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Technology Essay Topics
Writing an essay on the broad and diverse topic of "Technology Essay Topics" can prove to be a
challenging task. The difficulty lies in the vastness of the subject matter, as technology
encompasses a wide range of fields and constantly evolves. Selecting a specific aspect of
technology to focus on requires careful consideration, as it's essential to strike a balance between
relevance and depth.
Researching the latest technological advancements, trends, and their impacts on society is a
demanding yet crucial step. It involves staying abreast of current developments in various
sectors, such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, biotechnology, or environmental technology.
The dynamic nature of technology necessitates thorough exploration and understanding to
provide up-to-date and accurate information.
Crafting a well-structured and coherent essay requires the ability to synthesize complex
information and present it in a clear and engaging manner. Striking the right balance between
technical details and layman's terms is essential, as the audience may vary in technical expertise.
Moreover, addressing the ethical, social, and economic implications of technology adds an
additional layer of complexity to the writing process.
Maintaining a critical perspective while discussing technology is crucial. It's essential to evaluate
both the positive and negative aspects, considering potential benefits as well as risks and
challenges. This requires a nuanced understanding of the subject matter and the ability to analyze
information critically.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Technology Essay Topics" demands a blend of research skills,
critical thinking, and effective communication. Navigating the vast landscape of technology and
presenting a cohesive and insightful essay is no small feat. However, with dedication, thorough
research, and careful consideration of the topic's various dimensions, it is possible to create an
informative and thought-provoking piece.
For those seeking assistance with essays or other writing tasks, similar essays and much more can
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Technology Essay TopicsTechnology Essay Topics
Primal Fear
Psychology 101 Spring 2010 Midterm Please answer the following questions based
on the information contained in the movie and place in the drop box no later than
11:59 p.m. on FRIDAY 03/12/10;
The film, Primal Fear is a psychological courtroom crime drama based on William
Diehl s novel of the same name. Steve Shagan and Ann Biderman wrote the movie
s adapted screenplay, which was brought to life by director Gregory Hoblit and
released in 1996. Richard Gere stars as Martin Vail, a famed defense attorney who
volunteers to represent a young boy accused of murder. Edward Norton plays the
character of Aaron Stampler, a teenage alter boy charged with the gruesome murder of
... Show more content on ...
We learn that Roy killed The Archbishop and Aaron is truly insane. Martin Vail
cannot change Aaron s trial plea from not guilty to guilty by reason of mental
insanity , Vail must come up with evidence that will prove Aaron s innocence.
During the trial proceedings, witnesses are questioned and Aaron is cross
examined by Martin Vail and Janet Venable. Martin attempts to anger Aaron with
the hope that it will trigger the appearance of Roy . After no success, Vail is
finished questioning Aaron and Venable begins to ask him about his involvement
in The Bishop s murder. Aaron becomes enraged with Venable s questions and
attitude, he loses control of his anger and Roy replaces Aaron while on the witness
stand. Roy curses at Venable, jumps from his seat and attacks Janet; threatening to
break the A.D.A. s neck. The court officer s eventually pry Roy from Venable and
she is free from harm. Roy is handcuffed, taken from the courtroom and locked back
into his jail cell. Judge Shoat pronounces Aaron Stampler medically ill and the trial is
declared a mistrial.
Martin Vail goes to Aaron s cell and relays the good news; he will not be convicted of
murder or face the death penalty and will instead be placed in a mental health
facility. Upon leaving the jail cell, Vail is questioned by Aaron, who wonders if Ms.
Venable s neck is ok, and wants Vail to tell her
Oil Wealth s Relation With Authoritarianism
tries to establish relationship between oil rich
countries and how they today are still able to have authoritarian rule in
their countries, despite the rise of democracies in recent years.
In past, Oil wealth and authoritarianism had no relations, but in the sixties
and seventies, one could not help but notice that all major oil producers
Saudi Arabia, Iraq,Libya have authoritarian regimes and many factors have
contributed to this such as formation of OPEC, oil embargoes imposed during Arab
Isaereli war of 1973 and most importantly, nationalization of oil industries which
have made the autocrats of these countries stronger in more than one way. Because
of nationalization of the oil industry had rulers of these countries,were able
strengthen their powers and prominent examples include Mummer Qadaffi of Libya
and Saddam Hussain of Iraq. Through nationalization of oil industry, autocrats are
able to keep their finances secret as citizens do not realize that despite low taxes and
other social policies, much of their country s wealth is lost in
theft,corruption,embezzlement. According to a 2010 survey, countries which have
little oil wealth, there is some information regarding finances spent as opposed to
those who are oil rich , where financial information is opaque. Oil wealth has also
enabled the autocrats to fund the police force and keep them on their side.Oman and
Saudi Arabian police were
Effects Of Motor Skills On Children
The use of motor skills can affect a child physically, mentally, and visually when it
comes to the child s ability to perform on task in school. In fact, some children s
brains take longer to function and perform task than other children in school. Not
only can a child s school behavior be affected from their use of motor skills, but their
everyday lives are affected as well. That is why parents, teachers, and supporters of
children who may experience difficulties with motor skills should be aware of the
importance of that child s motor skill development. Not all children s abilities
develop the same, but there are numerous amounts of abilities that a child should
automatically develop. Although, some children who may face a lot ... Show more
content on ...
Motor skills can affect children physically, mentally, and visually when it comes to
their on task behavior skills.
Background on Motor Skills
Gross motor skills involve with children having the ability to walk, run, or sit
when it is necessary. While, fine motor skills involve children to do different
classroom hands on activities and to be able to tie their shoes, writing, drawing,
coloring, and things of that nature. Therefore fine motor skills develop in the
context of the development of the whole child, including mobility, social, mental,
and emotional development, as Maryanne Bruni sated in her book, Fine Motor
Skills in Children with Down Syndrome. The development of a child starts with
the way their brain is functioning. Then the rest of the body is should be able to
function properly like controlling their mouth, face, lips, shoulders, back, arms,
and etc. In most cases of development, children often develop their gross motor
skills before their fine motor skills. In order for young children being able to do
things for themselves, they will need to use gross motor skills and fine motor skills
together. However, if a child s brain is not mature enough, the child will not be able
to control their movements like they may want or even expect to move.
Motor skills are an important aspect of the development of children. Children use
their motor skills in their daily
Genetically Modified Crops Are A Hazard Of Human Health
People continuously stir the pot when it comes to Genetically Modified crops,
creating myths and allowing fear to spread across the globe. Some people believe
that genetically modified crops are a hazard to human health, while others see the
advantages of GM farming. There is a great amount of hesitation when people hear
the terms antibiotic resistance and contamination when it involves their food. These
terms are taken out of context and without a proper understanding of their role in
plant genetics, can create fallacies. Genetically modified crops are in fact a negligible
risk when it comes to human health.
Biotechnology, transgenic crops, and genetic modification are words and phrases
being thrown around in the debate on genetically ... Show more content on ...
Genetic modification was even further enhanced in 2000 when it was discovered
that the process could be used to introduce vitamins and nutrients to enrich foods.
There are four main genetically modified crops dominating global agriculture:
corn, canola, soybeans, and cotton. As of 2004, GM crops were being grown by
8.25 million farmers in 17 countries. The United States is one of the leading
proponents for biotechnology, and is often looked to as the big brother of genetic
modifications as it far surpasses global competition. According to the ISAA, The
United States accounts for 59% of all Genetically Modified crops (James). While
modified foods have made their way into the United States food supply, Europe
has experienced quite a bit of backlash. Mixed feelings in regards to GM foods is
mainly due to the debate surrounding biotechnology. Through media and social
sources, the controversy surrounding genetically modified crops has increased
greatly over the last decade. Left wing individuals, the UCS (Union of Concerned
Scientists), and many organic/all natural advocates are the leading cause for the
hesitation when it comes to GMO s. The USC is a nonprofit organization that
includes many private citizens as well as professional scientists that attempt to solve
pressing global problems. Many organic advocates are against GMO because of the
idea that the manipulation of the crops is affecting it s
Pair Bonding Thesis
Neural Basis of Pair Bonding
Pair bonding is defined as a close relationship between two individuals. To
understand the neural basis of pair bonding it would make sense to consider
monogamous species since monogamy is based on pair bonding. On the other hand
polygamy supports mating with several individuals which does not necessarily
support bonding with only one individual. Most of the studies done on pair bonding
used a monogamous rodent, the prairie vole. Prairie voles form a long term bond
with their partner after multiple mating and tend to spend the rest of their life with
the same partner. These voles spend more time with their partner than a stranger vole.
This characteristic is considered ... Show more content on ...
We have already discussed how the importance of vasopressin in social behaviors.
administration of vasopressin facilitates monogamous typical behaviors in male
prairie voles
through the vasopressin V1a receptors (V1aR) in the brain (Winslow et al., 1993). It
would be
interesting to compare how vasopressin activity differs between the monogamous and
polygamous voles. Turns out it is not the amount of vasopressin but the distribution
of V1aRs in
the brain which varies considerably between monogamous and promiscuous vole
species (Insel
et al., 1994). Lastly to emphasize Vasopressin s role in neural basis of pair bonding, an
experiment done by Lim et al (2004) is included. These researchers did an amazing
to investigate if inserting V1aR gene vole could induce partner preference in
polygamous voles.
The vasopressin receptor (V1aR) is highly expressed in Ventral palladium. It is
located within
the ventral forebrain, which is a part of limbic system. In this experiment a group of
meadow voles were used as subjects. Researchers inserted the adeno associated viral
vector containing the prairie vole V1aR gene into the ventral palladium. The control
The Basic Conflict Between Evolutionism And Creationism
The basic conflict between evolutionism and creationism is whether humans and
other organisms have undergone cumulative minor changes throughout many
generations or that the state of all organisms is predetermined in their present state
by a deity. Before the advent of evolution by natural selection as first suggested by
Charles Darwinin his publication: The Origin of Species, people believed that the
apparent complexity of the world demanded an intelligent designer. Since Abrahamic
religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) were dominant during the majority of this
time, people often described this creator as being omnipotent, omniscient, and
omnibenevolent. For convenience, I may refer to this as an all PKG God, as Sober
does in the text.
One approach that many traditional creationists argued for is that the complexity of
the world cannot be explained by random events occurring. An example of an
argument from design is Paley s Watch (Sober, 61). Paley argues using the analogy
that if one were to find a watch on a beach, you have two hypotheses as to how the
watch came into existence. Either the waves and sand on the beach had randomly
interacted with one another to create the intricate timekeeping instrument, also know
as a Random Hypothesis. Or that the watch was designed and created by a
sufficiently intelligent being. Paley makes a strong argument against the Random
Hypothesis by using the Surprise Principle (Sober, 34). The principle states that given
two hypotheses,
Safety And Security Of Mobile Payment Systems
Safety and Security of Mobile Payment Systems
Problem Statement
New technology has spurred innovative ways to spend money. As mobile payment
systems continually develop, consumer financial and personal information risk
exposure. Industry officials state the technology is growing, but security specialists
argue growth of will inevitably attract fraud. Smartphone owners must treat their
phones as a miniature computer and equip proper anti virus and malware software.
Enacting preventative methods will help thwart security breaches over mobile
networks. (Ladendorf, 2013)
Although major retailers have had credit card breaches, which devastated consumer
trust in credit, Mobile payment systems stay efficient, but risk personal and financial
data fraud similar to plastic credit card usage theft. Patrons fear merchants can track
your shopping habits, location and financial records using a mobile GPS signal.
Nevertheless, worries that someone can steal their information when sent wirelessly
therefore consumer confidence remains low. Thorough safety measures will help give
customers composure and regain assurance. (Busby, 2014) (Sapienza, 2013)
Counter Argument
Mobile payment entities provide added safeguards for protection. These companies,
such as Google Wallet, Apple Pay and PayPal provide a unique device account
number for each transaction while not using normal credit card information. The
number goes to the merchant, and then the company triggers the payment.
Bechdel Test
The Bechdel Test is a well known measuring tool for gender bias in movies. The
test was made in an 1985 comic Dykes to Watch out For by Alison Bechdel. For a
film to pass the test, it has to have at least two female characters that are preferably
named. Moreover, the characters should also be talking with each other. Lastly, the
subject of their conversation should be something other than a man (Waletzko, 2017).
It should be noted that the Bechdel test is a useful test in checking for gender bias in
films. In fact, it was one of the very first tools that sparked dialogue between film
critics and typical moviegoers and urged the film industry to recognize and solve
gender diversity in films. (Minamore, 2017)
However, despite its effectiveness ... Show more content on ...
As such, there is a need for an improved version of the Bechdel Test a test that would
encompass more feminist values such as equal employment opportunities in the
production process and non discriminatory and derogatory portrayal of women in
Both of these important values can be found in the Philippine s Magna Carta of
Women (R.A 9710). The law lists down the numerous rights that women has. In this
case, a woman has the right to equal treatment in employment as well as non
discriminatory and derogatory portrayal of women in media and film. Consequently,
the Republic Act wishes to use media to raise the consciousness of the general public
in recognizing the dignity of women and the role and contribution of women in
family, community, and the society . (Magna Carta of Women (R.A 9710), 2010)
With this, as long as gender bias in films continues to propagate in our society, a
localized version of Bechdel Test that considers the proponents of the Magna Carta
of Women (R.A 9710) will be formulated as part of this research. It will offer a
yardstick for not only proper female representation but also empowerment in films
while the work of changing society s women objectification and rape culture moves
Why Do Drugs Have On The Music Industry
Impact of the drugs on the music industry Don t do drugs! The old adage most
people go by, except for the huge numbers for rock and roll music artists. Of
course, this is no news to anybody, but why do numerous musicians do an obscene
amount of drugs? The obvious answers are always they are coping with the stress,
they think it has a positive impact on performance, or they don t know how bad
drugs are for mental and physical health. What if drugs are just bad for an artist and
have no positive actions. What if artists do drugs because they it positively impacts
the music industry? Is there a connection between success and doing drugs? The huge
amount of very successful artists that ruined their careers or worse, died from drugs
raises... Show more content on ...
They can become very famous. They just need to appeal the clean cut image, or
they can go the straight edge path. Abstinence from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco is
the premise on which Straight Edge is created. They wanted to make a positive
social change according to Thomas Barlett (2006). Ted Nugent was a major face of
these ideologies. Ted reached a high level of success. The straight edge music doesn
t necessarily have the same level of popularity as artists on drugs, but that is not to
say they lack creativity. Other clean artists are spread throughout the subgenres of
rock and roll. Gene Simmons of Kiss, and Angus Young of AC/DC claim they weren
t hooked on drugs either. Gene Simmons of Kiss, didn t have that much creative
sound, but he might not have been that creative of a person. They even admitted we
are entertainers, not so much musicians . Not doing drugs doesn t have to hurt a band
s popularity, they just need to develop an identity that is popular and different. An
identity that stands for something that groups of people can get
Age Ceremonies For A Young Jew
Since the beginning of time coming of age ritual have existed. Whether it be
circumcision or hunting, or quinceaneras, coming of age ceremonies to celebrate
adulthood have been around ever since the beginning of time. There are many
different coming of age ceremonies that vary depending on a certain religion. In the
catholic religion there are several, first baptism, first communion, confirmation.
Judaismdoes not fall behind on coming of age ceremonies. One of the most important
coming of age ceremonies for a young Jew is a known as a Bar mitzvah. Bar mitzvah
or Bat mitzvah translates to son (daughter) of commandment. This means that the
young individual becomes responsible to observe the commandments (mizvot) of the
Torah. The... Show more content on ...
Kabbalistic tradition believes that a person spiritual being has several levels of a
soul. Rabbi Shraga says a new level of soul (called neshama) comes into awareness
at the Bar/ Bat mitzvah time. This is the time when moral awareness and
sensitivity fully develops, enabling young people to take responsibility for their
actions (Simmons, 2014). This makes sense because they are now leaving
childhood behind and they need to be responsible for the actions that they do.
(Simmons, 2014) One of the reasons why actions are considered more significant
after reaching a certain age is because of the Talmud. The Talmud explains that a
mitzvah performed because one is commanded is consider greater than a mitzvah
performed voluntarily(Simmons, 2014) . This is because overcoming this
aversion is a sign of maturity, and it is what the Bar/Bat mitzvah celebrates
(reaching the stage of obligation.) A bat / bar mitzvah is a religious obligation that
is not taken lightly by the Jewish community(Simmons, 2014) . In many Jewish
communities they require the study with a Rabbi and or a Cantor for months,
sometimes even years(Simmons, 2014) . On Shabbat, the Torah ( a scroll which
contains five books of Moses) is read publicly. The Torah is divided into 54
portions, following an annual cycle and one portion is read each week in the
synagogue ( the meeting place where a Jewish congregation meets) (Simmons, 2014)
. Not only does the young
Book Report Wintergirls
The plot of Wintergirls, by Author Laurie Halse Anderson, is interesting to read
because of the realization and the story. I feel as if I can relate to this book, that s
why it s so interesting. The main character of this book is Lia. Lia is trying to deal
with the death of her best friend Cassie, while also being the thinnest she can
possibly be. She s in and out of treatment, moving from household to household
caused her to be haunted by Cassie s death as her own downward of depression and
self mutilation progresses dangerously.
The main character, Lia, has problems with anorexia and depression caused by the
death of her best friend, Cassie. Lia is a very damaged girl, her parents are divorced,
her best friend just died, she s losing
How Did The American Revolution Dbq
There was a war fought between the original thirteen colonies and Great Britain
around April in 1775. This war was known as The American Revolution and although
war was pretty common back then but, this was a different kind of war. The thirteen
colonies that were rebelling against their mother country were fighting to become a
country where every human has the freedom to do and say what they wanted. Also,
they had many new ideas for running a country that many countries had never thought
of or that they did not want. These ways of running government had never been tried
before and were huge changes to how things were done back then. The American
Revolution would end up not only changing the thirteen coloniesinto America, but it
also changed... Show more content on ...
This document was like America s birth certificate. Along with that, it unified the
thirteen colonies as one country. The document states that every human has the
right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness but this was not granted to
everybody (The Declaration of Independence in Global Perspective). African
Americans did not get any of these rights and slavery would be continued for a few
hundred years. Oddly enough everything that the Americans fought for and
believed in stopped when it came to the color of one s skin. This part of the
Declaration of Independence barely even applied to many women as they had much
fewer rights than white men. This is quite sad because women actually played a
large role in the war. Many would make clothes or help serve meals to U.S. soldiers
and help keep the farm or her husband s business was going (American and British
Strengths and Weaknesses). Without the help of their spouses, many soldiers would
have returned home to be in bankruptcy (Strengths and Weaknesses). Another way
that American women helped was by being spies and giving information about enemy
troops locations (Strengths and Weaknesses). For this reason, women should have
been given more rights because if they would have been caught they would be
executed by the
Perseverance Papers
Perseverance paper Per the Smyrna District s Core Values, that Perseverance
means the inner strength to remain constant to a purpose, idea, or task in the face
of obstacles. This includes dedication, consistency, and having a positive attitude.
