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Tend To Be Web Based Article Writers Authentic - Tech Ni Tend To Be Web Based Article Writers Authentic - Tech
Analysis Of Sherman Alexie s Where We Are Shapes Who We Are
Kayum Chowdhury AP Language Period:3 Atkinson 12 May 2018 Where We Are Shapes Who We
Are Sherman Alexie s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian explores several complex and
difficult topics through the viewpoint of Arthur, a Spokane fourteen year old Native American living
on the Spokane Indian Reservation. Arthur encounters countless problems when he decides to leave
his school on the reservation and go to an all white school in Reardon. Poverty, alcoholism, and the
consequences of choosing a better life are only some of the challenges Arthur confronts with cartoons,
language and hope. Alexie successfully achieves his purpose of informing the audience about a life
filled with poverty, alcoholism, and its consequences through rhetorical ... Show more content on ...
He doesn t go to the best but goes to one in the reserve, but he needs to get out of that and go to the
school with the white kids because that s where he could be more of himself. He begins high school,
he says that he s like every other boy that likes curves, but he just doesn t go crazy about them. The
reveals that he masturbates a lot. He says Yup that s right I masturbate, I admit that I masturbate....If
there were a Professional Masturbators League, I d get drafted number one and make millions of
dollars. (Alexie 26 ) It s funny for most readers when they hear it. An unexpected revelation that
throws the reader off but stills gives them a good laugh while reading. It makes reader invested in the
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Effects Of Cold Wars Dbq
Synnie Cao. Ma.Fabrizio
Global 10 May 29, 2018 Effects of Cold Wars DBQ
On the day of 1945 when World War ll came to end, a whole new form of tension formed known as
the Cold War. The Cold War was essentially a long period of time in which the United States had
tensions with the Soviet Union. The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler had withdrew from the war, the
tensions between the United States as well as The Soviet Union and its allies start to get intense. The
Soviets ... Show more content on ...
This also is a reoccurring problem in Korea between the North and South. As seen in the map showing
the similarities of the results of the Korean War and the Vietnam War, we can see the similarity that
following the Cold War the North and South of both countries were split due to the difference in
communism and non communism. The North of both countries followed into communist ways while
the South of both countries remained non communist. This map shows he similarities in how the Cold
War split the country apart. The Vietnam War happened in 1954 because the South were not
communist and the North were communist which was the same situation in Korea. The US sent troops
to Vietnam to assist the South because they too, hated communism. The North Vietnamese utilized
secret tunnels and traps to fight against the south. The War ended in 1973 when both sides split and
still are split today just like Korea. (Document 6) Communism played a part in India foreign policy in
1956. The United Kingdom always had control of India until 1947 when they broke apart. During this
time India decided to pass a foreign policy that stated that India would not be able to align with any
major powers which was unusual because India had close military ties with the Soviet Union, a major
power. Although in the end the policy was not in affect because they broke apart with the Soviet
Union, India hoped to create powerful ties with the US and Europe. In 1956 India s foreign policy was
that they did not want to interfere with any major powers. They did not want to interfere or align them
self to any powers like the US or Soviets even thought they looked to the Soviets for military help and
sought to created ties with the US. Overall, the Cold War affected India by implementing a foreign
policy that restricted them from having anything to do with other powerful countries.
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Native American Instruments Essay
Native American Musical Intruments are about natives getting together and playing there instruments.
They play them on holidays and birthdays, also they play whenever they want entertainment. It s a
tradition for them. There instruments are not metal like ours so it doesn t sound like ours either. There
instruments have a whole different tune and sound. Native americans love to play there instruments.
Its one of their favorite things to do. I am writing about Native american musical instruments because
music is a big part of there s and our lives. I like music because I play an instrument. The main
instruments that they played were the drums they had a lot of different kind of drums. They other
percussion instruments that they had ... Show more content on ...
Regional category a description of the music encompasses vocal rhythm beat. They didn t have have
music sheets like americans do. They played with there heart and what they felt like. They had/ have
meaning to their songs/ music. A Native American instrument can be defined as any device created for
the use of making music by native nation or tribe while some instruments were more traditional than
others indigenous people would play the instruments. Their music especially their singing is the iconic
perception of native music in popular culture. It doesnt say when they played them so i m going to
guess they usually played them on holidays and birthdays. They probably played them for
entertainment. Men and women would sing separately. There s no certain age you have to play an
instrument They would play for an hour for a lesson plus two or three period for the activity. You have
to practice a couple weeks or even months to make by a specially trained craftsman. Your usually
younger when you start. Because the younger you start the better you sound when you re older. You
just have to practice when you re not busy or every night. They usually played every day because that
s what they re supposed to do, so they can get better. Natives are very caring about their music. There
not like the americans that practice whenever we feel like it. They practice every single day even when
they re not busy. The purpose of Native American music is that
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Paul Bogard s Let It Be Dark
Paul Bogard is a writer and with the article called Let it be dark he explains or presents his argument
that the next generation of children might not get to see a sky dark enough for the Milky Way galaxy.
This was originally published in December 21, 2012 during a time when people were predicted that
the world was going to come to an end but of course that wasn t true. But, since then people started to
worry more about climate change and environmental issues. Paul Bogard tries to get the audience
concerned on whether or not people want to see more darkness by using warning diction and selection
of details. Bogard in the beginning uses words like worry, losing, trouble, reduction, and collapse to
make the audience feel concerned
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Compare And Contrast World War Two Experiments
Prisoners of War have been tortured in many ways. Like, how the Japanese used to experiment on
Chinese and Koreans. During World War II, prisoners of war have been tortured, and experimented
on. Back then, people even have a place to design and test out experiments, they call it Unit 731 .
During World War II, Prisoners of War were tortured by many different ways, just like how the boys in
Lord of the Flies were tortured by their own captivity while on the island. Prisoners of war (POW)
were experimented in many different ways. One way they have been experimented was when the
Japanese tested out biological weapons on multiple prisoners of war. Most of the individual used for
the experiments were Chinese and Korean. (histclo,1). This shows that prisoners of war were being
experimented on and how they were being experimented during World Ward II. This connects to Lord
of the Flies because the boys were tortured and experimented on by the beast . On page 207, the beast
says, I m warning you. I m going to get angry.... So don t try it on, my poor misguided boy, or else
(Golding,207). This shows that the beast was experimenting on Simon, and threatening him to do stuff
or else he would get hurt. This also shows that the beast has power over Simon, since Simon
obviously doesn t want to get hurt. Just like how the prisoners of war ... Show more content on ...
According to histclo, POWs were used as slave laborers, working in brutal conditions, in many others
areas such as Japanese coal and copper mines and limestone quarries. This shows that the Japanese
worked prisoners of war really hard as a torture method. This connects to Lord of the Flies because
Jack were ordering the boys around while on the island. Jack spoke. Give me a drink. (Golding, 215).
This shows that Jack has full control over the boys in his group. Which means he can make them do
whatever he wants. Whether it s killing Ralph, or getting him
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The Toy Story Films From Pixar
The Toy Story films from Pixar are remembered fondly for their clever settings, good drama, and
memorable characters. These films pretty much have what every good movie can be expected to have.
One of the most fondly remembered characters of this film trilogy is the lead protagonist, Sheriff
Woody. In Toy Story, a film where children s toys secretly come to life when no human is around to
witness them, Woody is the favorite toy of his own kid, Andy, who spends most of his spare time
playing with him in particular, taking him throughout his home and treating the toy like a close friend,
the same way a lot of kids tend to get attached to their own playthings. Because of the attention,
Woody has no concern of ever being separated from his owner, ... Show more content on ...
Forced to stay the night, Woody and Buzz attempt to escape the next morning through the open door,
but are halted this time by Sid s aggressive dog. After safely evading him, they regroup and Woody
hatches a different plan to get back to Andy s house through the window. The plan almost works, but
the toys from Andy s room mistake Buzz s now broken arm as evidence that Woody killed off Buzz
out of jealousy, and refuse to help him get back. Woody, feeling guilty and remorseful, realizes Buzz s
sudden state of depression, and how he learned from a TV commercial that he really is a toy. By this
point, Woody feels responsible for getting both himself and Buzz into this mess and confesses that he
needs his help to get home. He also points out to Buzz that he is a much cooler toy than him, and that
he deserves to be adored by Andy the way he used to be himself. Buzz, feeling sorry for Woody,
decides to try and help him before being taken by Sid to his backyard to be attached to a firework and
launched into the
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Most Controversial Issues In Today s Society
Stop and frisk. One of the most controversial issues of today s society. This dates back all the way to
1967 with the case Terry v Ohio. In this case, an officer by the name of Martin Mcfadden, patrolling
his surrounding area, noticed two African American men acting suspiciously in front of a store on a
street corner at 1276 Euclid Avenue. Mcfadden described the men to be alternately walking back and
forth and conversing while taking breaks in between. He also stated that the two men later met up with
another African American male one block over and soon after, rejoined him in front of the store once
more.Officer Mcfadden believed he was witnessing what seemed to be a stick up ; nuisances casing a
job . Mcfadden stated he feared not only ... Show more content on ...
I personally do not believe in stop and frisk. The policy of stop and frisk is supposed to be an action
used for suspicious activity however, it is being used for racial profiling instead. I believe stop and
frisk is just another excuse to violate and attack minorities. As stated in the article mentioned above
Why Stop and Frisk Does Not Work , african americans are stopped and frisked 23% more times than
whites and still less contraband and weapons are found on african americans.The fourth amendment
protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures. So why target the innocent people or people
who are less likely to contain weapons/contraband? This is because they are using discriminatory
practices and use stop and frisk to single out minorities. Being black is a crime. At least that is how the
system sees it. Not all law enforcement is bad but a large portion of them have this ignorant mindset
that allows them to think and act the way they do . As an African American you re never safe. You
continuously have to live in fear. You have to watch the way you walk, talk, position your hands, look
at people, etc because anything as a black person can be seen as a threat considering our skin is
already one. Rather than fighting actual crime, law enforcement officers are stopping people just to
display their authority over you. I, as a young african american woman, could not
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Monitoring Patients Through Telehealth Essay
Introduction Telehealth is the monitoring via remote exchange of physiological data between a patient
at home and health care professionals at hospitals or clinics to assist with diagnosis and treatment. As
our society ages and health care costs increase, government and private insurance payers are seeking
technological interventions. Technological solutions may provide high quality healthcare services at a
distance, utilize professional resources more effectively, and enable elderly and ill patients to remain
in their own homes. Patients may experience decreased hospitalization and urgent care settings, and
out of home care may not be required as the patient is monitored at home. However, no study has been
able to prove telehealth ... Show more content on ...
Diabetic patients have a chronic and complicated disease process which requires continual monitoring.
Telehealth interventions were used to assist rural obese diabetics in South Carolina using TeleCare for
one year. Patients participating in the TeleCare trial had better reductions in glycated hemoglobin and
significant reductions in LDL cholesterol levels at 6 and 12 months than those receiving conventional
interventions (Davis et al., 2010). Four factors that contributed to TeleCare being successful were high
participation retention, modification of materials for cultural competency, coordinating administrative
functions with the primary care centers, and personalized interactions during group education sessions
via video conferencing (Davis et al., 2010, p. 3). While rural diabetics may have additional limitations
and distances to travel in order to receive medical care, all diabetics are in need of prompt treatment
changes to maximize blood glucose control. Chang et al (2007) evaluated different forms of telehealth
delivery among veteran diabetic patients. Some participants interacted with nurse practitioners via
internet telehealth systems for daily blood glucose monitoring and symptom evaluation. Other
participants chose telephone intervention interaction with nurse practitioners to report blood glucose
levels and diabetes symptoms. No significant reduction in glycated
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Customer Empowerment Paper
Customer service associate empowerment is a key theme.
