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Central Ohio Research of
Paranormal and Spectral Energies
A Brief History of Researching
             Spectral Entities
• 3400 BC – Egyptian
  manuscripts mention
  ghosts and spirits. This
  is the earliest
  documentation of a
  belief in spectral
Old Testament Mentions
Paranormal & Spectral Energies
  1450 BC – Since the Bible was written, it has
   featured stories of ghosts, spirits and the
753 BC
Romans and Greeks tell of seers conjuring spirits
to assist with helping people and answering
469 - 399 BC
Greek philosopher Socrates teaches that ghosts might be
harmful, especially those that died violently or
427 – 347 BC
Plato warns against prowling about
tombs, because apparitions of impure
souls may remain.
55 BC
Roman poet, Lucretius believed that ghosts diffused from
the body after death, and lingered in the atmosphere.
100 AD
In a letter to his patron, Pliny the Younger provides what is
believed to be the first written example of a haunting. It tells of a
home in Athens, where loud noises, like that of chains rattling,
were heard, and the apparition of an old man was seen.

Ghost hunting isn't a modern activity; one of the first ghost hunters was
Joseph Glanvill. As the chaplain of English king Charles II in the late 1600s,
Glanvill investigated the paranormal, especially ghostly activity in the
British Isles. His most famous case was the Drummer of Tedworth, and he
published his results in Saducismus Triumphatus in 1681.
1685 – 1826 Development of Photography
The first camera that was small and portable enough to be practical for
photography was built by Johann Zahn, in 1685. It would be 141 years
before such an application was truly possible, because the first practical
photographic process was invented in 1826.
Friedrich Nicolai. His interest in the paranormal began after he suffered
from visions of deceased people. He began to investigate and try to find a
cure for the condition. In 1799, he presented "Memoir on the Appearance of
Spectres or Phantoms Occasioned by Disease," which included various
experiences with the paranormal.
1848 Spirit Communication
Also known as the birth of Spiritualism. The Fox sisters claimed that they had
managed to communicate with a spirit in their house in Hydesville, New York. They
managed this by asking the spirit to rap responses to yes or no questions, and to
knock at certain letters of the alphabet. There was much controversy about this
during their life, one sister claimed to have made it all up, but later she apologized
to her sisters, citing that she felt pressured, by her husband and the Christian
Church, to make such a statement. Still it began a huge movement that is still felt in
our time. Today Spiritualism has over two million followers.
1849 First Documented Public Medium Demonstration
                 •   Showcased in Corinthian Hall in New York. The spirits
                     accompanied Maggie and Leah (Kate was absent) onto the
                     stage, providing a consistent background noise of knocks and
                     raps. After attending two events with the girls, a chosen
                     committee could find no earthly explanation for the raps,
                     despite trying to trip up the girls and the spirits.
                 •   The crowd appointed another committee of five men, to try
                     again. The investigation included the girls being physically
                     examined by a doctor. The results, reported to a crowd at
                     Corinthian Hall the next evening, were substantially the
                     same. Yet a third committee was appointed, with one
                     wrinkle: It included a Ladies’ Committee, who was tasked
                     with stripping the girls and searching them. Maggie and Leah
                     Fox submitted, though both wept through it. Again, no
                     physical explanation or devices were found that could explain
                     the sounds
                 •   Later, Maggie fell in love with Arctic explorer Elisha Kent
                     Kane, who, embarrassed by her sketchy vocation, urged her
                     to "quit this life of dreary sameness and suspected deceit."
                 •    In 1888, when a world-weary Maggie renounced Spiritualism
                      as a fraud and a year later recanted her startling declaration,
                        the faith suffered a blow from which it never recovered.
1857 Allan Kardac Publishes “The Book of the Spirits”

“Spiritism is a science which deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as
well as their relationship with the corporeal world.” In The Book of the Spirits,
Allan Kardac explains his beliefs. These were and still are considered subversive by
the Catholic Church.
1860 First Spirit Photo Taken
W. Campbell took a picture of an empty chair, to test for lighting. In the photograph a little
boy appeared to be sitting in the chair. Since he was unable to produce any other spirit
photos, his name has all but fallen into obscurity. This is just a photo of a cool throne. I
could not find the actual W. Campbell Ghost Boy Photo.
1861 William Mumler becomes known for his
             Spirit Photographs
           William Mumler helped to
           promote the idea of taking
           pictures of spirits, although
          his were taken by fraudulent

