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Talking About Hard Decisions
Navigating Career Success
Cybersecurity Risks TO YOUR COMPANY?
2023 WOMEN
he mission of CBIZ Women’s Advantage (CWA) is simple — we are
women helping women succeed in business. Since its founding, CWA
has had a profound impact on CBIZ and the communities in which
our team members live and work. Over the years, we’ve expanded our
efforts in training, developing, mentoring and celebrating team members
that help drive meaningful transformation. In addition to offering best-in-class professional
development programs for our team members, CWA is proud to have established and grown
the Women Transforming Business Award, a noteworthy platform showcasing leaders who are
pioneering advancements and blazing trails within their own organizations and beyond.
We believe that through fearless leadership and groundbreaking innovation, women make
a significant impact in driving change, empowering employees, impacting our communities,
moving business forward and mentoring the next generation of leaders.
The articles in this issue provide insights to help you:
■ Have conversations around tough decisions during periods of economic uncertainty
■ Evaluate fast-growing artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT
■ Recognize colleagues who are key allies in supporting women in the workplace
■ Navigate career shifts along the path to successful leadership
■ Manage workplace culture in a hybrid model
■ Garner inspiration from the 2023 Women Transforming Business finalists and winners
Learn more about CBIZ Women’s Advantage.
avigating the murky waters of economic uncertainty is no
small feat; business leaders often walk a tightrope between
preserving the company’s wellbeing and making difficult
decisions that will impact the organization for years to come. And
having conversations with employees about those tough decisions,
such as layoffs, can be an arduous task. However, learning how to
communicate these changes effectively can ensure your employees
feel heard and supported during uncertain times.
Be Transparent & Communicative
In times of economic turbulence, communication is essential for
maintaining trust and calming any panic that may arise. As an
organizational leader, it’s important to recognize that not everyone
understands how lean economic times can impact your company.
Providing a straightforward narrative of where your business stands
and how it has been affected by economic instability over the past
year can be an effective way to ensure all employees are on the
same page. Numbers can be an invaluable tool for telling your story
and providing an understanding of how your company is being
It’s also crucial to be open about your company’s strategies to
address the potential recession, even if those steps include
difficult decisions like reductions in force, hiring or wage freezes,
or a temporary halt to bonuses. Being transparent and taking
accountability for these steps shows your employees that you
understand the gravity of these decisions. It’s best to be sincere and
understanding when communicating to your team while offering as
much support and reassurance as possible.
Acknowledge Mental Health Needs
Economic uncertainty can affect employees’ mental health. They
may face increased workloads due to layoffs or talent gaps, leading
to burnout and fatigue. Additionally, inflation and high interest rates
may cause financial strain, making it difficult for your employees
to make ends meet. Even if your organization hasn’t experienced
layoffs, some employees may have family members who were let go,
adding to their stress and anxiety.
While discussing mental health may feel uncomfortable, it’s
necessary to shed light on the topic and encourage employees to
utilize in-house resources, such as employee assistance programs,
mental health counseling or financial planning services.
Learn How to Ease the Burden
As the cost of living rises, business leaders must consider how they
can support their employees’ financial wellbeing. For example, if
your organization has implemented a hiring or wage freeze, this can
be incredibly challenging for families and individuals strained by the
costs of housing, goods and more.
Offering additional time off, working with nearby retailers to
provide discounts or providing more opportunities for professional
development are just a few examples of ways businesses can
support employees. By providing these additional benefits, you
can help alleviate some financial pressure while fostering a more
positive workplace culture.
In addition, it’s important to answer any questions employees
have and offer appropriate resources if your company’s decisions
negatively impact them. This could include unemployment benefits,
pension transfer information, job training or career transition
services. By arming your employees with the knowledge and
resources they need, you can help calm their uncertainty.
Connect with a CBIZ Financial Services advisor
for more strategies and solutions.
Check out our
with insights to help you manage
costs, improve cash flow, optimize
talent and mitigate risks amid
economic uncertainty.
