many talents, two talents of his where sculpting and painting. As a
sculptor Leonardo crafted many things out of beeswax, clay, and many more thing but he never did
cast anything with bronze. He was supposed to but when war with the French started he never got to.
There was many things to paint with but DaVinci preferd oil paint, made from ground pigments. Later
in his career, he worked with tempera, made from egg whites. His work surface typically would be a
canvas or board, or even stone when painting a mural. Leonardo Da Vinci had talents in all of his
studies but excelled in painting and sculpting.
Leonardo da Vinci did a lot of work for having no success with the Francesco Sforza sculpture.
Francesco Sforza
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The Role Of Voodoo In Haiti
Haiti s background in religion stems from tribal rituals in voodoo and forced roman Catholicism from
the slave trade. When the different tribes from Africa were brought to Haiti as slaves, the tribes
stronger religious believes combined and voodoo was practiced. This voodoo played a huge role in
their rebellion as they prayed and made sacrifices to their Gods for strength. Voodoo was a key part of
Haitian life from the beginning of the formation of the country, and still plays a huge role today as
voodoo is the number on practiced religion in Haiti. Voodoo is a religion of violence is wickedness
that is destroying the hearts of the people, corrupting the nation. Voodoo is primarily practices among
the peasant which makes up the majority of ... Show more content on ...
The definition of voodoo according to Mariam Webster is, a black religious cult practiced in the
Caribbean and the southern US, combining elements of Roman Catholic ritual with traditional African
magical and religious rites, and characterized by sorcery and spirit possession. (Webster) This practice
of dark magic and possession impacts their morality corrupting its nature. Much of Haiti s violence is
a result of these practices. The moral standard for the people of Haiti is not that of Gods standard. The
Bible is very clear and direct on the matter of dark magic in Revelation 21:8, it says, But the cowardly,
the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the
idolaters and all liars they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second
death . (NIV) The punishment is harsh for the wicked but there is hope for the lost found in Acts
26:18, to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so
that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.
There is hope for those in Haiti who have fallen into the wickedness and evil practices of voodoo, but
the number of those people are many. Christians missionaries in Haiti have a short history not having
been in the country for very long. Much of the original Christian influence into the country originated
in Cuba from missionary works that were already established there. Haitians fled to Cuba during the
slavery heard the gospel there, then brought it back to their country. Today Christian missionaries are
in the country to not only help the country spiritually, but also address the country need for physical
help after destruction and
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Similarities Between Jane Eyre And Chinese Cinderella
Both of the stimulus texts show the struggle of unwanted girls in different eras and countries and
explore the theme of orphans. Jane Eyre is known as one of the most famous orphans in literature,
therefore, the text would be ideal for the theme. The two texts: Chinese Cinderella and Jane Eyre,
share some similarities; Jane Eyre is an orphan living with her aunt, Mrs Reed, and although Adeline
lives with her father and her step mum she lives like an outsider just like Jane. In the autobiography
Adeline is treated poorly by her parents just like Jane Eyre is by Mrs Reed. Although, Adeline is not a
typical orphan she is treated as one by her father. I chose the theme of orphans because it was an
appealing topic as although, have evolved there is still a high amount of child ... Show more content
on ...
So I decided charity appeal to help less fortunate girls would be appropriate and an Ofsted report to
show the treatment of orphans in the Victorian era in a comedic manner.
The charity appeal targets parents, particularly women because they possess maternal instincts making
them more empathetic towards abandoned young girls because they can relate. The sole purpose of the
text is to persuade people to donate money to a charity which supports orphaned girls in China
because Adeline is Chinese. Alternatively, it was written to educate those unaware of mass amounts of
abandoned girls in China. The text is inspired primarily by Adeline Yen Mah s autobiography, Chinese
Cinderella. Yen Mah writes about her childhood, growing up as an unwanted child, If you had not
been born, Mama would still be alive . Similarly, Jane Eyre is an unwanted girl which is why she is
sent by Mrs Reed to Lowood the focus of my second text, a parody of an Ofsted report. The text was
written for
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All My Sons Essay
Life is full of many hard decisions that people have to take, often on the spur of the moment. Some we
get right others turn horribly wrong. Joe Keller, the tragic hero of Arthur Miller s play All My Sons,
was no different. His whole life was dedicated to his family and their well being but all his plans were
undone by one fatally flawed decision.
The audience can relate to Joe and feel sympathy for him because he was a good man who did many
great things for his family and in the end paid the ultimate price. Towards the end of the play, Joe s
son Chris anguishes over the fatally flawed decision made by his father, thus eliciting the sympathy of
the audience. However, this is not enough to detract from the audience relating to Joe as a ... Show
more content on ...
Joe doesn t have many bad qualities in him the only times the audience do see such qualities is when
he speaks ill of Steve to others like when he says, I owe him a good kick in the teeth (Act 2, p47).
However, the audience knows he does not really mean these things but only says them to cover up his
fatal mistake. So we forgive Joe his mistake because as Plutarch, the Delphic priest, said almost 2000
years ago, to make no mistakes is not in the power of man and also because Joe tries to rectify his
mistake by offering to give Steve a good job when he gets out of prison and offering to help Steve s
Joe has spent his life making many decisions most of which appear to have been good decisions
resulting in his family enjoying a comfortable life. The audience admires him for this. Unfortunately,
late one night Joe made a hurried decision, which he believed he could get away with. The reasons for
his decision comes to light near the end of the play, in Act 2, when he tells Chris why he made that
decision, I m a business man, a man is in business; a hundred and twenty cracked, you re out of
business, you got a process, the process don t work you re out of business; you don t know how to
operate, your stuff is no good; they close you up, they tear up your contract what the hell s it to them?
You lay forty years into a business and they knock you out in five minutes, what
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Fallopian After Genetic Fertilization
The creation of a new life is a complicated process where many sperm cells travel a long road just so
they can sacrifice themselves for that one lucky sperm cell. As you can tell a lot of deaths occur when
the sperm cells try to travel to the uterus most of them get lost along the way and don t take the right
turns others just aren t lucky to be chosen to be the one who gets to take over the egg. Once
fertilization occurs that is when the sperm penetrates the egg. That is called Conception, after three
days of conception the fertilized egg starts dividing up fast and multiplying many cells. This is how
the sperm cells pass through the fallopian tube and uterus, many sperm cells get lost trying to find
their way to get through the fallopian ... Show more content on ...
By the end of the month the baby should be about 2 mm long and beginning the first few stages of
development. By month 2 the baby will start to develope the heart neural tube arms legs and liver The
baby s heart will begin to show beating signs and the placenta will start to form around eyes ears
mouth and bones. The fingers and toes will start to be noticeable although they will still look like little
frog fingers connected. Brain and cranial nerves will start to form inside. And the sex organs will start
to become visible at this time the baby could be about ½ or ¾ long. By 3 months you will be able to
see that the baby is moving its legs and arms as well as the head being well developed the baby s sex
organs continue to grow but it still isn t known what the gender of the baby would be by the end of the
month nearing 4 months the baby will be about 3 to 4 inches long and weigh about one once. By the
4th month the baby s hair and teeth will begin to form and around this time you will begin to feel the
movements of the baby also their intestines will be fully formed including their digestive system by
this time the baby will weigh from 5 8 ounces and be 5 6 inches long. Also by the ending of the fourth
month you will be able to tell the gender of the baby. Once you get to the 5th month the baby is
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Dr Faustus Essay
Him, Himself, and Faustus Status and recognition what means an individual is willing to surpass to
achieve those ends is evident in Western society s praise of celebrities and their fame, whilst
trivializing tragic events and those responsible with talking points. For some, it does not matter how
their name is recognized in history or discussed by those who know them, but that their name is
merely spoken of at all. Surely then, a society which rewards individuals for their infamous, grotesque
acts with recognition, and then fails to effectively address the issue at hand, might find that such
incidents occur more and more frequently. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (A text) and The
Tragedy of Doctor Faustus (B text) by ... Show more content on ...
This drive is seen time and time again throughout both texts: from conjuring the spirit of Alexander
the Great for Emperor Charles V (4.1.63 4; 4.1.99 101), to producing ripe grapes when not in season
for the Duke of Vanholt and the pregnant Duchess (4.2.12 7; 4.6.19 23). Clearly, this drive is best
demonstrated through Faustus himself when asked by his fellow scholars to summon Helen of Troy in
the B text:
Gentlemen, for that I know your friendship is unfeigned,
It is not Faustus custom to deny
The just request of those that wish him well.
You shall behold that peerless dame of Greece (5.1.18 21). Faustus strong desire to impress others
doubtlessly derives from his fear of being rejected by those of high stature in society; he wishes to
belong with them and not from whence he came. Furthermore, Stephen Orgel notes in Magic and
Power in Doctor Faustus , that although Faustus has unlimited power, he only conjures what is asked
of him, never striving beyond or testing his boundaries, and that this represents two major flaws
within Faustus: an artistic failure of imagination and a scholarly failure of originality (396). Both
failures stem from Faustus only doing what he is told, merely fulfilling what is asked of him, so that
he may, for a while, share their acclaim and status. If Faustus were truly empowered or secure in his
own abilities,
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The Importance Of Privacy Rights In Schools
Imagine if a person s privacy right was invaded and they couldn t do anything about it, would the best
option be to stand up for themselves or would the best option be to let it happen to them? Privacy
rights in school is a controversial topic. Some people believe that schools have the right to do
whatever they feel is right in the situation no matter how wrong it might be, but other people believe
that there has to be a good reason why the school invades students privacy. Students in school should
have privacy rights that limit what other people can do and search because if not it causes
discrimination, it causes issues with parents, and it is dangerous. Every student in America should
have privacy rights in school without the act of discrimination taking part. Discrimination is becoming
an issue in privacy rights. For example, Wisconsin lawmakers would pass a bill that will not allow
transgender students to use the bathroom of the gender that they would like to identify themselves as
(Bosman 1). This is significant because this is saying that whatever parts in there body they were born
with has to correspond to the bathroom they go to even if they identify themselves differently. This is
showing an act of discrimination because its not allowing students to go to the bathroom that they
identify themselves. This is something so little that is caused into a big problem all because
administrators are being discriminative. Additionally, a student who identifies himself as a
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Compare And Contrast Tobias And Gambler
While having monumentally diversified foundations, plots, and features, there are still a few identical
aspects between the pieces. Tobias is the instructor in the Divergent but develops into the love interest.
The Gambler is a stranger to the narrator of The Gambler who gives him some advice. Tobias from
Divergent and the Gambler from The Gambler poem have similarities and differences. Both characters
give off an unapproachable vibe and have experience to help the protagonist. For example, Tobias and
the Gambler have a tough exterior that s difficult to get through, but both protagonists in the stories
somehow manage. Four, or Tobias, makes it seem like he s strict and unyielding when in reality that s
his way of coping and keeping people
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Report On Agriculture And Natural Resources
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
August, 2014
Contents 2
Acronyms and abbreviations 2
Executive Summary 4
1. Introduction 5
1.1. Use of biomass in Sub Saharan Africa 5
1.2. Use of biomass in Malawi 6
1.3. Energy Conservation Projects in Malawi 7
1.3.1 Improved Stove Design: Energy Studies Unit 7
1.3.2 GTZ Projects 7
1.3.3 Blantyre Fuelwood Project 8
1.3.4 MBAULA Network 8
1.4. Studies on improved biomass cooking stoves in Malawi 8
2. Conclusions and Recommendations 10
References 11
Acronyms and abbreviations
ICS Improved Cooking Stoves
ProBEC Programme for Biomass Energy Conservation
MBAULA Movement for Bio energy Advocacy, ... Show more content on ...