           Admittedly there have been
            some who would produce
          false photos, beginning with
          William Mumler in 1861, and
          still happening today, thanks
             in large part to software
          programs such as Photoshop.
1882 The Society for Psychical Research is Founded
 This was the first organized effort to gather scientists and
 scholars together for critical and sustained investigations
 of paranormal phenomena.
1891 Photo of Lord Combermere’s Ghost
The figure of a man can faintly be seen sitting in the chair on the left. His head, collar
and right arm on the armrest can be clearly made out. While Sybell Corbet was taking
the above photograph, lord Combermere's funeral was taking place over four miles
away. Lord Combermere died four days prior, and all of his staff were attending his
1911 James Coates publishes “Photographing The Invisible”
  In the book he examines numerous cases of spirit photography. The
  book helped propel paranormal photography into the mainstream. It
  caught the attention of many and brought about a number of new
  researchers to the field of paranormal exploration.
1918 Tesla Notes Unexplained Voices
The sounds I am listening to every night at first appear to be human voices
conversing back and forth in a language I cannot understand. I find it
difficult to imagine that I am actually hearing real voices from people not
of this planet. There must be a more simple explanation that has so far
eluded me. – Nicola Tesla
1920 Thomas Alva Edison shows interest in Spirit Communication
                              Edison, who publicly mocked Tesla and his
                              experiments, privately believed that Tesla had
                              managed to find the correct frequency to enable
                              communication with spirits of the dead. Edison
                              was determined to discover Tesla's secret, and be
                              the first to get the "Spirit Phone" on the market.
                              In his diary, Dr. Miller Hutchinson wrote:
                                 "Edison and I are convinced that in the fields of
                              psychic research will yet be discovered facts that
                              will prove of greater significance to the thinking of
                              the human race than all the inventions we have
                              ever made in the field of electricity.“
                              Edison failed to live long enough to succeed with
                              his ill-gotten idea to best Tesla. Tesla simply noted
                              in his journal that Edison was trying to use his
                              patents to talk with specters. Edison thought that
                              Tesla could listen to spirits, Tesla considered that
                              he was hearing people from other planets - the
                              voices could have been the same, they may have
                              just changed their stories to fit the belief system
                              of the listener.
1925 Tesla Further Confused by Voices
Tesla noted, “I am hearing more phrases in these transmissions that are definitely in
English, French and German. If it were not for the fact that the frequencies I am
monitoring are unusable for terrestrial radio stations, I would think that I am listening to
people somewhere in the world talking to each other.”
Considering the lack of powerful sending stations at the time, none of these early,
mysterious signals have ever been explained!
J.B. Rhine began experiments in the first parapsychology
institute at Duke University, established in 1932. The ESP
cards were developed in 1937, by Dr. J. B. Rhine and his
colleague Dr. K. E. Zener to test for extrasensory
perception in laboratory settings.
1941 – 1960
 Attila Von Szalay was among the first to try
       recording what he believed to be the
                 voices of the dead.
  He was a world renowned psychic and he
         could often audibly hear the voices
                  speaking to him.
He was hoping to capture voices, because his
      venture into spirit photography had not
             yielded astounding results.
At first he failed at recording spirit voices too.

                           Along with psychologist Raymond Bayless, he began researching ways
                           to record the phenomena. They began their attempts using a 78 RPM
                           Pack-Bell record cutter. This proved to be a disappointment. Next,
                           they constructed a box-like device consisting of a microphone set
                           inside a speaking trumpet, placed inside a wooden cabinet. Almost
                           immediately they began recording strange voices.
  Friedrich Jürgensen, a Swedish filmmaker,
  was alone in a forest recording bird song
  with a reel to reel recorder for an upcoming
  After returning home to playback what he
  had recorded, he noticed two very faint
  but, distinct voices in the background of the
  recording. One was that of a man speaking
  of the bird song at night. The other was his
  own mother calling out to him . Of course
  this amazed and startled Jürgensen
  because he had been skeptical of life after
  death. After this he became obsessed with
  EVP and went on to record thousands of
  these ghostly voices until his death on
  October 21, 1987.
Dr. Konstantīns Raudive was a Latvian psychologist who
taught at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, before
devoting the last ten years of his life to electronic voice
phenomenon (EVP). He read Friedrich Jurgensen's book,
Voices from Space, and was so impressed by it that he
arranged to meet Jorgensen in 1965.
With the help of a physicist and an electronics expert,
he captured over 100,000 of spirit recordings on
audiotape, most under strict laboratory conditions,
which he published in his book Breakthrough.