To me perseverance is to keep trying and never give up. One of Kid President s
famous sayings is If at first you don t succeed you re normal! This reminds me when
I first got on my bike I fell. When I was 5, I wanted to ride a bike when I tried, I was
terrible. I would move one inch and fall right to the ground. I would peddle faster
than I really should. I thought I was doing good but I fell. I would be doing good
going forward but when I turn I would hug the ground. To overcome me riding
Different Design Elements And Principals For The 3...
1.10 External
Demonstrate understanding of design principles:
Order of paragraph: 1st Context, 2nd design principals, 3rd subjective, 4th objective
In this report of demonstrating key design principals, I am going to discuss the
different design elements and principals for the 3 websites I have chosen. The first
website, which is on Shotover Jet was created in 2001, compared to my second
website which is again Shotover jet, but this was created in 2014. For my third
website I have chosen to use my own website I had designed in 2014, for Rotorua
Adventure Tourism LTD. I will be discussing these three websites by outlining the
websites specific contents and the elements that the website has used and by outlining
the subjective and objective aspects of each webpage.
Discuss technology of time, and how it could have impacted the design. Eg access to
computers and internet speed
Discuss how what was happening in the world could have affected the design, eg
recession, people being aware of global warming, and NZ s clean green image
In the 2001 Shotover Jet website: How did the people advertise, were there lots of
design to choose from, who used websites (making a background of what are you
going to say), eg in the 2001 census, over 37% households had access to internet ,
compared to in 2013 over 75% of households had access to internet.
Due to the Lord of the Rings movies and the Rugby World Cups, NZ started to gain
a wider audience in which
Essay Standardized Testing
Standardized testing is used practically worldwide for all sorts of various criterion. A
standardized test could be used for getting into a top of the line college, or to see if
you meet the
requirements for a job. Such tests include the well known ACTs and SATs. There are
different ways that standardized tests can be graded. Norm Referenced, and Criterion
forms of grading are just a couple of the types of tests. Tests can also be easily
misused and are
often protested.
Often times in order to persue a certain career, before you are employed it is
necessary to see how you rate in comparison to the company?s standards. If you
were to, for instance, become a pizza maker for Pizza ... Show more content on ...
Bush wants tests to be used to tell if in fact the student has taken in the standard
amount of knowledge they should have while in that grade. Getting eighty out of one
hundred questions would not be bad neither. That is because often times, questions
are thrown in that may not have necessarily been something the student would have
learned during his third grade year but rather his fourth grade year. If the student
does answer those questions correctly the student is advanced and know more than
the standard amount of information that was taught to them. Under Bush?s plan, if
a large amount of students are not meeting state standards of what they should be
learning, then tax money will be yanked away from that school. In this case, it is
crucial that all teachers do their job in teaching children the standard information
required to be known by a specific grade or skill level. If the standard information
is taught thoroughly and correctly then it should be easy for the student to take a
standardized test and come out equal to or ahead of set standards. A Norm
Referenced test compare a person?s score against the scores of a group of people
who have already taken the same exam, called the ?norming group.?
Comparison Of Vivaldi And Bach
Both Vivaldi and Bach were incredibly talented, and both have a distinct sound that
is fairly simple to notice. If a teacher were to play one of Vivaldi s works that had
never been heard before, and a work of Bach that had never been heard before, the
students could probably tell immediately the composer of each one. Why would it
be so easy o tell? Vivaldi had a habit of being more melodic, and focused on shifting
rhythms. His main works were concertos, a few choral works, some operas, and a
few sonatas. While Bach wrote in a massive amount of genre, his work focuses
strongly on counterpoint and polyphony. Bach and Vivaldi composed their musicin
different styles because of their influences. Some of their work will be discussed so
the... Show more content on ...
Vivaldi grew up in a Catholic family. His father was a talented violinist and would
be his first teacher. This allowed them to perform together. He also took lessons
from a choral teacher who knew violin. Vivaldi loves speed. At age 15, he began
studying for the priesthood, which gave him 10 years to study and develop the
musical and composing talents that is displayed in his works. Vivaldi spent his
entire life, other than the last six or so years, with his father. As a child, they
toured Venice together. Then, later on as a man, he toured Italy and later Europe.
Vivaldi and his father were a pair and it seems that they held a good relationship.
His father helped to write out some of the pieces that Vivaldi would think of. He
preferred a combination of the choral religious music, dramatic operatic, and classics
of Italy. His most influential works were written for the orchestra of a Venetian girls
orphanage where he was music director. It was for them that he wrote his famous
concertos. Vivaldi also invented the concerto grosso.
Vivaldi and Bach have a relationship that surpasses their skills. In this, surprisingly,
Vivaldi was the teacher, and Bach the student. Bach really appreciated Vivaldi
because he transcribed several of his concertos. Vivaldi introduced a rhythmic
liveliness and harmonic clarity that captivated Bach. He added to the blend of French
dance genres, ornamentation, and German counterpoint in his inscriptions of
Baroque style.
Happy Essay
Middle East History
The conflict in Jerusalem is rooted in religious, political, and historical aspects. As
a center for the worlds three major religions, with a history of political divisions
and borders, as well as historical claims to the territory, it calls for a peaceful
coexistence and sensitive diplomacy which will enable an accepted agreement.
Jerusalem is a prize which, for thousands of years, has been fought over. Israeli s and
Palestinians live side by side in the Old City, each claiming that Jerusalem belongs to
them. There is no judgment that can be given, there is no right or wrong answer to the
problem. For this issue to be solved, both sides must give concessions to each other,
and truly feel the ... Show more content on ...
And less than a mile away is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the site of Christ s
burial and resurrection.
The struggle for ownership of the city intensified many years later at the end of the
war, when Britain had total control of Palestine. The Balfour Declaration issued in
1917, included in the British mandate of Palestine, called for the idea of a Jewish
homeland in Palestine. However, the Arabs believed that Palestine would be created
an independent state by helping the British in the campaign against the Ottoman
empire. Unfortunately, the British did not include this in their plans. They did set up
a separate Arab state in 1921, which is now Jordan. However, the remainder of the
Palestinian territory wished for independence. After World War II, Holocaust
survivors flooded into Palestine and Jerusalem, and a partition by the United Nations
was established.In November 1947, the British mandate ended, and Palestine was
partitioned into Jewish and Arab states with Jerusalem as an international city. The
Arabs did not agree to this plan, as they were intent on preventing any Jewish control
in the area. However, Israel defended itself, and by 1949, it had joined the United
Nations, and been recognized by more than 50 governments around the world.
In a series of battles in 1949 with Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, Israel
established borders like those of Palestine during the British mandate. In 1967, the
Six Day War, Israel launched
Yooree Losordo
There, she stood in the corner that she could finally call her own.
This was the moment that made Yooree Losordo realize that she had accomplished
what many had a difficult time initiating a successful business. As the owner of On
the Dot Books Bookstore, the shear excitement of bringing a service to the
community helps to keep her working tirelessly in her efforts to continue developing
all positive ideas into reality.
Migrating from Seoul, South Korea, to the United States at just six years old made
Yooree feel eternally grateful to be in a country where she would be given the same
opportunities to become a working, successful citizen like everyone else. Since
moving to America, her mother worked at the Queens Borough Public Library....
Show more content on ...
In many occasions, women owned businesses stay at a small scale due to lack of
finance. Unlike some differing opinion, Boston has a lot of resources for women
entrepreneurs. Contrary to popular beliefs, Yooree believes that it is very easy to get
opportunities as a woman. The question of discrimination between men and women,
and people of color in the business field arose. Yooree commented, I have never
been white nor a man, so I would not know about how it feels to be in their
position, but women and men of color tend to be socially conscience, such as the
Black Lives Matter movement, and their businesses have social ambitions. The
challenges do remain to be all the same. She says that she has never faced any
discrimination that she was aware of, but strongly agrees that entrepreneurs were
made to keep going and not dwell on situations as such.
In terms of being a business owner, Yooree believes that the pros of owning one s
own business is that it is very rewarding, one can set their own schedule, the job can
be positively challenging, it is possible to create an unlimited destiny, and it gives
people an opportunity to grow within themselves. The cons, however, are that the
work is never done, and solo entrepreneurship simply means that there are never
enough people to help with the
The Principles Of Aristotle, Bertrand Russell, And...
Logic can be defined as the study of the methods and principles of correct reasoning
or arguments. Logic teaches the techniques and methods for the correctness of
different kinds of reasoning. It helps to detect errors in reasoning by examining and
analyzing the various reasons. Logic investigates and classifies the structure of
statements and arguments, both through the study of formal systems of inferences
and through the study of arguments in natural language. It deals only with
propositions that are capable of being true and false. Modern logicdescends mainly
from the ancient Greek tradition. All three philosophers; Aristotle, Bertrand Russell,
and Immanuel Kant theorized the question of what is logic. The greatest and most...
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But at the same time, scholars trained in modern formal techniques have come to
view Aristotle with new respect, not because of the correctness of his theory but for
the remarkable similarity in spirit between much of his work and modern logic. As
Jonathan Lear put it, Aristotle shares with modern logicians a fundamental interest
in metatheory. Aristotle saw logic as a tool that underlay knowledge of all kinds
and undertook its study because he believed it to be a necessary final step for
learning. Logic enables one to recognize when a judgment requires proof and to
verify the validity of such proof. Aristotle s thought had clear limitations, and his
contribution to logic is generally considered to be his greatest achievement.
Bertrand Arthur William Russell was a British philosopher, logician, essayist and
social critic best known for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy.
Russell is generally recognized as one of the main founders of modern analytic
philosophy. His most influential contributions include logicism which is the view
that mathematics is in some important sense reducible to logic. Russell s main
contributions to logic include his discovery of Russell s paradox also known as the
Russell Zermelo paradox, his development of the theory of types, his championing of
logicism the view that mathematics is reducible to formal logic, and his general
theory of logical
My Vision And Plans For Personnel Psychology
With these words and emphasis, Taylor and Mosier (1948, p. 1) launched Personnel
Psychology over 60 years ago. Then, as now, Personnel Psychology was centrally
concerned with the study of people at work. As the new editorial team begins its
term, I want to take this opportunity to share my vision and plans for Personnel
Psychology. To understand where we are heading, however, it is helpful to first
consider where Personnel Psychology has been. As former editor John Hollenbeck
noted when describing some of Personnel Psychology s past ground breaking research
, The impact that one has on the future seems to be closely related to one s
appreciation of the past (1998, p. 819). In that spirit, we look forward by first looking
From its ... Show more content on ...
As of this writing, this set of articles has been cited almost 5,000 times (and this
figure does not include the three articles published in the 1950s that are not indexed
in the ISI/Web of Science database).
It is our intent as the incoming editorial team to continue P Psych s tradition of
encouraging and promoting research centered around people at work, something that
has characterized the journal from its inception (Cascio Aguinis, 2008). We are
interested in publishing articles that will continue to represent the full range of
human resource management and organizational behavior topics, including job
analysis, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal
and feedback, compensation and rewards, careers, strategic human resource
management, work design, global and cross cultural issues, organizational climate,
work attitudes and behaviors, motivation, teams, and leadership. With an eye toward
the future, we also encourage research in emerging areas, such as entrepreneurship,
corporate social responsibility, and ethics. In addition, in
New York s Jewish Museum
September 16, 2016, Take me (I m Yours) took place at New York s Jewish Museum,
as its first ever exhibition made possible by digital crowdfunding campaign via
Kickstarter. With a total $31,018 pledged, 340 backers helped forty two international
and intergenerational artists create 400,000+ artworks to be given away during this
unconventional exhibition, visitors are encouraged to participate, touch, and even
take the artworks on view home with them.
Crowdfunding has become commonplace in the art world, but the Jewish Museum
launched its first Kickstarter campaign for a number of reasons, of course, in order to
fabricate the thousands upon thousands of artworks needed to keep the show fully
stocked throughout its run. Also through ... Show more content on ...
In this case, it revealing the process where the audience as co producers of the work
itself. (Yerebakan, 2016) This important intent of the artwork is clearly not an object
but a process, what is important to conserve here, for the future display of the work,
is the participative intent of the work, in which case, then the very nature of what is
documented about exhibitions becomes particularly important. (The People Speak
2012) (Graham, 2013)
Take Me (I m Yours) is an extremely radical exhibition that really quintessentially
questions the very core what a museum is, said Jens Hoffmann, Director of Special
Exhibitions and Public Programs. Jewish Museum keeps the exhibition processes
accessible to all aspects of participatory behaviour by audiences, and draws in the
wider potential participatory systems, such as, audience curating, documenting,
collecting, and preserving. As Boltanski told Hoffmann in a newly published
conversation about the show, in thirty years we might see something someone took
away from the Jewish Museum s exhibition emerge at a public auction. (Cascone,
The choice of Jewish Museum to use a more distributed model rather than a
traditional centralized model, reflects on Nina Simon s four categories of different
Theme Of The Metamorrphosis And It s A Wonderful Life
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and the movie It s a Wonderful Life, directed
by Francis Copra, don t seem to have a lot in common at first glance. One is an old
novella taught in literature classes, and the other is a Christmas movie, but if you
look closer you can see they share common themes of unhappiness, transformation,
and dependence on family support. In both The Metamorphosisand It s a Wonderful
Life the main characters are unhappy in their lives, and go through a
transformation where they see what their lives are like without them. We will
examine the characters, the journeys they went through, and the different
outcomes of similar experiences. George s transformation in It s a Wonderful Life
starts with James Steward s character George s unhappiness. His job, which he
never wanted to get stuck with in the first place, is going bad, and he feels like
nothing he does makes any difference. He is about to get blamed for something he
didn t do and is backed into a corner. This is when George s transformation begins.
His unhappiness is compounded when his business is failing and he is blamed.
He is threatened with prison and ruin. He is unable to keep it together for
Christmas Eve. He sees his life as a life of sacrifice for his friends, family, and the
good of the town, and he sees it as all for nothing. All his efforts are leading to his
ruin. When he goes home after the money is missing, and after realizing all the
implications that are attached to that, the stress is compounded by his family. His
daughter is sick, the piano is playing the same thing over and over. He is
bombarded with questions and the problems pile up until he loses his temper. He
feels that he has the weight of the world on his shoulders and it is all crashing
down. Nothing he does is good enough, and nothing he has done would stop him
from going to prison if he couldn t come up with money. That is when he
remembers his life insurance. If he died the bank would be taken care of and his
family would be taken care of. If he died he wouldn t be stuck in the same old
town, with all the responsibility. He stands on the bridge ready to jump and wishes
he had never been born, He gets his wish and is shown what life would be like
Analysis Of No Woman Born By C. L Moore
This passage, from No Woman Born by C.L. Moore, plays a pivotal role in the
story. It shows the reader if Deirdre, the entertainer with her brain implanted into a
metallic body, after a theater fire critically damaged her human form, can still work
as a dancer and a singer. The excerpt describes her first live performance after she
obtained a new cybernetic body. The audienceis unaware of her true identity.
Consequently, the reader understands if the audience will accept her in this current
state the symbiosis between a humanflesh and a machine. Ultimately, people are
compelled by her performance and recognize her true identity as Deirdre. Following
this passage, a thematic question emerges what constitute a human? Many examples
from the passage indicate that Deirdre has qualities that are inhuman. The passage
states that Deirdre s performance cannot be done by humans. Her movements and
singing during the dance are not human and cannot be replicated by any human
beings. They are perfectly in a rhythm. At first, the audience thought that she was a
machine, controlled by operators. However, at the end of her performance, she turns
towards her audience and laughs. This is an important connection to human qualities.
She recognizes and indirectly addresses to her audience. This is the quality of a
human and not a machine. Moreover, at the beginning of the story (just before her
performance) Maltzer, the man who placed her brain into the metallic body, and John
Harris, her
Essay about Huck Finn
Racism and Slavery in Mark Twain s Huckleberry Finn Throughout Mark Twain s
Huckleberry Finn, racism and slavery are two major thematic concepts pulsing
through the novel. Through incidents, comments made by the characters, and
statements by the narrator, Twain enables the readers to observe the attitudes of the
people concerning discrimination and involuntary servitude before the Emancipation
Proclamation. Not only does his use of language and comments help the reader better
comprehend the social attitudes of the time period, it also enlightens the audience of
Twain s attitude towards slavery and racism. Twain is known for voicing his opinions
and observations through characters, and in this novel it is no different. The audience
is... Show more content on ...
Twain uses Pap s stupidity to show how racism was for the uneducated. Huck does
not describe Jim as harshly as Pap suggesting, through traits and characteristics, he
is a better person that Pap. He does not say anything negative about his physical
appearance. He does call him a nigger, however that was socially acceptable at that
time. In fact, Twain makes Jim a better, more caring father figure to Huck. Jim
actually cares for Huck s well being when he says, Goodness gracious, is dat you,
Huck? ... It s too good for true, honey, it s too good for true. Lemme look at you
chile, lemme feel o you. No, you ain dead! you s back agin, live en soun , jis de
same ole Huck de same ole Huck, thanks to goodness! (63). Twain makes Jim the
good guy and Pap the bad guy to show how African Americans are not all bad and
whites are not all good. He expresses through these two characters that blacks can
actually be better people than whites, going against most beliefs back then. Next,
when Jim escapes from Miss Watson and finds Huck, Huck is happy he has
someone to pass time with. Forgetting about the moral standards of society he says,
I was ever so glad to see Jim. I warn t lonesome now...Then I says, It s good daylight.
L es get breakfast. Make up your campfire good (31). Again Twain used the
relationship between Huck and Jim to show true caring. Also, according to the
normal standards of society
Essay about The uncertainties of using a ruler and caliper
The uncertainties of measurements using a ruler, caliper, and spring scales.
Isaiah Gonzales, Roman Acuna
September 19, 2014
Abstract: The experimenters conducted a total of four mini labs. In each lab they had
to find measurements dealing with different instruments such as a ruler, caliper,
stopwatch, and two spring scales of different newtons. The objective in each
experiment was to record and measure different objects and to also give advantages
and uncertainties when dealing with different instruments. The experimenters found
that each instrument comes with an uncertainty. When dealing with a ruler, the
measurement can be very accurate but is not as precise as a caliper. The caliper was
the most precise instrument that the ... Show more content on ...
In the final experiment, Density of the Mass Set, the experimenters used the vernier
caliper to lead them to the volume of some of the figures in the mass set, and this
eventually led them to find the density.
Materials: Mass Set
Vernier Caliper
10 N Spring Scale
Procedures: Step one: The experimenters used the vernier caliper to measure the
height of a 100 g mass(from the mass set).
Step two: They recorded the height on the table and included an uncertainty.
Step three: The experimenters repeated the process to measure the diameter of the
100 g mass.
Step four: The experimenters calibrated the 10 N spring scale, and confirmed the
mass of 100 g mass.
Step five: Then they recorded the mass and uncertainty onto the table.
Step six: After this, they used the equation, Density = Mass/Volume, to find the
density of the 100 g mass and recorded it onto the table.