Providing tools to the customer to become educated in product use creates a better experience and
prevents major issues.
Hello and thank you for your request for customer service design principles with a focus on
reasonability. The short answer is allowing those on the front lines of the customer experience to be
trained and have as much power to accommodate and help the customer as possible. Another key area
is to find ways to educate the customer. This allows them to get more out of the product and also has
the capacity to prevent major issues before they arise. Other important mentions include employee
ownership, transparency, technology, and over the top customer service ... Show more content on ...
After analyzing customer usage and frequent interactions, they developed an internal university for
educating their customers, so they get the most out of their products. User education provided a better,
useful experience, and many potential problems were bypassed as a result. This is mirrored by
StudioPress with their detailed tutorials.
Amazon is notable for use of cutting edge technology but also convenience. A combination of these
two involves the use of their new grocery stores, using technology to get rid of checkout lines, where a
customer simply takes the product they want, and walks out the door.
The Ritz Carlton likes to engender relationships between staff and customers, and allows their staff
enough space to enhance the customer experience. An example of this is when a chef at one of their
resorts had his own mother fly in a special product for some guests that were staying at the hotel for
an extended period.
Publix, as a privately held, employee owned company, gives their own people a stake in the company.
This direct connection to the financial results of the company provide direct incentive for employees
to provide excellent customer service.
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94 Days Of Style Analysis
94 Days of Style (750) The sun is on the rise , the snow is far from the horizon and summer is fashion
coming to life. Here are some summer styles and essentials to elevate you warm weather style this
season. Men s Joggers Besides being abnormally comfortable (many have elastic at the waist as well
as the cuffs), they cut a lean, tapered silhouette that shows off your favorite shoes, without pesky
concerns about rolling or hemming your pant leg. Curved Hem Tees The addition of side zip trims
make this basic tee extra sleek. Featuring a crew neck, short sleeves and a curved hem. This cotton
blend, feather weight tee is perfect for hot summer days. Chino Shorts A crisp pair of chino shorts,
with a stylish knit stitch a slanted front pockets are perfect for the summer sun. ... Show more content
on ...
Overhead Jacket Weather is a non issue is in this classic overhead jacket. With its light blend, over the
head, poly blend construction, this jacket is perfect for the unpredictable Denver Summers. Canvas
Rucksacks Rucksack bags are durable, convenient and carry style. Stitched with a patterned flap, with
a buckle closure, along with one interior zippered pocket finished with padded adjustable shoulder
straps. This bags is the a great touch to carry all you summer essentials. Watches This accessory adds a
small detail to a finished look. Have several watch options to fit an occasion; watches have various
styles bands from leather, nylon or plastic. Footwear Footwear should be light and simple. Whether
your being casual or having a night on the town keep it simple and easy. Women s Maxi Dress
Flowing, plunging and semi sheer; a maxi dress is perfect for summer. A maxi dress with a lace
detailed racerback, thin straps, with a crew neck is an effortless essential to your summer
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Youth Athletics Essay
Youth Athletics
In Reading, Massachusetts, one parent was beaten to death by another parent after a scuffle at a youth
hockey game (Sachs). In Palin Beach, Florida, a father of a little league player was sentenced to three
years in prison after taking a gun and pointing it at a coach (Gehring). In Port St. Lucie, Florida, a
headline in the evening paper read, Spectator Bites off Man s Ear at Youth Baseball Game (Pallerino).
Why would parents act in such negative ways? They are too competitive at youth athletic events.
During my five years refereeing youth sports, I have seen many examples of negative behavior. This
past September, a parent, whom I have known for a few years, approached me after a basketball game
her child s team ... Show more content on ...
I was even told by a parent that there is nothing I can do if I want to fix this problem, but I would like
to try.
Let me share a few other personal experiences that motivate me. While I was refereeing a fifth grade
basketball tournament, a parent ran onto the floor after my officiating partner. While I was watching
an eighth grade girls game, the opposing team lost by one point. Directly after the buzzer sounded, a
whole section of parents left their seats and went onto the floor toward officials. I heard everything
from, I ll wait all night til you get out of that room, to Does anyone know what this guy is driving? to I
m gonna kill you.
Why are parents behaving this way? Professor Hypes believes that, Parents are living their lives
through their children. These parents may have not been successful during their childhood, and they
believe that they must do everything in their ability to have their child succeed. I have no doubt that
parents want the best for their children, but behaving this way does not show their children appropriate
respect. How can we expect children to portray sensible behavior when they witness their parents
doing worse? I often hear that we cannot allow children to use professional athletes as role models
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Analysis Of The Poem If I Were Paul
Intercession: an interposing or pleading on behalf of another person. In Mark Jarman s poem, If I
Were Paul, the speaker displays many changes in tone and diction to illustrate the crux of his ideology.
The first three stanzas are completely exalting in their nature. The speaker uses three distinct
categories to do this: creation of a being, virtue of an idea, and discovery of an object, and each of the
first stanzas are devoted to one of these topics. Each of these subsets are purposefully selected to
create a tone of artistry and fascination in the beginning stanzas of the poem. Eventually, the speaker
changes tone to display the hypocrisy in the modern church. To a superficial reader, the speaker is
rebuking a congregation, but further analysis reveals the speaker is attempting to write as a
contemporary Paul of Tarsus, pointing out inconsistencies in the modern Christian faith. The first
stanza deals strictly with how you were made. The speaker uses eloquent, articulate verbiage to
express the imp1ressiveness of how you were made. The speaker begins by asking the reader to
consider the loving geometry and passionate symmetry with which he or she was created. This causes
the reader to consider who or what created him or her, and being that the title refers to a biblical
character, most would undoubtedly assume the creator to be God. The mention of God oftentimes is
connoted with concepts pure, holy, and righteous. Moreover, this would lead a person of
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The Determination To Obtain Vengeance In Hamlet And Ridley...
The Determination to Obtain Vengeance Depending on the perspective of a situation, revenge can be
ethical to someone, but it can also be immoral to someone else. In William Shakespeare s Hamlet and
Ridley Scott s Gladiator, the protagonists experience grief and are both driven to seek revenge after
the deaths of loved ones, which leads to their tragic downfall. Hamlet and Maximus are ambitious in
avenging the murder of their family members as they obsessively want to execute Claudius and
Commodus. However, their strong desire causes them to delay obtaining vengeance as they must be
careful with the strategies they use since they could affect themselves. Both characters are quick to
believe the killer is someone that has done harm to them in the past eliciting them to be enraged. King
Hamlet s Ghost returns to the castle encountering Hamlet for the first time as he reveals that Claudius,
Denmark s new King and Hamlet s uncle, is his murderer and in addition tells him that he must take
revenge for his death. Hamlet without hesitation trusts what the ghost is telling him, Now to my word.
/ It is Adieu, adieu, remember me. / I have sworn t (Shakespeare 1.5.110 112). Hamlet s extreme
melancholy causes him to make a promise as his only loyalty is to his father and he is willing to
sacrifice anything to achieve retaliation. This task creates him to have a huge liability while still being
in a miserable condition, which leads Hamlet to think suicidal. Yet, along the way of
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The Attainment Of Wealth And Social Status
The attainment of wealth and social status has been the goal for human beings since the beginning of
civilizations. Socioeconomic status [SES] is defined as a measure of one s level of education and
income (Friedman, H., Schustack, 2012, pg.420). The factors that contribute to one s success have
dumbfounded the masses. What makes a person more successful? Some may say the combination of
hard work and hint of luck is the key to success. However, it recent years psychologists have
questioned whether there is a correlation between socioeconomic status and personality. Researchers
have just recently begun to explore questions relating to status and individual characteristics. It is a
new emerging research topic, but they have begun to test many different aspects of the correlation to
find statistically significant relationships. Low socioeconomic status has been linked to poor health. A
possible explanation for this association may be characteristics of personality that influence health. A
2009 study conducted by the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University sought
to assess the relationship between occupational status and individual characteristics. In this particular
study, 233 African American and Caucasian, male and female individuals volunteered to participate
and their parent s education, current SES (education and income), and personality were assessed.
Participants filled out the NEO PI R [10], a 240 item questionnaire measure of the five factor
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Live Deal Inc. Five Day Stock Analysis
Live Deal Inc. Five Day Stock Analysis Live Deal Inc. (ticker LIVE) stock price and performance like
all publicly traded stocks can be found in countless finance and trading information websites. The
analysis reviews LIVEs five day stock performance in search of stock price and volume behavior
and/or patterns as a result of publicly available information and/or insider information. Unable to meet
the assignments original requirement due to a lack of positive stock surprises for the trading week of
12/26/14 to 01/02/15, the analysis focuses on negative stock surprises. In doing so, the analysis takes
into consideration and use of the efficient market Hypothesis (EMH), irrational trading behavior, and
technical analysis to identify trading patterns within the five day chart.
Efficient Markets Under the idea that markets are efficient, stock prices reflect new information
quickly and accurately. Furthermore, Morningstar (n.d.) contributes details on the strongest supportive
theory of efficient markets, EMH exists in three forms: weak, semi strong and strong. The hypothesis
calls for the existence of informationally efficient markets, were current stock prices reflect all
information, and attempts to outperform the market will only come in the form of riskier investments.
Also, because of a large number of independent investors actively analyzing new information
simultaneously as it enters the market, investors react accordingly and is immediately reflected in the
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Personal Statement Of Purpose In Journalism
I was 18 when we moved to the United States from Cameroon in 2010. I had always known I wanted
to be in journalism, yet had little knowledge of how the media worked or what being a journalist even
entailed. I had a passion for telling stories, and zero experience or hope that I would someday be able
to do so in a way that affects everyday people, and effects positive change. As far as I knew,
journalism was the ruling government s tool for communicating what it deemed fit for public
knowledge, and stifling any information that remotely threatened the political status quo. Only in the
following years would I come to grasp the power of media and communication, in a journey that has
led me to this very moment.
In the summer of 2011 after persuading my father that journalism was my passion and not nursing, I
enrolled in Price George s Community College. For two years, I studied Public Relations and
Journalism. I learned about the power of free speech and free media. I gained respect for the First
Amendment; the bedrock for Watergate. Here, anyone could share their opinion no matter how
unpopular. This was new and fascinating considering the restrictive nature of my free press in my
home country. So the more I learned, the more intrigued I became.
Two years and an Associate s degree later, I transferred to Phillip Merrill College of Journalism
(University of Maryland College Park) to study broadcasting. There, I learned the tricks of the
journalism trade; how to shoot,
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Emmett Till Essay
Emmett till was a fourteen year old African American boy who lived in Chicago. He was a fairly
normal kid who was down visiting his family when he was brutally murdered for just flirting with a
white girl. He was too young to understand what he was doing. He was just doing it as a joke for his
cousins, which he soon figured out was life threatening. This act of violence is what started the Civil
Rights Movement. So many people were heartbroken that a teenager was beat to death then shot in the
head. They protested, but there was nothing they could do.