Talking About Hard
Decisions in a Recession
ince its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has become a
fast-growing global artificial intelligence (AI) tool. While it
presents unique opportunities for your business to leverage,
AI tools have limitations and inherent risks.
What is ChatGPT?
Accessible to anyone with an internet-enabled device and active
connection, ChatGPT produces human-like text and communication
from user inputs. It creates written material on various topics
and helps to make decisions. These capabilities have influenced
many organizations to adopt the technology to enhance workflow,
streamline operations and improve customer experiences.
ChatGPT is a network machine-learning model that’s trained using
data sets. It imitates human dialogue and decision-making to
perform or assist with various tasks, ranging from writing articles,
legal contracts and computer code to performing calculations and
conversing with customers.
How AI Tools (like ChatGPT) Are Impacting the Workplace
Integrating AI technology allows companies to increase efficient
and economical operations. It automates manual and error-prone
tasks to augment employees’ work, enabling focus on higher
value tasks and performance enhancement. While AI chatbots
can replicate many human-like capabilities, they may expose your
organization to risks.
Potential for Errors & Outdated Information
AI technology isn’t as reliable or accurate as many believe. Its
information is limited to the data available during training. Users
may be provided outdated or inaccurate information. Errors from
AI-generated content are costly and could subject you to liability,
government audits, fines and penalties. Make sure to implement a
system of checks and balances for any distributed AI data.
Security & Data Privacy Concerns
A recent Italian government ban on ChatGPT highlights potential
privacy issues. For example, employees can share proprietary,
confidential or trade secrets with an AI chatbot. The information
becomes part of the AI database and is included in other-party
responses. Before using AI technology, consider reviewing and
updating all confidentiality and trade secret policies to ensure they
cover third-party AI tools.
Intellectual Property (IP) Infringement
AI-generated content can potentially violate IP infringement laws.
For example, if the chatbot generates content replicating any existing
copyrighted or trademarked material, it leaves your organization
liable for infringement. Lower your legal risks with employee training
about potential copyright, trademark and IP infringement issues or
restrict their access to AI tools.
Defending Against AI Cybersecurity Threats
Experts predict ChatGPT will be highly embraced by cybercriminals
to execute social engineering attacks to steal data. Cybercriminals
may use the technology to write malicious code and allow less-
skilled threat actors to easily launch cyberattacks. With this
enormous cybersecurity risk, diligently update and maintain your
data security measures and train employees with cybersecurity best
Inherent Issues of Bias
Discriminatory concerns are a reality as chatbots depend on
relevant data at the time of training and humans dictate its
information. For example, organizations that utilize chatbots
for employment decisions could face discrimination claims.
Compliance issues may arise, depending on regional laws that
require notice of AI use in certain employment decisions. Due to the
risk of inherent bias, craft policies limiting or prohibiting chatbots in
connection with employment decisions.
Since the use of AI tools like ChatGPT will likely continue to increase
and evolve, savvy employers must closely monitor the developments
and potential issues to minimize their associated risks.
Connect with us to learn how to protect your organization.
he CWA Executive Board believes it’s important to identify and recognize our
male colleagues who are key allies in supporting the mission of CWA. Allies
are described as those who actively and routinely promote CWA internally and
externally to positively impact our team members, our clients and our communities.
This recognition highlights the fact that support from our male colleagues is critical to
our mutual success. Their support inspires others and makes CBIZ a more inclusive and
successful company.
This quarter we spotlight Paul Nation, Financial Services Golden State, for many
reasons, including his support of women in leadership, striving to understand retention
factors and working to identify solutions quickly. Whether it’s related to the remote
working environment, child care, development goals or something else, Paul is keenly
aware of obstacles to success and doesn’t shy away from taking them head on.
Paul advocates for
the women in our
office, listens to
understand and then
supports them fully.”
llen Wisbar, National Director of Ethics and Independence for
CBIZ MHM, recognizes that her path to successful leadership
looks more like a jungle gym than a ladder. As she navigated
career shifts, built a family and continued to fight to overcome the
traditional challenges of being a woman in the workplace, Ellen has
gleaned valuable wisdom along the way.
