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What Is Narrative Style Essay
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What Is Narrative Style Essay What Is Narrative Style Essay
DNA Profiling Essay example
From cases such as OJ Simpson to Chandra Levy, DNA profiling also called DNA fingerprinting
or DNA typing has played a major role in the criminal justice system. The law enforcement
community uses DNA profiling to rule out or identify suspects. Unlike hair microscopy, bite mark
comparisons, shoe print comparisons, and firearm tool mark analysis, DNAtyping has been
developed through massive scientific research and has undergone meticulous scientific evaluation
(Innocence Project). DNA is a foolproof method of identifying a perpetrator of a crime.
Like fingerprints, DNA is unique, with the exception of identical twins; no two people have the
same DNA. DNA profiling is a technique that can identify the person responsible of a violent ...
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With over three million base pairs in the human gene, forensic scientists are able to distinguish a
person s genetic makeup.
. DNA profiling was first introduced to the criminal justice field in the mid 1980 s (DNA
Initiative). DNA profiling was first described in 1984 by Alec Jeffreys, a geneticist at the
University of Leicester in Britain (Aronson, 7). Dr. Jeffreys found that the genes that have no
function, called junk DNA is where most of the variation is used for DNA profiling (Aronson 9).
This region contains DNA sequences that repeat over and over again. Alec Jeffreys determined that
the number of repeated sections at different locations vary from individual to individual (DNA
Initiative). Consequently these repetitive regions became known as variable number of tandem
repeats or VNTR s.
RFLP or restriction fragment length polymorphisms became the first scientifically accepted DNA
analysis method in the United States (Jones). The repeat segments are cut out of the DNA strand
by a restrictive enzyme that acts like scissors and the resulting fragments are sorted out by
electrophoresis (Saferstein 391). However, there are some drawbacks using the RFLP method in the
forensic science community. The RFLP technique requires a large amount of DNA and must be of
high quality and cannot be degraded (Jones). Forensic scientists and the law enforcement
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The Enron Scandal Of Enron Essay
One popular event that took place in our economy was the Enron Scandal, which happened in
late 2000 and lasted into the following year. Those who were involved in this incident directly
such as CEO s Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling thought what they were doing was not wrong and that
they were able to get away with making millions falsely (Seabury, 2008). However, this was a
serious crisis situation and many people were affected through the process as well as their money.
Enronwas valuing themselves at a higher price than what they truly were worth, and nothing was
matching up ( The Fall of Enron ). Enron was able to make it appear that they were having many
new business ventures with imaginary companies or companies where it just did not work out
for them, adding value to their company, and hiding all of their mistakes (Keller, 2002). Not only
this, but their main goal was getting into the energy business and having it become de regulated
which subsequently had the state of California suffering an energy crisis due to their greediness
(Seabury, 2008). Overall, the underlying causation of their downfall and crisis was their greed.
These people behind the Enron name were money hungry and as long as the pay checks were
coming to them, they did not care about the employees who would be losing their jobs, the people
who had to endure the power outages in California, nor the people who s money they manipulated
and eventually lost. Enron was also favored by the government since they had
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How Did Mao Zedong Cause The Great Proletarian Cultural...
In the decade before, the 1970s contained many notable events. Mao Zedong, chairman of the CCP,
initiated the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR). This event demonstrated, to the
Chinese people, the power of the state and reassured the influence of Maoist principles and
communist ideology (Wang 805). Many state officials were purged from their offices, including
Hu Yaobang and Deng Xiaoping, who would later be influential players in the government. Mao
characterized Deng and Hu as capitalist roaders, someone who succumbs to the elite and leads the
state in a capitalist direction (Wang 805). In the beginning of April 1976, after the death of Zhou
Enlai, former premier, the Chinese people were dissatisfied with how his life and involvement
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Compare And Contrast Zeus And Taurus
In my humble opinion, all of the constellations are beautiful. But none of the constellations
attract me more than the Gemini constellation. I wish I had an elaborate story as to why i m so
attracted to the Gemini constellation, but truth be told, Gemini is my favorite because i m a
Gemini! The Gemini constellation was first discovered by Ptolemy, a 2nd century AD
astronomer. Gemini means Twins in Latin. Without a telescope, it is made up of 85 visible
stars. The bordering constellations are Lynx, Auriga, Taurus, Orion, Monoceros, Canis Minor,
and Cancer. The myth that belongs to the Gemini constellation goes a little something like this.
There once were two twin brothers named Castor and Pollux, together known as Dioskouri.
Their mother s name was Leda, but there were two fathers. Castor s dad was Tyndareus, the king
of Sparta, and Pollux s dad was Zeus, father of God s and men. Leda was married to Tyndareus, but
was seduced by Zeus. Castor and Pollux were very close. One day Castor was killed, and since he
wasn t Zeus s son, he wasn t immortal. Pollux asked his father if he could share his immortality with
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Anastasia was the first born, and Angela was the second born. Growing up they had a very close
relationship. Always playing dress up together and doing silly little kid things. One of the things
both Anastasia and Angela have always wanted to do was go camping. So instead of actually
going out into the wilderness, their mom set up a little tent in the backyard where they could
camp. After spending a couple of hours telling scary stories they decided to look up at the stars to
see if they could form any shapes. While they were doing that, Anastasia noticed a set of twins
holding hands in the form of stars. Anastasia named them The Gemini .She told Angela that
anytime they are far away from each other, all she has to do is look up at The Gemini and she
would be right there with her in
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Virtual Reality as Jaron Lanier Envisioned It.
VR Essay
2. Virtual Reality as Lanier envisioned it has not eventuated, yet the desires he articulated live on.
To discuss Lanier s keen views and anticipations regarding Virtual Reality back in the mid 1980s,
it would be useful to first cover exactly how far Virtual Reality has progressed up until today. This
essay will begin by discussing the history of Virtual Reality and the usage trends. That discussion
will then be used to preface a discussion about Lanier s views that were expressed in A Vintage
Virtual Reality Interview. The essay will then finish off by looking at particularly interesting
views held by some of today s futurists and these views will be related back to Lanier s original
exuberant view of Virtual ... Show more content on ...
This vision then guided nearly every successive development in the field of Virtual Reality.
Sutherland s concept featured: * A virtual world that appears real to any observer, seen through an
HMD and augmented through three dimensional sound and tactile stimuli * A computer that
maintains the world model in real time * The ability for users to manipulate virtual objects in a
realistic, intuitive way
In 1966, Sutherland then went forth and built an HMD that was connected to a computer system.
All the graphics were created by the computer system and the HMD could also display images in
stereo, giving the illusion of depth.
The HMD could even track the user s head movements so that the field of view would change
appropriately as the user looked around.
Once the technology had been developed to a point where it could actually be utilized, VR was
often seen as more of a tool than a new method of entertainment. The technology was fine tuned and
then used in flight simulators during the 70s to train pilots before they got into a real plane. The
technology then made its way to the entertainment industry during the video game boom of the 80s.
Since its inception, Virtual Reality technology has found a wide range of uses in very unpredictable
ways. The military, the space program, medical students and even driving schools use virtual
training environments that take place in a version of Virtual Reality.
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Roman Road Christianity Essay
When Constantine was converted he had favoritism towards the church. Churches were built at
the state expense. There were lots and lot of wars and plagues that went on. So people were
ready and easily to accept an afterlife. Paul was a citizen of Rome and he could travel there
without the expense. The roman roads were better and weren t as dangerous as other roads. There
were threats of thieves and murderers. Christianitycame in when Romewas at its lowest point. The
Romans only believed in one god anyways. So that kinda helped too. The Romans were good at
obeying laws and having lots of them and it helped too. So they were easy to convert. Jesus was
born in the roman period and died in the roman period. Then in the second roman period, the holy
spirit came in. There was a poor pandemic across the empire. The huge import of slaves almost
immediately put all the farmers and owners of small out of businesses. The population of poor
people was an immediate... Show more content on ...
The goth s who were just defeated by his armies regained control and the Roman s felt it
severely. The roles of the power of the west were pretty reversed instantly. There was no
organization among the armies of Justinian. The church was the only one who was able to slow
down the vacuum of power in the west. The catholic church was a major influence. The church
eventually got the same amount of power at the beginning of the renaissance. There were so
many reasons the Christianity was spread but as long as Jesus is being heard and being spoken
into the hearts of people is all that matters. God obviously had his part in all this. It wouldn t
have happened without God s go ahead and consent. But us humans working with God can make
one of the most powerful forces. You might think some polotical of econimical issues have been
solves greatly by luck is dumb. It was obvioiusly God so he can spread his world and have more
souls into his
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Pro Sports Persuasive Essay
Tyell Bell
English 142B
$$$$ Primetime: Going For Broke $$$$ Why is it so common for pro athletes to become
bankrupt subsequently after their retirement from the game or after being fired for poor
performance? I mean let s face it we know all about the high paying jobs like becoming a doctor
or lawyer, lead technician... yes these big time jobs everyone dreams of and assumes they will
take care of your finances by itself. For the most part, this is true, actually it is very true. Any of
the jobs I just mentioned will take care of you for the years to come and after that to the point
where you will just have money to blow on anything. However, there is something bigger... much
bigger, and that is in the billion dollar franchise of pro sports. There is unimaginable wealth and
greed involved in this industry. Actually in some sports like the national football leaguethe league
minimum as of 2014 is a whopping and incredible 420k and that s just the first taste of money you
will receive during your introduction year as a rookie, and trust me this number is growing
outstandingly every year Sounds like quite a bit of money
just for slinging a football across a field, hitting things with a bat, or shooting a ball into a hoop.
A lot of these professional athletes come from a bad family ... Show more content on ...
As a regular person may work for thirty to fifty years earing money as they go and increasing their
retirement funds while the professional career last a fraction of that
/financial edge/0312/why athletes go broke.aspx. Some professional athletes career last about two
to three years before it s over. At the end of this point the may have over a milliondollars and will
live off that as to the regular citizen will be making money every year for multiple years living the
average life while not being poor or rich... just staying in the middle
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The Curse Of Sleeping Beauty
Picked mostly on a whim, I was kind of excited to watch this to trash talk it as what reviews I had
seen weren t very kind. But The Curse of Sleeping Beauty is actually really watchable. Of course
it isn t great, but it s certainly not the train wreck I was led to believe. Parts were actually scary,
with a bit of a silent hill vibe to them and while the ending is more than a little on the predictable
side of things. That in no way hampers the enjoy ability of watching it all play out.
Thomas Kaiser (Ethan Peck) is an artist and a recluse with few friends. Since childhood he has
had a reccurring dream with a sleeping woman, Briar Rose (India Eisley). Though he always
awakens before he can kiss and wake her. One day he inherits an old mansion estate from an uncle
he never knew he had and goes to have it appraised for sale. Though things change after inherits the
property, in that he ... Show more content on ...
Though I have a feeling that was kind of the point of the performance, it just doesn t play that
well of Natalie Hall and Bruce Davison s more serious and focus approach. India Eisley is also
bland, well right up until twist at the end when she actually does a fair amount of shinning.
My one of my two issue s with The Curse of Sleeping Beauty is that it s a bit to slow to get going.
Though once it got going it was great. My other being the predictability of what s going to happen.
Maybe I m just jaded from seeing to many horror films over the years, but I saw the twist from
about the thirty minute mark.
Final thoughts, overall I really liked it. Was it a masterpiece? No, of course not as few films are.
But it was entertaining and I don t consider watching a complete waste of time. The visuals are
nice, the pacing is solid and it has a great dread location that is dripping with atmosphere. Would I
recommend it? Yes, I just recommend going into with an open mind and a six pack.
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Essay on The Affect of Child Labor on the World
The Affect of Child Labor on the World
Child labor is a very hot topic in today s world. The problems associated with child labor have
always been a part of life but thanks to Globalization, everyone is now more aware of the child
labor issues that exist. Whether an individual is in favor or against child labor the fact is that child
labor affects everyone, because child labor affects the global economy. Children who work play a
big role in the economy because they produce goods and are paid wages just like adults; they are an
active participant of the work force.
Child Labor Issues
It is estimated that more than 200 million children across the globe between the ages of 5 17 work
instead of going to school. And ... Show more content on ...
Other countries with large numbers of children working include Africa and India.
Children in the work force are not necessarily a bad thing. Some children by free want and like
to work, but the potential for exploitation and violation of civil rights can be very high in the
some work places. As mentioned earlier children in many cases work to help their family and
the experience can be a very pleasant one. This all depends on many things such as the age of
the child, the hours worked, the conditions, and the ability to still attend school. On the other
hand many children are forced into work. With bonded labor a family in need of money would
be given advanced payment and then turn over a child to work for the employer to repay this
debit. Most of the time it is nearly impossible for the child to pay off this debit because the
interest that is deducted forms the child s earnings is very large. There are also other forms of
slavery that children must endure such as being denied the right to leave the workplace or being
confined and beaten by the employer. Other adverse conditions that some children face are working
extremely long hours and handling dangerous materials such as chemicals, pesticides. These
conditions are usually seen by children who work in mines and agriculture. Some of the after
affects that children who work in these kinds of conditions face could
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An Investigation Of Donation Filtration By Saher Shaikh...
Today, we have a growing number of unfortunate individuals within our society that need our help,
and with that increasing number our charities and nonprofit organizations need help. A nonprofit
organization is an organization with the purpose of which is something other than making a profit.
A charity is voluntarily giving such like money to the ones in need. With a wide variety of choices
to pick from to help the unfortunate they also need help in choosing who to donate too. In an article
Where Does All the Money Go? An Investigation of DonationFiltration by Saher Shaikh and
Carolan McLarney, they will remind us that it s never too early to teach one to do a good deed. On
the other hand, authors Christopher Blattman, and Paul Niehaus write Show them the Money: Why
Giving Cash Helps Alleviate Poverty, in this article they ponder if giving livestock such like food
is better for the needy than giving cash to help them get by. There are many families that wouldn t
mind receiving the food assistance, there are many who need the financial help. As these authors
point out helping the needy can be a big task to take on with a big accomplishment to fill, and now
there are many choices to donate too, but with the help of today s society that accomplishment of
helping the needy can be met.
Many may be quick to say that learning to help the unfortunate can t be taught after a certain point
in life, or that only the rich and fortunate ones can donate. In an article written by
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How Literacy Is Used As A Communication Method
When it comes to understanding literacy I learned that reading, along with writing is used as a
communication method. However, there s so much more to it than just obtaining the knowledge
of knowing how to read and write. It all truly depends on the way you use your skills in
literature. Literacy is different to each and every person, depending on who they are as a person.
It can consist of your culture, pronunciation, the way you dress, as well as all of your actions.
