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The Future Of Writing : Discover AI Tools That Ch The Future Of Writing : Discover AI Tools That Ch
Strategies For Selecting A Target A Market For Tucson...
Table 3
4 Types of segmentation
Demographic Includes income, education, age and occupation
Geographic Includes Macro economic factors and customer orientation
Psychographic Includes attitudes and values
Behavioral Includes relationship, knowledge and character
Table 4
There are 03 types of strategies for selecting a target a market for Tucson textiles
Undifferentiated marketing This type of marketing views the market as one group with no segments
therefore using a single marketing strategy. Undifferentiated marketing generally involves targeting
the whole with one product and an undifferentiated marketing can be cheaper that other strategies
because there is only one product to produce. This strategy utilizes a single marketing mix to reach the
maximum number of consumers in the target market selected.
Differentiated marketing Here the marketing strategy targets different market segments with specific
marketing mix, which is designed to meet those segments needs. Differentiated marketing strategy
involves the preparation and communication of different brand and product messages to different
types of customers.
Concentrated marketing This type of marketing focuses on selecting a particular market. This strategy
can categorize the company into a single product. Concentrated marketing is famous for small firms
because mass distribution, production and mass advertising are not necessary these firms can achieve
profit with limited resources.
Appendix 03
There are 4 types
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Hip Hop Culture By Fernando Orejuela Summary
This paper seeks to examine the different dimensions of hip hop, and what the hip hop culture means
to different people. After reading Fernando Orejuela s Rap and Hip Hop Culture, one would get a
better understanding of the various dimensions of the hip hop culture. For instance, there is a cultural
dimension that has played a tremendous role in the hip hop culture. Many of the modern styles of
dancing and music have come from traditions that were passed down. According to Orejuela, this is in
part because of slavery (Orejuela, 5). Hip hop culture has its roots in the spread of African and Latino
peoples from their original homes to the Americas , states Orejuela (Orejuela, 5). Orejuela goes on to
later discuss exactly how their customs have influenced this hip hop culture. An example of this is
when Orejuela states, Many influences, from Africa and Europe, have been combined to form a
number of popular dance forms that themselves can be seen as ancestors of b boying and
breakdancing (Orejuela, 26). From this, it is clear that culture is of importance in hip hop. Although
this is true, there are also other dimensions that have influenced this culture as well.
Another dimension of the hip hop culture discussed in Orejuela s book, is the recreational dimension.
According to Orejuela, this dimension of hip hop was influenced by many street gangs. Orejuela goes
into extensive detail on the subject of gangs throughout the early years of hip hop. Much of his
discussion focused
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Retrograde and Anterograde Amnesia Essay examples
Retrograde and Anterograde Amnesia
Darling, what did you say was Sue s number?
I don t remember stripping at Dan s birthday party last year!
No officer, I don t know what happened after the accident. I can t even remember my name.
Amnesia is the partial or complete loss of memory, most commonly is temporary and for only a short
period of time. (1). There are various degrees of amnesia with the most commonly occurrence being
either retrograde or anterograde amnesia. Prior to my research into this subject I did not know much
about amnesia besides what is portrayed in the Disney movie Anesthesia in which Anesthesia cannot
remember her traumatic childhood. While I recognize that there is a huge difference between
forgetting ... Show more content on ...
555 2695. Okay, 555 2695. 555 2596, 555 2965. Wait, what did you say the number was again?
This is an example of short term memory.
Long term memory is the information we retain after a day, two weeks, or ten years. (4).
In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
This is an example of long term memory as almost every child is asked to commit this fact to memory.
So, what does all this have to do with amnesia? Well, I m glad you asked. Information flows in
through the middle of our brain and branches out like a tree. Before that information goes to different
areas, it goes through a channeling/filter system. In this regard, the brain is like a mailroom this
information goes into this box, and that letter goes into that box. (4). In order for short term memory
to become long term memory, it must go through a process know as consolidation. During
consolidation, short term memory is repeatedly activated so much that certain chemical and physical
changes occur in the brain, permanently embedding the memory for long term access. It is believed
that consolidation takes place in the hippocampi, located in the temporal lobe regions of the brain.
Medical research indicates that it is the frontal and temporal lobes that most often damaged during
head injury. (3).
As the amnesiac recovers, he or she usually recalls older memories first, and then more recent
memories. (3). However, memories tend to return like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle; these bits
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About the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Essay
Between the years 2000 and 2002 there were over a dozen corporate scandals involving unethical
corporate governance practices. The allegations ranged from faulty revenue reporting and falsifying
financial records, to the shredding and destruction of financial documents (Patsuris, 2002). Most
notably, are the cases involving Enron and Arthur Andersen. The allegations of the Enron scandal
went public in October 2001. They included, hiding debt and boosting profits to the tune of more than
one billion dollars. They were also accused of bribing foreign governments to win contacts and
manipulating both the California and Texas power markets (Patsuris, 2002). Following these
allegations, Arthur Andersen was investigated for, allegedly, ... Show more content on
The act identifies and assigns accountability to those who knowingly falsify documents and it clearly
states the consequences for acting outside the defined standard, relating to corporate governance.
Using case studies we will review how the passing of the Sarbanes Oxley Act is helping to
standardized a code of conduct and how it has increased the awareness of corporate responsibility.
First, we will review the definitions of corporate governance, business ethics and corporate
responsibility. Next, we will examine the effectiveness of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, through a case
study and identify possible challenges the Sarbanes Oxley Act may face, as public demand for social
responsibility increases. Finally, we will review proactive recommendations for provisions to key
titles of the Sarbanes Oxley Act. These provisions will accommodate the growing public demand for
ethical and social responsibility.
As details of the Enron scandal surfaced public outrage grew, calling for action, accountability and
consequences. Corporate governance began receiving renewed interest. Corporate governance is a
multi faceted subject that sets forth the rules and responsibilities of the relationship between the
corporation and its stakeholders (Cross Miller, 2012). This includes the company s officers and
management team, the board of directors, and the organizations shareholders.
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Character Analysis Of Lorraine Hansberry s A Raisin
Character Analysis: A Raisin in the Sun The play A Raisin In the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry is a
classic, revolutionary play written in the times of segregation and discrimination of skin tones.
Throughout the story, the Youngers display how they are just like an ordinary family; everybody has
their own special personality. This caused many conflicts when it was time to decide what to do with
the check coming in the mail for ten thousand dollars. Walter Lee Younger, the son and oldest child of
mama, was very passionate about the idea of using the money to open his own liquor store. His
different personality traits take over and create him into a bossy man of the house. A little background
information about Walter is he is around his mid thirties. He is sister to Beneatha, married to Ruth, and
has a son by the name of Travis. Water Lee has the personality of a hustler. In this case, hustler is
defined by someone who will do anything whether illegal, the best for the community, or gamble, just
to get a dollar; in addition will stop at nothing to get what they want. Even though this play was
written in the 60s, Walter still has the demeanor of many African American males today in their
twenties who are trying to create a hustle. The only problem is Walter has the mental of a hustler but
fails to execute the product of a hustler which is money. He is ambitious about getting out his family
out of poverty but doesn t know how to quite do it. When this opportunity with
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My Tooth Fairy Speech
Mommy, how do I kill the tooth fairy?
I hated the tooth fairy. Okay, I still hate the tooth fairy. But I mean come on! A small, winged person
comes into your room while you re sleeping and exchanges a piece of your body for money. I m pretty
sure that s only legal in Nevada.
When I first discovered this mythical creature, I was four, and had a newly loose tooth.
The tooth fairy will be coming tonight, my mother said.
Girl was lying to me; I did not believe one word that lying witch uttered.
So... I did what any normal four year old would do:
I broke into my parent s wallet and marked all of their dollar bills with a highlighter.
And guess what? I woke up with highlighted bill under my pillow. Who woulda thunk?
I ran into my parents bedroom screaming I HAVE PROOF, I HAVE PROOF! THE TOOTH FAIRY IS
And I was right... and broke; never got another cent from the tooth fairy.
Yet, that fateful day, I learned the most important word of my life; my mother looked at me with a
whimsical glance and said, My curious boy.
I don t know why she talks like that.
But that word, curious, stuck with me. Curiosity instigates change, governs the governors. Yet, our
curiosity is fading, and the consequences are evident. From indifference to stagnation, we aren t
asking questions.
That s just it, isn t it? To question is to know, and knowledge is a prerequisite to informed decision
Therefore, it is necessary to examine our fading curiosity and its effects.
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Great College Debate Essay
Great College Debate Many people will tell you that you college is the most important thing you could
do after high school. However, there is no right or wrong answer. Different people are made to do
different things. What alternatives are there? you might be wondering. There are many things to do
once you graduate from high school. All people have certain skill sets that they can use after high
school. Not all high school graduates are able to be successful in college. By the same token, there are
plenty of students who would succeed with college. The alternatives, most modern parents have
trouble acknowledging them. Some people are best suited for the military, some suited for college, and
some are suited to go straight into the job force doing jobs such as welding and construction.
The military is becoming an increasingly common job to go into after high school. What most people
like about it is that you don t need to be intelligent, nor do you need to have any life skills. The
military will take you from being a soft putty into a rock solid sculpture. They stress discipline as well
as teach you the skills you need to go into the workforce if you only plan on staying for 4 years.
Depending on the duration of your service and what school you choose to attend, you ... Show more
content on ...
Most middle aged people of today will tell you that there s almost nothing in life that you can do
without a good college degree. Going to college out of high school is very expensive. Many will agree
that if you can afford to go without putting your family into some sort of financial jeopardy, do it.
Many people also try to go to the military after college because you will be placed into a job that
greatly lowers your risk of ever finding yourself in any combat situation. College is also a very fun
social experience when you are younger as opposed to when you decide to get out of the military and
find yourself quite a bit
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Sick Leave Law Research Paper
New family medical law for Arizona
Starting tomorrow July 1, 2017 employers in the state of Arizona must fallow the new paid sick leave
law proposition 206 the Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act.
The act will require employers that have 15 or more employees to offer 40 hours per year and
employers that have fewer than 15 employees must offer 24 hours paid sick leave per year. Employees
earn 1 hour of paid sick leave per 30 hours worked.
This new law offers paid sick leave for not only employee but employees family member s as well.
The act covers illness Physical or Mental , injury, absences related to abuse, and public health
emergencies that cause closure of the employer s workplace, school or daycare.
The act requires employees to give
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Schlieffen Pl War Against France And Russia
The Schlieffen Plan was the German s plan for war against France and Russia. It was created by
Alfred von Schlieffen who was the German Chief of Staff in 1903 on the request of Kaiser Wilhelm II
and it was later revised in 1905. The reason it was made was because Germany s unification came
later than other European states. So the Kaiser sought out Schlieffen and directed him to devise a plan
that would allow Germany to gain power and assert itself as a dominant state. Since France and Russia
were in an alliance Germany was not able to just attack one country. They would be forced to fight
both countries in a two front war. Schlieffen concluded that it would take Russia six weeks to mobilize
while France and Germany could both be prepared for battle within fifteen days.