The promotion of ICS concentrated in the Southern Region followed by the Central Region. It is,
therefore, recommended to carry out a comprehensive study on ICS adoption across the country.
1. Introduction
1.1. Use of biomass in Sub Saharan Africa
Biomass (charcoal and firewood) is the major energy source in southern Africa, particularly in rural
areas. Most households rely on biomass energy for cooking and space heating. This exhaustive use of
biomass cause several health and environmental related threats. This heavy reliance on biomass exerts
pressure on forests and trees which eventually leads to extensive deforestation and as well as soil
erosion. Furthermore, the traditional cooking on open fire leads to severe problems of indoor air
pollution and its associated health hazards. It is estimated that about 3% of the global burden of
diseases is caused by wood smoke resulting in 1.6 million premature deaths every year including 900
children under five (Malinski, 2008; Warwick and Doig, 2004; WHO, 2002).
One of the factors that results in high demand for fuelwood is its low combustion efficiency (Muneer
and Mohamed, 2003). The development and distribution of energy efficient cooking technology such
as improved biomass cooking stoves (ICS) is considered as one of the best technically possible,
socially reliable, and economically viable interventions available that can help to maintain low
demand for fuelwood to reduce pressure on forest reserves (Arnold et
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I Am Legend Vs World War Z Essay
The world has ended because zombies and vampires are taking over from an experiment gone wrong.
In the film I Am Legend and World War Z two cities has been quarantine to keep the disease from
spreading. Dark seekers are human that has been infected by the Krippin virus and turned into
vampires (I Am Legend). Ghoul are human that has been infected by the Plalnax virus and turned into
Zombies (World War Z). Although vampires and zombies have some similarities, looking beneath the
surface will reveal several major differences. The vampires are sensitive to sunlight, and they hide in
the dark while huddling around as a group (I Am Legend). Sunlight is one of the vampires
weaknesses, however the vampires are intelligent and they have the ability to think like human.
During one scene, Fred, how did you get here? stated Robert, he was tricked into a trap that was setup
by the vampires by using a mannequin as bait (I Am Legend). The trap shows the vampires ... Show
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The vampires are described as the walking dead, and they will feast on the living creatures. The
vampires are attractive to noise and the scent of their victim (I Am Legend). Once they tracked their
victim down, they will attacks with super human strength. If the victims come in contact with the
vampires, they can also become a vampire. Dr. Neville dog, Sam, she was attacked and turned to one
of the vampires (I Am Legend). Even though the vampires looked invincible, they can easily be killed
by a gunshot. At the same time, the zombies from World War Z have similar characteristic because the
zombies were human until they are infected by a virus. The zombies are the walking dead, that feast
on the living. The zombies have super human strength and move as fast as the vampires in I Am
Legend. If a victim were bitten by the zombies, they can be turned to zombies. The zombies can be
killed by a gunshot (World War
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Bohemian Rhapsody
The song Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen debuted in 1975. When the song arrived, it produced a new
innovation of music blending the incredible guitar riffs of hard rock and elegance of soft piano
ballads. Clifford Geertz discusses, a religion is a set of symbols which acts to establish long lasting
moods and motivations in men Clifford Geertz, Religion as a Culture System, in The Interpretation of
Cultures, (New York: Basic Books, Inc. Publishers, 1973): 90.In this essay, I will argue that Queen s
Bohemian Rhapsody uses various religious visual representation techniques to express the narrative of
Freddie Mercury battling between his sexuality and his affiliation with his religion. The song was
produced to use differing genres in order to represent ... Show more content on ...
The first example of religious symbolic language is presented in the bridge of the song, to which
Mercury sings Bismillah , which is the first word recited in the Quran. The use of Bismillah allows the
Muslim audience to understand the old Mercury , and that it will always be a part of him. The other
use of religious symbolic language is present in the lyric Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me . The
lyric suggests that Mercury is referring to himself as being possessed by a demon and addressing the
view of being considered sinful due to his sexual orientation, implying that God always knew that he
was a homosexual. He is arguing to the audience that if he was created by God and born with the
destiny of being homosexual, then his sexual orientation is willed by God. Therefore, he states that if
God is good and holy, then whatever God has created should not be considered sinful. Thus, it is
important to note that religious symbolic language, as well as imagery has helped provide the
audience a narrative to understand Mercury s struggle in dealing with religion in relation to his sexual
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British Imperialism In Africa
Overview of British Imperialism
Imperialism is when a world power colonizes a smaller country or kingdom, and then proceeds to
exploit the land and resources of the kingdom or country. Through the majority of the 18th century,
imperialism was a dominant force on global relations. During the peak of the Age of Imperialism,
Queen Victoria and her British empire dominated the world. British Imperialism started in the late
1700 s because of population growth and the advances in technology industrialism that occurred
during the Industrial Revolution. The areas that the British imperialized during this time period
include India, a large part of Africa, and Australia.
The Industrial Revolution, a notable evolution in production ... Show more content on
Social Darwinism takes this concept, applies it to humans and states that if a culture or kingdom
cannot protect itself from other cultures kingdoms, it should not exist. This is where the term survival
of the fittest comes from; only the strongest cultures will survive. Similarly, the quest to spread
Christianity around the world as a prevailing religion became and infectious force brought about by
Imperialism. Many of the people who decided to settle different countries were people who were
looking for new opportunities, with the exception of many of those who settled in Australia, which
was used as isolation territory for dangerous criminals. Imperialism reached its height during the early
mid 1800 s, and the decline of Britain s imperial empire was around the 1960 s.
The urge to expand the British Empire led the British to seek out and conquer India. They controlled
India from around the 1750 s to 1947. Before they colonized India and made it part of the British
Empire, the British first began trading with India in the early 1600 s. Britain first started exerting
control over parts of India in the late 1700 s with the start of a trade business known as the East India
Company. They chose to imperialize India because of military benefits and Indian commodities such
as spices and precious metals. By expanding their empire, the leading world powers active at the time
were able to
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Music Recording Industry
Music Recording INTRODUCTION For centuries man had dreamed of capturing the sounds and
music of his environment by means of music recordings. The road to successful music recording had
not been smooth until the derivation of the music recording industry. Since the inception of the music
recording industry, the way in which music is produced, distributed, sold and consumed have greatly
changed so also has popular music changed over time. These changes resulted from new technology
which was invented between 1890 and 1900 and paved way for entry, which in turn has caused
significant structural shocks within the industry. The Sound Recording Technology invention has not
only changed the way we listen, but has also substantially reduced the ... Show more content on ...
Sony Corporation is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, communications, and information
technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Its motion picture, television,
computer entertainment, music and online businesses make Sony one of the most comprehensive
entertainment and technology companies in the world. Other media of the Sony Corporation are the
motion picture houses Columbia pictures and Tri Star pictures. According to Andrew Herman, Sony
Corporation became presence in the music record when it bought CBS in 1988. Bertelsmann is a
German multi media corporation
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A Cost Accounting System Analysis
A cost accounting system is a framework used by firms to estimate the cost of their products for
profitability analysis, inventory valuation and cost control. Its goal is to advise the management on the
most appropriate course of action based on the cost efficiency and capability. Cost accounting
provides the detailed cost information that management needs to control current operations and plan
for the future.
Costing is essential for every organization, as every manufacturing and other department has to be
assigned accurate budget for proper operation (Hansen, Mowen and Guan, 2006). The costing system
provides information that is useful to managers for minimizing wastage and allocating resources to
different departments.
The traditional ... Show more content on ...
Most organizations in the business arena today are quite complex, large and have many departments.
It cannot be the basis of the costing system in these organizations as it can only be efficient when there
are low indirect costs compared to direct costs.
On the other hand, Activity based costing (ABC) attempts to accurately trace indirect costs to products
by allocating indirect costs to activities and then to products based on their usage of the activities. In
order to counter the flaws of the Traditional Costing System, most organizations have adopted the
ABC method. ABC is an effective way to allocate the indirect costs and it leads to more accuracy
because it relies upon a greater number of activity and resource cost drivers rather than only focusing
on volume based cost drivers. Also in contrast to the traditional costing system, ABC is optimal when
indirect costs are higher as it utilizes several indirect cost pools and divides the production function
into many activity areas. The activity based approach provides a precise breakdown of indirect costs
and eliminates the allocation of irrelevant costs to a product therefore providing a more exact
reflection of product and customer profitability. Thus, unlike traditional costing, ABC gives equal
importance to other factors such as business competition, accuracy, customer satisfaction, product
development etc. It s emphasis on product efficiency helps the company establish a
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The Process of Selecting the Arbitrator
The Process of Selecting the Arbitrator The Labor and management have an influence in the selection
and the compensation of the arbitrator. The steps in selecting an Arbitrator are as follows; * Step 1: At
request of parties, tribunal sends a list of proposed arbitrators * Step 2: Parties are given seven days to
study the list, cross off unacceptable names, and rank remaining names * Step 3: Additional names
submitted to parties if no mutually acceptable names identified * Step 4: If parties cannot agree on a
mutually acceptable name, tribunal will make an administrative appointment The general source of
securing a list of arbitrators is through impartial agency (Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
(FMCS); ... Show more content on ...
Here, the labor and management members are the partisans or advocates for their respective sides, and
the neutral chairperson then becomes a single arbitrator. The unique role that the panel chair plays in
the arbitration process is that it s the chairs duty to keep other arbitrators well informed of the aspects
involved within the case in order to make sound decisions. When the tripartite board doesn t decide
unanimously, they turn to the collective bargaining agreement, which often stipulate that a majority
award of the board is final and binding. The advantages of this board are that it provides the neutral
member with valuable advice and assistance from the partisan members, which allows the parties to
give a more realistic and informed picture of the issues at hand. However, the disadvantage is that it
takes additional time and more expenses are incurred with a board.
