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Wissenschaftlicher Essay
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Wissenschaftlicher Essay Schreiben Lernen Wissenschaftlicher Essay Schreiben Lernen
Dehumanization In The Movie The Mission
In the movie, The Mission, the Jesuit Priest, Father Gabriel, played by Jeremy Lyons, in an effort to
liberate the Guarani people by proselytizing them to Christianity, becomes their oppressor by
changing their natural beliefs and practices. While his intentions are meritorious, they display another
form of colonialism and oppression. He does learn the Guarani language. However, this appears to be
only as an attempt to teach them his way or the Jesuit way. Instead of learning the Guarani culture and
assimilating therein, he attempts to convert them to European culture. As an example he teaches them
music, which they had no knowledge of prior to his coming. He decides what is best for the people
and what they should learn. In one of the earliest scenes in the movie the people did not wear clothes.
Later on, we see the Guarani fully clothed, which was an indication that the priests taught them that
they should wear clothes. Prior to his coming, the Guarani could be said to be in a Garden of Eden
state ... Show more content on ...
He did not view the Guarani as human beings. In the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire uses
the term dehumanization to describe both those whose humanity has been stolen and also those who
have stolen it (Freire, 44.) We find dehumanization throughout history. African Americans were not
considered fully human during the period of slavery and for much of the 20th century. In the United
States, oppression of African Americans and other minorities continues today. I disagree with Freire
that oppression affects both the oppressor and the oppressed. He says that the oppressor, who is him or
herself dehumanized because he/she dehumanizes others (Freire 47.) In my opinion, the oppressor
does not view him or herself as dehumanized. The oppressors see themselves as fully vindicated
because they are superior
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Sexual Orientation Of Sexual Minority Health Essay
Relatively recent inclusion of sexual orientation measures in a few federal and state health
surveillance surveys is enabling the production of population based information about sexual minority
health and its status relative to that of the heterosexual majority.
Few studies have been adequately powered to investigate variability in health by sexual orientation, let
alone by orientation and other key social characteristics (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic
status); yet research suggests heterogeneity in sexual minority health. Most research on sexual
minorities health in the United States has been led utilizing convenience samples. In spite of the fact
that the discoveries of this exploration have made huge commitments to the research, information
gathered from nonprobability tests have constrained access for general health planning as a result of
concerns with respect to determination predisposition and outer legitimacy. Populace based health
measurements assume a key part in illuminating the prioritization of general health and wellbeing
issues, and open interest in the health advancement movement.
Moderately late consideration of sexual orientation measures in a couple of government and state
wellbeing observation overviews is empowering the generation of populace based data about sexual
minority well being, and its status with respect to that of the heterosexual dominance. In spite of the
fact that the measure of sexual introductory information gathered with
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Roman Culture And The Roman Empire
Roman Culture
The Roman Empire is among the greater ancient civilizations known to man. In 753 B.C. Rome at one
point consisted of The Rhine River to Egypt and from Asia Minor to Britain accumulating some 2
millions square miles. This essay goes over some of their culture and the great strides made
throughout 753 BC to 27 BC and from 64 AD to 1453 A.D.
I. Military
The Roman military focused on teamwork and making their soldiers brave throughout their training.
The Equitatus played a major role in legionary tactics. The Romans military was far more superior and
successful than any other army for a thousand years. Over many centuries the Romans dominated the
world which brought most of Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East under their rule. The only
way to obtain citizenship was to serve in the Roman military and basically get what we call an
honorable discharge nowadays. The Army didn t allow marriage until Cladius came to power in 10
B.C. The military frowned upon being married even after Cladius. Roman tactics and advanced
weaponry was extremely influential to their success. They had tremendously brutal heavy cavalry
called Franks and Lombards. They also came out with a genius design of an advanced cross bow that
was far more accurate than that of an average archer.
II. Architecture
One of the biggest advances in architecture during Ancient Rome was definitely their water systems.
The Roman Empire had extensive aqueducts that carried a vast quantity of water to
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Analysis Of Red Dog
Australian Film allows the rest of the world to have an insight into our way of life, our communities
and our land. Australian film usually provides a hard working and hardy stereotype who lives in the
outback and takes pride in his mates, and for a lot of the country, this is mostly true. The typical
Australian is a laid back, hard working community member who prides the relationship they have with
their mates, who may not even be a person. The saying a man s best friend is his dog is incredibly true
for many, especially Australians, where dogs can be found in all walks of life. At least, this is Kriv
Stender s perspective of Australian identity, seen in his 2011 film Red Dog.
Red Dog tells the story of a dog who wandered around the outback before settling down in Dampier, a
mining town of north Western Australia. There he finds himself a home and a family, within the close
knit community. This reflects Stender s perspective of the Australian identity, and what qualities are
valued within Australian culture.
The environment within the film shows a vast, dry and barren land, coated in a layer of red dust that is
iconic within Australian film, and builds onto the identity. This is red dirt is so rich in its colour, and
this can be seen in the scene where Red Dog earns his name, after being coated in the dust while
sitting on the back of a trailer as it travelled across the land. The wide angle camera shots used in the
scenes prior to this show the large emptiness of the
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Sequence Analysis For Alfred Hitchcock s Vertigo
Sequence Analysis for Alfred Hitchcock s Vertigo 27:30 30:30 In this scene in Alfred Hitchcock s
1983 thriller Vertigo, he uses Pictures to bring out a Supernatural feeling to the movie. In the scene,
you see things like uncanny comparisons and un behavior like actions, which can contribute to the
claim that the movie has some supernatural elements. The scene that I choose is about 27 minutes into
the movie, even though it is early, it still shows the early supernatural features. In the beginning of the
movie Madeline s husband, Gavin, is introduced and ask the main character, John, to spy on his wife,
because she is not acting like herself or even seemed possessed. Later as this specific scene comes
along, you can see that certain things
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Kid s Gardening Classes For Summer 2008
Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 are the perfect solution for an adventure for the young
gardener in your home. Summer Camp for the Young Horticulturist is a great opportunity for kids to
join their peers who also enjoy working in the garden and cultivating new life through growing plants.
Having the ability to grow something is a special talent and kids with Green Thumbs know well the
fulfillment of watching a plant grow from a seedling to a full fledged plant. The Kid s Gardening
Classes for Summer 2008 provides a unique environment among others who love and enjoy the art of
gardening under the tutelage of an experienced gardener. The Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer
2008 will be held June 23rd through 27th between the hours of 9:00AM and 12:00PM. This particular
class is designed for children between the grades pf 2nd to 4th. The fee for attendance in the Kid s
Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 is $150.00 per child. The Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer
2008 include a well rounded curriculum including learning to grow fruits, vegetables and flowering
plants. Campers learn all the basics of gardening including learning about the life cycle of nature.
Other important aspects learned in the Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 include learning
about nutrition as it pertains to fresh vegetables. Other learning aspects of the Kid s Gardening Classes
for Summer 2008 include campers learning how to start a raised garden bag, working with organic
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Generalized Anxiety Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay
Anxiety, or commonly referred to as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is when a person has
excessive worry about a variety of topics (Carrol 2014). When a person has generalized anxiety
disorder, they process a fear in their mind on different types of issues that are occurring in their
everyday life. This disorder can affect a person for a period of at least six months (Carroll 2014). Of
the different types of generalized anxiety disorders that people face on a daily basis, mathematics
anxiety is a type of generalized anxiety disorder (Carroll 2014). Mathematics anxiety is the feeling of
worry, frustration, agitation, and fear of failure with regard to taking a math class, completing math
problems and or taking a math exam (McMahon 2015). Mathematics anxiety is serious matter that
affects students in schools, and can have an ultimate effect on them in their future. With the help of
teachers, parents, and classroom ideas, mathematics anxiety can be made less prominent in the
classroom for the students who are affected by mathematics anxiety. Mathematics anxiety has been
studies for the past 50 years (McMahon 2015), because it is a problem that affect many Americans.
With all of the studies done, there is still much to be known about it and its effect on students.
Mathematics anxiety has been defined by Vahedi and Farrokhi (2011) as negative cognitions,
avoidance behaviors, and feeling pressured and inadequate in performance that combined interfere
with solving math
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The Advantages Of The Confederacy
Although the Confederacy lacked the exuberant population and wealth of the Union, the Confederacy
possessed several key advantages that allowed them to command large stretches of the Civil War.
Since the savage war was fought primarily on southern soil, the South had the unique advantage of
fighting on their own land, and therefore were able to fight a defensive war. In sharp contrast to the
Union, the people of the Confederacy passionately believed in the purpose of the Civil War, and these
numerous individuals fervently fought for the concept of independence. The Confederacy also boasted
a large arsenal of phenomenal generals, highlighted by Virginia native Robert E. Lee. Despite its
numerous advantages, the South also possessed several glaring
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Organizing Customer Knowledge Of The Female Central...
Organizing Customer Knowledge in the Female Central Library in the University of Dammam
Rawan H. AlGhamdi, Wala A. AlGhamdi, Ebtsam F. AlHajri, and Maha A. AlQahtani
A new methodology for customer knowledge management in the female central library in the
University of Dammam is needed because of the big amount of customers information that exist there.
Customers include employees, students, faculty members and researchers in the university. so, the
purpose of this study is to propose a methodology for organizing customer knowledge in this library.
In general, the proposed methodology is for developing a customer knowledge taxonomy model
(CKT). By using and applying this model the customer knowledge can be classified into three
categories: knowledge about customers, knowledge from customers and knowledge for customers. in
addition, this paper proposes a strategy of merging the first and second categories of customer
knowledge to form the third category. As a result of this case study, the librarians are expected to use
the CKT model to organize customer knowledge which will help in facilitating the knowledge
management activities including storing and sharing the knowledge. That will help them also to
understand the preferences and the requirements of their customers so they can provide better services
for them. Finally, it s expected that the proposed methodology can be used by
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Using Dark Humor And Journals
submit illustrations using dark humor to journals. He used Cubism in two different ways. In some
paintings, his use of squares is very prominent and the image looks almost grid like. In other art
pieces, his lines are not as strong and straight. He died at the age of 40 after dealing with frequent
illnesses due to heart and uremia problems. His death was caused by renal failure.
The Sunblind (1914)
Juan Gris
1887 1927
Charcoal, paper, chalk, and gouache
A lot of use of light and shadows
Dull; No really bright colors used
The blinds are closed on a sunny day Gris can be interpreted to be sad, depressed, shut away
A lot of brown
An image of the local newspaper sold in Gris town this was a painting of an area in his home. It is
personal to him
Juan Gris
Gris was a Spanish painter and sculptor. Although he is Spanish and was born in Madrid, a majority of
his life was spent living and working in France. A lot of his work dealt with Cubism. He was inspired
by the work of Pablo Picasso, and before beginning his serious painting career, he used to
Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass, Guitar and Newspaper (1913)
Pablo Picasso
1881 1973
Bright background, but dark images used for the collage
Printed paper and ink used
Seems like there is no real pattern or set plan for what the result would be
Looks random, yet unified at the same time
Newspaper used was 30 years old
Pablo Picasso
He was a Spanish painter, sculptor, stage
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Descriptive Essay About A Puppy
Running faster than the speed of light, a cute puppy came rushing toward me as we were playing in
the backyard. With no intention of stopping, the biggest puppy I ve ever seen in my life ran head first
hitting the top of my mouth¬―chipping my tooth. The puppy s name was Bruno. A big brown playful
puppy with a line of white fur running from the middle of his eyes to the top of his nose on his face. I
loved Bruno, but he was not the first pitbull puppy that I ve had.
When I was in Idyllwild on a family trip to play in the snow one day, we stopped at a convenience
store to get something to snack on and drink. When we walked inside there was a man walking around
trying to sell a pitbull puppy with faint black spots hidden behind his fuzzy white fur. It was close to
my step brother s birthday at the time, and he wanted the puppy as an early birthday present. My step
brother, Nathaniel, wasn t the only one who wanted that puppy. In truth, the rest of my family on this
trip also wanted the puppy. As we left Idyllwild that day, we left with one more puppy than we came
with. At the time, the puppy s name was Carlitos, but we decided to name him Rosco instead.
Rosco rarely wanted to play with me because he loved my step brother so much more than he did me,
or anyone else for that matter. In fact, Nathaniel was the only person who Rosco would run around
and jump on whenever he was in his presence. I wished that Rosco would play with me just as much
as he did with my step brother, but
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Kristi Yamaguchi
Kristi Yamaguchi: Skating Legend Kristi Yamaguchi is a legend on ice. Kristi can make triple jumps
and twirls look like a breeze. Her feet, the ones that have skated her from award to award, were not
always as efficient as they are now. Kristi Tsuya Yamaguchi suffered as a young child from what is
known as clubfoot (Disabled World). Congenital talipes equinovarus, or clubfoot is an idiopathic
deformity of newborn feet present at birth. A rare deformity with less than 200,000 babies, per year,
are diagnosed with it in the U.S.A. (Blue Sky). The affected foot or feet usually are twisted downward
and curled inward forming the shape of a golf club, hence the name. The child or adult left with
dealing with the deformity would naturally experience ... Show more content on ...
Both of Kristi s feet were affected with clubfoot, her toes were curled under and her feet twisted
sideways (Yamaguchi 6). Kristi at the time was too young, as are most victims to experience the full
symptoms of clubfoot. Even so, there are some people within the world who have to live with the
disability. Which, in no doubt, is frustrating and
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The Natural And Physical Inequality
Unavoidably, every person enters the world with a unique set of talents, dispositions and attributes
which lead him or her to perform better or worse than another person in certain realms. Rousseau calls
this natural or physical inequality: one may be stronger, quicker or smarter than another, and as such
able to complete more tasks than another. Rousseau argues that none of this matters in the state of
nature because, similar to animals, mankind concerns itself with self preservation. Family bonds, or
any other sort of organization of a group of people, do not exist in this state. The complete self
sufficiency of each person means nobody needs to exercise control or domination of any sort over any
other person to survive or enjoy a more luxurious lifestyle. I see him satisfying his hunger under an
oak tree, quenching his thirst at the first stream, finding his bed at the foot of the same tree that
supplied his meal; and thus all his needs are satisfied (Rousseau 47). Perhaps one more adept at
finding food, whether by speed or size, will more easily satisfy his hunger and have more time to rest
at the foot of the tree or to enjoy relations with those passing by. While this does provide an
advantage, every person effectively lives the same sort of life, free of dominion of any sort. Similarly,
Smith writes that talents of men differ on the basis of the realm they most naturally aspire to. While
one man may inevitably be stronger than a second, the same second may
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The Dominican Republic, and its owner, Rafael Leonidas...