That being said, personally literature means not only knowing how to read and write, but the way
we approach it as an individual. For example, we are judged by the waywe speak, look, act, where
we come from, as well as how we were raised. Which is all... Show more content on
Although I love her deeply, the way she spoke always bothered me as a child. My sister always
spoke proper english is what I will not call it, but politely and she understood how to express
herself and speak her mind in a polite manner. I was taught manners by my parents, greetings were
something you could not just pass by. good morning was to be said every morning to everyone
in the house along with a kiss otherwise it was a form of disrespect. A hug was followed with
every goodbye. Even though you could have been upset with a family member you were
required to forgive them and let the past stay in the past. Mainly because you never know if you
are going to see them tomorrow, living with regret is something no one wants. My father always
told me, since I was always a stubborn child, forgiveness is not for the other person it is for you.
At that moment I realized he was right, the only person I was hurting all along was myself.
Nevertheless, I have had a time where I had to teach myself something that not only had
disadvantages but some advantages as well. Learning how to think before I spoke, Speaking your
mind and the truths was always something I believed in. However, I never realized that sometimes
you have to think about the consequences about your statement. Some days you have to tell people
what they want to hear, not the truth, but yes, in some occasions you have to speak your truths for
the better of
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Bellizima Blow Out Bar And Salon
Most men today seem to care about their outward appearance. From shaving, trimming their
beards, and shampooing their hair, guys tend to groom themselves fairly well, but according to
the expert stylists at Bernardsville, NJ s premier blowout bar, Bellizima Blow Out Bar Salon,
men often leave one thing unattended to their eyebrows. Every man should have perfectly
groomed eyebrows, and they shouldn t be ashamed of it. The stylists at Bellizima Blow Out Bar
Salon urge men to care for their eyebrows just as they would the beard, hair, or anything else. In
fact, Bellizima Blow Out Bar Salon s beauty experts say that s it s often the smallest details that
make the biggest difference, so forgetting to pay attention to your eyebrows can throw
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Advantage Of Competitive Federalism
The principle of federalism was introduced to ensure the government did not possess too much
power over a nation. The implementation of federalism allowed for a compromise to be made
between the states and national government. This compromise ensured that power was divided
among the states and the national government. Federalismremained very limited, much like
boundaries to ensure overstepping did not occur. The overall explanation for the principle of
federalism and its origin dates back to the need of a strong centralized government. Of course,
federalism corrected the decentralized powers and created a fair system to abide by that focused
on the importance of division of power and centralized government. There are various forms of
federalism, one of which being competitive federalism.
According to Dr. Michael Greve, competitive federalism seeks to discipline governments. It seeks to
discipline governments by allowing each government to compete for their citizen s business. The
concept of competitive federalism enables choice and change. Competitive federalism is not
confined to one government at all. Conversely, it allows for citizens to pick and choose which
government they wish to live under. There are benefits associated with competitive federalism
which can include various forms of innovation, product differentiation, choice of the consumers,
and other services.
Federalism definitely empowers citizens because ultimately, they have the most say in what they
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Compare And Contrast Modern Day And Renaissance
Modern Day vs. Renaissance Medical Practices
A man walked out of the doctors office, he had just been told that he had an incurable kind of
cancer, and was given 15 years to live. Most people who had this cancer didn t know they had it
until it was too late, this man was lucky. The doctors wouldn t have been able to do this without the
advancement in technology, machines, etc. That man was my grandpa, and he is still living with
that cancer. The medicine and technology used to diagnose my grandpa was prefaced by the
medical advancements of the Renaissance. Although being a doctor during the Renaissance period
would ve been a life changing experience, being a doctor in modern time would be far superior.
Modern doctors are trusted, do to having ... Show more content on ...
There have been many advances in the medical field such as; anesthesia, drugs, machines, etc. This
has helped the doctors find alternative solutions to problems, and in return has helped them save
more lives. In the article Medicine by Britannica, Many new advances in anesthesia, and these in
turn depend upon engineers who have devised machines and chemists produced new drugs. Other
operations are made possible by new materials, such as the alloys and plastics that are used to
make artificial hip and knee joints. Advances in the medical field have truly helped modern doctors.
Without the medicine, machines, technology they have now there s no way the doctors could have
saved the same amount of lives. As Brian Ward, the author of The Story of Medicine , states in his
book, Despite opposition, revolutionary scientists and doctors persevered and made some ground
breaking discoveries, (Ward 22). Even though the doctors during the Renaissance had little
technology, they still made discoveries that impacted the medical field. The discoveries made by
the Renaissance doctors were life saving. However, with the given technology that is commonly
found in modern day society doctors are able to impact the medical and scientific fields and by
doing so, save more lives than thought possible during the Renaissance. Within the article Medicine
written by Britannica, it shows the importance of, Many other developments in modern surgical
treatment rest on a firm basis of experimentation, often first in animals but also in humans; among
them are Renal dialysis (artificial kidney), arterial bypass operations, embryo implantation, and
exchange transfusions. Although testing on animals is cruel, it shows that modern doctors were
not just experimenting on people. The modern doctors had a thought process to reduce the amount
of deaths due to
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Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History Summary
Bad Girls
Well behaved women seldom make history. I have seen that phrase and its slightly more common
counterpart, Well behaved women rarely make history many times. It is especially popular in the
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a medieval history research and reenactment group in
which I participate, and is often accompanied by images of female fighters in armor wielding
swords. Most recently I saw it emblazoned upon my girlfriend s chest on a medieval themed t shirt
that she bought at a recent SCA event. I have never thought much about the slogan except for the
fact that it generally represents women who make themselves known in unforgettable ways and are
remembered mostly for disrupting the status quo.
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, an author and professor of history at Harvard University, introduced the
phrase in a 1976 journal article about the characterization of women in Puritan funeral sermons.
Ulrich more recently wrote a book, based on the phrase, that explores how women in the past
have challenged the ways history was written. In her essay Well Behaved Women Seldom Make
History, Ulrich discusses the history of the phrase, how it was coined, and how it has taken on a
life of its own. The phrase is now commonly seen on everything from t shirts to coffee mugs, and
has been featured in magazine articles and even advertising campaigns. She reflects on how her
accidental fame has given her new insights into her historical studies.
Since the 1970s and
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Essay on A Literacy Event that Changed my Life
A Literacy Event that Changed my Life
All my life I have been a lazy person, doing just enough to get by. Most of the time, in high school,
I was content with just a C . The only time I wasn t, was if it was a class I liked, and I paid
attention to. If this was the case, I could have received a 99% on a test and been dissatisfied.
But, for the rest of my classes, which were most of my classes, that I didn t like, I never paid
attention to or did homework, and I still managed to do well on tests. So basically I didn t do
anything except take tests and I still got satisfactory grades. In school I was so lazy that there could
have been a project due worth about 20% of the final grade and I still wouldn t do it.
Once in my 11th ... Show more content on ...
Regardless, I received a zero on this project, thus failing that marking period.
Since Jr. High I haven t read a single book that was assigned to me in English class, hence my
poor English grades. In fact, when my marks started to improve in English my GPA soared from
a 2.1 to a 3.0. When my marks finally improved is when I started getting along with my English
teacher. I never got along with any of my English teachers for some unknown reason. Maybe
because I hardly did any work at all. I have to thank the book, The Great Gatsby for helping me
find my prolonged love for my English teacher, and every English teacher since. Out of pure
coincidence, as soon as I read my first assigned book, I suddenly got along with my teacher. I read
the book for no reason other then that I finally thought that a book that was assigned, sounded
interesting. And sure enough I was right. I read the book and enjoyed it. Before I read this book,
the teacher and I were really at each others throats, literally. I found out from a fellow student
that overheard her talking about me and she said that she would love to have the chance to
knock me out. I laughed at the thought, since she did weigh about 100lbs and was over 60. I am
very thankful for The Great Gatsby, and thankful that I read it. Since reading the book, I have
joined a book club and bought a few books, and am in the process of reading one right now. A lot
of things changed
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Types Of Cell Surface Receptors And The Mitogen Activated...
Cell surface receptors are integral membrane proteins that play a major role in signal transduction,
allowing the function of Neurons, muscles and sensory organs to occur. Their basic function is to
carry out the process of signal transduction by binding to an extracellular signalling molecule. Cell
surface receptors regulate gene transcription, ion flux in the neurons and growth factors. This
regulation allows the human body to function with little error. They detect the smallest of changes
and respond with a cascade of signalling events appropriately. I am going to describe the four main
types of cell surface receptors and the Mitogen activated protein cascade in receptor tyrosine
G Protein Coupled Receptors ... Show more content on ...
GPCRs consist of alpha helical segments separated by these intracellular and extracellular loops
(Figure 1) Figure 1 Structure of G protein coupled receptor, showing alpha helical proteins attached
to the three subunits of the G protein.
GPCRs are associated with a G protein, which is heterotrimeric i.e. they consist of three different
subunits: an alpha subunit, a beta subunit, and a gamma subunit (Figure 1). (Scitable by nature) G
proteins are specialized proteins with the ability to catalyse the exchange of guanosine triphosphate
(GTP) and guanosine diphosphate (GDP). (Scitable by nature)
The G protein receptor is coupled to a trimeric G protein and controls the effector protein. The
receptors activate cytosolic or nuclear transcription via several pathways. They are involved in
signal transduction pathways such as MAP kinase pathway. (Lodish et al.).
When a signalling molecule such as Epinephrine, serotine and adenosine is released and binds to
the extracellular receptor site of the GPCR, the G protein changes conformation and GTP replaces
the GDP on the alpha subunit of the G protein (Figure 2). This activated alpha subunit then parts
from the beta and gamma subunits. The alpha subunit becomes inactive when the ligand leaves the
receptor site and the receptors own phosphorylase activity removes a phosphate from the GTP
molecule, therefore leaving GDP bound to the alpha subunit and the reformation of the 3 subunits.
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The Role Of Diversity And Its Role For Journalism
What is the role of diversity in the newsroom?
Use of the term diversity and its role in journalism only calls attention to the lack of it in
newsrooms and magazines across the country. In their absence, I d argue that the true value of
having people of various ethnic and racial backgrounds present in the newsroom has as much to do
with improving the process of newsgathering and reporting as it does achieving racial parity. In
short, I think the role of diversity in journalism is to make journalism better.
For example, Donald Trump s recent visit to Mexico not only highlighted the divisions within the
Republican Party but the junket also revealed the disparity as to who gets to tell the story of his
bid for the Whitehouse. Aside from Trump s well publicized spat with the news anchor Jorge
Ramos; it s apparent the journalists assigned to covering the Trump campaign have not been
representative of the country s population at large. While they ve done a great job covering many
aspects of his campaign, it s not the full story.
Trump s visit to Mexico also illustrates the importance of bilingualism.
Unless the reporters assigned to the press junket are Mexican American, a lot of cross cultural
nuances and the true tenor of what is being said are likely to be missed.
In newsrooms where minorities are under represented, I d also contend that major stories often go
unreported. Unless, events reach the level of national scrutiny like the riots in Ferguson, or become a
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Can Officers Effectively Prosecute Domestic Violence...
When prosecuting criminal domestic violence cases too many officers constructed their entire case
only on statements made by the victim. However, victims of domestic violence are more likely
than victims of other violent crime to recant or refuse to cooperate in prosecutorial efforts
(Breitenbach, 2008, p. 1256). Officers must consider that victims of domestic violencemay refuse to
testify because of fear of retaliation, intimidation, financial dependence, emotional attachment, and
/or because they reunited with the batterer. If the victim refused to testify during court, their
statement against the abuser becomes hearsay evidence. Several recent cases have had a huge
influence on how those statements and hearsay evidence may be... Show more content on ...
Thus, any out of court statements made by witnesses and/or victims to law enforcement must be
excluded unless the defendant had prior opportunity to cross examine the unavailable witnesses
(Byrom, 2005). The only non testimonial statements that would be utilized in court, without direct
testimony from the witness and/or complainant, were the taped 911 phone calls reporting the
incident. If the victim testified, their previous statements would be allowed as evidence without
limitation because the witness was subjected to cross examination. However, if the victim refused
to testify, any testimonials made to law enforcement were not allowed as evidence in the court
In light of these legal changes, officers needed to construct their domestic violence cases under the
assumption that the victim would not be participating in the prosecution. The case commenced at
the time the call was received by dispatch up until the case was presented to a judge or jury.
Therefore, officers needed to complete the proper procedures to secure recordings of the calls made
to the 911 dispatch center to report the domestic situation. In addition to having the subject, victim
and/or witnesses complete written and/or video statements, the officer must diligently identify,
collect, and photograph evidence at the crime scene (Ellison, 2002). This required officers to visit
the victim several days later to photograph bruising, because some bruising
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Vietnamese Families Experience Essay
As a little girl born in Vietnam and having grown up in poverty, I can understand the struggles
that many other unprivileged Vietnamese families experience. At a young age my family and I
immigrated to the United States for a better life. My parents have always put their best efforts into
educating my siblings and I about the importance of giving back to the community. Growing up in
a foreign environment, I was able to distinguish and grasp the opportunities I would have missed
out on if I had not immigrated to the U.S. My background inspired me to aid those who I would
have possibly been in the same shoes if I wasn t as fortunate to have immigrated. This community
service tripto me was not only a bucket list wish I had wished to accomplish, but it as well allowed
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They taught me that the joy that came from giving to those less fortunate than me was more
valuable than that of receiving. As I volunteer alongside of the other participants we gain
knowledge of the Vietnamese culture and learn that sometimes those that I help might have either a
very different or similar background compare to mine but volunteering will lead to the connection
that are needed to be made in order to have productive teamwork. The trip had allowed me to
expand my Vietnamese diction, and taught me how to build a houseall experience that I would had
missed out on if it wasn t for volunteering on this program. The most memorable part of this trip
was teaching the kids English. Afterwards when they thank me and told me that my ability to
speak both language made it easier for them to learn. The fact that I was able to use my talents to
assist others made me feel a sense of pride and accomplishment inside. I would confidently tell
other young youth that from this trip I had learned by making a difference in another person s life
is making a difference in your own
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Disadvantages Of Mncs
Impacts of MNCs on Host Countries Name Institution Table of Contents Introduction2
Multinational organizations2 To build piece of the overall industry2 To secure less expensive
premises and work2 To evade expense or exchange hindrances3 Government gives3 Advantages of
MNC s for the host country3 Improving the balance of payments3 Providing job3 Source of tax
income4 Technology exchange4 Increasing choices4 National notoriety4 Multinational
Corporations Impact on the Developing World4 Competitive and Anti Competitive Effects6
Conclusion:7 References9 Introduction While faultfinders of globalization view the remote
ventures of multinational enterprises as harming fares, employments, and wages at home and
abroad, a thorough survey of research into the impacts of outside direct speculation credits
multinationals with being much more useful... Show more content on ...
