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Prepared by
Swati pal
Snsr sharda university
 Complementary therapy services are healing
therapies used together with conventional
 Complementary therapies aim to treat the
whole person, not just the symptom of
 Complementary therapy is known by
different terms including alternative therapy,
alternative medicine, holistic therapy &
traditional medicine
 Complementary & alternative medicine is
group of diverse medical & health care
system, practices & products that are not
generally considered part of conventional
 All practices and ideas defined by their
users as preventing or treating illness or
promoting health and well-being are
 Poor prognosis
 Focus of care is comfort not cure
 Desire to be more active in one’s own health
 Reduce side effects of treatment
 Reduce side effects of disease
 Suggestions be family, friends and society
 Philosophical or cultural orientation
 Less expensive than conventional medicine
 Dissatisfaction with or loss of trust in
conventional medicine
 Desire to treat the disease in a natural
 Decrease the feelings of hopelessness
and helplessness
 Improve the immune system
 Improve the quality of life
 In Sanskrit , the word Ayurveda consist of the words ayus ,
meaning “life” and veda , meaning “realted to knowledge ,or
 Evolving throughout its history ,Ayurveda remains an
influential system of medicine in south Asia .The earliest
literature of Ayurveda appeared during the vedic period in India
 The Sushruta Samhita and
the Charaka Samhita were
influential works on
traditional medicine during
this era .
 Ayurvedic practitioners also
identified a medicinal
preparations and surgical
procedures for curing
various ailments and
 According to charak samhita (an ancient
ayurveda text) ayurveda has two main objectives
 1st is ‘swasthasya swastha rakshanam” i.e. to
help the healthy person to protect & maintain his
swasthya ( wellness).
 2nd is “aaturasya vikar prashamanam” i.e. to help
a diseased person to become healthy & to stay
healthy forever.
 The aim is to remove the cause of disorders , prevent
illness and harmonize body ,mind and
consciousness. Ayurveda aids in maintain good
health , increasing longevity and overall quality of life
 Alternative Ayurvedic treatments and self help
regimens include :nutrition , herbal remedies ,
aromatherapy , lifestyle recommendations ,massage
treatments ,color /sound therapy ,meditation
,panckarma (etoxification ),yoga .Ayurveda
empowers the individual to take control of their own
health and well being .
 The knowledge of Ayurveda was passed on orally through
a lineage of sages in India until it was collated into text
more than five thousand years ago. The oldest known
texts on Ayurveda are theCharaka Samhita, Sushruta
Samhita, and the Ashtanga Hrudaya.
 These texts detail the affect that the five elements found
in the cosmic system - earth, water, air, fire, space – have
on our individual system, and expound on the importance
of keeping these elements balanced for a healthy and
happy life.
 According to Ayurveda, each person will be
influenced by certain elements more than others.
This is because of their prakriti, or natural
constitution. Ayurveda categorizes the different
constitutions into three different doshas:
 Vata dosha, in which the air and space elements
 Pitta dosha, in which the fire element dominates
 Kapha dosha, in which the earth and water
elements dominate
 Ayurvedic Treatment can grossly be divided
into Shodhana and Shamana i.e. purificatory and
palliative therapy respectively.
The shodhana therapy includes procedures that
eradicate the vitiated humors from the body. eg.vamana
(emesis), virechana (purgation), vasti (enema), nasya
(nasal errhines).
The shaman procedure comprises techniques that pacify
the doshas or bring them back to normalcy
e.g. deepana (carminative), pachana (digestive), upavasa
(fasting) etc
The siddha medicine is a form of south Indian Tamil
traditional medicine a and part of the trio Indian
medicines ayurveda, siddha and unani ,
The system is believed to be developed by the 9 nath
and 84siddhas in the north and 18siddhas in the south
called siddhar.
 Siddharas were given the concept that a
healthy soul can only be developed
through a healthy body .
 So they developed methods and medication
that are believed to strengthen their
physical body and thereby their souls .
 Men and women who dedicated their lives
into developing the system were called
 The normal equilibrium of
three humors (vatha ,pitha
and kapha )is disturbed ,
disease is caused.
 The factors which assumed to
affect this equilibrium are
environment , climatic
conditions ,diet ,physical
activites , and stress .
 According to the siddha
medicine system ,diet and life
style play a major role not
only but also in curing
diseases .
 UNANI :As an alternative form of medicine ,unani has
found favour in Asia especially India .
 In India these Unani practitioners can practice as
qualified doctors ,as the Indian government approves
their practice.
 Unani medicine is very close to Ayurveda .
 Both are based on theory of
the presence of the elements
(in unani , they are considered
to be fire ,water ,earth ,and air
) in the human body .
 According to followers of
unani medicine , these
elements are present in
different fluids and their
balance leads to health and
their imbalance leads to
illness .
 Homeopathy is a medical science
developed by Dr. Samuel
Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German
 According to this theory, the right
medicinal substance for a particular
set of symptoms is the one that
naturally produces those
symptoms in healthy people.
 . It is based on the principle that “like cures like”.
In simple words, it means that any substance,
which can produce symptoms in a healthy person,
can cure similar symptoms in a person who is
 This idea is referred to as the “Law of Similars“,
and was understood by Aristotle and Hippocrates
and mentioned in ancient Hindu manuscripts. It
was Hahnemann, however, who turned it into a
science of healing.
 Here are examples of this principle:
 . An onion is a substance which makes your eyes
water and your nose burn. If you are having an
attack of hay fever with watering eyes and a
burning nose, a homeopathic remedy made from
onion can relieve it.
 Homeopathic medicines consists of plants,
animals & minerals extracts that are diluted in
water or alcohol and vigorously shaken.
 .
 It is a system of therapy based on the concept that
disease can be treated with drugs (in minute doses
)which are capable of producing the same symptoms
in healthy people as the disease itself . Eg
.Thyroidinum (thyroid hormone) .
o Based on concepts that (treat the cause rather than
o Avoid use of medicine.
o Focus on nutrition (natural foods), light, warmth
,massage, fresh air, regular exercise, hydrotherapy,&
(recognition of inherent healing ability of the body.)
 1)Nutrition and dietetic
 2)Fasting
 3)Structural adjustment
 4)Hydrotherapy
 5)Healthy lifestyle
 6)Education
 Describes connection between posture & both
physical & emotional problems.
 Therapy uses body awareness ,movement to bring
the posture & body back into balance .
 Therapy is helpful to those with chronic back pain
& back disorders.
 Hydro- and hydrothermal are
traditional methods of treatment
used for treatment of disease and
injury by many cultures.
 The recuperative and healing
properties of hydrotherapy are
based on its mechanical and/or
thermal effects.
 Generally, heat quiets and soothes
the body, slowing down the activity
of internal organs. Cold stimulates
and increases internal activity.