Schlieffen believed that if France could be conquered in that short of a time period that German troops
could then be moved to a new front against Russia. If Germany had a quick victory over France it
would allow them to have sequential fighting and not simultaneous fighting. To accelerate the transfer
of troops between future fronts Schlieffen advised the Kaiser to build railroads. After figuring out
what to do with France and Russia Schlieffen focused on Great Britain s role in any European conflict.
The British had a strong navy but their land forces posed virtually no threat to ... Show more content
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In 1914 Franz Ferdinand was assassinated two full years before the plan s implementation date. This
caused Austria Hungary to declare war on Serbia which led them to call on Russia for help. Kaiser
Wilhelm decided it was necessary to immediately attack France. By this time Schlieffen was already
dead and his successor Helmuth von Moltke wanted to keep his timetable so instead of just attacking
Belgium he used the scorched earth policy. This only added to the resistance from the
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Tattooing s Influence On The Culture Of The Twentieth Century
Tattoos are a special type of historical art that s been used for many generations in multiple cultures,
some for imprisonment and some for tradition. I will briefly discuss how Tattooing helped influence
the culture of the twentieth century and how being a tattoo artist takes the ideals from the history of
tattooing and implement it into the modern world; to keep that art format alive, using surrealism, and
stories, being inspired by the works of many great artists like Salvador Dali. The artwork of Salvador
Dali, and Horiyoshi III will be used to example this association between the visual arts and Tattooing.
To be a tattoo artist, one must take art and make it surreal and formulate it into a master that gives a
unique style that s appealing
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The Ways Of Human Life
Life can be expressed in many different ways. It can be be expressed through song or word. But life in
general is all expressed by human beings the same way; by living, people express who they are and
what they stand for. People express their lives day by day without even knowing. People are all born,
people all live, and people all die. But the things in between are what make life yours. This is how
people live; this is how people exist. Thornton Wilder expresses the ways of human life and existence
in Our Town, and these perspectives can be linked into other poems, songs, or movies. In Lucinda
Matlock, Masters says this line that seems to tie into the ways of human life: And then I found David.
Life is just happening and along the way, you can meet people who change your life completely. They
can steal your heart and change your life and you as a person. It is very crazy of how one single
person can just come in and change your life like that, but it happens all the time. It can happen
anytime, anywhere. This can relate this back to Our Town by the scene where George and Emily are in
the ice cream parlor. They had been neighbors forever but had never seen each other in any other way.
But in that day, they went from just friends to being in love. After that, their lives were entirely
different. I m just an ordinary person. And that s OK. This is a quote from Hope Floats. This means
that you have to love and accept yourself to be able to live life to the
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John Kerry Research Paper
John Forbes Kerry was born on December 11, 1943 at Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Aurora, Colorado
to Richard John Kerry and Rosemary Isabel Forbes. Kerry s father was a foreign service officer
lawyer and his mother was a nurse as well as a social activist. Kerry is the second oldest of four
children. He was raised with his older sister Margaret, younger sister Diana, and younger brother
Cameron. John his siblings were raised as Catholic, which is their father s faith. John grew up as a
military brat up till his father got discharged from the Army Air Corps. John his family then moved to
Washington D.C. in 1949.
In 1962, Kerry went to Yale Yale University where he majored in political science. In his sophomore
year of college, Kerry became ... Show more content on ...
Two years later, he was elected to the U.S. Senator of Massachusetts and served this position for 28
years. He was also the Chair of the Senate Small Business Committee. His last position before he
became the Secretary of State was the Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where he
worked on foreign policy and national security issues that the United States are facing, including
Afghanistan and Pakistan, nuclear nonproliferation, and global climate change.
The main role of the Secretary of State is to serve as the President s Chief Foreign Affairs adviser. The
Secretary also carries out the President s foreign policies through the State department the Foreign
Service of the United States . Some of the Secretary of State s specific tasks includes conducting
negotiations relating to U.S. foreign affairs, granting issuing passports to American citizens and
exequaturs to foreign consuls in the United States, supervising the administration of U.S. immigration
laws abroad, and promoting beneficial economic intercourse between the United States and other
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Students Struggle With Reading Comprehension
Chapter One
Statement of the Problem Ziva, a boisterous third grade student, is quickly disheartened after taking
and failing her Accelerated Reading (AR) comprehension test for the second time this week. This is
not the first time Ziva has failed her AR tests; in fact she fails them every week. Not only are these
low scores impacting her reading grades, but they are detrimentally affecting her self efficacy and
desire to enjoy reading. Ziva s Fountas and Pinnell running record data indicates that Ziva reads on
grade level with 110 words per minute and 99% 100% accuracy, but achieves limited comprehension.
What Ziva s teacher fights to understand is how Ziva can fluently read with near perfect accuracy, yet
fail to comprehend what she is reading. Ziva is not alone; studies show that many students struggle
with reading comprehension. While Ziva s lack of comprehension is not currently affecting her core
subjects; it is only a matter of time. Comprehension becomes especially important to students in later
elementary grades because it provides the foundation for further learning in secondary school. A
student s academic progress is profoundly shaped by the ability to understand what is read. Students
who cannot understand what they read are not likely to acquire the skills necessary to participate in the
21st century workforce (Butler, Urruti, Buenger, and Hunt, 2012, p. 7).
Comprehension, or understanding, is the ultimate goal of reading. Readers,
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The Objective Of This Project Is To Find An End User...
The Objective of this project is to find an End User Experience Tool (EUX) to monitor our client s
devices to better diagnose current issues and prevent future ones. There were many instances where
our executives were out of town and their devices stopped working and there weren t any tools to
prevent something like this to happen before hand or diagnose the reasons. With a EUX tool, we will
be able to monitor and diagnose any occurrences, track, and report any trend issues and prevent issues
like this from happening as often. Phase 1 Planning On the initial phase, all planning will be assed.
Time, budget, and project implementation will be discussed and accordingly planned for the entire
project. Major milestones will be documented ... Show more content on ...
The pilot machines will be monitored and worked for a few days until we feel comfortable and
assured we are familiar with the program and it is working properly as we planned and expected.
Phase 4 Deployment Deployment will start once all testing if finalized. A deploy package will be built
by the team and all deploy systems will be gathered ahead of time to be included in the package. The
installation will be a silent install, client will be pushed to the select devices with no interference to the
users. Once deployment is completed, a report will be generated by the program with the completion
and failure status. Phase 5 Final Presentation and Closing After all reporting comes back positive,
software is up and running, reporting, and executing as is supposed to, a final meeting presentation
will take place to give a final report status and close the project process. A meeting with stakeholders
will be scheduled, a final presentation will give them a project status, execution, results, and
completion. A 99.9% ration acceptance will be needed to finalize and complete the project. Once that
is completed, all documents, steps, logs, and processes will be archived for future use and auditing
purposes. Project will be closed once all these tasks are performed and the final and next phase will
take place. Phase 6 Go Live Once project is appropriately approved and closed, the system will go live
and system reporting will begin Hardware
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Fidel Castro Rhetoric
Children are blunt in their thinking. Adults like to call this bluntness, being a matter of factly , blunt or
literal. When these children are put to the task of picking teams they will pick by who they like, who
will help the team win, or who they have a crush on. Inevitably there will be that dreaded one who is
picked last. This is North Cyprus the last to be picked but better yet they were only picked by one
country and that is Turkey.
For North Cyprus to get any good in the world the goods have to go through Turkey. The sanction of
not being allowed to trade with anyone other than Turkey has caused an import tax on all goods
between 4% and 6% of the price of that good. As Doctor Bahro A Berhan. and Glenn P. Jenkins stated
in their journal ... Show more content on ...
Embargos are rarely ever explained to the normal citizen and when the explanation of the embargo
comes down from the country leadership it is more than likely propaganda that says, the United
Nations is out to steel our land . When the leadership of the most powerful countries are about to
create an embargo on they should be force to explain to the poor farmer or worker that is barely able
to make a buck. This might be enough to give pause on the harm you are causing the country that is
about to get
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Speech For Freshman Class Senator
My fellow tigers, today I officially announce my candidacy for Freshman Class Senator. I come before
you all today, humbled by all that God has blessed me with. I am a first generation college student, I
come from a single parent household and I understand how hard it was for some of us to reach this far.
Although this class has not been with each other for an extended period of time, I have been able to
shake some your hands, hear some of your stories, and understand how we could improve this school
together. On today I think back on the rich history of Texas Southern University. I think about all that
this institution and its student have had to endure over time. I think about the marches and sit in s on
the tiger walk, I think about the false stigmas that have been latched upon any student who has
attended this institution, I think about the Jordans and Leland s who never gave up in the face of fear,
who never lost hope ... Show more content on ...
A lot of issues to be addressed. However, I have put together a four point plan that will begin to move
us in the direction of progress. First, let us reduce the cost of textbooks. Because no student who has
made it this far should bear the uncertainty of whether or not they will have enough to get a textbook
and have their education potentially shut down due to rising textbook cost. Second, let us establish
fiscal responsibility. As your Senator, I will guarantee that your money is spent wisely on programs
that will benefit each and every one of you. Third, let us work toward bringing new career internship
opportunities for all of you here on campus. These opportunities will be able to provide you all with
job experience within an area you would like to pursue in the future. And finally, let us bring more
inclusiveness to the Class of 2020. As your Senator, I will host Freshman town halls every month to
truly understand the issues you all face here on a daily basis. But, also to hear your voices and
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Krishna and Rama as exemplars of Dharma Essay examples
Dharma is knowledge prominently directed to the achievement of desired happiness here (i.e. in this
life) and hereafter by means of appropriate actions . (Khan, Benjamin. The Concept of Dharma in
Valmiki) Rama and Krishna have been set as perfect exemplars of Dharma in the texts of Ramayana
and Mahabharata respectively. They are considered to be the reincarnations of God Visnu, a Supreme
Being, and supposedly lived their lives according to the Dharmic (or right) way of life. However, the
stories of Rama and Krishna in the texts include some of their actions, which are questionable to the
act of Dharma. This may lead one to question Ram and Krishna as true exemplars of Dharma. To
understand and fully analyze if the roles of Rama and ... Show more content on ...
He says that there must be a framework within a society, which is mutually agreed upon by the
existing society. Dharma is embedded in that comprehensive framework which is to be followed by
the society without asking any questions.
It has already been mentioned that wherever conscious living beings congregate some classes are
bound to take place, and the first and the most obvious way of preventing conflicts of interest in a
community is for all its members to have the same aims, same interests, same desires, hopes and fears,
in fact the same dispositions...Thus primitive ethics is deontological, a matter of rigid duties, taboos,
customs, and commandment, the fixed and unalterable. Khan then expresses that Dharma unites the
various castes in a society. He starts off with the fact that castes will always be formed within any
society. He says that these different castes will have huge differences within the society but Dharma
will unite these castes. He says that Dharma provides everyone with the same aims, desires, hopes and
fears but also allows the different castes to have different roles in the society. Dharma, hence allows
the different castes to practice their own duties without causing any conflict amongst them. Without
conflict, a sustainable society can be upheld by following the rules of Dharma. Society succeeds
because everyone follows the rules of Dharma. There would have been chaos everywhere if the
society did not follow Dharma.
