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The Industrial Revolution Essay
Crafting an essay on the Industrial Revolution is a challenging task that requires a
comprehensive understanding of historical events, economic transformations, and societal
impacts. The Industrial Revolution was a complex period marked by significant advancements in
technology, changes in labor practices, and shifts in economic structures. As a writer, you need to
delve into extensive research to grasp the intricacies of this era and its profound effects on
various aspects of society.
Moreover, constructing a coherent and well-structured essay involves synthesizing a plethora of
information and presenting it in a logical sequence. You must navigate through historical
accounts, economic analyses, and social commentaries to create a nuanced narrative that captures
the essence of the Industrial Revolution. Balancing historical accuracy with engaging prose adds
another layer of difficulty, as you strive to maintain a scholarly tone while ensuring your essay
remains accessible to a broad audience.
Addressing the myriad of consequences stemming from industrialization, such as urbanization,
labor exploitation, and socio-economic inequalities, demands a keen analytical mind. It requires
the ability to connect disparate elements into a cohesive argument that elucidates the
multifaceted nature of this transformative period in history.
Furthermore, developing a thesis statement that encapsulates the key insights you wish to convey
about the Industrial Revolution adds an additional layer of complexity. The challenge lies not
only in formulating a compelling argument but also in presenting it with clarity and conviction.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the Industrial Revolution involves navigating through a
complex web of historical events, economic dynamics, and social implications. It demands
extensive research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to create a
comprehensive and engaging piece of writing.
For those who find this task daunting, there are resources available to provide assistance.
Websites like offer services where similar essays and more can be ordered,
providing a valuable support system for individuals seeking guidance in navigating the intricacies
of essay writing.
The Industrial Revolution Essay The Industrial Revolution Essay
The Role Of Sexism Exposed In The Twilight Saga Movies
Legends and tall tales of vampires have been around for generations. They were
once beings society feared; pale, soulless, vicious beasts with blood stained mouths
and long black capes. In recent years, this depiction has changed. Vampires are now
portrayed as beautiful, alluring creatures, who are more civilized then how passed
tales have depicted. In the The Twilight Saga movies, based on the Stephenie Meyer
s controversial book series, vampires are reinvented with more human attributes and
feelings. Not only do they have human like feelings but they display social issues
that human s face in society as well. A human social issue that has made its way into
fantasy vampiretales is sexism. The Twilight Saga utilizes the horror genre... Show
more content on ...
Bella is caught between two men in the film, Edward and Jacob. Although she is
unquestionably in love with Edward, he abandons her so she is left in Forks with
Jacob. Jacob is a muscular, tan, teenage boy a few years younger than Bella but has
the build of a man twice his own age. With Edward gone, Bella does not try to go
on life alone or be independent; she runs to Jacob. A source on Intangible
Divulgences describes this point of the saga and states The love triangle is
established, with Bella now caught between two men, given a choice, as Meyer
sees it, but a choice to attach herself to a male no matter what it takes. (Divulgence
1). Bella is never given or never considers the choice of being her own person or by
herself; it s either Edward or Jacob, being with herself is not option. Bella is
portrayed as so codependent because she is physically fragile and clumsy.
Christine Jarvis, author of The Twilight Of Feminism? Stephenie Meyer s Saga
And The Contradictions Of Contemporary Girlhood. talks about how Bella is
create this way purposely so she can be a relatable character for women because
she is powerless. (Jarvis 102). The Twilight Saga display a sort of power imbalance
with Edward having more power than Bella does. Edward is basically
indestructible and calm while Bella is frantic and can barely fend for herself. She
also has no strength, physically or emotionally while Edward and Jacob are
depicted as the epitome of strength and self control. In one part of New Moon,
Bella agrees to rebuild dirt bikes with Jacob but does no manual labor whatsoever
and even gets hurt clumsily falling in the tool shed. Bella embodies all the negative
stereotypes society has created against women, yet she is still looked up to by
viewers because she is with an attractive man with incredible
Essay On Developing Professional Practice
ACAP Student ID: 170913
Course: BASSIX
Assessment Name:
Assessment Number:
Term amp; Year:
Word Count:
I declare that this assessment is my own work, based on my own personal research
/study. I also declare that this assessment, nor parts of it, has not been previously
submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or
whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have
read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand
its implications.
I also declare, if this is a ... Show more content on ...
With keeping the agency and clients in mind Boylan and Scott (2008) makes note
of the importance of familiarizing oneself with site practices regarding client s
record keeping and treatment practices to make sure no ethical guidelines are
breached with client confidentiality. Keeping to Boylan and Scott (2008) previous
information I feel it is important to make sure that during the interview and over my
time in the placement if I have any questions which information isn t needed
immediately it would help to keep a journal detailing these the so that I can develop
my knowledge and the experience and help to reflect on later. Some of the most
commonly held practice principles according to Lines (2006) that you may deal with
when working with youth or children may include things such as under age sexual
activity, suicidal thoughts, drug and alcohol abuse and learning how to balance the
legal and ethical responsibilities after this has been shared in session. Whilst
undertaking my placement it is my goal to comply with the practices policies and
make sure that I place a high importance on receiving and making the most of the
guidance I receive from the employed staff in this establishment as Forret and
Dougherty (2004) note these opportunities and my performance within may open up
many new opportunities. Another important thing to note when doing a placement is
that although this is a great
Essay On Teen Smoking
I knew that smoking was bad... I didn t think I would have a premature baby, said
Amanda. I couldn t hold her much in those first weeks. It s time I ll never get back.
Smoking took that from me. 2 This woman describes the hardship that she went
through while pregnant and giving birth. Amanda, like many others, was addicted to
smokingthroughout her college career and early in her pregnancy. Her baby was
born 2 months early and was forced to spend weeks in an incubator.2 This personal
experience illustrates the emotional, mental and physical stresses that are associated
with cigarette smoking. From a data standpoint, Amanda represents 1 out of the 36.5
million people over the age of 18 in the U.S. that are currently smoking.1 This
anecdote helps to understand some of the issues associated with cigarette smoking
from an individual perspective and why many are trapped in the deadly habit. This
paper will begin by looking at the prevalence and demographics of adult cigarette
smoking in the U.S to help understand the magnitude of the issue. It will then
examine the problems and vulnerabilities associated with smoking by outlining public
health issues and then suggest possible solutions that have worked in different
settings. Finally, this paper will discuss the implementation of the intervention by
deploying the three levels of the social ecological model.
First, to understand the issue of adult cigarette smoking in the U.S, we must
investigate the causes and prevalence.
Analyse a Case Study `Change at Whirlpool...
Environmental analysis (PESTEL , 5 forces
The political changes are likely to influence Whirlpool only insomuch it can affect
the markets the company sells to , causing political instability that will wreak havoc
in the economy . The company has already sustained , for instance , losses in South
America it can suffer more if the region experiences riots or major political upheavals
The organization is affected by the prosperity of people in the markets it targets that
will translate into changes in both
replacement purchases and level of activity in construction companies
Economic activity will affect the relative weight of upscale brands such as
KintchenAid as c compared to Frigidaire or Rapor brands
Social ... Show more content on ...
They have to be given new distinct images that will permit customers to take a new
look at old things . New promotions have to be developed that will target consumers
who previously would not have thought of buying a Whirlpool appliance
The brand value creation strategy can also be useful to Whirlpool in emerging
markets where it will follow Market Development strategy Whirlpool goods can be
introduced into the market in a new light that will parallel the brand image the
company creates in its traditional markets . This will single out Whirlpool products
from the rest of the market and make them an impressive novelty in these markets
Strategy selection evaluation (suitability , feasibility accessibility
The strategy of brand value creation can be tested for
Suitability : it can be poorly compatible with the current risk and change averse
Feasibility : the projected cash generation from the increase in brand value can be
mapped out in to see whether this will be appropriate
Accessibility : the company can tests what marketing promotions and other measures
it can undertake to make its brands work
Implementation (force field analysis , change kaleidoscope
The force field analysis has identified the
Theme Of Language In The Film A Clockwork Orange
Language in both literature and film is a profound part, which takes its reader or
viewer on a journey and develop their perception of characters. A Clockwork
Orange deals with the brilliant usage of language in both novel and film. Anthony
Burgess the writer of the novel A Clockwork Orange uses language to create a
buffer, to indicate alliances with a specific social group and lastly, to embroil the
reader in the action. Stanley Kubrick the screenwriter of the film A Clockwork Orange
believes language is the least important aspect in a film so instead to create the same
effects that Burgess creates through language, Kubrick s uses cinematic techniques to
achieve the same effect. This essay will explore and examine the function and
techniques... Show more content on ...
The only characters who uses nadsat, is Alex and his friends thus, making is easy for
the reader to differentiate between teenage gang members and older mature
citizens. Colloquialism creates a community and Burgess uses language to make
the reader feel as though they are part of this gang. In the prison there is a direct
contrast to who is part of this social group, and who is not. Dr Brodsky tells Alex
you can t get the better of us (Burgess, Morrison, 2000:86), to which Alex replies
grahzny bratchnies (Burgess, Morrison, 2000:86). Not only is this a way to
differentiate gangs from normal society, but also an indication of which character are
teenagers and which are grownups, keeping the language exuberant in its
inventiveness (Nixon, 2010:8).
Different from Burgess Language alliance technique, Kubrick also indicate
alliances with a social group by means of the visual representation of Alex and his
friends. From the beginning of the film, there is a clear indication of who part of the
gang, and who is not. Alex and his friends wear white long sleeved shirts, and white
trousers (Kubrick, 1971), separating them form the rest of society and making it clear
for the viewer to distinguish between the characters .Kubrick intentionally chooses
these costumes for Alex and his friends to separate them from the rest of
Best Halloween Costume
The Best Halloween Costume Halloween is an old, old holiday with many
traditions. Today, Halloween has developed into a yearly holiday for activities like
trick or treating and pumpkin carving ( By far, the most enjoyable part
of Halloween is wearing a costume. For one night, people are allowed to be
whomever they wish to be. Of all the things to be, Ronald Reaganwould have to be
the best. Ronald Reagan would make the best Halloween costume for many
reasons. The first reason is simple: everyone loves Ronald Reagan. Taking a look
back at the 1980 s reveals some great evidence. Ronald Reagan won 49 of the 50
states in the 1984 presidential election ( Since the 1984 election, no
presidential candidate has won by
Persuasive Essay On Driverless Cars
Robots are here to take over, but not by force. In fact, we are letting them in the
door without even checking the peephole. A robot can do your job better, faster,
cheaper, and with less mistakes and companies know this. We live in a country of
late stage capitalism where private companies are trying to squeeze every and any
penny out of their expenses and into their pockets. For profits organizations won t
hesitate to automate their workforce, and why should they? To them, the benefits
are enormous. Robots don t take breaks, don t get hurt, can t get sick, and do not
require a yearly salary. This is no longer a matter of can we or should we, this is a
matter of how our government should respond to this massive change. Low skill
jobs can easily be automated and already are beginning to be. Self checkouts and
truck driving are only two examples of low skill jobs being taken over robots. One
might think there aren t many jobs past truck drivers and store clerks that can be
automated, but that is flat out incorrect. Self driving cars are already here. In John
Stossel s episode, Robots and Cars Stossel drives a Tesla, which has self driving
capabilities and these cars are already available to the public. Although, the
technology behind driverless cars aren t just put in the category of cars, they re autos.
Autos move something from point A to point B. This can be useful in pit mines
moving resources, warehouses moving goods, retail stores moving products. Moving
things from
Beach Descriptive Essay
The beach is known for being a place to relax; the beach I went to was a run of the
mill beach, tan sand with rocks next to an aqua sea, I was there with my Mother
and family on a cloudless day in summer 2009.Nevertheless we were on the beach,
it was filled with umbrellas of all colors, filling the beach like a canvas with
hundreds of strokes on it. Starting our trip started with setting up our blanket and
umbrella so we could sit down to relax at the start, but we all wanted to head out
and swim so I put on my yellow goggles and arm floaters with dolphins on them,
heading into the water which was reasonably warm in 90 degree weather . We
were fairly deep into the water, the goggles and arm floaters were making sure I
kept above the water as well as not inhaling any, it was fun splashing my family or
going underwater to test how far we could see which was four inches. Out of
nowhere, my Mother had screeched Just stand sideways, you ll be fine! ,abruptly, I
saw it towering over us, a shadow coming towards us, I started to run away, or at
least make an attempt to. Fear consumes me ,my only thoughts were heading to shore
where I would be safe from the wave, I barely went half a foot away before it
grabbed me. It grabbed on, dragged me to the middle where I couldn t move up to
inhale air or push myself off the bottom to jump, I was trapped under the water,
waves above taunting knowing I was trapped. Water was running past , I started to
feel a strong tug on my head, before I could realize what was going on, my goggles
were dashing away with the water, but I could still open my eyes under the water
without the sting of saline water in my eyes. Everything was a mushy brown color,
all the sandstarted to be pulled up, mixing with the water, everything in front of and
below me was turbid, but when I look up to see the surface of the water, it was
shining, crystal clear even. For a bit wondered if I was gazing at Heaven and the wave
was my ride to heaven, but the pain snapped me back to reality, black spots were
flooding my vision while pain was wrapped around my chest. It had wrapped around
me, began to trail down to my toes and rise to my head, it hurt so much, I started to
feel tired,
Hastings Point Essay
Grade 11
Bio Ecology Field Study
By, Colton Hatcher
Introduction Hastings Point is a small coastal town located in New South Wales
that is sounded by a national park. Hastings point has been a great location for
tourists due to its marine wildlife, beaches and fishing. This destination is home to
a magnificent rocky shore perfectly suited for a vast majority and wide range of
marine wildlife. The rocky shore has a wide spread of both biotic and abiotic factors
which provides a suitable ecosystem for all wildlife but unfortunately this
unindustrialized location is becoming over developed. This takes a toll on Hastings
point ecosystem immensely because the estuary, beach and the living organisms are
slowly diminishing in ... Show more content on ...
The Tidal zones consist of splash zone, high water neap tide, low water neap tide,
high water spring tide, low water spring tide, mid tide level and the splash zone
and sub littoral zone. All of these tidal zones can be determined by which indicator
organisms/animals are living there. For an example the splash zone is the highest
of all zones and the organisms that are generally living there are noddiwinkles. If
you spot a lot of honeycomb barnacles and blue grey periwinkle s then you are
most likely in the high water tide zone and water only covers this zone at high tide.
White tube worms are indictor organism the mid tide level zone and is covered by
water for half of the day. There s also the low tide zone which is engulfed in water
for the majority of the day expect at low tide, you can determine this zone by
finding indicator organisms such as sea squirts. The final tidal zone is the sub literal
zone and this is always under water the indictor organism s living here are brown
tubeworms and striped girdled chiton.
Aim: The aim of our excursion to Hastings Point, New South Wales was to study the
biodiversity and ecology and to see how these organisms behave in their natural
habitat and surroundings. There will also be information collected about a variety of
different organisms as well as population counts and observe how they have adapted
to the species surrounding environment. The excursion will also be an opportunity to
gather information on
Louis Xiv s Influence On The World War II
Karl Johnson A Block, History Lisa Feirtag The Sun God Louis XIV is known for
his powerful approach to rule. For example, within foreign policy, pressing the
invasion of the Spanish Netherlands in 1667, boldly deeming it his wife s rightful
inheritance. The conflict was named, The War of Devolution, and lasted a year.
France lost, although Louis XIV did not give up, and engaged in the great Franco
Dutch War from 1672 to 1678. During the war, France managed to acquire more
land and the victory promoted France to the status of a dominant power. After all,
Louis XIV was known to France as the Sun King, the most powerful and god like
being on earth, he couldn t stand for defeat. This new dominant status, coupled
with Louis XIV s audacious campaigns to constantly expand territory through the
use of military force, positioned France as an immediate threat to other European
nations, and positioned Louis XIV as a looming figure over all of Europe. Louis
XIV thought of war as the sport of Kings, and he put a lot into his favorite pastime.
Louis XIV was born September 5, 1638 in Saint Germaine en Laye, France. He
became king and official leader of 19 million French in 1643 at the age of four
years old. Rather than a scholarly education, Louis XIV was educated in practicality
and logic. Louis s first goal as king was to centralize and rein in total control of
France. He did this by establishing reforms that cut France s deficit, promoted
industrial growth, created an organized
The Quiet Revolution Research Paper
Between 1960 s to present day terrorism has occurred many times in Canada. To
start off, specifically in the 1960 s when Quebec was holding a Quiet Revolution.
This was a social change happening in Quebec. To continue, during this time
president of France Charles de Gaulle came to Montreal Quebecwhere he would say a
speech effecting Canadaforever. Vive le Quebec Libre was the ending statement to
his speech, this statement would be scribbled on the wall on the site of the very
first bomb of the FLQ. The FLQ was a group of was a separatists in Quebec. They
believed in using weapons and violence to receive there demands and were
responsible for numerous bombings in Quebec during the 1960 s. Finally, the FLQ
was responsible for the worst crisis since World War Two which was the October
Crisis. This horrifying event was lead by the... Show more content on
Trudeau also invoked the War Measures Act, which was the first time to be done
during peace time. This allowed police to search and arrest anyone who might
have been seen as a suspect with out warrant. The kidnappers of Cross then
murdered Cross after realizing that the government would not negotiate to their
demands, police later found Laporte alive, was released. For the sake of Laportes
safety the FLQ was given a safe passage to cube where his kidnappers were later
arrested and put in jail and the crisis was over. This left an effect on Quebec and
Canada s economy and pride till this day. Many supported and many hated Trudeau
for invoking the war time act although man arrested were them released. Quebec had
strong pride for their wants of being noticed as part of Canada s government and to
have more say in things happening politically. Terrorismin Canada is still occurring
but the impact of the FLQ and October Crisis was one unlike any
Literary Theories And Voltaire s Candide
Sydney DeBerry
Professor Sweeton
English 2320
26 February 2015
Literary Theories and Candide Theories generally propose explanations whose status
is still hypothetical and subject to experimentation that can exist in any area of
interest; nonetheless, as one narrows theories down to a single specific field, like that
of Literature, definitions adjust with them. Literary theory relies on human response
to literature, followed by forming opinions and examining the text. Primarily, literary
theory allows criticism creation of principles by which a literary text can be
examined, and a number of diverse perspectives on a literary text and its conception
may form. Moreover, concentrated methods of reading ... Show more content on ...
Candide, for instance, starts as a bright eyed, optimistic boy unaccustomed with
the world s evils, representing in ways society s blind eye. The adventure Candide
undergoes is far more than just that. Knowledge opens the eyes of those who seek
understanding, and Candide in the end is aware of the world surrounding him.
