judaism kabbala kabbalah jewish mysticism torah chassidut tisha b'av chanukka shavuot tikun pesach passover purim paradox hanukka rosh hashana prayer light oral torah israel shabbat mourning shame ego death jewish holidays zohar shavuos seder free will destiny love truth ruach hakodesh prophesy rosh hashanna spirituality providence enlightenment soul esther meditation shabbos temple beit hamikdash 50 gates baal shem tov mysticism sefirot devekut relationship talmud chagim tu b'shvat rosh hashanah judgments free choice new year teshuva shofar sinai ahava love of g-d flame candle netziv midrash jewish soul integrity failure ego nullification ego binding of yitzchak binding of isaac avraham akeida affirmation abraham elul kamtsa hatred bible animal soul divine soul inner beasts dispute wisdom spiritual law four sons tsimtsum pleasure principle hamakom four children 4 sons 4 children chokhmah mashiach upside down moses body gives light to soul rabbis king solomon body higher than soul messiah chidush body and soul dna breath of bones brucha at eulogy bracha schwartz purpose of creation tree of knowledge eve tree of life written torah menorah authenticity sin actualizing potential humility conflicting feelings torah of souls scroll of souls briyah scroll golden calf atzilus atzilut yovel freedom festival of freedom binah understanding jubilee ahavat yisrael gluons mordekhai haman collective soul strong force strange fire liturgy oneness new years tisha bav rabbi tsadok hakohen ten commandments spiritual path fifty gates names of god vengence peace world peace peacemaker elijah's cup elijah rectified anger eliyahu unconscious new year of trees tu bishvat shammai ilanot tu bshvat hillel jewish law klipa reshut hayichud reshut harabim childbirth choosing life promised land the land of israel inner listening middle east narratives the 9th of av jewish holiday leshem hagaim partsuf hagada partzuf plagues amalek remember still small voice new year of fruit trees light bodies candles lights shemot shekhina white fire pleasure dew kavvanot midnight chassidus matza afikoman
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