 Water also has a hydrostatic effect. It has a
massage-like feeling as the water gently kneads the
 Water, in motion, stimulates touch receptors on the
skin, boosting blood circulation and releasing tight
 Hydrotherapy and hydrothermal therapy are chiefly
used to tone up the body to stimulate digestion, the
circulation, and the immune system and to bring
relief from pain.
Yoga derived from
Sanskrit word meaning
“To Bind”.
It is unity of all the
powers of body, mind and
spirit based on Hindu
spiritual treatises.
Classified on the
teachings of
 Integrated as eight limbed
Yams, Niyama, Asanas,
Pranayama, Pratyahara,
Dharana, Samadhi.
 The goal of Yoga is
attainment of physical&
mental well being through
mastery of body achieved
through exercise, holding of
posture, proper breathing,&
 Yoga therapy shows positive results in
treating depression
 Deep breathing associated with yoga is
beneficial in controlling premature ventricular
complexes .
 Yoga therapy shows significant benefits that
includes emotional functions ,fitness
variations and psychological benefits .
 It also variations in tension ,mood
disturbances ,cognitive function and
gastrointestinal disturbances .
 Yoga exercises increases your body ability in
using antioxidants .This is beneficial in the
prevention of cancer .
 Yoga helps in treating some problems lie
asthma ,respiration problems ,back pain
,diabetes mellitus ,arthritis .
 The practice of yoga therapy is impossible if
you have limited mobility and flexibility
Use of substances
found in nature such
as herbs, foods and
vitamins .Use of other
so called natural but
as yet scientifically
unproven therapies.
 Use of herbs Is to restore balance within the
individual by facilitating self healing ability.
 some selected herbal medicines:
 Echinacea-Prevention of UTI.
Garlic-To reduce cholesterol, hypertension
Ephedra-Weight lose
GinkgoBiloba -Treatment of dementia
Asian ginseng-Stamina building
St John’s Wart– Treatment of Depression
Saw palmetto-Treatment of BPH
Green tea catechins- Antiviral action
 Horse chestnut seed extract can
alleviate the symptoms of
varicose veins.
 Tea tree oil may be effective
against fungal infections such as
athlete foot .
 Vegetables from the allium family
(onions and garlic )may protect
against certain cancers
 if eaten regularly ,especially
cancers of the digestive tract ,
thought futher studies need to
be done .
 Ginger used in vomiting and
 There are so many herbs that demonstrate excellent
therapeutic results for some specific conditions.
Herbal medicines improve the body’s natural
immunity and sage, which increase the mental ability
in patients. There are many more that together with
western herbalism.
 Ayurveda and traditional medicine treat a host of
health conditions such as diabetes, IBS, eczema,
anxiety disorders and high cholesterol with good
clinical outcomes.
 A major benefit or use of herbal medicine is that they
are generally safer than synthetic pharmaceuticals.
Herbs taken as a whole will have compounds in them
that buffer their action.
 Nutritional therapy is a system of healing based
on the belief that food ,as a nature intended
,provides the medicine we need to obtain and
maintain a state of health :our food is our
medicine and our medicine is our food .
Used to enhance the mind’s capacity to
affect bodily function and symptoms
Mind body techniques are based on the therapy
that mental and emotional factors can influence
,social, and spiritual methods are used to
preserve health and prevent or cure disease
 Meditation is a technique
used to quiet the mind and
focus it in the present and to
release fears, worries,
anxieties, and doubts (past
 It is an self directed practice
for relaxing the body and
calming the mind using
focused rhythmic breathing.
 Meditation has been shown to have favourable
effects on heart and blood vessels functions
,immunity and brain activity such as increasing
activity in parts of the brain associated with
mental clarity .
 Meditation often induces physical realaxation
,mental calmness ,and emotional states such as
loving –kindness .
 Relaxation techniques are practices
specifically designed to relieve tension
and strain .
 The specific technique may be aimed
at reducing activity of the nerves that
control the stress response ,lowering
blood pressure ,easing muscle tension
,slowing metabolic processes ,or
altering brain wave activity .
 Guided imagery involves the use
of mental images to promote
relaxation and wellness ,reduce
pain or facilitate healing of a
particular ailment ,such as cancer
or psychological trauma .
 The images can involve any of
the senses and may be self
directed or guided by a
practitioner ,sometimes in a
group setting .For example a with
a cancer might be told to imagine
an army of white blood cells
fightning against the cancer cell.
 Hypnosis can be used to
control pain, alter body
functions and change life
style habits.
 Is an altered state of
consciousness in which
an individual’s
concentration is focused
and distraction is
 Hypnosis works by activating
nerve pathways in brain that
causes release of natural
morphine like substances which
modify behavior and perception
of pain.
 It requires a client’s active
 These are group of therapeutic
procedures that uses
electromechanical instruments
to measure process and provide
information to persons about
their nervous system activity .
 The information or feed back is
given in physical ,
physiological, auditory or visual
feed back signals.
 It immediately demonstrate to clients
their ability to control physiological
 It demonstrates the relationships
between thoughts, feelings and
physiological responses
 Manipulative and body-
based therapies treat
various conditions through
bodily manipulation.
 These therapies include
chiropractic, massage,
rolfing, reflexology, and
postural re education
 Based on spinal manipulation.
 Assumption that maintaining the alignment
of the spine & joints facilitates the flow of
energy through out the body.
 Maintenance of self regulatory system of
the body and focus on helping the body to
heal itself.
 Chiropractors may use x-rays, visual inspection
,muscular strength and weakness, range of motion &
posture to assess the spine for mis- aligned vertebra
 Therapy focus on restoring structural and functional
imbalances .
 What is tai chi?
Sometimes called “Chinese shadow
boxing,” tai chi is a gentle form of
martial art and exercise that involves
a formal series of flowing, graceful,
slow-motion movements designed to
harmonize the circulation of “chi”
around the body.
 Chi, also rendered as ch’i or qi, is a
term from Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) used to describe an
energy flow that pervades the
universe and sustains the living
beings within it
 Tai chi is a healthy form of movement, especially
for those with osteoarthritis or other
musculoskeletal impairments.
 It can build core strength and improve lower limb
musculature, as well as improving posture,
balance, flexibility, and mobility.
 Tai chi can facilitate relaxation and focus even
while executing the moves, and synchronizes the
musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
 It helps to develop concentration and
coordination, and can help reduce the risk
of falls in the elderly. Because it promotes
calming and relaxation, tai chi can be useful
for conditions caused or worsened by stress
and anxiety, such as hypertension, pain
syndromes brought on by muscle tension
and insomnia.
 Tai chi has many different styles. Each style
may subtly emphasize various tai chi
principles and methods.
 There are variations within each style. Some styles may
focus on health maintenance, while others focus on the
martial arts aspect of tai chi.
 Tai chi is different from yoga, another type of meditative
movement. Yoga includes various physical postures and
breathing techniques, along with meditation.