The Dominican Republic, and its owner, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo
All throughout the 20th century we can observe the marked presence of totalitarian regimes and
governments in Latin America. Countries like Cuba, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua and the
Dominican Republic all suffered under the merciless rule of dictators and military leaders. Yet the
latter country, the Dominican Republic, experienced a unique variation of these popular dictatorships,
one that in the eyes of the world of those times was great, but in the eyes of the Dominicans, was
nothing short of deadly.
Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, or El Chivo , controlled the people of the Dominican Republic in a manner
that set him apart from the other leaders of that time. ... Show more content on ...
The United States occupied the Dominican Republic in 1916, and when they vacated the country, they
named Rafael Leonidas Trujillo second chief of a military branch. (Bosch, 173) The weakened ruling
party allowed Trujillo to ascend through the ranks and gain popularity from 1924 to 1930, when he
was elected President. Promises and ideas of economic stability filled the eyes and ears of the
Dominican people, and allowed El Chivo to come into power. The Great Depression and World War II
also allowed Trujillo to do as he pleased; due to the fact that the great powers had to shift their focus
Slowly but surely Rafael Trujillo started making the Dominican Republic his own little piggybank. As
he saw that the country had been stripped of many industries, he started to buy back everything that
was in foreign control. (Sagas, 172) If he could not buy the business or gain control of the economic
sector through lawful competition, he would gain control unlawfully. These other means often
consisted of giving unfair interest rates to the businesses he competed against, using the banks that he
owned. Ultimately, if he didn t own the leading business, through his banks, he slowly ate away his
The main target in his quest to regain economic control of the Republic was buying back the sugar
cane plantations and sugar factories, almost all of which were owned and run by the
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Differences And Similarities Between Jamaica And The...
Jamaica and the United Kingdom
There are a lot of different countries in the world. Some have many similarities and some have few
similarities. English is the international language and everyone should try and learn this language if
they want to communicate with the rest of the world. Most people think of the United Kingdom and
the United States of America, as the english speaking countries. This is not the only English speaking
countries, with English as the national language. In this text I will take a closer look at a country that
has english as the national language. I will look at the differences and similarities that this country has
with The United Kingdom. The country is surprisingly small and has a population of approximately 3
million people. It is a small island and the largest English speaking country in the Caribbean. It was a
British colony from 1665 to 1962 and that is probably one of the reasons why most of the people there
speak english. The country i am talking about is obviously Jamaica. ... Show more content on ...
The music industry in Jamaica is one of the most influential in the world. Popular music genres such
as reggae and dancehall was both originated in Jamaica. Likewise, rap and hip hop was stated by a
Jamaican, called Kool Herc. Bob Marley is also a famous music artist from Jamaica. His music played
an important role in many movements in Jamaica and all over the world. The most famous one is the
fight against apartheid in South Africa. Dancing is also important in Jamaica. A famous proverb in
Jamaica, is that those who can t dance, blame it on the music . In all african countries, music and
dancing is really normal and it s like this in Jamaica too. It is normal to dance on the streets in public
and have fun, while listening to music. By all means music and dancing is undoubtedly important for
Jamaica and the culture is mostly based around
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How Does Separation Of Powers Dominate Parliament
The British uncodified constitution is not a single document but is comprised of several discrete bills.
The constitution is essentially a set of the Most Important Rules with the primary purpose of
regulating how the nation should be run. It additionally grants power to the law maker, which is
Parliament (House of Commons, House of Lords, and the Monarch).
This essay will explore the extent of legislative power Parliament holds, specifically examining the
concept of Parliamentary sovereignty, the separation of powers and Dicey s rule of law. However,
there is a school of thought that Devolution can undermine Parliaments supremacy, despite this it will
be argued that within the UK constitution Parliament does have unlimited legislative ... Show more
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Since, Devolution has led to a persistent demand for the transfer of more legislative power to
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, thwarting the flexibility and function of Westminster s
Parliament. It is most useful to discuss the Scotland act because the Scottish Parliament has the
greatest delegated power including the power to pass primary legislation. Lord Cooper argues that
Parliamentary Sovereignty is not a principle that exists in the Scottish Parliament. It is a statutory rule
that where a subject matter has been devolved to another Parliament or is not a reserved matter such as
education and health, then Westminster cannot usually legislate on that matter in the absence of
consent of the Scottish Parliament . The Sewel convention makes that clear and suggests how
devolved matters could limit Westminster, however in the Scotland act it is stated that this will not
affect Parliament s legislative powers. In addition, Ministerial appointments in Scotland still need
approval by the Queen in Parliament. Possibly showing how the Westminster still upholds supremacy
on Scottish decisions. Also in theory, Westminster could legislate in areas of devolved competence,
contrary to the wishes of the Scottish parliament, although it rarely would. If Westminster wanted to
repeal the Scotland act 1998 and abolish the Scottish Parliament to reclaim delegated powers, it could
through its unlimited legislative powers. Since the Scotland act is just an ordinary act that Parliament
has the power to repeal like any other law, even if people argue that this act possess extra validity .
Similarly Westminster could legislate to prohibit Scottish MP s from voting on legislation relating
only to England as the West Lothian question challenged. Overall, Devolution does not represent a
challenge to the doctrine of Parliamentary
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Definition Of Version Control Solutions
Version Control is an important thing when you re working on projects with several different people
involved. One could argue that it s important even if you re working by yourself since you can
maintain consistent backups of your projects. Throughout the years, Unity3D has had several different
built in version control solutions. One of the best ones, in my opinion, was the Unity Asset Server.
Unfortunately, the Asset Server is now a legacy product and it sounds like Unity will no longer be
updating it for future releases. The other downside to the Asset Server is that it requires a Pro license
for Unity in order to implement it. Aside from the Asset Server, there are several different third party
solutions such as PlasticSCM, Perforce, ... Show more content on ...
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Examples Of Archetypes In Carl Jung
The book starts with the world that is full of wizard and magic. The first impression that the main
character gave me is that the character is wild but naive. For example, Ged s first action where he tries
to mimic his aunt s magic which caused him to stand out. His innocent and not knowing mind cause
many to be fearful of him since he is powerful although he is just as ordinary as the others. In addition
to this, Ged is also somewhat lonely in which his mom died when he is young and that his older
siblings are all gone far away. He didn t really find much find when he entered the School for Wizard.
However, I think that these example for lonesome cause the character to be not caring and more wild
compared to others. Moreover, one action that the main character did that stands out the most to me
was when he tries to save the whole land of Gout using his little trick. One thing that he said is that I ll
keep up this fog as long as I can. ... Show more content on ...
Although is far beyond being a hero at the beginning of the book, his lesson caused him to have a
heroic heart. The archetypal hero that is theorized by Carl Jung means typical character, an action or a
situation that seems to represent such universal patterns of human nature. In this case, Ged shows is
the emphasis of caring through helping other but risking himself. In addition to this, Ged shows the
heroic archetype in the beginning of the book when he uses his trick to forecasting a fog/shadow over
the mountain in order to save his people in the town. This is at a very young age. Moreover, when Ged
tries to save Pachvarry s son, he has this giving heart. Another example is that he defeated the dragon
that was bothering the villagers in the town where he asks for no return. The mini examples shape the
characters into who they are though the way that they act or speaks. He shows that he has the power to
overcome these
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Loch Ness Monster Essay
Existence of a monster in Loch Ness is debated among scientists and enthusiasts. Using sonar and
tracking devices, no bona fide proof that the Loch Ness monster exists has been produced. However,
hearsay and folklore have grasped the attention of some parties. For over 1,500 years, there has been a
lack of significant evidence of the Loch Ness Monster.
In the depths of Loch Ness, Great Britain s largest body of freshwater, the unidentified creature,
affectionately known as Nessie , is believed to take residence (San Souci 14). However, the loch has
many mysteries of its own. For example, the temperature of the water should be cold enough to freeze
over, but it never does (Berke 21). Only twenty miles away, snow falls occur often on the ... Show
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Richard Forrest, a plesiosaurus expert, had stated I haven t heard of any sightings that sound anything
like a plesiosaur, (Owen). He continued, People usually refer to a series of undulating humps. The
plesiosaur, being a reptile, wouldn t undulate but move from side to side. Such sightings are much
more likely to come from mammals such as a row of otters swimming across the loch (Owen). The
size of a prehistoric plesiosaur is approximately 11 meters in length (Owen). But according to tourists,
the size of the Loch Ness monster can range from size of a cow to 9 meters in length (Abels 23). The
difference in size between the two creatures has caused a huge discrepancy. Many photographs of
what is believed to have been the Loch Ness monster are always very blurry, gray and grainy with
many dark shadows hiding the object that was photographed. It is hard for scientists, experts and
critics to identify the object of what is allegedly in the photographs. The British Broadcasting
Corporation did an in depth study in 2003 using 600 separate sonar beams and satellite technology to
search the loch (Cheung). However, no traces made by animals as big as the monster were found. The
team had hoped to use the air in the beast s lungs as a reflection, sending the distorted signals back to
the sonar sensors (Cheung). The BBC commented that the only explanation for the persistence of
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Global Warming Is Not Only Affecting The Earth
Global warming is not only affecting the earth, but it is also affecting many animals at a very alarming
rate. One species of animal that has been affected in a major way are seals. The species of seals
consist of harp, hooded and ringed seals.The lives of seals are being threatened by the climate change
that is happening throughout many arctic, antarctic regions, and other areas of the world. Due to
climate change caused by global warming in the arctic and the antarctic regions, rapid ice loss has
occurred, which is affecting seals at an alarming rate. With the rapid ice loss in the arctic and antarctic
regions, many subspecies of seals are currently racing against the ticking clock climate change.The
worldwide status of seal population ... Show more content on ...
Global warming can cause serious danger to many things such as animals, plants and the
environment.Many of these causes are affecting seals and if it continues to happen it can cause those
seals to die or even lead to extinction. Many seal species depend on sea ice for their survival. As
global climate change reduces the extent, duration, and thickness of sea ice, these seal species are
threatened with extinction. (, Seal Conservation 2014.) Many natural impacts could have
caused Global warming.Some of the impacts consist of the sun s warmth and greenhouse gases. With
the sun, it s more self explanatory. Over time small but measurable changes occurs in the output of the
sun earth s ultimate source of warming energy. (Mann, Michael E., and Lee R. Kump, Dire
Predictions: Understanding Global Warming 2008.) Over years and years, there has been a very steady
increase in the numbers pertaining to sunspots.Through this, the earth is getting warmer and studies
and data suggest that solar activity is very well influencing global climate change.The second natural
impact is greenhouse gases.To start off with greenhouse gases are produced by burning fuels such as
coal, natural gas and oil. The greenhouse gases are emissions that rise into the atmosphere and trap the
sun s energy, heat from escaping. Flint states, Global warming is the increase in the earth s
temperature caused by increased emission of greenhouse gases into
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The Problem Of The Cloud Environment
Migrating from any host technology into college technology can be a very cumbersome process filled
with many problems. The first problem that will be identified will be the issue of the migration as will
we utilize a disaster recovery type migration or will there be a replication. In addition to this migration
there is also the event of users and how information will be relayed from one location to another
location. When it comes to the migration aspect of the information there are many things that need to
be taken into account such as load balancing redundancy and security controls. The cloud environment
needs to be supportive of these aspects and there should be a dictation of how information is going to
be flowing throughout the environment. VPNS are utilized to their fullest within our infrastructure so
encryption is very important as firewalls are inside of our Network segregating out VLAN of VLAN
transactions as well as domain to domain transactions. Additional problem that will prove to be easy to
understand and evolve it is software and Licensing. As this is one aspect that can be overlooked from
various people however software needs to be addressed as we might decide to move to a different
software infrastructure but keeping the same infrastructure will be easy to maintain. Applications as
well as operating systems need to be addressed when it comes to this process as well. Within the cloud
the option arises that users are able to work from home but this option will
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Changing Behavior Case Study Analysis
Changing Behavior:
Insights and Applications
Annette Frahm, project manager
Dave Galvin
Gail Gensler
Gail Savina
Anne Moser
December 1995
Revised June 2001
Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County
King County Water Pollution Control Division
130 Nickerson St., Suite 100
Seattle, Washington 98109
(206) 263 3050;
Prog 3(12/95)rev.6/01
Have you ever tried to get a smoker to stop? A kid to start wearing a bike helmet? An aerosol user to
switch? Changing behavior is both art and science, and much can be learned from others attempts to
change behavior that can make our work more effective.
A project team at the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County, ... Show more
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When properly applied, it works!
The following pages include:
ϖ A checklist of action steps for planning behavior change projects
ϖ A summary list of behavior change principles
ϖ A detailed list of principles, including examples from the research literature and field experience
ϖ A bibliography of sources used in the project
The authors of this report are interested in how these principles work for you. If you d like to share
stories, ideas, and evaluation results, please contact the project manager, Annette Frahm, at the Local
Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County.
Mail: c/o King County Water Pollution Control Division Hazardous Waste Management Program 130
Nickerson St., Suite 100 Seattle, Washington 98109
Telephone: (206) 263 3064
E mail:
Checklist of Action Steps for Behavior Change
This is a circular process. Working through steps 2, 3 and 4 may lead to redefining the objective in
step 1. ρ 1. Define your objective. What is your desired end result? You may begin by thinking
broadly, but narrow your objective so it s achievable and, if possible, measurable. How will you know
when you ve achieved your desired result?
ρ 2. Select your audience. Brainstorm the possible audiences you could work with and choose one.
Pick the one most likely to get your desired result.
ρ 3. Learn about your audience. What do they need? What do they want? What do they know? What
are their perceptions? Who do they
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Mozart Vs America
The Romantic and Classical period was full of religious revivals and lighter colors from the Classical
period while having sharp feelings from the Romantic period. During the late 1700s, many famous
composers and artists created their works and followed these guidelines. Francisco Goya and
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were born ten years apart but created their famous pieces around the same
times in Europe. The time was between the Romantic period for art and the Classical periods for
music. The visual art came abroad and were published. During Europe, there were many people who
have developed more interests in the fine arts and have spent countless hours to master subjects. Both
Mozart and Goya having their famous works were influenced by the time periods and living in
Europe, it showed the strong feelings of music with Mozart s work and the deep dark colors of Goya.
History was filled with many events that altered how the artists and musicians would play and paint.
Francisco Goya was born in Fuendetodos, Spain in 1746 and was living in some of the poorest areas
of Spain because The Spanish king was spending most of Spain s money on wars, and the rest went to
the king s greedy, rich friends. He started his career of art at age twelve. He moved to Zaragoza to
learn from other artists. He showed more development and moved to several other areas in Spain like
Madrid working for his living. Most of ... Show more content on ...
While both Goya and Mozart have a very large age gap, they created music and visual at the same
time because of Mozart s fast learning at instrument pieces. The whole basis of the Romantic period
and Classical and how they worked was the religious awakening and the political events that took
place a little before the births of both
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Open Source Web Development
During the last 2 years or so, India has been a victim of Global recession. It caused huge losses to the
companies, leaving many as jobless. It further increased the rate of unemployment and made them as
bankrupts in the society.