Advantages of MNC s for the host country Multinational companies can give have nations
numerous advantages. Nonetheless, these foundations may likewise carry with them loose codes of
moral lead that serve to misuse the poverty of creating countries, instead of to give the basic bolster
important to countrywide financial and social advancement. The conceivable advantages of
multinational putting resources into a nation may include: Improving the balance of payments
internal venture will as a rule help a nation s adjust of installments circumstance. The speculation
itself will be an immediate stream of capital into the nation and the venture is additionally liable to
bring about import substitution and fare advancement. Send out advancement comes because of the
multinational utilizing their generation office as a premise for trading, while import substitution
implies that items beforehand transported in may now be purchased locally (Teece, D.J.
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Multicultural Education Issues
Multicultural Education Issues 1
Multicultural Education Issues
Multicultural Education Issues The purpose of this study is to discuss teachers resistance to
multicultural education and how it affecting the minority students and ELL learners. These
negative attitudes that some teachers care can be considered a reason why there is such an increase
of high school dropouts. There are so many teachers who often have a fear of teaching or building
positive relationships with minority or under privilege students. In this American society we have
witness stereotypes being used to label students in the classroom by teachers who just have some
underlying issues that need to be addressed. Teachers resistance and negative attitude... Show more
content on ...
Teachers have to examine their prior experiences and confront fears that influenced their value
system ( Vang, 2005). In the article, An Ecological Perspective on Preparing Teachers for
Multicultural Classrooms (Johnson, 2003), it is stated that discussions of multicultural education
generally center on the importance of broadening students understanding and appreciation of
diverse cultures. The authors here want to make sure that the teachers and trying to deal with the
curriculum issues and that the material being used is suitable for all students regardless of their
background or age. The role of the teacher is very critical to the students getting an understanding.
Teachers really do not know how influence they have in their students. Maybe if the teachers begin
to start embracing all students; we will see more effective teaching in the multicultural classroom.
There is a lot of inequality amongst students of lower socioeconomic class. There is a drop out
crisis among youths at the bottom of the socioeconomic scale, regardless of race. This is because
some students are dropping out to help support themselves and their families. Jay Greene of the
Manhattan Institute and Christopher Swanson, of the National Governors Association states, We
know that about a third of our students are not graduating from high school.... About three fourths
of white students graduate from high
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My Writing-Year Writing, Reading, And Writing
Written word and reading came to me in the way oil is introduced to a cup of water, a sudden
disagreement. I have never Liked reading or writing, but in 6th grade I began to truly despise it. I
was always a math and science person ,but I knew could write a well versed and attention
grabbing story and essay. My downfall however, was that I could never write them the right way.
Being that I always have went through school each year writingwrong. The description of my 6th
grade year is what conjured up my decision to change that. This is the year I buckled down, and I
told myself that this will be the year I become a better reader as well as a better writer. My 6th
grade year began at Fulton Leadership Academy in East Point Georgia, with it being a new
school I went in to the year thinking this year will be a breeze , but little did I know the hills and
valleys that were destined for me to rise ,but also fall. My Teacher s name was Ms.Hicks, she
was a nice lady but she was all about business. She loved to read, no matter what genre.The
expectation from the beginning of the year was made clear that we will be reading stories and
writing about them all year and that we will master writing about the novels we havve read.. The
year went by day by day till I was assigned my first paper. Of course I can write, but I could never
write in the right context or format. I began writing the assignment,and could not figure out why my
mindcould not reproduce the
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The Health Care Crisis And An Understanding Of The Reforms
A.The health care crisis and an understanding of the reforms The American Health Care system
to say the least is wasteful, bloated, and generally inefficient and therefore in dire need for
immediate review. This has largely been as a result of factors such as costs, poor investment
return for outlays, inequitably distribution, and being based on anachronistic business model
geared at treating diseases more than promoting wellness. The figures are all there to see why a
radical surgery of the health care reforms has been long overdue. One reason why we have been
spending too much on health care is out of our incentives which are perverse. we have been
paying doctors by the procedures they perform as opposed to the quality of health care we... Show
more content on ...
Over the last few decades, a deliberate fundamental but progressive shift in structure towards
provision of care in outpatient settings avoiding inpatient overnight stays in hospitals has been
embraced. Theoretically, such a shift is meant to save on costs as fixed costs in outpatients setting
are generally lower than in hospital stays. Unfortunately, this shift resulted to much higher
utilization and adding more costs to the system. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into
law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 which marked a historic milestone for the Democrats
who had for decades been yearning for such a legislation. It signified a turning point in Americans
healthcare expansion, availability and affordability. The coming into force of the Act gave hard
working Americans families security by holding the insurance companies accountable as well as
lowering the cost of health care, and giving them more freedom and control in making their health
care choices and improving the care quality. Previously, different reforms in the health care sector
have been proposed to address issues of cost as well as coverage to include such health areas like
prevention and treatment of chronic ailments, obesity, defensive medicine, incentives rewarding
more care, redundant payment systems, rationing, doctors and nurses shortage, fraud, use of
imaging technology, tax
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The Accumulation Of Greenhouse Gases
Chapter 1 Introduction
The accumulation of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) in the atmosphere has been a debate topic among
scientists since a long time ago as it contributes to the risen of global surface temperature (Liddle
and Lung, 2010). Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been pointed as the main greenhouse gas which
responsible for global warming and related changes in climate. It has been increasing significantly
over the past century, compared to the pre industrial era (about 280 parts per million, or ppm).
Empirical studies which explicitly examine the link between population and pollution in a
systematic quantitative manner are very few in number (Cole and Neumayer, 2004).
Recently, some studies have dealt with the causality ... Show more content on ...
Indonesian population growth has been slowed from the past decade (BPS, 2016). Indonesia
approximately generated 215.6 terawatt hours in 2013 that was the biggest electricity output in the
ASEAN region (IEA, 2015b).
Global warming is the major issue that has severe consequences. For the sake of the planet
before 2050, it is vital to limit the impacts. In order to reduce the GHG emissions and energy
consumption, some countries have taken measures or policies to increase the cleaner and
renewable energy sources. Because of the importance of reducing global warming, the
Indonesian government has committed reducing minimum 26% GHG emissions by 2020.
Indonesian flagship forest policy started since 2011 has lowered the GHG emissions from
deforestation by 1 2.5% over 4 years. This moratorium on new licenses to log or clear rainforest
also extended from2 to 4 years (2013 2015). Indonesia s current policy projection is the National
Energy Policy (NEP) also set a relatively low bar for updating from fossil fuel to renewable energy
sources, the target is 23% by 2030. The NEP also states that coal will still provide 30% of the
total primary energy supply (TPES) by 2030 (APERC, 2016). In the other hand, the projections of
this plan, the
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Lack Of Diversity In Higher Education
Last week I had the privilege of joining President Obama and the first lady at a White House
summit designed to spur efforts to make sure that higher education serves as an engine of upward
mobility rather than a replicator of inequality. One hundred college presidents came with formal
pledges in hand, committing time and resources to strategies to improve access and success of
disadvantaged young adults. The three heads of California s public systems all attended, including
the Universityof California s new system president, former Homeland Security Secretary Janet
Just weeks on the job, Napolitano was the first participant to directly and explicitly own up to the
racial undercurrent to the discussion. UC s enrollment of low income students is impressive, but
the inadequate representation of Latino and African American students is a real problem. Seeming
fully in command of the subject matter, Napolitano lamented the ripple effect this lack of diversity
will have at all colleges because of the role UC plays in preparing the future faculty members who
will serve as mentors to the next generation of students at campuses far beyond UC. ... Show more
content on ...
But the formal pledge she submitted to the White House for the event included a hint at one plank.
It would feature efforts to enhance transfer to UC not just from community colleges generally, but
from those that enroll large numbers of underrepresented and low income students but send
relatively few on to
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How Soccer Explains The World Chapter Summary
How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of Globalization is by Franklin Foer. He
graduated from Columbia in 1996. Foer is an American journalist and former editor of The New
Republic. Foer has written for Slate and New York magazine. He served as editor of American
magazine The New Republic from 2006 until 2010, when he resigned. He then became editor
again in 2012. His book How Soccer Explains the World was published in 2004. It was his first
book. This book is about the search of the interchange between soccer and the global economy.
The author talks about today s world events, from the political and economic standpoints. He
states that soccer is the globalized medium that seems to lend itself to the effect that is has on
the society as a whole. In the first point Foer tries to explain How soccer explains the gangster
paradise . In this chapter, on example Red Star Belgrade, he s explains how work the soccer gangs.
Red Star Belgrade is the most beloved, most successful soccer team in Serbia. Foer describes what
can make usual soccer fan. Bodyguard of Red... Show more content on ...
He goes into detail and describes the wonderful things that happen from the violence. That
happens to be all the nationalism going on. Barca is the nationalist team. Their violence was never
considered a threat. Their traditionalist ideals are meant to be respected. The Barca acts like there
is nothing going on and try not to attract attention to them. The fans of Barcelona on the other
hand, think they are better than everyone else and try to bring up the past and resentment that is
not there. It has to do with the position there are in and what they have been taught and how they
have been seen. But this is all better said in the words by Foer, You could love your country even
consider it a superior group without desiring to dominate other groups or closing yourself off to
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Sea Anemone Thesis
Mutual Symbiosis: A Model for Peaceful Coexistence
Peace, a great necessity in life, the absence of which you cannot fully understand until you have an
experience of the mayhem caused by the Boko Haram insurgents of my region dead children,
mutilated bodies, burnt down community and thousands of misplaced families. I really don t want
to share the experience in details but I assure you, the devil himself considers it horrible.
Nature does not just provide us with natural resources, it equally gives us a great number of life
saving lessons. Although human civilization has developed by the proper use of nature and its
products, peaceful coexistence, selfless interdependence and mutual relationship are lessons that
could be learnt from nature. A study of the clown fish and the sea anemone reveals to us a few of
such lessons.
The clown fish and the sea anemone are sea creatures whose lifestyle is altogether a bunch of
lessons worth learning by humanity. A clown fish is a small beautifully coloured fish that lives in
partnership with the sea anemone; a sea dwelling creature that ... Show more content on ...
The clown fish and the sea anemone relationship is a classic example of such relationship and a
lesson to humanity especially as it relates to peace, peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding.
Although both the clown and the anemone are weak and may not survive for long if left on their
own, their coming together in oneness makes them strong and formidable and thereby, becoming
survivors in a dangerous environment. With a continuous unbroken relationship, the sea anemone
and the clown fish survive for about sixty and ten years respectively. Interestingly, nature here gives
me a few important lessons and challenges: my disability is another s ability, mutual relationship
and peaceful coexistence protects and preserves life the
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My Building A Public Space
The idea of being able to walk on top of the building is somethings that does not happen a lot.
Connecting the public to the building should be more than just creating a fascinating and
interesting facade. My idea is to describe how a building is able to connect to people, by
allowing them to not just walk inside or around but on top of the building creating a public
space. The reason why i chose this topic is because i wanted to describe my building, and how i
came to the idea for it, I also wanted to compared it to the OsloOperaHouse and how it helped me
arrived to my final design and idea. My building and the Oslo Opera Househave a different scale,
but i think they share some some of the same concepts. The idea of togetherness, easy and open
access to the public, and most important connection to the landscape. The location of the
buildings are different, the Oslo Opera House does not really have a connection to the
landscape, since is pretty much part of the city surrounded by other buildings and where traffic is
heavy. There might be some connection between Oslo Opera House and the landscape is the
river, which influence the design known as The Wave Wll . My project studio(PICTURE 2) has a
huge connection to the landscape, which allowed me to work around the landscape instead of
being surrounded by buildings. The location of my building is in Beacon NY, around Main St.
behind some trees and in front of a hill. Secondly, I placed the building on the location
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Pediatric Lab Assignment
Pediatric Lab Assignment For this assignment, my groupmates and I decided to use the Peabody
Developmental Motor Scale. We chose this assessment because our patient was a chronological
age of thirteen months (premature 1 week, 9 days) and were aiming to look at her gross motor
function in the following areas: reflexes, stationary, locomotion, object manipulation. Our results
provided us with raw scores of: 12 for reflexes, 36 for stationary, 53 for locomotion and 1 for
object manipulation. Due to our patient, Olivia, being premature we decided to compare her
percentile ranks to her chronological age and her corrected age. Upon doing so, we found that our
patient was in higher percentile ranks for her corrected age than her chronological age.
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The Is The Method Of Human Communication
Should infants really spend their childhood time watching useless junk that wouldn t benefit them
for later on in their life? Yes they re children and it wouldn t matter as much in that moment, but still
it s not beneficial and it won t help them. They could spend their time doing something more helpful
that could actually help them later in life like interacting with another kid or talking to their parents.
As defined by Webster s Dictionary, televisionis a system for transmitting visual images and sound
that are reproduced on screens, and used to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and
education. Television has been around since 1927, and is viewed by everybody around the world,
including children. It is one of the main ... Show more content on ...
But on the other hand if you were to let your child interact with another kid instead of letting
them sit and watch TV they are more likely to be better off in life. For example, if you leave your
child sitting in front of the TV watching Teletubbies they are less likely to be on the same level
other kids are on because they don t just sit there and watch TV all day. The more time infants
spend sitting in front of the TV, the harder it will be for them to learn how to communicate. With
that being said TV is only a medium for transmitting data, nothing more nothing less.
It s important to teach kids during the childhood phase how to be social and to learn social skills
and how to talk and interact with one another all the things a child can t learn/do if all they do is
sit in front of a TV all day. If a child is not raised to know how to socialize with other people,
where do you think they re going to end up? A child needs to know how to talk to other human
beings, not just to Dora on the TV. Research has shown that kids that watch a lot of television
growing up tend to have a hard time paying attention in class or just staying concentrated. A child
is more likely to watch cartoons as soon as they get home and lie about not getting homework
instead of actually doing it. Don t misunderstand, watching TV is a really helpful tool if used right.
It s a known fact that children spend more time
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Malathion Risk Assessment Essay example
Malathion Risk Assessment
Based on surveillance and monitoring Genercville, the wetlands have become a breeding ground
for mosquitoes. The proposal is to use the pesticide Malathion in order to control the problem of
mosquitoes that could possibly infect the people with the West Nile Virus. The following is my
analysis and evaluation of this pesticide.Malathion is an insecticide which is used in agricultural
and horticultural applications to control mosquitoes and boll weevils (ATSDR 2001 West Nile
Control). The use of malathion by ground application and aerial spraying is generally the preferred
method to eliminate adult mosquitoes associated with the West Nile Virus. It is applied by truck
mounted or aircraft mounted sprayers at ... Show more content on ...