The next lead character, Pangloss, represents the absurdity of humans to be
overoptimistic and write off their troubles as for the greater good. Impractically,
Pangloss ignores reality in favor of optimism; this is verified by every disaster in
Candide. Next, CunГ©gonde s descent throughout Candide resembles the harsh
loss of innocence; indeed, she was graced with beautiful and happiness before her
world was turned upside down. As her troubles came to an end, CunГ©gonde s
innocence was stolen by the world s evil much like in actuality, only leaving
ugliness and more temperament. Candide was blinded by his ideal of CunГ©gonde
up to the end; nonetheless, he finally saw her new self and was disenchanted.
Candide s dissatisfaction likens that of the entirety of his new world without rose
colored glasses. Much like concepts and plot, characters of the text continually allude
to more than they appear, especially in
Macroeconomic Trends And Conditions Of New Zealand
In the following essay, various macroeconomic trends and conditions will be
explored in reference to New Zealand.
While New Zealand has a rich history dating back to prehistoric times, the main
economic development began with the colonization by British explorers in the late
1700 s. Throughout time, the island nation has shared much with its British lineage
in that it has been a predominately isolated island nation that relies heavily on
international trade. While this has allowed New Zealand to become developed and
prosperous, it also exposes their economy to global economic recessions and
unexpected swings in various economic indicators. Sections in particular will focus
on GDP, inflation, unemployment, credit markets, and lastly fiscal and monetary
New Zealand s GDP in 2014 was $198.1 billion U.S. Dollars, which ranks 49th in
the world. Their economy is free market oriented and developed, and is routinely
ranked as one of the more efficient and least corrupt economies in the entire world
[2][3][10]. Currently, GDP expenditure in New Zealand is around 70% based in the
services sector, 26% in the industrial sector, and the remaining 4% in agriculture.
New Zealand has a high percentage of its GDP composed in both imports and exports
in international trade, which stand around 28% for both respectively [2][3]. Because
of this high reliance on international trade, the most recent economic recession from
2008 2009 saw real GDP contract for five quarters in a row,
Oskar Schindler
Oskar Schindler
World War II was fought from 1939 to 1945 between the Axis powers Germany,
Italy, and Japan and the Allies, involving France and Britain, and later the Soviet
Union and the United States. The Holocaust is generally thought of the name of the
period within World War II, where Hitter and the Nazi partycommitted the genocide
of roughly 6 million Jewish people. Jewish people were not the only victims of the
holocaust, as others include the mass murder of groups such as Romani gypsies,
homosexuals, Soviet Prisoners of War, blacks, and more, and some numbers suggest
that between 10 and 11 million civilians and POWs were murdered during this time
period. It s significant to understand that the genocide of Jews and others during ...
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October 1944, after the SS transferred the Emalia Jews to Plaszow, Schindler sought
and obtained authorization to relocate his plant to BrГјnnlitz (Brnenec) in Moravia,
and reopen it solely as an armaments factory. One of his assistants drew numerous
versions of a list of up to 1,200 Jewish prisoners needed to work in the new factory.
These lists came to be known collectively as Schindler s List. Schindler met the
necessities required by the SS to classify BrГјnnlitz as a sub camp of Gross Rosen
concentration camp and thereby facilitated the survival of about 800 Jewish
Fahrenheit 451 Technology Analysis
According to Cable News Network, the average American spends about half of their
day fully absorbed in technology. Ray Bradbury predicts this technological
dependence in his novel Fahrenheit 451. Although written in 1953, the dystopian
novel takes place in the future and scrutinizes human dependence on technology.
Bradbury depicts a world where technology is a fundamental aspect of survival and
where society does not read books because they are contradictory and abhorrent
towards minority groups. The protagonist in the novel, Guy Montag is a fireman
who burns books for a living. When Guy gets a new neighbor named Clarisse
McClellan, she opens his eyes to the world around him and helps him question his
morals as a human being. Through Clarisse, Guy can now see technology controlling
the lives... Show more content on ...
Mildred spends her days immersed in television and goes as far to consider the
characters in the television programs party of her family. The illustration of culture,
characters, and theme in the novel give today s society detailed insight into a
technologically dependent future for forthcoming generations. The representation
of culture in the novel is fast paced and does not value human life. The characters
in the novel seldom take time to think for themselves because they live a hurried
life. The town s citizens drive quickly because they have neither the time nor the
desire to exercise their true emotions. Thus, this fast paced lifestyle allows the
characters to subdue their feelings of grief and hopelessness. To fit in with the fast
paced style of life, single page narratives replace books and one to two minute
documentaries take the place of movies. With less time dedicated to reading and
learning, people allow more time for activities and lessons. Beatty is
Catharine Beecher Research Paper
Catharine Esther Beecher was a famous educator and writer. She was the eldest
child of the Beecher clan. Catharine was born in East Hampton, New York, in
1800. When she was 10, her family moved to Litchfield, Connecticut where she
began her education at Sarah Pierce s Academy for Young Women. When
Catharine was 16 years old, her mother died of tuberculosis, leaving Catharine to
care for her younger siblings. Catharine cared for her siblings like they were her
children. Catharine Beecher s early career was devoted to promoting education for
women and the beginning of education as a profession. While still in her teens,
Catharine wrote poems that were published. At age 22, she became engaged to a Yale
University professor named Alexander Fisher,... Show more content on ...
At this time, the seminary had become one of the premier women s schools in the
United States. Upon arriving in Cincinnati, Catharine opened another women s
school, the Western Female Institute, but this school did not last due to the lack of
financial support caused by the Panic of 1837, an economic depression in the US.
During the 1840s, Catharine worked to recruit teachers for schools on the western
frontier and organized the Central Committee for Promoting National Education.
This organization promoted teacher education and presented to the ideas of
education as a profession. In 1852, Catharine Beecher was one of the founders of
the American Women s Educational Association, which was for the higher learning
institutions for women in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Through her writings and
the schools she opened, Catharine fought for the women to be taught history,
Latin, rhetoric, algebra, logic, physical education, and natural philosophy. She also
introduced domestics education class, which is known as family and consumer
sciences. She believed that preparing women to be respected caregivers was the
key to provide women to become teachers, which Catharine saw as naturally suited
for women. She also advocated for the provision of a basic education for all children
of every social class. Catharine s influence on public education was to make the role
of a public school teacher a female
Parallelism Jane Eyre
Parallelism that Empowers Gender plays a significant role in both Jasper Fforde s
The Eyre Affair and in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre. The protagonists in each of
these novels contradict the expected roles of men and women through similar
methods. Many parallels can be drawn between Jane Eyre and Thursday Next,
exposing the true strength of these women in the face of society s expectations of
them. By investigating the genderroles of the Victorian Era in Jane Eyreand looking
at the more modern presentation of gender roles in The Eyre Affair, a clear
understanding of these author s intentions to expose the gender issues can be seen.
Jane Eyre is a classic novelin which orphan Jane opposes societal expectations by
becoming an intelligent,... Show more content on ...
In The Eyre Affair, Thursday Next is presented with an opportunity to move to
Ohio and start a life with one of her coworkers. Although she heavily considers this
option, Thursday ultimately decides to follow her heart and marry Landen Park
Laine. A similar plot is seen in Bronte s Jane Eyre. Jane is presented with a
marriage proposal and an opportunity to travel to India with St. John Rivers. While
this is the chosen path in the first manuscript of Jane Eyre in Fforde s novel, the
ending is altered to parallel that of Thursday Next s marriage plot. Jane, like
Thursday, denies this proposal and follows her heart. She returns to Thornfield to
marry Mr. Rochester. It would have been easy for these two women to succumb to
societal expectations and rush into a marriage with suitable men for the purpose of
conforming to society. Jane and Thursday empower women by proving that patience
and love is the most rewarding. By rejecting their marriage proposals, Jane Eyre and
Thursday Next empower other women to take control of their lives and choose their
spouses. As C. Sykes examines Victorian literature in his essay, he recognizes that
many authors reveal gender issues. While some define characters by his or her
marital status, others reveal inequality through female capabilities (Sykes). Victorian
literature, like Bronte s Jane Eyre, reveal gender
Origins And Developments Of Quality Assurance
Origins and Developments in Quality: QA, TQM in HEI
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter the research questions and aims will be addressed through the existing
research literature. The chapter discusses educational management and leadership,
followed by the literature on Quality Assurance (QA), Total Quality Management
(TQM) generally and internationally, including its birth and evolution. The pioneering
gurus of TQM are presented. The chapter also discusses QA implementation, followed
by common principles derived from the pioneers and experts in the TQM movement
and common mistakes expected during implementation. Within this section, I
elaborate the arguments to address the requirement of each principle. A separate
section then follows, ... Show more content on ...
Reviewing the original concepts propounded by the likes of Frederick Taylor, Henri
Fayol, Max Weber, Mary Parker Follett and so on, and following the prevailing
current practices, it would appear that there is agreement on the importance of aspects
related to coordination, control, physical and human resources, and on general
control over the processes to ensure the completion of set targets (Steers et al., 2010).
Generally speaking, management and leadership both entail commonalities and
dissimilarities with regard to each other. Thus, Kotter (1990) observed that leadership
and management are complementary but distinctive aspects. Hence, as Mckenna
(2003: 354) states, management is more concerned with the planning, coordination,
supervision, and control of routine activities, while leadership inspires a group of
people to perform their best and motivates them to excel in whatever they are doing.
Such actions could be reflected in improved outcomes from the efforts made.
Bush and Bell (2006) are of the perspective that taken together, both terms relate to
the affirmation of inspiring staff towards achieving set targets and laying out goals,
objectives, and missions. Any perceived differences between the two terms are
tenuous since efficient organizations require both aspects in
Super Size Me
An analysis of the film Super Size Me, which is a 2004 documentary over Morgan
Spurlock who documents the obesity problem we have in this country and how
McDonald s and other fast food chains are the ones that mainly contribute to the
increasing problem, and exploring the realist aesthetics of the film goes over the
elements of direct address to the camera, handheld camera, on camera interview and
also real people (non actors). This documentary was made to study the influence that
the fast food industry, such as McDonald s, Wendy s, KFC and others have over the
obesity problem in America. Morgan Spurlock makes himself a guinea pig and
explores the consequences to his body when only eating McDonald s three times a
day for one whole month and he can only super size it if the cashier asks him.
Spurlock consults with a practitioner, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, and
trainers to help and track the change in his body during the whole experiment. With
this documentary, Spurlock brings out the truth about eating fast food and the
harmful things and changes it does to the human body. Direct address to the camera,
an element of the realist aesthetics, has many... Show more content on
In documentaries, the people that are interviewed are specialists in their field and
the reason why they were chosen to be interviewed is because they provide factual
evidence that helps and supports the purpose of the film. They bring to the table their
knowledge and information over the subject and they can also do wonders when
bringing the truth to light. Not only do the interviewees bring facts and information
they also put their two cents in and voice their concerns over the issue, which in this
case is the extraordinary increase of obese people in this country. Just like the other
elements, on camera interviews help brings the truth to light and also reality of the
The Report s Strengths And Weaknesses
1) Comments for the author. Please include both general and specific comments
regarding the report s strengths and weaknesses, and emphasize your most significant
points. General comments include (1) scientific soundness, (2) originality (if the
research is an enhancement of an existing experiment or finding, please comment on
the originality of the improved sections usually in the discussions section they will
state if they have done this), (3) degree to which conclusions are supported by the
data, (4) appropriateness of the methods, (5) organization and clarity, (6) cohesiveness
of argument, (7) length relative to the number of ideas and information, and (8)
conciseness and writing style.
First and foremost, the report includes ... Show more content on ...
This can be seen on page three paragraph four when the authors state that Other
bombardier beetles related to Stenaptinus (subfamily Brachininae), such as those of
the large genus Brachinus, probably aim their spray in much the same manner as
Stenaptinus. Indeed, we found the abdominal tip of Brachinus to resemble that of
Stenaptinus in every structural detail.
2. Presentation. Does the article tell a cohesive story? Is a tightly reasoned argument
evident throughout the report? Where does the report wander from its argument? Do
the title, abstract, key words, introduction, and conclusions accurately and
consistently reflect the major point(s) of the report? Is the writing concise, easy to
follow, and interesting?
Generally, the writing of this report was easy to follow and was structured in a way
in which it told a unified story. However, it was sort of difficult to identify what
exactly was the purpose of the experiment. I believe the report was focused mainly on
exploring the function and structure of the ejection of fluids in the African
bombardier beetle. It was slightly more informative rather than scientific even though
the article included many scientific terms. Nonetheless, the report had various
amounts of details throughout the experiment. For example, on page 2 the author
states Photos (Kodachrome 25 PKM 135 film, Kodak) were taken with 35 mm
cameras (Fig. 1), and with a
The Link Between the Industrial Revolution and Socialism...
The Industrial Revolution was period of rapid economic and social growth during
the mid 18th and early 19th centuries. The new found power of coal and iron made
for many new innovations in machinery. Not all of the Industrial Revolution s
changes were physical. A new ideology arose from the sweat of the working class:
socialism. Socialism is a political theory advocating state or collective ownership of
property and industry opposed to private ownership. To fully understand the
relationship between the Industrial Revolution and socialism, one must first be
comfortable with the Revolution and its changes, socialism itself, and the fine line of
events linking the two together. The Revolution began in Britain and over the course
of a... Show more content on ...
Once in complete control, it would abandon its dictatorship to form a higher state of
democracy then had been seen before. He thought then that the classes which
separated people would surely fall as the bourgeois withered away. He believed that
people must liberate themselves. On the other hand, Eduard Bernstein s revisionist
socialism wanted the proletariat to rise to power through democratic office and
reforms. He believed that the change should be more of an evolution rather than a
revolution. The revisionist also did not want the proletariat to be in total control. The
socialists, believing everyone is equal, saw that the proletariat was being treated
poorly and knew that would have to change. The cruel working conditions and little
civil rights made a gap that no single man could cross without help. Many believed
that socialism was the key. Socialism grew from the problems of the Industrial
Revolution. The relationship of the Revolution to socialism was that of a problem to
a solution, respectively. If not for the Industrial Revolution, the problems between the
classes would never have grown so apparent. Then again, without the Industrial
Revolution the world would be stuck in the past. While the Industrial Revolution
shaped the modern world of today, it also caused problems that, in theory, only
Case Study Dental Hygienist
In this case study, we have a patient named Dr. Rose. She is a 65 year old women
who is going to her six month appointment for a dental cleaning. She is a registered
nurse and a college professor. Dr. Rose has a allergy to Chlorhexidine. Dr. Rose
found out about this allergy when she had a minor in office procedure the previous
summer. Next, we have Chrissy, a 21 year old, new employee working in a dental
office. She is Dr. Rose s dental hygienist. Chrissy has a bit of a condescending
attitude towards Dr. Rose. In this case study, Chrissy s lack of understanding
causes a technical error that puts Dr. Rose s life in danger. The appropriate quality
improvement tool to analyze this problem would be the tool (FOCUS) Find,
Organize, Clarify , Understand, and Select. This tool allows the steps that need to
be done before the implementation of the the change (BOOK). For the sake of this
case study, The F in Focus would suggest that the we need to find a process
problem, The process program would be the dental hygienist s lack of medical
literacy. She failed to be a respectful staff and failed to know what the C stood for
Chlorhexidine. The O indicates to... Show more content on ...
In this case Dr. Rose was but in a dangerous situation that could ve ended badly. She
came into contact to something that she was allergic to. This breaks a legal
obligation of having a safe environment for their patients. Ethically, Chrissy was not
honest. She did not hold up to her ethically obligation have integrity. Furthermore,
some attribution errors Chrissy made towards Dr. Rose was assume she didn t know
what she was talking about. So when she went about communicating with Dr. Rose,
it was demonstrated to be someone talking down or talking at her. This influences
Chrissy to disregard some of the things Dr. Rose said. She often discredit
The Underground Ocean Of Hazardous Waste
On any given day in the United States there can be as many as five hundred
thousand shipments of hazardous materials transported all over the country. There
are close to Five billion tons of regulated hazardous waste that move between states
annually either by truck, rail, air, or water carriers. Truck transport is the most
common way of transporting hazardous materials in terms of both tonnage and
vehicles. This poses a major riskto the public because these truck are driving down
streets, roads, highways and interstate routes that lead into highly populated
communities such as towns and cities. The large number of trucks that are traveling
on these road are subject to all kinds of risk factors that could cause an accident. This
puts the environment... Show more content on ...
One of the big issues right now here in North America is Fracking. Fracking or
Hydraulic Fracturing is the process of drilling down into the earth with a high
pressure water mixture that is directed at the rock to release the gas or gases inside.
The left over water that was used to drill the hole is what is left behind after the
gases and oil is extracted. This water in comprised of many different chemical that
can potentially be harmful to our environment in the short and long terms. Author
Mark Niquette describes the large amount of waste water as an Underground Ocean
of Industrial Waste . Mr. Niqutte goes further in discussing the fracking problem in
Ohio is his article An Underground Ocean of Industrial Waste . The nationwide
boom in hydraulic fracturing aka fracking means energy extraction companies in
the United States can produce thousands of barrels of oil and millions of cubic feet
of natural gas from once inaccessible places. They re also producing something
else: oceans of brine from drilling as well as fracking fluid, the chemical laced
water used to blast open cracks in buried rock where fossil fuel lurks. That
wastewater has to go someplace. ( Niqutte). Mr. Niqutte also stated The preferred
way to dispose of the brine and fracking fluid typically a stew of water and a long
list of chemical additives, including rust inhibitors and antibacterial agents is to
pump it out of sight, out of mind into deep, cavernous wells built for the purpose.
Ohio s geological underbelly, composed of permeable rock formations, is ideally
suited for sub bolding tanks. and All that underground space has made Ohio a
leading importer of wastewater from other states. Last year, oil and gas companies
injected 511 million gallons into Ohio s wells, the most on record, according to the
state s Department of Natural Resources. More than half came from elsewhere.
How Did Circuit City Managers Fail To Perform
1.Which management functions did Circuit City managers fail to perform? Cite
examples to support your answer.
Circuit City managers failed to properly make use of the management functions that
are vital to the upkeep of a company. The management functions Circuit City failed to
perform was planning and organizing. The act of planning is viewed as the first step
of the management functions because it lays the groundwork for all other functions
and is the first step taken when performing them (Plunkett, Attner, Allen, 2008).