Many of them have assumed that there are no jobs at all in the IT industry and started losing their faith
on the private sector as a whole.
In fact, the reality is very different from that of our misconception. Even during the recession, the
industry was in need of some potential designers and developers. It was in search of skilled open
source web developers and web/graphic designers. So What is Open Source web development? How
is it possible for companies to recruit the OSS developers even during the recession? ... Show more
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Absolutely no software cost:
Computer requires both the hardware and software for its smooth functioning. The computer software
costs more than the hardware, therefore, many users have been deprived of buying it. Instead, they
resort to use the illegal version of the software. This does not give them any legal right to own,
distribute or use the product in the open environment.
2. No virus attacks:
We often complain of many viruses on our computer, this causes the computer to be formatted at least
once a month. Besides this, we are constantly targeted by the spammers. This is primarily due to, the
90% of the computer users highly depend on the commercial softwares for their daily activities. Only
the 10 % of the users depend on the open source applications. Therefore, all the spammers and viruses
aim at destroying the majority of computers.
Thus, there will always be a less scope for hackers for targeting the open source applications.
Let us take an example from Microsoft, every one of us uses the Windows as our preferred operating
system. We constantly receive warnings from spammers, viruses and other notifications about the
problems with our illegal versions of Windows. During such occasions, we can neither contact the
Microsoft since Windows has been manufactured by it, nor use the illegal and corrupted
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Comparing God And Speed Limit
I believe God does everything for a reason. He makes laws so people can follow them, he doesn t just
put stuff into existing so people know it s there; he does ALL things for a reason. I believe God made
speed limits to keep people safe on the road. I can t claim everybody in the world follows them. But I
can claim that they are here for a good cause and, if people could just see that they might would
follow them.
If you don t know what a speed limit is, it is the little signs on the side of the road that have a certain
number on them that you can t go over. The speed limit is usually about 45 mph. My opinion is that
God put speed limits to watch over people, in other words to keep people safe. I can t tell you that all
people actually
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Callaway Golf Case Essay
Summary: In 1998, Callaway, one of the most famous brands in the golf domain, has experienced its
first loss of $ 27 million after 10 years of growth. To resolve this problem, Ely Callaway, the founder
of this company, wondered if CGC (Callaway Golf Company) would have to revise the way it
approached retailer relationships to raise more mutually beneficial. To address possible market
confusion, should the communication strategy shift? In fall 1999, Callaway faced amount of
questions; the answers would guide him in refocusing CGC s retail channels, new product
development, and marketing strategies.
As Ely Callaway s vision: If we make a truly more satisfying product for the average golfer, not the
professionals, and make it ... Show more content on ...
2. Like Nike and Adidas, Callaway has become a well known golf brand that customers have treated it
as a professional sign. So there is difficulty for the new brand to threaten Callaway s current market.
Power of suppliers:
1. As the case mentioned, Callaway adjusted the wholesale prices of Big Bertha metal woods rather
infrequently because they are confident in their own products with so many efforts on budget and R D.
They strongly believed that after using the products, customers would understand and accept the
reason why their products prices were higher than others .
2. Callaway spent lots of money on R D, and that was why the prices were higher. So, for beginning
golf customers, buying new Callaway clubs was a daunting task, even if Callaway s target market
aimed at the average golf player rather than professional golf player.
Powers of buyers:
1. CGC s target market Average golfers (defined as playing 10 rounds minimum per year), generally
had handicaps above 18, and bought new equipment every two to three years.
2. Compare with woods and irons, putters were relatively inexpensive at around $100 each. Because
putting was viewed as the most critical aspect to the game and because most golfers were weak
putters, they tended to update their putters fairly frequently and with less product research. In fact,
many golfers owned five or more different putters
Threats of substitute s
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Doctor Career Research Paper
Playing doctor was something I enjoyed when I was a little kid. I loved caring for people, and babies
when they were born. I was a big help with my brother,sister and cousins. Caring for someone is my
biggest quality and making sure they are healthy is important to me. After looking through important
information on this career I found out the work environment, skills needed, level of education, the
salary and job outlook. I can see myself qualified for this future career as a Obstetricians and
The many years of college is critical but the salary will be worth the job for surgeons. When you first
go to college you go for 4 years. Then another 4 years for medical schools. And 3 7 years for
internship and residency programs (Occupational Outlook Handbook). You have to go through so
many years of school because you have to get a Doctoral or Professional degree. In college you will
take different courses to help you learn important skills you will need. For example, you will take
pharmacology, psychology, and law governing medicine (Occupational Outlook Handbook). Some
skills you will need are compassion, detail oriented, dexterity, ... Show more content on ...
If you want to become a physician or surgeon you yearly pay is greater than $187,200 (Occupational
Outlook Handbook). Your average salary for the top 10% is $187,200 for the US and Ohio. The
bottom 10% is $65,630 for US and Ohio s is $115,070 (Occupational Outlook Handbook). For your
average hourly pay the top 10% is $90 for both US and Ohio. Your bottom 10% is $32 for US and $55
for Ohio (Occupational Outlook Handbook). If you want to be a surgeon or physician the yearly job
opening amount is 703,300. Right now there are currently 99,300 surgeons and physicians. The job
outlook is 14% which is good for going into this job (Occupational Outlook Handbook). Even Though
there are 13 years of college to go into your career you will make a great about of
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Individualism And Transcendentalism Similarities
A city and a forest can be completely different, yet they can be of the closest of similarities. However,
transcendentalists believed that the forest is our home and the city is a shamed copy.
Transcendentalism started with Ralph Waldo Emerson. It mainly focused primarily upon being
different from everyone else and also about how nature is the primary source of life. Being out of the
ordinary and looking to nature almost as a godmother are some of the main points of
transcendentalism. The transcendentalists believed that we should not judge ourselves based upon the
ideas of others. Instead, they believed that we should view ourselves primarily through ourselves.
They also believed that nature provides life for us, while song artists today ... Show more content on ...
The Red Hot Chili Peppers are a band that made the song known as Under the Bridge. Within this
song, the lead singer sings about how a city takes care of him. While he sings about a city, the song
also infers that it may not be the machines and pollution helping the man, rather it would be the
natural surroundings that help the man. While the singer doesn t point it out in broad daylight,
throughout the whole song the man sings about how the city supports him. Much like how
transcendentalists believed that nature supports us. Transcendentalists would agree with this belief
because they believed that nature provides life for all. Much like how the singer sang about how the
surrounding areas provided for him. While nature provides and has provided much for humans, the
humans themselves have to go into advancements sometimes without the help of nature. But, nature
can provide a lot for the people of earth. Under the Bridge is full of lines explaining a man s
relationship with nature, and it all describes a very important aspect of transcendentalists
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Persuasive Essay On Breast Milk
Breast milk is the most nutritional choice for your baby, but exclusively breastfeeding can make it
hard to have time to yourself or pursue other activities away from your baby. If you need more
flexibility or are ready to return to work, you can continue to provide breastmilk for your baby by
pumping to provide a stock supply of expressed milk to be used when you cannot be physical present
to feed her. While not all breastfeeding women are able to produce enough milk to build a stock
supply, the majority of breastfeeding women are able to accomplish this. Don t become overwhelmed
by thinking that you have to have a tremendous supply of milk saved up in order to be successful at
continuing to breastfeed your baby once you have returned to work. You don t have to have a huge
freezer full of milk, you only need to be able to at the minimum be able to stay a day s worth of bottles
ahead. Many women accomplish this by pumping another 2 3 ounces of milk each time they feed their
baby (once she has had her fill, of course). Before beginning to express excess stock ... Show more
content on ...
Because this method takes about 12 hours to thaw, a good practice is to put the amount that will be
needed for the next day in the refrigerator to thaw the evening before. If you find yourself in a jam and
need to thaw quicker, you can hold the container under running water to thaw, starting with cool water
and gradually moving to warmer water. Never refreeze thawed milk, once it has been thawed it should
be stored in the refrigerator and used within 24 hours. If your baby does not finish all the thawed milk
in one feeding, it is safe to refrigerator the left overs for only a couple of hours before it should be
discarded. Also be sure never to heat breast milk in the microwave or on the stove: use a bottle
warmer or place the frozen milk in a cup or container of warm water to
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Forshadowing And Foreshadowing In Crash By Paul Haggis
Inevitable tragedy and sorrow is foreshadowed by Paul Haggis in his film Crash to heighten their
significance to the audience. Foreshadowing of inevitable tragedy and sorrow is first seen during one
of the initial scenes, which interrupts the process of Persian man (Fahad) and his daughter (Dorri)
buying a firearm. Firearms are a symbol of violence and the purchase of the weapon, foreshadows
something terrible to later come. The next use of foreshadowing, came from the invisible cloak scene
between Daniel and his young daughter (Lara). During this scene, Daniel comes home to find his
daughter hiding under her bed, frightened of gunshots heard because of past encounters. To comfort
his daughter Daniel conceives an imaginary bulletproof ... Show more content on ...
Christopher statuettes. As St. Christopher is known as the patron saint of travels, these statuettes in
culture are typically placed on car dashboards and carried with one. As a representation of faith, in the
belief of divine power to protect oneself with safe travel. In the film the statuettes most powerfully
connect with run away now gangster/hijacker Peter Waters. Each time after hijacking a car, he places
his statuette on the dashboard, for Peter his statuette and this act represents his good will and nature as
a person with strong faith, even though he commits felony. Here, the audience sees that the role of
gangster doesn t fit his personality. Later in the film, during the ending events, Tom Hansen picks up
the hitchhiking Peter. Onwards, while in the car Peter on reflex looks to the dashboard and
surprisingly notices Hansen s St. Christopher statuette there, from which he begins chuckling at.
Something else funny? Oh yeah. So, what s that? Just people, man . As for Peter seeing the statuette
was a humorous reminder of himself and the faith that people share. For the audience, this moment
has deep meaning showing the connection of faith between the two characters. Unfortunately,
however Hansen is the only one to not understand the situation and from misunderstanding combined
with racial stereotyping, he ends up shooting Peter to death. The impact of Peters death has a huge
effect on the audience, a good willed man of faith and
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Sherman s Maggots Research Paper
Wound care clinics around the country are giving maggots a try on some of their sickest patients after
high tech treatments fail. It s a therapy quietly championed since the early 1990s by a California
physician who s earned the nickname Dr. Maggot. But Dr. Ronald Sherman s maggots are getting
more attention since, in January, they became the first live animals to win Food and Drug
Administration approval, as a medical device to clean out wounds. A medical device? They remove
the dead tissue that impedes healing mechanically, FDA determined. It s called chewing. But maggots
do more than that, says Sherman, who raises the tiny, worm like fly larvae in a laboratory at the
University of California, Irvine. His research shows that in the mere two to three days they live in a ...
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In June, FDA also gave its seal of approval to leeches, those bloodsuckers that help plastic surgeons
save severed body parts by removing pooled blood and restoring circulation. And in the spring,
University of Iowa researchers reported early evidence that drinking whipworm eggs, which causes a
temporary, harmless infection, might soothe inflammatory bowel disease by diverting the overactive
immune reaction that causes it. There s a little more yuck factor with maggots. Most people know of
them from TV crime dramas, where infestations of bodies help determine time of death. Actually,
maggots medicinal qualities have long been known. Civil War surgeons noted that soldiers whose
wounds harbored maggots seemed to fare better. In the 1930s, a Johns Hopkins University surgeon s
research sparked routine maggot therapy, until antibiotics came along a decade later. Today, despite
precise surgical techniques to cut out dying tissue, artificial skin and other high tech treatments, hard
to heal wounds remain a huge problem. Diabetic foot ulcers alone strike about 600,000 people
annually and lead to thousands of
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Persuasive Essay On Make A Wish
NORTH POLE On November 3rd, Macy s officially rung in the holiday season with its 10th annual
Believe campaign, benefiting Make A Wish. This marks a decade s worth of work inspired by the
tangible impact of generosity and love. Believers are invited to any local Macy s store where they can
write letters to Santa this holiday season. For each letter collected in store and online from Nov. 3
through Dec. 24, Macy s will donate $1, up to $1 million, to Make A Wish to help grant the wishes of
children with critical illnesses. All are welcome to write letters, there is no age limit! If you wish to
take part in this year s anniversary campaign, visit your local Macy s store where you can drop off
your letters to Santa into the red letterboxes. In addition, you can submit a letter online at The Macy s Believe campaign was launched in 2008, and since then Macy s has
donated more than $15 million to Make A Wish through this annual campaign. Macy s has contributed
to granting thousands of wishes over the past 10 years. The impact of wish fulfillments is undeniable
and widespread not only do they increase hope and happiness for wish kids, but their families,
volunteers, supporters, medical professionals and entire communities are transformed by the
experience. We couldn t imagine the overwhelming response the Believe campaign would inspire
when we introduced it 10 years ago, said Holly Thomas, group vice president of Cause Marketing for
Macy s. We have
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What Was The Cause Of The 2008 Financial Crisis
1. Introduction
The financial crisis of 2007 08 was also known as subprime crisis or credit crisis. Since the bubbles of
real estate market in America came into surface on August 9, 2007 investors were losing their
confidence on subprime mortgage assets and the liquidity risk followed behind. Even though the
central banks of many countries tried to turn around the situation by injecting huge amount of capital
to the financial market, the financial crisis still broke out and spread to Europe and other parts all over
the world especially on the backing sector.
The purpose of the essay is to identify the causes of the global financial crisis on the angle of the
failure of corporate governance in UK banks such as Northern Rock and RBS which will be discussed
in Section two. The reforms of UK governance post crisis will also be discussed especially on the
aspect of banking risk management in section three. In the fourth section conclusion will be given.
2. Causes of the Financial Crisis
In this section, the impacts of the financial crisis from different orientations will be shown in the first
place. Then, the role of the failure on governance of UK banks will be analyzed.
2.1. Consequences of the Crisis
The explosion of the global financial crisis impacted many areas of UK. Because of the uncertainty of
the market consumers lost confidence on the economy and households cut spending particularly on
manufactured product which leaded to the sharp fall in industrial production
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Research of the Tingunee Essay
Research of the Tingunee
Meghan Shmunes
Cultural Anthropology Professor Pappas June 9 2013
Shmunes 1
After receiving this grant, I cannot wait to go study the people and culture of Tingunee. Before I
embark on this journey to the Tingunee of the lower Quebin river valley though, there are some
important things I must make sure I do first. There has been no known visitors to Tingunee or any
research conducted on their culture, so I will need to take extra precaution with the basic stages I need
to complete. Upon my return, I will hope to be the first person to have a basic understanding of the
Tingunee culture.