Table 1: Ruler and Caliper Measurements
Object Ruler Caliper
Measurement(cm) Uncertainty (cm) Measurement (cm) Uncertainty (cm)
Marble Diameter 1 cm it could be 1.1 cm 1.004cm it could be 1.005 cm
Washer (Outer Diameter) 1.8 cm it could be 1.9 1.503 cm it could possibly be 1.504
Washer (Inner Diameter) .8 cm it could be 0.93 cm .8 cm .812 cm
Washer Thickness .1 cm .09 cm .10 cm .101 cm
String Length 609.6 609.59 609.6 609.59
StyrofoamВ® Cup Height 9 cm 9.01 cm 9 cm 9.01 cm
Results: Experiment part one results
When measuring with the ruler, the experimenters
China s Second Hand Trade Essay
2.1 General Introduction Second hand trades have been growing rapidly in the
past __ years. The second hand industry grew at about 7% a year in 2014 and
2015, according to the National Association of Resale Professionals (Narts).
Second hand luxury goods, in particularly, has become a unique segment standing
out among the rest of second hand products. While companies like The Real Real
and What Goes Around Comes Around (WGACA) have been successfully enticed
U.S. customers to sell and buy second hand luxury, they might have left another
huge group of potential customers behind international college students from
China, who carry a stack of cash to the US each year and share a strong enthusiasm
towards luxury brands at a young age like most middle class Chinese. This study
intends to focus on Chinese students studying in the US, their culturally specific
motivations and concerns for shopping second hand luxury so as to provide
insights for local second hand stores to better attract them as potential customers.
2.2 Development of Second hand Stores The second hand trade started during the
14th century in Europe when new garments were too expensive to afford for the
majority (Frick, 2005). Ever since then, second hand business has been growing
with ups and downs ( ). From a global perspective, Today, there are over 25,000
second hand stores in the US, according to the Association of Resale Professionals.
The whole resale industry is worth of approximately $17 billion
Anacostia River Observation Report
The Anacostia river, a sanctuary for hundreds of plants and animals. One evening
when I was cruising down this very river, I spotted a Bald Eagle. The first one I
have ever seen in the wild. I was captivated by its grace, only to remember that it is
an endangered animal. The problem that the Bald eagle has, as well as many of the
others who live off the river is the river itself. The river is murky, and is contaminated
with toxins from fertilizers, pesticides and other harmful substances. There is also
unwanted ubiquitous pollutants that animals are sure to mistake for food, and the
wetlands that surround the river were also damaged. Restoring the Anacostia River is
problem that can be solved.
It all started when I worked with the Anacostia Watershed Society over the summer.
While I was working here, not only did I get the opportunity to help restore and
maintain the river and its wetlands, but I also got the chance to learn about stormwater
management and littering. From nine in the morning until twelve in the afternoon, I
was outside in the hot sun weeding, watering and planting native plants and trees
around the river. After lunch, my supervisor would educate me about the importance
of our jobs. I learned that the river is contaminated because of the stormwater ... Show
more content on ...
The river was its home, and humans abused it. Personally, I was tired of seeing the
list of extinct animals increase and I was not going to let the same happen to the
Bald Eagle. It was time for a change, a good one. While working with the Anacostia
Watershed Society, I realized how careless and oblivious people were of their
environment even though they are also being affected by it. I believe in the domino
effect, once one domino falls, then all the surrounding dominos that follow it will fall
too. Once the Anacostia river is irreparable, everyone around it will be drastically
Skeletal Muscle Cells
Structure of Skeletal Muscle: (4)
Skeletal muscle cells (single cell with many nuclei) are cells that are often under
voluntary control. Skeletal muscle cells are attached to bones of the body and assist
in bone movement. Attached to the bone via tendons (strong bands of connective
tissue) is the belly of the muscle which alternates in thickness. Connective tissue also
creates a sheath, binding together groups of muscle cells. Every skeletal muscle cell is
arranged length ways adjacent to one another comprised of a multitude of myofibrils.
Surrounding each skeletal muscle cell is the sarcolemma with contains sarcoplasm. A
sarcomere has two recognisably different bands, one light, one dark. The I band is
light in colour and represents where
Grand Exalted Ruler
For the nearly 100 years, the Elks have been dedicated to serving military members,
veterans and their families. From visiting veterans in the hospital to completing home
repairs for disabled veterans, the nearly 1,000,000 members strong Order generously
honors and assists our service members and veterans. This commitment has not gone
unnoticed. Militaryand veteran officials in Washington, D.C., who years now have
invited the Grand Exalted Ruler (GER) to meet with them to meet with them and
collaborate on how the Elks support for service members and veterans.
On a cold March day, GER Mike Zellen landed in Washington, D.C., bringing with
him the message of the Elks, and ready to ask the Order s quintessential question,
How can the Elks help you? Welcomed by leader who have met with past GERs,
GER Zellen took the opportunity to establish a new friendship with Vice Chief of the
National Guard Lieutenant General (LTG) Daniel Hokanson. The meeting was one
for the books. LGT Hokanson s enthusiasm and insightful thinking quickly led to a
new partnership to help empower National Guard members and their families with
needed programs and resources. ... Show more content on ...
When I was Adjutant General in Oregon, I used the local Elks lodge many times
for welcome home and retirement parties. I wasn t aware that [National Guard]
soldiers and airmen and women could go to their local lodges and receive help.
Well, now that you know, how can the Elks help you? responded GER
Texting Vs Calling Research Paper
There is great controversy of the topic that includes the differences of calling and
texting. Although it is mainly an opinion based subject, there are many ups and
downs for both sides. Some advantages of texting include being able to talk to
someone in a quiet environment, people have more confidence in what they say, and
people can respond when the time in covenant. Advantages of calling incorporate the
ability to completely understand what they are saying, knowing that it is just
between you and this person, and is much easier to get more words across. Even
though these seem like great accommodations, there is a great downside to each of
these. The main fault of texting is texting and driving. Edgar Snyder backs this up by
Crystal Methamphetamine-Free World
Amphetamine, first synthesized in 1887 in Germany, was for a long time, a drug in
search of a disease. ( History of Methamphetamine. ) In 1919 a stronger substance
was formed in Japan. ( History of Methamphetamine. ) This new substance was
soluble making it easier to inject. ( History of Methamphetamine. ) During World War
II methamphetamine use skyrocketed, both the Allies and Axis were using it to
keep their troops awake. ( The History of Crystal Methamphetamine Drug Free
World. ) High doses were given to Japanese Kamikaze pilots before their suicide
missions. ( The History of Crystal Methamphetamine Drug Free World. ) Then after
the end of the war usage of methamphetamine by injection became rampant when
supplies for the Japanese army became publically available.... Show more content on ...
Because of the excess amount of methamphetamine the Japanese people were able to
obtain it easily and more than likely cheaply because even the demand was high, the
supply was high to so the equilibrium was off. Then in the 1950s methamphetamine
was prescribed to help fight depression and aid in weight loss. ( The History of
Crystal Methamphetamine Drug Free World. ) This also created a situational factor
that influenced an epidemic with methamphetamines now being used by college
students, truck drivers, and athletes. ( The History of Crystal Methamphetamine Drug
Free World. ) Then in the 1960s the increased availability of injectable
methamphetamine caused another epidemic of abuse. ( The History of Crystal
Methamphetamine Drug Free
The Characteristics Of Heroism In The Epic Of Beowulf
Heroism has been the main theme in many stories that were passed down orally
throughout the generations, centering around the good guy versus bad guy plot. As
time passed, people began to redefine their own version of heroism in various ways
and sometimes depict the protagonist as a person with just as good of a flaw as the
antagonist. Beowulf, written from the early 11th century into Anglo Saxon script, is
one of the oldest variations of a heroas far as writings date. Based on real people
from modern day Scandinavia, Beowulf is a historical fiction telling of monsters
from various lands who oppress the Danes, until a warrior prince named Beowulf
ventures from his own land to defeat these monsters. When examining Beowulf s
actions, it s clear to find that his motives for defeating the monsters is not to save
people per se, but to attain glory and battle fame for himself. This is a normal
reaction for a hero, but some may see it as only standing for the title of a hero, not
actually satisfying the essence of heroic deeds. There are many characteristics to a
hero, but narrowing it down to three will show the main points essential to a hero,
shown and collected from most depictions of them. Heroes may attribute to
haughtiness in response to fame, fortune and the opposite sex suddenly attracted to
them, if the hero is coincidentally good looking. After fighting a certain battle that
they are known for clashing with, many heroes develop an internal battle within
Rocket Boosters Lab Report
Volume of the Rocket Boosters
Length: 45.46 m Diameter: 3.70 m
311.174ПЂ meters3 is the approximate volume of both the Rocket Boosters
Volume of the External Tank
Length: 46.9 m Diameter: 8.4 m Length without cone 44m
793.212ПЂ meters3 is the approximate volume of the External Tank
Volume of the Orbiter
Diameter: 6.91m Length: 32.85m
392.131ПЂ meters3 is the approximate volume of the Orbiter
Solids of Revolution for the Rocket Boosters
When creating the graphs, x will equal the amount of meters, and y will represent
the radius (also in meters). Both x and y will be positive rational numbers, since
there can be no negative length and decimals, if available, ... Show more content on ...
The solids of revolution for this cone will look like the following images.
Thus, we return to the solid of revolutions formula
Volume = ∫_a^bв
–’гЂ–ПЂ (radius)^2 dx гЂ— a will equal 0 and b will equal 2.9.
The radius will be the aforementioned equation of the line. This again perfectly
matches the predicted volume that was calculated for the conical section of the
External Tank.
Thus, the total volume of the solids of revolution will match as well.
Since it matches, this further proves that the math is correct and effective.
Solids of Revolution for Orbiter
Sadly, similar to the others, I could not find sufficient data to create a detailed model
of the Orbiter, so all I can attempt is model another cylinder that has equal
So, using the formula again:
Volume = ∫_a^bв
–’гЂ–ПЂ (radius)^2 dx гЂ— a will equal 0 and b will equal
32.85, since that is the length of the space shuttle.
The radius will be 3.455 since the diameter is 6.91.
This forms the function y=3.455. The solids of revolutions would look like the
following images.
This final value matches the predicted volume for the
Predict Sex Is Better Than Postcranial Measurements
predict sex was better than postcranial measurements. Additionally, sexual dimorphic
features show large variation within and between populations (Keen, 1950; AcsГЎdi,
and Nemeskeri, 1970; Workshop of European Anthropologists, 1980; Ubelaker, 1984;
Krogman and Д°Еџcan, 1986). Some sites on the skull have shown a wide range
within sexvariation making them less reliable for sex determination. For example, a
projecting nuchal crest is typically associated with a maleskull but can also appear on
a femaleskull, similarly non projecting nuchal crests, typically associated with a
female skull, can also appear on a male skull (Gulekon and Turgut, 2003;
Klepinger, 2006). Yet, this and others, are still some of most commonly used sites
for sexing. Keen (1950) expressed that because morphology is often related to size
and robustness, determining sex is extremely difficult unless extreme features are
expressed, such as a very small mastoid process that projects only a small distance
for females and a massive mastoid process that projects a great distance from the
inferior margins of the skull for males. Furthermore Meindl et al. (1985) and
Walker (1995) have discussed that the morphology of sites on the skull of both
sexes appear more masculine as the person ages, which would also hinder the
accuracy of determining the sex of skeletal remains. Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994,
p.16) also caution that estimation of sex can be difficult if the observer is not
familiar with the overall pattern
The Pros And Cons Of Eugenics
Eugenics is the science of improving the qualities of the human species or a human
population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable
characteristic traits and decrease the occurrence of undesirable characteristic traits or
genetical defects (Webster, 1828.) Eugenic sterilizationrefers to the involuntary
sterilizationof certain categories of individuals without their need for consent by
those subjected to the procedure (Pozgar, 2012, Pg. 411.) Individuals classified as
mentally deficient, feeble minded, epileptic, promiscuous, sexual deviants, or
persons classified as habitual criminals were mainly targeted (Pozgar, 2012, Pg.
411.) Eugenicists argued degenerate traits tainted society through the reproduction
of the lowest class and sterilization was to keep the handicapped from perpetuating
themselves (Kaelber, 2014.) In addition, eugenicists also argued that feeble minded
individuals were believed to be financial burdens to society by overcrowding
prisons, hospitals and living off welfare (Kaelber, 2014.) Sterilization was seen as a
way to prevent the spending of tax dollars on the feeble minded (Kaelber, 2014.)
These arguments allowed Eugenicsto become an acceptable practice. Advocates
believed that getting rid of the feeble minded and mentally deficient would decrease
the undesirable characteristic traits within the human gene pool and ultimately
improve the human population. The very first sterilization law was passed in
The Pilgrim s Progress By John Bunyan
The Pilgrim s Progress by John Bunyan is one of the most famous books in English
literature and the Protestant religion. It has been translated into more languages
than any other book in existence besides the Bible. He writes the story intricately,
with many descriptive details, which causes the story to seem almost life like. The
story can be enjoyed by people of any religion or belief. It showcases Bunyan s
poetic prowess, and his intellect as a writer, and this is why it is regarded as one
of the greatest books of all time. To begin with, an allegory is a story, poem, or
picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or
political one, in this case a religious one. The majority of the characters in the story,
all have adjectives as names, which seems peculiar. But, as the story goes on the
characters seem to fit the meaning of their name or sometimes it is blatantly stated in
the story. The story can be confusing, irrational, and real, just like an actual dream.
The phrase delivered under the similitude of a dream means that the story is
described in so much depth, that the details seem almost illusional, hazy and dream
like. Subsequently, the Interpreter is Christian s source of spiritual guidance,
resembling a pastor or youth group leader in today s world. It shows that because, the
instance that Christian enters his home the interpreter teaches him many lessons in
the sense of a parable, exactly the way Jesuswould do it. In a sense,
The Panopticon
What is the definition of privacy? According to Merriam Webster, it is the quality or
state of being apart from company or observation or the freedom from unauthorized
intrusion. This definition implies that one has the ability to isolate onself or even
information about onself, and is thus able to express oneself freely and secretly.
While privacy and what is considered private differs across cultures and societal
norms, the common themes remain. When an individual deems something private ,
this usually suggests that this object in particular is intrinsically special or sensitive
for him or herself. With the emergence of 21st century technologies (such as
smartphones) and of public knowledge of global government surveillance(NSA,
Snowden),... Show more content on ...
Constitution. The amendment states the The right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall
not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by
Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized. Advocates underscore that the amendment clearly
alludes to a right to privacy and should be further extended to digital properties as
well. In this case, digital documents would be analogous to the papers mentioned in
the amendment. If the NSA has the technological power to track people s
communications, then it should only be able to follow people of suspect, or probable
cause, thus preserving the privacy of the innocent civilian. Simply put, the U.S.
Constitution placed a high value on privacy with the 4th amendment, and therefore
the U.S. Government has the responsibility to uphold that declaration. By increasing
the power of government agencies such as the NSA, the country faces a greater
potential of power abuse. It is not a coincidence that the government has partnered
with various phone and internet companies. By joining with the producers of phones
and websites, the government has found a method of sustaining its own effective
panopticon. Cell phones and the internet have become a crucial part of the
Contributions Of William Golding
William Golding was a famous British author, poet, and playwright. Golding
contributed to British Literature by writing several works for which he was
acknowledged. His most famous work is a novel called Lord of the Flies which was
published in 1954. Lord of the Flies is still being read today around the world. In
addition, two movie versions based on the novelwere released. The first version was
released in the United States in 1963 and the second version was released in 1990.
The Lord of the Flies remains a relevant piece of literature today as it shows what
happens in nature when there is no central governing body. His pessimism about the
nature of humanity was obviously reflected in his writing. William Goldings
childhood, school life, and war experience heavily influenced his work as a
playwright, poet, and an author of Lord of the Flies.
On September 19, 1911 William Golding was born at his maternal grandmother s
house in Newquay, Cornwall (England). This was approximately six years after his
older brother Joseph was born. Golding also had an adopted sister named Eileen.
She was his blood cousin and was adopted in the 1930s. His parents were Alec and
Mildred A. Golding (neГ© Curnoe). The whole family lived in Marlborough,
Wiltshire. Alec was a master of science at Marlborough Grammar School. Alec was
also a rationalist, religious skeptic, and an activist for the British Labour Party. Alec
and Mildred participated in political demonstrations in support of women s
Anheuser Busch Inbev
Module 2 Functional, Business and Global Strategies a. The module focuses on the
company s/division s business level strategies and global strategies. You will need to
answer the following questions. Anheuser Busch Inbev is one of the largest
breweries in the world. Currently, Anheuser Busch InBev has a product list of more
than 200 beers, including global best sellers Budweiser, Stella Artois, Beck s, multi
country brands like Leffeand Hoegaarden, and strong local jewels such as Bud Light,
Skol, Brahma, Quilmes, Michelob, Harbin, Sedrin, Cass, Klinskoye, Sibirskaya
Korona, Chernigivske, and Jupiler, among others that have helped to make the
company so successful. In addition,... Show more content on ...
As a company[s main mission to be the greatest beer in the world, they have
achieved competitive strategies to be able to protect their business level strategies;
Sprinkler Expansion strategy, Aggressive Marketing Strategy and Consumer
Responsiveness Approach. Sprinkler Expansion Strategy As the world s largest
brewer, AB Inbev has the ability to compete in new and foreign markets as a strong
threat. Due to their enormous capital and expansion based strategy, they can enter
any market as a challenger and shutdown competition to become the leading brewer
in this market. As an aggregated note we can also see this in domestic or already
dominated markets because due to economics of scale they can achieve
differentiated products at a low cost. Aggressive Marketing Strategy AB InBev has
been characterized in the US and in international markets as one of the most
aggressive marketing in the world, these is due to their differentiation strategy and
the sprinkler expansion strategy. AB InBev utilizes their extensive capital to capture
as much as the market as they can and be able to be number one, in all markets they
can. Another added value to this strategy is making all AB Inbev consumers brand
loyal, this meaning that they can retain their customers. Consumer Responsiveness
Approach Consumer
Marine Corps Recommendation Letter
It is my pleasure to recommend applicant Ley for the Marine Corps ROTC
Scholarship. I have been Ley s Naval Science Instructor for the last three years and
I believe not only will she meet the rigorous physical demands required of her, but
that she will also meet any expectation necessary in becoming an Officer in the
Marine Corps. Cadet Ley has always shown strong determination and follows
instructions well. I have seen significant improvement over the years I have had her
in my program. Ley has attended several trainings across the United States with her
fellow cadets including National Flight Academy in Pensacola, Florida and a week
long training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, South Carolina. The result of these
trainings showed an
Alcohol Anonymous Research
Today, alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States
(NCADD Staff, 2017). According to the National Council on Alcohol Drug and
Dependance, 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol
abuse or dependence (NCADD Staff, 2017). To cope with this mass issue, several
self help programs has evolved. Perhaps the most well known and most accepted
program is AA. AA stands for Alcohol Anonymous. This global program is designed
for men and women who have problems with drinking alcohol, alcohol abuseor
dependence. The association is accepting of all individuals regardless of age, race or
other distinguishing factors, and hopes to help those who wish to resolve their
drinking issues.