Populations living near areas of heavy malathion are at an increased risk for exposure through
dermal contact with contaminated plants, inhaling of the mist from the applied insecticide, or by
ingesting water or food borne residues. Dermal contact is the main type of exposure. Many of
the cases or studies submitted, people have unintentionally ingested malathion (ATSDR 2001).
There are some cases where people have attempted suicide. In most of all the cases, only minor
symptoms developed. Most were involved with workers who were engaged in the manufacturing,
formulating or applying malathion (ATSDR 2001). In 1959 male volunteers were exposed to
malathion by inhaling aerosol bombs that contained 0%, 5%, and 20% malathion for 2 hours a
day for 42 days (Golz 1959). The results of the study showed that the men had minimal effects.
They noted that the effects were nasal and eye irritatation. Studies were also done in Santa Clara
County, California to determine whether melathion increased fetal loss, low birthweight, or birth
defects (ATSDR 2001). The studies were negative. At very high doses, malathion exposure can
lead to death. There are many debates on whether or not to use the chemical Malathion to eradicate
mosquitoes that pose the threat of the West Nile Virus. In Winnipeg, the police had to detain the
protesters (CBS News Canada July 20, 2005). The debate is whether or not the chemical can
weaken the immune system and cause a
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Printers
A printer is external hardware output device that takes the electronic data stored on a computer
or may be on other device and generates a hard copy of it and that hardcopy may be used as
future references. For example, if you created a report on your computer you could print several
copies to hand out at a staff meeting. Printers are one of the most popular computer peripherals and
are commonly used to print text and photos.
A printer is an output device that usually prints characters, symbols, and graphics on paper. The
printed output is generally referred to as hardcopy because it is in the permanent form which we
can use for future references. Softcopy refers to temporary images or we can say in temporary
form which may or may not be used ... Show more content on ...
In business where enormous amount of material are printed, the character at a time printers are too
slow; therefore, these users need line at a time printers. Line printers, or line at a time printers, use
special mechanism that can print a whole line at once; they can typically print the range of 1,200 to
6,000 lines per minute. Drum, chain, and band printers are line at a time printers.
Drum printer
A drum printer consists of a solid, cylindrical drum that has raised characters in bands on its
surface. The number of print positions across the drum equals the number available on the page.
This number typically ranges from 80 132 print positions. The drum rotates at a rapid speed. For
each possible print position there is a print hammer located behind the paper. These hammers
strike the paper, along the ink ribbon, against the proper character on the drum as it passes. One
revolution of the drum is required to print each line. This means that all characters on the line are
not printed at exactly the same time, but the time required to print the entire line is fast enough to
call them line printers. Typical speeds of drum printers are in the range of 300 to 2000 lines per
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How Do Gift Exchanges And Commodity Transactions Shape...
How do gift exchanges and commodity transactions shape your everyday interactions with others?
The flow of gifts and commodities between individuals is a significant aspect of our society as a
whole. Gifts are things, often material objects, that are exchanged between groups or individuals
that have some kind of relationship. The value of this gift is dependent on the nature, significance
and goals of the relationship. Commodities are objects that move between people through
transactions with minimal interaction or attachment. In this piece, I reflect on the way humans in
today s society engage with gifts, commodities and one another, with a particular focus on the
celebration of Christmas.
Gifts are utilised to both maintain and build ... Show more content on ...
Following that, the recipient is obligated to receive the gift with gratitude and in the correct
manner. Finally, there is an unspoken obligation to reciprocate, though not necessarily immediately.
One of Western society s most significant holidays and gift givingoccasions is Christmas, which
takes place annually in late December. Christmas originated as a Christian holiday
commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is, however, celebrated as a cultural tradition by
the majority of individuals in Western society, not just followers of Christianity. It is a public
holiday in many countries, often centers around a festive meal, and the exchange of gifts is
tradition. Gifts are not only given between people with well established relationships, often
presents are given to coworkers or teachers for example. The value of the gift does vary though
depending on the extent of the relationship between the giver and receiver. One is expected to
give a very valuable and thoughtful present to their loved ones, but can give something more
generic or cheaper to a person they have less of a connection with. For example, a mother may
give her daughter an heirloom that has been passed down to each generation or a husband might
buy his wife a expensive piece of jewelry. On the other hand, a friend may give another friend a gift
card or money, and coworkers might give one another a box
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Can Utilitarianism Be Defended Against The Injustice...
Can Utilitarianism be defended against the Injustice Objection? In this essay, I will argue that
utilitarianism cannot be defended against the injustice objection. Utilitarians may be able to reply
to the injustice objection in some cases by invoking one of two replies, the Long term consequences
reply, in which utilitarians will avoid unjust actions that increase short term utility because in the
long term they will not lead to the greatest good. The other reply that may help utilitarianismavoid
injustice in some cases is the Secondary principles reply, where some rule based principles such as
not murdering (because it generally decreases happiness) may avoid injustice. However, I will
focus on the bite the bullet objection,... Show more content on ...
An example of this is in the case of R v Dudley and Stephens (1884), where Dudley, Stephens, and
Brookes ate the cabin boy Parker, after they were shipwrecked for 24 days at sea. Although this act
maximised utility for the most people, Parker s rights were infringed upon as he did not agree to
being killed and eaten. Therefore when we add up the pain and pleasures of all those affected we
may end up infringing someone s rights. The act that maximises utility may cause unhappiness and
misery for the minority.
There are three standard replies to the injustice objection. The first being the Long term
consequences objection, where a person following utilitarianism is not obligated to commit an
injustice, and that person should take into account the long term consequences of their actions. An
example I would like to refer to is the harvesting organs example. Where there are five sick people
in hospital and they all need organ transplants, at the same time a sixth patient is undergoing a
routine checkup. A transplant surgeon finds that the only way of saving the five would be to kill
the sixth person and harvest their organs. Utilitarianism would state that we should harvest the
organs of person 6 without his permission to save the lives of the five other people who are dying.
A utilitarian would explain that the action of
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Displacement Analysis
The hotel industry is a revenue generated business whose profit normally streams mainly from
guest room nights, but other areas in the hotel which generate revenue are meeting spaces, food and
beverage, gift shop, spa services, etc. These different departments in a hotel go hand in hand, in that,
rooms are a vital part of any hotel, if they are being sold and profit is maximized in that
department, it is likely that the other departments would be utilized as well, as opposed to if the
occupancy and a hotel was very low. The hospitality industry is unpredictable when it comes to
forecasting real time customer demand and profit maximization. The front desk staff often face
difficult decisions when it comes to booking in groups ... Show more content on ...
Guest rooms are not the only thing requested, they would also like to have one meeting room per
night to host their gatherings with coaches and fellow competitors. Along with these requests
they notified her that they would all being enjoying breakfast Saturday morning, they will be
attending their swim meets during the day so lunch is not needed, at least half of them will be
eating dinner for both nights at the hotel while the rest enjoy dinner elsewhere, they will all use
to pool for practice swims and at night approx. 65% of them will gather together in the bar to
socialize while having wine and cocktails. Also the on site spa will be generating a lot of revenue
from the competitive swimming team The hotel is expecting to sell to 20% spa services on Friday
and 35% spa services on Saturday because they would be done with their swim meet by then and
they would want to relax.
This has turned into a dilemma because on the same weekend there is the Scotiabank Toronto
Waterfront Marathon early Saturday morning. The Larson Hotel is at the very start of the
marathon so it is convenient for travellers to stay here. Majority of them will be arriving Friday
to settle in, they will be occupying 222 rooms. On Saturday an additional 18 rooms will be
occupied for the same group with very early check in requests. In total number of guest rooms on
Saturday will be 240 devoted to the marathon participates. After reviewing the previous
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Arthur Eddington s My Son, The Prince Of Fashion
The most beautiful theory, The Economist
The Economist s article The most beautiful theory discusses Albert Einstein s theory of general
relativity. It explains the origins of general relativity through Einstein s initial thought experiments
that eventually led to the realization that the university functions in four dimensions ( three spatial
dimensions, one temporal one ) and that mass curved space time, creating gravity. Over time,
Einstein s theory was verified by observations, such as those made by Arthur Eddington when he
noticed the skew of light around the sun during an eclipse, which could only have been due to
distorted space time. His theory has also been expanded over the years as physicists try to combine
general relativity with ... Show more content on ...
He describes the various shows they witnessed, brilliantly contrasting his clueless apathy with his
son s pure and complete entrancement with the clothes, the shows, and the process. He also
describes his son s unique love for fashion and his ability to dress impeccably, which he does due
to his love for clothes and despite any teasing and mocking he encounters because of his style. Abe
has an impressive and commendable ability to stand out and withstand the scrutiny and criticism
that accompanies such distinction (Chabon even comments that Abe designs his clothes, the
outside of his body, to invite scrutiny ). Ironically, though, Chabon expresses the most important
message of the article through the one fashion show to which he did not accompany his son. It
was the show his son loved the most, precisely because Chabon, his minder (which he
purposefully calls himself throughout the article), was not there. It was at the Paris Fashion show,
and this one show in particular, that Abe found his people; he found those like him, who similarly
love everything about fashion. And it was there he finally cured the intense solitude of his passion
that he suffered at home, amid friends and family that did not share, or really understand, his
passion. In Chabon s words you are born into a family and those are your people,
... Get more on ...
Empiricism Vs. Positivist Theory Of Knowledge
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that evaluates the acquisition, limitations, and origins of
human knowledge. One of the theories found in epistemology is the theory of empiricism.
Empiricism is the belief that knowledge is gained through experience, that there is no such thing as
innate knowledge, or knowledge that one is born with. Empiricism stands in stark contrast to the
rationalist theory, the belief that humans possess innate knowledge, and that one can have
knowledge, without sensory information or experience, through reason. In this paper I will evaluate
the theory of empiricism, comparing it to rationalismand discussing advantages and disadvantages
of the empiricists perspective on the acquisition of knowledge, and then I will discuss why I
consider empiricism the superior theory of knowledge. One of the main critiques of the empiricist
theory is that it is derived strictly from sensory information. Any knowledge that we may possess is
strictly from the experiences we have had in our lifetime. This is a problem that rationalists have
with empiricism. Rene Descartes, mathematician and father of modern philosophy, argues that our
senses cannot be trusted, and that they are easily deceived (Epistemology, slides 26 28). Not unlike
Descartes, it is common for mathematicians to subscribe to the side of rationalism in regard to the
acquisition of knowledge. This is not surprising as most of mathematics involve concepts that are
known to be universally true
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User Side Influences On Website Performance
Connection speed
There are many user side influences on website performance but the first user side influence on
website performance is that it s very crucial to look at its connection speed that the user is
functioning on. But now there are numerous different components in which I will need to look at
to entirely clarify how the user has an influence on how good a website does but there are also a
few other reasons that users sometimes can t actually help and simply have to put up with which
will all be described in due course. The four key user side impacts on website performance as
connection speed is involved
Server Side
Bandwidth is the quantity of data traffic which can be downloaded from a website per second.
The data traffic works like any usual traffic, if they are lots of vehicles on the road, it will take you
a lot longer to reach than if you were the single person driving on the road. The data traffic works
alike e.g. if they are lots of people transferring from a website all at the same time the download
speed will be much slower. Yet, if you are the only user that is copying from a website your
computer s speed would be much faster because you will be able to utilize most of the data
available to download.
Dial up
Dial up internet is the easiest type of internet that a person can essentially use. Dial up involves of
a person requiring going via their mobile line with the aim of having to join to the internet service
and get data packages to get on
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Negative Effects Of Egocentrism
We are a social species. We reproduce sexually and thus our relationships with those around us
are essential to our ability to succeed as an individual. With these ideas in mind, society has
come to denounce egocentrism and to view those who are prone to it as undesirable and
incapable of success. Egocentrism is defined in the Oxford dictionary as Thinking only of
oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others. In the eyes of most, to think only of
oneself is to be parasitic to all others. To lack empathy is to be inherently indifferent which
precedes unsuccessfulness. Why is it then that there are so many stories of cruel billionaire
businessman mistreating their employees and loved ones? How can people that disregard the...
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However, in my experience, for an egomaniac money, sex, and other transient pleasures are just as
good as long term relationships. Love and happiness are chemical cocktails. These chemicals
present themselves just as readily in fleeting relationships; commitment is unnecessary to their
appearance. More than that, a self centered person, barring any mental illness, can choose whether
they behave egocentrically or benevolently in their relationships depending on what they find
advantageous. But, the instability of relationships among the egocentric can also be harmful to
their empathetic friends and romantic partners. This case is a bit more tricky, it can be somewhat
difficult to just choose to hate someone even if exposure to them is harmful. Is it really fair to let
egotism go unchecked if it destabilizes relationships and causes emotionally harmed to the less
naturally egotistical? Truthfully, one must manage their own relationships. If one experiences
emotional distress due to someone else s self obsession it is his own fault for becoming involved
with an egomaniac. Egocentrism is inherently harmful to interpersonal relationships, but that is the
problem of the egomaniac and nobody
... Get more on ...
Comparing the Attitudes Demonstrated between Pre-War and...
Comparing the Attitudes Demonstrated between Pre War and at War with Brooke s Poem The
Soldier and Owen s Poem Dulce et Decorum est Dulce et Decorum Est was written at war in
1917 by an English poet and World War I soldier Wilfred Owen. Dulce et decorum est is written
in a very bitter manner, by a man who had very strong anti war sentiments. The 27 line poem,
written loosely in iambic pentameter is told from the eyes of Wilfred Owen. The opening line of
this poem contains two similes which compares the soldiers to beggars and hags bent double, like
old beggars under sacks , coughing like hags. This is not how we would portray young, fit, soldiers,
but the fact of the matter is that they are no... Show more content on ...
Owen uses the word boys which reminds us of their youth, but having already described them as
aged and disabled we come to the fact that their youth was stolen, and we are also confronted
with the concept that they are innocent victims within the war. But someone still was yelling
out and stumbling this is the line where Owen begins his vivid description of a gas attack death.
It is introducing us to the situation this soldier is in from a third person view. The next line; And
flound ring like a man in fire of lime describes the helplessness of this poor soldier who is about
to die. The image of the man guttering, choking, drowning permeates Owen s thoughts and
dreams, forcing him to live this grotesque nightmare over and over again. The word Dim in the
next line has a lot of significance and meaning. Firstly it describes the scene, the light, giving it
an eerie and gloomy feel, one with little hope. Secondly, it describes the chances this soldier has,
having shown us that war can be left up to chance, Owen is describing the chances this boy now
has for survival. I saw him drowning , shows that Owen directly refers to himself. This is to
personify the entire poem, to make it much more real to the reader. It is showing us that all the
horrors Owen has described are
... Get more on ...