Cultural anthropology is the study of people within a particular culture and ... Show more content on ...
I plan to answer questions about subjects including marriage, local government, gender roles, religion/
religious beliefs; more specifically the role females play. I will be figuring these questions out by
collecting data within the community and to do so properly, I will need to have an emic approach. An
emic approach is how the Tingunee people think, perceive other people, how they behave, and how
they imagine and explain things. I decided to take the emic approach over the etic approach because
the etic approach would involve me emphasizing what I think is important about a culture after
interpreting it and because the Tingunee people have not been studied before, I want other people to
know their culture and thought processes without including my opinions. An emic approach will allow
me to be a part of the community while taking in information without bias. After being amerced in the
community with my emic approach, I will be able to determine what distinct cultural characteristics
separate this culture from the rest. I plan on interviewing individual people, both male and female, to
get different perspectives on everyday life within the tribe and the roles each individual plays in the
community. Being a female myself will have advantages when talking to Shmunes 3 the females of
the Tingunee tribe. I hope to
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Remember The Titans Quotes
Remember The Titans Coach Yoast:
In the movie Remember the Titans by Jerry Bruckheimer and Chad Oman, there are two main coaches
that are involved with a mixed race football team from T. C. Williams High School. In the start of the
movie Coach Yoast was a happy man coaching a good team. Then came along a black coach called
Coach boon and took his job. There were some arguments throughout the movie and then Coach Yoast
had to accept he was going to have to work with this man.
In the movie Remember the Titans by Jerry Bruckheimer and Chad Oman, there are two main coaches
that are involved with a mixed race football team from T. C. Williams High School. In the start of my
essay I will be talking about when these two coaches meet. Then I will talk about how one coach loses
his job and the other takes over. In the 3rd paragraph I will talk about how those two work together.
Then in my final paragraph I will talk about the championship game.
When these two first met, Coach Yoast didn t know that he was going to lose his job to coach Boone.
The school board may have put you on my team, but I did not hire you this is what coach Yoast first
says to Boone. This shows that even though Coach Boone will be working alongside him, Yoast didn t
choose for him to be on his staff, this means that ... Show more content on ...
Before the game Coach Boone is telling the team how even if they lose they will still be champions.
Coach Yoast also says I hope you boys have learned as much from me this year as I ve learned from
you. You ve taught this city how to trust the soul of a man rather than the look of him. And I guess it s
about time I joined the club .This shows that Coach Yoast is very proud of his team. He is saying how
they have taught him stuff even though he is the coach. They have showed him that you should always
follow someone s personality, not how good or bad they look on the
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How Does Enzyme Concentration Or Temperature Affect The...
Question: How does changing enzyme concentration or temperature affect the reaction time of
enzyme activity? Background and Introduction: Enzymes are proteins that process substrates, which is
the chemical molecule that enzymes work on to make products. Enzyme purpose is to increase the rate
of activity and speed up chemical reaction in a form of biological catalysts. The enzymes specialize in
lowering the activation energy to start the process. Enzymes are very specific in their process, each
substrate is designed to fit with a specific substrate and the enzyme and substrate link at the active site.
The binding of a substrate to the active site of an enzyme is a very specific interaction. Active sites are
clefts or grooves on the surface of an enzyme, usually composed of amino acids from different parts of
the polypeptide chain that are brought together in the tertiary structure of the folded protein.
Substrates initially bind to the active site by noncovalent interactions, including hydrogen bonds, ionic
bonds, and hydrophobic interactions. Once a substrate is bound to the active site of an enzyme,
multiple mechanisms can accelerate its conversion to the product of the reaction. But sometimes, these
enzymes fail or succeed to increase the rate of action because of various factors that limit the action.
These factors can be known as temperature, acidity levels (pH), enzyme and/or substrate
concentration, etc. In this experiment, it will be tested how much of an effect
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Summary Of Guts By Gary Paulsen
The book Guts is a non fiction, 162 page book by Gary Paulsen that tells the true stories behind
hatchet and the other Brian books. In this memoir Gary Paulsen writes about how plane crashes,
swarming mosquitoes, and growing up in northwoods of Minnesota influenced the writing of hatchet.
One of the many events that influenced Gary Paulsen s writing was growing up in Minnesota. His
Minnesota heritage extended back all the way to the 1890s when his family first moved to duluth.
Gary lived on the edge of town next to 50 acres of land that he called his own. There Gary learned
how to use a hatchet and make survival shelters. He also hunted small game with his .22 cal long rifle
and fished in Lake Superior. The Woods was his life, from the second school was out to sundown
Gary spend sharpening his outdoor skills.
WWSWe ... Show more content on ...
Over the course of childhood to adulthood Gary had a number of moose attacks that made him respect
these giant creatures in a special way. In hatchet, Brian was attacked by a bull moose and ended up
with broken ribs and a concussion. Luckily this wasn t the case with Gary, instead the moose ran right
past him and hit a tree. The cause of the moose s stupidity was that it had chronic wasting disease that
had turned its brain to mush. The other attack happened when he was working on a farm and was
driving home in his truck when he saw a bull moose in the middle of the road. He stopped and waited
for it to pass but instead the moose turned at him and the fur on its back stood up. The moose charged,
BANG! Another hit and another hit and another hit until both the headlights were out. Gary stat there
in shock stunned by what just happened. The moose had toteled his truck and he was left in the
freezing cold with no place to go within 5 miles. He had to stick it out in his truck until help came the
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HIPAA and HITECH lay out strict standards governing information security and privacy of patient
information. While HIPAA/HITECH may be a boon to the security of healthcare information, they
also throw up a number of challenges like high costs, tracking regulatory changes, extensive
documentation and several others. HITECH is the Health Information Technology for Economic and
Clinical Health Act, which brings additional compliance standards to healthcare organizations. It is
directly related to HIPAA, and was part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009.EHR systems can also offer increased patient privacy security when compared to traditional
paper records. Encrypted electronic patient records can be protected against unauthorized
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Pet Ownership And Perceived Well Being
The researcher s hypothesis regarding pet ownership and perceived well being was not supported by
the data. Pet ownership was not related to perceived well being, even after controlling for the gender
of participants. The results of this study concurred with the results from Staats and colleagues (2006)
study. Both studies were unable to find a significant relationship between pet ownership and perceived
well being. However, unlike Staats and colleagues (2006) study, this study did not obtain information
on whether participants subjectively believed that pet ownership would improve their well being.
Future studies should incorporate this factor in order to understand the effect of positive psychology.
The results of this study conflicted with the other previous researches. As indicated by Jorm and
colleagues (2002), pet ownership was associated with longer survival rates in patients who had
experienced a heart attack. Unlike coronary patients, the participants of this study did not suffer any
medical conditions, and not to the researcher s knowledge, ever experienced a heart attack. Perhaps
patients who experienced a heart attack were more attached to their pets as a form of distraction from
any lingering effects of the episode.
Further, in the study conducted by McConnell and colleagues (2011), it was revealed that pet owners
experienced greater perceived well being, and were not as vulnerable to feelings of loneliness.
McConnell and colleagues (2011) had incorporated
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Analysis Of Kathryn Stockett s The Help
It s the 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi during one blistering summer where all the workers in the cotton
fields pray for the end of the day and the maids are polishing the silver until their fingers go numb in
efforts to hurry up the day. Kathryn Stockett s The Help observes the life of African American maids
during the 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi where they are fighting for their rights. Focusing on the
viewpoints of two different maids as well as a women pursuing journalism, The Help engages the
reader into the despair of civil rights. With a risky idea from the journalist, the maids tell their stories
of working for the privileged white people. The intention to explain the workers lives happens to be
the idea that the women wish to ... Show more content on ...
For a minute, we re just two people wondering why things are the way they are (Minny; 235). With
such an upsetting scene, Stockett provides understanding of how we are not as different as we think.
Minny is sympathetic towards Celia because no woman should have to endure what she has and to
have gone through it more than once. Trust begins to form between the two ladies as the book goes on
and their relationship breaks the chains of segregation. Minny Jackson and Celia Foote s relationship
is only one of the connections between whites and colors that Stockett presents in her novel. Even
though Minny and Celia had an understanding relationship, Stockett provides intense moments
between the two in order to draw connections to the reader. But Stockett brilliantly changes our
perspective with the women narrating so we may observe the full effect of each decision the character
produce. Thus while we have one maid beginning to understand the life of her boss and how it s not so
different from her issues, we are also presented with the difficulties that another maid endures.
Aibileen Clark happens to be the other African American narrator of The Help, she watches over white
babies and tries to teach them that the colour of skin does not determine who a person is. The little girl
that she s watching over in the novel is ignored by her mother so Aibileen reminds her that she is
worth loving. There are multiple instances
... Get more on ...
The Outliers Quote Analysis
Steve Jobs said the ones, who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones
who do. This saying mean person who effort and creative to their work, they can shape the world their
desires. Person who want desire the world they need work hard enough and assert itself. In the
Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell write 11 chapters about success and to become an outlier, people who
practice 10,000 hours to become a success, people who have a different cultural legacy they can
change their life and to become an outlier, and people who effort they can change disadvantage to
advantage. Although Malcolm Gladwell assert if you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use
your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desire , people can success their self,
people who practice 10,000 hours than they can success, cultural legacy change their life and to
become an outlier and when people effort hardly ... Show more content on ...
In the Outliers chapter 5 talked about how disadvantage change to advantage. This chapter talked poor
people can not success but jewish success their self. Jewish people are not have to much get education
from the school but at that time people who were born at the same time are not many so they can get
education from the school. Jewish open a law firm about the divorce and something accident, at that
time jewish law firm is not popular but later many people get interest about divorce and accident so
jewish law firm popular to the other people and they become success. Also garment industry is change
disadvantage to advantage. People who can success their self and shape the world, people who effort
they can change disadvantage to advantage, if at that time people was born less, they can get
education, a law firm is also change disadvantage to advantage, and garment industry is also part of
success their self change disadvantage to
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Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is currently a growing field in which people are obsessing over. This is new and
upcoming technology that combines genetic and Nanotechnological enhancements, which completes
the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism s characteristics in a particular way. In my
opinion, it may very well be a great improvement, but it should only be used when necessary. If I were
a parent of a child under 12 years of age, I would not sign up for the enhancement.
First of all, genetic engineering is simply a way of altering oneself. The enhancement may bring great
skills to have, but unfortunately this is not only changing the child s mind completely, it is also giving
them no self actualization ability. I agree with Baylis and Robert s idea of, Enhancement technologies
having a deleterious impact on the genetic variability characteristic of the human gene pool (Baylis
and Robert) because every human is different and unique in many aspects. This process literally
weakens the authenticity of one s accomplishments and diversity throughout society. It holds that the
engineered person s abilities and talents are no longer his or her own, but are simply because of the
alteration. Children are supposed to be different in order to find their struggles and strengths, building
themselves. If they are accelerated in everything possible, they will never find their paths in life.
According to Baylis and Robert, The essence of humans is to nurture and protect the natural
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Juvenile Justice System And Adult Justice Systems
In this paper, I will be discussing both the juvenile and the adult justice systems. There are several
differences between the two systems, which may surprise you. I will be discussing many aspects
within the justice systems. These include Terminology, Due Process rights, the process of Arrest to
Corrections, Juvenile crime compared to Adult crime, age limits and waivers for the adult system and
the different community correctional options, which are available to the offenders. The two systems
share many of the same terms but not all terms are shared by both systems. In summary, the juvenile
justice system and the adult justice system, vary in many ways and are alike in many ways. Juvenile
Justice and Adult Justice
When it comes to how each state handles the judicial system in their jurisdiction, it varies from state to
state. All states construct their own juvenile judicial system and create their own laws. There are
different beliefs in each state about what will distinguish differences in the juvenile and adult justice
systems. In most jurisdictions, juveniles are considered delinquent and not guilty. ( State Juvenile
Justice Profiles )
In the area of making arrests, law enforcement officers will detain a juvenile in order to provide
protection for them as well as for the community. This is called preventative detention. Not all states
afford juveniles the right to a jury trial. Defendants have the right to apply for bond or bail. All
defendants have a
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The Demand And Production Of Atlantic Salmon Essay
In the ever expanding field of aquaculture, the demand and production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo
salar) has increased substantially, having grown over six fold in the last two decades worldwide
(Howard, 2014; Murray, 2014). Increased emergence of parasitism and disease has met this expansion,
particularly in areas where disease control strategies are not yet locally coordinated (Murray, 2014).
Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) have significantly impacted the salmonid farming industry
since the 1970s, affecting economic costs and fish welfare, and contributing to secondary parasiticide
effects and drug resistance (Costello, 2009; Ljungfeldt et al., 2014; Torrissen et al., 2013). As of 2009,
L. salmonis has affected the industry in Norway, Canada, Ireland, Scotland and Chile, whereas in
other countries, including New Zealand, it has not yet presented a problem (Costello, 2009). Various
treatment, management and prevention strategies have been suggested and implemented in high
production areas, which may provide useful models for potential risk of sea lice parasitism in New
In the last decade, a high demand for protein rich, heart healthy salmon has precipitated an
aquaculture surge, which currently supplies seventy percent of the global salmon market (Howard,
2014). Due to consumer and environmentalist demands and the risk of spreading disease between
farmed and wild populations, nationally directed aquaculture legislation has bolstered industry
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Woodstock 1969
Many large concerts have occurred in the United States, but none have been as symbolic as the three
day music and art fest that touted the slogans of peace and love. This event was identified as such as a
result of the peace movement and the emergence of the flower children. Woodstock Music Festival
took place near Woodstock New York on August 15, 16, and 17, 1969, and became a symbol of the
1960s American counterculture.
Woodstock began with the following four partners: Michael Lang, the manager of a rock band, Artie
Kronfeld, an executive at Capitol Records, and two capitalists, John Roberts and Joel Rosenman who
supplied most of the money and the original idea. Their original plan was to build a recording studio
in Woodstock, a small ... Show more content on ...
Ironically this helicopter saved Woodstock or the show might not have gone on. So the U.S. army
saved the day for a crowd of people who were mostly anti war.
On Saturday the only non drug related death of the event occurred. There was a tractor pulling a tank
trailer to pull the sewage from the portable toilets away. The grounds looked like a trash can by now
with cellophane, sleeping bags, and cigarette butts littering the ground, but under this mass slept a 17
year old Raymond Mizak. The tractor slowly ran over him. He died in his sleep. Also on Saturday two
army jet planes flew over Bethel and broke the sound barrier. Conspiracies raged within the
Woodstock Festival that the government was trying to disrupt their gathering or that they were all on
the biggest drug experience of their lives.
