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University Of Maryland Coursework Only University Of Maryland Coursework Only
David Hume s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion Essay
David Hume s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion provide conflicting arguments about the nature of
the universe, what humans can know about it, and how their knowledge can affect their religious beliefs.
The most compelling situation relates to philosophical skepticism and religion; the empiricist character,
Cleanthes, strongly defends his position that skepticism is beneficial to religious belief. Under fire from an
agnostic skeptic and a rationalist, the empiricist view on skepticism and religion is strongest in it s defense.
This debate is a fundamental part of the study of philosophy: readers must choose their basic
understanding of the universe and it s creator, upon which all other assumptions about the universe will be
made. ... Show more content on ...
When they are young, they will be taught about the supremacy of religion and the fallibility of philosophy
and science. Demea s theology resembles the god of the gaps perspective, where any failings of science
and philosophy is more reason to believe that God exists within the things we cannot explain. He hopes
that as his students learn of this, they will believe that the paramount objective of their education is to learn
the nature of God, who is most important and constant being in the universe. To summarize, Demea
believes that humans will never fully understand the universe; thus, the failure of science to provide
explanations is the greatest proof of God and greatest justification for faith.
Philo heckles the ideas of Demea while imposing his own ideas. As an empiricist and a skeptic, he calls to
let us become thoroughly sensible of the weakness, blindness, and narrow limits of human reason. (131)
Philo believes that because humans have been historically ignorant about science and the universe, that
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Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Summary
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Chapter One:
In chapter one of the goblet of fire it explains how there was a spooky house in the village which the
riddles lived in. There been stories in the village of how the Riddle s gardener, Frank, killed the whole
riddle family. Frank was then sent to jail, but then the police had discovered that no harm was done to the
bodies of the Riddle family, so they immediately let Frank go. Then couple of years later Frank heard
something strange upstairs in the Riddle house and he went to check it out. Frank saw and heard the three
strange people having a conversation of a cruel plan. Then the three strange people saw Frank and killed
him so Frank won t reveal anything about their plan to anyone.
Harry ... Show more content on ...
The death eaters were harming the muggles instead of wizards. While Harry, Ron, and Hermione were
running away from the campsite Harry lost his wand and a few moments later they saw a skull and snake
in the sky. Then many member of the minster of magic surrounded Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Among
them were Mr.Weasley, Mr. Digory and Mr. Crouch. Then Mr. Digory saw Winky, the house elf, with a
wand in her hand near the wear the skull and the snake was printed in the sky. Mr.Digory began to
interrogate Winky about the picture in the sky and Winky kept saying it wasn t her. Later Hermione tried to
protect Winky saying that she couldn t have done it because the person who said the spell had a deep voice
and Winky had a squeaky voice. Mr. Digory declared Winky innocent but Mr. Crouch, her master,
abbadoned Winky so he wouldn t get into more trouble or raise some suspicion on him. Something strange
also happened when the picture appeared on the sky, the death eaters disappeared because they were scared
because they thought Lord Voldermort was
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Why Democratic Parties Are Better Than Other Political...
America has always had a distinct political system, at times it could be calm and peaceful, but in others it
can be the complete opposite; such as the events that occurred in this past election. Similar to controversial
events, in politics there is always going to be an opposing viewpoint; therefore there is always going to be
an opposing group of people. For that reason, that is how the party system began between the Democrats
and the opposing party known as the Whigs. Both parties had opposing views and ideas, but some were
stronger than others. Both parties had their flaws and advantages which helped them hold the the upper
hand in certain time periods. In this essay I will name and explain the points each party supported, the
reasons why both parties opposed each other s points, and the reasons why the Democratic party had the
upper hand from the year 1828 to 1852. ... Show more content on ...
The Democratic party was also known as the Jacksonians (Lecture 10) which would begin in 1828 with
Jackson s presidential victory.(Give Me Liberty pg 377) Led by Henry Clay; the Whigs would later initiate
as a party to oppose the Democrats and their beliefs.(Lecture 10) The reason for the opposition of both
parties was that they had different ideas; but the main reason was that the creation of the Whig party was
started by a group of people which initially started with intentions to oppose Andrew Jackson s view in the
Democratic party. The Whigs disapproved of Jackson s views even more after after the attack on the
national bank, and the assumption that he vetoed something for his own personal choice rather than it
being unconstitutional .(Lecture 10 + GVL pg 389) Jackson believed that hard money should have been
the real form of currency which was also opposed by the
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Violations In Japanese Internment Camps
Two months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Executive Order
9066. This forced all Japanese Americans, regardless of loyalty or citizenship to evacuate to the West
Coast. The relocation of Japanese Americans into internment camps during World War II was one of the
most flagrant violations of civil liberties in American history. December 7, 1941, the day after the Japanese
attacked, the US government and the FBI began to follow community leaders with strong Japanese ties. As
American citizens, Issei and Nisei had enjoyed the rights of any US citizen; now their own government
imposed strict curfews on them and raided their homes for contraband or anything that showed special
connection to their former homeland ( Japanese American Relocation ). They suspected and wanted to be
sure that no Japanese Americans were spies and was sending information to anyone from their homeland,
but by doing so they striped them of their American rights that all Americans have but the Japanese
Americans. The United States was scared of Japanese Americans, the U.S. thought that they might have
connections to the enemy. ... Show more content on ...
The camps were animal stalls and other places not meant for living. These camps killed people all the
while they thought they were protecting their citizens when in fact they were killing them. This is still seen
as the most flagrant violations of civil liberties today. Regardless of loyalty and citizenship, they were
forced out of the place they called their homes and anything that were theirs were taken to later be found
destroyed and vandalized. All of these thing happened because of fear instead of finding a reasonable way
of dealing with the situation. Another factor of the relocation was their dislike of immigrants, they were
surrounded by barbed wire and nothing but what they could of carried to call their
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Becoming An Automotive Engineer Essay
Becoming an Automotive Engineer Do you like to work with automobiles and modify them? Then being
an automotive engineer is for you. Say your car breaks down, what are you going to do? Oh wait, you re
an automotive engineer, you can fix it! To become an automotive engineer, there are certain job tasks,
special skills and talents, as well as a higher education that you need to be aware of. Some of the most
important job tasks you have to do are conducting and directing automotive testing and preparing or
presenting status reports. Special skills are also very important to becoming a successful automotive
engineer. They involve complex problem solving, judgement and decision making, and reasoning. Most
important of all is the educational aspect.
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Grendel Philosophies
Philosophies are the ideas formed in one s mind, often about the world and the questions we have about it.
As humans, we often pick one philosophy and stick with it. How would a monster like the character
Grendel in the novel by John Gardner react to these philosophies? Throughout the novel, Grendel
experiences and is conflicted with many different philosophies. Influenced by characters such as the
Shaper, the Dragon, and the people of Hrothgar, Grendel experiences many philosophies such as Nihilism,
Solipsism, and Machiavellianism.
One of the major philosophies in the novel Grendel is Nihilism. Nihilism is the rejection of moral and
religious principles, and the belief that life is small and meaningless. In the first few pages of the novel,
John Gardner states that He cocks his head like an elderly, slow witted king, considers his angles, decides
to ignore me. I stamp. I hammer the ground with my fists. I hurl a skull size stone at him. He will not
budge. (Gardner, 5). Here is a snippet of Grendel s hatred towards life and even nature. Throughout the
novel, Grendel proves to the reader that he doesn t really care about anybody except for himself. In this
quote, Grendel sees a ram and tries to make it leave, only to fail. The ram just stays where it is and ignores
Grendel, even when Grendel yells and throws a large rock at it. As John Gardner states, I understood that
the world was nothing: a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we stupidly impose our hopes
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Tay-Sachs Disease Analysis
Tay Sachs disease is an inherited disorder that progressively destroys nerve cells in the brain and spinal
cord. Commonly it becomes apparent in infancy. Infants with this disorder usually appear normal until
ages 3 6 months, when their development slows and muscles used for movement weaken. Affected infants
can t turn over, sit, or crawl. They also get startled easy to loud noises. As the disease continues they can
experience seizures, vision loss, hearing loss, intellectual disability, and even paralysis. Usually they live
into only early childhood. Seizures becomes a problem between ages two and five, with death at around
fifteen years of age. Age of death is usually between 2 and 4 years, often from pneumonia. There is no
treatment for ... Show more content on ...
The HEXA gene provides instruction for making part of an enzyme called beta hexosaminidase A, which
plays a very critical role in the brain and spinal cord. This enzyme is found in the lysosomes, which are the
structures in cells that break down toxic substances and their job is that of a recycling center. Beta
hexosaminidase A helps break down a fatty substance called GM2 ganglioside. The mutations in the
HEXA gene disrupt the activity of beta hexosaminidase A, which prevents the enzyme from breaking
down GM2 ganglioside. As a result, this substance accumulates to toxic levels, particularly in the neutrons
in the brain and also the spinal cord. Damage by the buildup of GM2 ganglioside leads to the destruction
of the neurons; Causing signs and symptoms of Tay Sachs disease. Symptoms of Tay Sachs disease include
Deafness, Decreased eye contact, blindness, Decreased muscle tone (loss of muscle strength), Delayed
mental and social skills, Dementia, Increased startle reaction, Irritability, Listlessness, Loss of motor skills,
Paralysis or loss of muscle function, Seizures, Slow growth, and Unable to swallow. You can only get Tay
Sachs disease if both parents are
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The Notorious Jumping Frog Of Calaveras County Summary
Decoding the Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County was written by Mark Twain in 1865. This was the first
of many wonderful works that Twain would publish in his lifetime. The story revolves around the narrator
being sent by a friend to find Rev. Leonidas W. Smiley. The narrator finds himself in an old mining town
in Calaveras County. He comes across Simon Wheeler and asks if he knows the reverend. Simon Wheeler
did not appear to know of the reverend and then proceeds to tell him the story of Jim Smiley.
In the Notorious Jumping frog of Calaveras County, Mark Twain uses a colorful array of characters. The
narrator is an educated eastern man sent to find the Rev. Leonidas W. Smiley. He is doubtful that the
Reverend even exists. Along the way he meets several people in his search for the Reverend. ... Show more
content on ...
This in turn motivates Wheeler to tell several pointless stories. Wheeler mentions that the mining town
once had a parson named Walker. This confirms that the narrator has been sent to search for someone that
does not exist. Wheeler is a man that likes to talk to anyone that will give him a chance. During Wheeler s
stories we meet the Obsessive gambler Jim Smiley. Smiley is always placing bets on anything he thinks
can win him some money. Whether it be a dog, cat, bird, horse or strattle bug Jim was going to bet
something to try to win some money. Jim came across a frog whom he named Dan l Webster. Dan l won
Smiley lots of money until a stranger came to town and filled him with buckshot, causing Smiley to lose a
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Jeannette Walls Conclusion
It can be said that despite literal simplicity some objects or places have a much deeper metaphorical
meaning to certain individuals. For Jeannette Walls, the Glass Castle is more than just the title of her
memoir. To begin, Jeannette lived most of her childhood in poverty, running from town to town in order to
avoid federal agents who are actually just bill collectors. Even so, the family dreamed of a much brighter
future in a place called the Glass Castle. Jeannette s father, Rex Walls, planned A great big house he was
going to build for us in the desert. It would have a glass ceiling and thick glass walls and even a glass cells on the top that would catch the sun s rays...even have its own water purification
system ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, it meant pulling themselves out of poverty and living a lavish lifestyle. In reality, they would
never build the Glass Castle, mainly due to Rex s inability to hold a job and make enough money.
Although this may be true, the Glass Castle was what held Rex and the children s relationship together.
Furthermore, when times became arduous, [Rex would] pull the blueprints out and let us work on the
design for our rooms (Walls 25). It kept their faith in Rex alive, even when he didn t deserve it, as the
Glass Castle was complete fiction and failed to do anything but give Jeannette and her siblings false hope.
Rex s plans for the future were flamboyant, but tended to resemble glass fragile and elusive. With this in
mind, as long as Jeannette lived with her parents, the improvement in her quality of life would be too little
and insignificant to mean anything. This reality begins to set in when she is a teenager, starting when she
lived in Welch, West Virginia. Brian, her brother, and Jeannette take matters into their own hands and dig a
hole for the foundation. Just like all his other promises, Rex fails to actually set the foundation, so Brian
and [Jeanette] watched the hole for the Glass Castle s foundation slowly filled with garbage (Walls
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The aim of this paper is, firstly, to recall the basic...
The aim of this paper is, firstly, to recall the basic concepts of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) systems, and how Scada plays an important role in the field of power system. for the study of
electrical power distribution system we need general set up of automated power distribution laboratory in
which we need the set up of one generator panel, one transmission line panel, one receiving end panel and
one Simatic s7 300 PLC System. a versatile distribution system simulator is developed which replicates
the behavior of a distribution network as viewed from a computer based control centre. Keywords: Simatic
s7 300 PLC System, SCADA and electrical power distribution system ... Show more content on ...