Emmett till was born on July 25, 1941 in Chicago Illinois. He grew up in a middle class neighborhood
and went to an all black McCosh grammar school. At age five he was diagnosed with polio, ... Show
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Once she got to see her boy and what they did to him she declared that his body would be on display
at the Roberts Temple Church of God. His casket was open for anyone to see for a period of about five
days. Thousands of people gathered here to witness what two southern men did to a fourteen year old
who just flirted with a white waitress. Many were very angry that this happened.
On September 19, 1955 Emmett s murder had became an outrage. Because blacks and women were
not allowed to serve jury duty, Bryant and Milam were judged in front of an all white male jury. At the
end of the case the two white men were found innocent. This really made a lot of chaos. To add to the
madness, a couple months later they admitted the crime to Look magazine for four thousand dollars.
Emmett s story brought attention to the intense racism in Mississippi. His impact on black america
was even greater than that of the Brown decision. He prompted national outrage and sparked the Civil
Rights Movement . Just 100 days after Emmett s death, Rosa Parks decided not to give up her seat on
the bus, which started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Emmett s death should be remembered by the
Civil Rights Movement. He was a very inspirational figure that let people know that people should be
treated equally regardless to their
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Naturalism And Realism In Fisher Folk, Madonna And Child
There are many different factors to consider when analyzing a piece of artwork such as the color
pallette used, the materials used, the medium of the work, the artist, the time period it was made in,
and so much more. Naturalism and idealism are two concepts, of many, that are important throughout
the evolution of art. Naturalism refers to the representation of objects in their most realistic form. On
the contrary, idealism attempts to hold the subject to a certain standard of perfection. Fisher Folk,
undated, and Madonna and Child, finished in 1438, are two works of art that embody those two
concepts very well.
During a first level iconographic observation of Fisher Folk we see three people off to the right side of
the painting. Two older women and a younger child are in the middle of an exchange for some fish.
All three are dressed in multiple layers of ragged clothing trying to keep warm. With the landscape
being overcast it makes the painting feel cold because we automatically associate gloomy skies with
cold and rain. By portraying the clothes in poor condition, the artist is representing naturalism because
nothing about them looks ideal or something that people would be envious over. The child is without
shoes, so that s another sign that the family is poor. Naturalistic artwork strives to show the subject in
the most realistic way possible. As the UMFA label states, his work expresses the reality of fishermen
s families lifestyle in the 19th century. At a closer look,
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Women in Oceanic Art and Culture
Unit Four Assignment One
Women in Oceanic Art and Culture
I certify that I have read A Student s Guide to Academic Integrity at the University of Oklahoma, and
this paper is an original paper composed by me for this course. Except where properly cited and
attributed, it has not been copied or closely reworded from any other source and has not been
submitted as a whole, or in part, for credit in any other course at OU or any other educational
institution. It has not been created or submitted for any other purpose such as a job assignment at my
workplace or any other agency.
LSTD 3193 Art of the Nonwestern World
Professor St. Clare
December 14, 2012
Women s roles in Oceanic cultures were very important yet less public ... Show more content on ...
The Dilukai sculptures are depicted in this way in order to praise the creation powers that women
The ranking women in the Tonga society would make something called barkcloth. Barkcloth is a soft,
thick and textured fabric that is made by the bark of a Mulberry tree.
Today women with noble birth in the Kautaha tribe produce the barkcloth. The men plant the
Mulberry tree and it takes 2 3 years for the tree to be ready to be cut down and used to make
barkcloth. After the tree has been cut, the women then strip off the outer bark and soak the inner bark
in water in order to prepare the bark for further processing. The women then place the soaked inner
bark strops over a wooden anvil and repeatedly strike the bark with a wooden beater. They continue to
do this until the bark is flat. Folding and layering the bark strips while beating them, results in a wider
piece of bark than that of the original strips. After all of the bark has been beaten, the bark is set
outside to be bleached by the sun. Next, the strips are placed over semicircular boards. Once they have
been fastened to the boards, the women attach an embroidery design to the tablet. They transfer the
design from the tablet to the piece of bark by rubbing. After this, the women then fill in the lines and
patterns with pigments such as brown, red and black. These pigments that are used are derived from
things such as clay, soot and fruits. These barkcloths play a very
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Ideallized Influence
Idealized influence comprises behaviors that insert pride in followers for being accomplice with the
leader often indicate or synonymous to charisma. It indicates that a leader will go beyond their
individual self interest for the greater good of the group and make personal sacrifices for others
advantage. A transformational leader with idealized attributes displays a sense of power and
confidence and is able to convine others that they can overcome obstacles. They tend to talk about
their most important values and beliefs and the benefits of trusting one another. They point up a
collective mission and note the importance of having a strong sense of desire. The members or team of
the organization often impersonates leaders who possess idealized
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Natural Disasters And Its Causes
The northern tip of the peninsula encompassing major cities and metropolitan areas lies in total chaos.
The most populous region, including smaller urban and rural areas endured hours of Gail force winds.
Cities, towns, and airports occupying nine counties are in temporal disarray with thousands of trees
uprooted. Millions of residents populating the west coastline perish within minutes. All their hopes
and dreams were washed away by giant walls of water measuring over two hundred feet high.
Immense tidal waves produced mass flooding with millions of tons of weight rose up battering homes
and buildings. The most deadly natural disaster in human history expunged everything in its path.
Mesoscale convective systems produced supercells attacking miles and miles of city blocks. Severe
complex thunderstorms developed large hail, high winds, and tornado formations. Line echo wave
patterns created hundreds of twisters in all shapes and sizes. The condensation funnels that formed
created clouds of rotating debris and dust canvassing hundreds of miles. Super earthquakes induced
seismic waves impacting the entire peninsula. The shaking of the earth generated over nine point nine
magnitudes producing absolute decimation. The continental transform fault extending over seven
hundred and fifty miles dividing into three segments ruptured swallowing hundreds of communities.
The quakes had the strength of twenty millions tons of TNT leveling entire cities within minutes. In
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Paul s Epistle To The Ephesians
Paul s epistle to the believers in Ephesus and Asia Minor has a richness and depth that stirs one s soul.
Paul s deep affection for the Ephesians is evident as he communicates a profoundly transcendent yet
highly practical view of living. In this letter, Paul teaches unity in Christ (Eph. 1:10, 2:11 18). This
unity, for the Christian, begins with each individual believer, who, through Christ s indwelling,
becomes connected to Christ. This connection, or uniting (as a vine and a branch c.f. John 15:1 17), of
Christ and the believer transforms the believer s inner being one s very identity changes (Eph. 4:24).
This inner renovation would further change one outwardly one s behavior would conform to one s
identity (Eph. 4:25 6:9). Where does the ... Show more content on ...
Paul begins by explaining to his readers that they have been chosen by God since before the creation
of the world to be holy and blameless before Him (Eph. 1: 4). Therefore, they have been made alive in
Christ (Eph. 2:4 5) in order to become who God created them to be (Eph. 2:10). Further, he explains
that they, as Gentiles, are now one in the body of Christ, coming together with believing Jews (Eph.
3:6). Consequently, Paul urges them to live worthy of their calling (Eph. 4:1). This, Paul clarifies, is
possible only by stepping into one s new identity (Eph. 4:24) and liv[ing] a life of love as dearly loved
children (Eph. 5:2, 1, New International Version). The power to live a holy life, as detailed in
Ephesians chapters four through six, comes from the love of Christ (Eph. 3:14 21). Paul prays for the
Ephesian believers to receive this power in Ephesians
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God s Devine Interaction with Jacob Essay
As God molds and guides Jacob over the course of the Jacob Cycle, God interacts with Jacob in
increasingly personal ways.
Throughout the Book of Genesis, there are cycles of protagonists with whom God interacts. In one
such cycle, the Jacob cycle, God interacts with the world in a very unique way. Instead of directly
influencing an outcome, He works by using people as conduits. He utilizes people to progress toward
the ultimate goal of achieving His Divine Plan. During the Jacob Cycle, God influences Jacob in four
significant stages: his childhood, his journey to Haran, his journey from Haran, and a final test of will.
Over the course of these stages, God s increasing trust in Jacob parallels his guidance.
1) GOD INFLUENCING ... Show more content on ...
This support from his mother, working as the removed hand of God, is what allows Jacob to survive.
While Jacob is on his way to Haran, God finally decides that it is time to introduce Himself to Jacob.
He speaks to Jacob for the first time in a dream, during which God tells Jacob that, I am with you and
will keep you wherever you go...I will not leave you until I have done [the promises] of which I have
spoken to you (Gen 28:15). Interacting with Jacob in such a way, and telling him that God will keep
him instills within Jacob a sense of security. Jacob can continue on his journey without worry as, even
though Jacob has yet to receive other aspects from the blessings, God is with him and God will keep
him. Following the dream, when Jacob wakes up, he makes a vow where he says that, If God will be
with me, and will keep me in this way that I go...then the Lord shall be my God... (Gen28:20 21).
Jacob s vow [FINISH THIS].
When Jacob finally arrives in Haran, Jacob falls in love with Rachel and offers himself to her father,
Laban, in return for her. However, on their wedding night, Laban tricks Jacob by switching Rachel
with his eldest daughter Leah. When Jacob realizes what happened, he demands that Rachel be
married to him as well. Unbeknownst to him, Rachel could not bear children as she was barren ,
however since God was
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Zora Neale Hurston sThe Color Purple, And Their Eyes Were...
Throughout the beginning of time, there have always been some type of gender dominance.
Everywhere you traveled you would see the patriarchal system in place. As religion began taking
form, more societies supported the patriarchal system. Sally Purvis states the fact that the Bible has
inscribed patriarchal into culture over centuries (Purvis 145 160). The emergence of patriarchal
systems increase the amount of power that males had over females.
Males have always believed that they must control the house, their wives, and their children; however,
now as society is reaching a new era the idea of male dominance has been decreasing rapidly. In Zora
Neale Hurston s 1937 book, Their Eyes Were Watching God, she uses figurative language to help the
reader understand that women also have a voice in any community. After several years another
astounding author, Alice Walker, also publishes a book that was influenced by Their Eyes Were
Watching God. Walker s book was named The Color Purple and was officially published in 1982.
Walker, just like her idol, wrote a book about gender roles and how the patriarchal system was now
dissolving in this brave new world. Just like Hurston, Walker uses various kinds of figurative language
to help create the image of the events prescribed in the book. Both of these books help describe how
gender roles are in the old patriarchal society and how the new women of this brave new world
demonstrate their courage to become their own person. Jusino 2
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Essay On Doernbecher
Helping children with debilitating diseases 30 percent of children will die with debilitating diseases
before they reach their 5th birthday (Michael,Doherty). RA disease, Polio, and MD are just a few of
these diseases that take these children s lives away. Doernbecher is a foundation that want to prevent
these children from losing their lives. Doernbecher children s hospital is to help children with all types
of diseases and help them go thru their tough time and battle with their disease. Nike and Jordan
teamed up with doernbecher to create a whole new thing, they choose certain children to design a shoe
with whatever they want on it and all the money go towards the foundation to help find cures and
build up the doernbecher children s hospital. Doernbecher, is one of the best charities for ... Show
more content on ...
Other places focus on main dieses also true but they are leaving out little dieses that little kids are
dying from because they are not getting enough money raised to help find a cure. Doernbecher is
basically selling kids shoes and making money of it? yes Doernbecher is selling kids shoes that they
have designed and given the opportunity to be part of a huge brand, while also the money does go
towards their help. Doernbecher is an awesome foundation to donate to because is help kids get better
from their diseases, nike and jordan help out with the kids, and doernbecher helps with all diseases.