Arbitration services:
The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services Office of Arbitration Services (OAS) is one source
of the arbitration panels, and their services are as follows:
Maintains a roster of qualified arbitrators to hear and to decide the labor questions that are in labor
management disputes
Provides the parties that are involved within the collective bargaining agreements with a list of
experienced panels of arbitrators
Appoints arbitrators following their selection by the parties involved
With the OAS maintaining a
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The Development Of East Africa
Over the last five million years, every aspect of East Africa s landscape has undergone a peculiar
change, creating a centrality of evolution in its region. Due to forces exerted by plate tectonics and a
changing climate, East Africa has transformed from a depressed, arboraceous region to an alpine
landscape that is strangely dominated by deep water lakes that tend to appear and disappear
consistently. According to the Huffington Post, it was from this particular area that emerged an ape
smart enough to question its own existence; (Maslin) a clever indication that this area employed the
rise of human beings. Approximately twenty million years ago, the Asian and Indian continental plates
jarred into one another and impelled the Tibetan plateau to move upwards. In the midst of the heated
summertime, this plateau acts as a huge heat engine (Maslin) as it absorbs solar energy that is later
transmitted to the atmosphere; during this process, convection currents are created. With vast amounts
of hot air rising, air from other areas are transported and sucked in, including moist amounts of air
from the Indian Ocean that produces intense South East Asian monsoons (Maslin) . It is this transition
occurring within the air that has drawn out the moisture from African and created a dry climate within
the areas of its eastern regions. Not only is the climate affected by this action, but also evolution as
well. The distinct split that is created between the climates of Asia and
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Infraspecific Variation Essay
Because, previous studies (e.g. Radušienė and Janulis, 2004) showed that most of the raw material of
commercial medicinal and aromatic species yet being collected from spontaneous populations in many
parts of the world. Although, samples of some medicinal and aromatic herbs are cultured.
These populations were selected from different regions of the country; therefore some degrees of
infraspecific variations were expected. These types of variations are seen in different genus as well as
families. Lukovic et al. (2009) stated that plants respond to environmental variations, particularly to
water availability through morphological, anatomical and biochemical adjustments that help them
cope with such variations. for example, Pereira et al. ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Tehran and Polor populations were far from each other. It seems that these populations had
different taxonomic rank from the rest or at least were ecotypes.
The essential oil compositions and their percentages differed between the studied populations. The
major parts of oil highly varied between the samples. Various studies (e.g. Figueiredo et al., 2008;
Lakuŝić et al., 2012) proved that populations of the same species collected from different habitat have
diverse essential oil composition. Because, the essential oils biosynthesis is under the influence of
many abiotic and biotic factors. Formisano et al., (2015) stated the plant phytochemical composition is
strongly influenced by the environment condition, and this is particularly true for medicinal herbs.
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, oxygenated hydrocarbon, monoterpene hydrocarbon and oxygenated
monoterpene constituted major parts of essential oil. The mounts of these compounds widely differed
between the examined samples; therefore, the profile of essential oil compositions differed between
the examined samples. Glynn et al., (2007) reported variations of terpene content with environmental
stress. The growth differentiation balance hypothesis postulates that there is a physiological trade off
between growth and secondary metabolism.
These variations were
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Taa 18-22 Case Study
The Army has already established the need for maintaining an operational reserve, through former and
current TAAs, capable of breaching AC capability gaps to meet joint force requirements. However, the
analysis lacks resources to accomplish this guidance effectively. The demand for RC forces requires
generating more operational unit readiness to fully complement the rotational force pool to meet the
deployment demand at the same standard as the AC. After conducting a Doctrine, Organization,
Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities and Policy (DOTMLPF P)
analysis, both overarching recommendations address an identified capability requirement and
associated capability gap that could be mitigated with a non materiel solution with changes or existing
capabilities in five, organization, training, personnel, facilities, and policy, of the eight functions.
Recommendation: Maintain current RC force structure capacity and capabilities highlighted in TAA
18 22 in order to preserve the capacity of an operational reserve to meet Army s joint capability
Recommendation: Increase the statutory available ... Show more content on ...
To implement the recommendations the organization needs to maintain the current force mix and
capability distribution currently allocated in TAA 18 22 and future TAA 20 24 must maintain a
balanced force that would provide necessary flexibility to maintain an operational reserve. In spite of
recent force turbulence, the current force sizing and rebalance initiatives should stabilize RC
formations to preserve the Army s strategic depth while providing enough balance to complement
operational capabilities across all components. The current force mix and structure appears to meet
current joint demands and the RC cannot afford to reduce the already lean force if they are to keep up
with the operational demand. Leveraging the operational reserve current capacity is more responsive
and less costly than generating new
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The Old Guitarists In Laurie Adams A History Of Western Art
In Laurie Adams A History of Western Art there are pieces of art that have lots of meaning and
representations one in particular being Pablo Picasso s drawing titled The Old Guitarist (468). The
image chosen shows a man sitting on the ground, wearing tattered clothes and playing a guitar.
Looking closely, the man s frame appears long and bony, paired with tattered clothes. His face looks
sad and glum while his body seems to be leaning in, listening intently to his guitar as his hands go
over the strings. The major point for choosing this image is for the fact that the artist, Picasso, chose to
represent the image using only shades of blue. Idioms are words or phrases that are taken for its literal
term when instead it means something completely
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Six Women Of Salem Book Review
Yasmin Valdez 11/23/15 History 1302 Book Review Six Women of Salem Book Review, By Marilyne
K. Roach Marilynne K. Roach is a resident of Watertown, Massachusetts. She went on to graduate
with a BFA from MCA (Massachusetts College of Art) but she uniquely gives credit to the public
library systems for the rest of her education. This is very interesting to me because she says that
libraries are what she owes to her education to. Because of all the books she reads she later turns out
to be a great book writer herself. The library system really did impact Marilynne s life drastically. But
besides illustrating other writers work in history she also has written and illustrated many books of her
own, this including Six Women of Salem . Before I read this book, heard, or even much less
understood the history behind the Salem witch trails in my History or English classes, I really didn t
know much about the history of these horrible events that condemned a lot of innocent women to
death. In, Six Women of Salem by, Marilynne K. Roach she does three major things that make her
book extraordinary. First, her interesting style of writing skillfully strengthens the envelope of time in
the book. Second, Roach masterfully answers any questions the reader or I may have or had about
these Witch Trails. Third, K. Roach successfully illustrates to her readers the story of these horrid
trials. In the stories of the six women, Roach helps us grasp events of the trials in the conditions
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Ethics, Risk Management, And Compliance Section Of The...
GRC is a broad term that covers the Governance, risk management, and compliance section of the
organization. It is a new term, as its sub categories, Governance, Risk management and compliance
are relatively new in the Business Field. Governance, It is difficult to give out the exact definition of
Governance, risk Management and Compliance (GRC), because the definition of GRC varies from
one business to another. Given that GRC carries a different definition from one firm to another so it is
generally acts in a ay that satisfies guidelines for each category. Governance, risk management and
compliance is not a single approach, but they are combined together to achieve high standards in all
three categories.
Why choose a career in ... Show more content on ...
The vision of compliance is that the strategic Vision of compliance should be expressed and set by the
board of directors in official terms and used as a reference. The role of compliance is to take to
appropriate measure towards any compliance risk to which the business is exposed to. This exposure
can be nonetheless designing and supporting the regulatory risk framework for the organization.
Compliance also supports and challenges a company s line management regarding identification and
measurements and the completeness and precision of compliance risk management activities.
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privately owned company in the United States of America. Bechtel s main headquarters in the United
States is located in San Francisco, California. Whereas Bechtel s global operational headquarters plus
United States civil infrastructure units and United States Government Services headquarters are
located in Reston, Virginia. Furthermore, Bechtel s Oil , Gas and chemical units is located in Houston,
Texas. Bechtel has completed a large amount of extraordinary projects throughout the world. Bechtel
has provided service in more than one hundred sixty countries and serving all
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Armed Conflicts In Mexico
In past years, Latin American countries have been arduously fighting against gangs and drugs, which
are the main cause of armed conflicts. Mexico s increasing rates of death are mostly centered in the
big cities, where drug trafficking and consumption just keep growing. 15,000 people were killed in
fights last year, according a survey studying armed conflicts directed by the London based Institute for
Strategic Study in 2015. Many victims affected were girls and women. Current President Enrique
Peña Nieto, elected since 2012, promised fighting and trying to completely abolish violence in relation
to drug wars and trafficking. It is a very tough war taking into consideration that, Mexico takes third
place in number of fatalities caused mainly
... Get more on ...
The Catholic And Catholic Church
Catholic Mass
In this spring break, I followed my Christian friend and visited a Catholic Church located in Seattle
and I had a chance to witness on how they conduct their worship in the form of Mass. The Catholic
Church has many practices and rituals such as Last Rites, praying the Rosary, receiving Communion,
Confession, Baptism, and Mass according to the members of this church. Nonetheless, the Mass is the
most crucial ritual as they consider it as the Lord`s Supper. The Mass is the Catholic`s official formal
worship service and is considered to be the most sacred and important worship act in a Catholic
church. According to the Catholics, going to the mass is considered as the only way to fulfill the third
Commandment of keeping the ... Show more content on ...
This set the tone for conducting Bible readings and other prayers during the Mass. During the inquiry,
I was informed that each day of worship has its own prayers and readings that are unique as chosen by
the church.
Upon the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist which is the second section of the Mass, all the
saints remained seated as the deacons passed the baskets to them so as to collect offerings that were in
the form of monetary and non monetary. The head deacon brought the offerings to the altar. He was
also carrying cruets that had plain drinking water and grape wine together with a container that had
unconsecrated hosts. The priest poured, into the chalice, wine and added drops of water that
symbolized humanity and divinity union in Christ. Then the priest lifted the hosts as an offering
presented to God. He also did the same using the chalice filled with wine. Ceremonially, the priest
washed his hands similar to how rabbis and priests did prior to ritual slaughters. This according to one
of the leaders in the church was a reenactment of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Sanctus was sung
after which the congregation knelt down for the first time to mark the holiest section of the Mass
known as the Consecration. After the service I learned that Consecration of the wine and bread meant
that they become the blood and body of Jesus according to the transubstantiation miracle. Imperative
to mention is that prior to the
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Physical Exertion Of The Body
In recent years, sedentary has become an increasingly popular term, being used to define a being
adopting an inactive lifestyle with potentially health suffering consequences. Its use has been
predominantly heard by health professionals and the government in the hope to abolish this behaviour
and restore the health (the state of complete mental, physical and social wellbeing, not merely the
absence of illness) (WHO, 2003) of members of society labelled with this tag who are suffering from
sedentary related conditions that potentially require expensive treatment or hospital admission. The
aim is to implement exercise (physical exertion of the body resulting in healthier physical fitness)
(Medical News Today, 2014) targeting several less active sociological groups through means of
initiatives and renovated access to facilities.
Previously, exercise was only referred to at the elite standard. Those that competed in chosen fields of
sport were known to undertake regular exercise to improve the areas of the body that mostly
concerned them. Groups of people that fell outside of this small category were not considered
physically active in the same sense, but they were still regarded fit. Several sedentary related
conditions were not as prevalent in these times as they are now, for example, less people were obese,
coronary heart disease was rarer and depression was less common. One statistic stated that the
prevalence of obesity in England has more than doubled in the last
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Psychological Egoism Theory Essay
The theory of psychological egoism is indeed plausible. The meaning of plausible in the context of
this paper refers to the validity or the conceivability of the theory in question, to explain the nature and
motivation of human behavior (Hinman, 2007). Human actions are motivated by the satisfaction
obtained after completing a task that they are involved in. For example, Mother Teresa was satisfied
by her benevolent actions and activities that she spent her life doing. As Hinman (2007) points out, she
was likely to reduce in activity if she experienced any dissatisfaction in her endeavors.