AA has developed ... Show more content on ...
For instance, the program may not be as effective for women because the model
does not emphasize empowerment (Traylor, 2015). Furthermore, the program is not
equipped for everyone s needs. Some individuals may need therapy and/or medical
treatment, such as detox which AA cannot provide (Rehab4alcoholism Staff, 2017).
Moreover, because the program emphasizes the reliance on a higher power it can
cause individuals to believe they are powerless to change without the higher power
(Rehab4alcoholism Staff, 2017). Next, the anonymity of AA has led some member
to abuse other members (Rehab4alcoholism Staff, 2017). Since members are
subjected to a policy to protects people s identity, many women have confessed to
being sexually abused during or after a meeting. In fact, this issue has caused the
program to eliminate the thirteenth step of the program: sponsoring
(Rehab4alcoholism Staff, 2017). Besides this, many are subjected to AA as a result
of court order. Hence, the members are not truly willing to recover. Thus, prohibiting
the growth of the other members. Not to mention, AA can cause influential people to
become involved with the wrong crowd. Since the program is community based,
participants are surrounded by those who may also be addicted to drugs. Hence, a
young or influential person may get involved with drugs through the group setting
(Rehab4alcoholism Staff, 2017).In other words, AA can influence peer pressure.
The Contrasting Views of Roger Williams and John
The Contrasting Views of Roger Williams and John Winthrop People immigrated to
America for many reasons, most people shared in the same ideas of going to the
New World to start new lives away from England. Roger Williams and John Winthrop
both joined in the Puritan dissent to New England, but while they were living in
Boston, Massachusettsthey did not agree on several matters. These two men had
contrasting views when it came to Christianity, separating from the Church of
England and religious liberty. First, Roger Williams does not believe that Christianity
was the only religionof God. He believes that God created human beings and endowed
them with the inborn right to make choices in the matters of faith. While staying with
the... Show more content on ...
He and his fellow Puritans did not break from the Church because they sought to
reform it in the New World. When Winthrop heard all the commotion Williams was
making with his protesting he referred to it as infection that would easily spread to
the people and churches. Lastly, Roger Williams is a strong supporter of religious
liberty. Religious liberty is another example on how Williams believed the people
should be able to practice their own religion, not have it decided by the government.
He protests that civil authority should be limited to civil matters and that magistrates
had no jurisdiction over the soul (174). Meaning that the government does not have
the right to enforce religious duties on people, to let them believe on their own.
Williams put it as wanting to build a wall of separation between state and church in
order to keep the holy and pure religion of Jesus Christ from contamination by the
slightest taint of earthly support (Miller 174). This was the main argument of
Williams that caused him to become unwelcome in both Plymouth and Boston. John
Winthrop did not oppose to dissent just that there needed to be limits set. He worried
that if dissent was not kept within bounds, it would undermine the community and
that integrity of the community demanded religious conformity. Winthrop believes
challenges to religious authority could undermine the political
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. If you can t fly, then run, if you can t run, then walk, if you
can t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.
(King). Martin Luther King Jr. is a name many know. He was born on January 15,
1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He grew up in a very religious family, with his father
being a pastor, and all. He was galvanized by his father and became a Baptist
minister and social minister after he attended Boston University at the age of 15.
He, later, married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953, a woman who mothered his four
children, Yolanda King (1955), Martin Luther King III(1957), Dexter Scott King
(1961) , and Bernice King (1963). He was greatly motivated by many great people
such as Gandhi, Lincoln, and many other well known males. King played a
tremendous role in the civil rights movement. He was a great leader who inspired
many people, during and after his lifetime. A huge role model for many people to
this very day, and generations to come. He was an inspiration and role model
because he used nonviolence to fight for equal rights, he never stopped fighting for
what he believed in, and because he was a voice that convinced people that all men
are created equal. Martin Luther King Jr. used his voice to fight for equal rights, not
violence. Like his incredible accomplishment in the bus boycott, when they chose
King as the protest s leader and official spokesman. First of all, the bus boycott all
started when Rosa Parks was
The Incarcerated Individuals Within The Correctional...
The incarcerated individuals within the correctional facilities in Canada make up one
of the highest risk population groups for HIV and it continues to be a significant
problem within the Canadian correctional facilities (Chu, Elliott, Canadian HIV
/AIDS network, 2009). Canadian prisoners make up a substantial chunk of the
individuals infected with HIV as whole, inside and outside of the prisonsystem (Chu,
Peddle, Canadian HIV AIDS Legal Network, 2010). The HIV rate in Canadian
prisons remains relatively stable, which is good news, however, there is not a
whole lot done in order to help the individuals who are infected with HIV at the
moment (Public health agency of Canada, 2012). During the years of 2009 and
2010 there were 13,500 incarcerated inmates and of that population roughly 2% were
infected with HIV, this did not include the individuals who have not disclosed their
HIV status to prison officials; or those who are HIV positive but have not been tested
for the virus (Public health agency of Canada, 2012). An article written by
Bonnycastle and Villebrun, (2011) found that the CSC infectious diseasesurveillance
system estimates that 70% of prisoners remain unscreened for HIV, because the
prisoners at the highest risk for the disease are more likely to forgo the testing. Drug
use is prohibited within Canadian prisons, however, it still continues to be a problem
with the inmates (Correctional service of Canada, 2015). Drug use is the biggest
reason that inmates are
Case Study Of Cadbury
Some product categories of Cadbury are stars while others are question mark or cash
Chocolates are stars as it has large assortments in chocolates worldwide it is the
world s second confectionary company having high market share in most of the
Biscuits cakes are question mark reason being that it doesn t have extensive offerings
in this product category for the customers to choose from but the overall demand of
biscuits is still positive.
Beverages business is question mark, although Cadbury s Bournvita is very popular
but their cold chocolates have very low acceptance in the market also due to the
presence of players like GlaxoSmithKline, Heinz etc. Cadbury is not able to grab the
large chunk of the market.
Ice cream ... Show more content on ...
CDM has more nutritional value for children s than any other sweet.
Marketing Plan for Age group 19 to 35
Total Population : 0.343 billion
Best way to catch this population on internet (on Facebook).
Most people wishes birthday to their friends family member on Facebook.
We propose, Cadbury to tie up with Facebook, So one week before birthday
Facebook will give the reminder.
Do you want to send chocolates on your friends birthday
All the Cadbury chocolates options will appear.
Select the Chocolate, Gift wrapping Birthday message for your friend place the order
online. The order will be received in district distributor system; same will be packed
dispatched by Courier at the delivery address. Marketing Plan for Age group 36 to 65
Total Population : 0.381 billion
This is majorly working population of India.
This population can be targeted on Birthday at office, for Gifting, on marriages (with
Marriage invitation card after marriage), on festivals, special occasions many more
occasions. Behavioural Segmentation
Decision roles:
The decision role is played by the children and youngsters when to buy the Cadbury
Oskar Schindler Hero
When you think of a World War II hero, you might think of a soldier who fought for
his country and our freedom. Of course, anyone who fought in World War II
should be considered a hero but there are many non military heroes from that time
too. Oskar Schindler is one of those people. He was a German industrialist, a spy, and
member of the Nazi Party who is responsible for saving 1,200 Jewslives during the
Holocaustby giving them jobs in his enamelware and ammunitions factories.
Schindler was born April 28th, 1908, into a Sudeten German family in Zwittau,
Moravia, Austria Hungary. His father was Johann Hans Schindler, who owned a
farm machinery business. His mother was Franziska Fanny Schindler. He had a
sister named, Elfriede, who was born in 1915. After attending primary and
secondary school, Schindler enrolled in a technical school but he was expelled in
1924 for forging his report card. He later graduated, but did not take the Abitur
exams that he would have needed to go to college. Instead he took classes in Brno in
several different trades, including chauffeuring and machinery. He also worked for
his dad for three years. Schindler loved motorcycles and bought a ... Show more
content on ...
They moved in with Oskar s parents and lived in the upstairs rooms, where they
lived for the next seven years. Not long after him and Emilie got married Schindler
quit working for his father and took several other jobs such as a position at
Moravian Electrotechnic and also managed a driving school. Schindler was in the
Czech army for 18 months, where he rose to the rank of Lance Corporal in the Tenth
Infantry Regiment of the 31st Army. After that he went back to Moravian
Electrotechnic. At around the same time that company went bankrupt and his father
s farm machinery business closed around the same time which left Schindler
unemployed for a year. In 1931, he got a job with Jarslav Simek Bank of Prague in
1931, where he worked for about seven
Pb Acountability Essay examples
Which of the following PBOs will you coordinate with during sustainment?| |
While preparing for deployment, you receive split hand receipts from the PBO. What
should you direct sub hand receipt holders to do?
A. Conduct deployment inventories of all equipment identified for deployment.
During the post deployment phase, who do you coordinate with to deactivate all
derivative UICs and DODAACs?
What should you direct your Supply Sergeant to do upon receiving the deployment,
LBE, and RDE hand receipts from the PBO?
A. Identify that deployment, LBE and RDE hand receipt data matches the current
hand receipt.
What deployment property accountability action should be performed prior to
A. Prepare an RFI list, ... Show more content on ...
Bottom of Form|
What should you direct your Supply Sergeant to do upon receiving the deployment,
LBE, and RDE hand receipts from the PBO? Identify that deployment, LBE and RDE
hand receipt data matches the current hand receipt.
STL needs to be turned in to the owning unit within 90 days of issue or 90 days from
the date of the extension of the temporary hand receipt.
Coordinate with AMC TPE PBO to transfer retained STL equipment to your TPE
hand Receipt.
Which of the definitions below best describes Long Term Transfer (LTT) property?
90 days of unit issue. ?? Wrong try Equipment required for longer than 90 days but no
longer than one rotation.
If an STL item is still needed or the owning unit has already redeployed prior to
expiration of the DA Form 3161, on which hand receipt is the equipment placed?
Outgoing unit??? WRONG try TPE
When should you conduct redeployment inventory with sub hand receipt holders?
Prior to arrival of the RIP/TOA unit(s).
What is the purpose of field level reset?
Bring deployed unit equipment to 10/20 standards. Transfer of all TPE (to include
excess TPE), and REF equipment occurs:| |
Upon completion of the RIP/TOA Which of the following is a function of the PDSS
team?| |
PDSS team will setup upon arrival to the AOR wrong try The PDSS team will
replace unit supply operations staff for the duration of the deployment.
Part 1 Which of the following is a purpose of the Command Supply Discipline
The Return Of The Magician
The Return of the Magician As Professor Pethica notes, Yeats wrote only a couple
of poems in the five years after Maud Gone s marriage in 1903. Instead of writing
poetry, Yeats founded the Abbey Theater in 1904 and devoted his energy to
playwriting and theatre management (Handout). While Yeats the playwright is
active, Yeats the poet finally returned in 1903 with The Green Helmet and Other
Poems. In my last paper I argued that Aedh , Hanrahan and Michael Robartes are
three masks Yeats uses to exert his authorial control. Yeats confronts the notion of the
Mask more directly in the collection The Green Helmet and Other Poems. In this
paper, I wish to show that Yeats who returned in 1908 was intrinsically a different
poet when... Show more content on ...
Many poems in the collection feature a speaker who looks back at his old time in
introspection disapprovingly. For instance, in the poem The Coming of Wisdom
with Time, the speaker refers to his old time as the lying days of my youth
(Norton, 38). A similar sentiment can be found in the poem All things can Tempt
Me, in which the speaker laments that a woman s face love, and the seeming needs
of my fool driven land nationalism have once tempted him away from the craft of
verse (Norton, 40). In the poem Reconciliation, too, the speaker recalls that you
(presumably Maud Gonne) took away the verses that could move readers. Deaf and
blind, the speaker could find / nothing to make a song about but kings, / Helmets,
and swords, and half forgotten things / that were like memories of you (Norton, 37).
In these three poems, the speaker is incapacitated by his love for a woman, for his
country, or both. As the speaker of The Fascination of What s Difficult puts it, the
fascination of what s difficult / has dried the sap out of [his] veins, and rent
/ spontaneous joy and natural content / out of [his heart] (Norton, 37). These lines
summarize Yeats s torment between 1903 and 1908, when he was tortured by
unattainable love and preoccupied with the management of the theater. The speaker
does not only reprehend his youth, but also triumphantly declares his return.
Why We Should Care About Iran
Can one country change the landscape of the entire world? Americans must be able
to understand importance of one country in the Diplomacy, Information, Military, and
Economy (DIME) methodology. This paper will go over the background of Iran,
what type of government it is, the strategic importance to the United States and the
possible future for Iran and relations with the United States.
The country of Iran, previously known as Persia until 1935, began diplomatic
relations with the United States in 1883. Iran is the 18th largest country occupying
1,648,195 sq. km, almost 2.5 times the size of the state of Texas (Central Intelligence
Agency, 2013). The country has a population of approximately 81.8 million residents
with Persian the official language and the official religion being Muslim. Throughout
the twentieth century, the country witnessed the establishment of a limited
constitutional monarchy in 1906. In 1953, a coup supported by the United States and
the United Kingdom occurred against the democratically elected prime minister. The
most recent change to the country occurred in 1979, when clerical forces led by the
Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew the Shah, making the country an Islamic Republic
forcing the Shah into exile. On November 4, 1979, a group of revolutionary Iranian
students angered that the deposed Shah had entered the United States, seized the U.S.
Embassy in Tehran, and took 52 Americans hostage. As negotiations
Evaluation Of The Practical -you Work As An Analyst For
Assignment 3.3
The aim of the practical You work as an analyst for a snack food manufacturer.You
have just changed to a new supplier of soy sauce but are worried that the taste is not
as strong and you suspect that some of the key ingredients have been changed.
Explain how you are going to do this.
Chromatography is a method used mainly in labs in order to isolate organic
compounds from inorganic compounds in order to be observed. Via this technique,
scientists are able to differentiate between the substances which create a particular
compound. Chromatography can be used to separate mixtures of coloured
compounds. Mixtures which are suitable for separation by chromatography are inks,
colouring agents in foods and dyes. You can... Show more content on
Chromatography is also used in food analysis to detect microorganisms in drinking
water. Scientists whom observe the environment also use this method in order to
measure pollution levels within the area. Forensic scientist use it in order to analyse
substances for DNA such as blood alongside to discover what substances are such as
drugs. Alongside this, chemists can use it to differentiate rates of progression of
chemicals alongside to observe what substances are present in a given sample. http:/
/ Cod/Chromatography.html http:/
/ student magazine/application and importance thin
layer chromatography analysis and research 0
TLC Plate
Capillary tubes
250ml Beaker
Watch Glass / Petri dish
Acetic acid
Amoy soy sauce , Kikkoman soy sauce and Sainsbury s soy sauce.
Petri Dish
Latex gloves.
How to prepare the sample for analysis
Prepare a solution of Butanol, acetic acid and water within the ratio 4:1:2.
Mix each soy sauce sample with an equal volume of butanol, in a 50:50 ratio, shake
and leave prepared mixture for 15 minutes in order for the different layers to become
1) Draw a faint pencil line 1cm below a TLC plate.
2) Use a capillary tube to put a
The Movie Scream Queens
From Sons of Anarchy to Nip Tuck , FX has created popular TV dramas over the
years. However, none of them has had such significant popularity as Ryan Murphy
s American Horror Story , known for its blood and gore, and Glee known for its
sharp social commentary. The creation of these TV series led to the drastic rise to
stardom of Ryan Murphys career. Though Glees stint on TV has ended, it was a
highly acclaimed series with high ratings. Today, American Horror Story , his
project following Glee , is now one of TV s highest rated series, which is an
especially peculiar accomplishment for a TV series of this genre. Therefore, when
the creation of a new horror TV series was announced, nothing but sheer greatness
was expected.... Show more content on ...
Similar to Sontag s Notes On Camp , which proposes a comic vision of the world
(Sontag 288), Ryan Murphy s Scream Queens utilizes comedy to portray issues
prevalent in society today. By dethroning the serious (Sontag 288) and being
playful (Sontag 288) and anti serious (Sontag 288), Scream Queens effectively
accomplishes this feat. The TV series Scream Queens , deals with numerous social
issues in society such as homosexuality, racism and eating disorders. However,
through its comedy and lack of seriousness, this series is able to provide a sense of
bluntness and harsh reality of these issues. By adopting this unique approach, this
TV series use of comedy works, as it depicts these social issues in its true light,
which many believe are non existent, subsequently leading to society s ability to
tackle these issues directly and head on .
A serious issue of today s society, which is referenced in the TV series Scream
Queens is homophobia. In the show, actress Jenna Han who portrays the character
Sam on the TV show, is bullied as a result of her sexuality. Other characters on the
show nicknamed Sam The Predatory Lez, as a result of Sam being a lesbian. The
show attempts to highlight the struggles experienced by homosexuals in a comedic
fashion. Nick Jonas character, Boone, like Jenna Han s character, Sam, highlights the
struggle homosexuals experience in an attempt to be accepted by society. Boone
attempts to fit into a fraternity house by
Mgt 330 Management Planning Paper
Management Planning Paper
MGT 330
Management Planning Paper The Boeing Corporation is the world s leading
aerospace company and is the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners as well as
military aircrafts. Boeing has teams that manufacture missiles, satellites, defense
systems, and communication systems. NASA turns to Boeing when they need
something and Boeing operates the International Space Station. Boeing has a broad
range of capabilities and skills, which is probably the reason they are the world s
leading aerospace company. With the Boeing headquarters in Chicago, more than
170,000 people in 70 different countries find themselves employed with the
corporation and ... Show more content on ...
Bateman, Scott A. Snell, 2009). Step one gathers and summarizes information that is
in question. It examines current conditions with an attempt at forecasting future
conditions. Step two generates alternative goals that may be used as an alternate if
the first desired plan does not work. Step three evaluates the potential of the
alternative goals and prioritizes/eliminates ones that might or might not work. Step
four in management planning is the selecting of goals believed to be most
appropriate and feasible by the managers. Step five implements the goals and plans
into action by managers. Goal achievement is likely to be linked to the
organization s reward system to encourage employees to achieve the goals and
implement plans properly (Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell, 2009). Step six is
essential in making sure goals and plans are met. If the goals and plans are not
monitored and controlled managers would not know if they were ever met
successfully. Boeing the huge corporation that it is has had its fair share of legal
issues. The corporation has to pay special attention to detail when it concerns
obeying the laws and regulations in regard the manufacturing of aircraft. The planes
must be tested for safety and flying ability before they ever hit the mainstream
public. Notices on the aircraft tell passengers when they should be buckled and when
it is considered safe to unbuckle. Engineers have to provide manuals for the
Sweat Lodge Research Paper
Indigenous individuals have many holistic approaches to healing which includes
ceremonies, rituals and herbal remedies to cure their disease or illness. Through this
holistic approach, the healer tries to connect the individual s body to the environment
so that they can be cured mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Every
indigenous people manages to find the balance within themselves and the nature. The
indigenous people practices the non westernized medicalization, just like the
Ayuverdic medicine. It all contains natural ingredients of herbs, where it will be
applied on the affected area and used within the ceremony of healing. Throughout
this essay, I will be focusing on one of the indigenous healing practices, the sweat
lodge. I will be giving the history of how the sweat lodge came into existence, what is
a sweat lodge, how the sweat lodge works and what it is being practiced for.