Raudive developed several different approaches to
recording EVP:
•Microphone voices: one simply leaves the tape
recorder running, with no one talking; he indicated that
one can even disconnect the microphone.
•Radio voices: one records the white noise from a radio
that is not tuned to any station.
•Diode voices: one records from what is essentially a
crystal set not tuned to a station.
1985 Instrumental Transcommunication Begins
Klaus Schreiber began to receive spirit images on his TV set, including the faces of
scientist Albert Einstein, Austrian actress Romy Schneider, and various departed
family members, especially his two deceased wives and daughter Karin, with whom
he was particularly close. His technique, set up by his colleague Martin Wenzel,
involved aiming a video camera at the television and feeding the output of the
camera back into the TV, in order to achieve a feedback loop.
We see the emergence of EMF meters being used in
paranormal investigations.

We see the emergence of infrared, and full
spectrum camera’s being used in
paranormal investigations.
Central Ohio Research of Paranormal and Spectral Energies
 plays EVP for people at Pagan Pride held in Bedford, Ohio!
Independence Day
This one was collected on the 4th of July, in the daytime, at
a cemetery. I was near the grave of a Vietnam Veteran. I
mentioned all of the sound of explosions used to mark our
independence. Here’s what he had to say.
Regular Speed                                                                          Slower
                              Heard During a Funeral
This next EVP was taken at a cemetery, during a funeral. If it makes you feel any better, her
stepson said to me, “You should have brought your recorders.” I answered, I’m glad you said
that, because I did.” This is played at regular speed. (Look at those people). Here it is slowed
down slightly (play second clip of it). Sometimes spirit voices seem to speak slightly faster than
us, there are some theories out there as to why this is, maybe some people are just fast talkers
or excited and emotive. Either way, we tend to be able to hear this kind of EVP better if we
slow them down just a little.
Ahhh, but can they see you?

Here’s one that was captured at Edwin Shaw. It used to be known as the
Sanitarium. Through the years it was also tuberculosis hospital, hospital for
terminally ill children, an orphanage, an insane asylum, a drug and alcohol
rehabilitation center, and finally a hospital for orthopedic rehabilitation.
I began to get vocal responses the minute I turned on my recorder. This one
was captured just after stepping onto the grounds.
It goes by fast, let’s hear it again!
I Want Candy!
                                    Sometimes we get unique responses when
                                    we try new ideas. This is what we heard
                                    when we brought candy as a trigger
                                    object. Trigger objects are items that
                                    might trigger a response from the spirits.
                                    They can be objects from history, or as we
                                    found out here, they can be food items
                                    too. We had more than these comments
                                    about candy, but these are the ones that
                                    are the easiest to hear.

    In the first example the spirit talks fast through part of it. He says
    “Hey! I’m Hungry, come over here. I want some candy.” In the next            2
1   one you can hear another spirit clearly respond about candy. These
    are unique because often it is hard to tell if they are not just random
    words, but the spirits at Edwin Shaw seem to be responding to our
    offer of candy and not just speaking about events which may have
    happened to them at some time, which is considered residual. This
    goes a long way to show spirit intelligence as well as their ability to
    interact with those of us living in this realm.
Edwin Shaw: Balcony of the Original Tuberculosis Ward
  One of our group was near a broken window, with much broken
  glass on the ground. The disembodied voice seems to be warning
  him of the danger. The person near the glass was named “Mason”.
More EVP from Edwin Shaw
•I invite the spirits to “come talk to us”.
You can hear their response.

•Did someone need a doctor?
Class A EVP
This class A EVP was captured
at a Hartville cemetery. Give
it a listen. I’ll play it again for
Class A EVP is that which can
be heard without
amplification, and all people
agree to what’s being said.

The interesting thing is that
the name on the grave was
“M-a-r-k-l-e-y”. Let’s hear
that one more time.
My Name Is Heather

My Name Is                                                                31 July

                                                                         My friend



  These last few, on our list today, were all collected at a home in Uniontown,
      Ohio. I’ll play them first, and then tell you a little bit of background.
    There were no children currently living in the home, although there were
  reports by the residents that the spirit of a little girl was seen, and a psychic
    picked up on a little girl with long blonde hair in a yellow nightgown. The
residents confirmed the psychic’s description. Let’s play that one again for you.
Thank You!
  Enjoy the rest of the
workshops at Pagan Pride.