On Sunday one of two births happened. A bearded hippie drove a motorcycle that roared up to the El
Monaco Hotel. On the back was a woman screaming that she was having a baby. Resort owner Elliott
Tiber raced in. The theory used to determine that Elliott Tiber was the one to deliver the baby was the
fact that he was the only one not stoned. On Monday morning it ended with the finale with Jimi
Hendrix s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. That moment is has gone down in Rock n Roll
history as one of the greatest moments ever.
On Monday afternoon the makers of Woodstock were listening to a different kind of music. They were
in a 1.3 million dollars debt. In the hurry to
... Get more on ...

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Wissenschaftlicher Essay Schreiben Lernen

  • 1. Wissenschaftlicher Essay Schreiben Lernen 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Wissenschaftlicher Essay Schreiben Lernen Wissenschaftlicher Essay Schreiben Lernen
  • 2. Dehumanization In The Movie The Mission In the movie, The Mission, the Jesuit Priest, Father Gabriel, played by Jeremy Lyons, in an effort to liberate the Guarani people by proselytizing them to Christianity, becomes their oppressor by changing their natural beliefs and practices. While his intentions are meritorious, they display another form of colonialism and oppression. He does learn the Guarani language. However, this appears to be only as an attempt to teach them his way or the Jesuit way. Instead of learning the Guarani culture and assimilating therein, he attempts to convert them to European culture. As an example he teaches them music, which they had no knowledge of prior to his coming. He decides what is best for the people and what they should learn. In one of the earliest scenes in the movie the people did not wear clothes. Later on, we see the Guarani fully clothed, which was an indication that the priests taught them that they should wear clothes. Prior to his coming, the Guarani could be said to be in a Garden of Eden state ... Show more content on ... He did not view the Guarani as human beings. In the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire uses the term dehumanization to describe both those whose humanity has been stolen and also those who have stolen it (Freire, 44.) We find dehumanization throughout history. African Americans were not considered fully human during the period of slavery and for much of the 20th century. In the United States, oppression of African Americans and other minorities continues today. I disagree with Freire that oppression affects both the oppressor and the oppressed. He says that the oppressor, who is him or herself dehumanized because he/she dehumanizes others (Freire 47.) In my opinion, the oppressor does not view him or herself as dehumanized. The oppressors see themselves as fully vindicated because they are superior ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Sexual Orientation Of Sexual Minority Health Essay Relatively recent inclusion of sexual orientation measures in a few federal and state health surveillance surveys is enabling the production of population based information about sexual minority health and its status relative to that of the heterosexual majority. Few studies have been adequately powered to investigate variability in health by sexual orientation, let alone by orientation and other key social characteristics (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status); yet research suggests heterogeneity in sexual minority health. Most research on sexual minorities health in the United States has been led utilizing convenience samples. In spite of the fact that the discoveries of this exploration have made huge commitments to the research, information gathered from nonprobability tests have constrained access for general health planning as a result of concerns with respect to determination predisposition and outer legitimacy. Populace based health measurements assume a key part in illuminating the prioritization of general health and wellbeing issues, and open interest in the health advancement movement. Moderately late consideration of sexual orientation measures in a couple of government and state wellbeing observation overviews is empowering the generation of populace based data about sexual minority well being, and its status with respect to that of the heterosexual dominance. In spite of the fact that the measure of sexual introductory information gathered with ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Roman Culture And The Roman Empire Roman Culture The Roman Empire is among the greater ancient civilizations known to man. In 753 B.C. Rome at one point consisted of The Rhine River to Egypt and from Asia Minor to Britain accumulating some 2 millions square miles. This essay goes over some of their culture and the great strides made throughout 753 BC to 27 BC and from 64 AD to 1453 A.D. I. Military The Roman military focused on teamwork and making their soldiers brave throughout their training. The Equitatus played a major role in legionary tactics. The Romans military was far more superior and successful than any other army for a thousand years. Over many centuries the Romans dominated the world which brought most of Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East under their rule. The only way to obtain citizenship was to serve in the Roman military and basically get what we call an honorable discharge nowadays. The Army didn t allow marriage until Cladius came to power in 10 B.C. The military frowned upon being married even after Cladius. Roman tactics and advanced weaponry was extremely influential to their success. They had tremendously brutal heavy cavalry called Franks and Lombards. They also came out with a genius design of an advanced cross bow that was far more accurate than that of an average archer. II. Architecture One of the biggest advances in architecture during Ancient Rome was definitely their water systems. The Roman Empire had extensive aqueducts that carried a vast quantity of water to ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Analysis Of Red Dog Australian Film allows the rest of the world to have an insight into our way of life, our communities and our land. Australian film usually provides a hard working and hardy stereotype who lives in the outback and takes pride in his mates, and for a lot of the country, this is mostly true. The typical Australian is a laid back, hard working community member who prides the relationship they have with their mates, who may not even be a person. The saying a man s best friend is his dog is incredibly true for many, especially Australians, where dogs can be found in all walks of life. At least, this is Kriv Stender s perspective of Australian identity, seen in his 2011 film Red Dog. Red Dog tells the story of a dog who wandered around the outback before settling down in Dampier, a mining town of north Western Australia. There he finds himself a home and a family, within the close knit community. This reflects Stender s perspective of the Australian identity, and what qualities are valued within Australian culture. The environment within the film shows a vast, dry and barren land, coated in a layer of red dust that is iconic within Australian film, and builds onto the identity. This is red dirt is so rich in its colour, and this can be seen in the scene where Red Dog earns his name, after being coated in the dust while sitting on the back of a trailer as it travelled across the land. The wide angle camera shots used in the scenes prior to this show the large emptiness of the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Sequence Analysis For Alfred Hitchcock s Vertigo Sequence Analysis for Alfred Hitchcock s Vertigo 27:30 30:30 In this scene in Alfred Hitchcock s 1983 thriller Vertigo, he uses Pictures to bring out a Supernatural feeling to the movie. In the scene, you see things like uncanny comparisons and un behavior like actions, which can contribute to the claim that the movie has some supernatural elements. The scene that I choose is about 27 minutes into the movie, even though it is early, it still shows the early supernatural features. In the beginning of the movie Madeline s husband, Gavin, is introduced and ask the main character, John, to spy on his wife, because she is not acting like herself or even seemed possessed. Later as this specific scene comes along, you can see that certain things ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Kid s Gardening Classes For Summer 2008 Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 are the perfect solution for an adventure for the young gardener in your home. Summer Camp for the Young Horticulturist is a great opportunity for kids to join their peers who also enjoy working in the garden and cultivating new life through growing plants. Having the ability to grow something is a special talent and kids with Green Thumbs know well the fulfillment of watching a plant grow from a seedling to a full fledged plant. The Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 provides a unique environment among others who love and enjoy the art of gardening under the tutelage of an experienced gardener. The Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 will be held June 23rd through 27th between the hours of 9:00AM and 12:00PM. This particular class is designed for children between the grades pf 2nd to 4th. The fee for attendance in the Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 is $150.00 per child. The Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 include a well rounded curriculum including learning to grow fruits, vegetables and flowering plants. Campers learn all the basics of gardening including learning about the life cycle of nature. Other important aspects learned in the Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 include learning about nutrition as it pertains to fresh vegetables. Other learning aspects of the Kid s Gardening Classes for Summer 2008 include campers learning how to start a raised garden bag, working with organic pest ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Generalized Anxiety Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay Anxiety, or commonly referred to as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is when a person has excessive worry about a variety of topics (Carrol 2014). When a person has generalized anxiety disorder, they process a fear in their mind on different types of issues that are occurring in their everyday life. This disorder can affect a person for a period of at least six months (Carroll 2014). Of the different types of generalized anxiety disorders that people face on a daily basis, mathematics anxiety is a type of generalized anxiety disorder (Carroll 2014). Mathematics anxiety is the feeling of worry, frustration, agitation, and fear of failure with regard to taking a math class, completing math problems and or taking a math exam (McMahon 2015). Mathematics anxiety is serious matter that affects students in schools, and can have an ultimate effect on them in their future. With the help of teachers, parents, and classroom ideas, mathematics anxiety can be made less prominent in the classroom for the students who are affected by mathematics anxiety. Mathematics anxiety has been studies for the past 50 years (McMahon 2015), because it is a problem that affect many Americans. With all of the studies done, there is still much to be known about it and its effect on students. Mathematics anxiety has been defined by Vahedi and Farrokhi (2011) as negative cognitions, avoidance behaviors, and feeling pressured and inadequate in performance that combined interfere with solving math ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Advantages Of The Confederacy Although the Confederacy lacked the exuberant population and wealth of the Union, the Confederacy possessed several key advantages that allowed them to command large stretches of the Civil War. Since the savage war was fought primarily on southern soil, the South had the unique advantage of fighting on their own land, and therefore were able to fight a defensive war. In sharp contrast to the Union, the people of the Confederacy passionately believed in the purpose of the Civil War, and these numerous individuals fervently fought for the concept of independence. The Confederacy also boasted a large arsenal of phenomenal generals, highlighted by Virginia native Robert E. Lee. Despite its numerous advantages, the South also possessed several glaring ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Organizing Customer Knowledge Of The Female Central... Organizing Customer Knowledge in the Female Central Library in the University of Dammam Rawan H. AlGhamdi, Wala A. AlGhamdi, Ebtsam F. AlHajri, and Maha A. AlQahtani Abstract A new methodology for customer knowledge management in the female central library in the University of Dammam is needed because of the big amount of customers information that exist there. Customers include employees, students, faculty members and researchers in the university. so, the purpose of this study is to propose a methodology for organizing customer knowledge in this library. In general, the proposed methodology is for developing a customer knowledge taxonomy model (CKT). By using and applying this model the customer knowledge can be classified into three categories: knowledge about customers, knowledge from customers and knowledge for customers. in addition, this paper proposes a strategy of merging the first and second categories of customer knowledge to form the third category. As a result of this case study, the librarians are expected to use the CKT model to organize customer knowledge which will help in facilitating the knowledge management activities including storing and sharing the knowledge. That will help them also to understand the preferences and the requirements of their customers so they can provide better services for them. Finally, it s expected that the proposed methodology can be used by ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Using Dark Humor And Journals submit illustrations using dark humor to journals. He used Cubism in two different ways. In some paintings, his use of squares is very prominent and the image looks almost grid like. In other art pieces, his lines are not as strong and straight. He died at the age of 40 after dealing with frequent illnesses due to heart and uremia problems. His death was caused by renal failure. The Sunblind (1914) Juan Gris 1887 1927 Charcoal, paper, chalk, and gouache A lot of use of light and shadows Dull; No really bright colors used The blinds are closed on a sunny day Gris can be interpreted to be sad, depressed, shut away A lot of brown An image of the local newspaper sold in Gris town this was a painting of an area in his home. It is personal to him Juan Gris Gris was a Spanish painter and sculptor. Although he is Spanish and was born in Madrid, a majority of his life was spent living and working in France. A lot of his work dealt with Cubism. He was inspired by the work of Pablo Picasso, and before beginning his serious painting career, he used to Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass, Guitar and Newspaper (1913) Pablo Picasso 1881 1973 Collage Bright background, but dark images used for the collage Printed paper and ink used Seems like there is no real pattern or set plan for what the result would be Looks random, yet unified at the same time Newspaper used was 30 years old Pablo Picasso He was a Spanish painter, sculptor, stage
  • 12. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Descriptive Essay About A Puppy Running faster than the speed of light, a cute puppy came rushing toward me as we were playing in the backyard. With no intention of stopping, the biggest puppy I ve ever seen in my life ran head first hitting the top of my mouth¬―chipping my tooth. The puppy s name was Bruno. A big brown playful puppy with a line of white fur running from the middle of his eyes to the top of his nose on his face. I loved Bruno, but he was not the first pitbull puppy that I ve had. When I was in Idyllwild on a family trip to play in the snow one day, we stopped at a convenience store to get something to snack on and drink. When we walked inside there was a man walking around trying to sell a pitbull puppy with faint black spots hidden behind his fuzzy white fur. It was close to my step brother s birthday at the time, and he wanted the puppy as an early birthday present. My step brother, Nathaniel, wasn t the only one who wanted that puppy. In truth, the rest of my family on this trip also wanted the puppy. As we left Idyllwild that day, we left with one more puppy than we came with. At the time, the puppy s name was Carlitos, but we decided to name him Rosco instead. Rosco rarely wanted to play with me because he loved my step brother so much more than he did me, or anyone else for that matter. In fact, Nathaniel was the only person who Rosco would run around and jump on whenever he was in his presence. I wished that Rosco would play with me just as much as he did with my step brother, but ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Kristi Yamaguchi Kristi Yamaguchi: Skating Legend Kristi Yamaguchi is a legend on ice. Kristi can make triple jumps and twirls look like a breeze. Her feet, the ones that have skated her from award to award, were not always as efficient as they are now. Kristi Tsuya Yamaguchi suffered as a young child from what is known as clubfoot (Disabled World). Congenital talipes equinovarus, or clubfoot is an idiopathic deformity of newborn feet present at birth. A rare deformity with less than 200,000 babies, per year, are diagnosed with it in the U.S.A. (Blue Sky). The affected foot or feet usually are twisted downward and curled inward forming the shape of a golf club, hence the name. The child or adult left with dealing with the deformity would naturally experience ... Show more content on ... Both of Kristi s feet were affected with clubfoot, her toes were curled under and her feet twisted sideways (Yamaguchi 6). Kristi at the time was too young, as are most victims to experience the full symptoms of clubfoot. Even so, there are some people within the world who have to live with the disability. Which, in no doubt, is frustrating and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Natural And Physical Inequality Unavoidably, every person enters the world with a unique set of talents, dispositions and attributes which lead him or her to perform better or worse than another person in certain realms. Rousseau calls this natural or physical inequality: one may be stronger, quicker or smarter than another, and as such able to complete more tasks than another. Rousseau argues that none of this matters in the state of nature because, similar to animals, mankind concerns itself with self preservation. Family bonds, or any other sort of organization of a group of people, do not exist in this state. The complete self sufficiency of each person means nobody needs to exercise control or domination of any sort over any other person to survive or enjoy a more luxurious lifestyle. I see him satisfying his hunger under an oak tree, quenching his thirst at the first stream, finding his bed at the foot of the same tree that supplied his meal; and thus all his needs are satisfied (Rousseau 47). Perhaps one more adept at finding food, whether by speed or size, will more easily satisfy his hunger and have more time to rest at the foot of the tree or to enjoy relations with those passing by. While this does provide an advantage, every person effectively lives the same sort of life, free of dominion of any sort. Similarly, Smith writes that talents of men differ on the basis of the realm they most naturally aspire to. While one man may inevitably be stronger than a second, the same second may ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Dominican Republic, and its owner, Rafael Leonidas... The Dominican Republic, and its owner, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo All throughout the 20th century we can observe the marked presence of totalitarian regimes and governments in Latin America. Countries like Cuba, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic all suffered under the merciless rule of dictators and military leaders. Yet the latter country, the Dominican Republic, experienced a unique variation of these popular dictatorships, one that in the eyes of the world of those times was great, but in the eyes of the Dominicans, was nothing short of deadly. Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, or El Chivo , controlled the people of the Dominican Republic in a manner that set him apart from the other leaders of that time. ... Show more content on ... The United States occupied the Dominican Republic in 1916, and when they vacated the country, they named Rafael Leonidas Trujillo second chief of a military branch. (Bosch, 173) The weakened ruling party allowed Trujillo to ascend through the ranks and gain popularity from 1924 to 1930, when he was elected President. Promises and ideas of economic stability filled the eyes and ears of the Dominican people, and allowed El Chivo to come into power. The Great Depression and World War II also allowed Trujillo to do as he pleased; due to the fact that the great powers had to shift their focus elsewhere. Slowly but surely Rafael Trujillo started making the Dominican Republic his own little piggybank. As he saw that the country had been stripped of many industries, he started to buy back everything that was in foreign control. (Sagas, 172) If he could not buy the business or gain control of the economic sector through lawful competition, he would gain control unlawfully. These other means often consisted of giving unfair interest rates to the businesses he competed against, using the banks that he owned. Ultimately, if he didn t own the leading business, through his banks, he slowly ate away his competitors. The main target in his quest to regain economic control of the Republic was buying back the sugar cane plantations and sugar factories, almost all of which were owned and run by the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Differences And Similarities Between Jamaica And The... Jamaica and the United Kingdom There are a lot of different countries in the world. Some have many similarities and some have few similarities. English is the international language and everyone should try and learn this language if they want to communicate with the rest of the world. Most people think of the United Kingdom and the United States of America, as the english speaking countries. This is not the only English speaking countries, with English as the national language. In this text I will take a closer look at a country that has english as the national language. I will look at the differences and similarities that this country has with The United Kingdom. The country is surprisingly small and has a population of approximately 3 million people. It is a small island and the largest English speaking country in the Caribbean. It was a British colony from 1665 to 1962 and that is probably one of the reasons why most of the people there speak english. The country i am talking about is obviously Jamaica. ... Show more content on ... The music industry in Jamaica is one of the most influential in the world. Popular music genres such as reggae and dancehall was both originated in Jamaica. Likewise, rap and hip hop was stated by a Jamaican, called Kool Herc. Bob Marley is also a famous music artist from Jamaica. His music played an important role in many movements in Jamaica and all over the world. The most famous one is the fight against apartheid in South Africa. Dancing is also important in Jamaica. A famous proverb in Jamaica, is that those who can t dance, blame it on the music . In all african countries, music and dancing is really normal and it s like this in Jamaica too. It is normal to dance on the streets in public and have fun, while listening to music. By all means music and dancing is undoubtedly important for Jamaica and the culture is mostly based around ... Get more on ...