Therefore, no matter how much altruism theorists try to argue about the degree of inclination of an
action towards non self interest, ... Show more content on ...
In his argument, Hinman (2007) asserts that every action that people engage in is motivated by self
interests or pleasure or direct benefits the agent or to avoid living with guilt in the future. This is the
nature of human beings. Even the most altruistic action is in actual sense motivated by the egocentric
desire of the actor (Hugh, 1898).
Hugh (1898) further argues that people recognize that they are motivated, in most if not all cases by
their need to advance their self interest. However, when they reflect on this issue, they are mistaken by
the urge to believe that the truth is the centrally of this. Actions that are meant to show concern for
other people, such as helping the needy are self satisfying to the actor, and they expect that they will
their reputation in the society and obtain returned favors. A good example is that of political aspirant
who might engage in a lot of philanthropic activities in his community to win the support of his
Helping people is a noble thing to do especially when it comes to the application of natural justice,
where human beings help those who are suffering. There is always a hidden intention in every action
that is obscured by the notion of philanthropy. Returned favors expectation might not be the ultimate
intention as to why people may perform an act (Michael, 1978). However, it will be illogical to say
that these intentions were
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Essay On Sexuality In F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Side Of...
Prior to the 1920s, American culture was heavily influenced by the Protestant values which included
modesty, and the link between sexuality and original sin. Human sexuality was acceptable only within
the bounds of marriage and for procreation purposes.
Today we see women ready to pursue or flirt with a man, wear clothes that brings out her physical
beauty, venture into professions that were dominated by men, venture into other relationships and still
maintain a family of their own. Women are no longer held back by the ancestral Victorian customs by
which they were raised; the custom for being prim, proper and persnickety. The modern woman
refuses to be pushed around by the principal man in her life and was willing to become more
independent. With the growing popularity of automobiles, sexual activity among young people have
increased because of the privacy the automobiles provided. In addition to the automobiles, motion
pictures and theater capitalized on the public s growing acceptance of heterosexual flirtation. It s
terribly exciting. We get suc h a thrill. It think it is natural to want nice men to kiss you, so why not do
what is natural stated a female college student in the 1920 s. As the result of the growing acceptance
of sexual activity, authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald are emerging. The Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald
was very popular with the war generation, bringing him immediate fame and fortune. The novel
captured the essence of the transformations
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The Effects Of Elevated Carbon Dioxide ( Co2 ) Essay
2. Impact of Elevated Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a trace gas accounting for about 0.039 per cent or 390 ppm currently. CO2
concentration increases by 1 to 3 ppm every year primarily because of burning of fossil fuels. In
future, by 2100 the atmospheric CO2 concentration should reach 600 to 750 ppm. Plants are directly
influenced by increase in CO2 concentration; and increase in CO2 affects many physiological
processes like photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, reproductive processes, and yield. CO2
diffuses from the atmosphere into leaves, via., stomata into mesophyll cells, intercellular spaces, cells,
and finally reach chloroplast for photosynthetic process. Increasing CO2 concentration in the
atmosphere will enhance the photosynthesis and dry matter production. The response to CO2 varies
among species mainly by the enzyme RuBisCo (RuBP). C3 plants readily react by increasing the
activity of RuBP carboxylase and by reducing the activity of RuBP oxygenase. Increase in
photosynthesis by 25% 75% was observed over doubling of atmospheric CO2. C4 plants show little
response to elevated CO2. Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) plants also showed an increase in
photosynthetic rate. The increasing concentration of CO2 by burning of fossil fuels can be reduced by
improving the carbon fixation in the plants. Short term exposure of CO2 on plants shows increased
photosynthesis, whereas long term exposure shows variation in photosynthesis and also plant growth.
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On The Waterfront Film Analysis
A few years before the release of On the Waterfront (Elia Kazan, 1954), the House Un American
Activities Committee investigated alleged Communists in Hollywood. Among those under
investigation, Elia Kazan elected to release names of others involved in the same movement (Neve
66). This event sparked intense controversy in Hollywood, and it forced the people he uncovered to
either release more names or be blacklisted from filmmaking. Through an early example of film
authorship, Kazan was able to relate scenes throughout the movie to his personal experiences with
HUAC. Within the Classic Hollywood Narrative, Kazan s directorial creativity allows him to develop
his ideas through the typical structure and expand his deeper thoughts through the allegory of the
waterfront. A majority of the film stays within the Classic Narrative Style, but some scenes will
venture outside the realm of the typical structure. While scenes throughout the movie may or may not
follow the narrative, they are specifically created to tell a deeper story in relation to the movie s plot
and Kazan s life. ... Show more content on ...
Moments before the murder, Terry returns one of Doyle s lost birds, and as he releases the bird to fly
back to the cage on the roof, the camera pans upward as the movie shifts into the rising action.
Through the use of the film s plot, Kazan began his allegory of the waterfront with the death of Joey
Doyle. The audience sees that Terry loathes his responsibility in the previous action, and Kazan, as a
film author, is relating this scene to his life in the HUAC trials. While he reported names of other
active Communists, Kazan could have struggled with intense inner conflict, as he understood the
outcome of his decision. He is stating that judgment on other individuals should not be done without
careful considerations of each person s
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Speech Language Pathology Essay
Search Story I chose this topic because I m interested in studying speech language pathology or
audiology in college and I don t know much about it, so I wanted to take this opportunity to learn as
much as I could about this subject. Speech Pathologists require significant formal education .
..Sometimes called speech therapists, assess, diagnose, treat and help to prevent disorders related to
speech . I also chose this topic because my cousin is hard of hearing, which caused her to have
learning disabilities and fall behind in school but she took speech therapy to help improve her
interactions with people and to help her get further in her educational career. She also uses American
Sign Language and she now attends The School for the Deaf ... Show more content on
I have always wondered if the statements children are like sponges and you can t teach an old dog new
tricks were true, so I ve decided that my research paper would cover something similar to this.
...Around 1925, when those working in the field of speech disorders and speech correction established
their own organization. Without the beginning of this organization to help people in need I would not
be able to do any sort of research for this paper. My research topic is to discover if children learn or
pick up on speech therapy faster than adults do. I believe that children are able to pick up on the
therapy faster than adults. After some research I ve discovered that children and adults learn in
different ways, If you teach adults, you ll find that it can be a very different experience from teaching
children , but if they are taught the appropriate way for their age, children and adults would most
likely end up learning at the same pace. This research subject might be challenging because there are
many different reasons why people must take speech therapy to help repair what is
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Run on Sentences
Run on Sentences
Run on sentences are sentences that contain too many ideas without proper punctuation. Not all long
sentences are run on sentences. It is perfectly acceptable to join several related ideas in one compound
sentence. However, if you don t follow punctuation rules, a sentence can become a run on. A simple
explanation of run ons and some examples of run on sentences should help to make this point clear.
Components of A Sentence
Each sentence has 3 necessary components 1. A subject: What is this sentence about? The subject is
usually, but not always, a noun or a pronoun. 2. An action: What is the subject of the sentence doing?
The action is always a verb. 3. A complete thought: What is the purpose of this ... Show more content
on ...
For example, it would be acceptable to say Ann likes to read; she reads lots of books and goes to the
library 3 times a week.
A SENTENCE FRAGMENT fails to be a sentence in the sense that it cannot stand by itself. It does
not contain even one independent clause. There are several reasons why a group of words may seem to
act like a sentence but not have the wherewithal to make it as a complete thought.
It may locate something in time and place with a prepositional phrase or a series of such phrases, but it
s still lacking a proper subject verb relationship within an independent clause:
In Japan, during the last war and just before the armistice.
This sentence accomplishes a great deal in terms of placing the reader in time and place, but there is
no subject, no verb.
It describes something, but there is no subject verb relationship:
Working far into the night in an effort to salvage her little boat.
This is a verbal phrase that wants to modify something, the real subject of the sentence (about to come
up), probably the she who was working so hard.
It may have most of the makings of a sentence but still be missing an important part of a verb string:
Some of the students working in Professor Espinoza s laboratory last semester.
Remember that an ing verb form without an auxiliary form to accompany it can never be a verb.
It may even have a subject verb relationship, but it has been subordinated to
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The Mary Celeste
There are lots of mysteries in the world today. One of these was the finding of an abandoned ship, the
finding of the Mary Celeste. The ship was found with no passengers and no reason to be abandoned.
These events eventually inspired a young writer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to write a book about the
Mary Celeste which leads rumors that lead into other myths. Also Scientist have found a very likely
and plausible reason for the crew to leave. The Mary Celeste was most likely abandoned by choice.
The Mary Celeste was an abandoned ship found off the coast of Spain. Mary was a one hundred feet
long, two hundred eighty two ton, Canadian built. Upon further inspection of the ship, it was
completely empty of any humans, living or otherwise, though ... Show more content on ...
On November 5, 1872, Captain Briggs sailed with a crew of eight, and with his wife and two year old
daughter also aboard. They went about a mile from port because of weather. On November 7, they
were sailing again, bound for Genoa, Italy. Their cargo: 1700 barrels of crude alcohol for fortifying
On February 15th, 1872, the Mary Celeste was discovered drifting by the crew of the Dei Gratia.
Though slightly damaged, her compass stand had been knocked over and the compass destroyed; the
hatch covers were also off, she was basically fine. Her boat was missing, as was the captain s
chronometer, navigation book and ship s register. There was a lot of water between decks, in the
forward deckhouse and in the cabin.
The story of The Mary Celeste tends to link with other mysteries throughout its years. The link
between other very old stories mostly link back to a book written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in his
early writing years. The book was based on The Mary Celeste but the book was a work of fiction, not
fact. Some start using other very old stories as reasons for the disappearances. The explanations of
why things work or happen the way they do started leading into even pirates and creature of the deep,
giant squids, and even to great lengths such as time travel. However, there is no events or objects that
prove something of these
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SharePoint 2010 Sites: A Single Infrastructure for All Your Business Web Sites
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SharePoint sites are easy to make. In fact, the full set of features in SharePoint 2010 Sites can help
anyone build a site from start to finish. Several out of the box features provide instant value by helping
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content, add interaction, or apply a design theme. Novice or expert, anyone can quickly create,
customize, and publish a site that looks great and meets a specific business need.
Ensure Broad Adoption
SharePoint sites are as easy to use as they are to make. That s because SharePoint 2010 ... Show more
content on ...
Combining traditional content management, social capabilities, and powerful search, it is as natural to
manage as it is to use. With its simple, behind the scenes administration, you can quickly set up
compliance policies, while its familiar interface lets your people work just as they would in Microsoft
Office. The result is well managed information that is easy to find, share, and use.
Increase Productivity and Information Value
Closely connected to Microsoft Office, SharePoint 2010 Content provides a familiar user experience.
People are comfortable with the system, so they use it. They find the information they need more
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Drive Compliance and Reduce Risk
SharePoint 2010 Content makes it easy to tag content, enforce retention schedules, declare records,
and apply legal holds. With these measures, you can address the need for compliance and reduce the
risk of mistakes when information is archived or disposed.