 Qigong (Chi Kung) means
cultivating energy, it is a system
practiced for health maintenance,
healing and increasing vitality
 Chinese system o
 f breathing exercises, body
postures and movements, and
mental concentration, intended to
maintain good health and control
the flow of vital energy.
Massage therapy
Reiki therapy
Hand mediated bio-
field therapies
 Benefits are categorized as physical , mental-
emotional and spiritual.
 Physically, massage relaxes muscles and
releases lactic acid. It improve the flow of blood
and lymph, stretch joints, and relieve pain &
 In mental-emotional area, massage relieve
anxiety and provide relaxation.
 Spiritually it provides a sense of harmony &
 Reiki is a Japanese technique for
stress reduction and relaxation that
also promotes healing. It is
administered by "laying on hands"
and is based on the idea that an
unseen "life force energy" flows
through us and is what causes us to
be alive.”
 In this therapy the practitioner places the hands on the
client and energy flows from one to the other.
 Amount and effectiveness of the energy is said to
depend on the openness and need of recipient rather
than the direction of flow by practitioner.
 Performed using direct contact between the practitioner
and the client.
 Reiki can be performed from a distance.
 Benefits- purifies and relaxes the body, releases stress,
 heals the body & mind.
A part of Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM)
A therapy with traditional
Chinese medicine ,is one
of the most widely
accepted alternative
therapies in the western
world .
36 States have state
license for acupuncture
 Specific points on the body are stimulated ,usually
by inserting thin needles into the skin and
underlying tissues .
 Stimulation is added by using a very low voltage
electric current , by twisting the needle ,or by
warming the needle
 2,000 acupuncture points on the body .Connected
via 12 main and 8 secondary pathways (Meridians
 Meridians connect energy,
qi (“chee”), between the
surface of the body and the
internal organs
 Qi regulates spiritual,
emotional, mental and
physical balance
 Qi is influenced by the
opposing forces of yin and
 When yin and yang are balanced, they work
with the natural flow of qi to keep the
body healthy.
 The placement of needles in the
acupuncture points helps to keep the flow
of qi unblock.
 The procedure is not painful but may cause
a tingling sensation
 A Variant of massage therapy ,relies on manual
pressure applied to specific areas of the foot ,these
area are believed to correspond to different organs
or body systems via meridians .
 Stimualtion of these areas is believed to eliminate
the blockage of energy responsible for pain or
disease in body part .
 Based on the principle that hands and
feet are mirrors of body and have reflex
points corresponding to body’s glands,
structures, and organs.
 When a reflex area is massaged, it
stimulates the corresponding organs in
that zone.
 Like other massage it can stimulates
relaxation affecting autonomic response
which in turn affects the endocrine and
immune systems.
This was started by Dolores Kriger in the early
1970s.therapeutic touch is a mostly secular variant
of faith healing .
 Therapeutic touch practitioner moves his hands
over the patient body , specifically the affected area
,without actually touching the patient .
 Therapeutic touch adherents claim that this directs
the flow of chi so that the patient can heal .
Traditional medicine:
Traditional medicine is the sum total of
the knowledge, skills, and practices
based on the theories, beliefs, and
experiences indigenous to different
cultures, whether explicable or not,
used in the maintenance of health as
well as in the prevention, diagnosis,
improvement or treatment of physical
and mental illness
 Traditional Chinese medicine based on
the theory that disease results from
improper flow of the life force (qi).
 Qi is restored by balancing the
opposing forces og yin and yang ,which
manifest in the body as heat and cold
,external and internal , and deficiency
and excess .various practices (eg,
herbal remedies , massage ,meditation
,acupuncture )are used to preserve and
restore health
 Based on premise that odours
stimulate the limbic system help
control pain & stress.
 Aroma therapy is the controlled
use of essentials oils for specific
measurable outcomes.
 The essential oil used in
aromatherapy are distilled from
flowers , roots, barks, leaves,
wood resins and lemon or orange
 Oil can be massaged in to the
body, applied as hot or cold
compress added to water or
 Aromas are detected by olfactory
receptor , stimuli travel along
nerves to brain where they play a
role in emotions , memory & a
variety of body functions.
 Some selected oils – lavender
(relief from headache stress,
insomnia, peppermint (relief from
nausea),sandalwood (dry skin,
depression, bronchitis),geranium
(mood modifier)
•Spiritual therapy is a regimen
designed to heal ones spirit
and psyche as well as the body
.In many traditions it is to be
believed if one ,s spirit is ailing
one ,s whole being suffers .
•This is where spiritual therapy
comes in .It treats the whole
being ,especially the spirit to
promote a healthy whole
person .
 Prayer is a conversation with
GOD who believes to answer the
 Prayer may be conducted
individually or in groups.
 Prayer even be conducted at a
distance by individuals unknown
to the person for whom the
prayers of healing are made
(intercessory prayers).
 It incorporates caring,
It is concerned with systematic applications of
music to produce relaxation and desired
changes in emotions, behaviour and
 It relate to the body’s fundamental frequency
on vibrating pattern which have a profound
healing effect on the entire human body, mind
and spirit.
 It consists of listening rhythm, body movement
and singing.
 Serve as a vehicle for altering ordinary levels
of consciousness to achieve mind’s fullest
potential and induce relaxation.
 Laughing is found to lower blood pressure ,reduce
stress hormones ,increase muscle flexion , and
boost immune function by raising levels of infection
–fighting T-cells , disease fighting proteins called
Gamma –interferon and B-cells ,which produce
disease –destroying antibodies .Laughters also
triggers the release of endorphins , the body ,s
natural painkillers , and produces a general sense
of well –being .
 Laughter activates the immune system .
 Laughter decreases “stress” hormones .
 Laughters brings in positive emotions that can
enhance well beings but cannot replace
conventional treatments .Hence it is another tool
available to help fight the disease
therapy devices emit near infrared light (NIR
Therapy )typically at a wavelength of 880 nm .This
wavelength is believed to stimulate the release of
nitric oxide , an Endothelium –derived relaxing
factor into the blood stream , thus vasodilating the
capillaries and venuoles in the microcirculatory
Therapeutic use of pets as
Based on concept that
animals provide a constant
source of comfort and
focus for attention .
 Animals bring out our
nurturing instinct.
 Pet ownership can reduce
stress induced symptoms,
add years to life, boost
peoples’ moods and
enhance their social
 Pet ownership also affect
people physiologically
through the soothing and
relaxing effect of touch and
produce a relaxation
 Dance/movement
therapy (DMT) or dance
psychotherapy (DMP)] is the
psychotherapeutic use of
movement and dance to support
intellectual, emotional, and motor
functions of the body.