When The Scientist Presents By Jean Luc Lebrun
A great successful researcher not only rely on the numerous published papers rather depends more
on how many scientific talks has been given to fellow colleagues and peers. The text, When the
Scientist Presents written by Jean Luc Lebrun outlines essential aspects to give a science talk and
ideas are illustrated through detailed examples of scientific presentations. The book is divided
majorly into four parts: Content selection, audienceexpectation, the slides and the presenter. The
information contained in the book help a scientist to prepare about the content filtering, audiences
expectation and presenters gesture to give sciencetalks.
Content selection should be abreast with knowledge of audience expected from the scientific
presentation. Each slide should be self contained and must not require external support for
understanding. There are two ways to cut down presentation time: Visual is worth a thousand
words and helps saving time for explaining in depth details of a project especially numerical data.
One should put applicable content on slides because what matters most is the amount of
information you caused to be absorbed by attendee. The Q A is significant, the audience must gain
freedom to engage with speaker and ask questions for better perspective of the talk. Contents should
reflect critical analysis of evidences supported by research findings. Furthermore, Credibility can be
established through what audience perceive by the presenter s evidence.
In a
... Get more on ...

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What Is Narrative Style Essay. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. What Is Narrative Style Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. What Is Narrative Style Essay What Is Narrative Style Essay
  • 2. DNA Profiling Essay example From cases such as OJ Simpson to Chandra Levy, DNA profiling also called DNA fingerprinting or DNA typing has played a major role in the criminal justice system. The law enforcement community uses DNA profiling to rule out or identify suspects. Unlike hair microscopy, bite mark comparisons, shoe print comparisons, and firearm tool mark analysis, DNAtyping has been developed through massive scientific research and has undergone meticulous scientific evaluation (Innocence Project). DNA is a foolproof method of identifying a perpetrator of a crime. Like fingerprints, DNA is unique, with the exception of identical twins; no two people have the same DNA. DNA profiling is a technique that can identify the person responsible of a violent ... Show more content on ... With over three million base pairs in the human gene, forensic scientists are able to distinguish a person s genetic makeup. . DNA profiling was first introduced to the criminal justice field in the mid 1980 s (DNA Initiative). DNA profiling was first described in 1984 by Alec Jeffreys, a geneticist at the University of Leicester in Britain (Aronson, 7). Dr. Jeffreys found that the genes that have no function, called junk DNA is where most of the variation is used for DNA profiling (Aronson 9). This region contains DNA sequences that repeat over and over again. Alec Jeffreys determined that the number of repeated sections at different locations vary from individual to individual (DNA Initiative). Consequently these repetitive regions became known as variable number of tandem repeats or VNTR s. RFLP or restriction fragment length polymorphisms became the first scientifically accepted DNA analysis method in the United States (Jones). The repeat segments are cut out of the DNA strand by a restrictive enzyme that acts like scissors and the resulting fragments are sorted out by electrophoresis (Saferstein 391). However, there are some drawbacks using the RFLP method in the forensic science community. The RFLP technique requires a large amount of DNA and must be of high quality and cannot be degraded (Jones). Forensic scientists and the law enforcement community ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Enron Scandal Of Enron Essay One popular event that took place in our economy was the Enron Scandal, which happened in late 2000 and lasted into the following year. Those who were involved in this incident directly such as CEO s Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling thought what they were doing was not wrong and that they were able to get away with making millions falsely (Seabury, 2008). However, this was a serious crisis situation and many people were affected through the process as well as their money. Enronwas valuing themselves at a higher price than what they truly were worth, and nothing was matching up ( The Fall of Enron ). Enron was able to make it appear that they were having many new business ventures with imaginary companies or companies where it just did not work out for them, adding value to their company, and hiding all of their mistakes (Keller, 2002). Not only this, but their main goal was getting into the energy business and having it become de regulated which subsequently had the state of California suffering an energy crisis due to their greediness (Seabury, 2008). Overall, the underlying causation of their downfall and crisis was their greed. These people behind the Enron name were money hungry and as long as the pay checks were coming to them, they did not care about the employees who would be losing their jobs, the people who had to endure the power outages in California, nor the people who s money they manipulated and eventually lost. Enron was also favored by the government since they had ... Get more on ...
  • 4. How Did Mao Zedong Cause The Great Proletarian Cultural... In the decade before, the 1970s contained many notable events. Mao Zedong, chairman of the CCP, initiated the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR). This event demonstrated, to the Chinese people, the power of the state and reassured the influence of Maoist principles and communist ideology (Wang 805). Many state officials were purged from their offices, including Hu Yaobang and Deng Xiaoping, who would later be influential players in the government. Mao characterized Deng and Hu as capitalist roaders, someone who succumbs to the elite and leads the state in a capitalist direction (Wang 805). In the beginning of April 1976, after the death of Zhou Enlai, former premier, the Chinese people were dissatisfied with how his life and involvement ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Compare And Contrast Zeus And Taurus In my humble opinion, all of the constellations are beautiful. But none of the constellations attract me more than the Gemini constellation. I wish I had an elaborate story as to why i m so attracted to the Gemini constellation, but truth be told, Gemini is my favorite because i m a Gemini! The Gemini constellation was first discovered by Ptolemy, a 2nd century AD astronomer. Gemini means Twins in Latin. Without a telescope, it is made up of 85 visible stars. The bordering constellations are Lynx, Auriga, Taurus, Orion, Monoceros, Canis Minor, and Cancer. The myth that belongs to the Gemini constellation goes a little something like this. There once were two twin brothers named Castor and Pollux, together known as Dioskouri. Their mother s name was Leda, but there were two fathers. Castor s dad was Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, and Pollux s dad was Zeus, father of God s and men. Leda was married to Tyndareus, but was seduced by Zeus. Castor and Pollux were very close. One day Castor was killed, and since he wasn t Zeus s son, he wasn t immortal. Pollux asked his father if he could share his immortality with ... Show more content on ... Anastasia was the first born, and Angela was the second born. Growing up they had a very close relationship. Always playing dress up together and doing silly little kid things. One of the things both Anastasia and Angela have always wanted to do was go camping. So instead of actually going out into the wilderness, their mom set up a little tent in the backyard where they could camp. After spending a couple of hours telling scary stories they decided to look up at the stars to see if they could form any shapes. While they were doing that, Anastasia noticed a set of twins holding hands in the form of stars. Anastasia named them The Gemini .She told Angela that anytime they are far away from each other, all she has to do is look up at The Gemini and she would be right there with her in ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Virtual Reality as Jaron Lanier Envisioned It. VR Essay 2. Virtual Reality as Lanier envisioned it has not eventuated, yet the desires he articulated live on. Discuss. To discuss Lanier s keen views and anticipations regarding Virtual Reality back in the mid 1980s, it would be useful to first cover exactly how far Virtual Reality has progressed up until today. This essay will begin by discussing the history of Virtual Reality and the usage trends. That discussion will then be used to preface a discussion about Lanier s views that were expressed in A Vintage Virtual Reality Interview. The essay will then finish off by looking at particularly interesting views held by some of today s futurists and these views will be related back to Lanier s original exuberant view of Virtual ... Show more content on ... This vision then guided nearly every successive development in the field of Virtual Reality. Sutherland s concept featured: * A virtual world that appears real to any observer, seen through an HMD and augmented through three dimensional sound and tactile stimuli * A computer that maintains the world model in real time * The ability for users to manipulate virtual objects in a realistic, intuitive way In 1966, Sutherland then went forth and built an HMD that was connected to a computer system. All the graphics were created by the computer system and the HMD could also display images in stereo, giving the illusion of depth. The HMD could even track the user s head movements so that the field of view would change appropriately as the user looked around. Once the technology had been developed to a point where it could actually be utilized, VR was often seen as more of a tool than a new method of entertainment. The technology was fine tuned and then used in flight simulators during the 70s to train pilots before they got into a real plane. The technology then made its way to the entertainment industry during the video game boom of the 80s. Since its inception, Virtual Reality technology has found a wide range of uses in very unpredictable ways. The military, the space program, medical students and even driving schools use virtual training environments that take place in a version of Virtual Reality. Some ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Roman Road Christianity Essay When Constantine was converted he had favoritism towards the church. Churches were built at the state expense. There were lots and lot of wars and plagues that went on. So people were ready and easily to accept an afterlife. Paul was a citizen of Rome and he could travel there without the expense. The roman roads were better and weren t as dangerous as other roads. There were threats of thieves and murderers. Christianitycame in when Romewas at its lowest point. The Romans only believed in one god anyways. So that kinda helped too. The Romans were good at obeying laws and having lots of them and it helped too. So they were easy to convert. Jesus was born in the roman period and died in the roman period. Then in the second roman period, the holy spirit came in. There was a poor pandemic across the empire. The huge import of slaves almost immediately put all the farmers and owners of small out of businesses. The population of poor people was an immediate... Show more content on ... The goth s who were just defeated by his armies regained control and the Roman s felt it severely. The roles of the power of the west were pretty reversed instantly. There was no organization among the armies of Justinian. The church was the only one who was able to slow down the vacuum of power in the west. The catholic church was a major influence. The church eventually got the same amount of power at the beginning of the renaissance. There were so many reasons the Christianity was spread but as long as Jesus is being heard and being spoken into the hearts of people is all that matters. God obviously had his part in all this. It wouldn t have happened without God s go ahead and consent. But us humans working with God can make one of the most powerful forces. You might think some polotical of econimical issues have been solves greatly by luck is dumb. It was obvioiusly God so he can spread his world and have more souls into his ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Pro Sports Persuasive Essay Tyell Bell English 142B $$$$ Primetime: Going For Broke $$$$ Why is it so common for pro athletes to become bankrupt subsequently after their retirement from the game or after being fired for poor performance? I mean let s face it we know all about the high paying jobs like becoming a doctor or lawyer, lead technician... yes these big time jobs everyone dreams of and assumes they will take care of your finances by itself. For the most part, this is true, actually it is very true. Any of the jobs I just mentioned will take care of you for the years to come and after that to the point where you will just have money to blow on anything. However, there is something bigger... much bigger, and that is in the billion dollar franchise of pro sports. There is unimaginable wealth and greed involved in this industry. Actually in some sports like the national football leaguethe league minimum as of 2014 is a whopping and incredible 420k and that s just the first taste of money you will receive during your introduction year as a rookie, and trust me this number is growing outstandingly every year Sounds like quite a bit of money just for slinging a football across a field, hitting things with a bat, or shooting a ball into a hoop. A lot of these professional athletes come from a bad family ... Show more content on ... As a regular person may work for thirty to fifty years earing money as they go and increasing their retirement funds while the professional career last a fraction of that /financial edge/0312/why athletes go broke.aspx. Some professional athletes career last about two to three years before it s over. At the end of this point the may have over a milliondollars and will live off that as to the regular citizen will be making money every year for multiple years living the average life while not being poor or rich... just staying in the middle ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Curse Of Sleeping Beauty Picked mostly on a whim, I was kind of excited to watch this to trash talk it as what reviews I had seen weren t very kind. But The Curse of Sleeping Beauty is actually really watchable. Of course it isn t great, but it s certainly not the train wreck I was led to believe. Parts were actually scary, with a bit of a silent hill vibe to them and while the ending is more than a little on the predictable side of things. That in no way hampers the enjoy ability of watching it all play out. Thomas Kaiser (Ethan Peck) is an artist and a recluse with few friends. Since childhood he has had a reccurring dream with a sleeping woman, Briar Rose (India Eisley). Though he always awakens before he can kiss and wake her. One day he inherits an old mansion estate from an uncle he never knew he had and goes to have it appraised for sale. Though things change after inherits the property, in that he ... Show more content on ... Though I have a feeling that was kind of the point of the performance, it just doesn t play that well of Natalie Hall and Bruce Davison s more serious and focus approach. India Eisley is also bland, well right up until twist at the end when she actually does a fair amount of shinning. My one of my two issue s with The Curse of Sleeping Beauty is that it s a bit to slow to get going. Though once it got going it was great. My other being the predictability of what s going to happen. Maybe I m just jaded from seeing to many horror films over the years, but I saw the twist from about the thirty minute mark. Final thoughts, overall I really liked it. Was it a masterpiece? No, of course not as few films are. But it was entertaining and I don t consider watching a complete waste of time. The visuals are nice, the pacing is solid and it has a great dread location that is dripping with atmosphere. Would I recommend it? Yes, I just recommend going into with an open mind and a six pack. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Essay on The Affect of Child Labor on the World The Affect of Child Labor on the World Introduction Child labor is a very hot topic in today s world. The problems associated with child labor have always been a part of life but thanks to Globalization, everyone is now more aware of the child labor issues that exist. Whether an individual is in favor or against child labor the fact is that child labor affects everyone, because child labor affects the global economy. Children who work play a big role in the economy because they produce goods and are paid wages just like adults; they are an active participant of the work force. Child Labor Issues It is estimated that more than 200 million children across the globe between the ages of 5 17 work instead of going to school. And ... Show more content on ... Other countries with large numbers of children working include Africa and India. Children in the work force are not necessarily a bad thing. Some children by free want and like to work, but the potential for exploitation and violation of civil rights can be very high in the some work places. As mentioned earlier children in many cases work to help their family and the experience can be a very pleasant one. This all depends on many things such as the age of the child, the hours worked, the conditions, and the ability to still attend school. On the other hand many children are forced into work. With bonded labor a family in need of money would be given advanced payment and then turn over a child to work for the employer to repay this debit. Most of the time it is nearly impossible for the child to pay off this debit because the interest that is deducted forms the child s earnings is very large. There are also other forms of slavery that children must endure such as being denied the right to leave the workplace or being confined and beaten by the employer. Other adverse conditions that some children face are working extremely long hours and handling dangerous materials such as chemicals, pesticides. These conditions are usually seen by children who work in mines and agriculture. Some of the after affects that children who work in these kinds of conditions face could ... Get more on ...
  • 11. An Investigation Of Donation Filtration By Saher Shaikh... Today, we have a growing number of unfortunate individuals within our society that need our help, and with that increasing number our charities and nonprofit organizations need help. A nonprofit organization is an organization with the purpose of which is something other than making a profit. A charity is voluntarily giving such like money to the ones in need. With a wide variety of choices to pick from to help the unfortunate they also need help in choosing who to donate too. In an article Where Does All the Money Go? An Investigation of DonationFiltration by Saher Shaikh and Carolan McLarney, they will remind us that it s never too early to teach one to do a good deed. On the other hand, authors Christopher Blattman, and Paul Niehaus write Show them the Money: Why Giving Cash Helps Alleviate Poverty, in this article they ponder if giving livestock such like food is better for the needy than giving cash to help them get by. There are many families that wouldn t mind receiving the food assistance, there are many who need the financial help. As these authors point out helping the needy can be a big task to take on with a big accomplishment to fill, and now there are many choices to donate too, but with the help of today s society that accomplishment of helping the needy can be met. Many may be quick to say that learning to help the unfortunate can t be taught after a certain point in life, or that only the rich and fortunate ones can donate. In an article written by ... Get more on ...