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Comparing Digital And Textbooks And Their Effects On...
Comparison of Digital and Print textbooks and their effects on helping university students study
Joyce J. Lam
University of California, Irvine
Author Note
Joyce Josephine Lam
University of California, Irvine SS3A HW ID: 104
This paper explores the pros and cons of using digital formats verses print formats of textbooks,
particularly e textbooks and traditional textbooks, and seeks to ask how effective these textbook
formats are for university students and their studies. The purpose of this paper is to examine these
different textbook formats is to see which has the potential and ability to help students in the best
capacity possible. There are clear reasons on how digital textbooks and ... Show more content on ...
Because we live in a modern age of much technological advancements, many students in universities
are looking to see if it is still worth buying physical textbooks or to utilize digital formats like e
textbooks as a means of efficiency or even as a way to cut costs of paying for expensive textbooks. To
understand which format is more effective, we need to study the different formats and see what are the
strengths and weaknesses found in the two different formats. This paper will examine research done
by multiple researchers and use their research to help find the format that best helps students to study
and retain material learned from their textbook
Defining E textbooks and Traditional Textbooks
E textbooks are often defined as texts that are able to be accessed on electronic devices. Most research
has defined them as texts that are digital and accessed via electronic screens (Rockinson Szapkiw,
Courdoff, Carter, Bennett, 2012), in which there two formats that exist. The first format is the page
fidelity e textbook and second is the reflowable digital e textbook. The page fidelity e textbook is a
simple scanned picture of the print version of a book, which can usually come in the form of a PDF
(Rockinson Szapkiw, Courdoff, Carter, Bennett, 2012). The page fidelity e textbook has no
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History Of U.s. And Cuba
Ben Monroe
23 April 2016
History 153
Professor Thompson
The History of the U.S. and Cuba
The United States is known for being one of the greatest and strongest countries in the world looking
at past events and in this day and age. What might strike some people as shocking is that the U.S.
would not be as strong without close ties with other countries or allies. Examples would be France,
England, and Canada, plus many more. What people don t talk about is the U.S. s rivals or countries
that the U.S. has had trouble with in the past leading up to now. One of the most renowned countries is
only ninety miles away from the southern tip of Florida and that is Cuba. Cuba is known for the
fantastic beaches, some of the most well known baseball players around, and, of course, Cuban cigars
and rum. But, the past with Cuba is not as bright as the U.S. wants it to be because of historical events
such as the embargo, the Bay of Pigs, and the Cuban missile crisis during World War II that caused the
two countries to separate as allies and close tied nations. Over the past year the U.S. and Cuba have
been trying to put the past behind them and have diplomatic and cultural relations once again. The last
president to visit the nation of Cuba was President Calvin Coolidge in 1928. Since then there has
many problems between the two nations. Fourteen months ago President Barrack Obama announced
that there would be an effort in trying to normalize relations with Cuba. As the President has
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Advantages Of A Model Contract
Model Contract
A model contract can be described as an agreement between the parties which are data exporter and
the data importer, which covers lot of important aspects for not only to communicators but also to data
transport. This means that the relevant company in the United States must have a contract or some
kind of an agreement for each and every country to which it sends and receives data. Usually model
contracts tend to be better suited for small and medium sized enterprises that do not have very large
employee base or partners in many countries. But if it is a larger company that may have employees or
partners in different countries, standard contracts are not going to be that much helpful in practical a
situation. In large companies, model contracts ... Show more content on ...
HP states Protecting customer and employee personal and confidential data promotes trust and loyalty
and energize the HP brand . Though HP is a large corporation, its dedication to protecting employee
data has prevented altering, mishaps, such as major leaks of employee data.
But a large and a well renowned company like HP may also be vulnerable to some potential threats
such as,
Global protection and national data protection for employees. As we know the safe harbor is largely
paying its attention only towards the EU member states. But they work in more than I70 countries
throughout the world. Which means they can t keep one single policy for all their employees, which
will eventually lead to a chaos. Thus, it can be difficult to cope if a security problem arise in a country
which is not part of the EU.
So in order to mitigate this kind of an incidence they should keep separate rules and regulations,
policies, agreements which can be applied to any circumstances with that county regarding their
employee data or information protection despite of their general EU
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Bee Population Decline
The oldest known bee fossil is estimated to be over 135 million years old (The Xerces Society).
Knowing this, one would certainly realize the importance of the relationship between plants and bees,
as they have depended on each other for survival for such an immense period of time. The colossal
variety of plant species are around today on behalf of the pollinators that evolved with them. However,
this knowledge has not quite convinced society of the dangers the decline in bee populations pose to
life as one knows it, as the loss of plants causes a dangerous chain reaction. At the curtains of every
winter, a dwindling number of bees are making their debut in the thriving spring. The decrease can be
seen in how United States beekeepers have lost 40 percent of their colonies since 2006 (Johnston, ...
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135 million years ago, vegetation relied on the wind to carry out pollen in the remote hopes that a
meager portion would settle on a female flower (Goulson). An inefficient and hasty system, it has
been grown out of, as the phenomenon of evolution produced an improved response in the form of the
bee, a humble, hard working insect. For a creature most humans prefer to avoid, the bee plays a
crucial role in the way society functions and survives. Pollination, a valuable service, is jeopardized at
the hands of humans. This is a case seen in the correlation between the use of pesticides, applying
destructive methods of industrial agriculture, and climate change. As the biologist E.O. Wilson once
observed, If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of
equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would
collapse into chaos
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Gut Microbiota
Species composition of bacteria in the gut is highly personalised and mostly determined by
environment and diet. The proportion of each species changes throughout life and the elderly have a
significantly different microbiome. The introduction of antibiotics through the course of life alters the
variation and presence of bacteria via elimination, altering the species richness and evenness of the
Studies have identified different genera of bacteria which are present in the microbiome and their role
in nutrient intake. Gut microbiota has 3 main enterotypes Prevotella, Bacteroides and Ruminococcus,
there is a strong correlation between the concentration of each bacterial community and the dietary
constituents. A diet high in carbohydrates and simple sugars would also indicate and reveal a greater
concentration of Prevotella whereas a diet high in protein and animal fats would present a higher
concentration of Bacteroides in the gut. A long term change in the diet would permanently shift the
concentration of bacteria in the gut to accommodate the new nutrient uptake. This would then change
the bacterial barrier in the intestine which could make it more vulnerable due to reduced species
A radical ... Show more content on ...
However throughout the months via contact from relatives and outings the microbiome diversifies and
there is competition for space. The bacteria begin to specialize and differentiate to become more
adapted to their environment; the bacteria present on skin would be more suited to dry conditions than
the gut which is wet and moist. The gut microbiome would also be more specialized in absorbing
nutrients. As babies drink breast milk they would obtain bacteria from their mother and thus they
would have a different gut biome to a baby who was fed formula milk as well as the introduction of
solid foods would cause the microbiome to
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Gentle Strength
The show Gentle Strength is an event includes ten dances. These dances were choreographed by the
dance majors in the dance department.. This event took place in Santa Ana College at the Phillips
Hall. All the dances had a different style and also their costumes.. Every dance turned out amazing and
the dancers just danced marvellous. I was really impressed with all the dances, but two really stood
out to me. There was some that I really did not understand or just lacked something. Even though all
the dances were amazing, there was one that inspired me and one really did not inspire me. The dance
that really inspired me was Diazepam, choreographed by Catalina Leon. I really liked how she did a
dance about her anxiety because many people get
... Get more on ...
Man and Nature after the Fall in John Milton s Paradise Lost
Man and Nature after the Fall in Paradise Lost
In Paradise Lost, the consequences of the fall and the change in relations between man and nature can
best be discussed when we look at Milton s pre fall descriptions of Eden and its inhabitants. Believing
that fallen humans could never fully understand what life was like in Eden and the relationships purely
innocent beings shared, Milton begins his depiction of Paradise and Adam and Eve through the fallen
eyes of Satan:
So little knows
Any, but God alone, to value right
The good before him, but perverts best things
To worse abuse, or to thir meanest use.
Beneath him with new wonder now he views
To all delight of human sense expos d
In narrow room ... Show more content on ...
His fair large Front and Eye sublime declar d
Absolute rule; and Hyacinthine Locks
Round from his parted forelock manly hung
Clust ring, but not beneth his shoulders broad:
Shee as a veil down to slender waist
Her unadorned golden tresses wore
Dishevell d, but in wanton ringlets wav d
As the vine curls her tendrils, which impli d
Subjection, but requir d with gentle sway...(IV, 287 308)
Adam and Eve are tall and erect like the trees, pure and nude, uncovered like the rural landscape.
Adam s hair cut short, almost as if the pair had pruned it. Eve s body seems to be supported by the
garden, but her hair is described as wild, unadorned and wanton, not unlike the landscape outside of
Eden: Steep wilderness, whose hairy sides/ With thicket overgrown, grotesque and wild... (IV, 135
With special care and a watchful eye the Eden will not smother itself, just as Adam and Eve are safe
from Satan when they are together. When Eve leaves Adam, she is tempted by the Serpent and decides
to eat the forbidden fruit. When this happens, the earth feels the fall profoundly:
So saying, her rash hand in evil hour
Forth reaching to the Fruit, she pluck d, she eat:
Earth felt the wound, and Nature form her seat
Sighing through all her
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Analysis Of Meditation 17 By John Donne
Meditation 17 is a poem by John Donne that reveals his thoughts and beliefs on the world altogether.
We see a lot of religion cited in this poem and then we also see a kind of dark side of that which would
be death. In this poem, John Donne elevates this poem by the way he structures it as well as the
language and situation. The language is so important to understand because it can convey a message
that is deeper than just the words. We see a lot of words that very common in this poem however, they
are placed in a unique way that most likely someone will have to go back and reread to grasp what is
being said. There are many metaphors, analogies and personification used throughout the poem. I
believe John Donne does this so that the ... Show more content on ...
I see John Donne doing the same thing in this poem, the tone is somewhat straight forward and
serious, with the narrator having a down speaking tone and somewhat apathetic to the things being
conveyed in this poem. And when she buries a man, that action concerns me this is an indicator of the
tone being used once again. It is clear that the line is speaking about death, it is pretty common that
death is taking seriously and in which we would be serious when speaking on it. John Donne also uses
alliterations throughout this poem along with repetition. congregation to come , the church is catholic ,
are examples of alliteration he used. the action concerns me , for whom this bell tolls are used as
repetition. All of these examples are used to help remind the reader what exactly they are reading and
gathering from the poem. I think that these all lighten the mood of the poem so it s not total darkness.
The structure stands out to me mainly in the fact that there are no stanzas nor paragraph indentions.
The poem is a single paragraph, I believe he kept it this way because he states that all mankind is of
one author and is one volume . Also, this single paragraph poem could be seen as an essay. When I
think of an essay, they have
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Comparing Let America Be America Again And I Hear America...
In the poems Let American be America Again and I hear America Singing they are both dreams, but
for different reasons. In I hear America singing Walt Whitman portrays America in an amazing light
making people want to go this dream like utopian country. In Let America be America Again it
portrays America as a land of false dreams and wants it to be the dream it hoped it be. It also tells of
the corrupt, dark, crooked side of America. It also mentions how it should never have been like this.