Circuit City did not plan for their system to crash or had any backup plans in case a
crash was to happen. This gave their competitors, such as Best Buy, the opportunity to
surpass them. The second management function
Anthropological Critique Of Davidson Et Al
Anthropological Critique of Davidson et al. (2014) Anthropogenic Nutrients and
Harmful Algae in Coastal Waters
With geological experts currently heralding a new geological period, the
Anthropocene (Kolbert, 2011), attention is drawn to the overarching impact of
humankind upon the environment. The article Anthropogenic nutrients and harmful
algae in coastal waters , published by the Journal of Environmental Management,
Davidson et al. (2014) propose that nutrients from anthropogenic sources are a major
contributing factor towards the increasing occurrence of Harmful Algal Blooms
(HABs) in coastal waters worldwide. The authors conclude that the function of
anthropogenically sourced nutrients in stimulating the growth of HABs is dependent
on location, other parameters often regulate the occurrence of algal blooms. The
article is comprehensive from a scientific perspective, accessing quantifiable
parameters from an empirical cause and effect assessment. However, from an
Anthropology perspective, there are various perspectives which, overlooked in this
article, could enrich the understanding and comprehension of the causes of HAB
events. To demonstrate how anthropological perspectives could contribute a more
complex understanding and interpose valuable paradigms to environmental
management models and challenges. The article by Davidson et al. (2014) is
critiqued with regards to the Humanistic Scientific spectrum, as well as the Holistic
perspective as opposed to
What Is The Scale Of Nature In Paradise Lost
Carly Merryman ENGL 328 Stoll 3 October 2014 Paradise Lost: Books V VI
Milton s scale of nature, while appearing linear, allows the creatures within in it to
ascend to God by steps, (V.512). This creates a dynamic scale that would enable a
particular being the ability to move up and down the scale based on its behaviors,
and align itself closer to God. However, an animal or a human can only climb so
far. No matter how virtuous an animal was it could never surpass a human because
it is lacking the spiritual essence that God awarded to man. Similarly, a human,
while living, could never attain the same closeness to God as an angel. So while
this allows for some degree of mobility, each sect of the scale is confined within the
parameters that God set forth. If the creation was one first matter all as Raphael
says to Adam then that would mean that all matter came from God. Not only does
this reconcile science and religious beliefs because as Newton s First Law says,
Matter can neither be created nor destroyed, but it also asserts that all matter begins
as being inherently good. This explanation disqualifies ex nihlo because as science
says there can be no absolute nothing. Milton s attempts to resolve the religion versus
science issues are made stronger by his references to Galileo and astronomy. But
Milton s version of the creation tackles the problem of absolute nothingness. If there
were absolute nothingness before matter, then that nothingness would have had to
Media In New Media
Do you have Facebook, or another social media account? Turns out, over 1.86
billion people also have Facebook. New media usage in our society has been
increasing at a significant rate. Ever since the rise of new media, there has also
been a rise of technology critiques. These critiques find all the negative outcomes
of new media; there has been a decline of face to face communication, people are
becoming lethargic. Though there may be various reasons why the rise of new
media is harmful, there is also one very important reason why it is beneficial; new
media provides a platform for the voices of the underrepresented to be heard.
In this paper, I will be discussing how new media enabled progress and social change
by enabling the LGBT community and other underrepresented communities to have a
Various sources have reported that social media has given the LGBT community a
voice by bringing together supporters regardless of distance and easily spreading
awareness to places that may not be informed about the LGBT community. An
article released by Salzburg Academy on Media Global Change called Social Media
and the LGBT community discusses exactly that. They write, Individuals and groups
have used social media to gather, physically and virtually, to promote and support
LGBT issues and rights and they have done so in countries that are both are tolerant
and intolerant of LGBT rights (Glasionov, n.d). An article by Tech Impact called
How LGBT Organizations Use
Buck s Dilema
Case 13 02 Buck s Dilemma: Gross or Net? Background Buck s Hunting and
Equipment Inc. (Buck) has determined that it s time to expand their retail
operations. Buck is planning to build several retail stores over the next three years.
In order execute their plan, Buck entered into a $100 million, three year revolving
line of credit (the Facility) with their bank on January 1, 2010. Buck and his
auditor and management would like to know how to book presentation of cash
flows through the use of a revolving line of credit is whether to report the amounts
borrowed and repaid on a net basis or on a gross basis. FASB s Accounting
Standards Codification 230 10 45 7 states information about the gross amounts of
cash receipts and cash... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the terms of composed draws instruct that all sums are due on
request; consequently, Buck ought to contemplate the draws as having unusual
maturities of three months or less. ASC230 10 45 14 merely permits net exhibition
when borrowings have actual maturities of three months or less. Scenario 3 The
third scenario involves the same $100 million borrowing capacity:, only each draw
does not have its own maturity date specified. Instead, whatever outstanding
balance remaining is due by the end of the three year credit line term, or December
31, 2012. The first draw is made on June 30, 2010, in the amount of $70 million.
Another draw for $15 million is made on September 30 of the same year, followed
by another draw for $15 million on November 30. The only repayment made by
Buck is that made on December 15, 2010, in the amount of $50 million. The action
connected to the first draw of Buck and following payments must be made on a
gross foundation inside the investing action part as $70 million influx for the draw,
July 30, 210. The action related the second draw made by Buck and resulting
payment might be made on basis net inside the financing operation part. The $15
draw on Sept 30, 2010 and the decompensating first of December 2010 net to zero
for yearly commentary reasons. The draws in the third scenario just again show some
of the traits inside the flow of cash statement procedure. This transaction may be
regarded vast in
Music Analysis Of Harry Potter Deathly Hallows
Although The Artist was deemed the Best Picture of 2011 by the Academy of Motion
Picture Arts Sciences, Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 s notable music
composition,engaging opening scene,.... make it more of a contender for the title.
Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Meets my criteria of the how the movie compliments
the mood of the movie. Alexandre Desplat, used big moments when using famous
theme songs such as, Lily s Theme and Hedwig s Theme to intensify scenes
throughout the movie. His use of Lily s Theme , which is a melodic tune with
wordless female vocals, during pivotal moments is symbolizing the importance Harry
Potter s mom plays in the movie series. Desplat s use of the famous Hedwig s Theme
in parts of the movie seem to clash with the current storyline, considering that this
associates with when Harry, Ron, and Hermione were children in the earlier movies.
When, essentially, this movie is about them entering adulthood. When Desplat does
use this theme it gives off a sense of reminiscing. This is apparent when the theme is
playing when Hogwarts was under Voldemort s corrupt rule, it had a melancholic feel
to it,unlike its usual jovial sound. By doing this, it symbolized what Hogwarts once
was before all these events happened. Desplats careful calculation and precision of
when to play these two particular theme songs enhances the quality the movie and
gives these scenes a more monumental value. Although The Artist had to use music
throughout out the movie
Marco Polo Background
Marco Polo
Marco Polo was born around 1254 in Venice wich is a city in Italy . He was born into
an affluent and cosmopolitan Venetian merchant family. He learned arithmetic and
bookkeeping and studied the classical authors. Also, he had knowledge of Italian and
Marco Polo s father name is NiccolГІ and uncle name is Maffeo, were jewel
merchants. In 1260, They set out on their first trip to the Far East, When Marco Polo
was six years old, In 1265 arrived at the court of Kublai Khan ,the Mongol ruler of
China. he requested Nicolo and Maffeo Polo to return to Europe in order to bring
back 100 Europan to explain Christianity to him. They arrived back in Venice in 1269.
Khan requested Nicolo and Maffeo Polo to return to Italy in order to bring back 100
Europan ... Show more content on ...
He visited Karakorum and part of Siberia . Marco often visited Hangzhou another
city close to Yanzhou .He studied in Kublai Khan s court for 17 years , getting
great wealth in jewels and gold .In this time , Polo wanted to return to Venice
because he was afraid of death out his country and not able to get a fortune out of the
country , but Khan was not able to let them go .
When Marco Polo and his family arrived Venice In 1295 , Venice was at war with
rival Italian city state , Genoa .after three years he became commander of the galley
because he had knowledge ,leadership , and skill needed to command a ship in a
naval battle and finances required to equip one .next year , Marco polo was confined
in Genoese prison . there was in prison Rustichello of Pisa who was a skillful writer .
when Marco had told his stories, he wrote book wich name is The Travels of Marco
Polo . in that time , there was nobody believed his stories .
Around 1299 , the war ended and Marco had exited the prison and returned to
Venice where he soon became a wealthy merchant . In 1300 he married Donata
Badoer .they had three female children .he died in 1324 when he was 70 years
The Lego Group
The LEGO Group is recently experiencing a problematic phase, which has situated
the organization with a deficit of 1.8 billion DKK. The problems experienced by The
LEGO Group can be attributed to not being able to manage as well as stabilize a
strategic supply chain. Successful SCM is crucial for a manufacturing firm in order
to harmonize the production process and internal information with demand for the
product. When considering the importance of supply chain management,
organizations need to study its effect on other major business processes as well as
how it will influence the organization as a whole. Supply chain management may
directly or indirectly influence major process such as inventory, capital investments,
distribution... Show more content on ...
LEGO purchased a plastic injection molding machine in 1947 to create the plastic
version of LEGO bricks (they were originally wooden), and then expanded to pursue
the idea of a toy system where various toys would be included in a line of related
products. Items such as doll furniture were also developed as LEGO Group looked to
enter different markets. During the 1970 s the foundation of the company s
manufacturing facilities and research and development department were established
to keep the manufacturing methods up to date. A LEGO production plant was opened
in Enfield, Connecticut in the United States. This growth enabled The LEGO Group
to continue expanding their product offering over the decades to eventually land at 6
product segments by 2007: pre school products, creative building, play themes,
licensed products, mindstorm NXT, LEGO Education, and LEGO games. The
consolidated portfolio was meant to reflect the need for more challenging stimulation
as children grow and develop.
Key Problems
This expansion was not well managed and a host of factors developed leading to
the decline in 2004. First was a loss of confidence in the core product, the LEGO
brick, as the company continued to diversify its product portfolio. Significant
forecast errors driven primarily by unpredictable seasonal demand fluctuations led to
inventory issues where LEGO lacked one component or held too many of another in
stock. The global toy
The Transformation of Mob Menaltiy into Individuality
According to Emerson s Self Reliance, It is easy in the world to live after the world
s opinion; it is easy in solitude after own own; but the great man is he who in the
midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. On the
contrary, life during the 19th century was not private or peaceful. Many employees
were mistreated and their rights were violated especial during the late 1960s after the
Vietnam War. Jimmy Hoffa
, the leader of the successful labor union the Teamsters,
was a hero to the mistreated trucking employees by gaining the employees benefits
and respect. However, his escalating success led to his own personal turmoil. As a
result of Hoffa s mob mentality and deathly relationships earned Hoffa... Show more
content on ...
Hoffa believed in order to successfully accomplish a goal he would have or need
some type of assistance. When he was nineteen years old he took on a job as a
packer for the Kroger s grocery store. His boss was horrible to the employees.
Hoffa had courage to come up with the idea to strike, organize the revolt, and
accept punish of victory by confessing to his superior. His strike paid off. Hoffa
instantly became the hero to all the employees and felt proud of his
accomplishments. This feat created a launching pad for Hoffa to expound on the
organization of a large group of people.
Hoffa s group mentality encouraged him to get involved in the Teamsters. In 1957,
Hoffa became the leader of the Teamsters. During his presidency he led the labor
unions with and iron fist; motivated his members, advocated for their rights by
speaking his mind. In the fifties America was emerged in the McCarthy era. This era
involved mass hysteria concerning hidden American Communists. Joseph McCarthy
proclaimed publicly, That more than two hundred card carrying communists had
infiltrated the United States government (Miller). This accusation caused an
enormous uproar to all Americans in the 1954, every citizen was stricken with fear
and worry that whoever was suspicious was investigated, ostracized and even
convicted. Robert F. Kennedy was a very close friend to Senator McCarthy and
personally took it upon himself to investigate labor
The Digital Assistant, Or Pda
The personal digital assistant, or PDA, was a small hand held electronic device
that was intended for use as a simple organizer, including features like a calendar
and tasks list. Today, the PDA has fallen into disuse, replaced by its more popular
and powerful successor: the smart phone. Voice recognition technology is giving
rebirth to the spirit of the PDA in the form of new intelligent digital systems
designed to help you manage your affairs. These reborn personal assistants are
gaining popularity in both consumer and business markets due to their ability to
streamline commonplace tasks. As new technologies are discovered, additional
applications and markets will be uncovered for this technology to take root in. A
Brief History The idea of digital personal assistants has been around in the public
realm quite a while thanks mainly to Hollywood since the 1960 s. Many movies
back in the sixties would depict computers or other devices that had the ability to
plan and organize events with limited human interaction. Due to the production of
several science fiction titles such as Star Trek, Star Wars, and A Space Odyssey,
the early conceptions of such beings as cognitive personal assistants came to the
public eye. Early examples of such devices included Star Trek s talking computer,
the Hal 9000, and R2D2; devices that could in most cases assist or come up with
plans instead of requiring humans to do the organization, reasoning, or brainstorming
of all factors in the decision
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Turtles belong to the class Reptilia, the subclass Anapsida, and the order Testudines
(Le Buff 1990). Reptiles have repeatedly invaded marine environments with varying
success and marine adaptation has been undertaken more than once in the history of
the Cheloniidae family. Marine reptiles were particularly successful in the Mesozoic
as major predators in the sea. Mesozoic marine reptiles explored a variety of
swimming styles and diets that included fish, cephalopods, other vertebrates, and
hard shelled invertebrates (Motani 2009). The earliest marine turtles appeared in the
Jurassic and were a marine species of the family Pleurosternidae known as
Desmemys bertelsmanni, as well as an entire marine family, the Thalassemyidae. The
carapace of... Show more content on ...
Two lineages of sea turtle survived through the Eocene Epoch 55 to 38 millions
years ago (Bowen 2003). One lineage was the predecessor of the leatherback turtle
(Dermochelys coriacea), the only member of the family Dermochelyidae, and the
other lineage gave rise to the six species of the family Cheloniidae, one of which is
the loggerhead sea turtle (Bowen 2003). Today, only seven or eight species of
marine turtles survive, distributed unevenly through all three tropical oceans. The
modern decline in sea turtles species is not due to inherently poor adaption to post
Pleistocene conditions, but is mainly a result of current and past anthropogenic
exploitation. Additionally, the greater diversity of sea turtle taxa in the past
compared to today is also due to the disappearance of entire isolated oceans such as
the Nirobrara Sea, which was once inhabited by a diversity of seat turtle species. It
is also due to other evolutionary mechanisms. Early sea turtle lineages had a growth
of experimental type species that were more specialized, and these eventually
became narrowed down to modern species as overspecialized species had a poor
response to changing
Writing And Communication Skills At The University Of...
Though English 102 is a required course for most studies at the University of
Southern Mississippi, I hoped for more than just a passing grade. As a business
major, I expected to improve my writing and communication skills to better
prepare myself for speeches, meetings, and group projects that I will come across
during not only my college education, but my professional career as well. I realize
that English is essential in my everyday life and for my college classes. English
102 helped me to recognize that it is necessary to know how to construct a well
written paper that reveals a purpose to a specifically chosen audience. I have
learned that to communicate adequately I must know how to support multiple
academic arguments, understand that it is important to incorporate others ideas in
my own writing, and that rethinking my own ideas, rhetorical choices, and
discovering other meanings are all part of the revision process. I have chosen to
revise the research essay and edit my rhetorical analysis to demonstrate that I have
taken these goals into consideration and was able to provide a well written essay.
Throughout this semester I have learned the importance of writing comprehensibly
and efficiently when writing an essay. This is essential to provide not only the
audience with an easy understanding of what will be discussed in the paper, but
also gives the writer an outline of his or her body paragraphs. As a result, I have
revised my research essay to exhibit how much I
A Brief Note On The Italian Shoe Industry Essay
2.Demand conditions If the local market for a product is larger and more demanding
at home than in foreign markets, local firms potentially put more emphasis on
improvements than foreign companies. This will potentially increase the global
competitiveness of local exporting companies. A more demanding home market can
thus be seen as a driver of growth, innovation and quality improvements.
3.Related and Supporting Industries
When local supporting industries and suppliers are competitive, home country
companies will potentially get more cost efficient and receive more innovative parts
and products. This will potentially lead to greater competitiveness for national firms.
For instance, the Italian shoe industry benefits from a highly competent pool of
related businesses and industries, which has strengthened the competitiveness of the
Italian shoe industry world wide.
4.Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry The structure and managementsystems of
firms in different countries can potentially affect competitiveness. By using Porter s
diamond, business leaders may analyze which competitive factors may reside in their
company s home country, and which of these factors may be exploited to gain global
competitive advantages. Business leaders can also use the Porter s diamond model
during a phase of internationalization, in which leaders may use the model to analyze
whether or not the home market factors support the process of internationalization,
and whether or not the
My Passion For Ice Hockey
Another summer has gone by and already it s the start of a brand new school year.
Summer 2017 was quite relaxing. I didn t have any extraordinary plans for the
summer since I wasn t leaving Vancouver, but I spent the summer in the city itself
during the hot and humid climate. I usually didn t have any fixed routines throughout
my summer, so I spent most of my days sleeping away and staying up all night until
sunrise, binging through shows on Netflix with my best friend on FaceTime,
spending quality timewith my family, enjoying backyard barbecues and camping.
Summer started getting busier around late August. It was that time again to lace up
my skates, throw on my jersey, hit the ice and start tryouts. My passion for ice
hockey began when
The Oil And Gas Industry
When thinking about how all this oil and gas gets from the platforms in the gulf to
land to be produced, you will run across the phrase, flow assurance. Flow assurance
is what makes sure these oils and gases get from point A to point B without any
hesitations or problems. Its main purpose is to prevent hydrates, clogged pipes, and
wax depositions. So can the oilfield industry survive without flow assurance,
especially in deep water operations? By reading this, you will learn how important
flow assurance is in this industry, and what serious problems can happen because of
the failure of flow assurance.
Flow assurance is the technology and ability to transport hydrocarbon fluids from
reservoirs to export points over the life of a ... Show more content on
Flow assurance is the most critical task during deep water production because of
the high pressures and low temperature involved. Now that we have ventured off
further into deep water drilling, no longer does pipe flow analysis mean, pressure
versus flow rate. When conditions are wrong, hydrates, waxes, or asphaltenes form
and come out of the well stream fluids, plugging up flowlines and processing
equipment. So, what are hydrates? Hydrates are crystalline, ice like solids that form
when small gas molecules, such as methane, ethane, and propane, are trapped in
hydrogen bonded water cages under high pressure and low temperature conditions.
Hydrate nuclei form from the films of water on the tubular walls. The crystallization
of hydrates can result in formation of hydrate plugs which can end up being
hundreds of meters long. The formation of these hydrates can vary from instantly to
a few hours. If there is free water present, hydrates can form in the pipes. Natural gas
hydrates are crystals formed by water with small gas molecules and associated
liquids in a ratio of 85 mol% water and 15 mol% hydrocarbons. Gas hydrates have
been called the burning ice. This is due to the fact that gas hydrates are host water
cages containing guest gas molecules. These combustible gas molecules can be
Grievance Procedure
Grievance Procedure
In the event that a resident s or member of their family, and friends of support may
have a disagreement, suspects any rights violation or have any concerns with the
facility s policies or rules, the following procedure should be followed:
Talk the situation over with the staff and express your differences or concerns, voice
your opinion on how you feel these policies may be changed to better suit the
residents of the facility. If the resident s involved is non verbal their representative
should be their voice.