Doernbecher deals with all diseases, it allows kids to be part of two huge brands and it just helps kids
fight their illness. As a helper what you can do to help is by donating the the Doernbecher children s
hospital or purchasing one of the children s shoes. Doernbecher does a lot of other fundraisers to help
raise money so you could help in one of those as
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The Material Flow And Variable Chances For Improvement
Abstract: Among the challenges faced by manufacturers in mean time, Improvement in material
efficiency and the impact of material on environment are given most priority. Presently, managements
mainly focus on maximizing outputs in economic terms but not on the damage caused due to
processing and disposal of material. Few methods can determine the product s impact on environment
but no method can assess the material efficiency in production system. This Journal Material Flow
Assessment in Manufacturing System shows the framework for effective material flow and variable
chances for improvement. Introduction: Resource Efficient Manufacturing (REM) focuses on reducing
production costs like labor, material, energy costs and to maximize profits, increasing output sales.
Certain tools for REM such as lean manufacturing and process optimization seems to be inadequate to
meet sustainability goals. Resources which has greater financial impact on business are mainly
focused by managers and given higher priority. Availability of resources is linked with other sources,
the degree of scarcity of certain source is specified to both region and season. Material Efficiency
Strategies: The provision of product with less material production has clear environmental benefits as
the decreased amount of material used in production will ultimately reduce the impact on
environment. MES are grouped as design changes and process changes. Material elimination,
minimization, reducing yield losses and
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Secret Sharer Masculinity
In the novella, The Secret Sharer, a novella written in 1910 by Joseph Conrad, the author explores the
character s struggle to reach their ideal conception of self and ultimately argues that men who are too
in touch with their feminine attributes struggle to appear masculine in a man s world. The Captain of
the ship struggles to maintain his ideal masculine self, but is seen as a weaker and an effeminate
character in the eyes of his crew. He is seen as a stranger to the ship but most importantly to himself.
All these people had been together for eighteen months or so, and my position was that of the only
stranger on board... I was somewhat of a stranger to myself...but I wondered how for I should turn out
faithful to that ideal conception of one s own personality (21,Conrad). Early on we see that the captain
lacks his masculinity and is not seen powerful and is insecure about his true self his effeminate
character. The captain wants to be like any other captain strong and manly, but struggles to be his ideal
self, the great and powerful captain that every ship has, a captain that holds power in the eyes of his
crew man. Other ways we see this was when the captain himself was commanded to close the porthole
of the ship. Close your port sir, they are washing ... Show more content on ...
In this short story, the captain strives to figure out who he really is and really has a difficult time
maintaining his power within the ship. However, since he does not meet the gender expectations, he is
looked down upon and has a really difficult time moving away from what the crew of the ship
characterized him a weak feminine captain. Thus, showing that men who are too close with their
feminine characteristics really have a struggle to show masculinity in the eyes of the people around
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Why Did Saigo Takamori Become A Hero
2421212 Why Did Saigo Takamori Become A Popular Hero? In 2003, the epic war film The Last
Samurai starring Tom Cruise burst on the scene and was well received with a total worldwide box
office of $456 million, and depicted the tragic finale of samurai class under the Meiji government. The
main character, Katsumoto, was loosely based on Saigo Takamori, who launched a rebellion against
the Meiji government that he had strived to establish. Despite being declared as a traitor after the
rebellion, Saigo was celebrated as a legendary hero by common people. They revered Saigo as a
virtuous man, romanticized him as a tragic hero, and idealized him as the embodiment of samurai
spirits. Saigo was celebrated as a virtuous man who lived a frugal life ... Show more content on ...
Before his resignation, Saigo exercised supreme military power: in 1872 he became Commander in
Chief of all the armed forces and in 1873 was appointed unique rank of Field Marshal. Yet after the
summit of fame and power, his army was crushed by the commoner conscripts they despised, Saigo let
his servant severe his head in the final battle, and his failure became a celebration of the new Japan
and the demise of samurai class. For common people, the fleeting fortune of Saigo the Great from
hero to traitor provoked strong sympathy. The sorrow of fleeting fortune had a long history in Japan.
In the Tales of The Heike, the author lamented upon the unpredictable fortune of the young emperor,
as long life is the name they give to the imperial palace, signaling that one should reside there for
years unending. Yet before he had reached the age of ten, this ruler ended as refuse on the ocean floor.
The traditional sentiments for fleeting fortune was strengthened by the dramatic contrast between the
revered Commander in Chief to a traitor who died in the battlefield against the government Saigo
himself helped to establish. Thus Saigo was romanticized as a martyr for his principles who knew he
would never win and a tragic hero who suffered from fleeting
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Dental Hygiene Career
As a final journal, I will explain what events made an impression on my dental hygiene career as well
as how the community was affected positively and negatively.
What went well in all of the presented presentation; knowing the information, having an attentive
audience, and presenting with confidence. Our first presentation was at the Red Apple adult center, we
had props to help clarify the information. Information presented was descriptive to distinguish each
section of the presentation. At the end of the presentation, we played a game called spine and show.
The did very well by responding to all questions. When it all done and over, we received hugs and a
lot of questions about stains on teeth. Another point that worked well during the ... Show more content
on ...
Adding addition topics to groups would have been an overload of information. Claude pepper, I
believe that information was just too much. I think we lost our audience within five minutes of our
presentation. Not because of the presenting but mainly because of the medical condition of our
audience. In addition to my individual presentation, I think I could have added hygiene as a career
information. These young mothers would have benefited to know about the hygiene career. Add a
slide in my presentation going over flexibility and pay scale. Eliminating any topics from our group s
presentation, I did not see the need. All topics were done according to our audience needs. At red
apple center, we cover denture care, nutrition, OHI. The we attended probably didn t need denture
care. As a group we covered it due to the request of the director. These topics was requested by the site
s director, who know what our audience needed to focus on. This course needs no change. I would like
to suggest, setting up a table on Tuesday during PHSC lunch, letting the student be aware of our
smoking and drugs and OHI care of our local student. Our PHSC students are unaware of our clinic
and work we provide to our community. Setting up a table will allow students to be informed of their
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Why Cats Are Better Pets Than Dogs
Whether it is an inside cuddle buddy, or an outside mice killer, cats make wonderful pets. While dogs
stay dirty, drool, and bark, cats clean themselves, are clean animals, and meow quietly. Cats are warm
and fuzzy and love to cuddle while they take naps. Dogs are too rambunctious and energetic. Cats
make better pets than dogs.
Dogs can be good for people who are adventurous and outgoing. On the other hand, they are not good
for busy people, or people with jobs. Dogs have to get their energy out for them to be calm and
collected if they are inside dogs. If the dog is not an outside dog, then they have to run outside and get
exercise everyday. If a dog does not get their energy out they will most likely tear things up in the
house or run around
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Budgeting And Forecasting For Business
Budgeting and Forecasting for Business
By Steve AH Lloyd | Submitted On August 13, 2013
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Expert Author Steve AH Lloyd
Business purpose
The purpose of any budgeting or forecasting activity is to obtain a forward looking view of the
business in order to facilitate resource allocation and decision making. The financial forecasts you
prepare are a means to that end, not an end in themselves. You need to have this ... Show more content
on ...
You, or one of your team, should be available to support them in this exercise.
This should give you the basic information to prepare your operating profit and loss.
You then need assumptions on
· Borrowings Interest
· Tax
· Capex disposals
· Working capital movements
· Share issues
· Dividends
To allow you to work up a balance sheet and cash forecast.
Ensure you leave time in the plan for your team to pull the various components together and for at
least one re working of the budget if the original version is unsatisfactory.
Tools and systems
Everyone has access to Microsoft Excel and it is possible to build very effective budget systems with
this software. You need to be particularly aware of the risks of spreadsheets and the ease with which
errors can creep in.
Don t exclude the use of specialist budgeting software. Well implemented, it can dramatically reduce
timescales and improve accuracy. Look for a product that allows you to control different versions of
the budget and that integrates well both with Excel and your main business software.
In the first year of use, you need to allow plenty of time for implementation.
You will probably end up with myriad versions of the budget applying different assumptions. Keep a
log of the versions with the changes that were made so that you know exactly what each version
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Cyber- Terrorism and Information Warfare
The availability of cheap cyber weapons has made cyber terrorism a growing threat to the stability of
America s critical infrastructures and society in general. Needless to say that cyber terrorism is a
major issue for American policymakers and IT professionals. The growing threat to commercial and
government entities has prompted organizations to develop effective strategies and methods to protect
their resources and assets from the threat of attackers. Such strategies and methods include but are not
limited to continual risk and vulnerability assessment, upgrade of software and use of tools such as
encryption, firewalls and intrusion detection systems and the implementation of disaster recovery and
business continuity plans in the case of a cyber incident. The following paper will offer a few basic
definitions to illustrate the concept of cyber terrorism, discuss the physical and human aspects of
cyber terrorism, offer assessment of the most pressing threats and the most vulnerable targets,
recommend methods to combat national and international cyber terrorism. Finally, several
preventative actions will be recommended for implementation. Finally, a basic checklist/template is
also provided in order to better illustrate and summarize recommendations and suggestions.
What is Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare? In order to provide a better conceptual
understanding of the concept of cyber terrorism, consider the following definition by Czosseck and
Geers (2009) as
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Benefits Of Receiving A Kidney
Although, illegal kidney trade is targeted as dangerous, but is essential compared to getting a kidney
in America. Specifically, the U.S waiting list is just too long. Furthermore, there multiple advantages
of obtaining a kidney in the U.S, but isn t worthy compare to its disadvantages. However, getting a
kidney apart from the U.S has benefits for those in developing and poor countries. Overall, they re a
generous amount of statements to prove why the illegal kidney trade is essential. Their multiple
judgement that supports the waiting list for the United States of America is just too long. The overall
U.S waiting list a person must wait a decade before getting a transplant. But, the illegal kidney market
can provide for those in need ... Show more content on ...
Dialysis is a machine that has capabilities corresponding to a kidney . This would help the person to
live longer til their transplant. According to Priceonomics the dialysis is slower than a regular
operating kidney. Particularly, dialysis can processes through the blood combined with toxins around
48 hours at a time. While a kidney can undertake the blood that is incorporated with toxins constantly,
separating them apart. However, the cost of dialysis to sustain each person, every year cost 75k. About
over a 20 million citizens have a disease called Chronic Kidney Disease or can be referred as (CKD).
Roughly about, 871,000 people have the disease and half are on dialysis during 2013. Which is
29,850,000,000 U.S dollars a year spent on dialysis. Despite, including those diseases such as kidney
failure where dialysis is especially crucial. But, dialysis is not that affected due to the survival rates for
those patients on dialysis is declining. Additionally, the U.S provides a service for those who donate a
kidney, that they will be more prior to the U.S waiting list. If the person needs a kidney in the future.
Most important, the U.S frequent donations of kidney come from a cadaver or living donors . A
cadaver is a human that recently died and still has some living organs inside he or she. Eventually,
studies show that with the growth of kidney related illnesses,
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Objectivity And Journalism
Every journalist student will tell you that the most important aspect of being a journalist is to be
impartial, objective, and to always report the facts not your opinion. Everyone knows what objectivity
means, yet do they all follow the rules? Is it even possible for journalists to be objective? Most
importantly, is objectivity a concept that even exists? I m going to examine the evidence.