Now in I hear America singing it shows the pure, lively, and beautiful side of America. Both are
dreams but they are dreams for different reasons. In Langston Hughes Let America be America again
America was a dream for everyone. The dream, however,
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Digital Marketing Essay
You Will Always Cut It With Any Of These Digital Marketing Techniques
Digital marketing keeps growing more and more everyday. Right now, digital marketing is a big
umbrella of several marketing techniques. This is why it is now much more expensive to hire a digital
marketing service provider.
Every mobile app development company includes digital marketing tools in their app. A good example
is the single push button with which you can send posts to all the users of your app. The common
digital marketing techniques have been outlined right below.
1. Social media marketing
People are now generally obsessed with social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter... etc. So,
digital marketers take advantage by creating social media account to ... Show more content on ...
The suggestion will hold water as other participants will take it as a non biased opinion.
3. Email marketing
Digital advertisers send marketing emails to people that have subscribed for their newsletters.
However, before each mail is sent, there will be some profiling. The people who may need the product
are then filtered out. For instance, if the product is ladies shoes, it will be sent to only ladies. And guys
will be left out.
Email marketing has a lot of advantages. It is sent directly to only the intended recipients. It is also
about the most cost effective marketing techniques. Besides, you can be able to track who received the
mail and who didn t.
4. Google adwords
Google AdWords are keywords people are expected to type into Google search engine when looking
for certain products or services. As a company, you are supposed to link these keywords to relevant
landing pages on your website. This means that when you adopt keywords like Buy a cheap raincoat ,
you are supposed to link it to the exact landing page on your website that has all the raincoats you
offer and the price of each of them. It is wrong to link it to your home page as it will waste the
prospective buyer s time and also earn you low quality score.
For Google to display your site on its search engine result page (SERP), you have to submit it to
Google. However, Google has its own set of procedures for displaying results. On its own, Google has
to find, crawl and analyze
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Outline The Relationship Between Fiona And Alzheimer s
As Fiona begins to realize the burden she will be on her husband she decides she wants to go to a
nursing home. She believes this discussion will make it easier for both her and Grant to cope with her
unfortunate disease. Grant does not completely agree with her discussion, but still goes along with it.
With Fiona s Alzheimer s progressively getting worse Grant is distraught to find his wife being
comforted by another man. He visits her as much as he could to show her how much he cares for her,
but she eventually becomes distant and forgets who he is. After months of doing everything in his
power to try to help her remember who he once was, he finally came to terms with the fact that the
person he loved and developed a deep connection with
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How Does Bernard Marx Present John
Bernard Marx, who is the main character until John s appearance in chapter seven, is one of the most
important characters in the novel. Marx first appears after the director has finished explaining that
jealousy and lovesickness don t exist in the World State. This introduction is ironic because, as we
gain insight to the mind of Marx, we learn that he is experiencing both jealousy and lovesickness. In
this same scene we are shown that he struggles with his emotions towards Lenina and finds it difficult
to express his feelings towards her, which probably stems from his anxiety about rejection. Marx is an
Alpha Plus, which means that, naturally, he should be able to enjoy the benefits that come with being a
member of the upper caste. However, Marx is noticeably short in stature for his caste, which is
rumored to be a result of alcohol in his blood surrogate. This is cause for humiliation and ridicule from
his other caste members. Marx is, unfortunately, aware of his differences and people s responses to
them. Because of this, he develops resentment towards the society he lives in, internally criticizing
their behavior because he himself cannot engage in the same activities as his counterparts. Marx longs
to be a strong individual, and even rebellious; yet, when he is confronted by his superiors, he shrinks
and becomes ... Show more content on ...
When he returns from the Reservation, Marx uses John to rise in social status, where he participates in
all of the behaviors that he had just previously been condemning. He takes complete advantage of his
affiliation with John, but when his attempt to advance in popularity is thwarted, Marx returns to his
old habits, criticizing the World State. He immediately begins to feel lonely and insecure again. It is
then that the reader may realize that Marx is a hypocrite and is only able to feel any sense of self
worth when he is receiving attention from
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Haunting Future Research Paper
Haunting Past I remember driving up to UC Davis on move in day. The parking lot was full of nervous
and tired students. However, I was very excited, nervous, shaking, and my heart was beating a million
beats per second. This was a big step for me. I was moving away from home for the first time and I
was going to be on my own. I remember seeing all the dorms for the first time, they were a deep
orange, olive green, and a bright yellow. Before I started to unpack, my family and I took a tour
around the campus. As we walked around campus we came across the cows, they had a huge pink
nose and a large tongue. That day we also went to see some of the lecture halls. Right off the back I
felt overwhelmed. Just seeing the movie theater like seats made ... Show more content on ...
When she was sixteen when she had me and because of financial reasons she wasn t able to finish high
school. Before I was born she decided that it would be best for her to come to the U.S. A few months
after she decided this she went on this journey. She left Aguascalientes, Mexico a very small town in
the center of Mexico. This was very hard for her because she was leaving behind all of her family for
me to have a better life. When she got to the U.S. she didn t know anyone. This made it extremely
hard for her to find a place to live. She also didn t know English at all. She had to go through many
struggles for me to get here. She had many little jobs that helped us out but we would always have so
financial hardship at one point or another. For about three years I remember her having a hard time
trying to pay rent for one room. She was a single mother of three and we weren t financially stable. I
remember all of the stories that she would tell me as a kid about everything she did for me. Knowing
how hard she struggled just for me to get here makes me feel like I should make her proud and
become a doctor just like she always
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Speech Sound Octavia Butler
Language is key for survival
In Speech Sound by Octavia Butler is a fascinating short story that embellish in humankind s inability
to communicate with actual words with one another. Language is in fact an active medium of
communication through which we establish and comprehend society norms and custom, is certainly
recognized as a pivotal tool for survival. Is usual to view language as simply system nonetheless,
Butler demonstrate that language is complex system which is vital to describe and shape our
experiences in which our lives unfold. Speech Sound being introducing the main character named
Rye, a woman who was left alone as result of the illness who had stripped her killing her parents,
sisters, husband, children s one by one and the ... Show more content on ...
She asks Obsidian to go home with her, he was surprised but took her offer in consideration afterword.
Rye knew Obsidian was not regular guy and there were few like him, she notices he was left hand it
which is sing that he was less impaired and drive but they are certainly more reasonable and
comprehending and at course more intellectual. This seem to be the perfect ending of story of two
people has been affected by illness and are struggling to survive, although they are privilege than
others. After agreeing that they were unifying their lives and on her way home; they run into women
being a chased by men who is presumably her husband who carry a knife. As soon as Obsidian
encounter this situation he jumped out the car and shout it was the first times Rye had heard his voice.
In few second the men have already stab the women to dead and obsidian killed him but the
unthinkable happen, in moment when Obsidian was distracted the men open his eyes and pull the
trigger and kill Obsidian, he had died and left Rye along, the men that represented hope and new
beginning to Rye was gone now. In addition, two children came out of the house where the man and
the woman had run, a boy and little girl they crossed the street where Rye was. They look and Rye and
the directed their path to the woman, the little girl move the
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Rape And Sexual Violence And Assault And Its Survivors Essay
1.1 Introduction
This is a presentation of findings from the literature review with focus on rape and sexual
violence/assault and its survivors. Extensive literature search was conducted on relevant concepts that
include the definition of rape, sexual violence and assault, consequences of rape and sexual
violence/assault, provision of health services. The search looked at developed and developing
countries as well as war stricken settings. Therefore, the aim was to understand the burden of rape and
sexual violence, its consequences and provision of health services for survivors and constitutional
narrative relating to rape and sexual violence.
1.2 Rape and sexual violence burden
Rape and sexual violence/assault against humankind are among the most pervasive forms of violence.
High prevalence of sexual violence was initially reported in research from Europe and Northern
America. However, other continents are growingly reporting alarming prevalence of sexual violence.
Based on the World Health Organization s (2005) report on multi country study of women s health and
domestic violence against women, approximately 6% to 59% of women globally report forced or
attempted sexual intercourse (by partners or non partners) in their lifetime. While much research has
focused on sexual violence against women and children, various studies have since reported on sexual
violence against men.(1)
Approximately 19.3% of women and 1.7% of men have during their lifetimes been
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Four Earth Systems
The hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere, are the four Earth systems that have many
interactions between each other. Many of these interactions are for the good or bad of the
environment. The hydrosphere is all water on earth like groundwater, rivers, oceans, glaciers, etc. The
geosphere is things such as rock, landforms, molten rock, volcanoes, minerals, soil, etc. The biosphere
consist of all living things, like plants or animals. The atmosphere is the envelope of gases
surrounding the Earth, this is known as air. One interaction is between the geosphere and the
hydrosphere. The hydrosphere can cause erosion of the geosphere by water from glaciers melting and
running into the geosphere. This erosion could cause new lakes or
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The Natural And Physical Inequality
Unavoidably, every person enters the world with a unique set of talents, dispositions and attributes
which lead him or her to perform better or worse than another person in certain realms. Rousseau calls
this natural or physical inequality: one may be stronger, quicker or smarter than another, and as such
able to complete more tasks than another. Rousseau argues that none of this matters in the state of
nature because, similar to animals, mankind concerns itself with self preservation. Family bonds, or
any other sort of organization of a group of people, do not exist in this state. The complete self
sufficiency of each person means nobody needs to exercise control or domination of any sort over any
other person to survive or enjoy a more luxurious lifestyle. I see him satisfying his hunger under an
oak tree, quenching his thirst at the first stream, finding his bed at the foot of the same tree that
supplied his meal; and thus all his needs are satisfied (Rousseau 47). Perhaps one more adept at
finding food, whether by speed or size, will more easily satisfy his hunger and have more time to rest
at the foot of the tree or to enjoy relations with those passing by. While this does provide an
advantage, every person effectively lives the same sort of life, free of dominion of any sort. Similarly,
Smith writes that talents of men differ on the basis of the realm they most naturally aspire to. While
one man may inevitably be stronger than a second, the same second may
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Drosophila Melanogaster Lab Report Essay
In most kitchens the small flies that are found are Drosophila Melanogaster also called fruit fly. They
are often brought in by ripened tomatoes, grapes and other perishable items from the garden.
Drosophila melanogaster is a little two winged insect about 3mm long two winged insect that belongs
to the Diptera, the order of the flies. The drosophila egg is about half a millimeter long. Fertilization
takes about one day the embryo to develop and hatch into a worm like larva. The larva eats and grows
continuously, after two days as a third in star larva; it moults one more time to form an immobile
pupa. Over the next four days, the body is completely remodeled to give the adult winged form, which
then hatches from the pupal ... Show more content on ...
Some larva containing vials had hatched into flies. Counting of the flies began at this point. As flies
started to grow, at different rates for each vial, with in the first seven days after all larva had hatched
the flies were counted. The procedure was done according to theDrosophila manual (45 2620)
F1 Predictions
For our first generation (F1) of flies we chose to cross apterous (+) females and white eye (w) males.