  • 12. How Literacy Is Used As A Communication Method When it comes to understanding literacy I learned that reading, along with writing is used as a communication method. However, there s so much more to it than just obtaining the knowledge of knowing how to read and write. It all truly depends on the way you use your skills in literature. Literacy is different to each and every person, depending on who they are as a person. It can consist of your culture, pronunciation, the way you dress, as well as all of your actions. That being said, personally literature means not only knowing how to read and write, but the way we approach it as an individual. For example, we are judged by the waywe speak, look, act, where we come from, as well as how we were raised. Which is all... Show more content on ... Although I love her deeply, the way she spoke always bothered me as a child. My sister always spoke proper english is what I will not call it, but politely and she understood how to express herself and speak her mind in a polite manner. I was taught manners by my parents, greetings were something you could not just pass by. good morning was to be said every morning to everyone in the house along with a kiss otherwise it was a form of disrespect. A hug was followed with every goodbye. Even though you could have been upset with a family member you were required to forgive them and let the past stay in the past. Mainly because you never know if you are going to see them tomorrow, living with regret is something no one wants. My father always told me, since I was always a stubborn child, forgiveness is not for the other person it is for you. At that moment I realized he was right, the only person I was hurting all along was myself. Nevertheless, I have had a time where I had to teach myself something that not only had disadvantages but some advantages as well. Learning how to think before I spoke, Speaking your mind and the truths was always something I believed in. However, I never realized that sometimes you have to think about the consequences about your statement. Some days you have to tell people what they want to hear, not the truth, but yes, in some occasions you have to speak your truths for the better of ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Bellizima Blow Out Bar And Salon Most men today seem to care about their outward appearance. From shaving, trimming their beards, and shampooing their hair, guys tend to groom themselves fairly well, but according to the expert stylists at Bernardsville, NJ s premier blowout bar, Bellizima Blow Out Bar Salon, men often leave one thing unattended to their eyebrows. Every man should have perfectly groomed eyebrows, and they shouldn t be ashamed of it. The stylists at Bellizima Blow Out Bar Salon urge men to care for their eyebrows just as they would the beard, hair, or anything else. In fact, Bellizima Blow Out Bar Salon s beauty experts say that s it s often the smallest details that make the biggest difference, so forgetting to pay attention to your eyebrows can throw ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Advantage Of Competitive Federalism The principle of federalism was introduced to ensure the government did not possess too much power over a nation. The implementation of federalism allowed for a compromise to be made between the states and national government. This compromise ensured that power was divided among the states and the national government. Federalismremained very limited, much like boundaries to ensure overstepping did not occur. The overall explanation for the principle of federalism and its origin dates back to the need of a strong centralized government. Of course, federalism corrected the decentralized powers and created a fair system to abide by that focused on the importance of division of power and centralized government. There are various forms of federalism, one of which being competitive federalism. According to Dr. Michael Greve, competitive federalism seeks to discipline governments. It seeks to discipline governments by allowing each government to compete for their citizen s business. The concept of competitive federalism enables choice and change. Competitive federalism is not confined to one government at all. Conversely, it allows for citizens to pick and choose which government they wish to live under. There are benefits associated with competitive federalism which can include various forms of innovation, product differentiation, choice of the consumers, and other services. Federalism definitely empowers citizens because ultimately, they have the most say in what they ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Compare And Contrast Modern Day And Renaissance Modern Day vs. Renaissance Medical Practices A man walked out of the doctors office, he had just been told that he had an incurable kind of cancer, and was given 15 years to live. Most people who had this cancer didn t know they had it until it was too late, this man was lucky. The doctors wouldn t have been able to do this without the advancement in technology, machines, etc. That man was my grandpa, and he is still living with that cancer. The medicine and technology used to diagnose my grandpa was prefaced by the medical advancements of the Renaissance. Although being a doctor during the Renaissance period would ve been a life changing experience, being a doctor in modern time would be far superior. Modern doctors are trusted, do to having ... Show more content on ... There have been many advances in the medical field such as; anesthesia, drugs, machines, etc. This has helped the doctors find alternative solutions to problems, and in return has helped them save more lives. In the article Medicine by Britannica, Many new advances in anesthesia, and these in turn depend upon engineers who have devised machines and chemists produced new drugs. Other operations are made possible by new materials, such as the alloys and plastics that are used to make artificial hip and knee joints. Advances in the medical field have truly helped modern doctors. Without the medicine, machines, technology they have now there s no way the doctors could have saved the same amount of lives. As Brian Ward, the author of The Story of Medicine , states in his book, Despite opposition, revolutionary scientists and doctors persevered and made some ground breaking discoveries, (Ward 22). Even though the doctors during the Renaissance had little technology, they still made discoveries that impacted the medical field. The discoveries made by the Renaissance doctors were life saving. However, with the given technology that is commonly found in modern day society doctors are able to impact the medical and scientific fields and by doing so, save more lives than thought possible during the Renaissance. Within the article Medicine written by Britannica, it shows the importance of, Many other developments in modern surgical treatment rest on a firm basis of experimentation, often first in animals but also in humans; among them are Renal dialysis (artificial kidney), arterial bypass operations, embryo implantation, and exchange transfusions. Although testing on animals is cruel, it shows that modern doctors were not just experimenting on people. The modern doctors had a thought process to reduce the amount of deaths due to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History Summary Bad Girls Well behaved women seldom make history. I have seen that phrase and its slightly more common counterpart, Well behaved women rarely make history many times. It is especially popular in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a medieval history research and reenactment group in which I participate, and is often accompanied by images of female fighters in armor wielding swords. Most recently I saw it emblazoned upon my girlfriend s chest on a medieval themed t shirt that she bought at a recent SCA event. I have never thought much about the slogan except for the fact that it generally represents women who make themselves known in unforgettable ways and are remembered mostly for disrupting the status quo. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, an author and professor of history at Harvard University, introduced the phrase in a 1976 journal article about the characterization of women in Puritan funeral sermons. Ulrich more recently wrote a book, based on the phrase, that explores how women in the past have challenged the ways history was written. In her essay Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History, Ulrich discusses the history of the phrase, how it was coined, and how it has taken on a life of its own. The phrase is now commonly seen on everything from t shirts to coffee mugs, and has been featured in magazine articles and even advertising campaigns. She reflects on how her accidental fame has given her new insights into her historical studies. Since the 1970s and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay on A Literacy Event that Changed my Life A Literacy Event that Changed my Life All my life I have been a lazy person, doing just enough to get by. Most of the time, in high school, I was content with just a C . The only time I wasn t, was if it was a class I liked, and I paid attention to. If this was the case, I could have received a 99% on a test and been dissatisfied. But, for the rest of my classes, which were most of my classes, that I didn t like, I never paid attention to or did homework, and I still managed to do well on tests. So basically I didn t do anything except take tests and I still got satisfactory grades. In school I was so lazy that there could have been a project due worth about 20% of the final grade and I still wouldn t do it. Once in my 11th ... Show more content on ... Regardless, I received a zero on this project, thus failing that marking period. Since Jr. High I haven t read a single book that was assigned to me in English class, hence my poor English grades. In fact, when my marks started to improve in English my GPA soared from a 2.1 to a 3.0. When my marks finally improved is when I started getting along with my English teacher. I never got along with any of my English teachers for some unknown reason. Maybe because I hardly did any work at all. I have to thank the book, The Great Gatsby for helping me find my prolonged love for my English teacher, and every English teacher since. Out of pure coincidence, as soon as I read my first assigned book, I suddenly got along with my teacher. I read the book for no reason other then that I finally thought that a book that was assigned, sounded interesting. And sure enough I was right. I read the book and enjoyed it. Before I read this book, the teacher and I were really at each others throats, literally. I found out from a fellow student that overheard her talking about me and she said that she would love to have the chance to knock me out. I laughed at the thought, since she did weigh about 100lbs and was over 60. I am very thankful for The Great Gatsby, and thankful that I read it. Since reading the book, I have joined a book club and bought a few books, and am in the process of reading one right now. A lot of things changed ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Types Of Cell Surface Receptors And The Mitogen Activated... Introduction Cell surface receptors are integral membrane proteins that play a major role in signal transduction, allowing the function of Neurons, muscles and sensory organs to occur. Their basic function is to carry out the process of signal transduction by binding to an extracellular signalling molecule. Cell surface receptors regulate gene transcription, ion flux in the neurons and growth factors. This regulation allows the human body to function with little error. They detect the smallest of changes and respond with a cascade of signalling events appropriately. I am going to describe the four main types of cell surface receptors and the Mitogen activated protein cascade in receptor tyrosine kinases. G Protein Coupled Receptors ... Show more content on ... GPCRs consist of alpha helical segments separated by these intracellular and extracellular loops (Figure 1) Figure 1 Structure of G protein coupled receptor, showing alpha helical proteins attached to the three subunits of the G protein. GPCRs are associated with a G protein, which is heterotrimeric i.e. they consist of three different subunits: an alpha subunit, a beta subunit, and a gamma subunit (Figure 1). (Scitable by nature) G proteins are specialized proteins with the ability to catalyse the exchange of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) and guanosine diphosphate (GDP). (Scitable by nature) The G protein receptor is coupled to a trimeric G protein and controls the effector protein. The receptors activate cytosolic or nuclear transcription via several pathways. They are involved in signal transduction pathways such as MAP kinase pathway. (Lodish et al.). When a signalling molecule such as Epinephrine, serotine and adenosine is released and binds to the extracellular receptor site of the GPCR, the G protein changes conformation and GTP replaces the GDP on the alpha subunit of the G protein (Figure 2). This activated alpha subunit then parts from the beta and gamma subunits. The alpha subunit becomes inactive when the ligand leaves the receptor site and the receptors own phosphorylase activity removes a phosphate from the GTP molecule, therefore leaving GDP bound to the alpha subunit and the reformation of the 3 subunits. Figure ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Role Of Diversity And Its Role For Journalism What is the role of diversity in the newsroom? Use of the term diversity and its role in journalism only calls attention to the lack of it in newsrooms and magazines across the country. In their absence, I d argue that the true value of having people of various ethnic and racial backgrounds present in the newsroom has as much to do with improving the process of newsgathering and reporting as it does achieving racial parity. In short, I think the role of diversity in journalism is to make journalism better. For example, Donald Trump s recent visit to Mexico not only highlighted the divisions within the Republican Party but the junket also revealed the disparity as to who gets to tell the story of his bid for the Whitehouse. Aside from Trump s well publicized spat with the news anchor Jorge Ramos; it s apparent the journalists assigned to covering the Trump campaign have not been representative of the country s population at large. While they ve done a great job covering many aspects of his campaign, it s not the full story. Trump s visit to Mexico also illustrates the importance of bilingualism. Unless the reporters assigned to the press junket are Mexican American, a lot of cross cultural nuances and the true tenor of what is being said are likely to be missed. In newsrooms where minorities are under represented, I d also contend that major stories often go unreported. Unless, events reach the level of national scrutiny like the riots in Ferguson, or become a ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Can Officers Effectively Prosecute Domestic Violence... When prosecuting criminal domestic violence cases too many officers constructed their entire case only on statements made by the victim. However, victims of domestic violence are more likely than victims of other violent crime to recant or refuse to cooperate in prosecutorial efforts (Breitenbach, 2008, p. 1256). Officers must consider that victims of domestic violencemay refuse to testify because of fear of retaliation, intimidation, financial dependence, emotional attachment, and /or because they reunited with the batterer. If the victim refused to testify during court, their statement against the abuser becomes hearsay evidence. Several recent cases have had a huge influence on how those statements and hearsay evidence may be... Show more content on ... Thus, any out of court statements made by witnesses and/or victims to law enforcement must be excluded unless the defendant had prior opportunity to cross examine the unavailable witnesses (Byrom, 2005). The only non testimonial statements that would be utilized in court, without direct testimony from the witness and/or complainant, were the taped 911 phone calls reporting the incident. If the victim testified, their previous statements would be allowed as evidence without limitation because the witness was subjected to cross examination. However, if the victim refused to testify, any testimonials made to law enforcement were not allowed as evidence in the court proceedings. In light of these legal changes, officers needed to construct their domestic violence cases under the assumption that the victim would not be participating in the prosecution. The case commenced at the time the call was received by dispatch up until the case was presented to a judge or jury. Therefore, officers needed to complete the proper procedures to secure recordings of the calls made to the 911 dispatch center to report the domestic situation. In addition to having the subject, victim and/or witnesses complete written and/or video statements, the officer must diligently identify, collect, and photograph evidence at the crime scene (Ellison, 2002). This required officers to visit the victim several days later to photograph bruising, because some bruising ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Vietnamese Families Experience Essay As a little girl born in Vietnam and having grown up in poverty, I can understand the struggles that many other unprivileged Vietnamese families experience. At a young age my family and I immigrated to the United States for a better life. My parents have always put their best efforts into educating my siblings and I about the importance of giving back to the community. Growing up in a foreign environment, I was able to distinguish and grasp the opportunities I would have missed out on if I had not immigrated to the U.S. My background inspired me to aid those who I would have possibly been in the same shoes if I wasn t as fortunate to have immigrated. This community service tripto me was not only a bucket list wish I had wished to accomplish, but it as well allowed ... Show more content on ... They taught me that the joy that came from giving to those less fortunate than me was more valuable than that of receiving. As I volunteer alongside of the other participants we gain knowledge of the Vietnamese culture and learn that sometimes those that I help might have either a very different or similar background compare to mine but volunteering will lead to the connection that are needed to be made in order to have productive teamwork. The trip had allowed me to expand my Vietnamese diction, and taught me how to build a houseall experience that I would had missed out on if it wasn t for volunteering on this program. The most memorable part of this trip was teaching the kids English. Afterwards when they thank me and told me that my ability to speak both language made it easier for them to learn. The fact that I was able to use my talents to assist others made me feel a sense of pride and accomplishment inside. I would confidently tell other young youth that from this trip I had learned by making a difference in another person s life is making a difference in your own ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Disadvantages Of Mncs Impacts of MNCs on Host Countries Name Institution Table of Contents Introduction2 Multinational organizations2 To build piece of the overall industry2 To secure less expensive premises and work2 To evade expense or exchange hindrances3 Government gives3 Advantages of MNC s for the host country3 Improving the balance of payments3 Providing job3 Source of tax income4 Technology exchange4 Increasing choices4 National notoriety4 Multinational Corporations Impact on the Developing World4 Competitive and Anti Competitive Effects6 Conclusion:7 References9 Introduction While faultfinders of globalization view the remote ventures of multinational enterprises as harming fares, employments, and wages at home and abroad, a thorough survey of research into the impacts of outside direct speculation credits multinationals with being much more useful... Show more content on ... Advantages of MNC s for the host country Multinational companies can give have nations numerous advantages. Nonetheless, these foundations may likewise carry with them loose codes of moral lead that serve to misuse the poverty of creating countries, instead of to give the basic bolster important to countrywide financial and social advancement. The conceivable advantages of multinational putting resources into a nation may include: Improving the balance of payments internal venture will as a rule help a nation s adjust of installments circumstance. The speculation itself will be an immediate stream of capital into the nation and the venture is additionally liable to bring about import substitution and fare advancement. Send out advancement comes because of the multinational utilizing their generation office as a premise for trading, while import substitution implies that items beforehand transported in may now be purchased locally (Teece, D.J. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Multicultural Education Issues Multicultural Education Issues 1 Multicultural Education Issues Multicultural Education Issues The purpose of this study is to discuss teachers resistance to multicultural education and how it affecting the minority students and ELL learners. These negative attitudes that some teachers care can be considered a reason why there is such an increase of high school dropouts. There are so many teachers who often have a fear of teaching or building positive relationships with minority or under privilege students. In this American society we have witness stereotypes being used to label students in the classroom by teachers who just have some underlying issues that need to be addressed. Teachers resistance and negative attitude... Show more content on ... Teachers have to examine their prior experiences and confront fears that influenced their value system ( Vang, 2005). In the article, An Ecological Perspective on Preparing Teachers for Multicultural Classrooms (Johnson, 2003), it is stated that discussions of multicultural education generally center on the importance of broadening students understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. The authors here want to make sure that the teachers and trying to deal with the curriculum issues and that the material being used is suitable for all students regardless of their background or age. The role of the teacher is very critical to the students getting an understanding. Teachers really do not know how influence they have in their students. Maybe if the teachers begin to start embracing all students; we will see more effective teaching in the multicultural classroom. There is a lot of inequality amongst students of lower socioeconomic class. There is a drop out crisis among youths at the bottom of the socioeconomic scale, regardless of race. This is because some students are dropping out to help support themselves and their families. Jay Greene of the Manhattan Institute and Christopher Swanson, of the National Governors Association states, We know that about a third of our students are not graduating from high school.... About three fourths of white students graduate from high ... Get more on ...