 As a form of expressive therapy,
DMT looks at the correlation
between movement and emotion. A
typical DMT session has four main
stages: preparation, incubation,
illumination, and evaluation
 Is a process by which practitioners
can transmit energy to a person
who is ill or injured to potentiate
the healing process.
 Based on concept that human
being is an energy field (human
field) and this energy can be
channeled from one person to
 This energy extends beyond level
of skin and is perceptible to the
trained sense of a healer.
 Detoxification therapy involves
the removal of toxic substances
. Our body naturally eliminates
or neutralizes toxins .
 But due to industrial revolution
the accumulation of toxins (food
additives ,chemicals
anaesthetics and residue of
pharmacy drugs , pesticides and
heavy metals )surpasses its
 Alternative/complementary modalities performed
from within a context of a nursing theory/model take
on meaning from within the theory.
 E.g. Roy adaptation model, deals with the concept
of focal, contextual and residual stimuli.
Nurse working within the context of this, assesses
the stimuli and takes action to promote the client’s
adaptation in physiologic needs, self-concept, role
function, and relations of interdependence nursing
health and illness.
Nursing Diagnosis/concern
Impaired Comfort Acupressure, TT
to decrease perceived
Disturbed Sleep Pattern Massage
to promote relaxation,
Impaired Communication Art therapy to facilitate expression
Impaired Coping Humor
to facilitate
appreciation of that
which is funny, to
relieve tensions
Spiritual Distress Spiritual support
to facilitate a sense of
inner peace
 A 2017 study published in the Journal of
Dietary Supplements bears this out, as it
studied the use of ashwagandha root extract for
improving memory and cognitive functions in 50
people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).4
 MCI is a slight decline in cognitive abilities
that's associated with an increased risk of
developing more serious dementia, including
Alzheimer's disease. Participants received
either ashwagandha root extract or a placebo
for eight weeks.
 Those who took ashwagandha had significant
improvements in a number of areas compared to the
placebo group. This included greater improvements
 Immediate and general memory
 Executive function
 Sustained attention
 Information-processing speed
 The researchers pointed to ashwagandha's sedative
properties as a potential mechanism behind the
memory benefits, noting they "may be indirectly
involved in improving memory and cognition in human
subjects, as stress, anxiety and sleep disorders can
affect normal cognitive function
 Greenlee and her colleagues conducted the study to
update clinical guidelines for the Society for Integrative
Oncology. Greenlee is past president of the society. She
said that past research indicates that as many as eight in
10 people with cancer turn to complementary or integrative
therapies at some point.
 The study looked at complementary and alternative
therapies, defined as those outside the range of
conventional treatments. Complementary treatments are
those used along with conventional care, she said.
 Alternative treatments are often used instead of
conventional care. She prefers the term integrative
therapy, which describes the use of non-conventional
treatments in conjunction with conventional care.
 The researchers limited the study to integrative therapies
for breast cancer patients. Use of these treatments is
popular among women with breast cancer, and there is
evidence for some treatments.
 The integrative therapies were graded. An A grade
indicates there is strong evidence in favour of that
treatment, and B is moderate. C represents preliminary
evidence. D means the evidence suggests the treatment
is not effective. H means the treatment has the potential
to be harmful.
 Meditation got an A. This therapy was found to have the
strongest evidence, recommended for lessening anxiety,
improving depression and quality of life. Yoga and music
therapy got a B for lessening anxiety and improving
mood. Yoga also got a B for improving quality of life.
Yoga, acupuncture and hypnosis got a C on fatigue
 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (New York,
USA) and University of York (York, UK) researchers
conclude that acupuncture is “more effective than both
usual care and sham acupuncture” for the treatment of
chronic pain.
 The researchers state that their conclusion is based on
“robust evidence from high-quality trials on
acupuncture” with a sample size of approximately
18,000 patients. Specifically, the researchers find
acupuncture effective for alleviating pain due to knee
osteoarthritis, low back pain, headaches, and
 They add, “Acupuncture was also found to be better
than standard medical care for all of these chronic pain
conditions.” Moreover, the researchers find acupuncture
a cost-effective treatment modality for the alleviation of
both knee pain and depression.
 The researchers note, “Our research also provides a
valuable basis for considering the potential role of
acupuncture as a referral option in health care and
enabling providers and policy-makers to make decisions
based on robust sources of evidence.”
 The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical
Oncology, show that tai chi leads to significant
improvements in sleep health in breast cancer
survivors with insomnia, with the additional benefits of
improving depressive symptoms and fatigue.
 Furthermore, both tai chi and cognitive behavioral
therapy show similar rates of clinically significant
improvements in symptoms or remission of insomnia.
Both tai chi and CBT showed enduring benefits over
one year.
 In interest of safe & effective
practice, nurses are expected
to maintain current knowledge
base and obtain ongoing
education in areas of practice.
 In using any therapy a nurse
must observe the Code of
Professional Conduct ,as well
as the requirements of
 The individual nurse is responsible to
judge whether her /his qualification
education and or experience in use
of complementary therapy has
brought her /him to a level of
competence to use that skill.
• Nurses practicing complementary
therapies must be cognizant of the
limits to their practice and should
refer to other health professionals as
 The informed consent of the individual or his
/her guardian is essential prior to the
provision of any therapy.
 Therapeutic interventions should be
supported by written policies and protocols
which are endorsed by the employing
 Practice of complementary therapies should
be incorporated into the total care of the
 Multidisciplinary team approach should be
used where relevant
 The practice of complementary therapies
should be appropriately documented.
 Practice of complementary therapies should
be incorporated into the total care of the
 The practice of complementary therapy
should be supported by quality assurance
 Nurses should comprehend well to client ‘s
that when to seek conventional therapies or
complementary therapies.
 Nurses should know client religious &
cultural view points so that to determine
which complementary therapies would be
more appropriate with client believes &
 Introduction of complementary and alternative
 Definition of complementary and alternative
 Types of complementary medicine:
 Evidence based practice.
 Role of nurse
• The National Library of Medicine
• The National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine
• The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements
• Shabeer. Basheer, S.Yaseen Khan. “A concise Text
book of Advance Nursing Practice” Pub. EMMESS.
Alternative system of medicine modified by muskan

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Alternative system of medicine modified by muskan

  • 2. ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM OF HEALTH & COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES Prepared by Swati pal Snsr sharda university
  • 3. INTRODUCTION  Complementary therapy services are healing therapies used together with conventional medicine.  Complementary therapies aim to treat the whole person, not just the symptom of diseases.  Complementary therapy is known by different terms including alternative therapy, alternative medicine, holistic therapy & traditional medicine
  • 4.
  • 5. DEFINITION  Complementary & alternative medicine is group of diverse medical & health care system, practices & products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine.  All practices and ideas defined by their users as preventing or treating illness or promoting health and well-being are included.”