We predicted that the mutation would be sex linked recessive. So if the female was the sex with the
mutation then all females would be wild type heterozygous. Heterozygous is a term used when the two
genes for a trait are opposite. The males would all be white eye since they only have one X
chromosome. If the males were the sex that had the mutation then all the flies would be wild type but
the females would be heterozygous.
F1 Outcomes
From the cross white eye males with wild females, our results were we got both phenotypes in the
males as well as the females to be wild type.
F2 Predictions
Based upon observation of the F1 generation, we hypothesize that the inheritance of the white eye (W)
mutation is sex linked and recessive wild type.
For the F2 generation the phenotype that was obtained is as followed. See Figure1.
|Normal wings |Normal wings |No wings white |No wings |
|Red eyes |White
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  • 1. The Future Of Writing : Discover AI Tools That Ch 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. The Future Of Writing : Discover AI Tools That Ch The Future Of Writing : Discover AI Tools That Ch
  • 2. Strategies For Selecting A Target A Market For Tucson... Table 3 4 Types of segmentation Demographic Includes income, education, age and occupation Geographic Includes Macro economic factors and customer orientation Psychographic Includes attitudes and values Behavioral Includes relationship, knowledge and character Table 4 There are 03 types of strategies for selecting a target a market for Tucson textiles Undifferentiated marketing This type of marketing views the market as one group with no segments therefore using a single marketing strategy. Undifferentiated marketing generally involves targeting the whole with one product and an undifferentiated marketing can be cheaper that other strategies because there is only one product to produce. This strategy utilizes a single marketing mix to reach the maximum number of consumers in the target market selected. Differentiated marketing Here the marketing strategy targets different market segments with specific marketing mix, which is designed to meet those segments needs. Differentiated marketing strategy involves the preparation and communication of different brand and product messages to different types of customers. Concentrated marketing This type of marketing focuses on selecting a particular market. This strategy can categorize the company into a single product. Concentrated marketing is famous for small firms because mass distribution, production and mass advertising are not necessary these firms can achieve profit with limited resources. Appendix 03 There are 4 types ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Hip Hop Culture By Fernando Orejuela Summary This paper seeks to examine the different dimensions of hip hop, and what the hip hop culture means to different people. After reading Fernando Orejuela s Rap and Hip Hop Culture, one would get a better understanding of the various dimensions of the hip hop culture. For instance, there is a cultural dimension that has played a tremendous role in the hip hop culture. Many of the modern styles of dancing and music have come from traditions that were passed down. According to Orejuela, this is in part because of slavery (Orejuela, 5). Hip hop culture has its roots in the spread of African and Latino peoples from their original homes to the Americas , states Orejuela (Orejuela, 5). Orejuela goes on to later discuss exactly how their customs have influenced this hip hop culture. An example of this is when Orejuela states, Many influences, from Africa and Europe, have been combined to form a number of popular dance forms that themselves can be seen as ancestors of b boying and breakdancing (Orejuela, 26). From this, it is clear that culture is of importance in hip hop. Although this is true, there are also other dimensions that have influenced this culture as well. Another dimension of the hip hop culture discussed in Orejuela s book, is the recreational dimension. According to Orejuela, this dimension of hip hop was influenced by many street gangs. Orejuela goes into extensive detail on the subject of gangs throughout the early years of hip hop. Much of his discussion focused ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Retrograde and Anterograde Amnesia Essay examples Retrograde and Anterograde Amnesia Darling, what did you say was Sue s number? I don t remember stripping at Dan s birthday party last year! No officer, I don t know what happened after the accident. I can t even remember my name. Amnesia is the partial or complete loss of memory, most commonly is temporary and for only a short period of time. (1). There are various degrees of amnesia with the most commonly occurrence being either retrograde or anterograde amnesia. Prior to my research into this subject I did not know much about amnesia besides what is portrayed in the Disney movie Anesthesia in which Anesthesia cannot remember her traumatic childhood. While I recognize that there is a huge difference between forgetting ... Show more content on ... 555 2695. Okay, 555 2695. 555 2596, 555 2965. Wait, what did you say the number was again? This is an example of short term memory. Long term memory is the information we retain after a day, two weeks, or ten years. (4). In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. This is an example of long term memory as almost every child is asked to commit this fact to memory. So, what does all this have to do with amnesia? Well, I m glad you asked. Information flows in through the middle of our brain and branches out like a tree. Before that information goes to different areas, it goes through a channeling/filter system. In this regard, the brain is like a mailroom this information goes into this box, and that letter goes into that box. (4). In order for short term memory to become long term memory, it must go through a process know as consolidation. During consolidation, short term memory is repeatedly activated so much that certain chemical and physical changes occur in the brain, permanently embedding the memory for long term access. It is believed that consolidation takes place in the hippocampi, located in the temporal lobe regions of the brain. Medical research indicates that it is the frontal and temporal lobes that most often damaged during head injury. (3). As the amnesiac recovers, he or she usually recalls older memories first, and then more recent memories. (3). However, memories tend to return like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle; these bits ... Get more on ...
  • 5. About the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Essay Between the years 2000 and 2002 there were over a dozen corporate scandals involving unethical corporate governance practices. The allegations ranged from faulty revenue reporting and falsifying financial records, to the shredding and destruction of financial documents (Patsuris, 2002). Most notably, are the cases involving Enron and Arthur Andersen. The allegations of the Enron scandal went public in October 2001. They included, hiding debt and boosting profits to the tune of more than one billion dollars. They were also accused of bribing foreign governments to win contacts and manipulating both the California and Texas power markets (Patsuris, 2002). Following these allegations, Arthur Andersen was investigated for, allegedly, ... Show more content on ... The act identifies and assigns accountability to those who knowingly falsify documents and it clearly states the consequences for acting outside the defined standard, relating to corporate governance. Using case studies we will review how the passing of the Sarbanes Oxley Act is helping to standardized a code of conduct and how it has increased the awareness of corporate responsibility. First, we will review the definitions of corporate governance, business ethics and corporate responsibility. Next, we will examine the effectiveness of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, through a case study and identify possible challenges the Sarbanes Oxley Act may face, as public demand for social responsibility increases. Finally, we will review proactive recommendations for provisions to key titles of the Sarbanes Oxley Act. These provisions will accommodate the growing public demand for ethical and social responsibility. As details of the Enron scandal surfaced public outrage grew, calling for action, accountability and consequences. Corporate governance began receiving renewed interest. Corporate governance is a multi faceted subject that sets forth the rules and responsibilities of the relationship between the corporation and its stakeholders (Cross Miller, 2012). This includes the company s officers and management team, the board of directors, and the organizations shareholders. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Character Analysis Of Lorraine Hansberry s A Raisin Character Analysis: A Raisin in the Sun The play A Raisin In the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry is a classic, revolutionary play written in the times of segregation and discrimination of skin tones. Throughout the story, the Youngers display how they are just like an ordinary family; everybody has their own special personality. This caused many conflicts when it was time to decide what to do with the check coming in the mail for ten thousand dollars. Walter Lee Younger, the son and oldest child of mama, was very passionate about the idea of using the money to open his own liquor store. His different personality traits take over and create him into a bossy man of the house. A little background information about Walter is he is around his mid thirties. He is sister to Beneatha, married to Ruth, and has a son by the name of Travis. Water Lee has the personality of a hustler. In this case, hustler is defined by someone who will do anything whether illegal, the best for the community, or gamble, just to get a dollar; in addition will stop at nothing to get what they want. Even though this play was written in the 60s, Walter still has the demeanor of many African American males today in their twenties who are trying to create a hustle. The only problem is Walter has the mental of a hustler but fails to execute the product of a hustler which is money. He is ambitious about getting out his family out of poverty but doesn t know how to quite do it. When this opportunity with ... Get more on ...
  • 7. My Tooth Fairy Speech Mommy, how do I kill the tooth fairy? I hated the tooth fairy. Okay, I still hate the tooth fairy. But I mean come on! A small, winged person comes into your room while you re sleeping and exchanges a piece of your body for money. I m pretty sure that s only legal in Nevada. When I first discovered this mythical creature, I was four, and had a newly loose tooth. The tooth fairy will be coming tonight, my mother said. Girl was lying to me; I did not believe one word that lying witch uttered. So... I did what any normal four year old would do: I broke into my parent s wallet and marked all of their dollar bills with a highlighter. And guess what? I woke up with highlighted bill under my pillow. Who woulda thunk? I ran into my parents bedroom screaming I HAVE PROOF, I HAVE PROOF! THE TOOTH FAIRY IS FAKE AND YOU LIED TO ME! And I was right... and broke; never got another cent from the tooth fairy. Yet, that fateful day, I learned the most important word of my life; my mother looked at me with a whimsical glance and said, My curious boy. I don t know why she talks like that. But that word, curious, stuck with me. Curiosity instigates change, governs the governors. Yet, our curiosity is fading, and the consequences are evident. From indifference to stagnation, we aren t asking questions. That s just it, isn t it? To question is to know, and knowledge is a prerequisite to informed decision making. Therefore, it is necessary to examine our fading curiosity and its effects. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Great College Debate Essay Great College Debate Many people will tell you that you college is the most important thing you could do after high school. However, there is no right or wrong answer. Different people are made to do different things. What alternatives are there? you might be wondering. There are many things to do once you graduate from high school. All people have certain skill sets that they can use after high school. Not all high school graduates are able to be successful in college. By the same token, there are plenty of students who would succeed with college. The alternatives, most modern parents have trouble acknowledging them. Some people are best suited for the military, some suited for college, and some are suited to go straight into the job force doing jobs such as welding and construction. The military is becoming an increasingly common job to go into after high school. What most people like about it is that you don t need to be intelligent, nor do you need to have any life skills. The military will take you from being a soft putty into a rock solid sculpture. They stress discipline as well as teach you the skills you need to go into the workforce if you only plan on staying for 4 years. Depending on the duration of your service and what school you choose to attend, you ... Show more content on ... Most middle aged people of today will tell you that there s almost nothing in life that you can do without a good college degree. Going to college out of high school is very expensive. Many will agree that if you can afford to go without putting your family into some sort of financial jeopardy, do it. Many people also try to go to the military after college because you will be placed into a job that greatly lowers your risk of ever finding yourself in any combat situation. College is also a very fun social experience when you are younger as opposed to when you decide to get out of the military and find yourself quite a bit ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Sick Leave Law Research Paper New family medical law for Arizona Starting tomorrow July 1, 2017 employers in the state of Arizona must fallow the new paid sick leave law proposition 206 the Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act. The act will require employers that have 15 or more employees to offer 40 hours per year and employers that have fewer than 15 employees must offer 24 hours paid sick leave per year. Employees earn 1 hour of paid sick leave per 30 hours worked. This new law offers paid sick leave for not only employee but employees family member s as well. The act covers illness Physical or Mental , injury, absences related to abuse, and public health emergencies that cause closure of the employer s workplace, school or daycare. The act requires employees to give ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Schlieffen Pl War Against France And Russia The Schlieffen Plan was the German s plan for war against France and Russia. It was created by Alfred von Schlieffen who was the German Chief of Staff in 1903 on the request of Kaiser Wilhelm II and it was later revised in 1905. The reason it was made was because Germany s unification came later than other European states. So the Kaiser sought out Schlieffen and directed him to devise a plan that would allow Germany to gain power and assert itself as a dominant state. Since France and Russia were in an alliance Germany was not able to just attack one country. They would be forced to fight both countries in a two front war. Schlieffen concluded that it would take Russia six weeks to mobilize while France and Germany could both be prepared for battle within fifteen days. Schlieffen believed that if France could be conquered in that short of a time period that German troops could then be moved to a new front against Russia. If Germany had a quick victory over France it would allow them to have sequential fighting and not simultaneous fighting. To accelerate the transfer of troops between future fronts Schlieffen advised the Kaiser to build railroads. After figuring out what to do with France and Russia Schlieffen focused on Great Britain s role in any European conflict. The British had a strong navy but their land forces posed virtually no threat to ... Show more content on ... In 1914 Franz Ferdinand was assassinated two full years before the plan s implementation date. This caused Austria Hungary