Ellen spent the first 12 years of her career at a Big 8 accounting
firm, but after the birth of her second child, the long hours and
extensive travel that accompanied that job no longer suited her.
It was then that Ellen joined CBIZ, where she started as a senior
manager and quickly progressed to the role of financial services
director. She went on to join the CBIZ Corporate Legal Group and,
ultimately, became an integral part of the national leadership team
at MHM.
As is the case with many women who rise through the corporate
ranks, Ellen faced a variety of challenges as she continued to
progress professionally. One of the greatest, she noted, was the
stigma that surrounded — and still surrounds — women who chose
to continue to work while building a family. Raising children
demands a great deal of time, but, unfortunately, women are often
perceived as less dedicated to their careers with the added
responsibilities of motherhood.
To combat that stigma, Ellen communicated openly with her
supervisor regarding her needs as a new mother and, together, they
developed a workable plan to ensure that she was able to continue
to thrive both personally and professionally. Having a partner at
home who valued her career also contributed greatly to her ability
to stay in the workforce.
Ellen firmly believes that women can make a difference by raising
our hands when new opportunities arise. By taking the lead, we
can become role models for young professionals. Her advice?
Seek a mentor to stand by your side and help develop your career.
Or, better yet, become a mentor yourself. We must empower each
other, support one another and pay it forward as often as possible.
Ellen recognizes that taking risks and diving head-first into
unknown territory can be uncomfortable, and to this she says,
“Get comfortable being uncomfortable.”
It’s in moments of discomfort that we find strength, confidence and
the courage to be a trailblazer and leader.
Paul Nation
Opportunities are
created for women
when opportunities
are created for all.”
— Ellen Wisbar
anaging workplace culture is no easy task, especially if your
organization is utilizing a hybrid work model. However,
having a well-managed and well-understood company
culture is key to attracting and retaining top talent — a challenge
that many employers are currently facing.
In this article, we offer insight on the “what” and “why” behind
company culture and provide some key areas of focus organizations
should hone in on to better manage their culture in a hybrid setting.
What Is Company Culture?
Company culture is the personality and environment of your
organization. Defined by more than just a mission statement or
organizational values, it encompasses the unwritten norms of how
employees interact with one another. Company culture can be
broken into three broad categories:
1. Social — How individuals act and how authority and
influence exist between different roles and teams
2. Material — How people in a group make or achieve goals
and the ways people work together
3. Ideological — How values, beliefs and ideals establish how
individuals exist and interact
In the absence of regular, in-person conversations in hybrid
workplaces, that same company culture occurs through
interactions via communication channels such as email, phone,
video and employee intranets.
Why Does a Company Culture Matter?
It’s been proven that employees who identify with and feel a
sense of belonging to a company’s culture are more productive
and want to work for the company longer. Culture management
became more challenging as organizations went partially or
fully remote during the pandemic, but regardless of your workplace
model, your company’s values and culture give employees a
common purpose.
How to Best Manage a Hybrid Workplace Culture
The following are a few essential elements that should be a part of
your hybrid organizational culture:
■ Accountability — The pandemic exposed the need for
understanding and empathy in hybrid workplaces, but
it’s equally important for your company to continue
encouraging a culture of accountability. Accountability
reminds employees that their work matters and individual
work is crucial to team and overall company success.
■ Communication — In a dispersed workplace, employers
need to create a plan for how communication will
be supported and facilitated. Digital tools, such as
company intranets and business communication
platforms like Slack or Teams, can help both onsite and
remote employees feel involved and able to contribute and
connect no matter their location or local time.
■ Recognition — Hybrid or not, a workplace should prioritize
recognition to demonstrate an appreciation for employees
and their work. Some employers offer an online destination
for employees to receive and submit values-based
A positive and strong company culture vastly improves attraction,
retention and engagement rates. When it comes to the hybrid
workplace, your organization must be proactive to foster a
supportive and beneficial culture.