We live in a word where most journalists and news corporations are labeled as being corrupt , biased
and deliberately misinforming. Corporations such as FOX news in the US is constantly criticised as
being propaganda for right wing bias, and in the UK we have similar situations with the BBC, Sky
News, and newspapers such as The Sun and the Daily Mail. In truth, pretty much every news outlet on
the planet shows a certain degree of bias and non objectivity.
Objectivity is the main ethos of journalism, being one of the first things a journalism student is taught.
It gives journalists a set of rules to report news accurately and without bias in favour of a particular
party. Though certain aspects of this can differ should you be a columnist or feature writer, this tends
to be the general consensus. A quick skim through the dictionary tells us that objectivity is The quality
or character of being objective; (in later use) esp. the ability to consider or represent facts,
information, etc., without being influenced by personal feelings or opinions; impartiality; detachment.
(Waite, 2012.)
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  • 2. Analysis Of Sherman Alexie s Where We Are Shapes Who We Are Kayum Chowdhury AP Language Period:3 Atkinson 12 May 2018 Where We Are Shapes Who We Are Sherman Alexie s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian explores several complex and difficult topics through the viewpoint of Arthur, a Spokane fourteen year old Native American living on the Spokane Indian Reservation. Arthur encounters countless problems when he decides to leave his school on the reservation and go to an all white school in Reardon. Poverty, alcoholism, and the consequences of choosing a better life are only some of the challenges Arthur confronts with cartoons, language and hope. Alexie successfully achieves his purpose of informing the audience about a life filled with poverty, alcoholism, and its consequences through rhetorical ... Show more content on ... He doesn t go to the best but goes to one in the reserve, but he needs to get out of that and go to the school with the white kids because that s where he could be more of himself. He begins high school, he says that he s like every other boy that likes curves, but he just doesn t go crazy about them. The reveals that he masturbates a lot. He says Yup that s right I masturbate, I admit that I masturbate....If there were a Professional Masturbators League, I d get drafted number one and make millions of dollars. (Alexie 26 ) It s funny for most readers when they hear it. An unexpected revelation that throws the reader off but stills gives them a good laugh while reading. It makes reader invested in the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Effects Of Cold Wars Dbq Synnie Cao. Ma.Fabrizio Global 10 May 29, 2018 Effects of Cold Wars DBQ On the day of 1945 when World War ll came to end, a whole new form of tension formed known as the Cold War. The Cold War was essentially a long period of time in which the United States had tensions with the Soviet Union. The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler had withdrew from the war, the tensions between the United States as well as The Soviet Union and its allies start to get intense. The Soviets ... Show more content on ... This also is a reoccurring problem in Korea between the North and South. As seen in the map showing the similarities of the results of the Korean War and the Vietnam War, we can see the similarity that following the Cold War the North and South of both countries were split due to the difference in communism and non communism. The North of both countries followed into communist ways while the South of both countries remained non communist. This map shows he similarities in how the Cold War split the country apart. The Vietnam War happened in 1954 because the South were not communist and the North were communist which was the same situation in Korea. The US sent troops to Vietnam to assist the South because they too, hated communism. The North Vietnamese utilized secret tunnels and traps to fight against the south. The War ended in 1973 when both sides split and still are split today just like Korea. (Document 6) Communism played a part in India foreign policy in 1956. The United Kingdom always had control of India until 1947 when they broke apart. During this time India decided to pass a foreign policy that stated that India would not be able to align with any major powers which was unusual because India had close military ties with the Soviet Union, a major power. Although in the end the policy was not in affect because they broke apart with the Soviet Union, India hoped to create powerful ties with the US and Europe. In 1956 India s foreign policy was that they did not want to interfere with any major powers. They did not want to interfere or align them self to any powers like the US or Soviets even thought they looked to the Soviets for military help and sought to created ties with the US. Overall, the Cold War affected India by implementing a foreign policy that restricted them from having anything to do with other powerful countries. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Native American Instruments Essay Native American Musical Intruments are about natives getting together and playing there instruments. They play them on holidays and birthdays, also they play whenever they want entertainment. It s a tradition for them. There instruments are not metal like ours so it doesn t sound like ours either. There instruments have a whole different tune and sound. Native americans love to play there instruments. Its one of their favorite things to do. I am writing about Native american musical instruments because music is a big part of there s and our lives. I like music because I play an instrument. The main instruments that they played were the drums they had a lot of different kind of drums. They other percussion instruments that they had ... Show more content on ... Regional category a description of the music encompasses vocal rhythm beat. They didn t have have music sheets like americans do. They played with there heart and what they felt like. They had/ have meaning to their songs/ music. A Native American instrument can be defined as any device created for the use of making music by native nation or tribe while some instruments were more traditional than others indigenous people would play the instruments. Their music especially their singing is the iconic perception of native music in popular culture. It doesnt say when they played them so i m going to guess they usually played them on holidays and birthdays. They probably played them for entertainment. Men and women would sing separately. There s no certain age you have to play an instrument They would play for an hour for a lesson plus two or three period for the activity. You have to practice a couple weeks or even months to make by a specially trained craftsman. Your usually younger when you start. Because the younger you start the better you sound when you re older. You just have to practice when you re not busy or every night. They usually played every day because that s what they re supposed to do, so they can get better. Natives are very caring about their music. There not like the americans that practice whenever we feel like it. They practice every single day even when they re not busy. The purpose of Native American music is that ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Paul Bogard s Let It Be Dark Paul Bogard is a writer and with the article called Let it be dark he explains or presents his argument that the next generation of children might not get to see a sky dark enough for the Milky Way galaxy. This was originally published in December 21, 2012 during a time when people were predicted that the world was going to come to an end but of course that wasn t true. But, since then people started to worry more about climate change and environmental issues. Paul Bogard tries to get the audience concerned on whether or not people want to see more darkness by using warning diction and selection of details. Bogard in the beginning uses words like worry, losing, trouble, reduction, and collapse to make the audience feel concerned ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Compare And Contrast World War Two Experiments Prisoners of War have been tortured in many ways. Like, how the Japanese used to experiment on Chinese and Koreans. During World War II, prisoners of war have been tortured, and experimented on. Back then, people even have a place to design and test out experiments, they call it Unit 731 . During World War II, Prisoners of War were tortured by many different ways, just like how the boys in Lord of the Flies were tortured by their own captivity while on the island. Prisoners of war (POW) were experimented in many different ways. One way they have been experimented was when the Japanese tested out biological weapons on multiple prisoners of war. Most of the individual used for the experiments were Chinese and Korean. (histclo,1). This shows that prisoners of war were being experimented on and how they were being experimented during World Ward II. This connects to Lord of the Flies because the boys were tortured and experimented on by the beast . On page 207, the beast says, I m warning you. I m going to get angry.... So don t try it on, my poor misguided boy, or else (Golding,207). This shows that the beast was experimenting on Simon, and threatening him to do stuff or else he would get hurt. This also shows that the beast has power over Simon, since Simon obviously doesn t want to get hurt. Just like how the prisoners of war ... Show more content on ... According to histclo, POWs were used as slave laborers, working in brutal conditions, in many others areas such as Japanese coal and copper mines and limestone quarries. This shows that the Japanese worked prisoners of war really hard as a torture method. This connects to Lord of the Flies because Jack were ordering the boys around while on the island. Jack spoke. Give me a drink. (Golding, 215). This shows that Jack has full control over the boys in his group. Which means he can make them do whatever he wants. Whether it s killing Ralph, or getting him ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Toy Story Films From Pixar The Toy Story films from Pixar are remembered fondly for their clever settings, good drama, and memorable characters. These films pretty much have what every good movie can be expected to have. One of the most fondly remembered characters of this film trilogy is the lead protagonist, Sheriff Woody. In Toy Story, a film where children s toys secretly come to life when no human is around to witness them, Woody is the favorite toy of his own kid, Andy, who spends most of his spare time playing with him in particular, taking him throughout his home and treating the toy like a close friend, the same way a lot of kids tend to get attached to their own playthings. Because of the attention, Woody has no concern of ever being separated from his owner, ... Show more content on ... Forced to stay the night, Woody and Buzz attempt to escape the next morning through the open door, but are halted this time by Sid s aggressive dog. After safely evading him, they regroup and Woody hatches a different plan to get back to Andy s house through the window. The plan almost works, but the toys from Andy s room mistake Buzz s now broken arm as evidence that Woody killed off Buzz out of jealousy, and refuse to help him get back. Woody, feeling guilty and remorseful, realizes Buzz s sudden state of depression, and how he learned from a TV commercial that he really is a toy. By this point, Woody feels responsible for getting both himself and Buzz into this mess and confesses that he needs his help to get home. He also points out to Buzz that he is a much cooler toy than him, and that he deserves to be adored by Andy the way he used to be himself. Buzz, feeling sorry for Woody, decides to try and help him before being taken by Sid to his backyard to be attached to a firework and launched into the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Most Controversial Issues In Today s Society Stop and frisk. One of the most controversial issues of today s society. This dates back all the way to 1967 with the case Terry v Ohio. In this case, an officer by the name of Martin Mcfadden, patrolling his surrounding area, noticed two African American men acting suspiciously in front of a store on a street corner at 1276 Euclid Avenue. Mcfadden described the men to be alternately walking back and forth and conversing while taking breaks in between. He also stated that the two men later met up with another African American male one block over and soon after, rejoined him in front of the store once more.Officer Mcfadden believed he was witnessing what seemed to be a stick up ; nuisances casing a job . Mcfadden stated he feared not only ... Show more content on ... I personally do not believe in stop and frisk. The policy of stop and frisk is supposed to be an action used for suspicious activity however, it is being used for racial profiling instead. I believe stop and frisk is just another excuse to violate and attack minorities. As stated in the article mentioned above Why Stop and Frisk Does Not Work , african americans are stopped and frisked 23% more times than whites and still less contraband and weapons are found on african americans.The fourth amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures. So why target the innocent people or people who are less likely to contain weapons/contraband? This is because they are using discriminatory practices and use stop and frisk to single out minorities. Being black is a crime. At least that is how the system sees it. Not all law enforcement is bad but a large portion of them have this ignorant mindset that allows them to think and act the way they do . As an African American you re never safe. You continuously have to live in fear. You have to watch the way you walk, talk, position your hands, look at people, etc because anything as a black person can be seen as a threat considering our skin is already one. Rather than fighting actual crime, law enforcement officers are stopping people just to display their authority over you. I, as a young african american woman, could not ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Monitoring Patients Through Telehealth Essay Introduction Telehealth is the monitoring via remote exchange of physiological data between a patient at home and health care professionals at hospitals or clinics to assist with diagnosis and treatment. As our society ages and health care costs increase, government and private insurance payers are seeking technological interventions. Technological solutions may provide high quality healthcare services at a distance, utilize professional resources more effectively, and enable elderly and ill patients to remain in their own homes. Patients may experience decreased hospitalization and urgent care settings, and out of home care may not be required as the patient is monitored at home. However, no study has been able to prove telehealth ... Show more content on ... Diabetic patients have a chronic and complicated disease process which requires continual monitoring. Telehealth interventions were used to assist rural obese diabetics in South Carolina using TeleCare for one year. Patients participating in the TeleCare trial had better