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Central ohio research of paranormal and spectral energies

  • 1. Central Ohio Research of Paranormal and Spectral Energies
  • 2. A Brief History of Researching Spectral Entities • 3400 BC – Egyptian manuscripts mention ghosts and spirits. This is the earliest documentation of a belief in spectral energies
  • 3. Old Testament Mentions Paranormal & Spectral Energies 1450 BC – Since the Bible was written, it has featured stories of ghosts, spirits and the paranormal.
  • 4. 753 BC Romans and Greeks tell of seers conjuring spirits to assist with helping people and answering questions.
  • 5. 469 - 399 BC Greek philosopher Socrates teaches that ghosts might be harmful, especially those that died violently or prematurely.
  • 6. 427 – 347 BC Plato warns against prowling about tombs, because apparitions of impure souls may remain.
  • 7. 55 BC Roman poet, Lucretius believed that ghosts diffused from the body after death, and lingered in the atmosphere.
  • 8. 100 AD In a letter to his patron, Pliny the Younger provides what is believed to be the first written example of a haunting. It tells of a home in Athens, where loud noises, like that of chains rattling, were heard, and the apparition of an old man was seen.
  • 9. 1681 Ghost hunting isn't a modern activity; one of the first ghost hunters was Joseph Glanvill. As the chaplain of English king Charles II in the late 1600s, Glanvill investigated the paranormal, especially ghostly activity in the British Isles. His most famous case was the Drummer of Tedworth, and he published his results in Saducismus Triumphatus in 1681.
  • 10. 1685 – 1826 Development of Photography The first camera that was small and portable enough to be practical for photography was built by Johann Zahn, in 1685. It would be 141 years before such an application was truly possible, because the first practical photographic process was invented in 1826.
  • 11. 1799 Friedrich Nicolai. His interest in the paranormal began after he suffered from visions of deceased people. He began to investigate and try to find a cure for the condition. In 1799, he presented "Memoir on the Appearance of Spectres or Phantoms Occasioned by Disease," which included various experiences with the paranormal.
  • 12. 1848 Spirit Communication Also known as the birth of Spiritualism. The Fox sisters claimed that they had managed to communicate with a spirit in their house in Hydesville, New York. They managed this by asking the spirit to rap responses to yes or no questions, and to knock at certain letters of the alphabet. There was much controversy about this during their life, one sister claimed to have made it all up, but later she apologized to her sisters, citing that she felt pressured, by her husband and the Christian Church, to make such a statement. Still it began a huge movement that is still felt in our time. Today Spiritualism has over two million followers.
  • 13. 1849 First Documented Public Medium Demonstration • Showcased in Corinthian Hall in New York. The spirits accompanied Maggie and Leah (Kate was absent) onto the stage, providing a consistent background noise of knocks and raps. After attending two events with the girls, a chosen committee could find no earthly explanation for the raps, despite trying to trip up the girls and the spirits. • The crowd appointed another committee of five men, to try again. The investigation included the girls being physically examined by a doctor. The results, reported to a crowd at Corinthian Hall the next evening, were substantially the same. Yet a third committee was appointed, with one wrinkle: It included a Ladies’ Committee, who was tasked with stripping the girls and searching them. Maggie and Leah Fox submitted, though both wept through it. Again, no physical explanation or devices were found that could explain the sounds • Later, Maggie fell in love with Arctic explorer Elisha Kent Kane, who, embarrassed by her sketchy vocation, urged her to "quit this life of dreary sameness and suspected deceit." • In 1888, when a world-weary Maggie renounced Spiritualism as a fraud and a year later recanted her startling declaration, the faith suffered a blow from which it never recovered.
  • 14. 1857 Allan Kardac Publishes “The Book of the Spirits” “Spiritism is a science which deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world.” In The Book of the Spirits, Allan Kardac explains his beliefs. These were and still are considered subversive by the Catholic Church.
  • 15. 1860 First Spirit Photo Taken W. Campbell took a picture of an empty chair, to test for lighting. In the photograph a little boy appeared to be sitting in the chair. Since he was unable to produce any other spirit photos, his name has all but fallen into obscurity. This is just a photo of a cool throne. I could not find the actual W. Campbell Ghost Boy Photo.