Fewer Systems and Easier Integration
SharePoint 2010 manages documents, records, Web content, and rich media on a single platform,
helping you reduce IT costs. Using interoperability standards like CMIS, XML, and REST to connect
to legacy ECM systems, SharePoint 2010 also helps your company get more value from its current
Compliance Everywhere
Manage versions, apply retention
... Get more on ...

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Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners On How To Writ

  • 1. Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners On How To Writ 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners On How To Writ Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners On How To Writ
  • 2. How Did Leonardo Da Vinci Successful Leonardo da Vinci was a man of many talents, two talents of his where sculpting and painting. As a sculptor Leonardo crafted many things out of beeswax, clay, and many more thing but he never did cast anything with bronze. He was supposed to but when war with the French started he never got to. There was many things to paint with but DaVinci preferd oil paint, made from ground pigments. Later in his career, he worked with tempera, made from egg whites. His work surface typically would be a canvas or board, or even stone when painting a mural. Leonardo Da Vinci had talents in all of his studies but excelled in painting and sculpting. Leonardo da Vinci did a lot of work for having no success with the Francesco Sforza sculpture. Francesco Sforza ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Role Of Voodoo In Haiti Haiti s background in religion stems from tribal rituals in voodoo and forced roman Catholicism from the slave trade. When the different tribes from Africa were brought to Haiti as slaves, the tribes stronger religious believes combined and voodoo was practiced. This voodoo played a huge role in their rebellion as they prayed and made sacrifices to their Gods for strength. Voodoo was a key part of Haitian life from the beginning of the formation of the country, and still plays a huge role today as voodoo is the number on practiced religion in Haiti. Voodoo is a religion of violence is wickedness that is destroying the hearts of the people, corrupting the nation. Voodoo is primarily practices among the peasant which makes up the majority of ... Show more content on ... The definition of voodoo according to Mariam Webster is, a black religious cult practiced in the Caribbean and the southern US, combining elements of Roman Catholic ritual with traditional African magical and religious rites, and characterized by sorcery and spirit possession. (Webster) This practice of dark magic and possession impacts their morality corrupting its nature. Much of Haiti s violence is a result of these practices. The moral standard for the people of Haiti is not that of Gods standard. The Bible is very clear and direct on the matter of dark magic in Revelation 21:8, it says, But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death . (NIV) The punishment is harsh for the wicked but there is hope for the lost found in Acts 26:18, to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me. There is hope for those in Haiti who have fallen into the wickedness and evil practices of voodoo, but the number of those people are many. Christians missionaries in Haiti have a short history not having been in the country for very long. Much of the original Christian influence into the country originated in Cuba from missionary works that were already established there. Haitians fled to Cuba during the slavery heard the gospel there, then brought it back to their country. Today Christian missionaries are in the country to not only help the country spiritually, but also address the country need for physical help after destruction and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Similarities Between Jane Eyre And Chinese Cinderella Both of the stimulus texts show the struggle of unwanted girls in different eras and countries and explore the theme of orphans. Jane Eyre is known as one of the most famous orphans in literature, therefore, the text would be ideal for the theme. The two texts: Chinese Cinderella and Jane Eyre, share some similarities; Jane Eyre is an orphan living with her aunt, Mrs Reed, and although Adeline lives with her father and her step mum she lives like an outsider just like Jane. In the autobiography Adeline is treated poorly by her parents just like Jane Eyre is by Mrs Reed. Although, Adeline is not a typical orphan she is treated as one by her father. I chose the theme of orphans because it was an appealing topic as although, have evolved there is still a high amount of child ... Show more content on ... So I decided charity appeal to help less fortunate girls would be appropriate and an Ofsted report to show the treatment of orphans in the Victorian era in a comedic manner. The charity appeal targets parents, particularly women because they possess maternal instincts making them more empathetic towards abandoned young girls because they can relate. The sole purpose of the text is to persuade people to donate money to a charity which supports orphaned girls in China because Adeline is Chinese. Alternatively, it was written to educate those unaware of mass amounts of abandoned girls in China. The text is inspired primarily by Adeline Yen Mah s autobiography, Chinese Cinderella. Yen Mah writes about her childhood, growing up as an unwanted child, If you had not been born, Mama would still be alive . Similarly, Jane Eyre is an unwanted girl which is why she is sent by Mrs Reed to Lowood the focus of my second text, a parody of an Ofsted report. The text was written for ... Get more on ...
  • 5. All My Sons Essay Life is full of many hard decisions that people have to take, often on the spur of the moment. Some we get right others turn horribly wrong. Joe Keller, the tragic hero of Arthur Miller s play All My Sons, was no different. His whole life was dedicated to his family and their well being but all his plans were undone by one fatally flawed decision. The audience can relate to Joe and feel sympathy for him because he was a good man who did many great things for his family and in the end paid the ultimate price. Towards the end of the play, Joe s son Chris anguishes over the fatally flawed decision made by his father, thus eliciting the sympathy of the audience. However, this is not enough to detract from the audience relating to Joe as a ... Show more content on ... Joe doesn t have many bad qualities in him the only times the audience do see such qualities is when he speaks ill of Steve to others like when he says, I owe him a good kick in the teeth (Act 2, p47). However, the audience knows he does not really mean these things but only says them to cover up his fatal mistake. So we forgive Joe his mistake because as Plutarch, the Delphic priest, said almost 2000 years ago, to make no mistakes is not in the power of man and also because Joe tries to rectify his mistake by offering to give Steve a good job when he gets out of prison and offering to help Steve s children. Joe has spent his life making many decisions most of which appear to have been good decisions resulting in his family enjoying a comfortable life. The audience admires him for this. Unfortunately, late one night Joe made a hurried decision, which he believed he could get away with. The reasons for his decision comes to light near the end of the play, in Act 2, when he tells Chris why he made that decision, I m a business man, a man is in business; a hundred and twenty cracked, you re out of business, you got a process, the process don t work you re out of business; you don t know how to operate, your stuff is no good; they close you up, they tear up your contract what the hell s it to them? You lay forty years into a business and they knock you out in five minutes, what ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Fallopian After Genetic Fertilization The creation of a new life is a complicated process where many sperm cells travel a long road just so they can sacrifice themselves for that one lucky sperm cell. As you can tell a lot of deaths occur when the sperm cells try to travel to the uterus most of them get lost along the way and don t take the right turns others just aren t lucky to be chosen to be the one who gets to take over the egg. Once fertilization occurs that is when the sperm penetrates the egg. That is called Conception, after three days of conception the fertilized egg starts dividing up fast and multiplying many cells. This is how the sperm cells pass through the fallopian tube and uterus, many sperm cells get lost trying to find their way to get through the fallopian ... Show more content on ... By the end of the month the baby should be about 2 mm long and beginning the first few stages of development. By month 2 the baby will start to develope the heart neural tube arms legs and liver The baby s heart will begin to show beating signs and the placenta will start to form around eyes ears mouth and bones. The fingers and toes will start to be noticeable although they will still look like little frog fingers connected. Brain and cranial nerves will start to form inside. And the sex organs will start to become visible at this time the baby could be about ½ or ¾ long. By 3 months you will be able to see that the baby is moving its legs and arms as well as the head being well developed the baby s sex organs continue to grow but it still isn t known what the gender of the baby would be by the end of the month nearing 4 months the baby will be about 3 to 4 inches long and weigh about one once. By the 4th month the baby s hair and teeth will begin to form and around this time you will begin to feel the movements of the baby also their intestines will be fully formed including their digestive system by this time the baby will weigh from 5 8 ounces and be 5 6 inches long. Also by the ending of the fourth month you will be able to tell the gender of the baby. Once you get to the 5th month the baby is ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Dr Faustus Essay Him, Himself, and Faustus Status and recognition what means an individual is willing to surpass to achieve those ends is evident in Western society s praise of celebrities and their fame, whilst trivializing tragic events and those responsible with talking points. For some, it does not matter how their name is recognized in history or discussed by those who know them, but that their name is merely spoken of at all. Surely then, a society which rewards individuals for their infamous, grotesque acts with recognition, and then fails to effectively address the issue at hand, might find that such incidents occur more and more frequently. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (A text) and The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus (B text) by ... Show more content on ... This drive is seen time and time again throughout both texts: from conjuring the spirit of Alexander the Great for Emperor Charles V (4.1.63 4; 4.1.99 101), to producing ripe grapes when not in season for the Duke of Vanholt and the pregnant Duchess (4.2.12 7; 4.6.19 23). Clearly, this drive is best demonstrated through Faustus himself when asked by his fellow scholars to summon Helen of Troy in the B text: Gentlemen, for that I know your friendship is unfeigned, It is not Faustus custom to deny The just request of those that wish him well. You shall behold that peerless dame of Greece (5.1.18 21). Faustus strong desire to impress others doubtlessly derives from his fear of being rejected by those of high stature in society; he wishes to belong with them and not from whence he came. Furthermore, Stephen Orgel notes in Magic and Power in Doctor Faustus , that although Faustus has unlimited power, he only conjures what is asked of him, never striving beyond or testing his boundaries, and that this represents two major flaws within Faustus: an artistic failure of imagination and a scholarly failure of originality (396). Both failures stem from Faustus only doing what he is told, merely fulfilling what is asked of him, so that he may, for a while, share their acclaim and status. If Faustus were truly empowered or secure in his own abilities, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Importance Of Privacy Rights In Schools Imagine if a person s privacy right was invaded and they couldn t do anything about it, would the best option be to stand up for themselves or would the best option be to let it happen to them? Privacy rights in school is a controversial topic. Some people believe that schools have the right to do whatever they feel is right in the situation no matter how wrong it might be, but other people believe that there has to be a good reason why the school invades students privacy. Students in school should have privacy rights that limit what other people can do and search because if not it causes discrimination, it causes issues with parents, and it is dangerous. Every student in America should have privacy rights in school without the act of discrimination taking part. Discrimination is becoming an issue in privacy rights. For example, Wisconsin lawmakers would pass a bill that will not allow transgender students to use the bathroom of the gender that they would like to identify themselves as (Bosman 1). This is significant because this is saying that whatever parts in there body they were born with has to correspond to the bathroom they go to even if they identify themselves differently. This is showing an act of discrimination because its not allowing students to go to the bathroom that they identify themselves. This is something so little that is caused into a big problem all because administrators are being discriminative. Additionally, a student who identifies himself as a ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Compare And Contrast Tobias And Gambler While having monumentally diversified foundations, plots, and features, there are still a few identical aspects between the pieces. Tobias is the instructor in the Divergent but develops into the love interest. The Gambler is a stranger to the narrator of The Gambler who gives him some advice. Tobias from Divergent and the Gambler from The Gambler poem have similarities and differences. Both characters give off an unapproachable vibe and have experience to help the protagonist. For example, Tobias and the Gambler have a tough exterior that s difficult to get through, but both protagonists in the stories somehow manage. Four, or Tobias, makes it seem like he s strict and unyielding when in reality that s his way of coping and keeping people ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Report On Agriculture And Natural Resources DRAFT LITERATURE REVIEW ON IMPROVED COOKSTOVES IN MALAWI Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources August, 2014 Contents Contents 2 Acronyms and abbreviations 2 Executive Summary 4 1. Introduction 5 1.1. Use of biomass in Sub Saharan Africa 5 1.2. Use of biomass in Malawi 6 1.3. Energy Conservation Projects in Malawi 7 1.3.1 Improved Stove Design: Energy Studies Unit 7 1.3.2 GTZ Projects 7 1.3.3 Blantyre Fuelwood Project 8 1.3.4 MBAULA Network 8 1.4. Studies on improved biomass cooking stoves in Malawi 8 2. Conclusions and Recommendations 10 References 11 Acronyms and abbreviations ICS Improved Cooking Stoves ProBEC Programme for Biomass Energy Conservation MBAULA Movement for Bio energy Advocacy, ... Show more content on ... The promotion of ICS concentrated in the Southern Region followed by the Central Region. It is, therefore, recommended to carry out a comprehensive study on ICS adoption across the country. 1. Introduction 1.1. Use of biomass in Sub Saharan Africa Biomass (charcoal and firewood) is the major energy source in southern Africa, particularly in rural areas. Most households rely on biomass energy for cooking and space heating. This exhaustive use of biomass cause several health and environmental related threats. This heavy reliance on biomass exerts pressure on forests and trees which eventually leads to extensive deforestation and as well as soil
  • 11. erosion. Furthermore, the traditional cooking on open fire leads to severe problems of indoor air pollution and its associated health hazards. It is estimated that about 3% of the global burden of diseases is caused by wood smoke resulting in 1.6 million premature deaths every year including 900 children under five (Malinski, 2008; Warwick and Doig, 2004; WHO, 2002). One of the factors that results in high demand for fuelwood is its low combustion efficiency (Muneer and Mohamed, 2003). The development and distribution of energy efficient cooking technology such as improved biomass cooking stoves (ICS) is considered as one of the best technically possible, socially reliable, and economically viable interventions available that can help to maintain low demand for fuelwood to reduce pressure on forest reserves (Arnold et ... Get more on ...