The sweat lodge came into existence long time ago, where the first people came
across an ... Show more content on ...
A sweat lodge is a home to many individuals, where a sacred commitment is made
to the energy of mother earth (Heart, 2001). This place is where the individual can
be reborn and be cleansed with balance (Heart, 2001). Individuals comes together
as a whole to form a group, where they let out their spirits to mingle with one
another to create an opening in order for them to move around freely (Heart,
2001). The sweat lodge is not a place for many individuals who can come in to
pretend to be a shaman (Heart, 2001). It is not right for people to think that the
ceremony can be practiced through a book and cannot take the advantage to eat,
drink, dance and do drugs (Heart, 2001). Also the sweat lodge, does not charge
people to be in part of the ceremony but instead, takes donations and offerings for the
ceremony to happen again (Heart,
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Technology Essay Topics

  • 1. Technology Essay Topics Writing an essay on the broad and diverse topic of "Technology Essay Topics" can prove to be a challenging task. The difficulty lies in the vastness of the subject matter, as technology encompasses a wide range of fields and constantly evolves. Selecting a specific aspect of technology to focus on requires careful consideration, as it's essential to strike a balance between relevance and depth. Researching the latest technological advancements, trends, and their impacts on society is a demanding yet crucial step. It involves staying abreast of current developments in various sectors, such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, biotechnology, or environmental technology. The dynamic nature of technology necessitates thorough exploration and understanding to provide up-to-date and accurate information. Crafting a well-structured and coherent essay requires the ability to synthesize complex information and present it in a clear and engaging manner. Striking the right balance between technical details and layman's terms is essential, as the audience may vary in technical expertise. Moreover, addressing the ethical, social, and economic implications of technology adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. Maintaining a critical perspective while discussing technology is crucial. It's essential to evaluate both the positive and negative aspects, considering potential benefits as well as risks and challenges. This requires a nuanced understanding of the subject matter and the ability to analyze information critically. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Technology Essay Topics" demands a blend of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. Navigating the vast landscape of technology and presenting a cohesive and insightful essay is no small feat. However, with dedication, thorough research, and careful consideration of the topic's various dimensions, it is possible to create an informative and thought-provoking piece. For those seeking assistance with essays or other writing tasks, similar essays and much more can be ordered on, providing a valuable resource for those looking to streamline the writing process and ensure the delivery of high-quality content. Technology Essay TopicsTechnology Essay Topics
  • 2. Primal Fear Psychology 101 Spring 2010 Midterm Please answer the following questions based on the information contained in the movie and place in the drop box no later than 11:59 p.m. on FRIDAY 03/12/10; The film, Primal Fear is a psychological courtroom crime drama based on William Diehl s novel of the same name. Steve Shagan and Ann Biderman wrote the movie s adapted screenplay, which was brought to life by director Gregory Hoblit and released in 1996. Richard Gere stars as Martin Vail, a famed defense attorney who volunteers to represent a young boy accused of murder. Edward Norton plays the character of Aaron Stampler, a teenage alter boy charged with the gruesome murder of ... Show more content on ... We learn that Roy killed The Archbishop and Aaron is truly insane. Martin Vail cannot change Aaron s trial plea from not guilty to guilty by reason of mental insanity , Vail must come up with evidence that will prove Aaron s innocence. During the trial proceedings, witnesses are questioned and Aaron is cross examined by Martin Vail and Janet Venable. Martin attempts to anger Aaron with the hope that it will trigger the appearance of Roy . After no success, Vail is finished questioning Aaron and Venable begins to ask him about his involvement in The Bishop s murder. Aaron becomes enraged with Venable s questions and attitude, he loses control of his anger and Roy replaces Aaron while on the witness stand. Roy curses at Venable, jumps from his seat and attacks Janet; threatening to break the A.D.A. s neck. The court officer s eventually pry Roy from Venable and she is free from harm. Roy is handcuffed, taken from the courtroom and locked back into his jail cell. Judge Shoat pronounces Aaron Stampler medically ill and the trial is declared a mistrial. Martin Vail goes to Aaron s cell and relays the good news; he will not be convicted of murder or face the death penalty and will instead be placed in a mental health facility. Upon leaving the jail cell, Vail is questioned by Aaron, who wonders if Ms. Venable s neck is ok, and wants Vail to tell her
  • 3. Oil Wealth s Relation With Authoritarianism OIL WEALTH S RELATION WITH AUTHORITARIANISM the author in his paper, tries to establish relationship between oil rich countries and how they today are still able to have authoritarian rule in their countries, despite the rise of democracies in recent years. In past, Oil wealth and authoritarianism had no relations, but in the sixties and seventies, one could not help but notice that all major oil producers Saudi Arabia, Iraq,Libya have authoritarian regimes and many factors have contributed to this such as formation of OPEC, oil embargoes imposed during Arab Isaereli war of 1973 and most importantly, nationalization of oil industries which have made the autocrats of these countries stronger in more than one way. Because of nationalization of the oil industry had rulers of these countries,were able strengthen their powers and prominent examples include Mummer Qadaffi of Libya and Saddam Hussain of Iraq. Through nationalization of oil industry, autocrats are able to keep their finances secret as citizens do not realize that despite low taxes and other social policies, much of their country s wealth is lost in theft,corruption,embezzlement. According to a 2010 survey, countries which have little oil wealth, there is some information regarding finances spent as opposed to those who are oil rich , where financial information is opaque. Oil wealth has also enabled the autocrats to fund the police force and keep them on their side.Oman and Saudi Arabian police were
  • 4. Effects Of Motor Skills On Children Abstract The use of motor skills can affect a child physically, mentally, and visually when it comes to the child s ability to perform on task in school. In fact, some children s brains take longer to function and perform task than other children in school. Not only can a child s school behavior be affected from their use of motor skills, but their everyday lives are affected as well. That is why parents, teachers, and supporters of children who may experience difficulties with motor skills should be aware of the importance of that child s motor skill development. Not all children s abilities develop the same, but there are numerous amounts of abilities that a child should automatically develop. Although, some children who may face a lot ... Show more content on ... Motor skills can affect children physically, mentally, and visually when it comes to their on task behavior skills. Background on Motor Skills Gross motor skills involve with children having the ability to walk, run, or sit when it is necessary. While, fine motor skills involve children to do different classroom hands on activities and to be able to tie their shoes, writing, drawing, coloring, and things of that nature. Therefore fine motor skills develop in the context of the development of the whole child, including mobility, social, mental, and emotional development, as Maryanne Bruni sated in her book, Fine Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome. The development of a child starts with the way their brain is functioning. Then the rest of the body is should be able to function properly like controlling their mouth, face, lips, shoulders, back, arms, and etc. In most cases of development, children often develop their gross motor skills before their fine motor skills. In order for young children being able to do things for themselves, they will need to use gross motor skills and fine motor skills together. However, if a child s brain is not mature enough, the child will not be able to control their movements like they may want or even expect to move. Motor skills are an important aspect of the development of children. Children use their motor skills in their daily
  • 5. Genetically Modified Crops Are A Hazard Of Human Health People continuously stir the pot when it comes to Genetically Modified crops, creating myths and allowing fear to spread across the globe. Some people believe that genetically modified crops are a hazard to human health, while others see the advantages of GM farming. There is a great amount of hesitation when people hear the terms antibiotic resistance and contamination when it involves their food. These terms are taken out of context and without a proper understanding of their role in plant genetics, can create fallacies. Genetically modified crops are in fact a negligible risk when it comes to human health. Biotechnology, transgenic crops, and genetic modification are words and phrases being thrown around in the debate on genetically ... Show more content on ... Genetic modification was even further enhanced in 2000 when it was discovered that the process could be used to introduce vitamins and nutrients to enrich foods. There are four main genetically modified crops dominating global agriculture: corn, canola, soybeans, and cotton. As of 2004, GM crops were being grown by 8.25 million farmers in 17 countries. The United States is one of the leading proponents for biotechnology, and is often looked to as the big brother of genetic modifications as it far surpasses global competition. According to the ISAA, The United States accounts for 59% of all Genetically Modified crops (James). While modified foods have made their way into the United States food supply, Europe has experienced quite a bit of backlash. Mixed feelings in regards to GM foods is mainly due to the debate surrounding biotechnology. Through media and social sources, the controversy surrounding genetically modified crops has increased greatly over the last decade. Left wing individuals, the UCS (Union of Concerned Scientists), and many organic/all natural advocates are the leading cause for the hesitation when it comes to GMO s. The USC is a nonprofit organization that includes many private citizens as well as professional scientists that attempt to solve pressing global problems. Many organic advocates are against GMO because of the idea that the manipulation of the crops is affecting it s
  • 6. Pair Bonding Thesis Neural Basis of Pair Bonding Pair bonding is defined as a close relationship between two individuals. To understand the neural basis of pair bonding it would make sense to consider monogamous species since monogamy is based on pair bonding. On the other hand polygamy supports mating with several individuals which does not necessarily support bonding with only one individual. Most of the studies done on pair bonding used a monogamous rodent, the prairie vole. Prairie voles form a long term bond with their partner after multiple mating and tend to spend the rest of their life with the same partner. These voles spend more time with their partner than a stranger vole. This characteristic is considered ... Show more content on ... We have already discussed how the importance of vasopressin in social behaviors. Central administration of vasopressin facilitates monogamous typical behaviors in male prairie voles through the vasopressin V1a receptors (V1aR) in the brain (Winslow et al., 1993). It would be interesting to compare how vasopressin activity differs between the monogamous and polygamous voles. Turns out it is not the amount of vasopressin but the distribution of V1aRs in the brain which varies considerably between monogamous and promiscuous vole species (Insel et al., 1994). Lastly to emphasize Vasopressin s role in neural basis of pair bonding, an experiment done by Lim et al (2004) is included. These researchers did an amazing experiment to investigate if inserting V1aR gene vole could induce partner preference in polygamous voles. The vasopressin receptor (V1aR) is highly expressed in Ventral palladium. It is located within the ventral forebrain, which is a part of limbic system. In this experiment a group of polygamous meadow voles were used as subjects. Researchers inserted the adeno associated viral (AAV)
  • 7. vector containing the prairie vole V1aR gene into the ventral palladium. The control voles
  • 8. The Basic Conflict Between Evolutionism And Creationism The basic conflict between evolutionism and creationism is whether humans and other organisms have undergone cumulative minor changes throughout many generations or that the state of all organisms is predetermined in their present state by a deity. Before the advent of evolution by natural selection as first suggested by Charles Darwinin his publication: The Origin of Species, people believed that the apparent complexity of the world demanded an intelligent designer. Since Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) were dominant during the majority of this time, people often described this creator as being omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. For convenience, I may refer to this as an all PKG God, as Sober does in the text. One approach that many traditional creationists argued for is that the complexity of the world cannot be explained by random events occurring. An example of an argument from design is Paley s Watch (Sober, 61). Paley argues using the analogy that if one were to find a watch on a beach, you have two hypotheses as to how the watch came into existence. Either the waves and sand on the beach had randomly interacted with one another to create the intricate timekeeping instrument, also know as a Random Hypothesis. Or that the watch was designed and created by a sufficiently intelligent being. Paley makes a strong argument against the Random Hypothesis by using the Surprise Principle (Sober, 34). The principle states that given two hypotheses,
  • 9. Safety And Security Of Mobile Payment Systems Safety and Security of Mobile Payment Systems Problem Statement New technology has spurred innovative ways to spend money. As mobile payment systems continually develop, consumer financial and personal information risk exposure. Industry officials state the technology is growing, but security specialists argue growth of will inevitably attract fraud. Smartphone owners must treat their phones as a miniature computer and equip proper anti virus and malware software. Enacting preventative methods will help thwart security breaches over mobile networks. (Ladendorf, 2013) Thesis Although major retailers have had credit card breaches, which devastated consumer trust in credit, Mobile payment systems stay efficient, but risk personal and financial data fraud similar to plastic credit card usage theft. Patrons fear merchants can track your shopping habits, location and financial records using a mobile GPS signal. Nevertheless, worries that someone can steal their information when sent wirelessly therefore consumer confidence remains low. Thorough safety measures will help give customers composure and regain assurance. (Busby, 2014) (Sapienza, 2013) Counter Argument Mobile payment entities provide added safeguards for protection. These companies, such as Google Wallet, Apple Pay and PayPal provide a unique device account number for each transaction while not using normal credit card information. The number goes to the merchant, and then the company triggers the payment.
  • 10. Bechdel Test The Bechdel Test is a well known measuring tool for gender bias in movies. The test was made in an 1985 comic Dykes to Watch out For by Alison Bechdel. For a film to pass the test, it has to have at least two female characters that are preferably named. Moreover, the characters should also be talking with each other. Lastly, the subject of their conversation should be something other than a man (Waletzko, 2017). It should be noted that the Bechdel test is a useful test in checking for gender bias in films. In fact, it was one of the very first tools that sparked dialogue between film critics and typical moviegoers and urged the film industry to recognize and solve gender diversity in films. (Minamore, 2017) However, despite its effectiveness ... Show more content on ... As such, there is a need for an improved version of the Bechdel Test a test that would encompass more feminist values such as equal employment opportunities in the production process and non discriminatory and derogatory portrayal of women in movies. Both of these important values can be found in the Philippine s Magna Carta of Women (R.A 9710). The law lists down the numerous rights that women has. In this case, a woman has the right to equal treatment in employment as well as non discriminatory and derogatory portrayal of women in media and film. Consequently, the Republic Act wishes to use media to raise the consciousness of the general public in recognizing the dignity of women and the role and contribution of women in family, community, and the society . (Magna Carta of Women (R.A 9710), 2010) With this, as long as gender bias in films continues to propagate in our society, a localized version of Bechdel Test that considers the proponents of the Magna Carta of Women (R.A 9710) will be formulated as part of this research. It will offer a yardstick for not only proper female representation but also empowerment in films while the work of changing society s women objectification and rape culture moves
  • 11. Why Do Drugs Have On The Music Industry Impact of the drugs on the music industry Don t do drugs! The old adage most people go by, except for the huge numbers for rock and roll music artists. Of course, this is no news to anybody, but why do numerous musicians do an obscene amount of drugs? The obvious answers are always they are coping with the stress, they think it has a positive impact on performance, or they don t know how bad drugs are for mental and physical health. What if drugs are just bad for an artist and have no positive actions. What if artists do drugs because they it positively impacts the music industry? Is there a connection between success and doing drugs? The huge amount of very successful artists that ruined their careers or worse, died from drugs raises... Show more content on ... They can become very famous. They just need to appeal the clean cut image, or they can go the straight edge path. Abstinence from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco is the premise on which Straight Edge is created. They wanted to make a positive social change according to Thomas Barlett (2006). Ted Nugent was a major face of these ideologies. Ted reached a high level of success. The straight edge music doesn t necessarily have the same level of popularity as artists on drugs, but that is not to say they lack creativity. Other clean artists are spread throughout the subgenres of rock and roll. Gene Simmons of Kiss, and Angus Young of AC/DC claim they weren t hooked on drugs either. Gene Simmons of Kiss, didn t have that much creative sound, but he might not have been that creative of a person. They even admitted we are entertainers, not so much musicians . Not doing drugs doesn t have to hurt a band s popularity, they just need to develop an identity that is popular and different. An identity that stands for something that groups of people can get
  • 12. Age Ceremonies For A Young Jew Since the beginning of time coming of age ritual have existed. Whether it be circumcision or hunting, or quinceaneras, coming of age ceremonies to celebrate adulthood have been around ever since the beginning of time. There are many different coming of age ceremonies that vary depending on a certain religion. In the catholic religion there are several, first baptism, first communion, confirmation. Judaismdoes not fall behind on coming of age ceremonies. One of the most important coming of age ceremonies for a young Jew is a known as a Bar mitzvah. Bar mitzvah or Bat mitzvah translates to son (daughter) of commandment. This means that the young individual becomes responsible to observe the commandments (mizvot) of the Torah. The... Show more content on ... Kabbalistic tradition believes that a person spiritual being has several levels of a soul. Rabbi Shraga says a new level of soul (called neshama) comes into awareness at the Bar/ Bat mitzvah time. This is the time when moral awareness and sensitivity fully develops, enabling young people to take responsibility for their actions (Simmons, 2014). This makes sense because they are now leaving childhood behind and they need to be responsible for the actions that they do. (Simmons, 2014) One of the reasons why actions are considered more significant after reaching a certain age is because of the Talmud. The Talmud explains that a mitzvah performed because one is commanded is consider greater than a mitzvah performed voluntarily(Simmons, 2014) . This is because overcoming this aversion is a sign of maturity, and it is what the Bar/Bat mitzvah celebrates (reaching the stage of obligation.) A bat / bar mitzvah is a religious obligation that is not taken lightly by the Jewish community(Simmons, 2014) . In many Jewish communities they require the study with a Rabbi and or a Cantor for months, sometimes even years(Simmons, 2014) . On Shabbat, the Torah ( a scroll which contains five books of Moses) is read publicly. The Torah is divided into 54 portions, following an annual cycle and one portion is read each week in the synagogue ( the meeting place where a Jewish congregation meets) (Simmons, 2014) . Not only does the young
  • 13. Book Report Wintergirls The plot of Wintergirls, by Author Laurie Halse Anderson, is interesting to read because of the realization and the story. I feel as if I can relate to this book, that s why it s so interesting. The main character of this book is Lia. Lia is trying to deal with the death of her best friend Cassie, while also being the thinnest she can possibly be. She s in and out of treatment, moving from household to household caused her to be haunted by Cassie s death as her own downward of depression and self mutilation progresses dangerously. The main character, Lia, has problems with anorexia and depression caused by the death of her best friend, Cassie. Lia is a very damaged girl, her parents are divorced, her best friend just died, she s losing
  • 14. How Did The American Revolution Dbq There was a war fought between the original thirteen colonies and Great Britain around April in 1775. This war was known as The American Revolution and although war was pretty common back then but, this was a different kind of war. The thirteen colonies that were rebelling against their mother country were fighting to become a country where every human has the freedom to do and say what they wanted. Also, they had many new ideas for running a country that many countries had never thought of or that they did not want. These ways of running government had never been tried before and were huge changes to how things were done back then. The American Revolution would end up not only changing the thirteen coloniesinto America, but it also changed... Show more content on ... This document was like America s birth certificate. Along with that, it unified the thirteen colonies as one country. The document states that every human has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness but this was not granted to everybody (The Declaration of Independence in Global Perspective). African Americans did not get any of these rights and slavery would be continued for a few hundred years. Oddly enough everything that the Americans fought for and believed in stopped when it came to the color of one s skin. This part of the Declaration of Independence barely even applied to many women as they had much fewer rights than white men. This is quite sad because women actually played a large role in the war. Many would make clothes or help serve meals to U.S. soldiers and help keep the farm or her husband s business was going (American and British Strengths and Weaknesses). Without the help of their spouses, many soldiers would have returned home to be in bankruptcy (Strengths and Weaknesses). Another way that American women helped was by being spies and giving information about enemy troops locations (Strengths and Weaknesses). For this reason, women should have been given more rights because if they would have been caught they would be executed by the
  • 15. Perseverance Papers Perseverance paper Per the Smyrna District s Core Values, that Perseverance means the inner strength to remain constant to a purpose, idea, or task in the face of obstacles. This includes dedication, consistency, and having a positive attitude. To me perseverance is to keep trying and never give up. One of Kid President s famous sayings is If at first you don t succeed you re normal! This reminds me when I first got on my bike I fell. When I was 5, I wanted to ride a bike when I tried, I was terrible. I would move one inch and fall right to the ground. I would peddle faster than I really should. I thought I was doing good but I fell. I would be doing good going forward but when I turn I would hug the ground. To overcome me riding
  • 16. Different Design Elements And Principals For The 3... 1.10 External Demonstrate understanding of design principles: Order of paragraph: 1st Context, 2nd design principals, 3rd subjective, 4th objective Intro: In this report of demonstrating key design principals, I am going to discuss the different design elements and principals for the 3 websites I have chosen. The first website, which is on Shotover Jet was created in 2001, compared to my second website which is again Shotover jet, but this was created in 2014. For my third website I have chosen to use my own website I had designed in 2014, for Rotorua Adventure Tourism LTD. I will be discussing these three websites by outlining the websites specific contents and the elements that the website has used and by outlining the subjective and objective aspects of each webpage. Context Discuss technology of time, and how it could have impacted the design. Eg access to computers and internet speed Discuss how what was happening in the world could have affected the design, eg recession, people being aware of global warming, and NZ s clean green image In the 2001 Shotover Jet website: How did the people advertise, were there lots of design to choose from, who used websites (making a background of what are you going to say), eg in the 2001 census, over 37% households had access to internet , compared to in 2013 over 75% of households had access to internet. Due to the Lord of the Rings movies and the Rugby World Cups, NZ started to gain a wider audience in which
  • 17. Essay Standardized Testing Standardized testing is used practically worldwide for all sorts of various criterion. A standardized test could be used for getting into a top of the line college, or to see if you meet the requirements for a job. Such tests include the well known ACTs and SATs. There are many different ways that standardized tests can be graded. Norm Referenced, and Criterion Referenced forms of grading are just a couple of the types of tests. Tests can also be easily misused and are often protested. Often times in order to persue a certain career, before you are employed it is necessary to see how you rate in comparison to the company?s standards. If you were to, for instance, become a pizza maker for Pizza ... Show more content on ... ( Bush wants tests to be used to tell if in fact the student has taken in the standard amount of knowledge they should have while in that grade. Getting eighty out of one hundred questions would not be bad neither. That is because often times, questions are thrown in that may not have necessarily been something the student would have learned during his third grade year but rather his fourth grade year. If the student does answer those questions correctly the student is advanced and know more than the standard amount of information that was taught to them. Under Bush?s plan, if a large amount of students are not meeting state standards of what they should be learning, then tax money will be yanked away from that school. In this case, it is crucial that all teachers do their job in teaching children the standard information required to be known by a specific grade or skill level. If the standard information is taught thoroughly and correctly then it should be easy for the student to take a standardized test and come out equal to or ahead of set standards. A Norm Referenced test compare a person?s score against the scores of a group of people who have already taken the same exam, called the ?norming group.?