reductions in glycated hemoglobin and significant reductions in LDL cholesterol levels at 6 and 12 months than those receiving conventional interventions (Davis et al., 2010). Four factors that contributed to TeleCare being successful were high participation retention, modification of materials for cultural competency, coordinating administrative functions with the primary care centers, and personalized interactions during group education sessions via video conferencing (Davis et al., 2010, p. 3). While rural diabetics may have additional limitations and distances to travel in order to receive medical care, all diabetics are in need of prompt treatment changes to maximize blood glucose control. Chang et al (2007) evaluated different forms of telehealth delivery among veteran diabetic patients. Some participants interacted with nurse practitioners via internet telehealth systems for daily blood glucose monitoring and symptom evaluation. Other participants chose telephone intervention interaction with nurse practitioners to report blood glucose levels and diabetes symptoms. No significant reduction in glycated ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Customer Empowerment Paper Customer service associate empowerment is a key theme. Providing tools to the customer to become educated in product use creates a better experience and prevents major issues. Overview Hello and thank you for your request for customer service design principles with a focus on reasonability. The short answer is allowing those on the front lines of the customer experience to be trained and have as much power to accommodate and help the customer as possible. Another key area is to find ways to educate the customer. This allows them to get more out of the product and also has the capacity to prevent major issues before they arise. Other important mentions include employee ownership, transparency, technology, and over the top customer service ... Show more content on ... After analyzing customer usage and frequent interactions, they developed an internal university for educating their customers, so they get the most out of their products. User education provided a better, useful experience, and many potential problems were bypassed as a result. This is mirrored by StudioPress with their detailed tutorials. AMAZON Amazon is notable for use of cutting edge technology but also convenience. A combination of these two involves the use of their new grocery stores, using technology to get rid of checkout lines, where a customer simply takes the product they want, and walks out the door. RITZ CARLTON The Ritz Carlton likes to engender relationships between staff and customers, and allows their staff enough space to enhance the customer experience. An example of this is when a chef at one of their resorts had his own mother fly in a special product for some guests that were staying at the hotel for an extended period. PUBLIX Publix, as a privately held, employee owned company, gives their own people a stake in the company. This direct connection to the financial results of the company provide direct incentive for employees to provide excellent customer service. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. 94 Days Of Style Analysis 94 Days of Style (750) The sun is on the rise , the snow is far from the horizon and summer is fashion coming to life. Here are some summer styles and essentials to elevate you warm weather style this season. Men s Joggers Besides being abnormally comfortable (many have elastic at the waist as well as the cuffs), they cut a lean, tapered silhouette that shows off your favorite shoes, without pesky concerns about rolling or hemming your pant leg. Curved Hem Tees The addition of side zip trims make this basic tee extra sleek. Featuring a crew neck, short sleeves and a curved hem. This cotton blend, feather weight tee is perfect for hot summer days. Chino Shorts A crisp pair of chino shorts, with a stylish knit stitch a slanted front pockets are perfect for the summer sun. ... Show more content on ... Overhead Jacket Weather is a non issue is in this classic overhead jacket. With its light blend, over the head, poly blend construction, this jacket is perfect for the unpredictable Denver Summers. Canvas Rucksacks Rucksack bags are durable, convenient and carry style. Stitched with a patterned flap, with a buckle closure, along with one interior zippered pocket finished with padded adjustable shoulder straps. This bags is the a great touch to carry all you summer essentials. Watches This accessory adds a small detail to a finished look. Have several watch options to fit an occasion; watches have various styles bands from leather, nylon or plastic. Footwear Footwear should be light and simple. Whether your being casual or having a night on the town keep it simple and easy. Women s Maxi Dress Flowing, plunging and semi sheer; a maxi dress is perfect for summer. A maxi dress with a lace detailed racerback, thin straps, with a crew neck is an effortless essential to your summer ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Youth Athletics Essay Youth Athletics In Reading, Massachusetts, one parent was beaten to death by another parent after a scuffle at a youth hockey game (Sachs). In Palin Beach, Florida, a father of a little league player was sentenced to three years in prison after taking a gun and pointing it at a coach (Gehring). In Port St. Lucie, Florida, a headline in the evening paper read, Spectator Bites off Man s Ear at Youth Baseball Game (Pallerino). Why would parents act in such negative ways? They are too competitive at youth athletic events. During my five years refereeing youth sports, I have seen many examples of negative behavior. This past September, a parent, whom I have known for a few years, approached me after a basketball game her child s team ... Show more content on ... I was even told by a parent that there is nothing I can do if I want to fix this problem, but I would like to try. Let me share a few other personal experiences that motivate me. While I was refereeing a fifth grade basketball tournament, a parent ran onto the floor after my officiating partner. While I was watching an eighth grade girls game, the opposing team lost by one point. Directly after the buzzer sounded, a whole section of parents left their seats and went onto the floor toward officials. I heard everything from, I ll wait all night til you get out of that room, to Does anyone know what this guy is driving? to I m gonna kill you. Why are parents behaving this way? Professor Hypes believes that, Parents are living their lives through their children. These parents may have not been successful during their childhood, and they believe that they must do everything in their ability to have their child succeed. I have no doubt that parents want the best for their children, but behaving this way does not show their children appropriate respect. How can we expect children to portray sensible behavior when they witness their parents doing worse? I often hear that we cannot allow children to use professional athletes as role models ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Analysis Of The Poem If I Were Paul Intercession: an interposing or pleading on behalf of another person. In Mark Jarman s poem, If I Were Paul, the speaker displays many changes in tone and diction to illustrate the crux of his ideology. The first three stanzas are completely exalting in their nature. The speaker uses three distinct categories to do this: creation of a being, virtue of an idea, and discovery of an object, and each of the first stanzas are devoted to one of these topics. Each of these subsets are purposefully selected to create a tone of artistry and fascination in the beginning stanzas of the poem. Eventually, the speaker changes tone to display the hypocrisy in the modern church. To a superficial reader, the speaker is rebuking a congregation, but further analysis reveals the speaker is attempting to write as a contemporary Paul of Tarsus, pointing out inconsistencies in the modern Christian faith. The first stanza deals strictly with how you were made. The speaker uses eloquent, articulate verbiage to express the imp1ressiveness of how you were made. The speaker begins by asking the reader to consider the loving geometry and passionate symmetry with which he or she was created. This causes the reader to consider who or what created him or her, and being that the title refers to a biblical character, most would undoubtedly assume the creator to be God. The mention of God oftentimes is connoted with concepts pure, holy, and righteous. Moreover, this would lead a person of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Determination To Obtain Vengeance In Hamlet And Ridley... The Determination to Obtain Vengeance Depending on the perspective of a situation, revenge can be ethical to someone, but it can also be immoral to someone else. In William Shakespeare s Hamlet and Ridley Scott s Gladiator, the protagonists experience grief and are both driven to seek revenge after the deaths of loved ones, which leads to their tragic downfall. Hamlet and Maximus are ambitious in avenging the murder of their family members as they obsessively want to execute Claudius and Commodus. However, their strong desire causes them to delay obtaining vengeance as they must be careful with the strategies they use since they could affect themselves. Both characters are quick to believe the killer is someone that has done harm to them in the past eliciting them to be enraged. King Hamlet s Ghost returns to the castle encountering Hamlet for the first time as he reveals that Claudius, Denmark s new King and Hamlet s uncle, is his murderer and in addition tells him that he must take revenge for his death. Hamlet without hesitation trusts what the ghost is telling him, Now to my word. / It is Adieu, adieu, remember me. / I have sworn t (Shakespeare 1.5.110 112). Hamlet s extreme melancholy causes him to make a promise as his only loyalty is to his father and he is willing to sacrifice anything to achieve retaliation. This task creates him to have a huge liability while still being in a miserable condition, which leads Hamlet to think suicidal. Yet, along the way of ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Attainment Of Wealth And Social Status The attainment of wealth and social status has been the goal for human beings since the beginning of civilizations. Socioeconomic status [SES] is defined as a measure of one s level of education and income (Friedman, H., Schustack, 2012, pg.420). The factors that contribute to one s success have dumbfounded the masses. What makes a person more successful? Some may say the combination of hard work and hint of luck is the key to success. However, it recent years psychologists have questioned whether there is a correlation between socioeconomic status and personality. Researchers have just recently begun to explore questions relating to status and individual characteristics. It is a new emerging research topic, but they have begun to test many different aspects of the correlation to find statistically significant relationships. Low socioeconomic status has been linked to poor health. A possible explanation for this association may be characteristics of personality that influence health. A 2009 study conducted by the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University sought to assess the relationship between occupational status and individual characteristics. In this particular study, 233 African American and Caucasian, male and female individuals volunteered to participate and their parent s education, current SES (education and income), and personality were assessed. Participants filled out the NEO PI R [10], a 240 item questionnaire measure of the five factor ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Live Deal Inc. Five Day Stock Analysis Live Deal Inc. Five Day Stock Analysis Live Deal Inc. (ticker LIVE) stock price and performance like all publicly traded stocks can be found in countless finance and trading information websites. The analysis reviews LIVEs five day stock performance in search of stock price and volume behavior and/or patterns as a result of publicly available information and/or insider information. Unable to meet the assignments original requirement due to a lack of positive stock surprises for the trading week of 12/26/14 to 01/02/15, the analysis focuses on negative stock surprises. In doing so, the analysis takes into consideration and use of the efficient market Hypothesis (EMH), irrational trading behavior, and technical analysis to identify trading patterns within the five day chart. Efficient Markets Under the idea that markets are efficient, stock prices reflect new information quickly and accurately. Furthermore, Morningstar (n.d.) contributes details on the strongest supportive theory of efficient markets, EMH exists in three forms: weak, semi strong and strong. The hypothesis calls for the existence of informationally efficient markets, were current stock prices reflect all information, and attempts to outperform the market will only come in the form of riskier investments. Also, because of a large number of independent investors actively analyzing new information simultaneously as it enters the market, investors react accordingly and is immediately reflected in the stock ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Personal Statement Of Purpose In Journalism I was 18 when we moved to the United States from Cameroon in 2010. I had always known I wanted to be in journalism, yet had little knowledge of how the media worked or what being a journalist even entailed. I had a passion for telling stories, and zero experience or hope that I would someday be able to do so in a way that affects everyday people, and effects positive change. As far as I knew, journalism was the ruling government s tool for communicating what it deemed fit for public knowledge, and stifling any information that remotely threatened the political status quo. Only in the following years would I come to grasp the power of media and communication, in a journey that has led me to this very moment. In the summer of 2011 after persuading my father that journalism was my passion and not nursing, I enrolled in Price George s Community College. For two years, I studied Public Relations and Journalism. I learned about the power of free speech and free media. I gained respect for the First Amendment; the bedrock for Watergate. Here, anyone could share their opinion no matter how unpopular. This was new and fascinating considering the restrictive nature of my free press in my home country. So the more I learned, the more intrigued I became. Two years and an Associate s degree later, I transferred to Phillip Merrill College of Journalism (University of Maryland College Park) to study broadcasting. There, I learned the tricks of the journalism trade; how to shoot, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Emmett Till Essay Emmett till was a fourteen year old African American boy who lived in Chicago. He was a fairly normal kid who was down visiting his family when he was brutally murdered for just flirting with a white girl. He was too young to understand what he was doing. He was just doing it as a joke for his cousins, which he soon figured out was life threatening. This act of violence is what started the Civil Rights Movement. So many people were heartbroken that a teenager was beat to death then shot in the