  • 24. My Writing-Year Writing, Reading, And Writing Written word and reading came to me in the way oil is introduced to a cup of water, a sudden disagreement. I have never Liked reading or writing, but in 6th grade I began to truly despise it. I was always a math and science person ,but I knew could write a well versed and attention grabbing story and essay. My downfall however, was that I could never write them the right way. Being that I always have went through school each year writingwrong. The description of my 6th grade year is what conjured up my decision to change that. This is the year I buckled down, and I told myself that this will be the year I become a better reader as well as a better writer. My 6th grade year began at Fulton Leadership Academy in East Point Georgia, with it being a new school I went in to the year thinking this year will be a breeze , but little did I know the hills and valleys that were destined for me to rise ,but also fall. My Teacher s name was Ms.Hicks, she was a nice lady but she was all about business. She loved to read, no matter what genre.The expectation from the beginning of the year was made clear that we will be reading stories and writing about them all year and that we will master writing about the novels we havve read.. The year went by day by day till I was assigned my first paper. Of course I can write, but I could never write in the right context or format. I began writing the assignment,and could not figure out why my mindcould not reproduce the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Health Care Crisis And An Understanding Of The Reforms A.The health care crisis and an understanding of the reforms The American Health Care system to say the least is wasteful, bloated, and generally inefficient and therefore in dire need for immediate review. This has largely been as a result of factors such as costs, poor investment return for outlays, inequitably distribution, and being based on anachronistic business model geared at treating diseases more than promoting wellness. The figures are all there to see why a radical surgery of the health care reforms has been long overdue. One reason why we have been spending too much on health care is out of our incentives which are perverse. we have been paying doctors by the procedures they perform as opposed to the quality of health care we... Show more content on ... Over the last few decades, a deliberate fundamental but progressive shift in structure towards provision of care in outpatient settings avoiding inpatient overnight stays in hospitals has been embraced. Theoretically, such a shift is meant to save on costs as fixed costs in outpatients setting are generally lower than in hospital stays. Unfortunately, this shift resulted to much higher utilization and adding more costs to the system. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 which marked a historic milestone for the Democrats who had for decades been yearning for such a legislation. It signified a turning point in Americans healthcare expansion, availability and affordability. The coming into force of the Act gave hard working Americans families security by holding the insurance companies accountable as well as lowering the cost of health care, and giving them more freedom and control in making their health care choices and improving the care quality. Previously, different reforms in the health care sector have been proposed to address issues of cost as well as coverage to include such health areas like prevention and treatment of chronic ailments, obesity, defensive medicine, incentives rewarding more care, redundant payment systems, rationing, doctors and nurses shortage, fraud, use of imaging technology, tax ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Accumulation Of Greenhouse Gases Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1Background The accumulation of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) in the atmosphere has been a debate topic among scientists since a long time ago as it contributes to the risen of global surface temperature (Liddle and Lung, 2010). Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been pointed as the main greenhouse gas which responsible for global warming and related changes in climate. It has been increasing significantly over the past century, compared to the pre industrial era (about 280 parts per million, or ppm). Empirical studies which explicitly examine the link between population and pollution in a systematic quantitative manner are very few in number (Cole and Neumayer, 2004). Recently, some studies have dealt with the causality ... Show more content on ... Indonesian population growth has been slowed from the past decade (BPS, 2016). Indonesia approximately generated 215.6 terawatt hours in 2013 that was the biggest electricity output in the ASEAN region (IEA, 2015b). Global warming is the major issue that has severe consequences. For the sake of the planet before 2050, it is vital to limit the impacts. In order to reduce the GHG emissions and energy consumption, some countries have taken measures or policies to increase the cleaner and renewable energy sources. Because of the importance of reducing global warming, the Indonesian government has committed reducing minimum 26% GHG emissions by 2020. Indonesian flagship forest policy started since 2011 has lowered the GHG emissions from deforestation by 1 2.5% over 4 years. This moratorium on new licenses to log or clear rainforest also extended from2 to 4 years (2013 2015). Indonesia s current policy projection is the National Energy Policy (NEP) also set a relatively low bar for updating from fossil fuel to renewable energy sources, the target is 23% by 2030. The NEP also states that coal will still provide 30% of the total primary energy supply (TPES) by 2030 (APERC, 2016). In the other hand, the projections of this plan, the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Lack Of Diversity In Higher Education Last week I had the privilege of joining President Obama and the first lady at a White House summit designed to spur efforts to make sure that higher education serves as an engine of upward mobility rather than a replicator of inequality. One hundred college presidents came with formal pledges in hand, committing time and resources to strategies to improve access and success of disadvantaged young adults. The three heads of California s public systems all attended, including the Universityof California s new system president, former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. Just weeks on the job, Napolitano was the first participant to directly and explicitly own up to the racial undercurrent to the discussion. UC s enrollment of low income students is impressive, but the inadequate representation of Latino and African American students is a real problem. Seeming fully in command of the subject matter, Napolitano lamented the ripple effect this lack of diversity will have at all colleges because of the role UC plays in preparing the future faculty members who will serve as mentors to the next generation of students at campuses far beyond UC. ... Show more content on ... But the formal pledge she submitted to the White House for the event included a hint at one plank. It would feature efforts to enhance transfer to UC not just from community colleges generally, but from those that enroll large numbers of underrepresented and low income students but send relatively few on to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. How Soccer Explains The World Chapter Summary How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of Globalization is by Franklin Foer. He graduated from Columbia in 1996. Foer is an American journalist and former editor of The New Republic. Foer has written for Slate and New York magazine. He served as editor of American magazine The New Republic from 2006 until 2010, when he resigned. He then became editor again in 2012. His book How Soccer Explains the World was published in 2004. It was his first book. This book is about the search of the interchange between soccer and the global economy. The author talks about today s world events, from the political and economic standpoints. He states that soccer is the globalized medium that seems to lend itself to the effect that is has on the society as a whole. In the first point Foer tries to explain How soccer explains the gangster paradise . In this chapter, on example Red Star Belgrade, he s explains how work the soccer gangs. Red Star Belgrade is the most beloved, most successful soccer team in Serbia. Foer describes what can make usual soccer fan. Bodyguard of Red... Show more content on ... He goes into detail and describes the wonderful things that happen from the violence. That happens to be all the nationalism going on. Barca is the nationalist team. Their violence was never considered a threat. Their traditionalist ideals are meant to be respected. The Barca acts like there is nothing going on and try not to attract attention to them. The fans of Barcelona on the other hand, think they are better than everyone else and try to bring up the past and resentment that is not there. It has to do with the position there are in and what they have been taught and how they have been seen. But this is all better said in the words by Foer, You could love your country even consider it a superior group without desiring to dominate other groups or closing yourself off to foreign ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Sea Anemone Thesis Mutual Symbiosis: A Model for Peaceful Coexistence Peace, a great necessity in life, the absence of which you cannot fully understand until you have an experience of the mayhem caused by the Boko Haram insurgents of my region dead children, mutilated bodies, burnt down community and thousands of misplaced families. I really don t want to share the experience in details but I assure you, the devil himself considers it horrible. Nature does not just provide us with natural resources, it equally gives us a great number of life saving lessons. Although human civilization has developed by the proper use of nature and its products, peaceful coexistence, selfless interdependence and mutual relationship are lessons that could be learnt from nature. A study of the clown fish and the sea anemone reveals to us a few of such lessons. The clown fish and the sea anemone are sea creatures whose lifestyle is altogether a bunch of lessons worth learning by humanity. A clown fish is a small beautifully coloured fish that lives in partnership with the sea anemone; a sea dwelling creature that ... Show more content on ... The clown fish and the sea anemone relationship is a classic example of such relationship and a lesson to humanity especially as it relates to peace, peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding. Although both the clown and the anemone are weak and may not survive for long if left on their own, their coming together in oneness makes them strong and formidable and thereby, becoming survivors in a dangerous environment. With a continuous unbroken relationship, the sea anemone and the clown fish survive for about sixty and ten years respectively. Interestingly, nature here gives me a few important lessons and challenges: my disability is another s ability, mutual relationship and peaceful coexistence protects and preserves life the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. My Building A Public Space The idea of being able to walk on top of the building is somethings that does not happen a lot. Connecting the public to the building should be more than just creating a fascinating and interesting facade. My idea is to describe how a building is able to connect to people, by allowing them to not just walk inside or around but on top of the building creating a public space. The reason why i chose this topic is because i wanted to describe my building, and how i came to the idea for it, I also wanted to compared it to the OsloOperaHouse and how it helped me arrived to my final design and idea. My building and the Oslo Opera Househave a different scale, but i think they share some some of the same concepts. The idea of togetherness, easy and open access to the public, and most important connection to the landscape. The location of the buildings are different, the Oslo Opera House does not really have a connection to the landscape, since is pretty much part of the city surrounded by other buildings and where traffic is heavy. There might be some connection between Oslo Opera House and the landscape is the river, which influence the design known as The Wave Wll . My project studio(PICTURE 2) has a huge connection to the landscape, which allowed me to work around the landscape instead of being surrounded by buildings. The location of my building is in Beacon NY, around Main St. behind some trees and in front of a hill. Secondly, I placed the building on the location ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Pediatric Lab Assignment Pediatric Lab Assignment For this assignment, my groupmates and I decided to use the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale. We chose this assessment because our patient was a chronological age of thirteen months (premature 1 week, 9 days) and were aiming to look at her gross motor function in the following areas: reflexes, stationary, locomotion, object manipulation. Our results provided us with raw scores of: 12 for reflexes, 36 for stationary, 53 for locomotion and 1 for object manipulation. Due to our patient, Olivia, being premature we decided to compare her percentile ranks to her chronological age and her corrected age. Upon doing so, we found that our patient was in higher percentile ranks for her corrected age than her chronological age. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Is The Method Of Human Communication Should infants really spend their childhood time watching useless junk that wouldn t benefit them for later on in their life? Yes they re children and it wouldn t matter as much in that moment, but still it s not beneficial and it won t help them. They could spend their time doing something more helpful that could actually help them later in life like interacting with another kid or talking to their parents. As defined by Webster s Dictionary, televisionis a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, and used to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education. Television has been around since 1927, and is viewed by everybody around the world, including children. It is one of the main ... Show more content on ... But on the other hand if you were to let your child interact with another kid instead of letting them sit and watch TV they are more likely to be better off in life. For example, if you leave your child sitting in front of the TV watching Teletubbies they are less likely to be on the same level other kids are on because they don t just sit there and watch TV all day. The more time infants spend sitting in front of the TV, the harder it will be for them to learn how to communicate. With that being said TV is only a medium for transmitting data, nothing more nothing less. It s important to teach kids during the childhood phase how to be social and to learn social skills and how to talk and interact with one another all the things a child can t learn/do if all they do is sit in front of a TV all day. If a child is not raised to know how to socialize with other people, where do you think they re going to end up? A child needs to know how to talk to other human beings, not just to Dora on the TV. Research has shown that kids that watch a lot of television growing up tend to have a hard time paying attention in class or just staying concentrated. A child is more likely to watch cartoons as soon as they get home and lie about not getting homework instead of actually doing it. Don t misunderstand, watching TV is a really helpful tool if used right. It s a known fact that children spend more time ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Malathion Risk Assessment Essay example Malathion Risk Assessment Based on surveillance and monitoring Genercville, the wetlands have become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The proposal is to use the pesticide Malathion in order to control the problem of mosquitoes that could possibly infect the people with the West Nile Virus. The following is my analysis and evaluation of this pesticide.Malathion is an insecticide which is used in agricultural and horticultural applications to control mosquitoes and boll weevils (ATSDR 2001 West Nile Control). The use of malathion by ground application and aerial spraying is generally the preferred method to eliminate adult mosquitoes associated with the West Nile Virus. It is applied by truck mounted or aircraft mounted sprayers at ... Show more content on ... Populations living near areas of heavy malathion are at an increased risk for exposure through dermal contact with contaminated plants, inhaling of the mist from the applied insecticide, or by ingesting water or food borne residues. Dermal contact is the main type of exposure. Many of the cases or studies submitted, people have unintentionally ingested malathion (ATSDR 2001). There are some cases where people have attempted suicide. In most of all the cases, only minor symptoms developed. Most were involved with workers who were engaged in the manufacturing, formulating or applying malathion (ATSDR 2001). In 1959 male volunteers were exposed to malathion by inhaling aerosol bombs that contained 0%, 5%, and 20% malathion for 2 hours a day for 42 days (Golz 1959). The results of the study showed that the men had minimal effects. They noted that the effects were nasal and eye irritatation. Studies were also done in Santa Clara County, California to determine whether melathion increased fetal loss, low birthweight, or birth defects (ATSDR 2001). The studies were negative. At very high doses, malathion exposure can lead to death. There are many debates on whether or not to use the chemical Malathion to eradicate mosquitoes that pose the threat of the West Nile Virus. In Winnipeg, the police had to detain the protesters (CBS News Canada July 20, 2005). The debate is whether or not the chemical can weaken the immune system and cause a ... Get more on ...