Connect with a CBIZ professional to learn how to bolster
your hybrid workplace culture.
ith rising interest rates and extreme tightening of
debt markets, Eureka was challenged to identify
financing for two critical transactions in 2022.
Tassie’s resilience, tireless work ethic and tenacity paid
off by uncovering financing for both transactions, securing
her place as a principal at Eureka.
ynthia founded Tigress, the nation’s first and only
disabled and woman-owned financial services firm.
She is unconditionally mission-driven and built her
workforce of 60+ professionals from the ground up. Eighty
percent of her team is comprised of women and minorities
who identify as African-American, Asian, Hispanic and people
with disabilities.
If you’re choosing between
the Ferris wheel and the roller
coaster, pick the roller coaster
and enjoy the ride.”
All women are a formidable
force, and each of them has a
leading role in their own unique,
inspiring and unfolding life story.”
Jaime Simpson
Chief Operating Officer, NetStandard
Dominique Bernardo
Chief Executive Officer, Variety — the Children’s
Charity of the Delaware Valley
Tammy Peterman, MS, RN, FAAN, NEA-BC
President of the Kansas City Division, The University
of Kansas Health System
Alicia Calero
Regulatory Compliance Program Manager, Avangrid
Continued on page 8
Tassie Oswald
Eureka Equity Partners
Cynthia DiBartolo, Esq.
Founder & Chief
Executive Officer
Tigress Financial Partners
he Women Transforming Business Awards (WTBA),
powered by CBIZ Women’s Advantage, recognizes leaders
across the country who have driven significant change
within their organizations and communities. The WTBA platform
celebrates the tremendous achievements of women who
overcame obstacles, served as inspiring leaders and expressed
determination, fortitude and grace in the face of challenges.
On May 3, 2023, CBIZ honored the winners and finalists
in four categories at a virtual celebration, which featured
keynote speaker Erica Dhawan, CEO of Cotential, Wall Street
Journal bestselling author and thought leader on authentic
communication and digital teamwork.
2023 Women Transforming Business Awards
Continued from page 7
driving force for increased collaboration between IT
and business functions, Kelly’s solutions-oriented
approach completely changed the value proposition for
Andersen, their employees and their customers. Her creative
solutions drove cost savings of over $3 million annually,
increasing web traffic by 80% and sales leads by 60%.
s a leader in aviation, Lisa, alongside Sheltair, is
committed to and relentless about attracting a
pipeline of women and girls to the aviation industry.
She has dedicated innumerable hours and significant
financial contributions to organizations like Future Takes
Flight Scholarship Program, Girls Achieving Leadership in
Aviation, I Heart Flying and National Girls in Aviation Day.
It’s in our best interest to create
our own path and create our own
journey. Comparison is not going
to get you where you want to go.”
Remain true to yourself.
Be who you are and not what
others may want you to be.”
Ramona Hood
President and CEO, FedEx Custom Critical
Amy Castillo
Chief Executive Officer, Ability KC
Tasha Powell
Executive Director, Appetite for Change
Mary Grove
Managing Partner, Bread and Butter Ventures
We are honored to showcase the achievements of such transformational
leaders and provide a platform for them to inspire others. These leaders are
driving important change in their organizations, making an impact in their
communities and demonstrating their dedication and fortitude every day.
Congratulations to the finalists and winners.”
– Jerry Grisko, President and Chief Executive Officer of CBIZ
DISCLAIMER: This publication is distributed with the understanding that CBIZ is not rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. This information is general in nature and may be
affected by changes in law or in the interpretation of such laws. The reader is advised to contact a professional prior to taking any action based upon this information. CBIZ assumes no liability
Kelly Aronson
Chief Information Officer
Andersen Corporation
Lisa Holland
You can learn more about the awards here.