  • 16. 1861 William Mumler becomes known for his Spirit Photographs William Mumler helped to promote the idea of taking pictures of spirits, although his were taken by fraudulent means. Admittedly there have been some who would produce false photos, beginning with William Mumler in 1861, and still happening today, thanks in large part to software programs such as Photoshop.
  • 17. 1882 The Society for Psychical Research is Founded This was the first organized effort to gather scientists and scholars together for critical and sustained investigations of paranormal phenomena.
  • 18. 1891 Photo of Lord Combermere’s Ghost The figure of a man can faintly be seen sitting in the chair on the left. His head, collar and right arm on the armrest can be clearly made out. While Sybell Corbet was taking the above photograph, lord Combermere's funeral was taking place over four miles away. Lord Combermere died four days prior, and all of his staff were attending his funeral.
  • 19. 1911 James Coates publishes “Photographing The Invisible” In the book he examines numerous cases of spirit photography. The book helped propel paranormal photography into the mainstream. It caught the attention of many and brought about a number of new researchers to the field of paranormal exploration.
  • 20. 1918 Tesla Notes Unexplained Voices The sounds I am listening to every night at first appear to be human voices conversing back and forth in a language I cannot understand. I find it difficult to imagine that I am actually hearing real voices from people not of this planet. There must be a more simple explanation that has so far eluded me. – Nicola Tesla
  • 21. 1920 Thomas Alva Edison shows interest in Spirit Communication Edison, who publicly mocked Tesla and his experiments, privately believed that Tesla had managed to find the correct frequency to enable communication with spirits of the dead. Edison was determined to discover Tesla's secret, and be the first to get the "Spirit Phone" on the market. In his diary, Dr. Miller Hutchinson wrote: "Edison and I are convinced that in the fields of psychic research will yet be discovered facts that will prove of greater significance to the thinking of the human race than all the inventions we have ever made in the field of electricity.“ Edison failed to live long enough to succeed with his ill-gotten idea to best Tesla. Tesla simply noted in his journal that Edison was trying to use his patents to talk with specters. Edison thought that Tesla could listen to spirits, Tesla considered that he was hearing people from other planets - the voices could have been the same, they may have just changed their stories to fit the belief system of the listener.
  • 22. 1925 Tesla Further Confused by Voices Tesla noted, “I am hearing more phrases in these transmissions that are definitely in English, French and German. If it were not for the fact that the frequencies I am monitoring are unusable for terrestrial radio stations, I would think that I am listening to people somewhere in the world talking to each other.” Considering the lack of powerful sending stations at the time, none of these early, mysterious signals have ever been explained!
  • 23. 1932 J.B. Rhine began experiments in the first parapsychology institute at Duke University, established in 1932. The ESP cards were developed in 1937, by Dr. J. B. Rhine and his colleague Dr. K. E. Zener to test for extrasensory perception in laboratory settings.
  • 24. 1941 – 1960 Attila Von Szalay was among the first to try recording what he believed to be the voices of the dead. He was a world renowned psychic and he could often audibly hear the voices speaking to him. He was hoping to capture voices, because his venture into spirit photography had not yielded astounding results. At first he failed at recording spirit voices too. Along with psychologist Raymond Bayless, he began researching ways to record the phenomena. They began their attempts using a 78 RPM Pack-Bell record cutter. This proved to be a disappointment. Next, they constructed a box-like device consisting of a microphone set inside a speaking trumpet, placed inside a wooden cabinet. Almost immediately they began recording strange voices.
  • 25. 1959 Friedrich Jürgensen, a Swedish filmmaker, was alone in a forest recording bird song with a reel to reel recorder for an upcoming movie. After returning home to playback what he had recorded, he noticed two very faint but, distinct voices in the background of the recording. One was that of a man speaking of the bird song at night. The other was his own mother calling out to him . Of course this amazed and startled Jürgensen because he had been skeptical of life after death. After this he became obsessed with EVP and went on to record thousands of these ghostly voices until his death on October 21, 1987.