SCADA receive the signal from PLC output. if some part in the power system are unhealthy the SCADA
gives signal to PLC for recovery of damage. 3. STUDY OF PANEL/EQUIPMENT 3.1 Grid Source Panel
440 VOLT 3phase input is to be connected on connector provided on left side of unit.HRC fuse is provided
in each phase at input. Four pole MCB is provided on panel to isolate the system from mains Source A and
Source B are two three phase 440V/5Amp supplies acting as Generator. IJRET: International Journal of
Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319 1163 | pISSN: 2321 7308
Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr 2014, Available @ 2 Grid source panel displays Voltage
Vry, Vyb and Vbr and three phase current Ir, Iy and Ib on respective meters for both source A and source B.
Also for source A sending end power factor is displayed on power factor meter. voltage selector switch is
to be used to display Vry,Vyb and Vbr voltage. Power line Sensors: For source A voltage sensors for Vry,
Vyb and Vbr, three current sensors for Ir,Iy and Ib and one 3P/3E/4W trms power factor sensor is provided
on sending end. also for source B three current sensors is provided on sending end. 3.2 Busbar with
Simulated Transmission Line Two parallel Bus Bar A and B with 5A rating. Each BusBar is having three
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Essay on Physioex 9.0 Exercise 3
Activity 1
1. Increasing extracellular K+ reduces the net diffusion of K+ out of the neuron through the K+ leak
channels because the membrane is permeable to K+ ions. Therefore, the K+ ions will diffuse down its
concentration gradient from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.
2. Increasing extracellular K+ causes the membrane potential to change to a less negative value because
the K+ ions diffuse out across the membrane. My results went well compared to my prediction because I
predicted that the resting membrane potential would become less negative.
3. The extracellular Na+ did not alter the membrane potential in the resting neuron because the Na+
channels were mostly closed.
4. Na+ and K+ both have a ... Show more content on ...
5. The Pacinian corpuscle and free nerve ending will likely not have a membrane protein that recognizes
other molecules because their stimulus modality are not chemical unlike the olfactory receptors.
6. The type of sensory neuron that would like respond to a green light would be photoreceptors.
Activity 3
1. The term threshold as it applies to an action potential is the voltage at which you first observe an action
2. Depolarization in membrane potential triggers an action potential because nearby axonal membranes
will be depolarized to values near or above threshold voltage.
3. The action potential at R1 (or R2) stayed the same as I increased the stimulus above the threshold
voltage. My results did not compare well with my prediction because I predicted that the peak value of the
action potential would increase.
4. The phrase all or nothing describes action potential because it only occurs when you reach threshold
5. The part of the neuron that was investigated in this activity was the axon.
Activity 4
1. TTX blocks the voltage gated Na+ channels between R1 and R2, which blocks the propagation of the
action potential from R1 to R2.
2. Lidocaine blocks the voltage gated Na+ channels between R1 and R2, which blocks the propagation of
the action potential from R1 to R2. The effect of lidocaine differs
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Political And Present Day Entrepreneurs
In this paper we examine economical, political and present day entrepreneurs. Outline a politico economic
growth system centered on the entrepreneurs. This examination is presented to discuss the challenges a
modern day entrepreneur s face in the ultra competitive technology market place. We also point to a
modern day entrepreneur who succeeded in a very stereotypical industry. Gender stereotypes are also of
immense concern, and presented for reader awareness. The pitfalls associated with a tech startup are
presented to show the vast complexity in the modern day. Options are illustrated of what an entrepreneur
can do when the locale is not conducive to their business development. We summarize with a positive note
if the right strategy is employed, anyone can be successful.
Entrepreneurship is commonly linked with brick and mortar business run by a sole proprietor or someone
with a brand new invention. However, entrepreneurship is much more than this, ask any American
teenager who grew up in the late 1980 s or early 1990 s and they will tell you rap music was immensely
popular and dominated solely by African American artists. Conversely, they all stopped, collaborated, and
listed to a new artist on the music scene, who broke the mold and stereotype of the a typical rap artist. The
white rap artist known as Vanilla Ice is defiantly an example of a modern day entrepreneur.
Rob Van Winkle, more commonly known by his stage name Vanilla Ice has appeared in movies,
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Marley Abramson Research Paper
SUMMARY As part of the Havayah city wide project, this year your children learned how to frame sacred
time, people, and places within the framework of how their secular life intertwines with their Jewish life.
They found their own meaning, created individual projects as well as group projects. The students
determined how they wanted to learn and rose to the occasion as their final results showed. As a class we
also discussed Shabbat, Hanukkah, and Passover. This was an amazing year of learning for me. Incredible
teamwork and serious learning done by the students. Marley Abramson Marley is a gem. She is a serious
student who always manages to participate in projects in a reserved and mature way. In her uniqueness, she
became one of the class leaders and yet never looked for the limelight. Her contributions were well
directed. In Hebrew, she led the class in decoding and reached to help other students ... Show more content
on ...
All year, he focused on the activity at hand, was committed to doing his best, and inspired others to pull
together. Nathan is easy going, cooperative, and a joy to have in class. I appreciated that I could depend on
him to do whatever I asked. His contributions helped our projects reach successful ends. Nathan, your
potential is vast, your compassion for others immeasurable, in fact, you are a mensch who has much to
offer. Have a really good summer. Jake Stoller Jake is an amazing mature young man. He uses his instincts
to work in a positive independent manner and yet is always willing to help a fellow student. His work is
always worth a second look. I appreciate Jake s motivation to do well and he succeeds at whatever task he
attempted; for instance, the speech, that he wrote for the 7 May program. It was right on target. I have truly
enjoyed being Jake s teacher and will miss him next year. Jake, have a great summer and thank you for
everything you did this past school year. Sophia
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Reflection Paper On Observation Of A Student
Over the past month I have been observing in Lebanon High school in a biology class. During my time in
this class I have observed a lot and have had a lot of great opportunities that have helped open my eyes
toward teaching, and the skills that are necessary to be successful in the field. While there I had the
opportunity to work with a student with learning disabilities. During this interaction I learned how to best
work with those who have a learning disability and that it takes the ability to think outside the box when
trying to explain to the student what the task is so that they are able to understand what they are being
asked to do.
While observing the student with learning disabilities I observed a few interesting qualities that this
student had that stood out from the other students. One of the qualities that I observed was that he was
quiet. Unlike the rest of his class who would turn around and talk with the kids behind them, he would just
sit there and wait for further instructions. Another interesting observation that I made was that my student
would be interested in his work, but as time went on he began to loose interest in his work and would need
someone to remind him to stay on task which was one of his accommodations. I found that his ability to
become unmotivated was more prevalent when he was taking notes with the class off the smart board
compared to when the class was in a group discussion and the teacher was asking open ended questions.
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What Is The Setting Of The Third Man
The Third Man is renowned film known for being one of the most excellent movies that has come into
fruition. This film has won many awards because of its cinematography, historical setting that helped add
to the plot, and thrilling nature of the European postwar era. The Third Man follows Holly Martins, an
American Pulp fiction writer, who travels to Vienna in search of his childhood friend Harry Lime. Upon
his arrival he finds that his friend has passed away. These events unravel into a thriller that challenges the
viewer to follow the twists and deception behind the death of Harry Lime. Highlighted in this film is a
good story, a profound message, and a symbolic setting.
The film upholds a good story by uniquely telling a tale with many
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The Intake Of Synthetic Sugar
Once ingested, sugar causes blood glucose levels to frequently spike and drop. When blood sugar is
unstable, it can lead to headaches, fatigue, and mood swings. Low blood sugar triggers the release of
hormones such as adrenaline, epinephrine, and cortisol, inducing stress. Furthermore, sugar elicits the
release of dopamine, causing it to be somewhat of an addictive substance. Adrenaline and epinephrine are
chemicals which allow the sinoatrial node to fire more frequently, preparing the body for intense physical
activity. Sugar absorption therefore engenders irregular firing of the sinoatrial node, even when the body is
not preparing for physical activity. A normal resting heart rate ranges between 60 100 bpm, but can vary
still depending on many factors, including levels of activity and athleticism. Active heart rate is even more
variable, greatly depending on exercise intensity. Generally speaking, however, a healthy target range is
below 220 bpm.
The purpose of this experiment is to find out how the intake of synthetic sugar may have an effect on both
resting and active heart rate. This should allow an understanding of the effects sugar can have on the body
as well as providing insight concerning the negativity towards excessive portions of this particular
Hypothesis If one consumes a relatively high amount of sugar, then the average rate at which the heart
beats, both in resting and active circumstances, would increase because sugar causes blood glucose
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Bidleville Case Study
Biddleville like many ring villages , was a community that shared a distinct southern uniqueness in that it
was one of a dozen villages or communities that were established on the edge or outer ring of the city.
Founded after the Civil War around the college, the community was established with assistance and major
influence in the 1890 s by the Myers family. A prominent white family, who touted the community as a
Model Negro housing development .
The early make up of this village derived from post war clusters of slaves and free blacks who did not live
on their master s property.
W. R. Myers, a very prominent land owner and businessman donated land for the nucleus of what now is
Johnson C. Smith University, and aided in establishing and building Good ... Show more content on ...
Peter s Episcopal Church which at the time was a very influential and powerful body in Charlotte at the
turn of the century. This association gave credibility and prominence to members in the Biddleville
community that were educated and or held employment that was deemed respectable and or admirable at
the time for a person of color.
The community prospered and as the city grew and incorporated the Biddleville area, large developments
of white communities, such as Roslyn and Smallwood was built in close proximity. This expansion also
brought transportation resources such as the trolley line.
The culture that had been established helped those that were educated, or aligned with thinking of the
model negro doctrine were not necessarily benefactors of the positive growth.
As Urban renewal ramped up in the 1960 s sections of the inner city were torn down, which in turn caused
a shift of the black population. The communities in and around Biddleville that were previously white
working class were now over taken by Charlotte s black population.
As the white community moved out, so did resources that were previously available. The
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The, Twelve Angry Men, By Reginald Rose
Set in the 1950 s post depression America and written by world renowned playwright Reginald Rose,
Twelve Angry Men has become a much loved classic within the drama playwright genre. With an
abundance of audacious themes skillfully displayed throughout the feature length play, Rose has pushed
the boundaries of the overly oppressive era from which the play was first published. The two main themes
that were explored to great lengths throughout the play were prejudices and stereotypes. These themes
were both highlighted through the use of three key literary devices; structure, setting and interactions of
characters. Prior to act 1, character names are not listed in the structure, the characters are known only as
their assigned juror numbers, this is to prevent the audience from developing prejudices of the juror, The
8th Juror gazes out the window. The 12th Juror looks at him for a moment then moves away , (pg. 4). This
decision also puts the audience in a similar position to which the jurors are in; making a decision on facts
provided without any bias. Act one of the play is set in America after the abolishment of slavery, yet
racism was still extremely prevalent and widely accepted throughout the country. This certain prejudicial
issue is highlighted in many key scenes during the play. The 10th Juror is a perfect example of how the
setting affects the play and depicts the themes of prejudices and stereotypes; Brother, you can say that
again. The kids who crawl outa those
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Children s Development As An Integral Part Of A Child...
Play is important in a child s development as it helps in the child s cognitive, emotional, physical and
social development. It is through play that the child is able to interact and engage with the world around
them and discover new things such as the objects they fiddle with and the lessons that they will soon learn
from interacting with toys and people. Under article 31 (leisure, play and culture) of the United Nations
Convention of the Rights of the Child, play has been recognized as being an integral part of a child s
development, to which children have the right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of cultural,
artistic and other recreational activities .
Play can help in a child s cognitive development, especially in ... Show more content on ...
(Black book) Children who participate in pretend play also tend to grasp verbal skills better later on in life.
( take on imaginary playmates for 1161361.php)
Children also learn and mimic adult roles that they have observed in their everyday lives such as how their
mothers pour tea into teacups for guests or older family members and copies this action when they line
their stuffed toys around them and taking on the motherly role, pouring tea out of teapots for the stuffed
toys. Here we see children taking on realistic adult roles that they have observed which may help them
better understand what one of the many motherly roles might be, and by understanding, they build a new
schema in their brain in relation to what a mother is and in the process, learn something new.
Play can help develop a child s emotional aspect with the use of transitional objects. Transitional objects
such as a child s teddy bear or doll can act as the child s first stepping stone into reality, which might be
too complicated for the child to handle all by himself. Emotionally difficult situations to a child such as not
receiving enough love or craving for more love from adult figures but yet, unable to gain it, may turn to his
teddy bear for comfort and a sense of belonging. In this case, playing with the teddy bear can downplay the
feeling of hurt and help in
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District 9 Film Analysis
For those who have not watched the film District 9, here is a quick summary of the movie. In 1982, aliens
arrive on Earth, not to conquer or give aid, but to find refuge from their dying planet. Separated from
humans in a South African area called District 9, the aliens are managed by Multi National United, which
is not concerned with the aliens welfare but will do anything to master their advanced technology. When a
company field agent Wikus contracts a mysterious virus that begins to alter his DNA, there is only one
place he can hide: District 9. The film was directed by Neill Blomkamp and starred Sharlto
Copley(Wikus). It begins as a documentary style investigation and then as the film continues it becomes
more conventional and character driven following Wikus and his transformation into a Prawn. The film s
main themes are Xenophobia and Segregation. Xenophobia is characterized by a negative attitude towards
foreigners, a dislike, a fear, or a hatred. Segregation as most people know is a separation of people or
objects from others. When picking a critical approach to use for this essay two stuck out to me,
Biographical and Mimetic.