  • 18. Comparison Of Vivaldi And Bach Both Vivaldi and Bach were incredibly talented, and both have a distinct sound that is fairly simple to notice. If a teacher were to play one of Vivaldi s works that had never been heard before, and a work of Bach that had never been heard before, the students could probably tell immediately the composer of each one. Why would it be so easy o tell? Vivaldi had a habit of being more melodic, and focused on shifting rhythms. His main works were concertos, a few choral works, some operas, and a few sonatas. While Bach wrote in a massive amount of genre, his work focuses strongly on counterpoint and polyphony. Bach and Vivaldi composed their musicin different styles because of their influences. Some of their work will be discussed so the... Show more content on ... Vivaldi grew up in a Catholic family. His father was a talented violinist and would be his first teacher. This allowed them to perform together. He also took lessons from a choral teacher who knew violin. Vivaldi loves speed. At age 15, he began studying for the priesthood, which gave him 10 years to study and develop the musical and composing talents that is displayed in his works. Vivaldi spent his entire life, other than the last six or so years, with his father. As a child, they toured Venice together. Then, later on as a man, he toured Italy and later Europe. Vivaldi and his father were a pair and it seems that they held a good relationship. His father helped to write out some of the pieces that Vivaldi would think of. He preferred a combination of the choral religious music, dramatic operatic, and classics of Italy. His most influential works were written for the orchestra of a Venetian girls orphanage where he was music director. It was for them that he wrote his famous concertos. Vivaldi also invented the concerto grosso. Vivaldi and Bach have a relationship that surpasses their skills. In this, surprisingly, Vivaldi was the teacher, and Bach the student. Bach really appreciated Vivaldi because he transcribed several of his concertos. Vivaldi introduced a rhythmic liveliness and harmonic clarity that captivated Bach. He added to the blend of French dance genres, ornamentation, and German counterpoint in his inscriptions of Baroque style.
  • 19. Happy Essay Happy Middle East History Jerusalem The conflict in Jerusalem is rooted in religious, political, and historical aspects. As a center for the worlds three major religions, with a history of political divisions and borders, as well as historical claims to the territory, it calls for a peaceful coexistence and sensitive diplomacy which will enable an accepted agreement. Jerusalem is a prize which, for thousands of years, has been fought over. Israeli s and Palestinians live side by side in the Old City, each claiming that Jerusalem belongs to them. There is no judgment that can be given, there is no right or wrong answer to the problem. For this issue to be solved, both sides must give concessions to each other, and truly feel the ... Show more content on ... And less than a mile away is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the site of Christ s burial and resurrection. The struggle for ownership of the city intensified many years later at the end of the war, when Britain had total control of Palestine. The Balfour Declaration issued in 1917, included in the British mandate of Palestine, called for the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. However, the Arabs believed that Palestine would be created an independent state by helping the British in the campaign against the Ottoman empire. Unfortunately, the British did not include this in their plans. They did set up a separate Arab state in 1921, which is now Jordan. However, the remainder of the Palestinian territory wished for independence. After World War II, Holocaust survivors flooded into Palestine and Jerusalem, and a partition by the United Nations was established.In November 1947, the British mandate ended, and Palestine was partitioned into Jewish and Arab states with Jerusalem as an international city. The Arabs did not agree to this plan, as they were intent on preventing any Jewish control in the area. However, Israel defended itself, and by 1949, it had joined the United Nations, and been recognized by more than 50 governments around the world. In a series of battles in 1949 with Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, Israel established borders like those of Palestine during the British mandate. In 1967, the Six Day War, Israel launched
  • 20. Yooree Losordo There, she stood in the corner that she could finally call her own. This was the moment that made Yooree Losordo realize that she had accomplished what many had a difficult time initiating a successful business. As the owner of On the Dot Books Bookstore, the shear excitement of bringing a service to the community helps to keep her working tirelessly in her efforts to continue developing all positive ideas into reality. Migrating from Seoul, South Korea, to the United States at just six years old made Yooree feel eternally grateful to be in a country where she would be given the same opportunities to become a working, successful citizen like everyone else. Since moving to America, her mother worked at the Queens Borough Public Library.... Show more content on ... In many occasions, women owned businesses stay at a small scale due to lack of finance. Unlike some differing opinion, Boston has a lot of resources for women entrepreneurs. Contrary to popular beliefs, Yooree believes that it is very easy to get opportunities as a woman. The question of discrimination between men and women, and people of color in the business field arose. Yooree commented, I have never been white nor a man, so I would not know about how it feels to be in their position, but women and men of color tend to be socially conscience, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, and their businesses have social ambitions. The challenges do remain to be all the same. She says that she has never faced any discrimination that she was aware of, but strongly agrees that entrepreneurs were made to keep going and not dwell on situations as such. In terms of being a business owner, Yooree believes that the pros of owning one s own business is that it is very rewarding, one can set their own schedule, the job can be positively challenging, it is possible to create an unlimited destiny, and it gives people an opportunity to grow within themselves. The cons, however, are that the work is never done, and solo entrepreneurship simply means that there are never enough people to help with the
  • 21. The Principles Of Aristotle, Bertrand Russell, And... Logic can be defined as the study of the methods and principles of correct reasoning or arguments. Logic teaches the techniques and methods for the correctness of different kinds of reasoning. It helps to detect errors in reasoning by examining and analyzing the various reasons. Logic investigates and classifies the structure of statements and arguments, both through the study of formal systems of inferences and through the study of arguments in natural language. It deals only with propositions that are capable of being true and false. Modern logicdescends mainly from the ancient Greek tradition. All three philosophers; Aristotle, Bertrand Russell, and Immanuel Kant theorized the question of what is logic. The greatest and most... Show more content on ... But at the same time, scholars trained in modern formal techniques have come to view Aristotle with new respect, not because of the correctness of his theory but for the remarkable similarity in spirit between much of his work and modern logic. As Jonathan Lear put it, Aristotle shares with modern logicians a fundamental interest in metatheory. Aristotle saw logic as a tool that underlay knowledge of all kinds and undertook its study because he believed it to be a necessary final step for learning. Logic enables one to recognize when a judgment requires proof and to verify the validity of such proof. Aristotle s thought had clear limitations, and his contribution to logic is generally considered to be his greatest achievement. Bertrand Arthur William Russell was a British philosopher, logician, essayist and social critic best known for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy. Russell is generally recognized as one of the main founders of modern analytic philosophy. His most influential contributions include logicism which is the view that mathematics is in some important sense reducible to logic. Russell s main contributions to logic include his discovery of Russell s paradox also known as the Russell Zermelo paradox, his development of the theory of types, his championing of logicism the view that mathematics is reducible to formal logic, and his general theory of logical
  • 22. My Vision And Plans For Personnel Psychology With these words and emphasis, Taylor and Mosier (1948, p. 1) launched Personnel Psychology over 60 years ago. Then, as now, Personnel Psychology was centrally concerned with the study of people at work. As the new editorial team begins its term, I want to take this opportunity to share my vision and plans for Personnel Psychology. To understand where we are heading, however, it is helpful to first consider where Personnel Psychology has been. As former editor John Hollenbeck noted when describing some of Personnel Psychology s past ground breaking research , The impact that one has on the future seems to be closely related to one s appreciation of the past (1998, p. 819). In that spirit, we look forward by first looking back. From its ... Show more content on ... As of this writing, this set of articles has been cited almost 5,000 times (and this figure does not include the three articles published in the 1950s that are not indexed in the ISI/Web of Science database). It is our intent as the incoming editorial team to continue P Psych s tradition of encouraging and promoting research centered around people at work, something that has characterized the journal from its inception (Cascio Aguinis, 2008). We are interested in publishing articles that will continue to represent the full range of human resource management and organizational behavior topics, including job analysis, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal and feedback, compensation and rewards, careers, strategic human resource management, work design, global and cross cultural issues, organizational climate, work attitudes and behaviors, motivation, teams, and leadership. With an eye toward the future, we also encourage research in emerging areas, such as entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, and ethics. In addition, in
  • 23. New York s Jewish Museum September 16, 2016, Take me (I m Yours) took place at New York s Jewish Museum, as its first ever exhibition made possible by digital crowdfunding campaign via Kickstarter. With a total $31,018 pledged, 340 backers helped forty two international and intergenerational artists create 400,000+ artworks to be given away during this unconventional exhibition, visitors are encouraged to participate, touch, and even take the artworks on view home with them. Crowdfunding has become commonplace in the art world, but the Jewish Museum launched its first Kickstarter campaign for a number of reasons, of course, in order to fabricate the thousands upon thousands of artworks needed to keep the show fully stocked throughout its run. Also through ... Show more content on ... In this case, it revealing the process where the audience as co producers of the work itself. (Yerebakan, 2016) This important intent of the artwork is clearly not an object but a process, what is important to conserve here, for the future display of the work, is the participative intent of the work, in which case, then the very nature of what is documented about exhibitions becomes particularly important. (The People Speak 2012) (Graham, 2013) Take Me (I m Yours) is an extremely radical exhibition that really quintessentially questions the very core what a museum is, said Jens Hoffmann, Director of Special Exhibitions and Public Programs. Jewish Museum keeps the exhibition processes accessible to all aspects of participatory behaviour by audiences, and draws in the wider potential participatory systems, such as, audience curating, documenting, collecting, and preserving. As Boltanski told Hoffmann in a newly published conversation about the show, in thirty years we might see something someone took away from the Jewish Museum s exhibition emerge at a public auction. (Cascone, 2016) The choice of Jewish Museum to use a more distributed model rather than a traditional centralized model, reflects on Nina Simon s four categories of different
  • 24. Theme Of The Metamorrphosis And It s A Wonderful Life The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and the movie It s a Wonderful Life, directed by Francis Copra, don t seem to have a lot in common at first glance. One is an old novella taught in literature classes, and the other is a Christmas movie, but if you look closer you can see they share common themes of unhappiness, transformation, and dependence on family support. In both The Metamorphosisand It s a Wonderful Life the main characters are unhappy in their lives, and go through a transformation where they see what their lives are like without them. We will examine the characters, the journeys they went through, and the different outcomes of similar experiences. George s transformation in It s a Wonderful Life starts with James Steward s character George s unhappiness. His job, which he never wanted to get stuck with in the first place, is going bad, and he feels like nothing he does makes any difference. He is about to get blamed for something he didn t do and is backed into a corner. This is when George s transformation begins. His unhappiness is compounded when his business is failing and he is blamed. He is threatened with prison and ruin. He is unable to keep it together for Christmas Eve. He sees his life as a life of sacrifice for his friends, family, and the good of the town, and he sees it as all for nothing. All his efforts are leading to his ruin. When he goes home after the money is missing, and after realizing all the implications that are attached to that, the stress is compounded by his family. His daughter is sick, the piano is playing the same thing over and over. He is bombarded with questions and the problems pile up until he loses his temper. He feels that he has the weight of the world on his shoulders and it is all crashing down. Nothing he does is good enough, and nothing he has done would stop him from going to prison if he couldn t come up with money. That is when he remembers his life insurance. If he died the bank would be taken care of and his family would be taken care of. If he died he wouldn t be stuck in the same old town, with all the responsibility. He stands on the bridge ready to jump and wishes he had never been born, He gets his wish and is shown what life would be like
  • 25. Analysis Of No Woman Born By C. L Moore This passage, from No Woman Born by C.L. Moore, plays a pivotal role in the story. It shows the reader if Deirdre, the entertainer with her brain implanted into a metallic body, after a theater fire critically damaged her human form, can still work as a dancer and a singer. The excerpt describes her first live performance after she obtained a new cybernetic body. The audienceis unaware of her true identity. Consequently, the reader understands if the audience will accept her in this current state the symbiosis between a humanflesh and a machine. Ultimately, people are compelled by her performance and recognize her true identity as Deirdre. Following this passage, a thematic question emerges what constitute a human? Many examples from the passage indicate that Deirdre has qualities that are inhuman. The passage states that Deirdre s performance cannot be done by humans. Her movements and singing during the dance are not human and cannot be replicated by any human beings. They are perfectly in a rhythm. At first, the audience thought that she was a machine, controlled by operators. However, at the end of her performance, she turns towards her audience and laughs. This is an important connection to human qualities. She recognizes and indirectly addresses to her audience. This is the quality of a human and not a machine. Moreover, at the beginning of the story (just before her performance) Maltzer, the man who placed her brain into the metallic body, and John Harris, her
  • 26. Essay about Huck Finn Racism and Slavery in Mark Twain s Huckleberry Finn Throughout Mark Twain s Huckleberry Finn, racism and slavery are two major thematic concepts pulsing through the novel. Through incidents, comments made by the characters, and statements by the narrator, Twain enables the readers to observe the attitudes of the people concerning discrimination and involuntary servitude before the Emancipation Proclamation. Not only does his use of language and comments help the reader better comprehend the social attitudes of the time period, it also enlightens the audience of Twain s attitude towards slavery and racism. Twain is known for voicing his opinions and observations through characters, and in this novel it is no different. The audience is... Show more content on ... Twain uses Pap s stupidity to show how racism was for the uneducated. Huck does not describe Jim as harshly as Pap suggesting, through traits and characteristics, he is a better person that Pap. He does not say anything negative about his physical appearance. He does call him a nigger, however that was socially acceptable at that time. In fact, Twain makes Jim a better, more caring father figure to Huck. Jim actually cares for Huck s well being when he says, Goodness gracious, is dat you, Huck? ... It s too good for true, honey, it s too good for true. Lemme look at you chile, lemme feel o you. No, you ain dead! you s back agin, live en soun , jis de same ole Huck de same ole Huck, thanks to goodness! (63). Twain makes Jim the good guy and Pap the bad guy to show how African Americans are not all bad and whites are not all good. He expresses through these two characters that blacks can actually be better people than whites, going against most beliefs back then. Next, when Jim escapes from Miss Watson and finds Huck, Huck is happy he has someone to pass time with. Forgetting about the moral standards of society he says, I was ever so glad to see Jim. I warn t lonesome now...Then I says, It s good daylight. L es get breakfast. Make up your campfire good (31). Again Twain used the relationship between Huck and Jim to show true caring. Also, according to the normal standards of society
  • 27. Essay about The uncertainties of using a ruler and caliper The uncertainties of measurements using a ruler, caliper, and spring scales. Isaiah Gonzales, Roman Acuna September 19, 2014 Abstract: The experimenters conducted a total of four mini labs. In each lab they had to find measurements dealing with different instruments such as a ruler, caliper, stopwatch, and two spring scales of different newtons. The objective in each experiment was to record and measure different objects and to also give advantages and uncertainties when dealing with different instruments. The experimenters found that each instrument comes with an uncertainty. When dealing with a ruler, the measurement can be very accurate but is not as precise as a caliper. The caliper was the most precise instrument that the ... Show more content on ... In the final experiment, Density of the Mass Set, the experimenters used the vernier caliper to lead them to the volume of some of the figures in the mass set, and this eventually led them to find the density. Materials: Mass Set Vernier Caliper 10 N Spring Scale Procedures: Step one: The experimenters used the vernier caliper to measure the height of a 100 g mass(from the mass set). Step two: They recorded the height on the table and included an uncertainty. Step three: The experimenters repeated the process to measure the diameter of the 100 g mass. Step four: The experimenters calibrated the 10 N spring scale, and confirmed the mass of 100 g mass. Step five: Then they recorded the mass and uncertainty onto the table. Step six: After this, they used the equation, Density = Mass/Volume, to find the density of the 100 g mass and recorded it onto the table. Table 1: Ruler and Caliper Measurements Object Ruler Caliper Measurement(cm) Uncertainty (cm) Measurement (cm) Uncertainty (cm) Marble Diameter 1 cm it could be 1.1 cm 1.004cm it could be 1.005 cm Washer (Outer Diameter) 1.8 cm it could be 1.9 1.503 cm it could possibly be 1.504 cm Washer (Inner Diameter) .8 cm it could be 0.93 cm .8 cm .812 cm Washer Thickness .1 cm .09 cm .10 cm .101 cm String Length 609.6 609.59 609.6 609.59 StyrofoamВ® Cup Height 9 cm 9.01 cm 9 cm 9.01 cm Results: Experiment part one results When measuring with the ruler, the experimenters
  • 28. China s Second Hand Trade Essay 2.1 General Introduction Second hand trades have been growing rapidly in the past __ years. The second hand industry grew at about 7% a year in 2014 and 2015, according to the National Association of Resale Professionals (Narts). Second hand luxury goods, in particularly, has become a unique segment standing out among the rest of second hand products. While companies like The Real Real and What Goes Around Comes Around (WGACA) have been successfully enticed U.S. customers to sell and buy second hand luxury, they might have left another huge group of potential customers behind international college students from China, who carry a stack of cash to the US each year and share a strong enthusiasm towards luxury brands at a young age like most middle class Chinese. This study intends to focus on Chinese students studying in the US, their culturally specific motivations and concerns for shopping second hand luxury so as to provide insights for local second hand stores to better attract them as potential customers. 2.2 Development of Second hand Stores The second hand trade started during the 14th century in Europe when new garments were too expensive to afford for the majority (Frick, 2005). Ever since then, second hand business has been growing with ups and downs ( ). From a global perspective, Today, there are over 25,000 second hand stores in the US, according to the Association of Resale Professionals. The whole resale industry is worth of approximately $17 billion