  • 12. I Am Legend Vs World War Z Essay The world has ended because zombies and vampires are taking over from an experiment gone wrong. In the film I Am Legend and World War Z two cities has been quarantine to keep the disease from spreading. Dark seekers are human that has been infected by the Krippin virus and turned into vampires (I Am Legend). Ghoul are human that has been infected by the Plalnax virus and turned into Zombies (World War Z). Although vampires and zombies have some similarities, looking beneath the surface will reveal several major differences. The vampires are sensitive to sunlight, and they hide in the dark while huddling around as a group (I Am Legend). Sunlight is one of the vampires weaknesses, however the vampires are intelligent and they have the ability to think like human. During one scene, Fred, how did you get here? stated Robert, he was tricked into a trap that was setup by the vampires by using a mannequin as bait (I Am Legend). The trap shows the vampires ... Show more content on ... The vampires are described as the walking dead, and they will feast on the living creatures. The vampires are attractive to noise and the scent of their victim (I Am Legend). Once they tracked their victim down, they will attacks with super human strength. If the victims come in contact with the vampires, they can also become a vampire. Dr. Neville dog, Sam, she was attacked and turned to one of the vampires (I Am Legend). Even though the vampires looked invincible, they can easily be killed by a gunshot. At the same time, the zombies from World War Z have similar characteristic because the zombies were human until they are infected by a virus. The zombies are the walking dead, that feast on the living. The zombies have super human strength and move as fast as the vampires in I Am Legend. If a victim were bitten by the zombies, they can be turned to zombies. The zombies can be killed by a gunshot (World War ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Bohemian Rhapsody The song Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen debuted in 1975. When the song arrived, it produced a new innovation of music blending the incredible guitar riffs of hard rock and elegance of soft piano ballads. Clifford Geertz discusses, a religion is a set of symbols which acts to establish long lasting moods and motivations in men Clifford Geertz, Religion as a Culture System, in The Interpretation of Cultures, (New York: Basic Books, Inc. Publishers, 1973): 90.In this essay, I will argue that Queen s Bohemian Rhapsody uses various religious visual representation techniques to express the narrative of Freddie Mercury battling between his sexuality and his affiliation with his religion. The song was produced to use differing genres in order to represent ... Show more content on ... The first example of religious symbolic language is presented in the bridge of the song, to which Mercury sings Bismillah , which is the first word recited in the Quran. The use of Bismillah allows the Muslim audience to understand the old Mercury , and that it will always be a part of him. The other use of religious symbolic language is present in the lyric Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me . The lyric suggests that Mercury is referring to himself as being possessed by a demon and addressing the view of being considered sinful due to his sexual orientation, implying that God always knew that he was a homosexual. He is arguing to the audience that if he was created by God and born with the destiny of being homosexual, then his sexual orientation is willed by God. Therefore, he states that if God is good and holy, then whatever God has created should not be considered sinful. Thus, it is important to note that religious symbolic language, as well as imagery has helped provide the audience a narrative to understand Mercury s struggle in dealing with religion in relation to his sexual ... Get more on ...
  • 14. British Imperialism In Africa Overview of British Imperialism Imperialism is when a world power colonizes a smaller country or kingdom, and then proceeds to exploit the land and resources of the kingdom or country. Through the majority of the 18th century, imperialism was a dominant force on global relations. During the peak of the Age of Imperialism, Queen Victoria and her British empire dominated the world. British Imperialism started in the late 1700 s because of population growth and the advances in technology industrialism that occurred during the Industrial Revolution. The areas that the British imperialized during this time period include India, a large part of Africa, and Australia. The Industrial Revolution, a notable evolution in production ... Show more content on ... Social Darwinism takes this concept, applies it to humans and states that if a culture or kingdom cannot protect itself from other cultures kingdoms, it should not exist. This is where the term survival of the fittest comes from; only the strongest cultures will survive. Similarly, the quest to spread Christianity around the world as a prevailing religion became and infectious force brought about by Imperialism. Many of the people who decided to settle different countries were people who were looking for new opportunities, with the exception of many of those who settled in Australia, which was used as isolation territory for dangerous criminals. Imperialism reached its height during the early mid 1800 s, and the decline of Britain s imperial empire was around the 1960 s. The urge to expand the British Empire led the British to seek out and conquer India. They controlled India from around the 1750 s to 1947. Before they colonized India and made it part of the British Empire, the British first began trading with India in the early 1600 s. Britain first started exerting control over parts of India in the late 1700 s with the start of a trade business known as the East India Company. They chose to imperialize India because of military benefits and Indian commodities such as spices and precious metals. By expanding their empire, the leading world powers active at the time were able to ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Music Recording Industry Music Recording INTRODUCTION For centuries man had dreamed of capturing the sounds and music of his environment by means of music recordings. The road to successful music recording had not been smooth until the derivation of the music recording industry. Since the inception of the music recording industry, the way in which music is produced, distributed, sold and consumed have greatly changed so also has popular music changed over time. These changes resulted from new technology which was invented between 1890 and 1900 and paved way for entry, which in turn has caused significant structural shocks within the industry. The Sound Recording Technology invention has not only changed the way we listen, but has also substantially reduced the ... Show more content on ... Sony Corporation is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, communications, and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Its motion picture, television, computer entertainment, music and online businesses make Sony one of the most comprehensive entertainment and technology companies in the world. Other media of the Sony Corporation are the motion picture houses Columbia pictures and Tri Star pictures. According to Andrew Herman, Sony Corporation became presence in the music record when it bought CBS in 1988. Bertelsmann is a German multi media corporation ... Get more on ...
  • 16. A Cost Accounting System Analysis A cost accounting system is a framework used by firms to estimate the cost of their products for profitability analysis, inventory valuation and cost control. Its goal is to advise the management on the most appropriate course of action based on the cost efficiency and capability. Cost accounting provides the detailed cost information that management needs to control current operations and plan for the future. Costing is essential for every organization, as every manufacturing and other department has to be assigned accurate budget for proper operation (Hansen, Mowen and Guan, 2006). The costing system provides information that is useful to managers for minimizing wastage and allocating resources to different departments. The traditional ... Show more content on ... Most organizations in the business arena today are quite complex, large and have many departments. It cannot be the basis of the costing system in these organizations as it can only be efficient when there are low indirect costs compared to direct costs. On the other hand, Activity based costing (ABC) attempts to accurately trace indirect costs to products by allocating indirect costs to activities and then to products based on their usage of the activities. In order to counter the flaws of the Traditional Costing System, most organizations have adopted the ABC method. ABC is an effective way to allocate the indirect costs and it leads to more accuracy because it relies upon a greater number of activity and resource cost drivers rather than only focusing on volume based cost drivers. Also in contrast to the traditional costing system, ABC is optimal when indirect costs are higher as it utilizes several indirect cost pools and divides the production function into many activity areas. The activity based approach provides a precise breakdown of indirect costs and eliminates the allocation of irrelevant costs to a product therefore providing a more exact reflection of product and customer profitability. Thus, unlike traditional costing, ABC gives equal importance to other factors such as business competition, accuracy, customer satisfaction, product development etc. It s emphasis on product efficiency helps the company establish a ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Process of Selecting the Arbitrator The Process of Selecting the Arbitrator The Labor and management have an influence in the selection and the compensation of the arbitrator. The steps in selecting an Arbitrator are as follows; * Step 1: At request of parties, tribunal sends a list of proposed arbitrators * Step 2: Parties are given seven days to study the list, cross off unacceptable names, and rank remaining names * Step 3: Additional names submitted to parties if no mutually acceptable names identified * Step 4: If parties cannot agree on a mutually acceptable name, tribunal will make an administrative appointment The general source of securing a list of arbitrators is through impartial agency (Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS); ... Show more content on ... Here, the labor and management members are the partisans or advocates for their respective sides, and the neutral chairperson then becomes a single arbitrator. The unique role that the panel chair plays in the arbitration process is that it s the chairs duty to keep other arbitrators well informed of the aspects involved within the case in order to make sound decisions. When the tripartite board doesn t decide unanimously, they turn to the collective bargaining agreement, which often stipulate that a majority award of the board is final and binding. The advantages of this board are that it provides the neutral member with valuable advice and assistance from the partisan members, which allows the parties to give a more realistic and informed picture of the issues at hand. However, the disadvantage is that it takes additional time and more expenses are incurred with a board. Arbitration services: The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services Office of Arbitration Services (OAS) is one source of the arbitration panels, and their services are as follows: Maintains a roster of qualified arbitrators to hear and to decide the labor questions that are in labor management disputes Provides the parties that are involved within the collective bargaining agreements with a list of experienced panels of arbitrators Appoints arbitrators following their selection by the parties involved With the OAS maintaining a ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Development Of East Africa Over the last five million years, every aspect of East Africa s landscape has undergone a peculiar change, creating a centrality of evolution in its region. Due to forces exerted by plate tectonics and a changing climate, East Africa has transformed from a depressed, arboraceous region to an alpine landscape that is strangely dominated by deep water lakes that tend to appear and disappear consistently. According to the Huffington Post, it was from this particular area that emerged an ape smart enough to question its own existence; (Maslin) a clever indication that this area employed the rise of human beings. Approximately twenty million years ago, the Asian and Indian continental plates jarred into one another and impelled the Tibetan plateau to move upwards. In the midst of the heated summertime, this plateau acts as a huge heat engine (Maslin) as it absorbs solar energy that is later transmitted to the atmosphere; during this process, convection currents are created. With vast amounts of hot air rising, air from other areas are transported and sucked in, including moist amounts of air from the Indian Ocean that produces intense South East Asian monsoons (Maslin) . It is this transition occurring within the air that has drawn out the moisture from African and created a dry climate within the areas of its eastern regions. Not only is the climate affected by this action, but also evolution as well. The distinct split that is created between the climates of Asia and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Infraspecific Variation Essay Because, previous studies (e.g. Radušienė and Janulis, 2004) showed that most of the raw material of commercial medicinal and aromatic species yet being collected from spontaneous populations in many parts of the world. Although, samples of some medicinal and aromatic herbs are cultured. These populations were selected from different regions of the country; therefore some degrees of infraspecific variations were expected. These types of variations are seen in different genus as well as families. Lukovic et al. (2009) stated that plants respond to environmental variations, particularly to water availability through morphological, anatomical and biochemical adjustments that help them cope with such variations. for example, Pereira et al. ... Show more content on ... Moreover, Tehran and Polor populations were far from each other. It seems that these populations had different taxonomic rank from the rest or at least were ecotypes. The essential oil compositions and their percentages differed between the studied populations. The major parts of oil highly varied between the samples. Various studies (e.g. Figueiredo et al., 2008; Lakuŝić et al., 2012) proved that populations of the same species collected from different habitat have diverse essential oil composition. Because, the essential oils biosynthesis is under the influence of many abiotic and biotic factors. Formisano et al., (2015) stated the plant phytochemical composition is strongly influenced by the environment condition, and this is particularly true for medicinal herbs. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, oxygenated hydrocarbon, monoterpene hydrocarbon and oxygenated monoterpene constituted major parts of essential oil. The mounts of these compounds widely differed between the examined samples; therefore, the profile of essential oil compositions differed between the examined samples. Glynn et al., (2007) reported variations of terpene content with environmental stress. The growth differentiation balance hypothesis postulates that there is a physiological trade off between growth and secondary metabolism. These variations were ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Taa 18-22 Case Study The Army has already established the need for maintaining an operational reserve, through former and current TAAs, capable of breaching AC capability gaps to meet joint force requirements. However, the analysis lacks resources to accomplish this guidance effectively. The demand for RC forces requires generating more operational unit readiness to fully complement the rotational force pool to meet the deployment demand at the same standard as the AC. After conducting a Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities and Policy (DOTMLPF P) analysis, both overarching recommendations address an identified capability requirement and associated capability gap that could be mitigated with a non materiel solution with changes or existing capabilities in five, organization, training, personnel, facilities, and policy, of the eight functions. Recommendation: Maintain current RC force structure capacity and capabilities highlighted in TAA 18 22 in order to preserve the capacity of an operational reserve to meet Army s joint capability requirements. Recommendation: Increase the statutory available ... Show more content on ... To implement the recommendations the organization needs to maintain the current force mix and capability distribution currently allocated in TAA 18 22 and future TAA 20 24 must maintain a balanced force that would provide necessary flexibility to maintain an operational reserve. In spite of recent force turbulence, the current force sizing and rebalance initiatives should stabilize RC formations to preserve the Army s strategic depth while providing enough balance to complement operational capabilities across all components. The current force mix and structure appears to meet current joint demands and the RC cannot afford to reduce the already lean force if they are to keep up with the operational demand. Leveraging the operational reserve current capacity is more responsive and less costly than generating new ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Old Guitarists In Laurie Adams A History Of Western Art In Laurie Adams A History of Western Art there are pieces of art that have lots of meaning and representations one in particular being Pablo Picasso s drawing titled The Old Guitarist (468). The image chosen shows a man sitting on the ground, wearing tattered clothes and playing a guitar. Looking closely, the man s frame appears long and bony, paired with tattered clothes. His face looks sad and glum while his body seems to be leaning in, listening intently to his guitar as his hands go over the strings. The major point for choosing this image is for the fact that the artist, Picasso, chose to represent the image using only shades of blue. Idioms are words or phrases that are taken for its literal term when instead it means something completely ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Six Women Of Salem Book Review Yasmin Valdez 11/23/15 History 1302 Book Review Six Women of Salem Book Review, By Marilyne K. Roach Marilynne K. Roach is a resident of Watertown, Massachusetts. She went on to graduate with a BFA from MCA (Massachusetts College of Art) but she uniquely gives credit to the public library systems for the rest of her education. This is very interesting to me because she says that libraries are what she owes to her education to. Because of all the books she reads she later turns out to be a great book writer herself. The library system really did impact Marilynne s life drastically. But besides illustrating other writers work in history she also has written and illustrated many books of her own, this including Six Women of Salem . Before I read this book, heard, or even much less understood the history behind the Salem witch trails in my History or English classes, I really didn t know much about the history of these horrible events that condemned a lot of innocent women to death. In, Six Women of Salem by, Marilynne K. Roach she does three major things that make her book extraordinary. First, her interesting style of writing skillfully strengthens the envelope of time in the book. Second, Roach masterfully answers any questions the reader or I may have or had about these Witch Trails. Third, K. Roach successfully illustrates to her readers the story of these horrid trials. In the stories of the six women, Roach helps us grasp events of the trials in the conditions ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Ethics, Risk Management, And Compliance Section Of The... GRC is a broad term that covers the Governance, risk management, and compliance section of the organization. It is a new term, as its sub categories, Governance, Risk management and compliance are relatively new in the Business Field. Governance, It is difficult to give out the exact definition of Governance, risk Management and Compliance (GRC), because the definition of GRC varies from one business to another. Given that GRC carries a different definition from one firm to another so it is generally acts in a ay that satisfies guidelines for each category. Governance, risk management and compliance is not a single approach, but they are combined together to achieve high standards in all three categories. Why choose a career in ... Show more content on ... The vision of compliance is that the strategic Vision of compliance should be expressed and set by the board of directors in official terms and used as a reference. The role of compliance is to take to appropriate measure towards any compliance risk to which the business is exposed to. This exposure can be nonetheless designing and supporting the regulatory risk framework for the organization. Compliance also supports and challenges a company s line management regarding identification and measurements and the completeness and precision of compliance risk management activities. Bechtel is known to be one of the finest and globally acclaimed engineering, construction and project management companies and it has laid foundation of innovation within the industry. In United States, Bechtel is known to be the largest engineering and Construction firm and it is placed fourth largest privately owned company in the United States of America. Bechtel s main headquarters in the United States is located in San Francisco, California. Whereas Bechtel s global operational headquarters plus United States civil infrastructure units and United States Government Services headquarters are located in Reston, Virginia. Furthermore, Bechtel s Oil , Gas and chemical units is located in Houston, Texas. Bechtel has completed a large amount of extraordinary projects throughout the world. Bechtel has provided service in more than one hundred sixty countries and serving all ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Armed Conflicts In Mexico In past years, Latin American countries have been arduously fighting against gangs and drugs, which are the main cause of armed conflicts. Mexico s increasing rates of death are mostly centered in the big cities, where drug trafficking and consumption just keep growing. 15,000 people were killed in fights last year, according a survey studying armed conflicts directed by the London based Institute for Strategic Study in 2015. Many victims affected were girls and women. Current President Enrique Peña Nieto, elected since 2012, promised fighting and trying to completely abolish violence in relation to drug wars and trafficking. It is a very tough war taking into consideration that, Mexico takes third place in number of fatalities caused mainly ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Catholic And Catholic Church Catholic Mass In this spring break, I followed my Christian friend and visited a Catholic Church located in Seattle and I had a chance to witness on how they conduct their worship in the form of Mass. The Catholic Church has many practices and rituals such as Last Rites, praying the Rosary, receiving Communion, Confession, Baptism, and Mass according to the members of this church. Nonetheless, the Mass is the most crucial ritual as they consider it as the Lord`s Supper. The Mass is the Catholic`s official formal worship service and is considered to be the most sacred and important worship act in a Catholic church. According to the Catholics, going to the mass is considered as the only way to fulfill the third Commandment of keeping the ... Show more content on ... This set the tone for conducting Bible readings and other prayers during the Mass. During the inquiry, I was informed that each day of worship has its own prayers and readings that are unique as chosen by the church. Upon the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist which is the second section of the Mass, all the saints remained seated as the deacons passed the baskets to them so as to collect offerings that were in the form of monetary and non monetary. The head deacon brought the offerings to the altar. He was also carrying cruets that had plain drinking water and grape wine together with a container that had unconsecrated hosts. The priest poured, into the chalice, wine and added drops of water that symbolized humanity and divinity union in Christ. Then the priest lifted the hosts as an offering presented to God. He also did the same using the chalice filled with wine. Ceremonially, the priest washed his hands similar to how rabbis and priests did prior to ritual slaughters. This according to one of the leaders in the church was a reenactment of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Sanctus was sung after which the congregation knelt down for the first time to mark the holiest section of the Mass known as the Consecration. After the service I learned that Consecration of the wine and bread meant that they become the blood and body of Jesus according to the transubstantiation miracle. Imperative to mention is that prior to the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Physical Exertion Of The Body In recent years, sedentary has become an increasingly popular term, being used to define a being adopting an inactive lifestyle with potentially health suffering consequences. Its use has been predominantly heard by health professionals and the government in the hope to abolish this behaviour and restore the health (the state of complete mental, physical and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of illness) (WHO, 2003) of members of society labelled with this tag who are suffering from sedentary related conditions that potentially require expensive treatment or hospital admission. The aim is to implement exercise (physical exertion of the body resulting in healthier physical fitness) (Medical News Today, 2014) targeting several less active sociological groups through means of initiatives and renovated access to facilities. Previously, exercise was only referred to at the elite standard. Those that competed in chosen fields of sport were known to undertake regular exercise to improve the areas of the body that mostly concerned them. Groups of people that fell outside of this small category were not considered physically active in the same sense, but they were still regarded fit. Several sedentary related conditions were not as prevalent in these times as they are now, for example, less people were obese, coronary heart disease was rarer and depression was less common. One statistic stated that the prevalence of obesity in England has more than doubled in the last ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Psychological Egoism Theory Essay The theory of psychological egoism is indeed plausible. The meaning of plausible in the context of this paper refers to the validity or the conceivability of the theory in question, to explain the nature and motivation of human behavior (Hinman, 2007). Human actions are motivated by the satisfaction obtained after completing a task that they are involved in. For example, Mother Teresa was satisfied by her benevolent actions and activities that she spent her life doing. As Hinman (2007) points out, she was likely to reduce in activity if she experienced any dissatisfaction in her endeavors. Therefore, no matter how much altruism theorists try to argue about the degree of inclination of an action towards non self interest, ... Show more content on ... In his argument, Hinman (2007) asserts that every action that people engage in is motivated by self interests or pleasure or direct benefits the agent or to avoid living with guilt in the future. This is the nature of human beings. Even the most altruistic action is in actual sense motivated by the egocentric desire of the actor (Hugh, 1898). Hugh (1898) further argues that people recognize that they are motivated, in most if not all cases by their need to advance their self interest. However, when they reflect on this issue, they are mistaken by the urge to believe that the truth is the centrally of this. Actions that are meant to show concern for other people, such as helping the needy are self satisfying to the actor, and they expect that they will their reputation