to declare war on Serbia which led them to call on Russia for help. Kaiser Wilhelm decided it was necessary to immediately attack France. By this time Schlieffen was already dead and his successor Helmuth von Moltke wanted to keep his timetable so instead of just attacking Belgium he used the scorched earth policy. This only added to the resistance from the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Tattooing s Influence On The Culture Of The Twentieth Century Tattoos are a special type of historical art that s been used for many generations in multiple cultures, some for imprisonment and some for tradition. I will briefly discuss how Tattooing helped influence the culture of the twentieth century and how being a tattoo artist takes the ideals from the history of tattooing and implement it into the modern world; to keep that art format alive, using surrealism, and stories, being inspired by the works of many great artists like Salvador Dali. The artwork of Salvador Dali, and Horiyoshi III will be used to example this association between the visual arts and Tattooing. To be a tattoo artist, one must take art and make it surreal and formulate it into a master that gives a unique style that s appealing ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Ways Of Human Life Life can be expressed in many different ways. It can be be expressed through song or word. But life in general is all expressed by human beings the same way; by living, people express who they are and what they stand for. People express their lives day by day without even knowing. People are all born, people all live, and people all die. But the things in between are what make life yours. This is how people live; this is how people exist. Thornton Wilder expresses the ways of human life and existence in Our Town, and these perspectives can be linked into other poems, songs, or movies. In Lucinda Matlock, Masters says this line that seems to tie into the ways of human life: And then I found David. Life is just happening and along the way, you can meet people who change your life completely. They can steal your heart and change your life and you as a person. It is very crazy of how one single person can just come in and change your life like that, but it happens all the time. It can happen anytime, anywhere. This can relate this back to Our Town by the scene where George and Emily are in the ice cream parlor. They had been neighbors forever but had never seen each other in any other way. But in that day, they went from just friends to being in love. After that, their lives were entirely different. I m just an ordinary person. And that s OK. This is a quote from Hope Floats. This means that you have to love and accept yourself to be able to live life to the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. John Kerry Research Paper John Forbes Kerry was born on December 11, 1943 at Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Aurora, Colorado to Richard John Kerry and Rosemary Isabel Forbes. Kerry s father was a foreign service officer lawyer and his mother was a nurse as well as a social activist. Kerry is the second oldest of four children. He was raised with his older sister Margaret, younger sister Diana, and younger brother Cameron. John his siblings were raised as Catholic, which is their father s faith. John grew up as a military brat up till his father got discharged from the Army Air Corps. John his family then moved to Washington D.C. in 1949. In 1962, Kerry went to Yale Yale University where he majored in political science. In his sophomore year of college, Kerry became ... Show more content on ... Two years later, he was elected to the U.S. Senator of Massachusetts and served this position for 28 years. He was also the Chair of the Senate Small Business Committee. His last position before he became the Secretary of State was the Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where he worked on foreign policy and national security issues that the United States are facing, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, nuclear nonproliferation, and global climate change. The main role of the Secretary of State is to serve as the President s Chief Foreign Affairs adviser. The Secretary also carries out the President s foreign policies through the State department the Foreign Service of the United States . Some of the Secretary of State s specific tasks includes conducting negotiations relating to U.S. foreign affairs, granting issuing passports to American citizens and exequaturs to foreign consuls in the United States, supervising the administration of U.S. immigration laws abroad, and promoting beneficial economic intercourse between the United States and other ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Students Struggle With Reading Comprehension Chapter One Statement of the Problem Ziva, a boisterous third grade student, is quickly disheartened after taking and failing her Accelerated Reading (AR) comprehension test for the second time this week. This is not the first time Ziva has failed her AR tests; in fact she fails them every week. Not only are these low scores impacting her reading grades, but they are detrimentally affecting her self efficacy and desire to enjoy reading. Ziva s Fountas and Pinnell running record data indicates that Ziva reads on grade level with 110 words per minute and 99% 100% accuracy, but achieves limited comprehension. What Ziva s teacher fights to understand is how Ziva can fluently read with near perfect accuracy, yet fail to comprehend what she is reading. Ziva is not alone; studies show that many students struggle with reading comprehension. While Ziva s lack of comprehension is not currently affecting her core subjects; it is only a matter of time. Comprehension becomes especially important to students in later elementary grades because it provides the foundation for further learning in secondary school. A student s academic progress is profoundly shaped by the ability to understand what is read. Students who cannot understand what they read are not likely to acquire the skills necessary to participate in the 21st century workforce (Butler, Urruti, Buenger, and Hunt, 2012, p. 7). Rationale Comprehension, or understanding, is the ultimate goal of reading. Readers, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Objective Of This Project Is To Find An End User... The Objective of this project is to find an End User Experience Tool (EUX) to monitor our client s devices to better diagnose current issues and prevent future ones. There were many instances where our executives were out of town and their devices stopped working and there weren t any tools to prevent something like this to happen before hand or diagnose the reasons. With a EUX tool, we will be able to monitor and diagnose any occurrences, track, and report any trend issues and prevent issues like this from happening as often. Phase 1 Planning On the initial phase, all planning will be assed. Time, budget, and project implementation will be discussed and accordingly planned for the entire project. Major milestones will be documented ... Show more content on ... The pilot machines will be monitored and worked for a few days until we feel comfortable and assured we are familiar with the program and it is working properly as we planned and expected. Phase 4 Deployment Deployment will start once all testing if finalized. A deploy package will be built by the team and all deploy systems will be gathered ahead of time to be included in the package. The installation will be a silent install, client will be pushed to the select devices with no interference to the users. Once deployment is completed, a report will be generated by the program with the completion and failure status. Phase 5 Final Presentation and Closing After all reporting comes back positive, software is up and running, reporting, and executing as is supposed to, a final meeting presentation will take place to give a final report status and close the project process. A meeting with stakeholders will be scheduled, a final presentation will give them a project status, execution, results, and completion. A 99.9% ration acceptance will be needed to finalize and complete the project. Once that is completed, all documents, steps, logs, and processes will be archived for future use and auditing purposes. Project will be closed once all these tasks are performed and the final and next phase will take place. Phase 6 Go Live Once project is appropriately approved and closed, the system will go live and system reporting will begin Hardware ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Fidel Castro Rhetoric Children are blunt in their thinking. Adults like to call this bluntness, being a matter of factly , blunt or literal. When these children are put to the task of picking teams they will pick by who they like, who will help the team win, or who they have a crush on. Inevitably there will be that dreaded one who is picked last. This is North Cyprus the last to be picked but better yet they were only picked by one country and that is Turkey. For North Cyprus to get any good in the world the goods have to go through Turkey. The sanction of not being allowed to trade with anyone other than Turkey has caused an import tax on all goods between 4% and 6% of the price of that good. As Doctor Bahro A Berhan. and Glenn P. Jenkins stated in their journal ... Show more content on ... Embargos are rarely ever explained to the normal citizen and when the explanation of the embargo comes down from the country leadership it is more than likely propaganda that says, the United Nations is out to steel our land . When the leadership of the most powerful countries are about to create an embargo on they should be force to explain to the poor farmer or worker that is barely able to make a buck. This might be enough to give pause on the harm you are causing the country that is about to get ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Speech For Freshman Class Senator My fellow tigers, today I officially announce my candidacy for Freshman Class Senator. I come before you all today, humbled by all that God has blessed me with. I am a first generation college student, I come from a single parent household and I understand how hard it was for some of us to reach this far. Although this class has not been with each other for an extended period of time, I have been able to shake some your hands, hear some of your stories, and understand how we could improve this school together. On today I think back on the rich history of Texas Southern University. I think about all that this institution and its student have had to endure over time. I think about the marches and sit in s on the tiger walk, I think about the false stigmas that have been latched upon any student who has attended this institution, I think about the Jordans and Leland s who never gave up in the face of fear, who never lost hope ... Show more content on ... A lot of issues to be addressed. However, I have put together a four point plan that will begin to move us in the direction of progress. First, let us reduce the cost of textbooks. Because no student who has made it this far should bear the uncertainty of whether or not they will have enough to get a textbook and have their education potentially shut down due to rising textbook cost. Second, let us establish fiscal responsibility. As your Senator, I will guarantee that your money is spent wisely on programs that will benefit each and every one of you. Third, let us work toward bringing new career internship opportunities for all of you here on campus. These opportunities will be able to provide you all with job experience within an area you would like to pursue in the future. And finally, let us bring more inclusiveness to the Class of 2020. As your Senator, I will host Freshman town halls every month to truly understand the issues you all face here on a daily basis. But, also to hear your voices and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Krishna and Rama as exemplars of Dharma Essay examples Dharma is knowledge prominently directed to the achievement of desired happiness here (i.e. in this life) and hereafter by means of appropriate actions . (Khan, Benjamin. The Concept of Dharma in Valmiki) Rama and Krishna have been set as perfect exemplars of Dharma in the texts of Ramayana and Mahabharata respectively. They are considered to be the reincarnations of God Visnu, a Supreme Being, and supposedly lived their lives according to the Dharmic (or right) way of life. However, the stories of Rama and Krishna in the texts include some of their actions, which are questionable to the act of Dharma. This may lead one to question Ram and Krishna as true exemplars of Dharma. To understand and fully analyze if the roles of Rama and ... Show more content on ... He says that there must be a framework within a society, which is mutually agreed upon by the existing society. Dharma is embedded in that comprehensive framework which is to be followed by the society without asking any questions. It has already been mentioned that wherever conscious living beings congregate some classes are bound to take place, and the first and the most obvious way of preventing conflicts of interest in a community is for all its members to have the same aims, same interests, same desires, hopes and fears, in fact the same dispositions...Thus primitive ethics is deontological, a matter of rigid duties, taboos, customs, and commandment, the fixed and unalterable. Khan then expresses that Dharma unites the various castes in a society. He starts off with the fact that castes will always be formed within any society. He says that these different castes will have huge differences within the society but Dharma will unite these castes. He says that Dharma provides everyone with the same aims, desires, hopes and fears but also allows the different castes to have different roles in the society. Dharma, hence allows the different castes to practice their own duties without causing any conflict amongst them. Without conflict, a sustainable society can be upheld by following the rules of Dharma. Society succeeds because everyone follows the rules of Dharma. There would have been chaos everywhere if the society did not follow Dharma. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Comparing Digital And Textbooks And Their Effects On... Comparison of Digital and Print textbooks and their effects on helping university students study efficiently Joyce J. Lam University of California, Irvine Author Note Joyce Josephine Lam University of California, Irvine SS3A HW ID: 104 Abstract This paper explores the pros and cons of using digital formats verses print formats of textbooks, particularly e textbooks and traditional textbooks, and seeks to ask how effective these textbook formats are for university students and their studies. The purpose of this paper is to examine these different textbook formats is to see which has the potential and ability to help students in the best capacity possible. There are clear reasons on how digital textbooks and ... Show more content on ... Because we live in a modern age of much technological advancements, many students in universities are looking to see if it is still worth buying physical textbooks or to utilize digital formats like e textbooks as a means of efficiency or even as a way to cut costs of paying for expensive textbooks. To understand which format is more effective, we need to study the different formats and see what are the strengths and weaknesses found in the two different formats. This paper will examine research done by multiple researchers and use their research to help find the format that best helps students to study and retain material learned from their textbook Defining E textbooks and Traditional Textbooks E textbooks are often defined as texts that are able to be accessed on electronic devices. Most research has defined them as texts that are digital and accessed via electronic screens (Rockinson Szapkiw, Courdoff, Carter, Bennett, 2012), in which there two formats that exist. The first format is the page fidelity e textbook and second is the reflowable digital e textbook. The page fidelity e textbook is a simple scanned picture of the print version of a book, which can usually come in the form of a PDF (Rockinson Szapkiw, Courdoff, Carter, Bennett, 2012). The page fidelity e textbook has no ... Get more on ...