  • 6. REASONS TO USE ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES  Poor prognosis  Focus of care is comfort not cure  Desire to be more active in one’s own health care  Reduce side effects of treatment  Reduce side effects of disease  Suggestions be family, friends and society  Philosophical or cultural orientation  Less expensive than conventional medicine
  • 7.  Dissatisfaction with or loss of trust in conventional medicine  Desire to treat the disease in a natural way  Decrease the feelings of hopelessness and helplessness  Improve the immune system  Improve the quality of life 
  • 11.  In Sanskrit , the word Ayurveda consist of the words ayus , meaning “life” and veda , meaning “realted to knowledge ,or science”  Evolving throughout its history ,Ayurveda remains an influential system of medicine in south Asia .The earliest literature of Ayurveda appeared during the vedic period in India .
  • 12.  The Sushruta Samhita and the Charaka Samhita were influential works on traditional medicine during this era .  Ayurvedic practitioners also identified a medicinal preparations and surgical procedures for curing various ailments and diseases.
  • 13. AIM OF AYURVEDA— “PRAYOJANAM CHASYA – SWASTHASYA SWASTHA RAKSHANAM AATURASYA VIKARPRASHAMANAM CHA”  According to charak samhita (an ancient ayurveda text) ayurveda has two main objectives  1st is ‘swasthasya swastha rakshanam” i.e. to help the healthy person to protect & maintain his swasthya ( wellness).  2nd is “aaturasya vikar prashamanam” i.e. to help a diseased person to become healthy & to stay healthy forever.
  • 14.  The aim is to remove the cause of disorders , prevent illness and harmonize body ,mind and consciousness. Ayurveda aids in maintain good health , increasing longevity and overall quality of life .  Alternative Ayurvedic treatments and self help regimens include :nutrition , herbal remedies , aromatherapy , lifestyle recommendations ,massage treatments ,color /sound therapy ,meditation ,panckarma (etoxification ),yoga .Ayurveda empowers the individual to take control of their own health and well being .
  • 15. CORE PRINCIPLES  The knowledge of Ayurveda was passed on orally through a lineage of sages in India until it was collated into text more than five thousand years ago. The oldest known texts on Ayurveda are theCharaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and the Ashtanga Hrudaya.  These texts detail the affect that the five elements found in the cosmic system - earth, water, air, fire, space – have on our individual system, and expound on the importance of keeping these elements balanced for a healthy and happy life.
  • 16.  According to Ayurveda, each person will be influenced by certain elements more than others. This is because of their prakriti, or natural constitution. Ayurveda categorizes the different constitutions into three different doshas:  Vata dosha, in which the air and space elements dominate  Pitta dosha, in which the fire element dominates  Kapha dosha, in which the earth and water elements dominate
  • 17. DIFFERENT AYURVEDIC THERAPIES:  Ayurvedic Treatment can grossly be divided into Shodhana and Shamana i.e. purificatory and palliative therapy respectively.  The shodhana therapy includes procedures that eradicate the vitiated humors from the body. eg.vamana (emesis), virechana (purgation), vasti (enema), nasya (nasal errhines). The shaman procedure comprises techniques that pacify the doshas or bring them back to normalcy e.g. deepana (carminative), pachana (digestive), upavasa (fasting) etc
  • 18. SIDDHA The siddha medicine is a form of south Indian Tamil traditional medicine a and part of the trio Indian medicines ayurveda, siddha and unani , The system is believed to be developed by the 9 nath and 84siddhas in the north and 18siddhas in the south called siddhar.
  • 19.  Siddharas were given the concept that a healthy soul can only be developed through a healthy body .  So they developed methods and medication that are believed to strengthen their physical body and thereby their souls .  Men and women who dedicated their lives into developing the system were called Siddharas
  • 20.  The normal equilibrium of three humors (vatha ,pitha and kapha )is disturbed , disease is caused.  The factors which assumed to affect this equilibrium are environment , climatic conditions ,diet ,physical activites , and stress .  According to the siddha medicine system ,diet and life style play a major role not only but also in curing diseases .
  • 21. UNANI  UNANI :As an alternative form of medicine ,unani has found favour in Asia especially India .  In India these Unani practitioners can practice as qualified doctors ,as the Indian government approves their practice.  Unani medicine is very close to Ayurveda .
  • 22.  Both are based on theory of the presence of the elements (in unani , they are considered to be fire ,water ,earth ,and air ) in the human body .  According to followers of unani medicine , these elements are present in different fluids and their balance leads to health and their imbalance leads to illness .
  • 23. HOMEOPATHY  Homeopathy is a medical science developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician.  According to this theory, the right medicinal substance for a particular set of symptoms is the one that naturally produces those symptoms in healthy people.
  • 24.  . It is based on the principle that “like cures like”. In simple words, it means that any substance, which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a person who is sick.  This idea is referred to as the “Law of Similars“, and was understood by Aristotle and Hippocrates and mentioned in ancient Hindu manuscripts. It was Hahnemann, however, who turned it into a science of healing.
  • 25.  Here are examples of this principle:  . An onion is a substance which makes your eyes water and your nose burn. If you are having an attack of hay fever with watering eyes and a burning nose, a homeopathic remedy made from onion can relieve it.  Homeopathic medicines consists of plants, animals & minerals extracts that are diluted in water or alcohol and vigorously shaken.
  • 26.  .  It is a system of therapy based on the concept that disease can be treated with drugs (in minute doses )which are capable of producing the same symptoms in healthy people as the disease itself . Eg .Thyroidinum (thyroid hormone) .
  • 27. o Based on concepts that (treat the cause rather than effect) o Avoid use of medicine. o Focus on nutrition (natural foods), light, warmth ,massage, fresh air, regular exercise, hydrotherapy,& (recognition of inherent healing ability of the body.)
  • 28. THERAPIES CONSIDER UNDER NATUROPATHIC TREATMENT :  1)Nutrition and dietetic  2)Fasting  3)Structural adjustment  4)Hydrotherapy  5)Healthy lifestyle  6)Education
  • 29. STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE-  Describes connection between posture & both physical & emotional problems.  Therapy uses body awareness ,movement to bring the posture & body back into balance .  Therapy is helpful to those with chronic back pain & back disorders.
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  • 32. HYDROTHERAPY  Hydro- and hydrothermal are traditional methods of treatment used for treatment of disease and injury by many cultures.  The recuperative and healing properties of hydrotherapy are based on its mechanical and/or thermal effects.  Generally, heat quiets and soothes the body, slowing down the activity of internal organs. Cold stimulates and increases internal activity.
  • 33.  Water also has a hydrostatic effect. It has a massage-like feeling as the water gently kneads the body.  Water, in motion, stimulates touch receptors on the skin, boosting blood circulation and releasing tight muscles.  Hydrotherapy and hydrothermal therapy are chiefly used to tone up the body to stimulate digestion, the circulation, and the immune system and to bring relief from pain.