  • 34. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Printers A printer is external hardware output device that takes the electronic data stored on a computer or may be on other device and generates a hard copy of it and that hardcopy may be used as future references. For example, if you created a report on your computer you could print several copies to hand out at a staff meeting. Printers are one of the most popular computer peripherals and are commonly used to print text and photos. A printer is an output device that usually prints characters, symbols, and graphics on paper. The printed output is generally referred to as hardcopy because it is in the permanent form which we can use for future references. Softcopy refers to temporary images or we can say in temporary form which may or may not be used ... Show more content on ... In business where enormous amount of material are printed, the character at a time printers are too slow; therefore, these users need line at a time printers. Line printers, or line at a time printers, use special mechanism that can print a whole line at once; they can typically print the range of 1,200 to 6,000 lines per minute. Drum, chain, and band printers are line at a time printers. Drum printer A drum printer consists of a solid, cylindrical drum that has raised characters in bands on its surface. The number of print positions across the drum equals the number available on the page. This number typically ranges from 80 132 print positions. The drum rotates at a rapid speed. For each possible print position there is a print hammer located behind the paper. These hammers strike the paper, along the ink ribbon, against the proper character on the drum as it passes. One revolution of the drum is required to print each line. This means that all characters on the line are not printed at exactly the same time, but the time required to print the entire line is fast enough to call them line printers. Typical speeds of drum printers are in the range of 300 to 2000 lines per ... Get more on ...
  • 35. How Do Gift Exchanges And Commodity Transactions Shape... How do gift exchanges and commodity transactions shape your everyday interactions with others? The flow of gifts and commodities between individuals is a significant aspect of our society as a whole. Gifts are things, often material objects, that are exchanged between groups or individuals that have some kind of relationship. The value of this gift is dependent on the nature, significance and goals of the relationship. Commodities are objects that move between people through transactions with minimal interaction or attachment. In this piece, I reflect on the way humans in today s society engage with gifts, commodities and one another, with a particular focus on the celebration of Christmas. Gifts are utilised to both maintain and build ... Show more content on ... Following that, the recipient is obligated to receive the gift with gratitude and in the correct manner. Finally, there is an unspoken obligation to reciprocate, though not necessarily immediately. One of Western society s most significant holidays and gift givingoccasions is Christmas, which takes place annually in late December. Christmas originated as a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is, however, celebrated as a cultural tradition by the majority of individuals in Western society, not just followers of Christianity. It is a public holiday in many countries, often centers around a festive meal, and the exchange of gifts is tradition. Gifts are not only given between people with well established relationships, often presents are given to coworkers or teachers for example. The value of the gift does vary though depending on the extent of the relationship between the giver and receiver. One is expected to give a very valuable and thoughtful present to their loved ones, but can give something more generic or cheaper to a person they have less of a connection with. For example, a mother may give her daughter an heirloom that has been passed down to each generation or a husband might buy his wife a expensive piece of jewelry. On the other hand, a friend may give another friend a gift card or money, and coworkers might give one another a box ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Can Utilitarianism Be Defended Against The Injustice... Can Utilitarianism be defended against the Injustice Objection? In this essay, I will argue that utilitarianism cannot be defended against the injustice objection. Utilitarians may be able to reply to the injustice objection in some cases by invoking one of two replies, the Long term consequences reply, in which utilitarians will avoid unjust actions that increase short term utility because in the long term they will not lead to the greatest good. The other reply that may help utilitarianismavoid injustice in some cases is the Secondary principles reply, where some rule based principles such as not murdering (because it generally decreases happiness) may avoid injustice. However, I will focus on the bite the bullet objection,... Show more content on ... An example of this is in the case of R v Dudley and Stephens (1884), where Dudley, Stephens, and Brookes ate the cabin boy Parker, after they were shipwrecked for 24 days at sea. Although this act maximised utility for the most people, Parker s rights were infringed upon as he did not agree to being killed and eaten. Therefore when we add up the pain and pleasures of all those affected we may end up infringing someone s rights. The act that maximises utility may cause unhappiness and misery for the minority. There are three standard replies to the injustice objection. The first being the Long term consequences objection, where a person following utilitarianism is not obligated to commit an injustice, and that person should take into account the long term consequences of their actions. An example I would like to refer to is the harvesting organs example. Where there are five sick people in hospital and they all need organ transplants, at the same time a sixth patient is undergoing a routine checkup. A transplant surgeon finds that the only way of saving the five would be to kill the sixth person and harvest their organs. Utilitarianism would state that we should harvest the organs of person 6 without his permission to save the lives of the five other people who are dying. A utilitarian would explain that the action of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Displacement Analysis Introduction The hotel industry is a revenue generated business whose profit normally streams mainly from guest room nights, but other areas in the hotel which generate revenue are meeting spaces, food and beverage, gift shop, spa services, etc. These different departments in a hotel go hand in hand, in that, rooms are a vital part of any hotel, if they are being sold and profit is maximized in that department, it is likely that the other departments would be utilized as well, as opposed to if the occupancy and a hotel was very low. The hospitality industry is unpredictable when it comes to forecasting real time customer demand and profit maximization. The front desk staff often face difficult decisions when it comes to booking in groups ... Show more content on ... Guest rooms are not the only thing requested, they would also like to have one meeting room per night to host their gatherings with coaches and fellow competitors. Along with these requests they notified her that they would all being enjoying breakfast Saturday morning, they will be attending their swim meets during the day so lunch is not needed, at least half of them will be eating dinner for both nights at the hotel while the rest enjoy dinner elsewhere, they will all use to pool for practice swims and at night approx. 65% of them will gather together in the bar to socialize while having wine and cocktails. Also the on site spa will be generating a lot of revenue from the competitive swimming team The hotel is expecting to sell to 20% spa services on Friday and 35% spa services on Saturday because they would be done with their swim meet by then and they would want to relax. This has turned into a dilemma because on the same weekend there is the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon early Saturday morning. The Larson Hotel is at the very start of the marathon so it is convenient for travellers to stay here. Majority of them will be arriving Friday to settle in, they will be occupying 222 rooms. On Saturday an additional 18 rooms will be occupied for the same group with very early check in requests. In total number of guest rooms on Saturday will be 240 devoted to the marathon participates. After reviewing the previous ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Arthur Eddington s My Son, The Prince Of Fashion The most beautiful theory, The Economist The Economist s article The most beautiful theory discusses Albert Einstein s theory of general relativity. It explains the origins of general relativity through Einstein s initial thought experiments that eventually led to the realization that the university functions in four dimensions ( three spatial dimensions, one temporal one ) and that mass curved space time, creating gravity. Over time, Einstein s theory was verified by observations, such as those made by Arthur Eddington when he noticed the skew of light around the sun during an eclipse, which could only have been due to distorted space time. His theory has also been expanded over the years as physicists try to combine general relativity with ... Show more content on ... He describes the various shows they witnessed, brilliantly contrasting his clueless apathy with his son s pure and complete entrancement with the clothes, the shows, and the process. He also describes his son s unique love for fashion and his ability to dress impeccably, which he does due to his love for clothes and despite any teasing and mocking he encounters because of his style. Abe has an impressive and commendable ability to stand out and withstand the scrutiny and criticism that accompanies such distinction (Chabon even comments that Abe designs his clothes, the outside of his body, to invite scrutiny ). Ironically, though, Chabon expresses the most important message of the article through the one fashion show to which he did not accompany his son. It was the show his son loved the most, precisely because Chabon, his minder (which he purposefully calls himself throughout the article), was not there. It was at the Paris Fashion show, and this one show in particular, that Abe found his people; he found those like him, who similarly love everything about fashion. And it was there he finally cured the intense solitude of his passion that he suffered at home, amid friends and family that did not share, or really understand, his passion. In Chabon s words you are born into a family and those are your people, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Empiricism Vs. Positivist Theory Of Knowledge Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that evaluates the acquisition, limitations, and origins of human knowledge. One of the theories found in epistemology is the theory of empiricism. Empiricism is the belief that knowledge is gained through experience, that there is no such thing as innate knowledge, or knowledge that one is born with. Empiricism stands in stark contrast to the rationalist theory, the belief that humans possess innate knowledge, and that one can have knowledge, without sensory information or experience, through reason. In this paper I will evaluate the theory of empiricism, comparing it to rationalismand discussing advantages and disadvantages of the empiricists perspective on the acquisition of knowledge, and then I will discuss why I consider empiricism the superior theory of knowledge. One of the main critiques of the empiricist theory is that it is derived strictly from sensory information. Any knowledge that we may possess is strictly from the experiences we have had in our lifetime. This is a problem that rationalists have with empiricism. Rene Descartes, mathematician and father of modern philosophy, argues that our senses cannot be trusted, and that they are easily deceived (Epistemology, slides 26 28). Not unlike Descartes, it is common for mathematicians to subscribe to the side of rationalism in regard to the acquisition of knowledge. This is not surprising as most of mathematics involve concepts that are known to be universally true ... Get more on ...
  • 40. User Side Influences On Website Performance Connection speed There are many user side influences on website performance but the first user side influence on website performance is that it s very crucial to look at its connection speed that the user is functioning on. But now there are numerous different components in which I will need to look at to entirely clarify how the user has an influence on how good a website does but there are also a few other reasons that users sometimes can t actually help and simply have to put up with which will all be described in due course. The four key user side impacts on website performance as connection speed is involved Server Side Bandwidth Bandwidth is the quantity of data traffic which can be downloaded from a website per second. The data traffic works like any usual traffic, if they are lots of vehicles on the road, it will take you a lot longer to reach than if you were the single person driving on the road. The data traffic works alike e.g. if they are lots of people transferring from a website all at the same time the download speed will be much slower. Yet, if you are the only user that is copying from a website your computer s speed would be much faster because you will be able to utilize most of the data available to download. Dial up Dial up internet is the easiest type of internet that a person can essentially use. Dial up involves of a person requiring going via their mobile line with the aim of having to join to the internet service and get data packages to get on ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Negative Effects Of Egocentrism We are a social species. We reproduce sexually and thus our relationships with those around us are essential to our ability to succeed as an individual. With these ideas in mind, society has come to denounce egocentrism and to view those who are prone to it as undesirable and incapable of success. Egocentrism is defined in the Oxford dictionary as Thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others. In the eyes of most, to think only of oneself is to be parasitic to all others. To lack empathy is to be inherently indifferent which precedes unsuccessfulness. Why is it then that there are so many stories of cruel billionaire businessman mistreating their employees and loved ones? How can people that disregard the... Show more content on ... However, in my experience, for an egomaniac money, sex, and other transient pleasures are just as good as long term relationships. Love and happiness are chemical cocktails. These chemicals present themselves just as readily in fleeting relationships; commitment is unnecessary to their appearance. More than that, a self centered person, barring any mental illness, can choose whether they behave egocentrically or benevolently in their relationships depending on what they find advantageous. But, the instability of relationships among the egocentric can also be harmful to their empathetic friends and romantic partners. This case is a bit more tricky, it can be somewhat difficult to just choose to hate someone even if exposure to them is harmful. Is it really fair to let egotism go unchecked if it destabilizes relationships and causes emotionally harmed to the less naturally egotistical? Truthfully, one must manage their own relationships. If one experiences emotional distress due to someone else s self obsession it is his own fault for becoming involved with an egomaniac. Egocentrism is inherently harmful to interpersonal relationships, but that is the problem of the egomaniac and nobody ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Comparing the Attitudes Demonstrated between Pre-War and... Comparing the Attitudes Demonstrated between Pre War and at War with Brooke s Poem The Soldier and Owen s Poem Dulce et Decorum est Dulce et Decorum Est was written at war in 1917 by an English poet and World War I soldier Wilfred Owen. Dulce et decorum est is written in a very bitter manner, by a man who had very strong anti war sentiments. The 27 line poem, written loosely in iambic pentameter is told from the eyes of Wilfred Owen. The opening line of this poem contains two similes which compares the soldiers to beggars and hags bent double, like old beggars under sacks , coughing like hags. This is not how we would portray young, fit, soldiers, but the fact of the matter is that they are no... Show more content on ... Owen uses the word boys which reminds us of their youth, but having already described them as aged and disabled we come to the fact that their youth was stolen, and we are also confronted with the concept that they are innocent victims within the war. But someone still was yelling out and stumbling this is the line where Owen begins his vivid description of a gas attack death. It is introducing us to the situation this soldier is in from a third person view. The next line; And flound ring like a man in fire of lime describes the helplessness of this poor soldier who is about to die. The image of the man guttering, choking, drowning permeates Owen s thoughts and dreams, forcing him to live this grotesque nightmare over and over again. The word Dim in the next line has a lot of significance and meaning. Firstly it describes the scene, the light, giving it an eerie and gloomy feel, one with little hope. Secondly, it describes the chances this soldier has, having shown us that war can be left up to chance, Owen is describing the chances this boy now has for survival. I saw him drowning , shows that Owen directly refers to himself. This is to personify the entire poem, to make it much more real to the reader. It is showing us that all the horrors Owen has described are ... Get more on ...
  • 43. When The Scientist Presents By Jean Luc Lebrun A great successful researcher not only rely on the numerous published papers rather depends more on how many scientific talks has been given to fellow colleagues and peers. The text, When the Scientist Presents written by Jean Luc Lebrun outlines essential aspects to give a science talk and ideas are illustrated through detailed examples of scientific presentations. The book is divided majorly into four parts: Content selection, audienceexpectation, the slides and the presenter. The information contained in the book help a scientist to prepare about the content filtering, audiences expectation and presenters gesture to give sciencetalks. Content selection should be abreast with knowledge of audience expected from the scientific presentation. Each slide should be self contained and must not require external support for understanding. There are two ways to cut down presentation time: Visual is worth a thousand words and helps saving time for explaining in depth details of a project especially numerical data. One should put applicable content on slides because what matters most is the amount of information you caused to be absorbed by attendee. The Q A is significant, the audience must gain freedom to engage with speaker and ask questions for better perspective of the talk. Contents should reflect critical analysis of evidences supported by research findings. Furthermore, Credibility can be established through what audience perceive by the presenter s evidence. In a ... Get more on ...