I chose biographical criticism to start with because I wanted to learn more about director Neill Blomkamp.
I read many articles, biographies and interviews about the film producer. This quote is from an interview I
found very informing. District 9 explores the issue of segregation and xenophobia. At first it shows a
perspective of trying to
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The Nuclear Family
Today the idea of the nuclear family being normal has changed. It is now common to see the mixture of
two families connected by a second or subsequent marriage, with one or both partners having children
from prior relationships, thereby creating half siblings. Prior to the advent of no fault divorce, most
commonly the idea of blended families included a stepmother or stepfather and mother or father, and
stepchildren, born to one of the parents in a previous marriage. The previous marriage had been terminated
by abandonment or death and the stepparent was seen almost as a replacement parent. With the advent of
no fault divorce and the family dynamics changing, the roles of the parents are modified, no longer is a
stepparent a near replacement for an absent or deceased parent, but rather an addition to existing parents
not part of a relationship but still on the scene.
This can create turmoil in the family as the new couple as parent and stepparent and the children and
stepchildren each try to find their own role. Some would argue it is better for the child or stepchild to be
raised in a two parent home than a single parent family. This creates a positive environment for the child.
Conversely, as the relationship lines are not clearly defined, there is the possibility of confusion and
uncertainty for the child, as they are not certain of the role of the step parent versus the biological parent.
There is also cause for concern, as the biological dynamic of the family is
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Comparing The Pon Just Requested For The Via Chicago
1. Assume you are Vanderpool. Draft the comparison Pon just requested. I will compute conveyance. For
the via Chicago, I will choose to use rail. Here s the comparison:
Via Chicago Costs ($)
Container charter 72,000
Load and block ($20/trk) 2,000
Rail rate at $90/trk 9,000
Wharf age 1,070
Loading and stowing ($80/trk) 8,000
Seaway tolls ($27/trk) 2,700
Unloading 4,200
Insurance ($105/trk) 10,500 Total 109,470
Via Baltimore Costs ($)
Load and block ($30/trk) 3,000
Rail rate at $448/trk 44,800
Handling @ Baltimore ($100/trk) 10,000
Ocean freight ($720/trk) 72,000
Insurance ($75/trk) 7,500 Total 137,300
1. Which of the two routing alternatives would you recommend? Why?
In terms of transportation costs only, the chartered vessel is cheaper. However, when we take into account
cash flows and the value of money, the Baltimore route becomes advantageous. Assume we use the charter
vessel. It should arrive on May 30th and HDT will be paid. However, if trucks are sent two at a time via
Baltimore, the middle pair (#25 and #26) should be finished on about April 16th and arrive at Doha about
May 8th, when they will be paid in other words, 22 days earlier than if they arrived on May 30th on the
chartered vessel. HDT pays 8% per year for its money so here is how to calculate the savings for truck #25
or #26:
($172,000 times .08 times 22) divided by 365 = $829.37
Multiplying $829.37 times 50 yields $41,468.50. When added to the costs of using Chicago ($109,470),
the total cost now
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Nursing Conflict In Nursing
No matter where we find ourselves in life, there will always be some conflict(s) that we will need to face.
Some may be simple issues of miscommunications or more complex, involving several factors,
considerations, and implications that must be accounted for when solving the conflicts at hand. Settings
such as nursing homes, clinics, and hospitals are especially susceptible to high numbers of conflicts of
various natures due to the numerous parties involved in each environment. Nurses, face an increased risk
of getting into conflicts due to the multiple roles they could hold, such as manager, caregiver, and
instructor. According to Dr. Higazee, These roles lead to various types of interactions among nurses and
other healthcare team members, which significantly increase the probability for conflict to arise in hospital
settings among nurses (Higazee, 2015). Therefore, conflicts are not something that can be eliminated from
the lives of nurses; however, nurses can be given the skills and techniques to manage the conflicts that do
arise. Although the word conflict has a negative connotation attached to it, there is a positive perspective
that can be viewed as Finkelman (2016) says, It can be used to improve if changes are made to address
problems related to the conflict (p. 324).
The Problem
I used to work in a small community hospital that had 100 beds in total, 50 for admitted patients and 50 for
the emergency department. One of the significant issues
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Altissimo Range Research Paper
The altissimo range is something many saxophonists keep tinkering with even after years of playing. It s
among the biggest frustration points of any new sax player and the reason many feel like giving up.
But before you pack your saxophone permanently to its box, try the following tips. While mastering the
altissimo range will never be easy, it is possible and you will get there!
Lay a Solid Foundation
Don t venture into the world of the altissimo range before you are able to play the entire range with proper
volume control. You want to play the entire range both very softly and very loud.
Make sure you also include proper ear training to your playing. You need to be able to hear the different
notes and the variations. Listen to sax music regularly to improve your skills.
Get Started with Overtones ... Show more content on ...
Start from the easier once such as the low Bb and the middle Bb and move on to middle F, high Bb, D and
F. Keep practicing until you feel comfortable.
You might need to focus on your embouchure while you play, so make sure you try different things to see
what makes it easier to hit the right notes. Altissimo range requires great control of the embouchure, so pay
attention to it.
Experiment with Fingerings
There is no ultimate truth to fingerings for altissimo notes. It is possible to play them with very different
fingerings and you want to try out different options in order to find the one that works the best.
You can find different fingering charts online. If the first one doesn t feel comfortable, move onto the next
one pick the one that feels the most natural to you.
One Note at a Time
Don t try to master the whole altissimo range at once. It s much easier to take it step by step and focus on a
single note at a time.
Most often the quest start with the high G. But wait? Isn t the F# the first altissimo note? Yes, but it s not as
difficult to get and most modern saxophones have a special F# key already in
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Professional Athletes Paid
Have you ever thought that a professional athlete gets paid too much money? Professional athletes pay is
important because there are other jobs that have a bigger impact on the economy than these athletes. When
compared to salary for soldiers or teachers, professional athletes are overpaid in spite of the fact that they
can negatively influence our youth. The first problem is that the youth look up to these athletes and they
like to mock their behaviors. Today in our economy, professional athletes have a huge impact on our
youth. The actions that are performed by these players are closely examined by young kids across the
world (Foothill.) Kids love the fact that just playing sports they can make millions of dollars. A kid always
has the idea, ... Show more content on ...
On average an athlete makes five million dollars a year (Crite.) That s a lot of money, but what do they for
that money that benefits the community? Teachers on average are only making fifty five thousand dollars a
year (Education.) Teachers and professional athletes are paid in different ways. A teachers is paid by tax
money collected from taxpayers (KeithLee.) Which this is understandable since they are teaching our
youth. An athlete are paid by contracts from sponsors (KeithLee.) There isn t any reason why teachers
should be getting less money than professional athletes. The country is paying teachers just enough just to
keep them around (National.) Which that seems like they think teachers are unworthy of a higher salary.
When compared to salary for soldiers or teachers, professional athletes are overpaid in spite of the fact that
they can negatively influence our youth. So, professional athletes get paid too much. For the little they do
for the economy and as much as what soldiers and teachers do, they deserve a higher salary. The youth
also is not benefited by them, but they are benefited from these soldiers and teachers. If we don t realize
the issue about these athlete s pay, our economy will slowly start to become more uneducated and
underpaid and will not have a problem with
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International Union And The European Parliament Adopted...
A directive is a legislative act that sets out a goal that all EU countries must achieve. However, it is up to
the individual countries to decide how. This was the case with the working time directive, which stipulates
that too much overtime work is illegal. law/decision making/legal acts/index_en.htm
In Rochelle s case the European Union and the European Parliament adopted Directive 2012/507 (The Off
Premises Sales Contract Directive), Rochelle may seek to rely on Article 3 (subsection 1) of Directive
2012/507 that member states shall ensure that customers have a period of 14 days to withdraw from an off
premise sales contract and return unused purchased goods. Such consumers have a right to a full refund of
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Direct applicability is the capacity of E.U. law to immediately form part of national law of Member States
without a need for any further implementation .
Directives do not automatically form a part of English law, and therefore Rochelle needs to rely on the
doctrine of direct effect if she is to succeed with this Directive. Direct effect applies in principle, to all
binding EU law. Broadly the doctrine is provisions of binding EU law which are sufficiently clear, precise,
and unconditional to be justiciable can be invoked and relied on by individuals, before national courts ,
however such definitions are disputed. (Page 180 181 EU LAW text cases and materials 5th edition Paul
Van Gend Loos established the doctrine of direct effect; this case involved two conflicting laws between a
Dutch customs law (national law) and Article 30 of the TFEU. The Government argued that Article 30
conferred rights and obligations between states, and were not enforceable at the suit of individuals i.e. the
company Van Gend en Loos. In addition it was claimed that the treaty provided enforcement procedures
under Articles 258 and 259 of the TFEU. In Advocate General Romer s opinion, Art.30 TFEU was too
complex to be enforced by national courts .
Notwithstanding this, the article was held directly effective by the Court of Justice, it was stated that EU
law imposes obligations upon individuals, but also confers on them legal rights . The courts saw the
doctrine of
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My Humanitarian And Human Rights Project On The Famous And...
I chose to do my Humanitarian and Human Rights Project on the famous and loving Bob Marley. Bob
Marley is widely recognized as a man that portrays and lives a peaceful life that we could all learn from.
Although he passed on May 11, 1981, his legend still remains bigger and better than ever. Bob Marley was
a great Reggae singer who promoted peace with his songs, free concerts and actions. With that being said,
he received many awards and honors recognizing him as a legend.
Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 and grew up in a mostly rural community in the mountains
called Nine Miles. Many of the residents of Nine Miles acquired customs from their African ancestry such
as story telling to share their past and traditions. When Bob was just getting into his teen years he moved
from St. Ann to Jamaica s capital and settled in Kingston vicinity of Trench Town. Trench Town was a low
income community where Bob had to learn to protect himself from men that were not so nice. He was
given the nickname Tuff Gong from his decent street fighting skills.
Although Trench Town was mostly poverty and full of street fighting, it was a culturally rich community
where Bob s musical talents flourished. Trench Town was incorporated in his songs, No Woman Cry ,
Trench Town Rock , and the last one being Trench Town . Bob s mom wanted him to pick up a trade.
When Bob was just 14 years old he accepted a position as a welder s apprentice. After an incident with a
steel splinter in Bob s
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Descriptive Narrative Descriptive Essay
Sunday November 12, 2073 we just woke up it seems like we landed outside of a huge building complex.
The others and i do not know what is going on i am not ready for this we all have heard about the others
and how ships would just take them how can i say it, they was just gone we have never seen this before it
was just never seen again. I am strapped onto my seat across from me is a young girl with a high black
long ponytail and seems to be wearing a black mask only revealing her eyes, nose, and mouth. The girl
across from me is also strapped onto her seat her body is leaning forward and her head is tilted down. Her
black long sleeve jacket is dripping in water and her left thigh has a big scar going across it just above her
knee her ... Show more content on ...
This sword looks like it could have only been made by time itself. Above him is a gray plaque that reads
Delgado. Do i have something on my face kid ? said Delgado. Not knowing it before i could respond i felt
my head shaking left to right my eyes so wide felt like they were about to pop off i quickly turned my head
away and hoped he would go back to staring at the girl in front of me.The plaque above her seat read Lucy.
*loud cough* A loud cough came from a behind us as i turned around the straps came off me and i was
free to get off my seat so were Lucy and Delgado. When i turned around i saw a familiar face. Johnny? I
shouted. Zells ? What are you doing here ? he asked. I do not know i just woke up. I replied. Same here i
was back there for a while and then figured out a way to get out using my panasonics. johnny said.
Panasonics is what he called his new invention they were a pair of shades with a built in computer that
could do some crazy shit, they came with a pair of wireless headphones that communicated with his
shades. What happened to you? I asked. You look like you just climbed out of dumpster! I said. He had on
a ripped pair of pants. His hair was messy and his shoes were tore up. He was not like the usual Johnny
that likes to look sharp. He had on his new designed black sweater that was able withstand any type of
bullet or object that would
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Dish Network Ten Point Analysis
DISH Network Ten Point Analysis
Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, DISH Network provides satellite TV, and internet to
approximately 14 million subscribers throughout the United Sates. DISH offers some of the highest quality
programming and technology available with the most amount of choices at the best value for consumers.