head. They protested, but there was nothing they could do. Emmett till was born on July 25, 1941 in Chicago Illinois. He grew up in a middle class neighborhood and went to an all black McCosh grammar school. At age five he was diagnosed with polio, ... Show more content on ... Once she got to see her boy and what they did to him she declared that his body would be on display at the Roberts Temple Church of God. His casket was open for anyone to see for a period of about five days. Thousands of people gathered here to witness what two southern men did to a fourteen year old who just flirted with a white waitress. Many were very angry that this happened. On September 19, 1955 Emmett s murder had became an outrage. Because blacks and women were not allowed to serve jury duty, Bryant and Milam were judged in front of an all white male jury. At the end of the case the two white men were found innocent. This really made a lot of chaos. To add to the madness, a couple months later they admitted the crime to Look magazine for four thousand dollars. Emmett s story brought attention to the intense racism in Mississippi. His impact on black america was even greater than that of the Brown decision. He prompted national outrage and sparked the Civil Rights Movement . Just 100 days after Emmett s death, Rosa Parks decided not to give up her seat on the bus, which started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Emmett s death should be remembered by the Civil Rights Movement. He was a very inspirational figure that let people know that people should be treated equally regardless to their ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Naturalism And Realism In Fisher Folk, Madonna And Child There are many different factors to consider when analyzing a piece of artwork such as the color pallette used, the materials used, the medium of the work, the artist, the time period it was made in, and so much more. Naturalism and idealism are two concepts, of many, that are important throughout the evolution of art. Naturalism refers to the representation of objects in their most realistic form. On the contrary, idealism attempts to hold the subject to a certain standard of perfection. Fisher Folk, undated, and Madonna and Child, finished in 1438, are two works of art that embody those two concepts very well. During a first level iconographic observation of Fisher Folk we see three people off to the right side of the painting. Two older women and a younger child are in the middle of an exchange for some fish. All three are dressed in multiple layers of ragged clothing trying to keep warm. With the landscape being overcast it makes the painting feel cold because we automatically associate gloomy skies with cold and rain. By portraying the clothes in poor condition, the artist is representing naturalism because nothing about them looks ideal or something that people would be envious over. The child is without shoes, so that s another sign that the family is poor. Naturalistic artwork strives to show the subject in the most realistic way possible. As the UMFA label states, his work expresses the reality of fishermen s families lifestyle in the 19th century. At a closer look, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Women in Oceanic Art and Culture Unit Four Assignment One Women in Oceanic Art and Culture I certify that I have read A Student s Guide to Academic Integrity at the University of Oklahoma, and this paper is an original paper composed by me for this course. Except where properly cited and attributed, it has not been copied or closely reworded from any other source and has not been submitted as a whole, or in part, for credit in any other course at OU or any other educational institution. It has not been created or submitted for any other purpose such as a job assignment at my workplace or any other agency. LSTD 3193 Art of the Nonwestern World Professor St. Clare December 14, 2012 Women s roles in Oceanic cultures were very important yet less public ... Show more content on ... The Dilukai sculptures are depicted in this way in order to praise the creation powers that women possess. The ranking women in the Tonga society would make something called barkcloth. Barkcloth is a soft, thick and textured fabric that is made by the bark of a Mulberry tree. Today women with noble birth in the Kautaha tribe produce the barkcloth. The men plant the Mulberry tree and it takes 2 3 years for the tree to be ready to be cut down and used to make barkcloth. After the tree has been cut, the women then strip off the outer bark and soak the inner bark in water in order to prepare the bark for further processing. The women then place the soaked inner bark strops over a wooden anvil and repeatedly strike the bark with a wooden beater. They continue to do this until the bark is flat. Folding and layering the bark strips while beating them, results in a wider piece of bark than that of the original strips. After all of the bark has been beaten, the bark is set outside to be bleached by the sun. Next, the strips are placed over semicircular boards. Once they have been fastened to the boards, the women attach an embroidery design to the tablet. They transfer the design from the tablet to the piece of bark by rubbing. After this, the women then fill in the lines and patterns with pigments such as brown, red and black. These pigments that are used are derived from things such as clay, soot and fruits. These barkcloths play a very ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Ideallized Influence Idealized influence comprises behaviors that insert pride in followers for being accomplice with the leader often indicate or synonymous to charisma. It indicates that a leader will go beyond their individual self interest for the greater good of the group and make personal sacrifices for others advantage. A transformational leader with idealized attributes displays a sense of power and confidence and is able to convine others that they can overcome obstacles. They tend to talk about their most important values and beliefs and the benefits of trusting one another. They point up a collective mission and note the importance of having a strong sense of desire. The members or team of the organization often impersonates leaders who possess idealized ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Natural Disasters And Its Causes The northern tip of the peninsula encompassing major cities and metropolitan areas lies in total chaos. The most populous region, including smaller urban and rural areas endured hours of Gail force winds. Cities, towns, and airports occupying nine counties are in temporal disarray with thousands of trees uprooted. Millions of residents populating the west coastline perish within minutes. All their hopes and dreams were washed away by giant walls of water measuring over two hundred feet high. Immense tidal waves produced mass flooding with millions of tons of weight rose up battering homes and buildings. The most deadly natural disaster in human history expunged everything in its path. Mesoscale convective systems produced supercells attacking miles and miles of city blocks. Severe complex thunderstorms developed large hail, high winds, and tornado formations. Line echo wave patterns created hundreds of twisters in all shapes and sizes. The condensation funnels that formed created clouds of rotating debris and dust canvassing hundreds of miles. Super earthquakes induced seismic waves impacting the entire peninsula. The shaking of the earth generated over nine point nine magnitudes producing absolute decimation. The continental transform fault extending over seven hundred and fifty miles dividing into three segments ruptured swallowing hundreds of communities. The quakes had the strength of twenty millions tons of TNT leveling entire cities within minutes. In other ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Paul s Epistle To The Ephesians Paul s epistle to the believers in Ephesus and Asia Minor has a richness and depth that stirs one s soul. Paul s deep affection for the Ephesians is evident as he communicates a profoundly transcendent yet highly practical view of living. In this letter, Paul teaches unity in Christ (Eph. 1:10, 2:11 18). This unity, for the Christian, begins with each individual believer, who, through Christ s indwelling, becomes connected to Christ. This connection, or uniting (as a vine and a branch c.f. John 15:1 17), of Christ and the believer transforms the believer s inner being one s very identity changes (Eph. 4:24). This inner renovation would further change one outwardly one s behavior would conform to one s identity (Eph. 4:25 6:9). Where does the ... Show more content on ... Paul begins by explaining to his readers that they have been chosen by God since before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless before Him (Eph. 1: 4). Therefore, they have been made alive in Christ (Eph. 2:4 5) in order to become who God created them to be (Eph. 2:10). Further, he explains that they, as Gentiles, are now one in the body of Christ, coming together with believing Jews (Eph. 3:6). Consequently, Paul urges them to live worthy of their calling (Eph. 4:1). This, Paul clarifies, is possible only by stepping into one s new identity (Eph. 4:24) and liv[ing] a life of love as dearly loved children (Eph. 5:2, 1, New International Version). The power to live a holy life, as detailed in Ephesians chapters four through six, comes from the love of Christ (Eph. 3:14 21). Paul prays for the Ephesian believers to receive this power in Ephesians ... Get more on ...
  • 24. God s Devine Interaction with Jacob Essay As God molds and guides Jacob over the course of the Jacob Cycle, God interacts with Jacob in increasingly personal ways. I) INTRO Throughout the Book of Genesis, there are cycles of protagonists with whom God interacts. In one such cycle, the Jacob cycle, God interacts with the world in a very unique way. Instead of directly influencing an outcome, He works by using people as conduits. He utilizes people to progress toward the ultimate goal of achieving His Divine Plan. During the Jacob Cycle, God influences Jacob in four significant stages: his childhood, his journey to Haran, his journey from Haran, and a final test of will. Over the course of these stages, God s increasing trust in Jacob parallels his guidance. 1) GOD INFLUENCING ... Show more content on ... This support from his mother, working as the removed hand of God, is what allows Jacob to survive. 2) GOD INFLUENCING JACOB While Jacob is on his way to Haran, God finally decides that it is time to introduce Himself to Jacob. He speaks to Jacob for the first time in a dream, during which God tells Jacob that, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go...I will not leave you until I have done [the promises] of which I have spoken to you (Gen 28:15). Interacting with Jacob in such a way, and telling him that God will keep him instills within Jacob a sense of security. Jacob can continue on his journey without worry as, even though Jacob has yet to receive other aspects from the blessings, God is with him and God will keep him. Following the dream, when Jacob wakes up, he makes a vow where he says that, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go...then the Lord shall be my God... (Gen28:20 21). Jacob s vow [FINISH THIS]. When Jacob finally arrives in Haran, Jacob falls in love with Rachel and offers himself to her father, Laban, in return for her. However, on their wedding night, Laban tricks Jacob by switching Rachel with his eldest daughter Leah. When Jacob realizes what happened, he demands that Rachel be married to him as well. Unbeknownst to him, Rachel could not bear children as she was barren , however since God was ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Zora Neale Hurston sThe Color Purple, And Their Eyes Were... Throughout the beginning of time, there have always been some type of gender dominance. Everywhere you traveled you would see the patriarchal system in place. As religion began taking form, more societies supported the patriarchal system. Sally Purvis states the fact that the Bible has inscribed patriarchal into culture over centuries (Purvis 145 160). The emergence of patriarchal systems increase the amount of power that males had over females. Males have always believed that they must control the house, their wives, and their children; however, now as society is reaching a new era the idea of male dominance has been decreasing rapidly. In Zora Neale Hurston s 1937 book, Their Eyes Were Watching God, she uses figurative language to help the reader understand that women also have a voice in any community. After several years another astounding author, Alice Walker, also publishes a book that was influenced by Their Eyes Were Watching God. Walker s book was named The Color Purple and was officially published in 1982. Walker, just like her idol, wrote a book about gender roles and how the patriarchal system was now dissolving in this brave new world. Just like Hurston, Walker uses various kinds of figurative language to help create the image of the events prescribed in the book. Both of these books help describe how gender roles are in the old patriarchal society and how the new women of this brave new world demonstrate their courage to become their own person. Jusino 2 In ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Essay On Doernbecher Helping children with debilitating diseases 30 percent of children will die with debilitating diseases before they reach their 5th birthday (Michael,Doherty). RA disease, Polio, and MD are just a few of these diseases that take these children s lives away. Doernbecher is a foundation that want to prevent these children from losing their lives. Doernbecher children s hospital is to help children with all types of diseases and help them go thru their tough time and battle with their disease. Nike and Jordan teamed up with doernbecher to create a whole new thing, they choose certain children to design a shoe with whatever they want on it and all the money go towards the foundation to help find cures and build up the doernbecher children s hospital. Doernbecher, is one of the best charities for ... Show more content on ... Other places focus on main dieses also true but they are leaving out little dieses that little kids are dying from because they are not getting enough money raised to help find a cure. Doernbecher is basically selling kids shoes and making money of it? yes Doernbecher is selling kids shoes that they have designed and given the opportunity to be part of a huge brand, while also the money does go towards their help. Doernbecher is an awesome foundation to donate to because is help kids get better from their diseases, nike and jordan help out with the kids, and doernbecher helps with all diseases. Doernbecher deals with all diseases, it allows kids to be part of two huge brands and it just helps kids fight their illness. As a helper what you can do to help is by donating the the Doernbecher children s hospital or purchasing one of the children s shoes. Doernbecher does a lot of other fundraisers to help raise money so you could help in one of those as ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Material Flow And Variable Chances For Improvement Abstract: Among the challenges faced by manufacturers in mean time, Improvement in material efficiency and the impact of material on environment are given most priority. Presently, managements mainly focus on