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The Advantage — Summer 2023

  • 2. T he mission of CBIZ Women’s Advantage (CWA) is simple — we are women helping women succeed in business. Since its founding, CWA has had a profound impact on CBIZ and the communities in which our team members live and work. Over the years, we’ve expanded our efforts in training, developing, mentoring and celebrating team members that help drive meaningful transformation. In addition to offering best-in-class professional development programs for our team members, CWA is proud to have established and grown the Women Transforming Business Award, a noteworthy platform showcasing leaders who are pioneering advancements and blazing trails within their own organizations and beyond. We believe that through fearless leadership and groundbreaking innovation, women make a significant impact in driving change, empowering employees, impacting our communities, moving business forward and mentoring the next generation of leaders. The articles in this issue provide insights to help you: ■ Have conversations around tough decisions during periods of economic uncertainty ■ Evaluate fast-growing artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT ■ Recognize colleagues who are key allies in supporting women in the workplace ■ Navigate career shifts along the path to successful leadership ■ Manage workplace culture in a hybrid model ■ Garner inspiration from the 2023 Women Transforming Business finalists and winners A MESSAGE FROM LORI NOVICKIS, CWA NATIONAL LEADER THE ADVANTAGE | SUMMER 2023 2 STRONGER TOGETHER Learn more about CBIZ Women’s Advantage.
  • 3. AGILITY & EXCELLENCE N avigating the murky waters of economic uncertainty is no small feat; business leaders often walk a tightrope between preserving the company’s wellbeing and making difficult decisions that will impact the organization for years to come. And having conversations with employees about those tough decisions, such as layoffs, can be an arduous task. However, learning how to communicate these changes effectively can ensure your employees feel heard and supported during uncertain times. Be Transparent & Communicative In times of economic turbulence, communication is essential for maintaining trust and calming any panic that may arise. As an organizational leader, it’s important to recognize that not everyone understands how lean economic times can impact your company. Providing a straightforward narrative of where your business stands and how it has been affected by economic instability over the past year can be an effective way to ensure all employees are on the same page. Numbers can be an invaluable tool for telling your story and providing an understanding of how your company is being impacted. It’s also crucial to be open about your company’s strategies to address the potential recession, even if those steps include difficult decisions like reductions in force, hiring or wage freezes, or a temporary halt to bonuses. Being transparent and taking accountability for these steps shows your employees that you understand the gravity of these decisions. It’s best to be sincere and understanding when communicating to your team while offering as much support and reassurance as possible. Acknowledge Mental Health Needs Economic uncertainty can affect employees’ mental health. They may face increased workloads due to layoffs or talent gaps, leading to burnout and fatigue. Additionally, inflation and high interest rates may cause financial strain, making it difficult for your employees to make ends meet. Even if your organization hasn’t experienced layoffs, some employees may have family members who were let go, adding to their stress and anxiety. While discussing mental health may feel uncomfortable, it’s necessary to shed light on the topic and encourage employees to utilize in-house resources, such as employee assistance programs, mental health counseling or financial planning services. Learn How to Ease the Burden As the cost of living rises, business leaders must consider how they can support their employees’ financial wellbeing. For example, if your organization has implemented a hiring or wage freeze, this can be incredibly challenging for families and individuals strained by the costs of housing, goods and more. Offering additional time off, working with nearby retailers to provide discounts or providing more opportunities for professional development are just a few examples of ways businesses can support employees. By providing these additional benefits, you can help alleviate some financial pressure while fostering a more