Over the years, DISH Network has lead the pay TV industry in state of the art equipment and technology
as well as providing the most international channels, and award winning HD and DVR technology. The
Mission Statement for DISH Network is; To be the very best at delivering video anywhere, anytime
(DISH, 2016). The DISH Network organization is committed to being a competitive venture in the
television market. They are also committed to continually improving their products and services by adding
new channels, creating and implementing innovative technology and investing heavily in their customer
services. This leads their ideals to provide their customers and the market with the best television, and
internet coverage anywhere in American and at any time of the year. This mission has led them to the top
of the satellite television industry and continues to bring the organization great success and continued
growth across the U.S.
Distinctive Competencies DISH Network offers pay TV services to consumers across the United States.
The company s pay TV programming includes a selection of video services under the DISH brand, with
access to
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Hertfordshire Business School Guide to Harvard Referencing
Hertfordshire Business School Guide to Harvard Referencing
This guide has been produced by the ASU in response to questions from Hertfordshire Business School
(HBS) students about the important subject of accurate referencing. It is essential for you to reference your
work thoroughly because what you write for HBS must be evidenced your discussion and arguments
should consist mainly of academic theory and expert practitioner experience. These two main sources
(theory and practice) MUST be referenced throughout your writing. Readers must be able to see which
words are your own words and any original ideas, and what sources you have used as evidence to back up
your assertions. Good referencing is ESSENTIAL because:
1) Your ... Show more content on ...
If you decide to include the exact words of another author, you must enclose their words with quotation
marks and include the page number in text, e.g. Schutte (1999:298) asserts westerners regarded the
Japanese as workaholics . See example 48 on page 14 for examples.
Final list of References: Consistent punctuation and spacing are necessary in the References. Some general
rules apply: * Author or authors names: * Use only the initials of the author or authors given names. * No
full stops are used between initials. * Generational titles, i.e. Junior, Senior or roman numerals are only
included in the References list, e.g. Smith, J., Jr. (2009) ... Academic prefixes, i.e. Dr. are omitted from the
reference. * Titles of works: * Only capitalise content words for the titles of books, book chapters and
journal articles. * In the titles of journals, magazines and newspapers, capital letters should be used as they
appear normally. * Use italics for the titles of books, journals, and newspapers. * Enclose titles of book
chapters and journal articles in inverted commas (single quotation marks). * Page numbering: * Books:
page numbers are not usually needed in the final list of References. * Journals: page numbers appear as the
final item of the citation, followed by a full stop. In the Reference list, use the abbreviation p. for one page,
and pp. for a page range, e.g.
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Air Pollution In China During The 1970 s Shenzhen
During the 1970 s Shenzhen was a small fishing village called Baon County and it was also a farmland in
which a only few families lived. However in 1980 s, Shenzhen became the very first economic zone of
China and it was renamed Shenzhen City. When Shenzhen was developing they levels hill tops and
chopped down trees to make room for the factories which became a trade zone for exports. The factories in
Shenzhen had no regulations the smoke coming out of the chimneys which make some air pollution. They
also dumped contaminated water into the clean rivers and lakes which made the water supply polluted.
Factories in Shenzhen made whatever they wanted and they did not care about the environment. They
quickly ruined the environment. During the ... Show more content on ...
Some parts of the world are having the same problem. For example, Pearl River Delta in China. Pearl
Delta River has been having a serious drought for over 50 years and because of the serious drought there
was no fishing allowed in Pearl River Delta. This caused the fishermen to have trouble making living. Just
like the Colorado River the Pearl River Delta also have played a role in China to seek the economic and
the social development. Pearl River runs from the province of Guangdong, namely Guangzhou, Shenzhen,
Zhuhai, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Foshan, Huizhou, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing, and the SARs of Hong Kong
and Macau (Cooper). Even though the Pearl River is not polluted as the other rivers in China, they still are
trying to conserve water by attempting to alleviate the drought by creating artificial rain, encouraging
water conservation, and halting hydraulic power stations, before deciding to implement the diversion plan
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Multitasking Research Paper
In today s соmреtitivе world, еvеrуоnе is trying to еxсеl and make an identity for themselves. In оrdеr to
еxсеl in today s world multitasking is a must. Today, ѕtudеntѕ have very hectic schedules, and thеу cannot
dеvоtе their full time and energy to their math аѕѕignmеnt and оthеr writing assignments. This is a matter
of concern not оnlу for the ѕtudеntѕ but аlѕо for their раrеntѕ. Thеу tоо start to feel the stress because of
the assignment рrеѕѕurе. If a ѕtudеnt skips a lесturе it wоuld be difficult for them to complete the
аѕѕignmеnt in the given time period. The рrоblеm gets very real when the student find s nоbоdу is there to
give them professional advice. One of the results would be: they lоѕе intеrеѕt in thаt раrtiсulаr ѕubjесt.
In order
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Workplace Bullying
Introduction This essay will use Paul Elder (2008) as a guide to give Joseph Jerdee feedback on his
research plan. It will review clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance and
the fairness of the research plan.
Joseph, the essay clearly states what the research intends to accomplish. Further, it gives good foundational
information on what workplace bullying means and demonstrates that it affects both males and females.
The claims that are made in the essay about the types of bullying are supported by scholarly evidence. Add
to this, you do a good job highlighting the different types of bullying that may exist in organizations. This
is a big call out as many people may not even be aware ... Show more content on ...
There may be ideas and best practices that may be found as a result of this study that will help to further
efforts to minimize workplace bullying.
The research appears to be fair in the approach as it will be done through a questionnaire. There appears to
be a large enough group to gather information. However, is the group diverse enough as the questionnaire
is only being administered to one organization?
In this essay, I used Paul Elder (2008) as a guide to give Joseph Jerdee feedback on his research plan. It
reviewed clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance and the fairness of the
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The Role of Nature in My Life
Things We See Today The role of nature in my life has greatly changed in the last five years, as well as in
the change from adolescence to adulthood. I don t believe that nature has changed but my perception of
nature has and always is, from the rising sun over the cityscape of San Francisco as I take the L Train
uphill on Taraval Street, to watching the quarter sized, glistening diamond, snowflakes fall outside my
window as I try and stay awake to catch a glimpse of Santa before morning. To me, Nature is not the
woods or a long, sweating hike, nor is it Golden Gate Park in San Francisco or any other city park for that
matter. To me, Nature is catching that rhythm the world beats, that I beat, that you beat, that every pulsing
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I know this hurt him and I feel terribly about this now but I m sure he knew this might be coming having
obviously picked out where he lived. I did my best never to be home those years. It was a lot easier after I
started driving and drove my parents mad wondering why I never stayed for more than a few hours (other
than sleeping). I hated it, with all my heart. My dog was the only thing natural I liked. I didn t go out in my
woods or out on my friends property. The closet I came to nature then, was the National Geographic
program on PBS. Nature and I would not bond again until much later. The last five years have been a
battle. Living in a tent for six months (not by choice) brought me very close with Nature. I would wake up
on a Cliffside with nothing but a hundred foot, sheer rock face, drop with the ocean and rising, blood
orange sun in between. It had a bit of an edge to it though. I was illegally staked out on someone else s
property, leaving before they woke, returning after they slept and I was all alone. After moving to Bolinas,
Ca with my older, female cousin, I was abandoned after two weeks for smoother sailing. I had gotten a job
serving and bartending and developed a routine; wake up early (I had no phone because the tide soaked it
and therefore no alarm), hitchhike to work (no car), work for eight or more hours (notice no mention of
shower before, just a dip in the ocean) followed by a heavy night of drinking (there
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Cleopatra Essay
When you think of Cleopatra you tend to think of Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile. Which isn t far from the
truth. Cleopatra was queen of Egypt, which is located on the Nile River. In her lifetime she had every
luxury imaginable, which she used to gain the popularity of the roman authority. She was very important in
terms of Egyptian history. However she was also very well known in terms of Roman history. She seduced
some of most well known Roman men of her time. Cleopatra was a seductress. Who used her fame and
fortune to seduce these men. Some of these men included such men as Julius Caesar and Marc Antony.
Cleopatra was born in 69 BC She was the last Ptolemaic ruler. Her father was the Ptolemy XII. She was
very, which added to her ... Show more content on ...
In 55 b.c. Berenic IV was executed leaving Cleopatra the oldest child. In 51 b.c. her father died.
Caesar chased Pompey to Egypt where Pompey was beheaded in Alexandria. This is where Cleopatra met
Julius Caesar. She smuggled herself into a rug and snuck in to his room. Cleopatra married another brother,
Ptolemy XV, due to tradition. However she also became Caesar s mistress and followed him to Rome. In
47 b.c. Ptolemy Caesarion was born. However the Romans refused to believe that Ptolemy Caesarion was
Caesar s child. She stayed in Rome until his assassination 44 BC. He was killed by Brutus and Cassius. It
was rumored later that Cleopatra helped the Caesarian party to assassin Caesar. But her world was
shattered after his death.
When she was just fourteen years old she met Marc Antony for the first time. When she met him later in
life she saw him as an opportunity for power and fame. She used her wit, charm, and wealth to gain the
interest of Marc Antony. They were later married in 37 b.c. In the winter of 41 40 b.c. Cleopatra gave
Mark Antony her undivided attention; she was his mistress, companion and confidante. They had planned
to set up an expansive kingdom to be inherited by her sons of Caesar and Marc Antony. However Marc
Antony and Cleopatra were involved in the Battle of Actium, in 31 b.c., which they lost. Marc Antony then
committed suicide. Their relationship inspired Shakespeare s play, amp;quot;Antony and Cleopatra,
amp;quot; which dealt
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I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud, By William Wordsworth
I can recall that day when I stumbled across William s beatific poem. The sky was painted with the richest
and brightest of colors behind boughs of trees and lifeless houses. The air felt cordial, yearning for your
embrace. After I read the poem I could feel myself unraveling. I consider myself as a great lover of nature
and being out in the wilderness has gave me a new moral dimension in life. I am my best version out in
nature therefore I have grew very fond of this poem. I wandered lonely as a cloud is one of the most loved
and influential poems of William Wordsworth. It had been Inspired by Dorothoy s(his sister) diary extract
which chronicles their peaceful promenading along a river near Grasmere, where they encountered a
colony of radiant daffodils. The sight was so glorious which later on inspirited William to compile his
recollection of one of his most precious memories. The poem immediately establishes of a dream like state
which is apparent by the use of the similie I wandered lonely as a cloud . The noun cloud is a airy and free
flowing notion that has connotations of seclusion that gives an impression to the readers that he is
currently detached from the real world; unconcerned with its troubles. In addition, by the use of the
personal pronoun I gives greater emotion and depth to his language but simultaneously highlighting the
inherent unity between men and nature (that was a prominent theme in William s poems). However, in
contrary the pronoun I
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Irregular Warfare Strategy for Somalia
The use of Irregular Warfare has been ongoing for years around the world. Irregular warfare is described as
a violent struggle among state and non state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant
populations. I will discuss where the U.S. may apply military force in conjunction with other means of
national power to stabilize the nation of Somalia. I will also discuss why it would be considered as an
Irregular Warfare environment.
Somalia gained its independence from British control in 1960, where the British relinquished control and
gave Somalia to the United Nations. Somalia was governed by civilians until 1969; after which the
military rebellion by General Muhammed Siad Barre took place. General Muhammed ... Show more
content on ...
They also took on the responsibility of law enforcement which was paid for by local businesses to lower
and maintain the crime rate within the area. The Islamic Courts Union took on the responsibility of halting
robberies and drug dealing, as well as stopping the showing of what it claims to be pornographic films in
local movie houses. The Islamic Courts Union also addressed problems throughout the region by
establishing community services and security which in turn help them to gain the trust of the local
Local warlords became concerned over the growing power of the Islamic Courts Union. The Warlords
decided to join together to create the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter Terrorism (ARPCT.
The Islamic Courts Union lost their power over Mogadishu in 2006, when they were defeated and forced
to Kismayo, which is in the southern part of the country.
Conflicts within the nation of Somalia were sometimes planned as a means to an end. Whereby the United
States Government supported a certain regime before they used their power to gain control of the situation
and overthrow the tyrant. In other cases the use of national power was used such as the Islamic Courts
Union to gain control over Somalia by implementing logical line of operations by providing the people
their needs and services to gain their trust. In these situations it would be considered as an irregular
warfare environment, because they were violent struggles
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Dance Essay
A series of set of movements to music, either alone or with a partner. That is the definition of dancing.
Dancing is a way to express one s feeling and to get active.
Dance has been a part of human history since the earliest records of human life. Cave paintings found in
Spain and France dating from 30,000 10,000 BC. have vivid drawings of dancing figures in association
with ritual illustrating the pesents of dance in early human society. Many people around the world see life
as a dance from the movements of the heavens and the turn of the seasons to the unique dance of every
creature. The history of dance reflects the changes in the way people see the world, relate to their bodies
and experience the cycles of life. In India ... Show more content on ...