  • 29. Anacostia River Observation Report The Anacostia river, a sanctuary for hundreds of plants and animals. One evening when I was cruising down this very river, I spotted a Bald Eagle. The first one I have ever seen in the wild. I was captivated by its grace, only to remember that it is an endangered animal. The problem that the Bald eagle has, as well as many of the others who live off the river is the river itself. The river is murky, and is contaminated with toxins from fertilizers, pesticides and other harmful substances. There is also unwanted ubiquitous pollutants that animals are sure to mistake for food, and the wetlands that surround the river were also damaged. Restoring the Anacostia River is problem that can be solved. It all started when I worked with the Anacostia Watershed Society over the summer. While I was working here, not only did I get the opportunity to help restore and maintain the river and its wetlands, but I also got the chance to learn about stormwater management and littering. From nine in the morning until twelve in the afternoon, I was outside in the hot sun weeding, watering and planting native plants and trees around the river. After lunch, my supervisor would educate me about the importance of our jobs. I learned that the river is contaminated because of the stormwater ... Show more content on ... The river was its home, and humans abused it. Personally, I was tired of seeing the list of extinct animals increase and I was not going to let the same happen to the Bald Eagle. It was time for a change, a good one. While working with the Anacostia Watershed Society, I realized how careless and oblivious people were of their environment even though they are also being affected by it. I believe in the domino effect, once one domino falls, then all the surrounding dominos that follow it will fall too. Once the Anacostia river is irreparable, everyone around it will be drastically
  • 30. Skeletal Muscle Cells Structure of Skeletal Muscle: (4) Skeletal muscle cells (single cell with many nuclei) are cells that are often under voluntary control. Skeletal muscle cells are attached to bones of the body and assist in bone movement. Attached to the bone via tendons (strong bands of connective tissue) is the belly of the muscle which alternates in thickness. Connective tissue also creates a sheath, binding together groups of muscle cells. Every skeletal muscle cell is arranged length ways adjacent to one another comprised of a multitude of myofibrils. Surrounding each skeletal muscle cell is the sarcolemma with contains sarcoplasm. A sarcomere has two recognisably different bands, one light, one dark. The I band is light in colour and represents where
  • 31. Grand Exalted Ruler For the nearly 100 years, the Elks have been dedicated to serving military members, veterans and their families. From visiting veterans in the hospital to completing home repairs for disabled veterans, the nearly 1,000,000 members strong Order generously honors and assists our service members and veterans. This commitment has not gone unnoticed. Militaryand veteran officials in Washington, D.C., who years now have invited the Grand Exalted Ruler (GER) to meet with them to meet with them and collaborate on how the Elks support for service members and veterans. On a cold March day, GER Mike Zellen landed in Washington, D.C., bringing with him the message of the Elks, and ready to ask the Order s quintessential question, How can the Elks help you? Welcomed by leader who have met with past GERs, GER Zellen took the opportunity to establish a new friendship with Vice Chief of the National Guard Lieutenant General (LTG) Daniel Hokanson. The meeting was one for the books. LGT Hokanson s enthusiasm and insightful thinking quickly led to a new partnership to help empower National Guard members and their families with needed programs and resources. ... Show more content on ... When I was Adjutant General in Oregon, I used the local Elks lodge many times for welcome home and retirement parties. I wasn t aware that [National Guard] soldiers and airmen and women could go to their local lodges and receive help. Well, now that you know, how can the Elks help you? responded GER
  • 32. Texting Vs Calling Research Paper There is great controversy of the topic that includes the differences of calling and texting. Although it is mainly an opinion based subject, there are many ups and downs for both sides. Some advantages of texting include being able to talk to someone in a quiet environment, people have more confidence in what they say, and people can respond when the time in covenant. Advantages of calling incorporate the ability to completely understand what they are saying, knowing that it is just between you and this person, and is much easier to get more words across. Even though these seem like great accommodations, there is a great downside to each of these. The main fault of texting is texting and driving. Edgar Snyder backs this up by showing
  • 33. Crystal Methamphetamine-Free World Amphetamine, first synthesized in 1887 in Germany, was for a long time, a drug in search of a disease. ( History of Methamphetamine. ) In 1919 a stronger substance was formed in Japan. ( History of Methamphetamine. ) This new substance was soluble making it easier to inject. ( History of Methamphetamine. ) During World War II methamphetamine use skyrocketed, both the Allies and Axis were using it to keep their troops awake. ( The History of Crystal Methamphetamine Drug Free World. ) High doses were given to Japanese Kamikaze pilots before their suicide missions. ( The History of Crystal Methamphetamine Drug Free World. ) Then after the end of the war usage of methamphetamine by injection became rampant when supplies for the Japanese army became publically available.... Show more content on ... Because of the excess amount of methamphetamine the Japanese people were able to obtain it easily and more than likely cheaply because even the demand was high, the supply was high to so the equilibrium was off. Then in the 1950s methamphetamine was prescribed to help fight depression and aid in weight loss. ( The History of Crystal Methamphetamine Drug Free World. ) This also created a situational factor that influenced an epidemic with methamphetamines now being used by college students, truck drivers, and athletes. ( The History of Crystal Methamphetamine Drug Free World. ) Then in the 1960s the increased availability of injectable methamphetamine caused another epidemic of abuse. ( The History of Crystal Methamphetamine Drug Free
  • 34. The Characteristics Of Heroism In The Epic Of Beowulf Heroism has been the main theme in many stories that were passed down orally throughout the generations, centering around the good guy versus bad guy plot. As time passed, people began to redefine their own version of heroism in various ways and sometimes depict the protagonist as a person with just as good of a flaw as the antagonist. Beowulf, written from the early 11th century into Anglo Saxon script, is one of the oldest variations of a heroas far as writings date. Based on real people from modern day Scandinavia, Beowulf is a historical fiction telling of monsters from various lands who oppress the Danes, until a warrior prince named Beowulf ventures from his own land to defeat these monsters. When examining Beowulf s actions, it s clear to find that his motives for defeating the monsters is not to save people per se, but to attain glory and battle fame for himself. This is a normal reaction for a hero, but some may see it as only standing for the title of a hero, not actually satisfying the essence of heroic deeds. There are many characteristics to a hero, but narrowing it down to three will show the main points essential to a hero, shown and collected from most depictions of them. Heroes may attribute to haughtiness in response to fame, fortune and the opposite sex suddenly attracted to them, if the hero is coincidentally good looking. After fighting a certain battle that they are known for clashing with, many heroes develop an internal battle within themselves
  • 35. Rocket Boosters Lab Report Volume of the Rocket Boosters Length: 45.46 m Diameter: 3.70 m 311.174ПЂ meters3 is the approximate volume of both the Rocket Boosters Volume of the External Tank Length: 46.9 m Diameter: 8.4 m Length without cone 44m 793.212ПЂ meters3 is the approximate volume of the External Tank Volume of the Orbiter Diameter: 6.91m Length: 32.85m 392.131ПЂ meters3 is the approximate volume of the Orbiter Solids of Revolution for the Rocket Boosters When creating the graphs, x will equal the amount of meters, and y will represent the radius (also in meters). Both x and y will be positive rational numbers, since there can be no negative length and decimals, if available, ... Show more content on ... The solids of revolution for this cone will look like the following images. Thus, we return to the solid of revolutions formula Volume = ∫_a^bв –’гЂ–ПЂ (radius)^2 dx гЂ— a will equal 0 and b will equal 2.9. The radius will be the aforementioned equation of the line. This again perfectly matches the predicted volume that was calculated for the conical section of the External Tank. Thus, the total volume of the solids of revolution will match as well. 776.16ПЂ+17.052ПЂ=793.212ПЂ Since it matches, this further proves that the math is correct and effective. Solids of Revolution for Orbiter Sadly, similar to the others, I could not find sufficient data to create a detailed model of the Orbiter, so all I can attempt is model another cylinder that has equal dimensions. So, using the formula again: Volume = ∫_a^bв –’гЂ–ПЂ (radius)^2 dx гЂ— a will equal 0 and b will equal 32.85, since that is the length of the space shuttle. The radius will be 3.455 since the diameter is 6.91. This forms the function y=3.455. The solids of revolutions would look like the following images. This final value matches the predicted volume for the
  • 36. Predict Sex Is Better Than Postcranial Measurements predict sex was better than postcranial measurements. Additionally, sexual dimorphic features show large variation within and between populations (Keen, 1950; AcsГЎdi, and Nemeskeri, 1970; Workshop of European Anthropologists, 1980; Ubelaker, 1984; Krogman and Д°Еџcan, 1986). Some sites on the skull have shown a wide range within sexvariation making them less reliable for sex determination. For example, a projecting nuchal crest is typically associated with a maleskull but can also appear on a femaleskull, similarly non projecting nuchal crests, typically associated with a female skull, can also appear on a male skull (Gulekon and Turgut, 2003; Klepinger, 2006). Yet, this and others, are still some of most commonly used sites for sexing. Keen (1950) expressed that because morphology is often related to size and robustness, determining sex is extremely difficult unless extreme features are expressed, such as a very small mastoid process that projects only a small distance for females and a massive mastoid process that projects a great distance from the inferior margins of the skull for males. Furthermore Meindl et al. (1985) and Walker (1995) have discussed that the morphology of sites on the skull of both sexes appear more masculine as the person ages, which would also hinder the accuracy of determining the sex of skeletal remains. Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994, p.16) also caution that estimation of sex can be difficult if the observer is not familiar with the overall pattern
  • 37. The Pros And Cons Of Eugenics Eugenics is the science of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristic traits and decrease the occurrence of undesirable characteristic traits or genetical defects (Webster, 1828.) Eugenic sterilizationrefers to the involuntary sterilizationof certain categories of individuals without their need for consent by those subjected to the procedure (Pozgar, 2012, Pg. 411.) Individuals classified as mentally deficient, feeble minded, epileptic, promiscuous, sexual deviants, or persons classified as habitual criminals were mainly targeted (Pozgar, 2012, Pg. 411.) Eugenicists argued degenerate traits tainted society through the reproduction of the lowest class and sterilization was to keep the handicapped from perpetuating themselves (Kaelber, 2014.) In addition, eugenicists also argued that feeble minded individuals were believed to be financial burdens to society by overcrowding prisons, hospitals and living off welfare (Kaelber, 2014.) Sterilization was seen as a way to prevent the spending of tax dollars on the feeble minded (Kaelber, 2014.) These arguments allowed Eugenicsto become an acceptable practice. Advocates believed that getting rid of the feeble minded and mentally deficient would decrease the undesirable characteristic traits within the human gene pool and ultimately improve the human population. The very first sterilization law was passed in
  • 38. The Pilgrim s Progress By John Bunyan The Pilgrim s Progress by John Bunyan is one of the most famous books in English literature and the Protestant religion. It has been translated into more languages than any other book in existence besides the Bible. He writes the story intricately, with many descriptive details, which causes the story to seem almost life like. The story can be enjoyed by people of any religion or belief. It showcases Bunyan s poetic prowess, and his intellect as a writer, and this is why it is regarded as one of the greatest books of all time. To begin with, an allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one, in this case a religious one. The majority of the characters in the story, all have adjectives as names, which seems peculiar. But, as the story goes on the characters seem to fit the meaning of their name or sometimes it is blatantly stated in the story. The story can be confusing, irrational, and real, just like an actual dream. The phrase delivered under the similitude of a dream means that the story is described in so much depth, that the details seem almost illusional, hazy and dream like. Subsequently, the Interpreter is Christian s source of spiritual guidance, resembling a pastor or youth group leader in today s world. It shows that because, the instance that Christian enters his home the interpreter teaches him many lessons in the sense of a parable, exactly the way Jesuswould do it. In a sense,
  • 39. The Panopticon What is the definition of privacy? According to Merriam Webster, it is the quality or state of being apart from company or observation or the freedom from unauthorized intrusion. This definition implies that one has the ability to isolate onself or even information about onself, and is thus able to express oneself freely and secretly. While privacy and what is considered private differs across cultures and societal norms, the common themes remain. When an individual deems something private , this usually suggests that this object in particular is intrinsically special or sensitive for him or herself. With the emergence of 21st century technologies (such as smartphones) and of public knowledge of global government surveillance(NSA, Snowden),... Show more content on ... Constitution. The amendment states the The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Advocates underscore that the amendment clearly alludes to a right to privacy and should be further extended to digital properties as well. In this case, digital documents would be analogous to the papers mentioned in the amendment. If the NSA has the technological power to track people s communications, then it should only be able to follow people of suspect, or probable cause, thus preserving the privacy of the innocent civilian. Simply put, the U.S. Constitution placed a high value on privacy with the 4th amendment, and therefore the U.S. Government has the responsibility to uphold that declaration. By increasing the power of government agencies such as the NSA, the country faces a greater potential of power abuse. It is not a coincidence that the government has partnered with various phone and internet companies. By joining with the producers of phones and websites, the government has found a method of sustaining its own effective panopticon. Cell phones and the internet have become a crucial part of the
  • 40. Contributions Of William Golding William Golding was a famous British author, poet, and playwright. Golding contributed to British Literature by writing several works for which he was acknowledged. His most famous work is a novel called Lord of the Flies which was published in 1954. Lord of the Flies is still being read today around the world. In addition, two movie versions based on the novelwere released. The first version was released in the United States in 1963 and the second version was released in 1990. The Lord of the Flies remains a relevant piece of literature today as it shows what happens in nature when there is no central governing body. His pessimism about the nature of humanity was obviously reflected in his writing. William Goldings childhood, school life, and war experience heavily influenced his work as a playwright, poet, and an author of Lord of the Flies. On September 19, 1911 William Golding was born at his maternal grandmother s house in Newquay, Cornwall (England). This was approximately six years after his older brother Joseph was born. Golding also had an adopted sister named Eileen. She was his blood cousin and was adopted in the 1930s. His parents were Alec and Mildred A. Golding (neГ© Curnoe). The whole family lived in Marlborough, Wiltshire. Alec was a master of science at Marlborough Grammar School. Alec was also a rationalist, religious skeptic, and an activist for the British Labour Party. Alec and Mildred participated in political demonstrations in support of women s
  • 41. Anheuser Busch Inbev Module 2 Functional, Business and Global Strategies a. The module focuses on the company s/division s business level strategies and global strategies. You will need to answer the following questions. Anheuser Busch Inbev is one of the largest breweries in the world. Currently, Anheuser Busch InBev has a product list of more than 200 beers, including global best sellers Budweiser, Stella Artois, Beck s, multi country brands like Leffeand Hoegaarden, and strong local jewels such as Bud Light, Skol, Brahma, Quilmes, Michelob, Harbin, Sedrin, Cass, Klinskoye, Sibirskaya Korona, Chernigivske, and Jupiler, among others that have helped to make the company so successful. In addition,... Show more content on ... As a company[s main mission to be the greatest beer in the world, they have achieved competitive strategies to be able to protect their business level strategies; Sprinkler Expansion strategy, Aggressive Marketing Strategy and Consumer Responsiveness Approach. Sprinkler Expansion Strategy As the world s largest brewer, AB Inbev has the ability to compete in new and foreign markets as a strong threat. Due to their enormous capital and expansion based strategy, they can enter any market as a challenger and shutdown competition to become the leading brewer in this market. As an aggregated note we can also see this in domestic or already dominated markets because due to economics of scale they can achieve differentiated products at a low cost. Aggressive Marketing Strategy AB InBev has been characterized in the US and in international markets as one of the most aggressive marketing in the world, these is due to their differentiation strategy and the sprinkler expansion strategy. AB InBev utilizes their extensive capital to capture as much as the market as they can and be able to be number one, in all markets they can. Another added value to this strategy is making all AB Inbev consumers brand loyal, this meaning that they can retain their customers. Consumer Responsiveness Approach Consumer
  • 42. Marine Corps Recommendation Letter It is my pleasure to recommend applicant Ley for the Marine Corps ROTC Scholarship. I have been Ley s Naval Science Instructor for the last three years and I believe not only will she meet the rigorous physical demands required of her, but that she will also meet any expectation necessary in becoming an Officer in the Marine Corps. Cadet Ley has always shown strong determination and follows instructions well. I have seen significant improvement over the years I have had her in my program. Ley has attended several trainings across the United States with her fellow cadets including National Flight Academy in Pensacola, Florida and a week long training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, South Carolina. The result of these trainings showed an
  • 43. Alcohol Anonymous Research Today, alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States (NCADD Staff, 2017). According to the National Council on Alcohol Drug and Dependance, 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence (NCADD Staff, 2017). To cope with this mass issue, several self help programs has evolved. Perhaps the most well known and most accepted program is AA. AA stands for Alcohol Anonymous. This global program is designed for men and women who have problems with drinking alcohol, alcohol abuseor dependence. The association is accepting of all individuals regardless of age, race or other distinguishing factors, and hopes to help those who wish to resolve their drinking issues. AA has developed ... Show more content on ... For instance, the program may not be as effective for women because the model does not emphasize empowerment (Traylor, 2015). Furthermore, the program is not equipped for everyone s needs. Some individuals may need therapy and/or medical treatment, such as detox which AA cannot provide (Rehab4alcoholism Staff, 2017). Moreover, because the program emphasizes the reliance on a higher power it can cause individuals to believe they are powerless to change without the higher power (Rehab4alcoholism Staff, 2017). Next, the anonymity of AA has led some member to abuse other members (Rehab4alcoholism Staff, 2017). Since members are subjected to a policy to protects people s identity, many women have confessed to being sexually abused during or after a meeting. In fact, this issue has caused the program to eliminate the thirteenth step of the program: sponsoring (Rehab4alcoholism Staff, 2017). Besides this, many are subjected to AA as a result of court order. Hence, the members are not truly willing to recover. Thus, prohibiting the growth of the other members. Not to mention, AA can cause influential people to become involved with the wrong crowd. Since the program is community based, participants are surrounded by those who may also be addicted to drugs. Hence, a young or influential person may get involved with drugs through the group setting (Rehab4alcoholism Staff, 2017).In other words, AA can influence peer pressure.