  • 18. How Does Separation Of Powers Dominate Parliament The British uncodified constitution is not a single document but is comprised of several discrete bills. The constitution is essentially a set of the Most Important Rules with the primary purpose of regulating how the nation should be run. It additionally grants power to the law maker, which is Parliament (House of Commons, House of Lords, and the Monarch). This essay will explore the extent of legislative power Parliament holds, specifically examining the concept of Parliamentary sovereignty, the separation of powers and Dicey s rule of law. However, there is a school of thought that Devolution can undermine Parliaments supremacy, despite this it will be argued that within the UK constitution Parliament does have unlimited legislative ... Show more content on ... Since, Devolution has led to a persistent demand for the transfer of more legislative power to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, thwarting the flexibility and function of Westminster s Parliament. It is most useful to discuss the Scotland act because the Scottish Parliament has the greatest delegated power including the power to pass primary legislation. Lord Cooper argues that Parliamentary Sovereignty is not a principle that exists in the Scottish Parliament. It is a statutory rule that where a subject matter has been devolved to another Parliament or is not a reserved matter such as education and health, then Westminster cannot usually legislate on that matter in the absence of consent of the Scottish Parliament . The Sewel convention makes that clear and suggests how devolved matters could limit Westminster, however in the Scotland act it is stated that this will not affect Parliament s legislative powers. In addition, Ministerial appointments in Scotland still need approval by the Queen in Parliament. Possibly showing how the Westminster still upholds supremacy on Scottish decisions. Also in theory, Westminster could legislate in areas of devolved competence, contrary to the wishes of the Scottish parliament, although it rarely would. If Westminster wanted to repeal the Scotland act 1998 and abolish the Scottish Parliament to reclaim delegated powers, it could through its unlimited legislative powers. Since the Scotland act is just an ordinary act that Parliament has the power to repeal like any other law, even if people argue that this act possess extra validity . Similarly Westminster could legislate to prohibit Scottish MP s from voting on legislation relating only to England as the West Lothian question challenged. Overall, Devolution does not represent a challenge to the doctrine of Parliamentary ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Definition Of Version Control Solutions Version Control is an important thing when you re working on projects with several different people involved. One could argue that it s important even if you re working by yourself since you can maintain consistent backups of your projects. Throughout the years, Unity3D has had several different built in version control solutions. One of the best ones, in my opinion, was the Unity Asset Server. Unfortunately, the Asset Server is now a legacy product and it sounds like Unity will no longer be updating it for future releases. The other downside to the Asset Server is that it requires a Pro license for Unity in order to implement it. Aside from the Asset Server, there are several different third party solutions such as PlasticSCM, Perforce, ... Show more content on ... E.G: MyUnityGame. Put in a Description if you want. Set it to public or private (If you re on a free account you can only choose public). Check the box that says Initialize this repository with a README Click the Add .gitignore box. On the filter box that comes up, type Unity . You will see a Unity option come up in the list, choose this option. Github Unity OptionYou can leave the Add a license box alone unless you know what kind of license you want to use. I usually leave mine blank. Click Create Repository Now that the repository is created, you need to get the repository onto your computer. To do this, download and install GitHub Desktop. There are Mac and PC versions of the program. Once GitHub Desktop is installed, open it up and sign in to your GitHub account when it asks you for your credentials. If you ever need to login to your account again for any reason (such as a password change), click the Gear Icon in the top right of the program and choose Options , as seen here: Github Options Then choose the Add Account button: Github Add Account Option On the main GitHub Desktop Window, click the + Icon at the top left of the program. Choose the Clone option on the window that comes up. Here, you will see a list of repositories that you ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Examples Of Archetypes In Carl Jung The book starts with the world that is full of wizard and magic. The first impression that the main character gave me is that the character is wild but naive. For example, Ged s first action where he tries to mimic his aunt s magic which caused him to stand out. His innocent and not knowing mind cause many to be fearful of him since he is powerful although he is just as ordinary as the others. In addition to this, Ged is also somewhat lonely in which his mom died when he is young and that his older siblings are all gone far away. He didn t really find much find when he entered the School for Wizard. However, I think that these example for lonesome cause the character to be not caring and more wild compared to others. Moreover, one action that the main character did that stands out the most to me was when he tries to save the whole land of Gout using his little trick. One thing that he said is that I ll keep up this fog as long as I can. ... Show more content on ... Although is far beyond being a hero at the beginning of the book, his lesson caused him to have a heroic heart. The archetypal hero that is theorized by Carl Jung means typical character, an action or a situation that seems to represent such universal patterns of human nature. In this case, Ged shows is the emphasis of caring through helping other but risking himself. In addition to this, Ged shows the heroic archetype in the beginning of the book when he uses his trick to forecasting a fog/shadow over the mountain in order to save his people in the town. This is at a very young age. Moreover, when Ged tries to save Pachvarry s son, he has this giving heart. Another example is that he defeated the dragon that was bothering the villagers in the town where he asks for no return. The mini examples shape the characters into who they are though the way that they act or speaks. He shows that he has the power to overcome these ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Loch Ness Monster Essay Existence of a monster in Loch Ness is debated among scientists and enthusiasts. Using sonar and tracking devices, no bona fide proof that the Loch Ness monster exists has been produced. However, hearsay and folklore have grasped the attention of some parties. For over 1,500 years, there has been a lack of significant evidence of the Loch Ness Monster. In the depths of Loch Ness, Great Britain s largest body of freshwater, the unidentified creature, affectionately known as Nessie , is believed to take residence (San Souci 14). However, the loch has many mysteries of its own. For example, the temperature of the water should be cold enough to freeze over, but it never does (Berke 21). Only twenty miles away, snow falls occur often on the ... Show more content on ... Richard Forrest, a plesiosaurus expert, had stated I haven t heard of any sightings that sound anything like a plesiosaur, (Owen). He continued, People usually refer to a series of undulating humps. The plesiosaur, being a reptile, wouldn t undulate but move from side to side. Such sightings are much more likely to come from mammals such as a row of otters swimming across the loch (Owen). The size of a prehistoric plesiosaur is approximately 11 meters in length (Owen). But according to tourists, the size of the Loch Ness monster can range from size of a cow to 9 meters in length (Abels 23). The difference in size between the two creatures has caused a huge discrepancy. Many photographs of what is believed to have been the Loch Ness monster are always very blurry, gray and grainy with many dark shadows hiding the object that was photographed. It is hard for scientists, experts and critics to identify the object of what is allegedly in the photographs. The British Broadcasting Corporation did an in depth study in 2003 using 600 separate sonar beams and satellite technology to search the loch (Cheung). However, no traces made by animals as big as the monster were found. The team had hoped to use the air in the beast s lungs as a reflection, sending the distorted signals back to the sonar sensors (Cheung). The BBC commented that the only explanation for the persistence of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Global Warming Is Not Only Affecting The Earth Global warming is not only affecting the earth, but it is also affecting many animals at a very alarming rate. One species of animal that has been affected in a major way are seals. The species of seals consist of harp, hooded and ringed seals.The lives of seals are being threatened by the climate change that is happening throughout many arctic, antarctic regions, and other areas of the world. Due to climate change caused by global warming in the arctic and the antarctic regions, rapid ice loss has occurred, which is affecting seals at an alarming rate. With the rapid ice loss in the arctic and antarctic regions, many subspecies of seals are currently racing against the ticking clock climate change.The worldwide status of seal population ... Show more content on ... Global warming can cause serious danger to many things such as animals, plants and the environment.Many of these causes are affecting seals and if it continues to happen it can cause those seals to die or even lead to extinction. Many seal species depend on sea ice for their survival. As global climate change reduces the extent, duration, and thickness of sea ice, these seal species are threatened with extinction. (, Seal Conservation 2014.) Many natural impacts could have caused Global warming.Some of the impacts consist of the sun s warmth and greenhouse gases. With the sun, it s more self explanatory. Over time small but measurable changes occurs in the output of the sun earth s ultimate source of warming energy. (Mann, Michael E., and Lee R. Kump, Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming 2008.) Over years and years, there has been a very steady increase in the numbers pertaining to sunspots.Through this, the earth is getting warmer and studies and data suggest that solar activity is very well influencing global climate change.The second natural impact is greenhouse gases.To start off with greenhouse gases are produced by burning fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil. The greenhouse gases are emissions that rise into the atmosphere and trap the sun s energy, heat from escaping. Flint states, Global warming is the increase in the earth s temperature caused by increased emission of greenhouse gases into ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Problem Of The Cloud Environment Migrating from any host technology into college technology can be a very cumbersome process filled with many problems. The first problem that will be identified will be the issue of the migration as will we utilize a disaster recovery type migration or will there be a replication. In addition to this migration there is also the event of users and how information will be relayed from one location to another location. When it comes to the migration aspect of the information there are many things that need to be taken into account such as load balancing redundancy and security controls. The cloud environment needs to be supportive of these aspects and there should be a dictation of how information is going to be flowing throughout the environment. VPNS are utilized to their fullest within our infrastructure so encryption is very important as firewalls are inside of our Network segregating out VLAN of VLAN transactions as well as domain to domain transactions. Additional problem that will prove to be easy to understand and evolve it is software and Licensing. As this is one aspect that can be overlooked from various people however software needs to be addressed as we might decide to move to a different software infrastructure but keeping the same infrastructure will be easy to maintain. Applications as well as operating systems need to be addressed when it comes to this process as well. Within the cloud the option arises that users are able to work from home but this option will ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Changing Behavior Case Study Analysis Changing Behavior: Insights and Applications Annette Frahm, project manager Dave Galvin Gail Gensler Gail Savina Anne Moser December 1995 Revised June 2001 Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County King County Water Pollution Control Division 130 Nickerson St., Suite 100 Seattle, Washington 98109 (206) 263 3050; Prog 3(12/95)rev.6/01 Introduction Have you ever tried to get a smoker to stop? A kid to start wearing a bike helmet? An aerosol user to switch? Changing behavior is both art and science, and much can be learned from others attempts to change behavior that can make our work more effective. A project team at the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County, ... Show more content on ... When properly applied, it works! The following pages include: ϖ A checklist of action steps for planning behavior change projects ϖ A summary list of behavior change principles ϖ A detailed list of principles, including examples from the research literature and field experience ϖ A bibliography of sources used in the project
  • 25. The authors of this report are interested in how these principles work for you. If you d like to share stories, ideas, and evaluation results, please contact the project manager, Annette Frahm, at the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County. Mail: c/o King County Water Pollution Control Division Hazardous Waste Management Program 130 Nickerson St., Suite 100 Seattle, Washington 98109 Telephone: (206) 263 3064 E mail: Checklist of Action Steps for Behavior Change This is a circular process. Working through steps 2, 3 and 4 may lead to redefining the objective in step 1. ρ 1. Define your objective. What is your desired end result? You may begin by thinking broadly, but narrow your objective so it s achievable and, if possible, measurable. How will you know when you ve achieved your desired result? ρ 2. Select your audience. Brainstorm the possible audiences you could work with and choose one. Pick the one most likely to get your desired result. ρ 3. Learn about your audience. What do they need? What do they want? What do they know? What are their perceptions? Who do they ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Mozart Vs America The Romantic and Classical period was full of religious revivals and lighter colors from the Classical period while having sharp feelings from the Romantic period. During the late 1700s, many famous composers and artists created their works and followed these guidelines. Francisco Goya and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were born ten years apart but created their famous pieces around the same times in Europe. The time was between the Romantic period for art and the Classical periods for music. The visual art came abroad and were published. During Europe, there were many people who have developed more interests in the fine arts and have spent countless hours to master subjects. Both Mozart and Goya having their famous works were influenced by the time periods and living in Europe, it showed the strong feelings of music with Mozart s work and the deep dark colors of Goya. History was filled with many events that altered how the artists and musicians would play and paint. Francisco Goya was born in Fuendetodos, Spain in 1746 and was living in some of the poorest areas of Spain because The Spanish king was spending most of Spain s money on wars, and the rest went to the king s greedy, rich friends. He started his career of art at age twelve. He moved to Zaragoza to learn from other artists. He showed more development and moved to several other areas in Spain like Madrid working for his living. Most of ... Show more content on ... While both Goya and Mozart have a very large age gap, they created music and visual at the same time because of Mozart s fast learning at instrument pieces. The whole basis of the Romantic period and Classical and how they worked was the religious awakening and the political events that took place a little before the births of both ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Open Source Web Development During the last 2 years or so, India has been a victim of Global recession. It caused huge losses to the companies, leaving many as jobless. It further increased the rate of unemployment and made them as bankrupts in the society. Many of them have assumed that there are no jobs at all in the IT industry and started losing their faith on the private sector as a whole. In fact, the reality is very different from that of our misconception. Even during the recession, the industry was in need of some potential designers and developers. It was in search of skilled open source web developers and web/graphic designers. So What is Open Source web development? How is it possible for companies to recruit the OSS developers even during the recession? ... Show more content on ... Absolutely no software cost: Computer requires both the hardware and software for its smooth functioning. The computer software costs more than the hardware, therefore, many users have been deprived of buying it. Instead, they resort to use the illegal version of the software. This does not give them any legal right to own, distribute or use the product in the open environment. 