These dances eventually evolved to include praise songs and myths that were enacted by trained dancers
and actors. By the end of the 5th century BC, these dance dramas were part of entertainment and provided
social and political commentary on the times. Amongst the Romans, dance waxed and waned in
acceptance by the powers that ruled. Until 200 BC, dance brought life to Roman processions, festivals and
celebrations. However, in 150 BC all of the dancing schools were closed as Roman nobility considered
dance as suspicious and even dangerous activity of the masses. Dancing has come a long way since ancient
times. But there are still some similarities. When people thought up these dances they were trying to
express themselves, their emotions, their problems and beliefs. Today we do the same thing. We make up
dances according to our attitudes, beliefs, thoughts and feelings. The future will also contain dances that
will reflect that society. There are many different kinds of dances. There is ballet, line dancing, slow
dancing, the list goes on and on. Some of these dances are slow. Some of them are fast. They all use
different type of instruments. Each dance representing a time, an event, an expression or feeling. Each
dance expressing something different. Dances will never die. They are too interconnected in the
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  • 2. David Hume s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion Essay David Hume s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion provide conflicting arguments about the nature of the universe, what humans can know about it, and how their knowledge can affect their religious beliefs. The most compelling situation relates to philosophical skepticism and religion; the empiricist character, Cleanthes, strongly defends his position that skepticism is beneficial to religious belief. Under fire from an agnostic skeptic and a rationalist, the empiricist view on skepticism and religion is strongest in it s defense. This debate is a fundamental part of the study of philosophy: readers must choose their basic understanding of the universe and it s creator, upon which all other assumptions about the universe will be made. ... Show more content on ... When they are young, they will be taught about the supremacy of religion and the fallibility of philosophy and science. Demea s theology resembles the god of the gaps perspective, where any failings of science and philosophy is more reason to believe that God exists within the things we cannot explain. He hopes that as his students learn of this, they will believe that the paramount objective of their education is to learn the nature of God, who is most important and constant being in the universe. To summarize, Demea believes that humans will never fully understand the universe; thus, the failure of science to provide explanations is the greatest proof of God and greatest justification for faith. Philo heckles the ideas of Demea while imposing his own ideas. As an empiricist and a skeptic, he calls to let us become thoroughly sensible of the weakness, blindness, and narrow limits of human reason. (131) Philo believes that because humans have been historically ignorant about science and the universe, that humanity ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Summary Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Chapter One: In chapter one of the goblet of fire it explains how there was a spooky house in the village which the riddles lived in. There been stories in the village of how the Riddle s gardener, Frank, killed the whole riddle family. Frank was then sent to jail, but then the police had discovered that no harm was done to the bodies of the Riddle family, so they immediately let Frank go. Then couple of years later Frank heard something strange upstairs in the Riddle house and he went to check it out. Frank saw and heard the three strange people having a conversation of a cruel plan. Then the three strange people saw Frank and killed him so Frank won t reveal anything about their plan to anyone. Harry ... Show more content on ... The death eaters were harming the muggles instead of wizards. While Harry, Ron, and Hermione were running away from the campsite Harry lost his wand and a few moments later they saw a skull and snake in the sky. Then many member of the minster of magic surrounded Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Among them were Mr.Weasley, Mr. Digory and Mr. Crouch. Then Mr. Digory saw Winky, the house elf, with a wand in her hand near the wear the skull and the snake was printed in the sky. Mr.Digory began to interrogate Winky about the picture in the sky and Winky kept saying it wasn t her. Later Hermione tried to protect Winky saying that she couldn t have done it because the person who said the spell had a deep voice and Winky had a squeaky voice. Mr. Digory declared Winky innocent but Mr. Crouch, her master, abbadoned Winky so he wouldn t get into more trouble or raise some suspicion on him. Something strange also happened when the picture appeared on the sky, the death eaters disappeared because they were scared because they thought Lord Voldermort was ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Why Democratic Parties Are Better Than Other Political... America has always had a distinct political system, at times it could be calm and peaceful, but in others it can be the complete opposite; such as the events that occurred in this past election. Similar to controversial events, in politics there is always going to be an opposing viewpoint; therefore there is always going to be an opposing group of people. For that reason, that is how the party system began between the Democrats and the opposing party known as the Whigs. Both parties had opposing views and ideas, but some were stronger than others. Both parties had their flaws and advantages which helped them hold the the upper hand in certain time periods. In this essay I will name and explain the points each party supported, the reasons why both parties opposed each other s points, and the reasons why the Democratic party had the upper hand from the year 1828 to 1852. ... Show more content on ... The Democratic party was also known as the Jacksonians (Lecture 10) which would begin in 1828 with Jackson s presidential victory.(Give Me Liberty pg 377) Led by Henry Clay; the Whigs would later initiate as a party to oppose the Democrats and their beliefs.(Lecture 10) The reason for the opposition of both parties was that they had different ideas; but the main reason was that the creation of the Whig party was started by a group of people which initially started with intentions to oppose Andrew Jackson s view in the Democratic party. The Whigs disapproved of Jackson s views even more after after the attack on the national bank, and the assumption that he vetoed something for his own personal choice rather than it being unconstitutional .(Lecture 10 + GVL pg 389) Jackson believed that hard money should have been the real form of currency which was also opposed by the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Violations In Japanese Internment Camps Two months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Executive Order 9066. This forced all Japanese Americans, regardless of loyalty or citizenship to evacuate to the West Coast. The relocation of Japanese Americans into internment camps during World War II was one of the most flagrant violations of civil liberties in American history. December 7, 1941, the day after the Japanese attacked, the US government and the FBI began to follow community leaders with strong Japanese ties. As American citizens, Issei and Nisei had enjoyed the rights of any US citizen; now their own government imposed strict curfews on them and raided their homes for contraband or anything that showed special connection to their former homeland ( Japanese American Relocation ). They suspected and wanted to be sure that no Japanese Americans were spies and was sending information to anyone from their homeland, but by doing so they striped them of their American rights that all Americans have but the Japanese Americans. The United States was scared of Japanese Americans, the U.S. thought that they might have connections to the enemy. ... Show more content on ... The camps were animal stalls and other places not meant for living. These camps killed people all the while they thought they were protecting their citizens when in fact they were killing them. This is still seen as the most flagrant violations of civil liberties today. Regardless of loyalty and citizenship, they were forced out of the place they called their homes and anything that were theirs were taken to later be found destroyed and vandalized. All of these thing happened because of fear instead of finding a reasonable way of dealing with the situation. Another factor of the relocation was their dislike of immigrants, they were surrounded by barbed wire and nothing but what they could of carried to call their ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Becoming An Automotive Engineer Essay Becoming an Automotive Engineer Do you like to work with automobiles and modify them? Then being an automotive engineer is for you. Say your car breaks down, what are you going to do? Oh wait, you re an automotive engineer, you can fix it! To become an automotive engineer, there are certain job tasks, special skills and talents, as well as a higher education that you need to be aware of. Some of the most important job tasks you have to do are conducting and directing automotive testing and preparing or presenting status reports. Special skills are also very important to becoming a successful automotive engineer. They involve complex problem solving, judgement and decision making, and reasoning. Most important of all is the educational aspect. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Grendel Philosophies Philosophies are the ideas formed in one s mind, often about the world and the questions we have about it. As humans, we often pick one philosophy and stick with it. How would a monster like the character Grendel in the novel by John Gardner react to these philosophies? Throughout the novel, Grendel experiences and is conflicted with many different philosophies. Influenced by characters such as the Shaper, the Dragon, and the people of Hrothgar, Grendel experiences many philosophies such as Nihilism, Solipsism, and Machiavellianism. One of the major philosophies in the novel Grendel is Nihilism. Nihilism is the rejection of moral and religious principles, and the belief that life is small and meaningless. In the first few pages of the novel, John Gardner states that He cocks his head like an elderly, slow witted king, considers his angles, decides to ignore me. I stamp. I hammer the ground with my fists. I hurl a skull size stone at him. He will not budge. (Gardner, 5). Here is a snippet of Grendel s hatred towards life and even nature. Throughout the novel, Grendel proves to the reader that he doesn t really care about anybody except for himself. In this quote, Grendel sees a ram and tries to make it leave, only to fail. The ram just stays where it is and ignores Grendel, even when Grendel yells and throws a large rock at it. As John Gardner states, I understood that the world was nothing: a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we stupidly impose our hopes ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Tay-Sachs Disease Analysis Tay Sachs disease is an inherited disorder that progressively destroys nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Commonly it becomes apparent in infancy. Infants with this disorder usually appear normal until ages 3 6 months, when their development slows and muscles used for movement weaken. Affected infants can t turn over, sit, or crawl. They also get startled easy to loud noises. As the disease continues they can experience seizures, vision loss, hearing loss, intellectual disability, and even paralysis. Usually they live into only early childhood. Seizures becomes a problem between ages two and five, with death at around fifteen years of age. Age of death is usually between 2 and 4 years, often from pneumonia. There is no treatment for ... Show more content on ... The HEXA gene provides instruction for making part of an enzyme called beta hexosaminidase A, which plays a very critical role in the brain and spinal cord. This enzyme is found in the lysosomes, which are the structures in cells that break down toxic substances and their job is that of a recycling center. Beta hexosaminidase A helps break down a fatty substance called GM2 ganglioside. The mutations in the HEXA gene disrupt the activity of beta hexosaminidase A, which prevents the enzyme from breaking down GM2 ganglioside. As a result, this substance accumulates to toxic levels, particularly in the neutrons in the brain and also the spinal cord. Damage by the buildup of GM2 ganglioside leads to the destruction of the neurons; Causing signs and symptoms of Tay Sachs disease. Symptoms of Tay Sachs disease include Deafness, Decreased eye contact, blindness, Decreased muscle tone (loss of muscle strength), Delayed mental and social skills, Dementia, Increased startle reaction, Irritability, Listlessness, Loss of motor skills, Paralysis or loss of muscle function, Seizures, Slow growth, and Unable to swallow. You can only get Tay Sachs disease if both parents are ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Notorious Jumping Frog Of Calaveras County Summary Decoding the Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County was written by Mark Twain in 1865. This was the first of many wonderful works that Twain would publish in his lifetime. The story revolves around the narrator being sent by a friend to find Rev. Leonidas W. Smiley. The narrator finds himself in an old mining town in Calaveras County. He comes across Simon Wheeler and asks if he knows the reverend. Simon Wheeler did not appear to know of the reverend and then proceeds to tell him the story of Jim Smiley. In the Notorious Jumping frog of Calaveras County, Mark Twain uses a colorful array of characters. The narrator is an educated eastern man sent to find the Rev. Leonidas W. Smiley. He is doubtful that the Reverend even exists. Along the way he meets several people in his search for the Reverend. ... Show more content on ... This in turn motivates Wheeler to tell several pointless stories. Wheeler mentions that the mining town once had a parson named Walker. This confirms that the narrator has been sent to search for someone that does not exist. Wheeler is a man that likes to talk to anyone that will give him a chance. During Wheeler s stories we meet the Obsessive gambler Jim Smiley. Smiley is always placing bets on anything he thinks can win him some money. Whether it be a dog, cat, bird, horse or strattle bug Jim was going to bet something to try to win some money. Jim came across a frog whom he named Dan l Webster. Dan l won Smiley lots of money until a stranger came to town and filled him with buckshot, causing Smiley to lose a ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Jeannette Walls Conclusion It can be said that despite literal simplicity some objects or places have a much deeper metaphorical meaning to certain individuals. For Jeannette Walls, the Glass Castle is more than just the title of her memoir. To begin, Jeannette lived most of her childhood in poverty, running from town to town in order to avoid federal agents who are actually just bill collectors. Even so, the family dreamed of a much brighter future in a place called the Glass Castle. Jeannette s father, Rex Walls, planned A great big house he was going to build for us in the desert. It would have a glass ceiling and thick glass walls and even a glass cells on the top that would catch the sun s rays...even have its own water purification system ... Show more content on ... Additionally, it meant pulling themselves out of poverty and living a lavish lifestyle. In reality, they would never build the Glass Castle, mainly due to Rex s inability to hold a job and make enough money. Although this may be true, the Glass Castle was what held Rex and the children s relationship together. Furthermore, when times became arduous, [Rex would] pull the blueprints out and let us work on the design for our rooms (Walls 25). It kept their faith in Rex alive, even when he didn t deserve it, as the Glass Castle was complete fiction and failed to do anything but give Jeannette and her siblings false hope. Rex s plans for the future were flamboyant, but tended to resemble glass fragile and elusive. With this in mind, as long as Jeannette lived with her parents, the improvement in her quality of life would be too little and insignificant to mean anything. This reality begins to set in when she is a teenager, starting when she lived in Welch, West Virginia. Brian, her brother, and Jeannette take matters into their own hands and dig a hole for the foundation. Just like all his other promises, Rex fails to actually set the foundation, so Brian and [Jeanette] watched the hole for the Glass Castle s foundation slowly filled with garbage (Walls ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The aim of this paper is, firstly, to recall the basic... The aim of this paper is, firstly, to recall the basic concepts of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, and how Scada plays an important role in the field of power system. for the study of electrical power distribution system we need general set up of automated power distribution laboratory in which we need the set up of one generator panel, one transmission line panel, one receiving end panel and one Simatic s7 300 PLC System. a versatile distribution system simulator is developed which replicates the behavior of a distribution network as viewed from a computer based control centre. Keywords: Simatic s7 300 PLC System, SCADA and electrical power distribution system ... Show more content on ... SCADA receive the signal from PLC output. if some part in the power system are unhealthy the SCADA gives signal to PLC for recovery of damage. 