positive workplace culture. In addition, it’s important to answer any questions employees have and offer appropriate resources if your company’s decisions negatively impact them. This could include unemployment benefits, pension transfer information, job training or career transition services. By arming your employees with the knowledge and resources they need, you can help calm their uncertainty. Connect with a CBIZ Financial Services advisor for more strategies and solutions. Check out our AGILITY & EXCELLENCE RESOURCE CENTER with insights to help you manage costs, improve cash flow, optimize talent and mitigate risks amid economic uncertainty. THE ADVANTAGE | SUMMER 2023 3 Talking About Hard Decisions in a Recession
  • 4. INNOVATION S ince its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has become a fast-growing global artificial intelligence (AI) tool. While it presents unique opportunities for your business to leverage, AI tools have limitations and inherent risks. What is ChatGPT? Accessible to anyone with an internet-enabled device and active connection, ChatGPT produces human-like text and communication from user inputs. It creates written material on various topics and helps to make decisions. These capabilities have influenced many organizations to adopt the technology to enhance workflow, streamline operations and improve customer experiences. ChatGPT is a network machine-learning model that’s trained using data sets. It imitates human dialogue and decision-making to perform or assist with various tasks, ranging from writing articles, legal contracts and computer code to performing calculations and conversing with customers. How AI Tools (like ChatGPT) Are Impacting the Workplace Integrating AI technology allows companies to increase efficient and economical operations. It automates manual and error-prone tasks to augment employees’ work, enabling focus on higher value tasks and performance enhancement. While AI chatbots can replicate many human-like capabilities, they may expose your organization to risks. Potential for Errors & Outdated Information AI technology isn’t as reliable or accurate as many believe. Its information is limited to the data available during training. Users may be provided outdated or inaccurate information. Errors from AI-generated content are costly and could subject you to liability, government audits, fines and penalties. Make sure to implement a system of checks and balances for any distributed AI data. Security & Data Privacy Concerns A recent Italian government ban on ChatGPT highlights potential privacy issues. For example, employees can share proprietary, confidential or trade secrets with an AI chatbot. The information becomes part of the AI database and is included in other-party responses. Before using AI technology, consider reviewing and updating all confidentiality and trade secret policies to ensure they cover third-party AI tools. Intellectual Property (IP) Infringement AI-generated content can potentially violate IP infringement laws. For example, if the chatbot generates content replicating any existing copyrighted or trademarked material, it leaves your organization liable for infringement. Lower your legal risks with employee training about potential copyright, trademark and IP infringement issues or restrict their access to AI tools. Defending Against AI Cybersecurity Threats Experts predict ChatGPT will be highly embraced by cybercriminals to execute social engineering attacks to steal data. Cybercriminals may use the technology to write malicious code and allow less- skilled threat actors to easily launch cyberattacks. With this enormous cybersecurity risk, diligently update and maintain your data security measures and train employees with cybersecurity best practices. Inherent Issues of Bias Discriminatory concerns are a reality as chatbots depend on relevant data at the time of training and humans dictate its information. For example, organizations that utilize chatbots for employment decisions could face discrimination claims. Compliance issues may arise, depending on regional laws that require notice of AI use in certain employment decisions. Due to the risk of inherent bias, craft policies limiting or prohibiting chatbots in connection with employment decisions. Since the use of AI tools like ChatGPT will likely continue to increase and evolve, savvy employers must closely monitor the developments and potential issues to minimize their associated risks. Connect with us to learn how to protect your organization. THE ADVANTAGE | SUMMER 2023 4 CouldChatGPTIntroduce CybersecurityRisksto YourCompany?