  • 26. 1965 Dr. Konstantīns Raudive was a Latvian psychologist who taught at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, before devoting the last ten years of his life to electronic voice phenomenon (EVP). He read Friedrich Jurgensen's book, Voices from Space, and was so impressed by it that he arranged to meet Jorgensen in 1965. With the help of a physicist and an electronics expert, he captured over 100,000 of spirit recordings on audiotape, most under strict laboratory conditions, which he published in his book Breakthrough. Raudive developed several different approaches to recording EVP: •Microphone voices: one simply leaves the tape recorder running, with no one talking; he indicated that one can even disconnect the microphone. •Radio voices: one records the white noise from a radio that is not tuned to any station. •Diode voices: one records from what is essentially a crystal set not tuned to a station.
  • 27. 1985 Instrumental Transcommunication Begins Klaus Schreiber began to receive spirit images on his TV set, including the faces of scientist Albert Einstein, Austrian actress Romy Schneider, and various departed family members, especially his two deceased wives and daughter Karin, with whom he was particularly close. His technique, set up by his colleague Martin Wenzel, involved aiming a video camera at the television and feeding the output of the camera back into the TV, in order to achieve a feedback loop.
  • 28. 1980’s We see the emergence of EMF meters being used in paranormal investigations. 2000’s We see the emergence of infrared, and full spectrum camera’s being used in paranormal investigations.
  • 29. 2012 Central Ohio Research of Paranormal and Spectral Energies plays EVP for people at Pagan Pride held in Bedford, Ohio!
  • 30. Independence Day This one was collected on the 4th of July, in the daytime, at a cemetery. I was near the grave of a Vietnam Veteran. I mentioned all of the sound of explosions used to mark our independence. Here’s what he had to say.
  • 31. Regular Speed Slower Heard During a Funeral This next EVP was taken at a cemetery, during a funeral. If it makes you feel any better, her stepson said to me, “You should have brought your recorders.” I answered, I’m glad you said that, because I did.” This is played at regular speed. (Look at those people). Here it is slowed down slightly (play second clip of it). Sometimes spirit voices seem to speak slightly faster than us, there are some theories out there as to why this is, maybe some people are just fast talkers or excited and emotive. Either way, we tend to be able to hear this kind of EVP better if we slow them down just a little.
  • 32. Ahhh, but can they see you? Here’s one that was captured at Edwin Shaw. It used to be known as the Sanitarium. Through the years it was also tuberculosis hospital, hospital for terminally ill children, an orphanage, an insane asylum, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, and finally a hospital for orthopedic rehabilitation. I began to get vocal responses the minute I turned on my recorder. This one was captured just after stepping onto the grounds. It goes by fast, let’s hear it again!
  • 33. I Want Candy! Sometimes we get unique responses when we try new ideas. This is what we heard when we brought candy as a trigger object. Trigger objects are items that might trigger a response from the spirits. They can be objects from history, or as we found out here, they can be food items too. We had more than these comments about candy, but these are the ones that are the easiest to hear. In the first example the spirit talks fast through part of it. He says “Hey! I’m Hungry, come over here. I want some candy.” In the next 2 1 one you can hear another spirit clearly respond about candy. These are unique because often it is hard to tell if they are not just random words, but the spirits at Edwin Shaw seem to be responding to our offer of candy and not just speaking about events which may have happened to them at some time, which is considered residual. This goes a long way to show spirit intelligence as well as their ability to interact with those of us living in this realm.
  • 34. Edwin Shaw: Balcony of the Original Tuberculosis Ward One of our group was near a broken window, with much broken glass on the ground. The disembodied voice seems to be warning him of the danger. The person near the glass was named “Mason”.
  • 35. More EVP from Edwin Shaw •I invite the spirits to “come talk to us”. You can hear their response. •Did someone need a doctor?
  • 36. Class A EVP This class A EVP was captured at a Hartville cemetery. Give it a listen. I’ll play it again for you. Class A EVP is that which can be heard without amplification, and all people agree to what’s being said. The interesting thing is that the name on the grave was “M-a-r-k-l-e-y”. Let’s hear that one more time.
  • 37. My Name Is Heather My Name Is 31 July My friend Heather Mommy These last few, on our list today, were all collected at a home in Uniontown, Ohio. I’ll play them first, and then tell you a little bit of background. There were no children currently living in the home, although there were reports by the residents that the spirit of a little girl was seen, and a psychic picked up on a little girl with long blonde hair in a yellow nightgown. The residents confirmed the psychic’s description. Let’s play that one again for you.
  • 38. Thank You! Enjoy the rest of the workshops at Pagan Pride.