3. STUDY OF PANEL/EQUIPMENT 3.1 Grid Source Panel 440 VOLT 3phase input is to be connected on connector provided on left side of unit.HRC fuse is provided in each phase at input. Four pole MCB is provided on panel to isolate the system from mains Source A and Source B are two three phase 440V/5Amp supplies acting as Generator. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319 1163 | pISSN: 2321 7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr 2014, Available @ 2 Grid source panel displays Voltage Vry, Vyb and Vbr and three phase current Ir, Iy and Ib on respective meters for both source A and source B. Also for source A sending end power factor is displayed on power factor meter. voltage selector switch is to be used to display Vry,Vyb and Vbr voltage. Power line Sensors: For source A voltage sensors for Vry, Vyb and Vbr, three current sensors for Ir,Iy and Ib and one 3P/3E/4W trms power factor sensor is provided on sending end. also for source B three current sensors is provided on sending end. 3.2 Busbar with Simulated Transmission Line Two parallel Bus Bar A and B with 5A rating. Each BusBar is having three sections. BUSBAR WITH SIMULATED ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay on Physioex 9.0 Exercise 3 Activity 1 1. Increasing extracellular K+ reduces the net diffusion of K+ out of the neuron through the K+ leak channels because the membrane is permeable to K+ ions. Therefore, the K+ ions will diffuse down its concentration gradient from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. 2. Increasing extracellular K+ causes the membrane potential to change to a less negative value because the K+ ions diffuse out across the membrane. My results went well compared to my prediction because I predicted that the resting membrane potential would become less negative. 3. The extracellular Na+ did not alter the membrane potential in the resting neuron because the Na+ channels were mostly closed. 4. Na+ and K+ both have a ... Show more content on ... 5. The Pacinian corpuscle and free nerve ending will likely not have a membrane protein that recognizes other molecules because their stimulus modality are not chemical unlike the olfactory receptors. 6. The type of sensory neuron that would like respond to a green light would be photoreceptors. Activity 3 1. The term threshold as it applies to an action potential is the voltage at which you first observe an action potential. 2. Depolarization in membrane potential triggers an action potential because nearby axonal membranes will be depolarized to values near or above threshold voltage. 3. The action potential at R1 (or R2) stayed the same as I increased the stimulus above the threshold voltage. My results did not compare well with my prediction because I predicted that the peak value of the action potential would increase. 4. The phrase all or nothing describes action potential because it only occurs when you reach threshold voltage. 5. The part of the neuron that was investigated in this activity was the axon. Activity 4 1. TTX blocks the voltage gated Na+ channels between R1 and R2, which blocks the propagation of the action potential from R1 to R2. 2. Lidocaine blocks the voltage gated Na+ channels between R1 and R2, which blocks the propagation of the action potential from R1 to R2. The effect of lidocaine differs ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Political And Present Day Entrepreneurs In this paper we examine economical, political and present day entrepreneurs. Outline a politico economic growth system centered on the entrepreneurs. This examination is presented to discuss the challenges a modern day entrepreneur s face in the ultra competitive technology market place. We also point to a modern day entrepreneur who succeeded in a very stereotypical industry. Gender stereotypes are also of immense concern, and presented for reader awareness. The pitfalls associated with a tech startup are presented to show the vast complexity in the modern day. Options are illustrated of what an entrepreneur can do when the locale is not conducive to their business development. We summarize with a positive note if the right strategy is employed, anyone can be successful. Entrepreneurship is commonly linked with brick and mortar business run by a sole proprietor or someone with a brand new invention. However, entrepreneurship is much more than this, ask any American teenager who grew up in the late 1980 s or early 1990 s and they will tell you rap music was immensely popular and dominated solely by African American artists. Conversely, they all stopped, collaborated, and listed to a new artist on the music scene, who broke the mold and stereotype of the a typical rap artist. The white rap artist known as Vanilla Ice is defiantly an example of a modern day entrepreneur. Rob Van Winkle, more commonly known by his stage name Vanilla Ice has appeared in movies, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Marley Abramson Research Paper SUMMARY As part of the Havayah city wide project, this year your children learned how to frame sacred time, people, and places within the framework of how their secular life intertwines with their Jewish life. They found their own meaning, created individual projects as well as group projects. The students determined how they wanted to learn and rose to the occasion as their final results showed. As a class we also discussed Shabbat, Hanukkah, and Passover. This was an amazing year of learning for me. Incredible teamwork and serious learning done by the students. Marley Abramson Marley is a gem. She is a serious student who always manages to participate in projects in a reserved and mature way. In her uniqueness, she became one of the class leaders and yet never looked for the limelight. Her contributions were well directed. In Hebrew, she led the class in decoding and reached to help other students ... Show more content on ... All year, he focused on the activity at hand, was committed to doing his best, and inspired others to pull together. Nathan is easy going, cooperative, and a joy to have in class. I appreciated that I could depend on him to do whatever I asked. His contributions helped our projects reach successful ends. Nathan, your potential is vast, your compassion for others immeasurable, in fact, you are a mensch who has much to offer. Have a really good summer. Jake Stoller Jake is an amazing mature young man. He uses his instincts to work in a positive independent manner and yet is always willing to help a fellow student. His work is always worth a second look. I appreciate Jake s motivation to do well and he succeeds at whatever task he attempted; for instance, the speech, that he wrote for the 7 May program. It was right on target. I have truly enjoyed being Jake s teacher and will miss him next year. Jake, have a great summer and thank you for everything you did this past school year. Sophia ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Reflection Paper On Observation Of A Student Over the past month I have been observing in Lebanon High school in a biology class. During my time in this class I have observed a lot and have had a lot of great opportunities that have helped open my eyes toward teaching, and the skills that are necessary to be successful in the field. While there I had the opportunity to work with a student with learning disabilities. During this interaction I learned how to best work with those who have a learning disability and that it takes the ability to think outside the box when trying to explain to the student what the task is so that they are able to understand what they are being asked to do. While observing the student with learning disabilities I observed a few interesting qualities that this student had that stood out from the other students. One of the qualities that I observed was that he was quiet. Unlike the rest of his class who would turn around and talk with the kids behind them, he would just sit there and wait for further instructions. Another interesting observation that I made was that my student would be interested in his work, but as time went on he began to loose interest in his work and would need someone to remind him to stay on task which was one of his accommodations. I found that his ability to become unmotivated was more prevalent when he was taking notes with the class off the smart board compared to when the class was in a group discussion and the teacher was asking open ended questions. Another ... Get more on ...
  • 16. What Is The Setting Of The Third Man The Third Man is renowned film known for being one of the most excellent movies that has come into fruition. This film has won many awards because of its cinematography, historical setting that helped add to the plot, and thrilling nature of the European postwar era. The Third Man follows Holly Martins, an American Pulp fiction writer, who travels to Vienna in search of his childhood friend Harry Lime. Upon his arrival he finds that his friend has passed away. These events unravel into a thriller that challenges the viewer to follow the twists and deception behind the death of Harry Lime. Highlighted in this film is a good story, a profound message, and a symbolic setting. The film upholds a good story by uniquely telling a tale with many ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Intake Of Synthetic Sugar Once ingested, sugar causes blood glucose levels to frequently spike and drop. When blood sugar is unstable, it can lead to headaches, fatigue, and mood swings. Low blood sugar triggers the release of hormones such as adrenaline, epinephrine, and cortisol, inducing stress. Furthermore, sugar elicits the release of dopamine, causing it to be somewhat of an addictive substance. Adrenaline and epinephrine are chemicals which allow the sinoatrial node to fire more frequently, preparing the body for intense physical activity. Sugar absorption therefore engenders irregular firing of the sinoatrial node, even when the body is not preparing for physical activity. A normal resting heart rate ranges between 60 100 bpm, but can vary still depending on many factors, including levels of activity and athleticism. Active heart rate is even more variable, greatly depending on exercise intensity. Generally speaking, however, a healthy target range is below 220 bpm. The purpose of this experiment is to find out how the intake of synthetic sugar may have an effect on both resting and active heart rate. This should allow an understanding of the effects sugar can have on the body as well as providing insight concerning the negativity towards excessive portions of this particular substance. Hypothesis If one consumes a relatively high amount of sugar, then the average rate at which the heart beats, both in resting and active circumstances, would increase because sugar causes blood glucose ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Bidleville Case Study Biddleville like many ring villages , was a community that shared a distinct southern uniqueness in that it was one of a dozen villages or communities that were established on the edge or outer ring of the city. Founded after the Civil War around the college, the community was established with assistance and major influence in the 1890 s by the Myers family. A prominent white family, who touted the community as a Model Negro housing development . The early make up of this village derived from post war clusters of slaves and free blacks who did not live on their master s property. W. R. Myers, a very prominent land owner and businessman donated land for the nucleus of what now is Johnson C. Smith University, and aided in establishing and building Good ... Show more content on ... Peter s Episcopal Church which at the time was a very influential and powerful body in Charlotte at the turn of the century. This association gave credibility and prominence to members in the Biddleville community that were educated and or held employment that was deemed respectable and or admirable at the time for a person of color. The community prospered and as the city grew and incorporated the Biddleville area, large developments of white communities, such as Roslyn and Smallwood was built in close proximity. This expansion also brought transportation resources such as the trolley line. The culture that had been established helped those that were educated, or aligned with thinking of the model negro doctrine were not necessarily benefactors of the positive growth. As Urban renewal ramped up in the 1960 s sections of the inner city were torn down, which in turn caused a shift of the black population. The communities in and around Biddleville that were previously white working class were now over taken by Charlotte s black population. As the white community moved out, so did resources that were previously available. The ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The, Twelve Angry Men, By Reginald Rose Set in the 1950 s post depression America and written by world renowned playwright Reginald Rose, Twelve Angry Men has become a much loved classic within the drama playwright genre. With an abundance of audacious themes skillfully displayed throughout the feature length play, Rose has pushed the boundaries of the overly oppressive era from which the play was first published. The two main themes that were explored to great lengths throughout the play were prejudices and stereotypes. These themes were both highlighted through the use of three key literary devices; structure, setting and interactions of characters. Prior to act 1, character names are not listed in the structure, the characters are known only as their assigned juror numbers, this is to prevent the audience from developing prejudices of the juror, The 8th Juror gazes out the window. The 12th Juror looks at him for a moment then moves away , (pg. 4). This decision also puts the audience in a similar position to which the jurors are in; making a decision on facts provided without any bias. Act one of the play is set in America after the abolishment of slavery, yet racism was still extremely prevalent and widely accepted throughout the country. This certain prejudicial issue is highlighted in many key scenes during the play. The 10th Juror is a perfect example of how the setting affects the play and depicts the themes of prejudices and stereotypes; Brother, you can say that again. The kids who crawl outa those ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Children s Development As An Integral Part Of A Child... Play is important in a child s development as it helps in the child s cognitive, emotional, physical and social development. It is through play that the child is able to interact and engage with the world around them and discover new things such as the objects they fiddle with and the lessons that they will soon learn from interacting with toys and people. Under article 31 (leisure, play and culture) of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, play has been recognized as being an integral part of a child s development, to which children have the right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of cultural, artistic and other recreational activities . Play can help in a child s cognitive development, especially in ... Show more content on ... (Black book) Children who participate in pretend play also tend to grasp verbal skills better later on in life. ( take on imaginary playmates for 1161361.php) Children also learn and mimic adult roles that they have observed in their everyday lives such as how their mothers pour tea into teacups for guests or older family members and copies this action when they line their stuffed toys around them and taking on the motherly role, pouring tea out of teapots for the stuffed toys. Here we see children taking on realistic adult roles that they have observed which may help them better understand what one of the many motherly roles might be, and by understanding, they build a new schema in their brain in relation to what a mother is and in the process, learn something new. Play can help develop a child s emotional aspect with the use of transitional objects. Transitional objects such as a child s teddy bear or doll can act as the child s first stepping stone into reality, which might be too complicated for the child to handle all by himself. Emotionally difficult situations to a child such as not receiving enough love or craving for more love from adult figures but yet, unable to gain it, may turn to his teddy bear for comfort and a sense of belonging. In this case, playing with the teddy bear can downplay the feeling of hurt and help in ... Get more on ...