2. No virus attacks: We often complain of many viruses on our computer, this causes the computer to be formatted at least once a month. Besides this, we are constantly targeted by the spammers. This is primarily due to, the 90% of the computer users highly depend on the commercial softwares for their daily activities. Only the 10 % of the users depend on the open source applications. Therefore, all the spammers and viruses aim at destroying the majority of computers. Thus, there will always be a less scope for hackers for targeting the open source applications. Let us take an example from Microsoft, every one of us uses the Windows as our preferred operating system. We constantly receive warnings from spammers, viruses and other notifications about the problems with our illegal versions of Windows. During such occasions, we can neither contact the Microsoft since Windows has been manufactured by it, nor use the illegal and corrupted ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Comparing God And Speed Limit I believe God does everything for a reason. He makes laws so people can follow them, he doesn t just put stuff into existing so people know it s there; he does ALL things for a reason. I believe God made speed limits to keep people safe on the road. I can t claim everybody in the world follows them. But I can claim that they are here for a good cause and, if people could just see that they might would follow them. If you don t know what a speed limit is, it is the little signs on the side of the road that have a certain number on them that you can t go over. The speed limit is usually about 45 mph. My opinion is that God put speed limits to watch over people, in other words to keep people safe. I can t tell you that all people actually ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Callaway Golf Case Essay Summary: In 1998, Callaway, one of the most famous brands in the golf domain, has experienced its first loss of $ 27 million after 10 years of growth. To resolve this problem, Ely Callaway, the founder of this company, wondered if CGC (Callaway Golf Company) would have to revise the way it approached retailer relationships to raise more mutually beneficial. To address possible market confusion, should the communication strategy shift? In fall 1999, Callaway faced amount of questions; the answers would guide him in refocusing CGC s retail channels, new product development, and marketing strategies. As Ely Callaway s vision: If we make a truly more satisfying product for the average golfer, not the professionals, and make it ... Show more content on ... 2. Like Nike and Adidas, Callaway has become a well known golf brand that customers have treated it as a professional sign. So there is difficulty for the new brand to threaten Callaway s current market. Power of suppliers: 1. As the case mentioned, Callaway adjusted the wholesale prices of Big Bertha metal woods rather infrequently because they are confident in their own products with so many efforts on budget and R D. They strongly believed that after using the products, customers would understand and accept the reason why their products prices were higher than others . 2. Callaway spent lots of money on R D, and that was why the prices were higher. So, for beginning golf customers, buying new Callaway clubs was a daunting task, even if Callaway s target market aimed at the average golf player rather than professional golf player. Powers of buyers: 1. CGC s target market Average golfers (defined as playing 10 rounds minimum per year), generally had handicaps above 18, and bought new equipment every two to three years. 2. Compare with woods and irons, putters were relatively inexpensive at around $100 each. Because putting was viewed as the most critical aspect to the game and because most golfers were weak putters, they tended to update their putters fairly frequently and with less product research. In fact, many golfers owned five or more different putters Threats of substitute s ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Doctor Career Research Paper Playing doctor was something I enjoyed when I was a little kid. I loved caring for people, and babies when they were born. I was a big help with my brother,sister and cousins. Caring for someone is my biggest quality and making sure they are healthy is important to me. After looking through important information on this career I found out the work environment, skills needed, level of education, the salary and job outlook. I can see myself qualified for this future career as a Obstetricians and gynecologist. The many years of college is critical but the salary will be worth the job for surgeons. When you first go to college you go for 4 years. Then another 4 years for medical schools. And 3 7 years for internship and residency programs (Occupational Outlook Handbook). You have to go through so many years of school because you have to get a Doctoral or Professional degree. In college you will take different courses to help you learn important skills you will need. For example, you will take pharmacology, psychology, and law governing medicine (Occupational Outlook Handbook). Some skills you will need are compassion, detail oriented, dexterity, ... Show more content on ... If you want to become a physician or surgeon you yearly pay is greater than $187,200 (Occupational Outlook Handbook). Your average salary for the top 10% is $187,200 for the US and Ohio. The bottom 10% is $65,630 for US and Ohio s is $115,070 (Occupational Outlook Handbook). For your average hourly pay the top 10% is $90 for both US and Ohio. Your bottom 10% is $32 for US and $55 for Ohio (Occupational Outlook Handbook). If you want to be a surgeon or physician the yearly job opening amount is 703,300. Right now there are currently 99,300 surgeons and physicians. The job outlook is 14% which is good for going into this job (Occupational Outlook Handbook). Even Though there are 13 years of college to go into your career you will make a great about of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Individualism And Transcendentalism Similarities A city and a forest can be completely different, yet they can be of the closest of similarities. However, transcendentalists believed that the forest is our home and the city is a shamed copy. Transcendentalism started with Ralph Waldo Emerson. It mainly focused primarily upon being different from everyone else and also about how nature is the primary source of life. Being out of the ordinary and looking to nature almost as a godmother are some of the main points of transcendentalism. The transcendentalists believed that we should not judge ourselves based upon the ideas of others. Instead, they believed that we should view ourselves primarily through ourselves. They also believed that nature provides life for us, while song artists today ... Show more content on ... The Red Hot Chili Peppers are a band that made the song known as Under the Bridge. Within this song, the lead singer sings about how a city takes care of him. While he sings about a city, the song also infers that it may not be the machines and pollution helping the man, rather it would be the natural surroundings that help the man. While the singer doesn t point it out in broad daylight, throughout the whole song the man sings about how the city supports him. Much like how transcendentalists believed that nature supports us. Transcendentalists would agree with this belief because they believed that nature provides life for all. Much like how the singer sang about how the surrounding areas provided for him. While nature provides and has provided much for humans, the humans themselves have to go into advancements sometimes without the help of nature. But, nature can provide a lot for the people of earth. Under the Bridge is full of lines explaining a man s relationship with nature, and it all describes a very important aspect of transcendentalists ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Persuasive Essay On Breast Milk Breast milk is the most nutritional choice for your baby, but exclusively breastfeeding can make it hard to have time to yourself or pursue other activities away from your baby. If you need more flexibility or are ready to return to work, you can continue to provide breastmilk for your baby by pumping to provide a stock supply of expressed milk to be used when you cannot be physical present to feed her. While not all breastfeeding women are able to produce enough milk to build a stock supply, the majority of breastfeeding women are able to accomplish this. Don t become overwhelmed by thinking that you have to have a tremendous supply of milk saved up in order to be successful at continuing to breastfeed your baby once you have returned to work. You don t have to have a huge freezer full of milk, you only need to be able to at the minimum be able to stay a day s worth of bottles ahead. Many women accomplish this by pumping another 2 3 ounces of milk each time they feed their baby (once she has had her fill, of course). Before beginning to express excess stock ... Show more content on ... Because this method takes about 12 hours to thaw, a good practice is to put the amount that will be needed for the next day in the refrigerator to thaw the evening before. If you find yourself in a jam and need to thaw quicker, you can hold the container under running water to thaw, starting with cool water and gradually moving to warmer water. Never refreeze thawed milk, once it has been thawed it should be stored in the refrigerator and used within 24 hours. If your baby does not finish all the thawed milk in one feeding, it is safe to refrigerator the left overs for only a couple of hours before it should be discarded. Also be sure never to heat breast milk in the microwave or on the stove: use a bottle warmer or place the frozen milk in a cup or container of warm water to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Forshadowing And Foreshadowing In Crash By Paul Haggis Inevitable tragedy and sorrow is foreshadowed by Paul Haggis in his film Crash to heighten their significance to the audience. Foreshadowing of inevitable tragedy and sorrow is first seen during one of the initial scenes, which interrupts the process of Persian man (Fahad) and his daughter (Dorri) buying a firearm. Firearms are a symbol of violence and the purchase of the weapon, foreshadows something terrible to later come. The next use of foreshadowing, came from the invisible cloak scene between Daniel and his young daughter (Lara). During this scene, Daniel comes home to find his daughter hiding under her bed, frightened of gunshots heard because of past encounters. To comfort his daughter Daniel conceives an imaginary bulletproof ... Show more content on ... Christopher statuettes. As St. Christopher is known as the patron saint of travels, these statuettes in culture are typically placed on car dashboards and carried with one. As a representation of faith, in the belief of divine power to protect oneself with safe travel. In the film the statuettes most powerfully connect with run away now gangster/hijacker Peter Waters. Each time after hijacking a car, he places his statuette on the dashboard, for Peter his statuette and this act represents his good will and nature as a person with strong faith, even though he commits felony. Here, the audience sees that the role of gangster doesn t fit his personality. Later in the film, during the ending events, Tom Hansen picks up the hitchhiking Peter. Onwards, while in the car Peter on reflex looks to the dashboard and surprisingly notices Hansen s St. Christopher statuette there, from which he begins chuckling at. Something else funny? Oh yeah. So, what s that? Just people, man . As for Peter seeing the statuette was a humorous reminder of himself and the faith that people share. For the audience, this moment has deep meaning showing the connection of faith between the two characters. Unfortunately, however Hansen is the only one to not understand the situation and from misunderstanding combined with racial stereotyping, he ends up shooting Peter to death. The impact of Peters death has a huge effect on the audience, a good willed man of faith and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Sherman s Maggots Research Paper Wound care clinics around the country are giving maggots a try on some of their sickest patients after high tech treatments fail. It s a therapy quietly championed since the early 1990s by a California physician who s earned the nickname Dr. Maggot. But Dr. Ronald Sherman s maggots are getting more attention since, in January, they became the first live animals to win Food and Drug Administration approval, as a medical device to clean out wounds. A medical device? They remove the dead tissue that impedes healing mechanically, FDA determined. It s called chewing. But maggots do more than that, says Sherman, who raises the tiny, worm like fly larvae in a laboratory at the University of California, Irvine. His research shows that in the mere two to three days they live in a ... Show more content on ... In June, FDA also gave its seal of approval to leeches, those bloodsuckers that help plastic surgeons save severed body parts by removing pooled blood and restoring circulation. And in the spring, University of Iowa researchers reported early evidence that drinking whipworm eggs, which causes a temporary, harmless infection, might soothe inflammatory bowel disease by diverting the overactive immune reaction that causes it. There s a little more yuck factor with maggots. Most people know of them from TV crime dramas, where infestations of bodies help determine time of death. Actually, maggots medicinal qualities have long been known. Civil War surgeons noted that soldiers whose wounds harbored maggots seemed to fare better. In the 1930s, a Johns Hopkins University surgeon s research sparked routine maggot therapy, until antibiotics came along a decade later. Today, despite precise surgical techniques to cut out dying tissue, artificial skin and other high tech treatments, hard to heal wounds remain a huge problem. Diabetic foot ulcers alone strike about 600,000 people annually and lead to thousands of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Persuasive Essay On Make A Wish NORTH POLE On November 3rd, Macy s officially rung in the holiday season with its 10th annual Believe campaign, benefiting Make A Wish. This marks a decade s worth of work inspired by the tangible impact of generosity and love. Believers are invited to any local Macy s store where they can write letters to Santa this holiday season. For each letter collected in store and online from Nov. 3 through Dec. 24, Macy s will donate $1, up to $1 million, to Make A Wish to help grant the wishes of children with critical illnesses. All are welcome to write letters, there is no age limit! If you wish to take part in this year s anniversary campaign, visit your local Macy s store where you can drop off your letters to Santa into the red letterboxes. In addition, you can submit a letter online at The Macy s Believe campaign was launched in 2008, and since then Macy s has donated more than $15 million to Make A Wish through this annual campaign. Macy s has contributed to granting thousands of wishes over the past 10 years. The impact of wish fulfillments is undeniable and widespread not only do they increase hope and happiness for wish kids, but their families, volunteers, supporters, medical professionals and entire communities are transformed by the experience. We couldn t imagine the overwhelming response the Believe campaign would inspire when we introduced it 10 years ago, said Holly Thomas, group vice president of Cause Marketing for Macy s. We have ... Get more on ...