  • 5. ALLYSHIP T he CWA Executive Board believes it’s important to identify and recognize our male colleagues who are key allies in supporting the mission of CWA. Allies are described as those who actively and routinely promote CWA internally and externally to positively impact our team members, our clients and our communities. This recognition highlights the fact that support from our male colleagues is critical to our mutual success. Their support inspires others and makes CBIZ a more inclusive and successful company. This quarter we spotlight Paul Nation, Financial Services Golden State, for many reasons, including his support of women in leadership, striving to understand retention factors and working to identify solutions quickly. Whether it’s related to the remote working environment, child care, development goals or something else, Paul is keenly aware of obstacles to success and doesn’t shy away from taking them head on. THE ADVANTAGE | SUMMER 2023 5 Paul advocates for the women in our office, listens to understand and then supports them fully.” LEADERSHIP & PERFORMANCE E llen Wisbar, National Director of Ethics and Independence for CBIZ MHM, recognizes that her path to successful leadership looks more like a jungle gym than a ladder. As she navigated career shifts, built a family and continued to fight to overcome the traditional challenges of being a woman in the workplace, Ellen has gleaned valuable wisdom along the way. Ellen spent the first 12 years of her career at a Big 8 accounting firm, but after the birth of her second child, the long hours and extensive travel that accompanied that job no longer suited her. It was then that Ellen joined CBIZ, where she started as a senior manager and quickly progressed to the role of financial services director. She went on to join the CBIZ Corporate Legal Group and, ultimately, became an integral part of the national leadership team at MHM. As is the case with many women who rise through the corporate ranks, Ellen faced a variety of challenges as she continued to progress professionally. One of the greatest, she noted, was the stigma that surrounded — and still surrounds — women who chose to continue to work while building a family. Raising children demands a great deal of time, but, unfortunately, women are often perceived as less dedicated to their careers with the added responsibilities of motherhood. To combat that stigma, Ellen communicated openly with her supervisor regarding her needs as a new mother and, together, they developed a workable plan to ensure that she was able to continue to thrive both personally and professionally. Having a partner at home who valued her career also contributed greatly to her ability to stay in the workforce. Ellen firmly believes that women can make a difference by raising our hands when new opportunities arise. By taking the lead, we can become role models for young professionals. Her advice? Seek a mentor to stand by your side and help develop your career. Or, better yet, become a mentor yourself. We must empower each other, support one another and pay it forward as often as possible. Ellen recognizes that taking risks and diving head-first into unknown territory can be uncomfortable, and to this she says, “Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” It’s in moments of discomfort that we find strength, confidence and the courage to be a trailblazer and leader. NavigatingCareerSuccesswithCourage Paul Nation Opportunities are created for women when opportunities are created for all.” — Ellen Wisbar
  • 6. M anaging workplace culture is no easy task, especially if your organization is utilizing a hybrid work model. However, having a well-managed and well-understood company culture is key to attracting and retaining top talent — a challenge that many employers are currently facing. In this article, we offer insight on the “what” and “why” behind company culture and provide some key areas of focus organizations should hone in on to better manage their culture in a hybrid setting. What Is Company Culture? Company culture is the personality and environment of your organization. Defined by more than just a mission statement or organizational values, it encompasses the unwritten norms of how employees interact with one another. Company culture can be broken into three broad categories: 1. Social — How individuals act and how authority and influence exist between different roles and teams 2. Material — How people in a group make or achieve goals and the ways people work together 3. Ideological — How values, beliefs and ideals establish how individuals exist and interact In the absence of regular, in-person conversations in hybrid workplaces, that same company culture occurs through interactions via communication channels such as email, phone, video and employee intranets. Why Does a Company Culture Matter? It’s been proven that employees who identify with and feel a sense of belonging to a company’s culture are more productive and want to work for the company longer. Culture management became more challenging as organizations went partially or THE ADVANTAGE | SUMMER 2023 6 Managing WorkplaceCulture inaHybridModel fully remote during the pandemic, but regardless of your workplace model, your company’s values and culture give employees a common purpose. How to Best Manage a Hybrid Workplace Culture The following are a few essential elements that should be a part of your hybrid organizational culture: ■ Accountability — The pandemic exposed the need for understanding and empathy in hybrid workplaces, but it’s equally important for your company to continue encouraging a culture