If no progress is made, immediately contact the facility designee: Tracey Tindle:
(661) 305 4744
The administrator will notify the resident s CSC of the Regional Center and a written
report will be sent.
Research Paper On A Bad Driver
A bad driver is not the reckless maniac running red lights and knocking over stop
signs in order to beat the rush hour traffic. A bad driver is not the teenager in the
driver s seat for the first time, racing through a parking lot at ten miles per hour. A
bad driver is neither the gray haired man driving under the speed limit on a one lane
road, nor the woman fixing her lipstick in the rearview mirror, instead of watching the
light turn green. This essay does not refer to those without adequate drivingskills, but
rather, to those who are capable of driving well but choose not to. In this essay, bad
driving is defined as a mere disregard for the road regulations that do not directly
benefit the driver, otherwise known as efficient driving.... Show more content on ...
The polite driver would find his place on the right side of the road, and put up with
everyone around him driving five miles under what his grandma would be driving
without her glasses. The efficient driver knows better. He swiftly transitions into the
leftmost lane and drives at a pace that is comfortable to him, despite that said speed
is often ten miles under the speed limit. He artfully sets his radio to the perfect
volume to drown the honking of the cars behind him. It is important to note that the
efficient driver does not use his turn signal when changing lanes. The sight of his
car leaving the right lane should be enough to alert any drivers behind him, and if
not, they should be paying closer attention. At this point, one may begin to
question the rules of the road, and will eventually come to the realization that
many of these so called regulations are simply suggestions. For example, the solid
yellow lines in the middle of the road are present more of a guideline than a strict
decree, so if it is more convenient, one can ignore the distinctions and take up as
many lanes as is necessary. One must remember that he has a singular goal, and
everyone else on the road is merely an obstacle in his way of achieving that
Silence And The Avoidance Of Persecution
Silence and the Avoidance of Persecution
In the film Silence, the characters of Kichijiro, Rodrigues, and Ferreira illustrate the
idea that a person s outward actions fail at conveying their inward beliefs.
Throughout the film, Kichijiro consistently claims that he is a Christian but then
denies Christ whenever serious opposition arises. However, the film uses the
discovery of Kichijiro s crucifix at the end of the film and his continuous declarations
to Father Rodrigues of, Forgive me Father for I have sinned, as a method of
suggesting that even though Kichijiro outwardly apostated many times, he still had a
strong faith on the inside. Moreover, the character of Rodrigues extends the film s
theme through the line, Even if God had been silent my whole life to this very day
everything I do, everything I ve done, speaks of Him, and through his possession of a
crucifix when his body underwent cremation. The aforementioned quote and the
possession of the crucifix illustrate that even though Rodrigues committed the act of
apostasy he never truly apostatized in his heart. Finally, when the fallen priest
Ferreira mentions to Rodrigues, Only our Lord can judge your heart, it evidences that
even though Ferreira openly apostated and helped the Japanese in their attempt at
attaining Rodrigues apostasy, ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, Ferreira s proclamation serves as the perfect representation of the film
s theme because it reinforces the importance of a person s internal thought and
beliefs over their external actions because God judges works
Alan Turing Psychology
Psychology Throughout The Imitation Game Ostracism is very dangerous to a
person s health and can cause detrimental damage to themselves. Throughout the
movie The Imitation Game Alan Turing has been ostracized all of his life from in
school to even as an adult. Since he was much brighter than his peers in school and
enjoyed subjects like cryptography they considered him to be different from them
and did not acknowledge him except for Christopher Morcom who became his only
friend and first love. As an adult at work Turing was still ostracized because since he
was so used to being alone he didn t know how to properly socialize with people or
how to work in a group like he was supposed to working for Bletchley trying to solve
the Enigma coding... Show more content on ...
Being excluded or ignored by a group of people can be harmful to a person. It can
make someone feel that they are alone; that they do not have anyone to care for
them or to lean on it times of need. Being ostracized can make someone believe that
they do not belong or that no one cares about them, which can lead to low self
esteem and depression causing one to often question taking their own life.
Ostracism can cause one to go to extreme measures to gain attention such as;
bullying, becoming violent, self harm, homicidal, or suicidal. Everyone strives for
attention and is a basic need for living. People need to feel that they are loved and
that they belong. People are often ostracized for being different and not fitting in
with the crowd; however, instead of praised for being unique and different they are
excluded to feel worthless. This forces people to believe that they ought to conform
to society s standard in order to fit in and gain worth. People can be ostracized for
their religion, sexual orientation, sexuality, personality, brains, social class, and even
how they look. Like Alan Turing, many people are faced with ostracism because they
are different forcing them to feel like they have no option but to commit
Internet Protocol And Its Effect On Our Lives
If you have cable, have you ever wondered why you have to pay for the channels
you don t watch. Why should someone you ve never met pick what and when you
can watch your on TV? Wouldn t you say it would be better if watching TV was
like browsing your Web browser, you could pick the programs you wish to watch
whenever you felt like watching them? IPTV(Internet Protocol Television) has the
ability to do that and more by using internet protocols to transfer your TV programs
to you on demand . We will discuss how IPTV works, some benefits it brings, and
how it is changing the way we watch television today.
There s nothing new about it the use of your TV, it is still where the family meets
to watch their favorite shows, gain information about the world, and just overall be
entertained. Over the past decade, technological advances in the television and
internet have rapidly increased, causing the two to intertwine. With this modern
day combination and the growth of digital cable, satellite tv, and the integration of
HDTV services, subscribers get an entire new experience with television. The
digitization of television is a technological innovation that is allowing for better
quality and high definition images. Internet Protocol Television is an IP based
technology that delivers Triple Play television services such as video, audio and data
over Internet Protocol. It uses video stream encoded as a series of IP packets to
deliver the TV programs IPTV is capable
Slip In Nb Lab Report
Slip in bcc metals has a lot in common, although each material has its own
subtleties [70]. Investigation of slip in Nb dates to over 60 years ago, when several
researchers deformed single crystal Nb under different experimental conditions [80,
84, 89 91]. More attention has been put into Nb over the past few decades, as it
became the material of choice to build SRF cavities. The following paragraphs will
concentrate on slip in high purityNb at room temperature, which is the condition of
SRF cavity manufacturing.
Maddin and Chen used optical slip trace analyses and X ray Laue diffraction to
identify slip only on {110} planes in Nb at room temperature in both tension and
compression across the unit triangle [80]. In the work of ... Show more content on ...
Comparison using the {110} slip systems or a combination of both {110} and
{112} slip systems does not give the same correlation. The rotation of tensile axes
can also be explained by the dominance of {112} slip systems at yield [48].
A ratio between the shear stress of the two most stressed intersecting {112} slip
systems below 1.1 correlates well with hardening at yield, suggesting that the
combined twinning/anti twinning and non glide shear stress effects may only alter
the critical resolved shear stress by a small amount [48]. Thus, many of these details
may not be necessary for inclusion into practical models for the deformation of large
grain Nb. In fact, initial results from Mapar et al. suggest that non Schmid effects are
small in Nb, and surprisingly, the Schmid based model predicts the stress strain
behavior of the Ningxia tensile samples better than the non Schmid model in most
cases [92].
The dominance of {112} slip at yield followed by {110} slip for the rest of
deformation appears to comply with the theory of Seeger et al. [48, 85], which
suggests that the high purity screw dislocation core relaxation is on {112} planes, and
impurities change the core relaxation to {110} planes. This indicates that the total
Who Is The Greek Beast Cerberus The Protector Of
We live in a world controlled by an invisible yet very present force that shapes the
way we live our daily lives. With industry as its host and technology as the blood
being pumped into its heart, it is a force powerful enough to bend politics to fit its
needs. Capitalism; a method of industry where production and distribution are
privately or corporately owned, its operation grows through profits, exploitation of
labor, and extinguishing competition. During the Industrial Revolutiontechnology was
on the global stage. Factories and machines are built in existing cities producing
and distributing mass goods on a global scale. Over time this fast production of
goods would replace the old agricultural economy to a modern urban economy.
Today the revolution is praised for creating a global trade market while surging us
into a world of technology.... Show more content on ...
This is evident today in New York City, where gentrification is forcing homeowners
and local businesses out of their spaces for incoming international buyers and
corporations. Powerfully connected cities such as New York attract major industries
because of their trade ports, financial services, etc. Dense cities seize this opportunity
by using prime locations, newly renovated spaces, and increased rent to get the most
bang for their buck. While invisible actors of major corporations continue to exploit
labor and extinguish competition religiously for profit, technology embodies
Cerberus; the protector of capitalism. The greek beast Cerberus is known for
protecting the realm of Hades from intruders. In the similar sense technology is
constantly being advanced and innovated to make production more efficient and
cheap, protecting capitalist wealth from the middle/lower class. Democracy gives
freedom and power to the people. But with eyes on every dollar bill and the power to
bend political decisions, are we really
Chinoiserie s Influence On American Architecture
Chinoiserie arose as a movement in response to the strict restraints of the Baroque
style. More broadly, this public reaction is characterized as the Rococo style, which
Louis introduced in his court in France around 1750. The Rococo style played with
the imagination; whimsy, asymmetry and high contrast in both scale and color
exemplify the art and architecture of the style. Chinoiserie grew out of the Rococo
style as European became fascinated with the Far East, specifically intrigued by
Chinese ceramics. The blue and white luster glaze pottery depicting imaginative
accounts of Chinese life became incredibly popular in the late 18th century. And,
while Chinoiserie s influence on architecture was present at Versailles as early as
1670, the... Show more content on ...
Scientific exploration continues: modern plant houses have been added and improved
upon every few years and the herbarium, which contains over 300,000 plany
specimens, is one of the largest in the world. The Princess of Wales Conservatory
(fig.), named for Princess Augusta, was built in 1987 with state of the art technology.
The conservatory has 10 computer controlled climactic zones under one roof,
improving upon the first glass house, yet paying homage to the original form and
purpose. In 2006, a third version of an alpine house was developed, the Davis Alpine
House (fig.), with an advanced system to control temperature, ventilation, and
moisture to simulate the environment of being 2000 feet in the air. Engagement and
education with the general public, particularly children, is another priority of Kew
Gardens today. In 2004, Climbers and Creepers , an interactive learning environment
encourages children to discover botany, ecology, animals, and the environment.
Further, in 2008, Marks Barfield architects, the masterminds behind the London Eye
(fig), built the Treetop Walkway (fig). The architectural firm, known for creating
innovative forms to maximize visibility, constructed the Treetop Walkway over the
Arboretum to be level with the treetops. The rusted steel pathway blends with the
environment to provide a new perspective at looking at the gardens. The actual design
of the steel is based on the Fibonacci numerical sequence (fig.) engaging intellects and
Depression Symptoms And Treatment Of Depression
If you ve been treated for depression but your symptoms haven t improved, you may
have treatment resistant depression. Taking an antidepressant or going to
psychological counseling (psychotherapy) eases depression symptoms for most
people. But with treatment resistant depression, standard treatments aren t enough.
They may not help much at all, or your symptoms may improve, only to keep coming
back. If your primary care doctor prescribed antidepressants and your depression
symptoms continue despite treatment, ask your doctor if he or she can recommend a
medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions
(psychiatrist). The psychiatrist will review your medical history and may: Ask about
life situations... Show more content on ...
For some people, it takes even longer. Increase your dose. Because people respond to
medications differently, you may benefit from a higher dose of medication than is
usually prescribed. Ask your doctor whether this is an option for you don t change
your dose on your own. Switch antidepressants. For a number of people, the first
antidepressant tried isn t effective. You may need to try several before you find one
that works for you. Add another type of antidepressant. Your doctor may prescribe
two different classes of antidepressants at the same time. That way they ll affect a
wider range of brain chemicals linked to mood. These chemicals are neurotransmitters
that include dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. Add a medication generally
used for another condition. Your doctor may prescribe a medication that s generally
used for another mental or physical health disorder, along with an antidepressant.
This approach, known as augmentation, may include antipsychotics, mood stabilizers
(lithium or anti seizure medications), anti anxiety medications, thyroid hormone, beta
blockers, stimulants or other drugs. Consider the cytochrome P450 (CYP450)
genotyping test. This test checks for specific genes that indicate how well your body
can process (metabolize) a medication. Because of inherited (genetic) traits that cause
variations in certain P450 enzymes, medications may affect each person differently.
Attention Deficit Disorder Essay
Attention Deficit Disorder
Approximately 3 5% of all American children have an Attention Deficit
Disorder (ADD). ADD is a leading cause of school failure and under achievement.
ADD characteristics often arise in early childhood. As many as 50% of children with
ADD are never diagnosed. Boys significantly outnumber girls, though girls are more
likely to be undiagnosed with ADD. quot;ADD is not an attention disorder, but a
disorder of impulse control ( Seminar notes Barkeley) . quot;
Characteristics of Attention Deficit Disorder can include : Fidgeting with hands or
feet , difficulty remaining seated, awaiting turns in games, following through on
instructions , ... Show more content on ...
Without enough dopamine and related catecholamines, such as serotonin and
norepinephrine, the frontal lobes are under stimulated and thus unable to perform
their complex functions efficiently. Attention Deficit Disorder is strongly considered
genetically inherited, however, not all cases of ADD may be genetically linked. .
Studies have shown that 20 30% of all hyperactive children have a least one parent
with ADD. The environment is a big influence on a child during pregnancy and after.
Some studies show that a small percentage of ADD cases were influenced by
smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs during pregnancy.
Exposure to toxins, such as lead, may also alter the brain chemistry and function. If
you suspect that you are suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder you will need to
discuss it with your medical doctor. In most cases the doctor will recommend that
you visit a psychologist for an evaluation. The psychologist is professionally trained
in human behavior and will be able to provide counseling and testing in areas related
to mental health. The psychologist is not able to prescribe medication to help you,
but may send you to a psychiatrist to prescribe and monitor medication. A neurologist
may be consulted in order to rule out neurological conditions causing your symptoms.
Your doctor will gather information about your past and
Racist Language Examples
1,Cliche; A clichГ© is a phrase or an idea that has been used so often that no longer
has much meaning and is not interesting. Example, it s only a matter of time .
2,Jargon; Jargon is a word or expression that are used by a particular profession or
group of people, and are difficult for others to understand. Jargon does not necessarily
imply formal education, but instead focuses on the language. Example, Business
jargon; Due diligence putting effort into research before making a business decision.
3,Slang; This are the informal words or expression that are more common in
spoken languages especially used by a particular group of people. Example, Teenage
slang Tope if something is tope it s cool to the teenage contingent. So what s a tope?
it is a combination of tight and dope both words means something that s beyond cool.
... Show more content on ...
Referring to adult women as girls or using the word man to refer to humankind are
examples of sexist language. Racist is the unfair treatment of people who belong to
different race, or violet behaviour towards them. Racist language discriminate against
members of a given race or ethnic group. Example He is a racist of another country.
5,Euphemism; This is an indirect words or phrase that people often use to refer to
something embarrassing or unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more acceptable
than it really is. Example, user fees is just a politician s euphemism for taxes . In
order to be clear, choose words that mean what you intend to convey.
6,Double speak; This is the language that is intended to make people believe
something which is not true, or that can be understood in two different ways.
Example, Senior citizen in a place of an old
Tudor Hardship
Throughout British history, especially between the time periods 1485 1603,
obtaining the status of a knight and furthermore, being bestowed knightship, was a
great deal of honor. Henry VII was King of England and Lord of Ireland from his
seizing of the crown on August 22 1485 until his coincidental death on the 21 of
April 1509, as the first monarch of the House of Tudor. The Tudor dynasty was a
European house from 1485 until 1603. While knights displayed many positive
attributes, they also faced many hardships being a knight. Hardships are more
commonly known as tests. Tests were effectively used to evaluate a knight s loyalty
to there king. A chivalrous knight was a highly touted individual that proved to be
extremely valuable.... Show more content on ...
181) However, at the water s edge, Gawain hesitates, If I throw this rich sword in
the water, thereof shall never come good, but only harm and loss. (P. 182) When
he reports back to the king, the king asks, What saw thou there. (P.182) Gawain
replies, I saw nothing but wind and waves. King Arthur was unimpressed and cast
great doubt upon Gawain. ah traitor unto me untrue, now thou hast betrayed me
twice, when you have weened that thou has been to me so loved and dear, would
betray me for the riches of the sword. (P. 182) This shows Sir Gawain had some
loyalty in the king, however, he displayed greed over a worldly possession.
Furthermore, Gawain directly lies to the king by saying he saw nothing but wind
and waves. Thus, preventing the king to question Gawain s loyalty because the
king had felt he was betrayed. Sir Gawain exhibits a lack of loyalty and dishonesty,
therefore causing the king to no longer trust him. Tests are a method of evaluating
how well you performed in a specific field. Tests provide a clear insight as to how
well a knight performs. For a knight, tests depict how loyal and trustworthy he is to
his lord or king. There are a few examples of knights that display both loyalty and
dishonor. One example of dishonor comes from Morte d Arthur. Sir Bedivere is
instructed by King Arthur to take the
Environmental Effects Of Noise Pollution
Noise can be defined as unwanted sound1. Sounds which we deem as unwanted or
unnecessary are noise. Our environment is beset by noise, which is pervasive,
intrusive and ubiquitous as well as unhealthy. The effects of noise, a pollutant and its
effects on health have been neglected despite being aware of the ability to precisely
measure or calculate the exposure from the peak levels2. The effects of noise pollution
were first recognized in the occupational settings. In our environment, there are
different sources of noise, but they generally depend on the activity performed,
location and the time of the day3. In everyday life noise is pervasive, that can cause
both auditory and non auditory effects on the health. Noise is an audible acoustic
phenomenon that may or may not adversely affect the people. The effects of noise
can be physiologically as well as psychologically be appreciated. In occupational
settings noise induced hearingloss remains highly prevalent, which is increasingly
caused by social noise exposure for example personal music player. If the exposure
to noise remains chronic and exceeds certain level negative health outcomes are
seen. Health effects which were first recognized in an occupational setting were
through the weaving mills where the level of high noises was associated with
hearing loss2. Excess of noise exposure leads to annoyance, disturbed sleep, increase
in daytime sleepiness, decrease in patient outcome and staff performance in the
hospital, increase in physiological conditions like hypertension and cardiovascular
diseases, and impairment of the cognitive functioning of the school children.
Occupational noise is the most studied noise exposure. Researchers have now
broadened to social noise like those heard in bars or personal music players.
Environmental noise consists of all the unwanted noise that arise from our
environment rather than our workplace1. Environmental noise pollution is considered
a form of air pollution which causes a threat to the health and the well being of the
people living in the community. Noise pollution is a phenomenon that affects
everybody but is generally associated with the level of activity performed, the place
and the duration. Environmental noise
Microsoft Packard Faces Intense Competition Essay
Intense competition
Hewlett Packard faces intense competition in all its business segments in terms of
price, quality, brand, technology, reputation, distribution, range of products etc.