  • 44. The Contrasting Views of Roger Williams and John Winthrop The Contrasting Views of Roger Williams and John Winthrop People immigrated to America for many reasons, most people shared in the same ideas of going to the New World to start new lives away from England. Roger Williams and John Winthrop both joined in the Puritan dissent to New England, but while they were living in Boston, Massachusettsthey did not agree on several matters. These two men had contrasting views when it came to Christianity, separating from the Church of England and religious liberty. First, Roger Williams does not believe that Christianity was the only religionof God. He believes that God created human beings and endowed them with the inborn right to make choices in the matters of faith. While staying with the... Show more content on ... He and his fellow Puritans did not break from the Church because they sought to reform it in the New World. When Winthrop heard all the commotion Williams was making with his protesting he referred to it as infection that would easily spread to the people and churches. Lastly, Roger Williams is a strong supporter of religious liberty. Religious liberty is another example on how Williams believed the people should be able to practice their own religion, not have it decided by the government. He protests that civil authority should be limited to civil matters and that magistrates had no jurisdiction over the soul (174). Meaning that the government does not have the right to enforce religious duties on people, to let them believe on their own. Williams put it as wanting to build a wall of separation between state and church in order to keep the holy and pure religion of Jesus Christ from contamination by the slightest taint of earthly support (Miller 174). This was the main argument of Williams that caused him to become unwelcome in both Plymouth and Boston. John Winthrop did not oppose to dissent just that there needed to be limits set. He worried that if dissent was not kept within bounds, it would undermine the community and that integrity of the community demanded religious conformity. Winthrop believes challenges to religious authority could undermine the political
  • 45. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. If you can t fly, then run, if you can t run, then walk, if you can t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. (King). Martin Luther King Jr. is a name many know. He was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He grew up in a very religious family, with his father being a pastor, and all. He was galvanized by his father and became a Baptist minister and social minister after he attended Boston University at the age of 15. He, later, married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953, a woman who mothered his four children, Yolanda King (1955), Martin Luther King III(1957), Dexter Scott King (1961) , and Bernice King (1963). He was greatly motivated by many great people such as Gandhi, Lincoln, and many other well known males. King played a tremendous role in the civil rights movement. He was a great leader who inspired many people, during and after his lifetime. A huge role model for many people to this very day, and generations to come. He was an inspiration and role model because he used nonviolence to fight for equal rights, he never stopped fighting for what he believed in, and because he was a voice that convinced people that all men are created equal. Martin Luther King Jr. used his voice to fight for equal rights, not violence. Like his incredible accomplishment in the bus boycott, when they chose King as the protest s leader and official spokesman. First of all, the bus boycott all started when Rosa Parks was
  • 46. The Incarcerated Individuals Within The Correctional... The incarcerated individuals within the correctional facilities in Canada make up one of the highest risk population groups for HIV and it continues to be a significant problem within the Canadian correctional facilities (Chu, Elliott, Canadian HIV /AIDS network, 2009). Canadian prisoners make up a substantial chunk of the individuals infected with HIV as whole, inside and outside of the prisonsystem (Chu, Peddle, Canadian HIV AIDS Legal Network, 2010). The HIV rate in Canadian prisons remains relatively stable, which is good news, however, there is not a whole lot done in order to help the individuals who are infected with HIV at the moment (Public health agency of Canada, 2012). During the years of 2009 and 2010 there were 13,500 incarcerated inmates and of that population roughly 2% were infected with HIV, this did not include the individuals who have not disclosed their HIV status to prison officials; or those who are HIV positive but have not been tested for the virus (Public health agency of Canada, 2012). An article written by Bonnycastle and Villebrun, (2011) found that the CSC infectious diseasesurveillance system estimates that 70% of prisoners remain unscreened for HIV, because the prisoners at the highest risk for the disease are more likely to forgo the testing. Drug use is prohibited within Canadian prisons, however, it still continues to be a problem with the inmates (Correctional service of Canada, 2015). Drug use is the biggest reason that inmates are
  • 47. Case Study Of Cadbury Some product categories of Cadbury are stars while others are question mark or cash cows. Chocolates are stars as it has large assortments in chocolates worldwide it is the world s second confectionary company having high market share in most of the markets. Biscuits cakes are question mark reason being that it doesn t have extensive offerings in this product category for the customers to choose from but the overall demand of biscuits is still positive. Beverages business is question mark, although Cadbury s Bournvita is very popular but their cold chocolates have very low acceptance in the market also due to the presence of players like GlaxoSmithKline, Heinz etc. Cadbury is not able to grab the large chunk of the market. Ice cream ... Show more content on ... CDM has more nutritional value for children s than any other sweet. Marketing Plan for Age group 19 to 35 Total Population : 0.343 billion Best way to catch this population on internet (on Facebook). Most people wishes birthday to their friends family member on Facebook. We propose, Cadbury to tie up with Facebook, So one week before birthday Facebook will give the reminder. Do you want to send chocolates on your friends birthday All the Cadbury chocolates options will appear. Select the Chocolate, Gift wrapping Birthday message for your friend place the order online. The order will be received in district distributor system; same will be packed dispatched by Courier at the delivery address. Marketing Plan for Age group 36 to 65 Total Population : 0.381 billion This is majorly working population of India. This population can be targeted on Birthday at office, for Gifting, on marriages (with Marriage invitation card after marriage), on festivals, special occasions many more occasions. Behavioural Segmentation Decision roles: The decision role is played by the children and youngsters when to buy the Cadbury dairy
  • 48. Oskar Schindler Hero When you think of a World War II hero, you might think of a soldier who fought for his country and our freedom. Of course, anyone who fought in World War II should be considered a hero but there are many non military heroes from that time too. Oskar Schindler is one of those people. He was a German industrialist, a spy, and member of the Nazi Party who is responsible for saving 1,200 Jewslives during the Holocaustby giving them jobs in his enamelware and ammunitions factories. Schindler was born April 28th, 1908, into a Sudeten German family in Zwittau, Moravia, Austria Hungary. His father was Johann Hans Schindler, who owned a farm machinery business. His mother was Franziska Fanny Schindler. He had a sister named, Elfriede, who was born in 1915. After attending primary and secondary school, Schindler enrolled in a technical school but he was expelled in 1924 for forging his report card. He later graduated, but did not take the Abitur exams that he would have needed to go to college. Instead he took classes in Brno in several different trades, including chauffeuring and machinery. He also worked for his dad for three years. Schindler loved motorcycles and bought a ... Show more content on ... They moved in with Oskar s parents and lived in the upstairs rooms, where they lived for the next seven years. Not long after him and Emilie got married Schindler quit working for his father and took several other jobs such as a position at Moravian Electrotechnic and also managed a driving school. Schindler was in the Czech army for 18 months, where he rose to the rank of Lance Corporal in the Tenth Infantry Regiment of the 31st Army. After that he went back to Moravian Electrotechnic. At around the same time that company went bankrupt and his father s farm machinery business closed around the same time which left Schindler unemployed for a year. In 1931, he got a job with Jarslav Simek Bank of Prague in 1931, where he worked for about seven
  • 49. Pb Acountability Essay examples Which of the following PBOs will you coordinate with during sustainment?| | While preparing for deployment, you receive split hand receipts from the PBO. What should you direct sub hand receipt holders to do? A. Conduct deployment inventories of all equipment identified for deployment. During the post deployment phase, who do you coordinate with to deactivate all derivative UICs and DODAACs? A. PBO What should you direct your Supply Sergeant to do upon receiving the deployment, LBE, and RDE hand receipts from the PBO? A. Identify that deployment, LBE and RDE hand receipt data matches the current hand receipt. What deployment property accountability action should be performed prior to deploying? A. Prepare an RFI list, ... Show more content on ... | Bottom of Form| What should you direct your Supply Sergeant to do upon receiving the deployment, LBE, and RDE hand receipts from the PBO? Identify that deployment, LBE and RDE hand receipt data matches the current hand receipt. STL needs to be turned in to the owning unit within 90 days of issue or 90 days from the date of the extension of the temporary hand receipt. Coordinate with AMC TPE PBO to transfer retained STL equipment to your TPE hand Receipt. Which of the definitions below best describes Long Term Transfer (LTT) property? 90 days of unit issue. ?? Wrong try Equipment required for longer than 90 days but no longer than one rotation. If an STL item is still needed or the owning unit has already redeployed prior to expiration of the DA Form 3161, on which hand receipt is the equipment placed? Outgoing unit??? WRONG try TPE When should you conduct redeployment inventory with sub hand receipt holders? Prior to arrival of the RIP/TOA unit(s). What is the purpose of field level reset? Bring deployed unit equipment to 10/20 standards. Transfer of all TPE (to include excess TPE), and REF equipment occurs:| | Upon completion of the RIP/TOA Which of the following is a function of the PDSS team?| | PDSS team will setup upon arrival to the AOR wrong try The PDSS team will replace unit supply operations staff for the duration of the deployment. Part 1 Which of the following is a purpose of the Command Supply Discipline
  • 50. The Return Of The Magician The Return of the Magician As Professor Pethica notes, Yeats wrote only a couple of poems in the five years after Maud Gone s marriage in 1903. Instead of writing poetry, Yeats founded the Abbey Theater in 1904 and devoted his energy to playwriting and theatre management (Handout). While Yeats the playwright is active, Yeats the poet finally returned in 1903 with The Green Helmet and Other Poems. In my last paper I argued that Aedh , Hanrahan and Michael Robartes are three masks Yeats uses to exert his authorial control. Yeats confronts the notion of the Mask more directly in the collection The Green Helmet and Other Poems. In this paper, I wish to show that Yeats who returned in 1908 was intrinsically a different poet when... Show more content on ... Many poems in the collection feature a speaker who looks back at his old time in introspection disapprovingly. For instance, in the poem The Coming of Wisdom with Time, the speaker refers to his old time as the lying days of my youth (Norton, 38). A similar sentiment can be found in the poem All things can Tempt Me, in which the speaker laments that a woman s face love, and the seeming needs of my fool driven land nationalism have once tempted him away from the craft of verse (Norton, 40). In the poem Reconciliation, too, the speaker recalls that you (presumably Maud Gonne) took away the verses that could move readers. Deaf and blind, the speaker could find / nothing to make a song about but kings, / Helmets, and swords, and half forgotten things / that were like memories of you (Norton, 37). In these three poems, the speaker is incapacitated by his love for a woman, for his country, or both. As the speaker of The Fascination of What s Difficult puts it, the fascination of what s difficult / has dried the sap out of [his] veins, and rent / spontaneous joy and natural content / out of [his heart] (Norton, 37). These lines summarize Yeats s torment between 1903 and 1908, when he was tortured by unattainable love and preoccupied with the management of the theater. The speaker does not only reprehend his youth, but also triumphantly declares his return.
  • 51. Why We Should Care About Iran WHY WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT IRAN Can one country change the landscape of the entire world? Americans must be able to understand importance of one country in the Diplomacy, Information, Military, and Economy (DIME) methodology. This paper will go over the background of Iran, what type of government it is, the strategic importance to the United States and the possible future for Iran and relations with the United States. Background The country of Iran, previously known as Persia until 1935, began diplomatic relations with the United States in 1883. Iran is the 18th largest country occupying 1,648,195 sq. km, almost 2.5 times the size of the state of Texas (Central Intelligence Agency, 2013). The country has a population of approximately 81.8 million residents with Persian the official language and the official religion being Muslim. Throughout the twentieth century, the country witnessed the establishment of a limited constitutional monarchy in 1906. In 1953, a coup supported by the United States and the United Kingdom occurred against the democratically elected prime minister. The most recent change to the country occurred in 1979, when clerical forces led by the Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew the Shah, making the country an Islamic Republic forcing the Shah into exile. On November 4, 1979, a group of revolutionary Iranian students angered that the deposed Shah had entered the United States, seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, and took 52 Americans hostage. As negotiations
  • 52. Evaluation Of The Practical -you Work As An Analyst For A... Assignment 3.3 The aim of the practical You work as an analyst for a snack food manufacturer.You have just changed to a new supplier of soy sauce but are worried that the taste is not as strong and you suspect that some of the key ingredients have been changed. Explain how you are going to do this. Chromatography is a method used mainly in labs in order to isolate organic compounds from inorganic compounds in order to be observed. Via this technique, scientists are able to differentiate between the substances which create a particular compound. Chromatography can be used to separate mixtures of coloured compounds. Mixtures which are suitable for separation by chromatography are inks, colouring agents in foods and dyes. You can... Show more content on ... Chromatography is also used in food analysis to detect microorganisms in drinking water. Scientists whom observe the environment also use this method in order to measure pollution levels within the area. Forensic scientist use it in order to analyse substances for DNA such as blood alongside to discover what substances are such as drugs. Alongside this, chemists can use it to differentiate rates of progression of chemicals alongside to observe what substances are present in a given sample. http:/ / Cod/Chromatography.html http:/ / student magazine/application and importance thin layer chromatography analysis and research 0 Equipment Ruler Pencil TLC Plate Capillary tubes 250ml Beaker Watch Glass / Petri dish Butanol Acetic acid Water Amoy soy sauce , Kikkoman soy sauce and Sainsbury s soy sauce. Hairdryer Petri Dish Wool Ninhydrin Latex gloves.
  • 53. How to prepare the sample for analysis Prepare a solution of Butanol, acetic acid and water within the ratio 4:1:2. Mix each soy sauce sample with an equal volume of butanol, in a 50:50 ratio, shake and leave prepared mixture for 15 minutes in order for the different layers to become clear. Method 1) Draw a faint pencil line 1cm below a TLC plate. 2) Use a capillary tube to put a
  • 54. The Movie Scream Queens From Sons of Anarchy to Nip Tuck , FX has created popular TV dramas over the years. However, none of them has had such significant popularity as Ryan Murphy s American Horror Story , known for its blood and gore, and Glee known for its sharp social commentary. The creation of these TV series led to the drastic rise to stardom of Ryan Murphys career. Though Glees stint on TV has ended, it was a highly acclaimed series with high ratings. Today, American Horror Story , his project following Glee , is now one of TV s highest rated series, which is an especially peculiar accomplishment for a TV series of this genre. Therefore, when the creation of a new horror TV series was announced, nothing but sheer greatness was expected.... Show more content on ... Similar to Sontag s Notes On Camp , which proposes a comic vision of the world (Sontag 288), Ryan Murphy s Scream Queens utilizes comedy to portray issues prevalent in society today. By dethroning the serious (Sontag 288) and being playful (Sontag 288) and anti serious (Sontag 288), Scream Queens effectively accomplishes this feat. The TV series Scream Queens , deals with numerous social issues in society such as homosexuality, racism and eating disorders. However, through its comedy and lack of seriousness, this series is able to provide a sense of bluntness and harsh reality of these issues. By adopting this unique approach, this TV series use of comedy works, as it depicts these social issues in its true light, which many believe are non existent, subsequently leading to society s ability to tackle these issues directly and head on . A serious issue of today s society, which is referenced in the TV series Scream Queens is homophobia. In the show, actress Jenna Han who portrays the character Sam on the TV show, is bullied as a result of her sexuality. Other characters on the show nicknamed Sam The Predatory Lez, as a result of Sam being a lesbian. The show attempts to highlight the struggles experienced by homosexuals in a comedic fashion. Nick Jonas character, Boone, like Jenna Han s character, Sam, highlights the struggle homosexuals experience in an attempt to be accepted by society. Boone attempts to fit into a fraternity house by
  • 55. Mgt 330 Management Planning Paper Management Planning Paper MGT 330 Management Planning Paper The Boeing Corporation is the world s leading aerospace company and is the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners as well as military aircrafts. Boeing has teams that manufacture missiles, satellites, defense systems, and communication systems. NASA turns to Boeing when they need something and Boeing operates the International Space Station. Boeing has a broad range of capabilities and skills, which is probably the reason they are the world s leading aerospace company. With the Boeing headquarters in Chicago, more than 170,000 people in 70 different countries find themselves employed with the corporation and ... Show more content on ... Bateman, Scott A. Snell, 2009). Step one gathers and summarizes information that is in question. It examines current conditions with an attempt at forecasting future conditions. Step two generates alternative goals that may be used as an alternate if the first desired plan does not work. Step three evaluates the potential of the alternative goals and prioritizes/eliminates ones that might or might not work. Step four in management planning is the selecting of goals believed to be most appropriate and feasible by the managers. Step five implements the goals and plans into action by managers. Goal achievement is likely to be linked to the organization s reward system to encourage employees to achieve the goals and implement plans properly (Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell, 2009). Step six is essential in making sure goals and plans are met. If the goals and plans are not monitored and controlled managers would not know if they were ever met successfully. Boeing the huge corporation that it is has had its fair share of legal issues. The corporation has to pay special attention to detail when it concerns obeying the laws and regulations in regard the manufacturing of aircraft. The planes must be tested for safety and flying ability before they ever hit the mainstream public. Notices on the aircraft tell passengers when they should be buckled and when it is considered safe to unbuckle. Engineers have to provide manuals for the
  • 56. Sweat Lodge Research Paper Indigenous individuals have many holistic approaches to healing which includes ceremonies, rituals and herbal remedies to cure their disease or illness. Through this holistic approach, the healer tries to connect the individual s body to the environment so that they can be cured mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Every indigenous people manages to find the balance within themselves and the nature. The indigenous people practices the non westernized medicalization, just like the Ayuverdic medicine. It all contains natural ingredients of herbs, where it will be applied on the affected area and used within the ceremony of healing. Throughout this essay, I will be focusing on one of the indigenous healing practices, the sweat lodge. I will be giving the history of how the sweat lodge came into existence, what is a sweat lodge, how the sweat lodge works and what it is being practiced for. The sweat lodge came into existence long time ago, where the first people came across an ... Show more content on ... A sweat lodge is a home to many individuals, where a sacred commitment is made to the energy of mother earth (Heart, 2001). This place is where the individual can be reborn and be cleansed with balance (Heart, 2001). Individuals comes together as a whole to form a group, where they let out their spirits to mingle with one another to create an opening in order for them to move around freely (Heart, 2001). The sweat lodge is not a place for many individuals who can come in to pretend to be a shaman (Heart, 2001). It is not right for people to think that the ceremony can be practiced through a book and cannot take the advantage to eat, drink, dance and do drugs (Heart, 2001). Also the sweat lodge, does not charge people to be in part of the ceremony but instead, takes donations and offerings for the ceremony to happen again (Heart,