of accountability. Accountability reminds employees that their work matters and individual work is crucial to team and overall company success. ■ Communication — In a dispersed workplace, employers need to create a plan for how communication will be supported and facilitated. Digital tools, such as company intranets and business communication platforms like Slack or Teams, can help both onsite and remote employees feel involved and able to contribute and connect no matter their location or local time. ■ Recognition — Hybrid or not, a workplace should prioritize recognition to demonstrate an appreciation for employees and their work. Some employers offer an online destination for employees to receive and submit values-based recognition. A positive and strong company culture vastly improves attraction, retention and engagement rates. When it comes to the hybrid workplace, your organization must be proactive to foster a supportive and beneficial culture. Connect with a CBIZ professional to learn how to bolster your hybrid workplace culture. CULTURE
  • 7. TRANSFORMATIVE BUSINESS THE ADVANTAGE | SUMMER 2023 7 2023Women Transforming BusinessAwards W ith rising interest rates and extreme tightening of debt markets, Eureka was challenged to identify financing for two critical transactions in 2022. Tassie’s resilience, tireless work ethic and tenacity paid off by uncovering financing for both transactions, securing her place as a principal at Eureka. C ynthia founded Tigress, the nation’s first and only disabled and woman-owned financial services firm. She is unconditionally mission-driven and built her workforce of 60+ professionals from the ground up. Eighty percent of her team is comprised of women and minorities who identify as African-American, Asian, Hispanic and people with disabilities. If you’re choosing between the Ferris wheel and the roller coaster, pick the roller coaster and enjoy the ride.” All women are a formidable force, and each of them has a leading role in their own unique, inspiring and unfolding life story.” FINALISTS Jaime Simpson Chief Operating Officer, NetStandard Dominique Bernardo Chief Executive Officer, Variety — the Children’s Charity of the Delaware Valley Tammy Peterman, MS, RN, FAAN, NEA-BC President of the Kansas City Division, The University of Kansas Health System Alicia Calero Regulatory Compliance Program Manager, Avangrid FINANCIAL STRENGTH CULTURE Continued on page 8 WINNER Tassie Oswald Partner Eureka Equity Partners WINNER Cynthia DiBartolo, Esq. Founder & Chief Executive Officer Tigress Financial Partners FINALISTS T he Women Transforming Business Awards (WTBA), powered by CBIZ Women’s Advantage, recognizes leaders across the country who have driven significant change within their organizations and communities. The WTBA platform celebrates the tremendous achievements of women who overcame obstacles, served as inspiring leaders and expressed determination, fortitude and grace in the face of challenges. On May 3, 2023, CBIZ honored the winners and finalists in four categories at a virtual celebration, which featured keynote speaker Erica Dhawan, CEO of Cotential, Wall Street Journal bestselling author and thought leader on authentic communication and digital teamwork.
  • 8. TRANSFORMATIVE BUSINESS THE ADVANTAGE | SUMMER 2023 8 2023 Women Transforming Business Awards Continued from page 7 A driving force for increased collaboration between IT and business functions, Kelly’s solutions-oriented approach completely changed the value proposition for Andersen, their employees and their customers. Her creative solutions drove cost savings of over $3 million annually, increasing web traffic by 80% and sales leads by 60%. A s a leader in aviation, Lisa, alongside Sheltair, is committed to and relentless about attracting a pipeline of women and girls to the aviation industry. She has dedicated innumerable hours and significant financial contributions to organizations like Future Takes Flight Scholarship Program, Girls Achieving Leadership in Aviation, I Heart Flying and National Girls in Aviation Day. It’s in our best interest to create our own path and create our own journey. Comparison is not going to get you where you want to go.” Remain true to yourself. Be who you are and not what others may want you to be.” Ramona Hood President and CEO, FedEx Custom Critical Amy Castillo Chief Executive Officer, Ability KC Tasha Powell Executive Director, Appetite for Change Mary Grove Managing Partner, Bread and Butter Ventures INNOVATION COMMUNITY IMPACT We are honored to showcase the achievements of such transformational leaders and provide a platform for them to inspire others. These leaders are driving important change in their organizations, making an impact in their communities and demonstrating their dedication and fortitude every day. Congratulations to the finalists and winners.” – Jerry Grisko, President and Chief Executive Officer of CBIZ DISCLAIMER: This publication is distributed with the understanding that CBIZ is not rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. This information is general in nature and may be affected by changes in law or in the interpretation of such laws. The reader is advised to contact a professional prior to taking any action based upon this information. CBIZ assumes no liability whatsoeverinconnectionwiththeuseofthisinformationandassumesnoobligationtoinformthereaderofanychangesinlawsorotherfactorsthatcouldaffecttheinformationcontainedherein. WINNER Kelly Aronson Chief Information Officer Andersen Corporation WINNER Lisa Holland President Sheltair FINALISTS FINALISTS You can learn more about the awards here.