The company faces stiff competition in the PC market. The company has become
the market leader in the PC segment in the third and fourth quarter of 2006,
relegating Dell to the second position. With Michael Dell returning as Chief
Executive Officer, Dell is likely to come back strongly and make a fierce bid for
market leadership. Other significant competitors in the PC market include Acer,
Apple Computer, Gateway, Lenovo Group and Toshiba Corporation. Moreover,
Acer s acquisition of Gateways has made it the third largest PCs supplier in the
world. In some regions, the company faces competition from local companies and
from generically branded or white box manufacturers. The company s competitors in
enterprise servers and storage include broad solutions providers such as IBM,
focused competitors such as EMC Corporation in storage, Dell in industry standard
servers and Sun Microsystems in UNIX based servers. The imaging and printing
group s key competitors include Canon USA, Lexmark International, Xerox
Corporation, Seiko Epson Corporation, Samsung Electronics and Dell. Hewlett
Packard s inkjet market share expanded as Lexmark and Epson discontinued their
unprofitable printer bundling arrangements with personal computer and retail partners,
under which printers were given free with PC
The Industrial Revolution Essay
The Industrial Revolution Essay
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The Industrial Revolution Essay

  • 1. The Industrial Revolution Essay Crafting an essay on the Industrial Revolution is a challenging task that requires a comprehensive understanding of historical events, economic transformations, and societal impacts. The Industrial Revolution was a complex period marked by significant advancements in technology, changes in labor practices, and shifts in economic structures. As a writer, you need to delve into extensive research to grasp the intricacies of this era and its profound effects on various aspects of society. Moreover, constructing a coherent and well-structured essay involves synthesizing a plethora of information and presenting it in a logical sequence. You must navigate through historical accounts, economic analyses, and social commentaries to create a nuanced narrative that captures the essence of the Industrial Revolution. Balancing historical accuracy with engaging prose adds another layer of difficulty, as you strive to maintain a scholarly tone while ensuring your essay remains accessible to a broad audience. Addressing the myriad of consequences stemming from industrialization, such as urbanization, labor exploitation, and socio-economic inequalities, demands a keen analytical mind. It requires the ability to connect disparate elements into a cohesive argument that elucidates the multifaceted nature of this transformative period in history. Furthermore, developing a thesis statement that encapsulates the key insights you wish to convey about the Industrial Revolution adds an additional layer of complexity. The challenge lies not only in formulating a compelling argument but also in presenting it with clarity and conviction. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the Industrial Revolution involves navigating through a complex web of historical events, economic dynamics, and social implications. It demands extensive research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to create a comprehensive and engaging piece of writing. For those who find this task daunting, there are resources available to provide assistance. Websites like offer services where similar essays and more can be ordered, providing a valuable support system for individuals seeking guidance in navigating the intricacies of essay writing. The Industrial Revolution Essay The Industrial Revolution Essay
  • 2. The Role Of Sexism Exposed In The Twilight Saga Movies Legends and tall tales of vampires have been around for generations. They were once beings society feared; pale, soulless, vicious beasts with blood stained mouths and long black capes. In recent years, this depiction has changed. Vampires are now portrayed as beautiful, alluring creatures, who are more civilized then how passed tales have depicted. In the The Twilight Saga movies, based on the Stephenie Meyer s controversial book series, vampires are reinvented with more human attributes and feelings. Not only do they have human like feelings but they display social issues that human s face in society as well. A human social issue that has made its way into fantasy vampiretales is sexism. The Twilight Saga utilizes the horror genre... Show more content on ... Bella is caught between two men in the film, Edward and Jacob. Although she is unquestionably in love with Edward, he abandons her so she is left in Forks with Jacob. Jacob is a muscular, tan, teenage boy a few years younger than Bella but has the build of a man twice his own age. With Edward gone, Bella does not try to go on life alone or be independent; she runs to Jacob. A source on Intangible Divulgences describes this point of the saga and states The love triangle is established, with Bella now caught between two men, given a choice, as Meyer sees it, but a choice to attach herself to a male no matter what it takes. (Divulgence 1). Bella is never given or never considers the choice of being her own person or by herself; it s either Edward or Jacob, being with herself is not option. Bella is portrayed as so codependent because she is physically fragile and clumsy. Christine Jarvis, author of The Twilight Of Feminism? Stephenie Meyer s Saga And The Contradictions Of Contemporary Girlhood. talks about how Bella is create this way purposely so she can be a relatable character for women because she is powerless. (Jarvis 102). The Twilight Saga display a sort of power imbalance with Edward having more power than Bella does. Edward is basically indestructible and calm while Bella is frantic and can barely fend for herself. She also has no strength, physically or emotionally while Edward and Jacob are depicted as the epitome of strength and self control. In one part of New Moon, Bella agrees to rebuild dirt bikes with Jacob but does no manual labor whatsoever and even gets hurt clumsily falling in the tool shed. Bella embodies all the negative stereotypes society has created against women, yet she is still looked up to by viewers because she is with an attractive man with incredible
  • 3. Essay On Developing Professional Practice STUDENT DETAILS ACAP Student ID: 170913 Name: KYLIE LAMB Course: BASSIX ASSESSMENT DETAILS Unit/Module: DEVELOPING PROESSIONAL PRACTICE Educator: Assessment Name: Assessment Number: Term amp; Year: Word Count: DECLARATION I declare that this assessment is my own work, based on my own personal research /study. I also declare that this assessment, nor parts of it, has not been previously submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications. I also declare, if this is a ... Show more content on ... With keeping the agency and clients in mind Boylan and Scott (2008) makes note of the importance of familiarizing oneself with site practices regarding client s record keeping and treatment practices to make sure no ethical guidelines are breached with client confidentiality. Keeping to Boylan and Scott (2008) previous information I feel it is important to make sure that during the interview and over my time in the placement if I have any questions which information isn t needed immediately it would help to keep a journal detailing these the so that I can develop my knowledge and the experience and help to reflect on later. Some of the most commonly held practice principles according to Lines (2006) that you may deal with when working with youth or children may include things such as under age sexual activity, suicidal thoughts, drug and alcohol abuse and learning how to balance the legal and ethical responsibilities after this has been shared in session. Whilst
  • 4. undertaking my placement it is my goal to comply with the practices policies and make sure that I place a high importance on receiving and making the most of the guidance I receive from the employed staff in this establishment as Forret and Dougherty (2004) note these opportunities and my performance within may open up many new opportunities. Another important thing to note when doing a placement is that although this is a great
  • 5. Essay On Teen Smoking I knew that smoking was bad... I didn t think I would have a premature baby, said Amanda. I couldn t hold her much in those first weeks. It s time I ll never get back. Smoking took that from me. 2 This woman describes the hardship that she went through while pregnant and giving birth. Amanda, like many others, was addicted to smokingthroughout her college career and early in her pregnancy. Her baby was born 2 months early and was forced to spend weeks in an incubator.2 This personal experience illustrates the emotional, mental and physical stresses that are associated with cigarette smoking. From a data standpoint, Amanda represents 1 out of the 36.5 million people over the age of 18 in the U.S. that are currently smoking.1 This anecdote helps to understand some of the issues associated with cigarette smoking from an individual perspective and why many are trapped in the deadly habit. This paper will begin by looking at the prevalence and demographics of adult cigarette smoking in the U.S to help understand the magnitude of the issue. It will then examine the problems and vulnerabilities associated with smoking by outlining public health issues and then suggest possible solutions that have worked in different settings. Finally, this paper will discuss the implementation of the intervention by deploying the three levels of the social ecological model. First, to understand the issue of adult cigarette smoking in the U.S, we must investigate the causes and prevalence.
  • 6. Analyse a Case Study `Change at Whirlpool... Environmental analysis (PESTEL , 5 forces Political The political changes are likely to influence Whirlpool only insomuch it can affect the markets the company sells to , causing political instability that will wreak havoc in the economy . The company has already sustained , for instance , losses in South America it can suffer more if the region experiences riots or major political upheavals Economic The organization is affected by the prosperity of people in the markets it targets that will translate into changes in both replacement purchases and level of activity in construction companies Economic activity will affect the relative weight of upscale brands such as KintchenAid as c compared to Frigidaire or Rapor brands Social ... Show more content on ... They have to be given new distinct images that will permit customers to take a new look at old things . New promotions have to be developed that will target consumers who previously would not have thought of buying a Whirlpool appliance The brand value creation strategy can also be useful to Whirlpool in emerging markets where it will follow Market Development strategy Whirlpool goods can be introduced into the market in a new light that will parallel the brand image the company creates in its traditional markets . This will single out Whirlpool products from the rest of the market and make them an impressive novelty in these markets Strategy selection evaluation (suitability , feasibility accessibility The strategy of brand value creation can be tested for Suitability : it can be poorly compatible with the current risk and change averse culture Feasibility : the projected cash generation from the increase in brand value can be mapped out in to see whether this will be appropriate Accessibility : the company can tests what marketing promotions and other measures it can undertake to make its brands work Implementation (force field analysis , change kaleidoscope The force field analysis has identified the
  • 7. Theme Of Language In The Film A Clockwork Orange Language in both literature and film is a profound part, which takes its reader or viewer on a journey and develop their perception of characters. A Clockwork Orange deals with the brilliant usage of language in both novel and film. Anthony Burgess the writer of the novel A Clockwork Orange uses language to create a buffer, to indicate alliances with a specific social group and lastly, to embroil the reader in the action. Stanley Kubrick the screenwriter of the film A Clockwork Orange believes language is the least important aspect in a film so instead to create the same effects that Burgess creates through language, Kubrick s uses cinematic techniques to achieve the same effect. This essay will explore and examine the function and techniques... Show more content on ... The only characters who uses nadsat, is Alex and his friends thus, making is easy for the reader to differentiate between teenage gang members and older mature citizens. Colloquialism creates a community and Burgess uses language to make the reader feel as though they are part of this gang. In the prison there is a direct contrast to who is part of this social group, and who is not. Dr Brodsky tells Alex you can t get the better of us (Burgess, Morrison, 2000:86), to which Alex replies grahzny bratchnies (Burgess, Morrison, 2000:86). Not only is this a way to differentiate gangs from normal society, but also an indication of which character are teenagers and which are grownups, keeping the language exuberant in its inventiveness (Nixon, 2010:8). Different from Burgess Language alliance technique, Kubrick also indicate alliances with a social group by means of the visual representation of Alex and his friends. From the beginning of the film, there is a clear indication of who part of the gang, and who is not. Alex and his friends wear white long sleeved shirts, and white trousers (Kubrick, 1971), separating them form the rest of society and making it clear for the viewer to distinguish between the characters .Kubrick intentionally chooses these costumes for Alex and his friends to separate them from the rest of
  • 8. Best Halloween Costume The Best Halloween Costume Halloween is an old, old holiday with many traditions. Today, Halloween has developed into a yearly holiday for activities like trick or treating and pumpkin carving ( By far, the most enjoyable part of Halloween is wearing a costume. For one night, people are allowed to be whomever they wish to be. Of all the things to be, Ronald Reaganwould have to be the best. Ronald Reagan would make the best Halloween costume for many reasons. The first reason is simple: everyone loves Ronald Reagan. Taking a look back at the 1980 s reveals some great evidence. Ronald Reagan won 49 of the 50 states in the 1984 presidential election ( Since the 1984 election, no presidential candidate has won by
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Driverless Cars Robots are here to take over, but not by force. In fact, we are letting them in the door without even checking the peephole. A robot can do your job better, faster, cheaper, and with less mistakes and companies know this. We live in a country of late stage capitalism where private companies are trying to squeeze every and any penny out of their expenses and into their pockets. For profits organizations won t hesitate to automate their workforce, and why should they? To them, the benefits are enormous. Robots don t take breaks, don t get hurt, can t get sick, and do not require a yearly salary. This is no longer a matter of can we or should we, this is a matter of how our government should respond to this massive change. Low skill jobs can easily be automated and already are beginning to be. Self checkouts and truck driving are only two examples of low skill jobs being taken over robots. One might think there aren t many jobs past truck drivers and store clerks that can be automated, but that is flat out incorrect. Self driving cars are already here. In John Stossel s episode, Robots and Cars Stossel drives a Tesla, which has self driving capabilities and these cars are already available to the public. Although, the technology behind driverless cars aren t just put in the category of cars, they re autos. Autos move something from point A to point B. This can be useful in pit mines moving resources, warehouses moving goods, retail stores moving products. Moving things from
  • 10. Beach Descriptive Essay The beach is known for being a place to relax; the beach I went to was a run of the mill beach, tan sand with rocks next to an aqua sea, I was there with my Mother and family on a cloudless day in summer 2009.Nevertheless we were on the beach, it was filled with umbrellas of all colors, filling the beach like a canvas with hundreds of strokes on it. Starting our trip started with setting up our blanket and umbrella so we could sit down to relax at the start, but we all wanted to head out and swim so I put on my yellow goggles and arm floaters with dolphins on them, heading into the water which was reasonably warm in 90 degree weather . We were fairly deep into the water, the goggles and arm floaters were making sure I kept above the water as well as not inhaling any, it was fun splashing my family or going underwater to test how far we could see which was four inches. Out of nowhere, my Mother had screeched Just stand sideways, you ll be fine! ,abruptly, I saw it towering over us, a shadow coming towards us, I started to run away, or at least make an attempt to. Fear consumes me ,my only thoughts were heading to shore where I would be safe from the wave, I barely went half a foot away before it grabbed me. It grabbed on, dragged me to the middle where I couldn t move up to inhale air or push myself off the bottom to jump, I was trapped under the water, waves above taunting knowing I was trapped. Water was running past , I started to feel a strong tug on my head, before I could realize what was going on, my goggles were dashing away with the water, but I could still open my eyes under the water without the sting of saline water in my eyes. Everything was a mushy brown color, all the sandstarted to be pulled up, mixing with the water, everything in front of and below me was turbid, but when I look up to see the surface of the water, it was shining, crystal clear even. For a bit wondered if I was gazing at Heaven and the wave was my ride to heaven, but the pain snapped me back to reality, black spots were flooding my vision while pain was wrapped around my chest. It had wrapped around me, began to trail down to my toes and rise to my head, it hurt so much, I started to feel tired,
  • 11. Hastings Point Essay Grade 11 Biology Bio Ecology Field Study By, Colton Hatcher Introduction Hastings Point is a small coastal town located in New South Wales that is sounded by a national park. Hastings point has been a great location for tourists due to its marine wildlife, beaches and fishing. This destination is home to a magnificent rocky shore perfectly suited for a vast majority and wide range of marine wildlife. The rocky shore has a wide spread of both biotic and abiotic factors which provides a suitable ecosystem for all wildlife but unfortunately this unindustrialized location is becoming over developed. This takes a toll on Hastings point ecosystem immensely because the estuary, beach and the living organisms are slowly diminishing in ... Show more content on ... The Tidal zones consist of splash zone, high water neap tide, low water neap tide, high water spring tide, low water spring tide, mid tide level and the splash zone and sub littoral zone. All of these tidal zones can be determined by which indicator organisms/animals are living there. For an example the splash zone is the highest of all zones and the organisms that are generally living there are noddiwinkles. If you spot a lot of honeycomb barnacles and blue grey periwinkle s then you are most likely in the high water tide zone and water only covers this zone at high tide. White tube worms are indictor organism the mid tide level zone and is covered by water for half of the day. There s also the low tide zone which is engulfed in water for the majority of the day expect at low tide, you can determine this zone by finding indicator organisms such as sea squirts. The final tidal zone is the sub literal zone and this is always under water the indictor organism s living here are brown tubeworms and striped girdled chiton. Aim: The aim of our excursion to Hastings Point, New South Wales was to study the biodiversity and ecology and to see how these organisms behave in their natural habitat and surroundings. There will also be information collected about a variety of different organisms as well as population counts and observe how they have adapted to the species surrounding environment. The excursion will also be an opportunity to gather information on
  • 12. Louis Xiv s Influence On The World War II Karl Johnson A Block, History Lisa Feirtag The Sun God Louis XIV is known for his powerful approach to rule. For example, within foreign policy, pressing the invasion of the Spanish Netherlands in 1667, boldly deeming it his wife s rightful inheritance. The conflict was named, The War of Devolution, and lasted a year. France lost, although Louis XIV did not give up, and engaged in the great Franco Dutch War from 1672 to 1678. During the war, France managed to acquire more land and the victory promoted France to the status of a dominant power. After all, Louis XIV was known to France as the Sun King, the most powerful and god like being on earth, he couldn t stand for defeat. This new dominant status, coupled with Louis XIV s audacious campaigns to constantly expand territory through the use of military force, positioned France as an immediate threat to other European nations, and positioned Louis XIV as a looming figure over all of Europe. Louis XIV thought of war as the sport of Kings, and he put a lot into his favorite pastime. Louis XIV was born September 5, 1638 in Saint Germaine en Laye, France. He became king and official leader of 19 million French in 1643 at the age of four years old. Rather than a scholarly education, Louis XIV was educated in practicality and logic. Louis s first goal as king was to centralize and rein in total control of France. He did this by establishing reforms that cut France s deficit, promoted industrial growth, created an organized
  • 13. The Quiet Revolution Research Paper Between 1960 s to present day terrorism has occurred many times in Canada. To start off, specifically in the 1960 s when Quebec was holding a Quiet Revolution. This was a social change happening in Quebec. To continue, during this time president of France Charles de Gaulle came to Montreal Quebecwhere he would say a speech effecting Canadaforever. Vive le Quebec Libre was the ending statement to his speech, this statement would be scribbled on the wall on the site of the very first bomb of the FLQ. The FLQ was a group of was a separatists in Quebec. They believed in using weapons and violence to receive there demands and were responsible for numerous bombings in Quebec during the 1960 s. Finally, the FLQ was responsible for the worst crisis since World War Two which was the October Crisis. This horrifying event was lead by the... Show more content on ... Trudeau also invoked the War Measures Act, which was the first time to be done during peace time. This allowed police to search and arrest anyone who might have been seen as a suspect with out warrant. The kidnappers of Cross then murdered Cross after realizing that the government would not negotiate to their demands, police later found Laporte alive, was released. For the sake of Laportes safety the FLQ was given a safe passage to cube where his kidnappers were later arrested and put in jail and the crisis was over. This left an effect on Quebec and Canada s economy and pride till this day. Many supported and many hated Trudeau for invoking the war time act although man arrested were them released. Quebec had strong pride for their wants of being noticed as part of Canada s government and to have more say in things happening politically. Terrorismin Canada is still occurring but the impact of the FLQ and October Crisis was one unlike any