  • 21. District 9 Film Analysis For those who have not watched the film District 9, here is a quick summary of the movie. In 1982, aliens arrive on Earth, not to conquer or give aid, but to find refuge from their dying planet. Separated from humans in a South African area called District 9, the aliens are managed by Multi National United, which is not concerned with the aliens welfare but will do anything to master their advanced technology. When a company field agent Wikus contracts a mysterious virus that begins to alter his DNA, there is only one place he can hide: District 9. The film was directed by Neill Blomkamp and starred Sharlto Copley(Wikus). It begins as a documentary style investigation and then as the film continues it becomes more conventional and character driven following Wikus and his transformation into a Prawn. The film s main themes are Xenophobia and Segregation. Xenophobia is characterized by a negative attitude towards foreigners, a dislike, a fear, or a hatred. Segregation as most people know is a separation of people or objects from others. When picking a critical approach to use for this essay two stuck out to me, Biographical and Mimetic. I chose biographical criticism to start with because I wanted to learn more about director Neill Blomkamp. I read many articles, biographies and interviews about the film producer. This quote is from an interview I found very informing. District 9 explores the issue of segregation and xenophobia. At first it shows a perspective of trying to ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Nuclear Family Today the idea of the nuclear family being normal has changed. It is now common to see the mixture of two families connected by a second or subsequent marriage, with one or both partners having children from prior relationships, thereby creating half siblings. Prior to the advent of no fault divorce, most commonly the idea of blended families included a stepmother or stepfather and mother or father, and stepchildren, born to one of the parents in a previous marriage. The previous marriage had been terminated by abandonment or death and the stepparent was seen almost as a replacement parent. With the advent of no fault divorce and the family dynamics changing, the roles of the parents are modified, no longer is a stepparent a near replacement for an absent or deceased parent, but rather an addition to existing parents not part of a relationship but still on the scene. This can create turmoil in the family as the new couple as parent and stepparent and the children and stepchildren each try to find their own role. Some would argue it is better for the child or stepchild to be raised in a two parent home than a single parent family. This creates a positive environment for the child. Conversely, as the relationship lines are not clearly defined, there is the possibility of confusion and uncertainty for the child, as they are not certain of the role of the step parent versus the biological parent. There is also cause for concern, as the biological dynamic of the family is ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Comparing The Pon Just Requested For The Via Chicago 1. Assume you are Vanderpool. Draft the comparison Pon just requested. I will compute conveyance. For the via Chicago, I will choose to use rail. Here s the comparison: Via Chicago Costs ($) Container charter 72,000 Load and block ($20/trk) 2,000 Rail rate at $90/trk 9,000 Wharf age 1,070 Loading and stowing ($80/trk) 8,000 Seaway tolls ($27/trk) 2,700 Unloading 4,200 Insurance ($105/trk) 10,500 Total 109,470 Via Baltimore Costs ($) Load and block ($30/trk) 3,000 Rail rate at $448/trk 44,800 Handling @ Baltimore ($100/trk) 10,000 Ocean freight ($720/trk) 72,000 Insurance ($75/trk) 7,500 Total 137,300 1. Which of the two routing alternatives would you recommend? Why? In terms of transportation costs only, the chartered vessel is cheaper. However, when we take into account cash flows and the value of money, the Baltimore route becomes advantageous. Assume we use the charter vessel. It should arrive on May 30th and HDT will be paid. However, if trucks are sent two at a time via Baltimore, the middle pair (#25 and #26) should be finished on about April 16th and arrive at Doha about May 8th, when they will be paid in other words, 22 days earlier than if they arrived on May 30th on the chartered vessel. HDT pays 8% per year for its money so here is how to calculate the savings for truck #25 or #26: ($172,000 times .08 times 22) divided by 365 = $829.37 Multiplying $829.37 times 50 yields $41,468.50. When added to the costs of using Chicago ($109,470), the total cost now ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Nursing Conflict In Nursing Introduction No matter where we find ourselves in life, there will always be some conflict(s) that we will need to face. Some may be simple issues of miscommunications or more complex, involving several factors, considerations, and implications that must be accounted for when solving the conflicts at hand. Settings such as nursing homes, clinics, and hospitals are especially susceptible to high numbers of conflicts of various natures due to the numerous parties involved in each environment. Nurses, face an increased risk of getting into conflicts due to the multiple roles they could hold, such as manager, caregiver, and instructor. According to Dr. Higazee, These roles lead to various types of interactions among nurses and other healthcare team members, which significantly increase the probability for conflict to arise in hospital settings among nurses (Higazee, 2015). Therefore, conflicts are not something that can be eliminated from the lives of nurses; however, nurses can be given the skills and techniques to manage the conflicts that do arise. Although the word conflict has a negative connotation attached to it, there is a positive perspective that can be viewed as Finkelman (2016) says, It can be used to improve if changes are made to address problems related to the conflict (p. 324). The Problem I used to work in a small community hospital that had 100 beds in total, 50 for admitted patients and 50 for the emergency department. One of the significant issues ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Altissimo Range Research Paper The altissimo range is something many saxophonists keep tinkering with even after years of playing. It s among the biggest frustration points of any new sax player and the reason many feel like giving up. But before you pack your saxophone permanently to its box, try the following tips. While mastering the altissimo range will never be easy, it is possible and you will get there! Lay a Solid Foundation Don t venture into the world of the altissimo range before you are able to play the entire range with proper volume control. You want to play the entire range both very softly and very loud. Make sure you also include proper ear training to your playing. You need to be able to hear the different notes and the variations. Listen to sax music regularly to improve your skills. Get Started with Overtones ... Show more content on ... Start from the easier once such as the low Bb and the middle Bb and move on to middle F, high Bb, D and F. Keep practicing until you feel comfortable. You might need to focus on your embouchure while you play, so make sure you try different things to see what makes it easier to hit the right notes. Altissimo range requires great control of the embouchure, so pay attention to it. Experiment with Fingerings There is no ultimate truth to fingerings for altissimo notes. It is possible to play them with very different fingerings and you want to try out different options in order to find the one that works the best. You can find different fingering charts online. If the first one doesn t feel comfortable, move onto the next one pick the one that feels the most natural to you. One Note at a Time Don t try to master the whole altissimo range at once. It s much easier to take it step by step and focus on a single note at a time. Most often the quest start with the high G. But wait? Isn t the F# the first altissimo note? Yes, but it s not as difficult to get and most modern saxophones have a special F# key already in ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Professional Athletes Paid Have you ever thought that a professional athlete gets paid too much money? Professional athletes pay is important because there are other jobs that have a bigger impact on the economy than these athletes. When compared to salary for soldiers or teachers, professional athletes are overpaid in spite of the fact that they can negatively influence our youth. The first problem is that the youth look up to these athletes and they like to mock their behaviors. Today in our economy, professional athletes have a huge impact on our youth. The actions that are performed by these players are closely examined by young kids across the world (Foothill.) Kids love the fact that just playing sports they can make millions of dollars. A kid always has the idea, ... Show more content on ... On average an athlete makes five million dollars a year (Crite.) That s a lot of money, but what do they for that money that benefits the community? Teachers on average are only making fifty five thousand dollars a year (Education.) Teachers and professional athletes are paid in different ways. A teachers is paid by tax money collected from taxpayers (KeithLee.) Which this is understandable since they are teaching our youth. An athlete are paid by contracts from sponsors (KeithLee.) There isn t any reason why teachers should be getting less money than professional athletes. The country is paying teachers just enough just to keep them around (National.) Which that seems like they think teachers are unworthy of a higher salary. When compared to salary for soldiers or teachers, professional athletes are overpaid in spite of the fact that they can negatively influence our youth. So, professional athletes get paid too much. For the little they do for the economy and as much as what soldiers and teachers do, they deserve a higher salary. The youth also is not benefited by them, but they are benefited from these soldiers and teachers. If we don t realize the issue about these athlete s pay, our economy will slowly start to become more uneducated and underpaid and will not have a problem with ... Get more on ...
  • 27. International Union And The European Parliament Adopted... A directive is a legislative act that sets out a goal that all EU countries must achieve. However, it is up to the individual countries to decide how. This was the case with the working time directive, which stipulates that too much overtime work is illegal. law/decision making/legal acts/index_en.htm In Rochelle s case the European Union and the European Parliament adopted Directive 2012/507 (The Off Premises Sales Contract Directive), Rochelle may seek to rely on Article 3 (subsection 1) of Directive 2012/507 that member states shall ensure that customers have a period of 14 days to withdraw from an off premise sales contract and return unused purchased goods. Such consumers have a right to a full refund of ... Show more content on ... Direct applicability is the capacity of E.U. law to immediately form part of national law of Member States without a need for any further implementation . Directives do not automatically form a part of English law, and therefore Rochelle needs to rely on the doctrine of direct effect if she is to succeed with this Directive. Direct effect applies in principle, to all binding EU law. Broadly the doctrine is provisions of binding EU law which are sufficiently clear, precise, and unconditional to be justiciable can be invoked and relied on by individuals, before national courts , however such definitions are disputed. (Page 180 181 EU LAW text cases and materials 5th edition Paul Craig) Van Gend Loos established the doctrine of direct effect; this case involved two conflicting laws between a Dutch customs law (national law) and Article 30 of the TFEU. The Government argued that Article 30 conferred rights and obligations between states, and were not enforceable at the suit of individuals i.e. the company Van Gend en Loos. In addition it was claimed that the treaty provided enforcement procedures under Articles 258 and 259 of the TFEU. In Advocate General Romer s opinion, Art.30 TFEU was too complex to be enforced by national courts . Notwithstanding this, the article was held directly effective by the Court of Justice, it was stated that EU law imposes obligations upon individuals, but also confers on them legal rights . The courts saw the doctrine of ... Get more on ...