  • 34. YOGA Yoga derived from Sanskrit word meaning “To Bind”. It is unity of all the powers of body, mind and spirit based on Hindu spiritual treatises. Classified on the teachings of Upanishads(Ashtanga Yoga).
  • 35.  Integrated as eight limbed Yoga: Yams, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Samadhi.  The goal of Yoga is attainment of physical& mental well being through mastery of body achieved through exercise, holding of posture, proper breathing,& meditation.
  • 36. BENEFITS OF YOGA THERAPY :  Yoga therapy shows positive results in treating depression  Deep breathing associated with yoga is beneficial in controlling premature ventricular complexes .  Yoga therapy shows significant benefits that includes emotional functions ,fitness variations and psychological benefits .  It also variations in tension ,mood disturbances ,cognitive function and gastrointestinal disturbances .
  • 37.  Yoga exercises increases your body ability in using antioxidants .This is beneficial in the prevention of cancer .  Yoga helps in treating some problems lie asthma ,respiration problems ,back pain ,diabetes mellitus ,arthritis .  CRITICISMS OF YOGA :  The practice of yoga therapy is impossible if you have limited mobility and flexibility
  • 38. BIOLOGICALLY BASED THERAPIES Use of substances found in nature such as herbs, foods and vitamins .Use of other so called natural but as yet scientifically unproven therapies.
  • 39. HERBAL MEDICINE  Use of herbs Is to restore balance within the individual by facilitating self healing ability.  some selected herbal medicines:  Echinacea-Prevention of UTI. Garlic-To reduce cholesterol, hypertension Ephedra-Weight lose GinkgoBiloba -Treatment of dementia Asian ginseng-Stamina building St John’s Wart– Treatment of Depression Saw palmetto-Treatment of BPH Green tea catechins- Antiviral action +
  • 40.  Horse chestnut seed extract can alleviate the symptoms of varicose veins.  Tea tree oil may be effective against fungal infections such as athlete foot .  Vegetables from the allium family (onions and garlic )may protect against certain cancers  if eaten regularly ,especially cancers of the digestive tract , thought futher studies need to be done .  Ginger used in vomiting and nausea
  • 41.  There are so many herbs that demonstrate excellent therapeutic results for some specific conditions. Herbal medicines improve the body’s natural immunity and sage, which increase the mental ability in patients. There are many more that together with western herbalism.  Ayurveda and traditional medicine treat a host of health conditions such as diabetes, IBS, eczema, anxiety disorders and high cholesterol with good clinical outcomes.  A major benefit or use of herbal medicine is that they are generally safer than synthetic pharmaceuticals. Herbs taken as a whole will have compounds in them that buffer their action.
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  • 43. NUTRITIONAL THERAPY :  Nutritional therapy is a system of healing based on the belief that food ,as a nature intended ,provides the medicine we need to obtain and maintain a state of health :our food is our medicine and our medicine is our food .
  • 44. 3. MIND BODY INTERVENTIONS Used to enhance the mind’s capacity to affect bodily function and symptoms Mind body techniques are based on the therapy that mental and emotional factors can influence physicalhealth,behavioural,psychological ,social, and spiritual methods are used to preserve health and prevent or cure disease
  • 45. MEDITATION:  Meditation is a technique used to quiet the mind and focus it in the present and to release fears, worries, anxieties, and doubts (past ,future).  It is an self directed practice for relaxing the body and calming the mind using focused rhythmic breathing.
  • 46. TYPES- CONCENTRATIVE MEDITATION MINDFULNESS/OPENING UP MEDITATION.  Meditation has been shown to have favourable effects on heart and blood vessels functions ,immunity and brain activity such as increasing activity in parts of the brain associated with mental clarity .  Meditation often induces physical realaxation ,mental calmness ,and emotional states such as loving –kindness .
  • 47. RELAXATION TECHNIQUES  Relaxation techniques are practices specifically designed to relieve tension and strain .  The specific technique may be aimed at reducing activity of the nerves that control the stress response ,lowering blood pressure ,easing muscle tension ,slowing metabolic processes ,or altering brain wave activity .
  • 48. GUIDED IMAGERY :  Guided imagery involves the use of mental images to promote relaxation and wellness ,reduce pain or facilitate healing of a particular ailment ,such as cancer or psychological trauma .  The images can involve any of the senses and may be self directed or guided by a practitioner ,sometimes in a group setting .For example a with a cancer might be told to imagine an army of white blood cells fightning against the cancer cell.
  • 49. HYPNOSIS  Hypnosis can be used to control pain, alter body functions and change life style habits.  Is an altered state of consciousness in which an individual’s concentration is focused and distraction is minimized.
  • 50.  Hypnosis works by activating nerve pathways in brain that causes release of natural morphine like substances which modify behavior and perception of pain.  It requires a client’s active participation.
  • 51. BIOFEED BACK MECHANISM:  These are group of therapeutic procedures that uses electromechanical instruments to measure process and provide information to persons about their nervous system activity .  The information or feed back is given in physical , physiological, auditory or visual feed back signals.
  • 52.  It immediately demonstrate to clients their ability to control physiological responses.  It demonstrates the relationships between thoughts, feelings and physiological responses
  • 53. MANIPUALTIVE AND BODY BASED METHODS  Manipulative and body- based therapies treat various conditions through bodily manipulation.  These therapies include chiropractic, massage, rolfing, reflexology, and postural re education
  • 54. CHIROPRACTICE  Based on spinal manipulation.  Assumption that maintaining the alignment of the spine & joints facilitates the flow of energy through out the body.  Maintenance of self regulatory system of the body and focus on helping the body to heal itself.
  • 55.  Chiropractors may use x-rays, visual inspection ,muscular strength and weakness, range of motion & posture to assess the spine for mis- aligned vertebra  Therapy focus on restoring structural and functional imbalances .
  • 56. TAI CHI:  What is tai chi? Sometimes called “Chinese shadow boxing,” tai chi is a gentle form of martial art and exercise that involves a formal series of flowing, graceful, slow-motion movements designed to harmonize the circulation of “chi” around the body.  Chi, also rendered as ch’i or qi, is a term from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used to describe an energy flow that pervades the universe and sustains the living beings within it
  • 57.  Tai chi is a healthy form of movement, especially for those with osteoarthritis or other musculoskeletal impairments.  It can build core strength and improve lower limb musculature, as well as improving posture, balance, flexibility, and mobility.  Tai chi can facilitate relaxation and focus even while executing the moves, and synchronizes the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
  • 58.  It helps to develop concentration and coordination, and can help reduce the risk of falls in the elderly. Because it promotes calming and relaxation, tai chi can be useful for conditions caused or worsened by stress and anxiety, such as hypertension, pain syndromes brought on by muscle tension and insomnia.  Tai chi has many different styles. Each style may subtly emphasize various tai chi principles and methods.