  • 14. Literary Theories And Voltaire s Candide Sydney DeBerry Professor Sweeton English 2320 26 February 2015 Literary Theories and Candide Theories generally propose explanations whose status is still hypothetical and subject to experimentation that can exist in any area of interest; nonetheless, as one narrows theories down to a single specific field, like that of Literature, definitions adjust with them. Literary theory relies on human response to literature, followed by forming opinions and examining the text. Primarily, literary theory allows criticism creation of principles by which a literary text can be examined, and a number of diverse perspectives on a literary text and its conception may form. Moreover, concentrated methods of reading ... Show more content on ... Candide, for instance, starts as a bright eyed, optimistic boy unaccustomed with the world s evils, representing in ways society s blind eye. The adventure Candide undergoes is far more than just that. Knowledge opens the eyes of those who seek understanding, and Candide in the end is aware of the world surrounding him. The next lead character, Pangloss, represents the absurdity of humans to be overoptimistic and write off their troubles as for the greater good. Impractically, Pangloss ignores reality in favor of optimism; this is verified by every disaster in Candide. Next, CunГ©gonde s descent throughout Candide resembles the harsh loss of innocence; indeed, she was graced with beautiful and happiness before her world was turned upside down. As her troubles came to an end, CunГ©gonde s innocence was stolen by the world s evil much like in actuality, only leaving ugliness and more temperament. Candide was blinded by his ideal of CunГ©gonde up to the end; nonetheless, he finally saw her new self and was disenchanted. Candide s dissatisfaction likens that of the entirety of his new world without rose colored glasses. Much like concepts and plot, characters of the text continually allude to more than they appear, especially in
  • 15. Macroeconomic Trends And Conditions Of New Zealand Essay In the following essay, various macroeconomic trends and conditions will be explored in reference to New Zealand. While New Zealand has a rich history dating back to prehistoric times, the main economic development began with the colonization by British explorers in the late 1700 s. Throughout time, the island nation has shared much with its British lineage in that it has been a predominately isolated island nation that relies heavily on international trade. While this has allowed New Zealand to become developed and prosperous, it also exposes their economy to global economic recessions and unexpected swings in various economic indicators. Sections in particular will focus on GDP, inflation, unemployment, credit markets, and lastly fiscal and monetary policy. New Zealand s GDP in 2014 was $198.1 billion U.S. Dollars, which ranks 49th in the world. Their economy is free market oriented and developed, and is routinely ranked as one of the more efficient and least corrupt economies in the entire world [2][3][10]. Currently, GDP expenditure in New Zealand is around 70% based in the services sector, 26% in the industrial sector, and the remaining 4% in agriculture. New Zealand has a high percentage of its GDP composed in both imports and exports in international trade, which stand around 28% for both respectively [2][3]. Because of this high reliance on international trade, the most recent economic recession from 2008 2009 saw real GDP contract for five quarters in a row,
  • 16. Oskar Schindler Oskar Schindler World War II was fought from 1939 to 1945 between the Axis powers Germany, Italy, and Japan and the Allies, involving France and Britain, and later the Soviet Union and the United States. The Holocaust is generally thought of the name of the period within World War II, where Hitter and the Nazi partycommitted the genocide of roughly 6 million Jewish people. Jewish people were not the only victims of the holocaust, as others include the mass murder of groups such as Romani gypsies, homosexuals, Soviet Prisoners of War, blacks, and more, and some numbers suggest that between 10 and 11 million civilians and POWs were murdered during this time period. It s significant to understand that the genocide of Jews and others during ... Show more content on ... October 1944, after the SS transferred the Emalia Jews to Plaszow, Schindler sought and obtained authorization to relocate his plant to BrГјnnlitz (Brnenec) in Moravia, and reopen it solely as an armaments factory. One of his assistants drew numerous versions of a list of up to 1,200 Jewish prisoners needed to work in the new factory. These lists came to be known collectively as Schindler s List. Schindler met the necessities required by the SS to classify BrГјnnlitz as a sub camp of Gross Rosen concentration camp and thereby facilitated the survival of about 800 Jewish
  • 17. Fahrenheit 451 Technology Analysis According to Cable News Network, the average American spends about half of their day fully absorbed in technology. Ray Bradbury predicts this technological dependence in his novel Fahrenheit 451. Although written in 1953, the dystopian novel takes place in the future and scrutinizes human dependence on technology. Bradbury depicts a world where technology is a fundamental aspect of survival and where society does not read books because they are contradictory and abhorrent towards minority groups. The protagonist in the novel, Guy Montag is a fireman who burns books for a living. When Guy gets a new neighbor named Clarisse McClellan, she opens his eyes to the world around him and helps him question his morals as a human being. Through Clarisse, Guy can now see technology controlling the lives... Show more content on ... Mildred spends her days immersed in television and goes as far to consider the characters in the television programs party of her family. The illustration of culture, characters, and theme in the novel give today s society detailed insight into a technologically dependent future for forthcoming generations. The representation of culture in the novel is fast paced and does not value human life. The characters in the novel seldom take time to think for themselves because they live a hurried life. The town s citizens drive quickly because they have neither the time nor the desire to exercise their true emotions. Thus, this fast paced lifestyle allows the characters to subdue their feelings of grief and hopelessness. To fit in with the fast paced style of life, single page narratives replace books and one to two minute documentaries take the place of movies. With less time dedicated to reading and learning, people allow more time for activities and lessons. Beatty is
  • 18. Catharine Beecher Research Paper Catharine Esther Beecher was a famous educator and writer. She was the eldest child of the Beecher clan. Catharine was born in East Hampton, New York, in 1800. When she was 10, her family moved to Litchfield, Connecticut where she began her education at Sarah Pierce s Academy for Young Women. When Catharine was 16 years old, her mother died of tuberculosis, leaving Catharine to care for her younger siblings. Catharine cared for her siblings like they were her children. Catharine Beecher s early career was devoted to promoting education for women and the beginning of education as a profession. While still in her teens, Catharine wrote poems that were published. At age 22, she became engaged to a Yale University professor named Alexander Fisher,... Show more content on ... At this time, the seminary had become one of the premier women s schools in the United States. Upon arriving in Cincinnati, Catharine opened another women s school, the Western Female Institute, but this school did not last due to the lack of financial support caused by the Panic of 1837, an economic depression in the US. During the 1840s, Catharine worked to recruit teachers for schools on the western frontier and organized the Central Committee for Promoting National Education. This organization promoted teacher education and presented to the ideas of education as a profession. In 1852, Catharine Beecher was one of the founders of the American Women s Educational Association, which was for the higher learning institutions for women in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Through her writings and the schools she opened, Catharine fought for the women to be taught history, Latin, rhetoric, algebra, logic, physical education, and natural philosophy. She also introduced domestics education class, which is known as family and consumer sciences. She believed that preparing women to be respected caregivers was the key to provide women to become teachers, which Catharine saw as naturally suited for women. She also advocated for the provision of a basic education for all children of every social class. Catharine s influence on public education was to make the role of a public school teacher a female
  • 19. Parallelism Jane Eyre Parallelism that Empowers Gender plays a significant role in both Jasper Fforde s The Eyre Affair and in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre. The protagonists in each of these novels contradict the expected roles of men and women through similar methods. Many parallels can be drawn between Jane Eyre and Thursday Next, exposing the true strength of these women in the face of society s expectations of them. By investigating the genderroles of the Victorian Era in Jane Eyreand looking at the more modern presentation of gender roles in The Eyre Affair, a clear understanding of these author s intentions to expose the gender issues can be seen. Jane Eyre is a classic novelin which orphan Jane opposes societal expectations by becoming an intelligent,... Show more content on ... In The Eyre Affair, Thursday Next is presented with an opportunity to move to Ohio and start a life with one of her coworkers. Although she heavily considers this option, Thursday ultimately decides to follow her heart and marry Landen Park Laine. A similar plot is seen in Bronte s Jane Eyre. Jane is presented with a marriage proposal and an opportunity to travel to India with St. John Rivers. While this is the chosen path in the first manuscript of Jane Eyre in Fforde s novel, the ending is altered to parallel that of Thursday Next s marriage plot. Jane, like Thursday, denies this proposal and follows her heart. She returns to Thornfield to marry Mr. Rochester. It would have been easy for these two women to succumb to societal expectations and rush into a marriage with suitable men for the purpose of conforming to society. Jane and Thursday empower women by proving that patience and love is the most rewarding. By rejecting their marriage proposals, Jane Eyre and Thursday Next empower other women to take control of their lives and choose their spouses. As C. Sykes examines Victorian literature in his essay, he recognizes that many authors reveal gender issues. While some define characters by his or her marital status, others reveal inequality through female capabilities (Sykes). Victorian literature, like Bronte s Jane Eyre, reveal gender
  • 20. Origins And Developments Of Quality Assurance CH3 Origins and Developments in Quality: QA, TQM in HEI 3.1 Introduction In this chapter the research questions and aims will be addressed through the existing research literature. The chapter discusses educational management and leadership, followed by the literature on Quality Assurance (QA), Total Quality Management (TQM) generally and internationally, including its birth and evolution. The pioneering gurus of TQM are presented. The chapter also discusses QA implementation, followed by common principles derived from the pioneers and experts in the TQM movement and common mistakes expected during implementation. Within this section, I elaborate the arguments to address the requirement of each principle. A separate section then follows, ... Show more content on ... Reviewing the original concepts propounded by the likes of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Max Weber, Mary Parker Follett and so on, and following the prevailing current practices, it would appear that there is agreement on the importance of aspects related to coordination, control, physical and human resources, and on general control over the processes to ensure the completion of set targets (Steers et al., 2010). Generally speaking, management and leadership both entail commonalities and dissimilarities with regard to each other. Thus, Kotter (1990) observed that leadership and management are complementary but distinctive aspects. Hence, as Mckenna (2003: 354) states, management is more concerned with the planning, coordination, supervision, and control of routine activities, while leadership inspires a group of people to perform their best and motivates them to excel in whatever they are doing. Such actions could be reflected in improved outcomes from the efforts made. Bush and Bell (2006) are of the perspective that taken together, both terms relate to the affirmation of inspiring staff towards achieving set targets and laying out goals, objectives, and missions. Any perceived differences between the two terms are tenuous since efficient organizations require both aspects in
  • 21. Super Size Me An analysis of the film Super Size Me, which is a 2004 documentary over Morgan Spurlock who documents the obesity problem we have in this country and how McDonald s and other fast food chains are the ones that mainly contribute to the increasing problem, and exploring the realist aesthetics of the film goes over the elements of direct address to the camera, handheld camera, on camera interview and also real people (non actors). This documentary was made to study the influence that the fast food industry, such as McDonald s, Wendy s, KFC and others have over the obesity problem in America. Morgan Spurlock makes himself a guinea pig and explores the consequences to his body when only eating McDonald s three times a day for one whole month and he can only super size it if the cashier asks him. Spurlock consults with a practitioner, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, and trainers to help and track the change in his body during the whole experiment. With this documentary, Spurlock brings out the truth about eating fast food and the harmful things and changes it does to the human body. Direct address to the camera, an element of the realist aesthetics, has many... Show more content on ... In documentaries, the people that are interviewed are specialists in their field and the reason why they were chosen to be interviewed is because they provide factual evidence that helps and supports the purpose of the film. They bring to the table their knowledge and information over the subject and they can also do wonders when bringing the truth to light. Not only do the interviewees bring facts and information they also put their two cents in and voice their concerns over the issue, which in this case is the extraordinary increase of obese people in this country. Just like the other elements, on camera interviews help brings the truth to light and also reality of the
  • 22. The Report s Strengths And Weaknesses 1) Comments for the author. Please include both general and specific comments regarding the report s strengths and weaknesses, and emphasize your most significant points. General comments include (1) scientific soundness, (2) originality (if the research is an enhancement of an existing experiment or finding, please comment on the originality of the improved sections usually in the discussions section they will state if they have done this), (3) degree to which conclusions are supported by the data, (4) appropriateness of the methods, (5) organization and clarity, (6) cohesiveness of argument, (7) length relative to the number of ideas and information, and (8) conciseness and writing style. First and foremost, the report includes ... Show more content on ... This can be seen on page three paragraph four when the authors state that Other bombardier beetles related to Stenaptinus (subfamily Brachininae), such as those of the large genus Brachinus, probably aim their spray in much the same manner as Stenaptinus. Indeed, we found the abdominal tip of Brachinus to resemble that of Stenaptinus in every structural detail. 2. Presentation. Does the article tell a cohesive story? Is a tightly reasoned argument evident throughout the report? Where does the report wander from its argument? Do the title, abstract, key words, introduction, and conclusions accurately and consistently reflect the major point(s) of the report? Is the writing concise, easy to follow, and interesting? Generally, the writing of this report was easy to follow and was structured in a way in which it told a unified story. However, it was sort of difficult to identify what exactly was the purpose of the experiment. I believe the report was focused mainly on exploring the function and structure of the ejection of fluids in the African bombardier beetle. It was slightly more informative rather than scientific even though the article included many scientific terms. Nonetheless, the report had various amounts of details throughout the experiment. For example, on page 2 the author states Photos (Kodachrome 25 PKM 135 film, Kodak) were taken with 35 mm cameras (Fig. 1), and with a
  • 23. The Link Between the Industrial Revolution and Socialism... The Industrial Revolution was period of rapid economic and social growth during the mid 18th and early 19th centuries. The new found power of coal and iron made for many new innovations in machinery. Not all of the Industrial Revolution s changes were physical. A new ideology arose from the sweat of the working class: socialism. Socialism is a political theory advocating state or collective ownership of property and industry opposed to private ownership. To fully understand the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and socialism, one must first be comfortable with the Revolution and its changes, socialism itself, and the fine line of events linking the two together. The Revolution began in Britain and over the course of a... Show more content on ... Once in complete control, it would abandon its dictatorship to form a higher state of democracy then had been seen before. He thought then that the classes which separated people would surely fall as the bourgeois withered away. He believed that people must liberate themselves. On the other hand, Eduard Bernstein s revisionist socialism wanted the proletariat to rise to power through democratic office and reforms. He believed that the change should be more of an evolution rather than a revolution. The revisionist also did not want the proletariat to be in total control. The socialists, believing everyone is equal, saw that the proletariat was being treated poorly and knew that would have to change. The cruel working conditions and little civil rights made a gap that no single man could cross without help. Many believed that socialism was the key. Socialism grew from the problems of the Industrial Revolution. The relationship of the Revolution to socialism was that of a problem to a solution, respectively. If not for the Industrial Revolution, the problems between the classes would never have grown so apparent. Then again, without the Industrial Revolution the world would be stuck in the past. While the Industrial Revolution shaped the modern world of today, it also caused problems that, in theory, only
  • 24. Case Study Dental Hygienist In this case study, we have a patient named Dr. Rose. She is a 65 year old women who is going to her six month appointment for a dental cleaning. She is a registered nurse and a college professor. Dr. Rose has a allergy to Chlorhexidine. Dr. Rose found out about this allergy when she had a minor in office procedure the previous summer. Next, we have Chrissy, a 21 year old, new employee working in a dental office. She is Dr. Rose s dental hygienist. Chrissy has a bit of a condescending attitude towards Dr. Rose. In this case study, Chrissy s lack of understanding causes a technical error that puts Dr. Rose s life in danger. The appropriate quality improvement tool to analyze this problem would be the tool (FOCUS) Find, Organize, Clarify , Understand, and Select. This tool allows the steps that need to be done before the implementation of the the change (BOOK). For the sake of this case study, The F in Focus would suggest that the we need to find a process problem, The process program would be the dental hygienist s lack of medical literacy. She failed to be a respectful staff and failed to know what the C stood for Chlorhexidine. The O indicates to... Show more content on ... In this case Dr. Rose was but in a dangerous situation that could ve ended badly. She came into contact to something that she was allergic to. This breaks a legal obligation of having a safe environment for their patients. Ethically, Chrissy was not honest. She did not hold up to her ethically obligation have integrity. Furthermore, some attribution errors Chrissy made towards Dr. Rose was assume she didn t know what she was talking about. So when she went about communicating with Dr. Rose, it was demonstrated to be someone talking down or talking at her. This influences Chrissy to disregard some of the things Dr. Rose said. She often discredit
  • 25. The Underground Ocean Of Hazardous Waste On any given day in the United States there can be as many as five hundred thousand shipments of hazardous materials transported all over the country. There are close to Five billion tons of regulated hazardous waste that move between states annually either by truck, rail, air, or water carriers. Truck transport is the most common way of transporting hazardous materials in terms of both tonnage and vehicles. This poses a major riskto the public because these truck are driving down streets, roads, highways and interstate routes that lead into highly populated communities such as towns and cities. The large number of trucks that are traveling on these road are subject to all kinds of risk factors that could cause an accident. This puts the environment... Show more content on ... One of the big issues right now here in North America is Fracking. Fracking or Hydraulic Fracturing is the process of drilling down into the earth with a high pressure water mixture that is directed at the rock to release the gas or gases inside. The left over water that was used to drill the hole is what is left behind after the gases and oil is extracted. This water in comprised of many different chemical that can potentially be harmful to our environment in the short and long terms. Author Mark Niquette describes the large amount of waste water as an Underground Ocean of Industrial Waste . Mr. Niqutte goes further in discussing the fracking problem in Ohio is his article An Underground Ocean of Industrial Waste . The nationwide boom in hydraulic fracturing aka fracking means energy extraction companies in the United States can produce thousands of barrels of oil and millions of cubic feet of natural gas from once inaccessible places. They re also producing something else: oceans of brine from drilling as well as fracking fluid, the chemical laced water used to blast open cracks in buried rock where fossil fuel lurks. That wastewater has to go someplace. ( Niqutte). Mr. Niqutte also stated The preferred way to dispose of the brine and fracking fluid typically a stew of water and a long list of chemical additives, including rust inhibitors and antibacterial agents is to pump it out of sight, out of mind into deep, cavernous wells built for the purpose. Ohio s geological underbelly, composed of permeable rock formations, is ideally suited for sub bolding tanks. and All that underground space has made Ohio a leading importer of wastewater from other states. Last year, oil and gas companies injected 511 million gallons into Ohio s wells, the most on record, according to the state s Department of Natural Resources. More than half came from elsewhere.