  • 20. History Of U.s. And Cuba Ben Monroe 23 April 2016 History 153 Professor Thompson The History of the U.S. and Cuba The United States is known for being one of the greatest and strongest countries in the world looking at past events and in this day and age. What might strike some people as shocking is that the U.S. would not be as strong without close ties with other countries or allies. Examples would be France, England, and Canada, plus many more. What people don t talk about is the U.S. s rivals or countries that the U.S. has had trouble with in the past leading up to now. One of the most renowned countries is only ninety miles away from the southern tip of Florida and that is Cuba. Cuba is known for the fantastic beaches, some of the most well known baseball players around, and, of course, Cuban cigars and rum. But, the past with Cuba is not as bright as the U.S. wants it to be because of historical events such as the embargo, the Bay of Pigs, and the Cuban missile crisis during World War II that caused the two countries to separate as allies and close tied nations. Over the past year the U.S. and Cuba have been trying to put the past behind them and have diplomatic and cultural relations once again. The last president to visit the nation of Cuba was President Calvin Coolidge in 1928. Since then there has many problems between the two nations. Fourteen months ago President Barrack Obama announced that there would be an effort in trying to normalize relations with Cuba. As the President has ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Advantages Of A Model Contract Model Contract A model contract can be described as an agreement between the parties which are data exporter and the data importer, which covers lot of important aspects for not only to communicators but also to data transport. This means that the relevant company in the United States must have a contract or some kind of an agreement for each and every country to which it sends and receives data. Usually model contracts tend to be better suited for small and medium sized enterprises that do not have very large employee base or partners in many countries. But if it is a larger company that may have employees or partners in different countries, standard contracts are not going to be that much helpful in practical a situation. In large companies, model contracts ... Show more content on ... g) HP states Protecting customer and employee personal and confidential data promotes trust and loyalty and energize the HP brand . Though HP is a large corporation, its dedication to protecting employee data has prevented altering, mishaps, such as major leaks of employee data. But a large and a well renowned company like HP may also be vulnerable to some potential threats such as, Global protection and national data protection for employees. As we know the safe harbor is largely paying its attention only towards the EU member states. But they work in more than I70 countries throughout the world. Which means they can t keep one single policy for all their employees, which will eventually lead to a chaos. Thus, it can be difficult to cope if a security problem arise in a country which is not part of the EU. So in order to mitigate this kind of an incidence they should keep separate rules and regulations, policies, agreements which can be applied to any circumstances with that county regarding their employee data or information protection despite of their general EU ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Bee Population Decline The oldest known bee fossil is estimated to be over 135 million years old (The Xerces Society). Knowing this, one would certainly realize the importance of the relationship between plants and bees, as they have depended on each other for survival for such an immense period of time. The colossal variety of plant species are around today on behalf of the pollinators that evolved with them. However, this knowledge has not quite convinced society of the dangers the decline in bee populations pose to life as one knows it, as the loss of plants causes a dangerous chain reaction. At the curtains of every winter, a dwindling number of bees are making their debut in the thriving spring. The decrease can be seen in how United States beekeepers have lost 40 percent of their colonies since 2006 (Johnston, ... Show more content on ... 135 million years ago, vegetation relied on the wind to carry out pollen in the remote hopes that a meager portion would settle on a female flower (Goulson). An inefficient and hasty system, it has been grown out of, as the phenomenon of evolution produced an improved response in the form of the bee, a humble, hard working insect. For a creature most humans prefer to avoid, the bee plays a crucial role in the way society functions and survives. Pollination, a valuable service, is jeopardized at the hands of humans. This is a case seen in the correlation between the use of pesticides, applying destructive methods of industrial agriculture, and climate change. As the biologist E.O. Wilson once observed, If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Gut Microbiota Species composition of bacteria in the gut is highly personalised and mostly determined by environment and diet. The proportion of each species changes throughout life and the elderly have a significantly different microbiome. The introduction of antibiotics through the course of life alters the variation and presence of bacteria via elimination, altering the species richness and evenness of the microbiome. Studies have identified different genera of bacteria which are present in the microbiome and their role in nutrient intake. Gut microbiota has 3 main enterotypes Prevotella, Bacteroides and Ruminococcus, there is a strong correlation between the concentration of each bacterial community and the dietary constituents. A diet high in carbohydrates and simple sugars would also indicate and reveal a greater concentration of Prevotella whereas a diet high in protein and animal fats would present a higher concentration of Bacteroides in the gut. A long term change in the diet would permanently shift the concentration of bacteria in the gut to accommodate the new nutrient uptake. This would then change the bacterial barrier in the intestine which could make it more vulnerable due to reduced species richness. A radical ... Show more content on ... However throughout the months via contact from relatives and outings the microbiome diversifies and there is competition for space. The bacteria begin to specialize and differentiate to become more adapted to their environment; the bacteria present on skin would be more suited to dry conditions than the gut which is wet and moist. The gut microbiome would also be more specialized in absorbing nutrients. As babies drink breast milk they would obtain bacteria from their mother and thus they would have a different gut biome to a baby who was fed formula milk as well as the introduction of solid foods would cause the microbiome to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Gentle Strength The show Gentle Strength is an event includes ten dances. These dances were choreographed by the dance majors in the dance department.. This event took place in Santa Ana College at the Phillips Hall. All the dances had a different style and also their costumes.. Every dance turned out amazing and the dancers just danced marvellous. I was really impressed with all the dances, but two really stood out to me. There was some that I really did not understand or just lacked something. Even though all the dances were amazing, there was one that inspired me and one really did not inspire me. The dance that really inspired me was Diazepam, choreographed by Catalina Leon. I really liked how she did a dance about her anxiety because many people get ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Man and Nature after the Fall in John Milton s Paradise Lost Man and Nature after the Fall in Paradise Lost In Paradise Lost, the consequences of the fall and the change in relations between man and nature can best be discussed when we look at Milton s pre fall descriptions of Eden and its inhabitants. Believing that fallen humans could never fully understand what life was like in Eden and the relationships purely innocent beings shared, Milton begins his depiction of Paradise and Adam and Eve through the fallen eyes of Satan: So little knows Any, but God alone, to value right The good before him, but perverts best things To worse abuse, or to thir meanest use. Beneath him with new wonder now he views To all delight of human sense expos d In narrow room ... Show more content on ... His fair large Front and Eye sublime declar d Absolute rule; and Hyacinthine Locks Round from his parted forelock manly hung Clust ring, but not beneth his shoulders broad: Shee as a veil down to slender waist Her unadorned golden tresses wore Dishevell d, but in wanton ringlets wav d As the vine curls her tendrils, which impli d Subjection, but requir d with gentle sway...(IV, 287 308)
  • 26. Adam and Eve are tall and erect like the trees, pure and nude, uncovered like the rural landscape. Adam s hair cut short, almost as if the pair had pruned it. Eve s body seems to be supported by the garden, but her hair is described as wild, unadorned and wanton, not unlike the landscape outside of Eden: Steep wilderness, whose hairy sides/ With thicket overgrown, grotesque and wild... (IV, 135 36). With special care and a watchful eye the Eden will not smother itself, just as Adam and Eve are safe from Satan when they are together. When Eve leaves Adam, she is tempted by the Serpent and decides to eat the forbidden fruit. When this happens, the earth feels the fall profoundly: So saying, her rash hand in evil hour Forth reaching to the Fruit, she pluck d, she eat: Earth felt the wound, and Nature form her seat Sighing through all her ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Analysis Of Meditation 17 By John Donne Meditation 17 is a poem by John Donne that reveals his thoughts and beliefs on the world altogether. We see a lot of religion cited in this poem and then we also see a kind of dark side of that which would be death. In this poem, John Donne elevates this poem by the way he structures it as well as the language and situation. The language is so important to understand because it can convey a message that is deeper than just the words. We see a lot of words that very common in this poem however, they are placed in a unique way that most likely someone will have to go back and reread to grasp what is being said. There are many metaphors, analogies and personification used throughout the poem. I believe John Donne does this so that the ... Show more content on ... I see John Donne doing the same thing in this poem, the tone is somewhat straight forward and serious, with the narrator having a down speaking tone and somewhat apathetic to the things being conveyed in this poem. And when she buries a man, that action concerns me this is an indicator of the tone being used once again. It is clear that the line is speaking about death, it is pretty common that death is taking seriously and in which we would be serious when speaking on it. John Donne also uses alliterations throughout this poem along with repetition. congregation to come , the church is catholic , are examples of alliteration he used. the action concerns me , for whom this bell tolls are used as repetition. All of these examples are used to help remind the reader what exactly they are reading and gathering from the poem. I think that these all lighten the mood of the poem so it s not total darkness. The structure stands out to me mainly in the fact that there are no stanzas nor paragraph indentions. The poem is a single paragraph, I believe he kept it this way because he states that all mankind is of one author and is one volume . Also, this single paragraph poem could be seen as an essay. When I think of an essay, they have ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Comparing Let America Be America Again And I Hear America... In the poems Let American be America Again and I hear America Singing they are both dreams, but for different reasons. In I hear America singing Walt Whitman portrays America in an amazing light making people want to go this dream like utopian country. In Let America be America Again it portrays America as a land of false dreams and wants it to be the dream it hoped it be. It also tells of the corrupt, dark, crooked side of America. It also mentions how it should never have been like this. Now in I hear America singing it shows the pure, lively, and beautiful side of America. Both are dreams but they are dreams for different reasons. In Langston Hughes Let America be America again America was a dream for everyone. The dream, however, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Digital Marketing Essay You Will Always Cut It With Any Of These Digital Marketing Techniques Digital marketing keeps growing more and more everyday. Right now, digital marketing is a big umbrella of several marketing techniques. This is why it is now much more expensive to hire a digital marketing service provider. Every mobile app development company includes digital marketing tools in their app. A good example is the single push button with which you can send posts to all the users of your app. The common digital marketing techniques have been outlined right below. 1. Social media marketing People are now generally obsessed with social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter... etc. So, digital marketers take advantage by creating social media account to ... Show more content on ... The suggestion will hold water as other participants will take it as a non biased opinion. 3. Email marketing Digital advertisers send marketing emails to people that have subscribed for their newsletters. However, before each mail is sent, there will be some profiling. The people who may need the product are then filtered out. For instance, if the product is ladies shoes, it will be sent to only ladies. And guys will be left out. Email marketing has a lot of advantages. It is sent directly to only the intended recipients. It is also about the most cost effective marketing techniques. Besides, you can be able to track who received the mail and who didn t. 4. Google adwords Google AdWords are keywords people are expected to type into Google search engine when looking for certain products or services. As a company, you are supposed to link these keywords to relevant landing pages on your website. This means that when you adopt keywords like Buy a cheap raincoat , you are supposed to link it to the exact landing page on your website that has all the raincoats you offer and the price of each of them. It is wrong to link it to your home page as it will waste the prospective buyer s time and also earn you low quality score. For Google to display your site on its search engine result page (SERP), you have to submit it to
  • 30. Google. However, Google has its own set of procedures for displaying results. On its own, Google has to find, crawl and analyze ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Outline The Relationship Between Fiona And Alzheimer s As Fiona begins to realize the burden she will be on her husband she decides she wants to go to a nursing home. She believes this discussion will make it easier for both her and Grant to cope with her unfortunate disease. Grant does not completely agree with her discussion, but still goes along with it. With Fiona s Alzheimer s progressively getting worse Grant is distraught to find his wife being comforted by another man. He visits her as much as he could to show her how much he cares for her, but she eventually becomes distant and forgets who he is. After months of doing everything in his power to try to help her remember who he once was, he finally came to terms with the fact that the person he loved and developed a deep connection with ... Get more on ...