  • 59.  There are variations within each style. Some styles may focus on health maintenance, while others focus on the martial arts aspect of tai chi.  Tai chi is different from yoga, another type of meditative movement. Yoga includes various physical postures and breathing techniques, along with meditation.
  • 60.  Qigong (Chi Kung) means cultivating energy, it is a system practiced for health maintenance, healing and increasing vitality  Chinese system o  f breathing exercises, body postures and movements, and mental concentration, intended to maintain good health and control the flow of vital energy.
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  • 62. ENERGY THERAPIES Massage therapy Reiki therapy Acupuncture Reflexology Hand mediated bio- field therapies
  • 63. MASSAGE THERAPY  Benefits are categorized as physical , mental- emotional and spiritual.  Physically, massage relaxes muscles and releases lactic acid. It improve the flow of blood and lymph, stretch joints, and relieve pain & congestion.  In mental-emotional area, massage relieve anxiety and provide relaxation.  Spiritually it provides a sense of harmony & balance.
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  • 66. REIKI THERAPY  Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.”
  • 68. REIKI THERAPY  In this therapy the practitioner places the hands on the client and energy flows from one to the other.  Amount and effectiveness of the energy is said to depend on the openness and need of recipient rather than the direction of flow by practitioner.  Performed using direct contact between the practitioner and the client.  Reiki can be performed from a distance.  Benefits- purifies and relaxes the body, releases stress,  heals the body & mind.
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  • 70. ACUPUNCTURE A part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) A therapy with traditional Chinese medicine ,is one of the most widely accepted alternative therapies in the western world . 36 States have state license for acupuncture
  • 71. ACUPUNCTURE :  Specific points on the body are stimulated ,usually by inserting thin needles into the skin and underlying tissues .  Stimulation is added by using a very low voltage electric current , by twisting the needle ,or by warming the needle  2,000 acupuncture points on the body .Connected via 12 main and 8 secondary pathways (Meridians
  • 72.  Meridians connect energy, qi (“chee”), between the surface of the body and the internal organs  Qi regulates spiritual, emotional, mental and physical balance  Qi is influenced by the opposing forces of yin and yang
  • 73.  When yin and yang are balanced, they work with the natural flow of qi to keep the body healthy.  The placement of needles in the acupuncture points helps to keep the flow of qi unblock.  The procedure is not painful but may cause a tingling sensation
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  • 75.  REFLEXOLOGY :  A Variant of massage therapy ,relies on manual pressure applied to specific areas of the foot ,these area are believed to correspond to different organs or body systems via meridians .  Stimualtion of these areas is believed to eliminate the blockage of energy responsible for pain or disease in body part .
  • 76. FOOT REFLEXOLOGY  Based on the principle that hands and feet are mirrors of body and have reflex points corresponding to body’s glands, structures, and organs.  When a reflex area is massaged, it stimulates the corresponding organs in that zone.  Like other massage it can stimulates relaxation affecting autonomic response which in turn affects the endocrine and immune systems.
  • 77. HAND MEDATED BIO –FIELD THERAPIES This was started by Dolores Kriger in the early 1970s.therapeutic touch is a mostly secular variant of faith healing .  Therapeutic touch practitioner moves his hands over the patient body , specifically the affected area ,without actually touching the patient .  Therapeutic touch adherents claim that this directs the flow of chi so that the patient can heal .
  • 78. OTHER THERPIES Traditional medicine: Traditional medicine is the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness
  • 79. TRADITIONAL MEDICINE  TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE :  Traditional Chinese medicine based on the theory that disease results from improper flow of the life force (qi).  Qi is restored by balancing the opposing forces og yin and yang ,which manifest in the body as heat and cold ,external and internal , and deficiency and excess .various practices (eg, herbal remedies , massage ,meditation ,acupuncture )are used to preserve and restore health
  • 80. AROMATHERAPY  Based on premise that odours stimulate the limbic system help control pain & stress.  Aroma therapy is the controlled use of essentials oils for specific measurable outcomes.  The essential oil used in aromatherapy are distilled from flowers , roots, barks, leaves, wood resins and lemon or orange rinds.
  • 81.  Oil can be massaged in to the body, applied as hot or cold compress added to water or inhaled.  Aromas are detected by olfactory receptor , stimuli travel along nerves to brain where they play a role in emotions , memory & a variety of body functions.  Some selected oils – lavender (relief from headache stress, insomnia, peppermint (relief from nausea),sandalwood (dry skin, depression, bronchitis),geranium (mood modifier)
  • 82. SPIRITUAL THERAPY •Spiritual therapy is a regimen designed to heal ones spirit and psyche as well as the body .In many traditions it is to be believed if one ,s spirit is ailing one ,s whole being suffers . •This is where spiritual therapy comes in .It treats the whole being ,especially the spirit to promote a healthy whole person .
  • 83. PRAYER  Prayer is a conversation with GOD who believes to answer the prayer.  Prayer may be conducted individually or in groups.  Prayer even be conducted at a distance by individuals unknown to the person for whom the prayers of healing are made (intercessory prayers).  It incorporates caring, compassion,love,empathy.
  • 84. MUSIC THERAPY It is concerned with systematic applications of music to produce relaxation and desired changes in emotions, behaviour and physiology.  It relate to the body’s fundamental frequency on vibrating pattern which have a profound healing effect on the entire human body, mind and spirit.  It consists of listening rhythm, body movement and singing.  Serve as a vehicle for altering ordinary levels of consciousness to achieve mind’s fullest potential and induce relaxation.
  • 85. HUMOR AND LAUGHTER  Laughing is found to lower blood pressure ,reduce stress hormones ,increase muscle flexion , and boost immune function by raising levels of infection –fighting T-cells , disease fighting proteins called Gamma –interferon and B-cells ,which produce disease –destroying antibodies .Laughters also triggers the release of endorphins , the body ,s natural painkillers , and produces a general sense of well –being .
  • 86.  Laughter activates the immune system .  Laughter decreases “stress” hormones .  Laughters brings in positive emotions that can enhance well beings but cannot replace conventional treatments .Hence it is another tool available to help fight the disease
  • 87.  PHOTO ENERGY THERAPY: Photo energy therapy devices emit near infrared light (NIR Therapy )typically at a wavelength of 880 nm .This wavelength is believed to stimulate the release of nitric oxide , an Endothelium –derived relaxing factor into the blood stream , thus vasodilating the capillaries and venuoles in the microcirculatory system
  • 88. PET THERAPY Therapeutic use of pets as companions Based on concept that animals provide a constant source of comfort and focus for attention .
  • 89.  Animals bring out our nurturing instinct.  Pet ownership can reduce stress induced symptoms, add years to life, boost peoples’ moods and enhance their social interaction.  Pet ownership also affect people physiologically through the soothing and relaxing effect of touch and produce a relaxation response.