  • 26. How Did Circuit City Managers Fail To Perform 1.Which management functions did Circuit City managers fail to perform? Cite examples to support your answer. Circuit City managers failed to properly make use of the management functions that are vital to the upkeep of a company. The management functions Circuit City failed to perform was planning and organizing. The act of planning is viewed as the first step of the management functions because it lays the groundwork for all other functions and is the first step taken when performing them (Plunkett, Attner, Allen, 2008). Circuit City did not plan for their system to crash or had any backup plans in case a crash was to happen. This gave their competitors, such as Best Buy, the opportunity to surpass them. The second management function
  • 27. Anthropological Critique Of Davidson Et Al Anthropological Critique of Davidson et al. (2014) Anthropogenic Nutrients and Harmful Algae in Coastal Waters Introduction With geological experts currently heralding a new geological period, the Anthropocene (Kolbert, 2011), attention is drawn to the overarching impact of humankind upon the environment. The article Anthropogenic nutrients and harmful algae in coastal waters , published by the Journal of Environmental Management, Davidson et al. (2014) propose that nutrients from anthropogenic sources are a major contributing factor towards the increasing occurrence of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in coastal waters worldwide. The authors conclude that the function of anthropogenically sourced nutrients in stimulating the growth of HABs is dependent on location, other parameters often regulate the occurrence of algal blooms. The article is comprehensive from a scientific perspective, accessing quantifiable parameters from an empirical cause and effect assessment. However, from an Anthropology perspective, there are various perspectives which, overlooked in this article, could enrich the understanding and comprehension of the causes of HAB events. To demonstrate how anthropological perspectives could contribute a more complex understanding and interpose valuable paradigms to environmental management models and challenges. The article by Davidson et al. (2014) is critiqued with regards to the Humanistic Scientific spectrum, as well as the Holistic perspective as opposed to
  • 28. What Is The Scale Of Nature In Paradise Lost Carly Merryman ENGL 328 Stoll 3 October 2014 Paradise Lost: Books V VI Milton s scale of nature, while appearing linear, allows the creatures within in it to ascend to God by steps, (V.512). This creates a dynamic scale that would enable a particular being the ability to move up and down the scale based on its behaviors, and align itself closer to God. However, an animal or a human can only climb so far. No matter how virtuous an animal was it could never surpass a human because it is lacking the spiritual essence that God awarded to man. Similarly, a human, while living, could never attain the same closeness to God as an angel. So while this allows for some degree of mobility, each sect of the scale is confined within the parameters that God set forth. If the creation was one first matter all as Raphael says to Adam then that would mean that all matter came from God. Not only does this reconcile science and religious beliefs because as Newton s First Law says, Matter can neither be created nor destroyed, but it also asserts that all matter begins as being inherently good. This explanation disqualifies ex nihlo because as science says there can be no absolute nothing. Milton s attempts to resolve the religion versus science issues are made stronger by his references to Galileo and astronomy. But Milton s version of the creation tackles the problem of absolute nothingness. If there were absolute nothingness before matter, then that nothingness would have had to
  • 29. Media In New Media Do you have Facebook, or another social media account? Turns out, over 1.86 billion people also have Facebook. New media usage in our society has been increasing at a significant rate. Ever since the rise of new media, there has also been a rise of technology critiques. These critiques find all the negative outcomes of new media; there has been a decline of face to face communication, people are becoming lethargic. Though there may be various reasons why the rise of new media is harmful, there is also one very important reason why it is beneficial; new media provides a platform for the voices of the underrepresented to be heard. In this paper, I will be discussing how new media enabled progress and social change by enabling the LGBT community and other underrepresented communities to have a voice. Various sources have reported that social media has given the LGBT community a voice by bringing together supporters regardless of distance and easily spreading awareness to places that may not be informed about the LGBT community. An article released by Salzburg Academy on Media Global Change called Social Media and the LGBT community discusses exactly that. They write, Individuals and groups have used social media to gather, physically and virtually, to promote and support LGBT issues and rights and they have done so in countries that are both are tolerant and intolerant of LGBT rights (Glasionov, n.d). An article by Tech Impact called How LGBT Organizations Use
  • 30. Buck s Dilema Case 13 02 Buck s Dilemma: Gross or Net? Background Buck s Hunting and Equipment Inc. (Buck) has determined that it s time to expand their retail operations. Buck is planning to build several retail stores over the next three years. In order execute their plan, Buck entered into a $100 million, three year revolving line of credit (the Facility) with their bank on January 1, 2010. Buck and his auditor and management would like to know how to book presentation of cash flows through the use of a revolving line of credit is whether to report the amounts borrowed and repaid on a net basis or on a gross basis. FASB s Accounting Standards Codification 230 10 45 7 states information about the gross amounts of cash receipts and cash... Show more content on ... Additionally, the terms of composed draws instruct that all sums are due on request; consequently, Buck ought to contemplate the draws as having unusual maturities of three months or less. ASC230 10 45 14 merely permits net exhibition when borrowings have actual maturities of three months or less. Scenario 3 The third scenario involves the same $100 million borrowing capacity:, only each draw does not have its own maturity date specified. Instead, whatever outstanding balance remaining is due by the end of the three year credit line term, or December 31, 2012. The first draw is made on June 30, 2010, in the amount of $70 million. Another draw for $15 million is made on September 30 of the same year, followed by another draw for $15 million on November 30. The only repayment made by Buck is that made on December 15, 2010, in the amount of $50 million. The action connected to the first draw of Buck and following payments must be made on a gross foundation inside the investing action part as $70 million influx for the draw, July 30, 210. The action related the second draw made by Buck and resulting payment might be made on basis net inside the financing operation part. The $15 draw on Sept 30, 2010 and the decompensating first of December 2010 net to zero for yearly commentary reasons. The draws in the third scenario just again show some of the traits inside the flow of cash statement procedure. This transaction may be regarded vast in
  • 31. Music Analysis Of Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Although The Artist was deemed the Best Picture of 2011 by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts Sciences, Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 s notable music composition,engaging opening scene,.... make it more of a contender for the title. Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Meets my criteria of the how the movie compliments the mood of the movie. Alexandre Desplat, used big moments when using famous theme songs such as, Lily s Theme and Hedwig s Theme to intensify scenes throughout the movie. His use of Lily s Theme , which is a melodic tune with wordless female vocals, during pivotal moments is symbolizing the importance Harry Potter s mom plays in the movie series. Desplat s use of the famous Hedwig s Theme in parts of the movie seem to clash with the current storyline, considering that this associates with when Harry, Ron, and Hermione were children in the earlier movies. When, essentially, this movie is about them entering adulthood. When Desplat does use this theme it gives off a sense of reminiscing. This is apparent when the theme is playing when Hogwarts was under Voldemort s corrupt rule, it had a melancholic feel to it,unlike its usual jovial sound. By doing this, it symbolized what Hogwarts once was before all these events happened. Desplats careful calculation and precision of when to play these two particular theme songs enhances the quality the movie and gives these scenes a more monumental value. Although The Artist had to use music throughout out the movie
  • 32. Marco Polo Background Marco Polo Marco Polo was born around 1254 in Venice wich is a city in Italy . He was born into an affluent and cosmopolitan Venetian merchant family. He learned arithmetic and bookkeeping and studied the classical authors. Also, he had knowledge of Italian and French. Marco Polo s father name is NiccolГІ and uncle name is Maffeo, were jewel merchants. In 1260, They set out on their first trip to the Far East, When Marco Polo was six years old, In 1265 arrived at the court of Kublai Khan ,the Mongol ruler of China. he requested Nicolo and Maffeo Polo to return to Europe in order to bring back 100 Europan to explain Christianity to him. They arrived back in Venice in 1269. Khan requested Nicolo and Maffeo Polo to return to Italy in order to bring back 100 Europan ... Show more content on ... He visited Karakorum and part of Siberia . Marco often visited Hangzhou another city close to Yanzhou .He studied in Kublai Khan s court for 17 years , getting great wealth in jewels and gold .In this time , Polo wanted to return to Venice because he was afraid of death out his country and not able to get a fortune out of the country , but Khan was not able to let them go . When Marco Polo and his family arrived Venice In 1295 , Venice was at war with rival Italian city state , Genoa .after three years he became commander of the galley because he had knowledge ,leadership , and skill needed to command a ship in a naval battle and finances required to equip one .next year , Marco polo was confined in Genoese prison . there was in prison Rustichello of Pisa who was a skillful writer . when Marco had told his stories, he wrote book wich name is The Travels of Marco Polo . in that time , there was nobody believed his stories . Around 1299 , the war ended and Marco had exited the prison and returned to Venice where he soon became a wealthy merchant . In 1300 he married Donata Badoer .they had three female children .he died in 1324 when he was 70 years
  • 33. The Lego Group The LEGO Group is recently experiencing a problematic phase, which has situated the organization with a deficit of 1.8 billion DKK. The problems experienced by The LEGO Group can be attributed to not being able to manage as well as stabilize a strategic supply chain. Successful SCM is crucial for a manufacturing firm in order to harmonize the production process and internal information with demand for the product. When considering the importance of supply chain management, organizations need to study its effect on other major business processes as well as how it will influence the organization as a whole. Supply chain management may directly or indirectly influence major process such as inventory, capital investments, distribution... Show more content on ... LEGO purchased a plastic injection molding machine in 1947 to create the plastic version of LEGO bricks (they were originally wooden), and then expanded to pursue the idea of a toy system where various toys would be included in a line of related products. Items such as doll furniture were also developed as LEGO Group looked to enter different markets. During the 1970 s the foundation of the company s manufacturing facilities and research and development department were established to keep the manufacturing methods up to date. A LEGO production plant was opened in Enfield, Connecticut in the United States. This growth enabled The LEGO Group to continue expanding their product offering over the decades to eventually land at 6 product segments by 2007: pre school products, creative building, play themes, licensed products, mindstorm NXT, LEGO Education, and LEGO games. The consolidated portfolio was meant to reflect the need for more challenging stimulation as children grow and develop. Key Problems This expansion was not well managed and a host of factors developed leading to the decline in 2004. First was a loss of confidence in the core product, the LEGO brick, as the company continued to diversify its product portfolio. Significant forecast errors driven primarily by unpredictable seasonal demand fluctuations led to inventory issues where LEGO lacked one component or held too many of another in stock. The global toy
  • 34. The Transformation of Mob Menaltiy into Individuality Essay According to Emerson s Self Reliance, It is easy in the world to live after the world s opinion; it is easy in solitude after own own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. On the contrary, life during the 19th century was not private or peaceful. Many employees were mistreated and their rights were violated especial during the late 1960s after the Vietnam War. Jimmy Hoffa , the leader of the successful labor union the Teamsters, was a hero to the mistreated trucking employees by gaining the employees benefits and respect. However, his escalating success led to his own personal turmoil. As a result of Hoffa s mob mentality and deathly relationships earned Hoffa... Show more content on ... Hoffa believed in order to successfully accomplish a goal he would have or need some type of assistance. When he was nineteen years old he took on a job as a packer for the Kroger s grocery store. His boss was horrible to the employees. Hoffa had courage to come up with the idea to strike, organize the revolt, and accept punish of victory by confessing to his superior. His strike paid off. Hoffa instantly became the hero to all the employees and felt proud of his accomplishments. This feat created a launching pad for Hoffa to expound on the organization of a large group of people. Hoffa s group mentality encouraged him to get involved in the Teamsters. In 1957, Hoffa became the leader of the Teamsters. During his presidency he led the labor unions with and iron fist; motivated his members, advocated for their rights by speaking his mind. In the fifties America was emerged in the McCarthy era. This era involved mass hysteria concerning hidden American Communists. Joseph McCarthy proclaimed publicly, That more than two hundred card carrying communists had infiltrated the United States government (Miller). This accusation caused an enormous uproar to all Americans in the 1954, every citizen was stricken with fear and worry that whoever was suspicious was investigated, ostracized and even convicted. Robert F. Kennedy was a very close friend to Senator McCarthy and personally took it upon himself to investigate labor
  • 35. The Digital Assistant, Or Pda The personal digital assistant, or PDA, was a small hand held electronic device that was intended for use as a simple organizer, including features like a calendar and tasks list. Today, the PDA has fallen into disuse, replaced by its more popular and powerful successor: the smart phone. Voice recognition technology is giving rebirth to the spirit of the PDA in the form of new intelligent digital systems designed to help you manage your affairs. These reborn personal assistants are gaining popularity in both consumer and business markets due to their ability to streamline commonplace tasks. As new technologies are discovered, additional applications and markets will be uncovered for this technology to take root in. A Brief History The idea of digital personal assistants has been around in the public realm quite a while thanks mainly to Hollywood since the 1960 s. Many movies back in the sixties would depict computers or other devices that had the ability to plan and organize events with limited human interaction. Due to the production of several science fiction titles such as Star Trek, Star Wars, and A Space Odyssey, the early conceptions of such beings as cognitive personal assistants came to the public eye. Early examples of such devices included Star Trek s talking computer, the Hal 9000, and R2D2; devices that could in most cases assist or come up with plans instead of requiring humans to do the organization, reasoning, or brainstorming of all factors in the decision
  • 36. Loggerhead Sea Turtle Turtles belong to the class Reptilia, the subclass Anapsida, and the order Testudines (Le Buff 1990). Reptiles have repeatedly invaded marine environments with varying success and marine adaptation has been undertaken more than once in the history of the Cheloniidae family. Marine reptiles were particularly successful in the Mesozoic as major predators in the sea. Mesozoic marine reptiles explored a variety of swimming styles and diets that included fish, cephalopods, other vertebrates, and hard shelled invertebrates (Motani 2009). The earliest marine turtles appeared in the Jurassic and were a marine species of the family Pleurosternidae known as Desmemys bertelsmanni, as well as an entire marine family, the Thalassemyidae. The carapace of... Show more content on ... Two lineages of sea turtle survived through the Eocene Epoch 55 to 38 millions years ago (Bowen 2003). One lineage was the predecessor of the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), the only member of the family Dermochelyidae, and the other lineage gave rise to the six species of the family Cheloniidae, one of which is the loggerhead sea turtle (Bowen 2003). Today, only seven or eight species of marine turtles survive, distributed unevenly through all three tropical oceans. The modern decline in sea turtles species is not due to inherently poor adaption to post Pleistocene conditions, but is mainly a result of current and past anthropogenic exploitation. Additionally, the greater diversity of sea turtle taxa in the past compared to today is also due to the disappearance of entire isolated oceans such as the Nirobrara Sea, which was once inhabited by a diversity of seat turtle species. It is also due to other evolutionary mechanisms. Early sea turtle lineages had a growth of experimental type species that were more specialized, and these eventually became narrowed down to modern species as overspecialized species had a poor response to changing
  • 37. Writing And Communication Skills At The University Of... Though English 102 is a required course for most studies at the University of Southern Mississippi, I hoped for more than just a passing grade. As a business major, I expected to improve my writing and communication skills to better prepare myself for speeches, meetings, and group projects that I will come across during not only my college education, but my professional career as well. I realize that English is essential in my everyday life and for my college classes. English 102 helped me to recognize that it is necessary to know how to construct a well written paper that reveals a purpose to a specifically chosen audience. I have learned that to communicate adequately I must know how to support multiple academic arguments, understand that it is important to incorporate others ideas in my own writing, and that rethinking my own ideas, rhetorical choices, and discovering other meanings are all part of the revision process. I have chosen to revise the research essay and edit my rhetorical analysis to demonstrate that I have taken these goals into consideration and was able to provide a well written essay. Throughout this semester I have learned the importance of writing comprehensibly and efficiently when writing an essay. This is essential to provide not only the audience with an easy understanding of what will be discussed in the paper, but also gives the writer an outline of his or her body paragraphs. As a result, I have revised my research essay to exhibit how much I
  • 38. A Brief Note On The Italian Shoe Industry Essay 2.Demand conditions If the local market for a product is larger and more demanding at home than in foreign markets, local firms potentially put more emphasis on improvements than foreign companies. This will potentially increase the global competitiveness of local exporting companies. A more demanding home market can thus be seen as a driver of growth, innovation and quality improvements. 3.Related and Supporting Industries When local supporting industries and suppliers are competitive, home country companies will potentially get more cost efficient and receive more innovative parts and products. This will potentially lead to greater competitiveness for national firms. For instance, the Italian shoe industry benefits from a highly competent pool of related businesses and industries, which has strengthened the competitiveness of the Italian shoe industry world wide. 4.Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry The structure and managementsystems of firms in different countries can potentially affect competitiveness. By using Porter s diamond, business leaders may analyze which competitive factors may reside in their company s home country, and which of these factors may be exploited to gain global competitive advantages. Business leaders can also use the Porter s diamond model during a phase of internationalization, in which leaders may use the model to analyze whether or not the home market factors support the process of internationalization, and whether or not the
  • 39. My Passion For Ice Hockey Another summer has gone by and already it s the start of a brand new school year. Summer 2017 was quite relaxing. I didn t have any extraordinary plans for the summer since I wasn t leaving Vancouver, but I spent the summer in the city itself during the hot and humid climate. I usually didn t have any fixed routines throughout my summer, so I spent most of my days sleeping away and staying up all night until sunrise, binging through shows on Netflix with my best friend on FaceTime, spending quality timewith my family, enjoying backyard barbecues and camping. Summer started getting busier around late August. It was that time again to lace up my skates, throw on my jersey, hit the ice and start tryouts. My passion for ice hockey began when
  • 40. The Oil And Gas Industry When thinking about how all this oil and gas gets from the platforms in the gulf to land to be produced, you will run across the phrase, flow assurance. Flow assurance is what makes sure these oils and gases get from point A to point B without any hesitations or problems. Its main purpose is to prevent hydrates, clogged pipes, and wax depositions. So can the oilfield industry survive without flow assurance, especially in deep water operations? By reading this, you will learn how important flow assurance is in this industry, and what serious problems can happen because of the failure of flow assurance. Body1 Flow assurance is the technology and ability to transport hydrocarbon fluids from reservoirs to export points over the life of a ... Show more content on ... Flow assurance is the most critical task during deep water production because of the high pressures and low temperature involved. Now that we have ventured off further into deep water drilling, no longer does pipe flow analysis mean, pressure versus flow rate. When conditions are wrong, hydrates, waxes, or asphaltenes form and come out of the well stream fluids, plugging up flowlines and processing equipment. So, what are hydrates? Hydrates are crystalline, ice like solids that form when small gas molecules, such as methane, ethane, and propane, are trapped in hydrogen bonded water cages under high pressure and low temperature conditions. Hydrate nuclei form from the films of water on the tubular walls. The crystallization of hydrates can result in formation of hydrate plugs which can end up being hundreds of meters long. The formation of these hydrates can vary from instantly to a few hours. If there is free water present, hydrates can form in the pipes. Natural gas hydrates are crystals formed by water with small gas molecules and associated liquids in a ratio of 85 mol% water and 15 mol% hydrocarbons. Gas hydrates have been called the burning ice. This is due to the fact that gas hydrates are host water cages containing guest gas molecules. These combustible gas molecules can be
  • 41. Grievance Procedure Grievance Procedure In the event that a resident s or member of their family, and friends of support may have a disagreement, suspects any rights violation or have any concerns with the facility s policies or rules, the following procedure should be followed: Talk the situation over with the staff and express your differences or concerns, voice your opinion on how you feel these policies may be changed to better suit the residents of the facility. If the resident s involved is non verbal their representative should be their voice. If no progress is made, immediately contact the facility designee: Tracey Tindle: (661) 305 4744 The administrator will notify the resident s CSC of the Regional Center and a written report will be sent.