  • 32. How Does Bernard Marx Present John Bernard Marx, who is the main character until John s appearance in chapter seven, is one of the most important characters in the novel. Marx first appears after the director has finished explaining that jealousy and lovesickness don t exist in the World State. This introduction is ironic because, as we gain insight to the mind of Marx, we learn that he is experiencing both jealousy and lovesickness. In this same scene we are shown that he struggles with his emotions towards Lenina and finds it difficult to express his feelings towards her, which probably stems from his anxiety about rejection. Marx is an Alpha Plus, which means that, naturally, he should be able to enjoy the benefits that come with being a member of the upper caste. However, Marx is noticeably short in stature for his caste, which is rumored to be a result of alcohol in his blood surrogate. This is cause for humiliation and ridicule from his other caste members. Marx is, unfortunately, aware of his differences and people s responses to them. Because of this, he develops resentment towards the society he lives in, internally criticizing their behavior because he himself cannot engage in the same activities as his counterparts. Marx longs to be a strong individual, and even rebellious; yet, when he is confronted by his superiors, he shrinks and becomes ... Show more content on ... When he returns from the Reservation, Marx uses John to rise in social status, where he participates in all of the behaviors that he had just previously been condemning. He takes complete advantage of his affiliation with John, but when his attempt to advance in popularity is thwarted, Marx returns to his old habits, criticizing the World State. He immediately begins to feel lonely and insecure again. It is then that the reader may realize that Marx is a hypocrite and is only able to feel any sense of self worth when he is receiving attention from ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Haunting Future Research Paper Haunting Past I remember driving up to UC Davis on move in day. The parking lot was full of nervous and tired students. However, I was very excited, nervous, shaking, and my heart was beating a million beats per second. This was a big step for me. I was moving away from home for the first time and I was going to be on my own. I remember seeing all the dorms for the first time, they were a deep orange, olive green, and a bright yellow. Before I started to unpack, my family and I took a tour around the campus. As we walked around campus we came across the cows, they had a huge pink nose and a large tongue. That day we also went to see some of the lecture halls. Right off the back I felt overwhelmed. Just seeing the movie theater like seats made ... Show more content on ... When she was sixteen when she had me and because of financial reasons she wasn t able to finish high school. Before I was born she decided that it would be best for her to come to the U.S. A few months after she decided this she went on this journey. She left Aguascalientes, Mexico a very small town in the center of Mexico. This was very hard for her because she was leaving behind all of her family for me to have a better life. When she got to the U.S. she didn t know anyone. This made it extremely hard for her to find a place to live. She also didn t know English at all. She had to go through many struggles for me to get here. She had many little jobs that helped us out but we would always have so financial hardship at one point or another. For about three years I remember her having a hard time trying to pay rent for one room. She was a single mother of three and we weren t financially stable. I remember all of the stories that she would tell me as a kid about everything she did for me. Knowing how hard she struggled just for me to get here makes me feel like I should make her proud and become a doctor just like she always ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Speech Sound Octavia Butler Language is key for survival In Speech Sound by Octavia Butler is a fascinating short story that embellish in humankind s inability to communicate with actual words with one another. Language is in fact an active medium of communication through which we establish and comprehend society norms and custom, is certainly recognized as a pivotal tool for survival. Is usual to view language as simply system nonetheless, Butler demonstrate that language is complex system which is vital to describe and shape our experiences in which our lives unfold. Speech Sound being introducing the main character named Rye, a woman who was left alone as result of the illness who had stripped her killing her parents, sisters, husband, children s one by one and the ... Show more content on ... She asks Obsidian to go home with her, he was surprised but took her offer in consideration afterword. Rye knew Obsidian was not regular guy and there were few like him, she notices he was left hand it which is sing that he was less impaired and drive but they are certainly more reasonable and comprehending and at course more intellectual. This seem to be the perfect ending of story of two people has been affected by illness and are struggling to survive, although they are privilege than others. After agreeing that they were unifying their lives and on her way home; they run into women being a chased by men who is presumably her husband who carry a knife. As soon as Obsidian encounter this situation he jumped out the car and shout it was the first times Rye had heard his voice. In few second the men have already stab the women to dead and obsidian killed him but the unthinkable happen, in moment when Obsidian was distracted the men open his eyes and pull the trigger and kill Obsidian, he had died and left Rye along, the men that represented hope and new beginning to Rye was gone now. In addition, two children came out of the house where the man and the woman had run, a boy and little girl they crossed the street where Rye was. They look and Rye and the directed their path to the woman, the little girl move the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Rape And Sexual Violence And Assault And Its Survivors Essay LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Introduction This is a presentation of findings from the literature review with focus on rape and sexual violence/assault and its survivors. Extensive literature search was conducted on relevant concepts that include the definition of rape, sexual violence and assault, consequences of rape and sexual violence/assault, provision of health services. The search looked at developed and developing countries as well as war stricken settings. Therefore, the aim was to understand the burden of rape and sexual violence, its consequences and provision of health services for survivors and constitutional narrative relating to rape and sexual violence. 1.2 Rape and sexual violence burden Rape and sexual violence/assault against humankind are among the most pervasive forms of violence. High prevalence of sexual violence was initially reported in research from Europe and Northern America. However, other continents are growingly reporting alarming prevalence of sexual violence. Based on the World Health Organization s (2005) report on multi country study of women s health and domestic violence against women, approximately 6% to 59% of women globally report forced or attempted sexual intercourse (by partners or non partners) in their lifetime. While much research has focused on sexual violence against women and children, various studies have since reported on sexual violence against men.(1) Approximately 19.3% of women and 1.7% of men have during their lifetimes been ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Four Earth Systems The hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere, are the four Earth systems that have many interactions between each other. Many of these interactions are for the good or bad of the environment. The hydrosphere is all water on earth like groundwater, rivers, oceans, glaciers, etc. The geosphere is things such as rock, landforms, molten rock, volcanoes, minerals, soil, etc. The biosphere consist of all living things, like plants or animals. The atmosphere is the envelope of gases surrounding the Earth, this is known as air. One interaction is between the geosphere and the hydrosphere. The hydrosphere can cause erosion of the geosphere by water from glaciers melting and running into the geosphere. This erosion could cause new lakes or ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Natural And Physical Inequality Unavoidably, every person enters the world with a unique set of talents, dispositions and attributes which lead him or her to perform better or worse than another person in certain realms. Rousseau calls this natural or physical inequality: one may be stronger, quicker or smarter than another, and as such able to complete more tasks than another. Rousseau argues that none of this matters in the state of nature because, similar to animals, mankind concerns itself with self preservation. Family bonds, or any other sort of organization of a group of people, do not exist in this state. The complete self sufficiency of each person means nobody needs to exercise control or domination of any sort over any other person to survive or enjoy a more luxurious lifestyle. I see him satisfying his hunger under an oak tree, quenching his thirst at the first stream, finding his bed at the foot of the same tree that supplied his meal; and thus all his needs are satisfied (Rousseau 47). Perhaps one more adept at finding food, whether by speed or size, will more easily satisfy his hunger and have more time to rest at the foot of the tree or to enjoy relations with those passing by. While this does provide an advantage, every person effectively lives the same sort of life, free of dominion of any sort. Similarly, Smith writes that talents of men differ on the basis of the realm they most naturally aspire to. While one man may inevitably be stronger than a second, the same second may ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Drosophila Melanogaster Lab Report Essay Introduction In most kitchens the small flies that are found are Drosophila Melanogaster also called fruit fly. They are often brought in by ripened tomatoes, grapes and other perishable items from the garden. Drosophila melanogaster is a little two winged insect about 3mm long two winged insect that belongs to the Diptera, the order of the flies. The drosophila egg is about half a millimeter long. Fertilization takes about one day the embryo to develop and hatch into a worm like larva. The larva eats and grows continuously, after two days as a third in star larva; it moults one more time to form an immobile pupa. Over the next four days, the body is completely remodeled to give the adult winged form, which then hatches from the pupal ... Show more content on ... Some larva containing vials had hatched into flies. Counting of the flies began at this point. As flies started to grow, at different rates for each vial, with in the first seven days after all larva had hatched the flies were counted. The procedure was done according to theDrosophila manual (45 2620) Results F1 Predictions For our first generation (F1) of flies we chose to cross apterous (+) females and white eye (w) males. We predicted that the mutation would be sex linked recessive. So if the female was the sex with the mutation then all females would be wild type heterozygous. Heterozygous is a term used when the two genes for a trait are opposite. The males would all be white eye since they only have one X chromosome. If the males were the sex that had the mutation then all the flies would be wild type but the females would be heterozygous. F1 Outcomes From the cross white eye males with wild females, our results were we got both phenotypes in the males as well as the females to be wild type. F2 Predictions Based upon observation of the F1 generation, we hypothesize that the inheritance of the white eye (W) mutation is sex linked and recessive wild type. For the F2 generation the phenotype that was obtained is as followed. See Figure1. |Normal wings |Normal wings |No wings white |No wings | |Red eyes |White ... Get more on ...