  • 90. DANCE THERAPY  Dance/movement therapy (DMT) or dance movement psychotherapy (DMP)] is the psychotherapeutic use of movement and dance to support intellectual, emotional, and motor functions of the body.  As a form of expressive therapy, DMT looks at the correlation between movement and emotion. A typical DMT session has four main stages: preparation, incubation, illumination, and evaluation
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  • 92. NON CONTACT THERAPEUTIC TOUCH  Is a process by which practitioners can transmit energy to a person who is ill or injured to potentiate the healing process.  Based on concept that human being is an energy field (human field) and this energy can be channeled from one person to another.  This energy extends beyond level of skin and is perceptible to the trained sense of a healer.
  • 93. DETOXIFICATION:  Detoxification therapy involves the removal of toxic substances . Our body naturally eliminates or neutralizes toxins .  But due to industrial revolution the accumulation of toxins (food additives ,chemicals anaesthetics and residue of pharmacy drugs , pesticides and heavy metals )surpasses its elimination
  • 94. NURSING THEORY PROVIDING CONTEXT  Alternative/complementary modalities performed from within a context of a nursing theory/model take on meaning from within the theory.  E.g. Roy adaptation model, deals with the concept of focal, contextual and residual stimuli. Nurse working within the context of this, assesses the stimuli and takes action to promote the client’s adaptation in physiologic needs, self-concept, role function, and relations of interdependence nursing health and illness.
  • 95. Nursing Diagnosis/concern Nursing Intervention(s) Rationale Impaired Comfort Acupressure, TT to decrease perceived pain Disturbed Sleep Pattern Massage to promote relaxation, rest Impaired Communication Art therapy to facilitate expression Impaired Coping Humor to facilitate appreciation of that which is funny, to relieve tensions Spiritual Distress Spiritual support to facilitate a sense of inner peace
  • 96. EVIDENCE  A 2017 study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements bears this out, as it studied the use of ashwagandha root extract for improving memory and cognitive functions in 50 people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).4   MCI is a slight decline in cognitive abilities that's associated with an increased risk of developing more serious dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. Participants received either ashwagandha root extract or a placebo for eight weeks.
  • 97.  Those who took ashwagandha had significant improvements in a number of areas compared to the placebo group. This included greater improvements in:  Immediate and general memory  Executive function  Sustained attention  Information-processing speed  The researchers pointed to ashwagandha's sedative properties as a potential mechanism behind the memory benefits, noting they "may be indirectly involved in improving memory and cognition in human subjects, as stress, anxiety and sleep disorders can affect normal cognitive function
  • 98. YOGA:  Greenlee and her colleagues conducted the study to update clinical guidelines for the Society for Integrative Oncology. Greenlee is past president of the society. She said that past research indicates that as many as eight in 10 people with cancer turn to complementary or integrative therapies at some point.  The study looked at complementary and alternative therapies, defined as those outside the range of conventional treatments. Complementary treatments are those used along with conventional care, she said.
  • 99.  Alternative treatments are often used instead of conventional care. She prefers the term integrative therapy, which describes the use of non-conventional treatments in conjunction with conventional care.  The researchers limited the study to integrative therapies for breast cancer patients. Use of these treatments is popular among women with breast cancer, and there is evidence for some treatments.
  • 100.  The integrative therapies were graded. An A grade indicates there is strong evidence in favour of that treatment, and B is moderate. C represents preliminary evidence. D means the evidence suggests the treatment is not effective. H means the treatment has the potential to be harmful.  Meditation got an A. This therapy was found to have the strongest evidence, recommended for lessening anxiety, improving depression and quality of life. Yoga and music therapy got a B for lessening anxiety and improving mood. Yoga also got a B for improving quality of life. Yoga, acupuncture and hypnosis got a C on fatigue improvement
  • 101. ACUPUNCTURE  Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (New York, USA) and University of York (York, UK) researchers conclude that acupuncture is “more effective than both usual care and sham acupuncture” for the treatment of chronic pain.  The researchers state that their conclusion is based on “robust evidence from high-quality trials on acupuncture” with a sample size of approximately 18,000 patients. Specifically, the researchers find acupuncture effective for alleviating pain due to knee osteoarthritis, low back pain, headaches, and migraines
  • 102.  They add, “Acupuncture was also found to be better than standard medical care for all of these chronic pain conditions.” Moreover, the researchers find acupuncture a cost-effective treatment modality for the alleviation of both knee pain and depression.  The researchers note, “Our research also provides a valuable basis for considering the potential role of acupuncture as a referral option in health care and enabling providers and policy-makers to make decisions based on robust sources of evidence.”
  • 103. TAI CHI  The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, show that tai chi leads to significant improvements in sleep health in breast cancer survivors with insomnia, with the additional benefits of improving depressive symptoms and fatigue.  Furthermore, both tai chi and cognitive behavioral therapy show similar rates of clinically significant improvements in symptoms or remission of insomnia. Both tai chi and CBT showed enduring benefits over one year.
  • 104. ROLE OF NURSE  In interest of safe & effective practice, nurses are expected to maintain current knowledge base and obtain ongoing education in areas of practice.  In using any therapy a nurse must observe the Code of Professional Conduct ,as well as the requirements of legislation..
  • 105.  The individual nurse is responsible to judge whether her /his qualification education and or experience in use of complementary therapy has brought her /him to a level of competence to use that skill. • Nurses practicing complementary therapies must be cognizant of the limits to their practice and should refer to other health professionals as necessary.
  • 106.  The informed consent of the individual or his /her guardian is essential prior to the provision of any therapy.  Therapeutic interventions should be supported by written policies and protocols which are endorsed by the employing facility.  Practice of complementary therapies should be incorporated into the total care of the individual.
  • 107. ROLE OF NURSE CONTD….  Multidisciplinary team approach should be used where relevant  The practice of complementary therapies should be appropriately documented.  Practice of complementary therapies should be incorporated into the total care of the individual
  • 108.  The practice of complementary therapy should be supported by quality assurance activities.  Nurses should comprehend well to client ‘s that when to seek conventional therapies or complementary therapies.  Nurses should know client religious & cultural view points so that to determine which complementary therapies would be more appropriate with client believes & values
  • 109. SUMMARY:  Introduction of complementary and alternative medicine.  Definition of complementary and alternative medicine  Types of complementary medicine:  ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL SYSTEM BIOLOGICALY BASED THERAPIES MANIPULATIVE THERAPIES ENERGY BASED THERAPIS. MIND BODY INTERVENTIONS. EE  Evidence based practice.  Role of nurse
  • 110. REFERNCES • The National Library of Medicine • The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine • The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements • Shabeer. Basheer, S.Yaseen Khan. “A concise Text book of Advance Nursing Practice” Pub. EMMESS. Pp661-670 • forlabour.