  • 42. Research Paper On A Bad Driver A bad driver is not the reckless maniac running red lights and knocking over stop signs in order to beat the rush hour traffic. A bad driver is not the teenager in the driver s seat for the first time, racing through a parking lot at ten miles per hour. A bad driver is neither the gray haired man driving under the speed limit on a one lane road, nor the woman fixing her lipstick in the rearview mirror, instead of watching the light turn green. This essay does not refer to those without adequate drivingskills, but rather, to those who are capable of driving well but choose not to. In this essay, bad driving is defined as a mere disregard for the road regulations that do not directly benefit the driver, otherwise known as efficient driving.... Show more content on ... The polite driver would find his place on the right side of the road, and put up with everyone around him driving five miles under what his grandma would be driving without her glasses. The efficient driver knows better. He swiftly transitions into the leftmost lane and drives at a pace that is comfortable to him, despite that said speed is often ten miles under the speed limit. He artfully sets his radio to the perfect volume to drown the honking of the cars behind him. It is important to note that the efficient driver does not use his turn signal when changing lanes. The sight of his car leaving the right lane should be enough to alert any drivers behind him, and if not, they should be paying closer attention. At this point, one may begin to question the rules of the road, and will eventually come to the realization that many of these so called regulations are simply suggestions. For example, the solid yellow lines in the middle of the road are present more of a guideline than a strict decree, so if it is more convenient, one can ignore the distinctions and take up as many lanes as is necessary. One must remember that he has a singular goal, and everyone else on the road is merely an obstacle in his way of achieving that
  • 43. Silence And The Avoidance Of Persecution Silence and the Avoidance of Persecution In the film Silence, the characters of Kichijiro, Rodrigues, and Ferreira illustrate the idea that a person s outward actions fail at conveying their inward beliefs. Throughout the film, Kichijiro consistently claims that he is a Christian but then denies Christ whenever serious opposition arises. However, the film uses the discovery of Kichijiro s crucifix at the end of the film and his continuous declarations to Father Rodrigues of, Forgive me Father for I have sinned, as a method of suggesting that even though Kichijiro outwardly apostated many times, he still had a strong faith on the inside. Moreover, the character of Rodrigues extends the film s theme through the line, Even if God had been silent my whole life to this very day everything I do, everything I ve done, speaks of Him, and through his possession of a crucifix when his body underwent cremation. The aforementioned quote and the possession of the crucifix illustrate that even though Rodrigues committed the act of apostasy he never truly apostatized in his heart. Finally, when the fallen priest Ferreira mentions to Rodrigues, Only our Lord can judge your heart, it evidences that even though Ferreira openly apostated and helped the Japanese in their attempt at attaining Rodrigues apostasy, ... Show more content on ... Consequently, Ferreira s proclamation serves as the perfect representation of the film s theme because it reinforces the importance of a person s internal thought and beliefs over their external actions because God judges works
  • 44. Alan Turing Psychology Psychology Throughout The Imitation Game Ostracism is very dangerous to a person s health and can cause detrimental damage to themselves. Throughout the movie The Imitation Game Alan Turing has been ostracized all of his life from in school to even as an adult. Since he was much brighter than his peers in school and enjoyed subjects like cryptography they considered him to be different from them and did not acknowledge him except for Christopher Morcom who became his only friend and first love. As an adult at work Turing was still ostracized because since he was so used to being alone he didn t know how to properly socialize with people or how to work in a group like he was supposed to working for Bletchley trying to solve the Enigma coding... Show more content on ... Being excluded or ignored by a group of people can be harmful to a person. It can make someone feel that they are alone; that they do not have anyone to care for them or to lean on it times of need. Being ostracized can make someone believe that they do not belong or that no one cares about them, which can lead to low self esteem and depression causing one to often question taking their own life. Ostracism can cause one to go to extreme measures to gain attention such as; bullying, becoming violent, self harm, homicidal, or suicidal. Everyone strives for attention and is a basic need for living. People need to feel that they are loved and that they belong. People are often ostracized for being different and not fitting in with the crowd; however, instead of praised for being unique and different they are excluded to feel worthless. This forces people to believe that they ought to conform to society s standard in order to fit in and gain worth. People can be ostracized for their religion, sexual orientation, sexuality, personality, brains, social class, and even how they look. Like Alan Turing, many people are faced with ostracism because they are different forcing them to feel like they have no option but to commit
  • 45. Internet Protocol And Its Effect On Our Lives Abstract If you have cable, have you ever wondered why you have to pay for the channels you don t watch. Why should someone you ve never met pick what and when you can watch your on TV? Wouldn t you say it would be better if watching TV was like browsing your Web browser, you could pick the programs you wish to watch whenever you felt like watching them? IPTV(Internet Protocol Television) has the ability to do that and more by using internet protocols to transfer your TV programs to you on demand . We will discuss how IPTV works, some benefits it brings, and how it is changing the way we watch television today. There s nothing new about it the use of your TV, it is still where the family meets to watch their favorite shows, gain information about the world, and just overall be entertained. Over the past decade, technological advances in the television and internet have rapidly increased, causing the two to intertwine. With this modern day combination and the growth of digital cable, satellite tv, and the integration of HDTV services, subscribers get an entire new experience with television. The digitization of television is a technological innovation that is allowing for better quality and high definition images. Internet Protocol Television is an IP based technology that delivers Triple Play television services such as video, audio and data over Internet Protocol. It uses video stream encoded as a series of IP packets to deliver the TV programs IPTV is capable
  • 46. Slip In Nb Lab Report Slip in bcc metals has a lot in common, although each material has its own subtleties [70]. Investigation of slip in Nb dates to over 60 years ago, when several researchers deformed single crystal Nb under different experimental conditions [80, 84, 89 91]. More attention has been put into Nb over the past few decades, as it became the material of choice to build SRF cavities. The following paragraphs will concentrate on slip in high purityNb at room temperature, which is the condition of SRF cavity manufacturing. Maddin and Chen used optical slip trace analyses and X ray Laue diffraction to identify slip only on {110} planes in Nb at room temperature in both tension and compression across the unit triangle [80]. In the work of ... Show more content on ... Comparison using the {110} slip systems or a combination of both {110} and {112} slip systems does not give the same correlation. The rotation of tensile axes can also be explained by the dominance of {112} slip systems at yield [48]. A ratio between the shear stress of the two most stressed intersecting {112} slip systems below 1.1 correlates well with hardening at yield, suggesting that the combined twinning/anti twinning and non glide shear stress effects may only alter the critical resolved shear stress by a small amount [48]. Thus, many of these details may not be necessary for inclusion into practical models for the deformation of large grain Nb. In fact, initial results from Mapar et al. suggest that non Schmid effects are small in Nb, and surprisingly, the Schmid based model predicts the stress strain behavior of the Ningxia tensile samples better than the non Schmid model in most cases [92]. The dominance of {112} slip at yield followed by {110} slip for the rest of deformation appears to comply with the theory of Seeger et al. [48, 85], which suggests that the high purity screw dislocation core relaxation is on {112} planes, and impurities change the core relaxation to {110} planes. This indicates that the total
  • 47. Who Is The Greek Beast Cerberus The Protector Of Capitalism We live in a world controlled by an invisible yet very present force that shapes the way we live our daily lives. With industry as its host and technology as the blood being pumped into its heart, it is a force powerful enough to bend politics to fit its needs. Capitalism; a method of industry where production and distribution are privately or corporately owned, its operation grows through profits, exploitation of labor, and extinguishing competition. During the Industrial Revolutiontechnology was on the global stage. Factories and machines are built in existing cities producing and distributing mass goods on a global scale. Over time this fast production of goods would replace the old agricultural economy to a modern urban economy. Today the revolution is praised for creating a global trade market while surging us into a world of technology.... Show more content on ... This is evident today in New York City, where gentrification is forcing homeowners and local businesses out of their spaces for incoming international buyers and corporations. Powerfully connected cities such as New York attract major industries because of their trade ports, financial services, etc. Dense cities seize this opportunity by using prime locations, newly renovated spaces, and increased rent to get the most bang for their buck. While invisible actors of major corporations continue to exploit labor and extinguish competition religiously for profit, technology embodies Cerberus; the protector of capitalism. The greek beast Cerberus is known for protecting the realm of Hades from intruders. In the similar sense technology is constantly being advanced and innovated to make production more efficient and cheap, protecting capitalist wealth from the middle/lower class. Democracy gives freedom and power to the people. But with eyes on every dollar bill and the power to bend political decisions, are we really
  • 48. Chinoiserie s Influence On American Architecture Chinoiserie arose as a movement in response to the strict restraints of the Baroque style. More broadly, this public reaction is characterized as the Rococo style, which Louis introduced in his court in France around 1750. The Rococo style played with the imagination; whimsy, asymmetry and high contrast in both scale and color exemplify the art and architecture of the style. Chinoiserie grew out of the Rococo style as European became fascinated with the Far East, specifically intrigued by Chinese ceramics. The blue and white luster glaze pottery depicting imaginative accounts of Chinese life became incredibly popular in the late 18th century. And, while Chinoiserie s influence on architecture was present at Versailles as early as 1670, the... Show more content on ... Scientific exploration continues: modern plant houses have been added and improved upon every few years and the herbarium, which contains over 300,000 plany specimens, is one of the largest in the world. The Princess of Wales Conservatory (fig.), named for Princess Augusta, was built in 1987 with state of the art technology. The conservatory has 10 computer controlled climactic zones under one roof, improving upon the first glass house, yet paying homage to the original form and purpose. In 2006, a third version of an alpine house was developed, the Davis Alpine House (fig.), with an advanced system to control temperature, ventilation, and moisture to simulate the environment of being 2000 feet in the air. Engagement and education with the general public, particularly children, is another priority of Kew Gardens today. In 2004, Climbers and Creepers , an interactive learning environment encourages children to discover botany, ecology, animals, and the environment. Further, in 2008, Marks Barfield architects, the masterminds behind the London Eye (fig), built the Treetop Walkway (fig). The architectural firm, known for creating innovative forms to maximize visibility, constructed the Treetop Walkway over the Arboretum to be level with the treetops. The rusted steel pathway blends with the environment to provide a new perspective at looking at the gardens. The actual design of the steel is based on the Fibonacci numerical sequence (fig.) engaging intellects and adventurers
  • 49. Depression Symptoms And Treatment Of Depression If you ve been treated for depression but your symptoms haven t improved, you may have treatment resistant depression. Taking an antidepressant or going to psychological counseling (psychotherapy) eases depression symptoms for most people. But with treatment resistant depression, standard treatments aren t enough. They may not help much at all, or your symptoms may improve, only to keep coming back. If your primary care doctor prescribed antidepressants and your depression symptoms continue despite treatment, ask your doctor if he or she can recommend a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions (psychiatrist). The psychiatrist will review your medical history and may: Ask about life situations... Show more content on ... For some people, it takes even longer. Increase your dose. Because people respond to medications differently, you may benefit from a higher dose of medication than is usually prescribed. Ask your doctor whether this is an option for you don t change your dose on your own. Switch antidepressants. For a number of people, the first antidepressant tried isn t effective. You may need to try several before you find one that works for you. Add another type of antidepressant. Your doctor may prescribe two different classes of antidepressants at the same time. That way they ll affect a wider range of brain chemicals linked to mood. These chemicals are neurotransmitters that include dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. Add a medication generally used for another condition. Your doctor may prescribe a medication that s generally used for another mental or physical health disorder, along with an antidepressant. This approach, known as augmentation, may include antipsychotics, mood stabilizers (lithium or anti seizure medications), anti anxiety medications, thyroid hormone, beta blockers, stimulants or other drugs. Consider the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) genotyping test. This test checks for specific genes that indicate how well your body can process (metabolize) a medication. Because of inherited (genetic) traits that cause variations in certain P450 enzymes, medications may affect each person differently.
  • 50. Attention Deficit Disorder Essay Attention Deficit Disorder Approximately 3 5% of all American children have an Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADD is a leading cause of school failure and under achievement. ADD characteristics often arise in early childhood. As many as 50% of children with ADD are never diagnosed. Boys significantly outnumber girls, though girls are more likely to be undiagnosed with ADD. quot;ADD is not an attention disorder, but a disorder of impulse control ( Seminar notes Barkeley) . quot; Characteristics of Attention Deficit Disorder can include : Fidgeting with hands or feet , difficulty remaining seated, awaiting turns in games, following through on instructions , ... Show more content on ... Without enough dopamine and related catecholamines, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, the frontal lobes are under stimulated and thus unable to perform their complex functions efficiently. Attention Deficit Disorder is strongly considered genetically inherited, however, not all cases of ADD may be genetically linked. . Studies have shown that 20 30% of all hyperactive children have a least one parent with ADD. The environment is a big influence on a child during pregnancy and after. Some studies show that a small percentage of ADD cases were influenced by smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs during pregnancy. Exposure to toxins, such as lead, may also alter the brain chemistry and function. If you suspect that you are suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder you will need to discuss it with your medical doctor. In most cases the doctor will recommend that you visit a psychologist for an evaluation. The psychologist is professionally trained in human behavior and will be able to provide counseling and testing in areas related to mental health. The psychologist is not able to prescribe medication to help you, but may send you to a psychiatrist to prescribe and monitor medication. A neurologist may be consulted in order to rule out neurological conditions causing your symptoms. Your doctor will gather information about your past and
  • 51. Racist Language Examples 1,Cliche; A clichГ© is a phrase or an idea that has been used so often that no longer has much meaning and is not interesting. Example, it s only a matter of time . 2,Jargon; Jargon is a word or expression that are used by a particular profession or group of people, and are difficult for others to understand. Jargon does not necessarily imply formal education, but instead focuses on the language. Example, Business jargon; Due diligence putting effort into research before making a business decision. 3,Slang; This are the informal words or expression that are more common in spoken languages especially used by a particular group of people. Example, Teenage slang Tope if something is tope it s cool to the teenage contingent. So what s a tope? it is a combination of tight and dope both words means something that s beyond cool. ... Show more content on ... Referring to adult women as girls or using the word man to refer to humankind are examples of sexist language. Racist is the unfair treatment of people who belong to different race, or violet behaviour towards them. Racist language discriminate against members of a given race or ethnic group. Example He is a racist of another country. 5,Euphemism; This is an indirect words or phrase that people often use to refer to something embarrassing or unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more acceptable than it really is. Example, user fees is just a politician s euphemism for taxes . In order to be clear, choose words that mean what you intend to convey. 6,Double speak; This is the language that is intended to make people believe something which is not true, or that can be understood in two different ways. Example, Senior citizen in a place of an old
  • 52. Tudor Hardship Throughout British history, especially between the time periods 1485 1603, obtaining the status of a knight and furthermore, being bestowed knightship, was a great deal of honor. Henry VII was King of England and Lord of Ireland from his seizing of the crown on August 22 1485 until his coincidental death on the 21 of April 1509, as the first monarch of the House of Tudor. The Tudor dynasty was a European house from 1485 until 1603. While knights displayed many positive attributes, they also faced many hardships being a knight. Hardships are more commonly known as tests. Tests were effectively used to evaluate a knight s loyalty to there king. A chivalrous knight was a highly touted individual that proved to be extremely valuable.... Show more content on ... 181) However, at the water s edge, Gawain hesitates, If I throw this rich sword in the water, thereof shall never come good, but only harm and loss. (P. 182) When he reports back to the king, the king asks, What saw thou there. (P.182) Gawain replies, I saw nothing but wind and waves. King Arthur was unimpressed and cast great doubt upon Gawain. ah traitor unto me untrue, now thou hast betrayed me twice, when you have weened that thou has been to me so loved and dear, would betray me for the riches of the sword. (P. 182) This shows Sir Gawain had some loyalty in the king, however, he displayed greed over a worldly possession. Furthermore, Gawain directly lies to the king by saying he saw nothing but wind and waves. Thus, preventing the king to question Gawain s loyalty because the king had felt he was betrayed. Sir Gawain exhibits a lack of loyalty and dishonesty, therefore causing the king to no longer trust him. Tests are a method of evaluating how well you performed in a specific field. Tests provide a clear insight as to how well a knight performs. For a knight, tests depict how loyal and trustworthy he is to his lord or king. There are a few examples of knights that display both loyalty and dishonor. One example of dishonor comes from Morte d Arthur. Sir Bedivere is instructed by King Arthur to take the
  • 53. Environmental Effects Of Noise Pollution Noise can be defined as unwanted sound1. Sounds which we deem as unwanted or unnecessary are noise. Our environment is beset by noise, which is pervasive, intrusive and ubiquitous as well as unhealthy. The effects of noise, a pollutant and its effects on health have been neglected despite being aware of the ability to precisely measure or calculate the exposure from the peak levels2. The effects of noise pollution were first recognized in the occupational settings. In our environment, there are different sources of noise, but they generally depend on the activity performed, location and the time of the day3. In everyday life noise is pervasive, that can cause both auditory and non auditory effects on the health. Noise is an audible acoustic phenomenon that may or may not adversely affect the people. The effects of noise can be physiologically as well as psychologically be appreciated. In occupational settings noise induced hearingloss remains highly prevalent, which is increasingly caused by social noise exposure for example personal music player. If the exposure to noise remains chronic and exceeds certain level negative health outcomes are seen. Health effects which were first recognized in an occupational setting were through the weaving mills where the level of high noises was associated with hearing loss2. Excess of noise exposure leads to annoyance, disturbed sleep, increase in daytime sleepiness, decrease in patient outcome and staff performance in the hospital, increase in physiological conditions like hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, and impairment of the cognitive functioning of the school children. Occupational noise is the most studied noise exposure. Researchers have now broadened to social noise like those heard in bars or personal music players. Environmental noise consists of all the unwanted noise that arise from our environment rather than our workplace1. Environmental noise pollution is considered a form of air pollution which causes a threat to the health and the well being of the people living in the community. Noise pollution is a phenomenon that affects everybody but is generally associated with the level of activity performed, the place and the duration. Environmental noise
  • 54. Microsoft Packard Faces Intense Competition Essay THREATS Intense competition Hewlett Packard faces intense competition in all its business segments in terms of price, quality, brand, technology, reputation, distribution, range of products etc. The company faces stiff competition in the PC market. The company has become the market leader in the PC segment in the third and fourth quarter of 2006, relegating Dell to the second position. With Michael Dell returning as Chief Executive Officer, Dell is likely to come back strongly and make a fierce bid for market leadership. Other significant competitors in the PC market include Acer, Apple Computer, Gateway, Lenovo Group and Toshiba Corporation. Moreover, Acer s acquisition of Gateways has made it the third largest PCs supplier in the world. In some regions, the company faces competition from local companies and from generically branded or white box manufacturers. The company s competitors in enterprise servers and storage include broad solutions providers such as IBM, focused competitors such as EMC Corporation in storage, Dell in industry standard servers and Sun Microsystems in UNIX based servers. The imaging and printing group s key competitors include Canon USA, Lexmark International, Xerox Corporation, Seiko Epson Corporation, Samsung Electronics and Dell. Hewlett Packard s inkjet market share expanded as Lexmark and Epson discontinued their unprofitable printer bundling arrangements with personal computer and retail partners, under which printers were given free with PC