  • 36. What Was The Cause Of The 2008 Financial Crisis 1. Introduction The financial crisis of 2007 08 was also known as subprime crisis or credit crisis. Since the bubbles of real estate market in America came into surface on August 9, 2007 investors were losing their confidence on subprime mortgage assets and the liquidity risk followed behind. Even though the central banks of many countries tried to turn around the situation by injecting huge amount of capital to the financial market, the financial crisis still broke out and spread to Europe and other parts all over the world especially on the backing sector. The purpose of the essay is to identify the causes of the global financial crisis on the angle of the failure of corporate governance in UK banks such as Northern Rock and RBS which will be discussed in Section two. The reforms of UK governance post crisis will also be discussed especially on the aspect of banking risk management in section three. In the fourth section conclusion will be given. 2. Causes of the Financial Crisis In this section, the impacts of the financial crisis from different orientations will be shown in the first place. Then, the role of the failure on governance of UK banks will be analyzed. 2.1. Consequences of the Crisis The explosion of the global financial crisis impacted many areas of UK. Because of the uncertainty of the market consumers lost confidence on the economy and households cut spending particularly on manufactured product which leaded to the sharp fall in industrial production ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Research of the Tingunee Essay Research of the Tingunee Meghan Shmunes Cultural Anthropology Professor Pappas June 9 2013 Shmunes 1 After receiving this grant, I cannot wait to go study the people and culture of Tingunee. Before I embark on this journey to the Tingunee of the lower Quebin river valley though, there are some important things I must make sure I do first. There has been no known visitors to Tingunee or any research conducted on their culture, so I will need to take extra precaution with the basic stages I need to complete. Upon my return, I will hope to be the first person to have a basic understanding of the Tingunee culture. Cultural anthropology is the study of people within a particular culture and ... Show more content on ... I plan to answer questions about subjects including marriage, local government, gender roles, religion/ religious beliefs; more specifically the role females play. I will be figuring these questions out by collecting data within the community and to do so properly, I will need to have an emic approach. An emic approach is how the Tingunee people think, perceive other people, how they behave, and how they imagine and explain things. I decided to take the emic approach over the etic approach because the etic approach would involve me emphasizing what I think is important about a culture after interpreting it and because the Tingunee people have not been studied before, I want other people to know their culture and thought processes without including my opinions. An emic approach will allow me to be a part of the community while taking in information without bias. After being amerced in the community with my emic approach, I will be able to determine what distinct cultural characteristics separate this culture from the rest. I plan on interviewing individual people, both male and female, to get different perspectives on everyday life within the tribe and the roles each individual plays in the community. Being a female myself will have advantages when talking to Shmunes 3 the females of the Tingunee tribe. I hope to ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Remember The Titans Quotes Remember The Titans Coach Yoast: In the movie Remember the Titans by Jerry Bruckheimer and Chad Oman, there are two main coaches that are involved with a mixed race football team from T. C. Williams High School. In the start of the movie Coach Yoast was a happy man coaching a good team. Then came along a black coach called Coach boon and took his job. There were some arguments throughout the movie and then Coach Yoast had to accept he was going to have to work with this man. In the movie Remember the Titans by Jerry Bruckheimer and Chad Oman, there are two main coaches that are involved with a mixed race football team from T. C. Williams High School. In the start of my essay I will be talking about when these two coaches meet. Then I will talk about how one coach loses his job and the other takes over. In the 3rd paragraph I will talk about how those two work together. Then in my final paragraph I will talk about the championship game. When these two first met, Coach Yoast didn t know that he was going to lose his job to coach Boone. The school board may have put you on my team, but I did not hire you this is what coach Yoast first says to Boone. This shows that even though Coach Boone will be working alongside him, Yoast didn t choose for him to be on his staff, this means that ... Show more content on ... Before the game Coach Boone is telling the team how even if they lose they will still be champions. Coach Yoast also says I hope you boys have learned as much from me this year as I ve learned from you. You ve taught this city how to trust the soul of a man rather than the look of him. And I guess it s about time I joined the club .This shows that Coach Yoast is very proud of his team. He is saying how they have taught him stuff even though he is the coach. They have showed him that you should always follow someone s personality, not how good or bad they look on the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. How Does Enzyme Concentration Or Temperature Affect The... Question: How does changing enzyme concentration or temperature affect the reaction time of enzyme activity? Background and Introduction: Enzymes are proteins that process substrates, which is the chemical molecule that enzymes work on to make products. Enzyme purpose is to increase the rate of activity and speed up chemical reaction in a form of biological catalysts. The enzymes specialize in lowering the activation energy to start the process. Enzymes are very specific in their process, each substrate is designed to fit with a specific substrate and the enzyme and substrate link at the active site. The binding of a substrate to the active site of an enzyme is a very specific interaction. Active sites are clefts or grooves on the surface of an enzyme, usually composed of amino acids from different parts of the polypeptide chain that are brought together in the tertiary structure of the folded protein. Substrates initially bind to the active site by noncovalent interactions, including hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions. Once a substrate is bound to the active site of an enzyme, multiple mechanisms can accelerate its conversion to the product of the reaction. But sometimes, these enzymes fail or succeed to increase the rate of action because of various factors that limit the action. These factors can be known as temperature, acidity levels (pH), enzyme and/or substrate concentration, etc. In this experiment, it will be tested how much of an effect ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Summary Of Guts By Gary Paulsen The book Guts is a non fiction, 162 page book by Gary Paulsen that tells the true stories behind hatchet and the other Brian books. In this memoir Gary Paulsen writes about how plane crashes, swarming mosquitoes, and growing up in northwoods of Minnesota influenced the writing of hatchet. One of the many events that influenced Gary Paulsen s writing was growing up in Minnesota. His Minnesota heritage extended back all the way to the 1890s when his family first moved to duluth. Gary lived on the edge of town next to 50 acres of land that he called his own. There Gary learned how to use a hatchet and make survival shelters. He also hunted small game with his .22 cal long rifle and fished in Lake Superior. The Woods was his life, from the second school was out to sundown Gary spend sharpening his outdoor skills. WWSWe ... Show more content on ... Over the course of childhood to adulthood Gary had a number of moose attacks that made him respect these giant creatures in a special way. In hatchet, Brian was attacked by a bull moose and ended up with broken ribs and a concussion. Luckily this wasn t the case with Gary, instead the moose ran right past him and hit a tree. The cause of the moose s stupidity was that it had chronic wasting disease that had turned its brain to mush. The other attack happened when he was working on a farm and was driving home in his truck when he saw a bull moose in the middle of the road. He stopped and waited for it to pass but instead the moose turned at him and the fur on its back stood up. The moose charged, BANG! Another hit and another hit and another hit until both the headlights were out. Gary stat there in shock stunned by what just happened. The moose had toteled his truck and he was left in the freezing cold with no place to go within 5 miles. He had to stick it out in his truck until help came the next ... Get more on ...
  • 41. HIPAAAnd HITECH HIPAA and HITECH lay out strict standards governing information security and privacy of patient information. While HIPAA/HITECH may be a boon to the security of healthcare information, they also throw up a number of challenges like high costs, tracking regulatory changes, extensive documentation and several others. HITECH is the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, which brings additional compliance standards to healthcare organizations. It is directly related to HIPAA, and was part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.EHR systems can also offer increased patient privacy security when compared to traditional paper records. Encrypted electronic patient records can be protected against unauthorized ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Pet Ownership And Perceived Well Being The researcher s hypothesis regarding pet ownership and perceived well being was not supported by the data. Pet ownership was not related to perceived well being, even after controlling for the gender of participants. The results of this study concurred with the results from Staats and colleagues (2006) study. Both studies were unable to find a significant relationship between pet ownership and perceived well being. However, unlike Staats and colleagues (2006) study, this study did not obtain information on whether participants subjectively believed that pet ownership would improve their well being. Future studies should incorporate this factor in order to understand the effect of positive psychology. The results of this study conflicted with the other previous researches. As indicated by Jorm and colleagues (2002), pet ownership was associated with longer survival rates in patients who had experienced a heart attack. Unlike coronary patients, the participants of this study did not suffer any medical conditions, and not to the researcher s knowledge, ever experienced a heart attack. Perhaps patients who experienced a heart attack were more attached to their pets as a form of distraction from any lingering effects of the episode. Further, in the study conducted by McConnell and colleagues (2011), it was revealed that pet owners experienced greater perceived well being, and were not as vulnerable to feelings of loneliness. McConnell and colleagues (2011) had incorporated ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Analysis Of Kathryn Stockett s The Help It s the 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi during one blistering summer where all the workers in the cotton fields pray for the end of the day and the maids are polishing the silver until their fingers go numb in efforts to hurry up the day. Kathryn Stockett s The Help observes the life of African American maids during the 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi where they are fighting for their rights. Focusing on the viewpoints of two different maids as well as a women pursuing journalism, The Help engages the reader into the despair of civil rights. With a risky idea from the journalist, the maids tell their stories of working for the privileged white people. The intention to explain the workers lives happens to be the idea that the women wish to ... Show more content on ... For a minute, we re just two people wondering why things are the way they are (Minny; 235). With such an upsetting scene, Stockett provides understanding of how we are not as different as we think. Minny is sympathetic towards Celia because no woman should have to endure what she has and to have gone through it more than once. Trust begins to form between the two ladies as the book goes on and their relationship breaks the chains of segregation. Minny Jackson and Celia Foote s relationship is only one of the connections between whites and colors that Stockett presents in her novel. Even though Minny and Celia had an understanding relationship, Stockett provides intense moments between the two in order to draw connections to the reader. But Stockett brilliantly changes our perspective with the women narrating so we may observe the full effect of each decision the character produce. Thus while we have one maid beginning to understand the life of her boss and how it s not so different from her issues, we are also presented with the difficulties that another maid endures. Aibileen Clark happens to be the other African American narrator of The Help, she watches over white babies and tries to teach them that the colour of skin does not determine who a person is. The little girl that she s watching over in the novel is ignored by her mother so Aibileen reminds her that she is worth loving. There are multiple instances ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Outliers Quote Analysis Steve Jobs said the ones, who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. This saying mean person who effort and creative to their work, they can shape the world their desires. Person who want desire the world they need work hard enough and assert itself. In the Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell write 11 chapters about success and to become an outlier, people who practice 10,000 hours to become a success, people who have a different cultural legacy they can change their life and to become an outlier, and people who effort they can change disadvantage to advantage. Although Malcolm Gladwell assert if you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desire , people can success their self, people who practice 10,000 hours than they can success, cultural legacy change their life and to become an outlier and when people effort hardly ... Show more content on ... In the Outliers chapter 5 talked about how disadvantage change to advantage. This chapter talked poor people can not success but jewish success their self. Jewish people are not have to much get education from the school but at that time people who were born at the same time are not many so they can get education from the school. Jewish open a law firm about the divorce and something accident, at that time jewish law firm is not popular but later many people get interest about divorce and accident so jewish law firm popular to the other people and they become success. Also garment industry is change disadvantage to advantage. People who can success their self and shape the world, people who effort they can change disadvantage to advantage, if at that time people was born less, they can get education, a law firm is also change disadvantage to advantage, and garment industry is also part of success their self change disadvantage to ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is currently a growing field in which people are obsessing over. This is new and upcoming technology that combines genetic and Nanotechnological enhancements, which completes the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism s characteristics in a particular way. In my opinion, it may very well be a great improvement, but it should only be used when necessary. If I were a parent of a child under 12 years of age, I would not sign up for the enhancement. First of all, genetic engineering is simply a way of altering oneself. The enhancement may bring great skills to have, but unfortunately this is not only changing the child s mind completely, it is also giving them no self actualization ability. I agree with Baylis and Robert s idea of, Enhancement technologies having a deleterious impact on the genetic variability characteristic of the human gene pool (Baylis and Robert) because every human is different and unique in many aspects. This process literally weakens the authenticity of one s accomplishments and diversity throughout society. It holds that the engineered person s abilities and talents are no longer his or her own, but are simply because of the alteration. Children are supposed to be different in order to find their struggles and strengths, building themselves. If they are accelerated in everything possible, they will never find their paths in life. According to Baylis and Robert, The essence of humans is to nurture and protect the natural ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Juvenile Justice System And Adult Justice Systems In this paper, I will be discussing both the juvenile and the adult justice systems. There are several differences between the two systems, which may surprise you. I will be discussing many aspects within the justice systems. These include Terminology, Due Process rights, the process of Arrest to Corrections, Juvenile crime compared to Adult crime, age limits and waivers for the adult system and the different community correctional options, which are available to the offenders. The two systems share many of the same terms but not all terms are shared by both systems. In summary, the juvenile justice system and the adult justice system, vary in many ways and are alike in many ways. Juvenile Justice and Adult Justice When it comes to how each state handles the judicial system in their jurisdiction, it varies from state to state. All states construct their own juvenile judicial system and create their own laws. There are different beliefs in each state about what will distinguish differences in the juvenile and adult justice systems. In most jurisdictions, juveniles are considered delinquent and not guilty. ( State Juvenile Justice Profiles ) Arrests: In the area of making arrests, law enforcement officers will detain a juvenile in order to provide protection for them as well as for the community. This is called preventative detention. Not all states afford juveniles the right to a jury trial. Defendants have the right to apply for bond or bail. All defendants have a ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Demand And Production Of Atlantic Salmon Essay In the ever expanding field of aquaculture, the demand and production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) has increased substantially, having grown over six fold in the last two decades worldwide (Howard, 2014; Murray, 2014). Increased emergence of parasitism and disease has met this expansion, particularly in areas where disease control strategies are not yet locally coordinated (Murray, 2014). Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) have significantly impacted the salmonid farming industry since the 1970s, affecting economic costs and fish welfare, and contributing to secondary parasiticide effects and drug resistance (Costello, 2009; Ljungfeldt et al., 2014; Torrissen et al., 2013). As of 2009, L. salmonis has affected the industry in Norway, Canada, Ireland, Scotland and Chile, whereas in other countries, including New Zealand, it has not yet presented a problem (Costello, 2009). Various treatment, management and prevention strategies have been suggested and implemented in high production areas, which may provide useful models for potential risk of sea lice parasitism in New Zealand. In the last decade, a high demand for protein rich, heart healthy salmon has precipitated an aquaculture surge, which currently supplies seventy percent of the global salmon market (Howard, 2014). Due to consumer and environmentalist demands and the risk of spreading disease between farmed and wild populations, nationally directed aquaculture legislation has bolstered industry regulations ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Woodstock 1969 Many large concerts have occurred in the United States, but none have been as symbolic as the three day music and art fest that touted the slogans of peace and love. This event was identified as such as a result of the peace movement and the emergence of the flower children. Woodstock Music Festival took place near Woodstock New York on August 15, 16, and 17, 1969, and became a symbol of the 1960s American counterculture. Woodstock began with the following four partners: Michael Lang, the manager of a rock band, Artie Kronfeld, an executive at Capitol Records, and two capitalists, John Roberts and Joel Rosenman who supplied most of the money and the original idea. Their original plan was to build a recording studio in Woodstock, a small ... Show more content on ... Ironically this helicopter saved Woodstock or the show might not have gone on. So the U.S. army saved the day for a crowd of people who were mostly anti war. On Saturday the only non drug related death of the event occurred. There was a tractor pulling a tank trailer to pull the sewage from the portable toilets away. The grounds looked like a trash can by now with cellophane, sleeping bags, and cigarette butts littering the ground, but under this mass slept a 17 year old Raymond Mizak. The tractor slowly ran over him. He died in his sleep. Also on Saturday two army jet planes flew over Bethel and broke the sound barrier. Conspiracies raged within the Woodstock Festival that the government was trying to disrupt their gathering or that they were all on the biggest drug experience of their lives. On Sunday one of two births happened. A bearded hippie drove a motorcycle that roared up to the El Monaco Hotel. On the back was a woman screaming that she was having a baby. Resort owner Elliott Tiber raced in. The theory used to determine that Elliott Tiber was the one to deliver the baby was the fact that he was the only one not stoned. On Monday morning it ended with the finale with Jimi Hendrix s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. That moment is has gone down in Rock n Roll history as one of the greatest moments ever. On Monday afternoon the makers of Woodstock were listening to a different kind of music. They were in a 1.3 million dollars debt. In the hurry to ... Get more on ...