in the society and obtain returned favors. A good example is that of political aspirant who might engage in a lot of philanthropic activities in his community to win the support of his constituents. Helping people is a noble thing to do especially when it comes to the application of natural justice, where human beings help those who are suffering. There is always a hidden intention in every action that is obscured by the notion of philanthropy. Returned favors expectation might not be the ultimate intention as to why people may perform an act (Michael, 1978). However, it will be illogical to say that these intentions were ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay On Sexuality In F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Side Of... Prior to the 1920s, American culture was heavily influenced by the Protestant values which included modesty, and the link between sexuality and original sin. Human sexuality was acceptable only within the bounds of marriage and for procreation purposes. Today we see women ready to pursue or flirt with a man, wear clothes that brings out her physical beauty, venture into professions that were dominated by men, venture into other relationships and still maintain a family of their own. Women are no longer held back by the ancestral Victorian customs by which they were raised; the custom for being prim, proper and persnickety. The modern woman refuses to be pushed around by the principal man in her life and was willing to become more independent. With the growing popularity of automobiles, sexual activity among young people have increased because of the privacy the automobiles provided. In addition to the automobiles, motion pictures and theater capitalized on the public s growing acceptance of heterosexual flirtation. It s terribly exciting. We get suc h a thrill. It think it is natural to want nice men to kiss you, so why not do what is natural stated a female college student in the 1920 s. As the result of the growing acceptance of sexual activity, authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald are emerging. The Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald was very popular with the war generation, bringing him immediate fame and fortune. The novel captured the essence of the transformations ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Effects Of Elevated Carbon Dioxide ( Co2 ) Essay 2. Impact of Elevated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a trace gas accounting for about 0.039 per cent or 390 ppm currently. CO2 concentration increases by 1 to 3 ppm every year primarily because of burning of fossil fuels. In future, by 2100 the atmospheric CO2 concentration should reach 600 to 750 ppm. Plants are directly influenced by increase in CO2 concentration; and increase in CO2 affects many physiological processes like photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, reproductive processes, and yield. CO2 diffuses from the atmosphere into leaves, via., stomata into mesophyll cells, intercellular spaces, cells, and finally reach chloroplast for photosynthetic process. Increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere will enhance the photosynthesis and dry matter production. The response to CO2 varies among species mainly by the enzyme RuBisCo (RuBP). C3 plants readily react by increasing the activity of RuBP carboxylase and by reducing the activity of RuBP oxygenase. Increase in photosynthesis by 25% 75% was observed over doubling of atmospheric CO2. C4 plants show little response to elevated CO2. Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) plants also showed an increase in photosynthetic rate. The increasing concentration of CO2 by burning of fossil fuels can be reduced by improving the carbon fixation in the plants. Short term exposure of CO2 on plants shows increased photosynthesis, whereas long term exposure shows variation in photosynthesis and also plant growth. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. On The Waterfront Film Analysis A few years before the release of On the Waterfront (Elia Kazan, 1954), the House Un American Activities Committee investigated alleged Communists in Hollywood. Among those under investigation, Elia Kazan elected to release names of others involved in the same movement (Neve 66). This event sparked intense controversy in Hollywood, and it forced the people he uncovered to either release more names or be blacklisted from filmmaking. Through an early example of film authorship, Kazan was able to relate scenes throughout the movie to his personal experiences with HUAC. Within the Classic Hollywood Narrative, Kazan s directorial creativity allows him to develop his ideas through the typical structure and expand his deeper thoughts through the allegory of the waterfront. A majority of the film stays within the Classic Narrative Style, but some scenes will venture outside the realm of the typical structure. While scenes throughout the movie may or may not follow the narrative, they are specifically created to tell a deeper story in relation to the movie s plot and Kazan s life. ... Show more content on ... Moments before the murder, Terry returns one of Doyle s lost birds, and as he releases the bird to fly back to the cage on the roof, the camera pans upward as the movie shifts into the rising action. Through the use of the film s plot, Kazan began his allegory of the waterfront with the death of Joey Doyle. The audience sees that Terry loathes his responsibility in the previous action, and Kazan, as a film author, is relating this scene to his life in the HUAC trials. While he reported names of other active Communists, Kazan could have struggled with intense inner conflict, as he understood the outcome of his decision. He is stating that judgment on other individuals should not be done without careful considerations of each person s ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Speech Language Pathology Essay Search Story I chose this topic because I m interested in studying speech language pathology or audiology in college and I don t know much about it, so I wanted to take this opportunity to learn as much as I could about this subject. Speech Pathologists require significant formal education . ..Sometimes called speech therapists, assess, diagnose, treat and help to prevent disorders related to speech . I also chose this topic because my cousin is hard of hearing, which caused her to have learning disabilities and fall behind in school but she took speech therapy to help improve her interactions with people and to help her get further in her educational career. She also uses American Sign Language and she now attends The School for the Deaf ... Show more content on ... I have always wondered if the statements children are like sponges and you can t teach an old dog new tricks were true, so I ve decided that my research paper would cover something similar to this. ...Around 1925, when those working in the field of speech disorders and speech correction established their own organization. Without the beginning of this organization to help people in need I would not be able to do any sort of research for this paper. My research topic is to discover if children learn or pick up on speech therapy faster than adults do. I believe that children are able to pick up on the therapy faster than adults. After some research I ve discovered that children and adults learn in different ways, If you teach adults, you ll find that it can be a very different experience from teaching children , but if they are taught the appropriate way for their age, children and adults would most likely end up learning at the same pace. This research subject might be challenging because there are many different reasons why people must take speech therapy to help repair what is ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Run on Sentences Run on Sentences Run on sentences are sentences that contain too many ideas without proper punctuation. Not all long sentences are run on sentences. It is perfectly acceptable to join several related ideas in one compound sentence. However, if you don t follow punctuation rules, a sentence can become a run on. A simple explanation of run ons and some examples of run on sentences should help to make this point clear. Components of A Sentence Each sentence has 3 necessary components 1. A subject: What is this sentence about? The subject is usually, but not always, a noun or a pronoun. 2. An action: What is the subject of the sentence doing? The action is always a verb. 3. A complete thought: What is the purpose of this ... Show more content on ... For example, it would be acceptable to say Ann likes to read; she reads lots of books and goes to the library 3 times a week. A SENTENCE FRAGMENT fails to be a sentence in the sense that it cannot stand by itself. It does not contain even one independent clause. There are several reasons why a group of words may seem to act like a sentence but not have the wherewithal to make it as a complete thought. It may locate something in time and place with a prepositional phrase or a series of such phrases, but it s still lacking a proper subject verb relationship within an independent clause: In Japan, during the last war and just before the armistice. This sentence accomplishes a great deal in terms of placing the reader in time and place, but there is no subject, no verb. It describes something, but there is no subject verb relationship: Working far into the night in an effort to salvage her little boat. This is a verbal phrase that wants to modify something, the real subject of the sentence (about to come up), probably the she who was working so hard. It may have most of the makings of a sentence but still be missing an important part of a verb string: Some of the students working in Professor Espinoza s laboratory last semester. Remember that an ing verb form without an auxiliary form to accompany it can never be a verb. It may even have a subject verb relationship, but it has been subordinated to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Mary Celeste There are lots of mysteries in the world today. One of these was the finding of an abandoned ship, the finding of the Mary Celeste. The ship was found with no passengers and no reason to be abandoned. These events eventually inspired a young writer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to write a book about the Mary Celeste which leads rumors that lead into other myths. Also Scientist have found a very likely and plausible reason for the crew to leave. The Mary Celeste was most likely abandoned by choice. The Mary Celeste was an abandoned ship found off the coast of Spain. Mary was a one hundred feet long, two hundred eighty two ton, Canadian built. Upon further inspection of the ship, it was completely empty of any humans, living or otherwise, though ... Show more content on ... On November 5, 1872, Captain Briggs sailed with a crew of eight, and with his wife and two year old daughter also aboard. They went about a mile from port because of weather. On November 7, they were sailing again, bound for Genoa, Italy. Their cargo: 1700 barrels of crude alcohol for fortifying wines. On February 15th, 1872, the Mary Celeste was discovered drifting by the crew of the Dei Gratia. Though slightly damaged, her compass stand had been knocked over and the compass destroyed; the hatch covers were also off, she was basically fine. Her boat was missing, as was the captain s chronometer, navigation book and ship s register. There was a lot of water between decks, in the forward deckhouse and in the cabin. The story of The Mary Celeste tends to link with other mysteries throughout its years. The link between other very old stories mostly link back to a book written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in his early writing years. The book was based on The Mary Celeste but the book was a work of fiction, not fact. Some start using other very old stories as reasons for the disappearances. The explanations of why things work or happen the way they do started leading into even pirates and creature of the deep, giant squids, and even to great lengths such as time travel. However, there is no events or objects that prove something of these ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Sharepoint SharePoint SharePoint 2010 Sites: A Single Infrastructure for All Your Business Web Sites Benefits Easily Share and Publish Information SharePoint sites are easy to make. In fact, the full set of features in SharePoint 2010 Sites can help anyone build a site from start to finish. Several out of the box features provide instant value by helping a site owner build the first page right away. Still other features make it simple to modify pages change content, add interaction, or apply a design theme. Novice or expert, anyone can quickly create, customize, and publish a site that looks great and meets a specific business need. Ensure Broad Adoption SharePoint sites are as easy to use as they are to make. That s because SharePoint 2010 ... Show more content on ... Combining traditional content management, social capabilities, and powerful search, it is as natural to manage as it is to use. With its simple, behind the scenes administration, you can quickly set up compliance policies, while its familiar interface lets your people work just as they would in Microsoft Office. The result is well managed information that is easy to find, share, and use. Benefits Increase Productivity and Information Value Closely connected to Microsoft Office, SharePoint 2010 Content provides a familiar user experience. People are comfortable with the system, so they use it. They find the information they need more easily, and their work is managed from start to finish. Drive Compliance and Reduce Risk SharePoint 2010 Content makes it easy to tag content, enforce retention schedules, declare records, and apply legal holds. With these measures, you can address the need for compliance and reduce the risk of mistakes when information is archived or disposed. Fewer Systems and Easier Integration SharePoint 2010 manages documents, records, Web content, and rich media on a single platform, helping you reduce IT costs. Using interoperability standards like CMIS, XML, and REST to connect to legacy ECM systems, SharePoint 2010 also helps your company get more value from its current investments. Compliance Everywhere Manage versions, apply retention ... Get more on ...