  • 28. My Humanitarian And Human Rights Project On The Famous And... I chose to do my Humanitarian and Human Rights Project on the famous and loving Bob Marley. Bob Marley is widely recognized as a man that portrays and lives a peaceful life that we could all learn from. Although he passed on May 11, 1981, his legend still remains bigger and better than ever. Bob Marley was a great Reggae singer who promoted peace with his songs, free concerts and actions. With that being said, he received many awards and honors recognizing him as a legend. Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 and grew up in a mostly rural community in the mountains called Nine Miles. Many of the residents of Nine Miles acquired customs from their African ancestry such as story telling to share their past and traditions. When Bob was just getting into his teen years he moved from St. Ann to Jamaica s capital and settled in Kingston vicinity of Trench Town. Trench Town was a low income community where Bob had to learn to protect himself from men that were not so nice. He was given the nickname Tuff Gong from his decent street fighting skills. Although Trench Town was mostly poverty and full of street fighting, it was a culturally rich community where Bob s musical talents flourished. Trench Town was incorporated in his songs, No Woman Cry , Trench Town Rock , and the last one being Trench Town . Bob s mom wanted him to pick up a trade. When Bob was just 14 years old he accepted a position as a welder s apprentice. After an incident with a steel splinter in Bob s ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Descriptive Narrative Descriptive Essay Sunday November 12, 2073 we just woke up it seems like we landed outside of a huge building complex. The others and i do not know what is going on i am not ready for this we all have heard about the others and how ships would just take them how can i say it, they was just gone we have never seen this before it was just never seen again. I am strapped onto my seat across from me is a young girl with a high black long ponytail and seems to be wearing a black mask only revealing her eyes, nose, and mouth. The girl across from me is also strapped onto her seat her body is leaning forward and her head is tilted down. Her black long sleeve jacket is dripping in water and her left thigh has a big scar going across it just above her knee her ... Show more content on ... This sword looks like it could have only been made by time itself. Above him is a gray plaque that reads Delgado. Do i have something on my face kid ? said Delgado. Not knowing it before i could respond i felt my head shaking left to right my eyes so wide felt like they were about to pop off i quickly turned my head away and hoped he would go back to staring at the girl in front of me.The plaque above her seat read Lucy. *loud cough* A loud cough came from a behind us as i turned around the straps came off me and i was free to get off my seat so were Lucy and Delgado. When i turned around i saw a familiar face. Johnny? I shouted. Zells ? What are you doing here ? he asked. I do not know i just woke up. I replied. Same here i was back there for a while and then figured out a way to get out using my panasonics. johnny said. Panasonics is what he called his new invention they were a pair of shades with a built in computer that could do some crazy shit, they came with a pair of wireless headphones that communicated with his shades. What happened to you? I asked. You look like you just climbed out of dumpster! I said. He had on a ripped pair of pants. His hair was messy and his shoes were tore up. He was not like the usual Johnny that likes to look sharp. He had on his new designed black sweater that was able withstand any type of bullet or object that would ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Dish Network Ten Point Analysis DISH Network Ten Point Analysis Mission Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, DISH Network provides satellite TV, and internet to approximately 14 million subscribers throughout the United Sates. DISH offers some of the highest quality programming and technology available with the most amount of choices at the best value for consumers. Over the years, DISH Network has lead the pay TV industry in state of the art equipment and technology as well as providing the most international channels, and award winning HD and DVR technology. The Mission Statement for DISH Network is; To be the very best at delivering video anywhere, anytime (DISH, 2016). The DISH Network organization is committed to being a competitive venture in the television market. They are also committed to continually improving their products and services by adding new channels, creating and implementing innovative technology and investing heavily in their customer services. This leads their ideals to provide their customers and the market with the best television, and internet coverage anywhere in American and at any time of the year. This mission has led them to the top of the satellite television industry and continues to bring the organization great success and continued growth across the U.S. Distinctive Competencies DISH Network offers pay TV services to consumers across the United States. The company s pay TV programming includes a selection of video services under the DISH brand, with access to ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Hertfordshire Business School Guide to Harvard Referencing Hertfordshire Business School Guide to Harvard Referencing This guide has been produced by the ASU in response to questions from Hertfordshire Business School (HBS) students about the important subject of accurate referencing. It is essential for you to reference your work thoroughly because what you write for HBS must be evidenced your discussion and arguments should consist mainly of academic theory and expert practitioner experience. These two main sources (theory and practice) MUST be referenced throughout your writing. Readers must be able to see which words are your own words and any original ideas, and what sources you have used as evidence to back up your assertions. Good referencing is ESSENTIAL because: 1) Your ... Show more content on ... If you decide to include the exact words of another author, you must enclose their words with quotation marks and include the page number in text, e.g. Schutte (1999:298) asserts westerners regarded the Japanese as workaholics . See example 48 on page 14 for examples. Final list of References: Consistent punctuation and spacing are necessary in the References. Some general rules apply: * Author or authors names: * Use only the initials of the author or authors given names. * No full stops are used between initials. * Generational titles, i.e. Junior, Senior or roman numerals are only included in the References list, e.g. Smith, J., Jr. (2009) ... Academic prefixes, i.e. Dr. are omitted from the reference. * Titles of works: * Only capitalise content words for the titles of books, book chapters and journal articles. * In the titles of journals, magazines and newspapers, capital letters should be used as they appear normally. * Use italics for the titles of books, journals, and newspapers. * Enclose titles of book chapters and journal articles in inverted commas (single quotation marks). * Page numbering: * Books: page numbers are not usually needed in the final list of References. * Journals: page numbers appear as the final item of the citation, followed by a full stop. In the Reference list, use the abbreviation p. for one page, and pp. for a page range, e.g. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Air Pollution In China During The 1970 s Shenzhen During the 1970 s Shenzhen was a small fishing village called Baon County and it was also a farmland in which a only few families lived. However in 1980 s, Shenzhen became the very first economic zone of China and it was renamed Shenzhen City. When Shenzhen was developing they levels hill tops and chopped down trees to make room for the factories which became a trade zone for exports. The factories in Shenzhen had no regulations the smoke coming out of the chimneys which make some air pollution. They also dumped contaminated water into the clean rivers and lakes which made the water supply polluted. Factories in Shenzhen made whatever they wanted and they did not care about the environment. They quickly ruined the environment. During the ... Show more content on ... Some parts of the world are having the same problem. For example, Pearl River Delta in China. Pearl Delta River has been having a serious drought for over 50 years and because of the serious drought there was no fishing allowed in Pearl River Delta. This caused the fishermen to have trouble making living. Just like the Colorado River the Pearl River Delta also have played a role in China to seek the economic and the social development. Pearl River runs from the province of Guangdong, namely Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Foshan, Huizhou, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing, and the SARs of Hong Kong and Macau (Cooper). Even though the Pearl River is not polluted as the other rivers in China, they still are trying to conserve water by attempting to alleviate the drought by creating artificial rain, encouraging water conservation, and halting hydraulic power stations, before deciding to implement the diversion plan ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Multitasking Research Paper In today s соmреtitivе world, еvеrуоnе is trying to еxсеl and make an identity for themselves. In оrdеr to еxсеl in today s world multitasking is a must. Today, ѕtudеntѕ have very hectic schedules, and thеу cannot dеvоtе their full time and energy to their math аѕѕignmеnt and оthеr writing assignments. This is a matter of concern not оnlу for the ѕtudеntѕ but аlѕо for their раrеntѕ. Thеу tоо start to feel the stress because of the assignment рrеѕѕurе. If a ѕtudеnt skips a lесturе it wоuld be difficult for them to complete the аѕѕignmеnt in the given time period. The рrоblеm gets very real when the student find s nоbоdу is there to give them professional advice. One of the results would be: they lоѕе intеrеѕt in thаt раrtiсulаr ѕubjесt. In order ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Workplace Bullying Introduction This essay will use Paul Elder (2008) as a guide to give Joseph Jerdee feedback on his research plan. It will review clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance and the fairness of the research plan. Clarity Joseph, the essay clearly states what the research intends to accomplish. Further, it gives good foundational information on what workplace bullying means and demonstrates that it affects both males and females. Accuracy The claims that are made in the essay about the types of bullying are supported by scholarly evidence. Add to this, you do a good job highlighting the different types of bullying that may exist in organizations. This is a big call out as many people may not even be aware ... Show more content on ... There may be ideas and best practices that may be found as a result of this study that will help to further efforts to minimize workplace bullying. Fairness The research appears to be fair in the approach as it will be done through a questionnaire. There appears to be a large enough group to gather information. However, is the group diverse enough as the questionnaire is only being administered to one organization? Conclusion In this essay, I used Paul Elder (2008) as a guide to give Joseph Jerdee feedback on his research plan. It reviewed clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance and the fairness of the research ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Role of Nature in My Life Things We See Today The role of nature in my life has greatly changed in the last five years, as well as in the change from adolescence to adulthood. I don t believe that nature has changed but my perception of nature has and always is, from the rising sun over the cityscape of San Francisco as I take the L Train uphill on Taraval Street, to watching the quarter sized, glistening diamond, snowflakes fall outside my window as I try and stay awake to catch a glimpse of Santa before morning. To me, Nature is not the woods or a long, sweating hike, nor is it Golden Gate Park in San Francisco or any other city park for that matter. To me, Nature is catching that rhythm the world beats, that I beat, that you beat, that every pulsing ... Show more content on ... I know this hurt him and I feel terribly about this now but I m sure he knew this might be coming having obviously picked out where he lived. I did my best never to be home those years. It was a lot easier after I started driving and drove my parents mad wondering why I never stayed for more than a few hours (other than sleeping). I hated it, with all my heart. My dog was the only thing natural I liked. I didn t go out in my woods or out on my friends property. The closet I came to nature then, was the National Geographic program on PBS. Nature and I would not bond again until much later. The last five years have been a battle. Living in a tent for six months (not by choice) brought me very close with Nature. I would wake up on a Cliffside with nothing but a hundred foot, sheer rock face, drop with the ocean and rising, blood orange sun in between. It had a bit of an edge to it though. I was illegally staked out on someone else s property, leaving before they woke, returning after they slept and I was all alone. After moving to Bolinas, Ca with my older, female cousin, I was abandoned after two weeks for smoother sailing. I had gotten a job serving and bartending and developed a routine; wake up early (I had no phone because the tide soaked it and therefore no alarm), hitchhike to work (no car), work for eight or more hours (notice no mention of shower before, just a dip in the ocean) followed by a heavy night of drinking (there ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Cleopatra Essay When you think of Cleopatra you tend to think of Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile. Which isn t far from the truth. Cleopatra was queen of Egypt, which is located on the Nile River. In her lifetime she had every luxury imaginable, which she used to gain the popularity of the roman authority. She was very important in terms of Egyptian history. However she was also very well known in terms of Roman history. She seduced some of most well known Roman men of her time. Cleopatra was a seductress. Who used her fame and fortune to seduce these men. Some of these men included such men as Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. Cleopatra was born in 69 BC She was the last Ptolemaic ruler. Her father was the Ptolemy XII. She was very, which added to her ... Show more content on ... In 55 b.c. Berenic IV was executed leaving Cleopatra the oldest child. In 51 b.c. her father died. Caesar chased Pompey to Egypt where Pompey was beheaded in Alexandria. This is where Cleopatra met Julius Caesar. She smuggled herself into a rug and snuck in to his room. Cleopatra married another brother, Ptolemy XV, due to tradition. However she also became Caesar s mistress and followed him to Rome. In 47 b.c. Ptolemy Caesarion was born. However the Romans refused to believe that Ptolemy Caesarion was Caesar s child. She stayed in Rome until his assassination 44 BC. He was killed by Brutus and Cassius. It was rumored later that Cleopatra helped the Caesarian party to assassin Caesar. But her world was shattered after his death. When she was just fourteen years old she met Marc Antony for the first time. When she met him later in life she saw him as an opportunity for power and fame. She used her wit, charm, and wealth to gain the interest of Marc Antony. They were later married in 37 b.c. In the winter of 41 40 b.c. Cleopatra gave Mark Antony her undivided attention; she was his mistress, companion and confidante. They had planned to set up an expansive kingdom to be inherited by her sons of Caesar and Marc Antony. However Marc Antony and Cleopatra were involved in the Battle of Actium, in 31 b.c., which they lost. Marc Antony then committed suicide. Their relationship inspired Shakespeare s play, amp;quot;Antony and Cleopatra, amp;quot; which dealt ... Get more on ...
  • 37. I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud, By William Wordsworth I can recall that day when I stumbled across William s beatific poem. The sky was painted with the richest and brightest of colors behind boughs of trees and lifeless houses. The air felt cordial, yearning for your embrace. After I read the poem I could feel myself unraveling. I consider myself as a great lover of nature and being out in the wilderness has gave me a new moral dimension in life. I am my best version out in nature therefore I have grew very fond of this poem. I wandered lonely as a cloud is one of the most loved and influential poems of William Wordsworth. It had been Inspired by Dorothoy s(his sister) diary extract which chronicles their peaceful promenading along a river near Grasmere, where they encountered a colony of radiant daffodils. The sight was so glorious which later on inspirited William to compile his recollection of one of his most precious memories. The poem immediately establishes of a dream like state which is apparent by the use of the similie I wandered lonely as a cloud . The noun cloud is a airy and free flowing notion that has connotations of seclusion that gives an impression to the readers that he is currently detached from the real world; unconcerned with its troubles. In addition, by the use of the personal pronoun I gives greater emotion and depth to his language but simultaneously highlighting the inherent unity between men and nature (that was a prominent theme in William s poems). However, in contrary the pronoun I ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Irregular Warfare Strategy for Somalia Introduction The use of Irregular Warfare has been ongoing for years around the world. Irregular warfare is described as a violent struggle among state and non state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations. I will discuss where the U.S. may apply military force in conjunction with other means of national power to stabilize the nation of Somalia. I will also discuss why it would be considered as an Irregular Warfare environment. Body Somalia gained its independence from British control in 1960, where the British relinquished control and gave Somalia to the United Nations. Somalia was governed by civilians until 1969; after which the military rebellion by General Muhammed Siad Barre took place. General Muhammed ... Show more content on ... They also took on the responsibility of law enforcement which was paid for by local businesses to lower and maintain the crime rate within the area. The Islamic Courts Union took on the responsibility of halting robberies and drug dealing, as well as stopping the showing of what it claims to be pornographic films in local movie houses. The Islamic Courts Union also addressed problems throughout the region by establishing community services and security which in turn help them to gain the trust of the local residents. Local warlords became concerned over the growing power of the Islamic Courts Union. The Warlords decided to join together to create the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter Terrorism (ARPCT. The Islamic Courts Union lost their power over Mogadishu in 2006, when they were defeated and forced to Kismayo, which is in the southern part of the country. Conflicts within the nation of Somalia were sometimes planned as a means to an end. Whereby the United States Government supported a certain regime before they used their power to gain control of the situation and overthrow the tyrant. In other cases the use of national power was used such as the Islamic Courts Union to gain control over Somalia by implementing logical line of operations by providing the people their needs and services to gain their trust. In these situations it would be considered as an irregular warfare environment, because they were violent struggles ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Dance Essay Dance A series of set of movements to music, either alone or with a partner. That is the definition of dancing. Dancing is a way to express one s feeling and to get active. Dance has been a part of human history since the earliest records of human life. Cave paintings found in Spain and France dating from 30,000 10,000 BC. have vivid drawings of dancing figures in association with ritual illustrating the pesents of dance in early human society. Many people around the world see life as a dance from the movements of the heavens and the turn of the seasons to the unique dance of every creature. The history of dance reflects the changes in the way people see the world, relate to their bodies and experience the cycles of life. In India ... Show more content on ... These dances eventually evolved to include praise songs and myths that were enacted by trained dancers and actors. By the end of the 5th century BC, these dance dramas were part of entertainment and provided social and political commentary on the times. Amongst the Romans, dance waxed and waned in acceptance by the powers that ruled. Until 200 BC, dance brought life to Roman processions, festivals and celebrations. However, in 150 BC all of the dancing schools were closed as Roman nobility considered dance as suspicious and even dangerous activity of the masses. Dancing has come a long way since ancient times. But there are still some similarities. When people thought up these dances they were trying to express themselves, their emotions, their problems and beliefs. Today we do the same thing. We make up dances according to our attitudes, beliefs, thoughts and feelings. The future will also contain dances that will reflect that society. There are many different kinds of dances. There is ballet, line dancing, slow dancing, the list goes on and on. Some of these dances are slow. Some of them are fast. They all use different type of instruments. Each dance representing a time, an event, an expression or feeling. Each dance expressing something different. Dances will never die. They are too interconnected in the ... Get more on ...