maximizing outputs in economic terms but not on the damage caused due to processing and disposal of material. Few methods can determine the product s impact on environment but no method can assess the material efficiency in production system. This Journal Material Flow Assessment in Manufacturing System shows the framework for effective material flow and variable chances for improvement. Introduction: Resource Efficient Manufacturing (REM) focuses on reducing production costs like labor, material, energy costs and to maximize profits, increasing output sales. Certain tools for REM such as lean manufacturing and process optimization seems to be inadequate to meet sustainability goals. Resources which has greater financial impact on business are mainly focused by managers and given higher priority. Availability of resources is linked with other sources, the degree of scarcity of certain source is specified to both region and season. Material Efficiency Strategies: The provision of product with less material production has clear environmental benefits as the decreased amount of material used in production will ultimately reduce the impact on environment. MES are grouped as design changes and process changes. Material elimination, minimization, reducing yield losses and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Secret Sharer Masculinity In the novella, The Secret Sharer, a novella written in 1910 by Joseph Conrad, the author explores the character s struggle to reach their ideal conception of self and ultimately argues that men who are too in touch with their feminine attributes struggle to appear masculine in a man s world. The Captain of the ship struggles to maintain his ideal masculine self, but is seen as a weaker and an effeminate character in the eyes of his crew. He is seen as a stranger to the ship but most importantly to himself. All these people had been together for eighteen months or so, and my position was that of the only stranger on board... I was somewhat of a stranger to myself...but I wondered how for I should turn out faithful to that ideal conception of one s own personality (21,Conrad). Early on we see that the captain lacks his masculinity and is not seen powerful and is insecure about his true self his effeminate character. The captain wants to be like any other captain strong and manly, but struggles to be his ideal self, the great and powerful captain that every ship has, a captain that holds power in the eyes of his crew man. Other ways we see this was when the captain himself was commanded to close the porthole of the ship. Close your port sir, they are washing ... Show more content on ... In this short story, the captain strives to figure out who he really is and really has a difficult time maintaining his power within the ship. However, since he does not meet the gender expectations, he is looked down upon and has a really difficult time moving away from what the crew of the ship characterized him a weak feminine captain. Thus, showing that men who are too close with their feminine characteristics really have a struggle to show masculinity in the eyes of the people around ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Why Did Saigo Takamori Become A Hero 2421212 Why Did Saigo Takamori Become A Popular Hero? In 2003, the epic war film The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise burst on the scene and was well received with a total worldwide box office of $456 million, and depicted the tragic finale of samurai class under the Meiji government. The main character, Katsumoto, was loosely based on Saigo Takamori, who launched a rebellion against the Meiji government that he had strived to establish. Despite being declared as a traitor after the rebellion, Saigo was celebrated as a legendary hero by common people. They revered Saigo as a virtuous man, romanticized him as a tragic hero, and idealized him as the embodiment of samurai spirits. Saigo was celebrated as a virtuous man who lived a frugal life ... Show more content on ... Before his resignation, Saigo exercised supreme military power: in 1872 he became Commander in Chief of all the armed forces and in 1873 was appointed unique rank of Field Marshal. Yet after the summit of fame and power, his army was crushed by the commoner conscripts they despised, Saigo let his servant severe his head in the final battle, and his failure became a celebration of the new Japan and the demise of samurai class. For common people, the fleeting fortune of Saigo the Great from hero to traitor provoked strong sympathy. The sorrow of fleeting fortune had a long history in Japan. In the Tales of The Heike, the author lamented upon the unpredictable fortune of the young emperor, as long life is the name they give to the imperial palace, signaling that one should reside there for years unending. Yet before he had reached the age of ten, this ruler ended as refuse on the ocean floor. The traditional sentiments for fleeting fortune was strengthened by the dramatic contrast between the revered Commander in Chief to a traitor who died in the battlefield against the government Saigo himself helped to establish. Thus Saigo was romanticized as a martyr for his principles who knew he would never win and a tragic hero who suffered from fleeting ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Dental Hygiene Career As a final journal, I will explain what events made an impression on my dental hygiene career as well as how the community was affected positively and negatively. What went well in all of the presented presentation; knowing the information, having an attentive audience, and presenting with confidence. Our first presentation was at the Red Apple adult center, we had props to help clarify the information. Information presented was descriptive to distinguish each section of the presentation. At the end of the presentation, we played a game called spine and show. The did very well by responding to all questions. When it all done and over, we received hugs and a lot of questions about stains on teeth. Another point that worked well during the ... Show more content on ... Adding addition topics to groups would have been an overload of information. Claude pepper, I believe that information was just too much. I think we lost our audience within five minutes of our presentation. Not because of the presenting but mainly because of the medical condition of our audience. In addition to my individual presentation, I think I could have added hygiene as a career information. These young mothers would have benefited to know about the hygiene career. Add a slide in my presentation going over flexibility and pay scale. Eliminating any topics from our group s presentation, I did not see the need. All topics were done according to our audience needs. At red apple center, we cover denture care, nutrition, OHI. The we attended probably didn t need denture care. As a group we covered it due to the request of the director. These topics was requested by the site s director, who know what our audience needed to focus on. This course needs no change. I would like to suggest, setting up a table on Tuesday during PHSC lunch, letting the student be aware of our smoking and drugs and OHI care of our local student. Our PHSC students are unaware of our clinic and work we provide to our community. Setting up a table will allow students to be informed of their oral ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Why Cats Are Better Pets Than Dogs Whether it is an inside cuddle buddy, or an outside mice killer, cats make wonderful pets. While dogs stay dirty, drool, and bark, cats clean themselves, are clean animals, and meow quietly. Cats are warm and fuzzy and love to cuddle while they take naps. Dogs are too rambunctious and energetic. Cats make better pets than dogs. Dogs can be good for people who are adventurous and outgoing. On the other hand, they are not good for busy people, or people with jobs. Dogs have to get their energy out for them to be calm and collected if they are inside dogs. If the dog is not an outside dog, then they have to run outside and get exercise everyday. If a dog does not get their energy out they will most likely tear things up in the house or run around ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Budgeting And Forecasting For Business Budgeting and Forecasting for Business By Steve AH Lloyd | Submitted On August 13, 2013 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Steve AH Lloyd Business purpose The purpose of any budgeting or forecasting activity is to obtain a forward looking view of the business in order to facilitate resource allocation and decision making. The financial forecasts you prepare are a means to that end, not an end in themselves. You need to have this ... Show more content on ... You, or one of your team, should be available to support them in this exercise. This should give you the basic information to prepare your operating profit and loss. You then need assumptions on · Borrowings Interest · Tax · Capex disposals · Working capital movements · Share issues · Dividends To allow you to work up a balance sheet and cash forecast. Ensure you leave time in the plan for your team to pull the various components together and for at least one re working of the budget if the original version is unsatisfactory. Tools and systems
  • 33. Everyone has access to Microsoft Excel and it is possible to build very effective budget systems with this software. You need to be particularly aware of the risks of spreadsheets and the ease with which errors can creep in. Don t exclude the use of specialist budgeting software. Well implemented, it can dramatically reduce timescales and improve accuracy. Look for a product that allows you to control different versions of the budget and that integrates well both with Excel and your main business software. In the first year of use, you need to allow plenty of time for implementation. You will probably end up with myriad versions of the budget applying different assumptions. Keep a log of the versions with the changes that were made so that you know exactly what each version ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Cyber- Terrorism and Information Warfare The availability of cheap cyber weapons has made cyber terrorism a growing threat to the stability of America s critical infrastructures and society in general. Needless to say that cyber terrorism is a major issue for American policymakers and IT professionals. The growing threat to commercial and government entities has prompted organizations to develop effective strategies and methods to protect their resources and assets from the threat of attackers. Such strategies and methods include but are not limited to continual risk and vulnerability assessment, upgrade of software and use of tools such as encryption, firewalls and intrusion detection systems and the implementation of disaster recovery and business continuity plans in the case of a cyber incident. The following paper will offer a few basic definitions to illustrate the concept of cyber terrorism, discuss the physical and human aspects of cyber terrorism, offer assessment of the most pressing threats and the most vulnerable targets, recommend methods to combat national and international cyber terrorism. Finally, several preventative actions will be recommended for implementation. Finally, a basic checklist/template is also provided in order to better illustrate and summarize recommendations and suggestions. What is Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare? In order to provide a better conceptual understanding of the concept of cyber terrorism, consider the following definition by Czosseck and Geers (2009) as ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Benefits Of Receiving A Kidney Although, illegal kidney trade is targeted as dangerous, but is essential compared to getting a kidney in America. Specifically, the U.S waiting list is just too long. Furthermore, there multiple advantages of obtaining a kidney in the U.S, but isn t worthy compare to its disadvantages. However, getting a kidney apart from the U.S has benefits for those in developing and poor countries. Overall, they re a generous amount of statements to prove why the illegal kidney trade is essential. Their multiple judgement that supports the waiting list for the United States of America is just too long. The overall U.S waiting list a person must wait a decade before getting a transplant. But, the illegal kidney market can provide for those in need ... Show more content on ... Dialysis is a machine that has capabilities corresponding to a kidney . This would help the person to live longer til their transplant. According to Priceonomics the dialysis is slower than a regular operating kidney. Particularly, dialysis can processes through the blood combined with toxins around 48 hours at a time. While a kidney can undertake the blood that is incorporated with toxins constantly, separating them apart. However, the cost of dialysis to sustain each person, every year cost 75k. About over a 20 million citizens have a disease called Chronic Kidney Disease or can be referred as (CKD). Roughly about, 871,000 people have the disease and half are on dialysis during 2013. Which is 29,850,000,000 U.S dollars a year spent on dialysis. Despite, including those diseases such as kidney failure where dialysis is especially crucial. But, dialysis is not that affected due to the survival rates for those patients on dialysis is declining. Additionally, the U.S provides a service for those who donate a kidney, that they will be more prior to the U.S waiting list. If the person needs a kidney in the future. Most important, the U.S frequent donations of kidney come from a cadaver or living donors . A cadaver is a human that recently died and still has some living organs inside he or she. Eventually, studies show that with the growth of kidney related illnesses, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Objectivity And Journalism Every journalist student will tell you that the most important aspect of being a journalist is to be impartial, objective, and to always report the facts not your opinion. Everyone knows what objectivity means, yet do they all follow the rules? Is it even possible for journalists to be objective? Most importantly, is objectivity a concept that even exists? I m going to examine the evidence. We live in a word where most journalists and news corporations are labeled as being corrupt , biased and deliberately misinforming. Corporations such as FOX news in the US is constantly criticised as being propaganda for right wing bias, and in the UK we have similar situations with the BBC, Sky News, and newspapers such as The Sun and the Daily Mail. In truth, pretty much every news outlet on the planet shows a certain degree of bias and non objectivity. Objectivity is the main ethos of journalism, being one of the first things a journalism student is taught. It gives journalists a set of rules to report news accurately and without bias in favour of a particular party. Though certain aspects of this can differ should you be a columnist or feature writer, this tends to be the general consensus. A quick skim through the dictionary tells us that objectivity is The quality or character of being objective; (in later use) esp. the ability to consider or represent facts, information, etc., without being influenced by personal feelings or opinions; impartiality; detachment. (Waite, 2012.) ... Get more on ...